#i know that as soon as i get home ill cry my eyes off
evie-sturns · 2 months
Intersection - Matt Sturniolo
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summary: after not driving for a few months, you accidentally rear end matts car at an intersection.
contains: crying, swearing, comforting, angry!matt.
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i haven't drove in the past 6 months that i've been away in Florida, but now i'm back in Boston im slowly starting to get back into it.
i flick my left indicator, swinging round the corner as frank ocean blares through my small white car.
the road is slippery due to the weather recently, the small puddles on the concrete shining from the illuminating street lights above.
i hum to the song as i accelerate, pressing my foot harder on the small pedal as i keep a reasonable distance between the grey van in front.
i check my wing mirrors, there's no cars behind me so i speed up, closing the distance between me and the car ahead.
theres an upcoming intersection, the traffic light is green, i look down at my cupholder for a split second, my bottle of water splashing up out of the bottle with every rock i drive over, "shit.." i mutter, reaching a hand down and fiddling with the cap.
i gasp as i look up, the light is red and the car which is 3 feet in front of me has come to a complete halt.
my heart drops as my mind goes blank.
"oh my god." i shout as the front of my car smashes into this grey van.
i sit in silence for a few seconds, the van drives to the side of the empty road, i follow and park behind, my heart thumps as i drive in total shock,
i've never been in a car accident, not even close.
i instantly start to freak out, how could i not in this situation. i turn off my car, stepping out and wiping my face with my sleeve as i take in panicked breaths.
the door of the other car swings open, a man steps out, he's wearing cargo jeans, a grey crewneck and an assortment of jewellery.
i've definitely seen him on tiktok before..?
i walk over to him, "i'm so fucking sorry my insurance will pay for everything" i ramble, the brunette replies "i know."
his voice is stern, he's definitely mad. i bite my nails as my leg shakes on the spot.
"how the fuck do you not brake? you were a solid 5 meters behind me and yet your car rams the back of mine? are you fucking stupid?" the boy says, staring into my eyes.
"my water spilt and i thought the light was going to stay green, i'm so sorry." i say back, my voice shaking as i start to cry.
he stays silent for a few seconds, scanning my face which is now flushed everywhere with a couple of tears falling from my eyes.
"stop, just give me your insurance details and number" he sighs,
after giving him my number and insurance details i start again, "ill call you an uber, im really sorry." i say, pulling out my phone and attempting to turn it on, soon realising it ran out of battery an hour ago.
"dont worry about it, my cars driveable." he says, i nod. the whole front of my car is squashed, including the engine.
"you got a way home?" the boy asks,
"i mean uh- no but i can just walk." i say with a small sniff,
"come on, ill drive ya." the brunette says, taking my hand and walking me towards his van, the back of it has a medium sized indent, nothing too major though.
"you don't have to i swear its not a far walk" i protest, "i'm not gonna let you walk, honestly its okay." he says, climbing into the drivers side.
i get into the passengers side, he pulls out his phone "i'm gonna call someone to tow your car okay?" he says, his voice soft.
"yeah- okay." i reply.
i've found out this boys name is matt, i knew it was something like that, we're now pulling into my street after apologising thousands of times. aside from the whole 'ramming his car' we clicked well together.
i point out my house, matt jumps out first to let me out of his van, "are you okay now?" he asks with a small laugh, "yeah- i think." i reply with a guilty expression plastered on my face.
"can i have a smile?" he asks, i force a pathetic smile and matt nods.
"ill text you tomorrow, we should see each other sometime?" he asks nervously,
did he just ask me out?
"yes! yeah i'd like that." i say,
matt leans down, giving me a hug,
"i'm sorry for making you cry."
"what? no! i'm sorry for rear-ending your car!" i reply, pulling away from the hug and giving him a warm smile.
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luveline · 7 months
hiii, i just wanna say i absolutely adoreee ur writing ur amazing and fabulous. I wanted to request something with hotch where reader gets hurt pretty badly in the field and is gonna have to spend a lot of time in recovery (so like not being able to work in the field for a while) and just a lot of fluff and comforting? (thx ur the bestest ever ever ever and i <3 u i’ve been reading ur stuff for years)
love u <3 fem
Your leg is broken in four different places. 
Hotch is sure you're going to cry the moment you realise what that means, but he isn't expecting for it to be a minute after you've woken up. 
“We'll get you something for the pain,” a nurse promises.
“It's not that,” you say, you sob, looking between your leg and Hotch as though you're hoping he'll tell you something different. 
You live for your job. They all have their reasons, and they all have their vices. You and Hotch are the same —you can't live without this. There's no alternative. 
But your leg is undeniably broken. 
The nurse gives him a look, hoping he'll calm you down, and he would've started the moment your eyes welled with tears if he thought he could change the outcome. Still, it breaks his heart to see you so immediately upset. He has to try something. 
“It's not forever,” he says.
“How long?” 
“Not forever.” The break, the surgery, the physical therapy. He asked for the estimates. He doesn't want to be the one to tell you, but you won't accept it from anyone else. “Six months.” 
The broken leg isn't the end of it. Your wrist is fractured, your pinky and ring finger broken, a laceration the length of his hand up your thigh. You were concussed, you're still at risk of agitating all the things you've hurt. Your face crumples and you can't even cover it with two hands like you would. It is, admittedly, the worst you've ever been at. Hotch can't stand it.  
“Would you excuse us?” he asks the nurse. “I have her.” 
“Hotch,” you say as the door closes, your voice achingly unhappy, “make them check again.” 
He takes your uninjured wrist. Holds it. “They've done everything they can do. I promise you, I was here for all of it. I argued against the pins, I knew they'd keep you here longer, I– against my better judgement, I sent people away because I knew you wouldn't want them to see you like this. This is the best outcome I could salvage.” 
“This is the best?” you ask, shaking your head at him. “This is my life.” 
You didn't see yourself. The way you'd laid there after it was over. You don't get that this is a good thing, that you weren't hurt worse. All you can see is months of desk duty, and he can't even blame you, because six months away would make him ill. 
“This is the best I could do for you,” he says, rubbing your wrist with his thumb. “I'm sorry.” 
His apology catches you off guard. You make a sound near a hiccup and turn to him completely, the fat body of a tear dripping down your cheek to your chin, where it stays. He can see the question before you've asked it and he won't make you, either, leaning down to cover you up with his arms, his chin atop your head. “I'm sorry, honey. I know how much it means to you.” 
“It's…” Your good arm works around him weakly, a hesitant touch to his back. “Not your fault. I…” 
He lets you fade, rubbing at the top of your arm, enthusing you with as much warmth as he can. “Six months recovery doesn't mean six months out of the field,” he promises. “In two months you'll be walking. It won't feel as long as you're thinking.” 
“In a boot.” 
In a full cast, poor thing. He frowns, pressing his nose into your head. “You can consult from home just as soon as you're home,” he says softly, still rubbing your arm. The touch turns to a gentle stroking, his palm numb to the ticklish sensation your naked arm brings, the sleeve of your hospital gown bunching with each line he makes. 
“I know you're unhappy, but it will heal. And you have an army of people who can't wait to see you. We… things have been complicated.” 
“How long was I out?” you ask. 
“You were awake between surgeries, but it's been two days.” 
You hug him with more insistence. “Thanks for looking after me,” you whisper. 
Oh, sweetheart, he could say. He could kiss your crown. Honestly, Hotch could take your face into his hands and suddenly he is, he's holding your face and looking down at you, eyes dark and sorry to your silvery tears. 
He strokes your cheek. “It'll be alright,” he promises. 
You dissolve into tears again in his hands. He wipes them away as they come, for as long as they will. It's the least he'd do for you. 
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writingforrhys · 1 year
as you were
cassian x reader warnings: none! just some arguing and very sassy bat boys LOL. and some nesta and elain slander oh and quite a bit of swearing contents: welcome to a long awaited part 2 of smaller than this! i finally wrote the comfort to the hurt. please enjoy!
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Cassian couldn't find you anywhere.
He was sweaty, and disgusting, and disheveled after a long morning of training with his brothers. Azriel had been on point this particular session, seemingly being able to read Cassian's mind and know his every next move. He'd been put to the floor more times than he could count and all he wanted was to find you, bathe, and throw himself under the covers for some comfort and some really good sex.
The Illyrian had flown down to the Rainbow in search of your favourite bakery for some custard treat that he knew you couldn't get enough of and a bunch of your favourite flowers. And now, he couldn't fucking find you.
There was nothing better to Cassian than that shy look you'd get on your face when he'd turn up with gifts in hand, like you couldn't believe you were the one he was giving them to. The way you'd wring your hands together and rock on your feet, reaching towards him with that big, bright smile and a welcome home kiss, just to rush off to put your flowers in some water or show Rhys exactly what he'd bought you.
Gods, he needed to find you.
He felt like he'd searched the house 3 times over. He'd gone to the library, the kitchens, even Rhys's study and still no sight of you. It had barely hit noon and he knew your routine ridiculously well. You should've been pottering somewhere.
He found himself standing outside of your shared bedroom, concerned that perhaps you'd fallen ill, or caught on to one of Az's headaches, and had retired to your bed for the day. He craned his ears to search for any signs of life from the room; put off by the lack of light funnelling through the gaps of the door.
Cassian was just about ready to haul ass and search for you again elsewhere, when he heard it. It... you... a sniffle?
The door slowly creaked open, warm light from the hall washing over the unmoving mass under the sheets. Cassian moved as gently as he could, (albeit he was not very gentle at all), and found only the top of your head peeking through.
"Are you okay, honey? Not feeling well?"
His kind words and tender tone made you want to cry even more and you had to resist the urge to not look over the sheets and take a look at his beautiful face.
"I'm fine, Cass." And there it was. Mistake, mistake, mistake.
Any other person would've walked away. Any other person would have wished you farewell and hoped you got better. Any other person wouldn't concern themselves over the inflection of your voice. But not Cassian.
No, Cassian heard it all. Saw it all. He heard the shaking of your speech, the uncertainty. Could hear the wetness. And, he could bet that if he pulled back the bed covers, he'd find you tear-stained and choked up and utterly humiliated. And he was always right when it came to you.
And now, as panic blossomed in his chest, he took a seat next to your unmoving form and placed a hand just atop your body. He was careful not to remove the covers; he didn't need you closing off even more.
"You wanna tell me what happened, my love?"
A head shake.
"Did someone do this to you? Has someone made you upset?"
You removed the covers now, no further down than the top of your chest he noticed, and the sight of you broke his heart. You were all sniffles and puffy faced and hair so unkempt it could make a Naga run back to the woods. You'd obviously been here a while - alone and vulnerable. His heart broke again.
"It's okay, Cassie, really. They didn't mean any harm. I wasn't even supposed to hear it."
"They?" He was furious. Utterly and blindingly furious. Whoever had made you cry was very soon certain to wish they were never born.
Your eyes fluttered closed as you sighed, realising this was a battle not easily won. Cassian was not the type to let things go easily, especially when it came to you, and you weren't foolish enough to hope that he would just leave it alone.
"Nesta and Elain," Your voice was just a whisper, eyes still closed, "They... they were talking about me. Didn't have many nice points."
The Illyrian was the picture of silent rage. His heart a furnace; one doing a terrific job at boiling the blood under his skin.
"What did they say?"
You were hesitant now, as if speaking the words aloud would somehow make them more true. Your eyes peeked open, looking everywhere but Cass, until a large hand took purchase upon your cheek, tilting your face to meet his encouraging stare.
Your voice wobbled as you told him what they'd said - the descriptions that had hurt you the most. More tears streamed down your face at this and a calloused thumb reached to wipe every one away.
Once you had finished, Cassian stood silently, leaning down to plant a kiss to your hairline, and made a beeline for the door.
"Where are you going?" You wiped at your tired eyes.
"I'm off to kill some sisters."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The door to the living room had slammed open so fast that the walls of the house had shaken. Every head in the room had whipped to a seething Cassian in the doorway.
Rhysand was the first to stand and reach out his hand tentatively, as if taming a beast, "What's wrong, brother?"
Cassian's gaze didn't even land upon the High Lord. His line of sight shot right to the sofa behind him, carrying Feyre and Lady Death herself.
Nesta wasn't someone who showed much emotion in her face. Her range of expressions only varied between extremely discontent and mildly satisfied. But now, with the General standing in the doorway and a thunderous stare thrust upon her, she didn't know how to hide the amount of emotion bubbling up to her face.
Seeing her sister's agitation, the High Lady also rose to her feet and stepped forward. One of her hands rested upon Cassian's arm, gently rubbing as she lead him into the room.
"You need to tell us what the problem is, or we can't fix it."
"What's the problem, Feyre?" He scoffed, "She's my fucking problem."
The Illyrian's voice was raising with every word he spat. His voice had reached the adjourned kitchens, where Azriel and Elain now tentatively filtered out. Elain monitored the situation carefully, and quickly took a seat next to Nesta, grasping one of her hands in her own.
"Cassian, perhaps you need to calm down. I'm sure Nesta will be more comfortable to talk to you then." Elain's voice was barely above a whisper.
"Oh, go bake some fucking bread, Elain!"
"Cassian," Azriel spoke, "You need to choose your next words carefully."
"Really, brother? I don't think I do," He turned to Azriel, "Would you like to know what your little girlfriend has been saying about Y/N?"
The room was silent. Elain was red.
A beat passed as Azriel and Rhysand made eye contact. Azriel's shoulder's squared and his jaw ticked. Rhys laid a hand on Feyre's elbow, who was quick to leave the room with a soft mutter of I'm going to check on Y/N. The three Illyrian's were now facing the sisters on the couch, a storm brewing in the room.
"What did you say?" The shadowsinger's voice was uncomfortably steady.
"We didn't say anything. Get your guard dogs away from us." Nesta seethed at Cassian.
"You didn't... say anything?" Rhysand spoke slowly - accusatory.
Elain was nothing like her sister. Nesta could lie for days on end and not break a sweat. Often, when they were young, Nesta would spin tales about the other children in the village and see which rumour she could make spread faster. When she was confronted, Nesta had no problem lying to their faces again, or telling them exactly what she thought of them to their face. Whatever she preferred in the moment.
Elain was not like Nesta. Elain would return from school or the market, sit by the hearth on the floor, and spin her tales there. The words she spoke never left their house, not by her own voice anyway. She knew from Nesta's approving hums and nods that the next day, whatever Elain had spun would miraculously make it across the town. And she loved it.
Elain did not like consequences, and she did not like confrontation.
"We didn't say anything." She whispered. She dared not look up.
"That's funny, really," Cassian spoke to his brothers, "Nesta and Elain have decided that Y/N isn't good enough for us. For me."
"Oh, I wasn't aware that was up for them to decide, Cass."
"Neither did I, Rhys."
Azriel's face was still stony, "Would you like to tell the truth now?"
"Oh please, what we said wasn't that bad. The drama in your court is abysmal, Rhysand." The eldest Archeron bristled, "You'd think the royalty of the Night Court would have better things to do than gossip."
"Let me make one thing very clear. If I ever hear you speak ill of another member of my court again, it will be the last thing you ever do in this court." Rhys was not speaking as himself now. This was the High Lord. This was your High Lord. Undoubtedly and unapologetically loyal to you.
"Y/N is the best of us," Azriel spoke lowly, "I wouldn't expect you to understand, but you have misspoken and you've made a grave mistake. You will apologise profusely, and from this point on you will do everything you can to make this right."
Azriel left then, his long legs climbing the stairs and his footsteps following the familiar path straight to your room. Elain's face had fallen completely now, tears threatening to spill over her cheeks.
"We have known Y/N for the best part of 500 years. We have known the both of you for all of 5 minutes," Rhys' eyes bore into the sisters, "She has loved us and we have loved her for longer than you've been alive. You should be surprised that I haven't already dropped you at the border."
Rhys turned then to the door, his back facing the room.
"Do not let me hear of this again."
And with that, he followed Azriel up the stairs.
The Seer glanced between her sister and the General and took her opportunity to breathe a weak apology and immediately flee the room.
Typical, Nesta thought.
"Well, whatever you have to say, I suggest you get it out."
She was right. Cassian had been far too quiet. If he left his emotions unchecked any longer, he could very well do something he would regret. Well, he wouldn't regret it that much. But he'd like to avoid the grovelling he'd have to do to Feyre.
"My life is none of your concern," He began, "Who I take to bed is none of your concern and who I spend my time with is none of your concern."
Nesta rolled her eyes.
"What?" Cassian spat, "Would you rather I profess my undying love for you instead of her? You, who has shown me nothing but hatred and contempt since the moment we met. And Y/N who has spent 5 centuries giving me kindness and a home."
She wasn't looking at him anymore, completely silent as the Illyrian grew quiet again himself.
"She means everything to me. I have never and will never tolerate anyone who attempts to jeopardise what we have. Especially not you."
"What do you even see in her?" Cassian couldn't tell whether it was a jab or a genuine question. He didn't like either.
"All I see is her," A small smile, "All I think about is her. When I leave in the morning, I think about what she might choose to wear that day. And on the way home, I think about where I'll find her. Whether she'll be reading in the library, or teaching Az how to knit for the 50th time, or baking or bathing or singing."
He didn't pause to see Nesta's face shifting to shock.
"And when I do get back, the first face I want to see is Y/N's. To see her smile or hear her laugh. Most of the time I can't believe that I'm the bastard she chose to love. That I'm the one who gets to hold her every night."
Cassian made his move to leave, but just before he reached the doorway, he turned back to look Nesta in the eye.
"Y/N is the most beautiful, loving person I've ever met. I wonder sometimes how flowers don't grow on the grass she treads. You're lucky I haven't left you dead on the floor for the way you've spoken about her."
And as you listened on the stairs, your cheeks red and smile bright, you knew.
You knew that you didn't have to travel the universe to find someone who loves you. You didn't need to have a different body or a different mind to find someone who sees you.
Because Cassian was here, in this house, loving you and seeing you. For everything you are.
He loved you just as you were.
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Headcannons: Milf!abby anderson x reader (part 2)
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Part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
☆ Milf Abby who tries really hard to talk to you but you’re making it so fucking difficult.
☆ Milf Abby who tries calling, texting, literally all forms of communication but you leave her on read and you don’t even pick up.
☆ Milf Abby who’s frustrated but she knows she deserves it.
