#i always found that one hilarious. hes going to the trouble of forcing you to not eat meat. but hes nice enough to give you the bug based
toytulini · 11 months
getting mad about beer being. what. vegan. im haunted. that headline is going to haunt me. why are they like this
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Eel Toofies (Jade)
Jade gotta have them too, right? The cute sharp toofies?
NOTE: I only write for female reader.
— ( ` ω ´ )
Jade is not self-conscious, but he is self-aware
Not like ~that~
He's just very aware of how he presents himself and how people see him
So of course he catches on very quickly that hi teeth, and consequently his brother's, tend to unsettle people, which is no good
Well, it's very good, because fear is a very amusing emotion to watch, but it's a hassle when he's trying to work, or to just have an efficient conversation
So he learns to hide his teeth, speak with his lips almost closed, smile with his mouth closed, so on
He still proudly flashes his pearly whites whenever he feels like, enjoying the looks on people's face that he is in fact still an eel and should not be seen as less dangerous than his impulsive brother
(in fact, and he will humble brag about it, Jade feels that a wolf in sheep's clothing is way more threatening than a rabid dog)
Enters you.
Fearless? Reckless? Stupid nonetheless.
You just got curious. You've seen Jade around many times, seen his smiles and heard his pleasant voice. But you never got to see his chompers, which you thought was unfair because Floyd had a lovely bunch of them and you wanna see Jade's now
So you just.... Do that.
(RIP, my dudette)
Jade is less guarded around you. He finds you amusing, and your particular talent for finding trouble, or being found by it, is hilarious.
You're also pretty inoffensive, a weak little human with no magic. So long as he catches you without your pesky friends (or worse, the powerful people like Leona who you managed to charm into being your protector), you are not a threat
Or so he thought as he bent down to place the drink you asked on the table, smiling pleasantly as always, only for you to surprise him once more by grabbing his face and forcing his mouth open
Jade froze, a million thoughts running in his mind as he processed what just happened. You, the harmless human girl, just used a flick unguarded moment of his to grab his face and open his mouth so you could look at his teeth
Before he could think about his next step, which probably involved bitting off your fingers, you let go of him and relaxed against the comfortable couch
"You do have cute little teefies! They're so white and shiny and sharp!"
Congratulations, you managed to break Jade fucking Leech.
— ( ` ω ´ )
After that day, Jade became a little more cautious around (Y/N)'s hands, and scolded her for a good minute about doing that in public, which—and he should've seen that one, honestly—was promptly answered with an inquiry if she could do it in private then.
The agreeing answer surprised even him when it came.
But he is not going to complain when he can just give her a smile, a big open mouthed smile, and receive a beaming grin in exchange—and the look of pure terror from her pesky friends. So amusing.
And he definitely won't complain as he lounges on the couch in Azul's office during his break, head on her lap as she coos over his appearance: his cheeks, his hair, his eyes and, of course, his "cute little teefies".
"Your teefies are so nice today, Jade!"
"Of course, I take great pride in my hygiene."
"You're just one hell of an eel~" (Y/N) giggles, a thumb gently rubbing his chin as her hand rests on his cheek.
That earns her another toothy grin, and following her streak, Jade is absolutely surprised with how sincere it is
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Hi! Hope you had a good vacation, when your free can I ask for teen!reader doing a pregnancy prank on the ror family. For Adam, Eve, Aphrodite, Loki, Hades, Shiva, and Odin? You else if you want.
-You were sick and tired of Loki constantly pranking you, even when you asked him to stop, almost to the point of tears, but he just saw it as good fun and always told you that he never meant any harm.
-Other members of your family were more on Loki’s side, as he wasn’t doing anything to hurt you, just things like water balloons or glitter bombs, but when those water balloons hit the homework you had been working on for the last two hours and now you had to redo it, you were the only one who wasn’t laughing.
-You had seen this trend on the internet, and you decided that you were going to play a prank that wasn’t so funny on those who had been telling you to laugh off the pranks.
-You bought the fake pregnancy test at a joke shop, one Loki took you to frequently as he wanted your opinions on what to get to prank someone else with, before leaving it on the bathroom sink after getting rid of the evidence of where it came from.
-You only had to wait for about ten minutes before you heard Hades roar out your name, “Y/N!!!” you snickered into your hand, thinking this was going to be hilarious.
-Two minutes later you found yourself on the couch with Adam, Eve, Shiva, Hades, Odin, Loki, and Aphrodite all freaking out around you, panicking as they had found your pregnancy test. Eve was in tears, hugging you close, telling you that you all were going to get through this together.
-Odin, Adam, and Hades were forming a momentary truce, planning on hunting down the guy that had touched you, Adam turning on you with fire in his eyes, “Who was it Y/N? I want his name!!”
-Aphrodite was taking it too well, holding your hand, “Ooh we’ll have to go shopping and get you cute clothes and go baby shopping as well!” many were quickly yelling at her that she wasn’t helping and this wasn’t a moment of celebration at the moment, this was a moment of panic!!
-Loki and Shiva were preparing to join in the beat down, absolutely furious that someone touched their teenaged daughter in such a way. Loki was panicking, holding your hands in his, “Did he force you Y/N? If he forced you, we’ll make sure he pays!”
-You couldn’t keep up the charade any longer and you instantly snorted and started to laugh, shocking all of them before many of them were quickly glaring at you as you wiped a tear from your eye.
-Odin looked furious but you weren’t scared, as you were teaching them a lesson, “So this was a prank?” you nodded your head, “Yes- but it was funny, right? You should just laugh it off!”
-Hearing the words they always tell you when Loki pranks you when you come to them, many were angry, but also relieved that you weren’t pregnant, Eve hugging you again as Shiva spoke, “Why did you do that to us?”
-You gave your own slight glare, “Because none of you were listening to me about the pranks. I’m all for Loki’s pranks, but when he throws water balloons at me and ruins my homework that I’ve spent hours doing then have to redo- it’s not funny to me!”
-Many of them paused, now feeling a bit guilty, especially Loki when you continued, “And when I bring this up and you all tell me just to laugh it off- you’re not the ones who have to redo my homework!”
-Adam sighed deeply, glad that you weren’t pregnant, and you didn’t get into trouble for your own prank, as you needed them to see what they were doing to you.
-Loki apologized and you hugged him close, letting him cuddle you, “That doesn’t mean I want you to stop pulling pranks, I just want you to leave my homework out of it.” He promised he would make sure to not bother it, as Odin threatened him that he would have to redo your homework.
-Aphrodite was the only one who was disappointed that you weren’t pregnant, as she wanted to cuddle with a baby but after getting yelled at that you were too young, she relented and took you out shopping anyway, to have some retail therapy.
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bumpkinspice0 · 1 year
Parallels: Chapter 4
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Miguel O'Hara x Spider!FemReader
No use of y/n
Rating: Explicit (Minors DNI!!!)
Word Count: 2564
Summary: Miguel calls you into the tower for a mysterious one on one meeting.
Warnings: Descriptions of blood being drawn, Needles (I tried to be as vague as possible, I don't now how this works), Tension, lil kisses No smut this time. Don't worry, we make up for it in the next one ;)
Series Masterlist
Chapter 4
Business as Usual
You crawl further into the dark corridor just outside the Spider Tower lobby. You bring your knees to your chest with a heavy sigh. Miguel had called you in personally. Rather than go directly to his wing you found a dark little corner to hide in. You wouldn’t have to talk to him if he couldn't find you. Genius.
Then again, if you didn’t want to talk to him you would have just stayed in your own dimension. Christ, you jumped so fucking fast when you got the alert from Lyla, you didn’t even change into your suit. An actual meeting with Miguel. One-on-one. Isn’t that what you wanted?
Apparently not. 
As soon as you stepped into the tower all your confidence wilted like a cut flower. He’s probably furious with you. How could he not be after how you left him in the training room? Still, it was pretty hilarious.
You just had to let your cocky pride take the wheel.
One week had passed since then, he was probably weighing all the cons about actually letting you stay. He was the head honcho and you were a distraction to him. He’d made that abundantly clear. You know a leader like Miguel wouldn’t hesitate to remove any obstacles in his path.
So, here you were hiding in the dark spaces of the tower, too nervous to go to his office but too anxious for an answer to go home.
“You know I can just tell him you’re here and he’ll come find you, right?” Lyla illuminates in front of you. 
“ Have you told him I’m here?” you ask, a pit forming in your stomach.
“Not yet,” She glances down at her nonexistent nails. You always felt she had a personality all her own. She couldn’t just simply be a program. A complete consciousness beyond the yellow pixels— maybe.
You sigh into your hands, “I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”
“Didn’t say. Just told me to call you right away.”
“That sounds like trouble,” You lean back against the wall.
“Everything does when it comes from Miguel,” she glitches to your side. “Only one way to find out?”
You stare at the light just beyond your little hiding space. At the countless spider people just like you doing their part to save what they can. Was all of this about to be ripped away from you? 
“He really didn’t tell you what it’s about?” you ask the AI companion. 
“I literally just told you everything he told me.” she looks annoyed, with every right to be.
You pick yourself up with a groan. You’re a big girl. A freaking superhero. You’d faced mad scientists, hundreds of armed henchmen, and literal monsters. You could have a regular adult conversation with Miguel fucking O’Hara.
Well, you just traded the only other dark corridor of the tower for another. Miguel’s wing was the darkest-lit science lab you’d ever seen. Dozens of machines and seemingly long abandoned experiments lined the walls. Several small spider-like robots scurry about the place, attending to whatever their programmed tasks were.
The automatic door shuts behind you, blocking off any of the remaining ambient white light from the citadel. Your eyes quickly adjust to the dim red lighting of this apparent mad science lab.  This was the house of a man that liked to stay busy. Was running a multi-dimensional superhuman strike force just not enough? 
You take a deep breath and walk further into the belly of the beast. 
“Hello?” you call out into the seemingly endless room of science projects and low lighting. Your spider-sense was a faint hum in the back of your head. He was nearby, but not close. Honestly, why did he call you in if he wasn’t going to be here? Unprofessional.
You come to the open, and seemingly only well-lit, part of the room. A platform a few feet above the ground stood in the center. Several monitors and a swivel chair adorned the odd structure. Was that his… desk? 
You hop up on the platform, calling out his name in hopes of any kind of reply. Still nothing. Well, you’re sure he wouldn’t mind if you waited for him here— near all of his computers, top-secret paperwork, and personal effects.
You take a spin on the desk chair, getting a basic cursory glance at everything. Security footage of the tower, various problem points in the multiverse, and some equations you don’t understand. All in all— disappointingly boring.
Then something catches your eye at the corner of his desk, it’s small and neon green. A vile of some sort, loaded into an injection gun. Upon closer inspection there were several of them all lined up on a wheel, each one no larger than your thumb, holding what looked like pure poison. Something in you said this was more than just one of his little side projects. It was here on his desk, dozens of them ready to be loaded into an injector gun. 
Before you can inspect further, the low hum in your head bursts into a panic alarm. He’s here. A  loud thud rings out behind you and you turn to see him standing in the center of the platform— heavy shadows cased across his face making him look more menacing. 
“Hola, arañita ,” he greets you emotionlessly.
You shrink in the chair, “Uh, hi.”
“Making yourself comfortable I see,” he scoffs, turning to his monitors. He deactivates a few, “You know, if you wanted to snoop you could have just asked Lyla.”
“She’d rat me out in a minute,” you chuckle, mostly to yourself.
“Sounds like you're ratting yourself out,” he says, nonchalantly.
“Maybe I wouldn’t have snooped around your creepy room if you were actually here when you called me.” You retort.
“Maybe I wouldn’t have started attending to the million other tasks on my plate if you’d have actually come when I asked instead of hiding around in the tower for an hour,” He turns to face you, his face still stern and cold. Ah, so he knew you were getting cold feet.
Touché again.
Regardless of how good his comebacks were, he was still infuriating. “You know, I’m not some dog, O’Hara. You can’t just keep me at your beck and call.” You’re getting more defensive than you’d like. 
“Mhm,” he lazily raises his eyebrows, “And yet here you are.”
“Fuck. You.” Well, this was going just as swimmingly as expected. You take a moment to gather yourself, burying your face in your hands and taking a deep breath. You’re a superhero. You’re fucking Spider-woman. “Why did you call me, Miguel?”
“I need your blood,” He says without hesitation. 
Well, that was… what?
“Dude,” you immediately swivel away, “I thought the vampire thing was a joke.”
“What vampire thi— For experiments.” he clarifies, as if that made it any less weird, “I need to conduct some experiments on both of our genetics.”
You pause for a moment. “You’re gonna see why we feel this way around each other?”
He jumps off the platform and starts rummaging around a nearby table. Several of his little robots come to assist him on the tabletop, “I’d like to know why. Wouldn’t you?”
“I mean, yeah I guess,” You swing down to meet him, “I really do, actually. I just thought… you called me here to yell at me. I thought you were mad at me.”
“I am mad at you,” He says without stopping his digging or granting you the decency of eye contact, “Made Lyla call a fire drill so I could get back to my room. I really liked those sweats, by the way. You owe me a pair.”
You’ve never had to work so hard to hold back a laugh in your life.
“Well, you owed me a new suit like a month ago, so consider us even,” you lean on his workstation. He’s unboxing various medical supplies from a kit. Test tubes, iodine… a needle. Blood for experiments, right. God you fucking hated needles.
“You could have gotten a new suit on the 43rd floor,” He starts to label the various test tubes, “We have everyone’s designs downloaded. Lyla can scan your body and have a new one made for you in 10 minutes. I assumed you would have gone there.”
“We have a freaking tailor?!”
“It’s in the handbook.”
“No one reads handbooks.”
“And look how that worked out for you,” he tuts as he rounds the desk. You think you catch a small glimpse of him smiling to himself. Just a glimpse. All his supplies were neatly lined up on a white cloth. He turns on a light, illuminating a blue leather-bound medical chair. He gestures to it, “Sit. Please.”
You walk around the desk and take a seat in the chair. You roll up your sleeve and sheepishly place your arm on the armrest. He kneels at your side. The gloves of his suit phased away. He wraps a small band around your upper arm and gently runs his fingers over the crease of your elbow, locating the optimal vein. Despite how clinical all of his actions are, your spider sense immediately jumps as soon as he touches you.
He glances up at you, “You feel that too, huh?”
“That obvious?” You cover your face with your free hand, only slightly mortified.
“Less obvious when it happens to both of us at the same time,” He starts rubbing a small swatch of iodine over the area. 
“Have you done this before?” you ask, suddenly feeling more sheepish than earlier.
“I’m a geneticist,” He answers plainly. A long pause was your reply, “Yes, many times. You’re in good hands,” He clarifies.   
“I don’t like needles,” you admit.
“No one does. I’ll make it quick, I promise,” He says with all the confidence in the world. His calm demeanor was admittedly working in your anxiety's favor. He reaches over and a small robot brings the tubes and needle to his hand. He places them on a small table next to you. He begins unwrapping the sterile supplies, glancing up at you, “Why were you hiding in the tower?”
So he’s making small talk to distract you. He has a decent bedside manner, who knew? 
“I… thought you were gonna fire me.”
He pauses his work, glancing at you again, “Fire you? From the strike force?”
Admittedly, a wave of relief washes over you when you see the faint confusion on his face.
“I mean yeah. I don’t think it’s that unreasonable a conclusion.” You sigh, slouching down further in the chair, “I bet you’ve thought about it.”
He swivels back over to you, needle ready in hand. “It… crossed my mind. You’re going to feel a pinch,” He gently holds your arm. You immediately look away, face contorting at the sharp pressure before it subsides into a dull ache. He continues, “But, this isn’t your fault, it’s mine. I should have done more research. Looked into you more. I could have predicted this.”
And what if he did predict this weird connection? Would you still be here?
“Would you still have let me join if you did?” you ask before you can stop yourself. 
He pauses longer than you’d like, “I don’t know,” he says honestly, “But you are here. You’re a good Spider-Woman. We’re lucky to have you.”
It’s the most basic of compliments, but just knowing that it came from him sends your heart racing and your spider sense buzzing in gratitude. The king of Spider-kind says he’s lucky to have you. How sweet.
“I’m happy to be here.” You say with small a smile.
“All done,” The sharp pain in your arm is replaced with pressure. You turn back and he removes the small tourniquet, holding a gauze over your injection sight. Four test tubes of your blood are all neatly lined up on the side table. That was quick.
“Now what?” You ask.
“Now you let me run a few tests and I’ll get back to you.” 
“And in the meantime?”
“Business as usual.”
“I’m not fired?”
“Not fired,” he nods, “But I still say you owe me a new pair of sweatpants. Hold that.” He instructs you to keep holding pressure while he pulls off a strip of medical tape.
“Noted,” You bring your arm to your lap, instantly missing the warmth of his touch. You’re not sure if it’s the sense acting up or your own feelings. Wouldn’t they be one and the same? You don’t know anymore. The lines of either felt blurry around Miguel. 
He rolls back to your side and tapes the small gauze to your arm. He unwraps a small alcohol pad and wipes off the remaining yellowed iodine.
“Cold,” You shiver at the contact of the cold alcohol swab.
“ Aw, Pobrecita,” he coos. The sarcasm in his tone is evident but his touch is still gentle. He takes a moment and runs a thumb over the soft skin of your forearm, leaving a trail of goosebumps. 
You can feel your sense singing in joy at the contact— on the borderline of morphing into arousal. He had to feel it too. Was he testing the limits? You suppose you had to find them if you both had to learn to live with this.
“You feel it?” he asks, voice dropping an octave.
He raises your arm to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the inside of your wrist. It sends a jolt of electricity through you.
“Did you feel that?”
He moves up, placing another kiss on your forearm. Another jolt accompanied by a hitch in your breathing. His lips seared the nerves of your skin in the best way possible.
“And that?”
A kiss on your shoulder. It was becoming too much. Each time he kissed you it was like a shot of adrenaline straight to your heart— every sense in your body dialed up to 11. You’d wanted him so fucking bad, and he was finally so close now.
Before you can rip his suit off, an alarm blares through the room. 
“Boss!” Lyla materializes at his shoulder. He drops his head with an annoyed sigh. Is it selfish to say you were happy to see he was just as disappointed as you were? Probably. He turns to the virtual assistant. She continues. “Category 6 anomaly. Universe 818. Might be a full sinister crew.”
He immediately stands, mask and gloves materializing. “Call Ben and the local spider.”
“I’ll go too,” you stand up.
“Ah, ah, ah, arañita,” Miguel gently guides you back down to the chair, “You just gave blood, plus you’re in civilian clothes.”
“I feel fine,” your a little offended at his insistence. “I’ll run to the 43rd floor and grab a suit.”
He shakes his head, a portal materializing behind him, “Next time, little spider. Next time.” he backs into the portal, and in a flash of light, he’s gone. Off to save someone else's world.
The faint trill of your spider sense still lingers in his absence, as if reaching out for something that wasn’t there. You lean back into the chair with a sigh.
“Well?” Lyla materializes next to you, “How’d it go?”
You stare at  the ceiling for a moment, “I’m not fired.”
Translations: Hola, arañita- Hello, little spider Aw, pobrecita- Aw, poor thing
And of course, if I got any Spanish wrong please let me know ❤️
And holy BALLS thanks for the comments! I would die for all of you
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akane171 · 1 month
I have read "D-Day with the Screaming Eagles" (to find things about Easy Company), so you don't have to (but you should because it's an amazing book).
-Mike Ranney was among those who received pathfinder training, Shortly before invasion, he requested back to his line company. He desired to go into combat with his close buddies.
-A few quotes from Winter's memoir, that everyone already knows xD
-Corporal Ray Taylor witnessed the moment Easy's Headquaters plane (with Meehan) was hit: "We were lined up in the first position in the doorway. As first manm I was knocked backward into the plane by the force of a neighboring plane exploding in the midair. One of its high explosive bundles, which were suspended underneath the plane, blew up as a result of a direct hit."
-HARRY WELSH, PEOPLE! "(...) was dropped from a plane that had been hit several times, he recalled: I came down over a burning plane that crashed previously. The heat made my chute go up and away from the flames and tangled in the hedgerow. I fell alongside the hedgerow and this probably saved my life. The field was infested with machine gunners and completly strung with overhead barbed wire poles".
-Also, it seems Harry's nickname was "Limey", lol.
-Every time Speirs is mentioned he is called Ron. Not Ronald. Ron.
-Also, interesting thing I didn't know about him "(...) Lt. Ron Speirs, who had once served as a British commando".
