#hope this works!!! pls let me know if you want anything changed! <3 ty for the ask!!!
fightwing · 7 months
“Well it’s… well, it’s a pirate costume,” she huffed, hands on her hips. Wanda blew a loose strand of hair away from her face, before reaching up a hand to tuck it behind her ear. Was it not obvious? “And just because I’m in costume doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing.” Case in point? The muggers she was suspending magically in the air. Besides, she ALWAYS fought crime in costume. Now… Wanda relaxed, one hand on her hip and grinned over at him. “The Scarlet Pirate. A good name, no? For one night only.” A pause, grin growing warmer as Wanda added, “Oh, before I forget - happy Halloween~” / @writteninscarlet
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dick gave an amused little salute, finally getting a good look at her costume and having to agree that while in theme, it certainly was no damper of competency. given the fact dick regularly crime-fought in a slightly modified acrobat's costume for a significant portion of his youth, he wasn't one to judge another's look while on the job. hell, SEVERAL of his friends and family raised certain . . . concerns with the first iteration of the nightwing suit. " aye, aye captain! " halloween was always a mixed bag --- as many tricks as there were treats if you were looking in the right places, and he was INFINITELY grateful for the help, and to be of help in this moment. dick's own costume--- a thrifted superman shirt on top his usual crime-fighting suit and slicked, curled hair --- had come together rather hastily as his original costume had been the unfortunate casualty of an earlier 'trick'. a small concern, given the company he'd found for the night. as she was currently balancing their most recent perpetrators in the air, their mugging intentions thwarted with a simple flick of her wrist, he had a feeling it was going to be a much better halloween than previous. nightwing nodded enthusiastically at the scarlet pirate, and after a one, two beat he responded in kind with: " Wand-arrrrgh? " using his finger to demonstrate a hypothetical hook was overkill, but dick was nothing if not committed. with their marks out of play, dick was able to gather their dropped loot --- a variety of items he'd return to their rightful owners like a holiday scavenger hunt. when he stands, he turns more fully towards his companion, wide smile at the celebration. " happy halloween! " knowing very well their futures involved a whole lot of vigilantism, dick asked pseudo-seriously, " how should we celebrate? "
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bbyquokka · 2 years
hi! sooo, i'm not sure if you're taking requests atm but if you don't it's totally fine pls ignore me, i could not find any notice in your blog. I think your writing is really really cool and i hope my request is not too dull or boring for your amazing brain 🥹 So it's about chan x idol!fem reader in which reader is itzy's oldest member and they are secretly dating and some other problematic male idol (it can be fictional if you're not comfortable with using anyone's name) said gross stuff about reader during a live or variety show and chan gets rlly mad so during chan's room he starts rambling about respecting girls and stuff and accidentally lets it slide that he loves the reader and even though her name is not said everyone knew who he was talking about. so in the end they discuss whether go public or not, an open ending would be nice but i live it up to you, anything you decide will be the best<3 I hope this was not too long 😭 sorry if it was, you really don't have to write this, i support all of your work 💓💓💓
i can never find a request boring or dull! ty for your kind words and request, sweetie. I hope it was what you wanted! also, ty for being so patient. i hope you dont mind, but i changed it to an awards show 🥺 i hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! 🖤🥰
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Respect ⊹˚.⋆
🐺: pairing: Idol Bang Chan x Idol F!reader
🐺: genre: fluff, angst
🐺: synopsis: chan and reader are in a secret relationship. When an unpleasant event happens to reader, chan let it slip on live that he is in love
🐺: warnings: suggestive at beginning and end. pushy behaviour, rejection, creepy behaviour
🐺: words: 3.4k
🐺: have a request? send it to me here
🐺: master list
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“Chan, stop. We shouldn’t be doing this!” You whispered
“I know, but just 5 more minutes. I’ve been working all day and i need a refresh” Chan whined
“And I suppose I'm the refreshment you need?” you cocked your eyebrow up. Chan nodded and hummed before resuming his early position in planting soft kisses along your neck. You laughed, giving in and tilting your head to the side, allowing more access for Chan.
His hands firmly planted on your soft ass, squeezing it occasionally as his soft lips planted delicate kisses along your fair skin. The smell of your body lotion and perfume hitting his nostrils, driving his senses into overdrive.
“Shit. You’re driving me insane.” He pressed his body flush against yours, your hands finding their way to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his curly locks. You hummed, closing your eyes, allowing yourself to be taken away in this blissful moment. Chan started rutting against you, soft pants leaving his lips. You grunted, tugging at the strands of hair.
It wasn't until Chan sunk his teeth into your neck that your eyes snapped open. You pulled away and looked at Chan.
“Channie! I said no marks!” You whined. Chan looked at you sheepishly, grinning. It was obvious that he was pleased about what he just did.
“I’m sorry.” You squint your eyes at him, bottom lip stuck out in a pout.
“No you’re not.” You mumbled. Chan laughed and agreed with you. You playfully slapped his chest, rolling your eyes before grinning at your boyfriend. You took your phone out off your pocket, eyes widening at the amount of messages that had been left by your band member, Yeji.
“Fuck, i have to go Chan.” Chan whined, trapping you in his strong arms. You laughed and wiggled in his arms, trying to set yourself free. Chan watched and grinned at your attempts. “Let me go!” Chan laughed some more, clearly amused at watching you flail around in his arms.
“Kiss.” He puckered his lips to which you laughed at and shook your head.
“Then will you let me go? I have to go practice for the awards show me and ITZY will be attending later.”
“Oh yeah! I will be watching you, babe.” You grinned. You pressed your lips against his. Chan unwillingly loosened his arms from around you. You fixed your hair and make-up before grabbing the handle of the storage room door.
“I’ll text you later.” Chan nodded and gave your ass a little pat. You blushed as chan winked at you.
“I’ll look forward to it, babe.”
You opened the storage door slowly, looking both directions several times to see if anyone was around. Once you were sure it was all clear, you rushed off to the dance room, where your members were waiting.
You and Chan have been dating for 5 months. You’ve kept it a secret from your members as well as the public. You couldn't risk the public finding out that the oldest member of ITZY is dating SKZ’s Bang Chan. The paparazzi would have a field day if they learnt that two members under the same label are dating. Although dating an idol is not prohibited, it’s not advised purely because the company doesn't want to have to deal with unnecessary media backlash - which is fair enough.
Having to keep it a secret from your girlfriends has been rough. You tell each other everything and having to hide this from them is killing you. It’s not that you don't trust them, you’re just scared of the backlash it could cause. What if they hate you? What if they decide to kick you out of the group? Belittle you and ostracize you? Chan had told one of his members about the two of you, he kinda had to when Minho walked in on you both with your tongues down each other's throat. Minho wouldn't have caught you both if you didn't decide to make out in the dance practice room - in your defence, it was Chan’s idea though.
As you were making your way to the practise room, you bumped into a fellow male idol. You grimaced when you realize who it was, Ji-hoon. He was a fairly new idol, impressing JYP with his rap and dance skills which, of course, lead him to mainly do rap. Although it wasn't your taste, you had to give him credit where it was due.
You didn't like him. There was something off about him that you couldn't quite put your finger on. He claims he is the best rapper in the company - which is 100% bull. He comes off as egotistical and whilst there is nothing wrong with being proud of what you can do, you can also be humble about it and not push it in others' faces.
He’s problematic. He acts like a spoiled toddler and even has the guts to argue with the big boss - which no one dares do. You don't understand why JYP just doesn't kick him out.
“Ah. sorry.” You said bluntly. Ji-hoon smirked at you, making you feel sick to your stomach.
“No problem, pretty girl.” Ji-hoon also likes to think that he can get any girl he wants because he has money, fame and power.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not? Don't you like it when I call you that, pretty girl?” He leaned in, his hot breath fanning on your face. You tilted your head to the side, face scrunching up with disgust.
“I do not. It’s disrespectful to call someone who is older and has been working under this company something like that.” You replied bluntly. This only caused Ji-Hoon to smirk even more, his hands grabbing your wrists.
You fight back your Flight or fight mode, aware of where you are. You clenched your jaw as a cold sweat ran across your body. You bawled your hands into fists to stop him from taking your hand.
“Let me take you on a date.”
“Absolutely not.” You replied without a second of thinking. A date? With this piece of shit? You’d rather be fed your least favourite food than go on a date with this scumbag.
“Why not?”
“Don't want to and I don't have time.”
“Please baby. I can treat you real good. I have money.” You looked at him for the first time since your accidental interaction.
“What part of no don't you understand? Is this your attempt at trying to get a girl to date you? If so, it's pathetic, Ji-Hoon. Pushing the fact that you have money, power and fame to get into some girl panties is fucking pathetic Ji-Hoon. How you became an idol and are still an idol is mind boggling to me. Now, if you don't mind, I have somewhere I need to be.” You tried to release his grip from his hand to which he tightened. You winced in pain. “You’re hurting me!”
Just as he was about to speak, Chan approached you both. He looked down at you, seeing Ji-hoon’s hand tightly around your wrist, your face red with anger and twisted in disgust and desperation. Tears were slowly filling up your eyes as you struggled against him. Chan didn't like what he saw so he walked to you, placing a soothing hand on your shoulder.
You jumped before looking up and feeling relief wash over you.
“Is everything ok?” Chan looked down at you, worry laced his features. As you opened your mouth, Ji-Hoon spoke, letting go of your wrists.
“Everything is fine here.” You swallowed, rubbing your wrist. “I better get going. See you later, pretty girl.” Ji-Hoon walked past you and winked. You turned your head to the side, Chan squeezing your shoulder. Once he was out of sight, Chan took your wrist in his hand gently, inspecting it for any damage.
You looked down, hair hiding your face. Chan lifted your chin up with his hand and looked at you, his eyes filled with worry and anger.
“Are you okay, babe?” He whispered. You nodded slowly.
“Yeah, he’s just a piece of shit. He wanted to take me out on a date and when I said no, he tried to use his money and fame to get me. Pathetic.” You mumbled. Chan furrowed his brows together.
“Want me to walk you the rest of the way?” You nodded slowly, a small whisper in the form of “yes” left your lips.
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The night of the awards show arrived. You and your members have been practicing from day and night to make sure your performance is the best. Your night consisted of having your photos taken by paparazzi, being social with other idols and taking selfies. ITZY’s time to perform and you put on the best show imaginable. Mainly for your fans but you knew that Chan was watching you and that spurred you on. Being able to hear his praises made you feel giddy inside. You love it as much as you love him.
The time finally came for the winners to be announced. Many famous faces won awards, your group being one of them. You was hyped and tearful. As you gave out a speech thanking your friends, the company, the people who helped you make it possible, tears fell down your cheeks which you laughed at and wiped them with your hand.
You returned to your table, picking up your alcoholic beverage and saying a small cheer with your members. Your focus switched onto the next upcoming award - best newcomer. You were shocked to see that Ji-Hoon was nominated but even more surprised when he won. You rolled your eyes, watching him cheer himself on playing up to the cameras. You sighed as he took the award from the presented, winking at her before making a speech.
The speech was nothing too interesting, just your generic thank you’s. Until he mentioned you. Your ears perked up, attention on him for the first time that night. He mentioned how he asked you out on a date and you rejected him. He proceeded to act innocent, act like he didn't understand why you would turn down such a ‘nice guy’ He said awful things about you, degrading you, claiming he didn't understand why you were an idol and that you only got in because you’re female. He mentioned how you looked and how you presented yourself - defaming your character. It was clear he was still angry at you but why did he feel the need to do this? In front of the media. In front of other idols. Did he think that if he continued to disrespect, not just you, but females in general, he would get a shot.
You pressed your lips together in a thin line, tears falling down your cheeks. Yeji and Ryunjin shuffled closer to you, hands soothing your back. Yeji grabbed a napkin, dabbing at your wet cheeks. You turned your back away from the cameras that were glaring at you as you recomposed yourself.
“You okay, (Y/N)?” Yeji asked, worry lacing her features. You shook your head a simple no, not trusting your own voice to not break. “Do you need some fresh air?” You nodded yes. Yeji stood up with you, taking your hand and walking outside to get some air.
You couldn't believe this. You knew he was a jackass but this? This just tops it all off. He’s nothing more than an entitled, spoiled brat who thinks he owns you. All you could think about was that you hoped Chan didn't see or hear it.
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He did.
He saw it on Tv, on social media, in the news. It was everywhere. Photos where you were listening, looking distressed. Videos of you turning your back and Yeji wiping your tears. Photos of you leaving the venue.
He was pissed.
He was pissed not only because his loved one was spoken about like a piece of shit, but pissed that a male species dared speak about women like that. He couldn't stay silent about the situation, so on the next Chan’s room, he brought it up.
It started with the usual beginning - Charmer playing whilst he got set up. He took a few breaths in, calming down before appearing on camera. The comments section going wild with various hello’s in Korean and in English. Chan said his usual hello’s, spoke about what he had been up to, played a few song requests and read a few comments.
“What do you think about the situation that happened at the awards?”
Chan let out a sigh, putting down his phone and readjusting his beanie.
“I think it’s disgusting. It’s disgusting how he was able to speak like that in front of many important people and his elders. It’s disgusting how he says those things. They are such a sweet and adorable person who wouldn't harm anyone or say anything to harm others. I don't understand the mindset of some people.”
Chan rubbed his face before continuing. “It’s ridiculous to think that some males think they’re entitled to females and because of this small minded way of thinking, they are so disrespectful towards them. Think of your mothers, your sisters, your aunties if you even dare think about saying something disrespectful. How would they feel?” Chan’s anger was slowly becoming visible the more he spoke about it.
“They are such an amazing and beautiful person. They are hardworking and never rests until it is perfect. I have watched them countless times in the dance room practicing one more over and over again until it is perfect. I have worked on a few tracks with them, helping them learn the ropes of music software and how to mix things together. They tried for hours on end to get a sample track right. they did not rest until they loved it and thought it was something worth putting out. I had to remind them that it’s a sample track - just a test but they refused to listen.” Chan laughed, his facial features softening as he spoke about you.
“They’re like that. They never listen to what I have to say.They’re stubborn too. When I tell them something won't work, they try their hardest to make it work. They’re also there for everyone and give the best advice. They’re everyone's support. They have such a kind soul and are so precious to me and to many others.” The comments were going wild with who Chan could potentially be talking about - many of them guessing correctly. It was clear to the fans from old photos and videos where you have both attended events, that you are close.
Chans hand to the small of your back. Your cheeks flushed pink. Your enthusiasm when you see him perform. Your shyness when he would body roll, showing off those abs he works hard on. Chan is the same. Seeing you perform on stage made his eyes sparkle, like a child being face to face with a lifetime supply of toys. You would always hang out with each other - gossiping. Of course, your group and his would also talk and mingle with each other, but you and Chan would only be focusing on one another. Chan's hand on your thigh subtilty, leaning in to whisper something seductive in your ear. He’s cheeky like that.
Soon, speculation circulated between the two fandoms on whether you two are dating. Some saying you’re not and some saying you are - that the evidence is clear as day. Whatever the outcome may be, many said they would support you both.
It was like time stood still for chan. He forgot where he was and what he was doing because before he could register what he was about to say, three words spilt from his lips at lightning speed.
“I love them.”
The comments went wild - ecstatic that it was true. After all the speculation and the back and forth between the two fandoms, Chan has just confirmed that you two are dating. Your name may not have been mentioned, but fans are smart, they are like detectives.
Chan's eyes widened once he realized what he just said. He glanced at the comments saying they were right the whole time and that it was you chan is dating. Some say they found it so adorable how smitten Chan is for you and that they support you both.
Even though Chan was relieved to see comments like that, no one knew about you both apart from Minho. Panic set in and he tried his best to diverte and deny which ended up in failure. He averted the topic onto something else before ending and grabbing his phone, pulling up your contact.
Channie 🐺💘: i fucked up.. x
You: whats up, babe? x
Channie 🐺💘: did you not watch my live? x
You: sadly not 😢 i've been practicing and then had to go shopping. Why? Something happened? x
Channie 🐺💘: uhhhhhh. I might have let it slip that we’re dating… x
You: What?! How? x
Channie 🐺💘: i went on a rant about what happened the other night and i got lost in thoughts and i might have mentioned that i love you… i didn't mention your name but the fans are so fking smart.. x
You: awe chan 🥰 i love you too! But still, what do we do? x
Channie 🐺💘: met me at the company and we talk about it x
You: okay. There in 5 x
You put on your shoes, rushing out off your home and sprinting it down to the company. Chan was waiting for you, visibly stressed and worried. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him. You approached him, pulling him into a big hug.
