#his flashbacks... chefs kiss
reclusiveharry · 1 year
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John 16:22: So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. 23: In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.
During The Shock, Harry and Will encounter each other in the jungle. As they view the other’s memories, Harry and Will discover that the other knows John Atkinson. Harry desperately tries to see more of John through Will’s memories, but she only sees memories of William’s time raising a child on the beach. Frustrated, and raw with grief, Harry lashes out at the island itself, and the two go their separate ways. 
Water was the imperative. Will had gone an immeasurable amount of time without it (approximately 18 hours and counting). He kept going for his skin hoping it might have magically refilled - because that was how the island worked. It felt like he’d skirted around the edge of the same ruined old shelter half a dozen times (it had been 8 so far). Until he finally diverged off the same lucid path and took a fresh one. Pulled forwards by no sense of logic or reason. 
It was somewhere here that Willie heard a whistle through the trees. Snap of dried vines underfoot. “Ay’up…” He called, cautiously quiet to test the waters. “Don’t like being snuck up on…” 
Harry always took interest in the footsteps of solo travellers, an aching, battered hope weakly fluttering in her chest. It had been too long now, a long time ago she would have been able to know John's footsteps immediately, a familiar gait that had stepped next to her for decades. Now, now she couldn't be sure. 
She had a sinking feeling it wasn't John, the footsteps too big, heavy and unsteady. Quietly, Harry approached, until she saw the figure through the trees. Christ he was a giant, he looked a little delirious too, the way Sisco could get without sun. Harry gritted her teeth together, swallowing the disappointment, when she misstepped. Her foot cracked a dry branch and the man was agitated now, a warning note to his voice. Harry sighed, weighing up her options. She didn't like the thought of a big fellow like him chasing her down, convinced she meant ill. So, Harry swallowed her pride and turned back to the man, louder now as she approached so he wouldn't be spooked. 
"What do you eat, then?" Harry asked as she came into his view, warily eyeing him up. "Horses?" she supplied. 
Through the depths of the trees came a voice and like a lucid hallucination Willie thought this was all part of the jungle’s bit. He wasn’t expecting his newly committed follower to reveal themselves so thoroughly. It were a woman, she was slight but by no means titchy. Took Willie a second to process what she was asking, her question hanging between them for a solid minute as his slurried brain tried to catch up. Once she supplied a possible answer, Willie laughed, deep and rough around the edges. “Not wrong but ain’t no horses here…” It had been a long time and truth be told, no-one had wanted to eat the family horse.
“You’s…real?” Will asked tentatively, not sure if what he was seeing was a result of no sleep, and very little water. He had a feeling that she wasn’t a figment of his imagination because surely, surely, he’d be envisioning someone familiar. Not just a jungle hag, as pretty as she may have been underneath the smear of dirt. “You have any water?” This came out as a plead, his desperation overweighing his pride, not that Will had ever been overly concerned with that. 
Time would tell if Harry had made a poor decision in revealing herself to this stranger. At least for now he appeared rather harmless, disorientated maybe, but not a dangerous sort of desperate. He laughed loudly, which was jarring to Harry, so used to the relative quiet of the jungle, undisturbed by human sound. She hummed as he took her opening jest well, a rare occurrence indeed, when Harry’s gruff nature paired perfectly with a dry opener.
“Last time I checked,” Harry supplied to his question, wishing that she weren’t real in that moment, so she could slip away like a wisp through the trees. The sheer size of him made Harry uncomfortable. Harry, who wasn’t a small woman (though she was slight), disliked the imposing shadow of this stranger nonetheless. Harry sighed as he asked her for water, sucking on her teeth. She disliked the thought of hanging around him for any longer than necessary, but Harry still had a heart, as caked in bitterness and dirt as it was. She reached into the side of her pack, pulled her canteen from its pocket and threw it towards the man, not wanting to get any closer than necessary. “I want the canteen back,” she curtly told him, waiting for him to have his fill. 
“There are streams that way,” Harry said, inclining her head to the side. “You’ll only last three days without water.”
She was real. She also tossed him a flask of water which was more than Will could ever have asked for. He immediately scrambled in the dirt for it as she hadn’t come close enough to pass the canteen over. Whilst she informed him there was streams that way with an incline of her head, he nearly missed all of it furiously unscrewing the lid to chug down as much water as he could handle. It started dribbling down the side of his lips as he couldn’t drink fast enough, but still wanted more. “Heavens…” He spluttered, now leant over as if to catch his breath canteen still in hand along with the lid. “You’s a miracle ducky…” He’d thought it would be death’s calling for him, finally. Would explain why his ears had been ringing incessantly.
Not that Will would’ve minded, save for the fact the thirst was making him go doolally. His mind wasn’t instantaneously crystal clear, but he did feel better for it. Will inched ever so slightly closer as he screwed the lid back on again. “I don’t recognise you’s…” Will said, eyeing her up again with consideration now that the immediate issue of water was a none-issue. She hadn’t come from his throng of people so perhaps she was a part of this jungle – Will had met a few like that.
“I mean’s no harm ducky…just gotten myself lost…” In a sense, yes, he was hopelessly lost. But if Willie tried it was not impossible for him to scour the way out back though the blasted tunnels. Only he wasn’t sure what was left to go back to. “You’s really real, aren’t you…” He reiterated as if he had only finally heard her answer from minutes ago, Will approached and regrettably did as he always did. Clapped a large rough hand to her shoulder without asking first if it was even okay. “You’re a goo–-”
It was an ordinary, good day. Harry warmed herself by the fire, her fingers turning red and toasty from the heat. Mum was curled up in her arm chair, making a point of carding the wool, a task she was hoping Harry would help her with. Uncle was by his seat in the corner, wrapped up in his throws, listening to the music on the radio. Her cousin was out with friends, and John was still at school. Harry pulled a thick envelope from her jacket and slid into the side table, enjoying this little moment of peace; her mum, scratching wool back and forth the combs, uncle humming along to a swing tune. She opened the envelope, hungrily reading the notes and key points John had sent her, to help review the essay inside.
There was a loud crack from the fireplace, a series of short pops and a mean hiss. The noise barely registered with Harry at first, engrossed in the world of native grasses and nitrogen fixation. Behind her, across the room, came the smashing sound of porcelain, the screech of chair legs on the floor, the thud of someone moving. 
“Sniper!” cried uncle, and Harry whipped around in time to see him scrambling from his chair, pressing himself in the corner of the room and tipping the chair over himself. “Sargent!” he shouted, followed by wordless cries as he shook violently, hands slapping the sides of his head. 
“No, no David, you’re safe,” cooed Harry’s mum, her tools abandoned on the floor. 
“No!” uncle weeped, hyperventilating, his eyes the size of dinner plates, unglazed, unfocused. “They’re watching us…” 
Mum crept cautiously towards uncle. Harry slowly got up out of her chair, palms sweating, nervous as she watched uncle. She’d seen what happened if he got convinced that mum was an enemy soldier, how his eyes would flare from fear to anger, how he would try and launch himself at her, still stuck in the trenches. “Mum,” she warned, as uncle started to rock back and forth. 
“Harriet, the curtains.” Mum waved Harry off, and Harry gritted her teeth and walked across the room, closing the heavy curtains. Nothing scared uncle more in his episodes than the sight of the mountains, they reminded him of the endless, pointless climb of Gallipoli. 
Her uncle shouted again, wordless fear. “No! Get away!” Harry turned around in time to see uncle shove the chair at mum, mum teetering off balance as she wheeled back into the wall. 
Harry bit back at her instant to cry out for her mother. Any noise-
That was when the drummer launched into a solo, all syncopation and hard beats. He’d been so good lately, but now that he was in his episode uncle wordlessly let out a sobbing wail, striking his head with increasing force. 
“David, David darling, don’t do that,” Mum soothed, coming forward again, this time able to reach his hands, try and reduce the intensity of his strikes. “Harriet!” she hissed under her breath, casting a look at the radio. 
Harry didn’t need to be told twice. She turned the knob on the radio, switching it to the classical music station. Soft string music filled the air, Harry turned the speakers up so the music engulfed them, swallowed them up inside of it. 
Gradually, uncle’s strikes ceased. He sobbed softly, rocking back and forth. Mum crouched next to him, holding his head in her chest, patting his hair. “You’re home, David. You’re home, you made it home. You’re safe. You’re safe here. Sweet angel, you’re safe.” 
Harry silently stood on guard, watching them, making sure that the worst was over. Wondering, not for the first time, what her father would have been like, if he’d returned from the Great War. If he’d have been as broken by uncle, shell-shocked, a ghost of his former self. But it was pointless wondering, she’d never know. 
Either Harry was a poor shot or the Giant was more discombobulated than he looked. She watched, not without mild amusement as he scrambled amongst the leaf litter like a pig hunting truffles, and the desperate way he hungrily poured the water down his throat. She tensed as he clambered back up to his feet, but as he spoke she found herself transfixed in place, a combination of trying to parse his regional as fuck accent, and the soothing way he spoke to her, as if aware at any moment and was liable to spook and run off.
"Yeah, we haven't met before, eh?" Wouldn't meet again if Harry could get her way. She eyed up the canteen as he approached, bristling, ready to sink him into the earth below. But who the Giant did was clap her shoulder, his eyes glazing over once more. "Oi, just watch it mate," Harry snapped, shirking her shoulder away and shoving at the Giant, her palm pressing on his arm and then it was her turn-
There’s a notion of luck in it – that someone who knows what their doing happened to stumble across him. To simply slip under the dirty swirl of mud marbled bog waters was not how Willie anticipated his end to be. Swept up by a current that he had no hope of fighting against. Somehow, someone carved through the water, hauled him out and did their best to clear his lungs. Despite what should’ve been a proficiency, he’d been driven into a state of panic and swallowed large gulps of the stinking water. Willie startled back coughing, and hacking up the vile water.
By the time he pushed himself up onto his side he expected the mysterious force to be gone. But there he was met with a pair of glacial eyes that cut through the murk of the jungle. The bloke’s gaze wasn’t cold, he had a genial warmth that stretched from his lips, through to the very light creases in and around his eyes. Most especially as he said. “What a place to take a dip, eh?”
“Yes.” Will said, between coughs.
“How’d you end up in the water?”
That seemed like an easy enough question. “Dunno…”
The bloke smiled at that, and said something that sounded a little like ‘not to worry probably best…’ but Will couldn’t quite catch it, any of it. He tried to haul himself up but his hands just sunk straight down into the mud.
“Easy, take it easy, here have some of this.”
Will was handed a canteen which felt cruel given the state of his hands. He wiped the worst of the mud off onto his trousers and then grasped the canteen with both of his hands. Willie realised too late that he’d been chugging most of it down greedily. “Sorry,” he said, handing it back.
“Growing fella aren’t you?” The stranger said, with another smart smile. He was busying himself with reattaching his canteen to his belt loop whilst Will sat there gormlessly watching him.  “Got a name?” 
“John William Shaw but you’s can call me Willie.”
“You don’t say, John Atkinson.”
At this Will served him up a cracked tooth smile, pleased to find another name-mate, especially on the island. “HAH!” His short bark of a laugh echoed through the hooded trees. “We’s a pair.” 
“Couple of Johns.” 
“All my brothers were Johns.” Will held out a muddy hand which for a moment John merely stared at, and then without further hesitation he took, stooping down to take it. “Makes you one too.” 
“Well it’s my lucky day then!” 
There was that glib smile again, as if John was particularly satisfied with himself. 
“I don’t suppose you can get up yourself? If I try to haul you up I might end up in the drink myself!”
Will nodded as if to take the command in, and realising it didn’t have to be this way he used a slither of a guest through the dense trees to swing himself up. He cracked a voracious grin, slapping John about the shoulders, “we canna have that!” 
Harry frowned, nauseous as an image… a memory flitted through her mind. She could still taste the mud in her mouth and see… “John…” she muttered, her voice soft, yearning, confused. He… She’d seen him, alone, getting himself into trouble with that bleeding heart of his, helping… Harry looked to the Giant, face twitching as she tried to figure out what it meant. 
“What the hell was that?” she accused, wondering if it were an island trick. Something to fuck with them, an extension of the strange powers one could have over the elements. “That vision?” A memory, she hoped, a memory of John, alive after they’d parted ways, because Harry sure as hell hadn’t met the Giant before. “You met John?” she accused, storming up to the man, not caring that he towered over her, that she should probably not aggravate him. She was desperate for news on John. “When?” She prodded his chest-
Will felt grossly nauseous as he came too, there wasn’t words for it really, it felt as though he’d been torn asunder. Split by a life that he had not lived, that couldn’t be a hallucination and if it were it was so vivid, so real. The voice hadn’t been his, the uncle unfamiliar, and a mother, beautiful as she may have been, Will had only felt the heavy weight of fighting the inevitable. Being their stoic guardian. Then as he came to, thrust back into the jungle headfirst as if he’d never left, it became apparent that she was gone. The woman’s eyes were glassy. Had she been taken? Will felt a flurry of panic as he stepped back… “no…”
“Not again…”
But as quick as she’d gone, she came back and immediately she hurled accusations at him. “Jo–-” In his state he couldn’t recall who it was she was talking about. What in the ever loving– “vision?”
Except when she persisted, everything fell into place, it were the same glacial gaze, except her’s was hardened. Iced over like steel. “Yeah ducky…” He started, but she didn’t give him a chance to answer coming up like a storm, making her demands. “It were–-”
Willie knew it had been a good night, because he’d woken up by the dwindling fire downstairs and not on the floor upstairs, as was proper. It weren’t a good morning though. One of the little buggers had come down and given him a good walloping kick. “Ay’up!” He hollered, out of the corner of his sleep-hazed eyes he saw little Lou with her savage smile. She skipped out of sight no doubt to go tell ma that he was up to no good. Will hauled himself up to see that the shutters had already been opened, which could only mean one thing – -
The bellowing voice could only have belonged to one man, and one man only. Will prickled, readying himself for the fight ahead.
Out through the front door he found his pa stood with one leg up on the canal side wall. His pa gestured towards the boat that was wanting to come into the lock and tossed the ratchet windlass in Willie’s direction. Will ducked, instead of catching it, which was the appropriate response with slurried reactions. It hit the wall behind him, and richoteted off onto the floor. Will scrambled after it and with a huff, clambered over the lock gate. The bridge would’ve been more convenient, safer, but Will in his still slightly tipsy-stupor revelled in staring down the perilous drop into the rush of water. 
“Right you are pa…” He muttered under this breath, and hauled himself over the black beam onto the other side. Will jumped down, surprised to see that it were Danny on duty today, he weren’t hardly big enough to push his half of the gate open by himself. Will jogged up to the top gate, the one that needed opening. “WHERE’S JUNIOR?” He called, heaving his half of the gate step by step, it was easier to push open backwards when he didn’t feel so good. 
Will expected some retort back, but their pa had gone around the lock to make himself busy chatting to the bloke that wanted passage through. He grunted, the gate had finally heaved open – it was always harder like this, when the lock waters were high. Little Danny was evidently struggling. “Ay’up Danny, you’s wait there!”
He darted down to the bottom gate, that was still shut and hopped across it. “Why’s you on today? Where’s junior gone?” 
Danny looked up at him properly meek and timid, just shrugged, and then tugged on Will’s sleeve. “Right-o let’s get this open then, eh?” Will asked him, the slurry of his headache still ever prevalent but it’d be worse if he didn’t do this. He slung the ratchet under his arm again and working with Little Danny, so the little’n didn’t feel too useless, they pushed the gate open together. “You’s stay here, yeah? I’ll be back to help you’s shut it.” Will promised, then made his way back around ago.
