#how i wish there was a tf2 show
voicedbychrispratt · 1 year
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mansand · 2 months
somwtimes i wish i cared that much about shows and games and animes like some ppl here . the closest i got was the two times i got fixiated on tf2 for a week, you get that insane dopamine rush when u see fanart and shit, but usually all im thinking about is my own characters. do u know how hard it is to want to see more of a guy but since you've made him and you're one of like two people who care about him you have to make content of him yourself. thats torturous. show me him on google dude PLEASE
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goblin-enjoyer · 7 months
Normalize the tf2 mercs as being absolute genetic freaks of nature under the hood. Medic is crazy and we know he gets paid good so he’s probably got lots of bits in his bin if you know what I mean.
Pyro is straight up nonhuman. Pyro is a fire elemental that the Mann brothers have bound to a hazmat suit and medic made a real boy by giving them meat. Not making her a human body mind you, but rather every time he gets damaged, instead of bursting into flames meat forms around the wound and it bleeds instead of letting the inner crea tur out.how? Wizard. Moving on.
Soldier has massive lungs that make him 20% more louder. If he was smarter he could probably echolocate his way around. That or sound attacks idk he eats wizard pills he could have hollow bones for all I know. Sure he has hallow bones now for rocket jumping. Im the one typing I get to make nonsense on the fly.
Medic put pigeon dna in scout and that’s how he makes his trademark milk-like substance. How this happens you may ask? Scout saw medics doves have sex while getting his second Uber heart surgery and said “man I wish I could pick up chicks that well” and medic said “good idea I will help you with this” and then looked at the camera and smirked. The administrator does not spectate medics lab/operation room/dove breeding center anymore. Also scouts immune to radiation due to all the bonk he ingests, though sometimes he does become radioactive sometimes. 
We already know that demoman’s body creates alcohol and that he has a ghost eye, but did you know that if you shoot him with some sort of piercing explosive round he will combust into flames. I… I couldn’t really think of anything for demoman I don’t play him as much.
Engineer always wishes he could have kids, but doesn’t want to have sex. That and he removed most of his reproductive/unnecessary/extra/mid organs with machine parts like 30 years ago. So after the events of the games and comics where everyone is happy and junk, he teams up with medic to make himself some half robot half human half whatever dell conagher is at that point at time children. He asks if medic ever want kids he can do the same for him but he declines as at this point in time he has perfected the art of male impregnation.(on various ape parts) dell is a great father and yes I added this part because the whole humanized sentry thing that went around a while ago touched my heart because despite the words of almost every engineer main everywhere I get so attached to the sentries I build that I die a little bit inside every time I die and my buildings get sapped and I have to just watch as my babies get destroyed. I get too attached to my buildings to play engineer
Heavy doesn’t stop growing, similar to that of a reptile. His skin is as thick as a rhinos. He hibernates for a month in summer because I said so. He has accidentally killed/crushed medic before and is now eternally cautious when in bed with him. Medic doesn’t mind, he knows what he’s gotten himself into. Heavy can also talk to birds like a Disney princess. Medic didn’t add any bird parts for this to happen he just was always like this.
Sniper can dislocate every bone in his body and go through cracks that are at least the size of his head. He will use this to show up in the most unexpected places imaginable. Is legally classified as an tardigrade in some places due to his ability to be fine in almost any place (volcano,Arctic,sewer system, a walk in closet so large it took him 5 weeks to get out, space that one time). Can go up to a year without eating (the team found this out at the same time they figured out the space thing). Swallows things whole.
Spy can shift his flesh around to disguise as almost anything, keeps the mass and weight though. Breaths mostly through his skin so he doesn’t cough due to his decrepit lungs. Was hit by a car once. Doesn’t have anything to do with the subject matter of the tf2 mercs being freakish beings with human skin but I just wanted to include it here.
Medic. What isn’t medic? The only thing consistent with his biology is that he can regenerate somehow. He alters his body so much that it is roughly equivalent to 1 tyranid hive fleet and 2,million ork painboys.(the tf2 mercs would be more likely to work for the orks than to ever work for one of the human factions in 40k and I just needed to get that off my chest) This is how he manages to get away with all the things he’s done. Banned from this continent? Just become a new person who’s not banned from that continent and presto you’re good! The laws don’t account for the ship of Theseus!
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parisoonic · 5 months
i really wish we got the tf2 tv show because i think, about your talk about how pyro ends up being a foil to the other characters, pyro is such a wildcard of a character that if you need someone for an episode to complete a dynamic it's pyro. he's designated driver. he's the mcdonalds employee. he's scout's ma. she's helping miss p dismember bodies. it's coming in through the dog door
your ask got me thinking about how i'd use pyro in a show and IDK if anyone else has seen Solar Opposites but how they split the Pupa's screentime between A + B plots in the first/second season would be spot on the money for me. Pyro could be there, in the A plot, in small ways (like you said, at the back of the bus or en rotue to the episodes mission) but then gets sucked into a 'mundane' B plot for some tonal levity within the episode. Pyro's gotta run that FTSE 500 company! They've gotta seduce the Ballicorn comic writer in order to read the never-published final issue! They've gotta earn an Astrophysics PHD in order to steal their Professor's Pokemon topped pen....that sort of thing. And then occassionaly they can show up with the deus-ex-mechina for the episode with the rest of the team being none the wiser (other than vaguely baffled as their flamethrower could've REALLY come in handy fighting those haunted scarecrows).
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miintsprigz · 5 months
Hi again!! Was wonderin if ya could do some hcs of Scout, Pyro, Sniper, Engi, and Medic with a reader who loves to give and show them drawings they made, but gets pretty nervous when they watch them draw? If this isn't exactly yer cuppa tea or you just genuinely do not know how to write this, feel free to just ignore this request:]
Hope you have an excellent day/night/evening/afternoon/noon!!>:DD
Ah, I think I recognize you there! Good to hear from you again. I’ll give it a shot!
GN! Shy Artist Reader x Mercs
Characters: Scout, Pyro, Sniper, Engineer, Medic (TF2)
Warnings: None
Scout ⚾️
• The two of you tend to draw while you hang out, just chatting in the meantime.
• He absolutely adored your work, and loved watching you make it.
• But when you pulled your sketchbook to your chest quick, he seemed confused.
• “Hey! You good?” “Yeah, I uh…I just feel weird when you’re watching me draw.” “Huh? You don’t gotta feel embarrassed, doll!”
• “…You know when you tried to pull off a jump while Spy and Demo were watching the other day…” At this reminder, Scout gave you a teasing scowl—not genuinely mad, just embarrassed remembering that.
