#i give it a 9.5/10
noiirem00n · 10 months
i just saw the tmntmm(teenage mutant ninja turtles:mutant mayhem) and it was really nice actually
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chokkito · 7 months
Anyways i forgot to send my funger review here when i finished it so here we go
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I love Enki a normal amount
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doccywhomst · 6 months
Overall thoughts on the 60th anniversary dr who specials?
I loved them.
I can’t wait to see Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor again.
I just know that he is going to be fantastic.
i love them very much, fourteen and donna are so dear and beloved to me, but i’ve been waiting for fifteen for aaaages like damn… smack my ass and call me The One Who Waits bc i’ve been so so so patient and rtd has given me CRUMBS. i’ve been luxuriating in Ncuti’s wonderful performance so far and watching all the released scenes/trailers, and i can tell he’s gonna be absolutely brilliant. already is. i’m chuffed, couldn’t be happier :)
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xjustonemoremiraclex · 10 months
rwrb thoughts from someone who hasn't read the book (yet)
The good/general thoughts:
pleasantly surprised by the acting! which I know sounds mean, but listen, I saw these guys in other things and I wasn't suuuper into them, so it was a nice surprise lol
THE CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THE TWO again, pleasantly surprised by that lol they played off each other SO well
10/10 soundtrack, it definitely took inspiration from older rom-coms and I loved it <3
PS I really liked all the side characters! I wish we'd gotten to spend a little more time with some of them, but everyone was pretty great <3 also, all the women were awesome, and I am very gay and very in love <3
Ok, I really, REALLY liked how they showed the two of them texting each other, and the whole editing around it. It was pretty cute
I was living for all the latine songs at the new year's party, that was a nice touch
ok, when everyone was getting down at the party and alex and henry stayed up and stared at each other and time slowed down, I know it was supposed to be romantic, but I have to say it: it was also the funniest shit I've ever seen lol
henry at the party is giving both 'i have social anxiety and my only friend here is a social butterfly and keeps leaving to be with other people send help' and 'i thought you invited me here as a first date kind of thing but you're dancing and making out with other people and i'm feeling so betrayed rn :('
'christ you're as thick as it gets *kiss*' LMAO
Listen, I'm not usually into rom-coms (I say, like a liar), but I was pretty happy with the writing, in general. I laughed at all the funny parts, got emotional over all the dramatic ones and swooned at the romance bits. Great job, everyone
'I just can't afford for you to fall in love with me' LMAO babe, we're WAY past that. On both sides
ok, full disclosure: I don't really like sex scenes all that much (there's nothing wrong with them, I'm just very ace lol), so I usually just use my phone while they're happening, and while I did that a little bit here too, I was still paying attention, and honestly, they were pretty sweet. They did a good job. And, like, I have no idea why the film was R-rated lol you literally don't see anything
again, love the little montages that show the passing of time, while also showing they're keeping in touch and getting to know each other better and stuff. It makes the relationship between the two and the way it's developing feel a bit less rushed, which is nice
alex giving an impassioned romantic speech to henry, about to confess his love: // henry:
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'I didn't want to break his heart' - oh, honey, you already did :(
'to tell you that I love you, knowing that you wouldn't say it back' brb sobbing
'because when they write the history of my life, I want it to include you and my love for you' help i'm dying 😭😭😭😭😭😭
MIGUEL DON'T THINK I DON'T KNOW IT WAS YOU please die in a fire <3
alex's speech was really good by the way 🥺
'baby' screaming crying throwing up jgdkfk
I FORGOT THE KING WAS STEPHEN FRY why is this so funny to me
The... less good?/general questions:
Kinda wish there'd been a bit more enemies in my enemies-to-lovers film
'he just grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and footbal'' - please, I beg you, someone smarter than me - what the fuck does this mean 😭 ppl are LIVING for this quote and I'm like ??????
