#hundreds of thousands * pardon me
serialreporter · 1 year
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proper tag dump time !
☼ killing butterflies. ﹙ ic. ﹚ ☼ why do i keep collecting shitty fucked up guys fr. ﹙ ooc. ﹚ ☼ you have no idea what i have planned for you. ﹙ inbox. ﹚ ☼ tell me who's watching ? ﹙ open. ﹚ ☼ pardon the way that i stare. ﹙ commentary. ﹚ ☼ peekaboo ! ﹙ crack. ﹚ ☼ for every winner there's a hundred that die. ﹙ dash games. ﹚ ☼ it keeps on giving and i don't want to forget any of it. ﹙ memes / prompts. ﹚ ☼ an image is worth a thousand words. ﹙ photos. ﹚ ☼ roaming freely like a ghost in the night. ﹙ the ghost face. ﹚ ☼ and nobody would know that i was secretly myself. ﹙ danny johnson. ﹚ ☼ there's another side that you don't know. ﹙ thoughts / musings. ﹚ ☼ the night assists me and it's endless here. ﹙ likes / aesthetics. ﹚ ☼ there's a beautiful sadness that runs through him. ﹙ ramble / study. ﹚ ☼ you don't know the murderer sitting next to you. ﹙ headcanons. ﹚ ☼ some things are meant to be gone broke. ﹙ main verse. ﹚ ☼ come on baby‚ don't fear the reaper. ﹙ survivor verse. ﹚ ☼ the kind of headlines that people do not forget. ﹙ promo. ﹚ ☼ my honey‚ i know with the dawn that you will be gone. ﹙ queue. ﹚ ☼ how would you like to be remembered ? ﹙ saved. ﹚ ☼ touch-tone telephone ! ﹙ music track. ﹚
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vidavalor · 13 days
"Haven't seen you since... The Flood?"
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It's you... I mean, *tries to play it cool* oh, right, it's you... that's right, we've met before... 'Crawley', isn't it? I almost forgot. It's been... hmm, what's it been? 504 years?... But who's counting, really... I think the last time I saw you was, what, I guess, The Flood? I don't know, I haven't really thought about it or you in the half a millennia since we were in the midst of The Biggest Storm to Ever Storm and, after all the bits about The Ark and saving people, we took shelter under some trees... a canopy, you might say... that was you, right? I apologize but, you see, I just so frequently bump into breathtaking, flame-haired demons while soaking wet and gaze into their eyes knowing they're my eternal soulmate and that the sex is going to be unbelievable, so you'll have to pardon me but I might have you mixed up with another demon whose throat I had my tongue down...
It's not a big deal. After all, I regularly vavoom that hard with dozens of other beings I find every bit as attractive as you. I haven't been thinking about it five times a minute for over five hundred years or anything. See, as I recall-- and correct me if I'm wrong... 'Crawley', was it? Crawley, yes... but I seem to remember that it was beyond good and I wasn't the one with an issue... I was trying to climb your beanpole ass like a tree... but *someone* eventually had a moment of panic and there were words said... by *you*... that are going to seem *pretty ironic* a couple of thousand years into our future, may I just say?
Words along the lines of we can't do this and you're an angel, I'm a demon and, forgive me if I have this incorrect, but I think you might have even whispered a plea in there for me to forgive you before you bolted from our vavoomy canopy like a spooked deer, my dear...
Haven't seen you since The Flood, was it?
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Gif by @crowleysgirl56
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aestherin · 1 year
34: one mistake
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When did it all start?
Ah, it was when he first heard your singing voice during eleventh grade.
It was the during the time of the day when most students would flock to the cafeteria, rushing to eat their fill after half a day's worth of academic torture. Even before then, he already disliked crowded and hectic places. And so, he went the opposite direction of everyone.
Turns out he wasn't the only one with that idea.
The sweet and enchanting voice of a nightingale was what welcomed him the moment he arrived at the school's courtyard. Not rushing to eat lunch just to hear this was worth it, he concluded.
He didn't even know your name at the time, for you two were not in the same class. And when you turned around — good lord.
Your face was beautiful, but it wasn't familiar at all. It was odd, how this was the first time he saw you. He thought for sure that with an appearance like that, if he had ever met you prior, he wouldn't be able to forget you.
Was the school really that big for you two to miss each other every single time?
"Oh. A person. Uhm, hi?"
Fuck. Even your speaking voice was attractive.
Kunikuzushi was damned.
And he has been, for many years. Even up until now.
The present him looked up at nowhere, quietly laughing at himself.
How pathetic.
'You've liked her since you were still students, and you still haven't got the guts to even confess.'
'You're both famous people now, hundreds of thousands of people — maybe even millions — wanting the two of you... yet you're still stuck simply being her friend.'
Boy best friend, he argued with himself. But Scaramouche himself also did not know if that was better or worse.
"I have arrived," he heard a smooth voice. Kunikuzushi instictively frowned. This? This was the voice of the man you fell for?
He almost rolled his eyes. He could do better than this guy in front of him. He bets Ayato couldn't even sing.
Ayato looked around the area but found no chairs. "Where?" All he could see was cemented grounds, ramps, and curves. Why did they have to meet at a deserted skateboarding area anyway?
Scaramouche smirked. "Ah, sorry. I forgot you're a rich boy. We can't have you sitting on the dirty floor now, could we?"
It was as if a tick mark appeared on the taller man's head. Feigning a smile, he breathed, "Did you ask to meet me just to insult me, bastard?"
"Wow. Was it that obvious?"
"No, not really."
"I'm just getting back at you."
"Pardon? I don't even know you, aside from you being a celebrity. This is the first time we've met and suddenly you say you're getting back at me?"
"Shut the fuck up. You insulted me first."
"You getting together with [Name] so easily was the biggest insult I've ever received in my entire existence."
Now, Ayato was no idiot. Of course, he immediately realized the underlying message of Scaramouche's statement. Was that why this man called for him? Did he receive news of their so-called 'break-up' and was now planning to tell him that he's going to pursue you now that you're not in a relationship anymore?
Ayato's eyes followed Scaramouche as he stood up from the metal rail he was previously sitting on. Meanwhile, the shorter one looked and turned away, seemingly looking at a distance.
"I knew it was all fake, by the way," he started. "She accidentally tweeted about it on her private account, and I got to see it before she deleted it."
"Since when?"
"That was even before your drama was released."
"That was a long time ago. You knew yet did nothing?"
Ayato was confused. If Scara had feelings for you, why didn't he act on it even after he found out that the thing you had for him was all a fraud? It was not something that he could comprehend.
Not with his way of thinking.
Kunikuzushi, on the other hand, begged to differ. He believed himself to have done the right thing.
He has already kept his affection for you to himself for several years, surely a few weeks, months more wouldn't be that big of a deal, right?
And so he stayed. Stayed observing, kept contemplating — remained being just a friend.
"Of course, the thought of having her for myself crossed my mind at that moment..." He smiled fondly. "...but I still didn't go with it."
He suddenly turned around, not giving Ayato the opportunity to retort.
"Because despite the fact that it wasn't real —"
Scaramouche sighed.
"— even the archons know how in love she was with you."
That left him speechless. For a seemingly inconsiderate and rough guy to say those words...
How can he remain calm? Another person who has romantic feelings for you just told him about your sincerest sentiments for him.
"Why are you —"
Ayato cut himself off with a forced gag.
"What the fuck?" He glared at the man who just punched his gut. He unconsciously hovered his arm over the pained area; though it wasn't too powerful, the sheer unexpectedness of the punch was enough to make it sting.
"Just because she loves you doesn't mean you get a pass. My anger won't vanish quickly, airhead."
Did... did he just insult me?
Yours truly?
This made Ayato raise a brow. "Oh?"
"Why not punch me in the face then? Scared?" Ayato challenged with a devious grin.
A sarcastic laugh was not what he was expecting in return.
"Are you dumb? With my strength, I am more than capable of landing a punch on your face that would take more than weeks to recover," Scaramouche smirked. "What if [Name] sees it? And her, being the angelic being she is, would ask you about it. Then you, being the conniving blabbermouth that you are, would tell her my name."
The fuck?
"She would be mad at me. That's the least thing I'd ever want."
"So that's why you punched me in an area that isn't visible."
Ayato made a face. After a while, he attempted to get back at the other man with a punch too, but failed miserably. "Oh? Why are you hitting me back?"
"What kind of question even is that?"
"I thought you knew you deserved that punch in the gut," Kunikuzushi stated in a matter-of-fact tone, both hands inside his pockets. To Ayato, it seemed like the man in front of him was bigger than him at the moment. He was sneering down at him.
"You hurt her. So I punched you."
Yeah, I really did.
Backing down and lacking argument, he opted to just sit down on one of the skateboarding ramps. "Remind me why we had to meet here out of all places again?"
"This place..." Scaramouche followed his actions, sitting on the ramp opposite of him. "This place is special to me and [Name]. I used to skateboard often when I was still a student."
"She would always come to me with drinks and snacks in hand. Then, unofficially, this became our weekend hangout spot."
"So, you've liked her since... you were students?"
Kunikuzushi hummed.
"How come you've never told her in that whole time?"
"I'm a coward," he chuckled. "I didn't want to lose what we have. I was afraid that we would stray apart from each other once I do."
Ayato could do nothing but smile sympathetically. "I bet you wrote songs about her."
"Albums," Scaramouche corrected him.
"Yeah. Damn." Ayato felt the return of an intense glare. "I wrote entire albums for her then you had the audacity to hurt [Name] enough for her to end your relationship despite being deeply enamored with you? Wow. Tsk, tsk. Talk about a big jerk."
