#i dont want stupid shit to happen btwn KP bc they obvi the main couple
paint-music-with-me · 2 years
ok so 
i’ve been thinking about what i want in s2 bc what else can i do while i wait for saturday to come and literally destroy me??? 
and i realized that i am hoping for so much in s2
usually in sequel series/seasons, i feel like so much potential is lost after building so much in s1 and im worried about it happening to KP
but right now? what they have so far? i think they could build a really good s2 - they just need to keep their priorities in check
ive not read the novels (and i don’t plan to) but ultimately what i think may or even should happen is: 
kim and chay don’t get resolved -> leads to the major (emotional) conflict btwn KP bc i feel like porsche will have to decide how to move forward with chay and kinn who are on two different sides: one wants porsche out of the mafia world and the other wants him by his side. i think the tension btwn them will heighten everything for whatever plot they may throw into the mix that involves the mafia. 
then from there, there could be more tension from kim and chay as kim tries to reconcile with chay but maybe he gets on the bad side of porsche when he finds out about what happened btwn the two of them?? so more tension??? maybe kim does some reckless stuff as he contemplates his actions and what kind of person he is (idk analysis but maybe he thought he was different from the mafia; that rather than destroy, he’d create but in the end he broke his own heart and chay’s) 
ultimately im saying i need more kimchay scenes bc holy shit wow....they didn’t have a lot of scenes together?? it’s why i was soooo confused abt how chay can just say “ily” so fast (but then again chay does wear his heart on his sleeve) after they spent a couple of sessions of tutoring together like i need moreeee
also obvi while all this internal turmoil shit is happening btwn these four, let’s add more tension where pete is all conflicted and emotionally constipated about his place, his role, his personhood as vegas also tries to rebuild the minor family from the ground up (maybe throw in some... idk like i heard vegas had a stepmother but she bailed when Kan died - but imagine what’d it be like if she was a rising boss who wanted to take over - maybe that’d bring an interesting conflict for kinn and vegas to start working together?? which brings pete and vegas more scenes to interact unwillingly??? and also venice potential??? but also gods i dnt want a baby brought into this shit aaahhhh) idk man
and like all of this gotta be paced out nicely like now they’ve got 3 couples intermingling w/ e/o so it gotta be evened out just a bit *sigh* 
all of this to say...
i need angst in s2 but i need it to be good - i need it to literally eat me from the inside out with anticipation and fear for what’s to come. no bullshit love triangle, no half-assed B plot line, no stupid mafia war shit that’s not even worth fighting over. No. I need blood-pumping, heart-pounding, rage-inducing, tear-ridden vibes from s2 or i’ll seek out blood myself my dudes holy shit
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