this is probably me being stupid and ignorant lol but why would alex's relationship cost his mum the election? like, from what I've seen, her government has been very pro-queer, that's not really a secret, so her son being queer and in a relationship with a man shouldn't lose her any voters..? the people who are against 'the queers' were not going to vote for her in the first place, soooo..? me is confused
honestly, this is probably an unpopular opinion, but... the king was not that bad? like, i'm not saying he's not kind of homphobic and kind of a dick lol but i get the impression that everything stems from the whole thing about sticking to tradition and public image and bla bla. Like, again, obviously, part of that involves homophobia, but I think that on a personal level, he... doesn't really care? Even at the end, he's like 'ok, are you absolutely sure about this, cause there's no going back. Yes? Really? Well, go off I guess *long-suffering sigh*'. Like, I got way more homophobic vibes from phillip than the king idk 🤷‍♀️ (I really hope I don't have to clarify that this only applies to the film, and not like, the real life crown lol)
Sooo, as I said, I haven't read the book yet, but I've seen some posts about it, and I think after watching the film I've realized that it's biggest flaw is that it's that - a film. It's a great film, don't get me wrong! And it's pretty obvious I really liked it. But damn, I'm a firm believer that book adaptations only work as series. They don't have to be super long or anything, but there is just no way to fit everything in a book in a two hour film. And yeah, when you're adapting something you have to make some changes, but Idk, it's kind of a shame that you lose so much (and even without reading the book, I can tell there's a lot of stuff missing). In any case, I can't talk too much about it until I read the book, but yeah 🤷‍♀️ It does seem like they did a good job, though - like, it genuinely can stand on its own really well, but I guess I'll have to find out for myself
Also, tagging @silassstingy bc I promised her my thoughts on the film and she might give me some interesting insights on some of the stuff I mentioned, cause she's a queen like that <3
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raidensharkgun · 3 months
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Finally finished Kamen rider Blade and now Raines gonna talk about
For a show known for its memes, it really holds up
The story has is twisted and turns, the most of the characters are complex and overall it was nice to go back to a time where was a small amount of special effects.
Also the final episode hurts…
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quixoticornithologist · 7 months
bro can i take a moment to talk about how much i love dorohedoro. Ths show makes me so weak i love all the characters!!!,, and the designs tooooo theyre so unique but not in a one piece way (sorry OP i hate ur design choices) and the masked men... Oughheee the masked men in the series. Specifically shin and noi. Yes shes not a man but goddamn bisexual panic in a duo incarnate.
mostly shin tho. Hes so . my goodness
Nd his magic appeals like Specifically to M3. goodness gracious masochism goes Thru The Daym Roof and hes also jist cute
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talonflamee · 2 years
talking a little about pokemon black and white:
i finished White the other day and i feel Sooooo Normal about it. yup :)
some background info: i played White on launch back in 2010. i didn’t like it too much. haven’t touched it in 12 years and I remembered very little about it, so this was basically like playing it for the first time again! overall i enjoyed it very, very much and i’m SO glad i replayed it!! here’s a quick review of the stuff i liked and disliked:
what i didn’t like:
- many of the new pokemon: there are no previous gen pokemon available until you finish the main game. this would’ve worked great if the new pokemon were. like…… good? i don’t hate all of them, but overall i think gen 5 has some of the worst designs in the franchise. (i’m not a Vanillish hater btw, that guy is awesome)
- the wild encounter rates: ABSURDLY high. sometimes i was getting a wild pokemon every single step, even when i wasn’t running
- the sheer size of the maps: i think this is a positive for most people. but for me, some of them were just wayyyy too big, most notably castelia city and twist mountain. i just wanted to get out of there lmao
i think that’s pretty much all my complaints! now onto the good stuff!
what i loved!!:
- THE MUSIC!!!: good god…. so for me personally, music is pretty much AS important as gameplay, sometimes even more so. honestly, i think i’d now say gen 5 has my favorite pokemon music of all time, next to gen 3 and gen 4/PLA. it’s fantastic. and the adaptive music!!!! this is SO cool!!!! when i got the piano and drums to kick in in accumula town, i knew this game was gonna be something very special
- trainers who heal on long routes so you don’t have to walk/fly back to a pokemon center i love you so so much
- the art/animation: ah, our last 2D main game… i miss it terribly. each and every sprite was painstakingly and lovingly crafted and it looks SO good. they also really wanted to show off the 3D environments and it still holds up pretty well! neat dynamic angles and of course. bridges
- the story: an in-depth story with fairly heavy themes! this went over my head as a kid, but as an adult i quickly recognized team plasma as just like. a literal cult. this game also addresses some moral questions fans have had since the beginning, like “do pokemon actually enjoy battles?” and “are humans forcing pokemon to fight for them?”
