#i like to associate him with pink.. i think he looks cute w it..
macs-doodles · 4 months
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happy birthday to this thing. he needs to go to a retirement home. rn. elderly creature. weird cat. vile.
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foosybit · 10 months
Mayoi in PriPara Outfits Part 1
this is a suuuuuper long post cuz i did 2 drawings for about 20 outfits????? so here's the best ones so u dont miss anything by not actually going thru them all o7
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but woooo !!! basically i've been on a long journey rewatching pripara very slowly so it's kinda seeping into my brain so i wanted to mess around with what outfits mayoi would go for if he went 2 pripara !! if u want a teal eyed version that also isnt split into parts, heres my pixiv post
last few things to say b4 i start, hello 3 pripara fans on my account, no boypara outfits cuz i didnt grow up with that (the last op i remember is the 6th one and i dont think im anywhere near that yet in my rewatch), honestly i have no clue if there's even proper boypara outfits??? i just know it exists idk anything about it, and if u see placeholders thats cuz i wanna keep the 3 image layout, thats the only reason why lol. and outfit descriptions will go below the art of the outfit. ok time 2 start !!!!!!
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Petit Devi from Holic Trick Classic !! this was the first one I did back on.... Janurary 2nd lol. I have yet to see Mayoi in a bright pink but u know what, my executive decision says he deserves it. hi 3 pripara fans on my account again, i should also say most of these (like this one) will be from the arcade stuff cuz i just picked stuff i liked from the wiki's coord list
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Sexy Girl from Holic Trick cuz Mayoi's the sexiest girl i know !! from now on all the coords will be from Holic Trick (an in-show brand) cuz 2bh w y'all i mostly just browsed Holic Trick for this whole series of drawings cuz im not going thru all those dam coords. although i've done 2 short skirts so far i do think mayoi'd like longer skirts more, but pripara likes short skirts more so so be it o7
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Gothic Check !! the grey shirt and black jacket is kinda giving fs2 4star vibes so this would be the fs2 4star if enstars were cool (wore pripara outfits)
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Modern Coffee Maid !! I was thinking of maybe changing the color but i liked the way the orange contrasts with the purple making it look kinda halloweeny :] I also have a personal bias towards brown i luv that color !! but ya if i had 2 say, he'd probably be a 3star if this were a set, kinda vaguely fits him but not enough to be under the spotlight imo
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Classic Trump !! Sophy actually wears this in the show and i think it's so cute i wonder how the other alka members would style the vest in their own way (im 2 lazy 2 do that myself yawwnnn) in fact mayoi himself would probably prefer longer sleeves but u kno, stayed tru 2 the original n stuff, anyway say hello to bright pink again mayochan
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Sparkling Jellyfish Sophy !! hi kanata hi fish wife hi nata hello nata hi nata whats up nata i love u nata
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Nin'Nin Among the Water from Baby Monster !! when i saw this outfit i was chained to my tablet the demons were holding me hostage i had to make the ninja association wear it or i'd suffer a public execution
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My Design Holic Trick !! back to holic trick for the rest again :] this is the one i posted on its own hehehehe it's still the one i put THE most effort into (which is why it's the only one i bothered to sign, still dont repost the rest tho please and thank u im just lazy) cuz man its a vibe its so good its one of my favs still i love stupid shorts and the puffy sleeves with the cropped vest and black and purple and the heart and bows and keys which are kinda all reasons i also like mayoi (heart in mayois vibe comes from his big heart muah) bless u mayoi i luv u
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Night Navy !! mayoi loves to kill artists in cold blood with random intricate patterns (or maybe thats just an enstars thing in general) so i knew i had to give him this dress. gave him an undershirt cuz what if he gets cold :[
And that's it for this post !! I've now reached the image limit, so see ya in the next post !! (sorry foosybit followers for triple posting i didnt realize i drew so much)
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woozi · 2 years
sorry if this is random but what are each of the members’ iconic looks in your opinion, like outfits/hairstyles that you can clearly associate with each of them? for example vernon’s rainbow hoodie + beanie + weird sunglasses outfit
it’s for science…. (if this is too much, no need to respond <3) hope you’re having a good week!
ion think tumblr will allow me to insert more than 10 pics so i'm just gonna give u links to the pics/vids <33
pioneer eyebrow studs cheol literally changed the trajectory of my life <3
hana & haru/happy ending jeonghan is sooo dear to me tbh but this one of him in a yellow beret takes the cake <3 and these ones from your choice (the way they did his hair in that pc </3) & hit era (the blue shirt lives in my mind rent free for some reason) AND THE BURBERRY SHIRT LOOK
joshua in that yellow shirt for lnr’s studio choom perf 👁 really got me interested in svt tbh it was The Beginning of The Journey for me fsdkjfhsdjfhs also red cardigan milf shua
jun is ALWAYS gorgeous but him during the last BeTS concert has some kind of spell on me 😭 maybe i feel this way bc it’s recent but like <333 he looks good what can i do :/ AND THIS JUN <3 beret jun <3 AND HIM FROM THAT ONE PHOTOSHOOT
hoshi’s lnr fits tbh (the racecar suit especially 😭) also him in touch 👁 and the pink slutty fit from spider 😭 AND THE CUTE NEON HOSHI BANDAID AIRPORT ONES <3
everyone was rb-ing lnr crop top wonu which also led to me getting into svt (not for his crop top but like.. i kept seeing em on my dash since then JKFHDSJHD) mama 2019 fear wonu... PURPLE WONU
this woozi...... dispatch hit woozi...... cherry shirt an ode woozi.... not obsessed w the look itself but woozi from kcon in that funky yellow shirt....
this magician red suit dk was the first thing that came to mind please do not ask 😭 also rmb being SOOOO taken by this specific semi;colon press con dk he’s still my phone’s lockscreen to this day <3
mama 2019 mingyu... are we all seeing this.. also grab driver mingyu
green fit hao from lnr <3 mullet hao (my favorite look on him tbh and the only mullet i can accept) <3 mullet hao pt 2 bc i love it vm <33 and OH MY GOD.... this one... HAUNTS ME EVERYDAY PLEASE
1st look boo in the white dress shirt...? also sumn abt him Changes during concerts tbh he’s absolutely glowing here’s an example, and another one, and another one (i call it the Concert Look)
you’re right abt That Vernon fit + the one with goggles but honestly... this vernon selfie... anything with beanies tbh.. ok but his fts teaser is sumn else tbh the tatts were SOOO
OK BUT THIS SPECIFIC HIT DINO......................... OR SHHH CHAN.................. dear GOD have mercy (sumn abt 2019 dino in general tbh),,,  BLONDE DINO... ALSO ANYONE KFDHJHJDS i literally saw everyone turn into dinonaras it was one of the best days of my life (also was the starting point of his hot boy era for a lotta people tbh) or the home;run teaser pic that sealed the dinonara fate for me <3 i’m lying actually just wanted to show u all of those but my absolute favorite is blue dino <3
ik u were prob just expecting 1 each but i got so carried away i’m saur sorry KJFDHSJFDSHD 😭😭😭😭 i’m also prob forgetting SOOO many looks but these are the ones i can think of off the top of my head <3
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 1 part 1]
Brown like a horse shit (: 
I wonder what colour he’d give me
The female friend is the one that helps out at the end right? Looove her <3
Surprised there’s only a handful of fans waiting inside
Love the gate fake-out tho lmao
Can’t believe Jimmy went from playing an absolute turd (Wai) to an idol whose two settings are 1) charismatic and 2) dork
“you have a big head” WHAT KIND OF FLIRTING IS THAT
This whole scene is soooo cute though, holy shit
“the one who drew it is cute too” Puen turning on the flirting before they’ve even swapped, he’s so pathetic (affectionate)
I haven’t seen the episode where the piggybacking in a body of water happens, I wonder what’s happening there
Omg I never noticed but how old is this car???
I guess when you’re a colorist you’re automatically available as a movie extra??
(I get it, it’s for the sake of a big reveal, but c’mon writers)
Puen I don’t think “flirt with the corpse” is in the script
It’s nice to learn right off the bat that Puen’s not an arrogant twat despite his fame, he just smiles @ Talay’s phone call
“you’re this drunk and you can still work” WAIT THAT “OCEAN BLUE” STUFF IS ALCOHOL??? AND TALAY’S TRYING TO WORK WHILE DRUNK??? 
That seems like a terrible decision
“his attitude against pink” Boy you and I are about to throw hands
(pink is my favourite colour)
W-wait what’s that pyramid(?)-looking thing in the water, I’ve never seen that before
The reason Talay got sucked to a different universe is he wasn’t in the same frame as his friends
Oh my god I haaaaate Tess’s dad, like yeah I’d probably punch Tess in the face if I knew him irl but I don’t need to guess whose fault it is he turned out like that in the first place
I’m glad his mom’s got his back… in her own way
For a show that starts off with such a focus on colour, it changes drastically between shots during Talay and Tess’s mom’s little act
And not in a way I think was intentional
okay but when i tell you talay is just as unhinged as puen is like imagine doing an interview for your dream job and ending up associating the dudes responsible for your destiny with the worst colors you could possibly come up with..... and then you meet a hot famous actor in an airport bathroom and not only you forget to wash your hands before giving him a present but you also tell him he has a big head....... AND YET TALAY SOMEHOW MANAGES TO GET BOTH THE JOB AND THE BOY ALEXA PLAY WHATTA MAN BY SALT-N-PEPA
it's also a testament of how good the writing of the show is that i loved talay since the very beginning despite is deeply incorrect opinion on the color pink aka THE PRETTIEST OF COLORS!!!!!!! however im willing to forgive him for everything since his journey from dislike to love because he comes to associate pink with puen is literally POETIC CINEMA
and not to spoiler you but when you said "It’s nice to learn right off the bat that Puen’s not an arrogant twat despite his fame, he just smiles @ Talay’s phone call" it reminded me of how in episode 7 one of the characters tells puen that "talay's smile is your smile" AND TO KNOW THAT TALAY MADE PUEN SMILE FROM THE VERY BEGINNING WAY BEFORE THEY KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT EACH OTHER IS MAKING ME WANT TO GO DROWN MYSELF IN 5 CM OF WATER
i guess it's a good thing im not doing the bad buddy rewatch for the one year anniversary because i already know that this time around i would become the most disgusting wai apologist........... though kudos to jimmy for being able to portray both the biggest asshole in existence and the most endearing sweetheart CAN YOU BELIEVE SOME PEOPLE STILL HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SAY HE CAN'T ACT???????? also i think they should have brought back the suspenders in the last episode and let talay grab them to pull puen in for a kiss IM JUST SAYING
and i suppose this is the moment where i admit i have no positive feelings about tess but you're very right about his dad being awful
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ayameyumesaki · 2 years
Tokyo Babylon - CLAMP Premium Collection - Commentary Part... 10
Honestly I forgot the number everytime and should do a recheck every goddamn times 😭 Please, myself, you aren't that old.
Previous Part First Part Next Part
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Onto my favorite volume from this series! Damn, I look forward to comment this volume the most since I started, and I never thought I would be this devoted ;;w;; Honestly, the release of this cover was what makes me go "I SHOULD COLLECT IT". Pink is my favorite color and it clearly doesn't associate with TB but still, the fact they have pink cover is enough to make me to collect it. (Also, Subaru in heels like he should 🤗)
Let's go to the content. Like I said, volume 4 is my favorite volume because, you got to see our protagonist in two flavors by one sitting. I totally forgot "Crime" chapter exists until I saw the table of contents; I thought they only have Save chapter here. 😥 I'm sorry
Also, I realized it when I read volume 5 and above, but TB's art style actually changed slightly throughout time. In volume 4, it wasn't that clear yet, but when you get to volume 5 later, you probably notice how bold the art line was. I think Mokona-sensei also mentioned that she fixed several things in CPC version, so I think the bolder line might be one of that. Back onto the art style, I think the art style in volume 4 is the art style we probably saw the most in merchandise.
I will stop here I can go nonstop if we are talking about the art style itself. I have so much things to talk about that.
Let's go to the first chapter in this volume, Crime chapter!
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So, if I'm going to summarize this chapter in one word, it will be "conflicted". Why? Okay, first, I'm going to ask you and think.
When you hear the word "crime", what do you think it means?
