#hugh servamp
sy1r4h · 9 months
Creds to @joydoesathing for the MV!
(did u guys know I do edits? No? Well you do now)
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mahi-does-some-art · 1 year
I just realized this and I may just be dumb for not realizing it sooner but-- each Servamp’s weapons are what killed them in their human life!!!
Kuro was killed by being stabbed through the abdomen by a candelabra. The only reason he uses those claws of his was because he did not have the part of himself necessary to use his candelabra weapon. The first time we see it used is when Sloth uses it!
Hugh died of old age, a natural process. His weapon, which we thought was Tetsu’s before we found out there was no contract, is a coffin! Since he wasn’t outright murdered like the majority of his siblings, it makes sense he’d get a coffin.
Jeje-- Well, we haven’t seen how he’s died yet but I think it’s very reasonable to say he was a part of some clergy and was somehow shot. His weapon may have evolved as time went on because they didn’t have guns until like, the 10-12th centuries.
Freya likely died in war to protect her fellow soldiers. Because she used herself to protect others on the battlefield, she gets a shield. Also it must hurt if she knew her fellow soldiers were prooobably who was killed in order to make her into a Servamp. Devastating.
Hyde was killed by his own family, who were greedy and he was likely one of a few sons, not the oldest and thus expendable. Given the time period and noble activities for men, he was likely killed with a saber like his own. So he gets his own!
WE LITERALLY SEE THE WEAPON ILDIO WAS KILLED WITH, THIS BIGASS CLEVER and then we see him with it when he uses his unique magic to fight Jeje. This one is obvious.
Lily’s weapon is a scythe. We also don’t know too much about how he was killed but I’m going to guess he was executed via some sort of guillotine or by, jazz hands, a scythe because not all executions were done by guillotines lmao.
Tsubaki... I think he killed himself. A katana through the stomach or any other vial place in response to the melancholy he felt in his life. That’s a pretty self-explanatory conclusion.
Honestly I think this is really cool! Also a constant reminder of their deaths and how they were made. Great job Germaine.
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starrycyberse · 9 months
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Isn’t this the first time that Tetsu’s shown smiling in the manga? If so that’s kinda sad 😭
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Dear SerVamp Fans out there, please give some asks and dares for the SerVamp casts for the Christmas video
The casts are:
Sloth Pair
Mahiru Shirota
Kuro[Sleepy Ash Of Sloth]
Pride Pair
Tetsu Sendagaya
Hugh[Old Child Of Pride]
Envy Pair
Mikuni Alicein
Jeje[Doubt Doubt Of Envy]
Greed Pair
Licht Jekylland Todoroki
Hyde[Lawless Of Greed]
Lust Pair
Misono Alicein
Snow Lily[All Of Love Of Lust]
which are the main 5 pairs and will be included in the video but! you can also do a ask and dare with
Wrath Pair
Izuna Nobel
Freya[The Mother Of Wrath]
Gluttony Pair
Niccolo Carpedium
ILDIO[World End Of Gluttony]
Tsubaki[Who Is Coming Of Melancholy]
Sakuya Watanuki
C3 Member
Touma Taishi
Tsurugi Kamiya
and we have a special guest too!
Inner Sloth which is Kuro's demon/core!
The timeline details are:
Present Of The Past, which is after defeating Tsubaki and being neutral with Tokyo Branch C3 and with Tsubaki and his main subclasses
Details of the Asks and Dares:
It can be anything as long as it isn't bad or something, it can also be personal but not that personal.
Details for the Ships[Relationships] asks and dares:
Envy and Greed Pair just started dating after a few days/weeks
Sloth Pair are still close best friends but you can ask them relationship asks and dares because for this video I'll make the ship true even though they are supposed to be dating after a few... storyline from my fanon storyline..
Lust,Wrath,Gluttony Pairs are just platonic ships.
Sakuya and Tsubaki, I am considering this ship but its kinda cute and good so yeah.