It was easy enough to take a break, Will liked this part well enough, even if it was boring after having seen it for the hundredth time. This morning’s boat wasn’t hauled along by a majestic horse, but rather two scrawny looking donkeys that made an awful lot of noise. Which pierced right through Will’s ears. “Bloody hell…” He muttered, the lock key once again tucked under his arm, lest he want to be struck for leaving it on the ground. As he made to push the gate shut. His pa, surprising them all, had come around and was now assisting little Danny himself. So there weren’t no need for Will to yo-yo.
Instead he could clamour to moor up the boat, keep her nice and steady, all whilst avoiding them stupid donkeys. Then finally he slung the windlass into the mechanism to wind open the paddle on his side, the affect was immediate. The water was always an ever present force, but now it was rushing out hard. Will had slung the ratched back under his arm, so it couldn’t be taken by any of them no-gooders. 
Will crouched down, waiting for the water to get low enough that the whole process could be stopped, the gate opened. The boatsmen sent on their merry way. He glanced down the other side of the lock to note that the boat weren’t from one of the colliers. It weren’t just boatmen either.
“Ay’up mi’duck…” Will called, with a pleasant smile despite the steady thrum of his head.
“Morning William!”
“How you’s know that?”
The young woman just laughed at him, the boat was rapidly sinking lower now, too low to hold up a conversation without shouting. “I hope we meet again.”
Too right he did.
Harry felt the world tilt sideways, the disorientating rush of being confronted with another vision. John wasn’t in this one, and his absence put her in a foul mood, let along the lingering throbbing in her temples, a hangover remembered and carried through the centuries. Must have been some romping night. She wondered whether it were the hangover, or the accents that made the specifics of what they talked about so hard to follow. She hadn’t seen canals like that before, the backbreaking mechanisms involved in moving cargo up and down terrain. English, she guessed by the accent. But why the hell was she getting a vision of hauling boats down a canal? 
Harry looked down at her finger, pressed dead in the centre of the man’s (John William - went by William?) chest. The likely trigger of the memories. Another island trick? She stepped back a few steps, appraising William with wary eyes. “Right, no touching,” she ordered, worried that he had seen some memory of hers in exchange. Harry’s eyes narrowed, a certain possessiveness to her thoughts, private as they were. 
“Did you see something?” she snapped, distracted by the discomfort that thought brought her. She barely talked to other people, let alone let them have intimate glimpses of her thoughts and memories. The notion made her shudder. “Before, you touched me.” 
Willie fought through the lucidity, to seek the truth in what he had seen, if this was that monster’s doing it was a cruel and unique trick indeed. “You’s…I think it were you’s…were with your ma? Some bloke that were frightened…ducky ain’t seen nothin’ like it, why were he like that?” As Will recounted aloud what he’d seen it became evident she was from another time altogether. “What were tha’ machine?” It played some of the finest music he’d ever heard. A far cry from the music boxes he’d unwittingly been fascinated by as a little lad. The ones that…little Lou… he hadn’t thought of her in an age. She’d begged, and begged, and begged, for a music box. Not knowing it was more than any of them could have ever afforded.
“It were a trick…trick of the island. You’s one of them…” He waved frantically, wheeling about like a nervous horse. “Your eyes!” Will had seen this before! Save it hadn’t come with visions, with glimpses of a life that didn’t belong to him, and that in itself was a horror. “You’s looked them one of them!” Will was so taken with this, that he’d forgotten the previously stated rule and rushed forwards to grab her by the shoulders. “Yo—”
Harry didn't have long to wonder whether William had seen anything. He offered the details freely, speaking of her mum, a frightened man (Uncle David), and a… machine. How the hell was she supposed to know the kind of machine he was talking about. "No more touching," Harry grumbled, not keen to have him rifling through more of her memories. "Were my uncle, he got shell shock after the Great War," Harry briefly explained, only because she wanted to lure William into explaining his own memories.
"I saw you with a man in here, John Atkinson," Harry began, trying to direct William's focus. "When-" William cut her off, a panicked air about him. Ironically, not dissimilar to Uncle David's fits, a mild one at that. "Eh?" Harry asked, a sharp, upwards intonation. What the hell was he on about now? "If anyone's a trick it's you, eh? What are you in the jungle for anyway, stumbling around like an idiot?" He was like a spooked horse, the whites of his eyes rolling as he moved, his arms flying about him and coming to land on Harry's shoulders-
"Harry! How much further?" John called up after Harry, slower on the incline up the steep, rough hill. To their left the river roared, frothy and white, tumbling down rocks. If it were any steeper it would be a waterfall. 
"Come on John," Harry called down to him, pausing her ascent to relish this moment. The built anticipation, the delight of outpacing her little brother. Harry grinned as he looked up at her, weary from the climb, dying to know what it was she had found. "Not far to go, don't tell me you're out of shape."
"You know, Harry, some of us have to actually… climb up this hill," John lectured her, taking his time finding his footing, pulling himself up the next bit of the hill. Harry, in comparison, had been making herself footholds on the way up, a new skill she'd discovered with these island powers. Attunements, they called them on the beach. 
"The river's right there," Harry told John, motioning to it. 
John gave Harry a weary look. She knew he knew what was coming. 
"If you're tired go make like a salmon, eh?" Harry made the joke anyway, moving her hand in a fish-like wave. "I'll look out for bears." 
"You're hilarious, Harry," John called out, finding her old footholds and resigning himself to using them. 
"It's not far," Harry parried back, rushing on ahead to make sure it was just as she remembered. Harry crested the hill, waiting for John to join her before she swung to the left, towards the water. "It might be too loud to camp, but…" Harry wove around a thick tree trunk, and then turned around to walk backwards into the clearing, triumphant smirk on her face. "Worth the climb?"
The exhaustion vanished from John's face as he stepped into the alcove, a flat bit of earth jutted up against a clifface, water spraying from the nearby river. Pretty enough, and then his eyes turned to the cliff - yes, thought Harry - and he saw them. A wall of orchids, clinging to the cliff, growing in every crevice they could hold onto. John's face softened with pure delight, he slung his pack off his shoulders and walked to the cliff, almost reverent with his expression as he touched the first flower, tenderly, like a lover. "This is…" John stepped back, and the came the second revelation, that every orchid was unique, a melting pot of flowers, all cross breeding with one another. Hybrids, he'd been obsessed with hybridisation and cross breeding, the terminology burned into Harry's brain after proof reading every chapter of his thesis. 
"Ah, but if the climb's too much for you we can go back down," Harry teased, slipping her pack off and rolling out her shoulders. 
John turned to her, and Harry was startled at the pure emotion on his face, his eyes welling with tears. All at once Harry's smugness vanished, replaced with concern. Had she misread this? Fucked up completely. "Harry…" he said, nervously laughing as he wiped his eyes furtively. "Thank you." Relief flooded Harry. He wasn't upset, but deeply moved. "This is…" John looked about them, and then before Harry could squawk and push him away John was on her, squeezing her for dear life. 
"Oi…" Harry grumbled, even though she loved it. 
“You’s know John…” William breathed as he came to. He couldn’t wrap his head around how but the mere possibility that this woman might know John, could possibly know if he’s even alive. Willie hadn’t seen him in what felt like an eon. He gripped her harder, unintentionally without realising his own strength, the whites of his eyes calmed as he came to focus on her. The glaringly obvious clues that lay before him unseen to him. Willie was practically shaking her now as the wick of his calmness burnt right down to the quick. “Where is he? He alive? Okay?” 
William’s eyes had gone unfocused, distant for a brief moment and quiet. Harry liked that he went quiet. But all at once he came back, but he was agitated. At least he was focused on John. “Yeah, John, my brother.” Harry ground out through her teeth, grimacing as William’s hands dug into her shoulders. “Oi, watch it!” Harry snarled, resisting the urge to shove him back with a push to his chest. Instead she twisted her foot, and the ground beneath them rippled backwards, carrying William with it. “You saw him in the jungle, when did you see him?” Harry asked, determined to get her answers first. 
Willie had not anticipated that the ground would shift underneath him to pull him back, and away from her. He righted himself with a cushion of air to stop him from toppling over. My brother. He stared at her, the blatantly obvious connection flared right there before his eyes with a few simple words. He ought to recognise those eyes in the dark of the jungle canopy, as luminous as they were. Willie raked a hand through his overgrown bedraggled hair, suspiciously quiet as he took it all in. “Ain’t seen him in a good while…” Will had lost count how long it had been, he’d just clung to hope thinking he might see him again, his old friend. “You’s don’t know where he is?”
It seemed to get through William’s skull that Harry was John’s brother. She panted, hungry for what he might say. He looked like he was putting it together, thinking about when he’d seen John- Harry’s hope withered as William gave her a non-answer, mouth setting into a firm line. “A good while?” Harry repeated, shaking her arms by her side and turning away from him to pace in a circle, getting out some of her energy. She’d been… excited, damn it, thrilled at the thought of piecing together John’s movements. And now? Now she had the gentle giant here, who’s brain didn’t match the rest of him. “We… We split ways… decades back,” she mumbled, flexing and clenching her fists. 
“Did you… spend time with him?” John was like that. He took in strays. 
Willie watched the woman – Harriet…Harry – pace as if she were circling something. He stretched his neck to see if he could see what it was but didn’t dare get any closer. Lest he wanted the sharp end of her earthly-powers again. “Decades…” Willie parroted back, as he tried to count back the years since he’d last seen Johnny boy. “It were a long time ago, ducky.” He emphasised, as if that clarified any further what a good while meant. “He saved my life once from a fish! THIS BIG!” Willie used his hands to give her an illusion of just how big he meant. “Used’t come out here often and found him ‘alf dozen times. Well! He found me! Hah!” He gave one short, brief, little laugh, that sounded closer to pained than it did humoured. 
Harry was quickly losing her patience with William, not that she had much patience to begin with. He was unspecific, and by the time he emphasised the size of the fish John had saved him from, Harry had decided that she could trust nothing that William said. “Right,” Harry muttered, pushing her hair back from her face, giving William a sharp glare. She couldn’t trust anything he said, but… “It was that big?” Harry goaded William on, stepping closer to him, bridging the distance she’d put between them. “Tell me more,” Harry said through gritted teeth, hoping that him talking about it would bring it to his mind, as she reached out and touched the back of his hand-
Willie watched on as a spectator as Harry all of a sudden gained interest in the fish, and by extensive John. He opened his mouth to tell her more, even if he couldn’t recall the specifics, details never really mattered anyway. “It were—” But her eyes had glassed over just as they had before, he amassed as much when he glanced down to see her hand barely touching his own. Bugger…
“Tarnation, it's hot!” Willie shouted. 
Though he couldn’t understand the rest of what she said, he could get the gist of it. “Right you are Mrs. Maja!!” Will returned to the task at hand - hauling great big hunks of rock into the wagon so they could bring them back to camp. The little fire lad wasn’t much use as he were running amok through them flailing his arms in the air stirring up a baking hot storm. Willie’s laughter echoed through the quarry as he held out his arms in a deep squat to catch him. “You’s stop that now or your ma’ is gonna tell me right off!” 
“Whatever gramps.” 
Will’s humour has momentarily dried up, as he stared down at the young woman - Harriet. It looked like she’d returned, or at least she wasn’t caught up in a hallucinogenic daydream no more. “You’s see something?” 
Harry bit back the bitter disappointment that had risen to the back of her throat. Instead a somewhat domestic memory of William with a little cockie biting his ankles, a bone-weary tiredness clinging to her skin. Harry frowned and ignored William as he questioned her, and touched his hand again-
Will was sat at the very edge of the cliff with his legs swung over the edge of it. The little fire lad, who wasn’t so little anymore, was humming along next to him. Between them, ever the bad influence, Willie was smoking his pipe. “You’s too little!” Willie had declared with a shark-toothed smile as the little lad lit it for him and then tried to steal a puff.
‘C’mon gramps I’m old enough now…’ The rest of the day passed in a blur as they prepared to venture deeper in to the jungle.
Where the fuck was John? He’d seen John. Harry touched William’s arm-
He were sat at the table polishing up a set of bowls he’d made for one of the new’uns that’d just washed up. A rare sight! Someone new on their shores. So Willie wanted to do something special to greet ‘em. One of the lads, as they inevitably did, came bounding head-first into the house shouting and waving his arms about as if the world were on fire.
“Ay’up! What in tarnation?”
‘WILLIE! WILLIE! You’ll never believe what I found on the beach.’
Proud as ever the little lad held up what looked to be a box. A small box. That was shiny all over and with a thin dangling black string hanging out one end of it. The string lead to a strange pair of neon orange poofs. Willie set the bowl down curious, but no less confused as the lad declared it was ‘a cassette player.’ Clicking the thing open and shut to show Will what was inside. Another smaller box.
‘Stay right there.’ So Willie did. Sat with his arms resting on his thighs as the little lad put the orange things around his ears. All of the sudden the outside world was muffled – he didn’t like that one bit. He opened his mouth to protest but little fire lad seemed to sense that.
‘You’ll love it gramps I promise just wait!’ He fiddled with the little shiny box and for a second it seemed like nothing was going to happen, all Willie could hear was a static hiss. But out of nowhere a melody started. He jumped up and whalloped his head against the roof in the process setting off of a domino effect of hysterics, as the little fire lad stumbled back.
“Ay’up! Little bugger!” He said, rubbing at his forehead but the erratic drums had smoothed over. And suddenly there was a voice! A voice! In his ears! HAIL! The little lad had stuffed the box into his hands and like that Willie was tapping his feet to the beat. To little lad’s increasing laughter, his dancing grew more erratic. Fuelled by a little air-powered assistance Will kicked and skipped backwards through the house, narrowly avoiding yesterday’s wood project. 
“Come and get your love!”
He surged. His laughter joining in tandem with the little fire lad’s as Willie grabbed hold of his hands and forced him to join in on the delirium. 
John. He’d met John. He was moving back but Harry was quicker, touching his hand-
The island had become a frigid landscape. Willie was huddled beside the fire with the trio of lads. They were bickering amongst themselves about who was physically the strongest and who could take on one of them funny-looking cows. Will snorted, fixing them all a cup of something hot each to keep them warm. It was a miracle that just a month prior they’d gone around fixing chimneys in all the houses. The worst off was little fire lad. Who was closest to the fire and covered in layers, on layers, but still shivered. “You’s nesh?” He teased, elbowing the little lad as Will passed him a cup of hot water. There was a spoonful of honey in each cup. Whatever had been left from their mother’s stock.
‘NO!’ He retorted back, teeth chattering to really drive home the truth.
“No you’s ain’t.” Willie said, holding the little lad’s head in his hands. “You’s a good bricky lad like your ma.” Before either of them could get too fixated on that Will turned to feed more air into the fire. 
“LET ME SEE JOHN!” Harry bellowed, panting hard as she fought off the wave of nausea that came with memories that weren’t her own. “FUCK!” she swore, a blissful, wonderful swear, that didn’t help the ache in her chest. She wanted to see John again, his blue eyes staring at her with such concern, his easy banter. She missed him, with every atom, with every cell. Her every organ missed his steady presence next to her. Without him she was the ocean without the moon, listless and still. “Show me John,” Harry begged, her voice breaking as her eyes turned red from the tears that burned there. “Please…”  
It became apparent that it weren’t no accident that Harry had been probing Will. Truly it were heartbreaking to see that kind of anguish, Harry strained, shouting and begging for him. “I dunno how to control it ducky…” Will said, half wishing he could take her face up in his hands. Rub at the tears that were staining her eyes red. “He’s a good’n. Saved my life many a time. He were one of my good friends. Even if he were posh!” He didn’t act like it though. John was every bit an honest man. Would it be too much to admit he missed him too? “He’s a smart one that one. Bloke is always just around t’corner!”
William didn’t know how to control it… Fuck, Harry had no idea how to control it, if it could be controlled. Harry glowered at Will, knowing it wasn’t his fault, but hating him anyway. He called John a good friend, but he couldn’t remember when he’d last seen him? Harry felt her eyes smart, she turned around before Will could see her crying. Facing the bush, Harry willed John to appear, daring him to come out of the bush and wrap Harry in a hug so tight that would squeeze the air out of her lungs, If he could meet William as many times as he claimed, he could emerge right now for her.
