#herb brides discussion
meirimerens · 1 year
i do agree with your herb bride analysis but i did want to say that i always thought the herb brides being pale was supposed to be because they are supposedly the female equivalent of worms? otherwise some HBs specifically the full face paint ones do have monolids
Hi babe I'm going to male it quick because I just woke up and I'm so hungy it's unreal
1) Even If They Are we understand that this is a completely fucking batshit insane way of showing sexual dimorphism and sexual dimorphism between Brides and Odonghs do not warrant the men being half-dirt worm-shaped amorphous creatures and the women being 20something-looking blemisheless pretty women with 3d modeled nipples and textured genitalia on their models. like it does not warrant it. Like it actively makes it worse.
2) Worms are. Grey. Some green-grey even.
3) All of the Herb Brides have the exact same set of facial features across all models bar a few eyebrow tweaks especially for the classic Bride with the smeared facepaint and of course Nara. I do not know how you interpret their facial features and I am really happy you can see monolids but I'll be real with you as I've said they all have the same facial features so "some Herb Brides" do not have different eyelids that the others and
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won't lie to you baby that's a VERY GENEROUS INTERPRETATION of "monolid".
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These Brides have so much lid space the 2016 beauty gurus would a field day with their cut creases.
As I've said if you do see it I am happy i am glad for you and I hope you continue esp. if you got monolids yourself because very_beautiful_very_powerful.wav but like. let's not kid ourselves here. Nobody in that game has a monolid, not even the Kayura model, not even the Pochard model. The Siskin model is the closest there is to one and you can still see the deep fold of his eyelid, close to a hooded eyelid. I know this because i have all of them images saved on my phone and spend hours raking their faces up and down to be able to either draw them accordingly and faithfully Or understand them better so I can just fuck with the designs.
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forbidden-sunlight · 8 months
yandere! kusuriuri with chise!reader headcanons
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Warnings: obsessive behavior, violence, and blood.
There may also be possible triggers in this story.
If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please hit the 'back' button on your device or computer and read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events.
Hey guys, welcome to the finale in this mini-series, featuring the beloved Medicine Seller of the classic anime horror series, Mononoke, and the character!reader who is Chise Hatori from the fantastic world of The Ancient Magus Bride. There will also be some references from the aforementioned manga/anime series as well as from the cozy novel Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett. I highly recommend it! :)
Shout-out to @enryegotrip for being a collaborator and being an awesome person as well @deathmetalunicorn1 for providing feedback and making sure all the characters weren’t too OOC 😅 Check out their stuff, guys, their blogs are fantastic.
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ending of this cozy yandere fic :) If you would like to see more adventures featuring these two, please let me know in the comments!
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The flow of time is erratic and completely unpredictable in the Fairy Kingdom. A day here could be an entire season in the human world or even a week. It is not controlled by the rulers of this plane, so the neighbors cannot be completely blamed when they lure a beautiful human away from their home with enchanting music for the purpose of playing with them until there is nothing left of them, a soulless husk. That was how they entertained themselves for centuries. It would even be considered a sport.  Fortunately, the number of incidents has decreased drastically since I succeeded Elias as the mage of this village. My workload, however, is not the reason why I haven’t been writing in the leatherbound notebooks as I should have been; there is one to record my daily life, and another to document whatever discoveries I make in the field. 
As I am writing this, I am recounting what my houseguest Kusuriuri has told me, word for word. These are his words, not mine. The last memory I have is returning home from a day in the city. I had collected supplies for a lecture at the College. Because I am a Sleigh Beggy, I am much closer to the source of magic than any living creature, save for those who have existed for eons, such as Ashen Eyes and the ancient spirits that surround the forest just beyond the village. That was why the Director invited me to speak to the students, and impart my knowledge to them. Including a lengthy discussion, I was also entrusted with overseeing the first-years interacting with the neighbors, and stepping in if things got out of hand. 
Yet when I stepped into the backroom where I worked, organizing everything for the following morning, I had collapsed. Ruth had been the first one to hear the loud thud, having sat outside of the door curled up in a ball, bored and waiting for dinner to be ready so he could drag me out of there. Silky was in the kitchen, and so was he, Kusuriuri, assisting her in preparing the evening’s meal since he had already gone for a walk around the village and read some books earlier. He claimed to have heard Ruth's barking and followed the sound to see me laying on the floor, unconscious and bleeding from the mouth. 
Silky panicked, naturally, and rushed back to the kitchen to grab the smelling salts and other herbs that Elias had told her to specifically brew as soon as she saw symptoms of magical depletion. Kusuriuri lowered to the ground and lifted me off of the floor, being careful not to jostle me. When he saw Ruth mirroring the same condition as I, he asked him to get back in the shadows, as from what he understood, it is safer for him to maintain his state of mind and spiritual body. He swore to Ruth that he would look after me, doing whatever he could to help. 
It was Ruth who had instructed him to take me to see Shannon, the changeling doctor who has been treating me for my condition. By offering a trinket to the Ariels, he was led to a fairy mound and took me there, bundled up in a thick blanket and a blindfold around my eyes so that my body did not keep unconsciously absorbing the magic around me. They led him past the mound’s barrier, down the evergreen steps and into the Fairy Kingdom where Shannon ran her clinic. 
It appears that as soon as he stepped into the Fairy Kingdom, the glamor charms he had placed on him were removed. The Kusuriuri who now sits beside me in a chair with a strange smile, is the true form of my foxy guest. Wavy light pink hair that reflected orange highlights beneath the realm’s eternal sunlight, cat-yellow eyes, and skin that accentuated the intricate patterns that were painted on his face. The bright, hallucinogenic patterns of his kimono were turned inside out, transforming into greens, reds, and blues against obsidian silk.  He was, is, truly beautiful in such an ethereal way, anyone who could not succumb to his seduction charms would know immediately he was not a human. Then again, seduction charms have ensured that the fox spirits were still alive to this very day and not hunted down tirelessly by exorcists. 
If there is one truth I hate to admit…it is never knowing whether I have used too much magic, or just enough so that I do not keep passing out and getting treatment. I hate being a burden to others, even when I am getting better at asking for help if I truly need it. It is hard to believe that it might already be close to half of a year since Ruth brought him home, injured and very confused in an era of modern society that is nothing like his home country. 
But I am getting ahead of myself. Presently, Shannon is having me undergo extensive treatment, physical and magical therapy to be precise. Angela will need to be contacted to create another talisman to regulate the magic being absorbed and expelled from my body. Kusuriuri….well….he asked me a question that caught me off guard, completely out of the blue.
“At death’s door, you are given two choices: to be young, healthy, and beautiful forevermore….or would allow yourself to be ferried to the afterlife, and be judged for the life you have led as a human?”
Yes. That is what he asked me. And I answered truthfully, because….well, I cannot lie, even if I wanted to. Being an immortal does not give someone the ability to go against the laws of nature and control. Their time is just extended, and soon everything and everyone will return from where they came from; the soil beneath our feet, or the river of magic that sustains all life for the hidden ones.  There is not a single being in this world that is an exception of the inevitable. Looking back, from when I had almost all hope and sold myself on the black market, to being a respectable mage who has come to accept the demons of the past yet cannot forgive those who have harmed me and my loved ones…I’d say I have lived a very fulfilling life.
If I had died that day I blacked out in the lab...I would have only regretted being a burden to Silky and Ruth, for they have been here for me ever since Elias to travel the world on a sabbatical. He stared at me, wide-eyed and mouth hanging open for but only a moment before he smiled softly.  He then stood from his chair, stepping forward and pulling me into his arms, one hand placed on my shoulder and the other resting on the back of my head.
He whispered softly in my ear, two words that startled and confused me greatly. “You pass.” 
Pass? What did I pass, exactly?
Unfortunately I did not have an opportunity to ask what he meant because Shannon is now here, announcing it is time for our physical therapy session in the woods, which is why I will stop writing in here until much later, hopefully…
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Kusuriuri watched the changeling and her patient walk away from the cottage towards the forest. Albeit tempted to follow them and become more familiarized with Shannon’s medical methods, he tried not to worry; the red string attached to his pinky reminded him that no matter where or how far he was apart from [First Name], he would always find his bride. There is no doubt that his creator is already aware that the mage had passed his test and was already coordinating with the other gods to prepare the wedding ceremony. Inari-sama always got like this whenever his children found their lifelong companion, acting more like an anxious mother-in-law who wanted everything to be perfect. 
No doubt it would take place in the temple, a traditional procession where the world would go silent as his kindred trailed after the bride, donned in kimonos and masks that coordinated with the clans they were affiliated with. Still…perhaps it was not too much of a stretch to ask his creator to allow him to have a tiny bit of control over the ceremony before things got too out of hand, yes? He is the groom after all. 
He felt his face heat up at the image of [First Name] donned in the white bridal kimono and wearing a fox mask, his heart beginning to hammer against his ribs. Ah…she would be so beautiful that day, he had no doubt. And she will be all his, so very, very, soon.  But he must be patient. He had not waited this long to attain a bride he personally desired by being hasty.  A love like theirs must be gently nurtured, after all. 
The love of a mage and a zenko who kills Mononoke, that is.
And a zenko will always guard what they treasure the most, keep them away from those who would dare to try and claim what is rightfully theirs. 
