#i didn't mean to post this yet but tumblr said ''f you i do what i want'' so here we go
simp4nott · 4 months
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Summary: You and Ellie didn't exactly get along, yeah you hung around each other but it was only for your friends sake. One of you always found a way to annoy one another until you both were pissed at one another. So when it came to the apartments in Jackson, Maria had full control of roommates. So when you and Ellie find out who you’ve been paired with... let's say neither of you are excited.
pairing: Ellie Williams x f!reader
Word count: 414!
Warnings: (no warning for the sneak peek but here are the warnings that will be in the fic) Smut!, kissing (obviously), Strap on sex (r receiving), dirty talk, hot lesbian sex, and fingering (r receiving).
A/N: if you see this and are like 'I've seen something exactly like this' is because you properly have, because I deleted it after posting it because I didn't know how to write the rest , BUT I have been rewriting it (kinda) and finally figured out how I'm gonna finish this fic.
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Maria had been assigning roommates since they had cleared the apartment building.
The one thing Maria didn't tell her or anyone, is who they'd be roommates with. She had only given the number of the apartment they'd be staying at.
So when Ellie found her apartment and unlocked it, expecting it to be a bit louder in her shared space, she was surprised to find it quiet, which could only mean her roommate wasn't here yet.
The apartment was nice, had a cozy little living room, great kitchen & nice bathroom even after going through an outbreak and years of infected and raiders.
Elie had finally made it to the area where she assumed the bedrooms were, and since she was the first one there, she went to see which room was bigger.
So it was a surprise to Ellie when she opened the first door to find you laying on your pink zebra striped bedding, white stringed headphones in your ear as you watch something on your phone.
"Great, you're the one Maria put me with." she scoffed, obviously annoyed that she'd have to share a living space with you.
"God, don't act so disappointed, you know deep down you were hoping for this." you said, taking the headphones out of your ears, and a smile on your face.
"Oh, you fucking wish." she spoke, rolling her eyes and walking to the door across from yours, leaving your door open to irritate you.
"In your dreams babe!" Ellie heard you yell from across the hall.
And the way Ellie's eyes went wide, she couldn't think fast enough to say something back.
"Cat got your tongue Williams? " You spoke resting against the door frame, arms crossed and smirk on your face.
"You're such a pain in the ass." Ellie said, her back to you as she started to unpack desk supplies onto her desk.
You found yourself wandering into her room, finding a box on the floor near the closet door.
"Damn Williams, that all you got, you goin easy on me?" you said bending down to go through the box on the ground.
“What are you doing?” she asked, turning to stand behind you to see what the fuck you where doing. 
She tries to pretend not to see your hot pink thong peeking out of your jeans calling her name and luring her into a trap.
 Once Ellie saw that you were going through her stuff, she put an end to that very fucking quickly.
Moving from behind you to the side of you to snatch the box away from you.
"Can you fuck completely off."she snapped at you; aggravated for too many damn reasons, her body and mind betraying her, and you almost finding something very important to her lifestyle . 
Ellie was ready to take a long nap and completely forget who she was living with. 
“God, you’re no fun williams.” you roll your eyes before you sway your hips out of her room.
Ellie watched you leave the doorway of her bedroom.
                   God, what the fuck is happening??
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A/n: As I'm posting this right now, I'm actively switching tabs between google docs and Tumblr.
I'm thinking that this fic will be posted either this upcoming Friday or that weekend , and this time I WON'T delete this and also not post the fic .
feedback would be appreciated, I did not proofread because I'm running on cherry Coke Zero and few hours asleep + school.
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goatcheesecak3 · 5 months
Specs x f!reader
If you want the m!reader version just ask! I normally put them out with the f!reader fics, but I'm not actually sure I have any male readers, and I just wanted to get this out quickly since I haven't posted a fic in a while teehee
Warnings: none
Fic type: fluff
Summary: on an endeavour to get a new lego set, you run into an incredibly cute (yet very nerdy) guy by the name of specs.
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You had just arrived at the toy shop, and entered feeling a little embarrassed. It always made you feel a little strange being the only adult in the shop, but it was worth it for the love of your life: lego sets. To say you were a bit of a nerd was an understatement, you spent most of your days discussing fan theories from shows and films on tumblr, your best friend was your xbox, and of course, your extensive lego collection was your pride and joy.
You had been browsing the lego aisle, oblivious to the rest of the world, when the album you were listening to through your headphones came to an end. Without the deafening drum of music playing in your ears, you became aware of your surroundings. You could hear two voices from further along the aisle whispering.
"Go talk to her then"
"Maybe I will"
"Go on then"
"... nah, she looks... too busy"
"Or maybe you're just too chicken"
"Hey! I'm not a-"
Both voices fell silent when you glanced toward them and gave an awkward smile.
It was two men, one tall and plump. He seemed lethargic and expressionless, as he slowly moved his jaw in circles munching a sandwich. The other was short, jittery and very skinny. When his gaze met yours he blushed profusely and stared at the ground. It didn't take a genius to figure out who the "chicken" was. Luckily for him, you found him quite cute.
You removed your headphones and confidently approached the two men, a welcoming smile plastered on your face so as not to scare them off.
"Excuse me? Could I get your advice on something?" You asked.
The shorter man looked up in surprise, he seemed somewhat like a startled puppy with his big eyes and jumpy mannerisms.
"Uh.. advice? Sure, what can we help you with?" He said.
"You see, I'm torn between these two sets," you continued, gesturing to two different boxes, "which one do you think I should get?"
The man thought to himself for a second, before pointing to the box on the left.
"Get the TIE fighter, it costs a little more but the average price per piece is cheaper, so you're saving money in the long run" he said confidently, having just done the maths in his head.
"Christ, where were you when I nearly got scammed on ebay" you joked, picking up the box he'd recommended. "I'm y/n, by the way" you smiled, holding out a hand for him to shake.
As he not-so-subtely wiped a nervous, clammy hand on his shirt, the man shook yours.
"Steven, but uh, everyone calls me specs, because, we'll y'know" he motioned towards his glasses, "and this is T-"
He looked to see that his accomplice had already wandered off, distracted by a box of sour candies.
"That's tucker over there, he's my... well we work together" he explained, stumbling over his words.
"Specs, I like that, it's cute" you said, flirtatiously. "Well specs, I don't mean to be too forward, but could I buy you a coffee some time? As a thanks for helping me out here?"
Specs breath caught in his throat as he struggled to respond. Truthfully, he wasn't expecting to get this far. Nevertheless, he knew his answer was an enthusiastic yes.
"Yes, that would um, that would be lovely. Do you think I could perhaps.. get your.."
"My number? Sure!" You chuckled, secretly enjoying how nervous he was,  what could you say,  you enjoyed the ego boost.
You scribbled down your number with the notepad and pen that specs had conveniently kept on his person.
"Call me some time, handsome " you remarked with a swift kiss to his cheek as you made your way to the till with your lego set in hand.
Specs lightly touched the spot on his face where you had kissed him, his eyes never leaving you. His heart leapt. Did that really just happen? He refused to believe it was real until later that evening, when he recieved a text
This is y/n! Are you free for a coffee tomorrow evening? X
A/n sorry this took so long! I've been on a week long bender taking a break for my mental health, so writing fics has kinda been on the back burner lmao. But please please PLEEEAAASE leave a request for me, I pinky promise I'll get around to it sometime <3
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joelwindows7 · 6 months
Cardiac Extract
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Pixiv 78405 (it.)
Nerplex blocked me, here's the bean. Reblogs of blogger who nerplex didn't block
What did I do wrong? Telling you to sauce URL offends you?
Man, I'm gonna be canceled here. I guess this shall be the time we act now. Love you all, gamers, who still with me of course.
It, gamers, if you're here, pls don't angry just yet. Actually, the story is funny. Uhh a blogger, nerplex yes, said your name and others, but without sauce URL. Plus that person blocked me and of course no reason given.
Look, I'm trying to save your clout... I mean make you popular! Idk what's the say here, point is, I want to be the good example of how to credit properly, when I am really lazy. Well very easy! As possible, attribute sauce URL! That's it at least.
Again, above picture's not mine, there's your sauce who drew this. You're welcome. You must act too, don't stay there! Spread that sauce to other friends!! I beg you. Artists deserves respect, and thefts (same reuploader but did not sauce URL) deserves.. You got the idea.
Here, my subsidiary are making changes, and they're in the process of spilling the bean. Actually this subsidiary was the outlying connector to one my division, Archive Division. Not to be confused with Archive.org, that's different story.
So from now on, if you see your art reuploaded here (even it's still live on the sauce), pls don't cancel me, I beg you. Look I promise I attach the sauce URL of it. even my own art, all has URLs to source SVG, Blend, etc. We are the company of Sauce, we want gamers to know where did you downloaded this file.
Okay, to disrespectful gamers. You. You block me, you left no choice. I wanted to reblog and that's it. I never wanted to talk to you, unless you asked for it, or whatever neverary. I just commented your post, And tried my best to not offend you in assumption of universal ethic settings as far as I know. If you had it here, we'll it's your fault. I wanted to reblog but [tumblr] says it's gone, and you're not deactivated. Peck you. I can't fathom why did you do that, when you could've only & exclusively block scam spam bots instead. Want to me stop? Just unblock me, and the trouble is over. That's all I want.
I don't know and I cannot know why I'm blocked coz that happens to be the social media common ethics (that's really flawed). So want it or not, blocking, ................ means provocation. Right?.. I.. Won't see why!! HUH?! If I was making social media, I make sure they tell the reason why. Oh, this account is scammer, so I may a look at it to confirm. Oh, I just hate this guy, and I can take a look at it and then... No, not ban. Maybe send that person to class idk. This is just concept, more need to design.
Ok back to you again. Yeah. I'm sorry. I lost all my sanity. Everyday, the world.. derails my mental condition, through this. Idk if they got hacked.. or just.. hate me?
yeah. idk anymore. what do you think?
Huh, Yeah?
isn't queen gambit method may cause trouble to yourself?
.. Who said I'm gonna often post that [tumblr] url here? Well.. perhaps I don't have to, instead. Scroll down. Ctrl + F keyword of "block". You'll see. Okay you may not see it now. Soon. and more soon.
That's all for today. I'm sorry if there is mistake or whatever wrong here. Got comment, let us know, idk.
Being resolved
Update soon
Edit 2:
Pls do not bad against
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sillystringsimpsons · 22 days
@legstheoctomobster asked some questions about Johnny's age regression and my headcanons around it. I drafted a respose and for some fucking reason tumblr posted my draft. I panicked and deleted it (STUPID!) but that meant I lost the ask so I'm just taggin him here
HEY...! There's a really cute little frankie/johnny quickfic at the end of this post that you should skip to and read even if you're not interested in the detailed response :3
ANYWAY… THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING… Your questions mean the world to me lil bro 👽
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So basically, Johnny’s experience with age regression is very much based off my own, not only because writing from experience allows me to make it better, but also because I don’t really hear much from involuntary/older little age regressors like me and like be the representation you want to see I guess.
When Johnny regresses, he retreats to around eight years old, the age of the primary traumatic experience he underwent. His memories and knowledge aren’t impacted at all (though there may be a very short transitional period of dissociated between the mental ages where he more or less experiences amnesia), but his motor skills, behaviours, and cognitive processes are significantly altered; meaning he struggles to communicate, and coordinate, and make full sense of the world around him, even though he knows where he is and what he’s doing.
By virtue of the D’Amico family structure, the boys don’t interact directly with Fat Tony so much as they do the underboss, his son, Softfoot Mikey. Johnny isn’t only ashamed and confused, he’s also too scared to let anybody onto it; it’s sad, but seeing the way Louie is treated after developing a cognitive disability frightens him. He’s able to mask himself, so there have yet to be any moments where he fully shuts down and is unable to function; to the untrained eye, his regressions look more or less like simple mood swings, and they’re passed off by Mikey and his fellow capos as not being anything significant. Mikey is a little bit concerned, though; he’s not aware of what it actually is, but deep down he knows something is going on.
The only person in the family who really knows is Frankie; thankfully for Johnny, he finds out at the point in his character art where he’s learning to keep his mouth shut about certain things. It happens during one of their errrr get-togethers: Johnny is triggered without warning and naturally begins screaming and panicking at the fact that a man in his late thirties is trying to kiss him. He’s in an extremely vulnerable position, so he struggles to mask and is basically outed about his regression to Frankie: but the two share a nice little moment that I’ve actually drafted out:
“Fuck, Johnny, whats the matter with you?”
“What…? F-franky,” Johnny uttered in a high-pitched groan, seemingly prompted by Frankie’s casual swearing. “Franky, you’re not a’sposed to say that word. S’… S’isn’t a good word, yous going to have your t-tongue eatin’ by coff’roaches.”
The last statement was spat with such vindication and offence that it became immediately apparent that Johnny was genuinely in the belief that his soldier was going to have his tongue eaten by cockroaches for using profane language. The taller's strange behaviours didn't stop there, however; he removed himself from Francesco's hold with strangely small movements- a frantic little shuffle that wound him up on the other side of his mattress, huddled up against the headboard in a crouched position that seemed to be intended to shut himself from the other man.
"What… What the shit-"
"Franky," whined Johnny without hesitation, voice frantic: like he was going to break out in tears of distress at any second. "I say- Said you ain't a'sposed ta' dire parolacce!"
Before the other could even begin to process Johnny's continued odd behaviour, he was hit in the head with one of his caporegime's hard, yellowing pillows. With the deliverer seemingly forgetting his own strength, the bedding was thrown with such force that Frankie has the wind pushed from his lungs, and nearly fell off the corner of the bed that he was seated on. Evidently, that was far from his intention: Giovanni immediately gave a small 'eep', paired with a puppy-eyed look of guilt.
"Okay, okay, jeez- Sorry, Gio," muttered the soldato, completely bemused in the sudden change in his normally stoic bosses demeanour. "I won't say no swears."
"…Do ya' mean it?"
"Yeah. On my ma, honest."
"O-okay, I believe you… Franky? Why's we in our underpants?"
"Why's we in our...? W-wha- I don't- Is this, like, what? A joke? ...Oh, Jesus, are you tryna' tell me you don't wanna' let me bang you no more?" Habit kicked in, and Frankie immediately launched into one of his characteristic bouts of frantic oversharing. "Gio- Johnny, is it because I'm real loud? I know it's a lot, but time before last, you said you liked the way I, u-um, 'whimpered': and, and I'd still been nervous, thinkin' maybe you was just fibbing to make me feel better about myself- and that- that maybe you was only lettin' me hit because I'm the only other guy outside the Dingo who's swinging like this - I think: so I asked Connie, and she's been tellin' me that girls actually like guys who make some noise- Course', yous not a girl, I just-"
"What? No-! Ew! Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, that is the most grossest thing I have ever heard, infinity times a billion!"
