#i just thought it'd be funny to insert a little story in here and i don't know about y'all but it did manage to get a little chuckle out-
mad-hunts · 28 days
If you could pick just one superpower, what would it be and why?
barton cleared his throat as he was approached by a stranger whom, for some reason, appeared to be completely unidentifiable; what with their sunglasses and seemingly blank features. and for a moment, he was extremely confused, but then he remembered something that he'd learned from the mun — or autumn, as she preferred to be called and was a person who seemingly had a weird connection with him (i just had to do the fourth wall break like this y'all... sorry LOL)— that he would be approached by someone he could trust and who was curious about him. so he then set down the coffee mug he was holding, before he began responding to them, ❝ uhh, well, i actually haven't really thought about it that much before. i guess because i am honestly perfectly fine with being human? but if i were to pick one, i would want it to be useful. and preferably not boring after a few seconds like super speed. ❞ barton tilted his head as he might've or might've not made an underhanded comment directed at the flash.
he always thought that something like that always had too many disadvantages to it as well, personally, so that was another reason why he disliked it. a hum of contemplation was what ended up breaking the temporary silence that had ensued as he thought of his answer. it appeared he had something like an epiphany then, though, judging by the fact that he rose a finger towards the figure and uttered a soft ' oh, wait ' like he was having a revelation, ❝ okay... yeah, after a little bit of deliberation, i think i know which one i'd want to have now. teleportation. i mean, imagine how helpful that would be to have if you were me. a couple of idiot cops giving you trouble by holding you at gunpoint and so you need a quick out? you could just poof away, wherever you want to go. you discover in the middle of a date with a person that was supposed to be the next person on your chopping block that they are also a serial killer and were planning on killing you as well at the end of the night? ignoring how ultra-specific that scenario is, as it totally hasn't happened to me or anything, you can just simply disappear and avoid having an awkward knife fight with them. ❞
yeah, with how detailed that situation was and how barton seemed to almost be too eager to brush it off as not being legit, it absolutely had happened to him. a laugh came from him then as he moved on from the subject, ❝ so, anyways, like i was saying... a power like that could be pretty instrumental in helping me escape sticky situations. and so i'd want teleportation. there's your answer, anonymous. i also think that having a pocket dimension could be fun, but i have to say that this is ultimately what i'd wanna go with. it is practical and fun after all. ❞
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quinloki · 3 months
Nothing particularly awesome happened today, Daylight Savings has messed up my sleep so bad I'm currently functioning on a mere 4 hours sleep. When speaking I can barely put words into a sentence but writing has always been my forte so hopefully this is far more coherent. Yesterday I tweaked my masterlists and organized them proper, so that made me happy.
No one really interacts with my stuff on Wattpad which is fine, because the exact same works are doing GREAT on AO3. My Arlong collection has been viewed over 240 times, has 11 kudos, and has received 2 comments from people. Rabid Devotion has 3 kudos and has been bookmarked once with only 50+ views, Better Mousetrap has 170+ views and 2 kudos, while Slinktober isn't slated to be updated/finished until July and yet it has 55+ views and 3 kudos. It has more kudos than Mousetrap and more views than Rabid. So that's happy stuff. And I do get views and likes here on tumblr, more so than on Wattpad—that's my worst showing despite being my preferred writing platform. Go figure.
Anyway, I thought I'd follow your little OC template you provided in your request post for good stuff while you recuperate from a trying day. As always, I am here to try and provide. Also as always, this runs egregiously long.
Tell me more about an OC? -:- if you've told me about them before: Do you have new art of them? Have you made new lore? Discarded anything/changed something?
I'm going to gloss over the fact that you asked about OCs and just focus on giving you more about Arlong and my self-ship Keiko. I am working on my OCs but I find them to be exhausting because I'm not to a place where I can create originally again, I'm still healing from writing hurt. I'm getting a lot better but the mojo just isn't there yet, so the majority of them have been indefinitely shelved. Especially the two snake-like OCs (Lon Lon & Modeus—though I did add a little more to him than her).
I have no art of Arlong yet, and I have NOT tried drawing Arlong in my cartoon style, though I guess I could now that I think about it. He'll look awful but I headcanon the man has no artistic skill whatsoever, so I could easily pass the drawing off as his handiwork instead of mine. I think it'd be funny if Arlong's drawing skills were on the same level as Luffy. He'd never admit to it because he hates Luffy which is why I think their levels in art should be equal.
Now that I know Arlong is a sawfish and not a sawshark, I have one more thing to goad him with besides being an amphibian and a separate species from the fishwomen. Clearly, I enjoy tormenting the man. This is, in fact, along the same vein of how we met.
