#hope i can keep this up every day aah
thefrogdalorian · 6 months
Dincember Day 1: Snow
Din Djarin x GN!Reader
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Word Count: 4825 Rating: General Content warnings: None! Summary: After a busy few months working for the New Republic, Din surprises you and Grogu with a well-earned retreat to a snowy paradise in the run up to Life Day. Snow-filled chaotic fluff and fun ensues! Author's note: This one sort of spiralled out of control in terms of word count and I did research into SW lore which I doubt I'll do every day, but I enjoyed it! I love browsing Wookieepedia like a big ol' nerd. The city visited is from a video game and the entry can be found here if anyone is interested in that kind of thing. Anyway, hope you enjoyed day one and thanks for reading :D
Link to read on AO3 | My Dincember Masterlist
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When Din told you to pack warm clothes for a mystery destination, you were curious about what exactly laid in store on the upcoming trip he had been carefully planning for the two of you to take with Grogu. It had been a busy few months for Din, his frequent assignments with the New Republic, where he was tasked with eliminating Imperial remnants, had kept him away from you for considerable periods. Recently, whispers of Thrawn’s return had swirled and eventually reached fever pitch. The rumours terrified you, but you knew that with someone like Din working to keep the peace, the fate of the galaxy could not be in safer hands. Nor could your future, as it happened. With Din by your side, you felt a sense of security that was incredibly comforting. You knew regardless of what he had planned for you, a surprise trip like this after such a stressful period was an incredibly thoughtful gesture from a thoroughly kind man.
Life Day was rapidly approaching and Din had promised to whisk you away for a trip somewhere in the galaxy. Where exactly, you did not know. But if you had to hazard a guess, you would not be heading to the deserts of Tatooine, given his instructions to pack for chilly climes. You eagerly bounced around the small cabin the two of you shared on Nevarro, packing your warmest clothes. The warm climate of the lava-covered planet you now called home meant that you had to search the deepest depths of your drawers, but eventually you found hats, scarves and warm woolly mittens that would be perfect for cold weather.
Your entire body was buzzing with excitement as you packed your bag, eagerly anticipating the quality time you would get to spend with Din and Grogu. Din had made it clear when the two of you had met, that the very nature of his line of work would be unpredictable and keep him away from you for long periods at short notice. You knew he hated the fact that his work kept him away from you so frequently just as much as you did, so, you reasoned, there was no point in making him feel guilty. With this trip, you knew that he was more than going to make up for it. You felt slightly guilty about how much you were sure he would spoil you with some of the credits he had earned. But Din Djarin was not remotely materialistic man; the safety and happiness of his loved ones mattered far more to him than any wealth he could accumulate.
So, as you headed out of your cabin the following morning and departed in the ship Din had borrowed from Greef Karga to accomodate you too - his N-1 was too small - you were practically bursting from excitement. But that excitement soon faded once the realities of travelling through the monotiny that was a seemingly never-ending hyperspace dawned upon you. Once the thrill of seeing the rushing blue and white hues outside the window had worn off, you found yourself thoroughly bored. Grogu was sound asleep in the corner of the cockpit, so for entertainment, you decided to interrogate Din in an attempt to ascertain hints as to your destination.
"So… it's cold…?" You mused. Din sat in the seat next to you, his armour illuminated by the multicoloured buttons of the various control panels, "Outer-Rim?" You questioned, watching for any signs that your words were having an impact.
But he did not move an inch, his arms remained folded, his breathing even. This man was impossible to read. But you were not going to give up.
"Fine… Mid-Rim?" You asked.
"I told you. It's a surprise," Din huffed.
You chuckled at how annoyed he sounded. It wasn't as though narrowing down the vast regions to several thousand planets rather than several hundred thousand would make much of a difference. But Din was stubborn. And you loved him for it. You had intended to continue pestering him, but you listened in astonishment when, a few minutes later, you heard the even breaths that indicated your favourite Mandalorian had fallen asleep. You weren't far behind him. It passed the time, after all.
After a long day of travelling you finally arrived at your destination, a place Din informed you once he had landed that was, in fact, the capital of Corellia: the bustling Coronet City.
You had been slightly confused about Din’s instructions to pack for the cold when you exited the ship in Coronet City. You did not see snow or any indication of frigid temperatures. But you couldn't dawdle to muse on it because you had to keep up with Din in the crowd.
As the two of you made your way through the spaceport, you put your hand out as if to offer a hand to Din to help with the heavy bags he was carrying, containing the warm clothes you had packed for the trip. But rather than hand one of the bags to you, your stubborn Mandalorian grunted and shifted the weathered satchel to his other hand. You were momentarily confused; you opened your mouth, intending to offer him a hand. But then you felt the explanation. Your heart melted when you felt the pillowy leather of his well-worn gloves as he held your hand in his. The warm presence of his large hand caused a shiver to spread down your spine.
You looked down at the little green child who nestled happily in your arms; Grogu was taking in all the new sights and sounds with his wide brown eyes and long green ears. So, you decided to take a look around for yourself. You noticed how underdressed everyone appeared to be, compared to what you had been expecting. The planet did not seem to be nearly so chilly as to make the warm clothes you had packed necessary. As if he could sense your confusion, Din finally informed you of his plans.
“If you hadn't already gathered, Coronet City isn’t actually our final stop,” Din explained as the two of you walked through the busy terminus, weaving between locals and tourists alike who had travelled to Corellia for the holiday season. The planet seemed to be at capacity. You were glad you were holding hands with Din, so the two of you did not get separated. “We’re heading up to the mountains. I thought it would be nice for Grogu to experience some snow. Since Nevarro has such a warm climate, it seemed like the perfect place.”
“Oh, Din… that sounds perfect.” You smiled up at him, “Grogu will love it, won’t you, buddy?” You took Grogu’s purr as you leaned down to address him directly as an indication that the child agreed. Din squeezed your hand tightly, appreciative that you were seemingly so excited by his plans.
You had no idea where you were heading, following Din’s lead as you placed your trust in him entirely, just as you always did. Excitement was not the only emotion you felt, though. There was the smug part of you, too, enjoying the assured feeling you had that, no matter how many heads this Mandalorian in his gleaming, unpainted beskar’gam was turning in this spaceport… that he was all yours. And yours alone.
Eventually, you seemingly reached the platform from which you would board the shuttle as Din led you off the main hall of the spaceport, ascending steps to the landing platform. At the top of the stairs was a screen which gave you the name of your final destination: Doaba Guerfel. The name meant nothing to you, but you had no time to dwell on it as Din dropped your hand and struggled with the heavy bags through the shuttle's door.
“I would have helped you, you know,” You informed Din with a smirk. He finally took a seat after placing the luggage on a shelf above the seats. “Rather than you struggling along with those heavy bags because we were holding hands.”
“I know.” Din nodded, “But I’ll never not want to hold your hand.”
Your heart melted for the second time in quick succession. How could this man, known throughout the galaxy for the ruthlessness with which he had once apprehended bounties and now applied those same talents in his work for the New Republic, actually be this soft and caring underneath that hard, Beskar shell? You didn’t think there was anyone else in the galaxy quite like Din Djarin. You were certain of that, in fact.
You passed Grogu to Din and felt yourself smile at his happy coo. The child sat contentedly on his father's lap, peering out of the window as the shuttle departed and flew over the buildings of Coronet City and towards the mountains that loomed on the horizon. You were still some distance away, but you could see that they were covered in snow. You felt your stomach dancing with excitement; it looked like a secluded paradise. Which, as it transpired, was exactly what this town – nestled amongst mountains – was. Din was always so curious about the galaxy around him, respectful and eager to learn about other planets and their language and culture. So of course, it made sense that he had done research when selecting this destination.
“Our destination, as you probably gathered, is a quaint mountainous town called Doaba Guerfel… The mountains you can see are called the Nomad Mountains and the town itself used to be known as Nomad’s Retreat. It’s incredibly secluded, so I thought it would be a perfect retreat for our little family,” Din explained, gesturing out of the window to the mountains the shuttle was hurtling towards. “The town invests heavily in restoration and protection of the wilderness around here. Apparently, the flora and fauna found here in such an abundance that is rare anywhere else throughout the galaxy. I doubt we'll be able to see much given the time of year. But I thought it was nice that the residents here care about their surroundings.”
“It looks beautiful from here already. I can’t wait to explore it with you.” You said, smiling at Din and admiring the way the whiteness of the sky outside made his helmet so dazzlingly shiny.
“We’re renting a small cabin on the outskirts of the town.” Din said, as he turned to face you, adding honestly: “The locals here really tried to keep it as a safe haven from the rest of the galaxy, where others can come to rest and escape. I hope it’ll be the quiet, peaceful retreat that we both need.”
“I’m sure it will be, Din.” You nodded, “It sounds like you’ve put a great deal of thought into planning this for us. Thank you.”
“Anything for you, mesh’la. Apparently, it is the finest resort in all of Corellia,” Din said, reaching out to take your hand in his once again. He squeezed it, as he told you solemnly: “And you deserve only the finest things in the galaxy for putting up with me, with the stress and demands of being with someone like me.”
You were about to open your mouth to protest, that being with Din was not settling in any way. But you were prevented from doing so as the unmistakable robotic drone of a droid suddenly sounded through the cabin, informing passengers that you were approaching Doaba Guerfel. You looked over at Din, noticing the subtle way his fist had clenched around Grogu. Din’s disdain for droids was something that you had not understood when you had first met him, but now you were aware of his past… you had nothing but the deepest sympathy for him.
As you stepped off the shuttle and onto the frozen ground, your lips couldn’t help but curve into a slight smile. The crunch of the snow underneath your feet would never fail to bring back a childlike sense of wonderment inside you that seemed to have dwindled over the years. But that appreciation for the smallest things that you had thought lost as you grew older, was now being awakened once more, after having the privilege to see so much of the galaxy through Grogu’s eyes. It was like seeing everything for the first time, as you monitored the little boy’s wide brown eyes and expressions to check that he was enjoying himself. Fortunately, it seemed as though he was. Grogu seemed absolutely content as the three of you made your way down the main street of Doaba Guerfel.
The buildings were covered in lights and, combined with the dusting of snow that seemed present on every surface, it was the perfect winter scene. When Din informed you that you had arrived on Corellia, you had found yourself slightly disappointed. It was a name you were familiar with, most people had heard of the vast shipyards and subsequent fighter pilots that this planet located in the Core Worlds had produced over the years. You associated it with machinery, industrialisation… not natural beauty. But aside from those assumptions, you knew scant details of the planet.
Even if you had, nothing could have prepared you for the beauty of the picturesque mountain town that Din had chosen to bring you to.
You continued enjoying the sights until your earlier assumptions about Grogu’s contentment were shattered as an opporunity to beg for food arised. The three of you were walking towards a vendor situated at the side of the street. Whatever they were smelling had a sweet, enticing aroma and, right on cue, Grogu whined and reached his little arms out towards the stall. As you approached the throng of people waiting to get their hands on the sweet treat, you noticed they were hot Corellian Ryshcate. You had never had these particular delicacies before, but they appeared to be pastries of some kind.
You stopped at the side of the street so you and Grogu could enjoy the flaky pastries - Din would eat later, given that he was waiting for the privacy of the cabin you would be staying in to remove his helmet. As you took your first bite of the Ryshcate, your mouth was suddenly transported to a rich, indulgent heaven of sugary, buttery goodness. There were nuts and fruits baked into the flaky layers and you hummed contentedly as you savoured the sweet treat.
“Is it good?” Din asked, shifting his weight awkwardly from one leg to the other as he waited, excluded due to his Creed from this simple pleasure. You knew he would not have it any other way though. It didn't stop you, though, from wishing sometimes, for his own sake above all else, that he could join in and live more freely.
“Delicious, Din.” You said, bringing your hand to your mouth as you replied so you did not inadvertently cover him in a storm of pastry flakes. “We can come back and get some tomorrow, perhaps, take them back to the cabin?” You suggested, it would be a shame for him to miss out.
“Sure,” Din nodded, “I think Grogu would like that too.”
You giggled as you noticed that the Ryshcate that had been in Grogu’s hands seconds before was now nowhere to be seen. It was larger than his head, but that had not prevented the little boy with the voracious appetite from gulping down the pastry despite its warmth and size. Once you had also finished your Ryshcate, you continued making your way down the street, Din’s hand finding yours again despite the bags… you just shook your head affectionately at his stubbornness. As you took in the sights and sounds before you, you didn’t think that Din could have picked out a better place for you to visit. Everything from the scenery, to the festive, relaxing atmosphere was exactly what you had been hoping for. You were pleased that Din had told you a little about the history of this place on your journey here. Now that you were actually here, walking around Doaba Guerfel, you could appreciate it fully.
As you made your way further down the street, Din finally allowed you to carry your bag so he could hold Grogu. The extra weight of the bag and the exertion caused you to notice how your breath was hanging in front of you like a little cloud. The air was crisp and The Mandalorian next to you looked impossibly handsome in the environment. Given that he was still in his armour, it was quite a feat, but you loved him in his beskar’gam as much as you loved him out of it. The white snow that touched every corner of this secluded mountain paradise, caused the armour to dazzle. Din's presence was attracting more than a few eyes. But with one strong hand in yours and another arm holding Grogu protectively, it was clear that this particular Mandalorian already had a Clan of his own.
Towards the end of the main street, Din guided you down one of the side streets. There were various establishments of all kinds; from diners and cantinas and small family run businesses selling toys and antiques. Most of them had intricate window displays for Life Day and it seemed as though every corner of this town had been touched by festive cheer. It was infectious, you couldn’t stop smiling as you walked down the street at Din’s side.
At the end of the street, there was a footbridge which took you across the mountains to the next peak. Wherever Din was taking you seemed to be as far out of the town as one could get, but it made sense given Din’s need for privacy if he were to remove his helmet and relax on this trip. After walking across several similar smaller bridges – the place was somewhat of a maze and you wondered how Din was keeping track – you eventually reached the cabin that was to be your home for the next few days.
The cabin was made out of dark brown wood, with a dusting of white snow on the roof. It looked unbelievably cozy and welcoming, especially given the landscape that surrounded the cabin. The array of flora that Din had promised were here could be found in the trees dotted around the cabin. It was an idyllic escape, nestled between the Nomad Mountains on all sides. After entering your secluded cabin and unpacking a few items from bags - including your warmest coat, hat, scarf and gloves - you helped Grogu dress in a new coat that Din had purchased for this trip, before you took him outside. You had intended to help him to build a snow-wookiee while you waited for Din to change into something more suited for enjoying the snowy environment than his armour. The privacy afforded by this secluded cabin meant that Din could remove his helmet. You couldn’t wait to see him in his dressed down, relaxed form out here in this safe haven.
The sun was beginning to set, bathing the sky in a beautiful collection of oranges and reds. You willed Din to hurry up, you didn't want him to miss something as stunning. In the time you had spend appreciating the sunset, you found that your plans to help Grogu in building a snow-wookiee were to be unrealised. Before you could even begin gathering snow with the shovel that lay propped against the dark wooden exterior of the cabin for him to play with, the mischievous little boy had used the Force to build an enormous, fully formed snow-wookiee.
“Grogu, that’s cheating,” You said, crossing your arms and shaking your head at him, a wide smile on your face.
“Muh?” Grogu responded, almost offended that you weren’t impressed with his handiwork.
