#i dunno he kinda just ate that with a closed fist
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fish man karate vs one hot boi
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nenoname · 2 years
Land Before Swine Secret Commentary Transcript
aka the in-character Stan one
aka the only one that’s on youtube at the time of me writing this. 
…I’ll get to the other ones later. When I feel like it. Also dang Stan says “y’know” a lot.
Disclaimer: my hearing is shot so take this as you will
Stan: Ah, hello? Is this thing on? Testing, hello? Uh, hi there, listeners. I’m Grunkle Stan! What’s this down here?
I was promised a plate of bacon– is there bacon for me? No, I’m not gonna do this for free. …Alright they just gave me a dollar. Gimme two.
Okay, okay– alright, hi, hey! It’s me, Grunkle Stan. So here’s the deal; apparently my sweaty grandnephew, Dipdop, was recording the entire summer with Soos’ video camera, like a little weirdo? Like every single thing we did, the entire summer he was recording. That’s-that’s what we’re watching right now. It’s kinda creepy that he did that. He gets that from Ford, I think. That and his inability to make eye contact with women.
Anyway, he wanted me to, I dunno, give commentary on this day of… our lives? That he recorded? Like a school project or something? So here I am. Here’s my voice– crank up the volume! You really wanna hear that gravel. You want your neighbors to hear it too. It takes, it takes a lot of really bad livin’ to sound this way, so (laughs) I earned it. Enjoy. 
Um, I dunno what this (referring to the opening) is. Guess Dipper cut together a musical montage of various moments. Fairly professional! Frankly it’s embarrassing he spent that much time on it.
So, uh, so yeah, this was a day in my life. This was uh, a regular old day. Little bit of scamming people. Little bit of punching dinosaurs in the face. Y’know I get why Dipper wanted my commentary. I mean, I’m a pretty great man so I understand why he wanted to hear my perspective on things, uh, I have a lot to say.
(coughs) So many pearls of wisdom, um… Let’s see ah, what’s new in my life… I went to the doctor today. Well it wasn’t a doctor so much that he was Soos dressed in a lab coat, reading webmv (??) off of his phone. “Y’know I think I’m gonna give my life savings to some quack with a medical degree?” No! Not gonna happen. Y’know I heard on the AM radio that vaccines lets the government read your thoughts– nice try, Uncle Sam!! Go back to Russia!
Anyway, who wants to hear about my various body problems? You name it, I’ve got it. Hernia? Got it. Abnormal rashes? Ho, ho, you gotta believe I’ve got abnormal rashes. Who’s got two thumbs and a liver that’s hanging by a thread? This guy, baby! Let’s see, what other body problems do I have? According to Soos, I got boxer’s ear, money lung, brass knuckles, sailor’s mouth, ingrown eyebrows, Achilles everything… something called “super gout”! Dog pox, seasonal squash nose, chronic uncle jokes, tooth flu, strep leg, something called “face worm”… Y’know when an earthquake is coming, my knee swells up and when a musical festival is coming, my fist swells up in rage. I’m also partially deaf because my ears are next to my mouth and I’ve been diagnosed with having no indoor voice.
And now to read you my current blood pressure statistics– warning! They’re terrible. Oh, wait, sorry, there’s a sticky note here from Dipper. It says “Don’t talk about your body problems.” I guess I’m supposed to talk about the video? I dunno, I mean… what is there to say? I’m trying to give the people what they want. Let’s talk about the day.
Um, I remember it was really hot, that’s the first thing. Uh, y’’know Dipper and Soos, they went off on some kinda journey. Y’know Dipper and Mabel's mom, they said “keep a close eye on these kids over the course of the summer. Don’t let them get into trouble. Don’t let them wander into any cemeteries or off of any cliffs. Keep them away from sharp objects.” –But they didn’t say anything about monsters so I think I’m covered, honestly.
Let’s see, what happened? I mean, it was just like any other day in Gravity Falls! I um, I got outta bed. I did three hundred pushups. I ate some steamed carrots… (laughs) Nah, c’mon, what do I look like, a sucker? You only live once, friends.
Here’s a real routine from Grunkle Stan; I got outta bed, ate a basket of cold cinnamon rolls I found in a drawer, laid on the carpet for like an hour until Soos came and poked me with a stick. Y’know that’s basically how most of my days start up. Then I went into the basement to work on that darn portal. I mean, I can talk about that right? Cat’s outta the bag now? Yeah, y’know, I was working on that portal everyday. You see me here being a bear of a man, a leader, a titan of industry. But, uh, off camera, prior to this adjusting my tie in the mirror, I was downstairs trying to figure out how to get my brother back from that dimension that he… through various means wound up in. Partially my fault. Partially his. Who could really say? Y’know the point is, I wasn’t just the curmudgeon I look like here. Every morning I would go downstairs, I would work on trying to figure out on how to get him outta there, y’know? Um, part of my daily routine, I was tightening screws, trying to teach myself highschool maths so I could get the thing up and running. I also did a lotta punching the portal, like the jukebox. And let's not forget that toxic waste I stole! Yeah those are some good memories.
So y’know, everyday it’d be something like this; I’ll work on the portal, break some things so Soss has some stuff to fix, get on my suit and give a tour like the one ya looking at. Y’know I like to mix it up on my tour, um, I mean sometimes I like to take people through the Shack. Sometimes I show them taxidermies, sometimes optical illusions.
This corn, this unicorn made of corn, I brought that at a rummage sale. Um, I shoulda known someone would eat it. I kinda had a running pool with Wendy that it’d get eaten by Soos or Dipper or Mabel. Forgot about the pig. Probably should’ve bet on the pig.
So y’know here’s the kid up in the attic, just in the dark like a creep, like a weirdo. I mean, I don’t understand, I feel like all photographers, there’s something wrong with their heads. They’re passively observing life– like not like me! Grabbing life by the horns and making money off of it, uh, because I could make money off of anything! The key of being a showman is turning anything into an attraction. Like I have this pool of stagnant water that collected by the front door after the radiator broke. So I called it the “Befuddle Puddle” and charge an extra dollar to see your reflection. “Feeling befuddled yet?!” is what I say to the people. And I also glue a lotta things to other things to make a thing that’s new! So you give a turban to an armadillo; now it’s a “carmadillo”! Glue a cat to another cat; now ya got a double cat. 
Sometimes people point out that they just drove ten miles to see a wet floor and a bunch of angry cats glued to each other and that’s when you gotta defuse the situation with comedy. Um, y’know, I’m always doing different material, I’m sorta an amateur comedian– can, can I swear on this thing? There’s a guy who’s shaking his head at me, he’s giving a thumbs down, he’s doing a cross your throat thing with his finger. I’m-I'm not sure, is that a “yes”? I can swear? Now, he’s freaking out– he just ran out of the room. Alright, maybe I’ve got to watch my mouth on this thing, um but, ya not getting the full experience, kids! I’m pretty hilarious without the censors breathing down my neck. People always ask me, “Stan, where do you get your material?” A little word to the wise, for aspiring comedians out there; bumper stickers.
When ya step onto the road right there, I’ve never seen a bumper sticker that didn’t make me laugh like, heh, on the way here this morning, I saw one that said “driver carries no cash– hE’S MARRIED!” (laughs so hard he begins to choke) Oh lord… urgh, that’s my money lung actin’ up, one sec (giggles) “He’s married…” Guh, I mean, I don’t have a crowd around me right now but if I did they’d be laughing as hard as I just was. Y’know it’s a little, it’s a play on social mores etcetera.
Um, ah, whatta we lookin’ at here? I guess Dipper somehow got his camera into my mind? Not really sure how he did this but um, yeah I’m pretty good at weaving a yarn and this was a tale I told to Mabel to um, y’know make her see the real me because sometimes the truth is hiding within a lie. Y’know like, you might tell a lie like uh “I fought a monster for your pig” and the truth is you’re directly responsible for the pig getting stolen b-but the deeper truth is you would’ve fought a monster, right? It’s like a, it’s sorta like a truth turducken; lie, truth, lie, truth– y’know who’s really to say what is real and what is not? Certainly not Soos! He has no idea what’s real.
So, uh, y’know, let’s see… jokes…. I told you about my medical problems, um… heh alright, okay I know what Dipper wants to hear, I know why he asked me to do this. He wants to know a little bit about the real Grunkle Stan. Y’know, you guys see this paragon of attractiveness and virtue- you don’t learn the warts and all.
You probably want to hear about my ex-wife, right? Okay? There’s not much to tell, I bring her up every now and again. I tell jokes. Uh, sometimes comedy comes from a place of pain and I, y’know, was actually married for less than a day. Vegas situation. Reach for the same slot machine handle and it was love at first sight. Marilyn. Had hair like an airline stewardess and a neon pink shirt that said “over thirty and very flirty.” Man, I was putty in her hands. You shoulda seen the way she threw dice. One time right at my head! Turns out she only married me to distract me while she stole my car and all my winnings. And I guess her name was fake and her hair was fake, but y’know the love was real. She really was the one that got away. Like literally. It was a proper getaway. She was chased by cop cars for about a mile outta Vegas before ducking out of a door into a canyon and making off with all my loot. Sometimes I still think of her. That pale bingo hall skin. That one weirdly sharp tooth. S-sorry I’m getting nostalgic– point is, yeah! I had love in my life once and uh y’know, it bit me. And I learnt a bit of a lesson from that which is ya open your heart and blood comes out and ya die. So, y’know, try not to be a sap like I was.
Let’s see, let’s talk about what’s going on here, uh… This is the only time you’ll see me step foot in a building with any kinda spiritual significance, I’ll say that much. Urgh gosh, this guy. So, yeah, Old Man McGucket, he’s kinda a liability and uh, I guess he helped us save the world with that robot and whatever but, uh, prior to realising he was a genius, he was mainly just a nuisance. Like I think I ran him over with my car a couple of times? Like he’s like a possum, he just runs out onto the middle of the road. (laugh) I mean, everyone in Gravity Falls has run over Old Man McGucket at least once. It’s, it’s kinda a rite of passage when you’re in that town.
Obviously I didn’t want him on this mission, y’know, McGucket-ing up the whole thing, he was a liability, let’s face it! Various tales we didn’t need to hear. That gold tooth glinting in my eye, distracting me all the time… Uh, yeah I’m pretty sure he was responsible for getting us to… fall off of this thing… wait, let’s wait and see… yeah, there it is- called it! His fault. Sometimes I remember things being someone else’s fault but this case I was right! All McGucket.
So yeah, this day, the other thing I remember about it was, uh, it represented a real missed opportunity for me because this coulda been a great tourist trap. Right? Like, Land… Time Forgot. Park of Jurassic Creatures, uh. I can’t think of a great name for it but y’know, Dino Fun Wacky Sap Town Park, something like that. I mean just picture what this woulda been like. Okay this is a once in a lifetime dream, to charge saps to literally look at sap. Like I’m always scamming people but pun-based scams, that’s the sweetest. I coulda made that happen! Sadly I lost the chance when the place caved in at the end of the day, you’ll see.
The dinosaur mishap kinda gets outta hand. The whole thing goes bottoms up. Y’know, I suppose Sixer might be able to make some sorta drill that could get me back down to the dinosaur cave with some real attractions. Like his inventions always backfire, like (laughs) like this one time in high school, he’ll hate that i’m talking about this so, should I talk about this?
Yeah, I’ll do it, okay. So this one time in high school, my brother, Stanford– well, it started out like this; so Fordsy had a fear of girls ever since Cathy Crenshaw got freaked out by his hand in third grade, uh, those of you listening, I’ve got a brother, he’s got six fingers. It’s kinda cool, he’s great at piano, y’know? He could do really cool like, shadow puppets but uh, in elementary school, kids could be cruel and uh, I guess it sorta traumatised him? He tried to hold a girl’s hand. She spilled punch on his head and ever since then he had a hard time talking to girls, unlike- unlike myself. That’s life.
Anyway, cut to high school, the guy’s never kissed a girl, prom is coming up and he asked me for advice. “Stanley, I know things have been a little weird between you and me with college but can you talk to me about girls?” Um, and y’know, I said, uh “whatever you do, don’t be yourself. You’re gonna freak ‘em out. Act like me!” And so we tried for a couple of days, we actually traded places. He dressed up as me, I dressed up as him and I was hoping that would make the ladies flock to him. But instead he was ruining my reputation, right? Like he was destroying my game all over the place so we switched back. I said “you’re a hopeless case” and he, (laughs) his solution as he is wont to do was to build like a kissing practice robot, okay. 
It was basically a mannequin head with a rubik's cube for a mouth and a siren attached to its head that would go off if you were kissing it wrong. Like he read a bunch of Mom’s magazines for women about men and programmed that into the machine so the only way to get the siren to stop is for you to learn to kiss properly. Anyway, cut to all of us in gym class, the head falls out of his gym bag. The siren starts going off. The only way to stop the thing is for him to kiss it in front of the whole class! (laughs) Ah, man! Ha… he was still more popular than me. Not my fault. 
I dunno, I just have an excess of personality. Some people get jealous… Dad always taught me that the way to get people to respect you is to punch the biggest person in any room, the first time you enter that room. But if you do that in school then apparently you have “rage problems” quote unquote according to the counselor. Darn hippy. 
Childhood, y’know, is hard! It’s hard, guys! No matter how you slice it, right? Like it’s clearly not easy on these kids. I think I was a pretty good caretaker though. I mean, all things considered. Okay, let’s get real, guys. The pig’s cute, okay? Like I knew the pig was cute from day one. You see it in that nest. You’re feeling it. I’m feeling it. Looking at it and you feel your desire to eat bacon slightly subsiding… I mean a lil’ bit. Like five percent. I, I didn’t actually want the pig to get eaten by wolves, y’know. I was just hoping I could just get it outta my crosshairs so that it wouldn’t get in the way of my various amazing jokes and… y’know I was a lil’ worried that it might get lost in the portal so I wanted it out of the house. But I didn’t want this to happen, alright?
So what you’re watching right here, me tussling with a pig, getting attacked by a dinosaur, plummeting into a ravine, this was not how I expected this day to wind up. But, uh, push comes to shove, y’know, I’m not a bad guy, right? Like… how many of you, looking at this video right now, how many of you think that I’m gonna let this pig get eaten by a monster? Is that what you think of me? Not gonna do it. Not gonna happen.
The fez. Y’know sometimes people ask about my fez and there might be some people listening to in Dipper’s class that might be curious, yeah that’s actually my old man’s, actually. That belonged to my dad. Um, he’d come home late, first Thursday or second Thursday of every month. He had this Masonic lodge? That he was a part of? The Loyal Order of the Holy Mackerel, something like that. It’s just a bunch of old guys who worshiped a fish in a tank and they did a bunch of weird rituals. Something about brotherhood– here’s the secret behind the Masons, alright? I never really joined so I can tell ya; they’re just trying to get away from their wives and girlfriends for one night, eat pasta and tell dumb jokes. Like they act like they, oh control the world- they don’t control the world. They can’t even control their own interpersonal relationships. They just wanna play poker and have a night to themselves, right? I think that’s what my dad was doing. Anyway I guess he “bestowed” his hat upon my brother, thinking that one day maybe he’d join the fraternal order and when I took over my brother’s house, I took the hat as a showman and, y’know it fit my head pretty good!
Alright if you got popcorn, now’s the time to eat it because prepare for some heroism. This is, alright, it looks pretty dramatic what I’m about to do on camera but like, real talk, I basically couldn’t get outta bed for three days, this was (laughs) incredibly painful. Impressive but painful. Y’know the important thing is uh, is that the kids came out alright. They didn’t get eaten by a monster like McGucket there. Uh, I was a pretty good caretaker. 
A lot of people ask me, they say “Stan. You have impeccable genetic material, why haven’t you sired an heir?” People are always saying that. Y’know that’s an easy one because kids, kids are a giant hassle. I was once a kid and it was the worst. And the only thing worse than kids-? Parents. My dad was a cold-hearted ex-bricklayer who’d rather list my faults at Passover rather than throw the ol’ football around. Seriously, I never played catch with my old man.
For a science fair, I asked Ford to help me invent a football throwing robot just to get someone to throw a football around with me. But, uh, Ford wouldn’t do it, he was mad about the whole Kissbot incident so I had to invent my own football throwing robot. Just duct tape a football to a toaster, call it Footbot. I mean, what’s a guy gotta do to get one game of catch with his old man? Right? Whatever, Whatever! Doesn’t matter! 
I have, I have, I have my own family. I do have a son, Benjamin Abe Hamilton Washington. This pile of money I’ve collected over the years! That’s my true family. Y’know I can sorta glue it together into the shape of a child maybe… Eh, I dunno. I, I do my best, right? And I do have, I do actually, not to brag, but I have an obscene amount of money. Uh, y’know all the years of collecting and etcetera– and also grifting!
You wanna learn some classic grifts? Anyone out there wanna learn some grifts? Here’s a good one; I call this one the “Grunkle Surprise!” You pay a bunch of hobos, okay it’s complicated, get a pen and paper. You pay a bunch of hobos a fish head a piece to dress up as an ol’ timey barbershop quartet– then you need to get six, not five, six live bats and a little guy dressed as a baby. Now here’s the really important part, don’t use an actual baby in this grift. I learnt that the hard way– wait, wait, just interrupt this thought for a moment.
I can’t remember how we got outta this one. Did we, did we die? Am, am I in the afterlife right now? I seriously can’t recall. A dinosaur came for us, I must’ve done something really amazing, personally, myself. Maybe I, uh, oh whaddya know, actually it was Soos! Y’know I think he’s gonna make a good Mr Mystery. Uh don’t tell anybody this but uh, I’m kinda proud of him, push comes to shove. Eh, one second.
Soos: ‘Sup, dude!
Stan: Oh Soos, whatta you doin’ here?
Soos: Oh yeah, dude. I just uh, I knew you were doin’ some commentary and I thought I would bring you some, uh, cracker-flavoured chipackers?
Stan: T-That’s a thing? Soos: Yeah, dude! I just brought some, have some!
Stan: Alright, heh, let’s see. Oh, oh my goodness. They’re crackers that taste just like chips that taste just like crackers! Thanks, Soos. Holy cow! Soos: Science truly is an amazing thing. I also brought a bag of stuff from the Mystery Shack. I was hoping you could, uh , sign these for me? Stan: Alright, yeah, sure, let’s see. We’ve got snowglobes, the ol’ John Hancock (??). Let’s see we got a bumper stick, Stan Pines and a… what’s this? Football? We don’t sell footballs at the Mystery Shack, Soos.
Soos: (nervous laugh) Ha, yeah, ya know. I was just thinking, maybe before you leave on your big adventure with Ford, we could… I dunno. Toss the ol’ football around? L-Like catch or whatever…
Stan: Soos, were you listening through the wall while I was recording this-? Soos: No, dude, I swear I wasn’t!! Stan: Alright. Okay. What the heck. You and me, huh? This is Grunkle Stan and as I always say, wait no, this time you can say it with me, Soos.
Stan and Soos: No refunds!
Soos: Dude!
Stan: Alright, alright. So let’s see, uh, throwing the football around, y’know I’m an expert. (laughs) You gotta go long and the secret is throwing it as hard as you can to the other person’s head.
Soos: Like a Terminator!
Stan: (laughs) Exactly! Exactly, like a– y’know, you’re alright!
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who said anything about marriage
[read it here or on ao3]
Barry was nervous.
That was nothing new. Barry was nervous most of the time. But Barry hadn’t been nervous around Lup in decades.
There were so many things that could go wrong. For one, he could lose the ring. For the millionth time in the past half hour, he patted the outside of his jacket pocket. He felt the little box and exhaled quietly.
He could screw up the plan. They’d already made it to the restaurant on time, thank the Gods. But what if they missed the gondola ride? He’d booked the damned thing in advance, and if the rules he’d read online were any indication, the company didn’t give latecomers a whole lot of leeway. He could pop the question on the streets next to the canal, he supposed, but that was unromantic. Plus, he’d pre-paid so much for the ride.
And what if he fell? He’d made himself sick the night before reading articles about mistakes to avoid on a gondola. He knew not to try to stand, but what if he forgot? He could tip the boat and soak them both.
“Um, babe?”
Lup’s voice brought Barry out of his anxious reverie, and he remembered he’d been pouring a glass of wine, which was now very close to overflowing. “Aah!” He hastily righted the bottle, hitting the mouth against the overfilled glass in the process and very nearly knocking it over.
Lup snickered, eyes glinting with amusement. “You are a wreck,” she said as she lifted her own wine glass to her lips. There wasn’t a hint of malice in her voice or in her expression. Barry remembered that he’d probably embarrassed himself in front of her thousands of times, and she still loved him. As the waiter came by to take their orders, Barry felt himself relaxing.
That calm moment was short-lived.
When the waiter turned away from their table, Lup propped her elbows up on the table and rested her chin on her palms. “Hey, Bear?”
“Mm-hm?” Barry vocalized, sipping from his comically full wine glass.
“When are we gonna get married?”
Barry sputtered, spitting a little wine back into his glass and trying not to choke on the rest of it. “Huh?!?” Had she figured out his plan? She was clever, and he wasn’t the best at keeping secrets, but he thought he’d done a good job of keeping it from her. He’d known better, too, than to tell anyone expect Taako. Did she get it out of him?
She raised an eyebrow. “Well, don’t freak out or anything. It’s just, you know, we’ve been together for, like, I don’t know, an entire human lifespan?” She shifted her chin so that it rested only on her left palm and reached for her glass with her free hand. “I mean, we’re pretty much already married. I just thought, I dunno, maybe we should make it official.”
If Barry had been thinking, he might’ve told her “Yes! Gods, yes!” right then and there. He might’ve pulled out the ring and said, “Funny you should ask, I was thinking the same thing!” If he had been thinking, he might have realized that this moment, right here in the restaurant, was the perfect opportunity to do what he’d set out to do this evening.
But Barry wasn’t thinking. Barry was panicking.
“M-marriage? Who said anything about marriage?”
Lup set her left arm back down on the table. “Huh? Nobody said anything about it. Or, I guess I did.” She looked down at her glass and swirled it around a bit. “Geez, Barry, I wouldn’t have brought it up if I knew it’d make you all, like, panicky and sweaty and shit.”
“I-I’m not panicky and sweaty.” He was very obviously both of these things. It was this moment that the waiter came by, awkwardly setting their plates in front of them and hurrying off, sensing that whatever was happening here, it was definitely not something he wanted to be privy to any longer than necessary. “Y-you just caught me off guard, that’s all. Marriage is, you know, a big word.”
“Well, sure.” Lup picked up a fork and began swirling it in her pasta. “But, like, haven’t you thought about it before?” She lifted the fork to her mouth.
“Thought about marrying you?” Barry was drenched in sweat now.
“Mm-hm,” Lup managed through a mouthful of linguini.
“Well, no, I mean, why would I?”
This was absolutely, positively, the wrong thing to say. It might have been the worst possible thing Barry could’ve said, and he’d said it, and he couldn't take it back.
Lup swallowed her food hard and gaped at him. “Fucking excuse me?”
“Uhh…” He took a long sip of his wine.
“What do you mean, ‘Why would I?’?”
The pressure was on now, and Barry tended to falter under pressure. “I just, I mean, marriage is, it’s such a long-term commitment, you know? It, uh, ties you down and stuff.”
Lup’s eyes went even wider. “Barry, what are you trying to say?” she asked softly.
Barry threw his hands up. “Nothing! I- nothing! Just, you’re such a, a free spirit, I, uh, wouldn’t wanna… hold you back?”
She deflated, and he knew he’d dug himself deeper. “Yeah, okay.” She put her elbow back on the table, making a fist with her left hand and resting her cheekbone on her knuckles, and looked down at her plate.
Silence. Barry cut off a bit of his salmon and ate it. “Mmm!” he hummed exaggeratedly. “The salmon is amazing! How’s your food?”
Lup pushed her noodles around on her plate, not looking up. “It’s fine. Fantastic.”
They stayed like that for a while, him slowly eating his food and watching her, her only taking small occasional bites and refusing to look anywhere but her plate.
“Um, are… are you ready for the check?” Barry asked after some time.
“Hm? Oh, yeah. Whenever.” Lup stood. “Just, like, excuse me for a minute first.” She walked quickly towards the restroom.
When the door closed behind her, Barry sighed and sunk his face into his hands. He didn’t have the slightest idea how he was going to recover. “Fuck,” he breathed into his hands.
After a minute, Barry heard the sound of footsteps, distinct from the clicking of Lup’s heels, approach the table. “Barold.”
He lifted his head to see Taako, still in his full chef’s uniform, glaring at him, arms crossed. Fuck, he was really in trouble now. “Hi, Taako.” In retrospect, maybe it was a mistake to have this dinner at Lup’s brother’s restaurant. It had seemed like a sweet idea at the time. Taako had only recently gotten comfortable cooking for large crowds again, and he and Lup made efforts to support him when they could.
Taako leveled a glare at Barry. “One of my little birdies has just informed me that she saw my sister run crying into the bathroom. Would you, dear customer, mind telling me why that is?”
Barry exhaled, long and slow. “I beefed it, Taako.”
“You beefed it? What does that mean, exactly?”
“Okay, she brought up marriage out of nowhere and it threw me off and I didn’t want to spoil the proposal and I panicked and maybe I said some things I didn’t mean.”
