#i don’t know whether to laugh or cry at my younger self’s foolishness…
yk…for a long time..I thought cucumbers and pickles were two different things…like..I thought pickles were just pickles and I didn’t realise they were called “pickles” because they were literally pickled, I just thought pickles and cucumbers were cousins and I didn’t realise that pickles are actually cucumbers, but they just put them in brine and got them pickled, which is the reason why they called them pickles…😭🤦🏻‍♀️
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adonis-koo · 4 years
Moon Child • knj
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↳ Summary: You had never dreamed of a day where you weren’t an Omega, beneath the boots of all your brothers and sisters. In an untimely manner your life is quickly turned upside down at the unexpected Blood Moon Alpha being your mate. With a new home you are summoned to the Kingdom of Vampires all while struggling to get to know your new mate.
↳ Genre: werewolf!AU, a pinch of angst, fluff, smut, alpha!namjoon and omega reader dynamic, soulmate au, 
↳ Word Count: 16k
↳ Pairing: Namjoon/Reader
↳ Tags: whew okay um, brief thigh riding, dom!namjoon, alpha is used as a title, rough sex, vaginal fingering, doggy style (what else were y’all expecting?), heat sex, mating, a lil degradation (he calls her a bitch a lot), namjoon likes to call her little :(, size kink, a lil possession, breeding kink, begging, multiple orgasms, namjoon’s cum makes MC go feral??, 
Last Installment
Note: aaaah this has taken me over a year to write lmfaooo but it’s so worth it! I can never make a short fic for my husband so I hope you all enjoy! 
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Run. Feet aching, heart rate spiked and head pounding and yet all you could do was keep running as if your life depended on it. In fact, it did depend on it. Your whole life, your freedom- or what little you had left of it, it all depended on how fast your legs could take you. The cool seeping air that was first sight of winter made your cheeks feel chapped and throbbing, your body near numb with a chill and yet all you could do was shove the branches away from your face away.
You made it obvious, you knew it too, there was no way they couldn’t hear the way your feet crunched over the fallen dead leaves and twigs, the little cuts of your skin was the biggest no-no above all else when escaping a pack- your pack to be exact. You see wolves thrived on scent, it’s how they hunt and track, Werewolves, are no different. 
You didn’t know where you were going but you were going to get there somehow. You could hear them in the distance, they were close. Too close. But the rattling up ahead had you spooked as well. You could smell a human and.... something else. A vampire maybe? No, it was strange. Your mind was frantic and you couldn’t go back from where you came. 
Shoving through the branches you nearly yelped as you smashed into the doe eyed girl who looked just as scared as you, you could hardly register the throbbing pain of falling down before scrambling away, a whine escaping you as you heard howling in the distance, “Please…” your words weak as you glanced up to the male. 
Silver hair and magenta eyes caused him to stick out like a sore thumb in the flora of green, he was immediately at the girls side helping her up as his nose wrinkled, eyes flicking to yours before the girls as he spoke,  “Sorry darling but I don’t deal in wolf affairs.”
The girl however couldn’t help but let her lips part, glancing between you and the male before she tugged in his shirt, “Jimin…” She murmured softly, your head frantically shot up at the sound of stampeding paws pounding against the soft earth, they were closing in, “She looks like she needs help...” 
Your lips quivered and now that you were on the ground you weren’t sure you could get up any further, your legs ached and your mouth dry and parched, the male gave you a sympathetic look before glancing at the women as he frowned, “Sorry love but wolves have their own court system, nothing we can do about it. Sorry.” He only spared you a brief word before grabbing the girl by her arms and just as you blinked they had dissolved into nothing but black dust and a leftover trail of something foul as you let out a loud whine.
“There she is! I found her!” You scrambled backwards at the sight of your packs head Beta, eyes viscous as he snarled at you. Whining you lowered your gaze as you curled up against yourself. You had one chance and you ruined it. Now what would become of you? It was like a flash, all of your pack hunters surrounding you as they gritted their teeth and snarled, tears blurring in your eyes as you curled into yourself. 
You had one chance and just like always, you ruined it.
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 “Look at the pathetic bitch,” You could the two Beta girls snicker, fingers pointed in your direction as you lowered your gaze, feeling your lips begin with quiver slightly as they began laughing once more, “Her head must be empty if she thought she could outrun us. Omega, fetch us our drinks please.” She shouted, as if just to mock you further. 
Tonight was a celebration, and it wasn’t a celebration without the pack’s laughing stock. You, of course. Trying to run away was foolish, it wasn’t like an omega could survive on their own, but you were willing to risk it. Even if it meant just a taste of freedom before you died. Yet just like everything else, you failed miserably. 
The torn leather collar was just an added humiliation, a show of power and a show of just how low you were in the pack. You weren’t usually one for self pity, but you couldn’t deny the envy in your veins when you saw other omega’s in the pack. 
Omega’s were the lowest of low, they were considered dirt, but even they didn’t have it as bad as you, they continued their daily duties of watching the younger children, washing the pack’s clothes and any other domestic duties. You had all of these responsibilities as well the only difference was that they weren’t the Alpha’s favorite punching bag. 
Walking up ahead you held your tray, approaching the two Beta’s who were currently laughing at you before you gasped, feeling a jerking sensation of your body suddenly toppling over due to the Beta’s foot conveniently sticking out just as you walked up to them. 
The wooden cups toppled down spilling all over your dress before thudding to the ground making the two girls howl out laughing, “Lost your footing bitch? Awh the poor little omega is going to cry!” Your fists curled in absolute fury as your eyes blurred making them laugh further as you glared at the ground. A wad of spit hitting your cheek as the Beta girl spat at you, “Serves you right you filthy traitor. Abandoning your pack. How shameful!” 
They both cackled as they walked away, tears of anger dripping down your cheeks as your hands shook with rage as you harshly wiped the spit off your face. This was life, tormented by people all due to your rank. 
You couldn’t help it, you were born an omega. It wasn’t your fault you were born weaker than everyone else, that you couldn’t fight, that your sense of smell wasn’t as good or your sight, it wasn’t your fault you were worthless. Why did everyone's entertainment have to come at your expense? 
Sniffling slightly you rubbed the tears from your eyes as you sighed, attempting to not let the frustration get to you. It wasn’t like you could change your birth right regardless. But perhaps in time, people would simply forgot of your existence. Your dress would be stained now and the cups wouldn’t pick itself up after all, life had to go on whether you were the ass of every joke or not. 
The last thing you needed was a Beta walking by and scowling at how incompetent you were, “Miss Y/n..! Do you need help!” You glanced up at the bright pair of doe eyes, little Hueningkai stared down at you with that shy smile of his. 
You couldn’t help the tiny smile that pulled on your lips as you shook your head, “Don’t worry Kai, I’m fine…” You lowered your gaze a little as you sighed, standing up as you brushed off the specks of dirt from your skirt, your gaze softening a little as you glanced down at the little five year old, “You should get back to your mother. She wouldn’t want you talking to me.” 
Hueningkai frowned, those big eyes of his dimming a little before he stomped his foot, “My mom can’t make me! You’re nice Y/n why is everybody so mean to you…!” He frowned eyes looking somewhat glossed at the blatant mistreatment of you, your heart softened a little as you kneeled down, offering the boy a small smile. 
He was too young, too innocent to understand how packs- how your pack worked. Some days you couldn’t help but wonder if the little boy’s heart would always stay this soft, or if in time, he’d become cruel like everyone else.
“This is how the pack works Kai, don’t worry about me. I can handle myself. Now run along, the Blood Moon pack will be here soon and I’m sure your mom will want you close.” He parted his lips to object before sighing, bouncing a little in his spot before he nodded. You sighed as you watched him scurry away where the crackle of the large bonfire was in the distance and the moon was high in the sky tonight. 
Patrols would be heavy tonight and despite this being a celebration you weren’t a fool to the tension in the air. Blood Moon was one of the strongest packs in the realm, not only this but they recently made an ally with the vampiric Jeon Dynasty of Arestella which was a feat in itself. This was a big step for werewolves. You ran in packs and it was rare that society accepted your kind in their towns and villages for long.
But now having Blood Moon formally recognized, not just by civilization but by the Vampires, the most respected species? It was a massive honor and everyone wanted to jump to be allies with Blood Moon in hopes of also getting an ally with the Jeon Dynasty. Including your pack. 
Blood Moon was coming here to evaluate if your pack would be worthy of becoming allies. If it were up to you, you’d tell their Alpha to not waste his time and find a more compassionate pack then your own. If you were going to rot alone in this pack forever then you might as well make everyone just as miserable. 
Your pack was strong, but not enough to take on one like Blood Moon, perhaps that’s why the guard rotation would be high tonight, in hopes of making your pack look stronger then it was in reality. Who knows, if this went bad maybe they’d just kill you all. Maybe they’d kill you and put you out of your misery. 
The flames of the bonfire exploded as you watched the crowd pile around in the distance, cheers were loud and drums banged as you picked up the cups, gently holding one in each hand as you sighed, the wood had been brittle and cracks had become apparent as they bounced against a large tree root. Standing up you intended to throw away them in the waste bin not too far away from you but you stopped in your tracks at the strong smell. No, scent.
It was like firewood and cedar mixed together, maybe even a little pine if you sniffed hard enough. Your nose wouldn’t stop twitching at such a dreamy scent, you could almost smell the twinge of ash from here. How weird. You rubbed your nose as you dumped the cups into the bin. 
No matter how hard you tried though the smell wouldn’t go away, not that you minded of course. It smelt amazing, you just couldn’t help but wonder what- or who- was causing it. Maybe...No...who were you kidding? It was said mate’s had heightened smells, to find one another, but, you surely didn’t have a mate. And even if you did...You doubt they’d ever want you. The crowd seemed to morph into an even larger state as unfamiliar wolves joined in. Blood Moon must have arrived.
“What are you doing standing around bitch? The Alpha wants you.” You sighed as you lowered your gaze, the head Beta snarled at you, grabbing your arm roughly as he yanked you along making a small whimper escape your mouth. You were dragged through the crowd as they made a path for you both as you came up to the large bonfire, everyone standing at a distance due to its immense heat that licked at the air nearby. 
You strangled another whine as you were thrown at the boots of your pack’s Alpha, shakily you sat up on your knees wrapping your arms around yourself as you refused to look up at him. You could hear him chuckle as he kneeled down grabbing your chin harshly, “This is our pack's little bitch. I’m sure she’ll keep your beta’s nice and happy, won’t you?” He growled menacingly as you lowered your gaze once more, lips quivering as you sucked in a harsh breath. 
That scent from earlier suddenly suddenly invaded your sense once more, this time even more heady than before. It was all you could smell and even tenfold. Your thighs suddenly felt weak and arousal pooled uncomfortably between your legs.
“That won’t be necessary.” A strong deep voice cut in, making all the cheers from your pack stop as a new pair of thick boots stood in front of you. A squeak leaving your lips as you were suddenly pulled to stand up, large hands wrapped around your arms and you were glancing up at the tall daunting figure of the Alpha of Blood Moon. 
A hand quickly cupped your chin as your lips began to tremble, you heard him scoff, a twitch of irritation on his face as he lifted your chin higher as if inspecting the bruises you dawned.
You were confused and scared and yet oddly aroused, being face to face with the werewolves strongest Alpha and he seemed angry. Silently furious even, what had you done to even warrant this? Breath? Your lips trembled in fear as thoughts invaded your mind frantically, you were dead, you were really dead now. 
You hadn’t even said a word- “If this is how you’ve been treating my mate, then we have no business to attend with you.” Your lips parted, openly gaping at the said alpha who just claimed….you...you were his mate…
Oh...oh my god...you were his mate! You wanted to scream at the top of your lungs at how much of a complete idiot you had been for ignoring his scent earlier yet you were frozen in place staring up at the tall figure of Blood Moon’s Alpha, Kim Namjoon. 
He was even more handsome in person then what you had heard, you had an amazing angle of his razor sharp jawline and truthfully you couldn’t help but feel somewhat intimidated and aroused all at the same time. His k-nines looked just as sharp if not even more so and his tongue was tucked into his cheek, showing a dimple yet his expressions couldn’t convey anything but annoyance.
Your pack's Alpha’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head before he sneered, a gritty smile on his lips as he forced a laugh, “This? Is your mate? Namjoon surely you’re joking. We Alpha’s don’t associate with weaklings like them, they only slow our packs down.” You couldn’t help but lower your head in shame...He was right...you didn’t deserve to have someone like Kim Namjoon, Alpha of the great Blood Moon pack be your mate. You were nothing in compared to the leaps and bounds he had made in the werewolves history. 
“Omega’s are what we need to keep our humanity, they’re the softness we need in our pack to remind us that we’re still human. Omega’s are the caretakers of the sick and the hurt, they’re the ones that remind us peace is just as much of an option as war. I couldn’t be more proud to have an Omega as my mate.” Your gaze shot up to the wolfish appearance of Namjoon, his hair had been neatly styled but there were still a few stray hairs that gave him that wolfish look.
You couldn’t help but feel somewhat timid under the hellfire gaze of your pack’s Alpha, but oddly enough, having Namjoon stand beside you made you feel oddly...safe...Warm even, as if it was radiating off his body and you felt the urge to nestle against his side. As if it were meant to be.
Your wariness however stopped you from attempting to do so. You may know who Namjoon is, but you don’t know him personally. Is this just a set up? To get you to act out before you’re cruelly punished. You haven’t said a peep yet and you certainly don’t intend too. Especially with both pack’s present and not a single soul speaking, everyone's eyes wide at the situation that has unraveled so quickly.
“I’m surprised the Jeon’s choose your pack,” He sneered, eyes darkening as he growled, “Any Omega sympathizers are usually outcasts. What makes you think you can take my Omega?” He punctuated the word carefully making your heart squeeze a little. 
“What makes you think I can’t take her?” Namjoon suddenly snarled, his voice guttural making you jump, his eyes flashing a dangerous red as he bared his k-nines, “My pack is the strongest for a reason and I’ll make a demonstration of that just as easily. But because my mate is present I’ll make you a deal. And you sure as hell better take it. You let me take my mate, and I’ll leave this pack without a slaughter. No deals are being made and you won’t be allied, but you’ll be alive so there’s that.” Namjoon gave an icy condescending smile making your pack’s Alpha twitch in irritation. 
It was silent for a moment before he bared his teeth, your pack’s Alpha hated being made a fool and right now he looked like a whole circus as he snapped, “Go! Take the bitch, we don’t need her anyways.” Namjoon’s eyes cut at his words but he said no more. Waving a hand you squeaked at the sudden appearance of another wolf, Namjoon glancing at him briefly before down at you, “Take her to the camp set up.” 
You hadn’t even said a word and just like that, your life had been completely changed. Yet ironically enough, walking with the wolf as everyone's eyes glared down at you, you wouldn’t miss this hell hole for a second. 
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You were wringing your hands as you paced in the lavished tent, a rug was even thrown down and there was a desk filled with plenty of papers, a foldable cot was set down at the end of the tent. You had never been somewhere so...luxurious before. You were subjected to sleeping on the ground most days and you were considerably lucky if it was closed to the bonfire. But not only was this tent set up close to the fire, there was a bed. 
You had never slept in a bed before. Well, a cot. But it was the same thing to you. You just couldn’t stop stressing though. Were you really mated to Kim Namjoon? Was he the one you’d spend the rest of your days with? You felt unsure, you needed to get to know him. To know if this was it. 
Werewolves had derived the term Mate, it was the closest you'll ever find to a soulmate. The Moon Goddess, had a mate planned for every wolf, someone who was your perfect match. The one you were meant to spend your life with. You personally, just always assumed you’d die both young and alone. It was hard believing Namjoon….Kim Namjoon, was your mate. 
You perked up at the sound of footsteps coming from a few feet away from the tent, they were surprisingly light compared to what you expected. Turning around you were met with the tent flap opening, your lips immediately quivering as your gaze timidly dropped at the sight of Namjoon entering. 
You could hear him chuckle softly making you fidget. What were you supposed to say? What were you supposed to do....Okay it was a dumb question, you knew what you were supposed to do. Mates would consummate and mark one another when they meet, mating was a universal thing to all creatures alike. But… you didn’t want to do that with someone you just met…
No matter how much your instincts were going crazy right now with the need to bend over his bed and present yourself in need. 
“You look scared,” Namjoon murmured softly, you jumped at his hand cupping your cheek, you hadn’t realized he was right in front of you until now, “Mmm, I won’t hurt you.” His growl was low, almost instinctive at the way his nose nudged against your hair, “I’ve been waiting to find my mate for a very long time. What’s your name?” 
His hands tenderly wrapped around your arms, his nose continuously nudging your hair as if drowning himself in your scent. You weren’t sure if his gesture was meant to be comforting, a part of you wanting to lean into his touch but the other had been bruised your whole life from touch. How were you supposed to learn to be okay with it again?
Your body naturally tensed in his grip as you murmured, “Y/n…” You didn’t want to be difficult, you didn’t want your mate to think you were stubborn and unattractive, but...You also didn’t want to give in right away...you weren’t sure you were ready too. 
Namjoon nipped against your ear making you jump, a playful smirk on his lips as he replied, “I’ll just assume you already know my name.” He decided to attempt a bolder move, nipping at your neck, this time making you whine. Except it wasn’t the good kind, you attempted to push yourself away as your gaze lowered back down.
Namjoon immediately paused, frowning as he pulled away somewhat to look at you. Your considerably smaller figure timidly glancing at the ground, as if expecting some sort of reprimanding. It was from this moment Namjoon realized this was going to take a bit more time then he had hoped. His hormones and your scent were driving him utterly insane with the need to mount you. 
But your comfort was and would always be more important to him, he wanted you to trust him, to be unafraid of giving yourself to him. While Namjoon wished being mates would magically make all this happen, he knew it wouldn’t, “Why don’t you get undressed and lay down. I’m sure you haven’t gotten a good night's rest in awhile.” 
Yet he couldn’t resist the urge to stroke a tender hand through your hair, pushing it back away from your eyes so he could properly see your face. Timidly you glanced up at him, nibbling against your lip as they parted before closing for a brief moment before you forced yourself to speak, “B-but...what….what about…” Your face felt hot as you tried to finish your sentence. 
“That can wait,” Namjoon replied promptly, offering you a gentle smile, “You’re here now, there shouldn’t be a rush. And you don’t look comfortable. Is there anything I can do to help?” 
Your lips trembled slightly, you weren’t sure what it was. Namjoon’s kind smile, those pretty dimples that showed up on his cheeks as he glanced down at you, or if it was his tender touch against your hair, as if he was calming a scared child. You didn’t know what it was but your eyes were watering before you let out a sniffle. 
“Hey, shhh! Don’t cry.” Namjoon was immediately cupping your cheeks, a frown on his face at the sight of your tears but before he could ask why you were crying you launched into his arms, wrapping your arms tightly around him as you buried into his warm chest, into the divine scent that rolled off him in waves. 
“T-thank you. Thank you so much.” You couldn’t stop thanking him in muffled sniffles, unsure of what you have ever done to deserve such an incredibly compassionate mate. You had never met an Alpha like Namjoon before. Most were cold and intimidating, but he was different. There was a reason he was the strongest. 
Rather than lock away his emotions, he weaponized them. 
Namjoon wrapped his arms around you soothingly as he pressed a tender kiss against the top of your head, “Shhh, you’re never going back there again. You’re home my little omega.” You had the biggest, most dumb looking smile on your face as you nuzzled into his chest, your cheeks burning at his nickname he had easily provided you. But for the first time in your life, it didn’t sound demeaning, it sounded endearing. 
You couldn’t get enough of Namjoon’s touch, it wasn’t even sexual. No matter how much your body thought it’d be better if it was. Just his touch was healing, it made you want more and more of it. You kept nudging him every time he’d take his hand off of you, wanting to be continuously petted. 
You might not have consummated with your mate, but you did spend the night tenderly in one another’s embrace, Namjoon showering you in the touch you were starved of your whole life. You never thought you were interested in physical touch until now, you wanted all of it, you wanted his hands petting your side, stroking your hair, his lips peppering your face in kisses.
You felt like a pup again when you fell asleep against his chest. Your life had changed drastically in a single night and yet you didn’t feel overwhelmed in the slightest. This was meant to be, you were sure of it.
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“Looks like a storm is brewing.” You jumped at the soft sound of Namjoon’s voice, calm and steady behind you as you turned around from your spot where you had been currently watching the clouds brew and darken. You have been with Blood Moon for a little more then two weeks now. Everything was so...different.
Everyone was kind, they treated you with the utmost respect which you found yourself dumbfound at. You understood to a degree, being mates with the Alpha meant you’d….you’d be the packs Luna. There was no one to guide you on how to be a Luna and perhaps that was what had been secretly daunting you. This wouldn’t be an easy task, what if everyone judged you for making a wrong move? 
You wouldn’t become Luna of course, until you were mated to Namjoon, which you hadn’t partook in yet. But it was still lingering in the back of your head. Things between you both had been, formal at best. There was still much physical affection at night...and the occasional rutting- from the both of you before you both stopped your instinctual nature. 
“I’ve always loved the rain,” You offered a meek smile, you still had a hard time finding a way to converse with Namjoon in an informal way, he often told you at night he preferred when you spoke freely but...It just all seemed so foreign to you.
