#i love that. he's great. eternal fav.
braywashed · 11 months
“To me, the most important aspect of being a true villain is having no redeeming qualities, you’ve got to throw those out the window.”
i love christian so much
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koolades-world · 1 year
Random Obey Me! Headcannons
Lucifer really likes human world blue cheese but refuses to admit it because he knows he will be made fun of for it by his brothers
Mammon has his first dollar he made in the Devildom framed and when Mc found it while looking for condoms he was really embarrassed
Idk it’s so funny to me to think of Mc and Mammon about to have sexy time and they need to go look for a condom. Mammon swears he has some so Mc goes digging though a drawer and finds a framed dollar bill while butt naked
“Mammon what is this-”
Levi has neck and back pains from all the gaming he does and really loves massages but is too scared to ask
Satan once stole a pair of Lucifer’s underwear and hung it from the RAD flagpole
Asmo made it a point to introduce Mc into his nightly routine as his face mask buddy, even to the point of doing it over call if they’re separated
This also sounds funny as shit imagine someone like Levi walking in on that
“So anyways, I stomped their skull in and got blood on my new boots. My hands also hurt from wringing the neck of that-”
“Asmo, Lucifer wants to know- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU”
“A face mask, Levi. You could use one”
Beel loves kids and likes it when they use him as a jungle gym
Belphie always kicks people in his sleep without fail. Mammon swears he does it on purpose but knows he doesn't
Simeon does the best hair braids and is regarded the best in the Celestial Realm
Luke hates girl scout cookies since he thinks homemade cookies are so much better
Solomon can be seen leaving Asmo's room at any point during the day but nobody ever sees him going in. Imagine hanging out with Asmo and Solomon just fucking appears and then disappears just as fast
Diavolo's favorite color is pink
Barbatos has a succulent garden and Mc will bring him a new one every time they come back from the human world
Thirteen definitely loves Mexican food and spice in general
Raphael is convinced soft blankets are the best thing to ever exist
Mephisto once accidently knocked over one of Luke's cakes and felt so bad that he sent Purgatory Hall a buttload of money and wrote an article in the RAD newspaper about how great the angels were at baking
Mammon and Lucifer openly hate white chocolate (because it's not chocolate). Satan does too but pretends to like it because Lucifer likes it
Whenever Satan needs a parter to go to the events he gets invited to, Mc and Asmo are his first choices. He's closest with Asmo (Belphie is a second close) and doesn't mind the fanfare
Asmo and Beel often travel around the Devildom together. Asmo can't eat everything he orders since he just wants pictres so Beel is the ideal companion. Beel is also the perfect body guard
Solomon's current favorite liquor is Fireball and always has some on hand, but Luke always hides it because he thinks drinking is a bad habit
Barbatos definitely listens to heavy metal but everyone thinks he listens to classical music
If my grandmothers met the brothers, Beel would be their fav because he would clean his plate but if it was everyone, Simeon would take it home because he’s so charming even though he’s barely clothed
Everyone is so downbad for Mc I think it might scare off other people how much they hover. Like, a lower demon bothering you? Literally anything could happen to them, like they could be thrown in an endless loop of suffering, they could be made dirt poor for eternity, or they could be torn limb from limb <3 gotta love it
Asmo and Belphie make a deadly duo when to comes to trapping people/demons/angels. They both have the power to lure you in, and would probably take turn luring in victims for an evening as some sort of strange brother bonding. They both remind me of angler fish in a way. Asmo lures them with the pretense of sex and Belphie with relaxation, two things people can’t get enough of and they can stay calm enough to pull it off
Solomon has definitely made the brothers swap bodies or something crazy like that, on accident or not, you decide
Whenever Mc is feeling down, Diavolo offers his man titties as a nice pillow to relax on because he read somewhere once humans liked that
Beel is like a bull in a china shop so do not take him anyway where you need to be delicate. Belphie knows this, and will put him to sleep and carry him when they need to go somewhere like an antique shop by promising him a snack afterwards
Beel thinks Satan, Belphie, and Mc make the best weights out of everyone. Satan will just read, Belphie will just sleep, and Mc is like his personal cheerleader. However, he can and will lift all his brothers and Mc and the same time if he wants to, it’s just difficult to get them all in the same place at the same time
Thirteen, Belphie, and Satan got in a prank war once and it had to end in a draw since one party could not best the other. In the end, they made a final, collaborative prank and pulled it on Solomon
Mc once fell down the stairs in the human realm, ended up in the hospital, and sent the entire cast into panic so much that they took turns watching over them
Mephisto and Mc once had a night out drinking together and (somehow) returned to the HoL but were totally smashed. Lucifer forbid them from doing it again, but they still sneak out together and just crash at Mephiso’s place instead
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sparrowlucero · 2 months
Instead of discourse about showrunners and lesbians and whatever, I'm gonna bring a different type of discourse...whats ur fav and least Dr Whomst monsters. Hard mode: only the practical ones.
ok so I do like all the obvious ones, I like the angels, I like the vashta nerada, I like the not-things, I like the eternals. Here's a few deeper cuts (focusing on the tv show specifically):
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they peaked with these maggots. they rock. pretty sure they're made with taxidermy? really great puppetry. I really like this thing:
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what a cool design for this kind of forgotten midseason episode.
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this is such a fun design for a langolier-type monster. I love how their crest and tail gives them the silhouette of a grim reaper
The 60s cybermen rock. I feel like they're hesitant to use them often in the modern show because they do look very 1960s but I think there's something really uncomfortable and evocative about the cloth faces that's lost when they're cool metallic robots. The mix between looking like an old diving suit and the implication of there being a chopped up person inside is gnarly and I love it. Simple, creepy, iconic design.
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My favorite design in the show is probably this:
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The 456 from the spinoff series torchwood. They didn't need the puppet to emote or move a ton since it spends the entire season in a little tank obscured in mist, so they just went crazy with the design and made it really bizarre looking. Extremely top tier alien. Anyways, negative. I really don't like this satan. the satan kind of sucks. the impossible planet is great atmospheric sci fi horror; every image of build up in it is haunting and leagues ahead of the climactic scene where he meets the satan. It singlehandedly kind of kills the vibe.
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Personally I would have just kept the actual appearance off screen, just have it be eyes in the dark or something. Apparently they also tossed around the idea that it would end up being a normal little girl who was chained up in the cave and I think that would have visually fit the rest of the episode better.
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I'm really not big on the modern design for the sea devils (the green one on the right). I think the classic ones clearly took a lot of direct influence from real animals and generally is a pretty thoughtfully realized design, the modern ones seem like they were first and foremost using the classic ones for reference and didn't quite capture the nuance of the design. Sad, as I would really like to see design for these guys with modern puppetry.
I think this is actually a pretty contentious opinion but the work of the specific studio who headed this redesign generally wasn't my favorite. Apparently there was some sort of major, semi public falling out between the fx studio that had been working on the show since 2005 and the people who started running the show in 2018, and they were briefly replaced with a much less experienced studio. No hate to them of course (I think this was actually their first job like, ever, and a lot of the work was done in crunch time?) but the difference did stand out to me:
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tsintotwo · 1 month
Comic-con Tom is back!
Quick recap: Tom showed up in a fit we've seen before cuz that's just who he is (and I respect that). Host was giving kind of a weird energy ('she's asking if you'd like to be punished'???), but okay, no harm done and we don't have to shit on random dudes.
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He got asked some of the same questions from earlier cons and some new ones. In summary: Sandman s2 is halfway through filming, the helmet is real and you can see through the eyes, eternal waking is a worse punishment than eternal sleeping, he loved doing Sea Wall, he likes dark Belgian chocolate, he got into acting through Punk Rock, his main inspiration in portraying Dream was the the novels (rather than something external to them), a fav scene to act was the dinner table scene with all siblings in upcoming s2, he'd like to be Destiny so he can live alone in a garden and read, main characteristic of s1 Dream was Dream finding his connection to humanity, fav line is I Am Hope, he's excited to watch Dead Boy Detectives, embodying Dream had its challenges, little to no CGI was used in creating the other versions of Morpheus (iykyk), he tried meeting Morpheus in his dreams, working with Neil was wonderful, he wants to work with great creators (people 'cleverer than him' as he always puts it), he's done a lot of dark roles and if it's happening this many times, he guesses there must be a kinship between those and his personal self (mmhmmm?), for filming he wakes up/starts for the studio around 4 a.m. and starts giving shots around 9 a.m.- time between that is hair+makeup and getting into character, and last and definitely the least, he got asked to do the Dream voice yet AGAIN (please don't do this, people).