☆ Milf Abby who wakes up one morning to see you sent her a text.
With shaky hands she clicked on the message. The simple text read 4 words:
“me, you this Friday?”
Abby blinked, and she sat in silence for a while.
Holy shit this was happening.
She responded with a simple “ok ill pick you up at six”.
☆ Milf Abby who jumps up from her bed and yells “I got the girl!” But soon regrets it when Aubrey walks in and tells her to shut up.
☆ Milf Abby who was on cloud nine all week.
☆ Milf Abby who tells her coworkers about the pretty girl she’s going on a date with on Friday.
☆ Milf Abby who smiles at you, when she picks up Aubrey, and her heart feels like it could explode when you give her a little wave.
☆ Milf Abby who asks Aubrey what your favorite color is because she wants to wear an outfit in that color, because she read in an article it’ll increase her chances.
“C’mon baby tell me” Abby groaned.
“Give me chocolate first”
Abby’s jaw dropped.  “Aubrey its 9pm, you know you can’t eat chocolate at this time”
“No chocolate, no color”
Abby let out a sigh as she walked out of Aubrey’s room to her secret chocolate stash. She pulled out a chocolate bar, and she gave it to the little girl. Aubrey immediately opened the bar and she took a big bite.
“ok talk”
“she likes green” Aubrey spoke with a mouth full of chocolate.
☆ Milf Abby who takes her daughter to bed, and orders a custom suit in green.
☆ Milf Abby who goes to work the next day and finds out they hired someone new.
“Who is he?” she asked while looking at Nora.
“I don’t know man”
“as long as she doesn’t break my record”
Nora rolled her eyes “of course he won’t abs, you’ve won the most cases in this whole firm”
☆ Milf Abby who tenses when she sees who was hired.
☆ Milf Abby who felt sick when he walked towards her.
“hi I’m- “
“heaters dad”
“Yeah” he chuckled “my name is actually Jason”
“I’m Abby”
The air was tense.
“what do you want dude” Abby said irritated.
“Look are you and the new teacher together?” He asked. Abby felt her eye twitch at his question.
“It’s none of your business”
☆ Milf Abby who thought her week was ruined, but when she got home her suit had arrived.
☆ Milf Abby who almost pees herself on Friday morning because today is the day.
☆ Milf Abby who takes the day off to get away from Jason and to relax.
☆ Milf Abby who spends hours on Pintrest to look for the perfect hairstyle.
☆ Milf Abby who’s ready by 3 in the afternoon.
☆ Milf Abby who asks Aubrey and her dad how she looks before she walks out.
“So how do I look?” she watched her dad smile at her.
“you look perfect Abby”
“now go get your girl!” she heard Aubrey yell.
☆ Milf Abby who made you a bracelet, and flowers out of paper.
☆ Milf Abby who sees Jason’s car outside the school.
☆ Milf Abby whose heart shatters when she hears your conversation.
“I’m going on a date with Abby” she heard your voice.
“Isn’t she too old for you? She’s in her 40s isn’t she?”
“what does age have to with anything?”
“she’s old”
yeah she was.
fuck, Abby knew too old. She didn’t even stay to listen to the conversation.
Abby ran out the school and she sobbed in her car. She should’ve know this would never work.
If only she stayed behind to hear how you defended her. If only she waited for you.
☆ Milf Abby who came home crying.
“Mommy what’s wrong- “Abby walked right past her daughter
“it’s ok let her go” she heard her dad say.
☆ Milf Abby who fell asleep crying.
☆ Milf Abby who wakes up with multiple texts from you.
“Hey where are you?”
“are you ok?”
“I’m waiting for you”
“I’m home now”
“did you change your mind”
With a shaky breath Abby blocked your number.
☆ Milf Abby who ignores your existence once again.
☆ Milf Abby who sees you smiling at her, but she just nods back at you.
☆ Milf Abby who tells you have no future together.
Aubrey climbed into the car, and before Abby could drive away she heard a knock on her window. It was you.
“Hey” Abby said after lowering the window.
“Hi Abby- “
“call me Mrs. Anderson” she watched as your face dropped.
You cleared your throat “I’m sorry Mrs. Anderson, I just wanted to ask what happened the other night?”
“I realized that this wasn’t going to work”
“because you’re too young. I need someone more mature”
Abby could feel the sadness radiating off you.
“You should go for someone your own age”
“Ok Mrs. Anderson, I understand. Thank you for your time”
☆ Milf Abby who feels bad after her daughter calls her stupid.
☆ Milf Abby who makes a realization by the help of her daughter.
“You made my teacher sad”
“Aubrey I don’t care stop telling me- “
“you do care. I see the way you look at her” Abby sighed at her daughter’s answers.
She does care. She downloaded social media to stalk you. She stared learning internet slang for you.
“Heathers dad said that he wants to ask her on a date-”
“I heard him say that he’s going to ask her out but then I said no because you wanted to go on a date with her”
Then it clicked.
He was there that day to cause trouble.
He wanted to get into Abby’s head. And he did. He started working at Abby’s law firm to watch her. To figure out her moves. Her weaknesses.
He must’ve heard her and Nora talk about the age gap. She made a mistake.
☆ Milf Abby who runs to unblock your number and calls you.
☆ Milf Abby who felt like she could cry when you didn’t pick up.
☆ Milf Abby who whimpers your name when you eventually pick up the phone.
“what do you want Mrs. Anderson?”
“No look I made a mistake, please listen- “
“you can’t keep doing this….You say you like me then you ghost me- I’m sick of your shit Abby”
“look I heard Jason say that you deserve someone younger- “
“well maybe I do”
Abby went quite at that.
You spoke up again: “I need someone who’s mature, someone who can communicate but what do I know Abby I’m immature, am I not? Because apparently you know what that maturity means”
“Please” she sighed.
“Please I’m begging you” Abby begged again.
The line went quite for a while.
“Come to my class tomorrow so we can talk”
☆ Milf Abby who goes to work the next day and she goes to Jason’s office.
☆ Milf Abby who confronts him, and almost beats the shit out of him when he calls her a grandma.
☆ Milf Abby who gets into trouble but it was worth it.
☆ Milf Abby who goes to your class later that day.
She watched as you sat behind your desk. “Sit” you commanded and she did.
☆ Milf Abby who tells you the whole story.
“sorry won’t cut it Abby, you said the same thing the last time”
“Just because he said that doesn’t mean you have the right to ghost me”
“I’m sorry”
“Look just one more chance please”
“why should I trust you?”
“because I’m me”
You rolled your eyes at Abby’s response.
Abby reached out to grab your head, and your head snapped in the direction of you interlocked fingers.
“words mean nothing” you spoke.
“just trust me please and-” but before she could finish you leaned in to kiss her.
It was slow, passionate, and it was filled with so much love. Abby pulled away, only to get up and walk to side of the desk where you sat. She went on knees and she and put her hands on your waist. The two of you started at each other.
“Fuck” she breathed before you kissed her again.
☆ Milf Abby who jumps up when she heard Aubrey yell “ew!”
☆ Milf Abby who was really embarrassed.
☆ Milf Abby who turned as red as a tomato, she felt like a teenager being caught in the act.
“Why did you go on your knees?” you asked, still heavily breathing.
“it’s a way of showing submission” she shrugs.
“I’m trying to show you that you have me, despite our age difference” Abby explained.
“I’d let you do anything to me” she confessed.
☆ Milf Abby who goes home that night and smile the whole time.
☆ Milf Abby who keeps touching her lips, because yours were there.
☆ Milf Abby who apologizes to Aubrey for seeing such an act.
“It’s ok” the little girl reassured her.
“Now go get her before Heathers dad does”
☆ Milf Abby who shows up to school the next day to bring you lunch.
☆ Milf Abby who spells out the words “May i be your girlfriend?” with different fruit in the lunch box. All you did was smile at the sight.
☆ Milf Abby who was chewing her nails, waiting for your response.
“This is very romantic Anderson” you spoke. She watched as you but the lunch box on the table, you walked towards her.
“Get on your knees Abby” and she did so immediately.
“Why?” she asked while being on her knees.
“you’re too tall, I can’t kiss you when you’re standing”
The two of you shared a quick kiss.
“So is it a yes?” Abby asked, her lips inches away from yours.
“Fuck yes” she breathed as she got up, picking you up and placing you on your desk. The two of you shared another kiss before you pulled away.
“Promise me something”
“No more ghosting”
“yes ma’am”
“you’ll tell me if you feel insecure”
“and one more thing Abby”
“you aren’t too old for me. I like my women mature” you added as you wrapped your arms around her neck. Abby chuckled.
☆ Milf Abby who wanted to kiss you again before she heard your daughter yell “fucking finally” as she stood at the door.
“Who taught you that word?”
“grandpa did”
“of course he did”
☆ Milf Abby who was the happiest women ever, since that moment.
☆ Milf Abby who knew you were the one.
☆ Milf Abby who already goes wedding ring shopping and who plans your future together despite only dating you for 2 days at that point.  
My pookies (the tag list): @mousymaven @lia-winther @zombholic
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the girl next door 16
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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You sit in another hard plastic chair, this time in an office. You can still hear the chaos of the hospital wing out the walls, a constant reminder of why you’re there. You sit with your elbow on the armrest, your chin in your hand as you bite your fingertips.
The nurse, or nurse practitioner, you don’t know the difference, sits across from you, making notes about your last response. Her questions are pointless. She’s asking about your day, well, it’s obvious that’s not going well. And your hobbies. What do those matter? You don’t do anything so you don’t have an answer for that.
She smiles across at you as she clears her throat. The sort of smile dripping in pity. You get it a lot from the old ladies at the grocery store when they see you helping your mother.
“Have you ever had a period where you felt down? Not just for a week or two but, in fact, for many weeks and, perhaps, months?” She asks.
You don’t answer right away. You push your shoulder up and sit back, dropping your hand to your lap. You frown and look at the ceiling.
“Hm, I guess. Sometimes... yeah.”
All the time.
“Along with that, did you find you had no energy, had no interest in things, and overall had great difficulty functioning?”
Functioning? In what way? Going outside? Smiling? Feeling anything but heavy dread? Not crying until your eyes are raw? Having friends?
“Sure, but uh, I take care of my mom. I don’t have time... sometimes...I get tired.”
"Right,” she scribbles noisily with her pen, “Has this ever happened to you before?”
“Has what happened?” You make yourself look at her.
“These bouts of sadness?”
“My mom is sick. It makes me sad.”
“What about today? You said that you... lost track of time.”
“I’m... my mom... I didn’t sleep well... I don’t know.”
She hums and nods. She pauses as she reads over her folder and puts the pen down. She crosses her arms over the desk.
“It’s normal for caretakers to suffer from depression. You’re taking on a lot so there’s no need to be ashamed. You did so well being so honest today. Really. It makes it easier for us to help you,” she smiles again. What about any of this is happy? “I’m going to write you a prescription. Just a few doses for now, okay? To help you through. And we’ll schedule a follow-up with a psychiatrist.”
“A psychiatrist?” You utter, your eyes hot with tear. “I’m not crazy.”
“That’s not... crazy, we don’t speak like that. And you’re not. You’re hurting and you need relief. That’s all,” she explains, “so, the pills I’m going to send you off with. I want you to be very careful, okay? No alcohol. They’re going to make you drowsy so no driving either.”
“But... my mom doesn’t drive. She can’t.”
“It’s just for a few days. You might want to consider looking into some of the local services. You can find a home nurse to come help out if you qualify,” she gets up and goes to a cabinet against the wall, “I have some pamphlets. You can take them with you and I’ll have someone find you with some samples of the pills. That way, you don’t need to pay, alright?”
Your lips trembles and you bite it to keep it still. You nod and stand as you flick the wetness from your eyes, “can I go?”
“Sure, I’m sure your mom will be ready to see you soon,” she approaches you with a handful of glossy leaflets. “I’ll walk you out.”
You take the pamphlets and she follows you to the door. You step into the hall as she stays close, “Mr. Rogers,” she calls over your shoulder as Steve sits in the hall waiting, “she’s all good. Got her sorted.”
“Great, uh, well, good news,” he stands, rubbing his lowers back, “your mom’s awake.” He announces, “can finally get off this stiff chair.”
“See, that’s wonderful,” the nurse nudges your arm, “I’ll have the medications brought to her room. Have a good day, hon.”
You clutch the pamphlets and stare at Steve’s chest. He points you down the hall and walks beside you.
“Everything go okay? What was that she said about medication?”
“Pills? For what?” He prompts as he leads you along the hallway.
You look down, “guess I might be. I don’t know.”
“You work really hard, sweetie. You’re not invincible,” he comforts and rubs your back. You wince at his unexpected touch, “all this stress...” he trails off and reaches for the pamphlets in your hands. You let him take one, “what’s this?”
He reads as he walks, unbothered by the nurses rushing by and the cleaners in their grey scrubs.
“Home nurse? Hm, that might be a good option,” he clucks, “or maybe... I wouldn’t mind helping out, you know? I know it’s early days but I think we’ve gotten really close.” He folds up the paper and hands it back, “me and your mom... us too, I think.”
You shrug and drag your soles on the floor. He reads the door number as you reach your mom’s room and he waves you in ahead of him. You keep your head down as you go past the curtain as he directs you from behind. You stand at the foot of the bed, too afraid to look up.
“I’m starving,” your mother snarls. She sounds like herself, just tired.
You peek up and your eyes round. She scowls at you as she lays tangled in tubes. You quiver in relief. She’s alive and she seems mostly okay.
“What’re you staring at?” She sneers, “I know I look like death. I feel like it too.”
“Holly,” Steve steps forward, “thank god.” He comes to her side, “we were so worried.”
“Heh,” she snorts.
“Really, when I found you...” he tries to block you out as he lowers his voice, “you never told me you weren’t supposed to drink.”
“Never bothered me much before,” she dismisses, “figured it was just a precaution.”
“Excuse me,” a voice comes from the doorway and you look over at a young man in blue scrubs. He says your name, “I have some samples for you.”
You turn and wave meekly, confirming your identity. He enters and hands you several boxes secured together with a thick elastic.
“Directives on the side,” he points to the folded paper also looped under the rubber band.
“Thanks,” you say and he leaves you just as quickly.
Your turn back to your mom as her eyes center on you. She looks horrible. Sickly. Worse than you’ve ever seen her.
“What’s all that then?” She scoffs.
You try to hide the boxes under your arm and shake your head.
“Typical. She’s gotta get her share of attention.”
“Holly,” Steve girds, disappointment harshening his tone, “she was sick with worry over you. The nurse gave her those to calm down.” He grips the bedrail until his knuckles pale, “she has depression, you know? All the stress--”
“Stress?” Your mom rolls her eyes, “I didn’t realise she was the sick one. She’s not depressed, she’s lazy.”
Silence. Stifling, suffocating silence. You lower your chin, “it’s... I probably won’t take any of it. I was just... in shock. I’m sure I’m fine.”
“But the nurse said--” Steve begins, “you’re going to at least try it. You never know, it could help. And if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.”
“Oh, don’t baby her. She’s grown,” your mom’s too out of it to filter her spite. You see the disgust in Steve’s expression as he looks at her.
“Holly, please, she’s your daughter.”
“I know who she is,” she snarls, “why are you taking her side anyway? She doesn’t need pills. It’s just another excuse.”
He closes his eyes and takes a breath, “I’m gonna chalk this up to whatever they’re pumping you full of. Holly, you’re not thinking straight. I know you would say all that to her.”
“Stop defending her. She’s not as innocent as she pretends.”
He shakes his head and glances over at you, “look, you just woke up, you’re out of it. I get it. Let’s just all calm down.”
“She’s a sniveling little brat,” she barks as she leans back. “This is all her fault. She knew I wasn’t supposed to drink. She didn’t stop me.”
Steve blanches and his eyes cling to you. You see the chagrin lined in his forehead. You look away in shame. You never wanted a witness to your mother’s wrath. That’s worse than facing her alone. It’s humiliating.
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enhaheeseung · 9 months
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Pairing: heeseung x fem reader!
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, physical and verbal abuse, cursing, blood, crying, mental illness, mentions of suicide, smoking.
WC: 11,933k
Note: some of my older writing so if it’s not good please forgive me :(
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3:00 am
While most people were asleep at this time, you could be found wide awake, sobbing quietly a few blocks away from your home.
A place you wish that you could be far away from and never come back.
A place where your parents abused you every night.
A place that didn’t feel like home.
You look out into the night sky with scraped knees, a black eye, and dark bruises covering your fragile body.
Every day was the same. Your parents abused you each chance they got for the unfortunate outcome of a broken relationship. They blamed you for why everything fell apart between them. They always told you everything was fine until you came along. Those dreadful words replayed in your mind daily.
Was it regret, was it something you did, was it just cause they didn’t have time for you? You’d never know.
You didn’t ask for this. You didn’t ask to be born, if it was your choice. You’d choose not to be born, that way, your parents would be happy, and you would have never existed.
In the distance, you could hear faint sounds of footsteps approaching as they got closer and closer.
A shadow figure came into clear view, standing right above you.
“What are you doing out here so late? It’s not safe for you to be all alone.” you kept your head down so the stranger, who could only be identified as male from the sound of his voice, would not see your bruised face.
“I could say the same thing to you,” you respond quietly.
“What if I told you I don’t want to be safe?” the unknown man crouches down, taking a seat next to you on the sidewalk and inviting himself into your personal bubble.
“Then I’d ask you why.” You wipe your tears discreetly.
“Cause I don’t know what safe feels like, and that scares me.” You hear rustling close to your side, and a metal cling sound, soon followed by a strong smell of cigarette smoke that fills your nostrils. “I hope you don’t mind the smoke.”
What bothered you more than the smoke was that you could relate to every word he just said to you.
“I assume from your silence and being out here all alone you feel the same way.” he deeply exhales the smoke.
“N-no, I don’t,” you lie.
“Please don’t waste time lying to yourself. I had to figure that out the hard way.” He responds.
“What do you know?” You question feeling irritated by him being able to read you like an open book.
“More than I want to know, so what should I call you?” He hums.
“I don’t give my name to random strangers.” you snapped at him.
“Fair enough, I’ll just call you darlin” he clicks his tongue.
“Whatever,” he lets out an airy laugh from your feisty attitude.