“It’s okay, channie. Whatever happens, we can work through it - together.” Chan nuzzled his face into your neck, taking deep breaths of your scent to calm himself down.
“I'm so sorry.” He whispered. You stroked his head gently.
“It’s okay Chan. I'm not mad at you. I found it quite sweet and adorable.” Chan pulled his face away from your neck. You stroked his cheek gently.
“What do we do? Do we come out to the public, to the company, to our friends? What if the company forces us to break up or worse! What if we have to leave?! I can't do that!”
“Shh Chan. That won't happen. I promise. Plus, i think it kinda already is out in the air now so, i think we should come clean about us.” Chan pressed his lips together in a thin line, his mind working at speed outweighing the positives and negatives of the situation.
“What did the fans say when you mentioned you loved me?”
“They’re supportive of us.”
“Well, isn't that enough? We already have the fans' blessing and I'm positive my members and yours will be supportive too. I think you’re worried over nothing, my love.” You stroked Chan's cheek gently with your hand. He leaned in, kissing the palm of your hand gently.
“You’re right. You always are.” You laughed.
“Let's come clean about us. Make it official. And we take it from there, whatever life may throw at us, I'm happy as long as I have you by my side, channie.” Chan grinned, cupping your cheeks in his hand and leaning in.
“I love you so much, (Y/N).” He whispered against your lips, grazing them against your own. You closed your eyes slowly, wrapping your arms around his neck, interlocking your fingers behind his head.
“I love you so much too, chan.” You whispered back. Your lips met in a passionate and love filled kiss. Time standing still and in that moment, you didn't care who walked in a saw. It was just you and chan at the moment. The kiss was intimate and it slowly became heated. Chan bit your bottom lip softly, silently asking for permission. You granted him access by parting your lips, your tongues meeting halfway with each other.
You whimpered softly, tongues and saliva mixing with one another. Chan pressed his body flush against yours, his body heat radiating on to you. Chan grunted in the kiss, his hips slowly rolling on yours. He slipped his hands up the back of your t-shirt, his cold fingers against your warm skin causing shivers to run along your body. You whimpered in the kiss, breathing slowly became laboured.
“(Y/N) I need you..” Chan whispered against your lips, his voice raspy. You swallowed and nodded slowly.
“I need you too Chan.”
“So, the rumours are true.” Your heads spun around to see the boss standing and watching you both, arms folded.
Fuck. What do you do now?
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theringers · 2 years
order in - lewis hamilton
summary: uh, who doesn’t want to sit and drool over sir lewis??? especially on his birthday???
a/n: hi y’all!!! i wrote this super quick this morning in honor of lewis’s bday!!! i hope u guys enjoy, it’s unedited and not even proofread but i had to get something out for ya. i hope you enjoy and as always feedback is appreciated <3
gif cred to @antogioamoremio pls let me know if you want me to take it down ty for your work xoxo
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warnings: 18+, NSFW, smut, fingering, yup. do NOT read if you’re not comfortable with smut/fanfic/rpf
It was early in the morning and the sun was just starting to shine through the shades. You could hear commotion on the balcony, but tried to ignore it. It was too early for this.
You fell back into a daze, unsure if your thoughts were real or dreams, but it felt blissful. You were only awoken when you began hearing grunts echo outside.
You rubbed your eyes and walked out to the balcony, dressed in only your boyfriend’s big tee. “Already?” You asked, laughing. “The sun’s barely up.” You eyed his toned, tatted body and the way the coming sunlight reflected off of it.
He smirked at you with a familiar look that said, this isn’t anything new.
“I’ll get started on some breakfast.” You turned back inside and headed towards the kitchen, hoping he wouldn’t be too long.
You sparked up the gas stove, hearing the few little clicks before it ignited, and grabbed some veggies from the fridge.
You heard more sounds of weights being pushed and thrown, so you were intrigued. You walked back to the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, admiring the sweaty, toned man in front of you. You propped your head in your hand and watched intently until he noticed you there.
“You like what you see?” He flexed his glistening body as you watched on, nodding up and down, practically drooling. “Why don’t you come out and get a closer look then?” You shot up and eyed the daybed on the porch. It looked like the perfect place to admire your man.
“This is a much better view.” You smiled, and he went back to his exercises. You never fully understood what he was doing, but he looked damn good doing it. It was something you could never get tired of. His dedication was one of the things that made you fall in love with him.
“Want to come get a few reps in?” He knew exercising wasn’t your favorite thing, but he wanted to include you in any way he could.
You looked down at your outfit, still in just his baggy shirt. “I’m not dressed at all, let me-” You shifted to get off the daybed and change.
He interrupted. “Don’t even bother. Let’s do some squats.” He held out his hand for you and led you in front of the mirror. He stood behind you with his hand laced around your hip, leaning down to plant soft kisses on your neck and collarbone. You rolled your eyes to distract yourself from the fluttering sensation inside of you, but followed his instructions anyway. He took a step back to let you get to work.
As your knees bent, your ass peeled out under the shirt, and he watched in awe. He took your spot as the admirer and encouraged you. “That’s it baby.” He stepped closer and let his fingers trail down the soft skin on the back of your thigh. “Except next time,” he snuck his fingers between your legs ever so gently to force your thighs further apart, “widen your stance a bit.”
As you squatted down again, you felt his fingers lightly graze your center and you curse yourself for not wearing underwear to bed last night. You could still see him behind you in the mirror, his gaze fixed on your backside.
Each squat you did, the pressure of his fingers intensified. Your legs began to wobble until you finally sank down, filling yourself with his fingers. You moaned and stopped moving, but he wasn’t having it. “Keep going.”
You lifted your weight off of him and sank back down onto his fingers, letting the pleasure take over.
“That’s it babe, ride my fingers,” he said. It was taking immense body strength to stay in this position, but it felt too good to stop. His arm held onto you so you could pick up the pace, moans and grunts flying around as you completely forgot you were on the balcony. It was okay, you were clothed on top and he always worked out outside. This sight wasn’t unusual, but the idea of someone watching you made your blood pressure rise.
“Fuck,” you let slip out, and leaned forward onto the mirror for balance, letting him take over.
“You liked watching yourself like this?” His words hot in your ear. You nodded, unable to speak.
It wasn’t until the smoke alarm shocked the two of you out of your trance that you really realized what was going on. “Shit!” You jumped up into the kitchen, only to see a tiny bit of smoke from the single vegetable you left in the pan.
He laughed at you as he followed. “We can order in.” He pulled you in and pressed his soft lips to yours, smiling into the kiss, happy as ever.
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levworship · 3 years
Okay but I just read what the other anon requested and that was so good?? I didn’t think I had a thing for receiving oral but wtf 😭🤚could I maybe request smth if you got time?? Could it be a reunion between volleyball teams from miyagi and tokyo? So nekoma, fukorodani, seijoh, Johzenji (terushima’s tongue piercing PLS), karasuno, itachiyama You were the old manager of nekoma and was friends with literally everyone, during the talk kuroo somehow mentioned that in the nekoma reunion like 2 years ago it somehow ended with the main guys all taking turns eating you out and that pisses off the rest of the guys because that was their fantasy?? This ends up with you (with consent ofc) being sat down on kuroo’s lap as the guys also take turns eating you out (inspired by the other anon because 😩) I understand if you obviously can’t mention everyone, but pls mention terurshima, sakusa (who would only let you make a mess on his face) and bokuto if you could <3 ALSO the idea of two people eating you out at the same time, maybe bokuto and terushima?? IM NASTY OKAY BUT PLS DO THAT
Ty in advanceeee
i’m usually pretty fast but this took me a whole two days to write smh i’m sorry anon. hope you enjoy tho <3 i wanted it to be a lil longer but i’m so tired and i rlly wanted to get this out for you.
cw: group sex (like.. big group), hella sub reader, also fem reader, anal lol, oral (fem reviving), kuroo is the ringleader, humiliation ig, reader kinda into it doe, dirty talk, degrading + praise, squirting, overstimulation
summary: basically everyone wants to eat out/fuck y/n. explicitly written in here is kuroo, oikawa, sakusa, bokuto, and terushima. the rest is implied.
word count: about 1.9k
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your face was buried into kenma’s stiff shoulder, your whole body feeling hot as your group of friends continued to talk about you as if you weren’t even there. but clearly they hadn’t forgotten about you too much considering the way their eyes burned holes into you from all around so indiscreetly that you couldn’t even sit your ass still.
you weren’t quite sure how the previous conversation had shifted so suddenly, but kuroo seemed more than happy with the subject change as his signature asshole smirk never left his features. “- yeah, ‘bout two years ago i’d say. she was a good fuck too. poor thing was so eager to make us feel good that she passed out.” kuroo continued to drag his story as if to intentionally provoke the others, and the staring at you only got worse. your nerves were shot.
you looked and felt like a precious bunny being stared down by a bunch of wolves. and honestly? it was hot as fuck.
which is why you didn’t bother to argue when you were practically dragged into the locker room of the old gym, daichi hurriedly locking the door behind all of you. you couldn’t help but feel bad for just a second. ‘didnt some of these guys have girlfriends? couldve sworn i saw terushima enter with some girl.’ but how could you possibly focus on that when your clothes were being literally ripped off of you and disregarded to who knows where?
your legs felt weak, both out of shock and nervousness from being handled so roughly. “bring her here, bo. sit her down on my lap.” bokuto (for perhaps the first time in his life) was silent as he dragged you over to the other ex-captain, setting you down in his lap on his spot on the bench just as he’d requested. kuroo snickered and raised a hand to cup your cheeks, squeezing them together like you were a little baby before releasing.
“ease up, will ya? so damn tense i can feel it from here. you know we’ll take good care of you.” he spoke so lowly and reassuringly that you couldn’t help but to nod like a fool as he turned you around in his lap to fit the others. he tapped your thigh once, twice, and you quickly picked up on the hint and opened your legs for their viewing pleasure. you tried to put your face down as you were smothered in shame from just how quickly you got wet from their rough handling, but kuroo gripped onto your face once again and forced you to look up.
“look up, baby. so many big strong men dying to make you cum so fucking hard. be a little more thankful, yeah? say it.” “thank you.” he shook his head with a small laugh before releasing your face, but not before lightly tapping your face twice with soft slaps. still, you remained out of it even as oikawa settled himself between your legs, looking up at you with the same lazy smile you frequently saw him wearing around you.
“smells so damn good. finally gonna let me get a taste, cutie?” he spoke lowly as if he were to himself before diving in and holy shit. you figured he’d be pretty experienced. the guy was a literal chick magnet. but damn, this exceeded your expectations by far. your body threatened to curl over itself if it hadn’t been for kuroo’s sturdy grip on your twitching thighs. the way he sucked vigorously at your clit while swiping his tongue along your folds to capture more of your essence had you drawing nothing but blanks up there.
“haven’t even cum yet for us and already going dumb?” kuroo teased, planting a kiss just behind your ear, a shocking contrast to the way oikawa’s tongue worked against you just right.
the air around you was so thick you felt as if it could be cut with a knife. some of the guys surrounding you couldn’t figure out what to do with themselves, nervously shuffling their feet without taking your eyes off of you. others had clearly overcome any former shame, already slowly pumping their cocks in their hands as they hoped and prayed that they would get a turn soon. the whole scene made you feel so dirty— so wanted. the desire that leaked from their looks on you had your orgasm approaching faster than ever.
oikawa seemed to have noticed this, using his thumbs to spread your folds apart to make sure you felt him deep, muttering a quick “cum on my fucking mouth, princess.” the simple phrase alone made your orgasm crash down on you finally. your fingers tangled in his soft hair, which was now messy and tossed thanks to you.
you nearly passed out right there when he continued to lick you clean even as you violently shook in kuroo’s grasp, the black haired boy having to shove the other away forcefully just to separate his mouth from you. “that’s enough of that. did he make you feel good baby?” your eyes are still shut as you cling onto the leftover bliss, only offering a quiet “mhm.” “good girl. think you can give us another?” the question was clearly rhetorical, which should’ve been clear by the was he was already gesturing someone else forward. but still, you shook your little fucked out head ‘no’ and prayed upon some god that he’d have mercy on your poor quivering cunt.
but you knew better than to expect mercy from kuroo of all people. especially when it came to your body, when he kept whispering to you about how you were such a “perfect little toy,” and his “favorite doll to use.” before you knew it sakusa was diving into your pussy quickly without giving you time to do so much as muster up the energy to open your eyes again. his mouth was quick and desperate to get you off, moving with a sense of urgency as his hands busied themselves palming at his covered dick. he wasn’t nearly as precise or experienced as oikawa was, but his eagerness made up for it as he ate you out like a starved man.
your hips threatened to buck against his face wildly, cries of “please, please, please” falling from your mouth even though you didn’t even know what you were begging for. all you knew was that you needed more than what he was giving you right now. the man above you seemed to have read you like an open book once again as he released one of your thoughts to reach a hand around to your sensitive bud, pressing down on it softly. “see this?” he murmured, only receiving a small “hm.” in acknowledgement as omi continued his assault on your little hole. greedy fuck. “try touching her here. she loves that shit.” you cried out for more again, clenching tightly at the way he spoke of your body as if you weren’t even there.
the second sakusa tore himself away from your folds to wrap his lips around your clit, you were a goner for sure. there was a distant scream that you didn’t even recognize as your own until kuroo muffled them with his hand, body twitching and jerking more than it had the previous time. the room fell to a sudden silence even as you came down from your high, causing you to let out a confused hum.
kuroo’s chuckle broke the quietness, his large hand slapping your wet overstimulated mound and making you yelp. “didn’t know you were a squirter, baby. how come you didn’t do this for us the first time hm?” another rhetorical question. his hand trailed down lower, collecting some of your juices before he began to prod a finger at your other hole. “fuck- gonna let me bury myself in here again? want both of your holes fucked out?” and you couldn’t help but cry out because fuck yes! you couldn’t think of anything you’d want more. you nodded your head and panted like a sex craved mutt, and perhaps you would’ve been as humiliated as you were before if you weren’t so damn thirsty for it. every inch of you was begging to be ravished and destroyed, and you couldn’t help but grow more and more impatient as the time passed.
kuroo didn’t take his eyes off of you as he nodded towards the crowd once again, sakusa taking the hint and reluctantly scurrying off to palm at himself through his sweatpants just as he previously had. kuroo’s command must’ve been unclear though, as both of you were pulled away from your eye contact at the sound of a comical bonk followed by two grunts of “ow.” perhaps you would’ve laughed if the two aforementioned fools weren’t kneeling in front of your drenched pussy, ready to service you eagerly just as the other two had.
a chill ran up your spine as you surveyed each of their features. while both of them shared the same underlying expressions of lust and desperation, you couldn’t help but note how bokuto’s face resembled one of an excited puppy dog that perhaps would’ve been adorable in another circumstance while terushima’s was much more primal. “look at that” kuroo’s voice in your ear dragged you back out of your own head as he slowly sunk another finger into your tight ass. just because he was going to treat you like a whore didn’t mean you didn’t deserve prep. “making a fool out of themselves, all because they’re so desperate to get a taste of that perfect pussy. doesn’t that make you feel filthy?”
kuroo couldn’t do anything but shake his head at your lack of response, finally releasing your thighs for a moment to grab at both of their napes, silently demanding for you to hold them open yourself. “well? since you’re both so impatient, think you two can work together as a team? if i hear her complain even one time, i’m not letting either of you touch again.”
the two of them nodded obediently, and your eyes nearly rolled back at how demanding kuroo was being right now. it was clear that everyone knew who was truly holding the ropes here, and yet no one was complaining about the arrangement. seemingly satisfied with their responses, kuroo released their necks and his hands smacked yours away so he could replace them and hold up your thighs himself once again. “think you’re ready to take my cock now in here, y/n?” he smirked as he lined himself up. “gonna let me fuck this ass while you let both of them eat that slutty pussy? such a dirty girl. so fuckin’ good for us” he continued to spew filth at you as he lined himself up at your entrance, allowing you to sink down slowly.
you hissed at the stretch, but of course didn’t have much time to focus on the sensation because bokuto and terushima had finally decided that they’d been waiting for long enough. they worked diligently, the cool metal of teru’s tongue piercing flicking against your bud while bokuto slurped on your juices so loudly that the sound filled the room in the most embarrassing way possible.
yeah. you were in for it tonight.
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sorry for mistakes or inconsistencie. requests for bnha and haikyuu are open.