Harry waited a beat. A gust of wind rustled the leaves and branches, birds far above their head sang, and her sense through the ground was quiet, empty. It was just them. 
Harry’s anguish transmuted, twisted itself into cold, dark anger. The ground underneath her feet started to shiver, a deep, ominous growl came from the earth. “Give him back to me,” she demanded, addressing the damn jungle, with its wiles and tricks. The ground shuddered underneath, birds now screeching in alarm as they took off on mass. Trees groaned around them, trunks and vines swaying sickly with the erratic, juddering shakes. “Or I swear I’ll uproot this entire fucking forest!” Harry’s voice rang out against the deep, earthen rumbling, a tree to their right toppling over from the bone jellifying shaking. “GIVE ME MY BROTHER!” Harry shouted as the shaking reached its crescendo, her voice raw and hoarse as a big tree arched downwards in front of them, smashing into the ground a few inches from Harry’s face. 
Willie had hoped that maybe this little flourish of affection for Johnny boy might alleviate some of her woes, and in the end it did the contrary. She were quiet at first, and Will thought this was the end of it. She’d disappear into the jungle and be done with him. But the wind howled against them, and Willie swiftly arched into a brace. It were a bloody good job of it too because Harry howled like a dog ready for slaughter. The ground beneath them joined in on her screams and with a yelp, Willie jumped, holding himself steadfast above the tottering earth. 
Harry however, Harry was transfixed. Unaware of the danger she were in as the island surrendered to her pain. His attention snapped upwards as the birds took flight, and as he did he witnessed the beginning of the end. The tree to their mutual right was starting to quiver, and immediately swooped down into a low deep destructive bow. “NO!” Instinctively, Will used the force of the growing wind to pull Harry as if she were attached to a yoyo string into him. That was the last thing he recalled, because with Harry in his arms, as they tumbled backwards, he was thrust into another vision.
Harry walked into the deep jungle, alone. The quiet was usually a relief after the chaos of the beach, all those people walking and chattering set off tooth-aching headaches. But Harry trekked into the jungle with a heavy heart. Her footsteps lonely, solitary. 
John should be with her. “You said you were going to the beach,” Harry muttered, imagining John was a step behind her, just out of sight of the corner of her eye. “You aren’t there.” A fact that brought a flurry of worry to Harry’s chest, sour acid rising in the back of her throat. They’d argued, and John had stormed off, but the whole fight had started because John wanted to move to the beach and find himself a wife. He wasn’t there. 
Harry entered a clearing and stopped walking. She stood in front of a great tree, as wide as a house, taller than anything she’d ever seen before. It had to be hundreds of years old, and its age and its size made Harry feel small and tiny and insignificant and deeply, truly, alone. 
“John,” Harry called for him, a childish note to her voice, like he was a toddler late for dinner and mum was worried he’d gotten into trouble. “John!” Harry shouted, her voice full of regret. “I didn’t mean it! Any of it! Please!” Harry’s voice was swallowed up by the din of the forest, insects, birds, uncaring if her words reached John or not. “Come back…”
The carnage had felt good, cathartic. Like how when John had introduced Harry to Maria for the first time, and Maria had left behind her sweater, so Harry had taken a pair of scissors to the garment and torn it to shreds. Harry wanted to do that now, she wanted the entire island destroyed, rubble beneath her feet, clear the whole jungle if it meant there was a straight path to John. 
The tree next to her arched down, and Harry followed its path with detached fascination, wondering if it would flatten her. Suddenly she was yanked by a gust of air, the trembling stopped as soon as her feet left the ground and the branches of the tree shattered into the earth where she’d been standing. Harry fell back into something warm and squishy. Will. She’d all but forgotten about him, and now she was entangled in his long limbs. 
“Get off!” Harry hissed, pushing herself to her feet while William was still dazed from a memory. Harry clenched her jaw, the rumbling of the earthquake fading, a deathly quiet encasing the forest around them. “Leave me alone,” Harry snarled, not wanting anything more to do with William, his tricksome memories. “Leave me.”
It felt so final and terribly heart wrenching to feel the acidic call of Harry’s memory. She were stricken by the loss of her brother, and Will, he was so caught up in the weight of her everlasting grief that even as he came to it still kept him pinned. Dazed, and confused as to how he’d gotten on the jungle floor Willie pushed himself up onto his knees. Not fast enough for Harry though, who was demanding that he leave her. “I canna leave you’s ducky…” Will groaned, somewhere, something hurt, and it hurt terribly bad.
He pushed himself up to standing with a little flurry of assistance, and took a half-step towards her. “We can find him together.” Will hastily suggested, eager for it. He hadn’t even known that he’d been grieving the loss of John until the weight of Harry’s crashed with his own. How was he supposed to know what grief for an individual felt like anymore? Between them lay a wasteland of earthen destruction, cracks and fallen trees. Even the jungle were quiet. 
“Please ducky…” He pleaded. More afraid of being alone than he’d ever realised.
Will wanted to come with her, a poor, lumbering substitute for her brother. “No,” Harry said. Loneliness was a toxic sort of love, the one you knew was bad for you, but it was Harry’s old companion. She didn’t know how to function without it anymore. “You’ve done enough.” Harry stood in the middle of the destruction she’d unleashed, regret always a beat too late with Harry, the guilt that had clawed at her throat when she’d been forced to clean up piece by piece of a shredded sweater. It was easier to blame Will, the taste of John that had unleashed Harry’s grief. 
“The river’s that way,” Harry pointed, feeling its distant rumbling. It was in the opposite direction to which she now trekked. Footsteps scrambling after her sounded strange. Without a word Harry raised a wall of earth between her and Will, and continued her solitary odyssey.
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zishuge · 3 months
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The Spirealm 致命游戏 (2024) | Ep. 55
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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The Boys s03e07: #tears
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dramarants · 1 year
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my-beloved-lakes · 1 year
I need to see Eliot in his army dress uniform actually
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ovenproofowl · 9 months
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Can we talk about this for a moment? Because this scene hit for me on such a poignent level.
We've seen so many versions of Superman's origin story be it in the form of comics, cartoons or live action and nearly every one of them involves a flashback to baby Kal-El being shipped off in a pod moments before Krypton's destruction. But, in this show, Clark never learns who Jor-El really is. He doesn't know his parents were trying to save him, hell, he thinks his whole species are a bunch of monsters who were trying to invade Earth.
And then this scene comes along and it's just executed in a such a *chef's kiss* manner. Jor-El saves Clark from the ship's explosion, probably mirroring exactly what happened to him when he was a baby. That Kal-El. My Son. Live. really feels like it carries an echo of the same words spoken to him before he was sent away from Krypton.
Clark doesn't know any of this, he doesn't know what he is or where he came from, and instead of showing that to us in a flashback from his past, we instead get to watch as Clark re-experiences what it would have felt like to be sent away for his own protection. To be shot out in an escape pod moments before an explosion that would have otherwise killed him. Of having his father sacrafice himself yet again to keep his son safe.
It's reinventing the past through the present. It's telling us the same story, delivering the same heartbreak, just in a different packaging this time around. And the show pulls it off flawlessly.
Oh my god I'm not okay.
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andvys · 8 months
I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss | part 15
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Warnings: slight angst, mostly fluff though. Steve is not really in this chapter, don't be mad, please. He will be back in the next chapter.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x fem!cheerleader!reader, Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler, Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: You need reassurance after the horrible date with Ray, and your best friend is there to give it to you.
Word count: 4k+
A/N: The amazing flashback scene of Eddie and Steve was written by @hellfire--cult when we were going over ideas together, so credit goes out to her, also thank you for listening to my rambles and for sharing your ideas with me 💕 ps: if you haven't read any of her stories, go do it right now, do I wanna know? had me in a chokehold
series masterlist
The bruises on Eddie’s knuckles don’t surprise you, it was to be expected after seeing Ray’s face but it still makes you freeze a little. All night, he has been hiding them from you, doing everything to keep you from seeing them but now you do, you see them clearly, the cuts and the bruised knuckles, you wonder if he has any others that may be hidden under his clothes. 
With your elbows leaned against the counter and your face propped up by your hands, you stare at him as you watch him make the grilled cheese sandwiches. You aren’t hungry but Eddie always insists on making you something to eat when you come over. 
Eddie can feel your eyes on him, he knows that you know. Yet, neither of you speak up about it. You act like nothing's wrong and so does he, but he knows that a conversation about what happened is bound to happen tonight.
“I don’t feel like going back to school,” you groan. 
A smile tugs at his lips, he glances up at you after he flips the sandwich over in the pan. 
“The good A student doesn’t feel like going back to school?” He chuckles. 
“Shut up,” you snort, “just because I have good grades, doesn’t mean that I like going to school. Besides, you are the nerd out of the two of us, dungeon master.”
His eyes widen and he places a hand on his chest, dramatically. You try not to stare at his knuckles again. 
“Me? A nerd?”
“Yeah, you’ve been studying way more than me!”
“I’m studying with you, sweetheart. You basically force me into doing it–”
“Because I want you to graduate, dumbass,” you exclaim, reaching for the bowl of grapes, you pick out one and throw it at him, giggling when it hits him on the forehead. 
“Ouch! We don’t throw food around, young lady!” He says with a stern voice, pointing at you with the spatula. 
You giggle, “I’m sorry, sir.”
Shaking his head, he huffs with a smile on his face. 
“Are you ready for your gourmet dinner, queen?” He jokes as he takes the sandwich out of the pan and puts it on the plate. 
“I’m always ready for Chef Munson’s amazing grilled cheese sandwich,” you grin, taking the plate from his hands, “it’s better than any other sandwich.”
He snorts at the nickname, smirking at you as he puts his sandwich on his plate as well. 
“One of these days, I’m gonna bake you a cake.”
You raise your brows, taking your plate as you follow him to the small table. 
“A cake? What kind of cake, Eddie?” You ask, sitting down on the chair. 
“Whatever cake you want,” he chuckles, taking a bite out of his sandwich. 
“I think we should make one together, that way nothing goes wrong.” 
He frowns, mouth twisting and looking at you, offended.
“Eat your sandwich, you must be hangry.”
Eddie’s eyes flash with amusement when you giggle at his words, taking your sandwich, you look at him as you bite into it. He watches the way you chew it with a smile on your face, nodding at him.
He chuckles when you hold your hand in front of your mouth, “very good.”
He pats himself on the shoulder, jokingly. 
After you both finish eating, you retreat back to his room with the candy you brought him from the store. Eddie gets comfortable on the bed, opening the bag of m&m’s and reaching for the remote to turn on the TV that he got from his old neighbor after helping him change the tires on his Chevy truck. 
Eddie glances at you, watching the way you take a seat on his chair instead of the bed, next to him. You have been distant all day, you didn’t even hug him when you said ‘hello’, the way you usually do. He knows that you might not feel comfortable with physical touch yet but you hugged him yesterday morning and you let him kiss your hands, you didn’t seem to mind that. 
He flips through the channels but he keeps watching you, watching the way your brows furrow. You look like you want to say something but something keeps you from doing so, so he gives you more time, waits for you to be the one to speak up, the way he always does.
He adjusts his pillows and leans back, offering you some of the candy, he holds out the bag to you. 
You shake your head, giving him a small smile. 
“Why are you so far away?” He asks as he puts the candy on the nightstand, “you can’t see the TV from there.”
He sees the way you hesitate when he pats the spot next to him, the way you seem to think of something that makes your eyes flash with sadness, the way your eyes then soften when they meet his. You push yourself up from the chair, you tug at your black sweatshirt as you walk towards the bed and finally sit down next to him. You lean back and pull your knees up to your chest. 
“Are you cold?” He asks, eyeing you slowly. 
You shake your head, murmuring a small ‘no’. 
He still reaches for the blanket that he bought a few months back. You get cold easily. 
He places the maroon colored blanket over your knees, giving you a sweet smile when you lay your head on your knees as you look at him with soft eyes. 
“What?” He whispers, chuckling. 
“Nothing,” you say with a smile that fades a little when you take a look at his knuckles. Eddie is surprised that you haven’t confronted him about them yet, how you haven’t asked or said anything. He wonders if you are mad or disappointed in him, or even scared – to think that you could be scared of him, makes him feel so horrible. He never wants you to be scared of him. 
He sees the way your eyes lose focus, you get lost in your thoughts, he can see it on your face, the way it loses the smile completely. He tries not to stare, but he can’t take his eyes off of you, he too gets lost in his thoughts when he thinks of the previous night. 
Neither of you pay attention to the sitcom playing on the TV, neither of you listen to the voices or the laughter, you are both too deep in your thoughts. Eddie clenches his bruised fist, trying not to wince at the ache in his side. 
You stare at him and when your eyes meet again, you finally open your mouth to ask the question that has been lingering on your mind for the past two days. 
“Do you want to have sex with me?” 
Eddie freezes. His eyes widen and flash with confusion.
That isn’t your question. 
You regret it, instantly. Yet, you repeat it, phrasing it differently this time. 
“L-Like, do you expect me to have sex with you?” You ask nervously and with a guilty feeling in your stomach.
You never thought that that is what Eddie wanted or wants from you, you always thought that he was just your friend, the friend who loves you unconditionally and platonically. You never once thought that his touches meant that he wanted more and you still don’t believe that but Ray’s words have pushed you into a bad mindset, again. He made you feel insecure and so horrible about yourself. 
You aren’t interesting, he said. You are nothing but a good fuck, that is what he said.
You don’t look at him any longer, your eyes are filled with tears and you are looking down, unable to face him and it worries Eddie. 
“Of course not, sweetheart,” he says softly, wanting to reach out to touch your hand but he decides against it, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable, “why would I expect that from you?”
You shrug, sniffling quietly. 
“I-It’s just Ray, he said some really nasty things to me.”
Eddie tries to stay calm, he tries to keep his anger at bay, not wanting to scare you.
“What did he say?”
You lick your lips as you try to blink away the tears that you don’t want to fall, you glance up at him again, you look into his chocolate eyes, feeling a sense of comfort in your chest when you stare at them. 
“He just, he was nice all night, we went to the movies and then we got some drinks and I-I thought that he really just wanted to hang out, to get to know me and just leave it at that, you know?” You say, finally telling him about the night. 
He nods.
“But then, he took me to Lovers Lake and then he kissed me, a-and then he tried to do more and I didn’t–” you pause, taking a deep breath when you feel the disgust and the anger and the fear rushing through again, “I didn’t want it, I pushed him away but he was so persistent a-and I was so scared, Eddie.” 
He stares at you, helplessly and angry at the man who did this to you. He has already done what he wanted to do, but he wants to do it again. He wants to hurt him, over and over again. 
He can’t stand the thought of you being so scared, of you feeling so helpless and afraid and small. 
“I slapped him and I tried to run but then he came after me, and then he said all these things to me. He told me that he never wanted to get to know me, t-that he just wanted to fuck me,” you say in disgust.
You clench your fists, not noticing how deep your nails dig into your palms, “cause apparently that’s all I’m good for, I’m a good fuck. I’m boring and not interesting enough to keep around, that’s why Steve dumped me. I am nothing but a good fuck, that’s all I am to others.” 
Eddie stares at you in shock. 
His soul is filled with anger and he wants nothing more than to go after him, again and again. 
He takes no offense to your question, he knows the state you were in after Steve left you, the insecurities and the thoughts you were dealing with. 
“It made me feel so, so worthless.”
Eddie’s heart aches at your words. 
You sit there, making yourself as small as possible, you wrap your arms tighter around your legs as you pull them closer to your chest, you wipe away the tears of anger and hurt and you look down with a trembling lip.