• “Ah geez—yeah, if they hadn’t spooked me by starin’ at me like a buncha creeps—oh.” “You get it now?”
• He got…a little confused. “Am I makin’ it worse? Aw man, I’m sorry—” “No, no! I just—that awkwardness? Yeah.” “Ohhh, I think I gotcha…”
•Scout, uh, scooted over on the bed a little and eventually sat back down with his back against yours. “There. This’ll fix it!” Both of you erupted into laughter.
•In all seriousness though, he respected your wishes. He keeps everything you make for him in his room, aside from a small doodle or two that he carries on him to work at all times…awww.
Pyro 🔥
•You and Pyro lay sprawled on the floor, with a can of colored pencils and a box of crayons respectively.
•They’re actually quite good when it comes to color, pairing different hues together. It’s hard to tell exactly what they’re drawing, but sometimes you can faintly make it out.
•You suddenly felt eyes very intently locked onto you and jerked your head up.
• “Hm??”, came through the mask, muffled. “Uh…could you um…”
•They did that curious little head tilt, tenderly reaching for your hand. If you needed to tell them something, they wanted to make sure they heard it!
• “I feel nervous when you watch me draw. I know it’s silly, but—” “Ah!” Genuine surprise from the masked figure. They’d had no idea.
•Immediately, there were muffled apologies from under the mask, quickly hugging you. “Hey hey, it’s okay! I’m not mad. I just figured I should tell you. You’re okay, Py.”
• “Mmph?” “Yes, dear. I promise.” Giggling a little now, they pulled their free hand over the eyeholes of the mask like a visor, blocking you from view. You chuckled along with them.
•Later on, as the two of you shared drawings, you made out a familiar visage—that of you, with a couple bright red hearts drawn nearby. “Hehe, I love you too.”
Sniper 🏹
• Mick didn’t often watch you draw, honestly. The two of you tended to do your own thing in the same space, talking occasionally. Even that was enough.
• Once you caught him watching on what was kind of an off day though. You kind of just stared back up at him.
• Sniper cocked an eyebrow. “Why’d ya stop?” Biting the inside of your cheek, you looked off to the side.
• You felt the bed next to you sink down a little as he moved closer. “Hey. Ya got somethin’ ya wanna say?” His voice was softer, more cautious. “…cuz ya know, I’d like to hear that.”
• Shuffling a bit to get more comfortable next to him, you sighed. “I don’t know how to explain it, but…I feel weird when people watch me draw.” “Yeah?”
• You nodded. “Kinda see what ya mean, I guess. Ya think they’ll judge the work-in-progress?” You silently agreed.
• A slight smile brightened his features. “Well, dunno if it helps, but I know a lil better, love.” His shoulder brushed against yours as you moved a bit closer.
• “I love everythin’ you make. And I know that you know what yer doin. But…if you’re more comfortable with me not lookin’, I get that too. That’s fine.”
• He went to move away, but you quickly clasped his shoulder softly, indicating that he could stay. “Maybe, I could try to keep going?” A laugh broke through as you admitted, “Besides, I like sitting next to you.”
• Humming contently, the Aussie planted the briefest of kisses on the top of your head. “Arright, darlin. You just lemme know.”
• As you kept working on that page, you did notice when he was watching, and it wasn’t easy, but after that he would have periods of staring off into space instead.
• There was a conciseness to it. He’d taken what you’d said to heart. Still, though, he seemed happy…and you were, too.
Engineer 🔧
• Dell had gathered quite a collection of your art by now, kept it on the wall of his workshop. He showed it off proudly to anyone who happened to enter, even if visitors tended to be few and far between.
• One night, you kept him company as he worked overtime on a new design for a model. While he worked, you did too.
• After a while though, you could tell someone was looking at you. As your gaze lifted, you caught him sneaking a peek from his desk, right next to the table where you sat.
• “Aw, did I break yer focus there? Sorry, honey.” “No no, it’s okay, Engie…I could put it away for now anyway, if you want something—”
• “No problem, (Y/N)! You can keep right on with that if ya like.” A somewhat sheepish smile came to your face.
“Hey, Engie…can you keep a secret?”
• “Mmm?” “…I get sorta nervous when people watch me draw.” A knowing sort of smile slowly crossed the Texan’s face, sliding his goggles up to rest on his forehead for a moment.
• “You wanna know a secret?”
A nostalgic sort of thoughtfulness crept into his voice. “I used ta be the same way.”
• “Really?” You never pictured the mellow, easygoing Engineer to ever be self-conscious in that way.
• “People would ask me all sorts a’ questions while they watched me build. ‘How ya gonna make that work?’ ‘What’s that do?’ ‘Why’d ya put that there?’ Drove me crazy. Part of the reason I got a shop, I s’pose.”
• He held a spare nut and bolt, twisting them together and apart as he talked, somewhat absentmindedly. Eyes wandering a bit, but always making their way back to you.
• “But here’s somethin’ I think you oughta hear, although I’d never try ta make ya change. Your work is yours, darlin’. Yours and yours alone. Ya make such beautiful things. I’m not askin’ myself what you’re doin’ when I watch, cuz I already know.”
• He put the fidget aside and reached for your hand with a sweet smile. “Why do you like to watch me work?”
• You could feel your face redden just a bit, and grinned at the floor for a moment. He chuckled at this, in a lighthearted way though. “Cuz it’s really cool how you make everything work, and how smart you are with your designs.”
• “Yep. That’s why I like watchin’ you work. Own the process, (Y/N). It’s all yours. You know exactly what you’re doin.”
• “Thanks, Dell.” “Of course, honey. Of course.” From that moment onward, it seemed like he tried not to watch for too long, but when he did, you remembered his words. And it didn’t feel quite as nerve-wracking then.
Medic 💉
• Medic absolutely loved to watch you draw. It was fascinating to him. Seeing how giddy he got, it took you a while to work up the guts to tell him.
• “Is something wrong, Liebe? You’ve been stopped for a while now.”
“Yeah, uh…Medic, I wanna tell you something, but it’s weird.”
• “I uh…I feel kinda…nervous, I guess? When people watch me draw.”
“…might I ask why?” He seems genuinely perplexed by this. “I think it’s fascinating.”
• Yeah, yeah he would. You weren’t sure how to explain this to him—you knew for sure that he didn’t mind when people watched him at work, he operated on fully conscious people!
• You sighed softly, unsure of how to make this make sense to him. A hand rested on your shoulder for a moment. “(Y/N), I can see this means a lot to you. And as much as I love watching you at work…I love you even more. So I’ll stop doing that.”
A smile crept up on you, glancing back up at him.
“I appreciate it a lot, love. Sorry I can’t put it into words.”
“No need to be sorry! But…I do have one request.”
