f9jk4cvuw · 1 year
Wife loves horse cock dildo Young boy striping naked and nude teen arab boys shower gay Trick Or Comendo o Catarina Zuleyma de la cruz Big Tit Blonde Cowgirl Rides Your Cock indian girl nude show boob and pussy Black Pool Babe Interracial Amateur gay latino ass and suck boner boy first time This tall, model Indian Musterbation sunscape curacao resort spa and casino phone number
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vesteneris · 3 months
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Florance + The Machine, Dance Fever
Make me evil, then I'm an angel instead At least you'll sanctify me when I'm dead
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adarkrainbow · 3 months
Fairytales in French cinema:
Pictures from 2011's Le Petit Poucet (might have been released in English as Hop-o'-My-Thumb), by Marina de Van. This movie is the third in the group of fairytale productions done through the collaboration between the channel Arte and the Flach Film studio.
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thefugitivesaint · 2 years
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Louis Rhead (1857-1926), ''The Fairy Book'' by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik, 1922 Source
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mythosblogging · 2 years
Fairy tales have existed in their current written format for hundreds of years, with the original stories stretching back many years more in the form of oral tales. As a popular medium, there are certain elements that one might come to expect from a classic fairy tale; a plucky protagonist, a charming prince or beautiful princess, and a wicked witch or stepmother. But there is something that many early fairy tales had in common that you might not expect – cannibalism.
Most of us are familiar with Hansel and Gretel’s near miss with the child-eating witch from the gingerbread house, and with Jack’s narrow escape from the boy-hungry giant. But did you know that in earlier version of Snow White, the evil queen requested the Huntsman bring her Snow White’s lungs and liver (though he replaced these with the organs of an animal) which she then proceeded to eat? Or that in a much darker version of Little Red Riding Hood the wolf tricked the poor girl into eating a dinner made of her own grandmother’s flesh and blood? And these aren’t the only stories where cannibalism plays a disturbing trend…
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
Fic Prompts: Folklore Friday
Today's "Retelling Fairytales Badly": Hop O My Thumb/Thumbling. As usual, done all in one take without referencing the source material.
Despite what you'd think by the title, this story has nothing to do with Tom Thumb or Thumbelina.
(Heads up, some TW in this one. TW for abandonment and death)
Okay yes, the protagonist is said to have been no bigger than a man's thumb at birth, but considering he spends the rest of the story only slightly smaller than his six brothers, it was probably shorthand for "this kid was born premature and we're not used to babies that small". And the kid is just kind of short but also very clever.
But no, this isn't a Thumbelina variation. It's actually more of a Hansel and Gretel plot archetype.
See, Thumbling's parents are not what we'd call the Parents of the Year.
First of all, they named their youngest child Thumbling.
Secondly, after raising seven sons -- seven -- to be roughly between six and ten years old (guessing several were twins or triplets) they just decided "Nah, parenting is too hard. Times are scarce so we'll just dump ALL SEVEN of them in the WOLF INFESTED FOREST because our comfort and whims are much more important than theirs."
Just like Hansel and Gretel (suggesting perhaps an older oral folktale both became conflated with), Thumbling is like "Forget that, hey boys, help me lay a trail of white pebbles to follow home."
And just like Hansel and Gretel, the Worst Parents Ever decide next time they just have to try harder and make sure there's no pesky rocks to lead their victims home. This time the boys only have breadcrumbs, which is a bad idea in the forest where there are many things that eat breadcrumbs.
Ants, for instance. Or birds. Maybe squirrels. Possibly a Gingerbread Witch who's down on her luck and needs ingredients to make a house.
Thumbling and company decide to climb some trees, just in case of wolves, which is actually quite sensible. While they're up there, one of them spots a house and Thumbling climbs higher to get a better look.
The good news is the house is not gingerbread or inhabited by a witch with anthropophagous tendencies.
The bad news is the house is inhabited by two ogres with anthropophagous tendencies.
The worse news is that the boys can't discern the ogres' dietary inclinations just from squinting at them out of a tree.
Either Thumbling (I can't keep typing that, y'all. We're calling him Tee from now on) wasn't there the night they were telling cautionary tales like Red Riding Hood, or he wasn't listening, because he convinces his older brothers that the house is the safer option compared to sleeping in a tree. So down they go and knock at this ogre couple's door. To the ogres, this was, I presume, about like having a box of McNuggets knock on your door right after dinner. But they're not going to look a gift McNugget in the mouth, not when they have seven little ogres of their own to feed.
Alright, fair warning: this is where it gets messed-up. Because while Tee and his brothers are in a story about not trusting strangers and surviving by your wits, the ogres are in a story more akin to Greek myths, where betraying the laws of hospitality has horrific consequences. TW under the cut.
(TW child death. Always hated this part as a kid)
The ogre and his wife decide to put the boys up for the night in their kids' room. Inexplicably, wee ogres are about the same size as human kids. I guess they hit their growth spurt later. Most likely it was just narrative convenience to explain away the ogre's really terrible night vision.
Mrs. Ogre puts the boys in seven little sleeping bonnets to distinguish them from the ogrelets, who all have seven little crowns. That doesn't seem comfortable to sleep in, but granted, they are ogres. Their idea of comfort is probably different than a human’s. They plan to sneak in while the kids are all sleeping and bludgeon the boys.
Tee doesn't trust the ogres as far as he can throw them, which is smart. He doesn't know what's up with the crowns and bonnets, but he figures if he swaps everyone's hats, it'll at least buy them some time to run if anything goes down. Unfortunately, he's right, and his childish solution has tragic side effects. Ogre comes in later with his complete lack of night vision and feels around for who has crowns and who has bonnets.
Because apparently he can't even remember who got put in what bed.
Tee and his brothers wake up when the ogre bludgeons the wrong set of seven. They make their horrified escape just as the ogre and his wife realize their terrible mistake.
Never thought that was fair as a child. The seven ogrelets didn't even know Thumbling and Company existed! It wasn't their fault.
You know what? No. Heck that. I'm the narrator and what I say goes. Nobody dies in this retelling!
Ogrelets have to be made of sturdy stuff considering how gnarly growth spurts must be for them. So we'll just say the seven tots were COMPLETELY FINE but also VERY TICKED OFF at their old dad, who has some explaining to do.
To escape a very annoyed wife who's like "why didn't you take a lamp?! We literally have them all over the house! HOW DO YOU FORGET WHICH BED YOU PUT WHICH KIDS IN?" And his seven ogrelets with ice packs and grudges, Ogre puts on his magical Seven League Boots and goes chasing after Tee and The Boys.
The Boys have found a cave in the meantime, that is much too small for Ogre to even see into. One can only hope it's also too small for wolves, because those didn't go away, they still live in the woods. Regardless, the Boys camp out in there like "Well I guess we have crown theft and assault and battery on our consciences now".
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Tee, being like, six or seven, has a more Peter Pan mentality of "Well that was an intense game! What should we do next?"
Ogre is out all night looking for Tee's gang, and conveniently decides to sleep outdoors next to the cave.
Given how justifiably mad his wife is, I do understand why he's choosing to sleep outside, but right next to the cave? That's "suddenly a hunter walked by Red Riding Grandma's house" levels of Convenient. But it's a fairytale so we'll just pretend there's nothing weird about that.
Tee gets a idea: Ogre can't chase them nearly as quickly without those Seven League Boots. So he tells his brothers to run for home -- ignoring the fact that they're here because home was not a safe place to be in the first place -- because he has Another Idea.
"Tee no," We hope the eldest brothers said.
"Tee yes," we resignedly know Thumbling responded.
So once his brothers tiptoe past the snoring Ogre, Tee somehow manages to pry the Seven League Boots off of him. Nobody ever explains how. This dude is roughly the size of an elephant and this tiny kid just yoinks his boots off without waking him up. And these boots, being magic, just automatically resize themselves to Tee's tiny feet, which is decidedly useful if you need to share shoes with six siblings.