For me, "crime" is when you make someone else suffer as the consequences of your action towards that person. You willingly make them suffer, or you willingly make them take something they shouldn't feel at all. In my country, "crime" also means going against the law, against what people already decided as "the right thing to do". It can be based on religion or society, depends on the rules.
This is what the chapter offers on the first page, before the first panel. They wrote down the meaning of "crime" based on dictionary.
While you are reading this commentary, or even reading the chapter itself, I hope you keep in mind about what crime means to you, while we read what this word has to do with this chapter.
We started the chapter with Subaru looking at a shrine being torn down. He looked... sad 😥 look at that last panel on the left. If Subaru looked at me with such puppy eyes all the time, I would... hug him, pat him, and cry for him instead then we probably cry together 😭
Then we saw him entering a McDonalds.
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And Hokuto really screamed his name. Subaru was embarassed and told Hokuto that if she screamed that loud, it will bother the others. Hokuto replied with "what are you talking about? If I didn't call you, you won't realize where we are for 5 minutes". That's clearly me. My behavior. Being confused over a place to sit for 5 minutes.
Subaru settled down and apologized for making Seishiro wait. Seishiro said he chatted with Hokuto and they discussed about graves.
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Cute Subaru panels 😭😭😭 That "What" panel already becomes my meme.
Going back to the story, the topic they discussed about was "rather than having a house, have a grave". Subaru was confused so Hokuto explained that "even thought Japan's economic bubble burst, the price of land in Tokyo didn't show any sign of bursting as well, just like a grave". (If you are confused about economic bubble, I talked about it in another post since it was quite complicated or you can google it. One of the topic I hated about Japan's economy)
Then Hokuto said, "Then, because the sudden rise of land price inside the city, there aren't many people who owned a grave. In turn, even thought you worked hard, collected the money and bought a grave, if there was no one who can take care of that grave, the land will be owned by the government". Subaru then asked why and Hokuto replied with "that's how the law goes". Seishiro said "the people of Tokyo, even after dead, they can't rest in peace".
Subaru looked troubled and Hokuto asked why Subaru didn't look okay. He then mentioned a shrine being torn down.
Subaru then explained, you can't move a grave in case you wake someone who is sleeping inside the grave, and it's even more difficult to move or destroy a shrine. Since before, a shrine is used to seal. First they trapped unpleasant or dangerous beings and to prevent them from doing things like destruction, shrine became the symbol for that seal. That's why, moving a shrine means letting go that sealed being.
Then of course, our precious protagonist goes all guilty about it. He knew that he couldn't do anything about it, but when he saw it the torii being destroyed, he felt bitter about it.
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Then of course Hokuto-nee-chan has nothing of her brother's sense of guilt and told him,
"You started it again! Subaru always took everything as your fault. I told you. Human can only do a little in their life, so one should do their best on what they can. Saving a shrine or torii that was destroyed wasn't something you can do. That's why just think about the thing that you can do"
Yeah. You should say it to him louder, Hokuto-nee-chan. The next part is Seishiro told Subaru to eat the Egg Muffin and Chicken Nugget and Hokuto asked if Subaru planned to throw away Seishiro's love. Oh my...
Hokuto asked what Subaru planned to do that day and he said he is going to do an assignment from school which is drawing a real-life scenery. Hokuto said there's no assignments like that from school (SO HOKUTO DID GO TO SCHOOL) and Subaru explained that since he rarely came to art class, the teacher gave him a special assignment. Hokuto said "it's for your job" but Subaru said he couldn't use it as an excuse and the teacher told him that if he can draw it properly, he will get a credit--or a score, I think. Subaru said they could fail him, but the school helped him to pass grade.
And Hokuto protested as it was a Sunday and a good weather day, but Seishiro supported him by saying "It's a perfect day for drawing". Hokuto was conflicted and said she should have make Subaru a bento for lunch then Subaru went "I'm already eating now". She then asked what he will do dinner, and Subaru said he will eat outside. Seishiro asked where Hokuto went, and she replied that she had a date. With the foreigner girl, I suspected. 🤧
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Then whatever happened in this panel. To summarize it: Hokuto didn't want Subaru to have dinner alone so Subaru said he will eat properly but Hokuto said if she let him alone he won't eat so Seishiro invited him to his house to have dinner and our number #1 SeiSub shipper Hokuto supported it. And Subaru didn't even denying his invitation.
SO FINALLY, Subaru got some peace in his life. As he drew, he got to think about how kind Seishiro, but he also wondered about his interference during the incident in Tokyo Tower and the "Call" case before.
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What kind of person... Seishiro-san is?
Finally, you question him, Subaru. Fun fact: 1) Subaru actually wondered if Seishiro is related to Sakurazukamori. 2) From now on, whenever Subaru had a me time, he will go and think about Seishiro's kindness, then question him in the same time. :D Talking about stepping down one step into the hell, oh well.
But if Subaru had a chapter filled with peace, we probably read a different series so.
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I want to add that Subaru, being a person related to spirits, deliberately choose Yasukuni Shrine as the place he would like to draw. I wrote an additional note for this particular shrine, but simply said, it's not a favorable shrine since it was also used to enshrine WWII A-list War Prisoners, so whenever politician visited it, it would cause a controversy. Boy, can you choose another shrine 😭 though this shrine is probably felt the same for him, no wonder you still got a problem when you visit it...
Onto the story, Subaru felt a strange miasma and he walked around, noticed a woman in front of a soil. He noticed what she was doing right away and she said "no one will disturb her".
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She then tried to run away and Subaru asked what she buried under the ground. She said no one can disturb her and Subaru guessed it's an inugami. She asked how did he knew and Subaru asked why she did that.
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She then said "why can't she do it? She won't get punished after all" and Subaru told her, to, listen to him, in such expression. OH MY...
He then explained that "He didn't know the situation but using inugami to curse won't just take the one she cursed, but also her life". She then said she doesn't care.
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My "happiness" was ended that day. Now, no matter what kind of hell waiting me, it's not different from everyday.
I don't know how Subaru pursuaded her but they finally calmed down and talk. She then explained that she is the mother of the child in "Child Abduction and Murder" two years ago. She then told her story; her daughter was just about to enter elementary school that spring and her husband is working in a contact lens company. They lived a pretty normal life, until one day, her daughter didn't come home. She reported it to the police and they searched for her for two months with no lead. She said, during the times her daughter was missing, she dreamed her daughter was being bullied, being pierced or tied. But when they found her, she was already dead.
The suspect was someone they didn't know at all. He just found her cute and brought her with him. But since she exploded and noisy, he grabbed her face and put her under water, so she became quiet. Subaru asked if the suspect was caught, and she said yes, but he wasn't convicted the punishment.
She then explained that since he wasn't mentally stable, they can't give him a "punishment". If the law can't punish him, then she will punish him. She wanted to kill him right away during the trial, but then, she will be punished by law when she didn't do anything wrong, thus she will kill him in the same way like he did.
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In Japan right now, if you kill by cursing someone, you didn't kill them by yourself. If you don't kill them by yourself, then you can't be punished. Just like him, even when the fact you killed someone doesn't change, whichever was unpunishable.
When she was killed, I finally understand. "The sin you did", "the law used to judge", "the punishment you need to atone", everything is decided by the law.
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The others who spread rumors. The others who comes for news coverage. The others who defense the perpreator. The others who examined his mentality. The others who judged him as unpunishable.
The others will never understand the real wound inflicted to the victim.
She then explained she searched for a way to kill him after a thorough research, she found inugami. She killed her daughter's beloved dog and buried it in Yasukuni Shrine. She then explained to Subaru, that even if Subaru reported it, they won't punish her and will think that she is just someone with a slight strange head.
Subaru then told her if she used a curse technique, then she will receive the damage equal to it. She said it doesn't matter if she dies. Her child is her happiness. The happiness she collected for 31 years was destroyed in a second by someone she doesn't know at all.
He can't let her like that. He should stop her, Subaru thought.
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Subaru then asked the daughter's name and she said "Mai". Subaru tried to persuade her to stop by saying that her daughter probably doesn't desire that. She doesn't want her mother to be in misfortune. He then told her that there is way to talk to Mai for a while, using mitamayose. He ensured her that he will bring Mai's soul to that place. To her.
And he did. He did.
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It doesn't go as he thought.
Subaru was shocked. The lady opened her eyes and saw her daughter, but she couldn't hear what she said. Thus she asked Subaru to tell her, what she said.
You see, at this point, the belief Subaru held about this whole situation was destroyed. The daughter asked her mother to punish the man. Do you think he stops and tell her the truth?
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Subaru decided to lie. He told the lady that her daughter asked her to stop what she was doing and she wants her to be happy.
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The girl, realizing that Subaru didn't tell her the truth, said "It hurts. It's suffocating." while looking at Subaru as if she was hurt by Subaru's words. Subaru couldn't look at her face.
The next scene, Seishiro wondered why Subaru hasn't come yet (while cooking in an apron too, oh my) and he should persuade him to pick him up. Subaru then came drenched in rain and told Seishiro that he needs to think a bit, so he will pass the dinner offer. But Seishiro picked Subaru up and brought him inside.
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And nooooo my baby was crying so hard 😭😭
Subaru told Seishiro what happened and while he realized that while doing this job, he won't meet pretty thing everytime, that day was too much. He literally lied to the lady. He knew he was wrong, and he realized he lied to her for his own sake. He shouldn't lie in his job, and someone's happiness is decided by their ownselves.
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Seishiro then asked Subaru, if Subaru knew that someone's happiness was decided by themselves, then it's the same for whether Subaru lied at that time is right or not. If Subaru made a mistake and no one know about it, can they attack him? No. He then said Subaru should forgive himself. He went to assure Subaru that he thought what Subaru said was right, and if Subaru is wrong, then Seishiro is also wrong. He said he will protect Subaru if someone attack him, and he should sleep. Subaru thanked him and went to sleep.
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At this rate, it seems I will win the bet. Subaru-kun.
DUDE. Should you end the chapter like that?
Now, let's discuss about the topic of this chapter. I asked you in the beginning, "what is the meaning of crime for you?". The definition of crime I told in the beginning, was, actually changed after reading this chapter. So, after thinking correctly about what is crime, you can proceed to the next step!
This is the continuation of the first question.
By the end of the chapter, Subaru told Seishiro that he knew he was wrong, but Seishiro told him Subaru's choice wasn't wrong. It wasn't clear whether what he did was right or wrong within this story. Now, I asked you, the reader, to think.
Was what Subaru did, lying to that woman so she would stop the curse, a right choice?
I asked my mother and my friend for this, and they... gave a pretty interesting answer. My mother said "Subaru was wrong to lie, he should tell the truth, because it was only her who can judge whether she should continue or not", much like how Subaru himself thinks about his action in this chapter, while my friend said "What Subaru did was wrong but I will do the same in that situation".
For me? I don't know. To me, if I'm in Subaru's shoes, I will do the same as him, but I will surely punish myself for that. My mom is right, but I know my heart won't let me do that. Yet, that just justify my own ego and it goes back to the foremost problem of this story: the concept of "right" and "wrong". It wasn't right to decide something for someone else. It wasn't wrong to save someone as well. Thus, I don't know how to answer that question myself.
Then again, if Subaru didn't lie, she will proceed with inugami thing and she will certainly die. Remember that the focus in Subaru's cause to lie wasn't about her taking revenge, but about her safety.
But, let's take a look why Subaru got a breakdown like that. Subaru realized that he just decided her life like the others she mentioned before. He had an ability to interact with the spirits, and she relied on him to convey her daughter's messages. But he lied to her when she put a huge trust on him, especially when he proved his words for being able to summon her daughter's spirit.
Now, was Subaru committed a crime? What is a crime?
Subaru said he commited crime. A crime, that, like Seishiro said, was unknown to anyone else except Subaru and probably that girl. And he committed that crime for, in his own language: for his own sake, but for us the readers: to save her. Which is connected to the next chapter, "Save", where we will think more about what "save" actually means as well.
It's funny that I really forget about this chapter when it's actually a pretty important chapter. Subaru got emotional because of what he thinks to be his mistake, and Seishiro just marched ten steps forward into Subaru's fragile heart.
