#i have like 3 hrs it'll be fine!!!!!
beepoid · 2 months
ok gang i am going to (TRY to) finish symp tonight
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onepiexe · 2 years
cant wsit to text my boss and b like. so i went back. haha. yeah :")
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adaginy · 1 year
Okay, not to be a shill, but. My job is hiring. They seem to be going hard on hiring, starting up social media accounts to try to reach people.
But they aren't reaching out on Tumblr, which is a shame, because this is The Autism Website and the Otherwise Neurodivergent Website and the Chronic Illness/Disability website, and it really seems like these communities should have first dibs which is why I'm posting.
Do you like mildly repetitive tasks? Do you wanna sit at your computer and Do The Thing and maybe you don't talk to your coworkers and that's fine? (Or you can if you want!) Do you like working from home, for as many or as few or as variable whenever hours as you want/are able to?
The website ( https://dataannotation.tech/ ) says $15-$20+/hr. I suspect if they're phrasing it that way they have their reasons and I shouldn't say differently but look, I am making gestures and emphatic tones of voice and eyebrow-waggles at that +, okay?
The catches: 1) Standard gig-economy catch that it's no benefits, etc. 2) They're currently only hiring in US/UK/Canada/Australia/NZ/Ireland, but other folks can still sign up and be in the system for later. 3) It's AI. It's not the most famous name in AI, but some of the projects are for Big Tech Companies. I know folks have Strong Feelings about AI, and there have been a few projects that I've passed on. So I'm being upfront.
My experience with the job:
Sign up. Tell them about your skills, but it doesn't have to be a whole resume-ass thing, just "I have xyz interesting knowledge and skills" -- like if you have a degree, or that you like to write, or whatever. Take a qualification test.
Waaaaaait. Maybe you don't get in (and then they don't message you, which does suck of them). Maybe you do! Then you have a dashboard and it'll have links to things you can do (and what they pay, hourly or per-task). And there's a Slack for some of the projects, that's about half asking questions and half "look at this ridiculous thing the AI did."
For me, right now, they are all some variation of "give the AI a task/ask it a question; select the better answer." Sometimes there's "help us make training data for the AIs." Sometimes there are more qualification tests to get into more projects.
Record how much time you spend, report it, wait for them to validate the time (~1 week).
Cash out with Paypal.
Ask questions and I'll try to answer!
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chaos-and-ink · 2 months
7 and 12 for the cpunk ask game?
7. Do you have a sort of comfort item or safety blanket that helps you feel better, especially on the worst days? I have a heating pad that I really love! And a bunch of stuffed animals. I just throw them between all my joints and pray it'll help lmao. I also have a baby blanket I love. I've had him since I was 11 months old and he's been with me through everything. I sleep with him every night.
12. Name 3 things you like about hospitals/docs/nurses/the medical system 1. My first primary care physician was absolutely amazing!!! He was ALWAYS late but it became very evident why. He honestly cared so so much about all of his patients. He answered every and any question, no matter how 'stupid' it was. He talked to us about our interests, asked about our lives and hobbies. He was the nicest and kindest and most understanding and helpful doctor I've ever had. Unfortunately, he transferred and moved away so I haven't seen him in years but I really miss him. I know if I had him as my doctor when all of my health problems started to get worse he would've been there for me right away and helped solve the problem. 2. I'm really appreciative to have medicare for my psychiatric disabilities. I'm so grateful to be able to get my therapy paid for, both expressive and occupational and ABA. It's also really nice that medicare has been paying for my physical problems too like my cardiologist appointment and all my blood work and stuff. I'm hoping I'll be able to get them to help me get some braces and splints. and in the future, maybe even forearm crutches or a cane or something. 3. I really liked this one doctor I had a few months ago. My primary doctor was booked so I went to a different one and she was super kind and understanding. After she took my medical history she instantly thought I may have POTS, which I didn't even bring up because I'd been gaslit about it for like 6 years. She did a poor man's tilt table test and yup. HR went up a tonnnnn and stayed up. It was super refreshing to finally be heard and understood after so many years of being told I was 'fine' and it was 'anxiety' and I'd 'grow out of it'.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
Hey bitches!
So I started working a new job about 2 months ago and it’s kind of AWFUL. I like the work but I feel like I’m being taken advantage of at every turn (I’ve worked 200+ hours and just got my first paycheck for… $533 before taxes and that’s only the start of it) My boss is a family friend so I don’t really want to ruin that relationship but I want to get out as soon as possible. Issue is that I’m literally the only one who can train my replacement properly as my predecessor is gone. When I first started I told her that I probably wouldn’t have any reason to leave without at least 2 months notice (and it took about a month and a half to train me) anyway HOW do I get out of this without ruining my family’s relationship with this person?
The amount of socialized apologia here is astounding. Honey, you just said "They pay me $2.66/hr and treat me like crap. I sure don't want to offend them!" Who taught you to value yourself so little???? Let me guess--you were socialized to be a woman growing up, weren't you?
My dear sweet child, you feel like you're being taken advantage of because that's exactly what's happening. Give your 2 months' (!!!!!!) notice TOMORROW. Then spend every waking minute training your replacement and job hunting.
Friends do NOT treat each other like barely paid servants. This family friend is not doing you a favor. They're stealing your labor. And under those circumstances, you shouldn't give a flying fuck about the status of that relationship after you quit.
... but if you truly do care, just be honest. Tell them your financial goals (college? a down payment on a house? setting aside an emergency fund? whatever!) require you to make more money. Then thank them for the experience and chance to get your foot in the door of the industry and RESIGN. It'll be fine, I promise.