"I'm aware," he sighed. "Now, can you stop with that? Unless you really only called me out here to make me realize how much I messed up — which let's be honest I really did, and I honestly deserve every single shit you throw at me, but —"
"Glad to know that you know."
Ayato frowned.
He sensed a shift in Scaramouche's mood. He assumed the other was getting serious now. "I called you here because I want you to fix this mess... and to ask you a favor —"
"— I'm leaving [Name] in your care."
"However," The man pointed at him. "One mistake, Kamisato. One mistake and I'll make sure she'd want to spend her lifetime with me instead."
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privacy — ayato x reader smau
prev. masterlist. next.
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NOTES -> that was long im sorry ahfbdhd -> also scara pls be mine instead🥹🙏
TAGLIST I (closed) @catsrkool @sukunasrealgf @redactedhimbo @layla240 @mxlkytea13 @itsactuallylina @milza12 @aixaingela @tatiratty @kimiesstuff @laventiseriou @kunihaver @bibisbestgirl @lunaavity @coquettemaiden @opchara @slvdsjjk @cotton-eee @lady-elodie @dearxiiao @wheneverthesunrise @heartswonder @chuduchok @headphonesrlif3 @lleoll @vnderthesunn @lizzardlady1234 @nekogakuro @rifran @atlatcaheart @ani-st @creammpuff @lunastarjay @kittycasie @poisoned-candy-apples @zannivrs @b0bafl0wer @moonlightaangel @elsoleil
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voidsentprinces · 6 months
Shadowbringer Context: Emet-Selch: I have lived a THOUSAND! THOUSAND OF YOUR LIVES! I will revive Zodiark and bring back what was lost to me! WoL: That's insane! Endwalker Context: Hythlodaeus: Greetings. WoL: Understandable, I'd also burn the world a hundred times over for him. Hythlodaeus: Pardon? WoL: Nothing.
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midnightbears · 2 months
✿ tell 'em how the crowds went wild! tell 'em how i hope they shine!
⎯ in which you look back on how grateful you are for the opportunity bestowed upon you. aka: you joined the opla's cast!
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#STARRING. iñaki godoy, mackenyu, jacob romero, taz skylar, emily rudd ft. fem!reader [elle fanning 4 faceclaim but u can imagine y/n anyway u wish!].
#TAGS. sfw, kind of context, a bit of smau but its tiny. mentions of covid just in case it's triggering?
#NOTE. pardon my rusty writing but i really wanted to get this out!!! i added an oc from one piece for the sake of the story but she's barely mentioned so uuuh yuh! timeline may be wrong but i work with what i'm given please bear with me. let me know if you would like more fics of this y/n??? ALSO IGNORE THE WATERMARKS ON THE PHOTOS I NEEDED TO MAKE THEM NEATER
© midnightbears on tumblr, apr 2024. please do not repost to another platform, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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In the past, if someone were to come up to you and tell you that you’d be a part of the One Piece Live Action main cast in the future, you would’ve probably laughed in their faces despite your wishful thinking.
At that time, you were content with your work, doing short theatre plays with companies or gaining minor roles in musicals. Everything changed when you landed the role for the one-woman show Fleabag for a limited time on London’s West End after the leading actress underwent emergency surgery for an appendectomy. You only acted as the sex-obsessed mess of a woman for about three weeks, but it was enough time for people to notice you, to really see you.
You believed your career had reached its pinnacle when you were cast as Katherine Howard in Six: The Musical in London. Your name had become somehow well-known in the musical theatre world, and you had a small but dedicated fan base who liked uploading edits of you being a dork during the Megasix on YouTube and TikTok. 
Months later, you were bound to play as Fantine for Les Miserables when COVID abruptly struck, and you were dismayed that your job was ripped from you so abruptly. Your best friend, the sweetest person on earth, insisted on you moving in with her in fear that you’d be evicted from your apartment.
Months passed, and you eventually found a small way to help your friend pay rent by offering singing and acting lessons online to musical-aspiring teenagers. Since you had gained many followers from your earlier work on social media, it didn’t surprise you when the classes became sold out.
Your friend also convinced you to create a YouTube channel for you to upload videos of yourself (sometimes joined by her) where you watched and commented shitty movies, followed DIY tutorials just for the fun of it, performed covers of your favorite songs, and just generally vlogged your life (along with reactions to Taylor Swift’s (From The Vault) songs).
At first, you thought it was pretty stupid, but you were delightfully proved wrong when your videos harbored over 200k-300k views on a bad day, so you found no reason to stop as COVID-19 continued, growing to gain a little over five hundred thousand followers. Your reactions were often used for TikTok audios or clips, so you found your popularity growing and evolving during that year.
You believed yourself to be a general, simple woman. People liked you because you were elegant and levelheaded, although you could sometimes be chaotic. You also had a subtle sense of humor that many found charming. But mostly, you grew a steady fan base because your videos and presence comforted countless young adults and teenagers.
You were an optimist and a reassuring one, so during the times when COVID was so prominent, people sought refuge from the monstrosities of the world in your videos, where you seemed to connect with them even though you were on the other side of the screen.
However, everything changed somewhere in 2020-2021. That evening, your best friend got home from work with excitement practically oozing out of her every pore. You and your best friend were avid anime watchers and manga readers, so you couldn’t help the face you made when she told you that One Piece was getting a live-action.
Although you were skeptical, your friend practically insisted you send an audition tape. You grimaced at that. It was well-known that live anime actions were almost always corny and cringeworthy compared to the original work, and people never liked them. You had learned that much from Death Note and a couple of others. However, your best friend convinced you with this argument:
“If it’s that bad, then at least you’ll gain more followers out of the memes that people will make, and if it’s good, you’ll still get famous anyway!”
Eventually, you sent a video of you performing one of the lengthy monologues from Fleabag to your agency and simply hoped for the best. Your friend was practically rooting for you to get the role of Anastasia, one of the first integrants of the Straw Hat crew, joining before Sanji and after Usopp. You adored her as she greatly reminded you of your late mother, although you would be happy with any role.
Somewhere in November 2021, you remember a lot of screaming and crying. When you try to look back on it, all you remember is the happiness you felt when you received confirmation of the role of Anastasia. You were practically over the moon, and you and your friend celebrated inside your small apartment. You were entirely alone, just two drunk girls dancing and cheering, until one of the neighbors knocked on the ceiling with a broom.
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liked by inakigo, emilyrudd and 574,949 others
yourusername actually lost for words and filled to the brim with gratitude...... i cannot express how excited i am to play my girl anastasia and bring her to life. from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who has supported me. your faith in me means everything. congrats to iñaki, emily, jacob, mackenyu and taz, thank you to onepiecenetflix, thank you to my best friend for convincing me to audition for the role, and thank you, oda sensei, for putting anastasia's heart in my hands. love u all <3
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November 10, 2021
inakigo, Congrats!!!!!!!!
taz_skylar, 🔥🔥🔥
The One Piece fan base dearly loved the character of Anastasia, a well-mannered, bubbly, upbeat, fashion-loving duchess who always spoke in a Transatlantic accent but also had a quick wit and a bit of a sweet tooth. Anastasia’s dream was to become the most dangerous pirate to ever grace the seas and prove everyone who doubted her wrong.
Of course, with a big character came a big responsibility.
Sometimes, insecurity nearly got the better of you. You had to fill huge shoes, and there were many people to convince and impress. However, your love for this project was bigger than the gnawing uncertainty on the back of your neck, so you continued strongly until the end of Season One, finding comfort in your cast mates and the countless people who counted on you and, most importantly, believed in you.
Oda handpicked you, and that argument alone was enough to shoot any insecurities away.
Well, needless to say, people loved you!
Critics acclaimed your portrayal of the character, as well as the commendable chemistry you shared with the rest of the cast. The fans found it incredibly funny that your character was the complete opposite of how you actually acted in real life, and you often found yourself blissfully immersed in the fan base's love and praise.
Your channel and social media suddenly grew tenfold. Although you had stopped uploading videos every week due to the recording of season one, your followers were more than happy to wait for your return, and as one would expect, they were thrilled to have you back once you did upload a vlog explaining everything.
Over the course of the six months, you had been recording from time to time for a YouTube video in the set. Previously, you had asked the producers for permission to record some behind-the-scenes for your channel and your usual interactions with the rest of the cast with your personal Sony camera, as you felt it would be a nice way to bring the fans and the cast closer.
The producers gave the okay on the condition that you would wait until the first season aired on Netflix. You happily agreed and carefully began recording some scenes of your dressers and hairdressers as they prepared you, a few shots of your instructor showing you how you were supposed to use the guns that Anastasia employed... simple things.
Back in the day, you were still getting acquainted with the other cast members, and you didn't want to seem rude by forcibly making them appear on your videos, so you waited for a few weeks until you could properly call yourself companions. Then, you invited them to appear in the videos.
Iñaki, Taz, and Jacob liked to take advantage of the little free time they had between scenes they didn't appear in to innocently steal your camera and use it to their heart's content. One day, you got home only to find the memory card was completely full. It was an extensive video of them walking around the set, with Taz recording while Kiki and Jacob pointed out random stuff to the people who lived inside your camera, as Jacob liked to call them.
Mackenyu, being more reserved and introverted, mostly liked to act as a cameraman for you as you showed the props you used and other things, often making comments or turning the camera around whenever you referred to something.
Meanwhile, Emily had a natural knack for being in front of the camera. Whenever you asked her to join in, she effortlessly slipped into the co-host role, bantering with you and adding her own insights into the behind-the-scenes world of the show.
