#hyunsung x you
!!! List #75 prompts #7 and #9 with hyunjin, han AND the reader !! 🤭
Prompts: "It's quiet. Too quie-" "HELLO IS ANYONE IN HERE?!"
"Great, guys. Real discreet."
Members: Hwang Hyunjin, Han Jisung
Relationship: Figure Skater!FemReader x Hockey Players!HyunSung
Genre: Fluff
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"Remember, I'm only doing this because we have a mutual enemy."
Hyunjin rolls his eyes, and not for the first time, you think he might be the sassiest bitch you've ever met.
"Yeah, yeah. We get it, Ice Queen. Now will you focus please?"
You huff a breath and adjust your position, stretching as tall as you can to try and reach the window above your head.
Beneath you, Jisung huffs out a choked sounding breath, and you feel him shift, trying to keep you both steady.
"Fuck, I don't know how much longer I can hold you up like this. Hurry up up there!"
You scoff. "Aren't hockey players supposed to be buff or some shit?"
Jisung doesn't answer, grunting in effort as you wobble slightly in your position on his shoulders.
You can't help the smirk that crosses your lips as you fingers finally find the latch, and you push open the window with a triumphant little squeal.
"Got it."
You can practically feel Jisung sigh beneath you in relief.
Hyunjin does a slow, sarcastic clap. "Awesome. Now hurry up and get your ass inside."
"You know-" You retort, shifting upward on Jisung's shoulders once again, enough that you can pull yourself up and halfway over the open window ledge, looking back at the two boys on the ground. "-for someone who is relying on me for this whole plan to work, you'd think you'd be a little nicer."
Hyunjin flips you off, and you bite back a smug grin as they disappear from view, dropping down into the quiet, dark room on the other side of the window.
Crouching for a moment, making sure you can't hear anything besides your quiet breathing, you stand up and, brushing your clothes off, head in the direction of the front entrance, making quick work of the lock when you get there.
Moments later, Jisung and Hyunjin burst through the now open door, duffle bags slung over their shoulders.
They brush past you without so much as a word.
"You're welcome." You mutter sourly under your breath, as you follow them down the long, deserted hallway and toward the ice rink.
Pushing open the door that leads to the ice, Hyunjin pauses, glancing around the empty seats of the rink with narrowed eyes.
"It's quiet. Too quie-"
He's cut off by Jisung stepping boldly onto the ice, cupping his hands around his mouth as he turns in a full, slow circle, calling out loudly, "HELLO?? IS ANYONE IN HERE?!"
You roll your eyes as Hyunjin sighs and rubs at his face with the palm of his hand, Jisung turning back to give you both a triumphant grin as he shrugs.
"See? Totally empty. We're good."
"Oh my god." You huff out, stepping onto the ice to join him, as he slings his duffle bag down and unzips it, noisily rifling through the contents. "Let's just get this over with."
Jisung glances up from where he's crouched, eyes gleaming wickedly. "Don't tell me the Ice Queen has never done anything illegal before?"
You open your mouth to retort, but Hyunjin beats you to the punch, setting his own bag of supplies down next to his buddy as he gives you a narrow eyed glare.
"Of course she hasn't. What about "Little Miss valedictorian stick up her ass daddy's little girl figure skater" screams 'break the law' to you, Sung?"
You glare at him, hoping you can set him on fire with your eyes, and he gives you one last glower in return before crouching down to help Jisung finish pulling out the supplies.
"For your information-" You start, hands on your hips, eyes burning holes into their skulls. "-I've done plenty of illegal things."
"Oh yeah?" Jisung's eyes light up with interest. "Like what?"
Hyunjin tosses you a can of spray paint, and you narrowly avoid dropping it onto the ice at your feet.
"Well, like-" You retort sharply, words drying up as Hyunjin stands and levels you with a knowing look. You humph and turn away from them, muttering under your breath, "-lots of things that aren't your business."
Jisung stands, straightening and stretching, and steps to the center of the ice, wielding a can of spray paint in each hand, a wicked look in his eyes as he grins over at the two of you.
"All right then. Show us what you got."
He marks a bold, black line of paint down the center of the ice rink.
You watch as Hyunjin does a cross line with his bright red paint, and then you step up beside them, hesitantly making a long, sweeping mark of blue paint parallel to Jisung's.
You have to admit, it's kind of freeing in a way.
"That's it, babe. Just like that. Fun, huh?"
Jisung elbows you in some sort of comradery, and you almost smile, before you bite back the knee jerk reaction and glare at him.
Hyunjin finishes his first can of paint and tosses it back into one of the empty bags, fishing out another and tossing a second one to Jisung, who catches it easily.
You all work in silence for a little while, the only sound your shoes squeaking on the ice, the paint leaving the cans, and Jisung humming a stupid little ditty beneath his breath, and eventually, when the cans are all empty, you step back and admire your work.
You have to hand it to you, it's pretty well done.
You've managed to paint your school's mascot onto the rival college's ice rink, complete with some messy line work around it, and it's not half bad. It'll definitely get the message across.
Jisung comes to stand beside you, slinging an arm around your shoulders, and you don't immediately shrug him off, but you don't know why.
"Nice." He remarks, whistling under his breath.
Hyunjin approaches you both, throwing the last empty cans into the bags before zipping them, and glances up at Jisung.
"Did you put in the secret message?"
Jisung grins with an arch of his brow. "Of course I fucking did."
"Secret message-?" You start to ask, not really sure if you want to know, and then you see it, right in the middle of the crudely drawn mascot.
A penis and a 'fuck you' scrawled in Jisung's sloping handwriting.
You roll your eyes even as the man beside you snickers.
"Great, guys. Real discreet." You mutter, shaking Jisung's lingering arm off you before you stalk toward the edge of the ice, ready to put this whole night behind you.
Honestly, why you even agreed to help two dumbass hockey players in the first place, you'll never know.
Some shitty saying about an 'enemy's enemy' or some other bullshit.
You head for the front door you'd left unlocked, not even bothering to see if the two guys are following behind you, not really caring if they get locked in here honestly, and push out into the cold, middle of the night air.
It feels good, invigorating, in your lungs, and you're reminded of the first time you ever skated, back home on your parent's small, iced over pond.
You'd skated for the joy of it all back then, and you still do, but now, things are heavier, more time consuming, and there's always more pressure.
Part of growing up you guess.
Jisung catches up to you at the bottom of the sidewalk, jogging to reach your side, duffel bag slung back over his shoulder, the empty cans bouncing noisily as he runs.
"Hey, Ice Queen. Wait up!"
You don't look at him as you pull out your phone and check the time.
Fucking 2 AM. God, you're going to regret this tomorrow.
Jisung pulls you to a stop, turning you to face him, and you glare him down.
"What?" You snap, wrenching your arm from his grip, ignoring the warmth of his fingers through your long sleeved shirt. "Why are you still following me? Don't you have stupid hockey things to do?"
You glance over his shoulder, but you don't see Hyunjin.
Jisung ignores your jab, cocking his head as he stares at you, something unreadable coming across his dark eyes that only serves to annoy you more.
"Seriously, dude, can we fucking not-" You start to say, and Jisung interrupts you before you can get the rest of the sentence out.
"Do you want to skate?"
You stare at him, not quite comprehending where he's going with this.
"Skate. You know. The thing you seem to love so much?" Jisung mimes a triple toe right there on the sidewalk, and you almost laugh.
"I skate every day." You offer back, glancing over your shoulder, not really sure what he's getting at. "Every day after class at practice and then I-"
Jisung is shaking his head, and Hyunjin appears behind him now, his own duffle bag held in his hands.
"No, not for anyone else. Not for practice. I mean-" He glances over at Hyunjin who arches his brow and then back to you. "-do you want to skate? Right now? For you?"
You narrow your eyes in suspicion, but you have to admit, you're a little bit intrigued.
"What do you mean?"
Hyunjin holds up a set of keys between his fingers and gives you the first smile you've seen all night.
"C'mon, Ice Queen. Live a little. Let's go to the rink."
Jisung lets out a loud whoop from the ice, skating around in circles almost lazily, his head tilted back to the ceiling.
"I cannot believe we fucking did that!" He crows, making a figure eight as he skates backward along one of the walls.
You glance up from the bench where you're tightening your skates and roll your eyes at his antics, and you'll never admit it because it would kill you, but it's hot to watch him easily fly around the rink, as if he was born for it.
Hyunjin heaves himself up from the bench beside you with a grunt and picks up a stick before he calls out to Jisung, "Sung, heads up!"
Tossing the stick, Jisung catches it easily, pushing around a puck on the ice as Hyunjin skates over to join him, setting up a mock little scrimmage between the two of them at the far end of the rink.
You take the guards off your skates slowly, one by one, and then stand, stretching out your muscles for a moment before you step onto the shiny, smooth surface of the rink, the ice crisp beneath your blades.
It's like breathing, or riding a bike. Muscle memory immediately kicks in as you push off and begin doing slow, languid laps around the outside of the rink, easily dodging the hockey players and their errant puck.
You close your eyes as you loop back to the center of the rink and drop into a low spin, your arms tucked, your skates carving into the ice as you go round and round and round.
You come out of it perfectly, and immediately move in to a triple axel, and it feels good, to just skate in the quiet for once and let all your thoughts go silent.
You haven't done it in awhile, and you forgot how much you missed it.
You come out of the second loop and skate a figure eight, navigating backward around the rink for a moment before you slide to a stop, catching your breath.
You realize the boys' whoops and ribbing from before has died down, and the rink is quiet.
Glancing over, you see the two of them watching you from beside the net, Jisung leaning against the frame, clearly checking you out, boldly looking you up and down, and Hyunjin trying to be a little more discreet about it, playing with the puck at his feet as he flicks his gaze up and down to you.
"What?" You ask, and you feel lighter than earlier on in the night. You shrug and do a little spin, laughing. "Never seen a figure skater before, hockey boys?"
You're still spinning, when arms grab you around the waist and pull you into a broad chest, forcing you to a stop and making you give a little shriek of surprise.
It's Jisung, looking down at you with wide dark eyes and a stupid grin on his face, and your heart does a weird little skip in your chest.
"Not one as pretty as you, Ice Queen. That's for sure."
You can feel the heat pooling in your cheeks at his words, and you break from his grasp, skating backward away from him, even as he advances toward you, something wicked flashing in his eyes at your teasing.
"I'll make you a bet." You say, just because you can, and Jisung arches a brow in interest, still slowly skating toward you.
"I'll take it."
Your back hits the plastic of the side wall, and you huff out a breath, as Jisung cages you in, arms going on either side of you, staring down at you with something unreadable on his features.
"You don't even know what it is." You protest, voice coming out more breathless than you would have liked.
"I don't have to." He smirks, reaching out to twirl a lock of your hair between his fingers. "Not when it comes to you."
You clear your throat and will your heart to stop pounding in your chest.
"You both learn a spin, and I'll let you teach me something hockey related."
Jisung grins, all wide and heart shaped. "Deal."
You skate back to the center of the rink, Jisung on your heels, and Hyunjin approaches, skating smaller and smaller circles until he comes to a stop in front of the two of you.
He arches a brow. "Well? Are you gonna show us or what?"
You roll your eyes, and drop into the easiest spin you know.
"See?" You straighten back up and put your hands on your hips. "Easy. Try it."
Hyunjin shoots Jisung a look, and the other merely shrugs, before trying to copy your movements.
He falls right on his ass.
You can't help it, you laugh, and he grins up at you from his spot on the ice.
"Coulda swore I had it."
You help him back up, and they both try again, until they've mostly got it right.
You do a little round of applause for them when they both manage it without falling down, and bite back a grin as you regard them.
"I'm impressed, I'll admit it. Didn't think you hockey players had it in you."
"Okay, that's it." Jisung growls playfully, grabbing you and dragging you toward the goal and abandoned sticks as you giggle. "Jinnie, grab a stick. It's our turn now, Ice Queen."
They place you in front of the goal, and Hyunjin offers you his hockey stick, Jisung coming in close behind you and wrapping his arms around you as he shows you where to properly place your hands on the worn, taped surface.
"Like this." His breath is warm on your skin and his voice low in your ear as he guides your fingers a little more to the right. "And then this." He adjusts a knuckle and nods against your shoulder in approval. "You're a natural, babe. A prodigy even."
You snort under your breath, and Hyunjin moves up to shove Jisung aside, taking his place.
"She hasn't even hit anything yet." He mutters under his breath, resting the sharp jut of his chin on your shoulder as he leans forward, and you resist the urge to shiver as his warm breath washes across the shell of your ear. "Okay, ready?"
You nod, trying hard to focus, and let Hyunjin guide the stick along the ice, tapping the puck in the direction of the waiting goal.
It barely touches the net, not enough force behind your hesitant first swing, but Jisung makes adoring crowd noises anyway and claps for you regardless, making you bite back another smile.
"And the crowd goes wild! Ice Queen! Ice Queen! Ice Queen!"