Season 3, Episode 12: "I’m Done With Evil Bosses and Toxic Workplaces. Can I Stand Up Without Being Hammered Down?"
Are You Working on the Next Fyre Festival?: Identifying a Toxic Workplace 
How to Quit a Job: Giving Notice with Dignity, Poise, and Tastefully Subtle Shade 
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ana-sxangel777 · 1 year
*My Ana Rules*
Fear Foods and Safe Foods
(I made a post like this on one of my old accounts and so I’m doing it here too. A lot of these rules are pretty old but I still try and stick to them.)
PSA: this post is not meant to be taken as advice. I’m am not and will not ever be giving advice on “getting an eating disorder.” Eating disorders are dangerous and unhealthy. This account is for adults who are already struggling with an eating disorder/ disordered eating. If you’re under the age of 18 or don’t have an eating disorder pls leave while you still can.
Rating my Ana Rules from 2018
(These are from the absolute peak of my ed. I was 14 when I wrote these and my thoughts on my ed and food have changed a lot. Some of these I still do but a lot of them are kind of stupid tbh.
So I’m gonna be rating them on a scale of 1-10. 10 being top tier and 1 being I can’t believe I actually used to do that. The ones in red are things I still do.)
This post is purely me making fun of myself if you have rules similar to these and I happen to make fun of them I’m sorry. I love you ❤️
1). Whenever eating breakfast keep it low cal.
2). Never spend money on food (unless it's low cal and you regain control)
(Ahem.. doordash) 6-10
3). During weekdays burn at least one meal a day (200-300 cals)
(I never exercise anymore.. though I probably should😭) 4/10
4)No coffee when restricting super low (300-500 cals) tea with coffee creamer is fine
(I worked morning shift at a dunkin for a year and a half.. coffee for breakfast was all I knew) 1/10
5). In order to break that binge cycle raise your cal limit to (900-1000 cals)
(This one’s actually smart) 8/10
6). Remember your thoughts manifest in your reality. So think of yourself as though you are already skinny. Every time you reach for that junk food remember that models don't eat junk they're bodies are too perfect to eat that processed crap.
(This one’s fine except for the fact that it’s giving “2014 heroin chic romanticizing my ed tumblr” Don’t love that but hey I’ll give myself props for manifesting and self concept ig? 7/10
7).Get enough sleep 8-10 hrs. Also go to bed earlier (11pm- 11:30pm at the LATEST)
(It’s 10:30pm as I write this.. old habits truly do die hard) 8/10
8). 50 sit-ups every night
(No comment..) 0/10
9). Don't go too long without eating in order too avoid hanger and binges
(Even when restricting you still should feed your body!!) 10/10
10) When shopping don't buy food unless it's low calorie. (This means no: JUNK FOOD,SODA/SWEETENED BEVERAGES, CANDY, SWEETS, CHIPS, ETC.)
(Again.. doordash) 5/10
11). If able to avoid eating before 11:30am
(Kinda impossible when you work but I get it)
12). No snacking (unless needed*feeling faint/dizzy*)
13). Always measure portions. Avoid portions bigger than 1 cup.
(This one’s kind of stupid but at the same time it helped me stop bingeing so🤷‍♀️) 7/10
14) If eating calorically dense foods only eat 1/2 of the regular serving size.
(Not the worst idea I’ve heard but now I would totally just skip eating those types of foods altogether) 6/10
15).Eat a little more if it'll help avoid binges. (100-150 cals
(Probably one of my most logical rules tbh) 9/10
16). When using sugar avoid using more 3.5 tablespoons. If able to use stevia.
(3.5 tbsp of sugar is insane to me..) 2/10
17).Drink water in between every bite. Always remember even though you feel fat you still have to eat something
(I try to chug water after every meal. Stay Hydrated.) 11/10
18). Always keep sugar free hard candies/gum on hand to ward off hunger pains
(This is also good if you tend to get dizzy from fasting even though some might consider it breaking a fast hard candies definitely help) 7/10
19). Don't drink your calories. If offered candy only eat 1 piece. Also if trying to avoid binge hide candy.
(So I agree with the don’t drink your calories part everything else is stupid. Just don’t eat the candy..?) 4/10
20). Drink warm lemon water to ward off hunger.
(Warm lemon water is one of my faves) 12/10
Fear foods~
Again these are from 2018, however I still have mostly the same fear foods and safe foods.
Bread (except for bagels)
Any condiment other than mustard
(Weird.. but yes?)
(Love grapes now.. one of my favorite fruits)
Sugary drinks
Sugar in general unless its for coffee /tea
Sodium/ high sodium foods
(Yes and no.. depends on the day😂)
Fried foods
Foods with fat/oil/grease
Foods that have a little serving but high calories
not really specific I have many fear foods as I tend to avoid mostly everything
(I don’t avoid as much now but yeah..)
Safe Foods✨
I don’t have much to say about my safe foods. They’re safe foods what can I say.🤷‍♀️ Except for the fact that I had grapes as both a fear food and a safe food for some reason? Idk what weird fixation I had with grapes but okay ig?
1) Peanut butter
2) Banana
3) Grapes
4) Oranges
5) Cherries
7) Pretzels
8) Popcorn
9) Lettuce
14) Chicken
15)Rice Cakes
16) Almond milk
If you made it to the end of this long ass post here’s a butterfly 🦋. Stay safe angels🌸
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dragondroid · 1 year
Have you ever thought, "man, I have too many doctor's appointments every year!" Want to inject some extra uncertainty into moving to a new city? Are you sick of having all of that medication just lying around for you to take?
