#i feel like maybe if yale wants to bridge the gap they should make it possible for people from this city to attend there
pansyfemme · 9 months
the truth is im not sure if any other towns with ivy leagues in them tend to have the hatred and resentment for the school that ppl from new haven often have for yale. id love to just sit down and chat with someone from another ivy league town bc like. is it just the combo of a school full of very rich prep school kids in one of the poorest areas in the state where our public schools literally does not have the funding or curriculum for a lot of students to qualify for the college in their own fucking town or is this a wider issue in other places
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blankdblank · 7 years
Scotland Pt 5
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Tag - @himoverflowers
As the opening credits started there was a knock on the door, Lee let out a quiet huff as he leaned away from your side to stand and head for the door, running his hand through his hair to brush it out of his face as he went. Unlocking and opening it to reveal the thin teenager carrying your 2 large bags of food whose eyes darted inside straight to you with a large smile as you joined them to grab the food.
You smiled at him in return as you gripped the bag in his left hand saying, “Kyle, good to see you, how’s your school exams coming?”
He let out a nervous chuckle as he tried to straighten his shirt after you’d taken his bag and turned to drop it at the table near the couch, he turned to hand the other to lee who had slipped him the cash for the food before looking back at you with a faint blush, “They’re good, got my intro packets from colleges last week, dads helping me pick. I figured you might be here, you’re the only one who orders all that together, so that bags all yours, snuck you some extra egg rolls and cookies for you. You guys on some sort of date?” His last question he asked as he eyed Lee curiously trying his best to bridge the nearly foot gap by standing on his toes to seem taller.
He pulled out Lees change and tried to hand it to him only to hear Lee say, “You can keep the change.”
“But it’s a $15 tip?!”
Lee smiled back at him, “The food is worth it.” As he went to grab the plates and drinks he’d bought a few days ago and drop off his bag on the table next to your bag.
Kyle smiled as you walked back over to him, “Any choices on which school you’re heading to?”
He swiveled in his food slightly as his smile grew, “Well you went to Yale, and my dad said I should go to the best school, so I’m thinking Yale.”
You nodded, “Well I’m sure that you’ll get in.”
His eyes darted back to Lee over your shoulder before meeting yours again, “So, date, not a date?” Biting his lip as he waited for your answer.
“We’re just watching movies.”
His smile grew as he swiveled again, “Good, Good. Well I’ll leave you and your friend to your movie, I’ll let mom know he wasn’t lying about his company. Bye.” Giving you another large smile as he wiggles his fingers in a shy wave. You closed the door softly and locked it again, holding your hand over your mouth trying not to giggle, catching Lee’s smirk as you turned.
He let out a quick chuckle as you joined him, “I think he likes you.”
“Really, never could have guessed.” Smirking at him through your sarcasm making him laugh as you knelt down by the table and curled your legs under it as you opened your bag, he sat down beside you doing the same with his bag. Laying out your food he glanced over at you, “You can take off your shoes if you like. Get as comfortable as you want.” Giving you another smile before turning back to his food. You reached down after setting down your last tray of food and pulled off your heels setting them at the end of the couch on your left and accepting the drink he’d slid closer to you.
“Hope you don’t mind, the store only had the off brand 7up.”
“No it’s good, thank you.” Sliding it to your side of the table as he opened his and took a drink as his eyes slid over you again making his smile grow as he set it back down.
“I’m happy I’m not the only one that gets a whole bag of food just for myself.”
You turned giving him a smile as you fought back a giggle, “Oh this is just what I eat in front of people, I tend to scare people when I order the full three bags.”
“Well you can be sure that I won’t be scared off by your appetite.” You both turned back to the movie as you dig into your food, as a commercial started he eyed you as you lifted an egg roll with your chopsticks, “You order there often?”
“Once a week at least, usually after long shifts, I would order then meet Kyle when I got home.”
“Ahh so that’s when it started then, have you told him you’re moving?”
“No, he’ll be starting at college soon, Besides he’s barely 16, not going to happen.” He eyed your face curiously, and you let out a giggling “What?”
He let out a quick chuckle “You can’t be in your 30s.”
You smirked up at him, “24 in January. I was 16 when I got into medical school.” Earning an impressed nod.
“What’s he studying?”
“Don’t worry I don’t think he’ll talk to the people downstairs.”
“No, why would he admit the girl he liked was upstairs with some celebrity.” Giving you another smirk as he took another bite making you roll your eyes as you grabbed another piece of beef to eat. “Do you cook often?”
You chewed and swallowed before answering him with your hand in front of your mouth, “Try to, when I have time. You?”
He nodded, “All the time when I’m home. I have a place out in California, try to eat out only when I’m in hotels. Maybe I can cook for you sometime when I come to visit.”
You smiled at him in return, “Sounds good. You get to try mine as well, I do pretty much all my own cooking.”
“Really, I’d imagined with a massive Family Home with dozens of empty rooms you’d have a fleet of servants.”