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bonedoor · 2 years
heyyyy dearest <3 how about drippin &/tbz 💗🌻✨
hewwo bieloved <3 thank u mwah
la la la la la la la la la la la la la nostalgia
first bias: yunseong!!!!!!!!! bewoved
current bias(es): still yunseong 00 liner whos a leader n dancer what else do i need
album ranking: boyager > zero > a better tomorrow = villain > free pass
how i got into them: i mean we r still in the process of getting into them but like casually listened to them since debut (boyager aoty) . n then i think i tried to get more into them for a sec bc of brina? n then . well then ina happened (nd now ure helping a great lot i think)
which member would be my best friend: minseo is my bestie he's my cat he lives on my couch BUT also i do think i cld b besties w hyeop i think we'd be a great bestie duo
something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): INA................ n that one clip of yunseong w the cake/cream on his face i think abt it 24/7 . also the word nostalgia literally hasnt been the same since they debuted . also pink ribbons w minseo
THE boyz (tm)
first bias: haknyeon (& hyunjun)
current bias(es): scratches head....idk u tell me (chanhee sunwoo hyunjae . additional rotation juyeon jichang jacob . sometimes hak)
album ranking: reveal = breaking dawn > chase => the start > maverick > the sphere = dreamlike => the first > thrill-ing > the only > tattoo > bloom bloom which is VERY VERY VERY VERY different from my title track ranking it's almost funny (bloom bloom n no air n tattoo are my fave tts)
how i got into them: omg ok so like idk if i actually rlly liked juhak during broduce or if i only got attached to him after it ended?????? def thought his pig thing was cute (why did i phrase it like that . idk but u get it) when he was announced to b debuting i was rlly excited i made a tbz twt KKSDBJKBKDSJKF but like without actually looking much into the other ppl .. but being on there i started seeing fantakens of hyunjun i was like i Need to know who this guy is . nd then i kinda forgot abt them rip sorry nd it didnt help that i rlly didnt like giddy up so i like lost interest fully by then BUT THEN around no air i think? maybe? i was like i like this kevin guy (???? which is wild to present me like ure telling me i had a KEVIN PHASE????????????????????????????) but also . smth thats insanely funny to me is that i had a whole . losing my mind moment over how there was a guy that kept catching my eye in the no air showcase stage (breakdown documented on my old twt acc) BC it turns out it was haknyeon n i was like ??????WHAT R THE ODDS LIKE WHAT..... nd idk if this was at the same time or before or after but at some point i figured out that i actually love right here?? so i watched their weekly idol episode from that era nd i was like i am in love with sunwoo now ........ nd then i forgot abt them again KJBSKBK like i kept being a casual listener for the absolute longest time from debut to like . possibly rtk????? i think i fully got into them during rtk???????????? but it doesnt feel like it because like .as u can see . we have a bit of a history . we go way back
which member would be my best friend: i would kill to be friends w any of them . i would sell my soul to b friends w chanhee but like hes too cool for me like fully entirely like they all are but he's like on a whole different level like . i had a dream where i was besties w kevin n jacob & it was pretty fun we were a nice friend trio that cld be cute . i also think hyunjae's the type of person i gravitate towards BUT i wld end up falling in love w him so again mayb not the best idea
something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): i think the group in general just ....... the feeling of belonging like coming home after a long time like talking to your best friend after weeks or months of silence and realizing nothing has changed u know ... hak pigs & horses & straw hats farmer vibes im so sorry hak . chanhee plum/peach/cherry blossoms & fluffy sheep & the smell of books & glitter & pearls & spring breeze n the smell of spring when you open your window & holding pinkies don't ask . jichang hermit crabs & bedazzled jackets & chucky & gabi & giraffes & brown poodles . jacob aléks & lockers filled with homemade chocolates and love letters on valentine's day that he's too kind to refuse . sunwoo's 38472398472839 hour long vlives & happy comfort & chestnuts n walnuts & just like the feeling of coming home after a long day but its not an empty home there's someone u love waiting for u u know . i was gonna add jaehyun n juyeon but i have said Too Much already sorry guys
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Hi BMT ! How are you ?
Jimin posted on weverse so it’s a good day 😊! But what I wanted to say really is that I find it exceptionally funny how a good chunk of this fandom only sees Jimin as a cute little guy with a soft personality, how they always associate pink whenever I see “jimincore” aesthetic boards made especially on pinterest, how he “flirts” with everyone (damn not his fault if he’s extremely charismatic and charming) etc etc.. Like this fandoms perception of Park Jimin is so different from how he carries himself, at least in my opinion. Of course Jimin is cute, he likes to call himself cute, the members like to call him cute, but this man exudes such a “dominant” leader aura to me as well, he literally commands a room when he enters it. Pre pandemic I would look at clips of him at award shows and the way someone always seems to turn their head when he’s in their line of vision is unreal. Also that whole “pink, fairycore” image fans like to portray him as is so far from what I’ve seen from him. I mean I look at his airport looks and the man rarely wears colours, he sticks to neutrals or b&w and grey. I think it might be because he has both masculine and feminine energy but ugh I wish people would stop trying to make him up as some cute defensless man. Hope any of this made at least a little bit of sense lol.
Have a great day!
One day. One day I will come back with that post about Jimin and the fandom's perception of his masculinity. But it is not today 😆
I do find absurd the Jimincore made out of pink and pastels, he's a fairy, a man seen as a one type of internet girlie. It's so far from reality, but as always, it happens because of the exaggerated feminization. And not just any kind, but one that is very patriarchal and gender conforming. Women wear pink, boys wear blue type of mindset. And it comes from women and young girls in this fandom who use gender stereotypes either because of their fetishization (the jimincore aesthetic) or those who use another type of feminization which is closer to slut shaming. It brings out the internalized misogyny of this fandom made of predominantly women. They can't figure him out in terms of gender presentation so this is what happens.
Once again, there is a lot more to be said on this topic, really worthy of a dissertation, but for now, this is somehow an idea of why this perception of Jimin is shaped this way.
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mandysxmuses · 1 month
//OK SO. As promised. A part 2 with the Keeper color meanings
Vergessene should be a pretty obvious one. His color is a bold royal blue and it's basically following similar reasoning to Inside Out, blue = really sad
(This being said, depression is much more than just feeling sad despite the misconception, blue is just a good color to represent it imo)
While I don't want Vergessene to be the sort of character where depression is his entire personality and defines his character completely, I can't deny it is a huge aspect of it. Renee infantilizes his condition and makes it worse, he's almost always trying to end his own life, and he was quite literally created by the Void to give his life for other people
So I found that blue was the best color for him since it is the most straightforward symbolism for feeling oof
Since I already did Renee, next in line is Walter! And of course as Todd likes to never stop complaining about, his color is pink.
Part of this was because my entire idea was making a really polite, sweet vampire character that likes candy and desserts, and that is a color often associated with those things
But pink also isn't far off from the color red, which for Walter would obviously link to blood and his potential to be monstrous, since he does have intense reactions to anger. So yes, a very sweet but also ANGY boi
Then we have Knirschen! His color is black, and personally I associate that with hopelessness and a lack of control. These themes are pretty strong with Knirschen. He is basically the only "killer" character who has no agency whatsoever in his killings, to the point he will even eat Verheiler. He's literally chained and caged in his own area. Black is a color I wanted to emphasize that feeling, and it's present in the areas of other characters as well. Todlich's most dark and dreary area, Shade, is one which also embodies a feeling of a lack of control and despair.
With all that sadness out of the way it's time for VERHEILERRRRR oh my shamelessly self indulgently made Bunny Boy
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Mint is a really cute pastel green color and I thought it would do well with a soft character. It's a color already well associated with life and health, so giving that and gold to Verheiler was basically something that didn't need much thought
You know from the second you meet that fluffy mint man you are in good hands, and those colors represent that. Verheiler is best boy I will die on that hill
Then we have the infamous, incredible, and good-looking Captain Schatz! (And Catnip) I chose cyan for his color because it is a really bright, popping color that immediately sticks out, and Schatz is a big bright goofball
But it's also worth noting that most of his clothes match more closely to Vergessene's blue, which, as I have already discussed, means depresso
Not exactly subtle symbolism but
Catnip, meanwhile, has ginger fur
This has no connection to Emma or Toddie, I just thought it would contrast with Schatz's color scheme (making something seem a bit more "off" about Catnip with Schatz) and the sight red undertone has the even less subtle symbolism of DEVILS, HELL, THE SPOOPY DEMONS
Lovely sh🐁 t right there. NEXT
Begleiter is primarily silver in coloration. I don't think I gave this color to him in hopes of symbolizing anything, more just to emphasize he's a robot trying to learn to be more human
I did think about giving him more color as that happened, but I like the idea of letting him keep the silver, like he doesn't need to lose that to be a full person
Kanonier is red, and I think some of the reasoning for this carries on from Renee. Both characters serve some form of "justice" in the Void, as flawed as that sense of justice may be, but also I just thought a red sparkly cowboy would be EPIC
Serpentin has a darker, deeper green than Verheiler's mint. I wanted him to sort of look like a snake you'd find in the jungle, and the coloration represents that. He's something people may want to avoid but he's just a good sweet pea who wants to make friends
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astrxealis · 2 years
anyways under the cut i will ramble abt sandalphon and i (+ etc) bcs i kind of cannot get him out of mind again
i saw a sandalphon edit some time ago and there was a quote related to stars and another "you're not alone" !! and OKAY HEROEHDK I KIND OF REALLY associate myself w stars. i really really love starsurhejd and its just like oh sandalphon w stars haha he looks up at them at night and is remindwd of me maybe? (also like w luci bcs. morning star. sobs) AJSHWHWJSJ AND THEN ... youre not alone is one of the biggest themes in ff endwalker so that just HIT ME LIKE A BULLETTRAIN JFCJDHSJ YOU CANT DO THIS SO MY HEART HELP HELLOW WHY
and then okay theres official art of sandalphon and the other angels wearing glasses? the one for sandalphon is more brown than mine but ours r around the same ... the look so similar ... haha matching couple glasses so true (mine r more peach/pink tho rirhwifhedjj) that drives me sigekebdkejd
i want to go on coffee shop and cafe and tea dates w sandalphon so bad !! i also have many brainrots abt him embracing me w his wings :]
also thinking abt how hurt sandalphon wld be riehdisndksj w how im acting in ebg rn GODDAMN HRUT i blame my twin for this lune ihysm /nm JDHSJDBAKSJ I DONT WANT TO BREAK HIS HEART ANYMORE ... ESP W HIS PAST AND YK WHAT HAPPENS IN THE 1ST SIDE STORY YEAH ?? he just wants acknowledgment and love and all that and me ignoring him GDODOSJSKJWKSKAKS O DON THWATNT TO DO HRTA ANYMORE
but in a lighter note ive also been vv affectionate to my pichu stuffed toy lately !! p cute if sandy was jealous over a lil yellow baby LOLFIRHWIDJWKWH HELP AS YOU CAN SEE i also have kind of similar brainrots w xiao too ngl bcs damn yall giving me fluff and angst yo yes 🥹🥹🥹
my biggest enemy and sabotage tbh is the fact i think and talk a lot bcs my FIRST STRIKE WAS JUST ME MAKING FUNNT CONVO AND THEN SLIPPING i wont be surprised if my 3rd strike is wholly on accident tbh.
i want to nuzzle sandalphon yk ... we both actually have catlike tendencies eiehwihdiwbd IDBSKS i want to boop his nose w mine really badly actually. and also hug him. hed be very nice to hug
AND ALSO ... i fee as thoufh hes not actually that much taller than me (dimitri is tall though. i feel like xiao is around mt height too. diluc tall tho. uhhh g'raha is actually shorter than irl me canonically so...) ODHSKDNS BUT IT DOESNT RLLY SEEM LIKE THAT WAY BCS HE ACTUALLY WEARS HEELS LIKE YES sandlaphon is genuinely the guy you would call babygirl. raha is literally the epitome of lil meow meow and tbh sandy is also a lil meow meow but for me hes the epitome of babygirl. WIFE malewife Odhwiqhswiwj ALSO VANE IS CNAONICALLY TECHNICALLT A MALEWIFE HELLO WHAT hes the mom of the dragon knights ITS UNFAIR BCS HES ALSO TECHNICALLY A HIMBO W BIGG ASS FUCK BOOBAS LIKE WHAT THE EHCK YOURE SO PRECIOUS AND CUTE BUT THEN YORIE SO BIG /SFW
tbh this isnt even just abt sandy n i anymore just me rambling a lot HAHSUAHAJAJ
i think abt belial calling me by some SCANDALOUS NICKNAME /lh nah nothinf vv scandalous dw just stuff like pretty girl ... then he realizes i am also in fact weak as well to pretty boy ...
i want belial to invade my personal space but like obvs i wld allow him too tho ???? if that makes sense dw this isnt forced or anythinf or /neg this is vv much /pos i want belial to put a finger under my chin and lift me up. teasing me for a kiss that i just want rllt badly but first i have to tell him that i love him and aRGEGDHSHDJ I HATE HIS GUYS SO MUCH
okay ill stop rambling here for now help ive taken up almost half an hour of my simp pass alrdy IDHWIDBS
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~ ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕣!𝕁𝕖𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕚𝕟 ~
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤; SMUT!!! gn!reader x inexperienced!sub!jeongin. pillowhumping, secret crush, best friends/childhood friends, first kiss, semi-public sex (ok not that but like getting caught?), orgasm (m), cum, mentions of blowjobs, mentions of cum eating. 
