#hyojong x reader
adachicuto · 2 years
hyojong’s love languages
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⇾ quality time:
hyojong would love spending with you when he’d have the time. even if he had a tight schedule, he’d try his best to make time for you by bringing you lunch while you’d be at work and maybe you’d take a little walk at a nearby park before you’d both have to go back
you’d do a lot of artsy things together like visit art museums and try to figure out the meanings of the art . this would probably inspire you to go a couple’s painting class or something
if you’d be able to, i think he’d like to get out of the city at least once a month to see nature and sort of reset because living in a bustling city can be very stressful. so, it’d do both of you some good to get away sometimes and catch up and maybe work on some hobbies but it wouldn’t really matter that much
ending every day by talking about the good, bad, and in-between and he hold eye contact as much as possible because he’d just want you to know that you have his undivided attention and he’d try his best to help you and offer advice if needed
⇾ acts of service:
i can see him cooking (even if he’s not the best cook) and cleaning in your shared apartment a lot, especially if you would have a bad day. he’d do whatever he could to help you feel better
this may not exactly count but i think that when he’d notice that you’re down, he’d try to get you to smile or laugh before he’d ask if you’d want to talk about it. would it always work? not all the time but that doesn’t mean that he’d stop. so, he’d make funny faces or do weird dances to make you laugh
i feel like he would offer to drive you any and everywhere just because and you’d appreciate it a lot because traffic can be brutal and you wouldn’t have to be alone on days when you’d have a lot of errands
there would always be those days where he’d be too tired to do his skincare routine and you’d always help him, so he would definitely return the favor. would probably squish you face gently before kissing your cheek and going to bed
⇾ physical touch:
lots of random hugs throughout the day that would make the both of you smile because even if it’s not your thing, you’d still find it comforting and cute and he’d understand when you’d need space
would not mind being the little spoon at all but i think he’d prefer to be the big spoon most of the time so he could hold you close and kiss your face while talking or watching a movie/show
speaking of kisses, there would be a lot. he’d kiss you hello, goodbye, good night, and good morning and would never get tired of it because he’d find the shy smiles that would appear on your face adorable
hyojong is the type to give you back hugs while you’d be cooking or something and somehow you’d both end up dancing around your small kitchen to the hum of the air conditioner
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pentagonieslut · 2 years
m.list !!
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lee huitaek/hoetaek (hui):
[hui's high pitched screams are in place of no works. - cube staff]
jo jinho:
ko/go shinwon:
yeo changgu (yeoone):
[causing silent chaos somewhere, lurking]
yang hongseok:
adachi yuto/yuuto:
kang hyunggu:
[embarrased he has to match hui and shinwon, hiding]
jung wooseok:
kim hyojong (e'dawn):
i will write romance + smut for him on request. he just got out of a relationship with hyuna. be nice.
all members:
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kim hongjoong:
[ran away to the studio to work on something]
park seonghwa:
[poor mama can't catch a break]
jung wooyoung:
[he's trying to get rough-talked again because he likes it]
jeong yunho:
[him and minjae are going around and calling each other brothers]
song mingi:
[just being happy little mufasa]
kang yeosang:
[ordering as much chicken as he can]
choi san:
[being a sex demon again]
choi jongho:
[breaking apples and singing tears]
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moon taeil:
[being a grandpa, he's sick of this shit]
qian kun:
[yelling at the younger members starting from 99s-jisung]
seo johnny:
[he's eating chicago pizza and crying]
lee taeyong:
[febreezing all the fucking dorms]
kim doyoung:
[he's hiding in his room]
kim jungwoo:
[he's being a puppy to get taeyong to cook]
dong sicheng (winwin):
[running from taeil's monstrous love]
nakamoto yuta:
[eating taiyaki and sharing with shotaro]
jung jaehyun:
[he's preparing to work overtime]
chittaphon leechaiyapornkul (ten):
wong yukhei/wong xuxi (lucas):
[freaking out about the discovery of nana and nearly crushing louis]
na jaemin:
[reminding lucas he's nana for the third year in a row]
xiao dejun (xiaojun):
[jasmine is really muscular]
wong kunhuang (hendery):
[he's in macau touring with big byung]
liu yangyang:
[he's freaking out in german, give him a second]
zhong chenle:
[flexing his money again]
huang renjun:
[he's planning the death of a dream member]
lee mark:
[my baby said she wanna dance she wanna leave me, huh? FUCK]
lee jeno:
[let him recover from being tied up and being ridden]
jung sungchan:
[he's playing games with your heart, i'm sorry]
lee donghyuck (haechan):
[consistent with his 37.5% show rating]
osaki shotaro:
[he's being the cutest fucking otter alive and you're here for it]
park jisung:
[he's on his way to becoming a tiktok fuckboi]
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moon hyunbin:
[casting a spell for peace, maybe?]
choi seokwon (tan):
[can put you in a chokehold but has a cute face so like- I TAP OUT]
kim byeonggun (hwi):
[cupid is making him do secretary work]
terazono keita:
[still waiting on the phone papa rain promised him]
yeom taegyun (tag):
[leave mans alone, he's doing highschool rapper 4 n stressing]
gil dohwan:
[he's yodeling..somewhere]
park sungwon (won):
[snuck out for a poetry slam]
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son seungjun (castle j):
[producing some type of track]
nam seungmin (bic):
[he's not a pen, promise]
song minjae:
[dammit minjae..you're so tall, i mistook you for yunho!]
no huijun:
[getting a black belt in taekwondo]
bang junhyuk (win):
[he's making your brain rot with his deep voice like felix]
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lee hangyul:
[putting you in a choke hold with his all day performance]
park junseo:
[he's dancing his bones off]
jeon minwook (j-min):
[trying to go to the olympics in professional flexibility]
jung gun (yoojun):
[making 'fuck you' necklaces to choke bit with]
kim hyunwoo (muzin):
[trying to meditate before he goes off]
ryu yeongseo:
[trying to become the next twice member]
na gyumin (doha):
[drawing webtoons about the chaos of this group]
noh minjae (bit):
[tormenting yoojun and j-min with cucumbers]
nam dohyon:
[auditioning for SMTM with his milk mixtape]
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[he's so pretty they're making him model schoolgirl uniforms]
[he's being hyper again...MOOM]
[his mind is blank leave him alone]
[eating dango and watchinge veryone with a happy smile]
[lurking somewhere
[he's telling everyone he's not a athlete]
[flustered about something]
[working out again]
[chicken GK, chicken GK, chicken GK]
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hopeworldfan · 5 years
good things come in threes (2)
summary: you had a unique relationship with hyuna and hyojong, one that gets even more complicated when min yoongi gets involved.
pairing: yoongi/reader, hyuna/reader/hyojong
word count: 2k
rating: 18+
genre: fluff, smut, angst, idolverse, idol!reader
warning: sexting, yoongi pops a boner, implied masturbation 
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Beads of sweat were cascading down the side of your face and your muscles were screaming in protest with every move you made. You didn’t stop though, you couldn’t stop. The choreography had to be second nature to you, to come as easy as breathing when you were on stage. No matter what happened, what distraction there might be, what complication might occur, your performance couldn’t falter for a single second. You always had to give your fans your absolute best, no exceptions.
“We can take a break (y/n).” Your choreographer, Taewon, offered with a knowing smile.
He already knew what your answer would be, what it always was. “Nonsense. Let’s run it again.”
Your heart was pounding as the music started again. Sparing a glance at the mirror in front of you, you noted how much of a mess you looked. It had been three hours since you stepped foot in the dance studio and your messy appearance attested to that.
Despite your somewhat laidback, uncaring persona in the public eye, you cared a lot. The persona was a carefully crafted one that worked wonders for you. The controversial queen, multiple tattoos, sultry outfits, lyrics littered with profanity, and a very empowered attitude in general. You were the ‘darker’ version of Hyuna in a sense, and that came into play in your collaborations. She was the light to your dark, the sun to your moon, and people ate it up.
Your legs were shaking by the time you finished the song and it took all of your willpower not to collapse on the ground. Just in time, Minsun strolled in. “Good news (y/n)!”
“I love good news.” You sighed, plopping down on the floor and gratefully taking the water bottle Taewon handed you.
“You’re collaborating with Suga, just one song, for now, BigHit wants to test the waters before committing to more.”  
You froze, the bottle of water just touching your lips. “Are you serious?”
“Of course, I am.” Your manager sniffed. “You can thank me at any time.”
In the next beat, you were on your feet, your arms wrapped around the taller woman.
“Thank you thank you thank you thank you.” You chanted, a wide smile on your face.
“Oh gross! You’re getting sweat all over my suit!” She protested, trying to shove your sweaty form off.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.” You teased and she just huffed in annoyance, but you released her, finally chugging the bottle of water. “So, what are the details.”
“The two of you have free reign on the song. We want it released before the start of your tour, something to kick it off with a bang. Since your first performance is right here in Seoul and it’s being filmed, you’re going to bring Suga out for the song. It’s a secret though, very under wraps.”
You nodded thoughtfully. Your tour kicked off in three months, you’d written songs within a much shorter time span. “This is going to be so much fun.”
Minsun’s face morphed into something more serious and your stomach dropped. Uh oh, that expression never meant anything good. “Listen (y/n), the Bangtan boys have a much cleaner image to uphold than yourself. The BigHit executives have voiced…concerns about your relationship with Hyuna and E’Dawn. If it were to be revealed while you were working with Suga, it could have a backlash on them, and they don’t want that. If there is any whiff of the three of you, they’ll pull out of the collaboration without a second thought.”
Annoyance coursed through you. Everything always came down to your relationship –not relationship- with Hyuna and Hyojong. It’s not like the three of you were doing anything wrong. You were all adults, it was completely consensual, why did it have to be some big thing? Why did society have to consider it taboo? Why did it have to affect your career?
“I get it Minsun.” You breathed and she sighed.
“Look, you know I don’t understand what you have with them, but maybe some time away would do you good.” She was only trying to help, you knew that, so you ignored the flare of irritation at her suggestion.
“I’ll be careful.” You promised before turning and getting back into position. “I need to get back to practice.”
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A week later and you were finally meeting with Suga. The two of you had agreed to just meet in his studio since that was the most logical place for what the two of you were doing. You were so excited, you’d been a fan of his work for so long, really connecting to the emotion he injected into his lyrics. This was your dream collaboration.
“Wah! (Y/N)?! What is (Y/N) doing at our dorm?!” A panicked voice exclaimed when you strolled into the dorms, security having let you in.
“What are you talking about-oh my god!”
“What’s the commotion?”
You just giggled at the scene playing out in front of you. It was Jungkook who screamed first, and he was still staring at you like you had sprouted an extra head. V was next, having looked up from his position on the couch to also gawk at you. Namjoon was the last one, walking into the room at the boy’s exclamations. The three of them were just staring at you so you hesitantly raised a hand in greeting. “Uhh, hi? I’m here to see Suga.”
“Oh!” Namjoon exclaimed with wide eyes. “Yes! We knew that! We totally knew that. I’ll go get him!”
He was gone before you could reply, and you were left awkwardly standing there. Jungkook and V looked to be arguing about something before the younger of the two finally approached you. “Hi, um, I know we’ve technically met before, but, uh, I just wanted to say that I’m a huge fan.”
“Thank you! I’m a huge fan of you too!” You smiled and his eyes shot up to meet yours.
“Of course! Euphoria is a gorgeous song, I listen to it a lot.” A blush crept up to your cheeks at your confession and you noticed a similar thing happening to the boy in front of you.
“I! Uh, I’m a huge fan too (y/n)!” V shouted, scrambling to stand next to Jungkook.
“Your solo track is also amazing V; your voice is so comforting I adore it.” His cheeks flushed a light pink at the compliment. They were both so adorable. You loved seeing the contrast from the sensual guys you had watched on stage to the shy guys standing in front of you.