-"Carwood Lipton reacted calmly to the intense action about him. He had landed in a walled-in backyard in Ste. Mere Eglise with heavy machine gun fire being sent up toward him as he floated down. A building had been burning firecely down the street, lighting the area with eerie dancing shadows. Yet, Lipton remembered: I didn't have any trouble getting out of my chute. I was very calm (don't know why). Unbuckled each leg straps, belly band and chest strap. Checked myself over and saw that the only weapons I had were a trench knife, two fragmentation grenades and a demolition kit".
-"Walter "Smokey" Gordon had joined two men from his stick. He recalled: We heard a noise further down the hedgerow and one of the men went to investigate abd challenged with his cricket. A fragmentation grenade was tossed in our direction and we dived for cover. Shortly, we got moving again. We saw another soldier run across an opening and I went to get the fellow and in looking in the bushes for him found myself staring down the barrel of a 45. caliber pistol held by F. M. Talbert, our squad leader. I will always remember those white eyes in a blackened face behind that pistol!"
-Colonel Sink popularized the "hostiles" term and I find it hilarious.
-"Colonel Sink continued to fume and fuss throughout the morning due to the lack od communiation with any of his units (...)" and he was "brooding" xD and then he got a jeep and had a ride with a few poor souls through German lines, shooting and throwing grenades, running into a group of twenty German officers, and then they came back. And we thought Ron was mad xD
- There is a subchapter called "Strayer's stray battalion" and it made me laugh
-The attack on the battery is described. Aisde of the battle, Lipton remembered and needed to mention he was the one who bandaged Wynn's butt xD
Also, quotting Winters: Compton, who had been fooling around with a grenade let out a yell "LOOK OUT!" We all hit for cover but there was no cover, for you couldn't get out of the trench, and right in the middle of it was a grenade set to go off, which it did, but for some damn reason nobody got hurt." Lol, Buck, lol.
-Confirmed (by Lt. William G. Padrick) there was a statement to not take the prisoners on the first day. On the other hand, some of the parachuters have taken them, and were quite surprised Germans were shaken and sure they were going to be shot. So, I guess communication in American army was not one of the greatest? xD
-Also "Many other things happened from the time we landed, but I prefer to forget them (...) but some of the cruel cold-blooded things that some of the Germans did made us seen red. From that time on, we decided if they wanted to fight dirty we could too. We took very few prisoners compared to the number we could have, just for the reason. This was business is ghastly at best, but it can be terribly horrible" (Captain George L. Lage)
-Concluding, this whole operation is basically what SNAFU and Murphy's law are, but it as the author said "American paratroopers didn't know where they were, but knew what they were doing." AMEN
Ok, and there is a memory of a soldier from different company but I need to share it because it's fuckingly heartwrenching.
"Lt. Chambliss was an army brat - West Point - and the most idealistic person I ever knew. He was my platoon officer, very G.I., very strickt, but fair. He never drank or ran around and all the other officers must have been a little envious because they pumped the men for any lapses which they might used to needle him. There were none. Since he was so West Point, I conceived the idea o asking "Are we army or West Point?" All the guys in the 2nd platoon liked the idea so I stenciled 'West Point' over the breast pocket of all of our combat jump suits. We all showed up in formation expecting an uproar, but the Lieutenant gave no indication, then or in the days which followed, that he never mentioned. That of course was a let down, but we went into Normandy this way. (...) During the fighting in the exposed area near the bridge, he suddenly stood up and was shot twice. As he lay dying, he asked if anyone was there from the 2nd platoon, and when was told there were none, he told the H Company sergeant who was cradling his head that he'd like to know why we put West Point on out jackets. He wondered if we were mocking his background. I cried tears of shock and frustration and shame as his body was carried past my position. I keep wondering how he could have failed to perceive the great pride and affection we felt for him."
Now you can suffer with me ;_;
D-Day with Screaming Eagles by George Koskimaki.
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lizmindpalace · 1 month
40 days
The house had gone quiet after a book had been slammed shut with such a force the sound had leaked through the closed door and reached out their ears as a threat, the low groan that followed startled them as though a lightning had struck their chests. In silent agreement the inhabitants of the gloomy manor tiptoed upstairs towards the room where the muffled screams were coming from.
"I am aware of the fact I must do as you say, however on this occasion my final answer is a no". 
A deep sigh was audible, and the eavesdroppers could picture the eyes rolling that accompanied such sound. 
"Lucifer..." the always friendly yet commanding voice uttered with a slight hue of a plead. "I have no option here, refusing it could lead us to another war, you know. And that's not good for anyone, it won't change anything, it's just a protocol... he promised". 
"I know better than trusting father's promises", as usual, the words were expressed with resent, however, this time, pain could also be perceived in his voice. 
Silence followed to such statement, they were surprised father was mentioned, and they knew that name could only mean trouble, the curiosity they had been feeling was slowly replaced with the growing concern encroaching their hearts, they held their breaths for some minutes waiting for the conversation to continue.
"You have to do it, Lucifer, I wish I could do something in order to prevent that from happening because I know how much pain it brings to you, but as the next in line for the Devildom's throne I seek for peace between your father and us". 
Another sigh, one that made the ones listening on the other side of the door feel sorrow. 
"Tempting this new favourite human of his to prove if he'll remain loyal after he makes him go through more suffering than his body and heart can bare sounds souless"
"I have to agree, especially since he claims he's his son, the best one, but I don't have any right to interfere". 
"He hasn't changed one bit, and I still don't understand what he wants from us... I used to be his favourite too at some point,  he punished me and my brothers for my lack of obeying due to unfair matters, now he's repeating his actions, maybe he's afraid he'll turn his back at him as I did when he finds out he only cares about power, for his own good I hope he's able to thrive".
"Even if he does..." Diavolo muttered, and then stopped himself.
"Even if he does? What's that supposed to mean?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow, fearing about that man's fate. 
"I've heard he's been condemned ever since he was born, he's had plans about his death, which are not pleasant by the way". 
Everyone including Lucifer felt a shiver running down their spines. 
"There must be another option".
"You know your father better than I do. You have to leave tomorrow and take water with you because these thirty days in the desert will be tough, that guy will be put on a test, and he'll be fastening for the thirty days, at least you won't have to do through that, come to my office tomorrow, I'll hand you the instructions given by the Celestial Realm".
Everyone was in shock after hearing those sentences and five out of the six demons listening, trembled, as they remembered the pain and suffering, they had been forced to face and feared for the fate of the man Diavolo and Lucifer were talking about. They looked at each other, sharing their sorrow, except for Satan who seemed oblivious to it, as he knew the story but had not witnessed it completely. Heavy steps reached the door and it soon opened without notice, the sorrow was replaced by surprise, the now uncovered six demons ran towards their rooms and Diavolo chuckled at the sight, it had not annoyed him, he always found the demon brothers' shenanigans hilarious.
"So... Lucifer has to tempt this guy" Leviathan summarised while his body trembled... "Because father wants to prove if he'll stay by his side even if he tortures him?"
"And Lucifer will have to do the dirty work? How's that fair? Everyone will think he's all evil" Asmodeus stated with a concerned look on his face. 
"He's not though?" Satan frowned; he had been trying to retrieve his memories from the celestial war, he had been able to see a bit through Lucifer's eyes, but it was like a blurred picture, where everything he was able to distinguish was blood, "He's a sadist, that's what he does". 
"It'll be humiliating for him". Beelzebub sighed and left the rice he was having aside. "Having to fulfill father's orders after being treated the way he was treated and having to pretend everything that's happening it's because of him... that's sad". 
The six of them remained silent and thinking and left early to bed, Lucifer didn't leave his office for the rest of the day, and they knew probably they'd find a brief explanation letter about his absence the next morning. 
No demon in the House of Lamentation was able to sleep that night, all of them remained quiet within their bedrooms as they were too concerned and didn't want to create additional trouble for their eldest brother, except for Lucifer's archenemy who left the house without being noticed and way earlier than the eldest.
"It has to be him?" 
Diavolo nodded, but Satan could see the lack of confidence in his eyes, something that was not usual. 
"It's not stated in the instructions, but Michael said it had to be him". 
Satan took the sheets of expensive paper covered with golden letters that resumed everything  Lucifer had to do.
"Let me do it, as long as his name is not in the contract it doesn't matter", Diavolo knew Satan had acquired vast knowledge due to the time he spent in the library, and while it was a risky decision, yet Satan was willing to help and it would save Lucifer from the humiliation, so he nodded, "leave before your brother finds out". 
It took Satan two days in order to get to the dessert where the appointment was, he knew by then Lucifer was far behind, when he arrived he wrapped himself in a black sheet that covered him from head to toes just leaving his green eyes at sight. He noticed a young man on his knees praying by a huge rock. Satan intentions were not following the instructions as they had been told because while he still hold some kind of resent against Lucifer and he loved to annoy him, he didn't appreciate the Celestial Realm meddling in their affairs, they had been kicked out of it, now why they should obey them? It definitely had nothing to do with the fact he didn't want Lucifer to be humiliated by his father again. 
Satan took a second but finally walked towards him. 
"So, are you the son of God?" he asked casually, feeling the awkwardness of the situation raising, he could see the other man was nervous and scared, he didn't even dare to look at Satan directly in the eye as he continued praying in silence with his eyes closed, Satan sighed and cleared his throat, he didn't like to be ignored. 
"Go away creature of darkness, no matter what you say I won't not listen to your evil words". 
Satan sighed and sat by his side, surprisingly he didn't feel anger, even considering he was the avatar of wrath. Seeing that man in such condition made him feel bad. He was nervous, scared and he could see the uncertainty in his face, he was holding on the hope his father would come and rescue him at the very last moment, and he felt sadness knowing what the plans for him were.
"He'll forsake you, you know". He muttered as someone else's memory crossed his mind and his body... a memory of distress and abandonment, it overwhelmed him at a degree he didn't expect until he found a tear rolling down his cheek that he had to cover, he was supposed to be all evil and yet he was now crying because of a stolen memory from Lucifer. 
"He won't" the other stated with a trembling voice, he was determined and had hope. Hope was a good thing, he decided no one should be deprived from such sentiment, so Satan just sighed and took the book he had been carrying while the other man kept praying for a couple of hours, after all, even if it was a bit boring, he had asked Diavolo to allow him to go and now he had to at least remain there. 
"Do you want some?" It had been hours and Satan was getting rather peckish, he had been prepared for the trip and so, he offered the other man a bit of his beloved apple pie he had taken with him.
"I will not fall into temptation, you demon". Satan frowned and wondered what fastening had to do with anything, he looked tired and hungry. 
He shrugged and started eating, since he could not bear it anymore.
"You know, it's very good you're not a cat or you'd very soon be having issues with your liver".
The man looked at him, frowning. 
"What's... what's a liver?"
Satan frowned, then he remembered humans were still way behind when it came to science.
"It makes your body works" he explained. "Anyways, do you know cats can only survive a week without food? Still, it's very dangerous because their health condition could be severely damaged". 
"I had no idea" the man responded, it was a bit odd a demon was talking to him about cats. 
"How's that possible? Are there not cats in your hometown?"
"There are but I have never paid attention to them."
Satan took a hand to his chest and her mouth dropped wide. 
"How's that even possible! Cats are beautiful creatures and fascinating, you know they can fall and always land on their feet without suffering any kind of damage, that's quite fascinating"
The interest of the man grew as Satan talked about cats in such a way, he was surprised, and for a considerable amount of time, he forgot it was a demon, and by the time the night fell upon them, he had to accept he was making his staying in that desert more bearable. 
"And where's this book conference being held, Diavolo?" Lucifer frowned in suspicion as he crossed his arms over his chest, it had been a month or more since last time Satan had departed, Diavolo had said he had sent him to a book conference because he knew he'd enjoy it, it was only a coincidence the Celestial Realm didn't longer needed Lucifer to go to tempt that poor man, of course. 
"In the East" he shrugged, "don't worry the event will end soon". 
Lucifer didn't have too much of an option but to wait, he had a lot of work to get done so he committed himself to it, a letter buried in his previous paperwork then appeared in his desk. 
It's been forty days, the temptation was supposed to last only thirty, go and pick up your young brother.
- Michael. 
Lucifer rolled his eyes but forced Diavolo to disclose the location of Satan, and he picked him up, he saw how the human and his brother exchanged a hug while Satan wished him good luck and the man walked away while the demon looked at him with a saddened expression as he knew what future held for him, he thought he was a nice man and he was also smart even accounting to the fact humans had not discovered anything about their world yet... and by the end his new acquaintance was now also a cat lover due to the information he had shared with him, yet he could feel the pain of everything that was going to happen, he could perceive the same kind of pain Lucifer had once felt... The eldest frowned and Satan gasped as he saw Lucifer, no words were needed, they both began their way home.
"You didn't have to do this". Lucifer spoke in a low voice, always looking at the path that would lead them to the door to the Devildom.
"I did it because I wanted, not because of you". Satan lied.
Lucifer nodded and once they reached out the Devildom he smiled at him.
"Thank you". 
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blade-that-was-broken · 2 months
HC for the soldier au, you know how kids in the US write those letters to soldiers overseas that the schools never like check before sending out so they say the most unhinged shit. Anyway a lot of the time they try to send those letters to squads of soldiers from the same state or area that the soldiers from the squad are from (this is not always the case but sometimes it is). Anyway basically one time one of branches letters made it to the front of a war that JD was fighting in and JD went feral trading and bribing people to get that letter cause branch actually signed that thing with his first and last name and it’s now one of jds prized possessions that he laminated and took with him everywhere.
Branch is touched but also super embarrassed when he finds this out because 3rd grader Branch was going through it and was a weird ass kinda emo 9 year old due to the family drama going down at the time so the letter says something like “thank you for being a soldier so smart kids like me don’t have to die in war” (this is a quote taken from a real unhinged soldier letter that a real soldier in Afghanistan actually received) with a crayon drawing of like a guy getting shot.
Headcanon no more! It's canon now. I love this so much
In the end, it was Dickory who got it.
John was pretty sure he stole it but he didn't care.
All of the guys - even that sheep's face, Chaz - knew about John's strange situation and the forced estrangement from the brothers he could not find. It was the one thing that John didn't really shut up about and most of them let it go, passing it off as sadness or grief or whatever, since he hadn't seen or heard from them in years. It was entirely possible he never would. And considering how John normally was - fairly quiet, kind of eerily still sometimes - they let it pass. Except for Chaz but well, no one cared what Chaz wanted.
Not every soldier in their platoon received a letter from a kid that day but a few did. And the moment John heard the name, he practically went feral.
Which, in hindsight, they all probably should have seen coming. He was practically raised in the woods. And if how John spoke about it was any indication, it was far in there.
"Yeah dude," someone said at another table. "Our squad got them too. Those kids are insane."
John, Dickory and Growly Pete were in a mess hall lunch room. Although John tended to avoid it, especially when Chaz was there, as fights were prone to break out for some reason, Dickory pretty much twisted his arm for it. Not that it was hard. JD and Dickory were pretty close, surprisingly so. It probably didn't help that John was a softie when it came to people he cared about. Which was most of his squad.
"What happened to normal names like Steve or Bethany? Parents are comin' up with crazy weird names these days!"
"I got a Dawn," another guy replied. "That's not too bad."
"Better than mine."
"What name was on yours?"
"Get this. Kid's name was Branch. Who does that?"
John went rigid within the moment and both Dickory and Pete noticed right away, glancing up from their food. "Nein," Dick grumbled with his nose wrinkling. "What is this? Why are you like this?"
He didn't respond, just stood up and whipped around to the other table. The others jumped, a little surprised at the sudden and slightly menacing presence. "Can we help you...?"
"Do you still have it?"
"Have what?"
"The letter."
"From the weirdo named kid?"
The other soldiers glanced at one another. "Nw. One of the other squad guys found it hilarious and wanted it."
"What is your problem?"
And that was how it started. John spent every spare minute tracking down that letter, which kept switching hands constantly. It was like John was chasing a butterfly in the wind. The squad quickly learned not to say anything about it or how John was acting. Of course Chaz decided not to listen.
He got pain for his troubles.
The rest of the platoon heard rumors and liked playing around. Suddenly it was kind of a game to keep it out of John's hands. It wasn't out of malice. If anyone knew who it was or what it meant, they wouldn't dare. Keeping a soldier from a loved one's communication was shameful and an unspoken rule.
Then one night Dickory hopped on John's bed, almost crushing his legs and shoved the paper in John's face. "Di-" John jumped and then sputtered. "What is this?"
"What do you think, you fool?" Dickory huffed. "I got it for you."
John stared at it. "Is this..."
"Ja," Dick nodded.
"Did you... dude, did you steal this?"
He shrugged. "Does it matter? You have it now and this foolish game can cease. I understand what it is even if these other idiots do not."
"Thanks man... this, this means..."
"A lot. I know. Are ya going to open it?"
John did so carefully and barked out a short laugh. "He's funny."
"Is it your brother?"
"Yeah," he sighed, wistfully. "He signed his full name. Do you want to read it?"
"I don't have to. I got it for you not for... what do they say? Giggles?"
John laughed lightly. "I think you'll like this."
"Dear Soldier,
Would you like to trade places with me? I think you could handle my stupid family better and I'd be okay with marching around and learning how to hold a gun.
My brothers are dumb, eat all the food in the house and always want to go out watching music. You listen to music, not watch it.
My teacher says I need to thank you so thanks for doing your marching and shooting so smart people like me don't have to. But really, if you want a break and like watching music - call me. I could use a break.
But I guess do the shooting. Don't get shot. I'm pretty sure that is your job anyway.
If there are any girls there marry her, get it over with before you get old and ugly when your done. Best to do it now. Unless you are already old and ugly well then sorry.
Have you ever fought a shark? Some soldiers are on boats so I thought maybe you have. Punch the nose. unless you are one of those in the woods. Don't run from a bear. It'll catch you. Good luck.
"Your brother is... random," Dickory noted, curiously. "Where did the wife and shark come in?"
"He's like, nine, Dick," John smiled. "He's just a kind."
"One day, John Dory, you're going to meet him again and I am entirely sure you will be best friends."
"One can only hope."
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nightghoul381 · 10 months
hi hi! ive been thinking about the ikevil suitors with a teen mc (14-16)? I guess you could see this as "what if the ikevil suitors encountered a younger mc instead of kate?". a younger mc who's said to be mature for their age could probably spark interesting dynamics with the gang. in a nutshell I'd like to see some hcs w/ all the ikevil with a younger mc! also no need to worry about including possible spoilers from the story. (found family perhaps :D)
Oooh this was fun to think about! Thanks for the ask Anon!
Younger MC HC for Ikemen Villains
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Young MC HC:
She’s very confident and bold, at times reckless
She takes absolutely 0 shit from anyone and I imagine that she may have been living on the streets, stealing something from the mansion when she discovered the Crown.
Dad Energy:
Victor, William, Roger
Go out of their way to make sure the only missions she goes on are ones with minimal risk.
100% would give her a piggyback ride if she gets tired or hurt (especially Roger)
Always willing to listen to her stories and love hearing her talk about things she’s passionate about
Victor is unable to stop making dad jokes, he tried, he physically cannot restrain himself.
Not afraid to scold her if she does something stupid
Older Sibling Type:
Harrison, Elbert, Alfons
Very protective, refuse to let her leave without one of them with her
Tend to get exasperated by her recklessness since they feel personally responsible for keeping her safe
Like to buy her little gifts when they go on missions outside of London
Harrison definitely ruffles her hair to annoy her
Elbert will give in when she asks him to fix her hair
Alfons really likes to make her uncomfortable by talking ‘bout dirty stuff and thinks it’s hilarious when her disgust and discomfort show. He One time got her to cover her ears and walk away and would NOT stop laughing
Little Bro/Bestie Style:
Ellis, Liam
Like to tease her in a friendly way
Will do just about anything to get a smile or a laugh
Always offer to join her on missions, mostly because they enjoy spending time with her
It hurts them if she gets upset with them
Finds her endearingly irritating
She does not put up with his attitude and dishes it right back
If they are in the same room they’re probably bickering/ exchanging insults
Will not admit he likes having her there. He will go out of his way to express how much he despises having her there but everyone (but MC) knows he finds her smart-ass mouth entertaining- no one else usually fights back with him like that.
Hates having her on missions, she never listens to him, ends up getting into trouble and he gets blamed for it when they get back
She generally tries to avoid him but does enjoy getting under his skin if she’s forced to be in the same place/ on the same mission as him.
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writings-ofthe-heart · 9 months
may I request some platonic headcanons for Lucio, Kiriko, and Genji with a friend who has a crazy spice tolerance? 🔥 like extreme spicy is mild to them
please, and thank you
ahh!!! yes! thank you for the req i am running on those pretty much (school is so draining) hope you enjoy!! (pretend the greens are different) @sleeplessdreamer14 just in case, sorry for the lateness
Platonic headcanons with Lucio, Kiri and Genji! and their friend with an extreme spice tolerance🔥
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• Lucio, as a Brazilian, of course would KNOW spicy foods but you know what I think?
