#highly doubt what i come up with will be the actual resolution to all this but i'm having fun theorizing!
melverie · 3 months
you know that pic with the guy who looks crazy and in the bg there's a bunch of red strings connecting papers on a board together? you rn
I mean it really does feel like it anon
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strqyr · 1 month
Tbh I can't help but laugh a little when people treat Salem as trustworthy with what she thinks or says, when RWBY is FULL of unreliable narrators. If Oz doesn't understand Salems true goals, why would Salem know Oz's? Plus, Salem is THE narrator in the 'unreliable narrators' show that is RWBY. I don't think she's *lying,* but I do think she completely misunderstands Oz lol.
I think it makes her a bit more interesting. I honestly think Salem will be talked to and eventually she and Oz might reconcile (I highly doubt they'll get back together, even if Oz n Oscar split). I think it'd be fun for it to come to light that Oz isn't working towards his task, Salems reaction to that would be fun. Plus it'd clear up his goals lol since everyone in the FNDM seems to argue over what he really wants. I'm excited for whenever that happens. I'm sure someone will question him about the task and he'll clarify that it's not his goal anymore. Maybe Raven? I just know she'd HATE the idea of the task, but I'm not sure when or how she'd come to know about it. Alternatively, maybe Yang will question him.
Maybe I could write that at some point lol
honestly i think the problem is that people often take "unreliable narrator" to mean "this character is intentionally lying" instead of, ya know...
they just don't have all the information? or even that their memories might not be accurate due to xyz reasons? like shoot, if i had lived thousands of years, something is bound to get muddled in-between lmao
but yeah, i def think that both oz and salem don't know what the other's goal actually is, and that is the point, has been the point in their relationship for gods know who longs, the complete break down of any communication and fixing that issue is going to go a long way in finding a resolution for this conflict; and with understanding comes potential for reconciliation, if that's the route they (the writers, whoever they might be in the future) wish to take.
if they're going to have someone question oz about his task, i honestly do think raven is the likeliest option. i'm fairly certain she's met salem and heard her side of the story & what she thinks of oz, and that's what led to her leaving in the first place -> perfect set-up for clarification. other than her, emerald could also ask about it; she has just switched sides, would also know what salem thinks about oz and his goal... plus out of everyone, as a newbie to the group, she hangs around oscar a lot lol
basically if anyone is going to question oz, they would need to know what salem is saying about him, what it is that is turning people against him, etc. to have that 'spark' to even think about asking him.
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rescue-ram · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @majorbaby :3c
Tagging @dustbunny105 @lyledebeast @tirednecromancer @optimisticfruitcup @itwoodbeprefect @lukestarkillerisgay and anyone else who wants to try it out
How many works do you have on AO3?: 51
What's your total AO3 word count?: 318,236
What fandoms do you write for?: MASH, X-Men, Transformers, and Star Wars primarily, with a few other fandoms mixed in as the spirit moved me :3
What are your top five fics by kudos?: Matched Set (DBH), Turn, Turn (Sandman/Old Guard), Better Than I Know Myself (Moon Knight), Resolute (Star Wars), Expedient Means (DBH)
Do you respond to comments? Honestly not usually. It just wasn't much of a thing in the corners of fandom I came up in, so I never formed the habit or expectation. I do appreciate all comments and periodically try and go through and respond, especially to very nice ones!!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Come and See (Hannibal) ends with murder/suicide...
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Genuinely don't know. I feel like a lot of my fics have tonally similar endings, where they're happyish or hopeful, but there's an element of uncertainty of bittersweetness...
Do you get hate on fics? No.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Ahaha... Yee. Pretty much exclusively gay or robot sex. This year I descended fully into The Id Vortex which was genuinely a psyche changing experience in a positive ways highly recommend.
Do you write crossovers? I had forgotten the Sandman/Old Guard fic was a crossover until I looked up my fics by kudos XD
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No
Have you ever had a fic translated? No
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No
What's your all time favorite ship? TrapHawk was a primordial OTP that has fully taken over my brain kdjdjd...
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Only You Can Find Me or as I call it X-Men Band AU... I fully have like 4 acts outlined, and very elaborate backstories for all the characters in the AU, but it took a lot of research into really weird stuff to actually write, and it just got to be overwhelming, and I kind of lost confidence/momentum in it...
What are your writing strengths? I don't know how to describe it. I think I'm pretty solid? And I have read enough I know what annoys me and I don't do those things XD I think I generally do a good job of keeping things in character and clearly motivated, I think I do a good job setting and maintaining a tone, and I try to be pretty intentional with the scenes I write. I also am pretty fast once I get going.
What are your writing weaknesses? I have a bad habit of "listing" (and this happened and this happened and this happened), and I think I don't elide as much as I could. I also worry about being too introspective or self-indulgent, and I think I have a pretty specific writing style and I always worry my narrators sound too similar. I also do 90% of my writing on my phone so I'm locked in eternal battle with typos and autocorrect correcting the wrong thing.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I indulge in this sometimes- was having a little too much fun with the sci-fi conlangs in Star Wars fic lol. I've done it a few times in other fandoms for color, but I try and make sure that what's being said is clear in context or translated afterwards.
First fandom you wrote for? Agh, like Digimon fanfic in 2001 or something crazy XD
Favorite fic you've written? Genuinely struggled to pick one, but I think Making the Most of It was both really fun to write, really fun to read, and I am proud of how it turned out- it accomplished what I set out to write and then some...
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leam1983 · 2 years
On Authorial Intent
So, Hogwarts Legacy is nearing its street date, which means The Discourse is back in full swing, and various pieces from all potential angles are popping up.
This is a long boy. More below the cut.
What comes up frequently up here is the idea that the main antagonist, a goblin named Ranrok, effectively calls back to blood libel in attempting to kidnap the player character. This starts out of the assertion that on the wider spectrum, Rowling's goblins are supposedly wholeheartedly Antisemitic in design.
In that case, call me a troll, because I've got one heck of an unpopular read on the situation.
There is such a thing, in literary circles, called reading sensitivity. That should refer to a writer's ability to gauge his or her strength accordingly, in order to create instances of pathos or resolution that are impactful, without being insulting or disturbing. That's Fact A, to which I'll return shortly.
Fact B is that the Goblin, as a concept, is thousands of years old. The deepest roots of tales like Das Ring der Nibelungen relate to proto-germanic legends, and that virtually every culture in existence has its small, scurrying pseudo-humanoid of various levels of greed or material attachment. The Russians have the domovoi, some Irish folktales focus on Brownies, and the French have their own lutins that carry slight loaners from animal anatomy. Physical deformities can also feature, seeing as it took the emergence of most modern forms of medicine for the disabled or the infirm to not be seen as otherwordly or freakish. Let's not forget Victorian spiritualism, which saw faeries make a comeback as entirely anatomically-correct "little people" of a sort.
Considering, you'll have to excuse me if the Potter movies' use of money-lending and hook-nosed humans beset with a glandular or skeletal issue doesn't exactly strike me as being antisemitic. Culture warps and shifts over time, points of contention are identified and workshopped, and now you've got ethically mature postures found in Dungeons and Dragons' 5th edition, which rebrands liches' Phylacteries as more à-propos "vessels" or "soul jars". Looking at goblins and at virtually any other Fantasy staple, it's not hard to see that recent advances in criticism have enabled worldbuilders to think critically about their object of focus without disavowing them entirely.
Therein lies a tiny bit of an issue. It isn't impossible for a set of creatives to connect two dots without realizing the implications of the inferences they've made. As is the case with Hogwarts Legacy, this gives you Ranrok's rather awkward reasoning behind his siding with Dark Wizards. It isn't blood libel so much as a clumsy attempt at reclamation, our antagonist not realizing how his actions are painting his entire diaspora in a corner.
Fact C concerns Avalanche Studio themselves. I first thought their name referred to the Stockholm-based creators of open-world titles like Just Cause 3 or Mad Max, but it's a case of mistaken identity. They're actually American, with Hogwarts Legacy being their first tentpole title under WB Games' auspices. They're in more than a tertiary position in relation to Rowling's remaining rights - say that three times fast - and had more contact with WB Games than with anyone related to the wider Potterverse. Considering, I highly doubt they would've chosen to pile onto Rowling's already-massive pile of worldbuilding and character-creating flaws. This, for better or worse, is entirely theirs to shoulder. Going over demos and earlier cover stories, the entire Ranrok angle feels... sophomoric, rather than insulting. It's as though they thought that the game would primarily be played by fifteen year-olds, when the books and movies' core audiences are either well into their thirties or edging ever closer to the mid three-ohs. Some elements of complexity are missing that featured in the movies and games, with the entire premise giving me the impression that our poor Goblin fellow would be hoist by his own petard in some mind-numbingly spectacular fashion, following a boilerplate boss fight.
In clearer terms, I won't be kicking the ass of a clumsy and mean-spirited allegory for Jewish people getting even after the Holocaust; I'll be spending the game trying to set up the most aggressive take on an intervention you could think of. None of this reflects poorly on goblins - it reflects poorly on Ranrok, instead, as well as the game's scriptwriters.
What's interesting is how the current discourse underlines an important point about Rowling's oeuvre, which is that her attempts at making her characters mature through exposure to deeper sociopolitical undercurrents are consistently and amazingly clumsy. Most of her created organizations are pale facsimiles of their real-world counterparts, with her moral compass suggesting that she blew through Ethics without paying much attention in class. She's palpably had good intentions, but her looking for digestible shortcuts is exactly what landed her in her currently murky waters. Characters who'd start out ready and willing to clean their society of its systemic ills after a few books spent in-training would be shelved as now-useless adults by the series' end. The Big Bad is vanquished. Everyone, if not everything in Hogwarts depended on Voldemort's existence as some form of motivating impulse.
What do you do, once you've killed your campaign's BBEG and want to extend it? You totemize societal ills and tell another group of plucky mercenaries to have at it for the sake of a paycheck. Legacy likely wants to say something about the mistreatment of minority groups, but it's contractually obligated to focus on the mirth and whimsy. Considering, reading too much into the antagonist is a fool's errand.
My more personal take on the game is as follows: Rowling's been burned at the stake of Progressivism and now exists as a specter the reactionary Right flaps about. She goes quiet for a few months and then shambles for a few steps like a zombie, Tweeting inane nonsense that depersonalizes minority groups out of some rampant paranoia of hers. In clearer terms, she isn't worth anyone's time.
Everything Potter is now squarely in the House that Batman and Bugs Bunny built. The golden goose has laid all its eggs and the goose itself is now fallow and barren. Ultimately, you can interpret any product in any way you'd choose and ignore anything that displeases you, but my thinking is that you'd be punching down on a megacorporation that knows enough not to purposefully incense a particular group. If any game was focus-tested to Hell and back, it's certainly Hogwarts Legacy.
Don't buy it if you don't want to, sure, but try and maybe catch a few Let's Play segments. We'll all see for ourselves just how adroitly - or clumsily - one particular goblin's racial hatred and spite could call back to an anti-Jewish trope I've never seen bandied-about outside of tailor-made Fash mouthpieces like The Daily Stormer.
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themattress · 1 year
OUAT Observation
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In retrospect, Season 2 was a Sophomore Slump that Once Upon a Time was never truly able to recover from, despite all of Season 3′s best efforts. However, while the show would certainly get worse than how it was in Season 2, there’s still a fascinating uniqueness to how it went off the rails. This is pretty much the only season (other than the final one due to the sudden cancellation) where I feel they had a road map going into it that they just trashed.
For those who don’t know what I mean, it’s been confirmed that with each season renewal there is a session between the writers where the new season’s road map is created, which is then utilized when they reconvene that Summer to actually start writing the season. And the road map for Season 2 was clearly going smoothly for its first 6 episodes; everything felt tight and naturally flowing. But then we hit “Child of the Moon”, where not only did the requisite centric for new season regular Megan Ory and her Red/Ruby character get forcibly cobbled together with the teased Albert Spencer plotline, but a development was made that ensured Emma and Snow’s quest in the Enchanted Forest would come to its conclusion two episodes later, in time for the Winter break. I highly doubt this was originally planned; it feels like the idea going into Season 2 was for that quest to end closer to the middle of the season, with the discovery of Baelfire/Neal in Manhattan occurring closer to the climax...after all, the season opened with a sequence all about him in that part of New York City. Just as Season 1 opened with the Curse being cast and ended with the Curse being broken, Season 2 was to open with Neal as the focus and end with him as the focus. And, well, it still does...kind of.
