#dean x donna fanfiction
imdonnalynn · 1 year
Dean Winchester / Donna Hanscum Supernatural (series 2005 - 2020)
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Oh my God where do I start with these two...you will never convince me Dean didn't have a legit, mature, affectionate, grown-up love for Donna Hanscum. I believe Dean thought she was way too good for him and that's why he contented himself with the relationship he had with her. In season 14 when he visited her, had lunch, you can't tell me he went out of his way for that. He could have just as easily came into town to see his mother and never bothered to see Donna, but he did. He loved her, because she was genuine, not a fake woman and he realized he felt comfortable with that. At least that's how I see it.
Them with those fucking donuts oh my God it cracks me up every time. It was like Dean found his soulmate in that moment he realized.
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 2 years
Book Worm and the Hunter
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Requested by the lovely @leigh70, thank you again love!
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Female!reader
Warnings: Lots of fluff, mild swearing, and more fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Thinking about turning this into a series. What do you all think? Comments/suggestions are always welcomed!!
Content would be the way I would describe my life. It isn’t horrible, which I feel like is all we can ask for, and it has its moments where happiness is the only emotion I seem to have. After losing my family to hunting, whether it be actual death or the inevitable spilt that seems to happen when one person hunts and the other doesn’t, I learned that I had to live like there was no tomorrow. To some people that might mean emptying the bank account and having a wild party. But for me, it meant following my passions in life and never letting the social norms get to me. Which I why I own a small hole in the wall book shop filled with any genre you could imagine. There was always something about getting lost in a book and losing sense of reality around you. It provides that small escape you might not know you even need. But what I find truly rewarding, is helping someone find their new favorite story. Some people might not understand the importance of a good book, but I know better. My family saved people from things that go bump in the night, but I save people from something far greater. Which is how I met my best friend Donna.
Years ago, we ran into each other in a coffee shop, literally ran into each other. Coffee went everywhere and I don’t think either of us could apologize quick enough. I was normally not one for small talk, never really knowing what to say. But Donna quickly launched into conversation and asked what I was reading. Two new coffees and a few hours later, it was like we had been friends for life. There were times our friendship was strained, like when she found out what is really lurking in the shadows, but we always managed to find our way back to each other. Even though I wasn’t too thrilled about her pursuing the hunter life, she of all people managed to separate them for the most part. Until she begged me to meet her friends.
To say she was happy would be severely understanding everything about her. If there was anything in this world I wish I could have, it would be a fraction of Donna’s cheerfulness. She could have the worst of days and still find the bright side in things. And that ray of sunshine is what put a smile on my face when she walked through the doors of my shop. “Hiya, Y/N. How’s it going?”
I gave her a wave, “Good as always. You?”
She leaned against the counter replying, “It’s been tater tots and lemon drops. I wanted to run something by you though.”
I raised my eyebrows at her to explain. “I have a few friends coming in town and I wanted you to meet them.”
I tilted my head to the side and studied her. She seemed like she was suppressing some of her excitement, or at least trying to. Her constant tapping of the fingers gave her away.
“And do these friends of yours have a name?”
She bit her lip when the names, “Sam and Dean” came out. I knew two different sides of the Winchesters. The one Donna constantly talked about which made them seem like pretty stand-up guys. And then the side the hunting world talked about. While it wasn’t necessarily a negative side, but I knew what being dedicated to hunting meant. Living to grow old with a family they loved wasn’t on their list of things to do. To each their own, I guess. But Donna was normally a good judge of character, so I was going to give her the benefit of the doubt and meet them with a clean, judgement free slate.
I could see my friend nearly bursting with anticipation at my answer. She knew my past and how I felt about hunters, but they seemed to have a piece of Donna’s heart. “When do they get in?”
Her happiness at that simple question had me playfully rolling my eyes at her. “Tonight! I was thinking we go grab a few drinks and if it’s really horrible then we can fake some sort of emergency!”
I don’t know how I managed to get a good of friend as Donna, but I was thanking the heavens for it. “Sounds good. I close up today around 7. I can meet you there if it isn’t far.”
She was already shaking her head. “No, no. We can meet here and all walk together. I wouldn’t want you to walk in the dark alone.” I nodded my head at her, and she said she would be back before closing.
The rest of the day went by quickly and before I knew it, I was closing up the store. The sound of the front door opening caused me to poke my head around the book shelf I was organizing. Two of the tallest men I have ever seen was standing in the doorway. “Sorry boys. Stores closed for the night.”
The tallest one offered me a smile. “Are you Y/N? Donna told us to meet here.”
Curse that girl for not getting here before them. I was already awkward on a good day. Maybe that emergency will come into play sooner than I thought. I forced myself to walk away from the safety of my books. “Yeah sure am. You must be Sam and Dean.”
The same guy offered his hand out for me to shake and it was nearly comical watching my hand completely disappear in his. “I’m Sam and that’s my brother Dean. It’s nice to finally meet you. Donna talks about you a lot.”
I chuckled, “She has told me all about the two of you as well.” I looked over to Dean and my breath caught in my throat. I don’t know if it was the millions of romance novels I’ve read, but this man was something from my dreams.
He caught me staring and smirked. “You work here?” Sam tried to cover up a laugh at his poor use of small talk.
“No, I felt like robbing the place of all its books. I just clearly underestimated how heavy they would be.”
He ran a hand through his hair, “Yeah I deserved that one.”
My smile came naturally and as bad as it sounds, I felt better knowing he was just as awkward as I was. “It’s my bookstore. Opened it quite a few years ago. It isn’t much but I enjoy what I do.”
Sam shook his head in awe at all the books. “It must be nice being surrounded by this all day.” I hummed in response and watched Dean venture deeper into the store. Despite telling myself to stop, my eyes seemed to follow the hunter wherever he went. He stopped suddenly and I nearly smacked myself in the face for forgetting what was in the furthest corner of my store.
“Are these books on lore?” That caught Sam’s attention and I sighed as both of the Winchester’s were now combing through my collection I managed to grow over the years.
“Well, I might not hunt like my family did, but I can at least help out here and there. Where do you think Donna got some of her information?” Sam laughed and I looked up to see Dean studying me. I couldn’t tell if it was a look of shock or admiration. For my own benefit, I chose the more positive of the two.
I nearly jumped as the front door banged open and my blonde friend was bent over trying to catch her breath. “You okay?”
The boys made their way back up front as I asked the question and Donna waved a hand at me. “You know, I do cross fit, but I don’t think I get in as much cardio as I should. I lost track of time and then my car wouldn’t work. So, I thought, what the H-E-double hockey sticks, I’ll have a nice jog there and reward myself with a drink. Woah buddy I was wrong. My lungs feel like they are going to burst any second.”
I put a hand over my mouth to hide the smile that was forming. Donna seemed to notice the boys for the first time and threw them into a hug. “Hiya fellas! It’s been too long.”
She looked over to me with an apologetic smile, “I see the three of you have met. How does a drink sound?”
Sam clapped his hands together, “Sounds great. We can catch up while you catch your breath.” Donna poked him in the side, and I grabbed my keys to lock the door behind us. Donna had her arm looped through Sam’s as they walked off, lost in conversation but Dean stayed back.
“You don’t have to wait on me. I won’t be long.”
He put his hands in his pockets and shook his head, “Too much cheerfulness for me.” I snorted at the comment and finished what I needed to do. The two of us started heading towards the bar in a surprisingly comfortable silence. Something about this handsome man beside me had me feeling safe.
“Donna said you aren’t too big on hunters.” That was one way to break the ice.
“I come from a complicated past like everyone else. But I knew the two of you have treated her right over the years and it was only fair to give you a chance. You both staying in town long?”
He glanced over at me and smiled, “Longer than what we were originally planning.” I wanted so bad to read into the look he gave me to match those words, but I wasn’t trying to break my own heart. I had only met the man a few minutes ago. Clearly, I needed to slow myself down and remind myself that this isn’t like one of my books.
Donna’s voice cut through my thoughts and waved us over to a table. “We got the first round of drinks while you two were walking slower than molasses.” I shook my head at her and sipped my drink. Dean said he saw a pool table and was going to make some quick cash. Sam followed behind him which left Donna and I at the table.
“What do you think of Dean?”
I took a longer sip this time to try and think of what to say. “He isn’t what I expected.”
Donna nodded her head, seeming to understand what i meant. "He is a little rough around the edges but honestly the best of us are. I know it isn’t your thing to randomly go to dinner with a guy you don’t know, but I think the two of you would hit it off. What do ya say? Wanna give it the ole college try?”
I glanced back over to the pool table and saw the green-eyed hunter looking at us. He gave me a wink and I felt my cheeks heat up. “I don’t even know if he’s into me.”
Donna squeezed my hand, “Sam said Dean was shy around you. That for him is a rare occurrence. Honestly, Y/N, you should just go for it. All he can do is say no and then you and I can sit around watching cheesy romance movies and eat ice cream out of the tub. But you know I would only eat the ice cream for you. So, you better feel special. I don’t think he would say no to you though! What’s not to like?”
She was right. I needed to get out of my comfort zone for once and what better way to do it than with a guy who isn’t staying in town long. “You’re right.” Donna squealed next to me causing both boys to look over at us. Sam said something to Dean that had him walking this way. I went to say something to my friend, but she was no where in sight.
Dean sat across the table from me and opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. “Before I lose all of my confidence in this, I need to ask you something. I know the two of you aren’t staying for long, but I was wondering if we could get dinner before you left.”
I was biting my lip and staring at the table, afraid for his answer. A finger touched under my chin and lifted my head up to look at him. I was met with a warm smile, one I’m sure he didn’t use often, and a response of, “Sweetheart I would love to. I was actually coming over her to ask you myself after Sam told me to get my head out of my ass.” A blush covered my face which only made him smile bigger. “And I told you on the way here that we were staying longer than planned. It was because I wanted to get to know you more.”
My heart fluttered at his words, and I shook my head, “Dean Winchester you have no idea how happy you just made me.” Maybe love stories do come true.  
Tag list: @winchestergypsy90
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Hi! I've been writing this fic for almost a year now and I thought I may as well share it on here as well as ao3.
If you have any input or if there's anything wrong with the fic (in regards to warnings and offensive things etc) please don't hesitate to let me know. It isn't beta'd or anything, it's just me and spellcheck.
Updated monthly on the 1st (I was tempted to do an April Fools joke but that felt too mean).
Warnings are in the end notes of chapters when they are needed. Please read the tags too, there are some triggering topics.
It is Destiel and Saileen make an appearance as well as Claire/Kaia and Jody/Donna. I was very self-indulgent with the relationships...
Hope you enjoy!
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spnhunter4life · 10 months
New Story Teaser
As you may or may not know, I'm currently working on a pretty big new fic. It's the kind of idea that I would love to read if I saw a book (or series) with this kind of plotline. I don't know how long it will end up being (not a full book length I'm sure; there's no way I'll get enough smaller scenes in for that) and definitely don't expect it to be on the level of a published book, but I am doing my best to make it as similar to an actual full length book as I can.
That being said, I'm hitting a slow spot right now so I'm just putting this out there as a bit of motivation for myself. I'll feel more pressured to write if I feel like people are waiting for something from me. Anyway, here's a summary of my still untitled fic. I hope it looks interesting to you guys! Please let me know what you think!
(Also, side note: I'm going to be needing a beta for this eventually. I'd even take two or three if that many people would want to. I'm not in any hurry to find one as I have a ways to go still, but if you think you might be interested, send me a message!)