- the post game: hey wow actual post game! i thought swsh had a pretty abysmal post game, so this is super refreshing. i haven’t finished it yet, but it’s pretty great so far! i really like that you go back to important areas in the story to uncover more details about team plasma
- the characters: really fun characters and designs! as well as a villain that is genuinely intimidating and fucked up. i’ll take a goofy villain like guzma any day of the week, but there’s definitely something to be said about one you want to hit with hammers many times in a row
- N: oh boy... i’ll be honest, i started replaying white for ingo and emmet. i was extremely impressed by most everything about this game, but especially N. i remembered him the most from my last playthrough (literally 12 years ago) but i didn’t really understand the hype for him at the time. replaying as an adult… yeah man. this guy absolutely rules.
he’s a wonderful character and i’m writing a character study on him at the moment!! so look out for that if you’re interested!
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damnitandy · 11 months
just saw an advance screening of Barbie, everyone who doubted this movie is screaming and crying and throwing up and exploding 👍
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buckttommy · 2 years
I listened to Noah Kahan's new album for the first time today btw. 9.5/10.
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concordewillfly · 1 year
placebo for the music ask game :3
hiiiii <3
favourite song: once again such a hard decision because it changes all the time and i would have to make a list BUT if i have to choose one i think its only fair to go with the song that was my previous url so scared of girls <3
favourite album: impossible to choose since theyre all so different and im attached to all of them .. lets say a tie between self titled and without you im nothing but truly i couldnt choose
least favourite album: soooo sorry that im gonna say this but their latest album never let me go :( im warming up to it though! i think i just have a problem with the sound/cohesiveness of the songs
song that got me into them: actually i dont remeber .. like i have no remembrance of a life before placebo .. i think it was nancy boy but genuinely i am not sure
seen live: no :(
rate: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
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flaireingsparks · 9 days
Heyyyy not my usual humor but something more serious, skip if you want
But I'm so frustrated with clothes shopping. Like, okay so I'm a bit more on the big side - but I should still be able to shop at stores like pacsun and hot topic and other stores for clothes. I should be able to go to Kohl's for shoes, but I can't
Like for example; a pair of shorts I got at pacsun, they were so cute!! Black and white flowers. And they were a size 30, so I assumed they'd fit well. Well fuck me in the ass with a chicken and color me surprise when I discover that they are too small
I, wear a wide 14-16 in normal jeans. So why can't a size 30 fit me? It honestly makes me feel like crap.
Not to mention underwear, oh my fucking god I just want to buy underwear that covers the entirety of my ass cheeks without buying underwear too big. I buy boy shorts panties and still half of my ass is hanging out. I should not look and see my butt cheek popping out like it's a neighbor coming for a cup of sugar I should see that shit quarantined like it's still covid lockdown
It is a pain to find clothes and shoes in my size, and I know many others have it worse when it comes to clothes but it's still fucking frustrating. I should be able to wear ripped jeans from a store like pacsun and be able to do a squat in them without feeling like someone tied plastic around my thighs and belly to extract blood.
I should be able to wear ripped jeans and shorts without my thighs or legs popping out further than the fabric itself and making me look like a damn balloon animal freshly tied. And for God's sake it's even WORSE when I get tights and they look fucking see through on me when they're my size
That's all, just some frustrations about my body and clothes shopping
Stores, do better.
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wiltingdecay · 3 months
so i finished harrow the ninth
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I finished Jedi: Survivor and, no spoilers, but I'm just. Wow. And ow.
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jd07201990 · 5 months
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I shouldn't have opened my mouth. All I had to do was just walk away, and I'd have been fine. Now, It takes 3 showers a day, and a can of Axe a week, just to control the apocalyptic funk of athlete that pours from my pits... and feet... ok, ok I just stink, ok?! And its all because I tried to stop Pops, a local Gym Owner, from bullying one of his regulars.