The kid decides "hey I could use these shoes to get rich!" And just leaves the ogre there.
How a tiny kid with magic boots gets rich, I don't know. But eventually he comes home with money and his Terrible Parents have to live with the knowledge that the kids they tried to abandon could turn on them at any moment and they'd only have themselves to blame. The kids, on the other hand, live happily ever after.
And the ogrelets will never let their dad live this down. Never.
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illustration-alcove · 6 months
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Alexei Reyposki's illustrations for Charles Perrault's Hop-o'-My-Thumb.
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signedkoko · 5 months
Could I get a Mammon, Vox and Husk with a S/O who gets harassed on the street and their reaction? You can have full creative control over what type of harassment!
I love your fics- if this isn’t getting the creative juices flowing just let me know and I’ll request something different <3
🦷 anon
Husk | Mammon | Vox [Romantic]
In which some loathsome idiot thinks they'll get away with harassing their beloved s/o.
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One of your favourite date nights is spent bar hopping
Pop a drink or two in each one, sometimes sharing one cocktail, his wing draped around you, your head leant on his shoulder, humming to the music surrounding you
Both of you had a preference for the less popular spots, the kinds of places you got the weirdest combinations, where he could be inspired and you could give him thoughts
The plus side of the smaller joints was that the music was never too loud, drinks were cheaper, and there was always a few spots free at the bar
Downside was that most places had their regulars, the kind of people who couldn't get in anywhere else
The kind of desperation that builds and spreads like mold in the corner of a dark room next to a leaky pipe
On a few occasions, someone would harmlessly ask to buy you a drink and would turn tail when Husk gave them his usually 'fuck off' look
But this time, the guy would just not get the hint
" What? Already claimed dibs on the bitch? "
Yeah- no, that attitude towards you is not going to fly
Not even three seconds and there's a bottle smashed on the drunk demons head, and three cards flying back into Husk's hand
That's when the bleeding starts
You slap a 20 down for your bill and jump straight up, already being dragged by Husk out the door
Insists if he stayed there you would have both gotten banned anyways, and he likes that spot
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You guys don't really go out so casually without a good reason, or just for old times sake
A sin and his spouse on a city street in greed was just asking for bad things to happen
But still, if you asked and he had nothing that day, Mammon would always rather get quality time with you and people watch
Thats most of your conversation, pointing out demons and joking about what you think they are like, what the do, how they speak
It's always a fun game, until some newcomer saw you laughing at him and marched right up, clearly on something and clearly ready to have a go at someone
The moment he reaches for your wrist, his thumb falls to the floor, a messy and jagged cut the only sign of attack besides one of Mammons spider legs now revealed
Before he can even realize the pain or what's happened, Mammon lets out a menacing laugh
" Every extra inch towards my broad is another finger. "
That demon was already screaming and running away, most the crowd on the street that was watching now hurrying in any direction opposite of you and Mammon
" I'm only worth one finger? "
" Nah. Just being generous for once. "
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Not really a street guy, but unfortunately some press conferences and events require mingling and interacting with others, which he never liked
Thankfully, with you he has an excuse to stay away from others, or show you off
He usually goes for the latter
He's all 'Have you met my wife?' 'My wife loves x and y!' 'Isn't my wife absolutely gorgeous?'
You are the first topic he speaks of after his company; you'd be the first if he didn't have to waste so much time being a salesman, but that is how the cookie crumbles
Sometimes when there's specific press releases, he has to send you off for a moment, where you usually go and mingle with some of the others in his industry you befriended
During one such interview, he couldn't help but spot out the corner of his eye, some lousy business woman drape her arm around your waist and grab at your hip
" Sorry yeah, this interview is over. "
Literally shoves his way over, sparks and electricity flying, to rip you out of her arms
" Baaabe, is this a friend? Whatever the case, we really gotta get going! "
Jealousy 3000
He's glad he stepped in after he overhears that lady had a habit of harassing other attendees
New clause in every interview; they have to include you or provide security over you while he is busy
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Author's Note - Tooth anon comes in for another PIPIN HOT request!! I actually feel so bad because every time I take a break form writing is on yoru request and that really makes it look bad I am so sorry 😩
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manheimsmuse · 5 months
a/n; inspired by this post by @stevensrealgf !
warnings; 18+, mndi, afab!reader, fem!pronouns, established relationship, smut under the cut, unprotected sex i don’t know how many times i have to tell you guys not to do this, fingering, filthy talk, wally clark talks you through it. not proofread !
you sat beside charley on the edge of the stage, watching as rhonda sat on wally’s back as he did pushups. charley had made a quiet joke to you about wally showing off to ‘impress a certain someone’.
your relationship with wally was unknown to the others, both you and wally agreeing that you’d like to keep it to yourselves for as long as possible to prolong the peace you both found in one another.
however, wally wasn’t as good at hiding the fact he had a crush on you.
you’d stopped paying attention by the time wally had risen to his feet, lazily returning your gaze to him after a sarcastic comment he made to rhonda.
“who’s next?” he asked with a boyish grin, attention focused on you and charley now “charley? wanna ride the pony?”
you choke on your laugh, doubled over with a hand clamped over your mouth to dampen your laughter.
“what’s funny, princess?” wally questions with a quirked brow, hands resting on his hips as he looks at you expecting an answer “you think i couldn’t lift him?”
the mischievous look on his face proves to you that he knows exactly why you’re laughing, but he’s not giving you the satisfaction of seeing him all red faced and flustered.
“oh, i’m sure you can” you respond sarcastically, hopping off the stage and patting his shoulder as you pass by “you boys have fun!”
there’s no masked intent in your words, if wally wanted to try lift charley then more power to him, but you were getting bored of the gym.
not long after you’d settled down in the student lounge wally joins you, presumably only taking so long because he wasn’t sure where you went. without a word he joins you on the couch, relaxing back into his seat as you kick your feet up into his lap with a teasing “have fun?”
“awh, is my little princess all jealous i didn’t ask her instead?” wally cooes patronisingly, palm running back and forth against your thigh “you wanna ride the pony, baby?”
your bottom lip is trapped between your teeth, unsure if you wanted to laugh him off or indulge his antics. naturally, you choose the latter.
as you slide onto wally’s lap his hands instantly find your waist, gently pulling you closer as you place one leg on either side of his body.
“that’s it, baby” he grins, a hand coming up to grip your chin “there’s my pretty girl” he mumbles, guiding your mouth to his in order to press a soft kiss to your lips.
the tender moment is short lived, movements becoming more frantic as you both work on the others clothes, your hips involuntarily grinding against wally’s the moment his mouth meets your neck.
“fuck, baby” wally groans against your neck, fingers digging into your hips to guide your movements “so needy already?”
you roll your eyes at his cockiness, even if you are gasping out his name when his clothed erection brushes against your covered clit. your hands fumble as you attempt to remove the little clothing left in your way until you’re both in your underwear.
“shit, you really are needy huh?” wally chuckles, his fingers gathering your wetness as his hand slips into your panties “my perfect girl, always so desperate for my cock.”
he plunges two fingers into you without warning, moving at a pace that has your head falling back and your moans echoing through the empty room.
“o-oh, god.” you whine, feeling the band in your stomach tightening at an alarming rate when his thumb presses against your clit, his fingers still fucking into you.
the moment he feels you tighten around his digits he withdraws his hand, pushing his soaked fingers into his mouth before answering you cries of frustration.
“hey, hey! said you were gonna ride me, remember?” his soft voice is a stark contrast to the look on his face “can’t have you cumming on my hand now, pretty baby”
he helps you position yourself, hissing out a curse when your hand wraps around him to make sure he was in place, and when you finally sink down onto him it takes every ounce of willpower he has to not flip the two of you so he’s on top.
you waste no time in making good on your word, starting to move back and forth on him slowly before gradually settling into a rhythm.