Giovanni threw his legs out from beneath him, kicking them around like a petulant child as he groaned quietly and covered both ears with cupped hands. His fingernails gripped so tightly into scalp, and he balled up his face so tightly at the Squealer's words that his face went a worryingly dark red. His partner immediately fell quiet at his borderline tantrum, eyes softening as he looked the panicking man over. Francesco wasn't quite sure exactly what was going on, but an unnamed realisation had clicked in his brain, and more or less. he understood that something beyond a normal breakdown was going on. With uncharacteristic quietude and hesitance, he shuffled a little closer to Tightlips, body language now geared inwards: as if he was trying to make himself less intimidating - and admittedly, less painfully half-naked.
"You ain't yourself right now, are you?"
"I don't know, Franky! Really, truly, honest to jeepers…"
"…T-that's okay, it's okay, you, um… You don't need to know." his words were inflicted upwards at their ends, as if they were questions, and he stuttered quietly as he spoke: all of it doing very little to hide the painful uncertainty in held his own actions. Frankie soldiered on, however, trying to work past his unsureness and get through to the frightened-looking Italian. "I, um, I reckon' you wanna' get dressed, don't you?"
"Uhhh… Yeah, yeh. Will you button my shirt for me, though, Franky? I'm not very much good with little buttons."
"What the- Nope, okay, it's okay; alright, uh- Y-yeah. Alright. I can help ya, Gio. Whatever ya' need right now."
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they are... my life at this moment..
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jeonghyeonyujin21 · 1 year
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i just decided to post my first story here in tumblr hope you guys like it, Btw this story has a part 2.
pairing: college student!S.hanbin x college student f!reader.
genre: fluff
warnings: slightly curse
wc: 1.4k
synopsis: wherein s.hanbin stopping himself to confess because of a certain someone.
ughh another day another stress....i walk alone in the hallway feeling drained some students might think that i look like a zombie.
"y/n!y/n!y/n!"..aishh this guy really...
"Good morning!"he said walking next to me..this guy is always so energetic every morning..
"hello"i weakly said to him, he looked at me for a second.
"you look like a zombie"he said stopping himself from laughing.
"I know" i shortly replied because i don't have the energy to talk much.
"do you want coffee?"he asked looking through his phone.
"i want to but we're already here..."he suddenly shoved his phone to my face making me stop.
"I'm already on it"he said turning off his phone screen..as if i saw it pabo...then we continued to walk until we reached our classroom.
"what?"i confusedly ask while looking at him.
"i already asked someone to buy us a coffee since they're coming late"he said then proceed to put his arm around my shoulder.
"someone? you mean leejeong?"i asked him and he just nodded.
"he's already late yet you make him buy a coffee"i said feeling bad for leejeong, he just shrugged his shoulder.
"he insists"he said...aishh this guy really(2)....
"oh look!"he suddenly turns me towards the classroom door where there is a guy who went straight to his place...he's just doing his thing but why does he need to be so handsome!??..
"He-"i stopped talking when he suddenly turned his head on us.
i immediately look at park hanbin-who's next to me-when we suddenly had an eye contact.
"why?"parkbin asks confused then he look where sung hanbin is then look back at me.
"he's looking at you girl!!your crush is looking at you!!"i shush him because his voice is getting too loud.
As I entered my department building i went straight to my classroom.
my classmates greet me so do i but the person who i really want to greet me is busy talking to her friend..as always...
I'm busy doing my things when i feel like someone is looking at me,so i look around when my eyes are locked with her... she's so pretty f*ck!!..
she suddenly turns her head then her friend look at me then back to her.I just continue doing my things....why do i feel jealous?i don't even like her? or do i?...i just shook my head.
ughh i almost got caught checking him out wait i didn't come out as weird right? omg!!!this is so embarrassing!!...i space out then i flinch when i feel a hot thing press on my cheeks.
"wth?!"i said then look at my side it was leejeong, he just smiled at me.
"you must be really tired"he said and sat behind me.I just nodded and said thanks for the coffee.
"you know y/n crush caught her staring at him"p.hanbin suddenly started telling leejeong my embarrassing sh*t.
"why don't you just confess?"leejeong asks leaning forward..i wish i can..then the professor enters the room.
"I'm not ready yet"i said laying my head on the table then p.hanbin play with my hair.
"girl just try, if he rejects you then move on, that's it"p.hanbin said,i just nodded.
leejeong and p.hanbin left already while i'm here in the library finishing my drawing.I'm too busy to notice the person standing next to me.
"Why are you still here?"i flinched when i heard that voice.I immediately looked up and saw s.hanbin...oh Lord what do i do....
"ahm finishing this"i showed him the drawing as he sat next to me..oh my heart!!!...
"it's pretty"he said then he took out his notebook along with a book and pen.
"you're going to study?"I asked him and he nodded.I stood up on my seat ready to go but he stopped me.
"where are you going?"he asked while holding my wrist.
"go home, i don't want to disturb you"he shook his head and told me to sit.
"trust me you're not but you're beauty might"he said but he mumbled something i didn't quite hear.
"I'll just be quiet so that you can study well"i said and continue to do my drawing.
we both sat in a comfortable silence...i thought it would be so awkward...
I finished reviewing all my works with nothing to worry about anymore.I look at the girl beside me who's still busy in her drawing..how did i fall for her again? thanks to hao hyung now i know that i like this girl...but does she and her friend have a thing?aishh...
"So your hobby is drawing?"i curiously asked making her look at me, She nodded with a smile.
"ahm yes, drawing is my hobby ever since in elementary"she said then continue to draw.I look outside and it's getting late.
"it's already time"i said then start packing my things.
"i didn't notice"she said as she also started packing her things..i think her friends have already left..
"let's go?"i said and waited for her to finish packing up.
"you can go first"she said and i shook my head taking her tote bag on her shoulder.
"I can't let a girl walk alone at this hour who knows what will happen"i said as we walked towards the exit, we bowed to the librarian as we passed her by.
"do you live near here?"she asks as we exit the school gate.
"you know the cafe near here, we live next to that"i said and she nodded.
"oh you mean the Blooming Cafe?"she said looking up to me and i nodded.
"my friends and i are always there every weekends"she continue and continue telling me how she didn't notice the house next to it.
"well we're here"i said and opened the door for her.The cafe is still open and there are still some students inside.
we went to the table near the counter then we put our things.
"what do you want?"i ask her while she looks at the menu.. she's so cute when she focus on something....
"ahmm coffee latte and a slice of strawberry cake"i nodded as i let her sit first then i went behind the counter to make her order.
I was confused when i saw s.hanbin went behind the counter.Is he working here?or what if his family owns this?.Then suddenly the owner went up to me.
"Hi Good evening"i stand up and bow at her as she greets me.
"Hello ma'am Good evening too"i greeted back with a smile..now that she's in front of me she looks like s.hanbin..
"did you order already?"she asked then sat in front of me and i nodded. S.hanbin just finished making my order and went to us.
"here"he said and gave me my order.
"i didn't know you already have a girlfriend son"the lady said making me stop eating.
"no mom she's not my girlfriend, she's my classmate"s.hanbin said and i looked at him and the lady in front of me...no wonder they look alike....
we finished eating then his mom made her way to us.
"will you guys stay here?"his mom asked as she saw our bags then s.hanbin shook his head.
"we just passed by here, i'm going to send her home since it's already dark"he said and we stood up and said our goodbyes.
"that's why she looks familiar because she's your mom"i said as we stepped out of their cafe.
"yeah some people said we really look alike"he said then we walked next to each other quietly.
after a minute we arrived at our house.
"so...see you tomorrow?"i said while looking at him.
"yeah, good night y/n" he said with a smile then turned around.
"take care on your way!"I shouted not too loud and he nodded.
I went inside when he was not on my sight then went straight to my room and i screamed in my pillow.
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sunriseverse · 8 days
twenty questions for fic writers!
tagged by @chirpybirdy (thank you!!!)
tagging: @lucientelrunya @butchybats @cedarbranch @lunarriviera @killerandhealerqueen and anyone else who wants to participate! questions below the cut.
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
434 in total! about half of those are from when i was a pacrim writer, though.
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
1,407,660 as of today! i am, unfortunately for all of you, possessed of hands and the ability to string words together, and i'm making that everyone else's problem. i've written 136,786 of that this year, and i'm hoping i can hit 200k this year (last year i had an all-time high of over 300k+, which i'm very smug about; i don't think i can hit that again this year, though, because i'm busy as all hell). my total wordcount to works ratio has changed a lot in the years i've been on ao3—2019-2021, i wrote a lot of fics, but each of them was fairly short; now i write probably ~20-50 fics per year but each one is a minimum 2k, usually 5k+.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
at the moment: dmbj (sha hai focus), zmyx/swwht (mostly a show setting with novel elements), and tgcf.
4. top five fics by kudos
the kudos count for overall pisses me off so i'm giving my 2024 kudos data. we have not long to love: 327 kudos, m, 13k, nanqiu nie huaisang and the no good, very bad day: 241 kudos, t, 3k, gen god knows i can never get rid of habits: 227 kudos, e, 12k, nanqiu my dear, let me buy a red painted boat (and carry you away): 82 kudos, t, 5k, hualian hunger, bright: 81 kudos, m, 8k, nanqiu
5. do you respond to comments?
i try and respond to every comment i get! as an author, i want my readers to know just how much i value their comments, because getting comments really does make my day. usually i'll write some variation of "thanks for commenting, i'm glad you liked the fic!" and then maybe insert a reply to a specific thing they said in the middle, if applicable.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
recently? probably heartsmudged (dmbj ficlet, pingpangxie, pangzi pov)(also on tumblr here). technically there's nothing overtly angsty happening, but it's set during one of the most depressing times in canon for poor pangzi, and he's going through it.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
not sure what i'd call the "happiest" fic ending? most of my fics have happy endings, so it would be hard for me to choose one. i guess a single slip brings sorrow has the most dramatic shift from angst to joy at the end.
8. do you get hate on fics?
not on ao3 because people know how to behave (mostly) but i have gotten hate on ffnet, because ffnet is a cesspit of the worst types of commenters. i've had comment moderation enabled for years because i don't have any interest in allowing that shit to stay up.
9. do you write smut?
i mean, do i write smut for smut's sake on purpose? no. however apparently some of the characters i'm writing really, really want to have sex, and sex makes sense narratively, and so i've lately wound up writing smut. mostly minimally descriptive, though, because i'm more focused on the emotions.
10. craziest crossover?
probably my iasip/tma crossover, statement begins. (i have other crossovers that never got published, but i'm not counting them for the purposes of this post.)
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge. i do have a note up on my profile on ao3 and ffnet letting people know that if my work is found anywhere but on those two accounts or my tumblr then i didn't consent to its posting, though. i hope that if this ever happens someone would let me know.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had someone ask before, but as of five years on, it's not happened yet.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have! not sure i would do it again, because it requires a lot of coordination, and i generally don't have the patience to wait on other people; my pace of writing is both unpredictable, hectic, and frenetic.
14. all time favorite ship?
an agony...........how can i choose.............ozma/dorothy.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
technically not a fic per se but i started writing out a set of zhang sect precepts for sunrise based on the yan family precepts but i didn't get very far into it because trying to emulate the tone of the yan family precepts made me discover a deepseated hatred. this is what it's looked like for a couple months now and it's unlikely to ever be completed because the yan family precepts are stupidly long and i don't know if i could keep that up.
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16. what are your writing strengths?
description! i've been told my writing style is very descriptive, and i can see that. i love writing things in detail and using sensory descriptions to make the scene feel more intimate. it's probably not to everyone's tastes but it's my writing and i do what i want.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
updating regularly. if i have a longfic the update rate is between me and universe and i'm not invited to the party. also action-heavy fics. there's a reason my plots tend to focus on emotions rather than action.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
if it's a language i don't know, probably just "[x] said in a language [y] didn't understand" or "[x] said in french" or something. that said because most of what i write is for cdramas/cnovels these days, and since i write everything from the perspective of "this is an english translation of a chinese original" i usually don't wind up writing anything that's not in english beyond a word or two here or there. if i were writing a fic for an english language novel/show and someone were speaking chinese or turkish (or maybe german) i would probably also just write it as "[x] said in [language]" because i find that foreign language text usually breaks my immersion.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
on ao3, warriors. in real life on paper, probably also warriors.
20. favorite fic you've written?
how am i meant to choose...........i love all my fics.....................anything from sunrise 'verse i guess.
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hobbitsetal · 1 year
why shouldn’t christians swear? I understand not taking God’s name in vain, but some swear words are just expletives and aren’t related to God’s name
You know, if you had asked me this question 3-4 years ago, I'd have answered very differently and more legalistically.
I swear. A lot. My husband and I keep saying we gotta tone it down because our son is about to learn language, and we will be dead ducks if our son says the S word in front of either set of grandparents. And yet today it slipped out in front of my Sunday school kids because I dropped something. (I don't think they heard me, which is good because they would be way too delighted...)
I didn't used to swear. I used to believe (not least because I was raised to believe this) that swearing was a moral offense and forbidden by the Bible, and I'd point to Ephesians 4:29 as my proof: "Let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but if there is any good word for edification according to the need of the moment, say that, so that it will give grace to those who hear."
But this begs the question: is swearing necessarily unwholesome? If I use the S word rather than "poop" or "crap" or "oh phooey" (depending on context), how is that worse? If I say "screwed" rather than the F word (whether referring to the act or saying "we're toast), how is that worse?
Language evolves. What was considered shocking and foul a hundred years ago is acceptable nowadays, and what was a common phrase a hundred years ago means something vastly different and may indeed be offensive nowadays.
With all that said, I do think Paul's injunctions from Romans for believers to be mindful of each other's convictions would apply to this. I don't swear around my in-laws or my parents because I know they would be offended. I don't swear in front of my Sunday school because I know they would take that as permission to curse, and I don't think their parents want them cursing at their age.
I censor posts with swear words and I don't use them on Tumblr because I know I have followers who are offended by swearing.
But personally? I don't care. (It would've been stylistically funny to say I don't give a $&%, but it would've undermined my point about being mindful of others...sad day.)
Follow your own convictions, my friend, and be aware of social settings and the needs and preferences of those around you.
Or, in other words, do to others as you would have them treat you, and live in peace.
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 - Day Eight
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Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit (If that was not entirely clear)
Series Summary: You're a fanfiction writer turned novelist, which was great since it was the path you wanted your writing to take you down in life. What you never thought would happen was meeting the Javier Gutierrez, who you actively write smutty fanfiction about from his film with Nic Cage, and you especially didn't expect him to have a crush on you.
Fast forward several months of dating, with a good chunk of your relationship being distance due to his constant traveling and having to go home to Mallorca, when he surprises you with a prompt list and a vacation planned around exploring it.
You haven't even worked up the nerve to tell him about what you write and post to Tumblr about him as a character yet.