“So tell me, Darlin, why are you crying?”
“It’s none of your business,” you mutter.
“It’s not, and I’m not forcing you to tell me.” he inhales the smoke, flicking the ashes on the cold, hard cement.
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me, darlin'. I understand more than most people.” even though you didn’t look up, you could feel his eyes looking down on you.
You pull up your sleeve, showing him the cuts and bruises on your left arm.
His breath gets caught in his throat at the familiar sight.
“I told you you wouldn’t understand.” you roll your sleeve back down. You should have never told him in the first place. You have no idea why you were even still talking to him.
“No, I do understand,” he’s quick to correct you.
“You’re not acting like it.”
“I just- I’m sorry, it reminds me of someone I used to know, that’s all.” he felt his heart ache at the memory despite how many years it’s been.
“Who?” You wonder, feeling somewhat curious.
“A girl.” he looks off into the distance, taking a puff of his cigarette.
“What is she like?” You ask.
“I don’t think words could describe what she’s like, but if I had to try, I’d say beautiful, someone who gave me a reason to keep going, different but different in the best way possible, the sweetest girl you’d even meet with the bitterest smile you’d ever see” his tone drops to that of a whisper at the last few words he spoke to you.
“She must be really important to you,” you say, feeling envious. You wished you had someone that saw you that same way.
“She’s more than important. She’s my life.”
You take in his words, nodding in understanding.
“How about you? What’s the most important in your life?” He flips the question on you.
Your lips curve into a slight smile. “A boy”
“What is he like?” He asks, his tone just as curious as yours.
“Special. he was the only person in my life who cared about my happiness,” you smile sadly.
“Was? Where is he now?”
“One day, he just disappeared without a trace and without a goodbye. To this day, I still think about him.” you nibble on your lip trying to hold back more tears.
“I guess we all have that one special person we can never forget,” he sympathizes with you.
“Why am I even telling you this?” You scold yourself internally.
“Now that, I don’t understand,” he chuckles softly. “But I’m glad you did.”
“I should get going now.”
“Too bad, I was having fun.” You stare at him as he drops the cigarette bud, stomping it into the ground and putting out the small orange embers. “Goodnight, darlin',” he says as his tall, slender figure slowly disappears into the windy night.
Standing up, you take heavy steps up the pathway and back to your home.
Heeseung walked the streets alone to clear his mind, or at least that’s what his psychiatrist used to tell him.
He didn’t see the point in it. There was nothing comforting or mind-clearing about walking nevertheless, he did it anyway cause he still enjoyed the silence of the night.
However, the encounter he had tonight was somewhat peaceful, and it gave him a sense of comfort, a comfort that he hadn’t felt in a long time, maybe cause he hadn’t talked to anyone outside of the walls of the institution since ten years ago when he was admitted by his own parents.
His parents who never paid him any attention. He tried his hardest to earn their praise, studying without breaks, picking up piano, and becoming the captain of the basketball team, but nothing was good enough. They always looked over him, and his older brother got all the praise. Sure, heeseung wasn’t nearly as accomplished as his brother, but there wasn’t a need to compare when they both did well for themselves. At least, that’s how he saw it.
It was only one day he had finally had enough he had just got offered to sing for the schools band at an event in town and when he told his mother and father they just laughed in his face, and he’ll never forget what his father said to him. “It’s a miracle they would even want a talentless dim wit like you,” and that was it. At that moment, he knew they didn’t care.
But he still tried to make them care cause he didn’t want to believe the cruel reality of being the black sheep of the family and being compared to his brother all the time.
It was an extreme method, but he threatened to take his own life just so they would look in his direction, and they somewhat did, but not the way he wanted them to. After the incident, he overheard them both having a conversation about what happened. “I always knew he had issues,” he could faintly hear his mother's voice say, and that was the end of it. After that, he was certain they didn’t care and never would and that cry for help ultimately led to him getting treatment for mental health issues that he never even had to begin with, but what hurt the most was that they didn’t even ask what was wrong or if they could help. As a small boy all he ever wanted was to make his parents proud and to make them care, but no matter what, he just couldn’t.
Even though it was technically his fault why he ended up in the ward, he still blames them for everything.
Especially for taking him away from the one thing he cared about most, his friend, his crush, the only person on the planet that made him feel like he was special. He had to leave her so much sooner than he had ever expected.
He remembers everything like it was just yesterday, but unfortunately for him, it wasn’t. Today was the official mark. The last day he saw her was ten years ago.
The highlight of his day was seeing her at the swing set. She always sat there during break, swaying her legs back and forth as she stared at the ground meaninglessly. For some unknown reason, heeseung was drawn to her like a magnet, maybe it’s cause he used to sit on the same swing set every day with that same meaningless stare after being bullied.
He was bullied in school for not being smart enough, hit by his father for being a “failure,” and rebuked by his mother for smoking and doing drugs, which was his first helpless cry for attention, but that, unfortunately, turned into a habit and slowly an addiction and every day he swore it was his last pack but the full ashtray in his car said otherwise.
He finds himself reaching in his coat pocket for another tobacco-filled stick. He pats his butt pocket in search of his lighter, that was nowhere to be found.
“Shit,” he mutters with the cigarette resting on his moist lip. He remembered setting it down on the sidewalk where he was talking to you, and he turned in the opposite direction to where you both talked moments ago.
Spotting his shiny silver lighter on the sidewalk, he dusts it off, holding it to the end of his cigarette, cupping the small flame to shield it from the night wind. Before he could even take the first puff, he heard a loud scream in the distance, causing his cigarette to fall to the now rain-covered ground.
“Y/n! What did I tell you about staying out this late!” He hears a male voice just a few feet away, and if he’s not mistaken, you were the same girl he talked to not even fifteen minutes ago. He stares at the scene before him, watching the male, who he assumed was your father, raising his hand and landing a hard slap against your cheek. He flinched at the sound that echoed throughout the silent night. He squeezed his eyes shut. That one sound alone brought back so many memories that he didn’t want to remember.
So many memories he wished to forget.
He could hear your loud sobs, and the door slammed a few seconds later. He continued his not-so-mind-clearing walk back home normally. He would count each step he took on his way back, but no matter how hard he tried to focus, he couldn’t stop thinking about the sound of your cries. It haunted him until he reached home, laying in his bed, and even when his head hit his pillow, he could still hear the pain in your voice. He was reminded of the time he had faced the same abuse years ago. Tears rolled down his cheek, staining his pillow, and that night, he didn’t get not even one minute of sleep.
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Oddly enough, heeseung found himself taking the same path home as last night, which was unusual because he’d always find a new path home every night, but tonight, it’s like his feet were taking him back to you. What was even more odd was the small smile that crept up on his solemn features when he saw you sat alone with your knees to your chest.
It’s been ages since he genuinely smiled.
“So we meet again, darlin',” you hear his familiar voice, soon realizing it was the man from last night. He sits next to you, and for a moment, you feel like you never left the sidewalk, but the bruise on your left cheek is evidence that you did indeed leave the sidewalk and go home that night.
You quickly look up, meeting his eyes for the first time, then looking back down to hide the cuts and scrapes on your face.
Before you could look away, he had already seen the bruises on your delicate face.
“You should probably clean your wounds. They won’t heal properly if you don’t, and I’m sure you have enough scars already.” he didn’t just mean the ones on your body but the ones on your heart, too.
“How did yo-“ You cut yourself off, realizing that he must have seen them when you glanced up at him.
“Wait here.” he walks down a few blocks to a small gas station, grabbing ointment and bandages for your cuts.
“Will that be all?” The cashier behind the desk asks.
“One pack of Lo Crux.” he ponders on it for a moment, knowing a box would only last him a day, if that. “actually, make that two.” The cashier gives him a look, and heeseung could tell that look from anywhere, the look of judgement, but he no longer cared about the opinions of others. He gave up on people the day his parents gave up on him.
He pays for everything, exiting the store, lighting up a cigarette on his way back to you. “Here,” he hands you a red ring pop.
A small smile could be seen on your lips if it wasn’t so dark, but it was still there. “Thank you,” you mutter. For a moment, you felt like you went back to your childhood, remembering the small boy who always sat next to you. He would give you a red ring pop whenever you looked sad, which was every day, you missed him. He was the only person who was ever kind to you, but when you were both in fifth grade, he disappeared and never came back. You went to the park and sat at the swing set every day, hoping he’d come back to you, but he never did.
“Don’t mention it.” somehow, your smile looked familiar. It held so much pain and happiness at the same time. It reminded him of the girl he told you about back in fifth grade that he used to have the biggest crush on. Unfortunately, she always looked so sad, he went to the corner shop every day just to spend his only allowance on a red ring pop. They always cheered him up when he was sad, so for the rest of his school days, he made it a point to give one to her just to make her smile.
He pulled out the first aid kit, dabbing off the dry, crusty blood on your lip as you whimpered in pain. “Shh, it won’t hurt for long, I promise,” he whispers as his warm breath fans your face.
You take a good look at his features up close. Admiring his handsome face, you happened to notice a small mole on the front of his ear in the same spot as the boy who always gave you a ring pop back in school. You shook your head slightly. There was no way it was him. It couldn’t be. You dismissed your delusional thoughts and focused back on his face.
He applied a small amount of ointment on the cleaned wounds and placed a bandage on them. He stared deeply into your eyes, examining your face. He knew it was rude to stare, but he couldn’t help but look at you. Even with a tear-stained face and cuts all over, you still looked stunning to him. “All done,” he says breathlessly, using every last bit of his strength to pull away from you even though you felt like a magnet sucking him in.
“Why?” You had no idea why this stranger was caring for you, especially after your parents said that you were incapable of being loved and cared for.
“Why what?” He says, shifting his eyes away from you after what felt like an eternity for him.
“This,” you point to the band-aid on your face.
“Cause you were hurt, and I don’t like when people are hurt.” he lights another cigarette that’s already two in less than ten minutes.
Yes, you were counting.
“So why are you hurting yourself?” You ask, noticing that every moment you spent with him up till now, he had a cigarette.
His eyebrows clash together in confusion. “hmm?” He replies.
You motioned toward the two packs of cigarettes he just bought.
“Oh, hard habit to break, I guess.” He laughs breathily, “But being alone on this earth is what hurts me the most,” He smiles sadly, looking at the cloudy night sky.
“Why does being on this earth hurt you?” You ask, intrigued by the young gentleman.
“Darlin, you ask too many questions.” He shifted uncomfortably. “How about this a question for a question that way, it’s even, deal?”
You nodded your head like a child.
He resumes right where you left off, “Cause this earth is unfair, and it hurts knowing that the one person who needed me the most is somewhere out there and I’ll never see her again,”
“I’m sorry you have to go through that.” you look at him, eyes full of sincerity.
“It’s not your fault, so tell me, why are you always out here alone?”
Before you could answer, you saw the lights from your house turn on. Your mother was looking out the blinds, waiting for you to come back inside.
You never understood why they wanted a curfew for you. It’s not like they cared about you or your safety.
“Sorry, I have to go now. Will you be out tomorrow?” You stand up, and he joins you shortly after.
“Sure, and no need for an apology, darlin, same spot?” He asks. He didn’t exactly plan on coming back, but since you mentioned it and he had nothing better to do, he supposed he’d come back.
Something about him saying “same spot” sounded so familiar, but you couldn’t quite place your finger on it.
“Same spot,” you confirm, turning around getting ready to leave. Before you leave, you realize you still didn’t catch his name.
“Wait! I never got your name,” you yell into the night, watching as he turns around from the sound of your voice.
He takes his hands out of his coat pockets, throwing them in the air as the cold breeze flows through his black hair and long trench coat. “darlin',” he says. A few beats of silence ensue, making your heart beat faster in anticipation as you shiver slightly from the cold. “I’m nobody and everything to someone,” he shouts, a wide smile making its way to his face.
“What does that mean?” You shout back.
“Whatever you want it to mean, have a good night, Darlin.” he turns around with a hearty chuckle, lighting up another cigarette before putting his hands back in his pockets and counting his steps all the way home.
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Just like he said he would, he sat next to you on the sidewalk. The conversation started right where it left off.
“It’s my turn, darlin.” His voice hangs in the air for a moment before you reply.
“I sit out here alone 'cause the silence brings me peace, and the cold air reminds me to feel.”
“Why do you need to be reminded to feel?” he asks with a curiousness in his tone.
A small chuckle bubbles in your chest. It was the first time in a long time that you genuinely laughed. “I think it’s my turn.”
He smiled to himself. “You’re right.”
“Why did you decide to stop and talk to me?”
“I can’t put a finger on it, but something about you reminds me of someone I used to know so you could say,” he pauses, flicking his lighter open and taking a puff of his third cigarette of the night as he exhales the smoke and turns to look at you. “I was drawn to you.”
It took you a minute to compose your thoughts. His gaze was so intense that you could have been trapped in it if you looked for too long. “Now that you mention it, I was thinking the same thing about you.”
“Yeah? Who do I remind you of, Darlin?” He says intrigued.
“He was the boy I told you about before. He was from my class. He’d visit me at the swing set every day after school. There was one thing he did that I’ll never forget, whenever I was sad, he would always give me a red ring pop just like the one you gave me a few nights ago. When it was time for us to go home, he’d always ask same spot. And I’d reply, same spot.” You smiled at one of your happiest memories, and then it dawned on you why him saying same spot felt so familiar, but you still shrugged it off. You figured your mind was just playing tricks on you.
Heeseung froze right where he sat, unable to move, the red ring pop, the swing set, your sad smile. He remembered it all as he exhaled a deep breath. “what was the boy's name?” He asks with a shaky breath.
“You’re asking too many questions again.” you laugh but answer him nevertheless. “Heeseung, Lee heeseung,” you say with a bright and fond smile.
He stares at your face for a good minute. The corners of his lips turn into a frown as his eyes sparkle with tears. He drops his cigarette from his fingers, pulling you into the tightest hug while crying on your shoulder. You very slowly hug him back, even though you were extremely confused by the sudden action.
After his cries settled down a little, he said something that you wouldn’t believe not even in a million years. “y/n, it’s me, heeseung.” he pulled away from the hug to wipe his tears.
Now it was your turn to freeze right in your spot. “n-no, it can’t be you,” your eyes watered with tears replicating his.
He looked different. His skin was pale. He didn’t have his same bowl cut. He had an undercut with a scratch design on the side. His baby face was gone, his jaw was sharper and more defined. The sparkle that used to be in his eyes was now dimmed to that of nothing, and yet, behind everything else, you could still see the small boy who visited you at the park every day.
“I missed you so much.” he took your hands in his, squeezing them lightly.
You pull your hands away from his grasp, making him look at you with hurt and confusion written all over his face. “if you missed me, you wouldn’t have ever left me alone. You knew I needed you.” instead of feeling happy about seeing him, you felt angry remembering how he left you all alone when you were at your absolute lowest.
“Y/n, no, it’s not like that. I swear to you, if it was my choice, I would have never left you.” he holds your shoulders, making you look at him. “Please let me give you the explanation you deserve after all these years,” he pleads with you because he couldn’t lose you after just finding you again.
You chewed on your bottom lip, giving him a small nod after contemplating his words.
“I never told you this, but I was having a very tough time back then. Even though I didn’t show it, I was failing in school. I went through the same abuse as you every night from my parents. I turned to smoking and drugs as an escape and a cry for help, but nothing worked. It got so bad I threatened to take my own life, and they sent me to a mental institution. That’s why I didn’t come to see you anymore. It wasn’t cause I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t.” He rambles on with desperation in his voice. “Y/n, you were the only person in this fucked up world that made me feel like living, if I had a choice, I would have stayed by your side forever.” He explains with nothing but sincerity.
Not heeseung, not the little loving, caring boy that made you smile every day, you never knew that he was hurting on the inside. Why out of everyone on this god-forsaken earth? Why him? He didn’t deserve it.
“Y/n, you have to believe me. I-I’d never leave you. I loved you,” his voice cracked while more tears trickled down his face. “I still love you.” he cupped your face, wiping the tears from your cheek as he cracked the tiniest smile. “I promised you I was going to marry you when we got older, remember?”
You felt overwhelmed. There was so much information coming at you that you could barely process it, but you didn’t need to process it. All that mattered was that he was back, Lee Heeseung was back, and he was everything that you ever needed. “Yeah, I remember,” you smile softly at him.
Your childhood friend and first love came back to you and confessed that he loves you, too. Just when you thought your life was all but over, he came back to you.
“Heeseung, I believe you, and I love you too. I’ve always loved you ever since we were little when you gave me my first kiss.” you pulled him into a hug, never ever wanting to let him go.
“I can’t believe we found each other again.” he hugs you so tightly. You could feel his how fast his heart was beating against your chest. You could have almost mistaken it for your own.
“You have no idea how much I needed you these past years.” you hug him back even tighter.
“Me too, y/n.” he rests his chin on your shoulder. “Me too,” he says, patting your back comfortingly. “I’m here now.”
The only sound to be heard was the gentle wind blowing softly against the trees as you both reunited with each other after so many long insufferable years.
“Your hugs still feel the same, just a little bit stronger,” he chuckles.
“Sorry,” you laugh, along with him loosening your grip.
He contemplates his next words carefully.
“It still happens, doesn’t it?” Even as a young boy, he knew what your parents did to you, and he despised them for it. He found out when you came to school on the first day, it was 90 degrees outside, and you were wearing a sweater. He noticed immediately when you grabbed the chains on the swing, your sleeves rolled down just enough for him to see scars and fresh bruises, and after that, it became his mission to make you forget and to make you smile.
“Every night,” you whisper.
“Why do you stay?” he whispers.
“Cause they’re still my parents,” you cuddled up to him closer.
He knew exactly what that feeling was like. “Come with me just for the night.” he rubs your back soothingly.
“If they find out, they’ll kill me.”
“Then they don’t have to find out I’ll bring you back early in the morning, trust me?”
“I trust you.”
And trust him, you did with your whole entire life.
You both walk hand in hand to his house, the only sound coming from both your footsteps on the cold cement.
“Like yesterday,” he pauses for a second. “You and me, it feels just like yesterday. Your hands feel the same, your laugh sounds the same, and your smile is still the prettiest. I could swear that I’m ten years old again.” he tightens the grip he had on your hand.
You couldn’t deny it. It felt just the same, “me too,” you lean on his shoulder.
