#i love you so mux
silly4sillinger · 2 months
can you do a matt rempe x reader where she just gets super worried about him fighting a getting hurt. or maybe one where she tells him she’s pregnant?? or maybe even a mux of both lol?! i love your writing!!!!💗
"Did You Say Something About A Baby?" Pairing: Matt Rempe x Fem!reader Summary: Matt keeps getting in fight after fight and you finally have enough. Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, swearing, angst.
Matt walks into your shared apartment, his black eye looking worse than it did this morning.
"I'm home." He tells you, walking into the living room.
"I see."
"You okay?"
"No you're not. You're giving me attitude."
You shrug and go back to watching your show, deciding that giving him the silent treatment was probably best so you wouldn't go and snap at him.
"Can you at least tell me why your mad at me?"
"You already know the answer to that Matthew." You say, keeping your focus on the tv in front of you.
"Because I got in another fight?" He asks, picking up the tv remote and pausing it so you had no choice but to pay attention to him.
"We talked about you not fighting multiple times, Matt.
"I can't help it."
"Yes, you can!"
You stand up and go to walk past him, but he stops you.
"Why are you so worried about me fighting! I can handle myself!"
"It's not that I think you can't handle yourself, Matthew! I just don't want anything to fucking happen to you!"
"Nothing is going to happen to me."
"You don't know that! It's bad enough I'm stressing about the baby! I shouldn't have to be stressing about you too!"
You push past him before he can reply and walk down the hallway to your guys' room.
He gives you a couple minutes to cool down before coming back to talk to you.
"I'm sorry. You asked me to stop and I should have."
"I-I'm just worried about you."
"I know."
He sits down on the bed beside you and wraps you in a hug as you cry into his chest.
"Did you say something about a baby?"
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away. I didn't even mean to tell you like that. I wanted to tell you in a cute way." You say, moving to look at him.
He wipes your tears and leans in and kisses you.
"I love you."
"I l-love you too."
"When did you find out?"
"Like two weeks ago."
"You've known for two weeks and didn't tell me? What happened to the girl who couldn't keep secrets from me?"
"To be fair, you have been away for hockey, and I obviously wasn't going to tell you over the phone."
"Yeah, that's fair. Do you want to go shopping for baby stuff tomorrow?"
"We don't even know what we're having yet."
"So? We can still get a couple outfits."
"I mean I might have already started…"
He laughs, kissing your forehead. "I should've known. You're always one step ahead of me."
"I try," you tease, resting your head on his chest. "But yes, I'd love to go shopping for baby stuff tomorrow."
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sunoficarus · 4 months
I love the queer community so much
I love the he/they lesbians and the she/they gays
I love the femme transmascs and the masc transfemmes
I love the AMAB non-binary people
I love the messy and chaotic it/its and xi/xirs
I love all the badass xenogenders out there
I love the romance/sex repulsed aroaces and I love the romance/sex favorable aroaces
I love the allosexual aromantics and the alloromantic asexuals
I love the queer people who are also religious
I love the he/him girls and the she/her boys
I love the powerful māhū, two spirit, muxe, fa’afafine, and all other third gender communities
I love the queer people who have been living as their true selves since they can remember and the queer people who started much later
I love the amazing intersex community
I love the trans people that still go by their given names
I love the incredibly strong queer POC, and the black trans women to who I give all my gratitude for
I love this community so much. To anyone out there who hasn’t heard it today: You are so loved. No matter your identity you have a community here. You are valid. You are not alone
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mueritos · 1 year
hi matteo! i realised recently that i hadn't quite unpacked a lot of early messaging I got about being trans as well as i thought i had. amongst other things, i'm mostly thinking about the gender essentialist rhetoric around transness pushed by transmedicalists — stuff I unfortunately saw a lot of online when i was younger. do you happen to know any radical trans liberation texts that tackle this or similar issues? i'm not that familiar with the queer theory canon unfortunately. i really enjoyed stone butch blues when i read it, and felt very seen by it, but I don't really know where to go from there. np if you can't think of anything!
Mmm of course! Unfortunately a lot of what I read are academic journals, articles, and books, but I love interacting with trans YouTubers who combat transmedicalism, like Ashton Daniel, CopshateMoe, Kat Blaque, Contrapoints, Brennan Beckwith, and Lily Alexandre. There are so many other trans youtubers (and non trans) who have tackled issues of transmedicalism, but I regularly watch those listed above for many years and trust them.
As for readings, I recommend Sex Wars by Lisa Duggan and Nan D Hunter as it goes through political movements during the 70s and 80s where anti-pornography and censorship were used to "protect children/the family", and much of the anti-pornography feminists from that era laid the foundation for TERFism (alongside budding TERFs who followed The Transsexual Empire like a bible). Other books like You Are Trans Enough have been recommended various times as combatting bio-essentialist views of gender. And of course, because all of these views are based on white supremacy, it's important to read about how gender/sex has been racialized. I recommend books like Queering the Color Line, Black on Both Sides, and Queer Indigenous Studies: Critical Interventions in Theory, Politics, and Literature. Others that I have on my reading list include Behind the Mask: Gender Hybridity in a Zapotec Community, but you can find many documentaries and videos about Muxes on YouTube.
In terms of positive queer/trans media, I recommend finding creators of zines, art, er0tica, and stories. Bio-essentialist and transmedical views of gender also broach into sexuality and sex, meaning many of these views also affect the way we interact with the er0tic.