After this alteration, the season was on track to have Neal found in the middle of the season, and it would conclude either with a battle against Cora or against Regina who spirals out of control following Cora’s death. After all, before “Manhattan”, the focus was still on the threat Cora posed, especially now that Regina had joined up with her, and it was still continuing focus on plotlines and characters the season had set up (Hook and Smee, Mulan and Philip, Red/Ruby, Dr. Frankenstein and his monsterified brother, Anton/Tiny the Giant, all of the core characters’ personal arcs, etc.), plus threads that could be pursued in the following season (Emma’s magic, Snow and Charming’s disagreement on whether to stay in Storybrooke or not, Belle’s amnesia, Greg Mendell, etc.) But it was at the time of making “Manhattan” that a bombshell dropped: A&E, perhaps due to their usage of Hook and Smee being met with acclaim, were granted full rights to use everything else from Peter Pan. And because they had a passion for that property and the ideas they had for it, they just burned the season’s road map altogether and redirected it toward ending with everyone going off to Neverland.
So many decisions made were centered around this choice: the removal of the scene with Rumple’s father in “Manhattan” since their plans for that character immediately changed, the whole “the boy will be your undoing” prophecy being geared specifically toward the Neverland situation, Neal knowing Hook and it being set up that he was a Lost Boy in Neverland, Neal’s fiancée Tamara being introduced to be the “Her” that Greg Mendell was in touch with and revelation that they’re anti-magic activists unknowingly working for Peter Pan, and literally every single plot thread that had no place in the Neverland story either being dropped altogether (Red/Ruby, the Frankenstein stuff, Emma further awakening her magic powers, and any on-screen resolution to restoring Philip’s soul) or wrapped up as hastily and anticlimactically as possible (the darkness in Snow’s heart, August’s situation, the magic beans, Belle’s memory loss and new cursed identity, and Regina’s status as the villain).
Because of this rush, there wasn’t enough time to properly think through or flesh out a lot of the story decisions being made, which - along with A&E’s skewed morality - made “Welcome to Storybrooke” through “The Evil Queen” such an aimless, unpleasant slog to sit through. Another consequence is that one of the writers who had been there since the beginning, Ian Goldberg, jumped ship, clearly more interested in working with the setting and characters the show already had and resenting the sudden directional shift A&E had forced upon everyone.
Despite all of this, I want to stress that everyone involved was still trying the best that they could which still was able to shine through (ex: “Welcome to Storybrooke has some chillingly good direction, music and acting, and even in the moments it’s not intentionally trying to be “Lacey” is a highly funny episode, as are parts of “The Evil Queen”.) And as much as it pains me to admit, A&E were totally justified in wanting to get to Neverland ASAP, since the Neverland Saga ended up providing so many things the show and its characters were in desperate need of, the dark take on the Peter Pan story was very clever and interesting, and doing it right then allowed them to cast Robbie Kay as Peter Pan while he was still the right age for it, and he gave one of the greatest villainous performances in the entire series.
In the end, Season 2 and its messy storyline is what it is. Not entirely good, not entirely bad, but certainly entirely interesting and something that I look back on more fondly overtime.
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Walker Predictions
My Walker submission for Walkeverse Hiatus Creations Week 5- B Season promo
Alright we’ve got two trailers and two episode descriptions on our hands so let’s get to it!
Trailer 1
Trailer 2
3x08- "Cry Uncle"
FAMILY FIRST – In the aftermath of the Walker’s dramatic Thanksgiving dinner with Abeline’s (Molly Hagan) traumatic hospitalization, the family rings in the new year with members of the Walker family resolving to make better choices across the board. While Cordell (Jared Padalecki) throws himself into family matters, Cassie (Ashley Reyes) pulls Trey (Jeff Pierre) into a case tracking down an elusive tech mogul. But Cassie gets the sense she’s in hot water with Captain James (Coby Bell).  
3x09- "Buffering"
SLOW ROAD TO REDEMPTION – Cordell (Jared Padalecki) and Cassie (Ashley Reyes) intervene in a hostage situation at a server farm, but something Trey (Jeff Pierre) finds indicates something more sinister is at play.  Meanwhile, August (Kale Culley) tries to smooth things over with his grandparents, Liam (Keegan Allen) attempts to step up his responsibility within the family business, and a luncheon awkwardly reunites Cordell with someone from the past.  
Alright, with all that in mind, here are my thoughts and predictions:
First thing’s first- I don’t believe they’re going to kill off Abby. There’s been no mention of Molly leaving the cast and she’s even been used in the new promo photos, not to mention 1x09 episode description mentions August making things up to his grandparents- plural. Abby will be back on her feet eventually. I’m hoping we get some kind of healing montage after she recovers from the hospital. I’m also hoping to get an appearance from her brother or at the very least a mention of him.
I think things are going to get worse between Stella, Cordell, and August before they get better. There’s a lot of anger and hurt between the three of them (we even have a clip of Stella outright blaming August for everything) and it’s going to take a while to sort out those feelings. We can see Cordell trying to play mediator between them (part of him dedicating himself to family matters I’m sure) but the clip of him driving off in the truck without them makes me think that he’s going to give up on that and force them to sort it out themselves, or maybe even the kids rejecting his help. I don’t think we’ll be seeing a resolution on them for a long while, if we even get one this season.
I also think they might be moving off of the ranch. The place where they’re sitting around the table talking about their problems doesn’t look like the main ranch house or their side house.
I don’t think that James is going to fire Cassie or Cordell but part of me thinks we’ll be getting a partner shakeup of some sort. We know that Cassie and Trey will be working a case in 3x08; maybe that thread will continue. Whatever happens, things are going to be a little unstable at the Ranger HQ for a bit.
Trey’s going to be dealing with imposter syndrome given his unconventional trail to Rangerhood. I, very selfishly, want this to lead to Trey leaving the ranger force and going back into therapy but I highly doubt that will actually happen. I think we’re going to get more casework and have Trey proving himself on and off the field. Whether the other rangers will get a chance to shine is up in the air.
I’m most intrigued by whatever is going on between Liam and Bonham. Liam seems excited to expand the Walker family business with horse therapy and the horse sanctuary but we get a clip of Bonham worrying about Liam affecting his reputation. Is Liam ruffling feathers in the horticulture community while he’s making his dreams come true? Is he acting inappropriately without realizing? This is a very different business environment than what he’s used to so I wouldn’t be surprised if his efforts are upsetting things. I hope we can get some of Bonham supporting his son rather than just trying to sink his dreams but there’s not enough information about this plotline yet to say for sure.
And then, of course, there’s the matter of the Grey Flags. The writers tried to tell us they were gone after 3x06 but casting calls for Grey Flags and Marines tell a different story. We’re either going to be getting a lot more flashbacks or the terrorists are coming back. The actors for Julia Johnson and Sergeant Cooper were also on set before the Christmas break so we’ll likely be seeing them again soon. Perhaps Julia is the awkward meeting from the past in 3x09? What part they all have to play in the story remains to be seen but I’m glad to be seeing some more Big Bad action.
I also hope Kevin Golden returns because Cassie is going to need some support during all this. I also think he may be responsible for keeping the Side Step open so fingers crossed on that.
January 12th will be upon us soon and I cannot wait to see what happens next (and what I was right about!)
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jjungkooksthighs · 7 months
Prepare yourself, then, omega. This will be unlike any disciplining session you have had before.
She doesn’t look away him. She’s made up her mind.
He gazes searchingly into her eyes, as if by doing so he will find an inkling of doubt in her decision.
He doesn’t. Even though he delves deep into the depths of her she leaves open through the gate of those lovely orbs he loves to stare at.
He gives her a final once over, assessing any and all of her facial muscles to betray what her eyes had not.
He finds nothing there but her resolution.
With that, he lets his head fall back, and a loud, piercing howl strikes the air as he summons his wolves.
His growl slices through the air, and the wind seems to go silent at his command.
That's the kind of obedience he expects.
No resistance, no disrespect whatsoever.
The thought makes her watch him in awe, silently praying that she follows theough with this and that she doesn't fuck up.
Actually.. no. She won't mess this up. She's sure of it. It's in her hands. She'll learn.
Thw first ones to arrive are Namjoon, followed by Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung. Her eyes aren't on them, however. Nor does her alpha look away from her when they hear the others join the four.
All he can focus on is her. That's all he wants. Be it in disciplining her, loving her, or simply watching her from afar like he used to. All he wants to focus on, is her.
He hears her thoughts, and smiles before placing a small kiss on her forehead. She's being so good for him. It pleases him highly.
Makes him go crazy, too.
Never has she been so subservient, or accepting about her punishment. There was always a spark of rebellion that he could see, and while that served as wonderful amusement to him, the sight of her so submissive.. so vulnerable.. it excites him more than ever.
That's when he decides. He isn't going to let this sidenof her leave so soon. Not when he's been waiting for ao fucking long.
The grass beneath him bows to his power as he easily pushes up and off the ground they’d been entangled with each other on. The muscles lining the planes of his legs jump against her as he does, and when she feels them flexing against her ass at the same time one of his hands comes down to cup one of her asscheeks, that has desire bubbling in her core.
His strength had never failed to make her knees shake whether he had her in bed, against the wall, over the desk, or anything that happened to be the nearest available surface he could pin or screw her against when he just couldn’t hold in his need anymore.
This time was no different.
It takes only one arm for him to hold her up against his chest. Instinctively, she wraps her legs around him and he carries her without saying a word to the biggest, thickest oak.
He passes Namjoon, who stands with his arms behind his back along the west side of the clearing. Yoongi lingers at the other side near a shrub almost as tall as he. Taehyung saunters along the south side, and Jimin has chosen to place himself farthest from Taehyung to the north as possible.
It is to the north that Jungkook brings her. He doesn’t pause, doesn’t slow, and doesn’t hesitate in his journey.
Midway through the clearing, he finally addresses his alphas.
The wind is blown forth by gods to carry out his will as it swirls around him before he sends it away and to all the alphas it can reach.
His own wolf stirs as he beckons his other half forth, and flecks of silver make the warmth of his irises fade in the coldness that swallows them before he speaks.
He would need to be cold for what was about to come. He could not be soft as his omega knew him to be. After all, to be soft would be to be weak. And no one would follow him if they believed him to be so.
The shards of ice in those eyes of his penetrate his very voice when he finally intones:
Some of you may be questioning my ability to control my omega after her unseemly display earlier. Some of you may even be wondering at my capacity to lead you if I cannot even control one woman.
He keeps walking, his eyes set on the brown, aged trunk of the oaken tree while he goes on.
You were sent away because I needed to remind her where her manners were.
The oak draws near, the grass kneeling for him while he treads on it.
And you were called back because you all need to witness what happens when I am disrespected. Even my beloved mate cannot escape punishment when such an egregious act is committed.
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macabremoons · 11 months
Happy STS! You described yourself as a pantsrer with a vague outline. How detailed do you tend to make those outlines?
So these are all the plot points that I go through:
Act 1: Setup
Status quo
Inciting Incident. 
Plot Point One: The protagonist decides to tackle the challenge head-on. She ‘crosses the threshold,’ and the story is now truly moving.
Act 2: Confrontation
Rising Action. The story's true stakes become clear; our hero grows familiar with her ‘new world’ and has her first encounters with some enemies and allies. (see Tests, Allies, Enemies)
Midpoint. An event that upends the protagonist’s mission. (Similar to the climax in Freytag’s pyramid)
Plot Point Two. In the wake of the disorienting midpoint, the protagonist is tested — and fails. Her ability to succeed is now in doubt.
Act 3: Resolution
Pre Climax. The night is darkest before dawn. The protagonist must pull herself together and choose between decisive action and failure.
Climax. She faces off against her antagonist one last time. Will she prevail?
Denouement. All loose ends are tied up. The reader discovers the consequences of the climax. A new status quo is established.
I copy and pasted it from an article I found on plotting. Each point gets a couple of bullet points at most, but nothing much. I have general notes for the books to come on general stuff that I want to happen. I find it hard to actually plot a book having the last one not finished, but I have a good idea of where I will be taking the books so I can foreshadow things in other books! Obviously when I am done with book one i will be free to completely draft book 2.
Here's an example of what's in status quo for book one of daycycle:
We see how Menodora has been living so far, going from town to town without much thought on her mind. Maybe she helps someone to establish that at heart she likes helping people? I think that will be nice, a good show of character too.
