#i hope yall enjoy this part
cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
this is a lil part two for this lil request fic i wrote about katsuki takin' care of a drunk reader ! yall rlly seemed to like it n asked for a part two so, here it is !! hope yall enjoy !
no pronouns mentioned, just pure fluffy katsu, microscopic angst maybe kinda and if you squint HARD (reader gets a little bit upset), soft katsu but he's also an asshat but we love him anyways, mentions of food n eating, mentions of bein drunk, lemme know if i missed sum else !
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"ya told me you loved me yesterday."
it's all katsuki utters in the quiet of your apartment as he looks out the window.
you promptly choke on your toast.
you manage to cough down your bread. clearing your throat as you try to speak as naturally as possible. “oh yeah ?”
katsuki grunts in response, taking a sip of his orange juice and smacking his lips before speaking again. still looking at the window and away from you, it makes you nervous. “yeah, thanked me for always takin care of ya, r’something”
katsuki is trying his very hardest to speak casually and he’s praying to every god there is you can’t hear the slight quiver in his voice or see the slight shakiness of his hand when he brings the glass of juice to his lip.
“oh.” your heart beats so loud you can hear it in your ears. you try to salvage the situation and you force out an awkward laugh. “ i mean—i am thankful to you, y’know.”
“ya should be, nobody else could handle takin’ care of your ass.”
“hey !”
you think this is fine. you were drunk and stupid and you’re fine with him brushing off your accidental confession like this if it means it won’t make things awkward. if it means he’ll keep coming over to your house like he owns the place and cook for you because you apparently don’t know how to cook for yourself well enough for his liking. as long as you can keep hanging out with him and going out for drinks and having him take care of you. though, you might not drink as much next time you two go out.
after a minute or two he speaks again “did you mean it ?”
your hand is already reaching for his half bitten piece of toast when you freeze for the second time “did i mean what ?”
katsuki scoffs, smacking your hand away from his toast with two fingers, you let out a little whine “ i know you’re not dumb, so quit actin’ like you are.”
“but i don’t know what you mean !” you inwardly cringe at your dumb response.
“when you said you—“ katsuki cuts himself off with a quiet groan, grabbing his toast and splitting it in half, chucking one of the pieces onto your plate “whatever” he mutters to himself. your heart squeezes when you see the sad frown on his pretty face he doesn’t seem to realize he has.
you don’t know if you’ve still got alcohol in your system, you don’t know if you’ve fully slept it off yet, if you’re fearless or crazy or just plain stupid, but after taking a bite of the toast he’d given you you blurt out something you were sure you would’ve only had the courage to say if you were black out drunk.
“i did.”
katsuki turns to you the moment you finish your sentence, bright red eyes widened as he tries not to let his surprise show, he fails to though. “ you did what ?”
in the back of your mind you want to pout at him because you know he knows what you mean. you know he just wants to hear you say what he wants to hear and it makes you a little grumpy because it’s early in the morning and you don’t look your best at all right now. you’re too embarrassed to even look him in the eye yet his bore into you so hard it feels like a magnetic pull, like you’re being forced to look at him despite your best efforts not to. you want to be at least a little mad but you can’t blame him, you feel like you owe this to him in a way.
“ i did mean it..when i said..” you’re incapable of looking at him as you feel shame creep onto you, clinging onto you like a sweaty shirt, you manage to swallow down the piece of toast“ when i said that.” you trail off quietly.
no sound is made and no voice is heard for at least a minute, but you feel yourself wanting to cry more and more with each second that passes.
you get the courage to look up at him and instantaneously which you never had when you see a smirk on his annoying face.
“that ? that, what ?” he jeers with a grin bordering on evil, sharp teeth on display.
you throw your head back and groan “katsuki, oh my god !” leaning forward across your table you try to pull his nose after you hear him chuckling. he swiftly dodges you, grabbing your wrist and then your other one when you try to pull a fast one on him, unsuccessfully. you grumble as you sit back down and if you weren’t as enamored with him as you somehow ended up being you’d have knocked that stupid smirk off his face. everything seems to be against you, including your heart.
he hums once you’ve sat back down “ooh, you mean when you told me you loved me, right ? s’that what you meant ?” he snickers, shit eating grin on his face. asshole, he’s not even trying to look innocent.
“you’re not funny.” you huff, crossing your arms and glaring at him. “ like, at all.”
“you’re right, i’m not.” he responds, leaning his forearms against your table “ i’m hilarious, actually.”
a part of you wishes you could punch him. hard. another louder part of you just wants to kiss his smug expression off his face, both options sound extremely tempting but one of them more than the other.
“hilariously stupid.” not your best retort, but you’ll take it. katsuki huffs out a laugh as you pout and look off to the side, you’re so fucking cute.
his smirk doesn’t fade as he keeps staring at you but his eyes soften as he leans in to rip your arms away from your chest “ relax, m’just fuckin’ witcha.”
“yeah. haha. funny.” you spit. katsuki starts getting actually worried he’d hurt your feelings and quickly tries redeeming himself. he pokes at your cheek once, twice and you swat his hand away when he goes for a third poke. then he leans forward so he can tickle your side and inwardly sighs in relief when you swat at his hand trying to hold back your laughter. the way he’s leaning against the table is a bit uncomfortable for him but as long as he keeps that warmth on your face he couldn’t care less.
he gets up and grabs his chair, dragging it against the floor causing it to squeak and making you cringe, you let out a noise of displeasure but katsuki doesn't look the least bit phased as he bring his chair to sit next to you.
his cheeks are red, you realize it now that he's sitting so much closer to you. he speaks after a moment of silence "so you meant it, yeah ? when you told me you.." he trails off at the end of his sentence. he's quieter than you're used to. there's a certain hopeful urgency in his eyes that has you shyly nodding your head in response.
he’s looking at you and you’re looking right back
“i meant it.” you whisper.
“i know.” he whispers back after a beat, before pressing his lips to yours.
the kiss lasts about 10 seconds before he pulls away, then leans in again for another, slightly longer one. when you separate your breathing a little heavy. you place your hand on his face and rub his cheek, admiring the way his eyelashes flutter slightly and how the feeling causes shivers to run up his spine. you can't help the goofy smile that pulls at your face and neither can he, you both chuckle slightly.
then you take a breath as if contemplating if what you were about to say was worth it. but katsuki knows you don't care and he's right because you say it anyway.
"we should go out for drinks to celebrate !" you giggle. he playfully rolls his eyes, pinching your side making you let out a squeal.
even though you call it a celebration katsuki knows it'll be the same charade as usual. you'll drink until you pass out and he'll bring you home. he'll help you clean up and take you to bed and have breakfast made for your hungover ass in the morning. but this time, you'll be his. and to katsuki, that's worth so much more than the headache he knows you'll give him.
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you know, as an asexual who still enjoys viewing sexual content in like books fanfiction and films and things, it's all fun and games until I remember that people actually DO THOSE THINGS?? LIKE IN REAL LIFE?? REGULARLY??🧍🏻‍♂️like WHAT DO YOU MEAN SEX ISNT A FANFICTION TROPE??? 😭 crazy out here man
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homestuckinthebutt · 3 months
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"My love, return to me soon. I’ve begun to forget what you look like..."
Jaya is my favorite ship ever they're just so tragic<33
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redhead-batgal · 4 months
Hey , I recently read your Damian Wayne one shot called she's so gone and I was wondering if you were going to make a part 2 . I absolutely loved it and would love to read a part 2 and I look forward to seeing more of your stories and if you don't write a part please tag me in a post that u are not gonna write part 2 I would really appreciate it. And awesome stories btw .☺️❤️
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Type: Two-Shot (Part One: Here)
Pairing: Fem! and Best Friend! Reader x Damian Wayne/ Robin
Word Count: 7,462
Content: angsty, angsty times, arguing, confrontation babes, the sis is back, maybe some PDA, amazing friend! Jon Kent, fluffies????, language, violence, self-deprecating reader thoughts, batfam supporting reader, and aged up reader/Damian to 18 yrs
(P.S: Sooooo, yeah, I hope y'all enjoy this chaos cuz it may or may not get intense at some point but like.... you did ask for this, however y'all will like the ending I promise)
(P.P.S: Forgive me I'm really really bad at writing PDA)
Y/N: your name, S/n: Sister's name
There is something hollow and empty in heartbreak. Some emptiness that consumes everything in a twirling barreling black hole that destroyed anything that entered its orbit. Transforming the raw and fierce emotions into a numb and darkness that overtook and elapsed time and almost even life itself. It was almost like a never-ending wave, water pounding in ears and honing the sound of a beating heart. Something about that feeling that was almost...addictive.
Though this feeling- this destruction was oh so painful. Part of you- part of you clung to it. Maybe it was because these horrible and draining emotions helped you focus on something other-other than the betrayal and other then... other than your inadequacies. After all, Damian wouldn't have chosen S/N right? if you have been better if you had been greater, if you had just been more, maybe- just maybe he wouldn't have left- he wouldn't have abandoned you.
These thoughts had you up at night despite the heartbreak roaring through your mind. It made adjusting to your new life in Metropolis so much harder. And even though you had developed a poker face of sorts, your new roommate Jon Kent always seemed to know when you were struggling.
It wasn't as though he could read your mind or that he had any feelings for you, but more as that he knew you so well. He was, in a sense, the sibling- the brother you had needed. A person to rely on and to confide in. It was surprising how willing Jon was to listen to your woes despite the fact that he was close friends with Damian. Despite the fact that he knew your sister, he knew her well, he still listened to everything that had happened and your point of view of it all.
It was even more surprising that he comforted you. Not in a soft way, but in the ruffling of hair and saying that your family, your sister and even Damian didn't deserve you. Before continuing with even if you really are annoying. You had laughed, tears spilling from your eyes before nodding.
Regardless of Jon's comments and the quiet messages of encouragement from Oracle saying she won't tell Damian where you were at and that you were in the right, your mind still scrambled and screamed.
It's all your fault
he left because you aren't good enough
you should have died that night
These swirls of terror overtook you at the worst of times. In the dead of night when you were all alone; in crowded rooms at parties Jon had convinced you to go to; even in your sleep. Yanking you from the one peace and bliss you had to the roaring of self-hatred and scorn. And today was no different.
Just as the soft hues of light brushed the horizon, your mind bellowed and twisted, pulling you from sweet dreams of the past you longed to return to.
Partially panting you sat up, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you intertwined a hand into your hair. Squeezing your eyes shut you focused on your racing heart instead of the thoughts that fought to be known.
