#i am genuinely scared for s2 bc
paint-music-with-me · 2 years
ok so 
i’ve been thinking about what i want in s2 bc what else can i do while i wait for saturday to come and literally destroy me??? 
and i realized that i am hoping for so much in s2
usually in sequel series/seasons, i feel like so much potential is lost after building so much in s1 and im worried about it happening to KP
but right now? what they have so far? i think they could build a really good s2 - they just need to keep their priorities in check
ive not read the novels (and i don’t plan to) but ultimately what i think may or even should happen is: 
kim and chay don’t get resolved -> leads to the major (emotional) conflict btwn KP bc i feel like porsche will have to decide how to move forward with chay and kinn who are on two different sides: one wants porsche out of the mafia world and the other wants him by his side. i think the tension btwn them will heighten everything for whatever plot they may throw into the mix that involves the mafia. 
then from there, there could be more tension from kim and chay as kim tries to reconcile with chay but maybe he gets on the bad side of porsche when he finds out about what happened btwn the two of them?? so more tension??? maybe kim does some reckless stuff as he contemplates his actions and what kind of person he is (idk analysis but maybe he thought he was different from the mafia; that rather than destroy, he’d create but in the end he broke his own heart and chay’s) 
ultimately im saying i need more kimchay scenes bc holy shit wow....they didn’t have a lot of scenes together?? it’s why i was soooo confused abt how chay can just say “ily” so fast (but then again chay does wear his heart on his sleeve) after they spent a couple of sessions of tutoring together like i need moreeee
also obvi while all this internal turmoil shit is happening btwn these four, let’s add more tension where pete is all conflicted and emotionally constipated about his place, his role, his personhood as vegas also tries to rebuild the minor family from the ground up (maybe throw in some... idk like i heard vegas had a stepmother but she bailed when Kan died - but imagine what’d it be like if she was a rising boss who wanted to take over - maybe that’d bring an interesting conflict for kinn and vegas to start working together?? which brings pete and vegas more scenes to interact unwillingly??? and also venice potential??? but also gods i dnt want a baby brought into this shit aaahhhh) idk man
and like all of this gotta be paced out nicely like now they’ve got 3 couples intermingling w/ e/o so it gotta be evened out just a bit *sigh* 
all of this to say...
i need angst in s2 but i need it to be good - i need it to literally eat me from the inside out with anticipation and fear for what’s to come. no bullshit love triangle, no half-assed B plot line, no stupid mafia war shit that’s not even worth fighting over. No. I need blood-pumping, heart-pounding, rage-inducing, tear-ridden vibes from s2 or i’ll seek out blood myself my dudes holy shit
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girlbossblackbeard · 1 year
just found out the heartbreaking news that djenks is apparently STRAIGHT???? and not a married gay man in his 40s writing a love story about two gay pirate men in their 40s????? honestly in a state of shock right now, gonna have to really reevaluate some things both looking back and moving forward. i thank you all in advance for your patience as I work through this journey of acceptance ❤️
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seeing posts on my dash about go s2 like gripping my phone grinding my teeth staring wide-eyed and unblinkingly into the void snarling and hissing and spitting refusing to watch it like as long as i don't watch it season 2 isn't real it can't hurt me they lived happily ever after
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spacedlexi · 4 months
Wait, people think Carver is the best TWDG villain?? I always thought he was basic as hell, and the fact that he was beefing with an 11-years old girl... Now Stranger on the other hand was great, he was super intimidating and off-putting and I was genuinely so scared he would hurt Clementine. I also liked Minnie for the same reasons (she was so creepy/off-putting), but I still think Stranger is the best villain bc he had a great setup while Minnie was kind of a secondary villain. But going back to Lilly/Carver, I also definitely prefer Lilly over Carver even though neither are my favorite... And now I'm kind of curious how you would rank the rest of the TWDG villains? 🤔
carver being the best villain is a sentiment ive heard for years 😭 im sure its coming from the "S2 is the best season" crowd tho which i also dont agree with 💀
the stranger is an effective villain. hes not exactly the typical villain type people expect. but hes very unsettling and him stalking clementine for who even knows how long through the walkie talkie is 🤢 he really makes me feel sick. she was using that talkie to deal with the loss of her parents, and this fucking creep took advantage of that so hard he was able to convince her to trust him. ugh he makes me feel so gross. and think of all the guilt clem must have about that situation. trusting this freak to help her find her parents, when if she had just stayed then lee wouldnt have gotten bit looking for her, and her parents were already dead the entire time anyway. oof. theres no way that isnt one of the biggest regrets of her life
carver is fine. i definitely think his character wouldve made more sense if they put kenny in that role instead. that way theres less "i am a grown man beefing with an 11 year old" and more "this is a child i helped look out for once, and im gonna make sure shes raised Right". but i agree that carver as he is is just over the top. overly villainous to the point of it being a little comical. like when villains are all tough like that my reaction is usually "god i WISH youd fucking kill me already so i dont have to hear your bullshit anymore do you know how GOOFY you sound??". if it was kenny in that role i definitely think they wouldve been able to tone it back a bit, and him "having a good side" wouldve been way more believable. as he is carver is kind of one note
joan.... definitely the weakest of the bunch. i dont really have much to say about her. david isnt even technically a villain but i definitely saw him as the better antagonist for the season. i mean hes definitely a villain in clems eyes. and is a constant semi-antagonist towards javi throughout the whole season. joans just kinda.. there.. doing things behind the scenes to cause conflict until the final confrontation. and then she can just disappear... okay
i like the way the antagonists work in S4. theres more of a discussion around what actually makes someone a villain and the difference between a person who fucked up and made (very horrible) mistakes, and a person who is straight up a threat. and i like that it connects back to the idea of lee and his murder of that senator. did he do something horrible? yes. did he destroy his relationship to his family? yes. does he regret what he did? i think so. and he definitely has guilt about his fucked up relationship with his wife. in S1 they mention how non-guilty people got sent to prison all the time. while lee is Definitely a murderer, we get to see over the season that hes a good guy who just wanted a family and in a moment of rage and betrayal did something he can never take back. this is why i never hated marlon. did he fuck up and do horrible things? of course. but he was a scared fucked up teen leading a group of other scared fucked up teens. he knows he fucked up, and continued fucking up to cover for his previous fuck ups lol. but he can be talked down. its a shame it ends the way it does, but i really like being able to teach aj the difference between people like marlon and people like lilly
lilly takes that kenny/carver idea and applies it to a clementine that has grown up and has been looking out for herself (and baby aj) for years now, instead of the 11 year old trying to figure shit out she was in S2. shes too old for lilly to be able to sway her in a way she couldve been more susceptible to in S2, and when lilly finally realizes this she just turns her attention to aj instead, seeing the potential in him (a potential clem does NOT want aj to live up to, wanting him to get to be a kid and not just a survivor, let alone a killer). lilly is fun because you can see in her that she WANTS clementine on her side, and throughout the season progressively realizes that its just never going to happen. both lilly AND clem come to the realization that this person they once considered family is beyond reason, their views too different, and so the fighting begins. their fight at the end of EP3 really feels like a "so its finally come to this" moment for both of them, their final fight. i always shoot her.