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥; 1,8 k 
ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖; finding good gifs of jeongin that aren’t from when he was a minor and fit the concept at least a fucking crumb is DIFFICULT YALL so i present this cute gif ahssahsah
also i always make jeongin inexperienced?? I NEED TO WORK ON THAT 
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Here Jeongin was. Staring at the ceiling in the dark room, the only light coming from the streetlight outside the window of your bedroom. You were sleeping peacefully next to him but sleep was the last thing on Jeongin’s mind, his chest heaving nervously from lying so close to you. Usually this isn’t a weird occurence, the two of you best friends since childhood which equaled a lot of sleepovers but Jeongin couldn’t shake the feeling off longing. Longing to touch you. 
He covered his face with a pillow, trying to put a physical barrier in order to stop the inappropriate thoughts that included everything from you kissing him to him being fucked by you hard enough to make him see stars. His delicate dick twitched in his boxers as the thoughts piled up in his brain, him not able to act on the urge to jerk off, not when you were sleeping soundly next to him. 
The horny boy turned around to lie on his side, facing you as he grabbed the pillow and instead put it between his knees, huffing as he was hoping for a miracle, a miracle called falling asleep. Jeongin’s heart skipped a beat when he realised how close your face was to his, the air from your quiet breaths hitting his cheek. Your plushy lips formed into a pout as your cheek squished into the pillow, your eyelashes gently draping your weary eyes. Jeongin swore he could hear your heart beat next to his. The dark haired boy shuffled closer to you but almost gasped out loud as the pillow rubbed against his erection, his already sensitive cock twitching from the friction. He quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, looking around in the room to distract the feeling but to no avail, his hips rutting against the pillow as if by magic, it simply felt too good to stop. 
Jeongin thought he had gone crazy, what was he even doing? How could he be thinking such lewd thoughts about his best friend that was sleeping inches away from him, all whilst humping a pillow like a desperate mutt. The mattress that lied on the floor was shuffling in a questionable manner as the soft moans from between Jeongin’s scarlet red lips were now dripping out like sticky honey. His hand shifted from his mouth to his messy dark hair, ruffling it and tightly gripping it as he felt closer to his orgasm like never before, the sweat beading on his forehead from the slightly stuffy atmosphere in the room. His dark orbs shut tightly as he tried to grasp onto those last explicit thoughts before they all dripped out of his mind like his cum if it wasn’t for you groaning out into the night.
Silence errupted between the four walls as all his movements came to a standstill, his eyes springing open as he looked at you in panic but was met by you still asleep, looking just like you did moments earlier. The poor boy sighed, frustrated of having lost his impending orgasm but relieved, at least you didn’t see him.
Or did you?
Jeongin felt as if he could cry right on the spot, feeling frustrated and desperate for a release to calm his hard-on. He turned away from your sleeping face, thinking maybe that could help stop the intrusive thoughts. Maybe even closing his eyes completely would be even better, shielding himself from anything that could be associated with you. The poor boy nuzzles his face closer to the pillow, sighing for the last time before breathing peacefully. Just as a sweet slumber lingered close by he felt you shift and before he knew it you were dangerously close to him. 
“Do you need help?” 
Jeongin turned his head around in fear, thinking maybe this was a dream but it was a real as it could get. Your one hand slipped between his legs, palming him through his boxers that already had a wet spot from the precum that was leaking out. He opened his mouth in a loud gasp but you were quicker, muffling his sinful noises with your other hand over his spread lips. You lean into his ear, his head shying away from your close proximity as your lips almost touched the shell of his ear.
“Be quiet and I’ll make you feel good”
Jeongin bucked his hips against your warm hand, craving more of your touch as his face turned bright red, flustered at the words that came out of his best friend. Your eyelashes fluttered softly as his doe-like eyes were glued on yours, his eyebrows furrowing as you gave his hard member a squeeze before tracing the outline of his hard-on with your fingertip, the poor boy feeling all his blood rushing south as you slowly released your hand from his mouth.
“Pl-please,,y/n,,, help me out, I’m going crazy” 
You smile softly at the pleading boy, crashing your soft lips against his slightly chapped ones, the kiss immedietly deepening as you slipped your tongue inside him, his body stiffening at the unfamilliar feeling before his entire body relaxed in your arms, him now sitting up on his knees. The soft mattrass dipped down from the two figures that were entangled with each other, hands roaming freely over your hot skin, the both of you barely wearing clothes to begin with. The wet sound of the kiss ringed in Jeongin’s ears, this new experience making the knot in his stomach tighten even more than it was before.
It felt wrong but so right. 
Pulling away from the kiss, a line of saliva connected you, his eyes fluttering open sweetly. You smile, heat rising to your cheeks as you looked away for a moment, trying to find composure. 
“T-the pillow felt good”
Jeongin spoke in a shy voice, scratching the back of his head as his puffy cheeks were on display, you wanting nothing more but to smother them in kisses. You looked at him, confusion dancing in your eyes which Jeongin noticed. 
“N-not anything weird! I just happened to,, accidentally rub,,, against it,,, I’m sorry if it’s weird y/n, I was really frustrated, I’ve made you uncomfortable-” 
You attach on your lips once again to stop the words spilling out of him, potentially waking someone else in the house. Your tongues swirled around each other, Jeongin gulping loudly as he felt nervous everytime you kissed him, filled with uncertainty, you were after all his best friend and he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. As soon as you pulled away from the kiss for the second time you put a finger on his slightly swollen lips. 
“It’s not weird, I can help you. Let me help you,,,babyboy”
You cringed at your own nickname, giggling and hiding your face behind your hands, sneaking a glance of the boy through the gaps between your fingers. To your surprise he didn’t laugh. He didn’t even smile. It was as if he’d frozen to ice in the stiffling room. Your smile quickly turned into concern, thinking that maybe you’d gone too far but all your worries were wiped away when Jeongin silently muttered;
“Call me that,,, I-I like it” 
You eyes widened, never before seeing him this weak for you. You smirked, inching closer to him and gently stroking his hot cheek with the back of your hand. 
“Only if you ride that pillow for me”
His dark eyes darted towards the pillow that was lying lazily on the carpeted floor, grabbing it in an instant. 
“This one?”
Jeongin whispered, both his eyes and question filled with innocence. You nod slowly, watching him straddle it, his knees poking slightly inwards. You smiled at him, your bottom lip quivering in excitement, wanting to see him submit to you. 
“W-what should I do?” 
His eyes twinkled in the dim light that came from the window, his fluffy hair pointing all different directions and his lips slightly pursed. You scoffed, licking your lips that turned dry from the kiss. 
“What you did when you thought I was asleep”
Jeongin blushed, his cheeks turning a light pink that was barely visible to you. He started humping the pillow, his twitching cock still in it’s clothed prison as the friction ignited a fire in his core, the previously ruined orgasm returning to it’s home. The delicate whimpers made their way out of his mouth in the softest manner, them being hardly audible due to him nibbling on the inside of his cheek, holding back on moaning. You traced your fingers up his exposed flexed thigh, eventually tracing circles over his tip, the wet patch making you snicker quietly from his desperation. You didn’t want to silence the pretty boy but his glistening lips leaving you with no other choice but to kiss him, Jeongin shortly moaning into the kiss, the sensation of release drawing closer with every second of your lips against his. 
As his pace quickened the mattress started moving around, his hips rolling upwards against the edge of the pillow, the previously frustrated boy now feeling nothing more but pure euphoria as the knot tightened. You smiled against his lips, enjoying to see him desperatly chase his release. His arms trembled as his hands were grabbing onto the soft material beneath him for dear life, breaking the kiss hastly.  
“y-y/n- agh,, can,, can i cum?”
His voice trailed to a whisper, the question sounding more like a statement. You nodded shyly, the so called question sounding too direct in your ears. The last couple of humps were uneven, the poor boy sweating enough to leave small sweatdrops around his temples, Jeongin’s soft hair failling in his face and covering his dark eyes with a even darker curtain. You opened your mouth to warn him from making too much noise but it was already too late. 
“Jeongin, be quie-”
A loud groan escaped between his pretty lips making you slightly startled as the room was previously muted. His eyes shut tightly, a million cubes of colors flashing before his eyes as he slowly rode out his orgasm. The white sticky substance staining his underwear, forming a slightly darker shade on the black fabric he was wearing. In panic you smacked your hand across his lips like you’d done before but it was already too late, a beam of light shining through the crack of the bedroom door. 
“y/n? are you ok?”
It was your moms voice. You pulled down the boy, covering him in a blanket as he was still lost in his pleasure, his breath shaky. Turning around and dragging the covers over yourself you closed your eyes it just in time before the door opened. You could hear your nervousness, imagining the different ways you could get out of this situation when morning came. The door closed quietly after a couple of seconds and the footsteps got fainter. 
Facing the boy you saw him smile lazily, his eyes still closed. You poked him on the cheek causing the boy to giggle, his eyes slowly opening and meeting yours. 
“thank you y/n”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes.
“Should I help you clean up babyboy?”
You smirked, insinuating something dirtier than what the innocent boy thought. His eyes widened as you plunged down beneath the blanket that covered his body. 
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hansolmates · 4 years
tingle (m)
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summary; your super hot, super sexy tattoo artist manages to catch you off guard mid-session. at least his touch keeps the pain off your mind. pairing; tattoo artist!jungkook x tattooed!reader (f) genre/warnings; sexual tension, im tellin u being naked in front of your tattoo artist is something, pining, roleplay, soft dom!jk, descriptions of tattooing needles and the pain associated with it, rough language, man bun koo, really tender n slow lovin, mc has nice soft squishy boobies, heeavvyyy use of the petname [redacted] w/c; 1.3k a/n; we’ve unleashed tattoo artist!koo. it’s time. based on this hellpost that won’t leave my mind. first drabble for cami’s 7k share tyty
if you like this please feel free to give it a like n’share. enjoy✨✨
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When he touches your bare breast, he’s injecting more than just ink in your skin. 
By any means, this isn’t your first rodeo. You’ve gotten tattoos before, in fact you remember how it took months for you to just let your mind kindly shut the fuck up so you could finally pick something out. You realized back then that there would never be a perfect placement or meaningful design that you had to cling to in order to get it done. Sometimes you have to do things simply because it feels right. 
Yet lying down on the leather bed, petal-covered tits out and free to grab (and he does, for leverage) you feel like a tattoo newbie as he angles the needle into your skin.
Jungkook’s fast and quick, they say. It’s why you chose him for this particular piece, a blooming lily in three parts, from a bud to a bloom that starts from the bottom of your sternum to the tops of your breasts. You’ve heard stories about how the sternum is the most painful area to ink, but you’ve had this idea in mind for literal years and you still haven’t been able to shake it off. You remember how badly you wanted to kiss him after seeing how beautiful the design looked on his iPad, but for the sake of professionalism you simply nodded your head and said you loved it. You’re sure it’s highly inappropriate to lay one on your tattoo artist for just doing their job. 
You wish you could see the ink as he’s working, but at the same time you’re excited to see the final project once it’s completely done. The only thing you can stare at is his face, dark brows furrowed in concentration as he scrutinizes every centimeter of his available space, making sure the shading is perfect as he goes in with his magnum. His eyes are bright and clear despite being in the shadows as he bends over your form, and the tips of his long hair wink against your vision as they pull out of his messy bun. 