I keep changing the official story of how we met until I can find one that makes the most sense. What stays the same each time is that Arlong and his boys are the first fishmen I'd ever seen. I also am functioning on my self-insert as having been semi-isekai'd (that's the trope where you die in your world and end up in another, right?). Except, I didn't exactly die. I like the planeswalking thing of MtG so I just work off of that more or less.
Anywho, I thought I'd share the story of how I met Arlong and how I at the very least piqued his attention enough to not get killed right off the bat. It started not with a hello but with a "can I touch you?"
Just a Touch
"Can I touch you?" I held up my hand to show I genuinely meant touch in a I-want-to-understand-something sort of way and not the I-want-to-touch-for-X-amount-of-berries sort of way. I mostly just pointed to his arm with the stylized fish tattoo to really drive home the point that this was a non-sexual request on my part.
The fishman laughed down at me, literally. "And why would I let a puny human girl touch me, a superior fishman?"
"Curiosity?" I don't know why I'm answering with a question, I am curious. It's not a question but the way in which he responded made me feel oh so small. Puny indeed.
He raised an eyebrow, "curiosity you say? And what is so curious about us, hm? We're not circus freaks put on display for you girl, get lost before I lose my temper and explore a curiosity of my own." The eyebrow fell as he switched from condescension to threatening. He stood straighter to punctuate that he was significantly bigger than me and besides being tall enough to probably step on me, he certainly could bite my head off.
I don't know why, but the whole exchange hurt. My hands fell to my sides, my shoulders sagged, and I had to bite my lip to keep the tears that were welling up from falling down. I hate crying in front of others and I sure as hell wasn't going to cry in front of this jerk. I lifted my chin to keep my head high, I wasn't going to let him bully me but I needed to heed the threat at the same time.
One tear did manage to slip down my cheek as I glared back at him before turning silently on my heel and briskly walking away. I didn't look back once. If I had, I'd have seen how he tilted his head to the side with an expression caught between anger and confusion.
I don't know what they were doing on the island, I'd gone to great lengths to ensure I didn't run into any of them all day long. Day turned to night and night turned to morning. A new day that I hoped would pass without issue. That turned out to be a futile hope. I had been spying on the beach since dawn broke, to ensure the intruders weren't there before heading down to look for shells or other odds and ends that washed up during the night.
I'd been traipsing through the sand for only about twenty minutes when I shadow fell over me and loomed for several feet beyond mine. Well shit, guess I have company after all.
"You now it's dangerous to keep your back unprotected with fishmen around. I could have killed you multiple times." Judging from the low rumbly voice, it was the same fishman from yesterday. The sharky one.
Keeping my back to him I answered, "I have no doubt since I'm such a lowly and puny little human girl." The word feels like acid on my tongue. Girl, as if I were a mere child and not the adult that I was. Just one more way for others to strip me of my own agency and keep me low in the hierarchy of life. I didn't feel so low before these fishmen showed up and within twenty-four hours I was starting to believe the lies people mutter as I walk by.
I heard him sigh behind me whether in anger or exasperation I couldn't say. Suddenly the shadow got shorter and shorter which did nothing more but make me curious about him all over again. I turn to see why his shadow retreated. The sharkman squatted down, now balancing on his toes and his arms resting on his knees as he undoubtedly scrutinized me. Even squatting down he was taller than me and I was not short by any means. Okay I was, but this is the Grand Line, everyone is taller than they are in the other four seas. In any of the four Blues I am tall but on the Grand Line I'm tiny and this guy was making me feel even tinier.
"I will permit you to touch me just this once." He stared at me head on with an almost passive expression. I have no clue what's going through his head or what his game is, but he seems calm and this is my golden opportunity.
I reach for the arm with the tattoo and hesitate for a few seconds, trying to anticipate if it's a trap or not. Deciding it's not I continue until my fingers touch his arm. First my fingertips because I don't really know what I'm doing or what I expect. He's not really reacting, just watching in silence. Meanwhile my mind is racing, why did he change his mind? Why is he so calm now? Is he going to kill me afterwards?
Despite my panicking thoughts, I continue my quest for my answer to the question only I knew. My fingertips move forward and my fingers are now fully connected with his forearm; my fingers gliding up and down the forearm then side-to-side. I trace along the tattoo as well. I'm sure he must think me insane at this point as this is clearly not normal behavior for anyone, human or otherwise.
He simply continues to stare and doesn't say anything. But I do. I furrow my own brows at the contact and quietly sigh under my breath, "well that's disappointing." I totally forgot whose arm this was. I totally forgot he was literally right there, could hear me, and that just yesterday threatened to kill me publicly. He didn't even try to hide his hostility. Yet here I am, insulting him, to his face, with no witnesses for my murder. Genius Keiko, real smooth. Way to keep your lifespan going.