Bonus Content:
Because his bride possessed the Gift of Sight, [First Name] is able to see the Mononoke as clear as day. This revelation both relieved Kusuriuri and elevated his overprotective nature tenfold, especially when they traveled to Japan for their honeymoon. Neither had expected to cross paths with a highly aggressive bakeneko in the halls of an inn renowned for its hot springs, yet [First Name] proved herself to be highly efficient in using magical tools to keep the Mononoke at bay as well as helping him figure out its Form, Truth, and Regret.
Did he also mention...that she was also exceptionally beautiful when she yelled at him at the top of her lungs to release the Sword of Exorcism as she pushed back against the Mononoke, utilizing strength of The Dragon's Curse that was nestled within her arm?
Perhaps...he'll make more of an attempt to purposely anger if it meant seeing such a lovely expression on her face.
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The Apothecary Diaries
S1E14 First Watch
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Here's where I watch The Apothecary Diaries for the first time and give my thoughts, analysis, predictions, and occasionally I stumble into a joke.
To start at the beginning:
Episode 1
Content warning: Discussion on sexual harassment, assault, and rape
My character/location cheat sheet
Suiren - Jinshi's attendant
Lady Gyokuyou - Precious consort
Hongniang - Lady Gyokuyou's attendant
Jade Pavilion - Lady Gyokuyou's pavilion
Concubine Lihua - Wise Consort
Concubine Loulan - the new Pure Consort
Lady Lishu - child bride concubine
Lakan - mysterious officer
Lihaku - young military officer
Pairin - one of the princesses of Verdigris House
Opening. Like with many of the openings in this show, I don't know what is happening yet. But it is visually and musically stunning. The strings bowing out some poignant melody while a woman under a red umbrella crosses a nearly colorless courtyard with her retinue. I'm guessing this must be the new concubine. Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure that was the crown that Lady Ah-Duo wore. This lady ditches it as soon as she comes into the Garnet Pavilion. I wonder how she feels about being made into the newest high ranking concubine. Her face is revealing nothing to me.
I don't know what Lady Gyokuyou is up to, but I love her, so I'm looking forward to whatever "good timing," she's trying to take advantage of. Probably trying to see Maomao I'm guessing.
Oh good, Maomao is planting her own herb garden. Perfect! Finally a way to start to make a place for herself in Jinshi's world. Maybe she can find a way to fit in here. Suiren doesn't care about this garden though, she wants Maomao to clean the office. And I'm starting to wonder if this lonely residence is maybe not as great for Maomao as the Jade Pavilion was. Back in the Jade Pavilion, Maomao was surrounded by people who cared about her and supported her. That isn't to say that Suiren won't, but who else even lives here? Gaoshun? I mean there is Jinshi of course, but I'd like to know she fits in with more than just him.
Turns out Jinshi is in the office that Maomao is meant to clean, so maybe Suiren is just trying to push Jinshi and Maomao together.
Something truly screwy has happened. Maomao has been selected to teach the new Pure Consort. What they want her to teach, I don't know. Probably not poisons. As it turns out, Lady Gyokuyou has written a recommendation for Maomao. A chance to get Maomao back into the Rear Palace so they can all see her maybe? Oh haha, Lady Lihua, wants her back too! Well Maomao did teach Lady Lihua something useful! Terrific! Maomao, who just failed her exam to be a court lady, is now highly recommended to teach the new high ranking concubine. Incredible.
Before Maomao had walked in, Jinshi called the situation "perplexing," followed by a frustrated or maybe thoughtful hum. Then when Maomao arrived Jinshi definitely made a frustrated sound. Was he upset that he would most likely need to send her out of his residence, and back to the Rear Palace? Was he upset that this seems like a blatant excuse for those concubines to see her? Or maybe he's upset that she failed her exam to be a court lady, because she does show up ready to clean his office, carrying all of her cleaning equipment.
Jinshi: The Rear Palace has set it's mind to the Concubine's education. And they selected you to be the teacher. Maomao: That's a good one.
Maomao, doesn't see how she could be good enough for a position like this. It must be a joke.
Jinshi: I'm not joking here.
And, oh yeah, he's not happy. He doesn't like that two of the top concubines have forced his hand like this. And maybe he also doesn't like Maomao's self deprecating attitude He sends her off so abruptly, that it seems curt. And what the hell is Jinshi's issue? Why is he acting like this with Maomao? Maybe he is just uncertain what to do with her. She's so capable at certain things, and yet... there are certain things she just won't or can't do. She's a highly requested teacher to the top concubines in the rear palace, yet she can't pass the test to become a court lady. Maybe that is what has Jinshi so annoyed. Maybe he can get over himself, while Maomao goes on her mission.
Does Maomao still owe money to Verdigris House? WTF. Maomao tries to stealthily change her wages but Suiren immediately shuts that down, even though Jinshi was willing to pay her more.
Jinshi seems excited about Maomao's class now and wants to see what teaching supplies she is bringing to the Rear Palace and Maomao becomes defensive.
Maomao: Under no circumstances can he see these!
What does she have in there? Maybe it's some courtesan stuff. Perhaps she's going to try to teach the new consort some brothel tricks?
Maomao insists on pulling her own cart. Maybe she didn't realize that Jinshi and Gaoshun would also be coming to the Rear Palace or she wants to be sure no one gets a chance to look at the racy goods she's transporting.
Jinshi is received like a celebrity, with lines of adoring fans all hoping to catch a glimpse and make a comment about his appearance. He puts on a smile and laughs, but I think he hates this. Maybe Maomao should draw some freckles on him.
And maybe this is a good time to take a closer look at what Jinshi's experiences have been with sexual harassment. I have @cjrae and @teaflowsthroughthesesims to thank for opening my eyes to some things in the comments section of the last blog.
Jinshi has been getting this kind of reaction to his appearance for a long time. I'm realizing now why he was so excited to have Maomao glare at him in one of the early episodes. People so often look at him and see his beauty, but not the person. He has never had to worry about that with Maomao. Her absolute lack of self value means she never considered for a moment that Jinshi would see her as a viable romantic partner, and so therefor never bothered to look at him with a lustful eye. It's rather sad that that was a novel experience for Jinshi.
We know that his own female servants have tried to leave their underwear in his closet. I've learned that the undergarment made of human hair is meant to be a love spell. How utterly fucked up. Just as bad is the fact that people have tried to sneak aphrodisiacs into his food before. Maomao identified one for him way back in episode 2. I did not realize that when he asked Maomao to make an aphrodisiac that he would be using that to retaliate against the male officer that gave him the drugged food, and it becomes apparent that he did when we hear the rumor about a man who "hates women" that was seduced by servant girl. I've been taught that "hates women" is a euphemism for gay men. So Jinshi has been experiencing sexual harassment from both men and women, and it ranges from lascivious comments that he hears on the street like we see in this scene, to very intimate acts like the undergarment in his own drawer and food that was given to him. It's one of the reasons Gaoshun attends him everywhere. Perhaps Maomao should be a food taster for Jinshi.
I can't help but think about the moment when Jinshi gave Maomao his hair pin. She had just explained her story of being captured and sold, but also about how she had been sexually harassed. He probably felt a powerful empathy with her then. Imagine what it would mean for him to share his own experiences with her.
Jinshi wants to attend Maomao's sex ed class, but she literally pushes him out the door. Delightful. She says they are going to be discussing sensitive womanly issues, so, cool, maybe Maomao is the right choice for this class. She might actually teach these ladies something. Maybe prevent a few UTIs and yeast infections.
Lady Gyokuyou is so happy that her favorite romcom Maomao is back. Maomao knows everyone in the room, other than the new concubine, Lady Loulan and her attendant.
Maomao shares a book that gets blushes all around the room, as well as a few more dramatic reactions, so it's got to be something she learned at the brothel. The new lady seems to be ignoring Maomao?
Jinshi has his ear pressed to the door, like a creep. Is he worried about what Maomao will teach these ladies, or just curious about what she knows? Maomao bust him trying to listen in. When he finally sees what's going on in the room, he's not so sure he should have agreed to all of this. Lady Gyokuyou and Lady Lihua seem pleased, but Lady Lishu is traumatized, and most of the attendants are freaking out. Only Lady Loulan seems unfazed. What is her deal any way. All I've seen her do so far is discard her crown in the opening scene, yawn, gaze off at nothing, discard the book Maomao gave her, and ignore everything around her. Is she bored? Depressed? Does she have a disability? Maybe she isn't ignoring everyone, maybe she literally can't hear them? Of maybe she can't understand the language? It would explain why she's not moved by anything being said and why the book is of no interest to her. Maomao did point out that her clothes are of a foreign style. I can't figure her out. Maomao says that Lady Loulan is unreadable. Agreed.
Maomao actually seems pretty pleased as she lays down to sleep. She's giggling about her bonus, and I have to appreciate her commitment to avarice.
The hell? Was that an explosion? Maomao thinks to investigate, but then gives up at the thought of Suiren. How much impact does Suiren have on Maomao's behavior? Is Maomao afraid she'll get in trouble with Suiren? Is this a good influence that is keeping Maomao from behaving recklessly, or is it a bad influence that stymies her curiosity and impulse to help others?
