#headcannons galore!
currently-tired · 4 months
Tgs, but Jekyll doesn’t know he’s Hyde
Aka Jekyll is a alchemical blackout drunk.
Based off of this post; https://www.tumblr.com/ja9-animations/741619471611985920/tgs-but-all-the-lodgers-know-that-jekyll-and-hyde
“Are you sure I cannot meet Hyde?”
Lavender paled. “No, you can’t!” She burst out quickly, with wide open eyes.
Bird elbowed her sharply.
“Erm, ‘m sorry Jekyll, but you can’t. We don’t know when ‘ey show up, and-“ He began, but soon stalled, clearly unsure of what to say.
Archer picked up after him.
“They’re such a strange person. Trust me, you’ll know them if you see them. But we can’t make them appear on command.”
“Is he a sodomite? I’ve never heard of a singular person using they instead of he…” Jekyll asked softly, with a wrinkled brow.
Lavender stuttered over her response. Bird coughed, and Archer twitched nervously.
Jekyll’s eyes opened widely and he paled almost as white as a sheet; as if he never meant to say that comment aloud…
“That was profoundly impolite, and none of my business. I apologize.” Jekyll looked numb as he said these words. Same light voice as before when he had been asking about Hyde, but an uncharacteristically pinched expression on his face.
Unseen to the group of lodgers, his hands were fidgeting at his sides.
“And if he is?” Archer questioned, with a (unconvincing) impression of lightness on his face
A bitter smile instantly spread across Jekyll’s face. “As much as London’s high class officially has a problem with sodomites, I can assure you that to most, unofficially they do not…”
“Hypocrites!-” Henry hissed angrily, just quietly enough not to be heard.
Damned hypocrites who went to the [unofficial] sodomite’s bar, and fucked men just like the rest of them! It made them want to growl, and-
[How did he even know this?!- Jekyll hadn’t been to those sorts of places since university; he had seen gentlemen (in training) there, yes…
But not the ones that came to their mind. Hazy faces they he somehow recognized, memories distorted as if seeing them through a thickly frosted glass…
Jekyll packed the thoughts down to inspect later, in the quiet of their office. Preferably with a glass or three of wine…]
He continued out loud, in a louder voice.
“To me personally, it is not a problem at all. I don’t see the obsession over policing others, especially for things they cannot control. Alas, this is the society we exist in…” Henry said bitterly, trailing off with a deep frown.
Lavender gaped at him, absolutely shocked. (Henry didn’t notice, as he was too busy glaring a hole through the wood flooring…)
As soon as she recovered her composure, she began to speak.
“Okay then!…” Lavender replied quickly, trying to draw attention away from the topic.
She began talking about her newest studies into the void, and her ideas on its composition. Jekyll noticed the clear diversion, but followed along with it, distantly replying to her comments and ideas. [What was that mental slip of sorts earlier? It sounded like him. It was his own voice!- But somehow not… The thoughts were familiar; sourced from that deep seated anger he tried oh so desperately to suppress. But why were those memories so distant and hazy? How did he even have them in the first place?!-]
Archer then began to talk about his newest type of plant. A crawling vine that he said Hyde brought him from blackfog.
At the passing mention of Hyde, Bird stomped Archers foot loudly. Archer hissed in pain, and quickly moved on from the topic. (But not before flicking Bird back harshly, with his mechanical arm.)
At that point Jekyll had seen enough. Clearly whoever Hyde was, he was not going to find out from these lodgers. For whatever reason they were completely dead set on not telling him a single thing about Hyde!
The other lodgers were similar. The ones more skilled with social interaction brushed off his questions or changed topics skillfully. (It would’ve fooled most other people. But not Jekyll. That was Henry’s wheelhouse, and he recognized the exact same tactics that he himself used to deflect criticisms against the ‘mad’ scientists.)
The less experienced ones told him off more frankly, or refused the question.
Griffin flat out told him to fuck off. (Ouch! Especially since he was the one funding his experiments! Jekyll didn’t expect ass kissing from anyone, but a little bit of tact went a long way!…)
To make things even worse, Hastie was absolutely clueless, and no help at all. He told him rumors he had heard, but nothing else. (Which was something, he supposed. But Jekyll himself knew how greatly exaggerated rumors in that city were, based on what they said about him personally...)