“doing such a good job, princess.” wally groans, gripping you even tighter as you bounce on his cock “taking me so well, fuck baby, look so pretty riding me”
“so close, wally” you warn through a moan, nails digging into his skin as you grip his shoulders.
wally let’s out a grunt of acknowledgment, any self control he had left vanishing when you start clenching around him, prompting him to start fucking up into you at a harder pace.
“me too, baby.” he murmurs, mouth latching onto your clavicle to mark the skin “you feel so good, princess, gonna make me cum in your pretty little pussy. you want that, pretty girl? you want me to come in you?”
your eyes roll back as he talks, mouth falling open and shut with nothing but a string of lewd noises as opposed to coherent sentences.
“please, wally.”
your mewled permission was all wally needed, his thumb rubbing harsh, fast circles into your clit as he continued to buck up into you, his pace getting sloppy as you feel him swelling inside you.
“that’s it, princess, there you go” he grits through his teeth, not stopping until you get over the edge too “so fucking pretty when you make a mess on my cock, my gorgeous girl.”
you’re a mess by the time you’ve both halted your movements, wally is still buried inside you as you fall forward against his chest making you quietly moan at the sensation.
“you did such a good job, baby.” wally cooes, placing a kiss to the top of your head “gonna have to get you to ride me more often.”
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beskarandblasters · 3 months
I Want It, I Got It
Sugar Daddy!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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Ways to help Palestine
Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Author’s note: Everyone say ✨thank you David✨ (my boyfriend) for this since it’s based off of a personal experience! 🤭 Thank you to @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin for beta reading! 🩷
Summary: Joel gives you unlimited access to his credit card to shop online while he eats you out.
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, no outbreak AU, porn with little plot, no age specified for reader, reader sits on Joel’s lap, established sugar daddy relationship, oral sex (F receiving), fingering, squirting, pet names (angel, baby), no use of y/n
Fic notifs: @beskarandblastersfics
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“Angel?” Joel asks, looking over at you from his armchair. 
“What is it?” you ask, glancing up from your book.
He pats his lap, signaling for you to take your rightful place. You place your bookmark and gingerly sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I have an idea.”
“Okay,” you nod.
“A new way for me to spoil you.”
Your eyes widen as you cock your head to the side, “What is it?”
He reaches for his wallet in his back pocket and hands it to you, his thumb tapping his American Express black card in the top sleeve. 
“I give you this and let you order whatever you want while I eat that pretty pussy of yours.”
“Really?” you ask, mouth falling open and eyes lighting up.
“Mhm…” he says, trailing his hand up your thigh, “Bedroom. Now.”
You hop off his lap and walk to the bedroom with Joel following behind. He gives you a firm slap on your ass as you walk, getting a giggle out of you. You shed your t-shirt and sweatpants, tossing them in a pile on the floor but making sure to keep your phone and his wallet. You lie on the bed with your legs spread out as Joel situates himself between your thighs. For some reason, you’re nervous to do this. It’s not like Joel doesn’t spoil you constantly but never like this. 
“Get my card out, angel,” he says, wrapping his arms around your thighs.
You slide out his card from the sleeve and run your fingers over the sleek, black metal just as he slowly licks your cunt, catching you by surprise. 
“What are you waiting for? Treat yourself, baby.”
“O-Okay,” you breathe, opening the browser on your phone.
The first thing you can think of is lingerie so you search for Victoria’s Secret, scrolling through their endless catalog of bras, slips, babydolls, and garter belts. You stop at a black and red lacey set and turn your phone around to show Joel with shaky hands. 
“I was thinking of getting this?”
He stops licking your pussy to look at the screen before chuckling to himself.
“What?” you ask.
“Baby, I don’t care what you get,” he says, lowering his head in front of your cunt again, “I just want you to buy whatever the fuck you want… Okay?”
You nod as he returns to licking your cunt. His tongue expertly flicks around your folds, outlining your entrance before making its way to your clit. You add the set to your cart and type in his credit card details along with your address. 
Just as you place the order he pulls an orgasm from you. It’s so intense you have to put your phone and his card down to grip the sheets for purchase. Euphoric bliss washes over you but also a part of you is a little bummed… Is that it? Is he done spoiling you?
You go to prop yourself up on your elbows but his large hand presses gently on your tummy to coax you to lie back down. 
“Not done, angel,” he says, lapping your release.
You grab your phone and his card again, shakily searching for the next website you’re going to shop on. An ad you got on Instagram for jewelry crosses your mind. They were selling necklaces with initials on them and you jokingly thought to yourself you’d get a J for Joel. Except now it’s not a joke anymore. 
You pull the website up and end up picking out a set– a gold necklace with a J and a necklace that says Angel, Joel’s favorite nickname for you. The J necklace is a shorter length than the Angel necklace so you can wear them together. You’re tempted to show Joel but then you remember he doesn’t care what you buy. He just wants to spoil you. 
You order the necklaces as Joel’s mouth latches to your clit. Your vision goes out of focus for a second, the screen looking blurry as your pleasure builds, your second orgasm nearing. Your back arches off the bed and stars dance in your already fuzzy vision. Your moans fill the bedroom and Joel hums into you as you cum. Your pussy clenches around nothing, desperate to be filled already. 
As you come down from your high you search for your third purchase, wondering how many you’ll get to make tonight. You type in the website for your favorite online clothing boutique. And now you’re letting loose. You throw in dresses, skirts, pants, shirts, and a few pairs of shoes into the cart. You’re at the point where you don’t even need to look at his card to type in the numbers anymore, it’s all memorized now. This detail doesn’t go unnoticed.
He pulls away and smiles at you, facial hair glistening with your spend.
“You don’t even need to look at my card anymore, do ya?”
“N-No,” you say, chuckling with a shaky breath.
“Don’t stop now,” he says before placing his fingers in his mouth. As his tongue returns to your clit he inserts a finger inside you. You writhe on the bed while his finger presses against your g-spot. Your third orgasm is going to arrive soon if he keeps it up. It doesn’t take long for a second finger to be added, both fingers expertly making a come here motion. With one last swirl of his tongue and the motion of his fingers, you cum again. And this time it’s even wetter than the previous two. 
You squirted. Liquid pools on the bed underneath you and runs down your thighs. You put the phone down and look between your legs. Joel’s eyes widen once he realizes what happened. He hums at the taste and amount of wetness you just produced. Your legs are trembling and tears well up on your lash line. You’re spent and if you wanted to cum again you don’t know if you could. Only Joel could make you cum hard three times in a row. 
You lie back down on the bed and feel the soreness arise in your core. Joel pulls away and if you thought his face was wet before… Now it’s soaked. 
“All done?” he asks playfully.
“All done,” you nod.
“Good job, angel. Such a good girl coming like that for me,” he says, moving from in between your thighs and lying beside you. 
You hand him his hard and his wallet back as he pulls you into his chest. 
“Now that you know my card number by heart… Order whatever you want whenever you want, angel.”
“...Really?” you ask, pulling away to look at him with a bewildered look.
You kiss him and taste yourself on his lips before resting in the crook of his neck. He rubs your back and lulls you to sleep, dreaming about all the packages you’re going to get in the mail. 
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics 🩷
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jaylleoo14 · 7 months
Sometimes I like to think that the guys in NRC that have intimidating auras like Riddle, Leona, Malleus, and Floyd for example all get shy and fidgety to initiate more physical touch towards their s/o in the beginning of their relationship ukno? Like dont get me wrong, anyone can think or say otherwise that that may not be the case. BUT LIKE, imagining them being all shy at first and giddy in the stomach as they fidget their fingers and look over at you or maybe looking away with their cheeks a little red🤭 (The envision is envisioning):
Riddle: If you don't mind, can I perhaps scoot a bit closer to you?