whats interesting about minnie is seeing her evolve from secondary antagonist in EP3 to straight up primary villain in EP4. the things shes done, the way shes been broken. she becomes her own downfall, seeing herself as someone beyond redemption. that this is just who she is now, its how things have to be. because if they didnt have to be this way? well then theres a lot more guilt she'd have to deal with. yelling at her in EP4 to just STOP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS ANYMORE but she has been changed (in her eyes) so irreparably that she cant see any other option. and she progressively sees clem as the one who fucked everything up for her, instead of accepting that it could all finally be OVER. after killing sophie, the delta was all she had left. it cant have all been for nothing. and so she blames clem for taking it all away from her, even tho clem is just trying to protect her family. the family that used to be minnies. and so in her rage she gets bit. something else that she couldve avoided. but shes just too lost to her own downward spiral, unable to be reasoned with. by that point she just wants it all to be Over. and she wants to take tenn with her so she can finally pretend things can all go back to the way they used to be. her, sophie, tenn, and their parents all together again, where no more bad things have to happen to them. shes super tragic and i love her for that. and i love how she holds this dark mirror up to clem. clem struggles to let go of her past too, and the guilt she has over the things shes done and people shes hurt. and that if she cant learn to let go and move on she could get lost to it the same way minnie did. theres a reason clem is so quick to accept her fate, but shes finally able to leave that guilt holding her to her past behind in that barn. and she returns to ericson a much happier and lighter person, so much weight finally lifted from her shoulders. its finally over for her too
so yeah. my fave villains are definitely the S4 ones due to their nuance and layers. then the stranger, then carver, then joan. if i had to put david on this list he'd probably be above carver. but thats mainly because he has more nuance than carver ever did
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heydorothea009 · 22 days
HEY BREAD ON TOAST FANS!!!!! (This is the part where you cheer) HEYDOROTHEA009 IS BACK TO BRING YOU BREAD ON TOAST CONTENT!!!!!! (Applause)
After taking about 5 months to write season 2 (I started writing super slowly back in December and was writing it all throughout posting season 1), I AM FINALLY DONE!!!!! RAAAAHHHHH!!!! And the reviews are in: “You somehow took a really boring season and made it something interesting!” - my best friend and #1 fan of this series; Alyx Rees.
Full disclosure, there are parts of this season that read very much like a novelization of Future Man season 2, idk, you’ll see. But after procrastinating, wishing I were dead instead of writing certain chapters, and procrastinating some more, I actually somehow created a body of work I don’t hate (I was scared to write this season tbh)!! I really hope you enjoy, bc I genuinely muscled through a lot 😐 and if you know this season, you know what I mean. I’m very, VERY excited for you guys to read chapters like J1: Judgement Day and The Last Horchata, those are the ones I’m proudest of!!
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I love it when milkvan accounts have "the superhero and the heart 💜💙" in their bios, like yesss address her by exactly what she doesn't wanna be seen as, and him as how his other love interest standing in the way of milkvan sees him
I can honestly say it's gotten to a point where I feel bad? Like, completely separate from byler obviously, just seeing some of their takes on things, it makes me feel pity almost because their interpretation of what's happening is just so superficial and yet they truly believe it's the most beautiful love story on the planet.
I'm not even the type of byler that hates milkvan tbh. I am a byler that was a milkvan back in the day. Like, I hate to admit this, I hate it so much, but I literally remember rewatching season 2 to prepare for s3's release and I skipped all of s2 practically so I could get to the end to rewatch their reunion! I was that bad!
For those that don't know, s2 was seen as like a big risk from Netflix's perspective, because they were scared that the show would tank since El wasn't with the boys again, specifically Mike, for the entire season. And so I can honestly say, at one point, I contributed to a large sector of fans back then who thought it was the Mike and El show and ended up missing a lot as a result. Though, upon coming across theories post s3 (Mike in front of the closet in Will's room was what opened my eyes officially), I remember rewatching s2 and seeing that shed scene and feeling instantly that it was romantic... And so apparently, all it took was me actually watching it instead of skipping over it to realize....
So that's probably a part of the problem for them still, is that they're watching the milkvan scenes with undivided attention (with rose-tinted goggles), and they're glossing over everything else. Even now, with one season left we still see them downplay Mike and Will's relationship by saying Mike hates Will? And that alone could not make it more obvious that they do not actually watch the show.
Most bylers on the other-hand are capable of watching milkvan scenes, multiple times, like we analyze them to death. And most of us are coming from a good place, genuinely trying to understand these two characters and where they are both coming from. Though, I have yet to see a byler scene be analyzed by milkvans? Like they just don't talk about them beyond downplaying them both romantically and platonically? I'm convinced they've seen every byler scene maybe once bc they were forced to on the first watch but they've avoided their scenes ever since... Not great for their ability to understand the show obviously.
Many of them do in fact view that first meeting in the woods as like them falling in love at first sight. And genuinely, A LOT of people got hooked on Stranger Things in the first place because of Mike and El and them sort of viewing all of their interactions as irrefutably romantic.
And that isn't inherently bad! It's not! But now when you add Will in the mix, you start to see the hypocrisy seep in through the cracks. And it's because by comparison, they view fans merely speculating about Mike's potential feelings for Will as something to be seen as perverted or gross. And so that for me, is when I sort of start to question the groundwork of milkvan.
Because quite frankly, I didn't see any of these people getting angry and defensive about how gross 99% of the audience was for shipping Mike and El in s1-2. As far as I can remember, the show was a hit in large part because it followed this very successful trope of self insert nerdy boy meets girl who is way more 'cool' than him, and people ate that shit up bc we always do. It's what we're used to. It's safe. From what I recall, no one had any problem with Mike trying to kiss El in his basement bathroom after like 3 days of knowing her, during a very traumatic time in their lives and only specifically after Lucas implied Mike was already in love with her and wanted to marry her at this point.
They saw that and said, that's love bitch.
And bylers say this all the time, but it is absolutely true: If the roles were reversed, if El was the best friend of Mike's who went missing and instead Will was a boy they found in the woods while looking for her, fans would have been saying this is obviously a best friends to lovers story between Mike and El!!!.. And that bathroom scene? If that happened between Mike and Will? They would have saw that and said what the fuck kind of sick shit is this.? And maybe it would have been in large part because the circumstances at play, bc it doesn't really matter to me personally when it comes to that situation whether it was a girl and a boy or a boy and a boy, it was an odd choice to make, plain and simple. And that's what I'm trying to say here. That to them, one is true love, and one is disturbing.
Mike's known Will longer. If he is queer (he is), then it's very likely he did have a crush on Will at the time he met El, not necessarily super consciously or anything. But even despite that, I don't think Mike would have felt comfortable with kissing Will in that situation, nor any other boy or girl. They prove this when Mike's makes that comment in s2, chastising Dustin and Lucas for merely being interested in getting to know Max, despite never having spoken a word to her? Like that tells you right there the circumstances and everything at play is what led Mike to try to kiss El in that moment, a moment that was unprecedented and never would have happened in any other scenario.
Even in the case they found Will in the woods instead of El, I don't even think that scene would have happened either? And this is because the whole point of it was for El to ask Mike if she was still pretty despite having a buzz cut (looking like a boy like everyone in the story has been hinting at us that entire season), for Mike to say pretty, really pretty, only for him to look visibly uncomfortable with himself, followed by trying to overcorrect this moment by kissing her.
That scene wouldn't make sense with Mike and Will bc it was happening in the first place because of heteronormativity. And it existing and people thinking it's like peak romance, is in and of itself proving the hypocrisy of an audience that is eventually going to call Will and Mike ending up together, coming out of nowhere and perverted...
Bc you just know if El was Mike's best friend, they never would have had any interest in Will as this boy they found with superpowers. They would have got those scenes of Mike looking everywhere for El and instantly latched onto the boy/girl slow-burn best friends to lovers trope.
The crazy together scene???? If that scene was between Mike and his best friend El, fans would have been rooting for it to end in a kiss... Why do you think the Duffers had that awkward long pause at the end? They were nodding to the fact that this audience is willing to see one thing, but not the other. Even when the thing they're willing to see is overcast by things that should make you a little bit more critical of it in the first place.
Putting Will or any other boy in El's place in that scene in the bathroom or other moments between Mike and El in s1 would have completely removed the romantic lens for most of the audience back then, and it's because... wait for it... HETERONORMATIVITY!
We as a society see a boy and a girl being nice to each other and pressure them to make it official. Hell no a boy and a girl can't just close friends. Either one of them is harboring secret feelings or one of them is gay.