The other person he’d usually ask, and trust to tell him the complete and utter truth was Rachel. She was less clueless; Henry knew that for sure… But she also refused to tell him a thing about Edward!
It was so unusual!-
Henry wanted to stay a little longer to try to pry just a bit more. He should know who was frequenting his own building, right?
But Jekyll knew he wouldn’t get anything voluntary. And accidental confessions were always full of annoyingly large holes that people usually never filled until they were ready to.
So Jekyll slipped away back to his office, citing the finances, with a small smile on his face. (Even if he was feeling anything but, the smile was always plastered on his face. It had to remain there, convincing and shiny…)
He slid into his chair, and instead of doing accounting, promptly drank down an entire glass of wine like a shot.
As he swirled around his second drink in his glass, he thought over what he knew about Edward Hyde.
Hyde was shorter than most people at the society, even Lavender. That would put him at around 4’9, perhaps shorter. Hyde had blonde hair with brown roots. They(?) fought viciously, and had a horrible reputation that made its way up to Lanyon in several ways somehow. (Friend of a friend’s cousin for one certain incident? Hell if Henry knew…)
They liked the color green, carried a cane that was rumored to have a long knife inside, and had a Scottish accent. (To what intensity, Henry did not know.)
And up until that day, that was all Henry knew.
His recently gained knowledge was that they [Henry did not understand that pronoun. Both its significance, and what it was even used for. But for whatever reason, Hyde was referred to by it...] were (was?) some sort of sodomite.
That was mildly unhelpful though.
The use of sodomite was broad enough to be classifying, but far too broad to really be helpful, which annoyed Henry.
The term sodomite could refer to the men who dressed up as women, the ‘men’ who were actually women, men who enjoyed the company of other men, those who engaged in bestiality, (Henry desperately hoped that Hyde did not engage in that…) and/or a million other things deemed evil or sinful by society.
Unmentionable things, that did not even deserve a term attached to them, other than the label of S. I. N…
And so, Henry was at a loss.
He was unhappy about his pitiful level of knowledge on the man who frequented the society. (He had labored far too hard, worked far too much for it all to be torn down by some unknown that he could never account for!) However, there wasn’t much he could do, barring searching London’s underworld himself. (And the ‘Good Doctor’ could not do that. Besides, even then he may not see Hyde after all...)
And so he resigned himself to filling out paperwork, wondering about that strange person in between scratches of his pen.
At the chime of nine in the night, Henry put down his pen, capped his ink, collected his papers into a neatly organized pile, and got up and stretched with a groan, stiff bones creaking.
He went into a certain cabinet, and pulled out a pre measured quantity of salt and a beaker.
Then combined a couple of substances together that formed into a noxious looking bright potion, calmly watching the viscous blue green solution swirl around the flask, and wispy smoke pouring off of it and into his face, as if it was perfectly normal.
And to Jekyll, he supposed it was.
Henry had been taking the serum for years, off and on throughout the week.
He never remembered what happened during or after they took it, except for an almost addictive deep seated contentment flowing through his veins and a peace he could find from nothing else flowing through him for hours after he came back in the morning.
The potion must’ve done something, especially with the great change it inspired in him during his darkest moments… Perhaps split off the evil? Maybe it had been separated from him entirely, or shoved off to the side to languish.
Perhaps he even vanquished it… [But why then, was he still sinful, and full of desires he knew he couldn’t have? Why did he still have a short temper, and an even sharper tongue that he had to choke down almost daily?]
Those things were not terribly good. But they were not terribly evil either.
And so, that led him to believe that he didn’t actually separate good from evil…
But whatever truly had happened, Jekyll did not know. (Or care enough to investigate, to be fully honest.)
It helped him suppress those pesky desires that plagued his mind like nothing else in his life had before. Not copious amounts of wine, or prayer and church, or hobbies he dumped after a week from sheer inability of effort, or self harm.
