#i also can’t be bothered to tag this. so i am releasing this post into the wild
boyobjectifier · 4 months
daydreaming abt having my face gripped and being force-fed pills of their choice, spitting it out because i don’t trust them, being slapped so hard my ears ring, promptly having my mouth pried open and being forced to swallow whatever they’re shoving into my mouth
and then being told “this could’ve been easy. you could’ve had it so easy here, but you chose to put up a fight. you better hope that you chose well.”
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ingravinoveritas · 10 months
The people that keep saying not to ship Michael and David together in real life because of their relationships to Georgia and Anna are also the same ones who keep begging to have the two girls appear in the next season of GO as a couple because of Anna’s little joke of making out with Georgia. Seriously people saw that tweet of hers and immediately decided to ship them together and call them the “ineffable wives” but Michael and David have come out with soooo much more adorable moments of the love and joy they have for each other and everyone starts saying that it’s disrespectful to ship them when their “married” to females in real life 🤷‍♀️ I mean…. The hypocrisy is astounding and disturbing on levels I can’t even comprehend. The fact that Georgia, who is known to search her and David’s name on Twitter and answers back to anyone that tags or even mentions her didn’t even acknowledge Anna’s tweet says sooooooo much about this “best friend dynamic duo”. The fact that Anna is resorting to jokes about kissing another woman just for attention also…. WHEW. If this isn’t the biggest cry for attention I don’t know what is. And the fact that people feed into her attempts also and are petitioning for them to kiss and show up in GO!
Lord. I've seen so much talk about casting female actresses in regard to fem-presenting Aziraphale/Crowley over the past week, and while it is disappointing, I am not at all surprised. The first inkling I had was upon seeing the reactions when a behind the scenes photo of Crowley as Bildad the Shuhite was posted just before the release of GO 2:
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It seems that a lot of folks were expecting/hoping for fem!Crowley, as we saw in Golgotha in season 1 (on the right), and when that turned out not to be the case, the reaction was to call Bildad!Crowley ugly, to say that he should shave, and other comments essentially making fun of this particular look. Obviously, much of this could have (and likely was) made in jest, but the overall consensus was clear: You can't be feminine with a beard.
(Which...I'd like to see someone tell that to Michael Sheen, because yes, the fuck you can...)
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So from the outset, I was already bothered by what seemed like the hypocrisy of on the one hand celebrating a show where the characters are genderfluid/nonbinary by definition, and then on the other hand getting upset when one character doesn't fit into a prescribed, conventional idea of femininity.
When Neil subsequently mentioned that there had been a storyline for female-presenting Aziraphale and Crowley in the 1960s, it was dismaying (but again, not surprising) to see these same fans casting female actresses in the roles. Never mind that you already had David playing female!Crowley and Nanny Ashtoreth in season 1. Never mind that both Michael and David have played...well, "drag" doesn't seem like exactly the right word, but they've played women, and brilliantly subverted gender roles in their own ways. There is no reason to think that they couldn't do a fabulous job as fem!presenting Aziraphale and Crowley, except that (again) some fans seem to have a specific idea of femininity that they think does not or cannot apply to Michael and David.
Which then brings us to the apparent clamoring for Anna and Georgia as female Aziraphale and Crowley, which has again left me scratching my head. In all of the tweets and hubbub, I have not seen one person say why they think AL and Georgia would do a good job in said roles--like, "Oh, Georgia was so good as [insert role]" or "I loved Anna as [insert role]"--only that they would be "so amazing." This leads me to think that the only reason these fans want AL and Georgia in the roles is because they are Michael and David's partners. They are assuming that this is somehow a guarantee of the same profound understanding of the characters and their connection, despite there being no evidence of such a correlation. (I mean...I fooled around with my former grad school professor last year, but that doesn't mean I have a PhD...)
What it also seems to indicate is that these folks are not thinking of what is best for the characters, either, or indeed if playing female!Aziraphale and Crowley is something AL or Georgia would even want to do. Neil recently said that Georgia turned down a role in GO 2 supposedly because the character was older than her and she didn't feel it was appropriate. If this is the case, why would Georgia want to play the role of a middle-aged character? Because that is what Aziraphale and Crowley are--ageless celestial beings, yes, but beings who have chosen to present as middle-aged. That is a key part of who they are, so to have the female versions of them played by younger actresses makes no sense and seems downright disrespectful.
There is also what you said, about AL's cringey tweet from a little over a week ago. Georgia could have absolutely responded to or acknowledged it by now, as she has responded to several other tweets since then...but she hasn't. Not a reply, not even a 'like.' And I agree with you that that seems to speak volumes, and that it would probably be a good idea if people looked beyond the Staged-driven narrative of "Georgia and AL are BFFs" to see how Georgia actually seems to feel about her.
(And to echo another thing you said, I will never understand how it is somehow completely fine for fans to ship Georgia and Anna/want to see them make out despite neither of them showing that level of affection toward each other or having any visible chemistry, yet not okay to ship Michael and David who do have that chemistry and have been making their feelings for each other very obvious for the last several years...)
So yes, those are my thoughts on the whole female Aziraphale/Crowley fancasting situation. I just hope that if we do get them as fem!presenting in season 3, that it is Michael and David, because there is no way any other two actors could give us what we got with Aziraphale and Crowley the way Michael and David did. I guess we'll see what happens...
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f1-stuff · 9 months
Thank you for the tag @ayceeofspades !! ❤️ (I’m diligently working on several WIPs, but they just seem to be getting longer with no clear end in sight 😅 so I haven't been able to really post much lately. Anyway, it's nice to share something I've been working on.)
Share a snippet of a current WIP!
This is from a charlos 'White Lotus' inspired fic I've been writing. If I ever post it, there is a theme of cheating/infidelity, altho this snippet doesn't really feature that. But the context is that Carlos is married and Charles is engaged, so if that bothers anyone, you have been warned! (If you've seen season 2 of the show, you might recognize these scenes 😂)
They don’t speak as they walk, perhaps because of the firm ‘don’t talk to me’ vibes that Charles is putting off. He doesn’t mean to, but he also can’t really control it if that’s how he’s feeling.
He leads Carlos into his room, striding over to his bag which he hasn’t yet unpacked, and rifling through it until he finds a pair of trunks.
“You’re a bit messy,” Carlos says, a teasing edge to his voice. Charles doesn’t grace that with a response.
“You can borrow these,” he says, thrusting the trunks at Carlos.
“Thank you-”
“No problem. I’m just gonna...” He makes his way to the bathroom, thinking Carlos will go change in his own room through the adjoining door.
What he doesn’t expect is to be washing his hands and to look up at his reflection, only to see Carlos still in the room behind him, in full view of the mirror, stripping completely naked.
Charles quickly averts his eyes, nearly swallowing his tongue at the eyeful of Carlos’ bare ass he’d just gotten. The faucet is still running in the sink, but Charles doesn’t turn it off, his eyes watching the water flow out with intense focus, until he can be sure Carlos is clothed. When he chances another look in the mirror, Carlos is indeed blessedly dressed. He meets Charles’ eyes in the reflection.
“See you in a few minutes?” he says, casual as anything. 
Then, he strides out of the hotel room, leaving Charles in the bathroom, faucet still running and completely at a loss for what just happened.
He’s floating on his back in the water, having swam a fair distance from shore, eyes toward the sky and soaking in the sun and the salty smell of the sea, relieved to have a moment alone, when he feels something grab his ankle and startles, his eyes flying open as he flails out his limbs and releases an undignified yelp.
His ankle is freed as someone breaks the surface beside him, and Charles feels his hackles rising against his will. Carlos smooths dark, wet hair back from his face, smirking at Charles. There’s a bit of eyebrow hair that’s been nudged out of place by his hands, and Charles twitches with the urge to smooth it down with his thumb. Although, he finds himself annoyed at how good Carlos looks despite it, water beading along his face and dripping from the tip of his nose and chin.
“Scared you,” the other man says, rather redundantly.
“Yes,” Charles says, his tone clipped.
They float in silence for a moment, the only sounds the movement of water as they tread and the faint voices drifting over from the beach. Charles can feel Carlos’ gaze on him, but he pretends not to notice, his heart beating a loud, steady rhythm in his chest.
“I think you don’t like me,” Carlos says, suddenly. And Charles startles a bit.
“I feel like we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot, or...” He purses his lips, searching for words, but Charles cuts him off.
“I like you,” he insists, then amends, “I like you both fine.” 
‘Both.’ You and your wife.
Carlos raises a brow skeptically, sinking into the water until his mouth and nose dip below the surface, leaving only his eyes, framed by thick lashes, peering at Charles. 
His eyes are enormous, Charles thinks, along with, He knows I am lying.
Juliette will kill him for being so obviously rude as to warrant this conversation. Carlos interrupts his thoughts.
“That’s good, then. Because I like you, too.”
He smiles at Charles and it’s disconcerting somehow, perhaps because a complicated mix of emotions swirls in Charles’ gut in response, in which he can clearly distinguish familiar annoyance and disdain, but also satisfaction. Why he would need or want approval from his fiancée’s university roommate’s husband is beyond him.
“Well, that’s...nice,” he says, swallowing uncomfortably.
Carlos’ grin widens. ...
“I’m telling you, it was weird,” Charles says, as he and Juliette get dressed for dinner. He’s just finished telling her about Carlos’ little naked performance in their room earlier that day. “It was like...” Like he wanted me to see, Charles doesn’t say. That might be going a little far.
“You are both men,” she says, shrugging. “Don’t all you guys see each other’s junk all the time.” She laughs, shaking her head. “I doubt he was trying to make you uncomfortable. He probably just didn’t think you would care.”
Charles sighs, realizing that no matter how he describes it, it won’t come across right. And anyway, maybe Juliette’s right - maybe he read the whole thing wrong.
“I don’t know,” is all he says.
“Well, come on,” she says, tugging him toward the door. “Or we’ll be late.” ...
Ignore this if you've done it already, but I'll tag @desomniis @f1amboyant @c2-eh aaanddd @penaltyboxboxbox ! If y'all have any WIPs SHARE THEM!! 😝❤️
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llondonfog · 1 year
Hello! Sorry to bother you! If you have the time or the ability do you think you could compile a post of all the new info we’ve gotten for Lilia in Ch. 7 so far? I’ve been trying to find spoilers online but it’s super hard and far between. If you can’t totally cool I don’t want to be a bother I hope you’re having a lovely day/night!
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Okay, let me try my best here for you, anon! (and timely question too, since we're all on pins and needles waiting for Lilia's dorm ssr and the second part of chapter 7 to drop like a brick on us all :'))
While I don't play jp twst myself (f2p en player ; u ;), this post does a good job of highlighting key aspects of chapter 7's first release, especially in relation to Lilia. I'd read through the related tagged posts on that blog too if you'd like to see some of the fan theories and discussions that were raised after the first part dropped! But I'll go ahead and list what I thought were key spoilers below as a quick guide for you— let me know if you have any questions about particular spoilers!
My key takeaways were the fact that we now know that Lilia's planning to drop out of NRC within the week, he's not staying to plan his fourth-year internship. His magic has been weakening even before Silver's birth, and he's leaving the cottage and everything in it behind to Silver as he plans to leave the country and retire far away. THIS IS LIKE, IMMENIENT. HE TAKES SILVER AND SEBEK TO START PACKING HIS SHIT UP RIGHT AWAY. DO NOT (OR DO) GET ME STARTED ON HOW UPSET I AM ABOUT THIS.
(Understandably, Malleus is incredibly upset and starts the overblot process immediately. It's only part one at this point, NO OTHER DORM HAS THE DRAMATICS OF DIASOMNIA.)
While packing, we learn that he has a weapon that he brought with him to NRC (the post referenced in the link above contains an image), and that weapon was made out of a special magical material that changes shape based on the wielder's magical ability. We also learn that he was safekeeping a ring that belonged to Silver (or at least was found with him) that hints that Silver may be some kind of royalty or nobility as the ring is in the shape of a crown and matches the color of his eyes (again, the link above contains an image of the ring). Silver instantly gets sleepy when he touches it so in my book, FUCK that cursed ring. Additionally, Lilia has this acorn bracelet he's been treasuring for ages and he says it is one of his most precious possessions (just my theory: Silver made it for him as a child and has forgotten about it).
We also get a flashback courtesy of Malleus which confirms that Lilia had long hair as a guard back in the day, and that Lilia was the person closest to Malleus growing up as he wasn't afraid to approach the young prince when he was upset and provide an opportunity for Malleus to gain life lessons from his tantrums.
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
I might be looking into this way too much but Barbatos seems to have a shaky sense of self-worth. I know he’s a butler and all but he often dismisses any praise towards or interest in him, which bugs me as someone who lacks confidence and is working on eliminating such a behavior. It is much more masked, like Asmodeus’ self-worth problems are (this post by @/still-a-morosexual-help is a very good breakdown of Asmodeus’ self worth issues). The characters who express self-worth issues openly and more often are Mammon, Satan, and Leviathan, but in varying ways. Every character in Obey Me! definitely has mental anguish, but from the top of my head I am pretty sure only Satan has a lot of progress with addressing it in-game (this post, also by @/still-a-morosexual-help, is another good explanation of how he is making progress). I do like seeing these things in media, since it does spread awareness to a degree… but a lot of these characters don’t have much progress being made. I know it’s extremely unlikely that Barbatos will have this kind of behavior addressed (I think maybe once or twice someone points it out?), since he is the butler character and doesn’t get a lot of screentime. Levi kind of has it addressed at one point, but that’s the only character besides Satan that I can remember having their self-worth doubts addressed in-game. I just can’t stop thinking about it since this last lesson release lol. (I didn’t tag the blog I referenced directly because I don’t want to bother them by doing so; please do view the posts I linked to and possibly other ones, their explanations are very nice!)
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I Knew You’d Come Back to Me
Chapter Two: Slept next to her, but I dreamt of you (Cardan’s POV)
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Summary:  While homesick and heartbroken in the mortal world, Jude finds a pile of letters on her doorstep that include an official pardon and a love confession from Cardan. What is supposed to be a happy reunion quickly falls apart when Jude is told Cardan has returned to Nicasia in her absence. 
Cardan is determined to make it up to Jude. 
**This fic is inspired by the love story between Taylor Swift’s characters Betty, James, and August.**
Should you wish to listen: Cardigan | Betty | August
Tags: Multiple POVs, angst and a happy ending, Jurdan, post-wicked king, canon divergence
Read on AO3
Four Months Post Exile
If she has decided that she wishes to stay away and forget about Elfhame, me, then I will forget about her as well. Except that I can’t because for the eternity she has been gone there has been nothing to rid my thoughts of her.
I grab the nearest pitcher of wine, not that they are ever far from my reach as of late, and swallow as much of the tart liquid as I can. At least if I pass out there is a chance I may dream of her, or dream of losing her. But it is a chance I am willing to take.
There is a revel happening, for a reason I cannot remember. Probably honoring some guest that I cannot be bothered to care about at this point. I tend to the kingdom as best as I can for the day, but by the time the dawn is rising I do everything I can to forget the subtle human features that haunt me. The curve of her ear, the flush in her cheeks, the softness of her form.
Since she has been gone there has been an unbearable ache in my chest that only seems to worsen at her memory. I’ve taken back up with a variety of powders that I grew accustomed to at Balekin’s parties. The numbing sensation is highly preferable to the agonizing dread that awaits me in sobriety. At least when time passes differently, I can imagine that she is home again, or at the very least, I can pass more days until she returns.
Her return seems more and more uncertain because despite my letters, she has not come home, nor even responded to them. She has made no inclination that she intends to return, which is ridiculous because she is the queen. When she returns I will have to remember to remind her of all the accusations she threw my way at neglecting responsibilities, meanwhile she has spent months in the mortal world as if waiting for me to come bring her home myself.
I grin at the idea. A trip to the mortal world could quickly end this ridiculous torture. At least I would have the chance to see her in the flesh.
She could get her anger out and then return home with me. At this point, a curse from her lips would sound like music and her fingers curled around my neck would be ecstasy.
In time, that anger might turn to forgiveness and we can all move on from this nonsense.
Present Day
What a dreadful day today has been. I should have returned to my chambers the moment I was given news of a wine shortage because poisoned wine had been found in the castle’s cellars, because that meant I had to suffer through the small council’s bickering mostly sober, followed by hours of grievance hearings from folk. For a kingdom full of people who find me utterly incompetent, they sure do make plenty of pleas to the crown.
Only one hour remains until I can leave the presence of my court and scout for my own wine to drink, poisoned or otherwise.
“Cardan…?” Nicasia said with the air of a question.
I respond with a non-committal sound before glancing in her direction to my left. Again, she had found a seat nearest mine, despite my repeated reminder that she was no longer entitled to that spot. We were nothing beyond friends with a bit of history, even if my entire council, mother, and Nicasia herself thought it was ridiculous to prolong a “land-sea” alliance any longer.
I turn back to the conversation I had been ignoring and make an appropriate response, before quickly tuning them out again. Courtiers have nothing better to do than waste my time.
Admittedly, I could see my advisors’ point and I haven’t exactly fought to deny Nicasia’s advances anymore. Not when the one I want has rejected me entirely, favoring a mortal over me and forsaking our kingdom to my inadequate rule.
If I were a kinder soul, I might have been content to see her happy and adjusted to the mortal world, but I am not. I hate myself for sending her away and I hate her just as much for not wanting to return. Every time someone suggests I marry, I want to scream the truth for the entire kingdom to hear.
I married the mortal Jude Duarte. I did it so she would release her hold over me, but I also did it because I wanted to. I wanted to make her my queen and share this dreaded life with her; the powerful, defiant, occasionally murderous, human woman with all her soft features and perfectly odd ears.
Pride be damned. If she returned, I’d allow her anything. She would never need a geas to command me. She was already a ruler, she deserved the credit. The court would eventually adjust to the idea of a human ruler once they recognized her rule. I would lead the most devoted of her court and in our bedroom, I would further prove to her just how devoted I was by spreading --
Nicasia’s hand sliding over my knee snaps me from my thoughts. The touch of her hand felt sickly wrong considering my thoughts of Jude. I brush her hand aside and purposefully ignore the hurt look on her face. I may allow her into my room on nights where even the wine and the powders cannot bring me peace, but she knows I am far too sober and there are too many people around for that.
At the edge of my peripheral I see a dark shadow approaching. The Roach; always a welcomed distraction usually armed with wonderfully bad news.
“Come to tell me of another attempt on my life?” I murmur as he bows down to whisper in my ear.
“You are needed at once, your majesty” the goblin reports.
At that, I laugh but make no effort to move. “There is a first for everything. What is it?” I am happy to use whatever matter it is as an excuse to leave, but I am curious what requires my attention that the spies could not handle themselves.
“Jude has returned. She is waiting to see you.”
His words hit like the hilt of a sword to the chest. I stand, jumping the courtier closest to me.
“I have matters to attend to. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” I say to no one in particular, trying to ignore the loud pounding in my ears as my heart threatens to beat out of my chest.
I begin to follow the Roach out of the room when I feel a hand on my arm.
“What is going on?” Nicasia asks, her eyes wide. I shake out of her grasp.
“It is a matter of great importance that does not concern you.” Instead of moving away, like my body demands to, I move in closer to her so only she can hear me. “I meant my words in the gardens. Do not show up this evening or any evening again.”
Her mouth fell slightly open as water rimmed her eyes. I didn't stay for her response, instead I turned back and followed the Roach into the tunnel, knowing every step was bringing me closer to Jude. As we stalk through the hallways, I cannot slow the questions bombarding my mind.
Did she decide against her life in the mortal world? Did she miss me as I have missed her? What should I say to her? Will she allow me to embrace her? Should I announce her return tonight?
I have envisioned dozens of scenarios of what I would say or do when she returned, but now that she is only a few steps away I have no plan past seeing her, holding her if I can, to make sure she is real and not my imagination come to life.
We take the final turn that I know leads to the headquarters for the Court of Shadows when Livier blocks the doorway.
“Where is she?”
I watch as her face contorts. She opens her mouth to respond before closing it again, clearly unsure how to answer. I don’t have patience for this. I have to see her now.
“Move Livier,” I demand.
How many months has it been since we had fallen asleep together after our vows? How long has it been that I’ve felt her pressed against me?
“Cardan, wait!” She exclaims as I try to move past her. “She doesn’t want to see you.”