• A sheepish sort of smile came to the doctor’s face. “I can…still see the finished product, right? And maybe, instead of me watching, you could tell me how you put everything together?”
“Of course! No problem.”
“Ah, wunderbar!”
I’ve been very tired lately so I’m sorry this took me so long, and that it’s sorta short/repetitive. I appreciate your patience!
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 6 months
Specifically the support team with a tall fem! Reader! (To be detailed like 6'0ft and over 6'0 if in heels)
Just admit you people have mommy issues. I cannot take this ask seriously lord please help me.
Tall Fem!reader with the TF2 Support mercs
Warning: mildly NSFW. why are you doing this to me. I’m a gay cis dude irl
- Fucking short circuits. Think brock levels of simping from pokemon. Maybe not outwardly but on the inside he’s promising you the world. Wishes to be your little step tool. Every time you play rough with him he becomes a submissive little shit. Goes “oowwww :(((“ when he’d otherwise not. Other Mercs are outstanded on how fast you humbled him. Regardless of your relationship with him he’ll ask you if you could be his mother figure because his current mother is.. Well I mean she’s dead. This is entirely non-sexual.
- 50 points if goth girl and 100 points if trans girl. He’s into men and nonbinary folk too but whenever it’s a girl, it’s always mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry.
- Gets oddly soft with you and nobody else. Becomes clingy and desperate for your attention to the extent of protecting you on the battlefield and overall showing off with his shots. Becomes more awkward than he usually would. Stumbles over his words and panics when speaking to you. You find it cute.
- “Ah! Yes! the new person. Hello little fräulein!” He immediately turned around and waved to greet you the first time… Before slowly realizing your head was higher than his shoulders and trailed his eyes upward. Meeting your gaze with awkward silence. He had bent down suspecting an innocent, small and adorable woman and so had to immediately stand up and straighten his posture. A majority of girls from his village were abhorrently short.
- “Ah… I see…” He turns away and fixes his glasses. Going back to whatever the hell math he was jotting on his chalkboard. You could vaguely make out it was some sort of failsafe for in case the medigun failed to deploy charge. You were more intrigued over the fact you were taller than this man. You leaned over his head to check your height— Which made him nervous of course.
- “Must you be so nosey? Hah! Relax. It’s not a shrink ray or anything!” He joked. You didn’t know if you should be offended by that or that or not. “Of course, mind you, I do know how to make that. But I don’t have the time nor resources sadly. Then again, everybody must be shrunken to you.” Medic then proceeds to suppress his mild attraction to you; instead opting to tear you to shreds with his sick roasts about your height. Wow, somebody’s insecure.
- BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!! Heterosexual beams primed. Neurons activated. Eyes bulge out of head awooga awooooga
- ONE single glance of you is all it takes and his seduction skills become second nature. The next day you find roses on the end table next to your bed. With a letter, written in flawless english incursive about meeting you on the roof of the base after sunset. The letter even had hints of his sweet smelling cologne on it. Talk about overkill.
- Well you see him there and he’s there, leaning against the railing with his suit unbuttoned. His tie hanging loose on his neck and treating himself to a glass of wine. “Ah, pardon me mademoiselle, I’m afraid the deserts of this country are a bit.. Harsh on me sometimes.” You have never seen such a cheesy display in your entire life. There’s even a picnic table there with candles and dinner. You almost wanted to dropkick him because of how disgustingly sweet this was. Yuck.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 4 months
Hello! Hi! I am very excited to receive this ask! I'm no artist, but I hope you'll accept this instead of art :)
Medic was a strange man, Heavy thought to himself. He was the only man that would make him stand in front of a mirror, showing exactly where he’d be placing each cut in his next surgery. He never understood why Medic felt the need to do this. Maybe he just wanted to make sure Heavy understood, maybe it was just fun for him. But one thing that Heavy understood is that he had started to feel…uncomfortable in moments like these. His chest was exposed, but more importantly, to him, his stomach was. He had never been one to be self conscious, at least, he couldn’t remember it ever being a problem. But something in his brain had changed, something gave him a sinking feeling whenever his stomach had to be exposed, he wished he knew what had changed, how to get rid of this feeling, this ever growing internal anxiety building inside of him, even the feelings of discomfort that filled him as he stood there. What was there to be scared of, really? He couldn’t answer that. He just knew he wasn’t happy with the sight in front of him. It was-
“Heavy? Are you even listening to me?” Medic’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts quickly. He saw the doctor's disappointed gaze fall on him. He hated disappointing Medic, he did love him after all, and he truly cared that he was excited and ready to ramble off to him, but lately, his thoughts got the better of him, taking his attention away, and he felt more than a little bad about his neglect of the conversation,
“Sorry, Doktor.” He says quickly, his tone genuine. Medic’s gaze shifts from one of disappointment to one of momentary confusion,
“I’ve noticed your mind has been wandering when I try to talk about these surgeries. Have I come to bore you?” His voice remains neutral, but a slight shift in his gaze expresses worry.
“No, no, Heavy could never be bored of Doktor.” Heavy says wanting to rid Medic of the thought, the possibility of that ever happening as soon as possible. Medic only hums, trying to ponder the issue. Wondering what could have caused this sudden change, then it clicks, his eyes widened with realization, 
“Ah, I see…” he starts, “And this wouldn’t have anything to do with the way you can’t seem to look at yourself in the mirror as of late?” At first, Medic had assumed that it was a sudden bout of nerves, sure, his surgeries were painless, but no doubt his way of expressing love through them could lead to a few tense moments while he showed Heavy in great detail how he planned to cut him up this time. Medic may not have been a stupid man, but he was a dense one, but the second everything clicked, he could plan out his next moves accordingly. 
Heavy, for his part, felt seen through. There was something about the man in front of him, the man he fell in love with, that terrified him. It wasn’t the blood, guts, or general gore, but the fact that he could read him so well. He felt Medic’s presence shift from on his right side to his back, Medic’s head resting on his shoulder. 
“Tell me what is bothering you.” He said softly, in a gentler tone, a tone he rarely used, reserved for the soft moments the two shared. “Tell me, why will you not look?” He gestures at the mirror, “You are so beautiful after all,” he hums, “I just wish for you to see what I can see.” Heavy felt himself tense. He wanted to believe him. He truly did, but some mental mind block, some part of him that he came to despise told him it was all too good to be true. Heavy, however, smiled, suppressing a sigh, 
"Thank you, but Doktor does not have to say nice things just to make Heavy feel better." Medic blinked, laughing softly.