"What do you mean, disappointing? What were exactly were you expecting little one?" I don't know if this was a step up or down from girl but I'll take it for now because he's not killing me yet. In fact, he still hadn't so much as twitched.
I, maybe carefully, maybe bravely—I no longer know where I fall in terms of adjectives and adverbs—look him in the eyes, his beautiful icy blue eyes (get your head in the game Keiko, you could be mere seconds from being headless and he still wouldn't have to move his arms to do it). "Don't take this the wrong way but you're the disappointment here."
I'm a dead woman. That's it, this is where it ends for me. I may as well just strip out of my mortal coil myself and hand it to him.
He raises a single eyebrow again, and with just a hint of mirth to his voice prolongs my inevitable demise, "how have I disappointed you?"
"Look, I don't know anything about fishmen. This island doesn't have any books on them and until yesterday I'd never seen one before. You're as foreign as foreign can get for me. Based on how the locals were screaming, you must be the shark. Yes?"
He finally smirks and has an expression that is semi-readable. Amusement. I'm amusing him. Well, at least I'm not offending him as that ends in death. Though amusement could also end in death but for now, I'm still breathing and that's a good sign.
"Yes, I'm the shark. Arlong the Saw and I am a sawshark fishman."
"Great, nice to meet you Arlong. Now, as I was saying, and again I mean no offense, but for a shark you're an utter disappointment."
Arlong, as he's apparently called, leans in close to me and it's only now that I see why he's called the Saw. His nose is razor sharp, all he'd have to do is twitch to either side in rapid succession and he could cut my head off. It's like he has a sword growing out of his face, I wonder what a narwhal fishman looks like? I bet they'd resemble a humanoid unicorn with gills. Focus Keiko!
"Could you be more specific, little girl."
That wasn't a question, that was a statement. He definitely took offense. I quickly retract my hand from his arm but he's faster. Arlong catches my wrist with his webbed hand, another feature I hadn't noticed earlier. He continued to stare intently at me as if he were trying to see my very soul. For some reason, I felt almost naked under his eyes.
I tried twisting my hand out of his grasp to no avail so I have no course but to talk my way of the jaws of death. "I truly mean no offense. It's just, your skin. It feels like mine."
Arlong narrows his eyes, "of course it feels like yours, it's skin. I'm a fishman. Humanoid. I have arms and legs as you do, fingers and toes too. Why would I not have skin as you have?"
Maybe he was getting angry or maybe I just really confused him. Might as well own up to my question. I didn't want to ask the question direct in case it was a truly stupid one, but now I either elaborate or I die what may be a very painful death. Though I must admit, if this man is what my death looks like, damn. Way more pleasant than an unknown creature is black robes with a scythe. This guy may be scary but he was also attractive. There could be worse ways to go if I had time to think about them.
"Do fishmen not live in the sea?" Not my question but now I was getting confused at his confusion.
"In a way. We live on an island that's underwater, why?"
"An underwater island? I don't know how to process that. That's beside the point anyway. My point is you have human-like skin but you're supposedly a shark. Shouldn't you feel like a shark instead?"
Arlong finally stopped glaring at me and burst out laughing, while still holding my wrist, though he did loosen the grip a little bit. He certainly wasn't trying to break my hand but he might have bruised it. "You thought I was going to feel like sandpaper?!"
I looked down at the sand, blushing from embarrassment. "Well yeah, because you're a sawshark." Shit, my eyes are watering again. I hate that crying is my body's go-to-reaction for nearly everything. It's partly way I live outside the village, one can only take so much harassment.
Arlong's laughing slowed and he took a few deep breaths to steady himself. "You really haven't encountered a fishman before then. No, sharkmen do not feel like sharks because we aren't sharks. We're more akin to mammals just as humans are. We have skin and hair and our women give birth to live babies just as humans do."
I cannot lift my head, the tears won't stop so I just stare at the sand and listen to what is turning out to be a very educational lecture. Arlong decides to continue when I don't respond, "unlike humans we have webbed fingers and toes as I'm sure you've noticed by now. We have gills on our necks for breathing underwater and lungs for breathing on land. We command the water but even we have to be careful in the Grand Line. She is an unforgiving landscape."
I quietly nod in understanding. He finally lets go of my wrist and tilts my chin up, forcing me to look at him through blurry, watery eyes. "You're very unusual for a human, you didn't fear us when we arrived yesterday. You approached with curiosity and a desire to understand us. No human has done that to me or my crew." Arlong proceeded to wipe my tears away as he finally stood up. "Perhaps we'll have another conversation on another day."