Hope that helped :3 Queer theory is always expanding, and there is always something new and fun to look at!
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The Psychonauts Battle Royale consists of 64 characters and will take place over 6 rounds! Round One will be set to last a week as I gain traction, but later rounds may be shorter (let me know what you think!)
I chose characters (with only a few small exceptions) that exist only in the real world and are not exclusive to mental worlds, just to keep character divisions more clear! Did my absolute best to seed the poll interestingly and decently fair, but go easy on me, I've never done any big polls before!
I have already set everything up so I won't be taking any requests or changes to the bracket at this point, just go with what you see! The list of characters has been placed below the cut for your viewing pleasure.
Feel free to send asks and talk to me about the polls, reblog them, send them around, etc.!!! I'm excited to see what some of these results will be!
{ Reblogs of this post to spread the word are appreciated! }
Adam Joseph Gette
Archetype Raz
Augustus Aquato
Benny Fideleo
Bob Zanotto
Bobby Zilch
Boyd Cooper
Cassie O'Pia
Chloe Barge
Clem Foote
Coach Morceau Oleander
Compton Boole
Crispin Whytehead
Crystal Flowers Snagrash
Dion Aquato
Donatella Aquato
Dogen Boole
Dr. Caligosto Loboto
Edgar Teglee
Elka Doom
Elton Fir
Ford Cruller
Franke Athens
Frazie Aquato
Fred Bonaparte
Gisu Nerumen
Gloria von Gouton
Gristol Malik
Helmut Fullbear
Hollis Forsythe
J.T. Hoofburger
Kitty Bubai
Lili Zanotto
Lizzie Natividad
Lucrecia Mux
Maloof Canola
Marona Aquato
Melvin "Chops" Sweetwind
Mikhail Bulgakov
Milka Phage
Milla Vodello
Mirtala Aquato
Morris Martinez
Mr. Bun
Mr. Pokeylope
Nils Lutefisk
Norma Natividad
Oatmeal, the Psi-Popper Generator
Otto Mentallis
Phoebe Love
Queepie Aquato
Quentin Hedgemouse
Razputin Aquato
Sam Boole
Sasha Nein
Sugarcube, the World's Smallest Pony
Truman Zanotto
Vernon Tripe
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saiph0 · 8 months
Tihiti Ath Ides | Gift From Ides (Myth)
Transcription, translation, and literal word order translation below
OSV word order is underrated. Sure it makes me sound like yoda but it’s so intuitive for me
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Wemeɕa ivex Heɕɔq’ Ides farāxa me vanātɬi huva idīsen me. Faliti kaske e ihenawo apatɬi ax kasɔq’ me, e tha axe ɔqatɬiv tsabo, dehane, ihenawo, e k’efa ihipala giɔq me, e faifet kexehe axe ɕiyɔ ineɕ me. Beɕa axe ihixɔn enyuku tiyavī me, axe faheve nunuve me e imta faheve atavāga tiyavī me.
Tsaka apatɬi ox ihaku me. Farāhi huva, farivɔqa huva. Ma tha axe wameno ɬɔq idimyo kasɔq’ me ax idīsen me. Ta ax Ides tiyavī me e numenka aglala.
“Farivɔqa huva Farāhi, vilame faifet kasɔq’. Ineske diheka ɬɔq fovide?”
“Idevama huva Ides, ɔq’a la aɕav kasɔq’. Akxɔ, ɔqna vilame faifet kasɔq’. Hosute Faīti ath um aɕatɬ t’ama, e ax chabe, ma alguwa, id’ɔq, diheka ɔqatɬo um kasɔq’. Ɔqatuvatɬ um diheka apatānqa.”
Ax ox ɬɔan me, e ivex kofotu faifet ɔq’a ax nameya ox askahi me. Uyiye faifet [pos] emuwet ɔx ɬiɔq me, e nuwica hunugura amɔqa Farāhi [pos] wameno danɔq’a me, ma ko danɔq’a acha. Tsaka idevama huva Ides idīsen me, thexa ax ox ak’a me:
“Farivɔqa Farāhi vanātɬi huva, udu muxe t’ɔq hunugura kemive faifet danɔq’a me. Thexa ineske ɬɔq la fala?”
E Farāhi tāk’a me, “akxɔ, idevama Ides ɕenatɬi huva, ta la um k’ɔnaɕed. ɔq’a la diheka aɕav kasɔq’ me, e an xe diheka ekanem um kasɔq’, ma id’ɔq, ebiya ɬɔq hm kasɔq’ akā faifet danɔq’a e ath um la aɕatɬ t’ama. Mu hiel, ta um la ko t’ami kais ɔqatɬo faifet. Akxɔ, ɔq’a la kasɔq’, xe um apatā hunugura xe kɔseanan me, um tɬothuki.”
E udu ihaku me kɔseanan me idevama ɕenatɬi huva koam me, e amena ox atavāga t’ɔq me, ox t’ɔq me, “mu Farāhi vanātɬi huva, ko tɬothuki chanatɬa. ɔqna, id’ɔq kais ɔqatɬo faifet ta la um amene ko k’inɔq ve t’ami, ma tihiti ikata ath um k’inɔq thexa amena ɔqatɬo faifet la alat, weve um la amene k’inɔq ve giɔq.”
