#i hate it here why are so many men terrible and hate women like.
girlwithfish · 3 months
i hate seeing the worst stories online i need to get off reddit and twitter
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euniexenoblade · 4 months
Anyways, baeddel is a slur against trans women.
Yes, there once was a weird group of girls who ressurected this long dead word for representing an ideology (I'm not getting into it but it did suck, just not cuz they "hated" men). This group self destructed before ever getting that many people. It was small. A tiny group. Their ideology wasn't popular either.
But, truscum, anti-sjws (conservatives by another name) and hate sites like kf would start to use the term to refer to any trans woman that they decided wasn't "trans enough" or "woman enough" or more importantly, was "too political" (ie talks about transmisogyny, talks about feminism, talks about leftism, etc.). Baeddel became a stand in for "tranny" "faggot," it's the trans woman stand in for the "nasty man hating dyke" sentiment.
Now, a small niche group of trans mascs on Tumblr dot com have created this concept that the baeddels didn't self destruct, apparently they actually are this insanely popular group whose ideology has spread into modern LGBT politics and has "poisoned" everything. This is just a lie. The baeddels group never had enough members to spread that much, the group didn't last long enough, and it was almost entirely located on Tumblr. The people with "baeddel" in their url or bio or whatever these days have no connection to the political group of old, it's a reclaiming of a word used against them, as explained in the third paragraph.
If someone is calling trans women "baeddels" or talking about baeddels in their posts or whatever, they're just calling trans women faggots. It's "gay agenda," but for the transmisogynists. This is a small bit of why I can't take the "transandrophobia is real" crowd seriously. I knew actual baeddels, the ideological ones, they are not the women they're referring to. They are using a slur to refer to trans women they don't like and are trying to hide it behind some dead ideology that most of them don't even know.
Baeddel is meant to be a scary word, it's meant to silence women. Just like, 5 or 6 years ago, claiming a trans woman was a baeddel was enough to effectively get her "canceled," no matter what she said. But, that doesn't work as easily now. And now these trans masc people are getting information from terfs and lesbophobes and violent transmisogynists about how violent trans women are, about how privileged trans women are, about how transmisogyny is actually fake ("we all experience transmisogyny!") and they did this by lacing it with actual trans masc issues. They present an issue trans mascs do actually face, that could use discussion, and then in the very next post talk about the scary baeddels, the mean baeddels, trans women are so terrible. And these people assume this person can't have an ulterior motive, reblog it, file it away in their brain, so when trans women come in and are like "hey no that's bigotry" these trans mascs froth at the mouth to eviscerate her. It's the dreaded baeddel. Here to oppress me.
I'm going off topic but I digress, if you're calling trans women "baeddel," stop it. You don't know what that word means.
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scientia-rex · 17 days
I made that post about how smoking is bad—actually, no, I’ve made two relatively popular posts about how smoking is bad for you. Raises your chances of dying from multiple factors including heart disease and stroke in addition to lung (and mouth, throat, and bladder) cancer.
I am always so baffled by the responses going “well I could die from something else!” Yes. You could. Statistically speaking, you will most likely die of heart disease, stroke, or cancer, if you live in the US. Your average life expectancy is somewhere around 78 for women, 76 for men. Many people die younger than that, for a lot of reasons. Many of my patients have illnesses that will shorten their lives. I hate to split it into “fault,” as if there’s some kind of perfect way to live a blameless life. (There isn’t.) The numbers, however, are both clear and pitiless. People who smoke are more likely to die younger than they otherwise might have.
Medicine is a numbers game. My job is not to psychically predict exactly what will punch your ticket and when. It is to improve your odds. I want you to both live as long a life as possible but also as high-quality a life as possible. I want for you to live a life you enjoy.
It’s that simple; it’s not sinister. I’m not out here going “I’ll tell them not to smoke so they can have LESS FUN before getting hit by a bus at 30!”
Because smoking isn’t actually fun. What it is, is a very quick (and faster = more addictive) reduction in physical feedback systems that heighten anxiety. Withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus is rewarding. (Technically, it’s a negative reward; the negative doesn’t refer to a moral judgment, but the addition or subtraction of a stimulus.) Something that is very rewarding very fast will be very addictive. It’s why crack cocaine is also so addictive—it is also a very fast and very potent reward. It’s also why benzodiazepines like Xanax are so addictive to so many people; it’s a slower peak blood level but the removal of severe anxiety is profoundly rewarding.
So smoking can make you feel better when you do it. But your body will try to fix any broken signals. It doesn’t just want to be able to signal to you when you need to feel stressed: it has to be able to signal you, or your long-ago ancestors would have been eaten by predators. So it ramps up the signaling. Now you’re not smoking because you feel better than baseline; you’re smoking to get back to baseline.
That’s why quitting sucks. When you quit smoking, all of the sudden your body’s signals of stress that got dialed up to 11 to overcome the nicotine are just out there at full blast, making you feel scared and jittery and irritable. It’s why when you quit benzos (or daily alcohol) cold turkey you can get life-threatening seizures. It’s why when you stop alcohol you’re likely to have sleep disruptions that can persist for weeks to months.
That’s why things that help reduce the suckage can help. Nicotine patches, lozenges, or gum. Chantix. Wellbutrin. Slowly stepping down the nicotine level on your vape. Eating more, eating things you like. (I would 1000% rather have a patient be fat than be smoking. I know other people will be shittier to you if you gain weight. Living is worth it.) Being kind to yourself helps you quit smoking. You need to recognize that “quitting smoking you” is not your baseline you. It is you with an invisible illness that will take weeks to months to get over.
And sometimes you can’t face that hump right now. But if you want to maximize your odds of the longest and healthiest possible life, knowing that any number of terrible things can happen to you at any time, making the effort—over and over again, if you need to—is the best shot you have.
There are a couple of conditions where smoking does markedly reduce symptoms. The well-known ones are schizophrenia and Crohn’s disease. If you feel not just better, but better like this is a medication for you, like you poop blood or hear things without it, talk to your primary care provider, because there are other medicines that might be safer and/or more effective for you. The landscape around pharmaceutical research has shifted dramatically over the last 30 years. We have more options than we’ve ever had before. Maybe this doesn’t have to be the expensive, dangerous medication that half-works for you. And if what you’re self-medicating is your anxiety, nicotine is a pretty crappy medication for that, because it doesn’t fix you; it changes your baseline to an even shittier place.
You have bodily autonomy. You can make your own choices. I will never go to a patient’s house and slap the cigarette out of their hand. But if what you want is the longest and healthiest possible life, smoking makes your odds worse.
The number of people who think that I, as a doctor, would be unaware of how profoundly unfair bodily health can be amazes me. It’s like the first Father Brown story, where Father Brown is explaining to the villain that someone whose main job is to hear about all of the terrible sins people have to confess cannot remain naive. My job is watching people age, or filling out their death certificates. One or the other. I prefer watching them age, but everyone will die. Someday my doctor will be filling out my death certificate. I’ve removed one potential contributing factor from that line—maybe I’ll get diabetes, maybe I’ll get cancer, maybe I’ll have a workplace accident, but “smoking” isn’t going to be on that line anymore. That’s the best I can do. I can’t psychically predict my own death, either; just play the numbers, try to do my best, and hope.
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goodnightmemes · 8 months
❛ I'm sorry for your loss, your...your losses, rather. ❜
❛ Nobody gets away with anything. Not really. ❜
❛ Don't lecture me about family values. You're just as shit in that department as I am. ❜
❛ That day was the last day we were all in the same place. Alive. ❜
❛ They will love you because I love you, and the only thing stronger than love is how scared they are of getting cut out of the will. ❜
❛ And most people go their whole, wasted, stupid lives without one minute of true resolution. Not me though. ❜
❛ You know what a resolution is? It's a deal you make with the future. ❜
❛ The people in charge of making us healthy make us sick. We cheat the dying. We fleece the poor. Promote the racist. Let the demons run amok. This world needs changing. ❜
❛ You're supposed to be shadowing me. Shadows don't fucking talk. ❜
❛ This is beneath you. And you're going to kill it. But you're better than all of this. And the minute you figure that out, you're going to be unstoppable. ❜
❛ There's no such thing as a step back. You go forward. If you hit a brick wall, you don't go back, you go through. ❜
❛ Nearly realized is the sweetest. It's better, I promise, in the moment just before than in the moment after. ❜
❛ You are consequence. And tonight, you are consequential. ❜
❛ You are a pretty, pretty little thing. ❜
❛ You wonder why people hate us. This is why. ❜
❛ Everybody knows that edible arrangements are what you send to people you hate. ❜
❛ If you start thinking this is reality, you'll just slip into the abyss. ❜
❛ We can talk about it after because I've had a shit day and I really just wanna starfish and forget the world. ❜
❛ Don't talk to me until I've come at least twice. ❜
❛ I love how deliciously, pointlessly mean you lot can be. ❜
❛ You still didn't need to come here though. It could have happened quiet. Peaceful. In bed. But I guess it's got to happen like this. ❜
❛ It's amazing how far you can get on denial. You know why so many people use denial to get by? Because it really fucking works. ❜
❛ You can't enhance this image? You see it all the time on TV. They hit a button, it enhances it. ❜
❛ I don't even own anything funeral black. ❜
❛ Satin is silk for poor people, no one should wear it to a funeral, unless they died in it. ❜
❛ Nobody knows they're the fall guy until they're falling.❜
❛ Women are the natural leaders of the species. Ancient Egypt had it right. ❜
❛ Okay, just because the door's open doesn't necessarily guarantee you a seat at the table. ❜
❛ You're not who I thought you were. ❜
❛ I really didn't want to think it, but...you're all fucking monsters. ❜
❛ Watching you shit on your principles would have been worth every fucking penny. ❜
❛ The mind of guilt is full of scorpions. And I wouldn't wish their sting on anyone. ❜
❛ Don't have to be smart to be dangerous. I'm not scared of rattlesnakes 'cause they're so smart. ❜
❛ You're so out of touch with your human side...you can't even listen to anything outside your own head. ❜
❛ I haven't seen you sleep in like...I mean, it's been a fucking long time. Like, horror movie long. ❜
❛ Life is insane. It is madness. The sooner you understand that, the better off you'll be. ❜
❛ The world might not be safe but listen to me, and listen carefully. I won't let anything happen to you. ❜
❛ All these terrible things and I thought, that's when people come together. But we've never been further apart. ❜
❛ Tell me it's worth it. Tell me you know the risk and I'll be there with you. I'll back you up. Just tell me. ❜
❛ Shut your mouth, get your shit together. The fuck is wrong with you? ❜
❛ Men, when they think they're immortal, all they want to do is fuck. When they figure out they're going to die, all they want to do is fuck. ❜
❛ It just makes you think, you know, life is so fucking short. ❜
❛ You don't have to be a tyrant, but if you don't want to be consistently cruel, then you have to be sufficiently brutal at least once to establish authority. ❜
❛ I thought it was an act. I figured you just played the housewife so you could keep a roof over your head. Spread your legs or suck his dick twice a week and you're set. You never have to work a day in your life. And I thought, "Good for her, she found her angle," but...this is really you. Isn't it? ❜
❛ Words got us into this, words can get us out. ❜
❛ You're a collection of impeccable, elaborate masks in orbit of a stunted heart. ❜
❛ There are certain things one shouldn't have to face in life. Time enough for self-reflection after. ❜
❛ I don't normally like to get my hands this dirty, but honey, you earned it. ❜
❛ I see you now. I look at you and I see... You. The poverty of you. ❜
❛ The real world is Darwinian. Survival, chaos, power. Leverage. ❜
❛ You feel it. In the air. We're sitting outside of time and space. ❜
❛ This is the moment luck meets opportunity. ❜
❛ In the ancient world, we'd seal this with blood, or spit. And then later, papyrus. But, a deal's a deal all over the world. ❜
❛ We're a... virus, I think. People, I mean. ❜
❛ But everyone loves something. And in that love there's collateral. ❜
❛ I say this with love. Let it go. Let it all go. ❜
❛ So I say, we stand tall and proud. Bill's come due. Let's not hide here in the basement like we've got something to be ashamed of. No. Not us. You and me against the world. ❜
❛ It may not have been perfect, but you can't say we didn't change the world. How many people can say that at the end? ❜
❛ I knew I would climb to the top of the tower on a pile of corpses. ❜
❛ It don't matter in the end why you did any of it. I don't fucking care why you did it. We don't want your confession, or your rationale, or your explanation. ❜
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mage-propaganda · 1 year
So many people miss the point of my original post and I’m tired of it so come clarification:
Yes, some guys suck. Some guys are really horrible people, who do horrible things. This isn’t news to anyone! Though it might be surprising for some to learn that there are women out there who suck, are terrible people, and do terrible things too. Neither of these things are the point!
If you’re dating a man, maybe don’t constantly shit on him for a funny little thing like ~gender~ which he can’t really control. A lot of people will make fun of and hate the old boomer mindset of “I hate my wife” jokes and then will turn around and do the exact same fucking thing to their boyfriends. It’s stupid! It’s annoying! And it’s extremely prevalent in the queer, more specifically bisexual, community (aimed at both bi men and women) to the point it can just be straight up Homophobic at times (why tf you shaming a bi man for having boyfriend instead of a wife??).
“Oh but Bees, I have trauma! I can’t help hating men and looking at the person I want as my boyfriend in utter disgust” then don’t date! Go to therapy, work on yourself! Don’t subject some poor dude to constant vitriol because you refuse to work yourself! I swear to everything good people on this app, and others, will shit on disabled people, and neurodivergent people, for being disabled and needing some extra assistance from their partners sometimes (something they often CANT help)… and then turn around and be like “but actually…my trauma means I can verbally abuse my boyfriend for being a man :/// thanks :///“.
There, now all the sorry-ass-joy-sucking motherfuckers can shut the fuck up!! Here’s clarification!! If you see happy gay couples, or a confident trans man in a healthy relationship, or something and feel the need to add a rant about your failed relationship with a dude (so they can’t be happy either) maybe pick up journaling or something! Get hobbies! Enjoy life! And maybe stop with all your bad takes!!
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pacifymebby · 1 year
may I please request ‘the peaky blinders taking care of you when you’re sick’? <33
woke up sick today and wish one of them would take care of me :,)
thanks in advance <3
As someone who is always sick (and totally pathetic about it too) i love this request. But i dont love that you're sick!! That sucks so hard. I hope you're feeling better soon and i hope this cheers you up a little bit.
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🌿 Is the kind of person who, when he's sick, or when his brothers are sick, he doesn't take it seriously at all, he powers through and expects others to power on through too. After all the men of this country have been through much worse than a sore head and a few sniffles
🌿 When it comes to you however everything is different. He worries too much, he worries much more than is necessary considering you've only really got a cold.