“This part’s gonna hurt the most,” Jungkook mumbles more to himself than you, seemingly in a trance as he lifts his needle from the finished bud. The half-bloom sits right at the middle, and when he presses his finger in the spot you try not to visibly wince. The bone’s right there and you’ve already shed a couple tears from the first half hour. 
“I’ll try not to squirm,” you steel yourself, curling your toes as you prepare for the next round of needling. 
“Oh don’t worry, if you squirm I’ll just pin you down.” 
You could swear Jungkook’s squishes your breast a little firmer as he says that, but you chalk it up to him going back in and needing to move it around to touch up the inked bud. It’s not like he’ll fuck you on this table, the pain must be making you some kind of delusional if you’re fantasizing about your tattoo artist.  
Five minutes later he nicks you in a particularly sensitive spot, and you wince. You can’t help but shift away, kicking your legs. He's by his words, and Jungkook’s hand unflinchingly clamps down on your breast, pushing you into the leather. From the corner of your eye, you see the way your skin bubbles between Jungkook’s inked fingers, the fat from your breast practically spilling over his knuckles. 
Neither of you say anything as he switches needles, opting for a thinner one in order to start the illustration. 
Once the sharp metal pricks your skin, you exhale. Your eyes open slightly to see a thin smile veiled onto Jungkook’s petal pink lips. 
“Good girl,” it rolls off his tongue like honey and butter, and you have to clench your thighs and press every centimeter of your body to the table in order to not flip your shit. 
It hurts, obviously. The needle goes straight to your heart, akin to the heat that pools between your thighs as you repeat his praise over and over in your head. You feel your bones vibrate in your chest as he goes in, but you want to do well for him so you force yourself to stay put. 
You’re sure he means nothing by the nickname–or pet name in your dirty mind. Jungkook and all the other artists in Jamais Vu are known to be flirty when they want to. You’re sure he’s said that to dozens of other customers, considering his books are always full and his Instagram is filled with attractive men and women inked in the most intimate of areas. 
“You say that to all your customers?” you finally pull the question from your throat, Jungkook taking a wet paper towel to rub away the excess ink. You fight your contented sighs as the cold fabric soothes your burn. 
He hums, drifting away from your body to zoom in his perched iPad. “Only the cute ones,” he teases lightly, and you hold your breath for the rest of the appointment. 
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Jungkook’s slow and steady. 
“Whoever did that tatt must be a freakin’ genius,” Jungkook says between pumps, tugging your right breast to the side to marvel at the finished work. The adhesive bandage gleams in the low light of your shared bedroom, due to the television displaying a muted version of My Hero Academia with all it’s vast explosions and super-powered rocket thrusters. 
The only thrusting you’re concentrating on however, is the tender, thick drag of Jungkook’s cock slipping in and out of your wet folds. 
“Y-yeah I guess,” you whimper when he swipes his thumb over the nipple, and his dips down to give your new flowers tiny, petal soft kisses, “the artist was trying to hit on me, though. I could’ve sworn he was trying to cop a feel during our session.” 
“What a loser,” he chuckles at the running joke, his large hand dipping to the edge of your tummy. He links pinkies with yours along the way, and the both of you moan at the vision of where you couple between each other’s thighs. Thrust for thrust, his dick bulges and bloats your tummy in a way that has him gleaming with want. “Did you tell him you have a loving, far more talented boyfriend?” 
“Ah, n-no,” it’s clearly the wrong answer, as Jungkook slips away from you and sits on his calves, thick golden thighs expanding tauntingly as he strokes his heady member right between your eyes.
“I thought you were a good girl,” he sighs, as if disappointed with your choices. 
“I am a good girl,” you whine, “your good girl.” 
“Then tell me what you’re really thinking.” 
Your teasing, sexy boyfriend makes no moves to touch you, pretending to be wrapped up in his own pleasure. His mouth parts, jaw slackening as his eyes flutter shut when the motion starts to increase in pace. 
“Mm, would’ve—would’ve let him fuck me on the tattoo bed if he asked,” you mentally beg for him to open your eyes and watch you, but you can’t wait. Your fingers travel across your stomach and down to sensitive bud, rubbing the slick pearl, “y-yes, really wanted him—no, I really wanted you to bend me over in front of everyone, Jungkook. P-please, I’m so good, l-let me cum–” 
Your ministrations stop as soon as Jungkook’s hand covers your own. He never got particularly rough, but his grip is firm as he replaces your hand with his own. His eyes are blown wide, his hand sticky with your combined arousals. 
“Stop moving,” he whispers in your ear, and you tamp the urge to cry when he pinches your clit,  “or else I’m gonna have to pin you down again.” 
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loveylangdon · 4 years
Go To Town
Word Count: 4.2k
soft jj x best friend reader 
A/N: I have no idea why but 'Go To Town’ by Doja Cat reminds me of JJ (listen it if you want to), so I came up with this lil scenrio based off the song but not really? but who doesn’t love a good dance sesh to tease a cute boy. Just some cute JJ love tbh, everyone has the angsty, hard ass jj heres a lil content smol jj.  This is my first jj fic so pls be kind. truly a white mans whore so i’ll include my masterlist for my other writings Xx
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*not my gif credit to owner*
y/n p.o.v.
“If you're down, boy, really down, baby let me watch you go to town” You and Kie screamed at the top of your lungs dancing on the Pogue. It was your turn to pick the music playlist for the day out on the marsh and you had more of an open love for all music. When it was your turn to pick the playlist it was a bit of everything everyone loved but today you just wanted to let loose and have fun. You vibed heavy with the reggae and soft jazz the boys usually picked or the pop-rock JJ chose, but you wanted to have more fun before the kegger tonight. Your vibe was usually infectious and you wanted the others to be able to let loose. Hence listening to some Doja Cat in the middle of nowhere with also the slight hope of catching JJ’s attention more so than usual.
Your cousin came down from the mainland and showed you some new artists and ‘Go to Town’ by Doja Cat was on her playlist which reminded you of your little blonde hair blue eyed crush. JJ Maybank possibly royalty amongst the pogues and rightfully so with his charm, good looks, and his ability to fix basically anything he was a guy every girl wanted to sleep with. But to you he was an angel in disguise. Glancing over at him you saw him smirking behind his beer bottle and looking at you intently in your swimsuit dancing with Kie. “Go down, go down, go down, go to town” You and Kie kept screaming out “and she shave it all off Charlie Brown with it” dropping down and dancing on each other. John B laughing and throwing his head back, Pope smiling like an idiot, Sarah refusing to dance provocatively with you two trying to hold on to John B’s arm for dear life. Today was gonna be good. You had JJ’s attention from the moment you stepped on the boat and that’s all you wanted even if it was because you were currently grinding with Kie. 
Together but not together, you and JJ were in this endless cycle of teasing and flirting constantly but today you were winning. Watching him while dancing on Kie you knew you had him wrapped around your finger. Making sure your eyes were locked for most of the provocative parts of the song or when you dropped lower than normal. Watching how his eyes get a deeper shade of blue and how he was holding on tighter to the neck of the beer bottle John B handed him before you guys anchored down. Smiling to yourself you turned and gave Kie your full attention again dancing and acting foolish screaming lyrics to the wise words of Doja Cat “If he don’t eat it, he a D-bag, He can use a submarine, I’ll call him seaman” 
You were kind of this untouchable girl in the group, maybe even a better girl version of JJ easier to tame. Young, wild and free. Pretty, smart, fun always up for adventure but you had the spirit of Pope calculating and thinking things through but you knew when to let go. The perfect balance, Smart and quick on your feet, great at getting out of certain situations you became the mediator for Pogues and Kooks. Not being much of either you were what they would call a “Pookie” in the middle, not exactly a full Pogue but not much farther from being a Kook but not good enough either. However the group accepted you far quicker than they accepted Sarah Cameron, pure at heart and no ill intentions just wanting to have fun, Plus it didn’t hurt that you stopped Rafe from attacking them the first time you met them on the island. After they knew you were badass and down to earth how could the 3 boys refuse to let you in their secret club. Kie joined later which you were thankful for, loving your boys endlessly for 4 years but you couldn’t say no to another girl to help keep these boys corralled. 
While being associated with the Pogues it didn’t stop Kook guys trying to get at you. You were invited on figure 8 anytime as well as the cut. Princess of peace some would call you, you could get Kelce and Rafe to back down from a fight more often than not. Rafe not wanting to get on your bad side because you had a fire in your eyes and he wouldn’t want to hurt his chance of possibly getting laid if the “opportunity arises” you would never but it didn’t hurt to make him think so. Being Pookie came with power. Being able to control Rafe meant power over the Kooks. Hurting you could hurt Mr. Cameron’s business in some ways, you didn’t have a big mouth but you never forget what happens, you’re a more credible person to believe than the Pogues if it came to spilling some of Rafe’s secrets. And Rafe never forgot that. So he played nice-ish when you were present. Plus it didn’t hurt that he was attractive. So what if you flirted and hung out with them once in a blue moon. Young, Wild, and free. 
Again though JJ, JJ Maybank was it. You guys were without a doubt each other’s person. You weren’t going to make the first move you were gonna let JJ do it. Watching him mack on Tourons hurt but nothing your friends and some fun couldn’t fix. You and him were endgame anyways so why fret over what’s inevitable. That’s what you told yourself. You were confident and you definitely had that boy wrapped around your finger. Knowing each other’s quirks, body language, food taste, being each other’s other half you guys had mastered for a couple of years now. Up until recently the tides have shifted your guy’s love for each other grew in a way neither of you suspected but it didn’t change anything. Maybe more lingering touches, a couple more conscious forehead kisses or escorts home. Yet the blue-eyed angel still couldn’t make it official so you did what you do best tease him any chance you got. 
“D to the TF, got your bf in my DM, got him all up in my hair” You make your way over to where Popes sitting pointing your finger at him to join you and Kie. 
“No-No” Pope lets out moving to get up, you wink at Kie who is laughing at Popes wide-eyed frantic figure who finally figured out what the songs about while trying to maneuver in the small boat. You and Kie finally get pope stuck between you two “cause I can’t believe my eyes and her man between my thighs” you and Kie keep screaming. Peaking over Pope’s shoulder you see JJ watching you “And it’s clean but messy like a pizza” you sing right at him making eye contact, you see the blue-eyed boy shift uncomfortably in his seat adjusting his swim trunks, eyes locked on you. You wink at him and see pink dust his cheeks as he clears his throat. 
Turning to John B with a smile on your face makes Sarah squeal, “My boyfriend too y/n” she lets out, fake shock evident in her tone 
“Sorry Cameron I don’t have a boyfriend so I need to steal yours” you giggle holding your hand out for John B who has his hand over his heart and an awe look on his face flattered you chose him. He kisses Sarah on the forehead and stands up leading you next to Kie and Pope “If your down boy really down, Baby let me watch you go to town” you’re back is to John B’s chest dancing to the beat yelling out the lyrics, you feel John B place his hands on your waist and see Kie trying to get Sarah to join you guys. 
You feel heat on your waist and it's not John B’s hands, someones staring at you, looking over to JJ you see him glaring at John B’s hands holding onto your hips, guiding you to the beat. Rolling your eyes at JJ you huff, only JJ would get jealous over a guy who has a girlfriend and still not do anything about it. Pope went to go sit next to JJ since Kie left him to drag Sarah to dance before the song ended. You leave John B and dance your way over to Kie and Sarah. 
“No, No, No” Sarah squeals when you grab her wrist and Kie grabs the other you guys get her to stand up and push her to the front of the boat for the last chorus. Squishing Sarah between you and Kie you guys are lazily grinding on each other with the three boys sitting at the front of the boat whooping and hollering at your antics “let me see you go to town, baby, go to town yeah”
Making eye contact with JJ again you notice his tensed features, his jaws clenched and he’s biting his lip, his hairs messed up and you assume from him tugging on it. His eyes snap up to your face knowing he got caught checking you out he smirks opening his legs wider as if daring you to go to him and do your worst. 