E, udu ufatɬi ku’uxen, dusidla ɕenatɬi huva [pos] enyuku ox donaix me e poet oxe mavide dehahini ihva me. Wemeɕa dehahini ihva me, tifina e ikata tsek’e, e ihenawo uptica tha Farāhi [pos] ɔqatɬiv beɕa axe enyuku tiyavī me idafana.
“Ukudin tsaka um bāxi. Ta olala tsaka la bāxi e eyut k’inɔq ivex kais ɔqatɬo faifet. Ath mu dehahini xe kasɔq’, thexa um xe kasɔq’.”
E ekanem Farāhi kasɔq’ me, e ta axe hiel fetanɔq’ ax t’ɔq me. Ox ax ɬiɔqan me e ta axe e ukudin ax bāxi ivex kais ɔqatɬo faifet.
Ides, the Judge, the Truth, the Eye, moved from Heɕɔve (the liminal) to Heɕɔq’ in the young night. Faīti, the Moon, the Death, the mother of night, was naught but a faint crescent of silver. She was quiet this night, nearly ready for her rest.
While traveling through Heɕɔq’, Ides saw a woman of divinity — an apatɬi of deep black and blue with flecks of white, gold, blue, and red spattered across her body, and her hair glowing like clouds at night. She reached her skillful hands above, tending to her stars and gently moving those that had fallen out of place.
This apatɬi he knew; Farāhi, the Sky, the Swift, the keeper of secrets. He saw, though, on the apatɬi’s face a somber expression. Ides approached and greeted her warmly.
“Swift Lady Farāhi, the night is lovely, why are you so sorrowful?”
“Watchful Lord Ides, I’m pleased to be in your presence. Oh, the night is pleasant, yes, but the silence is overwhelming. Lady Faīti must part from me to rest, and it’s a necessary thing, but I do confess it’s very lonely. I do miss the company.”
Ides felt sorry for her and decided to keep her company in the quiet night. They talked the night away, and slowly the Sky’s somber expression brightened, but not all the way. This didn’t go unnoticed by the Watchful Truth, so he asked her:
“Swift Lady of the sky, the night is more lively with our talk. Why, then, are you still sad?”
And the Sky responded, “oh, Watchful Lord of Truth, for this I cannot lie to you. To be in your company was wonderful, and I am grateful, but I confess I am still sad because the night grows old and you must leave me. My friend, I will once again be alone when you return to your duties and you—being so busy—cannot visit me each lonely night. Oh, I fear that your company tonight has made me want it more.”
And the Watchful Lord nodded because he knew, and when he spoke again he said to her, “my Lady of the Sky, you need not worry. It’s true I cannot visit you each lonely night, but I can leave a part of me here so when you have your lonely nights you may have something to remind you of me there.”
Then, with a divine blade, the Lord of Sight and Illusion cut his hand and out poured his blood of light. As his blood flowed, he reached up and painted the body of the Sky in silks of vivid green with tinges of pink, red, and blue.
“These silks of light are called the ukudin. You may call upon it and wear it during nights whenever you wish. They are of my blood and thus are of me.”
And Farāhi was grateful, finally saying farewell to her friend. She did as he said and called upon his gift each night she missed him.
Literal Word Order Translation
Ides, the eye, from Heɕɔve to Heshuq in the young night he moved. Faīti, the Night Mother, silver only small she was. This night shy she was and her rest almost ready for.
While in Heɕɔq’ Ides moved, a woman divine [he] saw. Dark black and blue apatɬi she was, and on her body white, gold, blue, and red splatters had, and night clouds her hair was like. Above, her skillful hands moved, her stars tended to, and out of place stars back moved.
This apatɬi he knew - Farāhi, the Swift divine. But on her face sad expression existed he saw.
To her Ides moved and kindly greeted: “Swift divine sky, beautiful night [it] is. Why so sad you appear?”
“Watchful divine Truth; with you good to be. Ah, yes beautiful night [it] is, but Fotuna here is not so overwhelming [it] is. To rest, the moon from me must go, and she needs [to], but regardless, admittedly, very lonely I am. Living things [“company”] I really miss.”
Her he felt sorry for, and in the quiet night with her to remain he decided. Unil the night’s end they talked, and slowly more happy the sky’s face became, but not became completely. This [the] Watchful divine truth saw, so her he asked:
“Swift Sky Woman divine, by means of our talk more exciting night became. So why sad you feel?”
And Farāhi answered, “Ah, watchful Truth Lord divine, to you I can’t lie. With you very nice [it] is, and for it thankful I am, but admittedly, still sad I am by means of old the night becomes and from me you must go. My friend, to me you can’t come each lonely night. Oh, with you to be, it I want more it caused, I fear.”
And by means of he knew caused watchful Lord divine nodded, and when he again spoke, he said, “my Sky Lady divine, not worry [command]. Yes, admittedly each lonely night to you I am unable to come, but to give some from me I am able so when lonely nights you have, here you me are able to have.”
Then, by means of a divine blade, Illusion Lord’s divine hand he cut and out his light blood poured. At the same time the blood flowed, green and a bit of pink, red, and blue silks on the Sky’s body above his hands reached to paint.
“‘Ukudin’ this I call. To yourself this you call and to wear are able in each lonely night. From my blood it is, therefore me it is.”
And grateful the Sky was, and to her friend farewell she said. Him she listened to and to herself ukudin she calls in each lonely night.
