#history of zombie road
myhauntedsalem · 6 months
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The History of Zombie Road
Zombie Road has quite a reputation as a place where shadowy figures and other non human entities have long been reported.
Gregory Myers of the Paranormal Task Force presents this piece on the history and deaths of one of the most haunted locations in the United States.
Within the urban sprawl of St. Louis lies a remote area called “Zombie Road”. Urban Legend tells a variety of eerie tales which include being host to ritualistic and occult practices which spawned inhuman and demonic entities while other tales tell of those who met their peculiar demise and still roam this desolate road in the afterlife.
“Zombie Road”, real name “Lawler Ford Road” is about 2 miles long through a valley of forest oak land hills and ends near the Meramec River in the Glencoe, MO area where it meets the newly established “Al Foster” trail.
The history of this area goes back to ancient Native American times where this was one of the few pathways cut by nature over the centuries through the bluffs to the Meramec River area just beyond them. It is believed that travelling ancient Native Americans used this pathway for foot travel and also quarried flint here for the making of various tools and weapons.
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In the early 1800’s a Ferry (boat) was operated at the bottom area of this passage at times where a ford was located in the river for settlers and travellers to cross the Meramec River to the other side where the Lewis family owned much of the land. The origin of the road name is unknown to historians even today.
Ninian Hamilton a settler from Kentucky was the first settler to occupy and own land in this area in 1803. After his death in 1856, James E. Yeatman a prominent St. Louis citizen, a founder of the Mercantile Library and president of the Merchants Bank acquired the large parcel of land that Mr. Hamilton settled and owned.
The Pacific Railroad completed their railroad line from St. Louis to Pacific along the Meramec River in this area in the 1850’s. Della Hamilton the wife of Henry McCullough, who was Justice of the Peace for about thirty years and Judge of the County Court from 1849 to 1852, was struck and killed by a train in this area in 1876.
The first large scale gravel operations on the Meramec River began at what would become Yeatman junction in this area. Gravel was taken from the Meramec River and moved on rail cars into St. Louis. The first record of this operation is in the mid-1850’s. Later, steam dredges were used, to be supplanted by diesel or gasoline dredges in extracting gravel from the channel and from artificial lakes dug into the banks. This continued until the 1970’s.
From about 1900 until about 1945, Glencoe and this area was one of the resort communities of the Meramec River’s clubhouse era. Many of the homes were summer clubhouses, later converted to year round residences then lost to the great local floods of the 1990’s.
Some say this is called Zombie Road because the railroad workers who once worked here rise from their graves at times to roam about. Some insist that they have heard old time music, seen anomalous moving lights and other ghostly sightings from that forgotten era. Another tale tells of a patient nicknamed “Zombie” who escaped from a nearby mental facility never to be seen again. His blood soaked gown was later found lying upon the old road later named after him.
Other tales include one of an original settler who met their demise upon the railroad tracks. Another includes a pioneer who lost his wife in a poker game then went back to his homestead and took his own life. Many still report seeing these lonely spirits even today.
During the age of Prohibition a nearby town housed speak-easies and the summer homes of well known gangsters. Tales tell of individuals who were dealt a bad hand by such public enemies resulting in their permanent placement within the ground or bordering river to never be seen again.
The bordering river has tragically delivered many to the other side through the years. Children and adults alike have taken their last living breath within its dangerous waters before being found washed up on its shores. Even during this new millennium, several children met their demise one day within its banks.
The railroad still shows “Death hath no mercy” as many have met their final fate upon its tracks. Local lifelong residents can still remember multitudes of tragic occurrences dating back to the 1950’s. One of these occurred in the 1970’s when two teens were struck by an oncoming train. Some of the local residents were used in search parties to find the body parts scattered about the area.
During the 1990’s a mother and her five year old child were crossing a bridge when an oncoming train met them. The mother’s last action was pushing her five year old child off the bridge. The engineer was able to stop the train and save the child. Although the mother died, this is still one of the happiest endings to a story this area will provide.
More recent past has seen this area become refuge for those wanting privacy to practice the occult and other rituals. Who can really know what true doorways to the darkness or unknown were opened here.
During the 1960’s a couple in their late teens were on top of the bluffs overlooking the road below. The male somehow lost footing and during the fall caught his face in a fork of a small tree growing out from the side of the bluff. His face and scalp remained while the rest of him fell to his death upon the road below. Others have also met their demise from the high bluffs above.
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The area has also seen its share of suicides and murders. In the 1970’s a hunter stumbled across a car still running at the end the road. Closer inspection revealed a hose running from the exhaust pipe to the inside of the car with the driver slumped over the steering wheel.
One can agree that there is no lack of legends or tragedies surrounding this area which can explain the bizarre and eerie encounters of those who visit. I was one who became truly intrigued and attracted by such lore and was determined to either prove or disprove the Urban Legends surrounding it.
Missouri Paranormal Research (now a division of Paranormal Task Force, Inc.), the paranormal investigative team I belong to, investigated this area on several occasions. Our visits converted many true skeptics into true believers of the paranormal. I was one of those the first time and even remarked “This was going to be like Winnie the Pooh looking for a ghost in 100 Acre Woods” prior to descending onto the old road.
Within an hour several people observed a human sized shadow figure as it descended upon them from a small bluff nearby. It then ran onto the road, stopped, then disappeared into the darkness of the night. Throughout the night others heard unexplained voices, were touched by the unseen and witnessed the unexplained. This was one night that everyone could conclude that indeed some Urban Legends actually are real!
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thelostboys87 · 8 months
i need to finish cleanness today
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Happy birthday Nicholas Hoult!
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Here's some Mad Max: Fury Road and Warm Bodies art to mark the occasion!
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deconstructthesoup · 6 months
I think the reason that Dimension 20 really scratches all those itches in my brain is that it really shows what you can do with D&D---and TTRPGs as a whole.
Fantasy High, by itself, is an incredibly compelling concept. What would D&D look like in a semi-modern setting? What would a high school that's all about teaching teens how to be adventurers look like? And the way it's done is beyond inventive, especially if you look at all the encounters in the first season---we've got a literal food fight, a high-speed road chase with tiefling greasers, a nightclub brawl with zombies, vampires, and werewolves, a skating match with a bunch of dwarven middle schoolers and a concrete golem, a high-stakes game of football (ish) with undead jocks that give off major teen slasher vibes, a fight done in an arcade where characters can get trapped in the consoles, and the final battle is done at prom. PROM! How cool is that?
And then we get to the Unsleeping City, which takes the urban fantasy elements that Fantasy High already had and elevates it. The way the D&D lore and magic is interpreted in a modern New York setting is excellent, as is the whole take on the "American Dream," magic literally coming from dreams, ideas, and the imagination. I know that I need to actually finish the UC saga, but from what I've seen and experienced, it is truly fantastic.
And the same energy carries through to the other seasons---my personal favorite outside of Fantasy High being A Court of Fey and Flowers, just because I'm a sucker for any Fey Realm content and I've been raised on Jane Austen---where the genre mashups shine through in the best way possible. I'll admit, I haven't seen A Crown of Candy, purely because I know how heartbreaking and devastating it is and I don't think I can physically handle it, but the concept of Candyland Game of Thrones is so beautifully bizarre that I totally get why people love it so much. Escape from the Bloodkeep hitting that workplace comedy vibe that we love to see in villains. Misfits & Magic being a love letter to the "magical boarding school" genre while also calling out all the weird contradictions inherent in it. A Starstruck Odyssey literally being an homage to Brennan's mom and exactly the kind of madcap and unhinged energy I need from my sci-fi. Neverafter perfectly encapsulating the true horror of fairy tales. Mentopolis hitting my noir-loving heart and personifying hyperfixation in the best way possible.