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angelz-dust · 3 years
masters of none - part 4 (jason todd x reader)
summary: after many months, we are back in action and back in reader’s head. pls enjoy these jason crumbs. if you need a refresher on the plot, the other chapters will be linked below!
word count: 3.7k
warnings: food/eating. alcohol. cursing.
part 1 /// part 2 //// part 3
ever since i ever felt ya, right there life couldn't seem better. tulip flowers in my sweater. ask me now, is this forever?
you rested your chin on the table before you, your arms hanging limply between your knees as you listened to your manager, dana. you were really just watching her mouth open and close while she pointed at a powerpoint. god, what you would've given for an extra hour of sleep. the all nighters in the studio were starting to take a toll. 
the feeling of the back of daisy’s soft hands brought you back to earth. the smell of cocoa butter dancing beneath your nostrils as her smooth engagement ring rolled across your cheek. you breathed in her smell, exhaling in content through your nose.
“you good?” she mouthed and you closed your eyes, giving her a little nod. the bassist rubbed her calloused fingers against your forehead, pushing strands of your hair past your hairline. you pouted when she eventually pulled away, leaving you only with the sensation of touch that once was.
you heard tyler shift in his seat and then felt some air graze against your hand. you looked under the table, noticing he was holding something out to you. you two made eye contact briefly before you scooted back in, grabbing what felt like an envelope. looking down at your lap, you saw a sticky note attached to it. jason’s money was what it said. you carefully put the envelope in your jacket pocket, sitting back in your seat now and looking at dana’s powerpoint. she was going over reports from your publicist, jerry, which you didn't particularly care about.
“now, i have to ask,” dana’s words pierced your bubble of inattention. “have you all thought about what i said about this next album?”
jordy raised his hand like a school kid. “yes?”
“y/n and i decided that we'd be okay with making our album a group project. it has been, admittedly, kinda hard and boring without everyone else. we’d honestly be doing ourselves a disservice by not doing it together,” jordy explained, dana clapping her hands together.
“wonderful,” she nodded, keeping her hands clasped. “i know you two were excited to do your own thing, but i was talking to jerry and he was really pressing me to get a group album from you guys. the people wanna see you guys as a unit of established artists, which you all are. so what's the concept? we never discussed it.”
“uh,” you verbally paused, raising your arms above your head to stretch. “disco, jazz, and funk. it's a mix of those.”
“retro is in right now,” dana nodded, pacing around the room. “how far back will this set us on a release date?”
you grimaced, leaning back in your seat, the back of the seat lightly bouncing as it absorbed your weight. you pondered the question for a moment. “if it’s gonna be a group thing, it'll have to be significantly longer. we have a decent starting off point but i'm gonna need way more songs now.”
“what about the rest of you? any tracks that we could swing?” dana asked, looking at the rest of the group. 
grabbing a pen and piece of scrap paper, you started jotting down notes as everyone spoke out to you. dex and quinton didn’t have anything, but they wouldn’t be a problem. you just needed to give them a beat to rap over and you’d be set. the twins had a finished song already that fit the concept, which was good. with tyler’s voice and aly’s excellent song writing abilities, you doubted very seriously that anything else needed to be done to it. daisy and hector had plenty of lyricless songs, too. funk and soul was their specialty, after all. misha even had a demo track she was willing to share. 
you looked over the notes you had taken, tapping your pen on the table as you hummed to yourself. “this could probably work. we’ll need to go over everything in the studio, though.”
“we should just do it now. no one is doing shit else today, right?” dex asked the group, who all shook their head. 
“i have a request,” you raised your finger, looking at dana. “i want gotham to be involved in this project.”
“gotham…” dana repeated slowly, unsure of what you meant. “care to elaborate?”
“music videos directed by student directors from gotham university, commissioning local artists for album art. dancers, actors, musicians, whatever. all of them have to be from gotham. i don't want any of the money we put into this project leaving this city,” you stated firmly, dana giving you a blank look. 
“i like that idea,” hector said, giving you a kind smile before turning to dana, shifting in his seat. the drummer was like a big brother, always backing you up in moments like these. “accessibility to the arts is really limited here and we should change that.”
“i’d rather give back to the city, too,” quinton agreed, playing with the gold cross hanging from his neck. “we’re one of the only groups in gotham known outside of gotham. we should use that as an opportunity to rep our city.”
“it sounds like you have your minds made up on this,” dana narrowed her eyes, letting out a sigh. “it would definitely be good PR.”
“because god forbid we do something out of the kindness of our hearts,” misha laughed, rolling her eyes. “we're trying to put the city on and you're worried about how it makes us look.”
“that's my job, misha. don't you want me to do my job?” dana retorted. “besides, i'm more concerned with the funding. you all don't have disposable income, believe it or not.”
“but i know someone who does,” she said with a singsong tone, giving you a look.
“i hope you're not referring to me,” you deadpanned. your income was far from disposable.
“i’m referring to our good friend, bruce wayne,” she explained, grabbing a business card out of her purse, handing it over to dana. “ever since i got invited to that charity gala, i've had a direct line to a representative with the wayne foundation. i say we ask them to help fund the project.”
“now that could work,” dana admitted, eyeing the card as she tapped her foot. “if we pitch for more youth involvement, it'll probably go over better. we all know how much bruce wayne loves saving the children.”
you frowned at how dana described bruce’s initiatives as a philanthropist. you were sure his motivations for favoring youth projects were good intentioned, considering his parents had been killed when he was just a little boy. you wanted to go into this good intentioned, too and you hoped that they'd agree. they being the wayne foundation and subsequently, bruce himself.
“ty and quinton could do something with forrester. if we’re going for the youth involvement route, i mean,” aly spoke up. 
“forrester correctional. our old stomping grounds,” quinton sighed wistfully as he patted tyler on the shoulder. “i think that would be a good idea.”
“they use the arts as an outlet for them, so it could be beneficial for everyone,” tyler nodded. “there are a lot of good kids there. just unfortunate circumstances, that’s all.”
“wasn’t one of bruce’s son’s a troublemaker before he was adopted?” aly continued, not noticing the look you and tyler shared. “i’m sure he’d probably be interested in doing something with them if his son comes from the same background.”
“it’s settled, then. you all keep working on the music. jerry and i will handle the rest. we need this album out before hector and daisy’s wedding,” dana said, grabbing her suitcase. 
hey, i have your money. did you still want it?
you stared down at the unsent message, your thumb floating over the send arrow. you hadn’t spoken to jason since that night after the race, as per his request. your mind kept wandering back to it, even as time still went on. what happened was scary, to say the least. fun, but scary. you wondered how the hell jason didn’t get the two of you killed. that part, you didn't want to think about too hard. everyone in gotham had their secrets and it was an unspoken rule amongst citizens to not pry. secrets were secrets for a reason. nothing good ever came from unearthing them.
speaking of secrets, you hadn't exactly told tyler and quinton what happened that night. not in detail. you conveniently left out the chase and stopping to get something to eat. omitting the first part was obvious, but the second one was for your own sanity. you didn't need them teasing you over nothing. besides, all that mattered was no one was dead or arrested. and for the way the three of you used to get down, that was a win. 
you considered texting jason earlier this week, just to check in on him, but you decided against it. he obviously wanted you to text him and you obviously had to do the opposite. his little mind game wasn’t going to work on you. you pressed send, frowning immediately as you did so.
maybe it already had.
“it’s too many people in this bitch,” dex sighed, the cold of the water bottle you had asked him for against your hand bringing you back to reality. blinking, you were suddenly very aware of the chaos surrounding you in the studio as you put your phone back in your pocket. you looked to your left, where jordy was leaning against the wall and scrolling through his phone. to your right was aly, who was scribbling in her songbook in the chair next to you. you remembered you were supposed to be working, too. “we need a new stu.”
“i’m working on it!” hector hollered from inside the booth as he and daisy were setting up equipment and instruments. you glanced up at the glass in front when you heard his voice, accidentally catching the pair share a little kiss. you quickly averted your gaze, smiling to yourself.
“new stu, new view, what it do?” quinton began to freestyle to a beat he was making on the coffee table in front of him. “off 92, posted up with southside crew.” 
“okay,” dex laughed, noddinh his head as he was vibing with the beat, making his way out of your line of sight. you heard someone, presumably tyler, join in and add some depth to the beat. it sounded like he was hitting a pencil against a shot glass.
“i got a new boo, but i’m tryna slide with misha, too,” quinton continued, dex adlibbing in the back as quinton lowered his voice to his signature melodic whisper. “on the low, nobody gotta know.”
“would you shut the fuck up?” you heard misha say, followed by a barrage of muffled smacking noises and verbal objections from quinton, who you assumed was on the receiving end of what sounded like an assault by pillow.
laughing to yourself, you leaned your head in aly’s direction, not fully facing her. “pass me the flash drive?” you held your hand out weakly. once you felt the plastic in your palm, you leaned back over and put it into the computer, pulling up the proper files. 
“we’re done back here,” daisy smiled at you, she and hector coming out from the booth. 
you clapped your hands together. “wonderful. everybody shut up, please.”
you pulled up the twin’s song and let it play, your eyes fixed on the colorful audio loops on the screen. the green ones were tyler’s vocals, the purple were aly’s. it looked like blue was reserved for instruments and red was any added sound effects or layered sounds. 
“you two sound really great,” jordy walked up behind aly’s seat, leaning against it as he swayed his head to the beat. 
“thanks. i wrote it with our mother in mind,” aly said, the words coming out of her mouth uncomfortably. you placed your hand on hers and gave it a little squeeze, which earned you a look of appreciation.
“it's missing something, though,” tyler scratched the back of his head. “i need the producer squad to give us some assistance.”
“oh, say less,” dex laughed, snapping his fingers to the beat with one hand and holding his glass of hennessy in the other. he danced his way over, taking aly’s seat as she, tyler and jordy moved to give you all some space. 
misha sauntered her way over, sitting against the table and flipping her hair over her shoulder. the smell of her sweet perfume floated in the air around you. “i think it just needs some fluffing up. some snapping might work. more vocal layering in certain spots.”
“i agree,” you nodded, dex letting out a satisfied sigh as he took a sip of his cold drink. 
“is it good?” misha asked him teasingly and he took his final swig, letting out a more dramatic and drawn out sigh. this time, though, it was on beat with the song. you were pretty sure it was unintentional on his part, since he and misha just shared a laugh before returning their attention to the screen.
after a moment of pondering, you swiveled around in your chair, looking at tyler. “okay, hear me out…”
two weeks of very diligent working between the nine of you had given you a lot to work with for the album. all that was left was to start putting things together. you still had a ways to go, but you had a good starting off point. as much as you hated to admit it, it was a good call on dana’s part to have you all do a group album. the fans seemed to be greatly anticipating the release and the work ethic the nine of you shared was incredible. even in that cramped little studio, you all made it work.
you all agreed to take the day off, but you were still working at some capacity. you had just traded one small space for another, working in your walk-in closet/home studio for the day. you still needed said walk-in to function as a closet, so there were still garment bags pushed up into a corner and shoe boxes haphazardly stacked, surrounding your desk that you had shoved in there. there was just enough space for you to move your chair and safely get out without twisting an ankle, a fate you often flirted with in that room.
in the spirit of your day off, you hadn't done anything too difficult. you were just trying to decide what order you wanted the completed songs to go in. it may seem like an insignificant detail, but the order was important. the transitions between songs couldn't be jarring for the listener. everything had to flow together with natural progression. at this point, it didn't matter since you weren't done with the album, but it was just giving you an idea of how to fill the gaps with future songs. 
the sound of your growling stomach indicated that it was time to stop for the day. you quickly saved all your work and headed to the kitchen. you popped some leftovers in the microwave and scrolled on twitter while you waited. the microwave beeped at you, so you set your phone back down and grabbed the bowl, mixing up the contents with your fork. the flash of light coming from your phone got your attention. a text notification.
are you home?
oh, so now he wanted to respond? cute.
despite your annoyance with the situation, you quickly responded with a yes and set the phone back down. you leaned against the counter, eating what little food you had in your reheated bowl. you mixed the contents around with your fork, grumbling. stupid jason and his stupid inability to text back. he could have at least had the decency to leave you on read. he probably didn't even have read receipts on. you weren't sure which was worse. tossing your now empty bowl into the sink, you grabbed your phone to read his next message.
i’ll be over soon. 
soon was very vague and you wished that you would've demanded an exact time, but that opportunity had passed by the time you thought about it. you busied yourself with tidying up, trying to make your place look presentable. you even lit your new candle, which you found yourself focusing your attention on while you waited for him to show up. staring at the flame was much more entrancing than you anticipated.
you heard the door buzzer go off. you weren't expecting anyone else, so it had to be him. you leaned against the wall, pressing your finger to the button.
“who goes there?” you presented the question as a joke, but your tone was a little flat.
“it’s the irs,” jason’s voice came through and you buzzed him in. 
not too long after, you heard him knock on the door. you cracked it open and the first thing you noticed was his cologne. it was a strong but pleasant scent. spicy and sweet. it was very intoxicating, actually. so much so that you almost forgot you were angry at him.
you opened the door fully and handed the envelope to him. jason eyed it suspiciously. he opened it up and began to count it out in front of you. he made an effort to do it very slow, the sound of the crisp dollars echoing in the quiet hall. his eyes stayed glued to yours as he counted out loud. you leaned against the doorframe as you watched.
“six… seven… eight,” he said, pulling out his wallet and stuffing it with the cash. “thought you would've skimmed some off the top.”
“i should have with how long you made me wait,” you said matter of factly, letting your annoyance be known now. 
“i know. i’m sorry,” he sounded honest but you couldn't see it in his face or in his eyes, which was worrisome. it was a nice alternative to listening to a sputter of excuses, though. “let me make it up to you?”
“how do you plan on doing that?”
“i’m so glad you asked,” he smiled. “as it turns out, i've recently come into some money. let me spend it on you?”
“so you like throwing money at your problems?” you asked him. well, you weren't really asking. it was more like you were telling him. 
“no,” he said, sounding a little offended. “i just thought-”
“you just thought that throwing money at me would make me forget about the fact that you ignored me for a month.”
“no, no,” he shook his head, sighing in frustration. “listen, i-”
“i really don't wanna hear it,” you said honestly, watching as his frustrated look turned into kicked puppy. you almost felt bad. “i don't like feeling stupid, jason. that's how i feel right now. i want you to make it up to me but you'll have to be a bit more creative than this.”
“you want me to make it up to you?” jason had repeated, confusion on his face. 
you poked him harshly in the chest. “you do that or you leave me alone. those are your options. goodbye.”
you shut the door in his face and let out the breath you were holding in. you weren’t sure how jason was going to react to your little ultimatum, but those were your terms. you liked him but you weren’t going to stress over someone you barely knew, especially with your assumptions about him floating around in your head. 
“i’ll be right back,” you heard him say through the door, catching you off guard. 
“don’t go anywhere.”
you didn’t respond but you heard his footsteps getting quieter as he walked down the hall. the elevator ding indicated that he had left. you stood there, confused as to what it was he was trying to do. you were still stewing in your negative emotions, so you went and busied yourself again. you decided the dishes needed washing and got on it right away. in the middle of scrubbing the stubborn sauce stains out of your plate, you heard your door buzzer go off again. 
so he did come back after all. interesting.
you buzzed him in like you did before and waited by the door for him. he knocked and when you opened it, you were met with two gifts: a bouquet of pink tulips and a small box of something from the bakery around the corner. 
“i shouldn’t have ignored you. it was rude and stupid and i’m sorry. it won’t happen again,” he said to you, holding out the items to you. you hesitantly accepted them, taking the opportunity to look through the plastic opening of the box to see chocolate covered strawberries. 
“it better not happen again,” you pouted, looking up at him. you had to appreciate the effort he put in at such short notice. it was a sweet gesture and he actually looked sorry this time. 
“it won’t,” he assured you and you smiled.
“i forgive you. but you’re on thin fucking ice,” you reminded him and he grinned at you with a nod.
“i’m going to make it up to you. just you wait,” he said confidently. “not all of us are naturally creative like you, though. you gotta give me some time to think of something else.”
“seems like you’re getting your feet wet with the flower selection,” you noted, taking a whiff of the delicate and fresh scent. they’d look nice on your coffee table.
“lady at the shop said they would convey my sincerest apologies,” he explained, a hopeful look in his eyes. “did it work?”
“for now,” you shrugged, setting the items down on the table next to the door. 
“i can accept that.”