I stop dead at her words.
Before I can speak, the Roach asks for me, “What do you mean? She sent us to get him.”
The pixie nods. “Yes. She went to the royal chambers, but she returned soon after and has stated she does not wish to speak.”
I cannot help the bite to my words. “To speak to anyone, or just me?”
Her silence gives me my answer. “Why?” I spit out.
She is on the other side of the wall. It has been months, what about my room could have made her decide against seeing me? A darker thought crosses my mind; what if she has decided to return to the mortal world again? The idea threatens to break me then and there in the dark tunnels beneath the castle.
Livier looks at her companion with unease.
“Why?” I demand again.
The Bomb swallows before explaining, “When she returned, she asked how long you and the Princess of the Undersea had been back together.”
My desperation melted into cruel pitiful laughter. She was jealous of Nicasia, while she had herself a human plaything. The hypocrisy was grand. I wonder how her face would look when I asked about the man and how she could possibly blame me when she broke our vows first. My laughter quickly fizzled into a frozen anger.
I needed to leave before the weight of the situation could bear down on me. In all my imaginations, I never predicted this. I had hoped she’d run to my arms or more realistically, slap me followed up with a kiss. But never returning and refusing to see me.
I want to beg to see her. Beg for her forgiveness. Beg her to stay even if she hates me.
As a king, I have every right to go wherever I please. But as a queen, she has the right to deny entry to anyone. So I turn in the tight hallway and take the turn that leads to my rooms.
She is home. She wouldn’t see me, but she is home, which meant I could fix this. She might not see me tonight, but I would win her forgiveness and maybe her love too.
After almost two weeks of announcements and planning, Jude’s coronation ball will begin soon. I have still yet to see her in person, but through messengers and letters she agreed to rule with me and begrudgingly accepted my proposal for a party to celebrate her return and status.
The actual coronation will not take place for another few weeks due to the time needed to gather all the court’s representatives, but this evening would be a full celebration nonetheless. She is home and that enough is cause to celebrate.
The party will also finally force Jude out of the shadows. I suspect she has moved around the castle quite a bit as I heard she met with her sisters and the Living Council, but she has made a careful effort to avoid me.
There have been several times where I have made it all the way to her door before deciding to leave and giving her the space she demands. For months now, I have had dreams of the moment we saw each other again; I have imagined her vulgar words and sweet touches. Tonight is the last night I can imagine because in a matter of hours I will see her again. For the evening, she will have no choice but to stand in the same room as me. I already announced her as my wife and Elfhame’s High Queen. After this evening, she can avoid me outside of official business, if she wishes. It would be devastating, but no more devastating than how it felt when she was gone.
I pace back and forth in my chambers thinking through all the details of the evening since I have nothing better to do. I dressed long ago in a suit twin to the dress I had sent for Jude. If I thought the last dress I designed for her was stunning, I am not sure I’ll be able to survive seeing her in tonight's creation. I gave the tailor a sketch of a silver gown with a fitted bodice and twin streams of fabric that flow from the shoulders. The hope was to create an illusion of the armor she seemed to favor. I doubt the tailor will disappoint and frankly, Jude could wear an old sack and still be devastatingly beautiful.
Before long I receive the signal to head to the ballroom. As I enter the room, I admire for the first time the servant’s efforts to fulfill my image for the evening. The decoration for a typical revel was nothing compared to the fanfare visible this evening. Long strings of lights and streamers hung from the ceiling and sweet and savory treats of all varieties are piled high on trays. The musicians and other entertainment for the evening are already in full swing keeping the guests happy and amused.
As is customary, the party has been going on for some time now, before the king and now queen enter. The center of the space is filled with revelers dancing and singing. At any other party, I would have gladly joined, but I cannot help the pooling sense of unease as I glance through the crowding looking for a particular face.
I do find the face I am looking for, but not the right person. Taryn is standing on the side of the dance floor chatting with some courtier. Locke is nowhere to be seen, which is for the best. If I notice him even causing Jude to frown this evening, I will have him locked in the dungeons for the night.
I occupy myself with some wine while I wait and use the opportunity to boast of Jude’s brilliance to anyone who decides they wish to speak with me. After about a dozen of these conversations, I finally catch a glimpse of her walking into the room with Vivianne at her side.
My Jude.
I admire her with total abandon. She is absolutely stunning. The movement of her steps causes the fabric to shimmer as it flows obscenely over her body. While I will imagine her in this dress for many nights to come, it is the crown that sits atop her head that captures my attention.
The crowd cheers at her arrival and many bow to her. While she keeps her emotions well concealed, I can see the smallest of smiles appear on her face. She enjoys the recognition. Seeing her now, if I could have given her this from the start I would have.
My heart-stopping queen.
I stay to the side where I am and watch her enjoyment from afar. She dances with her sisters from time to time and speaks to members of the gentry with ease. I know she has noted my presence, even if she has yet to look in my direction. When it is time to address the crowd, it is my turn to avoid her direction. I keep my speech to the folk short, enough to praise her and remind anyone who may be considering treason exactly who Jude Duarte is. At the final toast, I steel myself before addressing her directly.
“Welcome home, Jude.”
Our eyes meet for the briefest of moments, burning with a million unspoken words before she breaks away and turns to address the now-growing crowd around her.
It was the first time she acknowledged me since the morning I sent her away and suddenly the emotion behind that realization hits me all at once. I let my eyes linger on her turned back a moment longer, before downing my drink and disappearing into the gardens to wallow in my own self pity.
I told myself I would be happy if she just returned home, but now I realize how badly each moment I spend away from her aches. In school, I hated the way I longed for her. I had chalked it up to being a disgraceful obsession; one I would have been glad to be rid of whatever that meant for Jude. Now, I am equally obsessed with my mortal queen, but rather than having just my thoughts occupied with her, I feel a feral desperation to be near her, to set things right with her.
It is not uncommon for me to be followed, but when I hear soft steps behind me, the last person I expect to turn and see is Jude. Her brown eyes widened in surprise, as if she was not the one following me. We both stare at each other for a half a second too long, before Jude mumbles something and turns to leave. I take her by the arm before she can take a single step away. I won’t let her get away a second time.
“Ask me how hideous you look tonight,” the words tumble from my mouth before I can stop them.
She turns back to face me. I loosen my hold on her arm, but let my hand linger until she decides to brush it away.
“This again?” She asks, sounding more tired than annoyed. I didn’t realize how much I missed her voice.
Desperate to hear her again, I reply, “I can’t. You look like a knight from a story tonight.” A filthy story, perhaps.
Jude’s cheeks pinken as she shifts away from me. If I wasn’t afraid to lose her, I might have found her unease at my closeness cute.
“I’m glad to see the kingdom is still in one piece.” Jude acknowledges, changing the subject away from her. The distance between us feels infinitely greater than the foot of space physically separating us. I’d give anything to embrace her now.
“I had help,” I state simply. It is the truth. The Court of Shadows kept tabs on everyone, friends and enemies, and the Living Council for all the headaches they cause me, they did their job as well.
“Nicasia?” Jude didn’t try or simply failed to hide the accusation in the question.
I sigh heavily and take a seat on one of the garden’s benches. “Ahh that. Yes, it is about time we talked.” I motion for her to join me, to which she refuses.
“I don’t want to hear anything about the two of you. I understand we married out of political strategy, I won’t hold you to human standards of monogamy.” Jude echos my sigh, “After your letters, I thought… Well, I misunderstood the situation.”
My core twists at the way her voice trembled on the words. When did her pain stop being cruel amusement and instead became a twin knife that hurts us both?
“I meant every word in those letters” I murmured softly. How many times had I imagined this conversation before?
Anger burns across her face, “So, what? You got bored of waiting for me to return from the exile YOU-” she jams her pointer finger into my chest hard enough to bruise, “ordered! Maybe next time make sure your letters are actually delivered or perhaps don’t send me away in the first place.”
I stand, challenging her anger with my own. “You think I wouldn’t have waited? I went to bring you home. I saw you dancing with the mortal. Don’t pretend I was the first to stray.”
I expected more anger, denial perhaps, but not... confusion?
“What the hell are you talking about? I haven’t been with anyone else,” Jude yells exasperated.
“The blond male. I came to see you and…” I trail off when Jude laughs suddenly. “What could possibly be funny?”
She covers her face with her hands, shaking her head side to side, “Cardan, you saw me with a friend. Nothing ever happened between us, ever.”
Shame washes over me like a tidal wave. I had returned from that trip thinking Jude had made her decision to forget me and stay behind. I had walked straight into a revel and drank every drop of wine in sight. Nicasia found me a few hours later laying in the grass outside the castle and when she came near I did the one thing I thought would make me feel better.
Nicasia had been the first to notice me, my first real friend then lover. After Jude, I thought she could be the thing I needed again, but I was wrong. It didn’t take long for me to realize it would never be as it was before because my heart still belonged to Jude. If I had only spoken to Jude that night in the mortal world, none of this would have happened.
“I believed the reason for your continued absence was because you were still mad. I thought I could go to the mortal world and convince you to come home, but I saw you with the mortal man. I did not handle the thought of you with another well. Nicasia was there when I got back and… I let her into my bed, but it was you that I thought of every moment you were gone.”
Several emotions ripple across her face before she quickly schooled her face into the impenetrable mask she wears around others. She wears around me too. I continue before the fear of her rejection can stop me.
“There are no tricks within my words, so please hear me when I promise you, Jude, mortal High Queen of Elfhame, it is you I love. My heart is yours and forever will be. There will be no other’s, and if you choose to have me again, it will only be you.”
I raise my hand to cup her face and watch as her eyes flutter close. My name falls off her lips like a plea and I think it might be the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. I lower myself to meet her soft lips. Her hands soon find the front of my jacket and I don't fight when she tugs me closer to her.
Without breaking the kiss, I use my free hand to grip her lower back and pull her back into the garden seat with me. On my lap, Jude opens herself up to me and I greedily take in more of her, missing the taste of her. I can’t help but continue to caress her body with my fingertips, long after we break to catch our breath. I place a series of kisses along her neck, each more drawn out than the last before I speak the cruel fact still on my mind, “of all my terribleness, the worst thing I ever did was what I did to you.”
It hurts knowing I can speak those words aloud. I reach up to wipe a stray tear that has fallen from her eyes.
“Will you have me again, Jude?” My heart pounds in the wake of the question. I watch as she considers it. Truthfully, I wouldn't blame her if she refused me, but it would be torturous to have her so near and not mine.
Slowly, she gives a subtle nod and I don’t hide my sigh of relief. She stares at me for a second longer, before smiling, “I love you, Cardan."
I capture her lips again, finding her more addictive than the sweetest wine.
“My sweet nemesis, how glad I am you have returned.”
Tag List: @wafflesandschemingfaces​ 
If anyone else would like to join the list, let me know! 
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we’re safe (and this is real)
Fandom: M*A*S*H 
Tags: Emotional hurt/comfort, nightmares, literal sleeping together
Post s05e14: “Hawk’s Nightmare”
1586 words.
Read on AO3
It was sometime in the middle of the night, which was all BJ knew for certain. Well, that wasn’t quite right. Strictly speaking on what he knew to be true for the night itself, he knew many things: he knew he was in Korea; he knew his lovely Peg and adorable Erin were back at home in Mill Valley. He also knew that Hawkeye Pierce was his best friend- the best friend he’d ever had, actually.
And he knew it was sometime in the middle of the night. That was the thought he woke to, mere milliseconds before a second piercing scream filled the Swamp.
BJ was up and across the other side of the tent before the scream could finish echoing; his hands placed firmly on Hawkeye’s shoulders as he shook him and called his name loudly.
Hawkeye cried out once more and then sat up straight with a cut-off gasp, recognition dawning in his eyes as he reached up and clutched BJ’s forearms tight. “Beej?”
“Right here,” he promised, rocking them both a little as he leaned closer. “I’ve got you.”
“That dream, it was- it was-” Hawkeye tightened his grip on BJ's arms, trembling as he inhaled unsteadily.
“Oh, would you knock it off, for crying out loud! This is the fourth night in a row!”
“Shut up, Frank!” BJ snapped. “If you’re so bothered, sleep outside.”
"If anyone should sleep outside, it's Pierce! It's not like he's getting much sleep anyway! We shouldn't have to sacrifice our sleep just because he gets a few nightmares."
"Frank, say one more word and you'll be sleeping in the latrine for the rest of the night, you got it?"
"You can't do that!"
"Try me."
“Rude,” Frank huffed, but he was otherwise silent as he rolled over and pulled his pillow over his head.
“Hawk?” BJ asked quietly. Hawkeye's head was ducked, his expression blank even as he rocked back and forth silently on his cot, still holding onto BJ’s arms tightly.
No response came.
“Hey, Hawk. You with me?” BJ moved his hand from Hawkeye's shoulder, touching his cheek lightly.
“It wasn’t supposed to happen again.”
The words were said so quietly, BJ barely heard him despite being a few inches in front of him. “What wasn’t, Hawk?”
“The nightmares. I talked to Sidney- I was feeling better. I was feeling better, damnit, this wasn’t supposed to happen!”
Hawkeye released his arms suddenly, his hands a frantic blur as he brought them up and tugged at his hair, breathing fast. “This wasn’t supposed to happen again- why did it happen again? What am I supposed to do, not sleep?”
BJ reached up and gently took hold of Hawkeye’s hands, easing them away from his face. Hawkeye withdrew at his touch, leaning away from him, but at the same time, he squeezed his hands in his own, refusing to let go. “I think there’s something really wrong with me,” Hawkeye whispered.
His breathing was unsteady still.
“Nothing’s the matter with you.”
“No? Tell that to my clammy hands or my ticking time bomb of a heart, or better yet- tell that to my brain. I don’t think it believes you.”
“It doesn’t have to; you do.”
“Sure, whatever you say.”
“I’m serious. Nothing’s wrong with you. What you’re going through, all these nightmares, they’re a product of the stress of this place, of having to operate on boys so young, they can’t even grow beards yet. Your nightmares are the product of the war, it’s not a symptom that something’s wrong with you.”
“You can’t know that.”
“I can. And Sidney said the same thing too, didn’t he?”
“Maybe he’s wrong.”
“Do you trust me?”
“What kind of question is that?”
“An important one. Do you trust me?”
“You know I do.”
At his tone, Hawkeye sighed and glanced up, finally meeting his eyes. “With my life,” he admitted.
“So, you trust me to tell you the truth?”
He nodded, expression tight with anxiety but his eyes earnest.
“Good.” BJ squeezed his hands. “Then I need you to believe me when I say that there’s nothing wrong with you, and that you’re not fighting this alone.”
Hawkeye sighed, looking as weary as BJ had ever seen him. He supposed the war did that to him- it did it to all of them- but the lack of sleep the past four nights certainly hadn't helped either. “Not that I don’t appreciate that, but there’s nothing you can do for me.”
A loud snore interrupted them. BJ looked over his shoulder, staring in annoyance at the Frank-sized lump on the cot. “Ignore him,” he said, turning back to Hawkeye. “Maybe I can’t do anything for the nightmares, maybe. But I can at least make sure that you don’t have to grin and bear this alone.”
“It’s that, or cry.” Hawkeye paused, considering. A bitter smile crossed his features; it looked a lot like shame, maybe disgust, too. “Or play basketball while I sleepwalk, apparently.”
BJ shook his head, refusing to be out stubborn-ed. “Move over.”
Hawkeye frowned at him. “What?”
“You heard me: move over.”
“Yeah, I got that the first time. Move over why, exactly?”
“Take a guess.”
“Can I remind you that you’re a married man?”
“If Peg were here, she’d be telling you the same thing.”
Hawkeye stared at him. BJ gestured for him to move to the far end of the bed. Still with a stunned expression on his face, Hawkeye moved over silently. “Thank you,” BJ told him. “Get comfortable, okay?”
Hawkeye silently laid down on his back and stared up at him, his eyes wide. His expression was vulnerable in a way BJ had never seen before despite being up with him after a nightmare for the last four nights in a row. He clutched onto the blanket covering him with a grip so tight his knuckles had gone white, but despite whatever confusion and reservations he had, he still held back the covers partially so BJ could join him.
BJ slid under the covers, curling up on his side so he was facing Hawkeye. There wasn’t an inch of space in between them.
The Swamp was still for a moment; Hawkeye didn’t seem to be breathing. “Easy, Hawk,” BJ murmured. He lifted his arm and gently laid his hand on the center of Hawkeye’s chest. At his touch, Hawkeye shuddered, his breathing a touch unsteady. “This okay?” he asked softly.
“That’s one way to put it.” Hawkeye’s quip sounded tense, and they both knew it. BJ waited him out, and sure enough- “Beej, what’re you doing?”
“When Peg was sixteen, she was in a car accident. A nasty one, her father nearly died next to her waiting for the fire department to come. Sometimes she would dream about it, she’d wake up screaming. She used to never sleep afterward, she told me there was no point when another nightmare would be awaiting her. It took a while before we realized that if we laid down together like we are now- pressed up together with my hand on your chest- she'd be able to fall asleep. And not just that, she'd be able to sleep through the night without a single other bad dream."
Hawkeye was quiet for a long moment. “And you decided to do the same for me?”
“Like I said, that’s what she would do if she were here. But since she’s not, I know this is what she’d want me to do.”
“I don’t know if I deserve all this.”
“‘Course you do.”
Under his hand, he could feel Hawkeye starting to breathe more slowly. “You sure this is okay?”
“More than. Get some sleep, Hawkeye, okay? I’ll be right here.”
Hawkeye's response was a soft sigh. "Are you sure I'm not dreaming right now? This feels too good to be reality, especially for me- especially in this place."
BJ laughed because it was expected, but his heart hurt just a little for the insecurity he could hear in Hawkeye's voice. "If it is, we're having the same dream."
It was quiet for a moment before Hawkeye admitted, "If this is just a dream, I don't want to wake up."
BJ raised himself up to his elbow and looked down at Hawkeye as he reached over and gently pressed Hawkeye's hand to his chest. "I'm here." He squeezed Hawk's hand briefly and then let go, putting his hand back on Hawkeye's chest. "You're here. We're safe, and this is real."
Hawkeye stared up at him, eyes a little wet. "How'd you know it was about you?"
"You shouted my name."
"Ah." Hawkeye grimaced and his hand fell away from BJ's chest to rest in the lingering space between them, but that was as far as he moved.
In the following silence, BJ laid back down, keeping his hand where it was. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No," came the curt response. Hawkeye sighed and then said quieter, "No, but thanks anyway."
"Okay," BJ agreed softly. He let his eyes fall closed as he murmured, "It's okay to go back to sleep, if you can. I'll be right here."
Hawkeye didn’t respond, but he exhaled deeply and with it, BJ sensed that he had finally relaxed some. It took only a few minutes for him to begin breathing long and deep, and by BJ’s estimates, it took only a few breaths more for him to fall asleep.
The rest of the night passed by peacefully.
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jjmjjktth · 3 years
Prologue: The Escape
First - Previous - Next - Masterlist - (ao3)
I saw this fic idea by @messymessyml and couldn’t help myself. I tagged the people who asked to be tagged on the original post; if you want to be added comment or send an ask ;) 
Damian is 16 and Marinette is a month shy of 16 at the beginning of the fic.
the characters may be a tad OOC.
TW: Bullying, cursing (it’s censored but still there)
        Damian stormed into the cave through the zeta tube. Everyone moved aside; they had not seen a look of such fury since he had first come to Gotham. Despite him not being the violent assassin he was raised to be, Robin found himself nearly following through with his usual threats. Not even bothering to discard his equipment, the heir walked straight to one of the side rooms for private discussions. As predicted, his father followed him. No doubt for a lecture. 
        Spinning around to face his father, Damian took a deep breath. I can’t lose my head, it won't help my case. 
        “Father….” there was so much defeat and anger in his voice that the bat seemed to almost reconsider his decision, almost. Robin watched his Father lift his hand to stop him from speaking any further, and begin to address him.
        “It was the right call, Damian. It had to be done. You cannot just run around with superpowers. I had to deal with that.”  
        “It wasn’t your call.” The teen growled. “I had an advantage, Father! It would have been hard for Mother to kill me again! I was safe.” 
        “You do not need powers to be safe, Damian.”
        “I died because I was too slow. It wasn’t your call to remove my safety net! It was mine!”
