meat4meat · 21 days
Whose the Ghoul
and why is it totally not Grimal?
I know this is a lesbian necromancers side blog so I'm gonna tag this accordingly so my followers can filter
Now everyone and their mother has a theory about who the ghoul is and has given their two cents- but I 100% think it's Giles at this point based on the info we have- BUT I don't think he's the one who attacked Occam. I think that was Grimal for her own personal reasons, and Spit is a red herring.
I'll admit my speculations about why she would attack Occam are a bit hand wavy, but I think paired with her means of accessing the archives while he was performing the ritual makes a case worthy of consideration.
For the how- because of the scene where everyone presents their licence we also know the exact level of access everyone has to which areas of the chapter house. As a neophyte Grimal does not have access to the archive or the security room, so how does she end up there on the map? There are several different ways she could have ended up in there.
So, almost immediately after Occam is sealed in the archive Elise cops Giles' shit. Wallet, keys and smokes all in one go. Queen. As a gard, he would have had acess to the security room, and now Elise does since she jacked his whole deal, coldly. So, either grimal got the keys from Elise, sneakily or not, that's one way should could have gotten in. Or Elise did her girl a solid and just let her in.
However, she could have gotten in without Elise's pilfered keys at all. When Kitten talks to Matilda and Amanda, Matilda offers to let him into the security room, and we immediately see that she's smoking the cigs Elise stole from Giles. Grimal could have gotten the smokes from Elise and then traded them for security room acess, just like Matilda offered to Kitten.
And once in the security room.....what? We know from Matilda it's one of the most ventilated rooms, and we know there's a vent in the archive thanks to a bg shot when they go in to draw blood. Given Grimal is one of two people conceivably small enough to pull of snaking through the ducts (the other is Spit, but I'll come back to the later.) It's not that far of a stretch to say she could reach the archives through the ducts.
OK, but fucking why would she do that, especially if she isn't the ghoul?
When she and Kitten argued on the stairs she said she was envious of how Kitten and the others operated without oversight. How stiffled she felt in her research. Neophites have even less acess to parts of the chapter house than maintenance, which for Grimal has got to sting while watching the chucklefucks make big moves on their own. It could be speculated that after seeing something relevant to her research in the archives, something she knows she'd never get permission to interact with, she decided to break into the archive, deal Occam an incapacitating blow from behind while he was performing the ritual to make sure she wasn't identified, and split. The non-lethal blow is also another reason I don't think it was the ghoul that broke in and attacked Occam. Given the level of violence done to Lord Fatigue later on, a much less intimidating target than Occam, I don't think a ghoul would have passed up the chance to take him out.
Speaking of Fatigue, why kill him at all? The only motive I can think of is to steal his archive key. And if the ghoul had attacked Occam, why would they need archive acess a second time? The could have gotten it off Occam's unconscious body, and why go for Fatigue is particular? Of the 4 people with archive acess. He's the least intimidating target, especially to a doped up ghoul. I might be over speculating on this but that point in particular leads me to believe that this ghoul is someone deeply insecure in their abilities as a combatant, which for me rules out all of the competent fighters, including Grimal.
Wow, a whole mountain of speculation on who I think it isnt- so why do I believe it's Giles?
My theory hinges on a peice of information casually dropped by Kevin during his interrogation about his sire. The way he describes the dynamic between his sire and her own sire is very similar to the one displayed by the 99p store manager and the woman she speaks to on the phone. Not to mention when she mentions that D called himself Kevin she calls it a coincidence. It's super strongly implied that She's Kevin's sire and the woman she's speaking with is the high-ranking Tremere in Yarmoth that Kevin described.
And She's managing a 99p store! That Giles works at!
If that's the case it's a direct connection between Giles and the Tremere, and it would explain how Kevin knew of the mole in the chapter house.
If it is him it would make sense why he wouldn't have been able to attack Occam, and why he would have needed to go after Fatigue for his archive key. If Occam's attacker had gone through the vents then it just couldn't have been him. He's not only too big to get through them, but he'd lost his keys to the security room with vent access before the attack. He'd need to go after another one of the elders to get it.
OK yeah Spit is also a security guard who is skinny enough to get in the vents and has been tweaking out basically the whole ep and he was the one in the room when Fatigue was murdered (unless his body just did that, but what are the odds?) , but I don't think it's him just because the evidence for others is so much stronger. Giles has the direct connection to the clan that placed the mole, and Grimal was placed at the security room. I personally buy more into the werewolf theory for Spit that I've seen others toss around.
