#i feel way too strongly about this theory as it stands
meat4meat · 21 days
Whose the Ghoul
and why is it totally not Grimal?
I know this is a lesbian necromancers side blog so I'm gonna tag this accordingly so my followers can filter
Now everyone and their mother has a theory about who the ghoul is and has given their two cents- but I 100% think it's Giles at this point based on the info we have- BUT I don't think he's the one who attacked Occam. I think that was Grimal for her own personal reasons, and Spit is a red herring.
I'll admit my speculations about why she would attack Occam are a bit hand wavy, but I think paired with her means of accessing the archives while he was performing the ritual makes a case worthy of consideration.
For the how- because of the scene where everyone presents their licence we also know the exact level of access everyone has to which areas of the chapter house. As a neophyte Grimal does not have access to the archive or the security room, so how does she end up there on the map? There are several different ways she could have ended up in there.
So, almost immediately after Occam is sealed in the archive Elise cops Giles' shit. Wallet, keys and smokes all in one go. Queen. As a gard, he would have had acess to the security room, and now Elise does since she jacked his whole deal, coldly. So, either grimal got the keys from Elise, sneakily or not, that's one way should could have gotten in. Or Elise did her girl a solid and just let her in.
However, she could have gotten in without Elise's pilfered keys at all. When Kitten talks to Matilda and Amanda, Matilda offers to let him into the security room, and we immediately see that she's smoking the cigs Elise stole from Giles. Grimal could have gotten the smokes from Elise and then traded them for security room acess, just like Matilda offered to Kitten.
And once in the security room.....what? We know from Matilda it's one of the most ventilated rooms, and we know there's a vent in the archive thanks to a bg shot when they go in to draw blood. Given Grimal is one of two people conceivably small enough to pull of snaking through the ducts (the other is Spit, but I'll come back to the later.) It's not that far of a stretch to say she could reach the archives through the ducts.
OK, but fucking why would she do that, especially if she isn't the ghoul?
When she and Kitten argued on the stairs she said she was envious of how Kitten and the others operated without oversight. How stiffled she felt in her research. Neophites have even less acess to parts of the chapter house than maintenance, which for Grimal has got to sting while watching the chucklefucks make big moves on their own. It could be speculated that after seeing something relevant to her research in the archives, something she knows she'd never get permission to interact with, she decided to break into the archive, deal Occam an incapacitating blow from behind while he was performing the ritual to make sure she wasn't identified, and split. The non-lethal blow is also another reason I don't think it was the ghoul that broke in and attacked Occam. Given the level of violence done to Lord Fatigue later on, a much less intimidating target than Occam, I don't think a ghoul would have passed up the chance to take him out.
Speaking of Fatigue, why kill him at all? The only motive I can think of is to steal his archive key. And if the ghoul had attacked Occam, why would they need archive acess a second time? The could have gotten it off Occam's unconscious body, and why go for Fatigue is particular? Of the 4 people with archive acess. He's the least intimidating target, especially to a doped up ghoul. I might be over speculating on this but that point in particular leads me to believe that this ghoul is someone deeply insecure in their abilities as a combatant, which for me rules out all of the competent fighters, including Grimal.
Wow, a whole mountain of speculation on who I think it isnt- so why do I believe it's Giles?
My theory hinges on a peice of information casually dropped by Kevin during his interrogation about his sire. The way he describes the dynamic between his sire and her own sire is very similar to the one displayed by the 99p store manager and the woman she speaks to on the phone. Not to mention when she mentions that D called himself Kevin she calls it a coincidence. It's super strongly implied that She's Kevin's sire and the woman she's speaking with is the high-ranking Tremere in Yarmoth that Kevin described.
And She's managing a 99p store! That Giles works at!
If that's the case it's a direct connection between Giles and the Tremere, and it would explain how Kevin knew of the mole in the chapter house.
If it is him it would make sense why he wouldn't have been able to attack Occam, and why he would have needed to go after Fatigue for his archive key. If Occam's attacker had gone through the vents then it just couldn't have been him. He's not only too big to get through them, but he'd lost his keys to the security room with vent access before the attack. He'd need to go after another one of the elders to get it.
OK yeah Spit is also a security guard who is skinny enough to get in the vents and has been tweaking out basically the whole ep and he was the one in the room when Fatigue was murdered (unless his body just did that, but what are the odds?) , but I don't think it's him just because the evidence for others is so much stronger. Giles has the direct connection to the clan that placed the mole, and Grimal was placed at the security room. I personally buy more into the werewolf theory for Spit that I've seen others toss around.
Anyways it's 100% Giles.
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 3 months
i'm your biggest fan [j.shaw x morgan!child!reader]
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prompt: after jaedyn's great performance at the game against argentina, you become her biggest fan.
author notes: been trying to get back to writing more and finally got some inspiration. i have been wanting to write a child!reader fic forever, blame @/woso-dreamzzz because im in love with her child!reader fics so bad. this is me trying to make myself feel better after that shit ass usa vs mexico game 🤗 so enjoy! P.S. the reader is like around five in this.
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you're standing on the pitch after the usa vs argentina, happily following around your soccer aunts. this game was one of the best lately. your throat was dry from all the shouting and cheering you have been doing. especially when your mother scored a banger in the nineteenth minute. of course you weren't only cheering only for your mommy, getting loud for all your soccer aunts too. like blondie lindsey and tiny rose. that doesn't mean you haven't been focusing your attention on the new girls though; they are officially your soccer cousins now since they are all too young to be aunties in your opinion.
one new girl in particular has caught your attention. the way she has been performing so strongly throughout the whole match has you obsessed with her. not that you understand soccer tactics or anything, but even a five year old knows good play when they see it. you screamed her name the loudest (right after your mommy's of course); jaedyn. not only was jaedyn the cool new girl who your mommy says is going to the next big thing for the team, but she also wears the number above your mommy's new one. you honestly hated the new number because your mommy is number thirteen, not seven but you can't seem to understand whatever rule your mom told you about because it's too much for your brain so you don't think about it. the only good thing that came out of the change is the fact your mommy's cubby is next to jaedyn's.
the moment you spot the girl in the question as you follow around lynn, who just stopped to talk to crystal about the game, you slip off to where jaedyn is which wasn't a hard task. just having to go through a few legs with some quick "hi!"s in-between.
finally you make it to where jaedyn is sipping on her water bottle. she looks so cool even when just standing around. it seems jaedyn doesn't spot you, so you just do the ol' tug them by the shorts trick and her eyes look down at you.
"oh? hey mini morgan," her smile is like the sun to you. her tone sounds so chill and cool that you try to copy her. "hi big shaw!" you say. your words coming out way less cool than hers but it was worth the effort. the american player lets out a short laugh, ruffling your hair that's in pigtails. making it a bit messy, but you don't really mind. it's jaedyn doing it so why would you?
"big shaw? i'm the only shaw around here, so shouldn't it be shaw the first?" you nod at her words already. "okay, shaw the first, can you teach me how to shoot a banger?" you ask. looking up at her with high exceptions already. the way you say your words make her laugh loudly which confuses you. why is cool girl jaedyn laughing? is it because she thinks you can't score a banger too? or maybe she's like a magician and can't reveal her secrets.
you lean more towards the magician theory, saying, "i promise i won't tell anyone about it! so you can keep your shooting superpower hidden." jaedyn just shakes her head before crouching down to your height. "you don't have to keep it a secret. i think everyone already knows," she whispers, "but yeah i'll teach you. just make sure to ask your mommy." you let a excited gasp as you whip your head around. looking for your mom across the pitch. your expert alex morgan finding eyes locate her easily. turning your head back to look at jaedyn with a smile. you hold out your pinky finger, "pinky promise?"
"pinky promise," jaedyn accepts your declaration of confirmation as she locks her pinky finger with yours. "thanks shaw the first!" you shout at her after pulling away. already running quickly to go ask your mommy to let jaedyn to teach you how to score bangers. hopefully she doesn't question why didn't you just ask her since you wouldn't want to break it your mommy that jaedyn is just cooler. your mommy is still one of the coolest though.
you almost bump into the legs of naomi on your way to your mommy, but dodge quickly with your great dodging skills. naomi even said you might be a defender in the making once. the loud voice of yours can be heard to everyone around you as you finally reach your mommy.
"can big shaw teach me how to score bangers, please!" you shout out happily. your mommy just chuckles before patting the top of your head, "of course, baby."
and that was possibly the path to you being a future forward. all thanks to big shaw.
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msbigredmachine · 9 months
The Return (Jey Uso/OC)
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You have your own reasons for wishing he just stayed his ass on Smackdown. Jey Uso/OC one-shot.
Warnings: SMUT
Word count: 3.6k
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His baby girl is a stunning sight to behold, so much so that he stops in his tracks to drink you in from his vantage point next to the equipment crates lined up along the hallway backstage. The long locks of your honey-blond wig frame your beautiful face. Your world title belt gleams on your shoulder, shining as bright as the star that you are. Your eyes twinkle and your smile is wide and warm as you chat animatedly with Raquel Rodriguez. That smile used to be preserved for him and him alone, once upon a time. 
He may have come over to Raw to break away from the Bloodline, but it’s not the only reason he’s made the jump. Cody brought it up during their rather bizarre phone call, the American Nightmare weaponizing this information in that annoyingly eloquent manner he has perfected…
“I know you’re looking for a fresh start…but not just in the ring…I’m pretty sure there's a certain new Women’s champion you’d like to reunite with…”
Jey has been separated from you for a long time, admittedly by his own doing. It’s been torture. The hours have felt like days and the days like weeks. He’s yearned for your touch, your scent, the warmth of your smooth, soft skin, the taste of your lips. He’s stumbled through the rougher days by thinking about you and what you mean to him. He’s fantasized, and even pleasured himself, to mental snapshots of his past sexual adventures with you, paying tribute to the most incredible orgasms he’s ever experienced. He misses it all; the shudders of your voluptuous body, the pull of your wet, tight pussy around his dick, your fingers dragging across his hair and skin as you come apart for him, as he comes apart for you. The pillow talk and sweet words and soft kisses as you bask in the afterglow together.
The memories are beautiful, but he doesn’t want just ‘memories’ anymore. He’s made mistakes and he wants to fix them, and he only hopes you will let him. Five months is way too long to be without his favorite girl. He has to tread lightly, because even the nasty glare of Drew McIntyre and the conflicted countenance of Matt Riddle are tame compared to the wrath of a woman scorned.
A chill zips down your spine out of nowhere. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up. A familiar men’s cologne invades your nasal ducts. The knowing look on Raquel’s face right before she slips away confirms the reason your body is reacting so strongly. Only one person does this to you, and he just debuted on Raw as a solo act.
Against your better judgment, you turn around. For what feels like an eternity, you remain frozen as his gorgeous, expressive eyes lock you in, bleeding out your surroundings and everything else until it’s just him, and you, and the pain and hurt he caused all those months ago. 
"Sup, champ," he greets, his hands in his jacket pockets, leveling you with his breathtaking smile. 
Clearing your throat, you break the trance and present him with your most platonic smile. “Welcome back. Cody must really like you to do what he did, considering y’all’s past.” 
Jey shrugs. “He surprised me, too. But whatever I gotta pay back to him, it’ll be worth it.” His eyes travel down the length of your body, appreciating the up-close view. You have on a cropped black tank top and a tight zip-up denim skirt that stops mid-thigh. Your legs are ensconced in knee high boots that have him biting his lip. However, the oversized biker jacket hanging halfway down your arms looks like it belongs to someone else, specifically a certain Señor Money in the Bank. Jey has heard the rumors. Apparently, you’ve moved on. He plans on testing that theory. 
“You look amazing, Y/N,” he compliments, his tongue darting out over his lips reflexively.
So does he. Your gaze wanders for a little longer than you’d like. The added bulk to his frame makes him look more intimidating and sexier. His abs are on full display behind his black hooded jacket. Then the dimples and the cheekbones and the full, kissable lips...He’s more mouthwatering than ever, calling out to you to take a bite.
When he moves in for a hug, you flinch and back away, maintaining your cold expression when he pulls back with disappointment. “Come on girl, don’t do me like that,” he sighs.
“Like what? Just cuz I said hi don’t mean I forgot about how you did me,” you answer coolly, “I’m being the bigger person here.” 
“Aw, babe, you breakin’ my heart right now.”
“Like you did mine?” you snap, “I ain’t your baby no more. You made sure of that.” He’s lucky you’re even addressing him after everything he’s put you through. Just this April after the Draft, Jey made the decision to leave you all alone on Raw and stay exclusively on Smackdown with his family. The same family who ultimately stabbed him in the back, something you would have never ever done to him in a million years. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back after two years of the most intense, deliciously chaotic entanglement in which you were a source of…comfort…for him, during his tumultuous time with the Bloodline. But, as you soon discovered, so was Kayla, and Liv, and Jakara from NXT, and some other chick named Rashida that he claimed was his childhood ‘bestie’. Somehow, you were roped into his weird harem of revolving women. But you stayed because he needed you…he told you so. He cared for you, he said, and like a fool, you believed him, because you wanted so badly for him to feel the way you felt about him.
Feel about him.