“Such as…?”
“Such as… ‘I’ve never thought about marrying you,’ and ‘Marriage ties people down’…”
“Oh, good Gods. All because you didn’t wanna spoil some dumb overly romantic surprise?”
Barry flushed. “Well, when you put it like that…”
Taako pinched the bridge of his nose. “Barry, I don’t know how you’re going to do it, but if you know what’s good for you, you’re going to have this fixed by the end of tonight.”
Barry grimaced. “I-I’ll try.”
“You’ve also wasted my food.” Taako nodded at Lup’s mostly-untouched plate and tossed a leather check holder onto the table. “And if I find any fire damage in my bathroom, I’m charging you for that, too.” With that, Taako turned and strode back into the kitchen.
By the time Lup came out of the bathroom, Barry’s credit card had already been returned to him and he was signing the receipt. He looked up at her and tried not to wince when he noticed the mascara tracks marking paths down her cheeks from her puffy eyes. “Ready to go?”
“Mm.” She still wouldn’t look at him. He led her outside, and she leaned against the building, hugging herself and staring into space, eyes unfocused.
Barry stood next to her uneasily. “Uh, I’m going to… call the taxi now?”
Barry didn’t reach for his phone. Another uncomfortable silence passed.
Then, he sighed. “Okay, I-I didn’t wanna do it like this, but…”
Barry knelt down, pulled the ring box out of his pocket, and flipped it open.
Lup finally turned to face him now, stunned. “Wh-what-?”
He blushed and began rambling. “I had this whole evening planned, and there was supposed to be a gondola ride, that’s where we were supposed to go next, and I was going to ask you there, but then you brought up marriage and I panicked and I put my fucking foot in my mouth. It was so dumb, I’m so sorry I said all that shit, I didn’t mean any of it, I just really wanted it to be a surprise. Gods, I was so fucking dumb, of course I wanna marry you, if you’ll still have m-“
Lup bent down, grabbed Barry’s face, and kissed him hard.
Barry felt all the tension in his body melt away. He shut the ring box and held it securely in one hand. He brought the other up to sweep Lup’s hair behind her ear and held it there, against her cheek.
When Lup pulled away, she rested her forehead against his. “You’re a fucking wreck, baby.”
He chuckled. She was crying again and, Barry realized, so was he. “I know.”
She beamed. “We’ll work on it together, fiancé.” She gave him a quick peck on the lips. “I can’t believe you did all that for a fucking gondola ride, though. I mean, no offense, dear, but I’m kinda glad we didn’t do that.”
He grimaced. “Well, about that, I paid a lot of money for it, and there’s still time…”
Lup pouted. “Do we have to? I’d rather go home.” She kissed the corner of his mouth. “I’ll make it up to you,” she breathed.
Barry smiled. “Yeah, okay. You’ve convinced me.”
“Perfect!” Lup stood up, smirked, and held out her left hand. “Now gimme that rock!”
Taako lifted his phone off the bedside table and squinted at his notifications.
Lulu: Missed Call
Lulu: Voicemail
Remembering the scene at his restaurant the night before, he inhaled sharply and unlocked his phone. There are two ways that situation could’ve played out, he thought. He navigated to his voicemailbox and pressed play on the most recent message.
“Ugh, it’s so annoying how you’re never awake when I have news. I have big fucking news, by the way, so I’m gonna be really pissed at you if you don’t call me back within the next, like, two hours. Okay, later.”
Taako smiled. It was a relief to hear her sound so chipper. It meant this news of hers was definitely good, and it meant that Taako didn’t have to fight Barold. He sat up, rubbed the dust out of his eyes, and called his sister.
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alienheartattack · 3 years
Sweet Revenge (Inexorable AU)
Word Count: 2260 words
Rating: E. They fuck. It’s dope. Don’t read if you’re underage or have objections to explicit adult content.
Summary: Levi and Mikasa have a feud at the school bake sale and decide to get revenge on their PTA nemesis.
Notes: For non-US readers, PTA stands for parent-teacher association, where parents volunteer at their children’s schools to get involved in the school’s activities and influence the quality of their child’s education, usually through fundraisers and other events.
This story takes place 8-9 years after the events of Inexorable and about 2 years after the events of the other Inexorable AU fics, A Scream in the Night and A Minor Dispute About Rain. The only thing you really need to know if you haven’t read those is that Levi and Mikasa have a daughter named Anya, who is basically a grumpy mini Levi, in addition to Hana.
The only thing keeping Levi from running after the PTA president and giving her a hefty piece of his mind is Mikasa’s grip, firm and insistent, on the hem of his sweater.
“You’re going to stretch it out,” Levi snaps at his wife, redirecting his ire at the closest target. Mikasa idly caresses the swell of her belly with one hand and looks at him with one eyebrow raised, silently asking if he wants to argue with his pregnant wife in public.
“I’ll let you go when I’m confident you’re not going to track Joanne down and scream in her face,” she says calmly. “As much as I’d like to see that.”
“She fucking begged us to help out at this bake sale and now she’s just gonna call our lemon bars basic?! We’re not goddamn pastry chefs!”
“Levi, listen to yourself. You sound legitimately insane.”
He sighs, letting his shoulders drop as the tension and rage starts to leave his body. Mikasa releases his sweater and he collapses into his seat, crossing his arms over his chest. She joins him, gingerly lowering herself onto the uncomfortable metal folding chair provided by the school.
“I hate this so much. I hate Joanne, I hate being on the PTA, and I absolutely fucking hate bake sales,” he huffs.
"Well, we’re stuck here for the evening. I don’t want to be here either but I’m trying to make the most of it. Mikasa picks up a lemon bar and takes a huge bite. "Besides, fuck Joanne. These are good.”
Levi motions for Mikasa to give him a bite. “Fuck Joanne,” he agrees through a mouthful of pastry and curd.
Thankfully business picks up after that, and Levi and Mikasa spend the next half hour handing out lemon bars to parents and kids, ignoring Joanne hovering around them and observing their dealings with a disdainful eye. When the rush clears, she slowly approaches their table, pretending to be browsing. They both clock her gaze drifting over their mostly empty dish of lemon bars and the small twitch at the corner of her mouth that telegraphs her dissatisfaction with the Ackermans’ success. Triumphant, they share a brief glance, another silent Fuck Joanne.
To their dismay, she approaches Mikasa, staring at her oversized t-shirt dress. “Bun in the oven,” Joanne reads, her cold eyes sweeping over the looped script printed across Mikasa’s abdomen, decorated with a drawing of a smiling roll baking away. “Oh, you’re pregnant, sweetie! Congratulations!” There’s sweetness in her voice, but it’s tinged with venom. Mikasa knows it all too well.
“Thanks,” she mutters, bracing herself for the backhanded part of Joanne’s compliment.
“I thought you’d just let yourself go, but it’s a blessing instead! What a relief!” She laughs uproariously at her own joke. Levi jams his hands into the pockets of his jeans, balling them into tight fists so Joanne can’t see how enraged he is. “Is it a boy or a girl?”
Mikasa does not answer, instead focusing her energy on keeping a straight face while she contemplates murder. Levi can sense her tensing up, her shoulders stiffening, fury radiating from her body in waves.
“It’s a boy,” he cuts in curtly. “We’ve already got our two girls.”
“Your oldest isn’t—” Joanne’s voice drops to a near-whisper— “yours, though, is she?”
Levi narrows his eyes, no longer interested in hiding his annoyance. “She’s mine. I’ve helped raise her since she was a baby.”
“Oh, how sweet. What a modern family,” she gushes, cooing with an edge of condescension in her voice. “Well, congratulations.” She then turns and walks off, conveniently waving to someone across the room.
“Are you okay?” Levi asks Mikasa in a low voice once Joanne is out of earshot. Mikasa stares after her, eyes black with rage, her breath hissing through clenched teeth. She doesn’t need to say anything; he already knows the answer is no.
He places a reassuring hand on the back of her neck, massaging her nape the way she does to him when he’s stressed and ranting. “Tell you what, I’ll go out to the car and grab something sharp, we slice Joanne’s Achilles tendons and then get the hell out of here.”
“What? No!” She looks over at him, her expression disgusted and exasperated. “You have to stop watching gore movies with Hana. She’s barely ten.”
“She loves them! We were watching some zombie bullshit the other day and that little monster laughed while watching a guy get his guts ripped out and eaten. I’m pretty sure she’s gonna grow up to be a serial killer.”
Mikasa rolls her eyes. “Well, if she is, she gets it from Eren’s side of the family.” Even though he’s still angry on his wife’s behalf, Levi can’t help but chuckle at that.
“Fucking Joanne,” he grumbles. “If zombies ate her guts they’d spit them back out. Her kid’s an asshole, too.” Mikasa is well aware of that fact: Joanne’s son tried bullying Anya at the beginning of the school year, calling her a midget and pulling her hair until she had enough and whacked him in the face with her math textbook. That was Levi and Mikasa’s first run-in with Joanne before they joined the PTA, and things have only gone downhill since.
A few more kids approach the table, hesitant due to Levi’s scowl; Mikasa shutters her anger behind a calm facade and handles the sales, though she doesn’t say much.
When the latest wave of customers leaves, she turns to her husband. “I think I have an idea to make both of us feel better.”
A look of skepticism crosses his face. “Really? I was kinda hoping for that severed Achilles tendon.”
Mikasa facepalms; she’s had years to grow accustomed to her husband’s awkwardness and his awful jokes, but sometimes he still manages to surprise her. Ironically it only makes her love him more, this odd, cranky man who might literally kill for her.
“Joanne parked next to us, right?” she asks.
“Yeah, remember? I said her car looks like the physical embodiment of vaginal dryness and you laughed so hard you peed a little.”
“You really didn’t have to mention that last part.”
“I dunno, it gives the story flavor. Pee flavor.”
“Look, I have an idea. Get someone to take the rest of the lemon bars, then meet me in the parking lot. If anyone asks, I’m not feeling well and you need to take me home.”
Levi sighs. “What are you planning?”
Mikasa leans in close to him, her lips millimeters from his ear. “Meet me outside and you’ll see,” she purrs.
Five minutes later he bursts through the metal doors at the back of the school to see her sitting on the hood of Joanne’s car, an aggressively beige sedan.
“Come here,” she beckons him. He approaches her and, when he is within reach, she grabs his shirt and pulls him to her. Their lips collide awkwardly before settling into the familiar rhythm of their kissing, slow and deep.
After a few moments, he pulls away. “What is going on here?”
“Revenge,” she says. “I want you to fuck me on the hood of Joanne’s car.”
He ponders the suggestion for a moment, then smiles — and then a giggle escapes his mouth, a sound somewhere between bewilderment and glee, then another, then another.
“Aw, come on, don’t laugh. I thought it’d be fun.” She frowns, embarrassment heating and coloring her cheeks.
“No, no,” he says once he’s able to control his laughter. “I fucking love it.” He kisses her fiercely, growling deep in his throat. “I fucking love you.” Mikasa smiles, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. There’s some maneuvering involved in getting her underwear off, her round belly making the whole process somewhat unwieldy; Levi stuffs them in his pocket then gets down on the concrete, kneeling before her.
“Are you serious?” she squeals, trying to look at him over the curve of her stomach.
“If anyone asks, tell them you went into labor and I’m checking how far along you are.” With a low laugh he gets to work, nuzzling her pussy before licking a firm stroke along her seam. Mikasa bites her lip and lets out a shaky anticipatory breath in the brief moment before Levi lavishes attention on her clit, massaging it with his lips and tongue. She gasps when he pulls away from her a few minutes later, halfway to orgasm and disappointed not to get there.
“We need to be fast,” he says in lieu of an apology, undoing his pants and pulling out his half-hard cock, pumping it a few times in his fist. “I’ll finish you off at home.”
“You’d better,” she replies, a playful threat.
Levi settles himself between her legs then enters her with no warning or fanfare save the soft moan they both make, a low noise of contentment, of wholeness. They have always been a fearsome team, first as colleagues, then lovers, now spouses and parents, and their lovemaking is no different, each of them able to discern angles and positions from sighs, from grunts, from the furrow of a brow or the touch of a hand. Tonight Mikasa slides her hands down Levi’s back, skating over the soft brushed cashmere of his sweater, telling him that she wants him to be gentle with her — for now, anyway. Joanne’s comment must have stung, he thinks, and he resolves to show her exactly how beautiful he thinks she is, pregnant or not. There’s a certain earthy, ephemeral beauty in her pregnant body, something attractive and incredibly arousing about the thought of her creating and building life even as she sits next to him selling lemon bars at a school bake sale. He loves the way her hard edges have softened, the pleasing new fullness in her cheeks, the luminous glow that seems to emanate from within her.
(He has learned since her last pregnancy not to mention that he also loves the growing size of her breasts, and in return Mikasa only rebukes him for staring when he’s open-mouthed and practically drooling.)
Mikasa’s eyes flutter closed as Levi rocks against her, a gentle motion that makes the car bounce in time with his thrusts. A bubble of laughter escapes her lips.
“What’s that for?” he asks with a smile, then kisses her before she can answer.
“I love you so much,” she says against his mouth. “And fuck Joanne.”
Levi stops moving; Mikasa cocks her head, silently asking him what’s wrong. “Don’t say that bitch’s name when I’m inside you.”
“Look, do you want to revenge-fuck me or not?” She isn’t sure if that’s a word, but during sex, when they’re heated and frantic for each other, even Levi’s crude come-ons sound like poetry, so maybe this will work.
It does. “You want me to revenge-fuck you?” he growls, slapping his hips against hers with a rough thrust. She whimpers at the impact, a wave of pleasure rippling through her body.
“Yeah,” she pants. “Show me how angry you are.”
He makes a low hum of approval; though he’s become more proficient at sweet talk and romance in the years he’s been with Mikasa, he tends to favor sex as intense as his personality, grasping hands and heavy eye contact. Mikasa has never seemed to mind though sometimes, like tonight, she needs him to make love to her first.
Levi fucks her hard and fast, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing in the cool night, her cunt making obscene liquid noises around his cock. Even through the delicious haze of their passion they’re listening out for footsteps, for cars, for the creak of doors opening.
“We should finish soon,” Mikasa pants.
“I’m close.” He slows his pace, grinding against her, sinking into her as deep as he can go, before pulling back and scything into her slick heat again and again, harder and harder, muttering curses and endearments and wordless sounds of effort and desire.
And then he thrusts into Mikasa so roughly that her ass hits the hood of Joanne’s car hard, triggering the car alarm, horn blaring and lights flashing.
“Shit!” Levi yelps, startled by the sudden noise. He jumps back from her, stuffing his stiff, aching cock back in his pants and undoing the fly with adrenaline-shaky fingers.
“We gotta go!” She hops down from the car, landing unsteadily on her feet, pulling her dress down over her nudity. “Do you have the keys?” She scrambles over to their car, pulling at the handle of the locked passenger door. “Come on!”
Levi reaches in his pocket for the key fob, mashing the buttons so the doors unlock and the ignition turns on. Mikasa clambers into the car as fast as she can, slamming the door behind her, and Levi follows soon after. Through the windshield she can see someone coming to locate the source of the commotion and chants, “Drive! Drive!” at Levi while he clicks his seatbelt into place.
“Seatbelt!” he barks at her and she complies, fear and arousal and adrenaline making her feel jittery and giggly and wonderfully alive. Levi remains stoic, but there’s a devilish glee playing at the corners of his lips: he’s enjoying himself just as much as she is. He backs their car out of the parking spot with the precision of a stunt driver and peels off, speeding off into the night seconds before Joanne comes outside to investigate the shrieking car alarm and the strange ass-shaped dent on her hood.
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fnf-brain-rot · 3 years
[Whitty x Boyfriend]
Chapter 2 - are you okay with company?
"Thank's again for giving me a ride Gigi.." Boyfriend stretched himself out in the limo seat. Girlfriend giggled and nodded, looking out the window. She didn't like coming to this downtown area.. It seemed really dangerous. At least she wasn't the one getting out of the limo. "Do you think.. If you could get his trust some more, I can meet him properly too?" She asked him, and Boyfriend nodded excitedly. "Yes! That's the whole plan! He has no one there for him, so I'll share my friends as a gift!" Boyfriend sat up as the car stopped. Opening the door, he looked back at her. "I have until two pm, right?" Girlfriend nodded. "Well.. See you on the flip side." He grinned and hopped out. She sighed happily once he closed the door. He was so precious..
Boyfriend was of course a couple blocks away from where Whitty stayed. He hoped he was still there.
He turned the corner after a bit of walking and peered into the seemingly empty alleyway. He frowned, and ventured forward. "Whitty? You here?" He called out, sticking his hands in his pockets, only for them to shoot out in surprise, throwing them up in the air as he squealed a high pitch "beep!". Whitty sat up from behind an air conditioner, rubbing his head as if he had been sleeping before Boyfriend showed up. He took a moment to look at him, then relaxed. "Oh. It's you." He sighed, then stretched his arms up. He must be aching, sleeping on hard concrete.
"Hey Whits, glad to see you're still alive." Boyfriend breathed out, then laughed lightly. Whitty made a face. Whits? He hasn't heard that nickname before. "I've been running for months now, I'm not gonna keel over after sleeping on the ground for one night." He grunted in response. Boyfriend stuck his tongue out at him, deciding to plop down next to him. He tensed a bit at the action, but he didn't fight against it. "I'm guessing you didn't eat today?" Boyfriend asked him, pulling out his phone. "N.. No.." Whitty answered honestly. "It... doesn't matter anyway." He looked away. He could feel the pain in his stomach growing worse, it only made him clutch his torso, balling up his jacket in his fingers.
"C'mon, let's go get something to eat." Boyfriend stood up, holding his phone to his ear. "What? Where? Why? Wait-" Whitty stood up as well, nervously pressing himself into the brick wall behind him. "Relax, we don't have to sit in. I'm calling this restaurant that's some way from here, they do delivery." He began to make his way out of the alleyway. With some hesitation, Whitty followed him. He didn't bother to ask where they were going, but he was very cautious, scoping their surroundings as they began to change to something less broken down and decrepit. "What do you wanna eat?" Boyfriend asked Whitty, who simply shrugged. Boyfriend had a feeling Whitty could eat just about anything, so he ordered.. Quite a bit of food. He checked for allergies, Whitty simply shook his head.
Ten minutes of walking pass, and they end up in a park. whitty was unsure about being out in the open like this, but Boyfriend took his hand and led him to a large tree that overshadowed a little pond. Whitty's long strides accounted for Boyfriend attempting to drag him in that direction.
Boyfriend sat him down under the tree, then pointed to the direction they came from. "Alright stay here, I'm gonna go get our food okay?" He then ran off, leaving Whitty to his thoughts.
Why was he helping him? He could understand he felt bad for setting him off, but all this? Is he trying to gain something from it? Did he actually call to get food or.. is it a trick? That could explain him being so nice to such an extent in such a short amount of time-
Right as Whitty was about to get up and flee, he noticed Boyfriend jogging back, panting heavily and holding anywhere from five to ten bags full of food that the bomb man could smell from where he was sitting. He didn't exactly.. Know why he wasn't expecting the shorty to come back. He was kinda glad he did though.
"I got it! I got it!" The blue haired cried out between breaths. He sat all the bags down in front of Whitty, panting heavily, dramatically raising a fist to the sky in a victorious way. Whitty couldn't help but chuckle a little. He was a little funny. "What.. What did you get?" He asked in a quiet voice. Boyfriend plopped down on the ground in front of him, putting a finger to his chin. "I think... a little bit of everything?" He mumbled in thought, but seemed confident that's what he got.
Whitty felt heat involuntarily rush to his cheeks. He hoped it wasn't showing. "How... much did that cost you?"
"Don't worry about it! Start stuffing food in yo' face hole!" Boyfriend exclaimed in protest, opening one of the bags. The aroma of what smelled like burgers and fries filled the air, and only made Whitty's stomach cramps worse. He took a random bag and opened it. Was that.. Was that a steak he could smell?? In the box under it he could smell some other type of meat but wasn't sure of what, onion rings, breadsticks, and all sorts of other delicious delacacies that made his mouth start to water.
Boyfriend already chomped down on some big burger that had an egg, caramalized onions, and some other foods on it. Whitty picked up the juicy steak with his hands and took a bite. His eyes grew wider than Boyfriend has ever seen, and in a good way rather than how he was looking at him during their first encounter. There was a brightness in them that seemed somewhat cute. Whitty was eager to tear at the steak, and the whole thing was just.. gone, in such a short period of time. Boyfriend blinked and it vanished. One box, two boxes, three boxes, four boxes, Whitty began mowing through the food as if he hadn't eaten in literal years. Boyfriend was still eating the one burger he picked up, and was surprised when, within five minutes, Whitty was through half the boxes. Well.. at least the food and money didn't go to waste like he was afraid it would.
Boyfriend rested against the tree beside Whitty, feeling full from the one burger alone, said bomb man had finished up the rest of the boxes. Either this guy has a big ass stomach or.. actually he couldn't think of any other reason for such intense consumption. Whitty even cleaned up the mess for the two of them, setting the couple of trash filled bags beside them to throw away on their way out. Boyfriend looked up over to Whitty. He looked a little chubbier, geez he ate so much. "You full dude?" He couldn't help but laugh, and the blush returned to Whitty's face. "Not really.." He admitted. Boyfriend blinked. "Wh-huh??" He sat up a bit, then laughed some more. "What are you a bottomless pit??" He joked, and Whitty pulled on his hoodie strings a little in embarrassment. He doesn't usually like to pig out in front of people like that, but.. He felt like it was okay. Plus he's not starving anymore. "You should teach me how to hold food down like that. Gigi's cooking isn't all that great." He rubbed one of his eyes tiredly. All that eating made him wanna take a nap. Whitty huffed under his breath. "Dunno how I'm ever gonna do that.."
Boyfriend was tempted to stay with Whitty for the night, but ultimately thought against it. It would be nice to sleep with someone, but it's not only dangerous for Whitty, but for himself too. He called Girlfriend and bid a farewell to Whitty, who waved back this time.
Boyfriend couldn't contain his excitement to talk to Girlfriend in the limo about how his progress was going!
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malfoymanortings · 3 years
somebody else PART 3
SUMMARY: Mae has been in love with Draco Malfoy since her first year at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy fell in love with Mae in their fourth year, and then promptly fell into Pansy’s bed instead. All the while, Mae clings to the hope that Draco will change. That is, until, Ron Weasley takes his chance.
PAIRINGS: toxic!Draco x OC, Ron x OC, Ginny x Luna
TRIGGERS: slight mention of suicidal thoughts.
im not going to lie... i kinda hurt myself wriitng this one. hope you all enjoy! there will be one more part after this, so let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list.
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Mae wasn’t sure exactly when it happened, but she began to view Ron Weasley as more than a friend.
The two of them had begun spending time alone more frequently, either at their stone ledge overlooking the Black Lake, or in the Gryffindor common room. Mae felt very comfortable with Ron, something she hadn't truly felt with Draco. With Draco, she had always felt she wasn’t good enough, and of course, he never hesitated to tell her that himself.
Ron was… so different. In a very good way. He never made fun of her admittedly loud boisterous laugh, he never made a crude comment when her hair was wildly out of place, he never gave her a dirty look when she ate. He laughed at most of her jokes, he made her feel wanted. It was a rather new thing for Mae.
Ron and her sat in the common room now, a game of Wizard’s chess between the two. Ron successfully overtook Mae’s king, winning the game. He gave her that smile of his, the slightly crooked, half lifted smile showcasing a glimpse of his pretty white teeth. She felt something flutter in her stomach then, and she swallowed hard as she returned his grin.
“Checkmate.” declared Ron, beginning to put the game away. Mae grumbled good naturedly, rolling her eyes. 
“Next time, I get to pick the game, Ronald Weasley.”  responded Mae loftily, brushing her hair out of her face.
Ron laughed, his eyes moving up to meet hers. They both stilled for a moment, tension between the two. Mae could feel each heartbeat thump through her chest, and she glanced down at Ron’s full lips. She let herself wonder, for a moment, what it would be like to kiss him. She wondered if he felt the same thing, for he shifted in his seat and licked his lips.
“Ron beat you again, hm?” Ginny’s voice broke the silence, as she plopped down on the couch next to Mae. “Guess everyone has to be talented at something.”
“That sounds like an insult.” remarked Ron, breaking eye contact with Mae. 
“Very intuitive of you.”
Mae laughed at their banter, shaking her head. The look she had shared with Ron was not forgotten, and she couldn’t help but wonder if Ron would have kissed her had his sister not shown up.
She quickly squashed that thought. She didn’t want to get her heart broken again.
Harry burst into the common room then, heading straight for Ron. The three of them gasped as they realized Harry was soaking wet and dripping with blood.
“Where’ve you-? Why are you soaking -? Is that blood?” Ron stood, staring bewildered at Harry.
“I need your book,” Harry panted. “Your potions book. Quick… give it to me…”
“But what about the Half-Blood -?”
“I’ll explain later!”
Ron pulled into his bag and took his copy of their Potions book, handing it to Harry. Harry ran upstairs then, and before the three could speak about what he had done, he came barreling back downstairs with his schoolbag in hand.