I'm not even kidding when I say that, if it weren't for Dimension 20... I probably wouldn't have even started my own campaign. I'd had snippets and ideas ever since officially getting into D&D and joining a game with some old friends (and getting back in touch with them in the process), but after I saw the Mentopolis trailer, I realized just how much variety TTRGPs had to offer. I could do a time-blending, history-meets-future campaign. I could go out-of-the-box. I could have endless amounts of options available to my friends and still tell the story that I wanted to tell. And when I sat down and watched Fantasy High---and when I got that Dropout subscription so I could consume whatever I wanted---it felt like the show was actually giving me advice. It's fantastic.
Also it helps that the episodes are usually only roughly a couple hours instead of being, like, an entire afternoon long. And that each season is 20 episodes, tops. No offense to Critical Role, but the sheer amount of content literally makes it impossible for me to get into it.
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celestial surveillance + some garden of eden parallels
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. - Luke 8:17 (NIV)
Over and over, we see how the bookshop feels safe/private while simultaneously being sort of a fishbowl, leaving its inhabitants quite exposed to onlookers. *garden of eden vibes*
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Similarly, Aziraphale and Crowley tried to conduct a class-A surreptitious 6000+ year agreement/slowburn romance and yet their 25 Lazarii relationship is fairly obvious to others.
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Reminiscent of how Crowley is painfully aware that nothing is certain and time is horribly finite, Aziraphale lives with the knowledge that anything he does or says can be used against him—or much worse, used against Crowley or others our little guardian cares about. Unlike his emotional support demon, however, Aziraphale was afraid Before the Beginning, before The Fall.
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While Upstairs aren't the only ones watching, they have the potential to be the most dangerous threat (emphasis on potential bc they have to take an interest and also maybe stumble into important clues): The heavenly office overlooks the entire world. Where Hell had to send Furfur to the theatre with a camera, Heaven's got Earth Observation Files they can pull up to see what someone was doing at any point in history—not even St. James Park can keep you anonymous in the face of thirty-seven classes of scriveners/recording angels!
Aziraphale may tend to underestimate danger in general because of his misplaced hope that Heaven is truly Good, but in the same way that he can be both clever and stupid, I think he trusts Heaven and fears it at the same time. Why else would he be so worried about breaking their rules even when he knows they are wrong?
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Of course, Aziraphale is also a courageous little bastard with a deity-defying protective streak! Despite Heaven's indoctrination, we see him navigating all sorts of grey area as he learns to 'blur the edges'. But he knows it isn’t safe to do that openly. He keeps this more human side hidden and tries not to think too hard about why doing good is wrong in heavens eyes. (lol other people's aziraphale metas are my main food group rn)
At the end of S2, we see him leave A.Z. Garden & Co. after tasting the forbidden fruit large oat milk latte, armed with his naïve/misguided 'knowledge of Good and Evil'. (and perhaps he knows he can't 'let the sun can’t go down' on him in Soho lest the the Metatron mete out death instead of coffees?) When Adam and Eve left Eden, Aziraphale and Crowley observed from above. When the angel and demon leave their own garden, we get the sense that they are also being watched.
(also idk if this is anything but Adam facing off against the lion while Eve looks on in the bg seemed a bit like Crowley watching Aziraphale walk into danger w the Metatron. could be a good sign since the lion gets turned into salami)
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There are hints at the end of S2 that the watching is getting a little a spicier (at least I think they are hints haha): the bookshop windows are still broken during the last part of E6, further decreasing privacy; the zombies used binoculars to watch A&C from the Dirty Donkey under cover of darkness in 1941 but the Metatron just looks across the road in the light of day. And then there's the whole 'hefty jigger of almond syrup'.
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raeynbowboi · 8 months
Playing a Heroic Necromancer in DnD 5e
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Necromancy is one of the most evil-skewed powers in just about any fantasy setting. However, unless you're running a villain campaign, most DnD parties are made up of heroes who won't like having an evil character in their midst. You want to play a necromancer, but you also realize that DnD is a very collaborative game. So, how do you make your party more amicable towards the thought of you raising a family? Here's some possible backstory ideas that can fuel a heroic necromancer for your next campaign.
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The Scholar
The taboo, illegal, or forbidden nature of studying necromancy drew your interest. Whether you studied with a secret sect, uncovered a grimoire of necromantic magic, or made a deal with a devil for profane knowledge, you were driven by a desire to study magic. The sparse availability of necromancy forces you to remain mobile, making party formation easy. You may be hunted by law enforcement, clerics of Kelemvor, or other necromancers angry at you for stealing their arcane secrets. And now that you know what so many tried to hide from you, it's your choice how to use it.
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The Chronicaller
History is written by the victors, the rich, and the powerful. But every life holds valuable knowledge and secrets. Ancient bones know things lost to time. Knowledge that was never written down. Stories which have not been spoken in centuries. Opinions of the common people during a historical event. Experience with phenomenon that can no longer be encountered. The Chronicaller wishes to unearth the secrets of the past already laid to rest.
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The Physician
The Frankenstein of Necromancers wishes to understand the medical and scientific elements of life and death itself. To understand the body by inspecting it and digging into it. They may study how to cure diseases or how to spread them. Try to find a way to slow or even halt the slow decomposition that turns the body elderly and frail.
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The Thayan Rebel
Once a Red Wizard of Thay, you have left Thay and the Red Wizards, letting your hair grow back slowly as you seek to expand your arcane talents beyond the limitations of Thayan conquest and oppression. The Red Wizards and Szas Tam become personal antagonists for your character and party as a result.
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The Undead
Be they a Revenant, a Dhampir, a Vampire, a Lich, or something else, they are already imbued with undead power. They simply embrace their anti-life energy already flowing through them, channeling a power most others would avoid. You may be undead, but you desire to staunchly defend the living from other undead who are less compassionate.
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The General
A wizard with a soldier background and optional martial multiclassing, your undead horde is your army of loyal soldiers, putting their lives on the line again and again to serve their general. An Oathbreaker 7/wizard 6 adds your CHA mod to undead within 10 ft, and proficiency bonus to all undead you control. But the steep dip into paladin locks you out from higher level spell slots for stronger undead minions.
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The Noble
Similar to the general, the undead serve you out of loyalty, not fear or force. But where the general commands their soldiers, the Noble may command their staff of servants, their commoner citizens, their knights and soldiers, or their own noble ancestors. The Noble utilizes their horde to fulfil the services and duties of their noble house. They're just as likely to conscript skeletons to pave a road or build a bridge as they are to form a wave of zombies to break up a smuggling ring in their city.
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The Immortal Guardian
You have or want to become immortal not out of power hunger or greed, but to protect the innocent forever as an unwavering guardian against evil. Everyday people can't protect themselves, and even legendary heroes die eventually. Only an immortal protector can be an eternal defender of the people.
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I hope if nothing else, this gave you some ideas for some good and noble necromancers you could bring to your next table. Did I miss any Heroic concepts that you thought of? Let me know, and help make the world a more morbid place.
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Jason Voorhees/F!Darling: First Love
Because Jason is triggered into killing if he sees people having sex, and because his one real positive figure is his mom Pamela, I think he'd only develop an obsession for a Darling in a very specific circumstance. Like I'm imagining her coddling him and talking about how he'll grow up into a handsome young man, and that ALL the girls will probably faint at the sight of him (ironically, she would be right). But that he shouldn't be so sinful and lustful about it! No, no. Only a woman like her can be her precious Jason's wife. Most women are rotten little harlots. He needs to look for a girl who's kind, gentle, not at all sinful, and who would make a good momma just like her.