“Sweetheart, I hope you know that he was full of shit.” 
You hear the shakiness in his voice, you see the anger in his features when you look up at him, the mention of Ray is enough to fill Eddie with rage, you wonder what he looked and felt like when Ray was right in front of him. 
“Guys like him are used to things going their way, when they don’t, they get angry and frustrated, you bruise their ego, they’ll bruise you back in some way,” he mumbles the last part as he thinks of the bruises he had left on you, “and this guy, he’s a fucking psychopath, I can tell you that much.”
He won’t tell you everything, he won’t tell you what Ray said to him, you know he won’t. 
“Somehow, he knows how to fucking get to you,” he says, pausing to take a deep breath.
What does he mean by that?
“I-I mean, he knew how to get to you, he said things to you that he knew would hurt – but, it’s all bullshit, y/n, it’s all fucking bullshit. You are not boring in any way, shit, you’re the coolest person I know! You’ve always been the coolest person, sweetheart – even when you were still just listening to The Smiths and rewatching the same two movies every Friday, you were still the coolest fucking person on this planet!”
Your eyes widen, a smile tugs at your lips at his little outburst. 
“The whole planet?” You ask, giggling. 
“Yeah,” he smiles when he hears your giggle, “the whole planet, sweetheart.”
“There’s so many amazing girls you haven’t met yet though,” you point out, tilting your head. 
“There’s no one more amazing than you.” 
You smile but you don’t believe his words. 
Eddie eyes your whole face as his crosses with confusion, sadness and disbelief. 
You easily believed the words Ray said about you, but you struggle to believe his words. He thought you were doing better, he hoped so. 
“I shouldn’t have just gone after him, I should’ve gone after Harrington’s hair as well.”
To hear him admit that he went after Ray doesn’t shock you, you knew it from the moment you saw Ray at the hospital.
You shake your head with a chuckle. 
“I’m serious,” he says, nudging your knee with his hand, “he was an asshole to you. He didn’t deserve you.”
“Eddie,” you whisper. 
“It’s the truth, y/n. Steve never deserved you, he treated you like shit, he made you feel like shit.” 
Eddie knew it from the start, from the moment you first talked, from the moment you first spent time together, he could see the pain in your eyes, the insecurities that you have felt just because of him. Steve had the best thing he could get; your love. But he threw it all away, he never gave you what you deserved, he never treated you like he should have, he never loved you like you should have been loved. He gave it all to her, all the kindness, all the gentleness, all the trust and the love, she got it all without having to fight for it, without having to ask for it, he just gave it to her, he gave her the things that you deserved. 
Eddie would never admit it, but to see Steve treat his new girlfriend like the queen of the world, always made him so incredibly angry, that’s how he should have treated you when you were still with him but instead, he treated you like garbage, he betrayed you, he lied to you, he hurt you over and over again, he put other girls before you, he gave you nothing but pain and still, you stayed with him but he tossed you aside so easily and replaced you with another girl. 
“You believed Ray’s words, right?” 
You blink, looking down at your hands as you slowly nod. 
“Because of Steve,” he mumbles quietly, “he made you feel that way first, right?” 
Your heart drops a little, tears well up in your eyes again. 
Steve made you feel like you were never good enough, like you weren’t interesting enough, like you weren’t the right girl to be a girlfriend, like you didn’t deserve to be treated like a girl someone loves, like you were nothing more than a side piece because that is how he treated you most of the time. 
That is why his words had gotten to you. That is why you got drunk and high at a place you shouldn’t be at. 
“Yeah,” you whisper, sadly. 
Eddie looks at you with sad eyes. 
He doesn’t hate Steve, not anymore. He can tell that he changed, he knows that he regrets his actions and the way he treated you but he can’t help but feel anger towards him at this moment. 
You keep looking down, trying to hide the sadness on your face and tears in your eyes. Eddie reaches his hands out to you, slowly. He cups your cheeks and tilts your head up,  eyeing the look on your face as he wills himself to speak. 
“Listen to me, sweetheart. If I were him, I would’ve held onto you, I would’ve taken you on all the dates, I would’ve dropped all my shitty friends, I would’ve kicked Billy’s ass a long time ago, I would’ve never looked at any other girl if you were by my side, I would’ve treated you like the queen that you are,” he says, tapping your nose to make you smile and it works, it always does. 
Your eyes soften and you melt into his touch, smiling sadly at his words. 
You wish he would’ve done all of these things but, he never did. 
“I would have never let a bad thought get into this pretty head,” he says, tapping your forehead softly.
“And I certainly would have never let you go, ever.” 
Your brows knit, your eyes are glossy, again. You look into his soft brown eyes and you see nothing but the truth, he isn’t just saying that to make you feel better, to take away your pain. He is honest, he always is. 
Eddie watches you, he watches the way your eyes skip over his whole face, the way they flash with sadness and with fear as you think about his words and then you say something that shocks him, a little. 
“Please don’t.” 
His brows rise up, surprise crosses his features. 
“Please don’t ever let me go,” you whisper, your lip trembling when you reach your hand out to grab his wrist, “please don’t leave me.”
The smile falls from his face, his eyes widen with sadness. This time, he doesn’t hesitate to pull you into his arms, he hugs you tightly, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“I would never leave you, sweetheart. You will always have me.”
“Promise?” You ask shakily, just as you asked him once. 
You need him to stay. You can’t lose him, not after you had lost Steve already. 
“I promise,” he whispers, squeezing your sides as you hug him back tighter. 
You close your eyes and lay your chin on his shoulder as you melt into his embrace. He radiates warmth and comfort, safety and something you can’t understand yet. Eddie smells like cigarettes but you don’t mind, the smell of his cologne and his body wash covers up the smell of smoke. 
Eddie runs his fingers through your hair, finally holding you the way he has been craving to ever since that night. 
“I’ll marry you one day.”  
“What?” You ask, giggling. 
“I said; I’ll marry you one day,” he chuckles, not pulling away from the hug just yet. 
“Is that a proposal?” You joke, unable to fight the smile off of your face.
“Where’s the ring?”
“I’ll give you one of mine.”
“I want the one with the black stone.”
“You got it, angel.”
You giggle again and he smiles at that. 
When you pull away and he sees that the tears are long gone, and a smile is playing on your lips, he pinches your cheek gently. 
“There’s the smile I wanted to see,” he grins. 
Your hair falls in front of your face when you look down at his hands. There are cuts and bruises on his knuckles, you are scared to touch them but you take one of his hands in yours and you softly touch the bruises with your fingers. 
You don’t need to talk about it, it’s enough to look at each other to understand it all. 
He watches you, again and he wonders what you are thinking. 
He clears his throat about to speak up but you beat him to it. 
“You know, I like your idea,” you say as you look at him through your lashes. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Well,” he starts, already smiling at you, “we should get married when we’re both 30 and still single.”
You laugh, “that sounds like a plan.”
“A good plan?” 
“The best. But, you don’t plan on spending your twenties without me, do you?” 
He scoffs, “never, what would I do without my best friend?”
Your heart skips a beat and for the first time after the horrible days you have had, you feel the happiness rushing back. You feel comforted and safe, you know that as long as you have him, your best friend, nothing bad will happen to you. The look in his eyes, the bruises on his knuckles are the evidence that he will do everything to keep you safe. 
This time, you are the one reaching out to touch him, you cup his cheeks and you surprise him when you pull him towards you to kiss him, to kiss his cheek. 
“You’re the best, Eddie,” you whisper before your lips meet his cheek again, “you’re my favorite person.”
You don’t pay attention to the way his cheeks flush red, you don’t see the way his eyes flash with something you haven’t seen before.
Eddie stares at you for the longest time and he suddenly feels flustered when he realizes that you can see the redness on his cheeks and his neck when he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror on the wall and then, he remembers what Steve said to him last night.
It all comes rushing in and it overwhelms him.
He squeezes your hand, clearing his throat, “I-I’m gonna get us something to drink,” he says as he practically rushes out of his room, leaving the door open as he makes his way into the kitchen. He raises his hand, running his fingers through his hair as he lets out a long sigh. Turning on the lights, he places his hands on the counter, gripping it tightly. 
If only Harrington would have kept his fucking mouth shut.
Eddie was driving Steve back to his house, knuckles almost bleeding on the steering wheel, not a single word being said by neither of the men. Steve's temple was bruised, his fists as well and Eddie if he were to raise his shirt up, a bruise would be displayed on his rib.
The Harrington's house came into view and Eddie parked the car in front of it, waiting for Steve to come out. He heard the door open but it didn't close, making him turn to find Steve looking forward, eyes that Eddie could only describe as lost, yet with fire within them, as if angry.
“Munson.” It was the first time Steve has said a word to him.
“Yes Harrington?” And he was expecting a congratulations or a thank you or good job because of what they just did together to someone that hurt you. But Steve's gaze turned to him, a cold glare featuring in his eyes, and Eddie's face went rigid.
“You're a fucking liar.”
And then the door slams, and Steve Harrington goes back to his house, leaving Eddie Munson completely stunned inside of his van. 
The sound of the freezer door closing startles him a little. He turns around with a frown, he finds you walking towards him with a bag of frozen peas in your hand, without a single word, you grab his right hand, placing the cold bag on his bruised knuckles. 
He looks down at you, swallowing nervously. 
“You didn’t have to do this,” you whisper, finally addressing it. You look up with glossy eyes, a knowing look lingers in them, you did not know how to approach this topic but, you don’t really have to. You know why he did it.
“Thank you,” you whisper as a happy tear runs down your cheek because for the first time, you feel protected and loved after all these years of believing that you do not deserve this. Eddie proved you wrong, time and time, he proved you wrong and showed you that you do deserve this and more.
Eddie gazes down at you like you are the most precious thing in the world. 
He wipes your tear away the way he always does before he pulls you into his arms. He holds you, he holds you tightly, like he never wants to let you go, like no one ever has before.
Eddie enjoys this moment, just standing here in the kitchen under dim lights with you in his arms before he has to ruin the moment. 
“You should thank Steve too.”
He feels the way you freeze in his arms and he also feels how you don’t pull away. 
“Steve was there too?”
“He was.”
You don’t say anything, you stay quiet and then you whisper a small ‘oh’ before you relax again and hug him tighter, pressing your cheek against his chest as you listen to his beating heart. 
Eddie tightens his hold on you as well, he kisses the top of your head. 
“Anybody that hurts you won’t walk away without a bruise.” He whispers.
Something changed and you can both feel it, you don’t understand it, not yet.
You should not be here. 
You know that you should be far away from this place. 
It was bad enough that you had called him three nights ago, that you had let yourself be vulnerable in front of him, that you had spent the morning with him, that you had let him drive you home, that you had hugged him. It was bad but it was nice, it was nice to be with him again. 
To drive in his car, to feel his arms around you again, to see him look at you. 
You never realized how much you missed it, how much you missed him. 
Your thoughts kept taking you back to him, especially today. The record store was mostly empty today and you stood behind the counter, listening to the music playing on the radio and drawing in the notebook that Eddie gave you. 
When Heroes by David Bowie started playing, you felt like you were being haunted, haunted by memories of you and him together.
You shouldn’t let your heart guide you here but it did, you let it, just like you always do. 
You wanted to see him, to thank him for what he did but you didn’t want to see this. 
You should be used to it by now, after months of seeing him with her, it should be easier, right? It’s not. 
And as you stand there, watching him kiss her on his porch, smiling against her and brushing the curls out of her face, you can’t help but feel that it will never be easier. 
He looks happy, happier than he ever did when he was with you and even though you let him go a long time ago, you still feel the ache in your heart, the hollowness in your stomach. 
He used to kiss you like this, though he never looked at you the way he looks at her – with the light in his eyes and the smile on his face, the one that doesn’t look forced or fake. 
You hear her giggle when he drops the keys to his house. He picks them up and pulls her back towards him, leaning down to kiss her cheek before he opens the door to let her in. 
You never watched him so closely when he was with her, you always avoided it, not wanting to hurt yourself more than necessary but now, you can see it all, the love and the happiness in his features. 
He loves her. 
You always knew that he did, yet, somehow it feels like you understood it all just now. 
He loves her. 
He claimed to have loved you too and maybe he did, maybe he did love you but never like this. 
A weird feeling settles in Steve’s heart and he doesn’t know what it is that pushes him to turn around but he does, he looks back as though expecting to see someone standing in his driveway but it’s empty.  
He doesn’t see anything but trees and the empty streets. 
He furrows his brows, almost confused to not see anyone. 
“Steve?” Nancy calls from inside the house, “come on.”
“Yeah,” he mumbles to himself before he turns around and walks inside. He holds the door, not shutting it yet, he takes one final look at his driveway, staring at it for a long minute before he closes the door. 
next chapter
tagging friends & mutuals
@mysticmunson @taintedcigs @corrodedseraphine @corrodedcorpses @wroteclassicaly @take-everything-you-can @trashmouth-richie @xxhellfiregirlxx @screammunson @nemesis729 @somethingvicked @sherrylyn628
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vinelark · 5 months
in return for the fic recs i got last month, here are a few fics i read recently that i want to absolutely yell about from the rooftops:
Iron, Fire, Mirror-Glass by PurpleSoot: an early batman days AU where, while slowly healing from a spine-shattering injury, bruce finds an old book about the fae. in a fit of desperation he attempts a Summoning to try to heal his spine. enter: robin.
this story is fantastic—the kind of longfic with a plot so good and satisfying that finishing it leaves you on a reading high for at least a week. one of the best early days bruce fics i’ve ever read, with honorable mentions to excellent alfred and clark and jim and selina characterizations—but robin (dick) really takes the cake here. the balance of chilling, otherworldly, not-quite-human vs. playful, earnest, Still Just a Child…chef’s kiss. the way robin’s character arc drags bruce kicking and screaming through his own emotional growth is so well-paced and well-wrought that i already want to reread just so i can experience it again. this is one of those god-tier longfics that i can’t believe i got to read for free on the internet.
mid-reading testimonial:
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The Lone Ranger Never Had to Deal with Bruce Wayne by @theskeptileptic: a tim-joins-the-family-early fic in which tim decides to do everyone (his parents) a solid by faking his own death and running away to canada, except his weirdo neighbor bruce wayne keeps butting in and messing up his plans.
this is one of the rare stories where tim doesn’t know batman’s identity yet, and even rarer stories where that somehow makes the whole thing even more compelling. this fic has two of my favorite things: small, lonely, moderately unhinged tim drake pov, and really good pangs—pangs that are expertly teased out through flashbacks that add context to the present action at exactly the right moments. also, a very fun cameo near the end. i had a blast reading this one, physically clutched my chest more than once, and am already looking forward to rereading.
mid-reading testimonial (feat. @cairoscene):
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equivalent exchange by scribblemetimbers (wip): an au set during tim’s robin days in which tim discovers 1) crossroads demons are a thing and 2) people can make deals with them. deals that include bringing people back from the dead, so long as you’re willing to pay the price with your own life.
this fic is so…🤌‼️ it feels like everything i want in a fic so far, down to two incredibly specific concepts i love (bruce, in his grief, saying something harsh to robin!tim with disastrous consequences later + tim making a big secret sacrifice gambit) which are both done so so well, within a larger plot that is also done so so well. the way this fic cuts in and out of scenes at the exact right moments for max tension feels like a masterclass in causing me to tear my hair out (in the best way), and instead of assorted pangs reading it is just one big Pang. it currently leaves off on an agonizing cliffhanger but, again, in the best way. highly recommend. (thank you again @owlbats for the rec!)
exchange between me and my friend after i sent the link, which about sums it up:
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and to cut this angst with some humor:
IRIS Log #1548 by @deadchannelradio: a night on patrol as recorded by the bats’ audio logs, centering around red hood getting flung into a ditch and everyone, eventually, getting home safe.
one of the top ten funniest things i’ve ever read—spiritually up there with send to all (and if you’ve seen my fic rec tag you’ll know what a compliment that is). this makes use of the audio log format SO well. the dialogue shines, the jokes land with excellent timing, and it moves at such a clip that it’s pretty much impossible to stop reading once you’ve started. every character shines in this, and i’ve randomly choked on laughter remembering the phrase ‘good god he got thrown like a corn hole beanbag’ like twenty times in the past few weeks.
mid-reading testimonial:
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missinconsistent · 11 days
The Haikyuu movie is *the* Kenma movie, and I'm living for it. I won't get too into spoilers pertaining to the match, but I will talk about some things in the movie, so if you want to go in blind then stop reading here and go watch the movie!!