Touma and Tsurugi are well father and son- even though they aren't related biologically-
So yeah, I will pick all the comments that gave asks and dares except if they are bad or too personal I will pick them but will only give a silent answer[For the asks] and No.[for the dares]
Thank you for participating and giving asks and dares, I really appreciate it because I am planning to atleast make the Asks and Dares Christmas Video 10 mins or more and for my timezone it is 7 days until Christmas day so you guys have 1 week to send asks and dares! while you guys are sending dares I am doing the video so I won't be bothered and rushed to do the work and upload the video late.
Once again Thank you for participating and giving asks and dares.
Good bye servamp fans!
-Luna&Fandoms_Playz UwU
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to-spend-time · 2 months
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So, who will take it?📖
What do you think?
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yarrayora · 4 months
mentioned before that the author of servamp is a fan of katekyo hitman reborn and a lot of the characters are inspired by khr cast such as this duo
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a very old vampire trapped in the body of a toddler and the 14 years old he's fond of even though he tells himself this should be just a job
i thought that would be where the similarity ends though since tetsu and hugh have a very different dynamic than tsuna and reborn but i was wrong
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compare that scene above with Tsuna who got angry about Reborn not expecting Tsuna to be able to save him even though Reborn's expectations is the thing that saved him in the first place
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it's not an exact recreation of the scene but you can tell where the inspiration came from
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kitty-ashh · 8 months
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Yes I'm bad at coloring🥹
‼️click for quality‼️
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acediathemelancholy · 2 months
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Ironically, despite their distaste for each other, this inability to have expectations of others is a character flaw shared by both Hugh and Mikuni. Hugh assumed his role as an avenger alone and chose to only use others to pursue that goal until this arc due to his pride. And if I remember correctly, Shuuhei also said that Mikuni was the type to not have any expectations of others. Even without the confirmation from Shuuhei, the chess game theme with him really does show how little he thinks of other people's agency
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amirayray · 3 months
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I forgot about the existence of these works. In fact, the guys from Servamp here are just in fashionable clothes :)
I have more with their Evas, but I haven't finished even buying half a year soooorry ;>
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katzkinder · 2 months
Servamp headcanons, ice cream edition! Because my grandma got an ice cream maker and we’re all super eager to try it out but then she broke her back (she’s fine, don’t worry)
Mahiru: plain old vanilla. Misono introduced him to vanilla BEAN ice cream though and he’s feeling a little guilty about wanting to splurge a bit for the more expensive, creamier stuff… Kuro is an enabler and his encouragement is the only reason he’s still managing to resist. Just do it Mahi!
Kuro: Cookies and Cream is his favorite, but he’s also partial to cookie dough, or crumbled chocolate mint cookies as topping. He likes both the taste and the texture
Misono: chocolate lol. He’s predictable. His absolute favorite though are those ultra decadent brownie batter type of chocolate ice creams. Yknow the ones. Chocolate pieces, brownie bits, hot fudge swirl… He gets sick off the stuff easily though, so even though he loves it, self control is everything
Lily: vanilla bean with strawberry topping and cheese cake bites! He loves fresh strawberries in his desserts, and often he and Misono will trade bites if they’re getting flavor fatigue. Also very rich but the strawberry helps cuts through the sweetness
Tetsu: a Basic Boi who loves GariGariKun the most. Prefers popsicles over dairy treats. Yeah technically this isn’t ice cream but like. It’s the taste of summer and after bath refreshments. I’m not taking that from him
Hugh: vanilla with hot fudge sauce (and/or blood). He still prefers his chocolate parfaits, or better yet for this scenario, a milkshake
Licht: yknow those ultra sweet cotton candy flavors? If it’s ice cream by itself, he loves that. But if it’s a float, it’s gotta be vanilla in melon soda. If you take him to marble slab or similar place that lets you mix in a bunch of toppings, he will make a beeline for the gummy bears. Gets disappointed every time that they turn hard and unpleasant to eat, even though he already knows the outcome
Lawless: he has two favorites. Coffee bean (distinct from just plain coffee flavor) and moose tracks. I’m not sure what that’s called in other places? Basically it’s vanilla with peanut butter cups and fudge. Only goes for this when he’s depressed, if I’m honest. Otherwise it’s too sweet.