With the first season out of the way, you took the time to carefully pick what videos you wanted to use in the final tape, and it took you a little over a month and a half to properly edit it and turn it into a wonderful thirty-minute-long behind-the-scenes. You even sent it to the producers and your co-stars in case there was a scene they wanted deleted. Fortunately, they all gave you the okay.
You teased the video a bit on your Instagram before uploading it a few days later, and the support it received was out of this world. It gained over two million views and hundreds of thousands of likes.
You were kind of expecting this. While some BTS had already been uploaded on YouTube, yours was different because you were showing it from your perspective. The fans loved every second of it, and even started asking for a second or third part. You even saw new videos on YouTube of recompilations from your video with the titles being silly things like The One Piece Cast Being Chaotic for Seven Minutes.
At that moment, your life felt so full. You were getting contacted by industries who wanted you to appear on their videos and their stages, thousands of fans who loved you, and a feeling so peculiar that this would be eternal.
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liked by taz_skylar, morganlogoff and 1,523,199 others
yourusername missing my wig and my gang hours ☹️
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November 10, 2023
morganlogoff, love love love you💗💗💗
bookofjacob, missing your camera hours💔
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
For personal reasons: Nona’s conversation with Varun towards the end of NtN (I had to do my own transcription of the audio book here, so pardon any errant punctuation or mistakes) 
The Captain opened her mouth and said, “Get him! Get him! Get him, he flees!”
“I can’t!” said Nona, “I can’t do anything. I don’t want to do anything.”
The Captain moaned sharply. “All for nothing! You asked for help — you asked — and all for nothing, only pain! You asked. I gave you blood for blood!”
Nona, grief-stricken, hollered: “Not like this! I love this place!”
“Do you love?” said the Captain’s mouth. 
Nona struggled. “Yes! No. Yes,” she said, then, “I don’t know what it means. I say it, and I don’t know what it means. Did I ever know what it meant?”
“Green thing,” said the Captain, “green—and—breathing thing — the ghost, the drinker, transformed — what will you eat now? Where will your body go? What did he do to you to make you this way? You eat yourself. I gorge on unliving marrow!”
It was true. The Captain looked as if she were withering before Nona’s eyes. She cried out in haste, “Don’t! Stop that! I can’t stop it, but you can stop it. Stop hurting her! She doesn’t know what you’re doing.” 
“You cry mercy?” said the Captain.
“Yes! Mercy, yes!” said Nona.
“I have crossed the face of the universe,” said the Captain. “I poison it to match my grief!”
“Yes,” said Nona, “but — but stop this. Stop hurting the Captain.” She rooted around wildly to find a phrase, and fell back on Cam. “You’re acting out. Maybe you should take five.” 
“For eight thousand unjust bodies I will stop,” said the Captain. 
Nona said, “NO! I want you to stop now!”
“They concoct their own vengeance,” said the Captain. “Their justice is not my justice. Their water is not my water. I came to help. I am made a mockery. The danger is upon you, and you do not even know. They are coming out of their tower, salt thing. There is a hole at the bottom of their tower. I will pull their teeth. I will make it blank for you.” 
Nona said, “Hot Sauce never did anything wrong. Or Beautiful Ruby, or Born-In-The-Morning, or Kevin. And Honesty — “ here, she was compelled by the truth, “Honesty doesn’t know any better. Camilla and Palamedes never did anything wrong. Pyrrha says she did a lot wrong, but at least she knows it. And we don’t like the Captain, but we pity her. Stop hurting the Captain. Don’t do this.” 
And Nona found herself saying: “I’m ready to die. Really ready.”
“Nothing is really ready to die,” said the Captain. 
. . . 
Nona looked at the Captain’s face with its closed eyes — still wasted, but not dead, and looking a little less like a piece of fruit someone had sucked all the juice out of. 
Nona lay on her back atop the stretched canvas, and Nona’s mouth said: “Just — wait. Just… help me. Help me do this. I might be different, soon.” 
Planet ghost arrives to pick up little sister after she called it crying her eyes out earlier that night; thousands wounded hundreds dead natural order continues to be in shambles. To be serious though — Nona’s plea for humanity here has stuck with me so deeply. I love this place. I love these people. Don’t hurt them. The love is stronger than the rage, and Varun listens. She cries mercy, and is heard, if ony momentarily. Not happily and not forever, but it agrees to wait and to help her in the way she needs it to. (“We had the choice to stop”/”I can’t stop it, but you can stop it”............) It ties in very neatly with the overarching themes of vengeance in TLT: that you have to love and care for what’s hurting more than you hate what inflicted the damage, or else very bad things can start to happen. (Also ‘Honesty — doesn’t know any better’ is the funniest and the loveliest part of it to me. Like yeah. If you want to love humanity that’s such a crucial part of it. You have to accept that the Honestys of the world won’t know any better no matter what you do or say and that they’re still worth it; they live here too.) 
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Pathetic Man
Lily has some thoughts after Z'rell calls Gale a pathetic man. SFW.
“Hmmm. You have used the wizard well.” I beg your pardon!?!? “But the desperate one who would love such a pathetic man must hunger for greater delights, deep down.” WHAT?!?!?
Lily’s eyes somehow got wider than she ever thought possible when she, Astarion, Gale, and Lae’zel met with Disciple Z’rell. She killed that poor orc without a second thought. Gods, what further horrors are hidden here? She pushed those thoughts from her mind as they managed (by the most insane luck I’ve ever witnessed) to rescue all the gnomes and tieflings imprisoned at Moonrise Towers.
However, despite the jovial mood at Last Light and camp, her mind replayed that moment, even as she sat with Gale in his tent after dinner. The gall of that woman. Pathetic man, my ass. Gale is brave and smart and funny and perfect and—
“You seem very far away, dearest. Is everything alright?” Gale gently asked. He placed a kiss on her freckled cheek while the hand on her ample waist traced circles.
She squeezed her eyes shut. “You’re not a pathetic man, and I’ve never once used you. That nasty, nasty woman.” Rage. Rage. No. Not now. Her lips captured his in a deep but short kiss. “And by the way, I only want your greater delights, love.” She pulled him to her in a loving embrace. “If anyone here is pathetic, it’s me anyways.” Lily sighed.
Her lover let out a thoughtful hum. “Why do you say that, sweetness?”
“Because I fell in love with the first man who was nice to me…showed any interest in me romantically…if that’s not pathetic, I don’t know what is.” she said bitterly.
“You’re just a really good friend, Lily.”
“You are the Countess’s daughter---I cannot court you.”
“Who would ever want the fat devil beast daughter of a dwarf?”
“Ugly cow of a woman.”
“The Countess cannot raise your dowery enough, my lady.”
Gale shifted in her arms so he could look at her. Gods, he has the most beautiful eyes. I could stare into them forever. “That isn’t true. Not even remotely true. You said that noble who was courting you—”
Shit for brains.
“I didn’t love him. Not like how I love you.” I would gladly take a million arrows, a thousand cuts, hundreds of shocks of electricity, and run through a fireball to protect you. Glancing away, she stared at the ground. “The second I pulled you from that portal that was it. I fell in love with you.”
“If that is pathetic, then so am I because I too fell for you in that same moment.” He chuckled, blushing a little. “Let us be pathetic fools in love together, shall we?”
Wrinkling her nose, Lily smiled and held him closer. “Only with you, magic man.”
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Hitting a nerve, again
Dear @outlanderfandomfollies,
You took an extraordinary amount of time to lecture me on your blog with regard to one of my comments about the (in)famous funeral pictures. This deserves a reply and I hope you will understand it is done in good faith, although I cannot guarantee you that my answer will be devoid of irony. I am who I am, even if my opinions clearly vex you: I am sorry, but there is little I can do to accommodate you in that respect.
Fair enough, then. I took a stroll on your two blogs yesterday and I have to say I am underwhelmed. The thousands of words, the hundreds of pages, all that Taj Mahal of wisdom so liberally, relentlessly bestowed upon us, ignoramuses, was not enough to shake my beliefs. And pardon me the approximation: trying to make sense of what you wrote left such a strange aftertaste, that I did not pay enough attention to such details. Stupid me.
I have to say I was just starting to enjoy your very interesting interpretation of Jungian archetypes as applied to JAMMF. It did also remind me of Richard Campbell's Hero With A Thousand Faces, to be completely honest. I wanted more of that: a non-biased and personal interpretation of a beloved literary character. So, I am asking you in all honesty: why do your approach and your tone change, from professional to patronizing, when you deal with this side of the fandom, including me?
You present yourself as an independent blogger within the OL fandom. That, in my humble opinion, is a bias and a lie. There can be no independence in the current context of cold war, with the "truthers"' side bucketing out insults on a daily basis, with no prompting and no provocation from the shippers. You probably know as well as I do how the spiel works, via multiple spy sock accounts, anonymous submissions often sent to oneself and yes, rivers of "stupid shippers, idiot shippers". You also know and yet keep complete silence about it, that sensitive information is always exchanged in DMs and private groups, primarily out of respect for the people concerned (and also because that is none of your business, Antis).
Your very peculiar orientation is also something that ethically nags me. Independent, yet aligned. I find this fascinating, truly: it reminds me of an Eastern European tyrant's game of promoting himself for years to the West as aligned with the Soviets, yet independent from them. True story.
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In the side note at the end of your long (loooooong) intervention about a mere comment expressing an opinion, you write:
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I am asking you and I would appreciate a serious, well-researched answer (a girl can dream): exactly which boundaries did I (and I really mean I, Sgiandubh, not "shippers": that is very cheap rhetoric and I expected better from you) cross by simply expressing an opinion that disagreed with your POV?