Mae got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“What d’you think’s gotten into him?” Ginny questioned Ron, staring at the portrait hole Harry had disappeared from.
“Dunno..” Ron trailed off, staring the same.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Harry like that,” said Mae quietly, resting her chin in her hand. “Is his life always so dramatic?”
“Yes,” both Ron and Ginny answered simultaneously. 
“Alright then.” Mae widened her eyes slightly, slightly amused. 
“I’m going to meet Luna for dinner,” Ginny stood, twisting her long red hair back into a bun. “Are you lot going to skip?”
“Ron, skip dinner?” Mae laughed, shaking her head. She stood up then, holding out a hand to Ron. “Come on, then.”
Ron took her hand, and Mae couldn’t stop a small smile as his large one engulfed her small one. As he stood, she took note that he didn’t attempt to remove his hand from hers. Again, her stomach fluttered at the thought.
The three of them left the common room, heading down to the Great Hall. As they passed the girls bathroom, they could hear Moaning Myrtle wailing about something.
“Harry Potter has killed Draco Malfoy!” 
Mae stilled, her hand slipping out of Ron’s grasp. She felt as though her limbs were filled with ice, as Myrtle once again wailed the words.
“Draco Malfoy is dead at the hands of Harry Potter! Muder in the bathroom, murder in the bathroom!”
Ignoring Ron and Ginny, Mae ran into the bathroom, her heart beating wildly in her chest.
“Myrtle, where is Draco?” she asked wildly, staring at the ghost girl.
“Professor Snape sent him to Madam Pomfrey, although it’s too late!” wailed Myrtle, floating around the bathroom. “So much blood!”
Mae ran out of the bathroom, barely noticing Ron and Ginny calling out to her. Her blood pounded in her ears as she raced to the nurse, hoping beyond hope that Draco hadn’t really died. As she caught sight of him, she stopped.
He had been hurt, most definitely, his unbuttoned white undershirt now red with his blood. Madam Pomfrey was spreading dittany on his chest wounds, having already tended to his face. Mae felt her heart break as she waited for Madam Pomfrey to leave. Once she did, Mae walked over and took Draco’s hand.
He opened his eyes slowly, unfocused as they landed on her. “What are you doing here?”
“Myrtle said you died,” swallowing past the lump in her throat, Mae rubbed circles on his hand with her thumb. “I had to come see if you were alright.”
“Unfortunately, I am,” scoffed Draco, rolling his eyes. “Potter couldn’t be man enough to kill me.”
“Draco,” breathed Mae, her heart stilling as his words processed. “Why on earth would you want to die?”
Draco seemed uncomfortable now, as though he wished he hadn’t spoken those words. “I’m surprised you don’t want me dead. Aren’t you best friends with the pathetic trio now?”
“Just because I’m close with them, doesn’t mean I want you to die,” Mae stopped for a moment, thinking hard. “As much as I’ve wanted to hate you, I never could.”
“I’ve given you plenty reason to.” responded Draco quietly, averting his eyes.
“Yes,” nodded Mae, still holding his hand. “You have. But… through all of it, I loved you.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t love you properly,” Draco shut his eyes, his voice quiet. “I never really deserved you.”
“Draco…” Mae trailed off, a lump growing in her throat. She didn’t know what to say.
“If it isn’t too much to ask,” Draco paused, forcing his eyes open. “Could you kiss me, one last time?”
Mae felt her heart breaking all over again as she nodded. If he weren't on what seemed to be his deathbed, she probably would have said no. But for the first time in months, she felt like he was the Draco she had fallen in love with. 
She bent down, pressing her lips against his cold ones. His hand reached up to grasp the back of her neck, fisting in her hair. His tongue parted her lips, exploring her mouth as he had done so many times before. His other hand came up to cup her cheek, his thumb grazing over her tears that had spilled out. She placed her hands on his cheeks, and she was surprised to find tears of his own. Perhaps they were hers that had fallen on his face, perhaps they were his from his injuries, or maybe, just maybe, he was crying over what they had lost.
Mae would never know.
She pulled away first, her heart aching once more. Draco opened his eyes, his expression unreadable.
“I think I’m in love with Ron,” whispered Mae, a tear slipping down her cheek. “He’s nice to me.. And I rather enjoy that.”
Draco shut his eyes, taking a deep breath. “Be happy with him, then.”
Mae nodded, and she stood from his bedside. They gave each other once last look, and Draco seemed, for the first time, apologetic. She turned then, and left the hospital wing. Ginny was standing outside, appearing to have been waiting for her. She was sympathetic, her arms crossed. 
“Ron would be better for you, you know,” said Ginny quietly, shaking her head slightly. “Draco will never be the man you want.”
“I know,” Mae nodded, feeling confused. “I don’t want Draco.”
Ginny stilled, raising an eyebrow. “Then why did you kiss him?”
“Because he asked…” trailed off Mae, looking down at her shoes, and back up at the ginger. “I needed the closure.”
Ginny scoffed. “Some closure. Ron saw you, you know.”
“He what?” Mae looked around, but didn’t see him. “Where is he?”
“Well,” Ginny let out a deep breath, shifting awkwardly. “He saw, and he got mad. Dunno where he went from there.”
“I just saw Ronald head back towards your common room,” the girls turned to see Luna walking towards them, barefoot. “He seemed quite upset.”
Mae felt panic rise in her chest. “Thanks, Luna.”
“No problem.” replied Luna, snaking an arm around Ginny’s waist. The redhead pressed a quick kiss to the blonde’s temple.
“I’m going to go explain to him.” Mae told the girls, who nodded. Mae left them then, hurrying to the common room. She didn’t want Ron to have the wrong impression. She had to tell him how she felt, that it was him she wanted, if he would have her.
Thankfully, Hermione was entering the common room just as Mae turned the corner.
“Hermione,” called Mae, rushing over to her. “Can I come see if Ron is in there?” 
“Sure.” Hermione nodded, pushing the portrait open. The girls stepped inside, and Mae felt her heart freeze in her chest as she caught sight of Ron.
Ron was wrapped up in Lavender Brown, the girl sitting on Ron’s lap as his hands twisted in her wavy blonde hair. They were snogging, heavily, and Mae’s still fragile heart broke into bits as she witnessed the scene. 
“Mae..” Hermione began, but Mae left before she could say a word. 
Tears burned her eyes as she fled through the castle, her chest aching as she replayed the scene over and over in her head. She spit out the password to her dorm, rushing up the stairs to her room. The room was quiet, empty, as most everyone was at dinner. Her appetite was gone.
Her chest ached and she lay on her side, facing the wall. Tears slipped out of her eyes as she stared, unseeing, the scene of Ron snogging Lavender replaying in her mind until she fell into an uneasy sleep.
taglist: @phantomsmalfoystyles @lidiyabest @justmimithings @xoxohollands @xmtd5 @glossydols @bisousmorningstar @dracoswifeyy @reaganwonders @big-galaxy-chaos (if i missed anyone, I do apologize! just let me know if i did)
Part one
Part two
Part four
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cockasinthebird · 4 years
congratulations on reaching 500 bb, you deserve it!! can i ask for prompts 7 and 115 please?
Dear anon, Thank you!!! And thank you for sending in prompts!!
7. “I want you now.”
115. “Come here.”
Not in this particular order, though, but still used quite well, and while I did actually struggle just a tiny bit with deciding which idea I should go for of the numerous ones that came forth, I’m still v satisfied!!! I’ll probably have to write the other ones at some point, but first! 
1.8k words, enjoy~
“Harrington!” his voice carries over the roar of a dozen teenagers talking and gossiping throughout the cafeteria.
Everyone goes dead silent, staring at Billy, then they all whip their heads at Steve, who’s frozen with his teeth biting into a piece of meatloaf.
“Come here!” Billy shouts with his eyes burning holes into Steve.
Cautiously he turns to look at Billy, fists tight at his sides, brows pulled strong together in a stern stare.
“What did you do?” Nancy whispers to Steve, leaning across the table.
Jonathan sits next to her, honestly looking more scared than Steve himself. Everyone else looks almost excited, as if they’re waiting for a chance to see blood, the tension palpable in the air, thick and electric like a storm is brewing.
He doesn’t answer, simply drops his food on the tray and stands up, immediately causing a wave of not that hushed whispers.
Steve’s gonna get his ass kicked. Billy boutta tear Harrington a new one! Dead man walking.
It’s kinda hard to ignore. The ocean of students separate before him like he’s Moses as he walks through the crowd. They’re all laughing, snickering, jeering, as the old King Steve approaches the reigning Keg King.
Nice knowing ya, Steve. Good luck. Just give up now, it’ll hurt less. If I were you I’d run away.
But he doesn’t register any of it beyond simple background static, because the way Billy is staring, leering, is setting his soul aflame, triggering his fight or flight instinct, getting him a tad bit too excited.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Billy hisses at him, canines exposed through a scowl.
Steve frowns right back, crosses his arms. “I dunno, you tell me.” They’re standing so close that he can smell Billy’s cologne, feel his harsh breathing against his lips.
Billy looks away from Steve and over his shoulder, going from one peer’s curious gaze to another’s bloodthirsty one, then snarls, “What the FUCK are you all staring at?”
And at that they all scramble around, returning to their places, but it’s painfully obvious that they’re still paying attention, glancing over shoulders with perked ears.
A fist closes around the fabric of Steve’s expensive, short sleeved, open button down.
“Not here,” Billy whispers sharply, nostrils flared, a finger rubbing against the slightly exposed patch of chest hair Steve has to offer.
Steve gets pulled along by the shirt, out of the cafeteria, down the halls of Hawkins High, outside, underneath the bleachers, and isn’t released till Billy shoves him against the chain link fence that spans the outer borders of the football field.
Within a second Billy’s on him, lips meeting roughly with such a deep hunger it leans toward too much, but Steve follows his lead, moving fingers up to pull at the golden mullet, breathing ragged through his nose.
Billy’s thick fingers tear through the buttons of Steve’s shirt. He has been staring at him all day, the pale blue shirt having been opened just enough to expose the top of his chest, a hint of hair, and it is a fair move on Steve’s behalf, considering it’s at the start of summer and sweltering hot, nearing 90 degrees already. 
But Billy hates it, in a sense, as he could not focus all day, Steve’s pale skin just teasing him, daring him to stare, inviting him to touch. And perhaps it’s because he’s seen Steve fully naked, flushed, moaning beneath him, marked up in purple and red, that he can’t just go on about his day whenever Steve shows just a bit too much. Short shorts, tight jeans, crop tops, and unbuttoned shirts. It just flicks a switch now.
As he leans away from their brutish kissing, he stares at the patch of hair now fully on display, then catches Steve grinning like the cat that ate the canary. 
“You wore this shirt on purpose, didn’t you?” barely an actual question as Billy runs his fingers through Steve’s dark, rather soft, chest hair.
“I did,” he responds, sounding a bit more winded than Billy. 
“You know what it does to me,” another clear statement.
“I do-” Steve starts with a sensuous chuckle, but winces an interruption as Billy tugs on a few strands of hair. “Ah-h, asshole.”
But they both laugh at that, humoured by Steve’s obvious teasing and insinuation that follows wearing this shirt, unspoken but still heard. Billy leans in, doesn’t kiss Steve even as he opens up with wanton; his need to taste Billy again palpable.
“God,” Billy growls out hot, and Steve eats it right up, squirms a bit under the hand flat on his pecs. “I want you, now.”
“Hmmm…” Steve hums as if he’s actually contemplating something, as if it wasn’t his plan from the start of his morning to end up like this. “How?”
Billy spreads his legs out on the backseat of the camaro, not that there’s a lot of space to do so, but enough for Steve to kneel there, balanced precariously on the edge of the bench, as he kisses Billy; a bit softer now but no less passionate.
As Steve makes his way down, across the jaw that tastes of aftershave, the neck that smells of cologne, the chest that beats like a drum, Billy thunks his head against the window, gazing at the tree tops surrounding them where they’re parked in the forest.
Wet, eager, pliant lips follow right behind where Steve’s fingers undoes the buttons of Billy’s dark fuchsia shirt, tongue out to taste the summer on his skin. When he reaches the border of jeans and pulls at the belt, Billy looks down at him to run a hand through his hair.
Brown eyes shoot up, dark and amber, filled with lust, desire and a certain tenderness they haven’t addressed yet. Which Billy doesn’t really want to, just in case it would ruin everything, because he doesn’t believe he can trust his own heart with such a delicate matter, with such a pretty boy.
Steve raises himself to kiss Billy, pushing his tongue in to curl them together, sweet and wet and dear, before he pulls off by an inch with a complacent smile.
“You were really convincing back there,” he laughs quietly, unhooking the belt.
“Oh yeah?” Billy chuckles back. He’s got one arm resting across the backseat, the other up to grab at the headrest for the driver's seat.
“Yeah, had me worried for a moment.” A button pops free and the zipper runs loudly.
“Good, ah-” Billy bites back a moan as Steve’s warm and slightly sweaty hand reaches into his trunks. “Wanted to- fuh-ck- wanted to sell it, make it believable.”
He gasps and groans as Steve works his hand along Billy’s full erection, staring down at those soft, pale fingers squeezing around him.
“Shit Stevie…”
Steve chuckles warmly, smiling as wide as he can go, eyes lidded and heavy with a heated gaze at how Billy becomes breathless by his touch. He scoots down the seating, lying down as much as he can, legs bent into the air, as he faces the girthy cock that throbs in his grasp.
Looks up through lashes to watch how Billy bites into his lower lip, brows pinched together with anticipation as Steve pulls his dick free from its reins. Feels a gentle hand petting his hair when he skims his lips across the burning skin, runs his tongue from the base up to just under the head, following the curve of it with the tip of his tongue.
The hand in his hair is heavy, comforting, pleading, and Steve opens his mouth wide, smears the droplet of pre against his flat tongue, then sinks down on Billy’s cock, stretching his lips around the thickness of it.
Instinctively Billy bucks his hips up, making Steve gag loudly - but he doesn’t pull off, just makes a slightly annoyed sound as he adjusts to the intrusion prodding at the back of his throat.
“Fuck! Fuck, sorry Steve, you just- ah- yes-” at least he tries to apologize, but the way Steve has the head of his leaking prick rubbing against the palate of his mouth makes it a real struggle not to thrust into that gorgeous, slippery heat.
“Mmh, arrh, look so pretty with your lips wrapped around my cock like that, baby,” Billy moans out as Steve starts bobbing his head; fingers tugging on his hair to set the right pace.
Steve says something, not meant to be heard, rather for it to vibrate off of his tongue and through Billy’s steely erection, making him leak worse, groan louder, as Steve swallows around the head.
"God, fuck- you suck dick so so good, harrh- ahh-" 
With both hands in his hair now, Steve moves faster, rolls and twists his tongue, pressing against the bulging veins, swipes against the weeping slit before daring to push his way down to nuzzle his nose against Billy's crotch. 
"F-faster," Billy begs as nicely as he can, voice on edge and rough. 
And Steve's happy to oblige; let's himself be controlled by Billy's eager lust, fists lifting him up till only the head of the thick cock is inside of Steve's mouth, then gently but with intent thrusts back in. 
It's sloppy and obscene as he fucks into Steve's throat, throbbing erection drenched in spit, drool running down Steve's chin as he relaxes. 
"Yeah, fuck, I'm-I'm so-" Billy trails off with a loud groan, thighs tensing, head hitting the window as he throws back, shoving Steve fully onto his dick as he cums, a lot, warm and salty and overflowing almost. 
Steve swallows the best he can around Billy's cock, like he's sucking on a lollipop, hollowing his cheeks, working the muscles in his throat to milk Billy dry. 
As Billy gasps for air, chest heaving, prick softening up real quick, Steve pulls off and licks his lips all satisfied, earning himself a breathless laugh from the other. 
He makes a bit of a show of it, really letting his tongue slide from one corner to another, mouth wide open, crawling further up to then kiss against Billy's lips with an all too happy smile. 
"You're incredible," Billy hums with appreciation and something close to adoration, his fingers brushing through Steve's thick hair, caressing him and soothing where he's been yanking and pulling on dark locks. 
"I try," Steve chuckles.
"Your turn now." And Billy starts pushing Steve away, looking down at the bulge in his jeans, clear as day. 
But Steve shakes his head and catches Billy's hand as it initiates a dive for hard flesh. 
"Later. Pick me up after school and I'll let you fuck me blind here in the backseat," Steve purrs directly into Billy's ear, then removes himself entirely to climb back into the passenger seat. 
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Drifters ch.5 (spicyhoney)
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Summary: An adjustment period is to be expected, right?
Tags: Spicyhoney, Violence, Rescued Child, Medical Experimentation, Babybones
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
It was to no one’s surprise that Red hadn’t waited for them to dig into the food, his stack of pancakes already half-devoured by the time Stretch and Edge made it downstairs.
Edge only sighed at his brother’s manners and said nothing. If tomorrow was soon enough for him to begin searching for some sort of gainful employment, then it would also be when he could hold his brother accountable for his behavior again. As it was, his mouth was already watering when Stretch came back from the kitchen with two plates piled high with food, stacks of pancakes topped with pats of creamy butter melting into a layer of syrup along with fat, browned sausages.
By now his hunger was gnawing so fiercely that his own manners were hardly up to his standards. He grunted a thank you, sitting on the sofa and hastily cut into the stack, groaning aloud at the first bite. The cakes were fluffy with crisp edges, generously soaked in butter and syrup, and lavishly rich. The sausages were perfect to cut the sweetness and Edge would have willingly gorged himself on the entire plate if it weren’t for one small problem.
A pair of pale white eye lights were watching his every move, following the path of his fork from plate to mouth and back again, the child sucking on her fingers as she solemnly watched him eat. Drool was starting to run down her chin, slicking her tiny fingers and dampening the front of her shirt.
Edge swallowed his current mouthful, looking down at the plate and then back at the child, his fork faltering. Surely she was too young for this sort of meal? But then why was she watching him so intently, gurgling out an inquisitive little sound as her mouth smacked around her fingers. His appetite was fleeing, how could he possibly eat in front of a hungry child when all she’d had earlier was a little milk and a pastry?
All his uncertainties were tangling together in the time it took Stretch to notice and his laughter was disconcerting, almost horrifyingly so, was he laughing at a starving child?
“trying to sweettalk daddy edge into sharing, huh.” That name alone made Edge startle, protests rising and left unspoken as Stretch set his own half-finished plate on the coffee table and stood. “hang on, princess, your dinner is coming.”
He went back to the kitchen and returned with a bottle, shaking a few droplets on the inside of his wrist before he handed it over to the child. Who took it eagerly, latching on to the nipple as she slumped back into her small pillow fortress, suckling luxuriously.
Stretch chuckled and retrieved his plate, forking up another bite. Around his mouthful, he said, “don’t let her fool you, she’s a little young for sausage and syrup.”
That he believed, but there were other doubts to consider. “How can milk alone be nutritious enough for her?”
“works for baby cows, but it ain’t milk, edgelord, it’s formula.” He jerked his head towards the kitchen. “there’s a few bottles made up in the fridge. you want it warm, not hot, when you hand it over, just heat up some water on the stove and put it in for a few minutes.”
Formula. That sounded familiar, like something he’d heard or read. He knew so very little about children and nothing at all about infants. It wasn’t as if anyone in his Snowdin ever brought their newborn over for a visit, how was he supposed to know anything without being trained. The librarby, he decided abruptly. They must have books on childrearing, he could stop by tomorrow when he went out to find employment.
In the meantime, he leaned down to slap Red’s hand away before he could sneak the child a bite of his own pancakes. “Stop that, you’ll make her sick!”
“managed not to kill you,” Red grunted, but he ate the bite of pancake himself, unoffended.
“That’s hardly an endorsement.”
“speakin’ a bros, where’s yours at, honey bun?” Red asked. Edge struggled to ignore the way he was licking the dregs of syrup from his plate. Tomorrow, he reminded himself, tomorrow was soon enough to smack the manners back into him.
“eh?” Stretch proved that his own brother’s presence was a cornerstone to his manners, wolfing down the last of his pancakes. “blue’ll be back tomorrow, he and al are doing some kind of night training, he said,” Stretch grinned and shook his head, “dunno what, but he brought his pajamas and a bag of marshmallows with him.”
“sound like my kinda training,” Red snickered. “i’d like to see alphys’s version of hot chocolate, if her kitchen makes it thru alive.”
The mere mention of Alphys’s name made Edge stiffen despite knowing it was a different person entirely, as different as Stretch was from him. Absurd for a name to have that sort of effect, he was only off-balance, a great deal had happened, and he snatched up his abandoned plate, eating the remaining food despite it having gone cold and congealed. He wasn’t about to start off his stay here by wasting supplies.
“I’m surprised he didn’t come home when you told him,” Edge said, absently as he polished off the last bite.
Silence. Stretch stood, busying himself with gathering up the plates into a stack, and carrying them off to the kitchen.
Edge and Red shared a look, and Red jerked his head in Stretch’s direction, his raised brow bones speaking volumes, most of them a repeat of the words, ‘say something!’ A glance at the baby showed the bottle mostly empty and her sockets drooping heavily in preparation for another bout of sleep.
This was his responsible, from his choice. Edge gave a sharp nod and followed Stretch into the kitchen. He was sitting in front of the sink, lowered in deference to Blue’s height, washing the dishes briskly and setting them in the dish drainer.
The Swap brother’s kitchen was a mirror to his own and even if it wasn’t, Edge was familiar enough with it to know his way around. He retrieved a clean towel from a drawer and began drying the dishes, setting them in neat pile on the countertop.
“You didn’t tell him?” Edge asked, cautiously, but the answer was already clear despite not being given.
The silverware clattered at the bottom of the sink as Stretch gathered it up into a soapy fist. “let me deal with my bro, okay?”
“This concerns us as well, if he asks us to leave…”
“he won’t. that’s not it,” Stretch sighed, still wrist-deep in dishwater as he let his head hang, “look, i know sans. he’d be so excited, really excited, and that’s fine. i just thought you guys needed a little time to settle in, is all, without any thrills and chills. he can be just as excited tomorrow.”
That was…actually incredibly thoughtful. Blue was a wonderful individual, Edge was grateful to call him friend, but he did tend to throw himself into things at a hundred and three percent, there was no dialing it back for him. A calm evening after the day they’d had did sound better than struggling to fend of Blue’s enthusiasm, no matter how well-intended.
Stretch was still hunched over the sink as if he expected Edge to shout at him and that wasn’t entirely unwarranted. It wouldn’t be the first time Edge inserted himself into the Swap brother’s relationship, but it was the first chance he’d had to rethink that tendency.
“All right,” Edge said. He picked up another glass and dried it, setting it to join its brethren.
Stretch lifted his head. “yeah?” he asked, cautiously.
“Yes,” Edge said decisively. “The child shouldn’t meet too many new people at once, it might be upsetting for her.”
“i…yeah, good point.” Slowly, Stretch resumed his dishwashing duties and if there was a faint smile curving his mouth, Edge ignored it. Helping with the housework was the very least he could do.
By the time they were finished, Edge was struggling to stifle a yawn. In the living room, Red was slumped on the sofa, his sockets at half-mast as he watched the television. The volume was low and what Edge could hear from it sounded like Napstaton was working on a new mix tape.
In her little pillow nest the child was asleep, her empty bottle next to her. Edge stood over her, watching the rise and fall of her chest, and reminded himself to get that book tomorrow. He would figure this out, he would. “The baby stays with me tonight.”
“your funeral, bro,” Red yawned. He didn’t budge from the sofa, clearly intending it to be his bed for the night.
“she can stay with us, in my room,” Stretch amended. He picked up the empty bottle and handed it to Edge. “go give this a quick wash, trust me, never leave a dirty bottle laying around, that’s a stink you don’t want. i’ll head upstairs with the princess and get her settled.”
It was sensible, Stretch knew where everything was in his room, but somehow Edge still found he wanted to protest. He wanted to carry the baby, wanted to hold her close a little longer. Instead, he nodded curtly and went back to the kitchen. They were here on Stretch’s sufferance, now was not the time to start making demands.
He finished quickly and headed back upstairs, past his brother who was already snoring through Napstaton’s slick beats, and wondered what Stretch had in mind. The mattress worked for an afternoon nap, but he wasn’t comfortable with it as a nighttime solution, particularly not with Stretch in the bed with him, he wasn’t the type to wake at the slightest movement.
Edge opened the door and froze with only one foot through it, staring. In the middle of the room was a cardboard box, Stretch kneeling next to it with both hands inside, and even from here Edge could see he was tucking the child inside. Not naked, not this time, she was still in Blue’s oversized t-shirt, she wasn’t asleep and alone in a lab, carelessly abandoned until she was needed again, a tool, not a person, something to be callously used and discarded.
“hey,” Stretch said, hushed, “figured this’ll work until we figure out something else, she’s a little small to wander off and—"
“No,” Edge said sharply.
Stretch’s grin faded, his browbone furrowing in confusion, “what?”
“No, she can’t sleep in that, she won’t, I won’t allow it!” Edge said, his voice rising, and all his thoughts about keeping the peace had fled, buried beneath the chemical stink of memory smoke, the lab burning around them, and those numbers were hidden beneath the shirt, but they were still there, a scar carved into her very bones.