Pamela never liked talking about Jason's father, but she did say that Jason is a million times better than he ever was. One day he came back to the house with a fistful of flowers and she just about cried from happiness (after he drowned, she kept them hung upside down in her house so that they would always last). Or when he would shuffle to try and open the door for her, she'd praise him for being such a chivalrous little man. So years later, when he sees a woman sitting by the lake one autumn, drawing or writing and enjoying the same scenery his mother loved, he can't help but stare from afar.
He stalks her throughout the day until seeing her come back to a section of the woods closer to one of the main roads leading to the ruins of the camp. These prefab cabins were originally meant to be a tasteless tourist trap for curious ghost hunters after the first set of murders, but were quickly abandoned after Jason was revealed to be very real, VERY dangerous, and the surrounding real estate becoming very unprofitable due to the high murder rate.
When he peeks inside, he sees the woman talking on a landline and listens in.
"Hey Mom, it's me. I'm back in the cabin--no, I'm alright, I swear! I told you, whatever Jason is, he won't be interested in anyone not wearing a camp counselor's uniform. I'm just here for a cheap summer vacation, some alone time, and some inspiration. Something about being somewhere so serene while knowing the brutal history behind it is...well, I hope it sparks something." She settles down on the couch and continues to chat with her mother, never noticing Jason eavesdropping as night starts to fall.
"I'm not going out there at night, I promise. I mean I'm not superstitious, but I don't want to make you worry anymore than you already are, haha...Yes, Mama, I've been locking the doors every night....YES, Mama, I brought my pepper spray and my knife...Though if a ghost-zombie was gonna come at me, I don't think it'd do much--Mama, of COURSE I'm being responsible! I can't look out for my safety and make a joke? Ok, ok, I'm sorry." She smirks and curls up on the couch. "Though I'm pretty sure he doesn't kill virgins, so I should be fine if he shows up. We can chat about everything we have in common: lack of bedroom experience, lover of the wilderness, uber-protective moms..."
She holds the phone away from her ear as a loud angry outburst comes from the speaker. Her reply is deadpan. "Yes ma'am, I'll smack myself on the head since you aren't here to do it yourself." She lightly pats her head and yawns; the sound makes Jason think of the kittens he had played with when he was younger.
"I'm gonna head to bed. I'll call you in the morning, ok? Yeah, by 10 am, I promise. And when I head out, too. Yes ma'am, and no more smartass comments until I'm back home safe...Love you too, Mama."
Jason watches her put the phone back onto the receiver and then walk into another room. He skulks around the outside and sees her in a modest bedroom, taking off her socks and the rest of her clothes.
He cocks his head and stares, breathing heavily and feeling strangely warm. Whenever he saw the other fornicators at the camp, he'd never felt anything like this. A woman's body was just a body, and those wicked women's bodies were just there to be cut down. But this one wasn't wicked, at least he didn't think so yet. This one was...lovely. He couldn't stop staring, breathing, and feeling his belt strain against--
He heard his mother shriek in his ear. "JASON VOORHEES!"
He ducked down underneath the window frame and covered the eye slits of his mask. He wasn't being lustful, Mama! He was just admiring her, like a pretty flower. Maybe he can keep her, just like the flowers Mama had kept in the house. Something pretty and pure, all for himself.
"If you look at her like that, you'll defile her," Mama hissed. "You need to make her an honest woman first, like me. You aren't to look at her like that until you've courted her, put your ring on her finger, and made her your wife. And if you even think about something as disgusting as fornicating with her before you're married, you'll both burn in Hell, young man!"
He hesitantly moved back up to check if his Flower was decent, and saw that she was thankfully now wearing a set of pajama shorts and a faded t-shirt. When his eyes wandered to her exposed thighs, he quickly forced his gaze upwards to avoid another scolding from his mother. Flower shivered from the nighttime breeze whistling through a drafty corner of the room and she slips something else on over her head. Jason's eyes widen behind the mask--a cable-knit sweater, as soft and warm as her skin must be.
Just like his Mama.
She stretched her arms and for a moment, the way they're outstretched makes Jason think she really might be an angel. Once she turned out the lights in the living room and curled up in bed with a book, Jason set off into the forest to start courting her. He's going to make Mama so proud, marrying a pretty Flower and fulfilling that wish to become a Grandma. He's gonna be a good boy, a good beau, a good husband, and a good father...
The next morning, ____ made her first phonecall check-in of the day with her mother after breakfast and headed out for a day of hiking and relaxing by the lake again. When she opened the door and stepped outside, she stopped and froze as her foot landed on something damp and she heard a strange jangling sound from the doorknob. "What the fuck?"
The entire porch had been covered with handfuls of green pine needles and flowers yanked out of the ground, some with the roots and clumps of soil still attached. She looked at the doorknob and saw a loop of fishing line with various bits and bobs tied to it: beads from other random pieces of jewelry, bottlecaps, animal teeth, bird feathers, and a pendant in the middle made of bone. A small brown heart had been smudged onto it, and ____ prayed that it was just paint or muddy water.
She immediately ran back inside and slammed the door shut, locking all three locks and trying not to hyperventilate. Her chest tightened as she racked her brain for what to do--call the police? Yes. Definitely. Even if it's just a prank from some asshole locals or something, it's worth having someone with a gun coming around to look into it.
From the bushes nearby, Jason was watching her pace back and forth in the cabin while holding the phone.
"I already told you, it's Crystalside Cabins, Number 3," Flower said irritably. "It's on an unpaved road, it's about...I don't know, a quarter of a mile from the lake? I--yes, I know that pranks are common around here, but I would really appreciate it if an officer could come here and check things out...No laws broken, are you kidding me!? What if the bones on the necklace are from a corpse or something!?" She scoffed and listened to the officer, shaking her head in disbelief. "With this kind of incompetence, I'm surprised the body count in this town isn't even higher. Maybe Jason Voorhees and his mother started this up just to see if you'd get out of your chairs for something that wasn't a pie stolen from a windowsill or a cat stuck in a tree!" She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "No, ma'am, I'm not trivializing the work of suburban police officers--yes, ok, I know that local teens like to mess with people who visit the town, but I really don't feel safe knowing some strangers know I'm in this secluded location all by myself.."
She finally huffed and held a hand up. "Fine, fine, you'll make an official report and give it to someone. Great. I'll thank you now since my severed head won't be able to say it later, you've been such a great help. Don't strain yourself, wouldn't want to waste those tax dollars."
Jason looked at the necklace and bouquets left on the porch, and then back to his Flower. She didn't like his presents? Or maybe she was just scared. Most people were afraid of him, but she wasn't most people. She was his beau, but now she was upset and calling the police.
Flower crossed her arms and stared at the front door, chewing her bottom lip and wondering what to do. "It probably is just a prank," she muttered to herself. "Just some cheeky asshole kids trying to mess with a tourist." She took a few steps forward and opened the door, preparing to sweep away all the plants and throw away the creepy necklace, but she stopped just as her fingers curled around one of the beads. It was likely just a prank, but...maybe, on the scientifically impossible off-chance that this was the undead spirit/corpse of a serial killer...throwing away his creepy present would probably make him angry.
She stared at the necklace in her hand, almost holding her breath as she thought about what to do. "Fuck it," she sighed. "I'd rather be gullible and dumb in the eyes of some high schoolers than risk pissing off...whatever he's supposed to be." Reluctantly, she put the necklace on and headed back inside to slip her pepper spray and knife into her backpack before going out.
