#her mom sent my mom this letter they got about how they should be careful about their kids being in new haven because its so dangerous and
pansyfemme · 9 months
the truth is im not sure if any other towns with ivy leagues in them tend to have the hatred and resentment for the school that ppl from new haven often have for yale. id love to just sit down and chat with someone from another ivy league town bc like. is it just the combo of a school full of very rich prep school kids in one of the poorest areas in the state where our public schools literally does not have the funding or curriculum for a lot of students to qualify for the college in their own fucking town or is this a wider issue in other places
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bluerosefox · 2 months
When Jason had been going to Gotham Academy, he had (for a good reputation for the media and to help him catch up on his penmanship, remember he had been on the streets and dropped out of school before getting picked up by Bruce for a while) signed up for a penpal project for 'less privileged people' to write to.
(Although Jason was annoyed the penpal project stayed within the states and only selected a middle of nowhere town, he knew the Richie Rich Elites would never subjugate their 'Heirs' to actual kids in need of learning how to read and write)
But Jason didn't mind his penpal.
Danny Fenton was a riot to talk, err write to in all honestly.
From his dry punny humor (and boy can he give even Dick a run for his money in the pun department but hey using some of them actually got Dick to warm up to him a few missions ago) and death jokes so many death jokes, to his nerdy love for space Jason enjoyed writing to Danny.
Even the short stories he would write about a ghost kid protecting a small town from other ghosts was interesting to read. He really liked the different kinds of ghosts there could be. Granted some seemed very OP like that Clockwork dude.
Jason liked writing to Danny, and even after the penpal project was over they had plans to keep sending letters, maybe even exchange numbers soon...
But then he died by the hands of the Joker.
The letters leaving Wayne Manor may had decreased but the letters being sent never did or at least until a few years ago.
Then Jason somehow returned to the land of the living.
Got taken by the LoA, tossed in the green waters and turned into their Pit Raged weapon for a while before leaving them behind and setting out for his revenge against the Joker and to force B's hand.
And becoming a Crime Boss for a while too. Can't forget that.
Point being with all this going on, the old warm memories of exchanging letters with Danny Fenton was pushed into the back of his mind and forgotten about for a while.
It isn't until one afternoon at Wayne Manor that while roughhousing with Dick, who had Jason in a brotherly headlock as they walked down a hall to one of the sitting rooms, that while Jason had slipped out of Dick's hold had stumbled into a hallway desk that had a few things on the top of it, one of the things being a small box that tumbled off when Jason hit it.
The box lid opened and out of it spilled out a good number of letters.
"Shiii-p, dang it Dick!" Jason said when he looked at the mess he accidentally made and stopped himself from swearing, the place might be named Wayne Manor but everyone knew this was Alfie's domain and no swearing was a rule within his halls.
Dick only laughed and teased only in a way a sibling can do "Hey not my fault your as big as a tank Jaybird! We should get you some caution signals if you keep bumping into things!"
Jason flipped him his favorite finger, thankfully Alfred only knew when they swore thus it did not summon him, and bent down to the letters.
His hands froze when he recognized the hand writing and the address it was sent from.
"From: Danny Fent Nightingale
Amity Park, IL"
To: Jason Todd-Wayne
Gotham City, NJ.
Wayne Manor"
And when Jason opened the letter. He really wasn't expecting what was written inside.
I'm finally leaving Amity Park. I can't be there anymore, not after everything. I'm too tired, and emotionally hurt. Everything is just to much. And I can't keep doing this to myself. My parents still can’t understand there is nothing ‘wrong’ with me or why I refuse to let them take care of Ellie, I refuse to let her live the way Jazz and I did, Jazz has to much on her plate already with her own life and college but she’s been hounding me to reach out to mom and dad, Sam refuses to listen to me when I tell her I want to be more than ‘Phantom’ in Amity Park, and Tucker is so busy trying to get into a good college and job we barely have time to talk nowadays. And don’t get me started on Vlad, that fruitloop’s been breathing down my neck since Ellie’s deaging.
Despite how much of a hellhole you like to call it, I think Gotham might be my, no mine and Ellie’s best bet of living some kind of life, especially now since the whole deaging she had to go through, she needs an ectoplasm rich city as well and since she has no actual papers because she was my clone and I remember you saying Gotham has people who can create new identities and-
I’m rambling again, to letter you again. I really need to stop it.
I can’t keep pretending you’re going to read these.
I know you’ll never read these. You’re gone. I can’t even find you in the Realms no matter where I look.
I’m sorry. For using you as, well, a way to vent my life for last couple of years. I shouldn’t had done it but it helped me.
Believing my friend was still alive and getting my letters I mean.
Again I’m sorry.
This will be my last letter to your ghost, pun unintended.
Goodbye Jason. Wish us luck in your city.
-Danny Fen-Nightingale...."
The sent date on the letter was roughly eight years ago.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
HELLO?? I LOVE YOUR CLARISSE FANFICS I EAT THEM UP EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! ok ok so i was wonderingggg if you could do dior goodjohn x (actor/singer) reader! their in this interview together just the two of them for percy jackson, the interview makes reader uncomfortable and then clarisse is just like protecting reader! then when they get home they get blasted with edits of them but if you don’t do fanfics of the actors that’s totally ok because i have one for clarisse! clarisse la rue x (athena) reader! the reader and clarisse where friends before clarisse got sent to camp haft blood and so like about 3 years later reader gets sent there too, reader doesn’t recognize clarisse before clarisse says this one things that makes reader remember (you can decide on what she says! would be amazing if their could be like a makeout sesh😋😋) TY IF YIU SEE THIS AND YK MAKE THE FSNFICS AHH LOVE YOUR WRITING
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You know where to find me — and I know where to look
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! daughter of Athena! Reader
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One of your earliest memories was when you were 13. Running around with clarisse in your private catholic boarding school, skipping class and watching as she would constantly get into fights.
You both looked after eachother, clarisses mom was enlisted in the army thus she lived with her grandma who wasn’t the nicest and you.. well your dad seemed to only care about you when he needed something solved.
Forcing clarisse to sit on the schools bathroom sink counter you started to clean a cut on the girls cheek. Not wanting to even think about how you’ll get the blood off her light blue uniform top. “It’s not even my fault!” The young girl yelled. “If Jeremiah thinks ‘slap ass Friday’ is so funny then maybe he should get his ass beat every now and then”
You just nodded following along with what the girl spoke. Moving a frizzy curl out of the girls way you noticed how she scoffed. “I should just cut this off” she grabbed the loose curls shoving them into her messy ponytail. “Don’t do that” you sighed pulling her hands away from her hair. “You Just Need some help to keep your curls nice that’s all”
Clarisses cheeks flushed, she shoved your hands away as she looked to the side. “Whatever”
“Hey!” A teacher aggressively busted into the bathroom. “Skipping class really?! Both of You principal office now!”
Clarisse grabbed your hand pushing past the teacher and down the private schools halls. You laughed as you followed the girl around the school, running down the stairs and past the nuns.
Shoving into a janitors closet and shutting it before the teacher could catch up. You panted while clarisse who Just practically ran a marathon was fine. Turning on the light you plopped down onto a pair of stacked chairs. “How are You able to do that!?”
“Do what?”
“Run like That and not even be tired” you questioned. Clarisse just shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t really know I just am I a guess” she sighed sitting on a shelf.
Finally catching your breath you looked over “Hey clarisse?”
The girl set the tool she had been messing with down. “Yeah?”
“Will we always be best friends?” You quietly asked. Paying attention as clarisse had an annoyed look on her face she soon nodded. “Yeah.. cause you’ll always know where to find me”
You rolled your eyes “well I always know where to look” chuckling you reached out with your pinkie. Clarisse followed suit latching here onto yours. You knew what was between you and clarisse was far away from platonic but what did you know you were just some 13 year old kid.
The next morning clarisse was gone. Not a word not a letter nothing.. she had just left
You promised yourself you would never forget her. At first it started with not remembering how she spoke, then you forgot her face, and soon enough even her name you had completely forgotten.
Three years later.
After being chased by a hellhound and a few other angry monsters you found yourself at camp halfblood.
The weeks sorta merged together. However once you were claimed by Athena everything seemed to change, new found siblings. People wanting to be your friends and now finally not feeling like you were alone.
Through out your weeks at camp you had heard about a girl named clarisse. The name sounded familiar but you couldn’t place it exactly. The fact the mysterious girl avoided you to didn’t help either.
Annabeth Open the door agressivly throwing her dagger onto the bed. “What’s wrong?” You asked looking up from your book. “Nothing nothing.. I just got paired to lead a training class with clarisse”
“And what’s the problem?”
“She’s terrible What do you mean ‘what’s the problem’” your sister scoffed crossing her arms.
“I just meant that clarisse hasn’t done anything to me personally.. I don’t think I’ve even met her before” shaking your head you returned to your book.
Annabeth stayed quiet for a moment before grabbing the boom out of your hand. “Fine then, if you’ve never met her before then you should go lead the class with her.. besides it’ll be good for you”
Begrudgingly you accepted. Leaving your cabin you headed towards the arena, dagger strapped at your thigh.
The arena was loud and well… sweaty. Joining the kids who were sparring you made your way to a girl who stood crossed arm wearing Greek armor. “Uh hi? Your clarisse right” You stepped up to her. “I’m annabeths sister she wasn’t feeling well so I’m here to help you uh lead the class”
“You have any experience in battle” she rudely spoke not looking at you. “No b—“
“Then get lost I don’t need any dead weight” she scoffed before turning her attention back to the other campers who were sparring. “Hey! Did I not just say to stop stepping out!!”
You looked at the girl with a irritated face. “I’m not dead weight I can help”
Clarisse grabbed her spear before she harshly turned towards you. Just as she was going to say something she stopped. Looking at you for a second clarisse seemed to calm down. “Y/n?” She quietly asked.
Stepping back some you looked around confused. “Uh yeah.. that’s my name” you nodded awkwardly.