You let out a quick giggle, “That’s the main house, My Grandfather lives there when he’s in town, I live in one of the smaller houses on the property closer to the stables and animals, even in the main house we only have a few workers. It’s a bit strange to be waited on constantly, his Father had dozens of workers though, but his kids preferred to take care of it on their own, sort of our new family tradition.”
“Sounds much more comfortable now, I’ve been trying to imagine what type of place I’d be staying in. And if I’d need to dress for dinner each night since I’d be staying with a Duke and a Lady.”
You giggled again, “As long as you’re wearing pants you’re dressed for dinner, or a kilt if you’d prefer. But if you’d rather stay in the main house you could.”
“No, I’d rather stay with you, help out some with whatever you needed.”
“Your family ok with the trip?”
“I mentioned it, they’re just excited for pictures, and getting ready to take care of my dogs while I’m gone.”
“You could bring them if you wanted, tons of room.”
“Really? That would be great, usually I have to leave them behind when I travel.”
“I’ll get you a list of shots they’ll need, as long as they’re not the kind to just bolt off should be fine.”
His smile grew again as he looked down at you with a sparkle in his eyes, “Thank you really, I know they’ll love it as well. Probably even refuse to leave after.”
“I’m sure they will, There’s miles for them to run and explore, why would they want to.”
You both finished what you could eat and placed the rest in his fridge for later, settling into the couch again, you curled your legs against you on the cushion as Lee sat next to you with his arm against yours, glancing at you with another smile, “Cold?”
Before you could answer he’d grabbed a thick blanket he’d brought with him from his bed, settling down against your side again as he spread it out over your laps, making sure to pull it close around you, “Better?”
You answered with a nod making him smile and relax against your side again as he laid his hands across the blanket around his middle.
Sometime through the next movie he’d snaked his arm around your back allowing you to lean more against his chest, as the next movie had ended you had fallen asleep against him making his smile grow as he curled his arms around you.
Several hours later he’d woken up on his back on the couch with you laying across his chest using it as his pillow with your arms around his sides, your phone vibrating against his thigh made him wake up. Gently trying to pull it out without waking you, managing to get it out as it stopped and laying it on the table behind his head before pulling the blanket back up around you both as he curled his arms around your back again as he slipped back into sleep. A few hours later you heard your phone buzzing against the table again, you reached down to your now empty pocket feeling him shifting under you as he heard it too, lifting your head as his arm went to grab it as you looked around for it. You grabbed it out of his hand with a sleepy, “Thank you.” Squinting as the bright light hit your eyes seeing a missed call from Collin and Steve. You dialed Steve back and lifted the phone to your ear as you saw Lee lay his head back down and felt him wrap his arm around you again.
Steve, “Miss Pear, where are you? I went past your room and it was empty. Sorry I must have passed out on the couch.”
“I went to visit Lee, fell asleep on his couch, I’ll be fine here, just get some more sleep I’ll be back in the morning sometime.”
Steve, “Alright, if you’re sure. Just call me if you need a ride home, doesn’t matter what time.”
“Sure thing Steve, I will remember that. Night.”
Steve, “Good night Lady Pear.”
You hung up and set the phone on the coffee table on your left before curling up on his chest again letting out a soft grumble. He let out a quiet chuckle making you bounce, as he pulled the blanket up higher on your shoulders again, “He finally noticed you were gone?”
He slid his arms tighter around you, “Well you can stay as long as you like, don’t have to fly till 6pm.”
“Wouldn’t want to take up your last day.” With a yawn escaping from you after.
He chuckled again, “Don’t have anything else planned, I’d rather spend it with you.”
You’d slipped back into sleep again feeling him chuckle again as he held you tighter and gently kissed your forehead before drifting off again himself.
A loud knock forced another grumble from you both making him grip you tighter as he turned you both towards the back of the couch and curled you into his chest sliding his leg through yours as you laid your head on his arm and he pulled the covers back over you both. The next knock followed by a set of voices all calling for Lee before his phone on the table above his head started to ring, he let out a grunt as he reached for it and answered it. “I’m sleeping.”
You could hear the muffled laughter on the other side of the door.
“I’m trying to.” More muffled talking. “I’m not getting up.” Another round of laughter as one of the voices kept speaking. “If I was alone I might.” Three muffled “What?!” Was heard through the door and quietly through the phone as he pulled it away from his ear, gently pulling it back to his ear saying, “I’ll see you at the airport tonight.” Before hanging up and laying his phone back down and hearing their muffled conversation heading away from the door as he curled around you again.
A few hours later there was another loud knock with another round of shouts for Lee, you let out a giggle as he grumbled again and rolled into his back rubbing his face as you said, “I don’t think they’re gonna leave you alone.”
He glanced at you quickly with a sleepy smile, “Mind if I let them in?”
“It’s your room.”
He raised his eyebrow, “Which you happen to be relaxing in, I can send them away again if you want.”