“If the two of you are done harassing (y/n), we have work to do.” A different voice commented and the two boys in front of you paled.
“We’re not harassing her, Hyung!” Jungkook protested.
“We were just talking!” V defended and you couldn’t help but giggle at the display. The dynamic was hilarious, both boys were larger than Suga, but it was obvious they deferred to him.  
“It’s true, we were just chatting.” You chimed in with a kind smile and his eyes flitted to you. Your gaze only met for a moment before he looked away, his expression unreadable. Panic shot through. What he saw at MAMA had been on your mind since that night. Sure, he didn’t have any concrete proof about what happened, but you knew that he knew and if he let anything slip, the paparazzi would run with it. However, there hadn’t been a single whiff of it.
“You can follow me to my studio.” He said and you obliged immediately, waving goodbye to V and Jungkook.
What if he asked you about it? You had to lie, there was no way you could just tell the truth, that was too dangerous. Not that you thought Suga was a shady person, but you only knew him from what he showed the world, that wasn’t always the real deal.
“I’m really excited to work with you Suga, I’ve admired you for a while now.” You said honestly as the two of you walked into the studio.  
“Ahh, thank you,” He said somewhat shyly, and you noticed the slight reddening of his cheeks. “And you can call me Yoongi.”
“Alright, Yoongi.” You grinned, setting your backpack down and taking a seat on the couch. Maybe his personality was just more reserved, and he wasn’t treating you differently because of what he saw. “So, do you have any ideas for the song, I have a few WIP’s that we could pull from, but I haven’t been able to come up with a fitting theme.”
Yoongi took a seat in front of his keyboard, facing you and putting a hand up to his face. He looked more confident than he had ten seconds ago, and you had to will yourself to keep your mind from wandering. He was an extremely attractive male, but you’re constantly surrounded by attractive males that didn’t make you feel the way you were feeling.
It had been so long since you’d felt real desire for anyone but Hyuna and Hyojong. Even with Hui, he was attractive, and you had a lot of fun, but the thought of him didn’t particularly excite you though. Yoongi though, he excited you, and you’d only been in the same room for five minutes.
“I think the most logical thing would be a darker themed song, it would fit both of our images. I uhh, I started working on something when I was told about the collaboration.”  
Time flew by while the two of you worked. Yoongi was a genius, there wasn’t a single doubt left in your mind. The two of you would be done the song in no time at the pace you were getting things out. You worked so well together, any time one of you got stuck the other jumped in immediately with a solution. In all your years as an idol, you had never felt such a creative connection with someone.
“I’ll be right back.” You smiled, jumping up to take a bathroom break.
Yoongi watched you go with a look that could only be described as in awe. He’d wanted to collaborate with you for so long, ever since the first time he heard your voice. There was just something so poignant about it, something that drew him in. He told himself how breathtakingly beautiful you were had nothing to do with it. Even today, you were dressed so simply, sweatpants and a t-shirt, hair in a messy bun, a black face mask and not a trace of makeup, and he thought you looked gorgeous.  
The only problem he was having was that he couldn’t look at you without picturing how you looked that night at MAMA. You had obviously just been having sex, there was no doubt in his mind. Everything about you was screaming it, the hickeys on your neck, your still blown pupils, your swollen lips, your inside out shirt. You had still looked so fucked out and holy fuck Yoongi couldn’t help but wish that it was because of him.
A buzzing noise drew his attention to the couch, and he noticed you had left your phone when you want to the bathroom. Curiosity got the better of him and he leaned forward, seeing that not only did you leave your phone unlocked, but open to a message thread.
His eyes grew to the size of dinner plates when he saw the picture, and the message attached to it. Your face wasn’t in the picture, and neither was the girl’s whose pussy you were eating, or the guy’s who was fucking you from behind, the one holding the camera. So, he couldn’t be positive it was you, but he was pretty positive it was you. The girl had the same shoulder tattoo and that was your current hair color.
It was the attached message that really solidified it.
we didn’t get enough of you noona, come play
Yoongi wasn’t oblivious to the rumors surrounding you, the whispers about your relationship with Hyuna and E’Dawn. He knew that’s whose dressing room you were rushing out of when you ran into him, but seeing the picture, seeing the proof, Yoongi felt his pants tightening. Fuck.
He whirled around when you strolled back into the studio. “Sorry I took so long, I may have gotten a tad bit lost.”
“It’s cool.” He replied nervously and you tilted your head in confusion before plopping back down on the couch and grabbing your phone. He watched you out of the corner of his eyes as you scanned the message, he noticed the way your lips parted slightly and your tongue shot out to wet your bottom lips, he noticed the way you squeezed your thighs together.
“Do you mind if we put a pause on things for the night? We’ve made a lot of progress.” You asked and Yoongi kept his back towards you, unable to kill his growing erection. Holy shit. You were going to go, that’s where you’d be headed when you left.
“Yeah that’s cool, I’ll stay here and just add a few tweaks.”  
“Alright! I really enjoyed working with you today, I’ll be in contact!” You grinned, grabbing your stuff and bouncing out. His eyes followed your form, getting up and locking the door the minute you were out of sight.
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yutology · 6 years
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Oh um.. wow
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
The College Crush ~ Chapter 1: Twisted Girl
Black!MC x E’Dawn
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Just a flash of red and brown, and E’Dawn couldn’t help but stare. His smile fell and it felt as though his world had stopped. Your hair was in twists and so was his stomach after seeing you. The other guys didn’t fail to notice their friend’s new infatuation with the girl who had just passed by.
“You think she’s cute, huh?”
He nodded and fell off the wall since he had been too occupied staring at the beautiful brown girl who had passed by to worry about his own safety. Hyojong just had to know one thing. Who were you?
[Two hours earlier...]
Hyojong woke up and stretched, turning off his phone alarm and almost forgetting he wasn’t living on campus this year. He was so used to seeing the cream colored walls, that his black painted ones surprised him. Yawning, he smacked his lips together and tasted last night’s sleep on his tongue. It tasted like spit.
“Good morning, Cheolsoo! Yeonghee, how was your sleep? Is Nari thirsty this morning?” He said cheerfully as he watered the growing sprouts on his windowsill before getting ready.
Skipping forward, Hyojong spit foamy toothpaste into the sink and wiped his face. Only as he double checked his freckled face did his roommate Hongseok came out of his room to do his morning routine.
Scratching his tummy, he said his usual greeting, “Mornin’”
“Sleep well?”
Hongseok nodded and yawned, splashing his face with cold water, “Ah, we’re meeting the guys at the brick wall outside the library today for lunch. Bring cash. Jinho says the card swipe thing got stolen over the summer.”
 “Well fuck,” He pouted. “Ok.”
The be-speckled blonde beauty opened his closet and changed his bottoms to the black slacks required by the school that sported his grade’s color. He slipped on a white tank top after flexing in the mirror a bit. High white socks and black tennis shoes. They could have been any color, but Hyojong decided to keep it simple.
He’d put on his jacket last in case something spilled on his shirt and he had no time to change. Speaking of which. Breakfast. Nothing too big as he’d get coffee with his friends soon enough. Yuto was in the kitchen, toast waiting on the counter with jam and butter surrounding the green plate.
“I made two slices for everyone. Do whatever you want with them.”
The three waited for the last one to wake up as they ate in the living room and played a few video games. None of their classes were until 11am, and it was just now 9:23. Wooseok shuffled in his pajamas and drank some juice.
“Cute.” Hongseok smiled.
They talked about their classes and what they heard about their teachers until it was time to go. They buttoned up their gold buttons that shined brightly against the black fabric
“These look like Japanese high school outfits.”
“And here I thought I had gotten rid of these awful collars when I graduated.” Yuto looked at himself in the mirror. “Why are they trying to copy the uniform style?”
Hongseok shrugged, “Don’t know. But I don’t exactly hate it. You look adorable, Wooseok.”
Hyojong smiled, “He’s always adorable.”
“Oh, be quiet. These pants are so stupid. Why aren’t they full length?” The adorable one turned his ankle to emphasize the fact that it showed off his navy blue socks instead of covering them like regular pants.
“Fashion!” Yuto said. “I like that feature. Makes me feel young.”
“I feel like I’m cosplaying.” Hongseok laughed. “Anyways. Let’s go. We’ve got classes to get to, and it’s best not to be late on the first day.”
After their first classes, the boys met up where they had the past two years after making their rather large group of friends. There were ten of them in total, Jinho, Hui, Hongseok, E’Dawn, Shinwon, Yanan, Yeo One, Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok. Hyojong went by E’Dawn because he messed up creating his first semester schedule so badly that he had classes at the crack of dawn for a whole term.
Most of the others had regular nicknames. They always met for lunch outside the library since Jinho worked at the school cafe located on the library’s first floor and got off at the time. He always brought his friends food that was fresh but would be thrown out after his shift. It was ok as long as he didn’t get caught, and his boss didn’t tell on him.
Even in this large group, they talked about the new uniforms for guys. Every grade had its own color that they had to wear. Freshmen in red, Sophomores in green, Juniors in pink, and Seniors in blue. Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok wore red while Yeo One, Shinwon, and Yanan got green. Hui, E’Dawn, and Hongseok got to wear black this year and Jinho was the only one who wore blue.
The colors were on everyone’s Student IDs. For the guys, they had two sets of pants. One were plaid and whatever color they needed to be. The others were black with a colored stripe down each side. The color also showed up on their ties they wore for their alternate uniforms.As for girls, their skirts signified their current academic level. Although girls could wear pants, there was just social pressure that made skirts more common than not.
Hyojong had decided to wear his black pants today. He met Yuto and Wooseok during their summer orientation since Hyojong was their Orientation Leader. They mentioned not wanting live on campus but not wanting to stay with their parents and E’Dawn said he had two empty rooms in his apartment. They’ve been close ever since.
The guys were taking turns walking on the red brick wall in front of the library to see who could do it the fastest without falling. Hyojong fell and landed on his ass, making the others laugh. He laughed along with them until your red skirt caught his eye. Your legs were an earthy brown, and you wore high black socks in combat boots.
Looking at the rest of your body, he saw that you had on a blazer with red accents and a white dress shirt underneath, red ribbon tied under the colar. The messenger bag you held was an army green color and covered in all sorts of buttons. Some E’Dawn recognized since he was a fan of the shows and bands.
Your hair was natural and in a plethora of twists, but you didn’t really notice him among all the other handsome men. You just saw them as a group of men you had to pass by. It didn’t occur that one of them had been captivated by your presence. Then again, while you were trying to see if you were headed towards the right building, E’Dawn was trying to get a better view of you. He sat up from his first falling position, fingers hanging off the edge of the wall.
After you passed the group, you didn’t see your newest admirer fall to the ground after losing his balance since you were already inside the building and taking everything in. So this is what the inside of a Korean library looked like, you mused.
Hyojong scrambled to his feet and followed you. He just had to make sure that what he saw was human not a goddess made from his imagination as he currently believed you were. When he got inside, he saw a red skirt go around a corner. Your twists bounced with every step and suddenly stopped as you searched for the right room. Hyojong couldn’t help but reach out and touch your shoulder.
You turned around, “Yeah?” You spoke English.
He didn’t know a lot of English. Right now, he barely remembered any Korean as you two met eyes. Yours were such a dark brown, tunnels to another world. E’Dawn had to say something.
“Hi. I’m Kim Hyojong.” He bowed. “I help with new students. Are you lost?”
Having bowed when he did, you sighed and spoke Korean, “Yes, I’m lost. I’m looking for this classroom, but I don’t see this number anywhere.”
He loved the sound of your voice. You showed him the number, and E’Dawn saw the number written in both Hangul and Romanized alphabet.