This does happen in the draft, but as you can see there's a lot of wiggle room for me to do. The bigger the plot area, like the rising action, the more paragraphs it gets, but I never have like a super ton of stuff since the rest I except myself to pants. It has been so helpful!! The outline isn't like 100% updated and I might tweak some stuff, but it's so vague that I almost don't need to? The things I wrote down are still true despite the fact that the wip has fleshed out sm.
This is better than when I'd write highly detailed outlines and get out of them easily and have to write them again. After that I tried no outline which gave me the room to wiggle and bullshit, but didn't give me foresight to know what I was bullshitting to. But ive added two important characters that weren't in the outline, and they still work in the outline because the things I said needed to get done are still getting done, just now through them.
Something really helpful when plotting is to go through a book that you really like and try to identify that plot points within it. I usually use books from the cruel prince series because i am obsessed with that LMFAO. Ofc this won't work for everyone. I think it really works for me since I'm so character focused, so the arcs that I need my characters to go through are so universal that the hows can easily be changed, uk?
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kob131 · 2 years
Follow up: if you don't like Claude NOW you really won't like him in Three Hopes. Like legit, for a good couple of moments he singlehandedly ceased the Edelgard vs Dimitri discourse and united both sides against him. Funnily apropos in my opinion. If I could describe him, he's not necessarily AS ruthless as Edelgard but he's definitely just as dirty at least from a political angle.
I can 100% see that.
You know what, I'm gonna gather all my thoughts on Claude here and now so people can understand.
Originally I didn't mind Claude much in the Crimson Flower route. He and Dimitri, like Edelgard in Verdant Wind, were basically non-entities so I had no reason to dislike him. In the war period, he had far less time dedicated to him than Dimitri, who didn't have much in the first place. By the end, I thought he was an alright guy and given that I looked him up beforehand, I believed that the Verdant Wind route could make a good case for him.
I am currently at Chapter 14 and I highly doubt it. Claude is a deeply annoying and frustrating character. The guy early on has a few moments were he acts like he's going to do some shady and dishonorable shit but he never does. I'm guessing this is supposed to make him out to be the 'dashing rogue' type that he's designed as. But what it actually does is make Claude a dumbass because he knows people are biased against Almyrans and he wants to change that but these acts just give the people around him every reason to be biased against him even WITHOUT knowing his heritage. Just as well, I don't think Claude actually reveals his heritage to anyone in game outside of Byleth (though to be fair, he seems to imply it post-game for Hilda and Leonie at least). If he does in the main game I'll say otherwise but given his Byleth support- I doubt it.
And even if I were to ignore how Claude's general attitude shoots his own ideals in the foot, his goal is basically impossible. He wants to unite Foldan as well as the world to get rid of prejudice. Problem is- One would think that looking at the divided Foldan would hammer into his head: 'Hey...things aren't that simple, are they?' That maybe Claude would instead try to just start making the slow process of opening up the world so things can get better over time right? ... Nah, such complicated things are for lesser beings. Claude is Claude so even despite the fact that he's shooting himself in the foot all the time, he seems to come out on top no matter what!
And I do mean, no matter what. Because in any route besides hers, Edelgard will die. In any route not his, Dimitri will die. In most routes, Rhea can die without a high enough support. In all routes, Claude lives. No really, it's canon that Claude lives in all routes. A trait completely unique to him as a Lord. Going even further, Claude is by far treated with the softest touch by the narrative. In all routes, he's depicted, at worst, as just a good guy trying his best. In all routes, he's the one dragging you onto the dance floor as clearly the fun loving guy. In all routes, his foes don't like fighting him even though other people would make more sense (like Edelgard and Dimitri). This is the key difference between him and Edelgard. Unlike her, where she does show some kind of weakness or vulnerability on her route and outright negative traits on the others- Claude lacks that.
I'll be blunt- the guy comes across as a Mary Sue.
In a previous post, I mentioned that Verdant Wind reminded me of Devil Survivor's Law route. I'll explain here: In Devil Survivor's Law Route, not only do you get an unambiguously good, feel good ending but you also get a proper resolution to the backstory of how your protagonist came to get the power of Bel and their connection to Nayoa. Contrast this with the Chaos route (which lacks the happy ending unless you play the Overlord route in the 8th day AND lacks any major lore), The Neutral Route (which lacks any lore outside it's own characters) and the Atsuro route (which is unique). This alongside the fan favorite Amane being your ally as well as getting the character best suited for the Recarm Loop strategy for the Lucifier superboss. All of this despite the Angels being the worst of the factions, being the ones RESPONSIBLE for trapping you inside the Yamato circle and basically killing whoever doesn't fit their absurd standards while blaming everyone else.
It's the same here. Crimson Flower and (presumably) Azure Moon lack any major reveal of lore and it seems even Silver Snow is more solemn than Verdant Wind. It kind of feels like if you aren't doing the original Silver route, you're pushed to Verdant Wind and Claude. This in spite of the fact that Claude is the worst of the Lords and Rhea.
Could I be wrong and full of it? Completely yes and I welcome any rebuttals though I will push back if I feel that I was not proven wrong. But as for now: i can totally see the Dimitri fans with their better character development and the Edelgard fans with the whole rebel appeal setting their philosophical differences aside to beat the shit out of Claude.
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bigolgay · 5 months
my entire message was deleted so i’m typing this again now ughhhh -_-
i’m so glad to hear that, i really am! please don’t be sorry and please don’t feel bad about it, you’re allowed to have bad days too!! <3 yay for the nap! i took a nap as well today :) naps are great!
i’m gonna try and dream of something good happening to you tonight, maybe it’ll come true? very good to know, i mean exams are coming up and that means very, very bad days are waiting for me haha :)) i slept well i think, i woke up a few times throughout the night but still felt rested when i finally got up so that’s nice :)
i hope you didn’t wake the neighbours ;) definitely not talking about taxes haha, but yeah i usually talk a lot about things i’m really passionate about…but i get that some people don’t have the capacity to listen to me ramble about stuff they’re not particularly interested in haha :) and i also get your point, like it’s totally not okay to make someone feel like they’re too much when they’re talking about things important to them. i’m really sorry you’ve felt that way before :((
of course you haven’t ;) and you can be sure i will certainly not complain either ;) okay yes, i like the good kind of weird people as well, i mean i’m definitely a weird person i think haha, but there’s also like weird weird people you know? and i don’t want you to think i’m the creepy kind of weird haha…anyways, moving on! i mean…we are mutuals?? so that’s good? oh i think i got the hint that you’re a big softie by now haha :))
okay this made me chuckle a bit, out of all animals a giraffe is chasing you? i have this image of you running from a giraffe in my head hahaha…also what do the zookeepers do for a job? ohhh the other dream sounds like just a straight up nightmare, i hate seeing faces in my dreams, they always look so…not human but still like real faces? i don’t know…but your dream would’ve freaked me out big time! i can’t really think of any dreams right now actually BUT i’ll tell you if i remember one!! :)
Oh noooo I’m sorry that’s so annoying☹️
Hm still feel a little bad, but okay. And yes! Naps are so great! I hope you had a nice nap😌
STOP DJSJHDHSHD THIS IS THE CUTEST AND SWEETEST THING ANYONE HAS EVER SAID TO ME. STOP IT. SCREAMING. Ahem… I mean… thank you🤭. Uh oh… exams😬they’re the worst. You’re gonna do good! I believe in you! But I’m here for when they get stressful as heck🫡I dunno what I will do… blackmail the examiners? Or… maybe the people who make the exams into making them not super hard? But I’m sure you won’t need it, you’ll smash them😉. Yay! I’m glad you got a pretty good night sleep! You’re rocking this new year resolution oh my gawd🤭
They’ll have to get used to it I’m afraid. With how sweet you are I’m gonna be screaming into pillows very often. Hmmm well that baffles me beyond belief, how anyone can not want to hear about something someone else is passionate about? Like… I’ll pick up whole new interests for my friends so I can talk with them about it? And so I can understand better when they talk about it. And I feel like the bare minimum would be… to show interest in what they’re saying even if you’re not a huge fan of the topic? Yeah it’s not fun at all, but I’ve tried to make it a specific thing now that if people start infodumping about something, I’ll drop literally everything and listen (which is actually my biggest flex💪). Eh it’s alright, it’s different with me because I talk so much anyway🤣
I’ll make sure of that, don’t you worry. Can’t go leaving you disappointed😉why would I ever think you’re a creepy weirdo? Maybe a lovely and sweet and wonderfully endearing weirdo, but creepy?? I *highly* doubt it. So highly in fact, I’d go so far as to say I’m certain I won’t think you’re a weirdo. See? Just by the fact we’re mutuals means I don’t think you’re a creepy weirdo, if I did, I simply wouldn’t follow you. Truth is, even if I don’t talk to many of my moots (I shy🥺and also really bad at starting and maintains conversations) I still think the absolute world of all of them. And I can guarantee I feel the same about you (and probably more now after our lovely chats😘)
(Sorry, that one got long^)
RIGHT?? It’s so random😭I don’t even like giraffes that much?? (Not to say I DONT like them, I’m neutral about them). So I dunno why my subconscious shown me then 3 times🤣. Hehe I hope it’s much less clumsy and frantic in your imagination… maybe more… superhero-y and dare I say… sexy😏🤣(although… I dunno how running from a giraffe could ever be sexy…). That kinda sounds like the start of a joke… but I have no clue. They’re clearly not very good at their job if they’ve managed to lose a giraffe. Can’t imagine they’re sneaking out easily. Yeah… the other one really got me paranoid the next day. Especially because some of the videos were of me but I didn’t remember them? So creepy. Hehe okay! And if I have anymore I will also let you know!
I’m not gonna be heading to bed for a little while yet, gotta pack ready for going to my dads tomorrow (well… okay a business delivery thing first and then overnight at my uncles and then to my dads). And I’ve still yet to eat dinner… so gotta get on that too🫣but hopefully in bed before 3 (can’t be later because my mum won’t let me drive otherwise🙄). Goodnight my darling, sleep well❤️
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acoursemir · 1 year
An important Everyday life Brimming with Changes : Only when People think
An important everyday life in changes is known as a everyday life pleased. To trust in the individual is without a doubt you need to on the way to any specific expectancy to a magical encountering that you witnessed and my.
Magic is known as a great situation which will merely a divine form will be able to yield capability to deliver, straightaway and using a guy, issues, and even occurrences. You find it difficult to yield much of our changes, though you can easily obviously phone call them all "miracles" in cases where a product utterly odd appears individuals world.
Saintly citizens are to be able to do changes even while some people live life ones own world, including as they contain died. A few appropriate and even modern ideas a course in miracles can be Related The mother Teresa in Calcutta and even Pope Kim Robert II. Many of us know about a lot of these illustrious consumers.
Achieve many of us have confidence on changes? Certainly a number of achieve, though my estimation is without a doubt we just who procedure religious beliefs, and are only non secular, might found that requires in thinking on changes. As i browse now that inside everyday life it just saying, "If it's not necessary to have confidence on Who, then simply, just how do you imagine magic that you witnessed? inches
I reckon that that when you have been a powerful Atheist and a powerful Agnostic, it is troublesome to help you persuade one which will changes achieve finally many people. May possibly a few superior acquaintances: you really fails to have confidence on Who, additionally, the several other queries which will Who possibly even is actually, though renders which will preference opened (whatever which will means).
Just how do you comprehend in cases where a magical contains came about that you witnessed? So are one right now seeking out magic for one exact good reason?
Most definitely i'll deliver the perfect resolutions to help you the requests, and even with a little luck you will come across a powerful ave these using a distinctive opinion. May possibly professional changes inside everyday life, and even in this particular in many others, and even As i located the exact same judgment on every occasion: There's no doubt that the pair were changes!
Many are what you want to comprehend earlier around changes:
: Magic may appear in under a an important wink, and unfortunately your everyday life may just be able to escape to find a later date. Extra fat time frame to somewhat of a magical, today rather than there may be a time frame with the Galaxy.
: End up highly exact in regards to what simply it will be that you require that you witnessed that occurs and on a different person: certainly a spouse as well as a good friend. For illustration, considering prompting for one magical in medicinal, relieving, solution, treatment as a result of a powerful obsession, and designed for some other main objective?
: An important ask for magic to evolve a friend or relative highly in your area as a result of harmful to help you decent, even while that individual is without a doubt thrilled and even subject matter to be harmful, including inhospitable on the way to one and other wines, is known as a very difficult way taking; thinking that stems from go through through 5 nephews just who gotten related to pills, and even ones own straighteners is bound.