“you’re gonna have to because that’s all i’m giving you,” you said firmly. his charm wasn’t going to get him out of this one. not completely. “now go away. i want to eat my berries in peace.”
“i’ll text you as soon as i get the chance,” he told you as you were shutting the door. you peered at him, narrowing your eyes before shutting it again. “i’m serious!”
“goodbye, jason!” you said through the door. you heard his faint farewell as you walked away, plopping on the couch with your dessert in hand.
were you still a little mad at him? yes. but you weren’t going to pass up free stuff, even if you had made all that fuss about the money earlier. at least the gifts had some thought behind them. so long as he held up his end of the deal, you had a feeling being friends with jason wouldn’t be that bad.
hopefully, anyway.
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biisexualemma · 4 years
pretend. oscar diaz
word count: 1396
warnings: swearing and brief mention of sex and i oop-
requested: hi!! im in love with your writing!!🤍🤍 you're so talented!! you can totally ignore this if it's a terrible idea lol but could you write a situation where the reader and spooky have to pretend to date and one of them develops real feelings. dw if you don't want to do this, im looking forward to reading all of your future works! 💞 💞
hey i adore your spooky imagines😍🥰 could i pls ask for an imagine where they're fake dating? cliche i know but i love me some spooky where he catches feelings without even realising it🥺 thank you so much!!💖💖
hey could you do an imagine with spooky where he and the reader are fake dating for some reason and they fall for each other? ty!! :)
a/n: so many requested this so i put ‘em all into one imagine bc they’re all the same request hehe but thank u! probs will do a part two because i have more to write but this was already long enough and i just like the suspense of it all hahaha oop
pt.2 / pt.3
"i don't like it," your best friend wore a concerned frown on her face. you shrugged. "and i don't support it."
"you don't have to," you rolled your eyes. "it's not like anyone will get hurt, it's just pretend."
"you say that now," she crossed her arms over her chest. "you used to crush pretty hard on him and i don't want you to get seriously invested, for him to break your heart."
"i won't," you stressed. "it's not like that, i'm doing him a favour," she didn't look too convinced but she couldn't do much to change your mind at this point. "besides, it's just for a few weeks."
she hummed, unconvinced. "come on! you like oscar, i don't know what your problem is?"
"you don't have to convince me of anything, this is your business," she shrugged. you felt a little hurt by her comment. you didn't talk about it again all night. you didn't like not agreeing with her about anything. it was unsettling.
you laughed at something your friend had said, sipping the alcohol from the cup in your hand. "i never said that!" you gawked.
he only let out a chuckle. "you were drunk! how you gonna remember what you said and what you didn't?" he teased, laughing with you as you rolled your eyes.
your eyes moved across the party to where oscar was sitting with his friends, in a similar position to you. he was laughing at something someone had said, you felt your eyes lingering for a moment.
your friend hummed, catching your stare. "how's that going?" he raised an eyebrow when he spoke.
"uh, good. i guess," you shrugged, sipping your drink again to disguise how little you had to say about him as your boyfriend. you only really saw him at parties and occasionally he'd have you 'round with his friends. other than that, you didn't see much of each other. it was weird, you felt like you saw more of him when you were just friends. now that you were pretending all the time, it didn't feel like it did before.
"good?" he frowned. "that's it? give me the juice— how is he in bed? i heard he's pretty good," he pursed his lips as he spoke. your face contorted when he brought the topic of sex up.
"where do you here these things?" you scoffed.
"you didn't answer my question," he nudged your arm. you glanced at him again, he caught your gaze this time and you quickly looked back at your friend.
"i don't know," you shrugged. "we haven't done anything yet. he wants to take it slow or something," it felt weird lying through your teeth like this. especially to one of your closest friends. also, you weren't a very good liar at the best of times and something told you that your friend didn't believe you.
"doesn't sound like the spooky i've heard about," he made a face and you shrugged again.
"you need to stop listening to these things about my boyfriend, please," you joked halfheartedly, hoping to diverge the topic of conversation.
you spent the rest of the party mainly with your friends, until later in the night when oscar grabbed your arm and pulled you aside. he took you away from your friends and his. he backed you against a nearby wall, reaching out and picking up your hands with his. he began to fidget with your fingers.
you gulped, it was weird being this close to him still and having him treat you like this. you'd been friends for so long it was weird seeing this side of him.
"you good?" he mumbled. you nodded, letting out a soft smile. "i saw you talking to your friend earlier."
you hummed. "yeah," you shrugged. "he was asking me about you."
oscar wore a smile when you said this, breathing a laugh. "oh yeah?" you nodded, mimicking his smile. you could talk to oscar like this no problem, it was the intimacy you were getting used to. "that's why you couldn't keep your eyes off me, huh?"
"ha-ha," you teased, rolling your eyes. "you're just so attractive, it's hard to look away," you raised an eyebrow, teasing him. he nudged your stomach with his elbow, you hurled over a little and laughed.
"shut up," his hands moved to your neck, his thumbs rubbing against your jaw line. it was kind of comforting having him touch you like this. and even if this was just for show, it proved what you always knew deep down— that oscar was a softie. "i'm gonna kiss you now, ok?"
you stiffened a little, he stepped closer, pushing you further up against the wall. your breath caught in your throat a little but still you nodded. you knew this was part of the deal but still, this was the first time of you'd kissed each other. and it was in a very public place.
before you could voice your uneasiness, he leaned down a little and pressed his lips against yours. you were caught a little off guard, but still you kissed him back. his hands roamed down to your waist where he pressed you against the wall. you gasped a little as he did so, allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth. your hands moved to the nape of his neck, pulling his body closer to yours.
you had to pull away after a while to catch your breath, your chest rising and falling pretty heavy when you did. "do you think she was looking?" something felt wrong, him asking about his ex-girlfriend after he'd just made out with you. but that's exactly what you were doing it for. so he could get his ex-girlfriend to notice them and realise what a mistake she'd made.
your hands dropped to your sides, tilting your head to the side a little to try and get a glimpse of his ex. which you did, she was staring daggers at you. you couldn't help but laugh a little at the look on her face. your eyes moved back to oscars face, snickering.
"what?" he smiled, mimicking the expression on your face.
"you know the expression, if looks could kill?" he wore a smug smile and nodded. "well, i'd be dead."
you both laughed together, his face nestling into your neck for a second. you continued to laugh, ignoring the feeling in your stomach. you were beginning to think that maybe you should've listened to your best friend.
"that's good though, right?" you spoke up after you'd both calmed down a bit. "that's what we're after. pure jealousy and hatred— oh my god, what if she tried to scrap with me over you? do you think she would do that?" your eyes widened when you thought about it. you weren't much of a fighter. you left that up to oscar.
he chuckled at the expression on your face. "nah, i won't let her touch you," it was nice to know he was still protective of you as his friend.
"good, i'll hold you to that," you mumbled, smiling a little now.
"come on," he grabbed your hand and began to pull you back to the rest of the party. you stopped him before he got too far, his eyebrows furrowed when he looked back at you.
something had been playing on your mind since your conversation with your friend before. "hey, you'd have sex with me right?"
he let out a laugh, raising his eyebrows. that didn't reassure you much, you frowned and punched his shoulder. "what kind of question is that?"
"don't laugh about the thought of having sex with me! that's so mean," you gawked at him. "i just meant, if you weren't my friend and you didn't know me, would you think i'm pretty enough to have sex with?"
he couldn't help chuckling, you'd caught him off guard with the question. it didn't reflect how he really felt about it. "yeah— absolutely. you're hot, y/n. you don't need me to tell you that."
you hummed, shrugging your shoulders. "ok," you carried on walking. "that makes me feel better."
"no reason," you glanced at him with a smile. "just wanted to hear you say it," you teased, joking as he shook his head.
"loca," he rolled his eyes.
"shut up."
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kreidewaltz · 3 years
happy holidays and advance happy new year everyone!! this was supposed to be for christmas but.. yeah hope u had a great time w your loved ones <33 this is for my friends who helped me get thru shitty times, who made me laugh so hard, and made me feel appreciated :) to my mutuals, thank u for taking ur time to talk to me!! any interactions from u guys makes me so so happy <3 im proud of you for getting through this year!! this is gonna b a long one .. hehe <3 sorry if i didn't mention u!! i still love u :( this is in no particular order dw dw ily all d same
to my followers, mutuals, and people who likes my stuff in general ツ
AAAAAAA guys ily you rock !! thank u for supporting me and just being there for me (esp for the ones who listened and stayed w my shit !!) ty for liking, reblogging about my stuff, or just interacting w me!! pls pls talk to me let's have some good convo hehe i hope no one will send me or any blog hate bc that isn't cool >:( happiness and love only are allowed people!!!
@sunakissses ツ
my bestie, my bae, babe <3 you rock val if im honest :( even tho we haven't been friends for a long time, we just clicked !! and yeah talking to u is just makes me at ease n u have that comfy vibes :)) and our interactions r so funny and wholesome <33 i just love when im talking to ya you know :(( and idk i love ur supportive aura whenever i do something hehe :( lets keep going next year and be more closer >:) and yes u and suna r going to be the cat's first ever aunt and uncle <3
@romaune ツ
okay .. the literal meaning of sunshine, yes you gracie baby :( you're so wholesome i wanna cry thats me 2 u !! i love your aura and just everything, i get so excited when u reply to my asks fr, because ure so enthusiastic n i like that a lot !!! :( ik we don't talk a lot yet but from our interactions (or just us screamin abt our mans winks) i know i gained a friend, a good n funny friend for that:) and ure so like hinata i wanna squish and hug and talk to!! i love how we scream abt our ongoing suna brainrots HAHA can't forget that <33
@cryoqi ツ
people put ur hands up 4 the coolest person ive met !!!! >:( istg you're so kind and so funny even if thats not ur intention T_T at first i was intimidated by u but then yeah <33 we vibe :( only the real ones know abt us and me bein your bread anon <33 ure rlly great and can't forget d time us and dove sang thru texts ...? yes that i cried while laughing HAHA, and yes i love the way u write 2!! so you and just amazing overall :)) n yeah i like to talk to u a lot in the server !!! ure so funny & relatable at times hihi
@miyasangel ツ
arden bae !!! you're so ... cool and pretty and one of the people i want 2 talk to in here <3 you're like cool and the way you write is chefs kiss >:( and i love it whenever we talk abt random things AHSHS and when we talk abt atsumu <33 i love love that !! n yeah good thing i interacted w u b4 on ur old blog and get to talk to you more !!! i was so shy n nervous while sending you asks sometimes LMAO idk why :(( ure rlly a great friend <3 n i think u also became a factor on why im liking inarizaki :D
@cafemiya ツ
omg hail to issy !! i know we don't talk that much yet but i literally like u a lot >:( you're rlly great w your long fics !! n handmade heaven lead me to you and ur asks <3 and you're so chaotic too HAHA i like that :) dw ill always shower u w compliments bc u so deserve it bby !!! and i squeal sometimes when u reply to my asks w the same energy :(( n yes i just love you and your vibe in general <3 and im so excited 4 the collab !!! <3 thanks for reaching me out hehe or my slowburn fic journey wont happen :( anw ily and keep slayin issy baby!!!! :D
@kuro0luvr ツ
omg kieran .. the big phat supporter of chlojime is here people !!! <3 i just love loooove talking to you esp in the server & we scream abt anything n everything :( and thank u for always giving me support and everyone else when we're down!! you're one of my sunshines 2 :( i love how we just talk and instantly b close friends you know!! even tho we dont chat like in dms we r so close hehe :( and yes ill never forget how happy u got when i complimented that u have akaashi vibes <3 ty for being a good friend n supporter to me :(((
@oikawasbliss ツ
milo everyday !!! >:) i missed our interactions tbh :( you're just so chill n i vibe w u a lot!! your themes omg i want em its so aesthetic and everything <3 and uhm i love ur love for oikawa >< i mean who wouldn't but whenever i see smth kawa related i think of u immediately T_T and yes ure just so so cool :(( lets talk more soon gah and maybe talk abt aot hehe smirks <3 and yes i just like ur themes and vibe a lot <3 lets talk more soon gah >:)
@himichii ツ
I KNOW we didn't talk really like until few weeks ago but ... you're so funny and kind n lowkey sweet HAHA u were so intimidating before i can't talk 2 u <//3 but im glad i did !! not me writin this and listening to the playlist u made for me :( omg thank u for that and the other that u posted, i felt nostalgic and (good) sad on d inside <3 HAHS lets talk more omfg idk what 2 say :( OH oh ure a greatt writer :( the angst u sent yesterday made me sad gah <3 let's talk more in the new years!!! :(
@hajimine ツ
oml lexy bae where do i start??? omg ily like <3 because you're so nice n sweet n so funny 2!! glad i started participating in your ask games and on that we became friends hehe :( i love how we just talk abt anything on your asks <33 like ur life keeps me entertained HAHA and when u became more chaotic n all that .. i liked it!!! :( and oh u write so well if u didnt know >:( can't wait 4 more interactions w you bae !! <3 and ugh omg ily <3 literally cannot express how much :( you have good vibes n i wanna have that too !! and love how we just scream over one man ;D
@lcaita ツ
omg kai ... hi <3 HAHS sorry if im so awkward wtf but ure so cool and so funny !!! i like ur vibes always even tho ure not always around <3 and when youre around i just get happy !!! >< for some reason i love ur name hehe and uhm i love ur aesthetics hehe on ur acc !!! >:) and yes thank u for being a kind friend hehe :( lets talk more next yr abt anything!!! maybe abt ur mans (kaashi, semi, others) hehe ;)
@kemochie ツ
nea !!! i just . wanna say that you're a sweet human being :( and deserve the world :( ik we didnt interact much yet but !!! i love u already n your aura in general <3 and i just get soft on ur username for some reason T_T i love our little interactions from time 2 time n i wanna boost that more on the new years!! <3 idk i like u :( that's it thats my say :(
@nightmareupondaydream ツ
kana baby !!! im so grateful for u whenever u send me sweet words at random times ... and when i need it <3 and i missed our chats in dms :( lets do it again sometime !! im gonna be here for u okay :( and you're so sweet fr i love u,, and yeah just talkin about how shitty life is or how my writing goes, let's do that on the new years oki!! <3333
@ravscrii ツ
thank u for being there like really >< ik u have own probs to solve but you still helped me :( ty for being a great listener and supporter hehe <3 u deserve great things !!! and pls dw okay we're good even tho we arent talking that much :( i miss that hehe n ure a kind and funny person ASHS esp in the server ur replies n everything make me laugh :( lets talk more soon like the old times AAAAAA i miss it hehe <3 and goodluck on genshin HAHA pls entertain me w it even tho i don't play </3
@rintaroll ツ
olivia babe <3 omg i missed u sorry 4 not checking on u :( forgive me <//3 just wnna say u totally made my 2020 better n a little more bearable <3 i like ur vibes sm and ur name .. olivia wow i like it :( and oh you're so aesthetic like ur blog in general ??? hello pls step on me :( and u also influenced me (for some reason) to like tsumu more ?! which i dont mind at all .. i like it when we scream over tsumu or i tease u n him getting horknee :D yeah and god i can't forget the time we fangirled over gojo on ur asks ... and u sent me gojo gifs which made me scream <3 one of my unforgettable moments w ya!!
to my hajime anon + mod ツ
thank u for always being here :( and you just chatting w me makes me so happy <3 i hope you'll see this hehe and just thank u and ily yknow :( when im down or happy, or shitty you're just there, supporting me always <3 im so grateful for that!! and hajime anon mod ily :( thank u for taking ur time to chat w me and make me so happy hehe <3 take ur time okay :)
to my baby, stella ツ
AAAAAAA idk if you'll see this but shoot me an ask if u saw :( uhm i love ur vibes and you're so cool !! promise <3 and your theme changes r always so beautiful <3 pls pls i love you so much agh im so worried when u deactivated :( pls dont overwork okay whenever ure working :( i love talkin to u always in ur asks !!! ure so sweet and lovely grr >:( u deserve all d good things okay ily stel :((
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wardens-stew · 4 years
The Bone Season - unpacking Paige’s card reading!
To pass the time as I obsess about the imminent release of The Mask Falling, I’ve been thinking about when Liss did a card reading for Paige in TBS - and Elspeth elaborated on it in TSR - and felt like going back to it to see what’s been revealed and what we might glean about what’s yet to come. 