Shaking your head, you resolve to stand your ground. Nope. You will never be used again. You will not give into whatever game he’s trying to play, not this time. You don’t know why he’s come to Raw and you don’t care. You’re the Women’s World champion now. You no longer have room for fuckbois in your life and you need to let him know so.
Jey huffs, looking away for a second before turning back to you. “We need to talk,” he says.
“About what?”
“About us,” he whispers, licking his lips. “I miss you.”
His words cling to you, embracing you. But you shake them off. “Right. Miss me, or my pussy? Them other lame bitches ain’t tight or wet enough?”
Exhaling heavily, Jey meets your death glare head on. “Baby, I fucked up. I admit it. I been fuckin’ up when it comes to you. It’s on me, and I’m sorry. I wanna make things right between us, especially if we’re gonna be on the same show together.”
Scoffing at the words you’ve heard before, you toss your hair back haughtily. “Might be a little too late for that,” you inform him smugly.
“Really? Why? Cuz of your new man? Where his big ass at, anyway?” he taunts, looking over your shoulder for an unseen entity. 
“What are you talking about?” you retort, brushing off the guilt lurking for not being honest with him about Damian. Why feel guilty about someone who wasn't honest with you?
“I know about you and Priest. I know that’s his jacket you wearin’.”
You glare at him, incredulous. Is he seriously doing this? “You got no right to be jealous, Jey. Who I am or am not fucking is none of your business. And it’s not like he and I are official yet, so calm your tits.” You pause, wondering why you’re giving an explanation when you owe him nothing.
His lips pull into a smirk. “Huh. So you sayin’ I got a chance...”
“No, I did not say that!” You thought you could get through this unscathed. That a quick ‘Hello’ would suffice and you’d both move along. You didn’t expect him to lay it on you this thick and this quickly. He knows exactly what he’s doing, making you vulnerable with his sugary sweet words and his penetrating stare that sends a shiver of longing down your spine. 
"Stop looking at me like that," you hiss at him in that husky voice of yours that raises goosebumps all over his arms. 
“Can’t help it, baby. You beautiful as fuck,” he counters smoothly, stepping closer to you. 
“There you go again with the sweet talk. So am I supposed to just forgive you? Forgive and forget and fall right back into your arms? You got me fucked up, boy.”
It’s clear that you have no plans to make it easy for him. He doesn’t blame you. He’s done some unscrupulous things at your expense, none of which you deserved. But he can't stop his body from thrumming at the way your eyes speak volumes to him without using any words. He loves how your long lashes try to hide the real emotions swirling inside you, the hurt peeking through the bravado. You clutch your title to your chest, as though protecting yourself, hiding your body, forgetting that he’s since mastered every inch of it, every inch of you. He’s studied you long enough to detect your defense mechanisms. That’s how intimately he understands you. He has come to the realization that the connection he and you have is a lot more than just sex. His feelings for you run deep, far more than any other woman he’s messed around with.
He just needs to convince you that this is the case.
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Taking your hand in his, Jey pulls you close, relieved when you don't shy away this time. He smiles down at you and has to stop himself from kissing your full lips. "Come kick it with ya boy later. Let's grab some dinner after the show. I got a lot of apologizing to do and I want to earn your trust back," he implores.
Just as you feared, your entire resolve starts to crumble at his plea. This is a bad idea. You’ve managed to recover from him once, and you risk relapsing if you allow this to happen. But god, he looks so good and smells even better. You can feel his chest rising and falling in rhythm with yours. Your gaze flickers to his lips, remembering how soft they feel against yours, his tongue dancing sensually with your own…
Jey sees through your hesitation and cranks up the pressure. "I promise I'll be good, I'ma keep my hands to myself if that's what you worried about." He releases your hand for emphasis.
As always, when it comes to this motherfucker, your emotions prevail. “Fine,” you concede with a roll of your eyes. “I got a backstage segment with Rhea in twenty minutes and then I’m done for the night. I’ll meet you right here afterwards.”
The smile that lights up his face thaws your heart a little. “A’ight. I’ll be here,” he says.
“Dinner, Jey. Nothing else,” you remind him sternly.
“Scout’s honor. I gotchu,” he says, as you turn away. He looks on with a smirk as you walk down the hallway, sensing your reluctance to part from him. “Let your man know you’ll be home before midnight!” he calls out.
“Whatever, Uso,” you shout back. “And stop staring at my ass!”
Jey snickers at that. He likes that you know him so well.
"Mmmm, fuck!"
Your groans trigger his own, the deep, guttural sound filling your ears, thick with need and exertion. Your fingers thread through his blond mullet, pleasure surging through you like potent aftershocks as he pounds into you with breakneck speed, the movements rocking the Chevrolet Equinox marooned in a secluded corner of the empty parking lot. 
"God, I've missed this good pussy," Jey pants heavily against your neck, inhaling your intoxicating scent, “Fuck, you so wet. Missed you so much, babe.”
Damn it, you should have known…Known it was all a big set up from the jump. You should have smelled trouble coming when he let you order your favorite meal from the obscure little diner you frequented whenever you came to town; that it was a trap when he opted to invade your space by cornering you in the booth and not sitting across from you; You should have known better than to let him rub on your thigh all through dinner, should have steered the conversations back to less intimate, sexual topics. You should have pushed him away when he leaned in for the kiss he’d been seeking all night, knowing damn well that once your lips touched, you’d become so desperate for him that waiting to get to the hotel would no longer be an option. You should have known he rented this big ass SUV because the backseat would be more comfortable and private than any dark alley you could sneak into. You should have known better than to think tonight would turn out any other way; He’s learned a few tricks from his Tribal Chief cousin and carefully and deviously orchestrated this outcome knowing that you could never resist the charms of the man you are, deep down, still hopelessly in love with.
Jey pushes your legs back further towards your head, taking advantage of your famed flexibility, and plows his thick, meaty cock in and out of your pussy, creating the sexiest, filthiest wet noises. Each thrust is deeper and more demanding than the last as he bears down on you, his big body hunched over yours, making you take every inch of him. His grunts and your moans are the only things spoken, the only language understood right now. The smell of sex permeates the thinning air inside the car, the heat of passion scorching, suffocating you both in the most sensuous of ways.
Jey looks down between your bodies and smirks at what he sees. "Damn, look at that, look how wet your pussy is. You definitely missed Daddy," he groans, parting your legs wider for a better view. "This dick feel good, right baby?
“Aw, yes Daddy, you feel so good, fuck me,” your words trail away with a whimper, and you sink your nails into his newly tatted back as he obliges your request. Your eyes roll in the back of your head, lost to the sensation of his big dick plunging deeper inside your wet heat.
Truth be told, you have never had a lover like Jey Uso. Rough. Tender. Chaotic. Gentle. Primal. Passionate. He is all-consuming, a Samoan whirlwind of sexual energy and skill and stamina. He makes you feel like nothing else matters but you and him and the orgasmic moments you share. One look into his darkly luminous eyes and you’re gone every time, a puddle of ruined panties and pussy juice. He never fails to turn you upside down and inside out, expertly coaxing endless orgasms from you. You’re his marionette and he’s the puppet master, the true owner of your body and your soul and your entire being. 
And this is a stark reminder of that.
“Damian fuck you like this? Huh?” Jey asks, his sweaty brow furrowed with lust and a hint of curiosity as he scouts out his competition.
Definitely not. Damian is not bad in bed - quite the opposite, in fact. But his efforts can never compare to this. Too wrapped up in ecstasy to speak, you manage to shake your head no at the question, but it's not enough for Jey. His palm slips from your breast to swat your inner thigh, causing a stinging pain that reverberates through your heated skin and surges straight to the pressure point of your clit. 
“Use your words, baby,” he orders. He wants to hear you say it, to confirm what you’ve both known all along.
“No, Daddy…” you answer, your mouth falling open in a silent moan as he angles his hips, grinding himself right up against your g-spot the way you like it, his long, determined strokes hitting just right... 
“I know he don’t, cuz he don’t know this pussy like I do. This my pussy, baby girl. I can tell you missed this dick too, you grippin’ the shit outta me…”
As much as you hate to admit it, he’s spot on. You haven’t been fucked like this in so long and your kitty is singing for joy. This animalistic side of him as he drives into you is making you delirious. Waves of pleasure wash over you as he reverts to hard, steady, pounding thrusts, lodging his dick in your stomach. You glide your dainty hands all over his chest and abs, letting your fingernails scrape his sweat-slick skin. The slight shudders of his body and his whimpering groans as he reacts to your touch leave you all giddy inside. You dare to cradle his bearded face in your hands and hold his gaze. What stares back at you is so deep and intense and full of emotion, reflecting everything you’ve felt for each other in the past two years. 
“Jey…” you whisper after a long, charged moment.
“My baby girl,” Jey breathes back, “I lo-”
You don’t let him finish, tugging him down for a sloppy, unhurried kiss, winding your hips to match his thrusts and ride that edge with him as he moans into your mouth. This spurs him to nudge your thighs even further back with your toes touching the roof of the SUV, opening you up to more pummeling thrusts until your legs tremble in the air and you have to break the kiss from how breathless he's leaving you.
“Uh huh, you comin’ for me, baby?” he asks, brushing your lips together again as his own release creeps ever closer. “I know you 'bout to nut. Lemme have it, come for Daddy.”
With one hand, he grips the seat above your head, his hips snapping into you, drilling you faster, harder. You're soaring higher and higher, and then, you crash, contracting around his throbbing shaft as you come so hard you start to convulse. Stars explode behind your eyelids as your arms tighten around his neck, holding on for dear life as you tumble headfirst into the sweet cavern of euphoria.
“Ahhh shit, goddamn, Y/N…” Jey moans along with you as his dick twitches inside your warm depths. You’re still coming all over him, your pussy squeezing and suckling every inch of him to the point that his body tenses on top of yours, and he grunts out, "Gah, finna come!"
Ripping himself out of you, he scrambles upright and pumps his slippery dick in his hand, releasing himself on your lower belly. Both of you moan at the sight of his warm, milky cum gushing all over your brown skin. His groans of pleasure are music to your ears. He keeps massaging his cock, ensuring he’s all emptied out, while his other hand runs up and down the back of your upturned thigh in a sensual, soothing touch.
“Fuck, I almost nutted in you. This pussy too damn good, babe," he pants, resting the semi-hard length on your pussy lips. Feeling it pulse temptingly between your folds, you close your thighs together before the thought of going another round can creep in. You squirm into a seated position and slowly start to clean yourself up, adjusting your clothes as Jey does the same with himself. When you’re both done, his arms come around you as he sweeps his lips, soft and inviting, over the crook of your neck, your cheek, and finally landing on your lips. Inevitably, you melt into his embrace, enjoying the warmth and affection that you’ve needed from him for months.
“You wanna know the real reason I switched brands?” he speaks up after a few moments, waiting for you to look at him. “It wasn’t just to get away from my family. I did it for you.”
The notion has lingered in your mind ever since you saw him return two nights ago at Payback, but to hear it uttered out loud ignites a reaction neither of you expect. 
“Don’t. Don’t do that,” you warn, shaking your head.
“Do what?”
Tears inexplicably fill your eyes as you speak. “That. You do it all the time. Say shit that sounds sweet and amazing only for you to do the opposite. I’m over that shit, okay?” 
A look of hurt clouds his handsome face. “Baby, I know I made a lot of mistakes that I regret. I own that shit. I also know I’d be a fool to fuck this up again. Real talk.” His beautiful eyes are sad and hopeful and pierce your soul. “I really miss us, baby girl. Truth is, I don’t feel right with no one else but you. I miss you. Don't you miss me?”
At this juncture, lying is pointless. “I do,” you admit, a tear slipping from the corner of your eye. “But I can’t handle you hurting me again, Jey. I won’t let you.”
Jey reaches up to catch the tear with a brush of his thumb, letting his hand linger on your soft cheek. “I know. That’s why I’m here. For you. I’m sorry about everything and I want us to start over. Can we start over?” He gazes intently at you, wanting to say more, but he holds back, shelving it for a more appropriate time. “Take me back. Give me another chance, baby. I’ll be better than I’ve ever been, I swear to you,” he continues softly. 
This man always makes you question how strong you really are. Each time you think you've escaped, he finds you and reels you back in, like steel to a magnet. Your brain wants to reject him, but your heart is desperate for him, craving to fall back into him and his empty promises. He has a hold on you that you probably will never be able to break free from, and maybe it’s time you accept this fate.
“I’ll think about it,” you conclude.
“I can grovel if you want. That's fine with me, baby. I’ma grovel as long as you want me to. I know you like the things I do when I’m on my knees.” He winks cheekily as you gasp, blushing profusely.
“Matter of fact, you comin’ back to my suite with me. I’ma show you just how good I can grovel,” he adds. His straight white teeth sink into his bottom lip, and the heat that simmers in his eyes leaves you weak-kneed.
“Oh my god. What am I gonna do about you?” you lament.
His chuckle is joyous and relieved as he holds you tighter in his strong arms and repeatedly, playfully kisses your cheek. “Whatever you want, my baby girl. Whatever you want.”
You roll your eyes in response, but you fail at masking your grin as the thrill of reuniting with your man warms you all over. You figure that a couple extra hours in his company won't hurt. One night only.
Just tonight.
That's it.
Thoughts? Should she believe him?
Please leave feedback/comments. I appreciate them as they help me improve my writing.