You heard the door of the cabin open behind you and turned around to finally lay eyes upon your favourite Mandalorian. Bathed in the fading golden light, he was mesmerising. Din was wearing a thick red coat, with a material that would protect him from all the elements in contrast to your more fashionable woollen one. He still had his gloves on, too. It was the only part of him familiar to the way he was dressed when you had arrived at the cabin. Din stood there, surveying the scene before him with the prowess of the trained hunter he was. He smiled softly when his eyes met yours. You knew your face had lit up when you had seen him, it was impossible for you not to react to his warm brown eyes, you saw your expression mirrored in his, especially when he looked around and appreciated Grogu’s snow-based creation.
“Great job, kid!” Din said proudly as he strode towards the two of you. He picked Grogu up and brought him close. Grogu cooed and reached out to place his hand on his father’s cheek, his way of giving his seal of approval that Din had removed his helmet.
It was a touching sight. But you had plans to disrupt the peace as you bent down and scooped fistfuls of snow, moulding them into a sphere. Without any warning, you lobbed the snowball in the direction of Din. You had truly only intended to hit him on the side of his head, but your aim was so poor that you inadvertently hit him square in the face. The warm brown eyes that you had enjoyed gazing into only moments before were the first feature of Din’s to be visible again, as he blinked away the snow that had coated his entire face.
“Oh, you’ll pay for that,” Din said, voice low as he set Grogu down.
You yelped and began to run away from him, but you didn’t make it far, before Din grabbed you by the wrist and brought his snow-covered glove to your face, coating your face in snow just as his had been covered moments earlier.
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry!” You panted, breathless with laughter as you brought your hands to your face to wipe the snow away.
“Truce?” Din asked as he released his hand from your wrist and placed it on your waist, pulling you close to him. You looked down at his lips, so warm and inviting. It would be so easy to give in to what your heart wanted and kiss him. But he had played dirty, grabbing you and forcing his hand to your face like that.
“No way!” You exclaimed as you wriggled from his embrace and squatted down to sculpt another snow-based missile.
Din shook his head, laughing at you as you hurled another snowball at him. He retaliated in kind, catching you square in the jaw. You continued like that for a few more minutes, forgetting all about the actual child who was sitting quietly a few feet away in the snow, watching the pair of you fight like children. A snowball fight seemed like a good idea, but the two of you had apparently forgotten about the abilities of the child you adored.
It was the sound of a giggle a few feet away that reminded you that you and Din were not alone here. In all your horseplay, Grogu was being neglected. You were about to apologise, scoop him up and help him make some snowballs of his own. But the kid had other ideas. The sight of his little head, a tiny green dot against the white snow that was still as bright despite the fading light, was the last sight you saw before everything became a snowy white haze. Suddenly, every part of your body was being pummelled by snowballs.
“What the–” You started, wondering how it was possible for snowballs to be made and thrown with the speed they were right then.
“GROGU!” Din bellowed. His mind had been quicker to recall the abilities with the Force that his son possessed, abilities that were helping him thoroughly destroy two grown adults in this impromptu snowball fight. “STOP! THAT'S CHEATING!”
After a few more moments, Grogu finally relented, clapping his hands together in glee. As your vision returned, you noticed the way both you and Din were covered head to toe in snow… your faces barely visible amongst the carnage. Din’s thick coat certainly did a better job of protecting him from the elements than your own garment, which seemed woefully inadequate in comparison. There should have been something slightly humiliating about being beaten by a child, but all you could think about was the way Din’s cheeks were slightly rosy. How his smile dazzled against the brilliant white snow. His presence was magnetic… you could stare at him forever.
“I’ll make you pay for that, you little womp rat!” Din said playfully as he charged towards Grogu, who squealed in delight and tried to make a break for it from Din. Alas, his legs were too little and Din soon caught up to him, scooping him up with a motion that sent both of them tumbling to the ground.
You laughed at the sight and made your way over to them. Din placed Grogu on his knee and began passing him little bits of snow, whispering to him and instructing him how to make a snowball fairly, rather than with the Force. But rather than a sweet father and son bonding moment, it transpired that your boys were actually conspiring against you. Grogu pitched the little snowballs at you with stunning accuracy as each hit your cheeks. You stumbled dramatically, falling to the snow face down beside them and closing your eyes, as though mortally wounded.
“Wake up, cyare!” Din said playfully. “Oh no, Grogu… what did you do?”
Grogu whined in response.
“I think, perhaps, a kiss is needed?” Din said lightly.
The feeling of firstly Din’s warm breath washing over yours, and then his soft lips gently meeting yours meant, once he pulled away, the grin that was on your face shattered the illusion for Grogu, who was now staring at the two of you curiously. Even if you had wanted to continue the act, once Din kissed you, you couldn’t do anything except grin.
“All better.” You sighed, enjoying the way Din’s brown curls were sticking to his forehead, dampened by the snow. Warmth pooled in your chest as you looked at him, reflecting the depth of the affection you felt for this man.
Then, you flipped onto your back and began moving your arms and legs in unison to make a snow angel, watching the brilliant sky as you did so. Din placed Grogu on the snow between the two of you and began making the same motions. Grogu looked confused at first, but soon caught up, thrashing his little arms and legs about wildly. You caught Din’s eye as the two of you gazed at each other, soft smiles on your faces. You were trying to convey how grateful you were that he had brought you to this paradise. The look in his warm brown eyes, that shone like honey in the fading light, indicated that he understood. You slowed down, transfixed by him, before ceasing your motions. But then, the warmth in your chest that you felt whenever you looked at Din, was replaced with something much, much colder. Making snow angels with the two of them was such a joyful moment that you temporarily forgot how cold you were, your coat soaked through. But once the motions ceased, your teeth began chattering.
Din noticed instantly, looking at you with concern before he said, “Come on, let’s head inside and put Grogu to bed.” He raised an eyebrow, “Then,I have an idea for how to help you warm up.”
You couldn’t help but giggle breathlessly as Din pulled you to your feet. It turned out that the kiss had been a promise of things to come. As the pair of you walked hand in hand to the cabin, you took one last look back to the three figures in the snow in the fading light. The large, broad outline of Din’s snowangel, the shape that was unmistakably that of your own body and, between the two of you, the imprint Grogu had made, which seemed impossibly tiny next to the two of you. Especially considering the carnage he had just unleashed upon Din and you with the snowballs. So much power for one so small.
You thought with a smile that the snowy impressions of the three of you looked perfect together in the fluffy snow. They would be gone by the time you rose tomorrow, replaced by a fresh dusting of snow. But the love that the three of you felt for each other could not be replaced by any force in the galaxy.
For now, though, the unmistakable outlines of your little family remained as evidence of the fun afternoon you had spent in the snow.
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synthetickitsune · 8 months
angst 16 and fluff 32 with jeonghan please? and that will be my last one haha i'm just so happy that your requests are open. and i just wanted to say thank you so much for your service really, you are legitimately one of my favorite writers on here and i love your blog so much. also you're really sweet and friendly and i appreciate u! <33 have fun writing and don't put too much pressure on yourself, take care, love you 💖
aah, thank you so much!! it took a while but i hope you'll like this ♡
Jeonghan (Seventeen) | Scaring them + “It’s okay. I’m here.” angst/comfort | 0.9k | gn!reader
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“Shut up.”
You’re seething on the opposite end of the sofa, your knees hugged to your chest and your body so tense he’s afraid something in it might snap. He can barely see you in the faint light coming in from the kitchen. Jeonghan’s just helpless about what to do now.
He realizes, in hindsight, that the prank was stupid. You did mention you like horror movies, that you enjoyed being scared sometimes. Still, he should’ve known better and he’s angry with himself that he didn’t. It’s dark, it’s late, you’ve had a long day, and already had to walk through the dark streets, of course you’d be on edge, and then he jumped out at you from the shadows in your home before you could turn on the lights. 
It’s funny when Mingyu shrieks and pouts and complains, but he sees now it’s not so funny when you’re the one screaming and trembling, pushing him away when he tries to hug you and make up. You won’t even look at him.
He pushes his luck and cautiously moves to sit a little closer. You don’t pay him any mind so he monitors your reactions and continues until he’s sitting right next to you without really touching you. You glare at him when he opens his mouth, and from this close he can see the corners of your eyes are red and you look like you’re about to cry. His heart drops, and Jeonghan can’t resist the urge to hug you, to touch you, but he can slow it down.
To his surprise, you let him wrap his arms around you, you hug him back too, slowly uncurling from your previous position. He maneuvers you until his back is against the armrest and you’re almost lying on top of him, clinging to him with desperation that matches his own. 
“It’s okay, I’m here,” he whispers, tucking your head under his chin after he plants a kiss to your forehead.
“It’s not okay, because you’re here,” you counter. You have every right to be upset, he acknowledges, and he deserves this but it feels like someone is trying to crush his heart in their fist. 
“I know, I’m so stupid,” he agrees, squeezing you a little tighter in hopes you won’t push him away again.
“Extremely stupid,” you hiss.
“Dumbest person alive~” he sing-songs and while you don’t laugh, you scoff and that’s alright for now. At least you’re not struggling to get out of his embrace.
He holds you tightly and when you don’t say anything more, Jeonghan starts humming the melody as softly as he can. His hand rubs circles over your back, soothing you until the tension melts from your body. He closes his eyes and gets a little lost in the feeling of holding you, chasing away the unpleasant memory of you fighting against him, of you shaking in fear in his hold. That’s something he doesn’t wanna experience again, much less so when he knows it was his own doing.
But then you start moving and you want him to let go of you - he can’t stop the quiet whine that spills from his lips. You pause and everything is still for a moment before you sigh.
“I just want to see you, Han,” you explain and pull away just enough to look at his face. He gives you an apologetic smile, adjusting his position so you’re both comfortable and he can keep holding you. 
“I’m sorry,” he finally gets to apologize. He nearly melts when you shift in his arms just so you could put your forehead against his. 
“I know you are,” you accept, “So I hope you won’t-”
“I won’t. I’m never doing it again, I promise,” he quickly reassures you, and the only thing that stops him from pulling you flush against his body again is your hand against his chest. You frown seeing how quickly he freezes.
“I just wanna see you when we talk,” you tell him again and he quickly agrees, settling against the pillows again. “I’m not leaving, Jeonghan.”
He nods with a sigh and brings one hand to your face, gently stroking your face. “I’m just really sorry I scared you so much. I didn’t mean to.”
“I know,” you press a kiss to his cheek, “Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
He hums, and you know he won’t listen to you, so you make a note to remind him again tomorrow. For now, you think you both just need some time. You talk some more, ask each other about your days, and when he starts getting too distracted, you snuggle closer to him under the excuse of being tired. 
Nobody is as doting as Jeonghan, more so when he knows he has something to make up for. He cuddles you for a few more minutes, careful to keep you nice and warm, rubbing your arms and back and whispering in his soft voice. He helps you to bed, tucks you in and gets you anything you need - glass of water, a little snack if you get hungry during the night, he sets up your phone to be charged. But just one word from your lips and he’s under the covers with you, holding you again. When he promises to protect you, you know you’re as safe as you could ever be.
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heavenlyysstuff · 1 month
Flower Girl
NETEYAM.s x fem! omatikaya! reader
summary . Whenever in battle, he always had someone to fight for, and he was always going to return to her at the end of the day.
language . syulang ‘ flower . sevin ‘ pretty
a/n . I apologise for the no content recently, kinda lacking ideas rn, so feel free to drop any idea you have in my asks!
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The war cry’s and yelps of his people around him became a blur, the sky people relentlessly try to kick at their defence.
Since the loss of home tree, the Omatikaya never seemed to know peace again, not with these creatures invading their land and homes.
Neteyam can only watch from afar as his people fight for what’s theirs, set with the task of being a watcher, making sure to alert his father for any more incoming sky people.
He wants to fight, protect his land… the ones he loves. But he knows that at his age, war shouldn’t be something he should have to prepare and participate in.
He can see the difference between the numbers in his people and them. It looks like they are winning this battle, but at what cost?
He knows his people will be leaving with scars, bruises and cuts, he just hopes he can help his family stay clean.
“We gotta get down there bro!” Neteyam hears his brother beside him on his own ikran.
“Dad will skin us.” His reply is stern, and in Neteyam’s mind he knows any of what happens to his brother in the next few moments, it will be up to him to take the blame.
Lo’am shakes of his worry with a tilt of the head and his ikran soars down onto the battlefield.
“Lo’ak! You…Ughhh…” Neteyam yells out, grunting at his brother’s rebelliousnes, but also commands his ikran to chase down his brother.
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Back at camp, you help to organise some herbs you and other apprentice heaters had gathered.
Your fingers brush through each herb and help to put them into its designated bowl. You and the other young women have created a circle around a total of 5 bowls, each of them sorting through their own sections of herbs.
Not only did this job help the people of the clan, it helped that the apprentices were always chatty, and when you bring a handful of chatty young women into one place, information is bound to spread.
The women frequently discuss any of the latest happenings in the clan, usually small playful stuff, it helped to keep the group entertained.
You never did much talking, only listened, occasionally giving your thoughts when asked but you don’t mind much, you’re more of a thinker, so when working you usually just zone out into your own little world.
“Aah, Y/n… you have more of those in your hair.” A passing female states when handing a bowl of salve to another woman, she crouches behind you and begins to peck at your hair with her fingers.
“Ayyie.” You lift your hands to shield your hair and lean forward. “I like it like this…” she giggled behind you and gives your hair one minor adjustment before standing up to move around the circle.
“It is quite pretty you have to admit, Ayyie.” Another girl in the group says while looking up from her work. “I just don’t know how you do it everyday, Y/n.”
“The reaction she gets from Neteyam every time seems to keep her going.” Another states, and the circle begins giggling at the fact.
You bring your head down to avoid the confrontation, heat pools at your cheeks and your tail is brought high up next to you. “What are you talking about.” You reply rhetorically.
She giggles more at your clearly flustered reaction, “oh nothing just how he always compliments it and that smile you have all day when he does.” This causes hums of agreement and laughter to flow through everyone in the circle.
“He doesn’t…it’s not like that.” Your words contradict your actions, as your tail sways hurriedly behind you, ears pinning to the sides of your head which of course makes the women around you giggle to each other.
“Oh leave her alone, she can hardly think about him without getting so worked up.” Tee’ron spills out half in your defends half to tease you.
You decide it’s be best if you just stopped talking to avoid getting deeper into your pit of embarrassment, you keep your head down and continue sorting through herbs.
The girls remain giggling for a bit before Tee’ron puts a hand on your shoulder, “sorry, Y/n.” She says in a between quiet laughs, quick to calm her breathing.
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“The war party is back!”
Those words were what broke you out of your working frenzy, immediately your head shoots to look outside and your ears perk up.
You are first to stand from the circle of women, hastily making your way outside the hut and out to see the returning warriors, to see him.
You walk slowly and look at every man and woman in hopes to find him, and once you look forward, he’s there.
You wanted to run to him, but with seeing him came seeing his father, and the rest of his family. You didn’t know weather to get any closer, but you decided to take the chance.
You slowly walk towards him, and once close enough you can hear the tone of his fathers voice when speaking to him, he seemed to tone it down once Neytiri spoke though.
You don’t think Neteyam noticed you when you stood behind him, but his father certainly did “Y/n, could you help Kiri with the wounded.” He tilts his head to gesture to his daughter who stood on the other side of Neteyam.
“Neteyam is wounded.” You speak with a somewhat sharp tone, your quick to bite your tongue though and quickly lower your eyes to look to the side.