Jason's breath hitched when he saw his Flower wearing her present. She looked so pretty with it on. She liked it. She wanted him to court her. "Of course she does," Mama cooed. "A handsome, chivalrous, strong man like you? She's lucky to have my little boy's affections. Now go on back home now, Jason, you need to get everything ready for tonight when you bring her home to meet me."
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hueningsloverr · 3 months
౨ৎ 1,862 days !
pairing: yeonjun x reader summary: being able to love yeonjun, and the road that lead you to him word count: 1.3k extra: happy five years to our oldest member!! 4th gen it boy yeonjun!! apart of my anniversary series!
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yeonjun was like a breath of fresh air, a saving grace. moving to korea at eighteen was rough, but running into the boy on the streets suddenly made it all worth it. you had bumped into him early in the spring - you were still bundled up in a jacket wandering aimlessly around seoul. instead of finding your friend at the coffee shop she had promised to wait for you in, you quite literally ran into yeonjun.
'excuse me, can you help me?' you pleaded through broken korean, and he laughed slightly, understanding the gist of what you were asking him.
needless to say, he gave you directions, even walked you to the shop and sat down with you after you realised your friend had set out on her own to find you. he even went a step above the rest and walked you back to your apartment after learning just how new to the area you were.
the rest was (basically) history. all it took was one day for him to ask you out, and those dates quickly turned into weekends tucked away from the rest of the world hiding out in your apartment. your roommate was rarely home - she worked odd hours and had her own girlfriend to visit.
before you knew it, five months by yeonjun's side became five years.
"all i'm saying," you began, your boyfriend humming mindlessly on the couch as he half watched tv, half played on his phone. "is we should go out for our anniversary."
yeonjun nodded absentmindedly, your words not truly sinking in. "yeah, yeah." he mumbled, eyes glued to his phone. kai had got him hooked on some two player game, and now the duo were both constantly on their phones, fighting monsters or something.
"it's too bad taehyun asked me out too." you giggled, leaning over the couch to watch his reaction.
"i mean, is it bad i said yes? we don't technically have plans, so it's not a big deal."
he didn't even acknowledge your presence.
"but i felt bad, because i had to turn down wooyoung, and dino, and changbin - yeonjun could you at least blink to let me know you're not some zombie?" you groaned, moving around the sofa to sit next to him.
now it was his turn to laugh and he wrapped his arm around you, his phone discarded next to him. "i was listening," he teased, eyes glistening with mischief as he smiled, clearly proud of himself. "i just wanted to see how ridiculous you'd get."
you chose to ignore his statement, moving past the ordeal. it was sort of childish. "so, dinner? tomorrow night?" you posed, moving to sit on your knees. it was almost as if you were ready to beg. anniversaries meant a lot to you - especially as this one marked five years since moving to korea.
it was hard, leaving your life behind. but, you had to. and things had worked out. really well.
"i've got practice. why don't we go out tonight? today marks five years of us meeting." he offered, frowning when he noticed just how disappointed you were.
"yeah, sure." you smiled, pushing yourself up off the couch. "i was hoping you'd be able to get off work tomorrow, but i get it. i promise i do."
he nodded, sighing. "have you talked to your parents recently?" the question caught you off guard - no matter how good or bad of a relationship you had with your parents, calling them rarely crossed your mind. when was the last time you spoke to either of them?
"no," you huffed, though more out of annoyance with yourself than with him. if you were to call them, they would chew you out for ghosting them. but life was busy, and the time difference did not help. "they weren't the biggest fans of me moving out here, you know."
his eyebrows furrowed as his head tilted slightly to the side, "they weren't? but - when i met them a bit back, they seemed so happy for you."
you tried to suppress the growing grin on your face at the idea. "my parents were so far from happy for me, jjunie. they just didn't want to upset either of us."
he nodded slowly, letting the information seep in. "well, that's too bad. i hoped to talk to them. but i guess i could see how they probably weren't the biggest fans of their eighteen year old deciding to just move out and into a foreign city."
"why would you want to talk to my parents?" you snorted, the idea so completely absurd it didn't even seem real. "didn't you say something along the lines of, 'i'm sorry you're related.' when you met them?"
he shrugged, clearly unable to form the proper sentence. you took his silence as a cue to leave and get ready for dinner. by the time you were done he'd probably have made a reservation somewhere, or called some sort of favour in. perks of being famous.
and of course, by the time you emerged from your bedroom, grabbing a hold of your wallet from your dresser, yeonjun himself was already waiting for you by the door, holding your shoes in his hands.
"took you long enough." he smiled, though you could see the faint spread of pink across his cheeks. he was never good at hiding the fact that he was blushing. over the years he had learn't you were simply too good at spotting it, and accepted the fact that you thought it was cute.
"so where are we going out tonight, mr. choi?" you grinned, slipping your shoes on and interlocking your arm with his as you made your way out the front door. sometimes having a first floor apartment was a blessing.
"it's a surprise." was all he said, and you understood that his words truly meant surprise. as in, he was not going to be telling you. but still, you quickly recognised the change of scenery. something about it was familiar.
you were close to your first apartment - the one you lived in when you met yeonjun. you could see the park you spent many afternoons together in. and up in the distance you could faintly see the coffee shop you went to when you first met yeonjun.
and it all made sense.
"coffee for dinner? don't you have practice tomorrow?" you questioned, nudging his shoulder with your own.
he nodded, taking a moment to look at you.
it felt like his breath had been knocked straight out of him.
you were everything to him.
"you know what?" he smiled, pausing.
"hm?" you hummed, stopping just a few feet in front of him. "what is it?"
"i've been in love with you for five years." you felt your heart stop in your chest. "i've spent these last five years doing what i love, while getting to be with the person i love. you don't know how crazily lucky i feel just waking up next to you."
he began to lower himself to the ground.
now it was your turn to have the breath knocked out of you. "jjunie?"
"it would be a lie to say these past five years have been easy, but hey, i love you. so they've all been worth it." he was pulling something out of his pocket.
a ring.
he didn't even need to ask the question for you to begin to tear up (i would.), your answer already so clear to him. "you don't need to even say yes, just let me know i'll be able to love you for et-"
"yes." you smiled, rushing quickly to pull him into a hug. "i've been in love with you since i met you, jjunie. and i plan on loving you for the rest of my life. the past 1,862 days have meant the world to me."
"not like anyones counting or anything." he teased, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
yeah, moving to korea at eighteen was worth it.
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a/n: i've never??? written??? a marriage??? proposal???? ive never???? witnessed???? true love????
