#hope you didn’t pay too much for them paul
PLEASE write more mini fics about ponyboy and curly i love them together
Hi anon! This is the first of the PaperCut asks I'm cooking up, so I hope you like it. Sorry it took so long!
Curly Shepard knows he’s the hottest person alive, which is good, because he needs this to go well. 
He’s got a pair of Tim’s jeans on- they’re a bit long, but unlike his own they don’t have any stains- and he might pay for that later but right now it doesn’t matter. His muscle shirt might’ve belonged to Tim at one point or another too, but right now the important thing is that it shows off his arms. Gotta show off his gains if he’s gonna get a date for the rodeo this weekend. 
He really needs a date for the rodeo this weekend. Angela had bet him three dollars and a pack of kools he couldn’t find one and he was determined to prove her wrong. Also, he doesn’t have the scratch to spare if he loses- he’s trying to save up for a nail gun. Dally Winston told him a week ago about a guy in New York who used a modified nail gun as a weapon, and Curly wants to try it.
So, the date. He’d considered asking Catalina Perez- she’s been making eyes at him for weeks, and despite what Angela thinks he isn’t completely clueless- but he doesn’t really want to take a girl out. Girls are fine, but he’s gotta be like…nice and gentlemanly and shit and it's so boring. Besides, Angela just said he had to find a date. She didn’t say it had to be with a girl. 
There’s only one person he actually wants to ask out. Of course, Ponyboy will probably tell him to fuck off, but he tells Curly to fuck off a lot and only means it like a third of the time, so it’ll probably be fine. 
Curly flexes once more in front of the mirror (for confidence) and sticks his switchblade in his pocket. Momentarily he considers grabbing a jacket, but he didn’t spend the last three months beefing up his arms just to cover them with sleeves. Besides, it’s not that cold yet.
Angela’s in the living room with Sylvia, and he promptly decides he does not want to hear them rip him to shreds for his very cool outfit, so he climbs out his bedroom window instead. It’s good practice for gang stuff, he tells himself, because saying he doesn’t want to feel the sting of Angel’s judgemental gaze feels a lot like cowardice.
Once he’s outside he runs into a problem: he’s finally psyched himself up enough to ask Ponyboy out, but unfortunately he doesn’t have any idea where to find him.
Ok, that’s not completely true. Truth is, the guy is pretty predictable on account of his grumpy ass older brother keeping him on a leash shorter than Angel’s temper. Tim didn’t keep half so close an eye on him, and he’d done things Ponyboy probably hadn’t even dreamed of.
It wasn’t like Pony was any sort of goody two shoes. No, Curly didn’t like teacher’s pets and he liked Pony something awful. Pony just…wasn’t as dumb as him, that was all. And he had more to lose, with the state breathing down his neck and all. Curly could respect that.
He’d try the movie house first, he decided. Shit Ponkid liked movies, and anytime he went with him Ponyboy would get all pissy if he said anything about Paul Newman. (What did Pony like so much about that guy anyway? He wasn’t even that tuff looking and he talked like a soc.)
When he shows up, the movie house is empty except for a pair of socs getting handsy in the back row, so he makes his way to the library instead, hoping the old lady behind the desk has forgiven him for time he spilled Pepsi over half the books in the history section (it's not his fault ok? He got distracted.)
This time, his detective skills are as flawless as his face, and he spots a familiar head of reddish hair in the back corner near the biology section, Pony’s shoulders curled in his familiar slouch. The sight of it makes a familiar warm feeling start in his chest, like how good whiskey goes down, a feeling Angela had explained to him two days ago was ‘what a crush feels like, dumbass’ with an eye roll and a not so gentle swat on the head. Much as he hates to admit it, it’s a fairly common occurrence. He’s good at describing feelings but not naming them. Angela feels nothing, but knows what things are supposed to feel like. It works for them, even though Tim calls them weird for it. 
“Hey Ponykid!” His voice is too loud for the library and he knows it, but what’s the old bitch behind the desk gonna do? Kick him out? He could kick her ass.
Ponyboy scowls. “Shut up!” 
“You goin’ to the rodeo this weekend?” Shit. Curly had meant to build up to that, honestly he did, but Ponyboy Curtis has a way of getting him to act like a prize idiot instead of his usual cool, suave self. He hates what this crush is doing to him, and also never wants it to stop.
He goes back to his book. 
“Why not?” Curly presses, leaning on the table in a way that makes his arms flex just the way he practiced. The moment is wasted though, because Pony doesn’t even glance up.
“Because why?” He should’ve known better than to come to the library. The only time Pony ever gets proper mad at him is this godforsaken hellhole.
“Because Angela told me you were gonna ask me out,” Pony shuts his book, a shit eating grin crossing his face, and fuck this was not part of the plan. Curly can feel his cheeks flushing and he’s not for the first time he’s glad his skin is dark enough it won’t be obvious. If Pony- or anyone else for that matter- had any idea how much he made Curly blush he’d never hear the end of it, “and she paid me a pack of kools not to say yes unless you ask again after this weekend.”
“She- she what?”
That had to be cheating. Even Tim would have to agree that was cheating, or racketeering or- or something. She was rigging their bet against him. Worse than that she’d told Ponyboy he was gonna ask him out, and now Ponyboy was prepared with his smirk and that face and whatever cologne he’s wearing which smelled so good it should probably be illegal.
“Sorry,” Ponyboy grins, not sounding sorry at all. He climbs to his feet, and Curly is suddenly acutely aware of how close they are, almost chest to chest. Pony’s maybe three inches taller, and Curly finds himself having to look up a bit into his eyes, “guess you’re gonna have to try again next week.”
Then he leans in and kisses Curly on the cheek. 
Curly’s brain melts. 
Pony must see it, because despite the slight flush on his pale cheeks, he manages to look completely smug as he turns away.
“Now fuck off, would ya Curls? I’m tryin’ to read.”
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javelinbk · 10 months
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John Lennon reads the weather for Larry Kane as part of the Helping Hand Marathon on Channel 6 News in Philadelphia, 16th May 1975 (x)
"I told him that we were doing a Helping Hand Marathon at the radio station and at the television station where I worked, Channel 6 in Philadelphia at the time, and I said 'come on down'. And he said 'I'm gonna do it'. And I was so stunned to greet him at 30th Street Station, the main train station in Philadelphia, walking off an Amtrack train, with a little overnight, like a gym bag with him. And he was saying goodbye to everybody and he came out, he gave me a big hug, and I took him around town, talked about being more popular than he was, and all that business..."
"He did hours and hours from Friday through Sunday, on the air at this marathon. And then on Friday night, an amazing thing happened... John comes into the studio, and the weatherman was off that night, and John says 'can I do the weather?'."
"Now, it wasn't a great weather forecast, in fact I think we brought in somebody to do the weather after he was finished, I don't remember, but he was on set with me, and that weathercast brought thousands of people to the station over the weekend, because people said, 'he's really there!'... and you know what I found out? That in that weekend, John Lennon met more people one-on-one than at any time in his entire life, being shielded by security, and all the concerts and everything else. And he told me later, he said, 'you know I met more people individually'... he probably met a thousand or two thousand people up close, signed autographs, gave his socks away... they were pretty smelly socks, but he gave his socks away, they were red, white and blue socks... auctioned them off, gave pictures away, just had this great interaction with people"
"And it was such an up for him, because he had come off of the 'lost weekend', he had suffered tremendous alcohol abuse, May Pang had helped get him back on his feet, he was back with Yoko, she was pregnant, he was expecting a child, and this was his first real coming out, and it was just such a wonderful thing to see him enjoy that, and to see the people enjoy that... there are so many teenagers that I interviewed who are now forty- or fifty-somethings, who have great memories of that weekend."
Larry Kane
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hhhhleb · 2 months
Hello, Hope I don’t disturb, it was just to ask, about little!Jake AU.
So, I was wondering if Layla, or even Jean-Paul Duchamp, or just maybe the people Jake know, do they know that Jake is little ?
And if they do, how do they interact with Jake ? Are they like treating him like a child or still like an adult ?
And in your AU, did Marc’s mom knew about Steven and Little!Jake ? Or just she didn’t care or didn’t know ?
( I know it’s maybe a lot of questions, and I hope you don’t mind, it’s just I’m so damn curious about this AU, I really love it, and I’m really curious ! Hope you find the time to answer me if you want to ! Hope it’s not too much 😅 )
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Thanks for the questions!🤍💫
It took me so long to write an answer! I’m sorry /(>︿</)
1. Layla never had actually met Jake before events of episode 6. But when S&M started to embrace the idea of The-Third-One, she was the first one to understand that Jake isn’t a real gangsta or some sort of a villain but just a child (I feel like Marc would be very cautious about him, while Steven anxiously would try to build some connection between them, both clueless about his real age(?)). Maybe it has something to do with her being Taweret’s avatar, or she’s just very clever&empathetic(I think it was both). And I think she’s going to positively trigger him(idk the term) to front more. Like, time to time she would just bring a very detailed toy car and ask M&S to explain something to her about it and bam, Jake’s here bubbling an entire essay in Spanish about history of cars, mechanics, physics etc. But I don’t think she would be all mother hen around him, I think she would be quite the opposite: trying to teach, raise him(?), explain what’s bad and what’s good etc(remember him killing people? Layla surely does and she's planning to do smt about it)
2. Duchamp knew that there is not only Marc but also not-really-Marc here, though he didn’t knew actual term for it nor was he aware that he’s a little. He may have thought not-really-Marc’s just a bit childish, but he didn’t put two and two together. Though after s1 when the MK system&Layla will reconnect with him and when Jake would be more often to front in not life-or-death situation I think Duchamp will figure it all out pretty quickly! And he will become an absolute dad to him. I think he would bring him to garage and do some ‘Pimp my ride’ together haha
3. I’m not really familiar with official comics’ lore so I can only guess that Gena’s like Jean-Paul would just think that Jake’s simply a childish guy. I feel like every time when he pays a bill in this dinner, he would draw on a napkin something just for her. Something fun or cute)) And I think she feels parental to him, considers him as her son or smt? he just appears once a month, tells loads of fantastic stories to her, asks how her kids are doing and disappears again. Funny guy
4. About Wendy’s acknowledgement, I feel like in this au it would be Marc to held all the beatings from her: Jake is here to protect, sublimate but not to endure. So they have never even met. if they did, I think Jake would just immediately beat shit out of her which would result into more abuse towards Marc so.. it was safer for all of them to let Marc held all of this. About Steven, she probably saw him and knew smt wasn't quite right, but didn’t really care. Too drunk for it or smt
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generalmoonpolice · 1 month
Paul Lahote x reader (fluff/angst)
Just a random little idea that I had.
I hope you enjoy - if you have any feedback I would love to hear it!
W/C: 1262
I was beyond angry as I glanced at my boyfriend in front of me. Trying my hardest, I willed myself to calm down. Exploding with anger wasn’t going to help anyone. Deciding to be the bigger person I tried to back away from him, trying to keep my wolf at bay. I could only hope that Paul would do the same. As I took steps away from Paul he stepped closer to me, shaking in anger. I could feel the anger radiating off him. 
“You’re friends with the leech lover.” He growled at me. It came across as more of a statement rather than a question. I didn’t respond, knowing that it was best if we talked about it another time. When we weren’t so worked up.
“We can talk about this another time.” I hissed at him, gritting my teeth together. My response seemed to make him angrier.
Without warning he pushed me up against the wall.
I heard Jared and Leah yell at him, but he didn’t seem to pay attention to them. Without realising what I was doing, my hand moved up and slapped him across the face. The room went silent, the only sound was our heavy breathing as I took a step forward. Tilting my head up my eyes bore into Paul’s. His brown eyes were full of fury but one thing I didn’t expect to see was fear. My eyes widened as I realised what was about to happen before he exploded into his grey wolf, his claws digging into me making me fall back.
I didn’t feel the pain at first, though I heard a scream that sounded much like mine. The pain hit all at once and I saw the grey wolf above me before everything turned dark.
Pain was the only thing I felt. It radiated throughout my body and left a bitter taste in my mouth. I could hear breathing to my left and the continuous beeping of machines. My chest felt heavy as a groan escaped me. I tried to peel my eyes open to make sense of what was happening. When my eyes finally cooperated with me, a clean white ceiling was the first thing that I saw. 
A hospital.
Internally I knew where I was - the overly sterile smell, the incessant beeping of the heart monitor and the bright white walls only confirmed this. I just couldn’t piece together why. My eyes travelled further around the room where I was met with Emily sitting in the chair next to me looking at me anxiously with Sam standing behind her, the same look etched onto his face. When my eyes met Emily’s, she grabbed my left hand in hers. I looked at her hand in confusion when I saw the bandages on my chest. 
Suddenly everything came flooding back. Paul. The heaviness in my chest grew and I could feel my breathing pick up. Everything seemed too loud, too much. There seemed to be a ringing sound that reverberated across the room. Sam stepped forward seeing my panic and Emily’s hand tightened around my own. 
“Calm down. You’re okay. You’re safe. Paul is safe.” His words grounded me slightly, the ringing sound stopping as tears started to stream down my face. 
“Is he okay?” I asked. My throat ached as I said the words. Sam gave me a curt nod as the door opened. Half of me wished that it was Paul. The other half was too afraid for it to be Paul. I wasn’t afraid of him. I didn’t want him to be angry at me. 
However it wasn’t Paul that walked through the door, but Carlisle. His golden eyes met mine as his brow furrowed. 
“You healed rather quickly.” He muttered to himself.
“Wolf healing doc.” I attempted to joke. The sound of my own voice made me cringe as did the pain that came with the words. Carlisle gave me a small smile before his eyes flickered down to the board in his hands.
“He got you on your chest, neck and chin. You’re going to be on bedrest for at least 2 weeks - wolf or not. Definitely no exercise, no phasing and certainly no shouting.” My jaw clenched at his words, but I nodded nonetheless. Carlisle continued to tell me about an ointment I had to apply before he showed me how to re-bandage the wounds.
With a small “thank you” he left the room, leaving me with Sam and Emily once again. 
“Is he okay?” I asked the pair. Needing to know that he hadn’t and wasn’t doing anything stupid. Emily gave me a gentle smile. 
“He’s beating himself up, but he’s okay. You should get some sleep.” She said to me. I nodded and settled back into my bed before closing my eyes. 
The next time I woke up, Paul was in the chair next to my bed. His red-rimmed eyes met mine before more tears fell from his brown eyes.
I stretched out my hand towards Paul wanting him to grab it. When he did, I intertwined our fingers and took one of his larger hands in mine before tracing the lines on his palms smiling to myself. Even though I wasn’t looking at him, I could feel Paul’s eyes burning holes into me. After a few moments I finally looked at him. 
“I’m sorry.” I whispered to him, my voice raspy and soft. “I shouldn’t have put you in that position. I need you to promise me something.” 
I glanced up at him, peering through my lashes to see his gaze intensely on my face. His eyes left mine to trail along the scratches that now sat on my chin and neck before meeting mine again. He gave me a hesitant nod as if he was afraid of what I was about to say.
“If you ever feel like you need to cool off then you just go. Don’t even think about it. You don’t have to tell me why or for how long. Okay?”
Once again he said nothing and only nodded. I grinned at him before bringing his hand up to my lips to press kiss on his palm. At this, he practically flew out of his seat before he pressed a firm kiss to my head. I tried to look up at him, but he buried his face in my hair and broke down into sobs. The sound brought tears to my own eyes as I rubbed his arm trying to offer him some form of comfort. He pulled back from his embrace and our brown eyes met.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do it and you were telling me to go cool off and I just wouldn’t. When I saw you on the ground there was so much blood and all I could think about was how you were dead and it was all my fault.” He stopped. Taking in another breath he said, “And the last time we ever talked was a fight.” I squeezed his hand tighter as more tears dripped down his face.
“You could never kill me,” I told him sternly, shaking my head. “You wouldn’t ever go that far.” I looked into his brown eyes, my heart clenching painfully. I could practically feel the pain and regret seeping from him. 
Moving forward I pressed my lips to his softly, pulling back quickly. The corners of his lips twitched upwards and he connected our lips again. 
“I love you.” He whispered to me. I didn’t respond, but connected our lips once more. 
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fanficimagery · 2 years
Be Somebody to Someone 2/4
You've lived your entire life in Forks, Washington without anyone paying too close attention to you. Then you befriend the new girl and suddenly you find yourself friends with the unexpected. And maybe even something more if a certain shapeshifter stops denying the Fates.
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Words: 4.8K  Author’s Note: Congrats! You guys hit 100+ notes on the first part. If this gets the same treatment, I’ll post part three if that happens :)
With your newfound knowledge of the Quileute shapeshifters, you find yourself invited to a bonfire held by the Elders on the reservation. But when you find out you and Bella are to be the first outsiders ever permitted, you try to worm your way out so as to not break their tradition.
Emily, however, is in your corner and convinces you to attend. So you do and to none of your friends' surprise, you find yourself absolutely enthralled with the Quileute legends and the Third Wife's sacrifice. It also probably didn't help that you had taken an edible and had a bit of a trip while listening.
Then with as much time as you spend visiting La Push, your parents surprise you with a brand-new Jeep- it being an early birthday present so you didn't have to hunt down a ride to your new favorite place down in La Push. So while Bella and Jacob continued their little dance, and the pack introduced Quil into the ranks after he shifted for the first time, you bypassed all that drama by driving yourself to Emily's whenever you had any free time.