I did not expect the movie to explore Kenma and Kuroo's friendship as much as it did, and I love it so much (I didn't read the manga, btw so this was such a surprise). The series already shared quite a lot of flashbacks to their childhood and them playing volleyball together. But, it was always framed in a way that Kuroo kinda dragged Kenma along into playing volleyball with him. I never really expected these childhood flashbacks to mean any more than that. The movie really explored *why* Kenma played volleyball thanks to Kuroo. It really emphasized how important playing volleyball *with* Kuroo meant to him.
Like the scene back to the summer camp when Kenma is thinking he'd rather not play volleyball over playing a video game or watching volleyball, but then Kuroo calls his name and reaches his hand out is just so sweet. Especially considering that Kenma is most likely thinking how this is Kuroo's final year.
I am obsessed with how Kenma's friendly rivalry with Hinata actually parallels his friendship with Kuroo through flashbacks. With Kuroo being the friend that got him to play volleyball, and Hinata being the friend and rival that really pushed Kenma to take a match seriously, and see how fun it can be.
And idk if my take is different, but I really like how Kenma doesn't have a Tsukishima arc. The match doesn't make him fall in love with volleyball, but it just makes him realize that even if he doesn't love the sport, he loves a good and interesting match with his friends. He doesn't care about nationals. He just likes playing against Hinata, in particular (imo). But I think that's what makes the match between them so damn investing.
It's so refreshing to see the movie mostly revolve around Kenma's pov and see this character break out of his shell and push himself. To decode Hinata in an attempt to beat him and have his expectations blown away. Seeing this competitive, smug, and serious side of him is such fan service and I love it lol.
The scene when the match plays out from Kenma's eyes is so (chef's kiss). It's a bit nauseating, but it genuinely is my favourite moment in the movie. The way Kenma's eyes are on the ball before darting across the court, glancing over at his teammates and opponents, and back to the ball again. When it even shows Kenma taking a fall, Lev checking up on him, and Kenma just shouts to focus on the ball, I was just floored with how well it immerses you in the match. It just really has you on the edge of your seat, and quite literally puts you in Kenma's head to know this guy who is seemingly indifferent to volleyball, in that moment, is having the time of his life.
It's such a good climactic moment that's so different from other concluding matches from the series prior. It's not about big final builds up to the final strike, or block, or whatever move the characters are doing. It's just about being in the moment. About Kenma being in the moment. And it's such a brilliant and unique way to end the match.
145 notes · View notes
heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Donquixote Doflamingo X Female Reader NSFW "Daydreams of Dressrosa"
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Anon-I noticed you have a request box. I just wanted to say your writing is 🤌🏻 *chefs kiss*. I wanted to request something angsty and maybe even smutty with Doflamingo. I’ll let you decided if it end fluffy or not. I knows he is problematic and controversial as hell (I can fix him) But if you don’t write for him I completely understand! Thank you and have a amazing day my beloved heartfelt!
AN-So I totally took this and ran with it lmao. I just recently finished the Dressrosa Arc and I find Doflamingo to be a interesting character. This was a welcomed challenge for me. I've never written for a villian before and It's been a hot take since I've written smut. With that being said it's also the dirtiest thing I've ever written. I ran laps around my house just writing this. But thank you for reading my work and I hope you enjoy this my beloved anon :)
Side note- As always this story is plus sized reader friendly!
Word Count- 7.5k
*Any thing in italics is readers thoughts or a flashback. *
!Trigger warning! The relationship between Reader and Doflamingo is extremely toxic with emotionally abusive undertones, please never let anyone treat you like this.
~NSFW Warnings/Content~ Dom Doffy/Sub reader, PWP, Pre established situationship, A tiny speck of pet play, Doffy misuses his devil fruit powers (Spoiler alert he makes a clone.) Humiliation, Name calling (Slut, whore etc) , Reader is slapped once, Spanking, Degradation, Oral Sex (Fem giving and receiving) Fingering, Implied squirting and use of reward system. I tried to stay true to Doflamingo's character, but he may be OOC in some parts!
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   From the moment you woke up to a quiet and peaceful palace, you immediately knew something was up. You asked one of the guards where everyone was and much to your surprise Doflamingo and the top executives have gone out to a meeting. And according to him,  they won’t be back until dark. It’s very rare for all of them to be gone at the same time, but you're thankful. It’s been a long time since you've had any alone time, so you were going to make every moment count. 
  You’re currently in the courtyard pool floating around on the huge blow up flamingo Doffy bought a while back. No one ever uses it considering most of the family have devil fruit abilities and aren’t willing to risk falling into the water. So you’ve laid claim to the giant pink float. You’ve even given it the nickname “Mini Master.” 
 “Now let’s get down to the real fun.” You smirk before pulling out a book from your favorite romance series called “Daydreams of Dressrosa: a collection of love stories from the kingdom of passion”. You read them in secrecy. The only other person who knows is Baby 5, her being the one who sneaks them to you. You knew if Doffy found out about them, he’d probably be pissed, saying something to the extent of “What can a book offer you that I can’t?” And the answer to that was simple. Romance and love. The two things he would never be able to offer you. It’s sad, but nonetheless true. 
 You open the book and turn to where you left off on story #17 titled “Carnivals and Carnations”. The couple in the story are going to a carnival as a first date. The story was super cheesy, but you're living for it. You squeal when the guy puts his jacket around the girl's shoulders because she is cold. It’s funny how something so simple causes your heart to swoon.  But your favorite part so far was him winning her a stuffed bear from one of the game stalls. You can’t help but think of Doffy doing something like that for you, no doubt you’d walk away with every stuffed animal and trinket you wanted. But how Doffy would win them is the part you find funny. He’d probably use his devil fruit ability to ‘Win’ (Cheat)  or he’d scare the person running the stall until they gave up everything. It brought a bittersweet smile to your face. The poor hopeless romantic in you still hasn’t accepted her fate. Once you got stringed in with Doflamingo, any chance of you experiencing sweet and innocent love was thrown to the wind. 
 You can’t help but be jealous of the girl in the story. When you were a teenager you dreamed about finding a man who would love you and treat you like a princess. Now here you are as an adult and plaything to a criminal. You knew he was bad, you knew he had done horrible things. But something about him lured you in. Tears trickle down your face and onto the pages below. You yearn for the impossible from him. But it’s Doffy, and he will do whatever he wants, when he wants and without even thinking about anyone else. You know this better than anyone. 
 “Doffy, can I ask you a question?” You pulled your sore and sweaty body from the bed. Doflamingo was in the middle of putting his shirt back on,but stopped when he heard your hoarse voice call out.
 “Well would you look at that.” Doffy seemed to be amused, smirking at your trembling form. “My little girl didn’t pass out after all. I was almost certain you would, considering how hard I was on you.” You were on the brink of passing out from his rough treatment, but you clung to consciousness. “For that I’ll answer your question. Go on.” 
 “Well I guess it may be more of a favor, but.” Your mind and heart raced even more than it did earlier. All because of what you're about to ask him. “Do you want to shower with me and maybe we can cuddle together for a while after? I know you're busy and I won’t take up much of your time, just a few minutes I promise!” You watched Doffy’s smirk disappear, replaced by one of  his more disapproving looks, causing your heart to drop.
 “You want me to shower with you and stick around for “cuddles”?” You muster the strength to  nod at the man. His lips curled into a wicked smile before he laughed in your face.  “What a joke. Do you think I have time for something so stupid? Never ask for something like that again. Got it?” You couldn’t stop the tears that flowed down your face at his cruel words. His large hand reached out and grabbed your face, giving you no choice but to look at him. “Speak girl.”
 “Yes. I- I’m sorry Doffy.” Your cringe at how your words struggled to come out through the small sobs. Times like that reminded you how cruel Doflamingo was. Your heart shattered into a million pieces. 
 “Good.” He released your face and without another word, walked out of the room as if nothing happened. To him it probably was nothing. Your body fell against the bed as a few remaining tears slid down your face. Your hands snaked around one of the spare pillows on the bed, in search of the comfort you so desperately needed that night.
~Flashback end~
 It had been weeks since that night and not once has Doffy come to your room for a “session”. The more you think about it, the more uneasy you become. It’s unlike him to go that long without sex. Maybe he’s getting bored with you or maybe he’s getting it from someone else. Both of those thoughts stung. At the end of the day, you're just another woman at his disposal.
 You look into the sky and see the colors changing with the sunset. You didn’t have much time left before the family would return. A small sigh leaves your lips as you open your book again. Now where was I? The couple were now riding on a ferris wheel.  The man wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders, causing her to scooch closer to him. The ferris wheel came to a halt, leaving them at the very top. They admired all the lights and the way the sun was barely peeking over the horizon. Their eyes locked onto each other. You can’t help but giggle knowing what’s about to happen. The man gently cupped her cheek as he slowly moved his lips towards her. Her eyes closed as his lips barely ghosted over hers. A small tug on the float causes you to close your book. Before you had a chance to investigate the cause, the float was pulled out from under you. Your body tumbles into the cold water alongside your book.
 “Fufufu~.” You hear Doffy’s muffled laugh as you swim back up to the surface. You cough up a little water you inhaled as Doffy continued to laugh. Judging from the way his fingers were bent, he was the one who knocked the float over. “Did the mouse have fun while the cat was away?” Your eyes roll at his snarky comment. You want to splash water on the cocky warlord, but you also want to live long enough to finish your book. Wait, the book! You frantically swim around the pool until you notice it sitting at the bottom of the pool. You take a deep breath in before diving to get it. You emerge once again holding the soaked book.
 “Well the “mouse” was having a fine day, until you destroyed its book.” You hold the book up and watch as the pool water drips from the pages. “And I was getting to the good part too.” You mumble the last part. 
 “Good part?” A wild smirk forms on Doffy’s face. With a flick of his left index finger the book was snatched from your hands and right into his. “What page was this “good part on”?” You watch as he skims through the book. 
 “112.” You swim over the edge of the pool and watch him read the page. For a man like Doflamingo, the scene will be underwhelming and quite boring. For a moment you think he was getting interested in the words, but it was short lived.  With a wet smack he closes the book and tosses it to the ground. You frown knowing the book will be unreadable by time the water sets in and blurs the words. I guess I’ll never know how it ends….
 “So that’s your definition of a good part?” You gave the man who was now towering over you a small nod. “When did my little slut become so vanilla?” Heat rises to your cheeks despite the cold temperature of the water around you.
 “I just thought it was cute. That’s all.” You let your body sink into the water in an attempt to avoid his gaze but your body stills. 
 “Trying to run away are we? Do I need to put you in your place Y/N?” You feel his strings loop underneath your arms. His left and right index fingers lift up causing your body to come out of the water in one motion. A shocked gasp leaves your lips as you fly out of the pool water and into the cold evening air. You sometimes forget that no matter how big you are, Doffy can and will treat you like a rag doll. You land rather ungracefully in front of the Blonde. Goosebumps rise onto your wet skin, but you're unsure if it’s from the cold air on your wet body or from the aura radiating off the man above you. 
 You peer into Doffy’s sunglasses and see your shivering body looking back. Your arms cross in front of your body in a sad attempt to warm up. You expect to see a sadistic smirk on his face, but you're met with an expression you’ve never seen on him. It makes you a little anxious not knowing what he’s thinking about or feeling. It dawns on you that he knows you read romance novels now, meaning he was most likely not very happy with you at the moment. 
 “I’m sorry If I upset you, Doffy. I promise I won’t read books like that anymore.” You try to diffuse the situation but it’s too late. His hand raises into the air. A sense of fear washes over you, causing your body to tremble even more. You feel a rush of wind in front of your face causing your eyes to slam shut. You tensed up preparing for the impact.. But it never came, instead the smell of his expensive cologne invades your nostrils as warmth engulfs your body. You let your eyes flutter open to see that he placed his pink feather jacket around your frame. It takes a while for your brain to process it. The cold, unloving and emotionally unavailable Donquixote         Doflamingo did something…. nice?   
 “Thank you young master.” He never lets anyone wear his jacket, NEVER. You wrap the jacket around your body more to enjoy its warmth. 
 “I was getting annoyed watching you shake like a pathetic little leaf.” He retorted with a scowl. “Now. Why don't I show you what a 'good part’ is supposed to be like.”  He points a finger at your neck, causing a string to connect to your flesh like a leash. He gives the string a firm tug, sending you to the ground on your knees in front of him. “Spread.” His commanding voice sends excitement through your veins.
 “Yes sir.” You move your knees apart as far as you can. The course ground below dug into your knees, but you didn’t care. As bad as you hate to admit to yourself, you’ve missed this and you’ve missed him. 
 “Good, now look at me.” You crane your head back in order to look up at him. Your body feels like it is shrinking as the10 ft tall man looms over you. Your mind goes blank when you feel the pointed tip of his shoe moving up and down your swimsuit covered pussy. “I’m going to cut you a deal so listen up.” His shoe puts extra pressure on your clit, causing a moan to escape your lips. “If you can be a good girl and do everything I say without question, I will give you a reward.” His foot retracts much to your dismay. But the mention of a reward entices you.
 “I will, I promise sir!” And just like that, you submit yourself to him. 
 “You will or else.” Doffy began to walk away leaving you to crawl behind him. You're thankful the steps he took were a lot smaller than normal, otherwise you’d have a hard time keeping up. It dawned on you how embarrassing the situation was. Here you are crawling around on all fours with Doffy’s jacket on. I probably look like a poodle. 
  You got lucky and didn’t run into any family members while Doffy paraded you around like the loyal lap dog you are. A couple of guards saw you, but they didn’t dare to say a word knowing Doflamingo would kill them on the spot. The door to your room was finally on site, but he walked past it. Your bedroom is the only place he agreed to do the deed in. It gave him the freedom to come and go as he pleased. You know better than to question him, but you're still curious as to where he’s taking you.
 “You’ll find out soon enough.” Doffy answers as if he read your mind. Much to your surprise you find yourself in front of the door to his room. In the time you’ve been with him, not once have you seen the inside of his bedroom. “Stand up.” The string on your neck beckons you to your feet. You wince as you stand up, knees throbbing due to all the crawling you’ve done.
 Doffy slings the door open and leads you in. The door clicks shut and the sound of the lock being turned echoes in the bedroom. His room was so big it made yours look like a mere closet. Your eyes land on the double king bed in the middle of the room. As you look at it, the only word that comes to mind is sin.  A blood red canopy surrounded the dark oak frame. The mattress itself was covered with a plush black duvet and luxury pillows. It was most definitely fit for a fallen angel like Doflamingo. 
 The string around your neck comes loose, leaving a ring of irritated skin in its absence. Doflamingo walks over to a red armchair that sat adjacent from his bed. He sat down and spread his long legs, giving you a perfect view of the hardening erection in his pants. With a devilish smile on his face, he beckons you over with a motion of his finger. Your body tingles with nervousness as you get closer and closer to him. You were only a few feet away from him when his hand came into the air, letting you know to stop. The same hand pointed a finger in the air and swirled in a circle. You nod and turn around to face the bed. A rush of air sends shivers down your body as the pink feather jacket was taken from your body, leaving you in your damp swimsuit. You turn your head and watch as the jacket drapes around the armchair Doffy sat in. 