©2024 - all rights reserved to hueningsloverr, please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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crappymixtape · 10 months
crappymixtape recos
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going to try and do this at least once a month – sharing fics that have just blown me away ❤ so many talented writers on here omg 🥺 show them some love and BE KIND, REBLOG! xoxo, 💿
❤ “project sunshine” series +18 only – @a-dealwith-god ( TW: typical violence, child abuse, horror, gore, and depictions of mental illness // when another product of Hawkins National Laboratory escaped a long-survived nightmare alongside her sister, she crashed into one unsuspecting teenage boy and dragged him deeper into the dark mysteries that made up their hometown • steve x reader )
❤ “simmer” series +18 only – @upsidedownwithsteve ( welcome to hawkins’ number one diner! where the staff don’t wanna be there and the linecook is a grumpy metal head who likes to argue with his boss and ignore everyone else. but the new waitress can’t hack the rude customers and the regulars can be a little… much • linecook!eddie x waitress!reader )
❤ "from bug’s summer fic fest" – @lovebugism ( reader is clingy but doesn’t wanna come off as clingy so she asks eddie if he wants to be alone and he reassures her he couldn’t go anywhere without her • eddie x reader )
❤ “a quest for bed” – @luveline ( eddie fights to get his usually shy and moderately intoxicated girlfriend to bed when you insist on clinging to him at every turn • eddie x reader )
❤ "lyric request" – @familyvideostevie ( lyrics: “i didn't know you then and i'll never understand why it feels like i did” • steve x reader )
❤ “i can see you” +18 only – @fairyysoup ( TW: read at the link // the secret history of your long and arduous relationship with steve harrington aka the 5 times you pined over each other, and the time you actually did something about it • steve x reader )
❤ "post-game james" +18 only – @theemporium ( james potter post quidditch game shower smut – thinking about his sweaty pecs and big hands and thick thighs • james potter x reader )
❤ "public kisses" – @starryeyedstories ( you know steve would be the mom to kiss his girl in front of the gang because he knows they hate it • steve x reader )
❤ "all i really want is you" series +18 only – @loveshotzz ( a series of slow burn blurbs between older!neighbor!widower! steve x fem!reader – updated every wednesday • steve x reader )
❤ "zombie au" series +18 only – @luveline ( TW: various, read at the links // stranger things AU – reluctant allies to friends to lovers, takes place during the apocalypse • steve x reader )
❤ "injured with eddie" – @eddiemunsons-missingnipple ( stubbing your toe in front of eddie and he acts like you’re dying • eddie x reader )
❤ "the summer of '89" series +18 only – @delphispoeticals ( this is truly going to be a fantastic stranger things meets dirty dancing series and omg just wait til we can read it • dancer!steve x reader )
❤ "dependency problem" +18 only – @writersblockedx  ( TW: drugs, substance abuse, alcohol // when you return to cousins this year, you find that conrad has picked up similar bad habits you once had • conrad fisher x reader )
❤ "a lesson in romantics" series – @stvharrngton ( a multi-part series where reader is the new art teacher at hawkins high and the history teacher, mr. harrington, takes a shine to the new girl. mutual pining ensues on their road to love • steve x reader )
❤ "learning in public" +18 only – @ohcaptains ( you didn’t think he’d enjoy it that much...didn’t think he’d want more, too • carmen ‘carmy’ berzatto x female! reader )
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myhauntedsalem · 2 years
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The History of Zombie Road
Zombie Road has quite a reputation as a place where shadowy figures and other non human entities have long been reported.
Gregory Myers of the Paranormal Task Force presents this piece on the history and deaths of one of the most haunted locations in the United States.
Within the urban sprawl of St. Louis lies a remote area called “Zombie Road”. Urban Legend tells a variety of eerie tales which include being host to ritualistic and occult practices which spawned inhuman and demonic entities while other tales tell of those who met their peculiar demise and still roam this desolate road in the afterlife.
“Zombie Road”, real name “Lawler Ford Road” is about 2 miles long through a valley of forest oak land hills and ends near the Meramec River in the Glencoe, MO area where it meets the newly established “Al Foster” trail.
The history of this area goes back to ancient Native American times where this was one of the few pathways cut by nature over the centuries through the bluffs to the Meramec River area just beyond them. It is believed that traveling ancient Native Americans used this pathway for foot travel and also quarried flint here for the making of various tools and weapons.
In the early 1800’s a Ferry (boat) was operated at the bottom area of this passage at times where a ford was located in the river for settlers and travelers to cross the Meramec River to the other side where the Lewis family owned much of the land. The origin of the road name is unknown to historians even today.
Ninian Hamilton a settler from Kentucky was the first settler to occupy and own land in this area in 1803. After his death in 1856, James E. Yeatman a prominent St. Louis citizen, a founder of the Mercantile Library and president of the Merchants Bank acquired the large parcel of land that Mr. Hamilton settled and owned.
The Pacific Railroad completed their railroad line from St. Louis to Pacific along the Meramec River in this area in the 1850’s. Della Hamilton the wife of Henry McCullough, who was Justice of the Peace for about thirty years and Judge of the County Court from 1849 to 1852, was struck and killed by a train in this area in 1876.
The first large scale gravel operations on the Meramec River began at what would become Yeatman junction in this area. Gravel was taken from the Meramec River and moved on rail cars into St. Louis. The first record of this operation is in the mid-1850’s. Later, steam dredges were used, to be supplanted by diesel or gasoline dredges in extracting gravel from the channel and from artificial lakes dug into the banks. This continued until the 1970’s.
From about 1900 until about 1945, Glencoe and this area was one of the resort communities of the Meramec River’s clubhouse era. Many of the homes were summer clubhouses, later converted to year round residences then lost to the great local floods of the 1990’s.
Some say this is called Zombie Road because the railroad workers who once worked here rise from their graves at times to roam about. Some insist that they have heard old time music, seen anomalous moving lights and other ghostly sightings from that forgotten era. Another tale tells of a patient nicknamed “Zombie” who escaped from a nearby mental facility never to be seen again. His blood soaked gown was later found lying upon the old road later named after him.
Other tales include one of an original settler who met their demise upon the railroad tracks. Another includes a pioneer who lost his wife in a poker game then went back to his homestead and took his own life. Many still report seeing these lonely spirits even today.
During the age of Prohibition a nearby town housed speak-easies and the summer homes of well known gangsters. Tales tell of individuals who were dealt a bad hand by such public enemies resulting in their permanent placement within the ground or bordering river to never be seen again.
The bordering river has tragically delivered many to the other side through the years. Children and adults alike have taken their last living breath within its dangerous waters before being found washed up on its shores. Even during this new millennium, several children met their demise one day within its banks.
The railroad still shows “Death hath no mercy” as many have met their final fate upon its tracks. Local lifelong residents can still remember multitudes of tragic occurrences dating back to the 1950’s. One of these occurred in the 1970’s when two teens were struck by an oncoming train. Some of the local residents were used in search parties to find the body parts scattered about the area.
During the 1990’s a mother and her five year old child were crossing a bridge when an oncoming train met them. The mother’s last action was pushing her five year old child off the bridge. The engineer was able to stop the train and save the child. Although the mother died, this is still one of the happiest endings to a story this area will provide.
More recent past has seen this area become refuge for those wanting privacy to practice the occult and other rituals. Who can really know what true doorways to the darkness or unknown were opened here.
During the 1960’s a couple in their late teens were on top of the bluffs overlooking the road below.The male somehow lost footing and during the fall caught his face in a fork of a small tree growing out from the side of the bluff. His face and scalp remained while the rest of him fell to his death upon the road below. Others have also met their demise from the high bluffs above.
The area has also seen its share of suicides and murders. In the 1970’s a hunter stumbled across a car still running at the end the road. Closer inspection revealed a hose running from the exhaust pipe to the inside of the car with the driver slumped over the steering wheel.
One can agree that there is no lack of legends or tragedies surrounding this area which can explain the bizarre and eerie encounters of those who visit. I was one who became truly intrigued and attracted by such lore and was determined to either prove or disprove the Urban Legends surrounding it.
Within an hour several people observed a human sized shadow figure as it descended upon them from a small bluff nearby. It then ran onto the road, stopped, then disappeared into the darkness of the night. Throughout the night others heard unexplained voices, were touched by the unseen and witnessed the unexplained. This was one night that everyone could conclude that indeed some Urban Legends actually are real!
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celestialastronmy · 3 months
Here we go, I wanted to speak about one of my favorite redemption arcs in video game history
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This is one of the most compelling games, where we get to witness an extraordinary transformation that's as heart-tugging as it is inspiring. Let's delve into the life of Lee Everett - the convicted murderer who rose like a phoenix from the ashes of his past to become a father figure to young Clementine. This is the story of a man who found redemption in the unlikeliest of places, making us feel for him, root for him, and connect with him in a way few characters have managed to do before.