Parking in front of Emily's, you grab up the two to-go trays and cardboard drink holder from your passenger seat. You manage to hop out without dropping anything and walk up her porch steps.
"Knock, knock!" You call out since your hands are full. "I'm coming in, so if Sam's shorts are around his ankles he better pull them up before I catch an eye full!"
Emily barks out a laugh as she makes an appearance, meeting you just as you manage to open the screen door with your foot. "Sam and the others are on patrol."
"Good. As much as I joke, I'd probably pee myself if I ever cockblocked the alpha wolf."
She smiles in amusement at you. "Never change, YN. Never change."
"I don't plan on it. Now," you state, setting everything down on the table, "I hope you haven't eaten because one of the guys at the drive-in gave me an extra meal." You open up one of the trays to show her. "I have an extra cheeseburger and some cheese fries."
"Ohh. It's been a while since I've had a good cheeseburger," Emily says. The two of you take a seat at her table and she pulls a tray in front of her. You also pass her one of the sodas and then you dig in. "Why'd they give you an extra meal?" You momentarily freeze at her question, your gaze clashes with hers, and then you take a big bite out of your burger to keep from answering. She slowly grins. "YN, what did you do?"
You sheepishly cover your mouth since you're still chewing. "Nothing."
You continue to chew, washing it all down with some Coke. "Well there might or might not have been some guy that's been angling for a date, and I might or might not have agreed."
Emily's smile falters. "You're going on a date with him?"
"Well, yeah." You shrug and eat a bit more. "He's a fun guy, makes me laugh," you tell her. "But I'm not really looking for anything serious. I think he's hoping to change my mind, but I won't. I'll grant him this one date so he can see I'm not all that interested in anything other than friendship."
The subject drops as you hear the familiar whoops and hollers of the approaching pack, and you grin as they all stumble in behind Sam. He immediately makes a beeline for Emily, bending down to kiss her and then steals a couple of fries from her tray. Embry and Jared attempt to ruffle your hair, and Paul merely nods at you.
Embry and Jared plop into the chairs on either side of you, but it's Embry who boldly reaches for a fry which results in you swatting his hand. He pulls his hand back, frowning. "What was that for?"
"I don't take from your plate, so you don't take from mine."
"Yeah, but Sam and Emily-"
"But Sam and Emily," you mock him, causing Jared and Paul to snicker at their brother. "Sam and Emily are doing the do. He's allowed to steal from her plate and vice versa."
Embry suddenly leers. "Well you and I-" Paul immediately slaps him upside the back of the head and you grin.
"Not happening, Cujo."
"You're so mean when you're not high," Embry mumbles.
"Really? And here I thought I was a delight."
Emily ends up serving Sam some of the lunch that was on the stove while letting the other boys have a go at it after she sits back down. Lunch is a loud affair and for the time being you're absolutely happy.
You get halfway through your cheeseburger- it was a big cheeseburger, after all- and a few fries before you start slowing down. The boys take notice and you roll your eyes while gesturing for them to have at it. Paul snatches the half burger before anyone else and you laugh as the other two grumble while digging into the cheese fries.
"Thank you for lunch, YN," Emily tells you once she's finished. "Even if you had to agree to a date for it."
You don't take notice of it, but Paul freezes and the other three males glance worriedly at him. You, however, laugh as you shake your head at your friend. "You make it sound like I pimped myself out for a free meal."
"Didn't you?" The harshness of the words make you freeze and the look on Paul's face makes you gulp.
"No." You frown. "I was given the food before I even accepted the date." Paul scoffs and suddenly you find yourself getting angry. "What is your problem? Since I've met you you've barely strung together a full sentence to say to me, yet-"
"You are. You're my problem."
"Paul," Sam admonishes.
For barely knowing the guy, his words break your heart. But you school your features and pray nothing shows. "Ever since you and that goddamn leech lover showed up-"
"Paul, outside now!" Sam barks.
Paul's mouth snaps shut as he glares at you and he shoves back from the table in a huff. You flinch when the back door slams shut and immediately Emily is apologizing. "YN, I'm so sorry."
"Don't. Don't apologize for him." You flash her and the others a shaky smile as you stand up, collecting your trash to take to the bin. "I'm, uh, I'm gonna go ahead and head home."
"You don't-"
"I do." You smile sadly at her before addressing Sam. "I'm sorry if I made him uncomfortable with my presence. It wasn't my intention to do so."
"You did nothing wrong," Embry grumbles, but one sharp look from Sam quiets him.
When Sam glances back at you, his whole demeanor softens. "Embry's right. It's not you, it's Paul. He's got some.. issues to work through, but he was in the wrong to take it out on you. I'll talk with him."
"Don't even worry about it." And then desperate to get out of the conversation, you glance back at Emily and say, "I'll call you later. Thanks for having me over."
Then before anyone can stop you, you rush from the house and out to your Jeep.
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You end up calling Emily two days later, but make excuses to prevent from going over to her house. Thankfully school keeps you busy, but it was only a matter of time before you were pulled back to La Push.
It's dark out when your phone rings, Emily urging you to get to her house because apparently one of the Cullens came back and whisked Bella off to Italy.
Clad in only a too large sweatshirt that falls off one shoulder, flashing the strap of your sports bra, and a pair of flimsy cotton sleep shorts, you shove your feet into a pair of sneakers before shouting at your parents that you'll be at Emily's and would probably be back super late or the next day.
When you get to Emily's, you hurriedly park and climb out of your Jeep. Jogging up to her house, you enter without knocking and find everyone sitting around as Jacob angrily paces around the room. When he spots you, Jacob rushes towards you and it makes you stumble back into the wall at his fast approach.
Hands grab onto your bicep and you stare up, wide-eyed, at Jacob. A low, warning growl from behind him makes the two of you tense, but Jacob pays it no mind. "Your friends with the leeches. Call them. Find out what the hell is going on."
"Jacob!" Sam barks. "Hands off. Let YN sit so we can figure out what's going on."
Jacob reluctantly backs off and Emily rushes to your side, quietly making sure you're okay. You smile weakly at her to assure her you are, and then nod at each of the boys who are intently watching you.
"What's even happening?" You ask. Emily retrieves you a glass of water and you smile in thanks at her.
"Those goddamn-"
"Bella," Sam says, speaking over your friend, glaring at him to defy some unspoken thought. He quiets down with a huff and lets Sam speak. "Bella went cliff jumping that resulted in Jacob having to retrieve her from the water. After taking her home, he smelled a leech nearby. Bella recognized the vehicle belonging to one of the Cullens."
"They're back?" You frown.
"Just one," Jacob grumbles. When Sam glares at him, he eventually nods to let him continue the story since he was there. "The small one," he clarifies.
"Alice," you realize.
"But then Edward called and asked for Charlie, and I told him he was out planning a funeral. I guess he thought I meant Bella's and apparently he was going to the vampire royalty so they could kill him."
"Jesus," you mumble, rubbing the spot between your eyebrows. "So why did Alice whisk Bella away then?"
"Because she thinks if they get there in time then Bella can stop Edward from killing himself."
"Do you have any idea about what's going on?" Sam asks. "Any little detail can help. Especially with the vampire royalty they're now speaking of."
You shake your head. "I'm sorry, Sam, I don't." Paul scoffs at his side and you frown at him before giving Sam your full attention once more. "I didn't even know what the Cullens were until after the altercation between Paul and Bella."
"Is there any way to get a hold of them to see if they know anything?" Jacob asks.
"I only have three of their numbers, but they were all disconnected when they moved away."
"Try again," Jacob says.
Glancing at Sam, he nods in agreement. So with a quiet sigh, you pull out your phone from the large pocket in the front of your sweatshirt to scroll through the contacts. You click on Alice's name, but it merely rings once before going to voicemail. "That's new," you mumble. You then scroll down to Edward's name, but his automatically goes to voicemail. "Alice and Edward are a no-go. Let's see about Emmett."
Emmett's number rings once and then twice, and you hurriedly put the call on speaker. It rings twice more before it clicks over.
"I knew I was your favorite."
Your lips twitch in amusement. "Hardly, Dracula. I believe your wife and Jasper are my favorites in your little coven."
The line goes quiet and then, "You know."
"Yeah, I know," you muse. "But that's not what I'm calling about. I'm calling about Bella and why the hell Alice thought it was a good idea to take her out of the country."
There's a brief shuffle on the line before someone else takes over. "Hello YN, it's Carlisle."
"Hello Doctor Cullen."
"May I inquire as to how you found out about our true nature?"
"Sure, but after you explain what Alice and Bella are doing. Jacob is freaking out over here."
Carlisle lets out a soft sigh. "It's to my understanding that my son believed Bella to be dead. With our kind, to lose one's mate, it makes us do foolish things."
"Mate?!" Jacob snarls. He starts to shake uncontrollably and Paul grips him by the shoulder.
"Get him out of here. Now!" Sam demands.
You sigh and then apologize. "Sorry, Carlisle. Please continue."
"With Bella believed dead, Edward wished to join her. He went to the Volturi in hopes they would kill him."
A pad of paper gets held in front of your face and you read a question that had been penned. "Who are the Volturi?"
"They're basically kings in our world. We have to abide by their rules."
"Oh. Okay."
"Now if you don't mind answering my question," Carlisle says.
Sam nods at you and you tell him. "Some of the Quileutes have shifted. When Bella confronted one of them and angered him to the point of shifting, we were both brought back to one of their houses. Since they knew Bella knew of the Cold Ones, they figured it was the same for me. It was by accident I learned about you. Sorry."
"Apology is not necessary," Carlisle chuckles softly. "You have been a trusted friend of this family since Edward met Bella. I'm just sorry you have been brought into all of this."
"Well thank you, Carlisle. I should go, but if you hear any updates, can you please let me know?"
"Of course. Goodnight, Miss YLN."
Just as you hang up, a howl pierces the air. Everyone tenses, but it's the pack who rushes for the door. And before he exits, Sam pauses and looks back at you. "Stay here. Don't leave until we get back."
"Yeah. Okay." As the pack rushes off, you yawn and stand from the table. Glancing at Emily, you ask, "Can we move to the sofas? I'm a little tired."
"Yeah. Of course." She follows you into the living room, handing you a blanket after you toe off your shoes and then curl up in the corner of her sofa. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" You snuggle down, smiling contentedly.
"With the way things are looking, the coven of Cold Ones might be coming back to Forks. If they do, you'll be going to school with them while they know that you know their secret."
"It'll be fine," you assure her. "After hearing the Quileute legends, I know you're not fond of the vampires, but they treated me perfectly well before. And that was because they knew I knew something was inhumane about them. I just never cared to figure out what."
"You're a lot braver than I am," Emily muses.
"Not really. I was just too high and too hungry to care about other people's issues."
Emily grins as she watches you slowly drift off. "Get some sleep, YN. I'll wake you when the others get back."
Emily tidies up while she has the time. The pack is busy with whatever either Jacob or Paul howled about and you're fast asleep on her couch.
Eventually, once everything is as clean as she can get it, Emily curls up on her sofa chair with the television playing on low. She gets through a couple of FRIENDS episodes before she hears the screen door opening and she sits up.
Sam, Paul and Jared enter the house.
"What happened?" Emily asks. She's addressing Sam, but her gaze falls to Paul whose shoulders sag when he sees YN fast asleep.
Sam catches her stare, grinning. "Jacob caught the scent of a leech on the res. We followed it all the way to Forks, but we're needed here more than there. What about here? She hear anything yet?" Sam asks, gesturing to you.
"No." Emily shakes her head. "She fell asleep right after you guys left, but her phone's been quiet."
"Well there's no use in waking her," he says. "Might as well put her in the guest room for the night."
"I got her," Jared says, only to be stopped with Paul's arm across his chest.
"Like hell you do."
Jared slowly grins. "Why not? YN's a friend of the pack. And besides, it's not like you want her. You made that perfectly clear when you imprinted and fled the kitchen in a huff."
Paul growls, body vibrating.
"That's enough," Sam says, voice hard. "Paul, get YN to the room. Jared, knock it off."
Paul smirks then and Jared rolls his eyes as his brother steps closer to the couch you're asleep on. Carefully, Paul then picks YN up into his arms, one arm under your back and the other under your knees. As he shifts you in his arms and your head lolls to rest on his shoulder, he has to bite the inside of his cheek as you mumble, "Stupid raccoon took my potato," in your sleep.
Emily places a hand over her mouth to stifle her giggles and Sam shakes his head in amusement.
"Did she just talk in her sleep?" Jared muses. "Oh my god. We need to record her."
"No." Paul marches off then, careful not to bang your head on the walls or door jamb to Emily's spare room.
It takes Paul a few minutes to get you situated under the blanket all the while making sure you didn't wake. Then when he's done, he takes a step back to watch you snuggle into the comfort of the bed.
"It's not so bad, you know." Emily's quiet words startle him. "Having an imprint isn't the end of the world."
Paul sighs and turns his back on the bed. "It is when you didn't want the bond in the first place."
"Trust in the Fates." Emily smiles as she reaches up, cupping Paul's face in her hand. "They give you boys an imprint for a reason. Just give her a chance."
He says nothing in response because he knew there would be no reasoning with Emily who had embraced the imprint after Sam explained it to her, and she walks off. Paul never wanted to find his, hoping that Sam was just a rare occurrence, but then he had to go and imprint in Emily's kitchen after he tried to attack his imprint's friend. At first, he was livid, but the restless nights proved he was going to have to talk to you sooner or later.
He makes his way back to the living room to find only Sam and Emily. He asks if he can sleep on the couch for the night and Emily lets him, and then he lays down on the same couch YN had been on.
Hours later, you're waking in an unfamiliar room. Through the opened curtains, you can see the sky barely turning pink with the impending sunrise. Yawning, you stretch in the bed you find yourself tucked into and then reach into the pocket of your sweatshirt under the blanket. You pull out your phone, finding a missed text message from Alice who told you that everything was fine, and the entire family would be back to Forks soon.
Stretching once more, you sit up in bed and practically hold your breath as you see someone pass by the opened bedroom door. The person backtracks and you heave a sigh of relief when you see it's Emily.
"You're awake!" She smiles. "I'm about to start breakfast. Why don't you wash up and come join me?"
"Yeah. Okay," you mumble.
As you stumble out of bed and into the bathroom down the hall, you head straight for the bathroom closet for the bin that holds the spare hygiene products you kept there. You place the bin on the counter space, pulling out your toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash. Then after making sure your mouth is all minty fresh, you quickly brush out the tangles in your hair and then tie it up in a messy bun. You wash your face last before putting the bin of supplies back in the closet, and then make your way to the kitchen.
"Sleep okay?" Emily asks as you take a seat at the table.
Smiling lazily at her, you nod. "Yeah. Sorry about the sleepover. You should have woken me up."
"It's fine. None of us wanted you to drive home so late at night." She places a cup of coffee in front you and you readily pick it up, blowing on the steaming liquid.
"So what happened?"
"There was a vampire on our land. The pack chased her away, but they weren't comfortable waking you and sending you on your way. I hope you don't get in trouble for staying last night."
"It's fine. My parents love you and I told them that it was likely I wouldn't be home until today anyway."
"Oh. Okay. Eggs?"
"Scrambled, please."
You slowly sip your coffee as Emily cooks and then she's setting a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast on the table in front of you. She has a plate for herself and the two of you happily dig in.
Halfway through breakfast, a tan arm comes into your line of sight and steals a piece of bacon from you. You're still too sluggish to do anything about it, but you do manage to look up and glare at the culprit. Your glare falters, however, when you find Paul smirking down at you.
"Dick," you mumble. Emily chokes on her coffee and Paul chuckles as he takes a seat next to you. When he reaches for your plate again, you're prepared and swat at his hand. "Stop it. S'not nice."
Sam appears at the table then, yawning as he takes a seat. Emily quickly gets up to make them their breakfast and then soon enough the only sounds in the kitchen are that of the forks clanking against the plates.
After your second cup of coffee and a text message from your mother asking if you could do the grocery shopping when you get in, you decide to head home. You help Emily gather dishes, drying after she washes, and thank her for breakfast and letting you stay over.
As you're heading for the door, you feel pressure at your elbow and look over your shoulder to see Paul right behind you.
"Come on. I'll walk you."
You frown at him, wondering what the hell is going on through his head to give him a change of heart towards you, and glance at Emily to make sure she's seeing what you are. But Emily, nor Sam, are any help as they hide smiles behind their mugs of coffee and refuse to meet your gaze.
"Okay..?" Paul releases your elbow, following behind you as you head towards your jeep. You try to put his odd behavior out of your mind, but just as you open the door and climb into the driver's seat, he stops you from closing the door. Again, you frown at him. "What?"
Paul steps back, hands going to the pockets of his jean shorts. "It's just- with the Cullens coming back, we can't patrol Forks anymore."
"Because of the treaty, right?" You ask, trying to recall what you remember hearing from the bonfire stories.
"Yeah. And with them back, I can't protect you."
"Just promise me something? Watch your back with the leeches," he says, speaking over you in a rush. "They say they eat animals, but they can easily slip and murder a whole town."
You open your mouth to defend the Cullens, but Paul turns on his heel and marches off back towards the house. Speechless, you watch him disappear inside before pulling yourself together and starting your Jeep.