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d-dalladalla · 1 year
may i request olivia hye x reader where g!p olivia hye and reader are room mates (lets pretend loona still lives in one dorm) . one late night they were having sex and then suddenly they hear the other members just outside the room so they try their best to stay quiet..bonus points if they end up failing miserably from how good it felt
A/N: this is so hot ohmy god
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Hyeju really wasted no time when it came to you, in every way and having the both of you be roommates was the best decision she ever made.
She was already balls deep in your sopping cunt, your eyes rolled back, mouth wide and drooling as she draped her body over yours, her sweaty chest stuck to your back, her toned arms showing no sign of giving out as she held herself up. Her thighs separating yours and keeping them spread, ass up and head down and your back in that perfect arch she loved so much.
she leaned her head down, lips just ghosting over the shell of your ear, you could practically hear her smirk, her eyes hooded and dark as she filled your tight pussy over and over again. Her hips slapped yours over and over again. The sound bounced off the walls and surely leaked through the gaps in the door and out into the dorm.
"God, I love your pussy so much baby girl." she husked, hot breath warming your ear and sending a shiver down your spine and a high-pitched whine left your lips. Her cock stretched your walls and constricted again whenever she pulled out, over and over again.
"Baby, please go faster...harder," you begged, hands coming back to grip at her thighs as she fucked you, fingernails leaving deep crescent-shaped scars. She chuckled and without warning, her thrusts became harsher. You could feel her precum start to leak out, filling you up and leaking out onto the sheets and you started to get impossibly wetter.
Your high-pitched wails and moans and her low groans and mumbles muxed together but Hyeju suddenly froze her movements at the sound of loud footsteps outside her door, a sudden conversation between your shared members coming through the door, panic and guilt eating at your heart and you were ready to move away and hesitantly pull yourself off her cock.
But she stopped you, body draping over yours once again, arms circling yours and hips keeping yours pinned to the bed. Her thrusts picked up again and harder than before, trying her best to muffle her grunts and biting her lip, her hand coming up to your mouth and slipping two fingers in, your tongue swirling instantly around them and suddenly.
She tried her best to keep silent but the both of you failed, her grunts getting louder and so did your moans, and the sudden silence from the other side of the door when Hyeju let out a particularly loud moan and multiple praises of your name as she emptied into you, your own orgasm earning a loud whine from your lips and the footsteps became further and further away.
Dinner would surely be very uncomfortable later.
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surveillance-0011 · 2 months
I am over here cracking up over Mux and Giblets and whatever their deal is... I'd love to hear more if u wanna share
ah thank you... it is a very tentative undeveloped idea so i don't have too much but here's what i have + brainstorming in real time
I think it's funny bc it's like. There's the musk-grimes similarities of weird dysfunctional silicon valley romance just without the music making but there's also kind of a jessica-roger rabbit component. Kind of. ever so slightly, probably the closest you can get with the most esoteric of space biology.
Idk where this happens on the timeline. Certainly before HOL but it has to be after Giblets starts to do the Sort of Stuff He Does but before it gets to its worst + he starts getting as paranoid as he is when we see him.
Also I am assuming Giblets had a wife before hand? Something something timeline I think Giblets had Krimothy before Mux but maybe not?? And idk where the Krubis incident fits in w/ this either.
Unless they met + dated way way back as a little fling at the start of their careers or in college or something. but then it's not as funny. There'd be the awkward ex situation then but what really intrigues me is the G3 and every Muxxalon employee looking on in horror as these two start holdin hands and being mushy as all hell
totally infatuated with each other the sort of couple that's sickeningly sweet they give off the vibes of high school sweethearts who have to be held back from making out in the hallways.
Mux is attracted to the mystique of it all. A super genius scientist AND a gang member? She is living the booktok plot of her dreams!
Meanwhile Giblets appreciates her power/status but is also just very infatuated like in general. And he loves how much she loves him. Pretty woman... thinks he's handsome... and he gets to show off how smart he is yay!!
So he shows off and waxes poetic and she swoons and meanwhile she goes and Girlbosses and dotes on him and he's over the moon about it. They love coming up with awful "genius" ideas together and dreaming of the day they rule the galaxy together
And they like seeing the other obliterate merks/muxxalon employees
And... yeah that's the positives, mostly just the novelty and the wow factor.
Between the both of them being... the sort of people they are... corrupt controlling selfish cruel and out of touch... etc etc etc... they do clash a lot. A lot of fighting then kiss and make up sort of situations...
Im just imagining that "pronouns suck" "nooo baby this isn't your heart!!" tweet but Mux is complaining about translator microbes or something and Gibs starts crytyping abt it
Gibs was totally ok with her screwing Gurgula's packages over tho
Far enough into their relationship there's another major fallout on twitter every other week because Mux and Giblets are at it again everyone!!! Grab yer popcorn!!!
The logic these two run on is almost on the same level but everyone else is fucking flabbergasted.
Everyone watching is like. Please break up. divorce. now. Or maybe it is better if you stay and keep each other in this situation.
Krubis has GOT to be their biggest fucking hater or maybe he is just. Trying to not acknowledge that this is happening bc it rises his blood pressure to concerning levels. Or so that he wouldn't say something dumb and end up in Gurgula's situation. Assuming this is before the whole. Sleeping with his wife convincing her to divorce him marrying her then killing her in an experiment thing.
