#i literally haven't had time for my hobbies 😅
teetorini · 1 month
Dude, raising a puppy is a full-time job oml. I remember this differently the last time I adopted 9 years ago. I've given him the nickname Gluestick because he doesn't know how to function if I'm not within tripping distance.
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ladymirdan · 1 year
I've had such an amazing day today.
I guess there is no secret that my interest in 40k has waned slightly recently.
I feel I get less and less comments on my posts/fics/art, despite getting a lot more followers (and with that, a lot more unhinged hate DMs) Ive started to feel like the hobby had lost that spark for me.
I've been into Warhammer for a loooong time.
I first got into the hobby (WH Fantasy) in 2003 and I was immediately hooked. I was blown away by how cool the worldbuilding was, but more importantly how friendly the community was.
My FLGS let me, a broke-ass student, sit and paint my army in store for literal hours on end. Always so happy to see me, despite me hardly ever buying anything. And let me tell you, I was a shy and awkward kid, and they always remembered my name and made me feel so welcome.
I haven't really engaged with Warhammer online until about a year and a half ago when I created my ao3 account. At first it seemed just as friendly as my offline experiences. But recently? I feel like I'm either ignored whenever I comment or try to interact with the community or worse, get told I suck or should go kill myself.
So I just felt it was time to maybe leave, (but I admit, the sunk cost makes it difficult) The only thing I really looked forward to was the minipainting classes I take once a week.
But today I got that magick feeling back. And remembered how much I love this hobby.
I went to my local GW for the new 10th edition 40k release. I’m a time pessimist as usual and arrived 1,5h early 😅 and found out there was only one other guy in line before me, but rather soon a bunch of other people showed up.
Everyone was sooo excited to be there and I made a bunch of new friends in line.
Then I got in and ordered my box (and I also managed to snag the special edition signed book that is a tie in with the box! That felt so much fun, I have never managed to get one of those before despite really trying).
I also got some of the new Death Guard Space Marine Heroes packs. A kid behind me in the queue also got some because he wanted a specific hero (that he unfortunately didn't get) I suggested I open my packs and see if I got one and then we could trade. I did get that model, and he was so excited and thankful, it really made my day since I didnt care that much for that particular model, but to him it was everything.
Everyone in the store was so hyped, and the mood was so great I didn't want to leave, so when I overheard some of the guys I hung out with in line ask if there was a mini of the month they could build, I tagged along.
The store staff was as amazing as always and brought out not only the mini of the month, but also three other models they still had in stock from previous months.
So I ended up building 4 minis in the store along with a bunch of other people.
I met a really nice couple that was pretty new to the hobby and they asked if I was excited for the new box because half of it was Ultramarines (I told them I love the Ultra boys, big chock 😅) but I explained that there was nothing Ultramarine specific in the box and one could paint them as any chapter they wanted.
And boy, they were amazed! They had no idea that all space marines are generic models and they were so curious about other chapters and I tried to explain that there was a chapter for pretty much anything and any colour.
The girl ended up really liking the Soul Drinkers and the guy was on the fence between Blood Angels and sticking to Ultramarines :D
So my advice to anyone else that feels like the hobby is toxic, or is tired of the “my army is soo much cooler then yours/everyone who likes this sucks”, please join the real world.
This hobby is soo amazing, and it is filled with so many happy, passionate people, all loving this weird little hobby.
Over 20+ years, a dozen or more game stores/clubs; I have never had a bad IRL experience with Warhammer. I really wish I could say the same thing about the online experience.
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berisims · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Suprisingly, a bunch of moots tagged me to participate in this little game while I was gone and I couldn't be happier!
Thank you so much @s4sharkteeth , @ezra-trait , @igotsnothing , @salemsimss , @adoringsentiment , @lilamausmaus , @alpine-lapine , @itsmariejanel and @red-simulation. I love these things!
are you named after anyone? Not that I know of? I think my parents just wanted me to have an uncommon name back then. There are plenty of Vanessas where I live at the moment though 😅
when was the last time you cried? Two days ago. I was watching "The Whale" and ended up gross sobbing towards the end.
do you have kids? Nope. And I don't think I ever will.
do you use sarcasm a lot? Sometimes. I wouldn't say a lot though. To be honest it depends on how moody I am.
what sports do you play/have you played? I used to do Gymnastics and Swimming when I was a kid, then I moved and had to quit. I also practiced Karate, Fencing and took dancing classes in my teens. Right now, I don't do any sports, but I still hit the gym quite frequently.
what’s the first thing you notice about other people? I'd say the way they carry themselves. Maybe their tone of speech as well? While I don't like to judge when meeting someone new, there are a couple of actions and mannerisms that just sound the alarms in my head.
eye colour? Greyish blue. Fun fact, they're actually quite rare in my family, with two more relatives having them currently.
scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies all the way! Scary anything, to be honest.