Turning back around you let the cool wind blow against your face, lifting your chin a little as you sniffed the fresh air, you could smell the crisp evergreen and the combination of rain on the horizon, “But thunderstorms always scared me as a pup. I have exceptionally good hearing so I didn’t like loud noises back then.”
Much like any other Omega you were considerably weak, but all omega’s had at least one strong sense, and yours just so happened to be hearing. But you often thought it came at a disadvantage, all you ever heard was the laughter of your brothers and sisters who looked down their noses at you. 
At least omega’s with speed had a better chance at running and those with good sight could see predators a mile away. Yet all you could do was cover your ears in hopes to drown out the noise of the world.
 “And what about now?” Namjoon asked, offering you an endearing smile as he sat down on the fallen tree that you stood behind, taking a moment to admire his beautiful mate. Turning to face him you gave a somewhat sheepish smile, lowering your gaze a little. 
It was hard some days to even look Namjoon in the eyes, he still carried the pheromones of an Alpha and it constantly reminded you that you were below him. That if you even so much as annoyed him he could easily snap your neck and there was nothing you could do about it. You felt guilty sometimes, for thinking this way. But it wasn’t as if you could help it, you had spent your whole life getting thrown around by your old pack’s alpha. 
“It doesn’t scare me as much anymore as it just hurts at times.The only thing that isn’t completely useless about me is my hearing,” You offered a weak smile as you rubbed the back of your neck, looking back out over the storm ahead, the clouds becoming darker by the second before you watched a crack of lightning strike in the distance, “It’s much more sensitive to noise then most wolves.” 
It was true, that was your one exceptionally good ability, you could nearly hear things a mile away, sometimes you picked up on interesting conversations. You had even known Blood Moon was planning to visit your pack long before anyone else found out in the regular ranks. It wasn’t a totally useless ability. But still, good hearing often came with disadvantages like loud noises that always had you whimpering and covering your ears.
“You aren’t useless.” You jumped at the way Namjoon suddenly grabbed your shoulders, turning you around to face him, his expression almost appeared like a scowl, looking somewhat angry as he continued, “You’ve been saying degrading things about yourself ever since you got here. You are my mate,” He let out a soft growl as you lowered your gaze, feeling like a pup being scowled at the moment, “Don’t mistake your softness for weakness. You aren’t useless. I won’t stand for you saying these things about yourself.” 
A loud crackle of thunder rumbled making you jolt a little, a low whine emanating from you as you rubbed your ears, “That’s easier said than done. You haven’t lived the life I have.” You tugged away from him a little as you kept your gaze lowered, pretending to not notice the look of mild hurt on his face at your rejection of his comfort, “I wouldn’t expect you to understand.” 
There were moments like this from time to time, moments of disconnect between you both. You couldn’t help but wonder somedays if the Moon Goddess made a mistake, if you were really meant to be with Namjoon. Especially when days like this happened. 
“Then help me understand,” You paused as Namjoon wrapped his arms around you from behind, letting his chin rest on your shoulder as he nudged your neck with his nose, “I only want the best for you Y/n.” But did he? You felt unsure of how to go forward with your budding relationship with Namjoon. Could you really open up to him? 
“I don’t know how,” You mumbled, feeling somewhat ashamed despite not knowing why. Maybe a part of you wished you did, you wanted to be with Namjoon, you really did. But the only thing stopping you was yourself. Glancing out over the dark clouds you sighed, feeling a droplet of rain splat against your cheek as you rubbed it away, “We should get back to camp to let the others know the storm is beginning. It’s going to be a long night.” 
Namjoon looked as if he had more to say but only nodded at your words, stopping for a moment before holding out a hand to you. Glancing down at it you nibbled against your lip before hesitantly letting your fingers lace in his. 
He offered you a small dimpled smile, free hand lovingly stroking through your hair before leading you back to where the pack was camped out.
You and a few of the scouts of the pack had searched for somewhere dry to stay before the storm fully hit, thunder kept rumbling from far away and the lightning was getting closer with each strike. 
Out of a pure stroke of luck you had found a large cave mass that went deep into the Northern Mountains. The rain had already started pouring down as everyone was being gathered into the mountain, Namjoon was soaking wet as he waved in the crowd of people, his eyes meeting your soaking figure as he paused, “You should go to the fire and get warm. Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold pup.” 
He smiled down at your cute figure that glanced up at him, you rubbed your cheek somewhat shyly as you shook your head, you couldn’t afford to lay by a fire when so many others were being drenched in the ice cold rain, “I’m okay. We need to make sure everyone is safe first. I’m going out to check to make sure everyone is together.” Namjoon nodded in agreement, a smile still adorning his face as you pushed through the crowd as you made your way outside. 
A loud clap of thunder booming down making you jump with a whine as you covered your ears as you pressed forward through the harsh rain that dropped down like ice against your skin. It was freezing outside! Rubbing your arms you glanced around at the line of people as everyone gathered inside.
You could hear something abnormal but it was difficult to make out what it was between the rain pounding on the ground and the thunder that rumbled loudly, whining you covered your ears, feeling a headache come on as you pushed forward. Your senses were going wild, you could hear something. You knew you could. You just couldn’t figure out what. 
A loud clap of thunder roared causing you gasp, covering your ears as pain throbbed in your head, closing your eyes. You tried to tune out the noise but it only became heightened, “Help! Somebody please!” 
Your eyes snapped open as rain poured down, trying to relocate the sound before quickly following along the line of the crowd that was becoming shorter and shorter by the moment until you reached a little ways past the end, “Help! Please! Help!” You found an older wolf, a mother by the looks of it drenched in rain, looking frantic as you ran up to her, she grabbed your hands as she cried, “My pups! Please! She fell in the river nearby while we were waiting! My boy can’t keep her much longer!” 
You felt your heart burst- you should go get someone you can help! But…! There wasn’t enough time! “Lead the way!” You replied almost immediately. You’d just have to try your best for the sake of the young pup and the mother. She fumbled as she brought you down the steep hill, almost falling but catching yourself as your eyes caught the dimmed vision of a young boy crying out, “Mom! Mom! I can’t hold on any longer!” 
Not having the strength to keep up his little sister just as you were in reach of the crying girl his hand slipped, the heavy stream of water coursing causing her to immediately be washed away by the streams current. You could hear both the boy and mother scream before you did the stupidest thing in your life. 
Diving into the water coughed as your vision blurred with water and ran mixed, the water was ice cold and caused your teeth to immediately clack as you were rushed along, the little girl calling out with cries as her head bobbed up and down in the water.
“Hold on!” You called out coughing up water as you grabbed onto the log that was lodged in the river that the little girl managed to grab. Grabbing onto it you spat the river water that entered your mouth once more before managing to get closer to the little girl, her arms around your neck and you could hear her pitiful sobs as you held her. 
Your body was trembling and the whiplash of rain and the strong current was making your muscles weak as you tried to keep steady against the log, water continuously lashed against your face and rain in your eyes as you slowly but steadily used the log to guide you back to the land. Your muscles were ready to give out, not used to being used so much as you crawled onto the cold muddy ground. 
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” The mother was the first to run over immediately crying out over the loud rain, grabbing her sobbing daughter as she hugged her close, “We own you so much Luna! Thank you! Oh..! Luna?” You couldn’t muster a word, your body trembling and your vision spotting before everything went dark. 
Whining a little your head felt fuzzy and your muscles ached with every little movement. It took a moment before you forced your eyes open meeting the dark ceiling above, a few stalagmites hanging above you as brief confusion washed over your figure. Your body trembled a little as you heard a tongue clack, “You should be closer to the fire.” 
You groaned a little as you rubbed your head, your vision a little bleared as you rubbed your eyes before glancing up to the familiar voice of Namjoon who had just finished placing a fresh piece of firewood onto the small little fire that wasn’t too far from you, “C’mere my little omega.” He scooped you up effortlessly making you whine. 
You didn’t have any energy to objection though as Namjoon sat down, his back against the cave wall and now closer to the fire where your body was trembling as much, “You’re soaked to the bone,” He tutted, letting a hand press against your forehead before sighing, “You should’ve got someone to help you Y/n. You could’ve been killed diving into that water on your own.” 
You trembled once more, shifting a little in Namjoon’s grip before nudging your nose against his neck, the overwhelming scent of cedar and firewood relaxing your senses as you buried against your mate, “If I had gone to go get help that girl would’ve died.” You mumbled in weak objection against his neck, closing your eyes tiredly as you felt Namjoon’s hand begin to tenderly stroke through your hair, “Besides, I’m alive still, aren’t I?” 
You smiled weakly as you glanced up at Namjoon, he didn’t return the sentiment though, his eyes were a deep mahogany brown, piercing your gaze with his own and the fire reflecting and exaggerated his high cheekbones that much more.
“That doesn’t mean you will be in the future,” He growled, this time in a more stern voice causing your lips to quiver as they dropped, “Take somebody with you next time. I…” He sighed, his expression relaxing once more as he buried into your hair, “I couldn’t live with myself if you died and I just- I just let you. You’re my mate, I’m supposed to take care of you.” 
You frowned at his words, feeling somewhat conflicted. You had dreamt your whole life of being taken care of, of wanting someone to care, to comfort and coddle your every step. But...You didn’t have that sentiment growing up, and now actually having it…”But I’m okay. Namjoon,” You pulled away a little, your hair still damp and clinging to your face as you pushed it away, “I can take care of myself. I’ve had too my whole life.” 
You lowered your gaze a little as you tugged on a strand of your hair, “I...I know...that I’ve been a bit distant. And that we should already be mated by now. And I know that I haven’t been the easiest to get to know but, I just...I just need time, to get to know you, to become comfortable with the pack...I’ve been on my own for so long, it’s overwhelming in ways that it shouldn’t be.” 
You felt insecure about how you felt, truthfully. You should be grateful, you should be happy that you’ve somehow, against all odds, found your mate. That you should let him mate with you and get a move on with your new life. But it was difficult, in ways you felt like it shouldn’t be but it was hard getting used to such friendly smiles, to having your mate tenderly take care of you. Being called Luna, was rather overwhelming. 
“Y/n,” Namjoon sighed, his forehead resting on yours as his thumb rubbed against your cheek bone, “I’ve already told you we don’t have to be in a hurry. You can take as much time as you want to get used to the pack and we can take our time getting to know one another. I’ll be just as dedicated to you now as I will when we mate.” he nipped playfully at your neck making a smile tug on your lips, “But I will always be protective of you. That’s my instinctive nature.” 
You sighed in understanding, no matter how it made you feel, Namjoon was right. Mates were always protective, Alpha mates in particular, some more so than others. Even if Namjoon didn’t display it as often as others it was still there. 
You closed your eyes as you curled up against him, letting his fingers continue to untangle your hair in little strokes, a few pecks against your head here and there, “Have you been told why we’re here at the Northern Mountains?” You perked up a little with a yawn as you glanced up at Namjoon in confusion, a smile on his face as he brushed the hair away from your face, “We’re visiting Arestella, to see the Royal family. The Prince summoned us not long ago” 
Your lips parted a little as you tilted your head, “The Jeon Dynasty?” They were considered one of the kindest Dynasties to rule over Arestella for centuries- that was of course if you ignored the current king who outlawed magick and had sentenced the Witch Hunt to begin. But that was nearly fifty years ago now. Otherwise they had a fairly peaceful rule, it wasn’t too big of a surprise to you that their Crowned Prince signed an ally treaty with Namjoon. But still, to actually be here with Namjoon and him saying you’d be going to the Kingdom of Vampires, it was all a bit surreal.
Namjoon’s smile widened as he nodded, “Yes, me and the Prince- Jungkook have some business to attend. Apparently there's been a massive stir in demonic energy. There've been a lot of rumored Demon sightings that’s caused fright among Arestella’s outer villages.” 
You frowned as you pressed your lips together, hesitating for a moment as you rubbed the back of your neck, “Demons? Are they really real?” You felt somewhat hesitant to ask. You mind going back to when you last attempted to escape your pack. Those magenta eyes and silver hair, they were almost otherworldly...and the way they just...disappeared into thin air...
Namjoon offered you a weak smile as he shrugged, “I think so, I don’t know about the Prince’s involvement with demon’s but if he believes they’re real then I’d be willing to bet they are. He has ties in all sorts of different affairs. Demonic energy doesn’t always equate demons though, sometimes it’s just been plagued by Witches for a long time.” 
You hummed in response. You could see where witches could build demonic energy- not that you necessarily believed all witches were bad. People liked to fear monger and point fingers and be done with it. But things were rarely that simple in life. You still felt bad for all the witches that died during the Witch Hunt, a dark period in time just in the passing of Magicks outlaw. 
“I guess we’ll see when we arrive.” You mumbled as you let your head rest in the crook of Namjoon’s neck, his arms wrapping around you as he held you close. 
“Soon enough my little omega.” There it was again, that giddy little smile on your face as you sighed in contentment. Life wasn’t all too bad, even in it’s less fine moments.
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The journey to Arestella had been peaceful, the weather had become gradually colder with each passing day and soon frost would be covering the ground and nights would become freezing without fire. This however, wasn’t a big deal for wolves as you had been custom to this for some time. When the air was colder the pack would shift and the fur of your animal counterpart kept you warm.
The one thing you were still struggling with was all the respect everyone gave to you. You felt yourself fumbling at times due to how friendly and kind everyone was. At first, you wondered if it was just because you were mates with the Alpha. It wasn’t the first you had seen everyone give special treatment to a Luna. 
Your eyes would warily watch over the other Omega’s in the pack who all appeared happy, anytime one was struggling a Beta was practically bouncing over to assist whenever needed. Things seemed so contrary to how you lived your life. Even now in such a spacious tent where the heat of the fire licked in the air where you settled against the small cot in contentment. 
Nudging against the pillow as you sighed, Namjoon and Jackson the head Beta had been talking about taking an alternate route to Arestella over the past few days which had lead to him not joining you until later. 
Hearing the soft crunch of leaves had your head perking and you could almost feel your inner wolf’s tail thwacking harshly as you curled up, the flap of the tent opening to see Namjoon’s- happy but obviously tired expression, “Happy to see me pup?” He teased lightly as you grabbed the stiff pillow to nudge against it to hide your smile. 
You were shameless in watching him pull the billowing shirt over his head to reveal the taunt thick muscles of his back to your view, your legs pressing together as you pulled the fur blanket over your chin, “How was the meeting?” You asked as Namjoon rolled his neck before taking a seat in bed, his hand resting against your head as he softly stroked your hair. 
“Good,” He hummed before laying down facing you, a soft smile tugging on his lips as he let his fingers curl around a strand, “We received a pigeon from the Sisterhood today.” You raised your brows a little in curiosity. 
The Sisterhood? You had heard of them of course, anyone who hadn’t was obviously living under a rock, or a century old witch perhaps, Namjoon chuckled a little at your expression as his hand met with your cheek once more, “We work in accord with them much like many other packs. We share the land with them and it only makes sense.” 
“Well yes,” You replied, it certainly wasn’t unheard of for the Sisterhood and wolves to work together, even your pack had assistance given to them by the Sisterhood from time to time, “But I didn’t realize you were that chummy with one another.” You snorted as you raised a brow. 
Namjoon clacked his tongue, his thumb stroking along your cheekbone making you shuffle closer to his warm body, “You know the story of how wolves came to be, yes?” 
“...Well...I’ve heard a few different variations.” You replied with a shrug, nearly every wolf knew a tale of how your species came to be but they widely varied. Your now curious as to what this had to do with the Sisterhood’s involvement. 
Namjoon gave a knowing smile as he replied, “It’s been passed down between generations of my family that a very long time ago, when the Moon was still young she- for the first time heard a prayer. It was of a young boy who had been attacked by our counterpart, wolves,” 
Namjoon tenderly pushed the strand of hair behind you as he spoke, “The young boy was crying and he bled beyond saving. As the life force left his body and he took his last breath beneath the full moon, pitied, the Moon Goddess took mercy on him and blessed him. Her powers only reigned so far, and so she turned him into a wolf. The Moon Goddess told the boy that once his wounds would heal he would be safe to return to human. But now he must bear the dual nature of both animal and human.”  
“When the rumors began to fester, the men of the villages nearby wanted to hunt the monster,” Namjoon hummed his fingers tracing down to your jawline, “The boy’s lover however, discovered who he was and pleaded with the men of the village. When they would not listen, the girl was sent a blessing by the Moon Goddess. The Bow of Lux. It became clear to her that if they would not listen to her, she would make them listen,” 
Namjoon gave a wry smile as he continued, “When the last man perished, the girl swore her life to the Moon Goddess and would continue to protect those who lived inside the forest and those who lived outside. The Moon Goddess, pleased, allowed her to form the Sisterhood and once she passed on, they say her soul turned to stardust and became Orion’s bow.” 
You perked a little as you smiled, “Is that why the women in the Sisterhood are only allowed to be addressed by celestial names to outsiders?” You had never heard that part of the story! It sounded so…! So forlorn yet, meant to be. Divine even. Namjoon chuckled as he patted your head, “Perhaps, that’s one of many theories. Orion is the patron of the Sisterhood, the first to protect. They pray to her for strength before they go into battle. My point however,” Namjoon tutted a little, his eyes crinkling in adoration, “Is that no matter what tale is being told, the wolves and the Sisterhood go hand in hand. We protect and work with one another when needed.” 
“Then what did the Sisterhood want?” You whined a little, impatient at Namjoon’s wordiness, he tapped your neck in gentle scold as you wiggled closer to him, his arm finally wrapping around you as he curved a brow. 
Clacking his tongue he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against your forehead, “Don’t be pushy pup,” You could hear the playful scold in his tone, “It was sent by one of the independent scouts; Vega. She asked that we keep our eyes out for a witch that lives in the North.” 
You frowned as you asked, “A witch? What could she want with a witch?” 
Namjoon shrugged, his fingers tracing against your hip as he replied, “I can’t say for sure. All I know is she wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. I know requesting Arestella to find a witch would probably get her hanged.” 
“Are Vampires really that fickle?” You raised your brows, unable to stop the snort, you had never seen a Vampire before but you had heard about them plenty and how proud they were. You didn’t understand why the reigning king banned Magick as it was, especially when it seemed as if their society relied on it previously. 
Namjoon also scoffed out an amused laugh, “You’d be surprised. Nobody follows the rules more than the own royal court. The Mad King makes sure of it. Anyone caught using magick is either hanged or burned. Even the court is not excluded.” You shivered a little at the thought. 
“And will you keep an eye out then?” You asked, you supposed since Blood Moon was nomadic like any other pack, Arestella couldn’t hold you accountable for the laws of their lands. But it made you worried. 
Namjoon closed his eyes solemnly, “I will, I’d never turn my back on the Sisterhood. Furthermore, the Prince doesn’t know all of my affairs. If it doesn’t concern our relationship then he doesn’t need to know.” He finally pulled you against him as you squeaked a little, your nose immediately nudging against his neck as you coiled against him, “You’ve been awfully curious tonight pup.” He whispered in your ear. 
A smile tugged on your lips as you inhaled his scent slowly, you could almost vividly smell the crackle of burnt wood against his skin, the kerosene he had split earlier while helping build a fire, a whine suddenly escaping your lips as you felt heat pooling between your legs. Your face throbbing as you embarrassingly pushed against his neck to hide yourself. 
This had been happening a lot, putting off your consummation had taken a toll on your body, constantly making you become aroused when you became too close to your mate for too long. The need to be filled with him was a constant ache, as if sensing that Namjoon let out an instinctive growl, his thigh suddenly forcing its way between your legs as he whispered in your ear once more, “I can smell how wet you are little one.” 
Your face throbbed even harder as your hips began rubbing into his thigh in search of friction you needed, desperately. Namjoon and you both had agreed taking things slow was for the best….But that certainly hadn’t stopped him or you from testing the waters a little…
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you whined against, letting your hips drag against his warm thick thigh as your clit pressed gently against his skin, the pleasure nearly sent you pathetically howling against his skin, “This isn’t fair!” You whimpered, your thighs shaking and your panties becoming stickier within seconds. 
Namjoon’s laugh was deeper this time, as if amused at how frantic his little omega was, “Then take what you deserve my little pup.” He nipped against your ear as you jumped, his hands grabbing your waist as he rolled unto his back, forcing your to straddle him as your lips quivered into a pout. 
Your clit was throbbing though and seeing how inviting his thighs looked was an opportunity you couldn’t pass up, shifting to place yourself against one as you whined a little, unable to stare directly at him as your hips wiggled in need against his thigh. Pleasure swelled in your body and a muffled whine escaped you before you jumped at the sound of leaves crunching. 
Namjoon instinctively sat up as you curled against him, not a second later hearing the sound of footsteps as a voice called out, “Namjoon, I need just one more thing.” Jackson called out as you crumpled against your mate.
You felt embarrassed at letting your hormones get the best of you. Namjoon as if sensing this gently stroked a hand through your hair before pressing a kiss against your head, “Don’t look so disappointed, we can always try again later.” 
Your lips quivered into a scowl as you pouted, flopping against the bed as Namjoon chuckled before calling out, “I’ll be out in a moment.” It was just as well Jackson had interrupted when he had. Who would’ve known what that would spiral into if you had been left alone.