For comparison purposes, an example of a very recent, supremely suave comment on one of the major Anti players' blogs. We never read any well-articulated protestations from you on those, ever: it is as if they do not exist. Heh. Talking about bias, when it's all about hiding the Antis' garbage under a skillfully woven carpet of scientific jargon:
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And since you love side notes and caveats and all the critical apparatus paraphernalia, let me be very clear: I blurred the blogger's name on purpose, and not by cowardice. I blurred it because it is perfectly irrelevant, in this context and at the same time, very representative of a certain dominating vibe, in your camp, about OL's male lead. Something I believe you, as an independent (let's not forget aligned) blogger, should have no trouble taking a strong stance about.
Oh, the stench of intolerance, from the same person who wrote this, in 2016, on her blog:
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Yes, yes. I know you also wrote your opinions changed with time and adventures along this long-winding, twisted road. Yet, I cannot help but thinking that a walk down this particular memory lane could bring more serenity and more clarity to your fandom endeavors.
I have no wish to attack you and I am not the insulting type, unlike some of your fellows. But I also do not need a laissez-passer sealed, stamped and delivered by you (with which authority?), in order to continue my journey. I would be very happy to settle on a non-aggression 'we agree to disagree' , keep calm and carry on common ground. At the very worst, I will simply ignore you and would be very grateful if you did the same. I simply feel I owe you absolutely nothing, including my time and attention.
Cordially yours,
Sgian-dubh, stupid shipper
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googleitlol · 3 months
As serious as Dove likes to pretend to be, I also want to show just how slightly unhinged her actions can seem to others. What she does may make sense in her mind, but sometimes all the others can do is watch as they struggle to comprehend her train of thought. She can also just be plain petty, but that's already very obvious.
Anyway, a good example of her behaviour is when the group meets Sandy!
Dove Masterlist:
“These Flowing-Sand metes, eight hundred wide; These Weak Waters, three thousand deep. A goose feather cannot stay afloat; A rush petal will sink to the bottom.”
Tripitaka reads aloud the stone slab on the shore of the river. Is this really the Flowing-Sand river? You thought it’d take you longer to get here, though not much has happened since your group’s encounter with that tiger and wind demon about a month ago. “I remember this place, from when I last travelled with my own master, Guan Yin.”
“Really?” Tripitaka turns to you. “Do you know of any way to cros–”
Just as he spoke, a figure leapt from the waters, a recognizable blur of indigo and red charging towards the group. Before you can mumble a word, you feel yourself being tugged back alongside Tripitaka. Zhu Bajie runs to meet the challenger, raising his rake high before bringing it down on the newcomer but before you can see anything else, Wukong drags you and Tripitaka away from the confrontation.
The moment he drops the two of you, you slap his hand away. “What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Saving your life. Keep Master safe, we’ll be right back.” The Monkey King didn’t give you time to retort before taking his needle-sized staff and extending it in his hands.
“Wait! That demon…!” The sage is already bounding towards the fight before you can trail off. Is it so hard to just listen?! With a quick exhale, you turn to the monk instead. “Follow me.”
“…Pardon?” Tripitaka frowns, more out of confusement than anything else. “But that’s where Sun WUkong and Zhu Bajie are fighting the demon.”
“I can explain everything in a moment but for now, I just ask that you trust me.” Tripitaka could stay further back and wait as well, though there was no real danger at the riverside.
With how quickly Sun Wukong sped you away, it took a bit of time to return to the riverbank. It was just as you reached the waters that the two disciples came into view, their opponent nowhere to be found. The closer you get, the more you can hear the two as they bicker.
“If you just waited, I could have worn him down enough to deliver the final blow!” Pigsy huffs, pointing accusingly with his rake to the Monkey King.
The King rolls his eyes, his arms crossed as he argues back. “How could you have expected me to wait? It isn’t my fault he was so intimidated by me.” As you approach the two with their master, the sage quickly straightens his posture, turning before you can even announce your presence. You’ve noticed him do this quite often, him and Pigsy both. Though, the latter never reacts to your presence in the same way. Perhaps it has less to do with them being demons that can feel your power and more that you could manage to get along with one and the other, well…. “What are you doing back here?! I told you to keep Master safe.”
“That is what I’m doing, now where is the river demon?” You question, looking between the two disciples.
“The moment he saw Brother Sun charging at us, he turned and fled back into the river.” Bajie explains, and you sigh in frustration. This could have been easier if that demon didn’t announce his presence by charging at your group. What did he have to gain by attacking anyone that passed by the river?!
The Monkey King quickly steps in before Tripitaka has the chance to voice any of his concerns. “You don’t have to worry, Master. We were just devising a plan to finish the demon off quickly so we can cross the river. You see, despite my skill, I am not the best at combat in the water. Fortunately though, Bajie is adequate enough to pull off what we want to do…”  
You don’t wait for him to finish. You don’t even bother interrupting, it would just waste time to argue with him. Instead, as the sage explains his plan with Pigsy to their master, you set your bow and quiver down on the ground. Transforming, you begin to ascend, flying over the stretch of water. It only takes you a few moments before you find yourself at an appropriate height above the river.
Zhu Bajie is the first to look back and spot you, his eyes narrowed and confused. “Brother Sun?” The demon nudges his fellow disciple, gaze focused on the sight before him.
Wukong is quick to give him an irritated glance. “What is it, Idiot?”
“The woman is about to dive.”
It’s almost as if the pebble of realisation skips over his mind for a moment before sinking in. “What?!”
“Sha Wujing! Surface and face your master!” By the time the other two men turn around to join Pigsy in looking upwards, you’ve already transformed back, shouting before plunging into the river’s murky depths.
The three can only stand there, staring at where their companion had been just a fraction of a moment ago. Even the dragon-horse stares at the point where you disappeared into the water. However, your absence isn’t long, and when resurfacing, they find you with the very demon who had attacked just a few minutes before. Sun Wukong is the first to move, ready to jump into action. 
That is, until the demon lets out a hearty laugh. “Ah, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me! You really are the dove that accompanied the Bodhisattva Guan Yin.”
“Yes, I am glad you remember me.” You nod before nodding in gesture to your fellow travellers ashore. “However, I am now travelling with your master and his other disciples, the one you were instructed to wait for. The same men you so shamelessly tried to attack earlier.”
The demon looks back to the others on the shoreline, their confusion shared amongst their expressions, his brows shooting up in worry. “Oh! I see. Forgive me, young one. I hadn’t realised you were all so close, I’ve been waiting for so long.” He chuckles, almost bashfully, like the misunderstanding was nothing more than a simple mistake.
“Why don’t we go back and you can apologise to the monk yourself.” You suggest, and the sand-demon nods.
Together, you swim back towards your companions waiting on the shore. As you hobble back onto land, looking like a drowned rat, you’re greeted by the other men with silence. Now, finally holding their attention captive, you explain. “Tripitaka, I would like you to meet your fourth and final disciple, Sha Wujing.”
“Fourth?” Pigsy echoes, and with the silence broken, Monkey interjects.
“Why in the world would you attack us?! Why didn’t you say anything??” He points to you, twisting and squeezing the water from your clothes.
You laugh at his almost exasperated tone. “I’d explain that I tried, but you are the one person in the world incapable of understanding how frustrating it can be to get through to that thick skull of yours.” A semblance of a chuckle comes from Tripitaka, and it takes a good amount of self control not to laugh aloud at the outright look of offence on Wukong’s face when he turns to face his master.
Wujing clears his throat to grab hold of their attention once more. “I would like to apologise, Master. If I had known you were the scripture pilgrim, I would not have attacked you.”
“Wait a moment, why would you say fourth?” Bajie interjects, still stuck on your earlier statement.. “Sun Wukong and I are master’s only other disciples.”
Tripitaka is the one to answer in your place, patting the side of the horse gently. “You forget Ao Lie, he joined us just before you did.”
“…The horse?!”
“Actually, he’s a dragon.”
“…” He doesn’t say anything, though the expression of unfiltered befuddlement says all you need to know.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
1000 Points
Beacon Academy is currently going through a school wide game, where random challenges were given out to for the students could score points for completing said challenges. The student with the highest point count that month wins a prize of their choosing.
And, today is the biggest challenge yet.
Ozpin: Attention all students, attention all students; Todays challenge is about announced.
Yang: Oh this one should be good, just a few more points, and I’ll be beating you, Weisscream.
Weiss: In your dreams, Xiao Long. You need at least a hundred points to beat me.
Blake: And, you need at least two hundred to beat, Pyrrha.
Ruby: Like anyone can beat, Pyrrha, she’s dominating this thing…
Pyrrha: I’m sorry…
Coco: Oh don’t worry darling, it just shows how fantastic you are~!
Nora: You’re amazing, Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Aww… Thanks guys.
Ren: I wonder what today’s challenge is.
Velvet: Lets hope its not a ‘vs’ game again… I don’t want to the princess again…
Coco: But, you looked so cute in your dress~!
Yang: Not as good as, Jaune did. Hehehe~!
Ruby: He did look good in his dress.
Nora: I have photos~!
BP: Gimme!
Ozpin: Alright then, Port would you care spin the wheel?
Port: My pleasure!
On the intercoms all could hear the machine spin as it selected today’s challenge. A silence hung over the students as the machine slowly stopped spinning, as a thunk was heard as the machine had selected today’s challenge.
Port: Okay, let’s see… Oh? This is an individual challenge! One moment now students, I must use the individual selector!
A small chill of excitement went over the students of Beacon Academy. Individual challenges often involves obtaining a item from an randomly selected individual; Weiss’s rapier, Pyrrha’s crown, or Coco glasses. Items that they must actively ‘steal’ from them, however if the individual could keep their item until the end of the challenge they would get the promised points instead. Making individual challenges all the more interesting. The chill only grew colder as the heard the machine selected the next students name.