Thank you all so much for reading!
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People on twitter finally figuring out what @dekacchannn has been saying forever:
Bakugo is connected to OFA.
Yah! He can see All Might's vestige! He has OFA stars in his eyes!!!
Now for my interpretation and speculation that I don't see anyone talking about...
Bakugo freaking KNEW he was tapping bits of OFA WAY before the battle. That's why he's not at all surprised to see the AM vestige, and just says "Oh. Right.."
It perfectly explains why at UA again, he is looking so uncomfortable, sweating bullets, explaining his new (saving Izuku unlocked) move to Izuku/Deku. He's not just sweating because that's his thing. He never just sweats in battle like that!
Sweating bullets gets used a lot to convey intense/awkward discomfort. I think he was panicked about breaching the topic of OFA power up! But Izuku totally blanked him... Bakugo didn't really wanna have this confusing conversation to start with (but I believe he was trying to broach it anyway). So when Izuku doesn't respond openly, he drops it immediately.
Like Deku, he withheld important information about how he unlocked it -and what it means- because their relationship feels like a fragile, intense mess. It's way too important for him to jeapordise.
Bakugo was very insecure and afraid here!
And I don't think Bakugo knows what to make of the OFA thing, or do about it. Izuku clearly has no idea, or he'd say something, right? He had an opening, and nothing?
He knows his feelings for Izuku are intense.. Everybody does. But the well goes deeper, or he wouldn't be afraid to talk about something so important, involving feelings he's already revealed.
I totally agree with theories that it's a love connection, not a reminant of a non-manga movie -even if some crossover characters appear. There's no way Horikoshi doesn't want his beloved manga to stand on its own.
And his beloved manga talks about people being in love, what's in their hearts, feeling like dying without their person, overwhelming emotions bending rules, and Deku's control your heart (over Bakugo) plotline.
I also wonder if the reason Bakugo reacted so strongly to Deku holding his hand out to Aoyama is because it was symbolic of Deku lending his strength (and compassion) to him. Bakugo may have worked out that his OFA connection works, because in some way, honorable Deku has had his hand extended to him -for as long as he can remember. Because that's what Deku does. Deku is a saint. And maybe OFA is an extension of that for him.
I think that OFA connection strengthened too, when Bakugo learned how DEEP that part of Deku went for him.
He cannot dismiss Deku's feelings as him being a bleeding heart over every person when Shigaraki is telling him that for Deku, he is 'The' person -and is bent on killing him because of it! That's shocking (also terrifying) information.
Remember Bakugo said he didn't expect the apology to change anything between them, but Shig knowing about 💚Bakugo💚 means he was unmistakeably Deku's closest person, before he even apologised!
Bakugo feels so much for Izuku, but thought he had to start mending things to even be considered a real friend... Especially since Deku has so many friends and close people! He just saw them all pour out their deep affections to bring him home to UA. He does not think he is special.
But Izuku has a secret! (At least from Bakugo, no one else could possibly be confused at this point.)
So Shigaraki taunts Bakugo for falling behind Deku. He's just a minnow. But all he can focus on is something to the effect of -'Holy shit. He loves me. He loves me.. I need him to know that I-.. I need to live up to him! Izuku...'
The secret feelings reveal made him brave and honest with his own heart. There's nothing left but longing to be worthy of him, and be with him. He makes his last stand for him. And in the end, he reaches out for Izuku too -even though Izuku is not there with his own hand this time.
And this is when we first see the AFO stars are in his eyes. He does reach him. Or at least their connection. And that's why we see All Might, and why Bakugo is not surprised. But Bakugo seems resigned as though it's too late. He's already reminiscing.. But I believe All Might is going tell him it's not over. That he has to save Young Midoriya, and how.
What else could he possibly be there to say?
I can't wait for Izuku to find about Kacchan being OFA love-bonded to him.
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Being a little indulgent with this little request if you don’t mind, as it’s admittedly in regards to a farmer oc of my own- ^^”
What would be the SDV (+SDVE) Bachelors responses towards a farmer that seems to just have an extreme aura of bad luck that follows them? They’re almost always minimally harmed from whatever misfortunes happen, but really it’s to the level of even *omens* of bad luck happen often and naturally around this poor farmer.
- 🐇
Hello again, bunny anon 👋 Thank you again for your ask and have a good day 🫰❤️
SDV bachelors:
"Once again, two failures meet," thought Shane as the Farmer approached him again in the Saloon and promptly fell from their bar stool to the floor. Shane actually had thought he was the number one loser in this town, but the walking problem that owned the huge farm had clearly managed to overwhelm him. Not to say that Shane is a good shoulder to cry on, but at least he'll offer them a mug of beer. They don't have to drink it, just put a cold one on the bruise on head from a bad fall.
Honestly, Alex felt guilty after all the times he had laughed at the constant troubles that followed Farmer around. Most of the time they were not serious mishaps, but when the sportsman caught Farmer with bigger wounds, that's when he stop laughing. Even the fact that Farmer did not resent him and was used to misfortunes did not help Alex to forgive himself that easily. But now he could correct his past mistakes and help them in some way. At least cheer them up, plus there's always a first aid kit at the ice cream stand.
Sebastian can't understand how the Farmers can be so positive and joyful after the continuous setbacks that haunt them. They have literally fallen face first into the mud several times, but always get up, shake it off, and move on with a smile. The fact that the Farmer was haunted by bad luck all the time confused Sebby even more. Maybe he should look at his life from a different angle too..... But he should also take plasters and disinfectant with him. At least Sebastian would be able to offer that to Farmer.
You know, Farmer... Elliott thought about this: is their bad luck, purely hypothetically, really a bad luck? After all, Farmer always comes out of the worst situation almost unscathed. In fact, it could be considered good luck! Although, Elliott will stop advancing this theory if Farmer is saddened by the string of constant failures. The writer will comfort Farmer as best he can, and the doors of his little beach house are always open to them if they're feeling down.
Their constant bad luck is one of the main reasons why Harvey strongly recommended that Farmer carry a first aid kit and taught them how to give themselves first aid. Even though the local doctor won't stop worrying about the most frequent visitor to his clinic (who even just standing still can get injured), at least he'll be sure he's done everything he can for Farmer. Unfortunately, he can't do anything about their bad luck, but Harvey will always heal them and support them with a kind word if needed.
"Bruh, same." Sammy himself is covered in small scratches or barely noticeable bruises, because he is often distracted by something and can either fall off his skateboard or accidentally cut himself with a knife or something else. So he genuinely understands Farmer, who is also constantly in abrasions and scratches. Even though Sam has a completely different case, he understands them. Usually a hot delicious pizza or other snack lifts his spirits, so if Farmer is feeling despondent after another run of bad luck, let them go with the guitarist to the Saloon. Delicious pizza - and no bad luck!
SVE bachelors:
"Oh, I guess it's just a bad day, tomorrow will definitely be better!" Victor remembered his words to Farmer six months ago, but nothing had changed since that day. It was like someone had really cursed them. That's weird. Not to say that Victor understands anything about curses and magic as such, but he doesn't deny its existence. Maybe someone the Farmer knows that does magic or adventuring could help? And Victor could revisit something in his library, see if he finds anything useful. It pained him to see his friend constantly in bandages and scratches...
Magnus wondered if the Farmer or one of their ancestors had been cursed in the past. Of course, most of the time they come out of all their misfortunes unscathed, but the fact that the Farmer often got into trouble was a cause for concern for Magnus. The old wizard will revisit all his books, treatises and scrolls to find a similar case like Farmer's. It is not certain that his search will be successful, but Magnus would not like to see his friend and pupil maimed and suffering.
Lance never liked to hear insults or rumours about his colleagues and friends, but even he sadly had to admit that there was some truth in their words - the Farmer was indeed haunted by misfortune. Even though the Farmers themselves were used to it and just laugh at all the wounds they got from a bad fall or a fight with a monster, Lance wished he could help them somehow. Maybe the noble adventurer could purchase some amulet for the Farmer from the merchants in Castle Village that could bring them some luck? That would be good start.
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Hazbin S2 thoughts?
Okay, hear me out:
I love Poly!Vees, but if it ends up being just Vox/Val being fuckbuddies with Vel not in the romantic or sexual mix - particularly if Velvette is more of a daughter to Vox and Val... then that could set up a super interesting dynamic in S2 with the other half of the cast???
So in 1x05 we get Al (presumably just postulating) about how he sees Charlie like a daughter (heh, yeah right. Al? After like, four or five months? No way. With Nifty? Sure, I can almost buy it. Charlie? No.)
So, like, imagine this:
Charlie steps between the two overlords, hair mussed from the warring static, scleras dipping red as they fix on Vox.
"Stop." Her arms are out, Vox almost laughs when he realizes she's shielding Alastor. "I won't let you hurt him."
Alastor's expression is somewhere between smug and affronted. Vox can understand, having someone as powerful as the princess devoted to your safety is quite the bragging point, but to have anyone think that Alastor would need help, against him, no less. No, no. That stroked Vox's ego. He did laugh now.
"Alright, princess, I'll bite. How'd he win you over?"
"Alastor. How'd he convince you, you matter to him? I can tell you how he convinced me, if you'd like."
"Charlie - I would strongly advise not engaging with this one. Once you get him started, its quite hard to shut him up again. Not to mention, most of what comes out of his speakers is meaningless drivel."
Vox scoffed.
"What are you, her fucking dad?" He watches the princess puff up her chest, eyes sparking with something that could really only be noted as passion.
"Yes." She looked back over her shoulder at Al, and Vox caught the softness in her growing smile as her head turned away from him. "He's as good as." When Vox processed the genuine tone in her voice, he started uproariously, uncontrollably laughing, she returned her gaze sharply to him. "You don't know him like I do. Like we all do! He's helped us, maybe not out of the goodness of his heart at first, but time means something, and we've built a bond! He's shown up for me in ways people who should have, haven't."
"Oh my god you're serious!" A few more laughs escaped him before the righteousness and earnestness of her expression processed in his system. Oh my god. She's serious. He felt his expression sober, and he dropped his aggressive stance, keeping a few of the cameras trained on Alastor so he could keep his screen directed at the girl, and he watched her tense at the serious drop to his expression. "Look, I don't know what you think he's done for you, but I learned the hard way how little he cares. I'll admit, your little theory has more of a shot than the things I used to think were between us, but I wouldn't count your chickens, Charlie." Her mouth pulled into a flatter line as her name left his speakers. "I know what it means to care for someone like a daughter. And I don't think he has that in him."
"You -" When Charlie's words faultered, Vox cut in.
"Alastor can manage - what did you call it Al?" He spared a glance over Charlie's shoulder. "'Passing affections?'" He choked down the sneer he wanted to give Alastor and returned his gaze to Charlie. "I think he's too selfish to love anything but himself. I think he can enjoy people for what they give him, but don't be sweet-talked into thinking he has enough room in his heart to be anything like a fath-" A black tentacle shot up from the pavement, hitting the base of Vox's screen and throwing him up into the air and back a few feet before he crashed back down onto the ground.
Alastor stepped up beside the princess, putting a hand on her shoulder and bending down slightly, his tone light, like he was sharing a bit of innocent gossip.
"What did I tell you, my dear? This one doesn't quite know how to summarize a thought." He looked over a Vox, who was pulling himself back up into a standing position, his screen still glitching mildly from the force of the impact, he could feel wetness dripping down from the corner of his mouth. "Shall I summarize for you then, old friend?" He moved out and around Charlie, removing some of the newfound space between himself and Vox. "Something, something, I'm a terrible monster who cannot be trusted, i hurt your feelings, nobody should risk being near me, and you... 'hate' me?" He leaned forward slightly, smiling as he tilted his head to the side - that stupid fucking smile widening even further as he send another tentacle barreling into Vox's stomach like a punch, Charlie squeaked somewhere in the background like she wasn't expecting them to come to blows again already. Vox was just pleased he was only winded rather than thrown this time though. "Did I about cover it?"
Vox breathed raggedly, trying to get his lungs to work right. "You're a fucking prick."
"Get a new fucking line."
Alastor narrowed his eyes slightly. "I am curious about this 'daughter figure' of yours? That spunky little overlord nobody worth their salt can stand? The one with the fabric name? Velvette, was it?"
Sparks flicked from Vox's claws. "Don't."
"You expose a weakness and expect me not to strike? And here you are trying to convince Charlie how well you know me!"
"Velvette can handle herself."
"Against me? I hardly think so. So few can."
"Adam did alright." Vox watched the small twitch of displeasure Alastor gave at the bruise to his ego with a little bit of pleasure.
"You can't seriously think their levels are comparable. What exactly might she do? Wrap me in silks? Oh the horror. I have felled overlords so old only Zestial rivals them. And her? Has she even reached fourty? Thirty?" Alastor shook his head disappointedly. "No, I'm sure she'd be quite the waste of energy. Then again, I do so love to see you suffer."
Vox surged forward and blasted enough volts to level a city block straight into Alastor's neck, watching him fly back to land behind the Princess' startled form.
"That, is mutual." Vox rolled his shoulders, getting ready for more... for maybe dying. You always had to be with Alastor. Part of him didn't want to believe they'd ever devolve quite that far, but the part of him that scrabbled around in his self preservation like a panicked animal had to face that eventually one of them was going to...