• His spice tolerance is laughable. I'm sorry, he just seems like the sort of guy who would eat hot cheetos and Takis by the bag but when you bring in chili peppers, Korean food (Hana forced him to try Buldak) and etc? Count him out 🔥🔥
• When he strolls into the breakroom and sees you, in a competition with Hana to see who can eat the Buldak fastest AND without making faces, he probably shrieked.
• As the mom friend, he'd be completely concerned. Especially how red your face was getting, Hana was tough but she lucked out. After 10 minutes of slurping the noodles, her face was like the sauce, hot red. Lucio helped her, of course but after seeing you were still going he shuffled beside you.
"You can stop now, you won..!" He laughed nervously. You wouldn't stop gorging yourself with the noodles. You paused, took a swig of water. With a completely straight face, "I'm fine, Lucio! These are actually so good."
"Sometimes you really concern me.." He shrugged.
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• Your shared love of spice with Kiri was what pretty much started your friendship!
• She saw you munching on some Taki's and you offered some. "Want some? They're not all that spicy but I like the flavor, and crunchyness."
She took a handful, nodding. "Oh yeah?"
• Since then, she's basically your eating-out friend
• You're always trying new restaurants and foods with her, of course they're all spicy. Sometimes it even gets to her and you laugh.
Her face is heated up and she's sweating bullets after downing a taco filled with a bunch of different hot sauces. Her stomach gurgled unpleasantly. Your laugh caught her off guard, "Are you laughing at me?!?"
You nodded, snapping a pic of her troubled state. "This one is so good, look! You're even sweating."
"Yeah, no shit." She huffed, wiping her forehead.
• You and Kiri always have a ton of fun, and she doesn't like to admit it, but she looks up to you.
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• I'm sorry I feel like Genji would NOT have a high spice tolerance. Of course, being Japanese, he's used to a certain amount, especially in sushi and such. But when it comes to other spices, like Indian cuisine and Korean, it's too much!
• He found out about your spice tolerance when the team went out to eat, at a local sharwarma place while they were in Suravasa. Most of them shared the food but you got a wrap, with all the spices. Genji looked intrigued.
"Can I try it?" He asked curiously as you dug into your wrap gingerly. You nodded, since your mouth was full of the meat and sauce. He took a small bite, and in that second, you swore you could see steam coming out of his ears. He let it rest on his tongue and you could slowly see his ears turn pink, then his neck and face turned absolutely tomato red. Genji even tried to not make a face, pressing his lips together. He looked hilarious.
• Genji vowed to never try your food again. His tongue still burns when he thinks about it too hard.
[reblogs appreciated!]
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fallindomino · 1 year
i’ll always think abt s1 sibuna bc of how and why each member ended up joining like
first is nina, and yeah technically sibuna doesn’t exist until amber but i’ll get there. nina shows up to anubis house and feels extremely unwelcome, due to patricia and the tension in the house caused by patricia blaming her for joy’s disappearance. nina feels so unwelcome she starts going to school early, which is how she meets sarah on the bench outside of anubis house. this leads to her taking sarah back to the old folks’ home where she gets the locket and is instructed by sarah to find and protect the treasure.
fabian is a bit different cause you could argue that he gets involved in sibuna and the mystery cause he likes nina but i think there’s more to it as well. at the beginning of s1 we’re shown that fabian’s best friends are joy and patricia. joy has suddenly left and patricia is obsessed with being rude to nina and figuring out joy’s disappearance, so fabian is probably feeling pretty alone at that point too. combined with the obvious connections to egypt that the mystery had and he was sold.
amber is the most fascinating to me bc she on the surface she seems like the least likely to get involved but in the chain of events it makes perfect sense. mick and mara have started to hang out a lot due to mara tutoring him and amber is getting jealous and upset that mick is spending less time with her. to me it seemed like amber was worried that mick was gonna leave her for mara and she wasn’t going to have anyone. she wasn’t previously shown to be super close to anyone at anubis house besides him, so in her mind, she needed friends and fast. when she overhears nina trying to solve the second clue, she then leans over the stall to snap a pic and basically blackmail nina into telling her what’s going on lol. pretty soon after that she comes up with the sibuna name and iconic hand gesture and bam new solid friend group.
patricia had been feeling alone for basically the entire time since joy left, so she gravitated to the first person who it seemed would give her real answers, rufus. when she convinces nina to come with her to meet rufus about her locket, and they see him being taken away by victor, patricia no longer has anyone to help her. combined with the fact that witnessing this event together cleared some of the tension between patricia and nina and it was the perfect time for patricia to join sibuna.
tbh looking back on s1, alfie becoming part of sibuna seemed like more of a foregone conclusion considering how many times he became collateral damage to their shenanigans, poor dude. between getting in trouble after fabian broke the clock, to getting trapped in the cellar, to getting poisoned by them, he really had it rough lol. besides that, all throughout s1 his best friend is jerome. except jerome doesn’t always act like a good friend to alfie. constantly sabotaging his efforts to woo amber, making him pay for his help, and ditching alfie the second it looked like he had a chance with mara, by the student council arc alfie is feeling pretty abandoned by jerome. the scene where he thinks ms andrews is a snake alien and tackles her to the ground is both hilarious and relevant because it leads to the rest of sibuna deciding they truly can’t leave him in the dark anymore, and he becomes one of them.
like their bond is so strong not only because amber forced them to burn objects of value to them in a fire barrel behind the school (lol i just rlly wanted to mention that, like girl was committed) or because they were the only ones who knew about the mystery, but because they all needed each other. when each of them was at their lowest and most alone, they found a group of people like them who would stick by them and idk i just think that’s cool and wanted to rant abt it shdjdjdj
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The Famous Introduction Pinned Post
Hi, Hola! You have found the way!
Not any way tho. Me, Wey. You found me! Hola! Que pedo? Pásale a lo barrido 🧹
(2024 note: I need to update this)
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That hooman that you see there. Si ese! That’s my sona. A pleasure to meet you. (Outfits change often lol) (Also! The formal clothes supposedly gives the hint that I work as a security guard on the game :v)
More about me: I’m a lazy simp artist. *bows with no shame* Yeah, that’s all of my self presentation :3
As you can see, I’m very much currently hyped with The Daycare Attendants. The scrunckly bois ❤️ I don’t have a specific way to draw the bot bois tho.
So in my blog you will find mostly reblogs of them than my own art. But I will try to share more of my doodles and ideas in the future. (Cuz can’t be considered an artist if I don’t do or share shid right? :v)
Besides being on the FNAF SB fandom I’m also interested in Welcome Home, The Arcana, MHA.
All my art is under #wey draws
My main OC’s are under #wiggles and giggles the clown twins (watch their very first Halloween experience #quick doodle , they are cosplaying as Skid and Pump!)
Here their reference sheet: (old reference btw, their shoes are bigger now etc)
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Gremlins dressed up as clowns basically. My babies 💜 (they were born after i got hooked on the game of FNAF SB)
Facts about them:
Both of them are boys. So he/him pronouns to each
Small animatronics that love to entertain families with their clown acts in the Pizzaplex
Their pants have hidden pockets, stuffed with materials and items for their clown acts. Mostly balloons. (Their hats have stuff too)
On birthday parties they always end up covered in cake
Free to roam around where the public is. Need employee permission or escort to go to restricted areas
Often seen in the daycare where there is a lot of kids to play with. Sun doesn’t always enjoy their visit (such troublemakers sometimes)
At night, when the Pizzaplex closes they immediately go to the daycare. To play with Sun and accompany Moon in his patrols (Moon will never admit he appreciates the company)
They can’t be separated. It causes an extreme anxiety for both, especially if it’s forced
Twin telepathy. Normally knowing what the other thinks. Often saying stuff at the same time and finishing each other sentences
They rarely fight with each other
Both love the attention
None of them knows personal space
They either help or create chaos (Both? Excellent partners in crime)
Press their nose, it does honk noises. They also have a feature to make their shoes do funny sounds
Fart jokes (noises) are hilarious for them
They are indeed high intelligent AI’s but they have the knowledge of a child. Teach and treat them like a kid
Can handle a limited amount of water if they get wet. Preferably to avoid it
Their white eyes can turn black with red pupils when turned in security mode. It is only to intimidate intruders and potentially dangerous people. (Can act scary if their target doesn’t normalize)
They have no virus! But that doesn’t mean they can’t obtain it 👁️👁️
Facts of each clown:
Giggles (Gig):
Likes the color blue and sharks
Normally the one who makes troubles (nothing serious, just mischievous child behavior)
Loves to make people smile and laugh but also get in their nerves (depending the person and situation)
Wiggles (Wig):
Likes the color pink and bunnies
The more responsible one of the two but still gets involved in troubles
Loves to make people have fun (specially if it’s done by his clown acts)
In the future I would like to share some ideas of AU’s I have in mind (idk if they are good enough lol) but for now my goal is to finish art projects that are meant for many friends and awesome artists.
AU’S Que Hice!
Ahoy! Mateys (AU mermay) - The journey of a high spirit kid named Y/N!
Dreaming of becoming a pirate one day!
Sailing the ocean in search of grand treasures and fun adventures with the unbelievable help of two sirens, their best friends!
Who and which said sea creatures seem conflicted with their actions and feelings when it comes to Y/N.
(non-romance just to clarify)
As it’s very known that these two species can never get along.
Will their friendship overcome the stereotypes?
Jump aboard and find out!
My social skills are terrible very good. I have a messed up social battery, it comes and goes. So is very common to find me active some days and then gone for some weeks (months). But frens, moots feel free to reach me anytime. Bother me. Tag me. Be random. Quick chat or a question. I’m okay with all that. I also like it, feels like I’m not forgotten (I’m not the greatest to initiate the conversation but I will totally respond to whatever I get included on 🫂💞)
As for strangers, people who follows me. (Actual real people and not bots lol) Feel free to send asks. Just don’t expect a genius answer from my part heh. Remain respectful, and yup :)
Thank you for your time and attention until the end if you got this far. *hugs ya and gifts ya a real Mexican taco 🌮* Have a nice day/night! Te quiero güey ❤️
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damn-stark · 2 years
Ch.16 We Belong Together
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Chapter 16 of Strange
Warning- ANGST!!!!, swearing, FLUFF I REPEAT FLUFF, talks of weapons and death, blood and Injury, grief, LONG CHAPTER.
Pairing- Steve Harrington x Hopper!fem-reader
Episode- 4x07-4x08
(Let me know if you wanna be tagged)
Sure, the time to confess your unspoken feelings to Steve right now was pretty horrible considering where you currently are, but after what happened just now, after fearing that you almost lost him, you can’t hold back anymore. He needs to know.
Besides, if your own death is near at least he needs to be assured that the time he dedicated to you was never wasted, it was always and will forever be cherished.
“I…” you swallow thickly and speak softly. “I love you, more than anything. More than you know.”
Steve’s lips part, he blinks in surprise, and the only thing he can respond with in that moment is something witty. “That’s not what I thought you’d say.”
A soft scoff escapes your lips, and as you caress his cheeks with your thumbs his lips slowly break into a soft smile before he opens his mouth again in attempts to add something. “I—”
“Sorry to break the beautiful moment,” Robin cuts Steve off, “but do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?”
Steve and you share a concerned look before you both look at Robin with the same confused and concerned faces.
“What?” Steve queries.
“It’s just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear. And I think we should probably get you to a doctor like, really soon….”
You slowly slip your hands off Steve’s face and your confused and concerned faces shift to slightly annoyed and perplexed
expressions. Just slightly.
“…because once symptoms set in,” Robin continues to ramble. “It’s too late. You’re already like, dead.”
You part your lips and draw in a small breath to talk back, but the sound of a bat chittering in the distance cuts you off and makes Robin, Eddie and Nancy get near Steve and you to watch as they begin to huddle around the gate.
“All right,” Steve says and lifts his arm to put it out in front of you for protection. “There’s not that many. We can take ‘em. Right?”
You glance at your makeshift weapon disregarded just a few inches in front of you after you were mesmerized by Steve killing that bat, and then glance up at the bats to agree with Steve. Yet, right when you were going to do so, more bats began to approach.
“You were saying?” Robin said.
“I vote run,” you voice your change of opinion now that more trouble than you can handle loomed. “There’s too many and it seems like they’re just…” you pause and narrow your eyes. “Protecting the gate?”
“The woods,” Nancy cuts in loudly. “Come on!”
Before anyone could debate her choice, she’s already taken a head start and forces you all to follow her through the woods for a few miles until you found the Upside Downs Skull Rock to take cover from the bats that kept flying above. It was actually very fucking terrifying hearing them overheard, knowing that at any second they could just dive down and attack.
Even when there was a minute of relief where it seemed that most passed, you couldn't help but stay on guard and tense.
“Oh…” Robin whispered as she poked her head out from under the rock. “Okay. That was close.”
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees in between pants. “Too close.”
You stand up straight and slowly walk out just far enough to see the sky better. “We aren’t out of the woods yet.” You mumble also in between exhausted pants.
“Hilarious,” Eddie quipped dryly.
You look over at him and shoot him a small smile and a wink. However, your amusement falls instantly the moment you catch Steve stumbling towards the wall and groaning breathlessly. “Oh, sh…shit.”
“Steve?” You call and rush to his side. “Hey…” you trail off the moment you notice the blood running out of his wounds.
“I’m fine,” he tried to assure you. “I’m fine.”
It can’t..it can’t be happening again. You didn’t even notice all the blood because you were running, but now that you do see it, you can’t help but actually grow nervous and petrified for his well-being. He looked and sounded bad and you didn’t even notice…It’s just…it can’t be a coincidence. After you told him you loved him.
“Y/N, I’m fine,” Steve said again after he noticed you were more afraid than he was.
You blink and look up at him to slowly shake your head before your words come out. “No, no, no. You’re not.” Your hands hover over his wounds while tears fill your eyes. “You’re losing blood.” You look behind him for a brief moment before you look at his wounds again and grab his shoulder to slowly guide him down. “Come on, sit, okay?”
Steve grunts and you instantly apologize as if it’s your fault. “I’m sorry. I'm sorry.” You pull your hands away from him and look down at yourself to check if you could use any part of your own clothes to use as some form of bandage, but you had left your skirt on the damn boat.
“Oh…” Robin whispers.
You snap your eyes towards her and watch her approach Steve all cautiously until Nancy pats your shoulder to point out the piece of fabric she was cutting off from her shirt. “Here. This will help for now.”
You nod. “Yeah, thanks.” You try to offer her a smile, but the corner of your lips just twitch since your concern latched onto you hard.
“So the good news is I’m pretty sure wooziness is not a common symptom of rabies.” Robin begins to say beside you and Steve, causing you to try and not to focus on her rabies topic as it didn’t sound outlandish now that Steve was weak and losing blood. “But if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms, or you start feeling aggressive, like you wanna punch me or something, then you should totally let me know.”
You get it, she’s worried too, but you can’t handle her rambling right now that you’re worried and scared for Steve. The sound of your heart pounding in your ears, the memories that forced themselves to your head was all already bothersome enough, and adding Robin’s rambling to the mix made you feel more overwhelmed.
“Robin,” Steve cut in.
“I kinda wanna punch you.”
Robin lets out a nervous laugh and says, “sense of humor’s still intact. That’s a good sign.”
Steve nods and whispers, “yeah,” whilst you take Nancy's piece of fabric that she finally hands you.
“Thanks,” you repeat and let out a shaky breath before turning back to face Steve. “Okay, I’m sorry I don’t have anything else, you know like water, or alcohol, a good bandage, but this will work. It’ll stop your bleeding,” you say in hopes that it would. “You’ll be okay.”
Steve leans towards you and begins to watch you while you begin to bandage his torso as those memories play a lot more vividly in your mind now; the last time you told Sara you loved her and the moment they told you she passed. The first time you told your father you loved him after a long time and that exact moment Joyce told you without the need of any words that he didn’t make it.
You tried not to be negative now, it was just a little blood, but it was happening again after you told him that you loved him. Seeing how bad he’s hurt after he got attacked, hearing him in pain and having those memories play back just had a way to wound you so deep that it currently felt like someone was clutching your heart in their fist to get ready to just squish it at moments notice, your chest felt so tight that it felt hard to even breathe. You were the one supposed to be comforting Steve, but he’s the one assuring you.
“Hey, y/n, this kind of reminds me of when I helped you out, remember? Your first week in Hawkins?”
You finish wrapping the bandage and slowly let your eyes drift up to him to question him with just your look alone.
“You almost ran me over,” you finish for him with a breathless chuckle. “Yeah.” You scoff and look back down to tighten the bandage.
The corner of Steve’s lip pull up after seeing you smile.
“Too tight?” You ask and once again drift your eyes up to him.
“No, that’s good.”
You nod and look down to draw in a breath and keep it trapped in your chest as you tie the ends of the fabric together. “All right,” you breathe out. “You’ll be okay,” you try to assure him again while you let yourself meet his gaze to say it again, but this time to assure yourself. “You’ll be okay.”
“I know, I will be,” he whispers as he holds your gaze. “Thanks.”
Even after confessing what you felt, you could still feel the same tension between the both of you; there's just so much you still needed to tell him. Things to assure him over, and strengthen your confession since you knew he was still somewhat unsure; you can see it in the way he looks at you, you can feel it too, it’s so obvious.
“And,” Steve continues with that smile. “I didn't almost run you over. Let’s get that clear.”
You keep your hands on his torso and smile wider. “You did. That’s what it is after someone swerves away from a body—”
“On the road,” he snaps. “You were in the road, on my road.”
“Public road. And I was on my skateboard, you were the one distracted,” you argue.
“Wait,” Robin interjects with an entertained smile. “You ran y/n over?”
Steve’s head snaps towards her and he points at her but immediately puts his hand down since it hurts his side. “No! Almost!”
“Aha!” You exclaim. “See. Told ya so.” You shoot him a smirk and end up sharing a longing look until Eddie’s voice interrupts the moment.
“So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?”
You slip your hand off Steve’s torso and grab his arm to swing it over your shoulder so you can help him out from under the rock, while Nancy answers Eddie. “Pretty much.”
“You okay?” You whisper up to Steve.
Steve nods and leans towards your ear to whisper. “Let’s talk later…if we get out that is—We will though.”
“Yeah,” you agree. “I was going to say the same thing.”
“Wait,” you hear Nancy say. “Watch out for the vines. It’s all a hive mind.”
“It’s all a what?” Eddie asks while he’s balancing himself on a rock.
“All the creepy crawlies around here, they’re, like, one or something. You step on a vine, you’re stepping on a bat, you’re stepping on Vecna.”
“Shit.” Eddie hisses.
“But everything from our world is still here, right?” Robin adds to Eddie’s question. “Except people? Obviously.”
Nancy continues to answer for the group. “As far as I understand it, yeah.”
“So, theoretically, we can go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate.”
“Yeah,” Steve remarks to Robin’s comment. “I highly doubt Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin. But guns, yeah sure.”
You scoff and shake your head. “No, Hawkins PD is all the way downtown, it’s way too far to just walk out there. I mean who knows what else is out here, we need to find weapons somewhere else. I’m sure there's a house that has at least one gun or two. I mean my grandpa's cabin has a shotgun, and a hunting rifle, we can go there.”
Nancy looks over at you and shakes her head. “No, we don’t have to go all the way downtown or to your dad's cabin for guns. I have guns in my bedroom.”
Hm. Cool. Badass.
“You,” Eddie says as he hops down from the rock. “Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?”
“Full of surprises, isn’t she?” Robin says with awe.
You sigh. “I mean with what we’ve dealt with, why wouldn’t she own guns? It’s smart. Good thinking, Nance.”
Nancy smiles at you and then continues with her comment. “I have a Russian Makarov and a revolver.”
“Yeah,” Steve scoffs and nudges you. “She almost shot me with that one.”
You blink and look over at him to question him. “Really?”
“Yeah, he almost deserved it.” Nancy adds in her defense, making you snicker until you’re cut off as Eddie throws his vest at Steve.
“For your modesty, dude.”
You smirk and part your lips to add something about keeping Steve shirtless, but Robin catches you right away and shuts you up. “No, don’t say a word.”
“Aw, sweetheart. Come on.” You try to be a bit lighthearted to try and calm down your nerves and shut up that fear that was poisoning your mind.
Robin shakes her head and makes you smirk deeper while you also feel Steve pull his arms away from your shoulder to begin putting on the vest. Yet, right when he was trying the ground suddenly began to shake, causing you to stumble back but keep balanced long enough to grab Nancy and keep her in your arms while the ground kept shaking.
“Oh, fuck,” you whisper through pants whilst you tighten your hold around Nancy and feel her hold on to your arm.