1 - Five of Cups (past)
CONFIRMED - Paige’s father mourning her mother
“You lost something when you were very small. There’s a man with auburn hair. It’s his cups that are spilled.” “My father,” I said. “Yes. You’re standing behind him, speaking to him. He doesn’t answer. He stares at a picture.” 
2 - King of Wands (present)
CONFIRMED - Jaxon’s hold on Paige 
“He controls you. Even now, you can’t escape his hold.” “Warden?” “I don’t think so. Still, he has power. His expectations of you are too high. You’re afraid of him.” Jaxon.
3 - The Devil (future); 4 - The Lovers (what to do)
LOW-KEY CONFIRMED - The Devil as the darkness within Paige; The Lovers as Paige and Warden
“This card represents a force of hopelessness, restriction, fear—but you’ve given into it yourself. There’s a shadow that the Devil represents, but I can’t see its face. Whatever power this person will have over you, you will be able to escape it. They’ll make you think you’re tied to them forever, but you won’t be. You’ll just think you are... The next card will tell you what to do when the time comes.”
I looked down at the fourth card. “The Lovers?” “Yes.” Her voice had dropped to a monotone. “I can’t see much. There’s tension between spirit and flesh. Too much.” 
Elspeth and Paige unpack this in TSR:
Two naked figures were on either side of the pedestal, bound to it, and by extension, to each other, by a silver chain. 
“The two figures in the Devil card closely resemble the couple in the Lovers card, which comes next. They could almost be Lovers... The Devil controls them. Manipulates them.” 
The words left a fine sweat on my brow. Controls them. Manipulates them. The Devil could be Terebell. Both Warden and I were chained to her: Warden by his loyalty, me by my need for her money. And we were also bound to each other by a chain, albeit a chain of gold.
“Someone stands over the pair in the Lovers card, too, though there’s no chain.” Elspeth pointed to a winged figure above the man and woman. “I’m not certain what the figure represents in this instance, but... someone is always watching this couple.”
There’s a good deal of evidence that the Lovers refers to Warden, as Paige points out, but she still isn’t sure:
“As a Rephaite, Warden was the pivot between spirit and flesh. We had always felt watched, knowing the consequences of discovery. If he represented the path I should be taking, then by trying to distance myself from him, by telling him we had to part, I had gone astray; I had turned my back on the counsel of the cards.
And yet, he could so easily be the Devil himself... or a puppet-master in its service, keeping me chained to it, to Terebell. Was he meant to be my lover or my downfall?”
She remains ambivalent, but there’s that important moment towards the end, with Jaxon:
“You will understand that all of us are devils in the skins of men. You will become the monster that lives inside us all.”
I started away from him. This wasn't the first time that his words had sounded like a prediction. The Devil. Had it been me all along? Was it the devil in myself - the devil deep beneath my skin - that I was meant to resist?”
She doesn't really arrive at a conclusion, but I think this theory is pretty convincing! I’m not quite sure if it lines up with the idea of the Devil manipulating and controlling the Lovers, though - does it make sense that the dark instincts in Paige are manipulating her and Warden?? It would fit more easily if the Devil were a person rather than something abstract.
I also think there’s more to be said about Elspeth’s observation that “someone is always watching this couple.” Paige attributes this to her general feeling of being watched in her clandestine relationship with Warden, but Elspeth’s remark suggests that something more deliberate and concrete is going on. That’s quite unnerving - the possibility that someone is literally watching Paige and Warden. I think it may be part of the larger role that their intimacy is playing on the world stage, although they’re not yet aware of it.
5 - Death, Inverted (external influences)
“Death is a normal card for voyants. Usually it appears in the past or present positions. But here, inverted—I’m not sure.” Her eyes flickered beneath their lids. “This far ahead, my sight gets hazy. Things are vague. I know the world will change around you, and you’ll do everything in your power to resist it. Death itself will work in different ways. By delaying the change, you’ll prolong your own suffering.”
Ok, I think this is definitely alluding to the possible events of TMF and Book 5 and the furthering of the Prometheus and Pandora parallel. I did some digging about the divinatory associations of the card:
DEATH.—End, mortality, destruction, corruption; also, for a man, the loss of a benefactor; for a woman, many contrarieties; for a maid, failure of marriage projects. Reversed: Inertia, sleep, lethargy, petrifaction, somnambulism; hope destroyed.
The card, drawn in reverse, can be interpreted as stagnation and the inability to move or change.
In the Mythic Tarot deck, Death is depicted by Hades.
Shit is going to get real!! “Death itself will work in different ways” -  This supports @growingstronglikeahighgardenrose‘s theory that Paige might end up going to the underworld in a Persephone/Eurydice parallel and someone will be forced to stay in the underworld for a period of time - likely Warden. The association with Hades also suggests that Warden will be involved, possibly put in some sort of slumber. I could definitely see Paige resisting this change and the ensuing separation from Warden. 
6 - Eight of Swords (hopes and fears)
“The card showed a woman, bound in a circle of upturned swords. She wore a blindfold. Liss’s skin glowed with sweat. “I can see you. You’re afraid.” Her voice trembled. “I can see your face. You can’t move in any direction. You can stay in one place, trapped, or feel the pain of the swords.”
A little info on the eight of swords, thanks to Wikipedia:
The Querent is in a situation where they're afraid to move. If they move, they'll get cut. However, the ropes that bind them and the blindfold over their eyes are their own fears, keeping them immobile. Therefore, the longer they stay, the more they constrain and entrap themselves. Ever been in a situation where you're afraid to say anything, so afraid that you second guess yourself, end up saying nothing, tying yourself in knots? But speaking up is going to get you cut to ribbons? That's this card. The Querent must have the strength to endure the cuts or they will stay trapped. They must move, for the longer they let the situation continue, the worse it will get.
Ok this is pretty far off so it’s hard to make sense of it. But it seems that Paige is going to be trapped and needs to free herself, though she will suffer for it. I have the feeling that this situation will be fairly literal, especially if the Persephone & Pandora myth holds - Paige could be stuck in some weird state maybe in the netherworld or in a dreamwalking state from which she needs to escape. Not sure if the suffering refers to collateral damage - like Warden will be hurt if she tries to escape - or if she herself will be hurt or changed by freeing herself. It’s all pretty abstract and theoretical at this point.
7 - ?????
The big mystery! I have absolutely no clue how this series will end, and it’s pretty difficult to speculate. But it’s worth thinking about what kind of ending would make sense in terms of the mythology and the larger arc of this story. I’m really anxious about whether Warden and Paige and their relationship will make  it through intact - this doesn’t really seem like the kind of series to end super duper happily like somehow everyone’s problems are solved and the world is utopian - but I also can’t see how an ending in which they were separated/dead/irreversibly damaged would be a satisfying one (pls Samantha Shannon just let them be happy!!!). This is mostly just me trying to convince myself that it’s not going to be some Allegiant-type shit - Samantha Shannon is obviously comfortable inflicting pain on her characters, but I doubt she’d do that kind of fuck-you ending where everyone is screwed. I have faith that it’ll be a satisfying and meaningful conclusion. 
Random sidenote, super bizarre and probably meaningless, but Samantha Shannon once mentioned in an answer to a Tumblr ask that there was a pregnancy storyline in TBS when she initially planned it, but she figured Twilight already did the “immortal hybrid baby thing” and eventually decided she didn’t want Paige to have kids. Then she says, “I won’t rule out writing a fun ‘what if’ chapter once the series is over, though. I just wouldn’t make it canon.” SOOOOooo.... what I’m hearing is that Paige and Warden both make it through to the end of the series alive and in a position to have kids?????
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neo-shitty · 3 years
hehe glad i could make you laugh, oooh that sounds awesome! yeah id love to be tagged it sounds great :)
YES the differences are so fucking weird. like, they do know they're the same age right? i feel like its just an exagguration of how much the persons role in the group matters, like we see chan being held up as such a mature, old leader while jungkook who is literally the same age, is still babied etc. like enha hyung line is basically the same age (if a bit younger) as chenle and jisung but somehow the rules are different?? as you point out, still legal but still bizarre. hehe yeah, i mean where else are we going to rant? quora lol. mmm, hopefully more people can just write less smut abt people who are barely adults
ah, no prob it didnt take long. yeah i think thats right (i keep forgetting you know my url lol) mmhmm :( i think if that happened irl there would be some major trauma going on. knock wood it never happens to you or me lol (/hj)
hehe same! oooh glad Redemption For Cheese was realised! yess we cant rllycomplain that theyve written/produced too much good music lol. yeah, ive dragged him into being a stay so *dusts hands off* mission accomplished. mmm yeah, they tend to have a certain vibe but tbh it couldve worked if they were any other group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahh ur one step ahead of me on the stages of listening to ssick i think, still not convinced but thats okay! hehe, it had to be said. yesss the itch in the back of my brain is very satisfied by sorry i love you, felixs vocals deserve to be appreciated! (side note i feel like hes trying to sing more like his speaking voice, sorta husky, but tbh i wouldnt be mad if he sang like in glow, his sweet honey vocals made my life lol. but i think ive heard him say he doesnt like singing like that cos it makes his normal voice less husky, so what can you do)
> YES SOMEONE SAID IT. seungmin rap KING, he sped thru that rap like it was nothing, he deserves more rap lines. i do like how they gave minho some melodic rap lines this comeback, my guy deserved to show off those skills that made him not be eliminated (flashbacks to stay collectively wanting to murder jyp) and we already know changbin can sing, my man murdered masked singer. hyunjin can obviously sing as can jisung and felix, and i want to hear chan rap more! i feel like he started as part of 3racha (as a rap unit not producing) and then just became a vocalist (which im fine with, but it could be nice to hear him flex his rapping skills) and was partially replaced by hyunjin. anywayyy
back to album talk. lmaooo sad music to twerk to PERFECTLY describes silent cry. yes secret secret is and will always be, a masterpiece. hehe glad i could make you laugh :) i just felt like they have similar vibes. putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised. oh my beloved track, red lights. ahh thats okay, we can have different opinions, but by god the lyrics are *chefs kiss*. *banging on table* TWISTED AU TWISTED AU TWISTED AU. yess id love to see ur take on it! sdfghjkl it would have been glorious
no no! not stupid, just able to predict my brainwaves. ooooh thats so cool! makes me want to go there (wherever there is lol) yeah the waves are pretty good here, but none of my familys a surfer, so we dont rlly enjoy the full potential lol. YES moving on to gone away, it is indeed a heartwrenching track, but the vocals and the bloody key change? makes me want to brave being sad just to listen to it. mmm yeah, good point :( i feel like ive just gotten used to overthinking so much so that it doesnt matter what mood im in, ill do it anyway, so might as well just do what i feel like doing anyway.
yeah i think ur right! it is quite comforting knowing that all the tracks will get the love they deserve. i feel like also people assume kpop is just one genre which is utter bs. there are so many different vibes and feels and songs, i couldnt get into kpop (of which i thought only the bright cheerful present day bts stuff existed smh) until i heard gods menu so... idk where i was going with this but yeah. :)
YES FUCK YG, theyre literally on the brink of being kicked out of the big three and they are holding their salvation hostage without letting them do ANYTHING. idek what thought process goes thru their minds but arghhh its so infuriating. yess lisa's cb will be awesome but ot4 is the gold standard here.
hehe, glad u could get to this point. no no! u dont sound like a cult member at all lol yeah, i loooove some of their songs but the whole 23 members thing is getting to me. thats prob a common problem with nctzens but what can i say? im a simple girl with a limit to how many korean boys i can give my money to. atm im just trying to get into ateez and finish memorising enhypen's faces. also kard is kinda sucking me into their fandom atm, as well as eric name lol. ah what can you do? ooh thats good!
hehe i love it too! its exactly like online penpals, that was rlly well put. aww ty! hmm im okay, recovering from a bad case of rsv so thats fun. im doing okay mentally, starting therapy soon (after having to convince my mother that its not just smth i can brush off). physically i wont go into, basically i should be doing stretches to help but they dont completely fix it so my lazy ass doesnt do them, plus i got told recently im going to be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life so thats fun! ah, before you type smth dw abt me ill be fine. the weather atm is cloudy but warm, its been raining on and off today which is good for the garden. uhh i just finished reading sunburnt veils and im in the middle of prom theory which is rlly good. ummm ive got a concert tonight? that i may or may not be able to sing in (bc of the whole rsv thingo) and uhhhh idk. my dog is cute? im drinking tea rn? ive got a school dance coming up?
wbu? hows ur day going, how are you? whats the weather like on ur end? done anything interesting lately? found smth that makes you rlly happy? just any random thing youve been dying to tell someone?
no no! dont apologise, i love these exchanges. i think im happy to continue them for a long time :) on the other hand, if you get tired of them, feel free to just not answer at any time. goodness gracious this was a long ask haha hope it isnt too annoying
<3 w.a. 🐺
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i was fixing my theme ;n;
yeah, i figured it was because of the roles too. my friends and i still get taken aback when 3rd gen idols are the same age as 4th gen ones. in my head it doesn't add up sometimes. PLS THE RANT AT QUORA SKJDK tbh tho it's just going to be normalized as the years pass? esp that the boys are growing older and the amount of explicit fics will just increase. i might have to start blocking tags.
i had to look up the previous ask to remember what we were talking about xd i hope the events in champagne problems never happens to anyone. realistically, it probably happens a lot. damn i really won't wish that pain on anyone. dragging your brother into being a stay i whEEZED JFKSA additional noeasy music enthusiast o.o and ALL I CAN SAY WITH YOU GUSHING ABT FELIX IS AHA WHIPPEEEED OML can't blame you tho, i also want to hear felix sing more in other shades (if that makes sense HAHA) i really hope they'll do the role exchange in the next comeback :( or like in the near future bc i know they can do it :( the day i hear seungmin rapping it i will respectfully pass away. minho was given more lines this comeback thank fUCK i could rmb my irl being vocal abt her frustration. i don't get why minho barely has center time/lines in title tracks??? like the line distribution in the past eras just made me ???? if seventeen can balance lines with 13 members why cant a group of 8 do the same? moving on. i haven't watched the stray kids show simply bc i don't want to cry HAJS but i've seen clips. imagine if skz debuted without minho and felix?!?!? i rmb another irl catching bias feels towards changbin bc of the masked singer only to find out that the man's a rapper. i love how skz's vocals were highlighted this comeback :c there were a lot of mellow tracks! i find it cute when chan sings/raps bc it gets kinda obvious that he's a foreigner? the accent (im not even sure if it's the accent) it just shows. "putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised." CORRECT.
abt the twisted au o.O i'll inquire my irl if she wants to write it or not. if she doesn't want to, i'll do it. i miss writing twisted aus <3___<3 and i also miss going to the beach with my friends :' ) but it's starting to get cold here and i don't think i'll be able to enjoy the beach as much as i would if i went beaching in the summer. so maybe next summer? gone away really has an sm-ballad vibe. the thing about skz being a self-producing group, their songs don't sound like typical jype songs? and i just appreciate that bc in all honesty im not a fan of jyp groups at all. PLS the overthinking. i wish i could mute overthinking.
anyone who assumes kpop is just one genre obv hasn't listened to a single track. if kpop was just one genre why do i like some tracks more than the others??? oh you've only recently become a kpop stan? tbh im not a fan of the bright songs of bts either. i liked their older ones *chefs kiss* really matched high school vibes. yg has good artists and they're just wasting the talent ~.~ that strategy they have will get tiring eventually. people will stop waiting on blackpink and move on to newer more active groups ://
HAHAHAH yeah the 23 members is pretty overwhelming! it was the reason i didn't bother stanning before quarantine started. i don't regret stanning tho, met my ult bias in that group <3___<3 i don't really purchase albums unless i like the tracks xd ohhh getting into ateez just in time for the comeback! let me know what you think about them! i was fond of them at some point but grew out of it. good luck with memorizing enhypen! it took me a while to distinguish to people there XD i haven't checked out kard yet but chan plays their songs during lives and they're sexc hype music me likey *u*
i had to look up rsv im sorry. i'm glad you're recovering! please rest more and don't stress yourself out. bro i wish i could go to therapy too bc i have weird issues i can't justify and i need a professional to tell me what's the reason behind it. stuck with what condition btw? what happened? i'm sorry in case i just forgot. yesterday was a bit rainy for me too :(( it's not the type of rainy that makes me anxious so B) oh concert! good luck and i hope you'll be able to sing but i also don't think it's best for you rn :c what's your dog's breed? and yes i just finished drinking tea too. AAAAA i miss school dances :(( the last one i was supposed to have was cancelled bc of covid.
i was less productive today and i'm teetering between being mentally stable and becoming a hermit again. i'm anxious with a lot of things atm so like : D not the best state. today it was a bit sunny but not hot hot which was nice. i changed my theme today bc i couldn't wait for sept. 1st. and no i haven't found anything that makes me happy HAHAHA shit like that's hard to identify. don't have anything to say too, i'm just thinking about why i'm procrastinating too much atm T_T and i'm listening to this rap song atm and one of the rappers sounded like han.
it isn't annoying! i enjoy the long exchanges but i do admit it takes me awhile to type down a reply. so if i get more busy, it'll prolly take a bit longer for me to reply.