When you both arrive at his doorstep walking in, you see nothing but an empty room with white walls, one chair, and a small table very minimalistic, almost like he had just moved in.
“Wh-“ You didn’t finish your sentence before his lips were on yours. He cupped your cheeks gently while kissing you ever so softly. You instinctively responded to the kiss, wrapping your hands around his neck and kissing him back with the same devotion.
He pulled away to take a breath and when he opened his eyes. he was even shocked to see your face so close to his something must have come over him, and he had zero self-control over what just happened. “I honestly don’t know where that came from. I'm so sorry.” before he could even continue apologizing, you were already initiating another kiss.
You bring his face mere inches away from yours. “Don’t be,” you say against his lips, pulling him closer for a more heated kiss than the last.
He groaned into the kiss, gripping your waist carefully. “y/n,” he swallows thickly, touching his forehead to yours with his eyes closed. “We’re not kids anymore. If we continue like this, just kissing won’t be enough,” he warns you cause he knew if things went further, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself, or at least he wouldn’t want to.
“Then let’s do more than just kiss.” he picks you up, taking you to his room.
You both take turns riding each other’s clothes, and you lay back on his bed, slightly covering your chest with your hands.
“There’s no need to cover up. You’re beautiful.” he gently takes your hands away from your chest, lacing your fingers with his while he hovers over you, his eyes never leaving yours for a second.
He pins your clasped hands to the mattress, and you wrap your legs around his back while he leaves open-mouth kisses all over your neck. “Heeseung,” you moan softly, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks and your body flush with desire.
He works his way down lower, swirling his tongue around your erect nipples as you tug on his hair in search of anything to grip onto.
You tangled your hands in his hair, making him emit a soft moan. He ghosts his fingers along your sides, a shiver slowly running up your spine as he leaves a trail of wet kisses along your abdomen. Slowly continuing his way between your legs, he placed three small experimental kisses on your pubic bone before giving your clit a soft lick. The feeling makes your back arch and your toes curl as he continues to lick your folds. While putting your legs over his shoulders, he rests his palms on your lower stomach, tracing his fingers all the way up to your sensitive breasts, giving them both a light squeeze as he uses his thumb to press down on your nipples, rubbing them in small circles.
He laps at your folds, getting a taste of your arousal that begins to leak out. The tip of his pointy nose brushes against your clit, adding even more pleasure. You could feel yourself getting close already. He uses his left hand to stick two fingers inside you easily from how wet you have gotten. He moves his fingers in and out of you while making a scissoring motion to open you up for him.
When he felt your walls tightening on his digits, he pumped his fingers inside you faster while sucking on your clit to make you reach your climax.
Your legs began to shake from the strong feeling of your impending orgasm. You whimper his name quietly when he brings you to complete bliss as he slows the pace of his fingers, calming you from your state of pure ecstasy.
He climbs above you on the bed, moaning softly when his wet tip rubs against your thigh. He leans down to place a loving kiss on your sweet lips. “Still the prettiest girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” he runs his thumb along your jawline, taking in your beauty mixed with all the little flaws.
You look deeply into his eyes, feeling so many emotions that you couldn’t even explain. “I love you,” you say, encircling your arms around his thin waist.
He buried his face in your neck to hide the little tears that had formed in his eyes. He dreamt of you saying those words, but he could have never imagined his dream would ever come true. “I love you too,” he says near your ear, his voice barely above a whisper.
He holds himself up, looking at you briefly before he lined himself up with your entrance. Pushing his tip past your folds as slow and gentle as possible.
You clawed at his back from the slight pain of the intrusion as he pecked your forehead sweetly.
At the first sound of discomfort you made, he immediately stopped. “I’m sorry I should have asked sooner, but Is this your first time?” You nod your head without making any eye contact with him.
“Hey, look at me.” he tilts your chin, making you look at him. “It’s mine too. It’s okay. We’ll go as slow as we want. We have all night.” he gently rocks his hips back and forth to get you used to the indescribable feeling. He continues at a slow pace until he feels you starting to relax. “That’s it, just breathe and relax. It’ll fade away soon, I promise.” he guides you through the nerve-racking experience with his slow gentle strokes and soft voice. You follow his instructions, taking, steady breaths, just like he promised. The pain soon faded, and you felt like you needed something more. It didn’t take him long to realize, and he went a bit faster before pulling all the way out, leaving in just the tip and pushing back in all the way until he was sheathed in the deepest part of you.
“You feel like a dream.” he sets the perfect rhythm slow enough to feel every inch of his shaft but fast enough for it to be the most pleasurable feeling you’ve both ever felt.
“Heeseung,” you whimper, scratching at his back lightly.
“Careful, darlin',” he warns you in a delicate voice.
You caressed his back over the part you had scratched. Your eyebrows creased, feeling the scared and resin skin against your fingertips.
He takes both your wrists in his hands, placing them lower around his waist to hide his wounds, and puts your legs on his shoulders, aiming his thrusts slightly upward inside you at the perfect angle, caressing your spot each time.
“I-is this okay? Does that feel good?” he grunts lowly, not being able to speak properly from the way your walls were gripping him so tightly.
“It feels perfect. You’re perfect.” you hug his body closer to yours.
He lowers his head, connecting your lips with his in a passionate kiss. Your warm breath tickles his face causing him to smile through the kiss as he rests his forehead against yours, reaching a hand down to your clit, rubbing up and down, matching the perfect pace of his strokes.
“Mmm, heeseung,” you whine against his lips, clenching down on him tightly as your second orgasm of the night washes over you all at the hands of your childhood crush.
“Y/n, I love you s-so much,” he says in a hushed voice, not being able to hold back anymore, releasing his seed deep inside you as the pulsation of your walls coaxed out every last drop of his love for you.
“I love you too,” you tell him wholeheartedly, giving him one final peck on his quivering lips. You wipe away a few tears from his cheek as he lowers your legs, relishing in the feeling of your throbbing walls against his shaft that guided him through the blissful journey that was you.
He gently removes himself from you, grabbing a few tissues on his nightstand to clean you off a bit. He cuddles up next to you once he’s finished cleaning you up.
“I don’t want you to go,” he pouts, hugging you with his arms and legs.
“Me neither, but if my parents found out, it wouldn’t be good.” You play with his bangs.
“Okay,” he says disappointedly, “I’ll walk you back home.” Somehow, he manages to finally let you out of his hold.
“It’s okay, I’ll be fine-“ he places his index finger on your lips, cutting you off.
“I’m walking you home,” he says firmly.
Once you both finished getting dressed, you walked back to your home, which was many blocks away from his house.
Unfortunately, the walk felt so short, if you had it your way, you’d walk into forever with him.
“Well, I guess this is it, darlin.” he took your cold hands in his, swinging them back and forth, not wanting to let you go.
“Don’t be sad, hee I’ll wait for you tomorrow, same spot?” you kissed his cheek.
He smiled widely at the nickname you gave him all those years ago. His eyes crinkle into those cute little crescents you fell in love with all the way back in fifth grade. “Same spot.” he finally let you walk up to your door, waiting for you to get in safely.
He turns on his heels, walking alone in the dark. He takes heavy steps back home, and he can’t wait till tomorrow to see you again.
Out of habit, he reaches into his pocket, taking out a cigarette. Right before he strikes his lighter, he puts the cigarette back inside the box, choosing to count his footsteps instead of indulging in his unhealthy habit.
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Same spot that’s where heeseung sat waiting for you, tapping his foot impatiently while he nervously puffs on his 7th cigarette while waiting nearly an hour for you.
You made your way to the same spot as every night, and heeseung was already waiting for you on the sidewalk.
He stood up to bring you in for a hug, but his hand landed right on a fresh bruise, causing you to wince in pain.
“What’s wrong? Did they?” He says softly, not wanting to upset you.
You nodded your head weakly.
He walked in the direction of your house, but you quickly held him back. “don’t.”
“They can’t just get away with that,” he says, trying his best to remain level-headed.
“Let’s not make this about them right now. I just want to be with you.” you cup his cheeks, placing a short kiss on his pouty lips.
“But-“ you cut him off with another kiss. He huffs in annoyance but still gives in to your wishes. “Fine, but you’re coming to my place. I’m not letting you stay with them.” he grabs your hand a bit harshly, but you know it wasn’t his intention and that he was just upset.
Finally, when you both reach his house, you enter his bedroom, and it instantly makes you feel safe.
You two lay together in his bed, comforting each other. “I still can’t believe it’s really you,” he says, breaking the silence.
“Me neither.” You lace your fingers with his, placing a kiss on the back of his hand. “you know I waited for you every day, but you never came back.”
He gives your hand a gentle squeeze and places a kiss on the top of your head. “I’m sorry for making you wait,” he says quietly.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault,” you assure him.
“I’m still sorry.” That was Lee Heeseung, too good, too caring for this cruel world, that he’d apologize for someone else behavior.
“You’re too good for your own good.” he lets out an airy laugh. “That’s why I love you cause no matter what happened, you always stayed the same. You never stopped caring for others, and you never stopped caring for me.”
“Don’t give me too much credit. I’ve never cared for anyone else the way I care for you, not even myself,” he tells you truthfully.
“I wonder what it would have been like,” you ask, caressing his knuckles with your thumb, “if you never had to leave.”
“I would have asked you to be my girlfriend. I would’ve left home sooner. I’d take you far away from here and show you what real love feels like and give you the life that you deserve.”
“Is it too late?” You ask.
“Too late for what?”
“For us,” you say, looking up at him with nothing but hope in your eyes.
“Darlin, it’s never too late. Just tell me when and where, and we can go. We can leave all of this behind. have the future we deserve and a chance at life that we never had cause our parents hate us.”
“I can’t leave them behind.”
“I think you’re too good for your own good, Darlin. They don’t deserve your love. Think about what makes you happy. I can’t promise you a life full of happiness cause this world works in unexplainable ways, but if you choose me, I can give you the one thing they can’t…” he tilts your head up, making you look at him, his eyes full of hope as he places a meaningful kiss to your soft lips and leans back stroking your cheek with his thumb uttering one word and emotion that you’ve never felt until you met him. “love”
“Can I have some time to think about it?” the idea sounded amazing. He’s all you’ve ever wanted, all you ever needed and to live a life with him full of love would be a dream come true.
“Take all the time you need. I left you before, but I’ll never leave you again. I’ll be there whenever you need me,” he promised.
“I love you so much I don’t deserve you,” you admit to him.
“I love you too, and Darlin, trust me when I say that you deserve way more than me.”
“I don’t want anyone more than you. You’re enough for me.” you wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his chest and listening to his rhymatic heartbeat.
He stroked your back soothingly until you both drifted off to sleep a while later.
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You woke up next to heeseung, who was now shirtless and pants less, then you remembered falling asleep before him, so he must have changed when you were sleeping.
Getting up, you make your way to the bathroom to freshen up. You close the door quietly so as not to wake him.
You open the cabinets, looking to see if maybe he has an extra toothbrush. To your luck, he did when you reached for it, a small packet of pills fell into the sink.
You grab the packet and examine the pills. There was no indication of what the pills were, but you could only assume the worst. Making your way out of the bathroom, you approach his peaceful figure, shaking him awake when he doesn’t move. You panicked, thinking he might have done something while you were asleep. You start to shake him more aggressively, hitting his chest for him to wake up.
“Ow ow ow, I’m awake. I’m awake. Just stop hitting me,” he laughs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
You hugged on to him for dear life, bawling your eyes out. “hey, what’s wrong? Did you miss me that much?” he chuckles, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
“I-I thought,” you stutter, unable to form any sentences cause what you thought he did while you were asleep.
“Thought what? Tell me, Darlin?” You show him the packet of pills, and his heart nearly drops at the sight he remembers the exact time and date he bought those. He had planned to overdose and kill himself he sat at a ledge as his legs dangle above the lake. He had the pills in his trembling hand, thinking back to all the times his father said he was useless and, his mother said she regretted giving birth to him, his teacher said he was waste of time, and his psychiatrist said maybe it was his fault for why his father beat him all of those thoughts were enough to make him want to end it all he held the pills to his mouth. But before he took them, he remembered you, the only person that ever needed him. He thinks back to the first time he gave you a red ring pop, the way your face lit up, and your smile gave him hope that even in sadness, you can still smile even if you don’t feel needed. Someone needs you, and that thought made him put the pills back in his pocket. He kept them in his cabinet as a daily reminder that he stayed on this earth for you.
“You don’t have to worry, Darlin. I told you I’ll never leave you again, and that’s a promise.”
You continued to sob uncontrollably into his chest. It took a good fifteen minutes for you to finally stop, and even then, your breaths were still labored and shaky.
“How did you find those anyways?” He asked, stroking your head.
“I just was l-looking for a spare toothbrush a-and I-I.” You broke down in tears again. He felt so bad for the chuckle he let out, but he found it too adorable how much you cared for him.
“Did you find one?” You nodded your head. “good, now go finish up. I’ll be waiting for you.” he pinched your cheek with a smile on his face. “I love you, and I swear I’d never ever think about doing that now that I’m with you, okay, Darlin?”
“Okay, I love you too.” You kiss him one last time before leaving.
You finished brushing your teeth and decided to take a shower as well. Once you were done, you entered the bedroom, seeing Heeseung leaning up against the headboard with a cigarette between his lips, legs slightly spread open, and he was still without any clothes.
“Hey, darlin', you took long enough,” he pouted.
“I decided to take a shower, too.”
“I can see that,” he bites his lower lip staring at your towel clad body. “Come here,” he says and pats his thigh.
You walk over to him, straddling his lap as your core comes in contact with his clothed cock. He sneaks his hands under your towel and grips your thighs, squeezing on the soft flesh as you rest your hands on his shoulders. He gently rocks you back and forth on his cock. “You smell really good.”
“Thank you.” You take your towel off, revealing your naked body. His tongue pokes the side of his cheek at the sight of your bare pussy, and you slowly grind on his lap, moaning from the feeling of his semi-hard cock.
You hum as he moves his hands to your chest, rubbing your breasts while his cigarette rests between his index and middle fingers.
He puts his hands on your lower back, making you grind on him harder.
“Fuck” he tilts his head back when he feels your wetness dampening his hard-on through his boxers.
You reach down between your bodies, grabbing his cock out through the small hole in his boxers as you guide his length, sliding him back and forth through your folds to get his cock wet.
He brought his cigarette to his mouth, taking a small puff, watching your each and every movement with hooded eyes.
You push the tip in, slowly sinking down on his cock inch by inch. “So fucking good” he rubs a hand over his face in disbelief at how tight and wet you were.
You start out slowly getting used to this feeling of him stretching you out. You lower yourself on his cock more, allowing his tip to brush against your sweet spot. “Heeseung,” you moan quietly.
The room is silent other than the wet sounds of your pussy when you bounce up and down on his dick.
You take the cigarette from between his lips, putting it to your own mouth before taking an inhale as you pick up the pace. “y/n,” he moans, holding your waist to help you ride him even faster, and he knows he's not going to last very long. You take a deep exhale, and the smoke clouds over your face before revealing the most beautiful sight he's ever seen, your lips slightly parted, chest covered in a thin layer of sweat, and your breasts bouncing up and down each time you take in his cock deeper. “Darlin, you’re perfect.”
You put the cigarette on the small ashtray on his nightstand to wrap your arms around his neck. You leaned down, placing a kiss on his lips as you moved your hands to the headboard to gain more leverage to fuck yourself on his cock at a much better angle. The slight position switch had him going feral. “Hee, oh god,” he grits his teeth at the sound of your desperate moans that make his cock twitch.
“I'm almost there,” he stutters out from the intense feeling of his cock getting harder as his high gets nearer.
He licks his thumb and reaches down to rub your clit in fast circles so you can both cum at the same time. You throw your head back, completely lost in the feeling of his big dick inside you.
“O-oh” The tight clenching of your walls made him lose it as his cum paints your sensitive throbbing walls.
“Heeseung,” you moaned loudly at the warmth from his release invading you, making you let go and tighten around his cock harshly as your pussy throbbed with each passing second you continued riding him till you both couldn’t take the overstimulation anymore.
He leans his head back, eyes tightly closed as he swallows thickly, feeling his throat parched from all the moaning and heavy breathing.
You place your hands on his chest, leaning down to give him a chaste kiss on the lips. When you pull away, his eyes slowly open as he takes a deep breath. He laughs breathily, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your chest.
You cradle his head in your hands, running your fingers through his dampened hair. “do you want to shower?” You say in a hushed whisper.
He hums into your chest, tickling you and making little goosebumps form all over your body. “Only if you come with me.”
“Of course,” you kiss his damp head before lifting yourself off him carefully. You didn’t make a big deal out of cleaning up afterward cause you were headed to the shower anyway.
You both make your way to his shower. He turns his back to you, turning on the water. A surprised gasp escapes you when you see every inch of his back covered in scars. Tears instantly began to form in your eyes.
He hears your gasp and turns around to hide his back from you. He didn’t want you to see them cause he thought they were a sign of weakness.
“Why are you hiding them?” You ask.
“Cause I don’t want you to think I’m weak,” he says shamefully, looking down at his feet.
You place your hands on his shoulders, carefully turning him around so you can see his back. “what are you doing?” He tries to turn around, but you hold his waist, keeping him still.
“You’re not weak,” you kiss one of the many resin scars on his back. “You’re strong.” you kiss another one between his shoulder blades. “this is proof.” you rest your head against his back, feeling his shoulders trembling and a few quiet sobs coming from him as you hold his waist tighter, a few tears make their way down your cheek. “you’re the strongest person I know,” you say with your voice cracking at the end. “And I’m so sorry this happened to you,”
That’s when he finally lets it all out. He holds your arms that are wrapped around his waist tightly as the sounds of his cries echo off the tiles in the shower. Tears continuously fall from his eyes, mixing together with the warm water from the shower that spirals down the drain.
You hold him in silence until his cries finally start to fade away. He sniffles one last teardrop falling off the tip of his nose as he turns to you, pressing a kiss to your lips, feeling like a weight had been lifted off him now that he had someone to share his pain with. He cups your cheeks in his palms, wiping your tears away. “let’s not cry anymore. We’ve done enough of that for the day,” he laughs, causing you to laugh along with him. Now that the atmosphere was lightened, you both took turns washing each other’s bodies, feeling peace from the sound of the water beads that hit the tile.