The Olo’eyktan sighs and looks between you and his son, “go on then.”
You can see Neteyam’s shoulders visibly relax and you bring a hand to grasp his arm, pulling it to lead him away from his family and toward an empty healing hut.
On the way you look behind you, only to meet Neteyam’s mothers eyes. You could never really read that woman, mostly silent and stern. The look in her eyes was nothing new though, she looked between you and her son and a small smile crept out of her, you didn’t see it for too long, as you turn to guide Neteyam into the hut.
You let go of his arm and he instinctively takes a seat of the ground close to the herbs set next to him.
He slowly sits down with one leg sprawled out and the other perched closer to his chest, hissing at the strain the movements cause him.
“Shhh..” you’re quick to calm him, coming close to his side and placing a bowl of salve informer of you. He glances at you before looking back down to the ground in front of him, and he goes silent. Tilting your head, you ask “how bad was it?” While scanning over his form to take in any hidden injuries.
He rolls his shoulder and fixes his posture, “could’ve been worse, I suppose.” He huffs, and fixes his gaze on you. “Hey,” he tilts his head, raising a hand to poke at your hair, “where’d you get these ones?”
You move your own hand up to you hair, grasping his hand in the process, “secret.” He scoffs at your reply and looks offended.
“I’ve been almost everywhere in this forest, I’ll find them soon enough.” He brings your clasped hands down to rest on his knee. You only smirk and roll your eyes. “Sevin syulang.”
You hum at his words, “yea I thought so to.” Agreeing with his words, without thinking he may not have been talking about the flowers… “let me fix you up, okay?”
He huffs in fake annoyance, but smiles once you lather salve onto a wound on his shoulder, your hands warm to the touch.
He closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling of your hands gliding against his slightly scarred skin, feeling as you make your way from his arms, massaging the muscles up to his shoulders.
Then to his face, where you apply smaller amounts of ointment to the wounds. Your hands gliding across his forehead and along the bridge of his nose, under his chin.
He opens his eyes, and realised how much closer you’ve come, only a small distance between your two faces, but he can still feel the slight circular motions you continue on a scar across his jawline.
Exhaling slowly in thought, he grabs your hand to pause your movements, causing you to look into his eyes with what at first was confusion, quickly turning into a realisation.
You both stay eyes locked on each others for a moment, Neteyam’s unoccupied hand coming up to caress your own cheek, the both of you leaning into the others palms.
In what felt like forever, the two of you get closer, eyes dropping low and foreheads touching. Your eyes drop before he follows, heads tilting in sync and lips finally touching, a gentle and passionate kiss shared.
Pulling away slowly for breath, and then moving back in for another in usion, the two of you entranced by each others touch and addicted to the feeling of your hearts beating together.
After three long and loving kisses, foreheads part and you both slowly open your eyes to what had been in front of you all along.
“I see you, Y/n.” Neteyam speaks after quietly catching his breath, bringing you closer into an embrace, arms around your waist to lift you into his lap.
You relax into his body, arms coming up to wrap around his neck and shoulders, “I see you, Neteyam.”
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sxulcxtcher · 2 months
( dom/sub dynamics , trans/ftm bottom , squirting , edging/orgasm denial , fingering/borderline finger fucking )
i love cute subs :( they’re so cute, pliant and eager to please.. of course this one was no different, always ready to please you. and yet, there was something missing for him.
he adored you dearly and knew you reciprocated those exact feelings, but also thought you were way too soft on him. every mistake he made was gracefully met with a soft kiss on the head and a tender, ‘it’s okay.’ while grateful, something inside him yearned for more than just that.
“how come you never punish me?” he rather shamelessly asked in the middle of dinner. shellshocked, you stared at him for a moment before coughing into a sleeve. “punish you how?”
“like— in bed? i dunno..” his face flushed as curtly turned his head to the side. you let out a soft chuckle and nodded, “maybe one day.” you tease, one day indeed.
he couldn’t quite grasp the fact that you could be so cruel to him and yet there the two of you were. his thighs were cracked open with two fingers stuffed inside his puffy pussy. your other hand’s thumb periodically grazing against his needy clit. “s-ssloww~! a-aaah—!!” he squirms and rocks his hips onto your fingers.
“puppy… your pussy is so messy…” you comment before rather harshly grinding your finger against his sensitive walls. he lets out a breathless scream before calming back down. “you’re such a whore… look at all the juices you’re spilling… and the sounds.” he shakes his head, tears staining his reddened eyes as he denies his lewdness.
“‘m c-cum—! a-ah~! c-cumm p-pplease~!” he sobs, so desperately close to his peak but you end up stopping… pulling out your slick stained fingers. you watch as his body falls limp, his chest heaving up and down as he whimpers.
“we can’t have that… you need to be trained properly.” your thumb now tantalizingly tracing various shapes on his thighs. “n-nnoo… ‘m so-sorry…” he whined and covered his bleary eyes.
“mm.. try a bit harder than that, doll.” he huffed, his brain wracking for anything he could do to appease you. “p-please mmake m-my… my n-needy pussy c-cum..” his voice was barely a whisper, audible but you can’t let him off easy.
“what was that puppy? speak up.” he whined louder, still keeping his face hidden from yours. “please— m-mess up my p-pussy..! i-i wanna cum..!” he blurted out, his voice wavering as he finished voicing his request.
“good boy.” you complimented and instantly complied with his request. one hand gripped on his thigh to keep his legs cracked open while the other was stirring up his wet cunt. “you’re making so many lewd noises, i wonder what else your body can do.”
his body arched as his hands gripped against the blankets beneath him. “m-mmgguh-! a-aah h-hah~!” poor boy couldn’t think straight anymore. you hummed, pistoning your fingers in and out of his gummy walls. pressing and prodding against all his sweet spots, he was seeing the stars.
“n-nnoo— no-nonono~! i-it’s c-ccomming o-oout-! s-ss—stop~! m-mmaster-!” his pleads were a bit too late though, instead of usually cumming over your hands - his spent pussy squirted all over your abdomen. it was a first for him, he’d never done it before until now…
“oh my…” you slowed down your pace before pulling out your sticky fingers. “let’s see if we can do that again…
eee.. hopefully this isn’t too long, i have a couple more ideas i’d like to share ( ^∀^) i love cute puppy boy subs~ they’re one of my favorites… along with pathetic nerds ♡
this isn’t beta read as always, i hope you and everyone who reads it enjoys it!!
have a wonderful day as always~ - 🎀
you're like a god oml
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mncxbe · 2 months
Ow heck yeah, just read your announcement and I'm here to request for classic cheating dazai (spicy number 6) 🙇‍♀️ please bless us with your magic fics, thank you so much ily have a great dayyyy
this man is such a red flag I love him♡ ty for requesting sweet nonnie hope you have a wonderful day too
6 — Cheating on their girlfriends with you (TW: cheating)
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Dazai's hips halt flush against your ass as he picked up the phone "Hey baby" he said casually, as if he weren't balls deep inside you right now "How was work?"
You could hear his girlfriend's chirpy voice on the other side of the line, telling him every silly little detail about her day and you huffed impatiently, looking over your shoulder to see Dazai's sly grin. The man raised a finger to his lips, signaling you to keep quiet as he experimentally rolled his hips against yours. Kneadind the fat of your ass with his free hand, he then trailed it down to your lower back, deepening your arch– moans slipped from your lips as the tip of his cock repeatedly hit your sweet spot.
"Keep it down, bella" he whispered, gathering your hair in a pony tail and hoisting your chest off the mattress. Using it as leverage Dazai picked up the pace, his hips snapping against yours, ripping choked, breathy moans from you. "Aah fuck– 'samu"
Dazai, love, are you listening to me? Is everything ok?
"Yes, baby, don't worry I'm just a bit tired. Today's mission was pretty hard, but I promise we'll talk when I get home tomorrow" he mused, his eyes glued on the creamy ring forming at the base of his cock.
Oh okay then... I'll let you sleep. Goodnight Osamu, I love you. See you tomorrow
He hung up the phone without saying another word, throwing it on the crumpled sheets next to you. "What, 'samu? Aren't you gonna tell your girl you l-love her too ah shit—?" you taunted the man, earning a harsh slap on your ass. Dazai flipped you onto your back, pushing your thighs flush against your chest, his eyes taking in the sight of your slick cunt. He drew loose circles on your puffy clit with his thumb, relishing the way you writhed and mewled under him. You were so goddamn beautiful and sweet.
"Don't be silly, 'donna" he smiled, bringing his face closer to yours– his hot, ragged breath fanning over your lips as he eagerly slipped back inside you, his tip nudged snug against your sweet spot. When he started moving his thrusts were painfully deep, hungry, desperate even but his gaze held nothing but affection for you "She can go fuck herself, 'donna. You're the only girl I love"
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prompt list૮₍´˶• . • ⑅ ₎ა
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evermourning · 6 months
'𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰. ⋆。˚❆
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
WC: 2.1k
Summary: He always knew you would be the one for him. From the moment he met you. And now, he plans to love you eternally. In every lifetime.
A/N: It's Margaret day (Dec. 18) so here is a lovely oneshot in honor of it <3 This song is so beautiful to me and I hope to portray it into words by the very best of my abilities.. also Fem!Reader is mentioned once or twice but anyone can read regardless of gender!
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Ever since you were tiny, with small hands that could barely fit around your father's, you've dreamed of this occasion. You've dreamed of the flowing white silk adorning your frame, the vibrant flowers clasped in your gloved hands, the melodious aria playing in your ears as you walked down the aisle something akin to a movie.
In your dreams, the figure waiting at the altar ready to intertwine his soul with yours has always been a mystery, shrouded in a milky fog you rendered impossible to push away. So you'd wait. Wait until the time was right and the sun would shine, clearing the fog and bathing your husband-to-be in golden light.
You know now that man is Christopher Bahng.
From the moment he smiled at you for first time, everything everywhere in the universe came to a screeching halt as you felt yourself falling for him. For the scrunch of his nose and the crinkle of his dark, soulful eyes. For the way the sight of his dimples made your stomach flutter with delight. You knew from the start that at the end of the day he would be yours. He would be the man in your dreams, hidden by the fog.
Now those wishes have come true, and more than you could ever imagine. Life with Chan is simple and sweet. You've always craved the intimate domesticity you saw emanating from movie couples, the cuddling and the kissing and the little acts of service that proved they knew each other better than anyone else.
Life isn't exactly like the movies, though. You aren't stupid. But Chan makes it feel that way. He makes your heart pound with adoration when he comes up behind you while you're making dinner, wrapping his arms around your midsection and pressing a kiss to your shoulder. You swoon whenever you open your eyes to see him staring at you, a saccharine smile upon his perfect lips. You are blessed to even think about spending the rest of your life at his side. It was always a hope, a wish.
But now, as you stare at yourself in the oval mirror, your body adorned in hues of white and a lacy veil upon your head, your wish has been fleshed out and exposed. It is quite simply, a miracle. And now, a reality. It hits you like a truck. You are getting married. To the love of your life, your first and final flame. In less than an hour, you will have the sacred right to call Chan your husband, to raise children and grow old with him. A single tear slips down your face. It is the first of many that will flow like a river today.
From the tent where you've spent the last three hours getting ready, you can hear quiet conversation and a soft symphony playing as people get to their seats. Chan must already be up there. Your heart rate quickens. Will he like how you look? Will he think you're beautiful? It's a foolish thought, as you know to the very depths of yourself that Chan loves every single atom in your body. He loves you when you are at your happiest, your smile bright enough to power a city, and he loves you at your lowest point, falling apart in his arms when you think you cannot do a single thing right. To him, you are the very oxygen that keeps his lungs working and his blood pumping.
Your bridesmaids come up to you, whispering words of encouragement with wide grins before they are whisked away. One after another, you hear the 'oohs' and 'aahs' from the crowd. You fight urges to peek outside. You and Chan had both wanted a more private wedding, opting to only invite family and close friends. And it was 100% worth it, you wholeheartedly believe. Although the promise of loved ones cannot quell your shaking hands and beating heart. You fidget with your hands, waiting until it is almost your time.
You sigh with relief once Minho, your longtime best friend, slips into the tent, smiling sweetly at you as he takes your hands in his.
"You look amazing. God, you're all grown up now." his voice is filled with multitudes of love for you. From the moment these dreams began as a child, you've known Minho was going to be the one who gave you away. He's watched your heart get broken time after time, comforting you each and every time as gently as the first time it happened. And then, because of him, you met Chan. You will forever be indebted to him. "Are you ready to go? They're all waiting for you. You're going to stun them."
And you nod, a nervous smile upon your lips as Minho links his arm with you. The music crescendos as you step out, and all eyes fall on you. They gasp at the sight of you, people clutching their chests with excitement. You can't help it. You beam, your face radiant.
You don't want to look at Chan yet, still taking in the scenery. The venue is outside, not a single discrepancy in the beautiful sunset. The color theme is white, matching your attire, and paired with the vibrant green vegetation, it looks absolutely divine. Your bridesmaids are giggling and waving to you, unimaginably proud of how far you've come. You pass Chan's family, soon to be yours, and his mother places a hand over her heart in silent gratitude. A thank you, for being her son's one true love.
When you look to the right, you see the remaining six of Chan's boys, dressed to the nines and watching the scene with utmost excitement. You can't help but chuckle when Felix wipes a tear away, eliciting merciless teasing from Jisung and Hyunjin. But even from here, you can see they have watery eyes too. They have nothing but adoration for Chan, and they are your family just as much as they are his.
Then, your eyes fall on Chan. His jaw is to the floor staring at you, taking in every inch of you. When you step up the altar opposite him, he is quick to take your hands in his. His voice is shaky as praise falls again and again from his full lips.
"Oh my god, you're beautiful- you're so- I can't even find the words for it. You've enchanted me. I can't speak." Noticing him getting flustered, you snicker. The officiant unfortunately interrupts your moment.
"May we begin?"
The first part is a blur, the only part you vividly remember and will forever cement into your cerebral is Chan squeezing your hands tightly as he looks deep into your eyes and says the two words that will change your life: "I do."
He never once looks away from you. Not when the officiant cracks a joke or two that bring his infamous dimples out, not when he is carefully slipping a silver wedding band onto your ring finger. When he is done, he lifts your hand up and presses a chaste kiss to the ring. It sits right alongside the brilliant diamond he proposed with, and the crowd releases a collective "awww". When you put his ring on, you do the same. It is a sign of respect and equality. There will never be an imbalance between you.
And finally, it is time for the vows. You wrote these the day after Chan proposed. You knew exactly what you'd been waiting to say to him all this time.
"This feels unreal to me. I still can't believe I'm standing here, about to tie the knot with the only person who has ever made me feel this way. I've never been so giddy when I'm around someone. I've never been so lonely and mopey when you're away. I want to spend every waking moment thinking about you if we are too far away from each other to touch." He's about to cry, it's so obvious, so you rub soft circles upon the skin of his hand. "Love is an inexplicable thing. It's fickle and can be mean, and I always thought it was out to get me. But I was wrong, because I was blessed with you. Love is far too soft of a word for me to use, because the way I feel about you could never be explained. I could dig through every page of every book, meticulously searching for the right term to use, but it would be to no avail. So you must trust me when I say that I love you, although there is so much more complexity than just those three words. Trust me when I'm falling apart and trust me when I'm doting on you like there's no tomorrow because just know that you are making all of my childhood wishes come true by being you. I promise to love you even when your hands are gnarled and you complain a bit too much about your back hurting. I'll love you when you finally become the old man Seungmin is always telling you about. And finally, I'll love you because you make me human."