“I’m fine with it, let them in if you want.”
He nodded and gave your cheek a quick peck before he slowly sat up and climbed off of the couch, running his hand through his hair as he straightened his clothes and slowly made his way to the door. He unlocked the door as another knock sounded against it and stood leaning against the door frame as he opened the door only wide enough for them to see him.
Graham, “So where’s this company of yours?”
“She’s on the couch.”
Dean, “Well if you weren’t in bed why didn’t you let us in earlier?”
“We were still sleeping up until a few minutes ago.”
Aiden, “Sure, so do we get to meet her?”
Graham, “Oh come on now we’re not going to scare her off, just want to see who this Mystery Woman is.” As he brushed past Lee and headed through the door as Dean and Aiden followed. The three of them pausing as they saw you sitting against the arm of the couch brushing your hair back and giving the three of them a small wave as Martin came into view in the doorway saying, “Sorry I’m late, some kids in the elevator cornered me.” He slipped inside as the three turned to look back at Lee with slight glared, his eyes stopped on you and shot back to Lee as he quietly said, “Lee you didn’t.”
Lee gently closed the door and locked it again as he said, “We watched a movie, she fell asleep. She’s had a hard week.”
Graham grabbed his arm as he tried to pass, dropping his voice to a whisper, “She’s still with him, doesn’t matter how hard a week she’s had.”
They all turned as you said, “Richard actually broke up with me yesterday. If you can even say that we were dating at all.”
Dean, “He broke up with you?”
You nodded, “Yup. Flew back to England last night.”
Aiden, “So that’s why you came over here?”
“No, Lee asked if I wanted to watch a movie or something.”
Graham, “If he broke it off yesterday how’s that a hard week?”
“I got fired a few days ago, the morning of the movie premier, and my Uncle got in a car accident a few days before that, the same day my car was totaled as I was sleeping.”
Martin, “Wow...You sounds like you need a drink after a week like that.” Glances around, “You guys weren’t drinking?”
Lee sat back down beside you leaning back into the couch lazily, “No, just ordered take out.”
They chose their seats in the chairs around you and awkwardly glanced over at you.
Graham, “So Rich really just brought you out for parties and premiers?”
“Ya, mainly when his ex was there, then I’d be free to do as I pleased.”
Graham, “And you both planned that he would just take off leaving you alone for the rest of the night?”
“That was something I figured out on my own. The first time I thought it was just work, he got called into an interview and just kept getting called to other people, the next time he just left, so I asked my roommate Steve if he’d park nearby. Didn’t hear from Rich for a few days after that, thought he’d at least notice that I wasn’t there eventually, but I figured out he was with her every time so I was just there to make her mad.”
Dean, “And you were alright with that?”
“We only went out a few times, every few months he’d just show up with flowers or something. Nothing really serious, I got to meet a few people I’d not been able to otherwise. So not all bad I suppose.”
Aiden, “And he dumped you? I don’t get that…Why would anyone dump you?…”
“He’s going to be in England for two years filming. Long distance wouldn’t work for him I suppose.”
Graham, “And you haven’t talked to him since? What I don’t get is why he’d tell us you were inseparable but have this arrangement with you..”
“Not a very flattering image for his friends to see I suppose. We’ve talked about it though, he said he’s going to try and be a better friend to me. Though I think dinner with Lee during the premier sort of pushed his button a bit hard.”
Aiden smirked as he glanced at Lee who was still smiling as he watched you since he sat down, “Oh so now he wants to be friends, when he sees someone else swooping in.”
Lee glanced over at him, “I am not swooping, we..”
Graham, “Watched a movie, we know, and where exactly did you sleep last night? I know you didn’t just leave her out here on the couch and take the bed yourself.” Raising an eyebrow as he shot him a smirk.
You muffled a giggle as you covered your mouth while watching Lee roll his eyes refusing to answer, “It really wasn’t his fault, I sort of latch on when I fall asleep, no real escaping then.”
Dean, “Oh don’t worry, we’re just giving him a hard time.”
Aiden, “Oh ya, after all the grief he gave Rich it’s no shock that he’d make sure you were happy and taken care of if you spent time with him.”
Graham, “Leaving the premier is proof enough he’d make sure you were well protected.”
Martin, “I still don’t get how he managed to rent out the best restaurant in town.”
You giggled again, “He didn’t, I own half of it, my cousin owns the other half and is a chef there, he invited me over after the premier to try out some new menu items, I invited Lee along when he followed me.”
Their mouths dropped open as Lee let out a chuckle at their reactions as Martin said, “You own it?”
Dean, “So are you like a chef or something?”
“No, I’m a vet.”
Aiden, “The kittens and puppies type of vet?”
“I also work with livestock as well.”
Graham, “Really.”
After a series of questions about you and your life, Lee was leaning against your arm relaxing at your closeness as you bonded with his friends, eventually watching a show that Dean had heard about and hanging out until they had to pack for their flights home that night.
Pt 6
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