🌿 When you first start complaining that you're not feeling too good he frowns, checks your temperature with the back of his hand and tries not to show you how worried he is.
🌿 "Alright love why don't you stop with that and rest a little while eh? I'll get a bath drawn for you and you can stop worrying about all this..." he'll say it like its a suggestion but really its an instruction. He won't let you lift a finger whilst you're not well.
🌿 He will change his plans so that he can stay home - he will not let you know he's done this! - and then he'll hover around you for the rest of the day, trying to be subtle about his concern.
🌿 Its almost like he's shy about caring for you in this way, he knows you only have a cold but he can't help how much he worries about you, and besides, youre so precious to him, youre like this source of light in his life, one of the only truly good people he knows in the world and the idea that you could be suffering in anyway distresses him
🌿 He'll send for the doctor the moment you start to show signs of a fever. He'll have you on bed rest and he'll give the staff strict instructions not to let you get up for anything.
🌿 He'll spoil you, making sure that your favourite meals are prepared, he'll have them brought to your bed, even if you say you're well enough to eat in the dining room he won't allow it.
🌿 Roaring fires burning at all times. He wants to make sure you're cosy and comfy.
🌿 When you get worse and you really do start to feel terrible, and terribly sorry for yourself as a result, he will sit with you in your bed and hold you for as long as you want. He'll even sing you to sleep if you ask him nicely.
🌿 Will still give you kisses even when you tell him not to. "You'll get sick!" "Don't worry about me angel I'll be fine..." "Little cold isn't gonna stop me kissing my girl, come here..."
🌿 So many forehead/temple kisses.
🌿 Finds it comforting when you fall asleep in his arms because it means he can keep you nice and close where he's able to sense even the slightest change in you. He'll lie back with you asleep in hid arms, your head resting on his chest, and he'll stroke his fingers through your hair, listening to you breathing. Its peaceful and he feels almost relaxed.
🌿 Anything you need he will make sure you get it, he'll dote on you. He might start to feel sick himself if he catches it from you but he will ignore it and he certainly won't let you know. He'll keep it to himself and won't let it get in the way of caring for you.
🌿When you're better and he's still sick he'll get so grumpy and irritable if you try to care for him the way he did you. "Its patronising love, i hate sympathy!"
🍂 He'll tease you about it at first, he won't take you seriously. "Women are so dramatic about these things..." at first you'll laugh along, tease him for being a sexist but then
🍂 When you actually do start to think maybe you really are sick, his dismissals won't be so amusing and you'll not laugh at his jokes anymore. Instead you'll pout and get this wounded look in your eyes and he'll realise he's said the wrong thing...
🍂 "What now? Youre not really feelin sick now are you?" "Why would you care I'm probably just being dramatic..." "Oh darlin come on now dont be like that eh, you know i was only jokin with you... Come on come here..."
🍂 Suddenly he's all sympathy and cuddles, opening his arms out for you, hugging you and placing a big kiss on your forehead. He'd hold the back of your head in his palm and check your temperature by placing his cheek to your cheek. When he realises youre burning up he'd change his attitude aboit your sickness completely.
🍂 He'd be really reassuring, telling you he's going to send for a doctor, that he'll look after you, get you all the medicine you need to have you on the mend again.
🍂 "You just let your Arthur take care of you sweetheart, have you feelin right as rain alright?"
🍂 Firm believer in hot toddies. The first thing he'll do is get you wrapped up in blankets by the fire and make you a hot toddy to drink. He'll tell you its better than any medicine and in many ways he's right.
🍂 His family and the peakys will take the piss out of him no end because when you're sick he'll drop everything to fuss over you. He's gotten himself into trouble with Tommy before phoning him to tell him he can't come with him to a meeting because "well y/n's ill tommy, need to look after her..." "Theres maids who can look after her Arthur I need you..." "No, no that won't do, won't leave my y/n to be looked after by maids when she's sick, I need to be here Tom... You'd be the same..."
🍂 He will let the maids care for you, to an extent... He just won't leave you alone, at all, it would be annoying if it wasn't so endearing.
🍂 Asking you how you're feeling every ten minutes.
🍂 Falling asleep with you in his arms even though he's trying to stay up to keep an eye on you.
🍂 When he inevitably catches the cold from you he is 10x more dramatic than you ever were and though you do say "I told you so" once or twice, you don't have the heart to tease him too much because it is a rotten cold and he caught it because he was so devoted to taking care of you.
🍂 When you're better you tell everyone its all thanks to "nurse arthur" which really winds him up and gets you into no end of trouble.
🐻 You always bring out Alfie's gentle and caring side but when you're ill he's even more tender and nurturing with you than usual.
🐻 He can sense that you're coming down with something before you do and so he quietly prepares for it. You've been stressed out a lot lately, you've worn yourself out... When he catches you sniffling he knows what you're in for.
🐻 He'll be being extra careful with you before you've even started to feel rough, putting his arm around you when you're out walking instead of just holding your hand. Hovering round you more than usual. He'll have you sit in his lap instead of in your own chair and he'll want to just hold you and encourage you to relax and rest.
🐻 So by the time you get sick he's already half way to making you feel better. "It's a like you saw this coming, you're always one step ahead i don't understand..." "I just know you very well don't I zieskiet, thats all, just know you inside and out..."
🐻 He'd draw a hot steamy bath with lavander to relax you. When you pout and tell him you don't want to be left on your own he'll give in and join you... Well, he won't take much convincing at all actually. He'll have you lie back against his chest in the hot water and he'll massage your shoulders, yoir back and your thighs until you're lulled and peaceful.
🐻 He'll let his hands wander too, a sensual massage to distract you from how rotten you're feeling...
🐻 He'll bundle you up in blankets and tuck you into bed. He'll leave Cyril to keep at eye on you and give you cuddles whilst he goes to prepare a hearty dinner for you. You'll be able to smell bread baking in the kitchen and thats how you know he's really spoiling you.
🐻 He will want to call for a doctor if you dont start to feel better the next day, you'll tell him not to fuss but he'll dismiss your protests, "Now now zieskiet, remember, I'm the oldest yeah, so i know best... You should remember that eh..." "But Alf..." "Ah-ah y/n, poppet, am I or am I not much much older than you?" He'll give you that stern, raised eyebrow look which tells you not to try and argue with him anymore. And you know that really he's right so you sigh, "yes Alfie..." "Right, that's right, thank you y/n, now... Don't that mean that I know best? I'll give you a clue poppet the answer to this question yeah, it's exactly the same as the answer to my last question..." "Yes Alfie..."
🐻 He can get quite stern when it comes to your health, he won't let you do anything he deems to be reckless... Which could just mean choosing not to phone for the doctor when you're sick. He'll make sure you see a doctor and he'll listen very carefully to what they have to say. Then he'll make sure you follow the doctors advice to the letter.
🐻 He'll take charge of things like your medicine so that you don't have to worry about anything.
🐻 "Now the only thing you need to worry about zieskiet, the only thing I want you to worry about poppet, is getting yourself some rest, all this is cause you don't take proper care of yourself yeah... All your rushin around, causin trouble, all thats wearing you out yeah... So what I want you to do, that's me, your old man yeah, what I'm telling you to do.. Is take your medicine and go to sleep..."
🐻 Ultimately though he's a huge teddy bear, he just wants to cuddle you and keep you close until you're feeling better. He'll hold you in his big arms night and day. Lots of hair and neck kisses.
🌼 Similar to Arthur, he'll be so immature at first. He'll probably make a cheeky comment about how you look. Might do a theatrical wince when he sees you, "Shit love you look terrible..." "Charming John, I feel fuckin terrible so I don't care..."
🌼 Hearing your miserable, sarcastic tone is enough to let him know he fucked up and he'll imediately try to compensate even though at first he'll dig himself another hole.
🌼"Well stay away from me then I don't wanna catch it off you..." him teasing you with a smile on his face, going into kiss you anyway.
🌼 But then when you wind up all teary eyed and sad looking he realises he isn't being as funny as he thinks he is and he changes his tactics.
🌼 "Aw come here flower I was just bein daft.. You know what I'm like never know when to be serious thats what you always say ain't it?"
🌼 Him wrapping his arms around you, holding you close to his body and stroking his hand over your hair. Holding your head to his chest and bowing his head to kiss your head.
🌼 Has quite strong fatherly instincts because of the kids, but he'd be lying if he said he really knew what to do. You're the one who looks after him and the kids when they're sick.. So he's a little bit lost but he really wants to get everything right
🌼 Tries really really hard. Will leave the house to get you your medicine and anything else you need no matter what time it is or what the weathers doing.
🌼 Him coming back, soaked to the bone because its raining so hard, but hes smiling and acting like he isnt bothered because he's got you your medicine so you'll be feeling better soon.
🌼 He will kiss you even though you tell him not to. He'll want to give you lots of cuddles. He'll try to tell you jokes or be daft and silly to cheer you up and keep you smiling.
🌼 Will try to cook for you, it doesnt go as horribly as you're expecting it to but your heart jumps every time you hear a crash come from the kitchen.
🌼 Will probably try to be careful and quiet so that you can sleep but its difficult, he likes talking to you!
🌼 Will tease you "ugh look at you youre all snotty and ill, get away from me plague girl," but he will litterally be trapping you in a hug at the same time and kissing you anyway.
🌼 Will get sick, will be a baby about it, "there we go everythings back to normal" when youre taking care of him.
🍀 Thinks its probably his fault you've gotten sick because you probably caught it off someone in the crowd at one of his fights. He firmly believes that the people from the city are dirty and carry germs. So he'll feel guilty.
🍀 Will want to be the one that cares for you even if he has other work he should be doing because you're his girl and he has a very strong caring instinct. He'll want to be responsible for you.
🍀 If you think youre going anywhere or doing anything you're mistaken, he'll have you shut up in the vardo, warm and cosy, wrapped in blankets.
🍀Brings you tea and herbal remedies to help you feel better. Though he mostly believes that what you really need is rest, sleep and good hearty food.
🍀 So he'll go out hunting to catch something really good to cook for you, he'll make you nourishing soup.
🍀 Will actually feed you the soup until you start laughing because you feel so silly
🍀 He won't stray too far from the camp for any other reason, just in case you need him. He'll make sure theres someone else around for you when he's gone.
🍀Him having to explain to the wee kids that you can't play with them today because youre not feeling well and when they sulk and say "its not fair" him grinning and saying "not fair on you, howd you think i feel?"
🍀 You really dont want to get him sick, he needs to be fighting fit for work and you dont want to make him ill. "Bon this shouldn't be you doing this for me, you need to stay away so you don't get..." "I won't get sick little dove, don't worry about me am a big strong lad..." he's really stubborn about this so don't try and argue.
🍀 He will give you all the cuddles he thinks you need. If youre a particularly tearful sick person he will absolutely dote on you, kissing you wherever you say it hurts, kissing your cheeks and eyes and wiping your tears away with his thumbs.
🍀 "Shh dont cry little dove youre alright, gonna get you feeling better soon yeah?"
🍀 Will tell you stories to make you laugh and to keep you from getting bored.
🍀 Putting a blanket out somewhere in the sunlight and sitting with you in his lap, telling you the sunlight will be good for you. Giving you his jacket and jumpers to keep you cosy even though its spring and the suns out.
🍀 Will be the sweetest boy and wont listen to anyone who tries to take the piss out of him for being too soft.
🍀 Won't get ill?! You don't know how he manages to avoid it but somehow he just doesn't catch the cold. Immune system of the gods. How is it possible. You're glad you didnt get him sick but Come On?!
🐀Will jokingly hold his fingers up in the sign of the cross when you sneeze. Will pretend he doesnt want you anywhere near him whilst youre sick.
🐀But he won't leave you alone, will want to kiss you and cuddle you better, he'll tuck you into bed nice and cosy and then lie on top of the covers beside you keeping you company and stroking your hair.
🐀He will run out to the shops to bring you medicine and anything else he thinks you might need. But he's more likely to prioritise buying you treats and comfort foods than he is healthy foods that might actually help.
🐀Like Arthur he believes whiskey cures all. Will bring a bottle of it up to the bedroom and pour you a glass.
🐀 Whilst you're really ill he'll stay nearby, checking your temperature, being very attentive, making sure you don't get anymore ill, he'll probably try to get you to sleep it off and he'll try to keep the house quiet, make sure no one disturbs you..
🐀If theres kids playing out in the street making a racket he will go out there barking orders at them to shut up or play somewhere else cause his girls trying to sleep.
🐀 Then when you're beginning to feel a little better he knows all sorts of ways to make you feel much better... "can't kiss you on the lips darlin but there's nothin stopping me kissin you anywhere else is there..."
🐀 The peaky lads inviting him out down the pub that night and then taking the piss out of him when he refuses, he'll just take the piss straight back, "aye just because i know how to look after my woman John..."
🐀The first few days when youre feeling better he'll still be kind of cautious, keeping a close eye on you, not wanting you to do anything that might make you ill again, "here you sit down love I'll get that for you..."
🐀Lowkey not capable of cooking you dinner and the peaky boys know it, so Ada or Pol will probably send John or Michael round with soups for you and Isaiah will get really defensive because he doesn't like people thinking he can't look after you.
🐀When youre better he'll get you to teach him so that next time he doesnt need anyones help looking after you.
🐀 He will catch your sickness off you but he won't suffer anywhere near as badly as you and he won't let you look after him. If you try so much as to suggest running a bath for him he'll scowl at you and tell you not to patronise him.
☘️ Does not want to get sick, does not want yo avoid you either so is pretty torn about what to do.
☘️ In the end he settles for kissing your forehead/cheek but not your lips. He'll hold your hands/stroke your hair but if you sneeze or cough he'll totally flinch or shift away.
☘️ He will make sure the maids get you everything you need whenever you need it. He'll have everyone under strict instructions to look after you and you'll become everyone's prioroty.
☘️ Polly will be lowkey pleased because now that youre sick Michael is refusing to do peaky work. He doesnt want to leave you on your own for too long.
☘️ He spoils you, and tells you youre spoilt, but youre his precious girl and he thinks you should be happy all the time, getting whatever you want whenever, and now youre sick and you look so sad his need to keep you happy and look after you is doubled.
☘️ He'll have the house staff bake you cakes snd make all your favourite foods, will feed you the cake and it will feel ridiculous and you will both laugh so much.
☘️He'll sit and read to you, reading you to sleep and reading to you to comfort you when you have a fever.
☘️ He will definitely catch the cold. He will be so so grumpy about catching the cold. You'll both end up tucked up in bed beside one another with the cold feeling rotten but cuddling eachother through it.
☘️When you start feeling better he'll try to pretend hes better too because he finds you trying to take care of him imasculating. He'll end up making himself more ill until he's forced to stay in bed and let you feed him soup and admit that sometimes it's okay to let your woman look after you for a change.