"You're not so bad, you know that, Ice Queen?" Hyunjin murmurs beneath the sound of Jisung's cheering for only you to hear, and you get the weird suspicion that he's not talking about hockey anymore.
It does something strange to the rhythm of your heart in your chest.
You all play around like that for a little longer, the boys helping you hit a few more pucks into the net, you teasing them about their spin formations, but eventually, you gather up your shit, take off your skates, and head for home.
Jisung is locking up the door of the ice rink behind you when Hyunjin steps to your side, glancing at you sidelong as he adjusts the strap of the duffle bag hanging from his shoulder.
"Wanna know something?"
You huff a little snort beneath your breath. "Not really."
Hyunjin gives you an amused look, and you have to force your breathing to remain even as his plush lips-have they always been that pink?-pull upward into the hint of smirk.
He gestures over his shoulder with his chin toward Jisung, who is swearing as he searches for the keys he dropped on the ground by his feet.
"He's been in love with you for like fucking forever."
You stare at him, jaw slack, and then swallow, clearing your throat.
Hyunjin shrugs, hands in his pockets, not looking at you, as he stares off into the dark night sky.
"Yeah. I told him it was a fucking pipe dream to get you to notice him, but the kid's a fucking romantic."
"So tonight-" You start to say, but are interrupted by Jisung appearing at your side, dropping the keys into Hyunjin's bag as he slings an arm around each of your shoulders.
"What're you two lovebirds talking about?" He glances between you and Hyunjin's unreadable expression, amusement glinting in his eyes.
Hyunjin shakes his head, shrugging off his friends arm as he heads toward the parking lot.
"Nothing, man. Absolutely nothing."
You're rooted to the spot for a minute, still mulling over Hyunjin's words, and Jisung whistles long and low beneath his breath, watching his friend disappear on the way to the car.
He turns to you, eyes glinting, and arches a brow.
"He'll never tell you this himself, babe, because manly hockey shit or whatever, but he's down so fucking bad for you."
You gape at him.
Jisung shrugs and starts off down the hill after Hyunjin, calling over his shoulder, "You coming, Ice Queen, or what?"
You shake yourself out of your daze and run after them before they disappear from sight.
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sofonn · 10 months
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they had one promise for both: when everything, every scenario is over, just listen to each other's stories
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yeahspider · 1 year
sharing toys 🕸️
VE’s note - hyunsung yes plz . hyune is a lil perv and possessive and jisung is just here for a good time . dom!jisung x sun f.reader x switch!hyunjin reader is stuck in the middle (a good place to be tbh) of them . nsfw . well actually it’s just suggestive but yk . not proofread . if you want a part 2 with smut lmk ! my requests are open stop by ! oh and this was inspired by play date - melanie martinez bye .
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hyunjin was annoyed . you were supposed to be at the party with him , not his friend . watching you giggle with him as you drunkenly lay in jisung’s lap is making his blood boil . you were his , he had already marked a claim on you and jisung knew this . so why is he flirting with something that doesn’t belong to him . watching jisung tap your thigh as a sign for you to get up and follow him had him fuming . following behind you he couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you were. no matter how long your string him along a part of him would always belong to him . stepping up to the door he saw you enter hyunjin could hear you guys giggling . he wanted to know what was funny , he wanted to make you laugh .
“you know have you tried talking to him about it ? you never know he might be down” he heard jisung say to you . hyunjin knows he should feel ashamed about listening to your conversation with his ear pressed to the door but a bigger part of him didn’t care . he was just looking out for you .
but what if he thinks i’m weird jisung ? you question . if he ever rejected me i don’t know what i would do with myself . who was this he you were talking about . and why were you seeking comfort from his best friend and not him .
“have you seen the way he looks at you ? he would never reject you pretty.” hyunjin was getting more irritated by the second . only he could be enamored with you no one else .
you don’t know that jisung . he could just be friendly. he can hear the frown in your voice and it makes him frown with you . whoever was making you feel sad would face him he vowed in that moment .
“my best friend kitten . he tells me everything . he speaks so highly of you trust me he’s in love”. hyunjin was absolutely floored . jisung didn’t have many friends which means he was talking about him .
but hyunjin is so him and i’m just me . that frown was still apparent in your voice and he knew he couldn’t stand behind the door forever . not when you were speaking down on yourself he couldn’t allow it . opening he door to your shocked face and jisung smiling he walked up to where you were standing and kissed you . he could feel your body flinch before you melted into him . pulling apart when he felt you needed to brave he cupped your face in his hands and locked eyes with you .
“don’t ever think you’re not good enough for me . you’re everything . you’re betautul and smart and so so kind and i’ve you’re more than enough for me . i don’t want to hear you talk down on yourself ever again okay ? . hyunjin waited for your nod before releasing you . in that moment he had completely jisung was still present in the room and til he heard a clap coming from the bed .
okay well since were confessing things pretty girl here has something to spill . jisung says with the slyest smile hyunjin had ever seen . he could feel your shoulders rise and you let out a sigh . locking eyes with you again he never expected the words that spilled from your lips next .
“hyunjin i like you but i also like jisung and i know you probably think that’s disgusting and i really can’t help it i swear i tried okay but it’s just you’re both so great and so nice to me and i don’t know what to do -“ hyunjin cut off your ramble with another kiss . pulling the prettiest sound he’s ever heard from your lips . he was a little suprised with himself that jealous and anger were nowhere to be found within his heart . he’s known jisung his whole life . he trusts him . and knowing you did too was making blood rush to his pants .
“it’s okay . i mean i’m surprised honestly but i’m just glad you like me and i guess i’d your were to also like someone else jisung isn’t the worse person to have feelings for .” he says with a bit of laughter falling out his lips .
i feel like i should be offended somehow . jisung said as he came up behind you and grabbed your hips , softly pushing you closer to hyunjin . and who knew hyune bee could learn how to share . he teased to older boy , who just sent him a light hearted glare .
“so what now .” you asked with anticipation lacing your voice . “i can think of a few things to do”, hyunjin said as he peppered light kisses on your neck . jisung’s hands tightened on your hips as you tilted your head back so he could continue exploring . jisung tugged on your hip and pulled you away from hyunjin with a playful smirk on his face earning a whimper from the entranced boy in front of you .
i think it’s time to teach hyunjin how to properly share don’t you princess ?
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rachalixie · 2 years
a/n: for @moonacholy’s request for spooky fic with vampire hyunsung and witch felix and reader! sorry i lost your ask baby, i posted it and had to delete it and repost :(
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you giggle at hyunjin’s sigh as jisung applies another layer of white makeup to his face, and you follow in with a delicate swipe of blush just like you knew he didn’t want it. he’s wearing a ridiculous dracula outfit that shouldn’t look good on anyone, complete with greased back hair and a red lined cape. but hyunjin looks unfairly good in everything, so. he looks phenomenal.
“vampires aren’t even this pale. i should know. i am one.” he whines, kicking jisung’s shin much harder than he ever could kick a human’s. jisung, on the other hand, went the twilight route, with glistening sparkly skin and his glowy yellow eyes out on display. he’s wearing a shirt that says say it. out loud. it made you cackle when he first emerged from his room in it.
“oh really?” jisung feigns surprise, his red-painted lips forming into a perfect ‘O’. “i’ve never met a vampire before! what’s that like? what does blood taste like?”
“jisung shut up, you literally drank some of my blood last night.” felix rolls his eyes as he joins you all in the kitchen and wraps an arm around you. “the blood that i drew out for a really important potion, and i now need to wait for the next full moon to arrive to do. remind me to never let you drink witches blood again, by the way, it makes you way too hyper.”
you ignore jisung’s indignant squawk to turn towards your boyfriend and press a soft kiss to his cheek. he has star sequins dotting his face, one for each freckle you could find, and his tall and pointy witches hat matches the one perched on top of your head. it almost falls off when you lean in, but he catches it with one hand while the other squeezes you closer into him. he winks at you as you let some of your magic seep through the air, turning the tips of his hair bright pink and the fringe of yours a deep purple.
“are we going out?” you ask, glancing at the time on the microwave’s clock. it’s nearly 10pm, the day is almost over and you want to get out at least a couple hours of being out and about in your true forms, even if it’s playing pretend. you’re meeting your werewolf friend chan and his packmates jeongin and seungmin at a party, and you’re sure that felix’ fae cousin changbin and his mermaid roommate minho will be there too. among a bunch of unassuming humans too, but tonight thats the least of your worries. its halloween, the one night you all don’t have to hide.
“one more shot before we go!” jisung cries, pouring out a couple of blood shots for him and hyunjin while you pour out normal ones for you and felix. in different colored shot glasses, of course, you can only make the mistake of accidently drinking blood once before you learn quickly how not to mix them up.
you all stumble out of your apartment together, walking towards the full moon and enjoying each other’s company until you hear a series of loud kissing noises and a thump coming from behind you.
“but hyunjinnie!” jisung is pouting, draping himself over hyunjin’s shoulders and keeping his grip when the taller boy tries to knock him off. “you’re my soulmate!”
“maybe. doesn’t mean i want your lips anywhere near mine.” the blonde boy grimaces, taking jisung’s hand anyways.
“after over 200 years of being together, you think they would get tired of the bickering,” felix’ deep voice hits your ears, drawing attention away from the mess behind you and onto the boy whose hand your holding.
“you think we’re going to end up like them in 100 years?” you ask, smiling at him as if you know the answer already.
he just smiles in response, eyes twinkling like the stars as you continue to walk together.
soft hours
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crystalcatgamer · 1 year
Stars in your irises
Happy birthday, Lee Hyunsung! A character study of 999th round Lee Hyunsung (and his relationship with Yoo Joonghyuk, among other things)
Lee Hyunsung's not good with emotions, not good with words, but when he sits down hesitantly next to Yoo Joonghyuk by the campfire, the man turns to him with a faint fondness that makes Lee Hyunsung blush a little. Maybe he'll offer his captain a toasted marshmallow or a bowl of stew and sit in pleasant silence until one of the kids notices them and scrambles over to make a grab for Yoo Joonghyuk's attention.
A loyal soldier and his captain; nine hundred and ninety-nine rounds, and still the regressor has his shield.
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roseykat · 10 months
Hello, my name is Rose and welcome to my masterlist! Here you’ll find all of my works released and yet to be released. I write mainly smut but I may or may not post wholesome/soft content and also angst in the future!
Most of my posts will have an icon beside the story title to indicate which story is R18/smut based. If there is no star beside the title, then the story is not smut and is safe to read. All of my works will be linked to the tag 'rosiewritesskz' here on Tumblr! Happy reading!
♡ - SMUT
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Same coin, different faces - KINKTOBER23 ♡
Open Game ♡ - yet to be released
Napalm Hazard ♡ - yet to be released
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Barb Wired Brat ♡
Siphoned Guilt ♡
Venom Biter ♡
Venom Eater ♡
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These hands were made for you - KINKTOBER23 ♡
Brown Eyes Don’t Pry ♡
Solitude for an extrovert - yet to be released
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Loss of Inhibition ♡
Like Throwing Petrol on a Fire KINKTOBER23 ♡
Shutterfly Butterfly ♡ - yet to be released
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Hell's Baby - KINKTOBER23 ♡
Milk and Honey ♡ - yet to be released
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Marzipan, Cherries, and Whipped Cream - KINKTOBER23 ♡
Unripe Strawberries ☆ + ♡ - yet to be released
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If the collar fits KINKTOBER23
Don't bite the hand that feeds you - KINKTOBER23 ♡
Foul Play - Part 2 to Don’t bite the hand that feeds you ♡
Monsoon Seasons' Driftwood ☆ - yet to be released
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Weeding out the weak - KINKTOBER23 ♡
Table Manners and Bible Studies KINKTOBER23 ♡
Table Manners and Bible Studies Pt 2 ♡
Savoury Love ☆ - yet to be released
How they are when they cum ♡
Calling him ‘daddy’ ♡
How they eat you out ♡
Hyung line reacting to making you squirt - KINKTOBER23 ♡
Maknae line reacting to making you squirt - KINKTOBER23 ♡
Phone Sex - KINKTOBER23 ♡
SKZ’s favourite type of lingerie on you ♡
Sexual habits ♡
SKZ members and their Kinks ♡
SKZ members as submissives’ ♡
How he talks to you during sex ♡
Favourite positions ♡ - yet to be released
The type of porn content creators they are ♡ - yet to be released
Blowjobs ♡ - yet to be released
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Tempest Needs - Minsung x reader ♡
Eat, sleep, play - Minsung x reader (KINKTOBER23) ♡
Some things are better left unknown - Chanlix x reader (KINKTOBER23) ♡
Noxious Compulsions - Minsung x reader ♡ - yet to be released
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PLAY BITE SERIES - Hyunsung + reader
Part 1 - Play Bite ♡
Part 2 - Play Fight ♡
Part 3 - Play Right ♡
Part 4 - Play Tight ♡
Part 5 - Play Night ♡
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Bang Chan #1 ♡
Bang Chan #2 ♡
Minho #1 ♡
Minsung threesome♡
Minsung ♡
Felix fingering you ♡
Minsung #1 ♡
Changbin ♡
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minhohours · 2 months
what i want | han jisung & hwang hyunjin
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Pairing: Jisung x F!Reader x Hyunjin
Summary: you've been their roommate for a few months. you haven't left their minds for a few months. they thought that they'd be happy with silently fantasizing about you. they were dead wrong. one night, they decide to talk to you, a real, honest talk, and they discover just how far you are willing to go for them
Genre: smut
Content: non idol! hyunsung, teasing, threesome, dirty talk, begging, fingering, groping, dry humping, oral (f & m recieving), diy bondage, body worship, boob/nipple play, deep throating, penetration, deep throating while being penetrated, protected sex, overstim
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You look down and.. uh oh! Your hole is gone. Where there used to be your genitals, it's just as smooth as a barbie.