“Ah, I’m guessing you didn’t get the email. That class is now upstairs in the computer lab.” He pointed upwards. “I can take you to it if you want.”
The way you smiled made his heart skip, “Could you, please?”
Hyojong smiled back, “Sure. Follow me. What’s your name, by the way?”
“I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you.” You gave a small bow and your twists trickled down your cheeks.
“Nice to meet you.”
There was no way he was going to tell you how easy it was to find the classroom since they were mostly glass walls and had the teacher’s name on the door. E’Dawn wanted to spend more time with you wanted to learn more about this beautiful black girl with a voice like the sea.
“Where you from?”
“I’m from North America. And before you ask, I learned Korean and moved here because of K-pop. Mostly the fashion aspect.”
He smiled, “Sounds about right with all the foreigners here. What’s your major?” E’Dawn asked as he opened the stairwell door for you.
“Thanks,” You grinned. “And I’m undecided at the moment. Just trying to get my general studies out the way and try a few things out before committing to a specific field just yet.”
“You’ll find your place here rather quickly. Um, let me see that paper one more time?”
You hands him the paper, and he took a pen out of his pocket to scribble something on it. He handed it back to you, and you noticed a few extra characters along the bottom.
“Wow” You heard a voice whisper.
Both of you turned your heads to see the stairwell door closing even though it should’ve already been shut after E’Dawn and you stepped out. You guys decided to ignore whatever it was.
“It’s my KTalk. You can message me if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy your class.” He opened the glass door leading to the largest computer room.
“Thanks. Hyojong-oppa?”
He wanted to clutch his chest as he was having a heart attack from how cute you were, calling him oppa. He almost forgot you were younger than him, but the red skirt was obvious. You were just very comfortable to be around that you didn’t feel younger. Must’ve been because you were American.
You took his reaction the wrong way, “Oh, sorry, I guess we’re not close enough for me to call you that yet.”
“No, no, no, no, no, no. It’s fine. You can call me oppa if you want.”
“Oh, that’s a relief! Thank you, oppa!”
Hyojong nodded, caught his breath, and put on a charming smile, “Yes. You’re welcome. I’ll see you around. Your Korean is very good.”
“Thank you! I’ll see you around.” You bowed to him and went inside.
He nodded back at you and let go of the door. Releasing the breath he didn’t even know he was holding, E’Dawn gave you one last glance and headed downstairs to rejoin his friends. However, as he opened the door that lead to the stairs he saw several of them standing on the landing.
“Hey, guys. What were you doing?”
They all looked at each other until Yeo One spoke, “Nothing, oppa~”
The others joined in teasing him about having the freshman girl call him oppa even though they had just met. Hyojong was a blushing mess, and nothing could hide it. The librarian shushed them and pointed outside.
Once outside, Jinho was the first to tell the other five, “She called him oppa and almost took it back, but he said it was ok. Dawnie’s got a crush~”
“So, is she Korean?”
E’Dawn shook his head, “American. Not sure which area. Her name is (Y/N).” He touched his cheeks, starting to blush even more. “She’s really cute.”
This was fun. Should I write more? I should. Five chapters. I’ll write five chapters of this with this one being the first.
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fairytalekpop · 6 years
— Confessing to Yuto about your feelings for Hyojong!
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// should I make this a part 1 of a short series on this??? I think I will :) \\
(Ps. I have nothing against Hyuna and Hyojong, yes he’s A bias [I have 3 biases in the group, Yuto is the ult] but I’m happy he’s dating Hyuna and I, 100000% support them and knets + cube can suck a big toe for being so shitty and handling the situation in such an unprofessional way!)
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yuta-senpai · 3 years
Our Princess | Hyuna & Dawn
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*Day 11 of Kinktober*
- Pairing: Hyuna x Dawn x Reader
- Genre: Smut
- Warnings: Polyamorous relationship, use of king, queen, and princess nicknames, orgasm denial, double-ended dildo, oral female receiving, & unprotected sex.
- Word count: 2.2k
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You stood in the door in Hyuna's favorite lingerie. She smirked, “My princess knows how to make me happy.” 
She licked her lips and signaled you to come towards her. You walked over and stood in front of her, she gripped your ass and looked up at you with lust-filled eyes. She pulled you in between her legs and kissed the strap across your stomach, she bit the strap and pulled it back with her teeth, and then let it slap back against your skin, leaving a red mark. She turned you around and slapped your ass cheek, causing you to yelp. Standing up behind you, pulling your body against hers, her breasts pushed into your back. She covered your mouth and whispered, “Don't be too loud, you don't want to be caught now do you?”
You shook your head no and she purred “Good girl”
She kept her hand on your mouth as she slid her hand over your underwear, immediately rubbing you quickly. Your legs almost gave out, but she held your body up against hers. “You are over-sensitive today princess, I love it. I'm gonna uncover your mouth and if you make a sound I'll have to punish you. Understand?”
You nodded your head, she gripped your chin “Answer me.” 
“Yes, queen” 
She smirked “Good job princess” 
She spun you two around and slammed your face into the bed, her hand moving down into your underwear. One hand held your hands behind your back, while the other rubbed circles against your clit. You almost moaned but bit your lip to hold back. 
She rubbed faster knowing that you wouldn't be able to hold back your moans. You bit the bedding and breathed out through your nose heavily. 
She slid two fingers inside curling them up against your sweet spot as she continued to rub your clit with her thumb. She rubbed against both sensitive spots as fast as she could, causing your body to shake. You bit the sheet as hard as possible, but you couldn't hold off any longer, a loud desperate moan echoed throughout the room. 
Hyuna immediately stopped moving her fingers causing you to whimper. 
“Queen, I was so close.”
She pulled her fingers out of you and spanked your ass. 
“Well I told you to be quiet princess, so we can't always get what we want now can we?”
She pulled her hands away from you. “Move up on the bed and take your panties off.” 
You did as she said, and Hyuna walked to the closet of toys and pulled out your favorite toy. You bit your lip as Hyuna grabbed the double-sided dildo. She looked at your face and smirked, “This is your favorite right?”
You nodded and bit your lip, she stripped her clothes off then walked over towards you swaying her hips extra. She was just in her sexy underwear.  She stripped her panties off as she stood at the edge of the bed. “Princess, do you think you deserve this?”
You nodded “Yes, queen.”
She smirked and walked on her hands and knees towards you. She sat down against your crotch, leaning forward, kissing you. She grabbed your jaw and forced your mouth open so her tongue could enter your mouth. Your tongues danced together, and when she backed away a strand of spit connected between your mouths. She leaned back in and kissed you again, before backing away and straddling you. You could feel her wetness, and she knew that.  She grabbed the dildo, and slowly slid it into herself, you watched it disappear into her, and you groaned wanting to be able to fuck it together. She started at you and grabbed the area that connected the two dildos, she held on as she started riding the side in her. 
“You can’t touch me or yourself, princess.” 
She smirked evilly and then threw her head back moaning loudly. You just wanted to be able to get some pleasure, and she knew that. She moved so her legs were inside yours, forcing you to keep your legs open.  She knew that you would rub your legs together for any kind of friction.  She stared at your wet core that begged to be touched as she fucked herself on the dildo. Her eyes looked into yours, and your eyes were full of pure desire and need. She licked her bottom lip and then started riding the dildo faster. She stopped, reaching around to remove her bra. She started rolling her hips then bouncing, her breasts bouncing as she rode, her face full of pleasure. Your vagina begged to be touched and kept throbbing to let you know it needed to be touched right then and there. Her breathing got heavier as she got close to her high.
“Are you about to cum queen?”
She gasped and moaned her body shaking in response, she came hard and then fell onto your chest. Her body heaving from the pure pleasure, you knew she loved seeing you desperate. She looked up at you, her bangs stuck to her forehead, her eyes dark with lust and pleasure. You whimpered “Queen, please let me cum.”
She grabbed your clothed breast and bit her lip. 
Her eyes widened and her breathing got heavy. You knew how to get to her, and you hoped this would work. 
“Do you think you have been punished enough?”
You nodded “Yes, queen. Please.”
Begging had always worked on her. She stopped and thought for a moment. “No, you deserve more punishment.”
A pout spread across your face “Please let me cum, I need to cum so badly. I know I was a bad girl, but I'm almost in pain I have so much desire to be touched by you, my queen.”
She looked down at your body, running her hands up and down your sides. You shivered and then whimpered “Please.” 
Leaning down she kissed your exposed stomach and then kissed your lips. She leaned back, and grabbed the opposite dildo side, sliding it into you. 
You threw your head back moaning loudly. She held onto the middle and thrust it back and forth between the two of you. She scooted you two close together as you thrust back and forth on the dildo. Moans escaped both of your lips and you gripped onto her leg. She sat up and started thrusting into you, her end of the dildo stayed inside while she thrust into you.
She leaned down kissing you as she thrust into you at a fast pace. Soft moans escaped your lips with each thrust. 
“A-ahh Queen!”
She gripped your hair and thrust deep and hard. Her hand slid between the two of you as she massaged your clit, helping you to release. You felt that familiar knot in your stomach form as your high started building. 
“I-I'm about to cum!”
She quickened her pace “Cum for me princess.”
Your high released as you moaned out loudly, your body quivering. She slowed her pace down to let you ride out your high. As soon as you came down she kissed the sweat from your neck and then kissed your lips. 
“What the fuck happened here? 
You looked to see an angry Hyojong.
Hyuna froze and looked over her shoulder. “Oh hey sweetie.” 
His eyebrow was raised up in displeasure. “Are you fucking serious right now? Fucking her behind my back?”
You bit your lip and stayed quiet. 
Hyuna scoffed “It's not like you haven't done the same.”
She scooted off of you, removing the dildo from herself, but not you. She stood at the end of the bed. 
“Can you prove that my queen? I fucking caught you in the act.” 
Hyuna crossed her arms “So what?”
Hyojong walked towards the two of us, and you laid there waiting for things to get sorted out. “Well, I vaguely remember you saying that we could only do something like this together.”
Hyuna pulled him forward by his shirt “Then let's do it together right now my king.” 
You shivered and laid there. Hyojong turned towards you “You have been a very bad girl. You cheated on your king with the queen. Should she be punished, my queen?”
Hyuna shook her head “No, I already punished her good.”
Hyojong sat on the bed beside you and ran his finger over the smooth skin on your stomach. “Queen, you aren't very good at this. She still has her bra on.” 
Hyuna raised an eyebrow, “Then show me how to do it.”
Hyojong smirked “Gladly.”
He leaned down and kissed you with lust but also passion. His hand cupping your cheek, his tongue ran across your bottom lip asking for entrance. You opened your mouth as your tongues mingled. You could taste him and you loved it. He always loved it when you would suck on his tongue, so you sucked on his tongue. A moan escaped from his throat. 
The kiss got more heated as he leaned you up and undid your bra without even disconnecting his lips from yours. His hands rubbed your breasts, paying special attention to your already hardened nipples. He rolled a nipple in his fingers causing you to moan, he smirked into the kiss. 
He kissed down your jawline to your neck. Littering your neck with hickeys. “I love marking you, princess.” 
You bit your lip and whimpered as he sucked on your sensitive spot on your neck. 
“A-aaaah King!”
Your back arched and he backed away from your neck kissing you on the lips again. 
“Queen, come over. I think it's time. She seems worked up enough.”
Hyuna looked at you and smiled before finally removing the dildo, causing you to whimper. 
Hyojong kissed your right nipple and then backed away. 
“Get on your hands and knees princess.”
Hyuna pouted “Wait, what? She is getting it?”
Hyojong laughed “You get eaten and she gets fucked. Sounds fair to me.”
As you were getting up Hyojong smacked your ass causing you to gasp and for him to chuckle. You got on your hands and knees your ass facing Hyojong and your face towards Hyuna. Hyuna gripped your hair and pulled you so you were staring at her face. She kissed you and then pushed your head into the bed. 