Notes: Going to be using prompts from @ the-purity-pen for my meta as hell indulgence! There are feelings in this (I have no idea how they got there) and I may end up removing some possible chapters here and there depending on how I'm feeling, I apologize in advance if that happens because my brain is super mean sometimes.
Possible Warnings: None, just mega fluff and implied smut! These two are the softest 💙
Interlude (941)
Javi’s day was taken up by phone meetings with the studio that picked up his newest project, you hadn’t been able to follow every little bit of what he’d told you was happening because of how quickly he was rushing to get ready, and you decided to take the day and write as many drabbles as you could to post for your mutuals and readers online. Why he had to do all this on a Saturday you would never really know, you had thought it would be handled by people with a nine-to-five schedule Monday through Friday but evidently you were wrong.
So, writing it was.
There wasn’t much point working on your novel, still far ahead of schedule and unable to look at the sex scene without cringing, so in a spur of the moment bit of fuck it energy you’d reached out to your fellow conspirator in all things sexy -your darling Tumblr wife- and asked her to read over your slowly developing rough draft to get her opinion on the sex scene.
The professional editors that you’d sent it to had all been very vocally approving, it made the scene “more widely acceptable” in its symbolic nature versus a descriptive nature, but when you’d pushed back with the reminder that this series was meant to be darker and grittier and dirtier than what you’d already published they had tried to claim it would ruin book sales.
Maxie had tried to push you to conforming but you just couldn’t do it.
The rougher, harsher, pace and more descriptive sex scene felt integral to showcase the characterization of the male lead through the eyes of his female partner.
Why was it so hard to publish through a company?
The idea of cutting ties and self-publishing was starting to look really appealing. Especially with the information you had from the convention panel.
You grumbled and returned to your tablet where a blank page was waiting for you, opening up Tumblr on your phone and grinning at the shower of notifications, and it may have taken an hour to get through all the well wishes for a good vacation that you spotted a reblog from Amigo-con-cage of your vacation announcement.
‘You deserve a vacation, constantly providing us with immaculate stories, have a good time!’
Whoever this reviewer was you appreciated them, a lot, always offering support and kindness on just about everything you posted; you’d tried to invite them to your Discord server with your closest mutuals but they’d refused. Which was fine, you hadn’t pressed and they’d said the invitation was very sweet but they were too shy.
Shooting them a DM to thank them, mentioning you were indeed having a great time and that you appreciated their sweet message, all your focus went back to your tablet where you debated making Joaquin the subject of the random kinktober bites you were plotting. All your content for him had slowed to a grinding stop when Javi had asked you out, the only fic you were still writing for him was the series that wasn’t quite done yet, and until you talked to him about your hobbies… it felt weird to think about posting another update.
But that meant admitting to Javi you were writing smut content about him, since the film was based off his actual life and events that actually happened.
Whoreno hours it was, you decided instead.
Tapping away at your Bluetooth keyboard as you lounged on the padded bench under the shade of the gazebo, a double walled bottle of water and a chilled drink beside you, the drabble turned story began to come together easily enough to your relief. By the time you’d finished giving it a read over, making the post, and then scheduling said post for the correct day a few hours had passed and you were starting to feel peckish.
Checking the time, glad to know you had managed to work through most of the hours Javi was supposed to be busy with calls, you stretched out and let the warmth wash over you for just a little longer before deciding you could get a little something to munch on and maybe check in with Javi to see if he needed anything.
Snagging some of your favorite snacks, since Javi had insisted on them being stocked for you while you were here, a genius idea crossed your mind before you dialed Lorna about good takeaway in the area.
One order from a place called Agave later, to be delivered by eight or so, you began throwing together everything you needed for a movie night in the private theater and set up the most amazing blanket fort with a massive grin on your face. It was perfect and Javi was in for the biggest surprise ever, he’d spoiled you rotten so you were absolutely returning the favor.
You remembered him mentioning he’d never made a blanket fort before so it was time to remedy that.
“Solecita, what is-“ He came in about ten minutes after dinner had arrived and you’d set up the theater room with fairy lights and had the movie queued up, and your giggle made him look at you as you tugged him to get into the fort with you.
“Blanket fort! Figured we could watch some movies-“ He cut you off with a kiss and you yelped when he pinned you to the cushions you’d set down, one of his big hands holding your hip as the other held him up a little, and dinner was forgotten when he pulled your underwear down your legs and decided to start with dessert.
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All Fics Taglist: @hardc0rehaylz @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @musings-of-a-rose @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @rominaszh @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry
Just Pedro Taglist: @maievdenoir @beecastle @littlemisspascal @writeforfandoms @AynsleyWalker @lovesbiggerthanpride @mswarriorbabe80
Alt Taglist: @imtryingmybeskar @fan-of-encouragement @grogusmum @sizzlingcloudmentality @deadhumourist @prostitute-robot-from-the-future
Kinktober Only: @nicolethered @katareyoudrilling
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mysmashplaythroughs · 8 months
99 Problems but F-Zero ain't one of them
I see Tumblr's joined the group of websites that felt the need to make their layout even more irritating with no actual gain. Well anyway, yeah another 'off-topic' post rather than something substantial. Admittedly, this has probably been my least productive year yet when it comes to my Smash Bros Playthroughs (Ironic that rereading my post at the end of last year I said I might actually be able to finish everything up to the Spirits etc on my list yet I've not even finished Tales of Symphonia yet...) I've beaten 3 games on my list and two of them I was barely able to justify being on the list as they were new releases (Pokemon Scarlet for the Pokeball item because it's the first main series game where you actually can manually throw a Pokeball to make a Pokemon appear and Fire Emblem Engage because of stage related reasons (there's no spoiler tag it seems on here so I'll hold off specifying). Beyond these though, I've been playing just new releases really including Tears of the Kingdom (the third on my list but I'll hold off why), Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed (which was fantastic) and I finally was able after all these years to play Spider-man on my new Steamdeck which took up a large chunk of my game playing this year (didn't finish Miles game yet though.) There are two other games I've mainly played, (besides every so often doing a few Mario Maker 2 courses which is part of a big project I've been working on for that) the first of which is finally relating to the dumb title I've used above. F-Zero 99 isn't what F-Zero fans wanted but it's still been great to play imo and I've been playing it far more than I thought I would. Hopefully this will be a sign of some possible attention for the series as a whole as it seems to have attracted quite a few casual players as well as F-Zero fans.
I thought I'd managed after what I mentioned last time to get every game I wanted to on the eShop before it closed on 3DS and Wii U, and I did manage that for my Smash list, but I was missing a game I'd always meant to pick up but never got around to... and I realised far too late that meant the only option now was trying to track down an overpriced copy on Ebay or something. I did however manage to win a copy in an auction (I wouldn't like to admit how much, just that it was below at least the prices for every other copy I saw on there) of Project X Zone 2. Because of this I've been playing that a lot recently, I've made it a fair way in, there's more characters than I expected that I at least knew the name or look of but it's definitely got a lot of ones I had to ask my friends who play a lot more obscure games about. With that said, since Phoenix Wright didn't get into Smash it is fun at least having him in something like it and I have been enjoying it. I've mentioned before I believe sometimes just liking crossovers even if they're things I've never heard of, I guess because in a sense it allows me as a newcomer to see it from the eyes of the other characters who've never met before and so I learn what they learn. Either way, that's been mostly taking up my playtime atm, which try as I might I haven't currently found a way of justifying to be on my list (granted, honestly adding it might be reaching too much even for me.) All of this however, has led to a problem that means I might have to change plans fast...
Nintendo's announced that the Wii U and 3DS will be losing their online almost entirely next year, with only redownloads of software you own, updates to software and Pokemon Bank I believe to still remain after next April (and Bank is stated to end sometime after...) This announcement made me realise I had to heavily look at my list and see if there's something that will make impossible. I worried about Federation Force and Triforce Heroes but those do seem to be at least playable in single player (definitely not ideal but not completely unusable) however, it's the other thing that has me concerned, Pokemon Bank closing. Due to this, I've realised I have to do what I originally planned to do after finishing the items on my list, which is to capture every single Pokemon that's appeared in Smash Bros in any form (Pokeball, stage background, Trophies, Spirits) but in it's home region. I was then planning on transferring them all to Pokemon Ultra Moon and using that game to get screenshots of them (with their region exclusive photo backgrounds in the game). Due to this therefore, I plan to start very soon playing through the final two Pokemon games I had on my list, Emerald and Crystal. Admittedly, Emerald isn't one I plan on actually using to capture Pokemon specifically, it's far far easier for me to use ORAS to do so, but for my actual playthrough of the game's plot etc, I plan on playing the original Emerald on GBA. Crystal is one I've been looking forward to for a while as it's my favourite Pokemon game ever and on my list of top 10 games of all time (the majority of which are on my Smash list) I do also have Sword and Shield on my Smash Bros list as well as Legends Arceus and Let's Go, however since they're on Switch I'm going to hold off on those till I was originally going to play them. Also because it's almost impossible beyond hacking or using complicated means from what I've seen to get certain Pokemon, I will settle for simply having ones like Celebi or Mew rather than specifically getting them from their regions, basically as you can probably guess I just mean I'll get what I can.
So yeah, that's where I'm at basically, I'll probably update my list after posting this as I've added a fair few things (Daisy for example is going to have Super Mario Bros Wonder become her actual game now seeing as it fits her in Smash a lot more than Super Mario Party did on my initial list) so yeah. I guess if I have an aim for this by the end of the year, I highly doubt I'll beat all the games I have on my list for Mii Costumes (from Tales of Symphonia to DOOM 2016) but I do plan on going back to a few I've skipped over either because I couldn't play them at the time or didn't want to burn out too much on one series (numerous Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games I've skipped over for now regarding costumes or stage elements for example) so at the very least I'd like to end this year with that looking a little bit more respectable. Typing this out has made me decide to finally stop holding back on this and get a move on with it, so I'm hoping perhaps by the end of the year I might finally write those last two Melee character posts and have good news on my progress after that. Either way, I guess in honour of Charles Martinet, I'll try and stick to the mantra of 'Here we go!' (Yes, feel free to unfollow me after that)
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blvcklizard · 2 years
On Hugh's and Lawless's dynamic
(This probably doesn't make sense at all, just my thoughts and speculations. Lots of speculations. Also includes spoilers for chapter 113.)
So generally, Lawless and Hugh don't get along and their interactions obviously show that they don't exactly like each other, but tell me I'm not the only one who sort of wonders when this started?
Okay first off, I know there's the possibility that they just didn't like each other from the start, their personalities don't really go together (even though it's less obvious than with Jeje and Ildio), and maybe I'm just fooling myself because it's not as interesting, but I think something doesn't add up with this approach. I'll come back to that later.
During Lawless's flashback of the majority vote discussion, one might argue that Hugh was attacking him when he told him to keep his personal feelings out of it, since he knew about the whole Ophelia-thing and what it did to Lawless, (likely) better than the other Servamps did at that point, at least. (On the other hand he is correct of course, and I'm not sure if he would have phrased it differently if they were friends.)
There is a similar thing from Lawless's side, specifically during this scene.
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He obviously doesn't expect Hugh to take him seriously. (Which could, of course, very well be explained by his character, since he mentioned how he should feel happy for her, like, two lines before.) I still wonder how he would have reacted had it been another Servamp, but since Hugh obviously knew about what happened (and had known about it before already), something about the "he would have reacted like this with anyone, whether he liked them or not"-approach feels off to me, especially considering Hugh's character.
The "this is why I told you not to fall in love" line is interesting though, because it means that they didn't just have that conversation, but it was A) a rather serious and deep one (even if it did happen to be short) and B) likely happened quite a while after they became vampires. (Those are just speculations of course, but they don't seem unlikely to me.) And I know there is the (not too unlikely) possibility that it was an attack rather than genuine advice, but I feel like Hugh wouldn't have referenced it like this if it hadn't been at least a little serious. (We don't see his face unfortunately, so this is only speculation drawn from the other panels and the anime. But he does look serious and even a little sad to me in the next panel, or definitely not like he was going to make fun of Lawless for the whole thing. Anyway.) This is also the reason why I don't really think they didn't like each other from the start, because they obviously aren't keeping up appearances (as seen in their later interactions), so unless it was 100% nothing more than an attack (but then why mention it in the first place or not phrase it more aggressively) it does imply that they used to get along somehow.
Because that makes me wonder if Lawless ever tried reaching out to him after Kuro rejected him (lol). And if he did, what happened then. If they did cross paths once and immidiately decided "no I don't like him", or if something happened between them.
I mean, it does make perfect sense that their dislike for each other might have started after that whole incident, since Hugh obviously judged him for killing his Eves, and Lawless is emotional enough to blame him for not being here to protect Ophelia's kingdom and/or the creator's death (even if he happened to be unaware of it). But I still really wonder what their dynamic was like before.
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chocoenvy · 2 years
Remember the time you wrote reader singing for Klee? Could you write a reaction of tye Kof, zhongli, ei, venti, liyue qixing, albedo and other important people when there was a meeting or something where they gathered together and when reader arrived Klee came running to reader and called their name. I mean they know that kids will run to you and your fine with it, but what would their reaction be when Klee called readers name since it's "very sacred". Hope Tumblr won't eat up this post a SECOND time (I already sended this first version about 3 or so months ago)
yo, tumblr actually ate a post and i didn't just forget about it?/hj (i'm shit with asks but if it was that long ago I probably wasn't that overwhelmed and this doesn't sound familiar. So, sorry your ask got eaten :( Considering that you said this ask was sent so long ago, I think I may have mixed up what you meant with something else? I started my blog at around early-mid october I believe??? So I think you might've been talking about something else, but I wrote about the au where reader had their tongue taken off (Playing God). Sorry if you wanted something else, it had occured to me after I had gotten halfway through and I didn't really want to rewrite it-
Warnings: Cult behaviors, Villain au, Playing God(God who lost their tongue) au
Jean, Zhongli, Ei, Venti, Ningguang, Albedo
[unrelated but Beggin' by Måneskin highkey fits sagau-]
When Klee had shouted your name and ran to hug you tightly, Jean felt a surge of jealousy. She immediately felt ashamed for such feelings though, Klee was a child. She was innocent, free, and an amazing kid to be around. Her jealousy was unfounded and a deep sting of regret burned her heart.
She loves Klee. Klee deserves any and all happiness in the world. The fact that she felt bitterness towards Klee over you... It was enough for horror to settle deep into her veins. Shame buried itself deep into her heart, rooting itself there and not moving.
Truly, she didn't deserve your diving recognition.
Zhongli had watched the child jump into your arms, shouting your sacred name with a disregard that almost got his blood boiling.
Punishments are not yours to carry out. You had sneered at him once, after your godhood had been revealed to all of Teyvat, They are mine. You have no right after what you've done to me. Your eyes were haunted and enraged as they pierced into his soul. He had kept his eyes downcast, too ashamed to look you in the eyes.