        “I am your father! Everything is my call!” Daman could see that this was going nowhere. Setting his face into a scowl, he left the cave. 
        Left with his thoughts as he navigated through the maze-like halls of Wayne Manor, the young hero began to negotiate with himself; beginning a difficult game of mental tug-of-war. Weighing the pros and cons proved to be harder than he originally thought; it started with admitting that he may have become attached to his “siblings”, at least more than he would have originally thought he could be. On the other hand, they treated him one of two ways, all of the time; he was always either a child or a weapon. At the very least they should be able to treat him like his actual age! But, they also cared for him a lot… in their own way.  On top of that, the manor was a hugely more beneficial environment than the league ever was. His mother would also have a harder time reaching him here. That didn't stop her before.  Despite how “safe” this place was said to be, his mother still found a way to kill him for his change in loyalty. If he left, he would surely be caught. If you stay, she will know you’re here and plan accordingly. 
        Slowly the pros started to outweigh the cons making his decision obvious, he would run away tonight.
        It wasn’t until he arrived in his room that he realized he was still wearing his uniform. Not wanting to return to the cave, the heir simply folded the uniform and placed it at the end of his bed. No doubt Pennyworth would retrieve it in the morning. He glanced around his room. There weren't any decorations aside from the occasional painting or katana. Making up his mind, Damian went through his few belongings that mattered. He had to be careful to find ones that would not have a tracking device in them. I’ll have to go to my safehouse for clothes. He gathered up all his weapons that wouldn't be noticed gone and wouldn't be flagged by airport security. Putting everything in a bag, he snuck out his window and took off for his apartment. Leaving only a note that read, I need space, I will be at one of my safehouses, off grid.
___________Marinette pov______________
        “You b*tch!” a loud slap echoed across the school courtyard. “Not only are you a liar and a bully, you’re a thief too!” Alya screamed, waving her hands around. “That’s Lila’s life’s work and you just claim it as your own! Lazy, fat, sl*t!”
        “But, Alya! I have my sig–”
        “I didn’t say you could speak, wh*r*.” Alya said, grabbing the designer’s shirt. “You are going to stand up; walk over to Lila; apologise; and give her her sketchbook back. Understand b*tch.”
        “No.” Mari took a deep breath and shoved her building emotions back down into their designated corner. “I will not apologise to Lila because I did–”
        “What did you say b*tch!”
        “I said no.”
        “You piece of sh*t.”
        At this point Marinette just tuned her ex-best friend out. She always said the same things.  So the heroine only waited. 
        After school Marinette left for home immediately; she did not want to be in any trouble for being late for her shift. With twenty minutes to spare, the girl leapt up the stairs three-at-a-time to reach her room with enough time for concealer. She would probably be grounded for operating the register with marks on her face. It’s a good thing that my miraculous has healing properties or I wouldn't be able to work at all.
        While at the till, a swarm of wasps swept through the shop stinging everyone, except Marinette. As soon as she saw the wasps, she took off for the walk-in freezer in the back of the bakery. Tikki fazed through the door to see when it would be clear to leave the freezer. 
        “All clear Marinette!” Tikki chirped. 
        “Thanks.” The hero swung open the door and took off running for the Seine. 
        Upon arriving at he famous river, Marinette dove into the water scattering the trail of wasps behind her. Pulling out the water powerup, Mari was amazed to discover that even underwater the macaroon did not get soggy, but remained its usual texture and firmness. Calling for her transformation again, Ladybug sprinted to Master Fu’s location unaware of the villain tailing her.
        “Master Fu! May I use the snake miraculous?” With a nod, Master Fu pulled out the miracle box and selected the snake miraculous. 
        “Thank you!” LB called out as she left merging the two miraculous. Lately, Marinette had taken to using the ladybug and snake miraculous together having taken the cat miraculous away from Adrien. 
        Arriving in front of the town hall, Ladybug surveyed the battlefield. In front of the akuma, Miracle Queen, stood all her previous allies: Adrien, Luka, Ivan, Nino, Max, Alya, and Kagami. They all appear to have been stung by the wasps. At that moment, Hawkmoth arrived bearing the miracle box! Hawkmoth passed the box to Miracle Queen and the students stepped forward to take their respective jewels. All but two, Luka and Adrien. Ladybug had both of those miraculous on her person (the black cat miraculous was in her yoyo) She was about to enter the battle when Master Fu leapt over the building in pursuit of the villain weilding the turtle as Jade Turtle. At that moment Ladybug engaged the various villains calling for her second chance. 
        As she landed, Pegasus opened a portal to space. Reactivating second chance she tried again, and again, and again, and again. Until she managed to take the dragon and horse miraculous back.
        There was a rush of wind and all the holders before her, except Hawkmoth and Myura, were stripped of their miraculous as a light formed above her head. Oh no, Master Fu! The miracle box fell into her hands. Using the destraction Ladybug broke and purified the akuma.
         She ran to Master Fu as quickly as she could.
        “Master Fu! Are you okay?” She waited with baited breath.
        “Hello, young lady, do I know you?” There went any hope I had.
        “No, I’m just a concerned citizen.” 
        I dropped off the miracle box in my room before releasing Tikki from my transformation and entering the bakery through the front. Her parents were there, waiting for her. 
        “We’ll talk about this later.” Sabine said smiling at Marinette with daggers for eyes.
        “Yes, Maman.” Nope. Nope. Nope. Not today. Not ever.
        As soon as Marinette reached her room, she pulled out the miracle box, a backpack of clothes and sewing supplies, and her toiletries (she could pull money out of her account later if needed). Opening the box, Marinette took out the horse miraculous releasing Kaalki.
        “Master F– where is Master Fu, Marinette.”
        “Gone, he relinquished his guardianship when hawkmoth cornered him.” She put on the glasses. “I need an escape; is that ok Kaalki?”
        “Of course guardian.”
        The girl called for Kaalki’s transformation, summoned a portal, gathered her belongings, and walked through.
Authors notes will be at the end from now on (minus warnings and such)
what should i call this story?
Smiles and love, Jjmjjktth <3 :)
Next - Masterlist
Taglist: @swiftie-miraculer13 @messymessyml
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shai-manahan · 2 years
News about the update!!
Okay. You’re free to scream at me for this ahaha I have good news and bad news. (oh lord this is so awkward)
Good news: Contrary to what I initially thought, after dozens and dozens of revisions, I have actually made great progress in Chapter 2. Like real progress. Nearing-the-end progress. One-section-remaining progress. 
Bad news: I was so set on releasing the update (like half of the chapter) the other day, then I reread the whole thing and literally scrunched up my nose at the prologue lmao. I mean, it’s not that bad, I know, but the problem is it’s so different from the way I wrote Chapter 2. 
I know I promised it would be on December 4 but this would deeply bother me if I release it this way, so I’m extending it for a few weeks. (No, it’s not gonna get further than December-- I physically can’t allow that to happen. Please forgive me for that sjkldjaskl)
Like, as you know, months have passed (don’t kill me) since the last update, and apparently, my writing style has kinda changed? It’s less of a change, I guess, rather than being more comfortable around the IF medium. Basically, at the time I delved into writing IF, I was basically a beginner lmaoo. I wrote film scripts before, even made short stories, but this was the first time I began writing something this long, and at the start I was still trying to experiment on the length of descriptions I’d use and what kind of choices to include.
So, as of the moment, I’ve been rewriting some parts to make some sections a little less rushed and to give more context on the city’s state. I don’t know how often I’d be able to update by the time January comes (it’s gonna be a little hectic from that moment) so I want to do my best for this one. (and no this is not gonna take a very long time--punch me if that happens)
Right now, this is what I need from you all. If there is any section in the demo, and I mean anything, please don’t hesitate to talk to me and point it out. I will do something about stuff that makes you uncomfortable, so please do contact me if you find any issues with it. I won’t get angry. I just need to know what concerns there are about the things I write this early in the demo, because I really don’t want to remain ignorant on matters I should be taking care of.
Also, I want to take this chance to make an apology. (something about the hate anons the previous months under the cut)
I feel like I’ve been very unprofessional these past few months, if I’ll be honest. I wasn’t exactly in the best mental state and there were some stuff I had to deal with (I’m basically a neurodivergent who may have spent too much time untreated) but that’s no excuse.
I got angry a lot of times. I got pissy and snarky at some of my posts, and I want to say sorry for that. I’m aware that people follow this blog for the game, and not for personal issues I have to deal with, and I am only learning that now. And, I don’t know. I do feel that some of the asks I got before were thoroughly aggressive that may have warranted some screaming, but I do believe I handled them the wrong way.
If I ever do that again--the whole getting angry and being all snarky again bit--do feel free to poke me. Tell me if I make a post that needed tagging for something sensitive but completely forgot to. Tell me if I make a remark that veers into arrogance/insensitivity. 
I’d really really want to know when I do something inherently bad, so I could start changing that about myself.
Thank you to whoever reads this until the end. You are one patient person.
And have a nice week! (Also wishing that for myself because the last weeks have been... ugh)
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kjhmyg · 4 years
rough edges pt. 6 (m)
pairing: jungkook | (f) reader genre: college!au, badboy!jk, fluffy too :(  warnings: mentions of drugs, unprotected sex, cursing, violence, alcohol, drinking, death, manhandling, college parties, boys lol  word count: 10.7K
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / part 6 / 6.5
author’s note: hello i love u. first of all welcome to  ♡ libra season ♡ sorry this took so long; it feels kinda short so maybe i’ll post a short 1k chapter next week (part 6.5). i wrote the last half of the last part like an hour ago i hope i didnt make any big grammatical errors or typos lol. also dedicating this to my friend haru who i miss loads.
RE asks tag
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What was a red mark on Jungkook’s cheek, has now turned purple-ish. He promises it doesn’t hurt anymore but you notice him mindlessly touching it at times. So you kiss it very gently each time you say goodbye and he doesn’t stop you.
With one arm around over the back of your chair, he’s feeding himself fries with the other. You lean against his shoulder, watching as he nibbles away. “Can’t keep your eyes off me huh?” He mutters.
“You know I can’t.” You admit, giggling into quick, continuous pecks. He lingers on a little longer on the last one like he always does.
“Will you guys save it for the bedroom?” Jimin asks, face twisted in disgust. He doesn’t really care, but it’s fun to tease Jungkook. “Gross.”
“Gross is you dipping fries in your coke.” Hana shakes her head at the soaked fry between his thumb and index finger.
"Don't be mad you don't have refined taste in food like me." He shoots back. “A soaked fry has equal parts sweet and salty.”
“You’re just gross.”
Hana’s realised it doesn’t take much to get under his skin and is enjoying every bit of it. The irony is that it always starts with Jimin trying to get under Jungkook’s skin. Next to Jimin, Taehyung’s phone has his undivided attention. In fact, he’s been rather quiet today, spending the last five minutes or so frowning at his screen.
“Tae, you alright?”
“No.” He sighs, finally looking up. “I have to get a job.”
“Well I don’t want to.” He says simply. “Can’t believe my parents are cutting off my allowance because I spend too much.” He uses air quotes.
Except for Jimin, the rest of you only manage blank stares, unable to sympathise with his first world problem. "Yeah, I’m sure those thousand dollar Balenciaga sneakers you got last week have nothing to do with it.” Jungkook says.
“Jungkook. They were limited edition.”
“A thousand dollars?” You say. “What the hell dude.”
“Okay can we stop talking about the past and focus on the present?” Leaning back against his chair and looking into the distance, Jimin places a comforting hand on his shoulder
“Don’t worry, we’ll find you a nice job.” Jimin says and he lets out a tiny whine, throwing his head back.
That’s when it hits you. You have no idea how, but it does. And you have no idea if it’ll work but you’re doing it anyway.
A clueless Hana raises a brow in question at the sudden look of mischief you give her. She braces herself for whatever you’re about to do, equally curious and worried. “Actually, you should apply at our café.” You say to Taehyung.
“They’re hiring?”
“Well not yet.” Turning back to her, you widen your eyes slightly, prompting Hana to play along. She quickly does, noticing Jungkook watching her over your shoulder. “I’m leaving soon so they’ll definitely need a replacement.”
“You’re quitting?” Jungkook asks, sitting up straight. “What happened?”
“Nothing.” The little head shake you give isn’t enough to convince him. “I just wanna work somewhere else. Anyway, you’d like working there Tae. It’s nice.” The other boy perks up, seemingly interested.
Hana agrees, explaining the details of your work and what it’s like there. While they talk, Jungkook squeezes your shoulder to get your attention, “Are you sure nothing happened? Creeps harassing you again?”
“No, really.” You say, hand over his cheek. “I just want a change of environment. The job’s getting boring.”
The worry in his eyes gradually disappears as he seems to accept it. He gives a soft okay for now. Looking away, you let out a silent sigh of relief. On the inside, the rational side of you is yelling her head off. What possessed you to decide to quit your job for no good reason? This plan is banking on the chance that Jungkook will let you join him at the club. Which when you think about it, is very unlikely to happen.
Yet, another part of you is excited. Your mind is in a frenzy. Convincing yourself you’ll figure the details out later, you silently thank Taehyung and his Balenciagas for handing you this opportunity.
"Oh hey, we better get going." Jimin says, looking at the time on his phone. "We'll see you guys tonight?"
The girls of Eta Iota are hosting a party tonight. Naturally, the boys get invited and by association, you too. Sunhee’s cashing in on your promise of taking her to one, so you have to go even if it’s just to hang around for a while then leave. You part ways with Jimin and Tae as Jungkook gives Hana and you a ride back. He walks with you to the lobby of your place, where you tell Hana to head up first.
Right by the stairwell, he leans against the wall and holds you in his arms, between his legs. “Are you sure you wanna quit your job?”
"Yessss, I’m sure. I wanna work somewhere else." Resting your chin on his chest, you look up at him. "It's cute that you're worried about me."
“Of course I am.” He kisses the top of your head. “I’ll help you keep a lookout for places that are hiring.”
You smile gleefully up at him. Oh, he’s going to help you get a new job alright. Just not in the way he’s thinking. Already, you feel bad for lying to him. But you keep telling yourself you’re doing this for him.
He doesn’t let you go so easily when you try and remove yourself, not giving up his hold on you. When you pry his hands off, he tugs you right back in, locking you in his arms as kisses land all over your face. “Stop,” you laugh, “someone might see us.” But you don’t look around to check for anyone. He doesn’t care either.
He lifts you up easily, wrapping your legs around him. Switching positions, you now feel the cool wall against your back. “Should we skip the party tonight?” He asks, a hopeful look in his eyes.
“You have to go. It’s part of your fraternity sorority socialising thingy thing.” He rolls his eyes at that. “Plus, I promised Sunhee I’d go with her.”
"Fine. But I’m only going ‘cause you’re going."
“So I’ll see you there, okay?” He nods in response as his hold on you loosens. A peck on the cheek and you’re going up the stairs, one step at a time, hand still holding on to his. As it slips away, he squeezes his chest with his other hand and groans in mock pain.
“Silly,” you mutter between giggles. He breaks character and skips up the steps to get another kiss from you. At this rate he would never leave.
“Jungkook seriously,” you say against his lips, leaning back to separate yourself from him, “you should go now. I’ll see you later anyway.”
He complies and lets you go, but not without releasing a very dramatic sigh. You hurry up the steps before he changes his mind, looking down over the railing as you go, waving your goodbye.
Purple, purple everywhere. The Etas had decided to do their rush party while celebrating their anniversary. Which explains why the decorations are of their ‘official’ colour. Purple balloons, cups, banners, napkins.
“This is so fun!” Sunhee squeals, coming up to hug you from behind. “I’ve made a bunch of new friends!” She squeals again and hurries off elsewhere, leaving you and Hana once again.
“I’m glad she’s enjoying herself.” Hana comments, taking a sip of her drink.
“Aren’t you?” You nudge her side. “You’ve had like four guys come up and give you their number. Don’t act like you’re not having fun.”
“I guess I’m havin’ a lil’ fun…” she mumbles towards the end, sipping on her drink with a tiny smile. She’s holding up much better than you thought she would. Much better than you at least, she doesn’t seem too bothered by the constant yelling.
There’s no reason to worry about Sunhee. She’d clung on to you earlier when you arrived together as promised, like you’re her ticket in. As soon as you passed through the doors, a couple of girls from the host house came up to greet you. While it was a little awkward for you, Sunhee saw her chance and took it. She’s been hanging out with them since.
“Where’s Jungkook?” Hana asks. She’s still unsure about your plan. You had gotten an earful from her earlier on, back at the apartment. Only after you promised, pinky promised and swore you’d be safe, did she finally calm down.
“Somewhere.” It’s crowded enough to not be able to see the other end of the room. You crane your neck to see better. “Don’t know if I can find him with all these people around.”
“Go.” Her pretty, long eyelashes flutter over her eyes as she looks at you. “Don’t worry about me.”
You’re hesitant to leave, but she reiterates that she’d be fine and you finally nod, much to her relief. She has Jimin and Taehyung with her anyway, she says, nodding over to the pair a few feet away.
Before disappearing into the crowd, you turn back to let her know you might not see her for the rest of the night. But she’s read your mind, waving her hands at you. “You’ll be with Jungkook, I know.”
“Text me when you get home. I love you.” You blow her a kiss and watch her roll her eyes, then push through bodies of people to get to a different part of the house. There’s way too many people here. Most of them tower at least a head over you, disrupting your view. Your phone vibrates just as you enter the biggest room of the house which gives you a little more maneuvering space than the previous one.
Jungkook: u look great
Slowly, you turn in the spot you’re in, paying close attention to each section of the room.
Jungkook: i like pink
Jungkook: ur ass looks great in those jeans btw
You: reveal yourself  
He doesn’t respond and you continue to wander around, until you reach a short hallway separating the kitchen area from the previous room. With more room to breathe, you decide to stay put knowing Jungkook won’t keep this up for long anyway. And you’re right.
"Looking for me?" His hot breath tickles your ear.
Spinning around, you're greeted by his wide grin and immediately hate how good he looks in a simple white tee with his house name, Kappa Sigma embedded on the left chest, and tucked into black jeans, "Hey you." He tastes like fruit punch when you kiss him.
Your bodies sway slightly to the music with his hands on your hips and your arms around his neck. He reaches behind, pulling something out of his back pocket and holds it up in front of you. “Lollipop?”
“It’s...purple.” You take it from him, observing its odd colour, wondering if this was even necessary.
“I know.” He chuckles. “They really go all out.”
You shrug, unwrapping the sweet and pop it in your mouth. “So, you wanna get out of here?” He asks.
“But I thought you liked parties,” you blink, “socialising, hooking up.”
“I know you’re making fun of me but it’s kinda hot when you talk like that.” He eyes the way your lips wrap around the lollipop, unconsciously mirroring the movement of your tongue licking the layer of sugar off your lips, suddenly going thirsty.
You shove him in the chest and he laughs, stepping back. “I’ve been here less than an hour.” You say. Although, it’s not like you were planning to stay long anyway. You know that, he knows that.
“You won’t miss a thing, trust me.” He hooks an arm over your shoulder. “Besides, we can get started on the hooking up part.” He winks.
You leave through the back, avoiding the large crowd up front. You quickly send a text to Hana to let her know you’re leaving. Out on the lawn, you walk past a group of guys drunkenly singing to their heart's content and you flash them a thumbs up despite how horrible they sound.
The Eta Iota house is just a few houses down from the boys’ and you walk back hand in hand, swinging your arms as you go. Jungkook watches your smile, and the way you laugh when your arms swing so far back that it throws you off balance and you almost fall. “You look good.” He says, softly.
“I know, you told me.” You say without sparing him a glance. “I look good in pink. And these jeans are good for my ass.”
“No.” His voice is as soft as his smile. Looking at him then, you notice the tender look in his eyes. “I mean you look good when you’re happy. It’s nice. Does that make sense? I don’t know.”
Your heart leaps at the way he looks away almost shyly, focusing entirely on the ground as he walks, his other hand in his pocket. You close the gap between you and kiss him on the cheek. “I’m always happy when I’m with you.”
“I’m happy when I’m with you too.”
The rest of the short walk back goes in comfortable silence, you still lightly swinging your arms. But as you reach the front of the house, Jungkook pauses. It surprises you when he decides to take a walk in the park instead. You give him curious glances along the way, wondering what’s gotten into him. It’s a ten minute walk from his place to a park that’s your go-to for impromptu date nights.