"Oh come now Heavy, I thought you would know by now I'm not one to lie." He pauses, "Especially to those I love." He smiles, "Now! You did not tell me what is bothering you! What seems to be causing you the most trouble, hm?" He says cheerfully, moving slightly away from him. Heavy doesn't know what to say, he could tell the truth, but it was like his mind wouldn't allow his mouth to move.
"I see, too nervous to speak about this?" Medic asks, "I am sure we can figure it out with out any words. I am good at reading people, no?" He smiles as he gets closer to Heavy. "Is it your arms?" He asks watching for a response, an indicator, anything. He continues. Prompting for any part of his torso, until... "Oh, do not tell me it is your stomach you are worried about." He says softly. He sees Heavy's eyes flick away from the slight in the mirror, feels him tense slightly, he's got him.  "Meine Liebe..." he says, his words softer than ever, he leans close to Heavy, "This," he starts, putting his hands on his stomach softly "is beautiful." He continues, touching it softly. "You are beautiful." He kisses his cheek. "I do love you, truly," he smiles softly, "all of you."  He continues as he rubs his stomach softly. Heavy feels his body relax, and his mind be put at ease. He turns slightly to Medic, smiling, he's happy, so, so happy. 
"Thank you, Doktor." He says, reaching a hand to hold Medic's. "Thank you." Medic smiles, making his way in front of Heavy. 
"I love you, Misha." He says as he smiles,
"I love you too, Ludwig." Heavy replies, kissing him softly. And in that moment, things were perfect, and he was loved, and he felt beautiful.
I'm glad I finally pushed myself to write this because I definitely had fun doing it. I hope you liked it! Happy birthday by the way, I hope this is a good present :D
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2frosty4you · 10 months
Hello!! I'm the one who requested the reader getting hurt in battle haha, hope you don't mind me requesting again! Don't worry I won't be doing this too much lol. This one's probably a bit weird, so I completely understand if you don't wanna do it! I wanted to know if I could request the mercs comforting a teen reader who just got out of an unhealthy relationship? I just got out of a toxic relationship and it'll really make me feel better :,) Please and thank you!!
Mercs comforting teen reader after toxic relationship [Platonic]
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| All mercs x GN!Reader Platonic | 749 words | Masterlist | Ask/Request |
Hi again anon! Hopefully you're feeling better now, it sucks horribly you had to go through that kind of relationship but at least you are out of it now <3
TW: Violence, blood n murder; the usual for ghosty's tf2 stuff
Big brother scout here is to kick ass for his younger sibling 💪💪💪
But honestly he doesn't know what do to, he offers to beat your ex's head in
Look its the scout way of showing his love, he's trying
Asks spy what to do, he doesn't help so he then goes to engie
He gives you some of his food, that being fried chicken of course
He bellows down the hall when he sees you crying, look he cares about you. He just inst that bright
Already knows where your ex lives because he kept a close eye on them, more like stalked him but he's just being a good American dad
Beheads your ex and places it on a spike to use as target practice
Throughout the day he brings raccoons into your room, offers you guns and his American blankets
Covers you in all their plushies and blankets, leaving you covered in soft pink balloonicorns and fluffy blankets
They roast marshmallows for you, and gets engineer to help make hot cocoa
They'll creep out of the base and hunt down your ex for hurting you.
Russian man rise up 💪
He cooks you a nice traditional Russian soup
Keeps you on the couch and brings all the food to you, keeps scout far from you in this state
Will read some Russian fairy-tales or novels to you, with the lights dim and you covered in blankets
Gives you a giant bear hug
If he comes across your ex he will knock them out and give their body to medic
Texan Father mode activated
The moment he finds you crying he is instantly ushering you to his workshop and offering to cook anything you wish.
He'll let you vent to him, but if you need silence he'll just work on his mechanics while in the room with you.
You are his child, no ifs or buts
and no one hurts his kid
but he'd get spy to give him your ex's address
then would absolutely strip your ex's car for bits and pieces, taking the wheels, engine, battery, steering wheel you name it
He'd bring soldier with him for optimal damage
Drunk off his head (as usual)
Offers you his scrumpy
look he doesn't know what to do, like scout but he's trying to show you he cares
If you refuse the scrumpy he'd offer you to sit with him and just be in each others presence.
May or may not rig your ex's house with explosives
Where do they live, whats their phone number, whats their email, whats their blood type who do they live with and are they healthy?
You tell him any of that and he's instantly found your ex, kidnapped them, and while they're alive he takes all their organs and makes it as painful as possible
When you come for medic for some comfort he'll coo, patting your back while offering you a nice warm drink. draping his (CLEAN) lab coat over your back and letting you stay on his chair.
He's not good with comforting, but will let you vent to him and just stay within the med bay
Probably asks heavy to comfort you after a while
Scraggly old man
Like most of the other mercs he has no clue how to comfort you during this time
I mean he lives out in his van and rather live in the bush than in a house
He'd take you out into the bush to get away from society, and keeps watch in-case you are anxious about your ex finding you
if you ex was extremely abusive sniper would kill them with no remorse, but ensure the bullet hits them where it would make their death slow and painful.
Spy comforting? lol no, sorry
He would pat your shoulder awkwardly
When you leave he's already tracked your ex down (not hard since he'd been keeping tabs on them ever since you two got together)
Blackmails your ex into the ground, forces them to make a video apology, give up their belongings and more. He sends the video and all his collected photos and videos of their abuse to your ex's family.
By family i mean everyone who is merely connected with them
Would throw his card at you, telling you nothing as he lets you go crazy with his money
He thinks retail therapy would help
If you thank him for anything he'd wave you off, saying "he deserved it" and lighting another cigarette.
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emeraldspiral · 10 months
So from what I understand, the initial pitch for Invader Zim was that the main source of comedy was Zim thinking posing as an elementary school student was the best use of his time as a spy and making leaps of logic based on his lack of cultural knowledge. And we did certainly see stuff like that happen in the show, but I think over time there was a shift to more episodes focusing on the Zim/Dib rivalry or things going on in space that didn’t feature the skool setting at all or didn’t revolve around cultural misunderstandings to drive the plot. IDK if they did more of that in the comics, but here’s some ideas I feel were missed opportunities. Not including anything obvious like “skool dance” episode, or “forced to work with Dib on a project”.
1 - An episode that’s just Zim and Dib narrating short stories they wrote for a creative writing assignment. It might be low-hanging fruit for them to both write the same story of a real incident between them from either of their perspectives, or a self-insert wish-fulfillment fantasy about defeating one another. I kinda like the idea of Dib writing the kind of story he himself would enjoy, like a noir-style detective story with a supernatural twist or gothic horror ghost story. Zim would just copy a story told to him by GIR, which itself is a mangled retelling of something that happened on TV that neither of them actually understand, but no matter how ridiculous and nonsensical the plot was he’d read it like it was Shakespeare.