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halfmylife · 1 year
Late Night Confessions
Pairing Finan x Reader
Summary you escape to catch your breath when Finan joins you and suddenly your confessing your feelings
Warnings none
A/N as it’s Valentine’s Day here’s something cute and fluffy
The night was peaceful. Even with rowdy shouts from the men in the ale house, the city was peaceful. The breeze was gentle and the stars sparkled above, you could not take your eyes off of them.
It had been a long day. You supposed you should be inside, drowning your troubles away with ale and celebrating with the others but you could not bring yourself to do so. Having spent all day trying to get back to Finan during the battle only to see him chatting happily with another woman about his glory made something sink to your stomach.
You have never painted yourself as the jealous type and you told yourself that was not the case at all. It was not jealousy, you were simply tired. Yet, you could not erase that very image from your mind. So here you were, standing outside on your own, staring up at the dark sky.
“Are you not cold out here?” Finan’s voice cut through the peace and caused your stomach to drop. It was until you felt his presence beside you that you realised you’d been holding your breath.
“No I’m fine.” You tried to suppress the shudder that tingled down your spine but he was not so easily fooled. Your eyes never met as he stood beside you, his gaze following the direction of your own.
“Ya know we’re supposed to be celebrating?” He said suddenly, you could hear him take another sip of his ale next to you but you still did not dare to look at him.
“I suppose I just needed some air.” It was a poor excuse and half true at best. You wanted space, need it even. There was only so long you could watch on the sidelines whilst he was so content and you weren’t.
“Do you have an excuse for everything or are you gonna continue to lie to me?” He adjusted himself to face you fully and waited for you to argue back. Your face dropped at the statement, finally forcing you to look at him.
“I’m not lying.” You protested. Another lie.
“Ya are. Plain as day.” He argued, pointing a finger at you. “How many times do I have to tell ya, ya can’t lie to me.”
“Please Finan, I am fine.” your tone was calmer than before, trying to reassure yourself more than him. When that didn’t seem to work you turned away again, trying another tactic. “I’m sure you have plenty of ale to drink and women to charm, I would not want to keep you.”
“The ale and women can wait, you can’t.” How you hated when he said things like that. Any words like those made you think you had a chance when you knew that much was untrue. “So what’s troubling you?”
“Nothing, like I said I am fine.” Your jaw was clenched and you spoke through gritted teeth. Finan was always observant when it came to you, knew every expression of yours and knew exactly what they meant. There was nothing you could hide from him. It was both a blessing and a curse.
“And yet you’re getting riled up.” He teased.
“I am not.” You snapped.
“Like I said, you’re a terrible liar.” He laughed, he actually had the nerve to alight whilst you stood there, red faced and clearly not enjoying the conversation. “Just tell me and I’ll leave you alone to sulk.”
“I’m not sulking.” You mumbled. Alright, maybe you were but he didn’t need to know that and you certainly wouldn’t admit to it anytime soon.
“Ya are!” He argued once more. Finan knew exactly how to get under your skin and he was doing exactly that. “Staring off into the distance like a child that’s been scolded.”
“Will you stop?” Your voice rose unintentionally but you’d grown tired of his teasing and giddiness, all you wanted was to be left alone.
“I won’t stop until you tell me what’s bothering you?” Finan’s voice was soft when he spoke this time, clearly aware of your disposition. He knew something was bothering you, why else would you be in a foul mood? The man wouldn’t stop until he knew he’d helped however he could.
“Fine.” You’d given in. For a second you paused, thinking of how to word it. ‘I’m in love with you’ didn’t seem to be the right way to go about it. “I have fallen for someone but they do not feel the same way.” Really? That was how it came out? There was no going back now as it cling to the air around you.
“How’d you know?” He asked, scoffing. Was it really not obvious? Had you not spent years loving him? You half wondered if he was about to voice his own confession but it never came.
“I just know.” You sighed. Countless times you’d seen him entertaining women and the mornings after you’d always hear about it no matter how much you protested.
“Have you bothered to ask?” He asked as though it was as simple as that. Could you imagine?
Good morning, Finan. I’m in love with you, do you feel the same way? It was laughable.
“I don’t need to, I’ve seen how they feel.” You shook it off and kept your eyes trained ahead. It was easier, that way you didn’t have to look at him. Maybe you wouldn’t give anything away if you didn’t look at him.
“Is the bugger blind?” He half shouted. It was not the reaction you had expected but it wasn’t unwelcome. The thought tugged at you, don’t let this fool you, he doesn’t mean it. “Half the men in Winchester would fight each other bloody for a chance with you.” Hardly. The men of Winchester would hump anything that breathed if they could.
“You are just being kind.” You retorted slightly sarcastically. Most men wanted anything they could get their hands on, you would not consider yourself to be one of those things.
“I am being honest.” He corrected you, inching closer to you. There was little space between you to start with but now as he adjusted himself your arms brushed against each other, the sensation sending a flutter through your stomach. “You are incredible and fearless. Any man would be lucky to call you his.”
“And yet he does not want me.” That’s what you had always told yourself and yet he was here, staving beside you and complimenting you like you were the sun and moon. That was just how Finan was, how he’d always been.
“You don’t know that.” He rebutted. Finan seemed almost excited at the prospect and you hoped he’d stay this excited if you ever finally confessed. “What’s stopping you from walking in there and taking him by the shirt and telling him how you feel?”
“He’s not in there.” You blurted out, turning to face him again. You regretted it the moment it came out.
“Then where is he?” He faced you fully, waiting for an answer that did not come.
“Finan.” You whispered. No don’t say a thing, you told yourself. He doesn’t need to know, tell him a lie and forget about it. Before you could even think of a lie, he’d read your face word for word and realised what you had meant. His face dropped and his body visibly deflated as he processed it all. You couldn’t stop yourself from speaking, the words pouring out. “I never wanted to tell you. I thought you were happier not knowing, that maybe I wasn’t the one you wanted.”
He didn’t speak for a moment, it had been only seconds and yet it felt like forever. Say something, please, anything. You remained still, watching as he stepped back, placing his mug of ale down far more gently than usual. All you wanted to do was run, save yourself the embarrassment of any more words but then he spoke.
“How long have you felt like this?” Was all he asked and you no longer felt the strength to hold back or lie anymore. There was no turning back now.
“Years.” Your voice was breathy and you could feel the tears filling your eyes. Do not cry, now is not the time for tears. You searched his face for any sign of anything and still you could not stop the words. “But I knew you never wanted me the same way.” He seemed more shocked by that statement than the realisation of your feelings and it took him a moment to compose himself.
“After everything I just said, you think I never wanted you?” His brows were furrowed as you spoke and you couldn’t help but feel taken back. Maybe it had a been a passing phase and nothing more, maybe it was long forgotten.
“You were always preoccupied with other women.” You said, half to yourself. Now was not the time for jealousy but it had been one of those things that always nagged at you no matter how much you tried to avoid it.
“I never had you for the jealous type.” He laughed after a moment and suddenly the tension drained from your body.
“Finan!” You snapped, giggling as you did. You finally felt like you had him back. He no longer stood away from you perplexed, instead he closed the distance, gently cupping your face. You felt so small in his grasp but you didn’t want to move an inch, savouring this moment that you have craved for so long.
“Those women, they were never you.” He started to confess as his thumb rubbed against your now red cheeks. “All this time I thought I’d never stand a chance. You always kept your distance from me, I thought you hated me.” You couldn’t help but laugh a little as the words came out, though he didn’t seem to mind.
“I could never hate you.” You whispered, your hands finally reaching out for him. You placed your palms against his chest as if to keep yourself steady but you lost focus as soon as you heard the beating of his heart.
“There was never anyone but you.” He admitted and the thrum of your heart only grew louder with each word. There had never been anyone but Finan.
“Do you mean it?” You asked foolishly, in hopes this wasn’t some cruel joke. He only held you tighter, too afraid to let you go now that it was out in the open.
“I mean it. I’ve been a fool all these years.” The moment he reassured you, you practically beamed at him, the tears no longer in your eyes. When you tried to look away from his gaze, his hand held you in place, you gaze pouring into his deep eyes. “There’s that smile I love so much.”
“Shut up.” You laughed.
“Oh you’ll have to make-” before he could even finished you crashed your lips onto his, burying your hands in his hair as you pulled him closer. He kissed you back, pulling you in by the waist.
In that moment neither of you wanted it to end.
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remylebeaugambit · 26 days
So, I decided to wait a little to think this show over. As a Gambit fan I’m still pretty much bitter about it all. However, as an X-Men fan, I can say I understand why people love the show. But I also believe there’s an exaggerated amount of praise due to the fact that we’ve been starving for good X-Men content. 
I was going to write a much angrier version of this text (I actually outlined an angry rant but there were too many fuck yous), however I’m trying to be reasonable here. The animation is mostly impeccable (don’t like the way the women are drawn, but that’s a minor complaint), it’s colorful and vivid and fluid. The action scenes are mostly awesome too. So, yeah, there’s a lot of good in it. Having said that, there’s tons of problems as well and the great majority of fans are willingly blind to them because of, you know, the good and the lack of content for years. 
I want to be bluntly honest and say I’m glad that the showrunner had been fired. I wholeheartedly don’t believe he is deserving of all the praise he’s been getting because my biggest issues with this show come from the writing. It’s amazing and exciting to see scenes from the comics being brought to life in beautiful animation? Yes, definitely. But it’s not enough when the writing is rushed and lacking.
First, I thought I was biased because I hated what they were doing to Gambit, but now I really, truly don’t think this show that amazing. The first half of the season was mostly decent, there were things I didn’t like but that wasn’t enough to called it bad. Episode 5 was when the show peaked (although to be fair Gambit wasn’t in it much, it was the way he went down that made it memorable) but after that it just went downhill.   
All the plot holes, the playing favorites, the inconsistencies, the rushing through storylines, the terrible pacing, the loose ends, the weak motivations, the terrible character development, the retcon to characters’ relationships (so Ororo and Jean are sisters now? Ororo was way closer to Rogue in the original cartoon, but, you know, Rogue had to be isolated for her disgusting retcon and inconsistencies of character and decisions to work out. Newsflash asshole: they didn’t. Rogue was character assassinated. And though I love her in the original show, I wouldn’t be this angry if it hadn’t directly affected Gambit the way it did), and, of course, all the foreshadowing of Gambit becoming Death left to be (hopefully) resolved in the second season. That means there was no payoff. I repeat: the show was mostly curveballs and no real payoff. With a cast that big, you don’t expect all the characters to have satisfying character arcs but in this case if you aren’t a Jean, Scott or Magneto fans you’re left hanging. 
Storm, who has been friends with Gambit, simply didn’t even mention his death. The excuse was that ended up on the cutting room floor, but don’t be fooled, there was enough time for Ororo to smile and hug Jean and later tell her platitudes (what a boring, cheesy speech!). There was also plenty of time for all those insufferable Magneto moments. “You killed more people than the Nazis? Awwww that’s fine, cause you’re family.” 😉 None of it was cut, right? That leads me to my biggest gripe with his show: fucking Magneto. I hate that took so much space and was unironically written as an old man who groomed a teenage girl (they can lie all they want and say she was an adult. She WASN’T. She was a teenager with serious emotional issues), manipulated her, gaslighted her, isolated her and told her pretty things to bang her. I guess that’s what’s called romance nowadays. I mean, the show runner didn’t even try to hide his fetiches for the old creep. All those plot contrivances and conveniences to accommodate someone’s wet dream. 
Ok, so, I don’t want to go ad hominem on the show runner here, but to be fair, he’s been dishonest with us fans this whole time, he’s lied straight-faced, said a lot of stuff that hasn’t panned out, given dubious answers, manipulative and evasive comments, asked for our trust, even though he’d been lying and giving us false hope (trust is earned, dude; I stopped trusting him after the first lie, if ever), and there are people, Gambit fans, still being hopeful and taking his words at face value. Fucking seriously? THAT dress was just another spit in our collective faces. Wake up!), also he’s self-indulgent, and pathetic in his comments about being the master of magnetism (ok, I lied. So what?).        
All in all, I don’t think that show is as good as so many people are making it out to be and I’m way too happy about the firing of the show runner. To him, I say, thank you for tainting the legacy of something dear and pure from my childhood. Good riddance, please, don’t ever come back, sink into oblivion and go fuck yourself (ok, I needed at least one fuck you, he’s had it coming). 
Ps. Romy fans, mark my words, the old creep will be making passes at Rogue and since she has no personality in this, we can expect the worse, like little Charles next season or anything else that is just as irreversible. I’m mean, an old man fucking a teenager is already irreversible to me. But that’s me. 
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dootznbootz · 11 days
Literally just found out about you today and I'm already follow in you. As fellow tele-GONE-y hater, I absolutely stan with all the hate we have for that stupid fan fiction. Circe used to be one of my favorite books, I still think the writing is good. But when you look at the original source material? Yikes- I don't get why Miller chose CIRCE out of everyone. If she wanted to write a feministic story that's fine. But why chose a female character whom you have to make better and corrupt all the other characters in the source material so that Circe is more sympathetic? Why couldn't she write a TRUE feministic story about some other character?? I personally would've loved a story about Nausikaa. Which would make more sense considering she is a character who is often forgotten in most retellings of the Odyssey.
Circe isn't a sympathetic character, she was never supposed to be one. To make her sympathetic is to make everyone around her terrible. I'm so angry when people use this book for insight on Circe character because it is so different to actual Circe.
I'm also so very salty about what she did to my boy Hermes because what.
Thank you so much!!! Sorry this took a while to answer! Thankfully most folks are not a fan of the Tele-GONE-y either :'D it's mostly the "well, actually" folks who talk about it. >:(
"If she wanted to write a feministic story that's fine. But why choose a female character whom you have to make better and corrupt all the other characters in the source material so that Circe is more sympathetic?"
This right here, is exactly how I feel with so many of these "feminist retellings". Feminism is about lifting each other up. If you have to make everybody else "worse" to make your main character better, then...that's just not good storytelling.
This goes along with the whole "all men are bad no matter what" that happens all the time and I hate it so much. Even if the system may be sexist, that does not mean that every single male agrees with it.
You put everything into words well but I like to ramble so Ima say shit too but it's basically the same thing lol
With the whole "every horrible thing Circe has done is done fo a reason. she's defending herself, she was wronged, men are so evil uwu" is just fucking lazy and SUCKS. >:( LET WOMEN BE FLAWED, COWARDS!
I actually really love Odyssey Circe as a character. She's morally gray and does whatever she wants as a goddess. Yes, she terrifies Odysseus but she's COMPLEX. Why does she need a reason to turn men into pigs? Why can't she just do it "for funsies"?
I think it takes away from her as a goddess to always have a reason for her to do the things she does, you know? Immortals are fickle and don't have the same morals as mortals. I think Miller changed so much as "to have a morally gray protagonist?? No, that's wrong!" which BORING!!!!!!!