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“You look wide eyed.” Namjoon chuckled as he watched you circle around yourself, lips gaping as you glanced around in curiosity. There were so many sights and sounds it was hard to take it all in at once, “C’mere my pup, I don’t want you getting lost.” He grabbed your hand attentively as he pulled you along. 
The journey to Arestella had taken another day and a half but you did eventually arrive and you were in near awe at the sight. You had never been in a Kingdom before, much less the grand jewel of the realm. You could smell the hefty scent of fresh baked loathes from the few humans that dared to reside in the realm of Vampires. 
Today was a beautiful day, apparently Arestella wasn’t known to be the sunniest Kingdom but today seemed to be different, the sky was a brilliant azure blue with fluffy billowing clouds to compliment it’s sky and the breeze was cool against the day’s warm air, “I’ve never been somewhere so...crowded.” You managed to say as you squeezed past a group of people, staying particularly close to Namjoon as you glanced around wide eyed. 
“There’s much excitement to see,” Namjoon chuckled, “If you think this is incredible, wait until we see the castle. That’s where we’ll be staying the next few days. Jackson will keep everyone settled in the outskirts of town meanwhile.”  
You couldn’t deny you were excited, you could see the gothic castle even from here despite it being so far away. The day was busy and everyone was bustling but if there was one thing you noticed...It was a lack of color...or thereof…What color there was seemed very organized, as if these people were all in groups. And then occasionally you’d spot a bright pop of red of some of the people you passed, “Why is everyone dressed so...dark…” You frowned as you kept close to your mate. 
“They have a very strict system here in Arestella, they use colors to keep classes separated. It’s mostly in jewelry you’ll see it. Humans must wear red in some form as it’s stated by law if they live in Arestella. Blue is often a color worn by wealthy families, a multiple array of colors can be worn by the average vampire. I’m not very familiar with how it all works though. Vampires have their own class system like us wolves have though.” Namjoon explained as he guided you through the crowd as you curiously looked around.
You felt a smile tug on your lips as you glanced around, excitedly spotting another patch of red on a young girls neck, she appeared around your age and she- unlike you- seemed used to the large crowds of people, yet oddly enough despite being surrounded by vampires she didn’t look the least scared, “How can humans live here despite knowing a vampires nature? I think we don’t give them enough credit sometimes.” You commented as you let your eyes focus ahead. 
“Most likely because humans here use sigils to keep them protected from feral vampires,” Namjoon snorted, looking somewhat amused at how fascinated you seemed by this strange new world, “They live quite peacefully. Vampires are a bit proud though, they don’t like admitting that they do need humans to survive. No matter how much they can argue that they can feast on turned vampires, they still need humans for that to happen.” 
You hummed in curiosity before laughing a little, noticing the mild annoyance in Namjoon’s tone as he glanced ahead, a hint of smile on his face when he heard you as you both walked hand in hand. Eventually you did make it up to the castle together. 
You had never seen anything like it, the way the dark brick walls towered high above your head and the wings of the castle stood large and proud. Even though the courtyard was filled with lush flowers and benches for rest, it looked like something straight out of a fairytale. You didn’t understand how guards and maids could walk by without so much as a glance at the beautiful scenery. 
Namjoon tugged you along as your lips parted, the castle doors opening upon your arrival and you were greeted by a smiling maid that curtsied to you both immediately guiding you up several flights of stairs, the corridors were long but you couldn’t help but focus on the beautiful marble flooring.
The way the original white swirled with black and greys and speckled gold with even some peacock blue highlighting. Or the doors and the Jeon’s symbol painted in silver on each door, or the way the handles reflected their polished shine against the light that flooded in rays of gold through the windows. 
You had never been somewhere so refined. All you had ever known was the wild untamed beauty of nature, mountains and thickets of evergreen and streams that clashed with marshes. Sleeping out in the woods were galaxies formed in the sky, where you could even see speckles of stardust in the sky. You didn’t realize two things could be so different, yet so beautiful in their own way. 
“Here you are Sir Kim! His royal Highness will be with you in a moment!” She curtsied once more before shutting the doors of the room. The room was spacious and wide, it appeared to be...an office of some sort? Your brows furrowed a little as you walked in, the fireplace was not lit up but there were four chairs, two on either side of a rug that was placed in front of it. 
Then there was the desk on the far end of the room next to a large window that overlooked the woods near the castle. 
On the other end of the room was an assortment of trinkets of...personal achievements maybe? You perked at the sound of footsteps padding down the hallway gently, “There’s something wrong…!” Your brows furrowed and your head tilted like a puppy at the sound of a soft feminine voice, they must’ve been at the far end of the hallway, walking closer to the door you tried to listen better. 
“Shh, worry not my love. I’ll deal with it. Right now you should be attending your lessons. I promise nothing will happen.” The other voice was deep yet soft, alluring in dulcet quiet manner, yet seemed attentive and in demand for everyone's attention, “I’ll discuss everything with Blood Moon’s leader.” 
You could hear a faint sigh, “Please Jungkook...I...I don’t know what I’d do if this turns out to be true.” You felt your face immediately burn in embarrassment. 
You just eavesdropped on the Vampiric Prince’s private conversation with his mate! 
You whirled away from the door as you fumbled to sit down next to Namjoon who looked at you curiously, “Heard something you shouldn’t have?” You scowled at his teasing words as you crossed your arms. Namjoon had been scolding you recently on your nosey habit of using your one good ability to your advantage far too often. 
The door opened quietly as your gaze immediately followed the noise. You were met with a tall man, who just like everyone else in Arestella was undoubtedly beautiful, but even then. Prince Jungkook seemed unnaturally beautiful, his dark raven hair contrasting heavily against his glossed pristine pale skin, his hair hung low on his face and one side tucked behind his ear giving him an oddly regal look. 
A smile graced his lips as he bowed while you and Namjoon stood up, “It’s good to see you again Namjoon,” His voice, confirmed the same dulcet tone you heard in the hallway before his eyes turned to look at you, they were a deep burgundy red not at all the bright red that Namjoon’s eyes usually glowed, “You must be his new mate. You have my congratulations.” 
You gave an awkward smile, feeling your face heat up at someone so beautiful staring directly into your soul as you fumbled with your fingers, a noise escaping you that made you all the more embarrassed as you hid somewhat behind your mate, “She’s a little shy,” Namjoon smiled endearingly down at you, a hand affectionately combing through your hair as you glared with a pout at the ground, “This is Y/n, my mate. You may call her Luna. She’s just here to observe today in case she needs to come in my place in the future.” 
Jungkook nodded before taking a seat across from you both as you sat down once more, “Then let’s start. We’ve been getting a heavy influx of demonic energy on the south side of Incúrsio. I’m aware you’ve had some tension with them in the past but it’s different this time. Despite the Ceremony’s passing they’re experiencing mass hysteria saying it’s the end of the world. After doing a little bit of poking…” Jungkook sighed, shutting his eyes as you sensed a vague annoyance fill him, “I found out there’s a reason why.” 
Namjoon tilted his head in observation, you had never seen his expression so quizzical before but then again you had never seen Namjoon in such an important meeting, “And that is?” 
“A...friend,” Jungkook offered a weak smile, “Has told me there’s been a bit of, descent in the underworld if you will...One of the Prince’s of Hell, in his words was: ‘Throwing a tantrum’ and to ‘not worry about it’,” Jungkook looked semi exasperated as you furrowed your brows, “But despite his words we’ve been getting reported demon sightings and if a portal to Hell has been weakened for any demon strong enough to push through the traversing barrier we’re going to have a problem. He said he’d take care of it but...I have some doubt.” Jungkook sighed. 
Namjoon frowned as he rested his chin against his head, “So what do you want Blood Moon to do about it?” 
“I want you to keep an eye out of any demonic energy, I know you’re a nomadic group and you travel all over the realm...Said friend, assumes it’s only the portal in Incúrsio but...Given the reports I’ve received from other royal officials in other Kingdoms, it doesn’t seem like it. And please, ignore the people of Incuriso should you go back to your homestead meanwhile. They’re unwell right now and cannot think straight.” Jungkook answered, his gaze looking out the window into the wilderness were the tree’s swaying with the wind delicately. 
“We’ll do what we can, but if Incúrsio tries to attack my people. I can’t make any promises Jungkook.” Namjoon hummed as he leaned back in his seat, “But I will do what I can to defuse the situation should it arise. Is that all?” 
“For now,” Jungkook replied, fixing the cuff of his sleeve before glancing back up, “But you’re staying the next few days for a reason. Please make yourselves comfortable in the palace. I expect to see you both at dinner.” You nodded as you and Namjoon stood up making your way for the door, “Luna,” 
You paused at the deep voice of Jungkook as he called out, “A word please?” You glanced at Namjoon as you frowned, he gave a small smile encouragingly, stroking your hair once before exiting the room, closing the door behind him as you timidly turned around. Something about the Vampiric Prince put you on guard, though you were positive it was simply due to just how intimidatingly attractive him and his kin were. 
You got an oddly seductive, yet dangerous energy from any vampire you had came into contact with since arriving to Arestella, Jungkook wasn’t an exception, “Please, don’t look so timid,” Jungkook offered a gentle smile as he folded his hands as if to appear non threatening, “I just wanted to speak to you for a moment. Much like my own mate, everyone has been awaiting Namjoon to find his other half. I wish you the best of luck on becoming Blood Moon’s Luna.” 
He stood up, elegantly walking up to you, eyes dark like pools of the blood yet there was nothing dangerous or malicious about them, “If you’re ever in need of a place to stay Arestella’s doors will always be open to you. My kingdom would be happy to serve Blood Moon’s Luna in any need or situation. I hope you enjoy your stay here.” 
Tugging on a strand of your hair you managed a tiny smile as you glanced up at him, “Thank you, it’s appreciated.” 
To that Jungkook offered a dazzling smile that showed off the sharp teeth of his fangs, his smile could put nearly anyone to shame as he chuckled, walking to his desk as he hummed, “You should meet my mate while you’re here. I feel like you’d both get along rather well. And she’s often lonely these days. The court,” You could see the dismay in Jungkook’s eyes as he stood in front of the large window by his desk, “They aren’t accepting of commoners like her. She doesn’t like to worry me but I can tell she struggles by herself when I’m unable to keep her company. She could use a friend to confide in.” 
You swallowed thickly as you managed a smile, nodding, “Of course! I’ll make sure to introduce myself if I get a chance.” It felt like an incredible honor to have the crowned Prince of Arestella ask if you could keep his mate company but you’d try your best. 
You just didn’t know who she was outside of the news you had heard. Despite being in isolation word eventually made its way to your pack that the Vampiric Prince had found his mate, but not only his mate, but a commoner at that. 
Many in your pack sneered at that and often laughed, someone of low ranking suddenly becoming the mate of someone powerful? Unheard of. 
You felt a vague sense of empathy, you were in the same position as the Princess at one time. Except your new pack were very accepting of you...You supposed the same could not be said for the future Princess of Arestella, you couldn’t imagine how snide the Court must’ve truly been. 
“I’ll see you later then.” Jungkook offered you one last small smile before you left his office, closing the door gently before you noticed Namjoon waiting down the hallway, his eyes set on the artwork that displayed on the walls. 
“Finished?” Namjoon hummed as he glanced over to you, a hand falling to your head to pat it as you pouted a little as you nodded, “Then come along, they prepared lunch for us. What did Jungkook want to talk to you about?” 
You tilted your head, his tone rather strange. It sounded as if he was trying to come off relaxed but there was a tense note in his delivery. But then it struck you, most werewolves were naturally jealous of their mate associating with the opposite sex, alpha’s no doubt. 
You felt a teasing smile tug on your lips as you snickered, “Nothing, he just wanted to ask if I could speak to his mate, to become friends with her. Despite having similar class systems, it seems the court is rather….Icy about her becoming one of them.” 
“That’s not too big of a surprise,” Namjoon wrapped an arm around you, keeping you snug against him as he continued, “Royal court is always filled with people who look down their noses at one another. Civilization is an odd sort but they make it work. I’m sure his mate does feel lonely. I’d hate to be a commoner entering the court. Many are wolves disguised as sheep.” 
You tilted your head in thought, that was often an analogy humans used to describe people who pretended to be innocent when they were truly guilty. You supposed you could see what he meant by his words despite feeling as though wolves really weren’t all that bad, “It’s just odd. I can’t imagine being in that position.” 
“Well the good news is that you aren’t.” Namjoon pressed a kiss against the top of your head making you smile as you wrapped your arms around his waist, nudging his arm a little, a silent ask for affection, “And we don’t have to deal with any kind of courts fickle business.” 
Namjoon immediately complied, his hands stroking your sides as you paused in your spot, preening at his pet against your skin and the way his lips peppered against your cheeks, “You look like a little pup my omega.” He whispered, a small smirk on his face as he nipped the tip of your nose, “Always whining and begging for affection, always greedy for more.” 
You stretched your neck a little at the feeling of his nose rubbing against your neck, a surprised whine escaping you at the feeling of his scent gland suddenly knocking against you, “You smell like vampire.” Namjoon growled against your ear, a whine escaping you as you tugged on his loose button up shirt, “When you should smell like me instead.” 
He nipped your ear in warning to be quiet as he rubbed his scent gland along your neck. It was in your nature to be obedient, standing completely still as you allowed Namjoon to continue to scent you. Often a gesture done right before mating or simply a display of dominance. 
“Are you wet little omega?” Namjoon growled in your ear quietly making a pathetic whimper escape you, your thighs squeezing together as you lowered your gaze in embarrassment. Of course he could smell your heady scent, “Do you like being reminded of who you belong to?” 
His voice was deep and murmured in your ear causing you to tug on his shirt as he rubbed his scent gland one last time on your neck, “Come on, let’s get lunch. I’m sure you’re starving.” Your lips parted in almost offense at the way Namjoon suddenly pulled away, obviously satisfied with his work as you now were drenched in his scent and panties dripping wet. 
“What?” Namjoon tilted his head innocently but you could see that evil glint in his eyes that enjoyed watching you squirm as you glared at him, pulling away from him with a pout as you crossed your arms, “Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.” Namjoon lovingly stroked your hair as he kept his arm loose around you as you began walking once more. 
This man was going to be the absolute death of you.
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“Are you sure you’re okay?” The flecks of concern were apparent in Namjoon’s eyes as he frowned, sitting up in bed as he was preparing to attend another meeting with the Prince and his order of knights. His hand gently resting on your head, thumb soothingly swiping over your warm skin as you nodded, yawning a little as you tried curling closer to his body. 
You looked rather pitiful truthfully, stretching your arms out to him as a verbal whine escaped you, wanting his affection once more as he smiled endearingly, “Sorry little omega,” Namjoon cooed as he brushed your hair from your eyes, “I have to attend this meeting. I’ll come back once it’s finished and then we can stay in bed for as long as you’d like.” 
Your body trembled a little, a bead of sweat beginning to trickle down your forehead as you whined again, “Do you really have to go?” You mumbled, your head laying in his lap as his fingers tenderly stroked through your hair lovingly. You weren’t sure what it was but you had woken up in the middle of the night feeling hot and you had since been clinging to Namjoon. All you did know was you felt much needier than normal for affection. 
You didn’t want your mate to leave. 
“It sounds pretty important,” Namjoon leaned down to press a kiss on your forehead before frowning, “You’re burning up. I knew that cold rain was going to catch up to you.” He sighed with a tut as you offered a weak smile, letting your arms wrap around his waist as he shifted in his seat, “I’ll send a maid to make sure you’re taken care of while I’m gone. Now c’mon on little omega, I need to go before I’m late.” 
You let out a louder whine, the innate need for your alpha to be by your side running through your veins as you curled against him. You could feel sweat dripping down your collar bones as you nudged your nose against his stomach. 
Namjoon looked a little guilty as he pried your hands off him, tears welling in your eyes as you whined again curling up in bed as your body trembled once more, “Shhh, I’ll be back sweetheart. Hopefully your fever will have gone down a little by the time I do.” 
Namjoon let go of your figure as you weakly cried out, collapsing against your pillow as you whimpered unable to speak at the way your wolf was crying out in desperation for your mate to not leave you. The door closed gently as your body continuously began to tremble and with shaky hands you tied up your hair as you began shedding your clothes. 
You were so hot. Another whine escaped you as you laid down back in bed, a violent tremor sounding through your body and your muscles were beginning to lock and clench as you groaned. A few minutes later a knock gently sounded at the door before a maid appeared inside. 
She gave you a sympathetic smile, “The Alpha told me what was going on, I have some cool rags to help with the fever miss, we’ve sent a maid to get you a tonic to help cool you off.” She explained gently as she kneeled down, bless her heart as she gently placed the cool cloth over your forehead as you tried to suppress the whine from your lips. 
Your wolf was just about as pathetic as you right now, howling and crying at her mate leaving her. The rag was quickly to dry up as the maid gently patted your collarbones down as she frowned, “You feel much hotter than most with a fever, are you sure you don’t have any other ailments?”
Your lips trembled for a moment as you thought about it. Abruptly you stiffened as your thighs clenched together, the sticky feeling of arousal making another whimper force its way out of your lips, “I’-I’m okay! It’s um….It’s just a...wolf thing…” You forced a smile as you clenched your thighs together, the maid frowned not understanding your words before she sighed, “Very well, but don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.” You nodded rapidly, trying to ignore the itch to let your hands furiously get to work.
You groaned as the door shut, trying to squeeze your thighs shut as if it would make it any better. Most humans and vampires alike may have derived the word Mate from werewolves but...your nature was still a mystery to them. Your long delayed heat included.
Your body had been in survival mode for so long that your heat hadn’t come in a long time, you never expected for it to come so early. No wonder you had felt so needy for your mates attention. 
A whine escaped you once more as you flopped on your stomach, burying into the mattress before your hips immediately began rubbing into the bed in desperate need of friction, heat was suffocating you and pain was beginning to well in your lower body. 
Omegas were truly the worst off with monthly heats whereas Beta’s only experienced them every three months and once every six months for Alpha’s. Over all being an omega truly was miserable. You had forgotten all about your heat after your body kicked into survival mode causing you to miss. 
It made sense for it’s return though, you had met your mate, you not only were safe but you were taken care of and pampered. Your heat suddenly showering up was like your body telling you it was time to get pregnant. Your thighs began trembling at the idea of your mate, your alpha mounting you and filling you with his big knot. 
You buried your face into the pillow as you whined, it didn’t matter how pathetically you humped the bed it wasn’t a replacement for what you craved. What your body needed and why arousal was seeping from your tiny hole and walls that squeezed around nothing at the idea of your alpha’s cock filling you up to breed you. 
Just the idea of Namjoon’s scent was making you nearly delirious as your hips desperately rocked into the mattress once more, the strength of your heat intensifying with each moment before all you could do was tremble and whine against the bed, desperately looking for anything to help the pain. The mattress, the pillows, your fingers, anything. 
Two hours. 
That was how long Namjoon’s meeting took. Two hours before your ears perked up at the sound of the familiar footsteps, your wolf's tail was practically flying back and forth and crying out in need. Another wave of heat filtered through your body making sweat drip down your neck as you shakily sat up. The door quietly opened as Namjoon walked in, locking it behind him before he turned to face you. 
His expression turned to sympathy that had you whining and whimpering, too weak to stand up but if you could you’d already be climbing up his tall figure, “Oh my little omega,” His voice was deeper than usual, a growl vibrating in his chest causing arousal to slide down your thighs as he slowly approached, “I could smell you all the way from the staircase.” 
Your thighs felt weak at the way he stood in front of the bed looking down at you dauntingly as you fumbled against the bed, “Alpha,” You whined, lowering your gaze subserviently as you stumbled against the sheets, getting on all fours before presenting yourself for him your thighs shaky and pain coursing through you as you whimpered, “Please. Alpha it hurts.” 
“Does it hurt omega?” Namjoon’s voice was growled and dominance seeped in his tone as you flinched at the feeling of his hand resting on the swell of your ass, “Do you need your alpha to stuff you full of his knot?” You jump with a cry at his hand slamming against your ass with a sting, tears pricking at your eyes as your hips impatiently backed against him. 
A snarled growl left his lips as your cunt was met with the thick length of his cock hardened in his pants before his hands roughly grabbed your hips, “Be patient little omega,” His hands gripped your hips harshly and the smell of his scent wafting through the room was making you light headed as another drop of arousal seeped from your needy cunt, “Do you need your alpha to fill you? Do you need my pups little one? Do you need to be bred like a good little bitch?” 
It was taking every ounce of energy to not needily drag yourself against his hips as you cried out with a frustrated whine, “Please alpha! Please! I’ll be a good mommy! I’ll take care of our pups! Please.” You needed to be filled with his cum. 
Namjoon was filled with both arousal and his primal instincts running wild at the sight of you so subservient and pliable in his hands, your smell was thick and heady in the air causing a growl to escape his lips again, “Oh will you?” Namjoon growled softly, his cock throbbing his pants as his hands stroked against your soft ass, his hand dragging down before cupping you’re wet cunt as you whined.
Your toes curled as your hips began to frantically grind against his fingers, “Ah-ah! Alpha...!” Namjoon tutted, gripping your hips with his free hand as you whimpered against the sheets, your eyes filling with tears at the way your body burned and yet your mate was still teasing you, “You need to be patient little one.” Namjoon growled with a tease in his tone, his long slim fingers dragging against your wet folds as you whined, your back arching once more to try and coax him to give you what you wanted.