It kept him sane, and smiling perfectly, with a straight back and a distant but somehow still friendly posture that made young gentlemen weep.
And so, he kept drinking it, despite the total blackouts.
…A little bit of indulgence in the unknown would not damage him too much, right?
And so, without further pretense, Jekyll drank the bitter sulphorous solution, choking a bit. (He had never fully gotten used to the syrupy and somehow still liquid texture, even four years later…)
Within thirty seconds, like clockwork, they began to transform into… something else. [Exactly what it was, he had never found out…]
Bones began to move into different places, and crack open with a horrific sound. Other changes occurred, that he was too far gone to even attempt to understand what was happening. And like always, thankfully, after the pain became too great, Jekyll faded away.
And twenty minutes later Edward Hyde emerged from their own office, fully dressed.
Hyde snickered loudly at their own incompetence. Of course that potion didn’t split them into two entities! Good and evil were not distinct things! They were commingled in each man’s personality forever; from birth to death.
No fully evil entity existed. No fully good entity existed. (And it would always be that way, for all of eternity!)
However, Jekyll never remembered their second life as Hyde.
He didn’t know the revelations they’d had, both about the world, and about themself.
He didn’t know the way they laughed; freely and insanely for the first damn time in their entire life! Able to express all they were forced to repress.
He didn’t know their face.
Their absolute delight and wonder, every single time they ran a hand over their face, and felt facial hair! (Something that they were never lucky enough to find a potion to fix in the past...)
The all consuming joy that overcame him even from first look, when he realized that finally, the evil streak that they had felt inside of them their entire life shone through. Laughing wildly at those who shuddered at the sight of their face, as if subconsciously.
The way people stepped away, and were scared. Scared for once, instead of far too friendly and comfortable with someone who was practically a stranger. [“You have an honest face!” An old noblewoman at a party crooned, patting their head, after saying something far too revealing. Jekyll was briefly tempted to bite her hand. Scream at her to fuck off! Grab her hand firmly, and throw it off of his head.
But the smile stayed firmly on his face and he excused himself politely but firmly to go speak [bitch] to Hastie again. Others, who he revealed nothing to, did not trust, or did not like much, but had spoken to for months, revealed deeply intimate things to him, some practically sobbing on his shoulder.
(That damned earnest face!-)
Jekyll tried to comfort them. He disliked others being sad. He knew just how hard that hit, and how deeply it hurt.
But in the end, it just ended up being just another secret to lock away in his mind forever. One more thing to pack away, and try not to think about the next time he saw them…]
Henry didn’t know their unrelentless joy for an infinite amount of reasons. (The world was beautiful! The moon gleaming and hanging low in the sky, the smog framing the air like a gorgeous painting. The biting chill of the air stinging their reddened cheeks, and the freshness of it. Even the things he usually disliked took on a new tinge of enjoyment!)
The joy they felt at having the freedom to be and do what they wanted.
(Who gave a fuck about who or what they used to be? Who they decided to fuck? Everyone was far too busy with their own business and problems for that. It was a welcome change from bored busybodies who had nothing better to do than to gossip…)
That complete and utter anonymity they enjoyed at first, and a delightful infamy later that made them laugh, and laugh, and laugh!-
But what he did know, is that he had holes in his memory after he took the potion. He knew the way he felt contented in the morning.
(Not flooded with pleasure like he was as Hyde. More like the echoes of it. Filtered through layers of flesh and bone, long blonde hair returned to short brown, blue-green dripping tears, and whatever the mind was comprised of.)
The way he was just slightly sore; but in a pleasant way he delighted in, even without knowing the source.
And most importantly, the fact that his strict facade became easier to maintain. As if a small vent had been slit on something that was about to burst.
He reaped some of the benefits of the potion, without even knowing what it did.
He was like a blackout drunkard. Despite having no clue what happened, he returned to his vice night after night.
Edward Hyde was Henry Jekyll. (Through and through, with every single one of his memories and experiences belonging to them.)