I fucking love Penelope. But I still have her a lil mean and even a bit snooty sometimes as her and Odysseus are like-minded. Hubris would be her downfall as well. She is petty and holds grudges like no other. because she's a PERSON. Not "bland empowerment in a can for everyone to consume". Ofc, she has her wonderful qualities like her intelligence, devotion, determination, and yes, she does have her kind moments (she goes 0 to 100% real quick. She takes the "Do no harm, Take no shit" phrase to the extremes. lol)
But honestly? I think there's a real problem in writing in many YA books and especially in fandom where people treat female characters as goddesses (which yes, understandable) but then they can't...make her human you know? Almost like they cannot see any of the woman's flaws or even WANT her to have flaws because "woman doing a bad thing that isn't done 'cutely' ("endearingly clumsy", "quirky chatterbox", etc. traits that are usually not the greatest are "cute" now simply because she's a woman. Maybe a love interest sees her that way but those traits would probably be considered annoying to many others.) regardless is antifeminist"
And even then, so many things that I want to write about are what many would consider feminist when...She's just existing. And I'm getting silly with it. Penelope is athletic and a naiad (75% but you know. with her parentage) but I don't write her that way TO make it feminist. I'm not doing it for that. I just like tiny but mighty wife ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't plan to write other women as "lesser" for not being athletic for example. Anticlea doesn't understand why Penelope likes doing that stuff but she's still supportive and they enjoy weaving together. I am NEVER putting down another female character for not being "girlboss" enough.
I really hate that this book has made people constantly bring up the Tele-GONE-y AND Shittalking all of them. I don't like looking at retellings and seeing "a new feminist take". Usually goes against the entire story to begin with. Often portraying good male characters in the original as "bad and horrible".
Also no hate to those that enjoy Circe the Book, but to me, it sounds like trauma porn. adding rapes that were never there, making the victim of the situation the PERPATRATOR because, clearly, a man cannot be a victim. I heard about her hating being a mom despite her literally having servants and she's a GODDESS in the Odyssey. She could literally have a nanny/nurse if she wanted.
Fun fact: I was watching a video essay about villainesses and how to write them well and as soon as it started to talk about historical villainesses and how Circe was a "femme fatale", I exited the video. She's an "antagonist", she lets them stay there but she's still...Not GOOD. To be a femme fatale means to usually seduce. She does not seduce Odysseus. He was literally commanded to by Hermes and her.
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hastyprovocateur · 4 months
Mizu is straight
And I'm so sorry
Here's a complaint I have about this show as someone who loves the show. I'm sorry to say but Mizu has only been confirmed to be straight so far. Its proven through how she was attracted to Mikio and pretty happy with him until things went awry. Her thinking of Taigen when in the brothel/having 2 lenthy scenes of wrestling with Taigen where she obviously appears to like it.
That's all cool n great n dandy and wish them luck but then there's all this discourse about Mizu being bisexual/pansexual, showrunners in interviews saying Mizu has a nonbinary look, is in a love triangle with Akemi and Taigen. What?
I don't know what the intention is here but if she was supposed to like both men and women, there's not a single evidence in the show to back that up when there could've been. Even a 5 second scene of clear, obvious interest in women or anyone outside of Mikio and Taigen, would've been relieving to the many searching for representation. It wouldn't have been hard with all the graphic sex scenes we did get.
Because I don't mind Mizu being straight or her ending up with a man. But I HATE the insincerity of establishing Mizu as a queer character very superficially through caption promo while tying her obvious interest only to (really terrible) men in the show.
Even outside of Mizu, all the other characters are heterocoded and interested in the opposite sex/are cis gender presenting. It doesn't have to have queer representation but why was BES touted as such a revolution in queer representation? Has everybody reaching fr.
Plus I hate fighting online with people saying Mizu isn't interested in women because she's only shown to be sexually attracted to/enjoying sex with men. As much as I love analyzing the show, I hate that fact that I have to scrape into subtext for some proof of queerness when there really isn't any. It shouldn't have to take a whole nother season to atleast allude to a character's sexuality if not outright confirm it.
I'm so over it 😭 I'll pick this back up if the second season does better. I love the story, but this is something that's been bothering me. Plus I'm disillusioned by the showrunners being genocidal zionists who fund violent colonialism despite preaching against the same in BES.
PS: if you're looking for a good show that isn't pussy about queer representation, try Arcane!
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radiant-reid · 1 year
spencer reid absolutely hates "i hate my wife" jokes. i mean despises them.
someone made a joke like that around him once, ONCE, and he immediately "🤨🤨 why would you say that? thats so disrespectful, dont you love your wife? i love MY wife"
dont even get him started with "the old ball and chain" or "freedom" comments... he rolls his eyes and scoffs so loud
eww those 'jokes' need to be left in 2022. it's just so rude and disrespectful, like why do you hate your wife so much, john ?? and those really disgusting wedding toppers where it's the wife dragging the husband to the alter. if anyone said anything like that to him, he'd lose respect for them so fast
there are so many other lowkey misogynistic/terrible husband things that would disgust him so here's my list
people who make comments about him having only/mostly daughters and say shit like it's "unlucky" he has to deal with so many women, how he had to keep trying to go a boy, comments about how it's going to be a struggle when they become teenagers and he'll have to keep them under control, and anything weird relating to their menstruation
those ridiculous comments about dad's "babysitting" their kids. honestly, he'd be so annoyed with any guy who makes it seem like looking after their kids is a chore
also regarding chores, any guy who brags about how it's his wife's job to do the cooking and cleaning or any other domestic tasks, spencer's not going to be part of the statistic of women doing more housework than men
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
⚡ He's Mine
He’s Mine: You have long since pined over the dark, grumpy, and stoic Harrison Wells from Earth Two, and after a fun round of drinking and a game of truth or dare, you end up stuck between a rock and a hard body er… place, hard place. So after both you and Harry get blackmailed into going to a nightclub party, things heat up when a cupcake meets an early demise at the taloned hands of a barbie wannabe. You do not like sharing your cupcakes with anyone, and you don’t like being challenged, especially by a woman who stole your cupcake, and is now setting her eyes on your object of interest: Harry.
Warnings: Explicit Language, Explicit Scenes (Unprotected Sex Is A No No), Drinking (Be Responsible).
To Note: Harry Wells x Female!Reader, Reader Has Extreme Anxiety & Long Hair For Plot Reasons.
Word Count: ~10.0k
Masterlist | I'm Yours
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“No, no way. When hell freezes over, nah, nope, nein, nyet, want it in Spanish? Noh! I’ll take a pass on that, Iris.” You said, shaking your head with extended vigor and might. Iris raised an eyebrow at you while crossing her arms.
“Then I guess you’re going to have to tell him.” She replied smugly while Caitlin snickered underneath her breath. Your face flushed with heat as you started to sputter for words. Harry, who had been sitting across the room, looked up curiously at your choking sounds. Your eyes darted to Harry’s curious ones as the two women in front of you smirked in unison.
“Oh, go back to your tinkering,” You snapped at him, your face now sweltering with heat. You turned back to the two cackling hyenas in front of you. Harry huffed in response and the sounds of his tinkering resumed. “NO! Absolutely not! I refuse both!”
“It’s one or the other. We all did our tasks, you have to pick, go to the party, or tell him.” You threw your hands into the air.
“Both of them are terrible!” You exclaimed. “And you know how I feel about those types of things!”
“Okay!” Cisco yelled from where he had been fiddling with his tablet. “I get that you three need female time and all, but I don’t think us men need to hear about your girl problems.”
The three of you turned to Cisco, who was giving you a look, and before you knew it, Iris had your wrist in her grasp and was pulling you along. You nearly tripped over your feet keeping up with her.
“We are going with option one by default.” Iris chirped as she dragged you out of the cortex with Caitlin clicking after you in her heels.
“But I don’t have anything to wear!” You whined, trying to wiggle yourself, and your future self, out of having to go to the party tonight.
“Which is why we enlisted Jesse’s help,” Caitlin said as you neared the elevator. “She managed to get her hands on some outfits that should fit you.”
“You say that like it’s a good thing.” You muttered lowly.
“To get you and your love life started? Absolutely.” Iris answered, flashing you a brilliant smile. “It’s obvious, and it is time we do something about it.”
“What’s obvious?” You questioned as the elevator started going down. “My ineffaceable love for a man I cannot have or my unrequited love for a man fifteen years my senior?”
The elevator doors dinged open just as you finished your sentence, revealing Jesse who was dressed in jeans, a shirt, and a leather jacket.
“Oh, I wouldn’t call it unrequited, Y/N.” Jesse said, putting her hands on her hips. “I know my dad, and you have no idea how many times I’ve caught him staring at you when he thinks no one is looking. It’s actually kind of funny now that I think about, I don’t even think he realizes he’s doing it.”
“He does not.” You huffed as you exited the elevator. “And for the record, I do not want to be here, nor do I want to be at that party.”
“Duly noted.”
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“Have I told you how much I hate you right now?” You asked as you glared at yourself in the mirror of Iris’s bedroom. You all had gone to a salon, well you had been dragged, and gotten your hair, nails, and faces done up professionally for the night. Pampering they had called it.
In an explanation for why the party was such a big deal, it was basically a party that was held once a year at Central City’s biggest club. It was technically a party for some radical art movement, but pretty much everyone uses it as a chance to get out and party hard.
You’ve never been, and you didn’t want to, but at this point in time, it was either go and suffer for several hours where you at least would have access to alcohol, or tell Harry that you had a thing for him, and have for a while. That was permanent.
Obviously you ended up going with the first option. No need to have your heart torn in half by Harry Wells, a man notorious for not mincing his words.
“Mhm, you’ll thank me when you have men drooling over you.” Iris mused as she played with your hair, adding a few more spritzes of hair glimmer to enhance what the stylist had already done. You had no say in how your hair was done, so your hair was currently curled and gathered into a bun with a silver pin holding everything all together.
The makeup Iris had chosen for you was bold, bright red lipstick, black glittering eyeshadow surrounding your eyes, and highlighter that would make your face glow underneath the club lights… according to Jesse. With your looks so far, it horrified you to think of what they would force you to wear, and even more so now that Caitlin had run off with your glasses.
You’ll just have to bumble around for the night.
Your short-sightedness made things blurry, and since you were most definitely going to have heels shoved on your feet, your balance was going to be terrible. You were not a girly girl, you never dressed like one, wore heels, particularly cared for your looks, and you didn’t have contacts because you always ended up messing with them… and then poking yourself in the eye. Ouch.
You guess the girls just wanted to see you dressed up for once, and this was the perfect chance to do so. Crossing your arms, you kept your red lips pursed and shut as Iris set the glitter spray down and looked over her shoulder.
“Jesse, is everything ready?” Iris asked the speedster. Jesse zipped out of the room for a moment before coming back, a bag in her hands.
“All here,” she said with a smile. “Specially borrowed from a friend of mine who is the same size as Y/N.”
“I’m going to kill multiple people tonight,” You groaned as Jesse bounced over with a big smile. She set the bag down on Iris’s bed and pulled out black fishnet tights, a pair of wicked black heels with a red sole, and a metallic dress, completely covered in square rhinestones. Your eye ticked before you added, “and then myself.”
“Don’t be a drama queen,” Caitlin said as she walked over, messing with her earrings. “It’s a nightclub, lots of flashing lights, you’ll catch every eye in the venue wearing that, and those heels… even I’m jealous, those are Louboutin.”
You stared blankly at Caitlin.
“Am I supposed to know what that means?” The dress was shoved into your hands and they pushed you towards the bathroom. With a defeated whine on your red lips, you sulked into the bathroom to seal your fate.
It was just for one night. It was just for one night. It was just for one night.
Undoing the robe you wore, you held up the dress before sighing. Sans bra it was going to have to be. Unclipping your bra, you let it drop to the floor before balancing on one foot and stepping into the skirt part of the dress. You pulled the clinging material up your hips and over your already scandalous enough thong. The skirt of the dress stopped at your lower back, leaving the front of it with its thin silver straps being the only thing to protect your modesty.
Internally groaning to yourself, you put your arms through the straps and pulled the dress until it was resting on your shoulders. One look at yourself in the mirror, your cheeks were burning and you wanted to rip the damn thing off. The dress did indeed cover your breasts, but only just so much… as for your cleavage? Never before have you had this much. The drape neckline had a pretty good amount of cleavage, the silver fabric draping in just the right place. Everything would be perfect if you didn’t feel like the thong you wore was giving you a wedgie…
You looked pretty, heck you would dare say you even looked hot, but this wasn’t you. This wasn’t Y/N, the generic, average intelligence woman who scraped out a B plus average in college. But you had made a promise to the girls that whatever happened at game night, you would follow through, so you just had to suck this up and wait for the night to end.
A fist banged on the door.
“I know you aren’t hiding out in that bathroom, Y/N!” Caitlin sang from outside the door. “Don’t make me come in there!”
Bending down, you gathered the robe and your discarded bra before standing up and opening the door.
“Believe me,” You stated blandly. “I want this night to end so I’m not dawdling.”
“I’m officially wondering why you are still single,” Caitlin muttered as you passed her and headed back into Iris’s bedroom.
“Alright, what other monstrosities do you want me to put on?” You asked, eyeing the fishnet tights. They were black and occasionally had rhinestones embedded in them to give them an extra sparkle.
Jesse grabbed the tights and swapped them for your bra and robe.
“Put those on, and by the way, they’re stockings, not tights.” She said with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “They go up to your thigh. Don’t worry about garters, these have stick adhesive to keep them up.”
“Someone help me,” You moaned as you sat on the edge of Iris’s bed and lifted your right foot. Slipping the first stocking on your foot, you stretched out your leg, pulling the material until it reached your upper thigh and under your dress by about two inches.
“Okay,” Iris said, bounding back into her room with a bright smile. “Barry and Cisco have done their job, and will meet us at the party.”
“What did you do?” You asked as you started working on the next stocking. Iris turned your way, and a large, devious smile slowly stretched across her lips.
“Oh nothing, just asked them to help with a little something the three of us have been working on.” Iris answered cheekily, and it was at that moment a sinking feeling formed in the pit of your stomach. “You look beyond gorgeous. I know a few men who’ll appreciate that tonight.”
You huffed at her before lowering your left leg and looking down at yourself, considering that your dress was one hundred percent comprised of sparkling rhinestones… the occasional few on your fishnet stockings actually worked well with the look. Reluctantly, and with a sigh, you grabbed the insane heels with the red sole and slipped your feet into them. Setting your now heeled feet on the floor, dread filled your body at the notion of having to wear these for the rest of the night.
A promise is a promise, and you didn’t break yours.