Paul Lahote was seriously giving you whiplash, and you didn't know what to make of him anymore.
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The Cullen and Hale family return as expected, and Edward and Bella continue their relationship as if the last few months hadn't happened. Jacob and the rest of the pack were the only ones who were absolutely against their return, and it was no surprise that Bella was instantly put between Jacob and Edward.
Those two fought over Bella like she was the shiny new toy, and you sat back to watch everything unfold. Once or twice they tried dragging you into their petty argument over who was better for Bella, but you never entertained them and wisely kept your mouth shut.
For some reason, Paul is even more amped up around you, sneering and scowling and muttering how you smell like a leech now that they were back in school. But by now, you're used to his attitude and merely let his words go in one ear and out the other.
Unfortunately, you can only keep your cool for so long.
"Do you have any plans this weekend?" Emily asks. She's whipping up some batter for muffins while you lean against her counters, the pack sitting at the table talking amongst each other.
"I do, actually. Rosalie wants to go shopping, but she knows if she asks Alice then Alice will invite Bella, and Rosalie is not a fan."
"A leech?!"
Emily winces and you roll your eyes with a huff as you turn your attention to the now quiet table. "Yes, Paul, the Cold One."
"I thought I told you to be careful around them and now you're spending the day alone with one of them?" He practically seethes. "What the hell are you thinking!?"
"I'm thinking that I can spend the day doing a little retail therapy, that's what I'm thinking."
"They could kill you!"
"So could you!" You finally snap.
"Oh shit. Now you've done it," Jared muses. "YN never raises her voice."
"Both species are dangerous, but I don't see you warning me off the res," you say. "So what the hell is the real issue here?"
"YN, I don't think-"
"No, Em," you cut her off, lowering your voice and shaking your head at her. "I'm done. I'm tired of the attitude and belittling, and now I think it's time for answers." Turning back towards Paul, you ask, "So what is it? You obviously don't like me much, which is fine, but you are so dead set against me hanging out with my friends. So why?"
Paul's glaring at you, but you refuse to avert your gaze. You want answers and you want them now.
"Just tell her, man," Embry says. "This has been going on long enough."
You have no idea what he's talking about, but apparently Paul does. His glare is briefly directed at Embry before turning back to you, and eventually his shoulders sag. "You're my imprint."
"I have no idea what that means."
"You're basically his soulmate," Jared says. "The Fates decide that there is one person perfect for us. So whatever you need, Paul can become it- friend, brother, or lover." He wiggles his eyebrows at you, but his words earn him a slap upside the head from Sam.
Your eyes subtly widen and you stand a little straighter. "W-What?"
"I didn't want you." You rear back as Paul's words instantly make your chest ache. Something must flash across your face because his own eyes widen. "No, I didn't mean-"
"You did." You cross your arms over your chest, holding yourself together. "And i-it's okay. I get it, I think."
"YN.." Paul stands, but you quickly shake your head at him.
"You wanted the choice to pick, am I right? And the Fates took it out of your hands." Your eyes tear up and you quickly glance to your side so he doesn't see you cry. Emily, however, looks just as heartbroken as you feel. "I, uh, I think I should go."
"Are you sure?" She asks.
"Definitely." You flash her a feeble smile. "I'll text you when I get home." As you make your way towards the door, from the corner of your eye you see Paul reach for you. But before he can even touch you, you pull away from him. "Don't."
You walk out the door, not bothering to look back.
Inside Emily's house, all is quiet. Everyone can hear the sound of YN's Jeep starting and driving off.
"That was cruel, even for you, man." All eyes are on Jacob as he digs his phone out of his pocket.
"What are you doing?" Paul asks.
"Texting Bella to have her check on YN. Thanks to Emily we know our imprints feel a bit of the bond and you flat out just told yours that you didn't want her."
"I didn't mean it like that! She didn't let me explain."
"Why should she?" Finished with his text, he looks up to meet Paul's gaze. "You've treated her like crap since you've met her. You should've spoken to her a long time ago about the imprint, like we told you, so you could avoid this exact mess. You didn't and now you get to lie in the bed you've made."
Jacob stands and Paul tenses when he notices his packmate heading for the back door. "Where are you going?"
"To patrol and then to go check on my friend."
To be continued..
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redamancy-writes · 1 year
Ride of a Lifetime - David x Female!Reader
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Word Count- 932
Fandom- The Lost Boys 1987
Pairing- David (The Lost Boys 1987) x Female! Reader
Title - Ride of a Lifetime
"I haven't seen you in some time now." Your words felt wrong as they came out of your mouth as you approached David. Too abrupt, too formal, too…Not how you usually were with him. Greetings between the two of you were soft smiles and chaste kisses before Paul and Marko demanded you join the four of them in whatever shenanigans they were planning. 
The rest of the boys got the hint that you likely wanted to talk alone, Paul making an ‘ok’ motion with his hand as Dwayne took the lead in their exit, heading towards the rides. You hadn’t seen them in what felt like weeks but only a few short days had passed since you had seen the group, or even the blond man in front of you. 
He finally got the nerve to tell you, to ignore his urge to keep playing in a fantasy land that you two were human lovers, to tell you all about him and his friends and what they were. His eyes were lit up with an emotion you had never seen before, the way his lips stretched into a grin as in the same breath he told you he loved you and wanted to be with you for eternity, he wanted you to become one of them. 
But you ran. You were so overwhelmed and confused, you ran from him. Ever since that night you had come to the boardwalk, seeking him out to try and make amends, to explain you were scared and needed to process things, but well, that didn’t seem to matter now. The rampage that went through the cave was still visible no matter how much Star and Laddie attempted to tidy up the mess of shredded cushions and torn blankets. 
"Well, I was avoiding you if that wasn’t easy enough to figure out,”  David replied with a flick of his cigarette, looking relatively unimpressed. “But my luck obviously ran out, since you found me.”  
Masking the hurt he felt with a face of annoyance as you awkwardly stood in front of him while he leaned against the wooden railings of the boardwalk. 
“Oh,” All the hope that had built in your chest deflated. “I see, well,” You looked to the side to see the boys hopping onto the carousel, not a care in the world to pay for a ticket as they took their seats. 
“I won’t be a bother anymore then,” You said simply, the back of your eyes stinging with tears but you didn’t dare let them spill. Nodding to yourself you turned on your heel, already getting ready to fish your car keys out of your bag. 
“Why did you come back?” David’s eyes were trained on the back of your head, narrowed as he analyzed your body language. 
“For you,” You said, pausing your search for your keys but still facing away from him. Your words were no louder than a mumble, but he heard you all thanks to his supernatural hearing. 
Neither of you two said anything, but as you turned around you noticed he was suddenly much closer to you now  than before you even began walking away. 
“I care for you, David,” You got the guts to say it, wanting to at least tell him for one last time just how much he meant to you, “You know I love you,” You felt shy as his face never changed, your nerves made you doubt your ability to read him as he analyzed your every move. 
“I was scared and confused and I didn’t know what to think so I just…” You blew air out of your mouth with a bitter laugh. “Just forget it, forget I ever came back. I..” You wanted to say ‘I’ll see you around,’ but the ache of knowing that if you did, he’d ignore your existence stopped you from saying it. 
“I hope you have a great night, have fun with the boys,” You chose to say instead, giving a smile to try and play off the facade that you were okay with walking away from him. 
Before you could turn to walk away from him again, you were pulled into a tight embrace as David’s cigarette fell to the ground. David’s smell always brought you comfort, leather and cigarettes with a hint of iron. As his familiar smell invaded your senses, you relaxed into his embrace, gripping the back of his leather trench coat.
He didn’t say anything, but his tight grip on you while he buried his face in your neck told you all you needed to know. He was hurt, he was angry, he was afraid you’d never come back to him. But you were here now, and that’s all that mattered to him as he inhaled your scent, as if to confirm his mind wasn’t paying tricks on him like he was able to do to others. 
For a moment, he just held you, but after a while he pulled away. “Come on,” He murmured, gloved hand reaching out to you. 
“Where are we going?” You grinned at him as you placed your hand into his. 
“Take a ride with me, (Y/n),” He didn’t pull you, but kept your hand in his as he waited for you to make a decision. “A ride of a lifetime,” David grinned and you felt your heart do summersaults as you closed the distance. 
David brought your hand up to his lips, pressing a chaste kiss to your knuckles before releasing his grip on you, allowing you to maneuver yourself behind him on the bike. 
Tags- None Currently
Comments and Reblogs are appreciated! I hope you all enjoyed it
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cheemscakecat · 1 month
Missing in Action 11
Chapter 11: Injury
There’s no time to explain what happened with Spy before the battle. But there’ll be time after… right?
TW: Gore, heavy angst
When the team got back to base, it was late morning. They were cuttin it real close with the scheduled battle that day, and Sniper hated it. Being punctual and efficient was something he strove for.
Everyone had slept on the way back, so at least none of them were tired. At 9:35 they dropped Zhanna and the wizards off at their secret place in the desert. But the battle they needed ta be on time for was at 10:30, so Sniper was stressed.
At the landing bay, everyone was rushin to get ready, ‘specially Mundy. They were gonna be fighting that one Blue team that looked and sounded almost exactly like them. That would be good for Soldier and Pyro, they didn’t get their promised fight against Merasmus.
When they got off the ship, Pauling announced their return over the intercom. She had to announce for so many teams across the States that she’d already been set up for a few hours. Scout came to the landing pad so fast, it almost felt like he teleported. That was a bit strange…
He was pale, real pale like something awful had happened. Sniper paused what he was doing to talk to him as he approached. “What’s wrong mate? Something ‘appen while we were out?”
“Sniper, Spy needs help. We don’t have much time, he wanted me to keep it secret..” Scout hissed. Mundy spotted Spy walking in, so he very obviously turned to look and said hello. “Hey Spy! How was it, ‘aving the base to yerself?” Scout took the hint and pretended they’d been talking about something light. He was a lot better at playing happy, kind of like his old man.
Spy stared at them with the most hollow look Mundy had ever seen. Whatever Scout was trying to say, it must have been dead serious, because people didn’t look like that for fun. Spy seemed to sense that his body language was off, so he muttered a reply.
“Nothing exploded”. Scout forced himself to shrug and grin all casual-like. “It was kinda ..boring… without Soldier or Demoman having a good time. Making a buncha racket. I missed it.” Scout sounded like he was trying to cover for Spy being off, which was apparently good enough proof that he wasn’t sharing the secret. Spy buggered off towards the corner.
Sniper looked over at Scout, and his normally smooth forehead was creased with concern. Whatever was goin on, he must have felt terrible for betraying Spy’s trust. But it was obvious that Spy needed intervention, whatever he was goin through. “I missed my van, truthfully.” Scout glanced at him. “How’s about you come over for a beer and a laugh, after the battle?”
Scout gave him a semi-relieved and very grateful nod. “Call it a date.” And after forcing himself to do finger guns at Sniper, he walked away.
People often stopped paying attention to Mundy when he was in the room, on account of him being so quiet and still. It wasn’t hard for him to approach Engineer and Heavy to get them in on coming to the van. He whispered a brief explanation then invited them for beer.
It would be suspicious if he asked everybody, so he picked the two who were most responsible with other people’s belongings and who needed a break the most. Spy was de-aged, but he was observant too. Though at the moment, he seemed lost in his thoughts.
Whatever was going on, they were gonna get to the bottom of it. After all, the battle would only last a few hours. It was urgent, but surely that wasn’t too long to act.
Jeremy had hoped they’d be back sooner, but at least they were back. He’d have to wait to tell Sniper about Spy being ready to die to the mob, and it was eating at him. But if he just blurted the truth, Spy wouldn’t trust him anymore, and worse… he might make Scout sound like he was lying.
When he was growin up, Jeremy didn’t get any trust from teachers and people at stores. He was related to his brothers; who were always causing trouble, serious trouble. He was a clown and knew it, but not one who wanted to start a fight for no good reason. Or one who wanted to steal for fun.
But anytime he snitched on his brothers or classmates, the grown ups assumed he was in on it. Thought he was lying to save himself, on top of getting in trouble with other kids for snitching. And his brothers were real good at lying, especially Jonas. If he didn’t have proof, he was always the one blamed or accused.
He wasn’t considered a snitch by RED team, but this was a serious thing to say about Spy, and well… He knew they thought he was fragile.
They all looked at him like he was fragile, especially around new Spy. It was like they thought he was clinging to the newbie like he thought Spy’d disappear if he let go. Like a paranoid little kid.
It’d be easy to say he was overreacting to that nightmare or his old man disappearing. But he had proof, he had the envelope. If Spy was prepared to die, there’d have to be stuff about his will and his money; and even Jeremy knew that it was weird for a young guy to have all that written out.
He put the envelope in his locker in the respawn room/starting point for battle. He could grab it right away when they were done, and this way nothing would happen to it.
Scout felt guilty for revealin all this stuff, especially since Spy seemed to trust him so much. He’d never imagined that he’d be good friends with a Spy, and that might be ripped away after the rest of the team knew the truth. But… If he was right and it was the Mob, or someone equally bad, Spy’s life was on the line.
They had to know. They were older and smarter and more deadly than him. They would know how to help Spy in ways he couldn’t. And besides that, if the Mob felt comfortable putting hits out on mercs, it meant they didn’t respect Pauling, and that could put her and other people in danger too.
Jeremy hoped the battle would be over quick; he could tell Spy was expecting to die any minute. He’d do what he could.
Antoine didn’t know where the old Spy kept his masks, otherwise he would have been wearing one these past few weeks. He’d been wearing that awful bandana over his face, and a pair of old sunglasses he found in the old Spy’s kitchen.
It didn’t matter anymore.
He knew Scout would try to rally the others, but it was too late. He was going to be killed before the day was over, and they found out the truth. Actually, not the truth. Scout didn’t know who was really after him, and that was hopefully enough to preserve the whole desert team’s lives.
If they found out it was that ***** the Administrator trying to kill him, she’d have them all taken out in a heartbeat. Antione knew that the hitmen had failed to kill him in the helicopter and allowed Scout to get too close to the truth last night. She’d want them dead already, and it would only get worse if they let him live long enough for the whole desert team to get suspicious.
Failing the Administrator over and over was a very dangerous thing; she was bloodthirsty. It was them or him, and he didn’t blame the hitmen for it. Even if they’d been in it for the money, the threat of suffering the same fate was something he didn’t wish on them.
So today, he didn’t bother to hide his face. The admin already had footage of him without the mask, there was no point. The desert team was rushing to get to battle on time, so they didn’t notice.
As much as Antoine knew he was doomed, he knew acting strange would be dangerous for more people and that took precedence. He still stalked after BLU teammates, even though his heart wasn’t in it. He was also trying to keep some distance between himself and the enemy teammates, in case a sniper was the method of his permanent execution. They could get shot too.
He was sneaking around with his invisibility activated when he spotted the BLU Spy. He looked like the old RED Spy from the paintings, but wearing blue. It made Antoine just as uncomfortable.
Red Spy looked like father and Antoine didn’t like to think about it, so he covered the paintings with blankets and curtains. It made him think about how his hair would have greyed and the wrinkles would appear in the same places, had he not been on Admin’s hit list.
Father had a goatee and mustache, which Antoine vehemently refused to grow on his own face. He didn’t even want to look comparable with a different style of facial hair. This Spy had mustache stubble that was rather dark, but also seemed to abstain from facial hair.
In any case, attacking an older, more experienced Spy was dangerous. Antoine chose not to target them for a reason. He decided the best thing to do would be to stay still and wait for the enemy to leave.
BLU Spy was hanging around in the empty hall, glancing out the windows in case a wayward Soldier or Pyro launched themselves up. He opened his disguise kit and pulled out a new cigarette; his old one was nearly finished. Antoine had lost his disguise kit too, so being invisible or using the revolver was all he could do at the moment.
After the very last of the old cigarette was burnt away, BLU snuffed it out and lit the new one. Then he started walking down the hall towards Antoine. He wasn’t sure whether to sneak way or attack, and he wasn’t going to have much time to decide.
BLU Spy paused, as if he sensed eyes on him. He pulled out the revolver and began looking around, pushing boxes that were big enough for someone to hide under. Then he suddenly chucked a wooden one behind him, which hit Antoine and knocked the wind out of him.
He waited for the enemy to shoot him in the heads but that didn’t happen. “Antoine?” Spy’s blood went cold. He hadn’t told Admin his name, it was enclosed in the divorce papers, but no where else. She shouldn’t have known his name. This Spy shouldn’t have known his name.
But this must mean he had been sent by Admin. Maybe that was why he was hanging around the hall so long, he was just biding his time. BLU Spy suddenly pulled off his mask and sent Antoine into a cold sweat.
This Spy really was the spitting image of his father; down to the same eye shape and mouth and nose, even the same shade of grey sprinkled throughout his hair. It was uncanny, the resemblance.
It couldn’t be father; he was obsessed with his stupid restaurant and wouldn’t be caught dead working as a mercenary, even just to hunt him down. As if he even knew where Antoine had gone and what career he’d chosen.
That could only mean one of two things: Admin had hired a body double, or Admin had given a plastic surgeon a picture of Antoine’s father to make this man look identical. And both meant that she knew exactly who his family was, even all the way in France.
Panic swelled in Antoine’s chest and he violently slapped the Spy’s hand away as he bent down towards him. And then he ran.