 “Did I give you permission to turn around Y/N?” You whip your head back around to face the bed, causing Doffy to chuckle at your speed.
 “No sir, I’m sorry.” You hope your action didn’t piss him off enough to take your reward. 
 “I didn’t give you permission to speak either little whore.” Your body trembles at his condescending tone. “You're very lucky I’m in a good mood, otherwise you could have kissed that reward goodbye.” A wave of relief washes over you knowing it was still on the table. “Now strip and do not turn around for any reason.”  
 Your hands come up to the straps of your bathing suit. Slowly you pull them down your arms until your breasts popped out of the top. Your wet nipples harden immediately when they hit the cool air. Your hands come to your back to untie the knot, you struggle for a moment before it comes loose. With a wet ‘plop’ the garment hits the floor. You could feel your heart racing in your chest. You wanted this, you needed this. You take a shaky breath in and slide your hands down your curves until you reach the band of your swim bottoms. You curl your fingers around the fabric and bring it down until they fall around your ankles. You step out of the bottoms and kick them next to your top. You're now completely exposed to the heavenly demon.
 “Good girl.” Your body heats up at his praise. “Now bend over the bed.” You take a few steps forward and let your upper body fall onto the bed. You scooch back a little and spread your legs apart. “Spread yourself more.” You know exactly what he’s wanting you to do, and you're going to deliver. You slide your hands down your body until they reach the globes of your ass. Your fingers pull them apart, exposing your wet pussy even more. You wiggle your hips from side to side, showing him how needy you are for him.
 “What a dirty little girl, what will I ever do with you?” Your body tenses up when you feel something attach to your clit. A string? “Now I’m sure you're wondering why we came here instead of your room.” A moan leaves your throat when you feel the string moving your clit in small circles. You were so sensitive from being celibate for weeks, it took no time for your orgasm to start building. You hear Doflamingo let out an amused hum. “I can tell by the way your legs are shaking you're about to cum.” You have to hold back a scream as the string picks up the pace even more. 
 You dig your nails into the flesh of your ass in an attempt to ground yourself, but you are too far gone. Your hips start desperately swirling with the strings movement. Fuck it feel so good. But right before you could get your release the string retacts. Your head falls flat on the bed as tears of frustration form in your eyes due to the loss of your high. 
 “Can’t have that now, can we?” You don’t have to see Doffy’s face to know he’s wearing a shit eating grin. You should have known better than to think he’d let you cum this early. You hear him get up from the armchair. His loud footsteps reverberate in the room. You feel the bed dip as he hoovers above you. “Now as I was saying, the reason I brought you here is quite simple. Your bed is a little bit too small.” You feel his hot breath next to your right ear as he speaks. You wonder what changed? The size of your bed has never stopped him before. You tense up when you feel the bed dip on the other side of your body. Is there someone else here? “Too small for the both of us that is.” Your heart stops when you hear Doffy’s voice fill your left ear. It made no sense, how can he be on both sides of you at once? You try to lift yourself up, but a large hand keeps your face shoved into the mattress. 
 “Do you understand what’s happening now?” His voice fills your right ear again. You feel one of his hands wrap around your hair, pulling it back to leave your neck exposed. “I’ll give you a little hint.” Now it was back in your left ear. You feel hot breath on both sides of your neck before tongues lick up the sides in perfect unison. Rough hands grab your sides and with one quick motion your body was turned so your back was now on the mattress. 
 Your eyes nearly pop out of your skull when you see what’s above you. Your eyes land on not one, but two very shirtless Donquixote Doflamingo’s. They both wore the same lust filled expression. 
 “Two Doffy’s? How?” You mutter out in shock. Your nerves are on edge, one Doffy was enough to fuck you into a week long coma. But two of them? That would surely send you to an early grave. As Lao G would say “You’re a goner with a capital G!”   
 “While you were busy getting off on my string, I made a clone of myself.” The Doflamingo on your right spoke, meaning he must be the real one. “It talks like me, it can even use strings like me, but most importantly” Doffy pulls you up from the bed until your face is inches from his. “ It can fuck like me.” His tongue licks a wet stripe up your face. “But a slut like you should be able to handle us, right?.” You hesitate for a second, but nod your head in agreement.
 “Now let’s have a little fun.” Doffy’s clone spoke up, licking its lips. 
 “Sounds good. Hold the little slut up for me.” The clone nods and moves on the bed until it is behind you. Its strong arms hook under your thighs and brings you up until your back rests on its abs. 
 “It's almost pathetic how wet you are.” The real Doffy stole your breath by rubbing his fingers up and down your exposed slit. Your head slams back on the clone's hard chest when Doffy shoves two fingers deep into your cunt. The long digits rubbed along the top of your walls, paying attention to your sweet spots.  
 “Of course I’m wet. Don’t you remember making me fall into the pool sir?” You smile at Doffy innocently, but your bratty tone was anything but that. 
 “Is that it?” The dark tone in Doffy’s voice made you regret it instantly. And then you see the vein in his forehead pop out, you know you're in for it now. 
 “What a dumb whore you are.” The clone spoke before biting the side of your neck harshly, causing you to cry out in pain. “You are so fucked.”
 “Tell me you foolish girl, does this taste like pool water to you?” Doffy pulls his fingers from your dripping hole and shoves them in your mouth. You could taste your arousal as he shoves his fingers even further down your throat.
 “Aren’t you going to answer him?” The clone taunted before licking the bite wound it left. “I guess it’s hard to, considering your mouth is so full huh?” Your vision blurs with tears as you gag around Doffy’s fingers.
 “I’m going to take my fingers out. I suggest you apologize and beg for my forgiveness.” The fingers slowly begin to slide out. “Afterall, you want that reward, don’t you?” His fingers leave with a trail of your saliva. Coughs erupt from your throat as you catch your breath. Your mind has been so clouded over you forgot about the promised reward. 
 “I am very sorry sir. Please forgive me!” Your voice rasps out. 
 “That's all you got? What a lackluster performance.” Doffy grabs your cheeks and smooshes them together. “I’ll give you one last chance. Use it well, my patience with you is running very thin at the moment.” His hand releases your cheeks. 
 “Sir, please forgive me for being such a dumb brat. I’ll be a good and obedient cocksleeve the rest of the night for the both of you! So please use me until I deserve your forgiveness.” Tears are flowing down your face as you desperately beg him. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just please don’t take my reward from me..” You're unsure why you want the reward so desperately when you don’t even know what it is. 
 “That’s more like it. But I still think you need to learn your lesson.” Doffy's hand reared back before smacking you across the face. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to make it sting. “Now are you ready to be a good girl?” 
 “Yes sir.” You feel a few more tears fall down your face. Doffy’s hand reaches back out. You prepare yourself for another smack, but instead he wipes the tears away with his hand. 
 “Good.” You watch Doflamingo unzip his pants, freeing his hard cock. “Drop her.” The clone releases you so you fall, landing all fours. You feel the bed move underneath you as Doffy leans his body against the headboard. “Come over here and put that stupid mouth of yours to good use.” 
 You waste no time crawling in between his legs. You stick your ass up in the air and start licking him up and down. His cock twitches under your tongue as you lick the sensitive spot under his tip. You hear him grunt meaning he wants more. You give one last lick before wrapping your lips around him. His huge size stretches your mouth until it's borderline unbearable. One of his large hands thread through your hair before he slams into you. You do your best not to gag around him as he sets a rough pace. 
 “Her pussy is so wet, like it's crying for our attention.” The clone lands a harsh smack on your ass, causing you to yelp around Doffy’s dick. “See.” You feel its fingers run up and down your pussy before bringing its hand to show Doflamingo your glistening arousal. You feel a hard twitch in your mouth as Doffy grunts. He’s getting close. 
 “I’m going to cum and I expect you to swallow every last drop.” With a few more rough thrusts he fills your mouth full of his thick cum. You swallow every bit of it and stick your tongue out to prove it.
 “Where are your manners?” The clone grabs your hair and yanks your head back. “What do you say when your master gives you his cum?” The clone releases your hair so you can look back at Doffy. 
 “Thank you master.” You smile at him through lidded eyes. He let out a satisfied hum in response.  Although you're not able to see his eyes thanks to his sunglasses, you're certain they would have a glint of satisfaction in them.
 “Get her prepared for me. She’s going to need it.” The clone got to work right away by flipping you onto your back. It hooked your legs over its shoulders before licking a long stripe up your slit. 
 “A-AH~” Your hips arch off the bed as the clone starts to eat you out. Its tongue would swirl around your clit before diving deep into your cunt. You could feel pressure building in your lower abdomen already. “ F-fuck it feels so… good~ Your tongue is the best!” You feel the Clone smirk against you.
 “The best huh? So even better than the real one?” The clone gives your clit a harsh suck before looking up at you. “I’m flattered.” It landed a playful smack on your thigh before continuing its assault on your swollen clit. You throw your head back and notice the furious look Doflamingo was giving his clone.
 “Doffy wait I didn’t mean it like tha-” You cut yourself off as a wanton moan escapes your lips. The clone's tongue started stroking that spot deep within you that had your toes curling. “Right there please~ I’m gonna cum~”
 “I’ve had enough of this.” You feel Doffy’s body move from behind you. You whine when the Clones tongue leaves you right as you are about to peak. You bring your head up to see Doflamingo had joined his clone in between your legs. They were both gripping one of your thighs while giving each other a dangerous glare. Was he getting jealous…. of his own clone?
 “Well I haven’t, so back off.” The clone had no plans of backing down as it gripped your thigh tighter. 
 “Do you actually believe you're better than me? Have you forgotten that you're a damn clone?” Doffy clenches his teeth and grabs the clone around the neck. “I can make you go away with a snap of my fingers.” You hold in a laugh as you watch the two bickering. 
 “Well how about we settle this?” You watch as the clone pulls Doffy’s hand off. “Let’s see who can make her cum first.” An evil grin etches itself on Doflamingo’s face at his Clones proposal. 
 “Fine by me.” Doffy agrees as they both turn to look at you. You felt like conquerors' haki was being used on you the way your body froze to the bed. 
 They both start leaving kisses and bite marks down your legs. Slowly but surely they inched closer to the place you wanted them the most. Finally you feel their hot breath ghosting over your sensitive flesh. 
 “Doffy.” You call out to the man himself, gaining his attention. “Please make me cum, only you can~” He smirks at you before his expert tongue starts lapping at your folds. It's very rare that Doffy eats you out, but when he does you're always left speechless. You wish you could thank the clone for pressing his buttons.
 “Don’t forget about me.” You feel the clone's tongue join Doffy’s. The two tongues fight for dominance as they lick every inch of your needy pussy. Your body vibrates from the sheer ecstasy you're experiencing. 
 One of Doffy’s hands snakes up your body to wrap firmly around your neck. You had no trouble figuring out which tongue was the real Doffy’s. Everytime he flicks your clit, he squeezes your neck as if to remind you who your pussy belongs to. 
 “I’m gonna cum~” Your hand grabs onto Doffy’s blonde hair as your body twitches.
"Your not needed anymore." Doflamingo pulls the clone away you before shoving two fingers deep into you. Your legs begin to shake as he syncs the pace of his fingers and tongue together. The perfect harmony of pleasure was driving you even closer to the edge.
 “That’s not fair.” The clone attempts to reclaim his spot between your legs, but was quickly shut down.
 “Have we ever been known to be fair?” With a snap of Doffy's fingers, the sound of string unwinding mixes with your moans. The clone had a scowl on its face before it disappeared. His fingers pick up the pace causing you to grip his hair tighter. “Be a good little girl and cum for me.”
 “Fuck~” Your body quivers as your overdue orgasm crashes over you. Doffy’s tongue detaches from your clit, but his fingers begin to rock up and down harder. You try to fight the urge to let go, knowing what would happen if you do. “Stop Doffy, I’m going to make a mess!”  Your warning came too late as your second orgasm washes over you, causing clear liquid to gush out of you. 
 “I win. Now to claim my prize.” Doffy places his fingers in his mouth and sucks your juices off them. It's hard to lose when you get rid of your competition. “Get on your hands and knees, now.” 
 You miraculously get yourself into the position he wants. Your hands shake trying to hold your worn out body up. Stay focused Y/N, don’t pass out. You hear the familiar sound of a condom being opened as the bed dips. One of his hands ghost up your back, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its path. The same hand wraps tightly around your hair as he bottoms out in one motion. He stays pressed up against your cervix for a few minutes, letting your walls stretch and relax around him. You move up and down his length, letting him know your ready.
 The pace he sets is rapid and ruthless. His cock effortlessly hits all of your sweet spots with every thrust. The blinding pleasure was starting to build up all over again. Your hands shook violently on the bed, you know they are going to give out any moment now. 
 “Are you struggling?” Doflamingo deep voice whispers in your ear. “Want your master to help you?” You weakly nod your head. Doffy’s free arm hooked under you, bringing you off the bed until your back was flush against his chest. He bottoms out again and continues his relentless thrusts. The new position gave him full control over your body, leaving you completely at his mercy. 
 The hand that was in your hair moved down until it stopped at one of your neglected nipples. He rolls the bud between his thumb and index finger before pinching it hard. You cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain. He then moves to the other nipple and gives it the same treatment. 
 “It feels so good.~” Your hand goes down to play with your clit but Doffy stops you.
 “Not so fast little girl.” He switches the position to where he is laying on the bed with you on top. “You're being so selfish, making me do all of the work.” His thumb starts circling your clit causing you grind down on him. “As a matter of fact you’ve not only selfish. You’ve been disobedient, bratty and you even went as far to say that stupids clone tongue was better than mine. You don’t deserve that reward, not even in the slightest.” His cold tone causes you to halt your movements. Something about it struck a chord deep within you. 
 “I’m sorry Doffy.” It hurt knowing he was so disappointed in you. You feel your mood declining. All the dopamine and adrenaline that coursed through your body had finally run out, leaving you emotionally vulnerable.  
 “I’m not finished talking yet, so stop crying and listen.” You were unaware of your tears until he mentioned it. You watch as his hand comes up to his sunglasses. He inhales a deep breath and pulls the glasses off. You bring your hands up to cover your eyes. No one has ever seen his eyes, not even Trebol has. “Look at me Y/N.” Slowly, you drop your hands. Your eyes connect with his. His right eye was ruby red, while his left eye was white and foggy. 
 “Doffy.....Your eyes are beautiful. But why? Why did you show me?” You look at him in awe. 
 “I can’t even answer that myself.” He sighs and runs a hand through his blonde locks. “It doesn't matter anyways. You still want that reward?” 
 “Yes, I do.” You were starting to think him showing you his eyes was the reward. 
 “Make me cum and it’s yours.” He crosses his arms behind his back. Out of everything you and him have done tonight, this was by far the most intimate.
 You slowly start going up and down his length. Every fiber in your body was screaming at you to stop, but the desire to please the man below you was louder. The lewd sounds of your body's connecting fill the room once more. You pick up the pace as you chase your high. Doffy’s hands reach out and grab onto your plush hips. His grip was getting tighter and tighter, causing your hips to roll and grind on him.
 “Fuck.” Doffy curses. One of his hands leaves your hip and moves to wrap around your neck. “Tell me, who does this pussy belong to?” 
 “My master.” You cry out as the grip around your neck tightness.
 “And who is your fucking master.” He brings your head down so your eyes meet his. 
 “You!” Tears of pleasure rolled down your face. “Donquixote Doflamingo!” You cling onto consciousness as you meet your final orgasm. Doffy follows you as he slams against your cervix. You stay still until his cock softens inside you. Slowly you lift yourself off him. Your body collapses on top of him the moment he is fully out of you. You know he is not a fan of skin to skin contact after sex, but you were too weak to hold yourself up.
 “Doffy.” You muster enough energy to lift your head. “Did I do a good job? Are you going to give me the reward?” Your vision was starting  to go in and out. 