And of course, as if on cue, right as the ground stopped moving, those creatures are heard again, leaving a more tense silence and feeding that fear you all had.
“Yeah,” Eddie breaks the silence. “So, guns seem like a pretty idea to me.”
“Yeah,” Robin agrees. “Me too.”
Nancy pulls away from you and you walk back and turn away from the group to try and take in a few deep breaths, but Steve cuts in, “So what are we waiting for?” He pulls out his flashlight and turns it on to begin leading the group further into the woods.
“…and at the last moment the oldest sister jumped, hopped and ran in front of the evil wizards spell to save her youngest sister from the cruel fate—”
You look up from the book in your hands and see your mother barging in the hospital room with your father chasing after her. “Hey wait—”
“Momma?” You call in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
Your mother fixes her purse over her shoulder and doesn’t even glance at Diane in the corner, or at the little girl on the hospital bed beside you, her eyes are set strictly on you as her hand is extended towards you.
“It’s time to go. Now.”
You glance at Diane in the corner and then at your father behind your mother and hesitate since you still had another week to be here with Sara. Your mother came a week early.
“But momma—”
“No, buts y/n, it’s time to go. Now,” she insisted, causing your father to try and grab her arm to pull her out of the room to talk, but she just pulled her arm away from his grasp and looked back to whisper something you didn’t catch, but something that made him look over at you and your sister before he sighed and stepped inside the room to talk to you.
“Look, your mom is going to take you home now, okay?” He caresses your cheek and tries to smile. “We’ll call okay? Everyday. I’ll pick you up after Sarah is done with this round of chemo, okay? And we'll go to the beach together.”
You set the book down and frown, you want to argue, you want to cry against your mothers wishes, but you wanted to be strong for Sara, you didn’t want her to see you crying or fighting with your mother, so instead you nod slowly in agreement.
“Okay, you promise you’ll call?” You ask and meet his gaze.
Your father nods and places a kiss on the top of your head and whispers, “I love you. Say goodbye to your sister.” He pulls away to let you slide off your chair and get on the bed to do just as he said.
“I’m going to go with my mom now, okay, Sara? I’ll be back soon.” You assure her in a soft voice, and with a sweet smile on your face.
“Promise?” She asked quietly.
The smile on your face widens and your voice turns softer. “Pinky promise.”
Sarah beams at you and lets you wrap her in a gentle embrace that lets you share simple yet meanfigul and truthful words. “I love you so much, Sara.”
Said girl tightens her hold around you and giggles before she repeats your words with ease. “I love you too, sis.”
You stay in the embrace for a few more seconds before you have to pull away to slowly get off the bed and say goodbye to your father and Diane before your mother quickly whisks you out of the room as if in a rush, making Sara be the last thing you saw before the door shut behind you.
Unknowingly though, that would be the last thing you saw of her; that glimpse of the small wave, and her small happy smile that decorated her pale features before the door shut behind you. That I love you would be the last thing you’d ever tell her because just a few days later after no contact your father did call like he said he would, but not to talk to you, it was to talk to your mother in fact.
Right away you knew the call was strange, when they talked there was no arguing back and forth, the call was short, unbelievably so since they always tended to argue for a long time when he called.
“Momma,” you slowly call her out after you see her put the phone down and stay completely and utterly still. “Was it my dad?”
Your mother lets out a deep breath and stays with her back agaisnt you for a few more minutes until you begin to approach her to check if she’s okay. “Momma?”
“Y/N, my sweet girl…” she pauses, and then turns around to crouch in front of you to get to your eye level and hold your shoulders with this sad look in her eyes that makes her eyes gleam. “I have to tell you something.” She swallows thickly and sighs before she continues. “It’s Sara, she…she passed away….”
The rest of what she told you was lost, you failed to grasp anything else after her announcement. The days after that were a blur, you couldn’t recall most of the funeral anymore, all you could remember was those emotions you now recognized as grief and heartbreak. Most importantly, what was the most vivid memory was that last moment you shared with your sister.
What once was an endearing moment, has now turned sour and traumatizing because you solely poisoned such a sweet memory with your crippling fear and paranoia. But it was unintentionally done, and in your mind choosing to let the memory turn heart aching rather than letting it be comforting and happy was reasonable, in your own mind.
And now that you’ve told Steve what you felt, now that he’s wounded and in danger of dying, that same poison that tainted Sara’s memory and your fathers, was beginning to corrupt that little bit of happiness in a place surrounded by horror.
No matter how much you tried convincing yourself that he’d be fine now that you patched him up, you couldn’t help yourself from getting lost in that fear that fogged up your mind. It left you quiet while you made your way to Nancy’s house, or correction, the Upside Down version of her house. That same silence killed Robin, she wanted to wait for a better time but she couldn’t help herself anymore.
“So are we going to talk about it?” She asked as she fell to your side and let Nancy guide the way by herself.
You blink and slide your eyes over to her to question her with a quirked brow.
“What you told, Steve?” She explained herself and fianlly let you in on what she was referencing. “I mean from what I could grasp in your emotional letter to your dad, that was the thorn in your relationship, right?”
“Uh,” you breathe out and nod stiffly as you’re left a bit baffled. “Yes.” You cross your arms over your chest and scoff. “You know, for someone who says she has trouble grasping some things, it was easy for you to figure out my relationship problems.”
Robin shrugs and smiles. “You guys are my friends, I have been rooting for the two of you since before you and I were even friends, I need this relationship to work. Having you guys fighting is like seeing my own parents fight, it’s traumatizing.”
You can’t help the amused smile that tugs on your lips after you scoff. Alas, that gesture gets tainted by those stupid dark feelings too and it just brings out your negatitvty. “I told him what I felt but at what cost? He’s hurt, I—”
“Shut up,” Robin blurts. “Shut up with that. The only curse here is Vecna. You, Y/N Hopper are not a curse, you are just a girl, a simple curseless girl, you hear me?” She meets your gaze as you keep walking after Nancy. “Your sister died because of that vicious cancer, you didn’t curse her. You father died being a hero, you didn’t curse him. The only thing you’ll curse is yourself if you keep thinking that way! And take it from someone who can’t help but take a negative spin on things!” She throws out her arms and exclaims, making you shush her so the others wouldn’t hear your conversation.
“Steve is walking on both feet, he’s alive thanks to you taking that jump,” she continues to tell you…or lecture you? You can’t tell her with her voice sounding almost angry and nervous at the same time.
“I mean, all you did was save him. So please stop, or else Vecna will use that against you, I mean he uses trauma against you, right?” Her voice turns a lot rougher this time. “He already has you as a potential victim, so if you keep thinking that way you’ll just be an easier target, I mean think about your sister! Do you really want her to attend another funeral? And I for one can’t stand thinking that I might lose you because you can’t get out of these stupid fake claims about yourself. I’m being serious, y/n, I can’t lose you, so please stop. Get your shit together, or I will slap you.”
Robin takes one last look at you and chooses to walk ahead to once again join Nancy, leaving you completely and utterly speechless—you never thought you’d get lectured by Robin out of all people. It was…well, it was kind of scary.
More scarier than the earthquake that hit only minutes after Robin walked off.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you curse under your breath and hold onto a tree while the ground kept trembling.
“Okay,” Robin began to comment while she was holding herself steady on the ground. “Second on my list of least favorite things, earthquakes. Seriously, I’m unsteady enough as it is.”
You groan and dig your nails into the tree bark to try and keep yourself standing as the shaking ground threatens to knock you down.
Well, at least you keep yourself steady until you watch Nancy walk off while the ground continues to shake, after that you push yourself off the tree and follow her until she's stopped just outside of the tree line.
“Nancy! Y/N!” Robin calls until she and the other two join Nancy and you to watch her house standing just across the field, surrounded by broken down transmission towers and a dark empty field of grass.
“Come on,” Nancy urged the group forward and continued to guide the group towards the eerie lonely house casted by dark clouds that produce loud red lightning strikes.
As you did follow, the group stayed clustered together just for a little while but everyone then broke away to walk at their own pace since all you’ve done for the past hours has just been walking, it provided a strain nobody complained about, but did feel.
The good thing was that the house wasn’t far anymore, but throughout that short walk you were left with a chance to find an excuse to talk with Steve since he was walking just a bit behind you.
“How are you holding up?” You ask whilst you wait for him to catch up to you so you can continue forward.
“Hurts a little less, but it’s still painful,” he shares and lets you push back part of the vest to check if he had bled more.
Which luckily he wasn’t.
“Well,” you sigh. “It doesn’t seem like you’re bleeding anymore, but let’s not add any strain or you know bump into it, ‘kay?” You look up at his neck and frown deeper at how deep the bat's tail had embedded in his skin. “This hurt?”
When you don’t receive an immediate answer you look up at him and catch that he’s already looking at you.
This look unlike the ones before was soft, not filled with any hostility after the arguments and misunderstanding you’ve had, this look still seeked something from you, but you could make out that twinkle in his eyes as he kept looking at you. And that slight change makes your heart skip a beat, it has you looking away all nervously, and has you letting go of his side.
“She talked to you? Robin, I mean?” He utters quietly so she wouldn’t hear. “I saw you guys deep in conversation just a bit ago.”
You draw out a deep breath and nod. “More like she lectured me about some stuff, it was scary, like, I have never actually seen her mad before.”
“You?” Steve probes. “Made her mad? What did you do to her?”
You shrug. “I think I annoyed her, like, I was really surprised.” You shake your head and meet his gaze to laugh. “It was really scary. I’m not lying, don’t make her mad.”
Steve scoffs and nods along. “Got it.” He proceeds to let out a sigh and slows down his pace just a bit since you’re closer to Nancy's house—“we’re good right? I mean we have things to talk about, but we’re good right?”
Without an ounce of hesitation you nod. “Yeah. I mean, are we?” You stop in your steps and only take a small glimpse of the others as they walk inside, before you return your gaze back to Steve as he stops in front of you too.
“I mean after you just saved me back there, yes we are.” He begins to smile. “It’s not everyday I see you stabbing a bat with a broken oar to save me, I mean that was fucking badass.” He grins now and makes you begin to smile and get all hot and nervous as if he’s never complimented you before. “I mean, baby, I was impressed, maybe a little turned on too. And that flip you did with the oar, it was cool as hell.”
You drop your head and bite the inside of your cheek before you perk up and beam at him “I made that bat my bitch!”
Steve snorts and wants to judge your choice of words, but he’s too amused to say anything. “You definitely made that bat your bitch.”
“What can I say?” You say all smugly and then hit right back with some compliments of your own. “Let’s not leave you out because damn! I mean, you don’t need a laser watch when you have brute strength, I mean, it was hot, the way you just swung it and then smacked it on the ground. That was amazing.”
Steve shrugs with nonchalance and answers all cockily. “What can I say? I was being the hero the group needed.”
“Total American hero,” you sweet talk him, making him break into a soft chuckle as he nods in agreement with his hands on hips.
“If Dustin could see us now. Total American heroes.” He licks his lips and holds your gaze in that silence that follows to lean in and lift one hand to reach for your face, but just when he was close he pulled it back to brush his hair back instead. “Are you doing okay?”
Slowly your smile begins to fall at the sound of his question, and the weight it carried returned to your chest. You thought of lying to assure him, but you remembered what Robin said, what Nancy said and what…Miss Vasquez said as well and decided to lean towards the truth. Especially because he’s still here after you confessed.
“Just a bit scared,” you sigh and hold his gaze. “But besides that, yes, I’m okay. You’ll let me know if you’re feeling anything else, right?” You ask and glance at his bandage. “Any symptoms that are out of the ordinary.”
Steve nods. “I will, but don’t worry, I’m good. I’m all good.”
You draw in a deep breath and nod even if you carry the concern and doubt on your face.
“You’ll let me know if you feel anything Vecna related, right?” He also asks, letting you slowly exhale.
“I will,” you agree. “I mean if not you’ll definitely know right?” You snicker.
Steve’s eyes narrow to shoot you a pointed glare before he shakes his head. “No, no, not funny.” He pulls away and turns to walk inside the house with you trailing right behind him and contradicting him.
“It’s a little funny. I mean get it cause I’ll—”
“Shh.” Steve cuts you off, causing your face to contort to express annoyance and discontent.
“Shh, you hear that?” Steve whispers and points his flash towards the dark vines that decorated the inside of Nancy’s house, whilst he kept slowly treading forward.
You try to strain your ears while you cautiously follow after him, but you still don’t catch anything….
Is it his rabies?
“Steve, I don’t hear shit, maybe try to tell me what we’re hearing so I can know. Unless it’s what Robin said you’d feel.”
Steve peers back at you and flashes his light on your face, making you shield your eyes and miss that complete shocked look on his face as he finally let you in. “It’s Dustin.” He flashes his light away and continues to walk around.
At first, you still couldn’t catch a thing, it made you worry heighten, to the point you were going to sit him down and try and do something about it, but just then, right when you approached Steve and opened your mouth, you heard Dustin. He sounded far though, a bit muffled, as if he was at the other side of some room. You can’t lie and say it isn’t relieving to hear his voice.
“Dustin!” Steve called loudly. “Dustin!”
You look around in the hopes you’d find a way to communicate back without sounding a bit crazy like Steve next to you, but there was literally nothing but vines and useless junk.
“Du—Hello? Hel…Hello?”
“Y/N?” You hear Nancy call you from behind.
When you look back you see her and the other two watching Steve trying to communicate with his young child friend with concern.
“What’s going on? Is he okay?”
You smile and sound just as crazy as Steve. “We can hear Dustin’s voice from the other side.” You sigh at Steve’s continuous attempts. “We’re trying to talk back, but well…” you trail off and look back at Steve.
“Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy asked and gained his attention.
“He’s here,” he shared and spins around to point his flashlight at the group. “Henderson, that little shit, he’s here. He’s like…he’s in the wall or something. Just listen.” He then goes quiet for a bit and puts his hand behind his ear—“It’s Dustin.”
“It’s true, the little fucker is here.” You say in support of his claims and shoot them a smile that just receives more strange looks.
“You guys are a strange couple,” Eddie mutters with his eyebrows furrowed.
You scoff and get ready to snap back, but Steve continues to yell so it forces you to turn and instead address him. “Steve, he won’t hear you, try something else! And be careful with the vines!” You continue to follow Steve to try and find something while he continues to yell.
When the others finally hear the voices, they begin to try and get Dustin’s attention too.
But they also get nothing.
“All right, either this kid can’t hear us or he’s being a total douchebag,” Steve grumbles.
You blink and part your lips to gasp as a thought suddenly barges out from the depths of your head. “Will found a way.”
Steve and Nancy look over at you and he questions you. “What?”
You drift your eyes over to them and continue. “Joyce told me what happened, she said Will found a way to speak to her through the lights!” You then focus on Nancy to ask for reassurance. “Right? I’ve been trying to remember, but I didn’t get it ‘till now!”
The look on Nancy’s face turns from perplexed to surprised and a bit excited. “Exactly!” She exclaims and then runs towards a lamp to try and turn it on, but it wouldn’t work, not even when she tried the switch.
“It’s not working.”
You turn and look around again until Steve’s voice made you turn to face him. “Guys? You seeing this?” He keeps his flashlight pointed ahead of him which causes you to look over at his target. Which turned out to be…just a chandelier.
A chandelier that’s dimly lit.
“No way,” you muse with an impressed smile before you slowly step towards the light to see that there was some type of sparkling hue that blanketed the chandelier. It was sort of…pretty, mesmerizing, not enough to stick your fingers in it, but Nancy did anyway, luckily nothing bad happened to her hand. She just kept waving it around and actually made it tempting to you and the others too.
Even if you were a bit skeptical considering this was the Upside down, you slowly let your hand get pulled towards the light just as the others tried to touch that hue too. And instead of feeling a heat like you thought you would, you felt that….well whatever substance that covered the light softly tickle your fingers.
“It…tickles,” Steve mused what you had in mind.
“It kinda of feels good,” you voice out instead.
“Does anyone know Morse code?” Nancy suddenly asks the group.
You slowly lower your gaze from the light and look over at her to nod. “Yes. I do.” You lower your hand and feel everyone’s stares on you now. “What?” You quip. “My dad taught me a long time ago.”
Eddie scoffs and lifts his hands when you look over at him. “We didn’t say anything, it’s cool that’s all. Really, I’m being honest, it’s cool.”
You look away from him and glance at the light before letting your eyes go from face to face before you speak. “We should keep the message short and sweet so it’s easier to pass. Any ideas?”
“How about SOS?” Eddie suggests.
“Yeah,” you agree right away. “It works.”
Before wasting more time you lift your hand again to tap your fingers through the hue to send out the message. With each second that passes though, the more you grow frustrated when you wouldn't get a response. Not because your hand was getting tired of being extended for a long period of time, but because you could hear Dustin’s voice and got nothing.
A few minutes pass with nothing and it only aggravates you more, until finally you catch the right commotion.
“It’s working.” Robin points out what was becoming known.
You continue nonetheless until finally there's a response. “Just hold on!”
You sigh in relief and let a small grin tug on your lips.
“Tell them to get my sisters Lite Brite, we can communicate that way.” Nancy ordered.
You nod immediately and pass the message by just spelling out the object to keep the message short.
“Right!” You hear Dustin’s muffled response seconds after. “Right! Go to Nancy’s room!”
Without waiting anymore Nancy runs over to get the Lite Brite and then you continue to run to her room to wait for the others to communicate back. Which in their defense didn’t take that long, but you were getting impatient to see if this plan would work so it felt like an eternity when it was just mere minutes.
“Come on. come on,” Steve whispered beside your ear.
You exhale deeply and clench your jaw until the moment a dim light finally glows from the Lite Brite, and Dustin’s voice follows to echo out. “You guys seeing this?”
Slowly you let your jaw loosen from its tight hold and can’t help but let out a breathless and relieved laugh while Nancy waved her hand over the light as a response that earns a recognizable happy chuckle for an answer.
“We’re not moving it,” Dustin’s voice continues to sound out. “But we’re gonna unplug it. Stand by….yank it.”
The light lost its hue, but the plan to communicate continued. “Okay, try it now!” Dustin shouts.
Nancy nods and whispers, “Okay,” and proceeds to focus on the object in front of her to first spell out ‘Hi’, and then leave the group waiting for something to be said back.
“Okay, come on,” you mumble and clasps your hands together as you wait impatiently. “Come on.”
Just moments after your comment, there's a confirmation, “that worked!”
Your lips break into a grin once more and out of excitement you grab Nancy's shoulders and shake her to celebrate your small win.
Yet, no one could be fully relieved yet, there was still more to say in order to get help to get out.
“Okay, uh, uhm,” Nancy muttered after the excitement between the five of you faded away so you could concentrate on the plan in hand again.
This time Nancy spelled out, “Stuck,” and an answer was quickly given.
“Yes,” Steve agreed.
“We are,” Robin added, whilst Eddie hummed and nodded, and you smiled softly out of happiness and couldn’t help but clasp your hands together to press the side of your knuckle against your lips since you were also very anxious.
“Uh,” Dustin begins to speak again. “You can’t get back through Watergate?”
Your eyebrows scrunch together at the name of the gate and you share a confused look with Eddie since he was beside you.
“What the hell’s Watergate?” Steve voiced the question you and Eddie had in mind.
“‘Cause it’s in water and its gate,” Robin surprisingly is the one to explain the logic.
You scoff and compliment her rather than Dustin’s name of choice. “Nice.”
“That’s cute,” Eddie says too.
Steve nods. “Right.”
“Uh, no,” Nancy denies Dustin outloud before she spells out, “GUARDED.”
“Uh, okay. Uh, Watergate’s guarded.” Dustin pieced it together and earned more responses and supportive reactions—“I think we have a theory that can help with that!” Dustin continues to say.
“Genius child,” Robin whispered.
“I’m telling you!” You exclaim out of genuine pride.
“We think Watergate isn’t only the gate. That there’s a gate at every murder site.” Dustin finishes his commmnt, causing Nancy to let out a confused reaction.
“Does anybody understand what he’s talking about?”
You fix your posture and lean towards her to try and explain what you were understanding as it was getting shared. “Maybe everytime Vecna finished a kill, a gate was left where the curse was completed, I mean where the body was left. No? It’d make sense.”
There were more stares directed at you, so you shrug and doubt yourself. “Just a theory.”
“Maybe,” Nancy says before she draws a question mark just in case you’d be wrong.
“Okay!” Dustin exclaimed with an attuitde that was easily detected. “How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me?!”
You scoff and shake your head at his tone.
“Jesus Christ,” Steve remarks on Dustin. “This kids gotta get his ego checked.”
“It’s his tone, right?” Eddie adds.
You lean forward to nod quickly and agree with the boys. “Yes! I know, huh!”