It was really, really good to see him. Watch the full video at Klara Himmel's channel.
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hedgehog-moss · 6 months
Loved your mentioning of learning poetry by heart: this is something I haven’t done since school! What are some of your favs that you’d suggest to ease my brain back into it?
(Française ici donc les options 🇫🇷 autant que anglais sont welcome :) merci!)
Hi :) You can look at the poem tag of my quote blog if you want—some of the ones I've learnt by heart (or excerpts from them) include this one by Sara Teasdale - Nanao Sakaki - Velimir Khlebnikov - Wallace Stevens - Rabindranath Tagore - Archibald Macleish - Howard Nemerov - and these paragraphs by Henri Peña-Ruiz which I consider prose poetry... My favourite French verses (from Corneille, Aragon, Anna de Noailles, Hugo, Valéry...) are all alexandrines and I find it to be the easiest type of verse to remember, as the structure is so rigorous and consistent. I sometimes translate English poems into alexandrines (like this one) to make them easier to learn in this more familiar form—I think even after all this time English prosody still feels foreign to me; the patterns of sound and rhythm in French are more deeply embedded in my brain so it can more easily predict what comes next...
Re: easing your brain into it, I guess that depends on your style of learning? For me the best way to learn a text is to spend time with it in written form, be it by translating it, or by writing it down by hand (slowly) and then (sometimes) keeping it for a while in a place where I often stand idle, like taped to my microwave so I re-read it as I wait 1 minute for something to heat up.
One thing I like about learning poems is that it's a costless, always-accessible way to get a sense of personal accomplishment. Beyond that, I've got three categories of poems I like to learn for different reasons—I'll go into some detail in case it can help you figure out what you're after :)
1. Classic poetry, because it's just fun to have little snippets of ancient tragedies or epic Victor Hugo poems living at the back of your mind and accompanying you through your own everyday tragedies—as an overdramatic person who tends to feel devastated or exasperated over tiny stuff, it helps me to take some distance from my feelings. Like if I spill a bucket of manure on my boots and my first reaction is rage and despair and my second thought is a couple of verses by Euripides where Iphigenia bemoans her relentless fate, it's a way to make fun of (and get over) myself.
My grandmother did this a lot, she knew so many poems by heart and often used them ironically. If I went whining to her when I was little she'd recite to me the last few verses of Alfred de Vigny's La Mort du Loup (it sounds better in the original but):
[...] With all your being you must strive To that highest degree of stoic pride [...] Weeping or praying—all this is in vain. You must instead shoulder your long and heavy task In the way that Destiny has seen fit to ask Then suffer and die without complaint.
(Let me tell you, that's just what a five-year-old wants to hear after scratching her knee at the park) But really I admired this treasury of poetry she carried within her, especially as she only went to school until age 14 and came upon most of it thanks to her own curiosity; as well as the way she used it playfully in everyday life, using dramatic classical verse to de-dramatise minor annoyances.
2. Nature poems are great in the opposite way, to magnify minor positive things :) Like seeing a fox and having a few lines by Mary Oliver come to mind, seeing a frog and thinking of that Basho haiku... I recently discovered Jean-Michel Maulpoix and I also love his nature poems, like 'The recovery of blue after a downpour', the way he describes snow melting in the spring, or golden-blue evenings:
[Snow] takes some time to leave, but delicately. She doesn’t insist, hardly persists, never roots… She gives way. No one else dies so merrily With such good humour Unmatched is her disdain for eternity…
L’azur, certains soirs, a des soins de vieil or. Le paysage est une icône. Il semble qu’au soleil couchant, le ciel qui se craquelle se reprenne un instant à croire à son bleu.
3. And then there are the poems that proudly serve no purpose. <3 I mean beyond distilling language in a beautiful way. No deep meaning—or no meaning at all, e.g. surrealist poetry. I learnt this passage from Les Champs magnétiques back in middle school:
La fenêtre creusée dans notre chair s'ouvre sur notre cœur. On y voit un immense lac où viennent se poser à midi des libellules mordorées et odorantes comme des pivoines. Quel est ce grand arbre où les animaux vont se regarder ? Il y a des siècles que nous lui versons à boire. . . Prisonniers des gouttes d'eau, nous ne sommes que des animaux perpétuels. . . Nous ne savons plus rien des astres morts ; nous regardons les visages. . . Quelquefois, le vent nous entoure de ses grandes mains froides et nous attache aux arbres découpés par le soleil.
—and I've often recited it to myself just to enjoy these gratuitously nice sentences that aren't here to deliver information. Like Kay Ryan said, "Poetry makes nothing happen. That's the relief of it." It's a nice break, a way to remember that communicating isn't all language is for; beyond the social dimension there's also an intimate one that relies on our own aesthetic sensitivity. Most of the time we look through language, to access ideas, meanwhile enjoying poetry means looking at language, for a change, appreciating it for itself.
I just realised I'm paraphrasing John Brehm here—in The Poetry of Impermanence he wrote something that can be read as an ode to learning things by heart:
When you read lines that seem especially lit up—that move or intrigue you in some way, or that are simply pleasing or even dazzling—don’t focus on being able to formulate a statement about what they might mean, as if you might be called upon to explain the poem, to yourself or to someone else. Just linger with those poems or passages that resonate with you. . . Rest your mind on them; let them live inside you.
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sunkissed-zegras · 8 months
✮ 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐯𝐞, jump then fall au
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au masterlist! masterlist!
♡ ─ word count | 2.7k
♡ ─ summary | cece has been working for adam for a month, forming a bond with paloma. she comforts paloma during a tantrum and later helps adam when paloma won't stop crying, late into the night. they discover the meaning of paloma's name as they bond over it.
♡ ─ warnings | toddler tantrums, sleep-deprivation LMAO, um nothing else (i think)
♡ ─ taglist | @literatureluster @itsnotgray @valluvsu (fill in form in my navigation in you are interested!)
♡ ─ ev's notes | after weeks of writer's block, we GOT OVER IT. war is overrrrr, finally. we survived the great war. anyways, this chapter is so sweet and i love it so much. i also realized my love for adam is very much eternal and undying, i will love him more than anyone else 4ever and idc. should i start a go-fund-me so i could get his jersey?? help a broke college student get her fav hockey player's jersey✊🏼✊🏼 also happy spooky seasonnnnn!!!
also if anyone has au thoughts please send them in for my entertainment, i love love LOVE asks.
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It had been a month since Cece had started working for Adam and she has loved every second of it.
Well, maybe not every second but Paloma was the sweetest girl she's ever worked for. She was funny and easy to work with, unlike some of the other kids she's worked with. Cece had quickly adapted to the rhythm of the new job, finding ways to connect with Paloma and make their time together enjoyable and overall fun. She had become an big part of Adam and Paloma's daily routine, and it was clear to everyone that Paloma adored Cece.
Cece was sitting comfortably on the floor next to Paloma, watching her favorite movie, "Beauty and the Beast" for the fifth time she couldn't help but smile at the toddler's enthusiasm. Paloma's eyes were glued to the screen, and she occasionally mimicked the characters' actions or lines with her limited vocabulary, making Cece laugh in the process. She was adorable, her heart melted with every little word she mimicked.
As Belle and the Beast danced in the iconic ballroom scene, Paloma attempted to mimic their graceful movements, stumbling slightly in her excitement. Cece chuckled and gently held Paloma's hand, helping her "dance" along with the characters.
She laughed as Paloma kept her dance up, "You're doing good, sweetheart!"
Paloma beamed happily at Cece's words of encouragement. Her tiny feet shuffled clumsily on the floor as she continued to "dance" with Belle and the Beast. It was a sweet sight, and Cece couldn't help but feel a deep affection for the little girl.
Right as the dance ended, the apartment door had opened. "I'm home!" Adam's voice rung out through the entire apartment. As he walked into the living room, he smiled at the scene in front of him.
"Hey," Cece greeted him with an equally bright smile as him, still sitting on the floor next to Paloma, who had now shifted her attention from the movie to her dad's arrival.
Adam bent down and scooped Paloma up into his arms, eliciting giggles from the toddler. "Did you have a fun day with Cece, sweetheart?"
It was sight she had grown used to now, Adam and Cece had become a staple in her life even if it only has been a month. She couldn't help but feel like she was a part of the family, somehow, even if she wasn't exactly blood-related.
Paloma nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Daddy, dance!" she exclaimed, her arms moving in an attempt to recreate the dance moves she had just seen on the screen.
Adam laughed, sharing an amused look with Cece. "You've been dancing, huh?"