She took her helmet off tossing it aside looking at you excitedly. “It’s me? Remember? no fucking way your a demigod to! I should of guessed you were always the top of our class— gods how have you been”
At this point you were weirded out. “I’m sorry but I don’t know you..” She furrowed her eyebrows slightly fustrated. “What do You mean you don’t know me? We were best friends”
You just shrugged your shoulders apologetically. Clarisse nodded taking a moment to think before grabbing your hand, forcing it into a fist with your pinky sticking out. She linked her pinky with yours and gave you a slightly annoyed look. “You know where to find me”
It took you a few seconds to register what she said. After an uncomfortable amount of silence clarisse sighed, before she could pull away however you tightly linked your pinky with hers “and I know where to look” You smiled “oh my god clarisse!” you laughed hugging the girl tightly.
Some of The campers around stopped what they were doing, shocked at the fact clarisse was being hugged by a pretty girl. Quickly returning to what they were doing after receiving a hateful glare from clarisse.
The strong girl hugged you back tightly, allowing you to pull back you continued to grin. “Look at You! Wow you’ve gotten so pretty, and strong to gods” laughing you reached out to touch the girls face before noticing her hair. “And your hair— see what did I say all you needed to do was learn to take care of it properly”
A familiar rush flooded your body. How clarisses hands were now squeezing your hips with her body close to yours- so close you could smell her pine cologne. Your cheeks turned red once you realized you were playing with the girls hair
Clearing your throat you pulled back completely taking a few steps away from her. “Sorry I just uh.. I got to excited”
Clarisse shook her head “don’t worry about it.. anyways uh if you still wanna help with all this just grab a sword from over there ok”
You smiled in response. It had been years since you felt like that, Clarisse for some reason always made you get flustered… but that didn’t mean anything.
Over the next week you found yourself spending every free second with clarisse.
It was like a breath of fresh air. You both had changed a-lot from being 13 to 16 but the same spark was still between you both. You found it amusing how she could go from an Absolute bully to a sweet heart towards you.
What didn’t help was how attractive the girl was. Her muscular arms and face that was meant to wear greek Armor made you go weak in the knees. Being gay was something you came to terms with years ago but finding yourself falling in love with your best-friend was just cringe. Out of all the girls at camp you choose clarisse.. really
The best part of camp in your opinion was the bondfire. Being able to sit around a cozy setting with friends and family warmed your heart in more ways than one.
After some time you were approached by a girl named Willow who you later found out was a daughter of Hermes.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t like her. She was tall, strong and had a charming face, And she clearly seemed to like you to. “Don’t lie to me pretty girl you’ve seriously never had your first kiss”
Shaking your head you let out a soft laugh. “No never, actually I’ve never had a girlfriend before” Willow scoffed, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear she leaned forward some. “Well.. I can offer an easy solution to both those problems— that is if you would like it” she tilted her head some.
Before you could answer however clarisse shoved Willow back from where she was making her almost fall out of her seat. “Clarisse what the fuck!”
“She’s not interested Willow, instead of preying on girls who don’t want you why don’t you go fuck around with one of your ex”
Campers looking over, embarrassed enough as it was you Grabbed clarisses arm pulling her away. Quickly finding the Athena cabin you threw the girl inside. “What was That” you almost yelled.
“What was What” she continued to play innocent, now messing around with you stuff— grabbing s mechanical pencil to mess with. “Stop Just stop! Clarisse a girl was finally showing Interest in me—-“
“Yeah a fuck girl who only wants to finger you then break your heart but god forbid I look out for you right!”
“I don’t care about that! It’s still the matter of fact someone liked me and you just—“
“Did you ever stop to think there might me other girls out there better than Willow who like you!”
At this point you were beyond frustrated. “Gods can You stop interrupting me!” You watched as clarisse awkwardly shifted her stance, now feeling bad you sighed walking over to the girl hugging her. “I know I’m new to this whole demigod life and you have no idea how thankful I am for having you here”
Clarisse squeezed you slightly. After a few moments you laughed. “What did you mean by ‘other girls here like me’ I’ve only been here for what like a month?” Clarisse didn’t respond however her actions told you otherwise. The shifting in her feet, the way her eyes avoided yours, how she held you— fuck clarisse liked you.
Once you realized it the daughter of ares knew you already figured it out. She cursed under her breath for a moment but was soon caught up in the fact you had grabbed her face and kissed her. The kiss only lasted for a second even though it wasn’t that great of a kiss it got the point across. “I like you I like you a lot actually uh clarisse your super cool and sweet and I ju—“ you started to anxiously ramble until she cut you off with yet another kiss this time it being more directed and sweet.
Pulling away you smiled, keeping your lips close to the girls “you know what I love about you.. how you always let me finish my sentences” the opposing girl just rolled her eyes making you laugh once again
Once you returned to the campfire you were confused as to why people were making teasing remarks at you and clarisse.. until annabeth pointed out your now messed up hair, flushed cheeks, wrinkled shirt and lastly the growing hickey on your neck.
Y/n - you are a sociopath these look like you tried to strangle me
Clarisse - Yeah Well you weren’t complaining when I was leaving them there
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milkmily · 1 year
König headcanons
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Just some headcanons of this man cuz I absolutely adore him and God I want him sm. There will be nsfw stuff too cuz I want him yeah...
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I feel like König loves legos. Has a wall collection of them in his room. Makes him happy to see how small they are. It's also kind of satisfying to him. Calms him down. Does get mad when he loses or can't find a piece tho.
He doesn't get a lot of them though. Because he eventually doesn't have a space for them. So he gets small ones like minecraft. He has the mushroom one.
He will get you legos if you love legos.
"Hey König, we should get the flower legos and build them together." You say as you show him a picture of them. You looked them up and said never mind. Too expensive. He didn't like that you looked upset. So a week later…
"Liebling(darling), I got us something." He says as he holds the box of Lego flowers. "Aww, König." You walked up to him and kissed him.
König was shy at first when it came to kisses. He had his mask on when you two kissed for the first time. He was sent on a dangerous mission. "König." You say and he looked down at you. He had his bag full of his gear ready to leave. "Yes Liebling?" You lift up his mask, only showing his mouth, and gently kiss him. "Be careful."
He works in the military, of course he will get them even if they are expensive.
Knows how to draw and its in a cartoonish style.
Draws you two kissing hehehehe
He was thinking about that kiss the whole day, weeks even.
When he wanted more kisses, he asked shyly. But as he gets used to them, he just kisses you whenever he can. Loves kisses sm.
Our king loves big girls :)
Loves them thick and chunky, rolls and everything.
He loves to run his hands on your curves and rolls when kissing you.
König doesn't really take care of his hair. He does to his facial hair. Just not his hair. You'll have to point out that his hair has been getting longer and he eventually goes to the barber to get it cut.
He shoves his clothes in the drawer. Doesn't have time to organize his stuff. He does organize them sometimes, but he later on gives up.
Does sometimes keep his mask on around the house. And when going out, he always wears a normal black mask.
He loves cuddles, mostly when he gets to be a little spoon. Loves being the little spoon.
Likes to share clothes. Either he shares his with you or you share yours with him, he still loves to share clothes. If your clothes are bigger than his, you will end up losing 4 shirts. They will be his.
If your clothes are smaller and you wear his, he will let you. Gladly will. He loves seeing you with his clothes on. Just don't take his Favorite shirts.
Has a cat. A white fluffy cat that he named snowballs and he spoils her a lot. Gives her the best food and treats, cute clothes, and always has her clean. Gives her whatever she wants. He loves his Snowballs and Snowballs loves him.
Amazing at cooking. Fabulous at cooking. On dates if you don't feel like going out, no worries, you have your own chef at home.
His mom taught him how to cook. He just learned from the best.
Mama's boy. His mom sends him so many gifts and letters. So does he. "Oh, I should get this for Mama." He says whenever you two go shopping. He sees a cute letter, he has to get it for his mom.
He once sent her flowers on her birthday and she absolutely adored them.
His mom will send you letters and baby pictures of König naked in the bath. König becomes a blushing mess when he sees his mom sent you a picture of him in school.
You two definitely have something that matches. Bracelet, shirt, socks, even underwear.
He likes it when you run your hands in his hair when you two are sleeping. Makes him fall asleep faster. He does struggle with falling asleep sometimes, but feels more comforted when you are sleeping with him.
"Oh they added pickles to my food…" Konig says as he lifts the top bun up only to be surprised by disgusting pickles. "Oh, no worries, you can go tell them to make you a new one."
"N-No! It's fine!" He anxiously says. "I can simply take it o-"
"We are going." You grab the burger and König. You go to the register and say, "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles." You say as you hold out the burger.
"Please, it's alright. I can simply take it off." He whispered and you shook your head.
If you also have very bad social anxiety (like me), it will go like this.
"Aw… they added pickles…" König says disappointed and you lift your bun up. "Aw… they added mine too." You say and look at König. "Let's just take it off." You say and he nods. Having to order for the burger when you two entered was stressful, imagine the stress it will be when asking for a new one. Nope.
You two happily enjoy your food.
He doesn't know how to dance at all. He tried to dance at a school party and he kept stepping, bumping, and getting tripped by people. Dancing isn't his thing. Plus, he is too tall and his date couldn't exactly slow dance with him due to his hight. Never again tried to dance.
He definitely got told in school to read louder or a student would yell, "I can't hear him teacher!" As a joke
Will try to teach you how to defend yourself in case an enemy finds out about you or an intruder gets in the house.
Love it when you two are matching. Again, you two have almost everything that matches. Even plushies.
Oh, he definitely owns a huge squishmellow. Loves to hug it and lay on top of it or it being at top of him.
He has stupid shirts that say the dumbest thing ever. But he only wears them at home.
Like one that says:
"Don't bully me
I'll cum"
"Reasons why I'm single:
× hideous
× too picky
✔️ dick too big, might just kill someone"
Too anxious to wear it out and have eyes on him if he wears them out.
Likes it when you kiss his neck. Sexual or non Sexual way. He loves to feel your lips on him all the time.
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You aren't König's first. He did have past partners. And when it came to sex, it was a struggle. Had to always check up on them.
König loves to eat you. Loves being in between your legs and sucks on your sensitive clit while he fingers you. Asking if you like it, if he is doing good.
"Am I doing good?" He asked as he went back to sucking on your clit. "Yes…yes baby, so good for me."
He humps on the mattress while he eats you out.