"Does this mean you aren't going to kill me?"
He chuckles, "No little one, I'm not. I only ask for one thing in return for today's lesson."
It's my turn to tilt my head to the side in confusion, "and what's that?"
"Tell me your name."
And just like I did when they first landed here yesterday morning, I smiled. "My name is Keiko."
"I look forward to tomorrow's question, Keiko." Arlong left me on the beach grinning like a smitten schoolgirl. I got my answer to my question, and while it was a truly disappointing answer—I wanted him to feel like sandpaper, I didn't die and I may have made a new friend.
I love Keiko - and I should’ve been more clear, but OC to me kind of covers any flavor of original character - self insert, reader type, OC as commonly referred to, etc.
I’m happy to hear about them all ^_^
I love this story! Her question, the progress of the tale, the interaction. You may make a fan of me yet (for Arlong, I mean, I already love Keiko.)
I’m just about off to bed for the night, so I don’t have much else to say, but thank you so much for sharing this, and please try to get some more rest too! Damn time change is such a pain >.<
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turmoilcity · 1 year
I wanna talk about Bella and MTH for a bit. I wanna roast her.
I have absolutely no idea why I've become obsessed with a fic out of anything one could obsess with, but SBJ's More Than Human is like a drug to me.
I won't get into the awkward detailing, to save myself from embarrassment, but I've been following the fic since 2014. SBJ has no idea how much of an inspiration her work has been for me.
All of that's to preface, I know MTH is a ship fic, so adding my characters is messy and junky happies for myself. I respect and adore the fic for what it is originally, and adding my characters is just me being silly.
Onward, to Bella.
I have this running joke of Lillian calling Bella "A wannabes Buttercups" It's a poke at how similar I've made Bella to her.
Perhaps I've read sbj's essays on the greens way too many times because Buttercup's entire persona rubs off on Bella. From the "tough girl" trope, to the "only befriending guys" idea.
Can you tell, I think MTH Buttercup is super cool?
Well I thought it'd be totally wicked to up the antee. So "boom" add a shit load of Butch into a Buttercup 'stand in' and "bwam" there you go, Bella.
She smokes. She swears. She makes tasteless sex jokes and flirts with her friends.
I realized way too late that this could make her an unlikable brat. If there's one thing society don't like, it's girls with bad attitudes. And Bella... oh boy.
Because you see, like, Buttercup? She has a bad attitude, but it's not too much of a bad attitude. She's not going around talking weird shit like "Choke me, daddy," and then punching guys in their dicks for edge factor.
Bella is...
I'm not bragging here. It's like, a really horrible character trait I've tact unto her and i won't let it go because "bella go berserk. Bella Demon girl. She no girly girl."
Bella is a mess.
Like this "official" story I'm trying to write with her got me stressed tf out. She's just...
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And im trying so hard to search if there is anything more to her character.
Um. There is, I'm just bad at showcasing it. In terms of More Than Human, I like presenting this character to the greens, obviously, like "look at the little baby you've unintentionally birthed by being such a great dynamic."
Butch: lemme see...
Also Butch: *yeets baby*
For example. I like when Buttercup bonks Butch on the head. It's a Funny! But put that trope in my hands? Pft... ha. Shit gets real unfunny real quick.
And like, I mean no harm inserting Bella into the greens ship. I'm just trying to get my baby some action as well, but she is so broken. Like "don't girl, you bringing too much to the party!"
Buttercups rationally crying over her relationship with Mitch at her, age, meanwhile, I gotta have Bella fighting a whole damn lucifer just so that she can shed a tear.
I want her to be likeable, so I try not to make her too much of a brat? Like she's a definite "not like other girls" trope going around skating and only wearing baggy pants and hoodies and smoking weed and ISNT SHE SO COOL BUTCH? DATE HER. I DARE YOU.
I dare you to break Buttercups heart bitch 🔪
Maybe... I'm Bella.
So i like inserting my problem child into the fic but there's an issue. She's got bad communication skwills 🥺👉👈
And- and... like... she wants to tell Butch, she think he's hot but what if he doesn't reciprocate it? Because like, they've built this weird friendship where she'll literally say shit like, "ha, yeah, if I had a [REDACTED] I'd [REDACTED] with Butch😏" and he'd be like "LOLOLOL this chick is so funny, where did you find her Buttercup?" And Buttercup is like "😐❗️😬‼️🤨⁉️"
And then I always imagine Butch and Bella just go on and in with the sex jokes, but let's be for real, how many pervy jokes is a guy gonna take from a girl before he eventually goes
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The answer is 1.
Thats all it takes lads. Is 1 joke.
Especially if we're talking about Butch. Butch is so much of a meat head he'd immediately assume Bella has the hots for him and HE'D BE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.