“Okay, so…” Nancy changes the subject back to the problem. “So how far is your trailer?”
“Seven miles,” Eddie quickly answered.
They should’ve listened to you. You were right! You were right!
“Nancy?” Robin calls out. “Uh, I know your house here is, like, weirdly, creepily frozen in time and shit, but haven’t you always had bikes?”
A knowing look is shared between all of you before Nancy tells Dustin about going to Eddie’s house as the last message before you went for the bikes in the garage.
“I told you guys,” you gloat while you get on a bike. “I told you guys that’s what it was, no one ever listens to me.”
Robin climbs on hers and huffs. “Sorry,” she says. “We should’ve known. I'm sorry for the lack of belief.”
Steve opens the garage before he climbs on his bike, while you shoot Robin a smirk before you face the dark eerie outside.
“Okay,” Nancy says after a deep shaky breath. “We stay together, don't fall behind and don’t go off on your own. Whatever you might see signal out to the group, got it?”
Without the need to share another word everyone shares an agreeing and knowing look before you face the outside again, and hesitate.
No matter how different you all were, what your relationships currently were to each other, the one thing you knew you all felt was fear. No one could hide that, not even the bravest of the group, not even if it’s what everyone tried to express, fear is a shared and understanding feeling, no one judged each other for that, like no one judged each other for hesitating to leave.
In any case it’s that shared fear that actually made you all braver in ways, since you knew that you all felt the same, you knew that you had one another to rely on. That fear bonded you in some ways too. Rather than letting it paralyze and get to you, you let it move you forward towards your destination, it lets you try to accomplish your plan to get out.
The one thing that could’ve actually stopped you was the seven miles you had to bike without any breaks. It was a fucking killer on your legs no matter how much you tried to exercise. It made arriving at Eddie's house a fucking pleasure.
“That’s gotta be a Guinness World Record.” Robin somehow had enough breath to say after you all got off your bikes. “Most miles traveled interdimensionally.”
Your breaths are deep and fast, and your heart is pulsing unbelievably fast.
“Just inhaled a bunch of that crap,” Steve shared and then coughed. “It’s stuck in my throat.”
You gasp for air and accidentally do the same as he did.
“Oh, fuck,” you groan and then begin coughing too.
“Did you not hear what I just said?” Steve snapped at you while you made your way inside. “Careful!” He proceeds to hit your back so it would be easier to cough out what you inhaled. “Jesus.”
You hit your chest and clear your throat to try and get it wet after your cough dried you out. “Never doing that again. We should’ve worn a mouth cover, we know this.”
“Yeah except it, like, makes it hard to breathe,” Steve says and you actually couldn’t help but agree, except you didn’t get the chance to voice it since the sight of the glowing red gate on Eddie’s ceiling left you speechless.
“Goddamn,” Steve says in a change of tone before he turns off his flashlight since the red glowing gate provided enough light.
“This is where Chrissy died,” Eddie shares without giving a hint of any emotion he could feel at the memory of what he saw. “Like, right where she died.”
The gate began to make this wet squelching noise that makes your nose scrunch out of disgust, but has you inching closer to Steve out of intensifying fear.
“I think there’s something in there,” Robin pointed out.
The noise gets louder and now something slowly begins to bulge out of the gate—“What the hell is that?” You remark and hold onto Steve’s hand as the thing suddenly stops moving, leaving you in a tense silence until the moment the thing that lurked at the other side broke through since you all screamed out of surprise while you backed away at the same time.
Now, however, that bright red hue the gate provided was gone and a bright white light beamed down. Rather than waiting for something more to happen, you slowly began to approach it with your group and your hand clutching onto Steve’s arm.
You of course didn’t walk too close out of caution, but Steve did. Of course. “Wait,” you whisper to him as he begins to step away, making your hand begin to slide down his arm the further he gets. “Steve, just wait.”
Said man holds onto your hand once your hand slides down and pulls you with him towards the gate while the others slowly follow behind. And since Steve was the one ahead he’s the one that caught what was on the other side first.
“No way,” he voiced out the shock he now felt.
Once you made your way under the gate you were relieved to see Dustin, Max, Lucas and Erica just on the other side.
“Hi there,” Dustin greeted after his chuckle.
The fear you felt subsided and a relieved and happy smile decorates your features now at the sight of your friends.
“Hi,” you greet back with a small wave, just like the others did.
“Holy shit,” Robin muses. “This is trippy.”
“Tell me about it,” you say breathlessly while you slowly let go of Steve’s hand.
“Bada. Bada-Boom!” Dustin exclaimed.
Now that you were here, what followed was getting to the other side. It seemed like it would be difficult since the gate was tricky to get through since it was on the ceiling, yet it turned out you were wrong, or really, Dustin tried to contradict your doubt; he said he planned something, but he only vaguely shared it and just left you guys to watch glimpses of from the other side instead.
The only real hint you had was when Lucas and Max returned with a mattress to leave on the floor just under the gate.
“We’re going to have to jump on that dirty mattress aren't we?” You mumble to yourself.
“Those stains are, uh,” Eddie interjects before Steve could comment on your question. “I dunno what those stains are.”
You glance back at the mattress and scrunch your nose in disgust when you spot how big they actually are; and there's so many of them too.
“Mmm,” Robin groans.
Since you’re left in anticipation you stay quiet and just grow impatient as you always do. You wait and wait and wait, until finally Dustin appears under the gate and gets on the mattress with a rope in his hand made out of tied up sheets.
“I’m not sure how these are going to work, but uh,” you can hear him say before he hurls the rope of sheets through the gate.
And instead of falling back after he lets it go, the rope stays hanging down and steady.
“What a fucking genius,” you say in awe.
“All right,” he directs at your group, “pull on it! See if it holds!”
You all share a quick look before Robin pulls on the rope to confirm its efficiency.
“Okay,” you say and look between your group. “Who wants the honors of going first?”
A silence passes where no one moves or says anything, looks are the only things that’s passed until Robin is the first one to step forward. “Guess I’m the guinea pig.”
You draw in a deep breath and offer her an assuring smile. “Be careful,” you breathe out before you begin to watch her pull herself up the rope.
She struggles at first, but when she successfully makes it through the other side she lets gravity pull her down to the mattress without a scratch on her.
“Good,” you whisper after you see her get pulled off the mattress, letting Eddie go next, and then leaving you with the same relief once you see him land successfully too. After that Nancy looked at you and Steve and pushed you to go next.
Yet you declined. “No, I’ll stay back with Steve, you go next. I’ll follow.”
Nancy doesn’t argue back and makes sure to share one last thing to Steve and you. “See you on the other side.”
“On the other side,” Steve responded and left you to wait for her to grab the rope to climb out.
However, instead of moving, Nancy suddenly went incredibly still, it almost looked like she even stopped breathing, you couldn’t understand why she stood so frozen until you saw her eyes roll back.
“Nancy!” You call out loudly and rush to her to grip onto her shoulders so you could shake her. “Nancy! Hey, hey!”
Steve falls by your side and tries to shake her too whilst he also tries to reach her with his voice too. “Stay with us. Nancy! Hey! Nancy, wake up!
“Nancy!” You cry with a crack in your voice “Nancy!” You look over at Steve with your eyes wide and gleaming with tears formed out of panic and more fear. “Steve, tell them to give us music! Do you know what she likes?!”
Steve parts his lips and gapes like a fish before he blurts. “I don’t know!“
“You dated her!” You snap.
Steve shrugs and spats. “A long time ago!”
You roll your eyes and just spat back. “Then just get whatever! Anything! Just get music!”
Quickly Steve steps back to yell out what you needed, only to see that some of the others were already trying to do just that.
“Nancy!” You keep trying to snap her out of the trance. “Come on! Please! Nancy!” You grab the sides of her head and continue to shake her. “Nancy!” You bellow. “Come on!”
“Whatever you guys are doing, hurry up!” Steve continued to yell out.
You swallow thickly and move your hands back to her shoulders before peering back at Steve. “Try, maybe you can—”
“Do what?!” Steve exclaimed, “sing her awake!”
You thought that maybe hearing his voice would help, but no he decided to have an attitude about it!
“Never mind,” you huff and look back at Nancy. This time though, you catch her gasp and see her eyes return to normal. “Nancy!”
Said girl begins to fall down and Steve secures his hands on her shoulders to go down with her.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” you assure while you fall by her side too. “It’s okay, you’re okay. We’re here. We’re right here.”
Steve and you give Nancy a moment to catch her breath before Steve continues to help her up the rope again. This time you catch your breath until you see her actually land on the mattress on the other side. “Oh, thank goodness,” you breathe out and finally take your turn. “See you,”
“On the other side,” Steve finished for you and then helped you up the rope so you could climb out.
Once you break through the gate, it feels like a pressure weighing you down, everything and everyone in the bright and vineless room was flipped upside down until you let go to fall on the mattress.
“Oh,” you breathe out. “I’m okay.” You glance up and see Dustin offer you his hand to pull you up so Steve could finally get out too.
“Thanks buddy,” you thank Dustin with a small smile once you have your feet on the floor.
Not long after, Steve fell on the mattress too and got rid of that single worry that knotted your stomach, because it would be impossible to rid you of all the worry that currently held you captive. At least seeing that you were all out of the Upside Down shifted some of that weight off your body. At least for a little while.
Morning came not so long after you made it out of the upside down, and while the sun slowly rolled out of its own slumber you took the chance to take a short nap on the couch. However, just like the last time you slept, your father didn’t return to your dreams, you hoped you’d feel a sort of happiness amongst all the chaos, but no, Hopper didn't visit this time.
Was that Vecna’s attempts at providing you with nightmares? Because it’s working.
At least you didn’t wake up alone today. Not like seeing everyone’s tired and haunted faces was a good thing to wake up to though. It was especially devastating when you saw how petrified Nancy continued to look, it’s why you saved her for last when you checked in on everyone.
“Hey,” you whisper and take a seat beside her.
Nancy slowly lifts her eyes and just offers you a feigned smile as a response.
“I’d ask how you’re holding up, but I know better than to ask that, so, here,” you say and offer a glass of water and a poptart. “Drink and eat. Gotta stay strong, right?”
Nancy looks over at everyone to check that they each have their own pop tart and drink in hand before she takes it from you to take a small bite, and a sip from her drink. At least it was something.
“Can I ask if you felt anything before? Symptoms?”
Nancy's chest rises and slowly falls back down before she answers. “No…I didn’t feel or see anything before. He just got me.”
You swallow thickly and loop your headphones string around your finger and hum as a response.
“Thank you,” Nancy said and pulled your drifting attention back to her. “For checking up on me, I mean since I know how you feel about me.”
You scoff and glance at Steve dusting the crumbs off his pants before looking back at Nancy and attempting to assure her. “Yeah, well, I was wrong. I’m sorry.” You smile softly. “I was insecure because of all the shit I’m dealing with so I’m sorry.”
Nancy mirrors that smile and then takes another bite of her poptart, letting you continue. “No one’s going to force you to say what you saw, so don’t worry about that. Just…take it one step at a time. Whenever you feel it’s right.”
There's a short silence that lets you shift back in your seat and space off on the ceiling to focus your worry on Eleven—she must be worried, you haven’t been able to call her. You wonder if she’s doing okay after the incident, you hope she knows that you aren’t ashamed of her, or angry.
There is times where you wish she was here, it’d make dealing with all this shit so much easier, but there's a majority of times where you’re actually glad that she’s home and currently out of contact, it did provide more trouble but at least she was safe. Even if she's in trouble herself, at least she’s not risking her life, she’s safe, that’s all you could ask for so you wouldn’t lose her too.
“Okay,” you hear Nancy mutter, causing you to break from your train of thought. “I’m ready to share what I heard, or what he showed me.” She pauses and breathes out shakily before she continues to say Vecna’s life story, how he came to be, how he was the one that murdered his family, how he got to be the first ever test subject for Hawkins lab.
Nancy told everyone what he had told her, how he met eleven and tried to persuade her to join him, how he was the one that killed all the other kids like Eleven. She said how Eleven was the one that casted him out to the Upside down. He then told her something else, something so tragic and horrifying that Nancy had to take a break to gather her thoughts before she could continue.
“He showed me,” she continues in a hoarse voice. “Things that haven’t happened yet. The most awful things. I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead soldiers. And this…giant creature with…a gaping mouth. And this creature wasn’t alone.”
Your breath shutters and your stomach once again begins to knot together.
“There were so many monsters,” Nancy continued to tell. “An army. And they were coming into Hawkins. Into our neighborhoods. Our homes…”
You let out a deep sigh and hang your head low. You might not live here anymore, but this place was special, Steve lived here, Robin, Dustin, Max and all your other friends lived here too. Hawkins in ways was still your home too. It was scary to hear her words, it was hard to process every horrible word.
“…and then…he showed me my mom…and Holly. Mike. And they…they were all…” Nancy stops and her breath continues to tremble, she doesn’t cry from what you could tell, but you could hear the heartbreak in her voice.
“Okay, but,” Steve spoke up. “He’s just trying to scare you, Nancy. Right? I mean…I mean it’s not real.”
“Not yet,” Nancy retorted in a sad tone. “But there…there was something else. He showed me gates. Four gates. Spreading across Hawkins. And these gates, they looked like the one outside of Eddie’s trailer, but they didn’t stop growing. And this wasn’t the Upside down Hawkins. This was our Hawkins. Our home.”
You blink repeatedly in disbelief and rub your face before you drop your hands and look up with a gleam in your eyes.
“Four chimes,” Max interjected. “Vecna’s clock. It always chimes four times. Four exactly.”
“I heard them too,” Nancy mentioned.
“He’s been telling us his plan this whole time.”
“Four kills,” Lucas mutters after Max. “Four gates. End of the world.”
“If that’s true he’s only one kill away.” Dustin points out, making your breath hitch, making you feel a deafening silence surround you, and feel everyone’s stares pierce into your skin.
Maybe instead of losing Eleven and Steve, they’re going to lose you.
That knowledge slammed into you now more harder than ever before. It felt almost impossible before when there was more hope, but now, now that Nancy has shared this, now that you realize what’s to come, you break all over again; quietly this time.
“Oh Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.” Eddie panicked.
“Y/N,” Steve says. “Try ‘em again. Try ‘em again.”
You nod and walk over to the house to try and call home.
But of course the line fucking rang and no answer. It makes you slam the phone back on the wall.
“Anything?” Dustin queried.
You shake your head and huff. “No. It rang a few times, then went to busy signal. Again,” you grumble.
“Maybe you punched it in wrong.” Steve countered. “Try again.”
Your face twists and you shoot him a glare before you rebut his comment. “I think I’d know my own home number, Steve.”
Steve shrugs and argues back. “Well, I don’t know—”
“I think she knows how to use a phone,” Dustin adds to your defense.
“I’m just saying, she could’ve typed it in wrong.” Steve countered.
You roll your eyes and try calling again, but once again, nothing.
“Same shit,” you make it known before you return to your seat.
“How is that possible?” Lucas questioned, causing you to shrug and drop your head in your hands.
“I told you Joyce has this telemarketer job. She’s always on the phone. Mike won’t stop whining about it.”
“Okay, yeah,” Max adds her own thoughts. “But the phone’s been busy for, what, three days now?”
“Yes,” you mumble.
“It's not Joyce,” Max finishes. “No way. Somethings wrong.”
You pick up your head and nod in agreement even if you didn’t like to admit it. “She’s right, it can’t be just a coincidence. I mean,” your voice trembles. “I want it to be, but it can’t be.”
“Whatever’s happening in Lenora,” Nancy interjects, “is connected to all of this. I’m sure of it. But Vecna can’t hurt them. Not if he’s dead. We have to go back in there. Back to the Upside Down.”
Your eyebrows furrow together slowly and your eyes widen, whilst your lips part open in surprise to her sudden change in tone and demeanor.
“Whoa, whoa, no, no, no. What?” Steve protests.
“Nope,” Eddie also says whilst Steve stands up and walks over to Nancy to try and talk her out of it.
“Let’s think this through.”
“What is there to think through?” Nancy remarked.
“We barely made it out of there in one piece. And y/n—”
“Yeah, because we weren’t prepared,” Nancy cuts him off. “But this time, we will be. We’ll get weapons and protection. We’ll go through the gate, we’ll find his lair, and we’ll kill him.”
“Or he'll kill us,” Steve snapped back. “The only reason you survived is because he wanted you to.”
“What about y/n?!” Nancy threw out, making you want to add something, but Steve snapped right back.
“That’s not fair, and you know it!”
“You’re going to let him take her too!” Nancy argued. “If we don’t stop him he’ll kill her too! He’s her last target!”
A scowl grows on Steve’s face and he takes a threatening step towards Nancy to keep fighting. “Which is why I won’t put her at risk! We’ll find another way. He’s not scared of us.”
“And for good reason,” Robin stood up to also add in the conversation. “We were wrong about Vecna. Henry. One. Sorry, what are we calling him now?”
Everyone chimes in with their own thoughts that don’t agree on one name, leaving Robin to just ramble on. “Right. We’ve learned something new, about Vecna, slash Henry, slash one. He’s a number like Eleven, only a sick, evil child-murder Iike version of her with really bad skin. But my…my point is, he’s super powerful, he could turn us inside out with a snap of his fingers. It’s not a fair fight.”
“Then why fight fair?” Dustin suggests. “You’re right. He’s like Eleven. But that gives us an upper hand. We know Eleven’s strengths. And weaknesses.” He points out.
“Weaknesses?” Erica repeats sassily.
“When El remote-travels, she goes into this sort of trance-like state. I bet that’s true with Vecna.”
Slowly you shut your mouth and begin to narrow your eyes on him and then Lucas as he bounces in too. “That would explain what he was doing in that attic.“
“Exactly.” Dustin points at Lucas. “When he attacks his next victim, I’ll bet you he’s back in the attic, physical body defenseless.”
“Defenseless?” Steve remarks. “What about the army of bats?” He traces out the scar around his neck.
“True,” Dustin deadpanned. “We’ll have to find a way past them. Distract them somehow.”
Eddie leans forward from his seat to also throw in his own doubt. “And, uh, how do we do that, exactly?”
Dustin shakes his head. “No idea. But once they’re gone, he doesn’t stand a chance. It’ll be like slaying sleeping Dracula in his coffin.”
“That all sounds good in theory,” Robin comments, “but there is no pattern to Vecna’s killings. I mean, at least, not one that I can decipher. We don’t know when he’s going to attack next.”
“Yes we do,” you interject and stand up. “I’m down to my third day. He’s going to attack me next.”
“Y/N,” Steve protests softly. “No, whatever you’re planning, no.”
You look over at him and sigh. “We know who he is, how he got to where is, what kind of sister would I be if I didn’t risk myself to help my sister from this monster? Who would I be to let my home perish? If I let him come back for Max? I’ll be the bait. As far as we know he hasn’t hurt Eleven yet, I don’t want to make that a possibility. I agree with Nancy with this plan.”
“Y/N,” Steve calls again and walks over to you. “What kind of sister would you be if you’re gone? She needs you….” he pauses and leaves his lips parted and formed into the next word he’s going to say, he leaves you waiting to hear what he was going to say.
But alas he looked at everyone around him and lowered his gaze to keep those words trapped within him instead.
In any case Max did interrupt.
“We don’t have time to wait, we can use me. I’m still marked….”
Your breath gets trapped in your throat and your eyes pierce into her.
“…Cursed. I ditch Kate Bush. I draw his focus back to me.”
“Max,” Lucas tried to protest agasint her too. “You can’t. He’ll kill you.”
“I survived before,” Max argues in an attempt to assure him. “I can survive again. I just need to keep him busy long enough so that you guys can get into that attic. Then you can chop his head off. Stab him in heart. Blow him up with some explosives Dustin cooks up. I honestly, I don’t care how you put this asshole in his grave. Just…whatever It is…whatever you do….try not miss.”
A short sullen silence follows, but you can’t stand being quiet with what Max wants to do. “No. I will not let you risk your life. You’ve been through it once, you survived, you won’t go through it again. I won’t let you. I’ll just be the bait.”
Max scoffs and doesn’t hold back. “We can’t wait. We don’t know when Vecna might attack you. It could be in two days or now. We can’t put that at risk, at least with me we know he’ll attack again.”
You shake your head and continue. “No. No! Max you can’t—”
“I’m making my own choices, you can make sure to finish him off before he kills me or something, I don’t know. But Steve’s right, Eleven needs her sister, I’ll be the bait and that’s final.”
Max quickly cuts you off more aggressively this time. “No. I told you it happens tonight. No buts. It’s my choice that I’ll live with, or else I’ll make sure to break your legs myself.”
You close your mouth and get stunned by her threat.
“Okay, well,” Steve groans. “Where did get these weapons? Our local armory?”