You walk past groups of people hanging around, laughing with food on large picnic mats. Finally you opt for an empty space on the grass, not too far away from others there but secluded enough to have some privacy.
“Oh my god, look at the clouds.” They’re big and fluffy, floating through the dark sky. “I wish we could see the stars. That’d be perfect.”
Jungkook follows your gaze. “There are places where you can do that you know.”
“Yeah, I’d love to go one day.” You say with a heavy sigh.
“We could go together.” Jungkook says, making you look at him. “Like a vacation.”
“Aw. I’d love that.”
He smiles sweetly, then turns in place to face you. “I went to look for places which were hiring earlier.”
“You did? Why?”
“Aren’t you...quitting your job?” He looks at you confused. “Unless you’ve changed your mind.”
“Yeah but, there’s no rush.”
“Just wanna make sure you have something to fall back on.” He says, checking his phone. “So, the bakery right next to the cafe is hiring.”
“Jungkook,” you laugh, “I can’t quit and then take up a job next door!”
“I know but, just in case.” He goes on, looking upwards as he recalls. “The school’s also looking for a part-time librarian⎼”
“Baby no, that’s so boring.” You groan. “I thought I’d look for something more...exciting. Like a routesetter maybe?”
“I didn’t know you rock climb?”
“Oh I don’t.” He looks at you with a blank expression on his face. “What? I can learn to!”
"You're weird." He shakes his head and taps your nose. "Why would you wanna go out of your way for a part time job?"
"Cause...it's fun?"
"Even you don't believe that."
"You're right." The wheels in your head turn at full speed, trying to make this as natural as possible. You have to be careful, Jungkook's way too attentive when it comes to you. "Okay, I'll be honest."
He perks up. Face filled with curiosity, as if ready to say I knew it, that something was up, and that you wouldn't leave your job over nothing.
"I'm quitting because…" You gulp. "I want to spend more time with you."
"Don't be mad." You add in quickly. "I just thought that I'd get to have more time to spare for you if I wasn't always working."
Eyes closed, he lets out a sigh and drops his head with a little shake. The small smile and amused look in his eyes makes you smile too. “Are you serious? Are you running a fever?” He places the back of his palm against your forehead and then checks the pulse on your wrist.
“I’m fine.” You snatch your hand back.
“The Y/N I know wouldn’t make impulsive decisions like this.” He quirks a brow, “You know you need that job. How else will you pay rent? Get groceries? You don’t ever let me pay for anything.”
“I’ll find a job with less hours.”
“Less hours, less pay.” He lifts your chin up, pouty lips calling him in. “Don’t be silly baby, you’re not leaving your job.”
“Too late.”
“What d’you mean?”
“I...may have...emailed my resignation...earlier on.”
He groans and you cringe when he shoots you a look of disapproval. You give your best kicked puppy look which doesn’t work. “This doesn’t happen often but I’m really mad at you right now.”
“Don’t be.” You scoot closer and when he turns his head away, you move onto his lap, forcing him in an embrace. “I’ll find something.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“Go back to work tomorrow and speak to your manager. Tell him you’ve changed your mind.” He asks seriously. “I’ll go and have coffee during every one of your shifts so we’re technically spending time together.”
“Don’t be silly.”
“I’m the silly one?”
“Okay fine, I’m sorry.” You sigh. “I didn’t think things through…”
“You’re damn right you didn’t.” He rests his head in his palm. “So, what are you gonna do now?”
“Spend more time with you?” You inch even closer, if it’s even possible with how you’re already sticking to him like glue. He doesn’t reply right away but squeezes you in his hold, resting his cheek on your head. “Are you still angry?”
You lift your head off him for a kiss. When he sighs this time, he feels the anger dissipating. At the same time he curses the way his body betrays him when it comes to you. You can barely tell he’s upset with the way he responds so eagerly. The pleased look you give him after has him rolling his eyes. “You can’t be mad at me. I’m cute.”
“True.” He leans back, hands on the grass behind him. “But, we are going to look for job postings online tonight.”
“But mom!” You whine, folding your arms in front of you.
“No buts.”
“Not even my butt?” Blinking innocently at him, you add in a little head tilt until he breaks and starts grinning. “Thought you liked my butt.”
He falls onto the grass, laughing in disbelief and you steady yourself on his chest. “What has gotten into you?” He says, watching as you hover over him. “You’re acting so weird.”
“No I’m not. I’m just happy, like you said.” You kiss him on the nose. “You’re the weird one. Nagging at me about getting a job. Being a responsible adult and stuff.”
He flips over, switching your positions so that he’s hovering over you now. Almost immediately, you’re distracted by how dreamy he looks with the view of the night sky behind him. You run your thumb over one side of his cheek. “You did this to me. Plus I’m just looking out for you.”
“I know. Thank you.”
“Don’t worry. I can pull some strings and get you a job somewhere fun.”
He rolls over to your side and lets you rest your head under his arm, both of you watching the sky. You shift even closer, slinging one leg over his and draw circles on his chest. “Hey I mean, worse comes to worst, I could always come and work for you.”
Surprisingly, he laughs. Really hard. You lift yourself up and rest on your elbow to watch him. “Nice one.” He sighs. Then he notices the way you’re looking at him, face void of expression and brows up in question. “What? You were serious?”
“Slightly offended that you thought it was that funny but yes, I was.”
He raises a brow at you. “You? Want to work at a club? Doing what?”
“Bartender? Cleaner?”
“Don’t even joke about that, our cleaners are our most valuable staff. They clean, sanitise, then double sanitise, wipe up vomit, make sure the booths aren’t lined with nasty fluids.”
Your face twists in horror and he nods, proving his point. “Okay...fine so I’m not qualified enough for that. But bartending? I can do that.”
He gets up and you follow. He ruffles the back of his head and dusts of the grains on his hands. “Baby, you’re not working there. I won’t allow it.”
“Y/N, I said no.” There was no room to argue, not even cheekily. He didn't raise his voice, but the tone he took was enough. Easing the firm stare he gave you as he said it, he turns his attention to his phone as it beeps.
"Lucky for you, I told the manager you just needed a break to focus on school," Hana yawns, pulling up the blanket to her face, "you can come back anytime."
"You want me to give up?"
"Only because your plan is dangerous."
"Hana, I'm not giving up."
She sighs, turning over to the other side. “Let’s talk tomorrow. I’m tired.”
You push yourself off her bed and sit on the edge, thinking. Quietly, you pull open the drawer by her bed, fumbling around until you feel what you’re looking for. The little paper you tore out of Jungkook’s notebook. When he started sleeping over, you had asked Hana to keep it safe for you. You stare at the address. You hadn’t gotten round to visiting the place, especially since you don’t even know what you’re looking for.
“Turn off the light when you leave, will you?” Hana mumbles half-asleep.
You leave the piece of paper and close the drawer.
Two days later, you’re back at his place. The guys are all over, making sure the house is ready for a party tonight. Each of them were assigned different tasks to settle to save time. When you arrived, Hoseok made sure to separate Jungkook from you, for the sake of efficiency, so you’re stuck in the kitchen with Jimin. Helping him with the cleaning, you listen mindlessly as he rambles on about something. He yells at every guy that enters and tries to steal some snacks but sneaks some into his mouth when no one’s looking.
Just as you’re done wiping down the chip bowls, Jungkook walks in with dark stains all over his shirt and face. He chugs down half a bottle of orange juice from the fridge before opening a bag of gummies placed on the table for the party which has Jimin groaning.
“What happened to you?”
“Car oil needed changing. Cleaned up under the hood too.”
“What?” Jimin shrieks. “You were working on your car this entire time?”
“While the rest of us were preparing for the party? Unbelievable!” He huffs, “You were supposed to fix the first floor bathroom⎼”
Jungkook signals for him to stop, holding up a palm. “Fine, I’ll go do it now.” He reaches out for your hand and continues to nod at everything Jimin says as he tags you along, the nagging fading away as you run upstairs.
“You should really go and help out.” You say, plopping down on his bed with a bounce.
Jungkook hums, “I will. Later.”
Sniffing the shirt he has on, he lets out a disapproving grunt. He removes it in one swoop and tosses it into a basket. You watch quietly as he steps closer, eyes fixed on yours. He leans forward and your hands grip the sheets as you lean back, looking at him expectantly. Then his arm moves past your head and reaches for another shirt on the bed, behind you. He snickers and you slap his shoulder.
“I’m leaving.”
“Aw, come on, don’t go.” He jumps into bed and grabs you. He leans on his side, propped up on his elbow, hand on your middle.
“I have to get some groceries.” You play with his hair. “Then I’m gonna freshen up and come back here in time for the party.”
“Great, I’ll drive you.”
“No, you stay. Fix the bathroom.”
“But I don’t want to.” He groans, and rolls over onto you. Almost naturally, your legs wrap around him and he starts kissing your neck, moving down to your chest, pulling down your shirt. You stop him, giggling. “Why do you always wanna leave when we kiss?” He frowns.
“Why do you always kiss me when I’m leaving?”
“‘Cause I don’t want you to leave."
The smell of your skin makes him smile. It smells like...home.
You feel his weight slowly get heavier on you as his body relaxes and melts into yours, nestling his face into your neck. He almost drifts to sleep with the way you’re rubbing his back. When you ruffle his hair, he lifts his head and claims a kiss. “I love you.”
“Love you too. Kookie.”
You giggle as he drops his face in the space between your neck and shoulder. Groaning, he recalls the night Suga found out about the nickname. He has since, constantly used it on Jungkook whenever he can. “He’s never letting that go. Thanks a lot.”
“I’m sorry.” You laugh, chest moving under him. “I was drunk. I didn’t know what I was saying.”
Supporting his weight on one arm, he hovers above you while his free hand brushes past the side of your face. “You don’t remember anything you said that night?”
“No.” That can’t be good. You scan his face. “Why? Did I say something weird?”
“No. Just wondering.” He says gently, expression slowly changing into a smile that makes you forget you were even worried a second ago. “Don’t get drunk anymore. Suga likes you way too much when you’re drunk.”
“Does he?” You laugh, cupping his face. If Suga likes you, you can use this to your advantage. You can’t wait to tell Hana your plan worked.
When Jungkook hears the sound of his name being called from somewhere around the house, he groans and sinks into you again. You push him off you with much difficulty, laughing as he keeps plopping back down into you.
“Okay, they need you. I’m leaving so you can focus. I’ll come back later.” You say, when you finally manage to escape. Reluctantly, he follows behind as you walk down the stairs.
Just as you reach the bottom of the steps, you’re being pulled to the side, against the wall where he corners you into, hands on either side. “I’ll be waiting, so you better show up.” Down your back, up your front, his hands run over your body till they rest just under your jaw, making you lift your chin towards him. Breath hitching in your throat, he carefully brings his lips to yours, teasing a soft touch. Then he lets go.
He smiles like nothing happened and you catch your breath before racing to the front door. You hear a soft chuckle and turn to see him winking at you as he goes in the other direction. Hearing voices from the kitchen where the meeting has started, you quickly close the door behind you, ignoring the pulsing between your thighs.
With a basketful of groceries, you stroll through the store, looking for anything you might have missed out. As you walk, you notice from afar, standing right in front of the refrigerated section your new friend Namjoon. You head straight for him, a little bounce in your step. When you stop right next to him, he turns slowly and carefully.
“Oh. It’s you.” He says as he realises.
“Getting some groceries?” You ask, looking at the shelf then back at him.
“Oh just,” he lifts up a bottle of juice, “getting my orange juice. I see you’re getting your monthly supply. You alone?”
“Yeah I am.” You nod, “My roommate’s busy with school stuff.”
“Right.” He smiles, then it seems like a thought comes to him. “Hey, you’re going for the party tonight right?”
“What? How’d you know about that?” You look at him confused.
“I have friends too you know.”
“But, you can’t come. You’re technically faculty.” You say, putting down your basket to fold your arms in front of you and stare him down. “Are you trying to get us in trouble?”
He chuckles, then points and holds up a finger in front of you. “Actually, I’m an external instructor. So technically, I’m not faculty.”
“How convenient.” You eye him down.
“Fine, fine.” He sighs. “It’s been a while since I’ve been to a party, okay? I just wanna mingle.”
“Hm.” You chew on your bottom lip. Seems genuine enough. You can’t help but wonder if he’s there for something else. How will that go down with Jungkook? “An instructor looking to mingle with his students...definitely no red flags there.”
He rolls his eyes at you. “Come on, I’m not that much older than you. And I’m not that kinda person.”
“That’s what they all say.” You shrug. “Well, I’ll be keeping an eye on you.”
“Cool.” He winks. “I’ll see you tonight.”
He walks off way too quickly, like he’s avoiding something and heads straight for the checkout counter. Of course you know why he’d go to a college party; the perfect place to sell his drugs. You can’t figure out if you should let Jungkook know about Namjoon. But then again, he almost always knows what’s going on. And he’d be uneasy knowing you know so much.
You pick up your basket off the floor and head for checkout yourself. Barely making ten steps, you notice someone leaning against the side of a shelf, watching you with his arms crossed, mischievous smile on his face. Your other new friend. How coincidental.
“Suga.” You say, a tone way too excited for his liking but he nods anyway. You walk over to him and stand awkwardly before him, holding your basket with both hands in front of you. “Hi.”
“Hey cutie.” He searches for someone behind you. “Where’s Jungkook?”
“Oh he’s back at home.” You smile. “They’re getting ready for rush week. And the party tonight.”
“Am I invited?”
“Oh, um…” You can tell he’s joking, but you can’t be too sure. How interesting would it be to have Jungkook, Namjoon and Suga in one place. You wonder what would happen if they met.
You chuckle nervously without giving an answer and he shrugs it off. “I was kidding.”
“I guess you can come if you want to.” You say with a tiny shrug. “I’m sure Jungkook won’t mind.”
He changes the subject almost immediately, offering to help you carry your basket, which you politely decline. He walks with you to the counter. “So who was that guy you were talking to?”
Oh, he’s an instructor from school and also the new drug dealer in town. “Oh him? He’s the new self-defense instructor on campus.”
“Really?” He looks amused, and bites his bottom lip in a half-smile. “Cool. And you guys are friends?”
“Yeah. Kinda.” You place your basket on the counter and help the cashier to unload the items to scan. You don’t notice the way Suga laughs silently to himself, shaking his head.
“You know what, I gotta go.” Suga says, walking backwards towards the exit. You don’t even manage to reply to him before he takes off. “Let’s drink again sometime soon!”
Hana is less than pleased to know about your run-ins. She looks at you with daggers in her eyes. “You have to stop this. He obviously knows your plan."
"Stop overreacting. How could he possibly know that?"
She shrugs. The loud music drowns out your voices from being overheard by those around you. "It's hard to believe it was a coincidence running into him.” She says and you sigh, choosing to ignore her.
The last you saw Jungkook, he was laughing away with a group of people. You didn’t want to bother him, he’d be busy anyway trying to get freshies on his side. But it’s been a while and now you don’t see him anywhere.
While Hana mingles, you go off to look for him. In the kitchen, you find Jimin doing shots of something that doesn’t look edible with a bunch of guys cheering him on. But no Jungkook. You peek out on the deck out back but he’s not there either. A hand on the sliding doors, you sigh and step out into the courtyard, breathing in air that doesn’t smell like sweat.
You pause when you step down the stairs and spot something, squinting at the sight of two guys in the far end of the backyard, right by the bush-lined fence. Recognising that jacket, you realise one of them is Jungkook. He then pulls something out of his pocket and shakes hands with the other guy. You turn back before he spots you. Probably just a polite handshake. Maybe with an old friend. Yup.
Step back inside, you’re being stopped by a hand on your arm. “You look flustered.” He says.
“Hi Hoseok.” You force a smile. “It’s warm in here.”
His eyes flicker over to the backyard and back at you. “This is what he does at parties. It’s how he distributes them.”
“So?” You look around uncomfortably.
“I know you don’t like it either.” He stops you before you can reply. “Can you meet me outside in ten minutes? It’s important.”
“You’re already here, what is it? No one’s paying any attention to us anyway.”
“I can’t.”
The sceptical look you give him has him feeling restless. “Trust me, it’s very important.”
From the tone of his voice, he sounds sincere. You don’t want to, but do you want to risk not knowing something that could help you help Jungkook? You hate this. After a long pause, you nod reluctantly. “Fine.”
Neither of you realised the two figures approaching until they’re walking up the steps. Hoseok and you share a look, as if pleading to the other to act normal. As they reach the door, you see now that Jae is the other guy. He greets you as he walks past, then blends into the crowd. Behind him, Jungkook spares you a curious look at the little exchange. He then notices Hoseok’s presence.
“What’s going on?” He looks back and forth at the two of you. “You look upset.”
“Hm? Oh no, I’m fine.” You muster up your best smile. “We were just talking about the guy who puked in the sink earlier.”
“Speaking of which, I should go make sure he’s not puking elsewhere.” Hoseok says, taking his leave.
You can’t tell if Jungkook bought that but he doesn’t question it. His demeanour changes as soon as Hoseok leaves, directing his attention on you. “He wasn’t bothering you, was he?”
“No.” You smile. “I ran into him while looking for some food.”
He doesn’t get a chance to continue when someone he knows slaps him on the back. They chat for a while as he keeps you close next to him, even when you try to pry his fingers off. The other guy drags him somewhere but before he goes, he turns to you. “Grab some food and meet me upstairs, I’ll just be a second.” He winks, stealing a kiss.
“You don’t have to. I’ll just come find you later on it’s fine𝄖”
“You’re not getting rid of me babe.” He jokes and you let out an awkward laugh as he goes.
You haven’t mastered being in two places at once, you’re not a ninja. And in a few minutes, Hoseok will be waiting for you outside. And Jungkook upstairs. You groan, searching the cabinets for some snacks before heading up to Jungkook’s room.
That’s when you notice a familiar blond head among the crowd you. It distracts you. You could’ve sworn that was Suga. But too many people are blocking your line of sight. As you reach the spot you had possibly seen him, he’s gone. You don’t have time to think about this. Swiftly, you run up the steps and head right for Jungkook’s door. And of course, a familiar face exits the washroom on the same floor.
“Why do you look so surprised to see me?” He raises a brow with a playful smile on his face. “I told you I was coming.
You shake your head and look behind you. “Nothing I was just⎼”
“Hogging all the snacks?” He gestures towards the food you’re cradling in your arms and you laugh.
“There’s more downstairs.” You reassure him.
As if on cue, footsteps move swiftly up the stairs and you glance behind to find Jungkook halfway up, a cautious look on his face as he approaches you. Namjoon nods politely. For a moment it’s like you can no longer hear the music blasting, enveloped by the awkward silence.
“Uh, Jungkook this is Namjoon.” You notice the way his jaw clenches as he takes Namjoon’s outstretched hand in his. “And this is Jungkook.”
“The boyfriend. Nice to meet you.” He flashes a blinding smile Jungkook’s way.
Namjoon reads the room well and you’re thankful for it. He excuses himself, saving you from having to grease the conversation any further. “See you guys around.” He says, leaving.
Jungkook opens the door for you and you drop the snacks on his table. His fingers immediately wrap around you, lifting you up and throwing you onto the bed. “Finally." He mutters pulling you in.
You giggle nervously as he kisses you all over, pulling away from him. He shoots you a confused look. "Wait I...need the toilet."
He throws his head back but moves aside to let you go. "Okay. I'll wait."
Hurrying out, you close the door and run downstairs, rushing past the sea of bodies to the front door. Once outside, you look around scanning the few faces there for him. Hoseok stands around the corner at the side of the house and calls out your name.
The front and back of the house is well lit, but not the sides. Both of you stand in the shadows by the wall, waiting for him to speak. But he doesn't, instead, he looks around anxiously.
"Hoseok, what is it? You said this is important!" You hiss. "I can't be too long, Jungkook's waiting for me."
"Just give him a second, he'll be here."
"He's here." His eyes focus on a man wearing a navy sweatshirt, hoodie pulled up so you can't really see who it is. He only pulls it down when he joins you in the shadows.
"Y/N, this is Seokjin. He works with my friend."
"Oh. Hello." You watch him curiously. If you could describe a smile as being trustworthy, it would be his.
"Thanks for meeting me," he starts, "I’ll make it quick. It's about a case I'm sure the two of you are familiar with. Actually, I'm here to speak to you, Y/N."