Cock warming drives him fucking crazy but he loves it. The fact he can't move his hips at all makes him whiney and wants to cry. "P-Please, let me move." He begged. You Slightly moved your hips and made him through his head back, letting out a loud moan. "Not yet, baby." You say
He always makes sure if you are alright when he goes in. He doesn't want to hurt you at all and wants you to feel good.
He likes to be praised so much. Loves praises. Loves it when he gets told how good he is and how big he is.
He loves it when you top him. He gets all whiney and obeys every order you tell him. "Yes ma'am." Is what he will always say to you.
He likes it when you sit on his face. König loves thighs and loves it when you squeeze his head with your thick thighs. He does not care about oxygen needed in him when he is happily eating you out.
He moans so loud you sometimes have to cover his mouth while you ride him. His eyes roll to the back of his head when this happens. He tries his best to keep low but you just feel good :(
König also loves it when you kiss him to keep in the moans. The kiss becomes so sloppy and wet.
He loves the marks you leave on him. Makes him weak.
He likes his nipples touched and sucked.
Idk if he is more of a boobie or thigh guy. Maybe both.
If you have big boobs, he will fucking suck, bite and be in them while you fuck him.
Anyways, I can take him(not in a fight)
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the-badger-mole · 10 months
The Other Woman: Part 5
In the end, Zuko decided that a letter was the least intrusive way to contact Katara. He'd handwritten at least ten drafts of varying lengths- one reaching eight pages before he'd decided that was excessive. In the end he had the envelope messengered over to Katara's apartment by a third party service both to keep her from feeling like he was involving one of their friends on his behalf and to maintain the distance she'd implicitly requested from him. His final draft was written on cream-colored card stock and delivered with a bouquet of panda lilies. He'd distilled his plea into two short lines.
I'm sorry. Can we talk?
He hadn't expected to hear anything the day he sent the letter. On the second day, his nerves began to get the better of him as he checked his phone every five or so minutes for a missed call or message. On the third day, he berated himself for not saying more in his letter. On the fourth day, he resigned himself to Katara's silence. On the fifth day, despair settled around him like a rain-soaked coat. On the sixth day, his phone lit up with a message.
Can we meet this week?
The diner Katara chose was one they'd stumbled into before late one night after celebrating the birthday of one of their friends a bit too hard. They'd split a custard tart while waiting for a cab. They'd talked about coming back a few times, but they never got around to it. It was a neutral enough spot for them to meet this day.
After the waiter had seated them in a far corner booth at Katara's request, and brought them their coffee and tea respectively, they sat in awkward silence. Katara held her hands clasped around her mug, not meeting Zuko's eye as she waited for him to say something. Zuko took a sip of his tea (some awful bagged stuff that hit his tongue with an acrid, murky taste that lingered), and took a deep breath.
"I owe you an apology," Zuko said. Katara looked up expectantly, her face giving away nothing. "I...I should have stood up for you to my mother. I have no excuse to give you except that I hadn't been paying attention to how unhealthy my relationship with her had gotten."
Katara pulled her lip in between her teeth and her brow furrowed. Zuko could almost hear her thoughts, but it didn't seem like she was ready to speak them.
"I-I spoke to my mom," he told her. "I let her know that I need space from her." Zuko took a deep breath. "I know this doesn't make up for how I've let her treat you, but...I just wanted you to know that I get it. I get why you broke up with me. I would love another chance to prove that I'll have your back against anyone, her included. But I get if that ship has sailed. I guess I just thought you deserved to know that something...I don't know....productive? came from this."
"Why did it take me leaving?" Katara's voice cracked slightly. It startled Zuko, who was beginning to think she would say nothing at all.
"I...I," he stammered. "I was afraid she'd leave again. I was never afraid of you leaving. I knew how much you cared for me, and I took that for granted. I know it's an awful explanation, and I should have listened when you told me before how you felt. I should have told you what I felt. We were supposed to be on the same team, and I let you feel like an outsider." Katara blinked rapidly against the tears that sprang up in her eyes.
"What did she say?" Katara asked. Zuko felt the heat rush to his cheeks again. It would be easier, he thought, if his face would just remain red in shame forever. It would make his scar less prominent, anyway.
"Well..." he said, cringing, "she thought you were pregnant and told me to get a paternity test." Katara snorted derisively and Zuko bowed his head apologetically. "I told her that I needed space, and then I left. She's reached out since, but I haven't responded yet. I've got her text messages in archive. I know I have to speak to her again, and soon, but I needed to take some time to sort out my thoughts." Katara cleared her throat and leaned forward slightly, her elbows resting on the table. Her face gave little away and Zuko wasn't sure how to read what little did come through.
"And what are your thoughts?" she asked.
"I think... I think I screwed up," Zuko confessed. "Not just with you. When I found my mom again, I was twenty. I didn't know what I was doing with my life, and I hadn't spoken to my father in years. Uncle was great, but when I found my mom again, I guess I regressed. I made so many decisions based around her. I turned down a great job because I would be too far from her. And it's not that I regret my life here- I wouldn't have met you if I'd taken that other job- but I gave up too much to be around my mom. I tried to force something instead of letting our relationship grow naturally. I know a lot of it had to do with her insisting she needed me here, and having a panic attack anytime I mentioned doing anything that would take me away from her, but at the end of the day, I'm a grown man, and I need to take responsibility for my own actions. Or...inactions." Katara nodded, taking in a few shallow breaths as she bit down on the inside of her lips.
"I thought you agreed with her about me," Katara said, wiping a couple of stray tears from her cheeks. "I thought that was why you didn't stop her, even after all the arguments we'd had about it. That night...I heard you and her talking in the kitchen-"
"I know," Zuko said, wincing.
"I heard what she said about me," Katara continued. "And I heard you say nothing to her. Nothing. I thought, there's no way this man can love me the way he says he does and not speak up when someone says something like that to his face."
"I'm so sorry," Zuko murmured. He ran his hands over is face. "I am so, so sorry."
"I understand why you clung to her," Katara sighed. "I do. If I had another chance to have my mom... I don't know. I never wanted to come between you and her, but you were supposed to talk to her about it. You were supposed to get her to stop treating me that way. I'm just so tired of arguing with you about her."
Silence hung across the table, and the tension was so heavy that the waiter paused in his journey to get their orders and went back behind the counter.
"You deserve more," Zuko said. "I'm sorry I lost sight of that. And thank you for coming to speak with me today. I-I know you didn't owe me closure."
"How do you know you won't slip back?" Katara's question caught Zuko off guard. He stared at her blankly for a moment before he gathered himself.
"I...guess I don't, really," he admitted. "I have a meeting with a therapist set up to help me work through this thing with Mom. I wanted to have a session before I talk to her again. If she doesn't respect the boundaries I'm trying to set, I'll go low contact with her. Uncle's already volunteered to buffer. Kiyi's going off to college soon, so I won't have to worry about Mom using her for leverage. I see the problem now, and all I can do is work on it. She's my mom, and I love her. I still want her in my life, but I don't ever want to get to this point again.
"You're not doing this just to get me back?" Katara's eyes were sharp. She almost looked angry, but Zuko recognized the signs that she was guarding herself.
"No," he replied firmly. "I still love you, and if there's any hope of you giving me a second chance, I'll take it. In a heartbeat. But I need to do this for me. Because even if this is the last time I see you, I want to be better for myself." Katara swallowed hard and nodded her head.
"It could be a while," she said. "It could take years for you to sort out your issues with your mom. There is a lot to unpack. A lot."
"I know," Zuko's mouth thinned grimly. "But I need to do it. And who knows, maybe my mom will follow my lead and finally get therapy herself. Ikem's told me he's been encouraging her to go for years." Katara let out a mirthless chuckle. Then she sighed and sank back into her seat.
"I still love you," she admitted. "I'm pissed at you, and I don't know if I want to marry you, but I do love you." Zuko wanted to run with that. He wanted to beg her to give him another chance and to take his ring back. Still, he held his tongue, determined not to pressure her. After a moment, Katara rewarded his patience.
"I don't think we should be engaged," she told him. Zuko flinched. "Not right now. I think we both need space to figure things out. But...maybe someday...like in a few months, after you're settled with therapy and have a chance to start working through things. Maybe we could try again? Just dating for a while. We can...we can see if we still work together?"
"And to see if I make good on standing up to my mom?" Zuko added with a weak laugh.
"Is that okay with you?" Katara asked. Zuko hesitated, just for a moment, before he reached out and took Katara's hand.
"That's more than I dared to hope."
"Are you folks ready to order?" The pair turned to find their waiter standing awkwardly at the end of the table. Katara met Zuko's eyes and smiled slightly.
"How about a custard tart?" she suggested. "To share."
The End
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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akariarda · 2 months
Misako never visited Llyod. Never sent him a letter, never came back atleast once for parent conferences, and overall didnt give him any closure for around the first 8 years of his life. She left him at a school for the evil and ran away. Then he followed, ditching school and putting himself and others in serious danger.
She also hit on Master Wu while still technically married to garmadon, infront of Llyod to. Imagine your deadbeat mom randomly coming back in your life after years and hitting on your uncle, all while having to process aging from 8 to 13 in seconds and having a dad like garmadon.she could have dropped him off with wu his only other blood relative and someone she knows and trusts who could protect him teach him right from wrong, how to defend himself.
And she got really bloody lucky that Lloyd actually became the green ninja because all her decisions are seem to be validated by the other characters even though she’s a terrible person.
Garmadon on the other hand is a bad person sure but not by choice but even though he is corrupted he still puts a side his goals to take over ninjago and sides with the ninja to safe his son, and even after Lloyd is revealed the green ninja he is proud of him, still going to safe his son siding with the skeleton army once again to give Lloyd a fighting chance, and that’s just in season one
Season two he tries to stop Lloyd from unlocking his true potential but he refuses to harm him in anyway And then when he finds the dark island he has to be pushed to fight Lloyd but even then he hates it and ends up just getting consumed by the overlord
And in season three even though he takes up an oath of none violence the minute Lloyd was taken he brakes it in his own words “when you don’t my son all bets were off” and I could keep going but I think I made my point Garmadon even though he was bitten by the great devour and turned evil he still loved and cared for his son and would try to be their for him well misako just left and abandoned him because she had a hunch and even wurst she left him at a boarding school for villains She takes people for granted. She missed Lloyd's childhood just so she could find a way to stop the final battle, but couldn't. Sure, it had a positive impact on his future, but she sacrificed his present. And she just flits between Wu and Garmadon like nothing,she caused her son to free multiple snake armies that summoned a giant snake that killed multiple people and destroyed others homes and made them homeless.