Juliette is on the run. Her whole life turned upside down when she trusted the wrong person with her biggest secret, and now she's just trying to survive. When two strangers come crashing into her life, she couldn't have predicted how much things were about to change again. All of a sudden, things that shouldn't be possible are real and she finds herself fighting not just for her own safety, but for the safety of the new family she's made. Maybe even the whole world.
Set in a world of shifters (no ABO) and featuring a variety of beloved Supernatural characters.
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blondie20000 · 4 months
Deonna Fic Collection
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Link to the fic is in the title below.
Sweet Treats (Smut, One Shot)
Dean brings Donna a box of donuts.
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sharlinefreire · 2 years
hello there! ♡
my name is sharline freire, my pronouns are she/her, i am brazilian, writer, journalist student, vegetarian and i love films, tv shows, fanfictions, books, comics and music.
my fav artists:
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fav actors: jack quaid, diego luna, michael fassbender, matthew macfadyen, bill hader, colin farrell, adam scott;
fav directors: greta gerwig, céline sciamma, guillermo del toro, m. night shyamalan, paul thomas anderson, darren aronofsky, steven spielberg, jonas mekas;
fav writers: pedro bandeira, neil gaiman, elena ferrante, clarice lispector, taylor jenkins reid;
fav singers/bands: taylor swift, sufjan stevens, hozier, florence and the machine, lorde, mitski, the lumineers, the national, kodaline, glee cast, elton john, the beatles, imagine dragons, coldplay, bts;
my fav shows, films and characters:
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my fav shows: good omens, doctor who, hannibal, sherlock bbc, house m.d, star trek tos, cobra kai, what we do in the shadows, dirk gently's holistic detective agency, glee, dexter, twin peaks, better call saul, succession, my brilliant friend, ozark, the office, the big bang theory, anne with an e, this is us, over the garden wall, queer eye, mr. bean;
my fav characters: sherlock holmes, john watson, the doctor, donna noble, aziraphale, crowley, tom wambsgans, magneto, johnny lawrence, daniel larusso, gregory house, james wilson, hannibal lecter, mr. spock, loki laufeyson, dexter morgan, dale cooper, benji dunn, obi-wan kenobi, cassian andor, mike wazowski, mr. bean;
my ships/couples:
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aziraphale/crowley (good omens); canon!
clara/12th doctor (doctor who);
donna/10th+14th doctor (doctor who);
obs: aziraphale and crowley are non-binary and the doctor is agender/gender fluid so i don't put them in m/m or f/m.
my m/m ships:
sherlock/john (sherlock holmes);
house/wilson (house m.d);
charles/erik (x-men, marvel);
jim/dwight (the office);
daniel/johnny (karate kid, cobra kai);
jack/ennis (brokeback mountain); canon!
butcher/hughie (the boys);
tom/greg (succession, hbo);
spock/kirk (star trek);
finn/poe (star wars);
hannibal/will (hannibal, nbc); canon!
merlin/arthur (merlin, bbc);
dean/castiel (supernatural);
benji/ethan (mission impossible);
stede/edward (our flag means death); canon!
dirk/todd (dirk gently's holistic detective agency);
rajesh/howard (the big bang theory);
félix/nico (amor à vida); canon!
steve/tony (avengers, marvel);
abed/troy (community);
nick/gatsby (the great gatsby);
nandor/guillermo (what we do in the shadows);
connor/oliver (how to get away with murder); canon!
my f/f ships:
emma/regina (once upon a time);
eve/villanelle (killing eve); canon!
rory/paris (gilmore girls);
my f/m ships:
amy/sheldon (the big bang theory); canon!
sydney/carmy (the bear, fx);
kim/jimmy (better call saul); canon!
scully/mulder (x-files) canon!
lorelai/luke (gilmore girls); canon!
eleanor/chidi (the good place); canon!
gerri/roman (succession); ???
willa/connor (succession); canon!
leia/han (star wars); canon!
rachel/ross (friends); canon!
anyway, my ao3 account is sharlinefreire and my user on twitter is also sharlinefreire.
check my carrd of more informations: sharlinefreire.carrd.co
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welcome to my tumblr! ♡
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glygriffe · 2 years
Fanfics Masterlist
This is a list of all the fanfictions of mine I posted on Tumblr. All gen fics, all cross-posted on AO3.
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Drabbles or ficlets
Taking Care of Me (Dean & Soulless!Sam) You Are My Home (Sam Winchester) You've been Garthed (Garth Fitzgerald IV) A Family Recipe (Jody, Sam, Dean) I can't stand to fly (young Sam & Dean) The Mahaha Hunt (young Sam & Dean, John Winchester) In the Mouth of Hell (Dean Winchester) Mastering Life (Meg Masters - Demon Meg) Pillow Talk (Sam & Dean Winchester) Like Fine Wine - A Poem (Rowena MacLeod) Crossroad meeting with a smoking date - A Poem (Demon) They Spoke as if They Knew Me (Jody & Sam) Shades of Villains (Alastair, Azazel) Trials and Tribulations (Sam Winchester) Last Resort (Donna & Jody) The Small Things in Life (Jody & Claire) The Lockpick (Sam Winchester)
Family Matters (Dark Angel AU) This Old House (young Dean Winchester) To Love and to Hold (Castiel & Sam & Dean)
From the Dead-end job series (more on AO3): A series of short fics exploring the work relationship of Death and Billie the Reaper, doing a shallow dip into their individual mindset in between episodes of the show. A Rock and a Hard Place (Billie & Death, Lucifer) part one | part two The Ballad of Chicago (Billie & Death, Dean Winchester) part one | part two
Who's lost now?: Dean Winchester is a little lost going back to school in the big city. When he meets The Doctor who took a job at the university, it may be just two lost souls colliding. But maybe it is the start of a friendship they both need. (Doctor Who & Dean Winchester: see the header here!)
Stranger Things
Pain and Confusion (Joyce Byers) What's left after the storm (Dustin Henderson & Steve Harrington) A Slight Case of D&D Fever (Mike, Will, Lucas, Dustin) Tragic Dingus (Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington) Love in the TIme of Vecna (Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler)
Sudden betrayal (Wash x Zoe) In the Family Way (Jayne & Kaylee) Blue as the river bringing me home to you (River Tam) A Quest for Geniuses (Simon, River, Kaylee)
Dark Angel
Sweat and blood - A study in Red (Max Guevara) Family Matters (Supernatural in a Dark Angel AU) Saving Grace (Alec McDowell - Dark Angel AU) The Road to the Good Place (Ben) Gossamer Feelings (mostly an original work, but inspired by Simon Lehane)
Also, ficlets in French, from DUG fandom : (Dans une galaxie près de chez vous) Dans une doudou près de chez vous. Méchant Malade
Various art can also be seen here.
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voidsteffy · 1 year
are you team jess or team logan 👀
I'm team Paris
I'm of the Luke Danes School of Thought that Rory had the kind of boyfriend at every stage that she needed. Her first boyfriend (i am excluding everything along with and after the Donna Reed episode) Dean was an ideal first boyfriend, can't get softer than that. Her second boyfriend, during her teens, Jess, gave her an experience with the rumored bad boy types as do most of the fanfictions written by people of the age. Logan was the typical mature!Rory boyfriend until both Rory and Logan were ruined by the writing.
I however, do have a soft corner for Literati because there was something just so harsh and soulful about what each of them have done the other not out of obligation like Rory taking care of Logan at the hospital (yeah I do think that, no offense but that's how it comes across). Literati takes care of each other as a result of this primal sort of love. They recognise each other's potential and Rory needs a non-privilged Luke to her inner Lorelai.
I still hold my point that just like Vivian and Elle Woods should have been a couple, Rory and Paris would have kicked it out of the park with Enemies to Lovers, Introvert Scholar with Extrovert Scholar, Academic Rivalry, Short Blonde Streak of Blood x Tall Brunette Ray of Sunshine, And then They were Roommates tropes and so on.
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TITLE: Fire and Ice
A/N: This idea started out as a Dean x Donna drabble and ultimately became 5+ pages. I’m not sorry.
Dean followed Sam and Donna into the bunker and secured the door before shuffling down the stairs behind them.
“Headed to shower and bed,” Sam mumbled with a quick glance at them.
“G’night, Sam-o,” Donna replied, hanging her jacket over one of the war room chairs. They watched him trudge away, and she waited until he’d disappeared before whispering, “Think he’s okay?”
Dean nodded. “Just needs to sleep. And he feels bad he got locked outside while we got our asses handed to us.” He tossed his jacket onto the table and turned his focus to her, gently tilting her chin to get a better look at the cut high on her cheekbone and the swelling, purplish tint around her eye. “We need to get you some ice. Come on.” He slipped his hand into hers and tugged her in the direction of the kitchen.
“What about your arm? That cut might need stitches.”
“It’s alright; it’s not that deep.”
“Dean…” She pulled up short, forcing him to face her, and gave him a stern look.
He internally winced at the blooming bruises marring her beautiful face. If that damn witch hadn’t been dead already, he’d have killed it for throwing her across the room like a rag doll.
She was an amazing hunter, though he could admit he’d never have believed it possible when they’d first met. Exuberant, candid, effulgent, and strikingly attractive, she’d seemed too innocent and light-hearted for the likes of him. As per the usual, he’d tried to keep her unaware of the darkness that crept through the world like fog in a graveyard, but she’d sassed him with such veracity he’d been more pleased—and taken aback—than angry. At times he worried the weight of the struggle pressing down on them, on her, would eradicate her effervescence, that brilliant smile, the light in her eyes. But she’d begun surprising him with how easily she’d handled the news and a machete, and continued surprising him with her acceptance of the life that came with hunting, her joviality, and the affection she felt for him.
Still, when the fight left marks on her, both emotionally and physically, it made his heart ache in ways he’d never felt before, and he altruistically wished she’d never been introduced to such a life and its inevitable ails.
Selfishly, he was pleased she’d chosen to help them fight or he’d never have had the chance to love her.
“Did you hit your head, too?” Her hand ruffling through the hair at his forehead brought him back to the present. He saw the worry on her face and wondered how long he’d stood there daydreaming of their history.
“I’m fine,” he assured her. He gently gripped her wrist with his hand and moved her arm away.
“Don’t be a dingo,” she sassed with a side-glare, using the nickname she’d given him that was both a play on his name and a way to let him know when she thought he was acting like a half-domesticated canine.
He gave her a quick, unexpected peck on the lips, a smile on his face. “I already took care of it.”
He shrugged the torn, bloodied flannel off of his shoulders and eased his arm out of the sleeve. He’d wrapped gauze around his forearm several times, and though it wasn’t the best nursing job, it’d seemed to do the trick.
“When the H did you do that?”
“When you and Sam were cleaning up inside, after I got rid of the evidence outside. Now,” he snagged her hand again and continued toward the kitchen. “Let’s get that ice so you can see out of that eye tomorrow.”
“I’m worn out,” she admitted as they stepped into the kitchen.
“Mmm,” he agreed, tossing his flannel on the bench. “Today wasn’t a picnic.”
She watched him move around the kitchen, his white undershirt barely concealing his broad shoulders and muscled back, his toned arms flexing as he broke ice out of the tray. She still hadn’t gotten over how damn attractive he was—she doubted she ever would—and most days she could maintain her composure. But on nights like this, when exhaustion clawed at her body and the adrenaline of the fight had worn off until all that remained was the desire to be held and comforted, to give comfort to the man who loved her like no other had, she couldn’t help watching him, her eyes greedy, her soul longing to just…be and breathe with him. Cocooned up together, safe from the dangers that dogged their steps and sought to end them.