Heteronormativity is literally why most of society latched onto these 2 characters, not necessarily the pieces that made up the whole. And so they have to make up excuses despite the circumstances bc it is so normalized that they don't think twice about it, because they've never had to think twice about it up to this point.
Stories have always catered to them. In fact, the stories we've been exposed to our whole lives has created the expectations we have in the first place.
And so like... I do feel bad but only bc I'm a decent person and don't like to see people hurting genuinely.
No doubt I will feel satisfaction seeing some folks who were hurtful to bylers get a taste of their own medicine, but I genuinely hope that they can eventually learn to accept it and appreciate the story for what the Duffers intend it to be when it's all said and done.
As for the superhero and the heart... again, I feel bad like genuinely, I don't know how to even explain the unnecessary guilt I feel that these strangers who I don't even know are going to be whiplashed tf out of next season...
#stranger things#anti milkvan#sorry that i sort of went off on a tangent#i just don't feel like i'm the type of byler to hate milkvan?#maybe it's bc ive reached a point where i feel zero threat to like byler or whatever?#but that's the thing#it's not even about shipping byler and like wanting them to be together#i've just been along for the ride this whole time and going along with what's presented#and byler is obvious to me based on the evidence#and so i like talking about it and analyzing it bc there is so much to still discover#if byler didn't happen i wouldn't like be heartbroken#i would just be like 100% genuinely confused#bc i'm not here bc i'm like queerbaited constantly#i'm here bc i like tv shows and movies and get fixated on ones that are smart and interesting every other year#and st is the fixation rn#and byler is like the life and blood atp#bc there's just soooooooo much!#hopefully milkvans will allow themselves to rewatch byler scenes finally post s5...#bc you just know most of them can't bc it makes it near impossible to convince themselves milkvan is superior...#like... it's obvious the show doesn't want you to feel that way by the end of s4#so...#but it's inevitable they'll have to choose between being bitter forever or just simply accepting it and appreciating it for what it is#i wish them all well#besides like genuine homophobes who are pieces of shit#i look forward to them saying this was fanservice or last minute or something#that will be... peak entertainment
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
here are my thoughts on the new episode!!! this time im actually writing them out in real time. ive been so so excited for this one
- no normal fact damn. thats okay though will i support
- oh god are they doing this w their comedy personas.
- i love how tori didnt even get an introduction to scam it was just like oh yeah theres a guy here named scam likely
- LINK JUST SHOWING GARFIELD ON HIS PHONE lincoln li wilson bless ur soul
- somehow the audio quality of link being on a microphone extra loud makes this so funny
- istg the moment hermie has a line im gonna scream and jump up and down
- i literally forgot that disney movies have anime remakes now in dndads i was so confused for a sec WAIT TORI DOESNT KNOW THIS OMFG IMAGINE HER CONFUSION
- honestly though i think taylor opening up like this through comedy makes sense
- link is so supportive of taylor awwww
- i think its so funny and ironic how scary is the only one who doesnt drop lore about her family in her set
- "im sensitive about that :[" MY LITTLE GUYYYYY NO
- will campos is carrying this entire episode
- hermies up now i am so fucking scared. this episode is NOT going the direction i thought it would omfg (not complaining at all im just in shock)
- *applauds hermie along w tori* (I CANT BELIEVE ANTHONY IS DOING THIS W JOKER MAKEUP)
- thanks for the existential crisis/aging/suicide jokes hermie i really needed that on my bday 😅😅 /s
- "im saying were all thinking about how i would be better off dead" IM KILLING MYSELFFFF
- nobody hmu ever again /j i am never going to stop thinking about the fact that hermie is canonically suicidal
- i had to take a big ol break just to process that shit. fuck. this is somehow making me even more insane hermie brained wtf
- "u dont like me, u idiot" 😦
- will campos really holding on strong for us. normal is gonna fix hermie if its the last thing he does ig
- NICKYS BACK i wasnt expecting him this episode yippee
- im being so serious guys when i say i think this may be my fave episode of the whole season so far it is boggling my mind and smashing my heart to pieces and im loving it
- "u can be polygamous in space" there are so many good lines this episode
- i also love whenever freddie talks about sciencey mathy stuff that i dont understand
holy fucking shit. what a rollercoaster. so yeah guys i think that was my fave episode of the season wow. what a bday gift to me. herman unworthy is just like me fr. i am going to take an eternity to recover from this.
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conivolos · 10 months
pokes head in here. hello coni. pls throw your fics at me i want to read them. what are you most proud of. what are u working on right now. what do you want me to read. i want it all hand it over. (i am being genuine but also silly sjdfklsdj what are u writing i am so curious :eyes:)
adsjaksf hiya!!! :D
and yeah!! i do have a couple of wips i want to rant about kajfhkjah
the first ima shout about (it also might be my favorite but shhh) is a 3rd life renaissance faire au :D its currently treebark and dogwarts centric and is quite literally full of half formed sentences and contextless dialogue, but theres three pages of worldbuilding and plot and im really happy with it so far :D, rens the king of dogwarts (the kingdom the faires set in), and the dogwarts army are, well, the knights of dogwarts. and you know martyn's creeper prank? he makes goose noises instead cause its hilarious and it still scares the crap out of everyone but scott asjkjafh. and ima stop there i dont want to reveal any more cause spoilers askjfhas
another wip is post-canon joel's empires s2 finale!! he is regretting a lot of things and theres three more joels than usual. its likely going to be multichap and full of angst (if i can actually make angst without adding puns into it asjksajfh) with a happy (?) ending :D
a third im hyped about is a waterpark au of sorts, based off of ethos old turf war minigame, The RipZone!! its mostly mycelium resistance centric, purely because i have more of a grasp on writing them than the hep. im not quite sure where to plots going for this one, but i have just enough planned out to be insane about it askdjfaskjfh. theyre highschool ago and its set in australia, at the end of the year, so its the beginning of summer and schools just let out (prime waterpark time babayyy)
and the last is another limited life coral kids fic woooo!! the working title is 'whats your favorite constellation?' and i feel it captures the vibes im going for surprisingly well. its barely written and im hoping it wont be as long as the last lmao, im thinking only about 1k words, and it also wont be explicitly romantic. im playing off of the concept of giving each winner being assigned / associated with a symbol (sun, stars, moon, etc.), and the general fandom confusion on what to give to martyn. and wait i wrote a lil synopsis thing for this like two days ago hold on
'centred on scott and martyn, ties tower has just (or is being) constructed, scott's built them a base, the chaos of bread bridge hasnt quite begun. and, while laying on their beds under the sky, scott talks about the stars above them, lamenting about a past life. martyn and scott discuss the dilemma that is the death games. scott doesnt want to win again and they wonder if martyn's going to win this time. martyns not sure if he wants to (he does). they mostly talk about the stars though, and their favourite constellation. its supposed to be nice and calm, fairly reminiscent of the calm before a storm.'
i edited it a bit, but i reckon its still got the vibes down pretty good :D
oh and also, the fics im probably most proud so far are htgth, really the podcast au in general, and surface of the seas :D
i chose htgth / the podcast au quite a few reasons! theyre the first works i ever finished and published, and, excuse my ego /hj, but, im so happy with the way i got the bad boy's voices to fit really well!! i was (and still am honestly) shocked on how well i wrote them!! (also i really like htgth cause i set myself up some plot points im excited to build up on whenever i get back to writing it akhkfasjhf)
and surface of the seas, partly bc im just really proud of myself for writing that much ksfksajdfh. i think i mostly like it cause the little narrative comparisons and bits of lore just scattered around it :D also when i was almost finished, tying up the loose ends n stuff, it was at around 3-4k and the word count just kept going up its funny now but it was quite daunting when it was happening askfjhahfs.