We get a name to the mysterious man from last episode, Master Lakan. He's investigating the explosion and has found that opium pipe from last episode. His face says he knows something, but when someone asks if he found something, he says no. Is he involved with this explosion somehow? Is he going to cover up some piece of evidence? Is he an investigator in the palace? If so than he probably will cross paths with Maomao at some point, since she can't help but get involved in mysteries.
Maomao is working in Jinshi's office today. She's surprised to see how much work falls to a eunuch of the Rear Palace. And for fuck's sake Maomao, the man is so clearly not just a Rear Palace eunuch. I think she must be intentionally delusional about this. She's already figured out part of the puzzle that is Jinshi's background but chose to discard it. Perhaps the truth is too intimidating for Maomao to face.
Because if she were to accept who and what Jinshi is, that would probably be the end of all of this. It would widen the gulf between them as Jinshi was worried about a few episodes ago. It's something Maomao is also very worried about. She's being very careful that she doesn't do anything that will force them to part.
Jinshi is so obvious with his attraction to Maomao, and Maomao is so reserved, that it can often seem like this is a one sided relationship. Maomao doesn't dare think about her feelings for Jinshi, much less speak or act on them. To get an idea of what she's feeling, we have to make some assumptions. But they aren't totally unfounded, we can see evidence of Maomao's feelings in some of the choices she makes, and in some of the actions she takes, even if we may be waiting a real long time for her to think about or verbalize them.
Maomao has managed to secure herself a position here in Jinshi's residence, in a position that keeps her close to him. She chose to come back to the palace. She gave up the people she calls family in the Pleasure District, and the career she loves as an apothecary to return to the palace. And yes, she thought she was going to be working in the Rear Palace, but she's not complaining about being in Jinshi's residence instead. In fact she's planting her herbs in the yard. She's literally and metaphorically putting down roots here.
Though Maomao thinks she's not worth the affections of a eunuch official, she has still managed to build a rapport with Jinshi. They can banter, and solve mysteries together hold each other when they're drunk and sad. She likes that he encourages her to use her skills, that he appreciates her abilities, that he pushes her out of the places she hides, so that she can grow. And for Maomao that's pretty nice actually. All of it is more than she would hope for from him. It's a beautiful dream, that falls apart if Jinshi is more than a simple palace official. Because even as a simple official, she's taking more than she deserves. It's completely inappropriate already. If he's a prince... there really, really isn't a place for her in that world. So she holds on where she can for now, and takes what is offered, and very carefully does not think about Jinshi's true identity.
Also, because Jinshi is a "eunuch" he is safe for Maomao. She has some serious fears around sex. When she told us about being sexually harassed she said that nothing ever came of it, and I do think that being attacked, even if she was not raped is enough to cause this level of trauma. There could be more though. She told that story to a pavilion full of people, it's highly likely that if there were a more serious story about sexual assault that she may not have told it so publicly. Regardless of the origins, Maomao has sexual trauma. As a "eunuch," Jinshi would not be able to assault her that way, even if she thought he were willing to. So, it's easier for Maomao to continue to believe an increasingly unbelievable delusion, than to deal with her trauma.
I am so here for the Gaoshun-Maomao dynamic. Gaoshun is mothering "Xiaomao" and making sure she stays warm, because it's cold outside after all. Maomao is once again thinking about what a catch Gaoshun is. You know, if things don't work out with Jinshi, then Gaoshun could be a nice runner up.
Oh and Jinshi has noticed all of that! He's literally growling. Back the hell up off his girl Gaoshun! Oh my god this is a hilarious scene. Now Gaoshun is claiming the cloak and thoughtfulness came from Jinshi. I wonder if next time, Jinshi doesn't get up and bring her a cloak himself, rather than sending Gaoshun.
Maomao: To need permission to give warm clothes to a chilly servant. Talk about bureaucracy.
Holy hell, her ability to misread a situation... is just... mindboggling. I know her confidence is nil, she is incapable of seeing Jinshi's affection for her, but the mental gymnastics required to come up with other possible explanations is a lot.
Once again, medicinal herbs have drawn Maomao to the military officers side of the palace grounds. She happened to run into Lihaku. Jinshi is not going to like that.
Lihaku fell in love during his night at Verdigris House, and now he has dedicated himself to his career advancement so he can buy another night with Pairin. But in the meantime he drinks frugally with other girls hoping to catch a glimpse of his love.
Maomao says she's been transferred to a palace official's personal quarters.
Lihaku: Transferred huh? And to such a thankless detail. Maomao: Yup, I've gathered that much.
Something didn't seem right here, so I switched from the English dub to the Japanese with English subtitles and got:
Lihaku: Personal quarters? Who's crazy enough to do that? Maomao: Yeah, I wonder the same.
This is really not an important scene, so I'm not sure why I'm so hung up on it, but I think something is probably lost in translation. I think what Lihaku is implying is that the move is a bad one for Maomao. It's not as prestigious as working for a high ranking concubine in the Rear Palace. In a private residence how will a servant stand out or advance? Lihaku is all about climbing the ranks, and he pities Maomao for getting stuck in a position where she can't. Maomao has gathered that this position isn't one to bring her career advancement, but she doesn't cares about that, it's not why she wanted to return to the palace or why she is finding contentment in her new job. So she pokes fun at herself yeah I guess I am crazy for taking this position, not because she's missing out on a chance to advance her career, but because she's given up on other options for her life like being an apothecary in the Pleasure District, to take a risk in the palace.
There was a fire last night, the origins of which are unknown. Maomao cannot resist a mystery. Maomao surmises that it was an explosion and that the military suspects arson. Maomao finds that same opium pipe that Lakan did. She has an idea, and now she just needs to prove it. She asks Lihaku to bring her a few things. Maomao builds a very nice wooden box, and Lihaku compliments her. She remembers a time when she was young, at home with Luomen while he examines a box. Maomao uses her box to demonstrate how improperly stored powder such as flour can be combustible. She surmises that someone went into the warehouse to light a pipe and accidentally caused the explosion.
Damn I like watching her work.
Lihaku: How is it you know these kind of things. Maomao: Simple. I once blew up a room at the Verdigris House experimenting with powders. Lihaku: You're a menace.
I don't know if Lihaku is taking personal offense to her causing trouble at the brothel where the love of his life lives, or if he just thinks she's weird and dangerous. Either way, I don't think Jinshi has anything to worry about when it comes to Maomao and Lihaku. I'm looking forward to him be jealous about this anyway.
Maybe I do understand how she can still owe the Verdigris House, if she has destroyed rooms in the building before...
Maomao kept the fancy pipe, accidentally of course, we've all forgotten about her klepto-urges a couple episodes ago, right? I can't help but think that keeping this pipe is a mistake. There is a lot that could go wrong if someone finds that in her things. She could be accused of using opium to start, but she could also be accused of stealing it, selling drugs, associating with nefarious people, or who knows what else. I don't like that she has it. She considers returning it. I hope she does.
The final scene is of a man having a break down in an eatery. He breaks something and cries about being "worthy too." I don't know who he is, but the other dude who looks back over his shoulder looks familiar. Was he around when Sir Kuonen died? Do we have a serial killer in the palace? Or maybe an assassin?
Want to start from the beginning: Episode 1
Next Episode:
Episode 15
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rathologic · 1 year
hi there, you run a great blog!! i was wondering if you have any advice or suggestions on how to responsibly/respectfully get into patho and patho2? as in, do you think there are any things a new fan should keep in mind while playing (i.e. with the grooming allegations, i have also seen racism and misogyny mentioned)
honestly i'm not entirely sure what i'm asking for help with here, but maybe just resources that further discuss the shitty views/opinions/actions of dyb that taint aspects of the game? thank you so much
hey! it really is going to depend on your personal tolerance for these aspects. racism is a major in-world topic discussed by the games, but also thoroughly present within the storytelling the franchise presents, so there's a fair amount of nuance; the elements of misogyny and pedophilia are just visible throughout. if you're at least passingly familiar with such topics, you'll be able to recognize and think critically about their presence as you get into the games (if you decide to at all)
baseline recommendation is always "don't pay for pathologic 2". Ice-Pick Lodge is not financially struggling, 2's racist and misogynistic elements are more pervasive and widespread than the first game's, and the mainstream praise it receives (unduly) goes straight to dyb's reputation as a writer. honestly I would not recommend paying for patho1 either but it usually sells for $1, so if that's justifiable to you... in no particular order here's some things to have in mind:
"tl;dr just respect the kin" is a Google doc outlining some ways that anti-Indigenous beliefs show up in the fanbase, and touches slightly on racist aspects of the games, like the p1 butcher models
look through the patho1 character ages, and keep the large age gaps in all of the m/f relationships in mind (patho2 just doesn't have canon ages)
this patho1 mod gets rid of a pedophilic dialogue exchange, and removes dybowski's face from the player screen; highly recommend that desktop users install it
my #p2crit tag is mostly very informal complaints about the writing and mechanics of pathologic 2, but there are a few decent critical points in it (though also many game spoilers, so don't look through this first!)