Eddie slowly stands up and shakes his head. “No,” he begins to share. “I know a place we can go. Red, give me the yellow pages.”
In theory going to some place called the War Zone should be a bad idea to buy weapons from. It’s just who in their right minds would sell a bunch of weapons to a group of minors and busted up looking adults.
And! Why would you risk yourselves going there when there's people after Eddie?!
It isn’t a good idea.
Yet here you were on your way there with a stolen RV. Yet another crime to add to Eddie’s list.
“Come on, come on,” you mumble impatiently while you search the cabinets for any kind of edible food. “There has to be some—ah,” you breathe out when you see a pack of closed crackers. “Here you go.” You take the pack and beam at the cracker when you take it out.
“I wouldn’t eat that,” Eddie butts in, making you jump slightly.
You close the cabinet and put the cracker in your mouth with a smug smile, causing him to prop a hand on the counter and begin to watch you as you chewed the food a lot longer than usual. “How is it?”
You swallow the dry cracker down your throat and nod slowly before you hoarsely answer. “Stale.” You clear your throat and turn to lean back on the counter and offer him one.
Eddie takes one regardless and then points at you to talk with his mouth full. “A little birdy told me you graduate this year. Says that he’s surprised considering you spend half of your time flirting with your boy toy. True?”
You nod and take a bite from another cracker. “Yeah. I do with a three point six and with honors, I heard you’re, uhm getting held back another year, true?” You tease him.
Eddie scoffs. “No, today is my year princess, my future currently looks bleak but,” he says with a smug pride. “I am going to walk on that stage and throw the bird…” he flips off the air. “…at everyone that doubted my efforts.”
You chuckle softly and throw in the other half of the cracker. “That’s how you do it exactly. It’s a nice plan. What’s your plan after highschool?” You smile. “You going to join a band of misfits and travel the world with your guitar?”
Eddie scoffs and smiles at the ground. “That doesn’t sound half bad actually. Just me and my guitar. What about you?”
You scoff and shrug. “I have a sister to take care of, but maybe I don’t know, maybe I’ll enter the police academy, or join the military like my dad and my mom, just to upstage all those men and show them who’s boss like my mom did. Or I’ll show my sister the world.” You smile at him and steal a glance at Steve driving. “Just me, my sister, and my man.”
Eddie nods along with the smile still decorating his face. “I see that. I actually see you bossing men around. I mean I’m kind of scared of you now.”
You snort and shake your head. “That’s stupid, I’m not mean. Is that what Dustin says about me?”
“No,” he shakes his head. “He says something about you being a badass. Like I mean, I swear that man looks up to Steve and you. I can’t say shit about either of you or he’ll jump in your defense.”
You exhale deeply as you feel your heart swell at his words. “Really?” You ask with a softer smile. “That’s nice.” You look up and grin slowly. “Or maybe we can join a band together.” You clap and jump away from the counter. “I can be your drummer! I know a cool stick trick and imagine all the money we’d get!”
Eddie squints his eyes and waits before shaking his head at you with his lips pressed together in a disapproving frown.
His reaction makes your face fall into an annoyed look. “Boo.” You snap at him and begin to walk back and throw him a thumbs down. “Boo. Your loss Munson. Boo.” You spin around and stomp back to the passenger seat to sink down in your seat with another cracker in your mouth.
Steve quickly notices your mood and after a few stolen glances comments on it. “You doing okay?”
“Eddie won’t let me join his band.” You grumble.
“His band?“ Steve repeats slowly. “Why would you want that?”
“I’m killer on the drums.” You smirk and place the crackers down. “I had a rock phase, I learned to play the drums, just a little,” you say and pinch your fingers together.
Steve nods and then looks at you for a while before he breaks into a laugh. “I'd like to see that actually. You playing the drums.”
You scoff and tilt your head to the side. “I wouldn’t want to blow you away, but if you insist, I’ll give you a private show.” You drag your feet up to the dash, but instantly get your feet swatted away—“Hey.”
“Off the dash, you animal.” Steve complains.
Slowly you drag your feet off the dash but rather than letting them fall to the floor you pull your feet up on the seat and pull them to your chest. From the corner of your eye you could tell Steve wanted to add something about it too but you interjected first. “How’s it handle, hmm?”
“Not half bad. Considering that this is a…house.”
You scoff and nod slowly whilst you sort of lose the amusement you initially returned to your seat with.
“Uh….remember when you asked me about how my future house would look like?” Steve brings up almost hesitantly, causing you to drift your eyes back to him to nod to let him answer. “Well…I actually have an answer,” he clears his throat. “It’s silly…but I…I’ve actually…uhm I always had this dream that I’d have this really…really big family. I’m talking, like, uh, a full brood of Harringtons. Like, five, six kids.”
A soft admiring smile slowly tugs on your lips and you part your lips to query with amusement. “Six? Six kids?”
“Yeah,” Steve nods. “Six little nuggets. Three girls, three boys.” He laughs and keeps his eyes on the road whilst you keep your eyes on him and actually feel an ache with how hard you’re smiling. “And…and every summer, I figured all of us Harringtons, we would pack into something like this and just see the country.” He glances over at you and you continue to smile; this time a bit softer. “You know, the Rockies, Grand Canyon, maybe Yellowstone. End up in some beachside town in California. Spend a week parked in the sand…..learn how to surf or something.”
You swallow thickly and answer in a soft voice. “That sounds nice. Very nice.”
Steve looks over at you to meet your gaze with this soft, heartwarming look to question your comment in this tender voice. “Yeah?”
You hold his gaze and nod to whisper back in the same tone. “Yeah.”
A longer silence follows, it’s full of tension, but not the bad kind, this tension is the kind that has your heart doing somersaults in the best way possible, it makes you smile at him sweetly and grow this need to just grab him and kiss him. That’s the type of tension this was. Even when you broke it, the tension was still there.
“I mean the six-kid part, wow,” you chuckle nervously and look at the road. “That sounds chaotic.”
“If only I had some practice,” Steve points back to the children you carried with you.
You chuckle and nod. “Yeah. Fair. That’s fair. But, I mean six little kids with your personality?” You suck in air through your teeth. “I feel sorry for you.”
Steve snaps his head towards you and quips. “What about you? With your stubbornness and anger issues. The kids will be scary.”
You scoff and point at your chest, whilst your heart races and butterflies flutter in your stomach. “I don’t have anger issues, ‘Kay? I grow impatient. That’s all.”
Steve huffs and keeps his eyes on the road. “Yeah, do you think patience comes when you become a parent?“
You roll your head his way and shrug. “I don’t know.”
“Guess,” he whispers. “We’ll have to wait and see, right?” He meets your gaze and waits again. Waits for your answer that carried a weight.
“Right,” you agree without hesitance.
Steve exhales deeply and smiles at the road before he softly adds, “I mean, we won’t be able to live in a sandcastle, but I think I can manage a blue roof.”
You roll your eyes and scoff before you assure him. “I’m sure Stevie, Jim, Luke, Sara, Rose, and Leia will help with the sandcastle, don’t you think so?”
Steve chuckles and nods along. “Yeah,” he agrees with a soft smile. “I’m sure they will. After you teach ‘em to surf.”
“Yeah, no, definetly, I mean,” you suck in air. “Imagine paying for surfing classes for six kids?” You shake your head and giggle. “That'd be a nightmare. It’s a good thing that you were a co-Captain in your swim team, ‘cause that saves us from swimming classes too.”
“Just no cliff diving,” he adds with a serious expression.
“Tsk,” you click your tongue out. “We’ll see.”
“And,” he begins to laugh. “Luke and Leia? Really?”
You shrug. “It’s cute. And imagine if they’re twins!” You exclaim happily, making him beam at you. “Ugh, that’d be so cute! We better have twins!” You drag your feet off the seat and lean towards him with a teasing smile on your face. “What about Tammy then? Tammy Kermie. Get it? Kermit?”
Steve scrunches his nose and shakes his head slowly. “No, god no. Luke and Leia, is fine, just no Stevie. We’ll work on that one.”
You lick your lips and nod as you sit back in your seat and grow a little more sad as someone comes to mind. “A big family is nice…I always wanted a big family…but well my mom never married after my dad, said men are all shit. And my dad, well after Sara he just lost himself.” You sigh and let your eyes flicker down. “A family in general sounds nice, a functional one. I mean, I know no one’s perfect but to end up like my parents, that’s my worst fear. They hated each other, they couldn’t stand being close to each other or actually stand hearing each other’s name. The only thing that they found common ground in was me…but even then they found a way to argue.” You exhale and feel your breath tremble.
“I wouldn't want that for my life, I want my kids to be disgusted by how much their parents love eachother,” you huff and feel his stare. “Sure there’s arguments, but I never want them to live what I did. Is that silly?”
Steve sighs and shakes his head before he answers seriously. “No, not at all, I mean, my mom doesn’t even trust my dad enough to let him go on business trips alone,” he scoffs. “Says he might cheat on her. So I understand having messed up parents. I want something good too, I want to bicker over stupid stuff like how you build a bookshelf or how I’m lost on our way to camp even if I say I’m not.” He holds your gaze and offers you a soft smile.
Perhaps the only thing that was silly was talking about your future when you still had a conversation pending and apologies to give him. But that’s it, you never actually thought of him as some short time thing. Your future may not be written on stone, but every time you thought of your future, Steve was there, from the moment you started dating, from the moment he didn’t give up because you had just lost your dad that same day he confessed his feelings to you.
You feared he’d leave you because you were grieving, but he never did, he was always there, he even spent nights with you because he said he didn’t want you to be alone. Even if you denied actually grieving at that time, having him check up on you, and even being so caring with Eleven was special. It let you know that you loved him right away, just days into dating.
“You know what I always wanted,” you bring up one last thing with a growing smile. “I always dreamed of having a relationship with my kids like the one I had with my own dad. Before he you know, he left me.” You breathe out deeply and feel tears instantly sting your eyes. “I mean, he was my best friend when I was a little kid, I loved my dad.” You laugh a breathless laugh and your smile begins to falter. “He always tried his best to raise me, from bedtime stories to playing with ugly dolls, to dressing up and tea parties, to forts and sandcastles, make believe, and cleaning my scrapes and helping when I was sick. I want that, I want to see that too with…well…with you.” You glance at him and catch him looking at you with this loving look that makes his brown doe eyes bright.
“I’m sure I can make that work,” he assures you. “As long as I have you with me.” His breath shutters but he makes sure to sound assuring and confident. “I’m going to save you from Vecna, okay? I won’t lose you.”
Your breath trembles and you nod with tears rolling down your cheeks. “Yeah, I know. Can we talk after we get out of the store? I just don’t want to have others listening in. Is that possible?”
Steve nods in agreement without hesitance. “We will for sure. After.”
You nod and wipe the tears off your cheeks, Steve then reaches out his hand and you’re quick to take it. The seats might be a bit far apart, but you manage to hook your fingers together.
“Why don’t you change the music,” Steve suggests when he looks back at the road. “That should cheer you up.”
You sniffle and pull your hand away from his to take your cassette out of your Walkman. “Cool mixtape,” you show off to him with a smirk.
“It is a cool mixtape,” he says proudly and watches you lean toward the stereo to insert your cassette and play the first song that you were going to listen to before you had to stop your Walkman, ‘Rubberband Man’—“oh!” You turn up the music and pull out your sunglasses to begin bopping your head along to the beat.
Once the singing starts you roll your head to the side to grab Steve’s hand and begin mouthing the words that played, and when the right words begin to play you point at him and then at you to mouth along to them, “you and me we’re goin’ out, catch the latest sounds.”
Steve watches you and shakes his head in disapproval, but before long he begins mouthing along to the words of the song too. It makes you laugh, and then you both begin moving your heads to the music.
Without knowing, Robin begins slowly moving her head to the music and whispering the words under her breath. Dustin smiles and begins moving his head and tapping his hand against the seat. A few seconds pass and Lucas and Max join in too, leaving Eddie to watch the interaction with a bit of interest, whilst Nancy watches in confusion.
“What’s going on?” Eddie mouthed to Nancy.
Nancy shrugs, “I don’t know,” but she can’t help but smile while Erica judges everyone from her seat.
No, yeah, you can’t say you’re relaxed and not checking your six every second that you’re in the store, but at least being here lets you get prepared and changed from the matching set Steve chose for you to wear….
Well that’s just an excuse to buy something cool to wear, even if it might be your last outfit ever, but hey, it’s battle appropriate at least.
“Black leather Jacket or black vest?” You talk to yourself and press each item against the green flight suit they surprisingly sold at the store. “Hmm…” you squint your eyes and keep pulling up each item, but you’re too indecisive so you leave the mirror and lift your head to search for Steve or Robin.
Luckily, you found the both of them just down the aisle. So with a bit more pep in your step you rush over to them with the question you had immediately getting thrown out of your mouth. “Hey, guys, which one, the leather jacket or the…”
From one moment to the next you cut yourself off when Robin suddenly turns around and storms off. When you look over at what she had been looking at previously, you just see a red head and some blond guy looking over at Steve and you from the other end.
“That’s Vickie,” Steve whispers before he turns on his heels to run after Robin. “Robin! Robin!”
You tilt your head down to take a look at her over your sunglasses and see that she’s as pretty as Robin said, she has this…dorky, but cute girly look about her. But she’s in a relationship.
After one last look at her you push your sunglasses up and scoff before you turn on your heels and run after your friends, seeing them just two aisles down. “Robin, hey—”
“No, look it’s okay,” she cuts you off with a very fake smile. “I expected it already, so there's nothing to be upset about, okay?” She looks at Steve and you and runs her hands through her hair before widening that fake smile. “I’ll get over it.”
“But,” you interject and take off your sunglasses. “It’s okay, you liked her, it’s okay to be uspet.”
Robin focuses on you and draws in a deep breath and makes her smile genunine before she exhales and addresses your comment. “Yeah, I know. But regardless, even if I am, there's no time now, right? Let’s finish getting what we need and get out of here.” She offers Steve that same smile before she turns and walks away.
“Fuck,” you breathe out under your breath. “I feel bad.”
Steve turns and takes the cart from your hands to push it forward with a sigh meant at Robin's situation. “Yeah. Second time. Must be crushing.”
You throw the flightsuit inside and nod. “Yeah,” you agree. “what should we do?”
Steve shrugs. “Give her space for now.” He scratches the back of his neck and glances back. “We can try to cheer her up after all this shit.”
You hum in agreement but add, “I wish we could do something about it now. That must’ve been heartbreaking.”
“I do too, but I don’t think we can do much now, unfortunately.”
“You’re right,” you huff out and continue walking in a silence that doesn’t last long.
“What you got there?” Steve points to the items in your hands.
“Well,” you answer a bit enthusiastically. “This here is a thigh holster,” you show it off to him. “It can carry a gun and little knives.” You point to the knives you picked out and the gun they let you carry in the cart. “Like—-”
“The Kate Bush outfit,” Steve finishes for you and leans forward while he has his arm resting on the cart handle. “Yeah,” he adds with a smirk. “I get it. Too bad you can’t wear the outfit, I mean it’s battle appropriate…” he trails off and bounces his eyebrows, causing you to slowly knot your eyebrows together in concern.
“Uh,” you breathe out and close your mouth to shake your head.
“What?” He quips. “It is! It’s like…like a warrior outfit!”
“It’s a bikini babe.”
Steve scoffs and shrugs. “A sexy bikini. A sexy warrior bikini.”
You narrow your eyes and press your lips together to continue shaking your head.
“True, true, I mean then Dustin would get mad. He’d be like what are you wearing? You loon.”
You snort and chuckle. “Yeah. He’d get mad. I mean,” you laugh and nudge his shoulder. “I can't even wear a skirt.”
Steve chuckles and his eyes widen. “You sure you can even be with me? What will he say?”
You cover your mouth and laugh louder. “What a dad.”
“Here I thought I was the daddy.”
You stop laughing and look over at Steve to look at him seriously. That reaction gets you an immediate confused reaction before you burst out laughing again.
“You’re unbelievable.” He grumbles.
You gasp for air and throw the jacket and the vest inside the cart before you wrap your arm around his bicep and beam at him. “You’re still my daddy,” you say through stifled laughter.
Steve leans towards you and smirks while he whispers, “yeah?”
Before you could respond, suddenly someone gags behind you. When you look back you see Erica with her own stuff, and a disgusted face expression. “I will pretend I didn't hear that. For my sake. We got to go. Now! Jason and his friends are here, he was talking with Nancy, so let’s go!”
Steve and you share a look before you begin to rush down the aisle and wave Robin and Max over so you could pay what you had, whilst you held your breaths and kept looking back to see if Jason, or any of his goons were looking at you or following you.
After the cashier finally checked everything out, Steve basically threw out his money and let them keep the change so you could all rush out of the store with Nancy making sure to follow after she paid her stuff.
The exact moment you were all out the front doors you all broke into a sprint towards the RV—“What happened?” Lucas immediately asked once Steve rushed inside.
“We gotta go,” Steve threw out and returned to the driver seat.
“Your old friends are here,” Erica shared with the group after she got in too.
“Shit!” Lucas breathed out and then instantly got cut off by Dustin screaming.
“Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!”
You shut the door behind you and rush over to basically throw yourself in your seat.
“I’m going! I’m going! Sit down!” Steve yelled back and then started the car to step on the gas the furthest it could go to drive out of the parking lot as fast he could, only adding more stress to your already stressed out mind.
They’re lucky that you’re over your fear of cars.
“Vest and jacket,” you mumble under your breath and step back to pin the rainbow pin over your jacket. “Nice.” You smile at yourself before you spin on your heels and hop out of the RV.
“…it just doesn’t make sense.”
“What doesn’t make sense?” You probe Steve and join him and Robin pouring gas into empty glass bottles.
Steve glances at you and then at Robin to answer. “That was Dan Shelter. He graduated, like, two years ago.”
“So?” Robin questions.
“So,” Steve explains. “He’s in college. Which means he was visiting on spring break. Fast Times was returned, like, I don’t know, a week ago? Right?”
You cross your arms over your chest and spare a glance at Robin and notice her slightly bothered face expression.
“Unless,” Steve continues. “She’s got some hot dog brother we don’t know about. Which is possible. Or she’s just really into Judge Reinhold?”
“Steve,” Robin interjects.
You shake your head and chime in, “nah.”
Said man looks over at Robin and questions her. “What?”
“I don’t care.”
You sigh and share a glance with Steve before you both return your gaze to Robin as she continues. “I don’t understand why you guys do either with everything that’s going on. Honestly, this feels like a perfect time for that little pull of the rug because…in the face of the world ending, the stakes of my love life feel spectacularly low.”
Steve sighs. “I mean possibly, but I don’t think you should let that bring you down. We might still make it out right? I still have hope.” Steve hands Robin the bottle and she takes it to put it down and continue.
“Not everything has a happy ending.”
You sigh and look at the ground beneath your boots while Robin keeps talking.
“I just, I have this terrible, gnawing feeling that…” Robin pauses and stops pouring the gas to look up Steve and you. “It might not work out for us this time.”
“You think we shouldn’t be doing this?” Steve asks, whilst you swallowed thickly and felt your stomach twist.
“I think we’re mad fools, the lot of us, but…” she pauses and sighs while she looks up at the group ahead of you doing their own thing to get battle ready. “…if we don’t stop him, who will? We have to try, right?”
You look up at the same time Steve looks at Robin too—“yeah,” Steve agrees before he lifts the glass and does a toast. “To killing Vecna.”
Robin grabs a bottle and push it towards Steve’s to add, “Slash Henry.”
You huff and drop your hands to pick up the third bottle and push it towards them to add the final name. “Slash One.”
After that you guys clink the glasses together with faint smiles on your faces.
“So, dear y/n, what are you wearing there?” Robin brings up while you put the bottles down.
You push back your jacket to smile at your outfit. “Battle outfit, you see flight suit,” you point at the green flight suit you showed off as you slide the jacket off your shoulders. “Black vest,” you point with a smile. “And it has, like, a lot of pockets, like here,” you point with a giddy smile. “Knife? No, stale cracker. Snack pocket.” You say and pull out said object to take a bite and continue showing off your cool outfit. “In case I get hungry, or one of the kids, or Steve needs it.”
Robin and Steve share an amused look before she props her elbow on her knee to rest her chin and smile at you.
“It’s a bit tight, but that’s how it goes. And, and,” you shift your feet to slide a leg forward and point at the holster you had on both legs. “This holds a gun and little knives, like the Kate Bush outfit!” You grin and raise your eyebrows. “And finally,” you say and pull your jacket back on. “My jacket, look,” you look down and point at your pin. “The pin.” You look up at the pair and beam at them. “Like it?”