Douglas thinks the whole thing is funny as fuck totally reading twitter over like the morning paper laughing his ass off.
Totally had a kid or pet or robot/lab grown creation with a stupid fucking name. I mean if Krimothy is their kid then maybe Krimothy is a stupid alien name but I love the idea of him being like. A kid and already aware of how fucked this whole situation is
Actually that's sad. That's not funny I don't love that at all. Krim honey I'm so sorry. His mom probably got custody so at least he's watching from afar.
And I think even in their worst moments they do actually. Get each other. In the end I think they understand each other's way of thinking more than others do. In their better moments they might be able to reel each other in...
Like to get a bit serious both seem like the sort of people who Cannot Help But Fuck Up. Mostly bc they don't care about most others but themselves and their pride. But while Mux is very enthralled by the glamor of living wealthily and all her nice ideas Giblets obsesses over science and how he can maintain safety and some semblance of happiness by sabotaging that of others... and I feel there'd have some moment where it. Clicks that they have this in common.
And they do appreciate each others lil quirks! He likes her Elden Ring builds... she likes the way he talks...
I'm assuming the breaking point would be Mux trying to take credit for something Giblets did or Giblets overstepping in his... Gibletness. Somehow. And then she'd feel disrespected by it. Or maybe their horoscopes said they'd break up.
Giblets is a whole can of worms. Because he's smart academically but near socially incapable and prone to spiraling into these. Fucked up self serving actions that ruin lives and shit. He has the mentality of a fucking Fargo character. So I feel it'd probably be his fault the most in the end
ig if there's anything heartwarming about this it would be that since Giblets doesn't mention Mux during that little speech they ended on good enough terms or were able to reconcile down the line to some extent? At the very least he felt sure she would not try to kill him.
I think it was messy for a while though. Custody over Goimpy Schoimpy Peanut Rendezvous 2000 was a bitch. Everyone was relieved when they actually started being cool w/ each other again or at least decided to leave each other alone.
I should make a little list of every like. Mux-Giblets situation but I will have to brainstorm all the new lows they'd be able 2 reach...
oh my god remember the whole thing with azealia banks. what was that. there's totally like. some adjacent shebang that went down with mux gib and. idk someone else.
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jeannettebanana · 1 year
On fic request - character study of Lucrecia Mux while she working for Gzar and slowly losing herself (fandom - psychonauts 2)
Tada! I hope it's satisfactory! I haven't written for Lucrecia, so this was certainly interesting, and you know I always love a good corruption arc! ;3c I hope you enjoy!
Lucrecia in the Gzar's Palm
warnings: panic, grief, spiraling, death, drowning.
“Lucrecia, you must rid of these protestors!” Gzar Malik commands of her. She looks over them.
These are her people, she fought for them. She cannot bring harm to them, not after everything she’s done to protect them.
She makes water rain down upon them, hoping to break the group up, force them into shelter.
“Oh stop messing around! Deal with them, or else I will have to deal with you,” Gzar Malik threatens.
Out of fear she worsens the storm. Rain soaking the protestors to the bone.
“That’s the best you can do?” He scoffs, and grabs her shoulder tightly in warning.
Her mind starts racing, panic settling in. The people were right, they just needed help. This- This isn’t right! But she can’t stop. She can’t stop it. The storm worsens. Please, please stop! The wind pushes and pulls at her clothing, water now soaking both of them through. The protestors start to panic themselves.
“Yes, yes! More my dear, more!” Malik goads her on. No, no stop!
They hear a loud crack. Everything seems to freeze as Lucrecia watches the dam break. A line here, a leak there, until water flushes through with a deafening crash. The water washes over everything, taking everyone on low ground with it. The water drowns out all the barely heard screams.
“Haha, wonderful dear Lucrecia!” Gzar Malik exclaims, going back into his home to shelter from the water now that the job was done sufficiently.
Lucrecia stands there, her body frozen in horror and numbness. The water starts to calm, light softly shining through the clouds. The water rests, flowing through the streets and finding its way into the ground and surrounding areas.
She watches as water runs past her. Everything soaked, debris floating around. When did it come to this? Does it even matter anymore? She sighs, and squats down, but then a body floats past her. A body she recognizes. A body that fills her with dread.
Her sister.
Her beloved sister that she told to stay away, that she warned to leave. She killed her. She killed Marona. Her out of control temper made her kill not only the protestors, but her beloved Marona. It was all her fault.
No. No, she won’t accept that, can’t accept that. It’s not her fault, she didn’t want to do this in the first place! It’s the people’s fault. If they hadn’t gathered to protest Marona wouldn’t have been there. But they gathered to protest against Gzar Malik, so is it his fault? She wouldn’t be muddled up in this if it weren’t for saving Gristol. If it weren’t for the war in the first place!
Water whips up around her, the wind blowing in relation to her own stormy emotions. She can’t just live a normal life anymore. She should’ve never come back to Grulovia to help. She should’ve stayed with Ford. She- She-
She should end all of them. Make them feel her pain. Her anguish. Her rage makes her body burn. The water coils around her, protecting her and unleashing her fury onto the people who have wronged her. The people who are ungrateful for all the things she’s done for them. Only one thought fills her mind.
Let them all drown.