You: of course you can Riddle haha
Riddle scooting closer to you with a shy smile on his face, his cheeks going red: May I also perhaps uhm, if you don't mind, held your hands too?
You with an animated cartoon piercing through their heart: godyouresocutethisiswhyiloveyousomuch *AHEM* of course Riddle. I'd love to
Cue a happy Riddle holding hands with you as you both lean into each other comfortably. He lets out a gingerly smile as he rubs his thumb against your hand and squishes next to you ever the more ^^
Leona watching your back as you do your homework, his tail swishing around in a lazy yet obvious eager manner as he lays on his side
You: I can feel you staring you know
Leona: But you don't feel my arms around you, do you Herbivore?
You: Did you want to put your arms around me?
Leona: I would like to, yes. Can I do that?
You let out a little snort, a chuckle escaping you as a small grin spreads on your face.
Leona: What's with that reaction? >:(
You: Nothing, I just find this side of you to be very nice
Leona: All my sides are always nice
You: Sure sure whatever you say
Leona comes over from behind and peers over your shoulder as you lean into his touch and his arms wrap around you snuggly. He nuzzles his cheek against the crown of your head as you continue to do your homework and you could swear he was purring...
Malleus: Child of Man, there is something I want to try and do with you
You: Hmm? What is it?
Malleus looking deep into your eyes all seriously: I want to attempt doing that with you
You turn to look at where he was pointing and see another couple in the far distance. The lady was holding her girlfriend up in the air and twirling her in her arms as they looked at each other, the look on their faces seeming so in love with one another with their warm smiles.
Malleus: I reassure you that I'll keep in mind of my strength if that helps ease you. I ask for permission to hold you
You let out a small giggle: Oh Malleus, i'm not scared. I'd love to be in your arms
After giving him the green light he does just that, doing as the couple did earlier as he lifts you into his arms and twirls you into the air. You go in for a hug and he gladly reciprocates with a big smile. Though he may be starting to squeeze a little too hard-
Floyd just resting his cheek on his arm as he leans on one of the counters in Mostro Lounge, watching you study for an upcoming test.
You: Why are you just looking at me like that?
Floyd: Cus' yer so cute
You getting all red in the face: What? Floyd dont you have a shift right now? I came over to study because you said you wanted to see me
Floyd coming up to your booth and sitting in front of you: Yea but now that ya here, I wanna squish you so badly :(
You: Is that gonna make you focus back onto your shift?
Floyd: Maybe~ So? Can I squish ya?
You: Fine. Just for a short moment because I have to focus on this material and you need to go back to work
Floyd: Yay!
Floyd hops up and comes over to your side at the speed of a bullet train, wrapping his arms and legs around you with a tight cuddle session. Time seems to have passed fairly fast and you didn't even notice that until Jade came over to tell you that you had just spent close to an hour cuddling Floyd. Close of an hour worth of study time missed and close to an hour of Floyd's shift gone.
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spitgobbler · 4 months
Bunny Hop ! [rough ver.]
uh oh… Leon seems stressed. its a good thing he has a bunny to take it out on!
pairing: fem!reader x Leon Kennedy
tags: bunny hybrid, owner, biting/hickeys, knife, tactical gloves stay on, clit spanking, mean Leon, tail grabbing, p in v, mentions of breeding, reader is a bunny hybrid but gets put in doggy?! sweetness at the end 🫶🏻
note: my writing is a bit rusty so if you see a mistake, no you don’t 😭 also rough is kinda subjective but this is def rougher compared to the soft ver!
soft ver here!
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It was late, very late, and Leon still wasn’t home. The sun had gone down and the orange hues of the sunset went away and out came the moon and stars. It was way pass dinner too.
He messaged you briefly on the phone he got you once he took you in from the center, the purpose of it to remain in contact even when he was away for work, like today. Something about being held up and to be ready for him when he came home. Whatever that meant…
Leon’s messages were always short and simple over the phone, so you didn’t think much of it and just did as he said.
Laying there prettily on the couch watching some random movie on the TV in one of Leon’s shirts. It smelt like him and it just made you miss your owner even more. With his musk and cologne right on your nose because the article of clothing, it was hard not to let your fingers trail downwards to satiate yourself till he came home. But you were a good bunny and knew he would find out, leading to hours of denial instead. You shake the thoughts away and try to focus on the movie instead to forget that ache between your thighs.
Eventually, the door slammed roughly behind Leon when he finally arrived home, hinges squeaking from the abrupt strain. The sound causes you to jump from where you laid on the couch. He hasn’t said anything yet, and so with a twitch of your cotton tail and a cautious approach, you reach for his warm hand.
“O-Owner? Is everything okay?” You question softly, brows knitted as you look up at him.
Pure aggravation radiated off of him, his cock straining against his cargos. It was written all over his face that work was terrible today. Sure, his job wasn’t necessarily fun but it seemed like today was just a really, really bad day.
He releases an agitated sigh, free hand cupping your face and his lips press against yours hard. It’s steamy. Like you’re the ice to cool his heated emotions. He lets his actions speak for him.
You respond back to the kiss immediately, soft lips plush against his as your eyes flutter shut. Every question swirling in your mind about what has him so uptight flying out from Leon’s abrupt kiss.
Leon breathes out, his features tense. "I thought I said to be ready for your owner?”
His pretty blue eyes are dark when he looks into yours and it makes you feel that familiar feeling ignite in your core. Leon's calloused thumb rubs against your cheek gently before his hand teasingly trails down to your throat, his fingers ghosting around it possessively before moving away.
“Y-Yeah… I am.” You nod in a daze from the kiss. The affection making your heart thump from finally seeing the man you missed the most. Even if he was only gone for a few hours that day.
Your owner is the big bad wolf when he looks at you so angrily, so hungry. Strong arms and shoulders tense with frustration and aggression from a shitty day at work.
You know what he needs to make it all melt away. And so you let Leon snatch you up with his bruising hold, like you’re the prey and he’s the predator.
There’s no luxury of the soft blankets and pillows of Leon’s bed. He needed you now, and god, it was so primal how he pressed you against the couch beneath him in the living room. Hands finding purchase on his biceps when he cages you in and pressed harsh kisses and bites to your neck.
Tutting in disapproval, his hands push your thighs against your chest. Eyes widening and cheeks blushing at the stretch you feel in your legs. The gusset of your panties ruined with arousal, Leon lets out a deep groan at the sight.
“Next time,” Leon begins, his hands unsheathing his knife on his tactical belt, the sharp blade glinting in the light of the lamp. With care, he guides the sharpened edge to cut the cute panties off of you, his shirt you wore being cut shortly after as well, which left you bare underneath him.
“I mean that these better not be on you.” He murmurs, the knife sliding back into the sheathe.
You should be frightened by the way he used his blade to cut your clothes off impatiently but all it did was make you thankful he got them off so quickly.
It clicks in your head what his text meant now, but unfortunately, Leon is not in a forgiving mood. His calloused fingertips spank your clit and it’s like electricity sparking through your nerves. You jolt beneath him with a whimper and widened eyes.
“Owner, I didn’t know!” You try to protest.
Leon tuts once more, eye glimmering amused, “Is my poor bunny just as stupid as those rookies? It’s okay baby, I just gotta teach you for next time.”
More lashes of his fingers against your swollen clit follow, back arching with each spank. Your pretty little pussy quivering every time you feel the occasional leather texture of his tactical gloves.
“Good bunny, that’s it.” He praises, letting his digits slide over your wet folds as a reward.
He teases you, spitting right onto your cunny and smearing it all over, making you even more of a mess. His thick fingers spoiling you with such heated touches to your sweet spots.
A needy breathless whimper escapes, “T-Thank you, owner.”