2 - Similarly, an episode that’s just Zim giving an oral presentation on a historical figure or event, but he gets a ton of stuff wrong due to misinterpretation, or mixing up factual sources with like, a historical fantasy. Like if he read TF2 lore and told the class that stairs were invented by Abraham Lincoln.
3 - Zim gets an exam/report card back and finds out he’s performing poorly, which makes him question whether he’s learned anything at all from all the time he’s spent gathering intel. He decides to put his plans for conquest on hold to spend more time studying, except he’s not studying anything actually assigned by the skool and nothing he learns is on his next test or useful for conquering the humans.
4 - Alternatively, Zim is warned that because of all his absences and poor performance he’s at risk of being expelled. Dib mocks him for it at the first, but then decides he’d rather not have to worry about what Zim’s getting up to all day while he’s stuck in class, so he decides to help Zim break into the server room for the skool’s computer system so they can change his report card, but because this is Zimworld the security system is ridiculously over-the-top and the stakes are a like a Die Hard movie.
5 - The skool needs a team to represent for an academic decathlon. Zim signs up because he wants to show off his superior intellect and Dib joins the team to keep an eye on him (and prove his superior intellect). Zim and Dib are the math and science experts while their other teammates specialize in different subjects but everyone except Zim at least knows enough about the other subjects to mostly get the answers right if they’re forced to answer something outside their specialty. Unfortunately all the questions Zim and Dib know the answers to go to their less science-minded teammates and they get stuck with all the insane questions about skinning moose and other lectures from Ms. Bitters that they didn’t pay attention to.
Either that, or they keep getting quizzed about pop culture trivia they don’t know because they don’t keep up with mainstream television. Zim ends up getting a question right that wins the game however because he remembered it from some insufferable show GIR watches constantly and everyone treats him like a fucking genius for it. Dib meanwhile is treated like an idiot for getting all the stupid pop-culture questions wrong.
6 - The class has to read some classic lit out loud and Zim’s over-the-top dramatic narration leads to him being asked to audition for the skool play. Zim scores the lead role and gets way too into method acting. To the point where Dib can’t even tell if he legitimately thinks he’s the character or if he’s just doing it to mess with him.
7 - Zim joins a skool club and quickly usurps the club’s leadership and rules over the other members with an iron fist, twisting it from its original purpose into just being a club dedicated to serving his whims/messing with Dib. It all falls apart for some stupid reason like one member leaving and forcing the club to dissolve because it didn’t have enough members or some forms not being filled out correctly or budget issues forcing a bunch of clubs to shut down. Meanwhile, Dib tries to start a paranormal club but can’t get any members and gets kicked out of every other club he joins for trying to steer it away from whatever its original purpose was to make it about the paranormal.
8 - Baseball/team sports episode. Zim and Dib are both actually pretty decent so their team begrudgingly puts up with them. They let their rivalry get in the way at first and don’t pay any attention to the skool’s rival team talking trash about their skool. Even when it turns into an 80s cliche where the skool will actually be closed if they don’t win the game they don’t care because it is a shit skool and if it closes they’ll just go somewhere else. It’s only when one of the rival team members interrupts Zim and Dib in the middle of their own little pissing contest that they finally get their act together and start strategizing with the rest of their team. They win and finally get a taste of what it’s like to be appreciated momentarily for carrying the team until everyone else finds out their shitty skool is staying open because of them.
9 - Some Yu-Gi-Oh/Magic-type card game becomes really popular and Zim decides to get into it to blend in and find a way to exploit it to gain power over the humans. Dib naturally gets in on it too and they get way too serious about it. It either becomes an over-the-top parody of Yu-Gi-Oh and its hyper-realistic holograms and battle arenas that turn card games into genuine life-threatening experiences for participants and audiences alike, or it satirizes the satanic panic by having some kind of reveal that all the cards are actually possessed by real supernatural spirits and the games are part of some nefarious third party antagonist’s plot to overrun the world with demons or something.
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prettypinktulips · 8 months
I’m so gay for medic pls 🙏🏻 Medic with a trans guy reader headcanons pls,, how would he help him with his dysphoria?
OK HELLO IM BACK SORRY!!! yes medic is so nghhhh #notgay
Pair; Medic Tf2 x Trans!Male reader (I am a trans man so yes I do know somewhat about dysphoria)
You sighed running your fingers through your (h/c) hair as you looked into the mirror, dull lights flicking in the back and nothing but silence filling your ears. "I don't know why it's so difficult for everyone else to understand how I feel." Teary eyes showing in the mirror, You stared even harder at your reflection as you started to lift your shirt up and took a look at your body. "I just wish.. sometimes, that I was a real man." You traced your fingers along the bandages that were binding your chest down and sighed.
"Y/N?" You heard that stupid German accent and immediately knew who it was, you hurried to pull down your shirt as you felt your heart race a bit. How long has he been in the room? You thought and looked over at the thankfully, closed bathroom door.
"Could ya come out here for a second, ja?"
You rolled your eyes and unlocked the door, you looked over at the noirette and crossed your arms. "Can I help you, Ludwig?" He looked at your eyes and immediately knew something was wrong.
"What's with the tears, liebling?" Medic looked a little worried and walked up to your frame, his large hands intertwining yours as he looked up/down at you. Whatever he was going to talk to you about was completely down the drain, he was now focused on whatever was eating at you.
"Nothing, It's humiliating." You furrowed your brows and looked down at your intertwined hands, his hand was squeezing yours, not too tight to hurt you but tight enough that you could tell he was anxious.
"Please, let me know what's on your mind." The accent lingering around in your ears made it almost impossible for you to decline him a second time, you gave him a slight nod and huffed.
"Fine." You took in your surroundings to make sure the rest of the guys weren't around. You took in a deep breath, trying to hold back any tears that were threatening to fall down. Ludwig gave you a frown and laid his other hand on your cheek, wiping away any tears that snuck past your waterline. "I don't know, It's hard to explain. Sometimes I just wish I was a real guy. Not some wannabe man."
Medic's eyes widen at your harsh words and held your hand close to him, he made a somewhat pout look. Which is abnormal for him to do. "Why are you so mean to yourself, Meine Liebe?" He closed the space between you two and gave you a soft peck on the lips. "To me you are a real man, and always will be."
There you were choking back sobs again, how embarrassing. "I just want to look like how the other guys look! With their muscular bodies and stuff, it's just not fair!" Your voice cracked a bit at the end and Medic was listening to every bit of your ranting.