Cece nodded, her smile warm. "She was quite the dancer, just like Belle."
Adam chuckled as he watched Paloma's attempts at dancing. "I see that. Thanks for keeping her entertained, Cece."
"No problem," Cece replied, a light tint of blush coming onto her cheeks. Adam continued to play with Paloma, making her giggle and laugh. Cece watched the father-daughter duo with a fond smile, her heart warmed by the sweet scene before her.
After a quick lunch, Adam had to go back for a team meeting so Cece had to stay with Paloma a bit more, which usually wouldn't have been a problem ─ except now, Paloma had suddenly decided to have a tantrum because of her father leaving.
Cece tried her best to soothe Paloma as Adam prepared to leave for his meeting. She understood how difficult it could be for a toddler when their parent had to leave, especially when they were as attached as Paloma wa.
As Adam headed towards the door, Paloma's cries grew louder, and she reached out for him, tears streaming down her cheeks. Cece held Paloma close, trying to comfort her. "It's okay, sweetie. Daddy will be back soon."
Adam paused at the door, his heart aching as he looked back at his daughter. He wanted to stay and comfort her, but he also knew he had responsibilities. "I'll be back soon, sweetheart," he reassured her, his voice filled with love. "Cece will take care of you."
Cece nodded at that and gave him a quick nod, gesturing for him to leave. He sighed and nodded, exiting the apartment as Paloma's cries continued for a while. Cece did her best to distract her with toys and games, hoping to ease her distress until Adam returned.
They played with her building blocks, read some of her favorite books, and even had a little tea party with her stuffed animals. Slowly but surely, Paloma's tears began to subside, replaced by the occasional hiccup.
Cece kept a watchful eye on the time, knowing that Adam would return from his meeting soon. She didn't want Paloma to be too upset when he got back. As they continued to play, she whispered comforting words to Paloma. "Daddy will be back before you know it, sweetheart. He loves you very much."
Paloma, still a bit sniffly, looked up at Cece with her big blue, teary eyes and nodded. Cece couldn't help but smile at the toddler's resilience. Paloma gave her a whine and gave reached out her arms towards her, gesturing for her to pick her up.
Cece gladly picked Paloma up and held her close, cradling her gently in her arms. Paloma's sniffles gradually turned into contented sighs as she rested against Cece's shoulder.
Cece awoke with a jolt as she felt Paloma being carried from her arms and Cece almost screamed until she realized it was just Adam. Relief washed over her as she blinked away the remnants of sleep, "Shit, you scared me."
"Sorry," Adam laughed softly, his voice filled with warmth as he held Paloma against his chest. "I'm back. How was my little princess while I was gone?"
"She was, um... she was good." Cece yawned, her eyes watering at that. Sudden embarrassment washed over her as she realized that she fell asleep on the job but before she had the chance to apologize, it seemed he had read her mind.
"Don't apologize, I get it." Adam offered Cece a reassuring smile as she nodded, gratefully.
"Thank you," she laughed softly as she got up from the sofa, standing in front of him. She never really realized just how tall he was but suddenly, she felt like he was towering over her. Sudden butterflies emerged in her stomach as she looked up at him and they gazed at one another.
They both spoke in union before they paused, looking at one another for a second until they laughed. God, they were so in sync. "You, um, you go first," Adam smiled down at her, Paloma looking very pleased with the scene before her.
"I was just gonna say, I have a Chem test tomorrow and I haven't studied for it," she explained groggily, exhaustion clear in her face.
Adam couldn't help but feel disappointment building in his stomach as he heard those words come out of her mouth. "Oh, yeah of course. Go, don't worry, I'll take of our Paloma." It had come out so naturally he almost didn't catch it. Our Paloma. It sounded so... perfect and Adam could feel himself getting used to staying it, our Paloma, our girl.
Luca's words kept repeating in his mind as he waited for her response, "No girls." But as he stared into her eyes, her big, beautiful, deep─
"Yeah, our Paloma," she repeated softly, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Thank you, Adam."
"Of course, no problem. Um, get home safe and good luck on your test tomorrow."
As soon as she reached the door, Paloma whined. You looked back at Adam knowingly as Paloma started reaching for Cece.
"Hey, hey." Adam started trying to distract Paloma which did nothing but make it worse, somehow. "Princess, it's alright, she's coming tomorrow."
Paloma's whines grew louder as she continued to reach for Cece, her little arms outstretched. Adam didn't know what to do; she usually stopped crying after he comforted her, but this time, it seemed she only wanted Cece.
Cece hesitated at the door, torn between her responsibilities and the adorable toddler who clearly didn't want her to go. She looked at Adam with a questioning expression, silently asking for his help.
"It's fine, Cece. I can deal with her." Adam's voice was gentle, and he tried to hide any disappointment he felt about the situation. He walked closer to Cece, giving her an understanding smile. "You should get some rest and study for your test. I've got this."
Cece sighed in relief at Adam's understanding. She bent down and gently placed a kiss on Paloma's forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart," she whispered softly to the toddler before reluctantly stepping out of the apartment.
Adam watched her go, feeling a mixture of gratitude and disappointment. He knew that Cece needed to focus on her studies, but a part of him wished she could stay. He turned his attention back to Paloma, who was still crying in his arms.
"It's just you and me, kiddo," he said with a soft smile, carrying the crying Paloma back to the living room. He was determined to make the evening as comforting (as he could) for his daughter.
As the night wore on, Adam did his best to comfort Paloma. He played with her, read her a bedtime story, and even sang her a lullaby, but nothing seemed to calm her down completely. The toddler's cries continued, growing more tired and desperate as the hours passed.
He felt like he didn't know Paloma anymore, he spent less time with her than he had done in the past. Was he being a terrible dad by prioritizing his career over Paloma? He didn't know, he felt truly helpless as his ears began to sore from the constant crying from his daughter.
It was around 1 am when Adam realized he was at his wit's end. Paloma had been crying for hours, and he was exhausted and frustrated. He felt like he was going to go insane, especially because none of his family was here to give him a break. That was until he remembered: Cece.
He pulled out his phone and sent a text message to Cece, his fingers typing quickly.
Adam: Hey, sorry to bother you, but Paloma won't stop crying, and I don't know what to do.
He felt guilty for even asking, knowing Cece probably has her own worries and problems. But he truly had no one else to turn to, his body sore from practice and he was fatigued from all the crying, on top of everything.
His phone started buzzed almost immediately and he looked at the caller ID: Cece was calling him. He slid to answer,
"Cece, I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"
"No, I've been up." Cece laughed through the speaker. But Adam could hear the exhaustion in her laugh, as much as she tried to hide it.
The guiltiness hit him like a truck when he heard her voice. He almost wanted to cry, "I'm sorry, Cece. I just had... no one else to call who I trusted."
That statement made Cece's heart swell. He trusted her? "Oh, Adam don't apologize. That's what I'm here for. Do you want me to come?"
"No, no. It's too late and I don't want anything to happen."
Another soft laugh escaped her before she started hearing some crying from his side. She was almost concerned, thinking it was him until it registered in her sleep-deprived mind that it was just Paloma. "I'm a big girl Adam, I'll be there in 10."
Before he could protest, she hung up and Adam let out an exhausted sigh before he turned to Paloma, who was still crying. How much tears could one little girl have? Adam thought to himself.
Cece arrived at Adam's apartment right on time, her heart heavy with worry for both him and Paloma. She had come as quickly as she could, not wanting to leave Adam to handle the situation alone any longer. There wasn't any traffic because it was 1 in the morning, the only real plus of this whole thing.
When she entered the apartment, she found Adam sitting on the couch, looking utterly exhausted, with Paloma crying in his arms. She had never seen him so tired, his hair messy and his eyebags visible. Without hesitation, Cece went over and gently took Paloma into her arms.
"Hey there, princess," she cooed softly, rocking Paloma gently. "It's okay, I'm here now. Shhh, it's alright."
Paloma's cries gradually began to subside as Cece worked her magic. Adam watched in awe as the two of them seemed to have an unspoken connection. Cece had gotten Paloma to quiet down after four hours of nonstop crying but Adam was too tired to feel anything but exhaustion. He had been at his wit's end, unable to calm his daughter down, and seeing Cece work her magic with such ease was nothing short of amazing.
"Thank you, Cece," Adam whispered, relief washing over him as Paloma finally began to calm down. He felt a deep sense of gratitude for the young woman who had come to their rescue once again.
Cece smiled warmly at him, despite her feeling just as (if not more) exhausted than him. "No need to thank me, Adam. I'm always here to help." She looked down at Paloma, who was now resting peacefully in her arms. "Besides, I think I've started to become quite attached to her."