“Alright, the woman of the night is dressed, ready to break hearts, and then capture one… everyday else ready?” Jesse asked, now completely dressed up in a modest purple dress.
“Oh, one last thing,” Caitlin said before grabbing a box and opening it, revealing four thin cuffs, all black. “Cisco made these so if we lose anyone, we can track them down… and if anyone comes across a guy who doesn’t understand the word no? Well it also has a panic button that alerts the others and can provide a pretty nasty shock if need be.”
Getting to your feet, you walked over to Caitlin and took one of the bracelets, sliding it around your wrist.
“Glad to know that the boy’s care.” Iris chimed before a honk outside the house could be heard. “And that’s our ride. Come on, we’ve got a night of fun ahead of us.”
Grabbing your small black clutch you had dug out of the bottom of your closet, you checked to make sure you had your driver’s license, cash, one credit card, the ticket to get into the club, and your phone. Everything was there. Slipping it onto your wrist, you followed the others out of Iris’s room.
“So we’re meeting the boys at the club. Where exactly? Since I am assuming that this place will be packed.” You asked as you piled into the taxi Iris had called. “Because it’s going to be dark, crowded, and loud.”
“Barry said he and Ralph would meet us by the south bar, where the desserts will be when it gets past ten thirty.” Caitlin answered as she double checked her lipstick using a compact mirror.
“Dessert?” Your asked, perking up a bit. The three girls smirked at you, knowing full well that you loved to eat all kinds of baked goods, especially cakes and cupcakes.
“Yet another reason to hang around.” Iris grinned. “The food is supposed to be really good, my friend at Jitter’s says that its catered from a bakery here in Central City, and they go all out to keep with the artistic theme.”
“Well, I guess that means I’ll be counting the minutes until ten thirty.”
“At least try to have fun before that, maybe dance with a couple guys, have a drink?” Jesse asked, her eyes turning pleading and big.
“Drink? Yes,” You stated before pressing your lips together. “Dancing? Eh, maybe, depends on the song… and how drunk I am at that point.”
Jesse groaned and shook her head, mumbling about stubborn adults not wanting to let loose and have fun, but didn’t pester you anymore. You decided to get dropped off a block away since the venue would no doubt be swarmed with limos and fancy cars dropping off people who flaunted their money.
So, holding your coat close to your body, you scurried the one block to the nightclub. Or at least Iris, Jesse, and Caitlin scurried. You pretty much wobbled along, your balance not exactly coordinated with your heels yet. Weaving through the throngs of chattering people, you hopping in line to get into the club, holding your ticket close to your body. As you waited, it hit you.
“Wait Caitlin, you said that Barry and Ralph are meeting us at the south bar… what about Cisco? I thought he was coming?” You asked her as you steadily moved up in line.
“He is,” Caitlin replied with a nod of her chin. “He’s just taking care of something for us last minute, he’ll meet up with us when he is done. You know he’d never miss this.”
“Yeah, he’s been talking about this for the last three months.” Jesse added while nodding in agreement. “He’ll be here… hopefully…” She muttered the last part, which you raised your eyebrow at, but didn’t question her.
Turning your head forward, you watched as the group of woman in front of you, scantily clad, even more so than you, giggled as they were let in. Rolling your eyes, you stepped forwards with Jesse, Iris, and Caitlin and handed your ticket over.
The bouncer working the door verified your ticket before putting fresh ink on the stamper and stamping the backs of your right hand with the florescent ink that would glow underneath the club lights.
“Let the party begin,” Iris said happily before taking your wrist and pulling you into the depths of the club.
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Walking through the dark club, there was a smell of alcohol, fake smoke, sweat, cologne, and perfume that seemed to follow you wherever you went. The tickling sensation in your nose took at least five minutes to go away, and by then your eyes had adjusted to the dark interior and you could actually see where you were going and what was going on.
The four of you had walked through the throngs of people already gathering and chatting away, heading for the south bar, which would be less crowded at this time. You made it to the bar before Barry and Ralph, not particularly surprising considering Barry is late for everything.
You decided to look at the bar menu while the three women started gossiping together. Your eyes scanned the large list of cocktails and spirits the bars were packed with, and you found yourself impressed with the selection.
Your eyes landed on a drink called the Boulevardier, made with whiskey, Campari, and sweet vermouth. It packs a wallop of alcohol in a dainty cocktail that would be perfect for a night like this. Add an orange twist and you were sold. As soon as you could, you were going to get one in your hand and start slurping up the alcohol.
“Hey!” You heard Barry call, and turning your head, you saw him and Ralph walk over wearing dressed down suits. Barry had a green vest that perfectly matched the sleek dress Iris had squeezed herself into while Ralph had on a black and silver get up, complimenting his alter ego’s suit. “Sorry we’re late, we got caught up in something. Cisco said that he’ll be along shortly, just that one of his projects is being stubborn.”
You raised your eyebrow at the statement, but thought nothing of it. It didn’t surprise you that Cisco was working with his toys right up to the party. Iris smiled before walking up to her boyfriend and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“You look rather dashing, Mr. Allen.” Iris said before pulling Barry down to plant one on him. Rolling your eyes, you looked to Ralph, who was still looking around.
“I’m surprised you gave up a night of work to come to this thing.” You commented, your lips twisting into a slight smile. Ralph’s eyes met yours, and he grinned.
“You know I’m not always thinking about work,” He said as he meandered over to where you lounged against the bar top. “You look fantastic. Why don’t you dress up more often?”
“Because I don’t like to.” You answered, blatantly honest. “Not to mention I’m showing so much skin I could be mistaken for a stripper. This is uncomfortable and my feet hurt. Brings a whole new meaning to beauty is pain.”
Ralph snorted and shook his head.
“Believe me, you look far from a stripper.” He said, his smile growing. “We might end up pulling guys off you by the end of the night.”
“Ha!” You puffed out with a small smile on your lips. “Doubtful, but whatever makes you happy Dibny.”
Jesse came bouncing over, latching onto Ralph and pulling him to the half filled dance floor. Iris and Barry were still being lovey dovey with each other so you turned to Caitlin.
“You brought me here so I had to be subjected to those two?” You asked, jerking your thumb at your two lovesick friends. Caitlin snorted before shaking her head at you.
“We all have to deal with it,” she said smartly and with a hint of sass. “We brought you here so we could finally get it in your two heads that you like each other, and stop pining after each other. I mean, do you know how many times we’ve wanted to lock you two in the supply closet and not let you out until you admitted your feelings!? So many times…”
“What?” You asked, your eyebrows pinching together in confusion at her small rant. Caitlin took a deep breath and brushed back her wavy hair from her face.
“Nothing, nothing, everything will work out tonight, everything will work out.” She chanted to herself before looking around. “I need a drink, anyone want a drink?”
With that, she marched off to the other end of the bar, where the bartender was cleaning some glasses. Alright, everyone had been acting weird tonight, and your not just talking about Cisco’s sudden aversion to tacos… something was going on, and you weren’t in on it.
Huffing, you looked down at the bar top and started drumming your red painted fingernails on it. You stared at nothing in particular until Cisco’s voice came chirping from your right.
“I told you I’d convince him! That transmogrification device is amazing!” Cisco exclaimed shortly before there was a frightening familiar disgruntled sigh. Freezing in your seat, your head turned until you saw the man that the disgruntled sigh came from.
Harry freaking Wells. In a freaking suit, that dressed down one Harrison Wells, or Eobard Thawne, wore the night the particle accelerator exploded. Black slacks, white shirt partially open at the top, and a black blazer. His hair was neatened up some from its usual spiky, bedhead mess, and your gut twisted and did flips as you stared at him, almost slack jawed.
The man looked unbelievably divine, albeit irritated that he was here, but nonetheless inhumanely handsome and you felt like melting in his presence. Wait, you think you already were…
“Harry, glad to see you out of the lab!” Iris exclaimed with a broad smile. Harry grunted in return, stuffing his hands into his pockets and looking around. His eyes caught yours, and widened slightly as you stared at him with a deer in the headlights look, your entire body now completely frozen. Oh god he probably thought you looked like a skank!
“Well, since we’re all here, let the party start!” Cisco crowed, clapping his hands together and rubbing them together.
It was going to be a long night.
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You were on your second pink boulevardier, feeling the effects of the alcohol, and absolutely tired of telling men to leave you the hell alone. Men wanting a dance (mostly the dirty kind) had approached you at least a dozen times, or more, and each and every time you blatantly refused them. There was one thing on your mind, and they weren’t it.
Groaning to yourself, you brought your glass back up to your cherry red lips and took another sip of the strong drink. The alcohol hit your tongue; the Compari taking the edge off the hard liquor as it ran down your throat and into your veins.
Well, your drinks had taken the edge off, but you still weren’t entirely comfortable, which is why you had spent nearly the entire three and a half hours since arriving, at the bar. About ten minutes ago the desserts had come out, and that included pink frosted cupcakes. A tier of them had been placed on the bar top a few feet down from you, and naturally, you had been eyeing them since then.
Eyeing them yet again with a hungry expression, the bartender let out a small laugh and took one from the tier, placing it on a napkin before setting it next to your drink with a wink before heading off to help out another customer. Staring at the cupcake, you sighed to myself.
“I’m such a hopeless pig when it comes to deserts,”
“I wouldn’t say that.” Your body perked up at the voice before you were looking over your bare shoulder to see Harry standing behind you, his hands in his slack pockets. “A woman who starves herself for the sake of beauty isn’t attractive at all. It’s rather sickening, actually.”
“I bet you wouldn’t say that when I’m stuffing my face with one of those,” You muttered as you pushed the cupcake aside and turned in your seat so you didn’t have to crane your neck around. Harry’s lips quirked into a rare smile.
“Presumptuous to assume I am that chauvinistic, Miss Y/N.” Harry countered, his eyes sparkling with amusement. You let out a puff of air through your nose.
“What’d they do to get you here?” Your asked before nodding your chin at the suit he wore. “And how the hell did Cisco get you into that and to actually brush your hair for once? You look good.”
Harry briefly closed his eyes as if reliving a bad memory before shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose, just below where his glasses rested.
“I could ask you the same. I’ve never seen you in anything more formal than that skirt you wore to Barry’s birthday party.” You remembered that party. Caitlin had convinced you to wear a skirt, something about showing off your legs. You had reluctantly agreed, but not for the leg part.
“I got blackmailed into keeping a promise,” You answered simply. “It was either come here, or tell—ah, never mind, it doesn’t really matter now, does it? I’m here and upholding my end of the deal.”
“Well, now, my interested is piqued,” Harry said with a slight chuckle. You eyed him before reaching for your drink and taking a sip.
“Well, piqued is all you’re going to remain because my lips are sealed, Dr. Wells.” You coyly responded, a flicker of confidence going through your body. Yep, the alcohol was definitely helping. You exchanged further smiles.
“Regardless of what caused you to be here tonight, you look radiant, and I know everyone here thinks so too, so why are you rejecting all advances?” Harry asked, cocking head to the side. “I mean you have the looks, a gorgeous body, a beautiful smile, why do you keep saying no?”
“Actually, I was telling them to get lost,” You answered dryly before looking down into your drink. “It’s because I am not interested in anything those men have to offer, they only want one thing, a one night fuck, and I’m not willing to give it to them. I have standards.”
“Then what do you want?” Harry asked.  Your drink froze half way to your lips. Had he really just asked that? That was a very forward question and not one you ever imagined coming from a man like Harry Wells… and the way he had said it. You took a moment to think about his words, and then worked up the courage to express your thoughts: You wanted something real and long term, something that wouldn’t be fleeting or lack true emotional investment.
“What I want—“ You were cut off by a blonde woman wearing a pink dress two sizes too small, and sporting an overdone face that oozed plastic and botox.
“Excuse me, hot stuff,” she huskily purred, batting her fake eyelashes and running her obnoxiously pink talons up his biceps. Almost instantly you saw Harry shirk from her touch, clearly not liking it and very uncomfortable with the situation. You shifted your eyes back to the woman and  narrowed your eyes.
She was looking Harry up and down like he was a piece of meat she wanted to dig her fangs into… much to your annoyance and anger… and much to Harry’s embarrassment and discomfort. Her florescent pink nails snatched the cupcake the bartender had been nice enough to bring over to you, and with one sensuous dart of her tongue, she licked at the frosting.
She did not!
Your jaw went slack momentarily before you bristled at her action and cleared your throat. The harpy’s eyes looked your way and distaste filled her golden brown ones. She sneered for just a millisecond before switching her face to a look of pure innocence.
“Oh! I’m sorry honey, this cupcake was just sitting there, and well, I licked it so it’s mine.” She cooed at you before turning her attention back to Harry. She licked her lips and briefly ran her sharp fingernails down his chest. “And hot stuff, I’ll be on the dance floor.”
Pure rage blazed in your eyes. With rare confidence roaring in your veins, you acted before fully thinking your not so bright plan, through. Slamming your glass on the bar top, you grabbed at the lapel of Harry’s blazer, yanking him towards you. When his head was in you vicinity, and in reach because he was so damn tall, you reached up with your other hand to slide your fingers into his perfectly coiffed hair and dragged his lips to yours.
His lips crashed against yours, and all that dreaming you had about what they felt like became a reality. They were soft, warm, and oh so delicious. Swiping your tongue along the seam of his lips, you was overjoyed when Harry parted his lips and gave your lower lip a sharp nip before sinking just as deeply into the kiss as you were.
Nearly jumping in place when a hand land on your naked side and snaked around to your lower back, your body was pulled slightly out of your seat and into his chest. Your chest pressed against his and you could feel the luxurious material of his suit against your skin. From your toes to your fingers, you felt your muscles go taught with desire. You could feel just exactly what lay beneath this suit, and you wanted it. This was what you wanted. You wanted him. You wanted him and not in a fleeting way.
Harry was quickly taking control from you, taking the lead hungrily, desperately. You knew he liked to be on control and had no issues letting him. Fingers pressed into your skin, sending little tingles outwards like shock waves from each touch. The lips pressing against yours fervently, seeking out a response you were very happily to give back.
Harry Wells’ kisses were not innocent, but hot, fiery, passionate, and demanding. They pulled you in, drugged you, left you chasing after more, which you were. Pulling him in closer, you felt Harry lurch for a second before he caught himself with his other hand on the bar counter. Smirking against his dizzying and achingly possessive lips, you gently bit at his lip, your hunger now ravenous and creeping into every bit of your mind and body. You were drunk on endorphins and savored every flick and tease his tongue gave yours. Correction, you were drunk on him.
There was a very obvious grating cough and you reluctantly pulled your mouth from Harry’s red smeared one. But you weren’t completely done with him yet, no, you had one last point to make. You tugged on the hair in your grasp, pulling his head back slightly. Then with blazing confidence, you flicked your tongue up the side of his exposed neck before planting a kiss against his skin that left a very obvious red lipstick mark. Harry let out a strained groan which made you giggle. That should do it.
