trofysisters · 9 days
Может, по Тосе и не скажешь, но она обожала своего мужа. (It may not be noticeable, but Tosya adored her husband)
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Илья такой сильный и заботливый: от волка ее защитит, в порядок ей одежду приведет, чтобы не стыдно было перед соседями показаться. Пусть все знают, что Тосе самый лучший муж достался! (Ilya is so strong and caring: he will protect her from the wolf, he will put her clothes in order so that she won’t be ashamed to appear in front of her neighbors. Let everyone know that Tosya got the best husband!)
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А когда в закусочной, где Илья работал старшим менеджером, сломалась печка по производству котлет, он не растерялся и приготовил великолепнейшие вегетарианские гамбургеры. Тося в нем и не сомневалась: у ее Ильи кулинария на высшем уровне и обаять способен даже самых прихотливых клиентов. (And when in the diner where Ilya worked as a senior manager, the oven for producing cutlets broke down, he did not lose his head and prepared the most excellent vegetarian hamburgers. Tosya had no doubt about him: Ilya’s cooking is at the highest level and he is capable of charming even the most demanding clients)
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Конечно же, Тося постоянно сравнивала своего мужа с мужем дочери не в пользу последнего. Пусть Виктор поучится готовить, а то еда у него обычная получается, без изысков. Виктор с тещей не спорил, сам собирался навык повышать, чтобы быстрее вершины карьеры достичь. (Of course, Tosya constantly compared her husband with her daughter’s husband, not in favor of the latter. Let Victor learn to cook, otherwise his food is ordinary, without any specialties. Victor didn’t argue with his mother-in-law; he himself was going to improve his skills in order to reach the top of his career faster)
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А у Илоны начали бушевать гормоны: и от мужа своего хочет ласку получить, и от бывшего однокурсника, с которым когда-то роман крутила. (And Ilona’s hormones began to rage: she wants to receive affection from her husband, and from a former classmate with whom she once had an affair)
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Но вскоре у нее скрутило живот. Пошла она к туалету, да там и родила. Малыша назвали Иваном. (But soon her stomach began to twist. She went to the toilet and gave birth there. The baby was named Ivan)
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Новоиспеченный отец от сына отходить не желал. Кормил его, спать укладывал. (The new father did not want to leave his son. He fed him and put him to bed)
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Только и остальных домочадцев кормить нужно было, поэтому Виктор отправлялся в наряд на кухню даже без указания жены-генерала. (The rest of the household also needed to be fed, so Victor went on duty to the kitchen even without the instructions of his wife-general)
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Илона хоть и не любила грязную работу, но не могла всё на мужа переложить. Приходилось ей самой сыну подгузники менять. (Although Ilona did not like dirty work, she could not shift everything to her husband. She had to change her son’s diapers herself)
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Хорошо, что в гости приходил Тимофей. Скучал он по сестре и родителям, а имея хороший опыт заботы о детях, помогал он и с Иваном. (It’s good that Timofey came to visit. He missed his sister and parents, and having good experience in caring for children, he helped by taking care of Ivan)
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Благодаря этому молодые родители могли отдохнуть и посвятить время друг другу. (Thanks to this, young parents could relax and devote time to each other)
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Что касается Тоси, то она была готова поиграть с внуком, но не более. (As for Tosya, she was ready to play with her grandson, but nothing more)
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Она и так сильно уставала, ведь она до сих пор работала, пока некоторые дома сидят в своих декретах. Ездить на работу ей было тяжко, поэтому она периодически опаздывала. Уж ее-то - заслуженного градостроителя, уволить не имеют права. (She was already very tired, because she was still working while some were sitting at home on maternity leave. It was hard for her to go to work, so she was periodically late. As an honored city planner, they have no right to fire her)
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Так всё ладно было в семье, что старая цыганка подкинула им на порог древнюю лампу, пользоваться которой, конечно же, никто не будет. (Everything was so good in the family that the old gypsy woman threw an ancient lamp on their doorstep, which of course no one would use)
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for @tokito-dulya20 !
why choose between drawing yui and ilona or hiroyuki when i have the power to draw ALL of them? 😈
the mentioned (tagged) ones have full authority to save this and do whatever they want with it.
indeed, references were taken inspiration from.
still, please refrain from doing all'at copyright blabla crap to this. thank you!
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whatilike2c2 · 4 months
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stories-by-rie · 3 months
song pic saying tag
Rules: Pick an OC and post a song you relate to them, an image that represents them in some way (aesthetic, picrew, art, etc), and a quote of dialogue or narration from them. Totally feel free to expand and explain!