“You want anything?” he asked, indicating the fridge.
So many things… She shook her head once, using only a few words to sum up her thoughts. “You. And sleep.”
His expression softened, and he approached her, holding her gaze. “You got me,” he murmured before kissing her softly, his hand cupping her face on the uninjured side. “And sleep is coming right up.” With his other hand, he held up the ice pack he’d made. “After we take down the swelling.”
Her eyes flashed with something undiscernible, and he gently brushed his thumb across her cheek, his brow furrowed. “You alright, D?”
She gave him a small smile. “You betcha. I really do just want you and sleep. Post-adrenaline exhaustion, ya know?”
He gazed at her a few moments longer, waiting to see something other than fatigue, but she peered back at him, her eyes dreamy and drowsy.
“You’re damn attractive, you know that?”
He nearly blanched at her unexpected compliment, thrown by the change of subject. “You sure you didn’t hit your head?”
She stared at him, this man who fought the dark with his fists and his heart and never wanted anyone to know about it, who’d given up everything—family, friends, any sense of normalcy, his childhood and youth, peace of mind, and even his life on several occasions—and still fought tooth and nail to make the world a better place. Who looked at her with stars in his eyes and spoke to her heart with his touch and made her feel like a person again. Whose strength wasn’t only in his shoulders, upon which he carried the weight of the world, or the arms that held her tenderly, or that muscled wall of a chest she loved looking at and touching, but in his devotion to those he loved, his ability to pick up the pieces and keep trying, his determination to never give up, no matter how horrible the odds.
“Oh yeah. I got clear vision, even with a whopper to one eye.”
“Well, let’s make sure it doesn’t become a Big Mac.” He took her hand and headed for the hallway, turning left.
“Those aren’t—where’re we goin’?” she interrupted herself. “Bedroom’s that way.”
He turned to wink at her, a secretive smile on his face. “I got something better.”
“This I gotta see,” she teased. “Not sure my poor heart can take it after all of tonight’s excitement.”
Dean huffed an amused laugh, amazed as always that this firecracker of a woman could not only take the punches and keep on trucking, but that she could do it with her wit, sass, and smile. And make him smile right along with her.
“This,” he said, stopping in front of a room she’d never been in. “is the lounge.” He dropped her hand to open the door and flicked on the light as they entered.
Donna took in the expansive space, lit up by the lamps around the room: the fireplace at one end, a big, fluffy couch nearby, the bookshelves lining two walls, a pool table standing proudly in the center, an old radio and record player combo atop a mahogany table covered with old trinkets and knick-knacks. A large plush carpet covered most of the floor, and though the walls were brick, the room felt inviting.
“This is one of my favorite rooms,” Dean explained, motioning with his hand for her to sit on the couch.
She eased down into the center of it, unsure of its age, but was surprised to find it more comfortable than most modern couches.
Dean handed her the ice pack, the corners of his mouth quirking up at her. “You can grab the blanket behind you if you’d like. I’m gonna start a fire.”
“Thanks,” she muttered, holding the ice pack up to her face, her good eye watching Dean as he worked.
Any other man and she’d have to question her presence in a room like this: a stylized lounge buried underground, sitting on a soft couch with a fireplace nearby. Almost seemed like a monster’s lair.
But Dean Winchester wasn’t any other man. He hunted things that frightened children and their parents. He faced the dark with a brightness he didn’t realize he carried. He killed Hitler. He saved the world. Multiple times. He also held her in the highest regard and in his arms at night. He whispered secrets to her and coaxed hers out of her bruised heart and never once made her feel embarrassed. He watched her when he thought she wasn’t looking and looked at her like no man ever had. Like she was his world. He spoke to her like an equal and treated her like a queen, and she’d never met anyone like him.
No, she had nothing to fear from him. Except how deeply ingrained he’d become in her heart.
She let her gaze caress him as he prepped the tinder and logs for the fire. Hunkered down, the muscles in his toned and tan forearms flexing as he worked, his t-shirt stretched across his broad, strong back, that tapered waist, those long legs encased in denim that somehow made him seem sexier, if that was possible.
The man was hotter than a branding iron.
He lit the tinder, setting the fire ablaze, and she knew if they hadn’t been beaten like cake batter earlier, that wouldn’t be the only fire he lit.
As it stood though, one side of her face throbbed and her body ached from landing hard on the cement. Dean, too, had taken some punches, gotten knocked around, and had that cut on his arm that she would demand to see. But tomorrow.
He turned to her, his face lit up by the growing fire, and stood. “Need anything?” he asked, moving towards her.
“Nope. Just you.” She held her hand out as he approached, and he grabbed it gratefully, plopping down next to her and lacing their fingers together.
“How’s the eye feeling?”
“Hurts like the Dickens.”
He tried not to smile but failed and leaned to kiss her temple. “You wanted me…” He kissed her eyelid, her cheek, the corner of her mouth. “And sleep.”
“Mmm,” she hummed in agreement, her eyes feeling droopy from the heat of the room and the exhaustion overpowering her body.
“Wanna lay down?”
“You betcha.” She moved to lie down on the couch, and Dean scooted over to give her room to stretch out. She laid her head on his thigh, staring up into his mesmerizing eyes.
“Been a while. Let’s see it.” He eased the ice pack out of her hand.
Her skin had flared pink where the ice had sat, and her eye looked puffy, but it didn’t seem as bad as he’d feared.
“Looks painful, but better. We’ll ice it again tomorrow.”
She nodded once, and her eyes drifted closed. “Rest, sweetheart,” he soothed, brushing the hair away from her face and running his fingers through her hair.
Sam had searched the bedroom hall for Dean and Donna, then the kitchen, the war room and library, and the garage. He told himself not to panic until he searched the other half of the bunker, but his long stride carried him quickly down the hallway, stopping at each door as he peeked in, but finding no trace of them.
He’d only slept for four hours and, unable to fall back asleep, he’d gotten up to make some coffee. He’d passed Dean’s bedroom door on the way to the kitchen, giving it a quick, haphazard glance before doing a double take and realizing the door stood open, the bed empty. Highly unusual, but he didn’t start feeling frantic until he’d searched all their main haunts and came up empty.
He turned a corner and saw the lounge door open, an oddity since they mostly kept the rooms closed up.
“Dean?” he whispered, unsure what had happened.
He popped his head in to get a quick look, then relaxed his stance, his muscles easing up.
Dean sat on the couch, legs sprawled out, head laid back on the top of the couch, fast asleep, one hand on Donna’s hip as she, curled up on her side, used his leg as a pillow.
Sam smiled to himself, relieved they were safe, resting, and together, and eased the door closed.
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ejlovespie · 3 years
Coming Up!
Monday, Aug, 9th @ 6 AM (Arizona time)
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Summary: Dean Winchester finally takes Donna Hanscum out on a date. What will happen when he can’t keep his eyes off the sweet sheriff? (Smut)
Bingo Cards: @spnkinkbingo - square filled: Shoe Kink & @spndeanbingo - square filled: Donna Hanscum
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Thursday, Aug, 12th 6 AM (Arizona time)
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Summary: When the reader is taken, Sam and Dean go after her. Will Y/N and Dean finally get their happy ending, together?
Catch up on previous chapters here: Pt. 1 (Angst) / Pt. 2 (Angst) / Pt. 3 (Angst) / Pt. 4 (Angst/Smut) / Pt. 5 (Angst/Smut) / Pt. 6 (Angst/Smut) 
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As always, thank you @firefly-graphics for these beautiful dividers!
Tags: @akshi8278 @wellfuckmyexistence @beabutterfly987@deandaydreaming @slamminmine @deandreamernp@the-white-shadow-of-hydra @siospins @elsamc13 @lyarr24@the-mystery-spot @flamencodiva @flamencodiva-reblogs@deanwanddamons @mrspeacem1nusone @happyt0exist@thoughts-and-funnies @fofisstilinski @emariej28@pepetualabsurdity
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xhannahbananax03 · 3 years
Year One
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Warnings: Slight angst
A/N: This is a sequel to My Cousin’s Best Friend! You don’t necessarily have to read the first book, but I would recommend it. You can find the first chapter of that Here!
It had been a year and a half since the accident, a year and a half since I graduated, a year and a half since I moved to Minnesota, a year and a half since I talked to either Dean or Sam.
The day after I graduated, Sam headed back to California, I wasn't too upset about it. Of course I'd miss him, but we weren't like that anymore.
Dean had a family emergency back home, so him and Jake had to leave early. He promised to keep in touch, call whenever he could. But unfortunately, he never did call, never even texted.
I waited a few weeks before getting ahold of Jake out of worry, he told me that Dean's father had passed away, he hadn't seen him since. No one had.
I cried for what seemed like years, but after awhile I moved on. He was just a summer fling after all. After moving on, I threw myself into hunting, all or nothing. I read my dad's journal about all the monsters in the world and how to kill them.
I hadn't spoken to him in years, bit apparently he showed up at the hospital while I was out and left the book there. I wasn't old enough to drink yet, but after my first hunt I went to a bar and convinced an older gentleman to buy me a drink.
I got wasted that night, and in turn was arrested by a bubbly lady name Donna. We became quick friends and she took me in under her wing, allowing me to stay out at her cabin. I kept her away from my life and convinced her I was just a small town girl trying to find her place in the world.
It had been one whole year before I met another hunter, his name was Asa, he was a bit older than me but a close friend non the less. Maybe too close of a friend.
After a few months, we established a relationship between ourselves. We did everything together, we hunted together, we went out together, we slept together. But in the end, he needed to be on his own. Stressing over me hunting was taking a toll on him and almost ended up getting us killed on more than one occasion.
So in the end, it was better we go out separate ways, it hurt like hell to have to drop all contact to him, but it was better that way, we were better that way.
A year and a half had passed since I went out on my own and into the hunting world. A year and a half had passed since the first day of the rest of my forever.
Tags: send me an ask to be added to any tags!
SPN Team: @hobby27
Team Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278  @440mxs-wife   
Team TTP: 
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Guess who finally finished her Dean Winchester birthday fic, more than a month after Dean Winchester's birthday?
(Me. It's me. I suck. I know. Here, have this fic as an apology.)
Rating: T
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: nada
Characters: most everyone who is still alive, some hints about dead people that I won't spoil, several original characters
Relationships: all the canon ones and also lowkey jody/donna (yes I am counting destiel as canon. fight me)
Additional Tags: outsider POV because I'm a sucker for outsider POVs, laser tag because I'm a sucker for laser tag fics, do I really need to put anything else it's a birthday fic for Dean it's pretty straightforward, he's not dead, obviously
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Imperium Locus
Summary: Dean wasn’t supposed to feel the way he did about Donna Hanscum. On paper, the pair were never meant to be, but what happens when he dares to let his guard down.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Word Count: 5.7k+ (I’m so sorry)
Warnings: Language, show level violence, character death
Square Filled: Enemies to Lovers
Author’s Note: Written for @spngenrebingo​.  I honestly have no idea where this came from. Probably because I’m absolute Winscum trash. I have no regrets. Also, I’m not 100% sure this is even enemies to lovers. I tried though, therefore none of you can criticize me. I hope you all enjoy this, as always I love to hear what you thought. xoxo Alex. 