“Baby let me watch you go to town,” you say making your way over to the boys, John B’s eyes widen hitting JJ on the shoulder “Oh my god” Pope lets out 
You make grabby hands to JJ, grabbing his hand that was covering his crotch innocently grazing his chest making pope let out a whistle, JJ stands up immediately taking your hand in his smirking while a goofy smile graces his features. You walk him to the middle of the boat turning your back to his chest and wrapping his arms around your waist immediately, you can feel his breath against your ear as he holds onto you tighter. Rocking your guy’s body’s together to the beat, you lean your head back and whisper into his ear “It’s your one chance, baby, never or now yeah” you hear him groan gripping you tighter if possible. Giggling you push your ass against his crotch and hear him gasp “Okay that’s it” He lets out with a clenched jaw and you unravel yourself from him and go back to dancing with Sarah and Kie again “Go down, go down, go down, Yeah let me see you go to town” Screaming when the songs over and the next one starts to play you guys laugh turning around looking at the boys who just sit there or stand in JJ’s case with a shocked expression 
“What the hell is wrong with you guys,” Kie asks crossing her arms, “You’re killing the buzz” she whines while Sarah walks over to John B and climbs in his lap causing you to laugh 
Pope clears his throat and opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out causing you and Kiara to laugh “Look y/n you broke Pope” and Pope looks offended 
“No, she didn’t,” Pope says but his voice cracked causing everyone to laugh 
“I haven’t seen y/n dance like that since the party with Rafe” Sarah comments teasingly and suddenly everyone gets quiet. Kie rolls her eyes at Sarah for even mentioning him 
“Okay, y’all act like you’ve never heard a song like that chill” you chuckle going to the cooler to grab a beer and take a drink
“No we have but like wow that was so-” Pope starts out with hand movements and everything but Kie shoots him a look raising her eyebrow 
“So what Pope?” She asks and you go to say something but JJ cuts you off 
“That was hot, like really hot not gonna lie I liked it, I liked it a lot actually” JJ speaks up from where he’s standing on the boat looking at you. John B hits him upside the head “Bro what the fuck” JJ lets out turning to look at John B
“Stop being gross” John B states matter of factly “They’re having fun they don’t need a perv ruining it”
You give them a confused look “Okay I’m going to swim, coming Kie?” You ask as she nods. Diving into the marsh instantly cools off your body, you hear Kie jump in after you. Swimming to the other side of the boat. The boys and Sarah out of view you hear Kie next to you 
“So JJ is still a dumbass” she huffs out rolling her eyes in the direction of JJ. Giggling at her you shake your head and she goes to speak up about his failed attempt to get down with you to Doja Cat when you guys hear JJ whisper shout trying to be quiet, you shoot a look to Kie and raise a finger to your lips telling her to be quiet while she nods
“Okay I stand corrected that was hot. Pope you should be worried about Kie leaving you for y/n did you see the way Kie went in after her” JJ lets out a whistle and you and Kie giggle quietly moving your arms around to make it seem like y’all are still swimming 
“Shut up” Pope lets out exasperated
“No Pope listen I’m serious that was so hot like y/n dived flawlessly she’s perfect and the way Kie followed right after her like girl on girl action it just-” 
You snorted looking over at Kie who had an eyebrow raised, you made kissy faces at her until she splashed you. You could imagine JJ using his hands to emphasize his point 
“You’re disgusting JJ” you heard Sarah let out which caused you and Kie to start giggling until you heard a splash of water assuming it was Sarah. You and Kie swam a little ways from the boat to not give away that you two were snooping 
“Great, you pissed off Sarah great going JJ” you could faintly hear John B huff 
“What guys I’m being honest, you’re gonna tell me that wasn’t even a little bit hot,” JJ asks and you can see his arms extended out 
“Okay JJ yes but we don’t say that shit out loud” you hear Pope mumble. Your head shot straight to Kie who has a shocked expression on her face at Popes sudden small outburst and then to Sarah 
“You little snakes you heard them” Sarah gasps out 
“Sarah shut up oh my god, it’s so fun to tease them” you flick water at her and head to swim back to the boat seeing John B and Pope join the girls in the water. The water had done its job cooling you off you wanted to tan. 
Climbing back into the boat you hear a whistle coming from JJ “Take a picture it’ll last longer” you let out reaching for your towel to dry off 
“Only if you let me take pictures of the entire view and” he pauses popping the ‘and’ while pointing his finger at you “you stay wet” JJ lets out biting his lip as you shoot him a fake glare. He’s reaching for your waist and you let him pull you to sit down between his legs 
You pout “I wanted to tan” 
“To bad come keep me company” he smiles pulling you down, kissing the crown of your forehead nothing unusual but it didn't stop the butterflies from forming in the pit of your stomach 
“How you feeling,” You ask him as he wraps a towel around your figure before wrapping his arms around you. Knowing he didn’t get in the water because of his recent fight with his dad. His bruises were taking a little longer to heal than normal and he didn’t want anyone worrying about him. You helped apply cream to them but he couldn’t stay out of trouble long enough for it to heal properly. 
“I’m perfect right now” he hums in content and you move to look up at him, his chin is resting in the crook of your shoulder and his eyes are closed, his arms wrapped across your torso holding you close to his chest. The sun is hitting his face perfectly making his blonde locks glow and there’s a sense of calm he holds. He looks content, at peace and all you could ever ask for was this boy to feel all the love in the world and a part of you hoped he felt that with you. Placing a soft kiss on his chin you feel him shift, you turn your body to watch the rest of the Pogues in the water. They’re having a splash war and you can’t help but let out a giggle at the girls trying to take down John B. 
“You missed,” JJ says 
“Missed what?” You ask confused eyes still on your friends in the water
“You missed” He lets out annoyed at the lack of attention you’re paying to him
“JJ what the fuck are you-” His hand grabs your chin turning you to him quickly cutting you off and his lips are on yours. 
Your lips melt into his instantly. His hand goes to hold the side of your face in his hand, tilting your head a bit to deepen the kiss. You feel like your heart is going to fall out of your chest. His other hand goes to pinch your ass as you let out a gasp he uses that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. Attempting to fight for dominance you gladly let him win. He tasted like beer and spearmint with a hint of weed he probably smoked earlier. It was addicting. 
Pulling away for a quick second he groans, his eyes still closed you can see him rolling his eyes like breaking away from him was the end of the world. You place quick pecks onto his lips while moving to straddle his lap, you feel him smirk against you. Pulling you closer to him, he has one hand on your ass holding you to him and the other holding the side of your cheek to keep you close, you pull his bottom lip into your mouth sucking on it as he groans. Pulling away reluctantly both of his hands find their way to the bottom of your ass. 
Opening your eyes looking at him he sits with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on his face, eyes closed, lips red and swollen. He looks like a kid in a candy store and you can’t help but let out a giggle. Placing your hands on either side of his neck you lean into him and place a couple of kisses on his lips he happily partakes in and you can feel his smile widening if even possible. Pulling away you’re met with blue eyes and a smirk. You lean up to place a kiss on his forehead as soon as you place it there his face nuzzles into your boobs and you can’t help but laugh and he groans “you’re so perfect, fuck” he speaks into your skin playfully biting your chest
Tangling your hand in his hair behind his neck, you gently pull him away from your boobs, he leans in planting another kiss on you quickly “I like this” he places another kiss on your lips “I like this a lot” he whispers to you as you break away for the third time. 
Trying to chase his lips with yours you nod at him “Yeah?” you smirk tugging at the hair gently on the back of his neck, tilting your head a little more back feigning innocent while he groans moving his hands to hold the side of your face to keep you from moving away any further 
Something flashes across his face you haven’t seen before causing you to furrow your eyebrows together and then his eyes go soft and the way he’s looking at you makes you want to melt into a puddle “Yeah I like this a lot actually” he breaths out in a sincere whisper placing a kiss on your nose, you scrunch it up as he places gentle kisses all over your face until you’re pushing his face away to stop him you guys are both left laughing, He plays with a few strands of your hair just looking at you as if he’s trying to remember every little detail as if he didn’t know it by heart already 
“Um what are you guys doing,” Pope asks from the side of the boat with a questionable look only Pope could make
“Pope what the fuck man” JJ lets out pinching the bridge of his nose glaring at him. You move to get up and grab JJ another beer, noticing John b climb into the boat as well. “Can’t you see I’m trying to make magic happen” JJ gestures towards your standing finger and you scoff placing a hand on your hip
“You’re gonna need a lot of magic JJ little Pookie here has a wide range of options” John B teases knowing JJ gets all defensive when your other affiliated party is mentioned the Kooks
“She’s mine and everyone knows it” JJ scoffs crossing his arms making his biceps bulge a little bit 
“My brother doesn’t” Sarah chimes in climbing into the boat next to you and you try to stifle your laugh at JJ fuming. Kie climbs aboard and starts arguing with JJ alongside Sarah about the logistics of a relationship and what that entails. You’re sure you hear something about ownership and women’s rights and you can’t help but smile at your friends being idiots
John B pats the seat next to him for you to sit down, clinking his beer with yours or was suppose to be JJ’s “Salud” he chuckles ruffling your hair “I think Pookie is finally a Poguie, we can talk about custody over him later” he jokes 
“No” you hear JJ say over the music holding his hand to Kie’s face to shush her while pointing a finger over at the two of you “actually, she had full custody the entire time” you hear JJ shout over Kie trying to shove JJ in the water 
“Whose pussy whipped now,” John B asks him raising an eyebrow making everyone burst into laughter and Pope lets out a low whistle
“I don’t know ask Rafe-” JJ started which earned a shocked expression from you that lasted 2 seconds and a knowing look from Sarah before Kie finally pushed him over the edge and into the marsh resulting in a gasp from him and a content smiley Kiara
“I’m sure Rafe would gladly go to town with y/n, he’ll take his one chance” Kie yelled towards him and a bunch of “oohs” come from everyone before she continues “Hmm actually let's put that on the playlist for the kegger tonight see what prince Kook wants to do with princess Pookie” She goes to put her hand on her chin pouting her lips earning a nod from Pope  
“That's it you’re dead” JJ pushes himself up into the boat and immediately grabs onto Kie throwing her back into the marsh, turning around he headed straight for Sarah 
“JJ no, JJ-” Sarah screams out when he nears her “John B I swear if you let him-” but it's too late JJ is holding her bridal style in his arms tossing her over into the marsh 
“Sorry Kook you’re related to the guy can’t have you spying on us revealing intel” He salutes the two girls in the water going to sit in between your legs on the floor of the boat, his back against the seat
“Yeah he’s pussy whipped” Pope states pointing a finger towards you guys, JJ fake glares at him taking off his cut tank that is now soaked due to Kie pushing him in. Hoping it'll dry before the kegger tonight, you wrap a towel around his wet figure playing with his blonde hair and placing a kiss on the top of his head 
“Jokes on you Pope” JJ starts shooting him a look “I’m about to be treated like a king” JJ leans back shaking his wet hair into your lap which causes a groan from John B who was in the splash zone “Beer me women” he shouts holding his arms out earning a smack to his chest from John B, rolling your eyes you hand him the beer that was originally intended for him. He raises the bottle as the girls climb into the boat glaring at him. A shit eating grin on his face “Salud” which earns a chorus of saluds back and a “how does he do it” from Pope causing everyone to burst into laughter while he starts the boat up to head back to the chateau.
The sun, the water, your boy and friends. Pogue style. 
A/N: this is my first jj writing and she isn’t edited v much I wanted to get it out bc this idea has been in my head and I think about it every time I listen to the song, and its on my summer playlist rip. This could be a two parter? the ending was kinda meh because I was torn between dragging it out and giving it an ending. Either way I hope you enjoyed it. Any feedback or commentary is welcomed my inbox is always open, I hope yall are staying safe Xx
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astralibrary · 3 years
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yooo @junk-thrillz​ i was your @pnatsecretsanta​!!! among your mentioned likes were the school store four + collin, ocean aesthetic and magical girl au’s, so i made the five of them into an ocean themed magical girl squad!
there’s a cover for their theoretical manga (+ a textured “realistic” version for fun), and then a few “screencaps” of the anime adaptation from the infamous Hijack Arc, in which the monster of the week captures jeff and turns him against his teammates, who then go on to save him through the power of their unbreakable friendship, in true cheesy anime fashion ❤
this was a lot of fun to put together, i hope you like it!!!