In the dystopian world that is now Lee and Clementine's home, redemption isn't as simple as saying sorry. It's a long, winding road of self-discovery and growth. Our journey starts with Lee in the back of a police car, his past marred by a crime of passion and his future looking anything but bright. But hold on, here's where things take an exciting turn. The zombie apocalypse, terrifying as it may be, offers Lee a chance to start afresh, to build a new identity that's more than his past mistakes.
The crux of Lee's redemption arc is his relationship with Clementine. This isn't a forced bond but one that grows and evolves naturally, giving us a heart-rending look into guilt, responsibility, and the potential for change. From the moment he meets Clementine, Lee becomes her guardian angel. Guided by her innocence and her faith in him, he vows to protect her, a promise that helps him make amends for his past in a way nothing else could.
As we move further into the story, we see Lee's paternal instincts come to the fore. He teaches Clementine how to survive in this harsh new world, helping her become a fighter, and in doing so, he proves his commitment to her well-being. These moments mark his transformation from a convicted criminal to a protective guardian.
Lee's redemption is a masterful narrative device. It's not flashy or over-the-top. It's subtle, profound, and incredibly moving. His redemption comes not from a grand declaration of change, but from small, everyday actions that demonstrate his evolution. It's not about forgetting his past but about his dedication to Clementine's survival.
The real genius in Lee's redemption arc is its setting. The zombie apocalypse, for all its horror, offers Lee a chance at redemption that he could never find in the pre-apocalyptic world. It frees him from the labels society had slapped on him, allowing him to redefine himself as a protector, a mentor, and a father figure.
The final episode of the game is the perfect culmination of Lee's redemption arc. On the brink of turning into a zombie, his last act is to ensure Clementine's safety. He guides her through handcuffing him, ensuring he won't be a threat once he turns. It's his ultimate act of redemption - a man once punished for taking a life now willingly gives up his own to save another.
So there you have it - the redemption arc of Lee in Twdg, a narrative so immersive it sucks you right in. It's a testament to the transformative power of relationships and the potential for change, even in the direst of situations. Lee's bond with Clementine redeems him, not by erasing his past but by allowing him to shape a different future. In the end, Lee Everett is remembered not as a convicted criminal but as a father, a protector, and a teacher. His redemption arc is a beacon of hope - a reminder that even in a world overrun by the dead, there's room for humanity and goodness to flourish.
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The Bracket is Finally Here!
Spotify playlist with (almost) all songs in the tournament
Remember you can leave propaganda for any of these songs in the ask box both before and during the polls
(The image kinda smushed it all together but there's a written version at the bottom)
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Written matches under the cut:
(Parenthesis on the song title: Additions to the title or other titles commonly used for the song in animations and animatics) ([blank]: a placeholder for a word that might variate in the title according to the animatic, usually a character's name)
Bracket 1, Side A:
You'll be back - Hamilton Musical VS. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set it Off
I cut myself (shaving) - Talkshow Boy VS. Curses - The Crane Wives
Kiss Me, Son of God - They Might Be Giants VS. Open Up Your Eyes - My Little Pony: friendship is magic
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay VS. Ready as I'll ever be - Tangled the series
Sincerely, Me - Dear Evan Hansen Musical VS. Promiseland - MIKA
Wine Red - The Hush Sound VS. Once Upon a December - Anastasia (Movie)
Everything at Once - Lenka VS. Little Miss Perfect - Written by Joriah Kwamé
Good for you - Dear Evan Hansen Musical VS. Never love an Anchor - The Crane Wives
Cupid - Jack Stauber VS. The other side - The Greatest Showman Musical
Eight Wonder - Lemon Demon VS. How bad can I be? - The Lorax (Movie)
Just Take My Wallet - Jack Stauber VS. Blue Lips - Regina Spektor
Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber VS. Tongues and Teeth - The Crane Wives
Poison - Cavetown VS. I'm the Bad Guy - Wonder Over Yonder / Caleb Hyles cover
Partners in Crime - Set It Off VS. It's tough to be a God - The Road to El Dorado (Movie)
Are You Satisfied? - MARINA VS. Brave as a Noun - AJJ The Band
Me, you and Steve - Garfunkel and Oates VS. Oh No! - MARINA
Bracket 1, Side B:
It took me by Surprise - Maria Mena VS. Father - The Front Bottoms
Hayloft - Mother Mother VS. When You're Evil - Voltaire
I Know I'm a Wolf - Young Heretics VS. Ordinary - Written by Joriah Kwamé
Anything you can do - Annie Get Your Gun Musical VS. Left Brain, Right Brain - Bo Burnham
Christmas Kids - Roar VS. I Know Those Eyes / This Man is Dead - Thomas Borchert
The Dismemberment Song - Blue Kid VS. Allies or Enemies - The Crane Wives
Turn the Lights off - Tally Hall VS. Boys will be Bugs - Cavetown
Ghosting - Mother Mother VS. Villain - Stella Jang
Defying Gravity - Wicked Musical VS. Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
Crossing the Line - Tangled the Series VS. Runs in the Family - Amanda Palmer
Everybody Talks - Neon Trees VS. Under My Skin - Jukebox The Ghost
Saint Bernard - Lincoln VS. Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery
The History of Wrong Guys - Kinky Boots Musical VS. Order Made ([blank]'s Order Made) - RADWIMPS
Charlie's Inferno ([blank]'s Inferno) - That Handsome Devil VS. Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Ultimately - Khai Dreams VS. Who Are You, Really? - Mikky Ekko
The Zombie Song - Stephanie Mabey VS. When He Sees Me - Waitress Musical
Bracket 2, Side A:
Interlude IV - Zach Callison VS. Honey, I'm Home - GHOST
Little Lion Man (Not your fault) - Mumford & Sons VS. Confrontation - Jekyll and Hyde, the Gothic Musical Thriller
The Other Side of Paradise - Glass Animals VS. I Won't Say (I'm in Love) - Disney's Hercules
El Muchacho de los Ojos Tristes - Jeanette VS. Feelings are Fatal - Mxmtoon
The Religion of Loneliness (Lonely Religion) - Syudou VS. Ikanaide - Soraru and Mafumafu
The Killing Kind - Marianas Trench VS. Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel VS. Achilles Come Down - Gang Of Youths
If you were gay - Avenue Q Musical VS. My R ([Blank]'s R) - KurageP / cover by Rachie
Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienna Teng VS. No Children (I hope we both die) - The Mountain Goats
I can't decide ([Blank] can't decide) - Scissor Sisters VS. OO is a receiver ([Blank] is a receiver) - Ura Commander-P
A Sadness Runs Through Him - The Hoosiers VS. You're Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring
Dr Sunshine is Dead - Will Wood and the Tapeworms VS. A Crow's Trial (A [blank]'s Trial) - Vane
The Riddle - Scarlett Pimpernel Musical VS. Crush - Tessa Violet
Be Nice To Me - The Front Bottoms VS. My Ordinary Life - The Living Tombstone
Sweet Talk - Saint Motel VS. I do adore - Mindy Gledhill
I wish you liked girls - Abbey Glover / I wish you liked boys - Cover by Jasper Isaac VS. Like Real People Do - Hozier
Bracket 2, Side B:
Stronger Than You - Steven Universe VS. Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie
Emperor's New Clothes - Panic! at the Disco VS. Butch 4 Butch (Sweetheart's Piano) - Rio Romero
Two Birds - Regina Spektor VS. Amnesia Was Her Name - Lemon Demon
Love Like You - Steven Universe VS. Escapism - Steven Universe
Everything Stays - Adventure Time VS. This day Aria - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