Eventually, you both step out of the shower, drying each other off and going back to bed to spend as much time together as possible. “I don’t have any clothes,” you pout.
“Here, take my shirt.” he hands you a plain white oversized shirt that goes down to your knees.
He puts on a pair of black boxer briefs and joins you on the bed. “when do you have to be back by?” He holds your hand, kissing the back of it, looking at you with his big, brown, beautiful eyes.
“Not for another hour.”
“Good.” he lays down on the bed, throwing away the dirty sheets and pulling the blankets over you both, he opens his arms wide for you to cuddle him.
You both lay in complete silence, holding one another. No words needed to be spoken at that moment. As your hand rested on his chest and he stroked your arm, you both felt content.
Just as heeseung’s eyes began to close, a loud bang startled him from his resting state.
“Y/n! Open this door right now. I know you’re in there!”
You could recognize that voice from anywhere it was your father. “How did he find me?” Your heart raced, and tears welled in your eyes as you held on to heeseung as tightly as possible.
“I don’t know.” heeseung couldn’t help but feel a bit scared himself, but he knew he had to be strong for you. He tried to get up from the bed, but your grip was strong on him. “Darlin, I got you. It’s gonna be alright, I promise.” he held your shoulders, looking at your eyes deeply.
You nodded your head, letting him go to answer the door.
He answers the door to be met with your father face to face. It was the first time he had been this close to him, and it took everything in him not to punch your dad till he was unconscious.
“Who are you, and where do you have my daughter?”
Heeseung couldn’t help but laugh. He had some nerve showing up and saying his daughter when he had never treated you like that since you were born, “I’m nobody to you, and y/n is safe with me, so you can leave.”
“You fucking bastard, who are you to tell me what to do?” Your father raised his fist, punching heeseung square in the jaw.
Heeseung stood still, not even flinching from the impact of the punch. If there was one thing he could take, it was getting hit. “You’re gonna have to do a lot better than that.”
Your father raised his fist yet again, but heeseung was quick enough to catch it. “I don’t think you understood, so I’ll tell you again.” heeseung squeezed your father's fist tightly. “leave.”
You held your head in your hands, tears streaming down your face uncontrollably. You couldn’t take it anymore. heeseung got hurt because of you, and your father was angry all because of you. You had to end this now. You made your way to the door quietly. “Father, leave him alone. He has nothing to do with this.”
Your mother made an appearance from the hallway outside the door. Looking you up and down in disgust, “So this is what you leave home for to whore around? I always knew you were nothing but a little slut” she says with venom in her tone, taking in your half-naked appearance.
Heeseung was trying to be calm for you, but his resentment for your parents quickly overpowered that. “Don’t you dare fucking say that about her again,” he towers over your mother's frail frame.
“Or what? are you gonna hit me too?” Your mother taunted heeseung.
“I’ll never stoop to your level.” he unclenches his fist.
“Enough!” Your father raised his voice. “Y/n, get dressed. We’re leaving.
“She’s staying with me whether you two like it or not.” heeseung hid you behind his back, protecting you.
“I’d never leave my daughter with someone like you,” your mother chimed in.
“What is she to you then? your daughter? or a slut?” Heeseung used her own words against her.
Your mom raised her hand to slap heeseung, but he caught both her wrists, squeezing them but not enough to inflict any pain. “She. Is. Staying. With. me. I can take care of her better than the both of you combined. Does she look like she’s scared of me? Does she have any new bruises besides the ones you left her with last? I don’t fucking think so” Heeseung let go of your mother's wrist.
“Y/n, I won’t tell you again. Get dressed. We’re leaving,” you cower down at the sound of your dad's voice.
You tug on heeseung’s shirt, indicating for him to let you go.
Heeseung glared at the both of them before closing the door and looking at you.
“Y/n, you can’t be serious about going back,” he says in disbelief.
“Heeseung, just let me go,” you reply, completely defeated.
“No, I told you I’m never leaving you again.” he holds your face, making you stare into his eyes.
“Are you okay?” You asked, heeseung with tears in your eyes, noticing the cut on his lip.
“Darlin, compared to what I’ve felt in the past that didn’t even tickle, your man can take a hit,” he chuckles.
You look at him, a smile forming on the corner of your lips. “I’m scared.”
“I know, and that’s okay.” he holds your hands, squeezing them gently. “Look at me.” he stares deeply into your eyes to show his sincerity. “I know I said I’d give you all the time you need, but right now, we don’t have time, and I need you to choose.”
“I can’t leave them behind.”
His heart shatters at the idea of you going back to them. “Darlin, I know it’s hard to leave. It was hard for me too, but if I had never left my parents, I don’t know where I’d be if I continued to let them abuse me, but I know one thing I would have never found you again. What I’m saying is maybe when you hurt for so long, you encounter something good. Maybe I’m that good. Maybe I’m that person to make you feel again, maybe I’m the one to give you the love you deserve cause hell, we both know you’re the most lovable person on earth.”
His words make you smile and realize that he’s right. You loved your parents to death, but it was hurting you. You couldn’t stay any longer. If they loved you, they would never treat you the way they have all these years, and heeseung made you realize that all these years of hurt were at the hands of your parents and he was the only one to ever make you happy even when he was hurting he still made sure to cheer you up everyday and go out of his way to make you smile there was no excuse for your parents even when times got hard they could still find a way to show you they cared and they never did, but heeseung showed up when you needed him the most, and the answer had never been more clear than it is now.
He cups your cheek in his palms. “Darlin, if I promised forever, would you run away with me?” He looks at you in hopes that you’ll give him the answer he so desperately needs.
“Yes,” you said with absolutely zero hesitation.
He presses his forehead against yours. “I promise”
Another loud bang was heard on the door. “Hurry up, or else the punishment will be doubled!”
The loud banging interrupted your moment together, but it was time to leave. heeseung put on his pants and quickly grabbed his keys, making his way towards the window. “come on,” he reached for your hand, helping you out the window and following you close behind.
You both ran to his car, and he started the engine, looking to his right side. “I love you.” he held your hand in his and sped off into the distance. He had no idea where he was headed, but anywhere was better than there.
“I love you too.”
Your father busts down the Door to see the sheer white curtain swaying back and forth and the window wide open “shit!” He yells, holding his head in his hands before he begins to destroy everything in the house, looking for any trace of something heeseung may have left behind, but he finds nothing.
Your mother sits down in the corner, crying her eyes out, rocking back and forth with her hands in her hair and deep, deep down inside, regretting everything that she had ever done to harm you. The only thing that brought her some type of comfort was the look of happiness in your eyes when that unknown boy protected you, and maybe he was right. Maybe he could take better care of you than both of them combined.
Heeseung drove for hours until he reached a hotel, parking in the empty lot. You both made your way to the desk, getting a single room. heeseung held your hand, walking you to room 205, unlocking the door with the key card. He let out a sound of relief once he got inside. He had been driving for 6 hours straight. You lay next to him on the bed, hugging his waist. “Are you okay, darlin?” He asks, holding you impossibly close.
“I think so.” you clutched onto his sweater, tears staining the fuzzy material.
“Do you think they’ll come looking for us?” heeseung says.
“Let’s hope they won’t.”
“Me too,” he sighs. “What do you want to do for the rest of the night?”
“Can we just sleep?” You look up at him through your wet eyelashes.
“Of course, Darlin, I love you.”
“I love you too, hee.”
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The next morning, you wake up to the countless messages and voice recordings from your dad. Every last one of them contained hateful comments, and when you listened to the voicemail, you heard your father loud and clear telling you never to come back and that you weren’t his daughter anymore. You couldn’t help but tear up from the voicemail. Your own parents abandoned you without any remorse, and that broke your heart into pieces that could never be put back together.
Heeseung stirred in his sleep. The sound of your sorrowful cries woke him up. “Darlin, what’s wrong?” You handed him the phone, and he listened to the recording. He clenched his jaw, slamming the phone on the nightstand.
Even though he was absolutely furious, a part of him was still relieved that you wouldn’t be in their life anymore, but at the same time, it hurt him beyond words cause he knew just how much you were hurting.
“You’re better off without them.” he brings your trembling body into his arms.
“You think so?” You hug him back.
“Darlin, I know so.” he made a promise to himself then and there that he’d do anything it took to make you happy again.
“Heeseung, I don’t know what to do. I’ve never been alone before.” You pour out your worries to him.
“And you’re still not alone. You have me forever. I promise even if you didn’t have me, you’d still make it on your own cause you’re the strongest person I know.”
“Heeseung, thank you,” you tell him sincerely. He’s really been there for you through so much and words couldn’t describe how thankful you were for him.
“No, darlin', thank you for everything. I’d never be here today if it wasn’t for you.”
“What do you mean?” You ask softly.
“I wanted to die when I was without you, and when I made the decision to take my own life, I thought about every memory I had with you right before I swallowed those pills you found. I remembered your smile and knowing that you were still out there waiting for me on this horrible earth is what kept me going, and the crazy hopes I'd meet you again, now here we are in each other's arms getting ready to spend forever with each other.”
“Shh, it’s okay. I’m okay, we’re okay.” he sends a tiny smile your way.
“We’re okay,” you repeated, assuring yourself.
“Darlin, I know it’s soon but let’s try to move on. Let’s do something to celebrate our first day together. Hmm?
“Like what?”
“Anything you want,” he says enthusiastically.
“Surprise me”
“A surprise you will get.” he kissed your forehead softly before getting ready.
After you both got ready, heeseung and you walked to a small lake, hand in hand, feet dangling over a wooden bridge as you watched the sunset.
“I know this is crazy, but after I met you after all these years, I feel like living again.” he rests his head on your shoulder. “And strangely enough, living on this earth doesn’t hurt me anymore,” he admits.
“What hurts you the most now?” Your question takes you back to the day he came into your life again.
“The thought of losing you,” he whispers.
“Well, you don’t have to hurt anymore cause you’re never going to lose me.” You promise him.
Silence ensues as you both throw tiny pebbles into the lake, watching the small ripples they create.
“Yeah, Darlin?”
“Thank you for making me feel again. Thank you for showing me what love truly feels like.”
He tried his hardest to hold back his tears but failed miserably. “thank you for letting me be that person for you.”
“Do you think we have a chance for a better life?”
“I know it’s hard to tell right now, but we already have a better life, darlin',” he softly caressed your knee.
“We do, don’t we?”
“Yes,” he kissed you briefly, “wait here. I’ll be right back.”
He stands up, dusting off his pants. You wait for him, watching the sunset, thinking about the future with him, and you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with him by your side now and forever.
He came back shortly, hiding something behind his back.
He sat down next to you, handing you a red ring pop. “you haven’t smiled since we left.”
He was right. Your mind was too focused on everything else that it was hard to think about how you’d actually be spending the rest of your life with your best friend, your lover, and your savior.
You took off the wrapper, bringing the ring pop to your lips, the sweet taste bringing back so many memories, causing a smile to creep up on your face instantly, and heeseung watched you in silence, a smile finding its way to his face as well.
“That’s what I like to see, darlin.” He wrapped his arm around your waist as the cool breeze gave you both a sense of peace.
Obviously, things weren’t going to be perfect within the blink of an eye, but with him, you felt like it wouldn’t take long to get past all the bad memories and replace them with new ones.
Good ones.
Things would be hard, but at least now you had someone to confide in and be there for you when you needed someone the most. You’d always cherish him forever. Not a day would go by when you didn’t shower him with endless love and care.
Heeseung knew it would take some time for you, just like it took for him, but he was willing to wait. He spent ten years without you, so he could wait a few months for you to get back on your feet without a problem.
One thing he was for sure about was no matter what happened or how long it took, he’d wait for you cause you were worth every second, you saved him from the world, his parents, and himself, and he owed you his life for it.
“Y/n, will you be mine?” He says out of the blue.
“I’m already yours, hee,” you say, gazing into his eyes softly.
“I know, but I want to hear you say so. Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks in all seriousness.
“Yes, heeseung, I’d love to be your girlfriend.” You smile for the second time that day, and you swear you could get used to this.
“I can’t wait to spend forever with you,” he says, reaching into his coat pocket and tossing his last pack of cigarettes into the lake throwing away the last bit of his old life.
“And I can’t wait to spend forever with you, too.” You kiss his cheek.
“Look, I know it’s far from the perfect love story, but I swear to you I’ll do everything to make it as perfect as I can.”
“It’s already perfect hee, just you being here next to me right now is perfect.”
He looks at you, pulling you closer by the neck to give you a deep, loved, filled kiss.
He pulls away, smiling so wide that it almost hurts.
“Darlin, we have this earth to ourselves now. We can do anything we want whenever we want, however we want.”
“So, what’s the first thing that you want to do?” You ask, smiling at him.
“Walk into forever with you.” he looks at your sparkling eyes, taking the ring pop from out of your hand and placing it on your ring finger.
You kiss his lips one last time, leaning back slowly and opening your eyes as he smiles at you with a fond, loving look.
He stands up, takes your hand in his, and walks you down the length of the bridge. Right as the sun sets behind you, you both share one final kiss, sealing this moment in your hearts now and forever.
In this life and in the next, you’d always be by his side and he’d always be by yours.
“Welcome to forever, Darlin.”
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Permanent taglist:®• @hello-stranger24 @ashxsmoon @lhsggg @scarlet127 @bunhoons @axartia @kpopscruggles @badidealy @heeseungleeworld @jayroseyy @bangchanhasbigfeet @duolingofanaccount @oceanyocean @hee-in @heesgirl @bambisgirl @heeaddict @heartandfangs @nyxtwixx @iamliacamila
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
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xan-izme · 11 months
Dubble life (ACTSV x reader x Batfam) 2
Part 1, Part 3
Summary: Reader struggles to get used to their new life in Gotham. Worrying constantly about her family in New York. A rise of tension rises between readers father figure Aaron and her real father Bruce.
After the dinner, you got yourself ready for bed. The old boombox player you had was playing soft music in the background.
You turned the lights off, slipped into bed and stared at absolutely nothing. Even with the soft music playing, you were just itching to break into your suit and jump from building to building. You were missing your life as Spider-Woman. You missed your aunt and uncles. You missed your cousin. He was literally your twin.
You practically bawled your eyes out while saying goodbye to him. Suddenly, your train of thought was broken when you heard a ringing sound. You sat you and grabbed your phone, for some reason, hoping that it was your mother calling, telling you she was going to be home late tonight.
It wasn't your mother, of course, it was Miles, your cousin. You happily accepted the call. "Miles! oh my God, I missed you!" You could hear the boy chuckle on the other side of the phone.
"We saw each other this morning."
You pout and groan "I know! but it feels like it's been days." You knew you were acting like a toddler, but don't you deserve to act like this? After the nights filled with crime, days filled with unwanted drama.
You and Miles stayed on the phone. Not much talking involved. Talking was too much to do, knowing that they couldn't say the usual 'See you tomorrow' or Miles reminding you to be safe on your little outings. You did end up crying at one point, which caused Miles to tear up, but you don't know that, and he would like to keep it that way.
The next few weeks went by in a blink of an eye, dinner most of the times ended up just being you and Alfred, which you understand, knowing Bruce is busy, and Damian doesn't really like you. Tim would join you for lunch at times. You soon found out Tim was a geek. Which made you talk and ramble off about your plans for the future. Besides from that, you were mostly alone in the house.
Now it was your first day of school, your uncle Aaron offered to drive you for your first day. You asked Bruce for permission first of course.
Bruce at first wanted to say no, but when he pondered about it. It would be good for you to be with someone you knew better to be with you on your first day.
But Bruce looked into Aron. The man was trouble, used to be involved in lots of bad people back in the day. Just to be safe, Bruce decided to tag along. This would also help Bruce get closer to you, get to know the real you.
Putting aside the formalities and the instant obedience you give him.
The doorbell rang, Alfred opened the door and see Aaron standing with a blank expression, one matching Alfreds. "Ah, Mister Davies. Lady Y/n is curently getting ready. Please follow me."
Without any words, Aaron follows Alfred to a room. Thats where he meets Bruce.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Davies." Bruce puts a smile on his face and extended his hand to greet. Aaron smiled a little and shook his hand
"Same here. And Aaron is fine."
The two men sat down and began to talk. It was normal, but only for a small amount of time. The tension in the room began to rise when Aaron's past was brought up.
". . . I admit. I went down the wrong path when I was younger. But I grew out of that mess. But if this is about Y/n, then I guaranty you she is nothing like me. She's a good girl."
"I know she is. I'm not suggesting anything Ill towards my daughter."
Aaron chuckled "Daughter? Don't take this personally. But she ain't your daughter. Not till she says so."
Before any real argument could be made, you came busting in the room. "Uncle Aaron!"
"Baby girl!" Aron at up and opened his arms for a hug.
You ran into the man's arms. Giggling as Aaron gave your head a kiss.
"Look at you. In your little uniform."
You smiled more and twirled around for Aaron to see the whole fit better. "You like it?"
"I love it."
The car ride was a little awkward, but at least it wasn't fully awkward.
Aaron gave you some money and a few good luck kisses and I love You's from Rio. You gave Bruce a hug goodbye.
It's been almost a month since Spider-woman was last seen. Tim did take an interest in this Spider-woman and was going to offer her to join the Young Justice League. You were just one person looking after New York all on your own, with no help. It was very impressive.
But now Spider-Woman was just nowhere to be seen. She has just gone MIA. Now the Prowler was taking care of the city. The media has gone crazy after the disappearance of Spider-woman.
What did catch Tim's attention was the last time Spider-Woman was seen was the day Y/n's mother died. A lot of people were hurt that day Only one dead, which was your mother. Tim has come to a small theory that the death of your mother is connected to the disappearance of Spider-woman.
It's been a full week since you started school, the first day, teachers were really nice to you. They already knew about your mother, which had them pity you. And Bruce being your father made them extra nice. You already didn't like the kids. Seeing them as fake. Because they were. Those smiling faces, those empty words.
You knew them all too well. You do the same, fake knows fake, guess that's what you could call it. Damian was of course no help. Ignoring you as much as he could. Which you didn't actually care.
Why would you care for someone who clearly don't care for you? No need to waste any energy on him. You did take interest in a few clubs. You did need to pick one that you didn't have to attend all the time. One that didn't need too much of your attention. So, you picked the art club.