Port: Lets see… For one thousands point! Oh my, that a game changer point count!
A buzz surrounded the students; one thousand points this was the highest point count they had ever come across. There was a leader board set up between the students containing the highest scorers of all, but this challenge was going to flip the board. Everyone, everyone was looking forward to today’s challenge.
Port: For one thousand points! You must get, Jaune Arc, to confess who his love is! Oh this should be good!
Ozpin: Well, you heard it students! One thousand points to whichever student get’s, Mr Arc to confess their love! The challenge begins in 3… 2… 1… Go!
Blake: That’s easy right? We just have to get him to tell a teacher he loves, Weiss.
Yang: Oh this will be a cake walk!
Weiss: For me.
Ruby: You really think that?
Weiss: Yes, he said he likes me, so…?
Pyrrha: But, what if it’s for someone else?
Nora: Don’t worry, Pyrrha! I’ll get him to confess his undying love for you!
Pyrrha: Nora?!
Ren: What if it’s for you, Nora?
Nora: …
Nora: Beg pardon…?
Coco: We, can’t know who it is we like, until we ask him. And, it better not be for my little bun-bun…
Velvet: W-W-What?!
Ruby: Come on guys, lets go get a love confession!
Everyone: YEAH!!!
Meanwhile, Jaune was in Professor Goodwitch’s offices talking to her about his lessons when he heard today’s challenge.
Jaune: I-I have to do what?!
Glynda: A love confession? I wasn’t aware that was one of the challenges.
Jaune: You didn’t know?
Glynda: Ozpin, Port, and Oobaleck were in charge of making the challenges. I have no idea how many, nor what challenges they made.
Jaune: And, that was a good idea…?
Glynda: On hindsight I should have doubled checked the challenges they made…
Jaune: Well, great… Now I have a target on my back…
Glynda: You could just confess your love to me?
Jaune: B-Beg pardon?
Glynda: You could just tell me whoever it is you love, it would count as a confession, you would win the one thousand points, and you wouldn’t have to worry about any of your friends finding out. And, as a teacher I promise I will not let any of your friends find out who it is.
Jaune: Oh… W-Well thanks! B-But, I can’t tell you…
Glynda: Oh? Are you too embarrassed to tell me?
Jaune: T-That’s… partcilly the problem…
Glynda: Considering how many times you said it to, Weiss Schnee, it should be easy for you to confess your feelings.
Jaune: I-It’s not, Weiss… I-I thought it was her for a while, but… It’s not her…
Glynda: Ms. Nikos then?
Jaune: No, a lot of people, mostly, Nora think were are a thing… And, I thought so to… Until we kissed…
Glynda: Was it bad?
Jaune: It felt empty… I love, Pyrrha, I really do, but not like that… Neither of us do.
Glynda: I wasn’t aware of this.
Jaune: We kept it a secret. It’s our business, not everyone else’s. Though we should probably tell, Nora to get her to calm down…
Glynda: I doubt that would work.
Jaune: Yeah that’s probably true.
Glynda: So, tell me, Arc; who is it that you really love?
Jaune: …
Glynda: You can trust me, Jaune.
Jaune: Haa… I do trust you, Ms. Goodwitch, I do… It’s just you’re not going to like it…
Glynda: That’s a rather odd remark, Mr. Arc. Should I be concerned who this individual is?
Jaune: They’re of age! They’re old enough! I’m not a loli-con, or anything!
Glynda: Oh, that’s a relief… So, who is it then?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Haa… Okay, okay…
Jaune: Glynda, I love you.
Glynda: …
Glynda: B-Beg your pardon…?!
Jaune: I love you, Glynda Goodwitch.
Glynda: I… Y-You must be joking… I-It can’t be me!
Jaune: I-Is it that hard to believe?
Glynda: I-I’m your teacher! Y-You can’t love me!
Jaune: Why do you say that? So what if you’re my teacher, We’ve know each other for years, Glynda! I’ve loved you since I was a kid.
Glynda: Y-You what?! I thought you grew out of that! A-And, what about, Weiss, d-didn’t you like her?!
Jaune: I was trying to move on from how I felt for you, so… I thought I go be with, Weiss. It wasn’t until a while later I realized the reasons why I liked, Weiss was because she reminded me of you. So… My feelings for you came back with a vengeance.
Glynda: Jaune… L-Leave…
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Glynda: Leave! I-I need to be left alone!
Jaune: I…! I understand… Professor…
Jaune got up from his seat, and made his way out of the room, as he opened the door to leave he made one more fleeting glance behind him at the woman he loved before closing the door behind him. He wiped the tears from his eyes as he shook his head.
Jaune: I told you you wouldn’t like it, Glynda…
Glynda: held her face in her hands as she struggled to regain her composure. She had thought that childish crush had died years ago, it appeared as though it had only grown stronger over time.
She needed this stupid challenge to end, she needed the memories of these past few moments to fade away into oblivion. She grabbed her scroll, and called, Port to end the challenge.
Glynda: Port!
Port: Ahh, Glynda my dear, what ev…?!
Glynda: J… Mr. Arc confessed to me who his love is; Give him his thousand points, and end the challenge.
Port: Oh, really? Who is the luck lass that has, Mr. Arc’s…?!
Glynda: Port! End the challenge, now!
Port: Very well, Glynda. We’ll end it.
Glynda: Good.
Glynda ended the call before any thing else could be said, she then used her semblance to lock the door to her office. As soon as she heard the door lock she took a deep breath, before her head fell into her hands as the tears started to fall from her face. She cried as a single thought echoed through her head.
Glynda: No…! Not me…! I’m not worthy of someone like him! Not him…! Not me…
As, Jaune walked down the hallway to his room he was soon surrounded by his friends, and fellow classmates asking the same question.
Everyone: Who is it!
Jaune: Haa… Oh gods…
Weiss: Is it me?
Nora: No, its, Pyrrha!
Ren: Is it, Nora?
Nora: What?!
Coco: It’s not my, Bunny now is it…?
Velvet: W-What?!
Jaune: It’s not any of those people…
Nora: Not sven, Pyrrha?!
Jaune: No, Pyrrha, and I don’t like each other like that.
Nora: S-Since when?!
Pyrrha: For a while now…
Nora: And, you didn’t tell me?!
Pyrrha: Sorry…
Nora: Oh, we are having words missy!
Yang: If it’s not her, is it me then~?
Weiss: What makes you think it was you?
Yang: Why wouldn’t it be~?
Jaune: Haa… It’s not…
Ozpin: Attention all students, Mr. Arc has confessed his feelings. One of the faculty has confirmed this. Mr. Arc wins one thousand points! Congratulations, Mr. Arc. In dispute of this quick end of this challenge, we have elected to have another challenge. We will announce the challenge in a few minutes. So stayed tuned students!
Everyone: …
Nora: So who is it…?
Jaune: I am not tell you anything…
Ruby: How about…?!
Pyrrha: Okay, okay, we’ll drop it, Jaune.
Jaune: Thank you, Pyrrha.
Yang: Well… congrats on taking first place then, Jaune.
Ruby: You’re going to win then, Jaune; First win!
Jaune: Haaa…
Jaune pushed past everyone, and started on his way to his room. And, all his friends couldn’t help but feel the dejected air that surrounded him. And, the realized, things didn’t go as he had hoped.
Jaune: I didn’t win a damn thing…
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christinesficrecs · 1 year
Pardon me if this is a dumb question.. but I recently discovered that there are audio fanfics on a03. Have you discovered any Sterek fanfics that you love in this format?
You're hilarious! 😂 Y'all meet my beautiful daughter Jess ❤️
There is a podfic tag here. And also these great classics.
Podfic: Show Me The Way Back Home Baby by striped_bowties | 2 Hours | Text
In which Lydia and Jackson produce the world’s cutest baby, and the pack goes crazy—the good kind of crazy. Except for Derek, who is afraid of tiny cute babies and Stiles who plans to be the best Uncle ever. Even if Danny called dibs on Godfather.
[Podfic] Introduction to Zero-Sum Anthropology by kellifer_fic | 1 Hour | Text
Stiles buys Derek a set of cooking spoons. Derek retaliates with lunch. The war begins.
[Podfic] Fly a Little Faster by Audio2Rainbow | 3 Hours | Text
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain? Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Cupboard Love by Mklutz [Podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea) | 3 Hours | Text
He’s carefully balancing the sandwiches and the two biggest tupperware containers he could find that both had functioning lids when the front door opens and he almost drops everything right there in front of the stupid fountain.
Alpha Spikes by Starbeast [Podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea) | 7 Hours | Text
Alphas are like royalty and are offered their choice of any age eighteen-and-up virgin Omega for each year's heat season, as a 'thank-you' to all they've done for their compounds throughout the year. Derek is an Alpha and...yeah, Stiles. Stiles is an Omega. And still a virgin. In every way. And he's just turned eighteen. This...is not his day.
[Podfic] Gravity's Got Nothing on You by roseszain | 10 Hours | Text
“Three weeks,” Derek says.
“Still don’t want to,” Stiles says.
“I’ll pay you,” Derek says, and that… that has Stiles interested. Alf’s Antique’s may be a great job, but it’s not a high-paying job, and half of Stiles’s tuition is coming from financial aid, so…
“How much,” Stiles asks, “are we talking here? Because I know your family, dude. And it’ll be kind of awkward after.“
“My family thinks you’re some sort of fucking gift to the world,” Derek seethes, like he’s jealous, “they’ll probably be pissed at me when we break it off, so don’t worry about that. Five hundred bucks.”