“hey, easy, calm down…”
“I won’t!” Edge shouted hoarsely and a wail rose up around them like a siren, like the alarms at the lab.
“edge!” The sound of his own name made him jerk, blinking hard. Stretch was holding the whimpering baby, jostling her against his chest. “you’re scaring the kid!”
And he was, her large sockets brimmed over with tears, staining her rounded cheeks as they began spilling down.
“Oh, don’t,” Edge started, brokenly, reaching out to her helplessly, letting his hands fall as she began to wail despite Stretch’s gentle crooning.
Those blasted tears from earlier weren’t as banished as he’d assumed, and Edge whirled away, tipping his head back to keep them from falling, tasting them instead on the back of his tongue, sharp and astringent, another memory and this one he refused, let his mind settle into blankness as he struggled against the rising pain in his chest, a deep ache in his very soul.
“ooookay, everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down,” Stretch said, loudly to be heard over the baby’s crying, then softer, coaxingly, “c’mon, sugar butt, easy now.” Slowly the crying dwindled to sniffles and the occasional hiccough. “there we go. come on over here, edgelord.”
Edge didn’t turn around. “She’s afraid of me,” he whispered.
Behind him, he could hear Stretch heave an exasperated sigh. “you got loud one time, for fu—udge’s sake. she’s not scared of you, so come here!”
That was definitely an order and one he needed to obey; their lives depended on staying on the Swap brother’s good side. Slowly, Edge turned, moving stiffly as he lurched over to the two of them. He reluctantly allowed Stretch to draw him down to sit awkwardly on the floor, sockets closed, unresisting as Stretch pulled him close to enough to rest their foreheads together with the baby between them. The ache in his chest slowly eased and Edge opened his sockets, looking down at the child. Who was looking back up at him with wide eye lights and there was no fear in them, only a simple curiosity.
“Hello, baby,” Edge told her softly, reaching with trembling fingers to wipe away one of the streaks drying on her chubby cheekbone. He almost jerked away when she offered a coo in return, reaching for his fingers in yet another attempt to cram them into her mouth.
“see?” Stretch said quietly. His breath was a soft, sweet gust against Edge’s face, his smooth forehead resting against Edge’s damaged one. “you’re gonna make mistakes, a lot of ‘em. don’t start out by beating yourself up for it.”
Edge nodded slowly and when Stretch shifted to settle the baby into the crook of his arm, Edge held her close, scooting back to lean against the wall as he watched her unconvincing attempt at cannibalizing his fingertips. She was so light, the weight of her hardly more than a handful of feathers. Such a tiny bundle in his arms, so terribly important for such a small, perfect creature.
Stretch climbed to his feet, dusting off his hands with exaggerated motions as he announced, “crisis averted, won’t be the last one. now, the cardboard box is out, got the memo on that, so how do you feel about a dresser drawer?”
Edge didn’t answer, only nodded and let Stretch start pulling blankets out of the box, muttering under his breath about whether the bottom or top drawer would make for a better bassinet. None of that mattered. All he wanted was to keep holding this child close and never let her go.
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Hold On Loosely
So, this was originally in the process of being written for a zine, but I wound up dropping out due to aphobia in the project. Which, well, sucked, and was one of the contributing factors of my less-than-great mood these past few days.
But, I wound up finishing the fic as its own thing, so I hope y’all enjoy. Have some pre-canon broganes fluff to lift the spirits.
Word Count: 2,545 Characters: Keith & Shiro Read on AO3 My house, my rules, my ko-fi
“Ooh, you know what looks good?” Shiro said, looking up from the table’s menu to grin over at Keith. “The chocolate lava cake. What do you say, you wanna split it with me?”
Keith shrugged, tilting his head to glance at the menu as well. He swallowed his bite of steak before slowly replying, “I dunno, it’s - it’s kind of expensive.”
“I told you, Keith, tonight’s my treat. Come on, if you don’t split it with me, I’ll just order it and eat the whole thing myself, and I will definitely get sick. So…”
“All right, fine, I’ll have the cake.”
“Great!” Shiro’s grin broadened as he waved their waitress down to place the order. “Every celebration needs cake,” he added to Keith as the waitress left. “Anyone who tries to limit it to birthdays is just close-minded.”
“I still don’t really think we, um, need to be celebrating,” Keith said.
Shiro huffed in mock exasperation. “Bud, your grades were great, you’re being too hard on yourself.”
“I didn’t even get all A’s or anything. And I had a C in Professor Antonsen’s class - ”
“Keith, I assure you, her class is the hardest in the whole academy. Matt didn’t even get an A in it. Chin up.” Shiro reached across the table with his fork, the last bite of his salmon still on the tips of the prongs, and tilted Keith’s head up to look at him. “Hey. I’m really proud of you. I mean it. You did great work, and you deserve to celebrate.”
Keith stared at him for a moment, as though mulling his words over, then a tiny smile escaped him as he tilted his head down and ate the bite of salmon off of Shiro’s fork, too quickly for the latter to move it out of the way.
“Barbaric,” Shiro gasped. “Have you no manners at all?”
Keith just smirked, making a show of chewing loudly before he swallowed and said, “Still, we didn’t have to go somewhere all fancy like this. I would have been fine with just burgers or pizza or something.”
“Well, sure, but I was really in the mood tonight for a place with tablecloths, you know? It’s a big night.”
“They’re just grades.”
Shiro shrugged and set his fork down. “All right, time for me to confess. The reason I decided to go fancy is that we’re actually celebrating two things tonight.” Keith raised a brow, and Shiro went on. “I actually got some pretty big news today. And since Adam’s busy until tomorrow and my parents are in another time zone, you, my dear friend, get to be the first to celebrate it with me.”
“What is it?” Keith asked.
“Now, I will tell you, they’re not officially announcing this until Monday, so don’t go spreading the word to your classmates before then and ruining the surprise.”
“What surprise?”
“So if anyone asks, you don’t know anything about it, okay? You’re gonna be just as excited by the announcement as - ”
“Shiro,” Keith groaned. “Now you’re just doing this on purpose.”
“You caught me.” Shiro smiled. “So. Guess who has been officially selected as the youngest pilot ever to lead a Garrison exploration mission.”
Keith’s eyes slowly widened. “You - you got the Kerberos spot?”
“I got the Kerberos spot.”
“That’s awesome!” Keith breathed. “Holy - you’re going straight to the edge of the solar system! Oh my god, you’re gonna be in textbooks, Shiro! You’re gonna be, like, a legit historical figure. That’s huge.”
“We always knew Earth’s atmosphere couldn’t contain me forever,” Shiro said with a smirk. “So, you’ve managed to get settled into the Garrison pretty well by now? Fitting in with your class? I know you’re doing well grade-wise so…”
“I guess, yeah,” Keith said with a shrug. “Why?”
“Nothing,” Shiro said, waving his fork dismissively. “I’m going to be pretty busy for a while, is all, and then I’ll be gone for the mission after. Just wanna make sure you’re ready for that.”
“Oh.” Keith's smile flickered, the corners of his mouth drooping for half a second before returning to their place. “Yeah. Yeah, ‘course I’m ready. I mean, I - I knew you were gunning for that spot on the mission, so it’s - so, yeah, you know, I knew this was coming. I mean obviously it was coming, you’re the best pilot in - you’re, um, you’re definitely - ”
“Keith?” Shiro raised his brow. “You all right?”
“Yeah. I hadn’t really thought about, uh, what I would be, um - ” He drummed his fingers against the table, then moved to lift his knife and fork and start carving up what remained of his steak. “But that’s - that’s not important. It isn’t. We’re celebrating. And - and - and you got the Kerberos spot, and I got my grades, and that’s good, this is good news, it is, I’m happy! I’m happy for you. I’m very - ”
Gently Shiro reached across the table and laid his hand on Keith’s arm. “You’re starting to carve up your plate, there, bud.”
Keith blinked down at his knife, then, with a slow breath, he dropped the cutlery and pulled back. “Sorry. Sorry, I wasn’t… paying attention. Shit, hang on.” He ground the heels of his hands into his eyes and mumbled, “I’m okay. I’m fine. Got a little… overwhelmed… by the good news. Just need a minute to, uh, to process.”
“Everything all right here?” came a soft voice behind Shiro’s shoulder, and he jumped in his seat, banging his knee on the table and whipping his head around to see their waitress, their cake in her hands and her face apologetic. “Sorry,” she said. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” Shiro said. “You’re fine. Thanks, it looks delicious.”
“Can I, uh, get you anything else?” the waitress asked, glancing toward Keith who was hastily trying to scrub at his eyes as she set the cake down on the table. “A drink refill or… some tissues, maybe?”
“We’re fine, thank you,” Shiro replied. “Uh, take your time with the check, please.”
The waitress nodded and hurried from the table. Keith, meanwhile, pushed his chair back, his head down and hair falling into his face as he mumbled, “I think I need the restroom…”
“Hey, hang on,” Shiro said, holding out his arm again as Keith stood. “Keith… you know, it’s okay if you’re upset.”
“I’m not upset,” Keith snapped.
“Uh-huh. I’ve told you before, bud. If you’re upset - or any other emotion - ” He added when Keith opened his mouth to protest - “You can tell me. I’m not gonna judge you for it, you’re not gonna be punished. It’s not good to bottle things up. Come on, talk to me.”
“It’s… nothing,” Keith said. He sighed and collapsed back into his chair. “It’s stupid. Sorry, I’m ruining tonight, aren’t I?”
“You’re not ruining anything.”
“Yes I am. You took me out to celebrate and I’m freaking out on you and raining on your parade and - and I should be happy about this. I am happy about this, I’m happy for you, so there’s - there’s nothing even to talk about.”
“Mmm.” Shiro tapped a finger thoughtfully against the edge of the cake plate. “You know, you’re allowed to feel more than one thing. You can be happy for me and still be upset. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Sure, but - ”
“Want me to start?”
Keith frowned. “Start what?”
“Sharing.” Keith still looked just as baffled, so Shiro continued. “I’m thrilled about the news, and I’m excited about the upcoming Kerberos trip, and I’m really proud of myself for having made it this far, especially so early in my career.”
“You should be,” Keith said with a fervent nod.
“But I’m kinda freaking out too. It’s a lot of pressure and responsibility, and I’m scared of messing up. There’s a ton of prep work that has to be done before the mission, which is going to be stressful and exhausting. And the mission is going to last for months, so I don’t know how claustrophobic or homesick or lonely I’ll get. I know I’m going to miss you. You, and Adam, and everyone else on Earth.
“I’m happy, yeah, but I’m all those things too. It’s a lot. But, I gotta admit, putting it all out there, out loud, it’s a bit of a relief. It’s on the table instead of on my shoulders, so now I don’t have to think so hard about what I’m dealing with, I can move on to actually dealing with it. And now it’s your turn”
Keith paused before saying, “I feel like you missed your true calling as a psychologist.”
“I’m young, I’ve got time to chase a bunch of callings. No changing the subject.”
Shiro waited patiently as Keith fidgeted in his chair, chewing at his bottom lip and focusing intensely on the dishes in front of him. Finally, though, he spoke up, so softly that Shiro had to strain to hear him: “I guess I’m… not ready… for you to go.”
Slowly Shiro nodded. “That’s understandable, Keith. I - ”
“It’s not, though,” Keith bit out. “It’s not like I haven’t been on my own before, right? And, hell, I’m a couple years off from being an adult, I shouldn’t - I shouldn’t still be - and it’s selfish, right? This is, like, your dream, Shiro, and all I’m thinking about is how I’m gonna - how I’m - ”
“Hey, hey,” Shiro said, keeping his voice low and soothing as he watched Keith bunch up the edge of the tablecloth in his fists. “It’s not selfish. Okay? I don’t want you thinking that for a moment. It’s you feeling your feelings, and there’s nothing selfish about that. If you were selfish, you wouldn’t be nearly so concerned about how your reaction is making me feel, right?”
Keith only shrugged. “And Keith, what’s this about being on your own?” Shiro continued. “Me being gone doesn’t mean you have to be alone.”
“It - it kinda does,” Keith mumbled. “I, um, I - I may have exaggerated, a bit, um, how I’m fitting in with my classmates.”
Shiro narrowed his eyes. “Are those other pilots still giving you a hard time? If they are, we need to go to your CO, file a report.”
Keith shook his head. “No, they aren’t - there haven’t been any other incidents or anything, just - I’m still not really - I’m not part of the group or anything. We have classes together, but that’s all. And you know I can’t get an ‘Adam’ of my own, I’ve - I told you about that, about how I don’t - so I don’t have friends, I don’t, not really. And I definitely don’t have a ‘partner’ or whatever, so that just leaves family, and - well, that’s you. Just you. That’s all I’ve got. And so if you’re gone…”
He let out a sniff and wiped his nose with the tablecloth. There was only so much the Garrison could do to instill table manners into their cadets. “Forget it. Like I said, it’s nothing.”
“That’s not nothing, Keith,” Shiro said. “That’s… that’s fair. That’s fair and valid and I’m glad that you told me.”
“Kinda ruined the whole ‘celebration’ vibe, though.”
“We’ll have plenty of time to celebrate before the mission. I, um - did - were you always worrying about this? The whole time I’ve been applying for the Kerberos spot?”
“I dunno. I wasn’t really thinking about it. Was trying not to, you know? It, um, wasn’t important.”
“When am I ever going to finally convince you that your worries are important?”
“More important than Kerberos?”
Keith snorted. “Shiro - ”
“You know, in the coming months I’m gonna be spending a lot of time preparing for the mission. Maybe we should come up with a game plan so you can do the same.”
“Shiro, you barely managed to convince the Garrison to let me into the academy, you’re never gonna convince them to let me join the mission.”
“Much as I’d love to have you, that’s not what I meant,” Shiro said with a little smile. “I meant that while I’m getting ready to go to Kerberos, we can get you ready to stay on Earth. We’ll go through the things you’re worried about, the things that you need to prepare for, and we’ll start planning for them.”
“How do you mean?”
“Like, okay, you’re worried about being lonely while I’m away. So let’s plan for that. We can talk to Adam, and Colleen, make sure you’re able to turn to one of them if you need anything at all. And we can even schedule some weekends out, get you some vacation from the Garrison to wind down. If you’re worried about keeping up with schoolwork while I’m around, we can contact your instructors to let them know, maybe see about any extra credit work you can do while I’m gone.”
Keith nodded slowly. “Okay. And, um, if I’m worried about… you know…” The tips of his ears went red as he mumbled, “Missing you?”
Shiro resisted the urge to tease him about the blush of embarrassment and instead broadened his smile. “I’m gonna miss you too, you know. What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t?” Keith bit his lip, and Shiro would bet any amount of money that it was to hold back a smile. “We’ll figure something out. We’ll make sure to get a ton of pictures together before I go, for starters, and I can let you babysit my hoverbike while I’m gone.”
Keith’s mouth dropped open. “You’ll let me be in charge of your hoverbike?”
“Promise not to crash it?”
“I… can’t make that promise.”
“Promise you’ll try not to crash it?”
“That I can do.”
“I’ll take it. So we’ve got a plan in place, and we have plenty of time to come up with more. And if it helps, I swear, I’ll come back from Kerberos as soon as I possibly can. Sound good?”
“Yeah.” Keith nodded. “Sounds good.”
“Do you need a hug too?”
“No,” Keith said, spreading his arms out to accept one anyway. Shiro scooted his chair around the table to embrace him, rubbing Keith’s back as the latter sighed into his shoulder, and he didn’t let go of the hug until he felt Keith finally pull away.
“Now,” Shiro said, scooting back into place. “This cake has just been waiting to be eaten, and we should really help out.” He nodded toward Keith’s dessert fork . “Come on, I’ve seen the memes, I know you love cake.”
Keith let out a breath of a laugh as he lifted his fork and started to cut off a piece from the cake. “If you’d seen all the memes, you’d know I also love pizza.”
“Well, in a few years, when we’re celebrating you getting your first big mission and breaking the youngest-pilot record, we can go out for pizza instead. Deal?”
“Deal.” They both took their first bites of the cake at the same time, and Keith rolled his eyes as Shiro made a show of moaning in contentment at the taste. “By the way,” Keith said as he moved in for his second bite, “I really am happy for you. Cadet’s honor, I am.”
“Thanks, Keith,” Shiro said with a grin. “I’m happy too.”
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the-pallid-king · 3 years
“Prove it.” Until you do, he’s sticking to the fun idea that maybe he could go indefinitely. It gives his mind something to do while they sit here. “I’ve gotten pretty close, but I guess that was mostly when we hunted those hollows while I was starving. I wasn’t much of a threat.” And that’s not really the kind of eating you’re talking about. He tilts his head. Just to be clear, “You want me to touch you while you eat?” He tries to imagine running his hands over you while you snarl and tear at your food.
He kind of smirks, but doesn’t turn his head to let you see it, busy just kind of running his temple idly against your knee bone because it feels nice. “Its probably my fault for not socializing you properly back when you were a smaller hollow.” He’s kidding, but then after he says it, he has to stop and wonder if there’s any truth to it, and that’s an awkward thought.
For some reason, he expected you to go a different direction with your words. He turns to blink at you over his shoulder, attempts to rest gone, and swallows. His stupid stomach feels fluttery and he has to turn back around because heat is creeping up the back of his neck the way he hates. You didn’t even say anything he thinks they both didn’t know already. You’ve always given him special privileges. You’ve always made allowances for him since the beginning of their relationship. But you’re proposing this completely unprompted, and he’s not sure if he’s supposed to say thank you or not. He flips through a few equally asinine and pointless pleasantries before, “No thanks, I’d rather hold out for those blankets.” Which is not true at all, but it’s the only thing he can think to say.
He shivers when you go back to running those fingers along his nape. He smirks, finding that amusing. “I can think of more distractions if you need any other excuses not to say things.”
You tell him to prove it and he lets his hand tighten into a loose fist in your hair, tugging back a little. "Maybe I will." It's really tempting. He thinks, in a few more minutes, they could work on that proof. He snorts, "You weren't much of a threat and those hollows were for you, not me." It was easier while he was focusing on how much it wasn't his food to eat. Your question makes him pause. Obviously, if they were going to try screwing around while he ate, that would have to happen. You'd have to not only be close, but also in actual real contact. But yeah that sounds terrible. And intriguing. Mostly not. "Uh. I dunno... how serious were you?"
He scoffs. "I was never a smaller hollow." Weaker than he is now, but he's not going to say he used to be weak. It doesn't even dawn on him that you just implied he could have been socialized like a pet or toddler is socialized.
When you turn that surprised look on him, he meets it for all of a quarter second before his attention slides off to the side. "What?" It's kind of huffed out. Maybe that hollow that annoys you can decide to come back right now and be a good distraction. But you go back to joking quickly enough and he huffs again. "I'm not sharin' tonight. They're all mine, you can be cold and uncomfortable." Which he'd never do, of course, not least of all because then he'd be cold too.
He smirks at your teasing. "Yeah? Like what kinda distractions?" The fun kind, he hopes. "I'm sure there are plenty of things I need excuses not to say."
1 note · View note
Hell and Back Pt. 2
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader 
Peter Parker x villain!reader 
Warnings: Language, hospital mentions, mentions of drug abuse, allusions to suicide, allusion to self harm, self deprecating thoughts, a gun, mentions of knives, mentions of the dead, anxiety, signs of abuse, abusive and toxic relationships, and fainting.
Word Count: 6.1k 
Songs: Pleaser-Wallows, 505-Artic Monkeys, Sweater Weather- The Neighborhood, Daddy Issues- The Neighborhood, Paper Planes- M.I.A, We come running- Youngblood Hawke, Young dumb and broke- Khalid, Do I wanna know- Artic Monkeys, Break the Rules- Charli XCX
“I smiled, I know as much as we get into petty arguments or try to annoy each other on purpose but I’d go to hell and back for those girls. And that’s exactly what I was going to do.” 
A/N: There might be some typos and grammatical errors sorry for those, I you want to be added to the Taglist just message me about or comment it. I’ll have a google form for it soon. 
Series Masterlist   Previous Part   Next Part
When I saw my little sisters, that all went away. Sure I still called them a lot but nothing could compare to actually seeing them in person. Sapphire launched herself into my arms and I stumbled back a bit.
“I missed you too,” I said.
I hugged Aaliyah too. When I entered the apartment I heard voices. My dad’s and some feminine voice. 
I walked in to find some woman who couldn't be older than 25 in my kitchen. Talking and laughing with my dad. I didn’t want to assume anything or start a scene so I just went into my room to catch up with my sisters. 
We were talking about some kid who gave me a DMT pen once and I was tripping balls which I probably shouldn’t be talking about, but I want them to feel comfortable enough to come to me. Makes it easier to keep them safe. 
Our dad opened the door and hung in the doorway.
“Hey… Y/N do you mind coming here for a sec?”
“Yeah sure…” 
I stepped out of the room. 
“Is something wrong?” It wasn’t often that he initiated a conversation that would end positively.
“No,no, not at all, I just want you to meet someone,” 
When I entered the kitchen the same woman from before was still there. My dad walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. 
“This is my girlfriend, Camilla” 
I knew it . I knew it! I was trying not to be hostile toward her every problem I had was towards my dad so I smiled and waved to her.
“Camilla this is Y/N,” he pointed to me. 
“Well I’ll let y’all get acquainted,” He said before leaving the room.
I sat on the kitchen island and waited for her to say something first. 
“Look, I would just like to put it out there that I’m not trying to replace your mom in anyway.”
“Thanks I appreciate it,” 
“Also, are you okay now?” She asked in a low voice.
“Huh?” I questioned.
“Your dad said you ran away,” Of course he did “and I saw the news with your school at the Washington Monument.” So I guess she knew more about me then expected. Not surprised she was the one to ask me and not my so called dad.  
“Thanks for your concern but I’m fine, and sorry to cut this conversation short but I’m drained.” 
“Oh, okay, have a nice night,” 
“You, too,” 
I didn’t have time to think about anything. I just made it back to my room and face planted onto my bed. My whole being was sore including my brain. I didn’t have the energy to change my clothes, to shower, to think about my dad being a pathological liar or anything else that happened today.
I was awoken by my dad. I didn't know how long I slept but the sun was out. I can’t remember the last time I was able to sleep while the sun was up. 
“Hey we’re going out, for family bonding and I want you there with us,”
We ain’t ever been a family before why start now. Is what I really wanted to say but I sucked it up because again I hadn’t seen my sisters in a while. 
The movie was really boring. If we’re being honest. 
I pulled Aaliyah and Sapphire aside as my dad and Camilla were deep in conversation. 
“You know how I was staying at Wade’s house right?” 
They both nodded.
“What did dad tell you about this,” 
Sapphire just shrugged and Aaliyah was the one to post.
“I dunno he didn’t say much like usual he just kinda said you just left,” 
I felt my jaw tightening as I processed her words, my fist clenching by my side. 
“Oh, oh okay,” I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth a couple times “Well I just want you to know I’d never leave y’all without a very good reason, and I never won’t come back,” 
By the time we got back to the house it was around twelve since we watched another movie and went to a restaurant. Then got ice cream. This is the most money my dad could’ve possibly spent on me in a long time. I mean he didn’t because I didn’t get anything and bought my own ticket. I didn’t want him to be able to use the fact he bought me stuff against me. I’d gotten tired of the “after I’ll I’ve done for you,” excuse. 
I couldn’t sleep. No matter what I tried I couldn’t sleep. I tried NyQuil, melatonin, and even tea. The tea really did more harm than good. 
This was an extremely stupid thing to do so don’t follow my lead but I was bored. 
I grabbed a lot of useless shit from the floor of my room and made my way to the roof. I poured hand sanitizer on it and set it on fire. Putting aside the fact that it was really weird the fire was oddly beautiful. I sat there watching it for a minute before stomping it out. 
I was going to text my friend Carmen but I realized she was supposed to be asleep and I didn’t want to get her in trouble. 
I ended up scrolling through Zillow for a while then that turned into me applying for like four jobs. In which turned into me making spamming multiple friends saying we needed to hang out.
While I was on Zillow there was a relatively cheap apartment in Queens. Which was close to my school. It kept drawing me in for some reason. I bookmarked the tab.
Before I knew it the sun was up. I figured if I couldn’t sleep I would go on a walk to the park. 
When I got back to the complex everyone was still asleep except my dad who walked outside like he was waiting on me. He grabbed my arm, squeezing it tightly. 
He basically told me I looked like a prostitute. I was running so my sports bra and leggings were actually pretty appropriate. He said that I was probably going out to fuck people and that’s where I always was. I opened my mouth to defend myself.
“Actually I was just going to the-“ I was cut off by a sharp sting on my cheek. 
He fucking slapped me. Hard at that. He then grabbed my arm even tighter than before dragging me into the house.
 I don’t know what hurt worse my face or that fact that I wouldn’t be able to blame him being drunk on all the times he’d hit me before. He was just an ass.
  By the time I made it back to my room it felt like my body was burning itself from the inside out. My face was red and so was my arm from my elbow to almost my wrist. To try to cool myself down I took a cold shower and took some Tylenol. 
I still couldn’t sleep but tonight it was because it was so hot. I really needed a fan in my room. It was already 6 so I just decided to get a head start at the school. Not without taking pictures of my bruises before covering them with green concealer and foundation. I wore a hoodie for good measure. 