She knows my name! She knows my family!
He’d been intending to take the death without trying to escape, but Admin knowing that much sent him into a horrified state. He galloped away like a frightened horse, not knowing where to go, bumping into things and panting.
A Blue Demoman rounded the corner with his axe raised.
Scout didn’t tag along with Spy; he was looking for possible assassins instead. He knew this battlefield well, including most if not all of the best hiding spots and shortcuts. So he patrolled around, shooting BLU teammates if they were hanging around and darting into hiding places looking for strangers.
Suddenly Pauling made a very scary announcement over the loudspeaker. “GUYS! RED Spy is-Just hurry and get to RED’s respawn room, I’m unlocking it. We need the medics, ASAP!”
Jeremy tore across the pocked dirt, second only to the BLU Medic, who was roaring across the ground at speeds nobody expected from him. When they entered the doorway Jeremy froze, but the Medic got right to work. Even as others clamored to get in and moved him to the side, he was frozen. He couldn’t help it.
Spy was layin on the floor in agony, because there was a giant gash from his neck to his pants-line, and all his guts had spilled out. At first it looked like someone pulled them all out, but then Jeremy saw the trail of blood and gut slime leading from the respawn chamber. Spy had dragged himself out of the chamber, and his guts had tumbled out along the way.
Nobody had ever told Scout that guts can move on their own. He’d had a little bit of intestine or stomach poke out in battle before, but he’d always thought that it was his heart and breathing making them move. And when they fought Merasmus zombies, the guts were dead, so they didn’t move either.
The best way he could describe it was like… when you pick up a worm as a kid, and the worm tries to get away. It makes itself real skinny, and then real fat, and then keeps doin that until you freak out and let go, or it manages to slip through your fingers. But like, feet after feet of intestines doin that.
BLU Sniper threw up. Scout knew it had to be the BLU Sniper even though he couldn’t move; RED was good at hunting and told stories about gutting dinosaur birds.
People were freakin out and asking a buncha questions, but Scout couldn’t make it all out. He watched the Medics turn on their mediguns, but it didn’t heal Spy up like it was supposed to. He could tell their Medic was asking the BLU one, who was weirdly in the know about all of this.
BLU Scout was sent to go get a gurney from the RED MedBay, then BLU Medic said:
“This is a respawn failure. Mien Gott, we haven’t had one in decades. I’m certified to do surgery on your Spy, but it has to be my MedBay. The old Admin had a lot of rules set during the crisis, and they haven’t been revised.”
Respawn failure… the respawn machine could fail and kill you? Really kill you? The scary thing was, Spy didn’t look surprised at all. Jeremy found himself walking over to new Spy alongside some other RED teammates and the enemy Spy.
Even though it really had to hurt to talk, Spy looked at his BLU enemy and growled something in French. Whatever he said, it must have been bad, because BLU looked like he was gonna cry. Then he turned to Scout, which had to hurt a lot and spilled some more blood.
“You tell her not to kill my ex! You tell them she didn’t know!” He sounded angry and sad, like he wasn’t trying to be mean but he needed to command Jeremy. Who was he talking about? An ex from the mob, maybe?
The Medics came over and got Spy ready to go all the way across the battlefield to BLU MedBay. Both Heavies were tasked with pushing the gurney while the mediguns were on; they said the medigun rays were what was keeping Spy alive.
As they were pushing the gurney out the door, Spy practically barked
“You tell them she didn’t know!” And then he was gone. BLU Scout came over to them, looking sorry for everyone.
“Doc has to do surgery but.. he said there’s a classified video tape that we all need to watch. About Team Malum… If you guys need a minute…” He trailed off. “We won’t start it without everyone from RED.”
The BLU team left RED alone to think about what was happening. Engineer and Sniper looked at Scout. “You said something was up with Spy? What was it?” The rest of the team looked confused. Numbly, Jeremy walked over to his locker. “He said he was gonna die.. and he seemed sure. Hopeless about it.” He turned around, holding the envelope in shaking hands.
“I thought it had to be Mob ****. I never thought… I didn’t know we were out of time.” He looked at the envelope. Everyone crowded around, and both Pyro and Soldier were quiet. Pauling wouldn't fault them for opening it. She wasn’t Helen.
“He said this was for the Admin, so his ex would get his money… I’m not supposed to open it but..”
“Pauling’ll understand, lad. It might give us a clue.” So he opened it. “I’m really **** at reading but… I’ll try.”
If you’re reading this, it means you successfully killed me, Ms Administrator. Not that there was any doubt you would. Everyone paused. That’s why he was worried about the cameras, wasn’t it? And telling Scout the truth… He thought they’d all be killed, but why?
I just have one last thing to tell you, before my name is erased and everyone forgets I existed. You’re probably tempted to kill my ex wife, too. To silence one last loose end.
I have attached my divorce papers, which state the date we split. It was before my “transfer”. It was before the last two assassinations.
The note ended and there was a bunch of real divorce papers sandwiched between it and another note. Engineer asked for the divorce forms so he could look through and summarize. Scout let him, since he wouldn’t be able to read all that anyway. He’d read the other note instead.
My point in attaching this is providing proof that my ex is not a loose end. I know that taking my word for it is out of the question.
Ms Administrator, I would like to request that you spare the lives of Ms Merriam-
Jeremy stopped. “What’s wrong?” Sniper asked. “You went pale.” He looked again. “That’s my mom’s name.” Engineer looked up. “There’s a list of children on this form. Does it…”
Scout snatched the page out of Engineers hand and squinted at it. Arthur, age 7. Henry, age 6. Jonas and Frankie, age 5. Petey, age 4. Kevin and Danny, age 3… Jeremy, age 2.
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becky5203 · 1 year
I hate seeing people go off about Emma Fuhrmann’s replacement saying that “nO oNe eVEn cArED aBOUt hER”. Like, guys. Guys. Be real right now. You can admit that that was a crappy thing Marvel did. Whether it was Kevin Feige or Peyton Reed or some other random executive that made the decision to recast her and not even tell her, you can admit that it was a messed up thing to do. If you had been there and been a fan of hers after Endgame came out you would’ve seen how happy and excited she was to be Cassie and it’s not just that she had it taken away, they didn’t even have the decency to give her a call. We still don’t even know why she was recast but I’m willing to bet it’s just because Kathryn has more star power; which is ridiculous because not only was Emma’s scene objectively one of the best in the movie* but the whole start of the franchise was when they were taking a chance on the unknowns in Hollywood. I’ve even seen people say that Emma looked too old to play Cassie, as if she isn’t the exact age Cassie is supposed to be and Kathryn isn’t in her mid twenties. Listen, I get it. If you’re a fan of Kathryn, or just excited to see the movie and don’t really care about the Endgame Cassie, then you’re probably inclined to say “Who cares? Move on.”, but Emma probably did. She probably cared when the biggest thing in her career so far was ripped away just because she had a smaller name. She probably cared when she was treated as easily disposable and replaceable. So no. We’re not gonna “move on”. We’re gonna be annoyed about it because it was an objectively bad thing to do. If they wanted Kathryn for the role they should have put her in Endgame. Didn’t want the official Cassie to be shown yet? Too bad, don’t write a scene explicitly showing Cassie and get the poor girl’s hopes up, only to toss her aside like stale bread. I want to make it clear, I’m not trying to bash Kathryn; I’m sure she’ll be great. I’m just, like a lot of other people, still mad at the decision and whoever made it; also the way it was handled. So it really rubs me the wrong way when I see people acting like this was not an insane thing to do, like it wasn’t a remarkably cruel thing to do to a girl who was only 18 or 19 at the time, like it wasn’t emblematic of everything wrong with Disney and Marvel Studios right now. They don’t see people, they just see a dollar sign. You don’t have to pretend it’s anything else.
*Because people may ask. Yes, Scott and Cassie reuniting is one of the best scenes in the movie. And yes, I know, art is subjective and people are free to feel however they want about it, but I think we can all admit that even if it’s not your favorite in the movie it’s just, objectively, an excellent scene. Think about some of the best moments of the movie. “On your left” + The Portal Scene. Cap Weilding Mjölnir. “I am Iron Man”. Great scenes, amazing scenes, memorable scenes. But those scenes are all ten years and countless movies worth of build up. They’re cool and they great to experience but for them to fully land you have to have been there taking notes for every Marvel release of the past decade. That’s not the case with Scott and Cassie reuniting. With that scene, you may not know who Scott is, you may not know who Cassie is (and given how a large part of the MCU fandom at the time didn’t care for the Ant-Man movies, not many really did know), but you do know how important Cassie is to Scott and you know exactly how much he’s lost, how much they both have. You feel the full emotional weight of that scene and it’s not because of ten years of buildup or some fan service pay off moment, it’s because of Paul and Emma.
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staygoldwriting · 2 years
Writing Prompt:
Some old "friends" of Steve come to the Family Video and make fun of him. The next day their cars are all in red paint and eggs also on the inside and Reader - a girl that often visits the shop and was at that time there - has suspiciously looking red stains on her shirt and jeans.
And I beg you include:
"What's on your jeans then?" Quickly, say something, anything!
"Uhhh.... Blood?" bad brain! bad brain! "You know cause I am a vampire, rawr" you are a disgrace to humankind.
I love you, have a nice day! 💜💜💜
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Hello again, my dear! I get so excited for your Steve requests! This one is a little different because the reader isn't as involved, but she's still there! I hope you enjoy it, I love you too, and I hope you're having a wonderful day!! (PS I ADORE Paul Rudd!)
Please show love and support, you guys! ❤️✨
Word count: ~1k
Warnings: mention of blood but it's just paint, name-calling, rude speech, destruction of property
For @maltinonka ❤️
😱 Vampire in Hawkins?
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“So, what did you think of it?” Steve asked as he took the video from you.
“It was pretty good, but scarier than I thought!” you replied.
“Really, Ghostbusters? Scary?”
“I don’t know what to say, Harrington, it just was,” you said, holding your hands up in defense.
You turned to leave as the door opened and Tommy and Carol walked in. Steve hadn’t talked to them for years, and Tommy’s smug expression reminded him why he switched friend groups.
“Look at little Steve Harrington,” Tommy cooed, his arm hanging around Carol, who was snickering. 
“Tommy, Carol, what can I do for you?” Steve said shortly.
“Oh, just wanted to stop by the big shot’s place and get a movie,” Tommy smirked. “You think you can handle that?”
“Sure, go ahead and pick one out,” Steve said, getting angry. “Let me know if you need help reading the titles.”
Tommy stopped in his tracks. Carol tried to pull him along, but Tommy walked back to Steve.
“You really think you’re something, don’t you? Sitting here at twenty-one years old with nothing better to do with your time than rent out movies? We all know why you’re here, Harrington. Too stupid to go to school, nothing to offer, peaked in high school, not-so-pretty boy, no-good waste of space.”
Steve very calmly got into Tommy’s face, leaning over the counter.
“At least I’ve made something of myself,” he said quietly and calmly, making it all the more frightening to hear. “I didn’t have my daddy buy my education,” he said, snapping Tommy’s Yale sweatshirt.
“Oh, shut up, Steve, Tommy’s doing fine,” Carol interjected, crossing her arms.
“And how’s your daddy paying for Brown?” Steve clicked his tongue, leaning back. 
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Tommy yelled, trying to push Steve but missing. “You’re a freak just like the rest of them.”
“Better a freak than a jerk. Get out of the store.” 
“You can’t make us.”
“Actually, I can,” Steve smirked. “I’m the manager, and let me help you with this sign,” he said, pulling the sign on the counter closer to Tommy. “We…” he said slowly, “reserve… the… right… to… refuse… service… to… anyone. Need help with any of those words?” he said with fake sweetness. 
“Let’s just get out of here, we’ll come back tomorrow,” Tommy spat, throwing his arm around Carol and trudging out. 
“What an idiot,” you half-laughed, then looked at Steve’s sad face. “Hey, don’t let them get to you. You’re a much better person without them. You’ve saved the world, Tommy probably doesn’t even know how to boil water.”
“Thanks, Y/N, I needed that,” he smiled. “Okay, the next movie suggestion!” he said, handing you a tape. 
“Really? Beverly Hills Cop?”
“Come on, it’s a classic!” 
“Whatever, Harrington, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Sooo?” Steve asked as you walked in.
“It wasn’t that bad, you admitted.
“Did you laugh?”
“Maybe a little bit.”
“I knew it!” Steve cheered as he clapped his hands. “I’ve got a great one for you, Robin, take care of this while I get Y/N my next choice.”
“Oh, no way, Harrington, you can’t keep recommending these cheesy movies! Hold on, Y/N, I’ll get you something worth watching that’ll make you think,” she scoffed, making you laugh.
“Thanks, Rob!” you smiled as Steve huffed. 
“HARRINGTON!” Tommy barged in, breathing heavily. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY CAR?!” he yelled.
“Tommy, I don’t have time for this, what are you complaining about?” Steve asked dismissively.
“You know, look at it!” Tommy yelled, pointing at his car that was completely trashed. Eggs and shells were all over the inside and outside, and a bunch of red marks and very rude words were drawn across the sides and the hood. 
“I did not do that, Tommy,” Steve chuckled. “I wish I did, believe me! But I didn’t.”
“I know you did! I come in here to get a movie and you slip outside and wreck my car? Who does that? You really are a freak.”
“Woah, woah, woah, Steve hasn’t left the counter today, so just calm yourself, alright?” Robin said impatiently, trying to make Tommy back away. 
“Okay, then who did it, huh?” Tommy demanded.
“I don’t know, it could be anyone,” Robin shrugged. “You look like you’ve got a lot of enemies,” she smiled. 
Tommy let out a screech-like sound then left, slamming the door. As you tried to contain your giggles, you caught Steve’s eye.
“Y/N,” he said very slowly.
“Yes?” you said, trying to look innocent.
“Did you do that?” he asked suspiciously.
“No, why would you think that?” you said, trying to be nonchalant.
“Because you’ve got red paint on you,” he said, looking down at your pants and the hem of your shirt.
“Psh, no I don’t,” you awkwardly giggled.
“What’s on your jeans then?” he asked, smirking. 
“Umm, I,” you thought. Gosh, say something, anything! Quick!
“I’m waiting,” Steve said in a sing-song voice.
“I’m a vampire!” you yelled, then suddenly wanted to crawl into a hole.
“A vampire?” Steve said, unimpressed. 
“Yeah, the red stuff, it’s blood!” you exclaimed, then made a hissing noise with your fingers pointing down like fangs. Oh my gosh, I am a disgrace to humankind. 
“Somehow, despite all of this very convincing evidence, I still don’t believe you,” Steve smirked. “I’m not mad, don’t get me wrong, I just want to be invited next time you--become a vampire,” he winked. “I’ve got some old lunch meat and Tommy’s address.”
“That sounds good to me, so long as you never mention this conversation again,” you chuckled. “I do, after all, watch all your cheesy movies, so you owe me.”
“First of all, my movie recommendations are gold. Second, I don’t think that’s gonna be possible, I’m never letting you live that one down,” Steve laughed, pulling you in for a hug.
“I had a feeling,” you sighed, hugging him back.
Taglist: @tillkummer @mlle-ayka @fanficfanatic204 @klaine-92 @aurumbelis @onlyangel-444 @beep-beep-sherlock @morishitoshi @onceuponathreetwoone @toomanybandstocare @underthebatcape @zeldaknight @fieldofsecretss @prettyinpunk85 @igotbasicdrag @gothicfaires @thatonecurlygirl @luvthatlovestolove @loliakeoghan23 @dearelliewrites @mslunawinchester @efvyqrs @simonsbluee @inkedaztec @dumplinshee @pastel-abyss-x @frozenhuntress67 @hawkins-hs @witheringawayagain @theshinyrock @hollandcomics @pinkgothiccprincess @persephone13 @katsukis1wife @murnsondock @fictionlandslanddreams @srapalestina @munsongalblogs @madformunsonsstuff @harrys-tittie @middle--fingering @urmomgov @maybankstarkey @jbetches @stardustmunson @maltinonka
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rhodesrider · 2 years
okay uh maybe sami and reader being like bffs and stuff and bloodline being jealous of sami and wanting to have readers attention?
I did my best lol!
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Jealous Pack
SFW! 18+!
Jealous! Bloodline x Fem Reader
Word count: 1.4k
Y/N went backstage after another successful match against Liv Morgan. She put up a fight tonight. Y/N groaned tired from it soon hearing a familiar voice. “That was an awesome match tonight future women’s champ of smackdown!!” Sami, the honorary uce, and her sweet hyper man came by. “Thank you Sami!” She hugged him smiling wide. Y/N heard a voice clear seeing Jimmy, Jey and Solo behind him. “Oh! Hey Boys!” She smiled letting Sami go and going to them. “Damn we want a hug too.” Solo said pouting. She giggled at them wanting hugs not noticing they were giving Sami evil eyes. “Roman also wants you in the lounge.” Sami said and Y/N got looked at them nodding.
“Sami can you come with?” Y/N asked, Sami has always been a great friend to her. The twins and Solo looked at her. “Um mamas you want us there too?” Jey asked. Y/N blinked and shook her head no grabbing Sami and going to the office. “Can I kill him now!?” Jey asked when they were out of sight. “I’m thinking about it still.” Jimmy said sighing. Sami gulped slightly hearing it. “Don’t worry about them Sami, you’re like my bestie. I don’t know why they are so jealous.” Y/N sighed she didn’t want Sami to get hurt. They made it to the lounge and she knocked on the door silly like.