oh and also maybe ive lost a piece of me, almost purely because of the puns :D
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bekkachaos · 10 months
*screams about heartstopper*
like literally i dont think any one piece of media has ever made me so joyful! It just just so beautiful. Visually its so pretty, thematically it toes (tows?) the line of realistic and comforting really well (at least for me), the acting is incredible - especially considering the age of the actors, and the constant unapolagetic queerness that is so obvoiusly written by queer people is so refreshing and just .. nice to see. Nick saying 'im bi, actually' so many times was heartwarming and - as someone who is bi themself - it was so nice to see that the only time the usual bi stereotypes were presented was through nicks anxiety (and also ben). I am so scared to see where they take nick's self worth in regards to his 'similarities' to ben bc i don't want to see him sad. I had already read the comics so it was so cool to see how effective this adaptation is continuing to be. the final few scenes of episode 6 have altered me as a human being and are like a visual form of pure nostalgia and comfort. the taylor song in there is so gorgeous. and speaking of songs the entire soundtrack was perfect (like they understand the vibe and the target audience) and had me doing the leo dicaprio pointing meme constantly. I also watched both seasons several times in the last few weeks and probably will rewatch for the rest of my life tbh. I cannot wait for the next season. anyway yea
I 100% agree I just watch this show or read the comics and I am smiling uncontrollably and just feel so warm and comforted and happy it's insane!! It's so beautiful to see something that feels so genuine and it's awkward but sweet and even seeing the changes and growth of all the characters from season 1 to season 2 feels so realistic!
Nick Nelson saying "I'm bi, actually" about seven times in S2 is literally so accurate and I felt so validated by that because it's so real (also as a fellow bisexual) to have to continually justify your sexuality depending on who you're in a relationship with. The queer rep is just wonderful and can I just say that Isaac's journey this season was one of my favourites and the way I screamed when he went back into the library and claimed the ace book at the end 🤌
Anyone who hurts Nick Nelson or makes him feel sad must endure my wrath! I want to put him in my pocket and protect him from all the sad in the world he is so sweet and caring and kind to Charlie, I hate seeing him compare himself to Ben but I love the way they showed that yes the situation was similar but he was so different because he cared about how his coming out made Charlie feel too and they literally talked and communicated, it was fucking beautiful.
And the whole hickey shenanigans from Charlie noticing it (or lbh from when Buck gave it to him) was so funny and realistic and just that episode was perfection (I'm saying this like all episodes weren't 😅)
The Taylor song scene literally did things to my heart, I felt that scene physically, and you are so right the whole soundtrack is perfect! I mean, Taylor aside you have girl in red, Conan Gray, Gabrielle Aplin, wolf Alice, Holly humberstone, Miya folick like so many more I am obsessed with the soundtrack! And have you listened to the "to Nick from Charlie" playlist based on the mixed tape from vol 1? It's literally also a vibe and has Hayley kiyoko (my beloved) and Troye Sivan (I was JUST SAYING that his blue neighbourhood album is so heartstopper coded and wild is one of the tracks 😭)
My life currently consists of:
Drive to work with heartstopper playlist
Return from work and watch reels from the show / rewatch episodes
Read more comic (trying to spread it out so I get more but I am failing)
Constantly think about all of them until I fall asleep
I'm just obsessed and it makes me so happy like I can't even explain it, I love it so much 💕🩷💕
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nikkirecs · 2 years
for senka: who’s seen everything
ily i hope you like, sorry most of these are probs on your ptw already
RWBY: Hyousetsu Teikoku - Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi - tbh this is just here bc i wanna see you gif my kids, i’m watching it with a friend so i’m terribly behind
Soul Eater -  Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy - that fantasy will be changed to spn i s2g, but you knew this was gonna be here it’s my everything
Enen no Shouboutai - Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Supernatural - you also knew this was gonna get on here. if you can get past the fanservice it’s fantastic and the art is so glowy i love
Godzilla: Singular Point - Action, Mecha, Mystery, Sci-Fi - i’m weak for a good kaiju anime, the character designs are by the creator of ane and it has some truly fantastic visuals as well as some truly terrible cg but i love it lots
Karin - Comedy, Romance, Supernatural - tbh i’m not sure about this one, but it was my favorite when i was younger and it still has a v special place in my heart bc i think the love interest is just so endearing
Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu. - Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life - already on your ptw, while it’s a romcom i’m recing for the comedy in it
Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai -  Comedy, Ecchi - not something i typically rec bc it’s v v ecchi but it’s on your ptw and it made me laugh
SK∞ - Action, Comedy, Drama, Sports - why’d you pause this? you should watch it so you can get hype with us for s2
Diamond no Ace - Comedy, Sports - bitch, finish it, what a good sport anime
Durarara!!x2 Ketsu - Action, Mystery, Supernatural - just finish the series come on. tbh my fav of the sequels becuase we get backstory
K: Missing Kings -  Action, Supernatural - listen we know this series is everything to my urban fantasy ass, and at the very least you’ll get it’s interesting visuals and i remember you liking the visuals on that other gohands anime that wasn’t v good
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne - Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, Mystery, Romance - LOOK HOW MANY GENRES IT’LL GIVE YOU! honestly i like the manga way more but this series is v important to my heart because it’s an ms with all those themes of friendship and love while also not being all happy. shame the anime cut out my favorite arc.
Kill la Kill - Action, Comedy, Ecchi - you scored this an 8 despite not watching??? anyway i think you’ll enjoy the animation of this at the very least
Made in Abyss -  Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi - THE GENRES SENKA! honestly this feels like the kinda fucked up mystery thriller i expect you to like. also horror in the more psychological way where you’re scared for the kids but not of like specific monsters jumping out at you. 
Modao Zushi - Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural - i’m genuinely shocked you haven’t seen this, chinese animation that’s a spn mystery is right up your alley and it’s v v good
Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan - Comedy, Slice of Life, Supernatural - it’s so funny senka omg. also if you restart it then you can use it for tetris
Shadows House - Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Slice of Life, Supernatural - not really horror but a fun mystery with an admittedly predictable twist but it still made me !!!!
Yuukoku no Moriarty - Mystery, Psychological - PSYCHOLOGICAL MYSTERY SENKA YOU GOTTA WATCH
Gankutsuou - Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Thriller - tbh i didn’t love it but it has v interesting visuals which you might be into
Ling Long - Action, Drama, Horror, Mecha, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller - look at those genres! this is defs on your ptw bc i reced it to you already but honestly i feel like the dystopian setting will be something you’ll have fun with, and the CG is pretty good
Prince of Stride: Alternative - Sports - is this good or am i just eternally weak for parkour animation? the world may never know
Shokugeki no Souma - Comedy, Ecchi - listen it’s basically a sports anime with how the plot is set up
Star Wars: Visions - Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi - this is 100% here for cool fight scenes. my favorite is the twins bc it’s just promare art
takt op.Destiny - Action, Fantasy, Music - listen, i’m not gonna say this is good. but it has some truly beautiful fight scenes and therefore will be an easy way to fill a music genre req
Rolling☆Girls - Action, Adventure - continuing the “can’t say i liked it but stunning visuals” train. you need it for wit challenge anyway
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islandfate · 7 months
s2 character recap time!!! this may get somewhat controversial but i am excited to share my feelings, so enjoy what's below the cut! i had a loooot of emotions this season and my fav man ever appeared so, that made me very happy. but some characters made me very UNHAPPY which you will see. also i really needed to finish this up so some character recaps are a little short. whatever. anyway!! enough chatter, let’s get on with it.