He settled his anger, knowing your stance on him and the other archons (except for the Tsaritsa). However, the jealousy and shame settled in more as you didn't correct the child. The little red bundle of energy said your name with reckless abandon, careless for how sacred it was.
So he remained silent as you grinned down at the child. As she said your name and you allowed her with no qualms. In fact, you looked overjoyed at hearing your name exit the child's mouth in a shrill, excited shout.
You don't deserve anything from me, and I don't want anything from you.
He remained silent.
Ei's heart quivered, clenched as your hand was gentle to the insignificant being before you. Small and bubbling over with excitement, but big enough in her personality to gain your divine gaze and maintain it.
Not like the child even cared, not as much as she did. She'd do anythng for your affections, she did everything for your affections. Sacrifices, prayers, she gave up her entire life to preserve eternity in your name, she had sought down an "imposter" to preserve your name, and when she had realized she hadn't been thorough in her invesigation of the "imposter", she'd gotten on her knees. She'd begged for forgiveness.
All of it was for naught.
And a part of her felt bitter for it. That this child, so small in this world full of gods, gained your unending favor. Yet she, who had been there for nearly eternity, was ignored.
But nearly eternity was not all of eternity, and she'd spend the rest of eternity making up for the single year she'd wronged you.
Your smile was bright, a beautiful sight, and Venti was happy enough to glance at it. He could write an infinite amount of ballads regarding your beautiful voice, smile, anything about you he could write about for hours on end.
He was the god of anemo, of freedom. You may do as you wish, he had no right to tell you otherwise. When he had restricted your freedom, hunted you down, he was contradicting his own ideals.
Therefor, he'd bend any way you wished for him. He wouldn't struggle or squirm. Even if he wished he could hug you like Klee was, bask in the warmth of your smile directed at him, he couldn't. You didn't wish for him to, and so he'd obey you.
He had no right to disobey you.
Ningguang appeared indifferent. It would be unbecoming of her to display anything else. She was accepting of your obvious favortism. Your tense demeanor had dissipated as soon as that child was in your presense.
The fact that she was even anywhere near you was a miracle in of itself. She only gave her input when you had addressed her or asked her to do so. Even if your gaze was on her for a moment, she considered that a blessing.
Even as she yearned for more, her appetite growing and begging for more than just your gaze, she bit back her desires. They were human and you had no time to entertain such stupid fantasies. Especially her's.
So she smiled gracefully as the child fell into your arms. Insignificant, and nowhere near the power Ningguang had, she was someone you loved.
She respected your choices, no matter how much it hurt her.
Albedo could feel the archons writhing in their seats, however he felt nothing but pride.
Klee deserved your divine love. She was a beacon of love and happiness, the exact thing you needed especially in a meeting full of the disgusting archons. All of those that had wronged you.
And unlike them, he and Klee had not hurt you. Despite himself, a small smile tugged on his lips. Slight malice hide behind the smile, hate for the archons swirling behind his eyes, but his love for you and Klee overtook that.
Just the sight of you and Klee's smiles, his heart swelled with pride.
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theamberous · 2 years
" The parental figure "
[ CRK protagonists x GN!Adult!Reader ]
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A/N: Here it is, the first tumblr scenario post of mine-
A/N: I won't do Yandere stuff from now on, I changed my mind. It's overrated, I guess- fluff is better anyways. Ahem. Also those are platonic!
P.S. requests maybe? Haha-
– Right after Gingerbrave and the gang met the little blonde King, Custard Cookie iii, and right after all five returned to the soon-to-be kingdom.... Gnomes walked to Wizard Cookie, with the yet another Cookie cutter in their hands
– Huh, that means they can summon another cookie! And of course, the one who summons this cookie is, once again, Wizard.
– Since Custard did not catch the first magical moment(When Chili joined the gang), he was watching the process with big curiosity.
– Same goes to Chili, by the way. She was calmier while watching though.
– When you appeared outta the Cookie cutter, Gingerbrave cheered, very exciting to see another one friend
– But, well- he stumbled about something, and fell down, almost, almost breaking his crunchy arm
– Everyone gasped, including you.
– " O..Oh dear, are you alright? "
– " Ngg-gh... Definitely not the way to meet new cookie, haha.. "
– " Now now, let me take a look at your arm.. "
– Strawberry, Wizard, Custard and Chili silently watched as you healed Gingerbrave with some healing magic you had. Wizard himself was, kinda surprised. You had the weird aura, that made him feel.. nostalgic, sort of
– " Er.. Do you guys feel it too, or is it just me? "
– " Me too, if being honest... They look so kind and warm.. "
– " Jeez, what are you guys on about-? It's just some random person you just met! "
– That's how you met each other, lol
– Now, that you're adventuring around the cookie world, these five cookies grew their trust for you, including Chili herself. Girl didn't like you at first
– Custard iii is the most clingy from the gang. When you all take a rest, little king crawls up to you and lays his head on your lap
– He ABSOLUTELY loves to talk with you about his future royal plans!
– Custard once misfigured you with his dad/mom, and didn't realized that. You didn't mind though, you patted his head and said, " You can call me like that if you want. As long as you feel comfortable, my little king. "
– Both Gingerbrave and Strawberry would love to cuddle up to you just like Custard does, but there's a but. The brave one fears that he'll make you feel confused and annoyed, while the shy one is simply too shy to do such thing
– These two are curious teen cookies anyway, and when you're free either one of them would approach you and ask if you're ok to discuss something
– This "something" is a random stuff, like "How are you feeling now?"
– Also, Gingerbrave is kinda protective over you. Not in an obsessive way though! He simply makes sure cake hounds didn't hurt you too much. Meanwhile when he sees that you protect him, Gingerbrave almost f a i n t s -
– The most chill one is probably Wizard. Yes, he too is a clingy cookie, but he rarely does it infront of everyone. The thing he'll allow himself in public is him holding your hand, that's all
– The thing he really likes in you is your parental aura. Just like with Custard, he feels safe when he's around you
– You adore his magic, and you probably hope that he'll be a great wizard in the future? This boy hides his face in his scarf then. He secretly loves to be adored, why wouldn't he?
– And finally, Chilli Pepper Cookie.
– Just like i said earlier, she didn't like you at first. You looked like a nerd, you acted like a nerd, and for some reason you were trying to protect her from fights!
– Then, step by step, she started to develop some sort of crush on you? When Chili realized that, she face palmed herself. God hecking damn it
– I mean, you guys are the same age, so it's not that bad, right?
– That fact only got worse when Chili realised she feels butterflies when looking at you.
– Oh well then, the redhead can't do anything about that. The same redhead is jealous when she sees how the younger cookies from the gang cuddle on you
– Oh, by the way, what's your guys favourite game in free time? Hide and Seek!
– And when it's too dark to continue adventures, you let all five cookies sit(or lay) around you, as you tell them stories and fairrytales. Then you fall asleep, happy from the fact that you're making someone feel safe in such... chaotic times
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dreamsoflevi · 3 years
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Love Was Not Enough | Part 1
Summary: A titan shifter is working in the Scout Regiment with a plan. Growing up with hate for Paradis takes a complete turn when falling for a certain Captain and developing friendships. Is it too late to make a change?
Word Count: 4.2k
CW: Some fluff, angst, mentions of violence, description of an emotional breakdown, stress.
Author’s Note: My first post on Tumblr! I’m so slow when it comes to using Tumblr lol. Starting off with an angsty story because it's raining and gloomy. It was supposed to be an one-shot but it ended up being super long. There will be 1-2 more parts. Hope you enjoy! ♡
You loved him.
You really did.
You still do.
When you first met him, you were surprised this was the person everyone was referring to when they would mention Humanity's strongest soldier, Captain Levi. His aloof and brash attitude would prove those thoughts drilled in your head about the devils in disguise living amongst the lands as you. He didn't care for anything and he wouldn’t hesitate to remind you of that. “You will become titan shit.” His exact words spat to your face. Who does he think he is?
You were exceptional at what you did, full of intellect and skills landed you on his squad along with a group of newer cadets. The 104th cadets. You were all replacements for his previous squad who were killed by the female titan, your comrade Annie during the 57th expedition. You were trained for this after all. You were prepared and you had a plan along with a few others. Secret glances, nods, and meetings were shared amongst you four any chance you could get.
You ended up befriending a few too. A shy yet wise Armin, an extremely passionate Eren, a wild and resourceful Sasha, and some others. A bunch of children putting their lives on the line for a better tomorrow, a hopeful future. Aren’t you doing the same too?
During expeditions, you would watch Captain Levi swinging through trees on his ODM gear, slicing through the napes of every titan he landed his eyes on. Now you understand why he is humanity’s strongest. Slicing through titans without a struggle and with immense strength and speed.
He'd frantically look around making sure the others were okay. He'd shout the names of his squad and any other names he could remember hoping to get a shout in return. The panicked look on this face when he would hear screams and race to the source of them. Maybe he does care. When returning to the walls, you could see him grimace watching the gates open only for it to quickly change back to his normal neutral expression.
“L/N!” A voice breaking your thoughts as you walk back inside the headquarters after training. You turn around to see Captain Levi standing behind you with a small stack of papers in his hand.
“Yes, Captain?” You wiped the sweat off your forehead with your sleeve.
“Are you doing anything after this?”
You shook your head. “No, sir. Do you need anything?”
“Yes. Deliver this paperwork to Commander Erwin. He should be in his office now.” He handed you the small stack of papers he was holding.
“Yes, sir.” You nodded your head grabbing the papers and walking in the direction of Commander Erwin’s office.
Approaching his office, you knocked on his door. You heard a deep voice respond and turned the knob to enter. Opening the door, you see the distressed Commander sitting at his desk. One hand resting on his forehead and the other scribbling away. He glances up and sees the stack in your hands.
“Ah, thank you (Y/N), I was waiting for these.” Raising his hand in anticipation of the papers.
You walked up to his desk handing it to him. “No problem, Commander.”
You look around his messy desk. Papers spread all around, empty teacups resting on the side, and two ink bottles sitting on his desk. Your eyes take a peek at his face, dark circles under his eyes, and his hair slightly messed up. You couldn’t help but feel bad for him. No. You try shaking those thoughts away. They are the devils and we are paying for their actions.
But you take another look at him. Imagine being in his position. Are you aware of what your ancestors did, Commander? He’s shuffling through the small stack of papers that were just handed to him. You can see the squares and circles in the form of a large triangle. The formations. The lives and the future of thousands rest upon this single man’s shoulders. Of course, he has to spend hours on end meticulously planning the expeditions and making sure the formations are properly formed. A plan for a better tomorrow, a hopeful future. Don’t you want that too?
You internally sigh in defeat. “Um... Commander?” You nervously play with your fingers.
“Yes, (Y/N)?” He looks up at you, hand still holding the quill and the other now resting on the desk.
“Do.. do you need help? I just finished training and If you need help, I…” You bite your lip, your nerves getting the best of you as his eyes remain in contact with yours.
The curves of his mouth turn upwards. “If you can, please.” He gestures to the seat in front of him.
You flash him a smile, nod your head and take a seat. He hands you a stack of papers. “For these, you just need to write today’s date under the line where it says date received. Then organize them alphabetically.”
That’s where you found yourself at least twice a week. Helping the commander out whenever you could, organizing his paperwork, and filling them out whenever he needed you to. Sometimes you would work in complete silence. The sounds of pens scribbling, paper shuffling, and the sips the Commander took of his tea. Sometimes he would tell you a little story about his life and of his childhood. He would speak of his father being a major inspiration in his life and the reason he pushes forward every day. He had a sudden death, though the Commander never told you why, you can imagine it was a traumatic one for him.
A couple of months pass by and you are now sitting in the Captain's office. Coming into Commander’s office one day and seeing his surprisingly organized desk for once and him telling you that he didn’t need any assistance today. However, Captain Levi might need help with the reports from a previous expedition. Nodding your head and giving a quick salute, you made your way to Captain Levi’s office.
Working with Captain Levi was soothing. His office was very neat. Paperwork in his office sitting on his desk in organized piles. You can smell the faint scent of lemon which was refreshing. You visiting his office became a more frequent occurrence since he appreciated the assistance he would receive though he’d never tell you that. He would have a stack ready for you set up on the side table in his office. He was not much of a talker like Commander Erwin nor was he someone who reminisces his life it seems.
However, you would still have conversations here and there. He would ask about how you were feeling with training and if you dared to complain about the exercises he was giving, he would simply tell you to get better with the exercises or get eaten. Then realizing his bluntness and the silence that filled the room after, he would elaborate on his statement.
What he means is, he would say, these exercises help with increasing stamina and balance that will aid us on the battlefield. Outside the walls, anything can happen. Titans pop out of nowhere catching you off guard and little mishaps like getting tangled, being too slow, or even aiming your anchor wrong can lead to a fatal mistake. You could agree with that.
“(L/n), why did you decide to join the scouts?” He asked without looking up from what he was doing.
You stilled for a second and looked up at him. His eyes were still on the paper in front of him. This question always catches you off guard even if you rehearsed it so many times. It makes you nervous and vulnerable as if the person asking can see right through you and your facade.
“Same reason as everyone else, sir.” He glanced at you now and you immediately looked back down at the paper in front of you. You tried to avoid as much eye contact as you can.
He cocked an eyebrow. “Which is?”
“F-freedom.. from the titans.” You heard a scoff.
“Now you sound like Eren.” He was still looking at you. You dared to meet your eyes with his. He still had a stoic look on his face but there was curiosity simmering in his eyes. He was waiting for an answer. You had no choice but to give one. How would you say it though? You don’t want to lie. Captain Levi can be very perceptive and you’re sure he could see through your facade.
You bit your lip. “I… I want a better future for myself, my loved ones, and future generations. All my life, I’ve experienced confinement and.. oppression. But I have been given the power- er, the opportunity I should say to aid in defeating our e-enemies and... and I hope to accomplish that to live a more liberating life.”
He remained in eye contact with you without saying anything. The silence was deafening in the room and you hoped he would say something. Each second of silence was building the temperature in your body as your nerves were starting to get the best of you. Your chest was burning and you could feel a bit of sweat forming on your scalp. Did you say the wrong thing? Or maybe you said too much? Why isn’t he saying anything?
Your lips parted in anticipation to say something. But what else were you going to say? Before you can process what you are going to say, he hummed and looked back down at his work.
“You are right. We all have the same reason, more or less. To break out of these confined and oppressive walls and defeat these shitty titans. Whatever is out there must be better than what we live in now.”
You internally sighed. It’s not better but hopefully, it will get better. I guess we have the same mission, just different targets. You and everyone else here being mine Captain. You felt your throat dry up. Can you imagine killing these people? Watching Captain struggling on his last breath? Commander Erwin? Hange? Connie, Sasha, Jean, Armin? But your ancestors... Now you are suffering because of these devils.