Check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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A camera flashed outside the main door to Imperium Locus as clients flooded inside. The lights inside were low, reflecting against the crystal that hung from almost every open space of the club. There was chatter from the locals intertwined with the jazz that the band created from the stage. 
“Mrs. Scott is a tramp, everybody knows that. Well, except for Mr. Scott.” Laughter rang out around the table as Dean was making his rounds. He made eye contact with his buddy at the table, squeezing his shoulder and bringing him up to stand next to him. 
“Hey, Garth, how about we keep the gossip for the column, eh? People are trying to enjoy themselves tonight.” Dean patted down his wrinkled tie and raised a single brow at the journalist.
“You won’t have to worry much longer Dean. I’m working on something big right now, you’ll see.” Garth’s words were slurred as they came from his mouth. “They’ll all see!”
Dean once again patted his friend’s shoulder, leaving him to be with the group he had shown up with. Garth was always on about how he had some big story that he was working on, and it almost always ended up as some sort of fluff piece in the local paper. Dean had no worries about the strange fellow he called a friend, but it wouldn’t hurt to cut him off before he could no longer walk straight. 
As he made his way to the bar, a shot was slid across the wood and into his ready hand. Dean tipped it back, allowing the whiskey to burn down his throat. Ash stepped down the way to wipe the counter in front of his boss. 
“Only water for Garth from now on, okay? He can come to me if he’s angry but I don’t need him getting himself into trouble on my account.” 
“Got it, boss.” Ash nodded his head once at the club owner before refilling his shot. Dean threw it back again without hesitation. “By the way, isn’t Jo supposed to be on by now?”
Both men turned their heads to the stage devoid of the Imperium’s star performer. Though it wasn’t unlike her to be a little late to the stage, her absence never sat right with Dean. He glanced down at the watch on his wrist and hummed, “Yeah, let’s give her a couple of minutes.” 
As Dean spoke, the lights dimmed in the club as the stage lights grew. The head of his jazz ensemble came onto the stage to announce Jo’s arrival, and the crowd broke out into applause and whistles. 
“What a dame,” Ash sighed from beside Dean. 
“She gets ‘em every time.”  Dean agreed. The pair of them watched the charismatic woman charm the crowd like she did every other night since joining the staff at the Imperium. Jo was the secret to Dean’s recent success with the club. Ever since the paper did a column on her show, people from all around the greater area were coming to see her perform. The small, spirited woman had a way with the music that captivated even the most skeptical and frazzled customers. 
“Dean,” Ash’s face fell as he glanced towards the front door. Dean caught his gaze and followed it, only to be hit with the last thing he wanted to deal with tonight. His place was more packed than ever and more than that, he wanted a peaceful evening that didn’t end in a bloodbath. 
Walking in the front doors of his club was none other than Fergus MacLeod, the notorious jackass that pretty much owned the town just a mile south of Lawrence. He was flanked by his usual henchman, Gordon Walker. None of that pissed him off more than the woman on his arm, Donna Hanscum. 
Donna was a girl that had grown up right here with his little brother Sammy. Just a few years younger than himself. She was quiet and kept to herself in school mostly but what had always caught his eye was her beauty. Her soft blonde curls were always in place and her mother never failed to pick out a dress for her that didn’t bring out the amber in her eyes. She was a sweet girl. That is until she married Doug. Somehow, that was where it all went downhill for the young woman. Ever since her association with Doug, the pair had been attached to MacLeod’s side. Even after Doug left her, Donna stuck around the vile man that Dean assumed was less than human. They were the dynamic duo of Pleasant Grove, ironically enough. But everyone knew of the back door dealings they tried to hide. Not to mention all the trouble they have caused the Winchester family. Fergus wanted to take over Lawrence, where the real money was to be made, and he had tried to use John’s death as a means to get inside. Dean had been warned by his father of the MacLeod’s long before he was murdered, and had sworn to protect Lawrence from them at all costs. So that’s what he does, protects the town he loves from the evil they can’t even begin to comprehend, and now, here MacLeod was, in his late father’s club, and that pissed Dean off. 
“I’ll take care of it, but call for Benny.” Dean tapped the bar with his knuckles before pushing off of it and leaving Ash to head to the back of the house. Dean licked along his lower lip, his eyes narrowed at the people in his house. Donna caught his line of sight, her head tilting up and a sly smile appearing on her lips when she realized he was staring at her. She pulled on her sky blue gown as she went down the steps into the lounge area, the slit in the satin reaching far higher than anything Dean had seen before. 
Fergus gripped her elbow and guided her to a table behind Gordon. The henchman tapped the shoulder of the paying customers at the table and shooed them away with a tip of his hat. He pulled out the chair for Donna who sat down next to the man that was evil personified. Her eyes still on the green-eyed club owner. 
“Well well, if it isn’t little Cassie Robinson.” Donna turned her attention away from Dean and towards Fergus, where he now had the arm of a young woman trapped in his grasp. “You have the money you borrowed from me?”
“Not yet, but I have something in the works.” She flashed him a brilliant smile, but one that was laced in fear and embarrassment. Her eyes averted back and forth, hoping no one in the area was paying any attention to her predicament. 
“Not yet? Well, that was a glass of mighty expensive champagne I saw you drinking over there.” Fergus’ lips twitched into an evil smirk. 
“Well, a lady has to keep up appearances.” 
“Your appearance is gonna suffer if you don’t get me my money. Twenty four hours.” His voice dropped dangerously low and Cassie ripped her arm from his fingers. A frown fell onto her face as he sneered at her, the young woman stomping off without another word. Donna looked away as Cassie passed her, ashamed that she couldn’t help the poor woman. She couldn’t even save herself, so what was she to do for Cassie?
The young woman in trouble knocked into Dean’s shoulder as he passed on his way to MacLeod, and he watched her run off with a sigh. 
“Can I help you?” Dean stopped next to Donna, his eyes on the man whose vile leached out into the atmosphere around. 
“Wow, Dean Winchester. What a pleasure.” MacLeod did nothing to hide the sarcasm in his voice, a smile still on his lips. Dean pushed back his suit jacket and slipped his hands into his pockets as his gaze flicked to Donna for half a second. “You know I actually thought this was my club for a while, considering that’s my singer up there.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to inform you, but your club is down the road,” it was Dean’s turn to smile now, “The one lacking customers.”  
“Hmm, funny.” Fergus pretended to ponder over his thoughts. “Give me my girl back, and I’ll let you live.” 
“Jo is free to do whatever she wants, and she wants to stay here.” Dean turned as he spoke his next words, his forefinger pointing towards the main entrance. “You, on the other hand, are free to go.” 
MacLeod laughed, an earnest chuckle, “You know this club had such class when your father ran it. You know it’s too bad your mother and John had such a horrific accident, I mean your mother was always so,” Fergus licked his lips, his eyes narrowing, “Hospitable.” 
“I think it is time for you to get out of my club, or I will throw you out.” All hint of amusement was gone from Dean’s face. His blood was boiling underneath his skin, and it took everything in him not to sock the man staring up at him. 
Fergus didn’t take his eyes off Dean, both men were intent to size the other up. “Gordon,” 
Dean turned just in time to see Gordon smash a bottle against the table, holding up the jagged edges to the club owner’s face. Dean didn’t back down, his jaw ticking as he stood his ground. The music around them faded away as all eyes in the club had been drawn to the commotion. Even Jo stood watching with bated breath from the stage. 
“Hey,” Benny now stood at the entrance to the club, his gun resting in plain sight on his hip. He was flanked by Dean’s other right-hand man, Castiel, who also was accompanied by his piece. “I think that’s enough for tonight.” 
Gordon dropped the glass with a small nod from his boss, who stood then, taking his coat from Gordon and slipping it back on his shoulders. The three walked by Dean, all eyes on them as they made their exit. Fergus paused in front of Dean, looking out towards all the hesitant faces. “Thanks for the lovely evening.” He sneered before continuing out. 
Donna stopped to watch him return to her, letting him pass by out the door. Her gaze landed on Dean one last time and he couldn’t help but wonder if he detected something in her eyes this time. Was it fear? Or maybe it was a concern? Either way, it set Dean Winchester on edge, and that was not an easy feat. 
Dean followed them until the trio disappeared behind the doors, turning back around to his still silent club members. “Sorry ladies and gentlemen, round on the house!” Dean flourished his arm towards the stage. “Jo Harvelle!” He signaled towards the band to start up again, wanting nothing more than for the little scene with MacLeod to be over with. He took a deep breath as the attention turned back to his star performer. 
The Mercedes rolled to a stop outside MacLeod manor as a fog settled in the small town. 
“Give us a minute, Gordon.” Fergus caught the eye of his driver in the mirror and waited for him to exit the car. Donna turned her attention on the man, a confused tilt in her brow. Fergus took a deep breath and looked off out the opposite window. 
“I saw you making eyes at Dean tonight,” he stated. 
Donna forced a smile on her face and breathed out a chuckle, “I was doing nothing of the sort.” 
“I know what I saw, don’t make a liar out of me.” Fergus gripped her bicep in his stubby fingers, his nails digging into her soft flesh. The pair exchanged equally heated stares, Fergus with his teeth bared and Donna on the verge of tears. “You are only still alive right now because you have been useful to me. The second that changes, you are done. Now go to bed.” 
Fergus leaned over her to push open the car door. The blonde climbed out of the Benz without a word, her heart hammering deep in her chest. She knew his words were not just a veiled threat, but a promise. 
Gordon pushed open the gate as he pulled the toothpick from between his plumps lips, “I believe you, Donna, I know you only have eyes for me. Sweet dreams,” he sneered, taking it upon himself to smack her behind as she walked past him without comment. 
The crowd inside the Imperium was thinning as the night came to a close. Dean helped Garth out, making sure he headed in the right direction towards home before coming back inside. 
“Last chance,” Cassie purred as she walked up to the eldest Winchester, handing over her fur shawl to him. 
“Good night, Cassie,” Dean smiled as he helped her into her shall. “Oh and Cassie, those were nice days we had.”
“Sure they were,” she sighed. “Sorry I had to break your heart.” And with those teasing words, she was gone, her smile faltering as she exited the club. 
“Are you sure you can still handle your whiskey, Chief?” Benny came up behind Dean as he watched the dark-skinned woman go. 
“Yeah, I’m sure. Why?” 
“Cause you just let Cassie Robinson walk out of here without paying her tab.” Benny held up the slip of paper to his boss, a quirk in his brow as he stared at the frowning man. Dean took the slip from between Benny’s fingers and ripped it in half. “Wow, I’ve been working with you for over ten years and I have never seen you tear up a bar tab.”
“Ah, she’s just down on her luck. Mark my words, Benny, someday Cassie Robinson is gonna change the world.” Dean patted his buddy’s shoulder and walked off to make sure his employees began their closing duties for the night. He slipped off his jacket as he set out to help clear the tables and go through some of the night's paperwork. He was leaning against the bar, rifling through his mail when the doors opened, revealing the long legs of Miss Hanscum. The club owner pushed off the bar and made his way to stop her before she could get too far inside. 
“Sorry, but we’re closed.” He breathed out as he came up the three stairs to the foyer. 
“I know,” she smiled. “My car broke down.” 
“Right, so you can lure me outside and Fergus and his goons can work me over.” Dean cocked his head, stopping a safe distance from the woman before putting his hands into his pockets. He straightened his shoulders. “No thanks.”