"Don't worry about how the other guys look, even if you were a cis male, they've been training for years." Medic looked to the side, letting go of your hand. "I'll tell you what, I'm sure I can figure out some 'crazy' metaphysical experiments for you." Your face lit up and looked into his eyes. How could you forget, he's like the mad scientist! If anything he could be the solution to your problem!
"That's sounds wonderful?!" You grinned and hurried to kiss him, his face flushed at the unexpected contact and kissed you back, grabbing both of your hands this time.
"Even if it doesn't work. You will still always be a man, at least to me. I promise." Ludwig caressed your thumb. "And if anything, you're the most handsome man I've seen in my life." Your face in a posthaste, was flushed.
"You really think so?"
SORRY if its bad im so tired mimis <333
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xxlovelynovaxx · 3 months
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The person in the tags really said "I see kindness and emotional availability as inherently feminine traits" like congrats! That's the radf/em brainrot!
Idk, why might people pick emotionally open men who aren't steeped in toxic masculinity to headcanon as trans? Is it maybe because of the intense pressure on the transmasc community to not "give in to our inherent toxicity" or "defy the evil nature of our manhood"? Is it maybe simply because people pick characters they like and relate to, to headcanon as sharing their identity? Should people be picking unkind and emotionally unavailable characters to personally headcanon because you don't like that the characters they feel connected to are niceys?
Also, wow, that's some transmisogyny in "the characters headcanoned as trans women are usually mean and aggressive". Are they? Are they really? Or are they unafraid to stand up for themselves in a way that transfems find empowering? Is there a transmisogynist expectation put on us to just take abuse and that we're dangerous and mean and aggressive if we refuse to? Also, I'm just curious, how many of these "mean and aggressive" characters aren't white? Is this an endemic problem of "mean, aggressive" characters, or is it simply a character type that's commonly found to be empowering?
Also just. "It's wrong that an alleged majority of headcanoned trans men are about nice people and an alleged majority of headcanoned trans women are not". So its wrong for people headcanoned as trans to be nice... but also to be mean? Like sure, don't get me wrong, there's a point to be made about variety in representation but these are headcanons. This is personal fandom. This isn't corporate media, it isn't even really media a lot of the time, not even fanworks! Headcanon≠rep in any way, shape or form.
But I do find it curious that whether characters should be treated as more nice or more mean is gendered, especially when I've seen other transfems make the exact OPPOSITE complaint about transfem headcanons - that they rely on misogynistic standards of femininity, especially in terms of "acceptable behavior" and that they in fact wished people would examine that and consider headcanoning women who were messy and imperfect as transfem. But, y'know.
(Also, this is focusing on a specific type of headcanon, almost to the point of tunnel vision. Because I guaran-fucking-tee there are plenty of transmasc headcanons that aren't "emotionally available sensitive man". Like, really showing that anecdotal bias. I've seen fucking Dean Winchester headcanoned as transmasc. Just about every TF2 character. Kim Kitsuragi, who I don't know much about but even if he is kind and emotionally available I do know he's supremely fucking dysfunctional. Harry Dubois as well, who I KNOW is not emotionally fucking available. Apparently from my trans partner, Sans fucking Undertale. Certain interpretations of botw/totk Link. Fucking interpretations of Miku Hatsune. Jade Hunter from Rainbow High.
But really, I keep going back to "people see feminine traits and say trans man because they see trans men as women" when the only traits named were LITERALLY "kindness" and "emotional availability". Fucking. If you think only women are kind and emotionally available you're reinforcing toxic masculinity and are in for a rude fucking awakening at toxic femininity and women who are bullies in general, and how these attitudes allow them to face less or even no consequences.
My fucking gods. Kindness and emotional availability. Feminine traits. Fuck.
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pony-central · 2 months
The PuzzleVision Theory
Hey, my fellow SMG4 fans and Theorists. I'm here today to talk about something that all of the fandom are trying to work out. The mystery of this PuzzleVision stuff that's been happening. So, let's talk about it. Keep in mind, we're gonna get to the analysis of the SMG34/SMG43 ship, don't worry.
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So, in the trailer for the IGBP movie, we can see that the characters have been upgraded again. TBH, the designs are more nicer. Then we get to the ending of the trailer. We can see just how intense it's gotten. SMG4 looked like he was on the brink of insanity.
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"It's gotta be perfect. It's gotta be perfect! IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT!!!" was the Wham Line of the trailer, as it made him look more terrifying. Speaking of that, we get to the movie itself.
We know that SMG4 was corrupted by the keyboard. And we also see the tiny TV icon asking him to rate their experience after he's free from the grasp of the keyboard. This is our first hint of Mr Puzzles, and his scheme, which makes him the main storyline's villain.
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In the WOTFI 2023 Mission Prep stream, we can see the boys planning the heist to get SMG3's Notebook back from Mario and Marty. What if Mr Puzzles was corrupting Mario to taking the Notebook, too? Well, you'd be wrong.
During the course of the entire WOTFI 2023 special, we find out that Marty was told that there was a secret pizza recipe in the notebook.
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We get a glimpse of Marty's office in the TF2 video, and it doesn't look that menacing, right? Ha ha ha. WRONG! In WOTFI 2023, the place is overloaded with traps and heavy weaponry that can kill anyone who dares to trespass.
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It is at the end of WOTFI 2023 that we get our first real look at Mr Puzzles. We can see that he looks pretty menacing. We'll get more into his depth RN.
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So, during the whole of "No TV Make Mario Not Okie Dokie", the power goes out, and everyone freaks out. The crew all try to find a source of energy, until the end when the power comes back on. Happy ending, right? Ha ha ha. Nope. Turns out that the TV appears downstairs for some reason. But this is important, as it shows us that the next chapter of The Showgrounds Saga has begun.
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The first of five shows is a Blue's Clues parody, which shows us that the crew are being forced against their will to put on a good show. "Mario's Mysteries" is about SMG4 and Dog Mario attempting to "solve" the mystery on where the spaghetti is.
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So we get our first shot of Mr Puzzles in this Five-Episode Mini-series called PuzzleVision. He appears with a red outline, as he plans to make the show as perfect as he can. Huh. Sound familiar? (insert Insane SMG4 here)
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It is here that we get our first clue that everything isn't normal. We see Meggy, Tari and SMG3 all stuck in the basement, shown on the TV screaming, hinting at their release. They want freedom. They demand freedom, to no longer be forced to act as little playthings in Mr Puzzles' shows.
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Next is "Once Upon an SMG4", which has one of the deepest messages ever. The premise of this episode is that SMG3 is the princess, no surprise there, he IS a Tsundere after all. He wants a "Sugar Daddy" to be rich. The songs are great. Near the end, SMG3 says "I wish we could all escape from here", which means he's self-aware of the brainwashing.