But Henry Jekyll was somehow not Edward Hyde. (How could he be, with only the tiniest hint of their memories and experiences? Only the slightest peak from behind an iron mental curtain?…)
Hyde was Jekyll in the way a Phoenix was ashes. The pieces of what he used to be and was just hours ago, reborn again into something completely different. (Glorious to them. Perhaps more of an annoyance at best to others. Several slurs at worst. That made it even better! Jekyll tried to be the best person he could be. Tried to do right by everyone, in the best way that he could.
But after spending a whole day being frustrated, and suppressing violence even against the stupidest inconveniences, they adored inconveniencing others! Making them feel at least the tiniest bit as shit as he had, just hours earlier. [The fact that misery truly does love company, was something that Hyde had soon found out…])
And Jekyll? He was completely ignorant and unknowing. Occasionally, Hyde wondered if this all would’ve been easier if it wasn’t so…
[That (beloved? damned? incredible? painful?) potion flicked that invisible mental switch, that let all of the memories of their life as Hyde rush back to them. How? Why? Why not let them keep these memories as Jekyll? Why must he have been ignorant? Confused about their own actions, that he didn’t know were theirs?]
How much of a person’s identity relied on their memories?
[Jekyll and Hyde were effectively two entirely different people, despite living the exact same life at times. At most times, actually… How much did their memories, or the lack of them affect that?]
How much of Hyde’s identity was completely new, or something spurred by their new mindset but already there, and how much was old; some sort of leftovers from Jekyll?
How much of it was preexisting, but mutated drastically until it truly fit them?
Was it a combination of all? What about a-
Hyde stopped themself.
These were thoughts for being piss ass drunk, rambling to some faceless stranger, (Or more safely, and thus commonly a lodger if any of them were so inclined.)
Not thoughts for being sober…
And so, Hyde quickly did their rounds around the society.
Nothing was on fire so far.
All plants were under control, and certain labs were slightly cleaner than usual! What a pleasant surprise!
Griffin’s cat got loose again, and he was bitching about it. At a flat annoyed glare from Hyde, he shut up instantly, and said he’d find it.
“You’d better...” Hyde snapped annoyedly.
(That thing escaped practically every other day! And Edward was not particularly keen on it, especially after it clawed up both of their arms and bit them, leaving them bloody and pissed, pouring antiseptic down their arms..)
Doddle was asleep, but all of his materials were neatly put up; both flours and baking supplies, and chemicals and more alchemical components, neatly shelved from first look. Nothing smelt burnt when Hyde peaked their head through the doorframe, so they let it be and moved on.
Ito was requesting some more lab equipment. Hyde told her to write it down and slide it under their door.
Cantilupe was more than a little annoyed at surplus of invisible animals nosing around the society and getting into her and Lavender’s research and skeletons. The rodents in particular were a large issue, as they’d gnaw on anything even remotely close to the ground. Again, Hyde told her to write it down, making sure that she stressed the fact that the rats harmed her and Lavender’s research, and said they’d deal with it in the morning.
(…Maybe not them in particular, but Jekyll would.)
Hyde finished up their rounds, and paused to think…
Okay, Good! Everything was calm in the society! No situations, no questions, and no issues. That meant Hyde was free to leave, and get on with their night.
But before Hyde could slip out the back door of the society, they were tapped on the shoulder.
They spun around extra dramatically, and saw Archer, Bird, and Lavender gathered next to each other in a group, looking nervous. They talked to each other quietly, nodding, or shaking their heads.
Oh come on!
Hyde didn’t do any of that ‘waiting around for people to be ready’ bullshit! They had better things to be doing than standing there, still and waiting!-
“Spit it out.” Hyde snapped more than said at them shortly, with a hiss. An externally bored expression, with a tapping foot.
(Internally, their panic mounted. They looked so stressed! Oh God, they hoped something didn’t happen! Everything had been so calm and good just five minutes prior!)
Archer poked Bird and said something quietly to him that Edward couldn’t hear. Finally, Bird groaned loudly, but spoke.
“Jekyll ‘as asking about ya again.” Bird said, with an awkward sort of shift to his body.
Hyde’s panic deflated instantly, with a relieved outtake of breath.