“Come on in cutie.” Roman smiled as Paul opened the door. Y/N smiled skipping in and landing in Roman’s lap. Sami slipped in and Paul rolled his eyes. “Hi Sami.” Roman greeted and tickled Y/N. “You did awesome tonight. I’m so proud of you baby.” He praised. “You so close of getting that match for the belt.” Her eye lit up in hope. “Then I’ll get golds like all my babies!” She squealed excited high fiving Sami. “How about we celebrate tonight?” He smiles. “Oh I’m sorry Rommie. I can’t…” he blinked having a questioned look. “Can I ask why?” She smiled. “Me and Sami were gonna go to the arcade again. He gotta pay for my tickets.” Sami nodded while Roman looked at him. “Oh ok I’m just don’t be long ok?” He kissed her forehead and she grabbed her bags from the corner. “Oh I got em!” Same smiles getting the bags from her and going to the door talking. She moved him out the way as she opened the door, the usos and solo were ease dropping. They fell through the doorframe and groaned pushing each other off.
Y/N rolled her eyes saying bye and same followed behind her. “I hate him so much.” Jey mumbled. “Another arcade night uce?” Jimmy asked Roman as he sighed. “Guys, why is Sami so damn nice to what’s ours anyway?” Solo asked still trying to catch up. “I’m not sure but this shit gotta stop soon.” Jey growled. “Guys he’s just being a good friend to her that’s it.” Roman said as he felt like they were overreacting. “Roman, you know that boba place you like to take her and you only?” Roman looked at them. “He didn’t…” Jey smirked as he got angry.
As it hit 2 o’clock, and back at the house, Y/N smiled going in giggling. Sami waves her bye as he is dropping her off and she closed the front door. The lights came on and she turned around. All of them were right behind her either half sleep or irritated staying up waiting for her. “Mamas…it’s 2 in the morning.” Jimmy said. “Yea me and Sami had fun.” She shrugged and she was stopped by Roman. “Baby…do you have something to tell us?” Roman said making Y/N blushed. “No…?” She was confused slightly. “Why are you spending so much damn time with Sami?!” Jey asked. “He’s my best friend! Why are y’all getting mad!?” Y/N asked getting in jey’s face not afraid. “Baby we just want answers is all…” Jimmy asked pushing Jey back. “You want answers?! I gave you one!” She hissed and she started to walk upstairs. “And don’t come follow me. The door will be locked.” She said slamming the door. Jey sighed going to his room too. Solo stood there and saw the other give up. He went to her room and gave soft knocks on the door. “Solo?” Y/N asked and he knocked again. She opened the door and let him in.
After their talk, Y/N knocked on everyone’s door. “Everyone to the living room please.” She asked and walked down. Roman scratched his head sitting down last and looked at everyone who was half sleep or still upset. “Guys. I see that you are all Jealous of me hanging out with Sami. He might of rubbed y’all the wrong way with some spots too. And I’m sorry. I just enjoy is company. Doesn’t mean I hate y’all’s now.” She went to Jey and kissed his cheek hugging him. “I’m sorry Jey. I know you have been hating it the most.” She sighed and he hugged her back smiling. “I’m sorry mamas.” He said muffled head in her chest.
“We all are.” Jimmy said kissing her cheek. “We love you baby.” Roman said kissing her forehead. Solo smiled and got a kiss in too.
The Next Morning
“Guys! Sami asked us, yes all of us, do we want breakfast?” She smiled. “Shit I’ll take some free breakfast.” Jey said smiling and grabbing his shoes. Roman and Jimmy agreed and walked out too. Solo followed behind and Y/N hugged him giggling. “Thanks again Solo.” “Hey, you know I got you mamas.” He kissed her forehead and went to get the SUV. What he did was broke down what was happening, they all show jealousy in their own way. Lucky solo is the most chill one next to Roman. They got in the car going to enjoy their free breakfast.
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The Bonfire
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Fem!Reader X David
A/N: The last installment of the Date Night stories, Date Night, Night at the Arcade, and Overlooking the City. This took the longest because I find David the hardest to write for, so I hope I did him justice and didn’t mess with his character too much. 
Date night with David
David was the clear leader of the boys and had a reputation around the boardwalk as the stern guy with a ‘too cool for anything’ attitude. The boys were a staple on the boardwalk and David could always be seen in the middle of the group silently watching people pass or gearing up to cause trouble. Very few were actually brave enough to step up to the boys, but David was especially intimidating with his nonchalant attitude and confident demeanor.
Whenever she was with the boys, particularly when she was saddled up behind him on his bike or under his arm as they walked, people would look at her with either looks of jealousy, usually those who found the boys attractive, or confusion, probably wondering if she was with them by choice. She didn’t pay them any mind as they had no idea what was going on between them.
David wasn’t a fan of copious amounts of PDA, but he had no issue staking his claim on her whenever they were on the boardwalk. There was no question of who she ran with and everyone, even the surf nazi’s, knew not to fuck with her. Occasionally someone new to town or a tourist would try their hand at flirting or let a gaze linger for too long and David would appear from seemingly nowhere and make it known she was taken. Whether or not they ended up on a flyer depended on how respectful they were to the rejection.
Despite his tough attitude, she knew he could actually be affectionate; in his own way. He didn’t show his affection in traditional ways, hand holding or public kisses, but he showed it in ways that were uniquely David. He showed it in how he always made her feel safe, cared for, and protected. Even when she couldn’t see him, she knew he was nearby based on how people reacted to her. People always seemed to give her space and no one seemed to give her any grief. She never had to want for anything because if she just mentioned something, that she was hungry or that she liked something she saw in a shop, then suddenly it appeared before her. David was a great provider, for both her and the boys, and it was one of the many reasons she loved and respected him.
She wasn’t entirely sure what to expect from her night with him as he could be unpredictable. He had once taken her for the classic dinner and a movie date, but he ended it with moves that made her thankful there was no one else in the theater. Another time he had taken her to the local lovers lane where they spent the whole night just talking and cuddling against his bike. David could turn things on a dime so she always had to be on her toes with him
“So where are we going?” He was being uncharacteristically quiet, and it was slightly unnerving her. He wasn’t nearly as energetic as Paul or Marko, but he still carried a dominant energy that included telling her what to do or what he had decided they were going to do leaving zero room for discussion or debate. There was none of that tonight; he just led her to his bike and they were off.
“You didn’t think I forgot, did you?” He called back never taking his eyes off the road in front of him.
“I would hope not with the amount of reminders you’ve been given recently.” She felt his chest bounce with his quiet laugh but he didn’t answer her question.
He pulled off the road into a small clearing between the trees. Probably any other time she would’ve been more wary of being in the forest in the dark, but she always felt safe with David, with any of the boys, and knew that he would protect her from anything that would try and harm her.
“Here we are.” He pulled up to a small clearing and killed the bike. She knew they were at a popular spot for bonfire parties due to its seclusion. Her eyes scanned the bonfire space, taking in the various chairs, blankets, and coolers of food. The whole scene was very un-David like and it threw her off.
“Did you do all this?” He looked around and did a half shrug, which was more in character for him.
“Sort of, the occupants were dinner. I just messed with a few things here and there. Mostly getting rid of the bodies- not the most romantic.” He downplayed his involvement, which didn’t surprise her. Despite enjoying attention on him, she knew he thrived when people stared at him, he often downplayed things he did.
“So, you do have some sort of concept of romance.” She was merely teasing him; she’d seen his romantic side countless times through his small gestures. He was always very conservative with his words, opting to show his love through actions. There hadn’t been a night that had gone by where she didn’t feel his love.
“Don’t let the boys know.” He smiled at her. She loved his genuine smile; it was so soft and genuine that she melted every time she saw it.
“Come on, this is the cleanest spot.” He said sitting on the log and gesturing her next to him.
She watched as he dug through the various coolers to find food and drinks, laughing to herself as he cursed the previous owners.
“Can’t even have decent beer. Cheap assholes.” He muttered pulling out a can of Drewrys extra dry beer. Once he was satisfied enough with what he found, he passed her a hot dog and can of beer. Not her usual diet, but thieves can’t be picky.
They ate with idle conversation, David mostly complaining about their taste in food, but she didn’t pay that any mind; she was just happy to be with him.
“I like this.” She said cuddling into his neck, breathing in the heady scent that was uniquely him; cigarette smoke, gasoline, ocean air, the slight tang of copper, and his own unique musk.
“What? Eating other people’s food? I’m not sold on this bunch. I mean, honestly, who puts mayonnaise on a hotdog.” He sneered looking at the hotdog in his hand causing her to giggle. “They made for better food then they actually brought with them.”
“No, your softer more carefree side.” She smiled at him. “I understand you often have to corral the others and be the voice of reason, but I truly love when I get to see this side of you.” He smiled down at her and sweetly pressed his lips to hers.
“I love you.” He said softly. Her smile widened and she brought her hand up to cup his jaw and kissed him again. She lightly tugged on his short beard hairs causing him to moan into her mouth. It had initially surprised her when she figured out he was into hair pulling, but she took every advantage of it she could.
“I love you.” Out of all the boys, David said ‘I love you’ the least so she couldn’t help it whenever her heard it, her heart would skip a beat before going crazy. She didn’t mind that he didn’t say it often though, much like Paul’s constant horniness, Marko’s proclivity for fighting, or Dwayne’s quiet demeanor; she loved David for exactly who he was any she wouldn’t change a thing about him.
“So you’re happy? With us I mean.” He threw his arm over her shoulder and brought her flush against him. He was comfortably soft underneath all his layers and she nestled into his side, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Unbelievably so. It’s almost surprising to find such comfort and stability in a place full of grifters, drifters, and runaways.” She quietly laughed. When she had arrived in Santa Carla, what felt like ages ago at this point, she had no idea what was waiting for her. She never would’ve imagined this would be her life with four great men who loved her and looked after her. What was supposed to be a short stop on her journey turned into a permanent home and she thanked her lucky stars everyday.
“Where did that come from?” It wasn’t like him to bring up emotions and matters of the heart.
“I just wanted to make sure. We’re not the traditional hot guys all the girls want. I know we all just want you to be happy.” She stared at him in disbelief as she tried to process his words.
“I know you can’t use a mirror, but you guys are the epitome of the hot guys that all the girls want. You must not be aware of all the dirty looks I get whenever I’m around you.”
“Too busy glaring at all the guys who stare at your ass.” He retorted.
“Well it’s true. You guys are all fucking hot. That said, I’m incredibly happy not just your looks, but your personalities. You guys are the greatest people I know and I wouldn’t trade you for anyone in the world.” She said trying to convey how much honesty and conviction she was feeling through her words.
David was silent for a while as he stared at her, almost as if he was reading her thoughts. Eventually a slow smile grew on his face and he shook his head.
“This is getting too sappy.”
“You brought it up.” She defended. He nodded in concession before grinning at her.
“We could always fuck right here.” David suggested with a wiggle if his eyebrows, looking more like Paul than himself. She wasn’t even surprised by the quick turn in conversation. He wasn’t one to dwell on emotions for too long.
“Oh yes,” she began sarcastically, “all this dried blood in such a mood setter.”
“Doesn’t bother me at all.” He shrugged as he easily pulled her into his lap.
“No surprise there. However, I’d like to think I’m a little classier than that.”
“Oh really? Need I remind you about that one time on the boardwalk on those tables where-”
“Alright, alright. I get it. Not the classiest woman out there.” She said clamping a hand over his mouth to stop his little trip down memory lane. She could feel his grin behind her hand. Once she was sure he wouldn’t continue, she dropped her hand to see him still grinning at her.
“I’m just saying, I’m always available.”
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
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From my Secret Dating AU I'm working on.
When Carlos walks into the bar to join his friends for a quick drink after a truly awful day at work, he’s not expecting to come face-to-face with someone from his past. He’s also not prepared to pretend like he doesn’t actually know him but it just sort of happened that way.
He keeps sneaking glances at TK as he listens to Paul recount a story about something the Dean had done - he’s not really sure what’s happening in the conversation, he wasn’t listening and hadn’t been the entire time he had been sitting there. Instead, his mind was preoccupied with TK and the fact that he was sitting across the table from him for the first time in six years.
Carlos jerks and turns his attention in Paul’s direction, looking a little sheepish. “I know our new colleague is pretty but that doesn’t mean you need to get lost in his eyes.”
Carlos rolls his eyes.
“I’m, uh, that’s not… No, I’m not,” Carlos says, trying to pretend like that wasn’t exactly what he had been doing. “It was a long day… not the best, so my mind is somewhat occupied.”
Paul hums with some sympathy while everyone else rolled their eyes.
“Did that case you’re working on get resolved?”
Carlos sighs, looking down. “Yes and no. The kid was sent back to his family because the judge decided that was the best place for them right now, but everyone at the office knows that isn’t the right call. Our hands are tied though and I have a stack of twenty other cases that I have to take care of and can’t dedicate the time I want to, to this case.”
Paul pats his back gently, “I’m sorry, that’s really tough. I hope that going back to the family goes well for the kid and if it doesn’t… I hope they get the help they need.”
Carlos nods, sighing heavily and taking a swig of his drink. He catches TK’s eye again, seeing the burning questions that were there but ones that he knew TK won’t ask since they supposedly don’t know each other.
“I work for the Travis County Family Support Services,” Carlos says, hoping that it answers at least one of TK’s questions. “It’s not the easiest work and there are days I go home wanting to quit and change my job, but I do a lot of good.”
TK nods, “I bet. You always - you seem kind, I bet the kids you work with really enjoy getting the chance to know you. I’m sure you’ve done everything you can do to help - the courts don’t always make the right decisions but you more than likely always make an impact in the lives that you get to help. Don’t forget that, even when it gets hard."
Carlos smiles softly at him, “Thanks.”
Carlos wants to get TK alone and talk to him, but he currently doesn’t have a reason to. If he did he knows that his friends would say something about it and assume that he’s interested in TK. Which, wasn’t technically a lie but he wasn’t interested in TK the way they would assume that he was.
He wants a chance to catch up with his ex, to find out what he had been doing these past years, and just talk, not hook up, and they couldn’t do that in the bar with prying eyes. He also wants to explain to TK that he didn’t mean to pretend like he doesn’t know him and that he was just caught off guard to see TK after six years.
It was a lot, even for Carlos, so he stays mostly quiet and tries not to pay too much attention to TK.
At the end of the night, he lingers, hoping that TK will get the hint and linger too but he’s gone as fast as he can be once everyone says their goodbyes.
The next day Carlos has to work so he doesn’t have much time to think about TK or the fact that he was apparently back in his life. He spends most of the morning elbow-deep in case of files, reading different stories about children who are being abused and neglected and trying to figure out which one he should go check on next - all the while his boss is breathing down his neck to clear some aware so that he can give him more.
After he gets his cases organized he spends the rest of his morning driving around Travis County and checking in with families. He makes notes that he needs to, and calls his boss a few times to get a child immediately removed from the house because it’s not a safe environment for them.
By the time lunch rolls around, Carlos wants to fake a stomach ache and head home because the day has already been too stressful. He drives to one of his favorite food trucks to get lunch, hoping that a few tacos would make him feel better.
As he eats, he pulls out his phone and stares at TK’s number, wondering if he still has the same one. He eats another taco before he clicks on TK’s number, opening a text thread that hadn’t been messaged in for years.
[Carlos] On the off chance that you still have the same number, hello TK. It was nice to see you last night.
Carlos presses send before he can talk himself out of sending the text message. Thankfully - he hopes - he doesn’t have to wait long before his phone is vibrating with an incoming text message.
[TK Stand] So you do still remember me, could have sworn you acted like you didn’t know me last night.
Carlos makes a face, but a smile still finds its way on his face.
[Carlos] Same old TK. I’m sorry about last night, easier to just go with it than correct them and let them know I know you. Honestly, it’s a long story.
Carlos sends the message and hesitates for just a moment before he sends another one.
[Carlos] Maybe we can talk about it and catch up over some coffee? As friends, that is.
He bites his lip, waiting nervously to see how TK would respond. He only wants to meet up as friends. He had long gotten over any romantic feelings that he had for TK but he still wants to be friends with him. There was nothing wrong with being friends with an ex and had they lived closer, Carlos is sure they would have remained friends after they broke up during college.
His phone vibrates again and he holds his breath as he picks it up and reads TK’s response.
[TK Strand] Sure, we can do that. Are you free after work? I’m busy for the next few days.
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runwithwolvcs · 1 year
Addicted to You
where do we go now?
Word Count: 3697
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"And we're lost." Sulli stated as she stopped walking, waiting for Kaycee to catch up to her. Her best friend had insisted on going hiking, citing the lack of time they had been spending together. Kaycee said she felt guilty for putting her new beau before her best friend. While that may have been true, Sulli really hadn’t noticed. Between school and work, the only time she had to herself, had been spent in Paul's bed.
A secret between the two of them that they had agreed upon. No drama. That's what she told him she wanted, and he agreed to keep the peace in the pack. Neither of them were sure of how Brady would take it. Just because he had hurt her, doesn’t mean she wanted to do the same. Sulli cared about him a lot.