Shaking your head of these thoughts, you try to focus back on the paper in front of you. “Ar-” You cleared your throat. “Armin believes there’s a sea out there.”
He snorted. “That kid and his shitty dream...” You could see a hint of a smile forming on his face. “Who knows, maybe there is.”
You come to realize that he’s not rude, he just doesn’t know how to express himself. His actions speak louder than words and you can’t help but grow a lot of respect for him. But he’s still a devil. But he has a heart and he cares for every single person in this regiment, including you. It doesn’t matter. They caused your people pain and betrayed them.
A perk of being on Captain Levi’s squad is getting to sit on meetings planning the expeditions. Commander Erwin would call these meetings for input on observations made from previous missions. Armin enthusiastically shares what he learns from the missions. Plans are being formed around Eren and his abilities. He’s learning new things about what he can do every day and recently he learned about hardening abilities from Annie. Working with Hange to train how to harden properly to be able to plug walls in the future.
They have no idea though. No idea what is beyond these walls, where these titans come from, where do they go, or anything else. They are risking their lives for the answers, the answers that you already know.
Walking through the dark hallways, you step into the mess hall. There sitting on a table in the dimly lit corner were Reiner and Bertholdt. The ones on the mission with you alongside Annie.
“Where have you been lately?” Reiner asked as you sat down on the bench. You usually had these meetings at least once or twice a week, but since Annie was captured, things have gotten more hectic. In fear of getting caught or being busy with so many tasks, you haven’t had the chance to meet with them as often as you should.
“Sorry.. I’ve just been swamped with training, meetings, and helping the higher-ups with their paperwork.”
Reiner narrows his eyes at you. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with them lately.”
“Yeah but I’ve managed to learn a few things.”
“Like what?”
“Well, Eren is close to figuring out his hardening abilities. Hange had taken the sample from Annie but she didn’t get far with that. Now she and Eren are working together to see how Eren can unlock his own ability.”
Reiner hummed. “If Eren learns how to harden, he could start landing attacks on me. He’d still be no match for Bertholdt though.”
You nodded in response. There was an awkward silence. No one had much to say which was a huge difference from before when you had to plot your next moves and practice your stories together. Usually, Reiner was the one who would come up with the plans and assign tasks to the rest of you three. This was before the fight between Eren and Annie. You didn’t expect Annie to lock herself into the crystal.
You looked at Reiner who seemed to be deep in thought. “What are you thinking?”
He sighed. “I think another attack is coming soon.”
Bertholdt and your eyes widen. “Are you sure? Isn’t it a little too quick, Reiner?” Bertholdt wearily asks. You nod your head in agreement.
“They already have Annie. We need to get Eren and try to get Annie out of there as well.”
“Yes!” Bertholdt interjects. “We do need to save Annie.” Bertholdt always had a soft spot for Annie. You have an inkling he has a crush on her because he gets flustered and avoids the topic every time it’s brought up.
You don’t know if you’re ready for another attack. The last one was devastating. The fight between Eren and Annie destroyed so many homes and lost lives. Children losing their parents, parents losing their children, lovers lost… It is heartbreaking. You don’t know if you can stomach another attack at this point. What are you saying? That is what you’re here for. You need to do this for your people back home. You let out a long exhale and close your eyes.
“It bothers you too, doesn’t it?” You open your eyes to Bertholdt looking at you.
“They are people… just like us.”
You nod your head meekly. “Just like us.” You repeated in a whisper.
Reiner sighs. “And they have no clue what is happening.”
“No clue.” You and Bertholdt breathe simultaneously. You three sit in silence, all three of you lost in your own thoughts. Why did it have to be us?
During training you noticed Captain Levi limping a little more than usual. Since the 57th expedition, his leg has been in bad shape. He still supervises your training and some days, he can walk properly and some days he’s limping. You turn back to your task at hand, slicing through the titan dummies set up.
“(Y/n)! Straighten your back!” He yells from the field and you obey, straightening your back while you and Connie swing to the titan dummy.
“Oi Sasha! You have to aim your anchors a bit higher!”
“Mikasa, don't go too fast!”
The comments usually went like that for the entire training session. Watching all of you train and critique your performances. You’re not going to lie, it was a pain in the ass. But you noticed it does help you outside of the walls. Captain Levi is good at what he does. He’s perceptive and knows exactly what to do and when. He is a natural titan killer. Being able to take down small to abnormal and maybe even ones like you. After you were done, you all were panting and sweating while walking back to the field.
“Phew! That was some training today,” Connie wiped the sweat off of his forehead.
Jean clicked his tongue. “That was nothing! Probably too much for you right Yeager?” He smirked at Eren.
Eren rolled his eyes. “You wish, Jean boy. That’s why you’re drenched in sweat.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
You all groaned as Eren and Jean started arguing for the fifth time today. The first two times Armin tried to interject to try and diffuse the argument but at this point, even he gave up.
“You’re on Yeager. After dinner, we’ll have an arm wrestling match.”
“After dinner,” Eren confirmed. “Don’t horse around Kirstein.”
“Shut up titan freak.”
“Are you ladies done bickering?” Captain Levi glared at them with his arms crossed. Eren clicked his tongue and Jean muttered under his breath. Captain narrowed his eyes at them, a warning to fix their attitudes. They immediately straightened their backs.
“Yes sir!” A few of you silently giggled watching them get scolded by Captain Levi.
Watching them with a smile, you loved the banter between Eren and Jean. Despite the arguments, you know deep down they have respect and admiration for one another. It’s distinctly shown during battle when they are looking out for another. Even during Eren’s fits of rage, Jean is understanding and never attacks Eren for his impulsive decisions. He might get a little bit of teasing though.
They were very friendly with you too. Always giving you a pat on the back or a cheesy grin whenever they see you. Looking back at you when riding through the gates to make sure you’re okay or screaming your name to make sure you are fine when fighting titans. And let’s not forget Jean’s flirty nature. His love for Mikasa is strong but he can’t help it when he sees any walking and breathing female. Just kidding. He’s not that girl crazy.. maybe. It’s too soon to decide that.
I think another attack is coming soon. You heard Reiner’s voice suddenly appeared in your mind. You suddenly started feeling a bit nauseous. Another attack on these people. These people you are considering your friends. You felt the salty taste in the back of your throat. Trying to calm your nerves, you took some deep quiet breaths. It wasn’t helping. It was getting harder to swallow with your throat tightening. You silently walked back hoping no one starts a conversation with you. As soon as you get back, you were planning on taking a very, very cold shower.
Grabbing your clothes, you ran into the showers. Breathing hard and with shaking hands, you turned the shower knob. The cold water hitting you and startling you for the first few seconds. You can’t. You can. You can’t. You have to. But these people, you can’t do that to them now. Not when they are just started to grow on you. They were normal people with normal feelings. They’re not… devils? Yes, they are.
You remember the attack in Trost. The chaos that spread through the walls. These same cadets hopelessly try to fight the titans. You were all newly graduated. Thomas getting eaten by a titan. Screams and cries filled your ears along with the sounds of loud thumps and bone-crunching.
When you were discussing things with Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie, poor Marco being in the wrong place at the wrong time. How devastated Jean was losing his best friend and not knowing ultimately it was you three that led to his death. Not only his but everyone else’s. The way Armin looked when Eren sacrificed himself to save him.
Can you do this again?
A sob escaped from your throat. Tears flew down your cheeks getting mixed in with the water. You are no different than them, aren't you? The blood of these innocent lives on your hands. But they were the reason for all this, no? Except they don’t know. Is it justifiable blaming them for something that happened so many years ago? While you are oppressed by the Marleyeans, they are oppressed by these titans. Aren’t you any different from the Marleyans then? Punishing innocent people for things out of their control?
Leaning your head on the tiled wall, you needed to make a decision. Whose side are you on? No, whose side do you want to be on? Do you want to continue the same treatment you received? Do you want to be the reason a child loses their mother? Their father? You need to make a decision and make it quick. You grabbed the soap bar and cleaned yourself off. You will make a decision. You just need time.
After your shower, you remembered you were going to go to Captain Levi’s office to help him with his paperwork. You also remembered how he was limping badly today. Before going into his office, you decided to make a trip to the infirmary.
Asking the nurses for some balm for Captain Levi’s leg, you grabbed a small jar and made your way to his office. What’s the reason for this? Are you trying to relieve some of the guilt eating away at your conscience?
Entering his office, he offered a small greeting before pointing to the paperwork that needed to be done today. Before getting seated at the table, you walked over to his desk and held out the small jar. With an eyebrow raised, he looked at the jar in your hand.
“It’s for your leg. You were limping today and I thought this might help sir.”
He took the jar from your hand. The curves of his mouth turned upward, not enough to call it a smile since he hardly ever did. “Thank you.”
Thank you. You felt your heart flutter. You barely hear words of acknowledgment from him and you can’t help but feel happy that you were on the receiving end of them. So what? Why do you care? Because you do admire him. After all, he was your Captain and you respect him. And he is looking nicer than usual in his black suit and cravat. What? Are you okay? You’re just acknowledging his looks. It means nothing-
Wait, he said thank you. You need to answer him instead of disputing with your own self.
“It’s no problem.” You smiled at him and walked over to your seat and began working.
That is how things went for a while. You have been avoiding Reiner and Bertholdt any chance you can get because you were unsure of how to explain the inner turmoil you are having with yourself. You are close to walking away from it all, officially dedicating your heart to the Scouts, to Commander Erwin, to Paradis. You are willing to throw it away. Your family, friends, and everyone else back home. They don’t understand what you’re going through. The struggle you are facing. It’s easy to be on the other side of things but when having to see these losses head-on, it’s gut-wrenching.
You managed to get even closer to everyone. Sharing laughs and jokes with your squad during breakfast and dinner, working with Commander Erwin more closely and offering suggestions when he’s planning the formations, engaging in more conversations with Captain Levi, and even spending time in Hange’s office.
“Oh! Hello again (Y/n)! Guess what Eren is doing today!” Hange exclaimed while wrapping her arm around Eren’s neck. Eren holding onto her arm trying to relieve some pressure on his neck.
“What is he doing today?” You gave Eren a little smirk.
“Drinking a lot of water. We’re testing out his pee!” She shoved a large canteen into Eren’s chest.
“Pee? Wait, why?”
“Because Eren, we’re tested your blood but we haven’t received consistent results. So we are going to try your bladder. So drink up! We need at least a liter.”
“A liter?!” Eren squeaked.
Hange cackled. “A liter indeed!”
“(Y/n), do you want to help Eren out?” She flashed a grin at you.
“Sure,” you shrugged. “What do I have to do?”
“Just make sure he drinks this entire canteen of water. And if he doesn’t..” her smile dropped and she grimly looked at you, “Force him.”
Eren managed to drink the canteen of water and he also managed to give a liter of urine samples. Unfortunately, Eren had to run to the bathroom every half hour for the rest of the day. This resulted in a very irritated Captain Levi and a snickering Jean.
“What experiment did four eyes do on the shit head today?” He asked you when you walked into his office.
“She needed urine samples from Eren so she forced him to drink an entire canteen which is a gallon of water in one hour.” You grinned while grabbing your stack of papers.
He cringed. “Poor Eren.”
You snapped your neck to look at him in shock. “Did you just have sympathy for someone, Captain?”
“Oi, shut it. Don’t get mouthy with me.” He teasingly pointed a finger at you.
You snickered, taking your usual seat at the table. “I mean… It’s Hange. I always have sympathy for anyone who works with her. Look at poor Moblit.” He chuckled.
His chuckle rang through your head. He chuckled. You quickly caught your thoughts and felt heat rushing up to your cheeks for getting flustered about him chuckling. Why are you feeling like this?
“Captain, what’s the occasion? I don’t think anyone has ever heard you laugh.” You grinned at him.
“That wasn’t a laugh.” He immediately responded while scribbling on papers.
“Fine. A chuckle.” You rolled your eyes and began shuffling through the papers and organizing them.
“Well feel special I guess. You heard your captain chuckle.” He mockingly repeats the word in your tone.
Special. You smile. I do feel special.
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Wet Dreams- Chan X Felix.
(This is my first time posting a fic to tumblr so sorry if the layout is bad)
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The hotel room was silent.
Felix lay fast asleep next to his best friend Chan who was yet to drift off. The younger had his arm wrapped around the older mans torso and his head buried in the crook of his neck. Chan didn't mind this , he had always been protective of Felix and wanted to make him feel as comfortable as possible. It was also comforting to him to know that Felix felt so safe with him.
He felt Felix shift pressing up closer against him letting out a soft noise of discomfort.
Was he having a nightmare?
For a second Chan debated waking him, he didn't want Lix to start panicking.
It was when soft moans began to leave his lips that the leader realised what was going on.
He turned to look at the freckled boys face.
His face was tinted red and his plump lips parted ever so slightly, his hips began to grind against Chan's leg leaving him shocked to feel his hard member.
"Oh fuck please."
Felix's voice begged.
The older began to feel flustered at the sight and sound of his best friend dreaming about doing such explicit things.
"Ugh Chan fuck , need you so bad."
He was lost for words.
Felix was dreaming about him ?
No matter how hard he tried he couldn't help but feel incredibly turned on at this situation .
He felt his cock harden in his boxers and his face flush a tomato red.
Felix's pace began to pick up, moaning as he rubbed his length against Chan.
He couldn't take it anymore .
" Hey Lix mate ? Wake up."
His voice spoke softly , he didn't want him to feel any embarrassment.
His eyes fluttered open immediately taking notice of the situation.
Quickly he moved from the position he was in hiding his face in shame.
"Chan I'm so sorry I didn't-"
"Felix calm down, it's fine." He older reassured.
"No I'm so embarrassed Chan." He whined into his pillow.
Chan moved closer to Felix and carefully grabbed his chin to tilt his face to look at him.
" Felix, I said it was fine."
The blonde haired boy struggled to maintain eye contact with Chan. All he could think about is the dream he had just been awoken from. His face flushed even more red and he bit down on his lip.
"What happened in your dream anyway hm?"
Chan smirked.
"Channie please don't it's so embarrassing." Felix didn't think this could get any worse.
That's when Chan flipped him over so that he was laying back on the bed while he hovered above him.
"You seemed to be really enjoying that dream, and you are still hard. How about you tell me what happened and I will help you out babyboy. Does that sound good?"
He couldn't believe what he was hearing but he was so desperate for relief that he didn't care anymore.
" You were teasing me and fucking me." He shamefully admitted
The older didn't need to hear any more , he immediately attached his lips to his friends roughly kissing him , his tongue asking for entrance which Lix granted. His hands grasped onto the younger mans hips as he moved lower down sucking on his neck and leaving marks of ownership all over his caramel skin.
Felix bit down hard on his lip fighting back moans which became impossible when Chan moved on to suck on his sensitive nipples.