She flirted with her husbands brother behind his back in season 4 and claimed I should have chose you.
And she left her son at a school that turns people evil,she's useless to the story itself! In the show she is only used for explaining lore and stuff, but everything that she says can be said just as well by Wu, Garmadon, Ronin, Zane or Nya (depending on the situation). she also made passes at Wu while still being married to Garmadon I know he was evil, but time he became good she just forgot all about Wu, and then got mad about a nearly 40-year-old letter.   That shit is NOT COOL
Here we go again...
Okay, I think that Misako is a very complex character.
I like to think of her as a person who is actually good but makes mistakes and later regrets them.
Yes, she left Lloyd...
She did it for his future and sacrificed his present, that's how it had to be.
Why in a school for bad boys?
Well, my dear, we don't have any answer to that.
The writers wanted Lloyd to be there.
Why not with Wu?
She knew about Morror, and Wu would certainly train him to become a ninja, and she wanted to prevent that.
Leaving him in a school for bad boys was a very smart move.
Was it good or right?
Who knows, we can't know how it would have been if it had been different.
And she left him when he was 5 years old, maybe he was 5 in boarding school.
Garmadon is a villain and don't deny it. I love him and everything, and that he cares for Lloyd, good for him.
I'll just ignore this with Wu, because I stubbornly refuse to admit it.
I really don't understand if Lloyd forgave Misako why can't you.
Literally later we see that they became very close.
How can you be fans of Lloyd and Garmadon when you hate Misako and they obviously care about her and she about them.
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eniuves · 1 year
⌗ dear, my lover → n.rk x fem!reader
IN WHICH ! during the years of his youth, Ni-ki attempts to write a letter to the occupier of his thoughts, hoping that she’ll feel the same about him, about them.
wc: 460
genre: fluff / angst
warnings: none !!
✩'s notes: for my jj, sry for the angst :( loveu endlessly <3
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. . . . .
02.26.20 : Draft #3
ni-ki is typing 💬
i’ll start off by saying i have no idea how to write a letter so, sorry if this isn’t the best letter.
i guess i should start with why i am writing this.
when i first saw you i didn’t know what i’d soon feel for you. even though we’re not close and we barely know each other, i hope i can change that for us.
i want to be able to be more than friends. i want to be with you.
i want to be able to take you out to places where it’s just us two, no friends, no one. just us two. i want to be able to go out and watch the stars with you, build a relationship where you can feel the same way i feel about you.
i can’t express how my heart beats or how my eyes manage to always land on you. (my friends always tease me for it) i don’t know if you ever noticed it but now you know..
my mom always said, “when you find that special someone, your whole world will change” i never believed her until i met you.
my friends always said “oh why her?” why not, i always thought. to me, their opinions of you never mattered, nobody’s did except my own.
throughout these few months i’ve gotten to see your bright personality, your passion for your interests and how much you care for those around you. i hope one day i can be that special someone for you, be the one who allows you be your natural self.
i never thought i’d like someone this much as i like you. when your eyes sparkle i feel my heart smile a little (cringe) but it’s true. i love the way you pour your love into everything you do, it’s inspired me to do the same.
if only i had the courage to tell you this in person. this letter won’t be able to capture all my thoughts i have about us and what i want us to be.
so for now, i’ll just hope you get this from me and see what i see from my point of view.
i hope you feel the same way about me, about us, about love.
💬 . . .
EDITED ON 04.03.22
i wish i sent this when you were able to see it, i miss you endlessly.
we never got to go on all the dates i planned out, i even asked your friends where your favorite places to go out are. I never got to show you the stars, under the moonlight. I wish you never left me.
you’re still the occupier of my thoughts.
i love you.
sincerely, yours forever.
a/n: poor riki.
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bts5sosempire · 2 years
as yours (ix); stranger danger
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sukuna ryomen x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2,103
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, comedy, a hint of violence, college au, mention of gang fighting/ involvement, a sprinkle of angst (future updates), cursing and swearing, slow-burn relationship, SIMPKUNA, tw: eating disorder (only for this chapter, skip it if it makes you uncomfy until you see another DOT)
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:  "as a child, you have harbored a massive crush on Itadori Yuji; it wasn't until that college happened you dared to ask him. Trying to give him a letter, the one who you ended up giving to was no other than his no-good twin brother, Sukuna Ryomen."
𝐚/𝐧: we getting to the midpoint of the story, about to go up a notch, and mc's constant denial of attraction towards Sukuna. The fact that I fucked up on using Shimei's first name, not her surname, which is Honoka, and we are already this far into the story, so bear with me and my stupidity. Plus, I changed some things up, too, in some parts that are minor and nothing too serious in the story.
chapter 8 ✿ chapter 10
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Shimei looks at herself in the mirror and eyes her partially nude figure; she smooths a hand down her flat stomach, and dissatisfaction comes across her face, she turns to the side, and her expression is more evident. And below her feet were wrappers of snacks she had just consumed previously. Without a thought, the urge to puke was intense that rushing to the bathroom was a priority. Shimei flipped the lid open and threw up any content she had been eating; it was not even an hour before the acid could digest the food.
The sound of her gagging was evident; Shimei cried while wiping tears away. Her stomach hurts from so much exertion that by the time she was done, she stood up and washed her face and rinsed her mouth. 'Why can't he look at me the same he looks at her?' Shimei's thoughts keep drifting to Sukuna and his lingering gazes that were always present to you no matter how much you loath it. She thought that a person like you didn't deserve it. 'I should be the one he looks at!' Staring back at her in the bathroom mirror was someone tired and worn out, with dark bags clinging underneath and gaunt cheekbones. 'I tried to do everything to make him look this way, but it's always her!' Shimei then tried to make a hairstyle that resembles yours, practicing her smile, trying to match it too eerily, and she turned her face from side to side see which features that she had that could be altered to match yours. But obsession comes with a price—her sanity.
With a frustrating scream ripped out through her, Shimei realized that you're far different from her, born from a good family that supports your education. Anger and jealousy shook her body so much that Shimei shattered the mirror with a closed fist and tore some skin from her knuckles. She swipes any of her beauty products or personal care onto the bathroom floor as it clatters loudly.
At your table, nobody utters a word about the resort situation, not even Maki; the very breath of mention sends her skin running red hot. You didn't want to talk about it since Sukuna was handling the problems; you wonder what he talked about that left the manager shaking like a leaf afterward.
Your phone buzzes with text messages, and you look at it to find a miss call from your mom also.
Monday, December 23rd, 20XX
[Mom: Your sister is missing. The daycare said they don't know who took her. Before they got to her, she left with someone on the bus. -Sent: 5:06 pm]
Reading the texts sent your heart to a drop, and you paled immediately; your hands shook with fear that everyone at the table was alerted when you abruptly stood up, causing the chair to fall off with a thud. Your friends called out to you, but you started sprinting home as you pushed people aside. 'Fuck! How could they be so careless?!'
Yuji and Shimei saw your figure running across the campus at full speed that even your friends were struggling to chase you and calling your name repeatedly.
Your body was pumped with adrenaline from running and hailing the first cab you saw (or jumping in front of it like a mad woman) to go to the daycare center where your sister was supposed to be. By the time you have arrived, blurs of red and blue sirens caught your field of vision, your mother helplessly crying, and your father's forlorn utterance while trying to calm your mother down. The cops were doing what they could by saying they were looking for her.
"Mom, Dad," you called out to them once you made it near enough. When you extend your arms to hug her mother, she pulls you down and tightly grips you while crying on your shoulder.
"Haruna is so small; I don't know if I could handle the thought of knowing if something bad could happen to her (Name)." Your heartbroken mother continuously cries.
"Did anyone see who she walked out with?" You asked, and your mother shook her head, and so did your father when you turned to look at him. The cops handed you a few photos of your baby sister interacting with a person who squatted down to her height; you couldn't see the person very well, seeing as their face was obscure, but the stature was a male.
The next one was the stranger picking up your sister by lifting her over the waist-length fence at ease; you notice how far away Haruna was compared to all the other children in the photo.
In the final photo, they both head toward the bus stop, with Haruna occupied by some small keychain and him holding her hand, but something caught your eyes. It was a tattoo.
"Is this all?" You ask the cop, feeling quite frustrated with the lack of evidence. They give you a few words of confirmation since the camera wasn't located around the whole premises; it was revealed under muttered breaths that a few of the cameras were nothing but props. 'What the fuck? How could this daycare still be running if they can't even have proper security?' Frustration turned to anger; you're kind of mad at your parents for choosing this daycare when you made it clear that it wasn't safe from all the reviews that had shown the negativity when helping your parents research where to drop off your sister. But since all the other daycares were too expensive to be decent, they stuck Haruna into a cheap one.
By the time you and your parents made it home, it was already near 10 pm. Your friends were waiting and sitting at your doorsteps; you had left your bag and school work behind during your emergency. You usher your parents inside first and tell them you will be inside a few after talking to your friends.
"We heard what happened," Panda spoke up quietly. Words do travel fast sometimes. You took a long shaky breath and wiped away any tears that threatened to fall. Shifting around and wrapping your arms around, you wanted to reassure them about the situation, but knowing them wouldn't make it better. They could try to comfort you, but it wouldn't also make it better.
"I hate this feeling," you softly said, the feeling of discontent and fear settling on your nerves, "I don't know why this is happening, but I want her back safe and sound." Like your mother said previously, Haruna was such a small delicate child who could barely harm anything due to her size. An adorable toddler who hasn't been taught to fear the world or develop a sense of danger. Your fingers keep digging through the clothes of your elbows, wanting to pick the skin off.