“I want to watch you fuck her before she eats me. Plus she can't cum until I do, so she better act fast once I let her.”
You whimpered as you felt Hyojong place the head of his dick at your entrance. 
“Oh fuck, you are so wet for your king aren't you?”
You nodded, “Yes king, I'm always wet for you.” 
He gripped your hips and slowly slid the head of his dick into you. You moaned, “Ahhh, that feels good daddy.”
He halted before grabbing your hair and pulling you back against him forcing him the rest of the way in. “Don't ever call me daddy. I am your superior and you always refer to me as king and to her as queen. Understood?”
You whimpered, “Yes, I’m sorry king.” 
He let your hair go and you roughly fell onto the bed. He gripped your hips and started thrusting in at a quick pace. Your moans increasing, he thrust in hard and fast, his moans and your skin slapping filling the room.
Hyuna grabbed your hair and turned you to look at you, she was smirking, “Time to eat.” 
She finally spread her legs in front of your face. 
You wrapped your arms around her thighs and kissed her clit. She fidgeted slightly, you knew she would be sensitive after earlier. 
Your tongue slid up from her core to her clit. You stiffened your tongue and slid it into her core letting Hyojong guide the way you face fucked her. Your tongue sliding in and out of her at the same pace Hyojong slid in and out of you. He moved his hips so he rubbed more against your sensitive nerves causing you to moan loudly. 
You alternated between sucking and licking on her clit and she moaned loudly. A smirk spread across your face as you licked her clit quickly. Her thighs shook slightly in your arms as you could tell she was nearing her high. 
Her hand gripped your hair as she pushed you more against her signaling she was close. You stiffened your tongue even more as you licked her sensitive clit. She arched her back and moaned loudly as she came, shaking in your arms. 
Hyojong knew you could cum now, his hand reaching around as he rubbed your clit and pound in and out of you at a merciless speed. Your loud moans filled the room and your orgasm grew so quick before you released your high, tightening around him, it caused him to reach his high. 
He released inside of you as his low moans filled the air.
You were their partner but also their fuck toy because if something went wrong like pregnancy it could be hidden or ended easier than if it happened to Hyuna. 
Your queen smiled at you “You are both amazing.”
She kissed Hyojong and then you. She pulled you down in between them and snuggled you close. 
“King and queen, thank you for today.”
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ultadachi · 4 years
pentagon mafia au headcanon: how you met them
a/n: hi so this was requested buuuut the new tumblr fucked the formatting really bad when i tried to post it with the ask so i’m just gonna do it in a regular post lmao. but shoutout to the anon who requested this!!!!
Warnings: mafia stuff, and mentions of violence and murder
(these are based off of these mafia!ptg headcanons btw!!!)
Hui (The boss/leader)
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You met him when your father wanted to make a deal with Hui’s group. In exchange for a treaty and some protection for his group, he’d give Hui your hand in marriage. You obviously weren’t happy about it but there wasn’t really anything you could do. But during your time before the wedding when you’d go off on dates with Hui to get to know him better, you found that he seemed to actually put in effort to get to know you, and he did seem to care -- even though he knew you clearly didn’t want to marry him. So to get you out of the deal, he ‘got rid’ of your father, knowing his mafia was too small and weak to do anything to himself or his own. In the end, you broke off the engagement, but you stayed with Hui because you had truly fallen for him. But this time, you’d go at a slower pace.
Jinho (The strategist)
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You’d known Jinho for a while since you were apart of Hui’s mob. You were lower ranked than the main 9, but you tended to get called to the field a lot, which meant you had to work with Jinho quite a bit. Thankfully for him, you were a lot more competent than a lot of the field workers -- including some of the higher ranked guys like Hyojong. But you did tend to go against his orders just because of what you claimed was a “gut feeling” which really pushed his buttons. But your plans always worked out, which seemed to only annoy him further. But for some reason, you getting on his nerves while still being able to get your job done was what really intrigued him. You’ve had a ‘thing’ for a bit, keeping it a secret from Hui.
Hongseok (The medic)
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Originally, you were the enemy. You worked for someone they were trying to catch, so they needed you back alive -- so maybe sending out Hyojong and Wooseok to do the job wasn’t the right move. You were immediately brought to the medical ward where you woke up to see Hongseok. At first, you didn’t tell anybody anything, and they couldn’t send you off to Changgu because you were still too badly injured. But after spending enough time in Hongseok’s care, you started to warm up to him. Somehow you managed to make a deal that if you could work for them instead, you’d tell them whatever they wanted to know. Now you go out in the field for Hui, and Hongseok can’t help but get especially worried whenever you leave or are brought to him after a mission.
Hyojong (The close combat/weapons specialist)
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You’ve been his target for a while now, but the two of you seem to play this weird game of cat and mouse where he gets so close to catching you before you slip right through his fingers. Neither of you can tell if you’re letting him catch you for just a moment or if he’s letting you get away just to keep the chase going. But it’s definitely an unconventional way to flirt. But both of you know that at some point, he’ll have to either capture you or face serious consequences. But for now, you enjoy your childish little game.
Shinwon (The spy)
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You had met him a year ago when he was undercover, and truthfully, he’s been partly undercover since he met you. He’s too afraid of telling you what he really does, so he’s been lying to you ever since you started dating. You simply think he just works awful work hours since he comes home late and leaves early. He knows he can’t lie to you forever, but he wants you to live in blissful ignorance for as long as possible.
Changgu (The torturer)
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There really isn’t any cool story of how the two of you met. You worked as a bartender and he talked to you all night once when he came in with his rowdy friends. He asked you on a date and left you his number, and the rest is history. When you both wanted to get more serious, he was very upfront about being in the mafia, but he didn’t specify what he did -- which was good because his might’ve been one of the most fucked up jobs, but you wouldn’t be able to believe the soft and kind boy would be capable of capturing and torturing people -- and he promised to give you a better life than what you had. True to his word, you’ve been happy with Changgu for a while now.
Yanan (The sniper)
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You quickly climbed the ranks in Hui’s group, and you’ve been avidly trying to take Yanan’s spot for months now. He’s the best sniper out there, and you’re about equal with him -- though Hui would never give up Yanan because it’s not just the fact he’s the best, but the fact he knows he can trust and rely on Yanan. But you’re out to not only outdo Yanan, but be the biggest pain in the ass you possibly can be. He might’ve even tried to take you out himself once, but if he’s the best sniper, you’re the best dodger.
Yuto (The hacker)
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As a hacker, Yuto spends a lot of his time on his computer. And when he’s waiting around to do communications and recon from home while the rest of the group is out, he gets really bored. So he often plays video games, which is how he met you. You’ve had somewhat of a long distance relationship for about half a year, but you’ve been friends for over two. The only thing is that he has you convinced that he works as a video game programmer which is why he’s always so busy. But he figures since you’re so far away, his little white lie to protect you won’t be too bad.
Hyunggu (The versatile)
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Kino’s always been a troubled kid in the sense that he got involved with the wrong people. That being said, he’s also always been sweet and kind, which was why you became friends in school and eventually high school sweethearts. You’ve been with him ever since, always well aware of the business he got himself into, but still staying by his side no matter what. Not really the most interesting story out of the bunch, but definitely one of the sweetest.
Wooseok (The hitman)
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You were one of Changgu’s victims after your brother became one of Wooseok’s. Being the hitman, Wooseok doesn’t usually show much sympathy, but having heard you for days locked away with Changgu, he couldn’t help but start to feel sorry for you, and he genuinely believed that you didn’t have any more information on their target -- you weren’t even aware your brother was involved in the mafia. After that, Wooseok became like your personal bodyguard while they kept you at HQ because now you knew too much.
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kyuala · 6 years
pentagon as friends with benefits
y'all have been going at it for years, you don't even remember how it started tbh
#1 Nude Requester
loves telling you to come over to watch some netflix and then kissing your neck 0.32 seconds into the movie
Oral God Squad™
hair puller + ass smacker but he makes it a soft combo somehow
very considerate if you catch feelings and he doesn't, but if you both fall then it's a v chill transition into a serious relationship
was v surprised when you suggested it but he didn't waste any time lmao
almost never hits you up in fear of being inconvenient but loves it when you hit him up and he's at the studio (bottom line: studio sex)
Born to Catch Feelings
has to stop himself from blurting out random "i love you"s when fucking
you: [going on about how this is a great arrangement bc you both get hot sex with no strings attached]
hui: [nodding but also thinking about marrying you]
hongseok's logic: you're fine, he's fine, fine people belong together. automatic smash
loves trying out different positions, esp the ones where he needs to use his muscles and show you how Super Strong he is
real fond of blowjobs, shamelessly asks for them
loves coming up behind you and kissing your neck to start things
no spooning or cuddling afterwards but he does like to talk
y'all will probably get married later on
suggested it very nonchalantly after he got a crush on you out of nowhere
hits you up at either 3am or 3pm, there's no in between
likes to cuddle and be the little spoon afterwards
lives for those kinds of days when you're super stressed and he just wants to help you relax
catches feelings very slowly and confesses out of nowhere
you: god this apple tastes so bad
hyojong: i love you
you: ??????
to this day you have no idea how y'all got yourselves in this arrangement tbh
probably hits you up the most when he's drunk
actually very shy and nervous but he's always trying different things to please you
stays silent for 3 straight minutes afterwards but then he says some weird shit and ruins the moment
will catch feelings if you ride him
the arrangement came about when the sexual tension between you two became Too Much
loves hitting you up late at night but is almost always available when you want him
Oral God Squad™ pt 2
hip thrusts sent from heaven
loves it when you lay your head on his chest afterwards but avoids eye contact so you won't catch feelings
laughs and pats your head when you confess to him
never even suggested anything, just had an impulse to kiss you one night and everything just kinda happened from there
lowkey got 2 other FWBs
lives for making out and fingering bc it boosts his confidence
likes to just lay down and hold hands afterwards
catches feelings v fast but he's also in love with his other FWBs so.
rarely ever hits you up but is always available when you do
will fuck you against the wall on command
touch his thigh and his brain's already going into alert mode
very nervous but also very romantic somehow
loves cuddling afterwards but never initiates it
catches feelings v quietly and gets giddy if you confess first
loves LOVES L O V E S teasing you in public oh my god he would be INSUFFERABLE. intense stares, lip biting and everything
also loves fucking in inappropriate places
Oral God Squad™ pt 3
dancer hips!!! 👀
after-sex cuddling doesn't exist bc he just wants to go again
a wildcard when it comes to catching feelings. might dump you tomorrow, might be daydreaming about marrying you. who knows
was so shocked when you suggested it he just kinda sat there in silence for 10 minutes
a surprisingly slow lover!
very shy but loves eye contact during sex
likes to just lay with you and watch some funny stuff afterwards so he doesn't lose this sense of friendship
prob had feelings from the beginning but doesn't ever confess
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pentagoning · 6 years
[2:46 PM]
they ask wooseok who you are, and you can't stop blushing when he calls you his girl.
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puppywritings · 6 years
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kim hyojong x male reader - everyday texts
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ladyluck852 · 6 years
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F R I E N D S, part three of the Pentagon Hogwart’s au is here. Hui x Reader!! I’ll be uploading this tomorrow before work if things go well, sometime before 1pm(pst). Stay tuned!! I really liked this one UGH.
Part 1| Part 2| Masterlist
Summary: An unlikely pair have an unlikely meeting, no one expected them to be serious about it or fall in love, what happens when peer pressure puts their relationship in danger? A lot... a lot happens.