Adam couldn't help but chuckle softly at that. He appreciated Cece more than he could express in words. As he looked at her, holding the most precious thing in his world like she was also the most important thing in hers too, he felt his heart do a little loop-di-loop and he couldn't stop it even if he tried.
"Thank you, Cece," he repeated, this time with a warmth and admiration that went beyond words.
"You know, Adam," Cece began softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "I'm here not just for Paloma. I'm here for you too."
Adam's heart skipped a beat at her words. It didn't feel like some grand confession, it felt like just a simple fact. And now, as he gazed back at Cece, he no longer questioned if she was responsible or sweet enough for his daughter, he knew it for a fact.
"I know," Adam's voice sounded even more exhausted than before, smiling back at her.
As Paloma fell asleep in her arms, Cece took a seat next to Adam on the couch. They both knew she wasn't going anywhere for at least a couple hours until Paloma is fully asleep, so she got comfortable.
As Paloma fell asleep in Cece's arms, a sense of calm settled over the room. The exhaustion and tension from earlier seemed to fade away, replaced by a peaceful stillness. Adam and Cece sat side by side on the couch, watching over Paloma as she slept.
In the quiet of the room, they didn't need to say much. Their presence was enough, and it felt strangely comforting. It was as if, in that moment, they were a small, makeshift family brought together by circumstances.
Cece was the first to speak up, her voice tired. "Do you know what Paloma means?"
Adam was too tired to say anything but shake his head as she continued, "It means Dove, I looked it up earlier. Isn't that cute?"
Adam had named her after his great-aunt (per request of his mother) but had always liked the sound of it. He had never thought of looking up the meaning but now that he knows, it's perfect. Dove, Paloma, it was just perfect.
Adam smiled at that. "That's so cute. Our little dove." His head fell on Cece's shoulder as he yawned, his eyes feeling heavy. "Dove, that's a cute nickname."
"We should start calling her that." Cece's eyes suddenly felt heavy too as she yawned along with Adam, nodding.
"Dove," Adam repeated softly, a smile playing at his lips. "I like it. Our little Dove."
Cece nodded in agreement, her voice barely above a whisper. "It suits her."
The exhaustion of the long night finally caught up with them both, and they began to drift into a comfortable silence. Adam rested his head on Cece's shoulder, and she gently leaned into him, their shared warmth and the sense of family they had formed providing a profound a great sense of comfort.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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whole-circus · 11 months
I was wondering if you'd put your depiction on the creepypastas if the reader was a Tomie Kawakami like entity. I don't know if you have ever read or seen this character by Junji Ito or not so only do this if you're comfy
PS: have good day, hydrate and rest °v°
Creepypastas with Tomie Kawakami like!
➥ with Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, Eyeless Jack, "Ticci" Toby, BEN Drowned, X-Virus
Hi! I just LOVE that idea!! I must say I enjoy reading Junji Ito's works (even if Tomie wasnt my fav)! Here you go hun, if you want some other characters feel free to say! >:3 Good day for you too, take care! Also you waited so long im sorry, I had to made small break and now I feel like my "work" is shitty!!!!
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Jeff the Killer
Okay I feel like at first Jeff would pretend that he is not into you..who knows why? His own deep insecurities? Or he just doesnt like the idea of how flirty you are? You know, he usually is the one making first move and toying with others (making them obv uncomfy, he act like definition of "white straight good guy" lol). But no worries, he does find you absolutely cute, thinks you are prettiest person walking on earth (and you are all that actually). Listen, he wont magically turn into huge simp..but! you make him feel things. Congrats, you have high chance to broke Jeff and make him lovely-dovely on his weird way towards you! No matter if you are already in relationship with him or not, he gest pretty possesive and jealous over you! Come on, you cant be all pretty and cute AND have everyone all over you! People who adores you might end up dead before you will be able to kill them. Definitely would try threaten people to stop talking to you..its up to you if you find it cute or scary tho!
Jane the Killer
Jane gives me huge femme fatale vibes so i feel like you would really vibe together (no matter your gender)! And come on!! She understands the need of revenge like no one else!! Jane wants to beat Jeff ass! Adores you so much..not only you are absolutely gorgeous but also pretty smart too! Appearance matter in some way to her, but I think she would actually be into intelect and personality more than how you look like. And the fact that you are such a great manipulator!! You will make her fall in love with you even more. She is such a cutie im telling you! Jane is jealous but she puts that aside all that aside and she just worries about your yeah well technically you cant die, but what damage your brain will damage your brain and stay for long time! She doesnt want you to get hurt, even if you are doing the big scary job here!
Eyeless Jack
Demon partner with demonish partner? Isnt that perfect? Yeah yeah, you are diffrent from eachother but definitely have common ground, arent you? Dunno why but I feel like your charm wouldnt work on him just becasue of what he is. That doesnt mean that he doesnt find your ass cute tho! He just you know..its not really obsessive but more of actual feelings. Even if other pastas fell in love with your character too, then Jack would be a bit diffrent and at first fell for who you are and not what you look like! When it comes to possible of jealousity, he is not that much of envious about people who you flirt with/or they flirt with you! He clearly understands that you do it more for your..entertainment and to cause chaos (and maybe some sort of revenge). Also he is immortal, you are immortal - best couple to ever exist! You will spend eternity with eachother so he doesnt have anything to worry about!
"Ticci" Toby
Damn reader, you will break Toby! He gets so shy and so blushy around you.. Especially if you are flirting with him! Doesnt really like the idea of you and other people being a bit flirty. He gets jealous easly and it leads him to being insecure and doubtful of himself - he knows that he is not perfect, and all your actions make him even more anxious. Toby does care so much about your opinion so he just bottles it all up, not wanting to mess up even more! But I bet you are smart human being and feel that something is wrong. Just reassure him that you love him a lot and he is way diffrent than people you talk to (well, he is in fact atill alive, isnt he) and he is good to go!
BEN Drowned
Ben is Ben, not a simple thought in his head. Yeah kidding, but he just cant help but simp over you so so much! Like he is down on his knees at your service the second he sees you! Dont get me wrong, you are not only what you look like but its the first thing he notices about you! It would be almost too easy to manipulate him, but we dont do that here..(at least I hope so). Anyway, he literally worships you, you are the most good-looking person out here! And he is a ghost, he has seen a lot. About your habit of flirting around and then watchin somebodys downfall? I cant say he is not jealous, but he wont show it. Also finds your actions pretty funny. Who doest like to see someone dying becasue of their stupidy? Yeah, definitely not Ben, loves the chaos you cause.
Cody enjoyes how flirty you are! Okay well, maybe he only enjoys that if you are flirty with him! For real, you get him all giggly and blushy to be honest. Its so easy to tease him and so fun to look at! Propably tries his best to do the same but fails miserably. Your relationship give me a bit of nerd x popular partner vibe lol! You know, he literally spends half of his time in lab or studying for fun + Cody propably stinks. Now here you are, having such a mesmerizing appearance!! (You are fun to be around to, lets not be so vain!) . At the same time he asks many question, its just in his nature to enjoy knowing things. He just cant help but wonder what or who are you..but who wouldnt want to know that?..And please try to get idea of testing you or making small experiments out of his small silly head!! He is weirdo like that! But at the end of a day he is your weirdo!
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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Rick and Morty S7 Ep. 2: The Jerrick Trap
(Not Rick, not Jerry, but some secret third thing)
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Spoiler alert ahead!
My Favs
The new voice actors:
I wanted to bring this up again because I think that Ian Cardoni has really evolved into his role as the new voice actor for Rick. It’s really hard to believe that Cardoni has only had this job for about month or two but is already playing this character like he’s been there since the beginning. It didn’t once cross my mind during this episode that I was not listening to Justin Roiland anymore. Harry Belden’s Morty sounds like a nice blend of Roiland’s Season 1 and Season 6 performance of that character.
Freaky Friday:
I appreciate that they didn’t do a clean body-swap but gave RickBody and JerryBody an amalgamation of the two minds in conflict with each other, but then evolving over the course of the episode into someones (or something) with its own identity.
I kinda have a soft spot for Chuxly. He’s just a mid-tier criminal who’s trying not to cause any unnecessary trouble. He doesn’t need any incompetent goons kidnapping the precious grandson of the most dangerous man in the universe and he’ll kiss as much ass as he can until his lips are ass-colored.
Your dad’s a gay assassin?:
It’s a spectrum
Conehead missle:
So gross but RickBody looked so happy! Also I get why RickBody and JerryBody would like that movie because it is so dumb and so weird in a good way.