You saw how much kids were in there, with those number of kids, no one expects you to get to know them all, nor make friends with them all. There are also very talented kids in the club, and the art they do isn't your style, so you're not the best. Which was in a way, good to keep cover.
Right now, you were at the manor. Your uncle dropped off the extra books you left at his place. half of your room looked a section in a library. You knew there was a library in the manor. But they weren't your books. Even if Bruce insists that most of the things in the manor was also yours, that's not how you saw it.
The things you brought from New York was yours, the cloths, books, pictures. You just felt like a guest. Nothing else.
You were curently in your room, listening to a playlist Miles made for you. You were just finishing up your homework when you heard a knock on your door.
"Y/n? It's me, Bruce." The voice on the other side of the door spoke. "Come in!" You say, just loud enough for him to hear.
Bruce enters the room, when he sees you, a small smile graces his lips. You gave him an awkward smile as you wait for what he needed to tell you.
"My schedule is cleared out today. I was wondering if you wanted to go out shopping with me." Bruce was taking a look around your room. Looking at the items you kept on shelves, pictures. Trying to know what you would like, so he could buy something for you that was more of your style.
"And me!" Suddenly Dick popped out of the door with a bright smile on his face. "Nice room." Drick mumbled as he went near your bookshelf. Seeing what books, you were into.
"Ah. . . I would love to, sir- Bruce. But I don't got much on me." You had your own card, you had about 300 or 500 in. But you don't use it unless you're out and really need something to eat. On top of that, you kind of have a spending problem you need to control.
"No need to worry about that." Bruce pulled out his card "It's all on me."
You had no choice but to go with them. You sat in the back seat. Dick in the passenger seat while Bruce was driving. "How's school? make any friends?" Dick spoke up, turning down the volume of the radio. "Oh, it's alright. Me a few kids, they were pretty nice."
The car pulled up to a store. You walked in with the two men and started looking around. You saw plushies that looked really cute. "Can I get these?" You pointed at the plushies and looked up to Bruce for permision.
"Of course." Dick grabbed the plushies and you all started to get more things. Clothes, shoes. You were pretty satisfied with what you had. Bruce purchased what you had picked out, along with a few dresses Dick picked out for you.
Bruce was able to talk to you more. He knows that you like a lot of music genres, you seem to have a deep bond with your cousin Miles and your uncle Aaron. You speak highly of Miles, like he was a sun in the sky to praise.
Bruce was still hooked up on what Aaron had said. Bruce knows that he can't fix the sixteen years he missed in your life, but he wants to try and be there for you now. Try to break down that fake smile of yours.
What? You think he didn't notice.?
Bruce knows what pain looks like. And he can see it all over you. In your actions, your words. In your voice. Whatever makes you cry, whatever fears you have. Bruce will make them all go away. And he is determined to earn the title as your father. For you to finally call him by that title.
Because he's your father. And that's what fathers do.
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peachesofteal · 11 months
Idk if your comfortable with writing this but how do you think the boys would be when darlings on her period?
So, so soft 🩵
I self indulgently based this off of my pre-medication periods… where I would get violently ill from brutal cramps and bleed like a stuck pig.
Mentions of blood, female reader having her period. Caretaking. Comfort. Fluff.
“Darling?” Johnny’s hand squeezes your hip, and you blink from where your face is half resting in the pillow.
“Mmmph.” You groan.
“It’s nearly eight. Si and I have to go across town for a meeting, you’ll be alright?” You nod lazily, knees curling up close to your chest. Your abdomen is on fire, and your entire body throbs with the pressure of your muscles working.
Johnny kneads your skin, trying too soothe you, bring you comfort. You can feel the strength in his fingers, the firm flex of his muscles against you and you sink into it, into him as much as you can, trying to curl into his body and let him take away your misery. Your pain.
You hate your fucking period.
Johnny’s lips ghost along your cheek, and you managed to catch a glimpse of him before he pulls away. Brow furrowed, eyes creased in concern. He murmurs something to Simon, who stands in the doorway, shrugging on a jacket.
“Another round of advil?”
“Too soon.” He answers, and crosses the room to lean over you. “Darling, will you be alright while Johnny and I are out? Or do you want us to stay?” Stay. You want to ask, want to cry over it, your misery making you feel weak and needy, the sharp pain in your lower belly radiating down through your legs.
But you can’t. You know that. Or rather… you know you could. You know they’d make new arrangements, that they’d move their schedules if you only said stay… but you won’t.
And if you can’t, if you won’t… well. Then you won’t feel like burden. Like an added weight. A responsibility.
Simon’s watching, the entire time you hem and haw in your mind, too keen eyes peeling back your layers, like he’s rooting around in your heart to find the truth.
“We can-“
“No! No, I’m fine. I’ll be alright.” You assure, meekly, and try not to watch as they exchange a look.
“Are you sure?” Johnny asks, and you nod.
“Yeah. ‘M just gonna go back to bed anyway.” He fidgets with a cord, the one to your heating pad… before the blankets are lifting and he’s pressing the palm of his hand against it to ensure it’s working.
Simon moves, foreboding lines of his body swift and calculated when he bends to press a kiss to your hairline before saying they wouldn’t be too long, that they’d call on their way home.
You fall asleep quickly, after Johnny lowers the lights in the bedroom and the door clicks shut, 3 locks sliding into place and keeping you safe, secure in the flat.
Three things wake you, hours later:
1. You’re in agony. Your lower body is practically seizing in pain. Your stomach is trying to claw its way out of your throat.
2. The guys are home. The lights are dim, and you squint when you realize they’re both in the room, by your side, Simon stripping the blanket off your body and Johnny trying to gently lift you into his arms without waking you.
And… 3. The worst thing to wake up to, the blood. You’ve bled through the super plus tampon and the pad that was in your underwear… leaking all over your thighs, and the sheets beneath you.
“It’s alright.” Johnny coos when he realizes you’re awake, softly reassuring you, arms coming under your shoulders to pull you forward and cradle you against his chest. “We’ve got you.”
“The sheets.” You moan and he shushes you, quick fingers swiping over your brow that’s slick with sweat.
“Don’t worry about the sheets.” Simon responds, and then he’s patting your thigh, a signal to move. You do so, weakly, swinging your legs to the side so they dangle over the bed while Johnny keeps you tucked into him.
“Bath.” You mumble.
“Shower. Then soak.” Simon corrects. Johnny lifts you free from the mattress while you watch Simon strip the sheets, and then he carries you into the bathroom.
“Poor darling.” He hums, still holding you close while he turns the shower on.
The water gets hot, quickly, and you melt into the wall underneath the spray, letting it run over your body and warm your muscles. Johnny and Simon both come in and out of the bathroom while you use an excessive amount of body wash, the lavender one, until you’re soaped clean.
When you step out, the bath’s already been running, and Simon’s got a water bottle with a handful of pills, waiting. He helps you into the tub, where Johnny already sits, and you settle between Johnny’s legs, molding your back to his chest, Simon half leaned over the edge of the tub. The water is hot, not as hot as the shower, but warm enough that steam rises in the bathroom, twisting along the white tile, filling the air with foggy white vapor. Simon rubs your neck, urging you tip your head backwards against Johnny’s shoulder. You breathe through your nose, trying to push away the pain, trying to expel it on your exhales, biding time until the naproxen kicks in.
“Mmm.” You moan, tension and stress leaking from your body. The heat does wonders to soothe your overworked muscles, gradually calming the storm that’s brewing beneath your belly button, and Simon chuckles softly.
“Much.” You pause, taking a deep breath. Johnny’s fingertips trail water over your skin, and he kisses you sweetly. “Sorry for the mess.”
“No, darling.”
“It’s alright.” They both reassure you, words soft and full of love, and you sink into them, sink into Johnny’s embrace, his skin against yours, and Simon’s hand flexing on the back of your neck, pushing you closer and closer into a more sublime, subdued state.
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simpjaes · 4 months
Homewrecker! Jake and Husband! Jay universe…
Something about how arousing it would be with Jake begging and pleading Jay to share his (new) wife and Jay finally gives in one time, only for you to sneak around with Jake behind his back multiple times after that😃😃
a very short drabble bc im an absolute feral fucking mess over these two at all times.
"Jay, listen-" Jake pleads without context, downing the rest of his beer as he grips his friend's shirt for dear life. "I'm listening." Jay says off handedly, eyes everywhere but Jake, only because his face is so close to him. Then again, his best friend always tends to get too touchy and close when he's been drinking. "Your wife." Jake whispers against his friend's face, beer-breath all but tolerable. "Just hear me out man, please. It'll be just like the college days- Just hear me out. bro- what if-"
Jay shifts his head to face him, a mere inch or so away from the other man's glazed over, very drunk eyes.
"Jake, what the fuck are you going on about? My wife? What about her?" He warns, knowing the realm of absolutely not's Jake is trying to tread. "Just hear me out man, we're best friends, i'd never do anything to-" "Anything to what?" Jay finishes for him, tensing his muscles and fixing his posture to that of someone who is....somewhat intimidating, despite his own drunk state. Still, this is his wife Jake is bringing up. "Bro I haven't gotten my dick wet since the last time we took that girl home." Jay is...arguably shocked into disbelief by that. He and his best friend never had trouble in the bedroom, in regards to finding someone anyway. "So? What? You want to fuck my wife?" "Well..." Jake offers him a crooked smile, the answer plastered on his face. "No." Jay wavers, his state allowing him to imagine the old times just for a moment. And, well, that no didn't last very long considering his friend's promises of staying in his lane, and his persistence of course. Just a week later, he's watching his best friend bury his length into his very own wife, watching you moan for a man that isn't him all while keeping eye contact. At least he had that, and your mouth, of course, to bury into with little to no fight against your gagging throat. ~ Unfortunately, a one time thing with Jay, your husband, became a thirteen or fourteen time with Jake. Always coming back. Always pleading, persistent, and approaching you with a pre-dripping cock. Jay should know, actually, that you always loved the neediness in a man. Though Jay himself, usually got what he wanted, he played along with your little kink of whining, crying, and begging from time to time. Jake though? He's not playing along. He's genuinely just a needy motherfucker, crying and whining any chance he can get you alone. Unfortunately, Jay trusts the man a bit too much in terms of leaving the two of you alone together. Thirteen or fourteen times too much. Straying hands, pleading fingers, eyes always on the verge of near tears just to get yet another taste of his best friend's wife. That's how Jake is, and you're all to willing to be wanted and needed by more than just your husband. Who are you to say no? Outside of like, you know, mostly being in a monogamous relationship and all. You think hard about it one night, dripping in wet due to Jake's consistent texts asking when you'll be home alone again. Jay wouldn't be so hard to ask. Really. For a third. ~ note: man, yall gonna fucking love the jayke threesome ill soon upload lmaooooooooooooooooooo
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I LOVE TEN AND ONE SO MUCH YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i know you said that you’re not yet in soft!daemon feels but what if reader already got pregnant and seeing her pregnant makes daemon so feral & just want to breed her so much…………
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Summary: After trying to get pregnant for months, you fell into a state where all you could do is cry. It left Daemon erratic and so easily triggered. To clear both your minds, he thinks a ride on dragon back would help, but it seems even Caraxes is not in a good mood.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Mentions of failed pregnancies/miscarriage, wife!reader, depressive episodes, smut (sad fucking, rough fucking, vaginal penetration, hair pulling, impregnation kink, claiming kink, cock warming ig), angst, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: CONGRATULATIONS FOR ACTUALLY CONVINCING ME TO MAKE A P2 OF SOMETHING. a word of caution though, it's probably not exactly what you expect. btw if you're new here, this is technically a part two to Ten & One, but you don't have to read it to get this. It will help you get in the feels more probably, but you don't need to read it to understand. I'd appreciate it if you did read it though LEAVE COMMENTS AND REBLOGS I HELD BACK ON THE PRAISE KINK BUT I ASSURE YOU MINE IS VERY REAL ISTG IM GOING TO GO FERAL IF NO ONE REPLIES TO THIS
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"Our home was once so warm," one of the head servants sigh to the two younger servants, "and not because of how Caraxes sometimes has fits, but because the lady of our house warmed it so," she shakes her head, "now she has done nothing but cry and my heart hurts for Lady Targaryen."
"I do hope she finds comfort soon," one younger servant adds with a frown, "my cousin said that her late lady eventually fell ill after grieving so long that she succumbed to her illness."
There was no ill-intent in their words, and yet he could not stand hearing it.
The sharp sound of a sword unsheathing promptly halts the servants.
Daemon is in front of them, coming out of the chamber they were meant to enter. He points Dark Sister at them, jaw clenching tightly at the words he heard them speak.
The three look to their master in fear as he takes a few steps closer to them, "I will not tolerate any word from any tongue about my wife."
Daemon watches them quiver under the gaze of his sword. Had he not been attentive of his wife, he would have killed them out of annoyance. Yet he doesn't, "do your task and leave at once."
The head servant nods and the servants scurry off into the room.
I was lying in bed, chest down, when I heard the telltale sound of footsteps. I peel my teary eyes open and mutter against the cushion, "Mileva?"
My childhood handmaiden turns to me and frowns, "yes, milady, I'm here. I have come to serve you your food."
My eyes begin to water again as I watch her set the food out on the table.
On theme with my other thoughts, I recall how she took care of me as a child, and then how she excitedly told me she was eager to do the same for my children. Her hair was now grey and yet I still had not even one child.
"Mileva," I whine, lips quivering as I reach my hand out to her for comfort.
Daemon walks back in, face hard and tense.
Mileva turns to me and sighs, "oh, sweet child." She walks over to me, taking my hand, kneeling by the side of my bed, "cease your sorrow. You will fall with child soon enough."
"But it's been a year since I've been wed," I sob, pulling her hand towards me, "what if something's wrong with me?"
"N-" "There's nothing wrong with you," Daemon quips before Mileva could speak the same words, albeit with more softness.
Mileva turns to Daemon who stood by the door, as if guarding it, then back to me, pressing a kiss on my knuckles, "my lady, take heart and regain your strength. I know you are going through a difficult season, but soon you will have what you so desire," she brushes my tears away with her calloused hands, "it is not uncommon to experience what you're going through. I myself grieved the same things you do when I first fell with child."
"Oh, Mileva," I weep helplessly, moving to sit up, "I had no idea, and I-"
"Enough, my girl," she hushes, grabbing both of my arms in her hands, "now please, do us all a favor and eat. I would never forgive myself if I allow you to lose yourself completely."
Daemon watches as I move to the table near our bed. Once I sit down, my husband speaks, "you may go now."
In exchange of the company of our servants, Daemon comes upon me, placing a hand on my shoulder as I dumbly look at the food I once loved.
"Your dear Mileva is right, you must regain your strength," he mutters, walking behind me, massaging both my shoulders.
"I feel I will be sick if I so much bring a spoon to my mouth."
He stills his actions then the drags the other chair close to me with a screech. "Shall you prefer I feed you then?" he asks, sitting next to me.
Daemon does nothing but look at me as I gaze off into the abyss that was a plate of food before me.
"I don't think I will ever find peace, Daemon," I mutter, mostly I think to myself, "I was with child," I start to feel tears burn in my eyes, "then I was not."
He brushes his fingers on my cheek, "The gods are to blame, not you."
I finally turn to my husband, chest heaving as salt water runs down my face uncontrollably. He frowns as he sighs, hand taking mine in comfort. I choke on more tears and fall to his side, unable to withhold the helpless yelps in my throat.
Daemon wastes no time in readjusting in his seat, expertly unclasping the holster on his waist, allowing his weapon to clatter to the ground. He then in one scoop brings me onto his lap, allowing me to nuzzle on his neck and pour my sadness onto his skin. His arms envelope around me, behind my back and over my thighs.
I bring my hands up to his cheeks, attempting to even out my breathing as I take in his familiar scent.
Once I finally felt like I wasn't suffocating, I begin to fiddle with Daemon's silver hair.
He leans against my touch. I pepper kisses on his cheeks.
For a moment, he is satisfied with this, but then decides to meet my lips with his own. His hands begin to tighten around me.
I release as sigh, pulling my hands away so I can readjust his grip o me and maneuver my legs over him. He makes no fuss when I straddle him, in fact his arms fiddle with the nightgown I did not bother to change out of from the night before.
My fingers travel to his tunic, and I begin to undo the its clasps. When my hand finally rubs the bare skin underneath his clothing, that's when he halts and pushes me off him to stop our kiss. He is finally certain of my actions.
I look at him. His eyes are closed and yet I could see his resolve dwindling. I place a peck on his lip as I grind down on him.
He groans, legs spreading beneath me. For a moment, he allows me to continue, but then his hands grab on my waist at an attempt to stop me.
I halt at just as he wants, but feel betrayal rise up my throat as I speak, "will you not even have me now, husband?"
Daemon releases a prolonged sigh, leaning his head back on the chair, lightly scratching my sides with his fingers, "with all my strength, I am not strong enough to even think of doing that."
I continue to buck my hips on him again.
His grip tightens but not in an attempt to withhold me.
"Then do not kid yourself by resisting me."
Daemon's eyes finally open with a grunt. The dizziness in his mind clears when he sees my face. He knits his brows and wipes my tears away, "my love."
I blink rapidly as I whine, "have me, Daemon, and end this mourning."
He calls my name, stilling me again with his hands.
This time, I bang on his chest in anger for trying to stop me, but then all at once, I crumble against him in a fit of tears.
Daemon kisses my cheek as he tightly pulls me against him.
We remain like this for a long while.
After being calmed by the sound of his breathing, I finally have the strength to cease my weeping. "I do want you, Daemon," I mutter against his cheek.
"I always want you, my queen," he replies, rubbing my back, "but I do not wish to take advantage of your sorrow."
I move against him again. He loosens his arms around me as I turn to him with glassy eyes, "then have me for no other reason than my own desire to have you, Daemon."
He is about to say something, but my hand on his hardened member takes the words out of his mouth. I palm his through his pants, "will you require me to beg for it on my knees?"
I pull away, hands snaking behind his nape, "I will be most eager to do so," I whisper, hips rolling atop his, "anything to take my mind off this, Daemon."
"Fuck," he hisses, hands tightening around me yet again.