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course111 · 2 years
An important Everyday life Brimming with Changes : But only if People think
An important everyday life in changes is known as a everyday life pleased. To trust in that person is without a doubt you need to on the way to any specific expectancy to a magical encountering that you witnessed and my.
Magic is known as a great situation which will just a divine form will be able to yield capability to deliver, straightaway and using a guy, issues, and even occurrences. You find it difficult to yield much of our changes, though you can easily obviously phone call them all "miracles" in cases where a product utterly odd appears individuals world.
Saintly citizens are to be able to do changes even while some people live life ones own world, including as they contain died. A few appropriate and even modern ideas can a course in miracles be Related The mother Teresa in Calcutta and even Pope Kim Robert II. Many of us know about a lot of these illustrious consumers.
Achieve many of us have confidence on changes? Certainly a number of achieve, though my estimation is without a doubt we just who procedure religious beliefs, and are faith based, might found that requires in thinking on changes. As i browse now that inside everyday life it just saying, "If it's not necessary to have confidence on Who, then simply, just how do you imagine magic that you witnessed? inches
I guess that in case you have been a powerful Atheist and a powerful Agnostic, it is troublesome to help you encourage one which will changes achieve finally many people. May possibly a few superior acquaintances: you really fails to have confidence on Who, additionally, the several other queries which will Who possibly even is actually, though renders which will preference opened (whatever which will means).
Just how do you comprehend in cases where a magical contains came about that you witnessed? So are one right now seeking out magic for one exact good reason?
Most definitely i'll deliver perfect resolutions to help you the requests, and even with a little luck you will come across a powerful method these using a distinctive opinion. May possibly professional changes inside everyday life, and even in this particular in many others, and even As i reached the exact same judgment on every occasion: There's no doubt that the pair were changes!
Many are stuff you want to comprehend earlier around changes:
: Magic may appear in under a an important wink, and unfortunately your everyday life may just be able to escape to find a later date. Extra fat time period to somewhat of a magical, today rather than there may be a time period with the Market.
: End up highly exact in regards to what simply it will be that you require that you witnessed to take place and on a different person: certainly a spouse as well as a good friend. For illustration, considering prompting for one magical in medicinal, relieving, solution, treatment as a result of a powerful obsession, and designed for some other main objective?
: An important request magic to evolve a friend or relative highly in your area as a result of harmful to help you decent, even while that individual is without a doubt thrilled and even subject matter to be harmful, including unpredictable on the way to one and other wines, is known as a very difficult way taking; thinking that stems from go through through 5 nephews just who gotten related to pills, and even ones own straighteners is hopeless.
: Many allowed and even worth getting a magical which sometimes obviously keep much of our world on a external infiltration utilizing a person's, including a powerful pet dog; or else to get better as a result of distinct fundamental issues which includes: a terrible injury, incurable cancer tumor, core infiltration, an important caress, overdose in pills, and several other significant and even huge occurrences.
: Wish for one magical through absolute assurance and even truthfulness--if magic is strictly you have to immediately turn stuff available. It get is completely around one and even Who, as it is without a doubt His particular option in which to stay look around.
: Imagine that magic may well arise for everyone and even your dependents. Should you choose to assume, then simply please require!
: Show patience and even wish because of the procedure of suffering with magic. Changes you should not powered by an important timer, additionally they achieve arise as you a minimum of imagine them all.
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tempestaurora · 3 years
the one thing about leverage that i’m kinda iffy on is that sometimes the personal aspects of these characters just aren’t explored very much??? like we’re left with these massive gaps in their histories and often moments that should be expanded on, but arent
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perpetual-stories · 3 years
Story Structures for your Next WIP
hello, hello. this post will be mostly for my notes. this is something I need in to be reminded of for my business, but it can also be very useful and beneficial for you guys as well.
everything in life has structure and storytelling is no different, so let’s dive right in :)
First off let’s just review what a story structure is :
a story is the backbone of the story, the skeleton if you will. It hold the entire story together.
the structure in which you choose your story will effectively determine how you create drama and depending on the structure you choose it should help you align your story and sequence it with the conflict, climax, and resolution.
1. Freytag's Pyramid
this first story structure i will be talking about was named after 19th century German novelist and playwright.
it is a five point structure that is based off classical Greek tragedies such as Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripedes.
Freytag's Pyramid structure consists of:
Introduction: the status quo has been established and an inciting incident occurs.
Rise or rising action: the protagonist will search and try to achieve their goal, heightening the stakes,
Climax: the protagonist can no longer go back, the point of no return if you will.
Return or fall: after the climax of the story, tension builds and the story inevitably heads towards...
Catastrophe: the main character has reached their lowest point and their greatest fears have come into fruition.
this structure is used less and less nowadays in modern storytelling mainly due to readers lack of appetite for tragic narratives.
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2. The Hero's Journey
the hero's journey is a very well known and popular form of storytelling.
it is very popular in modern stories such as Star Wars, and movies in the MCU.
although the hero's journey was inspired by Joseph Campbell's concept, a Disney executive Christopher Vogler has created a simplified version:
The Ordinary World: The hero's everyday routine and life is established.
The Call of Adventure: the inciting incident.
Refusal of the Call: the hero / protagonist is hesitant or reluctant to take on the challenges.
Meeting the Mentor: the hero meets someone who will help them and prepare them for the dangers ahead.
Crossing the First Threshold: first steps out of the comfort zone are taken.
Tests, Allie, Enemies: new challenges occur, and maybe new friends or enemies.
Approach to the Inmost Cave: hero approaches goal.
The Ordeal: the hero faces their biggest challenge.
Reward (Seizing the Sword): the hero manages to get ahold of what they were after.
The Road Back: they realize that their goal was not the final hurdle, but may have actually caused a bigger problem than before.
Resurrection: a final challenge, testing them on everything they've learned.
Return with the Elixir: after succeeding they return to their old life.
the hero's journey can be applied to any genre of fiction.
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3. Three Act Structure:
this structure splits the story into the 'beginning, middle and end' but with in-depth components for each act.
Act 1: Setup:
exposition: the status quo or the ordinary life is established.
inciting incident: an event sets the whole story into motion.
plot point one: the main character decided to take on the challenge head on and she crosses the threshold and the story is now progressing forward.
Act 2: Confrontation:
rising action: the stakes are clearer and the hero has started to become familiar with the new world and begins to encounter enemies, allies and tests.
midpoint: an event that derails the protagonists mission.
plot point two: the hero is tested and fails, and begins to doubt themselves.
Act 3: Resolution:
pre-climax: the hero must chose between acting or failing.
climax: they fights against the antagonist or danger one last time, but will they succeed?
Denouement: loose ends are tied up and the reader discovers the consequences of the climax, and return to ordinary life.
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4. Dan Harmon's Story Circle
it surprised me to know the creator of Rick and Morty had their own variation of Campbell's hero's journey.
the benefit of Harmon's approach is that is focuses on the main character's arc.
it makes sense that he has such a successful structure, after all the show has multiple seasons, five or six seasons? i don't know not a fan of the show.
the character is in their comfort zone: also known as the status quo or ordinary life.
they want something: this is a longing and it can be brought forth by an inciting incident.
the character enters and unfamiliar situation: they must take action and do something new to pursue what they want.
adapt to it: of course there are challenges, there is struggle and begin to succeed.
they get what they want: often a false victory.
a heavy price is paid: a realization of what they wanted isn't what they needed.
back to the good old ways: they return to their familiar situation yet with a new truth.
having changed: was it for the better or worse?
i might actually make a operate post going more in depth about dan harmon's story circle.
5. Fichtean Curve:
the fichtean curve places the main character in a series of obstacles in order to achieve their goal.
this structure encourages writers to write a story packed with tension and mini-crises to keep the reader engaged.
The Rising Action
the story must start with an inciting indecent.
then a series of crisis arise.
there are often four crises.
2. The Climax:
3. Falling Action
this type of story telling structure goes very well with flash-back structured story as well as in theatre.
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6. Save the Cat Beat Sheet:
this is another variation of a three act structure created by screenwriter Blake Snyder, and is praised widely by champion storytellers.
Structure for Save the Cat is as follows: (the numbers in the brackets are for the number of pages required, assuming you're writing a 110 page screenplay)
Opening Image [1]: The first shot of the film. If you’re starting a novel, this would be an opening paragraph or scene that sucks readers into the world of your story.
Set-up [1-10]. Establishing the ‘ordinary world’ of your protagonist. What does he want? What is he missing out on?
Theme Stated [5]. During the setup, hint at what your story is really about — the truth that your protagonist will discover by the end.
Catalyst [12]. The inciting incident!
Debate [12-25]. The hero refuses the call to adventure. He tries to avoid the conflict before they are forced into action.
Break into Two [25]. The protagonist makes an active choice and the journey begins in earnest.
B Story [30]. A subplot kicks in. Often romantic in nature, the protagonist’s subplot should serve to highlight the theme.
The Promise of the Premise [30-55]. Often called the ‘fun and games’ stage, this is usually a highly entertaining section where the writer delivers the goods. If you promised an exciting detective story, we’d see the detective in action. If you promised a goofy story of people falling in love, let’s go on some charmingly awkward dates.
Midpoint [55]. A plot twist occurs that ups the stakes and makes the hero’s goal harder to achieve — or makes them focus on a new, more important goal.
Bad Guys Close In [55-75]. The tension ratchets up. The hero’s obstacles become greater, his plan falls apart, and he is on the back foot.
All is Lost [75]. The hero hits rock bottom. He loses everything he’s gained so far, and things are looking bleak. The hero is overpowered by the villain; a mentor dies; our lovebirds have an argument and break up.
Dark Night of the Soul [75-85-ish]. Having just lost everything, the hero shambles around the city in a minor-key musical montage before discovering some “new information” that reveals exactly what he needs to do if he wants to take another crack at success. (This new information is often delivered through the B-Story)
Break into Three [85]. Armed with this new information, our protagonist decides to try once more!
Finale [85-110]. The hero confronts the antagonist or whatever the source of the primary conflict is. The truth that eluded him at the start of the story (established in step three and accentuated by the B Story) is now clear, allowing him to resolve their story.
Final Image [110]. A final moment or scene that crystallizes how the character has changed. It’s a reflection, in some way, of the opening image.
(all information regarding the save the cat beat sheet was copy and pasted directly from reedsy!)
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7. Seven Point Story Structure:
this structure encourages writers to start with the at the end, with the resolution, and work their way back to the starting point.
this structure is about dramatic changes from beginning to end
The Hook. Draw readers in by explaining the protagonist’s current situation. Their state of being at the beginning of the novel should be in direct contrast to what it will be at the end of the novel.
Plot Point 1. Whether it’s a person, an idea, an inciting incident, or something else — there should be a "Call to Adventure" of sorts that sets the narrative and character development in motion.
Pinch Point 1. Things can’t be all sunshine and roses for your protagonist. Something should go wrong here that applies pressure to the main character, forcing them to step up and solve the problem.
Midpoint. A “Turning Point” wherein the main character changes from a passive force to an active force in the story. Whatever the narrative’s main conflict is, the protagonist decides to start meeting it head-on.
Pinch Point 2. The second pinch point involves another blow to the protagonist — things go even more awry than they did during the first pinch point. This might involve the passing of a mentor, the failure of a plan, the reveal of a traitor, etc.
Plot Point 2. After the calamity of Pinch Point 2, the protagonist learns that they’ve actually had the key to solving the conflict the whole time.
Resolution. The story’s primary conflict is resolved — and the character goes through the final bit of development necessary to transform them from who they were at the start of the novel.
(all information regarding the seven point story structure was copy and pasted directly from reedsy!)
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i decided to fit all of them in one post instead of making it a two part post.
i hope you all enjoy this post and feel free to comment or reblog which structure you use the most, or if you have your own you prefer to use! please share with me!
if you find this useful feel free to reblog on instagram and tag me at perpetualstories
Follow my tumblr and instagram for more writing and grammar tips and more!
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constellarations · 3 years
when you come home with a stray animal
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pairings: xiao, diluc, venti, childe (separate) x gn!reader
warnings: not proofread, childe's real name
notes: first writing post on this blog ? ? ?. also the dog in diluc's has no gender
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XIAO ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
stares at you blankly when you appear with a cat cuddled up in your arms
mortals these days...
he's very. neutral. no opinion, blank face mr. adeptus as always!!
that is, until you oh-so coincidentally have to leave for a commission, leaving xiao alone with that. thing. (cat)
he stares at it, daring it to make a move.
obviously it doesn't. xiao's gaze is very scary, even to animals
"tch, i don't get why [name] likes you so much." xiao says as he crouches down to get a closer look at the feline, unfazed as its pink nose brushed up against his own
to adepti, the term 'cute' was highly unheard of. and to xiao? the closest thing to cute was you
he'd never tell you that, though. nope! absolutely not! the thought makes him writhe in cringe!