It was statistics, honestly. Even in eternity, nobody seemed to last forever.
Like???? Come ON. That doesn't even touch the Valentino side of things. Make the terrible people complicated! Give them weaknesses and things to like about them that makes hating them feel worse for us!
Idk something about the idea of Vox, the fucked up guy from the age of the 'nuclear' family having the most warped but genuine dynamic with Velvette and Val? It tickles me!
Like I can see Charlie trying to convince Al there's something worth redeeming in Vox if she actually stumbles across seeing him being a doting father to Vel, especially if it was before any interactions like the little senario I wrote above. You just know our little baby bleeding-heart with her big doe eyes and daddy issues would just feel for him. Wouldn't want him to lose even though she wants her side to win.
'how can i destroy what might be the only good family relationship I've seen in almost 200 years. If someone took that away from me -'
You just know that Vox would be the most indulgent little guy ever when he loves someone.
Now, do I think Charlie actually bought Al saying all those things to her in 1x05? Not entirely. Not given how she spoke to him in 1x07 before they made their deal. I think Charlie is a lot less naive then people assume her to be, but I also think she'd want to believe it. Maybe with a bit less desperation then before she made up with Luci somewhat. Regardless, it's clear she has a big soft spot for Al, and considers him to be like family much the same as the others from the S1 hotel crew.
Idk, I just think there's a lot of potential there! Do I think it will go that route? Heh - no. Probably not. But It's fun to think about :3
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wisefoxluminary · 5 months
Dean's fear of love - Destiel character analysis (theory/headcanon)
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So I've been reading an analysis of gay subtext in Supernatural and one theory in particular stuck out to me. Remember the episode My Bloody Valentine where Famine makes everyone succumb to their cravings. Castiel was constantly indulging on burgers and Sam falls back in to his demon blood addiction. But Dean was unaffected, he couldn't eat or have sex. Like Famine said, Dean's lack of hunger is because he feels empty inside and that he is already dead. Dean then replies and says "I think it's a strength of my character."
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Throughout the episode, Dean has been avoiding food and sex and not feeling any kind of hunger when Sam claims valentine's day is his 'holiday'. Well it's far more deeper than that. Love is a special kind of hunger. It leaves the heart racing, knees quaking, a love so intense it leaves you star struck - so overwhelming you can't eat or sleep. Dean's desire to be with Castiel romantically was so intense, he couldn't even think about food, alcohol or even sex. That's why Dean spent so much of the episode uncharacteristically avoiding Cas, not looking at him or longing for him, not standing in his direction and looking for any distractions. Dean was able to fight this feeling more strongly than Sam because he's been fighting with it since the very day he met Cas. His temptation for Castiel is intense and passionate that he can't simply ignore it, instead he chooses to stay silent. He actively suppress his want because he thinks loving men is a sin.
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Dean has been repressing his sexuality all his life so when the craving begins, Dean doesn't feel it because he has been suppressing it since before the very moment he met Cas. He knows someone as powerful and old as Castiel is something he wants yet can't have. He thinks that love between an angel and a human is destined to fail because Castiel is getting hunted for it and is at risk of being killed all because he rebelled for one man.
It's only until the confession in 15x18 where Castiel speaks his truth that Dean's walls come down and he realises that after ages of being stuck up his ass, that love was right in front of him. Cas loves him and he gets killed for it. Dean felt empty inside and it was The Empty that took Cas away from him. When Castiel, his light is snuffed out, he feels like his life is no longer worth living anymore. That without his intense longing for Castiel, he is a man waiting to die. You could say he was already dead because he was never going to have Cas the way he wanted. But it turns out losing Castiel is the thing that gets him killed. His love for Cas is secretly his craving and without it, he would die. It's like hunger, eventually he will starve.
Cas died for love, exactly like the victims of Famine. Dean has been trying to deny to himself that he loved Cas for years so by the time it's ready for his fantasy to become real, he is silent because that's all he's ever known.
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With the will to look away
When I was fallin' down
Crawlin' in the dirt?
Is it fair enough to say
That I needed you through the crazy pain
Of livin' here with all this hurt and what I feel?
All I touch and how I steal?
The fantasy was far too real
Oh, I let it slip away
Didn't hear the strength within your words
And what they mean
You were watchin' over me
Watching over me by Radio Company
Happy 2024 everyone 🤡
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tio-trile · 10 months
you have no idea how happy I was to find your go2 critical posts! I watched the whole thing when it came out and was disappointed. But literally EVERYONE online (especially twitter) was talking about how amazing it was and I felt so odd. I rewatched it today to see if a second watch would maybe be better but it was actually worse, it just solidified my feelings that it was a bunch of nothing with the only notable thing happening in the last few minutes of the last episode.
But I've decided to finally read the book because of your posts and I'm excited about that.
Also want to say something about how the fandom treats Neil like a fucking god and don't you dare say a single negative word about him or they'll come for you. I saw a tweet yesterday saying that they 'wont stand' for anyone criticizing the writing in season 2 (which was terrible). It's so fucking stupid. I hate it. I don't think a creator of a show should be that close to the fandom, I think it makes things weird.
Rant over. Have a lovely day.
Of course a lot of people just genuinely enjoyed the show, but I think Neil being so close to the fandom and SO online might also have contributed to people being hesitant to voice their criticism, if they don't feel it too strongly? For example, after season 1, I did had some critiques, but I just chose not to mention them and instead I told Neil that I loved the show. Which is good, in a way -- general etiquette says "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothin' at all!" WHICH IS WHY I NEVER EVEN MADE A POST saying that I hated season 2 -- everything I've said was an answer to an ask, and I'm happy to help like-minded people who want to come and vent. And yay I hope you enjoy the book! I agree that it's getting a little weird and creepy how the fandom treats Neil as God -- I genuinely felt a little creeped out after reading the "we are Job, and season 2 is a test of faith" theory 😬 He really should take some time off the internet. I think it'll do all of us some good.
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The Months I Loved You
Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn. This man has me by the chokehold along with Blake. And now that the theory of Quinn being Darlin’s ex is fully and without any sign of doubt confirmed, I wanna write about their toxic relationship. So have the product of my two angst brain cells rubbing together!
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CW: manipulation, depictions of a toxic and abusive relationship, depictions of self punishment through actions of another (Darlin “punishing” themselves with Quinn’s fangs), Quinn because he's his own warning, cursing, mdni because of mild sexual context, not full timeline compliance (some events might not match up chronological wise for purposes of the story.), mild depictions of violent acts against side character (Darlin’s friend that Quinn harmed), Not proofread
Summary: Twelve months of memories released, except the honeymoon period wore off really quickly. Too bad the trap had been sprung.
Redacted Masterlist
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Present Day
They knew it wouldn't be easy, standing on the other side of the one-way glass as Quinn didn't hesitate in spilling their deeper secrets. They could see the outrage flickering on Sam's face. They could practically feel it in that mating bond that connected their core to his own. Just like they could feel the concerned glances their alpha was sending them. Thankfully, David didn't speak, didn't acknowledge any of what Quinn said. It was embarrassing enough. And to think, they had thought they were in love with... that.
Back before they wore the term of endearment Sam had gifted them like a proud name. Back when they just went by Tank and distanced themselves from the pack that cared so strongly about them but hadn't known how to connect. It had been easier just to ignore that connection. To pretend it didn't exist.
The cold air had been what pushed Tank to enter that seedy bar. They ran warm like most of their fellow wolf shifters, but the leather jacket they wore didn't do much to protect against the biting chill of a Dahlia winter. It took their eyes a moment to adjust to the dimmer lighting, having been used to the streetlight's glare off of the snow outside. They shuddered, hands still tucked deeply into their pockets.
Wasn't there something about liquor warming up the body? So what of it was only seven forty in the evening and they had yet to eat something? The sun had dipped below the horizon, so it could be late enough to drink. They would just square up with whoever tried to judge them anyways. Tank kicked their snow littered boots against the side of the wall and went towards the bar counter, movements lithe despite the chilling ache in their bones.
They ordered glass after glass, letting their thoughts grow fuzzier with each new order. They could feel their phone buzz with a text. Probably from their friend. But their friend was having her boyfriend over, and Tank didn't want to subject themselves to that... again. And so they ignored it and continued on their path that would end with a vicious hangover.
"Well, don't you paint the sunny disposition?" A smooth accented voice murmured next to them. They felt his aura before they actually turned their gaze to him. Vampire.
"Fuck. Off." They grumbled, waving a dismissive hand towards him. He smirked at it, but made no move to leave. Whatever. They returned their focus to their drink, face beginning to feel warm from the growing intoxication.
"You should slow down. Alcohol poisoning is such a pathetic way to die." The vampire continued. Why was he still here, bothering them?
"Don't you have someone to bury your fangs into, vamp?" They snapped, voice cold and still dismissive. They really didn't want to deal with someone who was just going to pretend to understand them. Gabe was a great alpha, no one could or would deny that, but he didn't understand Tank. Not really. Although it might be a stretch to say that they understood themselves.
"Mm." The vampire hummed and licked his lips. It didn't faze them as they continued to level a dead-eyed stare at the stranger. "Not in the present moment, no. But I'm sure I'll find someone before the night is up. Are you offering?" He said, and his voice dropped to an alluring purr. Tank contemplated dumping the contents of their drink over his head.
"No." They answered, their tone not changing. He shrugged and leaned his forearms against the bar counter. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal hints of a few scars. If those were there, they either happened before his turning or had been bad enough that a vamps' natural healing abilities didn't do anything to fix all the damage. Tank sighed and turned their gaze to the drink that sat in front of them.
"What's your name?" The vampire asked. They glanced at him, remaining stubbornly silent. His smirk pulled wider at that. "Well, my name is Quinn. And I'll just call you Precious, since your attitude certainly is." Quinn decided. They rolled their eyes. A far cry from the nickname they went by. Maybe that was for the best though. Being Tank obviously wasn't any more positive than being called Precious for a night.
"Do let me know if you change your mind on letting me bite you. You seem delicious, Precious." He added and they snorted.

"Well isn't this romantic?" Quinn said as his tongue traced the indents his teeth had left on the skin of their inner thigh. Blood stained his lips and some drops were on the sheets below their naked body. His sheets were red though, so it's not as if it mattered. Probably for this exact purpose. Quinn's fingers continued to move inside of them, coaxing soft gasps from the shifter.
"Letting me bite you on Valentines day. Did you drag it out so long to make it all special? Just string me along on the promise of your veins, Precious?" Quinn continued, silver eyes watching them from his place between their legs. Tank's grip tightened on the sheets, jaw clenched. Quinn chuckled and licked another lazy stripe along their thigh.
"No matter. I'll be sure to enjoy now that you've allowed me to taste you." He continued. His fangs piercing the skin on their other thigh, pulling a soft moan from them. The ache was quickly turned into pleasure, added only by the way his fingers pressed and moved against them. They made a quiet whimper and Quinn's gaze dragged up to their face, dark interest flashing in his eyes.
"Use your words. I haven't tranced you, so I know you can. Be a good little thrall and speak what you want." He purred and one of his fingers pressed on a spot that made their vision go tunnel focused.
"Fuck me... please. Fuck me while you bite my leg." They whispered. Quinn smirked and shifted so their legs could rest over his shoulders. His eyes looked down at them, drinking in the intoxicating sight of such a proud werewolf begging something like that from him.
"You know I'd do that for you. You can ask me to do all the dark depraved little fantasies in that cute head of yours. The fantasies you don't share with anyone because of shame. I'll do every last one. You don't need to feel that shame, not with me." He purred before removing his fingers from them. They could feel him teasing that entrance with his length.
"Please." They whimpered and he pulled a moan from them as he bottomed out. No shame with him, no judgement from him. Something new, but something needed.

"Four leaf clovers?" Quinn asked as Tank pulled on their jeans, covering the littered scars and fresh bite marks on their skin. His home was the only place they felt comfortable with it being visible. It was one of the reasons that they had adamantly refused to go to the pack pool party.
"Yeah." They affirmed, glancing back at him. He still lounged on his bed, exposed in all his nude glory. He was casually licking any blood residue from his teeth and lips.
"They don't actually bring any luck. They haven't for the many and many of years I've been... somewhat alive, Precious." He hummed. They shrugged and tugged their shirt on.
"It's just a silly little family tradition. I wanted to continue it, even if my folks went back up to Washington." They murmured, rubbing the nape of their neck. Quinn watched them for a long moment before sitting up and moving toward them. His hands found their waist and he tugged them closer to him.
"It sounds worthless. You could do something useful instead. I can promise it will be far more worthwhile." He said, nuzzling their stomach. They looked down at him, thinking about it. Then they sighed. He was right, it was silly and useless. The luck gotten from the four leaf clovers when Tank was able to find one hadn't helped them thus far.
"Alright then." They answered. He grinned at them, fingers playing with their belt loop.
"Wonderful." He said, his accented voice taking on that silken purr again. The one that sent butterflies to their stomach and heat pooling low in their gut.

They ignored the phone calls that Gabe, David, and Asher sent them when the pack cookout came around for the first day of spring. Quinn had insisted there were far more important thing for them to do than go to some silly cookout where gossip would be exchanged and judgmental eyes would be turned onto Tank for not being around lately. It was just easier to continue avoiding all the social things. Besides, if it was truly important, Gabe would have called their friend to get in touch with Tank. As far as the pack knew, they were still residing with said friend instead of moving in with Quinn.