I felt dizzy and decided it was probably best not to skate at the moment and I’m 90% sure I fell asleep on the subway.  Apparently we had an art project due which I had no idea existed in the first place so I wasn’t going to that class today. Even though I did truly love Ms. Kramer. I was just gonna skip and go to Bri’s class. Which just happened to be chemistry. 
I wasn’t surprised Mr. Cobwell asked no question when I walked in. I ate lunch in his class a couple times, he was chill. He continued on talking about Quantum Theory. 
I made Flash move from his seat next to Bri which he immediately did. I guess he was scared of me now. 
“Hey,” I said, placing my non bruised side of my face on the desk.
“Hey,” She whispered back. “What class are you supposed to be in?” 
“Why are you there? You love art,” 
“I’m not feeling it today,” 
“Alright,” she nodded.
“Lemme use your AirPods,” 
She reached into her bag handing them over going back to taking notes. That didn’t last long.
“What ya watching?” She asked.
“Bad Girls Club,” I smiled knowing she liked this show. 
“What season?” 
“7,” I whispered because now I felt too weak to waste my energy on speaking. I placed the phone on my lap and she took the other AirPod and before I knew I class was over with Tasha throwing trash everywhere.
I figured I was feeling sick because my blood sugar was low or something so I drank some Apple juice at lunch and called it a day.
Now time for Physics. I hate physics. Why would science ever require so much math? 
It was so hot. Like on the face of the sun, hot but I couldn’t take my hoodie off because I felt like I’d sweat my foundation off. 
“Are you okay?” Peter asked me “You look pale,” I swear if he doesn’t learn to mind his business.
“I’m fine,” I told him, not sure if I was trying to convince him or myself, I gestured to his notebook. “Do your work,” 
“Alright fine,” he said reluctantly, glancing at me once before getting back to writing whatever we were supposed to be doing down.
 I pulled my hoodie back over my head and sat up in my seat about to try to do my work again. But it was so hot and I was so dizzy that I couldn’t focus.
The world began to swirl and I knew the switch in my brain was going to flip off. I just didn’t have time or enough energy to tell anyone. 
When I woke up I was in a bed in the nurse's office and the first thing I noticed was I didn’t have my hoodie. Shit. I used to make fun of people for passing out because how does your own body clock out on you? Until it started happening to me like last year. 
I went into the bathroom and sure enough the giant bruise on my cheek and arm were kinda visible. 
Again shit.
I patted my forehead with a cold paper towel because the nurse’s bathroom actually had paper towels unlike all the others, before the nurse came back. 
“Hello, Are you feeling okay?” 
I nodded. She smiled down at me before giving me water and checking my temperature. 
“You have a fever,” she said after looking down at the thermometer “We called dad to come and pick you up but we got no answer. Is there anyone else that can come and take you?” 
I shook my head, not trusting my voice. 
I drank some more of the water before speaking up. 
“I have a friend who’s at this school she could maybe drop me off?” 
“I’m not sure if that’s allowed,” she said. 
“You know what? Go back to class, get your friend and come right back.”
I pushed off the bed and headed out of the nurses office surprised to find Peter sitting on the bench outside it. 
“Are you okay?” He asked me again 
“Yes I’m okay” I nodded. Apparently I wasn’t as okay as I thought because I almost tripped over my leg trying to move. But Peter immediately reached his hand out to stabilize me. And I don’t know why that made me as angry as it was but I said “I don’t need you to help,” harsher than I need to. 
“Sorry,” I said calmly almost immediately after. 
“It’s okay,” He said scratching the back of his neck.
“If you don’t mind me asking where’d these bruises come from,” 
“I fell,” was all I said. He looked skeptical but that was all he was going to get, I didn’t need CPS all up in my business. That’s also payback for him lying to me about “cat scratches”. 
“Can you do me a favor?” I asked.
“Yeah, anything,” he said. 
“Can you go get Briana from Mr. Dell’s class for me?” 
“Yeah I’ll be right back,” he said before sprinting down the hallway. I giggled at his giddiness. It was still extremely hot everywhere my body was tingling. 
Bri ran towards me 
“Oh my god are you okay,” 
“I’m fine, I just need you to talk to the nurse with me real quick,” 
She apparently didn’t have her car with her today so she was a no go. 
“I’m sorry girl,” she said, pulling me into a hug. 
“It’s okay, go back to class now,” I said.
“Alright feel better,”
I walked back out of the office to find none other than Peter still waiting there.
“So what happened?” He asked.
“Looks like I’m walking home,” I smiled sarcastically. “Yay,”
“I can walk you home,”
“No, thank you” 
“I insist,” I laughed again 
“I still think that word is funny,” I said.
“Okay, now let me walk you home,” 
We were walking in no general direction. No one but MJ and Bri know my address and  I’d like  to keep it that way. 
“Wait, you need food,” He claimed.
We ended up at this place called Delmar’s Deli. I’d passed it a couple times while walking home and during my less legal “hobby”. I really wasn’t hungry at all. I took all of like two bites from my sandwich claiming I’d take it to go before throwing it away. It wasn’t bad, it was quite good, actually I just wasn’t hungry. 
“My aunt is a nurse at an emergency room, she can check you out,” I hate anything that's anything like a hospital at all brings terrible memories, but I didn’t want him to know where I lived so I agreed. I’d ditch him then.  
It took us a while to get there but by the time we did I had to stop and catch my breath. He offered to walk me home and got me food. What a Spiderman thing to do. I’d say I had much solid proof to go on by now.  
“Peter!” The gorgeous brunette woman came over to the waiting room “What are you doing here don’t you have school?” 
“Yeah but my friend-“ When her eyes ghosted over to my face she cut herself off. “Oh my God are you okay,” she referred to my bruises “What happened to you?” 
“Did Flash do this to her?” She asked Peter and I had to stifle a laugh at that. I wish he would try to lay a finger on me. 
“No, she just told me she fell, we’re here cause she fainted and I don’t know if the school nurse is very capable of actually helping,” 
Is this a new thing Peter just decides to randomly worry about me for no good reason and forces me into taking care of myself. Because I hate it. 
“Oh, ok,” She nodded her head. “Grab one of those questionnaires over there,” She pointed to the sign in table. “Are your parents going to come too?” She asked and I shook my head. 
She and Peter moved over to the side and started talking about something I had no interest in. I grabbed the questionnaire and sat on the edge of the closest seat.  
1. What’s your age?
That’s easy 15.
2. Specify your race 
African American of course.
3. Select your highest level of education
Some high school
4. What’s your marital status? 
Single never married. Unless you count that un-ordained wedding I once had.
5. Specify your employment status
A student. 
6. Have you ever been treated in an emergency room (specify age)? 
Yes, as a child. 
7. Have you ever been rushed to the hospital? If yes, do you remember why?
Okay wow. Yes. 
I sat on the cold bathroom floor, vision blurry from tears forming in my eyes. 
“Y/N, you okay in there?” I heard my brother ask after lightly rapping his fingers on the door. 
“Yeah, I’m okay!” 
No I wasn’t. I wasn’t okay at all. In fact I was the farthest thing from okay. I glanced down at my thighs, you could see cuts from the night before and scars peeking out from underneath my shorts. I was sobbing at this point. 
“I’m so sorry,” I whispered. I wasn’t sure if it was for myself or to everyone I knew I’d hurt by this. I already had the headache. I was just waiting for the rest of the pills to kick in. 
I was holding onto the sink for support when the left side of my body started to feel tingly. The whole situation felt hazy. I was shaking hard before I fell, taking almost everything on the sink with me. 
My head hit the bathmat and I could feel my heart slowing and hear my breath become shallow. I heard the doorknob jingle and that was the last thing before a feeling of true bliss and peace took over my body. 
I could hear screams and sirens and I knew I was in an ambulance. Slowly I awoke with wires all over my body and an IV in my wrist. My limbs were dead weight, I couldn’t move. 
A single tear fell from my eye alerting me off my surroundings. I quickly came back to myself. I made up the excuse of a family emergency and left.
I ended up halfway across the city. Then in Brooklyn visiting a friend. 
I knocked on the window of Aaron’s apartment. I could see Miles sitting on the couch.
“How’ve things been over here?” I asked once I was settled on the couch as well. 
“Uh, pretty tame, and you?” 
“There was that whole elevator stunt and I almost fucking died which was fun.” 
“Forgot you never take anything seriously,” He rolled his eyes. 
I laughed in response “Well one of us has got to be fun for us since it’s clearly not you,” 
“In celebration of me not dying I’m making sundaes,” 
“Alright,” He said leaning back on the couch. 
“Hey uh, When’s Aaron coming back?” I asked, getting the whipped cream out of the fridge.
“I’m not sure,” 
This is actually like really fucking dangerous. Like it could kill me. It’s just I was already in pain and had a headache. I also wasn’t thinking. I’d already made the sundaes. I turned around so Miles couldn’t see what I was doing before I- Okay I’m not going to do this. Get it together God you’re acting like an addict. The amount of people who’ve died from inhalants were insane. There it is again death. 
“Drawn anything new lately?” I asked, wanting to get my mind off of the topic of death that seemed to be plaguing my brain lately.  
“Some small sketches,”
I got the text that’d I been waiting for. I’d been talking to Aaron for the past few days. I’m not sure how Miles would feel about that. So I haven’t said anything. 
But I got the text. 
Staten Island Ferry 3pm
I immediately popped up from the couch.
“I have to go like right now, it’s an emergency,” 
I sprinted towards the door almost running into the punching bag in front of me. 
It’d been a week and things were looking up. I had a great day yesterday without the use of any drug. But nothing good ever lasts too long. I didn’t have to worry about that now. What I needed to worry about, was getting Peter to stop falling on his ass. 
I tried not to laugh at him and failed. 
“It’s not funny,” he said, pulling me down with him as I reached out to pull him up. Soon he was laughing too. 
I felt a vibration in my pocket and saw that Aaron texted me. 
hey the results from the search came in.
what???? don’t play with me I’m on my way right now. 
“Uh hey I gotta go sorry,” 
“No it’s fine I probably should get home too,” He pushed off the ground reaching down for me. 
“Do you wanna do this again tomorrow?” He asked a hopeful glint in his eye once we were both on our feet.
“Yeah sounds nice,” I smiled.
“Okay,” He nodded.
“Okay,” I echoed heading off. 
Ned was being fucking stupid.
“NO!” I slammed my hands down on the table “You don’t stab anyone especially if you plan on using bleach to clean up the blood. At least use vinegar and lemon,”
“Okay, jeez,” he said reeling back, “How would you do it then?” 
Before I could say anything MJ spoke up
“You could just use a needle full of air in between their toes, Their heart would fail” 
“Orrr,” I said spinning around on top of the table towards Ned. “You could overdose them on potassium and by the time the police get there the potassium in their blood is back at a normal level,” 
“Yeah that works too,” MJ stated going back to whatever she was drawing.
“You guys scare me,” Ned muttered making me smile. 
“Where’s Peter?” I asked and Ned pointed across the room. 
There he was sitting by Liz. It was cute I knew about his little crush on her. I’m sure the whole school did. Glad it’s working out for him. However that did not stop the pain in my stomach. 
I got up from the table because suddenly I did not want to be at school anymore. 
“Where are you going?” MJ looked up at me.
I shrugged. In all honesty I had no I idea where I was going. Somehow I always end up at Wade’s house when I don’t know where I want to go. He wasn’t home but I had a key. I can’t remember if he gave it to me or I stole if we're being honest. 
Clearly I hadn’t passed by a mirror in a while because damn. I look terrible. 
My eyes were red and circled with a dark hue from lack of sleep. I still had a yellowing bruise on my cheek. I was pale. I looked to be on the verge of death. 
I looked frail, like at any second I’d just fall apart. 
It was so unfair. My bones dragged down my body. The pieces of my soul that were mined out and removed from my mind. There’s a hole leaving me forever longing and I cannot fill nor feel. Hiraeth, a beautiful word for a ugly feeling. longing for a home that I never truly had, a home in which I’d never return. I would like to drift to where my spirit lies. It’s in the eyes of you and me and everyone in between. Drifting on a small boat in the sea. Viridian. Yes! That's the place I would like to be, that's where my soul lies yes you see.
 I kept punching his punching bag over and over again. Until I was on my back on the floor begging my lungs to allow air into them with Time (Is) by Solange playing on loop. Something put it into my head that I had to kill Vulture. I’d never directly killed anyone but that was gonna change. Having people killed or knowing someone was going to kill someone and not doing anything about isn’t killing anyone in my book, but I’m sure it would be in Spidey’s
That’s literally Liz’s dad though…
Okay maybe I’d just get him locked up. Great now I gotta be a snitch. That’s new. I showered not even caring about my hair now my curls were sticking to my face. I was freezing now though. I didn’t know whether to be glad that my body wasn’t on fire anymore or be upset that I was covered in goosebumps. 
Wade’s laptop was sitting right there on his bed. I was only taking a shower but, I think I should be allowed to watch Netflix and he wouldn’t mind, I was already on his account anways. 
After like 3 episodes into this random show there was a folder that was calling to me for some reason. 
It’d be okay to take a sneak peek. I thought to myself. 
I clicked on it and it was locked. I guessed the password in like three tries. He’s really gotta up his password game. It opened to multiple folders, one with my mom's name. Okay I had to click this then. 
I opened it which opened to more folders one titled ‘In Case of My Death’. 
Okay, okay cool my mother has had a video of what to do all if she died all along. This would’ve come in handy five years ago. 
There were three videos with the names of myself and my sisters. I clicked on mine then paused it. 
Then unpaused it again. 
I couldn’t do it. Okay, yes I could. I played it again. As soon as I heard the beginning of the word “hi”. I shut the computer off. I couldn’t do this. Couldn't do it because I was weak, I couldn’t handle myself. I was stupid and weak and a fucking disappointment. Guess my dad had been right all these years. I knew there was always some truth to the words he spoke only a matter of time until I started acknowledging it. 
I don’t remember coming home to the apartment. And I definitely don’t remember writing all over the walls of my dad’s room. But I had a marker in my hands and it looked like a toddler had gone to town. 
Holy Shit 
He was actually going to murder me, in cold fucking blood.  I trashed, the living room area, his room, and then mine. I was not coming home tonight. Looks like I’d need to find a new home now. At this point that sounded like a pretty solid plan. 
I text my sisters a quick text ‘stay at grandma’s house tonight dad is going to pissed like Super Sayian mode’ before grabbing my go-bag which was: a bag of the essentials, like hygiene a couple shirts, shorts, hoodies, pants, and of course the flash drive can't forget the flash drive. 
The flash drive that’s driving me crazy. I’d yet to open it though.  I knew I was crazy because I did all this while fucking sobbing.
I wandered around for hours. Making my way to Brooklyn, Manhattan, Harlem, AND actual New York City.  
Somehow I still ended up at Olivia’s door at the end of the day. I honestly believe we were soulmates. Most people don’t know you get many soulmates in a lifetime. I think Olivia and I would be the karmic kind. A karmic relationship is meant to help you grow, but it is never meant to last—it's often playing out a bad experience from a past life. I’m guessing I hadn’t grown yet because here I was.
She opened the door after a second. I’m surprised she did because I used our special knock so I knew she knew it was me. 
“I can’t fucking do this anymore,” I screamed in her face. 
“You're the one going off and being secretive and shit, like you’re scared I’m gonna hurt you or something,” she yelled walking up the stairs. 
I followed after her, 
“Maybe you would hurt me. I don’t know you are insane,” I said, tears brimming my eyes. 
“Just because you have fucking daddy issues, doesn’t mean you have to carrying them into every part of your life,” 
“I have daddy issues?” I screamed soon turning into me choking on a laugh making an unhinged noise “Oh, I have fucking daddy issues, now? Oh, okay,” I nodded. 
“Your parents didn’t even fucking want you,” I pointed at her. “At least my mom stuck around before she died,” 
“You’re an asshole, you know that?” 
“Yeah well right back at you,” 
“You’re fucking psychotic! Literally you’re so much like your dad and you don’t even know it, You’re trying to please him and he doesn’t give two shits about you, Wake up Y/N! Wake up.” 
“I’m hard on you because I love you so much,” She claimed, but her love was suffocating. 
“Oh yeah? I asked “Well i don’t know how much more of this ’love’ I can take,” 
“Fine then,” She screamed. 
“Fine,” I said before she slammed the door in my face leaving me standing out in the cold crying. 
That wasn’t even the worse we’d said to each other. It was the first but not the last time we’d break up either. I do believe we loved each other though in our own twisted way. Well at least I know I loved her. 
“Hey,” She said softly as she could sense I was due to break at any second. My cheeks were probably tear stained. 
“Hey,” I whispered back. 
“Are you okay?” She asked. 
“No,” I shook my head. One thing I liked about her is I didn’t have to fake it around her, because masking my real emotions was so draining. At least I didn’t have to do it with everyone. 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
“Okay,” she said softly “My parents aren’t home, so you don’t have to worry about them,” not surprised. 
I nodded before she grabbed my hand bringing me inside.
“I missed you,” she said stroking my hair as I laid on her bed, my head in her lap. 
“I missed you too,” I wasn’t lying my head drifted to her from time to time. It wasn’t that I wanted to get back together I just missed her presence.  
She smiled sadly at me running her finger over the bags on my eyes. 
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown,” She quotes.
“Yeah well, ’m not queen or princess and definitely don’t have a crown, so we don’t gotta worry ‘bout me,” I said. 
“You’re a princess to me,” I gave a genuine yet tired smile at that.
“You can go to sleep, it’s okay,” She said.
That was the first time I was actually able to fall asleep and without medicine or having to go on a walk or do anything really. 
I woke up in the bed alone only to find Olivia sitting at her kitchen island eating spaghetti. 
She smiled when she saw me coming into view. 
“Sleep well?” She asked.
“Yeah surprisingly,” How long had I been asleep for I wondered.
“It’s 10 pm,” She said, still being able to read me. 
I made my way over to her and sat across her.
“So what’s really going on with you miss Y/N?” She questioned. 
I shrugged “I don’t know, nothing,”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself? Cause I’m not buying,” 
I explained to her how my dad was being weird and how I wanted to move out now. How I had pretty much vandalized the house. How I found the video of my mom. Just everything. Well maybe not everything I didn’t tell her about Vulture because I feel like she’d try to do something and I didn’t want her to get hurt. 
“Oh wow, damn... holy shit. Are you gonna watch your moms video?” She asked. Huh I hadn’t thought about that.
“I mean of course I will, yeah,” I nodded “Probably, I don’t know I’m scared,”  
“Wouldn’t you rather just push the fear back and watch then wonder the rest of your life what it says.” 
I sighed. Can't argue with that logic.
“I’m assuming you came here because you need a place to stay?” She said. 
“Yes, I need a place to stay just for a while but I don’t want it to seem like I’m just using you I can find somewhere else,” 
“Now it’s fine stay as long as you need but my dad gets back at the end of the month and we both know he doesn’t like you,” She chuckled at the last sentence and I laughed too. 
I was on the ferry heading towards Staten Island now. I knew the sale was for these weird alien shits but that's pretty much all I knew. I figured I’d sort of “out bid” the buyers then get rid of everything. By outbid I mean straight up steal. Some guy in a white pickup truck is officially my target. Thorn was still on hiatus. Meaning no knives unless you count the pocket knife I always had on me, no suit. I did have a trejo though, you know just in case. I couldn’t help my mind from drifting to Pop Smoke’s “I got it on me”. I let out a small laugh.  
I was hiding behind some car waiting for a crack in the plan to slip in. 
That was until Spiderman showed up. It’s like he had a sixth sense to ruin all of my plans. 
Well abort mission. Just as I started walking around to get to the side of the boat. The van I was next to had Vulture literally coming out of it. I knew it’d looked familiar. 
I made it up to the top deck looking down on everything unfolding. So a quick rundown,  the FBI was here, meaning Tony Stark or someone with government clearance probably did something because I highly doubt that Spiderman, the Spiderman that I’ve seen hit a window like a bird while swinging, had any government clearance. 
See now I was looking to find a good time to make my escape. That was until that purple alien shit started spewing stuff beams of light through the ship. And fuck, I look away for one second and the new Shocker guy was gone. I turned around and saw he was running in another direction. I chased after him the rubber of my sneakers squeaking on the deck. 
I jumped down onto Shocker’s back sending us both to the floor before he pushed me off. I was definitely going to be sore tomorrow and I’m pretty sure I heard something pull in my leg. 
He jumped off onto the Vulture and I knew I couldn’t do anything anymore. Not like I was just going to shoot them down in public. I saw the light shooting down the middle of the ferry. I was gonna make a run for it but the loud squeal noise was so loud I fell over. Soon I was slung back into what I think was a bench not entirely sure I just knew it hurt like a bitch. 
I’m pretty sure I feel unconscious for like 30 seconds. 
But that was enough because the boat had already split in half and I couldn’t get to the deck or a lifeboat. However Spider-Man was frantically trying to get it together. 
I was trying to be hopeful because everything was looking up, as the parts of the ship got closer together but I think we all know the saying ‘what goes up must come down’ 
Over the ringing in my head I could assume that things were fixed because people were cheering. One thing that comes from cheering is movement and if I learned anything from the elevator it’s that moving in a very unstable metal death box is not a good idea. 
The ship was falling apart again until it wasn’t. It was pushed back together by I could only assume would be our government clearance guy Tony Stark. I looked out the window and yep there he was. 
As soon as I got on solid ground I called my sisters.
“Hiii!” I exclaimed. “Where are you, are you okay?” 
“Yes we’re fine, and where at grandma’s house like you told us to go to where else would we be,” I could almost hear the eye roll in Liyah’s voice. 
“Okay little Miss attitude stay there until I can feel everything out with dad,” 
“Okay I love you guys,” I said, getting a small “love you too” from Sapphire. 
“I know,” was the response I got from Liyah. I almost gasped the audacity of this child. 
“Say it back,” 
“Say it back,” She mocked, evoking laughter from both sides of the call. 
“Okay love you too byeeee,” She said hanging up. 
I smiled, I know as much as we get into petty arguments or try to annoy each other on purpose but I’d go to hell and back for those girls. And that’s exactly what I was going to do.
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There's a new lesson that I can't get to, so I'm going to you!
-35 Anon
Ahhhh??? I absolutely loved this lesson? It's a mostly mammon focused lesson (thanks to all the other brothers nearly dying) with angel backstory/hierarchy added in!????? I'm bouncing off the walls
It starts the next day after Solomon nearly kills MC with Mammon waking up looking for breakfast while complaining about the sun (fair enough) he gets annoyed when no one else is up, breakfast is not made and MC is the only one he finds. MC (with what I can only presume is a ridiculous eyebrow wiggle) says 'guess it's just you and me huh?....all alone....' Mammon blushes and says 'that literally cannot be the first thing I hear from you in the morning you're gonna give me a boner' (he actually says something like 'yeah...but don't say sweet, romantic stuff to me first thing in the morning cause you're gonna get me excited')
Mammon complains about the others sleeping in late and says he's gonna not so gently wake them up (this shit validates my HC that Mammon's an early bird and I dunno it just makes me happy) Mammon, with MC trailing behind him, goes to find his brothers. Lucifer is still asleep in his room, Mammon says this is probably a sign pointing to the beginning of the end, Lucifer says 'actually I'm dying cause the scent and flavour of Solomon's food bubbled up in the middle of the night so I'm going the fuck to sleep good night'. Satan wonders what exactly Solomon's food is cause it was able to not have an effect for hours and then suddenly come up again to kill them - he then passes out. Belphie is by Beel's bedside screaming at him to not go into the light, Mammon wonders if maybe Beel's just dying of hunger and Beel says there's no way in hell he's gonna eat anything and Mammon calls Beel out on being an imposter, Beel collapses on the bed and Belpie laments the fact that Beel's dying and that there's nothing he can do. Mammon says 'ugh bro you look like ya gonna die too' and Belphie says 'yeah well i feel like I'm gonna die ever since i ate some custard as a midnight snack and actually maybe it wasn't custard...maybe it was some weird as dessert solomon made cool cool cool i'm gonna pass out too'. Beel says 'Me too' and mammon wonders about the power behind Solomon's cooking. Levi I'm assuming is dead cause no matter how much Mammon pounded on his door and asked him to say something there was no reply so RIP. Asmo blames Mammon for getting sick, cause the bottled water Mammon brought for Asmo when he asked for it the previous night was probably some weird concoction Solomon made. Apparently Asmo's been hearing things ever since he drank it. He also despairs not being able to go the cafe with MC before collapsing on his bed. Mammon considers the fact that Solomon's food should probably be classified as a lethal weapon. Later in the corridor Mammon says that it seems like MC and Mammon are the only ones who came outta this unharmed but like MC nearly died the previous night so what the fuck is your stomach made out of Mammon!? When MC asks this he says he has no fucking clue either but it looks like their entire fridge is now a nuclear waste dump and that they should probably go get some food and medicine (you know these idiots are never gonna return and the others are gonna die).