Kaycee screwed the top off of her water bottle and took a sip, before ensuring Sulli, "No, I swear this was the way Collin and I came."
"I don't think this is even the trail, Kay," She said, pulling her phone out of her jacket pocket and unlocking it. She held it above her, hoping to find a bar, but no signal was found,  "Fuck, I don’t have service. Do you?"
Kaycee did the same and shook her head with a grimace, “Maybe one of the boys is around.”
“Nu-uh, that's the last thing that we need.” Sulli said forcefully. She didn't want Brady or Paul to find them, she was still mad at the younger wolf and she had yet to tell Kaycee she had been shagging Paul for the past two weeks, let alone on speaking terms with him. “We are independent women, we don’t need them. We’ll find the trail.”
“Sulli,” Kaycee pointed to something behind her. She turned to look, and eyes widened as she watched the giant wolf take a step towards her slowly. It bowed its head to show that he wasn’t a threat before laying down and resting her head on his paws. 
She had never seen anything like this before. Paul had once shown her that he could transform into a wolf, but it was from a safe distance. Sulli didn't remember him being this big.
A smile grew on her face as she recognized the fur colour, but more so that the wolf's eyes were nearly identical to Paul's dark brown ones. 
“Paul?” She asked to confirm, a whine left his mouth and the younger girl took two steps forward, close enough to touch him much to Kaycees warning from behind her. Reaching forward, Sulli scratched behind his ear, "You're like a big puppy."
“Maybe he can lead us back to the trail,” Kaycee said from behind her, but Sulli was too mesmerized by the giant animal to respond.  The wolf stood up, and Sulli realized just how big he actually was. The two of them now eye level with each other, his eyes never leaving her own.  She reached up to pet his snout, causing him to lean into her touch before letting out a huff and running back into the brush that he had come from. Kaycee gasped and asked,"Did he just leave us here?"
"Are you two out of your fucking minds?!" Paul nearly shouted as he came out from where the wolf had run off to. He was only in a pair of cutoff shorts, not even a pair of shoes on his feet. Sulli let her eyes rake over his body, not caring that he was currently angry with them. If anything, it turned her on. Not that she would admit that to him with Kaycee standing next to her, as far as she knows, Paul was still on her No Kiss list.
Sulli shrugged as her eyes met his now hardened eyes, much different from the wolf's soft ones, "We were just hiking."
Paul scoffed and looked from her to her best friend, pointedly saying,"You know better than to be out here, I know you do" 
"Her and Collin--" Sulli tried to defend her friend. No matter how attractive his current frustration might be, there would be hell to pay if he messed with Kaycee. 
"Yeah, Collin was with her, " He stressed, turning back to the shorter of the two girls who had crossed her arms defensively.
Sulli rolled her eyes, "It's just a hike! It’s done every single day by other people."
"I don't--" Paul started, but was soon cut off.
"Point us back to the trail and we'll leave. " Kaycee said softly, she wasn’t as confrontational as the other two and it was showing.
"No, I'm taking you back to Emilys." Paul said, his eyes flicking to Sulli as if he expected a reaction. She didn't even know who Emily was, or at least she didn't remember her. Racking her brain, the only other person she could remember spending any memorable time with was a beautiful woman she had thought to resemble her own mom. Though she couldn't recall her name. Perhaps it was Emily, but she didn't know why they would go to her house either way. They couldn't be that far from Kaycees car.
"Why?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
"The pack hangs out there. Emily's Sam's wife.." Kaycee answered for Paul. Sulli was starting to realize how involved Kaycee was getting in all this pack nonsense. It made her happy to see her friend finding her way. Kaycees parents were fine, they had let her stay with them quite a bit during senior year, but they had left Port Angeles for a fresh start, both of them.
Deciding against questioning them again, Sulli instead went for a logical response, "Kaycees car isn't there, that's stupid."
"Collin will grab her car." He mentioned as if it was an obvious solution before saying, "Lets fucking go."
Sulli groaned as he walked past them in the opposite direction they were heading. Kaycee followed him with no complaints, but Sulli couldn't help but mutter, "You're so annoying."
 Paul and Kaycee walked ahead of her for the rest of the hike, laughing and talking about things she had no idea about. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a tiny bit jealous, though she knew how in love Kaycee was with Colin. It ticked her off to see the way Paul was with her best friend, he certainly wasn’t that way with her. 
Even in bed, he was all serious and calculated. Pillow talk was strategic on his end, never bringing up a topic they may have her looking for a quick escape. It worked, but she didn't know this fun, easy going side of him existed.
"Just through there." Paul directed Kaycee before stepping in front of Sulli, blocking her way past him.
She folded her arms over her chest and looked up at him, “I liked you better as a wolf.”
 “Are you done?” He cocked his eyebrow as her childish statement.
“It was just a hike.” She whined. Sulli felt like she was being reprimanded by a parent. That was the last thing she wanted to equate him to, it was bad enough that she was lusting over someone who practically babysat her. She likes older guys, that wasn’t new for her, but one that had watched her entire life implode at eleven years old, that was different. There was a vulnerability there that she wasn't ready to accept.
“You were lost.” Paul pointed out.
“We have bear spray.” Sulli muttered. It wasn't the best excuse, but it was true.
“It's not the bears I’m concerned about.” He told her and she was now the one getting annoyed.
“Well if you don't tell me, how am I supposed to know?!” She asked exasperated. It felt like they were going in circles. He was protecting her from something, there had to be something if he was this strung out, but he refused to let her know and it was making her irate.
Paul shook his head, “You don’t need to know.”
“This whole conversation is fucking pointless then.” She remarked, putting her hands on her hips.
“Is it?” He asked, a grin forming on his face. He looked a lot younger when he wasn't so serious. She liked seeing him relaxed, his jaw unlocked with no frown lines near his eyes. It sparked something inside of her to know that she was the reason he had let his guard down now, even if it was only momentarily.
One of his hands slid around her waist to her ass, roughly squeezing it as she bit her lip to suppress a moan. He pulled her into him causing her hands to land on his chest to stop herself from crashing into him completely as he leaned down and softly said, “You’re cute when you’re annoyed.”
Before she could respond with a snarky remark, his lips were on hers and she was sliding her hands up from his chest to wrap her arms around his neck. She didn't even register that he had walked her backwards until her back hit a tree, Sulli was too enthralled in their kiss.
With his hand still massaging her ass, she couldn't help but rock her hips forward into his with a moan. 
She pulled away before she could lose herself in his touch and mumbled, “We should go before Kaycee’s mind hits the gutter.”
“Let it.” He said huskily before bringing his lips down and sucking on her neck.  She hummed in satisfaction as he almost immediately found her sweet spot, just below her jaw. Her resolve was quickly dissolving as he brought his other hand down to her thigh and hoisted her up against the tree. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned involuntarily as she felt his hardness through her leggings.
“How far is your house?” She asked needily. 
Paul pulled his lips away, a smug smirk on his face as he told her, “Too far.”
She let out a small whine, ready to tell him to take her right then and there before a black mass of fur caught her eye. Another wolf was staring right back at as she quietly tried to collect her thoughts. “Um…”
Paul looked over his shoulder at what she was distracted by and the wolf huffed and backed away, disappearing into the greenery. Paul looked back to her and gave her one last peck before telling her, “Let's get you back to Emilys.”
She pouted, running her hand through his hair. “But--”
“We’ll continue this later,” He promised, dropping her back down to her feet. His hands moved from her waist to her ass, giving it a squeeze before removing his hands from her completely. He ushered her in the direction that Kaycee had gone which led into a clearing where a small cottage-like house sat.
Sulli remembered it.
Emily and Sam, they were friends of Sue’s. Emily would babysit her when Sue or Paul were not available. She turned to Paul, no longer wanting to head into that house, “Maybe we--” 
“Paul,” A deep voice cut her off, both of them looking into the direction it came from. She noticed the man named Sam as he motioned Paul over.
“I’ll be right back,” He told her, tapping her ass gently before walking in the older man's direction, leaving her alone and uncomfortable. She frowned at his retreating figure before looking back at the homely cottage just as a woman stepped outside.
“Sulli?” The beautiful woman on the doorstep called out. 
She recognized her, still a beaming ray of sunlight, as she had been ten years prior. Sulli recalled telling Paul she reminded her of a Disney princess. Now, the more she knew about the pack, she could almost laugh at how comical it was. She was basically snow white, and the wolves were her dwarves.
Sulli nodded while trying to stifle a laugh, “Yeah.”
“Come, come, there's some fresh muffins inside.” Emily said brightly. Sulli glanced over at Paul one last time, he was intently listening to whatever Sam was telling him and figured it was important wolf business that she wasn’t about to interrupt.
Letting out a small sigh, she made her way up the front steps and followed behind Emily to the kitchen. Everything was exactly how she remembered, save for a few new photos here and there.
“Where's Kaycee?” She asked shyly. As much disdain she had for this place, she wanted to be polite, for Paul’s sake.
“She went with Collin down to the beach.” Emily informed her, “Muffin, sweetie?”
“Sure.” She nodded, sitting at the table. Sulli grabbed a muffin, and if possible, Emily's smile grew wider than it already was. The older woman sat across from her at the round table and Sulli avoided all eye contact as she let her eyes wander the art and photos scattered about.
Paul sauntered in after an excruciatingly long amount of awkward silence and sat next to her, his arm immediately draped on the back of her chair. She watched him closely, he was no longer relaxed. The crows feet by his eyes signalling his frustration and tension.
Sulli nudged her foot against his under the table, getting his attention, before she asked, “Everything alright?”
He nodded, taking a muffin, “All good.”
“Not a need to know, got it.” She chided, leaning back in her chair. Her eyes not leaving his figure.
Paul watched her for a beat before he grinned at her, “Now you’re catching on.”
“Prick.” Sulli mumbled.
He chuckled softly, playing with the ends of her hair from where his arm rested across the back of the chair. It eased her anxiety enough to let out a breath of relief. Sulli crossed her ankle over his, interlocking the legs. The heat from his bare calf on her fabric covered leg reminded her of his promise to head back to his place. Hopefully sooner, rather than later.
“So, Sulli, how have you been? You were just a little girl the last time I saw you.” Emily asked with a bright, warm smile. She couldn't believe how naive the question was. Did they really not know how the system worked? 
Sulli frowned at the question, “Fine, I guess.”
Sam asked as he sat down next to Emily, mirroring Paul's position,“Just fine?”
“Yep,” She answered tightly.
“Were your foster parents as nice as Julie said they were going to be?” Emily prodded. Clearly  she was hiding her disdain for this topic better than she thought she was.
“Emily,” Paul shook his head. At least someone could sense how uncomfortable this topic was for her. Sulli had never even mentioned anything about foster care to her. They talked about her career, and his. Sometimes school, but nothing dating back to her time in the system.
“Sorry, it's  just she had said this family was really looking forward to---”
Sulli abruptly stood up. Not wanting anything to with this conversation anymore and walked out the door. She made her way down the rickety porch and looked for a way leading back to the main road.
“Sulli!” Paul called out. Making his way down the porch and grabbing her arm gently to stop her, “Sulli, wait,”
“Let me go,” She sneered, wrenching her arm out of his hold. Sulli was starting to feel claustrophobic from all the memories she had from the yard they stood in. How happy she had been. Just to have it ripped out from under her.
Paul backed off, raising his hands in surrender, “She was just--”
Sulli interrupted him by waving him off, as she started walking further from the cottage, “I don’t care. Tell Kaycee I’ve left for me, yeah?”
“What are you going to do, walk all the way back to Forks?” He asked in disbelief, he kept up with her with ease, his long strides able to put himself ahead of her and in her way. She looked up at him in annoyance.
“I'm sure there's a bus or something.” Sulli pulled out her phone to try and figure it out.
“I’ll just drive you.” He insisted, almost pleading with her.
“No, I want to be alone.” Sulli shook her head. That was the last thing she wanted. To be stuck in a car with him while feeling the way she did. 
“Sulli, we’re friends now.” He said, a small teasing smile on his face. “You can tell me anything.”
She paused mulling over what she was willing to tell him, or anyone for that matter. There wasn’t much. Sulli had opened up to Brady and look at how that turned out,  “Since Emily wants to know so bad, tell her I was only with that foster family for a week. That's how nice they were.”
Paul's eyes widened at the new information, “What? What do you mean a week?”
“There were six more after that, they were just so amazing,” Sulli continued, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
“Six?” He questioned with a frown.
She nodded,  “So I’m sorry, I have nothing nice to say nor  do I want to talk about it with the same people who put me in that situation.”
“That's not fair.” He frowned.
“Don’t you dare lecture me on what is fair.”   Sulli scowled, finally reaching the tipping point she had been heading towards since Paul had reentered her life. No amount of sex or sneaking around was going to mend the cracks they had all made in her trust, she just didn't think he would ever hurt her anymore than he had already.
Though, he was quickly proving her wrong.
“Sulli,” Brady's voice sounded from the porch, looking concerned. She looked back at Paul, whose face had changed into one of anger.
She scoffed and went for the jugular,  “You know what's not fair? Being ripped from my fucking home, only to be dropped off with the only relative I had left, who I didn't even know existed.. “
He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off again, “No, no, it gets better. They didn't want me either, so then I was shipped off to a home in Portland to this couple who thought they were getting a foster son. Imagine the shock on their faces when they found out Sullivan was a girl's name too.”
“Sulli,” He tried again softly. Though she can see in his eyes that he wasn’t happy. Dark, brown pools of unmistakable rage.
“I’m  not fucking finished.” She seethed,   “You see, the husband, Larry, hated me, literally hated me, Paul. So  much, that he pushed me down a flight of stairs because I talked back to him. So please, tell me what you think is fair, I would really like to know.”
Tears were streaming down her face and she hadn't even realized it. Paul reached for her, prompting Sulli to take two steps back as he sullenly said, “I would have never let that happen to you--”
“But you did.” Her voice strained as she struggled to pull herself together.
“Come on,” Brady said as he began trying to pull her away as a warning growl left Paul’s throat.
She pushed him away, “No, I’m mad at you. You’re both assholes, did you know that?”
Paul turned and walked away, heading towards the treeline. Her jaw dropped in shock as she yelled towards his shaking retreating figure,  “Yeah, leave again. You’re so fucking good at doing that!”
“Stop provoking him.” Brady spoke seriously, stepping in front of her to block her view of Paul.
“Fuck you.” She pushed at his chest, “You…you made me trust you just to fucking leave me too.”
“You know I didn’t want to.”
“But you did!” She shouted at him tearfully, “You left me!”
“Brady!” Paul shouted from the treeline, watching the two of them interact with the most anger she had witnessed from him. 
The audacity for him to be mad at her for talking to Brady, after he had initially ruined their friendship. She wanted to hurt him just as he had done to her, without thinking of the repercussions, she impulsively grabbed Brady's cheeks and kissed him.
He reciprocated for a moment before pulling back, “Stop, we can’t..”
Sulli looked  back at Paul with a smug look, just as he exploded into a wolf, looking back at the two younger ones before taking off into the woods. The smugness immediately turned into guilt as she felt sick to her stomach from seeing the sad eyes of Paul's wolf.
“Fuck, Sulli!” Brady shouted, looking at her with wild eyes before back in the direction Paul had run off to.
She shrugged, trying to play it off, “He's the one trying to ruin my life, and you’re helping him.”
“He’s not trying to ruin your life.” Brady said while rolling his eyes, “He cares about you, he just wants to get to know you..”
“I had sex with him.” She said honestly, adding a small dig at Paul's expense, “He knows all that he wants to know.”
“That was quick.” He snarked.
She scowled, “wouldn’t have even happened if you didn't stab me in the fucking chest.”
Bradys anger took over anger as he forcefully said, “Yes, it would have. I know you and I know him. You two are made for eachother.”
“No, we’re not.” Sulli denied, “He doesn't really care about me. “
“He does, and you just hurt him by kissing me. Now he's going to be pissed at me too.” Brady stressed. She could see the worry in him, and it just added another knife to the collection he had left in her heart. He was more worried about Paul being mad at him than the fact that she was currently breaking down. This isn't the Brady she was friends with.
She shook her head, “Well who cares how I feel, right?” 
“Sulli,” Brady called as she turned on her heel and walked towards the way she suspected was the road off of this suffocating property.
“Go, run after him.” She looked over her shoulder as she walked away, “I don’t ever want to see you again, Brady.”
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paullahotes · 2 years
Incalescent- Chapter Six
Pairing: Paul Lahote x Fem!OC
Summary: Em just wants to be loved and have a family for once in her life. But nothing has ever gone right in her life before so why should it now?
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: violence, blood, confrontation, angst, vampires with red eyes and terrible fathers
A/N: Listen, I don’t think I’m a good writer so this could be terrible! Let me know what you guys think of it!
The light coming in from my slightly parted curtain made my room a deep grey. I knew today would be gloomy from how I felt as I lay in my bed, not wanting to get ready for school. There was a tired ache in my bones. I hadn’t been physically hurt but emotional pain can manifest itself as physical, or so I had experienced over the years.
From where I lay on my bed, I could see the pile of clothes Paul had given me the other night. When I had gotten home, they had been quickly discarded because I realized they smelled like him and couldn’t take it. The second I stripped out of them I took a long shower to wash off everything that happened that night.