"It's gone?" Jisung asks.
"Yeah..." you say.
Hyunjin takes a look.
"Yeah, it's gone," he says with a sigh.
"Well that sucks," you say. Now how are you supposed to have a threesome?
Hyunjin looks up from your flat area. "You should probably see a doctor about that."
"I guess..."
The next day you go to your doctor, who also happens to be Hyunjin.
"Damn... It's still gone," Dr. Hyunjin says professionally. "I was hoping this would've fixed itself overnight. He openly googles 'my patient is flat what do i do????' and no results show up, because Google is a terrible search engine.
And so, you are cursed to be completely flat down there for the rest of your life. Sad!
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femd-archive · 5 months
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pairing: omniscient reader's viewpoint — lee hyunsung x fem!reader
word counting: 0.9k
content warning: both hyunsung and reader are soldiers in korea's army | kinda risky sex? but not really lol | pegging | slight nipple play | reader calls hyunsung's pecs 'tits' | feminization | dumbification | hands-free cumming | mention of pregnancy | aftercare
summary: you fuck hyunsung so dumb that he thinks you got him pregnant
side note: english is not my first lenguage, so i apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes
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With so little strenght, you push both of your bodies inside Hyunsung's room and close the door behind you, clumsly putting the lock on as you kept kissing your needy boyfriend.
Pulling apart, you attack Hyunsung's neck, making him bit his bottom lip. "I-I don't t-think we should do this here" he managed to say as he fights back the moans in the back of his throat.
"Why baby?" you grin against the skin of his neck. "Worried that the rookies might come back earlier? Don't worry, I send them to a 45 minutes morning run, and after that, they need to attend kitchen and laundry duties" you left another kiss on his jawline as you start to unbutton his uniform shirt. "That give us more than an hour, and I can work with that to make you feel good" you leave a little peck on his pouty lips, discarding his shirt from his body and throwing it in some part of the floor's room.
"Abuse of power" is the only thing that Hyunsung mumbles, making you chuckle as you grab him by his thick thighs.
He wraps his arms around your neck and jumps to your arms, wrapping his legs around your waist as he lets you guide the both of you to his bed and laying him in the matress.
Between lots of kisses and a few whispers of 'I love you', both of you ended up naked as you carried your pink strap-on on your hips. Hyunsung watched you with heart on his eyes as you lubed the dildo up, all while holding his legs up to his chest, waiting for you to fuck him.
"Ready, baby?" you ask, finally putting the lub bottle on the side and move between his legs. He nods cutely, making you smile and unable to resist the urge of kissing hum. Bending down, you leave a kiss on his lips which he returns. "You've been waiting for this, love?" you ask as you guide the tip of the dildo to his lubed hole.
"Yes love" he sighs dreamily, closing his eyes and throwing his head back as he feels half of it going in. "Been so good...fuck me?" he asks, looking at you with those puppy-like teary eyes. How could you say no to such a cutie?
"Gladly" you shortly answer before thrusting was left of the dildo inside of your boyfriend, smiling at the way his eyes roled back as he let out a silent gasp. "Gonna fuck you full, yeah?" you grunt, starting to move your hips on fast pace.
Soon, the room fills up with Hyunsung embarrassing moans and the sound of your thighs slapping against his ass. The bed squeaks slightly, maybe loud enough for somebody to hear if they lean over the door, but not enough to be perceive so easily.
Hyunsung wrap his strong legs around your waist, pulling you closer and not letting you go. You reach out to his pecs, squeezing them before moving your fingers to play with his nipples.
"Look at your tits baby, they're so big" you chuckle, hearing him whimper. "They would be perfect to feed babies" you simply comment before slightly slapping his right peck, resuming back your thrusts.
Through teary eyes, Hyunsung looked at you and then back at his redden tits. In his fuzzy mind, the image of forming a family with you popped surronded by flowers and rainbows. Besides the pool of pleasure that formed in his tummy, his chest also swollen with love at the thought of carrying your kids on him and, after they were born, to cradle them in his arms, breastfeeding him with his big tits.
His left hand moves to his low stomach, where his 'womb' is as you kept on fucking him.
You give the last few thrusts as you see the thick ropes of cum shot all over your boyfriend's abs and chest, smiling at his ruined state. If only his soldiers saw how pathetic their lieutenant is, but this was a sight for you only.
Leaving a kiss on his cheek, you pull out of him, earning a whimper because of the empty feeling left on him. Taking the strap-on off, you leave on the side, deciding to clean it later for you to be able to take care of your boyfriend in his state.
"You okay, baby?" you ask, leaving a kiss on his forehead as you clean the cum out of his torso.
"Mmh, feeling so full" he slurs as he softly pats his stomach, now full of your babies. "What do you want it to be? A boy or girl?" he asks, caressing his tummy with circle movements as he looks dreamily at it.
You stop your own movements for a second, looking at him in shock. He looks back at you, a loving gaze meeting yours along with his cute tired smile, and there is where it hits you. «Oh, he's completely out of it» you think to yourself, as well as something new awakens in you. It wouldn't be bad to see your adorable Hyunsung with a swollen belly walking around.
"Mmh, a boy, so I can look at a mini version of you everyday" you answer back, finishing cleaning him up and tossing the wipes into the trash can besides the bed.
"Oh ~ I also want a girl for her to have all your features, and be as beautiful as her mama" he chuckles, voice slurred and dazed.
You finish putting him on some fresh briefs before moving beside him to cuddle him under the bed sheets. "Guess we'll just gotta wait to know what it's gonna be, right?"
"Mmh, but we're gonna love them regardless of who they are" he whispers, feeling his heavy eyes finally lose to the sleep.
Hearing his soft breathing you smile, leaving another kiss on his forehead as you cuddle him closer. "That's right, love"
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[taglist] @tomiokx (sorry it took me so long TT i had terrible writer's block for a while. but here it is :D hope you like it ^^)
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d10nsaint · 7 months
HOW YOU COMFORT THEM WHEN THEY CRY | Kdj, Yjh, Lgy, Lys x fem! reader (platonic for the minor)
request: here !
saint, stfu?!; dtop my inbox id rotting I need to write fastar
when Kim Dokja cries, its bound to be in an isolated place late at night, so nobody can find him. he wouldnt want to worry anybody with his ‘stupid’ feelings.
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The sound of sniffling awoke you, making you step out of the tent that you slept in. When you fully stepped out and looked around, you saw Dokja sitting on a log by the fire.
“…Dokja? Are you alright? Why are you still awake?”
He jolts as he notices you, and quickly wipes his eyes. He turns around at you and smiles.
“..what are you doing awake, (y/n)? Is everything alright?” He asks, his eyes red, but heavy with confusion and comfort.
“I could ask you the same thing…” You say, walking towards him. You sit on the log next to him, and he watches. He thinks of a response to satiate your curiosity, but cant come up with a good enough excuse.He sighs and looks at the fire.
“It was nothing. I was just thinking.” He says, resting his head on one of his hands.
“I mean, you can talk to me if you want. I wouldnt mind,” You say, putting your head onto his shoulder.
He smiles at you and sighs attentively. He felt so lucky to have someone to talk to.
When Yoo Joonghyuk cries, he suppresses the tears, making them drop slowly like faint rain before a storm. He tries his hardest to hold his tears back, keeping his head down so nobody can see him cry.
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As you finish a monster, you look over at Joonghyuk, ready to smile at him, but then you realize something.
Hes just standing there. In the rain.
He would usually usher you to get ready to move on and fight another monster for the benefits, but he just…wasnt saying anything.
“Are you alright, Joonghyuk?” You say, walking up to him with a hand out steadily, trying to reach his shoulder.
As your fingers slowly touch his coat that was soiled by the rain, you realize his broad shoulders were shaking and he flinches, then quickly swats your hand away. You sigh, pouting, watching him turn around and mutter a quiet “m’ fine.”
“If you ever need anything, you can talk to me. We’re friends, after all. Im here for you.” You say, as you pick up your equipment and look at his back.
“..we dont have time for this.” He says, walking away, expecting for you to follow. Little did you know, he wanted to take you up on the offer.
when Lee Gilyoung cries, it’s bound to be after a tough encounter with a monster, or after a nightmare. He hyperventilates—unable to breathe or focus on anything.
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You deliver the final blow on a monster, out of breath. You stand there for a few seconds, trying to atleast regain some of your stamina. It was a close fight.
You turn around to check on your crew, firstly checking on the youngest, Lee Gilyoung.
When you reach him, you quickly realize the little boy was shaking.
“Gilyoung?! Are you alright?” You say as you go down on your knees and look up at the boy. His eyes were red and his shoulders shook, with a quivering lip.
He tries to respond, but his words come out in hiccups, and he takes sullen breaths of air as he tries to breathe.
“slow down, its okay,” you say, rubbing his shoulders, trying to calm him down. You take a water out of your inventory, then look at him.
His breath slows down back to normal, and he drinks some of the water, as his lips stop quivering.
“..i think im feeling better now.” He says, looking up at you. His eyes were puffy and he sniffled. He looked downwards, ashamed.
You gave him a hug.
“Im so glad you’re alright, Gilyoung.” You say, as you rub his back. He reluctantly hugs you back, but then quickly melts into the hug.
“Thank you, Unnie.”
Lee Hyunsung’s tears are big droplets, flowing from his puppy eyes. His eyes get extremely watery, and he sniffles a lot when he cries.
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After a tough day, Lee Hyunsung comes home to you and sulks, his big eyes watery and his mouth pouty.
You drag him to the bed, and he tells you about his day, all while sniffing. When he gets to the worst part of his day, he fully breaks down in your arms. You stroke his hair, telling him that everything is going to be okay.
As he slowly stops sobbing, he immediately apologizes—he says that “no man should cry to his wife,” and that “he should be comforting you, not the other way around”.
His eyes are red and puffy, and his lips are pouting as he looks down as if he’s disappointed in himself. You put a hand on his cheek and kiss it.
“Honey, it’s alright. There’s no reason to feel this way,” You say, smiling at him. “I’ll comfort you, and you’ll comfort me. Simple.” He smiles down at you, then wraps his arms around you, nuzzling into your chest as you two lay down.
“How did I get so lucky…?”
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nightylantern · 2 months
Yoo Joonghyuk x Reader; A story of two regressors
Haha didn’t think I would do ORV? Y’all I need more orv fics, HUGE novel spoilers so beware, but no explicit spoilers so if you are only WEBTOON reader and have no context of the novel you may end up confused, I will write novel free version, and it will be available later this week or next week so stay tuned!
You both were the same, yet different
The both of you had been given the skill “regression,” and thus you both had agreed to be companions, before Kim Dokja appeared followed by a noticeable Han Sooyoung. Beforehand it was just the two of you, the both of you bled together and teamed up in the previous regressions, the two of you wholly relied on each other and swore to always to keep the other in check, regardless of how far along you would be.
When you both met, it was your 0th turn and his first turn. You both were in different cabs and came out of the train, along with Kim Namwoom and Lee Hyunsung. Eventually meeting Lee Jihye and recruiting her aswell saving Lee Seolhwa from Anitus. You barely recall what had happened in that regression aside from bonding with the crew and having a playful relationship with Yoo Joonghuk, you teased him a lot, trained with him, and the two of you became each others support, each others weight. Was that to say the two of you were romantically involved? No, both of you were prioritizing your survival and plus, Yoo Joonghyuk had his little sister to protect. Regardless, you bonded over your power aswell as the fact that you would see each other again in the next life, until your quick end came within a few scenarios.
When you woke in your 1st regression, you recall Joonghyuk calling for you, clearly a bit disheveled, you were happy to see he also was sent back, but sad when you realised your old companions weren’t. It was hard, you couldn’t reminisce with Jihye about the early scenarios, couldn’t bring up the funny moments with Namwoon, or even small talks with Hyunsung unless they happened again…but even if it did they…felt so different. You recalled how Joonghyuk was a bit colder in that round, but still a bit hopeful nonetheless, and then the both of you were approached by Anna Croft, where you found suspicion, he took the offer she gave, an offer to save the world.