Instead his fingers only dragged down to meet your tender swollen clit, a cry escaping your lips as your walls clenched around nothing but air, “You’re so wet my little omega, do you need your alpha’s cock inside you,” Namjoon moaned his fingers circling and pressing against your sensitive sensitive bud as his eyes became lidded with desire watching the way you pitifully jolted and jerked to stay still for him.
Your muscles tensed before your hips began rubbing against his fingers, “What did I say?” Namjoon let out a low growl making you whine once more. His hand was not so light anymore as he struck your ass making you whimper before obediently stilling for him once more to do whatever he pleased.
His fingers dragged up your folds before you squeaked against the mattress as his finger pushing slowly into you, a second finger slid in with just as much ease due to your excessive arousal as you whimpered, “Alpha! Please! I need it! I need it please!” You begged with a sob as his fingers began jamming against your g-spot, your walls squeezing around him impossibly tight as your lips parted and your eyes snapped shut. This wasn’t at all a replacement for what you needed but it still felt amazing. You just needed more.
“You’re squeezing around me so tight little omega,” Namjoon cooed mockingly, you could practically hear the smirk on his face as his fingers began giving little thrusts as you felt drool dribbling against your chin, “How much do you need my cock bitch?” He growled, grabbing your hair as he yanked it, a gurgled cry escaped you as he pushed his fingers inside you once more. 
Your hips unable to stay still anymore immediately began fucking yourself against him as you moaned and whined, his finger pads dragging along that little spongy spot as you gurgled, “Please! Alpha!” You could hardy formulate words as tears dropped down your face pleasure was twisting in your body yet it still wasn’t enough. 
Namjoon let go of your hair to dive between your legs, his fingers dragging along your clit making you nearly cry out at the way your walls clenched around his fingers and the orgasm flooding through you. Your lips were parted and frantic cries escapes you as you rutted messily against his fingers, “Alpha!” Your cries were pathetic as the burning in your body only strengthened at the realization there wasn’t a knot filling your cunt.
Namjoon clacked his tongue at the sound of your pitiful sobs, your walls unbearably tight around his fingers and your hips attempted to back against him as he pulled them out of you, “My pretty omega,” He cooed softly, “Are you gonna be a good girl and let me fill your little cunt with my pups?”
His hands stroked against your sides as your legs violently shook while frantically nodding, “I’ll be a good mommy! Alpha please! Please! Need your knot! Please!” Your back arched harshly as you presented your cunt for him, desperately hoping he’d give you what your body was crying for.
Your head was becoming foggy and the need for something, anything to fill you with a knot became your number one need. Namjoon as if sensing you couldn’t take anymore teasing began to undone the knot of his pants, “You’ll be a good little bitch and carry my pups? You’ll let your alpha breed you like a good girl.” Namjoon let out a soft moan, his eyes closing as his cock sprung free, bobbing in the air in search for your cunt as his hands dragged against your waist, roughly petting down your sides as you whined at his praise. 
Your body tensed and swelled with excitement as you squeezed your eyes shut at the feeling of his thick bulbous tip dragging along your wet slit as another deep growl left him, “Be a good girl and stay still.” You were whining against the sheets as his bulbous tip pushed inside you, the pain hardly even there as your heat had caused you to become dripping. Unlike humans you were made to be pounded into. 
“Alpha! Alpha please!” You whined, your eyes shut tightly as you strangled a mewl while keeping your body obediently still. You could hear a low growled moan from Namjoon as he pushed his cock further inside you, your cunt eagerly letting him slide in further.
“Mmm so tight,” He leaned down as he growled against your ear making you squeak as your walls tightened around him, “My little omega likes presenting her cunt doesn’t she? Does she like to be fucked hard and knotted?” You didn’t get the chance to answer before Namjoon’s hips were slamming into you, his cock fixing the ache of your cunt as you moaned embarrassingly loud as your face pressed against the mattress.
Pleasure was immediate as you cried out, moans escaping you as your walls needily clenched around his cock, “Alpha!” You whined before squealing against the mattress at the feeling of his long fingers pressing into your tender swollen clit. You whimpered as pleasure welled hotly inside you, your body needy for him after denying your consummation for so long. Your body was being lurched with every powerful thrust of Namjoon as he growled, “That’s it omega, milk your Alpha’s cock, mmm that’s it. You want your alpha’s knot don’t you?” 
“Yes please! Please! I’ll be a good girl.” You whined not having the energy to do anything but stay obediently in place as his massive cock continued splitting your cunt with every thrust, just feeling his thick length was causing your head to spin and your pleasure spiking as you mewled, “Alpha y-your so big…! Alpha please.” 
Your hips kept trying to buck into him causing a low snarl to escape him, Namjoon sounded nearly primal compared to his gentle level headed manners, hand large hands tightly gripping your hips and forcing them still as you whined in impatience your body craved his knot badly but you had heard Alpha’s don’t knot as quick as Beta’s.
“Be patience bitch.” Namjoon growled, his hands would certainly leave bruises later as his hips slammed into you to sate your needy cunt, he growled in pleasure at feeling your tiny walls trap his throbbing cock, “Gonna have my pups, fill your cunt up until your tummy is filled with my pups.” You whined as your body jolted, walls clenching harshly at his cock roughly sliding in and out of you, your heat craving his knot as your thighs trembled in anticipation.
“Please alpha! Please! I’ll be a good mommy.” You whined and whimpered, your back aching from it’s uncomfortable arch but your ass perking, wanting the perfect angle for his knot. Namjoon’s fingers roughly rubbed into your clit only making your walls that much tighter as his hips snapped harshly into yours, his chest pressing into your back as he growled into your ear, “That’s right little omega you’re going to have my pups. Mine.” 
Your thighs were beginning to tremble at the feeling of his base swelling, “You’re going to be an obedient bitch and take my knot.” He snapped, his hand tangling into your hair to yank it only to shove your face into the soft mattress as his hips rammed into you at an unnatural speed.
Your moans and cries were muffled as your walls began to rapidly convulse, the feeling of his thick fat cock ramming into your tiny walls, his fingers rubbing roughly into your clit. His rough manhandling. You were like a howling pup when your orgasm snapped in your body, whines and whimpers escaping you as Namjoon growled, his scent was overwhelming and he leaned down snapping his hips as he continued rutting into you, his fangs dragging over your neck before he sunk them deep into your neck. 
A loud whimper escaped you, your cunt clenching around him harder as all of your sense overwhelmed you, you couldn’t smell anything but firewood and cedar, his cock only making your orgasm that much better as he dragged it past your g-spot with each stroke as he marked you.
The base of his cock was swelling rapidly and dominant pheromones were rolling off his body as he growled and snapped at your obedience, still riding the high of your orgasm as your body was jolted and tossled by his hips which were roughly smacking against yours before you heard a choked moan escape him. Letting his cock fully rest in you as you muffled a whine against the mattress.
Tears stung your eyes at the feeling of his knot, it was massive and plugged up your small hole as you felt the first burst of hot cum stream from his cock, nobody ever told you that your hormones were running so crazy that you’d cum just from him cumming. But here you were letting out the most embarrassing cries and squeals in pleasure and it was like your orgasm was tenfold at being filled up by your Alpha. 
Spit was dripping into the bed as you let out the lewdest moans, your hips grinding against his cock that was completely stuck inside you, a snappy growl escaped Namjoon as he released your neck from his mouth, his cock hyper sensitive yet your needy grinding earned the second spurt of cum from his knot , “Stop that you needy little bitch.” Namjoon snarled in command, your walls split open by his massive cock yet they were still so tight around him. His cum was like euphoria for you. Making your head spin and your body nearly black out in pleasure as your hips kept trying to grind against him for more.
Namjoon snapped again as he grabbed your hips making you cry out with a whine, walls needily clenching around around him earning a third load of his seed as you moaned pathetically, your knees trembling but your body was begging for more. Taking pity on your trembling desperate figure Namjoon let his fingers return to your clit nearly making you scream as you whine against the sheets, “That’s right little omega.” Namjoon purred against your ear, “Let them all know who you belong to.” 
You were trying your best to be still, you really were. Tears pricked at your eyes as he let his fingers circle over your swollen bud, your walls harshly clenching around him earning a low growl, “Keep milking my cock baby. You’re gonna be such a good mommy.” Namjoon nipped against your ear as you whimpered. You were in absolute bliss, being stuffed full of his knot, his fingers playing with your clit while filling you with his seed. 
Your inner wolf was howling in ecstasy. The pleasure was so much you weren’t sure when it happened but your vision began to spot before darkening altogether.
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“I’m glad to see you’re feeling better Luna.” Your cheeks burned at the Prince’s well meaning comment as you gave a timid smile, trying not to think about just why you had gotten ‘sick’ according to the rest of the court. Namjoon’s nose nudging against your neck as you curled into your seat. Your heat would have been unbearable had it not been for your mate, but Namjoon had taken care of you the whole week and…
You couldn’t say for sure but you had a feeling it wouldn’t be long before a pregnancy was announced. You couldn’t say for sure, omega’s weren't easy to impregnate but, surely after being knotted for a week straight by an Alpha...Just the idea of little pups running around had you nearly bouncing in your seat, “Oh, thank you Your Highness, I’m feeling much better.” You nudged back against Namjoon, eliciting a small growl in your ear from him as he straightened up a little. 
A large hand stroked against your hair as Namjoon spoke up, “Thank you for letting us stay, we’ll be heading out later this evening to unite with the pack, I’m sure they’re all ready to begin our journey back to our territory.” 
Jungkook offered an easy smile as he nodded, long locks of raven hair shielding his eyes briefly with the movement as he replied, “I’m sure, wolves have always had the tendency to be nomadic in nature. I just have one request for you.” Namjoon raised his brows in curiosity as the Prince looked to his mate, a gentle encouraging smile on his lips as if trying to coax her to speak.
She withered a little, looking away in reservation as she mumbled, “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Jungkook’s hand squeezed against hers in confirmation as she took a breath in resignation before glancing between you both, “I’m...looking for someone...A powerful witch, they say she lives north, I don’t expect you to look for her, but if you were to stumble across one such as herself, please send her to me, directly.” 
You tilted your head in confusion before you glanced at Namjoon, witch of the north...? Was this the same witch the scout from the Sisterhood was looking for? You could see the a mixture of desperation and resignation in the Princess’s eyes as she glanced back at the table, her hands folded as Jungkook tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear with soft eyes, “Pardon my words but,” Everyone’s attention was on you as you tilted your head, didn’t Namjoon say the royal court enforced these rules more then anyone? “Isn’t witchcraft punishable by death…?” 
A tense air took over the table and it seemed your words were confirmed, while you didn’t live in any kingdom, you had known just as well as anyone else witchcraft was against nearly every kingdom's law. Jungkook bowed his head, as if in understanding of your confusion, “It is, which is why we ask you to keep this between the both of you. We’re looking for someone dear to my mate, but the only way we can possibly find closure is through magick. Please don’t go out of your way or put yourselves in danger for this.” 
Namjoon nodded in understanding though keeping what he had previously talked to you about a secret, “Of course, we’ll keep a lookout if we come across anyone with that sort of power.” 
“Thank you.” The Princess offered a small smile before letting her gaze drop back to her plate, the conversation between the Prince and Namjoon picking up once more with any last minute details of what to look out for. 
After your private dinner with the crowned Prince and future Princess you had made your way out of the palace. While you would miss the plush beds and elaborate meals you wouldn’t lie in saying you were glad to be out of the bustling city and into the open air where your new pack greeted you with open arms. 
Taking a long sniff of the fresh air you curled up against Namjoon where the big bonfire was, everyone conversed and celebrated another fruitful picking to eat well. Namjoon’s arms wrapped around you as he nudged against your neck, a smile on his lips as he hummed, “Should we tell the pack?” 
You felt a smile tug on your lips as you looked up at the man who had become your whole life, shaking your head as you let out a breathy laugh, “No, I’d rather not tell them until we know for sure.” 
Pressing a kiss into your neck Namjoon flirted, “We’ll give it two weeks.” You rolled your eyes with a smile as you leaned against him, his hands tenderly stroking your stomach as you closed your eyes. You couldn’t wait to begin the journey to a new land once again and experience everything with your mate in hand. 
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
♡100 followers special♡
Guys, I would like to thank all of you for all the support since I started this blog, you are the best <3 Btw this is the fic Elon Musk doesn’t want you to see lol, jk jk 
Title: Humanity
Words: 3.6k 
Summary: When you get sold to an odd looking robot after the last failure of a rebellion, things go better than you had expected. Until they don’t. 
tw: robot/AI apocalypse au, dystopia au, slavery, slight non - sexual public nudity, discrimination, vulgar language, mention of death and child abuse (in the past), obsessive behavior, non - consensual touching, angst 
              AD 3061y., 14 September
 Your hometown was in ruins, shattered by the Forces and left without any source of food, clean water or reliable manpower. The rebellion had failed just like the first ten attempts and as much as you had wanted to believe this time would be different, your dreams stayed nothing more than a way to cope with the harsh reality. Any intelligent individual had either managed to flee before the prosecution or died in agony while trying. You could still hear their pained screams ringing in your ear, the desperate look in their pupils sealed forever in your mind along with the sound of heavy breathing slowly fading into the background like your own hopes for a better future.
 The ones who decided to play meek and close their eyes to the inhuman torture happening in the area were spared, but what awaited them could potentially be worse than death itself. You were part of the flock of pitiful weak humans who had surrendered to the heartless machines wanting nothing more than to see mankind squirm and kneel underneath their mechanic heel like a bug. And now you would face the hour of judgment – tired and exhausted, heavy rusty chains around your bruised ankles making every next step a little harder than the last one. But you were certain that the most painful humiliating event hadn’t taken place yet and the thought made your blood run cold. You could recall the countless stories you used to hear on the streets from your friends about androids stealing kids and selling them like cattle to the most powerful leaders of society. Back then you would laugh at them, finding the ideas ridiculous, better fit for a conspiracy theory or a legend rather than an actual threat. But during that time life was easier – the robots were still your friends, just your average citizens, equal to the humans in every manner. It wasn’t until ten years later that some of them realized just how much better, stronger and smarter than the people they really were. That’s how the apocalypse started and that’s how it was going to end. These days the mortals were becoming extinct with the population cut down to one million. You didn’t have names or rights to any possession. Your mere survival had one purpose only – to entertain the machines so they could feel human again. And right now you were being dragged to Soraq, also known as the biggest slave market in the country.
 It was just as terrifying as you had imagined it to be. The Capital was supposed to express wealth, luxury and maybe even happiness but your old human views were easily opposed when faced with the mud  covering what was left of the pavement and the pale exhausted bodies of the mortals wandering the streets searching for a hot meal and a little bit of kindness it was clear no one wanted to provide. You reached out to help a young girl sobbing all by herself on the ground but the Officer roughly yanked your shoulder back and ordered you to keep going – his cold hard touch was enough to bruise your skin.
 After a few long minutes of uncertainty your keeper finally stopped, pulling you up some black stairs leading to a small stage and if you weren’t too busy looking around for the others who were captured, you might have noticed the crowd gathered inches away from you. Soon enough you were forced to redirect your attention as you heard the approving screams and cheering below. There were hundreds of robots staring at you, smirking maliciously, pinning you with their cold calculating gazes. You finally realized that this wasn’t just a bad dream or a nightmare, something unreal you could easily run away from by opening your eyes. You were about to become property and the worst part was the way the cruel machines perfectly resembled people – they looked the same except for the dark red pupils each possessed which glowed when going into a fight mode. But unlike humans the androids had gotten rid of their most intimate emotions and fears, turning themselves into empty shells, shiny and murderous with no way to experience anything properly, be it pleasure or pain.
 “Ladies and gentlemen!” The Officers started off with a low chuckle, his heavy hand wrapped tightly around your arm. His voice should have been programmed to be monotone but now it had a playful edge to it. “Today our dear subjects have decided to be feisty yet again. They still haven’t learned their lesson it seems.” He grinned eerily, quickly followed by the mocking laugher of the crowd. Some even shouted slurs and insults but you tried to focus on controlling your feelings. You needed to stay calm if you wanted to survive. “We really can’t expect more from the mankind. They are primal after all, they just can’t learn from their mistakes.” The male robot paused for a second to fix his microphone. “It’s in their DNA code to be foolish and pathetic. That’s why we need to take better care of them.” He whispered the last line down your neck and despite knowing that the machines didn’t have actual lungs, you could swear you felt his cold breath on your sensitive skin.
 “The woman is in her early twenties. Her background is unknown, but she certainly looks like someone you would want in your collection.” The android continued talking as if you weren’t there, his hands all over your tinier frame. The mass was yelling, but you only made out the words „down”, „strip” and „human”. Your eyes watered involuntarily and you let the tears stream down your cheeks in spite of the weakness they showed. It didn’t matter – it couldn’t get any worse so you could at least let yourself experience such little bits of comfort. In the next moment the Officer ripped your old ragged t-shirt, exposing your breasts to the cold autumn air. The hot red humiliation washed over you as the degrading whistles pierced trough your heart. It was such a cruel unfair punishment and you couldn’t even keep your composure long enough to not break down ugly – crying right there.
 “The bidding starts at one thousand eros!” The robot’s evil voice echoed through the area, reaching the market borders. Suddenly all the attention was on your scared vulnerable half-naked self. More than ten androids raised their hands, making your stomach turn in terror. Most of them had unpleasant appearances, resembling old people, usually men. “Do we have two thousand eros?” The officer added quickly afterwards having seen the shown interest. This time there were only five bots willing to buy you for so much money – but the show was far from over. “Am I seeing three thousand eros?” Your keeper kept going, determined to drain your bidders off their wealth, but to his utmost surprise now there were only two robots with their hands in the air – one seemingly younger and the other looking all wrinkled and bitter at the world. You silently prayed that fate would work in your favor only this time and hand you over to the man who would treat you more like a living being and less like an object.
 “Ten thousand eros.” Suddenly the android with a kinder appearance declared out loud, his cold stern gaze fixed onto you. The other male hesitated for a moment, probably wondering whether or not you were worth so much money, but at the end he cursed under his breath and slowly put his hand down with a sour expression. “Sold to K-010 for ten thousand eros!” The automatic voice of the Officer was ringing in your ear like an alarm while the crowd was shouting and cussing, some going as far as to criticize your new owner for giving up his monthly salary for a “cheap human whore”. Next he was invited on the stage to sign off all the needed documents leading to your freedom being ripped away forever and you were injected with a tiny chip which would make your location visible to your buyer at any given time. The android looked at you soon after and in one swift move he managed to place his leather coat on your shoulders, muttering at you to cover up. You obeyed, embarrassed by the reminder that your upper half was still fully exposed to all the hungry prying immortals. When the chains were finally removed, the robot took you by the hand and led you to a small white flying car with a yellow lily drawn on top – the brand was popular among the most powerful members of the Forces.
 “Don’t even think about running away.” K-010 growled when he noticed the way your attention drifted to the nearby road before finally taking your seat. You knew it was pointless now that the tracking device was deep into your skin but deep down you still couldn’t kill the last bit of hope screaming at you to do something before you were too far away to find home again, wherever it was. “If you so much as look outside while we drive, I will use my lasers to turn you into ash. Okay?” You nodded meekly and sank into the soft comfortable seat, wishing that your body would stop shaking in fear but to no avail.
 The journey was long and silent but it made you remember the days when music was still allowed and you used to turn the radio all the way up in your mother’s car. You would sing loudly until your throat hurt and your friends would ask you to just shut up and focus on the road. Everything was so normal and happy back then. The stinging nostalgia threatened to overcome so you tried to focus on something else. You finally faced your owner in an attempt to study his appearance. He was probably in his late twenties, his hair white with some black locks here and there, a fashion trend you usually didn’t care much for. You couldn’t afford to bother with your hairstyle when you were constantly running for your life after all. The robotic male had sun-kissed brown skin, he was taller than most human men and his lips seemed softer than most robots’. But the biggest mystery laid in his deep dark eyes, they looked scarlet at first but the more you stared, the easier it was to realize the color was actually brown.
 “Are you a cyborg, K-010?” You asked in a small voice out of the blue, breaking the peace and quiet in the air. The android didn’t spare you much attention with his gaze fixed onto the open sky serving as a road, still he opened his mouth slightly to respond. “My name is Kyle, the numbers are just a formality.” He inhaled sharply as if he was reminiscing a bad memory. “And yes, I am biologically human – just with a few practical upgrades.” You had heard of such people before, the ones willing to become an experiment so they could join the high society oppressing their own neighbors, friends and relatives, setting the lands on fire and destroying the dying environment but you had never met one until today. Honestly, you felt betrayed. It was one thing to be some unfeeling machine’s plaything and entirely another to be owned by someone with a functioning heart even though they weren’t too keen on using it properly.