Keeping your hand still buried in Harry’s hair and your fingers clutching his black blazer, you released the tension on his head and slowly turned to the harpy. She was fuming.
“Oh, well, I licked him so that means he’s mine.” You said loftily, your red lips twisted into a canary smirk. Harry dropped his face to your shoulder, burying his nose against your neck. His body lightly shook against yours and the hand on your back pressed into your bare skin harder. You knew he was just barely managing to contain his laughter so he wouldn’t ruin your smug moment. Rage burned clear as day in her raccoon eyes. You had won and she had lost. With a dramatic sneer of her over inflated lips, she flounced off to the dance floor, shaking her skinny flat ass as she went. You giggled at her response, purely elated that you had one upped her and her fake look.
“Oh, that felt good,” You mused to yourself, your triumphant smirk clear as day on your lips.
Harry raised his head from where it had been pressed against your neck while you were still quietly giggling to yourself. Taking a look at his face you saw his lipstick smeared lips were curled into a devious, delicious smirk. Your giggling quieted as you cocked your head and looked up at him, smugness in your eyes and burning desire in his. Harry pushed away from the bar top, getting his feet under his body once more before shifting his hands to gently cup the side of your face and neck.
“You, Y/N,” He hungrily rasped out as his fingers lightly glided over your tingling skin. “Are a little fiend.”
Your lips, which still held a smirk, curved into a deeper one as you leaned up close to feel the air he breathed out.
“What’re you going to do about it, Dr. Wells?” You queried, your eyes sparkling as you leered at him. “Spank me? I mean I did do us both a favor and got rid of her…”
“Don’t tempt me,” Harry responded, that fire still in his eyes. You let out another snort of laughter before your smile started fading and the brief drunken high faded. What did you just do!?
“I shouldn’t have done that,” You stated, horror slowly seeping in places where desire and want had once reigned. “I should not have done that… I— where’s my drink, I’m not nearly drunk enough to deal with this,” You started twisting back around, looking for your almost gone pink drink that surely would help you drown out the embarrassment rapidly taking over lust. Before you could completely face the bar once more, Harry had you spinning back to face him and was dipping his face back down to yours.
This time it was him initiating the kiss. While Harry didn’t kiss you nearly as long as you had kissed him, you were sure it had his desired effect because you forgot all about your unfinished drink.  His tongue flicked across your crimson ones before seeking further reaction from you by weaving with your own. A pitifully soft whimper emerged from your throat and the Wells doppelgänger greedily devoured it, feasting off the taste of your drink and most of all, you. You truly did taste as exquisite as he had imagined nearly a thousand times by now, and the way your mouth effortlessly moved against Harry’s insistent one only had the genius angry at himself for not pursuing you sooner.
Running his lips across yours one last time, Harry swiped his tongue across your lip once more before pulling back to stare into your wide eyes. He left you breathless and reeling in your thoughts. Your mouth opened and closed for a few moments before you figured out what to say.
“You’ve got lipstick all over your mouth,” You whispered, your cheeks now permanently hot. You reached back for your drink napkin, which was damp with condensation from your glass. Your searching fingers found it and you raised it, beginning to wipe it at Harry’s mouth as he stared at you with arched eyebrows and percing eyes. “Well, I can say that was more than enough excitement for the night. I—“
“…sorry… that was completely wrong of me…” You continued your bumbling mumbles, high on adrenalin and anxiety.
“…shouldn’t have…”
“Y/N!” Harry said forcefully, taking your chin in hand and forcing your eyes back to his. You were quick to advert them. You refused to look at him, guilt and insecurity seeping into your veins. What if he only kissed you back because he thought the blonde harpy was irritating and being in her presence killed his brain cells? But why did he kiss you once more then? What if you— “Y/N, look at me damn it!”
Your eyes automatically darted back to his at his commanding tone as you stiffened in your seat.
“Stop freaking out and breathe.” He told you, his eyes kind and gentle. You nodded obediently before realizing that you had been wheezing slightly, on the verge of a panic attack. “That’s it, deep breaths, babe.”
Oh dear lord, this is why your previous relationships never worked out. Because you are so damn insecure and your past partners always got so irritated with you. You now had medication to help with your anxiety, and it works wonders, but only if you took it in the morning. You had forgotten your dose this morning because of a meeting you had at work. Closing your eyes, your focused on breathing, tuning out the throb of music, the chatter of voices, and the thoughts of Harry holding you close. Well, you couldn’t tune out Harry’s hands, but ever so slowly, your breathing returned to normal.
“Sorry, I forgot to take my anxiety meds this morning and you know how I am when I don’t take them.” You whispered, drooping where you sat. “And I’m really sorry about kissing you, I just—she was there, being a bitch, and my cupcake, she licked my damn cupcake… don’t even get me started on her voice. It was so irritating I just wanted to… and I don’t like to share…“
“Y/N,” Harry spoke softly, cutting off your soft mumbles. “I’m not upset you kissed me. Wouldn’t have kissed you again if I was. You saved me from dealing with a nightmare.”
“Just say no to plastic,” You muttered out, making his eyebrow shoot up once more and his lips twitch into a smile.
“God, you’re adorable,” Harry sighed, brushing his thumb down your cheek as you felt heat burn on your cheeks at his words. “Come on, you’re just going to get yourself worked up sitting at the bar for the rest of the night, and alcohol isn’t going to help either.”
“Well, it sure felt like it was helping, and you’re not the boss of me.” You muttered as Harry pulled you in the direction of the dance floor. “What’re you doing?”
“Jesse’s told me everything about you, including your love for dancing.” Harry grumbled. “And I might hate it, but if it helps you relax and actually enjoy yourself, I will tolerate it.” A few seconds went by and he tacked on one last statement. “For you.”
“But Harry,” You stared to protest, waving at his neck and the big red lipstick mark you had left. “I— I um… kind of left a mark on your…”
“Good, it’ll keep all of the harpies away.” He answered, tightening his hold on your hand. “The only woman I am interested in is you and considering you’ve now staked your claim, no more arguing.”
You felt like you were going to melt into a puddle at his words. He’s mine. God, you had actually said that! When had you gotten that brazen with your feelings?
The current song ended a people started milling around, some leaving the floor to get drinks, others entering the floor after downing one. Harry pulled you right into the thick of it, where you blended in with the suits and dresses. Harry spun you around so you were facing each other in the close quarters you had while you stared wide eyed up at him.
“Yes, I enjoy dancing, but that doesn’t mean I want to do it in front of a bunch of people!” You exclaimed, your eyes darting around to the swaying group as the DJ of the night spoke. Harry rolled his eyes before taking your hands.
He pulled you towards him so your bodies were pressed against each other before keeping his left hand entwined with your right and moving your other hand to his shoulder. When your fingers were resting against his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around your back and placed his hand on the small of your back.
“That’s fine, you just keep looking at me,” Harry said, looking down at you with surprisingly soft eyes. Curling you fingers that were pressed against his blazer, you nodded. He stared at you for a few more moments as the beginning of a romantic slow song started.
His hand briefly left your back to grab the pin in your hair, holding your waves up into a neat updo. In one soft yank, he pulled it free, releasing the sparkling waves around your shoulders. His lips twitched as he tucked the pin into his blazer pocket and returned his hand to your back.
“That’s better. As exquisite as your hair looked up, it looked far to rigid.” Harry said as he started moving your bodies to the rhythm of the song. “Relax, no one is looking at you but me,” He whispered reassuringly. “I’ve been to enough after parties to know that everyone is way too drunk at this point to care or even notice what other people are doing” You took a breath and briefly closed your eyes.
How were you supposed to relax when you knew he was looking?
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The party was long forgotten in your minds as you teased each other the entire way back to the lab. After several rounds of dancing against each other, nearly making out on the dance floor, and Harry spending several minutes wrestling another alcoholic beverage from your hands, you had decided it was probably best to head back to the lab before your hands started tugging on clothing. Or at least Harry decided it, apparently you were dangerous when drunk.
At this point, you think the taxi drives were desensitized to couples leaving the nightclub because the one driving you back didn’t bat an eyelash when a brief kiss turned into a one minute passionate kiss. Paying for the ride, you practically stumbled up the pathway to the lab doors, pulling Harry along while giggling. When you made it inside and your stumbling in your heels didn’t cease, Harry simply plucked you off your feet and up into his arms, his long legs taking you into the heart of the lab.
As much as you wanted to attack his face and neck with your lips, feeling his skin underneath them, and sate the burning desire running through your veins, you did not want to have to clean up smeared lipstick from his skin one more time. So you opted to whisk your fingers over his neck, jaw, and occasionally dipped them into the neckline of his open shirt, getting just a hint of taut skin and muscle. Ohoho, someone had been hiding numerous amount of muscle underneath his black sweaters, and you most certainly wanted to explore each and every inch of it.
“Keep that up and we won’t make it to a bed,” Harry rumbled as you travel your finger along his collarbone hidden beneath cloth.
“Well, I certainly won’t complain,” You cooed in his ear, making him sigh in exasperation before turning down the hall where his room was located. Giggling at him, you tucked your head into his shoulder and closed your eyes for the rest of the way.
Harry entered his room and kicked the door shut before gently setting you on your feet. Twisting around, you looked up into his face, your fingers lightly reaching up to brush over his lips.
“Give me a minute to get this makeup off, okay, because as much as I love kissing you, it’ll get messy and I am not sleeping with it on my face…” Harry quirked an eyebrow at you as you extracted yourself, albeit a little unsteadily, from his arms.
Turning around on your heel, you took a wobbling step for the bathroom when a hand darting out and smacking you on your barely covered ass had you jumping with a yelp. Your head swiveled around as you narrowed your eyes at Harry and rubbed your slightly stinging behind with a grumble.
“I’m waiting,” Harry drawled out, a hint of a smirk on his lips. Huffing at him, you tossed my hair over your shoulder. “And you know I’m not a patient man.”
“Good things take time, darling,” You responded airily as you continued on your way to the bathroom. With one last look over your shoulder to see Harry staring at your ass, you entered the bathroom and shut the door.
With the door between you, you had at least hoped the burning sensation rippling across your flushed skin would go away. It did not.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” You whispered to yourself before lurching for the sink and fumbling for the bag Caitlin kept under the sink for when she needed to touch up her makeup. Finding it, you pulled out several makeup remover cloths.
What were you doing?
Yeah, you had dreamed about this for months, day dreamed too, had a few wet dreams, but now that you were so close to fulfilling them your anxiety was through the roof and you were second guessing your actions already. Shit, you really should have taken your meds! Feeling somewhat defeated, you started scrubbing at your face.
You broke down the makeup and scrubbed it off in record time before bracing yourself against the sink and running a hand through your wavy, sparkling hair. Your face was slightly red from your scrubbing, your lips were still crimson, stained from the lipstick but at least you wouldn’t be smearing the creamy substance all over Harry’s skin, and your eyes held just a hint of anxiety, bubbling underneath the burning desire. Gone was confident you. What if you weren’t good enough for him now that the magic was gone? Or he was having second thoughts about you?
“Y/N/N, you better not be second guessing yourself again,” Harry’s voice mumbled from the other side of the door as he rapped his knuckles against it. “Because you’re beautiful even before you put on that makeup.”
Drunk you agreed, but anxiety riddled Y/N didn’t, so with a sigh, you turned around and lurched back over to the door. Opening it up, you stared at Harry with a makeup free face, your hair all jumbled over your right shoulder, and your fingers trying not to clench into fists.
“I can’t help it,” You whispered to him. “I mean your you. You know… incredibly hot, drool worthy, you make me all hot and bothered when you talk about science stuff I don’t understand… and then there’s me, a B average college graduate who pays her bills working at a job that may not pay well, but I enjoy.”
“You are also forgetting cynical, impatient, and grumpy. Have you ever considered that maybe that is the very reason why I like you? Because you are passionate about what you love and put so much effort into it?” Harry asked, reaching up and cupping your jaw. “And I’d really like to show you just how much I like you before you run away from me again. Don’t think I didn’t know what you were really trying to do when you said you wanted that lipstick off.”
Your face flushed at his words, caught red-handed as usual…
“I do not run away from you!” You huffed at him. “I just—“
“No more excuses,” Harry said before pulling your body forwards, making your balance get thrown off so you had to rely on him to stay on your feet. You nearly crashed into his chest as he pulled your head forwards to place his lips on your.
Harry kissed you deeply, possessively, and with passion you didn’t expect from him, which prompted your eyelids to flutter shut so you could focus solely on the sensations he was eliciting with his mouth. You hands went up to press against his chest as his arm wrapped around you bare back and his hand slipped underneath the loose fabric of your dress to caress your skin. When Harry started stepping forwards and pivoting your bodies, your fingers dug into the rich material of his blazer as your feet stumbled to keep up. Your back hit the room wall with enough force that your lips detached as you let out an ‘oof’.
Blinking rapidly while you caught your breath, you stared up at Harry with wide eyes as he caged you in with those arms of his you had ogled and drooled over plenty of times.
“Harry,” You breathed out as he loomed over you, a hint of a smirk on his lips, and just when you thought he wasn’t going to get any closer, he did. Leaning forwards, Harry pressed his body against your scantily clad one, pinning you to the wall as he brought his face within centimeters of yours.
“You have no idea what you do to me, Y/N,” Harry said gruffly while you fought the heat creeping up your neck. You sputtered for words while he brushed his nose against the skin of your neck.
“What I do to you?” You sputtered out. “But your—“
You cut yourself off as he thrust his pelvis against yours and made you very aware of just how tight his pants were at the moment. The heat that had been simmering underneath your skin flooded your face.
“Feel that?” Harry asked, his words quiet as his lips brushed against your ear. Your breaths came out in shuddering sighs with every grind of hips against yours, and your mind was consumed by the little zips of heat echoing in your body. “You did this, you and you alone.”
Whimpering from the rush of arousal he was creating in your body, and the fact that it was only building, you dug your fingers into his blazer, wanting nothing more than for the material to disappear so you could flatten your fingers on his skin and soak in his body heat.
“Will you let me show you just how much you’ve made it challenging to not drag you out of the club and fuck you against a wall in some derelict hallway just obscure enough that no one would drunkenly stumble across?”
Dear lord, your pretty sure this man could make you orgasm alone just talking about the things he wanted to do to you, because you were pretty sure the uncomfortable thong you were wearing was now wet.
“Y/N,” Harry said gently, taking you chin and bringing your eyes back up so you were looking in his eyes, your hot face now on display. “You literally have no idea how much I want you right now, but I won’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
“It’s—it’s not that Harry,” You mumbled out. “I just… I’m scared that you’ll change your mind come morning, and I don’t think I could take that.”