As Dean turned to leave, Donna raised her voice, “Fergus isn’t with me.” she cast her eyes down to where her feet were planted, the silver of the straps a sharp contrast to the dark tile below. Dean turned back to her, an incredulous look in his eye. He did not believe the lady standing in front of him. He had seen all too well with his own eyes the things that those two got up to. “Promise.”
The two stared at each other for a second, though it felt like minutes to Dean. Donna had a glint in her eye that was making his stomach churn, but there was something about the upturn in her smile that calmed the storm inside him. For some reason, he believed her. “Let me grab my coat.”
Donna led Dean outside to the street just in front of the Imperium as he slipped his hat onto his head. A sleek black Mercedes Benz was parked right against the curb, identical to all the others that the MacLeod legion used. He assumed it was a loaner for her. 
“Let me see what I can do, I’m not really the mechanic type,” He drawled as he lifted the hood to the car. The tall man bent over the engine, peering inside and fiddling with some things that seemed out of place to him. “The advancement of these things is amazing. How much did this set you back?” 
“Oh hundreds,” Donna leaned against the cool metal, watching as Dean’s white button-down stretched over the muscles of his arms. Dean smiled to himself, knowing damn well this woman next to him had no clue how much the car in front of him truly cost. “What about you? What do you drive?” 
“I don’t, not ready to give up on old fashion walking.” Dean turned to catch her eye as he finally succumbed to the fact that he truly had no idea what he was doing. A silence fell between the pair for only a moment before Donna spoke. 
“You know, no one has ever stood up to Fergus like that before,” Her words were nothing more than observation but even she couldn’t hide the curiosity that lingered beneath them. 
“That right?”
“Mhmm, and to be perfectly honest, I think that confrontation made him respect you. That’s how he judges people, you know, are they weak or are they strong? It’s his way.” Donna turned her back to where Dean was puzzling at the engine of the car, her gaze off in the distance down the road. 
“It’s not my way. I’m a kind man unless you give me a reason to be otherwise.” Donna turned to look at him as he stood up straight, seeing the sincerity in his eyes as he spoke. A bashful smile replaced his serious face, “I’m sorry, my Uncle Bobby was the mechanic in the family.” Dean reached above his head and closed the hood of the car. 
“It’s okay, leave it. But you wouldn’t mind a good old fashioned walk home, would you?” Donna mocked his earlier tone, offering him back his coat that she held in her arms. 
“Sure,” Dean slipped the coat on, stumbling over his next words. “I can do that, where do you live?” 
Donna peered behind her, her eyes going south down the main road in Lawrence. “That way.” 
“Alright,” Dean agreed, coming to walk next to her as the pair made their way down the street. 
The moon was high in the night sky as they made their way out of the sleeping town. There were no other pedestrians on the street as they reached the bridge on the outskirts of town, the last obstacle before leaving Lawrence. The string of lights hung along the white bridge, bringing the wooden walkway to life in the night. 
“I don’t know how I feel about the war,” Donna mused as Dean watched his feet moving against the aging wood. “I mostly just worry about our boys. I could fight you know, or be a nurse. What do you think?”
“I guess,” Dean hummed. Donna wanted more out of Dean than one-word answers. The man that had always been an enigma to the young blonde. He had taken up duty looking after his city when his Daddy died and he did it well. It was like she had said, no one had ever stood up to Fergus as he had, not even John Winchester.
“Do you think I’m pretty?” She blurted out, hoping to God that he didn’t leave her alone on that bridge in her idiocy. 
“I don’t think I know you well enough yet to say something like that.” 
“Well, you certainly don’t talk much yourself. Why would you agree to walk me home if you weren’t going to talk?” 
“Not much of the gabbing type.” Dean’s voice was even as the woman pushed him. Sure he had agreed to walk her home, but he wasn’t ready to open up his heart to the woman. After all, the only thing he was sure of was she worked for MacLeod. That meant that she was a threat. 
“What’s a girl got to do for some interesting conversation?”
“Fine,” Dean stopped his trajectory and adjusted the hat on his head. Donna continued on a half step before she noticed he had stopped. She turned to look at him, the deep look in his eyes making her smile falter. “Tell me, why do you associate yourself with a guy like MacLeod? He’s scum. Everybody knows the types of things he gets into. People disappear around him. And yet, you let him own you.” 
“Nevermind,” Donna husked out, a grimace now on her face. 
“Oh no, now you said you wanted to talk. Here I am walking you home, against his wishes I’m sure. I’d just like to know.” Dean shook his head at the woman as she attempted to evade the conversation she had started. 
“It’s a long story,” 
Dean looked off to the road ahead of them, “I’ve got time.”
“I was in love once, Doug was my whole life. But he was also an idiot... and a dog. He got into trouble with Fergus, money trouble, and I being a naive young lady threw myself on the fire to save him.” Donna admitted without hesitation. It felt better than she could ever explain to tell someone how far she had fallen. The pair continued towards their destination as she explained to him the turmoils of her life. 
“You’re a slave,” Dean stated.
“I’m an employee,” she tried to correct him but even she didn’t believe her own words. 
“Call it whatever you like, a dog is still a dog.” Dean was fighting every instinct in his body telling him to reach out and touch her, instead choosing to ball his hands up inside his pockets. 
“What is a girl supposed to do? I laid my life on the line for a man that ran off as soon as he thought he was free of me. I haven’t been free for most of my life.” Donna explained, the tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. 
“I’m not sure if you expect me to help you with that,” Dean worried.
“I’ve made my bed, Dean. More than anything I need to feel the freedom of the wind in my hair, but I can’t expect anyone but myself to do that for me. I don’t need some-”
“You are,” Dean interrupted her tirade. 
“I beg your pardon?”
“Earlier you asked me if you were pretty. You are.” The pair locked eyes as he said the words aloud. “But it’s your heart that makes you beautiful. 
“Thank you,” Dean couldn’t believe himself that he had blurted out that admission. In the small amount of time it took him to walk her home she had somehow wormed her way into his heart. Maybe he bled for her a little, understanding the loss she must have been feeling, or perhaps it was the fact that he now understood every action she had ever taken since walking into Fergus’ life. Donna was a fool, but she was not a cold-hearted person. “This is me.”
Both of them stopped outside the apartment on Main street. It was just as quiet in this town as it had been in Lawrence. “No one else knows that story about Doug, not in the whole world. Just me, him, and now you.” 
“I won’t say a word,” He promised. Donna gave him a soft nod back in thanks. “You know, there is a sign above the door in my club, it says ‘stay awhile, have a nightcap’. Maybe you and I could do that sometime?” 
“Have a nightcap?” 
“Whatever you’d like.” He mused. Donna and Dean shared playful smirks on their faces, both of them equally unsure of what had transpired though they may be for different reasons. But there was something stirring deep inside Dean’s belly, and he couldn’t have stopped his next words even if he had tried. “Would it be alright-”
“Shut up and do it already,” Donna chuckled and Dean had to shake his head at that. What more surprises could this woman possibly have in store for him tonight? 
He leaned into her, Donna meeting him halfway in a pressed kiss. It was short, but it left something burning inside him. “Good night, Donna.” 
Donna nodded, turning without another word to enter her home. Neither of them noticed Cassie Robinson in the shadows. 
Three cars were parked across the bridge just outside of town, their engines running, ready for a quick getaway. The lights from their headlamps are the only thing illuminating the night. 
“Just had to go snooping where you didn’t belong, kid. That’s what will get you killed.” MacLeod was standing in the middle of the bridge, eyeing up the scraggly reporter that was bound and stuck into a cement bucket. The henchman around him laughed at the horrendous snide, eager to appease their boss at whatever cost. 
“Stop it! What is this?” Fergus turned his head as Donna came rushing towards him. One of his henchmen moved to halt her advancement. “Get your hands off me,” She shoved him aside. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I followed you here. I had a feeling you were up to something, but I never fathomed…” Donna trailed off. Somewhere deep down she always knew the truly horrendous things Fergus got up to in the night, but she let herself believe it was all a lie so she could sleep at night. 
“What about you? How’s Dean doing, whore?” Donna stumbled back from his words as if they had physically assaulted her. 
“He killed John Winchester. I said I was on to something and I was right. He murdered him.” Garth spoke up from his confines, his mouth already bloodied. Fergus hollered to shut him up and the henchman obeyed, giving two swift punches to the gut. 
“Is that true?” 
“Go wait in the car!” Fergus ordered, but Donna was far too lost in her distraught, instead choosing to grab his arm.
“Is that true?!” She bellowed this time, only to be treated to a smack across her face. Donna stumbled on her heels, her hand coming up to wipe away the blood now on her lip. Fergus ordered her to the car again, looking back to his previous task. Donna took her opportunity and ran. She ran straight to the first person she could think of for help. 
Dean was preparing his club for the night’s festivities when she came barreling through the door. The clicking of her heels on the tile caught both his and Benny’s attention.
“They have Garth, they’re gonna kill him.” She blurted out. 
“He found out that Fergus killed John.” Dean’s eyes went wide before his gaze was lost somewhere far off in the distance. “Dean I didn’t know, I’m sorry.” 
Dean was fishing for something under the bar before she could even try to explain herself. He pulled out a small gold box, flipping the lid open to reveal a single revolver. “Benny, go. Find Cas and get back here.”
“Chief, what are you doing?” 
“Let’s just go,” Donna whined. 
“Listen to her. Cas and I can handle this.” Benny tried to reason with his boss. 
“You’ll get hurt.” Donna tried again. 
“He hurt me when he took my father away from me. He’s hurt everybody, including you. He needs to be stopped once and for all.” 
“Oh, Dean,” Donna’s tears were making tracks in her makeup along her cheeks as she took in the one man that could help her even if she didn’t think that she needed it. 
Dean looked back at Benny, nodding for him to go before walking past Donna and out of the club. But they were too late. A car came towards them on either side of the road effectively blocking their escape plan. 
Gordon climbed from the car first, “Get over here, Donna.” He ordered. “Donna now!” 
“She’s with me.” Dean stood his ground, blocking Donna from the man now stalking towards them. Gordon laughed a good laugh before reaching for his pistol. Dean was faster on the draw, pulling the trigger of his revolver before Gordon even knew what had hit him. He hit the ground hard, blood soaking his gold shirt as it poured from his wound. Dean walked over, kicking Gordon’s dropped gun from his reach. 
“Why does everything always have to be so messy?” The sound of a car door closing had Donna and Dean snapping their attention to the other car. Dean aimed his gun at Fergus, unrelenting in his stance against the man. 
“Alright,” Fergus put up his hands and turned around, an evil smirk on his face. “Not even I would shoot a man in the back, Dean. That’s not true, I’ve shot several men in the back. Most of them deserved it, but I wouldn’t recommend you do it. Cause I have a surprise for you.” 
Dean’s attention was diverted to the car door opening again, this time revealing a grim Cassie Robinson. The confusion was all it took for Dean to let his guard down for a moment, giving Fergus ample time to reveal his own weapon. Dean was forced to relent, putting his hands up and dropping his gun. 
“That’s a good boy.” Fergus laughed. “Alright Miss Robinson. Finish your job and your debt is clear.” He sneered as he offered the gun in his hand to her. She took the metal weapon with shaking fingers, continuing to keep it pointed at Dean. 
“I’m sorry, Dean.” 
“Cassie, we’ve all had hard times. You don’t have to do this.” He was stepping backward away from where she was shaking. 