any special talents? I wouldn't exactly consider it a talent, but I can bend the tip of my thumbs (so first knuckle up) all the way back. I literally can't 👍 without them bending back a little bit more than the average person and freaking my friends out.
where were you born? Lisbon, Portugal!
what are your hobbies? Cosplay, gaming, writing and reading.
do you have any pets? Yes! A 14 year old dog named Kiro and a 2 year old cockatiel named Venti. I also have a few Guppies in a nicely sized fish tank.
how tall are you? 164cm (5'4'')
fave subject in school? Any language subject, psychology and history!
dream job? It took me a while to figure it out, but I'd absolutely love to be an Exotic Vet! Currently studying to become one! In the meantime, I work for a social media platform I quickly grew to absolutely despise 🙃
Tagging @hamasutaa , @simarcana and @trappedwell if you haven't done it yet. If you have or don't feel like done it feel free to ignore this!
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creative-soul-22 · 11 months
15 questions, 15 mutuals
@moon-arts02 had this on her blog and I wanted to do it, too so here we go...
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes. My paternal Grandmother. Just like 2 of my female cousins. I'm not kidding.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I actually don't cry a lot. I mean of course I sometimes tear up when a movie or a song really touches me deep inside (it's still new to me since this didn't happen in my earlier days) but actually crying? Like lying in bed crying a river? I don't remember.
I think it was in September when I was at Disneyland Paris. Seeing the Disney D-Light and the Disney Illumination show for the first time was so beautiful I got overwhelmed and cried like a fool. Just because it was so beautiful.
3. Do you have kids?
No. And I don't want to have kids. All that Relationship/family stuff is scary to me as I'm afraid I might screw it up. I'm not good at these things.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Well, I haven't thought about it yet. Do I? I don't use it like all the time but whenever I feel like it or when I'm really pissed off by somebody. I think that's when my sarcasm gets me. When I'm pissed.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
- running to the train station to catch the train
- running to the tram station to catch the tram
- walking up and down the stairs in the library
- stretching as far as I can to reach the top shelf
- walking up and down the library ladder
- walking around the library in general
- lifting big heavy books on my head
- try to keep the books on the shelf from falling with one hand while putting another book on the shelf with the other hand
- walking from one corner in my office to another
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I don't know. With every person it's something different. I like to look at people as a whole, their overall appearance, not just their eyes or their hair, etc. I literally look at people from top to bottom. And the first thing I notice is possibly something remarkable. But what I always look at first is their faces so I guess that's what I notice first.
7. What's your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I'm a DISNEY GIRL so ALWAYS AND FOREVER happy endings!😅
No, just kidding. I don't really like scary movies because they are - SPOILER! - scary and I have way to much fantasy and imagination to not be scared after a scary movie. Although during my last holiday I wanted to watch scary movies and watched almost all of the Conjuring Universe movies and wasn't scared. Don't know what was wrong with me that made wanna watch them but I have to admit it was pretty inspiring. Guess I had a little 1 week dark phase 😅
So I lean more to happy endings. But you know what's better than happy endings? Happy lives. Happy beginnings.
9. Any special talents?
Writing. Reading. Acting. Editing. Designing. Probably dancing?
Are these special talents?
But I'm not like a sword swallower, if that's what you mean.
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing. Reading. Editing. Dancing. Watching movies and TV-shows. Going to the cinema. Simping on stuff I love. Talking to people I like about things I like.
12. Do you have pets?
No. My father used to have a dog in Sicily called Baronetto. That's the closest I ever got to having pet (my father is Sicillian btw).
13. How tall are you?
1,50m in the tallest, I guess?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Oh, I LOVED my music classes in 8th/9th grade! My ex music teacher is so adorable and lovely and we're still in touch meeting from time to time. We just have tea and cookies then and talk about this and that. And we both relie on those conversations.
15. Dream job?
Author or actress, of course!
But I already found a very good job in a library. And I already live out my dreams so I don't necessarily have to be an author or an actress to make them come true.
But then again I'm still young so who knows? What is not yet can always come (or however the saying goes).
So, who's up next?
Feel free to do it when you want!
@moon-arts02 Wanna do a Melissa McCarthy/Ursula/Sookie version?
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salemssimblr · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Thank you for the tag @ethelgodehel!
Are you named after anyone?
No, my parents chose between Ashley & Amber so I guess they perused the As in the baby book and got bored 😅 I'm getting married next month though and in the process of changing my surname I'll be changing my first to either Ash or Ashe, I haven't decided which yet.
When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh, a few weeks ago? Depression is a bitch
Do you have kids?
I do not and I don't want them.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Too often lmao it's my love language. And also my regular language. And also a hobby.
What sports do you play/have you played?
No mainstream sports, but I was in marching band in high school and let me tell you it counts.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Idk, their eyes I think? Or how they talk? Or their general demeanor? Definitely not their name I'm terrible at remembering names I forget immediately.
Eye colour?
Brown (:
Scary movies or happy endings?