ben – you knew this was coming. there’s no way in hell i could talk about a lost season without starting with my favorite character ever, both in lost and otherwise: benjamin linus! now obviously we don’t get a lot of information about benry this season, and from what we do get, most of that isn’t even genuine. the ben we see here is just ... not who ben actually is!! the manipulation and the lies – yes, absolutely. his sass, too, which does slip out when he’s posing as henry gale. but his genuine personality is so wildly different from s2. this man doesn’t give a damn if he’s beat up. you could hold a gun to his head and he wouldn’t even blink. bc he always knows he can weasel his way out of everything!! but he’s gotta play it up as henry so .... obviously he’s gonna act scared and pathetic. honestly though, there isn’t one scene ben is in that i don’t adore. as usual, he captures the scene every time and just fully enhances it, even when placed next to characters i don’t really like. i am truly under the impression that ben was caught on purpose bc no way was that man wearing THAT outfit. and him getting caught in a trap just seems unlikely. but anyway, he was such a treat this season and just makes the show so much better.
charlie – i truly believe that charlie was done so dirty this season. as a whole, i don’t mind the idea of charlie having to continue battling his heroin addiction; i think the island tests people in different ways, and this was an interesting ( and heartbreaking ) way to go about it. what i didn’t like was the way everyone else reacted. ‘fire + water’ is already not the best episode, but to see the entire camp treat charlie as if he was nothing more than a drug addict, when it’s clear that other people have seen insane, nonsensical things﹘shannon seeing walt, kate and sawyer seeing the black horse, jack seeing his fucking dead dad﹘and not really been judged about it? it just rubs me the wrong way. charlie was unable to control himself, he was doing this while sleepwalking, and the one time he actually does take arron on his own merit is because he’s truly convinced that this is the right thing to do. and we have no evidence that charlie is even going to hurt aaron. but the whole camp ganging up on him, locke punching him, charlie being ostracized﹘to me, it’s just fucked up. no one tried to help him. and locke switched up on him so fast! i get locke was losing faith in the island, but to treat charlie like he was nothing more than a junkie really had me mad lol. i just think charlie just wasn’t given a whole lot of amazing screentime. i know that’s going to change in s3 for obvious reasons, but overall, i didn’t like charlie’s arc in s2.
sayid – ohhh sayid … here’s where my possible controversial opinions are coming into play. as stated in my previous character recap, i’ve never been a huge fan of sayid, simply because i don’t find him all that interesting. his flashbacks don’t really do it for me. and sayid in s2, well, i think he might be one of the most terrifying survivors. not necessarily in a good way, either. i understand that losing shannon was devastating for sayid, but the way he retaliates against the others is not it for me! there was absolutely zero evidence that henry gale was an other besides sayid’s gut instinct. and to me, enacting violence simply based on a feeling doesn’t cut it. obviously, later on, we know henry gale is an other. it’s ben. but, the survivors don’t know this at the time, and to see what sayid does to him is genuinely disturbing. he completely loses it, and if jack weren’t able to open that door, i have no doubt that sayid would’ve killed ben. even when sayid, ana lucia, and charlie go to find the balloon, sayid immediately jumps to the conclusion that ben lied without even looking around for it. he wants to kill him. he’s bloodthirsty, and that’s scary! but i do think it’s interesting how sayid is painted in this positive light, mostly because we’re seeing these events through the eyes of the survivors. and they trust sayid, however deranged he may become. but i like how they leave that trace of hesitation in the viewers; you watch sayid do this and you question it. it’s just interesting. and i love sayid’s line, “my name is sayid jarrah, and i am a torturer.” the look on ben’s face is great, and i just love him and sayid in this scene together. after this, though, sayid fades into the background for me. but from what i saw of him this season, i do not like sayid. i think his methods are questionable and always resort to violence. sayid might’ve been right about ben, but you even see later that ben is willing to talk without violence. it’s like there’s no other option in sayid’s head, and i just don’t like it! again, not saying he’s badly written, i simply don’t like his actions and i think there’s always another, usually better, way.
locke – as a general locke stan, i was surprised to see how much i disliked him in this season. which i guess isn’t anything new, that’s what this show does, but i expected to be a little more empathetic to his problems. i think how he treated charlie, however, really put a bad taste in my mouth, and it was just hard to watch anything with him afterward. genuinely, the only time i like locke in this season is when he has scenes with ben. i will always live by the fact that those two are the most interesting; i love their insane relationship, and to see the way ben gets under locke’s skin, even this early on, is so fun. ben truly is the reason locke decides not to press the button. crazy! locke just becomes so much more compelling when he’s having one of his verbal spars with ben. and the acting between those two is phenomenal. i’m sure i’ll have much more to say on these two in s3, especially s4, but i like what we see of them in this season. other than his ben scenes, however, i wasn’t finding myself enjoying many of his episodes. i think he’s so out of character in ‘fire + water,’ because to make locke angry enough that he would punch someone should take more than charlie taking aaron. something like that should be in a locke-centric episode. it was just … so stupid! and i’m not faulting the character for this, moreso the writers, but at the end of the day that’s what’s canon, so it’s what i’m going to judge. he just didn’t feel like the same character and it threw me off a bit.
jack – alright. as crazy as it is to say, i didn’t completely hate jack this season. he has his moments where he pisses me off, which is usual for him, but for the most part i didn’t mind his scenes and was actually on his side in some instances. mainly, when sayid was beating ben up and jack told locke he’d let the timer go down to zero if he didn’t open the door. i was like yes!! you did that!!! now jack made me mad with his dismissal of walt, telling michael that they were going to go find walt … just not yet? and when michael goes off to find the others and jack, locke, and sawyer follow, they’re obviously stopped by mr. tom friendly, who brings kate out, who was secretly following behind ( literally only because jack was being annoying and said she couldn’t go ). and jack seriously considers letting kate die in order to keep guns. that just made me so fucking mad i will not even lie to you. it’s jack’s fault for not letting kate come along; he knows how she is. and why he didn’t let her go with them is beyond me. i also enjoyed the scenes between jack and locke. the man of science / man of faith argument. it’s something that stays steady in the rest of the series, and i just really like their dynamic in this season. and jack playing poker was a little cute … i’ll admit. he was more in the background this season so i don’t have a whole lot more to say about him, but for once, i did not loathe this character!
ana lucia – not once in my life have i been a genuine fan of ana lucia. i’ve always felt a little indifferent toward her, but this season she was truly testing my patience. while i don’t completely blame her for shooting shannon﹘i know she was just afraid of the others﹘i think she was still a little too quick to shoot for having been a cop ( or maybe that’s exactly why LOL ). and her seeming lack of guilt for doing this is what also made me question her. i didn’t mind her relationship with sayid, that was interesting, but she didn’t seem to have many true relationships with anyone else. she and eko barely talk after they reach the beach camp, if at all. i guess she’s friends with jack, but their whole talk of an army didn’t even go anywhere, so i don’t exactly see what the point of that was. i just think she was in the right place to get killed off because she didn’t have much going for her, however terrible that is to say; it’s shocking, but probably not in a devastating way. it’s only really horrifying when libby is shot and lives, at least for a little bit. ana lucia simply didn’t do much for me. i didn’t despise her, but i didn’t really like her, either. she was just … there. always has been, and probably always will be!
eko – eko has always been one of my favorite characters. i think his backstory is not only intriguing, but completely heartbreaking, and seeing him become the new priest after yemi dies truly destroys me. i liked his short-lived friendship with ana lucia, and i just really enjoy the scenes he’s in. he has this air about him that makes you want to just … listen to what he says. and i think some of his quotes are the best in the series. i don’t necessarily agree with his idea to build a church, but i liked that he wanted to, and that he was still honoring his brother’s memory even now. and the plane boone died in being connected to eko still blows my mind. especially the fact that boone was literally talking to bernard on the radio. anyway, i think he’s just such a cool character, not only by looks but also by his personality. he’s gentle, but hardened. and he’s not afraid to kill if he has to. i just really like that, what can i say. his theme is also one of my favorites, something i of course have to mention, considering what a soundtrack junkie i am. overall, he’s just such a great character and it’s a shame we don’t get to see more done with him.