 “Why would you do that?” You couldn’t stop the question from leaving your lips in the next moment. “You should know what humans have to go through just to stay alive. Today hundreds of us were crushed and sold like some animals! Yet you changed yourself to appeal to their disgusting standards.” You raised your voice, the hot tears already spilling down your cheeks yet again, your fists clenched in pure anger at the foolish greedy man. He simply shook his head and leaned back. “I had my reasons, sweetheart. You don’t know anything.” With that the conversation had ended, you could try and argue or even blame him for being a selfish bastard but it wouldn’t have done you any good so you decided against it. It didn’t matter much anymore.
 A few months went by slowly even though time meant little to someone in your position. Living with Kyle wasn’t as terrible as you thought it would be – his mansion was big and spacious, luxurious even. You had your own room and you were allowed to explore the house in your free time. You didn’t have many duties to attend to, your work mostly revolved around cooking, cleaning and keeping company with your owner when he was too tired to keep the robotic mask on and just wanted something sweet, something weak, something more human around. He didn’t want much out of you so you tried to do your best and stay on his good side – there was always a warm meal waiting at the table at night, every window was carefully wiped from the previous dust and the glass was now shining brightly, and you would listen for hours on end to the cyborg’s ramblings no matter how dreadful it could be sometimes.
 But it couldn’t be denied that the man had some odd habits, even if you were to overlook him buying a living being instead of simply hiring a maid. For example, you knew how thin the walls actually were because you could hear him cry almost every night. The half-robot would hold you close any time the news were too loud or a bottle of beer had fallen and shattered on the ground. Still you weren’t allowed to leave his home so all the doors leading to the outside world were locked while he was away or at work. And there were these weird long cuts on his shoulders you had managed to take notice of the first time your master had asked you to bathe him. You hadn’t meant to prey upon his naked form, but the task had been so awkward you needed something to focus on to drive the unpleasant thoughts away. The injuries looked deep and the man would close his eyes any time the soap made contact with them. Finally one day you gathered the courage to ask him what had caused the raw scratches. You were messaging his scalp gently, applying jasmine in his roots, trying to soothe his nerves and get to the information.
 “ ’S not important. ” K-010 answered lazily while arching his back into your touch. More often than not the male would melt under your care and you couldn’t help but wonder just how lonely it was to be neither a human nor a machine. “She is dead now.” He whispered darkly, secretly hoping it wouldn’t reach your ear, yet it did. “Who is dead?” You questioned him after a while, stroking his wet locks until you heard him moan. You were getting better and better at provoking a reaction from the cyborg and despite knowing it was manipulative and a little devious, he was still the ruthless owner who held your one and only life in his palms. You needed to be sneaky if you wanted a safe, comfortable life.
 “My mother.” Kyle added quickly before looking at the blue ceiling, the glossy material copying both of your reflections. The mention of the woman made the sensitive skin of his nape crawl but he kept talking. “The crazy bitch used to beat me every. She even tried to kill me a couple of times.” A slight smile appeared on his full red lips. “It didn’t work out in the end, unfortunately.” So that’s where the cuts were from – he had been violated in his childhood by no other than the person supposed to look after him. You had always hated abusive parents taking advantage of their authority and even now your own imagination made your heart ache at the picture it painted. A small boy being hit over and over until there his whole body was bruised and bloodied. A child with no one to turn to. It didn’t excuse your master’s evil doing but it certainly explained a lot. “Don’t make such a sad face, darling.” He cooed at you, reaching out to pinch your cheek. “I will always be grateful to the Forces since they gave me the power I needed to finally free myself from her grasp. I even buried her myself after everything was said and done.” Kyle grinned from side to side like a little kid waiting to be praised for the picture they had drawn, except now the man was speaking of the way he had murdered his mother. You were at a total loss of words, suddenly too frightened to respond.
 “What’s so special about being a human anyways?” The cyborg grumbled, sounding almost offended of the words you still haven’t said but were definitely thinking deep down. You were staring forward unable to draw away from that one crack in the wall, his words flying above your head. Your confusion was interrupted by the man quickly raising to his knees and catching both of your hands with his strong robotized ones. The cold touch of the metal combined with the camouflage of a soft skin was enough to mess your mind even further into the maze that was his dark gaze. Next thing you knew the male had you pinned on the hard ground, spotlessly clean and reeking of abstergent. You tried to squirm away but the hold of your wrists was too tight and strong to even make your struggling worth the trouble. “Just look at how weak you humans are.” K-010 taunted you, smirking teasingly, cruelly, yet there was something desperate in his eyes, something hidden. “You are so fragile I could probably break you if I were to press harder on your flesh.” He whispered into your ear, breathing down your neck as he dug his icy fingers into your collarbone and made you whimper pathetically at the dull pain. “People are foolish creatures, illogical by nature. They try to fight authority yet the moment they are left with a free choice, they find a way to run from their responsibilities.” The cyborg chuckled maliciously while digging his nails further into your skin.
 “We might be doomed forever because of our emotions but there is something you fail to consider.” You finally spoke out despite your rapid heartbeat and fear so great it could defeat death herself. The predator already had you in his sharp claws and there was no pointing in playing coy anymore. The worst had come to worst. Your words caught the attention of the half-robot and he licked his lips in anticipation to hear what you had to say. “Unlike the androids we can still experience love. And at the end a life without love is a life wasted in the big picture. We might be mortal but you are the ones waiting to die instead of living.” You spat at the man fiercely, ready to face any punishment he would bestow upon your weak tired body for the sheer honesty. Instead he started laughed maniacally, the sound so loud it hit the ceiling and echoed through the house like a pained scream and so violent his shoulders shook to the sides. For the first time his eyes were glowing in a bright red color so saturated and vivid you couldn’t stand to look at them.
 “This is really funny, my little human.” Kyle pronounced carefully, having calmed down. He lowered his head so that his lips were ghosting over yours, just brushing against them. “I belong with neither humans nor robots so why does my chest ache every time I look at you? Tell me, darling, am I in love?” His voice was harsh, husky – as if he was purposely trying to sound evil but the tears in his eyes pointed at another feeling. A raw painful feeling.
 You couldn’t reply not only because you had no idea what to say after the confession but also because you couldn’t breathe properly with his pretty, wicked face so close to yours. Your silence only managed to stir the cyborg up further into his madness and he kissed you roughly, hungrily lapping and biting at your lips until they were sore and bruised, the robotic man more than happy to lick the small drops of blood off. For a moment you considered kicking or shouting for help but there wasn’t anyone willing to in the radius of kilometers. No one of significance cared much about the few remaining mortals. “I could never love you.” You uttered weakly, half – heartedly pushing the man away. You were all alone in this and there wasn’t really a point in fighting someone so much bigger and stronger, yet a sad little part of you hoped that Kyle would leave you alone if you made it clear enough just how much his actions were hurting you.
  “It’s fine if you don’t love me by choice.” Your master replied calmly in a cold piercing voice. His hands were wandering through your form stopping at your hips to draw them into his. The pretty dress you used to like so much was now crumpled and reeking of him, torn apart from your shivering body and thrown away. You wished you could cry but all the adrenaline had left you too uneasy to process the pain and fear. Kyle whispered in your ear while stroking your hair gently and it made you feel like a trembling sheep before a starved butcher. “I own you, little human.” He placed a small kiss on your hot sensitive neck. “And I have enough love for both of us.”
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sincerelystranger · 3 years
read on AO3
Nie Huaisang fans his face nervously as Xichen watches quietly from across the room.
He’s not quite turned away from Xichen, but he doesn’t seem to be able to look at Xichen either. His eyes keep flickering back and forth from the wall behind Xichen to the floor.
Every single one of Huaisang’s actions seems to scream discomfort, maybe even fear. It occurs to Xichen that it’s strange behavior for someone who invited themselves over. It also occurs to him that at one point in his life, he wouldn’t even have noticed the behavior as strange.
At one point in Xichen’s life, he would have readily believed Huaisang’s act.
He doesn’t now.
He doesn’t know what to believe anymore.
And he thinks maybe that’s what hurts the most.
He thinks that maybe that inability to trust his own judgement is what keeps him locked in seclusion, torturing himself over the things he missed and the things he once believed.
He sits in silence, just watching Nie Huaisang. He’s not sure if he’s surprised by Nie Huaisang’s visit, or if a part of him expected him all this time. The only thing he knows is this:
Nie Huaisang somehow looks altogether too much and not enough like da-ge and Xichen can’t tell whether he hates him for that or not.
Nie Huaisang clears his throat suddenly, the sound is almost deafening in the heavy silence of Xichen’s room.
“Ah… You look… well, er-ge,” he says weakly, still not meeting Xichen’s eyes, “Wei-Xiong made it seem as if… well…” He trails off, briefly making eye contact with Xichen before dropping his gaze back to the floor.
Xichen isn’t surprised by the mention of Wei Wuxian.  
Of course Wei Wuxian would have something to do with this. Of course.
“Wei-Xiong said that you weren’t well – that you didn’t want visitors… I mean… of course… you’re still in seclusion…” Nie Huaisang stumbles over his words. Xichen can see his hand shaking slightly as he continues to fan his face.
That does surprise him though – the fact that Wei Wuxian advised against Nie Huaisang visiting Xichen.
With how nosy Wei Wuxian has been throughout Xichen’s time in seclusion, he would have thought that Wei Wuxian had had a hand in Nie Huaisang’s visit.
“Wei Wuxian advised against your visit?” Xichen asks, curiosity opening his mouth.
Nie Huaisang seems surprised by Xichen’s voice. The fan goes still in his hands. “He… did,” he nods, “Wei-Xiong… He… Well I don’t think he trusts me… anymore.” There’s a small self-deprecating smile on his face as he admits this. He looks to the ground again before slowly bringing his gaze up to meet Xichen’s eyes. He gives Xichen a weak smile. “I guess you don’t either, do you, er-ge?”
Xichen guesses he should have expected it, but it still catches him off-guard to be confronted so openly.
Somehow it seems… out of character for Huaisang.
But then…
What does Xichen know of Huaisang’s character anyway?
“I… I just don’t know why you did what you did,” Xichen admits. And it’s the closest thing to the truth that he can stomach to say. Because… because even after everything. Even after the manipulation and betrayal and years of being lied to. He still…
Well he’s still Nie Huaisang’s er-ge, isn’t he?
It’s one of the only things he’s been able to come to terms with in his time in seclusion: The people Xichen loves may do monstrous things, but Xichen will love them anyway. He can’t help himself. Once he loves, he doesn’t know how to stop.
Nie Huaisang is quiet for a while. He slowly lowers his fan to his lap. He looks more vulnerable, sat there without the fan covering part of his face.
Even after everything, it makes Xichen’s heart ache for him. Even after everything, Xichen wants to call him close, ask him how he can help wipe that sadness from his face.
He doesn’t though.
He stays quiet.
“It’s already been eight years since da-ge died,” Huaisang says slowly, “Next year, I’ll be older than he ever got to be.”
Logically it’s something Xichen has known for a while. He’s been older than da-ge for years now. But it still churns his stomach to hear those words come out of Huaisang’s lips. To be hit with the realization that da-ge has truly been dead for so long. It seems… so impossible. Da-ge is still so fresh in Xichen’s memory.
“It’s strange,” Huaisang continues quietly, “In my memory da-ge is always so much older than me. Always such an… adult. When father died and da-ge became the sect leader, I remember thinking, ‘of course.’ Because da-ge already seemed so grown up at the time. So sure of himself.” Huaisang wipes absently at the floor and huffs a small laugh. “Now I wonder how the elders could have been so cruel as to put all that responsibility onto such a young boy.”
A lump forms in Xichen’s throat.
“Da-ge was always… good,” Xichen says stupidly, “He never shied from responsibility… he always gave everything his… best.”
Nie Huaisang huffs another small laugh. “Da-ge was always good,” he agrees. “If the world could have been as good as he was – if I could have been as good as he was – everything might be different now.”
The room goes quiet again at Huaisang’s small confession.
Xichen can’t find it in himself to disagree or to comfort, because he thinks the same. Maybe if he could have been as good as da-ge, everything might’ve ended differently. Maybe if Xichen hadn’t questioned da-ge’s judgement… Maybe if Xichen had just trusted da-ge…
“He… loved you er-ge. Did you know?”
“Of course,” Xichen answers, a little taken aback by Huaisang’s question.
“No,” Huaisang says with a shake of his head. “He loved you… as a man. Did you know?”
The center of gravity seems to have changed in the room. Xichen feels… tilted. Unmoored.
“He – da-ge… he didn’t,” Xichen tries to explain slowly, a slow panic crawling up his spine. Da-ge didn’t – he couldn’t. Da-ge never saw Xichen like that…
“He did,” Huaisang says, something stubborn bleeding into his voice.
Xichen shakes his head. He doesn’t know where Huaisang got this idea but…
“He didn’t, Huaisang,” Xichen says, “I… I…” It’s humiliating to have to own to it. How does Huaisang always manage to put him into this situations? Situations where he has to cut his heart open with his own hand. “I confessed to him when we were… younger.”
Da-ge had been kind when he refused Xichen.
His hand had been gentle and warm on Xichen’s shoulder and his eyes had been deep and kind. “I can’t be that for you. I’m sorry.”
But he still stayed Xichen’s friend.
Still stayed Xichen’s… da-ge.
“He refused you because he thought….” Huaisang stammers, “He… he said…”
Xichen’s heart drops to his stomach. Something cold makes its way towards his chest. He said? Da-ge had… He had talked about Xichen’s confession to Huaisang?
“What,” Xichen asks, a nervous hunger gnawing at his throat. “What did da-ge say?”
“He said you deserved better than a man destined for madness,” Huaisang says finally.
It feels like a cruel joke.
Another manufactured cruelty from Huaisang. Another upturned grave that Xichen will have to cover with his hands.
“You… Don’t lie to me, Huaisang,” Xichen says, and he’s ashamed by the way his voice trembles. “Da-ge… He never…”
“He was always doing these foolish things,” Huaisang says, his voice cracking, as tears spill from his eyes. “Always giving up parts of his happiness for the people he loved.”
A sob escapes from Xichen’s lips. He hurries to cover his mouth so more don’t shamefully spill out but it’s no use. Da-ge couldn’t… He…
But of course he would.
“He did it for me too,” Huaisang continues, his lips trembling, his whole body taut as he tries to control his sobs. “And I didn’t know either, er-ge. I never realized until it was too late. All the things—“ Huaisang folds in on himself, his hand coming up to cover his eyes as he cries. “—All the things he gave up for me. All the things he turned a blind eye to because he knew I loved them.”
The room dissolves into quiet sobs.
And it’s a little funny, Xichen thinks, even though Huaisang is tearing out the seams in Xichen’s heart that Xichen just barely put in. Even though Huaisang has brought with him so much hurt and anger and confusion. It’s still… comforting to cry with someone who Xichen knows misses da-ge as much as Xichen does. There’s still a twisted sense of camaraderie there.
When the wave passes and the sobs quiet, Huaisang straightens back up. He wipes gingerly at his face with his sleeve. Xichen is reminded of all the times he watched Huaisang do the same action when he was just a child. Da-ge would have reprimanded him, Xichen thinks. Da-ge would have tossed Huaisang his handkerchief.
Because as wild and brutish as da-ge was reputed to be… he was… proper like that. Gentler than anyone imagined he could ever be.
That was one of the things Xichen had loved about him.
Huaisang lets out a shaky exhale. He’s twisting his sleeves between his fingers nervously. Even now, it seems impossible to Xichen that Huaisang – sweet and spoiled Huaisang – could have lied to him for so long. It seems impossible that the Huaisang he knows – the Huaisang sitting in front of him – could have orchestrated the downfall of Mengyao.
It seems impossible, and yet…
“You say that you don’t know why I did the things I did,” Huaisang says, his voice soft and scratchy from his tears, “And if I’m honest, I didn’t understand myself either.” He looks up and Xichen then and gives a helpless shrug. “It’s so unlike me. Right, er-ge? All this planning and scheming and… and just all this work to destroy someone I love. It was torturous for me – it really was, er-ge. But...”
Xichen doesn’t move. He doesn’t make a sound. It feels like he’s at the edge of a cliff. What Huaisang says next will most certainly push him over but he’s still waiting… He doesn’t know how to do anything else.
“I think… I think I was punishing myself,” Huaisang says, “I think I was punishing myself for loving san-ge – for letting my love blind me to his evil deeds.”
Xichen’s heart drops to the bottom of his stomach. He feels slightly nauseous.
Huaisang drops his gaze from Xichen’s eyes to the ground just in front of Xichen. “And for what I did to you at Guanyin Temple… I… I think in a way… I wanted to punish you too.”
He’s falling. He’s been pushed off the cliff and he’s falling.
It’s a lot more freeing than he thought it would be. It almost feels like flying.
Was that all it was?
All this confusion and loss and pain and confusion and loss and loss and pain…
Just punishment?
A strange laughter bubbles from Xichen’s lips before he can even control it.
“Sorry,” he says, quickly bringing his hand to cover his mouth. Shamefully enough, the laughter spills over again. “Sorry.” But it’s not enough. The laughter forces itself out of his body. He can’t help himself. He feels insane, but he’s laughing and it won’t stop. “Sorry, I’m so sorry. I’m so—”
Xichen can almost feel Huaisang’s surprise but he can’t help himself. The laughter won’t stop. And strangely, after a few moments of his unhinged laughter, he hears…
He looks up, his vision clouded slightly by the strange tears his strange laughter has created and to his surprise… Huaisang is laughing too.
Seeing Huaisang laugh plants more seeds of laughter in Xichen. He can’t stop now – even if he tried. The laughter bubbles over. Huaisang’s laughter waters Xichen’s laughter and it grows and grows and…
That was all it was.
All this pain and loss and confusion and it was just… punishment.
How ridiculous.
The night of Huaisang’s visit, Xichen steps outside for the first time since he started his seclusion.
In the dark of night, the world seems all at once strange and inviting.
Cloud Recesses, of course, is quiet. All the disciples having gone to sleep long ago.
Xichen feels safer, with that knowledge that he’s alone. That he won’t run into anyone who—
“Xichen-ge!” a voice surprises him from his thoughts. He turns towards the voice and sees Wei Wuxian and…. Wangji.
Wei Wuxian visits him often enough that it shouldn’t be such a surprise to see him, but it feels different seeing him outside the confines of his room. Xichen feels self-conscious suddenly. Like his arms are too long and maybe his hair is untidy.
“Wei… gongzi,” he nods after a shocked moment, “Wangji.”
Wei Wuxian waves him over as Wangji nods back. “We’re taking a walk,” Wei Wuxian exclaims, “The night is cool and the stars are bright. Come join us, Xichen-ge!”
It’s all so ridiculous, Xichen thinks as he takes a heavy step forward, out of the gate and towards the path.
How ridiculously easy it is to leave the jail he created for himself. How ridiculously normal it feels for Wei Wuxian to ask him to join him on a night walk – as if Xichen hasn’t trapped himself between four walls for years.
Wei Wuxian and Wangji separate to make room for him. It’s a small act of kindness, Xichen realizes, and he takes it because it does feel a little safer to walk between them.
Such a childishness, he thinks, still too bare to the world to feel any embarrassment from it. But he does feel safe. Wangji feels… taller… and sturdier than Xichen remembers him being. And Wei Wuxian… Well is there anyone more reliable to walk the dark night with than Wei Wuxian?  
“Look!” Wei Wuxian says, pointing up at the sky. “Isn’t the moon beautiful tonight?”
Xichen follows Wei Wuxian’s finger up.
The moon is round and heavy. It looks so close that it feels like Xichen might be able to touch it if he just reaches up.
“It’s beautiful,” he agrees softly.
“It’s like it knew you would come out to see it today, Xichen-ge,” Wei Wuxian nods happily. “Don’t you think so, Lan Zhan?”
Wangji hums his agreement as they keep walking.
Happiness sits hot and heavy in Xichen’s chest. He feels safe and free and…
“I think we’ve had enough punishment,” Huaisang had said before he left. “You and… me too, er-ge.” He had looked at Xichen then and had given him a smile – a real smile. No hint of sadness in his face at all. “Da-ge always wanted the people he loved to be happy… so I think it’s time to do that. Don’t you think so, er-ge?”
He hadn’t answered Huaisang as he left but he agrees quietly in his heart now.
He’s lost and lost and lost and he’s sat in that loss for years. Yearning and searching and looking for an answer that wasn’t there – ignoring the world outside his room for years and choosing punishment day after day because… because maybe he thought he deserved it.
And still…
The moon is beautiful.
And still, his family welcomes him back.
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ayyyez · 4 years
Could you do hc on Tobirama and s/o (she would be the younger sister of Madara and Izuna) on an arranged marriage to make peace and to make his brother's village dream true? SFW and/or NSFW
a/n: Heeeeeell yeh you can! Alright Tobirama hoes who love Uchiha!Readers come get ya’ll juice! Thanks for the request friendo! (hope it was worth the wait omg I’m finally getting these requests down) sorry these are so damn long I didn’t make it to the nsfw lol next time I promise! warnings: ahh little angst didn’t make it to nsfw 
-Tobirama is entirely indifferent to marriage. For him it’s something to create alliances and project the strength of the village. It makes no difference to him whether you are an Uchiha or not. Low-key will keep an eye on you but other than that it’s much of a muchness for him. 