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justacoyote · 5 months
I have been tagged by the awesomest of awesome @trixietricoter
How many works do you have on AO3? 75 between two fandoms 😊
What's your total AO3 word count? 168,984
What fandoms do you write for? Guardian (main) / The Untamed
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? The Embarrassment of Honesty - Acoyotewhowanders - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (Mingcheng), Falling For You - Chapter 1 - Acoyotewhowanders - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (Mingcheng, permanent WIP status at this point), We're Going Down - Acoyotewhowanders - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (Mingcheng, I am sure we’re seeing a theme here LOLOLOLOL), The Great Dixing Bag of Holding - Acoyotewhowanders - 镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018) [Archive of Our Own] (ChuGuo), Salted Water - Chapter 1 - Acoyotewhowanders - 镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018) [Archive of Our Own] (Weilan)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I do! It’s how I met most of my Fandom-y Frands! :D  If I don’t respond it means life got real cronchy for me.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I think Salted Water, because it ended with Shen Wei saved, but barely conscious and Zhao Yunlan worrying.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics are happy happy endings LOL. But my favorite is probably The Great Dixing Bag of Holding.
Do you get hate on fics? No, thankfully 😊
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Not really LOLOL.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I have written crossovers but haven’t posted them because I feel like they’re mostly crack fic? I think my craziest one is Guardian fused with Star Wars.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.  
Have you ever had a fic translated? No 😊
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I used to RP a ton in Marvel based and Pern based text-based MUSH/Mux and the newer Ares games 😊
What's your all-time favorite ship? ChuGuo! My all time favorite ship.  ALL TIME FAVE.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Poor poor Falling For You.  If I ever do come back to it I’m going to rehaul it because I’ve learned so much about writing from when I first started to now.   What's even worse is I have the end written it's all the middle parts that need finishing.
What are your writing strengths? This is hard. I think I’m good at fight scenes, as well as the build up to emotional admissions :D If that makes sense.  
What are your writing weaknesses? Writing humor that doesn’t sound forced, I think. I don’t know how to explain, but that every day humor that friends and loved ones do. I think also add atmosphere to the story. I sometimes think I'm too dry with my words, but I'm trying to get better! I also don't always catch when I hop out past tense because my brain is like: those words sound good LOLOLOL.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I think it could work, for sure! I couldn’t do it except for tiny little itty bitty bits, but otherwise I think it’s fine! :D  
First fandom you wrote for? Guardian 😊 I’m relatively new to writing fiction.  
Favorite fic you've written? The Lies that Bind, a ChuGuo  story about facing the truth even when we’re lying to ourselves 😊 😊
Tagging gives me hives so I’ll just invite everyone to join the fun!
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carthagesubbing · 4 months
Hi, I'm loving your work so far! I was wondering, do you provide just the standalone subtitle files somewhere? I wanted to mux them with the video files I already have, but having to download each mkv separately just to extract its subtitles would be quite a tedious process. Thanks in advance and for the great work you're doing!
SmashGenesis: So glad you like our work! Our current plan is to wait until we have the entire series finished before we post any standalone .ass files. (Yes, that's really what they're called.) This way, we can make any revisions and typo corrections we decide we need to make.
Thanks again, and stay tuned for more subtitles!
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cloverina-sasha139 · 7 months
Spoilers for High on Knife
I love Mux so much omg do you know that I ship her with an OC when she was revealed in the trailer because I feel like she would be a great antagonist and I was right omg
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Imagine accidentally trespassed some facility and you (a lesbian) got caught by the CEO
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erigold13261 · 7 months
📢Psychonauts NSR AU Halloween Ideas📢
Since Halloween is coming soon, I thought of some costume ideas, and I’ve read your ideas. So I want to state my opinion on them.
Milla and Sasha
I love the idea that Milla and Sasha would definitely dress up in couple costumes. I could see Milla and Sasha pulling off a Septentrion costume idea with Milla dressing up as Vision Quest and Sasha dressing up as Second Sight.
Milla would definitely impress Ford with her Vision Quest costume.
DJ Cold Comet Crispin
Since Crispin takes the role of DJ SS, he would definitely be lazy for his costumes. He’ll put on a jacket that is covered in stitches and will say that he is Frankenstein. Of course, Raz and Lili won’t buy it. Due to their naivety and brutal honesty respectively.
And the idea of having his scarf act as a spiral galaxy for a costume? It works.
And if anyone asks what he is dressed up as and he responds with “I dressed up as the most famous DJ in the world.” and someone responds with “You don’t look like Skrillex”, he will respond either blindly to their response or will say “I’m dressed up as myself.” in the most deadpanned tone.
Raz would definitely be used for promotions.
And considering that you used the other Doki Doki Mermaids as well. I could see his family acting as promotions as well.
I could see them dressed up as different parts of Halloween. Those being Pumpkins (Raz), Tricks (Queepie), Treats (Mirtala), Monsters (Frazie), Horror Movies (Dion), Decorations (Augustus), and Costumes (Donatella).
Also, his lungfish form was used for Halloween. It was used once.
Lili and Truman
Lili will most definitely pull off a Frankenstein look with Truman being the Doctor Frankenstein. That’s all I could think of.
1010 and Captain Oleander
1010 would definitely have themed costumes. They could easily pull off a Slashstreet Boys look.
And for Captain Oleander, he would do it in style.
Lucky will definitely be more octopus-like, preferably a much more artistic and fashionable variant of Cthulhu.