“A thousand,” Stiles says, because screw ethics. Also, the Hale family is loaded. Derek can deal.
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
what would happen if we loved yae miko more than ei in your sagau?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ three friends don't work
a/n: I 👏 HAD 👏 A 👏 DREAM 👏 ABOUT 👏THIS. get ready for angst, angst, angst and more angst. The first part isn't sagau but the second part is.
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly :)
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Oh Yae Miko, we brought a new friend for you~ Paimon chirped one day, floating ahead of Aether and Lumine. Aether and Paimon had met you in their travels after leaving Inazuma, and deemed you an angel. You were the only one, after fighting endless amounts of monsters and fighting gods, who led them straight to Lumine and successfully reunited them. They were forever in your debt. They didn't know whether you were immortal or not, a god or regular human, but you stuck by them the rest of the way, and your personality reminded them both of a certain kitsune. Paimon thought you two would be a perfect match. And, surely enough, you were. Present day, you had gone to visit Miko for the first time, but was welcomed with an unfamiliar sight.
Oh, and who is this? Raiden Ei asked, eyeing you. You stood proud and tall in your elegant clothes, smiling softly when the Guuji came to embrace you. Miko, I thought we had a day due together. The Guuji had her arms curled around your bicep and kissed your cheek before nuzzling into your shoulder. Relax Ei, we can all spend the day together. You held your hand out to shake the Electro Archon's hand, which she took hesitantly, and your outing began.
Ei quickly took a liking to you in a matter of minutes and was surprised to have never met you, only occasionally looking over Miko's shoulder whenever she received a letter from you. She didn't know that this was your first time meeting, and thus took the opportunity to try and impress you to make up for all the rumours you might had heard overseas. Alas, the kitsune had other ideas.
Come now, [name], let me take you to my publishing house. We can pick some light novels if you want. Yae effortlessly impressed you, as you did impress her. Call the travellers matchmakers, because you two had a spark. Oh how desperately Baal wished to have chemistry with you too, but her familiar only seemed to dismiss her. I can have a private tour of the Tenshukaku arranged for you, [name], if you don't mind. A glare was sent to her over Yae's shoulder. Now, now Ei. You and I both know that this outing was for me and our new guest alone. We'll see the Tenshukaku last. Does it not look good against the sunset? The Archon clapped her hands in delight. Pardon me, [name], best things shall be saved till last. You may see it later. Oh, how wrong she was.
The day went fast, and sweets were bought, pictures taken and fun was had... for only two people. The poor purple-haired woman was but a background figure during the entire day, trailing after you both in an attempt to be noticed. Being scolded was no fun.
Thank you for all the letters, [name], I've not had this much fun since a long time ago. She kissed you on the cheek once more and helped you upon the Crux fleet ship. Aether, Lumine and Paimon followed behind you. Bye Miko! See you soon! Paimon waved excitedly at the pink-haired maiden as she waved gracefully back. As the ship sailed away, the Tenshukaku shine majestically in front of the sunset - yet something else caught your eye.
Or rather, someone.
I- I thought you wanted to see the Tenshukaku...
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
self-aware genhin!au
Your Yae Miko was something to be proud of. You had her weapon at level 90, refinement rank 5 somehow, attack level 2500+, herself was level 90 and her constellation level 1. She was triple crowned - perfect. You'd been very lucky with her, pity at 10 and getting her twice in a ten pull, and never took her out of your party. You'd spent hundreds of thousands of mora on her and you could proudly say that she was perfect. You also had Raiden too, but she wasn't as amazing as her. You had gotten her after spending so much, attack level 1500+, her weapon level 90, refinement rank 1, her at level 90 and constellation level zero. Before, she used to be your main, your best character, but she was now second.
That word didn't sit too well with the Raiden Shogun.
You stroked the screen lovingly, admiring Yae's stats for the third time that day - she was the best thing that had ever happened to you. She was also the best character character to talk to, her becoming self-aware only proved your point. You had just finished fighting the Oceanid and good lord did she carry. Thank you for the compliments, [name], I do wish I could reach out to you too. She sighed blissfully and blew you a kiss slyly. Oi, you two! Get a grip, or better yet, a room! Beidou laughed heartily at your interactions from her place in the party as you laughed at her back from outside the screen, telling her that you loved her too. Raiden didn't say anything. She rarely did anymore. She had given you and your wallet such a hard time and was hard to farm for, but Miko was so easy to get, she was like a gift from her so-called developer: Hoyoverse.
She wished that she could be loved again.
She didn't want to make you lose the 50/50 to Jean.
She didn't want you to take it in good faith and build said Knight of Favonius.
She didn't want to be second.
She didn't want you to farm for Jean.
She didn't want to be replaced.
She didn't want Beidou there.
She didn't want to be there for the sake of it.
She didn't want to disappoint you.
All she wanted was to see you smile once more at her.
At least once.
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J.C. Ryle Christmas Sermon
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Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, the son of David. — Matthew 22:42
Christmas is a season which almost all Christians observe in one way or another. Some keep it as a religious season. Some keep it as a holiday. But all over the world, wherever there are Christians, in one way or another Christmas is kept.
Perhaps there is no country in which Christmas is so much observed as it is in England. Christmas holidays, Christmas parties, Christmas family-gatherings, Christmas services in churches, Christmas hymns and carols, Christmas holly and mistletoe,—who has not heard of these things? They are as familiar to English people as anything in their lives. They are among the first things we remember when we were children. Our grandfathers and grandmothers were used to them long before we were born. They have been going on in England for many hundred years. They seem likely to go on as long as the world stands.
But, reader, how many of those who keep Christmas ever consider why Christmas is kept? How many, in their Christmas plans and arrangements, give a thought to Him, without whom there would have been no Christmas at all? How many ever remember that the Lord Jesus Christ is the cause of Christmas ? How many ever reflect that the first intention of Christmas was to remind Christians of Christ's birth and coming into the world? Reader, how is it with you? What do you think of at Christmas?
Bear with me a few minutes, while I try to press upon you the question which heads this tract. I do not want to make your Christmas merriment less. I do not wish to spoil your Christmas cheer. I only wish to put things in their right places. I want Christ Himself to be remembered at Christmas! Give me your attention while I unfold the question— "What think ye of Christ?"
I. Let us consider, firstly, why all men ought to think of Christ. II. Let us examine, secondly, the common thoughts of many about Christ. III. Let us count up, lastly, the thoughts of true Christians about Christ.
Reader, I dare say the demands upon your time this Christmas are many. Your holidays are short. You have friends to see. You have much to talk about. But still, in the midst of all your hurry and excitement, give a little time to your soul. There will be a Christmas some year, when your place will be empty. Before that time comes, suffer me as a friend to press home on your conscience the inquiry, —"What think ye of Christ?"
I. First, then, let us consider why all men ought to think of Christ.
This is a question which needs to be answered, at the very outset of this tract. I know the minds of some people when they are asked about such things as I am handling today. I know that many are ready to say, "Why should we think about Christ at all ? We want meat, and drink, and money, and clothes, and amusements. We have no time to think about these high subjects. We do not understand them. Let parsons, and old women, and Sunday-school children mind such things if they like. We have no time in a world like this to be thinking of Christ."
Such is the talk of thousands in this country. They never go either to church or chapel. They never read their Bibles. The world is their god. They think themselves very wise and clever. They despise those whom they call "religious people." But whether they like it or not, they will all have to die one day. They have all souls to be lost or saved in a world to come. They will all have to rise again from their graves, and to have a reckoning with God. And shall their scoffing and contempt stop our mouths, and make us ashamed? No, indeed! not for a moment! Listen to me and I will tell you why.
All men ought to think of Christ, because of the office Christ fills between God and man. He is the eternal Son of God, through whom alone the Father can be known, approached, and served. He is the appointed Mediator between God and man, through whom alone we can be reconciled with God, pardoned, justified, and saved. He is the Divine Person whom God the Father has sealed to be the giver of everything that man requires for his soul. To Him are committed the keys of death and hell. In His favour is life. In Him alone there is hope of salvation for mankind. Without Him no child of Adam can be saved. "Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." "He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (I Cor. iii. 11; 1 John v.12.) And ought not man to think of Christ? Shall God the Father honour Him, and shall not man? I tell every reader of this tract that there is no person, living or dead, of such immense importance to all men as Christ. There is no person that men ought to think about so much as Christ.
All men ought to think of Christ, because of what Christ has done for all men. He thought upon man, when man was lost, bankrupt, and helpless by the fall, and undertook to come into the world to save sinners. In the fullness of time He was born of the Virgin Mary, and lived for man thirty-three years in this evil world. At the end of that time He suffered for sin on the cross, as man's substitute. He bore man's sins in His own body, and shed His own lifeblood to pay man's debt to God. He was made a curse for man, that man might be blessed. He died for man that man might live. He was counted a sinner for man that man might be counted righteous. And ought not man to think of Christ? I tell every reader of this tract that if Christ had not died for us, we might all of us, for anything we know, be lying at this moment in hell.
All men ought to think of Christ, because of what Christ will yet do to all men. He shall come again one day to this earth with power and glory, and raise the dead from their graves. All shall come forth at His bidding. Those who would not move when they heard the church-going bell, shall obey the voice of the Archangel and the trump of God. He shall set up His judgment-seat, and summon all mankind to stand before it. To Him every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord. Not one shall be able to escape that solemn assize. Not one but shall receive at the mouth of Christ an eternal sentence. Every one shall receive according to what he has done in the body, whether it be good or bad. And ought not men to think of Christ? I tell every reader of this tract, that whatever he may choose to think now, a day is soon coming when his eternal condition will hinge entirely on his relations to Christ.