Burger and Fries!
God I love their cute name for each other! Also, am I the only person who found them snorting crystals together as they remember their love for Morty weirdly endearing.
Rick and Jerry’s half-assed note to the family:
But they wrote a novel for Gene
Do you hear the symphony of atoms dying in space?:
I don’t blame Summer for wanting to listen to a podcast. I would want to distract myself from whatever that is driving the car.
The Stupid Rake Gag:
This joke is older than God herself and in hindsight I should have seen this coming. The inciting incident was due to Gene stealing a rake. It was all laid out for this to happen but it was so cleverly concealed until it happened that I was absolutely taken off-guard. God I love that Jerry and Rick were rescued from their monstrous Jerricky form by a corny rake gag.
Rick and Jerry care about each other. They really do!
Though they’ll never admit it.
Memory Rick!
He’s alive and well and kept Rick and Jerry from completely losing their minds to Jerricky. Sadly, he might be stuck in Jerry’s mind for awhile unless he can make use of springs and gears and only springs and gears. I imagine there’s going be an episode in the future about his escape.
My Not Favs:
He will haunt my dreams until my dying breath in which he will then greet me at the gates of Hell where he will orchestrate my torture for all eternity and a day. Personally, I wasn’t a huge fan of Jerricky and the final fight with him and why did they give it a six-pack? Neither Jerry or Rick have a six-pack. Who do they think they’re fooling?
Rick’s mind was a bit overpowering:
Maybe this is because Rick is a character with such a big personality but I felt like the aspects that could be Jerry was a bit drowned out. RickBody and JerryBody acted mostly like Rick with sprinkles of Jerry rather than an even mix of the two.
A criminal lack of Morty:
Morty (or should I say, Rick Jr.) maybe turning into a little criminal but I would like to have some more screen time with him. There’re eight more episodes left so I’m not too worried about this but I think Morty is a little underutilized for a character who has some great story potential (and his name is in the title of the show). However, I’m glad we got to see more of him compared to the last episode. He is getting so confident and not waiting around for his grandpa/dad and dad/grandpa to get himself out of trouble.
My Thoughts:
I love myself a Rick and Jerry team-up episode and this episode was no different. Rick and Jerry may never admit it, but they are more alike than different and their minds meld well together ( as long as they don’t make a Jerricky). The Rick/Jerry dynamic has always been rife with conflict since the first episode when Jerry tried to convince Beth to put Rick in a nursing home because Rick pulled Morty out of school, repeatedly, behind their backs. In a sweet moment in the middle of the episode we hear them admit that Rick doesn’t believe Jerry is useless and that Jerry sees Rick as a friend. By the end of the episode, they are back to bickering at each other again but we know as an audience that it comes from a place of love for each other and their love for Summer, Morty and Daughterwife. This episode, in my mind, was much stronger than last week’s and oh so weird in the best possible way, except for maybe Jerricky. Jerricky was the weakest part of the episode with the fight scene being a bit lackluster for an otherwise bonkers episode. Though that rake gag killed me. They really did just sneak that in and thought I wouldn’t notice, which I didn’t so good job on their part. It absolutely felt like a classic Rick and Morty episode and I hope each episode continues getting better and better. Also, it was nice seeing Memory Rick again and,
“Yeah, Memory Rick, Rick totally got rid of you on purpose.”
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
Omg imagine being a pro hero as well and being married to Izuku 🥺🥺 I love that man so much
Imagine him being needy and missing his partner while they’re away for a mission 😭
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℘. flora's notes : HOW COULD I NOT ANSWER THIS ? hello to u fellow izu simp 👀 sorry it took a while but I kept adding stuff- IM STARTING MY COURSE TODAY IM TERRIFIED
scheduled post im sleeping bro
℘. female, male and gn reader friendly ♡
℘. bonus : I'm ranting about the wedding planning 💀💀 I AM NOT POSTING AT PEAK HOURS, PLEASE REBLOG 🥲
m.list | comment or reblog if you enjoyed !
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℘. i see pro hero izu as very buff, taller and much more confident with himself ! he works out a lot to keep up with the 1st pro hero lifestyle and he has jaw-dropping muscles (im gonna drool)
℘. and he loves to engulf you in his strong arms and give you a teddy bear hug ORRR have your back against his chest with his arms wrapped around you when you two are watching a movie on the couch
℘. he isn't home much, he has to maintain peace in Japan, you're worried and so is he about his hero work. he loves his job so so much, it's his dream. but sometimes he just wishes he could spend more time with you
℘. but you're a lucky babe ! his co-workers and friends Shoto and Katsuki force him to take breaks so that he can spend time with you. they are soooo understanding of your relationship and so supportive too !
℘. when izu told katsuki he was going to propose to you he went like :
"THAT'S MY BOY" and hit him in the back🥲 but that's his way of being supportive
℘. TAKES A DAY OFF EVERY WEEK FOR YOU and he will cook for you every single time ! izuku loves cooking so as soon as he gets the occasion he will make u a little something <3
℘. when izu has his lunch break, he makes a list of things he wants to watch and do with you, his favs are 8-10 episodes netflix series because he can binge-watch them on his free day with you in his arms
℘. officialized his relationship with you on socials quite quickly, he knew he was going to marry you. you are now the most liked tweet-
℘. he talks about you in interviews NO DOUBTS. he tries not to say too much, he likes his privacy but he has a bad habit of rambling and kind of spills more than he wishes to sometimes 🥲
℘. "i am so grateful to have a wife/husband like y/n. they are always so patient with me. i mean, dating a pro hero is obviously not easy but they're so supportive. i know i am making them go through a lot and i hate that they have to worry about me. i love them so much really, i wouldn't be here without them"
℘. SPENDS MONEY ON YOU. there's not a week where you don't have a bouquet of flowers, or a cute cake he saw at the bakery or something that he thought would like nice in your flat !
℘. he always gives you his card when you go shopping with your friends. HE LOOKS FORWARD TO YOUR HAULS and he loves seeing you in clothes he bought for you.
℘. BUT if you want to pay for your stuff he will 100% support you, he just doesn't know how to make you happy so he gives you everything he owns-
℘. you're his #1 fan, he is so flattered to have an s/o that's so supportive. he always makes a little trip to the marketing wing of his agency to get you the upcoming products.
℘. the marketing team LOVES you, your reviews are always the best, they know you want the best merch for the best husband 😇
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⊹˚.⋆ THE WEDDING PREPARATION (i got carried away so I had to make a whole separate part for this)
℘. shoto and katsuki had to reassure izu at least 20 times :
katsubabe : "they love you dumbass, can't you see it ? you've been together for like eternity and they put up with you every day, that is a great act of love"
sho : "i think that you should propose to then midoriya. don't doubt it, and if they say no my sister knows how to use tinder, I'll tell her to teach you"
katsubabe :"that's not what you're supposed to say half shit"
℘. the whole wedding process caused izuku so much anxiety. he installed pinterest and made a board "wedding <3"
℘. he really really tried to handle it himself but he gave up, too much anxiety. you were tired of seeing him sacrifice his sleep for the wedding and hired a wedding planner instead 💀
℘. izu was relieved, he wanted it to be perfect and who can make it more perfect than a professional ?
℘. he wanted the wedding to be private, it was about 30 people and no media was allowed HOWEVER he posted the wedding pictures on his social media and broke the internet
℘. izu showing u off on socials 💥💳🥲🥲
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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foggystarrs · 9 months
I loved your Glamrock headcanons! Do you by any chance have any for the DCA??
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Oh most definitely!! I swear they’re some of my fav animatronics from SB & Ruin tbh
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☀︎ A sweetheart! He’s always excited to meet someone new. Especially if they’re a new friend!!
☀︎ He can never stay still ever, he always has to be doing something with his hands or feet, wether it’s swaying or flapping his hands in a happy stim!
☀︎ He tends to interrupt really easily, ESPECIALLY when he gets excited. Sometimes the adults get mad though, so he’s learned to hold himself back.
☀︎ He adores children, he always tries to find a way to make them feel comfy in the daycare. ESPECIALLY if the kid is scared of him at first. He knows he’s not for everyone though, so if his advances don’t work he watches from afar and places the kid’s favorite things near them strategically so that they’re still having a good time.
☀︎ Can a robot have Adhd?? I’m not sure but he’s got Adhd in my mind bc I have Adhd and I said so. He’s sooo ADHD coded.