Gazing uninterestedly at the cat you had brought home after adventuring in Mondstadt, it was safe to say that Xiao was not amused.
Not only did both you and him have very busy schedules, what were cats even supposed to eat?! Fish? Meat? Grass?
The Yaksha grumbled under his breath, cursing the heavens for leaving him alone with this cat as he'd much rather it be you in its stead.
"Meow," It spoke.
"No," Was all Xiao replied with. He had no time for this, whether it be cat or human interaction, the Adeptus had duties to fulfill! Demons to slay!
". . ."
this cat was just. existing. yet somehow, it really got on his nerves
"what do you want?" xiao queried, paying no mind that he was. in fact. speaking to a cat
xiao just stays there, eyes knit in confusion as the purple rhombus on his head wrinkles in deep thought. deciphering the meaning of this cat's wise words, you come home from your commission to the sight of xiao trying to communicate with a cat
"eh? xiao? are you talking to the cat?"
"what? no. of course not, you mortals think so lowly of us adepti," xiao clicks his tongue and crosses his arms, looking away with an embarrassed expression as the cat sitting besides him clearly says otherwise
"is that so?"
"are you doubting the words of an adeptus?"
you were in fact doubting the words of an adeptus.
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DILUC ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
doesn't really pay much attention to the dog you brought home
of course, diluc's house is huuge! it's no wonder he wouldn't notice a dog wandering around. obviously, he's aware it's a stray, but he doesn't really... care? i mean, he cares because you like it. but otherwise, this dog is of no substance to him
do not. i repeat, do not leave it up to him to name the dog. he'll name it something like "bob" because that's all he could think of
now, diluc starts to notice the dog when you begin bringing it along with you on your dates with him. is that weird? to have a dog thirdwheel his date with you? uh, yeah, it is. diluc doesn't know how to feel about a dog taking up his lover's attention more than him.
"diluc! isn't koko so cute?" you exclaimed, ruffling the dog's head cheerfully as the dog barked in response to its name. koko, koko was a weird name, diluc must admit, but it did sound cute
"yes," what was he supposed to say? '[name], i feel like you're dating koko instead of me now]'???
noticing your lover's hesitant reply, you were quick to acknowledge how stiff diluc was around koko. and it was because of this that you came up with the elaborate, master plan!
"Diluc, are you free?" You peeked in the doorway, observing the typhoon's mounds of paperwork and endless array of business deals, all that were either rejected or accepted were sorted neatly into piles.
"It depends," Diluc responded absentmindedly, "what do you need, [Name]?"
"Can you walk Koko today?"
The pen stopped moving, vermilion eyes trailing up to gaze at you in disbelief.
"Why not the maids?" Diluc wasn't opposed, per se, he was just shocked that you would leave such a job to him. Maybe you didn't enjoy walking Koko as much as he assumed.
"Because I want you to do it!"
the male sighs, conflicted over how your words sway him so easily. of course, he agrees, not knowing what else to say
after he finishes his paperwork and before his nightly duties diluc grabs a leash and takes koko out for a little walk around the winery
(not mondstadt because he has an image to uphold)
honestly? he enjoys it a little. going out for fresh air that doesn't involve battling is in fact, very, very relaxing.
now. after his very first peaceful walk with koko, diluc will begin to appreciate the dog more; bringing home dog toys and different treats, the dawn winery head has now become very soft for an animal
OH!! and diluc sometimes sleeps with koko on his chest!!! so cute
whenever you're out for too long diluc definitely hugs koko in your stead... koko is very fluffy and warm and you love koko so diluc loves them too!!
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VENTI ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
let's just say you brought home a cat.
actually, if you brought home a cat, there would be no home anymore. venti would sneeze the literal roof off your house
so put the cat back, bb. it's okay, you don't need it... not anymore... not when you need a house...
"[Name] is that a... a... cat?!" Venti gasped, standing on top of a kitchen counter as he acted as if the cat had contracted one of the deadliest diseases.
"Get it out!" He yelped, waving his hands around as his nose got redder and redder, sneezes leaving his lips as you sighed.
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CHILDE ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
i saw this hc that childe was terrible around animals and i 100% agree
the moment you bring home a dog, it starts barking at the sight of childe. and no, not like you childe simps barking, its yapping, wanting to get out of the harbinger's presence right away
"[name]? who's this little puppy?" slurring his words like a baby, childe smiled cheerily before crouching down to pet the dog, only for it to bite his hand
". . . uh, i found it."
exchanging a staring contest with each other, childe's bright smile dimmed ever so slightly, a close-eyed expression indicating that "if [name] hadn't brought you home, i'd kill you."
with this dog's existence, it doesn't let childe anywhere near you. and because of that, he hates it. when they think you're not looking, childe and the dog have a piercing staring contest as if to say "what are you going to do? huh?"
of course. they come to a peaceful resolution when a treasure hoarder decides to invade your personal space bubble. obviously, childe could make waste of the good-for-nothing punk, but stepping back with a grin, he let the dog do its work!
cheering in the background, the harbinger was very impressed with the dog's display of [name] protection!
and this. this is the birth of a new friendship.
"Ajax?" You blinked, confused at the way the Harbinger held himself proudly, hands on his hips as the dog sat beside him, wagging its tail.
"That's me!"
"What are you doing?"
"Protecting you!"
"What protecting are you doing?"
The ginger pointed at himself and then at the dog.
He trained the dog to become a guard dog.
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lemonjoonah · 4 years
Blood Bounty - Part 1 (M)
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Pairings: Yoongi x Reader, Taehyung x Reader Word Count: 10K Rating: M Genre: Historical fantasy AU, Vampire AU, Thriller, Drama, Smut Warnings: Non-consensual vampire feeding (graphic, provocative, sexual, blood play, and twisted as fuck), captivation/enslavement, blood, drugging (force feeding vampire blood), obsession, violence, PTSD, at one point the OC pleads for death, it’s dark guys you’ve been warned. While the vampire feeding in this part is highly sexualized, I do have somewhat more “traditional” smut scenes planned for part 2 and 3.
| Series Masterlist |
Summary: He’s taken everything from you, your blood, your memories, your life, and after months spent as Taehyung’s own personal feast, you eagerly take your chance to flee. Unfortunately your escape doesn’t go as well as you had hoped, as you are soon caught by another blood thirsty beast. The vampire Yoongi claims to know you, and that he wishes to return you home. But when you can only remember the pain caused by his kind, you find it difficult to trust him, since he too could just be another monster waiting to feed.
A/N: This mini-series is a loose retelling of Anastasia, you’ll find it to be very different from the animated film. I attempted to blend both the history and the story together in a new historical fantasy world that is not our own. Anyway I hope you enjoy the start to my three part twisted tale, and if you have any questions at the end please feel free to send them my way! Also a big thank you to my beta readers @m00nchild-shi​ and @ladyartemesia​. This story wouldn’t have made it this far without you!
This story is dedicated to all of those who have lost themselves to a monster (of any form) at some point in their life. I know the journey back to yourself can be hard, but trust me, you are worth every effort. 
From the break of dawn you’ve crossed miles of ground, traversing through grassy fields and deep rivers. Accompanied only by the clothes on your back, a stake in your hand, and a pair of boots far too big for your feet, all stolen during your hastened departure. 
You consider yourself lucky after making it out unseen. Lucky that Taehyung had left his fortress of a castle, lucky that he took most of his capable progenies with him, lucky that the underling who tended to your room left the fire iron within your reach, and lucky that it was able to break the chain of the shackle fastened around your wrist. You left as soon as daylight broke. With everything working in your favour for your escape, even acquiring your captor’s clothes and cap to pass off as a young man. For sightings of a woman travelling alone might tip off those you would rather avoid.  
But now, with your heels raw and bloody, it would seem that your good fortune has finally run out, as the smell will no doubt attract his hunters. You curse your carelessness, for the number of times Taehyung has complimented you for your most potent scent. You’ve witnessed it yourself, a single whiff of your blood during his feedings having sent several of his men into a frenzy. This unfortunate blessing left you to be seen as a bounty, condemning you to his captivity, and now the struggle as you flee for your life. 
You attempt to clean the broken skin and stem the flow with strips torn from your tunic. The fine piece of clothing is barely recognizable after the paces you’ve put it through today. With the extra fabric now wedged into your boots you can only hope that it’ll make your journey tomorrow easier, and detain much of the scent that would allow them to track you. 
You wish that you could continue on tonight, but the darkness of the wood, your sores, and your fatigue impede your plans. You’ve gained ground but the lack of settlements must mean that you still lie within his realm. With your memories stolen in an effort to keep you at his side you have little to go on but a tapestry that hung in his den. It showed a city to the east, beyond the boundary of his land, and what is hopefully your home. But with the woven display having no proper scale you have no idea how long it will take to actually leave his territory. Freedom could be hours or days away.  You can only hope that the rivers you’ve traversed will keep them at bay until you can find a safer place to stay. Their weaknesses are all you have to lean on to prevent recapture, but will it be enough?
After tending to your feet you settle in the nook of a tree, leaning your head against the mossy trunk. Your stomach growls but you have no food to feed it, nor a blanket to dismiss the chilling wind which forces a shiver from you. Your deflated spirit is made even worse when a raven takes notice of your poor state. It circles overhead, undoubtedly looming with the hopes that you have given in, and that he too can feast on you. 
Ignoring the omen, you close your eyes, directing your focus instead on the surrounding sounds of the forest, listening for anything that might be a predator making an approach. Despite an exhausting day you still are wary of sleep, knowing what will greet you as you drift off, and concern of someone, or something catching up to you once you do. You rest there for what must be an hour, debating with yourself the advantages slumber, before you hear the snap of a nearby twig. Your fingers drift to the wooden stake on the ground next to you, your movement is slow hoping to escape the notice of whatever might be drawing closer. The footsteps which crunch on the leaves continue to advance on your position. There’s no running now, all you can do is play ignorance until they are in range for you to act.
When a hand reaches down and tilts the brim of your hat, you open your eyes, driving your weapon up in an aim to strike, but your assailant is too quick for you. He catches your arm in an iron grip, much like the remains of the manacle that still holds your other wrist. Though his face is hidden by the dark of night and his frame draped in a long coat, there is no doubt about what he is, and what he’s come for, his speed in stopping you was far too fast to be human.
“Be still,” the monster growls. “It’s me, Yoongi. Are you hurt?”
His concern is almost laughable. His implication of a connection likely a trap, one intent on luring you in, with a motive to end the hunt. “Not if you leave me be.” You attempt to press the stake towards him still, but he barely even registers your efforts. 
“Have you forgotten me?” The beast’s grip tightens on your arm as he dismisses your threat, taking the stake in his own hand before he pulls you up while he continues his deception, “I know that to be what I asked for, but I didn’t think... no, it matters not. ” He shakes his head as his words trail off. His voice then returns resolute and firm once he changes thoughts. “Come, we must get you somewhere safe.”
You dig your heels into the ground as he attempts to pull you along, clawing at his fingers until they release you. “I’m not going anywhere with you vampire. You will not take me back to him, anywhere is safer than there.”
“I am not taking you back, but we must leave. They’ve already placed a large bounty on you and these parts will be flooded with hunters soon.” 
“How can I be sure you’re not one of those hunters?” You make an attempt to retake the stake, showing you have no intention of complying with him. But he pulls it back, holding it just out of your grasp.
“You will have to take me at my word, I am not of Taehyung’s kin and I have no plans on handing you back over to him. Now if you please, I can either escort you to safety, or take you there by force.”
“I don’t trust you.” You glare back at him.
“Very well,” the vampire sighs, tossing your wooden weapon aside, putting it far beyond your reach. He then bends down, throwing you easily over his shoulder, and thereby ending the argument over your fate. Your fists collide with his back several times in an effort to make him release you, but he doesn’t appear bothered by the attack. You draw breath ready to call out when he stops you with a quick jostle. His shoulder lays into your abdomen knocking the wind from your lungs. “You may hit me all you want, but do not scream. I would rather not alert others to our location.”
Could he really not be someone sent by Taehyung’s underlings? Regardless, even if he is, you don’t have the strength to over power him. There’s little you can do but lay like a rag doll propped over his shoulder, with his arm hooked on the back of your knees. 