Robin licks her lips and nods while she holds back a giggle, making Steve smirk and nod to actually add his thoughts. “I like it, I mean the flight suit accentuates your butt, like the bottom half makes you look good.”
You tilt your head and narrow your eyes on him to keep smiling.
“I think you look badass.”
“Don’t I? Like I feel like, a, I don’t know, like, some cool black ops soldier or, I don’t know, someone cool.”
“You guys also have matching jackets, you notice that?” Robin points out. “Is that like a new thing you guys are doing before we all die.”
Your smile falls and your lips part as your jaw drops slightly in shock to her negativity.
“It was unintentionally done,” Steve clarifies. “And we’re matching, so what? I think we look cool.”
You sigh and step towards him to rest your hand on his shoulder and nod along. “I agree, besides Steve, I think that jacket makes you look like Tom Cruise from Top Gun.”
Steve looks up at you and grins smugly. “A man in uniform,” he nods. “I picked it out just for you. Like it?”
You smile at him all shyly as if you were a little girl with a school crush, and nod. “I love it.”
Steve scoffs lightheartedly and grabs your chin to pull you towards him, causing you to giggle and have to hold onto both of his shoulders so you wouldn’t fall on him.
“I love you.”
Your smile widens and you part your lips to say it back this time since he was still here. It’s been hours since he got hurt and you patched him up and he’s still here. “I—”
However, you end up cutting yourself off when you catch a flash go off at your side. It makes Steve and you pull away to look over at Robin since that’s where it came from. And that’s when you notice she's lowering some busted up looking camera to take out the polaroid.
“Where did you get that from?” You ask, ending up pulling her attention away from the developing picture.
“Inside, when I was snooping.” She smirks. “So I take it you guys made up already? Just ‘cause my love life is doomed doesn’t mean yours has to.”
Steve scoffs and stands up. “It’s not,” he assures her and takes your hand. “And we're halfway there actually.” He begins to walk away with you and snatches the picture from Robin's hand. “I’ll take that.”
As you’re walking away from Robin you look back at her and catch her already watching you guys leave, so you throw her a small smile that she hits back with a wink.
Once you’re far from the RV and from all the others, you grow serious and only slightly tense, the moment Steve stops walking ahead, you avert your gaze and begin gnawing on your cheek.
Apologies never came easy, you don’t know why, but they’re just hard. They shouldn’t be, this one shouldn’t be, but you couldn’t help but feel like you couldn’t speak. And this time Steve didn’t talk first to help you, he waited for you.
You probably look like you’re dreading this talk. Which is not true, but it just doesn’t come easy.
Good thing Miss Vasquez wasn’t here now, she’d probably take a damn note. She’d probably be proud though, “it’s a step towards the right direction, y/n,”, she’d say. “I’m proud of you.”.
Fuck, why is this so hard?!
You wipe your nose and slowly lift your eyes to see Steve with his hands on hips and his eyes on you.
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out and sigh, but feel a thicker ball of emotions stuck in your throat. “I’m sorry for acting the way I did. I’m sorry for not considering how you would feel. I’m sorry for pretending I was strong when I…I wasn’t,” you breath shutters and you have to look down briefly to keep from crying. “I wanted to be, I wanted to be strong, but throughout pretending I didn’t realize how much that affected you too. You didn’t deserve to be shut out because I was prideful, because I was scared I'd hurt you…like I thought I hurt Sara and my dad.”
Steve’s hands slide off his hips and he looks at you slightly confused. “What do you mean by that?”
Tears stream down your face and your voice trembles just like your exhale. “Before Sara died I told her I loved her, that’s the last thing I ever told her. One of the last things I told my dad was that I loved him, I thought that if I said that to you I’d lose you too.” You shrug and chuckle. “It’s stupid, I know, it sounds stupid, but I was hurting, even if I didn’t want to admit it to myself, and I thought I’d curse you if I said it. It’s not because I want to be someone else, or ‘cause I’m just wasting your time, it’s not, I was just…I was just stuck in my head. I’m sorry. Steve, I’m sorry.”
You exhale and finally feel that ball of emotions out of your throat, you felt your shoulders and chest light now too.
“Oh, baby,” Steve whispers and closes the gap between you with a heartwarming embrace. “I’m here. I’m right here.”
You sob and tighten your hold around him before you nod and whisper. “I know. I know.”
Steve pulls away to cup your face and smile softly at you as he began to reassure you. “It may sound stupid, but it’s not, I mean, you thought that because you lost your dad, you thought it was a coincidence but you were just hurting and couldn’t find a way to, well, I guess express it. But it’s not stupid. Why didn’t you just tell me?”
You shrug and whisper. “I was scared you’d judge me, I was full of pride and didn’t want you to look at me the way everyone else did, like they’re the ones who killed my dad. I just, I was scared you’d leave me because I was grieving. I mean we got together that day, so I was scared you’d like, know how I feel and run away. So it was easier keeping that from you.” You meet his gaze and breathe out. “It’s stupid, I know.”
Steve scoffs and a faint smile grows on his face as he nods. “It is stupid because I would never do that. If I wanted to run away I would’ve before actually, like, that time the Chief went out to clean his shotgun in the living room when we were watching that movie with Eleven. I mean I almost died that night. He was scary.”
You snort and laugh. “Yeah, no, that was, he was out of line for that.”
Steve shrugs and whispers back. “I wouldnt have run away, and we’re partners, I wouldn’t have judged you, maybe look at you guilty, but that’s only because I care, because it hurts seeing you sad, because I know that there's nothing I can do to stop you from missing your dad. But I would have been there for you. Like, you’d do for me, right?”
You nod. “Yes.”
“See?” He shrugs.
You draw in a deep breath and exhale to continue with your apology. “I’m also sorry I was being jealous, you had history with Nancy, I can’t take that way. And well, I was also scared you’d replace me. I know it’s not true from what you told me outside of her house, and well because since then I have talked to her, and I have had talks with other people, and I had this self-discovery moment, so yes, I’m okay now.”
Steve smiles in amusement but sighs. “I’m sorry that I got jealous too. I’m sorry I said all that stuff to you, I was upset you wouldn’t talk, I thought that you didn’t care for me so, I just got angry, I’m sorry.”
“All forgiven,” you assure him and cup his hands to smile at him.
“I forgive you too,” he says. “Now we know that we should talk, like, partners.”
“Yeah,” you scoff. “Yeah,” you pause and your smile widens, and your voice turns softer. “I love you Steve Harrington, I have loved you since the moment we fought demo-dogs together. After everytime you laugh at my stupid jokes, when you tolerate every cheesy romantic movie with me. I love you everytime you join my embarrassing jam session, when you listen to endless talks about stupid girl stuff. I loved you everyday you were with me after Hopper died. I love you every time you’re sweet to my sister and all the other kids, everytime you tolerate me when I’m upset.” You cry and smile as he grins at you. “I'm in love with you Steve, you are a half of my soul, I’m happy I got to meet you. I love you.”
Steve presses his forehead against yours and just smiles, but shows off such a sweet and happy smile that just makes your heart burst, and regret not having the balls to tell him before. Hearing your words makes him so happy, it makes his eyes brighter, it actually turns that soft loving look much softer and sweeter.
You could keep giving off descriptions, but he then pulled you in for a deep passionate kiss. He was so tender and sweet even if you know he had been longing for one for a while. He took your lips with his, and made your heart pound, and that fluttering in your stomach intensify. It felt like it was just you and him, and for that moment while he kissed you none of that Vecna shit existed. It was just you and him and passion, burning passion that made you slide your hands to the side of his head to dig your fingers in his hair and moan in the kiss.
Steve pulled you closer and pulled away to smirk before he pulled you once again and caught your breath. This time you felt weak, if it wasn’t for him grabbing you by your cheeks you would've fallen. This wave of warmth washed over you and burned your body. Kissing him was addicting.
But, yet, unfortunately you had to pull away.
“I love you,” he whispered a bit smugly since he heard how he made you feel. “I’m in love with you, I mean, I fucking love you. It’s been you all along, I never thought it was possible to love someone so much. You, y/n, are the best thing that has happened to me. I’m glad you came into my life. I want a future with you, I mean, all I see when I think about my future is you. If you don’t want the six nuggets that’s fine, I just want to be with you.”
You laugh softly and assure him. “I want the six nuggets. I do. With you. I want a life with you.”
Steve grins and nods. “You’re my girl,” he tells you. “My favorite girl. We’ve been through hell together, we will stick together, I mean…” he clears his throat and then continues, “…you’re just to be good to be true, can’t take my eyes off you, you’d be like heaven to touch, I wanna hold you so much.”
Your eyebrows slightly furrow and you leave your lips parted in amusement and confusion, but that’s when you recognize what he’s quoting, “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You,” by Frankie Valli. The song you showed him that day on the bus when you were waiting for Dart to take the bait
“…At long last love has arrived, and I thank god I’m alive…”
You laugh but cry at the same time. That reaction makes him shush you though, “I’m not done,” he quickly interjected. “The best part is coming.” He then continues while he keeps holding your gaze with the same loving look.
“You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off you. Pardon the way that I stare, there’s nothing else to compare, the sight of you leaves me weak…” he begins to mumble and hum before he continues when he gets to a certain part of the song. “I love you baby! And if it’s quite alright I need you, baby….”
You grin at him before you continue to giggle, this time he finally reacts by rolling his eyes and pushing you back.
“Oh come on, Steve, it's cute! It was cute!” You chase after him and turn him around to cup his face and coo at him. “I loved it. I loved your singing.”
Steve grabs your wrist and can’t help his smile, and can’t help but getting smug. “I can continue, y’know, just for you.”
You scoff. “Really?” You begin mumbling to mock how he did, causing him to pull away again to shake his head at you. This time you pull him back and begin pressing kisses on his lips. “I love you.”
Steve tilts his head and shoots you a charming half grin. “I love you too,” he says right back and leans in to press one last kiss on your lips before you had to return to your group. However, the moment he parted his lips, he began clearing his throat and stumbling back.
At first you’re a bit confused since it out of nowhere, but once he begins coughing out blood your heart drops—“Steve,” you call with a crack in your voice. “Steve, what’s wrong?” You walk over to him and he begins to cough out black blood. “Steve?”
Said man looks up at you and wants to talk but he then stumbles and loses his balance. Of course you fall by his side and grab his face before you catch the blood that leaked through his clothes.
“Oh my god,” you whisper and pull your hands down to pull his shirt over his wound, immediately noticing that the bandage was covered in thick black blood.
“I’ll be okay,” he assured you hoarsely. “I will.”
It can’t be happening again. He was okay, he was okay.
“You need the hospital,” you stammer. “You need—Robin! Dustin!” You lift your eyes and begin adding pressure to his wound. “You’ll be fine, just don’t close your eyes okay, my love? Just keep talking. Robin!”
Steve nods but frowns when he sees the tears begin rolling out. “Come on, don't cry.”
You offer him the best smile you can muster before looking back to see if any of your friends were coming. When you didn’t see any of them you called again, this time with more desperation in your voice. “Robin! Dustin! Please come! Nancy! Eddie! Please help me.” You sniffle and look back at Steve. “We’re going to get you help, okay? I just can’t carry you by myself.”
“They’ll come. They will.” He muttered and took your hand to give it a squeeze. “Just keep…Keep calm.” His breaths begin to turn shallow and he keeps blinking as if fighting sleep.
“Steve,” you cry. “Don’t. Stay. Please don’t leave me. Please don’t you dare leave me too.” You look back and call again. “Robin! Eddie!”
But no one came.
“Nancy! Please! I need help! Please.” You look back at Steve and notice that his eyes are unmoving, frozen on you, when you look at his chest you don’t see that it’s moving up and down anymore, it’s still, frighteningly so. “Steve,” you call and move your hands to cup his cheeks with your blood covered hands. “Hey, baby, come on. Hey, please, don’t do this to me, please…” you pause and drop your head on his chest. “Steve?”
The air lays still, the song of the roaming birds goes silent, and in your ears you feel your own heart break, you feel every painful tear, and see every color drown out of the earth and everything that surrounds you. And then there it was, the sound of four chimes broke through the silence, making you freeze and snap your eyes open.
It’s just a mind game you need to remind yourself. It’s just a mind game.
“Y/N,” you hear a deep husky and bone chilling voice call out to you from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. “Do you see what you did? You cursed Steve the same way you cursed Sara and your dad. You see.”
You shake your head and squeeze your eyes shut to begin murmuring to yourself that this was just in your mind, you could snap out of it. It was all fake.
“Open your eyes,” he sneers right by your ear, causing you to stiffen and cover your ears with your hands. “Y/N, you can’t hide from me. Open your eyes!”
“Shut the hell up!” You snap back as you keep yourself balled up. “My friends will save me, I’ll get out.”
A moment of silence follows, but now you felt a cold chill, and you could hear the sound of your pounding heart hammering agasint your chest. You could actually feel every muscle clenching around your bones. He felt near, but far at the same time.
“Y/N,” his voice broke through the deafening silence. “You wanted to see him didn't you? One last time? Your father.”
You shake your head and keep your eyes closed. “No, it’s fake. This is all in my head.”
“If it was fake would he be here? Would you witness his last moments before his dying breath?” Vecna continued to try and persuade you. “All you have to do is open your eyes and I’ll show you. Open your eyes y/n. Open them!” He screamed right in your ear, making you jump and scream.
This time instead of waiting, suddenly your eyes are forced open and you’re yanked to your feet. Now instead of seeing the sky and Steve, you see flashing red lights, metal pathways, walls, burnt bodies and that machine that you saw in the Russian hideout.
You were in the base now. In front of where the gate once was.
But it’s fake, it’s all in your head, he can’t trick you. You can’t let him get to you.
“Just stay away! Stay away!”
“Look at him,” Vecna continued. “Look down at your father, y/n. Look at what you did!”
You keep your eyes off the ground and begin to back up slowly before you spin on your heels and break into a sprint to run out of the room. You push past doors and more doors, you turn halls until you reach the hall that leads to the elevator.
“Where are you going, y/n? There’s nowhere to run to.”
You quicken your pace down the long hall and ignore him.
Nevertheless, out of sudden you feel something wrap around your ankle and pull you down to hit your chin against the floor and pull you back. You try to squirm, and then you turn back to get the tentacle off, you try to punch it, before you think of the knife you had in your holster and pull that out to stab it.
Luckily, after you jabbed it, the tentacle pulled itself off your ankle, letting you push yourself to your feet to continue running. Now though, when you run, you’re suddenly snapped back to the previous room; there’s red flashing lights and smoke coming out of the machine.
“Look at him,” Vecna kept insisting.
“Go to hell,” you sneer.
Without having to tell you again, your head is forced down and the first thing you catch is Hopper; his chest still moved slowly, but his clothes, the one that reminded you of Miami Vice, was half burnt, along with half of his body, his face, his skin.
It can’t be true. It’s not.
“Stop,” you begin to plead. “Please stop.”
“This is what you did,” Vecna said in a low voice. “Because you couldn’t leave him alone. Because you went back to his life, he was better off without you.” He gets close and now you see his slimy and horrifying face from the corner of your eye. “You’re the curse. You’re a plague. He already had a daughter, he didn’t even think of you until you forced yourself there.”
Your lip begins to quiver but you keep trying to reject him.
“My dad loved me,” you whisper in a quivering voice. “He loved me.”
“Empty words. He didn’t want you. No one does. That’s why even Steve wants to replace you…he has replaced you.”
“Quiet,” you hiss and keep your eyes locked on Hopper.
“Will you curse Eleven the same way you cursed Hopper?”
You shake your head and yell out as you break down, “I’m not the curse. I’m not! I’m not! I’m not!” You fall to your knees and hold your head in your hands.
“Is that what your fathers dead body says?” He kept antagonizing you. “Look at him as he takes his last breath. That was you. Your fault.”
Warm tears stream down the curve of your cheeks and leave you unable to see.
“You left Eleven without a father.”
“No,” you sob. “No. Quiet.”
“You left her weak,” he snapped, “vulnerable. What will you do? She was better without you. She needs her father.”
Slowly you lift your head out off hands and crawl towards your father to touch his chest to check if it would move. When it didn’t you slowly slid your hand up his burnt skin to cup his cheeks and slowly press your forehead against his.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you cry against his cold body. “I’m so sorry.”
You shut your eyes and begin caressing his cheek before you move your hands to lift the upper half of his body so you could hug him against you. “I’m sorry,” you cry against his cold shoulder. “It was my fault, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Vecna breaks his silence. “I’ll end your suffering.”
A/N- I hope Steve and y/n have their twins, imagine they do and one of them suffer the same fate as Padme 😗
Tagged- @felicityofbakerstreet @deepdownangel @mserynlarsen @m-blasterrr @lookalivesunshine-x @slvtherinseeker​ @mochminnie​ @beepbeephargrove​ @peterwandaparker​ @train-wrecc​ @truthdaze​ @ioonatv @leahseclipse @preciousbabypeter @cevans-winchester @criminalyetminimal @ttae-yong @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @geeksareunique @addisonnie @khaylin27 @seolaseoul @tomspidertingle @tye-dyemango @hehehehannahthings @gyros-cum-sock @the-local-toast @goldenvespa @naughty-koala07 @whore-for-murdock @jallerentrags @honey-with-tea @milkiane @roseabelle21 @obesesseddd @walkin-in-hawkins @ilovewomen711 @lqveharrington @thepowerstoner @guichu @reymaybe @earthtostory @xstormiii @a-vvenger @f-artsmella @hawkeyeharrington @holymusicalmothman @hcloangcls @mortallyspookyglitter
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pinkhorsepro123 · 5 months
So, I just recently watched the 4 episodes of Hazbin Hotel, and MAN IVE GOT SO MUCH TO SAY
Spoilers underneath the read more!
I will be critical of some things, as a writer it's kind of in my blood to be lol.
But I want to first say, it was WELL WORTH THE WAIT. I usually don't like these type of adult shows, yet I still loved watching it, and am having trouble not rewatching it already lol.
I'm going to go over my few criticisms first before I go over the, many positives. (Not all of them, I'll be here writing this all night lol
My main problem is the fact that those who watch it without knowledge of the Pilot will be quite confused. I feel like, they should've either remade it or even put it on there as the first episode.
Also, at first I found the musical bits to be embarrassing, but at the same time they're perfect. If it didn't have them, I don't think it would be Hazbin Hotel.
Katie Killjoy, her voice is not, right- I understand though if that's the only time we'll hear from her. If not though, definitely needs a new one. The only other voice I despise is Val's, it might be because I love how ParanoidDJ does him. It just, doesn't scream the pimp to me. The rest, even if at first I found it meh, as time went on I grew to love them. (Nothing against the voice actors of course! Just doesn't fit the characters)
For EP 4, my only complaint is that there should've been a content warning before it. Even just saying that there's triggering topics ahead would've sufficed. Although those who know Hazbin Hotel knew what Angel was going through, there will be a few that join without knowing that, only to stumble upon a real fucked up situation they weren't prepared for.
On the situation, I didn't know of the leak I've seen people mention, but istg if I see one more saying it was abuse being sexualized-
It was the purest form of abuse, rape, addiction and sex trafficking, uncensored forcefulness. Angel Dust is a bdsm porn actress who is owned by his pimp. Obviously he's going to have shit done to him, and a lot of it is stuff he's high as a kite while doing.
How the fuck is that sexy? It's one, a song about being fed "poison", shows just enough that you know what's happening but doesn't show more, and in the end he's having a meltdown wishing for help. If it had full sex scenes I could understand that line of thinking, but it doesn't. So yeah, I don't understand it.
Ok tangent is done-
That's pretty much all of my complaints, now for the positives!
The 1st episode finally fixed the major plot point in the pilot, being the angels themselves. It wasn't explained why the angels themselves kill sinners, and the whole just why it's considered overcrowded despite not seeming bursting at the seams (especially considering all the dead bodies around-). The story makes a lot more sense too, the background of why Lucifer and Lilith are the way they are.
Adam, is fucking hilarious. Like seriously, if you can make that kind of character funny you're doing something right. Charlie is perfect, they did a really good job at making her not too innocent. Vaggie and Charlie's relationship is amazing, the fact that they're equals and all.
Angel Dust, they did a pretty good job on showing how good his mask is, yet showing the small cracks every episode. Husker's voice, I was unsure about it at first but by the 2nd episode I loved it. Alastor, perfect. The fact he's so powerful yet still wants recognition is great in showing he is human.
The three V's time!
Vox, well disregarding personal hc's for him, he is GREAT. His personality is funny, and makes so much sense, his voice actor is great, his design mwah, what else can I say?
Velvette, I fucking LOVE HER. Her accent, new design, personality, amazing! There was so little content for her I always wondered what was going to happen. Now, I can say with confidence they did her well.