☀︎ This man cannot sing for the life of him, he’s got a cute tune or two for clean up time when the kids have to clean their area but that’s it. If he tries to sing like the Glamrocks it sounds more like a parrot dying or something TwT
☀︎ Clean freak. The minute every kid has gone home this dude is running around yelling about cleaning up. Everything needs to be spotless and in the right spot or he will EXPLODE.
☀︎ Extrovert, he’s the type to adopt an introvert tbh. Like he can make almost anyone feel comfortable around him.
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☾ He’s actually a chill guy. Introvert, and super shy when meeting new ppl.
☾ He’s less shy around kids though, he adores kids too.
☾ Super gentle and soft spoken. I guess it’s the nap time programming in him.
☾ A great listener, will never interrupt anyone when speaking.
☾ He likes to be suspended in the air by his wire. It’s where he’s most comfortable rather than being on the ground like Sun. He’s great at moving around in the air and sometimes does cool acrobatic tricks when he’s got free time.
☾ A stickler to the rules, well, to be fair they both are but Moon is more strict about them. He is a rule enforcer after all.
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Virus! Moon:
☽ This dude is a menace. He will scare the security guards and fazbear workers on purpose. Just because.
☽ Violent toward adults. Children are sometimes the exception but if you’re a rule breaker he’s putting you in… an eternal nap if you know what I mean….
☽ Anger issues. Which often lead to those violent outbursts. It started with nap time, when some kids would refuse to sleep, he would enforce the rules. After many complaints of kids getting nightmares and some even disappearing mysteriously, Fazbear entertainment decided to just stop nap time all together.
☽ Clean freak. Probably worse than Sun tbh. He HAS to clean up. Seriously, why are kids so messy? He’s still gotta put them in time out but he HAS to make sure to clean up that tower that kid just knocked down or he’ll go CRAZY.
☽ If he sees Monty it’s on sight. They’ve had beef ever since he got in the way during one of his security patrols.
☽ No seriously, like imagine two animatronics with anger issues. It will not end well.
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☾☼ Ambivert, can be super social sometimes and super quiet the next.
☾☼ Soft spoken and very polite, he never interrupts when someone is speaking.
☾☼ He’s very attentive to his surroundings and extremely perceptive. If something’s wrong he’ll be the first to figure it out.
☾☼ Loves singing and he can actually sing, but he prefers slower melodies than those that the Glamrocks sing. Something in between a lullaby and a ballad.
☾☼ Hopeless romantic, his guilty pleasure is watching sappy romcoms. But shhh! Don’t tell anyone!
☾☼ He, like his other counterparts, also adores children. He’s great at handling both playtime and nap time. The perfect combination of both.
☾☼ He gets lonely. Like really lonely. He tries to be optimistic but the reality always crashes in late at night. It gets even worse after RUIN. The kids will eventually come back… right?
☾☼ He also has security protocols and can be extremely protective of those he deeply cares for, especially children.
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That’s it for them! The hyperfixation on FNAF is so real rn 😭
But I’m loving these requests!!
Thanks for reading~!
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affixjoy · 4 months
I’ve read a few fics lately with some great timey wimey premises so if that’s your jam you might also enjoy them!
If I missed your fav please share in the comments! I love this sort of thing and will always want to read more.
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Some Version Of You by @ncc1701ohno
Summary: Bones is stuck in a time loop and stuck in his room. With Jim. He's forced to admit how intense this thing between them has gotten, how much he feels for Jim, even as he's been falling in love with Spock.
Does what happens in a time loop stay in a time loop?
Thoughts: I’m a sucker for time loops and this is just such a great short look at it with academy era McKirk.
Highlights: the angst! The longing! THE END!
It Ends Or It Doesn’t by @muirmarie
Summary: McCoy dies, and Kirk breaks his hand on a wall. Kirk dies to save McCoy, and McCoy breaks his hand on Spock's face for not stopping him. Spock dies, and he doesn't have to see what happens next, because the day resets. The day keeps resetting. McCoy keeps dying.
Thoughts: these self sacrificing idiots just love each other so much and I love THEM!
Highlights: there’s a loop towards the end where they accept what is happening and it’s probably my favorite part of this fic.
Grief As A Four Dimensional Figure by @jennelikejennay (moreta1848)
Summary: "One might arguably say it is not fully logical to care whether I cannot return to Vulcan because it no longer exists or because it is separated from me permanently in five-dimensional space.”
“No, I think I get it,” said Jim. “Like, I haven’t gone back to the old house in Iowa in years, but I do like knowing it’s there. If my mom sold it and it got knocked down, it would make a difference to me.”
The ambassador nodded. “Likewise, even in four-dimensional space, we are separated from the things we have lost only by distance—by the fact that we cannot easily travel along the timeline.” He marked out a section of his timeline, then a dot further back in the bottom timeline—Jim’s timeline. “My marriage is here. I am here, in a different timeline and at a different time. But my marriage exists. It is a figure in four-dimensional space which will continue to exist, in that sense, eternally. So long as the timeline does not collapse, it is a permanent part of history. So although I do not have my spouse with me, I know that he existed. That somewhere, in a time and a dimension I cannot go, we are meeting for the first time. That somewhere, I am asleep in his arms.”
Thoughts: I rarely like aos as much as tos fics, but this one worked so so well for me.
Highlights: every reference to the one with the whales, all the feelings about Amanda, all of Spirk’s big feelings about each other.
Way From Within by @gunstreet and @justveeing
Summary: Jim and Spock are assigned together for a rescue mission, and in the exhilarating aftermath, their attraction to each other comes bubbling to the surface. But the next day Spock is surprisingly distant, and the rest of the morning starts to seem eerily familiar to Jim...
Written by gunstreet and illustrated by lorvee, this is a K/S timeloop story in the vein of Palm Springs or Groundhog Day.
Thoughts: pretty sure we all collectively lost our minds about this one when it came out a few months ago, but if you haven’t read it yet it is GREAT. All the fun time loop tropes I love with Kirk and Spock at the center.
Highlights: the art is so good! I love seeing these scenes illustrated!
Happy reading everyone! 🖖
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peachesofteal · 5 months
DARLING! i’ve seen you saying you’ve been listening to only lovers left alive soundtracks and me too! Now knowing that, I have to ask if you know any other movies or whatever media form that resembles the movie in a kind? I’ve been growing sick of listening to Hal by Yasmine Hamdan and spooky action at a distance. Love love love your work by the way, stunning pieces 💋
I’ve been hoarding this trying to put together a list for you, but I’m coming up a little short so here is what I have:
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night - “Iranian Vampire Western” that’s all I’m going to say about it except: it’s so fucking good and under appreciated.
Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai - Forest Whitaker in 1999, pigeons, guns. Crime drama but great vibe. Also Jim Jarmusch.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: you prob already know
Paterson - also Jim Jarmusch… and my fav, Adam Driver. Bus driver, poet. I see people say this movie had no point and I think they’re insane. I love it. I’m obsessive about it.
Crimson Peak - gothic horror (spoiler if you haven’t seen it: incest) love story. Recommending for the visual experience more than anything else.
Melancholia - run don’t walk. And then report back so I can gush over this with someone else. Two sisters. Sci fi. Not really the music vibe but 100% worth the watch.
My Blueberry Nights - Jude Law before he sucked. Beautiful soundtrack. Norah Jones in an acting role, blueberry pie.
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crowdemoninkinkyboots · 4 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "crowdemoninkinkyboots "?
before i give my fav fics, my username is in reference to sebastian because he’s a crow demon with kinky boots uvu
okay these are in no particular order but here’s my top 10 fics:
Shapeshifter by Honeythief
black butler, sebaciel
y’all this fic broke me. whoever suggested it owes me emotional compensation. but it also hurt so good. it’s in first person which may turn off some people but i promise it’s worth the read
Sanglier by vanroku
twisted wonderland, rookpel with a hint of jackpel
it’s painfully hard finding dead dove/whump content with my fav pomefiore boys, but this is absolutely perfect
Timeless Eternity by GammaRays
demon slayer, kibutan
y’all this fic is dark. but it’s so good. it kinda sparked my thing for captor/captive tropes, and tbh it’s probably my fav kny fic
actually i lied the next two are fics i commissioned i still absolutely adore (they’re also omegaverse lmao)
Knock Knock Little Bunny by mattysones
demon slayer, kibutan
i was so excited for this fic and it was worth the wait. omegaverse + whump is such a tasty combination for me and matty wrote it perfectly. best money i’ve spent.