He hauls you over to a break in the trees, one which leads out to the road where a horse waits patiently for him. You’re thankful when he seats you on the saddle rather than throwing you on your stomach once again. With the full light of the moon on the open dirt road, you’re finally able to see his face properly. His soft and sombre expression is a drastic difference compared to Taehyung’s sharp features and cruel grin.
“Are you going to behave now princess?”
Your eyes widen with terror in response to his last word uttered. You immediately try to pull away to put as much distance as you can between you and him, but he holds you firm in the saddle. The confining grip matching the memories of the name he has just called you all too well. Your breathing comes in short panicked waves as your hand moves to conceal the scar on your neck. You can’t go back, you won’t go back, you refuse to endure that supposed term of endearment anymore. 
“Prin-” The vampire tries again to elicit a response from you, only this time you cut him off. Your fear turning to anger unwilling to tolerate another lie from his lips. 
“If you are not one of Taehyung’s clan then tell me, why do you address me in that manner?”
“You don’t know why I call you princess?” He gazes upon you, his eyes narrowed in confusion as you recoil once again. This time he takes your hand, which bears the weight of both the iron shackle and bitten brand, to hold you still. When you wince from the pressure of his touch, he looks down to examine the sensitive spot. His jaw stiffens as he finds the source of the pain. “What has he done to you?” He whispers softly as his fingers trail over the wound on your palm. 
“Open up princess, I have a gift for you,” Taehyung orders, standing over you as you sit on his desk. Gripping your jaw, while your lips remain sealed in defiance. “I said open.” His hand tightens, forcing your mouth to unfasten and expel a cry of pain. He presses the bloody tip of his finger to your tongue, dragging his index from the back to the front coating it with the thick fluid. “Now swallow.”
Your mouth begins to salivate with the intrusion of his blood. You know if you take it in you will lose everything once again, you’ll lose the will you’ve been building back up to defy him. He is never truly out of your system, you still have gaps in yourself, but the need to disobey always has its way of creeping back to you first. To be forced back into obedience within your own body and mind is nothing short of torture. 
You refuse to allow him to drag you back to the dark willingly, spitting your saliva along with his blood into his smug expression.
Taehyung chuckles darkly as he wipes his face with the back of his hand. “You’re right my princess. How could I think that only a drop would be enough to dispel your greed? You deserve more.” 
This time he bites into his hand allowing the blood to pool, while the other takes hold of your neck. The dripping flesh of his palm covers your gasping mouth. Your head is tilted back by his grasp as the blood drains down the back of your throat. 
“You will keep this down. You will accept my control. Every time you look at yourself you will think of me. When you close your eyes you will dream of me, for you can not run away only toward. You will remember nothing before me, and nothing before the night I bestow you with this.” His thumb passes over a three month old scar on your neck, continuing to mark it as the cornerstone of the earliest memory you possess.
Every week without fail he reweaves his bonds inside you, tending to them as a doting hunter with a valued prey. He takes his fill of you in between, sometimes it’s only a taste and others a full meal. Treating his desk as a dining table and you the feast, placing you down upon it for his consumption. 
“I will have to leave you weak in the knees today princess if I must go without you for a fortnight.” His finger catches a drop of blood that escapes your mouth running it back along your lips before his hand moves away and down, trailing deep red lines down the skin of your jaw and neck. “I’m sorry to leave, but there are some pressing matters which I must attend to.” He portrays a look of sorrow, but you know better than to believe that he can possess a single human emotion.  “You’ll be good while I’m gone won’t you? Shall I give you something to remember me by? Another mark unhealed for you to see? You can watch as it slowly means, knowing that I’ll be back to tear you open again.” 
He lifts your hand to his face with his own bloody fingers. How you wish you could slap him away, but your body refuses to move on your behalf, after consuming his blood it yields only to him.  
He does not hesitate before sinking his teeth into the base of your palm. Matching his own wound that he inflicted on himself, but as yours grows deeper, his begins to heal. He takes a long draft before releasing in a pant. Your blood acts like a drug to his system, making him as he so often puts it, ‘Feel alive again.’ 
He wipes his palm on yours allowing the breach to clot, he doesn’t mend it completely, instead leaving the painful imprint of his teeth, branding you anew, just as promised. “Appetizer, now entree Princess,” he mutters as he moves on, shifting to cradle your head and neck in his arms. You attempt to pull away, but that only forces him to issue the command, “Stay still.” 
His face hovers over the pulse of your neck, with you now frozen beneath. His fangs are careful not to dive too deep, retracting just as the blood begins to trickle from your throat. It collects in the well of your collar and trails down your chest, seeping beneath the bodice of your dress. The white fabric of your garment starts to bloom with scarlet. He could have chosen a gown of darker cloth for your personal wear, one that would be less prone to display the gruesome patterns of his actions, but he prefers to see the art of your suffering, your clothes and body becoming a canvas for his great masterpiece. He mutters how beautiful it looks while his fingers add to the display, painting a ruby-red choker around your neck using the blood as a stain.
His eyes linger taking in the sight before he moves in again to collect the flow, lapping it off your skin like a beast amidst a drought. You cringe as his tongue crosses your flesh, relentless in its desire to gather every drop it can. And just when you think he’s finished it makes another pass, accompanied by a growl and another sharp nip.
Unlike your hand, he completely remedies the gash on your neck, leaving only the one scar upon your throat from his first feeding. The loss starts to hit you, your skin turning cold like his, your breathing shallow, and your pulse quick. You hope that might be the end, that he has had his fill and needs no more, but his hand then fastens on your leg having pushed up the hem of your skirt and thin petticoat. “Let me in princess, I still have room left for dessert.” His teeth skim across the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh mapping his preferred spot from your pained twitches. 
You whimper as he clamps down for his last bite. The only solace you can take is that he will not be here for two weeks. You have more time without him feeding, time to gain back control, and time to escape. You stare off to the woven tapestry map behind him, not knowing where to go but longing to be anywhere but here.
“D-don’t call me that.” Your demand catches and cracks at the back of your throat.
“But it’s what you are-”
“I am not his dinner, I am not his slave, and I am most certainly not his princess! I will not go back. If you have any mercy, please... drain me here. For I am far more willing to meet death, than I am to see him again. ”
To your confusion he looks shocked that you would even suggest such an act. He takes a moment before looking into your eyes with a narrowed gaze, “You don’t remember anything do you? It’s not just me you’ve forgotten.” 
You shake your head, unable to meet his eyes, “I remember nothing before him.” 
The vampire holds what’s left of the iron shackle in his hands, bending it apart with only his grip, freeing you from it’s clutches. 
There's another sigh from him as he takes the space on the saddle behind you. His body is uncomfortably close to yours, with his breath on your neck, and arms wrapped on either side to take the reins. “And I thought he could sink no lower...” He urges the horse forward with a nudge and a few mumbled words far too low for you to hear. “You are right, you are not his meal, nor his property, but it is not simply a given moniker to which I am referring, it’s what you are. You are the only living heir of a human kingdom just east of here.” 
“You lie, there is no way I could be,” This is just another game of his. It has to be. “If I am what you say, how could I have ended up where I was?” 
“You went missing, disappearing from your bed in the night. Your people assume that you were kidnapped, that you were taken by a monster, not knowing what we are. But I assure you, you are the lost pr-” He stops as you stiffen once again. “I can take you home, back to your family, back to your people, if that’s what you wish.” 
“And why would you do that?”
“I broke a promise long ago, I plan to remedy that mistake.” 
“I fail to see how that applies to me.” You mutter as you slump down in the saddle, no longer fighting your current fate. This vampire too can easily overpower you, he can take you wherever he desires to go, but as long as it’s away from Taehyung you have no wishes to slow him down.
He pulls a skin of water from his horse’s pack offering it to you. Your dry mouth wants to empty it in one swig, but the possibility of what else it could contain holds you back. You turn your nose up instead fearing that he’s drugged it with his own blood. 
“I have not tampered with it if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“You keep assuming your words carry weight with me. I will need more than that if I am to drink this.”
“If I intended to manipulate you with blood I would have done so already instead of fighting to get you on the horse.” 
He’s right, it would have been far easier. You take a careful sip rolling over your tongue, trying to detect even the slightest taste of iron before your swallow. 
He holds out food too, in the form of a few pieces of dried meat. Your mouth waters at the sight. The unaltered drink gives you the confidence to abandon your worries and take it, asking more questions while you eat. “You said I forgot you, but how was it that I knew you Yoo-” You pause trying to recall the name he led with when he found you. 
You wait for more but he doesn’t continue, after swallowing your current mouthful you press further. “Are you not going to tell me?”
“It would be better if you remembered.”
“You expect me to trust you, but then you hide truths?” 
“I expect you to trust me because I want you to recall your truth of our encounters, not mine. When you do I will gladly discuss it with you, but not until then.” His tone is stern, boasting an air of finality to his argument.  
You huff back in frustration. “Can you at least tell me how long you’ve known me?”
“More than ten years now, you were a child of fourteen when we first met.”
“So you must know my name? My real name?” You ask with near excitement, hoping it might stir up some of your past within you.
“I do.” But as he recalls it, whispering the name for you to hear, nothing happens. You thought when you heard it again that everything would come back all at once like a spell broken by one magical word. But the name that comes from Yoongi’s lips has no meaning to you, no memory, no warmth. It bestows only a cold emptiness, a fear that you’ll never quite be able to bind yourself together with the person who bore that name before. 
Hours later Yoongi pulls his horse off the path and into the woods, trotting down what looks to be an overgrown trail. You finally come to a stop in front of a mound, backed by an elevation of stone and earth, bearing a small cave-like entrance.
“What is this?”  
“An old mining site. We’ll have to stop here for now.” Yoongi helps you down off the horse before removing the tackle and taking the large pack, he ties his steed up with a long lead on a grassy patch. Once finished you follow him through the dark and into the cavern, lagging a few paces behind with your legs stiff and sore from the night’s travel.
“But there’s still another hour or two until the sunrise. Why stop here?”  
“Because this is the last dark space that’s marked for the next fifteen miles.” He opens one of the bags pulling out a lantern, he lights it, dousing the cold and damp walls of the cave in a warm glow. Taking out a thick piece of paper next, he unfolds it with careful precision, laying it gently across a leather pack. He acts as though it’s a precious heirloom passed on to him from a loved one long gone. Your heart starts to race upon realization that it’s a map, and how with it’s aid you’d be able to find your own way home.  
Dark circles on the heavy parchment denote what according to the key is a resting spot. He opens it further pointing to both your current position and destination, your fingers tracing over a kingdom which he says is yours. With still three times the distance you’ve travelled yet to traverse, much of your contentment fades. 
Despite the blow to your morale, you continue your examination of the map, hoping to learn as much from it as you can. It’s beautifully intricate and precisely made, the only flaw is an ink smudge in the lower left hand corner, which appears to be a faint mirror image of the compass rose on the right. Likely the result of the map being folded before the ink had completely dried. You run your index over the blot feeling much the same. A partial imprint of your past life, and a great distance away from what you must have been. 
Yoongi watches you with a keen eye as you attempt to commit your future route to memory. “Does it look at all familiar to you?”
“No, I remember nothing of this land.” Not the names of rivers or cities return to you. How can you call a place home if you know nothing of it? “Thank you for your assistance. I know you have to stop, but after seeing this I feel that I should keep going.” You offer cordially, praying that he’ll agree to parting ways here. 
“Oh no you don’t. You’ll stay here until the sun sets, and we’ll continue together.”
“Why should I? If the sun is out I’m not at risk from vampires.”
“It is still a while before we reach your kingdom. You can see that can’t you? At least two more nights where you would be alone if I let you leave. Not to mention the risk from your own brethren. You haven’t been among other humans enough to know that they can be just as malicious.”
“Then give me your horse and I’ll out ride them.”
“When was the last time you rode a horse on your own?” He asks lowering his brow, scoffing as his tongue pokes at the side of his cheek. 
“I-I...” Naturally you can’t remember, and he knows it. “I’ll be fine.”
“Yes of course you’ll be fine, it’s not like there will be vampires nipping at your heels the whole way home. Do you know I could smell the blood trailing from your feet a mile away? I can’t imagine they are in a good state. If the horse were to unseat you and run off, would you even be able to continue?”
You wince at the thought of treading forward on foot. The blisters are already a source of great agony, it’s painful to think what they would be like after another mile or two. 
Yoongi notices the show of discomfort in your face,  “Looks like you’ll be staying with me then your highness.”