Part 3
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hopeworldfan · 5 years
good things come in threes (1)
summary: you had a unique relationship with hyuna and hyojong, one that gets even more complicated when min yoongi gets involved.
pairing: yoongi/reader, hyuna/reader/hyojong
word count: 2984
rating: 18+
genre: fluff, smut, angst, idolverse, idol!reader
warning: smut, threesome, hyuna with a strap is my biggest kink, sexting, excessive orgasms, marking
a/n: my dream threesome is with hyuna and edawn and thats just the cold hard facts
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“So, (y/n), on to the burning question that’s on everyone’s mind,” the host started, leaning towards you. “What is your relationship with Hyuna and E’Dawn.”
You laughed and the host joined in. “Well, they’re my dear friends of course. If it wasn’t for Hyuna taking an interest in me all those years ago I wouldn’t be where I am today.”
The host was visibly disappointed with your answer. It was the one you gave any time you were given that question, you would think they would stop asking it by now.
“So, you’re not in a relationship with them?” He pried and you internally rolled your eyes but externally kept a polite smile on your face.
“They’re in a relationship with each other, so no, I’m not in a relationship with them.” It wasn’t a lie. They thought it was hilarious how you never once lied about the details of your relationship, just darted around it.
“Well, that’s all we have time for today. It was a pleasure talking to you today (y/n).” The host said and you both got to your feet. “Everyone check out her new album, now available on all streaming services.”
Your manager was the first person to approach you when you walked off the stage, a clipboard in her hand and an annoyed look on her face. “You think they would learn to stop asking that question by now.”
“I think it’s funny.” You shrugged and Minsun glared at you.
“I know you do. You’re getting more reckless (y/n), more people are talking, especially since Hyuna and E’Dawn made their relationship public. It’s only a matter of time before something gets caught on camera, and then what? You’re controversial enough as is, that could be the final nail in your coffin.”
You sighed. “You worry too much Minsun. Besides, I don’t see much of them these days anyway.”
Walking into your dressing room, your manager was quick to close the door behind you before turning and fixing you with a hard stare. “You and Hyuna are both performing at MAMA this year, you know E’Dawn’s going to be there. I am begging you (y/n), be careful. Keep the physical contact for behind closed doors, I’d prefer you to stay away from closed doors with them, but I know it’s pointless to even ask.”
“I promise Minsun, okay?”  
“I wish I could believe you.” Your manager said with a defeated sigh before adjusting her glasses and walking out. Guilt coursed through you. Minsun was an amazing manager, she had been with you since the start of your career, you didn’t like making her worry.
The guilt faded away when you picked up your phone and saw a message from Hyuna. Your breath hitched when you opened the message and saw the attached picture. It was obviously her hand, resting on top of Hyojong’s clothed crotch, but you could see the strain from his erection.
we miss you (y/n), all i did was say your name and he got hard
Excitement coursed through you and you double-checked that your door was locked before ripping your shirt off and posing in front of the large mirror. Your face wasn’t in the picture, it never was. The three of you were careful about that, in case someone were to get ahold of your phones.  
After being satisfied with one of the pictures, you sent it.
i’ll see you both in two days, make sure we’re in a soundproof room  
A sudden knock on the door distracted you from the heat pooling between your legs and you groaned. “Hurry up (y/n), you have practice in an hour!”
“Yeah yeah yeah, I’m coming Minsun.”
Two days later and it was finally the day you had been waiting for. Your stomach was in knots, but not because you were nervous about your nomination for ‘Song of the Year’. No, you were finally seeing Hyuna and Hyojong again.  
Between your tour, working on your new album, and all your tv appearances, you hadn’t seen either of them in five months. It was torture. Sure, there were phone calls, video chats, and a multitude of texts, but it wasn’t the same. Your whole body was practically vibrating in anticipation.
“I know you’re eager to run off and see those two, but you need to greet the BTS boys first,” Minsun informed and you stopped dead in your tracks.
Your manager shook her head. “Other than it being polite since you’re going to walk right by them, there may be talk going on about a collaboration.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You hissed in a hushed whisper, your eyes wide at your manager’s words.
“I did, a few times, you were too busy texting Hyuna and E’Dawn.”  
You tried to think back, but you were coming up blank. “A collaboration? Really?”
Minsun rolled her eyes. “Yes, a few of the boys expressed interest in it. The details aren’t ironed out yet.”
“Which boys?” You prompted excitedly. A collaboration with BTS was everything you dreamed about. You were a big fan of them. Their music was amazing, they’re choreography was stunning, and they were all drop-dead gorgeous. Not to mention it could be what you needed to really break into the American market, something you had been making progress with.
“Suga’s expressed the most interest, but also Jimin and Jungkook. I have a few meetings coming up about it, so make nice with them.” Minsun didn’t have to tell you twice before you were bouncing up to the group of boys, sliding right past security.
“Hey, guys!” You chirped. “It’s so nice to officially meet you.”
You had seen them at award shows and events before but had never said more than two words in passing. The boys were immediately falling all over themselves to greet you.
“Ah hello!”
“(y/n), hi!”
“It’s so nice to meet you!”
“Wow, hi!”
“I’m a big fan!”
“You’re so pretty!”
They each shook your hand and you giggled at how excited they were. “My manager just told me there’s talk about a collaboration going on, I’m looking forward to it.”
Namjoon was the first to answer with a shy smile. “We would all be honored to collaborate with you (y/n), we’re all big fans.”
“Yes! We love you!” J-Hope added cheerfully.
“Aww, stop it guys, I’m blushing.” You replied, bringing your hands to your cheeks. “I could say the same about all of you! I’m such a big fan! You’re all so talented!”
“You’re the talented one here (y/n),” Jimin commented shyly.
“I always watch your videos the day they come out!” Jin added excitedly.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and you suddenly remembered just where you were headed to before you were distracted by the seven boys. The butterflies in your stomach increased because you knew what was waiting for you in Hyuna’s dressing room.
“Well, it was so nice to meet all of you!” You smiled, catching Suga’s eye and grinning even wider. He was definitely your favorite, your bias some would say. “I look forward to working together in the future.”
The boys said their goodbyes and you were off. You couldn’t move fast enough and the security guard in front of the door immediately moved when he saw you.  
“(y/n)!” Hyuna squealed when the door shut behind you and she was in your arms immediately.
“Hi.” You laughed.
“It’s good to see you,” Hyojong said with a lazy smile, sliding behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.  
Hyuna’s lips were on yours immediately, inexplicably eager. Hyojong’s hands roamed up the front of your body, sliding under your shirt and cupping your breasts.
“You two are eager.” You breathed against Hyuna’s lips before being silenced again.
“We missed you, can’t you tell?” Hyojong answered before lowering his mouth to the base of your neck. Your breaths started to become uneven when Hyuna’s hands slid down your stomach and slipped past the waistband of your sweatpants.
“You’re so wet already (y/n).” Hyuna purred when one of her digits rubbed against your soaked panties.
“What can I say, I missed you both too.” You panted and she giggled before tugging you out of Hyojong’s grip and to the large couch. He whined at the loss of contact and trailed behind.
“C’mon Hyojong, we have to make (y/n) cum at least five times before she has to get ready to perform.”  
“My goal is seven.”
No, you weren’t in a relationship with Hyuna and Hyojong. It started not long after your first collaboration with Hyuna. She had taken such an interest in you, and the two of you got along so well, you easily became close friends. Then it morphed into something more than that, and the sex started.
It was complicated, and messy at first, but you worked through it. Neither of you wanted a relationship, so you settled on friends-with-benefits and that worked out spectacularly. Then she started dating Hyojong and everything went to shit again. You remained friends, though it was rocky, and you didn’t touch each other for a year.
Until she finally approached you about a threesome. It was never something you thought you’d be in to, but you decided to give it a try because sex with Hyuna was spectacular and you missed her. It was probably the greatest decision you had ever made. Your biggest fear was that you would feel like an intruder since they were dating, but their attention was so focused on you and holy shit Hyojong was also great in bed.
It worked out surprisingly well. You weren’t in their relationship, it wasn’t a polyamorous relationship, you were just friends-with-benefits with both of them. There were times when you just slept with Hyuna, or just slept with Hyojong. You all shared a connection, it just didn’t extend to romantic when it came to you, and you were okay with that because you didn’t have romantic feelings for either of them. You all loved each other, but it was platonic when it came to you.
The public wouldn’t understand so it was kept under wraps, and that was fine with you too. Only a handful of people knew the truth, your manager for one, only because she happened to walk in on you making out with Hyuna while Hyojong was eating you out. She wasn’t happy, to say the least.
There was also their former ‘Triple H’ member, Hui. He joined in on the fun a few times, leading to some very memorable orgasms.
Other than those two, Hyuna’s security guard and a few members of both of your inner circles. There was a tight lid on it, even though there was speculation. Hyuna and Hyojong were very touchy in public to your manager’s constant annoyance. They’d been seen leaving your dressing room and vice versa multiple times, but there’s never been anything concrete.
“I think that’s six.” Hyojong smiled, picking his head up from your dripping pussy and licking his lips. Hyuna smashed her lips against his, lapping up the excess juice from his lips. Without his grip on your thighs, your trembling legs fell against the couch and you took a shaky breath.  
He wasn’t kidding when he said his goal was seven.
“My turn!” Hyuna chirped, pulling back from Hyojong. She already had her strap on, and your vagina literally twitched in anticipation. He moved to stand next to your head and you turned your head to the side to take his hard cock in your mouth while Hyuna fucked you.
She had only gotten a few strokes in when there was a knock on the door. “(y/n) so help me God you needed to be in makeup five minutes ago. I’m going to walk away and if you’re not in your dressing room in two minutes there will be hell to pay!”
“Fuck.” You mumbled around Hyojong’s cock. Minsun didn’t get angry often, but when she did it was never pretty.
“That’s not fair!” Hyuna whined, pulling out so you could get up and tug your clothes on, struggling because of how weak your legs felt.
You glanced up into the mirror and cursed again when you saw the marks on your neck. “Hyojong! What the fuck is this! Minsun is going to fucking gut me!”
Said boy just shrugged, lounging on the couch. “You know I get carried away when I don’t see you for a while.”
“I’m fucked.” You groaned, haphazardly throwing your rats’ nest of sex hair into a messy bun.
“Yeah, you were.” He grinned and you glared at him.
“Have a good performance babe!” Hyuna called out as you threw open the door, still tugging your shirt into place. You managed a wave before the door shut, quickly turning on your heel to rush to your dressing room. What you weren’t expecting to happen was to run right into someone else.
“Shit sorry!��� You said automatically, the other person’s hands coming up to steady you. Your eyes shot up to see just who you were running into and your mouth went dry when you met Suga’s gaze.
He didn’t say anything at first. You watched as his eyes took you in, shirt on inside out, obvious sex hair, swollen lips, dark marks on your neck. Then his attention went to the name on the door you ran out of and you practically saw the pieces connect in his brain.
You wanted to say something, to throw together some half-baked excuse, but you remembered that you probably only had thirty seconds to get to your dressing room before having to face the wrath of your manager, so you extracted yourself from his grip and shot him a frazzled smile. “Sorry, gotta blast!”
As expected, Minsun essentially ripped you a new asshole when she saw the hickeys on your neck. It was a good thing your makeup team was very good at their job or you never would have heard the end of it. Your hairstylist didn’t even bother trying to be gentle, but you couldn’t complain.  
You managed to be in position five minutes before you had to go on and you just prayed to God your legs didn’t give out on you. Sex before a performance was never a good idea, but you couldn’t help yourself.
Miraculously, you managed to pull off a stellar performance despite how weak-kneed you still felt. It felt amazing when you could finally sit and watch others. Hyuna was spectacular as always, you couldn’t get the vision of her in-between your legs with her strap on out of your mind though. Minsun discreetly pinched you when she saw you start to squirm the slightest bit.