Moments later there was a knock on your door. Sighing heavily, you slipped from bed and walked over to the door. Opening it with a weak wave you turned back towards your bed. In the doorway Jon stood a worried look on his face.
"Are you okay?" He whispered, having clearly been awoken by your frantic episode.
"I guess, I mean nothing out of the ordinary is happening." You grumbled in reply, rubbing your brow.
There was silence between the two of you and Jon walked into your room flopping onto your bed with a slight grunt, "So all the fun times?"
"Of course, what else would you expect from me?"
Jon laughed slightly and you sank onto the ground leaning your head half against the bed, half against Jon's leg. Something stirred and shifted in you and closing your eyes you muttered a question,
"Do-do you hear it too?"
"Your voices? no, I think those are your special friends."
Shooting him a glare of sorts you swatted at his leg, and he chuckled before letting out a soft yawn. There was more silence before he sighed.
"Okay, okay you're serious... yeah. I do. I mean it's not like what you're going through but I hear the doubts and negative thoughts too."
Something about his words made you want to protest, to say it wasn't that bad, or really untrue. Something also struck a match in your chest, alighting warmth and comfort and something almost burst.
Swallowing back your tears you leaned back a bit to see his face before you continued.
"So... I'm not crazy or awful for having voices tell me all the bad things I've done?'
Jon snorted and you had to resist the urge to punch him. He sits up glancing down at you before sighing dramatically.
"No, that doesn't make you crazy. You are perfectly crazy all on your own."
With that a wave of relief came over you as you jumped to your feet. Jon rose and you pushed at him a smile of sorts on your face. He gasped dramatically before reaching out to push you back. You dodged his hands as laughter began to build in your chest.
"oh, it is so on." Jon muttered and a laugh escaped you.
Turning you skidded out of your room, avoiding Jon's attempts to push you as you hurried down the hall into the kitchen. Your feet slid across hardwood floors almost gliding when your foot caught on a chair leg, and you practically flew forwards, your face slamming straight onto the ground.
A bit of pain raced over you, but it was familiar enough for you to know that the most you would have is a bruise.
There was silence, then roaring laughter and you hazily pushed yourself up to see Jon cackling. His hand pressed to his stomach as he laughed at your fall.
"You are such a dick." You mumbled as you pushed yourself up.
Jon did not seem to care and continued to laugh. You rolled your eyes before pushing yourself to your feet. His laughter seemed to halt as you turned towards him. He paused, weakly smiling, "Is this the part where I run?"
Smiling slowly, you tilted your head and shrugged.
"It can be; however I am willing to negotiate."
He hesitated, eyes going wide as he looked around the room clearly noticing the hardwood floors and his feet in socks.
"Ah okay, uhm how does hot chocolate sound?"
You narrowed your eyes taking a step forwards, Jon's hands went out and he blinked a few times taking a step back.
"And a donut or pastry or whatever you like."
You took another step forwards and Jon flinched raising his hands to cover himself as he squeaked out,
"From Nonna's!"
You hesitated, recalling the Italian woman's small cafe and all the baked goods inside. Including her delightful assortment of drinks.
"I want extra whipped cream on my drink and a bag of stuff."
Jon paused, looking up at you slowly, his eyes narrowed, "Is that all?"
You thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes."
He held out a hand slightly shaking, and you grinned, "Deal."
After a somewhat civil handshake, you took a step back feeling something warm in your chest.
"I'll get my shoes and coat!"
Bounding back to your room you grabbed a pair of shoes and a coat before practically skipping back into the kitchen. Jon had his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall, a strange look on his face. As you pulled your coat and shoes on you approached him.
He hesitated, making eye contact with you and blanching. He cleared his throat, eyes darting towards the front door.
"I- i I uh... I don't think going now is a good idea-"
You rolled your eyes, "You promised, we are going no backing out, we shook on it!"
But something about his hesitance made your stomach churn, pins and needles beginning to bounce on your chest.
Jon opened his mouth to say something else and you walked over to the door, your hand resting on the handle when something escapes him.
"Wait!" He almost squeaks.
You hesitated for a moment before looking back to the door and slowly opening it. An empty hallway stood before you and you tilted to show Jon. Snorting a laugh at his surprise you scrunched up your nose giving him a teasing look, hoping to make him roll his eyes- or at the very least stop his nervous behavior.
"Does the big bad empty space scare you Little Johnny?" You asked in a voice you'd use on a child.
Jon seemed to relax, his shoulders dropping and air leaving him as he stared at the doorway; clearly not registering your taunt. A second passed before his head snapped in your direction and he narrowed his eyes.
"Seriously? Little Johnny?"
You shrugged, "What else am I supposed to call you? Your name???"
This made him laugh, which calmed the buzzing on your chest and churning in your stomach. Yet, something about the look in his eyes made the pins and needles dig deeper, moving to the back of your neck and shoulders.
Jon moved towards you and the door, seeming more relaxed than before but... something seemed off. However, you didn't know Jon well enough to know what exactly that meant.
He gestured out the doorway smiling slightly, "Shall we?"
Pausing you nodded, a slur of worries being pushed back in your mind as you smiled, "Of course!"
Surprisingly, despite the early hour, Nonna's was in fact open. You were not in fact Nonna's first customers; however, you were able to get your order in. You had to wait but waiting for Nonna's goodies was worth it.
Though, Jon was acting a bit odd. Looking at his phone frequently as he shifted from one foot to the other, eyes darting to the door every once in a while. After nearly ten minutes of this behavior, you were suspicious. Elbowing his side, you tilted your head and opened your mouth to ask him what was going on when Nonna called out your name. You moved to get your order, smiling at Nonna from behind the counter.
"Here's what you asked for piccolina, I added some extra's since you and that patatino," She gestured to Jon who was staring at the door frozen, "over there are looking a little thin."
You nodded smiling, as you took your bag and hot chocolate from her, happy for the food but worried as the pins and needles stabbed into your neck and shoulders, dancing around your heart.
"Buongiorno Nonna."
"Torna Presto, Piccolina!"
Nonna beamed as she moved on to her next customer. Turning back towards Jon you moved towards him, brow furrowed as you stopped at his side.
"What the heck, are you okay Jon?"
He didn't reply, instead he stiffed as the bell to Nonna's rang. His eyes locked on who just entered as he took a breath in slowly. Confused, you looked to see what was making him so still.
Standing in the doorway, disheveled and sweating was none other than Damian Wayne. The two of you made eye contact and you felt the air and color leave you. Heart hammering, you froze for a singular moment, long enough to see the recognition and relief in his eyes.
Something warm blossomed in your chest, a wave of joy that wrapped around your throat. It squeezed at your heart as a bitter taste coated your tongue and you weakly took a breath in. He was here, he was here. It was almost instinctual to lean in and hug him. To start some sort of physical contact as if you make sure he was here-truly here. Then the tight pulsing of your veins and breathing of your lungs yanked you back into reality. He- he had betrayed you, he- he had abandoned you. Pulling back, you squeezed your hand into a fist, eyes raking over him before noticing the movement just beyond his shoulder. No, the person behind him. She looked a little frazzled, but still as perfect as ever. Looking back to Damian the sluggish feeling of betrayal up your spine.
A wave of emotions fierce and roaring climbed up your throat as you backed away from the door. For a moment you couldn't breathe, and the world was spinning as a realization crashed down around you.
He was here.
Why was he here? Why did he have to come just as you were starting to get numb to all those emotions? Why did he have to come after you just made it past an episode? Why did he come? Why? Why?!
Swallowing you pushed back your worries and fears, back the questions and pain. Gripping your hot chocolate tighter as you let out a slow breath, then you began walking towards the door. Hoping your nonchalant attitude would make them ignore you or so baffled you could slip past. As you made it to the doorway, you began to slide towards the street, outside of the store-the place with no escape, to the open and free air that allowed you the opportunity to turn and leave.
Unfortunately, your hopes were in vain. A hand clamped down on your arm, pulling you in. And you blinked, looking to find Damian Wayne practically towering next to you. Eyes frantically racing over your face and body, worry covering every feature as you felt his heavy breaths on your skin. Hell, his heaving chest nearly touched your arms as you felt his heat.
Taking another breath you gave him a blank look, your eyes instantly drawn to your sister loitering behind him. A muddled mixture of emotions on her face.
"If," You began calmly, your eyes locking on his nose, so you don't have to look into his eyes, "you're here because you think I'm trying to steal Jon or poison him against you, you should know I'm not. And there's no reason to worry."
You saw his jaw twitch and his grip tightened on your arm as he pulled you in even closer. Faintly, you could feel Jon lingering behind you. Clearly watching and waiting for a moment that deemed too much for you or a spot to intervene.
"I am not here because of that."
You bit the inside of your cheek as you looked away from Damian's face. Eyes once again drawing to your sister, whose brow was furrowed, a scowl of sorts on her face.
"Then why are you here?" You softly asked nails digging into your palm as you looked towards the floor.
"I'm here for you."
Snapping up, you raised your head and made the unfortunate mistake of meeting Damian's gaze. There was some kind of pain you noticed in his eyes. Pain, worry and something you refused to believe was real.
Looking away you tried to focus to stay calm, but your heart refused to listen.
Liar one side of it hissed
For me? the other side sobbed
Pushing down your feuding heart, you tried to think, think of the real reason he could be here. It took just a moment for you to come to what you thought was a viable conclusion.
He was here to show you how awful you really were.
He was here to prove he was in the right, and you were wrong.
To show that you weren't good enough.
That your sister was and that's the whole reason he chose her was because you weren't good enough.
Because you weren't enough.
The air stopped in your chest, and it was then you noticed your sister's gaze locked on Damian's hand gripping your arm. Forcing a breath you swallowed, your free hand to touch the one holding you there.
Almost instantly, Damian let go of your arm, his brows creased as his gaze flicked, just for a moment to Jon. Quickly looking back at you, almost as if he was scared, you'd disappear or be gone since he took his eyes off of you, Damian let out a long breath. Then, he stepped back until he was on the sidewalk, out of the doorway but blocking any escape onto the street.
Part of you hated that he knew you well enough to know you'd try to escape. Knew you well enough to know cornering you in a public place would not only make you even more hostile but frustrated people knew your personal business. Damian knew you well enough to know that even though you wanted to run, you did not want to impede on others.
Grinding your teeth, you exited Nonna's. You didn't have much of a choice other than moving out of the doorway fully and standing so close to Damian you were practically pressed into his side.
His hand was brushing your cheek, and you found a frown searing itself into his face.
"There is a bruise forming... what happened? How did this occur? Did someone harm you? Who hurt you?"
It took everything in you not to shove him away screaming,
when will you stop hurting me?