The air is warm, heavy with intensity and you swear it’s almost like you’re in heat. Head gone in the clouds with an affectionate lust filled gaze. Leon always thought you looked so pretty like this. You were always pretty to him. But there was just something how you melted into a puddle of primal desires beneath him.
Slowly, he unbuckles his belt, slipping the long piece of leather out from each belt loop on his pants. He tosses it to the floor by the side of the couch, his own eyes trained on you.
Leon pushed you over onto your tummy and unzipped his trousers before freeing his aching length.
“You can thank your owner a different way.” He huffs, wanting nothing more than burying his pent up cock inside of you.
Your face burns at the position he has you in, features hidden against the cushions of the couch but your body on complete display. Hips raising from instinct, goosebumps form all over your heated skin when you feel one hand caressing your hip, knowing his other hand was occupied with smearing his precum all over his cock.
Leon groans deeply, lining the flushed tip of his cock with your needy entrance. His chest rising and falling with heavier breathes now. Leon’s gloved hand moves from your hip and up to the round stubby cotton tail above your plush rear.
A stuttered moan slipping when he grabs it but it’s quickly transformed into a lewd squeal when he uses it as leverage to yank you back and onto his cock.
No matter how many times your owner breeds and fucks you, there’s always a pleasurable stretch that makes your toes curl and your breath run away from your lungs.
Your sloppy little bunny pussy was molded and trained by him, there was no doubt about it. It causes his teeth to gnash together as a long guttural moan draws from his lips. His abdomen tensing at the relief of being inside his precious little breeding bunny after such a long day.
You whimper out sweetly, “Owner, please. I’ve missed you so much. Please move…”
Even if Leon wanted to instantly start pumping his leaking cock into your tight warm entrance, he knew he needed a moment. He always did. Each and every time he slid inside, it never failed to make him do a double take and cause him to almost shoot his load right away. He thought he was surely more experienced by now but you did always manage to make him feel younger.
“Mm, fuck.” He grits out. His fingers still curled around that cute cotton tail of yours and he uses it to make you fuck you back onto his fat cock.
The pace is slow and sensual but his grip on your tail is amplifying each drag of his cock against your inner walls, feeling every pulsing vein. It feels good and the only sounds you’re making is helpless whiny moans of pleasure. It’s good, really good, but you need more.
“Owner, c-come on. S’not enough, I need more of you owner.” A pathetic cry for your owner escapes.
He huffs audibly in frustration, “Greedy little bunny.” He places his other hand on your hip for support and snaps his hips harshly into you. “Shut up and fucking take it then.”
Loud slaps of sweaty skin colliding echo throughout the apartment, accompanied by erotic moans and whimpers and husky groans. Shutting up wasn’t an option for you with how his thick cock was filling you up and kissing at your cervix with each precise thrust.
Toes curling in delightful pleasure when he begins to fuck you how you pleaded for him to do. Soft bunny ears flopping around as your generous owner grunts from behind you.
Your jaw falls slack, erotic moans spill and overflow from your lips. “Owner, mm! I-I love it.”
A breathless chuckle escapes him at your messy slurred speech, completely dumb on his cock. You were being so loud though and you knew better. The apartment walls were paper thin with absolutely no sound proofing.
Strong hands reach for your trembling form, one arm around your waist, while he clamped his free hand around your mouth. Your sweaty nude body pressed back against his clothed chest, you try to whine when you realize he’s still in his work attire but it gets lost against his palm.
“I said shut up and take it didn’t I?” Leon breathes heavily in your ear, the warmth of his breath sending shivers down your spine and your pussy quivering around him. “I don’t need to deal with a noise complaint on top of everything.”
With your torsos upright and pressed against one another, Leon lets his hips buck wildly. His gloved hand concealing your lewd noises. He loved the sound of them, you were like the sweetest songbird to him but now wasn’t the time.
That coil of undeniable release tightens in your core, tears forming in your eyes helplessly. The soft fluff of your bunny tail tickles against his clothed abdomen from the closeness of this position Leon has you in and you’re so close to heaven.
He feels that delicious clench and flutter of your greedy wet cunt around him, he’s right along with you. Heavy sensual breaths fall from your owner, he begins to whimper here and there.
“Fuck, that’s it.” His arm tightens around you.
All of the passion and frustration, the longing and affection comes to a boil, pussy gushing and strangling his cock as you orgasm. Leon keeps rocking his hips, guiding you through your messy release. After only a few more strokes his hold becomes bruising, shooting his warm seed inside and breeding you like a good owner should.
He presses his face into your neck, whining quietly. Fuck, it was always like this. Always milking him with that perfect pussy of yours. Neither of you would ever be satisfied with a partner that isn’t each other.
“Need it again, cum on my cock again.” He groans out.
Leon lets his fingers slip into your mouth and his other arm relax so he could reach down and rub messy circles on your sensitive clit, making you squeal. He wanted to go again but between the shit day at work and then coming straight home to breed the stress away. He would need some time, definitely wanting to fuck you to sleep later but he also wasn’t gonna stop till he felt you squirm and clamp down on his dick again.
Your head falls back as your cry out in pleasure, thighs twitching and trembling. Swollen clit so sensitive after just finishing but it made it feel so good at the same time. Leon rubs and caresses the most delicious circles with the perfect amount of pressure, the callouses on his hardworking hands causing that coil to form rapidly again.
“Owner, owner, oh my god!” You whimper incoherently, spit coating his fingers as Leon continues to silence your moans.
He pinches at your clit and everything falls apart once more. Leon gets what he wanted, relishing in the way he feels your sloppy spent cunt make a mess all over him and squeeze down.
Your hips jerk, helplessly squirming in pleasure while your second orgasm washes over and causes all your nerves to be sent into overdrive. Leon held you up with care, making sure your shaking form is supported.
“Good baby, so good for me.” Leon cooed, breathing still a bit labored.
When the quivering that accompanied your afterglows calms, he finally helps you to lay down and relax on the couch. Soft gentle kisses are pressed to your cheeks, contrasting to his previous behavior now that he was not as stressed anymore.
You smile sleepily at him, brain still mushy but your senses are coming back slowly but surely. Cheeks and body still warm from the intense passion but your breathing was returning to normalcy.
Leon soothes you, “You did so good for me. Such a sweetheart.”
Caressing your soft long bunny ears and murmuring sweet words to you after the deed. To him, it was one of the most important things to do, to make sure despite his words and actions, he loves you. It’s just the heat of the moment. And well, he knows you like it anyways.
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cowboycoups · 5 months
What a perv.
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Pairing: fem!reader x Dino
Wc. 1.5k
Summary: Your clothes begin to go missing and you go to ask Chan about them - Just to find out that he's been stealing them for his own pleasure.
Warnings: smut!, porn no plot, afab reader, pet names, gendered terms, unprotected sex, creampie, squirting, teasing, oral, slight fingering, mention of god (“oh my god”)
Author note: Disappeared for a bit but I'm back!! I've had a fat crush on Dino for a while but the subby Chan fic drought is REAL. I literally can't find any fics for him?! Something about Chan being needy and stuff just gets me kjdfkjs so I decided to just write it myself LOLOL
You hop out of bed with the plan of heading out for a cup of coffee and hopefully some breakfast and quickly rush to throw your clothes on to leave before breakfast hours are over. Rummaging through your closet, you look for your favorite sweatshirt.
Over the past few days, you’ve noticed that your clothes have slowly gone missing. First, a sock, which was followed by your shirt shortly, then your favorite sweatshirt, and lastly, your panties.
You didn’t pay much mind to the sudden disappearance of your clothing until your favorite sweatshirt went missing but didn’t begin looking for it until now. You found it odd but just assumed that the washing machine fairy stole them or something.
Five minutes pass and your room becomes a colorful mess of clothes that you’ve thrown around in search of your sweatshirt. Now that you were on the hunt for your missing clothing, it was the only goal you were focused on and completely forgot about why you were even looking to wear it.