Torridity by mcpoggy
demon slayer, kanaoi
mcpoggy is usually a giyutan writer and i’m probably going to add one of her other fics here but i absolutely adored how this fic came out. it’s so vanilla compared to the other fics listed but i love it. i need more omegaverse yuri in my life
When I Kissed The Teacher by mcpoggy
demon slayer, giyutan
this is like THE giyutan fic, and also my first bookmark on ao3. it’s also vanilla compared to most other fics on this list but giyutan does have an age gap. it’s super long but i’d alway recommend mcpoggy’s giyutan fics uvu
heads rolling for the one i adore by nyabatos
genshin impact, zhongven
ok i’m INCREDIBLY biased because the author is my best friend but she’s such an incredible writer. it’s also such an interesting au where venti sacrifices his freedom to zhongli to save mondstadt and the aftermath of that deal
The Fall of Mondstadt series by Probabri
genshin impact, kaeluc
whoops my bias is showing again bc i’m also friends with the author but this story awakened kinks in me i didn’t know i had oops
Spear Fishing by reallybadcontent
genshin impact, beidou/fem!reader
ahem. so. i’m not typically into reader pov fics but beidou is. beidou. and i’m a weak lesbian. and ngl i also imagined my oc instead. so. next fic
Dream A Little Dream of Me by BadBadz
black butler, sebaciel
ok i’m being biased again, since this was based off of a tumblr post i made, but i was so happy it inspired someone and it turned out great. of course my fav sebaciel fics have angst in them…it’s like i like hurting myself…
pls lmk if y’all have ever read any of these fics/ur thoughts! i’m sure u all noticed a trend lol
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - PAIN, all the pain you could want
except this is me, I don’t want it... whimper 
Dec 2022 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My School President (Fri YT) 2 of 10 - this show is gloriously ridiculous and charming and exactly my preferred kind of BL. Tinn has NO GAME, but man do I love a whipped boy. Anything that harkens this hard to Love Sick gets my vote. 
609 Bedtime Story (Fri WeTV) 3 of 11 - It is nice to see Ohm play a character with more animated facial expressions. I’m liking this show a great deal, but I am really not wild about time loops. Crazy to see Stud & Sam on screen together again. Holy Friend Zone flashbacks batman. 
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 5 of 12 - it continues to be great, I continue to worry about the fact that apparently only Taiwanese BL considers therapy a viable option for boys who actually, ya know, NEED it. WATCH ALONG HERE.
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) 11 of 12 - More nothing is happening, but the nothing is shirtless again, so I’m good. 
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 9 of 12 - Well, the sweet little BL with Gun & Golf is great. Bummer they only take up 20% of screen time. Golf’s parents are the best. That’s all I got. 
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) 4 of 12 - it’s boring, what can I say? 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai 
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Viki) 10 of 12 - everything about this show is so stinking cute, even the crumbs are adorbs. So many smiley kisses! (my 2nd fav kiss, the 1st one being a crying kisses, I’m warped). Speaking of, is it just me or is the actor playing Alex 1000% hotter when he smiles? Please no Doom next week, Taiwan? Pretty please? 
Oh! My Assistant (Korea Thurs Viki) 3-4 of 8 - Amusingly, I’m referring to it as OhMyAss in my notes. I do love this one, it has such a Japanese feel to it. The episode titles alone are hilarious. Plus, kisses already? Korea? What’s going on? Meanwhile, this is my favorite bisexual awakening in cinematic history. It made me incandescently happy. 
Happy Ending Romance (Korea Thurs Gaga & Viki) 5-6 of 8 - Look, I can watch Leo be pensive & moody until the cows come home (and have in half of Vixx’s MVs*) but it is getting a little tiresome here. PLUS: this is a KBL they don’t have a lot of time to waste even on his level of evil beauty. I think this would have worked better as a romance if the Writer had known the Editor in (at least) a friendly way in the past/at school as well - so there was more established dynamic to their instant affection and shacking up. Apart from my qualms around the romance thread, the plot is actually pretty good. It’s very angsty and tense for something so simple, which suits this length of show. *I guess what I am saying is if Korea ever did a remake of KinnPorsche, Leo MUST play Vegas.
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry Tues YT) 10 of 11 - Pain. Argh. It was cruel to send them back, to all of us. Is there an ep 11, or is that a BTS and this was the end? In which case... in Strongberry I no longer trust. I guess we find out next week how shaken my faith is. 
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Thurs Gaga & Viki) 8fin -Fortunately I have no faith at all in Japan, I expect pain from them. So here’s your final review of this one: 
Smart boy in love with zombie incubus, keeps him alive with sex. Japan, king of thirst, gives us both that and PAIN: these 2 are drowning in yearning and loss. Careful with this one - you break it, you bought it, and it'll break you... wide open just to see what color your guts are. After watching, you too might be walking around alone, forgotten, and wondering why no one understands your loss. Not only does it not end happily, it ends hopelessly. That’s an automatic 2/10 from me. No exceptions and NOT RECOMMENDED.
Sure, it may actually be brilliant, but it hurt me and I’m mad about it. 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y (Thai Gaga) 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
2 Moons 3 (Thai Mon ??) 10 eps - Possibly a future binge watch. Rumor is it’s banal.
Love Bill  (Vietnam Sat YT) - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising stuff going on. I’ll wait and binge.
The Star Always Follow You (Vietnam YT) - same Team RL peeps we have seen before (Sunshine, Stupid)
Till the World Ends (Thai YT) 10 eps - ?
Why You... Y Me? (Thai Weds YT) 10 eps - It's not primarily a BL, but another meta show about BL shipping, with side BLs. @heretherebedork is watching it, ask them about it.
Here’s that rumor, by the way. 
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I refuse to believe it. GMMTV is simply forbidden to do pain, it’s not their brand and I’ll be very mad if they do. 
In Case You Missed It
Semantic Error movie (Viki) the repackage did have some nice added footage but I wasn’t wild about some of the new scene cut choices. Still, not substantial enough changes for me to deeply lean one way or the other. I prefer the original but that might just be because that’s how I consumed it first. *shrug* 
GAP the series (Sat YT) is a classic office set romance. WATCH IT! It’s GL and this studio needs our support! I’m enjoying it but not chronicling my journey. (Also, the stairs are back.)
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting December 2022: 
Dec 13 - Never Let Me Go from Thailand, GMMTV’s YT, 10 eps -  GMMTV’s answer to KinnPorsche this is a mafia, attack dog (whipping boy + bodyguard) suspense BL. I’m delighted to see Pond Phuwin get a crack at something that’s not FUTS. Jojo (3 Will Be Free) is directing, so we know the action parts should be decent.
Dec 15 - The Director Who Buys Me Dinner from Korea, iQIYI - A new production house employee whose director (absolutely perfect in every way except that he seems to have lost his mind) claims to have lived 3 lives and insists that they have to date if they don't want to die.
Dec 16 - Candy Color Paradox AKA Ameiro Paradox from Japan, Gaga, 8 eps - A stakeout throws Onoe, a reporter, together with photographer Kaburagi. Kaburagi's haphazard work style goes against Onoe's ethics. Yet, in joint pursuit of a scandal, the two move from enemies to lovers. Adapted from manga Ameiro Paradox by Natsume Isaku.
Dec 21 - The New Employee AKA The New Recruit AKA Shinib Sawo from Korea, (prob Gaga or Viki) - From WATCHA (Semantic Error) virginal Seung Hyun scores the office internship of his dreams but on his first day at work he gets into it with his cool reserved boss. As you do. Stars Moon Ji Yong (Once Again). Based on Moscareto's web novel of the same name, directed by openly gay & queer activist Kim Jho Gwang Soo (Just Friends?). 
Dec 28 - H5: Love in the Future from Taiwan (prob Gaga or Viki) - A cheerful and energetic student from 2000 travels to the future (2022), works as a deliveryman, and meets his first customer, an heir with a domineering personality. Directed by Nancy Chen (HIStory 4, Papa & Daddy).
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Between Us
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I love him, your honor. (Ai Long Nhai) 
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I catching another bad case of side dish addiction syndrome (GameVee in 609 Bedtime Story) 
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We stan a dorky wingman with an imaginary umbrella trope. (My School Pres) 
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(last week) 
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landoncrris · 2 years
So I’ve been sent here to ask about imagine your first kiss with mason….
since i thought about this all day i’m just gonna write something short about it, hope you don’t mind but this is my fav thing to imagine so,,, 😄 also sorry if there are mistakes, this isn’t proofread :)
“Thank you for driving me home,” you said, unbuckling the seatbelt as you came to a halt in front of your house. Mason, who you spent the last few hours with on your second date, luckily drove you home, as he wasn’t able to drink alcohol during your dinner anyways.