But since I like to pad shit out Butch is "none the wiser" and eventually he's like "wHaT!?!?! bElLa'S gOt a cRuSh oN mE!?!?!"
And then he'd go fuck around with Buttercup because that's just the way the story goes.
So high, and dry, Bella is basically this meme
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And then she starts avoiding her friends cause "I doNt wAnnA gEt betWeEn whAt theY'Ve GoT 👉👈"
And I imagine she tries one last time with Butch. She asks him to prom.
Because you see, Bella would try to ask Butch as like, a last time thing, and he'd be like "no, prom is lame. I hated going with amy." And she'd be like "haha you're right."
And then because I don't want to take out any parts of the story I'd definitely want to keep the greens going to prom but then Bella, oh boy. Bella would be cruuuuushed.
So long story short, Bella does not belong in mth even though I work passionately to shoehorn her in there. :D
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scienceoftheidiot · 1 year
Find the Word Tag Game
I was tagged by @residentdormouse ! Thank you dear 😊
My words were : calm, frantic, joy, sadness, anger 
It’s pretty funny that it makes me realize I very rarely use these words in plain to describe emotions. Like. Really, they were hard to find. I don’t know what it says about my writing (that I use too many adverbs, I know, I know, but you can pry them from my cold dead hands, thanks). (Also, so much for thinking Desden is an angry arse. There’s no occurrence of the word "anger" in the 9 chapters I translated into English. This man is the personification of serenity. Yeah. Yeah.)*insert hedgehog emoji*
Ah and ! I’m terrible at titles and all my titles are FUCKING LONG like the good french idiot I am ! 
I tag : @residentdormouse (right back at you!) @heirsoflilith @qs63 @riotbrrrd @musing-and-music @littleragondin @dairogo @goneadrift and this tag is open, please do it and tag me even if you're not tagged, so I can read your stuff !
And your words are : smile, dream, tear(s), dark, soft  
Some original stuff and fic WIPs under the cut. 
Calm - Dead men talk way too much (Original story), Chapter 4
The door from his bedroom to the living room was wide open – out of the way. He got out, and stayed in the doorway. Kalinka was still barking, but the man was now just making crying sounds. Not very frightening, for an armed robber or a mafia killer. Desden’s left hand, the one that was not holding the door frame to the point of cracking it, was shaking terribly. He closed it in a fist, clenching his teeth under the pain from his wound, and went on. He surprised himself with how steady and calm his voice sounded:
“What the hell is going on in here?”
Kalinka immediately shut up and emitted a low growl instead. Even if he knew it was not directed at him, Desden couldn’t help being a little frightened by his dog. She had never acted like that before. That was the second time this kind of thing happened in a week.
“Please, take that dog away, please.”
Frantic - Everyone learns faster on fire (FMA Royai fic - fully posted on AO3)
His last comment had been a reference to her father, that had boiled under the surface for some days. She'd acted with Mustang as she had acted with her father, catering to his every needs, getting everything ready in advance for him, growing more frantic about it as time passed and her General had become more frustrated. It was a vicious, never ending circle. She was able to understand now, to look at it with a somewhat clinical eye, but in front of him, she’d been completely blindsided. 
Mustang wasn't a bedridden, dying old man. 
And he wasn't her father. 
"Do you want a drink, Roy boy?" 
Joy - President Grumman’s little puppet theater - (FMA Royai fic - WIP)
No occurrence of joy by itself anywhere. So you get “joyful” 
"Yeah," he said as he followed her, seeing her reaching for her finest gin. "No alcohol, please. Just, fresh water or, whatever." 
He placed the little suitcase at his feet and sat at the bar, his right hand massaging the palm of his left. It wasn't that painful after all these years, but it had become a habit. It soothed him. And he felt he needed so, what with the pointed look Chris gave him. 
"Here," she sled a glass of juice towards him on the counter. "Try this." 
It was just a glass of orange juice, bright in colour and strong in smell. A good smell. Roy drank a sip, and it felt like the most tasteful thing he'd ever drank. Maybe it was that the food in prison was, well, prison food, or maybe it was because everything since he was out felt and smelled and looked brighter and stronger than it had done in years. But the orange taste was perfect, the amount of sugar just enough to feel sweet but not overtly, the whole thing so flavorful he thought there was something else. He put the glass down, looking at it, enjoying the aftertaste on his lips. 
"That thing is… great." 
Chris smiled, and he smiled in return. 
"Ishvalan oranges. First harvest in twenty years. I felt it'd make you happy to hear that." 
Roy looked at the simple glass of orange juice on the counter, its bright, joyful colour, the sweetness of it lingering on his lips. 