desmond – desmond!! he is absolutely one of my favorite characters in this show, definitely in my top five. maybe even my top three. i think he’s such a great addition, and not only are his centric episodes some of the best in the entire series ( flashes before your eyes?! THE CONSTANT?! god they’re soooo good ) but he’s also such a compelling character. i love his personality and i think he’s so fun to watch on screen. we don’t get a whole lot of him in this season, so i can’t say much about him, but i truly do adore him and he’s one of those characters post s1 that just makes this show so good. like, just an iconic fucking guy. i will never not love desmond and i think the writers killed it with him!! when he realizes that he may have crashed oceanic flight 815?? chills, every time. so good. ugh!
michael – as anyone who knows me knows, michael is one of my favorite characters in this show. something about him is so fascinating to me and i really just love his relationship with walt and how it completely shapes his actions. how love warps the very nature of his being, as we see in this season. it’s so fucked that he loses walt almost as soon as he gets him back. and i think his desperation is so … human. so understandable. and just heartbreaking. i honestly don’t know a whole lot of parents who wouldn’t kill for their children, so michael’s actions, however terrible, do make sense to me. if jack or locke or anyone had reached out more, had offered to help, had gone and done something for walt, then none of what happens might’ve happened. and if they’d done that, if they’d even bothered to have tried, then maybe michael would have trusted them enough to tell them what he had to do. because easily, michael could’ve told jack that he needed these four people to come with him to meet the others, and that they needed to let ben go. but he doesn’t, because he feels alone. and he’s terrified that he’ll never get to see walt again. however selfish it may be, it’s so compelling, and i just … fucking love this plot. it’s one of my favorites in the show﹘not only the benry gale era, but michael committing these murders in general. both things are just so unexpected and shocking. and you can see how horrified michael is by his own actions, and as we later witness, how much this really affects him in the long run. this whole plotline is just sooo crushing, but in the best way possible. i truly believe that it’s the best part of s2 and i will forever stand by that.
hurley – hurley has always been one of my favs. we really don’t get to see a whole lot of him in the first season, though we start getting a little more in s2﹘which i enjoy. i love the ‘dave’ episode and i remember being so shocked when you find out that dave wasn’t real. and hurley’s therapy session is just really hard to watch. he’s not in this season too much, so i don’t have a whole lot more to say, but i do think he’s one of the funniest characters in lost. like definitely in my top 3 for funniest characters ( which would be ben, sawyer, and hurley ). they all just crack me up. i know we’re getting to really fun things with hurley, especially considering the tricia tinaka episode in s3 is one of my all time favorites in the show, but i’ll hold off talking about that until i finish s3. but just expect more hurley thoughts next time!
sawyer﹘you know, i’m having a hard time remembering what sawyer actually did this season. i know he was shot, and there was the whole thing with the guns, but he really wasn’t too involved in anything else as far as i remember. that being said, he didn’t change much for me. he’s one of my top three characters and most likely always will be, i just love him so much and i think he’s absolutely hilarious! but, yeah, i don’t have much to say abt him this time around. i think he shines more in other seasons.
rose & bernard – i’m putting these two together because i probably won’t be talking about them again. they have never been insanely important characters to me, but i really do appreciate that the show gives time to them this season – not only with their reunion, but also with the ‘s.o.s.’ episode. they’re a cute couple and i genuinely enjoy their chemistry, and i’m glad we get at least one episode looking into their past.
claire – wasn’t a huge fan this season. i was slightly annoyed at how she made her problems everyone’s problem…i definitely understand with her prior trauma but it’s just like!! the whole camp doesn’t need to be involved! and i would get her being wary around charlie, i mean let’s be real he isn’t the best this season, but to just assume like everyone else that he’s taking drugs rubs me the wrong way. no, they weren’t technically together, but they’d been through so much shit together i felt like there would’ve been something more there. just overall, was not a fan of claire in s2!
kate – i was definitely able to stand her more this season, similar to jack. she has her moments where i like her and i think the thing with the black horse is interesting. honestly, being in the throes of s3, i’m kind of blanking on what she did this season, but all i know is how i felt aaaand … that was me being more tolerating of her! again, kate has never been a fav of mine, but at least i enjoyed her a little more this season.
shannon – yeah, they sure did shannon dirty didn’t they? dying weeks after her brother … phew. that’s rough. i really liked shannon so i was sad to see her go, but also her wanting to kill locke felt a little odd to me. like, you’re telling me this girl wants to kill someone? i’m sorry, but it’s just not connecting!! felt like tension for the sake of tension. i did like her seeing wet walt teleporting around and hated the fact that sayid never took her seriously about it. and being murdered by ana lucia UGH. but yeah shannon was fine this season, didn’t do much for me but also she was hardly around so. yk.
sun & jin – again with putting these two together because i’m too lazy to separate them. i think jin starts becoming much more likable this season and i like seeing him with the other survivors, especially sawyer and michael. sun is fine, i don’t have much to say about her as usual. can’t remember what these two did in s2 either. oh well! they’re simply alright to me.
libby – fuckin died in the worst way possible. literally no one listened to her. it’s heartbreaking!! but i did like her and i thought she and hurley were pretty cute. sucks she had to go but also it makes sense, michael had to kill someone and it wasn’t going to be a person in the main cast so … cue a somewhat background character dying. she didn’t deserve that. but i did find it so sad that she just went down for blankets and happened to stumble upon that scene. kills me!!
honorable mentions:
walt – was hardly around but the short scenes we get of him are fun. i have no idea what was going on with him and the others but it’s a fun plot for him to have been kidnapped. can’t even imagine the confusion of leaving the island and seeing the people he knows tied up and gagged while he and his dad get to leave! crazy.
cindy – the flight attendant. i liked that she was in this season and i enjoy seeing her in the next one. just some fun continuity with a character who doesn’t even matter.
pierre chang / marvin candle – slayed those orientation tapes. i have nothing more to say.
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
i’m losing it i love jatp so much *julie voice* i can’t handle it
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butterflydm · 2 years
the dragon reborn (chap 28-chap 34)
Spoilers for book three; the dragon reborn.
1. Mat’s reunion with Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne really does start off on a bad foot due to a. they don’t knock and barge in while he’s shirtless; b. he flinches when Nynaeve touches him bc she’s Aes Sedai now; c. they obviously Want Something from him.
2. Mat does think that Elayne is pretty, but is annoyed that Egwene and Elayne believed that he would let her being pretty overrule his good sense.
3. I wish Nynaeve had asked Mat his permission before delving him to check on his health. And she was just complaining about HIM being rude! But for all that the scene starts out with a bad impression on all sides, it mostly ends peacefully between Mat and the Wondergirls, with him appreciating that they’ve given him his chance to escape Tar Valon. I can’t believe it’s page 300 and Mat is only now getting the letter so that he can leave Tar Valon! I was sure that it happened so much sooner lol.
4. “If you can’t hide what you’re going to do, do it so that everybody thinks you are a fool.” Mat on tricking people in lowering their guard.
5. And Mat’s luck emerges. I think it takes him a while to figure out exactly how it works, but I’ll keep an eye out.
6. If ‘doing Mat’s plotline for S3′ actually means him going to Caemlyn, then we might see Rand in Caemlyn in the first episodes, since it seems unlikely that they would build the city for just one short segment (as they didn’t for S1). But I suspect whatever reason takes him out of Tar Valon will not be going to Caemlyn, and it’ll take him to Cairhien or Falme or Tear, depending on the timelines and the shifting around that has happened.
7. See here, Mat’s incredible luck saves him from a Gray Man! And yet I am supposed to believe that Egwene was not tangling luck around the pattern’s web when she also avoided death from a Gray Man by sheer luck? She’s definitely ta’veren. She fits the criteria. I literally do not care what Robert Jordan said on it.