Instead, you gently moved his hand from your face and tightly smiled your eyes drifting to Jon, confused why he hadn't stepped in or tried to help you escape yet.
"I'm fine, I just fell earlier. It was an accident, don't-" You stopped.
Don't worry.
Why did you need to say that? Why did you need to reassure him you were okay?
Why why why?
"You fell?" Damian murmurs, eyes narrowed, clearly unconvinced.
"Yes," You retorted, taking in a breath, "I was running around the apartment and my foot caught a chair leg. Ask Jon, he was there."
"I know."
Stepping closer to you, your sister cleared her throat, smiling tightly, fully capturing your attention, "Y/N how are you liking Metropolis?"
"It's fine," You began narrowing your eyes as you looked her over, "why-"
Before you could even finish your question, she interrupted gesturing to Jon with a smug look on her face.
"Is he your boyfriend?"
"Who, Jon? No, no. He's my friend, a good friend, but just a friend."
Part of you wanted to look at Damian as you said this, but you kept your composure enough to keep your gaze on S/N. However, she rolled her eyes at your comment almost as if she didn't believe you. And there was a look on her face that made something in you snap. Taking a step closer to her you scowled, crossing your arms.
"What the hell are you doing here anyways? I thought you were happily living in Gotham now," You hesitantly shot Damian a look before turning back to her, "I thought you both were."
Your sister weakly laughed, "Well, things have been... interesting. Adjusting to living in a new city is difficult, you should know that."
"I'm doing perfectly fine here; in fact, I was doing great until you- until the two of you showed up."
S/N blinked in surprise almost recoiling from your words. She opened her mouth, clearly prepared to spin a sob story to make you feel bad when Damian pulled you away from her.
"Be quiet, S/N."
"But Da-"
"I said quiet. It is atrocious enough that you followed me here. I do not need you aggregating things with Y/N by lying again."
"It's not lying exactly-"
There was a loud crash that rocketed you all straight into silence. You paused, looking around before taking a step forwards, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.
At first you couldn't even see past the roof of the stores just beyond Nonna's. But as you slid into the empty street, you noticed a blur of colors. A familiar blur of colors.
Red and Blue.
"Oh shit," You whispered as an alarm of sorts began to blare.
You turned to shout to the others what was going on when a blast of sorts had you stumbling backwards. Looking up you saw a building tumbling towards you.
Blinking, everything seemed to go deathly still as a low whirling began in your ears. You turned, your eyes slowly blinking again as the building got closer to you and figures- blurred figures raced towards you as the whirling rose to a rumble then a voice, shout- no screaming your name. Before dust and rubble covered your eyes and something heavy struck your head sending you into pitch black darkness.
Dust and what must have been ash floated in the air. Catching on your eyelashes and blurring your vision as you stirred. Blinking to find heavy rock and metal-rubble surrounding you. Wincing, you shifted in an attempt to get on your feet when you heard a groan.
Turning, you found just a few feet behind you a dusty and twitching person. Rubbing the dust away before you got closer you noticed a slab of concrete, a crimson splotch barely visible just on the area it made contact with the person's leg.
Moving closer, you noticed the familiar figure- the face and eyes. Moving closer you realized it was Damian. Going still you bit your lip as he grunted, clearly waking up.
Part of you wanted to just stare, to wait for him to notice you. But you also- the pain in your chest grew at the sight of him. Fallen and pinned, injured-bleeding; he was hurt. And-and in front of you. How could you just stand by and watch?
How was he even here? He was far away when the building fell and yet-here he was.
Moving closer you began to focus on his pinned leg, he blinked clearly trying to sit up.
"What are you doing here?" You muttered as you crouched near the slab.
"What are you doing over here! You should be by Nonna's safe from falling rubble and being trapped in a growing hellhole!" Peering around the slab, you noticed it wasn't too large. And there was definitely enough room for you to lift it up.
"I what?" You snapped, shooting him a glare.
He hesitated, seeming to realize what you were doing as you took in a deep breath and slid your fingers under the concrete.
"I was attempting to reach you. To-to- remove you from danger."
You froze, air stopping in your lungs as sweat coated your hands. Gripping the slap harder you yanked upwards, heart racing. The slab rose just enough for his leg to slip free. Rolling, he cursed and scrambled away from the slab as the sweat weakened your grip and the slab fell back in place.
Silence overcame the two of you and you sighed deeply before remarking, "... you pushed me out of the way of falling rubble?"
"It is possible that situation occurred."
"It is my belief that in consideration of our current... situation, we would be at a loss in continuing to bicker on what exactly occurred so that I would result in being confined here with you."
"Then what exactly should we be doing?"
"Perhaps we can discuss what truly occurred in reference to when your sister came to Gotham."
Your teeth sank onto the inner part of your cheek as you let out a hissing breath. Nails digging into the palm of your hands as you turned to him.
Frustrated, sad and-and angry.
Angry that this whole situation came about and that you were being pushed once again to listen. To understand. That what happened was always going to happen.
But part of you... part of you wanted to listen. To hear his explanation and get rid of the ever-growing pit of abyss in your chest. To listen and understand what he did. That it never really was between you and her. That you were enough and that, that.... he would choose you.
However, you knew it was too late for something like that to occur. He had chosen her. Just as everyone else did, just as everyone always will.
You were never and will never be anyone's first choice. Especially when your sister was an option. Especially when you were just simply you. Not something greater or grander like she was, like others will be.
So, you need to make a choice. Hear him out, listen to the same story you've heard hundreds of times before or sit in the unknowing. Questioning whether or not it actually was the same, whether or not you weren't enough. Questioning if he really did choose her over you.
And you weren't exactly good with questions, with curiosities and wonderings. But you were tired of hearing all the reasons your sister was better...
Maybe this time will make you realize the truth. Maybe this time, hearing the words of devotion to your sister from someone who you so deeply loved and trusted would make you realize it will always be her. Maybe it will make you realize you need to stop hoping and wishing and wanting it to be you. Because in the end it never will be.
Swallowing, you relaxed your hand and jaw. Sinking onto the dusty ground with a sigh you shrugged.
"Fine, fine. Why the hell not, tell me your little sob story. I'll listen. I won't cry or shout or say you're lying. Tell me the truth and it will all be over."
He began pulling himself across the ground closer to you. You locked your jaw, wincing before going still.
"It- There- A misunderstanding occurred. I wish to rectify this, because... for a lack of superior terminology, it is not what you think."
You raised an eyebrow as he slid even closer to you, sweat beading on his brow. Mixing with the dust and dirt that clung to his face, sliding down his face drawing your eye to his face- his jaw and- no.
"Really now?" You sneered.
"Y/N-" He began and you rolled your eyes.
"Damian stop with the antics, call me as you usually do."
"... I regularly address you in this manner."
"Wha- no- wait..." You paused blinking a few times as faint memories raced across your mind, with his voice always calling you by your first name, "when did you stop calling me by my last name?"
"Is that what you truly wish to know?"
You took a risk and met his gaze, seeing the unwavering determination in his eyes. Almost as if he'd tell you anything you wanted to know.
"Y- no. No, just continue, continue please."
He paused for just a moment before nodding weakly and continuing, "When your sister first arrived in Gotham, I was... concerned. You had previously stated that your accounts could be biased. Therefore, I desired to comprehend the truth in your... contemptuous relationship. Thus, I enacted a strategy to ascertain your sister's true intentions."
Strategy... a plan-he- he wait
"You-you... you wanted to know what my sister wanted with me?"
Eyes still locked onto each other you watched him sigh heavily, his jaw locking as he readjusted himself.
"In essence, I yearned to distinguish if your belief is correct or if your judgment was clouded due to... past grievances."
He...wa-he wanted to know the truth. Was there really anything wrong with that? After all he wouldn't have come all this way if he... if he truly chose your sister.
Speaking of your sister... what- what did he find that made him- made him decide to lie to you??
"... And what exactly did you discover?"
At this he broke eye contact and your stomach dropped. You were wrong, you were wrong she wasn't trying to hurt you. She wasn't being cruel. oh lord what had you done-
"You- you... your perspective on the matter is accurate. Extensively accurate. In fact, according to my comprehension, your sister not only dislikes you- but she wishes to have you... under her control."
wait, you were right? You were right? Then- then what exactly was she trying to do? Why was she so cruel? Why did he use those methods to discover this?
"So, you're telling me that you flirted with and went on a date with my sister because you wanted to know what her intentions with me were?"
"That is correct."
"And... she hates me."
Damian winced as he attempted to slide even closer to you. It was then you realized how you were leaning back, shoulders straight, arms crossed and nails in palm. Tense you were so tense.
"Hardly, rather she- well rather it appears to me she is... envious of you."
This startled you. What, what on earth could he mean by envious?
"Ugh, perhaps the word jealous provides more clarity."
"She's-... she's jealous of me?" You were barely able to get the words out as your shoulders sank and Damian's hand brushed against your leg.
He shifted once again, pulling himself so he was seated at your side. He was panting and his brow was soaked in sweat.
"That is how I have come to understand it."
It- none of this made any sense.
"As far as I was able to discern, she envy's your strength against society and peer's ideals on who you are and how you should behave."
He reached out, gently grabbing your hand and holding it in his own as you stared at the rubble surrounding the two of you. There was more silence when he squeezed your hand. You turned to him and he half heartedly gestured to his leg before remarking,
"Is this not when you scold me for causing further injury to myself? Better yet, why have you not voiced any complaints or objections to my actions?"
"Because you did it to yourself, who am I to tell you what to do?" You snorted rolling your eyes as you took his hand in return, "besides would you have actually listened to me?"
"I do not believe I would."
For a moment or two, it almost felt as though everything was going back to the way it was supposed to be. In fact, you were just about to lean into him when a thought crossed your mind.
why did he hide it? Why did he not include you? Why keep it from you?
"Why didn't you tell me?"
He was quiet and you swallowed, waiting for the weak explanation of how he realized he didn't like you all that much. Instead, you got,
"I- wished to inform you of my discoveries... but only after I obtained a method to prevent her from ever... from allowing her envy to create contention between the two of you."
Contention... wait-wait was- was he trying to protect you?
"You- you were trying to figure out how to prevent her from being mean to me?"
"I was attempting to, but... you ran away."
A heat of sorts rose up in your chest and burned away the fleeting sensation of relief and regret.
"I did not run away," You snapped, pulling your hand from his as you glared, "I left."
"I apologize," He said, his face pale as he reached out for you once again, "It seemed, at the time, that you were running."
It wasn't a wrong assumption exactly but... how- how did he-
"How did you find me?" You whispered.