My Whole Family ([blank]'s Whole Family think they're gay) - Bo Burnham VS. Popular - Wicked Musical
The Bro Duet - Written by Alexander Sage Oyen VS. Cabinet Man - Lemon Demon
Self-inflicted Achromatic - Nekobolo VS. Welcome To The Internet - Bo Burnham
The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives VS. Dream Sweet in Sea Major - Miracle Musical
What is This Feeling? - Wicked Musical VS. There! Right there! (Is [blank] Gay or European?) - Legally Blonde the Musical
Goodbye (Look who's inside again) - Bo Burnham VS. This is Home - Cavetown
Pad Thai - Jack Stauber VS. How Far We've Come - Matchbox 20
The Mind Electric - Miracle Musical VS. The Nowhere King - Centaurworld
Rät - Penelope Scott VS. Therefore You and Me - TadanoCo / E ve cover
Fish in a Birdcage - Fish in a Birdcage VS. Devil's Train - The Lab Rats
The Game of Life - Yuzuhico VS. Dust and Ashes - Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 Musical
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cemyafilmarsiv · 8 months
Twitter: C3myaa
Letterboxd: Cmya
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My music playlist
Turkish Cinema
Horror movies
SciFi Movies
SciFi - Action Movies
Post apocalyptic
Political cinema
War movies
History movies
Road Movies
Adventure movies
Mystery Movies
Psychological thriller
Drama Movies
Romance Movies
Animated Movies
Epidemic Movies
Zombie Movies
Vampire Movies
Experiment movies
Crime Movies
Detective Movies
Heist Movies
Prison Movies
Journalism Movies
Kitap, Alıntı, Edebiyat, Şiir
Action Movies
Film Tavsiye
Disaster Movies
Biography Movies
Documentary film
Suicide Movies
Enjoy the movies…
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so, alright, here are the movies/MEDIA that make me go *oh shit I'm so bi, omg bisexual panic*
so, alright, here are the MOVIES that make me go *oh shit I'm so bi, omg bisexual panic* (it can be very bi-vibes movies or simply movies that make me feel how very deeply i love being bi, or the ones i just enjoy rewatching-not necessarily with bi/queer representation!) : Red, White & Royal Blue 2023 , The Mummy 1999, The Little Mermaid 2023, The Little Mermaid 1989, Anne Of Green Gables 1985, The Road to El Dorado 2000, Mulan 1998, The Cutting Edge 1992, Ten Inch Hero 2007, Rebel Without A Cause 1955, Better Off Dead 1985, Anastasia 1997, The Idea of You 2024, Rise Of The Guardians 2012, 10 Things I Hate About You 1999, Do Revenge 2022, Charlie’s Angels 2019, Bottoms 2023, Cadet Kelly 2002, Lemonade Mouth 2011, The Little Vampire 2017, John Tucker Must Die 2006, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies 2016, The Princess and The Frog 2009, The Addams Family 1991, Addams Family Values 1993, Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2001, The Favourite 2018, Challengers 2024, (+ will probably keep adding to this soon-ish)
+ edit TV SHOWS that my bi heart loves: One Tree Hill(OTH), Shadow and Bone, Roswell 90s(OG), White Collar, Reign, Mary & George, Heartstopper, Wild Cards, Living for the Dead, Warrior Nun, XO Kitty, Wednesday, Maxton Hall : The World Between Us (2024), Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous(JWCC) & Jurassic World Chaos Theory (JWCT) , Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Dawson's Creek, Vampire Academy, Willow, Dickinson, Heartbreak High, Teen Titans, Legacies, TheAddamsFamily(1964-1966), Love Victor, Lockwood&Co,
+ edit BOOKS/ BOOK SERIES that my bi heart absolutely LOVES:
Artemis Fowl Series by Eoin Colfer, Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi, The Folk Of The Air Series by Holly Black, The Diviners Series by Libba Bray, The Devouring Gray Duology by C.L. Herman, GRISHAVERSE books (Six of Crows!!, Shadow and Bone, King of Scars-3 mini series) by Leigh Bardugo , This Woven Kingdom Series by Tahereh Mafi , Fallen Series by Lauren Kate, Elixir Series by Hilary Duff, The Cemetery Of Forgotten Books Series by C. R. Zafón, The Keys To The Kingdom Series by Garth Nix, Infinity Cycle Series by Adam Silvera, Anne Of Green Gables Series by L. M. Montgomery, Bloodlines Series & Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead, An Ember In The Ashes Series by Sabaa Tahir, The Selection Series by Kiera Cass + STANDALONES Lauren Kate-Unforgiven (standalone book in my opinion), Eoin Colfer- Airman, David Nicholls- One Day, Gayle Forman-Just One- Day & Year & Night (mini series), Vanessa Len-Only a Monster (mini series here too), Adam Silvera- History Is All You Left Me, Adam Silvera- They Both Die At The End , Adam Silvera- The First To Die At The End, Becky Albertalli-Imogen,Obviously, Mason Deaver- I Wish You All The Best(+short novella here!), Casey McQuiston-Red White&Royal Blue, Aaron H Aceves-This Is Why They Hate Us, Mason Deaver-The Feeling Of Falling In Love, Sophie Gonzales-The Law Of Inertia, H.E.Edgmon-The Witch King & The Fae Keeper (duology!) , H.E.Edgmon-Godly Heathens (mini series here!) , Carlos Ruiz Zafón- The Midnight Palace, Isabel Abedi- Whisper Haunted House, Francis Scott Fitzgerald- The Love Of Last Tycoon, Leo Tolstoy- Anna Karenina, S. E. Hinton- The Outsiders, Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera-Here's to Us & What If It's Us (duology) (will keep adding here probably!)
+ about THE MUSIC:
love you all, we need MORE bisexuality in media!!
+some links:
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madsmilfelsen · 5 months
Hello! I'm really curious, what books/authors would you recommend to someone who's new to writing horror?
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Hi! Here is what I have on hand (minus my loaned out copies of my favorite book ever Mongrels by Stephen Graham Jones and Never Whistle At Night: an indigenous anthology of dark fiction which made me cry on an airplane and made the person next to me very uncomfortable, like she was just trying to build a cart at banana republic, apologies to seat 17B)
God’s Cruel Joke Lit Mag because I’m in them and will be in issue 4, too :) published either mid-January or February 2024– @labyrinthphanlivingafacade is in issue 3 with a great short story that I won’t spoil ***right now the magazines are available to purchase in physical copies but I was told all issues will be free to download as pdfs pretty soon!
Severance by Ling Ma (body horror but not in the way you think, the real horror is repetition and loneliness)
Wilder Girls by Rory Power (body horror)
The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis (adjacent the horror genre but a hell of a read)
We Have Always Lived in a Castle by Shirely Jackson (I read this for the first time last spring boy howdy, I also included The Lottery for its suspense)
Dean Koontz because my husband suggested it for the list— this was just the first title I grabbed, I think he said Patrician Crowell too but I was busy looking for Mongrels
A Good and Happy Child by Justin Evans (I didn’t finish this because depression set in shortly after I started but the first chapter plays with second pov which I really liked, I’m determined to read it this year)
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn (I really enjoyed HBO’s adaptation)
The Girl With All The Gifts by M.R. Carey (likely the only zombie stories that made me weep uncontrollably)
Girls & Sex by Peggy Orenstein (non-fiction: explores modern young women navigating sexuality and because I have a thing for loss of autonomy— it’s been a few years since I read it but there is discussion of sexual assault, but I appreciate the expanse of her research and even included a conversation with someone who is asexual)
Black Leopard Red Wolf by Marlon James (got a chill just typing this out— the audio book is exquisite)
You’ll notice some nonfiction because, as a historian undergrad, nothing scares me more than man. The battles of Leningrad and Stalingrad are particularly stomach churning. America’s Reconstruction Era is full of acted out malice and under taught in my opinion.