8. Mat meets Thom again here. I do not remember why Thom went to Tar Valon, but maybe they will say soon. Maybe he’s just running from his grief... and the civil war he created in Cairhien. So, trying to connect the potential plot dots of S2... if Mat gets sent to/runs away to Cairhien for some reason instead of Caemlyn, then he and Thom could go there together and end up meeting Rand there after he’s had a subplot with ‘Selene’, potentially, and then we could bring Perrin in as he chases the Horn to Cairhien, thus putting all three boys back into one space again so they can all go to Falme together like they do in book two. Ah, so much depends on how they’ve reordered the threads of the plotlines.
9. Oh, wow, how Mat very carefully tries to feel out whether or not Thom knows the truth about Rand. Mat really does have a lot fewer actively negative thoughts about Rand than I’d remembered him having! Maybe they come later. I’ll keep an eye out!
10. If Mat does run into Thom in Tar Valon (in the show), that would be very sweet! Because it would mean that Thom continued on to try to meet up with the boys there after he escaped from the Fade!!!
12. Oh, that’s genuinely sad. Book!Thom literally went to Tar Valon to punish himself and tempt fate.
13. I will note that Mat is amused here when a woman gives him a silver mark for having pretty eyes. It doesn’t bother him at all for the tables to be turned on him like that. I don’t want to go into details about why I’m mentioning it, because it is spoilery for a later book, but I’m noting it.
14. Oooh, High Lord Samon of Tear trying to stir up Tear’s hatred of Tar Valon. This would be Be’lal, I think. I hadn’t remembered what his plot was -- sounds like he was trying to convince Tear to go to war with the White Tower. “Sooner or later they will have to be hunted down and killed, every last Aes Sedai.”
15. Tiny glimpse of Rand. He’s being hounded in his dreams. He’s alone and scared and Doing His Best. Jordan is also separating his feelings for Min and Elayne out from his feelings for the other people he cares about -- Elayne being in danger makes him feel more emotional, and he remembers Min’s presence as soothing.
16. Dark Hounds leave marks in stone but not dirt, and smell like sulfur. They have some fun little lore there. I can’t remember if we ever find out why they only leave tracks in stone.
17. Page 365, she-who-will-soon-name-herself-Faile is finally introduced. Wow! So far into this book. Her timeline really is a lot more compressed than I’d remembered it being! Her attention is fully on Perrin, and he notices her noticing him. The first time he sees her, he can’t decide if she’s beautiful or not.
18. Moiraine finds out about The Masema Problem. But she was terrified there for a moment that Rand might not be the real Dragon, since she was sure that once Rand proclaimed himself, the pattern would have no room for false Dragons.
19. ...Perrin just did the same thing that the girls did with Mat, and walked in on Moiraine when she wasn’t fully dressed. Do they not teach manners in the Two Rivers? Knock, wait for a response, then enter when given permission. Not just ‘knock then immediately enter’. No manners!
20. Gaul! Hi, Gaul! So, thinking about potential structures for Perrin’s plot next season -- he could meet Faile and Gaul on the way to trying to find the Horn, rather than chasing after Rand. And Elyas could take the ‘sniffer’ role that Hurin starts out in, teach Perrin for a while, and then peace out. Books two and three kinda take us on a walking tour of the whole continent, lol, which is the one part of adapting them into one season that is tough. The events aren’t hard to push together but the geography is.
21. lol, Perrin just straight-up tells Gaul that he should be looking for Rand, specifically, and go ahead and go to Tear. And he lets slip later to Faile that Rand is the Dragon Reborn, too, if I recall correctly. It really stands out after Mat so carefully talked around the idea when he was with Thom -- someone he actually already knows and trusts -- and is determined not to give away anything about Rand to Thom unless Thom already knows. Perrin being more casual about Rand being TDR than Mat is can be a double-edged sword. It’s also funny because Perrin is always thinking in his narration about the importance of thinking things through carefully before doing anything and then he just blurts out this important information not just once, but twice! Perrin might actually be just as wrong about himself in his inner narration as both Mat and Rand are. I’m kinda doubting his rep as the thoughtful one at this point.
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
pls spiral. piper x dr. curtis from 2x12 i need it
okay okay okay okay so like. like picture this okay picture this if you will okay so first off we're making the doctor a lot sexier just because we can au where he's hot + phoebedan au piper and leo are on the fritz bc idk they were on the fritz in s2? and then like piper gets sick and god she hates hospitals and she like. doesn't really like doctors that much either and she just wants to go home but she can't fucking leave and now there's this new guy and he's a fucking. disease guy? and she keeps spitting bitter insults at him and he just like. he has no reaction which is like. piper's like no ur supposed to have a reaction ur supposed to get rid of me send me home!! but she's so feveral which is evidently not a word it's just feverish which sounds. so much lamer. boo. fevrelle. that like nothing's coming out right and the cracks in her angry brave facade are starting to slip and she just gets real quiet and is like am i gonna die and good ol curtie willie boy is like as long as i'm here, i promise you will be fine and piper's like yeah i've heard that one before bc wasn't that leo's job? but again there's no bite in her voice there's just. genuine hurt. and curtis puts his hand on her forehead to see how bad her fever is and piper just like. almost cries at the touch bc. : ' (. and he's like oh damn. okay. she's. okay. she needs to make it through this. but his bedside manner sucks.
and then when piper slips into a coma and like. she just has to pull out like fuck she can't die like look at her family she can't leave them behind he saw how brave she was in front of them and how scared she was when she wasn't looking but like. what. what. can be done. so um he reads her excerpts from an old epidemiology textbook like pieces on oroya fever like. i hope this helps. and then she's like freaky recovered. like weirdly recovered. basically cementing her in his brain. but she's gone because she's fine now wait fuck. how are other people getting sick. shit fuck shit okay bring em back
okay we've done bloodwork we're studying we're figuring this out except there's nothing to fucking figure out what the fuck and he goes to talk to the halliwells and phoebe or prue is like what no hazmat suit and piper's like oroya fever isn't airborne and they're like how do you know that?? and both piper and curtis flush slightly as they realize piper could hear everything and listened to him reading to heri n his free time anyways piper knows the risks but takes them on to save others and dr williamson who has gone ballz to the wall studying to try to save her actually does. like piper dies and flatlines and they do the paddles and actually resuscitate her. and piper's gasping for air coming back and curtis is like almost breathless from the adreleine rush and just whispers like miss halliwell you might actually get me to believe in miracles
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Y’all will be your own undoing the fact none of you have not even the slightest bit of doubt is rather worrying. what happens if neither is endgame and let’s say Mike is killed off? You can’t say that won’t happen either because you don’t know the same way you can’t say byler is endgame because you don’t know hell even milevens can’t say they’re ship is endgame because they don’t know. Ego is ruining both sides and neither side is correct and shouldn’t proclaim to be.
I'm sorry anon, but I'm not all bylers. While there are a great deal of bylers like myself who have less doubts these days, there are plenty that have mostly doubts. PLENTY. Arguably the vast majority. And for good reason, ie. history.
To be completely honest anon, I don't think you're worried about bylers and their lack of doubts. I think their lack of doubt scares you bc it's caused you to go from confident to having doubts yourself. Why else would you be here on anon all condescending otherwise?
Personally, I'm not even here bc I want to believe byler's endgame. And no offense to those that have went through it, because the whole point of queer-baiting is to basically mock queer fans and lead them on with no intention of following through, but I have never been queer-baited before.
I did however, like many milkvans, go into Stranger Things loving Mike and El under the assumption they were peak romance. I literally skipped all of s2 during my first rewatch to get to their reunion! But genuinely, do we think the show is supposed to be watched that way?? Hell no.
If you're having to skip all of s2, most of s3, most of s4 in rewatches, bc Mike and El are separated, fighting, or broken up, what does that tell you?