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Yeah, Mr Puzzles. A "programming malfunction". It's like he's trying to keep the SMG4 Crew from spilling the televised beans. Which he is, no surprise there.
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The third episode is entitled "Scooby-Mario, Where'd You Go?", which is a Scooby-Doo parody, and not just any Scooby-Doo parody. But a funny parody, and the best one so far. The episode is about Chef Bob going "missing", and the gang have to find him.
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At one part of the episode, we get a glimpse of some type of surveillance room. Here, we see snippets of the episodes playing on about 27 TVs, if you count the TVs hidden in the shadows. Another hint of characters being self-aware.
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Overall, my theory is that Mr Puzzles wants to make sure that at least one episode gets a five star rating. Perfect episodes mean never ending entertainment. I've been wanting to make a post about Mr Puzzles and his antics since WOTFI 2023. But I needed more evidence to support my theory.
But, hey. That's just a theory. An SMG4 Theory!
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cerastes · 1 year
Some small insights on things I commonly saw in Japan - nerd edition:
Not one day passed that I didn’t see at least one person with some sort of Kirby charm or keychain or sticker or somesuch on their person or backpacks. Not even in “nerdy” places, this extends to Everywhere.
You’ve likely heard this already, but Akihabara as “weeb mecca” is pretty old news and not the case anymore. You can definitely find some kickass stores there (my favorites were Mandarake and Super Potato!), but otherwise it’s pretty Just Below Surface Level mainstream nerd culture shops now, that is to say, everything is Spy x Family (dear god Anya is fucking everywhere), Kimetsu no Yaiba, One Piece, Quintuplets, Genshin, FGO, Uma Musume, Vtubers, some Bocchi, and Kaguya-sama. Mind you, I don’t dislike most of these things, but it’s literally all that is there, alongside gunpla stuff.
Den Den Town and Nakano Broadway were way fucking better for nerdy stuff. Props to Rinka for the heads up.
Sunshine City was also pretty good for nerdy stuff but with a way more focused scope: You have a Pokemon Center + Cafe there, One Piece store, Bandai Cross Store, the works.
Holy fuck they were not exaggerating, gachapon is absolutely everywhere. The Cross Store even had “Luxury Gacha” or “Premium Gacha”, can’t remember what the exact word was, that were in some cases 1500 yen a pop (for a pretty cool fucking figure though, not gonna lie).
There is gachapon of absolutely fucking anything in the world that you can think of. No, even more than what you’re currently thinking of. Stray musical notes, tools like hammers, bozosoku jackets, Nintama Rantaro, that one meme construction cat, miniature nail clippers, literally such a massive amount of sundry variety. I was humbled.
I’m kind of fucking sick of Anya Spy x Family. Literally everywhere.
I didn’t know there were stores where people can rent a little cube and sell their figures and other nerdy stuff like that. That’s such a cool concept, a little nerd-to-nerd market. Imagine you’re trading in TF2 except instead of giving someone keys for their hat, you give someone a big titty One Piece character, I don’t know the name of any, sorry, as a trade for a big titty Vtuber.
Among the stuff you could see occasionally in stores? Sakamoto Days. That made me so fucking happy.
I met 4 honest to god monks in the wild and I really wish I was fluent in Japanese, I wanted to talk to them so so so bad.
Even older nerds do NOT know VOTOMS. Every old school nerd I met in nerd bars and other such places knew Dunbine and Kinnikuman but I met literally no one that knew VOTOMS. They pulled out their phone, every time, looked it up, looked at me with that certified Japanese polite but obviously flabbergasted expression with a tinge of lemon and horror, and asked me, “how do YOU know of this?? it’s SO OLD” and I did not have the heart to tell them a 4chan dude mailed me VHS tapes with the show subbed back in 1937.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
TF2 lol Blu scout crushing on Blu medic darling is cute, how'd you write a concept for him? Like Blu Scout is almost like Darling's assistant as they practice wrapping wounds, without hurting Scout, they're like son and parent, almost until Scout's feelings start turning into love, despite Darling seeing scout as their friend
Sure! Bringing back the BLU Scout from this short, say hello again to Jez (The name of BLU Scout in my fics so Red can stay Jeremy)
Yandere! BLU Scout with BLU Medic! Darling
Pairing: Platonic (Darling)/Romantic (Scout/Jez)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Jez is a fan name I made, Platonic relationship turned romantic, Brief mentions of poor family life, Obsession, Slight stalking, Jealousy/Possessive behavior, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship, Mentioned/Implied kidnapping, Drugging, Manipulation.
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As BLU team's Medic you've always been kind, too kind at times.
The perfect counterpart to the RED team's Medic, Ludwig
Jeremy's counterpart is Jez, the BLU Scout.
You've noticed the two Scouts look eerily similar... but so do most of the counterparts.
Jez is reckless, not quite raised with self-care in mind.
But unlike Jeremy, he's kinder and not willing to hurt his darling for the most part.
Jez gets attached to you because you patch him up.
Not wanting the young merc to hurt himself... you even teach him how to wrap his own wounds.
Jez likes you for your caring personality and the fact you look after him.
You find out later during a conversation with him that it's because his father wasn't around for him all the time.
It was just him and his mother before he left for merc work.
When you offer to take Jez in as an assistant when not in battle, he's surprised.
Although... Jez quickly becomes eager to assist you around the medbay.
Jez sees you as a close friend at first.
You give him the care he yearns for and he learns some important life skills.
The bond between you is that of teacher and student, despite your ages being so similar.
Many on BLU team know how close you two are.
Although it gets annoying when in the heat of battle Jez refuses to leave your side, begging you to pocket him.
Jez loves to learn from you because it's an excuse to spend time with you.
You tell him what certain medicine does, like pain killers.
You also show him how to properly bandage wounds.
Jez looks up to you... he cares deeply about you.
A specific event has to happen to make him realize he loves you more than a friend.
Maybe you accidentally brush against him, causing his face to flare?
Maybe he sees you talk to someone else and he feels anger?
That or maybe a deep conversation makes him rethink things.
The point is something has to happen between you two for Jez to fall for you.
At first he's hesitant or even ashamed he feels this way.
Yet soon he wishes to pursue these feelings one way or another.
Jez still struggles with flirting and romance like Jeremy.
After all, Jez follows you like a lost puppy.
He tries to keep signs of his attraction subtle but others can tell.
Spy can tell that Jez looks at you like an idol.
Jez definitely pilfers through your medbay in search of something to keep or learn more about you.
He's embarrassed to ask Spy for help, but he just can't stop thinking about you.
He wants to be the best man for you!
Although... Spy sees how eager Jez is and tries to calm him down.
Something feels... wrong deep in Spy's gut.