one of those points is that the herb bride (and Eva's) model textures in p2 include their genitals, as like. a baseline for how the game regards women
also new fans should Really be aware that rubin was being adopted into the burakh family in patho1. a lot of people, willfully or unknowingly, post pseudo-incest of him with the haruspex; it's a gray area in p2, but foul with the original designs
and some resources re: dybowski:
turaform's regarding nikolay dybowski is a video summarizing the grooming allegations, and describing the events by which they became known to the western fanbase- it was made in april 2021 soon after the news became widespread, but to my knowledge remains the most thorough explanation
this post links to the document of tweets referenced (the version with identifying information removed)
this post cites part of an interview with dybowski (at ~32:00 in the video), about how attractive he finds a young-looking naked girl model from the making of The Void, IPL's game about naked girls
in the society of dead poets is another interview not directly related, but I think it's worthwhile background that dyb's great-grandfather married his great-grandmother, a chinese woman, when he was >60 and she was 20 (page 57)
from all that you'll see patterns in the franchise, especially a tendency towards "beautiful woman gets killed young" (the Feverish Feeling ARG, in between games, is also fundamentally this), and be able to make your own judgements about its treatment of the Kin. maybe it just won't be acceptable to you! a lot of people have left the fanbase from discomfort or frustration, and that's completely understandable. I only hold that it's more valuable for people who are comfortable engaging at all to discuss and circulate discussion of patho's harmful aspects than to let them be only praised as profound & perfect narratives in the public eye :~)
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blackthornwren · 1 year
Hey, I'm looking for info on something specific and was wondering if you had any thoughts on where I could start. I'm trying to figure out a ritual to help alleviate the fatigue and if possible pain associated with chronic illnesses from a tradcraft perspective. Is there anything in particular that comes to mind? (Already on meds for the pain btw, but they don't do enough. I'm willing to try herbal remedies too, but that still won't help much with the fatigue and brain fog)
So, I don't have a specific pre-made ritual that comes to mind and I'm unable to share my own workings. I can recommend a few books, specifically look to the Carmina Gadelica, Vol. II - which can be found here - or if you're able to acquire it, Lecouteux's 'Traditional Magic Spells for Protection and Healing', or 'Healing Threads' by Mary Beith. The bad news is that when looking for healing folk charms is that you're likely never going to find one that is exactly tailored to your needs. The good news is that through process of experimentation, you may be able to tweak them to suit your needs or use the format and methods found in folk magic to craft your own charms, blessings, or rites based on your specific requirements. Folk charms in general (speaking through a Celtic regional lens here) tend to be an informative template for crafting your own workings. Specifically in healing charms there are recurring elements of repetition, storytelling narratives, transference, and the use of simple items such as cords, wax, rocks, etc. Repetition: For example, a charm might include a countdown - there's a spell to relieve a skin condition that goes "Tetter, tetter, thou has nine sisters, god bless the flesh and preserve thy bone, perish thee tetter in the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost. Tetter, tetter, thou hast eight sisters..." This repeats, each time the number diminishing, until at last "thou hast no sisters". Storytelling: The best example of this is often found in folk magic involving Catholic Saints. The Charm of the Sprain in the Carmina runs as such - "Bride went out in the morning early, with a pair of horses; one broke his leg, with much ado, that was apart, she put bone to bone, she put flesh to flesh, she put sinew to sinew, she put vein to vein; as she healed that, may I heal this." Transference: Many folk charms for healing involve transferring the injury or illness to an inanimate object. This is found often in manuscripts, journals, texts about superstitions, folk customs, and popular antiquities. If an individual were ill or injured, the disease or the pain might be eased by perhaps tying a cord around the part of the body that was suffering (headache - a length of black silk tied round the head, sore throat - cord around the throat, etc) and used in conjunction with spoken prayers or charms. Rocks could be rubbed on the afflicted appendage or generally on the body to take the illness from the patient and place it into the stones which would then be disposed of in a stream. Food was also used for this - bread that had been marked with a cross or a written charm and/or prayed over. This method could be used to cure anything from dog bites to fever. Because you have stated that you are already on pain medication , I am unwilling to suggest any herbal remedies - the reason for this is that herbs can often interact with medications you are taking, including counteracting them, and they can create problems far worse than what you're currently experiencing. If you are still interested in trying herbal remedies, it would be best to discuss it with your doctor as they will be better able to predict how any herbal supplements will interact with your current medications and your medical history - age, weight, potential genetic health issues, pre-existing conditions; these are all major factors in determining how someone will react to new chemicals being introduced into their system. Thank you for your ask, I do hope this has been of some use to you and please make sure to take care of yourself.
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renee-writer · 10 months
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What If It Were Brian Chapter Thirty-five
“He was an evil man, cruel to all around him. The time was different but the queen and prince still wished to get away from him. They went through a portal that brought them to a place and time where the real king lives. He wasn’t like the other. He was kind and loving. There a princess was born to them named, Olivia. There they lived happily forever.”
She watches her big brother, fascinated by his words. At a few months old, she doesn’t understand them but, she loves his focused attention and her name being said.
Jamie loves his son’s storytelling skill and the role he has in it. The true king, indeed. Claire is out collecting herbs for her surgery. With the new house finished, the original house can now be used as such. Fergus went with her as a guard. Murtagh is out hunting. It is just himself and his children.
“Grand tale son. Storytelling is in your blood. It is a Scottish tradition.”
He smiles down at Olivia, who is contently resting in his lap. Claire can only make short trips. The lass remains fully content only with her mama, as it should be at her age.
“Your turn daddy. Tell us a story.”
He is happy too. Patting his free knee, he invites Brian to join him. 
“There once was a poor lad, wondering about the land, in service to his uncles. A Laird in excel, you see. Unable to return to his land because the evil Englishmen.
One day, he fell off his horse, injuring himself. Well, neither his uncle nor the other lads with him knew how to fix it. They were discussing it when suddenly, like a dream, there was a lass there.
She looked like no other lass the poor wonderer had ever seen. She behaved like none either. She took charge, you see. Neither weak nor obedient was she.
When she spoke, demanding leave to see to his shoulder, he realized she was an English lass. It didn’t matter, he knew still she was to be his lady.
She fixed his shoulder, a type of magic, then they rode together back to his uncles keep. He was a stubborn one, was the lad, not telling her he was injured another way.
She found out when he fell off his horse. He woke to her kneeling a top him, speaking words no lass should. He knew then, even more then before, she was to be his bride.
They were married, amidst a room full of candles. Now they have sons and a daughter. He is Laird of his own land. They are living happily.”
Brian has falling asleep. Olivia is awake, looking at him with her round eyes, a grin on her face.
“Aye, my lass, the story is about your daddy and mama.”
He adjusts to lay Brian down on the bed. Then he just rocks his daughter until Claire and Fergus, return.
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ascendandt · 1 year
love how people discussing herb brides will talk forever about how their rituals are completely nonsexual within canon and how its the townsfolk making it weird. like within the fiction of the world this is true, yes. but someone in the real world made them that way, and made them all sexy thin young women, and gave them textured genitals. not to mention the human sacrifice ... thing with herb brides as well. this is fine it is a real practice, but it is kind of very transparently something the player is not meant to understand, which among other things contributes to the impression that the kin are in some way other than human. AND. there is a troubling theme with women in the game like, dying. the death of nara in particular is verry sexualized. trying to explain away racism in patho by rrlying on in universe justifications for dehumanizing and sexualizing the kin is how you say FUCKING STUPID!!!!!
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, April 20
MS. KROGER: Oh, so you live with another woman. BUFFY: Oh! Oh, it's not a, a gay thing, you know, I mean, well... (Ms. Kroger has noticed the box full of magical stuff to be thrown out. She picks up a plastic baggie containing some herbs.) BUFFY: ...she's gay, but, but we don't ... gay. Not that there's anything - (she notices Ms. Kroger looking at the herb) BUFFY: Oh! Wrong with... (rushes over) You know, I know what that looks like, but I, I swear, it's not ... what it looks like. (Ms. Kroger looking shocked) BUFFY: It's *magic* weed.
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Diversionary Tactics by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Encased by Sunshine - Ch. 2 by acb6293 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Those 2 again - Ch. 8 by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, G)
So One of Us is Living - Ch. 9-10 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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105: Intro To Vampyre - Ch. 2 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
42 - Ch. 20 by Dynamite (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Key Saves Spuffy - Ch. 20 by Dynamite (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
From Hell with Love - Ch. 5 by temporarytitle (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Akuma Slayer - Ch. 7 by BlueZeroZeroOne (Buffy, Miraculous Ladybug xover, FR15)
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ever waiting airports (full of the love that you deserve) - Ch. 11 by womanaction (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Colonial Bride - Ch. 14 by Feanix88 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
I'm Fine - Ch. 4 by Grief Counseling (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Home Invasions - Ch. 8 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Those 2 again - Ch. 8 by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, G)
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flowersbox · 1 year
Choose your wedding bouquet
A wedding bouquet is one of the most important accessories for any bride on her special day. It is a symbol of love and happiness, and it is often carried by the bride as she walks down the aisle towards her future husband. A bouquet can be made up of a variety of flowers, each with its own special meaning and significance. In this article, we will explore the history and tradition of the wedding bouquet and discuss some popular choices for flowers and styles.
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History and Tradition
The tradition of carrying a bouquet dates back to ancient times. In ancient Rome, brides carried bouquets of herbs and garlic to ward off evil spirits and ensure fertility. During the Victorian era, flowers became more prominent in wedding ceremonies, and the meaning behind each flower became more significant. Today, it is a beautiful and meaningful way to add a personal touch to the ceremony.