"I- I will give you this information under an immovable condition."
You raised your head brow furrowed with suspicion rising in your throat, "And what is that?"
"You- you cannot act and must think through all I will tell. You must listen because there is much I will say."
Someone- someone had given you up. Someone had betrayed you...again.
"My... family, those who knew, would not even acknowledge your absence. So do not worry, they still hold your confidence in high regard."
You relaxed slightly, swallowing as a weight on your shoulders lifted. Making eye contact you raised an eyebrow and nodded.
"I searched for any trace and found none. It is my belief that Gordon erased your tracks... regardless I- i had begun to lose hope when... when Kent reached out to me."
You froze, your chest tightening as your nail instinctively stabbed into your palm. Biting your lip, you looked away as a heavy darkness clouded your mind. Clutching onto your shoulders and sinking into your skin as a pain of sorts danced across your veins.
"He was... concerned about my wellbeing. And soon, yours. He informed me he knew of your location, but it wasn't until he said you were looking gaunt- that it was evident not only with your action but with your appearance. You- he said-" Damian paused, swallowing as it seemed almost as if he was in pain as he continued, "you were suffering. And that though he did not wish to betray you, your welfare was far more important."
This was, this was odd. You had never experienced someone- someone doing something for your own good even though you were against it.
"Jon- Jon told you where I was because he was worried?"
"Yes, he- he ordered me to come to your side," Damian chuckled, "To explain and clarify what occurred. That he could not bear to see you in such a state for any longer."
"Ah... and you didn't originally tell me because-because you were trying to protect me?"
Damian blinked a few times, turning to you, confusion clinging to his features as you noted his flushed cheeks, more than likely due to his strenuous efforts to reach your side, "Pardon?"
"You approached my sister, trying to figure out what she wanted because you didn't want me to get hurt. You even wanted to come up with a plan to stop her from hurting me. So, you wanted to protect me."
He tilted his head and shrugged, eyes raking over your face as if he was taking it in for the first time.
"With it phrased in that manner, yes. It appears that way."
"Why did you-" You hesitated faintly recalling Damian calling you friend and you stopped.
You knew why he did it. At least most of it. A better question to ask- a question ringing in your mind over and over again was,
"Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?"
"I- I am afraid I do not understand."
"Why didn't you tell me you were planning on figuring out what my sister wanted? Why did you lie to me? Why did you hide this from me?"
"I feared it would harm you."
"You- you tend to be... excessively sensitive with matters involving your sister. I did not want you to... worry whether or not your intentions or beliefs about what happened with your sister were incorrect."
You paused, something sparking in your chest. A light of hope or joy. Something warm and happy that began to spread, the fact he knew you well enough to know you'd think that way-
But it didn't entirely make sense.
Damian would usually be there with you shaking his arms crossed as he sighed at your thoughts. Saying something along the lines of "you need not think that way. While I loathe to admit it, I made mistakes as well. And as Father has said, to make mistakes is human.... though I doubt he himself follows this proverb."
Looking him over you raised your head, eyes once again narrowed. Suspicion-a light more curious suspicion- rose up on your skin. Itching and crawling as confusion clouded your mind.
"What doesn't make sense."
He blinked, looking to you his brow furrowed pain etched into his face as he let out a ragged breath.
"I would appreciate some elaboration."
"That reason doesn't make sense."
"I beg your pardon?"
"You-... just as well as you know me Damian, I know you. And I know that me being worried I was wrong about my sister is not a good enough reason you'd keep that plan from me."
He faltered, wincing as he avoided your eyes, "It- at the time it appeared to me that you were... compromised emotionally due to your sister's unexpected arrival. I did not want to-to pressure you more with this... scheme of mine."
You snorted, crossing your arms as you gave him an irritated and amused look.
"Damian, even after my grandma died, who I was really close with. After I got back from her funeral, you still felt the need to tell me I was lacking when on patrol."
He shifted, eyes drifting away from you, his jaw locked.
"I do not understand how that circumstance and the present conversation connect."
"You are lying to me right now. I don't know why, and I honestly don't really care. I just want the truth."
He breathed out a heavy sigh before meeting your gaze, "I have grown a great deal since then. I now better understand what is appropriate and what is not."
Something stirred in you, it ached that he was still lying and-and you couldn't understand why. You didn't care about why truthfully. As long as you knew the truth, he could keep all the secrets about why he had lied that he wanted.
"I am telling you the truth." He seethed.
"I don't believe you; it doesn't make sense."
"Why would you do that?" You threw your hands up, shaking your head in confusion, that ache turning into a burning flame" Why would you care all of the sudden-"
The flame went out and all of the anger and frustration disappeared in the blink of an eye. You tilted your head, confusion overtaking everything, "...what?"
"I have amorous feelings... for you."
Confusion grew and grew buzzing in your chest and throat. None of this made sense what- amorous, what in the hell did that mean?
"I- I don't understand, Damian what are you saying-"
He pressed on, "Just as you told me when saying goodbye, it hurts to see you in such a state-it burns me alive to harm you in any way because- because."
Your throat went dry the confusion beginning to fade, "Damian-"
"Because I am in love with you."
The world went still and you couldn't breathe. His words ringing over and over again in your mind.
Because I am in love with you
I am in love with you
A faint shifting sound caused you to let out a breath, air flushing in and out of your lungs.
"You-you... what?"
"I, myself, do not fully comprehend the scope of these... emotions. However, I am not going to deny them any longer."
His voice dropped, and he reached out, taking your hands in his, pulling you in closer.
"I am in love with you, when I heard you say that you felt the same and-and that I had hurt you. It nearly destroyed me. Especially since I could not fix my mistake. Especially because I could not comfort you. I could not even see your face. But your voice- I heard all the pain and sorrow I had caused." He released your hands and cupped your face pressing his forehead against yours, "Knowing I had done that in an attempt to keep you safe- that it was all my fault... I have not slept since you left. I have not ate- I have not lived since you left me."
You swallowed heat racing across your cheeks as you met his gaze. That longing you saw earlier burning so much brighter. The regret and sorrow swirling in between his eyes as you felt the tremble in his grip.
"I regret every action of mine that led me here- that hurt you. And I ask you to forgive me for my lunacy-for my arrogance and stupidity."
Head spinning you breathed slowly, confused and-and happy. He- he hadn't betrayed you.
"Seeing you once again-I... " He paused, shifting his grip, "I could not breathe for a moment. You- you were so stunning standing before me.... I understand if you-you feel different, but I beg of you. Please let me stay by your side. I care not if it is in Gotham or here. I- I am certain that without you- without your mere presence I will not survive."
In fact, he was always on your side. Always. He never chose he- it was- it was always you.
He chose you
You squeezed your eyes shut, heart hammering in your chest as your eyes burned and something warm slipped down your cheek.
"Oh-ah I- I apologize. I did- I did not intend-"
Something bubbled in your stomach almost making you laugh at his worry and frantic words that happened merely because of a few tears.
"Damian I'm okay," You whispered, opening your eyes seeing the panic on his face as you sniffed, "Happy- these are happy tears."
"oh- I... so you are not angry with me?"
"No- no I'm happy," You replied wiping away your tears, "happy I was wrong, happy you feel the same and-and..."
Damian went still and you pressed your head fully against his closing your eyes.
"I love you Damian, I still do. And- I-i... I accept your apology. It will take time for me to-to be comfortable once again but... I am willing to try-try at something more."
Opening your eyes, you felt your face flush even darker as you could see the pure and utter joy on his face. He leaned in and you did as well, eyes beginning to flutter when there was a crash of sorts.
Your eyes flew open, and you found just a few feet away from where you and Damian sat was now a hole. A gaping hole that led outside-into the clear open air and warmth. Just outside of the hole a figure floated faint streams of light catching to reveal colors to you.
Red and Blue.
Weakly laughing you raised a hand, "uh, ha, Hey Supes."
There was silence for a moment and Superman floated into the small alcove of rubble and dust. He looked at the two of you and raised an eyebrow.
"Are you both alright?"
You nodded slowly before hesitating, "Uh no- no."
You turned to Damian who was very pale and clinging to you. Swallowing you gestured to his leg turning back to Superman.
"His leg- it got caught under some stuff when we got stuck here. I think it might be broken or something."
There was a moment of silence before Superman flew closer to the two of you and in a second, he had pulled the two of you into his arms.
It was a matter of moments before you were outside, the sun bright as he set the two of you down. Pointing towards the paramedics nearby.
"You can get help there."
"Thank you!" You said with a smile as you grabbed onto Damian's arm.
Superman nodded with a smile before taking off, probably to help others. Damian half shuffled towards you wincing slightly and you began to reach for him when he said under his breath,
"And here I was desiring the opportunity to rescue you."
A heat rushed over you, and it almost seemed as if your body moved on its own. Your hands grabbing the collar of his shirt as you pulled him to you, pressing your lips against his.
There were a few moments, with your lips pressed against his, where nothing happened. Then, in an instant, with a wince of pain and body shaking, he grabbed onto your arm and kissed you back.
Heart, hammering you pulled away, almost panting as a slight feeling of regret coating your throat. Looking at his face you found a dazed look and released his shirt. Almost instantly he began tumbling towards the ground. Arms shooting out you captured him, pulling him close.
He winced muttering curses as he used your shoulder to pull himself up. Looking around you found people staring phones up and lights flashing.
"Oh shit," you whispered.
Damian shifted and you realized he wanted to move. Slowly walking half carrying him you began your trek towards the paramedics. Leaning against you he began muttering things,
"They will be relentless in their mockings for months."
Rolling your eyes, you steadied him, his head resting on your shoulder as you moved closer to the paramedics.
"Is it, all of this, the teasing and pain... is it all worth it?"
Shifting so he could look at your you he smiled, eyes locked on your face a soft and warm gaze- so heartfelt and yearning as he replied,
"If I am with you? Always."
Tag List:
@legendarylearner18 @hermiona18 @sylum @kalulakunundrum @ginger24880 @blu3cheesecheesecak3 @alishii @duckyyy70 @rossy1080 @nyxiesstuff @rukia-uchiha-98 @cyb3rg0th666 @jade-digital @damianwayne0 @pansyitcanton @greenbench @andromedaj2003 @thomasbeloved @instabull @zvtanna @daemonnix96 @neon-scenery @ssak-i @achromaticerebus @1lellykins @hyperfixiation-station @ashlynnmalfoy @gabriiiiiiii @sparklz02 @kumori-suwan
155 notes · View notes
pinetreespants · 9 days
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Don't stray too far...