Try the American Healthcare System™!
In just a few easy steps, you too can experience the thrills and chills of not knowing whether you get medication this month:
- Move to a new city!
- Wait 4 months for your benefits to kick in, and get the privilege of paying a tenth of your paycheck after taxes for the company health insurance plan!
- Hope your med refills won't run out, because your doctor from your hometown 3 hours away won't prescribe refills unless you see him in person, for some reason!
- Go through a list of doctors from the company's insurance that they decide they'll cover... Partially, of course. What, you didn't think the people you're paying to cover your health expenses would cover all of them, did you? Better hope that they cover a doctor that doesn't tell you to go outside instead of prescribing antidepressants!
- Call the local hospital and ask for an appointment. The closest one is two weeks out, but you should be able to make it that long if you underdose your medication. You'll feel like shit, but at least it'll stave off SSRI withdrawal.
- The insurance info your employer gave you wasn't enough for the hospital to confirm you have it. You can't book the appointment.
- Go to HR the next day. They email you more info. Call the hospital again, give them every bit of info from your insurance, and it still won't show up in their system. The insurance company must have not updated their records. The hospital says they'll call you back tomorrow after they contact the insurance company. You smile and say it's no problem. you have twenty-one days of medication left.
- you have twenty days of medication left.
- You get a call back from the hospital. They say the appointment you were booked for before is taken now. The closest appointment is 27 days away. You check that the doctor it's with is covered by your insurance and take it. you have nineteen days of medication left.
- you have eighteen days of medication left. You don't need to take your meds on the weekend, right? You can tough it out. You got good at fighting off the suicidal thoughts when you were a teenager. You hope you've still got it.
- you have seventeen days of medication left. you've felt more tired since you started underdosing. you feel awake. you just can't bring yourself to do anything. why bother.
- you have seventeen days of medication left. it's the weekend. no meds today. you lay in bed and try to ignore the nausea and aches. nothing got done today. you wonder if anything will ever get done in your life. you wonder what the point is if you'll never get anything done.
- you have seventeen days of medication left. still the weekend. no meds. you eat to try and give some feeling to your stomach besides nausea. you keep eating. it's free serotonin, as long as you don't mind the fact that it's making you fatter and uglier with every bite. you mind. you play video games until 1 in the morning to try and distract yourself. you have to get up at 7 tomorrow.
- it's monday. you're tired, but at least you got to take your meds that day. your boss asks if you've been doing okay. you force a smile and say you're fine. you're pretty sure he doesn't care about you anyway, just like everyone else. you have sixteen days of medication left.
- you wonder if the doctor will believe you have adhd. you hope he does. you have a diagnosis, but it wouldn't be the first time someone has denied you treatment because you look "too normal." you have fifteen days of medication left.
- you forgot to turn off the lights when you left the house today. your roommate asked you politely to remember to turn them off to keep the electric bill down. you're positive he hates you. you have fourteen days of medication left.
- you have thirteen days of medication left.
- you have twelve days of medication left
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tojikai · 2 years
Hey kai
How are you?????
Hope ur doing good
Me currently I'm depressed
As I've told u b4 the exam that I'll be giving on 17th of this month is a really big exam, it'll determine my future, but this year the system was soooo unjust. Usually for exam we get proper 12 months bcs in this exam 11th and 12th grade physics chem and biology come combined and the question paper has a total of 200 questions out of which we have to answer 180 to score full marks (720) in 3 hrs.
U see bcs of corona, unlike other countries, our schooling went downhill
And me being so unlucky, i was in the unluckiest school batches of all, the batch of 2021😭
12th finals got canceled, schooling was also not done properly (and in our country 10th, 12th and then entrance exams literally decide our career)
So, for this entrance exam, most people of my batch from the whole country took a drop (we also gave the entrance exam the same year we 'passed' 12th but since we lacked even the basic knowledge bcs srsly no classes were taken properly during online school, it went really bad)
Now there is, or should i say WAS, an age limit of 25 for general catagory (like its complicated here, there's general catagory which get no benefit and then like sc and st and ews which are protected tribes and castes who dont even have taxes to pay and are literally immune to everything, plus their cutoff for exam is also low AND THEY ALSO HAVE 80% RESERVED SEATS IN ALL COLLEGES....I'm general🥲)
But this year even that was removed(age limit)....so now anyone can give exam...and lets say there are only 10000 seats for us(generals, which btw the others can also get, the 10k seats are just unreserved seats but since their cuttoff is low they can get the seat there....lol) in this exam right? There are 180000+ candidates this year...🥲
U see how unlucky I am?
Now the exam due to corona last year had late counseling rounds which lasted up to april of this year (it decides which college we get) and we gave exam on september, which was also bcs of corona hence late exam
Then....this month we have our exam which barely gave us 9 months to prepare all over again.....we begged the exam conducting body to postpone...they didn't....and if u see the situation the country is in rn (like there are literal floods, landslides and everything going on rn in 24/29 states here) they still wont postpone.....
Idk if u read this
In short I'm very depressed
Students even filed a case in HC but they just ridiculed us and the case was dismissed within 1hr........