As if everything going on between Paul and I wasn’t enough, Victoria had gotten away because the wolves couldn’t play nice with the Cullens for two seconds. Of course, I hadn’t helped that either because I had gotten in between Paul and the giant vampire. 
The Paul situation was weighing heavy on my mind. I had no idea how to handle my father but I knew I had to figure it out because Paul was someone I needed in my life. Not even my father could break the connection between us. I had forever to try and figure out how to be with Paul without my father being around but I was hoping that it didn’t take that long.
My phone started to go off beside me, my alarm telling me it was time to wake up for school. I hadn’t slept much that night, tossing and turning just thinking about everything that happened on Saturday night. 
After getting home from Paul’s and taking my shower I stayed up the whole night doing homework. It became redundant as I was going over and fixing things that didn’t need it but it was a great distraction. My mind was occupied with rough draft corrections for a couple of papers that were already corrected and ready for the final copy. I didn’t start thinking about anything until Sunday night after the accidental nap I took that afternoon. 
Getting out of my bed and house sounded like a good idea, school would probably drag on but at least I would have some sort of distraction. I had to turn in the papers I had overdone over the weekend anyway. There was always the chance that the humans had had some drama over the weekend and my super hearing let me in on it. Who knew, maybe today would hold some drama to keep me entertained for a while. 
The weather turned out to be as bleak as I expected. It may have been springtime here in Forks but somehow it was cold and was only made worse by the rain coming down in a medium drizzle. The wipers moved back and forth across my windshield almost lulling me to sleep. They, like the car, were brand new so they didn’t squeak and moved with precision as they went. 
The school parking lot was semi-full as I pulled in with no sign of the Cullen’s yet. I was sure that Alice would confront me about what happened over the weekend. If she didn’t I knew Edward or Bella definitely would, no doubt having been called right away about my involvement. 
I pulled my knees up to rest on my steering wheel while I waited in my car for the school day to start. Paying no attention to my surroundings I pulled out a beat-up book from my bag, one of my favorites to read over the years, and began to re-read it. Before I could get too into it I heard a soft roaring sound, like a motorcycle but not as powerful, and turned my attention from the book to wherever it was coming from.
At the front steps of the school stood Jacob, arms crossed menacingly as he leaned on his bike and started angrily out into the crowd of people. He was clearly here to cause trouble with the Cullens and I really didn’t want any more of that around here. The wolves and I had done enough over the weekend when they all refused to let a Cullen on their land and somehow involving myself made lightning almost take out the largest Cullen vampire.
Shoving all my stuff to the side I got out of my car, slamming the door behind me. Jacob looked even more unhappy than he did before when his eyes landed on me. He rolled his eyes looking away as I approached. Rain began to mist down, not enough to soak anything but enough to make me pull my hood up. 
“I’m guessing that you probably shouldn’t be here,” I whispered to him, glancing around the lot making sure none of the Cullen were here yet. He scoffed at me and looked around like he owned the place.
“We’re allowed to be wherever we want, the Cullen’s are the only ones with restrictions because they are bloodsuckers and can’t be trusted,” he spat the word ‘bloodsucker’ at me as he spoke. His words came out harshly, through his bared teeth. I outwardly winced when he called them bloodsuckers, his tone suggesting he meant me too. 
“I don’t doubt that you can go wherever you please but the thing is that you really shouldn’t be here. We don’t need a repeat of what happened over the weekend, everyone should stay on their sides and leave the others alone,” I hissed back at him, he wasn’t about to make me feel bad about myself. I had had no say in being a vampire, having been born as one and not turned like a regular one. I felt bad enough about myself already with the whole Paul situation, whatever happened with the lightning and my father looming around. 
“Look, against my better judgment I don’t have any problems with you. I can’t since you’re Paul’s girl but that doesn’t mean I’ll let you stand in the way of something that I need to do. I’m not really here to cause trouble anyway, I’m more here to check on something,” his face stayed hard but there was something in his eyes that told me he was worried about something, someone. His eyes traveled behind me, relief flooding into his face almost immediately. When I turned I saw that Edward and Bella were walking over to us, Bella looked sad but Edward looked furious like he was about to rip Jacob’s head off. 
It suddenly dawned on me that Bella could be the girl that everyone said Jacob was in love with. The girl he was always in a bad mood over. I stepped to the side as they walked closer to us, both eyeing Jacob with suspicion but glancing over at me with contempt. 
“Hey,” Bella all but shouted as she came to a stop in front of us. Her eyes never left Jacob's face, looking a little weary.
“Charlie said you left town,” Jacob replied ignoring her greeting, his words coming out harsh, through his clenched teeth. Whatever relief had flooded over him when he saw Bella was gone from his voice but was still held in his eyes. 
“Yeah, I went to visit my mom,” Bella replied, blinking rapidly for a second as she tried to figure out why he was here. A look of irritation crossed her face and she spoke again, “Why?”
“He’s checking to see if you’re still human,” Edward said with sarcasm dripping from every word. That was all the clarification I needed to know that Bella was the girl he was in love with and to finally figure out where his hatred of vampires came from. 
“Look I’m here to warn you,” Jacob ignored Edwards' clear irritation with his presence. “If your kind comes on our land again.”
“Wait, what?” Bella asked, her eyes darting between Edward and Jacob a few times before glancing over at me. Jacob looked surprised at her lack of knowledge and Edward looked stricken, probably had hoped to keep her out of it as long as possible. Edward hissed out ‘leave it alone Jacob’ trying to get him to stop but Bella insisted he tells her.
“Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, it’s nothing to worry about,” The look on Bella’s face told me she wasn’t buying Edward's story. When he mentioned Emmett I could’ve started to cry. A lump formed in my throat as I remembered the lightning almost hitting him. Could I have really made it? If I had that meant that I was the one who almost killed another person and if I had actually done it I don’t know how I would be able to live with myself.
“Listen to you, did you lie to get her out of town too?” Jacob spat at Edward. Bella’s face held many emotions as she took in everything that was happening. Edward took a few steps forward to get into Jacobs's face, pushing me lightly out the way so he could be close. In a whisper Edward told Jacob to leave, Jacob being as pigheaded as he was puffed his chest out to Edward. 
“She has a right to know, she is the one the redhead wants,” Jacob let the words fall out of his mouth effortlessly. I sighed audibly and stepped further out the way as Bella pushed herself in between the two of them. In the distance behind Jacob, I could see the principal leaning against the doorway to the office watching this situation unfold. His left hand held a phone, probably ready to call Bella’s father, the sheriff to come and clear this up.
“I hate to break this fun up but we should really talk this over somewhere else,” I muttered just low enough for the three people in front of me to hear. Edward’s eyes darted to where our principal stood, stepping away from Jacob as soon as he came to his senses. He looked over at me briefly, his eyes still betraying his weariness of me. 
“Edward, we are going to talk about you lying to me about Victoria later but right now it’s Jacob who I need answers from,” Bella ranted her eyes lit up with a fire behind them. I bit my lip and let myself look around us. Almost all the students that attended Forks were gawking at us without trying to hide it.
“I had nothing to say and I still don’t,” Jacob replied, turning away and getting on his motorcycle. Before Edward could stop her Bella was on the back and Jacob had a big smirk as he drove off with her. Edward stared at them until they were nothing but a faint roaring sound in the distance. 
“She’ll be fine,” I mumbled not knowing what else to do or say. Edward spun around on me, glaring. Without a word, he was stalking off to his car and sped away from the school. I flinched at the look he gave me, his eyes revealed that if he could kill me at that moment he probably would. 
After Edward angrily sped out of the parking lot, I crossed my arms, held them tightly, and went to my car to retrieve my school stuff. With anxiety clouding every thought I walked silently to my first class of the day, wondering with every step I took when the Cullen were going to harm me as my dad had always warned me. 
It wasn’t until I got to the class I usually shared with Edward and Bella that I thought about anything close to the world of academia. I was lost in thought when I heard a couple of people around me begin to giggle quietly to themselves. Blinking, I looked around the room and saw a couple of people staring at me. Just as I was about to question it the teacher cleared his throat from the front of the room. 
“Miss Abbott, I thought we were passed daydreaming in class?” he asked, sighing heavily and pulling his glasses off to stare me down. My face flushed with heat as I cleared my throat awkwardly.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled quietly. He gave me a look that suggested he had had enough and was ready to pack a bag for early retirement.
“As I was saying, Miss Abbott, Bella Swan, and Edward Cullen are both conveniently absent today so I’m pairing you up with one of them,” he slid his glasses back on his face as he turned and wrote something down on the clipboard beside him.
“I can work alone, it’s not a big deal,” the look on his face when I started to talk made me quickly finish my argument and wait for whatever the teacher was going to tell me.
“You’ll work with Miss Swan and that’s final,” his voice rang across the classroom before he muttered under his breath about how he was sick of Edward doing all the work and his partner getting credit for it. He said no other words to me and continued on with the lesson.
When the day was over I was walking to my car with my backpack slung over my shoulder when it hit me that I had no way of contacting Bella about our project. I wanted to get it done sooner rather than later to minimize our time together because my father didn’t need to see me spending time with more people, especially not one who was associated with other vampires. 
The drive to her house was shorter than I thought it would be. The word at school was that her dad was the sheriff and I would have thought of him as someone who wanted to live secluded. But here was the house right in front of me, Bella's scent floating through the air so strongly I could’ve been convinced she was home if I hadn’t been able to detect the absence of any sound coming from the house. 
Not knowing when she would finally be home I decided to do some homework for other classes while I waited. The meticulous math homework was a welcome distraction from thinking about having to work with Bella but also from thinking about Paul. But with each number, I was writing on the page came thoughts of him. I knew my dad was wrong to keep me from forming relationships with people wherever we went but as it turns out things were less complicated when I did adhere to that rule. Now I was sitting alone in my car thinking about how warm Paul was, how his lips felt against mine, how every time we held hands I felt safe.
It wasn’t long until Bella arrived home and immediately noticed me. Her boots stomped through the mud, the thick squish sound booming through my ears as she made her way to where I was parked. She stood just outside my car, arms crossed, waiting for me to make the next move. Huffing out a loud sigh, I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder as I got out of the car. She looked a little shocked and stumbled a step back as watched me close my car door.
“You weren’t in class today so our teacher paired us up for a project. I figured we could just get it over with tonight or at least start it,” I explained to her, as I tried not to make direct eye contact. She looked like this was the last place she wanted me to be and I had to agree with her. This could be dangerous for both of us and not just because Cullen’s hated my guts for the other night. My dad or whoever his friend was could be lurking around behind the cover of the thick, dark forest that surrounded us. 
“I-I’m not sure how much Edward will like me being paired with another vampire,” she stuttered quietly. Despite her clear objection she turned away and began walking to her house without indicating for me to follow. Though my gut was telling me to turn heel and leave, my brain told me I needed to finish the project. This situation felt like a double-edged sword. 
“Well, it wasn’t my choice,” I muttered as I followed slowly behind her. She was pulling a phone out of her pocket as she climbed the stairs to her front door. Some ice was left on the second stair and I watched as she slipped on it in slow motion. Before she even began to fall, I caught her by the elbow and hauled her up to the third stair. She looked at me, unblinking for a solid minute. The phone in her hand was forgotten as she processed what had happened.
“Right,” she muttered, snapping herself out of it. She typed quickly into her phone as she whispered, “vampires” to herself. Once she was finished sending the message, the low whooshing sound alerting me to a text being sent, she opened her front door. The wind from the act gushed out toward me. Her familiar sent along with another human sent, most likely whoever she lived with, invaded my senses. I cleared my throat trying to pretend that I had not used my vampire senses to gauge who had been around when a familiar scent filled my nostrils. I immediately gasped, yanking Bella toward me and off to the side so she was out of the doorway.
“Dad?” I called out into what seemed to be an empty house. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would burst out of my chest. Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead as the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stood on alert. My breathing became jagged as I tried to inhale as much of the scent as I could but it was faint.
“What the hell are you even doing?” Bella seethed from beside me. I glanced quickly at her before turning my body to look around into the treeline that surrounded us. There was no induction that my father or anyone else was around us. 
“Call Edward and have him get here as quickly as possible,” my voice sounded more on edge than I had meant it. The way her eyes popped out of her head told me that I sounded more scared than I should have. The phone was to her ear within seconds and a sigh of relief was emitted from her mouth. 
“He was already on his way,” she informed me. Her arms were crossed tightly across her chest as she watched me close her front door and sit down on her steps. My breathing was still uneven as I tried to process my dad's scent being in her house. What business could he have here? 
Suddenly lightning lit up the sky, and cracks of thunder sounded like the storm was directly overhead but there was no rain. There was only a searing pain in my head. Each burst of pain came with a matching boom in the background. I could hear Bella’s teeth begin to chatter with fright next to me as the winds started to pick up around us. Our hair was whipped around our heads as I clamped my hands over my ears trying to calm down. This had never happened in front of anyone before. 
“Em,” Bella whispered from beside me. Her voice was so low that I barely heard it through the hands that covered my ears and the loud booms of thunder that continued to sound overhead. Before I could speak a car screeched to a stop right in front of us. Edward jumped out looking like he was possessed. I tried to calm my breathing, slowly standing up and trying my best not to let my vampire instincts take over as they viewed how hostile the man in front of me seemed.
“I-I,” the stuttering made my face heat up. Slowly, I let out another breath and began again. “Bella and I were partnered for a project since neither of you were there today. That is the only reason I am here, I promise.”
“Why is there another vampire's scent coming from her house then?” Edward’s question was asked through gritted teeth. Tears began to flow freely down my still hot cheeks. Thinking about my father made bile rise to the back of my throat as my eyes darted around to make sure he wasn’t waiting around the corner, watching me.
“I-It’s my father's scent,” I whispered. Edward's nostrils flared and he took a step closer to me, his right hand encircling my upper arm. Goosebumps erupted across my skin, shivers going down my spine. I had no doubt, with the look in his eye, that he would kill me and not give it a second thought. The thought relaxed my body, hoping that he would take that as a sign that I was not a threat.
“And what is your father's scent doing in her house?” Edward asked, his voice was cool and calm now. The tone made me worry that he had made the decision on killing me once he got the information from me.
“I-I don’t know. I haven’t seen him in a while, not since we got into a fight and he left,” at my explanation, he let go of my arm so hard I fell back into the stairs as he ran into the house. Bella let out a small gasp and bent down to help me up.
“Here,” Bella tried to pull me up by my arm but slipped a little. “Sorry, I’m not that coordinated.”
“It’s the thought that counts,” I tried to sound grateful as we both maneuvered to sit on the steps and wait for Edward to come back out. The lightning and thunder began to fade into the distance and the pain in my head went with it. I could hear Edwards's movements around the house. He was looking through clothes and drawers as he breathed in my father's scent, trying to figure out the path my father had taken.
“Come with us,” Edward hissed out as he came out of the house. He helped Bella into the passenger seat of his car and gestured for me to get in the back. I was hesitant at first but the look he gave me said to not question him. I let my backpack hit the seat beside me and crossed my arms as we drove at top speed to wherever he was taking us. 
The entire ride was silent save for the light tap tap tap of rain droplets on the roof of the car. The sound and scenery should be calming but my mind was swirling with fear of what was going to happen and questions about what my father was doing. A small voice in my head told me that I should mention my father saying he had plans with a new friend that I would see very soon. Another small voice told me that they would think I had something to do with it.
The woods we were driving through came to an end, opening into a huge area dominated by an even bigger house. The house in front of me was shocking and a contrast to the houses you would usually see in Forks. It looked like it had been handpicked from the hills of Hollywood, a place fit for the richest and most famous. 
Edward's car door slammed, making it obvious I should get out and follow him. As I followed him and Bella up the stairs and into the house I could hear the low murmur of voices coming from somewhere I could not yet see. The tone of the murmurs made it obvious they were upset. A hush fell over the room as we walked through an entrance and I was greeted by the hostile looks of six other vampires.
“What is she doing here,” a tall, gorgeous blonde woman sneered at me. She turned into a blur as she threw herself at me but before she could get to me the big vampire from the other night grabbed her and pulled her back. He looked at me with angry eyes as well but didn’t make a move to come toward me. I could feel the hatred rolling off the blonde woman coming at me in waves. The old saying ‘if looks could kill’ popped into my mind as I watched her eyes burn with rage. 
“There was another vampire's scent all over Bella’s house,” Edward began, throwing a glance my way. All the other vampire's eyes flicked over to me and then back to him when he began speaking again. “Apparently, it is her father's scent.”
“I have no idea why he would be there,” my voice came out in almost a shout. My mind thought back to Paul as I looked around at all the vampires in the room. This could be my last moment and Paul and I weren’t even really on a good path right now. Since coming to Forks things had gone uphill then downhill faster than I had ever thought possible. My phone felt heavy in my pocket as I began to regret not thinking about calling Paul when I discovered my father's scent at Bella’s. Maybe he could have saved my life or maybe that would have been a mistake and he would be in danger too. 
“You have to understand why we do not trust you,” the calm voice broke through the hostility in the air. The blonde leader from the fight the other night, Carlisle, stepped forward. His wife, Esme, trailed closely behind him. He looked back at her before continuing to speak. “We did not know there were two other vampires in town, nor did we know one had such a vast gift.”
“My father and I do not have gifts,” I objected, my voice starting to break at the end. 