Tank stared at the rain that pattered against the window as Quinn scrolled mindlessly on his phone. The rain prevented Tank from going outside for now, while the sun in addition to the rain stopped Quinn.
"It truly is a marvel that humans evolved technology enough that I can hold what was similar to a rocket ship in my hands to do my bidding." Quinn muttered. Tank glanced at him, raising a brow.
"Damn you're old." They said in response. Quinn grinned playfully at them, fangs on full display. They turned fully towards him, arms crossed over their chest.
"Perhaps. But that doesn't make you any better. You're fucking this old man after all. Where's your dignity?" He teased back. They frowned a little. That hit a bit too close to home. They waved a hand, not wanting him to see the effect. They were just being sensitive, he was only teasing.
"You're immortal and permanently stuck at..." They realized that they had no clue how old he was when he was turned. He didn't talk about it much and Tank never asked. "So don't make it sound weird." They finished. Quinn snickered and returned his gaze back to his phone. They stood up.
"I'm gonna go for a run." They announced. Quinn waved a hand in dismissive acknowledgement and they left the home, making sure not to let too much sunlight leak through.

Tank didn't mind the wet dog smell that came from shifting and running through the rain. But nonetheless, they just walked, unshifted, towards their friend's apartment, the rain soaking into their hair. Luckily the leather jacket kept them from getting too wet. They probably should have brought their phone, if it was charged. It wasn't though. It hadn't been all week. A small frown tugged at their lips again.
It was odd. Every time they went to go charge it, Quinn needed help with something or other. They would have thought he was trying to keep them from charging their phone, but sometimes he wouldn't even be in the room. They were probably just being paranoid.
They didn't get to knock before they heard two familiar voices through the door to the apartment. Their friend's and the gruff low voice of David. What the hell was he doing here?
"Well when did you last see them?" David was asking. It didn't take a genius to know who he was talking about. Tank lowered their knuckles from where they had been poised to knock, eyes narrowing. Their friend's voice was quieter, and not just from the intimidation that David fucking Shaw - although he might argue that being a buffer and acting as his middle name - demanded with his presence. But their friend sounded worried. Why were they worried?
"Since the end of February and beginning of March." She answered. That wasn't too bad.
"You haven't seen Tank for a month and a half?" David clarified. Well when he worded it like that of course it sounded bad! "You didn't tell the pack?" He added. Tank assumed their friend had nodded in confirmation. A long pause before a mumbled answer that they had to strain to hear.
"I have a general idea of where they are." Another pause. "They mentioned meeting someone. They're probably with him." They could hear David release a sigh.
"And where would that be?" David prompted. Then he groaned. "They didn't tell you an actual location. Because of course not. And every call immediately goes to voicemail, text left on delivered." He continued. They shifted slightly. How many missed calls and unread texts awaited them once they charged their phone? They should probably remedy this... Tank knocked.
The door was opened mere moments later, revealing the relieved expression of their friend and the fairly annoyed one of David. Their own face was set into a scowl.
"I need to get some stuff." They grunted. Their friend stepped to the side and they walked in, the door closing behind them. They paused slightly as they locked eyes with David, but neither wolf shifter said a word.
"I'm going to go make something to drink. You look cold, Tank." The unempowered human said before skittering off towards the kitchen. Privacy for David to scold them about things he had no business in. Wonderful.
"Where the fuck have you been?" David started. They could feel their own irritation rising and crossed their arms over their chest. They glanced down at themselves, paranoia making them check to see that their legs were, in fact, covered. The jeans covered the bites like always and they returned their attention to the beta of their pack.
"It's none of your business." They said back cooly. They could see a muscle flutter in his jaw as he stared them down. They didn't back down, as defiant as ever.
"You're part of the pack, it is my business." He answered in retort. Ah yes, because being part of the pack made them lose every sense of privacy. This was why Quinn said packs and clans were unhealthy, and why he preferred to just be on his own.
"No. It's not. My private life is my own. I'm not going to spill every little detail of it to you." They growled out. Their friend deemed it time to reenter the room. Tank felt a little bad for her, having to balance being Tank's friend but David also being beta. It was a line that could grow very thin at times. They silently handed a mug of hot chocolate to Tank and offered a coffee to David. He took it, if only to be polite.
"No one has heard from you for weeks, Tank. No one has seen you either. We're all w-" Tank cut him off, not wanting to hear the rest of the sentence.
"Either expect that I'm fine, or read my obituary in the newspaper." They snapped at him. David's face hardened and his lips pressed together. He was displeased, but Tank didn't care. Let him be displeased at a boundary being set. One that the pack would probably try to step over. "Just go away, David. Tell Gabe that I'm fine and let's leave it at that." They added. David stared hard at them before turning to their friend. He handed the mug of coffee back.
"I should get going, but thank you." He said, sounding sincere. Tank didn't show any sign of farewell as he left, closing the door gently behind him. Their friend waited a couple heartbeats before looking at Tank. Tank frowned at the pity and frustration that they saw there.
"Everyone has good reason to worry. You just kind of dropped off." She said quietly. The sugary sweet taste of the hot chocolate turned bitter on their tongue and the frown deepened.
"It's none of any of their business. Besides, I'm hardly close enough for them to worry about me. Not that there's any reason to. Quinn is nice." Tank responded quietly. Their friend sighed and looked down into the coffee, waiting a bit before speaking up again.
"Just... send a text or call every now and then? I get worried too, Tank." She said. Tank nodded non-committedly. It seemed to be enough for their friend, because they weren't pushed on the subject further.
April showers brings May flowers was either full of shit or Quinn liked to commit mass genocide on the floral population in front of his home. Tank lifted their gaze from the yard filled with pitiful patches of green grass and only stubborn dandelions and clovers. They couldn’t help but think of Gabe’s house with the lush verdant grass, and the scent of flowers that would start to be filling the air. Or the honeysuckle that the departed pack matriarch had favored. But it was fitting that death would linger in a place where the undead resided. Well... sort of undead. Vampires were in that odd in between stage of dead and alive. Not dead, but not alive. It was better to not think too much about it.
“Normal partners go out on dates you know.” They muttered, pointedly ignoring Quinn from where he fed on a human’s neck. He had insisted it was only to get some blood in his system when the jealous gleam had entered Tank’s eyes. Although he had seemed awfully happy to watch the shifter squirm with discomfort and jealousy. The human he fed from kept moaning softly, it seemed like it was more than just feeding...
“You’re hardly normal Precious.” He reminded, teeth biting back into the human. Tank tried to ignore the pleasured gasp that the action elicited.
“Neither are you.” They snapped at him. He liked to remind them a lot, that their abnormality was safe with him. That they didn’t need to shield it from him like they did from the rest of the world. That he would accept the depraved parts of their urges, their temper more than anyone else would. He made a quiet hum, continuing to take a few more gulps before finally stopping. A tap to the human’s lower back had her moving off of his lap - why she needed to be there Tank didn’t want to know - and he stood up, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.
“True. But that’s part of why we work together so nicely. Our broken parts don’t scare each other.” He purred, moving towards them. He tipped their chin back and leaned down, brushing his lips against their own. They could taste the blood on him and it almost made them recoil. A part of them went cold at his words though. Broken. That was another thing that Quinn liked to point out. That they were so drawn to him because he was broken like they were. Otherwise why else would they be with him? He was a constant reminder that they wouldn’t be accepted anywhere else, and a consistent acceptance of even the parts Tank didn’t accept yet. It was bittersweet.
“But if you would like to go on a date, I can do that for you. Just let me get cleaned up some.” He added, pressing another chaste kiss to their lips before walking from the room and heading to the room he shared with them. They settled a glare on the human he had fed from. She looked back at them.
“What?” She asked, sounding uncomfortable. Tank forced more ferocity into the look and watched as she shifted slightly, adjusted her clothes. Good.
“Why do you even do that?” They asked coldly. Why did they have to watch as Quinn fed from someone else? Why did it make them feel like they weren’t useful or enough for him? She stood up, shrugging.
“It pays well.” She muttered. Quinn returned a few moments later in a fresh shirt and hair carefully styled. He handed her some cash and didn’t even look at her as she left. Tank did though. Tank watched her saunter out, as if she had fulfilled some purpose to the world. That cold feeling washed over them like stepping into an ice bath. Purpose. It had given her a purpose. But what was Tank’s? Were they just floundering around in the world, useless and without direction? Burdensome?
“Shall we, Precious?” Quinn asked, offering them his hand and a crooked grin. 
The pack was doing something for pride month, and Gabe had reached out to request Tank’s presence. They stared down at the text as they sat on the bed, body bared as Quinn trailed kisses and nips down their spine.
“What is it? You’ve gone all tense and it’s not because of me.” He sounded slightly upset, but Tank ignored it. They continued to stare at the text from their pack alpha.
“I got invited to a pack thing again.” They had ignored the Memorial day celebration the pack had hosted as well, simply leaving Milo’s texted invitation on read. Should they go to this one? Quinn let out a groan.
“Your pack is always pestering you, Precious. Besides, they’re far too different from you to understand the real you like I do. Just stay here with me where there isn’t that harsh judgement.” He said as he wrapped an arm around their waist. They frowned, fingers picking at the edge of their phone case. He was right. The pack didn’t understand them, but... Gabe had seemed sincere when he said he wanted them there. At their continued silence he straightened up, taking a hold of their jaw to turn their face towards him. His silver eyes read their convoluted expression and he frowned.
“Listen to me, Precious. Your pack might pretend to mean well, but they don’t. They don’t actually care about you. I care about you. Not them, just me. You don’t want to lose that, right? The one person who actually cares about you?” He said, his voice deceptively gentle and sweet. They stared at him before they gave a small shake of his head. Distant alarm bells rang in their mind, but they ignored that too as Quinn pressed a kiss to their lips and then continued speaking. “Then stay here and just avoid all the conflict. Besides, showing up now after so many months would just put a bigger strain on interacting.” He murmured, hand rubbing soothing circles on their bare back. Tank gave a small nod.
David called them a week later, and they answered half asleep with Quinn next to them.
“Hello?” They mumbled into the receiver, voice heavy with sleep. David’s sharp tone had them pressing their face into the pillow with annoyance.
“There are so many things I want to say to you, Tank.” He snapped. They pulled the phone away from their ear, David’s voice growing quieter the more distance they put between it. Quinn cracked open one silver eye after a few moments. He held out a hand in offer, but they shook their head. After waiting a few more moments, they put the phone back to their ear. “-noon!” He finished saying. 
“I’m going back to sleep, David.” They mumbled into the phone, not bothering to pretend to respond to whatever the fuck he had been saying. The sigh he released had them pausing, spine stiffening. He sounded so exhausted. David Shaw did not let himself sound exhausted. Not to people who weren’t Asher or Milo. Although even then that was iffy nowadays.
“Please, Tank. Just come around once. Despite what you might think, we do miss you.” They blinked as David said the words slowly. Clearly as if he knew that they would try to think their way out of believing the words genuine. They pressed their lips together, eyes glancing at Quinn. He had closed his eye again, but his hand was still held out, the offer continuing. It was him offering to save them from this interaction. His words rang in their skull.
“No.” They say firmly before hanging up the phone. They tossed the device onto the floor and curled up in the blankets. 
“You can’t just push everyone away!” Their friend said as she followed after Tank while the shifter gathered up the rest of their belongings to bring to the home they now shared fully with Quinn. Tank sent a glare at their friend, but the unempowered human didn’t back down, standing in the doorway with arms crossed.
“I’m not.” They replied sharply. They watched their friend snort, the position growing more defensive in the doorway. Tank adjusted the bag higher up on their shoulder.
“You are. You look different Tank. Less healthy. I don’t know what you and Quinn are doing, but it doesn’t seem like it’s good for you. Everytime I see you, I grow more worried for you.” Guilt punctured Tank at her words. Guilt for making her worry, guilt for even being able to cause worry. Tank rubbed a hand subconsciously against their thigh beneath the dark jeans. “David says he hasn’t even seen you since you two crossed paths last April. That was months ago, Tank.” 
The mention of David had Tank prickling with annoyance. They gently pushed past their friend, moving towards the door.
“I have my reasons for avoiding the pack, alright? And I’m fine. Quinn is fine too.” They said. They didn’t look back as they left the apartment, shoulders tensed. The guilt and annoyance had started to dig sharp metaphorical claws into their stomach, making it clench painfully. They swallowed and rubbed a hand on their thigh again. Then they pulled out their phone, sending a text to Quinn.
‘I need a distraction. Are you thirsty?’
‘Always, Precious.’
Tank glared at the pair of mates that were leaning against their truck. Milo, to his credit, didn’t look nervous under the cold irritation under their gaze. Why was this pack so stubborn?! They moved their gaze over to Milo’s mate. 
“What?” Tank asked sharply, hand gripping the bag that held a six pack within it. Milo glanced at his mate before looking at Tank.