After going through your entire closet, you decided that maybe you left it outside on the couch or table and scurried out of your room. You quickly run around your house still in search of your sweatshirt before you stop to grab your hair out of frustration. Where’d it go? You remember washing it, but it wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“Hey! Channie! Have you seen my sweatshirt?” You shout out as you slowly walk toward Chan’s room. “Ya know, my favorite o-” You stop in your tracks. Your words are cut off out of surprise by the low grunts and soft moans coming out of his room. Steadily, you walk toward his door which was cracked open. “Chan…?”
His moans begin to get louder as you get closer to his room and you peek in. Your eyes widen and your hands are quick to cover your mouth as you look inside to find Chan holding your missing sweatshirt up to his nose in one hand and your panties wrapped around his cock, which he jerked at in his other. “So that's where they went.” you lean in closer to the door.
You watch as he falls back onto his bed while sniffing your clothing and begins to thrust his hips up and into the air lightly while moaning. “Please… Y/N… please-” he breathily begs out with his body still moving. “Oh, god, I’m gonna, oh my god-” his voice spikes up as you watch him begin to shake. His feet run up and down his sheets before laying flat and curling while he continues to jerk himself off.
“What do you think you’re doing?” His body tenses up and he freezes at your words. He springs up and throws his blanket over himself in a failed attempt to hide what he's been doing and you watch as his face immediately becomes flushed with red out of embarrassment.
“Hey- I- I can explain!” He stutters out before worriedly gritting his teeth together. “This- This isn’t what it looks like I swea-”
You rush toward him and grab him by the jaw with one hand, causing him to almost go limp in your grasp. He felt his heart begin to race further as his body was still stuck frozen. He could feel himself getting harder just from you being so close to him. “What do you think you’re doing?” You shove your thumb into his mouth.
“Nnnghhh!" He gagged as you pushed your thumb down his throat. His cock twitched in anticipation, leaking pre-cum onto the floor. He continued to gag as you played with his tongue, moving your thumb around and teasing him mercilessly. You could feel the heat radiating off of him, and you smirked as he let out small moans.
The sight of Chan looking so desperate in your grasp caused you to feel yourself get wet, his eyes widening as he looked up and into yours. He couldn't believe he got caught, but he couldn't deny the pleasure that he was experiencing. His cock throbbed, begging for release. “How badly do you want me?” you removed your hand and leaned in closer for a kiss.
He gasped as your hand left him, his body craving more of you. As your lips met him in a forceful kiss, he couldn't help but moan into the kiss. “So, so bad. Please- I need you.” he cried out.
“Oh fuck.." He groaned as you got down on the floor and started sucking him off. It felt amazing, better than anything he'd ever experienced. His hands ran through your hair, pulling gently as he lost himself in the sensation.
You take him in deeper, nearing his base. "God, that feels- so-" His voice was ragged as he tried to catch his breath between pants. He couldn't believe how good it felt, how good you felt, and the way you were taking him deeper with each passing moment.
"Oh fuck- you're amazing..." He arched his back, pushing more of his length into your mouth as he lost control entirely. His hips began to thrust slowly, meeting your sucking motions with force.
You lift your head and hear a pop come from you removing the suction of your mouth from his cock. "No... don't stop… please.." He moaned, his voice muffled slightly by the pleasure. His hands gripped the sheets as he tried to steady himself, his cock still throbbing for release.
“Finish yourself.” You stared up at him.
"I... can't.." He gasped, his body tensing up as he felt the rush of his climax approaching. Heat spread throughout his veins, and he couldn't hold back any longer. You watched as his hips began to thrust into the empty air again.
"Fuck..." With a groan, Chan finally let go, his cum shooting onto his blanket. His body shuddered with the intensity of his orgasm, leaving him panting and weak-kneed.
“Good boy.” You praised with a light smile at the sight of him.
“Thank you..." He whispered, his voice hoarse from pleasure.
“What about you return the favor? You should put that pretty mouth to use.”
“Please…" he panted out, switching places with you unsteadily, and kneeling between your legs. His hands gently parted your folds, revealing your slick entrance. He looked up at you with eagerness before lowering his head to taste you.
With his tongue, he began to explore your folds, tasting every inch of you. His hands gently massaged your thighs, spreading your legs further apart to grant him better access. “Oh my god, you taste so-” he exclaimed with each hurried breath.
You moaned as he continued, causing him to take it as encouragement and push his tongue deeper inside you, finding your sensitive spot and teasing it relentlessly. His fingers found their way back to your clit, rolling it gently between his thumb and middle finger while he continued.
Hearing your moans grow louder and more intense, he knew he was doing all the right things. His movements became faster and more determined, his fingers working in perfect sync with his tongue. “You- You don’t know how bad I needed you-” He continued as he used his other hand to jerk at himself again.
As you neared your climax, he increased the pressure on your sensitive spots. Determined to make you cum, His tongue flicked against your G-spot, sending waves of pleasure coursing throughout your body.
Finally, with a loud moan, you climaxed. Your juices flooded his mouth, and he continued to lap at your entrance, savoring the taste of your cum.
As your orgasm subsided, he pulled back gently and stood up before you grabbed his cock and led him back inside.
Biting his lip, he positioned his cock at your entrance and thrust inside you. The feeling of him filling you up sent shivers down your spine as you were still sensitive. “Keep.. keep going..”
“I’ve been thinking about you all week…" he moaned, complying with your request. His hips moved in perfect rhythm with your demands, his cock sliding in and out of your wetness with each thrust.
His thrusts grew harder and faster, pushing deeper into you each time. His hands found their way onto your hips, holding you tightly to move you onto his cock faster. With a moan, he picked up the pace even more, pushing himself deeper into you, his cock stretching you to your limits.
Sweat beaded on your forehead as he continued to pound into you, his breathing ragged in your ear. You could feel the anticipation building once more in the both of you. “Just like that baby…”
“Oh no- Think I'm gonna-" he moaned out with his jaw still hanging. His hips jerked violently against yours as he came inside you, filling you up with his heated cum.
His thrusts grew weak, his orgasm subsiding as he released the last of his cum inside you. He leaned down, kissing you before laying next to you and nuzzling against you gently. “Thank you… so, so much…”
Feeling his cooling cum inside you, you continued to rub yourself with a smirk, the sensation causing you to twitch from the sensitivity as you recovered from the experience. “Whatever pervert.”
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moonstruckme · 6 months
would u maybe be willing to write remus with a reader who also has scars? not from anything in particular just more than the average joe (i personally have quite a few scars from years of sports and having acne and a skin condition, so really the cause can be anything u want) and they take care of eachother? they have a routine they do together and they put lotion and bio oil on for eachother <3
Thanks for requesting!
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 831 words
“Remus?” He looks past himself in the mirror to find you standing in the doorway to the bathroom, hair wet from the shower you’d taken before his. You’re holding your hands the way you do when you’re feeling tentative. 
He turns around and makes his voice extra soothing to assuage it. “Yeah, dovey?” 
“What do you…what are you doing, when you rub that stuff on your face?” 
He blinks, looking down at the small container in his hand. “This? It’s oil. It’s for my scars.” 
You take a hesitant step forward. Your brow wrinkles. “Like, to make them go away?” 
He smiles wistfully. “No. I don’t think anything can make them go away, honey. This just makes them less…obvious.” 
You smile, walking up to him with a bit more confidence. “Oh, good. Can I try some?” 
Remus raises his brows. “What for?” 
“I have scars,” you say, almost defensively. “They’re not as cool as yours, but I have them.” 
A little laugh escapes him. Cool. “You mean like the ones on your knees?” 
You nod, taking the oil from him and reading the bottle. “Yeah, like those.” 
“Sure, hop up here.” He pats the counter, and you follow his instructions readily, twisting around to jump up and setting your back against the mirror. You’re wearing your pajama shorts, your bare knees brushing the material of the towel around his waist. 