(also, not every concept i brainstormed made it into these final pieces, so here are some extra thoughts and such under the cut :3)
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even though i feel like cody is more typically associated with blue, i made him pink because he’s the leader of the team and everyone knows the leader is always pink!!!
i gave each individual member their own ocean-related theme, so cody’s is a pirate captain, because it’s a leadery type of role. his weapon is a cutlass as a nod to canon but it’s pink and magical and fun instead of murdery bc this is a G-Rated Funtimes AU,
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collin is blue simply because that pink + blue duo am i right ;)
he has a sailor theme, so he’s got a cute lil hat and sailor uniform flourishes on his outfit (the collar, the double stripes, etc)
his weapon is a harpoon bc idk that’s sailory right. even a lil bit
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jeff gets orange/yellow because he’s the funny lovable one!
i wanted to give one of them a sea creature theme, so jeff’s theme is jellyfish, which is reflected in his headband and the like, puffy side part of his dress there? it’s a little abstract but hopefully u get the picture kgjdkfjd
his weapon is lil bombs (but Magical), mostly because i thought it’d be a fun reference to the hitball arc... u know, round ball-shaped objects being thrown.... etc
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violet is purple because.... i could not resist i am sorry it’s so GOOD
i struggled with her theme, i admit... but it ended up being kind of piratey, but more crewmate than captain? she has that little tied sash around her waist, and the skull bow hairclip is meant to reference a skull and crossbones, which tbh i feel like fits w her general aesthetic anyway so like? it works imo
her weapon (not pictured unfortunately) is a blunderbuss (funny pirate gun)
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and finally, lisa is green, because... well she was the last one i assigned a color ghdkfjdkgj i think under normal circumstances she absolutely would’ve been purple bc she’s just got that Vibe u know, but since i wanted to give it to violet so bad i went with green for lisa. i think it suits her tho? it’s kind of a seafoam green, to be a little more oceany hehe
her theme is like, the beach, seashells, etc. the swirl in her hair reminds me of a conch shell so i just kinda. stuck one right in there. and then a few other things like bits of coral and sand dollars and pearls as added decoration
she also has some netting and a few shells around her waist to sprinkle more of her theme throughout her design
her weapon (pictured in the first fake screencap) is a Sick Trident that she looks rly cool holding iajs,
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also, their normal everyday clothes have little nods to their transformed outfits! not all of them made it into that third fake screencap but here are the concept sketches!
violet: a skull & crossbones hairclip to reference her skull bow hairclip
jeff: a pair of orange headphones to reference his headband (they should have that jellyfish pattern on them too but i didn’t draw that)
cody: a pink beanie with a little gold feather pin to reference his pirate hat
lisa: a bracelet with a sand dollar and some pearls to reference her hair decorations
collin: a navy blue bowtie with little white stripes to reference his sailor theme
finally, some extra bits i came up with while brainstorming the kind of universe this would all take place in:
the premise is sort of like pnat in that it takes place in mayview, but instead of spectrals and spirits there are magical girl squads who fight monsters (same as the ghosts & spirits basically) to protect the town. rather than mayview being simply overrun with spirits, it’s disproportionately attacked by them, ergo the need for magical girls
the ocean team isn’t the only squad around; another one is made up of the activity club (max/isabel/ed/isaac), who i was thinking would have a steampunk theme? and then i was toying with the idea of the jang being another team, but i hadn’t really thought as far as to what their theme would be
just for fun, the ocean team has a magical pirate ship they can fly around on, and the steampunk team has a magical train they can ride around on, not unlike the ghost train (just like, more steampunky)
the reason there can be multiple teams without everyone stepping on each other’s toes is because there are different types of monsters to fight. i don’t know exactly what differentiates them, but each team’s specific brand of magic only affects certain types of monsters
the journalism club consists of suzy, who is investigating the identities of these mysterious magical girl squads (bc Of Course no one is able to recognize them once they’ve transformed), collin, who is frantically hiding the fact that he is in fact a member of one of these squads, and dimitri, a former member of the steampunk team who left for unknown reasons and now does everything he can to throw suzy off their trail. neither collin nor dimitri know of the other’s true identity (for sure, that is. dimitri has A Hunch)
so yeah! i haven’t had too much time to elaborate on the idea, but that’s what i managed to come up with! again this was a blast, au’s are so fun ;w;
ANYWAY that was a lot of rambling lol but!!!! i hope this is as fun for u as it was for me! happy holidays!!!! 💖💙💛💜💚
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antebunny · 3 years
the mysterious adventures of mo xuanyu
Continuation of this post.
The second time that Lan Sizhui meets Mo Xuanyu, he is again on a night hunt with Jingyi.
“Ah, the young masters are too late,” the head villager says when they arrive. “Two rogue cultivators took care of our problem just a few hours ago! They’re in the tavern, I believe, if the young masters want to meet them.”
So Lan Sizhui and Jingyi head over to the tavern, where they find the two mysterious rogue cultivators, one dressed in black and one dressed in white, sitting at a table and eating dinner. Everyone turns and looks when the two Lan cultivators step inside, and Lan Sizhui finds himself making eye contact with the strange demonic cultivator outcast from the Mo Manor nighthunt a few months ago. Clearly the man recognizes him as well, because his face lights up.
“Ah! The baby Lans!” Mo Xuanyu waves them over brightly.
Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi head over to his table, nonplussed by his greeting.
“Hello, Senior Mo,” Lan Sizhui begins politely, only to get interrupted.
“What did I tell you?” Mo Xuanyu cries victoriously, elbowing his companion. “Senior Mo! They’re so cute!”
Lan Sizhui feels his cheeks flush, but he pushes on anyway. “The villagers said you were responsible for eliminating the ghouls in this area?”
“Ahaha, that was nothing,” Mo Xuanyu says, frantically waving his arms in the air like he can ward off the accusation.
Jingyi huffs. “Seriously?”
“I’m dead serious,” Mo Xuanyu’s companion says, and Mo Xuanyu chokes on his tea.
“Sorry, sorry,” Mo Xuanyu says, once he’s done exhaling hot tea. “This is my, uh, companion, Mo Qionglin. Mo Qionglin, these are the Lan juniors I was telling you about! Lan, uh…Jing…li? Uh.”
“This one is Lan Sizhui,” Lan Sizhui steps in, rescuing Mo Xuanyu from further embarrassment. “My friend is Lan Jingyi.”
“Right! Sizhui and Jingyi,” Mo Xuanyu says proudly, like he’s the one who remembered.
Lan Sizhui studies Mo Xuanyu and Mo Qionglin. They’re an enigma, this pair of rogue cultivators. Mo Xuanyu went from a hapless, helpless loon running around and causing chaos in Mo Manor, to a focused and confident demonic cultivator that easily subdued a demonic arm that Gusu Lan’s Head Disciple and Lan Jingyi couldn’t deal with. Mo Qionglin (and Sizhui thought that all the living Mos had died?) looks pasty, unhealthily pale, even in this dim tavern light. Perhaps he’s a demonic cultivator too; Lan Sizhui can’t see a sword on either of them, just a flute carried by Mo Xuanyu.
And that’s not even counting his father’s inexplicable reaction to Mo Xuanyu.
“S-sorry for stealing your nighthunt,” Mo Qionglin offers meekly. “We didn’t know you were coming. It was no trouble for W–uh. Um. X-Xuanyu and I.”
Lan Jingyi huffs, but resigned this time. “Whatever,” he says. He puffs out his chest. “We don’t do it for the money anyway.”
“Of course, of course,” Mo Xuanyu agrees easily. “Did the arm give you any trouble?”
“It is, actually,” Lan Sizhui admits.
His father wanted to track down Mo Xuanyu (though Lan Sizhui isn’t sure why–his father usually deals with demonic cultivators on a case by case basis, and Mo Xuanyu seemed like the type that his father would let go), but got sidetracked by the demonic arm when it broke its seals. Now he’s off on a self-assigned mission to solve the mystery of the demonic arm, and Sizhui hasn’t heard from him in weeks.
“But my father is taking care of it,” Lan Sizhui finishes.
“Who’s your father?” Mo Xuanyu asks curiously, and Lan Sizhui flushes. He usually knows better than to refer to his father as his father outside of the Cloud Recesses, but he was thinking of his father  as his father when he answered–but really, that’s no excuse.
“Hanguang-jun,” Lan Jingyi answers for him–boasts for him, really, and Lan Sizhui flushes pink again.
“Hanguang-jun!” Mo Xuanyu’s eyebrows attempt to climb out of his forehead. “Hanguang-jun has a son?” He sounds almost personally offended, and it makes Lan Sizhui wonder again at his father’s intense reaction to Mo Xuanyu.
“Yes,” Lan Jingyi says, defensively on behalf of Lan Sizhui. He puffs up his chest again, ready to start yelling when Mo Xuanyu continues on to: but not actually his son, right?
“I didn’t know Hanguang-jun got married,” Mo Xuanyu says instead, wonderingly. Lan Sizhui wonders if he should correct Mo Xuanyu, and then decides it’s more trouble than it’s worth. When Mo Xuanyu smiles again, it’s pained, and Mo Qionglin pats his hand comfortingly. “Well, you’re very lucky,” Mo Xuanyu says firmly.
Lan Sizhui nods and ducks his head, blushing for the third time in as many minutes.
“Speaking of Hanguang-jun,” Mo Xuanyu says, eyes losing their mirth, “you didn’t tell him about the demonic cultivation, did you?”
“Of course we did,” Lan Jingyi says immediately. “Why wouldn’t we?”
Mo Xuanyu’s smile drops. “Well, uh,” he says, scratching the back of his head. “I know the Lans don’t exactly think highly of demonic cultivators…”
“But you helped us,” Lan Jingyi points out. “You saved our lives! You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Still,” Mo Xuanyu continues doggedly. “I’m sure your elders don’t want you associating with people like me.”
“That’s true,” Lan Jingyi admits. “This is what Do not associate with evil is supposed to mean, isn’t it?”
“Senior Mo is not evil,” Lan Sizhui argues. Then he sighs. “But there’s another rule for not associating with demonic cultivators.”
“Another rule?” Mo Xuanyu’s eyebrows shoot up again. “How many rules are there?”
“Almost 4,000,” Lan Jingyi replies.
“Four thousand?” Mo Xuanyu gapes. He shakes his head. “It’s like everytime I turn around there’s another thousand rules.”
“I know,” Lan Jingyi commiserates.
“Jingyi,” Lan Sizhui hisses, mortified. This feels like spilling Lan secrets with strangers, even if it’s not.
“What?” Lan Jingyi says. “Have you been to Gusu, Senior Mo?”
Mo Xuanyu’s eyes widen almost comically. “What? Me? No! Haha, why would I ever go there? I’ve just, uh, heard of the famed rules of the Lans! They’re quite famous, don’t you know?”
“Actually,” Lan Sizhui says, ignoring Mo Xuanyu’s inexplicable frantic denial, “my father wants to meet you.”
“Ha–Hanguang-jun?” Mo Xuanyu’s eyes widen even further. “Why? Is this about my demonic cultivation?”
“No!” Lan Jingyi says immediately. “He’s not Sect Leader Jiang!”
“W-what’s wrong with Sect Leader Jiang?” Mo Qionglin asks.
“He hates demonic cultivators,” Lan Jingyi confides. “If you’re planning on nighthunting–don’t go to Yunmeng. Sect Leader Jiang tracks down demonic cultivators personally and drags them to Lotus Pier, and they never come back out.”
“Ah.” Mo Xuanyu’s smile is weak. “Good to…know.”
“Jingyi,” Lan Sizhui reproaches. “Don’t gossip.”
“It’s not gossip!” Jingyi protests. “I’m telling Seniors Mo some very important information.”
Lan Sizhui holds back a sigh. “That’s not why Hanguang-jun wants to meet you,” he says, putting the Jiang Wanyin gossip aside. “I believe he wants to thank you personally,” he continues, perhaps fibbing the truth a little–but not lying!
Mo Xuanyu waves his arms frantically again. “There’s no need!” He insisted hastily. “You can tell Hanguang-jun there’s no need, really, it was my pleasure, there’s no need for Hanguang-jun to come looking for little ol’ me, i-in fact I think we have another nighthunt to get to, right Mo Qionglin? But nice seeing you so long catch you later bye!”