"Yeah. It does." 
Sadness - FMA Royai fic WIP (codename dismissed Roy)
No occurrence of “sadness”, so you get “sad”. 
Anger - FMA Royai WIP (codename Ishval)
The major's arms curled around their necks like constrictor snakes. Riza tapped on the prominent biceps to make him let go, but Alex was on a roll. "It is such a sad thing you had to be dismissed –"
"Alex," Roy's strangled voice rose on Riza's right, "if you don't let go we'll both be dismissed for being very dead –"
" – but love overcomes all obstacles –"
Mustang walked between the piles of crates, effectively hiding them from people who would enter the tent directly. Then he turned around and folded his arms. 
Hawkeye looked miserable, her eyes low, her face gaunt. Mustang felt his anger ebb at this sight. But he just couldn’t believe it. 
“What the fuck, Hawkeye ? I’m stuck in hospital, don’t see you for a couple of weeks, and I find you in the middle of the camp with your gun to the head of a fellow soldier, trying to defend my honour ? One of Kimbly’s men, on top. This is going to bite us in the arse, you can count on that. Bite me in the arse, more surely, and I’m not even your superior.” 
“I’m sorry, sir.”
He didn’t want to rub salt into her wound, but he had to say it. Because it was probably what had surprised him most. So he took a more gentle voice. 
“Worse, though. Your hand. Your gun, it was shaking. What happened?” 
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carriereedwrites · 3 years
Listen... this shouldn't be hard, people. But, starting a book really is one of THE hardest things to do.
The thought is daunting, the process overwhelming. The whole thing is enough to make giving up seem like the easiest route.
But, did Frodo give up on his journey to take the One Ring back to Mordor?
So, I figured it'd be easier to start with the naughty no-nos. One, because it's funny (and I think I'm pretty funny). Two, because you need to know what's incorrect before you can value what IS correct. Let's get started.
Warning: this is gonna be a rant. You've been warned.
Stare at your blank page and freak out
We've all been here. Anxiety creeps in and your Imposter Syndrome whispers in that creepy voice, "Yoooouu suuuckk baaallllsss." Tell that mother fucker IT SUCKS BALLS.
Don't freak out. Don't show weakness. Show that fucking blank page or word document who the hell is in charge around here. Write, damn it!
Who cares if it sucks? It's your first draft. IT'S GOING TO SUCK.
Get stuck world building for four years and have yet to write a single sentence
I get it. I'm guilty of this, too. You have this SUUUPERR AWESOME UNIQUE world in your head that demands you put all of your creative effort in to and by Gandalf's Beard, YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BRING IT TO LIIIFFEEE.
Reality Check: it shouldn't take you more than a few months to get everything down. Everything important, anyways. Unless you work a full time job, go to school or parent tiny demons from hell, world building shouldn't take you YEARS going on a DECADE.
Neither should writing books. I'm looking at you, Georgie Boy. #iykyk
Convince yourself that you haven't bought the right pen, notebook or found the right writing software to express yourself with
My secret shame. Oh, the shame. My super secret shame? I still convince myself of this.
The only way to get around this is to just fucking do it and make do with what you got. It won't please your brain. It'll be angry, wrathful even, and badger you relentlessly like a Nazgul. But, you have to trick it in order to get to Bree-- I MEAN, in order to start your story.
Listen, listen, listen... literally... this is what pen names (or Nom de Plumes, for you fancy writers) are for. You don't have to think of one right this moment. But, pressure off, guys. C'mon.
Also, as much as we would like our loved ones' support, they don't always "get" it, and think this is a hobby or passing fancy and not take it as seriously as you do.
What you should do is surround yourself with like-minded people or people who support you even if they don't "get" being a writer. It's those people who's unconditional love will get you through the hardest of times.
And my favorite: You will never be able to write like [insert revered author of all time here]
Shaddup. Just... shaddup. You will NEVER write like the authors you admire. That's. The. Fucking. Point.
YOU are YOU. Your responsibility as an artist is to breathe new life into old hats. Or some obscure inspirational bullshit like that. Readers will love what you write because it's uniquely YOU. Readers appreciate fresh, new takes on the same old tropes.
And if you're trying to emulate a classic author like Ol' JRR, you can't. We may still enjoy his stories today, but he wrote in a different time with different genre expectations (as in... he literally pioneered the genre... like... it's kind of hard to do in today's world. Not impossible, mind you. Just really freaking hard).
And that's it. My list on how to not start a book. Sorry, this one was a little aggressive, but... ya'll need to get aggressive. Writers can be a sensitive bunch that often need a good kick in the behind to get past those nasty blocks.
What are your resons for not starting a book? What have I missed? What are some of the ways you've gotten past the first sentence? Let me know!