Once again Lee Seolhwa was in your group except her relationship with Joonghyuk was much more…comfortable I suppose. You thought you had seen his eyes linger on her on the previous round, and now you were sure because it was clear he had feelings for her. You often told him not to let his feelings take over, for they were in the middle of survival and loving someone would just be tragic, yet he continued to love, and while you warned him for his own good you couldn’t help but feel…petty.
You watched as they would eventually get married, and eventually they even were going to have a child, and while you supported them every step of the way your heart continued to ache, and then Anna Croft betrayed you all. You recall how Joonghyuk cried when his sister died, he looked to desperate at that time, but when Seolhwa and his unborn child died he went mad, so mad that he accidentally killed you, but even as you were dying you held on him tight, hugging him, apologising for being weak and promising you will be there in the next round. By the time he was able to snap out of it he cradled your body, and for the last time he cried, and then it all went black.
When you met in the next regression, his third one, everything that you had gone through felt so…distorted, it was as if after all of that time you went through hundreds if not thousands of regressions ahead rather than just one… but when you met Joonghyuk who looked rather shaken but closed off completely you confirmed it was the 3rd round, after all if it wasn’t the third round what round would it be, a secret unknown round hundreds of rounds ahead?
This round was much different, he considered you his companion but he was so cold, he monopolised what he could and was different from before, but it was understandable considering what he had went through. On top of that not only was Kim Namwoon dead and other people had survived, a suspicious man named Kim Dokja also appeared and had known the future. It was interesting, he knew of Yoo Joonghyuk but when he looked at you he seemed confused, and he was pale when Joonghyuk said you were his companion of his last two rounds despite Dokjas offer, but it wasn’t as if it was because you had taken the offer, it was if you were an anomaly, a glitch in the system, something that wasn’t supposed to exist, or maybe he didn’t know you existed as he seemed confused about your presence. It was different for you as you seemed to have recognized him, you never seemed to have met him but he looked so…familar. He wanted to help, but the last time Joonghyuk trusted someone both of you died horribly, so he tested him by throwing him off the bridge and sure enough, he proved himself through the scenarios.
It was the three of you until Han Sooyoung came along, another woman along with Sangah, Heewon, and Gilyoung who looked familar…it made you think every time you were stumped, but you guys remained close nonetheless. You would train, laugh when Kim Dokja did something to irritate him, and Joonghyuk would try his best to comfort you when you felt like you were gonna go into the regression depression just as you would with him(Though Kim Dokja was the one who would help the most.) There were times where he would even doze off near you, times where he would cook for you and times he would leave you with Yoo Mia, and if either of you “rested your eyes” on each others shoulder, nobody would say a word.
“Do you think this time we will make it to the end?” He asked you surprisingly, you thought his optimism was gone but it seemed that he still had hope left. “I don’t want to get our hopes up but…we have Kim Dokja so I’m sure we will be fine…” You trailed off, but he knew you were worried, he patted your head as he took his leave out of the base. Strange, he didn’t do that ever in this round…
Kim Dokja always took the lead rather than Joonghyuk this time around, and you were grateful as he always protected every one (at the expense of his safety unfortunately, which you would bonk him over the head for.) But even so, the way he always looked at you was so…off, it wasn’t jealousy, in fact Han Sooyoung who often was with Dokja in terms of plans even looked at you confused and suspiciously, it was as if you had never existed beside Yoo Joonghyuk, which couldn’t be true, you were in Joonghyuk previous regressions right? They knew Jihye, Hyunsung, Seolhwa, aswell as others and knew how things worked, and yet when it came to you… perhaps it was some prank as the two were always together, it had to be right? After all you were in the last [redacted] regressions-
“Wait, what did I just say..?” You thought as you blacked out
you were in a dark abyss, but you could hear voices around you, some were panicked and others were calm, and a huge amount of memories flooded through you, yet you couldn’t pick through any of them, they were all distorted, and suddenly you heard a deep but clear voice.
“A shame really,” the deep voice said as you felt a gloved hand stroke your cheek, “after all of those rounds of suffering, I’m left to see him reap the rewards? A companion who could regress despite the presence being non existent before hand.” What? “And a companion who knows the future, and yet that person remains as arrogant and ungrateful as ever.” He wasn’t referring to you, he was referring to that person. You wanted to see who was infront of you, or seemed to be in front of you, but the hands moved from you cheek to your eyes and covered it as your body, “relax,” the voice said somewhat gently, “you will be back with HIM soon.” As you felt your body becoming more relaxed and heavy, you heard him mention that person again, aswell as some mumbling, but there was one sentence you could hear from him clearly, and from the direction of his voice you knew it wasn’t towards you, but towards that person again, and his voice carried both resentment, and sadness;
“Why is it not me but you?”
Credits go to the ORV Novel and its amazing authors, I hope you enjoyed this story! I won’t deny that I actually tried to dig a bit into lore with this fic! I have no plans to write any sort of series in regards to my lore, but I do have an idea of the lore. If I ever do put it out there someone, as long as they credit me can do it in my stead! Farewell!
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slytherinbangchan · 2 months
Chap7: Die For You♡ (Hyunsung Hybrids Au)
This is part of my Han Jisung & Hwang Hyunjin x fem reader hybrids au. There's a bit of angst on this chap but they're fine dw.
Hybrid's Au masterlist -> 🔞contains smxt in most chapters🔞
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Your friend and Chan left in the morning, but Hyunjin didn't come back until midnight. He didn't change back into his hybrid form either. Not for a few days at least, nor long periods of time.
He still would come to your room on his nights to sleep next to you, and he also would still growl at you if you tried to pet him, or walk away if you talked to him. So you stopped trying after a few times.
He barely looks at you now.
Sometimes you just want to ask him straight away if you leaving him to check on Jisung was what really bothered him so much, but you have the feeling that it cannot be as simple as that.
You're scared.
And you miss him so much.
Tonight is Hyunjin's night, but Jisung is cuddling you while you all watch a movie since Hyunjin won't even come close to you. When the movie ends, he silently goes upstairs, so you sigh and kiss Jisung goodnight before leaving too.
Your heart skips a beat as you see him in his hybrid form after so long. He's putting on some clothes, and he only turns his head to look at you when you close the door.
“Hi...” You say, and he sighs. “It's just harder to sleep on this bed if I'm a huge fox.” He says, looking away. His cheeks slightly blushed. You pout, but he's not looking at you.
“Jinnie...” You call him, and he sighs again. “I don't wanna talk to you, y/n.” He says, moving to lie on his side of the bed, facing the other way. You feel like crying, but you keep it in and get in bed too instead.
You turn off the lights, but the moonlight enters your room through the windows, so you can still see him well enough once your eyes adapt to darkness.
You can feel the heat emanating from his body too, even if he's away from you. His fluffy tails slightly moving as he tries to fall asleep. How long are you going to keep watching him from a distance? Why won't he just talk to you about what bothers him?
You stare at him, thinking about the same thing again and again for a while. Then he turns around, facing you, and almost giving you a heart attack. His eyes are closed though. He must be asleep already.
God, your heart hurts seeing his face after so long. A couple tears manage to run down your cheeks, silently landing on your pillow. You stare at him for a bit, then you sit up to keep watching.
If you could only touch him, hug him again... Would he understand how much you love him?
You hesitantly reach for him and his ears flick lightly. “I'll bite you.” He calmly says without even opening his eyes. But you're so tired of this situation, at least you have to try.
“I know.” You tell him, and he sits up too. “I mean it.” He insists, seeing your trembling hand getting closer. “I don't care.” You say, then you gasp as he quickly holds your hand by the wrist and brings it to his mouth, biting on it. Really hard. You try not to whine outloud not to alarm Jisung downstairs, but Hyunjin is making it so difficult... He's so mad at you.
No... He's hurt.
“I get it.” You say. He bites a bit harder and some tears of pain run down your cheeks, but you don't whine nor call for Jisung. “I get it.” You repeat, and he huffes and reluctantly lets go. “No, you don't.” He says, and you turn the lights back on. “I'm sorry.” You apologize.
“Hyunjin, I'm really sorry that I hurt your feelings.” You say and he scoffs. “No, you're not. You only truly care about him.” He says. Tears threatening to fall down his cheeks. “That's not true!” You say. “Then why? Why did you just go with him? You were with me, we were having fun. It was my night.” He whines as some tears finally fall. “You always leave me behind.” He says. “Jinnie, that's not true. He has caught us together more than once too. I've come to find you multiple times because I wanted to be with you.” You tell him, but he's still upset.
“No, but you're so different when you're with him. You shouldn't have gone with him that night. Why did you do it?” He asks again and you sigh, feeling some tears coming for you aswell. “Because I love him!” You say, and he stops talking but his tears are still falling.
“I love him, and I was worried. And I had missed him and I wanted to be with him.” You tell him. His lower lip trembling. You approach him carefully to pull him into a hug. “But I love you, and I miss you and I really want to be with you, too.” You say, and he finally squeezes you in his arms as he cries his heart out.
“I'm sorry.” He apologizes after a bit, and you squeeze him tighter before pulling away to look at his face. “It's okay.” You tell him, wipping some tears off his face. “I bit my master.” He sobs, and you chuckle softly. “She hadn't been a very good master.” You say, caressing his cheek with the back of your hand to soothe him, then you chuckle again. “Ah... I guess it is true after all.” You say and he tilts his head at you a bit confused. “Hybrids can't read human's minds.” You say, distractedly combing his hair out of his face.
“Cause there's no way you could read my mind and still have no clue of how much I truly love you.” You tell him, making him blush. “Ah...” He says. “You love me cause I'm pretty?” He asks, a bit shy over your direct words, and you scoff. “I love you cause of too many things.” You honestly say and he silently nods as he keeps blushing. “It's okay if you don't love me back, though.” You tell him, and he looks at you as if you were crazy for a second, then he laughs.
“Ah...” He says, pulling you even closer to him. “Just saying I love you to you is such an understatement, y/n.” He says. His forehead against yours.
“So instead, from now on. Just let me keep showing you how much you mean to me.” He says. His cheeks still red. You purse your lips, trying to hold back some tears, and he chuckles softly, rubbing his nose against yours. “But of course, I do love you.” He says, ghosting his lips over yours. “Just in case you need to hear it too.” He says, closing the distance between your lips.
You lie on your back as he deepens the kiss. Too focused on your fluttering heart to notice your tummy has been hurting for a bit now, until Hyunjin stops kissing and sits up while holding your hand.
“Wait-Wha- Ouch.” You complain as he checks on the bite marks he left. “But... I smell blood.” He says, a bit confused about the lack of it in your hands, then it hits you. “Oh, fuck.” You say, then you rush to the bathroom closing the door on Hyunjin's nose as he tries to follow you in. “Master...?” He asks, getting Jisung's attention too. “What are you doing?” He asks as he climbs up the stairs. “I'm okay!” You tell them. “It's just my period.” You say, taking care of your stained panties before you can get in the tub to take a quick shower. “Oh, why are you so alarmed then?” Jisung asks Hyunjin, and your heart stops for a long second.
“Oh...” Jinnie says. “Jisung!” You call him as the water keeps running over your underwear. “Can you bring me some tampons from the other bathroom?” You ask him, and he stays silent for a bit. “Sure.” He says, then you close the tap, rushing to the door as soon as you hear him walking down the stairs, and grabbing Hyunjin to take him inside the bathroom with you. Only he feels a bit lighter than usual when you drag him in.
“You're not Hyunjin.” You say, seeing Jisung standing in front of you against the bathroom's door. “What? No... I have no idea where the tampons are.” He says, really confused about everything. Then his eyes drift to your hand still grasping on his shirt.
“Is that a bite mark?” He asks holding your hand to see it better, but you pull it away. “No.” You lie, and he heavily sighs, looking at your eyes. “Y/n... That's a fucking bite.” He says, leaning back on the door with his arms crossed. “Why are you lying to me? I'm not gonna do anything to Hyunjin.” He calmly says. “He's already hurt you. I can't do anything to help it now.” He explains, and you blush just for thinking he would do something like that.
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed you'd hurt him.” You tell him and he chuckles. “Oh, no. I would have killed him five months ago.” He says, walking over the bathroom cabinet to distractedly take out some ointment and bandages. “But I get him now.” He says, grabbing your hand to take a better look at it. “He's still a bit annoying.” He says, making you chuckle softly. “But I'm pretty sure this was your fault.” He says, and you dramatically gasp, making him uncapable of holding in a smirk.