This time, Daemon carries me to our bed and pushes me open underneath him. He hungrily kisses my neck and begins to rub his clothed member against my burning core.
"Take your clothes off," I whimper, urging his tunic and pants off.
In an instant, not only is he naked, but as am I.
Our lips take each other's desperately, and a satisfied moan fights between our kiss when I feel him enter me slowly. My limbs latch around him out of instinct and my fingers dig into the small of his back, urging him to move.
He whispers my name in my ear. He does so with much care that my heart quickens at it.
"I will try my best to be gentle, my love."
I whine at his sentiment, but I nibble his ear in response, "fuck gentle. Ruin me, Daemon. I don't want to walk around any time soon anyway."
Daemon begins to rut his hips into mine upon hearing this. He moves slowly at first, as if to measure the truth in my words. He then enters me at a quicker pace, exhaling deeply against my skin.
I whine his name out, "Daemon please, please, please, fuck me."
He heaves against me, "say that again."
I claw at him and whimper, "please, fuck me so hard I can't walk, Daemon." I match the movement of his hips, "make sure I have no choice but to stay in bed."
That's all it takes for him to thrust into me like a man gone mad.
The sound of skin slapping each other almost makes me unable to hear my cries.
He enjoys breaking my legs open and hammering into my heat. He enjoys it so much that he remains in this position for a while, savoring the feeling. He soon decides to move his hands up my legs and push my knees to my chest. Daemon lifts himself a bit, so he could hook my ankles by his shoulders. The more compromising position makes me stretch my hands above me and grip at the pillows for dear life.
I cry so hard that I don't hear anything else. I'm sure even if there weren't anyone near our chambers, my screams would still be heard.
"Do you like it when I take you like this, wife?" he asks, or challenges almost.
I'm too fucked up to reply and only the in sync rising and falling of my voice to his relentless slamming was what he got out of me.
He finds a more secure stance on his knees, and he latches his fingers under my knees as he drives into me like it was what was going to keep him alive.
His breathing is unbelievably controlled in comparison to my raggedy hitches.
As Daemon looks before him, his hands reach out to my core then to my belly. His mind floods with obscene images of previous couplings. He groans at the ideas flooding his head. He rubs my belly, "you will look so glorious filled up with my seed."
I whine as his hands grab my breasts.
"Maybe I should fill up all your pretty holes, hmm?" he pants, "but maybe then your body wouldn't know what to do with my seed anymore."
I release a string of curses as my hands shoot up to grip his biceps. My back arches to better feel him and mentally thank myself for it, screaming ecstasy when he knocks on me just right. He chuckles in satisfaction, "so fucking eager, my love."
In a twist of fate, he pulls out of me.
I'm too delirious to even realize it or manage to complain. All at once I'm being flipped onto my knees. I do however know exactly when he pulls on my hips and slams into me with dare I say more intent. I don't even manage to push myself on my arms as I am utterly boneless against him.
His response to the sound of his name was to rub my sensitive nub with his keen fingers. His other hand yanks on the roots of my hair, "who does your cunt belong to?"
I growl, one hand coming to his that was pulling my head back. I am even more unable to push myself up. I scream his name.
"Mine," he growls, "mine," he flicks his hips.
He yanks on my hair again, "say it. Who do you belong to?"
"You," I heave, "you, you, you, you-"
"Good," he praises as I loose my mind, "I'll make sure you only ever cry over how good my cock makes you feel," he mutters breathily. And although his words are lewd, there is a certain sincerity to it.
Much like before, because I never really stopped, tears begin to drip from my eyes in a tinge of pleasure, pain, and residual sorrow.
Daemon massages my scalp with his fingers as his thrusts reach a quick and steady pace. I can almost feel him hit inner most parts of my mind and taste him on my tongue.
My head helplessly crumbles onto the cushions when he releases me so he can piston inside me at a better angle. My screams are finally muffled.
My husband seems not to appreciate it as he yanks my hair back and forces my shouts to me audible again, "let them hear me breed my you, wife, scream out who makes you feel like this."
At this point, I've left my mouth gaping too long that my throat dries up and the sounds of his name that I produce leaves a burning sensation.
I feel my stomach begin to tighten at his ministrations.
"That's right," he encourages, "chase that feeling on my cock," he says, "come around me, darling. Come on."
My hips instinctively buck against him at the sound of his encouragements.
Daemon revels in the repetition of his name. He feels like he is invincible at the praising sounds.
I inevitably quake around him as if it was the surface beneath that forced me to do so. My voice is absolutely wrecked at the cry that leaves my lips.
Daemon rubs my core again, milking my reaction for all he's got.
Once even my knees began to give in, that's when I feel Daemon's heat shoot into so sharply that my body quakes all over again. He fucks into me even after. There is so much of him that I feel him drip out of me with wet squelching sounds.
My womanhood is practically crying at this point.
"I'll do you well, wife," he announces, pace drastically slowing, "I'll fuck you good even if the gods obstruct your womb from carrying my seed."
I repeat his name over and over again.
Daemon finally stops, but he does not exit me. He rubs my butt in a soothing attempt, "let me stay like this for a while, your cunt is leaking."
I shake my head, "no please, turn me over. I want to hold you, Daemon."
He does not dare deny me this.
He quickly uses his strength and expertly has me on my back, barely pulling out as he does so.
He wraps my legs around him snugly as he eventually presses his chest against mine. I seal his torso in my arms. He sighs in content when he finds his face on the crook of my neck. He lazily kisses my skin as his his arms loop around my own body.
"I love you, Daemon," I mutter, fingers lightly grazing his skin.
"I love you," he responds, "I will continue to be a slave to your desires."
"Good," I pipe up blinking away the tears that were left in my eyes, "I don't want you to leave me today. Stay right here, like this."
Daemon kisses my neck, "I wouldn't dare move from where I lie."
A good seven days passed, and I was feeling a lot more myself.
Daemon, in all his paranoia that something would happen to me the moment he's not looking, made sure to either not leave my side, or to bring me everywhere with him. And since he really did leave me in quite a discomfort after our intense fucking, it was only now that he was able to bring me along to accomplish his errands.
In all his smugness, he offered to carry me if I still found it difficult to walk. I, of course, slapped him because of this. It obviously didn't hurt him, because I meant it not too, but he promised me he'd get even for it.
Today, we were apparently going for a ride on dragon back.
"How have you been, boy," Daemon calls in High Valyrian as we made our way to his dragon.
Caraxes whines the way he always does. I smile at the creature, sensing somehow that he had missed his rider. Daemon catches this and squeezes my hand in response.
All at once, Caraxes whines shift into a louder more desperate version, dare I say it was a form of discomfort. The unforeseen reaction makes me nervous, especially when the large creature makes his way towards me.
Daemon feels Caraxes' agitation, but he is more concern about mine, which is why he releases my hand and raises it up to the dragon. He promptly scolds the beast in a long string of High Valyrian I wouldn't have been able to understand even if I wanted to.
Caraxes screeches, seemingly determined to go to me.
I decide to walk back slowly, although I do this out of concern more than fear. Perhaps he wanted his rider all to himself. I agree with my mental thought, since deep down, I knew Caraxes would not turn to me will ill-intent.
One of the keepers, I find, is suddenly ghosting a hand over my arm. I gasp at the unexpected touch and furrow my brows at his words that I do not understand.
Daemon's gaze rips away from his dragon over to the keeper, "what did you say?"
The keeper turns from me to my husband, hand pulling away so he could motion to the restless Caraxes.
Daemon's face contorts at whatever it was that he was told. My concern now drifts from the dragon to his rider, "Daemon? What is it?"
He turns away from me, back to Caraxes, hushing him, "I understand now, boy."
I look at Daemon as he offers me his hand without turning away from his mount. I wordlessly take his hand in mine. Daemon pulls me slowly in front of him, hands going to my sides.
Caraxes stands on his legs upon seeing me, letting out a powerful roar.
I reel back, pressing against my husband's chest, "Daemon, I-"
"It's alright," he mutters against my ear.
Daemon looks up to his dragon then screams some sort of accusation.
Caraxes lands back on his claws, huffing out so deeply that there is a strong gust of air that nearly blows me away. Had it not been for Daemon behind me, perhaps I would have fallen on my ass.
Suddenly, I hear Daemon shudder. His hand travel to my belly. He takes one step forward, moving in front of me and calls my name out in praise before kneeling before me.
I look down at him in concern, almost not noticing how Caraxes brings his snout close to me.
I am distracted by the dragon head that I almost don't hear Daemon say, "you're with child."
My hand darts up to Caraxes and my eyes widen as I turn back down to my husband.
He kisses my skirt, but I shake my head in disbelief, "don't mess with me, Daemon."
Daemon looks up at me then stands. He hushes me as he takes my face in his hands, "Caraxes can sense it," he presses a kiss on my forehead, "the gods have finally bended to my will."
Tears begin to glaze my eyes. "Daemon," I grip his wrist and look up at him, "I'm so happy, but what if-"
"Shhh," he pulls me against him, "I will not have you speak ill of this glorious discovery."
I begin to weep, and it seems Caraxes does not enjoy it for he huffs helplessly upon hearing it.
"I will be here, my love," he mutters, "I will do all I can to make sure nothing harms you or our child."
Caraxes makes a sound that seems to be of agreement.
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gladtobeagirl · 3 months
My State of Health ...
I have to be honest with you. For the last few months I have been increasingly ill. It started with a bad headcold and cough, which became a chest infection and has now developed into pneumonia. In addition my eyes have become infected and are permanently full of goo so that I can't see properly much of the time. Now my right ear has become full of mucus, which has left me deaf in that ear. That wouldn't be a problem but I'm already deaf in my left ear after someone broke my left cheekbone many years ago just for being me - I told you my transition wasn't always fun. That damaged my eustacian tube and ultimately left me deaf in my left ear. So now I can't hear anything - even the voice of my beloved Anna. I am so unhappy and miserable at the moment.
I have tried to keep the blog running but it hasn't been easy. Anna has tried to help me but it's becoming too hard. She has taken time off work to look after me and I would have been lost without her. I'm stuck in bed, feeling as weak as a kitten. Anna makes sure I eat and drink and gives me my anti-biotics and puts eye-drops in my eyes. She helps me into the bath (even carried me on one occasion when I was really ill). It's not easy for her. A couple of times when I've had a really bad couging fit I've even pee'd myself (not proud to admit that) but she just dealt with it without a comment. I love her so much.
I start to feel better but then I just have a relapse and get worse. My doctor is threatening to admit me to hospital but I won't go. I was determined to write this this morning. You wouldn't believe how long it's taken me to do it - not helped by the fact that I can't stop crying. I feel so low today.
This, coupled with the fact that I still can't log directly into my tumblr home site for more than a second, and don't receive any new submissions, has made me reach a decision. You won't be hearing anything from me again until I'm better. I just can't do it anymore. I'm just so tired. I wanted to let everyone know that I've not just abandoned you all. Hopefully, I'll be better soon and then I'll be back. Look after youselves and your loved ones. Goodbye for now, Katie and Anna XXXX
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calisaalutforchriss · 24 days
☆I need rest now, got me bummed out☆
summary: y/n, nick, matt, and chris, went to the mall. matt was being a dick to y/n. she cried in the bathrooms. nick got pissed off and yelled at matt. when she came back, matt said he didnt wanna go farther with the relationship. but thankfully, her best friend nick, is there for her.
a/n: guys ive been slacking sm, im so sorry. anywho, if you dont like it, idc, i could care less. youre the one reading. tysm for the requests. i love writing fluff. angst, cussing, use of y/n, crying, all photos r from pintrest.
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we got in the car, i sat next to matt. my boyfriend. i was so happy to go to the mall. i needed some new makeup, clothes, and a new pair of high heels. i was in the front seat with matt, chirs was in the back with nick. nick was begging me to give him the aux cord.
"come on, please?" nick begged
"no, you listen to fucking garbage." matt said coldly
my eyes widend. damn.
"fuck you, bitch" nick rolled his eyes
yup. typical nick response.
"how far is the mall?" i asked, trying to change the topic.
"i dont fucking know, check on your phone." matt said in a harsh voice
i nodded my head, a bit stunned. he never acted like this before...or at least not to me.
"uh...20 minutes?!" i was stunned, the mall was never that far.
"youre picked the wrong mall, idiot." matt says, his eyes not leaving the road.
"stop being a dick, matthew." nick said, eye bawling him in the review mirror.
"nobody asked you." matt protested, pulling into the parking lot.
i almost felt tears in my eyes. why is matt being a dick?...
"lets go y/n." nick said. we both got out the car. chris and matt bickered as we got into the mall.
"will you two just shut the fuck up?" nick asks, turning around at them as we walked into the food court.
"nick, were in public." chris whispers.
"i could give a fuck less. matt...whyre you being a dick?" nick asks, pointing at his chest.
"im not, you idiot." matt protests more.
"see? dick behavior." chris buds in.
"im gonna go to victoria's secret..." i say quietly and timidly.
"good. go." matt claps back.
i nod my head and walk to victoria's secret. but...i took an extra left, heading to the bathroom. i open the door and get in the stall. i sit on the toilet and cry. what. is. matt's. problem?!
a text from chris.
c: where are you? me and nick came to find you in the victoria's secret, but we cant.
oh shit...
y: oh yeah, sorry! im in the restroom, just had to touch up my makeup.
little did he know, my makeup was ruined.
i got up, and looked in the mirror. oh no...my makeup is smeared. everywhere...
c: do you mind hurrying up? no rush, but...kinda rush lol.
y: yeah! yeah! sorry, ill be out soon.
i immediately ran out, my heels clanking against the cold floor. i met chris.
"hey!" i say, smiling like nothing happened.
"what the hell happened?" nick asks, before i could respond matt buds in.
"damn, you look horrible. ugly, even." matt adds, chuckling.
i was absolutely speechless.
"i think we should go back home." chris adds, a look of sorry and worry in his eyes as a tear streams down my cheek.
the car ride home was absolute torture. no one talked. no one smiled. matt didnt put his hand on my thigh. my eyes didnt escape the trees from out the winodow.
"we're home." chris says softly.
"no shit." matt says, with attitude.
we all walked inside, i go into matts room. like i do, everyday.
"do you need a ride home or something? get like and uber or lyft." matt says, almost like he was implying, "get out"
"am i not staying?..." i asked, fidgeting with his pillow.
"look y/n. i dont think were gonna work out. im so done with our relationship. we cant keep going. youre amazing, y/n. you really are, but i cant."
"wait...what? lets talk about it first." i say, a tear streaming down my face as i quickly wiped it.
"no. i cant. ive made my decision."
i didnt say anything. i wanted to fight for us, dont get me wrong. but...with matt...hes always right...
i grabbed my bag and put my nike pandas on. i walked out, into nicks room.
"b-bye, nick. i love you and ill call you later, mkay?..." i said as i hugged him.
"arent you staying over?" nick asks, confused and hugged me back.
"im going home. me and matt are over." i blurted out, not letting him go.
"aw, no n/n. hes a dick anyway. youre perfect. hes short and has nose hair longer than his scalp hair. he stinks and showers in brown water. youre so beautiful, sweet, charismatic, and most importantly; sexy." nick added with kissy lips.
i laughed and let go of him, i sniffed and smiled.
"thanks." i gave him a quick squeeze before getting in my jeep. i drove home. that night, i cried. and cried. and cried.
i smiled as i laughed with nick on the phone, we were talking about the latest Rue Paul episode.
n: "and thats what im talking about!!"
we laughed and laughed.
oh...a text from matt...how wonderful...not.
the text read; "please come over, im bored."
y: "hell no." i muttered to myself.
n: "huh?"
i giggled
y: "not you, this dumbass wants me to come over. hold on."
"i need rest now, you got me bummed out🙄🙄🙄"
i hit the sent button and smiled.
y: "right?! trixie mattel is who i am mentally!"
i said in a giggle to nick.
@daniyummy thanks for thr rqqqq ilysmmm im sorry i hate this smmmmmmmmmmm
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turvi · 1 year
What a Man
Severus Snape x Reader
You didn't mean to fall this deep in love. When you first saw Severus you thought this was going to turn out like another teenage crush where you could only enjoy the view and make scenarios of your wedding while you picked a wedding dress according to the personality of your crush and choose the children's names and move on as soon as you saw him holding hands with another girl and cry like he betrayed you.
No Severus was different, he surprised you in a good way. Before you saw Severus you heard of him. You heard he was cold, mean, and sarcastic. When you first met him you had the ill fortune of meeting him in his beloved class. Potions. He would keep rolling his eyes at your bad jokes and continue to ignore you and judge your potion-making skills.
Gradually with time Severus softened and was impressed with your potion-making skills and your ability to make bad jokes that made his dull life bright. You always liked Severus but never knew when you fell in love with him. One day you were just joking and making him laugh and the next thing you know you want to hold him and spend your life with him.
Lo and Behold you were Mrs. Snape as soon as you graduated. After spending a week on honeymoon your friends decided to treat you to lunch. Severus was at home making dinner. You entered the door calling out to your dear husband.
"Honey I am home"
"I'm in the kitchen" he responded. You walked towards the kitchen and the view in front of her was hot. Severus was making dinner, and he had tied his hair in a bun, he was wearing his white shirt with its first few buttons open giving you a view of his chest.
You took a deep breath and thought to yourself "dammit he gets hotter as he ages. What he eats children for breakfast?"
Severus smirked as he closed the lid on the pan. "No love, it's your loving that makes me look hot"
You rolled your eyes "you are reading my mind again Sev?"
"I couldn't help they are so loud. And you were practically drooling at my look so I am flattered really"
You got closer to him smirking and planted kisses all over his face. He groaned and switched off the gas.
"Why did you switch off the gas?"
"All of a sudden some other parts of my body need your attention," he said huskily and you yelped as he threw you over his shoulder. You giggled as he carried you to your shared bedroom.
As he laid you on the bed he was about to open his bun when you interrupted "no please let it stay, I like it"
He groaned and crawled on top of you "hmm, my darling wants a change in role? She wants to pull my hair?"
You only giggled. By now your mind was fuzzy because your husband keeps surprising you every day. You thanked your younger self every day for being so patient and loving to him because the Severus in front of you did not entirely change or heal but he is more loving and soft to you. And that is all that matters.