“Then let me prove to you that this isn’t a onetime itch, and I doubt I could ever get enough of you.” Harry practically begged. Your mind raced as you made a split second decision. It was now or never.
“Ravage me before I get another chance to second guess myself.” You breathed out. “And don’t let me ever think you want otherwise, and hopefully drunk me will kick in by then, because that bitch is always horny for you.”
“With pleasure,” Harry responded with a smirk before diving back down. Your mouths met half way, slamming together in an open mouthed, need filled, kiss that had you reaching up and digging your fingers into his hair for more.
Tugging at his dark strands, his mouth muted your moan as his fingers traced the lace elastic bands of the fish net hosiery that sparkled underneath the low lighting of the room. With his fingers torturing your thighs, you bit at his lower lip, tugging at it with your teeth.
“Is that how you want it?” Harry asked, his voice husky and his eyes dark.
“Don’t make me beg for it, Harrison,” You whispered against his lips.
“I’ll save that for a later date, then,” Harry responded in a teasing tone. His fingers quickly found the thin back of the thong you wore, and in seconds was tearing it free from your body, allowing the skimpy material to fall to the floor.
While his fingers slid back to cup your ass, your own dropped down and were quickly working his belt loose and unzipping that tight zipper. Soon his own fingers were joining yours, shoving his slacks and briefs down just enough so the erection he had been teasing you with, was free.
“God, you have no idea how much I want you,” You groaned as you pressed your hands into the wall your back was pressed against. “I want you in me so bad, its been driving me crazy.”
“Good,” Harry purred back before his hands reached down and he was shoving them against your hips, sliding the skirt of your dress to reveal the elastic straps of your thigh high hosiery. With your dress bunched up around your waist, you let out a gasp as he all but hoisted you up against the wall, gripping you by your thighs.
Your arms automatically went around his neck, scrambling for something to hold on to while you wrapped your heel clad legs around his waist with a small squeal. Well, this was another admission on Harry’s part, the man was built like a god, and strong like one too.
Staring down into Harry’s eyes, your cheeks long since flushed, you were once against enraptured by his beautiful blue eyes. So enraptured you didn’t even register that he was pushing into you until he was at least halfway there. Sucking in a deep breath, a moan crawled up your throat as you dug one hand into his hair and the other into his shoulder, and when he started to move, oh you were completely gone.
With every even paced thrust and soft grunt, your back and shoulders scraped slightly against the wall of the room, adding just a hint of sting you found you didn’t quite mind. Harry leaned in for more kisses, which you welcome with zero resistance. Your kisses were sloppy at this point, his thrusting throwing your poorly aimed kisses off.
That didn’t matter, you just wanted your hands on each other and your lips working against each other. If you weren’t completely drunk from your drinks at the club, you were now just from the way his mouth twisted with yours. Breaking apart to breathe, you panted for air while trying not to whine from the way Harry managed to hit every spot that brought your body to life.
As your eyes fluttered from the sensation of fullness and pure rapture, your head flopped back against the wall, offering Harry a chance to latch onto pristine, unmarked skin. You marked him, it was only fair that he returned the favor. His mouth started kissing and biting at your skin, inciting you to push his head further into your neck and chest with a groan. You knew just from the way he was sucking and pulling at your skin he was leaving marks of possession, staying true to his words. Your fingers slid through his combed hair, ruffling it back to its perpetually messy state. The intense feeling that was filling your body faster than you could understand, consumed you.
“Jesus,” You gasped out, your hand on his shoulder digging in as your nails scraped his skin, no doubt leaving red marks on his gorgeous skin. You’d never felt so full before, so filled with pleasure and ecstasy, it was almost overwhelming.
“And here I thought you knew better than to call another man’s name while I’m in you,” Harry said against your skin, that teasing tone back in his voice. Breathlessly laughing out loud, you couldn’t help but bury your face into his wild hair.
“Not to worry, Dr. Wells, you do your job and the only name on my tongue will be yours.” You cooed in his ear, which seemed to please him because the next moment he was thrusting at a different angle, harder, and seemed like a man on a mission with his lips against your chest. “Fuck—Harry!”
“That’s it,” Harry said hoarsely as his lips ghosted up your neck and brushed against your ear. “It’s me making you feel this good, not Dibny, not Palmer, me. Say it again.”
“Harry,” You moaned out, your nails digging further into his shoulder. “Harry, Harry, Harry!”
That seemed to make him happy because his head turned and his lips sought out yours once more, capturing them as he relentlessly thrust his hips against your, driving his cock as far as he could go into your body. Harry’s teeth tugged at your lips before he flicked his tongue over the bitten spots.
All it took for you to get pushed over the edge was one placed thrust, and you were screaming his name one last time as your orgasm rushed through your body like a tidal wave. One enormous surge of fire burned through your veins, turning your legs to jello and making them go slack around his waist, his hands and arms now being the only thing holding you up.
Gasping for oxygen, you loosened your tight hold on his hair and removed your nails from his back, your arms trembling as you came down from the high. Harry pulled out as he planted a few delicate kisses on some of you stinging skin. You dropped your shaky legs back to the floor, standing wobbly with the heels and jello legs combined as Harry briefly took a moment to slide himself back into his pants and button them. He was very pleased with himself for finally indulging in you.
Wetness ran down your inner thighs, no doubt ruining the expensive hosiery, and at that moment all you could do was ask yourself if that really just happened. Did grumpy, stoic, yet incredibly handsome Harry Wells just fuck you against a wall? Clothes and all? Yes, he had, and you was surprised to find that you found that a turn on. Drunk you really was a horny bitch… you guess it was a good thing you rarely got drunk then.
Harry moved his face so he was staring into you eyes, and for a few moments all you did was stare at each other and breathe. His hands left your thighs and smoothed out your bunched up dress before one trailed all the way up to rest against your flushed cheek.
“Harry?” You asked in a small voice, not really sure what was going to happen now, and that word being the only one your mind was capable of speaking.
His eyes sparkled in satisfaction for a moment before he was leaning in and pressing his lips back to yours, his hand cradling your head. But rather than an intense, need filled, semi-chaotic kiss, his lips were gentle against yours, like butterfly wings against skin, or snow landing on eyelashes.
“I think I reached optimal satisfaction considering that the only thing coming out of your mouth for the last three minutes has been my name.” Harry mused, his lips still lightly brushing against yours. Your already flushed cheeks blazed with heat at his words, and at your realization that he was one hundred percent correct. You would have continued to softly sputter and blush trapped against the wall if realization hadn’t hit you.
“Harry,” You said, blinking up at him. “You didn’t—“
“Not important,” He responded, cutting you words off with a brush of his thumbs across you sensitive lips.
“But Harry—“ His thumb pressed against your lip, silencing you.
“What’s important is that you are treated like the woman you are, and given exactly what you need.” Your eyes dropped from his in embarrassment.
“I’d say so,” You mumbled quietly, your eyes darting around as heat rushed across your cheeks once more. “I mean I don’t usually… well… I mean…”
“I’m not a particularly selfish man when it comes to my own desires,” Harry spoke after you had  trailed off. “But I am selfish about how I treat my woman, and I’d like to have my way with you and your incredible body if you’d allow me.”
“Well, you kind of already did,” You answered shyly, your legs shifting and once again reminding you of the ever present warmth he had caused.
“I told you I wanted to show you that this isn’t a onetime itch, Y/N, and I am only just getting started.”
“Oh,” You breathed out, the buzzing sensation of arousal coming back to life. Your face brightened up with hope. “So does that mean one more round? Because this dress is getting itchy and these heels are killing my feet…”
The smirk that formed on his face told you exactly what he was thinking, and even anxiety riddled Y/N seemed excited about that.
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Date Published: Heck if I Know
Last Edit: 6/22/23
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72 notes · View notes
thebestofoneshots · 5 months
as promised it’s DEEP DIVE TIME BABY!!!
chapter 29 here’s my thoughts and things i noticed!!
first things first I WAS MENTIONED AGAIN!!! love to know i’m just roaming about in this universe fucking around. love how i was warned tho very nice!
i loved that when remus saw reader he immediately went “oh thank god HERE!!” like he trusts her skills enough to know that if anyone could do it it’s her like the whole “if anyone can do it,it’s you luv” LIKE OK I SEE YOU WITH THE NICKNAMES 🤭 but the trust not only remus but peter has in reader shows how their relationship has grown since they’ve met and i think it’s so cute how quickly she was accepted into the group!
also PETER HAS A DATE?!?? MY BABY!! (specifically your peter tho i only like your peter) I CANT WAIT TO FIND OUT HOW THE DATE WENT AND WHO IT WAS WITH!!!
and reader having survivors guilt? she’s so me i hate watching people get hurt when i could have stopped it or tried to help! idk maybe it has something to do with me hating the feeling of being weak. like as a woman it’s hard to be seen as strong and competent so having men fight your battles against other men never feels as satisfying as the woman beating HIS ASS TO OBLIVION!!!
anyways! reader being selfless as always taking the punishment so james can have his little date with lily. love her with everything i have.
but remus offering to take james spot instead of reader but when sirius asks for remus to take his spot he flat out just goes “hell nah” his love language for both reader and sirius are so different yet so similar? like you can tell remus and sirius are obviously closer and so remus has no problem denying a request from him. but with reader he’s just met her and hasn’t figured out the boundaries of their relationship yet (friendships are still relationships) like how far he can go to tease her or what she’s comfortable with and not. don’t get me wrong for the amount of time they have known each other remus knows a LOT about her like mannerisms and her thought process but there’s still more for him to learn! like just how far she’s willing to go! (i have no idea if any of that made sense i’m sorry)
DIFFERENT TOPIC!!! READER FLIRTING WITH REMUS!!! even if it was as james i need more of reader teasing or like “jokingly” flirting with remus!!! please on my knees!!! honestly tho i do feel like reader teasing remus about the blindfold and him being “kinky” shows how comfortable she’s getting with him! like it took her awhile to get like that with sirius but once she started she never stoped and i want to see more of these with her and rem.
also reader wearing boxers? homegirl stays prepared! i swear she’s literally so smart! and clever i will never shut up about it. like the way she thinks ahead has saved her in so many different situations! clever little fox 🥰
love love love reader getting jealous with the thought of sirius flirting with other girls! (i think she should show him why that’s a terrible idea WHAT?!?? WHO SAID THAT?!???)
i loved how the “there isn’t any man’s work that i cannot do.” came to bite her in the ass so quickly. can’t even blame her men’s public restrooms are foul. what do they do in there?!?!!
reader as james calling mcgonagall minnie had me crying oh i know she was embarrassed (it’s ok tho because i would want to call her minnie too 😔)
I NEED MORE OF READER BEING INTIMIDATING!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! i live for intimidating reader! i eat that shit up! love to see men cower to a powerful woman!!! RAAAHHHH WOMEN!!!!
the whole random chick asking sirius to go to hogsmeade as if he doesn’t already have a girlfriend is crazy! like how are you gonna try and be a home wrecker??? the audacity to yell at james/reader i would be mad for james to because how do you have all of that attitude? like damn.
but i want to say this i know sirius and remus are gonna get together but i feel like right now their relationship is screaming “remus lupin wouldn’t mind liking boys if it didn’t mean liking sirius black. sirius black wouldn’t mind liking remus lupin if it didn’t mean liking a boy.” ya know? i thought of that when sirius was having his little sexuality crisis with reader being a boy
can i say this enough? MORE REMUS SIRIUS AND READER INTERACTIONS!!! i need them! i need remus and reader teaming up antagonist sirius! i need remus and reader having this wordless communication! i need reader and sirius to spend more time with remus! i need more remus freaking out over sirius! i need more of them together! I NEEEEDDD ITTTT
can’t stop thinking about how remus noticed reader was turning back and tried to stop her from getting hurt. how closely he was paying attention in order to notice that in the first place. how i can imagine him just admiring reader and sirius and noticing readers demeanor change slightly just enough for him to realize the potions effects were disappearing. yeah. can’t stop thinking about it.
gonna go to bed tonight dreaming i’m laying in bed with sirius and listening to remus read me the godfather. we all just cuddle together in a mess of limbs while remus’ voice lulls us to sleep. yeah….gonna dream about that.
ok that was my thoughts on this chapter. lord is it long? probably im sorry 😭 i can’t wait for the next chapter!!! literally in love with your writing! like i want it tattooed in my brain.
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Right? Peter is such a weird character bc we know what's gonna happen to him in the future and we know what he's supposed to do, but I still felt it necessary to flesh him out? Especially if Sirius eventually suggests using him as a secret keeper instead because let's be honest, they must have trusted him heavily to make that happen and it was really important for me to let that be seen. How much did he change due to his cowardice?
Remus and nicknames are a thing, he's always using them on her, but I bet he's gonna use them even further as time goes by and they become closer o each other. Who knows? He might start teasing him just as much as she teases him.
I freaking love your excitement! And there's definitely going to be something very interesting happening in Chapter 30. Remember who's the Slytherin Seeker.
but remus offering to take james spot instead of reader but when sirius asks for remus to take his spot he flat out just goes “hell nah” his love language for both reader and sirius are so different yet so similar? like you can tell remus and sirius are obviously closer and so remus has no problem denying a request from him. but with reader he’s just met her and hasn’t figured out the boundaries of their relationship yet (friendships are still relationships) like how far he can go to tease her or what she’s comfortable with and not. don’t get me wrong for the amount of time they have known each other remus knows a LOT about her like mannerisms and her thought process but there’s still more for him to learn! like just how far she’s willing to go! (i have no idea if any of that made sense i’m sorry)
It 100% makes sense! Remus still has a lot to learn about her and it's part of the beauty of it. The realisticness of their relationship developing lays heavily on this, especially on those occasions in which Remus notices shit Sirius doesn't and at other times, he sees things that Vixen doesn't know about Sirius, bc he's known him for longer.
Like in this case, he's offering to help because he knows Vixen's arm is hurt and still feels guilty because of it, he doesn't want her to overwork. Meanwhile, with Sirius, he knows he's more than fine, and that he's just trying to get away from it by using his charm like he always does, which is why he flat-out refuses. Remus fell for Sirius' winning smile enough times in his first and second year, and our poor boy didn't even know why he wanted to help Sirius with his homework so much.
i loved how the “there isn’t any man’s work that i cannot do.” came to bite her in the ass so quickly. can’t even blame her men’s public restrooms are foul. what do they do in there?!?!!