Or, she could dress up as Witch with ties to Walpurgisnacht.
Another idea, is with her card motif. She definitely dress up as a much more bizarre form of Alice in Wonderland.
Definitely will dress up as different jobs.
Lucrecia Mux (Mystery Mural)
And what is this? A new character?
Yep, I always wondered who the Mystery Mural Man is, and I always thought that he was a former bandmate of Tatiana. So introducing Lucrecia Mux as the Mystery Mural Lady!
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bionibots · 2 years
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Elis, Rodriguez and Nicolas (from left to right - mint images) belong to Portia Harcrow Gang “The Muxes” in my Uniqa V Story. So not inspired by well you guessed it Cyberpunk 2077 “The Mox”. Ha - yeah totally stole that one, sue me! 
VARIATIONS: The Muxies TYPE: Self Defence Gang ESTABLISHED: 2420, Jan, 3rd HEADQUARTER: Cloud Club LOCATION: Westnox (formaly known as San My) LEADER: Portia Harcrow
BACKSTORY The gang is small, non-territorial and operates in the Fashion District of Westnox. The majority of members are sex workers, anarchists, punks and sexual minorities.
HISTORY Portia used to be a joygirl*. Her former best friend has been raped and killed brutally by the Kaori Triads. She founded her gang to ensure such a thing would never happen again and to protect her friends and all those involved in that business. Because Portia is black belts in the arts of self-defense and an excellent fighter, she is a badass you don’t want to mess with. Together with Rodriguez, Nikolas and Elis they protect their clan.
Huge thanks goes to @rebouks for her Sim Dump 😍. Becca I love your boys and now they are side characters in my story. Hope you love them as much as I do. They turned out pretty preem* 😌.  Poses are by @helgatisha ________ * wording
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yourslave7777 · 1 year
I work 4 weeks in remote camps and then get 2 weeks off. Im looking for a Master who is willing to have more control over me while at work than at home, at home I need more freedom to unwind, but still communicate.
I like show-off Masters, I want to see you to, see who Im serving. Pics dont have to be all nsfw, I like to see my Masters in normal day to day just as much.
I'm looking for long term.
I have a strict diet while at work that I need Master to closely monitor to maintain or I go off of the rails, but not to change too much because it works for me, up for discussion.
If you want credentials and passwords to some stuff we can discuss, I need to be closely monitorred to keep me honest, I wont give passwords to anything financial but I can show you statements or other info, especially if you want to control me financially, give me an allowance, say what I can and cant buy. I wont send money to you but you should still control it.
My outer clothes, or any type of exposure are hard limits, I am a boss at work so will not do anything to jeopordize that. But if you want to choose my underwear the night before or have me wear stuff like a form of a collar that can be hidden Im fine with that, panties as punishment, diapers that aren't obvious, whatever, Im happy to give that control to you. If you want me to purchase anything please send me what you want me to purchase, dont make me choose, that is a lazy master. You want me to have some panties muxed in with my underwear to wear as punishment, send me a link to the type of panties you want for me, it is no fun choosing for myself. Dont expect ill buy right away though, I need to save up.
I dont want to jump on a dildo every day, I love stuff in my ass just not all the time. Once or twice a week is more than enough. Though I am happy to wear plugs for days at a time, big ones for short use, smaller for longer use like while working.
Chastity is great for a few days at a time or up to a week, but I am also very fond of gooning, edging, and ruined orgasms as cum control methods to keep me horny and docile.
I need, crave, constant communication with my Master... and attention, you should be willing to back and forth text most days, you dont talk much Ill get bored and leave, if you are going to be on a communication hiatus tell me. Ill do the same. When im home my communication goes way down, sometimes no communication at all for days, but youll always know its coming. Point is, as a sub Ive come to realize that what I crave most of all from the master I admire is his attention, its what will make me do most anything for him.
Rules, routine, control, I want to give up a good portion of my life to you, within limits. If you like forcing a slave to ask permission to go to the bathroom, what it can eat, how it can talk, what underwear it wears, control its money, its dick and ass, if you like to make your slave do humiliating tasks or to be your office bitch and build you a spread sheet all while gagged, in chastity and sitting on a dildo, etc.
Please DM and lets start a conversation.
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jnixz · 2 years
Lucrecia mux for ask game
For this Character ask game 💚🤍🖤
Lucrecia Mux
one aspect about them i love
She’s so playful and sweet and an absolutely full of love. Between the her dialogues and every hint of her we see in game, there is a tint of sweetness and energy that make her feel like a warm yet energetic tinge of pink and orange gradient of a person.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
She follows her heart my dudes, I don’t think she’d be the reasonable type in the friend group when it comes to shenanigans. She’d be in the good ol’ trouble trio of original explorers with Ford and Otto. Probably the performative Muscle when its just them exploring the mindscape together. She is the type to go with the flow, or atleast push it to the path she likes.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
She loves to tease people. Extremely good at it. Plays pranks and does a cheeky little smile. Absolute prankster.
She loves reptiles and can absolutely handle actual snakes. She thinks they are cute. Boops their little snoot.