The audience takes a moment for your words to register, before it is Chan's turn to say his vows. He takes a moment to compose himself before he begins, his eloquence taking everybody by surprise.
"Thank you, angel. That was beautiful. I still remember the first time I saw you. I was at Minho's birthday, and it was getting too stuffy, so I went up to the rooftop to catch my breath. You were up there, in all your beauty, and I swore I wanted to marry you right then and there. Your hair was blowing in the wind and you were wearing white, and I was like 'Shit. You're gonna be mine one day' because I knew that you were trouble and I didn't care because I would go to the ends of the earth for you to even look my way. It was then, I knew. I knew that you would make me the happiest man on Earth. I knew that I would love you for the rest of my life, even if you didn't feel the same. I remember our first date, when we curled up on the couch together and we watched 'Tangled', and the way your eyes lit up at Flynn and Rapunzel's relationship, and I knew instantly that I was going to give you something so much better. Your body is my home, and your arms, my shelter. Our youth may fade, but our love will never be anything finite. Our souls are intertwined now, tied together by the string of fate that led us here. I will search for you in every lifetime. Even if you are on the other side of the world, I will travel the seven seas for even a glimpse of your face.l love you, forever and evermore."
His words are like a drug, seeping into your system and mellowing you out until you can only think of him. You tune out the ceremony until you hear the words you've been longing for ever since you saw him.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" And in the blink of an eye, Chan's arms are wrapped around you so tightly you fear your body will disintegrate if he loosens his hold on you. His lips are on yours, kissing you with so much passion and intensity that you two are one. When he finally pulls away, he wraps his arm around you and you look towards your friends and family with a smile. Now comes the final part of your ceremony. The sky has mellowed out now, a shady of navy blue speckled with shimmering stars that you would never see in the city.
Hand-in-hand, you kneel down beside a lantern with both of your names inscribed upon it with a heart. Together, you light it and lift it up so it dances in the breeze, traveling up, up, up, until your love has reached the heavens. You watch it go, your head on Chan's shoulder and his arm around you.
"Thank you for loving me." you whisper in his ear.
"Don't thank me like this is a chore, it is a choice. And from now until the end of time, my choice will always be you."
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@evermourning, ©2023. all rights reserved.
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grandlinedreams · 8 months
hi hi i really love your writing!! if you don't mind a request i was thinking about reader having devil fruit powers, specifically the nagi nagi no mi, and law's reaction to it. he and the reader were apart for some time and in that time she acquired the fruit! thank you!
hiya! aah, that's such a good request, of course I can!! I hope that i've done it justice for you!!
[heads up!: brief mention of Law's light novel, Dressrosa arc spoilers]
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Despite the low thrum of energy that the murky purple aura emits, you still tense as you slip into the room from the open window, glancing towards the door. Outside, it’s dark and still ㅡ perfect. Turning, you refocus on the task at hand, knowing that you have to be quick. 
Approaching the mahogany desk in the center of the room, your gaze sweeps over the stacks of paper, the neatly lined pens and carefully angled photograph. At first glance, it suggests the presence of a man who’s dedicated to his work, using his family as a motivation. 
Your eyes narrow. What a joke. You’re tempted to swipe the photo and dispose of it, but you also know that it’ll cause more problems than it solves as you crouch behind the desk. The bottom drawer is locked, though it’s a temporary problem solved by the quick work of a hairpin before you slide it open.
The contents at the top are carefully innocent, manila folders with titles scrawled across them, but it’s not what you’re after. It takes a minute of prying around the edges with your fingernails but the false bottom finally pops free, and you stare at the stack of envelopes, the names on them ㅡ and you smirk.
The stack of letters are carefully inserted into the satchel slung across your body, false bottom pressed carefully back into place before everything is put back and the lock re-done. You take a couple minutes to make sure absolutely everything is as it was before you entered the room before you approach the window, slipping out of it and making sure to shut it.
It’s a short drop to the ground below, and you glance up at the window, then to the satchel before you turn and slip away like a thief into the night. 
The man before him is an idiot. An influential one, but an idiot nevertheless ㅡ and as Law watches him fluster and attempt to cater to the warlord despite not having said a word yet beyond a greeting, he makes a mental addition of kiss-ass to his assessment. 
“It’s not every day we have one of the warlords here, what an honor!” Shorter than Law by almost a foot and sweating profusely, the man has to take two steps to every one of Law’s in order to keep ahead of him. “You’ll have the finest accommodations here in my estate!”
“Generous of you.” Law glances out one of the many ornate windows, the disparage between the lush, sprawling green of this idiot’s estate and the dull, dusty spider web of town roads beyond it making his eyes narrow. “Especially given that your people seem to be struggling to make ends meet.” 
“It’s nothing to worry about, I assure you.” The mayor blots his face with a handkerchief before stuffing it back into his sleeve. “We’ve been having issues with the locals, but I’m sure we’ll come to an agreement soon.”
Law is far from the biggest fan of the navy even though he now technically “works” for them ㅡ a concession that still makes his mood sour every time he thinks about it ㅡ, but he’ll have no qualms in reporting the blatant corruption when he gets a chance. If they’d even listen, that is. For the difference to be as vast as it is, he wonders if they know and simply don’t care. 
“Ah, just who I was looking for.” The mayor ㅡ whose name Law hasn’t bothered to remember ㅡ comes to a halt, and Law doesn’t look away from his silent observation of the view outside the windows. “Show our guest to his quarters, will you please?”
“Of course, Mayor Tamago.” The newcomer’s voice is vaguely familiar, and it prompts Law to look over, eyes widening a fraction as he realizes he   recognizes the speaker. You stare back, the only sign that you share his surprise being the brief flicker in your eyes, there and gone as you smile at the mayor, who turns to Law.
“This is my assistant, [Name]. They’ll make sure you have what you need.” 
“Right this way,” you say, gesturing for him to follow you down the hall.Once you’re around the corner, you snatch Law’s arm and yank him into the closest room in one fluid movement. Letting go of him, you make sure that the door is locked before rounding on him. “What are you doing here?”
Law raises an eyebrow, arms folded across his chest. “I could ask you the same. You work for that man?"
Your eyes narrow. "No, Iㅡ" You still, turning to eye the door warily. You can't talk here, too risky to use your ability where others can see. "Give me a second."
Law watches as you fish a piece of paper from your pocket as well as a pen, scribbling something down before you hand it to him. "Here. Meet me here tonight." Your eyes flick over him, assessing how he's changed since you last saw him. "We both have explaining to do."
You've changed a lot since Law last saw you. Leaning against a wall, your arms are folded across your chest, expression contemplative as you stare up at the moon, seemingly unaware of his approach. 
Gone is the gangly teenager who'd glared at him from behind Wolf's back, loud with their fists when sparring and even louder with their words ㅡ but you're still you, just far from what he remembers. 
"Thought you got lost," you say as he approaches, pushing off from where you'd been resting. You've changed out of the outfit from before, wide bands of dark leather braced at your elbows and your knees, along with gloves and boots a shade or two lighter. 
It's in his silent observation that Law becomes abruptly aware that you aren't alone, tensing as someone steps from the shadows. Your expression doesn't change, however, even as you pivot to gesture to your companion. "Law, this is Sabo."
Law isn't dumb. The news coo and word of mouth keep him well informed, and the man standing next to you is familiar only in name and face, printed on the occasional page. 
Sabo is second in command within the Revolutionary Army. His expression is friendly if not a little guarded, placing a gloved hand on your shoulder. "[Name] told me they ran into an old friend, but I wasn't expecting it to be a warlord." 
"It's still a new development," Law replies, then glances at you. "I wasn't aware you'd joined the rebels. Is that why you're here?"
You nod. He waits for you to say more, but you're looking around before you glance at Sabo, who debates for a moment before he nods. You lift a hand and snap your fingers before uttering a phrase that Law never thought he'd ever hear again. "Silent."
And suddenly he's ten again, watching that murky purple aura encompass him. But this time he's not standing in an alley, and you're not Corazon. 
"We're taking a big risk telling you all of this," Sabo says, pulling Law's attention from you. "But [Name] trusts you, so I'll trust their judgment." 
"That devil fruit…" Law trails off as he walks in step with you. He's tried to think of how to broach the subject with you over the last ten minutes in any way that doesn't involve grabbing you and demanding you tell him how and where you came across that particular devil fruit. 
"Surprised, huh?" Your tone is softer now. "I stumbled upon it by accident. I had every intention of letting you know somehow, but…” Your right hand comes up, pressing against the front of your left shoulder. “I landed myself in something of a desperate situation right after, so I…”
“It’s fine.” It’s not, it really isn’t ㅡ but Law tells himself that it is, because there’s nothing he can do about it now. And somehow, he has the feeling that if Corazon knew that it’s you who has his power now, he’d approve. “So you’re done here?”
“Mm. Sabo’s going to turn in that information I stole to the appropriate people, and things should fall into place after. I’ll stay here to make sure, but it shouldn’t take long.” You glance at him, eyes glimmering with amusement. “Why, that eager to get rid of me?”
He smirks. “You’re more tolerable than you used to be. I was going to ask if you’d want to come with me instead. I could use someone with your talents.”
“Yeah, yeah, just admit you missed me already.” Your tone is teasing, though your expression sobers. “As tempting as that offer is, I can’t just abandon the rebels.” You reach for his hand, ignoring the way he tenses as your gloved fingers brush over the stamped letters on his knuckles. “You’ll see me again, Law. Sooner than you think.” It’s a rejection at worst and cryptic at best, and you temper your words with a grin that’s entirely the you of his memories. “Try not to miss me too much until then, okay?”
The next time that Law sees you, it’s after everything that’s unfolded in Dressrosa. It’s far from somewhere that he wants to see you, but when he catches wind from Luffy that Sabo (who’s his brother, of all things) is here, he suspects (read: hopes) that you’re lurking around somewhere as well. 
And he ends up being right, because you accompany Sabo in visiting while they’re tending to various injuries in Kyros’ old house. “Glad you didn’t lose your arm,” you remark when you settle next to him, studying the neat bandaging that covers the healing stitches. “But you did what you set out to do, didn’t you? So congratulations are in order.” 
“It wasn’t how I planned,” Law says flatly and all you do is laugh. You’d gotten the impression from your brief interactions with the Strawhat crew that they weren’t fond of following plans ㅡ and Law’s frustrated expression only hammers that home. He tries not to let himself enjoy your presence, knowing that it’s fleeting ㅡ you’ve been set on a different path than him, ever since you parted ways the first time. 
When Sabo moves to leave after handing Zoro the vivre card he’s had made for Luffy, he expects you to get up and join him ㅡ and when you don’t, Law nudges you. “Aren’t you leaving?”
“Do you want me to? And here I thought you said I was tolerable now.” There’s more than amusement gleaming in your eyes and when he frowns, you roll your eyes good-naturedly. “Sabo and I are parting ways for now. He has business regarding the summit and I’m being sent to deal with the fallout of this fiasco, however it pans out.” You get to your feet, stretching. “And as I recall, a friend of mine made an offer to me a while ago.” You pause. “Does that offer still stand?”
Shooting star that you are, you’ve seen fit to linger for him ㅡ how long, Law isn’t sure. But you’re smiling at him, and it means more to him than he cares to admit.
“Of course it does.”
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countessqin · 1 year
Some voicelines of our dear Y/n as a playable character of Honkai Star Rail!
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Character : Himeko x fem!reader, Welt x fem!reader, Dan Heng x fem!reader and March 7th x fem!reader (all platonic, astral-express family binding time!)
[Author Note]
The second thing I wanted to write, because Astral-Express Family supremacy, hahaha. I really like idea of them being like 1 big family, like it so cute!
I tried to do it the way it's done in game and in the way I wrote the first one. Some things are purely my headcanons, and my impressions of the characters (I love them all).
My apologies for the mistakes and typos if there are any! Hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!
Small intro:
- Name: Y/n
- Age: ???
- Occupation: Trailblazer, "Star-traveler"
- Status: ???
- Path: [choose any you want]
- Element: [choose any you want]
[First meeting]
- Hello there! Are you new passenger about which Pom-pom was talking about? Aah I see. My name is Y/n, nice to meet you! Hope you will enjoy your trailblazing experience!
- Oh hi! How is your day? I baked some cupcakes, you can find them in our kitchen! Please, after you try them, give me a feedback, an honest one! I want to improve my skills, thank you!
- Oh it's sooo late, go get some sleep! Don't forget, me, you and Dan Heng promised March to go with her on shopping spree!
[Chat: Trailblazer's experience]
- Hm? Well, it is both exiting and kind of spooky. Exciting because you find something new for yourself, meet new people, make new friends and so on. And spooky, well, sometimes there is a lot of unknown hence you don't know what to expect...
[About herself: hobbies]
- I wouldn't say I have a variety of hobbies, I like adventures and cooking! Every time when we visit new planets, I learn some local recipes, if you have any favorite food, both sweets, bakery or just food, tell me, I will try my best to make them!
[About herself: hometown]
- My hometown? Oh it's the most prettiest place in the whole universe! If we will stop by, I'll definitely show you, Himeko, Welt, Dan Heng, March and Pom-pom my hometown, and I will introduce you all to my family!
[About March 7th]
- Oh March is just amazing, she is super kind and positive, I remember once I lost an important thing of mine and she was helping me to find it! What it was? Oh my earrings that are my family heirloom. Don't worry, we found them! Where? Oh...ehrm...well they were lying in my jewelry box... haha'
[About Dan Heng]
- He may be seen as cold person, but it's not the truth! He is very attentive to details and I'll tell you, but promise to keep it a secret, or else... we both will be doomed, he is good at writing poems, once I found one in the book he lend me.
[About Himeko]
- Himeko is like an older sister for me, but sometimes she is more like a mother... now to think of it she does remind me of my mother... loves coffee, looks after us, scolds us if we did end up in some...interesting situations.
[About Welt]
- Mr. Yang? He is very knowledgeable man. If you have troubles with something, or don't understand something, ask him, he will gladly answer you! Hm? No-no he is not like old man who reads newspapers and nag youngsters!
[About Pom-pom]
- Pom-pom, they...they are very cute! When you are on adventure somewhere in universe, don't forget to bring them souvenirs, they have a whole collection with different things from different planets.
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
my request for the event is :
YEAHH THIS!!! I hope it came out okay love ^^
Word count: 1.1k
Ninjago - Best Friend (Jay) (Platonic) (400 follower event)
The crowd’s cheers were almost deafening, even way up all the stairs of Ninjago City Hall. Hundreds—thousands, even—of people jumped and hooted below, screaming the names of their favorite ninjas. Jay heard his own name several times, and while at first he tried to smile and show his gratitude, today he just didn’t have the energy to keep it up.
After years of receiving such affection, sometimes it just didn’t hit as hard as it used to. It was rare that Jay genuinely found himself exhausted at all the attention; he was admittedly a bit of an attention sponge, sucking up whatever he could get. Today was just one of those scarce days that he heard his name being screamed with adoration and all he could do was smile wanly.
The Mayor was going on about their latest feat, and Jay could hardly follow his drolling speech. He picked at the seams of his gloves, looking sadly at his feet. His brows furrowed every time the crowd burst into applause or cheers, forcing the Mayor to pause. 