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delifreshvibez · 4 years
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yoooo it’s pris again! ( i also play @aimeesgao​ ) this time with the boi jay de leon, or just deli, bc he’s dumb n says it’s short for delicious. definitely a simp. if u wanna read more about this dumpster fire of a man that i’ve based off of all the pinoy boys i know slkfjds pls read below ! and as always, message me or like this post so we can plot and do all that fun stuff yee 
( manny jacinto, cis male, he/him ) have you heard about JAY DE LEON? they’re a TWENTY EIGHT year old TEAM LEAD in the PHOTOGRAPHY team. i don’t know what their last job was, all i know is that they’re originally from LOS ANGELES, CA. carol in hr said that they’re kinda HEDONISTIC and MISCHIEVOUS but jessica in marketing insists that they are JOVIAL and CHARISMATIC. at the end of the day, no one is worthy of the instant hype here. i just hope they get achieve their dream of being A TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHER one day. According to the latest Vibez quiz, their Disney soulmate is Li Shang. ( pris, she/her, 23, pst ) 
deli is an la native all the way, literally grew up right in historic filipinotown and knows this city by heart
his family, which consisted of him, his two older bros, a little sis and a dog, were lower middle class, so they didn’t have a ton of free spending money but were able to get by. both his parents emigrated from the ph before he was born
school was never really his strong suit, at least when he was younger. he had other things he was interested in that didn’t involve studying and while his parents disciplined it was never really enough to change his behavior
what he does love? dance. while studying did indeed suck, he was able to at least keep his gpa up enough to stay on the dance team in high school
it was no question that he’d go to community college first to figure things out after graduating high school, because higher education was on the map..... it was just that he got sidetracked by other things 
things took a turning point, however, toward the end of his senior year when his father lost his job during the recession. both he and his dad sought out minimum wage jobs after that, & deli juggled his two part time jobs with school
his goal then was to transfer to a 4 year university, which he eventually did 3 years later and entered ucla as a transfer student
there, he resumed his passion for dance in various teams and was active in cultural orgs. it was also when he really started becoming a raver and never looked back. he had always been into photography, then capturing events really helped him grow in his craft 
as a result of his portfolio, he was invited to apply to vibez as intern for the summer after he graduated college
there was a part of him that was hesitant though, as his degree was unrelated (communications major, asian am minor) and he hoped to have a set job instead of an internship. but if you know deli, you know the guy is king of throwing caution to the wind
what started out as an internship to add some experience to his resume, soon became a permanent job on the photography team
he’s stayed put for the past 4 years, excited at actually being able to turn his passion into a career
besides that, the job was just fun. eventually, he worked his way up to lead and has been sitting in the position for nearly a year
a lot of people say he doesn’t take his job seriously, but deli would say that there’s nothing wrong with laughing and being a riot as long as you meet the deadlines
work hard, party harder amirite? soft fuckbois have rights. deli is ceo of the company
the change in leadership has kind of thrown deli off tbh -- he hates the faster turnaround and the idea of quantity over quality but who is he to say anything?
sexuality: pan / queer
sun sign: sagittarius
ascendant: gemini
moon: sagittarius
MBTI: enfp
moral alignment: chaotic good
enneagram: 7w6
hogwarts house: gryffindor
vibes: peter pan, lil papi evangelista, klaus hargreeves
RIDE OR DIE: charli xcx / vroom vroom - pax.
PARTY BUDDIES: other ravers, drinkers, parties that are down to hang
BAD INFLUENCER: *enables u*-  brady.
PLUG: his yelp reviews are 5 stars
PRANKSTERZ: the prank wars at vibez between them refuses to let up,,, it just gets more n more ridiculous,, pls stop them - sutton.
WORK WIFE/HUSBAND(S): it can be a poly work marriage he doesnt discriminate - hunter.
HATER: for some reason, deli really grinds their gears so they can’t stand him - vanessa.
FRENEMIES: self explanatory
FORMER FRIEND: self explanatory
romantic ( open to m/f/enby )
FUCK BUDDIES: it’s just. fun. booty calls! are! valid!
FWB: we love to see it
RAVE BAE: u aint down
FLAMES: so it’s getting spicy spicy eh?
repeats the msg: if u made it all the way down here, ily ty! again, feel free to dm me or like this post and i will come bother u <333 also technically i’m at work rn oop so if i’m late to responding im so sorry lskfjls
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hypnotixstorm · 4 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* to do list *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Normal Text = Have NOT started working on the request
Bold and Pink Text = I am CURRENTLY working on the request
Once I have completed a request it will be REMOVED from this list
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Can I get an imagine of Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho? Maybe an AU hundreds of years ago where he ends up caring for a human woman and teaching her how to defend herself. If you don't like that one, anything you think of.
Character: Kanda from DGM NSFW Prompt: "Make me." Love youuuuuu 😘
How about a NSFW scenario of Kakashi coming home to his sweet little naughty civilian S/O? 😜 A bit of role play where they call him sensei while he's doing them on the kitchen table?
Thanks for the Soi Bean Post! This gonna be my last Soi Fon request. Sorry for being quite a Soi Queen freak. For my request can you Soi after shower decides to wear s/o clothes. S/O tries to take picture of her. Then she tells that she has falling in love with you. You have changed let me take care of you. You can be very very very sluff on this one. Thanks!
ok ok so i have a few requests 🥺🥺 so! first could you maybe do an “I missed you.” with Rukia? 🥺💗 just fluff for my baby girl aaaa
Ichigo kissing his s/o in the rain 😆😆😆 Headcanons or scenario is up to you! 💙
ANYTHING SHIKAMARU. Deadass anything
Hey! I was wondering if I could request some Rukia x fem!reader relationship headcannons? Only if you're able to! Tysm! 💖
I hope requests are open but I was wondering if you could do something with byakuya and his s/o being like a very intimidating couple but his s/o is actually very sweet to everyone?
Kakashi x reader and instead of team 7 its now y/n tryna see whats under the mask and eventually she just asks and he actually reveals it adfhsjjs
Can I please get rat dad Ging being seduced by a younger woman who refuses to take “no” for an answer until he finally gives her what she wants? NSFW please! 💖
ok so please don't feel pressured to write this birthday imagine 🥺 i know u have a lot of requests rn ah. but! if you're able to i really would love another toshiro one bc i'm a sucker for him 😭 maybe one where he's really overworking himself so the reader helps him relax and it just ends in cuddles 🥺💓 only if you're able to! ilysm 💓💖💓💖💓💘💓💘💓
ok i swear this is the last one i feel bad requesting sm 😭 but maybe a “Do you wanna, maybe, go out sometime?” with toshiro bc he really is best boy 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
OKAY SO ANOTHER ONE WITH SABURO WITH UHHHH GOING ON A FIRST DATE WITH HIS S/O ICIXHAJGSSHSSUSKSU he'll probs driving his van around with the music blasting out 👀👀
honestly i would kinda die if u wrote some renji smut 😳😳 literally in any situation, i'm just needy rn 😭
ok ok i'm here hehe. how about, the reader gets really injured during a battle and shiro's kinda blaming himself for it. kindaaa angst into a super fluffy ending if that's ok hhh 🥺
Hi 🥰 Can I get a headcanon for Kakashi with a really seductive s/o, like she likes to tease him in public and whispers dirty things in his ear and calls him daddy? Nsfw pls? 😊😁
“make me” and hisoka??? thank you
hehe this is for the 🦋🦋 event! congrats on 200 bb!! so, i saw attack on titan on your list and i'm experiencing a severe lack of my best boy marco 🥺🥺 if you don't write for him that's fine hehe, but if you do, could i please maybe get a lil scenario where marco helps the reader out with her training and then they accidentally confess their feelings and it's just rlly fluffy and cute? 🥺 i need marco being happy in my life rn sbdjdhdjr 💓💓
“If you keep biting your lip like that, I’m holding you accountable for my actions.” for Kakashi please! I love him 🤤
If your requests are still open, can i ask for some domestic kakashi fluff? Ty
Hi mommas❤️❤️ CAN I PWEASE request some Guren (seraph of the end) relationship headcanons ? Not nsfw but maybe a little steamy 🥺🥰 I LOVE UU -🍒
Hi Chloe 🥰 Can I have some spicy nsfw headcanons for Yami where his s/o is acting really bratty during sex and he puts her in her place? 😪😂😊
Kageyama wirh Oikawas sister reader? there just chillin Nd stuff and toru comes over and picks y/n up and they hug and kageyama is like “eXcuSe mE???” forgive my spelling im on mobile lmao
Hiii❤️❤️ Can I request an imagine where you live in a small town and work at a cafe and Bakugou is your cliche small town boyfriend? Or headcanons! The idea is so cute and I love your writing 😊
okay so uHHHHH you can just go for Mephisto sharing some food with his s/o owo;; take your time on it too because i know it's gonna be really great either way!
A reader insert saved by vampire! main YYH crew from a pack of werewolves
Since you said requests are open maybe.. suga subbing for you? Idk he's just always appeared like someone who would love to please you in anyway possible.
V A M P I R E LAVI!!! DO IT GIRL!! 👌👌♥️♥️♥️
Fake dating with Lavi!!!!! Need more of the DGM boyz!! 😂
can I get an itachi x reader fic where it's itachi's birthday and the reader decides to give him a special night (👀), wearing lingerie, lighting candles, etc. for him to come home to? I love your work (and you!!) sm btw 🥺💞 - nina!! (@kunoichihatake)
hello ✨💕 it’s me, ryn 😘 if it’s okay, can i request a nishinoya x female!reader? perhaps a first date at the boardwalk with like the rides and carnival stuff? then at the end of the date he kisses her and it turns out the karasuno squad was following them the whole night hehe?
Hi! Can I request a prompt of some soft Kakashi, maybe some cuddles, perhaps it gets a little heated... a lil' Nsfw never hurt nobody👀👅 Thank you so muuch!~😍❤️
If I had kakashi in front of me I would tell him “aren’t you tired of being the most handsome man here?”
Hi! I saw that requests were open for the Haikyuu!! boys so here I am! I was wondering if I could request a Tsukki x reader where Tsukki has a crush on the reader but doesn't know how to express his feelings other then throwing insults. it can be angsty or fluffy I just really love Tsukki as a tsundere lol. (also btw I LOVE your theme and blog aesthetic its very pretty!)
Hey wifey😚 so Ichigo has stolen my heartttt can I get the strawberry boy with an S/O who gets super shy with with physical contact? Tyy💗💗
Fake dating with Lavi!!!!! Need more of the DGM boyz!! 😂
NSFW Vampire Squall (FF8) for very obvious reasons because UUUUUUGH
Hello there miss, my name is kandaxxx. Nice to meet you since I have definitely never requested from you before and this is definitely my first time and i am definitely not taking advantage of your bomb writing skills to ask you to write a “Choke me, daddy.” for Seymour from FF (love you forever and always!!!!!!)
hey butterfly 🥺 can you please write a story where the reader and (any character) are fighting and it turns out it was just about something stupid? like chicken nuggets? thank you 🥺💗
Eek! DGM! I was wondering if you would do a request for a general Allen Walker relationship HC? I don’t see him on the character list, but I’m just curious *bows* Thankyou senpai!
Spin The Bottle with any of the DGM characters that you're comfortable writing????? (but like obviously when Kanda spins the bottle it has to land on the reader [me] because YOU KNOW WHY OK????????) ilysm!!! 😍
I’m thinking a smut scenario of some kind that uses the prompts “Perhaps I need to remind you of your place.” and “Let me show you what happens to little brats who don’t follow the rules.” I feel like those are very Nozel Silva things to say. 😈 -bakubabes-hatake
Omfg HI mommy, Can i request really fluffy and soft itachi after he comes back from a mission? Non-massacre AU and you’re on the same team as sasuke lolol thirsty for them age gaps ❤️ thank youuuu ily -🍒
Can I get a fake dating with Kand--Roy Mustang (hahahaha) 👉👈🥺
Is this okay to ask for? Egor taking care of s/o who has period cramps... Ty!
can I get an itachi x reader fic where it's itachi's birthday and the reader decides to give him a special night (👀), wearing lingerie, lighting candles, etc. for him to come home to? I love your work (and you!!) sm btw 🥺💞 - nina!! (@kunoichihatake)
Hello! Can I please request some headcanons for Kiba with a S/O with a praise kink? And for Shikamaru with a S/O with a choking kink? Thank you so much.
Wow. Here is me putting in a request. Shocker, right?? 😂 I want some Greed, baby 😈 as for the prompt, it's not in your list, but could you maybe do something based off of "Oh my god. Did we just break the bed?" ???? 👉👈
It's a shame u only have one ling request, so could I request some Ling x Reader where they're both absolutely oblivious until Lan Fan or Ed or someone finally just tells them for them? Sorry if I didn't make any sense ❤️❤️
ok idk if you write threesomes but 😳😳 if you could write one with daichi and suga n maybe some dp, i'd probably die 🥺💓 only if you're comfortable with that tho ♡
Tyki flirting with his crush in his native language of Portuguese? I really love your work and please have some candy 🍬🍭🍫
hi butterfly! 🥰 i hope you're doing well! you already know what i'm going to ask you for — a request! i just feel really down in the dumps lately. can i request headcanons for an s/o that takes graduation pictures on their grandmother's 3 year death anniversary with kenma, nishinoya & kuroo? i hope you can do my request! you don't have to do it if you don't want to!
hehehe kuroo, tsukki and kageyama headcanons of their s/o sending them a nude while they at training and them making an excuse to get home and fUcK yOu SeNsELeSs - 🌊
Hello may I request itachi x reader. People learned the truth and he can finally return to his wife and children in the village 🥺 and they don’t have to be in secret anymore
holy shit,, i am starved for the squall content,,, if you don't mind, catching you wearing their clothes?
S/O walking in on kakashi masturbating? 👉👈 💕
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hoe-imaginess · 4 years
tried to put older ones at the top. 
ALSO: I got a lot of requests in the last few weeks and just wanted to post a general reply in reminder that my ASK BOX IS CLOSED! Not accepting any requests right now, sorry! I delete any that come in
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i BEEN A YEEHAW BINCH SINCE DAY ONE GORLLL. we stan 4am whataburger in this house 
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I do!! I used to have gold but it got kinda expensive in comparison to what I was charging for ko-fi’s. If you don’t have that extra $6 a month it’s not worth it boo ):
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Ahhh congrats! Sorry I’m so late!! I think it’s always worth it to stick with the original blog since you’ve accumulated followers there, and you never know if they’re going to miss out on the transition to your new one. It takes some time to restructure a blog but it’s definitely worth it to keep the original
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the amount of HIM’s in One Piece is unbelievable I whore for everyone
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I’m doing ok!!!! I go a little crazy indoors but I’m keeping myself busy <3 my immune system is shit so I’m on utter lock down, but better safe than sorry
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I keep up sporadically with the manga!! I stopped watching it when I caught up a few months ago, think I ended on Whole Cake? I know what’s happening currently but I haven’t read too into depth in the Wano arc. I usually just... pop into the spoilers tags... to see Law... bc I love him... 
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Mito and Hashi are a powerful duo. Mito has a lot of brains cells she has to share with Hashi but that’s ok!!!! I do think Tobirama and Mito would get along too!
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Basically tbh he sees one thing out of place and he must destroy
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i’D HEARD IT WAS A REALLY BAD CHAPTER. this is a late response but MANGA READERS THAT ONE WEEK... we were all a mess (and no I haven’t watched but I’ve been recommended to do so quite a lot so I’ll hop on it soon!) 