Loves adventure and exploring new things. Loves interacting with weird yet charming people the most, they are fun to be with
Other than hydrokinesis, she also is very good at levitation
one character i love seeing them interact with
Obviously the psychic 7 and her family buuut it’d be funny to see the motherlobe people interactions with her. Meet this funny lil granma that practically was the point that turned the group into an organiztion for protection instead of just research. Turns out she’s a sweet old lady, if a bit raunchy, that is part of the pioneer of old people. Also she can still wipe the floor even as an elderly.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
I wanna see more Lucy and Augustus interactionsss. She raised and loves him as a son so much and like askjdhasdk
Lucy could definitely share more about her sister since she family is very important to them and like hurghhg everything is definitely heavy but I think they’d be fine. *thinks about that scene at the end of the Maligula battle* I Cannot say what I mean but but like they still family yknowww
ALSO while I do love seeing psychic 7 interactions, I’d also love to see more Aquato Family interactions. She loves both families very much and I think we should see it!!! 
also would like to ssee more Ford/Lucy, I got them in my brain but like holy shit I can’t put it into paper but mind you I am Losing It because like they are both Saps. I cannot possibly explain it other than like-- I definitely see this type of dynamic somewhere and I’m LIKE YEAH NIOCE
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
I don’t think she was an acrobat before the Astrolathe but she definitely was kinda physically active due to psychonauts mindscape adventures. Like I think She and Marona might’ve sneaked into the Aquatos Circus to like learn, but it was Marona that had more involvement in it since she married Lazarus after all. Lucy could probably do like a bit of acrobatics but it isn’t the high-end performative type needed for a circus.
So there is definitely a time after the Deluge that Lucy had to practice a lot as ‘recovery’ from the event and having actual muscles to do actual stunts. I think she was a pretty good dancer so the flexibility was no problemo. It’s the muscle building to life another human that needed improvement. (Okay so Maligula could rip vines from its roots but she is like in a state of adrenaline or something, so that is like temporary and probably extremely strenuous to keep up with.)
Both Lucy and Augustus do this while also taking care of each other as best they could. She also probably taught Augustus his education herself so like-- he also probably learned how to Flirt from her *eyes his lines from the QA* ALSO like the kindness and EQ as well 
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Are there any Villain characters (Canon & OC) that you find intriguing? Who and why?
Villain characters I find intriguing... hmm...
Different Properties - 8 Characters - 13
Cosma (OK K.O.) - I like the shape changing dragon. Rand Ridley (Inside Job) - HORRIBLE FATHER. Rewatching the series you know his plan and you see it happening. But still wants his big happy family. I want to jump into your brain old man. We jumped into your daughter's now it's your turn. Maligula (Psychonauts 2) - Aw, sweet little Nona. How in the world did you let yourself become the royalty your sister hated? How close were you with your sister before she drowned at your hands? How much did you love Gelsin Mux? What was your relationship with Mithra and Zalto, your parents? What did you think of your brother in law? Why do you still have so many questions surrounding you, Nona? The more we know, the more we realize such deep holes of unknowable with you and your age. You're in your seventies now, Nona. Coach Morceau "Morry/Oly" Oleander (Psychonauts) - He's my cuddle bunny. Bean bag shaped. So much of your past is known yet unknown. How much from the Li-Po is true about you? Or are you now just a surface level maniac who's being monitored? Tell me, Oly, is your family proud of you? VV Argost (Secret Saturdays) - Yeti with a God complex has such a dastardly plan. It makes me wonder why he wanted to infiltrate humanity in the first place if he hated them so much. Amelia (Infinity Train) - A woman who had a happy life and then... she lost everything. She got a chance to help herself and instead made it her life to stay on the train trying to go back to her old life, and now may never go home. Magica DeSpell (Ducktales) - Oh my goodness what a backstory, what powers, what a fall. All around turning from most intimidating villain who had a successful plan to pathetic. Toffee (Star Vs.) - Magic hating Raptor God Man deserved better. Volo (Pokemon) - God Complexes are fun. Javert (Les Miserables) - The desperation and unneeded attacks that Javert does to Jean Valjean is so shiver inducing to watch. Also I like his songs, like "The Confrontation."
Spinny (Whatever Happened to Shadowy Figure?) - Dastardly. Evil. Want to know more but all we know is what she's done to Brittney Spark and Nelly. Reaper Blanc (Hanahaki Ask AU: Unfinished Business) - He didn't always act like this, but something happened to him, and now I wonder who he was. "People's Peonies" (Family Swap) - I love the ideas of marginilized groups who are like: We have more power than these other people cause there are more of us/we have different, supernatural powers and them going to attack people. Like they have no clear goal they're just like: We're better than you. Dina [UNREVEALED STORY] - With a past shrouded and only the idea of chugging science along, Dina is a character similar to Peridot but never gets a redemption. She will go down with hope that her experiment lives on and does its job rather than see another failure. A blind follower of her superiors while also seeing herself as above, Dina is just very interesting to write.
[REDACTED] - This boy who was actually from someone helping me work on a fanfiction and not Belos from Owl House. There's literally no reason why I wouldn't just say Belos. Spoilers are off once things are revealed. No [REDACTED] is a fallen prince in a collaboration fic I'm working on and I have so many songs for this boyo. If you want to know why he's so villainous (without me spoiling the fic), just listen to "Everything At Once" by Lenka. That's essentially his entire character, both before and after his fall. [REDACTED] the fallen prince my beloved. Poor little meow meow. Needs to be thrown in the washing machine. Tar baby lookin ass. Has a tiktok where he censors the name of the "replacement brother" he hates. No Face from Spirited Away actin ass.
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