An Indigenous People’s History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
The 900 Days, The Siege of Leningrad by Harrison E. Salisbury
Enemy at the Gates by William Craig
(On the other side of WW2 I have a book of the experiences of German solider’s left over from a paper I wrote on the inadequacy of Nazi uniforms and how it expedited their failure in Russia, Frontsoldaten by Stephen G. Fritz)
Stony the Road by Henry Louis Gates, Jr (one of my favorite authors, try finding “How Reconstruction Still Shapes American Racism” Time Magazine, April 2, 2019, I used it as a source for a paper on the history of voting rights)
Bloodstoppers and Bearwalkers— folk tales of Canadians, Lumberjacks & Indians by Richard M. Dorson (published around 1952 but content collected from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the 40’s)
Raven Tells Stories: An Anthology of Alaskan Native Writing (I’m Alutiiq and the museum on Kodiak has a lot of stories recorded under Alutiiq Museum Podcast— my kids and I listen on Spotify)
I think the genre of horror is really mastering tension and playing on peoples fears which is why I included old school folk stories (An Underground Education had a great write up on the Grimm Brothers and the original fairy tales from around the world such as the Chinese and Egyptian Cinderella, as well as several different sections of funny tales, torture techniques, absolute weirdos etc etc) in this vein of thought The Uses of Enchanment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales by Bruno Bettelheim could prove to be useful
If you’re writing a character with Bad Parents— Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents and Toxic Parents (it has a longer subtitle but I don’t see my copy anywhere) might be able to help you shape character traits
I reached out to @littleredwritingcat who has a mind plentiful in sources who recommended
The Gathering Dark: an anthology of folk horror (I will be picking this one up asap)
Toll by Cherie Priest (southern gothic)
Anything by Jennifer MacMahon
The Elementals by Michael McDowell
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sugolara · 7 months
𝙎𝙖𝙛𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙨
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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When Shoto found a map resting near his feet, he gave it to Katsuki, “We seem to be getting close.”
A day had gone by and Izuku refused to talk to Katsuki. Katsuki, on the other hand, refused to apologize. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, it was just that he was bad at communicating. He felt childish. He remembered when he was little how his mother would scold him for being mean to Izuku.
He wondered how his mother would make him apologize if she were to hear what happened now.
“A day.” Katsuki gruffly said.
Yesterday when they pulled to the side of the road to switch driving, Izuku had found a 12 pack of water as well as dried up berries, nuts and fruits in a basket placed in the trunk. Although he was also mad at F/n, he eventually forgave her when she explained that the boy had a bite on his calves as his jeans were soaked in blood.
Izuku didn’t remember the boy having a bite since he was too busy arguing with Katsuki, but he took her word. He hadn’t realized the way she looked at him as she lied.
“Any second and the car will run out of gas.” Shoto said, eying the gas meter.
“Tsk.” Katsuki pointed ahead, “Told you we should’ve took the backstreets”
Leaning forward, F/n let out a groan, “Great. Who knew the freeway would be blocked.”
Pressing the brakes, Shoto tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, “Now what? We can’t move all of them.”
“And we can’t take a detour.” Izuku added, “We're already too far from any other street.”
The four gave each other a knowing look, “Walking it is.”
Getting out, Izuku stayed by F/n as she walked further towards the cars. Katsuki and Shoto grabbed the duffel bag of ammo, guns and what little food they have left. Shoto eyed Katsuki from his side, “Are you ever going to apologize to Izuku?”
“Are you ever going to mind your damn business?” Katsuki walked off.
Rolling his eyes, Shoto closed the trunk and followed after. Seeing F/n on top of a car, Shoto passed her the binoculars, “You see anything?”
She scanned the highway and wasn’t pleased, “Just loads of cars.’
“Any dead?” Izuku asked.
“Are you dumb?” Katsuki rhetorically asked, “There’s going to be dead everywhere.”
“I’m sorry?” Izuku glanced at Shoto then at F/n, “Do you hear something? I think I’m losing my humanity since I can hear these flies talking.”
Shoto and F/n raised their arms in a surrendering way, “Don’t get us involved.”
Katsuki barked back at him, “Now you’re just being fucking childish!”
“Swear, I’m losing my mind.” Izuku hummed and walked to a nearby car.
F/n jumped off the car and gave Katsuki a look, “I already apologized.”
Shoto patted his back, “Better do it sooner.”
Rolling his eyes for what seemed like the millionth time, Katsuki marched after them. Katsuki stayed next to Shoto, not wanting to be near Izuku. If Izuku wanted to play a game, then so be it.
While F/n waited for Izuku to finish searching the truck, she munched on some stale pistachio, “You know…you’re going to have to make up with Katsuki. Preferably sooner.”
Izuku didn’t say anything and instead let F/n continue, “I don’t exactly know your whole history with him, but you two are friends and you both mean a lot to each other. I remember when you first saw him, you were shocked yet relieved and happy.”
She eyed Izuku and continued, “I know he said some pretty mean stuff, but he doesn't mean it and we can’t start getting mad and turning on each other. That’s how groups began to crumble. We’re all that we have. We made it this far because we have and rely on each other. I don’t want to die, Shoto doesn’t want to die, Katsuki is too stubborn to die and I’m pretty sure you don’t want to die.”
Izuku then stared at her for a few seconds before looking away, “You’re wrong.”
“Since yesterday, I’ve noticed how right Kachaan is.” He glanced down, ” I have been living in my head because I’m scared to face reality. I’m scared to live in this world where we have to survive everyday and not turn into those things. And I can’t wake up and face reality because I don’t want to.
“I still cling onto the idea that there is still hope and that one day we’ll awake from this horrible nightmare. I’ll wake up and see my mom, my dad, my friends and everyone else including you living a normal life.” He let out a small sad chuckle, “Could you believe how stupid that sounds?”
F/n swallowed harshly as she looked away and let him continue, “I’m 18 years old, heck my 19th birthday probably passed already and I’m still wishing like a child. Still wishing that the moment I wake up, I’ll see mom in the kitchen making my favorite food.
“I’m so scared that there'll be some days where I don’t ever want to wake up.” A tear glided down his cheek before he quickly wiped it away, “Kachaan is right. If he didn’t say it, I am weak. It’s always someone saving me and before you know it, I’ll be the one to die next.”
Foolish, was all F/n could think as she hugged him and without hesitating, Izuku hugged her tightly.
Slowly looking away, Shoto placed the butterfly in his pocket and figured he’d give it to her later. He walked back to Katsuki and watched as the blonde threw papers out the car, “You’re littering.”
Katsuki gave him a look, “Like littering is the least of our worries. I don’t see no damn cops out here rushing to give me a ticket–and where the hell is F/n and Deku? We’re wasting daylight.”
Shoto shrugged, “They’ll be here any minute.”
“What the hell are they doing that’s taking so long.” Katsuki rolled his eyes and looked away.
Hearing Izuku and F/n walking towards them while chatting, Shoto strolled off. Katsuki followed Shoto, “‘Bout damn time.”
“You guys find anything?” F/n asked.
“Shit load of cars is what we found.” Katsuki replied.
Shoto pointed ahead, “There's this RV I found. Figured we would stay there until tomorrow. The sun's beginning to set and since we haven’t seen any rotters, they’ll soon probably come by. Better to stay hidden than to be at a disadvantage.”
Agreeing with the plan, they head to the RV and drop off their stuff in there before searching the cars around. As minutes passed by, gray clouds began to form. Looks like tonight will be a big storm.
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