"(Name) we will be on the lookout too," Maki said; even though she was always stern, the expression of trouble was painted across her face, but you know exactly why she said that. You remember Maki telling you about her twin sister Mai, who now went to a different college and had a fallout during senior graduation. Maki didn't go into great detail, but you get the picture, her desire to rekindle her with her twin and wanted things to go back to how they used to be. So far, the dream was out of reach; Mai had refused to reconcile at any cost. Maki couldn't do anything other than grant Mai's wish and let it be.
You couldn't sleep; it was past 1 am; you tossed and turned in bed, waiting for sleep to catch you or just anything. But your eyes drifted to your window and saw sprinkles of snow salting the outside world. You wonder if Haruna is warm or being kept from harm. Pushing yourself up from your bed, your phone lights up. You saw the notification message pop up.
[Sukuna: Open your window. -Sent: 1:47 am]
Rushing out of bed, you went over to it and saw Sukuna, who was waiting for you in the snow; his face was dusted pink from the cold, with the tip of his nose and ears turning red. You didn't see him today since he last texted you hours ago from before, saying he would be gone for a while. But seeing him now is also surreal; you unlatched your window open. Pushing it open, the cold air breeze through the room, and you shook lightly at the temperature.
Sukuna made their way up to your bedroom window; he had no difficulty getting up. Uraume had told Sukuna through a phone call that your little sister went missing, so he ditched any plan he had that day and drove across the city for hours to comfort you. His heavy boots made it inside, and snow littered your floorboard; Sukuna gripped the window sills and heaved his body inside.
The man lets out light puffs of hot air as it evaporates, and the light coat of snow that managed to get him during his ride dusted itself onto your floor also. The first thing Sukuna did was bring you close to him; he refused to let go even when you tense up. It didn't take long for Sukuna to figure out who was behind the kidnapping; with all sorts of connections around him, pulling strings was easy. He felt your arms around him, and you relax gradually, making Sukuna hold you even tighter. He buried his nose into your hair and rubbed a hand against your upper back.
"I'm scared." You confess to him in a horse hush whisper. For some reason, it's easier to talk to Sukuna; you wonder if it was the way you're falling for him without knowing. Or was it the sense of security he brings whenever he's nearby? Perhaps it's both, or you're not sure at this point with your mind jumbled up about your sister's kidnapping.
"And I promise you I would bring her back," using his low gravitating voice, Sukuna guides you back to bed. He settles you inside the seat and sits by the edge of the bed, his eyes looking outside the snow before it flits back at you. Sukuna could see the tiredness in those orbs of yours, how the rims are also red. Even though he waited for a while until you fell into a deep sleep, he brushed your hair away from your face.
Sukuna pulled out his phone when he felt a buzz; what he read made his face instantly sour.
[Unknown: How's the miss you like doing? :) I thought you would like to know about her little sister's well-being; she's obedient after a few scares. -Sent: 2:43 am]
[Unknown: //sent attachment// -Sent: 2:44 am]
Sukuna opens the attachment and sees Haruna sleeping with her body curled up in a corner; they don't even give her proper warmth. He quickly sent the number to Uraume to track the location down but realized it was signal blocked, and he clenched his jaws in dissatisfaction.
[Unknown: I wouldn't do that if I were you, what you do depends on what happens to the pretty miss little sister here. You wouldn't want her to hate you if something terrible happened, right? -Sent: 2:46 am]
Even the number has a tracking service.
[Unknown: Meet me on Christmas Eve, I'll send the location. If you can accomplish this, I'll let you walk home with the little girl as a present for her family. Wouldn't it be great, though, to be more well-liked than before? This could make them in your debt forever, even that woman you have been pining for who knows how long. -Sent: 2:48 am]
If Sukuna could feel the bastard grinning through the phone, he could. The rat keeps slipping through the crack; he would ensure to exterminate it this time. Maybe playing too easy has made this fool too egotistical.
Taking one last look at you, he went out through the same way where he came out.
You woke up hours later to see it was near 7 am; your mother would've woken you up an hour ago and chastised you for not being up on time. But today, she didn't.
Yawning, you stretch out in bed and suddenly remember that Sukuna was here; you look out to the window and notice it is closed, and there are a few foot towels on the floor to soak up the snow that had melted.
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foster-the-world · 8 months
Aw, man
Last night the district wide school board meeting turned into a debate about Israel. With some claiming the DOE is not doing "enough." Apparently enough means they haven't yet written a email condemning the kidnappings in Israel? With claims they would have already sent a letter if it was black people. I guess the district is waiting on a legal team to approve language. So it should go out today or tmrw. Not good enough for these people. I don't get it. The DOE did send a letter condemning racism and it doesn't do shit to protect my kids. We are still in the most segregated school system in the nation. I am 100% confident the man claiming they "would have already done it if it was black people." made sure his children were in the majority white schools. The anti-racism letter didn't change his desire to segregate his children so why would a anti-semitism letter help jewish students? Writing a letter condemning the kidnappings in Israel is not going to protect my kids one bit nor help the children who were kidnapped. Our district has migrant children pouring in every single week. Let's talk about how we can support them. Letter or no letter I do not care.
I left that meeting to go to our schools PTA meeting. We did spend a good amount of time talking about how we can help the new migrant children who started at our school last week. Apparently 1000 more children entered the district on Friday - set to start next week. My 2nd graders class got three more students last week. Rebel's 1st grade class got two more students. We've been working on our Spanish at home and making sure the girls include them. I'm so glad we are at a school where we teach the kids to welcome their new friends. I have no doubt the uniform, clothing, coat drive will be fully funded - even though we have a school full of low income parents who aren't exactly rolling in the dough.
This morning I'm talking to the Principal about the clothing/Halloween costume drive when she gets a text message and looks horrified. Apparently a lower grade kid told their teacher they can't be around them because they are Jewish and their Mom told them Jewish people are dangerous. So fucked up. Poor baby being taught that hate and poor teacher having to hear it from a student she pours her hard work into.
I'm not really worried about my girls hearing shitty things. As mentioned they are tough and can handle themselves. The toughness does mean they can be jerks but also means they wouldn't hesitate to fight back if someone says shit like that to them. People have said other shitty things to them and they returned with the 6yo version of "go fuck yourself" and were indignant more then hurt. *Obviously they didn't use the f word. They have a solid group of friends in their class who would know to defend them. Although we are going to have a talk about what to say if someone talks negatively about Juduism or if they hear someone say anything racist/prejudice/etc to themselves or any of their friends. We've had the general talk before but probably need to be more specific on the Jewish side of things. Every year my husband and I bring Hanukkah celebration stuff to their class. Everyone is always very receptive. Last year Bee's teacher was Jewish. They've generally had at least one jewish family in their class - although that dwindles in the older grades. We live two doors down from the JCC - so they go to classes there so do get to spend time around Jewish children regardless. This semester they are taking an art class there and we go to the shabbat dinners sometime.
Bee has a Ukrainian girl in her class - well her grandparents are from Ukraine. So Bee came home last year talking about how people are murdering babies "as soon as they come out" in the Ukrainian war. Now this year her little friend is from Israel - so she comes home with more horror stories he hears from home and interprets into six year old language. The world we are giving our children is not okay.
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nervouscloudtheorist · 2 months
April 9th 2024
Dear Diary,
I did it! I paid off my house!
Well...apparently just the first part of my house. Tom Nook agrees that my house is pretty small and that I should probably get it bigger but that just means that I would have to take out another loan. I don't know if I want to do that but it's nice I guess just to know that I can.
Anyways, I woke up pretty late today at like 7:40pm. I spent so much time fishing last night that I didn't realize how tired I was. I have to not do that again because everything was about to close by the time I woke up so I needed to rush to do my shopping and talk to Tom Nook.
On the bright side though, I don't think as mayor Isabelle cares what time I wake up because she is always at Town Hall. I mean like ALWAYS. I don't think she ever leaves except to see me at my house.
When I woke up today I had three letters. One from the Happy Home Association, one from Pascal at the RV park delivering my table and one from my mom.
Mom's letter was really nice and she also sent a table to go with it. She's so proud of me for moving out and living on my own. I miss her a lot still so it was really nice of her to send me that letter. I immediately set up the table in my house. It was too precious to me to not set up.
After that was all done, I checked with Isabelle who still didn't have anything for me to do so I just wandered around town again to show that I am the people's mayor.
OH! I found out that Ribbot is a robot frog so I guess wisp didn't lie! He moved in next to Keaton which was unfortunate because Keaton saw me walking by to talk to the new person and decided that was the best time to talk about Trains.
Now I don't have anything against trains or Keaton but there is a time and place for that kind of talk. Like in the comfort of a house or cafe drinking coffee.
When I was talking to Ribbot he said that he knew me and that he was happy we got to meet again. I was really confused because I had never seen this man in my life. I didn't know if he just made up a story in his head where we were previously friends but I didn't want to correct him either because I didn't want another situation where they forgot my name.
Chrissy, I learned, is very sweet but not very observant. She ran up to me today and asked me to deliver something to T-bone for her as she wasn't able to find him and thought that I would be more likely to come across him. She was right, but that's only because he was 10 steps away from her.
Thankfully it was close enough that I didn't have time to ruin his present so I was able to deliver it without having any issues. T-bone was super happy about it and gave me a shirt as a reward which is great because the Sable sisters sell their clothes anywhere from 10 – 5,000 bells from what I can see and I do not have that kind of money if I am going to be giving it all to Tom Nook.
I mean, I did buy a shirt for 800 bells today but I also bought a bookshelf from Tommy today at Nookling Junction from 2,400 bells. So I guess it's not just Tom Nook who is taking my money.
OH!! Also I met Digby, Isabelle's brother. He is in charge of the Happy Home Showcase. What is that you ask? I guess when people are ridding on the train, he goes and asks them for a floor plan of their house (Not weird at all) and then they rebuild a scale model of it so when I am on Main Street I can look at them and get ideas for my own house. He did mention that this is only done when people are passing by my town so it wont be like a TON of houses at the start. Honestly, I'm not sure how many people will pass by my town, since the train I was on to get here was pretty empty but that's a cool idea!