“This better not be an excuse to get me alone half-naked,” he says quietly as he gets his lotion back out from inside the cabinet. You go bright red at the suggestion, and Remus huffs a laugh. “I knew it.” 
“Stop,” you plead, nudging him reprimandingly with your foot. “I’ll go, if that’s what you want.” 
“Only teasing,” he reaffirms what you already know. He crouches in front of you. “It’s lucky you just showered, because that’s usually when your scars need it most. Your skin is all dried out from the water.”
“Gee, thanks,” you say sardonically, but there’s a bit of real self-consciousness to your voice. Remus strokes his thumb over your knee placatingly. 
“It’s okay. That’s why we start with lotion, to moisturize it first.” He places a dollop of the lotion onto your knee, rubbing it in with his fingers. You hum in understanding, and he does the other knee too. “And then the oil, which should make the marks a bit less angry if you use it consistently.”
“Thanks,” you say quietly as he smooths the oil into the scars on your knees. Remus looks up to find you giving him a soft, open look, and he smiles, squeezing your calf lightly. 
“Of course, honey. Any other scars that need attending to?” 
“There’s some on my hands.” You’re looking at him the way you look at the moon, with a tender sort of reverence. He suspects that you don’t actually care so much about the appearance of scars on your hands so much as you want him to keep touching you, but that’s more than alright with him. 
“Yeah?” he prompts, and you hold them out in front of him. “Mm. I’ve never noticed these before.” 
“They’re not huge,” you say with a shrug. 
Remus sets to work, massaging lotion into the skin of your hands and wrists. He takes the oil again and begins applying it to the marks he can see. “Where’d this come from?” he asks, rubbing it into a cruel line down the bottom of your palm. 
“Oh, I cut myself cutting something in the kitchen one time,” you explain, somewhat embarrassedly. 
He hums sympathetically, moving to another scar just shy of your knuckle. “What about this one?” 
“I’d forgotten that a pan I’d set in the sink was still hot.” Your voice gets softer as his fingers soothe over your hands bit by bit. “I brushed the back of my hand against it without thinking.” 
A small sound escapes him, equal parts fondness and exasperation. “And these?” He thumbs over two nearly identical white lines, one just above the other on your wrist. 
 “Burned myself on the oven rack.” You look at them sheepishly. “Twice.” 
Remus huffs a laugh, finishing with the oil and bringing your arm to his chest. “So what I’m getting from this is, you’re never going into a kitchen again.”
“Hey,” you say with a smile, “a girl’s got to eat.” 
“I’ll cook for you,” he bargains. 
“Every meal?” 
“If it means keeping you from injuring yourself, yes.” 
“I might be amenable to that,” you say, looking at him consideringly, “if…you let me put this stuff on your scars for you sometimes.” 
Remus’ lips curve slightly as he leans forward, stamping them on your forehead. “It’s a deal, lovely girl. We can do it for each other, yeah?” 
“Sounds good.” You peck his cheek in return, hopping down from the counter. “So, what’s for dinner? I was going to make myself a grilled cheese, but if you’re cooking I’m thinking more along the lines of lobster bisque.”
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serevena · 1 day
please, please, please!
Dealer!ellie williams x fem!reader
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a.n - this is inspired by please please please by Sabrina carpenter!! All of my fics have been written after a song at some point in time so here's this! My writing is dusty, im well aware..this is my comeback..happy pride month, babies!
warnings - provocative language, allusions to sex, mentions of jail, light touching, toxic!ellie (?), not proofread!
I beg you, don't embarrass me motherfucker.
"Who are you to the inmate?"
Her partner. In crime, you guessed?
Ellie got busted. Again. And as you leaned against the car after chatting with the officer, you heard the gate open and saw a familiar and somewhat annoying smile. It made you feel an aray of emotion, none nice. Maybe. Did you enjoy picking your girlfriend up from jail for the fifth time? That was a question left to be unanswered as you rolled your eyes and got off of the car, hopping into the driver's seat.
It was like a never-ending cycle to the point where no words had to be said, she knew the routine, as did you.
You sighed as the words of every mouth around you spoke that you didn't have good taste, good judgment, that you were wasting your time.
You hoped she didn't prove them right.
Ellie sat in the passenger seat, turning her head to you as she tossed her bag to the back. You put your finger on your temple and turned to her, unamused. She only had a light smile on her face.
"I'm sorry."
Oh. You were relatively appreciative but didn't show it. You were still mad at her and didn't wanna let her in like that too soon.
You stepped on the gas, trying not to think about what everyone else had to say. Maybe you should just say say things didn't work out. That way you wouldn't be scolded any longer. It'd be easier.
But, there was one thing you barely liked to admit to yourself,
You loved Ellie.
You didn't want to sometimes, but you can't help the way you feel. She frustrated you, but you found yourself there. In that same parking lot, on that same car. Every. Single. Time.
"It won't happen again." She went on, the slight thought popping up in her head that if she did get caught again, you'd be there. She knew that. But she pushed it down, glancing over to you and as for yourself, her words went through one ear, and out the other.
You felt her cold fingertips trace your skin, spelling out ‘S O R R Y’ as you stared at the ceiling fan. It was so nice. Maybe instead of going out and getting involved in the very thing that landed her behind that cell, she could just stare at it. Anything to get her to stay free.
You turned to her, her hand now on your hip as her thumb rubbed it, and you only gave her a small smirk. “Don’t make me hate you.” You muttered as her hand dipped slightly slower.
“I’ll try.”
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“Ellie.” You said as you quickly tried to catch up to her. “Ellie!”
“I’ll be quick, promise.” She muttered, giving you a reassuring look before squeezing your hand before going into a room near the toilets of the bar. You stood there like an idiot, crossing your arms and remembering to straighten your posture. “Fuck.” You muttered under your breath.
And then you heard a shatter! Mixed with a few groans. “Fuck!” You yelled out, rushing into the room to see Ellie getting into a full on brawl with some of the people there. She quickly catches your eye and gestures towards the exit. This was a common occurrence, but this was a new bar, a new room with new people. What the hell were you expecting?
You both quickly run out as you start the car and begin backing up, seeing some of the people through the windows. You floored it out of there, gripping the steering wheel so hard like you’d done plenty of times before. You were sure there were imprints on it now. Ellie stood quiet, knowing you didn’t wanna hear it, she only winced sometimes as she touched her eye, which you could see was already forming a bruise. You rolled your eyes and drove to a different location that sure as hell wasn’t your house.
Ellie was somewhat alarmed. The thought that you might throw her out or kill her crossed her mind, but what the fuck? She knew you better than that. You would never, so she brushed that off too.
You drove up to a cliff, also known as the place Ellie and you had your first date. You got out of the car, practically slamming the door as you sat on the hood of your car, your legs dangling as your car lights flickered ever so slightly. Your eyes were glued to the moon.
And even though Ellie was in pain, she couldn’t deny that view. She couldn’t deny you.
You felt the car shake, the door close, and you heard her footsteps rub against the soil sole of her boot. You felt her hand find it’s way to your thigh as she looked at you.
“That..wasn’t supposed to happen like that.”
Your gaze continued to be fixated on the moon, but you had to look at her eventually, so you did.
“It shouldn’t have happened at all, Ellie.” You scolded, and her touch only became more gentle on your thigh.
“It won’t again. I love you.” She spoke.
You rolled your eyes, knowing it would.
You smiled and when you did, so did she. You leaned into her, cupping her cheeks as you softly kissed her.
I beg you..
“Don’t embarrass me, motherfucker.”
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sleep-0-deprived · 10 days
Hi, I hope you are having a good week and please take care of yourself, I don't want you to get sick. Please don't mind me I'm just obsessed with your writings and this is my first request so if I do something wrong please ignore it.