Despite this cascade of love pouring from the hearts and mouths of all of Ninjago, Jay felt unbearably alone.
He looked at his companions at his side, trying to remind himself that he wasn’t alone, but it was useless.
He shifted in his seat to dig into his pocket, discreetly pulling out his phone to check for messages. 
For the first time that day, his face really lit up when he saw a text from you:
Meet me at the arcade when ur done w ur ceremony thingy
He somehow managed to sit through the rest of the ceremony (perhaps it was the incessant fidgeting that helped), and the minute it was done he practically sprinted off to the arcade.
He kept getting stopped by fans, still being in his Gi, but he pushed past them, insisting that there was an urgent matter to attend to. He felt a little guilty when they naively stepped aside, wishing him luck on his “mission,” but the prospect of seeing you repeatedly overshadowed those feelings.
He burst into the arcade breathlessly, scanning the area for you. Pretty much all of Ninjago had been at the ceremony, so the place was quite empty. Except for you, of course—peacefully gaming away at a machine in the far corner.
You glanced over your shoulder as he approached, offering a quick smile as a greeting. “You’re here! Come on, this one’s two-player.”
He loved that about you; the way you never bugged him about ninja business. Not that you didn’t care, of course. You’d always listen attentively if he wanted to rant. But you just never prodded him when he obviously wanted to talk about something else.
“That ceremony sucked,” Jay huffed candidly after a while, finally feeling ready to talk.
“I bet. I never go to those things. They’re too loud.”
“Yeah… even from all the way up those steps, it’s like I’ve got a hundred people screaming in my ear!”
“Like this?” You smirked, quickly placing yourself right next to Jay’s ear and shouting a quick “AAH!” before retreating to your original position.
“Hey—ow…” Jay sighed, his “hey” coming just a second too late. “Yeah, like that. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” you snickered.
Jay shook his head, not able to help the smile that curled his lips. He couldn’t stay mad at you. He could never stay mad at you.
Even when you sucked at the game you were playing: “Geez, can you please stop dying?” 
“You think I’m doing it on purpose?” 
“Well, are you?”
“Maybe I will, now that you mention it.” You promptly walked your character straight into a pool of lava, triggering the “GAME OVER” screen.
Jay threw his hands up, giving a groan of despair. 
“That game was lame anyway,” you huffed, sticking your tongue out at the machine.
Jay’s despair melted away at the sight of your face. Your cute mannerisms never failed to catch him off guard and bring to him a special sense of affection. He ruffled your hair, as he often did when he felt overwhelmed by said affection.
“Stop doing that,” you pouted, swatting his hand away. 
“Just payback for shouting in my ear,” Jay teased, turning away to browse the other arcade machines.
“Aren’t you tired after the ceremony? We could head back to my place, get a bite to eat on the way.”
“Nah,” Jay shook his head, holding his hand out for a quarter from you. “I need something to get my mind off things. Besides, I’m having fun with you.”
You grinned, dropping a quarter into Jay’s palm and sidling up next to him at the machine he put it into.
There was a curtain of blackness outside by the time you’d finished gaming. You’d both collected a fair sum of tickets, and decided to surprise each other with a gift from the prize counter. You let Jay finish up one last game while you went to pick his gift, and waited outside while he picked yours.
You were watching a traffic light blink yellow, almost hypnotized, when Jay came out.
“Close your eyes,” you heard him say, lingering in the threshold of the arcade.
“You close yours,” you retorted, turning to face him with lidded eyes.
“Okay. One, two… three!”
At the same time you opened your eyes. In your palm was a Starfarer keychain, and in his was a cute teddy bear with fluffy (f/c) fur.
“Oh my gosh,” you both said at the same time.
You swapped gifts quickly, Jay grinning hugely at the keychain, you hugging the bear to your chest.
“It’s so soft!”
“It’s so cool!”
You beamed at each other, giggling at the way you unintentionally mirrored one another. 
You kept the bear pressed against you while you scanned the street, looking for a restaurant that was open. You spotted a little noodle bar about half a block away, and pointed to it with your free hand. 
“Good. You’re paying.” You smirked, taking off down the street.
“You devil.”
“It’s only fair! Who’s the one who gave you all the quarters?”
“Okay, okay, you got me there. You’re lucky you’re charming… in a sad-wet-baby way, I mean.”
“Aww, you’re sweet. In a stray-puppy-in-a-box way.”
Jay put on a mocking offensive face, his jaw dropping dramatically. You just laughed, picking up your pace as if trying to escape this “enraged” man.
Jay sighed as he watched you go, smiling to himself. He brushed his thumb over the keychain in his pocket.
I’m so lucky they’re my best friend.
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Thank you so much for partaking in our event my friend!! And thanks for reading, take care doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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everybodyshusband · 11 months
rivers post about phantom loving octopi got me thinking about regressed phantom and that octopus baby rattle that river had as the final picture
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aah, thank you for your asks, anons !! i think this is the post by @ominousposting that you're referring to?
1.8k words of nonbinary rain/swiss/nonbinary, little new ghoul under the cut, or on ao3 :)
“Quinty?” Swiss hollers, pulling back the curtains of each of the bunks as he walks his way down the bus, heedless of the indignant groans he receives from his packmates. “Quinty, you in here?”
Quinty isn’t the real name of their newest quintessence ghoul, but when the poor thing had first been summoned, they’d had such trouble keeping up with everyone’s names that they’d instead called the pack by their elements. The rest of the pack had chosen to do the same thing to them in some kind of gentle mockery—all in good faith, of course—and even now the quintessence ghoul knows and uses all their names, their little nickname has stuck fast. Swiss can bet it won’t be long before the pack forgets their real name in favour of their given one.
There’s no response when Swiss calls out for them a third time, and the multi ghoul is beginning to get worried. It’s a rest day, so there’s no real need for Swiss to find them, but he finds himself growing fond of the new summon and their company, and things can get lonely on the road for Swiss, even constantly surrounded by his packmates as he is. Even on their darker days, Swiss cannot seem to stop himself from finding contentment in their company, and with every conversation they have, Swiss finds his affections for the younger ghoul growing tenfold.
He finally locates the quintessence ghoul once he pulls back the curtain of the last bunk—his own—but the sight in front of his eyes is not what he’s expecting at all.
The quintessence ghoul stares up at Swiss with big, round eyes filled with adoration and something else that Swiss can’t quite place—fear, maybe, but that doesn’t seem right… the two of them are on good terms, he thought—as they suck their thumb with a mouth that looks too slack.
“Quinty? You– You okay, buddy?” Swiss tries to reach a hand out to touch them, but they let out a hurt whine and shrink away before his hand can even make it halfway towards them. “No touch? That’s fine…” Swiss trails off, not because he’s disappointed, but because he has no idea what to do. He’s never seen the quintessence ghoul act like this, and he feels way out of his depth in how to deal with it. He doesn’t even know what it is that’s causing them to act like this, if they’ve simply gone non-verbal and touch averse, too anxious to deal with touch, or something else entirely. All Swiss knows, really, is that he’s found himself with one very distressed ghoul on his hands, and he has no idea how he should go about comforting them. He’d have some idea of how to help them if they were able to communicate in any way—after all, the two of them have found themselves in similar situations to this before—but by the look of it, it would be impossible to garner so much of a whisper in Swiss’ mind from the ghoul in front of him, and so, the multi ghoul finds himself at a loss.
“I– I’ll be right back, Quinty, okay?” He stutters out, mind already racing as begins to think about which of their packmates the quintessence ghoul would be most comfortable with like this. “You just stay there, buddy. We’ll get you some help, yeah?”
They just stare up at him with their big, round eyes and nod their head mindlessly, which Swiss hopes is a yes, rather than some kind of subconscious action their body is imposing upon them.
Swiss closes the privacy curtain and turns on his heel, racing to the common area in search of Rain. They’ll know what to do, he’s sure of it.
They look up at him with a smile that quickly slides off their face as Swiss runs into the sitting area. “Swiss! I was wondering where you’d– Is everything– Is everything alright, my darling?”
“It’s– It’s Quinty.” Rain shuts their book and gives Swiss their full attention, waiting for him to continue. “Something– Something’s wrong, I think. Help?”
Rain jumps up and instructs Swiss to lead them to the quintessence ghoul. As he pulls back the curtain for them to see, the water ghoul does the last thing Swiss expects them to do; they coo.
“Awh, nothing’s wrong with them, Swiss,” they reassure him, crouching down to the quintessence ghoul’s level. “They’re just feeling a little, uh, little, is all.” They laugh at their own unintended wordplay.
Swiss blinks. “You mean… regression? Like you?”
Rain chuckles softly at a particularly curious blink that makes the little ghoul’s entire face scrunch up in earnest, reaching a finger out to bap at their nose before turning their attention back to Swiss. “Yeah. Except Quinty looks like they’re a lot smaller than I ever am.” They turn back to the ghoul in front of them, directing their words at them now, despite the fact they won’t be able to fully understand. “You’re teeny tiny, aren’t you, sweet thing?”
The little ghoul looks up at Rain and blinks slowly, their mouth going slack around their thumb as they take in the new scents surrounding them. They let out a noise; half squawk, half whine. Swiss finds it hard to decipher, and clearly, so does Rain. The water ghoul, however, takes it in their stride as always and doubles down on giving their attention and affection to the babbling ghoul; cooing at them and tapping their wandering hands and feet lightly with their fingers.
“Yes, you are, little one, you’re so small. Awh, look at you, my sweet darling…” Swiss watches on in awe as Rain continues talkings and manages to rid that strange look—Swiss is now sure it was some kind of worry or fear, as he’d first thought—from the quintessence ghoul’s eyes, having them giggling and curling in on themselves delightedly in barely any time at all. Soon, Rain is turning to him and speaking, and Swiss has to make a conscious effort to stop directing heart eyes at the two ghouls in front of him and tune back in to what Rain’s saying. “Would you mind waiting here with them while I fetch a few things from the commons? They’ll be fine on their own I just… We shouldn’t leave them alone like this.”
Before Swiss even registers their words, he finds himself nodding. “Yeah. Yeah, ‘s fine, Rainy. I don’t mind.”
Rain stands and presses a chaste kiss to Swiss’ lips. “Thank you, darling. I’ll be right back.”
Swiss watches them walk back down the bus towards the common area before turning his attention back to the little ghoul in his bunk. Their eyes are unfocussed and shine with tears as they stare after Rain. When the water ghoul disappears entirely, they begin to twist and flap their arms where they’re lying, letting out a series of hurt puppy noises that Swiss swears he can physically feel.
“Oh, no, bud, it’s okay, it’s okay,” he does his best to reassure. “Rainy will be back soon, okay?” He leans in close, twisting his grin into something softly conspiratorial. “Between you and me, little one, I think they’re gettin’ somethin’ for you.”
The quintessence ghoul stops their jolting and whining and looks up at Swiss slack-jawed. Swiss knows they’re not able to speak like this, but everything in their body language is screaming: “Really? Something for– For me?”
“Yeah, little one. Just for you. Somethin’ real special, too, I bet.” He tentatively reaches his hand out again, just as he had seen Rain do, and is overjoyed when the little ghoul doesn’t flinch away this time.
They grip onto two of his fingers, and Swiss has never been more thankful—for the sake of his packmate—that his glamour doesn’t fit quite right and makes his hands just that bit too large for the rest of his body, if only for the fact that the quintessence ghoul’s fingers just barely manage to overlap each other, and it’s clear that it’s helping them stay in their regressed headspace. Their grip is surprisingly strong, and Swiss catches himself hoping that Rain brings back something else for them to hold; it’s not as if Swiss doesn’t love the idea of curling up with the little ghoul and falling asleep side by side, but dammit, he has things to do today.
Thankfully, Rain returns soon enough cradling a few toys in their arms, the majority of which, Swiss is surprised to note, he doesn’t recognise. “These yours, Rainy? I haven’t seen ‘em before.” He yoinks an octopus plushie out of their arms, it’s squishy. “Awh, cute.”
The little ghoul must see the octopus, because they immediately let go of Swiss’ fingers and make their best attempt at grabby hands in the toy’s direction, whining softly. Rain takes the octopus back and deposits it into their arms, telling the little ghoul its name. They gasp out softly as they feel the softness of the toy for themselves and immediately hug it close to their chest. 
“Yeah, they’re mine.” Rain’s voice is hushed so as not to disturb the little ghoul from their excitement. “Mount got them for me a while ago but I never really reach for them when I’m small. Besides, this one’s been rambling on about octopi ever since they were summoned. It seems only right to let them have these.” The water ghoul shrugs and turns away to dig back through the pile of toys, but Swiss catches their arm before they can turn too far.
“You’re lovely,” he says, genuinely delighted in the soft blush that settles over their cheeks as his words sink in.
“...Thank you, Swiss.”
Their moment is interrupted by the quintessence ghoul doing their best to sit up and point at one of the toys still hidden in Rain’s arms, babbling incoherently in excitement. It’s a rattle shaped like an octopus. The head of the rattle is hidden inside the soft, plush head of the octopus, and its arms disguise the handle. Rain shakes the toy for them and the arms splay out, twisting in the air. The little ghoul seems to be entranced by the motion of it, and even more desperate to grab a hold of it for themselves. The water ghoul holds it out to them, both they and Swiss chuckling as their packmate does their best to get a strong enough grip on it. Eventually they manage it and swing the rattle around, giggling to themselves at the noises it makes with every movement.
Now that the little ghoul seems relatively content, Swiss and Rain are able to sit back and watch them play with the rattle, lost in their own thoughts. Swiss wraps an arm around Rain’s shoulder and lets the water ghoul lean into him. “Thank you for your help, Rainy,” he whispers softly, not wanting to disrupt the little ghoul’s playing. “Couldn’t have made ‘em happy without you.”
Rain just hums quietly and leans further into Swiss’ side, both of them content to watch their mate play with their toys until they grow too tired to sit upright.
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cerealkills · 2 years
can you make a fic that is based off the song by Bad Habit - Steve Lacey? I've been imagining Vance in this song for that past week and it's been killing me LOL
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"bad habit" - by steve lacy vance x gn!reader [fluff] cws: swearing
omg i haven't heard this song before, but i love it. it's such a cute song and i immediately got an idea. tysm, anon! hope u like it <3 I recommend you to listen to this song while you read to add to the mvnsonxs experience <3 hope u enjoy <3 _____________________________________________________________
You had been driving Vance insane. He didn't even know why he liked you so much. The way you walked maybe? The way you had this sparkle in your eye every time you guys talked? The way you would ramble like crazy about the most random shit around him? He had no idea. All he knew is that he was crazy about you, and he had been holding it off for a while, but today was the day he'd man up and tell you how he really felt. But what if you didn't like him back? Eh, fuck it. It's worth a shot. He walked into school, heart pounding out of his chest. He looked around for you and found you, standing in front of your locker, playing around with something inside. He grabbed you from behind, like always. "Hello, Vance." You said, in that "im annoyed but not actually" voice you always did. "Hey, Y/N. Uhh- Do you have a minute? I need to talk to you." He was starting to have second thoughts. "Yeah sure." They stopped messing around in their locker. "What is it?" "Uhm.." He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Ah shit." No. He had to do this. He couldn't keep it in anymore. "Vance? You okay?-" "I really like you, can you please go out with me?" He said, immediately regretting it after he said it. "Oh- Yeah of course! I was wondering when you'd ask me out, doofus." You said as you shut your locker and gave him a big hug. "Fuck's sake." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- aah i hope this was good enough anon </3 i tried my best and i thought that nervous vance would be so cute :) i hope u like it bb <3333
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 5 months
Could I request something fluffy with Bam where he and the female reader get married? You write soft moments so well, takes the asshole out of him
Nice Day for a White Wedding
Preparing for a wedding isn’t easy, especially considering who you were getting hitched to.