BTS was amazing. Their performance was so passionate, you were entranced the whole time. You knew they would win Artist of the Year.
Finally, it was time for them to announce Song of the Year. Your stomach was in fucking knots. You had been nominated once before but lost to Twice. Minsun was gripping your hand so tight you thought it was going to fall off.
“Song of the Year…goes to,” The announcer began before peeling open the envelope. “(y/n) for Anywhere, Anytime!”
Minsun started screaming immediately, followed by your team. You just sat there in shock, eyes the size of saucers.
“You did it!” Minsun squealed, jerking you up to your feet. The cheers from the crowd were deafening and you just couldn’t think. You won. You actually won. What the fuck.
Almost in a trance, you walked up to the announcer who had a giant smile. He handed you the award and you took it almost robotically, shaking his hand and thanking him. Then it was time for your speech, but you still couldn’t even think.
“Um…wow,” You started with a nervous laugh staring at the award in your hand. “I just…wow.”
Tears started to prick at the back of your eyes as you stared at the award, it finally starting to hit you that you won.
“There are so many people I have to thank for this, um,” You paused, trying to fight through the burning in your throat. The crowd began to cheer again, shouts of encouragement reaching your ears. “My fans, of course, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. I love each and every one of you so much…I’ll continue working hard for all of you.”
You used your free hand to wipe the now free-falling tears. “My parents, for always believing me and supporting me. My manager, Minsun, and my whole team for being such an amazing support system, my company for giving me this opportunity, just, everyone who supports me and of course my lovely friend Hyuna who I owe so much to. Thank you all so much for this, just, thank you.”
Hyuna was the first person to greet you when you walked off the stage, pulling you into a tight hug. “I’m so proud of you!”
You just cried into her shoulder while she laughed before passing you to Hyojong.
“Good job baby.” He whispered into your ear, rubbing your back as you cried. Minsun was the one to break you all apart, ushering you back to your seat with a shake of her head, she held back from chiding you though.
You found your friends again after the awards when all the groups were mingling. She instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist and Hyojong placed a quick kiss against your cheek. You just so happened to glance up in time to see Suga staring directly at you. You knew he had seen the interaction. You knew he knew something was up.
You met his intense gaze and he was the first to look away. Just great.
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chemiechemiechemie · 6 years
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mv aesthetic: triple h — 365 fresh
22 notes · View notes
peaches-of-1 · 6 years
Chapter 3: Extracurricular Activities
Black!Female!Reader x E’Dawn
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Today was your first day going to dance practice after school. It was one of your lighter days, so it wouldn’t be too bad. It’s just...the outfits weren’t made for your American ass. Even though you had lost some weight after the drastic change in your diet that came with moving to a new country, there was still enough there that you were worried these Asian made shorts would rip trying to go over your hips.
Looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror, it wasn’t too bad. You ordered two sizes bigger than you thought you would need for your bloated days. You didn’t know it would be your regular pair.
“Not bad.” You said, taking one last look before heading to the school gym. Maybe you were being paranoid, but were those guys taking pictures of you?
[12 hours ago]
You wiped your eyes and woke up at 6am. After waking yourself up through a bit of web surfing on your phone, you nudged yourself out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready for school. Hair, makeup, making sure you had done all your homework, and doing the homework you didn’t finish but was due in 4 hours. Just like the responsible college kid you were.
Lisa was playing music as she poured her cereal and danced in the kitchen. You decided to join her before applying anything to your lips. She was super excited to get the day started for some reason. You had another roommate that you never saw traces of except in the trash can.
“What’s got you excited today?”
“First day of Dance Practice!” She squealed.
You gasped, “Oh, right! I forgot that was today. It’s right after my English class since it got switched last second.”
“You’re so silly.” Lisa giggled and took a sip of juice. “Hey, how are you feeling? We all talked in the group chat, and he sort of got kicked out of said chat. Not like he was saying anything.”
“Uh, yeah. I saw. I just. Neither of us were completely right. I could’ve been faster with my decision or told him I needed time to think, but he also had the possibility to tell me that he was lying about actually waiting forever for me.”
“Wait he said that?”
You nodded. “Yep. He said he’d wait for my answer and respect it, but it’s my first month in a new country. I’ve got a lot of things going on, and couldn’t he wait? Just a little?”
“He should’ve, jeez. Some men just have no sense of patience or like anything really. I’m really sorry. I knew you had a bit of a crush on him, or that you were starting to get close with him.”
You sighed, “Thanks, Lisa. You’re the best. You wanna meet up before practice or will you be busy?”
“Yeah, sounds good. No wait, I’ve gotta go straight from a class to practice, so not today. I’ll see you there, though.”
With the added information, you reminded yourself to pack your dance clothes in a separate bag to keep in your car until it was time to change. You made sure you had everything on the check list and then you headed off for school ahead of Lisa.
Hyojong’s English class had been the most boring of all his classes. It was filled with people who either had no idea how to speak English past a greeting and apologizing and what was in music or people who thought they could speak English better than everyone. E’Dawn knew how to write English better than he could speak it and wasn’t very good at conversational English.
It wasn’t until he saw familiar brown combat boots and a red skirt did he actually think that it might be a good class after all. You sat down, not having seen him. If you had seen Hyojong, you would’ve sat next to him. Right? He saw you set your backpack down and approach the teacher.
You two bowed to each other and then exchanged a handshake. The following conversation was in English, and it caught the attention of the rest of the class who probably didn’t understand half of it. The way you spoke English was beautiful. Why were you even in this class?
Class began and the teacher spoke in a mix of Korean and English as she usually did. She introduced you and E’Dawn felt like he understood everything you were saying even if he had never head the words before.
“Hi, I’m (Y/F/N), and I’m a freshman this year. I’m here to do some research on how English is taught in college classes as it is part of my writing class to write a research paper on a topic of my choice for my final project.”
Hyojong waved and you waved back which made him really happy. People looked and you grinned before finishing up. “I will probably be interviewing some of you, but don’t worry, I know Korean too.” You repeated it all in Korean and got more nods from everyone listening.
The teacher spoke as well, “(Y/N) is here to observe and said that she’s willing to help you if you have any questions for her, but only after you’ve finished your daily work. Thank you, (Y/N).”
You bowed to the teacher and sat down in a front row seat in the farthest right column. You took out your notebook and started taking notes about today’s lesson. When the teacher told the students to get into small groups to practice with each other, a lot of them tried to come to you, but the teacher told everyone to stop before you got trampled.
“Form groups with your actual classmates. (Y/N) will come around and look into each group for a bit and do her thing.”
The group practiced ordering food at a restaurant. Those who were more well traveled were able to do it better. Hyojong was trying even harder now that you were in class. He noticed you go around and sit in on different groups and ask them questions in both Korean and English. Some even asked you to question them in English so they could guess.
When you got to Hyojong’s group, you bowed to them since they were all older than you.
You spoke in Korean, “So, I was wondering what made you take this class in the first place.”
Most of them were business related and wanting to better communicate with future business partners. Others like Hyojong were planning to go abroad some time in the future and believed communication would be easier since English is a universal language.
“How are you today, (Y/N)?” Hyojong asked in English with a unique inflection that made you smile.
You answered, “I’m doing well, oppa. Do you have any questions for me?”
“Is this actually right? What we’re being taught?”
You looked over his shoulder in the textbook and scanned it, not seeing anything wrong until...
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You leaned down over the book and made sure you read that right. You did, and you were all adults. You had to explain this.
“Yeah, so far so good. Only, you wouldn’t um...you wouldn’t say ‘Who do you usually eat out?’ unless you add the word ‘with’ at the end. Without that word, it changes the connotation completely.”
One boy in the senior colors asked why, as did the whole table. You explained how it was slang for giving oral to a female or a butthole. They all covered their mouths and you nodded.
“I should probably tell the teacher this, so she can tell everyone else. That’s a really bad mistake to make. Hyojong-oppa, can I see your book for a bit, please?”
He handed you the book, and you approached the teacher asking to see her in the hallway. After a moment, the two of you returned and Hyojong couldn’t believe their textbook had such a mistake in it. The teacher addressed the class telling them to fix it in their books and praised you for being such a great asset to the class.
You returned the book to E’dawn who couldn’t help but smile at you, “Be careful, or she might assign you to read through the whole book and point out what needs to be fixed.”
The others laughed and one of the girls who were with them asked how to say a certain word. You pronounced the word for them slowly and then were called to the front of the class to have volunteers to "make plans for lunch” with you. When class was over, Hyojong asked if you had anything to do before changing for dance practice.
“Ah, no. I just wanted to ask the teacher a few things.”
“Ok, I’ll wait for you outside, so you can walk me to my next class.”
You smiled and felt a slight blush rising, “Sure. Sounds good.”
E’dawn stood outside the classroom and waited for you as you asked the teacher whatever. He wanted to tell you that he had a crush on you, but he wasn’t sure how to do it. The reason he hesitated was because you were just so beautiful and he wasn’t sure if you were completely over...whatever you and Vernon had been.
He didn’t want to do anything too rash in case it caused you to turn him down, so the blonde decided to wait. His mind wandered to what your first date might be like. Should he take you to Hongdae or someplace classier? If it were in Hongdae, he’d pick someplace that served American food to make you feel at home. It would start raining and he’d hold your hand as you took cover. You’d thank him and kiss him for thinking so quickly.
“Um, oppa?” Your actually voice and a poke to his tummy made him wake up.
He woke up from his imagination to see your sweet face in front of him with a curious spark in your eyes. Your messenger bag strap was held by both of your hands as you raised your eyebrows and laughed.
“What were you thinking about?”
He blushed, “N-nothing. So, onto my next class.”
On the way to his next class, he told you how glad he was that you had made it onto both dance teams. You asked how he got into dance, and he said that he was into hip-hop.
“It lead to making want to learn how to rap and dance. Just the amount of pure talent in hip hop just inspired me to push myself in a different direction than I was going.”
“That’s amazing.”
He stopped, “This is me. I’ll see you after class then.”
You nodded and let him go, but you both turned around and told each other to wait. Instead of just talking over each other, he told you to speak first. You asked him a question you had been wondering about for a whole week. Even though you were pretty sure about the answer, you wanted to hear it come from his mouth.
Looking down and twisting your shoulder strap, you asked, “You’re not seeing anyone are you? Like, I know you’re not dating Hyuna, but is there anyone else?” You nervously bit your lip.
“Nope. I’m single. Have been for a while.” He sighed and gave you an obvious look before saying. “Wish I had someone though. Why?”
“No reason!” You bowed. “I’ll see you in practice later!” And you rushed off before your cheeks got any hotter.
So yeah, you were totally into Hyojong. He was opened to dating. It wasn’t until you were drinking some cold coffee in the cafe that you realized that would’ve been a great time to ask him to go out with you.
“Fuck!” you slammed your drink down and then looked around. After apologizing for interrupting, you went back to your studying and finished typing up your findings from your first day in Hyojong’s English class.
After looking at the time, you had an hour before practice. You went to your car to make sure you had everything since you had enough time to stop by at home if you didn’t. You had everything for both of your groups.
For the All-Female dance team, you had to wear red shorts and a blue crop top with white tennis shoes and socks. Your white socks were all dirty, so you decided fishnet socks would have to work today. The team was called S.H.E which stood for Soul Heart Excellence. You also had to have backup black heels, which you did.
Then for the Co-ed dace team, you were given snap pants in both blue and red and a blue jacket with “Spotlight Dancer” on the sleeves as well as your name on the back of it. Red and blue shirts were provided with the team name on the front. That name? Urban Shine to reference a former K-pop group called Urban Zakapa. The shoe requirements were the same: dress shoes and white lace ups.