~ Happy Writing, Ya'll ~
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neochatarra · 3 years
8 Untold Signs Of Narcissist People
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Sometimes the signs of narcissism aren't so obvious and narcissists fly under our radar. Not every narcissist may be a puffed-up addict or a Mean Girl like Regina George. If they were, we could see the signs from a mile away and steer clear. No, many narcissists are sensitive, thoughtful, and generous – until the charade wears off, of course.
That's why it's so important to know the subtle signs of narcissism that you simply won't notice until it's too late and they've sucked you into their region.
What's the Difference Between an Overt and Covert Narcissist?
Many people tend to consider narcissists as having extroverted personalities. They're flamboyant and demand to be the middle of attention – how are you able to miss them?
The truth is, introverts also can be narcissists. These are those who fool us into their web of manipulation.
"They're not self-absorbed – they're just sensitive!"
"They're not a nasty friend – they're just misunderstood!"
After forming a relationship with a covert narcissist, you realize that this sensitivity and isolation were, in fact, signs of narcissism. Since the signs weren't so obvious, however, you completely misjudged things.
8 Signs of Narcissism You Can't-Miss
Since the covert narcissist is best at hiding their abusive behavior, it's important to know the subtle cues that give them away.
1. They'll Never Utter the Phrase "I Don't Know"
I once knew a narcissist who was so averse to the present phrase that he would rather give someone dangerously incorrect answers than admit to not knowing something. He was confident in his woefully wrong answers, too.
Why do this?
Answering an issue with "I don't know" deprives the narcissist of important attention. The person seeking a solution will simply advance to somebody else who might help them. That's an enormous ego hit.
That's why you'll often find narcissists rambling on about topics they need no business speaking on.
2. They Are A Nasty Friend
The narcissist is usually a nasty friend but you'll typically find them playing the victim. confirm to urge all sides of the story if you're unsure.
What are some red flag signs of narcissism that indicate the suspect may be a narcissist?
• They get irritated when their friends invite help or advice.
• They don't bother to call or text their friends on birthdays or holidays.
• They don't return borrowed items. (A sign of entitlement.)
• They owe their friends money. they'll downplay this as "not an enormous deal."
• They embarrass their friends ahead of others.
• They hunt down or entertain their friends' partners or love interests.
They also treat waitstaff or service workers poorly. This is a dead giveaway. run the hills. Anyone who disrespects waitstaff or service workers views people as "beneath" them. Soon, you'll be a part of the inferiors also.
3. They Need To Insert Themselves Into Every Story
A covert narcissist might not demand everyone's attention. They will, however, still find how to form everything about them. an outsized part of this strategy involves inserting themselves into every story.
Is a coworker talking about their experience with homelessness? The narcissist, too, features a story about being poor.
Is a lover talking about his amazing trip to Vietnam? The narcissist also had a friend who visited Vietnam. And guess what? She heard it wasn't so great.
No matter the subject, the narcissist features a remarkable skill for turning the eye their way – regardless of how innocuous it'd seem.
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4. They're Sensitive
At first, you'll appreciate their ability to freely express emotions. this is often an excellent tactic narcissists use to lure empathetic people into their trap.
Maybe a fast-food worker got their order wrong and therefore the narcissist hasn't shut up about it all day. Maybe their boss asked them to prevent playing on their phone such a lot and now the narcissist is crying about it over dinner.
As time goes on, you'll realize that the narcissist isn't vulnerable and sensitive: their fragile ego can't handle honest mistakes and valid criticism. To the narcissist, these are personal attacks.
5. They Form Relationships Based On What Someone Can "Do for Them"
If you're at a celebration and therefore the suspected narcissist suggests you ask someone because they will help together with your career or financial situation, don't ignore it. They aren't trying to assist you: they're letting you in on their game.
Narcissists tend to make shallow friendships that supported what people can do for them. You'll often find narcissists make friends with horribly toxic people simply because these folks have money, own bars, or offers career opportunities.
6. Their Stories Don't Match Reality
Both the overt and covert narcissist has an inflated sense of self. The thing is, they believe their lies. As a result, you'll often find they recall stories much differently than the situations played out.
If you notice that the suspect constantly reframes stories to form themselves the hero or victim, retreat fast – this is often one among the various signs of narcissism. By changing the story to suit their narrative, the narcissist is gaslighting everyone else involved.
It's not cute or funny to constantly need to correct them. Sooner or later, they'll start gaslighting you, too.
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7. They Observe and Judge
"There's no way she will be a narcissist. When we're out with friends, she barely says ten words!"
I hear it all the time. By sitting back and observing everyone, however, the covert narcissist is silently taking notes and judging. I'm sure you heard all about her observations on the car ride home.