Btw i love ur stories 🥲🙂💕
Stay safe and hydrated 👋
I'll be back reading ur stuff after julys over i gues.....bcs I'll be sulking in my room till the 30th....
hiii, im doing good thank you so much !! but hey, im sorry about that situation. like.. that's unfair for the learners. every aspect of it; the quality of education, the allocation of slots and the time to prepare is a bit unfair to you guys. i mean with the way the education system is going right now, the students made a lot of adjustments for the new methods of the government and different educational institutions, i think it's only fair for them to adjust these factors related to the exams too. that's really sad, cause students are always on the receiving end of the problems, may it be about an issue with the allotted time to review or the slots to be given, students always get the shorter end of the stick bc those in position refuse to adjust :(( im not really familiar with how your education system works but i get why you feel so down. things concerning our future can cause great stress bc it feels like everything depends on it and it probably does, but it's gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine, nonnie !! i hope you feel better soon and i wish you luck on everything !! <33
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snazum · 2 days
debating checking myself into a hospital at this rate, i'm not really a danger to people ig but like i could be on the edge, probably. idk. i've been like this for more than a decade now. like realistically i know i'll be fine but it's tiring as hell.
like ive got the thoughts but not the actions cause i dont see the point in trying? ya know. idk.
but also i could just, not check myself in and I'll feel fine in like 3 hrs probably. and then we'll wait another 4 months until my next terrible breakdown, and do nothing about it except spew on the internet for a couple hours and cry and then take a nap or whatever and be fine again. maybe when im like 30 i'll actually kill myself. then it'll be a problem. for now it's whatever can i even do anyways. killing urself is painful, i'd rather it not be that. so what if i don't really care and im sort of passively suicidal but only for like a day or smth. idk.
honestly my lifes purpose has multiple paths. A) Be a statistic (Transgender suicide, just suicide in general, one of the people who fell thru the mental health system gaps) B) On standby to help other people (Have no aspirations once so ever) C) Be a horrible person D) live on the streets high out of my mind always which sort of ties into C if I wasn't living on the streets n just decided to be high always in the comfort of my parents place and then they have to deal with me which makes me a horrible person as they slowly run out of sanity and money.
like. nothing is able to saciate me and make me happy. I can't live up to any of my aspirations or goals cause at one point or another it'll either fail or make me supremely depressed. so ig to fix my depression is to be fine with just living a normal life where i work a 9-5 and do nothing unless someone asks for my help. and luckily i've have a lot of art experiences no one else has or abilities or whatever so i can help but I'm never fucking doing anything for myself again i lie cause I can't fucking help but do everything for myself. THIS IS MY PROBLEM. I have no ________________. fill in the blank. cause i don't even know anymore. everything about me contradicts and i barely see a point to anything. i don't even think i was my own person growing up either so who fucking cares idk why i try. at least if i die then my dad would get my insurance money and he'd have more money after loosing his job and idc about whatever name they remember me by cause i'll be dead who fuckign cares i wish i wasn't me. some other better kid should of had my place in the world cause everythign was surved to me on a fucking silver platters.
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y'know i watch a lot of dave ramsey on my fb feed, ever since my parent sent me the video where a young couple had $750,000 worth of student loan and other debt. but like. although most of their advice is relatively okay/good for saving up and getting out of debt, the one piece of advice i take issue with today, mostly bc i feel like being pissed about something is "just get any job before you get THE job! you need work and money TODAY and also a side hustle if you have free time to watch netflix between 3 other jobs!"
like. i have been TRYING to just get ANY job for a year now, ever since i left my shitty and toxic asf traineeship/cadetship..... that made me so fucking anxious and stressed that i crashed my car so bad that i bashed in my back windscreen, my boot/trunk and knocked off my back wheels and exhaust pipe (and i also destroyed their multilevel parking.... and i refused to follow up on their building insurance to fix. ALSO my car is actually fine. my insurance fixed it lmao. it took like 3 whole months).
i've been trying for the past year ever since my shitty overly critical, controlling and micromanaging boss completely ruined my chance of a good stable job where i got BUMPED UP from trainee to a full admin assistant during the interview process..... all because i REFUSED to listen SPECIFICALLY to her and hr to be a disability/community support worker bc "tHeY'rE sOoOoOo DeSpErAtE fOr WoRkErS wHy DoN't YoU cArE!!!!????" and "SHE HAS THE WRONG PERSONALITY FOR ADMIN!!!!!" et al.... that she called me to demand to know EXACTLY what jobs i was applying for directly after she gave that bullshit reference report so she could guilt me to "use your (my) giving heart." *enter every tag rant i've made about this sitch on this hellsite here*
where people, performance and culture told me to get assessed and medicated for anxiety and depression. where one of the course coordinator ladies of the cert IV in housing course i did as part of this program told me to "hurry up and get assessed and medicated for ADHD bc it's ruining your KPIs and business performance!" bc i went too fast through my assessments for her to help me..... and "YoU'rE NoT fIgHtInG fOr YoUr CaReEr HaRd EnOuGH!!!!" whenever i got told both by my manager and my mentor that any chance for me to move up or do anything for my assessments was "not relevant to you" (even in TEAM MEETINGS!) and "just accept it's not in YOUR journey with us!!!". and finally where another coworker kept asking me if i had some undiagnosed disability that i hadnt told them about.... on the way to one of the very seldom inspections that i was SUPPOSED to be doing by myself, by the end of the program. but they continually barred me from doing. how the fuck was i meant to stay here and do anything successfully and healthily in this toxic ass workplace???