80 notes · View notes
viveela · 9 months
I love the way you draw Stan and Kyle omg?? Could u also maybe draw style the pocky challenge or tfbw style? :)
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Pocky challenge? I haven't heard that name in years...
357 notes · View notes
disastersareajoy · 4 days
The Shower Incident pt.2
pt.1 here
Stu x Billy x FEM!Reader
~ 4k words
Tags: established relationship, smut, groping, dirty talk, oral sex (m and f receiving), kissing, orgasm denial, begging, dacryphilia, talking about you in the third person, degradation, praise, hair pulling, marking (hickies), biting (lots of it), choking (on dick?), spit roasting, rough sex, squirting, creampie, facial, slight aftercare
Dom!Billy, Sub!Reader, Switch!Stu
Finally! It is here! Aaaand it's part of Mutli-May, an event hosted by the amazing @bisexual-horror-fan to celebrate poly relationships which I will do any fucking day of the year. Obviously, I couldn't not use my two favorite idiots for this, so here we are! I hope you enjoy this thouroughly and definitely go check out Bex and her wonderful writing, as well as the other participant's works!
Now, into the filth. Enjoy!!
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Billy watches as the two of you slowly make your way to the bedroom with shaky legs, sees how wet your thighs are, and how there's still more dripping out of your glistening pussy. He watches Stu grab your ass, squeezing the flesh beneath his finger in a way that is sure to be a promise of all the teasing that's to come. He truly can't wait to see Stu ruin you with his mouth before they fuck you until you can't remember your own name.
God, he loves the both of you so much.
The walk to the bedroom shouldn't have been as hard as it was, but your legs were still trembling as you tried to find even footing. Next to you, Stu seemed almost as shaky as you. He walked slower than usual which you were sure was meant to drag out the walk even more since Stu always loves watching you struggle to stand upright - let alone walk - when your legs are shaking.
The hand he had on your ass delivered a quick slap before he squeezed the flesh again, making the sting last longer and your yelp turned into a low groan.
“Glorious fucking ass,” he spoke against your temple before he pressed a kiss there. You tilted your head to kiss his cheek and squeezed his hips where you had your arm wrapped around him. There was a certain softness to these in-between moments - Featherlight kisses pressed in unexpected places and leaving goosebumps behind, foreheads leaning against each other, quick “Okay?”'s mumbled between heated kisses. You loved it all. It made you feel precious and loved.
You knew Billy and Stu loved you just as much as you loved them and they told you often enough, but there was something about the two of them showing you in actions or little affectionate gestures how much they loved you, that just drives you crazy.
As you reached the bedroom you felt a sudden burst of energy dissipating the slight exhaustion in your thighs. The thought of Stu's mouth between your legs was already enough to make you want to throw yourself onto the bed, knowing Billy and him were going to fuck you afterwards as well made you want it even more.
Stu walked you through the door and immediately pushed you onto the bed before pulling you down to the edge. He grinned up at you wide and happy while his hands started pushing your thighs open.
With a groan he kneeled down in front of you and looked at your pussy with hunger flickering in his eyes.
Stu leaned in without saying a word and blew cold air against you, chuckling at the whine you let out. He started peppering your thighs with kisses and bites as he brushed his hands up and down the outside of them.
You couldn't help but squirm and move your hips in his direction, trying to get him to your pussy sooner. You knew that wasn't going to work because Stu could be just as teasing and stubborn as Billy - He loves watching you writhe and beg just as much.
Stu's hands immediately shot to your hips and held you down. He started pressing you into the mattress and holding you still while looking up at you with his brows raised and mouth slightly opened.
“Now, what do you think you're doing, angel? You gotta stay still.”
He looked back down at your pussy and licked his lips, making you whine out his name.
“If you want something you're gonna have to use your words. I know you can.” He looked up at you through his lashes with a grin.
“You always beg so pretty, angel.”
You let your head fall back against the bed and groaned in frustration. Stu loves making you so desperate and needy you can't think straight, and it appears that's the mood he's in tonight.
You were hoping he'd go easy on you and devour you immediately like you knew he so badly wanted.
Say what you want about Stu Macher, but the man loves having his face stuck between your thighs. He firmly believes that your legs never look prettier than when they're over his shoulders, and Billy definitely agrees as well.
You tested how hard Stu was holding you down by moving your hips slightly side to side. Or trying to. He had you firmly pressed down and unable to move. The reminder that Stu was able to hold you down like this had you growing wetter between your thighs.
You absolutely love how much your boys were able to control and manhandle you, because it makes submitting to them so much sweeter.
Whether you were submitting immediately and being so needy for their praise or being a brat and wanting them to remind you of your manners - They always made sure to show you that they have you under their thumb in every way.
When Stu's grip on your hips didn't budge you tried to collect your thoughts as much as you could, reigning in that desperate part of you.
“Please, Stu. Please, eat me out.” He hummed as if he was debating whether or not he should grant your wish before speaking, “You do taste divine.”
You whined again and barely controlled the urge to try and shift your hips again. You were aware that too many tries would result in you not getting what you wanted at all. “I need you, Stu,” you moaned out between breaths.
Before you had barely finished saying his name, Stu's mouth connected to your pussy. He dove in and licked you all over a couple of times before focusing on your clit. He knows exactly what drives you crazy and was using it to get you right where he wanted you.
Between Stu's mouth wrapped around your clit, his hands still holding your hips down, although slightly looser now, and the thought of Billy joining you any moment now, you were moaning loudly and letting your legs shake and twitch as much as they needed to.
Your hands found their way down your body, burying themselves in the mess of hair between your legs and pulling when Stu rhythmically sucked your clit harder.
That made him moan, still with your most sensitive part in his mouth which elicited an answering moan from you.
“Well aren't those just the prettiest noises. And what a sight too,” Billy's voice sounded from the door.
When you looked over he was leaning against the door frame still completely naked. You half expected him to have put his boxers on again but we're glad he decided not to torture you.
That way, you could now shamelessly stare at his cock and arch your back into Stu's still-busy mouth.
You watched as Billy's hand stroked over his stomach before slowly wrapping around himself.
He started slowly moving his hand up and down his cock, still staring at Stu's head between your legs.
“You really are a sight,” he said as he walked closer and put his hand on your chest.
Billy started slowly massaging your breast and revelled in the noises you made at his touch. You arched your back up into his hand when Stu slowly and lightly slid his teeth over your clit, making your thighs squeeze closed around his head and a loud, whining moan slipped past your lips.
Judging by Stu's own moan he wasn't particularly complaining.
Billy chuckled, “Oh he's really going after it now, huh.” You nodded your head with a sob as Stu repeated the action and Billy slid his other hand into Stu's hair.
“He’s being a really good boy, isn't he?”
You nodded again but Billy interrupted you. “Use your words,” he said firmly and you struggled to do as you were told.
“Yes,” you groaned out, “he’s being a really good boy, fuck.”
The sheets crumpled between your fingers as you pulled on them to try and keep your sanity intact. You were still worked up from fucking yourself on a toy mere minutes ago and could already feel your climax approaching.
The pressure in your stomach was building before it tightened and you groaned in an effort not to fall over the edge immediately, your stomach tensing over and over again.
“Please,” you whined.
Words were hard for you to get out this close to an orgasm and you were thankful both Billy and Stu understood what you were trying to say.
Though it didn't have the effect you were hoping for.
Stu pulled away from your clit with one final lick and started kissing your thighs. Billy on the other hand got rougher with his treatment of your chest as he started pinching your nipples.
“Good job, dove,” he whispered into your ear and slapped your breast in the same moment Stu decided your thighs were the perfect thing to bite.
The dual stimulation made you sob out a loud moan and twitch in need.
“Only a few to go. Well, maybe. We should probably ask, right?” Billy stared down and nodded at you before looking down between your legs.
“What do you say, Stu? How many more is she going to have to suffer through?”
Stu didn't answer immediately, opting for stealing another quick taste of you now that you had come down from the edge a bit.
But just that one long lick of his tongue slowly parting your folds to slide over your hole and up over your clit made you whimper.
“I’m not sure yet. At least four?” he said with a question and grinned at Billy before diving down again, swirling his tongue between your folds and making it hard for you to concentrate on anything else besides that feeling.
But Billy demanded attention. He knew you had it in you to focus on him when Stu had his face between your legs even if his tongue routinely made you arch your back and moan helplessly into the air.
“Feel like using that mouth for some good, dove?”
You barely started nodding before Billy had his cock resting against your lips. Immediately, your tongue slipped out and licked over the tip of Billy’s cock as you let out a needy moan.
He groaned a moan and shallowly thrust his cock into the feeling.
You wrapped your lips around his head as Stu sucked on your clit and pulled off with a pop, making you moan loudly. Billy in turn groaned again and thrust his cock even further into your mouth.
“Fucking damn, your mouth feels amazing, dove.”
Your eyes fluttered closed at the feeling and taste of Billy on your tongue.
That was one thing you had in common with Stu- a raging oral fixation.
There was something incredibly relaxing about having either of their cocks down your throat, your nose pressing into the skin above their base, feeling the pulsing heat against your tongue.
You loved when one of them grabbed your hair and moved your head up and down their cock, making you take them over and over again.
Their noises were another aspect that made your head spin- both of them always sounded so perfect when you were swallowing them down.
They groaned and praised you to no end, moaning whenever you did something really good and sometimes even whimper.
That was your favorite.
Billy wasn't any different right now, moaning and groaning into the air while staring down at you and pushing his cock softly over your tongue.
You stayed like that for a while, your lips stretched around Billy's cock as Stu worked you up to edge after edge but never let you stumble over it.
All your noises came out muffled against Billy's stomach who had his hand buried in your hair, pulling on it when you moaned enthusiastically or when you rubbed your tongue into him a certain way.
The need to beg for an orgasm was overwhelming and you knew that if you did, they might decide to let you cum sooner, but Billy stayed stuffed into your mouth perfectly, making you unable to speak.
Your legs were shaking around Stu’s head, his arms wrapped firmly around them to pull you close to his face.
He moaned happily at your taste and you could hear obscene sounds from between your thighs as Stu sloppily ate you out.
Billy finally pulled out of your mouth and stared down at you with parted lips, his eyes glowing with lust.
“Look at you, dove. Doing so well.”
The praise paired with Billy's eyes glued to your face made you blush uncontrollably before you whined loudly.
Another orgasm was fast approaching, making you arch your back and gasp while staring into Billy's eyes.
“You might want to stop Stu,” he started and put his hand on your cheek, “She’s going to cum if you don't.”
Stu immediately pulled away from your pussy.