 “Yes, I suppose you did.” A weak smile forms on your lips at his words. 
 “Good.” Your head falls back down on his chest. ”That makes me so happy.” Your eyes close and despite your efforts no to, you black completely out.
~While you were knocked out~
 “How amusing.” Doflamingo snickers at your worn out body splayed on his. “You put all that effort in for a silly reward, just to pass out before you're able to indulge in it.” He lifts your body off of his and lays you gently on the bed. He puts his sunglasses back on and calls a maid in.
 “How can I help you young master?” The maid was blushing ear to ear seeing the state you and him were in.
 “Go get something for Y/N to sleep in from her room and change the sheets. I do apologize, it’s my fault they got a little wet.” The maid's cheeks got even darker at his declaration. Doflamingo picks your limp body from the bed and makes his way over to the bathroom. “And if you tell anyone about this, I will cut your head off and send it to your family. You may go now.” 
 “Yes young master.” Her voice wavers with fear. With a bow she leaves the room.
 Doffy turns his shower on, letting steam fill the room. He sat you down on the shower bench so he could clean himself. After giving his body a good scrub down, he picks your body up and places you under the warm water. He leans your body against his and begins to massage shampoo into your hair. After rinsing the suds out of your hair, he poured shower gel into a washcloth and started to lather it into your skin.
 “You're missing out young lady. I’m even using my expensive soap on you~” No response. Doffy rolls his eyes and continues to rinse your body off. He turns the shower off after he deems you squeaky clean. He sat you back down on the bench so he could dry himself off. He threw on a pair of silky pink boxers and then got to work drying you off. 
 He picks you up and takes you back into the bedroom. The maid had laid your clothes out on the freshly made bed. Doffy grabs the night gown and places it over your body. He never in a million years would have thought about pampering a woman like this. But yet here he is.
 “I normally only take these off of a woman, but I guess I’ll make an exception just this once.” He grabs your panties and rolls them up your legs. He admires the small pink flamingo that decorates them. “I’ll have to buy you more of these.”
 He pulls the duvet down and places you under it. After turning the lamp off he joined you in the bed.
 “Baby 5……” You mumble in your unconscious state. “If you go out, get me the latest copy of “Daydreams of Dressrosa”. And don’t let Doffy find out.” 
 “I’m not Baby 5 and I already know you read those silly books you insufferable woman.” Doffy whispers in your ear and as he expected you don’t respond. 
 Doflamingo has never been one to fall asleep easily, normally he reads a book or ponders his next heinous act. But tonight he finds himself watching your sleeping form. The moonlight that peeks through the curtains casts an ethereal glow on your face. “Do you want to shower with me and maybe we can cuddle together for a while after?” He recalls your request from that night. You have technically already showered together, even though you weren't awake for any of it. Which was of course your (Doffy’s) fault. Now it was time to fulfill the last part of your request.  His arm hooks around your midsection and pulls you so your head rests on his chest.
 His arm wraps around your back keeping you snug against him. He’d never openly admit it to you, but he was enjoying this. From the way you snuggled closer to him, to the way your body molds perfectly with his. Like you were made for him. Because you were made for him. He has never been one to keep the same woman around for long. He viewed women how children viewed toys. They are fun for a little while, until something more fun comes along. But not you. You're different from the others who threw themselves at him. He of course finds you very attractive, but there was something else that allured him more. 
  You are truly like his loyal lap dog. No matter how much he neglects you and no matter how many times he metaphorically “kicks you”, the moment he sticks his hand out you come running to him with that dopey smile plastered on your face. You're so hopelessly devoted to him and he loves it. You can’t live without him, he knows that. But a small part of him feels the same way towards you.
 “I think I’ll keep you around. For now at least.” 
 Your body stirs awake when you feel something tickling your ear. You search for the cause only to hear light snores coming from above you. Slowly you raise yourself from the bed to see the source of the snores was coming from none other than Doflamingo. You bite down on your lip in order not to laugh. It was so funny to watch a man so powerful and scary snoring.  He was still human after all. One particularly loud snore causes a giggle to escape your lips. You slam a hand over your mouth and pray he didn’t hear. 
 “Mind telling me what’s so funny?” It was too late, the beast was already lifting up from the bed.
 “It’s nothing Doffy, you were just snoring.” You press your hands against his chest urging him to lay back down. “I’m sure I’ve overstayed my welcome, I apologize. Sleep well young master.” You scooch yourself off the bed only to be pulled back by a strong arm. He brought you back down to his tone chest and wrapped his arm back around you, caging you to his side. Butterflies erupt in your stomach from the gesture. You lips form into a wide smile as you enjoy the warmth he provided.
 “I don’t snore. And you're fine right where you are. This is your reward after all.” You feel his hand draw soothing shapes into your back. I must be dreaming.
 “If that’s the case, I really like my reward. Thank you.” Your eyes travel up to meet his. You were on cloud 9 and the huge smile on your face proved that. He rolls his eyes at you before slamming your head back down. “Can I request one more thing?” You muffle out into his pecs.
 “Well, aren't you a greedy girl? What is this request of yours?” You feel your heartbeat pick up. You hope this doesn't go south like last time. 
 “Will you please kiss me? I’m grateful for everything you’ve given me and I-.” Your cutoff when his lips connect with your. It catches you off guard, but you slowly melt into it. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire as he slips his tongue into your mouth. Thankfully he pulls away before it gets too heated, you doubt your worn out body could go another round.
 “Satisfied?” You meekly nod before laying back down on him. “Good, now go back to sleep.”
 “One more thing.” You hear him groan out in response. “Now that I’ve seen your eyes, are you going to kill me?” The room fell silent before he started laughing.
 “Perhaps.” You don’t know what worse, the fact he’s laughing about it or not knowing if that perhaps was a joke or not. “Now go back to sleep or I may actually off you.” That time you could sense he was kidding. He was kidding right?
 “Yes sir.” And with that you fell back asleep in his protective hold.
 ~The morning after~
 You woke up alone in Doflamingo’s ginormous bed. You rub the sleep out of your eyes and roll off of the plush mattress. Judging from the amount of sunshine that filled the room, it was very late in the morning. You stretch your arms over your head and let out a satisfied hum.
  Your eyes scan the room and stop on a large tray of sweets sitting on a table. After last night activities, you've worked up a appetite. You walk up to investigate the confections and notice a couple books stacked neatly beside it. You jump up and down when you realize the books are the latest volumes of “Daydreams of Dressrosa”. And they were all signed copies! There was even a copy of the book that was destroyed in the pool yesterday.
 “What page was I on again?” You open the book and skim through the pages until you find a pink feather marking page 112.
 Unknown to you, a certain warlord watched you with a rare, but rather pleasant smile on his face.
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hooksignal · 5 months
I wasn't a fan of aew when Team Taz were a thing but ofc I saw some (a lot) clips of them, so seeing Brian Cage coming for HOOK and his title and the promo having a bunch of Team Taz flashbacks is so chef's kiss, I feel like I am living an era that I didn't lived!
Also this match will be so freaking good for HOOK, because he will show everyone that he can still fold guys that are the triple size of him 😌
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(Ps: it was so freaking hard to find this gif AHHH)
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campbenji · 17 days
*JWCT SPOILERS* very messy first thoughts
OH BOY here we go
-ben and darius's dynamic was epic. the hug. the roadtrip scenes. "is your friend okay?" "no 😊". ben getting darius out of his isolation cabin and darius grounding him in ep2. the parallels with s3ep7. "you kiss your mother with that mouth?" i'm gonna be thinking about that scene for days. their ship is still a swim to me but please they better keep whatever the fuck they have going on in s2 because it's fucking wonderful
-i love that they took the chance to give more light to duos we didn't see much in jwcc. teamups we didn't often see like ben and sammy, THE B-DUO, and darius and sammy got very special moments here
-the amount of pictures/videos from the six years in between??? the brooklynn flashbacks??? we were so well fed
-BRAND!!!!!! i got so happy when i heard him the first episode, he's clearly been checking on his brother and i'm glad he's ok
-bowman family FEAST. brand and darius talking over the phone. the pictures on the cabin. kenji saying he calls mrs. bowman once a week and all the nice things he said about her. the whole mess between kenji and darius. "we're brothers, right?" i died dead. i love this family your honor
-sammy. she's got so much going on and we desperately need to talk about it. i'm so worried about her, she's desperately trying to avoid confronting what happened with brooklynn, with yaz and her own trauma, and then they casually dropped on us that her family isn't speaking to her and never elaborated on that?? sammy, who's love and care for her family was her biggest motivation in jwcc?? i need to know what happened because it must've been big
-mateo!! i liked him a lot, he definitely doesn't want to get into any of this mess but still dabbles around a bit to help the kids, which i respect. also i hope we get to meet his daughter hiraya, she sounds really cool
-MS MICROBANGS (or the handler, or whatever name we're calling her). what is her deal. who is she working for. she's so uncanny, literally almost robotic i need to know more about her
-brookenji over i cheered. don't take this personally i've never been a fan of this ship and a part of me knew they weren't going to last long
-the animation increased in quality so much. the scene after ben, yaz and sammy get out of the sinking van is so well done it's so pretty to look at. and the t-rex with the explosion behind her? it reminds me so much of toro in the tunnels in s1ep8, and i haven't tested this out but i feel like if you put them one next to the other the improvement would be so noticeable.
-also related to the point above: that thing when a character's eyes start filling up with tears but they don't cry just yet? 10/10. chef's fucking kiss
-sure jwct has the same tv-y7 rating as jwcc, but from minute 1 it's obvious it's not the same audience they're talking to. it's not a big change in tone, like for example adventure time/distant lands/fionna and cake, but it's there, you can tell they know it's not little kids watching anymore
-BUMPY IS HAVING A BABY BUMPY IS A MOM NOW they had me shit scared for her and then they pulled a freaking egg my heart was literally pounding. anyways i hope they get both bumpy and the egg somewhere safe and that they name the new anky "speckles" (i've gotten so attached to that name in the last 24 hours it's insane)
-YASAMMY THE QUEENS THAT YOU ARE. their relationship was stellar this season, i was scared when i saw that they were apart but their issues felt organic to their relationship and i just love how they were written in the show, they are still so in love with each other and i can't wait to see where they go next season. they're everything to me
-yeah they were apart for half the season but. benji crumbs. the egg cradle scene. kenji helping ben after he got hit with the stun gun. basically all they did was act like they knew each other but idc. we are so back.
-the brooklynn reveal was... meh?? it could've been more rewarding if they waited until s2 to reveal she's still alive, but at least i hope they take their time before reuniting her with the rest of the camp fam. also i can't believe ppl even guessed what arm she was going to lose y'all have prophetic powers or smth
-bringing daniel back to kill him the same episode was an insane move btw. i would've normally complained but it's all worth it for causing the panic attack scene in ep7. kenji's reaction felt so genuine, i'm forever in awe at how well this show writes grief and trauma
-i'm so conflicted about darius's confession. i like dinostar, but i feel like it wasn't needed for darius to be in love with brooklynn to explain the voicemails and the way he was dealing with her death. she was one of his closest friends, his grief made sense even with them being platonic. on the other hand, i love how he admitted it to kenji and the fact they didn't turn it into a huge fight between them; also, "i didn't know i could even feel that way" aroace/acespec darius truthers never lose
-maybe it's just that i need to rewatch, but i'm lost as to where they're going next season?? i know they're getting on a boat but where does that go?? what are they trying to do?? there's so much happening my head is spinning
-ben... he kind of felt like the comic relief for most of the show, the first episodes showed him as being really paranoid again and struggling with being alone, but halfway through the season they just sort of forgot about it?? idk something was off
-bring back kenji's old latin spanish va idk who this guy is but that is not kenji i can't do this. i'll survive the loss of ryan potter but i won't survive this
anyways yeah i think those are most of my uncooked thoughts, overall i really liked the season, i can't believe we got to see the kids again this is still so unreal to me
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micia-posts-stuff · 3 months
Spoilers for Spy x Family chapter 96
(Part 2) Now let's talk about the dance and the thing.
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Damian blushing hard is always funny and adorable, look at him! The poor boy doesn't know what to do with all these feelings! Also it's interesting that we get yet another instant of Anya shivering when she perceives his feelings towards her. We saw it happen first very early on, in the chapter where she had to apologize for punching him, and we saw it recently in chapter 88 when they were in Henderson's office. It's a recurring thing at this point, wich makes me think she'll understand what it is in the future, not any time soon, but for now she still perceives that something is there.
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This is so cute, the boy is having a whole flashback to them holding hands (there is also the light novel but it's not included in the events of the manga sadly). He was so nervous of being so near her and holding hands, he wants to dance with her but he's also totally panicked, so precious!!!
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Yesss goofy dancing!
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Look at his expression!!!!! The little smile when he thinks of Anya's family! The yearning for something similar and the hint of sadness because he knows he can't have it. SOMEONE GIVE THIS KID A HUG. HE'S SO SAD. And the way he opens up to her! Like tell me they're not friends! Tell me he would say that to anyone! You can't! This closeness they have, even tho it's unconventional, it's so important to him. This is very similar to the scene after the bus hijacking. Anya has officially been established as someone he opens up to. Even though he still thinks Anya is after his family (and he's right), he also understand there is something different from other people. And even after he denies what he just said telling her "he totally wins because he learned from a pro" Anya understands he was being sincere before and that was just a way to cover up how he really feels. And it would have been sooo easy for Endo to just make her be angry at that comment, but he didn't and I'm so happy, because this moment is very important. Because it's an honest moment between them, where they really open up to each other, wich bring us to...
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Listen. Being a Damianya shipper, I was obviously looking forward to this chapter. But no amount of hype could have prepared me for THIS. I'd never have imagined we would get one of THE reveals, but I'm totally here for it. First of all I KNEW IT WAS GONNA BE HIM YESSSS
Second the fact that happened not only during their dance BUT DURING THE CASQUÈ, chef kiss, straight out of of fanon, amazing, incredibile, show-stopping. (Also on a two pages panel!!!!!)
Third and most important, the fact that it happened. As people pointed out this doesn't help Anya's mission in the slightest, in fact it puts it in danger. Anya has tried to hide this secret from anyone. But NOW she tells HIM. This is not a high stake moment, a moment where she confesses out of necessity. No, she tells him now because she saw he was being honest with her, because he was showing her his feelings, because he really touched her. And she told HIM because she knows he would be able to understand her, because she saw through his facade. She has been starting to see how similar they are a while ago, but it was highlighted particularly during the bus hijacking. Not only, as underlined in the quiz, they both love their fathers and are doing everything to impress them and for them to love them, but she also can relate to his loneliness, because of her life before the Forger family. When he said "your family...sounds nice" She saw in him the same thing she felt back then. That's why she decided to tell him, because she knows he won't reject her, like she's afraid other people would. And in these months she was also able to see his true self underneath the facade and yes they always end up fighting, but she is clever enough to recognize his sincerity when it really matters. She has learned to know him and decided to trust him with her biggest secret.
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And Damian obviously doesn't believe her ahah. I mean I don't think anyone was expecting otherwise, it's only logical. BUT a couple of things. First of all the first expression he made, he maybe didn't believed her after thinking it over, but for a moment the thought was there, the suspicion has definitely been planted in his head. Second, this wasn't just a slip-up by Anya, it may have come out naturally in the moment, but she definitely ment to tell him. If it was a slip-up she could have easily played along with Damian and say something like "yeah I was joking, it was a line from my cartoons" But no she doubled down! She got angry that he didn't believed her and called her dummy, she definitely wants him to know! This is important because from now on she can act with the notion that she told Damian. Like if she needs him to know that someone thought about something, she can tell him! Even if he doesn't believe it, she told him already so it's just a matter of having him trust her. I don't know if she'll try to convince him or if something will come up later where they'll need to work together using her mind reading abilities, but I hope he'll believe her sooner rather than later because it would be so interesting! Imagine all the shenanigans they can go through together if he knows of her mind reading abilities! Imagine the struggle of hiding his crush once Damian finally admits his feelings to himself! It would be such a cool dynamic! I do understand Spy x family has the tendency to always return to the status quo and that's fine, it's a slow burn, but now something major has ctually happened! It would be kinda lame for this massive thing to change nothing about the story and be swept under the rug. Like it's fine if some little moments don't change things too much but this is THE MIND POWERS REVEAL! It needs to have an impact.