i've tried for a fucking year to get "just any job". be it from kmart to fucking heavy labouring shift work at the local steelworks.... bc i am fucking desperate.... to even a support worker in the last couple of months. that i didnt have good ref reports for (and quite understandably so this time bc this job is basically like rudimentary nursing which i've NEVER been interested in). but again i was desperate. and i wanted to test shit boss's/shit HR's hypothesis that it was "an instant job! it'll be so easy for you! bc you're so nice, and giving, and down to earth, and friendly!!! all it is, is making friends all day with your interests!! what the perfect job for you!!' ma'am i am NOT 18 like your son that you keep referencing whenever we talk about this. i am 27/28 (at the time). why the fuck are you SO condescending, belittling and supercilious?
i have been trying for a fucking year to get any fucking job possible.... when it's literally impossible.... when even rudimentary/entry level jobs like working at kmart or woolies or even as a door greeter/customer service person at a local bank; come with test after test after test after test...... that give you results like "you have big dreams and we can't help you achieve them!" or "you have NO emotional regulation and intelligence, and resilience skills whatsoever. why did you even apply to work for social services?! goodbye." or "you don't know what INNOVATION means bc you're too scared to try or come up with new ways to do things." shitbot.AI for social services. you're a government agency. you're the LEAST innovative fucking business in the ENTIRE country.... for personality readings. batshit insane multi-tasking tests like this one:
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i NEVER pass these tests, whether they're the standard personality test or the psychometric tests like the one pictured, or the system thinking ones... fictional staff IM chat ones; etc etc etc. FOR A FUCKING SEWING/ARTS/HABERDASHERY SHOP. the list goes on and on. where you only have 30 seconds to get every little bit of it right in 20 questions. i failed that screenshot test big time for the local bank. bc i can't math and i felt way too rushed.
there's so many job descriptions you have to dodge bc they don't list salary properly (eg monthly figures i've seen for writing jobs or one for working for influencers i saw last week) OR even AT ALL..... instead sometimes they just "profile salary match" bc they don't want to pay jack fucking shit. overly presumptuous and fucking patronizing as all fuck small business owners who are SO FUCKING sanctimonious about the supposed importance of working in a FAMILY OWNED small business as opposed to a MuLtInAtIoNaL where apparently "you can just go home and forget about work! not HERE!" that's such a massive red flag. since they think that, from the outset, they have the RIGHT to treat APPLICANTS like they have shit-for-brains for 85k a year...... and begging for this specific attribute in the JD from applicants:
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that hey. maybe it's not fucking worth applying for that and losing my sanity over ANOTHER god-awful boss and a 2hr commute to work (ie it was in southwestern sydney which is a 2hr commute for me where i live). also, as a caveat. who the fuck has had stable employment since 2020???? since the worldwide fucking pandemic??? where so many industries have laid off droves and droves of employeess??? and it's still happening?? like ok given this was as a HR admin support position and i assume a lot of HR people had career stability during the last 4 years. but also. what the ACTUAL fuck.
i am TRYING to get any fucking job possible. but it's hard to take some jobs seriously. these are the attributes of some influencer advertising/marketing firm and one of their "KPI's/company values was "honor" and was like "honor the vibes and the company" or whatever the fuck i found on indeed last week:
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it's also hard to take some admin jobs seriously. for example, a local wealth management firm DOESN'T list the salary of a customer service/admin/whatever the fuck else they called it "rockstar/superstar"position..... that DEMANDS the desired candidate does the job of the equivalent of 6 other people in their branch whilst ALSO doing the admin work of their two other regional offices. what the fuck is the pay for this position??? why won't you list it??? is just THAT GOOD AND HIGH???? or just THAT LOW AND AWFUL???? fucking list it, you dumb cowardly bastards.
again, i've been trying to get any job for the past fucking year, that i've finally started to slightly dumb down my resume by finally deleting my advanced diploma of marketing. it's a daily fucking struggle to not go feral and start bitch-posting on my linkedin about how fucked up the job market is. but obvs i can't do that when have Shit HR and other people from my first job lurking on my LI feed. or start a tiktok parodying the goddamned motherfucking mindfuck tactics of the useless fucking job market before throwing my 12 year old laptop out the fucking window. "just get any job" is NOT possible anymore when that "just any job" in retail or call centres (although rip me for leaving after barely a month bc a shitty call centre i worked for in feb/march this year REFUSED to fix a backend issue on THEIR END but kept blaming it on me and it ruined my training period).... are just so mind fucky and tiring that it's straight up NOT even worth applying.
it's straight up not worth applying to a job that some local social service org sends you directly on seek (or maybe another job site) bc they think you fit the profile for a traineeship in business admin. only then, when you apply you're marked "unlikely to progress" bc you decided to list your desired salary at the higher end (apparently) of the trainee pay grade in australia (50k) bc you believe you shouldn't be expected to stay at 45k for TWO MORE FULL YEARS during that traineeship (with a vain hope that hopefully, HOPEFULLY, they'll keep you on at the end of it)... bc you NEED to start paying off your student loans automatically through your pay. BUT. oh no. that was too high of an ask for your quals/experience apparently. they WANTED you to low ball at 45k (or even lower) and be happy about it. so they reject you. when THEY sent YOU the job.
it's not worth trying to get "just any job", when famously even food chains in the US, like i think it's panera bread (and also walmart) are using 2 hour avatar-esque personality tests to screen ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE out of the pool except for like 2 people. every second job i get suggested on linkedin is just applicant pooling websites (or straight up scams where the pay is ONLY listed in US $$) where businesses just straight up ignore your applications bc they forgot they even made an account on it (imo) so you HAVE to make an account on THEIR actual site..... when some dumb-ass career-advice-fluencer on my fb feed (and the tik of the tok) tells you that's exactly how you get your application ignored, while flogging THEIR applicant pooling and job searching/resume writing AI advice software website.