Mikuni: haagen daz amaretto almond crunch and their hojicha latte flavor. Forever sad that the former was limited edition and doesn’t make seasonal returns. It was absolutely perfect for his and jeje’s terrible Netflix movie nights (with the occasional appearance by johannes so they could make fun of the bad science together)
Jeje: since Mikuni only buys haagen daz (spoiled pretentious shit) he’s grateful they a rich pumpkin flavor that becomes available during autumn. He also really likes horchata milkshakes for the comforting taste of cinnamon.
Iduna: Tried butter pecan once and was hooked. The crunchiness of the pecans is her favorite part. It’s her go to for when Haagen Daz Creamy Vanilla Pudding flavor isn’t in season. Back home, though, it’s got to be the rather… Unique. Salty licorice flavor. She gave some to shuuhei one time just to watch him gag. She knows what she’s doing to that poor boy.
Freya: the simple freshness of strawberry ice cream is her guilty pleasure. She been thinking of making her own with an old hand churner. It would be fun, right? And it’s not like it would be difficult to get the ingredients she needs.
Nicco: Pistachio gelato, though he also enjoys the tartness and slight bitter aftertaste of limoncello flavor. He likes taking Ildio with him whenever there’s a new flavor he wants to try but isn’t sure he’ll like. Even if he doesn’t care for it, his servamp probably will. Does that make him mean?
Ildio: No preference as of yet. He’s still figuring this whole… Tasting your food thing out
Tsubaki: as expected, he loves matcha and red bean flavors. REALLY excited some of the Hagen daz hanamochi series is becoming a permanent flavor
Sakuya: rocky road. Sweet, crunchy, and a little bitter on the back end from the chocolate. Refuses to admit it but he also enjoys the hanamochi series. He’s stubborn. Whenever he wins a free popsicle he gives the stick to Mahiru, so inevitably when they hang out, that’s what he buys if they stop at the konbini, just for the chance to maybe earn some good boy points with his best friend and crush. And he thinks he’s subtle—
Reblog with your own headcanons! I love seeing what people add to my posts :3
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joydoesathing · 11 months
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dancing with a bunch of corpses
was trying to find a reason to draw all of the versions of st. germain
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tipzycat · 5 months
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He looks like
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A garden gnome
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hello-vampire-kitty · 8 months
Chapter 135 reaction
Hello everyone!
I haven't read all the lines, because I've been so busy and tired from work and My God, I'm so behind on many scanlations but in the meantime I wanted to comment on a few scenes in the new chapter, 'cause it will take me a while before I get to make a proper translation.
So, let's start with the scene that I think broke the fandom and that's Hugh's adult form, LIKE OMG HE LOOKS SO SEXY!!!
So pretty😭
It's so cool that now he and Tetsu have a proper contract, he was given a shogi piece (the silver general) and Tetsu added "silver" to his already long name which Hugh found it amusing. So yeah, Hugh the Dark Algernon the Third Silver everyone! xD
Regarding the name of Hugh's ability, it's still called "Black Box", but now it has the alternative reading which I believe is in reference to "Flowers for Algernon" because we have 花束を and the Japanese title is written  [ アルジャーノンに花束を ] however his ability can be translated in a few ways, such as: "Flowers for friends I have yet to see” alternatively, I believe "Friends I have yet to meet" could also work. I don't know if it relates somehow to the story of Algernon..I only found a Japanese song that had まだ見ぬ友 in it's title. Maybe some of you have theories about what it could be referring to.
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affectionatecorpse · 20 days
Me: Oh hey, I actually really like this thing!
Me: Sounds good! A new hyperfixation will mix things up a bit! Plus the main character is complicated enough to expand upon--
Autism: NO
Me: ?
Me: But--
Me: But they have no fan content
Me: ... I'll make my own--
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yarrayora · 1 month
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the funniest thing about this is i made the pride pair version because calling tsurugi old is killing me
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mahi-does-some-art · 7 months
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Hugh, new and improved!
(Click for better quality)
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