-Let’s say it’s canon compliant and Tobirama killed Izuna well that makes things complicated but you try your best to no outright hate him. You have seen your fair share of war and it also ripped your family apart. All you have left is Madara and even he is left a broken husk of a man. So you decide to sacrifice your own self for the dream and light you brother once held. You agree to marry Tobirama.
-On some level you hope Tobirama sees things the same way and that he will make an effort to be kind. You knew it wouldn’t bring back your brother but it would make the marriage less insufferable. But Tobirama isn’t that sort of man, he will either say what he thinks or nothing at all. Niceties don’t come naturally to him and it’s foolish to expect them. 
-When the talks for marriage first happen it’s a sit down between Hashirama and Tobirama across from yourself and Madara along with the new Uchiha leader for good measure. You knew he was nothing more than a prop, a gesture of good will to show the Senju that your clan had changed. Hell, if you didn’t have to marry in order to add security then you would be the leader. Fate was certainly laughing in your face. 
-It wasn’t long before Madara blew up at Tobirama and the two were duelling a battle of the wits. Normally, Hashirama would step in to mediate but before he could utter a word you slammed your fist against the table startling everyone. 
‘Might I say a word toward my own marriage proposal?’ You said, not bothering to hold the air of formalities since your brother already broke them. 
‘Of course.’ Hashirama replied. 
-You looked between them. Tobirama looked shocked and honestly it was the first time you had seen much emotion etched on his face. Were it under any other circumstances you would have laughed but you were frustrated. 
‘Whatever the terms you wish you put forward,’ you took a deep breath, ‘I’ll do it. I’ll marry Tobirama Senju.’ 
Quite possibly the most regrettable words to ever come from your mouth but your options were taken from you. 
Madara called your name. ‘You can’t possibly consider actually agreeing to-’
‘I just did.’ You looked around at each other their stunned expressions. ‘If this is what keeps people safe, what keeps peace then I’ll do it. That is why we are here, right?’ 
-And that was how you signed yourself over to a Senju, the clan you were pitted against from infancy. Still it was worth it enough just to rile each of them up and remind them that you were no pawn to be trifled with. If you were to play then you would be a key player. As you should have been as the leader. 
-The ceremony was simple but with a large gathering expected of both an Uchiha and a Senju. But honestly it seemed everyone was enjoying the day more than the actual couple. You noted that there was nothing unusual about that. Marriage even before peacetime always hinged on power and passing on abilities. Your own mother coupled with your father for the strength of the clan.
-It was when you entered your new home, left alone with the man you now called you husband that you realised the reality of the situation. There was no going back now. You laughed to yourself as you looked out the window, realising the ridiculousness of the situation. ‘Sorry, Izuna.’ You whispered as you retreated to the bathroom to bathe. 
-You had become so numb that you barely felt the heat of the bath water against your skin. The steam cloaked around you like a defensive bubble as you scrubbed your skin. Maybe you would wake up and everything would be a dream? No, that wasn’t the cruel world you knew. 
-When you walked into the bedroom Tobirama was sitting at the end of the bed, staring at something on the wall and deep in thought. You didn’t bother speaking to him as you climbed into bed and beneath the covers. It wasn’t a marriage built out of mutual affection so why bother acting like it? You turned away from him and willed sleep to take you.
-Tobirama spent a few moments in the same position before he eventually shut out the light and climbed into bed beside you. He didn’t bother speaking to you either. It was one of the most restless nights for the pair of you and you never knew how much of a void there could be between someone so close beside you. 
-When the morning light shinned in through the window and the situation didn’t dissolve you knew this was your life now. The two of you lying there, on your backs in silence. 
‘I wondered what kind of man you were,’ you began, bluntly, ‘a killer sure but we are all killers.’ You swallowed. ‘What I didn’t know was whether or not you were the sort of man to force someone to do something against their will in order to secure this arrangement.’ 
‘You are not one to be forced and I am not one to force such things when they are not wanted.’ Tobirama said, flatly. ‘So let us leave it at that.’ He climbed out of bed and left the room.
-A smile came to your face. Should you be at least be happy your new husband didn’t have violent delights in that respect? You could hear Izuna mocking you in your head. Kami if he could see you now he would never believe it. With a groan you got out of bed and contented yourself with making breakfast. 
-The days passed by the same way. You and Tobirama spoke no more than a sentence to each other. You filled your days with errands, seeing old clan members and training your abilities. Possessing the sharingan was a precarious thing if you didn’t continue to train it. Sometimes you fantasised about over powering Tobirama in battle. You imagined the shocked look on his face. 
-The days bled into weeks and you were growing bored of life. There was only so much to keep you busy and you were going to lose your mind. That was when you walked by the newly established academy, watching the kids run in the field and an idea struck you. You could pass on your knowledge to the next generation and do something useful besides being someones wife while they ran the village. 
-There at the academy you found your new lifes purpose teaching the children of the new generation. It was challenging but also incredibly rewarding. Knowing these kids weren’t sent off into battle to watch people die was something that kept you going. Something you would fight to keep that way. 
-This new found light gave you hope. Maybe you could help achieve you brothers original dream after all and do Izuna’s memory proud? Perhaps all the of this wasn’t for nothing. 
-The new found joy began to light up your hope in home life as well. You began to converse more with Tobirama. It started with business talk. Enquiring about the academy and sharing your ideas. In turn he gave you his honest opinion, shutting down ideas that wouldn’t work but adding onto those that did. It was almost as though the two of you began respecting each other. 
-Tobirama was not blind to the shift too. He saw this as an opportunity to strengthen your marriage which was always so strained. He made it a point (although he would never tell you or anyone) to set aside time to work on plans for the academy. He would charge you with testing out ideas and plans and trusted your feedback on the matter. 
-He began visiting the academy more, speaking to you more and it wasn’t long before the two of you actually got along. It was nothing deep but it was so much more than it was before. It made you think that this could work. This could be a liveable life. 
-During the nights you noticed the distance between you and Tobirama wasn’t so vast like the empty void it was before. In fact, you could swear that physically he was closer to you as well. You wondered whether it was conscious or not but either way you didn’t mind. 
-When the two of you were home you would spend hours talking about the possibilities for the village. You talked about the children and your hopes for their future. He in turn explained how that could incorporate in everyday life of the village and create more opportunities for people. It was stimulating and it was nice. You felt yourself drawn closer.
-But then the anniversary of Izuna’s death hit you like ice water. You woke up with a feeling that something was wrong and then Madara came to see you. That’s when you remembered and with that came the memory of who killed him. You felt guilty for entertaining the thought of enjoying the company of the man who killed your brother.
-That day you spent with Madara, talking about the past and your family. With that came soul crushing pain but you didn’t cry. You had wasted all your tears years ago. You weren’t even sure you could cry anymore. Just like you could never see Izuna again. 
-That night you got home late. Tobirama inquired to your whereabouts but you ignored him. Once you reached the doorway of the hall he called out to you again. 
‘What are you doing?’
You stopped your hand curling over the frame.
‘It’s the anniversary of Izuna’s death,’ you said without turning back, ‘and I’m going to bathe.’ 
-You couldn’t look at him so you kept walking. He didn’t say anything after that either. After your bath you went to bed and he followed behind. You didn’t talk like you usually did, you didn’t even look at each other. And suddenly the void was back and you felt further away from him than you did in the beginning. It hurt more than you could bear. 
-The two of you grew apart after that. There were no more late night conversations or sharing ideas. He didn’t visit you at the academy anymore. When you came home you could look at him again but you didn’t say anything. 
-Tobirama was entirely aware of the change. He didn’t enjoy it but he wouldn’t accept full responsibility either. You knew he had killed Izuna when you entered the marriage so why was it different now? Deep down he knew why. The circumstances of your feelings for one another had changed substantially. But he would not feel guilty of something he had done in the past. Yes he had killed Izuna but honestly, if he hadn’t then it was likely Izuna would have killed him. They were at war after all. 
-Still, he did not enjoy that that fact was the reason for the shift between the two of you. However he would not move to remedy it either. It just wasn’t in him when he didn’t feel responsible. Well, that and he was stubborn. But perhaps he cared more than he would ever admit. 
-As the weeks moved on you didn’t feel such a heaviness weighing over your heart anymore. You would never truly be over Izuna’s death but you didn’t want that to weigh over your relationship anymore. You wanted it to be light again, liveable. 
-But when you got home you couldn’t bring yourself to say as much. You looked at him intently and when his eyes met yours you held their gaze. But still you couldn’t say the words. He seemed unbothered by this, glancing over at you ever so often through dinner.
-By the time you were in bed you contented yourself by promising to fix the void. And you lied awake thinking everything over, feeling angry, sad and confused all at once. You went through each emotion over and over until something moved next to you and broke your thoughts.
-The next thing you knew Tobirama was pressed against you back, his arms wrapped around you and clinging. At first you held your breath wondering what on earth was going on. But then you realised he was asleep and it made a little more sense. You had heard him roll in his sleep before but he had never clung to you like this. And suddenly all the sadness and anger inside you disappeared and you wanted to just savour this moment. 
-Taking a deep breath you turned in his hold to face him. You could barely see in the dark so you activated your sharingan. Then you saw his expression a lot softer in sleep than it did when he was awake. He looked so different, like the weight of the world no longer sat on his shoulders. And as you sharingan eyes shone through the night you imprinted his face on your mind, making a note to lock it away forever. 
-Then you sighed and closed your eyes willing sleep to take you. And it finally did, allowing you to get the rest you had been without for weeks. 
-In the morning you awoke, keeping your eyes closed as you felt Tobirama stir beside you. You felt him tense, as if he realised the position the two of you were in. He went to move but you reached out to stop him and he tensed again. This was uncharted territory between the two of you.
‘Let’s just stay like this for a little while.’ You mumbled, pressing toward him.
You felt his arms relax a little as they ease back around you.
‘I didn’t know you were a clingy sleeper.’ 
‘It’s not a fact I share easily.’ He grumbled. 
-You smiled, the first real smile in weeks. And then you opened your eyes, blinking them as they focused. In front of you was Tobirama, staring at you curiously but with no other discernible expression. You knew it wanted to ask what had changed between you two, why you were suddenly acting this was but he didn’t. Maybe he didn’t want your wrath to complicate things.
-You sighed. 
‘I’m not ever going to be able to forgive you for Izuna,’ you said, swallowing audibly. ‘But I won’t allow my feelings on the matter get between whatever this is anymore.’ Your eyes met his. ‘Are those terms agreeable?’ 
Tobirama looked at you, studying your expression for a moment. 
‘Yes, that is agreeable.’ He said, softly. 
‘Good.’ You whispered.
-The two of you laid there for a few moments, looking at each other, wondering where the two fo you would go from there. But then you decided that you weren’t the type of person to half heart anything. 
-With another sigh you leant forward, inching ever so closely until your lips touched his. The kiss was light for a moment, testing the waters until you pressed them closer, more firmly, cementing that you wanted to try this. And Tobirama kissed you back, his hands pulling you closer as his mouth moved against yours. And finally you were able to accept your marriage to Tobirama Senju.
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codradin · 5 years
Just a Default
THE PAIN TRAIN IS COMPLETE @devon-rever-860 Warnings: sadsadsadsadsadsad, suicide, death, grief, depression, self harm, all that jazz Bing had been quiet today. All the Googles were concerned, but he had either developed a sudden skill in lying, or his 'nah, I'm fine, just didn't charge super great last night' were genuine. Google didn't know. Bings batteries were low, and he claimed he would've kept himself plugged in while he worked, but he was doing some delicate work, and he didn't want a glitch to "send everything spiraling into hell". They all kept a close eye on the younger android, but other than his odd quiet, he didn't seem to be acting off. Oddly, though, this theme continued. Over the next several days, Bing was low on battery, but was still working on delicate things, so he didn't charge during the day, and went to bed early. All of the Googles were having a meeting, the three extensions watching and the main computer paced restlessly. "What should we do? Maybe make sure he's plugged in?" Ollie tried, and Blue grimaced.  "I've tried. He's locked his door with a new fingerprint that I don't know." He responded, and the others shifted anxiously. "That's not like him..." Red said quietly, and Blue sighed, pausing his pacing for a moment. "I'm aware. Does anyone have any ideas? I would destroy the wall to his room, but Dark would, quite literally, dismantle all of us for doing THAT much damage to the manor." All of the extensions winced. "He'd tell us if something was wrong, right?" Ollie said quietly, and Blue paused once again at that, before nodding despite the growing feeling of dread that opened in his circuits. "Yes. Yes, he would. Why wouldn't he?" -- The theme continued, but Bing went into his room to charge earlier and earlier, and despite the Googles' best attempts, they never made it inside his room, nor did they find out what was wrong. "...Anyone know why Bing would be asking for so much synthetic skin?" Green said one day, and they all looked up, cocking an eyebrow in sync.  "Making more toys for Peggy?" Blue suggested, and Green shrugged. "Maybe, but he's been asking for...a lot, and I haven't seen any new toys recently..."  All of the extensions exchanged a look, that pit of dread growing deeper and deeper, his circuits twisting into anxious knots. -- He didn't have to feel pain. He knew that.
That was why he turned his pain receptors all the way up. He wasn't plugged in; he never bothered to be until he was actually planning on sleeping. Each chunk of wiring he tore out of his arm ripped a low growl of pain from his throat, and despite the fiery tears that ran down his face and his machinery begging for him to stop, he didn't. He couldn't. Would they even notice if I vanished? Why am I still here? A shower of sparks erupted from his arm, and he let out a muffled grunt, pain flashing through his systems. He hoped these parts weren't important, but then again, it didn't really matter. It was going to rain tomorrow. Tomorrow they wouldn't have to worry about pretending anymore. All he needed for that was his legs, and a good enough alibi to get outside. --  It was raining. All of the Googles were inside, of course, but despite there best efforts, they couldn't find Bing. His office was locked, but they detected no one inside. When they asked, Dark's brows furrowed.  "I thought he was going to the Septics to spend time with Chase. He brought some covering clothes with him, but I wouldn't put it past him to take it off and crash outside." Blue let out a soft sigh of relief, trying to ignore the terrible feeling growing in his wires and circuits. Chase would keep him safe. He would be fine. --
Blue looked up when he heard a hurried knock against his office door, surprised to find Dr. Iplier, giving him a worried look. "So...Host just had a vision. A really bad one. I think he mentioned Bing somewhere in there? It didn't seem like a fun, happy go lucky vision..." The doctor was nearly trampled by four several ton androids as they tore out the door and towards the Septics. -- It had stopped raining, which was a shame. He was still functioning, after all. Bing let out a lagging sigh as he stared up at the gloomy sky above him, the covering clothes Dark had suggested he take with thrown to the side of his prone body, spread eagle on his back. Rain was...cold. Cold as it seeped into his skin, frying his circuits and destroyed delicate machinery. Cold relief. He heard running footsteps, and he sighed. He already knew who it was. He didn't want to have this conversation, but seems he was going to have it. "Bing! What the Hͭ̎ë́̋ͪlͭ̔͊l͋̽ are you do͛ȋ̏̈́nͧ̈́ͧg̃̇͊ out here?" He shrugged as best he could.  " s̃ͯͣā̈̒hͯͣ͆,̴̎͘ ͐̚̚ĝ̎͌o͐̓͜҉̯̙̹ò̃̈gͣ͂͟sͯ͟͝҉̺.̢̢̿ ͭ͒͜'ͬ́̎m̊̐̓ ̾͋҉̝̼̭j̿ͯͬủ̃̎s̑͑ͣtͯ͐͂҉͖͍̪ ͦ̓͛c̭̥̏h̛̑͟i͗̐̅lͬ̓̈l̔̽͋ĭ̃̊҉̶̳̙n͂̂̏ğ̿ͣ.́̀̄" Google huffed, exasperated, reaching down to pick Bing up, but the younger android slapped his hand away, standing shakily. "Bing?" Ollie asked, the concern on his face making Bing's cold CPU warm with a long-buried frustration, and he narrowed his eyes. "D̨o̡n͢͝'̴̢͠t͢ ̢̀g͘͞i͠v̛͡e̸ ̷҉m̸͜͟è͞ ̴̀͝t̛h͡a͏̴̀t ̶̧͞lo̡͞o̵k̴̀͡. ̡Yǫ͏u͠҉̸ ̨̛͏d͝o̸͞n'͏̡t̷ ̢͝h͟a҉̴v̴͞ę͘̕ ́͞t̢o͟͜ ̷̸͞ǵ͘i̡̨v̡͜e̶͞ ̶̡m̡e҉ ͟͏ý̷o̴҉u̡͏͜ŕ̢̛ p̸i̸t͏y̷̛." All of the Googles blinked in surprise, and Bing felt a glitching growl rise from his chest, giving them all a hard look. "I ҉҉k̢n͘҉͟o̷ẁ̨ ̶͠d͢a̢mn҉ ̴̨w̧͘ęll̢͢ ͜y̷o̴u ̶do͠͞n̡̛'̴t̵̷ f͟e̸͢ȩ̵l̶͞;̷̸ ̢n̢͟o͜͝͡t̛̀͟ ̵r͢͠e̛á̢҉lly. You're҉ the perfect machine. Emotions would make you too human.҉ Imperfect҉."Blue raised an eyebrow, that awful feeling in his chest growing with each word Bing spat at them. "Bing? What on earth are you talking about?" Bing just sighed, looking away, fists clenched at his side. " I̍̓ͦẗ̤͛ ̥̦d̰̒o͔̒̿eͦ̓̐s͌͌̊nͭͬ͛'͓̥̄t̪͒̿ ͖ͤ̈m̑ͧͤa͔̅tͩ̒̈tͭͪͦe͆ͨͦrͣ͛̃.̜̊̚ ͕ͬͤǏ̔͆t̤͔̆ ͗̅̈nͥͦ̈́e̙̔͒v͗̉̈e̓̚̚r͉͖̙ ̔͂d̥ͫͮiͮ̏͌dͨ́̾.͍̅ ̾͐̾I̐̐͒ ͑ͪͮnͤͮ̅e̼̫v͍̱͕ȇ̐ͯr̐̂͆ ͣͪ͐d̀ͯ̆ǐ̆̃d͋̔̍.͋̈̏ "Wh-of course it matters! Of course you matter!" All of the Googles took a step forward, Bing taking a lagging step back, a bitter laugh echoing through the clearing. "Don't give me that bull! I'm just a default; everyone would prefer if I didn't f**cking exist. You know that!" His voice had become oddly clear, despite his twitching and glitching body. "I'll never be good enough. Survival of the fittest or whatever the humans say? I'm not that. YOU are. The weak ones must die." A chill ran down the Googles' spines, and they all took another step forward, leading to Bing taking another step back. "I'm-I'm tired of it, man!" Amber tears began to run down Bings face, a hand tangling with his hair, a hysterical grin crossing his face. "I'm tired of all of it! T-the lies, the pity, the-the deception! I'm tired of living in a world where I can't feel happy! In a world where I have to doubt everyone's motives!" His beautiful eyes, dripping with liquid fire, fire that Google just wanted to wipe away, locked with Blue's, then the others. "A world..." He swallowed thickly. "A world where I have to question yours."   "I-I can hear it, sometimes its just a whisper, b-but it's screaming at me, and there's nothing I can do about it! It's my own horrible voice, bouncing around the inside of my head! B-but it's yours also, and the others, and everyone who's ever said a word to me, and-" 
The hand in his hair tugged sharply, the other joined it, his gaze falling to the muddy earth beneath them, taking another staggering step back as the words poured out of him like a surging waterfall, an unstoppable force he was foolish to even attempt to halt. "And it's all just so loud! I can't f**cking stop it! There's nothing I can do about it! It just-I know! I get it! I'm terrible, I have no purpose, I'm just a default, it'd be better if I died, I KNOW!" 
He was shouting now, all of the Googles taking a cautious step forward, a movement Bing didn't notice or care about. The extensions rapidly firing messages between each other and the main unit, desperately trying to find a solution, a way to ease Bing's pain. 
Bing's head snapped upright suddenly, giving them an odd look."Why are you still here? Go away! You're the damn reason I'm doing this! Isn't this what you want?! You can finally stop pretending! You can finally be the perfect machine you were made to be!" Suddenly, Bing was smiling, still with that odd look in his eyes. "I"m realizing I should hate you. Why don't I? Maybe it's just because I have...I understand perfection. Whether you beat it into me or not, I understand it. I understand you. And I know that no one else will. But that's not what you want, is it?"
"Bing, please, just LISTEN-" 
“If no one understands you, no one can stop you, right? If no one knows your secrets, your ticks, then you'll be a completely unpredictable thing, with knowledge over everyone, and they have nothing over you." His voice had calmed significantly, a hand slowly falling from his hair to rest over his dull, pulsing logo. 
 They reacted too slowly, all of the androids rushing forward as Bing punched through his own sternum, ripping out his motherboard and crushing it to irreparable pieces before crumpling to the ground.
The Googles surrounded the limp form of Bing, all of them unable to do anything but watch as the fiery, beautiful light that was Bing flickered, before fading, his body falling completely limp, his logo fading to a dull gray, his eyes falling closed as the light went out in them. 