The massive man was absolutely raging, as he berated a Jock for skipping sessions, despite the young man explaining desperately that he couldn't miss any more assignments or he'd lose his scholarship. It didn't seem to quell Pops's anger, as I watched the man drag the boy to a bench, and force him to lift rep after rep, until the Jock was panting, begging for a break, promising not to miss any more sessions. 
I'd been walking on the treadmill the whole time, and decided to get involved. My first mistake. Walking up to Pops, I cleared my throat, and told him to lay off, that clearly the Jock was exhausted. Pops grabbed my collar and hoisted me up off the ground, before I could react, his face nearly against mine as he went off, first about my nosing about, then about how ridiculously thin I am. I stammered, my legs dangling, until Pops put me down, and smirked.
"You know, a little meat on those bones wouldn't hurt. Maybe with a few pounds, those big, sweaty dawgs you've got wouldn't look so clownish!"
My jaw dropped, a squirmed under his gaze, as a shiver went down my spine, and a dull, warm itch began in my feet. I don't know where he'd gotten the idea that my feet were clownish, I'm 5'7" with size 9.5s! But suddenly, my sneakers felt cramped, warm, with a dull humid dampness making it feel as if I'd stuffed my foot into a wet towel.
Then, I groaned, as a sharp pain shot down my ankles, and my sneakers burst open, revealing wide, reeking Jock-feet, at least size 13. A dense funk rose, and I gagged, the intense reek of Athlete poured from my torn shoes. Pops laughed heartily, then sneered. 
"And those pits! You'd think with hairy, sweaty pits like those, you'd be top of the roster! Not even Big Billy has pits as bad as yours! There's a bull inside you, just waiting to come out!"
Again, that cold shiver ran down my back, and my armpits felt as if fire ants were biting them. Hundreds of itchy bumps formed, then, hair sprouted, filling in and dampening until the stink of the locker room oozed out from them. I whimpered as I caught the scent. Looking up at Pops, I begged.
"Please! Don't do this! You gotta undo this! I'm not a Jock!"
Pops laughed, taking both my shoulders in his massive rough hands, and pushed me down onto a bench, taking my arms and forcing them up onto the bar. My pits were fully on display as he growled.
"Lift. Don't stop until I come back, or those pits and feet will be the least of your worries."
I believed him, and tried to pull the bar down, barely moving the weights. Pops facepalmed, moved to a backpack next to a mountainous young brute lifting what had to be the weight of a small car. He fished out a protein shake, pressed the nozzle to my lips, and forced me to guzzle a few mouthfuls, pulling it away as I heard my stomach gurgle. 
I hiccuped, then burped, as my body seemed to warm, sweat forming, soaking down my shirt. Then, muscle began to swell under my skin, not huge, round bulk, but enough to look as if I'd been hitting the gym for several months, not days. When it settled, I must've gained 10 lbs, all of it hard muscle. When I pulled the bar down this time, it wasn't easy, but I wasn't lifted off the seat this time. Again and again I tested my new size, and Pops grinned. giving my thicker shoulder a punch. 
"I'll make an athlete out of you yet. Like it or not, you're gonna be one of Pops's boys! No one mouth's off to pop, unless they've earned it here at my gym! got it!"
I wanted to be defiant, to insult him, or run, but the look in his eye told me if I so much as thought about leaving, I'd be waddling out of here, sideways through the door, looking like the Behemoth that Pops had taken the shake from! I gulped, looked down, and forced myself to lift. Maybe if Pops is happy, he'll at least tone down the absolute fog of stink that screams, "Big Dumb Jock" from a mile away!
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zhongrin · 2 years
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, xiao, childe, al haitham, tighnari, kazuha, cyno, scaramouche, diluc
◇ tags ◇ more teeth-rotting floof what did you expect, slightly suggestive (al haitham)
◇ note ◇ translated to english, means “adorable” or “cute”
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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some (or in some of these cases, most) people wouldn't associate the word “cute” with your boyfriend, but you beg to differ.
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the way he just hovers and lingers over you whenever he wants your company but doesn’t want to disturb you. if you keep ignoring him, he wouldn’t even realize it himself, but he’ll give you a wet puppy (hatchling?) look. at first, you might have thought that your eyes were playing tricks on you, but if you glance through the mirror - yup, there it is. best abandon whatever you’re doing and give him some attention now.