Bam Margera X Fem!Reader
919 Words
Warnings: Suggestive content, crude language
An: Thank you so much for the request!! Seeing as how my shorter fics are all pretty successful, I thought I’d shake up my pattern of writing these behemoths :] A lot of this was based off of Unholy Union which i haven’t seen a ton of content for on here! I have never personally gotten married so I hope this is all pretty accurate to the experience! Thank you for the request and please keep sending them in!!
You had been breaking your back with this wedding and all Bam had done thus far was screw around with his buddies and play hooky from your meetings with the planner. Every time you tried to covertly bring up how you were thinking of tiger lilies for the center pieces or which catering companies you were considering, he’d flat out ignore you, instead opting to re-grip his skateboard or touch up his black nail polish with a sharpie marker. Once, after you pestered him about the guest list for the third time that day, he grabbed the notebook you were jotting down ideas on and tossed it into the fireplace. Even though it was a joke, you still told him off for that. It seemed that you were the only person taking this whole marriage thing seriously and time was ticking.
“Come on, Bam! The wedding’s in less than a month.” You groaned, leaning over the back of the couch to peer over his shoulder as his eyes were fixed on whatever was on tv, “You gotta get your shit together.” The last time the two of you did anything related to the wedding together was a month ago when Bam drove you up to New York to go dress shopping at this fancy department store, despite April’s protests about seeing the bride before the big day. There were stars in your eyes as you tried on dresses for hours, oohing and aahing at all the fancy gowns that looked straight out of a fairytale. Bam didn’t mind waiting because he got to look at you half naked.
But shopping for a tux didn’t provide as much eye candy as dress shopping and your boyfriend knew this. Bam groaned in frustration, rolling his eyes childishly, “Okay, fine! Fine! Let’s go then.” He tumbled off of the couch and went to put on a coat. You didn’t mean that you needed to leave right that second, but you weren’t going to say anything.
There was this tux store at King of Prussia mall in downtown Philly that you ended up at- nothing insanely fancy, but it would do. Bam was dragging his feet as you held him by the arm when a nervous sales associate came up to the two of you. “Welcome! Is there anything I can help the two of you with?” You elbowed Bam whose eyes were glazed over, too busy thinking about when he grabbed your ass last month in the fitting room when the measurement lady wasn’t looking. He blinked awake, clearing his throat, “Well, we’re looking for something in, like- a purple velvet? Maybe red?”
“No, we are not!” You playfully swatted Bam’s arm and he cracked a smile as you scolded him, “You are not going to wear a velvet tux to my wedding- not unless you’re gettin’ hitched to Ville.” Since the beginning, he had been begging you to get that Finnish rock star he was enamored with for the reception, so you had been teasing Bam about ditching you for him at the altar. He chuckled, pretending to consider the prospect, “Okay, fine! Well, maybe…no!” The sales associate cleared his throat, stuck in the middle of all of this, “Uh…do you think we could get the gentleman’s measurements first?”
The two of you were ushered into a fancy looking back room with lots of mahogany cabinets and tall mirrors. A serious looking man walked in after you who you assumed was a tailor as you took a seat on a bench at one end of the room with a smirk, watching. Bam awkwardly followed his deadpan instructions as he got measured- take off your shoes, stand with your feet together, turn this way.
Leaning down, the tailor guy wordlessly looped the yellow measuring tape between your boyfriend’s thighs and you could’ve sworn you heard a yelp from Bam as the tape was yanked tight. He popped up onto his toes and the man, who was at about crotch level at this point, spoke with absolute sincerity, “Can you please try to stand still, sir?” You couldn’t help but let a snicker escape at the sight of the red on your boyfriend's cheeks as he sighed, muttering something under his breath. Bam turned to you and mouthed something about the guy touching his balls and you mouthed back how a lot of people have touched his balls and this isn’t any different. Rolling his eyes at your response, you chalked it up as karma from the time he giggled when the fitting lady said your bust measurements out loud.
The rest of the fitting went off without a hitch and you eventually settled on a somewhat sensible black tux- on the condition that Bam could invite all of his idiot friends to be the groomsmen. Both of you headed out to the parking lot to load your purchases in, you bending to hook the wire coat hanger the suit was on to one of those handles in the car before getting into the passenger seat, “You know, I’m looking at invitations tomorrow if you’d wanna come.” Sliding in the driver's seat, your boyfriend shook his head, smiling, “You can do whatver you want- I don’t really give a fuck about that shit…” He leaned over the center council maybe a couple inches from your face, “I just wanna marry you.” Closing the distance, he pressed his lips against yours, kissing you sweetly, exactly the way he couldn’t wait to at the altar.
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Title: Serendipitous Love: A Fortunate Accident
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Chris Evans x Reader
Words: 2.3k
Warning: Other than cursing, none.
Synopsis: Reader is in a café minding her own business but catches Chris’ interview and has some words of wisdom that Chris happens to overhear.
Note: Based on Chris’ “laser focused” interview. Yeah, it’s late but I’m always late. LOL.
 Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.
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 ***Not Edited/Proofread***
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You’d spent the day working. From six in the morning until now, six in the evening. You’d barely taken a break except one or two stops at food or refreshment stalls along designated park and city locations. You’d had a few caffeinated drinks and a granola bar or two. Other than that, you’d been too busy, too wrapped up in everything you had to get done before the day ended. Now you were tired, starving, and ready to go home but you were sitting in this upscale café going through the tens and tens of pictures you’d taken and getting a head start on the editing and touch-up process. You were on a deadline and every minute counted.
 “Can I get you anything to eat?”
 You jerked your head up to look at the dark-haired beauty who was waiting with a smile and a notepad.
 “Uh---I wish. If I ordered it, I wouldn’t eat it anyway.”
 “Too busy writing?”
 “Writing? No.”
 “You’re not a writer?”
 “Nope,” you replied.
 “Wow, I’m sorry. You look like a writer.”
 You smiled; this wasn’t the first time you’d heard that. “No, not a writer. I’m a photographer and painter.
 Her eyes lit up and she smiled wider. “Really? Wow, interesting combo. What do you shoot? How do you combine them?”
 “Uh—well there are many different ways especially since I dabble in all types of photography. A lot of times I do the shoots and then bring it to canvas in different ways. For instance, this picture.”
 You showed her the photo of the sun peeking through a fully bloomed cherry blossom tree. She “oohed” and “aahed” as if she’d never seen a picture like it before.
 “That’s beautiful, the way you captured the light, so it looks ethereal and divine to make the cherry blossoms look so romantic.”
 You smiled at her compliment then continued, “I’m touching it up trying to bring out the best so when I get in my studio, I’ll bring it to life on the canvas incorporating elements of this using tangible things like the petals of cherry blossom, specks of leaves from the tree. Hopefully when I’m done, if I’ve done it right, it looks like the photo is alive.”
 You looked at the waitress who looked transfixed on the photo before her.
 “Wow, that’s—incredible.”
 She gasped then looked at you. “Oh my god, are you—you are, aren’t you?”
 She did a small jump then smiled wider. “You have to be. You’re Y/F/N & Y/L/N. Right?”
 You smiled and nodded slightly ducking your head from embarrassment. You liked to keep a low profile even though your work was blowing up and had been for the last two years. Attention always made you uncomfortable, always made you self-conscious. Maybe it came from years and years of art school being the loner girl who stuck to her art and the off beaten paths.
 Whereas other artists loved to bask in the glory of their fame by doing interviews and photoshoots trying to spread their name and face; you liked to do the opposite. You’d turned down the majority of offers for photoshoots and interviews that wanted to throw your picture all over the internet and magazines and opted for those who focused on your art rather than you. You liked to believe that the art spoke for itself and said everything you wanted the world to know.
 “Oh my god, my boyfriend is a huge, huge fan of your work. I am too. It’s so original and unique.”
 “Thank you.”
 “I’m in art school too and we’ve done several projects centered around your pieces and those classes are always my favorite.”
 You did your best to fight off the embarrassment that was rising in you.
 “How—how did you know it was me?”
 “By your work. It speaks for itself. No one else can replicate it. No one else can come close.”
 You smiled with pride feeling like your message truly did come through in your art. It did speak for itself.
 “Can I have your autograph?”
 She held out her notepad and you froze. This did not happen often. Maybe if you happened to be at a gallery where your work was on display, but those events are far and in between because you always opted out of being at galleries when you stuff was being shown. It made you cringe to watch people inspect and critique your work. It took a few moments for you to snap out of your awkwardness and reach for her notepad. You signed your name, asked her what hers was, then added a nice message
 “Alissa, don’t give up, work hard and remember if you love the art, the art will speak all on its own. Thank you.”
 When she looked at it you thought she would have an aneurysm from how wide her eyes went.
 “Thank you so much!”
 You nodded then a few voices around you gasped. You looked around then looked to the nearby seventy-inch TV. An interview was coming back from commercial.
 “Oh my god, it’s Chris Evans,” Alissa the waitress exclaimed.
 You pinched your lips at her reaction. You may be a loner and like to keep your anonymity, but you knew about the world’s most famous and desired baby blues. He was on the opposite spectrum than you. He was everywhere all the time. You cringed thinking about his lack of privacy and the anxiety that possibly caused him. You knew it would destroy you.
 “Oh my god he is so fucking hot,” Alissa continued.
 You snorted but when she looked back at you, you realized it hadn’t been as quiet as you’d thought.
 “You don’t think so?”
 You studied the man on the dazzling display tv and went over the mauve colored shirt he wore that worked with his complexion and the full scruffy beard that was well groomed and fit him perfectly then the tightness of his shirt around his biceps. The man loved his smedium shirts, you thought.
 “Um—do you?”
 “Of course. My god look at those eyes, his lips, he is completely symmetrical and photogenic then his physique—he was built with a woman in mind.”
 You snorted again then pressed the back of your hand to your mouth.
 “Wow. You boyfriend must be very secure.”
 She giggled, “A girl can dream, can’t she?”
 You nodded then looked back to the tv. Something felt off. “I don’t know don’t you think he’s---a little—too--.”
 “Hot? Yes.”
 You smirked and shook your head. “No, perfect. He always appears so perfect. Either what he wears or his image. Maybe it’s his team but he doesn’t seem realistic. It seems like there is this illusion that is painted across a canvas for the world to see and believe and I don’t know—I’m not fully buying it. The world is so hellbent on idealizing him and making him seem like prince charming that it washes away the real man—whoever he may be.”
 Alissa bobbed her head from side to side as if she was trying to see what you saw but she shrugged. “Illusion or not, real man or not he’s still hot. That’s what matters.”
 She walked off to tend to other customers but as you looked back to the screen you shook your head slightly. “Is it though? Must be a lonely life,” you said out loud to yourself.
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He was frozen. Over the course of the last five or so minutes he’d gone through a few emotions. Curiosity, intrigue, humor, embarrassment, and now stupor.
 “It seems like there is this illusion that is painted across a canvas for the world to see and believe and I don’t know—I’m not fully buying it.”
 The words of the woman he was sitting behind clung to him.
 “The world is so hellbent on idealizing him and making him seem like prince charming that it washes away the real man—whoever he may be.”
 He didn’t know what to say or think. This woman, whoever she was really saw through all of this. Apart from being slightly offended, he was more interested to know more of what you thought about him. In his world, everyone told him what he wanted to hear, everyone treated him like this big shot whose shit didn’t stink, everyone kissed his ass and tried to curry favor with him, man, or woman. He never knew who was genuine, never knew what people really thought about him. While most of his interactions in the field were genuine in how he portrayed himself, he often found it difficult to really and truly be vulnerable the way he could be with his friends and family. This woman whoever she was saw right through the Hollywood smoke and mirrors game. He was both impressed and cautious because she’d seen through it.
 A snort caught his attention, and he looked back to her table. He was fully blocked thanks to the impressively tall palm leaves that were used as both décor and privacy barriers. He sidled closer and listened in. From the tv, he heard the beginning of the question he knew was coming and slightly cringed from how exposed he’d made himself with this one reply.
 “Chris, your character is pretty obsessed with tracking down Sierra six. Is there anything in your life that you’ve been that laser focused on?”
 The restaurant was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. It was like everyone was sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for his answer. He looked up and watched his awkward babbling and fidgeting.
 “Ya’ know, we’re gonna do this. I’m gonna—I’m gonna give you a good answer. Uuh—the answer would be that—may—maybe laser focused on fi—finding a uh—a—a partner ya’ know. someone that you wanna liv—ya’ know look I love what I do, it’s great and I pour all of myself into it but, but e—even this industry is full of pockets of doubt and hesitation and recalibration. In—in terms of really trying to find something that you really pour all of yourself into may—maybe it’s about trying to find someone that you—you’re looking—looking to spend your life with. So—so maybe that.”
 He cringed again but not because he was being disingenuous but because he was too raw. He felt too exposed. He didn’t know what possesed him to be that open. Maybe it was being asked such a good question, an original question that his mind went blank, and he got real. A bevy of “awws” erupted around the café and he shook his head, but it was the one scoff that perked him up.
 He watched her lean back in her seat and cross her arms. She didn’t speak right away instead she stared at the tv though he was no longer on it, and it had changed to some other random interview clip from someone else. For some reason, he wanted to know what she was thinking. What other read had she picked up off of him?
 “Interesting. Guess he’s never heard when you seek it evades and when you relax it finds,” she said.
 He wanted to see your face now. Who was this woman who flung her thoughts and opinions about people around so freely?
 “Everyone knows that when you try to find love you never find it. The universe sends love to you hence, love finds you. If you want it too badly only heartache will come. Serendipitous love, a fortunate accident.”
 She sighed then he watched you look to your phone then spring into action packing your things up.
 “Excuse me, that was beautiful,” a woman at a nearby table said to her.
 He watched but only caught a half glance at the side of her face. She timidly smiled then nodded.
 “Oh, it’s uh--something my grandmother always says.”
 With that she picked up her bags, dropped a fifty-dollar bill onto the table then walked away and out of the café. He was stunned speechless as he thought about her words.
 “Serendipitous love, a fortune accident,” he repeated tasting the words on his tongue. They tasted sweet--like a sweet promise.
 With a smirk on his lips, he stood, dropped a hundred-dollar bill then placed his sunglasses on his face. That was when he walked to the waitress she was speaking to minutes before. He made sure to keep his head down, this would be the worst time to get recognized.
 “Excuse me.”
 She spun around with a smile, but he kept his head down and turned to the side.
 “Can I help you, sir?”
 “Yes. The uh—the woman you were speaking to over there,” he began pointing at the now empty table. “The photographer.”
 “What did you say her name was?”
 “Y/F/N & Y/L/N.”
 He repeated your name, tasting it on his tongue. A soft smile spread his lips before he scoffed and nodded.
 “She’s an amazing artist,” the waitress continued. “Check her out if you haven’t already.”
 He nodded then thanked her and walked out of the café. He looked right and left then saw her a block down with her camera raised high lost behind her lens. He could have rushed down the street to you but stopped himself.
 “A fortunate accident.”
 He smiled to himself.
 “Chris, over here,” Megan said waving him over to the waiting black SUV.