One of them screamed. Maybe it was all of them. They didn't care. When Blue's emotions separated from the others, he saw Ollie sobbing over Bing's corpse, hands desperately gripping at Bing's tank top. Red was slamming his fists against the ground, hard enough they left solid indents, crimson tears falling from his face. Green was in silent shock, piney tears dripping slowly down his face, falling from his chin and onto the earth below. Blue was sure he was crying too, feeling all of their emotions swirling together into one chaotic mess in his circuits.  He was distantly aware they were grieving, something new that he should probably take notes on, but he couldn't bring himself to care. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered right now. All that mattered was the extinguished light of the purest, kindest being that had ever graced this awful planet. And Google held the empty bucket of water. "...Why did we have to be so cruel?" He said to no one. He knew the extensions were thinking the same thing. "Why couldn't we have made him happy? Why weren't we enough? Why..." He made a horrible glitched sound in the back of his throat, and he shut his eyes, suddenly unable to bear the sight before him. There was a long silence, before all of the androids paused, turning to look at one another with grief on their face as unbearable regret settled in their mainframes, a thousand apologies locking up their throats and new-found self loathing settled into their endoskeletons. They all rose their hands to their chests. "Life isn't worth living without you." --
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TITLE: Shamrocks
A/N: A Dean x Donna St. Patrick’s Day fic. Some angst and comfort here. I love them so.
He hadn’t meant to look.
Well, he always meant to look, but he also knew how Donna felt about him staring at her, especially in such a state of undress. She’d gotten used to it during sexy times, but even then her face flushed a becoming shade of pinkish-red and her shyness took over. He knew he had her damn ex to thank for that, but Dean had no doubt with more time and her ever-growing confidence she’d come around.
But he really hadn’t meant to see what he saw this time. He’d merely thrown a casual “You wanna eat lunch here or in town?” over his shoulder as they got dressed and couldn’t help the double-take and stare that followed.
He barely had time to read the words across the butt of her panties before she slid her jeans on, hiding the treasure from his curious eyes. Had he read that right? The light gray boyshorts with a green waistband and a sparkly green shamrock on each cheek had ‘Shake Those Shamrocks’ emblazoned on them in green glitter?
“Whoa, what was that?” He couldn’t help himself. He knew he risked her turning shy and clamming up or getting irritated with him, which resulted in the same thing, but he had to know. “I’ve never seen those before.”
“What?” Donna glanced over her shoulder to find Dean staring—nearly gawking, if she were honest—and she rushed to throw her green shirt on. “Dean…” Her warning, muffled by her shirt, sounded less serious than she’d meant for it to.
He cleared his throat, a small smile playing at his lips. Tread lightly, he warned himself. She hadn’t been her usual, jovial self since she’d arrived at the bunker the day before, and though he’d tried to get her to talk, she’d brushed it off, feigning happy. He wanted to know what was going on in her head, and teasing too much or pissing her off would only push her away.
He waited until she faced him—fully clothed, he was sad to note—one hand on her hip. “The, uh….shamrocks?” Deliberately darting his eyes to her hips and back, he stared at her, amused.
“Oh.” He saw pink blooming on her cheeks as she turned her back to him, reaching for her jewelry and gun on the bedside table. “They’re nothin’.”
“Not true,” he assured her. “They’re somethin’.”
She swore she heard admiration in his voice. Or was it teasing? “You ready to go? We’ve got a lot of errands to run.”
“Uh huh…”
His smug tone, accompanied by the smile she heard in his voice, grated on her. “It’s nothing, Dean.” She hadn’t meant to sound as harsh as she did, had only meant to shut down the conversation, but she knew she’d overdone it.
His soft tone, full of concern, popped the bubble of frustration inside of her, leaving her feeling deflated, even as he moved to sit next to her as she sunk down on the edge of the bed.
“I’m…sorry if I…said something wrong.”
It came out nearly a question, and it made her feel worse because Dean had always been so good to her.
“No.” She shook her head, frustrated at herself. “You didn’t say anything wrong.” She glanced at him, his eyes questioning, apprehension written on his face, before she dropped her gaze to her hands. “I was cleaning out the spare bedroom the other day and came across a bunch of stuff that reminded me of Doug.”
The name caused Dean to tense, though he tried not to let it show. They both had a past, and while they didn’t talk about them often, he was always overcome by emotions when Doug was brought up: disgust and a need to punch something with Doug the First (or as he’d come to think of him, the Worst) and regret and sorrow for what Donna had lost with Doug the Second. He didn’t know which one she referred to, but regardless, unlocking old doors always led to emotional strife.
“I’d bought a bunch of stuff, a long time ago…when I thought our marriage could be saved. Cute clothes, jewelry, a whole line of holiday-themed lingerie….sorry, I know you don’t wanna hear this stuff,” she apologized, realizing this was likely the last door Dean had wanted to open.
“Don’t be sorry.” He reached over and gripped one of her hands in his. “Tell me?”
He didn’t want to know, not really. He hated hearing how the Worst had treated her, how he verbally assaulted and abused her, and after the handful of times she’d talked about her marriage, full of aching for Donna and fury at the Worst, he had to go blow off steam by visiting the shooting range or the boxing bag in the gym. But he also wanted to know in order to understand Donna more, to help her regain a healthy view of herself, and because he loved her—he wanted to know everything, even the parts she hated. The Worst had left her feeling subpar, insecure, and less than feminine. Her relationship with the Second had helped heal some of those wounds, as had taking on monsters, her role as sheriff, and helping Jody and the girls kick ass. But his departure had deeply hurt her and left her wondering if any man would respect her as a hunter/sherriff and want her as a woman.
He’d be that man, and he wanted her to know it.
“I’d bought that stuff, determined to try. Doug wouldn’t, and I felt I had to be the one to make something happen, to…fix me so he’d want me…and want to stay.”
He heard the ache in her voice, full of defeat and self-recriminations. The reassurances lined up on his tongue like a freeway pile-up, and it took all the strength he possessed not to butt in, not to try to fix the hurts thrust upon her by some prick who’d never deserved her.
He waited, his thumb lightly rubbing a rhythm against her hand as she spoke.
“I guess I thought…” She huffed derisively before continuing. “…hoped that somehow it’d help. Can’t see now why I cared so much then. I loved him, I know I did, but…it took being away from him to know I was worth more than he ever gave me credit for.”
She glanced at him furtively, his gaze empathetic and intense and patient, which both soothed and unnerved her. “It ended up making things worse though—for me. I’d set aside whatever fight still had my heart hurting, get dolled up, and show up vulnerable. Hopeful. Forgiving. Caring. Desperately wanting things to change. To go back to the way it’d been before he’d shown his true colors and treated me like shit.”
Though he could hear the strain in her voice, she didn’t cry. His heart both ached and raged as she spoke, the images she set in his mind playing like a film he already knew the ending to, even as he wished he could rewrite it.
“I shouldn’t have tried so hard, but I needed to know I’d done everything I could to make it work, and this was my last attempt. It backfired, though. Just gave him better ammunition: new slights, cutting comments, ridicules. I felt foolish. Stupid. As though new clothes would fix my marriage.”
She tried to keep the hurt out of her voice as she scoffed at her younger self, but it bled through, a deep red wound that hadn’t yet healed. She shook her head to brush the pain away and continued.
“After he left, I threw all the things I’d bought into a box and shoved it in the back of the guest room closet. I’d forgotten all about them…until I found them the other day. At first I was going to give it all away, but…I like the stuff I bought. It’s all still brand new, and it’s pretty and fun and sassy.”
“Like you.”
Donna felt her heart clench in her chest at his words, and she raised her eyes to his. Dean stared at her intently, his gaze full of hurt, compassion, and fire. “You amaze me,” he nearly whispered in wonder. “It wasn’t your job to fix him. Or even try to make it work after he treated you the way he did. But still you cared. And forgave. And didn’t for one second let him destroy the incredible woman you are.”
Tears pricked her eyes, and she looked away, unable to hold his gaze.
Dean waited a few moments before cupping her cheek and guiding her back to face him. “You have nothing—nothing,” he reiterated emphatically. “to feel foolish about. A man like that doesn’t deserve to be with any woman, let alone someone as strong and independent and compassionate as you. Hell, I know how fortunate I am you’re here with me, and I don’t ever want to do anything to screw that up.
“You like that stuff? You wear it. It makes you feel good? Buy it all. You wanna eat pie? Just make sure you bring me some.” She huffed a laugh, but he continued. “But don’t ever think there was something else you could’ve done or tried to be to please a bastard like that. You are sexy as hell. You’re smart and strong and funny and I wanna spend every second you’ll let me showing you how much I love everything about you.”
Donna moved so quickly he barely had time to register it before her lips crashed against his, and when she pulled away, she leaned her forehead against his, their noses barely touching.
“Sweetheart, you okay?”
“You betcha,” she murmured, her breath whispering against his lips before she sat upright. “Thank you. Finding all that stuff just made relive some of before, and…I was really struggling with whether to get rid of it or keep it. But stuff him! I’m not gonna let him ruin nice things for me. Including you. I don’t want issues with him to come between us. Next time I’ll try to talk things out. Didn’t mean to be a grumpy-Gus.”
“You weren’t.” Dean raised her hand and kissed it. “But you come talk to me about anything, any time, okay?”
She gave him a thousand-watt smile, the one he held on to when things got bad, and nodded.
“Does that mean you’re keeping all that stuff?”
“I like it….yeah, I think so,” she stated, feeling more like herself again.
“Good. Does that mean you’re gonna shake your shamrocks for me?”
“Dean,” she chuffed with a smile, pushing at his shoulder as she got up and walked toward the bedroom door.
He stared after her longingly. “Does it?”
With her hand on the doorknob, she turned to face him, biting her lower lip. “Maybe when we get back,” she promised, then sashayed out of the room.
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iinuyashaa · 6 years
The Lessons in Memories
Daisuke-  The Great Help
Kouga remembers the softness of his mother’s hands.
He remembers whining irritably within her grasp, wriggling with all of his childish might to escape the repeated tugs at his brown locks with a brush made of bone from the tribe’s last hunting haul. Sitting in his mother’s lap had made him feel like a cub again, and at fifty years old, Kouga was no cub; his father had affirmed as such. Fumiko, his father’s mate, with all of the grace of a confident mother and sharpness of the demon that dwelled within her being, continued to entrap her son in a strategic hold in order to finish combing his unruly hair. This was certainly not the first time this had occurred.
“An Eastern Prince should take care of his appearance more, Kouga,” she had chided softly, ignoring the petty snort in response and his latest attempts of leaping out of her hold. Kouga remembers her voice; it was one of a natural, ethereal timbre that could have calmed the wind from howling or the earth from shaking. It contrasted highly against his rough struggling to be relinquished from her hands. The prior admonishment was delivered in a thoughtful tone that hid a darker side of his mother, one that had killed and pillaged, but also one that had defended her tribe and family. She had, after all, fought alongside his father to secure their title as alphas of the Eastern Wolf Tribe. His mother was supposedly a tyrant upon the battlefield, and as a cub he had heard stories of her victories against the Birds of Paradise. He had beamed with wolfish excitement at accounts of her ripping the fiendish beings limb from limb and bathing in their blood, releasing a passionate cry while doing so. Perhaps that last part had been a tad bit embellished by the elders, but it was nonetheless a worthwhile story to tell around the fire in the darkness of night. His mother had possessed a fire of her own, different from his father’s but just as strong. She had been a female few chose to reckon with.
But with him, Kouga remembers his mother almost always being soft.
He remembers huffing at her words and dismissing them. He was going to be alpha one day regardless of whether or not his pack-mates perceived his hair to be presentable.
“Let me go! I don’t care what others think- I always tie my hair back anyway, mother!” His younger self had countered indignantly, finally hooking his claws into the soil beneath them and hoisting himself away from her. Scrambling to his feet, he had a moment to take inventory of her own appearance, quickly noting the tan skin that glistened with sweat under the heat of the afternoon sun and knowing orbs the same dark shade as pebbles near the river eyeing his form. The look of disdain that unfolded upon her features was a sure sign that his mother was not happy about the arrangement. 
To Kouga’s surprise, Fumiko only allowed a sigh of resignation to escape her before she herself rose to stand. Brushing off any unwanted dirt from her dark pelt- an identical match to his father’s own, he remembers- Kogua had groaned in irritation as his mother plucked his cheeks between her index finger and thumb and brought him closer to her. The two wolf demons were suddenly face to face as she leaned down in front of him. The arch of his mother’s eyebrow before she spoke dared him to speak, but even Kouga at select times such as these had understood when to keep his mouth shut. 
“I care.” She began slowly, and instinctively Kouga felt his insides flicker with nervousness at the softness of her voice. His mother was a champion at maintaining a serene tone while being angry with him. “I care because I birthed you, nursed you, and now you choose to not take care of yourself. Brush your hair. Clean your kills. Wash yourself regularly. This laziness will come to an end, my son.” Kouga heard the sizzling heat of irritation drip from her words, a snapping and popping akin to the crackles of firewood as they are engulfed by greedy flames. Still, her voice was smooth as always.
Had he the power to wither away at that moment, Kouga was sure he would have with his mother peering down at him as she was.
Fumiko continued, but this time her eyes had softened to the same extent as her voice. Her next words were quieter, and she began to speak from the heart she, according to humans, did not possess. “I care because one day you are going to be the alpha of our tribe, and if you do not respect yourself enough to take care of yourself, no one here will respect you. Do you understand that?”
No. Kouga had not understood completely at the time, given that he had been a mere child in youkai years; regardless, however, the young ookami had slowly nodded his head, and his mother had relinquished her hold upon his cheeks, which were now puffy from her squeezing fingers. He then gazed up at his mother expectantly, waiting to be told to sit down again so she could finish brushing his hair.
But once again his mother surprised him.
“Now, go play. I believe Ginta and Hakkaku are waiting for you. We’re finished here.” Blinking, Kouga had taken a hesitant step back, pausing to ensure that his mother was being truthful. A moment passed between them before Fumiko smiled and waved her hand, urging him to go on. Looking back, Kouga supposed that she wanted him to enjoy at least one day of youth; desire for him to relish the feeling of not having the weight of their world on his shoulders. One day of bliss wouldn’t harm his future.
Kouga had released an exhilarated laugh before taking wide leaps into the forest.
That day, Kouga had learned the importance of enjoying the small things.
He remembers to do so.
Kouga remembers the thundering anger quaking from his father’s voice; the sound bouncing off the walls of the inner chambers of the den and making his head spin. Kouga felt red and blistering with shame, and his tail lay limply along the cave’s stone floor as he kneeled before his mother and father. The minor cuts and bruises upon his arm thrummed with the absence of poultice on them, but it was a burden he had to carry until his parents inflicted a wound even greater. Time passed before a seventy-five year old Kouga felt brave enough to raise his head and meet Katsuro’s- his father’s- seething gaze. Kouga remembers never having seen his father so irate until this point in his entire existence. The chamber felt suffocating; too much anger swirling around, too much doubt, too much disgust.
Katsuro himself was having a hard time controlling his temper, and Kouga had wanted to sink into the floor when their eyes locked. The dark blue hues belonging to his father churned, resembling the turbulent ocean waters of the eastern sea.
“What were you trying to prove, Kouga?” His father questioned through grit teeth. Kouga parted his lips, but firmly clamped them back shut.
“I forbid you from venturing into the valley. You know well enough what lurks there- and yet here you are- sitting in front of me in disgrace.” The words were hissed out, but there was a twang of worry to them that Kouga would only be able to comprehend when he himself was older. “Allow me to educate you on what has happened today, and perhaps you will then have a clearer understanding of your disrespectful- and dangerous- actions.” Katsuro began, cracking his knuckles. Kouga felt himself sink closer to the floor.
“I am out traveling with the hunting party when I am told news from a scout about a few wolves being chased and attacked by Birds of Paradise down in the valley. But surely, I thought to myself,” Katsuro paused, allowing his sarcastic tone to permeate for a moment, “Kouga would know better than to be one of those idiotic wolves. My son, he knows better. I have told him to never go to the valley! He knows how many have been lost there...” His father’s voice trailed off, tempting Kouga’s gaze to flicker down to the floor once more. He could sense the grimace that flashed upon the elder’s face.
“I am soon told that you were spotted struggling to defend yourself against three Birds of Paradise. Three. Do you know how fast I ran, thinking that I might not make it to you in time?” Katsuro’s voice went quiet with his question, but Kouga dared not raise his head. “I prayed to the Ancestors as I ran- prayed that I could make it to you before you were torn apart. That’s what they do to us. You know that. You knew that before you disobeyed me and went there. Not only that- you took Ginta and Hakkaku with you. You endangered your own kin because of your foolish actions!” He yelled, the timbre of his voice rough with displeasure. It felt that with each sentence, Kouga’s mind and heart were getting clawed out of his body. He could hardly stand it.
“Father, I-” Kouga croaked as he attempted to explain himself, unbothered at the fact, for once, of how much he sounded like a flustered cub.  
“I did not permit you to speak!” Katsuro had roared, slamming his fist against the stone throne below him.
Life appeared to stand still. One could have heard a feather floating to the ground.
“When I reach the valley, I find you still fighting. Only the Ancestors know how you survived that long- but it did not matter anymore. A quarter of the pack had to be brought in to fight against enemies that you enticed into attacking merely by venturing into their territory. You placed many lives in danger today, Kouga. How can I trust you to take over once I am gone if you perform in this fashion?” Katsuro glared down at his son and released a deep sigh. “I am more than disappointed.” Finally raising his head, Kouga swallowed the lump in his throat. His father had been right; Ginta and Hakkaku had hardly stood a chance against the one bird they had been fighting, and once they had been knocked out, it was left up to Kouga to not only protect himself but also his comrades. He had put his family in danger. Kouga felt his cuts sting again, and he clenched his hands into fists to block out the internal and external pain.
His father slowly stood before stepping over to stand in front of him, for once wearing the full regalia of his pelts. If it had been any other situation, Kouga would have remarked at the uncanny timing for his father to suddenly be wearing his ornate furs and gems and discipline him like a true Alpha.
“Why did you disobey us, Kouga? Why did you not listen to me?” Katsuro asked, his voice uncharacteristically gentle and lacking the teasing tone it typically possessed.
“I…” Kouga started, glancing at his mother, who stared at him with a concerned gaze. “I knew that you and mother had defeated the Birds of Paradise, and… and I wanted to defeat them too. I wanted to prove that I am strong. Strong enough to be Alpha one day.”
Katsuro parted his lips and shook his head, releasing a deflated scoff before dropping to his knees and wrapping his arms around his son. “You are strong, Kouga. You did not have to prove anything.”
The younger ookami felt his father take his chin and lift it up so that their foreheads touched, and suddenly the shame that had plagued his soul from the very beginning of the exchange was flushed away when his mother’s arms wrapped around the two males, encompassing them as best as she could in a tight grasp. He had not even noticed her come closer.
“We could have lost you, Kouga.” Fumiko whispered, her voice silken with longing as she nuzzled her head against his own, and his father let out another deep, shaky sigh against the skin of Kouga’s cheek.
“I am sorry for disgracing you, mother, father…” Kouga whispered eagerly, physically relieved to have the atmosphere more tame, but his monologue was silenced by his father clamping a hand over his mouth.
“I accept your words, Kouga.” Two pairs of blue irises met, one just a darker shade than the other and holding, fortunately, a greater amount of wisdom. “But do not ever do something so reckless again. At least while your mother and I are still alive.” He finished, adding his jest for the sake of lightening the mood.
Kouga pulled his head back and allowed a quavering, grateful smile to form across his features. His father matched his expression.
He learned on that day to never endanger the pack as a means to prove something, especially for the sake of personal pride.
Kouga remembers to do so.  
Kouga remembers the winter of his one hundred and thirty-eighth year being the most bitter he had ever experienced. Hunger had run rampant among the pack. They had lost two elders to starvation and a cub to an unusually aggressive ogre that had been spying on them. The morale of the tribe was low, so downtrodden that even the presence of spring had not been able to lift some spirits. Offerings had been given to the Ancestors as a last resort to at least bless them with a plentiful hunt, but the winter had been so frigid that the spring hunting was not as bountiful as the years before.
He remembers his parents being blamed for the misfortune.
He remembers the scent of blood and death assaulting his senses, the scent of moist iron infiltrating his nostrils and causing every fiber within his being to howl as he walked back to the den from an unsuccessful hunt one day in late spring. The scent quickly spurred him into motion. The wet, green grass beneath his feet squished furiously as his legs carried him, quicker and quicker  until he reached the entrance of the den, his eyes widening in horror as he took in the sight before him. The water from the waterfall was stained a hellish, ruby color as blood passed through its system; the red substance covered any rock, tree, or grass nearby, coating the world around him in a demented nightmare. Bodies- both in humanoid in form and in their primitive wolf form- lay all around, unmoving, unwavering. His mind raced as he tried to piece together what had possibly happened, but all he could smell was the stench of wolf blood; no other creature’s scent could be traced by his seasoned nose. A panicked howl had escaped his body as he examined the carnage, and in the back of his mind he knew he heard Ginta and Hakkaku respond back with their own, but he could not reply when he scented the blood of two wolves in particular.
“Mother!” Kouga had shouted, his throat thick and voice hoarse with distress, “Father!” He had screamed, desperation flooding his being as he raced up the stone walkway, passing by the bodies of his brethren until he reached the mouth of the cave. He grunted as he scrambled through the bodies and weapons and entrails, clawing his way to the inner chambers where his parents resided-
The spectacle before him had made Kouga fall to his knees with a cry of pure agony.