Both! Obviously not at the same time. But everything has its place and time and I can appreciate both.
Any special talents?
Uhhh, art I guess.
Where were you born?
A little town called Marrero, south of New Orleans, Louisiana.
What are your hobbies?
Writing, digital art, music, etc.
Do you have any pets?
Yes! A sweet lil doggo named Loki Lou
How tall are you?
My license says 5'2" but that's bullshit. 5'0". I'd have been 4'11" but I had corrective surgery for my scoliosis at 12 and gained 2" (:
Fave subject in school?
I was/am an English girlie. It was my fave subject throughout school, and in my senior AP class especially. We were a small class of 11 students and shirked the normal lesson plans in favor of more fun things, like acting out Macbeth in the school's auditorium instead of just reading it in the classroom. The teacher also brought in a coffee pot for us (on my request) so we had fresh brewed coffee every day.
Dream job?
An author, that would be ideal. I've got a lot of ideas rolling around in my brain but haven't been brave enough to put them to paper (screen?) yet despite having a literal bachelor's degree in writing. One day I'll be less afraid of failure enough to actually try. 😢 If not an author, I'd be more than happy just to work in a publishing role of some kind. (:
I'm tagging @olya-occult-lover, @m0n0lithical, @druidberries, @lucidicer, @reality-refuge, @0-nouke-0, @saltyrunawaysalad, @simlishpiadina, @buttertrait, @cozyacres, @nata1997, @slfj-creative, @isthisdesire98, @helltrait, & @gothoffspring (sorry if yall have done it already!)
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littlelasagne · 10 months
Hi!!! I was curious about your editor job. When did you get into it? Did you do other kinds of work before it? What do you do every day in terms of tasks? What about fulfillment? Is it mentally stimulating? Do you think you get compensated fairly? How’d you develop your skills throughout the years, like were you always good at the tasks associated with being an editor? And maybe work-life balance? These are just example questions, literally anything you wanna say about it sounds perfect! From the way you talk about it in answers, it seems like you enjoy it quite a bit, and I wanted to learn more about it! I find hearing about this kind of stuff really interesting. Coming from a stressed 2nd year uni student who doesn’t know what to do with their life and likes hearing from people that have been post-grad for a while already :,)
Long answer below 🤓
I know how you feel, I was totally lost and clueless during my 2nd year. All I knew is that I didn't want to go into teaching. 😅 I got into publishing about a year after I finished my masters in English literature. After I finished at uni, I was volunteering and working in the charity sector with refugees/asylum seekers and was happy pursuing that. On the side, I worked as a freelance editor using the skills I gained during uni. A entry level editorial job came up at a local kids' publisher writing and editing and I managed to get the job! Since then I've worked in two other kids' publishers.
It's a lottttt of work but it's a lot of genuine fun. There are times when I think, wow I get to read this cool story and suggest all these edits, and other times when I hate my life. I love working in children's books - I get to work with different genres as opposed to working at say, an adult publisher that does solely fantasy. In my current role, I work on structural and line edits of middle grade and YA books. In previous jobs I also did copy editing and proofreading.
I have to read A LOT. Constant submissions from authors and agents. While it is fun and I'm so happy to do this for a living, it is mentally taxing like any job. It's one of those jobs that turns a hobby into work 😭. A lot of reading has to happen at home too, my current job has a bit of a poor work-life balance. But it is sadly part of an editor's life and expected from time to time.
Working with authors is a highly fulfilling job. Editors don't get a lot of credit or recognition, but every book you buy has had an editor behind it. Some books may require a ton of rewriting and reworking, all thanks to an editor helping the author and guiding them. It's so satisfying to have a book you edited published - seeing it go from a word doc to a printed book on a shelf. I will say, it's not a high paying industry 😅 but I can't see myself leaving it in the near future.
It's hard to say how I developed my skills for it. Editing can be subjective, and can depend on experience. I've not had any formal editing training, just my degrees in English and a handful of years experience. Reading widely and being able to understand plotting and logical thinking/problem solving is really useful. My manager has been editing for 25 years, and she instantly knows what needs fixing in a first draft. It takes me some time to think things through 😅 I still have a tonne to learn but I'm getting there!
Are you interested in publishing? I don't know what you're studying or where you live, but deffo make use of your uni's career services if you haven't already!! Or even just talking to your tutors for advice. I did, and managed to get interviews to various jobs and advice on grad schemes (even tho I didn't want to do them) that helped me feel a semblance of control lol. There's so many options out there that you may not know about, and you may end up somewhere you never dreamed of, like I did. 😊 You'll be fine!!!
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ener-chi · 2 years
Life update
TL;DR Masters Reiki Attunement and life update
Hoo boy. Where to even begin. It's been a month and a half since I got my masters attunement. I literally cannot believe that. I'm like a completely different person now lol
Bit of background for this. In Reiki, there are 3 attunement levels. Each level raises your vibration, and anything below that vibration has to either change or fall away. (You can learn more about Reiki here!)