"Me?" You ask, worrying.
"As you know we have an agent working undercover. He's seen you around and since you know about this operation, he’s worried you might get too close, given your relationship with one of the suspects involved. We want to make sure you stay out of it as much as possible."
"But I'm not doing anything to jeopardise the operation."
"We know." He nods, "But still, we have to emphasise that these people are dangerous. You do not want to get involved. You shouldn’t know about this operation in the first place, but nothing we can do about that now.”
Hoseok’s eyes downcast and hands hide in his pockets, knowing he wasn’t supposed to reveal anything to you. “He’s okay right?” He asks softly.
“He’s fine. He personally contacted me to speak with you. And he’s sorry he hasn’t answered his phone, it’s too risky.”
“Who’s this guy again? Do I know him?” You ask.
“You already know too much as it is. I can’t reveal the name of our agent. We can’t risk him getting exposed, it could cost him his life.”
Silence ensues. It’s uncomfortable to think about how someone could literally die from an unfortunate slip of the tongue. You wait for someone to diffuse the tension. Hoseok looks like he’s in thought, opening his mouth to speak then stopping. Seokjin beats him to it. “In case it’s not clear enough, your plan ends here Y/N.”
How does he⎼ oh. So that’s why Hoseok looks troubled. You stare him down and mutter through clenched teeth. “You told him.”  
“I didn’t mean to!” He spits out. “When Seokjin called me earlier, I got reminded of you. I had to tell him. And I know you wouldn’t listen to me anyway, so I got him to come here.”
“Listen. I just want to help Jungkook, that’s all.” You sigh. “I promise I won’t get in the way.”
“I get it. Hoseok’s explained it to me.” It’s Seokjin’s turn to sigh. “Doesn’t matter what your intentions are, it’s best if you stay away.”
You look helplessly over at Hoseok, then reluctantly agree with a nod. “I’ll try.”
“No, you see, this isn’t a request. It’s an order. There is a chance you’ll get convicted as part of the group if you don’t keep your distance. Is that what you want?”
“No. But𝄖”
“Good, so we’re on the same page.”
“No, we’re not.” Huffing, you step closer to him. “I’m not doing this for fun. I’m trying to get my boyfriend out of there.”
“I understand. But there’s no telling what could happen. Let us handle it. If he’s innocent, then you don’t have anything to worry about. The most important thing here is that you don’t end up getting caught up in the mess. Do you really want to be associated with criminals?”
“Jungkook’s not a criminal.”
Seokjin holds up his hands in a surrender. “That’s not what I meant.”
Hoseok gulps, gently touching your arm. “Y/N please. Let them handle it.”
“I am letting them handle it.” You say stubbornly before turning back to Seokjin. “Look, I’m just here for Jungkook. Tell that to your guy. I won’t stand in the way of the operation.”
“You do know that this is all off the record?” Seokjin starts, “That means even though our undercover, as well as I, am aware that you’re not involved, if by any chance you’re caught with drugs or anything illegal at the time of the raid, you might get convicted. There will be no records to show that you’re innocent.”
“I understand.”
“Alright.” Seokjin pulls his hoodie back up. Now you can only faintly see the bottom half of his face. “Take care. Remember, no one else can know about this.”
He takes off in quick steps, round the corner and down the street. Hoseok fidgets in his spot, trying to find the right words. “I didn’t make him do this to scare you or anything. Promise.”
“I know, Hoseok.” You smile softly. “But you get it right? Why I’m doing this?”
“Yeah...” he trails off for a moment, then continues. “You saw him earlier didn’t you?”
“I did.” You shake your head with a sigh, “Trust me okay? I’m doing everything I can to help Jungkook, like you wanted me to.”
“I never wanted this. I don’t want you to get hurt if things don’t go as planned.”
“Whatever happens after, I’ll deal with it then.”
Feeling numb, the walk back upstairs feels like you’re on autopilot, barely hearing the buzzing of the crowd. You take a deep breath before turning the knob of Jungkook’s door, willing yourself to forget the last ten minutes ever happened. He’d read you like a book in this state.
But your bright smile is wasted on an empty room.
The next day, you're sitting on the running track, soaked in sweat after a long session of track and field. The coach bids his goodbye as the team continues their cooling down stretches. Hana plops down next to you. “So?”
“You wanna talk about it?” She asks, picking dirt off of your cheek with her thumb. “You seemed really out of it last night. Barely spoke the whole day today…”
“I’m sorry.” You shake your head. “Just thinking.”
You decided not to tell her about Seokjin and everything that was said last night. For now at least. She already has reservations about your plan as it is, telling her about Seokjin would just freak her out even more.
“Jungkook called you yet?”
“Mhm.” Technically it was a text, wishing you good morning with a kissy face emoji. Not wanting to make a big deal out of the night before, you reply as you normally would. “Don’t worry about me, I’m just tired actually.”
She hangs an arm over your shoulder and gives you a side hug. “No more parties for you.”
“Yeah they’re kinda lame aren’t they?” You laugh.
After grabbing your stuff, you’re headed for the locker room. You're too deep in thought to realise the girls on your team giggling around you. It isn't until Hana nudges you then nods to bleachers that you realise your boyfriend is waiting for you. He salutes the other ladies with a winning smile as they walk off, before getting off his butt.
The girls mutter quietly, and you hear the words lucky and they're so cute as they leave you. Hana waves to Jungkook before walking ahead. Jungkook trots down the steps and lifts you in a hug.
“Sorry, I’m sweaty.”
“That’s okay,” he smiles, swaying you side to side, “not the first time I have you all sweaty in my arms.”
“Shut up.”
He laughs, then starts swinging your hands as you walk back. “Hey sorry about last night."
"Oh it’s fine. Don't worry about it." You say, with a shake of your head, looking at the ground. "You're a busy man, I know."
"Can I make it up to you? Tonight?"
"Alright." You nod. "I gotta shower first though. And you have to give me a ride back to get some fresh clothes."
"No need to dress up."
"But I want to." You pout and he chuckles.
The sound of whistling and yelling coming from the field gets your attention. It's the soccer team, practice still ongoing. It only just occurred to you that you haven't seen Jungkook there in a while.
"Why aren't you practicing with them anymore? Did you quit?"
Jungkook looks at you with an amused look on his face. "Y/N, I was never part of the team."
"Huh?" You stop in your tracks. "I'm pretty sure I've seen you on that field running after the ball."
"Yeah but I was never really on the team." He reiterates. Now you're confused. "I only practiced with them so I could watch you during track and field."
"Have you forgotten? I'm on the basketball team."
Honestly, you hadn’t made the connection that it’s impossible for him to be on both the soccer and basketball teams until now. "No wait, you joined them just to watch me?"
"Yes and no?" He shrugs proudly. "At first it was because I got kicked off the basketball team. Then we started dating. I got to see you every practice. Then I got reinstated on the basketball team. And I didn't wanna stop seeing you during practice so I kept going. Until now."
"Jungkook that is𝄖"
"Lowkey creepy."
He lets out a tiny gasp with a look of betrayal on his face. "But...I wanted to see you."
You laugh at the utter disappointment he shows and pat his face, though it feels like a light slap, before running off making him chase after you.
Laying on the hood of his car, with his arm under your neck, Jungkook listens to you talk about anything and everything. In your favourite spot, parked by the beach so you get the cool breeze and the gentle sound of waves crashing onto the shore.
He enjoys listening to you talk about your life; what your childhood was like, what kind of trouble you used to get into, your family. It’s like peeling off a new layer every time. Who knew you used to bully the bully as a kid? And let’s not forget that time you got detention for smoking in school but you only did it to get your dad’s attention so that he would stop dating the evil girlfriend who threatened to send you off to boarding school.
“Baby are you...a troublemaker?” He muses and you laugh.
“Well I was. I grew out of it.” You shrug and look up at him. “Kinda.”
“Would’ve never guessed. You’re so shy. And good.”
“Yeah. Once I realised how my behaviour was affecting people’s liking towards me, I changed.”
He smiles tenderly at you, always so full of surprises. You play with the hem of his sweater, then look up at him. “What about you? You haven’t told me anything about your past.”
Not once has he shared his own stories. You never asked because you didn’t want to pressure him. But you’re almost out of stories yourself.
Jungkook looks up at the sky for a while. You sense the hesitance. “There’s nothing much to say.”
“What about...your family? Do you have any siblings?”
There’s no reply, only the sound of the waves crashing and a distant laughter from a group of friends on the beach. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay.” Propping yourself up on your elbow, you see now the faint sparkle in his eyes. Could be the cool breeze making his eyes water. He blinks it away when you stare. “We can talk about other things.”
He smiles as his eyes scan your face before you’re snuggling into his side again. “I like hearing your stories.”
“But I’ve told you everything.”
“What about your first kiss?”
You groan. “I’ve told you that one. It was during camp. He pushed me into the lake after that because it was all a dare.”
“Oh right and then you threw all his clothes into the lake as revenge.”
“Yeah.” You laugh. “It was pretty funny.”
He laughs thinking about tiny Y/N lugging a big bag full of clothes and dumping it into a lake as the owner yells in horror. Who knew you had it in you. You’re always so calm and by the book, it’s almost like a whole other person.
“Can you tell me about your tattoo?” You look up at him.
He smirks, turning his head to the side towards the arm it’s on. It’s a tiger head on the upper bicep of his right arm. Made up of shapes, lines, squiggles, it has sharp piercing eyes. It’s beautiful, really. “It’s just something to represent my loyalty towards my brothers.”  
You’ve never seen this mark on the other frat boys, so you assume he’s talking about his other group of brothers. “It’s nice. I like it.”
“Mhm.” It’s tough to crack him. He never reveals more than what he thinks you need to know.
After a while, you pluck up the courage to ask him about the job. “Have you thought about what we discussed?” You ask softly, playing with his fingers.
“What did we discuss?”
“About the job,” you remove yourself from him again and this time get on your knees, “about me working at the club?”
He sighs, looking at you like the stubborn teenager in your stories. “I already told you no.”
“You won’t even consider it.” You pout.
He smiles, surprisingly. “After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that you’ve been rejected. You don't have what it takes.”
“Rude!” You huff, “I have all that it takes.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes I do! I’m tough.” You spit out. You strike an awkward pose, doing something weird with your arms. “I have swag.”
It makes him laugh so hard he starts tearing and almost choke on his saliva. Embarrassed, you laugh along, hitting him on his chest. Cheeks hurting from all that, he opens his arms. “Come here you.”
You drop into him, mostly to hide your face in his shoulder. He holds you tight, a content sigh escapes him as he does. “I love you so much.” He says into your ear.
Lifting your head up to face him, he smiles tenderly at you, softly tracing a finger over your face, the lulling movement making your eyes flutter shut.
“You got a problem with me?” Namjoon says to the smaller guy.
Suga smirks bitterly, unimpressed by how the new guy has no respect whatsoever towards him. “I do actually. What’s your deal?”
“What d’you mean?”
“You appear out nowhere, get dispatched to our district. Same area as Jungkook no less...are you trying to replace us?”
“Hey, I didn’t choose the location.” Namjoon shrugs. “Maybe if you guys didn’t suck so bad they wouldn’t have asked me to secure the bags.”
He braces himself as Suga lunges forward, shoving him against the wall, his collar bunched up in clenched fists. Surprisingly strong for a small dude. “You don’t come work for us and talk shit about us to my face.”
Namjoon tugs on his clothes, pulling them out of Suga’s grip. He clears his throat and tries to calm himself. “My bad. Next time I’ll do it behind your back.”
“What are you up to? You took a job on campus, why? Jungkook’s already got that covered.”
“Like I said, I didn’t choose to. I was sent there.” He steps forward, making Suga take a few steps back.
“Look if you have a problem with it, take it up with the lieutenant.” Namjoon walks off, angering the other guy even more. The nerve of this new kid makes his blood boil. There’s something off about him, there’s no way the bosses would send a new guy in for no reason.
He stomps his way into Kyun’s office, slamming the door behind him. Kyun looks up, sees him, and goes back to his laptop. “What?”
“Don’t you think there’s something wrong with that RM guy?” Suga says, pulling up a chair.
“No. Why?”
“He’s so full of himself.”
“Name one person working here that isn’t,” Kyun says, “besides, you should be thankful I assigned him to you. Jungkook’s been slacking.”
“I told you, the school’s keeping an eye on him. He’s taking it slow.”
Suga can’t remember how many times he’s used that excuse. He can’t come right out and admit that Jungkook has in fact been slacking. Or rather, distracted. Not to mention the time Jungkook considered leaving all of this behind. It’s no surprise the lieutenant’s picked up on it.
“Whatever.” Kyun mutters, obviously tired of having this conversation.
“Wait,” the wheels in Suga’s head turn and he looks curiously at his lieutenant, “you’re not doubting Jungkook are you? Did you send RM in to replace him?”
“If Jungkook’s doing a good job like you seem to think he is, why would you be worried about this?”
Suga purses his lips, “He’s fine. He hasn’t missed any of his shifts. I couldn’t have gotten shit done at the club without him.”
“Numbers are still low though.”
“That’s because you’ve got the new kid stealing all his buyers.”
“RM’s good and the staff there seem to trust him. He stays.”
“Fine. Then get off Jungkook’s back about his numbers. He can’t sell drugs the same as before if you have another dealer there competing with him.”
Kyun thinks about it for a minute, then nods. “Alright fine. Anyway, it’s good that you’re here now. I can run through what boss wants you to get up and running at the club.”
It hits Suga that Kyun having doubts about Jungkook is bad news, at least, if word travels up the hierarchy. While Jungkook had promised to keep up, Suga intends to make sure he actually does. He can’t afford anymore slip-ups. Or distractions, in the form of you. He can’t let anything happen to Jungkook.
Sneaking back into the house at such an ungodly hour, you guide Jungkook in the dark, careful not to make a sound.
Back in your room, his jacket and shirt are the first to go. He lifts you up and carries you to the bed, lips not parting from each other.
Slipping under your shirt, he unhooks your bra and pulls your shirt with it over your head. Lips smiling on yours, his hands knead your breasts and you feel your nerves reacting. He trails wet kisses down your front, fingers undoing your jeans and pulling them off in a single swoop.
He removes his own pair of jeans, leaving him in his boxers. Then, kneeling by your legs, he gently peels your panties off, taking in the view of your naked body, lighted up by the warm yellow of your nightlight. If he could, he’d engrave this image of you in his head.
His eyes wide and lustful, they trail over you. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispers.
Hovering above you, he strokes the side of your face, before pressing his body to yours in a soft gentle kiss. He moves so gently, like you could break at any moment. When your hands wrap around his neck, he grabs hold of your wrists, pinning them above your head. You let out a soft whimper.
Jungkook takes his time, showering your skin with kisses. Starting from your neck down to your navel. He licks one side of your breast, teasingly drawing circles with his tongue along the nipple, then gives the same attention to the other. Your breathing gets hitched in your throat, feeling the blood rush down south.
He brings his mouth lower, hands now occupying your breasts where his mouth was. It sends you butterflies the way his hot breath brushes against your skin. There’s something different about the way he’s touching you tonight.
He spares some kisses down your inner thighs and watches the way goosebumps appear as they try to clam up reflexively.
Hands on your thighs, he pushes them apart and runs a teasing lick over your folds. Then his tongue finds its way to your clit, flicking it gently before his lips wrap around it and he starts gently sucking. You jolt and take in a sharp breath grabbing a fishful of the sheets.
His fingers delicately touch your folds, running a teasing finger over your entrance. Looking up from between your thighs, he watches the way you steady your breaths, eyes closed, brows furrowed.
It doesn’t last long and when you open your eyes, he’s hovering over you, licking his lips. Very eagerly you pull down the hem of his boxers, exposing his hard cock. His own fingers wrap around it, stroking himself gently as he reaches for a bottle of lube. He stares at you with a look you can’t read.
“Something on your mind?” You voice out.
He shakes his head with a gentle smile and takes his position between your legs, your thighs over his. Aligning himself with your entrance, he grips your ankles on either side. Slowly, he enters and you will yourself not to make a sound at the initial stretch.
Jungkook keeps a steady pace, watching intently the way he moves in and out of you. You can’t help but to stare at him and the way his abs clench every time he moves his hips into you. The flexing of his arms every now and then, keeping your legs steady. And the way the warm light casts shadows dancing over his body as he moves.
“Jungkook.” You call out for him, so softly.
He releases your ankles and leans forward, resting his body on yours. Pressing his forehead to you, he admires the look of lust in your eyes and the way you’re biting your bottom lip. “Yes, my love?”
Your fingers run over his face. You’re too occupied with the pleasure of him inside you that your brain refuses to put your thoughts into words. He chuckles when you only manage a breathy smile instead.
Your wrists get pinned over your head once again, and he watches you from above. Every thrust is deep and filling, his hips moving expertly to give you just the right amount of pleasure, leaving you a hot mess beneath him.
You look absolutely breathtaking to him; the parting of your lips, eyes shut and shaky breaths. Your breasts bounce with every thrust and your chest rises and falls with every breath you take. He lets out a low guttural sound and presses his body to yours, devouring your lips in a passionate kiss.
His hips pick up speed, grinding into you with calculated moves. You get lost in each other, a mixture of your quick breaths filling the room. The look in his eyes is mirrored in yours, waves of emotions flowing between both your bodies and soul.
Jungkook can’t describe his feelings for you. It’s something he hasn’t felt in a long time; warmth, love, trust, acceptance. All he knows is to tell you he loves you and hopes you get it.
Your eyes get misty as you let your own emotions get to you, feeling the twinge in your chest when you look at him.
Arms wrapping around his waist, your tongues dance between your lips. He knows all the right spots to leave you breathless. You feel it building in the pit of your stomach, and pull away from the kiss, no longer in control of your actions.
Jungkook feels it too, sensing the pressure between your hips as they wrap tightly around him. He steadies himself and gives you long, deep strokes, as he watches your breaths get quicker. The euphoric look on your face earns a grunt of approval from him.
Not wanting to hold back any longer, his hips grind into yours at a quicker pace, feeling himself reaching his release. His mouth latches on to your nipple, sucking it for a second before he hears small whines leaving you, signalling you’re close.
Willing yourself to keep your eyes open, you place a hand on the side of his face, making sure his eyes stay on yours. It gets blurrier with the way tears start to fill your eyes. “I love you.” You blurt out in a whisper and he rests his forehead on yours as he thrusts hard, one which makes your insides squirm.
Jungkook’s breath hitches in his throat as he watches you. A single tear rolls down the side of your face as you start to reach your high. “I love you Y/N.”  He breathes out against your lips before capturing you in a kiss. With one hard thrust, you find yourself succumbing to the pressure in your middle, unravelling a wave of pleasure that courses through your entire body, chest rising towards him and hands keeping him close.
Watching you, he reaches his own climax, hips bucking wildly into yours, and you feel his warm release spilling inside you, his moans lost in the kiss. It takes a while before his hips slow down into a gentle rhythm. Your body goes limp as you ride it out, drained of energy.
He catches his breath with his head on yours and when you finally catch each other’s eyes, you share a giggle. He shines in his afterglow, a look of pure bliss on his face. But he could say the same for you, thumb running over your cheek to wipe off the tear stains.
In that moment, it feels as if you’re staring right into his soul. He stares back at you, as if trying to say something more than what’s been said, worrying once again about conveying what’s in his heart. But you just smile back.
“I know, Jungkook. I know. I love you too.”
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opaljm · 3 years
not gonna lie, but i liked you better when you were just doing your own little thing on tumblr. youre hybrid stories were so good and your hades!taehyung story was so promising. but now instead of writing and posting fics- literally where is eye of the tiger it's been more than a year since you teased it and where is turbulent part three?! your becoming a shooter for people that dont even like you as much as you like them. why do you hype up hantaev and chateautae when they never hype you up naia. i dont think they've ever read a single thing by you either. naia their never gonna become your bsfs and its pathetic to see you keep trying 💀 you should just write and post your fics (you know the ones that we ACTUALLY WANT) why did you even release yours truly. just give us eott youve had more than a year to work on it i dont get it. the more you draw it out the less people will care when you finally post it.