“Fuck you.” You say, playfully pushing him a bit, pulling a soft chuckle out of him. “Heyy, don't move.” He complains, and you click your tongue and just let him do. “You know I still have to take a shower, right?” You ask, looking at the bandages and he purses his lips. “Well, I'll help you out.” He says. “I'm bleeding.” You tell him. “I'm not a vampire.” He answers, and you scoff as you smile and push him out of the bathroom, bumping into Hyunjin. “Perfect.” You say, taking the tampons from his hands. “You two just wait for me.” You say, making them lean over so you can peck their noses before closing the door again.
“Should we wait here?” You hear Hyunjin ask, and you silently chuckle to yourself. “I guess so.” Jisung says. “Did you see her hand?” The fox asks. “Mhm.” Jisung answers. “Will she be okay?” He asks. “There was no blood so I think it'll be fine.”
Ahh, they must have grown closer while you were away. You feel so stupid. Can't believe you pulled such a stunt just for Hyunjin to tell Jisung about your hand as soon as he was back. You can't help but to softly laugh about it to yourself.
God... They're cute. Guess that Jisung truly was only in guard mode the whole time Hyunjin was mad at you.
After all he never actively attacked the fox, he only put himself in between you and Hyunjin. It must have been exhausting for him too.
You sigh, quickly finishing everything you have to do in the bathroom to go back to your hybrids, then you end up just lying around with them in bed. Jisung fell asleep a bit ago, but Hyunjin is still full of energy even if he's just been lying down with his head on your chest as you stroke his hair. “Hyunjin-ah, aren't you tired?” You ask, chuckling softly at his waggling tails hitting the bed, and he shakes his head. “I'm pretty much nocturnal, master.” He says. “Ah... Right.” You say. Your eyes closing.
“Wait, so you were never asleep before.” You tell him, looking at him, and he bites back a smile. “No, I don't really sleep a lot at night.” He says. “What do you do? Why do you want to be with me while I sleep then?” You ask, chuckling a bit by the end of it. “Oh, I would just watch you sleep or just, you know.” He says and you scoff. “I don't.” You say. “I like being around you.” He says, blushing a bit, making your heart skip a beat.
“Well, I did use to wait around for you to fuck me, but...” He says, and you scoff as you smile. “Yeah, I thought so.” You say, making him chuckle too. “But that was before I fell for you.” He says, distractedly playing with the drawstring in your pjs's shorts. “Oh, so you don't want that anymore?” You tease, and he sits up to throw a look at you, making you laugh. “You know, Jisung is not the only one who enjoys cuddles and kisses.” He protest. “Oh, is that so?” You ask, pulling from him so he'll lie with you again. “Mhm.” He says. “Yeah? Wanna make out until I fall asleep then?” You ask, ghosting your lips over his.
He nods, kissing you right away. You smile on the kiss, deepening it, and hug him closer, spoiling him with kisses until you can't keep your eyes open any longer.
->Next Chap
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Taglist: @a-crazylittlekillerqueen @redstayrosie @kkamismom12 @kim-hao-han @3rachasninja
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hyunsvngs · 4 months
Hey I heard you are sick, so this is a reminder to drink some water and take medicine if you haven't already, our times are different so i dont know what it is for you rn but just treat yourself well and get better soon!!
that being said, i have some thots to keep you occupied if you like
the first is alien!jisung agenda, can you imagine how cute itd be if while he was fucking you soooo hard that his lil tentacles wrapped around you and held you close to him? that'd be so sweet, he just wants you to be as close as possible while hes pumping you full of his eggs <33
the second thought is.. longer. its hyunsung (is that the name of hyunjin x jisung??) x reader. so they dynamic would be dom!fem!reader, switch!hyunjin, and of course, sub!jisung. just imagine being at work, having a fairly good day until your phone pings with a message from your groupchat with the boys, its a video from hyunjin showcasing jisung on his lap, them both hard through their sweats, grinding against eachother. its only a few seconds long but hyunjin sends a short message after "jisungie is so desperate... what do you want me to do with him noona?"
of course, you send him a message back, instructing him to make jisung cum in his boxers and make him lick up the mess. Afterwards you instruct hyunjin to tie jisungs hands behind his back and put him face-down-ass-up on the bed and make him wait, sending a sweet "I'll be home soon boys, play nice"
They so exactly that, sending you videos of jisung cumming and of hyunjin getting jisung ready for you. When you get home you can tell jisung is already in that delicious headspace between "not knowing if its a punishment or praise" and "no thoughts-head empty". *time skip cuz im lazy* It ends up as that hyunjin fucks jisungs little hole while you fuck hyunjin with his favorite strap of yours.
Hyunjin is by far, the loudest which is saying something compared to jisung, but to be far hes getting it from both ends. He's crying telling you things like "m-mommy its- its too m-much i-.. i-im gonna c-cum please please mommy ohh p-please" all the while youre still abusing his hole and directing his hips to fuck into jisung properly whispering in his ear "i dont give a fuck whether you cum or not, but you will keep fucking jisung until he cums, you understand?".
My man almost cums on the spot after that, only cumming a few seconds later, crying and moving so much from the overstimulation, but you keep fuckign into him and making him fuck jisung until he(jisung) cums again.
after that LOTS of after care cuz yk its nearly more important than the actual sex. you tell the boys how much you love them and how well they did and you treat them with chocolate and a nice face and ass massage cuz yk they both SORE from that hahaha
anyway those are just my thoughts and i thought youd like them <3
*unedited (im lazy)*
-moose anon <333 (get well soon!!!)
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felixsramen · 11 months
Hey i was wondering if you could do headcanons on what it would be like with poly!skzot8 x reader dating each other? Sorry if youve done this already but have a good day!
Dating Poly Skz
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HyunSung either are arguing 24/7 or trying to figure out how to give you and the rest of the boys heart attack
Trying to stop Minho and Seungmin from commiting murder or shipping off HyunSung
Best hug giver and will give you one anytime you need it
Staying with him in the studios on late nights
Will give you anything you want because he wants you happy
Trying to stop Minho from strangling Hyunjin 24/7
Peace maker out of everyone
Go to him with your problems and he'll listen to you while giving you feedback
Late night cuddling when you both can't sleep
Cooking with him on days the boys are off
Will show you everything he knows about cooking
Helping him drag Chan home from the studio
Not huge on giving affection but doesn't mind when you give it to him
Helping stop him from putting Hyunjin in the air fryer
Will buy you anything you want because that's his love language
Loves giving cuddles
Will show off his strength whenever he can
Showing off how cute he is with his jokes
Trying to convince you to go the gym with him and workout
Will buy you any food you like just because he enjoys watching you eat because he thinks it's just so cute
Picking you up because he thinks you're just too cute not to be
Buying him plushies because he loves them
Showing his paintings to you when he's done with them
Him making you sit still so he can paint you
Going to art exhibitions with him because he loves telling you about his favorite artists
Him being dramatic over the smallest things
Hiding him from Minho when he gets on his nerves
Pulling pranks with Jisung on all of you
Arguing with Jisung 24/7 about the stupidest things
Helping him with his anxiety around people
Holding his hand in public
Getting him to stop arguing with Hyunjin so much
Trying to stop him from joining in on the pranks with Hyunjin
Loves cheesecake so bribing him to do anything for a piece
Cuddling while eating desserts on the couch and getting yelled at by Minho because of it
Making you happy by doing literally anything
Baking with Felix
Counting his freckles while cuddling
Dragging you to the store to go shopping with him
Buying any piece of clothing you look at for more than 3 seconds
Trying to teach you Taekwondo
Going to the beach with him and him asking you to race him knowing you'll lose
Listening to Day6 with him
Bringing you with him to take photos
Sitting back with him as chaos unfolds in the house
Convincing you any time something goes wrong it's Hyunjin and Jisungs fault
Helping him clean up after the boys because he can't stand when they're messy
Trying to get you to stay in his room with him 24/7
Once tried convincing you it was a good idea to ship off Hyunjin and Jisung to South America
Cuddles 24/7
Convincing you to do anything he says because he's adorable
Trying to get you to stay beside him all the time
Singing anything by Bruno Mars around the house along with you joining in
Will love on you anytime of the day
Going with him on walks in the park
Chans a switch
Will let you and Minho take care of him when he's stressed out and can't think anymore
Will also fuck yours and the boys brains out if he's stressed and annoyed with work
He can be a soft or hard dom depending on what you need
Minho is also a switch but with a dom lean
Loves seeing you and the boys break under him
Convince him that you can take care of him and he'll be your pretty sub
Loves leaving hickies along you and the boys body
Changbin is a soft dom
Loves manhandling you and the boys
Loves leaving kisses all over your body
Loves calling you his princess when he's fucking you
Loves showing his strength in bed
Hyunjin is a switch with a sub lean
Loves when you can't think and you let him use however he wants
Loves even more when you call him prince and will immediately sub the moment you call him that
Loves seeing the pretty marks you and the boys leave
Han is a sub
Call him your pretty baby and he's done for
Wants to give you as much pleasure as you're giving him
Loves when you and the boys fuck him to the point he can't think anymore
Felix is a sub
Your good boy
Will try and please you in whatever way
Loves when you and the boys praise him
Please use him however you want he loved it
Seungmin is a switch with a dom lean
Loves using you and the boys for his own pleasure
Didn't think he'd like you calling him puppy but really loves when you and the boys do
Will be your puppy only if he's asked
I.N. is a dom
Loves seeing you and the boys do stuff together
He just wants to give you and the boys all kinds of pleasure
Having to show him how to fuck you but catches on quickly
Group sex is yours and the boys favorite when you get to see everyone enjoying themselves
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ariadne's thread ⎯ pt. 6: the hunter and the hunted.
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pairing(s): hyunjin x fem!reader, bang chan & fem!reader, jisung & fem!reader series summary: when tempted by an intoxicating offer by hyunjin the goblin king of the underground, you fight against him to find your own sense of self once more while in his labyrinth. glimpse: the gardens hold the beauty of the labyrinth . . . as well as its horrors. creeping forward without jisung's companionship, you face the roars and growls ahead, alone. warnings/tags: inspired by the 1986' movie Labyrinth, follows majority of the movie's plot points with lore divergence, 3rd person POV, use of Y/N, bang chan is referred to as chris, mild violence, cruel punishment, injuries, blood, fear, fights, strong language, faerie lore!!, world building, hyunsung tension, let me know if there needs to be more tags! word count: 7.8k series masterlist
Roars echoed through the Labyrinth, shaking the greenery around her. Some rogue flowers curled into themselves, hiding away like sea creatures returning to their shells. Startled bird-like creatures croaked and crowed as they flew off with leathery-sounding wings. There was a rustling within the hedges like the leaves themselves were crawling away from the frightful sounds. Yet here she crept forward, holding her breath as she finally reached the entry-way, a grand hedge archway shadowing her as it opened into a courtyard.
This courtyard was different from the others. Instead of being encompassed by the hedges, the immediate space in front of her were evenly spaced porcelain columns holding up the large rotunda above them. It was only then she realized she was closer to the edge of the Gardens than she had thought – the false sunlight was still bright overhead, making sweat drip down her neck but, she could also see the rest of the Labyrinth in front of her, maze after maze crawling over large undulating hills. It looked like it was made for an ant, how far away and never-ending the maze felt from this perspective. Looming over it all was the Castle, ever present and ever far away. She swore she saw a light twinkle from the highest tower, like a winking eye. The Runner looked away and peered towards the cacophony filling the air.
There was a maze of columns now, scattered in no exact pattern she could distinguish, but providing cover as she crept forward. The floor was between cobblestone and dirt, uneven and changing in its consistency. Yes, this wasn’t the well-maintained Gardens of before – it felt like she was off the chosen path once more. Creeping forward, each pillar seemed to hide what was happening purposely, shifting to prevent her from moving forward fast enough– growls and roars only increasing but also screeches of giggles from squeaky-goblin voices. The same tones she had hear in her bedroom chanting and snickering from underneath her bed. That felt like ages ago…
In the shadow of one of the columns holding the grand rotunda up, she could see a man hung by his wrists, high above small furry goblin creatures wielding weaponry of all sorts. He was well-built, shirtless, his white linen shirt torn to shreds below him where it soaked in a puddle of his own purple blood and sweat. Injuries and bruises painted his skin like a mosaic of muddy emerald, inflamed vermillion, and bloody purple-violet. His head was thrown back in pain as he bellowed out an animalistic noise, too deep and monstrous to truly be human. It almost didn’t process that it was coming from his chest, yet she could see his human-pecs vibrate faintly with the sound. That was when Y/N noticed the ram-like horns curling out of his temple, framed by messy, sweat-plastered brown curls.
Yes, he was certainly not human. (But what here was?)
The fine muscles in his neck and shoulders strained and bulged as he swung by the iron chains looped around his hands. All his weight on just his wrists must’ve been torture. The fae-man took a deep breath, his stomach concaving and expanding, before he heaved himself upwards as he tried to adjust the weight on his wrists. He only had a moment to breath out a hiss before he slumped down, groaning from the pain of holding his weight. Shoulder bones popped and creaked inhumanely.