"Oh fuck Chan." His noises of pleasure filled the room as the older teased the sensitive bud with his tongue while flicking and toying with the other with his fingers.
Again he moved lower trailing wet kisses down his stomach leading to the waistband of his boxers before stopping and going back up to attach his lips again to the other mans. He began to grind his hips against Felix's , them both moaning into each other's mouths from the friction.
Again Chan pulled away and removed Felix's boxers allowing his hard dick to spring free.
"You are so hard for me aren't you baby boy."
He chuckled breathing softly against it causing him to whine .
Placing a small kiss on the tip he began to swirl his tongue around it slowly taking more down his throat but not enough for Felix to be fully relieved. He wanted to tease the boy and watch him shudder in pleasure beneath him . The freckled boy grabbed the sheets as Chan started to hum around his length causing his body to shake.
"Mmh Chan please , fuck , I need it."
He struggled to keep his voice steady.
With a loud pop Chan took the boy out of his mouth.
" Use your words babyboy, what do you need?" His voice teased.
"I need your cock please Channie." His face was bright red but the lust he felt was way stronger than the embarrassment.
" where do you need it Lix ?" He smirked looking at the boy desperate for him.
"Need it in my ass , please Chan just fuck me."
That was enough for Chan to hear . He stripped himself from his clothes eager to pleasure the boy .
Felix took in the view of Chan's washboard abs running his hand down them and gasping when he saw the size of his hard cock . How was that all going to fit ?
Chan flipped the boy over and reached for a bottle of lube that was in the bedside table. After squeezing some onto his fingers he started to rub against Felix's tight pink hole slowly pressing them in to tease and stretch him out . After a few thrusts he was ready and lined his dick up before pushing into his entrance.
He started off slow with steady thrusts , soft moans left Felix's lips every time Chan hit his sweet spot .
"F faster please fuck." He begged the older man , he just wanted to feel every inch of him slamming into him.
Chan gripped harshly onto his hips rocking into him at an almost impossible pace .
"Oh fuck babyboy , you take my cock so well in your tight little ass, making my cock feel so fucking good."
Chan growled. He placed one hand against Felix's neck applying pressure as he continued to thrust into him . The freckled boy was nothing but a moaning shaking mess and he knew he was close.
"Ch- Chan ugh fuck I'm gonna fuck." He screamed out as he came shooting all over his stomach . Shortly after Chan followed , cumming inside Felix.
He pulled away and admired what a mess he had made the boy .
He lay panting, his plump lips parted his face red with hair tossled , cum leaking out of his hole and hickys covering his neck and chest .
"You look so pretty with my cum leaking out of your ass like that baby boy."
Felix just blushed biting his lip and trying to steady his breath.
Chan left the room for a moment and returned with a cloth so that he could wipe down the mess they had made .
After he had cleaned up he crawled back into bed next to his friend hugging him close.
"Channie?" The voice questioned.
"Yes Lix?"
"Um, what are we now?"
Felix couldn't help but wonder what would happen to their friendship now that this has happened.
"What do you mean Lixxie?"
His voice spoke softly .
" well , I like you and we just ... so um."
He struggled to speak , embarrassment took over his voice.
Chan chuckled looking at the boy fondly
"Well I like you too Felix . If you want to be my boyfriend you'd be more than welcome to."
Felix beamed with joy softly kissing the Aussie on the lips . He had been waiting for this moment for what seems like years . He buried his head in the crook of Chan's neck and curled up besides him as Chan wrapped his arm protectively around him. The two lay there silently enjoying being in each other's embrace.
"I love you Lix , goodnight." Chan whispered kissing the boy's forehead before they drifted off to sleep.
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candy-and-writing · 3 years
What A Triple Lutz Can Do
part iii
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Dark! Bucky x Ice Skater! Reader x Dark! Steve
Summary: Steve and Bucky have found each other again, after everything they’ve been through. When Steve meets you at the Winter Olympics, he decides you’re the perfect little doll for their plan.
General Warnings: non con/dub con, stalking, drugging, kidnapping, male masturbation, pet names—kitten, princess, ie; oral sex (female and male), fingering, (forced?) poly relationship (m/m/f), somnophilia, light bondage, more to be added as the story goes on
Chapter Warnings: non consensual touching and kissing, non consensual drugging, mean! Steeb, soft bois, stucky fluff
I am NOT responsible for your media content consumption. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and/or dark themes. By reading this work you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work posted on any third party app or website; if you are seeing this work anywhere other than tumblr and archiveofourown, it has been reposted without my permission.
Part Two // Part Four
It took you fifteen minutes to gather the courage to take a shower. Another ten to undress. You hated how exposed you felt, how at any moment Captain Rogers or Sergeant Barnes could walk in and see you naked.
The shampoo smelled heavenly, and as you dried your hair you marveled at how soft it was, how the scent lingered in your hair.
You clutched the towel to your body as you rummaged through the dresser drawers, searching for the least provocative set of underwear. You settled on a pair of lacy briefs that showed more of your ass than you initially thought and a matching bra.
You sorted through the wardrobe five different times, trying to find something to wear. Should you wear a dress? Did they want you to dress up? God, why were you complying with them?
You decided on a white sleeveless dress with a pink floral pattern and a flattering neckline. You paired it with a light pink cardigan, pulling the sleeves down past your wrists.
Looking in the bathroom mirror, you find what you need to style your hair, applying a quick layer of mascara to your lashes. While contemplating whether or not to put on some lip gloss, you grabbed the Chanel perfume bottle, examining it carefully before spritzing a little on your neck. It smelled like jasmine and roses. You liked it.
You shouldn't like it.
You're looking through the extensive makeup collection when you hear the door unlock. You turn your head and watch Bucky close the door behind him, balancing a tray with three plates of food in one hand. He spots you in the bathroom and his jaw drops.
"Wow, doll, you look—you look amazing."
You give him a timid smile and watch as he moves out of sight. You follow him to the threshold of the second room, the one you hadn't yet looked in. A small dining table sat in the middle of the room, with an absolutely gorgeous diamond chandelier hanging above the table. A large bookcase filled with books lined the wall. Skimming the titles, you realized that most of them were books that you had at home—or at the very least the same authors. Some were books you've never heard of before, a few were ones you've always wanted to read. Others were older, classics like the Oz series by L. Frank Baum and the Lord of the Rings series. Books that Steve and Bucky would have read in their childhoods.
"That was Steve's idea," Bucky says, walking up to you after he set the plates down on the table. "Wanted to get you something a little more personal."
You hummed in response, not knowing what else to say. Were you supposed to thank them? For what, for kidnapping you? For buying you expensive luxuries you didn't want?
Bucky hooked his finger under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him.
"You look absolutely stunning in this dress, doll," he murmured, his voice low. You swallowed before finding your voice.
"It's just a dress. . . ."
His eyes were gorgeous. Tantalizing blue-grey like the sky at the first signs of a storm. You found yourself lost in them, at the little specks of a deeper blue, of green. You didn't realize he was closing in on you until his lips touched yours.
He smirked against your lips as you squeaked in surprise, your shoulders tensing as your hands flew to his chest to push him away. You felt like you were pushing against a brick wall; the solid mass of muscle beneath your palms wouldn't budge. When Bucky seemingly got tired of your resistance, he gathered your wrists in one of his hands and pinned them to your chest.
He moaned against your mouth, coaxing your lips apart as he dipped his tongue in. You stayed frozen in your spot, letting his tongue roam within your mouth. His hand trailed down to your breast, squeezing softly as you whimpered. His lips moved to the corner of your mouth, then to your jawline, kissing and sucking his way down your neck.
"You're wearing the perfume," Bucky commented, murmuring against your skin. "Do you like it? It reminded us of something women would wear back in our day. Something that fits you."
You shut your eyes, biting back a whimper as he nibbled on your neck. He intertwined his fingers with yours, pinning your hands flat against the wall and he suckled at your pulse point. You let out a weak mewl as he licked over the dark mark he created, his knee pushing against the apex between your thighs.
"Bucky asked you a question, sweetheart," Steve said suddenly, standing in the threshold, holding a bottle of wine by the neck and three glasses by their stems. Your eyes go wide at the sight of him and you try to push Bucky away, but he doesn't budge.
"When one of us asks you a question, you answer it." Stave's voice was surprisingly stern, sending a shudder down your spine.
It took you a moment to gather your voice. "Yes. . . it smells very nice." If either of them heard how shaky your voice was, they didn't acknowledge it. Steve hummed, setting the wine down on the table.
"Buck, dinner's ready."
"Mmm, I got dinner right here," he mumbled. Bucky grabbed your hips and pulled you down on his knee, grinding your core against him. You yelped, pushing against his chest in desperation.
Bucky grumbled in response, fingers digging into the divot of your hips as he licked a stripe up your neck before finally relenting.
Your knees were shaking so much you could barely keep yourself upright, your hands plastered against the wall for support. Mascara streamed down your cheeks as Bucky held his hand out to you.
"C'mon, doll, let's eat."
Steve pulled out a chair for you, Bucky guiding you to sit down. Steve wiped your stained cheeks with a napkin, shushing you as you whimpered.
"Buck and I made your favorite, sweetheart," Steve beamed. "Fettuccine Alfredo with broccoli. We even got a bottle of Cabernet to share."
You nodded, mumbled a small 'thank you', and let Steve set your plate in front of you.
"Eat up, sweetie."
You were allowed one glass of wine during dinner, which was barely filled a third of the way up. You wanted to drink from the entire goddamn bottle—it seemed appropriate, considering the circumstances.
The fettuccine was good, admittedly, which made you sick to your stomach. You weren't very hungry, you had hardly taken four bites of your pasta, and Steve and Bucky had noticed.
"What's the matter, doll?" Bucky asked. "Do you not like it?"
"No!" you rushed. "No, it—dinner's wonderful. . . I'm just not very hungry."
"You haven't eaten all day, sweetheart," Steve chided. "And you didn't have very much to eat  yesterday, are you feeling okay?"
You scoffed at that. "Other than the fact that a couple of psychotic superheroes have kidnapped me?" you muttered. "Oh, yeah, I'm great."
"Watch the attitude," Steve warned. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking down at your uneaten food.
"Steve." Bucky looked at his friend, giving him the puppy eyes he couldn't ignore. "Give her a break."
Steve sighed. "If you really don't want to eat, fine, we'll go over the rules instead. Buck, you mind cleaning up?"
Bucky downed his wine, sighing as he and Steve stood. You were hesitant to follow, but when Steve held out his hand for you to take, you realized you didn't have much of a choice. He threaded his fingers in yours, guiding you back to the bed.
"Sit," he told you. You took a seat on the edge of the bed, Steve standing in front of you. "Good girl."
You couldn't stop the involuntary shudder that ran down your spine at the pet name. Steve smirked at your reaction.
"We're going to go over the rules, okay? There aren't many." He waited until you nodded to continue. "First off: We won't tolerate disobedience. You'll do as you're told when you're told, and you'll drop the backtalk. Got it?"
You couldn't understand the fear that settled in your gut. You should be angry—furious—at him for trying to control you, but you were just unbelievably scared. They held all the power here. You were helpless.
"Second rule," Steve growled, "you answer when Bucky or I talk to you."
"Okay," you forced out. Steve's expression relaxed a little.
"Good. Until you can show Bucky and me that you're ready to move upstairs with us, you'll stay down here. We bought you some books already, but if you want anything else to keep you entertained, just tell us. We'll get you anything you want, within reason. And you can make as much noise as you want down here—we soundproofed it. Doesn't mean you won't get punished for causing a ruckus, though."
Your lower lip wobbled a little as you responded with, "I understand."
"You will treat us with respect. You'll use your manners, you'll be sweet. You will accept what we give you, and you'll do as you're told when you're told.
"You disobey us, you will be punished. And trust me, Bucky and I can get pretty creative when we want to be. Your attitude at the dinner table was your only warning."
"I understand," you said quietly. "I'm sorry."
The apology slipped past your lips before you could stop it.
"Buck and I will do everything we can to make you happy and comfortable. That's our job, sweetheart, to make you happy." He gently cupped your cheek, his hand so warm you had to stop yourself from leaning into his touch. "You already make us so happy, we just want to return the favor."
You frowned at that, confused. Steve could see the wheels turning in your head, an amused smile on his face.
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours, princess?"
"Why am I here?" you asked carefully, your shoulders tense as you avoided his gaze. "I just—I don't understand."
Steve sighed, squatting down so he was level with you. "Because, sweetheart, we need you. You are perfect for us, baby, I knew that the moment I first saw you on the ice. The way you danced was so—so beautiful, you know? Like you were walking on water. I saw the way you seemed to relax, like every burden was being lifted off your shoulders. It's the only time you've seemed truly free. You're always so busy, sweetheart; between classes and practice, when do you have time for yourself? You're gonna work yourself to death, baby. We can help you, we can make you happy. I know you don't understand right now, but we are what you need.
"And you'll make us happy. We want you with us, want you in our relationship. We love you, sweetheart, we just want to show you that we love you."
You didn't realize you were crying until Steve brushed his thumb against your cheek to wipe away a tear.
"I know it's a lot, baby, but it's the truth. We're gonna take care of you, princess. You'll be safe here."
Your hands shook as you folded them in your lap, wringing your dress through your fingers. The fearful pout on your face had Steve trying to stop a smile. The crease between your brows was just too cute.
"But—I was happy," you sniffled. "I love skating, I love dancing. . . I was going to graduate in the spring. You're taking my life away, why can't you see that?"
"We know it's tough, doll," Bucky said, leaning against the threshold, his arms crossed against his chest. "We know it'll take some time for you to acclimate to your new life, but if you're patient with us, we'll be patient with you."
"No. You don't understand—" Your fear was quickly dissipating into anger. They weren't listening to you, they weren't going to listen. "I don't want to be here. You say you care about me? That you want to make me happy? Then let me go, please."
Steve sighed, looking back towards Bucky. His gaze turned hard as he looked back at you. "You're staying with us. We'll talk about some things we can get you to keep you from growing bored."
Your face fell at his comment.
"My ma used to cross-stitch," Bucky commented. "I would watch her and my sister go at it for hours. I'm sure it isn't too hard to figure out."
"Or knitting?" Steve piped. "You ever knit, sweetheart?"
You shook your head after a moment, appalled that they were having this conversation so nonchalantly. Rage radiated within you, angry tears threatening to spill past your lashes as you dug your nails into the palms of your hands.
"There anything you like to do, princess?" Steve asked.
You shrugged simply, looking down at your hands. Steve frowned, opening his mouth to speak when Bucky stopped him, resting his hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay, doll, think about it for a bit." He gave you a small smile before giving Steve an exasperated look. "Stevie and I'll take the dishes upstairs, why don't you go ahead and get ready for bed?"
You swallowed thickly, nodding.
"Good girl, we'll be back down in a bit."