A/N: I don't know why I wrote this. Anyways REBLOGS AND FEEDBACKS ARE APPRECIATED.
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soothinglee · 5 months
even if my heart stops beating⏤✰
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seungmin x reader | 1.6k✔︎
my notes⎯ hello everyone ! I know it's been a while since I've actually wrote something ! I actually got hit by a bus! yeah I had to sue this company called "writers block" and I finally got a settlement! (also happy new year!) I recently (like a week ago) got into Kpop, specifically Stray Kids ! I've read some fan fictions (shameless) about some of my favorites and got inspo to write one! thank you @soobnny . also I haven't wrote anything in a while so i'm a little rusty, i'll be as good as new soon!
warning⎯ mentions of vomit (used as word vomit) and crying.
genre⎯ angst to comfort.✔︎
songs⎯ six feet under; billie eilish | pretty boy; the neighborhood
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the old rusted clock that came with the condo you and seungmin bought sits perched on the top of the fridge. Its old, wooden frame slowly caves in on itself as time goes on.
not even an hour or two ago you had happily entered your home to start cooking dinner, not even worrying about showering first because you were so excited to have dinner with your boyfriend.
even going out of your way to spend a hundred dollars over the amount you usually spend to give seungmin the greatest 'welcome home' feast. he and the rest of stray kids had been on tour for the last couple months, traveling all over the world to perform at concerts and do collaborations with other idols to promote their new albums.
sure, it had been lonely, being by yourself all of the time, the only glimpse of your boyfriend you could get is when he could facetime you for 2 minutes or when he responded back to a text 4 hours later. but you understood, you knew what you were getting yourself into even when you started becoming friends with him.
if anything, you were strong, understanding, and flexible to when he couldn't make it to something like a movie night or date when his plane arrives later or practice runs over.
the only thing now, is that he had promised you that he could make it on time to dinner. sending countless 'I swear ill be there' texts and swift calls ensuring his presences at the dinner table during his dance rehearsals.
but now you were sitting at the table alone. a cold jajangmyeon sits in the platter in front of you, a similar on across the table from you. looking up at that old clock the hour turns to 10 and he's officially 2 hours late. it wasn't unknown for him to run a little over his time but this was unbelievable. you curse yourself for being naive and truly thinking he would keep to his word.
as you get up and clean the meal that you created you feel a little piece inside of you break, watching your hard work spill into the leftover containers like your tears. this was embarrassing, waiting around like a puppy in hopes your owner comes home. you were loyal and hopeful to a fault but wasting time and money like this was just unacceptable.
by the time seungmin walked through the front door it was half pass midnight and you had situated yourself infront of the t.v watching a new drama a colleague from work recommended.
"(name)." he calls out, you hear his shoes hit the wall as he takes them off, and then theres a shuffle as he organizes them on the shoe rack. you hear him leave his keys in the bowl on the desk that was by the front door, his footsteps growing louder as he nears the living room.
"(name)." he calls out again, seeing you lay in a cocoon of blankets in the dark, he think maybe you're sleeping so he quietly discards his winter coat on the back of the couch. he flicks on the lamp on the other side of the couch to bring in some light. though when he comes around to sit down he finds your eyes wide open, "why didn't you answer me when I called?"
"why didn't you come on time like you promised?" you quipped back quietly, suddenly too exhausted to have any conversation with him. you try and sink further into the thick blanket as you watch the Netflix symbol load and the next episodes intro plays.
you can't see his face but when he sighs and shifts in his spot you can hear the hesitance, "you already know why, practice ran late, like always."
"'whatever?' what's going on with you?"
"nothing." your tone is snipped but honestly you couldn't care less. somewhere in your soul you feel as though this might be a little extreme of an reaction but there is only so much patience you can give one person. you constantly make time for him and this relationship, so why couldn't he move things around and do the same for you? your eyes remain on the television.
seungmins eyes dart quickly to the t.v and then back to you, noticing that your full attention isn't on him, so he leans over you and goes to grab the remote from your hands. at the sudden loss of contact you make a move to try and get the remote back from him but he effectively powers down the t.v and discards in on the coffee table.
"I'll only repeat myself so many times, what's going on?"
it was like a newfound energy fizzled at your toes and pushed itself up and towards your head, your body springs up from its sideways position and you angle yourself to face seungmin.
though the light was somewhat dim due to only the lamp being on, he could see the red-rim of your eyes and the dried streaks of tears sticking to your cheeks. obviously, it had been evident that you had been crying.
seungmins eyes soften for a moment, he reaches out to try and smooth out the puffiness of your cheeks but as soon as you see his hand coming you push it away, "you were crying?" it comes out more of a statement than a concerned question, but the worry was still evident in his tone.
"duh," you start, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in the tense space, you find comfort in the carpet on the ground. you were feeling...nervous. you didn't want to cause anymore problems but things won't get solved unless they are discussed, which in all honesty, the thought of confrontation in the first place is feared.
you need to get it out, you can't stop living like this. deep down you know he cares but you have to stop going off of assumptions. either he's going to show up or not, it was clear already that you showed up no matter how busy you were.
"do you even still love me?"
the question tumbles from your lips before you could even process what you were saying. maybe it wasn't what you wanted to convey exactly but it was definitely a start.
"what?" his airy voice sounds dumbfounded which makes sense. the intense look you're giving him plus the profound, out-of-the-blue question throws him off guard.
of course he loves you, why would you ever think anything different? "where is this coming from?"
"well it's just that every time we have something planned your work gets in the way. I spend hours and hours getting ready, trying to look my best, just to waste the day sitting on the couch waiting for you to come home. sometimes I'm waiting so long I fall asleep! I put so much effort into being a good girlfriend! hell, I even spent over 100 dollars on dinner tonight because I knew you had a hectic day, it took me two hours to make it just for it to go cold and put into a container,"
your voice chokes up, full of exhaustion and disappointment. you feel the tears pooling in your eyes but have no energy to stop them. you really want to quit the word vomit but there's no point, theres more to be said.
"I try so hard to not get disheartened but it gets so hard when you don't even try. sometimes I feel like you don't even care about this relationship anymore, like you don't care about m-"
just as you were about to finish your words were muffled by hands on your face, and lips on yours. seungmin had kissed you to stop your rambling. you couldn't help but to feel relieved and somewhat offended.
"stop." he whispers as he takes a breath, his hands still on your face, foreheads connecting, "please stop." his voice crack under pressure, its subtle but at the lack of distance between you two you can hear it so well. your eyes are closed, trying to get your own tears at bay but hearing how emotional he's becoming breaks you. a sob teeters at your bottom lip but you force it still.
"don't you ever think that I don't care. I always have." he pauses and wipes the stray tears on your face with his thumbs, "I'm so sorry I've made you feel like this. god I'm such a bad boyfriend, this is my fault."
you try to move away to comfort him but he holds you in place gently, you sniffle and reach up to brush the bangs from his face.
"I promise you I'll be more attentive, ill take you out everyday, spend as much time with you, cook for you, miss practices all the time just to make sure you know I care about you."
"you promised earlier but you didn't come!" you cry, recounting how long you waited.
"I know!" his voice quivers as his hands tremble, lightly shaking your head, "I know...and i'll never forgive myself. you don't know how much you've shaped me into the person I am now and I- I have no clue what I would do without you. I just have a poor way of showing it."
you grip on his wrists, mimicking him with your eyes squeezed shut, you stopped trying to keep the tears in awhile ago, letting them fall freely into your covered lap. "how do I know I can trust you? I'm so sick of feeling like this."
"I promise you I will prioritize you more than anything, Idol life, dancing, singing- whatever, does not come before you. I won't leave you hanging like this anymore, i'm sorry I didn't pay more close attention to your feelings," his bottom lips shakes as he takes another deep breath, he opens his eyes and you can see pass the tears and sorrow a new found determination.
"even if my heart stops beating, you're the only one I need."
past your wary judgement...you believe him...
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astermath · 11 months
theres like four i wanted to send but ill pick my favourite i guess... so "oh, sweetheart- come here.” with steve maybe?
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the way I’m making all of these emotional as hell ajdkdk am I projecting a little? maybe! but that’s okay (I think). anyways ty for sending one in my dear! have a lovely day! ♡
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1.3K
normal sized font below!
send in some touch starved prompts! ♡
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You’re a hard worker. Always were. Whenever you were engaged in something, you gave it your all. College was no exception to this rule either. Your parents has sacrificed a lot for you to be able to go, and being a girl, you felt like you had to prove to everyone that you too were worthy of a higher education. Especially in a male dominated field like bioscience.
You’d spent ages putting together a thesis about your research. Steve was sure you were at your desk more than your bed, and as your boyfriend, that concerned him. But he knew better than to bother you with overbearing comments and concerns, so he tried his best to be supportive instead. Stopped by your desk whenever he could to bring you a snack or some tea, remind you to drink water, and always saying how proud he was and how you’d knock that presentation out of the park.
So when the day of your presentation came, he was almost as nervous as you were. Even during his shift at work, he had to stop himself from texting you to ask how it went.
So when he came home and called out for you, but didn’t get an immediate response, he was a bit worried to say the least. Usually he’d already be met with a hug or a kiss without even being fully through the front door yet. Now the apartment feels eerily quiet, not even the sound of a shower running or the stove being on. It feels wrong. Off.
"Honey?" He calls out, his nerves starting to set in. His socked feet padded over the wooden planks of your Indianapolis apartment, making his way over to your shared bedroom. The door was closed, but he could see a sliver of light peeking through below it. He held his breath for just a moment, and soon enough, he heard you sniffling and sobbing quietly.
"Baby, you in there?" You both know he knows you're there already, but he wants you to know you can have a moment alone if you feel like it. As out of character as that would be, since you always shared your toughest moments with one another.
He goes quiet again, hearing the bed creak slightly, and your slow, shuffling footsteps over to the door. He sees your shadow disrupt the light underneath, and the way you're taking your time worries him even more. Usually, the two of you would be in each other's arms already, slumped onto the couch and watching whatever was on TV.
The knob turns and the door opens just enough to reveal you standing there. You're already in pajamas, wearing one of his old high school shirts. He'd find it endearing, if he wasn't so overtaken with concern for you. Your head is dropped, so he can't see your face, but your hair looks messy. He's guessing you've been in bed since you got home a little over an hour ago.
"Hey," He steps into the bedroom with you, "how'd it uh-- how'd it go?" He regrets asking as soon as those words leave his mouth. Clearly it didn't go well, and now it just sounds like he's rubbing it in.
Instead of answering, you look up at him, and his heart aches at the sight of you. Your nose is red and your eyes are watery and puffy from crying the entire time. You look a mess, a sad, cute, adorable mess, but he feels so bad for you.
“Oh, sweetheart… Come here.” He opens up his arms and you practically crash into them, your face hiding into the crook of his neck as you start sobbing into his shoulder again.
You clutch onto him, your hands balling up the fabric of his shirt like he’s going to fade away if you don’t. Your body shakes with every sob that comes from you, it’s almost enough to make him start crying too.
He remains quiet, rubbing your back and holding you tight, his face resting against the top of your head. He presses a kiss to your hair every now and then, his way of saying “I’m so sorry this is happening right now, I’m so sorry this is all I can do”.
He lets you cry, because he knows it’s exactly what you need to do right now. Sometimes you just need to feel, not have to explain or think too much, that can come after.
You mumble something into his shoulder after seemingly having composed yourself a little again.
"What's that baby?" He pulls back a little, arms still around you.
"I fucked up so bad..." You look up at him, puppy eyes still halfway brimming with tears.
"What makes you say that?" He gently rubs over your upper arm. His hand his warm and soft, and it eases your mind just a little.
"I was such a mess... I-- I didn't even get to say or explain half the things I wanted to, and-- and I just couldn't talk. Like my body wouldn't let me."
Steve knows about your anxiety, and your fear of public speaking. You'd practiced so many times in front of him, but that was easy, you trusted him more than anybody else. Then you tried it in front of Robin and Eddie, which was a little harder, but they were your friends too. Presenting something you'd spent the last three months slaving away on was an entirely different thing, and to be honest, your boyfriend was already proud of you for willing to do it at all. Your grades on the thesis and assignment themselves were well past good enough to pass the semester, but you insisted on presenting it. That's how much you cared about it.
"No one's gonna take me serious Steve... Half of the people in my course think I shouldn't be there anyways, I know the way they talk about me--"
"Well they're fucking stupid. They don't know what they're talking about, and they don't know you." He interrupts you before you can psych yourself out even more. "They don't know about how passionate you are about your research, or how amazingly smart you are." His thumb strokes gently over your cheek, and his gaze is so loving you swear his pupils turn into little hearts.
"They don't know you love to sing while you cook, how caring you are, how you seem to bring out the best in everyone, including me."
You can't help but crack a smile now. You're sad, heartbroken, even, but never immune to your sweet boyfriend's charm. The world could be falling apart, and he'd still find a way to warm your heart.
"You're going to be okay, alright?"
"How can you be so sure?"
He pauses for a moment. "Because if they fail you, I'm personally fighting every single one of your professors."
You giggle, and a sense of pride instantly rushes through him. Still got it.
"Steve, no!" You playfully push into his shoulder. "Not Mr. Collister, he always gives us fun snail facts at the end of every class!"
"Okay, okay, everyone besides Mr. Collister. That a good compromise?"
"How about you don't fight anyone, huh?" Your sadness has seemed to flee your mind entirely. At least for the time being.
"Well, I probably won't have to, there's no way they're not letting my gorgeous," he pecks your lips softly, "brilliant," peck, "amazing," peck, "girlfriend pass the semester."
You giggle with every kiss, and wind your arms around him before he can pull away again, your lips meeting again, but for longer this time. He hums softly into it, satisfied that you're feeling better.
"Hmm, I love you Stevie."
"Love you too hun. How 'bout I cook your favorite dinner tonight, huh?"
"Can we maybe order takeout instead?"
He grins. "Anything for you, sweet girl."
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@palmtreesx3 @inkluvs
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vanilla-teddybear · 5 months
Remember Me
Hanahaki disease
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Synopsis: You have been in love with Midorya for months but when he confessed his feelings for someone else you became ill
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Remember me though I have to say goodbye Remember me, don't let it make you cry For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart Remember…..
The first flower spilled suddenly from your lips, like a warm waterfall. When you were pretending to be Oblivious and asked Deku who he liked he said “Uraraka”
That broke you to the core and before you knew it you were throwing up daffodils. It Symbolized unrequited love.
Your heart started to hurt and tears ran down your face as you continued to throw up petals. You pathetically chuckled wiping the tears away and flushing your toilet. You laid in your bed with a trash bin near your bed, you been throwing up petals all night now having any average sleep.
For the past first two weeks you’ve been hiding it, playing it off as tiredness.
Until Midoriya and Uraraka actually started dating making you even worse than before. You started throwing up more than petals this time it was full blown flowers. You were scared, you weren't even sure that you can hide this from Mr. Aizawa anymore.
He was suspicious of you already.
You looked up everything about the diseased and you didn't want to take the surgery and forget about your first love. So you were gonna die watch Izuku fall for someone else that isn't you.
As you were throwing up red flowers, Bakugou kneeled beside you in worried surprisingly as he held your hair up.
"What the fuck ___" he mumbled he knew what this was, but he was in denial seeing one of his friends since middle school dying in front of him.
"Im dying I know and my dying wish is for you not to tell anyone, I want to die is peace and in the water" You said bluntly making Baukgou gape at you.
"WHAT? YOUR JUST GONNA ACCEPT THIS ___?" He yelled at you qustioning if your bring rational or not.
You looked dead already with eye bags covered in flowers from your throat. "I-Im so tired Katsuki" You whispered as tears flowed down your face. His face held pity and guilt heistant before nodding. He held you close.
"T-Tell me the guy your dying for at least ___" He mumbled looking you with his red eyes as you sigh in agreement. "Izuku" you said making his eyes widen before nodding.
You both sit in the bathroom in silence on the floor until he inturpts the silence again. "what will your last moments be?"
"In the ocean watching the sunset before fading away" You mumbled sadly.
"Ill come with you to take your body to the officials" Bakugou said sternly making you nod as you both stay in the bathroom longer for peace from each other.
The Next day...
Bakugou kept an eye on you to make sure you weren't worse then before and even if he cant see it he can tell you were gonna fade soon.
"___!!!" Midoriya called out to you grabbing your hand as you tense. "We havent hang out in a while its like I barley see you anymore, How about we go get ice cream later or go to our hangout spot-" He rambles but stop when you snatch your hand from his like he was poison.
He gave you a questioning look trying to take your hand back "Puppy whats wrong?" he asked stepping towards before bakugou steps in between the two of you.
"Move away Nerd" Bakugou mumbles pushing Izuku backwards.
"Stay out of this Kacchan, I just wanna talk to them they been looking sick lately" Deku argued
"I prefer if we didn't hang out Midoriya" You saying his last name hit right through home as you rushed away from the both of them feeling the urge the throw up. Bakugou walked away from Deku ignoring the the green hair questions.
Using an Illusion on your teacher wasn't ideal nor was your plan but if it means leaving in peace then you took the chance.
A few more days pass and you knew it was time.
Bakugou took you to the beach, thrones were piercing your throat as you were in pain but this is your dying wish. "Thank you Katsuki" You mumbled as he stayed silent. You entered the water looking at the sunset, You threw up more flowers and then thrones as you eyes slowly closed as you faded away. Bakugou watched as his childhood friend fades away. Before you could drown he carried your dead body back to campus.
As he entered the dormitory he saw Aizawa and All Might with Midoriya all looking worried. When Midoriya saw your dead drench body he instantly snatch your body not feeling a heartbeat. He let out broken sobs.
"Young Bakugou please explain" All might whispered scared to trigger his young intern.
"She had the Hanahaki disease and she was in love with you" Bakugou bluntly said making Deku sobs louder and more broken.
All Might looked at Aizawa knowing what he meant, "Lets head to bed Bakugou and then we'll ask you questions" Aizawa tiredly said leading his student to his dorm. He can tell by Bakugou red eyes and his tear stain face that he was grieving too.
Once they left Deku sobs could still be heard.
"Young Midoriya let it all out" All might said making Deku screamed making his eyes pure green and green lightning surrounded both your bodies. His screaming was a grieving and broken scream as he doesn’t let go your body.
Remember Me…..
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