 With one more glance to her direction he sighed then stepped ahead climbing into the truck.
 “Y/F/N & Y/L/N,” he whispered once more as the truck pulled off passing you in the process, but you were still lost in your lens, seeing but not seeing.
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362 notes · View notes
beneathashadytree · 2 years
Hey! I absolute love your writing it literally gives me life!!! Okay so basically my request is like the straw hats doing one of those WIRED autocomplete interviews but the last question asking is you or zoro are dating and the whole crew cannot keep straight faces so it’s obvious you are and seeing the poor man flustered while you laugh 😭🙌 I hope you like my idea i’ve just been watching too many do them interviews and they are so freakin funny!!
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Warnings : this is a sort of AU in which the internet and cameras exist in the One Piece world, a few curses I think, one sexual innuendo, a hint of Frobin (but you can interpret this as platonic if you like), this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : fluff and crack (I love them)
Word count : 1.5K words
Additional notes : Aaaaa you’re really too sweet to me holy shit😭 I absolutely ADORE these interviews btw, so this was so fun to write. It was more lighthearted than I’m used to, which made it the perfect way to unwind after hectic days at uni! Let me know what you think of this💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp.
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“Okay, final batch!” Nami called out, taking the cardboard and setting it on her lap. Luffy let out a huff of relief at that.
“Luffy, you can’t just say that to the camera,” Chopper cried out from beside him, “People will think you’re not happy to be here.”
“It’s just that I’m hungry…” he moaned out, rubbing his stomach exaggeratedly.
Rolling her eyes, Nami grumbled, “Fine, fine, I’ll hurry up. Quit whining, you big baby.” To her left, Usopp ripped the paper off the first question, leaving it for her to read. “Are… both Sanji’s eyebrows swirly?”
The blond stiffly smiled from the couch, “Suppose there’s no use hiding it any longer.” He pushed his bangs upwards, exposing both curled ends. His crewmates “ooh”ed and “aah”ed in fascination, and Zoro rolled his eyes at that.
“Bastard probably did it knowing it would be all over the internet,” he mumbled under his breath, earning a glare from Sanji.
“Next question,” Usopp hurried, removing the paper on the question before a fight would break out. “Are… Franky’s modifications on every body part?” Grimacing, he glanced at Chopper. “Should we… should we really be answering this now and here?”
Chopper had a tired look on his face. “There isn’t much I haven’t seen at this point.”
With a shrug, Franky said, “Your call. I’m answering it anyways,” and leaning in conspirationally towards the camera, he grinned wide. “Yep, every body part. The adjustments guarantee a super time, if you catch my drift.”
“Franky, I think you should shut up. Permanently,” Robin sharply said, with an admonishing glare. The cyborg only winked at her, but did remain quiet afterwards.
“This feels like a déjà vu, doesn’t it?” Nami sighed as she ripped off another question. “Are… Brook’s signature moves inspired by other musicians?”
“Of course,” he answered with a benevolent smile, “I always pay homage to legendary dead artists whom I respect—though I myself am dead as well! Yo ho ho ho ho!”
“You’ll wear out that sense of humor one of these days.” Jinbei shook his head, though he looked at the musician fondly as he said it.
Luffy laughed, stretching his arms and wrapping them around Brook, slinging himself over to hug him. “I don’t care, he’s still a funny skeleton to me.”
Everyone looked at their captain with apparent affection in their eyes. “Onto the next question, let’s go,” Usopp enthused, his turn to rip next. “Are… Usopp’s curls natural?” A smug look made its way on his face. “Absolutely, one hundred percent. I have thirty handmaids to wash my hair, and ten servants to help style it perfectly every morning. After all, the great Usopp—“
“When did I turn into thirty handmaids?” came a snort from his left, and he turned his glare on them. Smirking at the camera, they jutted a thumb in the sniper’s direction. “This man right here comes crying to me every time on wash day because he’s too tired to do it himself.”
“Well, at least—“
“Settle down, ladies,” Nami interrupted coolly, before reading the next question out loud, “Are… Nami and Robin that beautiful in real life?” She blinked, glancing at her friend who was chuckling to herself. “I don’t know if I should be flattered that they think we’re beautiful, or offended that they think it’s all makeup and editing.”
“Oh dear,” Robin said, “Considering just how pretty you are right now, Nami, I’d take it as an honor.”
“You’re the best, I swear,” the navigator sighed happily, and everyone could almost see hearts in her eyes. She absolutely worshipped the older woman. “All compliments are ten times better when they come from someone as beautiful as you.”
“Ah, the most stunning flowers in the world—!“
“Are… Jinbei’s hugs as nice as they seem?” Usopp quickly butted in the middle of Sanji waxing poetic. After reading the question, every single one of the Strawhats grinned, answering in unison, “Yes!”
Their newest crewmate glanced at the fishman with a soft smile. “I was the last to join, but his gentle heart was enough encouragement for me to.”
With a sheepish smile on his face, Jinbei relented to the weight of Luffy tumbling from Brook onto him. He patted his back, and his captain only grinned wider.
“How sweet,” Nami cooed at the sight, before turning to rip the next question, “Are… Luffy’s attacks pre-planned?”
“No,” he bluntly replied from Jinbei’s hug, shrugging, “I do what feels right to me. I know my own strength well enough to know what to do.”
“Luffy’s much smarter than he looks,” Franky nodded, “His attacks are super deadly for a reason.”
Usopp hummed, “Alright, final two questions. This one says,” he paused, “Are… Chopper’s medical texts updated?”
“Of course. I have to have the latest discoveries and researches published in my books,” smiling as he spoke of his passion, he added, “Medicine evolves every day, so I can’t slack off as the ship’s doctor.”
“And the best doctor of all,” Brook gently patted his head, causing the reindeer’s face to quite literally glow.
“Asshole! That doesn’t make me happy at all.”
“And the final question,” Nami paused dramatically, before removing the paper, “Are… the two of them dating… Zoro and…” she leaned over trying to read the name furthest from her side, “Oh, it’s you!” she turned to her friend on Usopp’s left.
Silence fell in the room, everyone awkwardly glancing away from each other. Nami picked at her perfectly manicured nails, Robin found it awfully fascinating to card her fingers through Franky’s freshly-cut hair right now, and Usopp was too busy fussing with Chopper’s hat that was suddenly somehow completely askew.
Luffy’s (very obviously lying) face gave everything away when he said, “No… they’re not. Aren’t they, Jinbei?”
“Why would you ask me that?” he replied, dismay on his face as he was thrust into the spotlight he didn’t want one bit.
Brook deflected before they could even turn to him as the usual gossipmonger, “Don’t you like talking about love and romance, Sanji?”
The thunderous expression on the cook’s face was more than enough for him to choke on his words and turn away from him quickly. Much to their exasperation, that murderous look only served to affirm the public’s suspicions; his pure jealousy wasn’t so easy to conceal.
All the while, the rumored couple in question did their absolute best to avoid even glancing at each other.
Zoro’s stony expression would’ve been enough to deter even the bravest soul from asking any questions, but what completely contradicted it was the terribly endearing flush that climbed up down his cheeks to the nape of his neck. Though his eyes were guarded, his gritted teeth weren’t out of anger but embarrassment. It was laughable, really; how flustered the mere notion of being brought up as a couple made him.
And laugh they did, after having finally given in and spared the swordsman a glance from their place beside Usopp. Their knees knocked into his, and they could feel all along their body where they were touching just how tense he was. Simply unable to keep up the unreadable front, they wheezed with laughter at just how red their boyfriend currently was.
“You’re unbelievable,” they chortled, placing a hand on his shoulder for support as they bent over laughing.
Zoro glared at them, his blush only intensifying. “Shut up,” he hissed out, which only made them laugh harder, knowing that there was absolutely no venom behind these words. He truly was horrible at dealing with affection in a forthright manner.
Shaking their head at his antics, they only turned to the camera with a cheeky grin. “We’ll leave it up to the people to interpret it.”
“And cut!”
As soon as the words were yelled out by the director and the blinking of the camera turned off, Zoro swiveled in his seat to openly glare at them, his face still warm. “The hell was that about?”
“Your blushing gave it away, you musclehead idiot,” they rolled their eyes at him, “We’ll leave it up to PR. They’ll let us know what course of action we’ll take.”
“Why’s everyone so interested in us anyways,” he mumbled under his breath, and Sanji gave him his most disgusted look.
“Maybe it’s because your eyes are constantly defiling them, you shitty mossheaded bull—“
“You know there’s something about a pot and a kettle,” Nami scoffed, “Come on, Sanji. Let’s leave the two lovebirds.” Indeed, all the others had already packed their things and walked out (the first of them being a famished Luffy, of course).
“My sweet Nami-san! Of course I shall do whatever my goddess asks of me…”
Once they were alone, they carefully asked him. “Did… the question bother you?”
“Why would it?” Zoro looked confused.
“Just checking in with you,” they shook their head, a gentle smile on their face as they leaned in and kissed his cheek, “We’ll deal with whatever comes next together.”
He hummed, large hand reaching up to pat their head affectionately. Really, he couldn’t help but feel something melting inside his chest whenever they did things like that—even though he still remained a little flushed up till the tips of his ears.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go. By the time we make it back to the ship, Luffy will have had both our shares of lunch.”
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Taglist: @stories-that-shaped-me @wifeofkyojuro
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thatonegenshinsimp · 1 year
hops in to drop a small scenario Helluuu ! I hope it's alright to drop this in ;u ;/ I know you wrote a recent Childe request and I hope this is alright to send aah!
Okay okay so… Childhood friends to lovers trope bHFJVbHJ I was thinking what if they were best pals as kids, even before the abyss incident, and reader is often the one that seems "protective" of him? (especially after that incident tbh) Before he was sent to the fatui, they promised to always protect him even if he'll be far away and probably much stronger than them.
Fast forward, eventually, they reunite! Reader is noticeably different in terms of their personality, being much shyer (??) and quiet, however, they're so happy to see him again!
They seem as if they can't fight enemies and is generally weak. However, when Childe was in a very rough situation with a mission, they managed to help him out and possibly save him. <3
I know this is . probably a wack scenario I thought i'd send this in bhjBHFJ
Pinky Promise (Childe x reader)
Notes:Omg anon this is one of my favorite tropes. This scenario is beautiful, and I hope I did it justice!
Warnings: blood, mentions of death, spoilers for Childe's real name
Childe remembered when you and him were just kids, running around Morepesok together and holding hands whenever you two would ice skate with one another. You’d been the only friend he’d had back in his home town, and he cherished you very much. He would always ask you to go ice fishing with him, and you brought snacks whenever you joined him and his father. You two would share a scarf whenever you went out into town with your parents. “Can Ajax go with us?” You’d always ask.
However, that all changed when he was eleven years old, when he fell into the abyss the one time you were at home with a fever. You had to rest to get better, and he was going to look for a way to make you feel better. He fell in, emerging again into the bright light of day three days later, but for him, it was three months. Gone was the urge to walk around in the safety of home, and soon emerged the urge to protect you. He wanted to keep you safe, so whenever someone went too close to you with bad intentions, they soon were laying on the ground, covered in scratches and cuts.
Eventually, unable to tolerate his violent behavior, Childe’s father enlisted him in the Fatui when he reached the age of fifteen. That was all well and good, but you having to move away to Liyue because your father got a job there wasn’t.
He had never been one for tears, even when he was injured or scared and alone, but he remembered vividly crying his eyes out when you told him you had to leave. “I’ll try to visit, I promise, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to very often.” You had said, wrapping your arms around him as he let the tears fall. “I’ll see you again, I promise.” He swore, before pulling away and wiping his eyes on his sleeve, only to again pull you close as he hugged you again. “I promise you, (Y/N).” He whispered. You gently smiled up at him, holding out your pinky. “Pinky promise?” You asked. Ajax laughed slightly, before taking your pinky with his.
“Pinky promise.”
That was well over three years ago, but you still had hope. You loved the warm weather that Liyue provided, and on top of that, Celestia had looked upon you with favor and blessed you with a Pyro Vision, which you earned by fending off several hordes of Hilichurls, which were attacking Quingce Village at the time. You saw one of them attack your mother, and rage had filled you to your core as you launched yourself at it with a fiery rage that ended up burning most of them down in one strike. The elderly there practically thought of you as their own grandchild, sometimes giving you treats and small trinkets whenever you visited them. You’d also recently made a new acquaintance, who went by the name Zhongli. He was a funeral consultant for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, but he was also a wellspring of knowledge on anything and everything having to do with Liyue’s history. You were glad that he was willing to tell you about it, too, because you’d finished your education at a Liyuean school. One afternoon, you were eating at Third Round Knockout when someone sat next to you. “I’ll have a fire water if you have any, boss, and one for my friend, here.” The man said, you thought he was talking about someone else, so it came as a surprise when the bartender handed the fire water to you. Your head snapped up as you went to ask the man to not bother, but then you saw who it was, and your eyes widened as you looked up at two beautiful deep ocean blue ones. “Ajax.” You breathed. “Hey there, mind if I take a seat next to you?” He asked, causing you to nod. “It’s been ages, what are you doing here? Have you been deployed here? Am I not supposed to be talking to you? Are you-” He put his hands on your shoulders to stop you. “You might get in trouble. What if there’s a Harbinger here?” You asked, causing him to laugh. He leaned in close and lowered his voice to a whisper as he spoke. “The only Harbinger here is me, (Y/N).” He said, pulling away as you looked at him. “What rank?” You asked. “Eleventh, I’m, unfortunately, the weakest, but I’ll eventually get stronger, just wait and see.” He said, smiling proudly at you.
The two of you got caught up with each other over drinks, chatting the evening away. Before you knew it, you had to get home to your family in Quingce, and stood hurriedly to leave. Childe gently caught your arm and spoke. “Let me walk you back home, I insist.” He offered, gently taking your hand into his. You smiled softly, nodding, before leading him out of the harbor.
You two walked and talked, speaking about everything and nothing, like the two of you were fourteen all over again. However, that changed when two Stonehide Lawachurls attacked both of you. You and him jumped back before he spoke. “Get behind me, I got this.” He said, running at them as he put his mask over his face and transformed into Foul Legacy. You watched as he kept hitting them, but that only did so much. You watched him get thrown backward by one of them, and let your Vision guide you as you all but tore them apart with your Claymore. After they finally were dead at your feet, you turned back to Ajax. “Come on, let’s go. I don’t want to get home later than we already are.” You said, helping him up. He was astonished that you were that strong. He shook it off and continued walking with you, until the two of you arrived at Quingce Village as the sun's last rays started to fade in the sky. "Sorry it took us so long to get here, I lost track of time talking to you back at the harbor." you apologized, looking up at him when he said nothing. "What's with the look you're giving me? Is there something wrong?" you asked, seeing his suddenly soft gaze lingering on you. "Can I tell you something?" he asked, causing you to nod. He took a deep breath before meeting your gaze as he spoke. "I-" "(Y/N), there you are! Why are you back so late?!" you heard your mother yelling as she stormed up to you, clearly very angry at your tardy arrival back home, before her facial expression changed when she saw Ajax. "Ah, Mrs. (L/N), it's a pleasure to see you again!" he exclaimed, waving enthusiastically at your mother. "Hold on, Ajax, is that you? Archons above, what in Teyvat are you doing here?" she asked, a bright smile making its way onto her face. "Oh, me and (Y/N) here were catching up over drinks back in the harbor, before they said that they had to come back here. Of course, I insisted on walking them home to make sure that they were safe." he replied. "Oh, thank goodness, and thank you." she said. "Well, I do have to get going, since my flat is all the way back in the harbor." he said, pointing his thumb behind him. "Oh, nonsense, please stay the night, I insist. I'm sure that my husband will be so happy to see you again, since he and your father were close friends before we moved here." she offered. Perfect, I can still tell them. He thought to himself. Over the past few years you were away from Snezhnaya, he had many chances to think of you and how he felt about you. He always felt warm and fuzzy inside whenever he recalled the moments he spent with you, and over time, he realized that he'd developed feelings for you. He embraced these feelings, and wanted to share them with you. Regardless of your answer, he wanted you to know how he felt. In his eyes, there were priorities he wanted to accomplish, like serving the Tsaritsa, and conquering the world. However, those fell far short of winning your heart and having a life with you in it. You had never made him feel like an outcast, and you had accepted him and remained his friend even after he returned from the abyss, but he wanted to be so much more than just friends. He was dragged from his thoughts when he heard your mother call for him to follow her and you to your home, and gave a wide grin before jogging to catch up to the two of you.