They go to the Angel's Halo but it's still closed and they decide to come back later, MC ever the opportunist says 'hey ik your brothers are like dying rn and that sucks but ugh wanna make this a date?' And Mammon who has to live with 6 others who are in love with the same person as him and are constant cockblocks says 'shit yeah them being on death's door will probably be the only time we can spend time together without the others breathing down our necks, guess we gotta actually thank -the devs and their massive soft spot for Mammon- Solomon'. Mammon tells MC stories about the other times the brothers were sick, smiling about how they always take things to the extreme (levi had a slight fever and freaked out and turned Henry into Lotan, Asmo had a cold and all his fans came to the house to take care of him and it turned into a party). He says since they are in the human world now they wouldn't have to worry about anything too crazy...then he ruins it by basically saying 'probably'. They go to buy medicine with Lucifer's credit card. MC can ask him how he got it and he'll say it's fine cause they'll just buy food and medicine and only a few things for himself. Or MC can say 'yeah but would medicine actually help?' and Mammon will say 'good point considering it's Solomon's food but we might as well throw some pepto bismol at it and hope for the best.' While heading to the market, Mammon starts blushing about how MC and him heading to the market to buy groceries for dinner sorta feels like something newlyweds would do and hwuidhqowsho8ef7ydjb I'M SCREECHING!? Look me in the eye and tell me this man doesn't have a whole ass colour coded wedding planner aihdhwgdxugz he probably started making it a week after meeting MC. So they head to the market and I shit you not I screamed cause the butcher WHO FUCKING GAVE ADVICE TO MC & BEEL ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP calls out to MC. LOOK I joked about this happening last time but I didn't actually think it would???? and not this fast either! I thought i was gonna have to write a fic about this poor Butcher but solmare's really just giving it to me for free huh? When the butcher greets MC Mammon asks if he knows them and the butcher says that they stopped by the previous day (and look this part is kinda silly and self indulgent but some random as butcher just casually using they/them pronouns made me so happy???). The butcher then asks what the occasion is and if MC is inviting their friend to a party.  Mammon, sweet beautiful Mammon goes word for word "Friend? Me? Nah, nah, I ain't just a friend.   The two of us LIVE together." Bro at this point I'm in actual tears just imagining this whole scenario. the butcher stutters out an "Ah, I...I see..." MC has a horrid flashback to the previous day of the butcher happily giving them relationship advice for Beel. The Butcher and MC just silently stare at each other for a sec before MC goes "um so yeah ik that happened yesterday but see this one is the one I'm actually serious about." Mammon goes "hey!? wtf who's the OTHER one!?" Then to the poor butcher says "listen up, Me & MC are a THING, got it? so yeah MC's gonna show up with not one, not two but with six other hot guys at some point who are all gonna act like they're a couple BUT it doesn't mean anything  got it!? Specially if 'it's a real evil, sinister-lookin' dude with a huge ego and a heart as black as night' that guy especially doesn't mean shit to MC". The butcher says "o-okay". Anyway I desperately need this to be a running gag. Mammon later in really happy that the butcher thought they were a couple and living together and then Mammon who I'm 100% certain at this point has his and MC's entire lives together planned out starts blushing and sighing and saying how he really wishes it was just the two of them living together, sleeping in the same room (bruh I think it's implied enough to assume you already do this half the time), spending the whole day together and staying by each other's sides and how just the thought of all that is nice enough that he can't fight a smile. MC's stomach, much to mammon's dismay, ruins his daydreams by reminding everyone that they haven't had breakfast yet. They decide rather than waiting for the cafe to open to go get something to eat.
They decide to stop at a deli with a line of customers and I think I said this in my answer to your previous ask but I kinda just assumed Mammon would be the most comfortable in the human world and how it was kinda shown when they went to get pizza and later Asmo's dessert that he was able to act the most normal and actually noted when the others were acting weird and tried to reign them in. And that it was probably cause of how much he went to the human world for the witches and MC actually brings it up! They can either say that he seems pretty at home in the human world and he says something like 'oh? I'm just acting like I normally would' or they can ask him if he eats at delis a lot and he says that whenever he gets hungry while he's in the human world for the witches he'll stop at a deli cause it's easy. He kinda gets a sad look while talking about the witches and for once MC gets to turn the tables and be the jealous one. They can ask him if he has pacts with anyone besides them and he says 'no obviously not, do you think I went around making pacts with random people' ....except MC was a random person when he made a pact with them and I've always thought Mammon started getting a crush after making a pact but do you think he was kinda subconsciously curious even prior to it despite how much he tried to get rid of them? MC can also say "witches, huh...?" And mammon goes 'jyggfsdyugadsyu wait are you actually jealous!?" he then leughs, calls MC a dummy and asks how they could be jealous of the witches. AND!! this part made me so happy cause they only mentioned it once before in the main storyline but it was important enough that they had a whole backstory UR card for it and I was wondering if they'd bring it up now since they were in the human world - mammon gets all sad and says there's a reason he can't refuse the witches. he kinda hesitates around telling them that he borrowed some money, and they took over some of his debts and "...And some other stuff, too" (Me, banging my fists on the table: SHOW ME HIS CHILD SOLMARE! PLS! LET MC HAVE A DAUGHTER! or at least give me a name) MC asks if Lucifer knows about this, Mammon says he probably does cause lucifer's his big brother and you can't keep any secrets from your big brother. then he sighs and says he wishes he could live in the human world forever cause he wouldn't have to listen to lucifer's lectures anymore. He seems to realise what exactly he implied cause he goes silent and starts blushing and starts stuttering through saying that what he actually means is that if MC really wants him to stay with them then he might be willing to. They're interrupted by customers talking about a rumour that drinking coffee from the new cafe would make the person you have a crush on fall madly in love with you so obviously Mammon says fuck the deli and drags MC away to the cafe. MC sighs about Mammon being really easy to read. Mammon seems to finally remember that he's supposed to be a tsundere and says him suddenly wanting coffee has nothing to do with the rumour so don't you dare think that and it's not like he's gonna chug their coffee just so MC would fall madly in love with him. MC quite literally goes 'no you' and says well sure you won't chug the coffee but i will and then you'll fall madly in love with me. Mammon, blushing and stuttering, says 'okay but you gotta warn me before saying stuff like that cause it could literally kill me also wtf 'I'm sorta ALREADY madly in love with you...' if you make me fall any harder we're both screwed." He then walks into Luke.
Luke looks adorable!??????????? Before realising who it is Mammon snaps at him to watch where he's going and then goes speechless. Luke says he saw a couple arguing and came to check it out cause they looked like trouble (can't believe Simeon sent a child to scope out a suspicious couple screaming in the middle of the sidewalk about who loves the other the most). Mammon takes offense at the arguing comment and Luke brushes him off to instead talk to Mc about not seeing them in a long time. Mammon snaps at being brushed off and Luke just completely ignores him to hug MC and keep talking about how it's really MC. Mammon does he whole 'no hugging, no getting close, no staring I don't want your germs on MC' routine. MC ignores him and tells Luke that they really missed him, Luke says he missed them too and that actually he missed MC 100X whatever amount they missed him and that he planned on getting in touch with them but the grand opening had them busy. Inside the cafe they meet Simeon who is happily surprised that MC and Mammon are their first customers but that they aren't supposed to open yet. MC asks them what the cafe is about and they say it's a cover for them while they are in the human world and when MC then asks them why they're here Simeon says that Michael appointed him to coordinate relations between the human world and celestial realm. MC and Mammon's stomachs start growling loud enough to resemble Beel's and Simeon offers them breakfast when they remember they haven't eaten. MC catches them up on what's happened and Luke and Simeon laugh about MC now officially being the brothers' babysitter. Mammon says that the angels are really starting to get on his nerves and what they really came for was the coffee that everyone's talking about.
Simeon says that it's just a stupid rumour. MC says but wouldn't it be good for business. Simeon says yeah but since the cafe is just a cover they don't really care about making money and that as angels marketing under a false advertisement is something he can't condone. mammon asks how a rumour like that started and Simeon says that a girl had accidentally walked into the cafe thinking it was some other place and he had given her a free cup of coffee just to see if their new brew tasted good. the girl had later had unexpected, dramatic good luck in her romantic life and had spread the rumour. MC asks if this means Simeon has cupid like powers. Simeon says that he doesn't have that kind of powers, though some angels do. Luke says that angels possess powers from the moment they are born but like humans who are good at some things and bad at others, certain angels can only do certain things with their powers and that angels are assigned a rank based on how skilled they are at what they can do. Simeon's an archangel. Archangels serve as warriors in the celestial realm. And this is really interesting cause it means that Simeon actually fought against the brothers during the war and was not just a passive bystander. It also means Mammon was probably an archangel cause of his 'warrior' card and probably the only archangel from his brothers considering they don't have similar cards. Mammon teases Luke about just being a lower level grunt and Luke says that's still just in training and in the process of determining what he's good at meaning he's not been assigned a rank yet. Simeon says that since Michael expects great things from Luke that'll be really successful. Mammon teases Luke about how if he works hard and aims for the stars he might one day be on the top - a seraph (If this is the highest rank does this mean that's what Michael and Lucifer were?). Luke says that he's actually hoping to be a principality, which mammon laughs about. Simeon finally serves breakfast and talks about wanting to find a way to squash the rumour. MC offers to help and Mammon (rightfully) calls them out on sticking their nose where it doesn't belong again and says he's not gonna help unless they offer to pay him in gold. MC uses puppy dog eyes. It's super effective. Man actually starts blushing and panting and gasping before he gives up and agrees to help. pls sir there's a child here. Simeon calls out Mammon for being a hopeless simp (he actually just says "You really do adore Mc, don't you Mammon?") Luke says MC and Mammon are fucking disgusting and if he watches another second of this BS he's gonna hurl.
while brainstorming about how exactly they are gonna spread a rumour about the first rumour not being true Mammon says that if people saw a couple drink the coffee and instantly break up it might work but hahah it's not like you have one of those. Simeon thinks it's a brilliant idea. MC agrees and Mammon who has probably never been complimented for his plans combusts before pulling it together and puts on his confident narcissistic persona. Luke and Simeon eye up MC and Mammon as their potential couple. Mammon refuses cause he doesn't want to fight with MC even if it's just an act. Simeon offers for their breakfast to be on the house if Mammon agrees and Mammon says he already assumed it was (I mean so did I...). MC says they would really like Mammon to be their partner for this and obviously he instantly blushes and caves in. Luke calls MC out on being a manipulative little shit. Simeon asks MC and Mammon to practice a breakup before the customers come. MC can either start with 'there's something I want to tell you...' - Mammon asks if that's the way they are gonna start and then gets sad and asks them to reconfirm if this is actually an act. or they can start with 'ugh! I can't take it anymore!', and mammon gets shocked and then sad cause he says that since there are so many things wrong with him he can't decide what they are upset about and HOLY SHIT can we get this man some therapy!????? MC gets to pick one outta three problems. 1. He needs to return what he borrowed from them - he says he will eventually. 2. he needs to stand up to lucifer for once - he says he would if he could but each time he tries lucifer just gets worse. 3. he needs to just come out and admit he loves them - he blushes and says not in front of the angels and that he'll do it when they are alone. He then growls and says he has complaints too and that there's a lot he wants to say. he then starts dishing out actual grievances while Simeon and luke awkwardly watch. Luke says something along the lines of 'uhh i don't think he's acting anymore'. Mammon while blushing and sad says that MC is always flirting with others, and asks why they stay up gaming with levi all night, or why they let Asmo touch them all the time,  and why they let Belphie sleep on their lap without offering Mammon to do so, And how he absolutely hates the way they lock eyes with Lucifer and just smile and how he doesn't even want them to breathe in front of Lucifer and can we pls talk about the complex Mammon has regarding Lucifer? Lucifer really just took all his trauma and daddy issues and passed it on to his kids huh? Mammon again while blushing says he wants nothing to do with someone like MC and that it's over he then tries to growl at them but he fails cause "Dammit! Like I could ever really say that to you! I love you, MC! And I'll NEVER break up with you, okay?! NEVER!" and god this man is so soft my insides are melting i can't deal with this shit. Simeon sighs about Mammon being useless ((((Probably while Mammon and MC cling on to each other and cry about having to fake break up with each other i dunno they're both pretty useless))))
Since the whole fake breakup thing failed the cafe is packed and Simeon has MC and Mammon working for him during the rush. Satan and Beel end up walking in, when MC asks them how they are doing they both say they are better. Satan had found a curse that ended up transferring all his illness to someone he hates (RIP Lucifer i guess) and Beel's stomach is strong enough that he got over it quicker than the rest. Despite insisting they're only here as paying customers Simeon puts them to work with a sweet smile and a dark purple aurora reminiscent of Lucifer's and a flash of lightening (I love how they keep revealing that Simeon is secretly terrifying) with the reasoning that the cafe is flooded cause Mammon couldn't fake breakup with MC and as Mammon's brothers it's their duty to help out. Beel cries about having to work without being given to eat but is too terrified to actually protest. Mammon suggests MC and him sneaking away now that Satan and Beel are there, MC gives their best impression of Lucifer yelling Mammon (which considering it's previously fooled both Beel and Mammon is probably really good) and he gets back to work
back in their sitting room at home the four of them are beat, though Beel is happy considering he ate all the BLT sandwiches Simeon gave them as payment. Satan says it's a surprise to see the angels here and Mammon tells them about how Michael wants them to coordinate relations between the human world and celestial realm, Satan says that's sus cause that's usually a job for dominions not archangels and that it probably means that Michael is planning something. Mammon says "so you mean he's plotting something again?" . MC can ask about Michael from 1. Mammon - He says he's a demon masquerading as an angel. And that the punishments he gave Mammon gave him shiver, though Satan says that Mammon earned those punishments. Still doesn't excuse the fact that an angel was able to deliver punishments that can still make a demon who had to survive with Lucifer's punishments shiver... 2. Satan - Satan says that back then he was still just a part of Lucifer and could only see the world through Lucifer's eyes. He says that Michael was everything that humans imagine an angel to be and more and that he had a certain presence about him. Beel says the same could be said about Lucifer. 3. Beel -  he said he smelled tasty.......like sweets. Mammon says that he was always eating sweet stuff. Mammon says that Michael was A LOT like Lucifer. Satan says that while they were the polar opposite in terms of appearance it felt like they were twins. Mammon says that Michael was crazy about Lucifer (I mean he still has a weird shrine for him so yeah...) and that he really cared about lucifer. Satan says that it's cause Lucifer embodied everything Michael wasn't but wished to be and that he projected himself onto lucifer. Beel says they should probably open up an umbrella. Mammon goes wtf and Beel says cause it's raining. Mammon goes 'bro wtf we're inside'. Satan goes 'actually wait no I'm getting wet'. MC notes a leak in the ceiling, above which is Asmo's bathroom. They've been in this Mansion for little over a week and it's already leaking...
That's the end of the lesson. I'll post screenshots of Luke and Simeon's outfits in a bit. Cause they've been talking about Michael's appearance and personality and cause at the end of the last season he told MC he'll meet them soon do you think we'll actually get to see him? Is it bad that the angels scare me more than the demons? Since they brought up the witches while in the human world do you think we'll get to meet them/have more backstory? hdgudysidhzsjb I loved this lesson and I have so many questions that need to be answered... Let me know what you think!
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lampmeeting · 4 years
For Toki/Magnus prompts! Hope that at least one of them helps spark inspiration!! 1.)In a surprising twist of events, it's Magnus who asks to see the latest Disney movie. 2.) They go through CDs that's in their native languages (if we go by the Magnus is Armenian headcanon) 3.) Toki ends up gifting Magnus something for his birthday or other way around 4.) Magnus actually tries to teach Toki to drive-
ohhhhh my goodness, ash, you have gifted me such wonderful ideas! T~T i’m SUCH a sucker for birthday fics, though, i dunno why. so i gotta pick that one. :3 all these other ideas are being stored in my brainvault for use in later things though, rest assured.
i went REAL self-indulgent with this aaaaahahahah... post-doomstar babey. magnus is having a hard time of things. this got so fucking long kjfgkdf
[tw for mentions of suicide]
After so many years of nothing on his plate, no band, no projects, no responsibility to anyone but himself, this pulled-in-all-directions bullshit was getting old fast. It had happened so quickly. Offdensen had needed a place for him to go once he could get up from the hospital bed, a place to keep him out of Mordhaus and away from the band, but close enough to keep an eye on him. He hadn’t had a moment to himself on his own terms since waking up out of the coma, and he kinda missed it. At least he slept in the coma.
Magnus left the latest staff meeting for the newly-built Dethklok Home for Wayward Musicians and returned to his on-site living quarters, aka his jail cell with a nice kitchen. There was a camera at the door to make sure he stayed or left when he was meant to stay or leave, and he’d been operating under the assumption that the place was bugged. Because why wouldn’t it be? 
And fuck his chest hurt. He unbuttoned his shirt and checked the incision in the hallway mirror. From just below the dip in his clavicle, a red, gnarled line split his chest for about twelve inches--a result of the surgery to repair the stab wound to his heart and whatever that fucking pipe had punctured. Awful. Just fucking awful. He wasn’t exactly taking care of it very well, either. Barely ate, barely slept. What did it matter, exactly? A fucked up scar to match his fucked up eye and his fucked up face and his fucked up life.
He took a deep, wincing breath and let it out as a long sigh. Whatever.
His phone rang. That fucking stupid “dethphone” everyone in the company seemed to have. Magnus fought it out of his back pocket, swearing as the little spines caught on his jeans. “What??”
“Oh! You pickeds up!”
Magnus swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. He still had no goddamn idea why Toki wanted anything to do with him. They’d had their little moment in the hospital at Mordhaus, blubbering like babies, Magnus apologizing and Toki just so damn happy to see him alive for whatever reason. And he still wasn’t exactly sure why he hadn’t been left to bleed out in the street. Would’ve been a lot easier for everyone, Magnus included.
Shit, he kept doing that--getting lost in his own head when he should be speaking to people. He’d probably talked to more people in the past few weeks than he had in the past few years, and his brain just wanted it to stop already. “Yup, I’m here. What is it?”
“Are you gonna bes at home laters?”
Where else would he be? “Yeah.”
“Oh goods! I’m on my way, pal!”
Magnus nearly swore at him. “I’m sorry, you’re what?”
“I’m flyins over! Sees you in a few hours.”
“Okay, but why--” But Toki hung up. Magnus threw the phone at the wall which only sent a shock of grating pain through his sternum. He pressed a hand to the incision. “Ahh, son of a bitch.”
Fucking Toki. He really didn’t want to deal with him tonight. All the talking, all the laughing. They hadn’t seen each other since he’d left the hospital, but he had to imagine Toki wanted to pick up where they left off before everything went to shit. Probably wanted to drag his ass to laser tag or something equally asinine. God fucking damnit, all he wanted to do was sleep.
Easing down onto the couch, he closed his eyes and tried to breathe. Even if Toki came over, it wouldn’t be forever. Time would pass, the kid would return to Mordhaus. It would be okay. Magnus would just have to be patient. He could be patient. He was good at that. Or at least he used to be.
All right. All right. He was fine. 
So he waited for Toki. He sat in front of the TV for a while, attempted to nap with no success, made a frozen dinner that he barely touched. Through it all, his chest ached with increasing discomfort, the result of being too rough with himself lately. He wasn’t allowed to keep pain medication, though. Definitely not opioids given his history, but not even over-the-counter stuff. Assholes. If he wanted to kill himself again, it wouldn’t be with pills.
Toki finally knocked on the door with his typical shave-and-a-haircut, and Magnus called him in. “There’s no lock.”
Toki poked his head in the door and the rest of him followed after. He carried a white box in both hands and grinned from ear to ear. Magnus wrenched himself up from the couch and tried to keep the twist of agony off his face.
“Surprise!” Toki cried.
“It’s hardly a surprise, buddy, you told me you were coming.”
“No, no, this!” And Toki shoved the box at him. “Opens it, opens it! Oh, I can’ts waits to see you’s face!”
Screaming expletives in the safety of his head, Magnus tilted the box away from him and slowly opened the top, fully expecting something to pop out. When nothing happened, he peered inside.
It was a cake. Small, homemade. Buttercream frosting, and scribbled on top in icing were two stick figures more or less recognizable as Toki and Magnus holding hands under a rainbow. Across the rainbow in white icing it read Happy Birthday Magnus!
“I...forgot it was my birthday.”
“That’s okay. Toki remembers.”
Magnus set the cake down on the kitchen table and stared at it, chest throbbing. “Why would you do this?”
“What you means ‘whys’? Because we’s friends!”
“I’m no friend of yours, Toki.”
“Sure you ams! You wents kinda crazy but you’s gettins better now.”
“Oh, I dunno about that.”
But Toki kept smiling. “Eats some cake. Cake’s whats makes bad feelings goes away.”
Magnus didn’t have the energy to argue. Toki went into the kitchen and shuffled through a few drawers before asking, “You don’ts has a knife?”
“Nope, not allowed.”
Toki went quiet, searched a little longer, then returned to the table with a fork. “Here!”
Magnus took the fork hesitantly. “Just one? You’re not having any?”
“I can’ts has sugar, remembers?”
Of course he remembered. He’d given Toki his insulin injections for a month.
“So wait, you made a cake that you can’t eat?”
Toki just laughed. “I mades it for you, not me.”
For some reason that made Magnus’ eyes well up. He bit the inside of his cheek and forced it all down. The doctors had told him it was normal to be more emotional than usual during recovery, but god damn. It was a fucking cake and he wanted to cry about it.
Magnus shoved the forked into his little stick figure foot and took a bite. Oh. It was really good. He’d been living off TV dinners and cheap pizza, hospital food before that, and finally having something actually edible in his mouth was heaven. He closed his eyes, chewing reverently. When he opened them, Toki had his fists curled excitedly under his chin.
“So?? Ams good?”
Magnus went for another bite. “Yeah.” Popped it in his mouth. He couldn’t get enough, and before he realized how much he’d been eating, about a third of the cake was gone. He put down the fork, embarrassed. “I’ll, uh. Save the rest for breakfast.”
Toki hadn’t stopped beaming at him for a second. “You wanna dos something now?”
Ah, here it came. What exhausting fucking outing did Toki have in mind? An arcade? The mall? “Sure, just, uh, not anything too--”
“Thoughts maybes we could just hangs out here, watch a movies.”
“If that’s okay.”
Magnus let go of a rough, relieved breath. “Yeah. Yeah, buddy, let’s do that.”
They’d found an old black and white samurai movie just starting on TV and settled in on the couch to watch. Toki sat cross-legged, enraptured, making little comments (”wowee!” “oh, brutal!”) every time something cool happened. Magnus rested back and stretched out his legs, trying to find a position that didn’t make his pain any worse. And once he did, he began to doze off.
He jerked his chin up from his chest, flinching awake, pressing subtly at his incision. Toki noticed. “Are yous okay?”
“Think so.”
Toki looked at the movie again for a moment then turned back to him. “Can I sees it?”
“You don’t wanna.”
“I dos.”
Magnus grumbled and shifted to face him a little better, not liking the grinding sensation in his sternum as he moved. Made him feel a little sick. Still, he unbuttoned his shirt and parted it just enough for Toki to get a good look.
Toki’s eyes went huge with shock, and in the light of the TV Magnus could see tears gathering and threatening to fall. He buttoned himself up again in a hurry, flustered. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, kid.”
“I’m sorries,” Toki wailed a little, rubbing at his eyes. “Just looks like it really, reallies hurts.”
“That’s ‘cause it does.” Magnus couldn’t deny that. He turned back to the movie just in time to see one of the samurai cut himself open with his own sword. He put a hand to his chest again, feeling his repaired heart pounding away in his ribs. Being allowed to die like that would’ve been nice, he thought. By his own hands. An atonement for all the terrible, unforgivable shit he’d done. Not something he was supposed to fucking wake up from in a hospital bed. Toki was silent. Magnus snatched up the remote to turn the TV off.
They sat in the dark for a moment until Toki spoke, his voice small. “Do you still wants to do that?”
“To do what?”
Magnus grumbled noncommittally. “Maybe. I dunno. It doesn’t matter.” He pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes. “More than anything I just wanna fucking sleep.”
The couch sprang up a little as Toki got up, and when Magnus lowered his hands he realized Toki was offering his.
“Then comes on. Let’s go to asleeps.”
Magnus looked up at him. This kid, this man, this god or whatever the fuck--why was he bothering? Why was he here, being so kind to him? Magnus didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve anything. Death, sleep, a friend. Not a goddamn thing.
Toki leaned down and took his hands. No one had touched him in weeks, and the last person had been Toki, too, now that he thought about it. “I means it. Ups.”
He lumbered to his feet with Toki’s help and dragged ass into the bedroom. “You gets ready for bed,” Toki told him. “I’ll bes right back.”
In the dark of the bedroom, Magnus wormed carefully out of his clothes and pulled up a pair of pajama bottoms. He could feel the two halves of his breastbone click against each other as he reclined into the pillows, heard it in his fucking head, and he gulped down sudden nausea. His eyes drifted shut. He was so tired. But no matter how much he tried to sleep, there always came a point where he woke himself up, yanked himself from the edge of that deep, restorative sleep he really needed, as if he were afraid of going too far under and never resurfacing.
He heard soft footsteps on the carpet, felt the mattress sink a bit, and then something so warm draped over his chest and he groaned before he could think to stop himself. The pain retreated, not all the way, but enough to unknot his stomach. When he opened his eyes, Toki was there.