"just any job before you get THE job", my fucking ass. this no longer fucking possible. and also cut the shit about overworking yourself to death with 10,000 different side hustles. bc that's exactly how i i nearly fucking died in 2020 at 20 fucking 5 in hospital with a stomach tumour..... after TOO MANY years of uni where the supposed importance of "innovative systematic entrepreneurial flair go-getter thinking of the future" was being espoused to me on the fucking daily. like dgmw, i know people are doing side hustles in these fucked up high cost of living times (and also im actively thinking about doing door dash since NO ONE is bothering to hire me)... but god the "if you have time to have down time with netflix why arent you filling your time with 15 side hustles to get your net worth to 1 million bucks??????" is fucked up. let people NOT work themselves to death outside of the mandatory 2 full time and 1 part time or casual or any other mix of jobs that people just need to fucking SURVIVE today.
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$$$$$ $
Progress since last week...
1. Practice storytelling
I'm off work this week so all of these updates will be a little wonky. Haven't done enough about talking more slowly, ought to start a more deliberate plan when I'm back to work on Mar 25. Did tell my niece about the poetry idea because she says she talks to fast and mumbles too.
Being up in my hometown this week, I think about the stories I tell myself. I went for a 5K run in my old neighborhood, looked around at the boring late '70s suburban architecture, up at the grey skies, watched the snow flurries fall, thought about the stories I told myself when I lived here, about how I am rewriting them. Maybe more on that when I write my weekly running post.
Need to think of more deliberate presentation wins at work, but I'm confident they'll come. I'm having an offsite team builder with my local team on Mar 28. I ought to use some of that time in service of this goal.
2. Expand network
Not a lot to do here while I'm off. Still have that meeting for Mar 27, still have the other 3 contacts to reach out to, so I'm doing fine on this goal for now.
Meeting 2 high school friends for a drink tonight, so I'm sort of keeping my Thursday streak alive, so that's cool. Though I'm still off alcohol until Memorial Day, so let's see how I handle sticking to club soda with lime.
3. Increase marketability
Falling slightly behind my study schedule this week, but I think I'm OK. The fact that I've taken about 1.5-2 hrs at all to study up here at my mom's is an accomplishment. Some of the material is pretty dry, some won't ever be super relevant to what I do, but I got to be honest, this is likely a certification I should have done long ago. I think, for the most part, it'll be fairly helpful for the next decade of my career.
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whorecunture · 1 year
tw: suicide
nothing really matters at all i just found out i probably wont be graduating on time and it's over 3 elective credits that don't have anything to do with my degree and it's coinciding w a lot of other shit right now. like realizing i mightve just had ADHD and that's why i felt so different and weird all the time as a kid even when i tried really hard to control it and be likeable
and w this its just like. five fucking years of getting straight As, i could count the amount of Bs ive gotten on one hand but like literally none of that matters. every time i rushed to class, every late night trying my best to make sense of material, putting my heart into the work i was doing bc i really believed like it mattered and was powerful but the truth is that it doesn't matter
school is the only thing ive been able to understand and do well in. and it doesn't even matter if i move onto something else bc that next thing isnt steady either and it's like for what? five years of that, im broke, im lonely, im sad and i go through life so scared and stressed and for what?
my parents. my mom already said if i died she'd get over it and i think suicide would hurt my dad but i think he'd be okay too. i am really scared at what irl do to my little brother. we dont talk as much as id like, he's very quiet and a really great kid, but he's like 5 hrs away and doesnt see me often so im hoping that helps
im so selfish bc even the good friends i have as much as i love them, ik they'll be fine - things keep going, you meet new ppl, u find other reasons to smile. im just too tired to find it. and i don't think it'll make me happy. anther best friend won't suddenly make me happy, a partner that loves me won't make me happy, nothing will bc ive noticed all my life even when i was a kid, i always felt very sad. i think now it might've been that ADHD i just could never get what i was doing wrong and why ppl disliked it so much. and i think that left me w the fear i live w today that makes everything so hard.
it's not that i dont believe life comes in waves, that every new day is an another opportunity to be kind, to be happy, that mourning will only last for a night, it's just that i don't care anymore. even those good times, they're just a quick, minuscule moment where things are too busy for me to remember how heavy and jarring the sadness in me is.
i sometimes think that the adults who told me i was mature were just seeing that sadness.
To kill myself, I'm deciding between either taking Nyquil or renewing my prescription for my sleeping pills and swallowing it down w alcohol. I think I would want to clean my house down first. The real scandalous things i'd pack up in a bag at my doorway so a friend could take them before my parents come for my things (i leave everything to my family to sift through but Amari gets first pick at everything and dibs on what money i have left). then id pick a night, get high, watch something easy and funny, maybe spongebob or drag race, then id swallow everything while lying on my couch.
literally nothing in life matters. it doesn't matter how many times i recreate myself, it doesn't matter which god i do/dont pledge my allegiance to, it doesn't even matter how others feel about me. whatever they feel now will pass and even the parts of me that stay with them, they'll be able to live with despite everything.
nothing matters and im too tired to pretend it does so i can make it to another day.