Um wow. Okay so, my readers know I have a policy of not answering hate asks and in general the treatment I get from my readers is so good and so pure and I'm always grateful for it but it seems like this motherfucker wants to ruin that relationship, but you know what? I have thick skin and I don't even know if you're actually one of my readers or you're one of those toxic anons that @hantaev and @chateautae have, that decided to come over here and bother me now.
The reasons why I'm suspicious whether or not you're even one of my followers or just fine combed my blog to find ways to hurt me is because I have actually explicitly stated why there is no Turbulent part 3 yet (It's a drabble series that I work on when I have inspiration for it or when I am not working on other works. But I literally have so many WIPs right now. All my readers know that Turbulent is the least of my priorities and they're so respectful of that).
And when it comes to Eye of the Tiger, I've literally stated that I've lost over 20k words of the fic when the file got corrupted and that actually put me into a slump and not want to write that fic anymore. Since then I've decided to completely rework the plot into something that I would want to write again. I had made it into a chaptered form before changing it back to a one-shot. It's even on my list of WIPs for this year. But let's assume for a second that you actually have read my stories and you're not a random anon from the depths of hell. Congratulations! You have delayed Eye of the Tiger for everyone. I was going to work on it next month but now it looks like everyone is going to have to wait until August at earliest. I also don't care if you think that Eye of the Tiger's anticipation is going to die down and no one ends up reading it when I finally do post it. It's not like you have clairvoyance and can see the future.
Now moving onto you insulting Yours, Truly and saying no one wants it. Anon, just because you love Taehyung to the alarming degree that you keep harassing creators for their Taehyung fics just cuz it's not set to your specification or whatever the fuck does not mean that everyone else is such a rabid crazy Taehyung stan. It literally makes no sense for me to put more importance onto your opinion of Yours, Truly over the hundreds of people who have reblogged and hearted it and even asked to be on the tag list. Not to toot my own horn but I really like Yours, Truly and I wish you would open your eyes so you could enjoy it like everyone else. Except I don't know that I want someone like you on my page so 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe it's a blessing in disguise that you don't like Yours, Truly and won't be able to bother me about it in the future.
I left this for last because it's literally so stupid that I even have to address this. Anon, I don't think you realize this but Hads and Sammy are friends in real life, they are the type of friends that talk every day, facetime and text, and send each other presents. Not only that but they are also the same age. IN contrast, I am... get this... their online friend. I am not as deeply involved in their lives as they are in each others lives. And you know what that's perfectly fine and I'm okay with it, maybe one day it'll turn into something IRL maybe not, it's cool we're chilling either way. Also, I can't believe I even have to say this but anon do you realize that Sammy and Hads are both 19 and I am 23? I'm actually rubbing my forehead right now because there is literally no situation where it's normal or acceptable for a 23 year old to be jealous of a relationship that two 19 year olds have with each other. I just treat them like my little babies that I'm so so proud of.
If you think I'm trying too hard to be their friends, I feel like you genuinely have never seen people act kindly towards others without expecting anything in return. It literally costs me nothing to interact with them and brighten up their days. Also maybe it's my age but I'm not insecure about whether or not my mutuals read my fics or constantly reblog and promote it. We are all so busy I'm never going to ever demand that from someone. Sammy and Hads don't demand anything from me either. How can you say Hads as never read anything by me when she's listed as the beta reader of Yours, Truly (yet another reason why I think you have never read it but are just insulting it because you can)? Sammy has given me private updates of how much she's enjoyed my work. Just because she or Hads never posted a review for YOU to see on multiple works doesn't mean that they don't read and support my stuff. And it's so weird that you're claiming that about them but you're not holding me to the same standard? The last time I reviewed one of Sammy's Maybe I Do chapters was probably for chapter 4 but I've privately been keeping her updated on my progress with reading her fic. I haven't even read Hads' Before Dawn yet. But you know what? It's fine. We're all okay with it and we don't have insecurities like that, we understand that we will all read and support each other's fics when we can and when we're free. I feel like as you get older you realize that friendship is not just what you can physically show off to others its more so all the ways you can be there for someone. I thank Allah that Sammy, Hads, and I are all so much more understanding than you are and that there is not even an ounce of toxicity in our relationship.
Lastly, maybe I'm not jealous of Sammy and Hadiyah being best friends because I have my own best friends? @vivian146 is literally the light of my life and we're going on strong for almost 7 years 😭😭😭
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izzabeean · 3 years
Chapter 10 : Restraint
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You’re very upset after Oikawa sustained injuries from his fight with Oikawa, it almost feels like it’s your fault at this point. You wonder if he blames you for it and hopes there’s a way you can make it up to him.
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pairing : ushjima x f!reader / oikawa x f!reader / iwaizumi x f!reader
genre : angst + fluff
word count : 3,099
content : profanity, depiction of injuries
tags :  alternate universe - college/university, post-break up, friends to lovers, pining, slow burn
a/n : hello! sorry for the late chapter, I am moving my publish days to Sunday evenings PST time.
this chapter is a little slow but I am wanting to convey Oikawa's feelings/perspective a little more and hope it isn't too confusing in my writing. please enjoy and Chapter 11 should be up by next Sunday. thanks!!
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Last night's misfortune only carried forward onto the next day. This immense guilt protruded through you making sitting in class much more unbearable. And having Oikawa sitting beside you didn’t make it any better as you eye his bruised knuckles in your peripheral; an unforgivable reminder that your ex-boyfriend caused his pain.
Yet, Oikawa still got plenty of attention from his admirers, in fact, you could say he got more. Girls were bombarding him more than usual to find out what transpired, but Oikawa didn’t spare anyone the dirty details and just redirected the conversation to distract them with a coy compliment or flirtatious gesture completely derailing the previous subject matter.
Of all the people in the universe, you never expected Oikawa to be the one to throw a punch at Ushijima. Frankly, you thought his hatred was all talk, another form of teasing to push you and get under your skin. You always brushed off his banter, figuring he didn’t really mean much by it, but after last night, you knew there was more as to why Oikawa didn’t like Ushijima.
You feel like an idiot for never asking, but also for ignoring his warnings. Perhaps this was some kind of punishment for not taking his opinion into account. If you didn’t date Ushijima, Oikawa wouldn’t have ever gotten hurt, you wouldn’t have to deal with a break-up, and you might’ve been in a happier healthier place.
In reality, you were scared asking would open more unresolved doors. And you didn’t know if you wanted to accept any more surprises about Ushijima. It’s terrifying to think that the man you once knew is not the man you knew at all.
The lights of the classroom dimmed as a clip projects at the front of the classroom in regards to today’s lesson, but god knows what it is about. You couldn't pay attention. This feeling of regret lodges in your throat from all the what if’s . But you know all you can do now is find a way to make it up to him…
Oikawa nudges you with his elbow and leans in closer to whisper, “You okay? You seem a bit out of it.”
The feeling of his breath tickles, raising the hairs on your arms. You release your clenched jaw and take a deep breath in, in an attempt to erase the brooding expression on your face then turn to Oikawa. It’s hard to look at him without a sense of anguish filling your chest. Perhaps, your thoughts are filling a narrative only you can imagine and Oikawa doesn’t think any of it is your fault.
“I’m fine,” you regress hoping that he drops it.
But ‘fine’ doesn’t actually mean the dictionary definition of fine. Oikawa knows that. He’s had his fair share of “fines” from girls when they say there are and obviously they’re not. And it wasn’t like he didn’t know what was bothering you. Your eyes would linger every time you looked at him focusing on his bandaged up cheek and for the majority of the class, he could see you staring at his hand. You weren’t very good at hiding your guilt.
With that, he does the only thing he can think of to cheer you up. He takes your pen.
Anticipating a big reaction from you, he waves it away sending you a smirk, but when you continue to sit there eyes illuminated by the faint light from the screen at the center of the room, he pauses. The same tension from last night takes him by surprise. He longs to make things right, to make you happier than you were before. But the image of your smile beaming at Iwaizumi reminds him that he can’t do that. No matter how hard he tries to make you happy, he can’t be Iwaizumi.
Class ends and you begin packing up your things. You still haven’t uttered a word as you keep your eyes locked onto your bag unable to look up at Oikawa.
“Oikawa,” a voice mumbles. A tall brunette girl stands in front of him clasping her hands on the hem of her shirt. “Can I talk to you about something?”
You recognize her. She’s normally seated near the front of the classroom and always has the front pieces of her hair tied back. You never spoke to her but knew she was more of the soft-spoken type that always eyed you and Oikawa entering the room.
“Sure,” he replies, as they walk away to the edge of the room out of earshot.
It becomes apparent at that moment when you watch the interaction between them that she's probably going to confess to him. You can see the nerves in her body language as she caves her chest in and darts her eyes away from Oikawa. Truthfully, you always waited for this day to come and wondered if Oikawa would give her a chance. She’s cute and seems like his type.
Now that you think about it, what is even Oikawa’s type? You’ve always envisioned him with someone well dressed and always put together with sharp features that accentuate her beauty. Someone kind-hearted and gentle, the exact opposite of him. Someone like… Her.
Oikawa stands with his hand on the sling of his bag with his back to you. You can’t see his expressions but can tell he’s instinctively listening as he nods his head. The girl's face grows flush after her rambling comes to a halt and you can tell she’s holding her breath waiting for the answer. You catch yourself doing the same thing as Oikawa speaks. But the girl's demeanor changes from hopeful excitement to stone-faced disappointment. Still, she forces a small smile while Oikawa gives her a small bow before turning to walk to you. She rushes out of the classroom as soon as Oikawa’s back faces her and your stomach drops.
You don’t know the girl, but can’t help but empathize. Not long ago were you on the receiving end of rejection.
“Let’s go,” he says, gesturing to you to hurry up.
You’re still paused in place from watching and close your bag to swing in onto your back following Oikawa out of the classroom. You look around to see if the girl is still in the vicinity but can be seen nowhere in plain sight.
“Why didn’t you say yes?” you ask, finally speaking up.
Oikawa hesitates, uncertain how to answer. He’s never really been interested in any of these girls that ask him out, they're always people he’s never talked to, only seen around.
“Didn’t really know her,” he answers.
“But I see her all the time in class. She literally gawks at you whenever you enter the room. Have you never noticed?”
He did notice but didn’t care enough to talk to her. Honestly, he was over the endless amounts of shallow conversations he had with girls from his high school days.
“Ah, is someone a little jealous,” he teases.
“Jealous? What is there to be jealous about, I’m with you all the time now. I’m kind of getting sick of you,” you grin.
“Ouch, hurtful!” he frowns.
“You didn’t even think she’s cute?” you pester.
He did, but he didn’t want to admit it.
Sure, it’s a great ego booster to have all these girls fawn over him and it never hurt anyone… But only in one encounter would he have probably said yes to someone he just met.
The temperature is cold and clammy, as the rain pours when Oikawa walks out of the university building. Hoisting up an umbrella, he prepares to step out into the storm but gets distracted when he sees you sitting off to the side.
You’re hunched over the steps with your backpack sitting next to you, looking out at the dreary weather. There’s no hood on your coat, no umbrella by your side and he can’t help but notice the pouty look on your lovely face. You looked annoyed. But in a cute way, he’s never seen before. As if you were just waiting for someone to save you.
“Someone a little stuck?” he asks.
You turn to look at him. It was almost unbearable how gorgeous you are. Suddenly a wave of nerves crashes through him before you speak.
“It should let up soon,” you reply, returning to watch the droplets plunking onto the concrete.
There’s no way in hell the rain was going to stop anytime soon with this miserable downpour. Plus it’s getting late and soon will be dark, he couldn’t let you stay alone.
He clears his throat, walks up closer to you, and puts the umbrella over you. “Is that some way to tell me you have a boyfriend?”
“Maybe it was just a way to get rid of you,” you smirk, voice laced in irritation. “Did it work?”
Oikawa raises his eyebrow and grins at you, slightly turned on by your hostile response, something he wasn’t used to hearing from girls.
“No,” he flirts, drinking you up with his eyes.
The pitter-patter of the rain fills up the silence and a warm comfort makes him feel that you will soon no longer be strangers.
He bites his lip reminding himself of the opportunity he lost, though he was very afraid to ruin your friendship and figured, in time, you would come around. Yet, it wasn’t to him, but to Ushijima. And once again, you’ve found someone of another caliber that wasn’t him. Maybe he needed to move on, but having you around living with him made things so much harder.
“Y/N, the kind of attention I get from the girls is because I’m single,” he continues. “If I get a girlfriend, it could ruin my image.”
You know he’s joking but roll your eyes anyway without sparing him a glance. He’s always been this way since you’ve known him. And even when you first met you could tell he was trouble. When you first met him, you could feel his presence by the shift in the air even before he announced himself. There was always something special about Oikawa. You just couldn’t put your finger on what it was exactly.
“You want to go to that coffee shop we always use to go to? We haven’t been there in ages,” you say, trying to change the subject. “It’s my treat.”
“Wow, are you asking me out?” Oikawa jokes cheekily while fixing his hair. “If I knew this was a date, I probably would’ve dressed more appropriately.”
“This isn’t a date Shittykawa! Just a thank you for…” you look down at his hand. “Plus you’re not my type.”
“What! I’m everyone’s type, Y/N. Just look at me.”
“Mmm, no,” you reply, taking one good look at him.
“So mean, Y/N-chan!
No, he couldn’t possibly destroy your friendship to confess his unrequited love. Everything seemed so much simpler this way.
It’s been a while since you last sat down at the coffee shop. Although it was within walking distance from campus, you stopped going as often as you used to when you started dating Ushijima. It had a more industrial feeling to it and less cozy than you remember.
Nonetheless, you order the drinks while Oikawa takes a seat at a table beside the large window looking out to the street. You send him a thumbs up while waiting by the bar and he sends you one back feeling extremely silly upon replicating it. But he doesn’t care because you giggle before turning back to collect the order.
With two drinks in hand, you set them down at the table.
“Hold on, I ordered another,” you interrupt before Oikawa can even utter thanks.
When you return, you sit down placing the third drink to the side of the table.
“Y/N, I’m flattered but you don’t need to buy--”
“Oh, it’s for Iwaizumi,” you cut in. “I told him to meet up with us.”
Oikawa pauses, crossing his arms. “You have his number?”
“Yeah, we exchanged it after that creep bothered me.”
Oikawa is quiet and furrows his eyebrows at you from across the table, trying to give you his best scowl despite the fact that you clearly know what he’s sour about.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you grumble.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replies.
“You’re making a big deal out of nothing,” you argue.
Your words feel harsh and Oikawa attempts to swallow his words but instead, they slip out through the tip of his tongue.
“He’s leaving soon…”
"What?" you rasp, a lump starts to form in your throat. Damn Oikawa. Of course, he’s a lot of things, but you didn’t think he’d take his teasing this far. "You’re joking, right?"
“I forgot to tell you… He’s only been here for a week, then he goes back to California soon.”
“Why California?”
If you hadn’t already practiced pushing down your feelings since the break-up, you were sure that you would’ve broken down at that moment. Enough surprises have surfaced to the point the devastating news didn’t circle you into this impending doom. No, all your hope in fate plummeted.
“He goes to school out there. So I wouldn’t get too close,” Oikawa mutters while taking a sip of his drink.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It’s obvious, you have a crush on him, I’m not stupid.”
You shudder at his words, recognizing that your crush on Iwaizumi is obvious to the point that Oikawa notices it. I mean, you did kiss the guy in front of him, but you thought at this point you were just dreaming since no one has brought it up.
“I don’t--”
“I mean, why else would you kiss him,” he interrupts. “To piss Ushijima off?"
Well duh, you think. That was basically what you were wanting to do. Make him realize you're better off without him and maybe deceive him a bit in regards to why life is just so much better.
However, you couldn't persuade yourself to actually say it. You already gave away too much and know if you say anything more it will just give Oikawa more ammunition to tease you.
"If you really wanted to piss him off, you would’ve kissed me,” he continues.
Suddenly your heart thumps and pupils constrict at the comment. The tension twists in the room and you swallow hard as the pressure to say something wells up in your chest.
Why did he just say that? Is this a joke?
And perhaps it was confusion mixed with fatigue from a long stressful day but you couldn't suppress the frustration that wells up inside. It wasn't funny to you. None of this was funny. You were serious.
“Not likely," you hiss. "Why don't you try being in the same room as your lying ex with their new partner and tell me, Oikawa, what would you do?"
He stiffens at the tone of your voice. He's not used to you calling him by his last name, it's only when you're really mad. Oikawa opens his mouth to say something but remains quiet. He doesn’t quite know what to say as you’re visibly upset. He fucked up.
He looks at you, you won’t make any eye contact with him as you look off to the side. Your fingers are wrapped around the hot cup of coffee, probably to warm your hands up because they’re always so cold. You’re wearing his favorite sweater, it’s his favorite because you always look so good in it-- not that you don’t always look good-- but when you wear this particular sweater it makes him happy.
“How’s your wrist?” he asks, casually to break the tension.
“It’s fine,” you reassure, still put off by him.
“Can I see it?”
Oikawa reaches out his hand to which you recoil pulling it away from your cup and onto your lap out of his sight.
“Please,” he pleads.
You blink at words as he gazes at you with his puppy-eyes. Surely he didn’t mean what he said and you were just being sensitive, and it was very, very hard for you to stay mad at him. But you still hesitate as you rest your hand on the table and roll up your sleeve enough to see the bruising. Oikawa analyzes it then gently grazes his fingertips over your wrist. Your heart pounds against your chest at his tender touch.
“Does that hurt?”
You gulp quietly, surprised by the change in dynamic. Your anger suddenly dissipates and an unexplained warmth cascades through your body like a breath of fresh air. Your eyes frantically search for an answer to why you’re feeling this way, but before you can you’re interrupted.
You both look up to see Iwaizumi loom over you both. You feel your cheeks burn up like you’re caught in the act of something scandalous and your guilt sinks in on you.
“Oh, hi Iwa,” you manage to mutter. Suddenly you don’t feel Oikawa’s touch anymore. You look back to see him pull back with a smile on his face gazing at Iwaizumi.
"Iwa-chan, Y/N got you a drink," Oikawa smirks, sliding the drink towards him.
Iwaizumi's eyes shift to you and suddenly goosebumps form on your arms. His stare is always so intense but not in a bad way, more like you want to melt into a puddle. And you almost do, when he thanks you for the drink.
In the midst of your one-sided moment, your phone rings. Excusing yourself, you walk outside to take the call to which it's your landlord announcing your apartment is almost fixed. Excitement fills your chest as you think about moving back in and having your own space again. But there's also this painful feeling from when Oikawa revealed that Iwaizumi is only temporarily here. It makes you sick to know what you thought was fate actually wasn't at all.
It makes your kiss ever more embarrassing as you know feelings can't be reciprocated at all. You wish you'd known sooner and don't understand why you didn't see this happening.
Walking back inside the cafe, you notice Iwaizumi sitting beside Oikawa. You sat down across from both of them and it almost felt you were on trial as they stared at you.
"Who called?" Oikawa asks.
"Oh, my landlord said my place is almost ready and that I can swing by to see it."
"When?" Oikawa
"I was thinking maybe some time tonight," you say.
"Want us to go with you?" Iwaizumi offers.
"Th-- that would be great.”
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True Intentions
So, the latest Pokemon Masters event gave me Feelings, and therefore I had to write something for it.
Needless to say, this contains Pokemon Masters event spoilers, verbal/mental abuse, and one reference to physical child abuse.
And in case the “read more” breaks, this is also tagged as a long post.
N stepped into the cave, his heart thudding. He could see the oh-so familiar cloaked figure in the distance, and he swallowed hard. He was not alone, for which he was very grateful, but companionship was not doing much to assist his nerves. 
‘You’re sure about this?’ his companion dubiously asked. In Nate’s opinion, N was making a huge mistake, and it was not yet too late to turn back.
‘Yes. This is the answer I’ve come to. I’m sure,’ N insisted, and Nate held back a sigh. Damn it. ‘...Thank you for coming with me, though.’
‘It’s fine,’ Nate replied. ‘I wouldn’t want you to go and see him alone.’
‘Mmmm,’ N murmured. He knew only too well that Nate had a point. ‘We need to be careful when dealing with a man like… him.’
N had tripped over his words. He was uncertain how to refer to the man they were meeting. “Ghetsis”? “Father”? As much as he wanted to call the man “Father”... it was too soon. Much too soon for that.
‘I’m still a little worried,’ N confessed, after a pregnant pause.