“I’d rather not...” You're grateful he’s stopped calling you by the other title, but that still doesn’t prove his loyalty. “Why are you so insistent on taking me home? What’s in this for you?”
“Your company.”
“I am serious,” you groan, casting a dark glare back at him over the candle light.
“So am I.” He mutters his response, it’s so quiet you almost miss it.
“You are insufferable! I should be taking advantage of the daylight, I should be putting more distance between myself and his prison. You should have left me there in the forest so I wouldn’t have to deal with your so-called assistance.”
“Forgive me for wanting to keep you alive and safe. It must be truly awful to have someone come to your aid.”
“You are not someone, you’re a vampire,” you bite back against his sarcasm. “I take no pleasure in being in the company of your kind.”
Yoongi sighs looking defeated, following it with an odd request. “Give me your hand, the one with the wound.”
“Why?” You clutch your palm to your chest in defence. 
“I’ll mend it properly for you, your heels too if you’d like. I want to help undo the damage that my kind has done to you. He should never have left you scarred like that.”
“He shouldn’t have fed off me in the first place!” You shout back your voice echoing off the walls.
“You’re right,” Yoongi levels with you. “But I can’t imagine you want to keep it.”
“I don’t, but I also don’t want help from you! I would rather carry this than any more of your poison. So you can keep your blood to yourself.”
“As you wish,” Yoongi responds, yet he still shifts towards you, encouraging you to back away and keep the space between you. 
“I’m not going to...” His tone sounds exasperated but soon changes to a softer register as he looks at your terror ladened face. “Just, take this.” Yoongi passes over a bed roll before pulling one out for himself from the woven pack. 
You stare at the bedding, questioning it, the convenience of such an item along with supplies all seem too good to be true. “Why would someone who travels alone have a second? Why would a vampire have a stash of water he can’t drink, and food he can’t eat?” 
“I brought them for you. I knew you would need them on the journey.” His answer comes off as thoughtful, but the explanation still doesn’t sit right with you, surely there can be no rational reason as to why he was so ready for your escape.
“You expect me to swallow your perfect timing? That you just happened to be in the right place at the right time, ready to play the role of saviour-”
“Who said the timing was perfect? It has been anything but ideal,” Yoongi growls cutting you off. “I have been trying to get you back ever since I learned that you were taken. But we have limitations that prevented me from just storming his castle. A vampire can not enter the home of another without permission. I tried to get you, believe me I did. While you were trapped inside for five years, I was kept outside for just as long. But I have always been prepared to leave with you at a moment's notice.” 
You were ready to continue your argument again just as he was to finish, but one of his last reveals disarms you with an all too unpleasant fact. “H-how long did you just say?”
“Five years?”
“No... that’s not possible, I can’t remember more than a few months.”
“Prin- your highness.” Yoongi catches himself as you turn to panic.
“Please don’t tell me that he held me for years.” You panicked whispers become sobbing pleas, you would gladly take the lie now. The thought of more tortures of imprisonment lying just below the surface of your memory is enough to make you want to do away with your entire past. Blindly tossing it all away and building it all anew, if only it worked that way.    
“It’s been years, I’m so sorry, but you’ve been with- you’ve been missing for half a decade.” 
“Why? Why would he take that too?” You whisper stand up clutching the scar on your neck, the mark you thought to be the first was likely a only a sequel to many. How many more lie hidden in your skin, healed and masked his blood?  Feeling a pull to leave, you stumble towards the mining shaft’s entrance, unable to take another minute beside a monster who could do the same. Yoongi grabs you from behind, wrapping his hands around your waist to prevent you from progressing any further outside. You strain against him determined to go back out into the open air.  “No, let me go.”
“I can’t do that, your highness.”  
You turn into him pushing against his chest as you shout. “Let me go Yoongi.” He doesn’t stop you from shoving, or cursing him out. He just stands there holding tight as you take out your loss on him. 
“If I were to do that his hunters would find you,” Yoongi warns. “Is that what you want? Because I’m not ready to lose you to him again...” The last of his sentiment drifts off as if he’s said too much. His grip loosens to the point where you can slip away. As much as you want to turn out and run towards the sun he’s right, you can't risk losing another five years or maybe more. He nods down to the bed roll abandoned on the ground. “You should get some rest, you’ll need it for the journey tomorrow.” 
You obey, taking the bedding and lantern, wandering back farther into the cave and further away from the vampire. Slipping off your boots you find the cloth you had wedged in earlier caked with blood. You glance over to your nocturnal companion seeing if the reveal had any effect on him, but he’s already lying down, his back towards you, paying no attention. Desperate to dispose of the temptation you hold the two strips of fabric above the lantern flame. Fortunately they are dry enough to burn, leaving only ashen traces of the linen scraps. You redress your wounds with more fabric from your garment, but before curling under the blankets for the day you take one last precaution. With numerous broken branches littering the floor of the cave, you take the most jagged and sturdy, tucking in by your side. The sharp twig is not quite a stake, but a better defence than nothing at all.
Even after travelling all day and night with little rest it takes an age for you to fall asleep, not because of the hard ground, not due to the pain in your legs, nor the questionable motives of your new guard, but the knowledge of who you’ll see once you do. Although Taehyung’s blood has lost control of your physical movements, his hold on your mind is still tight. You know you’ll see him when you drift off, but your exhaustion is unwavering and your need of rest undeniable.  
It seems like only moments after you close your eyes that you’re reunited. He lies there beside you back in his castle, with his own eyes closed, his face content with a small smile as though he’s just fed. But on this night, something’s different. You finally feel as though you have the power to fight back against him. The stake you had stolen from his collection, and promptly lost to the forest, found again by your side. You’ve always wanted this moment, taking vengeance on the one who put you through hell. Even if it is only a dream you’ll embrace it though reality.
Mere inches away from his chest your hand is stopped by his. His eyes fly open and he tackles you back. “Killing me won’t grant you freedom, it won’t stop others from coming for you.”
“Then let them come,” you sneer back at him. “For any life without you Taehyung will be a vast improvement, no matter how short or perilous.” 
There’s a quizzical look on his face, his thumb pushing into your palm trying to get you to realise the stake, “Wake up your highness, it’s not what you think.” 
You are pulled from the dream to find yourself with your pitiful excuse for a weapon in hand. Pointing it at Yoongi’s heart as he hovers over you. You drop it quickly, and attempt to slide out from beneath him out of fear of retaliation. “I thought you were him.” 
He places a heavy hand on your shoulder preventing any further retreat on your part. “I figured that to be the case. Do you have these dreams often?” His tone is not angry, but concerned.
You relax with his understanding, “Every night, he made sure it was so.”
“I know it won’t mend the past, but I’m sorry... for what he’s done to you.”
“I’m sorry I attacked you...” 
“I can’t blame you for that,” Yoongi admits with a curling smile on his lips. “If I looked at myself and saw Taehyung I would respond in the same manner.”
You let out a small chuckle, leading to a surprised expression on Yoongi’s face. His smirk soon turns into a sad smile. “I want you to know, when you are with me, you are safe. No one will feed from you, no one will touch you, myself included.”
You wake to the sound of a raven in the early evening, the deep croaks of the bird carrying through the mine. Keeping your head down you glance with narrowed eyes to spy on the vampire who currently ties a small roll of parchment to the leg of the dark creature. It waits patiently on his knee until the knot is firmly in place, letting out another loud cry once Yoongi’s hand retreats. 
“I suppose you’ll be wanting more then?” Yoongi takes his index, and presses it down onto one of his sharp teeth, allowing a bead of blood to form on the tip. The raven then takes his finger into his beak and tilts his head back as it feeds on the red droplets. You start to gag at the sight, alerting Yoongi to your awakened state. The bird takes flight as your escort gets up to check on you, but as he comes closer you draw back. He pauses after his first couple steps, and asks from a distance instead. “Are you alright?”
“Why did you feed it your blood?” You heave again at the thought, but with little in your stomach there is nothing to come up.
“He’s delivering a letter for me. The blood is his reward; it keeps him healthy, but it also allows me to convey where he needs to go and who he needs to find.” 
“It’s disgusting.”
“The raven is more than happy to take it as payment for his service. But I know of what you mean, when the exchange is done improperly...” Yoongi pauses as another wave of nausea overwhelms you again, “Forgive me, I thought you were asleep, I didn’t know you would be watching.”
“What were you sending?”
“Notice to my clan. I left my surveillance post, they will wish to know why.”
“Will that be a problem?” You hadn’t considered groups other than Taehyung’s, but if you can avoid interaction with them all the better.
“No, returning you home will be a greater blow to Taehyung. He has likely built a dependence on your blood and without you he’ll be left in a far weaker state. We might finally have a chance to diminish his hold on the region.” Yoongi takes a brief glance to the entrance and starts to pack away his supplies. “You should ready yourself to leave. The sun is almost down.”
You climb out from your bed roll to find that in the night the blood had seeped through the new makeshift bandage. Yoongi clenches his teeth, and makes another offer. “Please just let me heal them, you'll only need a drop.”
“That’s one drop too much.” You move back unsure if you should be more worried about Taehyung’s men tracking you down, or the more current and looming threat of the vampire in front of you. “Is this going to be a problem for you?” “No,” he confirms, however there’s a slight hesitation in his answer. “But you should go wash up before you lose all daylight, there’s a river just down hill.” He takes a kerchief from his pocket and places it on a rock between you. “You can have this if you’d like. I don’t have any bandages to offer, other than the treatment you find so distasteful.” 
You reach out and grab it. “You won’t be getting this back.” You eye him darkly. 
“That’s fine, just go clean them off before others who may be nearby take note of your aroma.” You observe him with caution, hesitating to pass by his threatening mouth to get to that of the cave’s. “Unless you want to stay and watch me eat.” He comments as he pulls out another soft flask which he carries in his jacket. You cringe as he holds in what is likely a stolen meal.
“What?” He fires back at your critical glare. 
“Do you drain all your victims into wine skins, or just those you wish to save for later?”
“The one who gave me this was not my victim. They were willing to part with it.”
“Willing?” You scoff. “I find that hard to believe. Are you sure you did not slip them some of your own blood first?”
“No I did not, but if you have a problem with how I conduct my feedings you only have yourself to blame.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means, you shouldn’t be so quick to judge. Now hurry, so we can make use of this night.”
You do just that, darting past him you leave the mine heading down to the river in the fading sunlight.
As you return Yoongi is already outside and packing the horse. With his back to you he pulls an apple from the saddle bag, and the horse turns his head towards the treat with it’s mouth open and reaching. He pulls it back and away from the creature, “I know, I know this should have been yours, but you’ve had enough grass and she needs food. Do you mind sharing?” You watch as he rubs his steed behind the ear and it gives up on it’s want for the fruit. “Thanks, next one is yours, I promise.”
“Am I to thank you or the horse for my meal?” You call out to the vampire.
“You may thank him if you like.” Yoongi hands off the apple to you as you approach.
You can’t help smile as you stand in front of the massive and beautiful stallion letting him smell the back of your hand before you reach you pet the star on his forehead. “What is his name?” 
“Horse...” Yoongi admits. 
“Horse? Surely you jest. Why would you not give him a proper name?”
“He went for so long without one it just stuck.” Yoongi responds as he tightens the girth of the saddle. “What would you have named him?” 
“I’m not sure, but certainly not horse. You poor beast, first he deprives you of a suitable name, then an apple.” You take a few bites but with your stomach still queasy and unable to take anymore, you give the rest to the poorly named steed. Once the bridle and tackle are secure you mount up despite the instant outcry from your legs. You find Yoongi watching you, taking notice but remaining silent. You’re grateful for his lack of discourse, not wanting to have to explain the tenderness of your ass and thighs owing to yesterday’s travel. 
Regrettably, the aches become worse, and after only a couple hours of riding you’re barely able to stay upright. If Yoongi’s arms weren’t circling around you to keep hold of the reins you would have slid to the ground long ago. It seems that he’s no longer able to disregard your comfort though.  “Are you well?”
“Relatively speaking, yes.” You whisper holding in a groan.
“Relative to what?”
“Relative to a week ago.” To your time with Taehyung. You grimace further with each mounted stride.
“I think your scale is skewed. We’ll slow for a bit. Though you might think differently, I have no desire to see you in pain.” He slows his steed to a walk and dismounts, letting you lean back as he leads the horse forward. 
“This is nothing I promise. We should keep the pace up.”
“You wish to be rid of me so soon? Even if it causes you agony?”
“Yes.” Your short reply is enough to make him pause for a second, his face splitting into an open smirk before he continues again.  