That's when you couldn't control yourself anymore and tears started gathering in your eyes, a couple of them slowly dripping down your face as your hips twitched and bucked up into Stu, trying to get his mouth back where you needed it to no avail.
Weak sobs wracked through you as the frustration really started to set in.
“Aww. Poor thing,” Billy purred and grabbed your cheek. The condescending tone in his voice made your thighs shake and your back arch even more, another round of hot tears rolling down your cheeks.
Billy wiped one away with his thumb and his gaze seemed to soften slightly.
“I know you want it. Don't worry, you will get it soon enough.”
The words helped your mind reconnect and you were suddenly very aware of Stu's hands on your hips and what his mouth was doing.
“Can I fuck her now, Billy? Please? She's so worked up I know she'll feel wonderful wrapped around me,” Stu moaned out between kisses and bites to your thigh.
You knew your inner thighs had to be covered in marks by now and the thought delighted you to no end.
You loved when they marked you.
Every morning after they left some on you, you looked at your bruises and hickies in a mirror and remembered how good your boyfriends made you feel.
You already couldn't wait for these next one's to show up.
Not to mention both Billy and Stu loved seeing you marked as theirs.
“Mm I don't know. Do you want him to fuck you, dove?” Billy stared down at you and you began to nod furiously.
“What did I say about words?”
“Yes please. Please let him fuck me. I need to cum on your cock,” you sobbed out through residual tears, trying to keep your eyes open and glued to Billy.
“There she is. What a good little slut you can be, look at that.”
Billy patted your cheek before sitting up and pushing Stu out from between your legs. He quickly crawled up your body to press a kiss to your lips which is when you noticed that Stu’s face was still covered in your wetness and that his eyes were glowing in obscene satisfaction.
As soon as you parted, Billy tapped your hip, “Hands and knees, c'mon dove.”
You obeyed the command and settled on your hand and knees, already slipped down to your elbows as Stu positioned himself behind you and immediately rubbed his cock-head up and down your folds, parting them with each pass and eliciting a noise that showed off how wet you were for them.
Billy settled in front of you with his legs spread and his hand resting on his stomach while the other grabbed you roughly by your hair and pulled to make you look at him.
“As soon as I stop talking Stu is going to start fucking you as hard and fast as he wants. We both know how he gets after being denied.”
Stu whimpered at the comment and quickly ground his cock against your clit which made you whimper, making Billy pull your hair that little bit harder.
With your full attention on him, he continued, “And he's been such a good boy, so he deserves to have free reign of you pussy.
“You on the other hand are going to keep sucking my cock like you were until you're right on the edge. Only then are you allowed to pull off. Then you can cum. Now get to work, dove.”
As soon as the last word was out of Billy's mouth, Stu pushed into you hard and deep.
Before you had a moment to get used to his size, Stu was already pulling out again and slamming back into you, making you moan loudly against Billy's hip.
You quickly wrapped your lips around Billy's cock and moaned with it on your tongue, moving up and down in a much slower rhythm than Stu was fucking your pussy in.
His hands were firmly on your hips, pulling you into each thrust and making your ass slap against his hips in a loud slap on everytime.
Stu was groaning and making small noises that showed how clearly desperate he was to cum, but he was also as motivated as ever to make you cum before he did.
That was another trait both Billy and Stu shared.
The inexplicable need to make sure you cum at least once before they did. Unless you specifically requested something else, the assumption was always that you cum first.
And they were good at it.
You tried sneaking a hand between your legs to touch your clit but Billy said Stu’s name in a warning tone which made him reach down to grab both your hands and pin them to your lower back.
“Did I forget to say you have to cum on his cock, dove? Because you do. No touching,” Billy said and chuckled when he heard and felt you whine around his cock.
With that new motivation you started moving your hips back into Stu on every thrust.
He was using your pinned hands as leverage to fuck you deeper and harder which was doing wonders for your pussy. Squelching sounds from between your legs made you blush.
The leaking wetness was dripping down your inner thighs and slightly splashing against Stu’s hips. They both loved how wet you got, as well as your penchant for making a mess.
Which was lucky because both of them had a talent at making you explode.
Billy suddenly buried his hand in your hair and pushed your head all the way down to make you take him into your throat. You tried moaning around the intrusion but settled for arching your back obscenely and circling your hips against Stu.
“I think she likes that,” Stu moaned out, sounding strained.
“Of course she does. She's our needy little slut, isn't she?” Billy chuckled, patted your head a couple times and went back to keeping your head pushed down.
You clenched down around Stu's cock inside your pussy, eliciting a groan from him as he redoubled his efforts and fucked into you harder.
The noise of Stu’s cock slamming in and out of your pussy would have made you blush even more if your boyfriends weren't obviously loving hearing it.
Stu rhythmically squeezed your wrists in his hands and moaned about how good you felt, barely coherent.
Billy was steadily praising you and pulling your hair as he pulled you up and down his cock. You kept your throat open to swallow him down and breathed whenever you could, getting into a good rhythm and losing yourself to it.
Your muffled moans became more desperate as the swirling in your stomach started tightening again, your legs shaking and your back arching even lower.
“‘Think she's gon’ cum,” Stu mumbled out as he strained to keep his pace the same and keep fucking into you with the same intensity.
“Mm good. Keep going until you're right there, dove,” Billy pushed your head down again and kept you still.
Your hips twitched weakly, getting more and more erratic the closer you got to your climax.
Stu groaned as you tightened around him before trailing off into a whimper. You realized he was also close, probably had been for minutes just holding back to get you there first.
That thought made you suddenly slip right to the edge of an orgasm, so you tried pulling your head off of Billy's cock.
The man in question kept his hand on the back of your head for a couple more seconds, enjoying the way you were obviously struggling to hold your orgasm back.
Both of them watched the way your hips were moving rhythmically like they were entranced before Billy finally snapped out of it.
As soon as he released you, you pushed your face into his hip and tensed before your pleasure erupted in a screaming moan.
Your orgasm washed over you in waves and made you shake, your back arching as Stu pounded you through your climax.
The splashing between your legs got louder as your pussy pushed out your pleasure against Stu, who groaned loudly and slowed his thrusts until he stilled, pushing into you hard.
He whimpered as you felt him shoot his cum into you, the warmth making you squeeze down more around him which in turn made Stu moan louder, more desperate.
Stu pumped a couple more times into you as Billy started furiously stroking his cock over your face. You whimpered, “Please, Billy.”
That was all he needed to do exactly what you wanted, his release hitting your face as he groaned.
The warm dripping on your cheek and lips made you cum again despite yourself, your moans loud and bordering on a scream once more as Stu started fighting through his own overstimulation and pounded hard into you again.
Your pussy released another weak splash against Stu as you slowly reached the point of too much, your legs twitching and your hips trying to pull out of Stu’s hold.
He released your hands from behind your back and let you come down from your high as he stilled himself inside you again.
All three of you filled the room with the sound of heavy breaths for a minute, enjoying the immediate afterglow of your respective orgasms.
Once you were able to breathe slower, Stu slowly pulled out of your pussy and watched as his cum dripped after him.
You groaned in satisfaction and fell over to your side into the sheets, breathing deeply while your legs were shaking.
Stu laid down next to you and stared at you in awe as Billy stood up and walked into the bathroom. He returned with a warm wet towel and slowly and softly slid it over your thighs, making you whimper and spread them again to give him more space.
“You did fucking amazing, angel,” Stu mumbled before pressing a kiss to your lips that you happily returned. You couldn't help but giggle breathlessly and steal another kiss.
When you reached up to rub your eye you realized that you still had Billy's cum on your face.
You slid your finger through the mess and brought it down to your lips to clean it. A groan sounded from both Stu and Billy at the sight.
“God damn, dove, don't go starting something you definitely can't finish right now,” Billy said lowly and stared up at you with a lustful twinkle in his eye.
Stu hummed in agreement and grabbed the towel out of Billy's hand before wiping your face with it, making you chuckle.
“Thank you, baby,” you whispered when he was done and kissed him again.
Billy crawled up to you and pressed his own lips against yours as soon as you parted from Stu’s.
You loved these moments. All of you having cum so hard a neighbor was sure to leave a note on your door, asking you to quiet down.
The last time that happened the three of you spent an entire day making each other cum, seeing who could make the others scream the loudest.
Stu had won that bet.
Actually, you hoped a neighbor would leave another note. You wanted a repeat of that day.
Billy turned to Stu and slowly kissed him before mumbling, “And you my impatient little darling did well too.”
That made you perk up quickly.
“Impatient?” you asked. “What else did you have planned?”
Billy smirked at you and wrapped his arms around both you and Stu.
“Guess we'll keep that for next time. Let's hope your pretty pussy doesn't immediately make him cum again mm dove?”
You giggled and pressed your face into Billy's chest, already excited for the next time your partners catch you in the act.
And if you end up purposely waiting to touch yourself until right before they get home, then that's nobody's business but yours and theirs.
Please don't repost or reupload this fic anywhere else. It's mine and I'd love to keep it that way.
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zephyrine-gale · 1 year
i love your art so much!!! thank you for drawing kazuscara <3 they look so pretty in your style
thank you!! I hope I can do them both justice with the comic :> also bonus meme page because I put my color guides in blank spaces and this one made kazuha sound like a freak cryptid lmao
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undefeatablesin · 7 months
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
Oh yea since I've only mentioned it in tags
Chapter 1 is releasing this Friday!
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10underoot2 · 1 month
As we walk into the Queen of Tears finale weekend, here's a reminder I came across on Instagram. 🌻
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licollisa · 2 years
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And this includes artists who made their AUs centered around a sans or papyrus.
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spiderin-space · 2 months
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A couple of belated gifts for @fancyrat4 and @fanofthelamb respectively!!!
Thank yall again for drawing my silly designs and sorry these took so long 🥺
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Nothing's Wrong with Dale: Part Sixteen
It’s been a week, but you’re fairly certain your fiancé accidentally got himself replaced by an eldritch being from the Depths. Deciding  that he’s certainly not worse than your original fiancé, you endeavor to keep the engagement and his new non-human state to yourself.
However, this might prove harder than you originally thought.
Fantasy, arranged marriage, malemonsterxfemalereader, M/F
AO3: Nothing's Wrong with Dale - Chapter 16 - MoonshineNightlight - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five] [Part Six] [Part Seven] [Part Seven.5] [Part Eight] [Part Nine] [Part Ten] [Part Eleven] [Part Twelve] [Part Thirteen] [Part Fourteen] [Part Fifteen] Part Sixteen [Part Seventeen] [Part Eighteen] [Part Nineteen] [Part Twenty] [Part Twenty-One] [Part Twenty-Two] [Part Twenty-Three] [Part Twenty-Four] [Part Twenty-Five] [Part Twenty-Six] [Part Twenty-Seven] [Part Twenty-Eight] [Part Twenty-Nine] [Part Thirty] [Part Thirty-One] [Part Thirty-Two] [Part Thirty-Two] [Part Thirty-Three] [Part Thirty-Four]
You excuse your maid, Miss Adir, once she’s finished helping you get ready for tonight. This is the first official wedding party.