Fumiko and Katsuro lay in the middle of their chambers, piled on top of each other as though they were nothing more than sacks  of rice. Clambering over disheveled furs, jewels, and the few personal belongings his parents owned that had been thrown to the floor, Kouga felt himself heaving in sheer panic and despair and anger. From their lifeless forms, he could almost pick up the faint scent of lilac that had belonged to his mother, but the kill was fresh and the scent of blood continued to suffocate him. He had felt like vomiting, but the tears that spewed from his eyes relentlessly had clogged his vision as he moaned, “No, no, no… No..” The following howling of their names came out in a crazed yell while his mind attempted to wrap around the blank stare of his mother’s hazel eyes and pale skin; his father had fared no better, his stare was as cold and lifeless as his mother’s, but along his throat a deep, uneven gash portrayed the gruesome manner of his death.
Kouga does not remember the next few months very well. It is almost as though his mind will not allow it, but he is able to pick apart bits and pieces from the depths of his youthful memory.
Kouga remembers later learning of a plot to kill his parents that was sparked to life by his father’s most trusted beta, Daisuke, one of the wolves to even save Kouga’s life by the Birds of Paradise less than a century prior. He remembers rounding up anyone who was left alive and perturbed by the manner of this savage attempt at grabbing power and taking back what was his birthright.
Suddenly, Kouga remembers too much. He remembers the stench of entrails, the sound of splattering blood, the mournful and pained howls of wolves; he remembers the chill of winter, and then the blistering, searing pain of Daisuke’s fangs tearing through his flesh, and it burns and burns and burns until he feels like he is engulfed in fire, or he’s being harangued by his father again. He remembers hating dogs- he hates them for not stepping in and supporting him; for allowing the wolves of the tribes to slaughter each other for his birthright, for allowing a civil war to ensue where brother fought against brother. Those damn dogs, the damn dogs, his mind repeats, swirling and churning with one unhappy memory after another. Flickers of memories flash across his eyes and dance in his mind; the last hunt with his father, the sweet caress of his mother, but they are quickly replaced by the agonizing sight of their blood and lifeless eyes and the pain, oh, the pain is too much, and even the clear sky he spies above him does nothing to cool him, and every emotion sprouts in his soul in the midst of what feels like moments, joy and panic and love and fury until it is too much and Kouga feels as though he is dying-
Cerulean hues snap open wide as the reigning Alpha of the Eastern Wolf Tribe releases a breathless, choked gasp, and scrambles to sit up under his furs. Chest heaving, Kouga stares at the stone wall ahead of him, and the flicker of firelight goes unnoticed by his usually acute senses. He feels a bead of sweat- sweat?- roll down the side of his face, but what makes him nearly jump is the light touch of his bed-mate. A delicate, silken palm rests softly against his chest and the owner’s concerned voice calls out to him.
“Kouga?” Kagome asks gently, her own eyes misty from being asleep just moments before, but the worry is evident in her voice, and the wolf-demon is so rattled it takes him a moment to assess the situation. The smell of sweet, youthful citrus enters his nose, and Kouga turns to face his mate.
“I…” He begins, his voice wavering as he attempts to pick up the pieces of his masculinity, and embarrassment rolls over him in waves. His eyes are wide with terror, but his body is beginning to come down from the rush of chaos. Kagome brings her hands to his cheeks, brushing her thumb along the tough skin beneath her hands.
“It’s okay,” She whispers, calming the frightened demon before her. Never before has Kagome seen the absolute, internal distress in his eyes present now. Instinctually, she reaches out for him, wrapping her arms around his form and tugging him close, “I’m here. Everything’s okay.”
Kouga allows himself to relish in the small moment, closing his eyes in grateful comfort. What did he ever do to deserve someone like Kagome? Here she was, clutching a frightened demon to her to make him feel better. He almost wants to laugh, but instead chooses to stay silent and envelop her in his own arms. Deep, solemn breaths are shared between the two of them in the silence of the night, but it eases the stress of his memories.
“Are you alright now?” Kagome murmurs against the skin of his shoulder, brushing her fingers slowly through his hair. “I’ll be fine,” He retorts, his eyes still shut.
“Do you want to talk about it? You were really shaken up, Kouga…”
He pauses.
“No, no, I just…” Kagome lifts her head, and Kouga can see his woman is not going to take no for an answer. “Ah,” He nervously states, preparing himself for his defeat. “Fine. Fine. You sure you want to hear it?” The demon acquiesces with a grunt.
Kagome scoffs and takes his hands into her own. “Of course I do. I’m your woman, aren’t I? I’m always going to be here to listen to you. Accordingly, of course.” A sheepish smile graces those beautiful, rosy lips.
Kouga feels his heart nearly burst before he begins to speak, and he rolls his eyes before flashing back a toothy half-grin of his own. “Alright, alright..”
That night, Kagome teaches him the importance of opening up and discussing one’s vulnerabilities and that it is acceptable to vent to a trusted advisor.
Kouga remembers to do so. He remembers, indeed.
[Hello, it’s me! Thank you so much for reading my story. It means so much! I just thought it would be nice to give some more stories about Kouga’s childhood and the things he’s been through, since the anime and manga don’t go that much into detail. 
Also, the part where Kouga gets in trouble with his father? Does it seem familiar? That’s because if you’ve watched the Lion King, it is based from there! I have always had a hc that Kouga could find himself in a similar situation as Simba, with wanting to prove something to himself but doing it recklessly. I in no way mean to copy that trope as my own; I just wanted to put a personal twist on a well known tale from the Lion King. Creds to Disney for making such a good scene! 
I hope you enjoyed. It was really fun to write this and somehow I completed it in one day. Please let me know what you guys think! I hope I wrote Kouga alright lol. PS: here you go, guys, a little treat from me :’) @kouga-appreciation @nikkxb @writingsomestupidshitlovelies ]
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shannaraisles · 6 years
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A Rose By Any Name - Chapter 13
In which Felicita realizes she’s in deeper than she thought, and experiences just a little self-doubt. Banner created by the superb @kagetsukai.
[Read on AO3] OR [Read from the beginning]
Felicita could not honestly put her hand on her heart and say she enjoyed watching horse racing. It would be a different matter if she were allowed to be more than a spectator, though she doubted she had the skill to ride the beautiful Ferelden breeds that were thundering around the circular track cut into the Gathering fields outside Denerim's walls. They were beautiful horses - thicker in the leg and neck than she was used to, but no less graceful or swift for their added muscle. Unfortunately, watching young noblemen gambling on whether or not their particular horse was going to beat the others was no more enthralling than the racing itself.
But if the king - Alistair, she reminded herself - if Alistair had to endure it, then so would she, and she would do it with grace. That seemed to be the motto of the other ladies as well; even Leona had been persuaded to join them in the cold air outside the city today, though Felicita privately thought that might have had something to do with the letter the Starkhaven girl had received from her city's prince the day before. Leona had not engaged in courting the king at all thus far - no doubt her sponsors were growing concerned at that lack of interest. And why should she? It was obvious to anyone who spoke to her that Leona should have been dedicated to the Chantry years ago. Her faith was fire, with all the warmth and none of the destruction. No doubt a devout queen would suit the Chantry, but Felicita had her doubts that it would suit the king.
A king who was not enjoying himself today, either, if his expression was anything to go by. She lifted her eyes to the dais where Alistair sat among the worthies of his court, a sympathetic wince on her face for the stiff way he held himself, the carefully blank expression on his handsome features. She could not guess what Arl Eamon was saying, unfamiliar with the politics of Ferelden as she was, but the man had been talking near-constantly for at least an hour, likely more. Whatever he had to say, it did not seem to be to Alistair's liking, but the king was not a man who would openly show disfavor without distinct cause, even to someone who appeared to be pushing his luck. His eyes met hers briefly and, without pausing for thought, she smiled at him, inclining her head just enough to acknowledge that glance. She thought she saw his lips tighten into a harried smile for a bare moment, her heart thumping at even that tiny sign of favor.
Maria, holding her hand, looked up at her smile and giggled, in turn bringing a wider smile to Felicita's face.
"You really like Mr. Kingness, don't you?" the child asked innocently.
Felicita felt the blush before it made itself known, sitting herself down to wrap an arm about the little girl fondly.
"I do like him, Maria," she agreed softly. "But I do not know if I like him enough to marry him."
"Well, it seems obvious that he likes someone enough to marry them."
The princess looked up, surprised to find Delphine inserting herself into the conversation. The Orlesian lady had steadfastly refused to be friendly to any of them for the last two weeks and more, yet here she was, apparently deciding to change her mind. Blonde and busty, and decidedly put out by the lack of attention she was receiving, Delphine narrowed her focus onto the princess and Maria.
"Apparently, his majesty was seen with one of our number after he brought you back last night, your highness," she said with something of a sneer. "Laughing and embracing in the shadows. It is despicable behavior - he should simply name her his chosen bride and allow us to go home instead of continuing this humiliating farce."
Felicita blinked in surprise. She wasn't given to believing much that came out of Delphine's mouth, and this was not going to be an exception.
"How would you know this, Lady Delphine?" she asked, choosing not to mention that her conversation had been private. The sooner Delphine vented her spleen and was gone, the better for all concerned.
"The servants gossip all the time, your highness," the Orlesian girl told her, with just a hint more condescension than Felicita was prepared to put up with from her. "The king was seen with one of our number late last night, hiding away on the balcony outside our quarters. And who was the last to return last night but little Madame Ciara? It is brazen behavior."
"That is a little hypocritical coming from you, Lady Delphine," Felicita said, her voice unexpectedly sharp. "Perhaps if you learned to dress yourself more modestly, you would have better luck at holding a conversation with the gentleman you wish."
"My dear princess, I am not the one who bored him so greatly that he immediately took refuge in another's arms the moment I was out of sight," Delphine countered, with a creditable attempt at a superior tone.
"No," Felicita answered. "You are the one he ran away from and hid in a cupboard to escape."
It was a petty thing to say, and definitely beneath her, but she felt suddenly off-balance. She had heard some of the gossip that morning herself, dismissing it as nothing more than gossip, assuring herself that Alistair had likely been talking to Demelza, not one of the other ladies. But it had planted a doubt, and having Delphine, of all people, insist that it was truth pricked at her pride. Had he not enjoyed the day as much as he claimed to? Was the reason he had walked her back to the door that he wanted to be able to quickly join the woman he actually wanted to marry? And if he had made his decision already, then Delphine was, unfortunately, quite right - extending this charade was even more humiliating for the women than it was to begin with.
Felicta could feel her good mood crashing as Delphine huffed and spluttered and walked away, leaving her to try and rescue at least a smile for Maria as the child continued her conversation as though they had not been interrupted at all.
"Because if you like him, and he likes you, then you could stay here, and I could stay here with you and with him, and we could be all together ..."
Her pride was hurt, Felicita was sure of it. To come from such an enjoyable day, to have spent so many hours in his company and come to appreciate his humor, his kindness, at a personal level, only to discover that it had meant so little to him that he had left her at the door and run to the arms of another woman ... it stung. But her pride had been hurt before, and she had never felt her heart ache like this in response. Did she truly just like Alistair? Or had she been foolish enough to become infatuated with him, to merge her delight in his robust country and people with her enjoyment of his company, her appreciation of his face and form? Sweet Maker, have I done something too foolish even for a princess ... am I falling in love with a man who has already given his heart to a woman I consider a friend?
And what of that friend? Ciara had been brighter today, certainly; less afraid of her own shadow, confident enough to hold her own in conversation with nobles that had intimidated her before now. With Delphine's snide insinuations cantering through her mind, Felicita could not help but feel resentful of her younger friend's newfound confidence. Jealous, even, of the apparent warmth between Ciara and the king. And she was ashamed of herself for feeling it, too; ashamed of herself for pretending that she was not interested in the humiliating contest she found herself in, only to find herself deeply invested ... and already among the losers. Angry with herself for laying so much blame on others, when she had only herself to blame for the loss of her heart in such a short time. Whether it was truly love, or just the hopeful beginning, it had been quashed, and the pain made for sharp unhappiness settling in her heart.
"... don't you think, Ciara?" Maria's voice broke into the princess' selfish thoughts, drawing her attention to the fact that the young lady in question had joined them. "Don't you think it would be lovely?"
The golden-blonde Ferelden girl smiled brightly in answer. "It would be wonderful, Maria," she agreed enthusiastically. "We have all become such good friends; it will be a shame when we have to say goodbye."
Pulling herself together with a sharply silent scolding, Felicita roused herself to join the conversation. "You, at least, may not have to say goodbye," she pointed out to Ciara. "You will remain at court, surely?"
"I believe so, yes," Ciara admitted, a hint of her shyness showing through for a moment. "The king was kind enough to extend an invitation to me. I don't think he knows quite how to cope with a crying woman."
Despite her jealousy, Felicita felt the stirrings of concern for her friend at this, reaching out to touch her hand. "You have been crying? Cara mia, what has happened to upset you?"
Ciara smiled, shaking her head as she squeezed the princess' hand. "My father tried to arrange a marriage with someone I've never even seen before," she confessed quietly. "I would have told you - I wanted to talk to you about it, but you were having such a wonderful time with the king. Every time I saw you yesterday, you looked so happy together, so comfortable with each other. I didn't want to interrupt that, and I didn't want anyone else to tease me about it, so ... I feel dreadful for it, but I did my crying in what I thought was a private place, and ..."
"And the king found you there when he left me?" The sense of relief that came with this knowledge was also just a little shameful, a spiteful little reminder that she was not so detached as she would like people to believe.
"He ... he was very kind to me," the Ferelden girl said softly. "He didn't have to give me his time at all, it was so late, but ... well, I told him why I was upset, and ..." She laughed a little self-consciously. "He told me I don't have to marry anyone I don't want to. He said he would deny my father the permission he needs to marry me off without my consent. I don't know how to repay him."
So he has removed any obstacle between himself and his chosen bride with her consent. An assumption, certainly, but this was the clearest sign Felicita had heard of any preference shown by the king. So much for her hopes raised after a single day. But for Ciara, she could smile and be happy. She would make certain she was.
"I imagine that there is a way he will be very pleased for you to repay such a kindness," the princess told her friend gently, squeezing her hand. "It is a rare man who will do so much for anyone. You are very lucky."
"I know." Ciara sighed happily, rolling her eyes as the horses thundered past once again. "I don't think Ferelden knows how lucky we are to have a king who cares so much, even for the least of us."
"You are hardly the least of your countrymen, Ciara."
Perhaps there was an edge in her tone she had not intended, for Ciara's smile faded as she turned to look more closely at Felicita's face. It was a struggle to keep her expression composed, not wanting to give her friend even a glimpse of the envious ache that throbbed inside.
"I still don't want to marry him, you know," the younger woman pointed out, rather more bluntly than most people would have advised. "And he did make it very clear that he wouldn't want me forced into marriage with anyone. He was in a wonderful mood, and it was all because of you, I'm sure."
Felicita patted her hand gently. "Not everyone's heart is as pure as yours, Ciara," she said in a soft tone. "But thank you."
No wonder Alistair was showing a preference for this young beauty from his own shores, she reflected. Despite the hardship of much of her lifetime, Ciara shone amid the nobles of Ferelden, young and sweet and easy to love. She would make him a good wife, Felicita knew, and she would be a beloved queen, one of their own, all golden hair and smiling blue eyes. But despite her own words to the contrary only a day ago, the princess knew now that she would not be happy to dance at their wedding. For the first time since leaving Antiva a month before, she desperately wanted to go home, to the familiarity of danger and intrigue, where her heart had never been caught up in the scheming all around her. To have the comfort of her mother’s love and her father’s wisdom, and be away from this place that had opened her heart only to prick it with pain.
"Forgive me, I have a slight headache," she said abruptly. "I should get out of the sun."
Maria squinted up at the overcast sky. "But it isn't sunny ..."
"Shh," Ciara told the child, reaching to take her hand. "Let's leave the princess to the quiet for a little while, shall we? Sometimes it doesn't need to be sunny for your head to start hurting."
She cast a worried glance back at Felicita as they walked away, but the princess was staring across the field, to where the horses were walking to warm their muscles for the next race. The face she presented was blank, perfectly composed ... but Ciara couldn't help thinking she might have put her foot in it somewhere in that conversation. Felicita seemed almost ... sad. But maybe that was just the effect of a sudden headache. She couldn't think of any other reason why the princess' good spirits should suddenly dip so low. After all, the king was clearly smitten with her, everyone could see it.
But could she?
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capeofnohope-blog · 7 years
When I started to identify as trans at 16, it felt I came out abruptly. Perhaps being in a generation of secret trans youth it encouraged me to see other trans people come out and be accepted and I thought maybe I could have the same thing. Everyone claimed to love rebels, but they didn't love me. They despised me, they were disgusted and they were angry. I had hope in others back then. I believed in them and that they desired peace and truth. When I came out publicly, multiple times over social media, and when I was in the beginning of my own social and emotional transition during that time of 16, I had no help. I was trying to live my truth, and I still got blamed by my peers for having no integrity.
I outgrew the gender I was assigned at 15, knowing fully well that it wasn't ever going to work for me. I knew because it brought me shame and anger in myself to be a woman. When I attempted to get dressed for a school outting I realised that I had no escape, and that I felt trapped being a woman. I looked at all my clothes, and realised why I had been hating myself for so long. That inexplicable lingering, that voice I misdiagnosed. I tried explaining to my mother in the car on the way there, in tears. I'm not sure if she remembers. It seemed simple, as if I was talking about gender roles, and my dissatisfaction with it; however it was really the inner cry for help because from then my innocence was lost. I had realised, what puberty had caused me, to feel trapped in a child's world, a little girl I could no longer see when I looked in the mirror. I realised why the protagonist in my head always had a deep voice, why I felt so ugly and foolish for believing I could keep up the charade of the woman people perceived me to be. I was not meant to be a woman. I was always meant for more. But being a woman meant not only being trapped in the external world due to patriarchy, it meant I was trapped and unable to pursue my deepest longing.
When I was a child I knew I was destined for something. It was like a self-fulfilled prophecy; I believed I was on a quest for truth and surely I would be destined to find it. I attempted to decipher part of the truth by finding purpose, in which I found passion of all kinds, most of all being music which sets my heart on fire. I wrote many poems, songs, made art every now and then, and found magic within the creative realm. In conjunction with my passion, came a power to my voice. I was noticed whether I liked it or not. I sought power for others, so I wanted to use my voice for the benefit of marginalised people. I was laughed at, called an SJW, and an outcast. I felt unseen even more than in grade 8, when I was known as "the quiet girl" which frustrated me immensely. There was nothing more to this identity and I started to refuse being called "quiet" which I claimed at the time furiously that I was not at all since I associated the word to be synonymous with "girl". I was quiet; because I was invisible to them. In my invisibility, I found refuge in solitude. And in my solitude, I found an escape in mysticism, language and philosophy, and so I was drawn to learning more about my culture as well as grasping any knowledge I could avoiding my boring school studies and instead spending hours into the early morning researching on the internet. During this time, I decided to take part in more school activities in order to fill a void in the lack of community I had, and I auditioned for the school play which I dreamed being part of since early high school. There were many interesting people who had taken part, but the most interesting of all was a boy in particular who had darkness in his eyes and carried himself with silent intensity.
We knew each other from long ago, but only got to know each other properly during then. In those 6 months of rehearsals every week day until 9 pm, we grew close, despite his perpetual coldness toward me, and soon enough he became one of the only people I paid my attention to and my fascination with him grew to a disturbing amount. But he too couldn't stop talking to me for we both projected our ideals onto each other, and had many fantasies we played out together just by staring in each other's eyes. He taught me many things about all I seeked to discover, and shared with me books, films and secrets of not only himself but the universe. Though our little affair which occurred lasted shortly, and his emotional manipulation caused me to doubt myself, everything I thought I was sure of and the hope I had for the world, my longing for him only increased, and he became a symbol in my quest. I know now that the longing I felt for him, was not just my infatuation, but a longing to become him, because I saw myself in him and was envious. I think he knows this. 
Even my very own brothers cause me to feel guilt, jealousy and turmoil seeing them live an entirely different existence in their maleness and masculinity than I ever will. My older brother has always been an ideal in my eyes, and my younger brother will be so much more of a “boy” than I could ever be naturally. I was always envious of other boys for their freedom, assumed agility and the roles they represented. In my longing for maleness I desired male affection,and this fixation only grew to obsession; I was intoxicated with their smell, their skin and hair, the natural testosterone they emitted, their physique and presence. It seemed that no matter how much I thought about it, I could never be satisfied with the thoughts because there was no answer to this longing. And the sexual attraction toward men had caused the need for masculinity to persist. I only realised this year, that I was always a gay boy. 
Everything seems in its right place but at the wrong time. I don't get to be as strategic as I'd like with my transition. It's so easy for people to break me, because I'm like a pawn in a game of chess I never chose to play. My other self, she feels so far behind me, but it seems no one will let me move on from her. To those who don’t know I am trans, like people at college and the family members I haven’t told, I’m aware of the shock they will experience, and it brings me confusion having to pretend it’s something new when I’ve moved on so long ago from that girl you used to know.  
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