This leads to some major detoxing in your life. The first level is typically associated with physical and diet changes. The second level is typically associated with mental and emotional changes and healing.
The third reiki attunement - also called the Master's Attunement - is healing and changes on the spiritual level, which can manifest in a variety of different ways. But it's said that the master attunement is the big one, and is typically accompanied by some big life and career changes.
Welp. The first few days after my attunement, my entire body was on fire. It literally felt like I was on fire from the inside. Kind of like a purifying burning. But it was VERY intense. And the first few days I was very lightheaded and just spacey. I literally put every grounding stone I owned in a bag and carried it with me.
The other thing I immediately noticed is that I can no longer suppress any thoughts or emotions. The first few days, I had some stuffed-down anger and feelings towards my roommate come boiling up, and it happened with a few other things too. Now, I can't even try to stuff something down - it immediately comes right back up, and I have to process it immediately. It's a good thing, but man is it hard.
I also became even more sensitive to energy. I didn't think this was possible lmao. It's actually been a bit of a headache, at least initially, cuz now I'm def at the point where I am feeling everything and am having a hard time not taking it on myself; my old shielding and stuff don't work, either.
Also, I developed a new ability. I started seeing Energy Trails. Like... I can go into a room and tune into the energy, and I can see trails of energy that people walking through it have made. I see like... a little memory of them making it, where they've been, what they've been doing. I also can feel their energy at that time and see their aura too - what it looks like, how it feels, etc.
Obviously, crowded spaces are even more of a no-no for me now. So much energy and so many trails 😅 I'm grateful that I get to sage cleanse as part of my job at work. It is soo soothing being able to see and feel all of those energy remnants dissipate.
Speaking of work. I have been planning on staying at my job for another year or two. And I love my job. But as soon as I got my attunement... it was like a switch flipped.
Suddenly, being at work was very painful. I didn't want to be there, and I had a vision about how my time there was done - I had grown all that I needed to, but there was no more growing to be done, and it was time to move on.
I fought the feeling for a while, but with no avail. I finally put my notice in. This was a while back, but actually my last day is this upcoming week.
At the same time, I had a few other things happen. Mainly, I got a huge surge in momentum in a few side projects of mine. One is my paid services - I was finally able to launch that, and it's been going pretty good! Y'all just haven't been seeing them because most of the people prefer to have them done privately, which is fine.
The other thing I've done is that I'm starting my own photography business! It's been a hobby of mine for a few years now, and I've been doing it for my work for about a year now. I was getting a lot of pings from the Universe pushing me in this direction, and I actually have some momentum built up already and some people already willing to pay. It's been stressful but also VERY exciting.
At one point, there was also a time where my living sitch was thrown into question, due to some drama that doesn't need to be delved into.
But I had this moment where I realized... I was scared. So much change so fast... that can be scary. And I had so many unknowns... what to do for work, financials, living situation... I had been kinda sweeping those feelings under the rug, but ofc they came boiling up.
But realizing that - that I was scared - was also kind of freeing, in a way. Yes, I was scared. And still kinda am, honestly. I don't have the answers. I don't know what's gonna happen - and that's scary. But also... realizing I don't know what's gonna happen freed me from trying to have that control. Now, I don't worry too much; it's out of my control, and I know that it will handle itself, and that good things are in the works.
Sooo yeah! That's been my life. They say that the Master's Attunement is like a rollercoaster that once you get on, you can't get off. I definitely feel this - and there have been a few times where I wanted to get off 😂😂 but it was worth it. I'm excited to start sharing this wonderful gift with people and attuning others, which will be happening soon, once we settle into Fall.
I was gonna talk about how I started working with Odinn, but this post has gone on long enough, so that will come another time.
I hope that everyone has a good night!
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pikatrainer99 · 4 days
(Tagged with the Trolls tag because of the GIF I used and the fact that it's the version Branch sings as the basis)
Just a random little thing I made out of the blue after seeing the clip of Branch singing Lean On Me, one of my favorite songs (This is me singing, I have NOT had any vocal training so don't expect perfection!)