“Have... you lost weight?” Milo asked. The way he sounded as his accented voice spoke pointed towards the same conclusion their friend had reached last month. They had gone to the doctor finally after several texts from her begging them to, a week ago. Turns out they were anemic. They had gone home and immediately asked Quinn to feed from them. The light-headedness kept them from remembering how the members of the pack were starting to text them less and less and how their friend only sounded more and more concerned.
They didn’t answer Milo, still leveling an icy glare at him and his mate.
“The pack is throwing a barbecue before the younger shifters start school back up this fall. We wanted to invite you in person, Tank.” Stealth, since that was all that Tank knew them by, said. Their voice tended to always remain quiet. It was as if they were always trying to avoid detection subconsciously.
“No.” Tank said firmly, waiting for the pair to move so they could go back home. Milo glanced at his mate again, and it was almost like they were silently communicating. Tank knew they weren’t, that wasn’t how mating bonds worked after all, but it was still unnerving. More unnerving that Tank knew they couldn’t do that with Quinn. They might not ever. They didn’t want to think about what that might mean.
“Please, Tank.” Milo said, but Tank was already shaking their head. They moved towards their truck, baring their teeth at Milo and Stealth.
“I said no. Now move the fuck out of my way.” They snapped. The two complied after a few heartbeats of hesitation. Tank didn’t glance back as they drove away. More guilt pricked their heart and they tightened their grip on the steering wheel. Why couldn’t the pack just leave them alone? Forget they existed? Why did the pack have to pretend to care so much? It just made their heart hurt and then they went back to Quinn’s fangs to try to make themselves forget.
They weren’t sure when it happened, the burn before the pleasure was starting to last longer and longer. They also weren’t sure when they started to enjoy the way it hurt them more than how it made them feel good. It was different from seeking out pain in a masochistic way. No... this felt heavier somehow. Darker.
The phone dropped from their hand, eyes wide. Quinn lifted his head from where he sat on the couch. Gabe... he was dead. Horror filled their expression, even as grief cracked something deep within them. They immediately moved towards the door, hand grabbing their leather jacket and shrugging it on. The chill of fall had been affecting them more than usual lately. Quinn told them not to worry about it and just bring their jacket with them.
“Where are you going?” Quinn called out, silver eyes tracking every movement that Tank made. 
“To the pack.” They answered, shoving their feet into their boots. Quinn was standing up in an instant, next to them and gripping their shoulders, straightening them up from where they had been bending down to tie their shoes.
“Why?” He asked quickly, his voice growing colder from the bored disinterest of earlier. They stared at him a moment, blinking quickly.
“Gabe died. Hit and run. The pack needs... I need to be there. To say goodbye.” They had left all his texts on read or delivered these past few months. They had never gotten to say goodbye to him. That guilt cracked something else in them and they swallowed around the lump in their throat. Quinn shook his head.
“No.” He said, grip tightening on their shoulders. Tank’s expression turned incredulous.
“Quinn, let go of me. I’m going to pay my respects.” They said, their voice firmer and unrelenting. Quinn gave them an odd look, as if doubting that they really meant it. As if he couldn’t comprehend why they would even care. “Why are you looking at me like that?” They snapped at him, emotions too raw to try to rein back their slowly rising temper. 
“It’s been almost nine months. Why do you still care about that stupid pack of yours?” He asked, his voice rough, as his grip started to send sparks of pain through their pain receptors. “I’ve given everything you wanted me to, Precious. You wanted a place to stay while your friend had her boyfriend over, I gave it to you. You wanted me to bite you and feed into those twisted fantasies in your head, I did. You wanted someone to accept the broken sick you that you hide from everyone so determinately. I did. So why are you being selfish and trying to leave me for a pack that has never done anything for you?” He snapped at them. 
Tank went still. Very still, their eyes staring at him. At the twisted obsession that gleamed in his silver eyes. Had that always been here? They shoved him away from them. 
“Chase me into the sun and drag me back then.” They snarled at him, throwing open the door. The vampire backed away from the sunlight that spilled into the dim room from the door, glaring at them. Tank slammed the door shut behind them.
Things were different after that day. Quinn brought more people home to feed from, glaring at Tank the entire time while he did. He still followed through with the requests Tank would whisper to him in the dark of night and privacy of their bedroom. The sex that they both partook in with each other had changed too. Instead of just heated, there were tints of resentment and guilt and shame instead. He would leave their body trembling in ecstasy, but after the high came down Tank felt filthy and unwanted. Even with the bruising bites on their skin. Still only where they could easily hide it. 
“What shall we do for Halloween, Precious?” Even the way he said the term of endearment had changed. He practically spat it at them like he wanted it to hurt them. Tank was miserable with him, they realized with a start. But... who else would accept the broken parts of him? Who else wouldn’t curl their lip in disgust at the actions that made arousal cloud their veins?
Tank had no idea if the pack was doing anything for Halloween. David was alpha now, Asher being named his beta. They had showed up for that pack meeting, staying close to the wall. They had been the last to enter and first to leave. They felt bad for Asher though. He had gotten glares when David had appointed him to the position. Especially from fucking Christian. Tank had almost snapped at him. But they felt so tired.
“I don’t care.” They muttered, turning their back to Quinn as they lay on the bed. Quinn wrapped an arm around them and they tensed.
“You could let me bite your neck. Since I did get to bite you for the first time on our first Valentines Day together.” He purred into the back of their neck. They closed their eyes against the dizzy feeling that washed over them. The only times they really asked Quinn to bite them anymore that wasn’t in a sexual context was when guilt or anger made their blood feel more like thick sludge. He had aptly started calling it their ‘self punishment cycles’. They couldn’t refute the claim.
“No.” They mumbled into the pillow. Quinn lingered before sighing and pulled away from them.
“Fine.” He grumbled, leaving the room. The door closed behind him, leaving them washed in the dark. They knew they shouldn’t be in this... but... there was no one else for them. Maybe they deserved this for pushing people away like their friend had warned them against.
Quinn came back that night with a dazed manic grin on his face. Blood had covered the lower half of his face, staining his shirt. Tank stared at him from the doorway, fingers clutching the door. 
“What happened?” They demanded. Quinn turned his silver gaze to them and his grin turned into a bloody smirk.
“I fed.” He answered with a shrug. That was more than just ‘feeding’. The blood hadn’t just dribbled onto his shirt, but sprayed. Parts of his hair was even crusted with dried blood. 
“What happened?” They demanded again, voice firmer. He moved towards them and leaned in close enough that the coppery scent of blood filled their senses. He glared at him, pressing a hand against the wall next to their head.
“I was thirsty and you weren’t offering any meal. So I went out. And I fed. Seems you’re stronger than you realize, Precious. They didn’t last very long. Rather boring actually, but I suppose it’s just more proof that your my favorite. Just... offer me a meal next time and hopefully some random stranger won’t have to sate all my thirst in one sitting.” He hummed before pressing a kiss to their cheek and moving towards the bathroom, shedding his clothes as he went. Tank stayed where they were standing before wiping away the bloody mark his lips had left on their face slowly.
It turned out that no matter what Tank did, Quinn was always still hungry. And more often than not, he returned home looking similar to the way that he had that night last month. And with each passing day, it became more clear of what Tank needed to do. That twisted obsessive gleam that had been in his eyes when they had left to pay their respects to Gabe flashed through their mind. They would need to get some shit together before they could even attempt to leave Quinn. Let alone report him to the Department. Until then, they would keep gathering more information for the report.
“Are you sure that it’s completely safe, Tank? I don’t want you getting hurt...” Their friend said as she jogged alongside Tank. They were trying to get back the muscle mass that they had lost over the last several months.
“It’ll be safe as long as it’s me doing it. I need to keep you and the pack out of it fully. Which is why I need you not to tell David or anyone. I’m only telling you so you can give a testimony if I end up dead.” Tank answered, relaxing into the feeling of the sun beating down on their neck. She still looked unconvinced but nodded nonetheless. Tank pushed down the guilt on their face and focused on the burn of their muscles.
Tank kept a tally of how many nights Quinn returned looking blood-crazed. Or coming out of a blood-craze anyway. It was easy to remember for multiple reasons.
“Thanksgiving is coming up, Precious.” Quinn said, nuzzling against their neck. Tank pushed him off of them.
“I’m not going to be your thanksgiving meal, Quinn.” They said quietly. Quinn sighed and pressed a kiss to where their shoulder met their neck. 
“Not even a nibble?” He hummed. Tank shook their head and he let go of them, walking towards the door. They felt a tinge of guilt but pushed it down. Another tally, another mark against him in the eyes of the Department. This would come to an end and quickly.
He had been furious. Tank didn’t know how he had found out.
“The fucking Department?!” He shouted at them. They dodged the plate that was sent hurtling towards their head. They needed to get out of this house. Right now. Quinn stalked towards them, murder written in his silver eyes. Tank’s hands gripped the file that held the evidence that they had collected against him close to their chest. For the first time, they were genuinely scared of Quinn. Of what he might do to them. He held out his hand. “Give. It.” He said, his voice low. Tank took a step back, shaking their head. 
“No.” They said. Quinn, normally so composed even while bloodsoaked, seemed to snap. He lunged at them, hands gripping onto the file. It only took mere moments before it had turned into an all out fight for the report and evidence. Tank only got away by shifting and running off into the night, several papers missing that Quinn was now shredding. His silver eyes watched the giant wolf disappear into the dark of the night.
“You don’t get to play this game with me, Precious, without having to face the consequences. And if you flee, than someone else will have to take your place.”
He wasn’t stupid enough to go after the Shaw Pack directly. That was asking for a straight path to execution. Two or three of the members were working directly for the Department, and the pack was the most influential one in all of Dahlia. No, going after one of the members wouldn’t end well. But... an honorary member that didn’t quite fall under their coat of arms. Didn’t his precious thrall have a dear unempowered friend?
Tank felt dread pool in their gut, even as they dropped off the report. The person at the desk had only given the puncture wounds in the paper from their teeth a glance before setting it to the side and promising that ‘it will be reviewed at the earliest convenience.’
The dread only grew as they walked down the sidewalk. Each step the moved closer to their friend’s apartment only made them feel worse. The hairs on the back of their neck startle to prickle and their body tense. It was only when adrenaline rushed through their veins at the smell of blood did they run the last couple blocks. 
A part of them was glad they ran, while a small part wished they hadn’t. They could hear the weak cries of their friend as the smell of blood coated the air so heavily, almost as if it was an overused perfume. Quinn was hunched over her, sucking greedily from one of the many bite wounds he had left to ravage their friend. A snarl of fury ripped from Tank as they let their body twist and shift before throwing themself at Quinn. They didn’t hesitated in sinking their own teeth into his shoulder and shaking their head like a dog with a chew toy. 
Quinn laughed and ripped himself free to face the snarling mass of muscled wolf that stood between the injured human and himself. Blood dripped from Tank’s own mouth, but somehow it tasted more sweet that bitter. A low growl rippled through them, hackles raised. 
Present Day
Darlin could feel that same kind of righteous anger ripple through their body, magic sparking. They were going to make him pay for what he did, one way or another.
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barely-coherent · 6 months
What Class 1-A smells like
A/N- It's here y'all
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ☆coming soon☆
Smells, for lack of a better term, feminine
There's of course the smallest trace of cheese but we don't talk about that
We do not tolerate Aoyama Yuga slander in this household 😤
But he smells like really expensive feminine perfume
There's like floral scents along with this hint of almost sweetness?
Girl is spicy
Not too much
It's residual acid that adds the spiciness
But other than that
She smells like candy
You know the smell of strawberry taffy?
She smells like that
Ever been out by a lake at night with the crisp, cool air and you can't help but breathe in deeply?
She smells like nature
She reminds you of lazy days, sitting with your legs in the lake
I'm not gonna lie to y'all
He smells like smoke and sweat
His engines are part of his body, naturally he's gonna smell like an engine
And that reciprocal burst?
That works up a SWEAT
He's very hygienic though
He showers often because he can't tarnish the Iida name by smelling bad
So you can always smell the exhaust but more often than not, you smell his soap too
He uses that dawn bar soap though
She smells like how bubbles make you feel
Just the simple euphoria that popping bubbles brings
She smells like that
That's just how she smells, I don't make the rules
Mans smells like the "clean laundry" scent of deodorant
You can also smell hair gel
Cause you can tell his hair is PACKED DOWN
That shit is going NOWHERE
Wouldn't doubt if you told me his hair is just full of glue
I haven't seen a single strand out of place this whole damn series
He smells... burnt?
Okay, probably not, but have you ever been electrocuted?
He smells like how that feels
If y'all haven't been electrocuted... I can't help you
If you have a taser you can like use it on yourself? For like 0.1 second and you'll get it
I love this man but you cannot deny that he uses axe body spray
Fortunately he doesn't use a shit load
He uses just as much as he needs and that's it
Thank fuck, am I right?
Once he was like "I should ask Todoroki to make a flame thrower!"
And Todoroki was like "No"
Shut him down immediately
He trains his quirk by being outside and talking to animals, of course he's gonna smell like he's outside
He smells sweet, like sugar
His quirk relies on baking and sugar, he's gotta smell at least a little like sugar
But it probably makes him smell like freshly baked pastries and such
I like to imagine he smells like sage and cinnamon
He just gives off sage and cinnamon vibes
I dunno what to tell you
Look at that man and tell me he doesn't smell like that
Try and tell me he doesn't smell earthy
Try and say he doesn't smell warm
Ever met that alt girl in your high-school class?