‘Yeah, well no matter what happens, I’m on your side,’ Nate promised.
‘Thank you…’
Any further conversation was cut off,  by a sudden interruption. 
‘N! You’ve come to see me!’ a voice called out. For a moment, N froze; when they entered, Ghetsis had his back to them. His and Nate’s conversation had been in whispers, and he had assumed Ghetsis had not seen them yet. 
He shook himself out of his reverie, his face calm, stoic, as he turned to lock eyes once again with the man he called Father, his abuser.
At least in appearance, Ghetsis had not changed. N sincerely hoped that was the only thing that remained static. Incredibly tall, Ghetsis towered over those he met, and his own son was no exception. He still used a cane. N’s gaze lowered to the gloved hand that held onto it, as his mind helplessly wandered to thoughts of what was hidden beneath the cloak. Was Ghetsis’ health the same? Had it improved? Or perhaps worsened?
That was the most likely scenario; Ghetsis always had a great love of expensive wines, scotches and other such alcoholic drinks, and it had taken its toll on him. Combined with one arm, the nerves permanently damaged by his Hydreigon, Ghetsis was an incredibly unhealthy man. 
N lifted his head, staring his father in the eyes. One was still covered, and the other just as vividly scarlet as he remembered. It was difficult for him to maintain eye contact, but he forced himself to push through it. 
‘I’ve come to let you know my answer,’ N declared. He had taken a quiet, deep breath in before speaking, to ensure his voice would not wobble, nor crack.
His head had been spinning, ever since Ghetsis initially approached him. Wanting to be a father to him again…
Though in order for him to be a father “again”, he had to have been one before. N knew that, deep down. But it was a thought he tried to keep pushed to the back of his mind. 
‘Let’s send out our Pokemon,’ N added, when Ghetsis remained silent, just observing him. 
Zekrom and Kyurem were both released from their Pokeballs, two thirds of the Tao Trio coming eye to eye with one another again for the first time in years. 
‘Well? What’s your answer?’ Ghetsis demanded. Still so impatient. 
‘...I don’t think it’s possible for us to become a true father and son so easily…’ N cautiously replied. His nerves were threatening to spill over, and he grabbed the brim of his cap. Something to focus on, while under his father’s scarlet gaze. ‘But… if you’ve really had a change of heart, and are seriously prepared to face people and Pokemon, then… maybe one day, it will be. That’s why I need you to show me that you have love in your heart -’
Ghetsis, the lower half of his face hidden by his incredibly high collar, clenched his jaw together tightly. How the fuck was he going to do that?
‘- through battle!’
Oh. The former Plasma leader relaxed. That was alright, then.
‘Father!’ The word escaped N’s lips, as he called out to the man before him. Ghetsis’ eyes slid shut.
‘I am grateful you’ve given me this opportunity…’ he started, his voice soft. N’s demeanour changed a little - Ghetsis was accepting what he said? Then maybe, just maybe, he had been telling the truth, after all! If Ghetsis could work on his issues, and treat those around him like human beings, and N himself like one, instead of an extension of Ghetsis, then -
‘Thank you for this chance.’ Ghetsis’ voice pulled N out of his thoughts again. The Plasma leader’s face twisted into a wicked grin, as he leant forward on his cane, a malicious glint in his eye. ‘To capture Zekrom for myself!’
No. No, please, God, no -
‘What?’ N gasped. The words left him winded, as though Ghetsis had struck him with his cane.
And it was a feeling he remembered all too well.
‘Now! Restrain Zekrom!’ Ghetsis commanded, his voice thunderous, as N tried to wrap his head around what was going on.
How could you be so stupid? Of COURSE Ghetsis was going to betray you, it’s what he DOES! the former king mentally chastised. How could he have been taken in so well? How, even now, with years free from Ghetsis’ influence, could he still be so easily manipulated? 
As Ghetsis slammed his cane down on the rocky ground, several unfamiliar figures in black and white masks suddenly leapt out, having been waiting for Ghetsis’ signal. More Pokeballs were flung into the air, as more Pokemon were sent out, between N and Ghetsis. 
Crackles of electricity zapped around Zekrom, the giant legendary held in place. N had frozen up again, feeling helpless, lost for what to do. 
‘Zekrom!’ he cried. 
‘It can’t move,’ Ghetsis said, a sinister chuckle coming forth. ‘I took special measures to use Pokemon that can hold it in place.’
N’s hands clenched into tight fists, shaking. How could I be so stupid? The entire thing had been a scam. Not only had Ghetsis prepared his Hydreigon to counter his team, not only had he made sure the Shadow Triad had Pokemon that could take down Zekrom, he had now done the same thing again on Pasio, to ensure he got what he wanted!
And like a fool, I fell for it, N’s mind traitorously whispered. 
‘What d’you think you’re doing?!’ Nate angrily snapped. He looked as though, if the Pokemon were not there, he would run at Ghetsis and try to physically attack him. 
‘I can’t believe you’d actually do such a thing…’ N’s voice was flat, hollow, belying the deep sense of betrayal that was rooting him on the spot. 
‘Of course I would!’ Ghetsis taunted, cackling. In typical Ghetsis style, he seemed to be relishing rubbing salt into the wound. When he spoke again, his voice was a disdainful sneer, not making the slightest effort to mask his contempt for his own child. ‘I only put on that ridiculous act so that I could get my hands on Zekrom! That is all you’re worth to me! As if we could be a true family! Me? With a freak like you?!’
N’s jaw was clamped tightly shut, only barely managing to contain an outburst of pain at Ghetsis’ words. He had heard that insult too many times.
“He’s nothing more than a freak without a human heart!”
He had lost count of just how many times that word had been wielded like a weapon against him throughout his entire life. Every time he had attempted to talk to his father, particularly about his ability to talk to Pokemon, it had always gone the same way.
And that was no doubt the reason why, as an adult, he was still being called a freak. Because Ghetsis had always refused to believe his claims. 
The fight had left N, and he did not bother to counter his father’s harsh words. But Nate was livid. 
‘How dare you play with N’s feelings like that?!’ he yelled, launching his Pokeball into the air, Braviary bursting from it. ‘I’m going to help N protect Zekrom!’
With an instruction to attack, and N still paralysed, Nate began to battle the Team Break grunts that had gathered under Ghetsis’ command, and easily took them down. As the last opposing Pokemon fell, Ghetsis’ expression twitched, ever so slightly. 
‘...Not bad,’ he conceded. ‘I can feel your anger!’ And it fuelled him.
‘Next is the pair holding down Zekrom!’ Nate declared. The Team Break trainer in question looked concerned as Nate attacked again. 
‘That’s enough.’
A new, commanding voice interjected, as yet another Pokemon appeared. The sleek, yet threatening form of Mewtwo landed between Ghetsis and Team Break, and N and Nate, pushing the latter two back. Mewtwo extended one arm, launching a hard blast of psychic power, taking Braviary down. Trying not to panic, Nate recalled his Pokemon before it could hit the ground, as N gawped at the newcomer.
‘Is… is that…?’ His voice trailed off, his eyes wide in horror when he recognised his father’s ally. 
‘Stay out of my way,’ Giovanni warned, his voice a low snarl. He looked almost exactly as N remembered. He had not seen anything of Team Rocket himself, not even on the news; Ghetsis had done too good a job when Team Rocket were around, of keeping N secluded and ignorant of the outside world. But the boy had heard things from his sisters, and done his own research since escaping Team Plasma. 
This Giovanni did not look too dissimilar to the man he had seen in photos. Perhaps a little older, his face slightly more lined. A few flecks of grey in an otherwise jet black head of hair. But the biggest difference, was the symbol emblazoned on the breast of his jacket. Not a red R, but multicoloured. Reds, yellows, greens and blues, one colour transforming into the other. 
Rainbow Rocket Giovanni rolled up a sleeve. In doing so, he revealed not just the fact that his arm was so heavily tattooed that his skin colour could not be seen, but more importantly, the Mega Bracelet enclosed around his wrist. 
‘Giovanni?’ N questioned, as the man in question approached, coming to a stop beside Mewtwo. ‘W-What are you doing here?’
The realisation that an already bad situation had just gotten worse caused N’s voice to crack. Which in turn made Ghetsis smirk. N was afraid. Good.
‘I just so happened to meet Ghetsis, while recruiting Team Break members,’ Giovanni explained. The apparently leaderless team had been like a gift for him. Already organised, already with their own Pokemon, all they needed was someone to take them under their wing. Someone to guide them.
And who better than Giovanni?
‘He told me all about his plans. And if he’s able to get his hands on your Zekrom, then that works out perfectly for me.’
In just getting him this far, this Ghetsis had already proven himself to be much more useful than the one he had already met and recruited into Rainbow Rocket. But, Giovanni was a smart man. He knew that the Rainbow Rocket Ghetsis had already tried to manipulate him, and was absolutely prepared for the current Ghetsis to try and do the same. Ghetsis no doubt had his own hidden agenda, but he was certainly not the only one. 
‘Yes, so I should thank you for gathering these pawns, and sharing your information with me,’ Ghetsis smirked. ‘I’ll be sure to return the favour. Now, our preparations are complete! I will soon possess a legendary that combines two powers!’
‘No…!’ Nate gasped. 
‘The fusion of Kyurem and Zekrom…’ N murmured, the memories of the exact same thing happening before flying through his mind. 
‘Watch this moment closely!’ Ghetsis cried out, as he approached the trapped Zekrom, Giovanni keeping close behind him. 
‘Zekrom!’ N called.
‘Ghetsis, don’t do it!’ Nate added. He knew too well that there was no way Ghetsis would listen, but without his Pokemon and badly outnumbered, there was not much else he could do. 
‘Kyurem! Absorb Zekrom, use Absofusion!’ Ghetsis ordered, an unhinged, determined grin set upon his face. 
‘Now’s my chance,’ Giovanni quietly said, watching the scene intently. He snapped his fingers. ‘Do it.’
Mewtwo reappeared, floating in the gap between the two other legendaries, facing Kyurem down. 
‘What the -?’ Nate spluttered. N looked similarly taken aback.
‘They stopped them from fusing?’ he questioned, not entirely certain whether he believed what he was seeing. 
‘What do you think you’re doing?’ Ghetsis spat, glowering at Giovanni. He slammed his cane on the ground again. ‘Giovanni!’
‘Well, you see… I too have a plan,’ Giovanni replied. ‘I know how you operate, Ghetsis. Perhaps a little too well, and the way I see it, once you have both of these legendaries under your command, your next move will be to secure more pawns to make use of. And as these Team Break members answer to me, I know that it’d be me you target next.’
Ghetsis remained silent, teeth bared. As Giovanni observed him, he could see that he had been completely right. Granted, it would not have been out of character for Ghetsis to lie, and claim he had nothing of the sort planned, but he surmised Ghetsis would only have done that if he were calmer. And the ex Plasma leader, as he was currently, looked apoplectic with rage. 
Ghetsis’ raging, hateful silence was the only answer Giovanni required.
‘So, I intend to take Kyurem and Zekrom before that can happen!’
‘How cunning,’ Ghetsis hissed. ‘But it’s too little, too late.’
More masked members of Team Break appeared, again, on Ghetsis’ cue, standing beside him, as Giovanni’s eyes widened, just for a second. 
‘You are not the only one who has a talent for convincing people to join you,’ Ghetsis gloated. ‘I am more than capable of that, too! A faction of Team Break is already under my command!’
Oh, shit. This was not what Giovanni had in mind. He knew exactly what Ghetsis was planning, yet the son of a bitch still out-witted him!
Despite his inner panic, the Rainbow Rocket leader’s expression continued to be a smug grin, as though it was all a game they were playing. He would be damned if he was going to let Ghetsis know that he was rattled.
‘I guess I underestimated you after all,’ he admitted. ‘In that case… Mewtwo, get them!’
‘Rise! We must defeat Giovanni!’ Ghetsis roared. 
‘...So they’ve broken their alliance,’ N mused, as more Pokemon were sent out. With the attention mostly taken off Zekrom, N felt he could breathe a little more easily. ‘...I suppose they were never actually allies in the first place… 
‘I want to help Zekrom, but there are way too many Pokemon over there…’ Nate fretted. 
‘Go, Volcarona!’ 
Another new voice entered the fray, as a familiar Volcarona appeared over N’s head, striking the Team Break Pokemon. As they were knocked out, N and Nate spun around on their heels to see the former champion, Alder Castillo, striding forward. He was staring directly at Ghetsis, his expression set into a look of grim determination, with a young redhead behind him. 
‘Alder! Silver!’ Nate greeted, a wave of relief washing through him to have some backup. 
‘I had an unpleasant feeling that something bad would happen,’ Alder stated. The sensation of foreboding had been with him ever since he learnt Ghetsis was back. He knew that N had been ambivalent about forgiving him, and having a proper father and son relationship with the man again. And Alder did not want to completely squash his hopes of that happening. He had been direct with stating that he did not trust Ghetsis, but seeing the look of utter defeat in the young boy’s eyes, Alder had to wonder just what he had missed. That maybe he had not been severe enough. Perhaps he should have explicitly told N not to trust his despicable excuse for a “father”, even for the faintest fraction of a second. ‘I’m glad we made it in time. We took care of the Team Break members at the entrance, but reinforcements are on their way right now! We need to get out of here!’
Silver, the young redhead, was not paying any attention to Alder. Nor was he even paying any attention to Ghetsis. No, his gaze was firmly on Giovanni, and his expression was one of hatred. 
‘Oh?’ Giovanni questioned, glancing over. He was uncertain how to react, so he kept the same usual smug demeanour. This boy was not his Silver, but was a Silver. And clearly things had gone the same way between him and his Giovanni, as they had in the Rainbow Rocket leader’s timeline. 
‘I have more important things to worry about right now, than him,’ Silver declared, without giving one single fuck about the fact that his voice was loud enough for Giovanni to hear. Not that Giovanni seemed bothered. He was used to it from his own Silver. ‘Come on, hurry up!’
Now freed, N turned back to the rest of the group to see Zekrom land before him.
‘I’m so glad you’re okay…’ he murmured, relief sparkling in his eyes.
‘Let’s get out of here,’ Nate urged. 
Sensing that the situation was no longer in their favour, the Team Break grunts who had followed Ghetsis began to retreat, much to his annoyance.
‘Tch… Worthless fools,’ he growled. 
‘Now that a former champion has arrived, I suppose I have no choice but to give up on Zekrom,’ Giovanni decided. For now. ‘Kyurem, on the other hand, will be mine.’
‘I warned you before…’ Ghetsis started, his voice dripping with rage, before suddenly ramping up to a scream, ‘NOT TO UNDERESTIMATE ME!’
The cane struck the ground, as Kyurem roared. Alder winced at the noise, but Giovanni seemed unbothered. A snap of his fingers later, and he was gone, along with Mewtwo. Alder glanced back, seeing N approach, and noticed how the boy looked mentally exhausted. It was no surprise, Alder guessed that N must felt like he had been put through the wringer.
Because he had been. He was about to speak up, to try and reach out to N, when Nate interrupted with another insistence that they should leave. He was right, the less time they spent in the cave, the better. Giovanni might have been gone, but there was still Ghetsis to contend with. 
N stopped before he reached Alder and Nate. And, without breathing a word, he turned his back, and strode over to his father. 
‘...What?’ Ghetsis questioned, a look of annoyed confusion on his face. N refused to clarify, but stayed by his side. 
‘What are you doing? Just leave him!’ Silver irritably told N.
‘Yes, what are you doing?’ Ghetsis agreed, clearly as baffled as his son’s friends. 
‘...I want to save Kyurem, regardless of whose Pokemon it is. Even if that means I have to help you...’ N finally answered, without looking at any of them. Part of him had to wonder what the hell he was doing, siding up with Ghetsis, after how Ghetsis had betrayed him, insulted him, and openly laughed about it. He told himself that he was not doing this for Ghetsis’ sake, or even his own.
This was for Kyurem.
‘...I won’t call you my father, Ghetsis.’ That was fine with the Plasma leader. His skin always crawled when that word left N’s mouth. Disgusting. N turned and looked at him. ‘But if you co-operate, I’ll help you get out of this!’
‘I see. Very well. That’s convenient for me,’ Ghetsis replied. No “thank you”, but of course not. N had never gotten a “please” or a “thank you” from Ghetsis in his life, and he definitely did not expect that to change now. ‘Let’s take him down, N!’
‘N and Ghetsis, standing side by side…’ Nate muttered. The idea left him unsettled. It was wrong. He brought the Pokeball with his unconscious Braviary in it up to his mouth, whispering to it, as he used a revive. ‘Just a little longer, we need to help N…’
‘Hey!’ Silver called out, as Nate and Braviary took off. 
‘It’s too late to stop them. Let’s just make sure that they have a safe escape route,’ Alder told the redhead. 
‘The plan is to hold off Mewtwo until he can’t come after you any more, alright?’ N told his father.
‘Yes,’ Ghetsis crisply agreed.
‘Well, why don’t we put it to the test?’ Giovanni questioned, as he was joined by his own Team Break grunts again, now they had recovered from the previous fight. ‘Let’s see what your little father-son team up can do!’
Nate’s Braviary, and the two other legendaries opposing Giovanni started the battle, fighting ferociously against the Rainbow Rocket leader and his underlings. It was not long until it was just the legendaries against each other, and with Mewtwo outnumbered, it was Giovanni’s team that fell. 
‘...Hmph, I suppose that does surpass my expectations,’ he reluctantly confessed. 
‘After him!’ Ghetsis then commanded. 
‘No! You remember what I said earlier, don’t you?! We’re getting out of here!’ N countered. 
‘What?’ Ghetsis hissed, angry that N spoke back to him. But he could see that this time, N was not going to be moved. ‘Fine.’
‘Too bad,’ Giovanni said to himself, as the others left. ‘This would have been so much easier had you stayed here...’ He glanced to the cave exit. ‘Go after them.’
Giovanni had assumed that it was just him, Mewtwo, and his underlings left. That the others had all left with Ghetsis and N. So he was surprised when he saw himself suddenly face to face with his son.
‘That’s enough. Your plan failed,’ Silver glared. ‘Let them go, or else!’ 
To Giovanni’s surprise, the Pokemon that Silver released was none other than Ho-Oh. 
When did Silver obtain a legendary of his own? Giovanni thought, as Ho-Oh flapped its wings and released a loud cry. 
‘...Change of plans,’ Giovanni decided, recalling Mewtwo. ‘We’re leaving.’
His decision confused his underlings, who had been readying themselves for another fight. 
‘B-But sir…?’ one hesitantly questioned.
‘The more people you command, the harder it is to control them. I think learning that much is enough for today,’ Giovanni replied. He tilted his head, glancing to the side at Silver. ‘Besides… I’m very pleased by what I’ve seen today.’
Silver pulled a face, and blinked. Was Giovanni complimenting him? For standing up to him? Obtaining Ho-Oh? But once the shock quickly wore off, his expression turned back to angry. He was not going to be taken in, be swayed by Giovanni’s words! This man had no idea who Silver was, if he thought a few pretty words could appease him.
It was probably a lie, anyway.
Silver headed outside the cave again, where the rest of the group - unfortunately, still including Ghetsis - were waiting for him.
‘I think they’ve stopped coming after us now,’ Silver declared, without offering any explanation as to why he had stayed behind. None of them needed to know about him challenging Giovanni. Or what Giovanni had said to him. 
‘I see. In that case…’ Alder pointedly looked back at Ghetsis.
‘You want to come after me, now? I can’t allow that to happen,’ he warned. ‘Perhaps we can come to a truce for today. What do you think, N?’
‘...I know that you haven’t changed, at all,’ N said, and Alder was relieved. He had been concerned that siding with Ghetsis to protect him might have caused N to start reconsidering, again. He wanted nothing more than for N to have a father he could be happy with, but as long as his father was Ghetsis, that was just not possible. ‘If you do anything to harm the people or Pokemon here, I will be the first in line to stop you!’
‘I’ll keep that in mind,’ Ghetsis replied, tone thick with sarcasm. Clearly he did not believe N to be a big enough threat to him. ‘Then, farewell.’
‘Wait, Ghetsis!’ Nate then called. Ghetsis paused, not turning back around to face them, but instead peered over his shoulder, to see what Nate wanted. ‘I hate you. I’ll never forget what you did in Unova! But you’re still N’s father! You raised him, and spent all those years together!’