Can you write teacher Kunikida and bottom! student male reader smut? The reader is quite a troublemaker and Kunikida decides to give him a punishment.
Like I said, if there is a problem, please ignore it. Have a nice day and thank you💜
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Math teacher Kunikida x male student reader
Mdni female aligned dni this is an 18+ blog with nsfw content below the cut
A/N Sorry this took to long I have a full inbox currently but I am trying to push more fics out soon and I really hope I did your imagination justice and the reader is eighteen obviously anyway I hope you enjoy!
“Now, do you have any clue why you’re here this time?” Kunikida asks out looking over at you with a stern expression as he pushes his glasses back up watching your movements closely as you sit at a desk in the front office for your detention. “Obviously I do, I mean I’m sitting in detention for a reason dummy” rolling your eyes looking at your math teacher crossing your arms.
“you’re a damn brat aren’t you?” Kunikida asks with an annoyed look on his face as he glares at you walking over bending down to your height.
“Brats get punishments don’t they?” He says sternly “yeah but I’m not a damn brat” you huff out rolling your eyes before you can say another word his hand grips your shoulder pulling you from your desk as he drags you over to his teacher desk sitting in the office chair as he bends you over his knee “I think someone needs to be disciplined?”
He mutters as he pulls your pants down pulling your boxers down to your ankles “h hey what are you doing Mr doppo?” You ask all flushed and oddly turned on despite the taboo nature you were eighteen and you did have a crush on this teacher for a while but in a you didn’t think anything would happen sort of way.
“I said you needed to be disciplined, and clearly no other methods are working are they?” He grunts out as he raises his hand high delivering a harsh slap to your left cheek leaving your s/c skin red with his hand print left in the wake “o ow sir!” You yelp out jumping slightly as you lay bent over his knee bitting your bottom lip hissing at the sensation but also enjoying it as your cock twitches between your thighs.
“is something wrong?” Mr Doppo asks in his same stern voice as he uses his hand to pinch and rub the cheek he just slapped as he reaches his hand down between your legs stroking the cock between your legs as it pulses in his hand making you shudder arching bent over his knee “s sir~”
managing to muffle out a word with your breath heavy all flushed as your tip leaks pre cum down your shaft as his thumb glides over your tip smearing it around as he strokes you hard before pulling his hand off before you can even climax “why should I let you reach your climax? Clearly you haven’t been a good boy have you? That’s why I’m punishing you” Mr doppo speaks out as his hand traces up your thighs massaging your ass cheeks with you bent over in his lap.
Your eyes wide and your lips pressed down into a pout as you get spanked “I-m sorry sir~!” You gasp out not meaning it just wanting to get off hopping your words please him as you squirm raising your ass up more as he slaps your other cheek making you yelp.
“I’m not stupid, boy” Mr doppo says as he holds your ass cheek firmly before slapping it when it gets all red and sensitive making you moan a small gasp raising you ass up more as your cock leaks on his slacks while you try to rut your hips against the older males thigh only to get spanked harder.
“O ow sir!” Letting out a whine as tears well up in your eyes making you nearly cum at the same time, sensing this Kunikida stopped spanking you for a split second “if you can be good for me maybe I’ll let you cum but only if you act good, understood boy?” He asks as he shoves two fingers prodding your red cheeks apart spitting on your rim.
“I’ll be good sir~!” You Whine out as your rim puckers from the cold exposure as you lay bent over the math teachers knee as his fingers press agaisnt pushing them both in stretching you “I hope you mean that boy” he grunts as he pushes both his fingers inside you as your walls tremble around him while you squirm adjusting to the feeling before he starts moving thin inside your ass.
“Mhm sir~” your head falling forward as you lay in his lap feeling his fingers rubbing right on your prostate curling as he pinches your ass cheek harshly with his free hand before his fingers move faster stretching your rim around his finger as they hit your deepest parts.
“Your tight aren’t you? Don’t tell me such a bad boy as yourself is a virgin is he?” Mr doppo coos teasing you as he curls his fingers putting pressure right on your prostate before you can speak as you lay bent over his knee in your detention gasping with your face all flushed humiliated at the truth in his words.
“N-no mhm not~” lying out as you gasp with your pre cum dripping onto the school tile floor making it shine slick as his fingers move harder making you on edge about to cum “now I don’t believe those words, your face is so flushed boy” Mr doppo hums pulling his fingers out of your hole leaving you on edge as you let out a frustrated whine.
“Hey! You said you’d let me cum sir?” You croak out as you lay exposed all hard with your hole stretched as it puckers around nothing “did I? Hm? I don’t remember saying that but if you wanna cum your gonna cum around me boy” he grunts picking you up and sitting you face down ass up across his desk making his papers flutter across the room falling on the floor.
“Hurry up Mr doppo I needa cum!” Begging out to your math teacher as the sound of shuffling fills the room when he undoes his belt buckle pulling his slacks down holding your hips as he pulls his cock free from his boxers stroking it, he was clean cut eight inches hard and clean shaven with a small patch of blond pines around his shaft as his tip leaked precut all puffy and pink as he positions himself against your ass running his leaking tip right against your prepped hole smearing his pre cum around on you.
“Use your manners, good boys say please don’t they?” Teasing your hole with his tip not pushing in yet waiting for you to beg before he does so “please sir I really needa cum I wanna feel you in me so bad!~” begging out raising your ass up more as he finally holds your hips thrusting in quickly making you hiss in pain.
“shh your doing good it’ll only hurt for a minute boy” his facade shifting when he sees your uncomfortable and adjusting to taking him, rubbing your sore ass cheek whispering out praises as his other hand rubs circles on your hips “you can m-ove sir~” whining out quietly as you hold onto the corner of his desk arching your back like a cat as he slowly thrusts forward holding your hip as his groin presses to your red ass cheeks.
“Mhm just like that, how does this feel?” Leaning down pinning you down harder on the desk using one hand pressing the arch of your back harshly holding you down on the desk as he starts to thrust snapping his hips with enough force to make you jerk forward while gasping “good sir! O oh~” moaning out placing one hand over your mouth not wanting any of the teachers or students hearing you getting fucked by your math teacher as his tip ruts right against your prostate making your eyes gloss over and your lips pouting and whining.
“Such a good boy” groaning as he holds your hips still staring to fuck you harder as he reaches his hand out from the arch of your back finding its way into your hair pulling it as he holds your head back grunting and bitting against the back of your neck as he pistons his cock into you making your walls clamp tight sucking him back in as your cock leaks pre cum on his desk showing how close you were as the desk beneath you creaks and the front office fills with the sound of skin slapping.
“A ah sir! H hm more I’m close~!” Begging shamelessly as you try to muffle your words with your hand blushing as your eyes roll back drooling on yourself as it runs down your chin making you whine as your ass cheeks get slapped by his hips as he rams right against your prostate making your rim stretch wide around him taking every inch of him as his hand holds your hair tight and the other gripping your hip with a grunt.
“Cum for me boy show me how good you feel” muffling out his words as Mr Doppo kisses your neck sucking on it as he ruts his hips into you making your body twitch and spasm as your cock pulses throbbing hard shooting white liquid ropes all over your math teachers desk making the ink on his papers smear but he doesn’t care about that right now as he keeps ducking you harder groaning chasing his own high.
“A ah!~ f fwuah~!” Crying out as you gasp twitching in your after glow as you get fucked through your orgasm “fuck!” Grunting as he pulls out of you cumming all over your red ass cheeks letting rough gasps out as his lips vibrate against the back or your neck his hips stuttering as he lets go of your hair holding onto you tightly as his body weight holds you under your math teacher with your knuckles trembling your hand letting go of his desk.
“You did so good for me boy” whispering in your ear panting as Mr Doppo uses one hand to hold your chin biting on your bottom lip with a growl as he kisses you all sloppy with your drool mixing with his as you come down from your high.
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