I've said before on this blog that I sing as a hobby, and I'm really passionate about it, I actually have a YouTube channel where I post song covers and I'm hoping to do some Trolls songs soon! I made a little video using a GIF of Branch singing Lean On Me (I love this GIF okay?) and recorded myself singing the part he sings in the holiday special as well as finishing the chorus with no instrumentals or backing tracks, so I played around a bit with the way some things are sung (specifically "carry on") while trying to stay on key and in tempo. I'm really nervous about posting this here but I did want to share my singing here eventually, especially since I reentered the Trolls fandom, and this is literally like only 30 seconds long so I figured I could share this and try not to overthink this, it was literally done randomly this evening and in one take so...yeah 😅
I hope you like it, I haven't had proper vocal training or anything (though I'd like to one day), it's just a hobby...I also have allergies right now so if it sounds off at times, that's why 😅
(I'm still nervous about posting this, I don't get this nervous posting on YouTube so why am I literally shaking right now before I post this here...? 😅)
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reidsaurora · 8 months
This hangover was a bit rough, yeah. Made some rookie mistakes and bad decisions before and during the drinking, so I had to pay the price yesterday 😅 awe, I forgot that the drinking age at yours is higher and how strict people are about it. The legal drinking age for "soft" alcohol is 16 in Germany (like beer, wine and such) and 18 for everything else. And honestly, drinking alcohol is such a cultural thing here, it's kinda concerning. During the age 16/17 I met up with a certain group in a friend's garden most weekends during we had a BBQ and talked and listened and played drinking games. Until like, two years into the friendship I haven't seen some of them in a context where we were not meeting up to have a drink together, it was always this specific garden thing. But so much to my drinking experiences during my teenage years 😂
Oh boy, my dad told me the same when I told him about writing fanfic on the internet. I told him about my tumblr blog and such and he was like "why don't you set up something for donations?" And I never thought of anything like that. I've been reading fanfic since I'm 14 years old (started out on wattpad lmao), so it always was my little hobby. But I totally get it, setting up a venmo or ko-fi or so (venmo isn't a thing here really)
I hope you have a great start into the upcoming week <3
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tumblr hates me. literally why did i never get told this was in my box 💔
on the drinking thing though, it literally baffles me that america's legal drinking age is 21. like??? i can buy cigarettes at that age and vote for the leader of our country but i can't have a glass of wine at dinner?? completely baffled lol
on the other thing, i felt that so deeply lol. i also started on wattpad! i started reading there when i was like 12 or 13 and then i started posting my own fics on there when i was maybe 16 or so? but yeah, it's always felt like such a labor of love that i never even thought to open up donations. maybe eventually i'll start a ko-fi but for now, i think i'm content just giving my fics to all my lovely friends here for free 🫶🏻
as for me, i'm slowly but surely making it. i have a few medical procedures coming up within the next month but i'm surprisingly excited for those because it could possibly mean surgery to fix one of my skin flares 🙌🏻 but overall, i'm doing okay. i hope you're doing well! hopefully not hung over this time 😂❤️
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soft-jihoonie · 8 months
Hello! It's your secret Santa again 💝 I hope you’ve had a nice week and weekend? Can I ask about what you've been up to? And wow, I saw on your about page that you do songs and circus videos? I’d love to hear more about that! 💗 Are those your main hobbies/interests?
Oh, I can definitely see why you love Chanyeol then! ❣️ He’s such a happy pill, and a daring one too (which is very apparent in their variety shows, yes!) and I agree - he’s ridiculously talented and handsome as well 😖💘 I also discovered Exo through Call me baby! That song + Overdose had me gaping in awe, they were like nothing I’d ever seen before! ✨ Was Call me baby your first era then? I became an Exo-L in 2016 so my first era was the Monster era~
Ahh Yixing is such a sweetie, I understand why you fell for him too 💕 I gave my heart to Junmyeon right away, and even if the others (especially Kyungsoo) have been fighting him for the bias spot I have to say that it doesn't look like they'll succeed any time soon haha 💜
I’m glad I got it right! ✨ Did you get into Seventeen before or after Exo? And what do you like about Jihoon in particular? I’ve gotten the impression that they’re pretty amazing as well, but since they’re so many it’s been hard to find the courage and energy to actually get to know them haha 😅 but I’ll see if I can give it a try someday soon! Any tips on where to start? And do you have any favourite songs by them? (And by Exo?)
Me too! 🎨 And I also love vibes like that, so hopefully I’ll get that down at least 💓 Oh, don't worry, I don’t have any problem with drawing ships, but thank you for giving me multiple options - I’ll see what I can come up with!!
💫 ~I wish you all the best for this upcoming week~ 💫
Hey! So sorry for the late reply, I went on holiday for a week with my friends and the signal was so bad with barely any wifi, and then I came home and had to go back to work instantly!
I definitely need to update my page haha, I haven't done circus since i was like 21 (i'm 26 now) but it was a huge part of my life, I did it from the ages of like 12 - 21 and even moved to Tasmania at one point to work at a circus over there. Nowadays, I still sing a lot but haven't filmed any singing vids forever, I mostly just write fanfic as my main hobby at the moment haha, I have 3 jobs so it's kinda hard to find time for hobbies outside of consuming kpop content!
What about you? What are your hobbies?
I thought call me baby was my first era but I literally just realised yesterday that I also became an exo-l in 2016 so monster was my first era with them too! I was like obsessed with exo from the moment i saw them for the first time haha
I love Yixing so so much, I miss his interactions with exo so much all the time, he's the sweetest lil bean! Omg i love that you were able to stick with Junmyeon, he's the best! I pretty much never stick with the same bias that i have when i first discover a group, like i'll be bias wrecked and then the person who bias wrecked me will stay as my bias for good, like with seventeen i thought i was Joshua biased when i discovered seventeen and then Jihoon just whisked me away haha. OMG Kyungsoo at the moment needs to just stop, I can't handle it haha.