Everyone is scared of her but then she's the sweetest girl you've ever met?
You know the one
They all smell the same
I'm only saying this because every "alt baddie" I've ever met...
They know I'm neurodivergent
They know that I find comfort with aromatherapy
I heavily subscribe to the latino Sero theory
He smells like traditional Spanish cooking
You can smell the saffron and paprika
Occasionally you get a whiff of cumin
He smells good, that's all I'm gonna say
If I hear anyone say he doesn't smell like charcoal I'm gonna lose it
He gives off STRONG charcoal and mint vibes
I can't explain it, I just feel it in my soul
He smells like charcoal and mint and I stand by that
He also gives mint vibes
Maybe like mint and cinnamon?
Either way, it's a sharp scent
Who knows, maybe he uses mint body wash and cinnamon toothpaste
But either way he has a very sharp smell about him
She smells like... nothing
I feel like she'd have to
Like, her quirk relies entirely on her being undetectable
If she smells strongly of something, people are bound to notice
Not very helpful if she's trying to sneak around
I'm about to say something basic
And I'm also about to get way too scientific
So he sweats the equivalent of nitroglycerin right?
Well, a fun fact about nitroglycerin...
It smells somewhere between caramel and burnt sugar
He smells like CARAMEL
Supposedly it also tastes like caramel
You're welcome Bakugou nation
Let's be real, this man probably smells like baby powder
Baby powder or gym chalk
Probably a touch of something else that you would find in deodorant
Probably like the "fresh breeze" one or something
If there was like an All Might merch deodorant, he'd do that
He's such a fan boy hsjdjhdhd
I don't wanna spend too much time on this
He smells like grapes
He also probably ordered that cologne that was like "it has pheromones in it!"
And then it didn't work for him
That's it
She's got that brand name shit
But she probably smells like tea leaves
Like, she's lowkey a tea enthusiast
Remember when she made tea for the entirety of class 1A?
It's hard for me to imagine that was a one time thing
She has expensive perfume and smells subtly of tea
A queen
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astrolovecosmos · 1 year
~Aquarius Season~
Aquarius may be the most misunderstood sign, both in theory and the people who have the placements. "Misunderstanding" is associated with the sign too. Below I am exploring 3 overarching traits/themes for this contradictory sign.
Individuality: Aquarius highly values theirs and others individuality, what makes each person unique. Aquarius is the sign for the quirky, eccentric, outcasts, trendsetters, rebels, anarchists, and more. Related to and/or complementing their individuality is the idea of "separation". Aquarius is about how you can stand out in the crowd, how you can separate yourself from the collective. They are independent showing how you don't always need others. They are known for being aloof and/or objective, being able to separate feeling from intellect or curiosity, support, maybe even love from attachment.
Sociability: Aquarius is associated with both the outsider and “popular kid” or an influence in a group. They represent both the trendsetter and trend follower. They are strongly associated with the idea of separation but also joining, similar interests, joined goals, shared humanity, and coming together as a group. Aquarius is the tribe, the fellowship, the movement, the community, the organization, the club, the cult, the society. Aquarius like the other air signs has a drive to socialize, connect, and relate. Aquarius can be communicative, talkative, funny, charismatic, gossipy, and possibly flirty. Aquarius's symbol the water bearer symbolizes bearing knowledge to others. They connect greatly through intellect and like-mindedness. Because Aquarius is associated with "uniqueness" or the unconventional, they can show us how people may connect and bond in different ways.
Unpredictable: Despite Aquarius being a fixed sign, they are connected to change and unpredictability. They are a sign who is determined to be who they are, their consistency is in their own independence and individuality. Aquarius embraces the unknown and can be entrenched in seasons of change and uncertainty. While Air is adaptable Aquarius can be more about holding onto inner stability, decisiveness, maybe even discipline so that they can deal with and maybe even love the chaos of the world around and within themselves. Fixed signs can be described as stubborn, unchanging, predictable, and I've even seen them called passive. But Fixed signs are also resistant and rigid and from this Aquarius can be very much resistant to authority, ready to rebel or riot. You can always count on Aquarius to be unpredictable....in that way maybe they actually are habitual. Fixed signs can be obsessive - fixated. This sign may very well go off the deep end in terms of hobbies, the search for knowledge, questioning things, conspiracies, and more.
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panlight · 7 months
If every vampire were to have a special gift, which would be unique for them, which would Rosalie, Emmett, Esme and Carlisle have?
I've answered a version of this before but it's fun to revisit!
I think I usually say that Rosalie would have something similar to Heidi of the Volturi's gift, that her enhanced beauty would get some psychic element and spill over to superpower. And I still think that is the most logical thing, but it's not super exciting. It's predictable. Rosalie is also big into family, and into justice (sometimes revenge), and she's very determined. Any of that stuff could have been enhanced, too. Maybe she has an always correct gut instinct about people in dangerous domestic situations. She doesn't 'hear' things like Edward or 'see' them like Alice, she just knows. And can intervene.
Likewise the obvious answer for Emmett is that his super strength somehow spills over into a superpower. Maybe even MORE strength or he himself is so strong he's basically invulnerable to attack (can't bite through his skin, can't rip him apart). The other option is that the strength is not the focus, like how Edward for some reason is also super fast even though he already has mind-reading. Emmett can be super strong and have something else entirely. Maybe a cheerful aura like Didyme had, or maybe being near Emmett puts you in a party mood, or a work-out mood, or just makes you feel chill and supported. Literally gives off Bro Vibes, but in a good way.
Honestly have always kind of felt like the shield thing would have worked for Esme almost better than Bella. Bella loves fiercely, sure, and she has her protected mind, but Esme loves EVERYONE with the intensity that Bella loves Edward (not romantic in all cases obviously, just talking about the strength of Esme's love) and with that love would come with a desire to protect. A shield could do that. But maybe it's more like Renata's shield, it doesn't protect against psychic attacks, but physical ones. Or maybe Esme's love just radiates out of her so strongly that she could stand in front of those she loves and enemies just . . . can't bring themselves to hurt her to get to the others. Makes everyone instantly remember their mother or a beloved parental/familial figure and the line of Volturi guards just turn into blubbering messes as Esme comforts them.
Again the obvious one with Carlisle, I think, is some kind of healing ability. I know I've said this myself before. But he wasn't a doctor in his human life, that's a choice he made after becoming a vampire. The literally meaning of compassion is "to suffer with," so maybe his gift would be more of a thing where he can take the suffering from someone else by feeling it himself. Whether he actually takes the illness and cures them, or just takes the pain so they aren't suffering anymore, idk. I mean he's a vampire so he can't die, and I don't think any illness could survive the stone-and-venom environment of SM's vampire physiology anyway. And there's a theory floating around fandom that he does have a power in the sense that he unconsciously draws people to him; thus building a family and building allies and being able to blend in with the human world when humans usually subconsciously find vampires off-putting.
But at the end of the day I like that they don't have any supernatural powers. I feel like sometimes the superpower just overwhelms the character and they get reduced to that rather than a more nuanced personality. I think Carlisle's more interesting and impressive because he has accomplished what he has accomplished without one. I think Esme keeping a family united by love rather than a 'real' power is lovely. That Emmett bringing the fun because that's just WHO he is and not what he can do is cool. That Rosalie is just determined and focused and smart and THAT's why she is what she is and does what she does rather than some power is awesome.
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nomorefstogive · 9 days
just some random idea I have on my mind. So both Shalom and Hecate are experiments of Paradeisos, they also have this Mania monster that are the emotions of that Sinner. So hear me out Chief and their like Mania creature thing? I remember scrolling through tumblr someone mentioned that Shalom said we are already a monster before they taken in us, like the person said what if in a literal way. Chief with their Mania form, their Mania form is strong because of the shackles connecting or supressing mania from Sinner, i headcanon they have a deep hatred on the Paradeisos. So yeah...(sorry 4 my bad English because it's not my first language)
Don't worry about the poor english you did very good, it's my first language and I have trouble with it at times too, so you are not alone my friend lol.
I would also like to preface this by apologizing if this reply is something of a mess, I am a little tired at the moment and trying to be concise and orderly with my thoughts and words is difficult for me on a good day lol.
As for the idea of the Chief being a Mania Monster similar to Nightmare or Rebel, it is an idea I have considered, my own theory is that the Chief has some type of bond or tie to the Perishing Star, given they were present during the Keylan Expedition and how easy it seems to be for the Illusory Moon and Mania to reach out to them during the Immortals events.
I feel that the chief is some kind of progeny or offspring of Mania, a sliver of humanity and hope given shape and form by Mania when it struck the earth and began to coalesce and seize power as it took dominion of the world from mankind, for either a long con or for other reasons thus far unknown.
Or perhaps it could be more apt to say that they were severed from Mania, with Mania as we know it reflecting the darkness and madness of the human psyche while the chief was to embody the opposite, being a beacon of control and order amidst the madness, something that humanity, so desperate for hope, would latch onto and nurture for the sake of its own survival.
The alternative to this is that the chief is something else entirely, some kind of entity that may have once been a part of Mania itself, or perhaps something else entirely, a wildcard left to roam free so as to grow and swell in might to be of better use come the time they are needed.
Apologies for the brief rant, I got off topic lol.
I agree with the chief having a deep resentment for Paradeisos, something that they themselves are likely unaware of the sheer depth of due to the interrupted rejuvenation leading to their memories being wiped before the story began...something which is oddly coincidental if you think about it.
I digress.
On the Subject of the Chief's power coming from them linking with the sinners and suppressing/controlling their mania, I agree that seems to be the case for their own growing strength.
That said, it makes me think that if their power is indeed growing with every Sinner they shackle, then the 'Rules' of Paradeisos are the only thing keeping the rising typhoon of manic power at bay, though one can only wonder how long such barriers will last.
If the Chief is indeed some form of Mania entity, something which is strongly hinted at in canon as well given some of the liens the Corpseborne and Parma say about the Chief, then it stands to reason that they could be either a defective corpseborn, as some seem to believe, or perhaps they are the final product of the process.
A being that is indistinguishable from a human and yet endowed with great and terrible power that grows more and more as mania spreads, as if their power is indeed growing with each sinner that is shackled and every corpus they consume, then one has to try and picture just what kind of monster the Chief will be when they are returned to full power and the 'Rules' fail.
I feel that when such a thing occurs, and it will occur, the Chief's old persona will resurface in full and Dis will be granted audience with a Vassal of Mania whose power exceeds any and all things they have witnessed before as Mania calls its Shepherd to its side once more to settle old scores with Paradeisos and the Underground alike.
Again, I apologize for going off course and starting to ramble, it tends to happen more often than not lol.
I feel that is all I have for this at the moment so I will leave this here, stay safe and take care.
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I’ve had a spinfoil theory for a while now, that doesn’t have too much basis for it, but it’s worth handing off to the resident Rasputin fan here to see their take on it.
So, we know that Rasputin very much did not shoot the Traveler. He had plans to, and he was convinced to some degree that it would work, but he never did.
What if it wasn’t the Traveler he shot, though?
When he confronted the Witness at the Gate of the Garden like how we did, he got out of there somehow, and I don’t think collapsing into a heap on the floor for naptime would have saved him there.
First point is, the Lunar Pyramid is on the moon, same as the new Gate. I know the keyword there is ‘new’, but with how Vex stuff works, for all we know, once a place becomes a Gate, it was always a Gate, bear with me there.
Second, that would have been the same general area that Rasputin had LOKI CROWN pointed, whatever it was. We know the Witness didn’t intend on pulling any punches with the Collapse, so Nezarec could very much have been leading the charge straight against the Traveler.
Third, we know that all of the Pyramids are linked to one another and the Witness through the Egregore, so it could stand to reason if a Pyramid was disrupted, it could break the Witness’ focus, even just momentarily.
And fourth, we’ve seen how the Cabal can adapt to paracausal forces and counter them, and it’s Rasputin’s job to be paranoid, I could buy that he had the Traveler studied just for the sake of always having a silver bullet in case it went rogue. Keyword, singular, silver bullet.
What I’m thinking is, what if, during the final moments of the Collapse and Rasputin’s duel, he made the choice to redirect LOKI CROWN’s firepower at the Lunar Pyramid and put that to ground instead of the Traveler? Severing the Witness’ connection like that, even momentarily, would’ve been enough for him to initiate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT.
That’s a lot, I know, but I feel Very Strongly about Rasputin being able to stand up to paracausal forces in any way shape or form even if Destiny’s going to boil down to ‘Light and Dark Good, Everything Else Unimportant’, and thinking of him having a victory like that gives me a bit of vindication. Would love to hear your thoughts.
I can’t imagine Rasputin having anti-paracausal weaponry and not at least trying it against the Pyramid Fleet the way he tried everything else. Odds are good that Rasputin launched LOKI CROWN, or reused its assets under another name, against the Witness. He may have repurposed it into the SURTR DROWN mentioned as "in progress but negative effect." Keeping the Traveler from leaving would be a lower priority at that point than just finding something, anything, that worked. And if he did end up in a face-to-face where the Witness, let’s say, took offense at Rasputin’s rejection of the honor of Disciplehood, kneeing it in the balls with a nuclear warhead would be the best way for him to escape. But from what we've heard so far Nezarec's Pyramid was hurled into the Moon by the Traveler's detonation, and it’s not (yet) canon that Rasputin ever met the Witness at all. I'd like to give Red at least partial credit for the kill on Nezzy, but until we get more details I can't justify it.