The narcissist must feel superior to everyone around them. this is often easy to try to do once you don't open your mouth to interact in conversation and instead sit back to require notes about everyone's shortcomings.
8. They Only Hear Bits and Pieces of Your Stories
Does it desire the suspected narcissist just isn't. listening? They're probably not. And if they're, they don't care.
Maybe you spent ten minutes venting to your mother about how you didn't get that promotion at work because you showed up late one solitary time with a legitimate reason. How did she respond? "Well, maybe you'll remember to point out up on time from now on."
You can't be the victim. Only the narcissist is often the victim.
You see this ton with narcissist parents or partners who listen only enough to toss stuff back in your face later.
How to Turn the Tables on a Narcissist?
Perhaps you've gone on a couple of dates with someone or a replacement coworker joined your team. you think they'll be a narcissist but you aren't entirely sure.
After all, the covert narcissist is especially cunning at hiding the more obvious signs of narcissism. Here's the way to turn the tables on a narcissist and obtain them to show themselves.
• Play along. Don't give the suspected narcissist room to regulate their manipulation tactics – play stupid and pretend you completely believe them. Use this chance to document their behavior.
• Remain indifferent. If you want to continue handling an overt or covert narcissist for reasons out of your control, act indifferent to their behavior. The narcissist wants to use your emotions against you. If you don't give them anything to figure with, they'll seek their fix elsewhere.
• Find Support: this might only include one or two people you trust. open up to someone who will validate and believe you.
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At the top of the day, the sole thanks to truly turn the tables on a narcissist are to chop them off completely. If that they had any real intentions of adjusting, they might have done so already.
The narcissist won't suddenly see things your way. If they ever do, it's – a) for a fleeting moment and b) to use against you later. Don't believe the conflicting information you would possibly see from other websites or therapists – the narcissist will never change.
With a mental disease, a chemical imbalance within the brain may cause different disturbances that manifest as depression, anxiety, and lots of others. Although complex, mental illnesses tend to reply well to medication because it targets the physical root of the problem: like a chemical imbalance. Though it's been determined that a lot of mental illnesses like depression and anxiety are frequently caused by unresolved emotional trauma, often dating as far back as childhood.
Personality disorders occur due to a repetitive stimuli-reward environment. At some point in their life, the narcissist realized they might elicit specific reactions and emotions from people – and it felt good and helped them achieve their self-fulfilling agendas.
Anything but cutting them out of your life will offer you a mental and emotional breakdown.
No Contact is that the Only Way to Packing Up A Narcissist
Many narcissists have always been this manner – whilst far back as their teenage or childhood years. If you're handling a narcissist, you can't and will not expect them to vary their behavior now or ever.
Treatment for personality disorders often involves things like cognitive behavioral therapy. In many cases, a narcissist can also suffer from other mental illnesses like depression or substance use disorder. (You've probably heard extensively about these problems, too, when the narcissist needs your sympathy or someone responsible .)
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ىDespite this, there's little evidence to suggest therapy works for narcissists as personality disorders are notoriously difficult to treat. the primary step to getting assistance is to admit a drag exists – the narcissist will never believe they need or are a drag.
No Contact is that the only option.
Trust in yourself and your network. Because once you get to the opposite side and stick with No Contact, you'll be amazed by all the amazing belongings you can accomplish.
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lolabangtan · 2 years
WHY ARE THEY SO DAMN CUTE?! I love this couple so much, I just want to squish!
Also, just a few quick comments because I feel it needs to be said...
•As excited as I am for then to finally get together, I am living for their pettiness, its so satisfying 😌
•Lastly, I love the way you write the mcs struggles. I don't really relate to the prom queen agenda but I had a lot people around me that weren't really friends and I've never really been able to describe the feelings that growing up and having that aspect of my change caused. But the way you described it and the withdraw from friends and her figuring herself out is very cathartic.
And here I thought was just gonna read a simple e2l fanfic to escape reality for a little while and I end up with some free therapy 💕
Okay so, their bickering is SO fucking funny, I kinda don't want them together neither yet BUT, it's part of their personalities so don't think they're gonna change much lol they're like kids fighting
I don't really relate to that either hahaha my hs had like 100 students and we were all country people so :/ but I thought it'd be interesting to investigate a character like that. The concept of reader insert isn't to write a plain character after all, it's to... quench our needs. Lol. But I'm pretty sure it's a change most people have gone through.
That was the point 😭😭 i just wanted to write a generic e2l ff but I got out of hands HAHAH not complaining though, I'm satisfied with the outcome of this story.
Also, thanks for leaving this lovely review!!! It made my day <3
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