“Warms wash cloth,” he said. “It helps?”
“Yeah.” Magnus shuddered in relief, so grateful he could cry. And when Toki placed a hand so tenderly on his brow, he finally did. Just for a second. Just to get it out. “Sorry. Fuck...”
Toki smiled down at him, and even in the darkness he seemed to glow. Maybe he was a god.
“Try tos rest now. Ams gonna looks after yous all night, so don’ts worry abouts nothing.”
“Mm-hm.” Toki’s fingers started to weave into his curls. It was...nice. “Happy birthdays, Magnus.”
“...thanks, buddy.” And Magnus slept.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
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To Be So Lonely Harry Styles au pair AU-
Chapter 3
Another Day Till Paradise
HI! Thanks for reading, to @chasm2018​, for brainstorming, @papiermachecat​ for the catalyst, and @dirtystyles​ and @emulateharry​ for the read through!
"Just one more set of notes to go over and I get to put this case away forever! And we get to go to Malibu!" Vee sing-songed into the phone. Harry's  chuckle was in key with her happiness.
"It's a long time coming, I know." She could imagine his fond smile. "You've been working hard for months."
"Months and months." She stretched long and groaned a little.
"You tired?" He asked. "You were up before Maribel and out the house."
"I am, but also really restless. I was so excited about putting this one to bed, I wasn't able to sleep much myself." She started to get her auto dictating stuff together. She usually typed things, but she was feeling the 12 hours she'd been up and knew the words would blur. She'd do it like this and have her assistant proof and file. She was ready to go home. That meant she needed to get off the phone. "What are the babies doing?" She asked instead.
"Oh, well, they are thrashing about in their cribs." She heard him move the monitor. "Looks like Bel is up and staring at Teo, willing him awake."
"Seems late for them to sleep." Since they dropped to one nap it was just after lunch until 2:30.
"We had that date with Jameson's nanny from playgroup, remember? They are on a slightly later schedule, so I fed them and then had them walk the short distance home."
"How did you do that?" Her mind boggled trying to picture it, she was sure her eyes goggled too.
He laughed. "I alternated. One by hand, the other on my hip, and when one started whining while the other started to drop off, I switched them." God, he was strong.
"Nice." Vee really should go.
"Yeah it worked a treat. You done typing the brief? when will you be home?" She heard him click off the monitor. "Teo is more than stirring now."
"Um," she'd be about done had she either got off the phone to dictate or typed it while they spoke. She opened a doc and started typing. She may be tired, but this was faster. "Give me a half an hour."
"Need to let me go?" She kinda did. He was walking, his breath was a little faster.
"No, put me on speaker and let me talk to the babies. We can wake them together." She heard a cry.
"Oh no need to wake them. But mamas voice may quiet them." She put her own phone on speaker and talked with Teo while she heard Harry with Maribel in the background.
She'd be jealous she wasn't there except she would be for the next two weeks. Harry had a friend in LA, a wealthy one (she'd have to ask about that), who had offered his beach house. She'd been bandying about vacation ideas when Harry's face brightened in that way he had. His ideas were usually brilliant, and he told great stories, though usually his tales of their day revealed more about himself than any direct question she had asked him. When she asked about him, he'd shrug and go over his CV. Born in the north of England, divorced parents, amazing mum, lovely sister, moved to the states to do his doctorate, couldn't keep up with the expense, was in sabbatical to earn some money to finish.
Those were all pleasant facts, except the divorce, his face scrunched like bitter lemon on that tidbit, but they weren't really about him. The thing she knew, were from observation, or his long asides.
He liked his coffee black but his tea strong and sweet, and only from a pot, not a bag. His favorite meal was breakfast and he ate it at all times of the day and night. Once she'd found him making pancakes at 2:30 am. "Couldn't sleep, and it's always a good time for pancakes," he'd grinned. "Try it." So she'd sat at the breakfast bar and been a good student of anytime breakfast. He also liked to grab cold pancakes as a snack, as did her babies now. "I use the whole grain mix and put in eggs, so they get protein." He'd looked for approval.
He looked for her approval a lot. She wasn't sure if he was trying to keep her involved, was being polite, or really was unsure. Harry's ideas and ways were nearly always A+.
He had asked for approval on the Malibu idea. And he'd told the story in that meandering way of his. Vee, how she'd come to think of herself since he adopted the nickname, usually left with more information about him, and less about whatever the actual topic.
The day they'd been talking about vacation ideas was a perfect example. Harry had been sitting across from her with that sweet little cock to his head he got when she was talking at length. It might be the first time in her life she felt like somebody listened to her and really liked it. Her mama did too, now, but when she was little her mama had been so tired. She worked too hard, too much, and too many jobs. Mama was tired when she got home, and she never had the money or paid time off for a vacation. Because of that, all that scarification, Vee did.
"I should be done with this case at month ends I think I'd really like to go somewhere, relax, play with the babies, sleep in."
Harry laughed. "Vacation with the twins means you won't be getting to sleep in much."
"Not if you come with us." She raised her eyebrows at him. He deserved a vacation too. He'd been working a lot right along with her. She'd paid him extra, but wanted to do more, and there was the other benefit. "Then we can switch off days, I'll keep them most nights, but maybe you can keep them a few mornings?" She hoped he liked the idea, or maybe he would like to just have the time off to see friends, or maybe even go home. "If you want too." She tried to take the pressure off, scale back the hope in her eyes.
"I think that vacation sounds amazing!" His dimples were so huge, she liked that they showed sometimes even when he wasn't smiling. He was now. "What kind of vacation were you thinking, mountains, beach, big city? Driving or flying?"
He was about to keep going when she cut him off. He might start talking about his favorite vacation when he was 12, or something, and entertaining as that time in Portugal may have been, it wasn't germane to the moment.
"I would actually just love to get out of the city, but still have city amenities. Beaches, and laying around, with nice food and hiking, but not an all inclusive. Ya know. And sunsets. I'd really love some devastating sunsets." She missed heat too. "Somewhere warm. And flying. But not too far. And no layovers. Not with Beli and Teo."
Harry had straightened up in his chair and smiled with flashing eyebrows. He'd put a finger up while he stood before disappearing into a room. He came back 15 min later with the same light on his face stirred together with a bit of triumph.
"I have the perfect vacation for us!" He grabbed the barstool he'd vacated with one dinner plated sized hand and sat across from her. Then leaned in with his chin on his fist. "Have you ever been to LA?"
Victoria wasn't able to school her face.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. But there are some really amazing things to do and see there, if you avoid the star walk and such." She'd not been to the star wall. She'd been there for a conference and hadn't seen much but the walls of it, and the immediate area in downtown LA. She hadn't been impressed.
"How'd you know so much about LA?" It was on the other side of the world after all, from the place that imprinted on his voice.
"Oh, I have family, although I guess more close family friends there," he stopped to puzzle over the tree and its branches. "Yeah, just my dad's old college mate, not actually blood relations, though I called him uncle my whole life. Anyway, I wasn't sure where I wanted to go for my post grad. I talked to myself about the requisite places in England. But Oxford and Cambridge seem so stuffy."
"And Harvard isn't stuffy?" She'd gone to Brown.
He had a goofy snicker sometimes. It might be her favorite flavor of his laugh. "Not nearly as cool as Brown. Who went there?" He rapped his chin. "Oh JFK Jr! That's right. Who else?"
There was a list but she just narrowed her eyes.
"Anyway. The opposite of stuffy seemed like California. So I decided that Stanford might be nice. So I called my 'uncle' in LA to see if I could stay with him and commute to school or something."
Vee giggled.
"Ya, I had no idea how big California was. I guess I figured it was like San Francisco, Stanford. LA. Three hours tops, make a tour, see the sights, catch the vibe," he mimicked a surfboard and she lost it.
She was full out laughing by now. His hand illustrations and the little literal hop, skip, and a jump he performed before that. He should go to Disneyland too with that level of animation. "Did your uncle teach you different?"
"Well, no, like kinda. He mostly just was excited to have me. But we went to his house on the beach in Malibu first and then drove to Stanford. Which was beautiful. Up the coast."
"Isn't that like 12 hours?"
"Like 10, I dunno, forever, but we stopped in Monterey. That was nice. And beachfront. By the time we got to Palo Alto, which means high stick by the way, that's a weird name for a town, I was disappointed. The weather was way better in Malibu. Also I had imagined Stanford was waterfront."
"It's not far. The whole state can't be on the ocean."
"Think my expectations were ruinous. I had no idea how big the place was. But, it wasn't what I had in my mind." He shrugged.
"And Boston was." That was the puzzle. It was cold here, and definitely not postcard beaches.
"Well, it's waterfront."
"Do you do much swimming?" She asked.
"I had it in my mind to go abroad by then, and  Boston seemed to have shit weather like home."
"Shittier." Vee flashed her palms like that was a given. There was more to this story, something she wasn't getting.
"Oh, Texas has better?" Harry derailed her and got up to move behind her in the kitchen. He was grabbing food now. Oooh, nap snack time. She loved when he did this. It was like an informal nosh, so different from the stuffy steak lunches at work when she had to go to client things.
How the hell did he pull together a bruschetta bar so quickly? "Made it last night." He answered her face. "Had a craving, made loads." She'd been around the office late again Friday evening, but only two more weeks until the case officially ended. Her part anyway. But she answered his cheek while she loaded up a toast point.
"Claro, San Antonio at least. Houston's a bit shit, Dallas gets cold, and hellishly hot—"
"Isn't San Antonio really hot?" He interrupted.
"Yeah, but it's a little drier, and there are hills and Austin is close, and it's just better. Certainly than Boston." She sighed. Sometimes she missed how big the sky was and that the clouds looked like cartoons.
"You'll have to show me." She'd like to. The house that built her. That was like the only country song she liked.
She smiled and nodded looking. "Yeah, sometime, you can come to when we go we abuelita. But, much as I love my mother, that's not a vacation exactly."
"Right." He nodded along. "So I just called James, my pseudo uncle, and they are going home for a month. He said we could use his beach house...." Harry's eyebrows  were as high as they could go, floating on hope.
"I only have two weeks."
"Yeah, that's enough, you'll be missing the east-coast-no-bullshit by then. Everybody is fake happy and nice in California." He sounded like he was standing behind a lectern.
"Like you." She felt the need to remind him. He was the happiest person she knew.  But she knew a lot of lawyers.
"Oh, mine's not fake." He shook his head.
That was true. He really was just ridiculously nice.
"But it has its perks. Last time I was there, I found this smoothie shop, amazing wheatgrass shots, and they have a vegan restaurant." he responded to her face, again. He read her like a favorite book. "When in Malibu, Vee." His smile required an answer and a question.
"What the fuck is wheatgrass?"
"You just cursed!" He covered the speaker of the monitor.
She smirked, "That's so we can hear them, not them us, tonto."
"Did you just curse again, but in Spanish?!" He made his offended face. "You def need some California vibes and lots of wheatgrass to detox that liver. All that anger!" He was s shaking his head.
"What my what? None of what you just said makes any sense." She was giggling.
"I dunno, I'm making it up, based on what I can remember about how the guy got me to drink juiced grass. He said anger lives in the liver or the pancreas or some such. But it was good! The grass, kinda. And I felt good and my skin glowed after a few days of it."
His skin always glowed.
He misunderstood her incredulity. "You'll see! We can try some—"
"I'm not drinking grass, like I never ate mud pies." Victoria insisted, shaking her head at him, but carefully keeping her elbow against him. His had come to rest against her a moment ago. He was warm. It was hard for her to find the right temperature. She didn't have that trouble when they were adjacent.
"It's a thing. A Malibu thing, guaranteed to chill you out." That phrase sounded weird and wonderful in his accent. "All we need is flights, a car, everybody drives there, and bathing suits!" He picked up his phone. "Where do they have bathing suits right now? It's outta season."
The snow was black and melting. They may get one more blanket, or not. It was technically spring, just not in Boston.
"Target, it's almost Spring break." She reminded.
The corners of his lips turned down and she cocked her head to the side. She needed to look at his timeline. He seemed to really want to go back to school. She'd miss him dearly, but maybe they could work something out. Maybe she could hire somebody else for when he was in class and studying?
His brow cleared and brightened with an idea. "Wanna go pick stuff out while they finish their nap? Then we can meet you at the green. I'll bundle them up."
She checked her weather app. "Layers, the actual sun may come out!" She was already putting on her purse.
Vee had essentially been packing since that day, little by little. Well, shopping was probably a better word for it. She bought her first mum suit, and tried not to think much about it. Her old suits still fit, or fit again, just not like they used to, and her stomach had new pink welts, like veins of cotton candy, down the sides. She supposed there was nothing to be done about it, two humans had lived in there for a time. That had to leave a mark, right?
She still packed her old high cut black one piece. It looked good and she felt great in it. Victoria caught herself wondering what Harry would think of it before she switched her focus to the babies' suitcase. Like that mattered.
This mattered. Traveling with small children required stuff.
She'd been shopping for Teo and Bel as well. Who knew that resort wear for near toddlers were so adorable? There were a few pieces she knew would be super frustrating, long dress style things, cover ups she supposed.  She just wasn't sure what a baby needed to cover up. But it was so damn cute she'd bought it. There was a little voice in her head that said the inhibited movement may be worth the squalling near a pool. And what a pool it was.
More like an oasis from Harr's pictures. The lush greenery around the deck was like ivy, made it private from the beach the stairs led to. There was a gate, so the kiddos couldn't fall down the path or into the foliage, and the lounge chairs looked so plush, they made her want to nap immediately. "The fabric is moisture wicking, so you don't really need a towel." Harry had told her. She felt like it was made so you could swim naked, all the privacy screens and no need for linens. Not that anybody would be doing that. Small children and platonic nanny relationships and all.
But the moonlight glinting off crystal blue water and the night lighting of the pool were ethereal. Still took the swimmer to a new place it looked like, but instead the island oasis of the day, it was more a fairy hill, where magic things happened.
She missed magic. She wasn't sure she'd ever really had it. The ex, well they'd had some good days, hanging out on quads and dancing late into the night. But, they'd gone straight to law school, then to a firm. There hadn't been much frolicking. Even their honeymoon had been serious, a tour of St. Petersburg and Poland. It was his dream trip, but some of the things they saw killed the libido. There were certainly no fairy lights or naked swimming.
Had she ever skinny dipped? That seemed like something that should have happened, and she was too old now to add it to her bucket list.
Was she too old?
Maybe it was time to start dating. She felt lonely. And was thinking about Harry in weird ways. She supposed it was just that they were going to a beautiful place that could be romantic. They made good friends, partners really, but he was younger, and they maybe flirted a tiny bit sometimes, but there was nothing romantic. He was just the nearest male. She needed some attention maybe. She hadn't in ages.
Victoria imagined kissing someone, a faceless someone, on one of the loungers, after a delicious midnight dip, of the thin variety. Wet lips and cool skin, hot breath. The feel on long fingers on both sides of her cheeks holding her still to deepen the kiss. The slide and wiggle of a rough tongue along her top mouth. Vee could feel the plump bottom lip  she imagined, and the broad back under her hands as she was rolled under most of the 60's, if the dates on his shoulders were a timeline.  The v of the back to a slim waist against her palms as they slid over skin beaded with cool water, and strong thighs with bits of text and fauna etched against the crux of her. She stood and defiantly closed the zipper.
That got oddly specific .
She needed to go on a date. But, obviously, after they got back from Malibu. Could she make up an excuse to leave the kids with Harry one day and meet with someone at the four seasons? Could she swipe right? She didn't think so. She'd just book a massage instead. The reviews there were amazing.
The knock startled her attention away from her suitcase. The door was open, the knock was courtesy.
"Hey, Harry!" She brightened her voice and smoothed her hair. For a moment, she thought about avoiding eye contact, but that would be a tell. She never did that. Especially not in court--a good suit and strong eye contact were good armor. He'd know something was up, she just had to pretend she wasn't just thinking of him on top of her or a liaison with a random to distract her from it. "You packed?"
"Yeah, did it during nap time today. Thought I'd see if you wanted help with the twins' bags?"
"No, gracias." Ohhh she was distracted. "I did them mostly yesterday, just got together the things that came today."
"And you are done?"
She fidgeted with the zipper her hand was still on, looked at it, so she didn't have to be staring into his eyes anymore. Eye contact was good, until it was eye fucking. She didn't want to get caught there, and her mind was still under the moon. "Yes!"
"It's easy to pack when everything is new huh?" His voice was lined with laughter. His teasing voice; she loved when she caught him talking to the littles in it. The dimples pressed into his voice and his cheeks.
"I put a few older things in there." She was looking in his eyes again. The smile was there too, and in her answering grin.
"Swimsuits, a dress or two you don't intend to wear?" He guessed expertly.
"How do you know that."
"Sister, mum." He shrugged. "But, since you're done, nightcap?"
It was only 9 pm, but their flight was ungodly early, so the kiddos would hopefully sleep until the airport, and they could get a full day on top of travel. "No, a melatonin is probably a better idea. Thanks though." Wine or anything like it, was a bad idea. Red wine made her languorous and chatty. Nope. And horny, which she was already battling, for the first time in a good while.
"Ok, see you before the sun."
"Yes, what a way to start the day!" She felt lame. That was lame, right? But he giggled.
"Oh yeah, I usually like it from the other side more."
"I used to, when you get to be my age, you'll see."
He rolled his eyes, but they had had this discussion before. "Sleep well, Victoria."
He didn't really call her that. She liked the way the syllables rolled off his tongue.
She needed that melatonin. No thinking about his tongue. Anymore thinking about his tongue. She'd need the moon medicine and to meditate, or something, to sleep.
In the end, meditating turned into masturbating, and she slept like a baby, for longer than she had in two months thanks to the case. She was thankful, the flight was hell. They were delayed, their early flight for baby sleep plan backfired, and they didn't make it to the beach house until sundown. And the kids were already sleeping as it was almost their bed time by their internal clocks.
She wished she could pretend she had jet lag, or she was tired at all. Instead, she was shaking from all the coffee she had consumed. Harry, too. They both drank iced coffee the way you were supposed to drink water.
They'd put the babies in the appointed room, where their hosts had put a lovely crib for them. It was only a minute to get the pack and play up. They'd have to alternate nights, seemed fair, though the babies would never know.
She watched them for a second. Two years ago, in the throes of a dying marriage, she'd have never imagined this life, this new life.
Part of that was Harry, he was a godsend. They had  dealt with the rough travel day together, baby switches and breaks included.
Apart from the shakes from all the iced coffee he kept producing, she could not fault him. He'd make somebody a great partner one day.
"Victoria?" She heard and followed the voice. The house was a good size, but not so large she couldn't hear him, and most of the place had a fantastic view.
The view outside was way better than the pictures. The sun was going down and the sunset started like cotton candy, there was a widening purple streak, and from the stairs down to the desk she could see the sun sinking into the ocean. It looked like it went on forever. It stole her breath.
Here sense was taken as well, because the view on the deck was better, Harry was stood between two of the plush deck chairs she had dreamed of and had fantasies about. He had two glasses of champagne, and was backlit by the sunset.
The worst of it, was that he was shirtless.
"Dios mio!" she exclaimed.
"Right," he opened his arms and turned around. His back was broader than she imagined. "Could this view be more gorgeous?
No, no it couldn't.
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cyi-can-you-imagine · 5 years
Starved - Chapter 17
Chapter 17 – Hungry
He didn’t know why he took a bite. He didn’t even know why he picked up the sandwich. But the moment his lips touched it, his whole body went numb. All sound vanished. He felt a wave of relief wash over him. Suddenly, nothing mattered. Only food.
He finished half the sandwich in four bites. He immediately grabbed the second half and started to shove it in his mouth, when Dean pulled it from Sam’s hand.
In the span of maybe five seconds, Sam went from reserved to ravenous.
“Whoa, take it easy, kid…slow down!” Sam suddenly snapped to attention and looked over at his brother.
“Dean, I’m suddenly…hungry!”
“Sam, honestly? That’s awesome…but you gotta slow down. You stomach isn’t used to it ok, we gotta do it the right way. The doctor has a really good plan, ok? Introduce foods back slowly. OK?”
But Sam’s eyes narrowed. He looked angry. He lunged forward quickly.
“Dean, give it back, I’m fucking hungry!” Sam growled at his brother, actually growled. He pulled it back out of Dean’s hands and began ripping it apart, shoving large chunks into his mouth frantically, as if it were about to disappear. Dean thought he saw Sam’s eyes turn dark, like tar. But the color was gone in a flash, and Dean had to shake his head, wondering if he imagined it or not. Then Sam blinked and the whites reappeared and his sunflower eyes returned.
Dean furrowed his brow, unsure of what he actually just saw. He tried to hold his brother down as Sam started to convulse.
“Sam! You’re going to hurt yourself! Calm down! What’s going on with you!”
But Sam did not hear him.
Just as he shoved another bite in his mouth, Bobby walked in, carrying the skinny leather book he had showed them earlier. He was talking as he walked in, and  didn’t look up, so he didn’t notice the situation in front of him right away.
“I’ve been reading about that so-called curse of yours, Sam. You might want –“ he looked up suddenly and noticed the struggle in front of him. “Dean? What’s going on? Dean was holding Sam’s wrists down, and Sam had food hanging from his mouth that his teeth had a vice grip on. His hair was thrashing around wildly.
“Little help here. Bobby?”
Bobby dropped the book and ran to help Dean.
Sam was growling now, snapping at Bobby, food flying out of his mouth.
“Dean, what’s going on?” Bobby managed to carefully pin Sam’s injured arm, while Dean grabbed the other one.
“I dunno, Bobby, he just ate this sandwich and then…this happened!”
“Sam, stop!” Bobby yelled.
Sam flailed a few more times as he tried to swallow all of the food he had in his mouth. When his mouth was empty, he suddenly stopped struggling and tried to sit back on the couch as if nothing had happened. His rapid breathing slowed, and he suddenly seemed able to focus on the world around him again.
“D-dean?” Sam asked, noticing the two men hovered over him with worried expressions on their faces, bits of sandwich strewn across his lap and the couch.
“It’s ok, Sam. It’s okay, here…he loosened his grip and Sam sat up with him.
“Wh-what happened?” Sam was very confused.
“I uh…” Dean started.
Bobby, sensing Dean’s hesitation, jumped in. “Hey Sam, you kinda got weird on us for a bit there. You ok, boy?”
Sam nodded and sat up further. He blinked, still showing confusion. “Yeah, I’m ok, I think. My-my stomach hurts, though.”
“Yeah, uh Sam…you ate the sandwich I made. The whole thing. You just shoved it down your throat.”
“I did? I don’t…remember…”
“You don’t remember?” Bobby stood up straight, clearly thinking about something. He picked up the book and thumbed through it quickly. He found what he was looking for and looked sadly at Sam. He shook his head and closed the book. Standing to leave, he said, “Hey Dean, hang out here with your brother for a bit, ok? I’ve uh…got a phone call to make.”
Dean nodded and pulled Sam close. Sam shuddered a bit and looked at the floor. “I don’t remember Dean,” he said softly. “Like…I felt like I just blinked and you were holding me down on the couch.” Sam shook his head sadly, sliding slowly off the edge of the cushion and slumped down to the floor.
After Bobby left, Dean moved to sit behind Sam on the couch.
“I’m sorry Dean,” said Sam.
“It’s ok, Sammy. It’s ok.” He kissed Sam’s hair and put his hands gently on his brother’s shoulders.
He squeezed gently and Sam sighed softly.
“You like that, baby? Want me to rub your shoulders?”
“Yeah, Dean, that would be awesome.” Sam groaned slightly.
Dean pressed his thumbs deep into Sam. His fingertips pushed and kneaded gently. Suddenly, an idea popped into Dean’s head. “Hey Sammy? I uh…I want to do this right, ok? Why don’t you go take a bath, and I’ll get ready, ok? I’ll give you a proper massage. A full body massage, yeah?”
Sam’s eyes sparkled at the thought of Dean’s hands caressing him.
“Yeah Dean, ok.” He grabbed Dean’s hands and pulled him close, Dean’s chin resting on Sam’s head.
Dean just sat there for a few seconds, relishing the close contact he had missed so much. After a few minutes of peaceful silence, Dean managed to wrangle his hands free from Sam’s grip and kissed the top of his head as he stood up. “I’m so proud of you, Sammy” he whispered into his ear. “Be right back, ok?” Sam nodded and winced when Dean patted his knee. Dean did not notice.
Dean went upstairs to draw Sam a bath, adding bubbles and oils and candles, just like he knew Sam liked. It wasn’t really his taste, but it made his brother happy, so he turned down the lights and called his brother up once the tub was filled and the room was heavy with heat.
“Sam, your bath is ready. Come on up while I get the room ready, ok?”
Sam limped up the stairs slowly, only able to take one step at a time. When he reached the bathroom, he was panting softly. Dean smiled at him and gently pulled him inside. He slowly undressed him, kissing his skin softly each time he removed another article of clothing, taking care with his bandaged arm. When Sam was completely undressed, Dean looked his brother up and down. There was still bruising, but Sam, to him, was perfection.
“Beautiful,” Dean breathed as he helped Sam climb into the tub.
“Soak for as long as you’d like, ok? Let me get this all ready.” Dean paused and looked at his brother, who was now submerged up to his chin, his eyes closed, a small smile on his lips.