I also checked in on the town bulletin by the train station and learned that there will be a fishing tournament this Saturday! I don't want to brag but I think I have first place in the bag if they allow mayors to enter. Why? Because I caught an Oarfish today and it was SO BIG. I had a lot of trouble getting it to Blathers but that is okay because now the museum looks a lot less sad with that swimming around!
I also checked in on the RV park like I said I was going to yesterday and there was a new RV but it was filled with bugs. Nat, the owner, really likes bugs I guess. I did manage to barter with him for some pretty cool items but just like Pascal he will only mail them to me. Like sir, I am right here I can carry the items home! I guess it doesn't matter though, I just really wanted that new bed. I am a little tired of sleeping on the floor...
After everything was all said and done, I went back to town hall determined that Isabelle was going to give me some actual mayor stuff to do but when I talked to her she said I had finally gotten 100% on my rating and that she would be turning in the permit tonight so that at the soonest my development permit would be done is tomorrow so I should rest for day.
So I guess my job as mayor isn't exactly to run the town but to just be nice to the people? I dunno anyways I'm still tired so I guess I will see what tomorrow brings. I didn't see any new plots of land for people so I think the moving in period is over which means I have more time for the people who have moved in.
Anyways, I can't wait to update you when my town permit is finally accepted. If it is accepted anyways.
Good night!
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speed reading or skipping paragraphs is a thing both me and my mom
(amazing person) (had me so late i only knew her as cool old lady) (the only reason me and my half siblings and technically not related at all but fuck that siblings got to grow up as family bc she fought tooth and nail with her exes for it) (and by fought i mean gritted her teeth and was polite to the vindictive assholes bc her exs had money and legal status and connections and an education that translated properly so they could have white color jobs while she was being a single mom below the poverty line working part time jobs still somehow making her kids feel like they lived in a magical wonderland and she was the dragon who'd eat anyone that tried hurting us)
had in common
(she died almost a year ago the first anniversary is coming up this is fine)
she grew up also poor af in her home country but her parents sent her to a RICH GIRLS PRIVATE SCHOOL bc her grades were good and this nuclear scientist Doctor Doctor -insert name here- who couldn't do the most simple everyday things (her husband was the same) and was in actual awe of my grandma (who cleaned for them) 's ability to figure out how to hang a picture straight or fix the plumbing
(grandma led her catatonic older sister across an active war zone as a teen and also told stories to my mom about mice who came out at night to read scraps of newspaper she left on the floor for them, she was legally blind and still walking a mile to the local store when i knew her, didn't care a fuck that i didn't know her language and i actually learned several family stories from her somehow)
the Doctor Doctor was convinced my mom would be stifled in a normal school, hence the Everybody Else Here Own A Pony And A Summer House Meanwhile We're Living On The Shack By The House My Dad Is Building For Someone Else situation with mom in rich girls school because of her scores
the thing is, my mom was kinda shit at school
(she almost failed one class bc the professor got pissed she wouldn't treat him like a god as a good student should so she refused to do anything in his class except fight with him and he DID fail her, but the other teachers and principle had her do a test and whoops turns out she'd learned his class better on her own than most of his students hehheheh fifty years later she was still gloating about it)
and this has to do with speed reading and skipping because, in one class, you were supposed to take turns reading out of a book and then later pick a topic to write a paper on
well my mom's turn would come, and bc she was like me, she wouldn't actually read the words. She'd see the shape of the sentence, scan the first letter of every line down the page, add that to the topic at hand, and kinda just FEEEL what the section was about
you'd think someone would notice she wasn't reading it right but she was So Confident and Casual about it i guess everyone just went "well i must be reading it wrong her version sounds right"
this worked for her!
until the paper came due, and she was asked to read hers in front of the class
well she hadn't written anything, turns out.
So my mom (who outside of school drifted between wearing boys clothes to scare off her friends exes or leather mini skirts with fishnet stockings and no undies depending on her mood) she picked up a BLANK piece of paper, stood up, and read out the Best, Most Well Thought Out And Insightful Paper her professor had heard all day
good, right? easy peasy pass grade. cheato completo
unfortunately the professor liked it Too much
and they asked. for a copy
So my poor mom had to admit that not only was her brilliant little paper an imaginary thing that didn't exist, she ALSO had to cop to all the OTHER times she hadn't been reading from the book, just to prove to her teacher that her paper WAS fake
(my mom had a real strong if weird sense of integrity. she'd bend the rules into a pretzel, but she hated the idea of being thought of as a Liar, when it was just for personal selfish reasons)
(lying to help someone else was another thing zero fucking hesitation there only gleeful dramatics)
now im not anywhere near my mom in coolness levels, but i also have the thing of skipping around when reading and going by shape and recreating what it might say based on other clues instead of just, seeing each word individually
a lot of the times it works!
it's also why I Can't Get A Driver's License
Reading Manuals Doesn't Work For Me And There's No School Or Instructor Place In Reach So My Can't Drive I'm Gay Credential Is Permanent! It's enforced! I've been assigned pedestrian by whatever the hell seemingly inheritable trait it is that made me and my mom find books in the library via size, color, geographic location and anything OTHER than the gods-damned TITLE!!
(thnx mom) (had to hold the instructions for instant mac and cheese physically in front of my face the entire time it cooked) (you'd have laughed) (i laughed instead tho don't worry) (miss you <3)
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The Brothers Sun e5
The mom looks so done when Bruce explains that Sleepy is like Shakespeare and says LOL😂
Bruce: "I need a mental health day."
Mom, holding his face in her hands: "Stop being a baby."
Bruce:"this isn't like when you sent me to school with chicken pox to preserve my perfect attendance record." Damn😂😭
The mom's face when she said "when have I ever been wrong." 😭😂😂
Ouchy, Charles looks like he's in so much pain. I'm guessing he's at Alexis's house?
Yup he is😂
Awwww, she got him shrimp chips
I love that Charles is kinda impressed that she got away using spicy noodles to the eyes😂
I feel like a little bit of Charles' soul died as he watched her cooking food wrong 😂
Xing is so done with baby sitting duty😂
Poor TK😂😂😂😂
Michelle Yeoh is amazing, and I love her sm
Oh shit
Damn you right you're a coward
Bruce asking Xing if she wanted to talk about her mom not replying is great 😂
I. Do. Not. Trust. Grace.
Xing saying if she was Bruce she would've had sex a lot with Grace😂
MAXWELL SHEFFIELD?(From the nanny)
Oh Charles is watching a movie 😂
Oh it's a show, Charles' face when he realizes he has to wait😂
Oh god, he's going through all her boxes 😂😂
That letter 🥺
He's putting up shelves 😂
And decorating?😂
Oh wow, he's also gonna cook, Alexis if you don't marry him I will😂
Aw, the dude who kidnapped the mom is making her tea? WAIT IS THAT TK? It kinda sounds like him
I don't think she's nervous at all, not even a bit
Bish did he call her an old woman?
I love how she's ruining them so easily by dropping facts😂
"Oh shit," yeah lil boy, you in trouble!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 🥺 Charles is making Alexis baked goods🥺
He also got a flower?😂
He's watching The Great British Bake off 😂
Yeah, I too would be in heaven if someone did this for me
I love how she's not even questioning him organizing her house
The shirt she got him😂😂😂
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Bruce is consulting the mahjong ladies😂
Damn, these ladies just roasted Xing😂
Oh, I am uncomfy with the comment about Bruce pounding like a bull
Oh yeah, these guys underestimated her big time
Who indeed
"We're the Boxers."😂
"Who the hell is that?" Love how she's settling in more because she's curious
That's so sad how Charles's dad didn't even talk to him unless he could be useful in the family business
It's adorable that he was taught how to bake from someone nice 🥺
Also, the fact that Bruce would've been taught stuff by their mom, but she didn't teach her other son🥺
Hong is an ass, especially laughing at Bruce
Bruce slammed the guy's hand down ouchy😂
"You went straight from asking him once to impaling his hand?" But then you did too, Xing 😂
Damn, Mama lasted 16 days? And two of her interrogators ended up in a mental institution? Somehow that is so
"What should we do for dinner?"😂
She can't tell them the names🥺
The blood on his boots🥺😭
The big guns are the mahjong ladies?!😭😂
Oh noooooooo Bruce doesn't want to leave him🥺
It was so genius having all the ladies come in to get her🥺
Love how Charles is having some nice stuff with Alexis while
Ok, it was fucked up how Alexis immediately tried to get Charles to tell her stuff
Wtf, Alexis?! You're really going to betray him after everything that happened? I mean, I get it that her job is important, and I guess she does care more about it than she does other people, but still that's crappy(I do kinda admire her though cause that's clever)
The shelf falling is a perfect example of the situation they're all in
Poor Bruce
Huh, I guess your mom does drink🥺
I think Bruce is done with all the bullshit, and I hope he stands up to his mom now for how she kept so much from him
It was better for Charles to stay, but it wasn't better for him🥺
Her writing is so pretty 😍
Poor Bruce is gonna be dreaming those names up🥺
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solartranslations · 10 months
AF2 Donna Epilogue 2: Arcana Famiglia Transformed
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On an island, there lives a witch. And everything around her is overflowing with happiness…
~*Scene: VF Deck*~
Vir: I can’t believe that girl accomplished the same thing as Agata
Teo: You mean mom?
Vir: No. Your ancestor, Agata
Vir: I was the one two drew the images on that Tarocco. I’m alive now because she discovered me
Vir: And now, my goal in working so hard for her has been fulfilled
Vir: “She hosts all the Tarocco”…that’s how it should be
Vir: After losing her, I didn’t allow it to be used for anything other than to protect what she did
Teo: Is that why mom…and all the Nordia governors are named “Agata”?
Vir: It’s my mark. But it’s a good name, isn’t it? The one that belonged to my master, and the woman I love
Teo: Wha…love? Neve better not have heard that!
Vir: Agata is gone. What does it matter?
Teo: Uhh…?
Vir: Ah, perhaps that Regalo girl was Agata’s reincarnation
Vir: Since she can host all the Tarocco, it would make sense
Vir: I thought it would have been Neve, since she captured my heart…
Teo: That’s terrible of you to say, Vir. You know that Neve gets jealous easily…
Yuki (Neve): Being jealous is important
Teo: Don’t sneak up on me like that!