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room4creation · 6 years
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saint-ambrosef · 3 years
Compilation of actual budget-friendly tips for conventional weddings
This is something I had to figure out on my own from so much research and i want to save others some time, if possible. I've read so many articles and blogposts about inexpensive wedding hacks that are frustratingly unhelpful because their low-cost suggestions are still too pricey. Or, you want a more traditional wedding but their tips rely on unconventional options ("have a backpack ceremony in a rural state park!").
So here's some tips from a future bride who understands that not everyone considers a 12k wedding "cheap":
VENUES: Probably one of your largest expenses. Non-profit community halls are your best bet for an inexpensive space.
VFW, American Legion, Knights of Columbus, and other groups often have event spaces available for rent for like $150-200/hr. Local recreation or community centers often have event spaces, too.
Also consider church social halls! Even if you are not a member of that particular church, a lot of them are willing to rent out their event spaces to outsiders.
These are all perfect if you really just need a big furnished indoor space without frills. They're a blank canvas.
"Unconventional" spaces like museums, arboretums, and such are only relatively cheaper than dedicated wedding locations (hotels, country clubs, etc). You're typically still see 3-5k price tags, and often they require specific "approved" catering services or additional in-house food minimums (another 2-6k).
FOOD: How much food you serve and how you serve it is gonna affect total cost a lot.
Consider a cake and punch wedding reception. These work best for early afternoon weddings, so that the reception doesn't fall during a major meal time.
You can also have a permanent appetizer/hors d'oeuvres station for an early evening ceremony, so that guests can munch aplenty and then go for a later 7 or 8 o'clock dinner after. The food can be really simple-- cubed cheese and fruit, crackers, some miniature sandwiches. The general rule is the less servers and dishes needed, the cheaper it'll be. Appetizer/cake receptions don't need either besides initial set-up.
Self-serve buffet is the next step up, but I'd avoid this because letting people take as much food as they want can get 😬. What you save in labor, you make up for in the necessary extra food.
For cheap labor, tap into your local high school or hospitality college. Especially if you just need a few extra people on hand to serve the buffet, buss tables, and clean up.
Stick with one, maybe two entree options. I know people like to have choices, but it gets pricey because you have to over-compensate. Try customizable meals like tacos!
Ethnic food as a general rule is the most inexpensive catering. Which is great if you just want something tasty and homey rather than fancy. We're going with a local Polish caterer.
Potluck receptions are NOT a good idea, unless your community is already into that and most of your guests are in-town. Otherwise you'll end up with not enough food.
Liquor is damn expensive. And also, in most states you need a certified bartender to serve it (more service = cha-ching!). If you're really set on having a specific drink/cocktail, that's fine, just understand it's gonna be more than just the bottle cost.
A lot of guides insist you need an extensive wine selection (dry white, dry red, sweet white, rose, sparkling, etc) and multiple types of beer. I'm here to tell you that's B.S., a few is all you need. Pick what goes best with your food. Maybe a light white and dry red, with one wheat and one stout beer.
You don't need bar service! We're just putting a couple bottles of wine on each table and a chest of beer on the side. In our state, we don't need a special server for free beer/wine at events.
Most of the inexpensive venues suggested allow you to bring in all your own alcohol and that will save you a LOT. And since you only have a few choices, you can bulk order it for a discount.
Kegs sound cool but they're not always cost-effective. They're really heavy, need a tap to serve, hard to keep cold, and reduce options because you can only have one or two. Also, once opened, it only lasts a few weeks and that's really wasteful if your guests don't drink it all. The monetary savings are kinda negligible unless you're having a HUGE reception.
A single bouquet from a florist will run you $75-200. DIYing flowers can be a pain in the ass, but it'll save you so much money. Make it fun by involving the bridal party! Bulk order two or three different in-season flowers from places like Sam's Club or Costco, and spend an afternoon two days before the wedding making arrangements. My mom and I made ten centerpieces/bouquets for my sister's wedding this way for about $150-200.
Corsages/boutonnieres are expensive because they have to be made/delivered last minute since there's no water source.
Wedding dresses cost a fortune. Your in-person choices are basically designer dresses ($1k-3k typically, even second-hand) or David's Bridal. An option is to get a heavily discounted dress from either source and have it altered to fit your vision-- but be careful, major altering can get just as expensive as buying a new full-price dress. I got mine from an online store called Azazie, as they have a at-home try-on program (they send you a sample to try out for a week) and a very affordable selection for good quality ($200-400).
Guest numbers reeeeeally affect your price more than anything. 200 people need a lot more food, space, alcohol, tables + flowers, invitations, etc. than 60. Ask yourself if each potential guest is actually worth $70 to you-- that's probably how much they cost.
Skip the favors. Half of them get left behind and nobody really cares.
If you don't want the hassle of DIYing invites, Zazzle has a selection of "budget" invitations for like 60cents each (compared to like $2ea).
You know those kinda fancy, disposable cloth towels that fancy-pants bathrooms have? They make great napkins. $20/pack.
Easy signs: thrift store glass picture frames, write on them with water-based paint pens. Or print out something inside it. Or cut cardboard to the right side, cover with chalkboard paint, place in frame.
Instead of buying/renting flower vases, buy a set of tall drinking glasses from IKEA, and keep them afterward. You can do the same for votive candles with shorter glasses.
Grocery store bakeries make cheap cakes. Order a small round one to be your "slicing" cake, and a sheet cake for the guests.
Please feel free to add your own tips for a budget wedding. I just think it's ridiculous how normalized 20k-40k weddings have become, to the point where everyone inside and outside the industry just expects you to throw of oodles of cash at it.