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You decided to change in the bathroom just because you knew there’d be staring in the changing rooms, and you just didn’t want that today. There were a few African names on the list. None of them were Spotlight dancers, though. Every way you thought about it ended up with you being stared at. Maybe it was all in your head, but by the time you convinced yourself of that, you were in a bathroom stall getting undressed.
Even though you ordered a few sizes above what you thought you would need since it was Asian sizing...maybe you should’ve gotten even bigger. You just prayed that your ass wasn’t hanging out of the shorts when you were stepping out. You put on the ones you ordered for your bloated days and decided they’d work better for your regular pair. At least the top fit well.
You crossed your fingers and hoped that you wouldn’t look like the stereotypical black girl in the back of music videos when you came out of the stall. Looking at the mirror, you looked more normal than you thought you would.
“Not bad.” You said, putting your clothes into your practice bad and then heading to the school gym.
As you walked from the gaming hall to the gym that was about a block away, you felt like more eyes were on you than need be. You checked to make sure you didn’t have your Special jacket on. Then you thought you saw a pair of guys recording or taking pictures of you. Were you just being paranoid? Either way, your face got hot from embarrassment.
Hyojong saw you as he was dressed in his own outfit for the He Is Magic dance team, aka H.I.M. It was blue sweat pants and a red tank top with white lace-ups. For E’dawn, that was converse. A pair of Keds was in his bag as required as well as his co-ed dance team outfit. Today the guys were told to wear the blue snap pants with a white shirt. His red Spotlight Dancer jacket was in there as well.
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He noticed that you seemed to be looking over your shoulder a lot. Were you uncomfortable? Either way, he didn’t like the look on your face and wanted to make you feel better. As he got closer, he heard some guys talking about you, no not you. They were talking about your body, objectifying you, as if you were only walking past them for their amusement.
Sometimes he had done this, but it was mostly just saying how pretty a girl was and then hoping he had a good day. Not this. This was disgusting, and he nearly grew horns when they got their phones out to start taking pictures of you. Hyojong started running and called your name.
Dear God, who’s calling my name now? You thought as you heard someone yelling for you. Wait, you knew that voice. Turning around, you felt relief wash over you when E’dawn came running towards you.
He put his arm around you, “Are you ok?”
“I just feel really exposed. Nothing’s hanging out, right?” You had to ask, and you trusted him to be honest with you.
E’dawn answered, “Nope. Everything fits fine. If it feels uncomfortable, do you wanna wear my jacket?”
You shook your head, “Just you being here is helping me a lot. Thanks, oppa.”
“You’re welcome. I’d do anything for you.”
As the two of you walked towards the gym, there were arrows pointing to the different practices for the sexes. You two kept talking about classes and stuff and didn’t notice you were walking to the girls’ practice until you were standing outside.
“Oh, I guess we’re here. You are an absolute life saver, oppa.”
“You make me so happy when you call me that. Just because no one says it as cute as you do. ‘Oppa~, you’re so great’” He imitated you with a high voice. “ ‘Oh my gosh, oppa! Oppa’s a lifesaver! Oppa, this isn’t phrased correctly, it means a naughty thing!’ So cute.”
Both of you laughed. Hyojong hugged you and said that he’d see you later. His closest friend Hui saw it since he was talking to Hyuna. All of the other girls saw it too.
“Hui, let’s go to practice! Don’t wanna be late, ya noob!”
The man with silver purplish hair and a bucket hat told Hyuna farewell and went to catch up with his other friend. Lisa and Rosé called you over and introduced you to some of the other girls they had met while doing warm ups. It was still 10 minutes until practice started officially, so it was fine to just mill around a bit.
You met Jisoo and Jennie who were just super adorable human beings.
“Are you two dating?” Jennie asked, pointing to the door.
“What? No. We’re friends.” You said, getting into a V-sit position and reaching towards your right foot. “I wouldn’t mind it, though. Hyojong’s a great guy.”
As you talked about your blonde and sweet oppa, Hyuna smiled and texted her friend. She told him to ask you out the next time you two were together and just to trust her when he asked why. He said there were no promises.
“Alright, my Sheros, let’s go around the room and introduce each other! I’ll start. My name is Kim Hyuna, call me Hyuna or just by my honorific since a lot of you are younger than me. I’m one of the co-captains, but I can’t be here all the time because I have cheerleading practice which is usually at the same time...”
She went on for a bit, introducing the other co-captain Korai Nonanes who was Japanese and very well recognized for being the leader even during her freshman year when their actual captain quit last second. Korai was the reason why they never got less than second place.
After getting to know everyone, you all went over the basic dance steps and did some trust exercises. Then it was time to disperse. A lot of the girls redid their makeup. Some were also in your co-ed dance team. You were wearing a lot of waterproof things since you knew it would be hot today, so you were fine after checking your eyeliner and lipstick.
When you changed into your second outfit, you unsnapped the pants to your lower thigh. You were humming the band tune to yourself when you heard Rosé giggle.
“Are you excited to see E’dawn again?”
You blinked and couldn’t help but smile, “I wasn’t even thinking about him until you said something.”
“And look how big your smile got!” Lisa cooed. “Ask him out, (Y/N)!”
Even Jisoo spoke up, “I think you two would be really cute with each other.”
Puffing your cheeks, you replied, “I’ll think about it.”
It had been two months, and you still had not asked him out. Hyojong hadn’t asked you out, either. Both of you were just extremely nervous and bashful to move the relationship you had past being best friends which you were at this point. The best of friends. You two were even partners for the Spotlight Dancer Duet since you two worked so well together.
The amount of people who asked if you were dating increased. Your friends even had to ask you, “Are you sure you’re not dating?”
You two were just close since neither of you would say anything about your feelings for each other. Instead, you “accidentally” flirted with each other and did everything that couples did except makeout. You’d even kiss each other’s cheeks and foreheads, but you weren’t dating. Nope, not at all.
Today was an exciting day since it was Theme Day for competition being held after winter break. All three groups got different themes and then had to elaborate with them on their own.
For the girls, it was Rock Music while the guys got International Music. Mostly, it was just taking a survey of songs you all wanted to dance to. You picked a lot of songs you listened to or heard while growing up plus some things that your parents listened to. Queen, Nirvana, Def Leopard, KISS.
When it came to the co-ed Urban Shine, the female leader Stevie A called for a drumroll while K. Gami opened the email. All the dancers hit their legs rapidly until you were given the signal to stop.
“Fairy Tales!”
Everyone’s mind went to Disney cuteness and princely manners. While reading the email, K. Gami explained that the troupe had to choose 3-5 different classic fairy tales they’d like to turn into dance and send it in. They had to pick several in case someone picked their top one first. That meant this was the quickest brainstorming session ever.
They sent in the following list:
Peter Pan
Alice in Wonderland
Wizard of Oz
Not even 5 minutes later, they got back what they would do while they were doing a dancer version of “Trust Pinball”. Another drumroll was done and they announced that Urban Shine had gotten Peter Pan. Taller men tried out for the parts of Captain Hook, larger men and some girls for Smee. Then auditions were held for the main parts of Wendy and Peter.
Not many people auditioned when they saw that you and E’dawn were individually auditioning. The auditions were basically a minute and thirty seconds of in character dance, a mix of ballet, contemporary, and street dance. The lead positions were closed to Spotlight Dancers anyways, but even the others who had been dancing for a while didn’t want to impede of this potential match finally being made.
In short, you got Wendy and E’dawn got Peter.
“So, the Spotlight Dancers can stay to help us figure out an outline, and the rest of you are free to go home. Get some rest and study!”
After everyone left, Stevie A asked what you guys wanted to do. There were eight spotlight dancers: You, E’Dawn, J. Seph, Hyuna, Hui, Somin, Matthew, and Jiwoo.
Matthew had gotten to be Captain Hook while Somin became Smee. Hyuna would become Tiger Lily. The others would be Wendy’s siblings and Jiwoo was Tinkerbell. You mostly watched while they all created a basic story line and a schedule to get everything done like costuming, etc. It wasn’t until they got to the topic of music genres that E’dawn made sure to ask your opinion.
“Um, I think that each section should have it’s own genre or subgenre. Like, if we’re doing pop music as the main type, we could have songs that are more classical based for Wendy, rock or hip hop for Hook, that sort of thing.”
Hyuna gasped, “A LOVE SONG WHEN PETER MEETS WENDY! They kiss right?”
You blinked before Matthew clarified, “It’s not a real kiss, but it’s a thimble and an acorn they exchange to symbolize a kiss.”
“They should kiss.” She said with sass.
“Or not.” Hyojong said. “I like that part a lot since I think it’s deeper than a kiss.”
“Same here. It’s just so romantic, and it ends up saving his life. We have to keep it.”
The choreographers agreed. Then they asked for music suggestions.
“I think pop could do us some good. It’ll resonate with the audience better and we can be trendy by adding some American pop music. I want five songs from each of you by midnight tomorrow.” Stevie A said. “I think that’s it for tonight. You lucky ducks get some sleep now.”
Everyone moved to pack up and chatter some more. Hyojong offered to walk you to your car. You agreed, and neither of you noticed the knowing looks shared between the other dancers. They were just waiting for one of you to ask the other out on a legitimate romantic date.
You yawned as the cold night air sent prickles up your arms.
E’Dawn smiled at you, “So, Wendy, are you excited for competition season to begin?”
“Very. I love Peter Pan, so I’m so glad we got to do that one. I would’ve loved to have done Alice in Wonderland too.” You texted Lisa and your other roommate in the groupchat to say you were going home. “What would your second pick have been.”
“Alice, of course. It’s so awesome and psycadellic. The costumes for that performance would’ve been amazing. I hope we do a spin on this concept too.”
“Like making it modernized or something.” You both said.
You looked up at him and giggled, “Ok, so that’s a great idea, but I don’t wanna wear jeans. Even leggings sometimes chafe.”
“So a shorter dress?” He asked, “I mean, I guess it’s ok if you’re comfortable with it and we don’t get disqualified.”
“Ok, so maybe leggings with like a blue peplum shirt.”
He nodded, “Oh wait, does that mean, I have to wear leggings too? OR like will green sweatpants be ok?”
To be completely honest, you started to crack up out of embarrassment for imagining his area his tights. How large would it be? How thick? You had to laugh at how wild your imagination went in a few seconds and stop yourself from looking at his crotch.
Hyojong chuckled, “What?”
“You in tights. I hope you just get regular pants. I’m sure that would get us disqualified. Like, imagine if you were doing a lift and something ripped or you got ‘excited’ out of nowhere.”
In all honesty, it wouldn’t have been out of nowhere. He sometimes had thoughts about you, and would turn himself on just by being near you or his own imagination. He just imagined cuddles that went other places and sometimes it made him dizzy just thinking about you.
He laughed it off, “You’re exactly right. I’ll make sure tights are not part of the costume. What if they wanted you to wear a skirt?”
“Maybe if it was a bit more flowing instead of frilly and maybe a bit see-through, that would be more modern. Make the top more frilly. Maybe just make it like a return of Peter Pan and have me in a nightie.”
Hyojong swallowed, “And if we wanted modern child?”
You thought for a bit, “A bit of frills. Mayhaps we could go back to the tights idea, or maybe leggings. Ooo, Leggings and an oversized shirt. Kids and adults do that all the time nowadays. Maybe just a blue pants and shirt set? Need to write this down.”
It was obvious that E’dawn liked you, at least to himself. He was completely and utterly attracted to every aspect that you had to give. Your mind. Your voice. Your dancing skill. Everything, but this was probably the moment he fell in love with you. Your face was looking at the notes in the phone and typing out what you two just talked about.
His heart wouldn’t calm down, and he wanted to kiss you. He really wanted to kiss you, but he couldn’t. He was too nervous to ask, too nervous to just do it. Everything in his body screamed to take the chance. E’dawn just froze.