But why should I say more on this subject? The time would fail me if I were to set down all the reasons why all men ought to think of Christ. Christ is the grand subject of the Bible. The Scriptures testify of Him.—Christ is the great object to whom all the Churches in Christendom profess to give honour. Even the worst and most corrupt branches of it will tell you that they are built on Christ.—Christ is the end and substance of all sacraments and ordinances.—Christ is the grand subject which every faithful minister exalts in the pulpit.—Christ is the object that every true pastor sets before dying people on their deathbeds.—Christ is the great source of light and peace and hope.
There is not a spark of spiritual comfort that has ever illumined a sinner's heart, that has not come from Christ. Surely it never can be a small matter whether we have any thoughts about Christ.
Reader, I leave this part of my subject here. There are many things which swallow up men's thoughts while they live, which they will think little of when they are dying. Hundreds are wholly absorbed in political schemes, and seem to care for nothing but the advancement of their own party.—Myriads are buried in business and money matters, and seem to neglect everything else but this world.
—Thousands are always wrangling about the forms and ceremonies of religion, and are ready to cry down everybody who does not use their shibboleths, and worship in their way. But an hour is fast coming when only one subject will be minded, and that subject will be Christ! We shall all find—and many perhaps too late—that it mattered little what we thought about other things, so long as we did not think about Christ.
Reader, I tell you this Christmas, that all men ought to think about Christ. There is no one in whom all the world has such a deep interest. There is no one to whom all the world owes so much. High and low, rich and poor, old and young, gentle and simple,—all ought to think about Christ.
II. Let us examine, secondly, the common thoughts of many about Christ.
To set down the whole list of thoughts about Christ, would indeed be thankless labour. It must content us to range them under a few general heads. This will save us both time and trouble. There were many strange thoughts about Christ when He was on earth. There are many strange and wrong thoughts about Christ now, when He is in heaven.
The thoughts of some people about Christ are simply blasphemous. They are not ashamed to deny His Divinity. They refuse to believe the miracles recorded of Him. They pretend to find fault with not a few of His sayings and doings. They even question the perfect honesty and sincerity of some things that He did. They tell us that He ought to be ranked with great Reformers and Philosophers, like Socrates, Seneca, and Confucius, but no higher.—Thoughts like these are purely ridiculous and absurd. They utterly fail to explain the enormous influence which Christ and Christianity have had for eighteen hundred years in this world. There is not the slightest comparison to be made between Christ and any other teacher of mankind that ever lived. The difference between Him and others is a gulf that cannot be spanned, and a height that cannot be measured. It is the difference between gold and clay,—between the sun and a candle. Nothing can account for Christ and Christianity, but the old belief that Christ is very God. Reader, are the thoughts I have just described your own? If they are, take care!
The thoughts of some people about Christ are vague, dim, misty, and indistinct. That there was such a Person they do not for a moment deny. That He was the Founder of Christianity, and the object of Christian worship, they are quite aware. That they hear of Him every time they go to public worship, and ought to have some opinion or belief about Him, they will fully admit. But they could not tell you what it is they believe. They could not accurately describe and define it. They have not thoroughly considered the subject They have not made up their minds! —Thoughts such as these are foolish, silly, and unreasonable. To be a dying sinner with an immortal soul, and to go on living without making up one's mind about the only Person who can save us, the Person who will at last judge us, is the conduct of a lunatic or an idiot, and not of a rational man. Reader, are the thoughts I have just described your own? If any are, take care!
The thoughts of some men about Christ are mean and low. They have, no doubt, a distinct opinion about His position in their system of Christianity. They consider that if they do their best, and live moral lives, and go to church pretty regularly, and use the ordinances of religion, Christ will deal mercifully with them at last, and make up any deficiencies.—Thoughts such as these utterly fail to explain why Christ died on the cross. They take the crown off Christ's head, and degrade Him into a kind of make-weight to man's soul. They overthrow the whole system of the Gospel, and pull up all its leading doctrines by the roots. They exalt man to an absurdly high position; as if he could pay some part of the price of his soul!—They rob man of all the comfort of the Gospel; as if he must needs do something and perform some work to justify his own soul!—They make Christ a sort of Judge far more than a Saviour, and place the cross and the atonement in a degraded and inferior position! Reader, are the thoughts I have just described your own? If they are, take care !
The thoughts of some men about Christ are dishonouring and libellous. They seem to think that we need a mediator between ourselves and our Saviour! They appear to suppose that Christ is so high, and awful, and exalted a Person, that poor, sinful man may not approach Him! They say that we must employ an Episcopacy ordained minister as a kind of go-between, to stand between us and Jesus, and manage for our souls! They send us to saints, or angels, or the Virgin Mary, as if they were more kind and accessible than Christ!—Thoughts such as these are a practical denial of Christ's priestly office. They overthrow the whole doctrine of His peculiar business, as man's Intercessor. They hide and bury out of sight His especial love to sinners and His boundless willingness to receive them. Instead of a gracious Saviour, they make Him out an austere and hard King. Reader, are the thoughts I have just described your own? If they are, take care!
The thoughts of some men about Christ are wicked and unholy. They seem to think that they may live as they please, because Christ died for sinners! They will indulge every kind of wickedness, and yet flatter themselves that they are not blameworthy for it, because Christ is a merciful Saviour! They will talk complacently of God's election, and the necessity of grace, and the impossibility of being justified by works and the fullness of Christ, and then make these glorious doctrines an excuse for lying, cheating, drunkenness, fornication, and every kind of immorality.—Thoughts such as these are as blasphemous and profane as downright infidelity. They actually make Christ the patron of sin. Reader, are these thoughts I have described your own? If they are, take care!
Reader, two general remarks apply to all these thoughts about Christ of which I have just been speaking. They all show a deplorable ignorance of Scripture. I defy any one to read the Bible honestly and find any warrant for them in that blessed Book. Men cannot know their Bibles when they hold such opinions.—They all help to prove the corruption and darkness of human nature. Man is ready to believe anything about Christ except the simple truth. He loves to set up an idol of his own, and bow down to it, rather than accept the Saviour whom God puts before him.
I leave this part of my subject here. It is a sorrowful and painful one, but not without its use. It is necessary to study morbid anatomy, if we would understand health. The ground must be cleared of rubbish before we build.
III. Let us now count up, lastly, the thoughts of true Christians about Christ.
The thoughts I am going to describe are not the thoughts of many. I admit this most fully. It would be vain to deny it. The number of right thinkers about Christ in every age has been small. The true Christians among professing Christians have always been few. If it were not so, the Bible would have told an untruth. "Strait is the gate," says the Lord Jesus, "and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.—Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat." "Many walk," says Paul, "of whom I tell you, even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ; whose end is destruction." (Matt vii. 13, 14. Phil. iii. 18, 19.)
True Christians have high thoughts of Christ. They see in Him a wondrous Person, far above all other beings in His nature,—a Person who is at one and the same time perfect God, mighty to save, and perfect Man, able to feel.—They see in Him an All-powerful Redeemer, who has paid their countless debts to God, and delivered their souls from guilt and hell.—They see in Him an Almighty Friend, who left heaven for them, lived for them, died for them, rose again for them,—that He might save them for evermore.—They see in Him an Almighty Physician, who washed away their sins in His own blood, put His own Spirit in their hearts, delivered them from the power of sin, and gave them power to become God's children.—Happy are they who have such thoughts! Reader, have you?
True Christians have trustful thoughts of Christ. They daily lean the weight of their souls upon Him by faith, for pardon and peace. They daily commit the care of their souls to Him, as a man commits a treasure to a safe keeper. They daily cling to Him by faith, as a child in a crowd clings to its mother's hand. They look to Him daily for mercy, grace, comfort, help, and strength, as Israel looked to the pillar of cloud and fire in the wilderness for guidance. Christ is the Rock under their feet, and the staff in their hands, their ark and their city of refuge, their sun and their shield, their bread and their medicine, their health and their light, their fountain and their shelter, their portion and their home, their door and their ladder, their root and their head, their advocate and their physician, their captain and their elder brother, their life, their hope, and their all. Happy are they who have such thoughts! Reader, have you?
True Christians have experimental thoughts of Christ. The things that they think of Him, they do not merely think with their heads. They have not learned them from schools, or picked them up from others. They think them because they have found them true by their own heart's experience. They have proved them, and tasted them, and tried them. They think out for themselves what they have felt . There is all the difference in the world between knowing that a man is a doctor or a lawyer, while we never have occasion to employ him, and knowing him as "our own," because we have gone to him for medicine or law. Just in the same way there is a wide difference between head knowledge and experimental thoughts of Christ. Happy are they who have such thoughts? Reader, have you?
True Christians have loving and reverent thoughts of Christ. They love to do the things that please Him. They like, in their poor weak way, to show their affection to Him by keeping His words. They love everything belonging to Him,—His day, His house, His ordinances, His people, His Book. They never find His yoke heavy, or His burden painful to bear, or His Commandments grievous. Love lightens all. They know something of the mind of Mr. Standfast, in "Pilgrim's Progress," when he said, as he stood in the river,—"I have loved to hear my Lord spoken of; and whenever I have seen the print of His shoe in the earth, then I have coveted to set my foot over it." Happy are they who have such thoughts? Reader, have you?