Yes, some people have arrived for the wedding festivities. Yes, the tournament and the hunt were for the wedding. But they are not formal social events, not in the way tonight will be. Tonight is the first night you’ll be publicly announced, publicly introduced, along with Dale, as a betrothed couple—one who will be wed in less than a month’s time. There will be dancing, and feasting, and socializing, as there will continue to be for the next few weeks.
You’re grateful this first event is likely the smallest and that it's here, on this Northridge estate you are starting to think of home, as at least familiar, but your nerves are still holding you tight in their grip. And this is only the beginning as tomorrow you leave for the city for the next series of balls and galas until it’s time to come back here for the wedding itself. The weight and anticipation is making the air feel thick, prickling along your skin. 
You don’t even know why it's making you such a wreck.
You’ve known practically your whole life you were going to get married—you wanted it back when it seemed like perhaps you’d not make it, when you were too sick to leave your bed for days. Even once you got better, once you started going to a real school—the idea was an exciting one. Then, when it had been harder for your parents to find you a match than expected, you grew worried once more that you would not get to have your own family. You were relieved and filled with trepidation when the match with Northridge was settled. Meeting Dale had only increased your conflicting feelings, but it had also solidified everything in your mind. He had been easy enough to read, to prepare for, to see the rest of your life with. You had felt strangely settled with that final piece in place, for good and for bad.
Then Dale changed and so did everything else. You found yourself back on that ship in a storm, ups and downs. Trying to weather waves you couldn’t predict.
Or maybe it's simply that you had focused only on being married—not getting married, with all the socializing and spotlight you’re not used to and don’t like.
Nothing to do about that now. Northridge is too steeped in tradition to have a simple marital feast on its own, Grandmother and Grandfather too invested in seeing their heir, their grandson—the only son of the son taken from them so violently—to have this affair be anything less than everything. Northridge has kept to itself these last few years in aprticular, their children scattered and so all too happy for an excuse to gather everyone together and celebrate.
You stand up from the chair before your dressing table where Miss Adir had pinned the last of your braids, unrolled the last of your curls, fixed the decorative comb in your hair just right. You run your hands over your skirts once standing, making sure nothing’s been crushed, no layers caught on each other. Your busk is pressing a bit against your sternum so you reach into your pockets and tug on your chemise to better adjust the padding in that area. 
The white of your dress makes you a bit nervous for stains, but the patterns of dark blue and black that are part of the design help to mitigate that worry. Wearing such an obvious display of Northridge colors—only Northridge colors—is odd. They will be your colors soon, the light blue-gray and green of your family colors no longer the colors others will associate with you, with Portsmith. Only the white is the same between your new family and your old.
You remember seeing your oldest sister come home for summer solstice, a year after her marriage, in bright red and orange. It had felt wrong, it had made her feel like a stranger already—more of a stranger than she already was. Since her husband was from Khanit, she spent half the meal speaking in his language—speaking so fast you could barely catch a word or two despite your lessons. 
That feeling had lessened over the time spent with her again, as she once more became familiar. Callalily had remembered to bring you books from her travels, had introduced you to new foods in the city, had helped convince Mother to let you try riding despite your still weak muscles. And yet… 
You grasp the doorknob and walk through the doorway, trying to push such thoughts aside. You would not become someone new just because you are being married. Callalily likely didn’t either, you were just too young to understand the difference a year could make even without visible growth, even to an adult–missed all the other factors that had led to the change. 
Of course, she didn’t marry a demon. 
Maybe that’s where your renewed bout of anxiety was truly coming from.You hope that with the tournament out of the way, the opportunity for him to display certain inhuman strength or other characteristics is low—especially since he seems better contained at diner these days. Now the challenge will come from all the socializing that is to come. Will his memory of Dale’s ability to comport himself in social situations hold true? Will he remember everyone he should? 
With so many people to talk with and interact with, the chances of him to say the wrong thing, for people to notice something as wrong with him, for someone to notice anything is incorrect, increases dramatically. What if someone far more versed in demons and the Depths and possession is able to simply look at Dale and know?
And you’re not particularly skilled at conversation–too much time alone when you were young. You’d been counting on the original Dale to dominate these conversations so you wouldn’t have to participate overmuch. Now, you need to navigate them with the demon possessing him. 
You curl your fingers into your hand so your nails can dig in because you’ve just remembered your walking to the grand hall and you don’t know what expression is on your face, but you’re pretty sure, given the concern that passed over Miss Adir when she glanced at you, that it must not be a good one.
Breathing in deep, you try to calm down. You need to focus on right now, on what comes next—not all the wedding galas. Only this one. You can handle one ball, here in Northridge, can’t you? You can walk down the stairs even with all those eyes on you, you can dance with Dale and eat dinner and make polite conversation for one night. In just a few hours, you’ll be back in your quiet, dark, bed for the night—and you don’t even have to stay up tonight reading because you finished reading that book from Dale’s private study that the Steward had snuck you.
It had been surprisingly informative regarding herbal and plant remedies, beyond the demonic, and had a clear theme: very few things that could hurt a demon would not also poison a human. In fact, often stronger doses of poison for humans was what the book claimed to actually be effective against the demonic—both in their form or those possessed or those imbuing themselves with demonic energies and influences. Demonic influence often gave one strong abilities to resist such tactics—which is why they were sought out in the first place. And even substances which could hurt demons and not humans usually either had to be in very high concentrations, mixed in exacting quantities, or be given to one under the influence over a long period of time—none of which is Grandfather able to do at this time.
You can only hope he doesn’t stumble upon something genuine and that perhaps if you and Dale continue to be well despite whatever he does use, he might give up on this idea. Of course, the best way for him to lose faith in this theory would be for Dale to act as close to his original self as possible whenever Grandfather is around and that is out of your hands.
You’re jolted from your thoughts as a footman ushers you into a waiting room near the top of the grand staircase where other Northridge family members wait along with a few people you don’t recognize. 
One of Dale’s cousins beckons you over and you wait for your own turn to be announced with them. However, as one of the main guests of honor, your turn is last so alone or in pairs, they leave—not having pressed you too hard for conversation which you’re grateful for.
There are few enough people still waiting, that you decide to stand up and linger closer to the door, ensuring that once again your skirts are sitting well. 
“My lady?”
You straighten with a stifled noise of surprise to see Dale in the doorway of the waiting room. “Lord Dale,” you reply, hoping your voice only seems breathy to your own ears.
He takes his cane and slides it into a holder on his belt before offering you his arm. “It’s nearly our turn, if you are ready?”
“Yes,” you reply. Then you take stock of his outfit. He’s in matching Northridge colors, his pants and shirt are white to match your own, with a deep blue waistcoat and black overcoat, a matching black design on his waistcoat. It’s clear that they are making their statement tonight as the future Lord and Lady of Northridge as well as Northridge’s victory in the tournament.
“I’m pleased that we were able to coordinate well,” Dale says with a grin. “Grandmother hadn’t been sure we would, but I knew this dress of yours would go wonderfully with my suit.”
You had received a message regarding how to dress tonight, but you thought it had come from Grandmother, not Dale. “You remembered this dress?”
“Of course,” Dale replies as you walk over to the doorway, just out of sight, to wait for your cue. “You wore this lovely dress on the day we were introduced.”
“Oh, yes. I’d nearly forgotten,” you say, because you had. Dale had come in off a ship, a plain but well made travel suit in black is what he had been wearing. He had seemed to study you then, at that first meeting, you in his family colors. He had looked… satisfied enough by the end of his appraisal. 
This Dale looked upon you with far more warmth in his eyes.
“You look splendid as well,” you blurt out, just now realizing that he’d complimented your dress, remembered it even, and yet you’d not done the same for him.
He preens at your words, smile growing as he pulls on his labels with his free hand. “Thank you, my Lady.” When his eyes meet yours once more, they are crinkled at the edges.
“…heir apparent, Lord Dale Tiberius of Northridge,” came a booming voice, interrupting your thoughts and letting you pull your eyes away from Dale’s. How long had you been caught this time? “And his betrothed, Lady…” You and Dale begin to walk as the herald says your name and your focus is drawn to making sure you don’t trip down this grand staircase—it’s never happened before, not outside of the school, but it’s something you only need to witness once before the fear is engraved upon your memory. Poor Melissa had broken her nose.
Dale keeps one hand on the railing and the other entwined with your own as he steadily guides the two of you down the stairs. You keep your skirts up enough to be confident in your footing, grateful that Dale is steering the pace—you always have to spend more than half your attention on not going too quickly and then overcompensating and going too slowly.
After the first step, you keep your head level as you look out over the packed grand hall. You hope your expression is appropriately schooled and doesn’t show any of your dismay at the large crowd. At least it is evening enough that the candle light flickers, aiding you in blurring the others present so that you might pretend there are fewer present. As you reach the floor, you walk over to greet Grandmother and Grandfather by the dais for supper.
However, they are not yet upon it as there is only one way to properly begin a betrothal ball: with a dance. Grandmother, with her voice skilled at projection, speaks of the match made between the pair of you and you are grateful that while speaking, you can simply look at her and not everyone else here.
“Our esteemed guests,” Grandmother winds down her speech and you can hear the musicians up in the higher ring of balcony which encircles this room begin to play softly, “please join me in inviting our lovely couple to start tonight’s festivities as those we are here to celebrate.”
Polite applause fills the room as Dale turns to you to murmur, “Shall we?” Of course you will, but something about the look in his eye is comforting, as if he would listen if you said no for some odd reason. It makes it that much easier to nod though and he leads you out to the dancefloor.
It’s a familiar song and a waltz you know, but everything about the situation feels new. Dale’s arm slides around your waist while his hand grasps yours. You always expect his arm to be warm against your back, but it isn’t. While not cold either, you mostly notice how solid and confident his hold is as he leads you through the first steps of the dance to the right. Fleeting concerns regarding his balance and his inability to use his cane while dancing flit through your mind, even as you keep each other steady.
Instead, your concerns turn in a new direction when his blue eyes with their deep pupils lock with your own. You’ve forgotten how much a formal dance of this kind requires eye contact with your partner. Dale’s eyes in particular hold such danger to you, so easy are they to fall into, that you’d not thought of how that might impact dancing with him. 