I got into seventeen after exo and was definitely more seventeen focused for a bit but I always came back to Exo! Jihoon is very introverted which I really relate to so I think that's what made me gravitate towards him, plus he's just really cute and soft whilst simultaneously being a huge grump and i just love those vibes haha. He's also super talented, like his singing voice is gorgeous and hes basically produced like all of seventeen's songs! I get that haha, I find that watching their reality showing going seventeen really helped with getting to know them! My favourite seventeen song is actually a song by just 3 of the members and ailee called Q&A, it's so good, i highly recommend checking it out! I love like so many exo songs but Unfair always seems to stick as my fave, i just love the vibe of it so much!
Amazing, i'm super excited to see what you come up with!
Hope you're well!
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lamps03 · 9 months
Typical Artist block and second thoughts on being an illustrator 🤔
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I hope everyone had a relaxing labor day,with their family & friends. Or just chilling at home by yourself,and that's okay. Sometimes we might need some alone time,and really need that peace & quiet. Also my labor day was a bit busy/I didn't have much time to relax. Like apparently I haven't sketch on paper since June,and holy moly my sketches came out horrible, crooked lines, swirls on my characters. Which I don't want to stay on digital art forever,even though it's much easier. But recently I wanted to just sketch on paper and color it afterwards. But it came out as if it was my first time drawing,darn artist block🤦🏻‍♂️😅.
Secondly I've had a few doubts on the whole illustrator being my job(it's not ). I mean I love art,it's cool that I can do fan art of my favorite shows,and cover art for my artist friends. But I just don't see it as a career,plus my dad said the same thing to me awhile back. Which I sort of agree with him now🤔,since he's the one the blue collar job. And I'm just a regular guy with a lot of hobbies,but I've always wanted a job that I really like. Unfortunately I'm not sure what it is but I'll find it🙌🏻.
Sidenote: I love supporting my fellow artists( music or art). Plus I will give you the respect and attention you'll need my dear friend. Just don't be weird or say your art is better🤨,since AI can literally do your 5hour art piece in seconds 🤖🫢😂.
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hongjoongscafe · 10 months
I am so freaking excited for the next bloody love update 😁 i hope you are doing well ..it is getting kinda hot these days and i have been having too much icecream and iced coffies lol i think i am gonna die ..but it is my guilty pleasure 😅 do you have any favorite flavour you love ? For me it is hard tp choose i can basically enjoy anything as long as it screams ICECREAM!! Get some sleep too incase you are not 🤧 cuz if i dont get 7 hrs of sleep , my body and mind cant function the same ..i look like walking dead 🙂🥲 with the whole dark circles and the concealer thingy ..so dont feel obliged to update ..update if you want to ..i just want to tell you that cuz i feel like it becomes more of a chore than a hobby or escape ..yk like authors just get too deep in this shit that they began to lose themselves and then it just feels burdensome and tiring for them to write ..i just want every writer to get inspired , be happy with whatever she is writing and provide content she wants to not bcz she feels obliged and is overworking herself /himself ☺️ if you are not doing this ,thats completely fine then but i wanted to let you know that you have readers who care about you and also see you as a human being, who is real and living her life not only some tumblr writer who writes dark fics ..❤️ i love your writings
-🧜‍♀️ anon
*Also about the detailed scene of dark lord jeon , i would kill for that please do write that ..dont blame me👁👄👁 even you cant deny that this scenario sounds so hot yet so creepy at the same time shoo
* i dont know if this whole shit is making any sense but english is not my first language SORRY!
Ahhh, really? I'm glad that you are excited🥹. It is getting too hot. Going to college is so horrible these days. I felt like I might pass out due to the horrible heat🥲. I bring my hand fan with me now. Ah, add more water to it as well! Stay hydrated. If it is ice cream, I LOVE chocolate (basic but I love it). And I'm not a big caffeine consumer. So, a nice homemade iced coffee (Indian domestic style) is just perfect😌. I think there are so many flavours to explore when it comes to ice cream, I'm all in for it!
I'm not gonna lie, my sleeping schedule is just so messy. I thought when my classes will start, it will be fine, but nooooo😭. Same girl🥺 I have started to use concealer as well. It's just too much at one time. I appreciate you looking out for me. I'm not gonna lie, these days I'm an emotional wreck. I haven't gotten anything done with fiction. I'm literally writing a line or two every day. You are so true! It does become a chore at one point. I had to step back for a while but now I realized that I do this for fun and I don't earn anything from this and I can delay it and write when I feel like it the most. Slow updates are now my thing. Writing definitely can be burdensome especially when you put in so much effort but the outcome is kinda not as expected. Now I keep my expectations low but readers like you make it much more amazing.