“Explain how you almost killed my Emmett with lightning the other night!” The tall blonde seethed, still encircled by the arms of the big vampire. The room was silent as they waited for me to defend myself. It did look pretty bad from their perspective. I had always wanted a gift but had given up trying because of how many times I had tried and ended up looking stupid. 
“My gift is to read minds and I cannot read yours. Alice can usually see the future but yours is blank,” Edward explained from beside me. You could tell by the tone in his voice that he was trying hard not to scream at me as the blonde woman had. Carlisle stood across from him, staring directly into his eyes.
“Look I know how it seems but I had no idea any vampires lived in this town. My father usually travels ahead to sniff out the town before we move into it because he likes to keep us away from other vampires. Then once I did figure out others lived here my father was gone and threatening me to keep following his rules while he was away,” my voice sounded small as I looked around the room with pleading eyes. 
“We can't keep doing this, Carlisle,” The blonde woman spoke, breaking free of Emmett's arms. “We are already risking so much with Bella and now this girl and her father are breaking into Bella’s home and pretending they don’t have threatening powers.” 
“Rosalie…” Carlisle began but her mind was made up. Alice gasped a ‘no’ out from the back of the room where she had stood by another vampire watching the interaction. Edward stiffened beside me and everything began to happen quickly but somehow in slow motion. The blonde woman, Rosalie, was flying at me so fast she was a blur. I tensed and tried to scream no but instead, I could hear thunder rolling in above me. 
Before I even knew what was going on Rosalie was no longer in front of me. Edward and Emmett held her back as they all looked at me in shock. Shards of glass were everywhere, tiny pieces sparkling across the floor and in everyone's hair. My mouth was open slightly in shock as I looked around realizing the windows that made up most of the house were completely blown out. Wind and rain now whipped inside the openings where the glass had once been. How did the windows get shattered? 
The tall man standing beside Alice strode quickly across the room, shoving everyone out of his way to get to me. I stood frozen as he approached, a look of determination on his face but also another emotion I could not place. He placed his hands on my shoulders and stared directly into my eyes. Waves of calm spread over me and the tears I didn’t even know were falling down my face stopped. 
“I believe her,” he spoke quietly, as he assessed me. The longer he looked over my face the more sure he looked about his statement. “She was scared but she was also sad. When someone is lying they usually have underlying guilt or joy. Sometimes they feel an emotion I don’t have a name for, something sinister in feel. This does not apply to her.”
They began having a conversation around me as the man kept his hands on my shoulders. I was feeling so calm I couldn’t even form a sentence to say out loud. My eyes blinked, almost staying closed but I fought to keep them open. This would not be the second time since I came to this town that I would be passed out around unknown supernatural creatures. 
“Jasper, let the poor girl go. She’s practically about to pass out,” Jasper's hands immediately left my shoulders, the comfort they emitted leaving too. The calm I felt did not subside though and as the haziness lifted from my eyes and brain I realized he must have a gift as well. 
“Now that Jasper has influenced your emotions in a more positive way, we should calmly discuss what to do next,” Carlisle said looking between Edward and Rosalie with a pointed expression. Edward was the first to relent to his words, followed closely by Rosalie. The look on her face told me that any wrong move would get me killed, no matter what Carlisle said.
They all began filtering out of one room and into another. The sound of light scratching on the floor indicated that we were moving to sit at a table, though none of them had the need to ever sit. Jasper and Alice left a seat between them for me to sit. The seat was directly across from Esme who gave me a sympathetic look as I made myself as comfortable as possible given the situation. 
“We need to keep Bella safe at all costs,” Edward was the first to speak after a long silence. “I do not care what vampire it is trying to get to her, they will die. Even if it is your father, Em.”
“If my father is in any way responsible for harm that could come to Bella I do not disagree,” Edward looked shocked at my words. So I continued, “the thing is my father and I have never had a great relationship. He kept me so sheltered over the years and I thought it was to protect me because he loved me but it is really because he wanted control of me. He never loved me.”
“I know this is probably a confusing situation, we understand he is your father and we understand if you have to side with him if it came to that. You do not need to pretend otherwise,” Edward spoke calmly from his place beside Bella. She looked uncomfortable with the attention and the discussion being about her. 
“The day we moved into town I figured out a lot of things about my dad, vampires, werewolves, so much that I did not know before and so much that I should have. My dad has kept me in the dark about so many things for so long, I had thought with good intention but finding his scent at Bella’s house and his threats about me and the wolves…” I trailed off not really knowing where I was going. Whatever I was saying out loud had not been a thought I had yet or allowed myself to truly think about. The more I thought it over and said it out loud the more I realized that my father's intentions had always seemed bad.
“I’m sorry, his threats about you and the wolves?” Esme asked quietly. She reached across the table and put her hands over the one I had resting in front of me. I nodded slowly.
“My father never let me have friends when we moved to new places because keeping our secret was of the utmost importance. We got into a fight the day we got here and I ended up running out of the house upset and was attacked in the woods by Paul in wolf form. I didn’t know at the time that vampires weren’t allowed on the reservation, I didn’t even know we lived that close to the reservation.” I explained everything from the time I entered Forks till now. Sparing no details, even the corny ones of me and Paul on the beach. The more I talked the more words wanted to flood out. The years of being held captive by my father came gushing out as the people at the table stared at me.
“Victoria,” Edward announced, slamming his hand on the table so hard it made a crack fissure down the middle, legs squeaking from the force. “His friend that he ran into with big plans has to be Victoria. We know she's coming after Bella and now her dad’s scent is all over Bella’s house. It cannot be a coincidence.”
“I tend to agree,” Carlisle whispered, looking at me with a pained expression. “I have many questions for you, Em. But for now, our priority is keeping Bella safe. If it comes to it we will have to deal with your father.”
“I understand,” I whispered back to him. Thinking about them dealing with my father left me feeling conflicted. He was the only person I had ever been close with. Albeit not as close as I had to more people in a shorter amount of time but he had always been there. Before we moved to Forks I would have argued that my dad wouldn’t have plans where he was going to hurt a human but now, seeing how he reacted over the situation with my mother and the threatening letter and phone call I had received from him, it made sense. 
“Jacob messaged back saying the pack will help monitor Bella’s home with us, in shifts so we can still hunt,” Edward announced reading off of Bella’s phone. My heart skipped a beat as I thought of Paul monitoring Bella’s house if my father, or worse Victoria, showed up. There would be no talking him out of helping, even if we were on good terms. There was a murmur of agreement amongst everyone at the table, the actual words a loss to me as my mind drifted elsewhere. 
This could be how I ended up leaving my dad behind and being able to be with Paul. If he truly was bad like my instincts were screaming at me that he was, the Cullen’s would kill him and I would be free. The guilt of basically wishing my dad would be killed during this turned my stomach and punched a hole through my chest. If he died, I would never know anything about my mother and I did not know if I could live with that. However, I did know that I could not live without Paul.
“May I please go home now?” I asked quietly, breaking into whatever conversation they were having. Rosalie who had been quiet the entire conversation got up abruptly from the table and stalked out of the room as Carlisle nodded at me.
“Can you promise that you will let us know if you hear from your father?” He asked as I got up to leave. I muttered a quiet ‘yeah’ without looking back at everyone and left the house. The feeling of dread I had when I first came here did not subside as I left and walked out into the woods. My teeth bit down on my bottom lip as I tried to process everything that was happening. Little did I know a few weeks ago that my life would be turned around again and again because of this town. Maybe there would be a light at the end of this dark tunnel but there was going to be so much dark as I tried to make it there. 
The woods were eerily quiet as I walked through them. I was too far into my walk when I realized I had not watched how we had gotten to the house from Bella’s. I was only used to going to school and the reservation a few times, this was all new. The trees were thick in this part of the woods, casting shadows and darkness all around me. 
All the calm Jasper had forced on me earlier vanished as I heard something snap in the distance. With a gasp, I spun around and saw a dark shadow deep in the woods. Piercing red eyes glowed through the darkness. I inched back slowly hoping in vain that the shadow did not follow me. Red eyes indicated one thing and that one thing I was determined to stay away from. The shadow darted forward from its spot in the darkness and without hesitation, I spun around and started to run as fast as I could. Before I could get very far my legs were kicked out from under me and I landed face-first into a fallen tree. 
Blood gushed out of my nose and dirt caked along my jaw. With a groan, I tried to pick myself up off the forest floor but a hand in my hair stopped me. The feeling of my scalp almost tearing from my head had me let out a scream so loud it echoed off the trees surrounding me. Red eyes looked down at me, a grimace plastered across the mouth below them. My father stared down at me with unfamiliar eyes. My voice caught in my throat as he let my hair go and I fell forward not even trying to stop myself. 
Without thinking about it I grabbed the phone out of my pocket and dialed the first number I could think of. Paul's name illuminated my screen as the phone rang and rang with no answer. Sobs wracked my body as I dialed Emily’s number, waiting for her to answer or for my father to kill me. 
“Em, long time no talk,” Emily answered trying to sound cheerful but her tone indicated that she was still upset with my behavior.
“Emily,” I gasped out between sobs. I didn’t even fully register that I was screaming. “Where’s Paul? He-he’s not answering and I need help! Please, Emily, I’m lost in the woods and my dad was here with red eyes. Oh god, Emily why did he have red eyes? He's-he’s gone I think, I don’t know. I-”
“Em, calm down. Sam was right here with me and heard all that. They are on their way to find you,” she assured me her voice wavering. “Em, you are going to be safe. Please let them help you this time. They can handle your father, I promise.”
“Emily,” I sobbed into the phone. My entire body hurt from the force of the crying. “Everything is all messed up. I just want to be happy. Why can’t I be happy? What is even happening, Emily?”
“Em, please calm down. You will be happy even if I have to handle your dad myself,” she joked toward the end, trying to lighten the conversation as more sobs reached her ears through the receiver. There was stomping in the distance and howls before I could even register what Emily had joked about. I silently prayed that this was not a trap set by my dad, luring the wolves to their death. 
The air around me felt thick. Thick drops of rain splattered my face, creating mud out of the dirt that had been caked onto my chin. The blood had stopped gushing from my nose but was not able to dry thanks to the rain. I felt the phone being taken out of my hand.
“Emily, it’s Paul. We’ve got her,” Paul was standing over me. He slid the phone into his pocket as he squatted down to look at me. The other wolves were spread out behind him, surveying the woods around us. 
“Paul, my dad-” he shushed me as he brought a hand up to my nose to see if it was broken. He sighed as he pressed the cartilage back into place, tiny drops of blood came trickling out as he did so. 
“Em, look at me,” he pleaded, the hand that fixed my nose coming to wipe the mud off my chin. I stared up at him, his big brown eyes swimming with emotion. “Your dad's scent is going in the opposite direction from here. He was here but he is gone now. You are safe.”
“His eyes,” the tears began to stream down my face harder and faster than before. Paul cupped my face with both hands now, anguish painting over his features. “They were red, Paul. I don’t think I’ll ever be safe if he’s still out there somewhere.”
“Then I’ll handle him if he ever comes back around. I will never let anyone hurt you,” Paul promised, scooping me off the ground without hesitation. That’s when the emotional rollercoaster of the day I had hit me. Safe in Paul’s arms with a pack of wolves surrounding us as we walked slowly through the woods, I fell asleep, unable to stop myself. 
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years
Season 3 Character Highlight - 3 Things
Character: TK Strand
Favorite 3 scenes:
3x18 “A Bright and Cloudless Morning”: The proposal was beyond anything I could have come up with. It was absolutely perfect and I wouldn’t change a single second of it. The way his smile didn’t leave his face, the way he never doubted the way Carlos would answer.
3x15 “Clown Down”: I love all of the Tarlos scenes in this episode, but my favorite TK moment is when he realizes that Lou has escaped so he tries to distract Carlos, nearly successful until the Lizard decided he wanted to be on Carlos too.
3x08 “In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency”: It’s hard to pinpoint one scene to highlight, but the scene with Gwyn on the plane, after drinking in the bathroom and then when he grabs onto her hand in the “Amen” montage. My second choice would be the scenes with Carlos, both at the loft and on the tarmac.
Favorite 3 lines: funny, heartfelt, or ridiculous
3x08 “In the unlikely Event of an Emergency”: “I have to stay here, mom. They need me. Plus, look at me, I'm fine. I'm a firefighter, mom. I save lives.”
3x12 “Negative Space”: “He’s stalking a stalker and he brought a date” & “At least our fire insurance is up to date since last time he pissed off a maniac our entire place burned to the ground.”
3x18 “A Bright and Cloudless Morning”: “It’s not drama, it’s love. The kind that you can’t get away from.” The whole scene was amazing, but this part, the part where TK acknowledges that the love they share is something that is meant to be. “The love that I feel is infinitely more powerful than the fear of losing it” is a very close runner up.
Favorite 3 dynamics:
Carlos: The connection between these 2 was clear from the beginning, but has surpassed any expectations I could have had. They balance each other out, they love freely, they make each other better. We got lucky with the casting in this show.
Nancy: Nancy is the sister he never had, never knew he wanted, but now doesn’t know what he would so without. She is the #Tarlos Fan. She calls him on his shit, which is needed, but also shows that she pays attention to what he doesn’t say as much as what he does – ex: getting Carlos to the hospital at the end of 3x02.
Fire Fam: The relationships he has formed with Paul, Marjan, and Mateo is very different than the one he has with Judd, but equally important. The will scene in the firehouse is a great representation of his relationships with Marjan, Paul, Mateo, & Nancy. Judd is more of a older brother he never had, someone that he actually looks up to, but also trusts to not let TK’s head get too big/keep him rooted in reality.
3 things we learned:
Name:  We learned that the Tyler portion of his name came from an uncle that died as a child. This makes me way more curious on the Kennedy middle name now.
History:  We learned that his drug addiction was more than just opioid pills, but heroin as well & that Gwyn made him go to a rehab in California in 2017, which was more recent than I had thought it was.
How much like his parents he really is:  He is very used to self-sabotage (just like Owen) and tends to blow things up & run (Both Owen & Gwyn here). The difference is, now, TK wants to be different, he wants to stop running.
3 hopes for season 4:
Less trauma for one season – I know this one is a long shot, but really give the guy a break. NO hospital beds for 1 season, that is all I ask (but don’t expect – they seem to love hurting him)
A worry-free wedding – Lets save the drama for the honeymoon or their return. Let the actual wedding go off without a hitch.
Healing in his relationship with Owen – Owen has a pretty decent relationship with everyone, apart from his son. Season 1 – they were great, season 2 – he reminded me so much of my own father, I hated him (with a few exceptions), Season 3 was an improvement, but they didn’t have a scene of just the 2 of them from 3x08 until 3x18.
Next up: Carlos Reyes
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Idk if you answer not larry related questions but I'd really like to know your thoughts on liam and his friendship with louis! I love lilo and i always thought their friendship was so wholesome. However lately (especially after the logan paul podcast drama) i heard so much shit about liam. Mostly that he is homophobic. I did try to look into things before i decided I'm gonna bother you with this but i didn't find enough information that satisfied my curiosity and i wanted to ask someone who i trust won't give me fake information.
Basically i have a hard time believing that if liam really is homophobic he would be friends with louis and that louis would tolerate homophobic behaviour from his close friend. So there would be the obvious conclusion that they aren't actually friends which i simply do not believe. I see so much affection between them and i really think they care so deeply for each other.
So what do you think? Is liam homophobic? Or has he done things that seem homophobic but they were out of context or just mistakes for which he has apologised? I don't want to invalidate anyone who felt attacked by liam's behaviour but i also don't want to believe he would do/say such things! I do think he has problems but i don't think he's half as bad as people make him look.
Thank you if you decide to answer and sorry for this being so messy and possibly grammatically wrong, english isn't my first language <3
Hi, anon! I’m not sure if I’m the best person to help you with your dilemma. I stan Harry and Louis, and that’s it, I don’t follow the other boys enough to have deep opinions about them.
I have no idea why people are calling Liam‘s behaviour homophobic. I remember one particular situation back in 2015 that could be interpreted as a weird comment about that but as far as I remember he apologized and all - and I think that’s the same one you’re referring to. So I really have no clue what this is about. What I think about Liam is that he’s essentially a good guy, but he got lost and he’s struggling a lot. I really don’t like the comments that were made by him on that Logan Paul podcast and he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut and take care of his mental health, because something is clearly going on there. People on the internet are just mean and didn’t waste any time before being assholes about what Liam said and putting the boys against each other. I mean, Liam is paying his price now. And that’s all I have for you.
One thing I learned over the years in this fandom though is that supporting HL doesn’t mean you need to support people around them as well. Because they’re not responsible for what their friends and families say and do. I think a lot of people like to keep up with people around them but that’s where I draw the line for myself. Because when I put myself in their shoes that’s what I’d like people to do for me. I’m not responsible for people around me and it’s no one’s business the kind of relationship I have with people. So… I don’t know how close Liam and Louis are lately. But whatever that is, I hope is something beneficial and good for both of them.
And if I can offer you a piece of advice, anon. You seemed pretty concerned about people saying this and people saying that… and then you came to me so I could give you a definitive answer on what you should think. I wouldn’t do that. Do your research if that’s bothering you, go ask people who are actually saying the things you mentioned, so you can form an opinion yourself. You don’t need to rely on what other people think or say. And I think you should follow better people, too, by the way.
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