Now I'm really interested in seeing their povs. I want to see if Anya will regret telling him, since she was so worried that people might discover her powers. Maybe this could finally lead into Anya's backstory. And I really really want Damian's pov, because as soon as we see him seriously thinking about it he will have to realize it's true. He already had his suspicions and there are not many other explanations about the knowledge Anya has. Plus if he doesn't realize it now based on the past, he'll have to realize it in the future when Anya relies a bit too much on her powers, wich is something that happens fairly often. Like if something like old maid happens again, there's no way he won't think about what she told him.
And last but not least
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Endo usually uses these little boxes to show us the actual progress of the mission. He has put friendship to ??? before, so he could have left it ambiguous if he wanted to, but he didn't. He confirmed this was an important progress in their friendship, despite Damian not believing her and them arguing at the end. Wich makes me a bit more hopeful that something will come from this.
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hurthermore · 1 month
Hello! I found your page a few days ago, and last night, I completely binged on your Misconduct fic (I regret it sm cuz now I read it all T-T). And can I just say, wow, I think this has been my official favorite fanfic if all time. I can relate so hard to MC, and I've had similar abuse, and the way you write her is so authentic. Sometimes when fic writers portray abuse, it just doesn't ring true for me, but jeez yoir portrayal is SO fucking accurate. Anyway. Fangirling aside... I have a few questions for you!
1. Do you think part of the reason Alastor was so interested in MC is because she carries herself like his mother/has similar qualities to her?
2. Are we gonna see some of Alastor's childhood in this fic? I'm interested to hear about it since he hinted at it during the picnic.
3. (I know this question is annoying so ahndbfbfb feel free to ignore it, but do you have an estimate for when the next part is coming out? I only ask bc in a previous ask you said you like to plan things out haha)
4. Oh and! What do you think Alastor would do if during intimacy he notices MC dissociating/crying? What do you think he'd say if she voiced her thoughts about not being good enough?
Okok andjfnfn I don't wanna overwhelm you with questions so I'll stop here. But again, the way you manage to capture the abuse and the calmness Alastor brings is just- *chefs kiss* ilysm <3
Ahh tysm!!! I'm so glad you read misconduct and enjoy it so much!!<3 This kindddd of goes into spoiler territory SO.
Spoilers ahead!!
Onto your questions:
I thought I established it in chapter 10, but it will be become more obvious in chapter 11 that the reason Alastor is attracted to reader is not only because she is just insanely attractive, but because she has the same glint in her eyes that he does when he murders people; she has the ability to kill. Reader is neither elegant nor cute nor whatever, reader is your or your self insert, so whatever YOUR reader is, thats what reader is. (Does that make sense lmao??)
Honestly I wasn't planning on having Alastor's childhood in it because it would serve no purpose to the plot and I feel a lot of people would get bored if I did that. I might make him have some flashbacks of his mother, only snippets, but nothing in depth.
Honestly, I'm almost finished with this next assignment! LUCKILY ahaha. I've begun on Chapter 11, I just gotta focus on it, with the discord server and my assignment, i've been a bit too busy to focus on it. But I'm hoping to get the next chapter out by... Sunday??? Fingers crossed!!!
Ooof. He would stop immediately. If you seem uncomfortable or distressed whilst you're meant to be making love, he will stop. This will be established later, but Alastor can only kind of... get hard if you're turned on?? So yeah. He'd comfort you, asking you whats wrong, what he can do to help; he hates to see you cry, it breaks his heart! But hearing you say you don't feel good enough? He will be baffled; he's not good enough for you, if anything. So to hear you be so worried about that? He will remind you how you're a goddess in his eyes.
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sosa2imagines · 1 month
Misunderstanding. Part 5.
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Warnings- Angst, Fluff.
The silence in the abandoned building was punctuated, only by the rhythmic hum of the bomb. You and Matt sat side-by-side, both tense but determined. Your combined weight kept the pressure plate off, the only thing preventing a city-wide catastrophe.
But that didn’t stop Nat from laughing and Matt being kind enough, not to directly laugh at you.
You had burrowed Nat’s phone to send, a whole-hearted voice message to Steve. After you were done, you looked at them, little very proud of your speech. What you didn’t expect was them to laugh.
“Ha ha! Very funny.” you scoff, with a serious look.
“You are really adorable.” Matt says, trying his best not to laugh, but failing miserably. “She is adorable, I mean that voice message though, chef’s kiss.” Nat laughed. “You do realize right; Rogers might not check the message sent through my phone?”
You glare at her, she raises her brow daring you to glare, which you immediately replace with a scowl, though she was right. “If things go in the wrong direction…” you motion with your hands to the current situation, “you can tell him…to check…” you pout.
“What happened to, I trust everyone and we’ll be safe Matt?” Matt reminds you, with that damn adorable smile. “I still trust everyone, but” “She is being dramatic” Nat cuts you, rolling her eyes. “Why don’t you kids, get to know each other, while I look around more.”
“Sounds good to me, not like we can do much here…” Matt says. “Behave you two” she winks at you and heads out.
“So,” you began, your voice a low murmur, “Lawyer by day, vigilante by night, huh?”
Matt chuckled; the sound surprisingly warm. “Just doing my part. You seem to handle yourself pretty well too.” “Just another day at the office,” you replied, the words laced with a hint of a smile. “Though I wouldn't mind a few more gadgets and a flying suit right now.”
You both lapsed into a comfortable silence again. You stole a glance at Matt. He seemed calm, almost serene, despite the ticking bomb beneath him. His face, etched with the faint scars of past battles, was surprisingly handsome. There was a depth in his dark eyes though hidden through his glasses.
You spoke again, breaking the silence, “care to share, what’s the issue, between you and Tony?”
Just then Nat comes back, “My senses told me, we are about to gossip.” Matt chuckled, blushing slightly, as he begins to tell…
Tony Stark, scowled as he watched Matt Murdock walk confidently into Stark Tower. The lawyer, Pepper's choice for handling the legal aftermath of the Iron Man reveal, had become a thorn in Tony's side. It wasn't Matt's legal prowess that bothered him, it was the way Pepper spoke of him.
“He's so calm and collected, Tony,” Pepper had said, a genuine smile on her face. “He handled the press conference beautifully, even with you throwing curveballs.”
Tony had grunted, the jealousy twisting in his gut like a malfunctioning arc reactor. Matt Murdock, with his quiet demeanor and kind eyes, was everything Tony wasn't. He was the grounded lawyer, the responsible one, the complete opposite of Tony's flamboyant billionaire persona.
“Mr. Stark,” Matt greeted, his voice a low rumble. “Pepper said it was urgent.”
Tony gestured to a chair, the tension in the room thick. “Yes, well, there's been a slight... disagreement with a certain Captain America, and I need you to clean up the mess.”
Matt listened patiently as Tony ranted about the disagreement, his words laced with sarcasm and barely concealed bitterness. When Tony finished, Matt simply raised an eyebrow.
“Mr. Stark,” he said, his voice calm, “you're asking me to fix a situation that primarily stems from your own actions. Captain Rogers is not entirely unreasonable.”
Tony scoffed. “He's a relic from a bygone era, clinging to outdated ideals.”
Matt leaned back, his gaze unwavering. “Perhaps, but he's also a man who fought for what he believed in long before you donned a metal suit.”
Tony's jaw clenched. He hated the way Matt spoke, the subtle challenge in his voice. He was a good lawyer, Tony grudgingly admitted, but the man was starting to grate on his nerves.
“Just fix it, Murdock,” Tony snapped, his facade slipping. “That's what I pay you for.”
Matt stood, a faint smile playing on his lips. “I'll do my best, Mr. Stark. But perhaps a little humility wouldn't hurt in the future.”
He left the room, leaving Tony fuming. Humility. The word tasted like ashes in his mouth. He, Tony Stark, the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist, needing humility?
He slammed his fist on the desk, the sound echoing through the sterile room. It wasn't just the disagreement with Captain Rogers that bothered him. It was the way Matt, with his quiet confidence, seemed to effortlessly win Pepper's admiration. It was the way he made Tony feel...
He watched Matt leave, the jealousy still lingering, but something else stirring within him. Maybe Matt was right. Maybe a little less arrogance and a little more understanding wouldn't hurt. He glanced at Pepper, who was working on her tablet, of course he is not going to accept that. How dare he impress Pepper!
“Woah” you and Nat said in unison.
“So you were his lawyer...and he has a problem with you...because you gave some advice?” Nat asks, narrowing her eyes. “Yeah, I guess so...I mean, I don't have any other reason, why he would have a problem with me...” Matt replies.
“Wait what problem, did he have with Steve?” you ask in curiosity. “You should ask him…” Matt said, rubbing the back of his neck, giving you a sheepish smile.
Before you could push him further, suddenly, Tony clad in his Iron Man suit, stormed in, his helmet retracted. Relief washed over you.
“Took you long enough,” Natasha remarked, a hint of relief in her voice. “Traffic” he smirks, before looking at you.
“Kid, are you okay?” he asks, as his gaze landed on Matt, he gasped. “Murdock? What are you doing here?” Tony's voice boomed through the helmet.
Matt raised an eyebrow. “Good to see you Stark.”
“He's with me,” you interjected, “helping with the bomb.”
Tony shot you a glare. “He's a lawyer, kid! Lawyers don't defuse bombs!”
“He's not just a lawyer,” you defended. “he is a vigilante.” Tony scoffed. “Right, because Daredevil is known for his expertise in explosive ordinance.”
Yes, Tony knew who he was. He had done his homework on Matt. Another reason why he had a problem with him.
“Well, if either one of them, gets up, none of us can survive…” Natasha chimed in, her voice calm amidst the chaos. “Murdock's and Y/n combined weight has kept it off.”
Tony hesitated. Pepper had always spoken highly of Matt, his legal prowess and unwavering moral compass. It irked Tony, a strange mix of admiration and resentment. He sighed, “Alright, fine. But if he blows us all up, I'm blaming you.”
Matt chuckled again. “Fair enough.”
Matt was kind enough, to put his arm around your shoulder, to make you comfortable. You did blush and as a reward you got a glare from Tony.
“Traitor!” he mutters to himself. “Kid we are setting some serious ground rules for you...” You narrow your eyes, giving him a questionable look, “What did I do? Isn't this a part of the job?”
“Young lady, don't make me ground you!”.
“To ground the ‘young lady’ Nat rolls her eyes, “we need to save her!” she reminds him.
For a few minutes, which felt like hours, Tony kept glaring at Matt who was unaffected by it. After couple of minutes, Tony snapped out of, mentally doing whatever he was doing to Matt, addressing back to the current problem.
“Care to tell me, how you got in this situation?” even before you or Nat could answer, Tony speaks again “I want the truth, nothing but the truth, don't even try to hide a tiny detail.”, he looks at Matt before looking at you again “or else I'll get FRIDAY to get me all the cctv footage, across town!”
If you thought hiding something from Natasha is hard, meet Tony Stark, who has access to everything. With a big gulp, you tell Tony, every single thing.
“This is getting ridiculous, Murdock!” Tony growled. The lawyer's calm demeanor, the way he held himself with an unwavering confidence, it all grated on Tony's nerves.
Tony knelt beside you, his scanners analyzing the bomb. “Looks like a basic pressure-sensitive trigger. We need to disarm it without lifting either of you. These wires are connected in different places.”
“What does that mean?” you ask. “It means we need to cut these wires at the same time, as soon as I figured out the code system.” Tony tells you. “Thankfully, Rogers is here too… he can”
“Steve? He’s here?” you ask in surprise. “Yeah, he tagged along...he” “Where is he?” you cut him off, desperate to see Steve.
“What the hell?” You all turn to the direction of the voice, Steve was standing, looking extremely furious, not at the situation, but you and Matt sitting together.
Part 4 - Part 6
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Taglist- @blackhawkfanatic @ordelixx
@sapphirebarnes @differenttyphoonwerewolf
@vicmc624 @thezombieprostitute
@lillyxlillian @nekoannie-chan @ashley202
@lovely-geek @redbloodedgurl
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scuderiasundays · 9 months
dancing queen
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summary: post-breakup reeling, a lizzy mcalpine cover, and flashbacks to slow dancing in the kitchen 💌
words: 618
a/n: this idea popped into my head on my commute and i just had to write it! tagging @vamossainz55, @sainzcaleruega, @monzabee, @ssainzz, and @diorleclerc just because. feedback appreciated as always. hugs and kisses 🫶🏼
When fatigue set in after a long day, the kitchen was your retreat. Although your body longed to collapse onto the couch the minute you walked through the door, the 2-for-1 avocados in the shop window had caught your eye. Your tense shoulders relaxed as you began to sauté some onions to go along with the avocados and some leftover salmon. The very act of cooking had fascinated you since childhood, the way the ingredients could start off one way and completely metamorphose at your hand.
As summer slowly ebbed towards its end, you found yourself reflecting on the year's pace – swift in its early months and achingly slow as of late. You turned to Siri, your trusty confidante, hoping to dial down the lights and prevent yourself from spiraling. She clearly didn’t get the memo as you began to hear the faint strumming of a guitar.
The truth is your world had been on mute since the breakup. Those who knew you well enough understood just how deeply you connected with music. In fact, your love for it was so profound that your girlfriends would frequently enlist your expertise when crafting playlists for various occasions, be it a night out on the town or navigating the rough waters of a midlife crisis.
The smallest smile crept onto your lips as you marveled at the irony of fate. Out of all the songs in the world Siri could have chosen, it just had to be the one you least desired to hear. In an instant, you found yourself transported to a memory of a night spent cooking alongside Carlos. Ever the optimist, it was he who had come up with the idea of making fresh pasta from scratch. The tasks were evenly divided between you two; you were in charge of prep and crafting the pasta, while Carlos was committed to whipping up his signature carbonara and doing the dishes.
"Are you absolutely sure you can't get a head start on the sauce?" you'd playfully inquired while Carlos settled onto a barstool opposite you.
"I quite enjoy watching you work your magic. I feel like Gordon Ramsay," he chuckled, inching closer. He reached for two slices of focaccia from the kitchen counter and placed them on either side of your head.
"What are you?" he quizzed, reenacting an iconic scene from one of the British chef's shows.
Without hesitation, you replied, "An idiot sandwich." Carlos burst into laughter. "That you are, mi amor, but you're my idiot sandwich."
The night wouldn't have been complete without a soundtrack, as the speakers hummed to life. "This one's my absolute favorite," you declared as a Lizzy McAlpine cover of "Dancing Queen" filled the air.
Carlos chimed in, "This is that ABBA song, no?" You nodded in agreement. The tempo was just right, and he extended his hand, a devilish smile gracing his lips.
"May I have this dance?" he asked, and just like that, he was spinning you around the kitchen, all while completely butchering the lyrics.
In his warm embrace, you couldn't help but let the dreamlike feeling wash over you. How could any of this be real? The fact that he had chosen you, that everything between you two felt so blissfully effortless—it was almost too good to be true.
A few months later, you were faced with the unsparing truth that your whirlwind romance had been nothing more than a fleeting, beautiful illusion. The worst part was he hadn't given you enough time or reason to truly fall out of love. The sting lingered, and as you crumbled to the kitchen floor, you could only hold onto the hope that time might one day dull the ache.
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