True Christians have hopeful thoughts of Christ. They expect to receive far more from Him one day than they have ever received yet. They hope that they shall be kept to the end, and never perish. But this is not all. They look forward to Christ's second coming and expect that then they shall see far more than they have seen, and enjoy far more than they have yet enjoyed. They have the earnest of an inheritance now in the Spirit dwelling in their heart. But they hope for a far fuller possession when this world has passed away. They have hopeful thoughts of Christ's second Advent, of their own resurrection from the grave of their reunion with all the saints who have gone before them, of eternal blessedness in Christ's kingdom. Happy are they who have such thoughts! They sweeten life, and lift men over many cares. Reader, have you such thoughts ?
Reader, thoughts such as these are the property of all true Christians. Some of them know more of them and some of them know less. But all know something about them. They do not always feel them equally at all time! They do not always find such thoughts equally fresh and green in their minds. They have their winter as well as their summer, and their low tide as well as their high water. But all true Christians are, more or less, acquainted with these thoughts. In this matter churchmen and dissenters, rich and poor, all are agreed, if they are true Christians. In other things they may be unable to agree and see alike. But they all agree in their thoughts about Christ. One word they can all say, which is the same in every tongue. That word is "Hallelujah," praise to the Lord Christ! One answer they can all make, which in every tongue is equally the same. That word is, "Amen," so be it!
And now, reader, I shall wind up my Christmas tract, by simply bringing before your conscience the question which forms its title. I ask you this day, —"What think ye of Christ?"
What others think about Him is not the question now. Their mistakes are no excuse for you.—Their correct views will not save your soul. The point you have before you is simply this,— "What do you think yourself?"
Reader, this Christmas may possibly be your last. Who can tell but you may never live to see another December come round? Who can tell but your place may be empty, when the family party next Christmas is gathered together? Do not, I entreat you, put off my question or turn away from it. It can do you no harm to look at it and consider it. What do you think of Christ?
Begin, I beseech you, this day to have right thoughts of Christ, if you never had them before. Let the time past suffice you to have lived without real and heartfelt religion.—Let this present Christmas be a starting point in your soul's history. Awake to see the value of your soul, and the immense importance of being saved. Break off sharp from sin and the world. Get down your Bible and begin to read it. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer, and beseech Him to save your soul. Rest not, rest not till you have trustful, loving, experimental, hopeful thoughts of Christ.
Reader, mark my words! If you will only take the advice I have now given you, you will never repent it. Your life in future will be happier. Your heart will be lighter. Your Christmas gatherings will be more truly joyful. Nothing makes Christmas meetings so happy as to feel that we are all travelling on towards an eternal gathering in heaven.
Reader, I say for the last time, if you would have a happy Christmas, have right thoughts about Christ.
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jabbage · 6 months
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Mafia Pt. 1
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Charlie Luciano x Fem reader
Requested by: none
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of killing, Charlie being Charlie, sexual tension!
A/n: 18+ If you don't like the warnings please don't read!
Y/n plowed into New York, nearly flipping her Rolls Royce. Charlie and Meyer clinging to their doors, yelling at her to slow down, all Y/n did in return was laugh and speed up.
She flew around a corner and slammed on the breaks, sliding right up to the sidewalk in front of their building.
"Next time." Meyer said. "I drive."
Y/n smirked and hopped out of the car, she straightened her jacket and tie. They walked in and up the stairs, she has been in Arnold Rothstein's house before but every time she sets foot in his home, it astonishes her just how much money he has.
"You could have all this." Charlie whispered. "If you get into the heroin business with us, you'll be rich."
Y/n smiled, and patted him on the shoulder. "I'm quite happy with selling liquor, and I don't need you and Meyer as partners....I got Torrio as a business partner, and the truth of the matter is....I don't trust you Charlie."
Y/n fallowed Meyer into Arnold's pool room, as she entered she noticed him talking to four men, Mickey Doyle and the D'Alessio brothers.
Y/n smiled at Mickey, they've done business together on occasion and she bailed his ass out of jail more than once. Rothstein looked over at Y/n, she straightened and waited for Lucky to introduce her.
"AR, this is Y/n Maranzano. She's a friend-"
"Acquaintance." Y/n interrupted.
"We've known each other for a while. She's in the liquor business with Johnny Torrio." Y/n felt him press his hand to the middle of her back, a chill ran down her spine and she leaned in to it. Lucky looked down at her, the smirk that spread over his face made her wanna fold.
Rothstein made his way over and held out his hand, Y/n took it and gave it a good shake.
"It's a pleasure." She said. "Luciano has told me a lot about you."
"All good things I hope." Arnold said, walking back to the pool table and getting ready to knock a ball into the pocket.
Y/n's heart started to race when she felt Lucky's thumb gently caress her back, she could sense his gaze burning into her.
"Mostly." Y/n said. "But you know Charlie."
"That I do." Arnold smiled and took a sip of tea.
"I didn't know you two met before." Mickey said, pointing at Y/n and Lucky. "How long have you know each other?"
"Six or seven years." Charlie replied, Y/n felt his hand slip away. She wanted to feel his touch, but she needed to be professional about this and not act like Gillian Darmody.
"We've already made a proposition to Y/n about the heroin. But unfortunately she-"
"I said no, I don't sell drugs. I'm a bootlegger."
Arnold nodded, he set down his pool que and walked closer to her.
"I know you're also very skilled in assassination."
Y/n looked shocked, how did this man know about her side job as an assassin.
"I beg your pardon?" She asked.
"One hundred thousand in cash, if you kill Nucky Thompson."
Y/n searched his expression for some kinda hint that he was making a joke, but he was stern faced.
"Nucky Thompson?" She asked. "Why don't you have them do it?"
Y/n pointed at the D'Alessio brothers.
"Oh you'll be working together." AR said.
"Sorry, I work alone. Now unless you have a few hundred crates of booze to be smuggled over to a different state and sold....I'm out."
"Not even for a hundred thousand?" AR asked.
"Not even for a million."
Y/n stepped outside with Charlie and Meyer, the men lit their cigarettes and looked over at her.
"It wasn't because you would be working with the D'Alessio's, was it?" Lucky asked.
Y/n shook her head, she looked at the ground and kicked some slush.
"I'm not killing Nucky. AR is gonna need someone with political standing to quash the indictment. He's gonna need Nucky, he'll see it when the FED's are at his throat."
Meyer rocked back and forth on his feet, he looked over at the Rolls Royce.
"I'm driving." He said.
"Am I that bad?"
"You nearly fuckin killed us!" Lucky Exclaimed.
"You said we needed to get here fast, so I got us here fast. Did I not?"
Meyer nodded. "Yeah you did, but I also wanted to get here in one piece."
"And are you scattered across the state? Didn't think so."
Y/n jingled the keys and hopped in the car, the guys fallowed and held on tight for yet another joyess ride.
Thank you for reading
If you want a part 2 please don't hesitate to ask!
Reblogs are welcome 🤗
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caliburn-the-sword · 10 months
winter thoughts up to chapter 14
frankly. not enough scarlet. but i only had the time to read a handful of chapters
iko is so dramatic and i love her. ik she's meant to be the fairy godmother figure, but honest to god with how much she wants to be human and imitates humans (like pretending to faint cause of kai) she honestly seems like a pinocchio type character here too
now that i'm playing association games of aligning characters with other characters, i realised that cinder is technically the huntsman from little red riding hood since she saved scarlet from getting eaten by wolf. since there is a huntsman in snow white as well, that makes me wonder if she might therefore play a similar role in winter's story. that would be very interesting
"I'm on your side," he said. "No matter what." this smells like foreshadowing that he will in fact NOT be on her side no matter what. through no fault of his own of course. levana brainwashing arc when???
LMAO WOLF KNOCKED HIM OUT COLD. favourite trope ever fr
completely agreed cinder. i love a man that's battered and bruised fr
NOOOO don't tell me that thorne is TRYING to make cress jealous. cringe. gross. i'm throwing up in my mouth in the middle of my studies of religion class
is it just me or is thorne flirting with kai?? that is frankly much more preferable since they're both adults to kaider or cresswell honestly
nevermind it's some weird alpha male bs they're trying to one up each other and make them feel insecure about their girls. so basically the whole percy/jason leader thing but w o r s e
why do i want to write an au where cinder grew up as princess selene and she and kai have an arranged marriage and enemies to lovers relationship. i need to stop coming up with fanfic ideas when i've got important exams coming up in 2 months. it's bad enough i even decided to binge this entire series in the first place LMAO (but also it's so worth it). i bet i could find hundreds of fics with this exact premise on ao3 so maybe i'll save myself the effort
yes kai pardon thorne for theft so that you can correctly try him for being a damn pedo
don't mind me immediately connecting the kai has stockholm syndrome joke to beauty and the beast and realising that between cinder and her glamour (the lunar glamour obviously being the beast part btw) then she and kai could also technically be beauty and the beast. forgive me it's the ouat instinct
thorne was SO real for pointing out that kai is a rich royal bastard. not to spread my republican agenda (reminder that i am aussie and when i say republican i mean fuck the brit monarchy not racist trump nonsense) but the eastern commonwealth should TOTALLY do away with kai and bring back democracy. that's why i disagree with the characters calling for his forced abdication because they're just gonna instate ANOTHER royal eventually instead of getting rid of that shit altogether. while we're at it, instead of retaking the throne cinder should DESTROY it and ALSO institute a democracy
damn didn't realise thorne was having sad boy hours about leaving his crew disbanding. me too because i HATE it when the found family breaks up
"most of them even call me Captain" iko and cress is only two people. i think thorne needs to go back to school and retake maths because that is NOT most
winter is embroidering. i am emotional
help this jacinter scene was nice and super romantic until "There were times when she stood so close that he was amazed at his own ability to keep his hands to himself" WHAT???? rocking myself back and forth in my seat reminding myself figure of speech figure of speech figure of speech. YIKES
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees @shellyseashell
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