“Yes, I do. I should have done this a long time ago.” A smile etched itself across her face before she spun around and pulled the trigger on the weapon only to be met with thundering silence. 
“Yeah, I thought so,” Fergus mused. He reached out and slapped Cassie, sending her barely onto the wet concrete below. Donna gasped as he turned back to her and Dean, another gun already in his hand. 
“If you want something done right-” The sound of the gun being fired rang out in the small city street. Benny threw himself onto Fergus in that same moment, not having enough time to draw his weapon before Fergus had discharged. Dean flung his weight towards his gun to point it at Fergus. Both Benny and Dean had him in their sights, guns trained on his head when a small whimper of Dean’s name had him spinning around. 
Donna stood there, clutching her abdomen where warm blood was now pouring out of. “Donna?” Dean reached for just as she collapsed, both of them falling to the ground. “I’ve got you, I’ve got you.” He tried to reassure her as her eyes no longer focused on anything. “It’s okay, you are gonna be okay.” She was gasping as she looked up at him, her body fighting to live. 
“We are gonna leave, yeah, just you and me,” Dean had one hand pressed against her wound and the other was cradling her head, forcing her to look up at him as he spoke. “C’mon.”
Donna sucked in one last breath, uttering a soft exhaled “I love you,” up at the man cradling her in his arms. Dean dropped his head as the heavens opened up above him, letting down the rain that had been in the forecast all night. Her body was now limp in his arms and he no longer felt the need to fight the tears in his eyes. He leaned in to rest his forehead against hers, his eyes falling shut as he did so. 
“You’re free now, Donna.” He whispered to her before a sob racked his body. 
A hollered shout of his name had him snapping his head up, unaware of where the voice had come from. The thunder shook the world around before he heard it again. With the blink of his eyes, his little brother Sammy came into view, the world suddenly much brighter than it had been before. 
“Dude, why do you even agree to watch movies if you are gonna fall asleep?” Sam had kicked down the footrest of Dean’s lounger. He had to blink a few more times to allow his surroundings to come back to him, the credits of the black and white film Sam had chosen for movie night still playing on the television. 
“I wouldn’t have agreed if I knew you were gonna pic this boring shit.” Dean groaned, the reality now crashing over him. Sam frowned at his older brother before stalking off without cleaning up, leaving Dean to deal with the mess. 
The eldest Winchester rubbed the sleep from his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest. There was this emptiness in the pit of his stomach that the dream had left behind, a nagging feeling that he knew all too well. Unfortunately for him, this wasn’t the first time Donna had found her way into his dreams, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last. 
The hunter wasn’t exactly sure when it had all started. Time had always been hazy to him, but now as he found himself lucky to live another day, time was meaningless. Maybe it was then that the plucky sheriff from Minnesota had found her way into his heart. Dean had let his guard down a long time ago, and with it went the walls around his heart. Donna had a way about her that never failed to make him laugh, and she sure knew the storms raging in his head before anyone else. Donna was a badass and everything he could see himself needing in a woman. The only problem was that he couldn’t let himself have her. Not when the universe's largest target, God himself, was out for his blood. No, she deserved far better than a broken hunter who likely won’t even be able to save himself in the end. 
Dean stretched out his limbs as he climbed from his chair, his body creaking from years of abuse. The hunter couldn’t be bothered with what his brother had left in the movie room, instead, flipping the light off as he exited, his mind elsewhere as the black and white credits droned on in the now dark room.
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Forevers: @polina-93​​ @22sarah08​​ @callmekda​​ @hobby27​​ @​tranquility-or-chaos​ @dawnie1988​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​  @akshi8278​ @superfanficnatural​ @malfoysqueen14​ @deanwanddamons​ @waywardbeanie​ @emoryhemsworth​ @talesmaniac89​ @winchest09​ @katehuntington​ @flamencodiva​ @janicho88​ @anathewierdo​ @ellewritesfix05​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @jensengirl83​ @lyarr24​
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 4 years
Cross Timbers
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Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum, Sam Winchester x Jody Mills, no warnings, G-rated
Chapter 1 - 1830 words
A/N: This story was just a passing idea until I brought it up in my Slack chat and got a ton of great ideas from the folks there! Friends, I hope I have remembered everyone’s ideas and done them justice. Thanks for this and everything else! 
@boondoctorwho​ , @cherry3point14​, @cracksinthewalls​, @dawnie1988​ @fookinghelljensensthighs​ , @icemankazansky​, @itmighthavebeenintentional​ , @justcallmeasmodeus​ , @lastactiontricia​ ,  @mskathywriteswords​ , @rockhoochie​ ,  @there-must-be-a-lock​ , @thoughtslikeaminefield​ 
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"You ready Sam? Ladies?" Dean asked.
"Oh yah, you betcha!" Donna exclaimed, swatting his ass playfully as she walked around Baby to hop in the passenger side. 
Sam was already in his SUV, Jody by his side. He gave his brother a broad wave.
"Cross Timbers State Park. Here we come!"
_/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
It had started one cold night earlier that year. The four of them were at Jody’s in Sioux Falls, relaxing with pizza and beers after a hunt. Sam couldn’t remember how they had gotten on the topic, maybe joking about making dinner in the fireplace.
Dean had begun to wax eloquent about the best parts of camping: cooking around a campfire, fishing, and of course, tent sex. Donna was nodding along eagerly before Sam scoffed. 
“That’s your favorite part of camping, Dean, really? The closest we’ve ever gotten to camping is sleeping in the Impala in a field somewhere when we didn’t have any place else to go.” 
Dean looked down and shrugged sadly. “Ok, so maybe I’ve never been camping. But it always sounded like fun.”
“Never been camping?!” Donna’s mouth dropped open. 
“Oh, boys,” Jody chimed in. “We have to fix this. There are so many great places we could go, either here or in Kansas.”
“We could show you such a good time!” Donna added with a giggle. “But not right now. It’s too cold right now to sleep any place but my own cozy bed.” 
It turned out that the bed in Jody’s guest room was cozy enough for Donna, especially once Dean joined her there. Sam didn’t mind, though, since he was in Jody’s own bed with her.
_/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Sam and Dean had long since forgotten the camping conversation, but they soon discovered the ladies had not. In early April, the two of them began to hint in the group chat that the four of them should go camping. It took no time at all to realize it was less a suggestion and more a coordinated campaign to rope the Winchesters into camping. 
The ladies were pleasantly surprised when it didn’t take that much effort. Sam and Dean knew better than to argue with the combined power of Jody and Donna. They knew they were outsmarted in the camping department, but they were eager to learn, to try the experience. 
Jody and Donna had already determined that state park was the perfect camping spot. Remote enough to have plenty of trees, hiking trails, and water for canoeing or fishing, but still with a certain amount of running water and facilities for drinking and basic hygiene. 
Dean immediately appointed himself in charge of meal planning, because of course he was. Sam started researching camping equipment and gadgets, digging out back issues of magazines and shopping on Amazon. The group chat was busy for weeks while the four of them planned and prepped.
The ladies rolled into town and spent one night at the bunker so they could all shop and pack before heading out. It took a surprising amount of gear to go off-grid, tents and sleeping bags and more. Donna brought an air mattress, although Dean laughed and assured her they would be fine roughing it. They packed their clothes in canvas duffels: jeans and button downs, hiking boots and sandals, and of course, swimsuits.
Dean brought his guitar and fishing tackle. Sam brought a book, a notebook and new pens, as well as several boxes of unidentified tubes and pipes. 
“So many years after college and still a nerd, huh, big guy?” Dean joked when he saw it. 
“I don’t get much time to do what I want, whatever I want,” Sam retorted. “I’m not sorry I’ll be reading in a hammock while you drink beer and dangle a line in the water and call that fishing.”
“Hey, at least if I’m successful, we have something to eat.” 
“Everyone finds their own happiness.” Donna interrupted with a grin. “You boys ready?” 
_/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Cross Timbers State Park was about 4 hours away, and the afternoon sun was still warm and bright when they pulled up. They rented adjoining camping spots, patches of clear level ground amidst the towering trees. There was a firepit already set in an iron ring, and the first thing the Winchester brothers did was haul the two picnic tables to either side. 
After that, they took a moment to ward the site, putting salt and sigils on every corner to keep themselves safe. Once done, they returned to the picnic tables where Jody and Donna were setting out supplies. 
Dean, as head of meal planning, reminded everyone that dinner that night would be in Donna’s hands. She had requested a list of sandwich supplies. She went to one of her bags and pulled out a set of sandwich making irons.
“These good old irons will make the best Pudgie Pies you ever tasted!” she crowed. 
“Pudgie Pies?” Sam whispered to Dean.
“It’s sandwiches and a campfire, I’m in,” he answered out of one side of his mouth. 
The two Winchesters left the ladies prepping food while they headed to opposite sides of the joined campsites to set up their tents. Their initial research into tent dimensions had been shocking. So-called “two person” tents clearly didn’t take into account one of those people being well over 6 feet.
In the end, they bought a pair of tents, each of them marketed to sleep six. Each tent seemed to have almost enough room for a couple, their duffels, and the Thermarest sleeping pads that Jody brought.
Sam spent a few minutes studying the instructions and then laid out the interlocking frame poles and nylon tent body exactly as directed. He understood the directions, but even with his reach, he couldn’t quite do it himself. Without him asking, Jody stepped to his side.
“It’s easier together,” she said as she took the opposite corner of the tent. 
The tent rose between their hands, and they staked it down securely. He arranged the bedding, rolling out sleeping bags and pillows, then stacked their bags neatly against one corner of the front wall. 
The tent had a small awning over the door, a space for them to kick off their shoes. Jody had brought a sun-bleached rag rug that she laid out right there. It was no bunker, but for a temporary habitat, well, he had seen worse. Once he had everything staked down, he looked across the campsite. 
Dean’s tent was a tangle of nylon on the ground. He was holding poles in both hands and swearing, the instructions nowhere to be seen. 
Sam started to close the space between them. “Can I give you a hand?” he called.
“I don’t need a hand!” Dean shouted, before throwing down the poles. “I’m gonna go get … water!” He stormed off into the deepening twilight. 
Sam followed the same steps he had before, but once he had the ridgepole assembled and in the tent, he called for his brother.
“Dean, I need help.” No matter how much Dean protested that he could do things by himself, he would never dream of letting his younger brother down when he needed him. Together, the two Winchesters finished setting up the second tent. 
Just in time, because Donna called from beside the fire, “Oh boys! Time to make Pudgie Pies!” 
Packages of ham and turkey were open alongside a stack of American cheese and a loaf of bread. There was mayonnaise and mustard, pickles and tomatoes too, Donna demonstrated how to coat the irons with cooking spray before layering in the sandwich makings, while Jody stoked the fire. 
A couple of sandwiches were burned in the process, but ultimately, everyone had dinner. They opened beers from the cooler and settled into folding chairs around the fire and passed around a bag of potato chips. 
“Hey you know what this needs?” Dean spoke up. “Ghost stories!” 
Everyone nodded enthusiastically, so he gave it his best shot. He opted for a classic, the hook hand in the car door. Somehow he managed to fumble it, much to the bewilderment of his audience.
“Dude,” Sam cut in. “How can you be so bad at this? Our lives are a ghost story. You literally could’ve told me how you spent your Monday morning and it would’ve been scarier than that story was. 
Dean looked to Donna and Jody for support but they shook their heads as Sam continued.