The moment he set foot in your home, he felt at ease. The furniture looked comfortable, and there was a coat rack by the door, where he hung his gray overshirt when he walked in. You noticed the scars on his arms from what you assumed were countless fights, and then noticed his gaze on you as he spoke. "I'll tell you what I was about to say later, ok?" he asked, receiving a nod from you in response. "Honey, you'll never guess who (Y/N) ran into today in Liyue Harbor!" your mother called, walking into the kitchen to find your father cooking dinner. He and your mother took turns cooking, since their work schedules were arranged to where they could take turns. He remembered how good both of your parents' cooking was, and the recipes that they both used for different dishes. "Who?" your father asked, causing Ajax to peek his head out from around the corner. "Hey there!" he said, waving. "My goodness, is that who I think it is? Ajax, it's been a while, how are things back home?" he asked, setting down the spoon he was using to stir the food he was making and wiping his hands on his apron. "Things have been good, although I've been away from home for about three months now. However, my father did say that he gives his salutations to you and your family, sir." he said, causing your father to sigh. "How is that fool, anyways?" he asked. "Same as always, you know how he is." he laughed. "Ah, yes, come and have a seat, dinner is almost ready." he said. "Let me help with setting the table then, yeah? Even if I am a guest, our families have known each other for a while now." he offered. "Sure, the silverware and the plates are over there. Here, (Y/N), could you show him where they are?" he asked, causing you to nod. You walked over and pointed up to the cabinet where the plates were. It was only when Ajax leaned over you, his chest pressed against your back, that you realized how much taller he was than you. He looked down as he grabbed the plates and smiled at you. "A mora for your thoughts?" he asked, causing you to shake your head. "It's nothing, just thinking about the fact that you used to be the same height as me, and now you're a human tree in comparison." you observed. "Seriously, that's what you're thinking about?" he asked, causing you to nod, laughing. "Yeah, I let the intrusive thoughts win." you said, scratching the back of your head. The two of you set the table together, and you sat next to him once you were done. Your mother sat next to you and your father served the food, before taking a seat next to her. Ajax took a bite of the food and smiled, humming to himself. "It's delicious as always, sir." he said, looking over at your father. You ate in relative silence, which your mother seemed to notice along with Childe, but neither pointed it out. "Anyways, what job was it that you moved here to take?" he asked, his blue eyes glancing over at you as he spoke. "Ah, I got a job working for the Feiyun Commerce Guild. I help manage the inventory of one of the warehouses." he replied. He nodded, before going back to eating. "Oh, I completely forgot that we're renovating the guest room, and we're still waiting for the couch to get here, so you'll have to use a futon if you don't mind, dear." your mother said, looking over at Childe. "I've slept on the floor before, and I can confirm that a futon is much better than that." he said, chuckling. You, meanwhile, looked him up and down. He was taller and much stronger, that was made obvious by the fact that he now had quite a muscular figure. "Hmm, now about where you would sleep. The living room won't do, since we walk all over the floor, and the guest room is, again, under renovation. You could sleep-" "You could stay in my room if you'd like." you offered, causing your father to whip around and look at you, glaring over in your direction. "Let me finish. It would be rude of him to stay in your room, and we used to have sleepovers as kids all the time, it wouldn't be awkward for either of us, and besides, I think he knows to respect others' space by now." you explained.
Your mother and your father shared a look, before she sighed, tugging on your father's sleeve. "I say we let them. It's not like he's a bad person, we've known him for a large part of his life." she reassured him, causing him to sigh. "Fine, but you better keep your hands to yourself." he said, glaring at Ajax, who held up his hands. "I wasn't going to. I would never do that, I think we both know that, sir." he said, lowering them when he nodded. "(Y/N), can I talk to you for a minute on the porch?" your mother asked, causing you to nod. Your father turned to look at Childe as he spoke. "So, I can tell you like them. How long have you been planning this?" he asked. "Funny thing about that, I didn't even know where in Liyue your family was, so I didn't really plan this at all. In fact, I don't have any nightclothes to wear to sleep, to show you how unprepared I was to stay the night." he said. "Relax, even if I do have feelings for them, it's not very likely they feel the same, after saying all of that stuff to get you to agree to let me stay in their room. And you know me well enough to know that I would never do anything to them that they wouldn't want me to do, you have my word on that." he promised. "Fine, I'll let you stay in their room, but if you do something to them while they're asleep, then I'll... I'll..." he trailed off when he saw the look in Ajax's eyes. "I promise I won't, and I never break my promises. You can ask anyone you want, but the statement holds true regardless of who you ask." he said, taking his plate to the sink and washing it. "Good, glad we had this chat. I'm going to get you something to wear to sleep, and then I'm going to bed. If I'm not out here when they both get back inside, then tell my wife I'm in bed when she gets back." he said, walking to the master bedroom. "Alright, I will." he replied, watching him disappear down the hall. He waited to make sure he was gone, before going to the porch door and hiding out of sight, but within earshot of your conversation.
"...wish he would feel the same." was what he caught, before peeking around to see that you were crying. he wanted to console you, but he wanted to know what you were distressed about. "Well, tell him. If he doesn't feel the same, then so be it. Regardless of what happens, you'll still be there for each other, and that's what matters." your mother said. "But it's Ajax, and I don't want him to feel weird about it, and, Archons, why does this have to be so difficult?" you asked yourself. Meanwhile, said man's face was bright red. He quickly went back to the table and calmed himself down, watching as your father brought back a set of pajamas from his room. "They should fit, but if not, then tell me. I'm sure I have something for you to wear in my wardrobe." he said, causing him to nod. You finally walked back in, and he feigned surprise as he saw the tears rolling down your face. "Oh, hey, are you ok? What happened?" he asked. You shook your head, whispering that you'd tell him later. "Ok, here, why don't you get upstairs and get your things rearranged so that I don't see anything I'm not supposed to. Then I'll come in and you can tell me what's on your mind, ok?" he asked, causing you to nod. You slowly walked upstairs, and he waited until he heard your door shut to turn around. "I can take it from here if you two would like." he said, causing your mother to nod. She was walking away with your father when she stopped and turned around. "Ajax?" she asked. "Hm?" he turned to look at her. "Take care of them, I mean it." she said, receiving a nod from him in reply.
You had just finished tidying up your room when you heard a knock on the door. "You can come in, I'm done cleaning." you said, watching the door open to reveal Childe wearing a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve nightshirt. It was a little tight, and he looked slightly uncomfortable, but he didn't show whether or not he was, and set the futon he had with him on the floor beside your bed. "So, you wanna talk now?" he asked, looking over at you. "How about you first?" you asked, looking over at him. "Ok, ok, fair enough. I was the one who said I'd speak later first." he said, chuckling softly. He got up and sat on your bed, before holding out his hand for you to take. You put your hand in his, watching as he lifted it to his lips and kissed the back of your palm. "Do you have any clue what you do to me? For years I've been pining after you, thinking about you nonstop while we were apart. It took me a while to figure out why, but I eventually realized that it was because I've fallen hopelessly and deeply in love with you, and I don't think I ever want to stop falling." he said, placing your hand against his face as he smiled warmly at you. He watched as tears welled up in your eyes and you all but fell against him. "Thank goodness, I was so worried that you would reject me if I told you I loved you back." you whispered, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly. You buried your face in his chest as he spoke. "Not that I'm complaining about the fact that you're this close to me, but this nightshirt is very uncomfortable, and I'm starting to sweat." he said, watching as you wiped your eyes and laughed. He thought to keep the nightshirt on, but decided against it, and pulled it over his head before throwing it on the floor. Just as he was tugging it over his head, he saw that you were staring at the scars on his chest. "What's got you staring so hard, huh?" he asked, tilting your face up to where you were looking directly at him. Your face reddened as you looked up at him. "It's nothing, I just didn't expect you to actually take your shirt off." you said, casting your gaze to the side. He studied your face for a minute, before pressing his forehead against yours and closing his eyes. "Can I kiss you?" he asked suddenly, causing you to freeze up. You sighed shakily, relaxing under his warm touch. You nodded softly, and he gently held your face in his hands as the light of the moon bathed the two of you in silver. He slowly leaned in before pressing his lips against yours, kissing you gently as he held you there. "I'd say that this is the perfect way to end a long day, don't you?" he asked, wrapping his arms around your waist and falling on his back against the bed. He got under the covers with you and held you close to him, looking down at you as he spoke. "From now on, I promise to love you, no matter what happens, ok?" he asked, causing you to smile up at him. Just as you closed your eyes and started drifting off, you decided to speak. "Pinky promise?" you asked, holding up your pinky for him to take. Ajax smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead as he drifted off, but still took your pinky in his own and spoke.
"Pinky promise."
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aresrambles · 2 years
i just found ur blog!! and went thru all of your writing, and i loved them!!! could i plz request something fluffy then spicy for din djarin, like he comes back from a hunt and sees reader in the bunk sleeping in our of his shirts?
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Hunter's Prize
mando x gn!reader - fluff turned nsfw, afab terms, tired!din, sleepy!reader (1109 words)
a/n: first off, i cannot apologise enough for how long it took for me to complete this request, thank u for being so patient. secondly, AAH thank u so much! that means so much to me. i had a lot of fun w this request so i hope u enjoy reading this!
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Din's body ached with every step he took onboard the ship; the only thing keeping him afoot being the remnants of fiery adrenaline from the bounty chase earlier on. It had ended even more successfully than Din hoped it would, with the bounty struggling to put up any sort of a fight. He came along willingly after short game of cat and mouse, and even strangely requested to be frozen in transportation. Whatever, the Mandalorian wasn't about to complain about his luck. At long last, his body would be able to surrender itself to the alluring call of slumber and sink into that almost comfortable cot of his, and-
A seemingly, occupied, cot of his. There you lay, the rise and fall of your chest being the only indicator of life in the otherwise all-too silent room. But Din was never one to complain, not when you looked like that. Tired eyes rake over your sleeping form, elegantly splayed out in amongst those itchy blankets he had gotten Maker knew how many moons ago. You made his den look like the most comfortable place in the galaxy. And perhaps, the safest, too. Even through the helmet, he was able to smell you, faintly. The soft scent of what would've been yours and Grogu's dinner, your sweet-smelling shampoo from the market, you, you, you. 
The Mandalorian begins his nightly routine of shedding the layers of beskar that conceal him from the world, it has almost now become ritualistic. First his gloves, then his forearms, shoulders, cape, chest-plate, thighs, calves, boots- 
He stops at his helmet, fingers skirting along the ridges before dropping back down to his side. For now, this is enough. A fleeting thought of its removal passes through Din's mind before it is trampled upon by his better judgement. At least, what Din thinks is his better judgement. These days, it is becoming harder to tell. 
The low shuffling from his cot brings him back to the room, to you, and before he knows it, the Mandalorian is at your side, palm resting upon your head.
"I'm back." He murmurs, though it comes out bluntly through the modulation of his helmet. 
"All in one piece?" You ask, only half-joking. Your hands reach out to him under the dim lights, as if to confirm this is indeed true, before you feel a soft chuckle rise from his chest. He grunts in what can be loosely translated as a 'yes', and flops onto the cot right next to you.
"Hey, you almost crushed me!" You laugh, now a little more awake. You feel strong arms snake around your waist and tug you closer to him, and breathe a sigh of contentment. It hadn't been long since Din had left, yourself and Grogu had become used to waiting much longer, but even a few hours away from the man resulted in an embarrassing amount of yearning. You craved Din's presence on this ship. His heavy footsteps from above in the cockpit, the way in which he fathers Grogu. The domesticity of it all makes you feel like some sort of family. The thought makes your tummy fizzle.
"Stop squirming around."
"I can't. It's cold."
"That's definitely not why you're wriggling like a sandworm. You're wearing my thermal."
Your face gets hot as you look down and realise that Din is indeed correct. Wearing his clothes wasn't unusual for you, but he had never caught you in the act. Usually you would curl up in one of his old capes or undershirts while he was away, and safely return it when you felt like the Mandalorian would show up any time soon. But this felt like he had caught you red-handed. 
Din on the other hand, felt hot elsewhere upon making this realisation. Blood coursed downwards as he rested his helmet into the crook of your neck, dragging his fingers underneath the tight cotton against your skin. "I don't mind." He murmured, "It suits you."
"You can't even see me." You groan, rolling your eyes.
"Yes I can. My helmet has night-vision. When you're underneath me, when you're on top- I see it all. I can see everything."
Silence. Your eyes widen in horror as you think back to the countless nights of intimacy. Expressions you thought remained unseen by your partner in the darkness of the room, had indeed been witnessed. Forget about earlier, your stomach was now doing backflips.
"And... And I want to see it again. Now, I mean."
Permission, he's asking for your permission. Din's hands feel so hot all of a sudden on your waist, as you become hyperaware of his dick pressed firmly against your ass. Despite the slight embarrassment, your grind your hips against him in approval. The Mandalorian always made you feel at ease, and this was no exception. Din grunts as you apply pressure on his crotch and begins murmuring sweet nothings almost immediately.
"S'fucking beautiful, you're so beautiful." He whispers, moving against you in slow rhythm. "You're always so good for me."
You feel yourself get wet at his words and put your hand through your thighs, relieving Din's cock from its restrains and guiding it to sit against your clothed pussy. You had only your underwear on under his shirt, but it almost felt like nothing against the head of Din's dick. You were so wet that he would've been able to make out every detail of your pussy through the slick material of your panties. It clung against you like a second skin. You feel the back of your neck begin to prickle with sweat as you guide the tip against your folds, holding back moans everytime it grazed your clit. Din brought his fingers up to your mouth and stuck them inside, opening it up wide and playing with your tongue.
It was a command you were more than willing to follow, allowing your frustrated moans to reach his ears. Din flipped you over with ease pushing your panties to the side and sticking two fingers inside of you. The pressure almost makes you cum there and then but you try your hardest to refrain, clenched around the slow pumping of his fingers. 
"Just like that, pretty thing." He mumbles, the cool of his helmet being the only thing to stop you from overheating. The way he's slumped against you tells you that despite all of this, Din is tired. His shoulders are slouched and his movements a little duller than usual, not that you mind.  Tonight, you will laze in bed until dawn, bodies intertwined and hushed confessions of love before he will once again take his leave. But for now, this is enough. His closeness, his touch. It is enough.
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