Dean was desperately glad to have Sam back with him. It had been almost a year. A fucking year. But now, here they were. Finally. Together. And John was one. Forever. They could be together now. And Dean was gonna make sure this was perfect. He kissed Sam on the forehead and pulled away.
But Sam grabbed his arm and softy whispered, “Wait.”
Dean leaned in and Sam captured him in a kiss. A kiss so deep, so passionate, both brothers felt the world shake beneath them.
When he was finally able to pry himself away, he left Sam alone in the tub, turning off the light completely as he left, taking one last look before he closed the door.
He was in love. He knew it for absolutely sure now.
Dean glanced around their bedroom and frowned. He wanted to be sure to create a setting that was pure deep relaxation. He wanted Sam to feel safe and comfortable. He turned off all the lights, closed the blinds, and lit all the candles he could find. He found some incense in Bobby’s office, and set up the radio to play soft music.
He prepared the bed with fresh sheets, misting them with some peppermint oil. He stepped back and admired his work when Sam stepped into the room, hair slightly damp, and a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Dean…” Sam gasped.
“I know, I know. I’m a romantic. Don’t tell anyone. Just get on the bed, ok? Face down first. Trust me Sammy. Just do what I say, ok?” Sam merely nodded. He stepped forward and as he passed his brother, Dean removed the towel from around his waist, letting it fall to the floor. Sam blushed, but made no effort to cover himself. He still had a hard time with exposing his skinny body, but somehow with Dean, it wasn’t always as hard anymore.
 Sam was lying face down on the bed with his arms down by his sides.
Dean looked his brother up and down, heartbroken at all the bruises and lacerations that were still healing. Fortunately, most of them were gone now, but some of the more severe ones would need a long time to heal.
Dean undressed to his boxer briefs for comfort and carefully straddled Sam’s back. He wanted to use his body weight to add just enough pressure - without hurting him too much, either. He sat just above the rise of Sam’s ass and started by putting a dime-sized drop of massage oil in the palm of his hand and warmed it by rubbing his hands together. Then, he ran his fingers down Sam’s back, still warm and soft from the bath, using long, fluid strokes.
Sam moaned at the first press of Dean’s hands.
Then Dean started gently kneading the muscles, lifting and rubbing them with his fingers and the base of his hand. He spent about half a minute working on each section of muscles—from the base of the back to the shoulders.
Dean moved his body down to below Sam’s ass so he could work on the lower back. He rolled his knuckles up and down on either side of Sam’s spine with his hand in a loose fist. He made sure not to rub the spine itself.
Sam just moaned as Dean pressed harder and harder into Sam’s warm, slippery flesh. “So fucking soft,” he thought. He moved from his shoulders, down his whole back, to his ass.
Here Dean stopped.
“Sammy,” he whispered, his fingers trailing lightly over his baby brother’s skin. He hesitated. His mouth was so close, he just needed to -
A knock at the door startled both boys, Sam especially. He winced at the pain in his arm.
Bobby cleared his throat. “Sorry to disturb you guys, but uh…well, boys, I really need to show you something.” Bobby’s voice wasn’t angry, but firm.
Dean knew he wouldn’t come in, so he asked as he was getting out of bed, “What’s up Bobby? Everything ok?”
“No, I don’t think it is. It’s about your dad.”
Sam froze, his eyes wide. He shook his head frantically.
“Dad’s dead, Bobby,” Dean said as he pulled on his pants over his bare feet, zipping them up as he opened the door.
Sam was still on the bed, blankets now hunched around him as he trembled.
“Technically, yes, but…this curse is more complicated than I thought.” Bobby saw that both boys were decent, and he walked in, placing the book in front of Sam and sat beside him, slowly putting his hands over his face.
Dean’s brows furrowed and looked over Sam’s shoulder.
Both of their eyes scanned the page, their eyes moving rapidly.
“No…” breathed Sam. “No!” Sam looked up at Dean, tears welling in his eyes.
Dean wasn’t as fast of a reader as Sam was, so it took him a minute to catch up to what Bobby and Sam now already knew. Dean’s mouth dropped open.
“Fuck!” he yelled, slamming the book closed and throwing it against the wall.
Starved Taglist
@charliebradbury1104, @sammys-dimpless, @adsp-wincestj2, @vania-montoya, @ netaelex,   @bobbie3939 @mtngirlforever  @dontknowmyname215 @j2sunflowerbaby
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emeraldwaves · 5 years
Title: What We Lack Part 14 Pairing:  Kacchako, Deku/Melissa, Todomomo Rating: T Word Count: 4,351 Read on Ao3 Summary:  
They’re the last people anyone expects to have a child without a quirk.
Neither of them can fully wrap their heads around it, but Ochako knows Katsuki is struggling far more than her.
Thank you to @its-love-u-asshole and @amaisenshi for reading this over and letting me freak out always.
"So you're friends again?" Shouhei asked, scooping a large bite of rice into his mouth. "Does this mean Arata is gonna stop being a dick to us?" He grunted, swallowing down the large bite of rice he took, coughing as he did.
Yuuta raised an eyebrow. "Shou-kun... you really should take smaller bites," he muttered, shaking his head.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," he coughed, patting his chest.
"You're making a mess," Yuuta giggled, leaning forward to gently brush some of the rice off of Shouhei's cheek. They had come up to the roof for lunch, actually taking time to relax with each other.
Here, it was easy for them to be... a little closer. Something Shouhei seemed to avoid when they were together in class or ate lunch in the classroom. It was just... different... when they were alone. Maybe Shouhei really was embarrassed. Yuuta could understand why... it wasn't like he was highly regarded in their class.
He swallowed, knowing he still needed to just ask Shouhei what they were to each other. It was such an easy question, and yet... here he was, concerned and nervous... terrified if he brought it up, it would all be over.
"Yuu..." Shouhei said, leaning towards him with a smirk. He wrapped his fingers around Yuuta's hand, giving it a small squeeze. "You're thinking about something."
"E-Eh!?" he gasped, practically falling backwards. "I-I'm not..."
"You didn't answer me about Arata," Shouhei said, his brown eyes staring intently at Yuuta.
"Mmm..." Yuuta hummed softly, happy Shouhei was willing to divert the subject to his brother. "Well, it seems like he's going to be less of a dick to me, I dunno about you."
Shouhei sighed, letting his head flop forward. "What? You're not gonna put in a good word for me?" he asked.
Giggling, Yuuta shook his head. "Nope. You're gonna have to talk to him yourself."
Shouhei sighed, sitting up. He gently ran his fingers through Yuuta's black and white strands. "So..." he whispered, "is it because he's jealous?"
Yuuta's cheeks heated up, his face throbbing with embarrassment. "J-Jealous of what?"
"Us..." Shouhei said, his fingers gently curling around Yuuta's ear. He stroked at his jaw, his lips hovering above Yuuta's.
"I-I don't know," Yuuta's eyes flicked to the side. "I think Arata... Uhm... I think he..."
"What?" Shouhei asked, his lips curling into a smirk.
"Likes girls?" he muttered. "I-I dunno it's really hard to think when I know you're about to kiss me."
"Good," Shouhei teased, pressing his lips to Yuuta's, kissing him so softly. Shouhei always made Yuuta's stomach flip flop, his body shivering as he melted against the other boy. He wondered if Shouhei had ever kissed anyone else, if that was how he practiced, since he was so damn good at kissing it made Yuuta's head spin.
Sometimes he wanted to do more... he wanted Shouhei to touch and kiss him in other places than his lips. Maybe even a little... lower? Was that horrible? Was he dirty?!
He knew it was better to take things slow, so even after kissing for a bit, Yuuta was happy to snuggle close until the curfew was up and he was forced to return to his room, or the lunch bell rang and they made their way back to the classroom.
"Shou..." he whispered, not wanting the other boy to pull away.
"So... you really think Arata only likes girls?" Shouhei said, still cupping Yuuta's cheeks.
Why did Shouhei care about Arata so much? Did he want to kiss both of them? Yuuta immediately wrinkled his nose and pulled away. "I-I dunno! He never talks about that kind of stuff!"
"Do you want to kiss him instead of me? I get that Arata is better at most stuff compared to me but-"
"Ew! Yuu.... Yuuta... no... no, no... one thousand times no. I don't want to kiss your brother! I want to kiss you!" Shouhei said waving his hands.
"You know, Arata and I are twins," Yuuta said, raising an eyebrow. "If it's so gross to you, why am I not gross?"
"I-I just meant it would be gross to kiss him after kissing you!" he stammered. "You know, this is confusing. First you're upset that you think I wanna kiss him instead of you and then you're upset I don't wanna kiss him?" Shouhei admitted, tilting his head to the side. "Gettin' some mixed signals from you, Yuuta."
"Ugh..." Yuuta sighed, raising his dark eyes to look at Shouhei. "Sorry. I just..." he paused and pressed his teeth against his lips.
"What?" Shouhei asked, concern flickering through his brown eyes. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"
He slammed his eyes shut, curling his hands into fists as he pressed them hard against his own legs. "What are we, Shou?" Yuuta whispered finally, knowing he could no longer put this question off.
"Huh?" Shouhei blinked, completely confused. "What do you mean 'what are we'?"
"I-I mean are we boyfriends?" he muttered, the question sounding so stupid as it left his lips.
Shouhei's mouth practically dropped as he stared at Yuuta. "Uh... is this a serious question?"
"Kinda?" Yuuta muttered, poking his fingers together. "I-I mean, you never do anything publicly or have really said if we are or not."
Shouhei's cheeks turned red, his gaze turning away from Yuuta. "Y-Yeah cause PDA kinda... grosses me out," he muttered. "I just want you to know how much I care about you... the world doesn't fucking need to know. But... it's not because we're not... boyfriends."
"The world doesn't need to know... or you don't want them to know?" Yuuta asked, looking at the ground.
Shouhei pursed his lips. "No, I meant they don't need to know. If you want me to shout from this rooftop that we're dating, I fucking will. I just... kinda assumed we were after I kissed you that first time."
"Well you never specifically asked," Yuuta giggled.
Shouhei adjusted his tie and cleared his throat. "Alright. Todoroki Yuuta, will you be my boyfriend?"
The words were so soft, even coming from Shouhei's gruff voice, and Yuuta's heart fluttered a bit. He'd been wanting Shouhei to say it all officially and now that he had, Yuuta was convinced he was going to combust into blue flames.
Instead, he grabbed Shouhei's cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. "Of course I will."
Shouhei cracked a smile. "And you know, If you want, I can be more honest about all this."
Yuuta shrugged. "Mmm… okay. Maybe we could... hold hands every so often."
Shouhei nodded. "Good deal."
Yuuta nodded, leaning his head against Shouhei's shoulder. Honestly, the more time Yuuta spent with Shouhei, the easier it was to adjust to U.A. It truly felt like he was meant to be here.
Arata sighed, adjusting his backpack as he stood outside of his parents' house. He hoped they were even home. Though he supposed if they weren't it would save him a huge headache.
He knew his father was going to be so incredibly disappointed.
Sucking in a large breath of air, he raised his hand to knock on the door. It was the one day off he had from training with his grandfather, and after talking to Yuuta, he thought maybe he should at least... tell his father. He knew it would be a huge fight, but at least... he wouldn't be hiding anything from them.
He knew he didn't really owe them an explanation... but there was a small part of him deep inside that hated worrying his parents. He hated seeing his mother so... distressed.
Pursing his lips, he knocked on the door and squeezed his eyes shut. Maybe he would be lucky and they would've been gone for the evening or working...
Instead, his father opened the door. "Arata? Why are you not at school?"
He clutched at the straps of his backpack, his hands trembling. "C-Can I come in?" he asked, his blue eyes locking with his father's mismatched ones.
"Of course," Shouto whispered, placing his hand on Arata's shoulder, gently leading him inside. "Is everything okay?"
Why did his dad have to be so straightforward and to the point?
Arata swallowed. "Yeah, fine. I uh... I just thought I could tell you and Mom about the first week."
"You know," Shouto chuckled, "you're always welcome to come home. But you can also call us if you don't want to leave the dorm."
"Yeah... I know..." Arata said. Maybe he should've just called. It would've been easier to hang up when his father started ranting at him about how horrible Enji was and how Shouto didn't approve and... just thinking about these things made Arata tired. "I guess I should've just called."
Shouto's eyes were so soft. "No, no it's good to see you. Like I said, you can always come home."
"Where's Mom?" he asked, peering into the living room.
It was strange, even though he'd only been gone for a few weeks, already his house felt foreign. His parents hadn't changed a thing and yet he felt like a stranger. Like his father and the living room kept moving farther and farther away from him, no matter how fast he tried to work.
And really he had no one to blame but himself.
"Finishing paperwork at her agency. You know how your mother is. Everything has to be in order before she comes home," Shouto chuckled. "Do you want some tea? I'll make some."
Arata shook his head and took a seat on the couch, not even taking his backpack off. He was certain his father was going to kick him out shortly anyway.
Shouto took a seat next to him. "How are your classes going?"
"Good," Arata shrugged. "I uh, I'm one of the strongest in the class, that's for sure," he said, unsure if his father cared about something like that.
"And you've been training?"
Arata nodded again, shaking his red and black hair across his forehead. "Yeah, a lot."
"And your brother? Have you seen him? Are you two getting along?"
Arata sighed. Everything always came back to Yuuta. "We're in separate classes, Dad..."
"Right... of course," he replied, buying that as a good excuse.
Arata sighed, sitting back against the couch. He had no idea how to really even bring this up. What would he say? Casually tell his father he was training with the man Shouto had worked so hard to keep him and Yuuta from?
"Good. It sounds like things are going well," Shouto said.
"Mmm... yeah..." Arata said. "Really well. I'm uhm... grateful..." he whispered, letting his hair fall over his eyes. He wanted to say it, he really did... but he couldn't find the words. Why was he absolutely terrible at speaking... not that his father was really any better.
"Mmm... for being able to attend U.A..." he said softly.
Shouto nodded. "Arata... you are lucky to be attending there, yes, but you work hard too."
"Right..." Arata whispered.
Shouto scooted forward on his chair and leaned in to gently place his hand on the arm of the couch. "Arata... if there's something you need to talk about... your mother and I are always here for you. I know I may not be the best at communicating, but we love you and want you to be happy."
Why was his father being so forthcoming and kind? Arata had never been able to communicate well with him... and yet...
"Yeah," he said, his throat running dry. "I know."
"Good," Shouto nodded and let his hand slide down the couch. He sat back and stared at his son for a moment before nodding. "I just... appreciate your honesty. With everything, Arata."
Arata's face paled. Did he know? Did Yuuta tell him? No. There was no way... his father was way too calm... he would be angrier? Right?
Why did being home make his chest feel tight? Like he was about to suffocate and he could never escape from the disappointment he knew his parents had for him... or even if they didn't have disappointment now, they surely would when they learned what he was doing.
"I know that..."
"Good," Shouto smiled. "We're on the same page."
"Yeah..." Arata said and pushed himself off the couch. "I guess I should... get back because of curfew."
"I'm sure if we signed you out, we could say you stayed for dinner? Your mother would-"
"Sorry, Dad, I have a lot of homework..." he muttered, rubbing his neck. Why had he come here? This was all such a mistake. He wasn't ready to be a disappointment.
"You know, Arata," Shouto sighed, "if something is wrong you can always tell me. Your brother and you left for school, both of you unsure of your path. When I was your age, I felt similarly upon entering U.A. No one said this to me, but I want you to know... that no matter what path you choose, your mother and I are always going to love you."
"Right, yeah... of course," Arata nodded, agreeing with his father's sentiment, though he wasn't quite sure that was actually true.
"Arata was here?!" Momo gasped, looking around the house for a moment as if she would make him reappear or find him somewhere she hadn't seen.
"Yes, love, and he left so he wouldn't be late for curfew."
"Well, that's good at least," she sighed. "You should've texted me."
"I didn't have much time," Shouto replied. "He came in, sat here awkwardly and left after I gave him some advice. Something is wrong but he won't say what?"
Momo sighed, letting herself drop to the couch. "I know... I can tell... but we can't do anything if he won't tell us what is wrong."
Shouto moved to sit next to her, gently stroking over Momo's knee. "I told him he could always talk to us. He needs to realize I am telling the truth."
"I wish I hadn't worked tonight," she muttered. "I just want to know my boy is okay... and here I thought we'd be worrying about Yuuta the whole time..." She ran her hand down her face and gently laced her fingers together with Shouto’s.
"Maybe if I text him..." she said, glancing to her purse on the table.
"I think we need to wait for him to come to us. I think that's why he came here today," Shouto admitted. "It seemed like there was something he wanted to talk about but obviously, he's not ready yet. I don't want to push him..."
"Maybe we should push him..." Momo whispered. "We are his parents and... I don't want anything to happen to him..."
"I don't know... You know how awkward I was when I was a teenager. We both were. In many ways Arata reminds me of myself and I would like to think I'm much better now I'm older... Arata might just need a little bit of time..." he said. "I don't know how to force it out of him anyway..."
"Well... we can give him a little more time but if he doesn't tell us... maybe we'll need to take more drastic measures," she said.
"...Drastic measures how?" he murmured.
"I-I don't know, nothing actually extreme," she said softly.
"...Momo..." he whispered, glancing down to the floor. "Do you think I’m making the right choice?"
"Huh!?" she blinked. "I… think so. I suppose we’ll have to see if he comes to us again."
"I don't know..." Shouto sighed. "Arata was looking for something when he came here and I have no idea if I gave him a good answer... I keep thinking I didn't..." he admitted softly. "He didn't say whatever it was he wanted to.... and I just have to wonder if maybe he would've if he talked to you. You know how hard it is for me to gauge how I'm being with the boys."
"I know," Momo whispered. She moved herself close to him and gently reached forward to touch his cheek. "I love you... and you're a wonderful father. I think I'm learning these are definitely the most complicated years," she said.
"Heh... me too..." he muttered. "These boys."
"If only they were tiny little babies again," Momo sighed. "I miss that..."
"It was much easier," Shouto agreed.
"Well," Momo said, leaning forward to grab her purse. She pulled her phone out. "I at least want him to know I was sad I missed him."
"I think he was sad he missed you too," Shouto said. He hated the hurt, distant look on Momo's face while she texted their son. Of course he was worried, but he knew pushing, especially with teenagers would only lead to more trouble. There was no way Arata would respond well if they tried to force it out of him.
"How about this," Shouto said, stroking over Momo's leg. "We'll give him a little bit more space and during their first break we'll push more... we'll tell him he needs to be more honest. It's a lesson I know he needs to learn."
"Alright," Momo sighed, and Shouto was glad he could give her a little peace of mind. "I just wish I knew what was so difficult to tell us. Maybe he's worried we'll be angry or disappointed."
"It's possible," Shouto whispered. "I guess we won't know until he comes clean."
"Mhm..." Momo said, moving closer to him, leaning her head against his shoulder. "I just want our boys to be okay."
"They will be," Shouto said, lacing their fingers together. He would make sure their boys were happy doing whatever they chose to do with their lives. Even if it took awhile for Arata to open up about whatever was bothering him.
"Hah! Nice try quikless!" Hayami screeched, swiping the small bag out of Sayuri's hand, her lunch falling to the floor, the rice scattering on the ground.
"You gonna clean up that mess?" Sayuri scoffed, trying not to flinch when the cat girl leaned down, getting right in her face.
She purred softly while she spoke, "No," Hayami giggled.
"You pushed my damn food off the table, you can pick up the goddamn mess!" Sayuri retorted quickly.
"Yeah, right. Like I'd get my nails dirty for that," Hayami howled, laughing as she walked away with her two henchmen.
"Ugh..." Sayuri sighed, scooping the contents of the rice back into a small plastic baggie. At least now she could throw it away easier. "I just don't get what her fuckin' problem is with me! It's not like I can do anything to her." Sayuri clicked her tongue.
"I know it's easier said than done, but you should probably just ignore them. We're not going to be at this school forever," Kazu said, already dumping some rice onto her plate.
"I guess..." Sayuri sighed. "I just hate that she thinks she can push people around cause she has a cool quirk. You know sometimes I want to just sic my dad on her or something. But, I know I'm not a baby anymore, I can't have my dad fighting all my battles."
"You could ask him for advice. I mean I'm sure he'd know why she's doing it," Kazu suggested.
"Wait... my dad? Why? You do know we're talking about my dad, yeah?" Sayuri snorted. "He's not great with words."
"No I just meant because of my dad and your dad, and their history?" Kazu offered, but it only made Sayuri tilt her head in confusion. She was well aware of the long standing rivalry between her father, her Uncle Deku and Uncle Half and Half… and yes, her father hadn’t always been nice to Uncle Deku, but he wasn't a bully. He was a hero.
"Because they're rivals?" Sayuri asked, completely confused as to what Kazu was implying exactly.
"No," he shook his head, scratching his cheek. It was a sensitive topic. "I mean about the whole bullying thing."
"Bullying..." she whispered.
Katsuki had never really told her in full detail. Just that he'd said some awful things to her Uncle Deku about being quirkless. He wanted her to know he thought differently of it now... but... bullying seemed like a strong word for what her father did... or so it seemed.
She knew her father was jealous All Might had chosen to pass his quirk onto Deku, especially when her father viewed him as weak when they were younger and Deku was quirkless. He had explained how he realized how wrong he was and that he respected Deku, quirk or no quirk. Just as he respected her.
But did he?
The way he explained it... he always made it seem like he'd said things out of jealousy.
Kazu's face paled, and Sayuri hated the way his eyes flicked back and forth, the freckles on his cheeks glistening in the harsh light from the school.
"W-Wait, your dad has never told you about this?" Kazu asked, his cheeks heating as they spoke. "I-I thought we'd talked about it... I mean you're one of the only people who know... about my dad's quirk," he whispered, making certain no one heard him.
"He told me he said a few things to your dad once, but they had talked it through? Am I wrong!?" Sayuri asked, practically leaning over the desk.
"You know I really think you should have him tell you himself?!" Kazu said, his voice turning squeaky and high pitched. He always did this when he was nervous or hiding something.
"Midoriya Kazuya, if you do not tell me what my father did I will personally kill you," Sayuri hissed, leaning over her desk to grab at Kazu's collar.
"Why me!? This about your dad and my dad!" he said. "I-I just think he should tell you himself."
"No. Tell me. Right now," she demanded. Apparently she didn’t know all the horrible things Katsuki had said.
"When my dad was still quirkless... He... he told him to go jump off a roof..." Kazu whispered, glancing down to the floor. "And that wasn't the only instance... they grew up together but... your dad was never nice to my dad until they started to mature... and I-I mean my dad and your mom have always been best friends."
Kazu continued to ramble but Sayuri sat... unmoving. All this time she wondered why her father sometimes looked at her in the way he did, like she was already so see through. Maybe he didn't even want her to exist.
Her father... at one point in time... had told her Uncle Deku to jump off a roof because he had no quirk.
She’d known he had said awful things, but this was different.
For a moment, she couldn't hear anything but the sound of her own breath. She was alive... painfully alive... letting the concept of her father being an actual bully to her Uncle Deku like Hayami was to her settle in. How could he? How could he say that to... anyone? She knew he was abrasive and rude but... this was something else entirely.
And what if he wanted her to do the same?
No... there was no way. He was different now, right?
Seeds of doubt sprouted in her stomach, making the room spin.
"S-Sayu... are you okay? You know that your dad would do anything for you? I-I mean think about how stupid all our classmates are... how stupid we are...! Your dad was probably just an idiot kid," he urged.
Taking a step back, Sayuri practically caused the chair to fall over as she backed away slowly.
"Sayuri... where are you going?"
She shook her head and turned away, dashing out the door.
"Wait!" She heard Kazu call out behind her, but she continued down the school hall, not turning back for anything.
She needed answers and she needed answers now, she didn't care what the hell happened at school.
Running down the street, she ignored the blurs of people as she passed them by. Her eyes caught a poster with her parents on it and she paused, wrinkling her nose. How could her father call himself a hero if he said such awful things to an innocent person. Sure, he was in middle school when he said it but… still!
It made her heart ache.
She continued down the street and sighed, praying Katsuki was actually at his agency and not out on patrol.
She pushed the doors to the agency open and stormed through the stairwell door, her feet slamming against the stairs, all the way up to the fourth floor where Katsuki had his office.
Sayuri stomped down the hall to Katsuki, ignoring even her Uncle Kaminari who waved furiously and called her name.
Nothing would stop her from getting to her father.
She yanked the door to his office open, seeing her father standing by the window on his cell. His muscular back looked strong against the lighting of the room, and she could see his aggravation with the call, especially since his knuckles were turning white while he clutched the back of his chair.
Slamming the door behind her, she stood in his office and he turned around, shocked by her presence. His eyes widened, and he pushed his mask down around his neck.
"Gotta go," he said and slammed the phone down on the desk. "Baby girl, what the hell are you doing here?! You should be at that damn school!"
"Don't give me that shit," she snapped. "You fuckin' lied to me!"
Bakugou raised his eyebrow, staring at his daughter in confusion.
Her brow furrowed as she sucked in a long breath of air. "How can you call yourself a hero when you bullied Uncle Deku when you were young!?"
She watched her father grip his chair tightly, eyes wide with no words to be found.
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