“I really had a great time.” you added, looking over to what you thought had to be the dream of a man. Of course you had only been on two dates now, but he seemed more than perfect, everything you wanted really. He catched your eye at your words, smiling while trying to hide the blush on his cheeks, as he felt the exact same way about you.
“Me too.” he nodded, before turning the engine off and getting out of the car. Whereupon you picked up your purse that was laying on his backseat, but before you could open the cardoor yourself, Mason had already opened it for you. To which you mumbled a small “thank you”, once again thinking that he has to be too good to be true.
You had walked to short path to your front door, before you both came to a halt. A silence falling over you as you both searched for the right words to end the evening with. “So, did you enjoy it enough to say yes to a third date?” he asked sheepishly, scratching his jaw as he did. His question causing you to shrug with a teasing smile on your face.
“Did you enjoy it enough to ask me on a third date?” you asked him back, to which he laughed nervously, but quickly nodded. His eyes landed on your face, where they immediately went to your lips, as he had thought about kissing you the whole evening. But he didn’t want to cross a line, so he planned on waiting until you initiated it, which was harder than expected. As he felt like they were drawing him closer, even now, as he subconsciously took a step closer to you. Before he realized it and looked back into your eyes.
“I definitely did.”
“Then I suppose I’d say yes.” you said, causing an endearing smile to make it’s way on his face. His eyes were still looking back and forth between your eyes and your lips, even though he tried his hardest not to. He parted his own lips, taking a deep breath as he prepared himself to say goodbye, but he couldn’t bring himself to just yet. And when he looked back into your eyes and saw them staring at his lips too, before you quickly looked away with a shy smile, he knew he was done for.
“Can I kiss you?” he breathed out, but immediately feeling awkward over it. But he also knew that he wouldn’t have to regret it when your smile only widened at his question. Just from the thought of it, your mind felt fogged, so all you could do is nod. Your eyes staring into his brown ones as he slowly moved closer to you. It felt like an eternity until his hand finally cupped your cheek, thumb softly brushing over your cheekbone. And when you glanced back down at his lips, seeing his tongue darting out to wet them, he quickly closed the gap.
His lips slowly but precisely moved on top of yours, and you never felt like you had such a good first kiss with someone before. It just felt like it was right. His lips felt perfectly soft against yours, and although it was nothing but sweet, it made your skin feel like it’s burning and goosebumps errupt everywhere. You were both out of breath quickly, causing him to pull away after what you felt like wasn’t long enough. As you were already craving the second your lips would connect with his again.
“Good night, Y/N.” he said, looking at you with adoration in his eyes. He uses the hand that was on your cheek to put some of your hair behind your ear, loving how it showed just that little bit more of your face.
“Night, Mason.” you wished he wouldn’t just go yet, but you both had to be up early tomorrow so you knew he had to leave sooner or later anyways. He leaned forward once more, but pressing a soft kiss against your cheek instead, before he went back over to his car. At which you searched for your keys in your purse, unlocking the door once you found them, and stepping inside of your house. Turning around before you closed the door, you saw him just about to sit down behind the steering wheel again.
When you closed the door, you leaned against it with your back, your heart still pounding hart in your chest. Immediately, a smile broke out on your face, as you closed your eyes, thinking about how his lips felt on yours. And it was then, that you were convinced you have never been happier in your life, as everything just felt right. But you snapped out of your bubble when you felt someone knock at the door, which you figured had to be Mason, maybe giving you something that you had forgotten in his car.
“Just one more kiss please.” was all he said as soon as you opened the door, to which you laughed confused. But it was interrupted by his lips on yours, moving more desperate this time. As he too, didn’t want it to end just yet, already feeling addicted to kissing you. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your fingers sliding into the soft strands of hair on the sides, making him hum. After a while he pulled back again, but still letting his forehead rest against yours.
“Okay, I think I’m ready to leave now.” he breathed, to which you pecked his lips one last time, before your arms fell back to your sides. “Okay.” you nodded, and you could see that he was still hesitant to leave. But he himself knew he had to at some point. So he said another bye, waiting for you to say it back, and then walking a few steps backwards as he wanted to took in your sight for a few more seconds. Before he turned around right as he reached his car. You also then closed the door again, now feeling even happier than before, even though you didn’t know that that was even possible.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Favourite One Piece openings and/or just songs in general?
You can't ask this to a music student and guitarist/singer! I can't choose! there are too many good songs in this anime-
Sogeki no Shima deeee. Umareta Ore waaa. Hyaappaaatsu Hyaku Chu. Lulu Lala Luuuuuu. Nezumi no Medama mo (Lock on!!) Omae no Haato mo (LOCK OOOON!!!) SOOOGEKI NO SHIMA KARA KITA OTOKOOOO LULULU LULU LALAAA SOOOOREEEENIIIGEEEEROOO Sogege Soge Soge SOOGEEEKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING
Okay, no, jokes aside (it isn't a joke. I genuinely ADORE Sogeking's theme) my true rankings (No. I'm not writing essays about them. This post would be too long. If you're curious about my genuine long opinions about a song, send an ask bc otherwise this post will be too long):
Crazy Rainbow (this is the song I want all of you to think about when you think about me because it's MY song. I LOVE IT. It's me. It talks about me, actually. I am crazy and I'm a rainbow and a star. Twinkle twinkle rainbow star!!! I heard it once and it became my favorite ever. It's my alarm. I wake up with this banger every day. My friends hate me for this take but honestly, they're the ones who don't appreciate a good set of trumpets and guitars with tropical imagery as background).
Hope (The chorus is WILD. The visuals are so comforting it makes me cry every time. This is the energy I want all of my fanfics to have. It's the representation of my writing turned into music, I think. These are the vibes I want. The lyrics??? Are fucking insane??? Also, Sanji-themed, and it hits close to home).
We go! (I don't need to explain this one, but I wanted to mention that the way he screams BRRREAK OF ROMANCE DAWWWWN rewired my brain completely and that lyric appears on my mind every damn day)
Brand New World (The energy this song has makes me literally want to scream in the happiest of ways. The chorus, man, it's insane).
Hikari E (The Catalan Dub makes it better. I'm staying loyal to my native language this time. This is fucking amazing in Catalan. The lyrics are so fucking good they make me want to cry. It's very dear to me, too).
The peak (Really cute! Fun! Such a relief opening to end Wano <3 It's just beautiful visually and stunning. But also it has such peaceful and joyful vibes!! My beloved).
Kokoro No Chizu (This one is awesome. I love everything about it. My fav thing about it is my reaction to watching OP with full screen for the first time. Really fun experience of 'what the fuck is this and also THIS SONG IS A BANGER??')
Bon Voyage (Also my alarm because no other thing besides BON VOYAAAGE being yelled against my ear wakes me up in a better mood. Also, really fun opening. The chorus are basically the best part, ofc, for obvious reasons).
Believe (Once again saying this one hits different in the Catalan Dub. The lyrics are beautiful but also it gives sooo many 2000s opening vibes. I enjoy this song every time)
Raise (I am not explaining this one because I think it's obvious why it deserves top 1)
Run! Run! Run! (Who the fuck is focusing on the song when Sanji being silly is right there???!?!??! Fun fact, I had a whole ass moment when I saw this ending for the first time and I had to take a break from watching the show because I went on a full crazy spiral of 'Sanjisanjisannijssnaisanjisanjisansajisanjisanji'. But also, really great song and it makes my brain go brrrrr).
Dear Friends (This one makes me want to k word myself so I think that's a very good way to express how fucking good this ending is and how much it hurts me every time)
Eternal Pose (I am vibing. I like vibing. It's the vibes only).
Free Will (I want to hug Robin so tight. This one makes me so emotional. I am in so much pain, please).
(Not even a top 10, this was supposed to be a top 5 but I couldn't leave Free Will behind).
Character songs (with little to no explanation because I work tomorrow and I have to go to sleep but I want to post this now):
River of Freedom (I want to fuck Sabo nasty after hearing this and I am so not ashamed of posting this publicly. My thoughts aren't in the bible).
Dr. Heart Stealer (I want to fuck this man to oblivion and I am a lesbian and asexual. Imagine how hot you have to be for this to happen).
47 Todoufuken Gen Ima Cruise (Yakko Warner would love this).
Hajimari to Owari no Machi (They put drugs in this one).
Girls ni Kubittake (I like submissive Sanji).
Smile for Freedom (I kin Nami)
Save My Heart (The depression of some is the fav song of others)
Headliners (Kidlaw sex)
Usopp Drop (I am in love with Usopp)
Moulin Rouge (I am in love with Sanji)
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