Even worse were the goblins surrounding him that took joy in his agony, giggling and cackling with sharpened fangs.  Each one held a different sort of weapon – a spear with a sharpened tip dripping in violet, a javelin with some sort of creature tied atop with millions of fangs and blood-stained claws at the ready, a flower-esque whip with red-thorns lining the long strip of vine, the list went on. One by one, the goblin creatures dressed in miniature knight-wear would approach with giggles and chatterings, egging one another on. They poked and prodded the man, who grunt and struggled.
A particular strong bite to his ribs by the javelined-creature made him roar out in pain. Inhuman noises broke free from his gnashing teeth, bearing chipped fangs at the guards who tormented him.
It wasn’t right.
The horned man was dripping in purple blood, the violaceous rivulets staining his bared skin. His eyes squeezed shut as he groaned out a growl. The clash of a whip went against his bared back, and Y/N flinched back at the sound.
She had to help; she just wasn’t sure how. Glancing about she tried to find something to defend herself with. The goblins were small but there were five of them and only one of her. Five armed, one unarmed.
“Take this,” she heard a voice squeak out as a spear prodded the fae man’s chest and he let out a wail, head thrown forward now. As if he could somehow protect his chest. Breathing heavily, he glared at the little creatures, struggling against his bonds once more as he twisted and swung in a slow circle. Eyes wild as he spun and spun. She thought for a moment, their eyes locked. But he soon was groaning out in agony.
The Runner glanced at the jewels on her waist. Would one of these be large enough to throw or cause damage? No, not truly. Perhaps—
She felt a nudge against her shoe. Holding in a yelp, a hand over her own mouth, she looked down to see… a rock. Nothing magical about it. Not a bauble of light, a bubble she had seen the King tempt her with time and time again. Just a sandy-looking rock, large enough to be a softball size. It nudged her again slowly and intentionally. It kept a snails’ pace but it nudged and nudged and nudged. Insistently. As if called to her. It took her a moment of awe before she heard another cry of anguish, and her eyes flashed back to look at the captured fae-man.
Her heart squeezed to see tears drip down his cheeks as his teeth gritted into a scowl. This wasn’t right; she had to try something. Squatting, she grabbed the rock that inched forward slower and slower, and brushed her thumb over the rough edges; it didn’t look magical, or living, but this place had made her question things before. The Runner glanced back up to see all five of the ‘knights’ count down, preparing to rush forward the weapons ready to strike the poor trapped fae. It was now or never!
It was then she aimed and threw the rock, aiming for one of their heads. With a clank, she hit her target. The rock bounced off of one of the guard’s helmets, swinging it around almost comically until it covered their eyes. With loud squeaking words in a language she couldn’t decipher, the creature spun about with their weapon tilted before it pierced through another guard’s chainmail. Shrieks of chaos, bickering and moans of pain came from their pile of fur and claws.
“You hit me!”
“No, you did!”
“I’m reporting this to our commander!”
“No, you won’t!”
They spoke over one another in a hurried mess.
Most goblins weren’t clever; they followed their instincts and forgot things. Like their prisoner and the rock that had hit their comrade in the first place. Off they marched, babbling over one another still, until the prisoner and the Runner were alone.
Y/N let out a breath.
That was surprisingly easy. What wasn’t easy was finding out how to get the injured man down now! Rushing forward, she heard a low growl shake the ground.
She slowed, hands rising as she took in his appearance. He was huffing and puffing, his ribs expanding and decompressing rapidly. He had finally stopped swaying in the wind, but it only seemed to trap him more. His body huffed and puffed, eyes wild as they eyed her and snarled.
He looked uncanny in this moment – less human than he had been a minute ago. His mouth too large for his face as he let out a menacing growl, rows of fangs as if he were a shark were visible as he glared at her. There were far too many sharpened fangs for her to feel comfortable and yet she still tried to soothe him.
Those goblin guards had been torturing him for fun.
She wouldn’t.
(She surely hoped that would mean he wouldn’t hurt her in return.)
He growled again and she paused – doubting herself for a moment. She met his eyes and saw how they were shaking. The irises were trembling, jumping from her form to the environment around them. Maybe he was just… scared, overwhelmed.
She offered a gentle smile, hands held up in defense.
“I won’t hurt you!” she called out softly. “I promise.”
Before she continued forwards carefully. He jolted backwards and growled. His movement made him spin from his wrists once more.
He was afraid – that was the only explanation. But she could feel his pain as he spun once, twice, three times. He squirmed and tried to readjust again only to swing wildly. His chest heaved and there was a whine of pain escaping his throat.
“Oh no,” the Runner rushed forward quick, hoping he’d be facing away and not startle too badly as her hands rose to stop him from spinning. Two small hands resting on his broad back with care, sliding to settle on his ribs to avoid any of his wounds. His body was cold as stone and sturdy as rock. She felt his muscles jump as she minded his injuries the best she could. He stopped swaying and she took in his restraints from up close for the first time. Far too many chains of iron curled around his form. There was a shackle around his neck, a chain looped around his lean waist, wrapped chains around each of his biceps and finally a myriad of overlapping chains around his wrists from which he hung from. She gently turned him around, trying to keep it slow and gentle.
She met his eyes, grey and stone-cold. They were piercingly heavy and she couldn’t help but stare. His face was all masculine angles, sharp jaw, rectangular face. His nose was broad and bore a large scar, like an animal scratch starting from his right cheekbone traveling across its bridge to the other cheekbone. His teeth were snarling at her, perpetually stuck in this growl. His bottom canines were sharpened and chipped in places as if he had used them to fight before. Her eyes flickered back to his eyes that seemed to speak for him now. It was commanding but not in a way that was magical – it was a brute strength, cold-stone glare.
“Down,” he finally spoke to her, more like growled out to her; his tone still edging towards animalistic still.
She nodded agreeing. “I’m trying.” She reassured, her hands leaving his form after a moment. “Trust me.”
“Before they get back,” he rumbled.
“I know. I’m trying to find how they strung you up,” she relayed as she followed the chains high above them. Like his own bonded wrists, the chains linked and overlaid one another in a patterned mess. They stretched up across the columns, criss-crossing like a spider’s web. She could even see some bird nests in between the chains, making their home there and weighing down sections. Her gaze went one way and then another. This way and that, that way and this. Twisting around columns, decorating it in intricate weave work. Until they came to the end. Which was thankfully not too far. The last end of the chair curled around a column like ivy before hitching over a hook in the rockwork.
Rushing over to the end of the lead, she quickly released it, unwinding it and letting go as it tugged ferociously. The man crashed to the ground with a heavy thud. He hissed out but remained still on the ground for a moment. Huffing and puffing.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” she cried out, rushing over to him and falling to her knees beside the fae-man.
She watched, cautiously, as his body heaved and huffed. His muscles finally had a break, his joints cracking loudly as he shifted this way and that. He pressed his forehead to the ground beneath him, his horns digging into the soil. Skin to raw earth, he seemed to relax. His shuddering stopped as he took in deep slow breaths.
“Are—are you okay?” The Labyrinth-Runner queried. She didn’t touch his bare back nor move from her spot beside him.
He breathed in before nodding.
“Yes,” he replied, sounding different. More whole now. His voice was no longer a rumbling growl but instead it was shifting into something far softer. He cleared it gently.
“Thank you for helping me.”
Rising up onto his knees, his hair fell over his forehead in mussy natural curls with leaves and twigs from the ground tangled in his locks and dirt clinging to his forehead, but what caught her off guard was his eyes. They were no longer stone-cold but instead a gentle grey. Sparkling and gentle as he took her in. He leaned back onto his legs, matching her kneeling position as he blinked owlishly at her.
“I’m… I’m Chris,” his voice was careful, soft. Tinged with an accent Y/N couldn’t place but felt far different from the others’ she had met so far. But what had shocked her so far was his sincerity.
Despite everything - the mussed curls plastered to his sweatied forehead, the overwhelming chains wrapping around his form, the claw marks, goblin bites, and cuts oozing violet-purple blood across his torso, the layered scars up and down his arms and shoulders, the prominent slice across the bridge of his broad nose, the dirt across his brow – his grey eyes felt soft and real. Honest. His lips twitched into a careful smile, far from the uncanny rows of fangs she had sworn she saw while he was trapped.
She would take this in stride she thought. Not everything is as it seems but… if she was honest, he seemed to be different from what meets the eye.
“It’s nice to meet you, Chris,” she greeted, a hand slowly going to pick the leaves and sticks from his chocolate hair carefully. He flinched away at her movements at first, his overcast eyes dilating before focusing back in on her like a big cat as he froze and allowed her to pick a pine needle from his hair carefully.
“I’m Y/N.”
He repeated the name with a softness. “I’ve never heard of a Y/N in the Labyrinth before.” Chris murmured.
“Is there only one person for each name here?” she queried as she continued her picking and fluffing of his curly hair. He blushed an otherworldly purple, the color high on his cheekbones.
“Names are special here. No one is ever named the same,” he informed her.
If he had been even more honest, he’d mention that names held power. (There was a reason Jisung never gave her his, nor did Hyunjin. Learning names from other sources gave them less power than someone giving it to them but it was still power. Naming a fae was entering a pact with them.)
She hummed in acknowledgement before taking the final loose leaf from his hair with a satisfied smile.
“I’m trying to beat the Labyrinth,” she told him, hands going to her knees. “I’m trying to get home. Do you know the way to the Castle?”
There’s a glance towards to the looming image of Hyunjin’s castle – it somehow was able to look so close yet so far away in one blink, as if it were an optical illusion. Chris pressed his lips together and swallowed, looking away from the centerpiece of the maze.
Despite his strength, in that moment, he looked small. Hand going to scratch at a wound on his arm as he shook his head softly. Eyes downcast, almost child-like. Frightened, she realized.
Maybe it was due to the King’s cruel guards, or maybe the King had declared this sort of punishment.
It made her blood boil – the King was frightening. A tyrant king. She had yet to meet one person with a positive view of him. It was guards long forgotten at posts deep in uncared for mazes, remains of Runners scattered in the Labyrinth like forgotten toys, trolls left to rot in oubliettes, power-lusting goblin guards torturing a man. All away from the castle and yet shadowed in Hyunjin’s power.
She glared up at the Castle she was trying to get to. What would become of her if she fails? If this is how he keeps his Labyrinth’s order? She knew he wanted her to be his – but if this was his Kingdom, was she to become nothing but another ghost in the many twisted paths of his Labyrinth?
“Okay,” she buzzed. Too much energy in the word to sound calm. But she didn’t push him, not when he winced after grazing over a wound too closely. Her gaze settled back on Chris, taking in the way the iron chains wrapped around his body. They cut into his skin harshly, his wrists dripping with deep-violet blood, and even his biceps had rivulets of blood running down his arms with every movement. That had to hurt.
“Let’s try to get these off, okay?” she changed the subject, hands moving from her lap to brush tenderly over a chained bicep before fingering the ones around his wrists. The chains were heavy and criss-crossing like snakes around his wrists. She couldn’t see where one chain started and ended.
Chris couldn’t help but let the awe in his eyes gleam as she touched his shackles with ease. (Iron is cursed to fae – remember this. Iron-metal burns with a thousand suns to weak faeries; why do you think the human realm is made up of it?) Chris had grown used to the ache and sizzle where the metal laid but every push and pull made his eyes water in agony. But she touched them easily.
“It’ll hurt.” Chris rumbled - eyes wide as he pulled back from her grasp. His hands going towards his chest protectively.
“But, doesn’t it hurt now?” Y/N asked, eying the cuts carefully.
Chris visibly gulped as he tried to shrug.
“It’ll be over in a second,” she promised. “We’ll tug them over your hands and figure out what to do next.”
The horned man shook his head, eyes wide like a pup’s. “No, no way; it’ll hurt!” he pleaded.
“Trust me?” she asked. “Like before? I helped you then and I want to help you now.”
He swallowed. “I do trust you. . .”
“Good, here let me see,” she soothed as she took his hands once more in hers.
The chains wrapped over and over around his wrists, weaving in and out. They were made slippery with his magenta-hued blood. It took time and each time she unwound it further, each time she found a new give in the chain, she’d apologize quietly. The push and pull of metal had to hurt against his irritated skin.
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts; it’ll be better once its off,” she apologized once more as she tugged and tore at the shackles from his wrists. He whimpered, the sounds escaping from his clenched fanged mouth.
As they continued to unravel, the iron digging into his skin became more and more rusted and sharpened. There were odd-crystal structures of rust piercing into his skin, like thorns, and it made her only gasp in horror as she continued to pull at the irons.
“Oh, my God,” she murmured softly as she saw how torn up his wrists were. It only made her want them off quicker. He sniveled, eyes shutting tightly. She quickly continued onwards, flinching as these crystallizations scratched her own hands up. But they were almost unraveled, more and more bare skin visible. Puffy and inflamed, deep-violet and navy spiderweb bruises bloomed where the chains had rested.