Other than his voice, Val is done really well. His act in front of Charlie is perfect, and the fact that he seems to love pushing others buttons for entertainment (as shown by Vox) makes so much sense. His narcissism and abusive nature is on point.
The Overlord meeting was really cool. The characters, the way they interact, their designs and voices, love them. Alastor just being on the side is hilarious too.
As a multi shipper, I love both RadioDust and HuskerDust(and many more, basically if the ship is healthy and cute I'll probably like it) ... So I can safely say THAT DUET WAS FUCKING AMAZING-
It's so them too, the fact Husker is horrible at comforting others but still manages to, Angel at first being suspicious, only to slowly let down his walls and join in.
Charlie at Angel's place, I never expected honestly. I didn't know how I expected it to happen, but not in the studio-
Their relationship is really pure considering everything, and it's nice to see.
I think that's, about all I have for my critiques and compliments, well as much as I can give before I explode-
There's only a few things I'm gonna be disappointed if they don't talk about in the series, the main thing is how Charlie is trying to "redeem" Angel Dust by getting him off drugs, completely incorrectly-
I hope it'll be talked about- and finally, I hope Vark is going to be a thing still, the little guy was so coot.
Even if he looks completely different I'm just fine with that. He's a shark pet! What more could you want lol
Ok My head hurts I've stared at this screen for much too long.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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kindheart525 · 4 months
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Snowcone always felt so good around Veuve, like she was on top of the world. 
Vee would teach her phrases from her mother’s culture, letting out the most beautiful laugh Snow had ever heard whenever she begged to be taught the curse words. 
Snow in return would tease her when she was being melodramatic and make jokes about her "inner darkness" that could only be filled with black hair dye.
Ponies often teased Vee about the way she dressed and acted but when Snow did it...it was different, almost hilarious. If there was anything Snowcone knew how to do, it was make somepony keel over with laughter! 
Today was business as usual as they cut through the grass behind the school. 
"So, how's your day been acid bath princess of the darkness?"
“Not bad. How about you, oh crazy one? How many ponies have you bitten today?”
Vee smirked, nudging her good-naturedly.
This remark would have been insulting from anypony else, but from it Vee it made her blush. 
"Hey! I...well..you-" 
She stumbled over her words like a fool, attempting to string together a joke about vampire bats. Before she could though, some colt walked their way. 
Snow hadn't seen him before but she could tell that his presence was making Veuve uncomfortable. 
"What's wrong?"
“He’s this guy from one of my classes, he won’t leave me alone.”
Veuve uttered before he came into earshot.
“Don’t worry, I can handle him.”
The colt sneered at her.
“Hey you!”
This idiot knew he couldn't get on Vee for anything else so he found some way to nitpick every time he saw her, it was annoying, harmless but annoying. 
"Did you get a bucket dropped on you? With those fancy-pancy alicorn genes you look like you got tarred and feathered!" 
Snowcone didn't even have time to see how Vee felt about it, she was seeing red. She got that usual feeling in her stomach of red hot anger, and when the nausea hit there was no turning back. 
"What the fuck did you say to her?" 
She nipped any chance he had in the bud as she reared up on her hind legs, her back hooves digging into the ground so hard she could only be filling up with immeasurable force. 
"Apologize to her NOW before I buck you into the grass so hard you'll be picking ants out of your brain!"
The colt did not slink back right away, instead standing firm and scowling at Snowcone.
"Who the hell are you? If she's got something to say she oughta say it yourself! Not hide behind you like a pussy!"
Clearly, this was the wrong move.
Snow honestly didn't expect him to stand his ground, this and the vision of her Vee cowering in the background threw her off a little bit. 
"I'm her...her best friend! If you have something to say you can talk to somepony who cares, get a life jerk!" 
Although she was no longer threatening physical violence she was getting up close and personal, practically barking her words at him. She sounded like he had called Vee an awful name or threatened her, her voice booming out like it came from a storm at the bottom of her stomach.
Despite cowering in fear, Vee spoke up.
"Snowy, that's enough! I think he gets it! Calm down, please!"
Before Snowcone could continue, the colt blew a raspberry at her and swiveled around towards the school.
"Mrs. Bookworm will be hearing about this, asshole!"
Snowcone stood in place and didn't say another word until he was completely out of sight. When she turned back to Vee she looked almost to be sweating, her blood rushing to her face and making her cheeks deep purple.
"I can't believe he'd even THINK of talking to you like that! I-" 
Snow’s own expression began to change as she noticed that Vee still looked...nervous.
“What’s wrong?”
"You went way too far."
Veuve’s face twisted into an angry frown instead of the smile that Snowy adored.
"You didn't need to do that! I could have handled it on my own. And now we're going to get in trouble. You embarrassed me, Snowcone."
Snowcone felt horrible, she stood up for her and this is what she got?! 
As it usually did, her anger and frustration turned to the tears that soon began to flow down her cheeks. 
"Fine! I didn't need you anyways! You can handle everything on your own from now on!" 
She turned on her heels and sprinted away, not wanting to confront how awful she felt. She knew she took it too far, but to be told she was an embarrassment, it stung so deeply she couldn't even think about it. 
That was a problem for future Snowcone Syrup to handle.
Previous: Withering Next: Advice
Background by The-Mystery-Of-Doom
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i-fondued · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 | Ghost - Strawberries and Stolen Kisses
The morning after our Sister of Sin busies herself with her kitchen duties but Terzo just can’t help but find some time for her
Pairing: Papa “Terzo” Emeritus III x Reader/Sister of Sin Raiting: Light Explicit, no actual sex in this one I’m sorry!! Warnings: Some light smut, fluff mainly, very generalized references to baking cause I’m lazy ahahaha A/N: This is super short and sweet because I didn’t have the chance to upload anything yesterday. I’m working on the next part of Sinners in Secret starting tonight so this is a little bonus upload. These two will continue to get in smutty situations after this! AO3 LINK HERE FOR THOSE WHO PREFER
It was early when I woke up, the sun barely beginning to rise above the horizon. The light streaming in through the old lattice windows was a deep red and cast shapes on the floor. 
My body was so used to waking up early to start my kitchen duties that I didn’t even need an alarm anymore. Stretching my arms and legs with a quiet groan I turned to look for Terzo but found he was already out of bed, my heart thumping painfully before the sound of running water caught my attention. Smiling softly I contemplated joining him before the water turned off abruptly.
I flopped back against the many push pillows, pulling the covers up to cover my naked body, and watched Terzo step out of his bathroom. I hadn’t seen him without his papal paints before and my eyes widened slightly at the sight of him. Terzo had a black towel slung low around his waist while he roughly rubbed another smaller towel against his hair to dry it. He was just as handsome beneath the paints, my cheeks flushing as he caught me staring at him. 
“Ah, buongiorno tesoro.” Terzo smiled, running a hand through his hair to push it away from his face. He walked over and sat next to me on the bed, leaning over to place a chaste kiss to my lips. I cupped his cheek when he pulled back and studied him as stealthily as possible. 
There were crows feet by the corners of his eyes, a few frown lines on his forehead, and laugh lines by his mouth. Without the black and white grease paints he actually looked a little younger and mischievous; which was hilarious knowing all the trouble he was always getting into around the abbey. I knew deep down that he must have been ethereal as a younger man, before he became Papa and inherited all the stress that came with it.
“Good morning to you too, Terzo.”
“How did you sleep? I did not snore did I?” He blushed slightly, the flush on his cheeks I could actually see for once, and rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly. “Secondo used to tell me I sounded like a asino at night.”
“No, no. I didn’t hear you snore, granted I’m a deep sleeper.” I sat up and brushed my hand across his shoulder where there was a soft bruise, a love bite I had left myself. He leaned into my touch, his forehead coming to rest on mine.
“I would like for you to stay again, Stellina…” His voice rumbled low and I felt a shiver run down my spine. “La mia casa e la tua casa, so to speak.”
Terzo leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine softly but possessively. I practically purred as his hand, warm and ungloved, came to cup my neck. I slid towards him as we deepened the kiss and I slid into his lap. I let my fingers run through his damp hair and push it away from his face. He mumbled jumbled italian that I couldn’t quite catch against my lips as he slipped the blanket from my body, fully naked again in his arms.
“Terzo…” I whimpered, head falling to the side as he kissed and lapped at my heated skin and thundering pulse in my neck. My eyes fluttered but dimly the clock on the wall chimed the time and I groaned, I had to be in the kitchens fifteen minutes ago. “I have to go.”
“No, cara mia. Stay here, stay with Papa…” He murmured in my ear, his hand already drifting to my waist as he rocked against me. “They will manage without you, ho bisogno di te qui con me.”
I groaned, resting my forehead against his shoulder before I forced myself from his arms. His fingertips dragged against my hips roughly as he tried to hold tight to me. I paused and slipped my fingers under Terzo’s chin, tilting his head to look up at me as I stood. He was clearly pouting, brown knit together as he pursed his lips. I smiled and bit my bottom lip to hold back the laugh bubbling in my throat. 
“Duties call, Papa.” I sighed before pressing a soft kiss to his furrowed brow. “I’ll see you at breakfast won’t I?”
“Si, Sorella…” He grumbled before wrapping his arms to hug me tight to him. “Will I see you later today?”
“Of course you will, I work in the kitchens after all. Even Papa has to eat at some point.”
After another few attempts, and lazy kisses, I finally managed to get dressed enough to sneak back to my rooms. I showered quickly, pulling my hair back into a bun under my habit and headed down to the kitchens. The silver lining to my main duties in the kitchen was I was up before anyone else and never saw another sibling in the hallways. 
Stepping through the main doors into the dining hall I propped them open with the door jams, switching the lights on and washing my hands before I started on my first tasks of the day. I pulled on my apron over my head, tying it tightly around my waist and stood with my hands on my hips for a moment before moving on. I methodically went through my checklist in my head as I started my own daily rituals. 
First I set up the massive coffee pots to brew regular coffee, another to brew decaf for those who preferred it, and lastly I readied the espresso machine that one of my other kitchen staff siblings would use to make espresso fresh by request. Next I made sure there were plenty of cups out for people to grab as needed; later someone else would set out the large pitchers of juices, milks and creamers. I preheated the large buffet bar where later all of the food would be set up for breakfast. I could already picture the delicious smells of cooked meats, veggies, and carbs. I looked around the empty dining room and was satisfied with how it had been set up. I took a moment to pause and make my own cup of coffee, sipping it slowly before I checked the clock and went into the kitchens, the galley doors swinging behind me.
Humming to myself, I started off with getting the ovens preheated for all the fresh breads and baked goods I had planned for today. I had at least an hour before the rest of the kitchen staff came down to start cooking breakfast. My mouth watered at the thought of the fluffy eggs, crispy bacon, and crunchy hash browns I knew would be waiting for me after all my morning chores were done. A few songs from the last Ghost Project practice session were stuck in my head and I couldn’t help but sing the words as I pranced around the kitchen, slowly slipping into my own little world. 
I had an industrial mixer going with the plain batter for my muffins, later I would separate it out into four batches and hand fold in the flavors that had been requested for this week. Blueberry, chocolate chip, apple cinnamon, and bran. The last one had been requested by Nihil and a surprisingly large group of ghouls after last Sunday’s black mass. Part of me didn’t want to know what the ghouls had planned for all the bran muffins they asked for.
I could feel the sweat beading and dripping down the back of my neck as I lugged out the trays of bread dough I had left out overnight to rise, the heat from the ovens building up in the large industrial space. I pulled my habit off, wiping at my face and neck, before I made sure my hair was all gathered together. I tossed the habit onto a hook where my apron had hung originally and washed my hands again before starting on the daily bread.
My hands and arms were coated in flour as I kneaded and stretched the dough on my workspace, making fresh focaccia to go with our lunch later, while the leavened dough was plopped into bread loaf pans and thrown in the oven. I heard my other kitchen siblings as they came in, chatting together and laughing. 
“Good morning, Sister!” One of them called out cheerily as she approached me, already washing hands and an apron on. She smiled wickedly as she helped me with the last of the trays of focaccia, drizzling oils and herbs on top. “We didn’t see you after dinner, where did you slip off too?”
“Oh you know, I just did some quiet reading and fell asleep pretty early.” I waved her off, my cheeks already flushed from the heat of the oven covering the blush that bloomed. “Hard to stay up late when I get up so early!”
“At least you only have to help with breakfast and lunch, your bread is all anyone talks about.” She laughed, coming to help me with splitting the muffin batter into four mixing bowls.
“I always loved baking before I came here,” I shrugged, stirring in all my various ingredients into the muffin batters. “Imperator encouraged me to put my skills to use once she found I knew how to make bread from scratch. I guess buying bread was getting expensive as the church grew.”
We worked and chatted as the kitchen filled with the scents of breakfast coming together, all the siblings working together to get everything ready by 8am. Once the muffin tins were in the ovens I took a moment to sneak a small plate of food that one of the other siblings always put aside for me. I had been up before dawn and was positively starving at this point, my mouth watering as I scurried off like a mouse and tucked myself into a corner of the massive pantry. I sat on top of a pallet of flour, my back leaning against the wall, and I quickly began shoving the food in my mouth at a speed that surprised even me.
“Bellissima, Sorella.”
I choked on the eggs in my mouth, practically jumping out of my skin as I turned towards the sound of the voice. Terzo was smiling wryly at me, leaning against the stocked shelves with his hands in his pockets. He was dressed in his normal suit with his white gloves, face painted as always.I patted my chest as I coughed, slightly glaring at him as my eyes watered. 
“Shit, Papa you scared me.” I wheezed, Terzo came over and helped give a few hard pats to my back. “I didn’t even hear you come in.”
“I wanted to see you again, though I did not think you would be flour covered…” He chuckled, his hand brushing what must have been bread flour from the bridge of my nose. He leaned in and kissed my temple. “Please, mangia. Do not let me disturb you, Tesoro.”
Terzo leaned over, swiping one of the strawberries from my plate, and gently pressed it against my lips. I felt my cheeks heat slightly when our eyes met, his mismatched eyes filled with heat, and I opened my mouth. He slipped the strawberry between my lips, my teeth digging into the flesh of the fruit as I took a bite. He hummed his approval, my heartbeat ticking up as he leaned forward to press a soft kiss to my lips. Again he pressed the fruit to my lips and I happily allowed him to feed me, a slow burn starting to settle in my belly.
“Che dolce…” He murmured against my lips as I swallowed the strawberry before kissing him back, putting my plate to the side as I turned to straddle his lap. I whimpered as I felt his hands grip my hips, rolling them against his hardening cock. Terzo groaned, his hands slipped lower to grip my bottom tightly and I gasped into his mouth. 
“T-Terzo,” I whispered, remembering we were very much in a public place, as my arms wrapped around his neck and hands threaded into his hair. “We shouldn’t…not here.”
“Perche? I am Papa, if they are upset they bring it to me.” He murmured into my ear, his hot breath causing a shutter to run through me. “Let the clergy find out, you are mine Tesoro.”
I whimpered, pressing against Terzo, as I rocked against him. We stayed like that, kissing and tangled in each other’s arms for what felt like hours. Terzo fed me fruit and slipped his tongue in my mouth to taste; I was panting and flushed while I shuddered in his lap. I was about to beg him to fuck me right then and there when I heard footsteps and people talking. 
We both paused, eyes locked, while my heartbeat threatened to fall out of my ass. We sprang apart, hurrying to fix each other's rumpled clothing and I desperately tried to brush the flour from Terzo’s black suit pants. There was no hiding his very obvious hard on so I shoved him to sit on the flour pallet with his legs crossed so it was hopefully less noticeable. I busied myself with looking very interested in the shelf filled with pickled olives. 
“-and I said I had no intention of seeing the cardinal again and-oh! There you are, Sister!”
I made a big production of looking up from the fascinating olives to the sister who spoke, she looked between Terzo and I for a moment before she smiled sheepishly. “Sister, Papa…”
“I ran into Papa here-!”
“Sorella was already here when I-!”
Terzo and I locked eyes as we spoke at the same time, my face flushed bright red and I had to hold back every urge to rub my hands up and down my face. Really smooth of us, very subtle.
“Oh…o-okay? Well, Sister, I was looking for you. The muffin batches are out of the oven and almost cooled, I figured you’d like to be the one to put them in the pastry case.” She cocked her head to the side but seemed to wave us off before she walked away with the other sibling who was carrying a large sack of potatoes.
I waited till I couldn’t hear their giggled whispered and hurried footsteps before I turned on Terzo with my hands on my hips, he held his hands up sheepishly. 
“Tesoro…” He started, standing and coming over with a smile. I smacked his hands away, grumpy that our time was interrupted and that I never actually was able to finish my breakfast. 
“Don’t treasure me, Terzo Emeritus.” I grumbled at him, poking him in the center of his chest. He had a wry smile and was clearly trying to hold back his laughter at my small fury. “I didn’t even get to finish my breakfast, but you get to go off and eat in the dining room while I finish baking in the hot, sweaty kitchen.”
“Mi dispiace, Amore.” He pulled me in for a hug before taking my hand and kissing the top softly. “I will make it up for you, Si? Dinner will be my treat.”
“How?” I crossed my arms and looked at him skeptically.
“Trust me, Papa will make this happen, Si?” Terzo winked at me, flashing me a bright smile he knew I could never resist.
“Ugh, fine.” I rolled my eyes, Terzo shook his fist in victory. “I’ll see you tonight okay?”
“I cannot wait, Amore.”
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ysabelmystic · 9 months
Top 5 worst times you got into trouble as a kid.
Ohhhh man this is gonna be a hard one to answer because undiagnosed ADHD and Autism does not mix well with authoritarian bullshit. Plus, the stuff I got away with is generally worse, a lot funnier, and more extensive. But here's 5 things I can think of off the top of my head.
I caused several thousand dollars worth of damage because 2-year-old me decided that our rented house's white carpet needed an introduction to my mom's red nail polish- color theory hospital style. Thankfully, our landlord was my mom's best friend, and after several cleaning attempts, she decided to eat the cost. I only know about this because both of them bring it up at least twice a year.
From ages 6-9, my parents forced me to do this stupid church soccer club thing because my dad was obsessed with soccer and my brother was practically a soccer prodigy. I didn't care for it one bit. We always had to rush dinner to make it to soccer practice on time, so in my head, I figured that if we couldn't eat dinner, we couldn't make it to soccer practice. We were having spaghetti that night, and you can't have spaghetti without sauce, so after a lot of unsuccessful crying, begging, and pleading, I took the whole pot of spaghetti sauce and dumped it on the floor. I avoided soccer practice, but I also got ultra-grounded for a month. All I had in my room was a mattress. Everything else was taken away. And that's when I discovered the power of dissociative daydreaming, and I can now mentally check out of any situation at, and against, my will! (My mother has since apologized, but also I am the reason I will never have biological children lmao).
Here's a funny one. On their anniversary weekend, my parents left my brother and I with my grandparents on my dad's side. This had its pros and cons. On the one hand, they had a pool, and never supervised what we watched on TV. On the other hand, that set of grandparents wouldn't let us skip church, and they went to a different church. It didn't even have a Sunday School. I was about 9 or 10, so I was deemed old enough to pack my own suitcase. I purposefully brought along my most raggedy yard clothes, thinking that would get me out of going. Come Sunday morning, I learned that unfortunately, cargo shorts and an old t-shirt did not grant me an exemption, so I had to come up with something else. After getting my brother and I fed and dressed, my grandparents went off to attend to themselves, leaving the both of us unsupervised. Their mistake. My brother and I went out into the backyard to play catch while we waited. It was then that I had an idea. My brother was about 7, still young enough that he would do just about anything I asked him, so it took him about 5 seconds to convince him that it would be both hilarious and fun if he jumped in the pool, fully dressed in his good church clothes. My grandparents were fucking piiiiissssssssed. My brother didn't have any spare clothes so my grandma had to throw everything in the dryer while I got the "wait until your parents come home" speech and a TV ban for the rest of the day. However, when my parents found out, my dad thought it was so funny that I pretty much got away with it. Oh, and we still had to go to church. We made it to the last 30 minutes of service.
My mom's contribution: I was taught about Jackon Pollock in kindergarten and inflicted my newfound splatterpaint skills upon our white cabinets, the kitchen walls, and the hallway. There's a theme with my crimes. My artistic expression could not be stopped.
I earned my first formal exorcism because I had the audacity to ask what happened to the fish during The Flood. "They didn't need to be in the boat" Well Sharon what about water salinity? How did the fish not die from the change in water chemistry? Did Noah have wooden fish tanks? Did someone have to go to every country to get the fish and a sample of their native waters? Anyways, because I was like...8, this was a sign that I had Demons, and this required them to drag me into the hallway and spend the next 30 minutes dousing me in anointing oil and demanding that Satan leave my body. Yeet!
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