Yuki (Neve): And there’s no point in being jealous of someone who’s dead…
Vir: Hehe. Is that a pout? You look adorable like that too
Yuki (Neve): ……
Vir: Reincarnation or not, it means nothing now. Now that it’s all dealt with, I’m sure of it
Vir: You’re the one I love, Yuki
Yuki (Neve): Vir-sama…!
Vir: You don’t need to be so formal with me
Yuki (Neve): …Okay, Vir…
Teo: I can’t deal with this…
Princess: Squeak!
Teo: Don’t comfort me!
~*Scene: Governer’s Mansion Meeting Room*~
Agata: Sera, you have a letter from Regalo
Sera: I know
Agata: Oh…so that girl sent you some personal letters as well?
Sera: No, they were from Nova, unfortunately
Sera: By that, do you mean that she sent something to you?
Agata: Of course
Sera: …Well, you are the governor
Agata: Oh, cheer up. Even if you became governor, you still aren’t a match for her yet
Agata: Regalo’s young Donna is still unwed, yet she is concentrating all her energy on supporting the lord and building her organization
Sera: Huh…?
Agata: She should know that flowers don’t bloom for long
Sera: Nova mentioned that she has countless courtship offers… I see, there’s a chance
Agata: Hm…not to worry. You got your dignified looks from me
Agata: There’s hope
Sera: !
Sera: Of course. I’ll work to become a governor worthy of her
Agata: That’s the spirit. Then as the future governor, then would you mind taking care of this for me?
Sera: Mother…
~*Scene: Mondo’s Office*~
Dante: That’s all for the Serie and Intelligence’s reports. Anything for us, Donna?
Felicita: Good work, all of you. And do stay vigilent while preparing for La Primavera
Felicita: We’ve invited the governor of Nordia this year. So we must prevent any trouble
Felicita: There has been no major incidents, and lord’s project to expand education is going smoothly
Felicita: Keep up the hard work. That will be—
Jolly: Hold on. Aren’t you forgetting something, Donna?
Felicita: Huh…?
Debito: We heard that Alberto proposed to you
Pace: Sure, he’s a great guy, but you just can’t! We won’t let him have you!
Luca: Excuse you. Ojou-sama doesn’t belong to anyone. I do belong to her, though
Liberta: That was not an invitation to be creepy, Luca!
Nova: Can you stay on topic
Felicita: Nova…!
Nova: But it’s true that the marriage propositions never end
Ash: Well, it is important. Nobody would ignore a woman with as much influence as her
Felicita: Is that all? I already said I wasn’t getting married or looking for a partner any time…
Jolly: But are you sure about that, Donna?
Debito: Yeah. Isn’t it just awful not having a partner, Bambina?
Felicita: Awful…?
Pace: It just means that we can’t give up on you, Ojou!
Felicita: Why are you all always teasing me…
Dante: She’s right. Stop nagging Ojou-san and get back to work
Liberta: I feel like Dante could have said that earlier
Jolly: Exactly. It’s just the nonsense of youngsters. Now Donna, it’s about time for our appointment
Felicita: Ah, you’re right
Nova: And I have mine in two hours. Don’t be late
Luca: Goodness, at this rate, Ojou-sama will have no time to relax
Luca: Felicita, I’ll prepare you a lavender bath for tonight…
Debito: Hey, you’re the one saying the weirdest things
Debito: You want Bambina to feel gooood and smell like lavender, huh?
Pace: Ah, what’re you thinking, Luca! Ojou, be careful!! He’s after you!
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Felicita: Okay, let’s go
Ash: Okay
Liberta: Why are you going, Ash?
Ash: I’m the assistant advisor. Let’s finish this fast and get some dolce, Strawberry Head
Felicita: Sounds good
Luca: Ojou-samaaaa
Pace: Lasagnaaa!
Debito: Shut it!
Dante: All of you need to shape up!
Narrator: “Arcana Famiglia”
Liberta: They are the vigilante organization that protects the small trade island of Regalo
Nova: To protect the carefree and laidback people of the island from the dangers beyond the sea
Debito: They possess the power to divide the rights and lords
Pace: Only those who have contracted with the “Tarocco” and vow to comply with the law are allowed to enter the organization
Luca: They abandon their family name, and work to the best of their ability for the organization
Dante: Simply because this is their duty, they continue to have a strong will
Jolly: The power gained from contracting with the “Tarocco” — Arcana powers
Ash: This is the story of those with Arcana powers, and their curious fates…
~*End of Scene*~
(Nova ED1 also cleared: Continue to Sera ED)
(Ash ED1 also cleared: Continue to Teo ED)
(Back to Directory)
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dmclemblems · 2 years
like bruh i been compilin’ some stuff for the miklan lore like screenshots and all?
and i just
im so glad i was right and that all my headcanons were true and ended up happening in this game
and it proves to me that miklan was a product of his surroundings and how terrible his family life was
he got disinherited first, and then his dad and step mom fucking sucked and couldn’t get along and according to sylvain weren’t even good parents and sylvain didn’t just say to miklan, he said it in general. nobody was paying attention to either of them and miklan was angry at what happened so he took it out on sylvain BUT MATTHIAS HAD TO GO AND TAKE THE GOLD MEDAL AWARD FOR BEST PARENTING and NOT EVEN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT
like yeah you heard it here folks
like nah im not saying matthais is the scum of the earth and that he’s the worst man in the whole world bc he’s not and he’s good to his king and his friends and all that
he’s just a horribly pathetic father and should never have been a father no ma’am no sir he cannot parent like this isn’t a gustave situation where he left his family out of guilt but always thought about his family and wrote letters he couldn’t bring himself to send. this isn’t like gustave where he loved his family to pieces but felt like he didn’t deserve them/their love
what im saying is miklan is a very good character and not only is he someone who grew up poorly because he was raised poorly (if really even raised at all after his mother died since we don’t know if his mother was good to him or not but either way he lost her so it would still be a huge blow to how he’d turn out, bc either she wasn’t there for him either or she was and he lost the only good thing he ever had), but he’s someone who could be saved and turned to a better path if someone just F U C K I N G C A R E D.
someone who wasn’t sylvain tho bc sylvain’s existence is what caused all his problems and for a kid who wasn’t taught any better i mean obviously he’s gonna look at sylvain and be like it’s his fault all this happened like nah it’s your dad and step mom’s fault this all happened to you and they don’t deserve to be parents and i rly wish you and sylvain had been adopted into another family bc your lives both sucked
but also it’s very good of sylvain to give him another chance and still want to get along with him
psa don’t let me talk abt miklan bc this is what happens and i’ve bottled this up for three years and now bc of three hopes well i may as well just let it go boom
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hisserpentqueen · 1 year
Chapter 7, A taste of home
Chapters 1 - 6 can be found here
Chapter Seven
“Congratulations, Jughead.” Alice gave him a sincere handshake. “Getting a book published is quite an accomplishment, especially so at your age.”
“Thank you, Miss Smith…there are still a lot of steps before my book hits the shelves, but I’m excited to start the process.” Jughead beamed.
“Please, its Alice.” He nodded at her. “Betty told me that its based loosely on real life…what’s the title?”
“That took me awhile to get right, but I think it fits now – They weren’t all mistakes.”
When they had arrived, Veronica ushered them inside and got them all drinks. Archie had banished her from the kitchen as she had been more of a hinderance than a help. When Betty offered to help him finish up dinner, Veronica had started to protest, but then quickly agreed to stay the hell out of the way when Betty reminded her what happened last time they let her use a knife; she was lucky she still had to pay for a full manicure when she got her nails done.
Betty couldn’t help but let her mind wander as she watched Jughead talk with her mother and sister. Glen had been superficially sweet with them, but she could tell he hadn’t really had any interest in getting to know them nor did they seem to care to get to know him. But with Jughead, he was relaxed and genuine and she could tell from across the room that her sister and mom were authentic in their questions and comments.
He asked Polly about her summer and how she had liked Riverdale. They talked about her upcoming semester and what she was interested in pursuing after she graduated. He asked her mom how she had become a news anchor and she told him about the Register. She asked him how he had gotten into writing and how he had liked growing up with the Serpents.
“I was actually a Serpent when I was growing up as well,” Alice admitted.
“WHAT?!” Polly and Betty had both been completely caught off guard. She stared between her daughters, a confused look on her face.
“You act as if I don’t have a past or something.”
“You just never talk about it,” Polly pointed out. Alice rolled her eyes and brushed her off, returning to her conversation with Jughead.
 “Where is FP?” Betty asked suddenly, turning to Archie.
“Veronica sent him out to grab a cake – he should be back any – ” and as if on cue, the front door opened. “That must be him.”
“Oh good!” Veronica rushed over to him. “I was beginning to wonder if something had gone wrong with the order.”
“Sound be good.” FP grinned as he held it out to her.
“It’s perfect!” She clapped and took the cake out of his hands.
“FP?” “Alice?” They stared at each other, the rest of the room growing quiet.
“I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight,” she said as she walked over to him, the conversation with Polly and Jug completely forgotten.
“When I saw the letter for Jug in the mail, I arranged for Jellybean to be with a friend and drove here without another thought.” His smile softened as he looked at her. “I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight.”
“Well, I was invited.” She placed a hand on his arm and the two smiled at each other, completely unaware of the uncomfortable silence settling around the others in the room.
“OH MY GOSH!” Betty exclaimed causing everyone, including FP and Alice, to look at her. “FP’s the guy from Riverdale that you’re seeing!” She gestured between the two of them with the knife that was still in her hand.
“Yes.” Alice dropped her hand from FP’s arm and turned back to face her. “I was going to tell you after we had officially decided what…this is.”
“Holy shit,” Jughead laughed quietly, as if realizing something.
“What?” Polly asked. He looked past her, towards his dad and Betty watched as something unspoken passed between them. Jug then gave him an exasperated look and FP frowned, shaking his head slightly.
“She’s the girl,” Betty whispered, finally setting the knife down.
“What girl?” Archie looked at her with a very confused expression about everything that was happening around him.
Betty shook her head, “Never mind.” Clearing her throat, she looked over at Jughead. “I know it’s your party, but can you set out the plates?”