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starlightaxolotl · 2 years
2021 Writers Wrapped
it’s the end of 2021, and i’m going through my writing throughout this year and picking a favorite sentence/section from each month!
The original challenge: for every month you wrote, pick a sentence/section and share!  This applies to both published works and wips!
The alternate challenge: pick a sentence/section from your most popular fic, your personal favorite fic that you wrote, and the fic that gave you the most trouble!
Hhhhhhh doing the alternate challenge because I have no idea when I wrote anything at this point I blinked and it's December okay, last week was July. This shit got long so it's under a cut.
Thank you @fabrowrites for the tag. I'm going to tag uhhhhh anyone who wants in, first of all, bc I love reading what other people write, @ninja-go-to-therapy and @peachyyskyy if you two want to :3
Most Popular Fic: With Friends Like This-Lego Ninjago
Brad caught the fake smile. "My mom isn't able to make it this year, but she's sending the supplies we asked for, so we can cause some havoc while she's gone!" He turned to Gene. "What about your folks?"
"Both out of Ninjago for work. They doubt the job will be done by the time Parent's week is here. They're sending a ton of candy to make up for it though." He smiled at Lloyd. "Looks like it'll be the three of us together, huh?"
Lloyd blinked, looking at his friends. Neither of their parents could make it? But...Lloyd had met their parents. They seemed so supportive and perfect, how would they miss something like this?
But...it also meant that for once, Lloyd wouldn't be the only kid without parents visiting. He smiled. "Sounds like we're gonna have a blast!"
Personal Favorite Fic: Swiss Cheese Memory has such a fun concept to play with have this little preview of events to come
He blinked twice at the uninvited guest in his room. The silence was grating on his nerves as they stared at one another.
“Huh…I didn’t think that would work.
No, him talking was decidedly more annoying. “What do you want?”
“I need some help. You like breaking things, right? How about a nice old-fashioned breakout?”
Problem Child (affectionate): Tidal Wave-Ninjago (because one next gen fic wasn't enough I needed an alternate timeline)
“Hi Zane, got your text.” Jay tried to play it off like it wasn’t making him a nervous wreck to see those words. “What’s up buddy?”
“I’ve called to ask if you are alright, Jay. Mr. Borg said you’ve been absent from work due to, and I quote, an emergency, additionally you’ve been tagged in twelve separate posts on chirp by people saying they’ve seen you at the hospital. You can see how this would lead me to worry.”
Jay had completely forgotten to tell the team about what was happening. It was still a lot to process. He’d asked HR to keep the reason behind his absence quiet, and that he’d let people know as necessary, that he just needed time to understand all of this first.
“Oh.” Was all Jay could muster. “I’m fine Zane, I promise, physically healthy as a horse.”
“Is your father unwell?” Zane’s voice was kind, and Jay swallowed at the thought. His dad hadn’t been too great since his mom passed away a year ago. Jay shook his head, remembering Zane couldn’t see.
“Dad’s fine, really, everyone is fine. It’s...complicated."
Honorable Mentions:
This opening I ditched for the origins in FT,NA
It’s easy to pretend that peace will last forever. We get so content in the motions of everyday life that even simple challenges and changes feel like a fatal wound. We have grown soft in this peace. We lower our guards because we feel that nothing bad will happen. We grow foolish, we lose our vigilance until it is too late. By the time we see our mistakes, the greatest losses have occurred.
There will be time to grieve, but not until every other emotion and every effort to fix the mistake have failed. Not until everything you have built has crumbled around you. Not until your world has sufficiently shattered in front of your eyes. Your peace was never permanent.
And yet you still hope as time goes on that the peace you knew will return.
You hope that this will pass.
You hope that this is the right thing.
You hope for some kind of closure.
You hope to be found.
Yes, that is where we differ, isn’t it? You hope, whereas I know.
This little delightful thing
“I recommend you behave if you want to live to see the end of the day.” He didn’t think the word ‘behave’ needed to be explained, it was such a simple word and any organism with half of a brain should have been able to figure out what that might entail.
Just proud of the wording on this snippet, it was also very fun to write.
There were two things in the world that Pigsy prioritized over everything else: his restaurant and his family. The two were intrinsically linked after all. Pigsy’s love for cooking stemmed from the lessons his grandmother had given him from a young age. His grandmother had been the one championing for him to open his own restaurant almost a decade ago. She had made sure his whole family showed up to be his first paying customers when the shop opened nine years ago. Of course, he had refused to let them pay for their meals which led to them insisting to buy the meals of the next people who came into his restaurant, and then it just kept continuing that day.
The restaurant was what led to him meeting Tang, the royal pain in his ass that he was at first that quickly wormed his way into Pigsy’s heart. There were times Pigsy would joke that Tang only married him for the ‘free noodles’ which the other never outright denied…he simply claimed that was one of the many perks.
Have one last snippet for the road.
“You’re safe,” Red’s voice was sleepy, and he pulled MK back down into the pile of blankets and pillows, strong arms wrapping around him. “It’s disgustingly early in the morning. We’re in our apartment. You’re safe.”
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neptuneofthesky · 3 years
YESS ZOMBIE TOMORROW ily omg. i bet it'll be good either way >:]]
also i'm sick :[ hru though?
ily too<33
aww ur sick? thats bad :( take care of yourself, you'll get well soon!!
im fine, i have this test in 6 hrs and its 3 am here and i am gonna fail it, even tho i studied like my life depended on it, and my parents will probably take away my laptop, but yeah
im fine
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