This brought tears to my eyes. I have been so emotional and questioning every single thing in my life. So seeing this ask just made it a whole lot better. I love that you understand that I have a real life and can't be separated from that.
Side note that no one asked: I now have a great friends circle. So, I like to give them some time as well! Anddd👀 my result for the second semester came in a few hours ago, I came third🥹!
Thank you so much, pretty anon! I love you so much 💓💓
Ahhh, I am writing that part. I wrote some of it, rest I will write it tomorrow. I hope you will like it. But you guys definitely have to wait for a week or something (I'm sorry about that🥺)
Girl! Stop! You just made my day. It was perfect! I really REALLY appreciate you. Thank you so much, anon! I hope you have a great day/night💓💓😘
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3, 9, 14, and 25 for the fic asks! (I hope none of those are repeats — I actually wrote down the ones I saw you answer already to try to be sure 😅)
aaaaa, thank you! :D :D :D (haven't answered these ones yet! *cracks knuckles*)
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? Oh man. This is a tough one. I think I'm probably proudest of Empty Vessel, because it's the first properly long story I've ever finished, but I am useless at picking favourites. Although out of the Barduil Month stories, I think Yesterday, A Hundred Years Ago and paint the sky and burn the stars are my favourites, and I'm very fond of a kiss in the cold and dark 'verse because it's letting me unearth all sorts of ridiculous teenage memories (and indulge my 'modern!Bard is a biker' agenda) :D And outside the Tolkien-'verse, Six Bottles of Wine was huge fun (2011 Three Musketeers) and I am very fond of we could be happy can't you see (That Thing You Do!) and oh god like literally everything else I've written, I love my stories, I really do. :D
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written! Sometimes. If I'm doing NaNo, or Writers' Month, or something like that then yes, otherwise, much as I'd love to, I just don't quite have the spoons at the moment. But I have done some writing today (instead of working, oops), and here's a bit:
He talked about them as he drew, telling Thranduil - or at least, his presence - about their personalities, their hobbies, what they liked and didn’t like to do, and he tried his best not to include the shadow of grief that covered all of them now, darkening their eyes, pulling back at their mouths every time they tried to smile. Thranduil said nothing, and as he put the finishing touches to his drawing of Tilda, Bard began to feel self-conscious, as though he’d been talking to himself all this time. “Are you still there?” he asked, almost despite himself, and after another long moment of silence, Thranduil’s voice sounded in the centre of his mind. “I am here,” he said after a moment, sounding impossibly sad. “Forgive me. It is only - I loved them as my own, so long ago, and I had almost forgotten their faces. I cannot remember their voices, the sound of their laughter -”
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick? Oooooh. I would LOVE to see Empty Vessel-'verse done with the movies' cast. :D :D :D
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing? Not as a general rule, but Never Forgotten made me rather wobbly. (on the other hand, The Last Watch, which directly precedes that one, didn't - probably because I'd been thinking it over for a long time by the time I actually got down to writing it)
Thank you so much for asking! <333333 Anyone else fancies asking me questions about fic, do feel free!
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donghyuckkies · 2 years
HIII Mars!! This is your anon from caratblr exchange! Thank you for your answer on last ask, and I totally get you, it's hard for me to choose too! I want all colors and all options 😿😅
I'm so glad to know that things are going better for you. And I hope you had a wonderful weekend and that this week that starts will be awesome too. 💜💜💜
and nowwwww i'm curious about... :) your bias, how did you know they were your bias? do you think they choose you or you choose them? what you have in common with them? 🍊🦖💜✨
Sending you hugs 🐣
sorry for the late reply, i kept getting distracted dslkfgjfdsg i was still pretty sick throughout the weekend but am doing much better now :) today is the second of my days off and i'm spending it working on my hobbies. i hope you're having a good week too!
now about my biases.....
lol ok so funny story for seungkwan: i had gotten into astro just months before getting into seventeen and was obsessed with moonbin at the time. with seventeen i first noticed woozi, hao, and vernon but none of them felt right as my bias. then moonbin posted some selfies of him riding bikes with seungkwan and that made me finally notice him lol been down bad ever since! so it wasn't exactly me or him "choosing" but rather moonbin assigning me a boosadan lmao i do very much have a type tho 💀 with dino: i literally had him at the bottom of my bias list for a long while but then.... he showed up with that damn mullet and lip ring in rwy mv..... the attacca press conference....... oof! starting paying attention to him from then on and haven't looked back 😔
as for things in common with boo: maybe the way we both enjoy teasing our loved ones but also will set up situations in which they can tease us back! teasing as a love language <3 and with dino: idk really???? i honestly can't think of anything but if anyone reads this and thinks we have smth in common pls let me know lol i'm curious
sorry this got long lmao would love to know who you bias tho! 👀 but if you're worried about giving me too much info you don't have say haha sending hugs back!!