@somealienquill tagged me for this, thank you so much! i'm doing this for Ilona from the five senses, the submarine wip.
did i only find this acoustic version just now when i looked for the song? yes. it sounds a bit more fragile, just like ilona's right to exist lol
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i also got really gorgeous art for her over here actually
"The fact that it was an accident does not absolve me of my guilt."
tagging (only if you want to!!): @byjillianmaria @cilly-the-writer @soul-write @cwritesfiction and @pheita and whoever wants to do this!!
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lilysplacce · 6 months
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larz-barz · 4 months
A helping hand
Warning(s)/info: Milo Kocho au and blood
Milo ran around the butterfly mansion frantically, healing various demon slayers.
Lately there have been a lot more injured slayers coming in and it’s taking a toll on Milo.
~A few hours earlier~
Shinobu approached the young yokai with a soft, worried smile. “Milo, please let me or Aoi know if you’re getting tired or weak.”
Milo nodded with a gentle smile. “I will, thank you Shinobu san.”
“Of course, I’ll be in my office if you or Aoi need me.” She stated and gently pat Milo’s shoulder then the younger girl nodded and proceeded to go do chores as she’d wait for anyone to come.
Ilona stumbled into the butterfly mansion and Milo is immediately alerted by the sound of a yelp from the Frost Hashira.
Milo rushed over to Ilona and helped her to a bed then got to work on healing her.
Ilona groaned softly as Milo’s eyes began to glow as she healed the hashira.
“Milo.. don’t worry about me, focus on the others..” Ilona said in a soft and tired voice.
“I’ll never turn away a hashira, especially not one I consider a friend..” She said softly as she focused her remaining energy on healing Ilona.
Milo passed out right when she finished healing Ilona who quickly caught her before her body could hit the floor.
Ilona gently moved Milo to the bed so she could rest comfortably.
“Rest well Milo..”
~The end~
I hope you like ittt!!🥺💕
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gzeidraws · 1 year
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Gift art of Ilona and Edwin, commissioned by @jordan-d-lxiv for @tamafry!
Do check out the game WolfskinsCurse :D
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xdancesoffcliffs · 6 days
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ask-twintails · 6 months
Please let the kids go out treat or treating!! It'd be cute to see some costumes~
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//Hello old friends and new friends! Hope everyone keeps to enjoy a sweet treat for Halloween!
//Soleil and Illona wearing costumes like Travelers from Journey, which was a huge inspiration when I started this blog forever ago.
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trofysisters · 1 month
Тося, Илона, Виктор
Виктор пытался подружиться с родителями жены, но Тося относилась к нему с настороженностью, подозревая, что за милой внешностью скрывается альфонс. (Victor tried to make friends with his wife’s parents, but Tosya was wary of him, suspecting that behind his sweet appearance was a gigolo)
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А как еще объяснить, что Илона вынуждена заниматься совершенно не женской работой, а Виктор дома сидит?! (How else can you explain that Ilona is forced to do work that is completely unfeminine, while Victor sits at home?!)
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Однако самих молодоженов всё устраивало, а вернувшись со службы, Илона вместе с супругом отправилась отдыхать в город. (However, the newlyweds themselves were happy with everything, and after returning from service, Ilona and her husband went to rest in the city)
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В боулинг-клубе они встретили младшего брата Виктора, Влада, который присоединился к их компании. (At the bowling club they met Victor's younger brother, Vlad, who joined their company)
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Вот только Владу совершенно не нравилась Илона. Он недоумевал, что Виктор мог в ней найти, зачем покинул их семью ради какой-то девчонки. (But Vlad didn’t like Ilona at all. He wondered what Victor could see in her, why he left their family for some girl)
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Однако он был рад провести время с любимым старшим братом, хоть и загрустил, когда пришла пора прощаться. (However, he was glad to spend time with his beloved older brother, although he was sad when it was time to say goodbye)
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На следующее утро Илона встала ни свет ни заря, чтобы ехать на работу, но за завтраком выяснила, что беременна, и сразу же взяла декретный отпуск, чтобы не подвергать будущего малыша испытаниям при полетах на вертолете. (The next morning, Ilona got up before dawn to go to work, but at breakfast she found out that she was pregnant and immediately took maternity leave so as not to subject her unborn baby to the test of helicopter flights)
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Конечно же, прекрасная новость была оглашена будущему отцу, который мечтал об этом с момента свадьбы. (Of course, the great news was announced to the future father, who had been dreaming about this since the wedding)
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Единственное, что тревожило Илону: не станет ли она выглядеть слишком большой из-за живота? (The only thing that worried Ilona: would she look too big because of her belly?)