Ꮺ 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 — 9/10
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once in a while, upon your continuous insistence, xiao will transform into his bird form. a tiny little thing, with magical blue-green feathers and a darker color on his beak, his signature golden eyes no longer catlike but beady-looking. his favorite nest? the top of your head. yes, he will peck anyone who troubles you without hesitation. yes, he will tuck his head under his wings when he sleeps. and yes, he absolutely enjoys the head pats and chin scratches you give him while he's in this form.
Ꮺ 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 — 10/10
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drunk kazuha and severely sleepy kazuha has one thing in common: they’re utterly, completely, earth-shatteringly endearing. he’s whinier, more giggly than normal, and is very easily entertained by the slightest things. the simplest action like you booping his nose can instantly make a loopy smile spread across his lips and a breathy giggle escape his throat. oh, and did i tell you that he’s more honest and needier than usual in these states, too?
Ꮺ 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 — 9.9/10
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when he pouts and whines and pouts and whines and burrows his face onto your stomach like a cat. maybe you didn't give him enough cuddles? forgot to give him his morning kiss? you’re not too sure, but you’re very sure that the way he puffs his cheeks as he gives you an expectant look is just plain adorable.
Ꮺ 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 — 9.5/10
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this big, stoic-looking man has no weakness…. well, two weaknesses. the first one being you, and the second one being tickle fights. yes, he’s ticklish. yes, you probably discovered this because of kaeya’s big mouth. yes, you most definitely should test the theory. and if you have the physical abilities to catch up with the darknight hero, you might even be able to see a breathless, teary-eyed diluc laughing and almost choking on his own spit because he’s struggling to hold back his laughter as your fingers work their magic on that specific spot on his sides.
Ꮺ 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 — 7/10
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the momentary drop in his expression as you catch him off guard on one of his rare days is truly a sight to remember. his eyes widening a fraction and his lips parting a tad, body flinching and frozen as his brain tries to kickstart and amend his reaction to a more subdued one. how does one achieve this seemingly impossible feat, you ask? well... either you do something entirely stupid (please note that you might be subjected to a two hours lecture after this) or you do something entirely inappropriate (like pulling him into a kiss in broad daylight in public, but then again, you might regret the consequences later)
Ꮺ 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 — 6.5/10
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his ears, his ears, his ears. they’re sometimes even more expressive than his expressions, it’s worth dedicating an entire journal to observe and document their movements. his fox instincts are also very adorable, especially when he’s unconsciously trying to groom his ears and tails whenever his guard is down and he thinks that no one’s around. not many things can rival that endearingness... except perhaps the sight of the sulky pout on his lips when he presents himself to you after his grooming session and you don’t comment on it.
Ꮺ 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 — 8/10
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when you reply to his bad joke with another bad joke. he’s so lost. and it shows in the way his eyes widen as he stares at you silently, head tilted a tad to the sides, his lips apart. you can literally hear the neurons in his brain working overtime to try and decipher your words. and the confused-slash-slightly-embarrassed lilt of his voice as he asks you to explain? it’s guaranteed to make you want to pinch his cheeks and kiss his nose.
Ꮺ 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 — 8.5/10
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yeah no, there’s nothing cute about this prickly man…… unless. unless you manage to be the love of his life and earn his complete trust. it’ll take you years and the stars need to align perfectly and you'll need the blessings of all seven archons, but you might get the chance to see the rarest phenomenon in all of teyvat: a sleepy scaramouche, woken up from his slumber, clinging desperately to you when he senses you moving away from him on the bed. he looks like a cat that fell into the bathtub and is only halfway dried with all his hair sticking all over the place like that, but the cutest thing has to be the sleepy pout and the soft whines of “mm, stay with me please…”
Ꮺ 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 (surprisingly) — 9.5/10 (normally -5/10)
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @niverine | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @clovcly | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs
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ambcass · 8 months
ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴋᴀɪ ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ (ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴋᴀɪ ʙᴏʏꜱ)
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ᴍɪɢᴜᴇʟ ᴅɪᴀᴢ:
->You two are in the same dojos no matter what. When he was in Cobra Kai, you were too. When he switched dojos, you did too.