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Flowers and Meanings
Choosing the right flowers for a wedding bouquet is an important decision. Each flower has its own special meaning, and it is essential to choose flowers that represent the bride and groom's love for one another. A bouquet is a beautiful and meaningful way to add a personal touch to a wedding ceremony.
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Choosing Wedding Flowers
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A wedding arrangement is just one of the most important setups on your wedding. It might include flowers, natural herbs or other lengthy stemmed blossoms. You ought to consult your flower shop for ideas. The types of blossom utilized can depend on the season as well as the place. As an example, sunflowers look wonderful in the autumn. Some new brides choose to use blossoms that represent their love. For centuries, brides have actually carried fragrant arrangements of blossoms on their arm. They were believed to prevent evil spirits. Nowadays, numerous bride-to-bes go with a basic, stylish arrangement. Picking your blossoms can be frustrating, specifically if you aren't certain just how to start. If you want to add a special touch to your bouquet, think about including a brooch or a ribbon. Choose an arrangement that enhances your dress. To get more information on these Wedding Flowers, read this blogpost now.
Additionally, think of your hair style. Flowers function well as hair accessories, however make certain you take extra care to maintain them in position. Among one of the most prominent arrangements is the round arrangement. It's also known as the sheaf. Round bouquets are usually stabilized. Several blossom blooms are included, with the addition of plant for selection. This design is suitable for an informal or enchanting setup. Other prominent sorts of bridal arrangements are the cascading arrangement, or discussion bouquet. Cascade bouquets are likewise called contest bouquets. Each type of flower plan has its very own meaning. For instance, the calla lily is associated with appeal and also life. And it can be found in a variety of colors, consisting of white and also purple. One more prominent bouquet is the posy. Posy arrangements are tiny and quickly kept in the hand. They are additionally readily available in a variety of sizes and shapes.
Nonetheless, one of the most popular shape is the round one. Various other preferred bridal flowers include orchids, chrysanthemums, roses and peonies. Peonies are specifically good for summertime weddings. They are taken into consideration to be symbols of romance and riches. In addition to that, they can bring in a pleased marriage. Furthermore, a chrysanthemum is claimed to represent commitment as well as happiness. Orchids are a sign of love, elegance, luxury and strength. They are particularly treasured in Japan. Similarly, a lilac represents puppy love. Roses are believed to ward off bad luck and to bring happiness. Mums are one more prominent choice. The different types of mums come in a range of colors, and also can be shaped like a pompom or sissy. Similar to most various other blossoms, the significance of these flowers can vary.
Depending upon your preference, you can additionally pick to add plumes or petals. The most crucial point is to know the definition of the blossom you are selecting. The ideal bouquet can bring your wedding to life. No matter whether you are a minimal or an intricate blossom enthusiast, you can discover a fantastic option of beautiful blossoms at a local floral designer. Whether you are having a summertime or winter wedding event, you can find the ideal wedding blossoms for your wedding day. You can pick from a vast array of styles as well as colors to create the perfect arrangement. If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flower.
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meirimerens · 10 months
Consider re: herb brides, because of the rituals and nature around ripping and tearing seams and fabric what if like “very nice” or formal ware was styled around clothing that CAN’T rip? Either very very thick and sturdy material OR like loophole designs…. Dresses and tunics woven out of like layers of cords draped over the body?
the whole of the herb brides' Things is that the uncovering of the body is the point, you have this line in p1 of a dancer saying "The body is sacred. The naked body is the most accurate image of the world." so the uncovering/the tearing/the ripping appears as like the point [one of the points] of the capital-d-Dance ("Why do you strip your sacred body naked?"/"Because I know the Dance and have the right to do so."). it's interesting thinking about material that Can't rip because it'd be like... a test of strength and of fortitude, almost. "how passionately are you willing to dance in order to make this un-rippable material, rip?" type of thing. in the same way they are forbidden from wearing shoes because the tippytapping of their steps/connection of their bare footsies to the earth is thought to be the one thing that brings the harvest i wonder what would be the #consensus on what they can wear. but also a sturdier/thicker material would make it harder for them to dance, and their whole point is that they dance, but referring to what i mentioned above maybe it's a test of sorts... it's kinda how i see the herb maidens [lore i made the fuck up] the many layers is a burden for them to prove they Can dance but they shed them during adulthood. many things to consider!
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
war paint | 3 | captain
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pairing: Bakugou Katsuki / Reader
length: 27,765 words / 10 chapters
summary: Desperate times force you to disguise yourself and join the kingsguard. When a suspicious string of crimes strike the palace, however, Captain Katsuki Bakugou starts paying extra close attention. (spin off of in cinders)
tags: mulan AU, secret identity, romance, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, some violence, eventual smut
The first few weeks of your enlistment were inarguably the worst you’d ever lived.
If not on patrol, soldiers were awakened before dawn every morning and marched to the training pitch behind the castle where you drilled in different formations with various weapons. You were run through exercises that seemed designed to drop anyone with less than iron willpower, then set to menial tasks like cleaning the barracks or repairing any damaged weapons or equipment. The midday meal was the first break in your day, followed immediately by training in basic first aid and survival skills, then by more weaponry drills that took you until the dinner bell.
Between your extra training with Nishimura and the time you had to invest in sneaking off to use the lavatory or a spot to bathe in private, you were hardly resting. Even the time you did spend bathing, you spent in a constant state of anxiety, wondering if a random bunk check would reveal you missing. You hadn't chanced more than a wild, lightning fast scrub down in weeks.
At the end of the first week, you’d collected your enlistment fee with hands blistered from sword work, and it took you longer than you’d ever admit to count it out, stopping every few seconds when your eyes drifted involuntarily shut. You’d been happy to send it off to your family, though, with a short note that told them you were doing well.
Which was, of course, a lie.
You weren’t exactly the most popular among the kingsguard thanks to the show you’d put on when you arrived, and you had the misfortune of dorming in the same room as Nishimura. Despite Captain Bakugou’s warnings, he’d gone out of his way to make life uncomfortable for you, slipping bugs into your sheets and loudly discussing you in less than flattering terms well within earshot.
More than that, you were terrible at nearly everything and it was obvious. Kaminari helped you to the best of his ability, and so did Sero, the guard who’d poked fun at your age at the castle gates. Neither of them, however, could make up for the fact that as a woman, you were somewhat smaller and slighter, and hadn’t had the same opportunities building up muscle mass as men your age. Every sword felt like an anvil in your hands; lifting a mace like hauling a boulder.
The only thing you seemed to excel at was the first aid trainings. You found yourself listening with rapt attention as the court physician walked your battalion through wrapping injuries and cleaning wounds, noting which easily obtained herbs and flowers could slow blood loss or ease pain. Kaminari was always eager to pair with you during the practical exercises, as you were among the least likely to accidentally poison him with the wrong herbs. It was gratifying to be good at at least one thing.
Your favorite part of castle service, though, was the patrols.
After your first month of training, you’d been assigned thrice-weekly patrol routes and found that it was like wading into a cool river on a hot day. Patrols got you out of whichever drills were happening at the time and took you out from under Captain Bakugou’s purview and behind the relative safety of the castle walls.
Though monotonous, you only had to walk a specific route throughout the castle with a partner, and you were rarely supervised. On your first patrol with Kaminari, you also found that patrols were - for him - more of an opportunity to make social calls.
“L/N,” he said, nearly the minute you stepped inside the castle walls. “We’ve got an excellent route today.”
You raised an eyebrow in question.
He chuckled, gesturing you along. “Come on, our first stop is right over here.”
“Our first stop?” you echoed.
Kaminari grinned and grabbed your sleeve, pulling you into a side door. On the other side sat a cramped office stuffed with bright fabrics and colorful spools of thread. A woman with shocking pink hair hunched over a spill of pretty silk, working tiny, perfect stitches into the fabric.
“Mina!” Kaminari boomed and the woman sat up with a smile.
“Denki!” she said, reaching over to hug him. “It’s been a while since patrol took you over here! I have so much to tell you!”
Kaminari laughed and pulled you forward. “Me too. Mina, this is L/N! He lied about his age and wormed his way into the kingsguard.”
You whirled on him. “I’m old enough to be in the guard!”
The absolute wrong gender, but definitely the right age.
He gave you an innocent look. “I’m just passing on the popular opinion.”
Mina chuckled. “Oh, ignore him, L/N. We all do. It’s quite nice to meet you.”
Kaminari whined but Mina just laughed again, redirecting his attention to the dress she was making, saying it was for the princess-to-be. Apparently, Prince Shouto’s bride had been a kitchen girl that Mina and Denki had both been acquainted with, and they talked eagerly of the wedding they’d both been invited to and the food that would be there.
“Think old Bakugou will show up?” Kaminari asked at one point, making himself comfortable at Mina’s workstation. Mina met this with a shrug.
You gave them both a questioning look. “Why would the captain be invited?”
Kaminari turned to you conspiratorially. “Captain Bakugou and the prince grew up together - they’re something like old friends. Plus, Bakugou’s a marquis, he’s probably got an invitation just for political reasons.”
“He’s a marquis?” you asked. That explained the Lord appellation on your contract, then. “Why join the palace guard if he’s titled?”
