#his birthday is in february
thistaleisabloodyone · 8 months
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武知海青 | Takechi Kaisei
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batshaped · 4 months
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you didn't really think you'd escape me this year did you birthday boy
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nebuleeart · 10 days
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happy birthday akechi 🎉
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bicheetopuff · 2 years
Here’s an upsetting realization to leave you guys with before bed:
Katsuki was kidnapped by the league in July
Izuku left UA in April
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It’s an insignificant detail but it was definitely intentional. Hori, you angsty bastard🥲
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vague-bisexual-crimes · 2 months
‘The pen. I need to take the pen and sign my name and sign my life away.’ The new contract would have fucking killed them. I think Rowan would keep at it like he is, absolutely miserable, and just become this robotic shell of a man making his way through the shows and the interviews and everything, Lister’s alcoholism only would have gotten worse, and Jimmy is a toss up of whether he’d be so stressed that his body would make him stop or if he’d actually kill himself from the pressure. Anyway. They’re 19 year olds.
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fantasykiri5 · 3 months
Sorry but I’m just not going to pay attention to some of the bad kids’ canon heights. Some of them are listed as too damn tall (and Gorgug has 100 percent grown since freshman year) so have 80 million headcanons
Like you’re telling me Riz is supposed to be 4’4”?? That’s a tall ass goblin! That’s too big to be reasonably carted around on the others’ shoulders, no no, I’m making the executive decision to draw him as 3’9” - 3’11” from now on and you can’t stop me. I’d give him another inch or two by college and that’s it.
Kristen being 5’11”? NAH She’s 5’6”. BIG 5’6” energy right there.
Adaine and Fig didn’t have their heights listed on the wiki but I’m thinking Adaine is 5’10” and Fig is 5’4”. Or Fig is also 5’10” ish and takes after Gorthalax idk but I’m leaning towards short Fig.
Fabian can actually stay same as canon at 6’1”. Maybe grow an inch or two since freshman year but honestly his still works. He’s a year older than the others, prolly grew a little earlier and plateaued early-mid sophomore year, half-elf youth look and all that. I think he lied in introductions freshman year and was about 5’11” - 6’0” and grew over the year before the others could notice the discrepancy.
And Gorgug. Gorgug. You’re telling me he reached 6’4” in freshman year and didn’t keep growing?? Mother fucker he has to have hit at LEAST one growth spurt since, puberty does not hit that early in boys that he was done growing at 14/15. I’m thinking 6’8” or so by Junior Year so far, maybe another couple inches before graduating, maybe not.
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angryducktimemachine · 5 months
Also Hamid (the mouse) is now officially over two years old. Everyone say Happy Birthday Hamid :)
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what-the-fuck-khr · 4 months
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Dino Cavallone + artwork
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the thing about grief is everyone’s like “it’ll never get smaller but you’ll grow around it” and yeah that’s true. i definitely have grown around my grief and it’s not constantly all-consuming anymore. but it hasn’t gotten smaller, and i don’t think people realise what that means. i think people figure it’ll feel smaller because they did grow around it, but it just means that it’s on the back of your mind now instead of at the forefront. you can do things and live your life without constantly only thinking of your grief. but sometimes it will also make itself known and the sheer enormity of your grief will overwhelm you because ultimately it’s the same size as the day it arrived
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oddberryshortcake · 5 months
I remember thinking it was odd that Silver and Sebek ended up doing most of the work saving the egg in the dream world when, in reality, it would have been Lilia and Baul making the treacherous journey on their own.
But then I also remembered that Lilia injured himself saving Silver's life at the fortress. He never would've done something like that in the real past. Him rendering himself weak to protect Silver directly led to Silver carrying him and the egg to Maleficia's castle.
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piyoandpome · 3 months
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From Volume #1
Happy Birthday Hunny!!!
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hersurvival · 2 months
Two winter blossoms that signify eternal rest:
Violet and Narcissus
But how is it fair that the way I bow my head
Is interpreted as humility, of being modest
When your head also hangs low?
But you've been grown to accept
You are unlucky, a sign of misfortune
They place me on graves of the innocent,
While you are a portent of death
Nicknamed "heart's-ease,"
A vital part of old love potions, perfumes,
For a flirtatious scent
You have always been a lure, a trap, an end,
Rumored that your gentle fragrance
Is laced with a narcotic effect,
Fatality being imminent
"Where the oxlips and the nodding violets grow.."
"..And the daffodils fill their cups with tears"
We find ourselves together
As your Valentine, I write to you in ink
Created from my petals, my flesh,
To tell you that you are good,
That you are more deserving than this
@nosebleedclub April 20th - Birthday Flowers
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praxieuser · 4 months
happy birthday to my son 🎉
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i had a proper illustration planned for his bday but had to delay it due to life events, so my birthdy gift to him! (for now)
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sociallyawkwardfox · 1 year
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-what’s this?!
-a very cute and fluffy set of ears and tail?
-What! Did you seriously think I was going to pass the opportunity this year?
-no doubt, just matter of time,
-Urahara told you?!
-uh? No need, this is the third year in a row, anyway this “special upgrade” makes you weirdly horny…
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chiptrillino · 1 year
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-gestures to all the fan-ficitons that like to set zuko's birthday, oh so dramatic birth, on the shortest day and longest night of the year. so basically on the winter solstice. and I KNOW there are no official birthdays but...-
eh screw it! happy birthday zuko i guess?! hope fanfic writers and artists treated you kindly
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skullgirls · 4 months
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for my 24th birthday babo and i took our first road trip together in years to savannah. despite spending my entire existence in the state of georgia, i somehow had never been.
we met goats, cows, emus, llamas, and miniature donkeys at a gas station petting zoo on the way. jumped in the atlantic ocean and froze our asses off. hunted for seashells. explored savannah, got lost, took tequila shots at pinky master’s, got lost again. witnessed a dodge charger hit another car and fly six feet in the air before somehow driving off. accidentally convinced countless locals that we were in a cult while trying to find the lodge of sorrows. and saw wednesday on a thursday.
on friday we explored savannah some more, found bacon-egg-and-cheese bagels and coffee that were somehow the temperature of the surface of the sun and never cooled down, saw the grave of america’s foremost painter of miniatures, and walked along the savannah river.
i’ve had a lot of shitty birthdays for a myriad of reasons but this was a really good one
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