You watched them leave, the big heavy door locking you in behind them. You felt numb—fuzzy—like you weren't actually there. Or maybe you were just hoping you weren't. That maybe this was all some drunken-induced nightmare. Maybe you had drunk too much and wound up in an alcohol-induced coma.
You stood, stiffly walking toward the dresser. You shuffled through the drawer, looking for something suitable to sleep in. All you could find were silky slip ons and vintage nightgowns with lace on the hems and little bows—you hated it. You hated how they picked your wardrobe like you were a doll, how they were keeping you down here like a. . . a pet. Like you were a puppy they chose to take home from a shelter, keeping you in the basement to acclimate you to the house.
You groaned in frustration, slamming the drawer shut. You pace back and forth between the width of the room, pulling at your hair as you tried to put your thoughts together. Your head was spiraling, completely overwhelmed as you drowned in rage and fear and stress until you felt like you couldn't breathe.
You jumped as you heard the door unlocking, turning your head just in time to see Steve enter the room. You frowned, watching him wearily as he smiled at you, closing the door behind him. "Hey, sweetheart."
"What are you doing here?" It slipped past your lips before you really thought about it, mouth clamping shut as soon as you saw the way Steve's jaw clenched.
"Made you some hot chocolate," he said, holding up a mug. "Sprinkled some cinnamon in it, just how you like."
You felt your stomach drop. You blinked once, twice, swallowing the bitter disgust that was threatening to overflow your senses. "Oh, um. . . thank you."
He moved to set it down on the nightstand, turning back to you. "Why haven't you changed yet?"
"I—uh—I just—" You looked down at your florally dress, eyes flitting back up to meet his. "I couldn't decide what to wear," you lied.
Steve watched your eyes flick to the side, your hands playing with the fabric of the skirt of your dress. He smiled, stepping close to you and hooking his finger under your chin to tilt your head up. "Why don't we go find something, huh? Come on."
He wrapped his hand around yours and guided you to the dresser, opening up a drawer. He started to shuffle through the clothing. "Let's see. . . how 'bout this, sweetheart?"
He pulled out a little black silk slip-on, holding it up by the straps. Your jaw dropped, completely appalled as tears quickly began to well in your eyes in panic. You had just started to stutter out an answer when Steve chuckled.
"I'm just kidding, sweetie, relax."
Your stomach flipped as you watched him smile—a genuine smile that split his lips and showed off his pearly white teeth. You blinked, stunned, taking in the smile lines in the corner of his eyes and the barely-there dimples on his cheeks.
"How 'bout this one?"
He showed off a modest nightgown with strings laced up the neckline, doily lace trimming the hem of the collar and the skirt and pink bows decorating the fabric. You scowled, barely stopping a grimace from spreading across your lips. Steve caught it anyway, huffing out a laugh.
"Not that one either, huh? Okay. . . . What about this one?"
He pulled out a sleeveless silk sleep-dress with lace tracing the neckline and the straps. The color of the silk reminded you of something a newly wed would wear on her wedding night, that off-white ivory that many women dreamed of. Knowing that was probably the simplest nightgown you had, you let out a sigh, your shoulders dropping.
"That one works," you told him.
Steve beamed, his eyes sparkling as he shut the dresser drawer, handing you the nightdress. "Alright then, go ahead and get changed."
You nodded, giving him a small smile back as you went to turn. He caught your arm, his grip firm yet gentle. "Where ya goin'?"
You frowned at him. "The . . . bathroom? To change?"
His grip on your arm tightened for only a second, enough to send a shudder down your spine. You bit the inside of your cheek to try to steel yourself, hoping you didn't look like a dog with its tail between its legs.
"You don't need to go to the bathroom to change, doll. You can do it right here."
"Now, sweetheart. I won't ask again."
You nodded, shuffling the sweater off your shoulders. You ducked your head, your hands wringing the sweater tightly. "Could you—um—could turn around, at least? Please?"
Steve sighed and you dropped your gaze. "Fine. But you're gonna have to learn to get used to Buck and me eventually."
You nodded and watched as he turned, thanking him. You were quick to unzip the dress and let it pool at your feet. You struggled to unclasp the bra, grunting in annoyance when it wouldn't come undone.
"You need some help, sweetheart?" Steve taunted. You could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
You decided to just slide the straps off your arms and shuck the bra down your body until you were able to step out of it, dropping it on the floor and pulling the nightgown over your head. It was shorter than you anticipated, the hem reaching mid-thigh instead of your knees.
"Okay, you can turn around."
Steve took two steps and he was facing you again, smirking down at you.
"You should drink your hot chocolate before it gets cold," he said.
"Oh, uh—right." You sat on the edge of the bed, wrapping your fingers around the mug before you took a small sip. Steve watched you intently, the corner of his lips twitching into a smirk. "So —um. . . where's Sergeant Barnes?"
"He's finishing the dishes," Steve told you. "Should be down here soon. Why, you miss him already?"
You felt your cheeks heat up, your fingers tapping against the ceramic of the mug as you sputtered out your answer. "N-no, it—it's not—I was just curious, is all."
Steve chuckled. You swallowed nervously, taking a prolonged sip from your mug—mainly as an excuse to avert your eyes from Steve's gaze. You kept silent, focusing on the warmth that flooded your chest every time you took a sip of your hot chocolate. You blinked lazily, your body feeling heavier. Steve sat down next to you, and as you turned your gaze you realized for the first time he had changed. Before, he was wearing trousers and a button-up shirt. Now, though, he's in sweatpants and a plain white shirt.
"Bucky thinks you'd like a record player down here," he said, "something so it isn't so quiet. We could get you some cd's, some records. Does that sound good?"
Not how does that sound? or would you like that? But does that sound good? He wasn't giving you any other option but to comply. To be okay with his decision. You blinked again, finding it harder to open your eyes this time as you nodded, muttering a soft, "yeah."
Steve smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple. You jumped, spine going rigid as you felt his lips split into a grin against your skin.
"You're too cute, babydoll."
You swallowed, sucking in a shaky breath, bringing the near-empty mug to your lips. You couldn't tell if it was the trembling in your arms or if your hands were really shaking, but you gripped the ceramic tighter so you wouldn't drop it. You had never been called that before. Babydoll. You always hoped you would have a partner who would call you by that pet name, but the few boys you dated in high school and freshman year of college were. . . shallow. Your second boyfriend hardly ever told you he loved you. But—even still—you never thought the first time someone would call you that would be a situation as fucked up like this one.
The loud click of the lock broke you from your thoughts, the solid steel door opening slowly. Bucky Barnes stepped in, shutting the door behind him, smiling at you as you heard the dreaded lock click again.
"Hey, doll," he greeted. He ran his flesh hand through his cropped hair, smiling down at you as he crossed over to you and Steve.
You honestly couldn't tell if you acknowledged him or not. Your vision was clouding and your eyelids felt heavy like you could fall asleep in a second if the two men would let you.
"She drink her hot chocolate?" you heard Bucky ask.
"Practically chugged it," Steve answered. You frowned, not understanding their words. You looked down at your empty mug precariously, your brow furrowed as you tried to look for something obvious. Like a roach.
You shivered as Bucky took the mug from you, his fingers ghosting over yours and he smiled. You shuddered again, goosebumps rising upon your skin when Steve started combing his hand through your hair.
"What's the matter, baby?" Bucky asked. "You cold?"
It took you a moment to answer, your eyelids closed, as you mumbled out a soft, "yeah."
You felt Bucky's hovering presence leave for only a moment before it returned; you cracked your eye open to see him holding out a cardigan sweater.
"Go on."
You took it with a soft 'thank you,' and pulled the woven wool over your shoulders. It was so soft against your skin, you hugged your arms around your body as the plush fuzz tickled your bare arms, letting out a sigh. Your head started to droop after you closed your eyes and Steve had to nudge your chin up with his finger. You heard him chuckle.
"I think that's our queue to go to bed," he said. Your world was spinning then, as two hands came under the crooks of your shoulders and lifting you. You let out a lazy yelp as Bucky plopped you down on the center of the bed. You bounced on the mattress a few times before you settled, your eyes falling on Steve as he pulled his shirt over his head.
"Wha. . .wha're ya doin'?" you slurred, heart racing as you felt the bed dip.
"We're goin' to bed, baby," Bucky said like it was obvious, crawling into the bed beside you. You frowned at him, your mind foggy as you tried to wrap your brain around what was happening.
"I. . . no—I don't want—"
Steve shushed you, climbing into bed on the other side of you. His hand pressed against your chest, the width from his thumb to his pinky finger spanning across your entire front as he pushed you back with little effort. Your back landed on the plush mattress with a soft 'oof'. "You're just tired, sweetheart," he smiled. "Go to sleep."
You couldn't fight it. Their body heat engulfed you like a typhoon engulfing the mainland; it was overwhelming. You were imprisoned between the two supersoldiers and being forced into a slumber so violently it was like you were being smothered with a pillow. You let out a breathy whine as Bucky wrapped an arm around your torso.
"Hush, doll," Bucky cooed. "You're okay. Just close your eyes."
You fought some more, sluggishly flailing your arm and trying to bat away hands until Bucky had pinned you down, hugging your body flush to his. He crooned your name softly against your ear, his hot breath sending a violent shiver down your spine.
"You're alright, baby," he hushed. "Just relax, Stevie and I are right here. Just go to sleep, princess."
You didn't know if it was the drug or the cozy heat that radiated off of the supersoldiers—maybe it was both—but you drifted off soon after, your body feeling like maple syrup was running through your veins. Steve and Bucky watched as you settled down, your shoulders dropping as your breathing evened out.
"Is she asleep?" Bucky asked softly, lifting his head to look at Steve.
"Yeah, she passed out quick, I might've put too much of the sedative in her drink." Steve was on his side, arm under his pillow as he looked down at the girl curled against his chest.
"I told you, she isn't very big—half a dose would've done the job just fine."
"I just want her to be comfortable," Steve pouted, letting out a sigh. "She was so scared earlier. I just wanna show her she doesn't have'ta be afraid."
"It'll just take some time, Stevie," Bucky told him. "Soon enough, she'll see that this is what's best for her, I promise."
"Yeah." Steve paired with your hair, listening to your soft snores as silence filled the room.
Steve agreed with Bucky—it was too quiet down there. Apart from your small breaths, Steve could only hear the quiet buzz of silence. He thought about records he and Bucky could get you; you liked soft music—acoustic and folk/indie. You really liked an artist named Taylor Swift. Steve tried to ask Bucky if he knew who she was, but he didn't, so Steve ended up downloading her entire discography onto his phone—with Sam's help, who refuses to leave him alone about it. Steve actually liked a lot of her songs; he thought they suited you.
"Do you think it's too dark in here?" Bucky's low voice seemed to echo throughout the silent room.
Steve had been thinking the same thing. There was only a little night light plugged into the bathroom, so you had a little bit of guidance, but they'd have to get you another—maybe in the other room, if they got one bright enough. You were used to the city noise, the light seeping through the cracks of your blinds.
"Yeah," Steve whispered back. "We could get her another nightlight?"
Bucky hummed in response. "Maybe something that sits on her nightstand? It'd be a little brighter than a plug-in."
"Yeah, we'll look for something in the morning."
They stayed quiet for a while, both supersoldiers admiring you while you slept soundly between them. Steve ran his fingers through your hair while Bucky's traced shapes over your bare thigh under the blankets.
"This is perfect, Stevie," Bucky smiled, breaking the silence, reaching over you to grab Steve's hand.
Steve lulled in agreement, still watching the way your chest rose softly with your quiet breaths. "We waited so long for this, Buck, to have her here. She's gonna learn to love us, We just need to be patient."
"I just. . . she's right here, Steve. We're holding her and all I wanna do is fuck her until she can't think—but she's so scared. I don't wanna scare her."
"I know," Steve sighed. "But soon we won't have to control ourselves, she'll be begging for us soon enough."
Bucky had to stifle a groan just thinking about it — about how your little voice would sound begging for his cock, begging him to fuck you silly.
You shuffled between the two of them, letting out the smallest grunt as you readjusted. Bucky gripped your hip to still you, his thumb rubbing small circles into the divot of your hip. You stopped squirming, letting out a small huff before you relaxed.
"She's restless," Bucky noted quietly like he was talking to himself.
"Side effect of the sedative," Steve said. "We'll have to play around with the dosage. Maybe try half a dose tomorrow night, see if even that's too much."
Bucky nodded. "She'll need to eat more tomorrow, too. What she ate at dinner wasn't nearly enough."
"She had a big day," Steve countered. "She was hungover, for one. And she was a little shell-shocked, poor baby couldn't wrap her pretty head around all this."
Bucky huffed out a laugh as Steve grinned.
"I love you, Stevie."
"I love you too, Buck."
Your body protested the first time you woke up. Your senses were fuzzy, only half awake as you protested with a high pitched whine, curling in on yourself. You were so warm, so comfortable, it was lulling you back to sleep as you were struggling to wake.
"Shh, babygirl." There was a hand carding through your hair, drifting you back into slumber. "It's alright, go back to sleep."
You were too tired to actually comprehend the voice, or the hands in your hair and on your hip, running up and down your waist. You were too lagged to feel the two bodies crowding you between them, trapping you between their heat.
You drifted off again just as you felt the lingering touch of lips on your cheek.
The second time you awoke, you were much colder. Maybe that's why it was easier to open your eyes. It was pitch black in your room and for a moment you worried it was still the middle of the night—until you felt the bedsheets. It wasn't nighttime, there just weren't any windows in your prison. It could be noon and you wouldn't be able to tell.
You forced yourself into a sitting position, groaning when your head started to throb so violently you thought it was going to explode. You leaned forward to search for the edge of the bed, yelping as your hand never touched the mattress and you went toppling off the edge. You landed on the floor with a dull 'thump', pulling the covers down with you. You weren't able to catch yourself in time before your head smacked onto the floor.
"Fuck. . . ." you whimpered, shakingly bringing a hand up to your forehead. The lights flipped on, and two pairs of hands were on in less than a second.
"What happened, doll? Are you okay?" It was Bucky. His hands rested on your forearms as he pulled you up, cradling you to his chest. Steve's fingers grazed the bump that had started to form along your hairline and you winced, trying to escape the pain that jolted through your head. "C'mon babydoll, use your words."
"She hit her head," Steve said gently.
"M'fell," you grumbled, clutching at your temples.
"Why don't you let Stevie look at it, princess?" Bucky coaxed, hooking his finger under your chin and turning you to face Steve. You let out a high pitched whine in protest as you were forced out of the darkness the crook of Bucky's arm provided, your eyes closed as your head throbbed in the light. Bucky shushed you, his fingers running through your hair gingerly.
"She might have a concussion," Steve mumbled to himself, his thumb just barely grazing the contusion. "Nothing major."
You grumbled out a garbled response and burrowed your face back into the crook of Bucky's arm.
"No, baby, I need you to look at me."