If you're having resentments for characters like Max and Lucas and Will and Hopper bc the story has made points to have those characters interfere with your confidence in Mike and El romantically, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're probably watching the show wrong. To be clear, if you have resentment for ANY of the main characters, you are missing something!!!
And that was my problem back then when I subscribed to these assumptions, because I WANTED to believe Mike and El were the pinnacle of romance, despite the signs incoming that went against it. And what that meant is I had to hold resentments for all the characters, including Mike and El themselves and even the Duffer Brothers for ruining what I WANTED to believe.
After s3, me, my friends, family and quite honestly anyone I spoke to about the show, said that it went downhill since the previous two seasons. And I do think a big part of the reason why, is because of the Mike and El conflict conflating everything. It felt regressive. And s4 repeating that exact storyline????
It took me a while to even consider byler as an idea. It's not like I latch onto every non-canon mlm ship and just ship for nothing (very few bylers do this, no matter how much anti's need to convince themselves this is the case as an excuse to be homophobic).
I am a hopeless romantic. Doesn't matter if it's queer or straight, I only ship stuff that I feel confident is endgame bc why would I put myself through scenes of something that doesn't feel right to me, merely bc I want to believe it and despite everything pointing against it??
Full serious, IF I was confident in milkvan endgame as a possibility, I would probably just convince myself to like them and provide evidence supporting it, bc I would honestly rather be right? Who tf wants to be wrong?
The problem was it didn't matter if I was initially convinced Mike and El were the pinnacle of romance (I was a child okay, give me a break...). Once I let go of that assumption because of all the doubts I had of them piling up, and took off my heteronormative goggles, I went woah... Holy shit. This show is actually fucking epic. Doubts gone. And the rest is history.
So, what happens if neither is endgame and Mike's killed off? I guess I would be confused, especially because the Duffer's specifically mentioned not being able to kill off Mike in a podcast last year. They gave their reasoning as to why, being that they take deaths on their show very seriously, needing 1+ seasons for them to show the characters mourning the loss. And so ending the show on that exact note, would be kind of a spoiler since they brought it up specifically? Therefore kind of redundant?
I guess, sue me for thinking the Duffers care about the show and put a lot of meaning into it. All of my analysis and theories are based on that assumption. No one's going to change how I think about that, so trust me, not worth getting worked up over it, anon.
If your evidence is all based on the assumption that the Duffers are not that good of writers, that almost everything on the show is coincidental and there's no deeper meaning beyond surface level, why are you even watching it in the first place? You do you I guess, but I just don't know why you wouldn't want to watch something that is more worth your time?
People being confident in their theories wont hurt you. If it bothers you so much, maybe find a way to be confident with your theories after looking at all the evidence from both sides. All sides. Any sides. If you still come up completely indifferent, then don't work yourself up by going on anon and making it other peoples' problem.
If it turns out everything meant nothing, and I was wrong about everything or most of what I interpreted, I will be okay! Because the show went from being about what I wanted to believe, to just what I genuinely believed.
Would I be disappointed? Sure. But lets hope I'm right bc in my scenario the show is epic and everything means something... not sure why anyone would root for the alt...
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Esteemed detective Anna fan/benevolent translator.
Wondering if you could help answer a question due to lost in translation side effect ——— How many names does a Russian need?
Okay, joking joking.
Real question was if you could shed some light on the social standing of the characters.
Main reason for my confusion was due to honorifics translating into “your high nobleness” and I wondered if they meant aristocratic status or was it something one used in general to address person in power.
Side note, the Anna/Iakov/Nina triangle confused the hell out of me because the relationship status seems to vacillate one episode after another and I won’t bother you with figuring this one out....Two episodes from wrapping up S1 for me. 💪
hey, cool, my first ask!  and there i was, wondering why nobody asks me anything. i figured it was because i'm not that interesting and i happen to know next to nothing, which is both an attempt at self-deprecation and a defense mechanism, but also more than a bit true: it did, after all, take me quite a while to find the right section in the settings to turn this function on and i couldn't even do that without googling it first.
you said you were joking, but Russian names are no joke! :D a Russian needs a last (family) name, a first (given) name and a patronymic - all three together make the full name, what we call a Ф.И.О. (фамилия/имя/отчество), and that's the formal order, like for various paperwork. they are used in various combinations or alone (yes, each of the three can be used alone, even the patronymic) depending on the situation, conversation companion, etc. but i won't bore you with these, i'm sure you can read about Russian honorifics on Wikipedia or smth
now, to your real question: first of all, you shouldn't take this show as a reliable source on the Russian society in the late 19th century, because there are many things that the writers were either lazy or ignorant about or just plain used however was convenient to them.
there was a Table of Ranks in the Russian Empire, which determined the positions and ranks in the army, government and court etc. (i think the Russians had to do this bc they were so confused about all kinds of nobility they had) and each of those ranks had a style of address of their own. while "your high nobleness" sounds jarring to me, i'm not sure any translation wouldn't (i think i saw it translated as "your honor" as well), so i just went with plain good "sir" (i also just didn't want to waste time on something that wasn't actual plot and, more importantly, the protagonists' relationship, and for that i apologize to those genuinely interested in all things Russian). long story short, it's sometimes both and sometimes (in this lazy, lazy show) neither. say, Shtolman in s1 has the rank of a court councillor (надворный советник), which means he's nobility, although we don't know if it's hereditary or personal. that's class 7, which entitles him to be addressed as "Ваше высокоблагородие" - that's "your high nobleness" right there (btw i looked it up on the English wiki, and it's translated as "Your High Well Born", i mean it's correct literally but wow. there, you can see for yourself). what makes me more curious is that the writers smh made Anton a collegiate assessor (коллежский асессор), that's class 8, one class lower than Shtolman, which can't be right, as Anton is only, what, a couple of years out of gymnasium, has no higher education and next to no work experience. so, as i said, take it all with a grain of salt. 
as for the Mironovs, yes, they are definitely nobility - landowners? - although i think their house being situated next to a prince's house has more to do with the plot than with their social status.
oh, and of course, there's nobility and there's nobility. like, hereditary and personal (granted to a commoner for service etc.). and there's royalty. but i guess it’s not exactly unique to the Russian Empire.
i don't know if this helps or confuses you even more :D i am not an expert (i'm not even 100% Russian (like, not even close) or a Russian national, just a native speaker, so my knowledge of Russian history is limited to what i learned in the first years of Soviet school, some historical fiction and films and TV. ...then again, you probably could say that about most Russians. thank you almighty google)
p.s. oh, and i don't mind discussing the love triangle either. you can blame most of your confusion on the writers though. there is a tentative consensus (well, kinda) in the Russian DA community that Shtolman got back together with Nina to keep Anna safe (after she pointedly said "i'd be scared for Anna if i were you. YOUR Anna" and did everything she could to make Anna stay so that she'd have smth to hold over Shtolman) and broke it off when he knew for sure he was in love with Anna (and/or didn't think she was in danger anymore. yes. i know. L is for Logic). although that didn't look like much of a painful and heavy burden for him, at least for a while :D his and Anna's back and forth is on the writers' too: they needed to keep the relationship storyline (or whatever the hell you call it) tense for 56 episodes and they resorted to every (well, maybe i’m exaggerating a lil bit here) soapy trick in the book. personally, it doesn't irk me as much as it might if i had to watch the show weekly but i get that it can be annoying.
here’s a small spoilerish thing for s2 re: social status, maybe come back when you’re done with the available episodes
there's one thing re: social status i think i should note. i don't remember it ever being mentioned in s1, but it was in s2 at least twice - the first time it was about one of Anna's admirers in Paris, the second time Anton says it about himself. these guys: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raznochintsy
both times i translated it as "commoners", because i honestly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i mean... you know? while nobody cares about that student, Anton is another matter, because he cites his status as one the reasons he's no match for Anna. and, well, if he's still a collegiate assessor, he is nobility, too. so there, take it as you will.
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