"Okay... I want to tell 'em I love 'em. I want to know how to show dedication! Y'know... so they don't look at anyone else but me...."
"Are you sure you want to this, Scout? You may be making a mistake...."
"Mistake!? Never! I love 'em... nothing's gonna change that."
"And if they don't feel the same?"
"... they gotta. Why else would they take care of me? Why else would they show signs!?"
Jez does a lot more for you in his obsession.
He watches you when you aren't looking and is a very attentive assistant.
"Ah... I forgot something."
"Got it right here, sweetcheeks. Here!"
He loves the idea of it just being the two of you....
Jez may even be delusional, dedicated fully to the idea of being the only one for you.
He does everything he can to show you he loves you.
You see it as him being a friend... a close companion who you took in.
The moment Jez realizes his attempts at having you are fruitless... he tries other methods.
There's no longer any need to be subtle.
He confronts you alone, clinging to you in an attempt to make you feel what he feels for you.
He tries to brush against you, he spills private info to show he confides in you.
Jez prefers manipulation to get your attention.
He's still capable of violence but for the most part he just wants to use sabotage to earn your attention.
If you like someone else, he'll make up some rumor.
If you're oblivious or are attempting to reject him, he refuses to accept it.
He hates the idea of losing your attention!
Who's a better lover than him? Your assistant?
Teaching him medicines becomes dangerous as how he knows what drugs do what.
Expect either and injection or chloroform over your nose as Jez hushes you to sleep.
He doesn't like the idea of drugging you but will if he has to.
He promises to take care of you.
After all, you've taught him everything he needs to know yourself!
"I love you, baby... I promise I'll not only be the perfect assistant, but boyfriend too."
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parisoonic · 8 months
pyro is so silly and so crechur!!! honestly pyro is such a fun background character to play with. maybe they're causing trouble. maybe they're the straight man in a situation. maybe he's the kid who played the tree in the school play.
yeah! these are already such good ideas!! im gonna ramble which i don't do very much (im shy) but: I REALLY wish we had got that tf2 tv show to flesh out certain characters who are woefully underutilised by the game/comics (Engie gets the brunt of this tbh). There's so many funny ways to take Pyro specifically...are they the 'Lassie' of the team? ('What's that boy? Is Scout stuck in the mine...again? Why didn't you say so!') Do they even try to 'talk' to the others or are they the Ghost-at-the-Feast who lurks around doorways? Does nobody understand them? (Do the whole 'lengthy waffle' from Pyro and everyone else just going 'Yeah well...right, moving on.' Does ONE person understand them? (Fun character dynamic for whoever that is.) In addition I think it's hard not to bring some of how the character feels to play to the character. I think this is where Engie's caretaker-nature comes from in a lot of fanworks as well as the Medic’s general aura of radiating ire for his team. Pyro to me is defined by being a 'foil' to other players and a bother to play against. Oh what's that? An Engineer setting up a nice nest? Okay well I'll equip Dragon's Fury or the Homewrecker and be a sentry buster. Oh what's that a Soldier and Demo wrecking havoc? Well I can reflect your shit so now you don't get to have any fun. Annoying Scouts? Nevermind I've got the detonator so you're now permanently on fire and I can jump after you to chase you and get mini-crit punches on you. Sniper shutting down the whole team? Let me equip the one weapon in the game that can piss them off (Scorch Shot lol). Oh? Spy...in general? FOILED. I dunno maybe I'm describing 'countering' but it feels slightly different than when as a Heavy I mow down Pyros at mid-range lmao. It's probably where the whole 'Pyro is unfun to play against' thing comes from.
Not sure where I'm going with this but lots to think about (wistfully imagines the tv show.) 
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quotidianish · 1 year
uh uhhhh a the uhh
the tf2s are terrorized by a big scary monster living in the base,, and when they find it it turns out to be like, a possum or something . That might be silly uhhhh
oh oh uh everybody shows their appreciation for miss pauling,, because she’s pretty epic and she deserves some I think
medic and heavy try to have a nice date and everybody keeps on interrupting them and eventually they just give up
engineer and medic invent some stupid shit together honestly just more engineer and medic friendship would be epic
sniper scout and demo all apart are smart in their own rights,, but when together 1 braincell,,,
hmmm uhh. ,, , heavy helps spy learn Russian? Or maybe heavy doesn’t know spy can speak Russian so he insults him one day and spy insults him back
scout and spy do a father-son activity ,, but not because they wanted to do father-son bonding ,it was by accident. Like scout was rambling about baseball and spy said it was stupid so he was like, oh yeah? Bet you’re just jealous, and spy retorts by saying he can throw and scout bets him and they end up playing catch lmao
more trans soldier,,, for the funsies
sniper and demo argue about cryptids and which ones are real or not,, and which animals are real or not because a lot of Australian animals totally sound like cryptids
tired medic,, I know he’s probably on cocaine like twenty four seven or however you say it, but he’s gotta run out at some point
engineer gaming losing his mind !!!! ho boy that’d be scary I think,
pyro’s parents are coming to earth to visit them and they’re like some sort of cosmic-lovecraftian-horrors ,, peeping the horror am I right or am I r anyway scout can handle these man-made horrors just fine maybe you have a skill issue or something
demo listens to breakcore,, I know it’s not like invented for like another million years but idk I think I’d be silly and I think he’d like it
scout learns how to read yayyyyy he reads his first book or something maybe like the ones with the silly golden retriever you know the ones,, like uhh hmm let me search it up OH THE DOG’S NAME IS BISCUIT !!! Yeah the biscuit books,, the I Can Read! ones
movie night !! Its spy’s turn to pick the movie but nobody except heavy and soldier like it and scout starts to argue and eventually they end up with pyro picking the movie like always. (They just put on golden girls episodes’ or something)
Demo is secretly a painter,, more specifically an impasto painter. Pyro finds out and is amazed and asks him to help them learn how to paint. Demo lets them touch the paintings. (impasto paintings are meant to be touched ,,I mean how could you look at all the epic texture and just not. come on now)
I wish I had more but that’s all the thoughts my brain will let me think tonight, hope these help and stuff!! Also I love your art and your memes are so fucking funny,, your headcannons are very epic too,,,, hhhh goodnight I have to sleep now it is 4 am oh nooooo
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Ohhh all of these headcanons are so good…. Especially love the scout + spy father son bonding activity. Aggressively chucks ball at his da’s crotch. Swings bat and accidentally managed to bash his son in the face. At the end they have achieved a new level of understanding with one another. Btw medic’s proposing to heavy on that one where the offense class is stalking out of a bush. And thank you so much man <333 these headcanons are fire too 💥💥🫡
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