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Hmm!!!! I actually find a *shorter* first chapter is a good way to hook the reader without making them claw through too much writing to get a sense of what’s going on. Like, if I see a first chapter is reallllly long I sometimes have to do it to em, and scroll a bit to the middle to see what’s going on, and to double check that it’s a fic I want to take the time to read
1300 words isn’t too much though!!! Omg I’ve written much longer first chapters lmao. If you feel weird about it you can maybe find a good place to split that 1300 into two chapters?? But definitely make sure it’s split in a good place. It’s always good to leave the reader wanting more. If you can end on a short cliff hanger or a tense moment, that’s 10/10
That being said it would probably be wise to make the rest of the chapters of a similair average length. I’ve read fics that have shorter or longer chapters and it’s not bad (unless I’m grieving because it’s too short AND I REQUIRE MOREEE) but it might help you with actually planning your plot
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I DON’T!!! But I want his ninja dick so bad. Maybe i’ll whip something up for him soon. For the culture 
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When you sent this a while ago it actually inspired me to pick it up again!! I’m fixing it so it comes up with more accurate (?) results since I think the first one was so messed up. Everyone kept getting Madara sksksks. It’s still in the works but I wanna post it again! They’re super fun to make
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It’s so hard trying to keep a character that you love IC because... i want him to not be as much of an asshole as he is in canon... so unfortunately I gotta let him be an asshole sometimes. On the other hand, fortunately he’s such a minor guy I get some room to explore w him and I really hope it pays off, so thank you!!!
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Girl, eye—someties
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did Itachi Uchiha send me this
(i love u too)
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RIGHT!!! i would have never guessed. Like, if Kishi could see us... he’d be fucking floored....
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Queen!!! I do!!! I don’t have much up rn but I got 234232 Word docs with WIP fics that I hope to post at some point, ty ilysm 
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@any59​ ty ty!
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Ahhhh!!! thank you!!! It was my biggest project to date <3 
(HxH spoilers below vvvvv)
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I don’t really think Feitan is... so far removed from his emotions (Like Meruem) that he would really need to change that drastically for someone if he really liked them—that being said, he’s not going to change, either. If by change we mean he’s suddenly as enamored and endearing with them as Meruem is with Komugi... then I don’t think that’s going to happen regardless. We kinda see Feitan being a good and decently considerate comrade to the Troupe, so that would obviously extend to this girl/boy, maybe with a sliver of extra fondness if we’re talking romantically. But otherwise, Feitan seems like a “you get what you get” type of guy, that would inherently be *tender* with someone he liked, but not so tender that he’d have to have a whole philosophical/personality change
Ok now I’m confusing myself aksjdhfkjs. Basically:
Meruem had to like, undergo some existential shit to get where he was Komugi. I think Feitan already has the capacity to care for someone, even if his way of caring isn’t exactly rainbows and butterflies. So it’s not like he has to change. He just has to find the right person that doesn’t 1) get on his nerves and 2) get on his nerves enough that he’s gonna kill them
Feitan is a simple man. You piss him off. You die. You don’t? Ok. He’ll be nice
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I did!!!
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Thank you for accepting me I’m glad to be here
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akjdhfakjshfsj i know this was a serious comment but when i first read it I wanted to laugh asdhfkasjhf the “ap lit” inclusion sent me. What was so horrible about ap lit that this girl thought she was dying? Ap lit will really get you
(But I know!! I’d forgotten I’d taken it that morning! I have one of those cute pill organizers and I thought I’d taken it out but did not...)
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Forgive me!!! I felt dumba fterwards hence why I deleted the post. Do not worry! This is the dose I was prescribed. I figured I would get some really manic reactions when trying a new dosage so now I know that’s not gonna work lol 
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ajkshdfkjshfjksa izuna wants tobirama’s death to be as quick and natural as possible
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thank  you!!!! I didn’t think you guys would like them so much <3
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It’s been so long since I watched Psycho Pass or even looked into anything about it so pls take my thoughts with a grain of salt but:
I’m gonna say probably not? He’s one of those typical antags that have such strong ideals that... I don’t think even if the corrupt system was taken down he’d be entirely absolved of his ideals, or at the least, of the journey he’s taken in pursuit of those ideals. I don’t think a guy like him could ultimately settle down once the dust clears, and especially not with a lover or a family or anything like that. If he did want to lead a normal life it would probably be in seclusion
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Thank you!!!!!!
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skjhasjkdfhajkhsd they would never. Only room for one tongue on that body and they’ll fight for their tongue rights
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Ahhh yeah my master post is so bad I swear I’m gonna fix it one day—I don’t think I have one of Madara!
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I do not ):
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@cacauatecacauate​ thanks for the kind words!! I’m not accepting requests right now though! I am planning on posting more to that story though, just not right now!
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(I think this was in response to when I missed your ko-fi about the bakers) thank you! and thanks for supporting!
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riskeith · 3 years
happy weekend dearest!
other than the snow angels, i haven’t done much.,, just been cozying it up with coffee and blankets at home hehe. 30 degrees... amazing. ideal feeling like a rotisserie chicken weather. 😌 bc of global warming we’ve been having some great summers these past few years. it even gets to 30 degrees as well which was unheard of tbh.
you’re so cute for caring ilysm <3 and aaa! a walk! do you have any perticular place you enjoy walking to or does the winds guide you, hehe? EDITING A FIC... 👀 i’m looking respectfully...... 👀 wait did the event open up for you already? i tried to play it earlier today but it wasn’t there yet... the lost riches one right?
bennett is best boy i still can’t believe it either!!! he’s seriously the cutest he just makes me so happy. when i need to explore and run around i always run with him bc i love his lines so much. what a bebie. you should go for it there are still some days left! + he’s a four star so he’s easier to get. GUOBA IS SO FUNNY he’s just.... a little fucking bear i can’t stop laughing... tbh the little creatures like amber’s bunny too just 😭 have you seen those yt clips of them dancing? obsession..
i need to ask you this bc when i found out i lost my mind: did you know that the japanese va for razor is also the va for tsukishima (haikyuu) and shigaraki (bnha)???? insane!!! it made me consider switch to japanese dub tbh.. which dub do you use?
maybe i’ll send you a little part and you can read or something shdkdhskdjdjf help 😳 it’s not edited or anything so it might take a while plus i’m super into writing bnha these days so.... but hey if You have any prompts you want to read maybe i’ll write a drabble for you. i don’t mind at all! <33333 ask for anything!!
(FIC-COLLAB!!:!/$:)!:&//&/!$:’sidnd HELP.... omg what kind of fic would we write....?)
exactly! i think when you realize that there’s nothing keeping you there anymore that brings you joy, that’s when you need to step back. social media is a bit fucked up that way imo. like you want to be there to be informed and to have fun but it takes so much.. hm. also you always tell me this but i wanna tell you to that YOU are the reason i enjoy social media these days so.. thank you <3
you relate to bakugou and lance? that’s super hot of you.. 🥵 my wifey is a self assured, super intense and talented person.. couldn’t ask for better tbh. i think out of them both i’m pretty much like todoroki.. we’re super similar in so many ways now that i think about it shsjdhdhdj.. how about we just stay c.r and m.a our dynamic is perfect as is LMAO
DOUBLE VENTI! I’D LOOOOVE THAT FOR US. bow users are difficult indeed but venti is one of the easier bow users it feels like... idk watching others game play he doesn’t have as much pushback as say amber for example. 12K PRIMOGEMS..... babe you’re getting your xiao!!!!!! how long have you been saving? also i seriously don’t mind if it comes down to it hakshddkhd i can be your genshin sugar mommy... ;) imagine a c6 venti though that seems insane. literal insanity.
SPEAKING OF SHIPPING.... THE POST YOU POSTED... THEY STOLE OUR IDEA AND IT LOOKS SO CUTE AND ITS CHONGYUN AND XINGYUN WHICH IS EVEN BETTER... THEY LOOK SOOOOO CUTE TOGETHER I’M OBSESSEDDDDD!!!! <3333 dude idk how but we are doing that co-op date somehow i’m super inspired i want that for us so badly... (also i need to say smth... my love language is when people say ‘i thought of you when i...’ and the fact that you said that just hsjdfhjdjdksk shit)
actually you’re right.. the only way we’d get a sequel is if they did something with the mfe fighters.. like kinkade james veronica nadia and ina. idk how attractive that would be tho...
i’m a lady, my dearest *dips* no but my pronouns are she/her!! sorry i didn’t mention it before i thought i made it clear shsjsjdkdj. ty for asking tho ♥️ super sweet!
AAA!!!!!!!!!! EEE!! i’m super super excited. if it’s like,, too public and you don’t just wanna post it i might think about exposing myself or smth... if that would make you more comfy. no matter what you do i’m just gonna be here buzzing, *hinata voice* one more one more one more.
oh!! i listen to everything but kpop sjdjdkdhdk i did have a semi-phase around like 2014-19 ish but dropped it pretty hard . now i have no clue what goes on there anymore i mostly enjoy rnb indie n rap/hip.. my gay ass was considering making a little playlist or smth for u but i want to make it with songs You’d like so i might pull up my old kpop faves hehe..
guess chilling is out of the question then, heh. hope you slept well!! i’m gonna try to wake up earlier so we’ll have a chance to send more messages during the weekend perhaps... mwah!!
YOURS, m.a. <3
happy weekend!!!! hope you can ease up a bit since there’s no school hehe
“feeling like a rotisserie chicken weather” FHSKFHKSDF yes!! but it honestly sucks when it gets any hotter bc we don’t have central cooling in our house so rip... and my laptop fan goes crazy ahaha. 30 degrees being unheard of.. can’t relate! fsdfjs. have you guys had to adjust to those changing temperatures? rip climate change tho :’(
<333 i do!! i usually walk to the local park and then the streets around that.. omg speaking of... do you play pokemon go? DHAFKHSDKFHSKDFHKSDH i got back into it again recently ahaha. it’s for a free bakudeku zine!! hehehe it’s out at the end of jan so 👀
i just checked and the event is open !!!!!!!!! good luck hehe !
yup lost riches!! and the event opens at 4am server time, so since i’m in asia i get it earlier hehe which colour seelie are you gonna go for tho omg i was debating it with my friend last night.. i’m gonna pick gold!!
baby bennett!! that’s true but i can’t risk getting a 5 star otherwise my pity will reset for xiao fhdskfhskjfhkjshkfj next time :(((( but albedo /is/ super pretty and i see a lot of people saying they like him... NO !!! xiao only >:( no omg i don’t think i’ve seen those clips ? is it mmd where they like dance to other songs and stuff ahah
yes i did!!!! and the VA for diluc is giorno from jjba and kuroko from knb!! omg wait and venti’s VA is hinata did you know that? fun fact i guessed it was him when i first heard his voice LOL that’s my secret talent 😩 and i use japanese dub!! i’ve considered using chinese too bc i can understand it but i just like the japanese voice actors tbh and also i can excuse it as “listening practice” AHAH
yes pls!! sending something bnha is fine too, or legit anything else lmao i’m open arms over here~~ 🤗👐 and ooft... it’s hard thinking of prompts that’s why i always ask others HSDKFJHSDKFHSD but i’ll let you know if i think of something!!!
(no clue!!!! but we could each write from a character’s POV so hopefully it’s more consistent 🤪🤪 idk i have no clue how fic collabs work AHAHA)
yeahhh one of my mutuals said “social media is a curse” and honestly hard agree.. we’re all kinda trapped in a way LMAO. and no pls don’t thank me.. you’re the one who found me first 😩💘 ily..
FSDHKJFS pls you’re making me blush come on 😳😳 but yes i love that for us... m.a. x c.r. the only valid ship 😩
woooo!!!! yeah you’re probably right, like given the fact he’s a 5 star his mechanics are probably different.. i know that diluc’s charged attack is different to the other claymore users so! IM GETTING MY XIAO!!!! and hm i’ve been saving since the middle of zhongli banner! so december 10 ish around then? dragonspine was a blessing tbh i reckon i got sooo many primogems from that. FGJKSHFKJSDHFKSDHSHKJFH my genshin sugar mummy 🥵🥵 c6 venti unstoppable..
AHAHAHA YEAH THEY LOOK /SO/ CUTE TOGETHER!!! i wonder how they got so many of the images tho like they must’ve been so in sync?!?!? ugh that could be us but no cross-server co-op be playin’.. (fhdskjfhdskjfhs um!! noted for future reference 🤪)
omg them.. i always forget about them LMAOOOOOOOOO ugh. actually i wouldn’t be mad if we got a prequel of like when keith was in the garrison... or even when shiro was with adam... ugh so much they could’ve given us and they chose not to
*waggles eyebrows* well hello there, m’lady ;) and it’s fine fhdskjf i had some inklings but didn’t wanna assume ya know? ahah :p
no!! it’s all g, i’ve thought about posting it before anyway. like, just releasing all of my WIPs and letting people do what they want with them HAAHA. (i could also just put the link under a read more and less people would see it, so it’s no biggie!) fkdshfkjs the hinata impression omg precious <33
FJHFDSKJ awks ahah which groups were you into tho! if it’s not like scarring for you to think back to LOL. and oooo i like indie too! i think.. or is it alt? honestly i don’t even know, tbh my music taste is pretty diverse and a mess, i can usually listen to a lot of things. except slow songs i don’t really like those hfdskj. and i don’t like rap too much either FHSDKJS whenever my friend gives me a rec i’m just like “oh i liked the singing parts in that” FDSKJF. a playlist tho huh 😳🥺
and pls!! if the weekend is your only chance to sleep in then do it.. for me 😩 i’ve been legit waking up at 12pm these past few days FKJHSKDF idek why like i’m sleeping 10 hours?? yikes. but as always i shall be waiting for your response <3 💌
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lnarizakis · 4 years
— sam’s match-ups masterlist
hi! if you sent in a match-up ask, you can find ‘em all here! if you sent off anon, i have just tagged you and added the link to the post. if you sent as anon/anon with identifying emoji, i included your description along with the link. this post will be constantly updated as i continue to post my match-ups! thank you and i hope you all enjoy your match-ups!!
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— @hqprotectionsquad . . .
— anon . . . ❝ could i get a matchup🥺 with 2 boys~ i'm 4'9, i'm really tiny and i've been told i have really nice hair hehe personality wise i've been told i'm really gentle and calming, i had a teacher that said my voice is "serene" and "soothing" >__< i'm the mom friend of the group🥰 i'm quite the introvert, i enjoy just staying home with some takeout, studying quietly or playing acnh underneath all my blankets.. i'm quite fond of hugs and cuddling and forehead kisses too though😚😚💞💞💞 ❞
— anon . . . ❝ could i request for a matchup?🥺 i'm about 5'3, my friends always say i'm the perfect height to hug 🤗 i have long hair till my waist that i dyed a rose-gold colour, i like wearing green or grey contacts because i like the way they make my eyes look. i have a resting b!tch face though...i'm not very approachable because of it😭 i've been playing netball for about 6 years now and i'm quiet irl i guess, but off the court and when i'm comfy, i'm quite the goodball🤙🏻🤙🏻 ❞
— anon . . . ❝ grats for 500! I'd like to request a matchup w 3 ppl pls! Im female, 5'2, i LOVE volleyball! i play wing spiker but i used to play setter, i loved setting for my besties in hs after training. I like to work out, read books & study. i clean my room every morning cos i like neat things, my closet's organized. i have dark brown eyes and thick thighs, proud of em! i also dance, im flexible, and im taking journalism. i wanna play pro vb in the future but tbh 158.5cm's too short, but im not giving up! ❞
— ⭐️ 🌸 anon . . . ❝ Hey hey! If ur still doing the matchup event i would love one!! Im a short gal with wavy dark hair and green eyes. I wear makeup p often esp red eyeshadow and black winged eyeliner (bc im an egirl until i DIE). Speaking of egirl i dress in black and with a chain most of the time but i also randomly flip into floral soft girl hours?? As for personality im really energetic once im comfortable and i love people who can match that energy, esp bc i get anxious rlly easily so i need someone . . . who will help keep me calm and happy when my drive for success gets a lil out if hand lmao. I’m also v combative towards ppl who i think are disrespectful! I love classic novels and watching foreign movies, but I also LOVE sports and get rlly hype abt them. I also LOVE music esp metal but i can and WILL vibe to literally anything esp if its during a workout (bc i live at the gym and someone spotting my squats is so romantic 2 me 🥺). A match w/ 2 boys would be sick, tysm in advance! ❞
— anon . . . ❝ Im medium height with long brown hair and sharp features. I like drawing, reading, cooking. I’m rather chill and level-headed, i’m usually the one to fix objects and solve problems, I avoid drama. I’m compassionate and caring but sometimes indifferent. I like mountains, art galleries, concerts, cello and graphic design. I’m adaptable and open to learning new things but I don’t like changing my routine too much. + 1 male character. ty for this and congrats on 500 followers!!! you deserve it ❞
—anon . . . ❝ hihi!!!! congrats on 500!! i lov ur content sm.. akfjag im asking for a two chara match up!!! im 5'3 and i have pink hair,, i switch between so many hobbies LOL i play volleyball and softball,, and i love singing and painting!! i have a really cottagecore aesthetic and i love baking things for people!!!!! im really energetic and v bratty over text but i get flustered so easily in person,, i hope youre having a good day//night !!!!!! ty for ur fics ❞
— 🐧 anon . . . ❝ match up please!!🥺 2 characters n no gender preference!! im a tall (around 184cm) kinda chubby girl w/ shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes, pale skin w/ a lot of moles n i wear glasses! im p shy n it takes me a while to open up. but when i do i am a completely dif person,, making friends is hard but the ones i do have i love more than anything! when im w/ them im cheerful, talk a lot n goof around. otherwise i look p intimidating n serious cause i have a rbf n barely talk,, . . . im the mom friend, an optimist, a dreamer n a procrastinator. im p hard to piss off but when im angry i can get scary 😳 im sensitive n cry a lot, currently im working on being more confident! i love animals n flowers!! cause im not the best with words i use lil gifts n touches to express my love! my hobby is drawing! ive been doing it my whole life n im rlly proud of it!! congrats on 500 followers love❤ ❞
— @raevaioli . . .