“I’ve got it I promise.” she quickly slipped the cuffs away.
His violet and her ruby blood mixed together on their skin as she dropped the cuffs to the ground.
“There,” she smiled proudly before looking over his hands. “Oh Chris, are you alright?”
Only, he was staring down at her own hands, covered in red and purple.
“I’m okay.” his voice was strained. “You’re bleeding, Y/N.”
His nostrils were flared. His chest rose and fell harshly as he smelt the blood billow into the air.
Her hands stung but she simply shook her them as if its rid them of the pain. Chris’ large hands went to grasp hers, his touch harsh at first as if he wasn’t used to his own strength. Her furrowed brow, soft gasp, and clenched teeth were cues enough and he held them gentler, tenderly. His eyes were sad, almost like a kicked puppy dog.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“I’m okay,” she reassured. “Just some cuts and scrapes.”
His fingers brushed over some of her wounds with the carefulness of a parent, not wanting to cause her any more pain. She squeezed a finger gently, trying to let him know it was fine.
“Let’s get these off too,” she nodded to his arms. They looked easier to wiggle off, less wrapped and more like a singular chain that dug into his skin. With some effort and Chris flexing and twisting his arm, they too fell away to the cobblestone floor.
His biceps were ringed in irritated-inflamed violet while remnants of magic-infused blood, sparkling and shimmering like amethysts in the Gardens’ light, dripped down his tanned skin.
“Do you want us to try to remove the neck and waist chains?” she queried, wiping her hands on her pants (luckily, they were dark and wouldn’t show the blood that now painted her fingers a pinky-purple color.) Each brush of fabric made her flinch.
Chris looked down at his bound waist, long chains of iron wrapping around him and draping to the floor, tumbling around his legs.
“No, let me try; I can move my arms,” he tested the strength of the chain, gripping it by his sides. Gritting his teeth, he held the shackle’s chain in his hand and pulled. Pulled, pulled, pulled until the link shattered. The shackles fell from his waist like it was a paper chain.
Y/N’s eyes widened at the display of strength.
“Wow.” She murmured. “You’re really strong.”
Chris smiled, his eyes squinting into half-moons as his cheeks flushed.
“You're strong too," he complimented, because in his eyes, she was.
"I was a Hunter before this,” he admitted to her.
“What happened to get you caught up in this?” her chin nodded to the shattered remains of the chains and his shredded shirt on the ground beside them.
He frowned. “I failed a mission set by the King,” he replied. “He cursed me to a hundred years of imprisonment.”
“That’s horrible,” she replied. “What was the mission? Nothing is worth a hundred years of imprisonment if it was just a task he gave you.”
“I was sent off to destroy a beast – a monster in the desert sea, but when I found it—him—I realized it was just living peacefully,” he commented. “He hadn’t caused any destruction or deaths. So, I spared him.”
Her brows crinkled. “So, the King punished you for mercy?” she queried.
Her blood boiled. Hyunjin was becoming more and more unsavory to her. How dare he! How dare he punish someone for mercy!
“He wasn’t himself after—I thought maybe a courtier had planned it, made the plot to blame the destruction onto someone else – he didn’t believe me.” He murmured, fingers brushing over his no-longer aching wrists. “The Prince had tried to help me.” Chris admitted after a moment, head tilting in acknowledgement. 
Prince… King… wait. Y/N’s eyes widened.
“How long have you been captured, Chris?” she asked.
“I can’t remember—maybe a few years.” He admitted. “Minutes can feel like days.”
She feared it had been much longer if there was a Prince when Chris was put into chains and now there were none. Unless Hyunjin had a son running around in the looming Castle but there were never any tales of that in her storybooks.
“I’m sorry that you’ve been stuck for so long – especially with those goblins looking over you,” she nodded in the direction the ‘guards’ had scurried off to. Her eyes flashed over his bared skin, the cuts and bites and bruises looking gnarly on him.
“I’ll heal,” he promised, smiling at her kindly. “The pain will leave soon; thanks to you.”
She smiled gently. At least she helped him in her quest. He seemed kind. There was a warmth to him and bigness that felt like he was sturdy and true in himself. Confident but quietly so. Comforting like the way mountains were comforting in their ever-presence.
“I need to keep going now,” she admitted. “I need to make it to the Castle – will you be alright?”
His grey eyes widened, soft pouty lips pursing into a frown.
“Without me?” he murmured. “Can’t I go with you?”
It didn’t feel like a ploy. It felt like he was genuinely sad you were parting.
“I mean, we will be going against the King,” she told him. “I don’t want you to get into any more trouble, Chris.”
He shook his head firmly. His lips now falling into a disapproving line rather than a pout.
“Nah, nah, nah,” he said. “I can help you – like you helped me.”
Her own eyes were soft and gentle as she looked at the hulking man before her and yet his words were gentle and kind.
“Are you sure?” she clarified.
“I can’t let you leave without me,” he insisted. “We—I’m here for you now.”
It was insistent and genuine. Not insistent and obsessive. It felt like for once… she had someone truly on her side. Not won over by prettied jewelry or by loneliness in the middle of a maze with only their lover. But for her and her actions.
Her smile made her cheeks ache with how large it was.
“Okay. We’re friends now,” she told him sincerely.
“Friends,” Chris beamed back as he took her hand in his giant one.
His hand encompassed hers easily, but he held it with care of a gentleman.
“So where to?” he asked.
The path onwards felt counterintuitive. They were led away from the Castle, their backs to it as they settled on the now-dirt path. Light from the rotunda above them still glared down but now felt more like a sunset’s rays rather than a noontime sun. Perhaps it was due to them being so close to the edge of the false sky-light.
They had walked only for a short time before Chris queried.
“Why do you want to get to the Castle?”
“I’m a Runner,” she said. “I’m in the middle of a deal with the King.”
He shivered faintly from the corner of her eye. “I’m surprised he took upon a Runner.”
Her brows crinkled. “Why?”
“His Champion-Queen fled to the human-realm a few years ago.” He hummed. “He hasn’t been the same since.”
“That’s interesting,” she mumbled, glancing around and winding around a column.
There was now just a large bank to her right and the Gardens and their large columns to her left. The gorge was dark. Misty and shadowed as the light of the garden’s rotunda failed to reach it. There were no fantastical floating lamps and no fire pits in this part of the Labyrinth. Just darkness. Trees seem to sprout into existences as they continued onwards, large piney trees that crept higher and higher, growing denser and denser. This shadowy darkness spilled over onto the path like an oil slick leak.
“Can you tell me more about the royals?” she asked after a moment.
Chris offered a bashful look. “I don’t know them that well,” he admitted scratching his neck. “I grew up in the Shadow of the Castle; I know the Royals by face not name; I doubt anyone really does. There’s the Goblin King, the Heir Prince, the Queen-Consort. We all know of the Champion-Queen but I’ve never seen her.” He shrugged a bit.
“I don’t know what else to say – they are the rulers of the Underground? The Prince loves celebrations; the King loved the Labyrinth once.” He tried to find anything else to say but it seemed to be difficult. Was it the topic or was it something more?
“Tell me about you then,” she conceded, hoping maybe she’d grasp some more information about this world.
Her eyes stayed locked on their surroundings, watching as the dark shadow-like trees of the forest beside them shifted and bent in the wind.
“I was the King’s Hunter – my father was their Hunter before me. My brood will be their Hunter after me,” he said easily, shrugging. “I’m tasked with maintaining the peace in the Kingdom when it comes to unrulier creatures.”
She nodded slowly. So, there was supposedly order here and Chris was once their enforcer, which felt like he was higher than the guards that were poking and prodding him.
“What will you do now?” she asked.
He nudged her playfully with his shoulder, having to dip to nudge her with his muscular shoulder. It made her smile.
“I’m with you now!” he chimed. “You got me, Runner, in your graces. I’ll travel with you and make sure you are safe like you have for me.”
(Blood for blood. Life for life. He was here until his debt was paid.)
“But… after I leave. . . “, she wondered. “What then?”
Chris pursed his lips, looking off into the distance. There were faint hazy orange-light over the horizon – from what she could only assume was the entrance of the Labyrinth, the way she came. It looked so far away now. She couldn’t help but feel optimistic that they were making progress even as they approached where she came while following this path.
“I could go back –”
There was a scuffle in the brush. Chris’ hand reached out to grasp her shoulder. She wished he had a weapon but his bared teeth reminded her that he always had a weapon with him.
“Y/N,” he began before there was a hissing sound and flash of color in the dim light.
He shifted her to the side, pressing her behind him as his large arm blocked an attack. There was a loud thud as the creature was tossed aside. It thudded to the ground, a pile of red. Another flash of light was to its right.
It didn’t look humanistic. The way it shivered and shuddered with technicolor light, too bright and too flashy to really grasp onto its features. It was more of a shifting, shimmering light leak.
Chris grunted as he stood fully in front of her as a screech escaped the creature on the ground. In a blink, all she could see was red dripping down the creature- with its long talons and dripping crimson rivulets down his forehead. Large antlers pierced through its skull and his eyes gleamed a burning red.
Meanwhile, the entity of light danced this way and that, around the crimson creature, around Chris, and around her. Like it was dancing in a waltz amongst a battle. Chris hissed.
She shifted this way and that as she batted off the tendril of light and color. It didn’t harm her, didn’t even touch her, but it was almost observing her as she backed into the hedges of the Gardens. It hovered beside her and she tried to maintain a distance while keeping her eyes on the fight.
A low growl rumbled from Chris and the creature shifted low on the ground. Her back pressed against the leaves of the Gardens, ivy scratching at her ears and neck as Chris’ posture shifted.
(Faeries all had glamour. Some wielded it; some didn’t. Some wielded it quite well.)
Chris seemed to have great control over his glamour as the same uncanny features appeared. Larger mouth, his form felt larger even if was the same height as before and there was a fearful aura around him as he dug a hand into the ground.
The crimson creature jumped and jittered about, long limbs cracking inhumanly as it crept forwards. Its gaze was locked on Chris before they rose to linger on her. There was a deep chuckle, humming through the threads of existence.
Chris rumbled again, a warning hiss. There was a jolt and movements too fast for her human eyes to follow. In a blink of an eye, the creature was gone from her vision. Chris turned and swiped towards her; the crimson creature far too close to her now. The entity of dancing-lights seemed to swerve in front of her, an inhuman type noise pushing out of its existence. She stumbled back as the two grappled one another. Antlers against horns, their feet slid in the dirt and mulch of the path. She shrieked as her feet fell deep into loosen soil by the bank and she yelped, trying to escape the cave-in of their path along the gorge. Nails dug into the remaining solid rock, her head only above their path now.
Chris’ muscles strained, wounds dripping purple, before he grabbed both creatures and tossing them aside like they were nothing but a leaf.  He turned to find her amongst the concaving dirt.
Mud and mulch kicked up into the air and a blur of color rushed towards her. Chris quickly leapt into action, pushing the creature away as the Runner was shoved to the side, out of breath. There was only a moment of calm before she was slipping off the path. The bank crumbling from her weight and becoming nothing but mulch and loose dirt beneath her shoes. She scrambled, trying to grasp onto something as the crimson creature roared from overhead. The entity of dancing technicolor light swirled and whirled as it danced in and out of existence until it was gone.
“Chris!” she screeched out. “Han!” the name left her throat in fear. “Help – please! Jisung!”
A barking noise, like a creature whining and running off, pierced the air before there was a huffing puffing Chris in her vision.
“Y/N, I’m here!” he cried out, reaching a hand out.
There was no time for relief as her shoes sunk into the dirt and she slid further down the gorge. Hands scrambling against tree roots and dead brush as she tried to climb towards her friend. But the dirt was too loose, too damp. She kept sliding down and falling. The wind was knocked out of her as a log buried in the dirt nudged her stomach painfully. It dislodged her from her clawing, making her tumble onto her back.
“Chris!” she screeched out as she fell, her feet gripping nothing as she slid fully now.
She tried to grasp onto something, a root, the dirt, but everything was so fast and the fall was so steep she was soon tumbling down faster and faster until she was far below the Gardens in the darkness of a forest.
“She’s so dumb – I can’t believe she’d- just,”
Jisung was wandering around the last of the Gardens’ hedges – huffing and puffing about the Runner and her stupidity. His clothes were clearly ruffled from maybe, possibly, probably forcibly-pushing his way through the hedges to get back onto the main path. His curls were messed with twigs and flower petals. He stomped a bit as he passed into a new part of the Labyrinth.
The cobblestone had faded back into a dirt path. There were destroyed arches of stone, large sculptures that were tumbled over, and cobwebs casting a haze of fuzz across near everything. Old trees and barren hedges of rot framed this place. A dried fountain ached for water in the nearby courtyard of an abandoned castle. The Old Castle. This was a place for ghosts and dust. Dust sprites huddled together by a barely lit fire. In the corners, abandoned shadows clung to concrete columns and broken hunks of fire-eaten wood.