Mo Xuanyu drags his friend out of their seats and almost sprints out of the tavern. Lan Sizhui gets whiplash watching him run out the door. He and Lan Jingyi can only gape as Mo Xuanyu and Mo Qionglin vanish into the night like they’re running from vengeful ghosts. Like they’re running from their pasts.
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astheroid · 3 years
Ka-Kacchan 😫💦 (Bakugouwu x reader SMUT 🤯)
Author-chan here!!!!!! I decided to write for my bb Kacchan bc hes just such a cutie >.< hehe anyways ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I walked into the hero association with my long Blonde hair flowing in the wind. “SARAH!!” Deku called, walking over to me. “Baka-Deku, what do you wabt?” I asked, making a cute face. “I heard Kacchan wants youuuuu” he said raising his green puffy eyebrows. “Ka-Kacchan?? Why.. why would he ever want me?” I asked, batting my bright blue eyes in his directuon. “I do not know Sara-chan” he answered, blushing bright red. “I think… he might have a crush on you” I GASPED!! (author’s note: UwU OMGGG IT’S GETTING ~SPICYYYY~) I smiled sweetly at deku before hopping over to Bakugou, flipping my hair over m shoulder. “Ohio K-Kacchan, what do you want?” I said, trying to be tough. He glared at me pomeranian hair sticking up as I touched him. “NOTHING YOU BITCH!!” He yelled, shoving me. I started crying. “BAKA-KUGOU WHY DID YOU DO THAT????” I yelled. He lookd at me. “Idk you’re just ugly.” He said and walked away. I touched my frail wrist and realized it was broken. I went to the doctor’s and got it fixed, mad at Kacchan te whole way. I saw Kacchan after work and went to be mad at him. “WHY DID YOU DO THAT?????” I screamed activating my Ice Quirk. “You’RE JUST AN UGLY STUPID EXTRA!!” Ye glared at me, hands booming. “IF I’M SO UGLU WHY DO YOU LIKE MEEEE?????/?” I yelled in his face. He gasped and tears fell from his eyes. “BAKAaAaAaAAAA HOW DO U KNOW THAT?” He said. “I know because your always mean to me :(“ I pouted. He said “t-th-that’s not t-true BAKA-SARAAH.” I grinned menacingly with my fangs. “Of course it’s true Ba-kacchan” “Don’t call me that” he said, blushing. “Ba-kacchan” I said again, my own cheeks getting red against my pale skin. He grabbed my arm “let’s go to my house and see if you wan’t to call me that again Baka-Sarah-chan”. (author’s note: OMGGGGGGG SMUT COMING SOON!!! TANK U FOR READING THIS FAR!!! Should I make a Deku-chan one next? He’s my lil beann and I wanna write 4 him :3)
UwU SMUTTTTTTTTTT BWLOE THE CUT!!!! Skip if you want but its my favorit part ;3
We arrived at his house and no-one was home, it was just me and Kacchan (author’s note: SPICYYYYYY whatr you gonna do bakacchan O///O). He threw me on his bed and took off his shirt (author’s note: MMM HIS STOMACH I’M DROOLING ;w;). He pushed me down and went to the bathroom, when he came out he had no pants too!! I was surprised by his cream stick poking through his underwear. “Take off ur clothes baka” he huffed face very red. I pouted. “Make me Ba-Kacchan”. He growled ferally nd ripped mt clothes off my body. I gasped, pale Skin getting goosebumps. “There I made you” he said rolling his eyes. I blushed very hard. “Now let me show u what happens when you call me Ba-kacchan >:(“ (autho’rs note: *w* OMGOMGOMGOMG IT’S HAPPENING GUYSSS!! YOUR AUTHOR-CHAN IS SOOOO EXCITED!!!). He took off his Dog undies and I saw… A HUGE DING-DONG!!! He put it inside me and moved quickly. I moaned “OoOoOoOoOoOoOoHhHhHhHHHH Ka-Kacchan… go faster!!” He went faster, grumbling my name. After a bit he took his member out and Spat on me. “That’s why u don’t call me Ba-Kacchan Bitch”. I layed on his bed amd panted; legs too weak to stand up. He put his pants over his meat scepter and grinned at me. “I hope you learned your lesson Baka-Sarah”.
Smut done :(((( Stay to read the rest tho!!!
I stayed in his house for 30 minutes before leaveing. “B-bye k-k-Kacchan” I stuttered. My legs were still wobbly. I went home and jumped on my bed dreaming of Kacchan railing me again ;). When I woke up I felt really sick and threw up in the bathroom. ‘Oh no……’ I thought. WAS I PREGANTE????? (author’s note: OOHHHHHHHHHHH DRAAAMAAAAA!!! Hehe it gets so exciting) I rushed to the store to buy a test, completely forgetting about my job as a Hero. I gasped at the test. ‘I’m… Perngant??’ I touched my belly. ‘I have Ba-kacchan’s baby in here…” ‘I have to call him’. I called and talked to him on the phone. “K-Kacchan” I stuttered “I got pragnent!” He gasped. “F*ck. Are u gonna keep it?” I gasped. “OF COURSE!!!!! I CAN”T KILL OUR BABY!!!!!!!!!” (author’s note: OMGEEEE THEY’RE FIGHTING 🥺🥺🥺) Kacchan sobbed. “I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY FOR A KID!!” “YOU DON’T NEED TO, I CAN!!!! I DOUN’T NEED YOU ANYWAYS!!!!” I screamed, crying too. He left the call and I cried harder. Idk what to do with a BABY. He came to my house. He crossed his arms madly. “We need to kill the baby.” “NO I CAN’T DO THAT!!” I screamed (author’s note: OoOoOoOoOh THEY’RE GOING THRU IT!!!!!). “Why not????????” He pouted. His hands sparked. “THAT’S MURDER BA-KACCHAN!!!” My long Silky hair whipped around as I yelled up at him. He tried to hit my stomach, but I dodged and Froze him in placee. “DON’T HIT ME BAKA-KUGOU!!!!!!!!” I screamed. “STOP TYRING TO MURDER O U R CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He huffed. “I DON’T WANT A STUPID KID WITH A WHORE LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!” I gasped loudly. “I’M NOT A WHORE YOU’RE JUST A JERK!!!!!” He burst out of the ice and kissed me. “I don’t want a crusty crotch goblin to ruin our relationship” “He won’t I promise” I said blushing Red and patting my tummy. He sighed loudly. “Ok fine we can keep the cum droplet I just don’t wanna pay” I smiled “OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “So……. will you marry me?” I gasped suuuper loud “OF COURSE BAKUGOU!!!!! I LOVE U!!!”
TIMESKIP!!!!!!!! UwU I loveeee this story so far; hope u guys like it too ;3
We ended up having 8 babys. I’m the #1 hero (author’s note: Deku is too baby to be a hero 🥺 I think Strong reader-chan is better for that >:3) and Kacchan is my sidekick. Our kids have the strongst quirks in the world!!!1!!! Ray Andy Mei Akira Bobby David & Deku Jr have explosion-Ice quirks, but Maya (author’s note: Maya is my faaavoriteeee UvU) has A SUPER POWERFUL ICE QUIRK (just like her mama)!!!!!! We lived a very happy nice life after that and had a ton of money!!
BONUS SMUT!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe I wanted to do a lil extra ~spicy~ something as a reward for reading this far >wO
Kacchan plugged me up with his thicc Pleasure Pump. I whined “KA-KACCHAN YOU’RE TOO BIG~” He didn’t listen and kept going pounding me into the wall. There was a collar around my neck (author’s note: K!NKYYYYYY~~~~~) and my Face was mushd into the wall. He kept going for quite some time until he hit something in me. I scREAMED “OOOOHHHHHH KACCHAN THAT’S ITtTtTTTTttttTTTT~~~” he grunted and pushed harder. His manhood felt so GOOOOOOD. (author’s note: I kinda want Bakugouwu to @#!% me if u know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) He did it until he Cummed; taking it out so we wouldn’t have more babys.
Favorite food: BAKUGOU UwU
Favorite character: BBY DEKU!!!! He’s MINE get away Broke Uraraka >:((((
Favorite color: Anything but pink :/ soooo cringy
Favorite Anime: MY HERO OBV!!!
Ships: Me x my hero boysss 🤤 the girls are all dumb and gay is sin :^/
Next chapter????:
NEXT CHAPTER PREVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deku stared at us jelously. “I-I don’t understand… I…. I really like you Sarah-Chan!!! Why did u have to choose Kacchan 🥺” I looked at him sadly. “He got me pregnent Deku-chan I had toooo” He looked at Bakugou mad. “You took my crush away from me Kacchan…….” Kacchan yelled at him “SHE’S MINE SO BACK OFF BAKA-DEKUUUUU!!!!!!!!” Deku started cryeing and looked at me for help “She was supposed to be MY wife Mean Kacchan :(“ Bakugou laughed. “NO CHANCE LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
The next chapter will be coming out sooooon :D I hope you guys liked!!!!! It’s gonna be so good and even a little smutty *o* n e wAys, catch all you lil reader-chan beans l8ter!!!
Last updated: April 1, 2016
[This is 100% a joke and not a real representation of my writing skills. Happy April Fools ;D]
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lesbolieeh · 2 years
And one of the biggest problems is that I'm personally not even bothered by it anymore, I got called a dog eater. Then when I was carpooling they told be not to drive because I was Asian so I'd crash the car. The worst thing is that the person who said that was also a person in a minority group. And when I pointed it out they said "I'm __ (Not gonna say their race), I can't be racist!" And I feel bad for pointing it out now, since it felt like I was offending them and other people of their race.
It’s rly sad but I think it’s so normalised bc in influential classic US American movies Asian characters would only exist to be a joke :/ looking back at movies like ‘Pretty in Pink’ I wonder to myself if movies like that popularised making fun of Asians. I have met a lot of ppl who make fun of Asians and then say they’re not racist bc they don’t hate Asians - do ppl rly not understand or see that it’s immoral and discriminatory to make fun of a whole race or specific ethnicities? Is it bc they’ve been taught since they were kids that it’s okey to do it ?since that’s what happens in famous movies? Just bc u don’t “hate” a race doesn’t mean ur not racist! Come to think abt it, Asians rarely get casted as main characters in the west. I think ‘Crazy rich Asians’, ‘To all the boys I’ve loved before’ and recently ‘Senior year’ are the only movies I’ve seen w Asians as main characters or other characters that get a lot of screen time. Which is kinda fucked up tbh especially since it’s 2022.
I remember I once called my best friend cute like a puppy and this guy said smth like “the only difference is that she eats it” and it took me a few seconds to understand what he actually meant and I was so shocked bc he’s a gen z and also goes to a prestigious school on an international program w ppl from everywhere! I realised that literally anyone can be racist, no matter the generation or who they associate with. It’s fucked up that he thought he could openly say racist shit to anyone and expect them to b okey w it or smth??? And I’m literally a minority too so it doesn’t make sense y he’d think he could say racist shit abt a half Asian person in front of me??
honestly I didn’t know that bad driver was an Asian stereotype b4 but how rude! Anyone can be a racist! If someone’s racist against ur race doesn’t mean u can’t be racist against x race. Honestly racism or xenophobia is not uncommon in minorities bc it’s a traumatic defence reaction towards discrimination and dehumanisation (to put someone below u in the racial or ethnic hierarchy after trauma caused bc of ur race or ethnicity so ur not the lowest rank). Like a lot of ppl of my ethnicity r rly xenophobic bc we have been colonized and ethnically cleansed by multiple countries not that long ago. It doesn’t justify racism or xenophobia, however!
Also I wanna say that it’s always ok to criticise anyone for racism, xenophobia or any other type of discrimination no matter what their background is!
A year ago I was speaking my language w my friend and this neo nazi classmate asked me “are you guys speaking *language of ppl that ethnically cleansed my ppl*?” KNOWING our ethnicity! I put him in his place bc I was so fkn done w ppl joking abt ppl ethnically cleansing my ppl literally in the 2000’s. Yesterday two guys (of different minorities) at the library were speculating my ethnicity (and got it right) and then went on to stereotype women from my country (thinking I didn’t hear them since I had AirPods on) and I told them off when they were gonna leave. and I just have to say it’s never wrong to point out racism or xenophobia ever!
I’m sry if this rant abt my experience in any way minimised ur experience I just wanted to talk abt that u should always confront and tell ppl off when they are being racist or xenophobic, no matter who they are
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