Kaminari shrugged. “Probably not enough opportunity to torture innocent civilians in Musutafu. If he wants to hold the land, he’s got to be nice to them, hasn’t he?”
You grimaced, thinking of all the drills he’d run you through since you’d gotten here. That definitely wouldn’t endear him to anyone.
“Speaking of our favorite captain,” Mina said conversationally, “I heard he’s been meeting with the prince more often than usual.”
“Wedding stuff?” Kaminari asked, but Mina shook her head.
“As if he’d touch that mushy shit with a ten foot pole. He wouldn’t know romance if it pranced in front of him wearing a soldier’s uniform. No, I heard it’s because a bunch of papers and other valuables went missing from the prince’s study last Thursday night.”
Your mind wandered back to last Thursday, wondering if you’d been on patrol when it had happened. You only dredged up a memory of snuggling down into your bunk, relieved that Nishimura and his goon friend Hasumi were out on their own patrol and your bed was thankfully bug free.
Kaminari’s eyebrows went up. “Important papers?”
Mina raised a thin shoulder. “From what I heard, it seemed to be a weird selection. A couple letters, some wedding arrangements. But a land treaty disappeared as well. They think it’s a spy.”
Kaminari whistled. “Bet old Baku is pissed this happened on his watch. No wonder he’s been in such a foul mood lately.” He turned to you. “Don’t you think he’s been a little too happy when one of us gets clipped by the wrong edge of the sword?”
You thought back to his threats in the mess hall. “He seems normal enough to me.”
Kaminari mulled that over. “I suppose he’s usually that awful.”
Mina smiled. “Talking of which, shouldn’t you be getting on with your patrol? I’d hate to find out what he’d do if he found out you were in here gossiping.”
A spike of panic stabbed through your heart and you grabbed Kaminari’s sleeve. “Excellent observation, Mina. We really should be going. It was wonderful to meet you!”
You tugged Kaminari roughly back through the doorway. You thought it was a testament to his own fear of the captain that he went willingly enough.
The rest of your patrol proved uneventful, however, Bakugou thankfully never being alerted to your social stop. Your patrol ended just after the dinner bell and you ate quickly in the mess hall, then rushed off to the training pitch.
Today was also the last day of your punishment for fighting in the mess hall on your first day, and you thought dreamily of all the rested muscles and extra time you’d have on your hands once extra training ended. You might be able to sneak off to bathe at a normal time of the evening instead of in the dead of night, starting tomorrow.
Your good cheer faded quickly, however, as you arrived at the pitch to find Captain Bakugou there.
Nishimura was just behind you and he stopped short at your side. “Where’s our usual drill officer?” he demanded.
A horrible grin cut into Bakugou’s features, bearing his sharp canines. He looked like a wolf ready to tear into a nest of rabbits, and your stomach flipped. “Ojiro’s off duty tonight. Thought I’d see if you’d learned your lesson myself.”
You inhaled sharply, and Bakugou caught it, laughing. “Thought I’d forgotten about you two fucks, didn’t you?”
You lowered your gaze and took a deep, steadying breath. Just tonight. You just had to get through tonight and you would be free.
Nishimura seemed to steel himself as well, sweeping a hand through his dark hair. “What are our drills tonight, Captain?”
Bakugou’s crimson gaze flickered over you both. “Fight me.”
You looked up, startled. “Fight you?”
He looked you over disdainfully. “You’re a goddamn soldier, you telling me you can’t fight? Didn’t seem to stop you in the mess hall.”
You bit your lip, but Nishimura stepped forward, that violent gleam in his eye. “Yes, sir.”
Bakugou grinned. “I’m gonna fucking wipe this field with you.”
Nishimura didn’t dare correct his superior, but his hand went quickly to his sword and he leaned forward eagerly. Before you even had time to blink, the clash of metal rang out across the field and Bakugou had Nishimura on the defensive, pushing him back into step with you. You hadn’t even seen him go for his sword.
Swearing, you fumbled for your own blade, whipping it out just in time to catch the swipe Bakugou aimed at your side. You stumbled under the force of the strike, tripping backwards.
Nishimura growled and lunged again, but Bakugou was faster, parrying his attack and following up with his own. A low chuckle escaped him as he caught Nishimura with the back edge of his blade, winding him and sending him staggering back.
Bakugou whipped back to you, targeting you with another fast swipe that you barely caught in time. The strength of his blow almost knocked your sword from your grasp, shuddering up your arm and leaving you gasping.
“What the fuck are you in the kingsguard for if you won’t fight?” he snarled. Another swipe came your way and again you barely caught it. Your heart beat frantically in your chest and you tried to duck out of range of his arm.
“Come back here, pretty boy,” Bakugou taunted, advancing on you, but Nishimura cut in with another attack. Bakugou whipped the edge of his blade up again, faster than your eye could follow, catching the strike. You caught the curl of that savage grin on the corner of his mouth again before he moved, ducking under Nishimura’s arm and twisting his blade. It slid along the edge of Nishimura’s sword with an awful screech, then caught the hilt at an angle, ripping it straight out of Nishimura’s grip.
A kick from Bakugou had Nishimura on the ground and just as quickly he twisted back around, stalking back towards you. Your heartbeat quickened in fear as he approached, crimson gaze burning into you.
“You don’t belong here if you can’t face me,” he ground out. “Fight me or I’m discharging you. That’s a fucking order.”
You trembled, but lifted your blade. You needed the money to send back to your parents. It was too early to be discharged - if you left now, they’d have no way of clearing the debt.
You thrust your sword forward but Bakugou dodged easily. You quickly flicked through all the maneuvers you’d been drilling the past month, and followed up with a lunge. Bakugou grinned, flicking it aside with a quick twist of his wrist.
“Put your back into it, shrimp,” he demanded.
You gripped your sword with both hands, bringing it down on him with all the force you had in you. Bakugou deflected, and before you knew what was happening, your sword was rent from your grasp, skidding along the dirt of the pitch behind you.
The flat of Bakugou’s sword came up to tip your chin up to him.
“Pathetic,” he spat, “you fight like a damn woman.”
Your hands curled into fists at your sides. Bakugou’s sharp eyes caught it and he smirked. “You gonna punch me, pretty boy?”
You struggled to tamp down the hot anger bubbling up inside you like a spring from the earth. “No, sir.”
He eyed you distrustfully, pressing the flat of his blade into your chin a little harder. “I’d think seriously about what the fuck you think you’re doing here. This is the kingsguard and I don’t need weak little shits like you endangering the royal family or your fellow soldiers.”
You stared back at him, not daring to speak. Your blood rushed in your ears and your heart hammered wildly in your chest.
After a long moment he lowered his blade, sheathing it back at his hip. He looked over at Nishimura, who was delicately picking himself up off the ground.
“Disappointing,” Bakugou said roughly. “I’ve seen enough here. You’re both dismissed - back to your dormitories.”
You nodded, backing away from him. Nishimura stalked off, and you turned and picked your way gingerly back across the field, stopping only to pick up your sword and tuck it back into the belt at your waist. You set off slowly for the barracks, something like hot tears stinging at the back of your eyes.
You didn’t look back, but you swore you could feel a pair of crimson eyes on you as you slipped quietly through the dark.
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talesofsymphoniac · 2 years
There are many differences between Pathologic 2 as compared to Classic HD, and I've been thinking about this a lot for several months now so here are the most important ones for me:
(extreme Pathologic infodumping under the cut)
--Characters and emotionality. Pathologic Classic HD characters feel MUCH more like walking philosophies clashing against each other, not really doing much that's comprehensible from a story standpoint, and while I'm not entirely opposed to that aesthetic in its own way, I think the inclusion of more character detail (the Apple Basket gang's history with each other and interactions, more hints of interaction among other characters like Khan/Capella, Khan/Notkin, Sticky/Murky, Grace/Peter, more discussion of who Isidor was as a person to all the Bound kids, etc etc) and making the characters feels more like people makes for a much more interesting world and story. It's something that I do think Pathologic Classic feels less complete without, going back. -- The save system. This is far more mechanical, but it heavily impacts the way the game plays. Pathologic Classic's quicksave system really erases the difficulty of the game if you are willing to abuse it, and the game is hard enough to seriously incentivize doing so. The way Pathologic 2 decided to treat death as something that is part of the game is super clever and makes for a much better play experience, getting rid of quicksaves entirely so you are never spending half your playtime just reloading 5 times to kill a mugger or waiting for a shmowder to spawn. It makes the game harder, but also more fun.
-- The theater as a framing device, as opposed to the characters being playthings of children. Classic does use the theater as a framing device to an extent, being how you choose your character and all, but I feel like more emphasis is given to the idea of the character being a doll with no free will, while Pathologic 2 scraps the children (except as Easter eggs) and focuses on the idea that the character/player is both actor and audience, both tied to a prewritten fate but also enacting it as they endure the suffering of, well, the game itself. I do feel like the theming is stronger the way that it is in Pathologic 2, especially since you can get to that part of the story on a first playthrough going blind, as opposed to Classic where it's very easy to miss the kids in the Polyhedron entirely, nevermind the developers in the theatre ending.