“Though I appreciate your honesty, the horse could use a break too.” Yoongi chuckles darkly. “You’ll have to learn how to hold that tongue of yours again once you return to court.”
You take in a sharp breath as a chill runs down your spine. You’ve been so focused on what you are running from you haven’t given thought as what you are running too. “Do you know much about my family, about my life back home?”
“You said I was the last remaining heir. There must have been a time when that wasn’t the case.”
“Your brother...” Yoongi explains, his gaze fixed on the road. “He passed away a few weeks ago. He was very ill, had been all his life.”
You take a deep breath as you register the news, but it’s hard to properly grieve when you can’t recall what you lost. “I wish I could remember-” 
Yoongi must be taking pity on you as he delves further without your prompting. “You loved him very much, but you weren’t as close as you would have liked to have been. His ailment was unknown to many and it prevented him from spending much time with you.”
“How do you know that?” 
“Because you told me.” He whispers, finally meeting your eyes again.  
“Wh-what else do you know? Will you tell me?”
Yoongi shakes his head, “Give it time and you’ll remember on your own. His hold won’t last forever.”
“I still don’t understand why you won’t say more.”
“Because I don’t want to give you a false sense of your past, only to find out later that it was different than I thought, than I hoped. Your affection for your brother was obvious, but with other focuses of your adoration I cannot be sure. So please do not ask much of me. You’ve gone through enough, I have no wish to plant false regard for things you did not actually love.” While Yoongi continues to look up to you his expression takes a sudden shift. His nose lifts into the air and takes a deep breath, before his head snaps back at the road ahead. “Humans... four of them.”
Your heart leaps at the prospect, but Yoongi cuts your anticipation short. “Don’t get too hopeful. They are currently trying to conceal themselves on the path ahead. I doubt their motives are well intended.” He reaches up to tuck a lock of hair that had fallen out from your cap. “Stay on the horse and keep quiet. I’ll deal with them.” 
“For your own safety, please do what I ask.” 
The trees growing around the road are thick and dense, your eyes dart between the trunks in hopes to catch movement, but with the forest cloaked in darkness you have little ability to find anything. Minutes pass and just as you are about to question Yoongi, you spot a man with tattered clothes lying in the middle of the dirt road ahead. Thinking he might be a victim of the others mentioned, you make an attempt to dismount. But Yoongi holds your hand firmly on the reins, while he calls out to the casualty. “The wounded traveller? Do people still fall for that?”
There’s a moment of silence before a man emerges from the forest to the left. “You’d be surprised,” he responds, while two more appear on the right. 
The destitute wayfarer on the road gets up and dusts himself off. “It’s a shame you didn’t fall for our ploy, it’s much easier both for us and those who do, so much less blood.  You look to be worth the effort though. I’m sure we could fetch a pretty penny for a steed like that.”
The four close in ranks and advance. Yoongi stays by your side, eyeing their approach, he gives a warning. “For your sake, I hope there will be no blood involved.” 
“Is that a threat?” One of the highwaymen asks. “I should like to see how you plan on besting us without a blade. 
The man closest to you, with a dagger drawn, reaches out to grab hold of your leg. “Come down off the horse lad. There's no point in putting off the inevitable, it’s ours now.” In spite of his weapon you ready to kick the man off, but before your foot can lay into him his grip is torn away. In the blink of an eye Yoongi is on the other side of the horse forcing the assailant  to his knees with an arm behind his back. There’s a loud pop from the thief’s shoulder, resulting in a cry of pain. One of the other bandits charges to free his ally, his sword ready. Yoongi succeeds in dodging the initial thrust of the steel, and with one hand takes the saber, turning it instead on it’s owner. Your vampire escort issues another caution with the point at man’s throat. 
“If you would like your friend to keep use of his arm then I suggest you all back away.” While the disarmed thief retreats backward with his hands in the air, the rest are frozen in place refusing to move. “You think I jest?” Yoongi’s grip tightens while his captive lets out a shout. The little effort used on the vampires part to make the man submit finally prompts his fellows to take two steps back. “I swore to my companion that no one would touch them on this journey. You’ve made me break that promise, and I am not pleased.” There’s a deep growl to his voice that sends chills through even you. “I should take this limb in payment, and maybe one from each in your party too.”
“Yoongi....” You whisper in a low tone.
He turns back to you with a slight smirk. “But you are lucky, my friend prefers mercy. It’s far more than you deserve.” Yoongi lowers his head muttering into the bandits ear. “I’ll tell you what. You may keep your arm, but you and your men will abandon your camp, head south and keep walking. You will tell no one of us, and if I ever come across your path again I will not hesitate to act on my threats.”
Yoongi releases the man allowing him to scramble away as he clutches his shoulder. The other three support their injured cohort as they run off. 
Yoongi takes hold of the horse from the ground once again, leading you off the road. “Their camp it’s just this way. They might have had some supplies which will be of use to us.”
You only nod in response unsure of what to say, after what you just witnessed. The first humans you had interacted with in years, and here they intended to rob you. 
The smoke of their smouldering fire draws you in. Yoongi’s hunch was right, they had a good deal of useful items. Rations for you, along with spare changes of clothes. He fills a bag and ties it on the saddle, leaving their stolen riches along with the blade behind for someone else to find. 
He mounts up behind you again, carrying on forward for some time before speaking again. “Are you well your highness? You’ve been very quiet.”
You give him another nod, while chewing on your lip. “Why south?”
“That’s where my own clan’s territory lies. If they try to pull something like that again they’ll regret it.” He shifts in the saddle behind you, “Back there, I-I didn't scare you did I?”
You fall silent again, unable to confess he somewhat had, but also that the terror of your fellow mankind outweighed his by far. You fear the idea of having crossed them alone. They would have taken advantage of your mercy, who knows where you would be now if it weren’t for the self-proclaimed guard at your side. 
Yoongi seems to take your lack of answer as confirmation of his worry. “I needed them to see me as a vicious monster, had they not backed off I would have had to become one. I’m sorry you had to witness the threat but it was necessary. I needed to terrify them for their sake and yours. I promise didn’t intend to frighten you, only to keep you safe. ” 
Coming close to the break of day you find rest this time in a small abandoned house. The windows shuttered completely to prevent even the smallest stream of light from entering. Unlike the night before Yoongi doesn’t light the lantern. It’s so dark inside that he has to lead you to an empty space of floor for you to rest on. He takes a couple steps away, giving you some space before settling down himself once again between you and the door.
“I’m not going to run, you’ve made your point, or I should say the thieves did.”
“I don’t rest between you and the exit to keep you here, but to stop others from entering,” Yoongi explains. “These spots I’ve scoped out, I am not alone in using them. They are how my kind travels, some might have found different places to rest away from the sun, but I can tell that others have used this location. Don’t go examining your surroundings too closely, you might not like what you find.”
Now thankful for the darkness, you take your bed roll from Yoongi. “Rest easy,” he mutters as you climb in between in the blankets.
“Not likely,” you whisper back. “But thank you.”
Unfortunately you are correct, your sleep is once again disturbed by Taehyung. You catch a glimpse of his face before you're surrounded by him. The darkness holds you in a suffocating grip, your mouth slowly filling with blood. You struggle trying to breath reaching out to take a hold of anything that would pull you out. 
A hand grabs on to the side of your face, another on to your arm. Finding the shine of Yoongi’s eyes once you're able to open your own, you gasp out to him begging for some sort of relief. “Can’t see... can’t breath...”
He picks you up only to set you back down on the floor a second later. There's a click and the front door opens to reveal a narrow shaft of sunlight. A single beam a couple inches wide, but it’s enough to dispel the darkness inside. Your eyes start to water, blinded by the light, but it’s far too warm and comforting to deny yourself the sight.    
To your disgust there’s a lingering taste of blood in your mouth. Reminding you of the shackles that still bind you to Taehyung as it continues to overwhelm your senses. Yoongi’s voice flows from the darkness just to the side of the door, his eyes glowing like that of a predator’s. “I think you might have bitten your tongue in your sleep, your highness.” 
He’s right, you find a sore spot as you press it to the roof of your mouth. You make an attempt to focus back on the sun. You sit there in silence letting your breath and heart return to a normal rate. All while Yoongi’s eyes continue to watch you, burning in the darkness. He apologizes for his gaze, but does not withdraw his attention, “Sorry but it’s been so long since I’ve seen someone bask in the sun. I’ve forgotten what it feels like myself...”
“How long?”
“I lost count around the century mark, but it’s likely been double that.”
“Do you miss it?”
“Yes, but I understand. Immortality is a large price to pay, and every monster must have an equal weakness.”
“But I suppose, not everything it repels is a monster.”
Yoongi’s eyes narrow as if he’s hiding a small smile in the darkness. “Dare I say, that sounds almost like a compliment?”
“Merely an observation,” you whisper, but your words trigger something inside you, a pain and longing which you can’t explain. “Yoongi, what were we to one another before...” Before Taehyung interrupted your life. “Please I know you don’t wish to speak for me, but I need to know your view of what we were.”
“We were friends, just friends.” He responds but you're not convinced, just friends do not wait outside the home of their enemy for five years. Just friends don’t put their entire life on hold for another. Just friends aren’t overwhelmed with the desires that seem to be returning to you now.
You’ve seen this expression on him before, you know you have. On the edge of your memories lies a dark cavernous stone built hall, one in which only you and him resided. You find him crumbling under the weight of what he is and what he’s lost because of that. Fragments of your words and his surface in your mind.
“You are not a monster Yoongi, I do not need saving from you!”
“If not from me, then at least from my kind. I cannot give you the life nor the safety which lies here... You would be better off if you forgot me entirely.”
You remember your wish to comfort him, to embrace him and prove that he has not lost everything because of what he is. With the recollection fading, falling from your grasp, you panic out of fear of losing the brief moment of memory. Closing the door you move towards Yoongi, the only focus you have of your previous life, hoping the scene in your mind might continue.
“I don’t need saving from you,” you mutter, blinded by the rapid loss of light, reaching out in an attempt to find him again. 
He takes your hand and holds it, his cool fingers trailing soothing lines over the mark on your palm. “If not from me, then at least from my kind,” he responds, following the path of your dialogue from long before. “You remember our last meeting?” 
“Only a fraction of it. I remember wanting to...” To confess to him, to kiss him, that was your past self was leaning towards. You thought well enough of him to desire an intimacy with one who feeds on others... that can’t be right. But even now you can start to see the appeal your younger self cared for. His soft touch on your hand, his calming presence, and protection, those are not qualities of a monster. And in the memory you were worried that he would reject your affection, that he would be the one to pull away, not you. “Did you ever desire to be more than friends?”
His eyes grow wide at your question, but his stance remains the same. “You know I will not answer that.” 
“But this is regarding your feelings, not my own!”
“I will say no more of us. I’ve told you far too much already.” He leaves the topic at that, directing you to your present state instead. ”There’s a few more hours before sunset... do you think you’ll be able to sleep?”
You shake your head and move to sit with your back against the boards of the wall. Your reply is slow to come, and muddled with the first gasp of tears. “I can’t...” The prospect of closing your eyes again is too terrifying.
Yoongi comes to sit beside you, as he continues to hold your hand, his other arm wraps your shoulders as you let out the pain. A couple of hours ago you would have pushed him away out of fear, but with the spark of your past self craving his presence, who are you to deny the support it needs. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I’m sorry I have to keep my view from you. I don’t want to add to the damage that has been done.”
“There is not more damage that could be done. All I have to remember is a few months spent in agony and terror. How can I find comfort or rest when that is all I have? I have no knowledge of who or what made me happy, or of what dreams chased away the nightmares.”
“An adventure,” Yoongi mutters, his head bowed to the floor as he concedes with another part of your past. “You always dreamed of having an adventure.” 
You let out a broken and weeping scoff, crestfallen that your ambitions to learn more only exposed a further divide. “I find that hard to believe.” 
“Your parents were overprotective, because of your brother's condition. You were forced to keep to the castle, you just longed for something different.” His thumb rubs along the back of your hand as he holds it. 
“But I don’t feel like one to see the risk of adventures as desirable.”
“You’ve been through much since then, fear has a way of changing what we want. I will admit I wished for you to be more careful back then, but never at a cost like this.” 
“I don’t know if I will ever be that person again...” You draw your knees to your chest letting your head lull to the side and onto him. 
“That’s okay,” His arm grips you tighter, as his face lowers to the top of your head. His lips briefly brush against your hair, before his cheek comes down to rest, taking their place. “That’s why I’m taking you home.” 
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