— 🦆 anon . . . ❝ Happy 500 bubs! You def deserve it :)! I was wondering if I could get a #1 male matchup? Looks: 5’1 petite fem w/ small chest/tiny waist. Thick/medium brown hair and eyes. I’m a cancer with ENTP type! I’m a very affectionate person to my loved ones. I’m very stubborn, sensitive (but I try to hide it), ambitious, witty and very talkative! I like to tease my friends, watch Netflix and try new baking things! Although I show my love through actions, I’m fine with getting love back in any way . . . Also I like baths! (It’s random but why not 😌) I wish you a good day! ❞
— anon . . . ❝ Hey! Can I get a matchup? (#1)I’m a Leo and a ISFJ chick! I have medium brown hair and big eyes w/ glasses. I have a petite body with a small waist and chest. I’m really nice to people but very awkward (I’ll laugh at the floor) and when annoyed. I’m much more open to others like my best friend,I feel at home with her :,) .My hobbies include watching greys anatomy, shopping for clothes, and calling my friends. I would want my partner to be a lil more extroverted than me. Happy 500 😊 ❞
— anon . . . ❝ hi! Can I get a matchup? I’m 5’2 straight girl w/ long brown wavy hair and big brown eyes. I’m thick in all the right places🥴 plus I have a curvy body. My star sign is Pisces and I’m a ISFP. I’m more introverted than extroverted. I dress like Hobo type of way, but i always wear AF1s and I NEVER crease them. In my spare time I draw,listen to raps (mostly by Tupac) and oldies, learn raps, and hang out wit friends. I also have a bunch of piercings on my ears and one on my nose. ty CONGRATS ON 500+ ❞
— anon . . . ❝ CONGRATULATIONS ON 500 WHOOP WHOOP❣️🥺, can i please have a matchup doe! so happy to celebrate this with you❤️ i’m a female, straight, 5’4 and a half, dark skin with medium black curly hair, chubby cheeks and always smiling, i love being outside just experiencing life or trying new drinks at restaurants!! i also enjoy staying home to watch tons of anime & movies or dates to the museum or theme park, spring is my favorite season and orange is my favorite color, i’m so hyper and loving, thank you! ❞
— 🐾 anon . . . ❝ Twice the charm I suppose :) I’m a 5’1 girl with long wavy brown hair. I have a lot of piercings and I tend to wear a lot of jewelry. I wear two knee braces due to a connective tissue disorder. I’m bisexual, so either way works for me owo. I’m an INFJ and a type 4. I’m told that I’m pretty easygoing but I get angry real quick when someone I love is threatened. I’m very empathetic and I’m the mom friend of the group 🐾 . . . Fun fact, don’t leave me alone in public for more than two seconds or else random strangers come up to me asking for advice. This has happened way too many times now don’t ask me why lmaooo. I’ve been playing soccer for eleven years now. I was the captain of a coed college-age division team for two years. I play left defense and goalkeeper. 🐾 . . . I go hiking a lot, I love cliff diving, and I’m an archer. I am also a painter and a writer. My dream job is to become a book editor, but I want to eventually live off my books. I tend to be pretty clingy when it comes to people. I randomly need a lot of attention and force my friends to cuddle. They like rejecting me 😔. Sorry that this was so long aha. Ily and have a good day 💕🐾 ❞
thanks for sending in an ask ! didn’t see yours? please let me know !
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pinkykitten · 4 years
I was tagged by @writing-with-melon I hope my answers aren’t complete waste or if time and if so I’m sorry and I love you
Rules: Answer ten 10 questions, ask 10, and tag 10 people
1. What song automatically plays in your head when you look out the window on a long drive? 
i dont really have an answer for this. i think i just automatically think about any song ive been listening to recently or any song that has been stuck in my head. 
2.  Do you have some snacks nearby when you write?
well i live in a two story house so the kitchen is downstairs and im usually lazy busy so since i have a mini fridge upstairs i just usually get water to drink while im writing. its kinda hard to eat and write cuz i loose focus really easily so when i am writing i am writing! i am in the zone! but if i am a little hungry ill usually snack on candy like chocolate kinder joys i love them but they r so expensive or snack on chips but i get like salt on my fingers or i like cheetos so cheetos dust and that just gets everywhere and later my hands and keyboard kinda smell like fart. 3. What do you do to combat creative burnout?
so burnout happens to me a lot so to get inspiration i either read other stories or fanfics which gets my head gears turning or i admire a piece of art or photography or a song. whats so unique and satisfying with writing you can explore and go anywhere with it, hehehe erotic if you know what i mean lol jk there are no barriers with writing just your imagination. there is inspiration any where you go and id advise to never stop writing. even if its a few short sentences or paragraphs about anything even bird poop its still progression and your mind is working and your searching for words like its all good for you bby.  4. Do you use (or like to use) prompts? 
i do ill put the link here. im thinking of changing it though to do something different. 
5. What is your favorite place to write?
lol boring, i know but my room. my room is really bright in the mornings and comfortable and chill and i have a candle of the pandora ride in disney that smells like the ride so its all good and relaxing and super peaceful plus i have a picture of myself the age of like 9 on my desk idk why but it encourages me and makes me focus to make sure i never get that cringy again. 
6. What is a hobby or yous that you usually don’t talk about?
well i like working out HAHAHAHAHA jk that was a joke...get it...cuz i much rather be eatingokillstop. but i really like to draw which i have a art page you can see it if you click here��pls look at my failed attempts to be hip and cool with the cool kids and being artsy fartsy. another hobby is i really like to do makeup and nail art, nail art is really tough guys no joke if you do it like you got wizard powers are something. maybe its bc my nails are shorter than pete davidson and ariana grande’s relationship, alright im trying to stop i swear!
7. Do you play an instrument? Which one?
no i wish though. i always wanted to learn to either play the piano or electric guitar cuz H.E.R looks so cool doing it. 
8. How do you feel about your handwriting?
it sucks dont even try me. my sister can barely read it like no wonder nobody wants to steal my signature heck they can’t even read it!
9. Can you tell us of a story that marked your development as a person? As a writer?
ok sit back guys, sniff a nice amount of crack and get ready for the most cringy moment of my life but also a time when i knew i was meant to be *inhale* a fanfic writer. 
so it was elementary school, i think 3rd grade and for my writing assignment we were given a prompt of idk what the heck tbh i think it was like be outside the box and im like ok imma nail this cuz im a weird child and yeah so i got my papers and pencil and i went TO TOWN on this paper. so i wrote two stories. one short story with a picture to go with it and one long story that yeah i buried years ago. so my first story was about a farmer was about that farming life. he had chickens and dairy. so i cant remember if the cheese was spoiled but doesnt matter. anywho these cheese and a chicken were alive like they could talk in the story and i gave them faces, yikes. but the whole story was the farmer was a b*tch and he was trying to eat the chicken and cheese so they hatched a plan to get away from the farmer. they did it successfully and they ran away. yay happy ending my teacher actually liked that one me too and my school mates were thinking what they heck is this girl on i made a story about how me and justin bieber made cookies for Christmas you know. so then my other story i was more proud of this one cuz it was a tone of paper, sorry trees, and this story was about how a female hippo (girl i was all about plus size and thicker girls and no body shaming) and an male ostrich were kidnapped from their own habitats and taken to become circus animals. failed version of Madagascar hey mine was before the circus movie OK THEY STOLE IT FROM MEEEEE. so they get taken and are treated to harsh punishment and the animals can talk and i think its in the point of view of the male ostrich guy thing. they are in the circus and they start to have this relationship happening. love starts blossoming its all good. im happy with this cuz i believed in love at age of 8. they find a way thru a kick butt scene of the animals escaping and the hippo and ostrich are so in love that they run away together and they have half hippo half ostrich babies and i think i named the species  hipstrich or like ostppo idk but i was so proud of this story and when my teacher read it she was worried about me lol i think she thought i might like mate these two animals like secretly idk but she was like it was ok and i was like what this is frickin William Shakespeare writing or like F. Scott Fitzgerald writing. nevertheless it taught me a lesson that nobody else needs to like what im writing the main point and only thing that matters is if your proud of it and you like it and i really did. i will remember that story forever and thats what made me want to be a writer. lol sorry that was a lot. 
10. @emdop I’m going to use this great question: Explain one of your WIPs in the most ridiculous way possible. 
wellllll im working on my peaky blinders oc story its a lot of drugs money killing weapons jewelry rich profanities like its the show but written from my stubby hands so my oc and whatever its great and so excited to show it to you guys. 
im tagging: @thatlittlered, @ardentmuse, @acciosnapes, @lotsoffandomimagines, @collecting-stories, @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms, @naughtyneganjdm, @lenahellgizibe and two random followers @spiritsent, @sucker-for-my-fandoms
i was tagged by @writing-with-melon again ty btw, ps i felt so much pressure lol jk 😊
Rules: Answer 5 questions, Ask 5 questions, Tag 5 people.
1. What is your favorite book?
fifty shades of grey hahaha naw my favorite book is obv you all know this is series of unfortunate events but i never usually cry period and i never cry for books ever so when i read mrs. tom thumb by melanie benjamin, its the part when her sister minnie dies i cried so hard idk it was just emotional the wording the way she described her pain it was so beautiful written yet so sad and that was just amazing to me cuz im like this book made me feel things and im like wow i would love to write a book one day and make someone feel something whether it be sadness anger happiness annoyance anything they are having an emotion and that is super powerful to do that with just words. pls go check out that book its a good read. also im a fan of the greatest showman so i really enjoyed it. there are many other books tho that i thoroughly enjoy so much. 
2. What piece that you’ve written are you most proud of?
oh my god ive always wanted to be asked this question hands down i am always proud of my platonic gender neutral tony stark fic called in·con·sol·a·ble window to me i wrote it so sad and i was feeling like depressed lol when i saw peter die in infinity war like i didnt know what to do with my life tbh but im so glad that @impetrichorny requested it tysm i just like how its not based on romance or fluff or happiness it is based on when you lose someone the nightmares and sadness you go through and that there is nothing nobody can do about it except just be there for that person so i really like writing angst and something that was out of the box. ive been thinking tho of doing a part two since the fate of all the characters has changed after endgame. who knows tho. 
3. What is the last song that inspired you? 
well for art it would have to good news by mac miller when i did that kobe bryant memorial on my art page. i dont want to give it away though but ill just say some very powerful womens music inspired my oc writing and making. 
4. How do you feel about letting people read what you write?
at first i was scared cuz i thought i wrote like trash which that feeling kinda doesnt go away like some days i feel that way others i feel confident or it depends on the request it just depends but anyways i was always insecure about my writing so when i started writing it was more like lets see how this goes if not ill delete the whole page. im glad to say it went great but in the begging it was hard cuz i kept putting myself down but i learned to accept or just understand that you keep learning with writing you always learn knew things with writing how you can explain something better or you words get more intricate and people see the improvement and you do too thats why i applaud those who dont speak english that english isnt their first language. you are doing a tremendous job and keep practicing cuz you’re gonna make it to the top. ive also learned that some days are not my days and you can take time off when youre not feeling it when you have writers block. just recollect your juices sip some tea go to the beach relax your mind a little and take as long as you need to come back and give it your all. also comments and reblogs and likes a follows those meant so much to me and encouraged me. thats why i cant express it enough how much all those mean to writers, artist, photographers, anybody who is truly trying their hard in this area of social media. its makes a person happy smile and confident in their writing but first train your mind into loving what you make not what others thing. you have to be happy with the outcome that is what truly matters and what makes your writing the best. look at me getting philosophical. 
5. Do you get distracted easily? If yes with what?
yes and with porn haha i get distracted easily like very easily homeschooling was really tough for me. music distracts me, netflix, the urge to watch david dobrik or unus annus or buzzfeed unsolved on youtube, heck my farts distract me. i gotta be like troy bolton i gotta get my HEAD IN THE GAME!
im tagging: @thatlittlered​, @ardentmuse​, @acciosnapes​, @lotsoffandomimagines​, @collecting-stories​ AND WHOEVER WANTS TO DO THIS IF YOU FOLLOW ME OR LIKE MY STORIES TAG ME ILL READ YOUR ANSWERS. HOPE I DID THIS RIGHT SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING MWUAH 
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fmdjaewonarchive · 5 years
okay so i (impulsively) kicked out two of my muses of my roster last night (rip minah and yena) but i hope that this will keep me on track with keeping up with things a little bit better because i just didn’t get around to doing shit anymore. maybe ill bring in a new female 3rd muse soon because 3 should be manageable for me but we’ll see, just needed to change things up for a bit.
anyway, not the point of this post, just wanted to clear that up in case anyone was confused. this was actually supposed to be a plot call for the event uh ngl i haven’t rlly thought any real deep plot ideas over (mybe a post w/ those will follow tomorrow? when my brain is working and not foggy) but generally its safe to assume jaewon would literally rather be anywhere and yuanjun will be giddy like... like a child in an amusement park tbh so uh, do like this post if you wanna plot anything for the event and i promise i’ll come with actual ideas.
edit: i came up with some actual ideas (most of these are like,,, post-filming hours cuz idk im unoriginal ok let me LIVE)
march 11th - honestly someone dragging jaewon around lotte world in the attempt to get him to have some fun would be hilarious (will they succeed? probably not but still, anyone is free to try)
march 11th - also jaewon is lowkey afraid of heights but he also refuses to admit to that so someone please try to coax him to go into something High and watch him try to bluff his way out of it without admitting he’s, in fact, afraid of heights
march 11th - lowkey tying into that fear of heights thing but also jaewon actually having to go on a thing during work hours as like an extra or something together with ur muse and oh boy he looks 2 centimeters away from death when he gets off pls take care of him
march 18th - for everyone that didn’t know this jaewon HATES shopping more than like,,, anything else on the world. he also wears like, the same 3 black jeans and 5 black t-shirts if he gets to choose his own clothes and now he’s in a mall anyway he’s not getting out of a mandatory shopping trip
march 18th - jaewon is just trying to hang out at the aquarium, look at some fishes, not bother anyone you know, in private, that last part doesn’t rlly click for your muse though
march 11th/18th - honestly someone (or well 2 someone’s) deal with jaewon being a big whiny baby about just not wanting to fucking be here, one that agrees with him and one that thinks he should get over himself (either day works for this tbh jaewon is always a whiny bitch so its up to what works best for ur muse)
march 11th - honestly letting yuanjun loose in an amusement park is a disaster let him drag someone EVERYWHERE cuz he just wants to do ALL the things (stop this child)
march 11th - but also this little shit daring/coaxing someone to go into a thing they don’t traditionally dare to? maybe he fails at convincing them, maybe he tricks them into going on something idk man just Mischief
march 18th - ok but someone do that person 1: *looks dissapointed* person 2:  “what did you think a tiger shark was?”  meme with me cuz honestly that sounds very yuanjun (idk man buy him ice cream afterwards to cheer him up or smth)
march 18th - playing hide and seek in a mall is a terrible idea, which is exactly why yuanjun thinks they should do it
march 11th/march 18th - honeslty... large buildings/venues = yuanjun getting lost,,,, charm needs to start putting a chip in this child (this could be on like either day/whatever location rlly) 
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