-- The treatment of the Kin. Ugh. This is. Tricky. And it's been long enough now since I've played Classic that I don't feel too confident making assertions here, but basically by take here is. Pathologic 2 goes further to characterize and sympathize with the Kin and really really leans into the colonization and exploitation of the Kin in a way that Classic DOES touch on but never seriously dwells on. And I do appreciate that. But on the other hand, Pathologic 2 also feels like it doubles down on a lot of the pitfalls of Classic in that regard-- mostly because Classic really brushed over a lot of its Unfortunate Implications, while Pathologic 2 reeeeeeally leaned in. The Herb Brides are the most blatant example, particularly Nara's character and ultimate fate, but certainly there are also issues with the way the Kin as a whole are discussed and treated. And that's tricky, because I really do feel like there is interesting and unique worldbuilding and ideas going into the Kin in both games, but moreso Pathologic 2, and I'd hesitate to just throw it all away, but then on the other hand. Y'all really did make all the Herb Brides young hot half naked women, huh. And y'all really did just force the ritual sacrifice of one of them for the player to get some of the most important lore of the game, huh.
-- Main Storyline Quests and missable content. In Pathologic Classic, if you don't do each day's main quest, you will miss out on the Plot. In Pathologic 2, you are expected to miss quests-- even BIG quests-- but the story is ultimately still comprehensible. On my first playthrough of P2 I completely missed everything happening in Rubin's sidequest AND the quest to make panacea by day 7 and yet the game didn't make me feel like I had missed any important information or even necessarily played it wrong. The world simply continued around me, which I think is the effect Classic was trying to achieve by allowing the player to continue if they failed a day's quest but with their Bound diseased. And honestly, it made it all the more satisfying when I WAS able to pursue those questlines on a second playthrough.
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rathologic · 5 months
found ur blog after my long slumbering interest in pathologic became re-awakened after hearing abt the bachelor's route, and as someone who lost interest in the game before getting to play/know more about p2 reading your posts on it make me feel slightly insane. when i first heard abt p2's release i thought "wow i really hope ipl learns from their past mistakes and is less racist/misogynist" but all im seeing is it somehow became MORE of these? im going to faint
MAN I feel so sorry for you anon... trying to think of aspects 2 improved in this regard. at least the men of the Kin don't all have prison tattoos or claim ownership over women anymore? at least a preliminary screenshot suggests eva might at some point have normal clothing in the route that hasn't released yet? I would've said something about the caravan questline but they managed to also make that much worse where anna's now an enthusiastic and continuing participant in Stealing Children instead of a victim. the model diversity for Kin NPCs is nice (beyond the herb bride designs, as previously discussed) ig. can't think of many positives for its handling of women which is Partly a consequence of "none of the major NPCs can do anything that affects plot". condolences :~/
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nick-thecreator · 3 years
Aftermath Revival: Human AU Part 3
(This is a flashback btw, there will be a lot of flashback chapters since Salvatore is explaining himself. Also, even though this is a full flashback, Sal is telling the story in a way that won't get the shit beaten out of him [Even though he doesn't really need to change it cause it was technically all Mother Miranda] and so it'll be shorter. He ain't sitting there, telling a half a year long story)
WARNING! Death; Blood; Child Death
Part 2 is right HERE
Part 1 is right HERE
The year was 1974, right in the middle of winter, and Salvatore had returned to the village after being sent out by his uncle for some medical/surgical training at a hospital nearby. A car ride after getting off of the train, and he was dog tired, but he had to get to his uncle first. He carried his bags to his house, unlocking the door, and placed his bags inside, before quickly shutting the door, dashing over to the clinic. He opened the door to the clinic, looking around to see if his uncle was around. Nobody was in there at the time, and a note had been left on top of his desk. He picked it up, putting on his reading glasses so he could read his uncle’s handwriting.
    It read, ‘Hey Sal, I had to meet up with Miranda for an important meeting, so sorry for not being there. Remember to see your father and family sometime today. Also, go to the church at 7pm today, okay? She wants to talk to you. 
Regards, Uncle Florin
    Ps. Remember what we’ve discussed before, about your “future position”, it’ll apply today.’
    He dropped the paper in shock. He had known this day would come, but never now. Maybe he wasn’t as prepared as he thought he was. He placed his hand on his mouth, feeling some vomit come up his throat. He swallowed it back down, then tried to calm himself down with some deep breaths. He sighed, picking up the piece of paper. He folded it up, placing it into his pocket. He looked around the clinic again, going over to a shelf near the desk. He reached up to the tallest shelf and grabbed a briefcase. Pulling it down, he realized how heavy the contents really were. He placed the briefcase onto the desk, opening it. Inside was one of Miranda’s “bibles”, a med-kit, a bottle of what he assumed was rubbing alcohol, based on the smell, and a pastor uniform. He pulled out the uniform. It still had the blood stain from when he was 17 and had to work as a pastor for 6 months, having to work with animals a lot. 
He looked at his watch. 6:35pm. Dammit. The train had gotten to the station incredibly late, and the man who had driven him had stopped for gas and a weirdly long bathroom trip. The church was around a 20 minute walk away. He gulped, looking out the window as he placed the uniform down. The clinic was a ways away from the rest of the village, but he could still hear the activity of the village through the trees and gardens in between them. He stood away from the window, removing his clothes to put on the uniform. He considered washing himself off first, but he just settled with some of the herbs in his uncle’s drawer as cologne. He threw on his uniform, straightening it out so he’d look less like he had been traveling for around 4 hours. He put back on his fur-lined coat to keep warm, putting the rest of his clothes into an empty box, placing the box on his desk’s chair. He closed the briefcase, picking it up before locking up and leaving the clinic.
While walking there, he had to pass through the town. He was stopped a few times by different villagers, asking him how the hospital experience had been, or just what the hospital was like. Many of them had never even left the village before, nevermind going to a full fledged hospital. He kindly answered their questions with his regular doctor-esc demeanor. Sometimes he was stopped for a bit longer than just a couple questions, but he would quickly get back on track. The longest he had stopped was for a group of kids who ran by, with a few recognizing him. They asked where he had been, and what the hospital was like. He tried to keep going, but they had surrounded him before he could. It took their parents, who were slightly behind them, to pull them away so he could keep going. Before he was fully out of the village, he ran into a few more kids from the group, including a small girl with a bride doll. She was only a bit bigger than the doll, but seemed determined to bring it with her. They made eye contact, him waving at her.
“You need help with that?” He asked.
“No thank you mister,” She replied, putting the doll over her shoulder before walking off with the rest of the group, seeming to, on purposely, stay behind the group a little. He just smiled at her before resuming his walk.
 After a bit more walking, he finally reached the church. Looking down at his watch, it read ‘7:02’. Dammit. He formed his excuse in his head as knocked on the front door. Before he could land the last knock, the door was opened by Miranda. He smiled at her, before seeing her deadpan expression. Behind her stood one of her maids, a large case in her hands. 
“Hello Mother Mi-”
“What took you so long?” She asked, interrupting him.
“The train was late, the driver had to stop, and the villagers-”
“Nevermind. You’re here. That’s what matters. Come in.” She stood to the side as he stepped into the church. He looked around the room, noticing that, besides him, Miranda, and the maid, the room was empty of people.
“Hey, where is everyone-”
“That doesn’t matter. Follow me.” She gestured to him and the maid to follow her, walking over to one of the hallways. He quickly followed, the maid walking beside him. While walking, she turned down another hallway that went downstairs. He had been in the church before, almost all over it, except underneath the church. He had almost gone down there once, but he was dragged out by Miranda and brought back to his dad, who later scolded him. He hesitated at the top of the stairs, the maid stopping beside him.
“Doctor, are you okay?” The maid asked. Miranda heard her, turning around to face him.
“Come on Moreau, don’t waste my time,” She commanded sternly. He jumped a bit at her tone, quickly walking down the stairs and following her. She turned on her heels and continued to walk down the hallway to an operating room. Outside of the room stood Florin. When he saw Salvatore, he smiled at his nephew.
“Hey Sal, how was the hospital?” He asked, leaning on the wall.
“It went well-”
“That doesn’t matter now. Ready?” Miranda asked Florin. He rolled his eyes at her interruption.
“Yeah yeah, you have the case Sal?” Salvatore nodded, holding up the briefcase. “Everything still in it?” Salvatore nodded again. “Alright, we’re ready.”
“Good, the patient is in here. Do you need him?” She gestured to Florin.
“No, I should be good.”
“Alright, come in when you’re ready.” She opened the door, closing it on him before he could step in. His uncle placed a hand on his shoulder before he could open the door again.
“You know what you’re getting into?”
“Well, we’ve gone over it plenty of times, so, I’d assume so.”
“No, are you SURE SURE? No assumptions here, you know that.” Salvatore was surprised by his uncle’s tone. He had never been so upfront before.
“Yeah, what’s with the talk? You’ve been preparing me for my whole life, I can handle it-” Florin pulled Salvatore in for a hug.
“Good luck kid…” Salvatore hugged him back, kind of confused.
“Thanks man.” He heard a sniffle from his uncle. “What’s wrong-”
“You should know. We’ve talked about this. After this-” He pulled away from Salvatore, leaving his hand on his shoulder, a few tears in his eyes. “-I won’t be needed.” It finally clicked in his head. He had been told something similar in the past, but he had never considered the worst.
“What? Wait, why!?” He asked, now confused and upset.