There was a large sculpture of a familiar face – strong jawbone, pout familiar, and a glowering brow – half destroyed as if by a blast of magic. Jisung passed by it without a second glance.
“Running towards roars – she isn’t going to last long; why would she do that?” he grumbled and muttered, fussing with the bracelet on his wrist. “Why would she do that?”
He didn’t understand it; he didnt understand her. But he wanted to, itched to. He couldn't help but feel so so...
“Han!” he heard her cry in the distance and he froze, jeweled eyes widening. “Help, please!”
It felt like liquid ice was injected in his veins. She needed him. She was hurt or in pain or about to be in pain and he left her. Left her. He left her alone in a place that was just built to prey upon her. His only friend. . . 
“I’m coming, Y/N!” he breathed, turning to race back to the Runner only to run into a sturdy chest. The smell of fire-smoke and honeyed-mead flooded his nose. 
“Where are you off to, Jisung?” the King hissed.
“Hyunjin,” the goblin-fae breathed out, startled by his appearance.
Dressed in a white silken shirt that was lazily open to reveal his chest, leathered pants, and a dragon-scaled purple cloak. He wore a fine halo-like crown of kingly-gold, intricate and delicately embellished with rubies. His face was one of annoyance, his lips drawn into a line and his brows furrowed.
It was a surprise to see the King in a place like this. Even the solidarity shadows hid away from their corners and pillars of stone, far away from the King of the Underground. Hyunjin glanced aside, looking over the ruins with a curled lip.
“Jisung, what did we agree upon last time we spoke privately?” he queried, remaining ever close to Jisung even as the goblin-fae continued to back away until his back hit the statue’s remaining face.
Hyunjin’s gaze flickered over the half-desecrated face of the King of old, his eyes squinting in disdain before settling back onto Han’s pout.
“Lead the Labyrinth Runner away to the beginning – which-which I was going to go do, like you told me to. She simply, uh, escaped me. Got too eager.” Jisung replied. “I’ll go lead her back right now!” He wiggled against the press of the King’s body. Hyunjin held Jisung’s shoulder down harshly, digging him into the sharp cheekbone of the Old King’s statue.
“I see; I thought you were running off to help her,” he mocked.
Jisung snorted out, the sound forced as he let out a strained smile. His shoulder-blade ached with the way Hyunjin pinned him to the stone. 
“No, no,” he smiled, pleadingly. “Not me, Hyune.”
There was almost a look of fondness in Hyunjin’s eyes at the nickname. His hand rose from the other’s shoulder to squeeze Han’s cheeks. The metal claws that Hyunjin wore pricked his skin and Han grimaced. There was a beat before Hyunjin pulled away, a glaring smile on his lips.
“Of course,” Hyunjin hummed before letting go of the goblin-fae with a rough hand. “Not after my warnings, no.”
Jisung stumbled away as he rubbed at his cheeks. His gaze flickered upwards, looking at the other through his messed curls.
“Poor, poor Jisungie,” the King condescended, sighing out. “I noticed your jewels are missing,” Hyunjin noted.
Jisung’s hand instinctively went to wear they usually weighed on his waist. They were absent; his bracelet thudding against his belt with a plastic scrape.
“Oh, oh.” He stuttered.
“Jisung!” there was a distant cry from the Runner, so far off in the distance it was barely audible. She needed him. Hyunjin was quick to speak over her and her following yells.
“How’d that happen? After all you went through to obtain them, you’d think you’d be more… careful with your treasures,” Hyunjin commented.
The goblin-fae’s hand rose to itch at the back of his neck, fiddling over the raised scales that resided there. “I—You’re right—something must’ve—I’ll have to look for them,” Jisung stumbled over his words.  “But, first, I’ll go and whisk the Runner back to the beginning!”
Jisung bowed slightly as he began to back away, step after step, heading towards Y/N. Y/N needed him. He had to find her. His fingers fiddled with the charms of his bracelet, rubbing one charm back and forth as he tried to sneak away only to feel the world stop. Birds shushed; the brush ceased to shift in the air; sounds and squeaks of the world tumbling along quieted. The air chilled to a freezing temperature and he froze.
“Wait, Jisung.”
It was an odd thing – a power only the High Fae had with their pure-connection to magic, blessed by the Underground to be able to control time and reality at whim. Hyunjin didn’t do so often, and only when it benefitted him.
It had been a while since Jisung had felt the effects of his power. Time stopping was useful when you wanted to avoid something or prolong another thing. He has memories of forever parties where time refused to tick forward, air frozen cold from magic being warmed by his body pressed to Hyunjin’s and other courtiers, and paused moments around the Castle, just him and Hyunjin, locked in embraces and pleasantries beyond Time’s eye.
Jisung’s eyes shut before he turned and falsified a smile to his King.
“I have a better plan.” The King mused. “Give her this.”
Hyunjin commanded with a flare of his fingers. Suddenly, a fruit was daintily perched in between his clawed fingers before he tossed it to Jisung quickly. The goblin-fae reacted and caught it easily.
“What is it?” He hummed, holding the thing carefully.
“It’s a present,” Hyunjin’s voice was sharp as he paced a few steps forward.
He didn’t like that he had to stoop to such levels, but she was progressing far too quickly. He couldn’t help the rise of defensiveness. He had expected her to be cowering in his shadow by now – he had expected her to be at his knees, sweet and pliant. 
“It won’t harm her… will it?” Jisung queried, quietly.
The peach was abnormally heavy for such a small thing. It reeked of magic like honey-suckle with a sour-undertone, like something was fermenting within it.
“Now, why would you care?” Hyunjin paused, glancing over his shoulder at the goblin-man.
Jisung’s lips pressed into a fine line. Silence struck him. He was truly a coward after all that has happened. He couldn’t say what he truly thought even now. If he did, what if it hurt him – what if it hurt Y/N, too? It was odd feeling care for someone else after all these years. It made him swallow roughly.
Hyunjin’s smile was sharpened fangs and rolled eyes.
“Don’t tell me – you like the girl?” the King mocked.
It was foolish but expected of Jisung. He always wanted what wasn’t his. And the Labyrinth-Runner was his. Not Jisung’s. His.
Jisung’s voice was a stutter as he glanced towards a nearby shimmering tree and avoiding the King’s gaze. His throat felt dry as he swallowed. His hands fiddled with the bracelet – her bracelet he was reminded cruelly by a voice in his head. Her bracelet she gave him after he promised to help her. But here he was… discussing her with the King. Betrayer, betrayer, betrayer. Coward, coward, coward. His thumb brushed over the charm he favored the most – the smoothness easing his rising anxiety as he felt a roil of bile climb in his throat. He felt like he was back to the dunes outside the Labyrinth, banished and alone, with only the sands of time as his company and the taste of dust on his lips. He licked his lips – it didn’t taste of grit or death. He wasn’t there.
The King made him anxious and ever-cowardly. A long while ago, he was believed to be the King’s favorite – but it is true that Hyunjin’s blood was cruel, and no one knew that more than Jisung.
“Do you love her?” Hyunjin pressed on, turning fully to look at Jisung.
Head tilting like a predator sizing up his prey, he took slow steps with his long legs. His deep purple coat didn’t dare touch the dusty ground – it was as if small dust sprites lifted it just enough so it wouldn’t tarnish the fabric. It made him look more unearthly, more slowly unhinging at the thought that Jisung wanted her. His Runner.
“Do you think she loves you?” he commented, voice deep and low like a tiger’s growl.
It held an air of warning but also ridicule. As if the idea was fictious – unbelievable. Hyunjin’s eyes stormed as Jisung’s gaze rose at the other’s words. At the sight of the hurricane building, Jisung glanced aside once more as he found his voice.
“She’s my friend,” Jisung finally murmured, glancing down at his feet. “I don’t want to harm her.”
His eyes focused in on the bracelet that jingled lightly. The metal didn’t burn him – despite its iron and silver appearance. He liked that. It made him feel powerful. His other hand’s thumb brushed over a different charm.
“Oh Jisung,” his true name was like a dog’s lead around his throat. His head snapped up to meet the King’s gaze. He was oh so very close now; his smell of fire-smoke and honeyed rosemary burning Jisung’s nose.
“We were friends once, too,” Hyunjin reminded the shorter man.
And he had hurt the King was unspoken but loud and clear. Betrayal bit at the lesser-goblin’s spine. There was a hum in the King’s throat, a soft tut before, with the polished specter, he tilted Jisung’s chin up.
“Jisungie, if she ever kisses you,” Hyunjin was close, the king invading the space of his once-Gentleman-In-Waiting, his estranged best friend, “I’ll make you a Prince.”
Jisung couldn’t help the glow of wonder from sparkling in his eyes. Confusion and awe. He was a greedy soul through and through. Perhaps his blood was of dragon-fae long passed considering how he exceled in green envy and the need for a hoard of pretty things.
If he was a Prince of the Underground, he’d have all the jewels and finery and wondrousness that a fae like himself deserved. Even more than when he was a Gentleman-In-Waiting. All because of a human kiss? No, no, not just a human’s kiss – it was Y/N. Brave, stupid, charming Y/N. She’d probably like him more and--
“The Prince of the Land of Eternal Stench,” Hyunjin finished with a cruel smirk. He loved to watch the awe fade from his subject’s eyes – how Jisung’s Adam’s apple stuttered with a swallow. Hyunjin’s fingers rose to pinch the fair goblin’s chin. “Don’t make me do such a thing, my pet.”
Jisung trembled as he nodded. “Yes--yes, your Majesty.”
“Good boy,” the Goblin King hummed before letting go of Jisung’s chin and stepping away with a scowl.
“Give my gift to the Runner; she’s making too much progress.”
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redstayrosie · 22 days
Links to posts of Stray Kids to read: PART 3
I don't own any of these posts all rights to the creators.
| Sweet🌻 | Sad🥀 | Intimate🔥| personal fave💯|
|Series 📑|
All Bark and No Bite 🌻🥀🔥+📑
♡Summary: There's no turning back now, not when you know what you left behind. A dangerous situation is now replaced with another. After the omegas disappeared, you have to be extra careful, especially now that you have left your pack and family.  What happens when your car breaks down on another pack's land?
♡General: Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
♡Additional warning: 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI!
♡General: minho + fem reader, [ hyunjin + fem reader ], enemies → lovers, college au, smut + angst + fluff, experienced minho, virgin reader, sunshine x grumpy, he falls first but she falls harder. ♡Warning : explicit sexual scenes [ softdom minho, corruption kink, loss of virginity, they take everything step by step, further tags for each chapter will be added individually ], consumption of alcohol, [ I might add more tags during the writing and posting process ]
♡Content warning: tsundre!lee know, a guy being a creep, kissing, fluff, kinda angst, Han is the reader's older cousin, fem!reader, some petnames, overall soft.
♡Additional warning: 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI!
Hyunsung Hybrids!Au Masterlist. (Stray kids)
♡Pairing: Hyunsung x FemReader, Hyunsung.
♡Warning: This series contains smut in every chapter.
♡Pairing: hyunjin x female reader
♡Genre + Warnings: friends to lovers, smut mdni!, oral (both f & m receiving), hyunjin calls reader kitten, semi-public
Hyunsung Hybrids!Au Masterlist. (Stray kids)
♡Pairing: Hyunsung x FemReader, Hyunsung.
♡Warning: This series contains smut in every chapter.
♡Additional warning: 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI!
This is what friends do, pt. 1🔥
♡Synopsis: You and Felix have been best friends for years, but recently you started to feel different. With every touch and move he made towards you, you couldn’t help but feel weird, embarrassed, and longing for something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Luckily, your best friend is there to help you get some much-needed relief, as long as you give him some, too.
Content: smut, fem!readerxFelix, dom!felix, sub!reader, perv!felix (he’s a mess in this), Felix is a bit obsessive over the reader, virgin!reader, bestfriendreader x bestfriend!felix, corruption kink, fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving), experimentation, praise kink, panty sniffing, mentions of pillow humping and dry humping.
♡{ That's it for now, I hope you enjoy}♡
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mixtape-0325 · 3 months
okay okay. Hear me out. I was thinking FTM reader (no surgeries) x roommates Chansung. Chansung are dating and they hate you and you hate them with how they keep you up at night being loud as hell when Ji fucks Chan. One day y'all are in a heated argument with lots of yelling and aggression but there's so much damn sexual tension between the three of you that things suddenly turn SPICY mid argument.
Either Chansung, Minsung, or Hyunsung?? Ji top tho
Aww I'm so glad you found my account 🖤 I'm new to writing ftm requests but I'm totally open to it so whenever I do get some I will do them for sure :) definitely refreshing from the amount of female reader fics.
I only just got back from a long break and tbh still not fully back to write longer requests or ideas, but I will definitely save this idea and turn it into a fic later on! Thank you for trusting me with it 🫶 I will quote this post with the link to the fic ones its up, promise.
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