When you refused to move your head, Bucky kissed your hair, whispering to you, "C'mon, precious. All you gotta do is look at Stevie for a little bit, then we'll turn the lights back off. Can you do that for us?"
You were quiet for a moment before you looked back up at Steve, cracking your eyes open. He smiled at you, sneaking a quick look at Bucky before he returned his focus to you. He holds his pointer finger up in front of your face and tells you to follow it with your eyes. He glided his finger to the left first, and your gaze followed until the appendix left your vision. He did the same thing to the right side. Your head was pulsating under your skull and you had to close your eyes, squeezing the bridge off your nose to alleviate some of the pressure.
"She has a small concussion," Steve confirmed. "We'll just have to keep an eye on it. Nothing else we can do about it."
"Get off me," you scowled, shoving yourself out of Bucky's lap. You were shaky as you stood, tripping over yourself before you found your balance.
"We're just making sure you're okay, doll." Bucky grabbed Steve's hand to keep him from shouting at you.
"You're the reason I fell in the first place," you grumbled, scoffing as you rubbed your temples. They were the ones who brought you to this basement, it was their fault you couldn't find the edge of the bed when it was so god damn dark.
"What'd you say, sweetheart?"
"Let it go, Steve," Bucky pleaded. Steve didn't listen.
You didn't have time to even blink before he was on you, hand gripping your jaw tightly and shoving you against the wall.
You winced when the back of your head collided with the wall, his fingers digging into your jawline.
"You wanna try that again, sweetheart?" he scowled.
A whimper escaped your lips, your small fingers wrapping around his large wrist.
"Last chance, Sweetheart."
"I'm sorry," you squeaked. "I—I didn't mean it. . . I'm sorry."
Steve closed his eyes, inhaling like he was physically restraining himself, and stepped back. He let go of you and you gasped for breath, doubling over and wheezing.
"I'm not gonna tell you again," Steve glowered. "We won't tolerate your attitude. That was your last warning."
You nodded furiously, tears welling in your eyes and streaming down your cheeks.
"Get dressed," Steve ordered, motioning for Bucky to stand up. "We'll be back down with breakfast in a few minutes."
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step-on-me-khun · 2 years
Just another thirsty white fan :D
Is it ok to ask for a NSFW scenario for white bragging about how perfect his performance is in bed yet the reader sarcastically answers with something like "no that's not true,,, you only know how to pleasure yourself while I only got pain" and that shocked him and hurt his pride, so he decided to give her the best night
From one White smut request to another 😂 I don't mind tho
Big f for accidentally posting when I wasn't even done, thank tumblr
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Warning(s): Smut; degradation - no minors please
Word Count: 2875
Taglist: @unexceptional-h @rizonacigaravenue @aoi-turtle
As of recently, White had been going around and bragging. At first, you paid it no heed and thought it was his way of being a nuisance. If an argument came out of it, then it would boost his ego to win when he could. It started with pretty things at first, boasting about his defeats in battle. Then, as soon as the others knew of your relationship, it got worse, in a way you didn't want.
Comments he made to Shibisu, noting that he would never get a lover like you. The way White would say these words sounded cruel.
It was always the guys who got the proud brags and boasts. For Khun and Hatz, it was easy to ignore, even if White hammered on and on. But then White's comments because sexual, kind of like he was implying that no one could please you as he did. Overhearing him a few times did annoy you. And the looks Shibisu and Bam gave you filled you with embarrassment and shame whenever you were in the same room as them.
You needed to give that sorry asshole a piece of your mind.
Opening his bedroom door, you immediately got greeted by the sight of him sitting on the edge of his bed. The cold stare of White's eyes hits you, paralyzing you with fear for a short moment.
You slowly slide the door, locking it behind you, letting out a sigh as you cross your arms and lean against the door.
"Can you cut it out with the boasting already?" You ask hopefully, biting and chewing on your lower lip.
White huffs with annoyance, cold eyes staring darkly into yours. The fear that would through you suddenly shifted. White was annoyed that you brought it up.
"Stop being such a sensitive baby," White teases, his gaze softening a little, "it's not like it's painting you in a bad picture. Stop taking it so seriously,"
It was getting nowhere, so you decided to play him at his own game.
"It's not just that," you explain, perching yourself beside him on the end of the bed, "it's that you're making it up,"
White looks at you with both shock. To White, what he had boasted about was the truth. But clearly, only some of what he said was accurate.
"Just because I'm being loud and vocal doesn't always mean I'm enjoying myself. You're pretty rough and heavy-handed," you exhale, calming yourself a little, "you like to think of yourself when we're intimate. Why say you like pleasing me when you don't?"
"You overreact. I'm pretty sure I do a pretty good job of giving you what you want. The way your body responds, it's never looked like you weren't enjoying it,"
"Nope," you smile at him, "that's not true. When it comes to who gets pleased the most, that would be you, not me. Even when I've been in pain, you think I'm enjoying myself. I guess you're just a bit oblivious," you tried to be blunt and sarcastic. But all it did was make White look more dangerous and imposing.
In an instant, White's hand travel to your neck, pining your body to the bed. "Do you want me to show you how good I can treat you?" His voice was dark and sultry but with a tone of danger. It was enough to make to aroused within a second.
"You can try," you tease.
"Good, now strip for me. I'm planning on giving you a night you're never going to forget,"
And you believed him. The ache you felt to have him inside you was unbearable. Quickly you start removing your clothing, starting with your top and bra, then moving swiftly to your bottoms and underwear.
In White's eyes, your neediness was nothing short of amusing. You were his, and only his. No one was capable of making you shiver and squirm beneath him. And that's how he wanted to have you: squirming and shaking, begging for more, screaming out his name.
Again, as you slid the last layer of clothing off, White pinned you down. Damn, he was quick, undressing just as fast as you had. White seemed like a hulking monster at times. Right now, he most certainly seemed that way.
With one hand cupping your neck, keeping you in place, White's other hand travels down your body to your wet entrance. You shudder and cry as White's long fingers glide up and down on your slit.
He took his time, making sure that he made you feel good. After all, you would only scream out his name if he were doing a good job.
There was nowhere to look but at White's eyes. Not one place in the tower looked as tempting and dangerous as White's eyes. It was as if looking at them in the morning was a blessing, but, at the same time, they could also be the thing you were likely to see before your demise.
"I'll give you what you want, but only if I can take my time with you," White says as he pushes his slender fingers inside you.
Your back arches as White's fingers reach inside you.
He was just as slow as before. His fingers twist as they push inside you, scissoring as they pull out.
It was easy to get impatient. Even if you wanted to yell and tell White to get on with it, he would hush you either with his mouth or hand.
"Mmh, White," you cry, squeezing your eyes shut and praying for White to hurry it up already.
You were so pretty, all whiny and red. White would always be proud of what he had done to you, all the bruises and scratches he was endlessly proud of them. They gave him an ego boost and made him smile when reminded of the night you two had.
"Do you want more, my whiny baby?" White teases.
"Yes," you choke, "please, I do,"
As soon as you replied, White's fingers sped up, thrusting into you rather harshly.
Loud gasps and moans escape your beautiful lips, letting White know just how good he was doing. The way your body responded to him made White heat up. You weren't trying to push him away or struggle. Your hands gripped the bedsheets at the side of your head, legs desperate to wrap around White, wanting to have him closer.
"You want this so bad, don't you? My pretty little whore,"
The degradation wasn't the best thing about intimacy at first. It took a while to get used to it. Your vocal objections gave White a bit of a wake-up call, and some harsh words got replaced with small compliments. But it was still degradation. It wasn't something you needed to take seriously.
The hand around your neck loosens, moving to pin down one of your legs.
Your eyes focus on White's face as he moves closer and closer to your clit. Heat quickly rushes to your face, and your breath begins to hitch as White's mouth attaches itself to you, teeth grazing and biting on the sensitive nub.
The bed shifts a little as you struggle. It was just so intense both pain and arousal shot through you as his teeth bit into your clit.
You can't help but cry out a little. Every time you jolt, White's free hand would hold you in place, all the while, his eyes would focus on yours. White was judging you for being this fidgety. But you couldn't help it.
White would switch between using his teeth to bite or scratch on your sensitive nub, to flicking it with his tongue, then sucking on it roughly. All while White's fingers toyed with your insides.
All you could do was lie there, lost in all the pleasure White was giving you. It was too much, and also, not enough. Words sputtered out your mouth, telling White how good he was using you.
All of the intense pleasure built up inside you as you feel your walls clenching down on White fingers.
"Need to come," you cry as your hands rush to tug and pull on his hair.
White chuckles against your core, which vibrate up your whole body, making you shiver.
It was like a firework had been lit inside you and would only go off when once you orgasmed. And that's what happened. Your mind went blank, shuddering beneath White as his fingered and mouth continued doing their work to your entrance.
The fingers that had gripped on tightly to White's hair loosened as you came, your breath shaky from the intense feelings you had.
White wasn't done with you, not at all. He was going to use his fingers to make your body shake one more time.
Oh, fuck, maybe you should've kept your mouth shut. But then again, perhaps it wasn't as bad as you were making it out to be. You had to get White to think of your pleasure and not his. The constant bragging and boasting about his bedroom feats were only going to last so long.
Lewd sounds rush into your ears, sending arousal through you as White guided his fingers in and out of you at the same monstrous pace as before.
As you buck your hips up against White's mouth, your back arches, desperate for more and more. But White was quick to push you back down, leaving bruises on one of your hips.
"F-f-fuck, too much," you purr, almost unable to form any other words or even string a sentence.
You could try and press your needy hole closer to White's mouth, but all that would do would make White want to torture you more.
As you desperately tried getting more, the familiar burning feeling gripped at your insides.
"White," you cry, tugging on his hair, "gonna come,"
It felt like time stood still as another intense orgasm rushed up to your head, making your vision turn white. A soft but loud groan escapes your mouth.
White's fingers slowly slide out of you, leaving you a little unsatisfied.
"Was that enough for you?" White asks menacingly, "or do you still want me to please you some more?"
He towered over you, his hands beside your body. White looked like a vicious beast that had caught its prey. Your face was so red, so flustered. It looked like that last orgasm did something to you. The way you shook a little gave White a bit of an ego boost.
"More, please," you beg, letting your hands caress White's face.
White plants a rough kiss on your lips, kind of like a response. "Good, 'cause I wasn't even finished with you yet,"
Rough hands moved to your waist, turning you onto your stomach quickly.
Your eyes focused on the headboard in front of you.
White's hands move from your waist to your hips, pulling you onto your knees.
"This time, punch or kick me if it's too much," White says as he moves in between your legs and thrusts inside you.
You let out a loud cry, hiding your head into a pillow.
Maybe White did care about your feelings when intimate he might've had trouble speaking it.
If anything, White was more focused on the sounds and sight in front of him. Even if it was so intense that it made tears stream out of your eyes, it didn't mean he would stop.
You babbled and gurgled like a baby. White's fingers were nothing like his cock, which would always fill you up so nicely.
It was so easy to give in to everything he was doing to you. Your head on the pillow, arms nearly limp beside you.
The bed began to move, not a lot, but enough to give others a hint as to what you were doing. Oh, you were never going to live down the stares and look from everyone tomorrow.
Every little thought that gathered up in your head got pushed aside by rough thrusts as White drove himself inside you.
White was strong. So he could fuck you for an entire night, and that was what you were afraid of - no sleep. What joy.
Aside from the constant moans and groans escaping your and White's mouth, there was also the loud slapping of skin as his hips pushed into your ass.
"S-so good," you cry against the pillow, your arms wrapping around it, keeping it close to your mouth.
A sharp sting ran through you as White's hand hits your ass, making you jolt up the bed.
White had picked up a good speed and pace, so he thought of giving you something else to make you enjoy yourself. If his rough hands left a good-sized mark on you, all the better. It was a reminder that you belonged to White.
Reality seemed nonexistent as the head of White's dick slammed into your g-spot. A string of cries leaves your mouth, the pillow beneath you absorbing them all. Luckily, White could hear your cries. As soon as they hit his ears, they sent a wave of pride through him.
"Your body's reacting so well to me," White groans, gripping tighter onto your hips. Bruises were beginning to form on the skin around White's fingers.
You were a mess, and White had made you this way. Each delightful thrust sent you closer and closer to the edge. You could feel it but never announced it.
White could tell how close you were. You didn't need to say anything to him. The moans and cries had already done that.
Your body shook at your third orgasm. Gasps and cries dwelled down. And still, White didn't stop.
Everything felt euphoric like you were floating on a cloud. All that kept you grounded was the rough touch of White's hands as they squeezed down on your hips.
A rough slap would sting your ass every few thrusts, making the red mark on your cheek even redder.
White was so sure no one would ever have this effect on him. The way your walls reacted so nicely to his cock drove him insane. If only he could fuck you like this all the time. You were weaker than him, and White knew that all too well.
"It's too much, White," you cry, "how much longer?" You turn to look at him, eyes lidded and full of lust.
White lets out a short chuckle, thinking you were only joking.
There was no response, only movement. It was a night White never wanted you to forget, after all. What fun would it be to stop now? Just a few more times of giving you release before it all ended, and he would let you finally rest.
Your fourth release came quick, sending you into insanity as your sensitivity became unbearable to cope.
Still, White thrusts into you. And you had no idea if White had even come inside you yet. Did he come inside you the first time? You couldn't even think. All that was in your head was nothingness.
Knees and legs started to feel heavy like they wanted to collapse onto the bed, but White's hands still clamped onto your hips.
"W-White," you cry quietly, hoping and praying for the sensitivity you felt to cease.
"You've been so good," White praises, "goona come one more time for me, pretty slut?"
Even if your mind went blank, you were able to comprehend that it was nearly over. One more release and you would be left to rest. But was that what you wanted? Yes, and no.
White seemed to enjoy himself, and it sounded like you made him feel good. So was it so bad that you had a little pride? Not really.
But this was about White pleasing you, and he had most certainly had done that.
No matter how mercilessly he thrust into you, it was always enough to make you scream out in pleasure.
"G-gonna come," you struggle to cry.
Your fingers dig into the fabric of the pillow. You start to crumble from the intensity of your fifth climax. It was too damn much. But you loved it.
It was something you had brought up yourself. You had no one to blame for this. If you were unhappy with White's treatment of you so far for the night, it was on you.
Your knees fall to the bed as White's cock leaves you. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of him. White's pale skin had a tint of pink, and he was happy with himself.
The come on his length was a mixture of both of your liquids. He had done a number on you. Your body felt like it had run a marathon.
"Is this - is this all for the night?" You ask curiously.
"For now," White teases, "be glad I gave you a chance to rest,"
"What do you mean by that?"
White gives you a smug glance as he walks away to clean himself up.
Maybe it wasn't the end of it. You had all night after all, and that thought alone made you quickly fling the blanket up and over your head.
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please don't steal what I write
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