After the cake had been served, Polly headed out to meet up with some of her friends for drinks and FP offered to take Alice on a bike ride…which everyone there had understood exactly where that bike ride was going to end.
“My mom…your dad.” Betty shook her head and sank down on the edge of Jughead’s bed. “I mean…how does that even happen?” She fidgeted with the fraying edge of the band aid on her palm.
“Your mom is the girl that got away.” He sounded just as confused as she was. “Are you going to tell her about my book?” He sat down next to her.
She shook her head, “No, I think if your dad wants to tell her, he can.” He nodded in agreement but said nothing.
Taking a deep breath, she let out a long sigh and fell back on the bed and he followed suit. They were quiet as they laid together. Betty wondered if he was over thinking everything that had happened that evening as well. She wasn’t sure how it looked now if they kept up their friends with benefits situation if their parents were dating. Was that too weird for everyone? Should they just stop the whole arrangement? Or did she want to change their arrangement? After seeing him with her mom and sister, it was getting harder and harder for her to deny that she might have real feelings for him. But then again what if –  
“Want to go for an actual ride?” he whispered.
The dim light of the day was still hanging at the edge of the horizon as Betty clung to Jughead as he drove out of the city. Having been a warm day, she didn’t have a coat with her, so he had lent her one of his extra jackets and a helmet. He had smirked as she put it all on, but she just rolled her eyes and told him to get on the bike before he could say anything.
She had never actually been on a motorcycle before and had only agreed to go with him to stop thinking about the complicated emotions that were starting to rise up in her. She thought it would feel terrifying and that she would have to focus all of her energy on not freaking out, but sitting behind Jug, arms wrapped around his middle, air rushing past them…well, she wasn’t sure of the last time she had felt so at peace.
By the time Jughead pulled over next to a lake, the moon shone brightly overhead. They had driven far enough out of the city that as they sat on the dock, bare feet in the warm lake, all they could hear were the sounds of the night around them.
“This is perfect.” Betty gave a contented sigh as she stared up at the stars. Maybe I do want this to be more. Looking over, she saw a frown on his face. “Hey.” He shook his head slightly. “What’s wrong?”
He swallowed hard, thinking. “Everything changes now.” He gripped the edge of the dock.
“Jug?” She placed a hand on his arm, and he blinked a couple times before looking back at her. “Tell me.”
He sighed heavily as he let go of the edge of the dock and ran a hand roughly through his hair. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic that my book is getting published but ever since I fixed the ending, I feel like I haven’t been able to get anywhere with my other writings.” Betty thought about how she had been pulling away from him since that night and couldn’t help but wonder if that was affecting him as well. “Since moving out here, my writing has been great but lately I feel like I’m losing it again…what am I going to do if they sign me, and it takes me this long to finish another story?”
Without saying a word, she slid her hand into his. He looked down at their intertwined fingers and was quiet for some time.
“I don’t think I’m ready to be done at the coffee shop either,” he looked up at her and smirked, “I was just getting good with my latte art.” She scoffed and bumped his shoulder with hers. His smirk softened into a small smile that quickly faded from his face as he looked back at their hands. “I also don’t want to know how it would feel to not see you every day.”
Betty froze at his words, unable to move as she tried to process what his words were making her feel but then he looked back up at her and all sensible thought left her mind. Raising her free hand, she cupped his face and brushed her thumb against his cheek. He was tense as he searched her face for something, and she watched as he relaxed against her touch after finding whatever it was he was looking for. After a moment, he leaned into her and placed a soft kiss on her lips.
This kiss wasn’t like the usual kisses he laid on her, the ones that were driven by lust and an innate need. No, this kiss was caring and gentle…like the first time he had kissed her, a sharing of secrets.
As he leaned back, she followed after him, capturing his lips and gathering the sides of his jacket in her hands. She wanted him. Right then. Right there. She didn’t care what rules the unspoken conversation they had just had had broken, she wanted him and knew he wanted her too.
Breaking for air, she pressed her forehead into his, breathing deeply. Letting go of his jacket, she pulled her legs up on the dock, moving so she was on her knees, and pulled her skirt up her thighs. Jughead followed her lead and unbuttoned his pants, shifting back, so she would have room to sit on his lap. Steading herself with hands on his shoulders, she swung her leg over his legs, straddling him, hands holding tightly to his jacket. Without taking his eyes off of hers, he reached down and pushed her panties to the side. Sliding his fingers into her warm folds, it didn’t take him long to make sure she was ready for him.
Lifting her hips, he helped guide her back down, both sighing in pleasure as she settled around him. Keeping her eyes locked on his, Betty rolled her hips gently. She wanted to kiss him, bite his neck, moan, call out in pleasure…but the look in Jug’s eyes held her where she was, unable to say anything.
“This is perfect.” He had heard her words but could not bring himself to respond. She sounded so hopeful and all he was feeling in the moment was dread – he didn’t want to put that on her. But when she asked, he couldn’t stop the comment from falling out of his mouth because it was true. Everything was going to change. This was the part he had always been dreading because one successful book did not equal more and lately his other work was shit – how could he keep up with the expectations of a signing deal? All of his other works were suffering since he had fixed the ending.
Staring at their intertwined fingers, he was silent. He wanted this book deal, true, but he wanted nothing more than he wanted Betty Cooper. He wasn’t ready to be done working with her…seeing her…spending time with her every day. He had no desire to find out how it felt to be away from her now that he had found her.
As she cupped his cheek, he searched her face, thinking back to the night they had first agreed to this arrangement. She hadn’t told him that she wasn’t interested in him or that she didn’t have feelings for him, she had told him that she wasn’t ready for a relationship. Looking at her now, he realized that the look in her eyes told him that she didn’t want to be without him either and he couldn’t stop himself from relaxing into her touch at the thought. Holding her gaze a moment longer, he leaned into her and placed a soft kiss on her lips, hoping she understood what he was trying to say and as she pressed her forehead into his, he knew she did.
As Betty gripped his shoulders, he slid his hands inside of her jacket and around her middle, hands bawled up in her shirt. Her eyes remained locked on his and in that moment, he realized that he was completely in love with her. And he wanted to tell her, whisper it in her ear, shout it out to the sky, but the words died on his lips as she continued to look at him. So instead he wrote it on her skin with his lips, pulling her closer and leaving hot wet kisses under her ear, across her jaw, and down her neck.
It was well past two in the morning by the time they pulled up to Betty’s house. They were silent as they both climbed off. Jug took the helmet from her and stooped to strap it to the back of the bike. Straightening up, he pulled his helmet off and looped it over his arm by the strap before running a hand through his hair.
She wanted to say something, anything, as she stood there just staring at him again, but she worried anything she would say at this point would ruin the feelings she had coursing through her. So instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him, giving a contented sigh as he wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her tightly against him. She allowed herself to stay there for several moments before releasing her hold and as she did, she placed a kiss on his cheek.
“Night,” she finally said, softly.
“Good night.”
Her body was still humming as she got ready for bed and decided to take a bath as she knew she would never get to sleep feeling this way. Filling the tub, she sprinkled in some bath salts and clipped up her hair before getting in. As the hot water swallowed up her body, she allowed her mind to picture what being with Jughead would look like and a sudden, jarring thought slammed into her.
Riverdale. His father and sister were still both there and he loved being a Serpent – she knew he would be spending holidays there and would most likely want to move back at some point. Was that something she wanted, something she was willing to do? To go back to the town where her father had…had killed people…taken innocent lives?
As she thought, she picked at the edge of the frayed band aid on her palm. Frustrated, she yanked it off and looked at the small half circles on her hand, a tear running down her face.
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 2 years
I’ve been reading, one or two a day, letters Pop wrote Mom when they were attending school in different states. Today I read two from 1958 where I learned:
Pop did a complete debunking if a poltergeist account that had been a news story or something. I literally punch the air snd shouted “YES!” when I read it, partly I suppose because it reminded me of myself. * What can we say, Pop and I were natural born skeptics.
Mom’s aunt had intended to arrange for Mom to be able to attend Duke, but changes her mind because it was too close to NCSU where Pop was attending. I knew many in Mom conservative Southern Baptist family had not approved of her liberal agnostic yankee boyfriend, but this was cruel. Mom’s family did nothing to help her through school, and she worked her ass off every summer (waitress & maid) to pay for college on her own. Once she married Pop his parents helped her afford NCSU too.
Pop fretted about Mom worrying too much about what other people think. She was apparently reluctant to go to Pop’s family’s home for Thanksgiving for fear of what the folks in Jamesville would think. Pop told her she should never worry about the opinions of others, especially the townsfolk in Jamesville since they already hated him and his family.
Pop sent Mom diagrams of his plan for our boat. It was intended to be 52 1/2 ft long, which reminds me that I never can remember how long it actually ended up. It’s fascinating the design differences to how it actually turned out.
Pop said they would live on the boat, travel the world, and raise their children aboard it. I was born long after, and when I was a baby the propeller of the boat got damaged. It took years to build a drydock to do the repairs, and by then a lot had happened. Pop’s family had all died, money was tight, responsibilities were high, the legal requirements for things about the boat increasingly outdated. The sad thing is how ridiculously long believed. One day. We’d do it one day. And we never did.**
I read these letters, and wish so much I could talk to Pop about them. I am careful talking of them with so as to not upset her. Her life is hard enough without stirring up regrets and grief.
*Growing up I loved “true” ghost stories, UFO accounts, and the rest of that pseudoscience mumbo jumbo. Trouble was I quickly noticed that I could figure out what was going, or the way the writing left out or skewed info. Sometimes it was to make for a bette story deliberately, but sometimes it seemed to be a subconscious attempt to make everything fit what they wanted to be true. I went off such “real” paranormal things once I realized I wasn’t finding any that couldn’t be either be debunked or the data was too sketchy to make any judgement.
**Funnily enough my little brother didn’t believe as long as I did, but his reaction was different. I was sad for my parents, Pop in particular, and felt this sort of haunting of what never was. I understood how life turned, but often thought of what might have been. My brother though, he was angry and bitter, constantly needling Pop about it (which struck me as a bit cruel). Odd, since you’d think I’d be the bitter one after sooooo many years of hope I’d had to let go of, and he’d not care so much.
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