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hiyee, Stormy! Since you are our resident Jkkpedia (hehe, but seriously you are), do you recall moments when JK or JM would remember something either one of them said/did that was not entirely momentous for the other members but seemed so for them? I got curious because I saw this vid (https://twitter.com/woobi_jung/status/1519272215912783873?s=20&t=pBLj1HqANJHF3Wjuy3lkJg), and there's a moment in the clip where JK already knew what JM would say even, and it seems like he is the only one who remembers it. It's also interesting that the concert happened 4 or 3 years back when their reactions were filmed. It also made me think that JK indeed always has his eyes on Jimin way back since he would remember things JM did or said that even JM may have already forgotten. Thank you for taking the time to read my ask. I am always excited to read your posts and replies :)
Watching BTS cringe so hard at their old selves will never fail to make me cry laughing. This clip of them watching Red Bullet every single time. The link here.
This is basically just an ask for JK being a Jiminopedia right? And Jimin being a Jungkookpedia? Lmao easy. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to fit all the times into one post! They know each other SO WELL
To start, JK ratting Jimin out on when he is lying or not during RUN lol
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His favorite number, his favorite/least favorite foods, his predebut accomplishments, how he enjoys spending his time, even the other members asking JK about Jimin at times lol
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Legit, you wanna know something about Jimin, ask JK. He knows more about Jimin then anyone else. Lmao
And literally a 2.5 minute long compilation of JK knowing Jimin better than Jimin knows himself lmao with some of them being even more moments that I haven't already put here 😅😂 from various times, 2014 till now
And Jimin is just as bad I swear. He flexes his JK knowledge on us just as much! Sharing JKs school time hair routine lmao
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His hobbies...
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Answering this or that questions FOR JK lol
His home habits and eating habits that half the time no one else has any clue about
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Jimin picking Jungkooks lips out of a randomized line up in 2 seconds flat while every other single member for every other pair of lips had to run and go stare at each members lips to try and compare too lol Rent Free that run episode. For real 😅😂
They way these 2 over share, but about EACH OTHER. They really do just click. Lol the vast amounts of knowledge. They truly know each other very very well 🥰🥰 thanks for the ask! I loved it a lot!
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noirapocalypto · 2 years
2H, 4H, 8H for you!
Thank you!! @freckledsweetpea 💕💕💕
From this astrology ask game.
2H ⇢ do you have any object that you like a little too much? what is it and why?
If I had to pick, it would be my mineral/rock collection. I haven't added anything new lately, but I'm very attached to them since it was one of the hobbies I started getting into and brought me out of my deep several year long depression I was in during my early-mid twenties.
If we're going with a single object though though, probably this tapestry poster of a Japenese wrestler I like that I got during my trip to Dallas. It was my first trip ever, and my first trip alone no-less, plus my first time on a plane. I also got to hang out with my two best friends whom I've been online friends with for 10+ years. So while I really like the poster a lot, it also reminds me of a lot of firsts I got to do. It was my first taste of being independant and branching out. It means a lot to me.
4H ⇢ which relatives are you the closest with?
None honestly 😂I don't have strong relationships with any of my relatives, aside from my parents and my sister. But if I had to pick, probably my aunt since I work with her and we became pretty good friends.
8H ⇢ what do you consider red flags in a relationship?
Putting this answer under a readmore, just in case 😅
TW: Manipulation?
Oof, a lot, actually. And it took me having to experience them for myself to consider them red flags. I had this long distance thing going with someone when I was around 23. It started out fine, he was super chill, very open minded, very sweet and funny. Then he just did a whole turn out and he turned out to be an religious zealot and close-minded conservative in the middle of our 'relationship'. So suddenly, everything that he claimed he was okay with about me was suddenly a problem.
My tattoos were a problem (he flipped his shit when he found out I was getting another one). My lack of religion was suddenly a problem (he kept pushing his religion onto me and pretty much implied that if he was going to be with me, I NEEDED to convert) and culturally, my identity became a problem too. He kept making jokes that he would just tell people I was part of his culture rather than Mexican, which is what I am.
Basically, he was embarrassed of everything that made me 'me', and only liked me because I looked how he wanted. It got to the point where literally all he talked about was my body and the only compliments he gave me was about my figure. He even got extremely upset when I told him to stop because it upset me and he did the "FINE I GUESS I WON'T COMPLIMENT YOU ANYMORE" bs.
Plus he pretty much did everything his parents wanted him to do, so there was clearly that. He kept me a secret because he knew his parents wouldn't approve of me.
A HUGE red flag that I learned over time is being threatened to be dumped until I give what they wanted. Which is what he did a lot. He kinda honed in on my abandonment issues and whenever I did or said something he disliked, he would threaten to leave me or cut contact with me (this was during a period of my life where I literally had no one else to talk to and I was extremely lonely) until I caved and apologized to him or just went along with what he wanted.
Another would be being told to hide parts of myself or being told to change to fit what they want.
I regret wasting those years with that individual, but at least I know what to look out for and what to avoid now.
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