Anyways it's 100% Giles.
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Hang on that “unknown gladiator” sounds. Really fucking familiar. Is that GARP????
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yuzuuu4 · 2 months
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(post 2.1 quest) unexpected
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huang-er-jiejie · 10 months
i. i just realised something about the kiss.
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the way when aziraphale puts both of his hands on crowley's back, you can see them kinda shift so aziraphale isn't leaning. he held onto crowley for stability, and leaned in. pushed closer to him. he leaned forward. anyone ever says he didn't want the kiss im going to hunt you down because HE HELD CLOSE!!! HE KISSED BACK!!!!
EDIT: also im like WELL aware he kissed back i was even when i first watched it like its not a big revelation, its just that SOME people☠️ on TIKTOK☠️ KEEP SAYING HE WAS DISGUSTED BY THE KISS???? like i swear some people are watching a different show entirely
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snazzydwarf · 4 months
(This was written in July oh dear-)
You know how in a lot of fics a de-aged Danny winds up in Gotham either via Clockwork putting him there, or Danny goes through a portal (either through his own volition or not) and ends up being taken in by one of the bats?
Okay that, but what if he was never picked up and ends up falling through the cracks and becoming one of the many homeless children wandering Gotham's streets, but unlike all the other street kids who know when to keep their head down Danny just doesn't have those fear receptors... like at all- It's almost scary with how the kid manages to just not give a single flying fuck about what is going on.
So after a while of wandering the streets and getting acquainted with the Gotham's inhabitants everyone slowly get's used to the kid wandering around, dropping their guard and greeting him with smiles when he toddles around the corner, looking for his next meal or piece of scrap clothing.
Perhaps it's this show of trust they begin to notice the strangeness that hangs around him like a cloud. The shifting coloured eyes, the coldness in his skin that never seems to go away no matter how much clothing the kid gets bundled in.
The fact that no one knows where he goes once they take their eyes on him? Spooky to say the least, but they're Gothamites! One shady, possibly meta, kid ain't gonna change anything.
So he becomes a staple in everyone's lives, and eventually learned his name is Danny. He talks about having an older sister called Jazz, two best friends and a puppy he named Cujo. (who let their kids watch Cujo???) They also learned he had an innate fear of The Bats, whenever one swept into the streets during their nightly patrol he would just... disappear. He became unfindable and wouldn't appear until the next day.
At first they thought it was him finding a safe place to sleep while the night rolled around and the Rouges came out to play, but that assumption was quickly squashed when he was caught wailing on one of the Jokers henchmen. The white makeup couldn't even cover up the black and blue bruises that covered his face.
It was comical, if not a bit frightening to see this small child practically a baby sitting upon a knocked out, grown ass man. His little stubby legs dangling off the side of his body, too small to even reach the ground.
Of course nothing stays under the Bats radar for long so he end up eventually getting spotted. However none of the Bats where expecting such resistance from the civilians when they offered to take the kid.
Now whenever the little tyke is bumbling around and a Bat (or any other vigilante associated with them) is in the area, it's all hands on deck to distract Danny and get him somewhere else.
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cozymochi · 4 months
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i hope Malleus will spend his years cursing blessing other peoples babies with gifts that will definitely not have long term consequences in their little lives!!
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temporarywoundz · 3 months
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hi.. have some trolls.. i may like them..... a lil bit........... maybe................
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spkyart · 11 months
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Heck 💀
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lunian · 4 months
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what a man he is, this Gale Dekarios
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isjasz · 5 months
The Promised Neverland manga spoilers!
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[Day 201]
Everyone blame cherrysherin2 (go check out this art that made me absolutely lose it) I take no responsibility
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sandushengshou · 6 months
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the untamed + text posts
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crowatyourwindow · 6 days
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Since you all loved my pigeon Nikolai art so much, here's rat Fyodor :)
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
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"Fernando" S1E4 - Fernando Alonso & Carlos Sainz Sr.
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dyke-will-graham · 1 month
Oh! I love that one ship...
You know the one with the repressed bisexual 80's leather wearing charmer with daddy issues and a million dollar smile and the autistic repressed gay twink who wears vaguely vintage clothing with sassy mannerisms and avoidance issues!
(the game here is guess what ship im talking about)
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sweeteastart · 3 months
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Jack Frost
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fanficmaniatic · 1 month
mental health hanging by a thread and is being held by the blurry picture of jazz in the transformers one trailer.
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