“That doesn’t matter now, you’ll find out later.” Florin smiled. “I love you Sal. Never forget that.” He patted his shoulder, gesturing to the briefcase. “It’s in your hands now. Good luck.” Salvatore was about to cry, wanting to stop everything before it even began. However, he knew how important this day was. The day he would take on a village tradition. So he sucked it up, wiped away the tears he had, and nodded, assuring that he was ready. Florin nodded back, smiling.
“Thanks Uncle Florin.” He smiled before opening the door, stepping in. He looked around the operating room. It was faintly lit, a large table in the middle of the room with the patient placed on it. Small tables were around the larger one, tools laid out neatly on them. He looked up to Miranda, who was standing on the other side of the table. She had changed attire in the time that he was talking to Florin. Beside her was a small table with a jar on top of it. The jar contained some black thing floating in a somewhat dirty liquid. That must have been that “Cadou”, labeled as such.
“Come closer, we have work to start,” She stated. He walked a bit closer, his eyes looking down to the patient. His eyes went wide when he saw the patient. They seemed to be a girl in their early teens, sedated by an IV that was running a bluish tinted fluid into her arm.
“Um… Mother-”
“No questions now. We must start before the effects wear off-”
“Who is this?” He asked. She grabbed a journal, holding it so she could read it.
“This is Bernadette. She is 13 years old, and-”
“I was never told that I’d be working on a child,” He interrupted. She looked up, clearly irritated.
“You were told that you’d have to work with villagers. Ages were never specified.” She looked back down at the book. “We will be placing the Cadou in the-”
“Why are we testing on a CHILD?” He asked, in semi-shock. “This is unethical-”
“IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER HOW OLD SHE IS!” She screeched at him, her face going red. He jumped back in shock, before trying to stand his ground again.
“Still. Why a child? Out of anyone?” She clenched the journal.
“So-” She harshly closed the book. “You don’t want to do this then?”
“Not on a child, no. I was told that we would be using adults only, never kids.”
“And why do you give a shit?”
“You know that people have died in these surgeries before. Why would someone want to risk a child’s life like this? And the child of a leading family for fucks sake! And even if she did live, she could become a lycan! Or worse, if there even is worse…” She sighed, walking around the table, getting up in Salvatore’s face.
“You think you have a choice in this?” She asked firmly, using her powers to wrap a mold vine around his neck. “Because you don’t.” He lifted him up a bit, lifting herself up to stand above him. The vine choked him slightly, but not enough to cut off enough air to make him pass out. “YOU work for ME, and will do as I say.” She got closer to his face. “Your cooperation can save you a lot of hardship, but a lack of such will because only more heartache on your end, and trust me, you’ll be alive to experience EVERY. FUCKING. SECOND of it.” She basically spat those words at him as he stared up at her in fear. “So, have you changed your mind?” He quickly nodded, in fear for his life. “Good.” She dropped him back on the floor, him almost falling over from the force of the fall. She lowered herself down slowly, going back to the other side of the table. “If an outburst like that happens again, I won’t be as forgiving. So, for now, just this once, let’s put this under the rug.” He nodded again. “Anyway-” She picked up the journal again. “We will be placing the Cadou in the chest cavity, near the heart. She has already been undressed and cleaned for surgery. Ready to begin.” She looked back up at him, glaring at him.
    “Um- Yes… yes,” He replied, looking down at Bernadette.
    “Alright then, there are some gloves, a mask, and a sterile uniform over there.” She pointed over to a chair in the corner, a surgeon’s uniform, neatly folded on the seat. He went over to it, picking up the uniform. He looked back over to her as she pointed to a side room. He just went in, putting on the uniform, and stepped out, placing his pastor uniform and the briefcase on the corner seat. He walked back over to the operating table, putting on the gloves and mask that were placed on one of the smaller tables. His neck started to feel like it was burning, but he didn’t want to make her even more mad, so he didn’t complain. He moved the light over the patient so he could see what he was doing better. She was naked for the most part, besides a towel covering up her lower half. He was used to working on women, so the sight of breasts didn’t bother him. She had dotted lines across her chest, marking where to cut. Miranda placed a diagram of what to do on a stand next to her so it faced Salvatore. She then tested to see if she would awaken from pain. She did this by using one of her mold vines to smack her across the face. She then used a pointed vine to stab her in the shoulder. Bernadette didn’t even flinch, being in such a deep sleep. Miranda looked back up at Salvatore. “Well, Doctor, begin.” Salvatore gulped, picking up a scalpel, trying to get into the motions as he held the scalpel shakily. The scalpel slowly stopped shaking, being absolutely still before moving close to her chest. Miranda watched over his shoulder, some vines reaching around the table, ready to hand him tools when he needed them.
    The surgery lasted around 5 hours, mainly because it went from the insertion of the Cadou, to trying to save her from it. It was eating at her body, so they rushed to remove it before it could do any major damage. However, it had already taken a toll before they could fully remove it, as it had clung to her heart and started to eat at it. Salvatore had to remove her heart to even attempt to remove the Cadou, so Miranda tried to replace it with some mold. Unfortunately, the mold replica didn’t work, so Bernadette eventually died of blood loss. Once they knew she was beyond saving and brain-dead, they stood over her body, Miranda being disappointed in the turnout. Salvatore, however, was incredibly distraught. He could feel tears forming in his eyes as he looked back up at Miranda. She looked up at him as well.
    “Don’t blame yourself, the Cadou has different reactions to different people. You did well this time. Just keep it to yourself next time,” She told him, walking away from the table to the sink, removing her gloves and washing her hands. He just stood there in silence, looking down at his own hands. He could even believe what he had just done. Once she was down washing her hands, he went over to the same sink, removing her blood-stained gloves before washing the blood off of his hands and face, since some had spurted during surgery. When washing his face, he could feel a few tears escape from his eyes. He couldn’t tell if it was from what had happened, or from the soap that had accidentally fallen into her eyes. He didn’t feel that water would be enough to get her blood off of his face. Once done, he turned to the chair in the corner, picking up the pastor uniform and the briefcase. He went into the side room as Miranda started to disinfect the tools before disposing of the body.
    He locked the door of the side room before starting to take off the uniform, putting on the pastor uniform. While doing so, he brushed his neck with the fabric, making his neck sting. He looked in the mirror, seeing that some cuts we left on his neck after Miranda’s vine had been around his neck. He opened the briefcase, taking out the med-kit and the rubbing alcohol. He started to apply the rubbing alcohol to his cuts, flinching a bit at the sting. He was able to wrap his neck with a bandage, realizing that the briefcase was less for any patient, and more so for himself. He sighed after doing so, putting the stuff back into the briefcase. He stepped out of the side room, the blood-stained surgeon’s uniform draped over his arm.
    “Um, Mother Miranda?” She turned to him, almost done cleaning the large table, Bernadette nowhere to be seen.
    “Where should I put this?” He gestured to the clothes on his arm.
    “You can just put them on that table there.” She pointed to one of the smaller tables next to the larger one, the tools having been put away. He placed them on the smaller table, then headed to the door. “Oh, Doctor?”
    “Yes Mother?” He asked, just wanting to leave the church at this point.
    “Will you inform the Beneviento family at some point this week of her death. Just say that she was killed by a bear, and that her body couldn’t have been retrieved.” His eyes went wide a bit. He had heard his uncle use the same excuse when it came to other deaths in the village. It was both nice and unnerving to find out what the true reason was. It did make sense, considering how deep in the woods the village was and the abundance of ways to get lost and die out here. He just nodded as he opened the door, quickly stepping out of the room. He quickly walked down the hallways, stepping out of the church before sliding down the closed door, starting to cry. He loathed the idea of having to tell a family that their child had died, nevermind having to lie about the cause. He hadn’t seen his uncle either, knowing the worst, but not being able to fully face it after what had happened. He put his face in his hands, feeling tears stream down his face...
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serkisyan · 3 years
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What about giving your character the trait of a Slavic beauty? After all, Slavic girls have been famous for their beauty and wisdom since ancient times, and surely some of you would like to see this trait in your beloved!
👉🏻The trait is for girls (male version will be out soon).
👉🏻Your characters will have 57 new buffs added, such as:
Change of outfit
Change of season
Heartbreak and the like
👉🏻 Visiting different places such as:
Karaoke bar
Mount Komorebi and much, much more.
👉🏻12 social interactions (which also have buffs)
Question about the bathhouse.
Question about a bear
question about balalaika
Question about Russian stove
Share the secrets of traditional baking
Discuss the secrets of Russian cuisine
Talk about medicinal herbs and the like
(Be careful with the question about the bear, it might scare your interlocutor a lot!)
👉🏻Reputation boost
👉🏻While a certain buff is in effect, one of the skills will develop:
Exquisite Cooking.
Special thanks to my favorite group Origamika "Life in the Sims 4", which is exactly what pushed me to try myself not only as a translator of mods, but also as a novice modder. Thank you so much, you're the best!!!!
Also, many thanks to one "mysterious stranger" Riot Red, who helped figure out the difficult moments, thank you!!!
P.s I was inspired to create this unusual mod by the wonderful Olovos.
The whole mod is permeated with folk songs, I hope you enjoy it!
Please DO NOT re-post my mods or pass them off as your own!
Be sure to include a link to my Patreon as a source if you want to share them!
P.s with love, your Ser_Kisyan❤! Download on my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/posts/russian-trait-56601957
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