[Three weeks later]
It was just a week until winter break began and the school had been decorated for the upcoming holiday season. Most everyone wore Christmas colors for the allowed accessories: hair clips, socks, shoes, ponytail holders. You and E’dawn were putting on your matching reindeer antlers after practice tonight.
Everyone threw on a sweater or a jacket to brave the cold night and dash to their cars with sweat making everything sticky.
The set up was great and you had mostly been working on the ensemble work instead of the smaller group things. The costumes would be revealed after Christmas, and you had seen the sketches.
It would be silky light blue pajama top and bottoms for you as Wendy. The bottoms would most likely be shorts for mobility and a flowy light blue robe to go over it. They said that they would add bows to the bottoms to make it more “girly” and like Wendy-esque. Also, since she was essentially barefoot, you’d have to find ballet flats to match your skin tone. Heh, that’d be fun. At least they didn’t shove you in “nude” slippers and tell you to deal with it.
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E’Dawn Pan was glad that he wasn’t wearing tights or leggings, and you were too. He was wearing green shorts with a green vest over a shirt that had stars all over it. For shoes, it was mostly up to him, but he wanted to have brown shoes since it was a neutral color. So the costuming department decided brown moccasins or ankle boots would work.
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For Captain Hook, it was spiked black boots, red muscle shirt with dark red vest, and black jeans. Matthew would wear a regular pirate hat with it with a puffy white feather. Complete with hook hand. He said that he’d try to grow his hair out to make it more realistic.They sort of wanted him to dance in a suit, but he was strongly against that.
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Tinkerbell Jiwoo would be wearing a green dress not much different from the original style, but more tulle. She’d also have wings and ballet flats to complete the look. They said that she’d be wearing a sparkly pair if they could find some food ones. Also, she got to get a drawstring purse full of silver and gold glitter for fairy dust.
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J Seph was John, so he just got to wear a white pajama set while Hui was in a pink onesie if it was safe enough. If not, then he’d just be wearing the same sort of pajama set. It was your second to last practice before the holidays began, and everyone was excited.
E’dawn threw his coat on before asking you, “Hey, did you wanna get something to eat before heading home? Just something quick before we go home and do assignments.”
“Sure! Let’s get something warm.”
“You guys going to eat?” Matthew piped up.
“Yeah. Not sure where yet. Why don’t you come along?” You asked like the oblivious darling you were.
Matthew agreed and so then all the Spotlight Dancers plus Lisa and Rosé came along for the meal. Most of the finals were done by this point of the year, but there were things still going on around campus and around the city that caused a lot of students to stay until the campus closed.
You guys ended up at a place famous for Korean BBQ and noodles. A lot of celebrities visited apparently, since their were signatures on the walls and pictures with the manager of that time. Dang, this place was old, but it felt strangely like home. After ordering food, everyone talked about how excited they were.
“I can’t believe we’re almost to competition season!” Jiwoo said.
Lisa agreed, “I know. I’m so glad we don’t have to perform at freezing cold football games anymore. Like, why don’t we have sweat pants like the cheerleaders?”
“Oh my god, right?” Rosé chirpped.
“Holy shit, I agree with that 100%!” You added.
J Seph laughed, “What was that saying? No pain no gain?”
Matthew gave his two cents, “Exactly. What’s a little hypothermia for the price of looking fabulous during half time and in the stands when no one is really paying attention to you?”
Somin hit his arm and you kicked his shin. He cursed in English and Korean for that. The rest of the table laughed.
E’dawn handed you the drink you ordered since he was sitting next to you as well as a straw as you were speaking.
“At least--oh thanks, oppa--at least we got to wear leggings when performing with the co-ed team, under the pants.”
Momo pouted and put her head in her hands, “Maybe I should join the co-ed team so that I can wear leggings.Then at least I’d be a little warmer. Didn’t you get jackets, too?”
They nodded. Momo was there before the co-ed dancers arrived but decided to join since you all basically knew each other from S.H.E. When the food arrived, everyone dug in and tried all sorts of things. Your noodles were the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted. Apparently, a bit too good since everyone was staring at you.
“E’dawn, you gotta step up your game if she’s moaning like that for some cheap noodles.” Hui joked, making your oppa blush.
“I don’t even do things like that with her. We’re friends.” He mumbled.
You held up some noodles to Hui’s face, “You try them and not have a foodgasm.”
The silver-haired man ate them and his eyes rolled to the back of his head, “Ok, I take it back. Even if you tried, you couldn’t make her moan like these noodles could.”
“I’m sure he could.” You say and then put more food in your mouth, slurping it up and giving him a ‘come at me’ look.
“Geez, (Y/N), how did we ever have fun without you? You’re so cool.” He said and the other agreed.
You smiled happily and continued eating. E’Dawn brushed your bottom lip with his thumb and then put it in his mouth. You looked up at him, kind of shocked at the seemingly sudden action.
“Yeah. It’s really good.” He said simply.
What the fuck? You didn’t know that he couldn’t stop staring at your lips as you ate and enjoyed the food. You also didn’t know that he had gotten a bit jealous when you fed his friend some food and not him, so when he saw a drop of broth on your lips, he took a chance. However, he had no clue had your heart was pounding out of your chest or that your panties suddenly got wet.
And neither would ever find out because you both looked away embarrassed with all eyes on you as E’dawn excused himself to outside the restaurant.
What the fuck was he thinking? What kind of k-drama move was that? E’dawn paced in front of the store. The cold would clear his head. Yes. That would work. You probably weren’t even that into him, he thought. Why did he get jealous of his friend?
Speaking of, Hui came out to check on him.
“Why can’t I words?” E’dawn asked. “I just wanted to ask if  I could try some of her noodles too, but instead I act like some delinquent from a drama hitting on a girl!”
Hui chuckled, “Well, you’re two out of the three, but a gentle delinquent.”
He pouted, “I really like her, Hui. What do I do?”
“Telling her would be a good start.”
“Pssshhhh. BUT HOWWWW?” He whined.
“Come back inside. I’ve got an idea.”
You stared at your friends and they stared back. They all just saw that. Your cheeks were still on fire! There were things you wanted to say, but none of them were made of actual words.
Rosé cracked a smile, “Giiiiiiirrrrrllll. Please tell me that you know he likes you now.”
“It was just. He’s not. We’re--”
Jennie chuckled, “That’s not something friends do. Boy got jealous of you feeding his friend.”
The others nodded, but you kept denying it. There was just no way he was into you like that. “I’m his dude. We’re just buds. Dude buds.”
“I’m a dude. He’s a dude. Dude’s don’t just do that to other dudes.” Matthew replied. “I would’ve gotten a napkin or something probably just have pointed it out so that you could get it yourself. But that was like skin ta skin. He wants you, (Y/N), and it’s clear as day you feel the same.”
Momo whispered, “He’s coming back, and I swear to God if you don’t actually flirt with him. You’re wearing matching antlers!”
And everyone acted normal as they ate in sync. The table was silent for a good moment which made everything sort of really awkward until Hui spoke up.
“So, (Y/N), are you going home for the holidays? Like back to America?”
“I might for like a week, but tickets are really expensive. Not sure whether to go before or after Christmas.”
Jisoo spoke up, “Do you celebrate, uh, what’s it called? Something-zah!”
“Yeah, Kwanzaa. Do you celebrate that? If so, you should go after Christmas to celebrate it and the solar New Year with family.”
“But you have to be back in time for Lunar New Year.” J. Seph added. “You’re really pretty and I really want to see you in a hanbok. I’m sure I’m not the only one.”
Everyone at the table gushed at how cute you’d look in their traditional clothing, suggesting colors that they think would look best. The girls said that they’d probably go a bit more modern and do pastel hanboks this year.
Hui steered the conversation back to the way he wanted as everyone started to pay for their food, “Well, I wanted to invite you guys all to a Christmas party at my aunt’s resort. It’s always good and lots of food. Good drinks, too.”
“Sure! Sounds good. I’ll come along. Is it formal?”
“Not really, just Christmas colors. However, girls usually wear that ‘sexy Santa’ costume as a tradition, so you might want to get one of your own.”
E’dawn gave his friend a look that went unnoticed by you. Hui was lying his ass off, but he wasn’t about to stop him. Girls usually did wear it, but it wasn’t tradition. Either way, you guys decided to go hanbok shopping and have a lot of fun before you left back home. You couldn’t wait for some down time, either.
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bunnyrhe · 2 years
Rich Doctor Jin X LittleSpace hybrid reader
Summary: When do you shift to your human form with Appa Jin?
Warnings: little angst, mainly fluff, little jealousy. OMG DAWN AND HYUNAA ARE MENTIONED IN THIS ONE.
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I creeped into the living room, curling up in front of the floor to ceiling windows under the AC unit. I was far too big for my cat bed under the coffee table right now. I put my hand on the glass watching my fingers fog up the glass, my nails looking short and blunt. All the blinking city lights red,blues and greens from cars and buildings,  they were soothing. I felt the little gem pendant on my collar, it was a tiny gold circle with KSJ on it, Appa's name. It felt so warm to be claimed by my alpha, but my heart still felt lonely. I was tracing the energy lines from the cars zooming by when my ears twitched, hearing someone approaching. 
"Yn-ah?"Appa said, rubbing his sleepy eyes. At this point he'd only seen my shift back to my human form once when I was in the hospital. The first night he met me I came in beaten and bruised up and Appa fixed all my booboos. I winced,Jin Took care of all my cuts.
"Hi," I waved. Jin wrapped me up in his blue robe, giving me his slippers to keep warm. I inhaled his scent deeply, loving my alpha's scent-he always smelled clean and like a cup of warm rose tea. I loved it deeply. It made little flowers grow around my heart, every time he blew me a kiss, the petals would rouse and tickle my stomach and make me fluttery.
"Aish , little one you're far too small to be going around without something warm on. Appa knows you hate wearing your clothes, but my little one, you need to put something on not to catch a cold. Another reason Appa has to take care of his cub and do everything for her she's just not big enough to do it alone. You'd freeze without me." he patted my cheeks, feeling my neck and forehead for a fever. "Stay here,I have to go find my medical bag and your sippy then I'll do a quick physical okay? Appa will be right back."
I let him check my temperature and heart rate and my ears. I pushed the tiny hammer to check your reflexes away. "Noo, Jin I feel fine. Really."
"Uh uh Appa knows his cub better than anyone, I know when my cub is feeling small and my good cub knows to call me Appa. You only shift when you're injured or when you need to tell me something important. Tell Appa where's hurting, little one."
"I'm not hurting Appa I," I huffed, my bottom lip frilling in pout.
"Is it an inside hurt baby?"
I nodded, holding his shirt sleeve, rubbing my head in his neck to get his smell al, over me. "Sometimes I forget how small you are, you're so precious and tiny. I wish I could meet my baby girl more, " he gasped looking at my ears,"I missed these little fuzzy triangles too! Aww, is someone feeling small, go ahead and relax all the way for me baby, go  ahead to your small place." 
He scratched me behind my ears,letting me relax in his lap in front of the window. He held  my hand while the other fed me juice in my sippy cup. I pushed it away briefly. "Hyunaa told me her and Dawn were gonna get married soon." You looked up at Appa. Hyunaa was a gazelle hybrid and her mate Hyojong was a human who worked at JinHit with Appa. They lived in the same building, right downstairs and Appa organised playdates alfresco in the lush gardens of the Galleria Floret. She showed me her Opal ring last time we hung out and she was chatting so much about her dress. I was happy for my favourite friend that she could find all she wanted in Hyojong but my heart ached too.
"I know,Hyojong told me. Are you happy for your little friend?"
"Yes, Appa."
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"Then what's wrong? We can get you a puffy dress too, little one. "
"Appa, are we like them? Are we gonna get married too?"
He smiled down at me," Yes we  will, you just say the words baby. "
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