As he turns you, you feel a momentary panic rise in you, the crowd around you a blur, before his gaze draws you back in like metal to a lodestone. His hand returns to your back as yours does to his own, your hands above your heads as you spin, eyes still training on each others’. 
As you separate and come back together, you can’t help but think about what makes this dance different from the only other formal waltz you had with Dale. It's the way this Dale leads, you think, that is the most different. Dale had been an accomplished dancer, had prided himself on his ability and the dance had been fine, but as with most other things with him, it had come with expectation. As he danced with you, his gaze had been assessing, waiting, and evaluating you. He was a skilled dancer and he expected his future wife to be as well. Once he seemed satisfied with your skill, the focus had been on showing, impressing the others with his ability. 
This Dale too is a proficient dancer but he seems to have more enjoyment in dancing itself, rather merely in the spectacle. He moves more naturally, there is less rigidity in his lead, less performance to it. Even something as simple as managing your height difference better makes every step and movement flow that much smoother. And without the added pressure of his expectation for you, it is easier for you to get swept up in the movement. You’ve always danced better when you’re able to stop thinking so hard.
The music picks up speed and so do you two. Lost in the moment it takes another separation for you to realize other couples, including Grandmother and Grandfather, have joined you on the dancefloor. You feel an additional bit of tension release in your shoulders now that you two are no longer the center of attention, now that others are here as well. You know you’ll still finish the dance by yourselves, but your self-consciousness eases for the moment.
The next spin pulls the pair of you even closer than before, the solid line of Dale’s body against yours in a way that sends a jolt of anticipation up your spine. While his hands weren’t warm before, they are now and every place the two of you touch seems to only grow more obvious, press on your senses, on your awareness more. As the dance slows in the middle, you can’t help but appreciate the subtle scent of wood and something spicy—perhaps cinnamon—that envelops Dale. The absurd urge to rest your head against him, to press even closer, enters your mind and refuses to leave.
You’re grateful when the dance picks up again, the air against your face as you spin helping you clear the haze your closeness had inspired even as his eyes call you to drown in them once more. Even that seems safer than your other thoughts and so you let him keep you captive with his gaze while you perform the last moves of the dance.
When you finally come to a stop, another polite round of applause fills the room before Grandmother starts to speak again. “While typically, I would have to ask my gracious grandson to relinquish his betrothed so that she might share a dance with the worthy knight who won the tournament, Lord Dale has decided to be selfish this evening.” Chuckles sound throughout the room, including from Dale himself while heat fills your cheeks. “In an effort to keep his fiance in his arms, he has valiantly won the tournament. And so, I invite you to once more lead us in a dance.”
“My thanks, Lady Deidre,” Dale replies, projecting his voice throughout the room as his Grandmother did. To the room at large, he says, “I do hope you’ll forgive my impudence and join us as you see fit.”
The atmosphere of the room, despite the wine not flowing for very long, is warm and cheerful as you begin the far faster dance, intended to mirror the athleticism of the tournament. This time, your concentration is primarily on the steps themselves, on keeping pace with Dale, on your breathing, and less on Dale himself—there’s simply not enough of your focus to manage it. Other couples are quicker to join you this time, although on a wide spin you notice Grandfather and Grandmother have elected to sit this particular newer, quick step dance out. Indeed, the others you catch glimpses of are younger in general, although there is one older couple in particular—contemporaries of Dale’s grandparents from the fief next to Northridge—who more than keep up.
By the time this dance finishes, the music continues without interruption and you find yourself breathing heavily. A glance up at Dale and you find yourselves in agreement as he leads you off the floor and towards the dais. 
“I am starving,” Dale murmurs in your ear, his other hand covering your own on his arm. “How long until some food is brought out do you think?” While you are able to catch your breath, your heart continues to race nearly as fast as it did while dancing as Dale keeps you so close. You tell yourself it is merely because of the crowd, and the same reason for putting his head so close to your own to speak, but that doesn’t help you calm yourself for whatever reason. 
“I believe Grandmother said Chef is going to test some recipes tonight for the wedding feast,” Dale continues as you weave through guests, nodding and smiling to those who catch his eye. As you get closer to the high table, you see that while food is not out yet, drinks certainly are. Nearly everyone you pass has wine. You decline the page offering you a glass, wanting some water after the dancing before you have anything else to drink. “ I hope some of it is venison. I particularly enjoy how Chef prepares it.”
Dale doesn’t have a free hand at the moment, given his free hand is over your own, and makes no move to change that. Unfortunately, that also means he hasn’t remembered to start using his cane again. Just as you’ve nearly reached Grandmother and Grandfather, someone jostles Dale and it's enough to disrupt his balance. His words stop abruptly as he starts to fall. You brace yourself, trying to help steady him as he nearly falls backwards, but end up hitting into the edge of his grandparents’ table all the same. 
Grandfather comes over to help but in the confusion manages to lose hold of his completely full wine glass. You don’t know what instinct possesses you—likely it's merely the fact that it’s Grandfather’s—but you manage to tilt Dale in such a way that the spilled liquid ends up splashing over you and missing him entirely. The next minute is filled with more confusion as more people try to help, as a variety of handkerchiefs are handed over to you and you both are ushered into seats.
“At least it was only white wine,” you say with the best smile you can muster, wiping off your neck and collarbone with Dale’s handkerchief. 
Grandmother agrees, while Grandfather watches you carefully before turning to order a page to bring a more substantial cloth for you to dry with. Something about that extra attention makes you realize that while the drink might have looked like wine, it didn’t feel like it. In fact, it feels far more like water, but mildly scented in some faint, but familiar way. You can’t quite put your finger on it though and you’ve no idea why Grandfather would lie about what he’d been drinking.
Or, given the glass had been full, not drinking. Had he spilled his drink on you on purpose? Even given his suspicions that doesn’t make any sense. 
Between your swirling thoughts, all the additional attention, and Dale’s own sincere apology to you for kicking off this chain of mishaps, it’s not until a small hand towel is pressed into your hand and you return Dale’s damp handkerchief to him that you figure it out.
Since Grandfather is on the other side of the table, caught up in teasing from Grandmother about being clumsy after so little to drink, he’s unable to see what you do as Dale folds his handkerchief absentmindedly before looking down with a frown. He lets the handkerchief fall to the ground when he sees the way his fingertips and palm have reddened as if mildly burned where he had been holding it.
You’ve no idea where Grandfather managed to get blessed water from Mount Tresihorn, but he must have. You’ve heard all altars had a bottle of such water, the most prized for its purity and power, but for Grandfather to have been able to get it worries you—as well as him willingly wasting so much. How much more does he have? Will this convince him that it won’t work on you? What about Dale? Will this convince him his theory is wrong or only drive him to consider new methods?
Dale reaches for the towel you set down and wipes his hands off. You can’t help the relief that fills you when his hands come away with no burns. It must only be direct contact with the water that causes the reaction. As your eyes linger on his hands, you feel like you are being watched so your eyes dart up to where Grandfather is only to find him still turned away from you.
Your eyes swing up to find Dale’s fixed on you, his body as rigid as it had been in the tent. You can’t read them and you’re strung too tight to do anything more than offer him a weak smile before busying yourself with pouring some water. You hope this isn’t a sign of how stressful the next few weeks are going to be. You’re not sure you can handle this much excitement.
[Part Seventeen]
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redhead-batgal · 1 month
Sneak Peek of I'm With You
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This is a sneak peek of the part two, to I Feel A Sin Coming On (HERE). It's basically a Fem! Student! & Soulmate! X Damian Wayne/Robin and likeeee the angst has called to me so why not 😈
You were six when you decided to loathe soulmates. Six when you swore on your very soul- your existence that you would never love your soulmate. You swore to live in misery of your own making rather than fates. No matter who they were, you would hate them.
But fate... well fate hated to be tested. So, fate did the worst thing it could. It made you fall for the one person you swore never to.
Your soulmate.
Your very own soulmate who seemed like the only light in the dark and suddenly you began questioning whether or not these feelings- these emotions you had thought were your own and genuine- were actually yours. Or if they were just fate pulling its strings and making you dance and dance and dance.
To say you were upset was an understatement and... well let's just say fate might be prideful, but you were twice as petty.
At age thirteen you shoved the emotions you had so dearly cherished so deep in your chest they seemed like nothing more than echoes of naive mind. You distanced yourself from him and only let yourself feel in your loneliest of moments.
Four years, it had nearly been four years since you had begun your battle against fate. And- and and fate was getting stronger... as you have been told. The older you get- the closer you are to your soulmate, the stronger the bond is.
Those moments... those lonely moments happened more often, and those stupid annoying emotions rose up with the beating of your traitorous heart.
Which is exactly how you ended up in the last place you ever wanted to be. Face to face with your soulmate... with them recognizing you and what you were to them.
"I'm your soulmate." Damian Fucking Wayne said his eyes locked on you as you felt your heart jump to your throat and all the color drain from your face.
"Fucking shit, " You whispered, unable to break his gaze.
Shaking- shaking you nervously laughed before looking at your bare wrist and you began gathering your things.
"Oh- oh would you look at the time!" You stammered shoving everything into your bag, "I need to get going."
Your book lay just in front of Damian and your eyes darted towards the book then him. With your heart hammering in your chest, you lunged for it. Fingers brushing its cover only for a hand to clasp around your wrist pulling you back towards the table. Damian- he- had had grabbed you. Half looking towards him you curled your fingers into your palm away from the book with had led you into this trap.
"I'm your soulmate," He said again as you avoided eye contact, "and you are mine."
Soulmate- god why did you have to care about him. Why- why-
Petty- you were so violently petty and prideful- oh even fate knew this yet- it still tried... this- you wouldn't let this stand.
Forcing a breath out you bit your lip. Trembling, you raised your chin as your eyes burned, finally meeting his gaze and feeling his grip lighten.
"I don't have a soulmate... I won't have one. Not you- not any one... I don't believe in them."
His hand slid off of your wrist as his brow furrowed, you gave him a bitter smile as something warm spilled down your cheeks and you pulled yourself away from him.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get going."
Tag List: @andromedaj2003 @thomasbeloved @instabull @zvtanna @daemonnix96 @neon-scenery @ssak-i @achromaticerebus @1lellykins @hyperfixiation-station @legendarylearner18
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bennidraws · 11 months
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chapter 2 of an ADULT fanfic/fancomic (bc i needed to finally make them fuck, lets be real)
around 4.2k words and 5 pages
link: archiveofourown.org/works/48064327/chapters/123189307
99 notes · View notes