“You want a horror story? How about you in the morning, no coffee, no bacon, no nothing.”
“No nothin’?” Donna chimed in. “Now that I’d like to see.” She held out her hand with a smirk, and Dean took it. 
The four of them were comfortable together, Dean and Donna, Sam and Jody. This was a rare moment of ease for them, no one worrying about anything, just enjoying one another. 
But camping was a new thing for the brothers, still a whole different experience. They let the fire burn down and then everyone brushed their teeth at the pump out in front of their campsites, downing meds with handfuls of the metallic water. 
Sam and Jody ducked together into their neatly organized tent, leaving their shoes outside on the rag rug under the awning. That night, just being together was enough. They held hands and whispered to one another until they drifted off to sleep.
Dean and Donna tumbled into their tent, kicking their shoes off as an afterthought. They were too tired for more than sleep. But sleep eluded them. Well, it eluded Dean. Donna settled in comfortably and drifted off. But he tossed and turned on the hard ground.
By Dean’s watch, it was past midnight when Donna woke up and nudged him. 
“Still awake?” 
“No, I’m fine. I just -- can’t sleep.” He hated to admit it. 
He was a hunter, after all. He had been to heaven and hell and back. Damned if he would be beaten by a thin foam sleeping pad. But the front seat of Baby was more comfortable than this sad excuse for a bed. 
Without speaking, Donna got up. Dean reached for her but she was too quick. He heard the door to Sam’s SUV open, and then a motor running. He drifted in and out of a drowsy sulk until he heard her voice calling him softly in the dark.
“Dean,” she called from the door of the tent trying to wrestle in a giant air mattress. He got up and helped her to bring it in, lifting their sleeping bags and pillow on top. 
“Really?” he asked, his voice rough from trying to sleep.
“Okay, sure, Princess,” she answered with a giggle. “It’s me that can’t rough it, not you.”
Cross Timbers Tags: @deangirl7695, @elliloumom, @meeshw777​
“Hush,” he told her as he settled down and held out one arm. She sighed happily and curled into his embrace. Finally, for the first time all night, Dean was comfortable. His eyes grew heavy, and he yawned. Then he fell asleep with Donna’s blonde curls against his face. 
_/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
SPN First Last and Always: @boondoctorwho @dawnie1988 @deanwanddamons @defenderrosetyler @divadinag @emoryhemsworth @fookinghelljensensthighs @idreamofplaid @kalesrebellion @kickingitwithkirk @maddiepants @magssteenkamp @onethirstyunicorn   @there-must-be-a-lock @tloveswriting
Sam Girl For Life: @awesomesusiebstuff @lilsylvia @winchesterxfamilybusiness
Dean Curious:@adoptdontshoppets @awesomesusiebstuff @deangirl7695 @deans-baby-momma  @mrsjenniferwinchester @stoneyggirl @wayward-gypsy @winchesterxfamilybusiness
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atc74 · 5 years
New Traditions
Square(s) Filled: Christmas for @spnbromentbingo, Family for @spntfwbingo
Warnings: Snowstorm, fluff, Dean being domestic, Sam being shy, implied smut
Summary: Dean and Sam arrive in Sioux Falls to spend their new Christmas Tradition with Jody, the girls, and Donna. 
Pairing: Dean x Donna, Sam x Jody
Word Count: 1485
Written for: @spnbromentbingo, @spntfwbingo, and @katymacsupernatural 6K Golden Christmas. I choose the aesthetic below. Katy, thank you and congrats!
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches
Looking for the next level fan experience? Check out Dean, Sam, Donna, and Jody here from @scentsfromthebunker!
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Dean scowled as he looked at the road ahead of them. He glanced sideways at his brother, sleeping against the cold, frosted over window. “I know, girl. Not much longer, I promise.” 
“Dude, are you seriously talking to your car?” Sam yawned, stretching his long limbs as best he could in the confined space of Baby’s front seat. 
“We hate the snow, it’s why we live in Kansas!” Dean retorted, turning his attention back to the snow covered highway. 
“No, we live in Kansas, because that is where the Men of Letters built their super secret bunker,” Sam corrected him. 
“Whatever, bitch.”
They were only about five miles from the Sioux Falls exit to Jody’s. She had decided a few years back that they all needed something to look forward to, so she started a new Christmas tradition for her little hunter family. For one solid weekend, they took three days of uninterrupted family holiday fun. Unless a nearby case popped up. Fortunately, they had been lucky so far. 
Dean pulled into Jody’s drive just as Donna was backing out. She rolled down her window and greeted the Winchesters. “Heya boys. Just heading into town to get a few extras to get us through the weekend. Wanna tag along?” 
“Sure, why not?” Dean shrugged, pulling Baby into the empty garage. They climbed from the car, Sam grabbing their bags and Dean heading to Donna’s truck. 
“This is a sweet ride, Donna. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Baby more than anything, but her rear wheel drive is less than desirable in these conditions,” Dean commented as he buckled up. 
“I’m from Minnesota, Dean. Anything less than four wheel drive is undesirable!” she snorted, kicking the truck into four by four and rolling down Jody’s street. 
With extra groceries, extra liquor and extra Christmas movies, Dean and Donna returned to Jody’s around sunset and a couple extra inches of snow later. “It’s really coming down out there!” 
“They’re predicting a polar vortex now,” Jody commented, pulling a roast from the oven. “Up to ten inches total, then the bottom is supposed to fall out tomorrow afternoon, dropping temps into the mid twenty below range.” 
“This is how much we love you, Jody,” Dean laughed, bringing dishes to the table. “Braving the weather to spend the weekend with you.” 
“Hey!” Donna piped up. 
“With all of you,” Dean corrected himself. 
“Thank you,” she smiled.
“Alex is working overtime at the hospital, and Claire was on her way back from a hunt in Montana when the storm hit. I told her to stay put and booked her a nicer hotel,” Jody commented as she brought the roast to the table. “So looks like it’s just us.” 
“Sorry, the girls can’t be here, Jodes,” Donna empathized with her friend, knowing how important her adopted daughters were to her. 
“Hey, it’s not like they ditched, life happens. We know all too well,” Jody smiled warmly at her guests. 
Over a hearty meal. Donna filled them in on the small town happenings of Hibbing. Sam and Dean took turns telling the ladies about their last few hunts, and Jody gave them updates on the girls. With the exception of talk of ganking monsters, it was as close to a normal meal they got. 
With the dishes soaking and nightcaps poured, Jody led her guests down to the recently finished basement. 
“Jody, this is awesome!” Dean marveled as he explored the newly done space. A fireplace, wall mounted TV and bookshelves took up one side, with a large sectional sofa. She added three spare bedrooms as well, always wanting to have room for an unexpected guest. 
“Thanks, Dean,” Jody replied. She showed them their rooms then headed back upstairs to finish the dishes. 
“I’ll give you a hand,” Sam offered, flashing a shy smile. 
The next morning arrived with a foot of fresh snow, blanketing her yard in crisp white. Jody and Sam enjoyed a cup of coffee before starting breakfast. 
Jody tiptoed back up the stairs after trying to rouse the two still sleeping hunters, showing Sam the evidence she captured on her phone. “They look so cute!” 
“He looks happy, even asleep. They both do,” Sam smiled. Dean had made a bed of sofa cushions on the floor in front of the fireplace, his arm wrapped tightly around Donna. “Wish I would have thought of that. Give you a little romance for once.” 
“I don’t need romance, Sam Winchester, I just need you,” Jody proclaimed, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his. 
“Hey, hey, hey! Quit making out like teenagers, you’re gonna burn the bacon!” Dean rushed to the stove. “Heathens don’t appreciate bacon.” 
Jody blushed, having been caught by Dean. Not like what she and Sam had was a secret, they just hadn’t told anyone. Donna gave her a wink, pouring two cups of coffee. 
Sam was quieter than usual during breakfast, concentrating on his egg whites, when Dean started chuckling. “Hey, it’s not a big deal, guys. We’re all adults. It’s about time we get some from someone that understands the life. Am I right, Don?” 
Jody almost choked on a piece of fruit and Sam looked mortified. Donna leaned toward his chair next to her. “That was more than some. You were rocking this D-Train all night.” 
“Okay, okay! We don’t need details!” Sam scoffed. 
“Hey, if we can’t talk about it, we shouldn’t be doing it, right?” Jody looked at Sam expectantly. 
“I’m cool talking about sex, but I don’t want to talk about the details of our sex life. That’s just for you and me,” Sam softened, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as he rose from the table. “I’m not a pig like Dean.” 
“Hey, I’m not a pig, you prude!” Dean grunted. 
“You eat enough bacon, you might be part pig,” Donna giggled, trying to lighten the mood. 
Dean and Jody worked most of the afternoon, putting together a feast for an early dinner. Donna had gone to the hospital to pick up Alex when her car wouldn’t start. They arrived just in time to sit down to eat. 
“This is incredible, Jodes!” Donna gushed over the spread in front of them. Ham, cheese covered potatoes, green beans, broccoli, salad, and pie. 
“Actually, Dean did most of this,” Jody acknowledged as she passed dishes. “Thank you for cooking.”��
“I don’t get a chance to cook much, not when it’s just the two of us,” Dean commented. “I won’t ever get the apple pie life, but this is close.” He looked up, meeting Donna’s gaze, giving her a small smile. 
“A beast in the bedroom and you can cook? You’re a man of many talents, Dean Winchester,” she giggled quietly. 
“Well, that’s more information than I needed after a thirty-six hour shift,” Alex sassed, finishing her meal quickly and excusing herself to shower and sleep for a week. 
“I stopped on the way back and grabbed a treat,” Donna shot up from her chair, heading into the kitchen. “Dean? Can you give me a hand?” 
They returned several minutes later, Dean’s hair sticking up and Donna’s face flushed. Each of them carried two glasses. “We made eggnog!” 
“Is that a euphemism? Please tell me this is just eggnog,” Sam groaned, taking a glass from his brother. 
“Shut up, bitch.” 
“Hey, it’s Christmas!” Jody scolded, raising her glass. “To good food and great friends.” 
“To family,” Sam smiled at her from across the table. 
“To hope,” Donna blushed, looking into her drink when Dean caught her eye. 
“To a whole year of no one dying,” Dean raised his glass. 
“Dude,” Sam rolled his eyes. 
“Boys,” Jody interrupted. “Thank you all for being here. I’m lucky to have each of you. Now, it’s time for gifts!” 
Everyone passed out their gifts, taking a seat around the fire and taking turns opening. Dean smiled, looking around the circle. He and Sam never really celebrated Christmas when they were growing up, their Dad often gone on a hunt. But since meeting Donna and Jody, the tradition had grown and now it felt natural to just be in the moment, enjoying it for as long as it lasted. 
With his brother on one side and Donna curled into him on the other, they sat back with their eggnog and popcorn, Home Alone playing quietly on the television. 
Dean pressed a kiss to the top of Donna’s head as she snuggled in a little deeper. “Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals,” she giggled, not as asleep as he thought. 
Jody and Sam joined in and Dean couldn’t stop himself any longer as he started laughing along with the others. Maybe it was the eggnog, maybe it was the normalness, but Dean felt at peace for the first time in maybe forever. Maybe Christmas miracles can happen, even for salty hunters.