I will die on the hill that Rasputin is too big not to be at least a little paracausal. If Darkness “comes from within” and the eliksni can directly manipulate ambient Light then I don’t see why Rasputin needs a permission slip from a beachball to go ham. Paracausality is fundamentally a matter of thought and will and Rasputin has both of those in spades. Arguably he’s never been anything but thought and will. And are we really pretending that a couple kilometers of ice is all it takes to stop a Worm God? Rasputin kept Xol pinned, not that glacier. He says he doesn’t understand it, but neither do Guardians and we manage just fine. Honestly I think the main reason he doesn’t use it is because his story arcs go very hard-scifi and the writers avoid the space magic. This season will put that to the test though and I can’t wait for the results.
But even without direct paracausality Rasputin can and should be able to step to paracausal threats. The Hive die to an orbital laser strike same as everyone else (even if they sometimes come back). The Cabal have built Light- and Darkness-suppressing tech, and if they can work it out, Rasputin can too. He also had some serious weaponry during the Golden Age, and not just "secular" stuff.
In the message outlining LOKI CROWN Rasputin discusses "full caedometric and noetic release," and in another lore card he’s moving an “annihilation-pumped caedometric weapon” into place. "Caedometric" is not a real word, but we've seen it a couple times in Destiny. It literally translates to “cutting-measure” or “to cut the measure” and I think it means weaponry that directly warps spacetime, similar to the Culture’s “gridfire”: damage done by invoking the mass-energy structures underpinning space. Caedometric weapons are also wielded by the Ecumene in its fight against the Hive - this is some very advanced tech - and said weapons are only authorized when the Ecumene orders “maximum theater overkill.” The potential for collateral damage is likely very high. They work, too: they can’t kill Oryx, but the Ecumene’s forces slay him in the material world often enough to force him back to his throne. Rasputin’s caedometric weapons are likely much cruder and weaker than the Ecumene’s, like the first nuclear weapon compared to today’s - but it’s still, y’know, a nuke.
Noetic weapons are for another type of battlefield. “Noetic” means relating to the mind or to knowledge itself, and this is Vex stuff: weaponized patterns that infect, corrupt, or just plain destroy the mind. It’s one of the contingencies covered in the Codes & Procedures handbook for the K1 Anomaly, which warns of:
NOETIC EVENT. A canary panel has detected a noetic event, including substrate-free syntactic replicators, adversarial inputs, oncomemes, Vex-type viral semiotic signifiers, and frequency-based heuristic exploits.
Oncomemes. What a fantastic word! “Onco” means “cancerous.” Cancerous memes. That covers a lot of memes, really. Rasputin had weaponized memes. He faced the Vex, and he learned from them.
So both caedometric and noetic-type weapons are a) very advanced, b) bad news, and c) part of Rasputin’s arsenal. Neither is explicitly paracausal, but both can be wielded against paracausal entities. 
Paracausal weapons did show up during the Golden Age. When Elsie decides to shut down Clovis’ Vex gate by any means necessary, she goes to a research institute dedicated to the Traveler and secures a “topological thought,” an “irreal artifact of the Traveler’s Light,” as the core of a weapon to hard-crash every Vex on the forgeworld. Elsie Bray is brilliant and clever, and when it comes to paracausality it helps to have a mind driven more by the subjective than the objective, but if Elsie could hotwire a paracausal bomb in a couple days I think Rasputin could work out the same idea at some point during the Golden Age. The stumbling block here is the acquisition of said irreal artifact. “Irreal” is a synonym for “unreal,” but in philosophy has more specific connotations of being incapable of existing at all in this reality - not simply “unreal” like a unicorn, but “irreal” like incompatible with our spacetime. While Rasputin could requisition whatever he liked, he probably couldn’t make an “irreal” thing. A finite number of artifacts means a finite number of weapons, and if they all came from the Traveler that’s one of the only sources Rasputin couldn’t commandeer. 
So if Rasputin did make paracausal weapons, he would only have a few. I can’t imagine he had a lot of chances to test them, and since it’s paracausal simulating it can only go so far. That would give him a small supply of unique weapons whose efficacy (and side effects) he can’t be sure of. In that case setting them up as a failsafe against the Traveler is the most logical use. The Traveler is the entity most likely to need paracausal weapons to bring it down, and if he has to fire on it then so many other things have already gone wrong that the potential fallout is the least of his problems. Hence this is probably the arsenal he deployed as LOKI CROWN.
In the end I don’t think Rasputin ever expected to use LOKI CROWN for its original purpose, and not because he had faith in the Traveler. I think he intended for the Traveler to intercept and decipher this message, or to observe and decipher his creation of LOKI CROWN, and infer his intent. His ultimate goal wasn’t to ambush the Traveler, but to threaten it. The operation’s real purpose is outlined in the same transmission: “Coerce pseudoaltruistic [O] defensive action,” or in other words, “Make the Traveler defend humanity.” Rasputin didn’t plot to kill the Traveler, at least not in this message. In this message Rasputin put a gun on the table and said, “If shit gets real, you’re staying here to fight. That can happen the easy way or the hard way. Let’s take the easy way, hm?” Rasputin doesn’t want to actually attack the Traveler, since that would both use up his arsenal and compromise its ability to defend humanity. But he also doesn’t trust it. He wants insurance in case it starts looking for the exit. So LOKI CROWN had to be a viable threat, but at the same time Rasputin expects the Traveler to pick up on said threat and be rational (or altruistic) enough not to force him to actually pull that trigger. And one way or another the Traveler did stand its ground. So at some point he likely took that system apart and threw it at the Pyramids the way he threw everything else.
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kings-highway · 7 months
I read Time Enough yesterday from start to finish (yes I had other things to do, no that did not stop me) and I am still thinking about it. I left a little comment but I wanted to say more. (Sorry if this is a bit incomprehensible, I'm Very tired)
Your angst is always written in such an immersive and impressive way, but this story in particular hit so strongly. I thought it was so well done. Everything Daichi did and felt was so believable. And the feelings of having to move through a life like that was absolutely heart breaking. The relationships were so believable and idk how to phrase it other than genuine? Realistic?
It was just such an intense and beautiful piece, and Daichi's journey/cycle of monotony to acting out to trying to find stability again was so well done and so relatable. I was right along with him at one point like "obviously he has to learn a lesson here, but come on he did! He's trying to live life more!" Only to realize at the end that he still really wasn't, not really, not in the way that really allowed him to appreciate it. It wasn't that he needed to appreciate life by acting more or less predictable, it's that he needed to learn to appreciate life by appreciating his own, by learning to take care of himself, by asking for help and letting others take care of him. I've read several of your stories now where this is a major theme for him and I was STILL too immersed in his mindset to see it right away! That's very good writing imo <3
If you want to answer (ik some people don't like explaining story choices and that's fine too! I have my theories) what moment in that last day was it that broke the loop? Or was there no one moment, but just the process of the day itself and those leading up to it that did it?
First, thank you so much for leaving such a lovely and sincere ask in my inbox. You've got my giggling and kicking my feet like a child on christmas. It means so much that someone like you is reading and appreciating my work 🤍🤍
Second, I dont mind answering at all! I know a few others had speculated regarding the circumstances of the time loop so I can definitely share my decision making process
[Spoilers for literally nearly every chapter of Time Enough below, if you havent read it yet.]
And the answer is... Nothing.
Though that doesnt mean it wasnt intentional on my part, that nothingness means something to me.
The logic of the time loop is simply "sometimes time gets stuck in a loop, and unfortunately this time Daichi is aware of it." There is no real reason why it breaks on that specific day that it does, it could have just as easily broken the day before or the day after or in twelve years.
While I played around with the idea of Daichi having to "break" it in some way, there was no version of that that didnt position someone in his life as more important than another, or incite further questions about the universe. (although it does make me giggle imagining if the second half took a sharp left turn into Daichi and Oikawa hunting and fighting aliens.)
You could read this story as a metaphor for depression or burnout, optionally.
The truth is, every choice Daichi made always mattered. Each day did not come with definitive evidence that it would loop again into the next, it just coincidentally did for approximately two years. As suddenly and jarringly as it breaks in the 11th chapter, that could have been any chapter. Thats why so many end with the 00:00 moment, because it wasn't a given and it was important to mention. What would have happened if it had broken after he's slept with and romanced Oikawa? [Would he have pursued this new connection? left it as a one night stand? how would his life have moved forward after that kind of insane connection as Oikawa would believe he had his time loop experience?] What would have happened if it had broken after Tendou had been hit by the truck? [Tendou would be dead - what will he tell anyone?] What if it had broken after punching Iwaizumi? While he's standing, frostbitten in Iceland? After any random day he thought didnt matter? After he kills himself?
Daichi was never any more safe from his consequences in the loop as he was in linear time, he just got lucky.
And thats the point. How many times have you [the reader] skipped a class because its "boring and repetive?" phone in an essay because its "just" 10%? declined to hang out with a friend you havent seen in a while because "eh, maybe next weekend."
Choices always matter. Even if you think you have calculated the worst possible end, every single day has the ability to dramatically shift the direction of your life if you use it right. There is no such thing as a day that doesnt matter.
As a metaphor for depression and burnout, you're absolutely right. Daichi's loop is broken the moment he tells Suga that he'll let him take care of him. The moment he admits there's a problem and makes a promise he intends to keep. The act of loving and being loved in return is scary and difficult but sometimes it is the only way to succeed. [Its important here to mention that this is not romantic love I refer to.] And that means trying. Agreeing to do something you think is pointless [Daichi doesnt believe a psychiatrist can help; its a time loop] but he trusts Suga anyway and agrees sincerely.
As a story, it was nothing anyone did.
Daichi just got lucky that when the loop broke he was safe and surrounded by people who would care for him.
Free will and individual agency are massive themes in my stories and perhaps thats just a product of my own current age and experience. I think in a lot of ways I havent quite gotten the hang of it myself even if I understand it in my mind. Understanding it intuitively is a lot harder.
But it gets a little bit easier for me when I can write it out and share it with people like you who care as much for these characters and stories and appreciate them in the same way.
Thank you so much for asking <3 Inbox is always open and yall can message me any time if you wanna chat about anything to just scream. [The chickens in my brain will do their best to scream back.]
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
A bit of housekeeping...
I'm so glad to welcome some new friends to this blog, but I just want to make sure everyone knows what they are in for, so here's some quickie reminders:
I'm Jimin ult-biased and a Jikook supporter, so that's mostly what I post about. But I'm OT7 and I love loving on all our boys.
I am streaming and buying for Yoongi, just as I do for all 7, and I am excited that Yoongi will be my first ever concert! But I won't be posting tips and tutorials and reminders and such for D-Day. The info provided for Jimin also applies to all BTS works, and honestly I need a bit of a break as I have a lot of deadlines and some (thankfully minor) health issues to tackle.
Just so you know, I'm a toddler ARMY. Joined the fandom about a year and a half ago. I'm still finding my way, still working through official content. I'm not a big blog. I'm not an important blog. I love discussions and I never mind answering questions, but I'm not clever enough to be anyone's guide, so, please do your due diligence with the big accounts, and we can learn together!
I just cannot stand drama. I don't have the heart for it. It literally pains me when people get meanspirited. So when in my presence, please never ever shade any of the members. Don't share weird creepy invasive stuff. And yes, some things need to remain closeted and bad shit happens in life, but I'm allergic to conspiracy theories and victim narratives.
To the new folks who joined me but have only one or two posts... it's entirely possible you're using a fake account to keep tabs on Jikook accounts. And listen. As long as you don't start drama and spew hate? It's okay by me if you lurk here. You might see things from a new perspective, or you might not. I support your right to make up your own mind. I have no agenda. I will never go into other people's spaces and insist they see things the way I do. Just know, I will block so fast your head will spin if you start up with bullshit. Simply try to be a good human, that's all I ask.
And with that in mind, every time I do anything as a Jimin fan, I ask myself "Would Jimin feel honored by this?" and if the answer is no, I course correct. I am human and I will make mistakes, but I at least know the following to be true:
Jimin loves his members. Jimin has a very special bond with Jungkook. Jimin hypes up other artists. Jimin never brags about himself nor speaks ill of anyone. Jimin works hard in silence. Jimin tells the truth but never shares much of his personal life. Jimin strives to be perfect, but no matter what is always authentic.
All these things are clues as to how he'd like fans to behave. So I act accordingly and hope you do, too.
All that being said, I strongly suspect Hobi will be coming to us again around Easter, and I really hope we ask him thoughtful questions and share meaningful messages of support. Let's do our best to raise the level of discussion they have with us on Weverse! And let's be sure to send him off feeling bolstered by our love, instead of weighed down by our demands for reassurance around his military service.
Right now, I need to take a bit of a rest. It's been a crazy three weeks! PLEASE make free trial Pandora accounts if you are a US ARMY, and no matter what, keep streaming and reaching out to funding accounts to buy.
Let's do our best for our boys and walk with them each step of the way! It's been quite a journey so far, hasn't it?
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Love, Roo
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