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Но Виктор любил ее любой и сам готовил, чтобы Илона хорошо питалась, была здоровой и счастливой. (But Victor loved her anyway and cooked for her himself so that Ilona would eat well, be healthy and happy)
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За обедом Илья признался, что теперь ему умирать не страшно, так как его дочь в надежных руках. (Over dinner, Ilya admitted that now he is not afraid to die, since his daughter is in good hands)
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Тося же мечтала совсем не о внуках, а о том, чтобы неприятные ей люди скорее встретились со скунсом. (Tosya dreamed not at all about grandchildren, but about how people she disliked would sooner meet with a skunk)
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Также она рассказывала всем соседям, что ее дочь беременна и ходит вот с таким здоровенным животом. А ведь таинственный телефонный незнакомец советовал Тосе хранить семейные секреты, ведь в районе могут находиться ненадежные люди. (She also told all the neighbors that her daughter was pregnant and walked around with such a huge belly. But the mysterious telephone stranger advised Tosa to keep family secrets, because there may be unreliable people in the area)
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Но молодые ничего не боялись. Вечером Виктор повел любимую в парк насладиться последними днями лета. (But the young people were not afraid of anything. In the evening, Victor took his beloved to the park to enjoy the last days of summer)
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Атмосфера была такой романтической, что Илона предложила провести здесь свидание, которое затянулось до глубокой ночи. (The atmosphere was so romantic that Ilona suggested having a date here, which lasted until late at night)
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Вернувшись домой, Виктор захотел найти работу в науке, хотя его заветной мечтой была вершина карьеры в индустрии игр. Может, он решил, что игры - это не серьезно? В научном институте не хватало кадров, поэтому парня с его дипломом с отличием приняли сразу на должность ученого-теоретика. (Returning home, Victor wanted to find a job in science, although his cherished dream was the pinnacle of a career in the games industry. Maybe he decided that games are not serious? The scientific institute did not have enough personnel, so the guy with his diploma with honors was immediately hired as a theoretical scientist)
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Сразу же Виктор решил достичь вершины этой карьеры, но ему предстоит еще многому обучиться, а пока у него выходные дни, можно позаботиться о своих новых родственниках и приготовить им завтрак. (Immediately, Victor decided to reach the top of this career, but he still has a lot to learn, and while he has the weekend, he can take care of his new relatives and cook breakfast for them)
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Отведав омлет, приготовленный зятем, Тося подобрела. Может Виктор и приживется в этой семье. (After tasting the omelet prepared by her son-in-law, Tosya became kinder. Maybe Victor will settle down in this family)
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seasaltcosmos · 1 year
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color-coded oc chibis uvu
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vttz4 · 2 months
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whaleofatjme1920 · 1 year
Obviously you are gonna be getting a couple from me because they are open but we are gonna start off strong here,,
You wanna talk about Ilona, talk about Ilona. Give me some headcanons about, maybe what she would be like with s/o as well. I got you into AW and I want to know your takes obviously.
Dating Ilona
[AN: here we go!]
Reblogs are appreciated!
I think that Ilona is biromantic and demisexual with a HEAVY preference for women. She's like 99% into women, 1% into men.
SO, what's dating that woman like???
Surprisingly I don't think she's all that romantic in the sense of PDA and whatnot. She's not hands off but she isn't smothering you with affection either.
Her affection is very subtle. She'll hold your hand, generally have a hand on you, but she's not going to be making out with you in public.
Ilona is very joking and sarcastic in her relationship!
She has LOTS of nicknames for you in Russian, both joking and sweet.
She will play fight with you (no that's not my own biases peeking through)
LOVES to cook Russian comfort foods for you.
She wants to teach you Russian as well. If you speak any other languages than English, she's going to want to learn from you as well!
She's a space heater! Please cuddle with her! Ilona NEVER gets cold or hot! She's surprisingly great with handling extreme temperatures (though she does NOT like summer).
She enjoys picking you up at random times.
Ilona always has to drive. Always.
She says 'I love you' in her native tongue, never that much in English. She finds it more genuine for herself in Russian.
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ralphbutler · 9 months
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peroxidem3rmaid · 2 years
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Obsessed w these random European bitches, not sure where they're from I think Germany???
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smokethestatic · 2 years
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Ilona from Daughters of Darkness (1971) 💋 🪒 💋 🪒 💋 🪒 💋 🪒 💋
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