The Whole Enchilada: @iwantthedean​ @dolphincliffs​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @meganwinchester1999​ @cherrycokegirls1​ @closetspngirl​  @roxyspearing​ @flamencodiva​ @blacktithe7​ @sis-tafics​ @just-another-busyfangirl​ @evansrogerskitten​ @amanda-teaches​ @hannahindie​ @wotinspntarnation​ @winchesterprincessbride​ @winecatsandpizza​ @kickingitwithkirk​  @wi-deangirl77​ @hobby27​ @mogaruke​ @gh0stgurl​ @alleiradayne​ @idreamofplaid​ @seenashwrite​ @crashdevlin​ @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @emoryhemsworth​
The Dean’s List/Jensen’s Jamboree: @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @maddiepants​  @adoptdontshoppets​ @supernatural-jackles​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @akshi8278​
The Sam Sin-dicate / Jared’s Menagerie: @supernatural-jackles​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​
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marril96 · 4 years
The Distance Between Us
Chapter 31: Hit Me, Baby, One More Time
Pairing: Rowena x reader
Summary: A confrontation arises.
Editor: @miss-moon-guardian
Everything from the time you got up and to the moment you walked into school was a blur.
It was as if you were asleep, running on habit, on instinct, rather than will. Your body wasn't yours; you were a guest, a passenger in your own skin, replaced by a ghost that walked the way you did, that talked and breathed and thought all the same as you while you hid in the farthest, loneliest corner of your mind, far away from the reality you'd come to know yesterday.
The reality you refused to acknowledge. That, as you opened your eyes this morning, you hoped had been nothing but a bad dream, knowing full well it was wishful thinking.
A half-asleep girl could still dream.
You were still dreaming when someone's arms wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you back — back into reality that shouldn't have been real, into the hallway filled with sneering and cheering kids that shouted words you couldn't hear for the noise was too deafening and you couldn't think and the only thing you wanted to do was slam your fists — your clenched, rock-tight fists — into Lucifer's smug face.
The bastard was standing right in front of you, laughing as if he'd just heard the funniest joke as Dean restrained you. Despite your attempts to free yourself, to lunge at your target, he held you in place with relative ease. The perk of being a jock.
To be fair, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to try to assault the principal's spawn first thing in the morning.
But, considering what said abomination had done, it seemed like the right thing to do.
Not good.
Certainly not smart.
But right.
"Let me go!" you screamed, eyes locked on Lucifer's, narrow, threatening. Promising death and pain.
"Y/N, you don't wanna do this," Dean said.
Oh, you did. You wanted to very, very much. "You know what he did!"
"I know, but he's not worth it!"
He was more than worth it.
Crowley shared the sentiment.
The only reason you got to try to take a swing at Lucifer instead of him was that Sam and Dean had restrained him and gave him their you're better than this pep talk.
You saw your chance and took it.
Damn Dean and his ninja reflexes!
"It's cute how you're protecting your girlfriend's honor," Lucifer said condescendingly. "Or what's left of it. If anything."
"You're a piece of shit!" you snarled.
He flashed an amused smirk. Oh, how you wished to wipe it off with a well-aimed fist. "I don't get why you're all mad at me? All I did was tell the truth. It's not my fault she's a whore."
Crowley shouted something that shouldn't be repeated in polite company.
You followed suit, trying once more to break free of Dean's hold.
Rowena remained silent throughout the entire ordeal.
She'd been silent since the moment she got to school.
She ignored the whispers. Ignored the purposely loud comments and nasty remarks. Kept her head down and sought her friends, who, as expected, asked about the social media drama, but got no response other than that she was fine.
It was as good as they were going to get.
Crowley remained by her side like a guard dog. Neither of them acknowledged it, but it was clear, from the looks he was giving everyone who had as much as looked at her wrong, that he wasn't going to let anyone give her shit.
Lucifer should be glad he wasn't dead.
Sam and Dean must have been quite good at pep talks.
"You know, Catriona told me a few more things." He looked at you, then at Rowena, taking in your reactions. Feeding on them like the leech he was. "I assume Gilroy Murphy rings a bell."
Oh, hell no!
Don't go there, you thought. Don't you dare go there!
He didn't have the right.
Rowena stiffened.
Lucifer chuckled. "Yeah, she told me all about him." He looked around at the crowd of vultures, making sure he had their full attention. An attention whore was nothing without an audience. "Rowena here likes taken guys. Catriona wouldn't fuck her, so she went for her boyfriend."
Laughter echoed. Gasps, oohs, and ohs.
Your stomach twisted into a knot, a storm of unease, of discomfort roiling inside it. It was easy for them to pass judgment. Easy to laugh and whisper amongst themselves, to look at Rowena as if she were a piece of filth. Easy to dehumanize her, to make her out to be a monster rather than a person.
Not a single one of them knew the full story.
They didn't know what her life was like.
They didn't know how alone she was, how much she was suffering.
They didn't know the sweet, broken girl behind the iron mask.
Lucifer, despicable as he was, at the very least had a motive. He wanted to hurt her, to humiliate her, to make her life hell.
What was their excuse?
What had she ever done to them?
"Shut your mouth!" Rowena snapped, livid, terrified. Meg laid a hand on her shoulder; she shook it off, glare pointed at Lucifer, a threat and a plea all in one.
He grinned, much too satisfied with her reaction. "Catriona said Gilroy was very apologetic when she found out he'd been cheating. So apologetic, in fact, that he told her something very interesting. You don't mind if I share, don't you, Rowena?"
Rowena's eyes reddened, pricking with tears. Color drained from her face. "Don't," she said, voice too small, too weak. Too broken.
He wouldn't dare.
Lucifer was a bastard, but this…
Surely, he had a heart in there somewhere.
"Where's the baby, Rowena?" he asked nonchalantly, as if he were asking about the weather.
There went that idea.
You were naive for even considering it.
Expecting humanity from the likes of him was like expecting a heatwave on Antarctica.
Rowena set her jaw. Swallowed hard. Willed the tears not to fall. She turned her head away from his smug face. Away from eyes landing on her and demanding explanations. Away from judgment and stares.
"What in hell are you talking about?" Crowley demanded.
"Oh, you don't know? Big sis didn't tell you?" Lucifer taunted. "Catriona's boyfriend knocked her up."
Crowley scoffed. "You're off your rocker."
"Am I? Tell him, Rowena. Tell all of us. You know I'm not lying."
"It's none of your fucking business!" you snapped. It was nobody's business but Rowena's.
Lucifer held up his hands. "Hey, I'm just talking."
"You're being a shithead!"
The insult didn't faze him. "Aren't you curious about your girlfriend's offspring? You don't wanna be a mommy at this age, do you?"
"That's our business."
He looked at you. Took your expression, your body language in, lapping up every bit of it. "You know. She told you."
"What is he talking about?" Crowley asked.
"Nothing," you replied. "Like I said, it's our business."
Rowena's body.
Rowena's choice.
Your life.
"Still, a baby's a pretty big deal," Lucifer said. "Where is it?" Mouth widening, tongue sharpening, he asked, "Was it even born?"
"Holy shit!" a voice in the crowd exclaimed. Familiar. Olivette, because of course it was her. "She killed it! She totally killed it!"
"Did you do it? Did you kill your baby, Rowena?"
"Stop it, Lucifer!" Castiel spoke up. "You're going too far."
Lucifer shot him an amused stare. "You're cool with hanging out with a baby killer, little brother?"
"I said stop it!"
"Or what? You'll tell dad?" He laughed. "You can't do anything to me, Castiel."
"Do you get off on this?" you asked. "Does being an ass make you hard?" Your eyes fell to his crotch. "Or are you acting like a giant prick to compensate for your small one? You sound quite repressed. Didn't get any in a while, did you? Rubbing one out might be good for you."
The comment elicited a few laughs.
"I got plenty," he said proudly. "How about you? She spread her legs for you like she does for everyone else? Or is she keeping you on a tight leash?"
"Oh, honey, leashes are the best part."
"Why don't I believe you?"
Because you're an asshole, you thought.
And also because you were lying.
But mostly because he was an asshole.
"I don't care what you believe."
You meant it from the bottom of your heart. Who was he to think his opinion meant something? That it mattered to anyone other than him?
You loved Rowena as she was, with all her flaws and history. She wasn't a bad person. She'd made mistakes, yes, but who hadn't? She was a human being; flawed, imperfect. A person like any other.
Her only sins were being desperate to have friends, falling in love with one boy, and trying to love another, worse one.
If anyone should be judged, it was them.
"Why bring it up, then?" Lucifer asked.
"Why not?" you countered because, really, why not? "You started it." You might as well finish it.
"Who started what?" Ms. Hanscum demanded, her heavy shoes clicking as she walked up from behind you.
"We're just talking," Lucifer said, feigning innocence. Badly. Worse than a first grader in a school play.
She didn't buy it. "Uh huh. How about you continue your 'talk' after school?"
"I'd love to, but I don't think Y/N is down with it. She attacked me."
You grit your teeth.
Ms. Hanscum raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "She attacked you?"
"Yeah. She's crazy."
"You're so full of shit!" you snapped, and Dean, once again, had to hold you back.
You didn't care about the teacher, or the audience, or anyone. You wanted to bash his head in, the consequences be damned.
Lucifer spread his arms out. "See what I mean?"
"Okay, okay, let's all come down," Ms. Hanscum said, looking back and forth from him to you.
I'm perfectly calm, you thought. So calm that Dean released you (though that may have had to do with the teacher's questioning stare). You rubbed your arms, massaged your muscles with the tips of your fingers.
If you wanted, you could charge right at Lucifer. No one would be able to stop you this time.
But you didn't want to.
Because you were calm, and you were in control. And, also, Ms. Hanscum kept looking at you as if she expected you to do something, so, the rebel you were, you strived to prove her otherwise.
But, god, you were tempted.
"He's spreading lies about Rowena." You couldn't hurt him physically, so you went for verbal assault.
"I'm just letting everyone know what she's really like," Lucifer defended.
Bullshit. "You're spreading rumors to get back at her for dumping you."
"I'm warning people about her."
"You're jealous!"
"Of what? You? Please. You're delusional!"
"Okay!" Ms. Hanscum shouted, breaking off the argument. "You're leaving me no other choice. Principal's office, now! Both of you. We'll see if we can sort it out there."
"Are you bloody serious?" Rowena exclaimed, furious to the bone. "She hasn't done anything!"
"Why don't you join us, too?" the teacher said. It wasn't a suggestion.
This was fucking great.
Lucifer organized what was pretty much a hate campaign against Rowena, and she and you were the ones that got in trouble.
Fucking great!
You should have punched him when you had the chance. You were going to get in trouble anyway; why not go big rather than just go home?
As the bell for the start of class began, you, Rowena, and Lucifer followed after Ms. Hanscum. You and Rowena walked on one side, hand in hand, glares sharp and threatening death. He, from the other side, was smiling like a kid on a Christmas morning.
The smug snake.
Would daddy protect him again?
Or would he punish — really punish — his little boy for the first time in his life?
Tags: @werewolfbarbie @oswinthestrange @songofthecagedmoose @apurdyfulmind @getthesalt-sam @metallihca @salembitchtrials @jay-eris @hellsmother @elizabeth-effie @shadowgirl-vsb @rowenaswife @wonderifshelikesroses @xfireandsin @liddell-alien @hotdiggitydammit @lae-lae @darkhumorsblog @angel7376 @cherrypierowena @ruthieconnells @evil-regal-vampiress @collectorofsecretsandsouls @angel-e-v-a @a-queen-and-her-throne @carryon-doctor-lock
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