->You two started dating during season 3.
->He fell first (after the FIRST Sam break up) but you fell harder. ->If you do karate, you two would train together. He doesn't like training with you because he's so scared that he'll hurt you.
->He was so awkward when it came to PDA. He didn't wanna weird you out. He would always ask you if it was okay to hug you or kiss you. Even asked if he could hold your hand.
->You're parents love him soo muchhhh. When he comes over, he'll help out with housework and is overall a gentleman.
->Jealousy levels: 8/10. OH HE IS A JEALOUS MAN. If he thinks that you are getting too comfortable with a guy (or girl), he'll go insane. He wouldn't admit it but his whole mood would change from happy to angry
-> If you speak another language, he'll try to learn it!!
-> His love language is acts of service and physical touch fs (He would gift you smth but bros broke asf) ʀᴏʙʙʏ ᴋᴇᴇɴᴇ:
->You two started dating when he broke up with Sam.
->He doesn't encourage you to do karate because of what happened to him and Miguel but he'll teach you the basics so you can defend yourself.
->He can't cook at all but he'll try to. (yk that one meme where a little girl is standing outside smiling as her house is burning... That's Robby)
->BIG PDA MAN!! Hands around your waist at all times, forehead kisses, and long hugs are a must!! (I want him broo)
->Oh his jealousy levels are high high... 9.5/10 Like it's not like you can't talk to other people but if you two are getting too comfortable with each other.. (el es toxicooo pero lo amamos<3)
->ROBBY DEF TEACHES YOU HOW TO SKATE!! But even allat training, you still can't do an ollie 💀💀💀.
->You visited him during his juvenile times BUT he lowk was a bitch and didn't want to see you because he needed "space"...
->yall made up dw
ᴇʟɪ ᴍᴏꜱᴏɪᴡɪᴢ:
-> This one is for you @yippeeyoppee (you'll get ur kon fanfic when I finish it)
->Moon didn't understand him but you did. You've been there for him before he even became "Hawk", when he was just "the kid with the weird lip"
-> When he was still a nerd: You would always tell him that his lip looks badass (it does idk why ppl hatin) and comfort him when people try to bully him.
->He liked you for a long time but just didn't know how to express it because he thought that YOU THOUGHT HE WAS LAMEEE
-> we all know that Eli is still secretly a nerd... He would definitely make nerdy references from time to time.
->He got a tattoo of your favorite thing on his wrist so he can be reminded of you when he's feeling down.
->Karate is a big no. He's not going to stop you from doing karate but he really doesn't want you to do karate. He's too scared to see you get hurt like Miguel did.
->Jealousy levels are 100/10...Hands around your waist while talking to someone he doesn't know that well. Begging you to leave and stop talking to Robby (when they were beefing). He would probably talk to other girls to get you jealous in order to get you to stop talking to other guys (TOXICOO)
->His love language is physical touch, words of affirmation, and acts of service.
ᴅᴇᴍᴇᴛʀɪ ᴀʟᴇxᴏᴘᴏᴜʟᴏꜱ:
(ima go crazy on this one)
->You're his first girlfriend (maybe first time 😝)
->Rambles about his nerd shit to you every time
-> Gives you cringy ass nicknames fsfs
->Not a big fan of physical touch. Favors quality time more.
->You bought him one Marvel comic once and he went crazy! Like non-stop "thank you"s and "I love you"s
->Super open on you getting into karate. Thinks that you guys can train together like superheroes
-> Bought matching costumes/cosplays for Halloween.
->Jealousy levels 6/10: He easily gets jealous but calms down because he doesn't want to be so controlling. He doesn't want you to feel like you can't be friends with guys.
-> When it does come to PDA- like Miguel, he asks before he touches you (that sounded weird I'm sorry). His palms get really sweaty every time he holds your hand but you don't care.
->You used to have a big crush on Hawk before liking Demetri but when Demetri got his arm broken, you quickly realized how much of a jerk Hawk was. With a lot of quality time with Demetri, you slowly fell for him.
a/n: Flare (@miguelnation) suggested that I should write a !baristia Demetri x Reader.... it's in the works (trust) Also I'm debating if I should like yk write a kinktober fanfic but ill make a poll for that 😭
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