Ghetsis had no idea where Nate was going with his tangent, and neither did N. N’s childhood had been spent cooped up inside one room. A very spacious room, admittedly, but still locked away from the rest of the world, and fed only whatever information Ghetsis deemed worthy of him knowing. As much as N longed for change, he was no longer blind to the horrendous circumstances that stole his childhood. 
So why was Nate bringing it up?
‘Are you really going to say you felt nothing when the two of you were fighting side by side?!’ Nate demanded. ‘It’s not too late to change your ways! Please, at least think about it!’
Oh. N braced himself. He was certain that Ghetsis was going to scoff, laugh hysterically at such a ridiculous notion, and he knew it was going to hurt. 
‘Nate…’ N began. 
‘Ghetsis!’ Nate repeated, when he got no reply. And N’s heart sunk to his stomach, when sure enough, Ghetsis began to chuckle. At last, he turned back properly to face them, and erupted with laughter.
‘You naive fool! Our relationship is nothing more than that between a master and his tools! What happened here changes nothing!’ he barked, before turning his evil scarlet gaze onto N. ‘As long as I can keep using you, I don’t care what you call our relationship! I do whatever I please! I am not your ally, not your friend, and I am certainly not your father!’
In unison, N and Nate both tugged on the brims of their headwear. Nate in embarrassment, and upset for N, and N to try and cover his face. He was attempting to be as expressionless as he could, but the hurt shone in his eyes.
‘How dare you -!’ Silver began, readying to go into a full force rant. 
‘Despicable,’ Alder quickly interjected, unwilling to let the youngster draw too much of Ghetsis’ attention. ‘You’re the one without a heart!’
‘If that’s all,’ Ghetsis sneered, their anger and words bouncing off him. With another - but more sardonic - farewell, Ghetsis was whisked away by Kyurem, leaving them free of him at last.
‘I had a bad feeling this might happen,’ Alder sighed. ‘N, my apologies. I think I should have stopped you before you went to help him.’
‘Don’t apologise,’ N said, to Alder and Nate. ‘It was my decision. Please, don’t be sad on my behalf.’
‘...Nate, are you crying again?’ Silver questioned. He looked embarrassed.
‘You truly have a kind heart,’ N gently told Nate, ‘one that resonates with others. You got angry for the people of Unova, you yelled at Ghetsis for me… and now, you’re even crying for me...’
‘I can’t help it! It’s just all so messed up!’ Nate wept. ‘You’re not asking for anything special! You just want a normal relationship with the man you call your father! It’s not asking for much! Why can’t you have that too?!’
‘Nate… It’s okay.’ It was a lie, but a lie told for N’s own sake as well as Nate’s. Right now, he felt like being strong for his friend distracted him from his own pain. ‘I may not have a father, but I have good friends like you.’
‘N…’ Nate sniffled.
‘Yeah, you can survive without a father,’ Silver chimed in, and N nodded in agreement.
I’m blessed to be surrounded by such kind people and Pokemon. That’s enough for me. I suppose… a father figure was just never meant to be.
...But it was nice to hope for it.
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sparklegemstone · 3 years
So this is my obligatory Loki pre-release post.
I just want to make it clear, no matter what this show ends up being, I am so grateful that we have this show in the first place. Nothing about post-Endgame made me think we'd be blessed with more Loki content, let alone 6 hrs where the narrative serves him as the main character, so above all I just feel so lucky to be able to experience this series. I can't believe I'm here.
The trailer scenes have been hit or miss for me and I feel like I'm being cranked up the lift hill on a roller coaster right now. I got in line because I wanted to ride the ride, but I'm also eyeing that upside down corkscrew section of the track with nervous anticipation thinking "hoo boy I don't know if I'm going to like that". And now I just have to sit there, adrenaline pumping, uncertain what I've gotten myself into, as the chain brings me inexorably closer to the top of the first drop. Clack clack clack. But once I'm back safely at the station, what I'll be taking away is the overall rush and thrill of the experience as a whole and the parts that made me feel like I was flying, along with having my head jostled against the restraints unpleasantly at times.
But enough with the metaphor. I'm so happy to get to watch this series and experience whatever TPTB decided to make of it. It would be extra swell if I loved it like I do TDW, but I'll settle for hoping that I really enjoy most of it and that, of the things I don't care for (because there will be things) that they don't bother me enough to significantly detract from my enjoyment otherwise.
I think @iamanartichoke has come up with a perfect tag for the situation, her usage of which has been delighting me for weeks: #just drink what's in the glass. Couldn't have said it better myself.
See all you lovely folks on the other side! I very much look forward to reading your reactions and discussing the episodes with you.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep13: How to Get Away With Cheating in the Card Olympics
It’s been a little while since Pegasus made a card that screwed us years after it was developed...and so it’s time for it to happen again. Good ol Pegasus, screwing us all and not even knowing he’s doing it.
First off, it took me until this episode to realize that Leon and Zigfried are German and Leon is playing a Grimm Brother’s deck. I guess I didn’t notice before now because Leon was hiding his identity. But now that I know his deck is because he’s just German it’s like...well OK. That’s kind of cute. Better than that time they had the American play a deck filled with guns.
And that actually...fully explains why they are all dressed old timey. I didn’t pick up on it until just now...they’re referencing old ass fairy tales. But wtv, I still like my reaching theories of why Zigfried dresses like...that.
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PS, my twitter just notified me that lots of people are getting a ‘Hime Haircut’, which is exactly the doo that Zigfried wears this season with the cropped side bangs. And like...are we sure? I see Kpop wearing it and Tik Tok kids wearing wigs but...I have yet to see a Hime in the wild. Course I haven’t gone outside in like a year so...maybe tens of thousands of people really did do a Hime Haircut during the Quarantine.
But, damn it, I decided to look at some photos, and a bunch of them looked pretty bad, but a couple looked pretty dope, and now I’m a little bit tempted to get a Hime...but I feel like it took a decade to get out of my bangs phase and like...Do I need two layers of bangs? I have naturally straight hair, I could do this, this haircut was made for me, but...
I just don’t know if I should get a haircut that looks like I’m an anime cosplayer when I can’t back it up. Nope. Cannot get this haircut. I know this haircut was made for teenagers or artists in their 30′s, and literally no one else, but no, this will be a mistake just like the side bangs I gave myself in 2006.
(looks over at scissors)
(read more under the cut)
(get it? Cut?)
Leon recalls that his brother very nicely gave him a card, and he’s so excited to finally do any activity involving his crazy ass family, that he just blindly does it.
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This entire episode is about Yami not doing a hellscape when he witnesses cheating, and like...it is S5...it’s been a little while since anyone’s done a real good cheat on him, and he opened the door to darkness, and they got devoured by their own Tamagachi. It’s been a while.
And like the curse of Episode 13 was just a theory I had--but this particular Episode 13 is probably the most tame of all the 13′s (and yet, the most un-tame of this arc, which is a pretty chill arc, overall)
Yet...while this episode still fits in with their universe because the Kaiba’s are very proud so they can’t admit their duel disk has a flaw and therefore can’t forfeit the game, it kind of stretches the imagination a bit for the sake of the plot. Straight up we have a LOT of characters in this arc and they all just stood there and watched it happened.
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It could have been also because this is like...televised...that no one wants to start throwing this little boy off the nearest blimp. I just wish that was addressed in the episode, other than “listen...Kaiba must allow this card to be played...or all his Duel Disks are lies.”
His Duel Disk almost caused the end of planet Earth a few weeks back, so I think it’s fine. I think this is a negligible problem to have when your disk shoots projectiles out of each end and has sharp folding edges in the shape of a blade--almost attempting to slice your face off every time you wave that thing around.
Yes, he’s trying to restore his reputation after the whole Dartz thing...but this is like...not that bad in the scale of things that have happened in the past several seasons. Maybe it’s just the last straw that broke the camels back here? One thing too far--’your disk played a broke card, Kaiba, I am pulling my investments and I refuse to go to your theme parks. I was here when you blew up that island. I was here when your company was literally bought out by the illluminati...but if that duel disk can’t play cards correctly--we’re done here.’ And TBH...that’s a very Yugioh mentality to have.
Like remember that time that Elon musk threw a brick at one of his new weird looking cars and the windshield cracked? But he was like “Oh...that was just a...listen the windshields don’t shatter, you saw nothing.” and still released the car anyway? Was kind of reminded of that.
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Now...he didn’t actually go into the Dev room, we’ll go into how the hell he got this card, but first, a visit to the Kaiba Dev room.
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That’s so bright!
It reminds me of how in the 90′s, the only real thing I knew to do on my computer was change the colors of the UI, so I just used the ugliest ass UI known to man for my family’s computers. I hope these computers have a mouse that leaves a tail behind and I hope that mouse is in the shape of a flying sparkling dragon.
Anyway, Duke speaks what’s on our minds:
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Meanwhile, Pegasus, watching this happen over a glass of wine from inside his bathtub at Castle Pegasus, takes one very long sip while sinking into a pile of bubbles.
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Seto at first is like “I literally own this tournament so thanks for losing? I don’t know why you threw it out into the trash but thanks?” But Zigfried pressured him so hard that everyone on Earth would judge his ass, and tried so hard to change the definition of what cheating even is, that Seto relented almost as if to shut Zigfried the hell up.
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Zigfried explained that, technically, it’s still reads as a legal card on the disk and isn’t reaaally against the rules. Even though the rules say it’s against the rules--what are rules anyway?
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Thankfully we have the King of “I dictate what the rules are AKA the rules of the universe, which I would show you, I just don’t feel like it right now, and I’m a little worried about opening that Pandora’s box, but I clearly know the rules of this card game, as stated on this Home Depot plaque that Seto gave me after I won the last tourney.”
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Leon gets pretty upset about this--not so much screwing Seto Kaiba, but over the fact his brother stole his only chance at trying to beat Yugi Muto fair and square. So, trying to retain what little card honor he has left, Leon tries to self sabotage so everyone can just go the hell home.
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OK so...do you think he put a floppy disk into the paper card? Like straight up how did he do that? Feel free to post your theories because like...how do you hack a paper card? Like do we even have a canon explanation of what these cards are or what they are made out of and how they theoretically work?
Anyway, now that they’ve spent a good portion of this episode discussing if this card should or should not be played, and the ethics and philosophy surrounding that, we find out that none of this matters because Zigfried was actually just stalling.
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(He hacked the card so it had a virus like straight up how did he DO that without making a new card?)
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Y’all, what if I could just delete Google?
Can you imagine?
Like I know this is a kid’s show so it follows kid’s show logic and I will absolutely allow this ridiculous master plan and I will not question it, but think with me for a sec:
What if you could just delete Disney?
Damn. That’s some Y2K scare tactics propaganda right there. That’s some good YA dystopian fiction stuff.
Yo is Zigfried the good guy? He’s not, but if this were a YA novel he would be, right? Good on him.
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I...do not know how the logic in Zigfried’s brain works, but if someone deleted all the files in my collaborators company and showed up at my front door and was like “I heard you were looking for a new collaborator?” I’d stick him face first into a blank paper card.
Which is, logically, the next step to Zigfried’s plan that no one has bothered to tell him yet. You just don’t mess with Pegasus, especially after all the stuff he went though with getting murdered by Mai, and Dartz showing up, he’d be so pissed right now. He might not be technically magical anymore--but it’s clear after last season that he’s still magical enough. This is a man who’s let out into the wild maybe a couple of scary cards--but hell knows how many are buried in his huge ass castle just waiting to do a murder.
This is just Zigfried hassling a hornet and the hornets nest is like...right there.
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And so next episode we are going to...destroy the card? Hell, next episode might be entirely a card game and I might only have 2 caps.
Anyway, just letting you know that I typed this last night, and then had dreams that I got a Hime Haircut and hella loved it, woke up at 5:30 AM thinking about that haircut, and have since been just...
...I mean I shouldn’t do it...I cannot give myself unironic Von Schroeder hair...
...but what if it’s dope though?
(and here’s the link to read these from the beginning in chrono order from S1. Wish I categorized in seasons but alas I did not have that forsight back when I thought there were only 3 seasons of Yugioh total. I have since learned.)
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connordavidscamera · 3 years
Living, Learning, and Filming Ch. 2 | Connor Brashier
A/n: This is the rewritten version of this chapter which was originally posted on my Shawn account.
Summary: Days spent together could bring you and Connor closer… or bring someone else closer.
Warnings: is this a little jealous!Connor? 
Word count: 1.7k
Week 2
"Have you ever been in love?" Connor asks me.
I shake my head and tap a little at a spot on my nose. "I've been infatuated with a person. But no, never in love."
"Can you see yourself falling in love?"
I purse my lips, thinking it over. "Someday. I think maybe it just isn't the time for me yet. But it would be nice, I think, to find that comfort in someone. That someone that you want to spend every waking moment with."
I cringe at my answer, not because of what it was, but because in my head I can still see his face fall after I said it. He's so sure that I'll fall in love with him, but he's forgotten that this is a game. If one of us falls in love, we lose. But I guess we never discussed what would happen… if we both fell in love.
iMessage from: Hubby ;)
How's the editing going?
iMessage to: Hubby ;)
Think I need a break. Been at it for 3 hrs
iMessage from: Hubby ;)
Was hoping you'd say that
Before I even have the chance to ask what he means, his face appears on my phone. 
"What do you mean you're glad I said that?" I ask immediately after answering his FaceTime call.
"Well hello to you too."
I sigh, "Hi, Connor. Now what did you mean?"
"Come outside."
"What? Why?"
"Because I'm taking you to my place."
"And again I ask, why?"
"Because I want to hang out and Brian isn't home,” he says as if it’s the most obvious answer in the world. “Thought we could watch a movie or something."
"Connor, I really need to get this editing done. We have that check at the end of the week and -"
"So bring your computer. I can help if you need me to. Just come out, please? I’m bored,” he whines.
“But if I go-”
“If you don’t come down in five minutes I’m going up and getting you myself.”
“You don’t have my code.”
“I have another friend that lives in these dorms, I can have him let me in.”
I groan, “You’re too much. I’m not even ready. I haven’t put makeup on or anything.”
“Yeah, like you need it. Just put some shoes on and get your cute ass down here.”
I roll my eyes, “Whatever. I’ll see you in a minute.” I hang up before he can say something smug, which is likely. 
I slip into my favorite pair of jeans because, sorry Connor, but sweatpants is not an option right now. We’re not close enough for that.
“Y/n, look at me real quick,” I hear Connor’s voice from beside me and I sigh, rubbing my tired eyes.
“What?” I dare to glance over at him and he has his camera in front of his face, which causes me to cover mine. “No! Not now,” I whine, turning away from him, but he keeps recording. I try to focus on the overwhelming amount of video clips I have on the screen in front of me, but he’s distracting, annoyingly so. “Connor, I have to work on this.”
“Whatcha working on?”
“Our project, now please. Put that away,” I go to shove the camera away from me, but he catches my hand and laces our fingers. 
“Yeah, I’m working on it too. Gotta get you to fall in love with me somehow right?
I hum in response, feeling my cheeks burning up. His skin is so warm, and surprisingly smooth, I almost don’t want to let go. Almost. “Can I have my hand back, please?”
“Sure,” he lets go, but only after pressing a kiss to the top of my wrist. “Hey,” he says a minute later, camera still in his hand and facing me. 
“Hay is for horses,” I mutter, clicking a few keys on my laptop and watching the playback of the video. 
“What’s it gonna take for you to fall for me?” He asks, ignoring my comment.
“Stop trying so hard,” I admit too quickly. 
“And if I do, do I get to take you on a date?”
“Is this not one?” I smirk, giving him a side glance. The tops of his ears turn red, as do his cheeks, but only slightly. 
“It is if you stop working.”
I can’t help but laugh, “Alright,” I close my laptop and turn my body to face his. “Well?” I rest my arm on the back of the couch, my head leaning against my palm. “If I have to stop working doesn’t that mean you do, too?”
“Okay, okay.” He chuckles, “I can take a hint.”
“No you can’t,” I say jokingly before he turns off the camera. 
“I resent that. I can take hints.”
“Not when it comes to me, Brash.”
“How do you know I’m not just ignoring them?”
“Oh, I know you are. However, that’s not helping your case.”
“Fair enough.” he rests one arm on the back of the couch, his fingers just inches away from my elbow. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Depends on what it is.”
“When you said you’d never been in love, it had me thinking.”
“Okay. Should I be scared?”
“Have you ever had a boyfriend before?” He asks it like he needs to know the answer, his eyes so intense, looking into mine the way they are. It’s in this moment that I notice the slight blue that’s incorporated in his pretty green eyes. 
“Umm…” I casually reach for his fingers with my hand that was resting in my lap. “No.”
“Have you ever been close?” He questions, pressing our fingertips together.
“Define close,” I say, only focusing my attention to our hands and the way his skin feels under mine. 
“Have you been kissed?”
“You've been on a date?”
“If group dates count.”
“Eh,” he tilts his head from side to side. “No, not really.”
“Then no,” I shake my head. “I haven’t.”
“We’re gonna change that,” he says matter of factly.
“Excuse me?”
“One more question.”
“Wait, Connor.” I look up at him and I feel pinned down by his intense stare.
“Why haven’t you ever had a boyfriend?”
I sigh and shrug, “No one’s ever asked to be.”
“They’re goddamn idiots.”
I don’t know what to say to that, so I turn my head, focusing my attention to the movie on the screen, my fingers still playing with his, and he doesn’t move away.
“Hmm?” I hum, not bothering to look away from the screen.
“Would you like-?” before he can finish his sentence, the door opens and we quickly separate. Well… I separate.
"Brash, I brought - oh shit. Hi," the redhead says, while the tall curly headed boy behind him closes the door. "You must be y/n," he comes toward us and I stand, - which prompts Connor to do so also - holding my hand out to shake. "I'm Brian, Connor's roommate. And this is Shawn," he announces when we release our hands.
"Hi," I smiled, "I'm y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you both," I say, still shaking Shawn's hand.
"The pleasure is all mine." Shawn says, but he's still not letting go.
Connor clears his throat from beside me and his hand rests on the small of my back, causing my skin to burn under his touch. "Shawn, good to see you. What're you doing here?"
I don't know what compels me to do so, but I sink into Connor's touch, just a little bit, and his arm wraps loosely around my waist. 
Shawn shrugs, "The usual. Got a little studio time, have a show I'm going to." 
Connor nods, "Well make yourself at home. Does anyone want something to drink?" He focuses his eyes on me, "Baby, you want something?"
I know I should tell him not to call me that, but it sounds so good coming from his lips that I just can’t. "I'm okay. Thank you."
"It's getting late," I say into Connor's shoulder while we watch Brian and Shawn play FIFA. They both suck at it though and Connor makes sure to tell them every once in a while.
"You want me to take you home?" He looks down at me, and you can tell that his eyes are tired; I'm sure they match mine all the same.
He nods, "I'll go get your stuff from my room," he mumbles just loud enough for the boys to hear.
"You're leaving?" Brian pauses the game while both Connor and I stand up.
"Yeah, I have an eight am tomorrow, so I should get going."
"Be right back," Connor whispers into my ear, his lips touching my skin barely. I almost moan at the contact.
"Hey, y/n, before you go…" Shawn tosses the controller to the side and stands, his long limbs causing him to stumble a bit. "Can I talk to you about something?"
"Uh… sure,” I wring my hands together in front of me and nod. 
He walks over to the small kitchen area and leans against the counter. "So, uh… I'm gonna be in town for a few days."
"Okay…" I slip my previously entwined hands into my back pockets.
"And I was wondering, and you don't have to if you're busy or something. But I'd really love to get to know you. And, again, if you're not busy, maybe you'd like to… go on a date? With me."
"Oh." Shawn Mendes is asking me out. He's asking me out and he barely knows me. He's asking me out and -
"There you are," Connor smiles when he sees me, but it quickly falters when he meets eyes with Shawn. "You ready?"
"Yeah, um. Can I meet you in the car? I just want to finish up this conversation?" I'm avoiding his crazy beautiful, green-blue eyes when I speak because I know exactly what my answer will be if I do look into them. 
"Sure hon. Take your time." He brushes my arm with his finger tips before leaving the room.
"There's something going on with you and Connor, isn't there?" Shawn asks after we hear the door close.
"No," I shake my head. "Well… I don't know. It's complicated."
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