I loved doing this because she really was all "Don't underestimate me, I can do anything a man can," and then they throw her in the dirty loo and she's like "I fucked up." This would soooo happen to me. I LOOOVE strong independent woman, if you haven't noticed, I always try to have her keep that personality with her. In fact, one of her character faults is that she struggles to accept help from others because she too, doesn't like being perceived as weak. And sometimes it's hard to understand that, needing help on some things isn't a weakness, but rather inherently human.
but i want to say this i know sirius and remus are gonna get together but i feel like right now their relationship is screaming “remus lupin wouldn’t mind liking boys if it didn’t mean liking sirius black. sirius black wouldn’t mind liking remus lupin if it didn’t mean liking a boy.” ya know? i thought of that when sirius was having his little sexuality crisis with reader being a boy
This really is them in every universe. And regarding Zia, I wanted to put her in there because well, the subject of adding Remus is already delicate enough. And that thin line between the three being in love with each other and cheating, is something I wanted to explore further. There will be no cheating on GC because I do not condone that at all and I value honesty above all, but I thought adding that bit of contrast in there was important.
Also just a mini reminder of what a hot shot Sirius is bc hot damn he's a total catch!
can’t stop thinking about how remus noticed reader was turning back and tried to stop her from getting hurt. how closely he was paying attention in order to notice that in the first place. how i can imagine him just admiring reader and sirius and noticing readers demeanor change slightly just enough for him to realize the potions effects were disappearing. yeah. can’t stop thinking about it.
My man's so in love it borderlines on obsession and it's hard bc good god he's in love with his two best friends who are also dating each other, how much more miserable must he be?
gonna go to bed tonight dreaming i’m laying in bed with sirius and listening to remus read me the godfather. we all just cuddle together in a mess of limbs while remus’ voice lulls us to sleep. yeah….gonna dream about that.
Dear lord, I also wish I could have Rem read to me asleep! He's just so sweet and soft and I feel like he would do narrations masterfully! Sidenote: Audible has a version of "The Portrait of Dorian Grey" narrated by Ben Barnes and it's the loveliest thing in the world, sometimes I go to bed and pretend it's Sirius reading to me.
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I LOOOOOVE your analysis, you don't understand how much! Truly, they give me a whole week's highlight! They're so much fun to read and see how you dissect things that are deep within my brain. Things that happen in the story that I hadn't even gone into such depth but somehow knew? It's soooo cool because it lets me know how much of the story us coming across like I wanted it to come across and it really, truly, brings me joy. You always make me all blushie (இ﹏இ)/♡
Read Gilded Constellations
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ilynpilled · 9 months
also, in her converation with Ned, cersei outright TELLS him that Jaime would kill Robert if he knew how Robert abused her (fuck robert i hope he's rotting). and Robert knew it too which is why all his bruises were generally weren't on her face where people, specifically including Jaime, could see.
This is her exact quote: "Jaime would have killed him (Robert), even if it meant his own life"
that's probably one of the reasons why she doesn't tell him. she was in an awful, awful situation and it reflects the situation of so many other abuse victims across the world. it's not fair that she should have to keep this from her own family and worry about what her brother would do, but if he DIDN'T do anything...what kind of a person would he be? just look at Aemon the Dragonknight as a prime example
regarding this post: link
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yeah thats the quote they refused to take at face value when almost everything about his characterization indicates that it would be the case.
i think when it comes to the discussions of much of this the dissonance comes from not confronting that this society refuses to acknowledge marital rape as rape. i do not have the quote at hand (@/georgescitadel might have it) but george himself has expressed that marital rape as a concept doesnt exist in medieval society. that is why it makes sense that while jaime is aware that robert “claimed his rights”, he does not recklessly murder him for it in rage unless cersei gives the word (again, we already know he is ready to do it after he sees that robert is disrespecting her by cheating on her and proceeds to ask her if she wants him dead for it. but like you pointed out, cersei understands that if he saw evidence of physical abuse he likely would not ask for permission and potentially get himself killed.) this is because arranged marriages are treated as a norm in which conjugal rape and a man claiming his rights is not really acknowledged or understood (more like confronted tbh) as rape. this is an integral aspect of the patriarchal domination thats present in westerosi society, its woven into its very fabric. women are placed into a role of subordination, again, it is robert’s “right.” and jaime too is unable to conceptualize it as sexual abuse on the level of rape. hence we get quotes like this:
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like we know and understand that cersei was repeatedly raped by robert. we know she didnt make anyone kill her. we know what jaime is saying and thinking here is inconsistent and makes little sense if he believes that she was raped.
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that other passage suggests that jaime does not fully grasp or know this. and in general society doesn’t for the most part, including most of the victims themselves. “claiming his rights” is not referred to as rape. robert also knows that what he is doing is wrong, especially the part where he is hurting her (theres also the layer of the code of chivalry being completely contradicted), but he refuses to confront it in multiple ways, and i dont think even he fully acknowledges it as rape either even though i refuse to believe that he is not aware of it. cersei’s right to label him a coward. same with ned in that very conversation, he even sees and knows that robert physically hit her, heard her say that she can scarcely bear him touching her, and yet he asks: “a thousand other women might have loved him with all their hearts. what did he do to make you hate him so?”, and cersei also doesn’t give the answer: “he repeatedly raped me.” jaime understands rape as terrible, he shows concern towards brienne, and risks personal harm (and gets it too since he is kicked unconscious because of it) saving her from it, and it is an act driven by empathy, and he even ironically acknowledges that rape can leave someone broken in a way that does not show on the outside. he executes pia’s rapist too, sets a precedent among his father’s men, and recognizes that she’s “scarred” where it does not show: “That’s all she is, a little girl in a woman’s body, scarred and scared.”
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and re the present: while i have a sympathy for jaime in the sense that the betrayal that he was confronted with shatters the delusion that he made immense sacrifices for and defined most of his life atp, and the fact that it makes him feel that he was not actually loved by her as well as recontextualizing his most horrible decisions, he should be showing more consideration and empathy (and i am not saying that he is obligated to die for her either. he isnt) and put in the effort to actually place himself in cersei’s shoes and navigate these blindspots that he has (he has the capacity to, again: “they will leave her a cripple too, but inside, where it does not show”). right now, he is extremely bitter, violently even, and can be selfish and misogynistic as hell about it, and i obviously believe that that is something that has to be recognized by readers for what it is.
but still, regarding the rest, i also think ppl dont acknowledge that because of how medieval society operates there is a very skewed perspective and understanding of certain things and how that affects characters. even with rhaella, jaime is disturbed by the physical abuse:
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like he doesnt use the word rape like he does with brienne and the bloody mummers, but he obviously hears and sees that the abuse thats happening to rhaella is horrid and hurts her, and feels a need/obligation to protect her. this is why it is not inconsistent at all that jaime would recklessly murder robert without “permission” even if it meant his own life if he saw evidence of physical abuse, but does not do the same for the marital rape/him claiming his rights. in this society it is not viewed as a violation of rights because women do not really have these rights in these circumstances. their purpose is to marry and bear children. rape is mostly understood and recognized as “low born criminals violently raping women”, “knights and soldiers violently raping women when their blood is up” etc, not “nobles in marriages raping their wives when they claim their rights”, or “coerced rape occurring every time nobles use brothels” etc.
and, as you may have noticed, there’s a strong “you’re hurting me” motif with all of this, because no matter what westerosi society normalizes to maintain patriarchal hegemony, it is obviously all an utter violation of human rights that deals immense harm and trauma to women.
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p-redux · 8 months
Just a question, a serious one, for you or anyone else here. Sorry, this is a long post.
If you are totally okay with whoever S wants to date and you are just happy for him, then why do you allow people on your blog to trash these women? I know a couple of the women he's supposed to have dated have done some things to and/or said some things about Sam that were bad. But most of them still follow him (if they did before) and most of them have said nothing bad about him. Why not defend them? We don't know for sure which of them he dated casually, more seriously, or at all. It's mostly conjecture. Why are the women always attacked?
If we all do really love Sam and his work AND support whatever type of love life he chooses, then why do we look for every bad trait about the women associated with him? I do think a couple of them maybe wanted him for his money or fame, but all of them didn't do that. Sam is a grown-ass man, and while I do think he is a nice and sweet people pleaser, I don't think he is gullible enough to only go out with women who want to use him or who are trashy. It's terrible for women to attack other women when the only reason they do it is based on conjecture.
I know many here won't agree with me, but when I look at Katie , Abbie, and Mackenzie I don't see fake, plastic , bougie women. There are others we have seen him with who also don't look that way. Why would we assume he's attracted to those types? Just because he looks at or follows women who might fit that type, doesn't mean that's the type of woman he really wants a relationship with. The women I see on IG often just remind me of what has always appeared in men's' magazines, it's just easier now to post your own photos. Much of that is fantasy and men are really visual.
Personally, I just don't believe he has dated every woman associated with him in the last 10 years. I just don't. I also don't believe he has dated someone if we have no actual proof. Being around someone, friends with someone, hanging out with someone, having a meal with someone doesn't always mean dating them. Everyone jumps to conclusions EVERY SINGLE TIME he is rumored to be connected to a woman. I have even read where Sam said there are numerous scenarios about who he has dated or is dating and many of them aren't true.
Sure, it's fun to speculate. But when it moves to attacking these women, that's too far. We don't know Sam or any of these women personally- at least most of us don't. We only know what they may share on SM. I find it appalling the ugly, hateful things I have seen written about Karina Elle and Monika Clarke in the last year or so, for example. Unless someone here has more proof than I have seen - real proof- we don't know IF or how long he actually dated either of them. We don't know if he dated one, but not the other. We don't know if he dated them both at the same time. Only Sam and the women know for sure. Without irrefutable proof, we don't know what happened between them. Someone dropping an anon that he was at a football game with his hands on KE's ass, or that he was spotted in Brooklyn with a tall, beautiful brunette shopping but with NO photos just isn't proof. I'm sorry, but if you can hang around a location long enough to KNOW it's Sam and KNOW the identity of the woman, you can get a photo. I know many say they didn't take a photo because they didn't want to invade their privacy. Well if that's true, then why post about it on a fan blog???? I would guess that any fan who may have seen him with a date and asked for a photo with him- who genuinely likes and respects Sam-- probably knows who he was with and has chosen not to post it anywhere out of respect for Sam and the woman.
I fan over him too. Sometimes I love the speculation too. But these women are real human beings and we need to remember that. And if we love and respect Sam, we need to respect his own choices. He doesn't need my permission to date or care about any woman. But if I respect him, I shouldn't trash a woman he chooses to spend time with.
Anon, you've mistaken me for some other blogs. This is PURV, one of my number one rules for my blog is that I don't allow any hate toward Sam or Cait OR Tony OR any woman Sam dates. I delete hate comments other people may have left on my posts, and I warn the person that if they do it again, I'll block them. Sometimes, people will reblog a post and leave a hate comment, but there's nothing I can do there because I can't delete a reblog. But the person will automatically get blocked.
So, please pay better attention or realize you're mistaking me for other blogs, I don't tolerate hate for the women Sam dates at all. If anything, out of respect for him. If he picks a woman to date, then he must find qualities in her he likes, and that's good enough for me. Whatever and whoever makes him happy, I'm happy for him. Simple as that.
As for your specific comment about not knowing whether Karina or Monika dated Sam. Um, the sighting at the football game was not an Anon. It was an identifiable real person who was at the game and saw them together and their interactions. A source I directly talked to. She has no horse in this race, no reason to lie. I got the info from her directly and I know her full identity. So, there is NO doubt her sighting was real. As for Monika, there are PICS of Sam and Monika KISSING at a restaurant in New York. And I also DMed with the photographer who TOOK the pics. He confirmed neither Sam or Monika's people called him. He's a photographer active in New York and gets around a lot. The pics are real and the kiss was real.
So, while you're right that there are some women associated with Sam where it's only speculation with no proof...the two you mentioned there IS proof. And plenty of others as well. Simply search my blog or do a Google Search. There's more proof for Karina and Monika than the two instances I mentioned. And he didn't date them at the same time.
And to reiterate: I, Purv, DO NOT allow any hate on my blog toward ANY woman Sam dates. And certainly no hate for Cait's husband, Tony. Apparently that wasn't clear to you. I hope it is now. Sorry to be pissy, but it's annoying seeing this first thing in the morning, when I've literally made it my blog's work to NOT hate on any of Sam or Cait's significant others. I'm one of the few blogs who sets this boundary.
Have a nice day, Anon, but please, if you're going to take the time to write such a long Ask, do your research first before accusing someone of something FALSE. Thank you.
Happy Monday, everyone! 🙄🙃
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It's completely okay if you don't fit into the category of "ordinary girls/women" and have interests that defy gender stereotypes.
However, some women in their 20s and 30s behave like preteens, desperately seeking the title of "I'm not like other girls."
While they claim to support women, their actions speak otherwise. Instead of uplifting and empowering others, they choose to criticize and hate those who live a different lifestyle.
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It's ridiculous how some women criticize others who choose to be stay-at-home mothers. They constantly bring up negative scenarios and label them as unintelligent.
Don't fancy being a mother? Not interested in being a traditional wife? Awesome! You're under no obligation to be either! However, it's worth acknowledging that some women do have a singular goal in life: to become a mother, and that's completely acceptable as well!
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It's so silly how some women criticize other women who wear makeup with the whole "I'm not like other girls" mentality. Makeup isn't just about hiding imperfections. Who says you need to impress anyone? Sometimes, all you need is a dash of your favorite sparkly eyeshadow to brighten up your day. It's not about trying to please others, but rather embracing your own unique beauty and enjoying the little things that make you happy.
Not a fan of makeup? No worries! You have the freedom to skip buying it and avoid wearing it altogether. In fact, why not take a break from the online world and step outside? You'll be surprised to find that many women embrace their natural beauty without relying on heavy makeup like those beauty gurus you see online.
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Yes, some women embrace the "girly girl stereotype." But let's remember, there are women out there who genuinely adore dresses, cooking, baking, the color pink, cute things, cute clothes, and cute nails. It's perfectly okay for them to love looking feminine!
Hey, here's a little secret for you: you don't have to conform to feminine stereotypes if they don't resonate with you. It's completely fine to have different interests and hobbies that align with your own unique personality.
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Many women have formed incredible connections with the men who hold a significant place in their lives. Whether it's their fathers, brothers, or husbands, these women cherish and respect them deeply.
It's absolutely insane how certain women have the nerve to claim that "you're nothing more than a sexual object for your husband," "men are incapable of loving women," "all men, including your own family members, are misogynistic," or even go as far as saying "kill all men"... darling, you're passing judgment on someone you don't even know. Yes, there are some men who can be terrible, but let's not forget that there are also some women who can be just as awful.
Ultimately, it all comes down to the kind of person you are. Your character and values define who you are, not your gender.
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Sure, I've been guilty of speaking negatively about individuals with different life goals, but I was 10, 11, 12 years old... you are in your 20s, 30s and even 40s it's time to mature and leave that behavior behind.
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It's time for women to practice what they preach and abandon hypocrisy. Rather than using the excuse of "wanting to help women," let's focus on understanding and accepting each other's choices. You're giving a negative connotation to the phrase "I'm not like other girls" with your offensive behavior.
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