Then after a moment, they rolled their eyes. Was that seriously all?! They were so stressed about that tiny little thing? (To be fully honest, it didn’t concern them at all...)
Jekyll didn’t remember or know Hyde, so he was a completely unknown variable. And as Jekyll, they did not like anything to be unknown. (Hyde understood it, they supposed. Unknown things could lead to disaster, and in their past they had frequently. But as Hyde, they had taken to enjoying those surprises. Something unknown meant an opportunity to work out a new strategy on the spot, which was always entertaining, even if they lost and got their teeth kicked in. They took it as an opportunity to innovate, and be clever. Hyde took it as fun, not a chore.
Unlike Jekyll, they did not view it as random error, or an unexpected variable they couldn’t control in an experiment, to exaggerate his thinking…)
They remembered asking that question a couple hours before well enough. The flood of confusion in their (his, at that moment) mind.
He was stressed about the unknown man that all the lodgers consistently lied to him about so staunchly, refusing to give up even singular crumbs.
Well, Hyde was touched by the concern and dedication the lodgers had for them! The loyalty!
…But they had to admit they were getting tired of this all.
Hyde was just about to write a letter to himself! This was getting too far out of hand!… [Why the fuck were they (was he?) so stressed about themself? Henry’s stress was their stress! And that same stress he felt at that time affected them when they were like this too!]
(It hurt Edward’s head when they thought about it for too long...)
So maybe it was time to switch up their strategy. The old one of asking the lodgers not to tell Jekyll about his second life he didn’t know about in the hopes of getting himself to keep taking the potion without any hesitation was getting headache inducing.
(And Edward was getting sick and tired of additional headaches…)
“I see. And what’d he say?” They asked, acting as if they did not remember a thing.
…Hyde may have ‘forgotten’ to discourage and maybe even mildly perpetuated a perhaps… ‘Morally incorrect’ idea about the nature of their relationship with Jekyll to the lodgers…
[It was for a decent reason, they swore!..]
The lodgers all had these preconceived notions about what Hyde was to Jekyll. That they were the ghost lurking in the back of Jekyll’s saintly [HA!-] mind.
Some sort of demon that had stalked Jekyll for his entire life, finally let loose with chemical interference. (Correct general idea… It was wildly off track though.)
Hyde thought these assumptions were mostly because they couldn’t believe that Jekyll would ever act this way by himself. (Or, of his own accord.) Because he was a gentleman, cream of the crop. Elegant, and perfect. Not sinful, or sexual, or perverse in any way at all… [Well, if only they knew!]
Edward never corrected them. That assumption was incredibly helpful to both of their lives.
They didn’t have to spend hours trying to verbalize, and then explain the subtleties of their relationship with themself.
This also meant that they viewed Edward and Henry separately, treating them entirely differently. (Which was good. They would have a heart attack as Henry if all the lodgers shifted from their previously static and predictable behavior, to a close friendly relationship. [Something that he did not remember forming.] That wild shift would make him paranoid, and them even more stressed.)
And they were already stressed enough in both states of mind.
…And did they really deserve the truth anyway?
Hyde hadn’t even meant to reveal themself!
Ito had cracked the door open with a gentle knock one night, to ask for advice with a reaction involving the feathers of a Phoenix.
Having the door open unexpectedly let their pained mid transformation screams escape into the society; shrill and warping wildly from the ongoing change from Jekyll’s deep vocal cords to Hyde’s high, almost whiny voice.
The soundproofing in their office had became entirely useless, with that one simple action.
[FUCK! He should’ve remembered to lock the damned door! He screamed at themself afterwards, as soon as they gained awareness.]
The entire society (barring Rachel, who was visiting her brother) ran up to the room. [To watch what had happened and take notes? To help? Hyde did not know.] But whatever reason they had came for, the result was the same. They all witnessed the tail end of their transformation.
Hyde shook on the ground, and panted with the aftershocks of the transformation; unwanted thoughts that stressed them screaming in their ear at the buzzing of unexpected voices, and the air from the wide open door hitting their scalp.
[They shouldn’t be here. I’m damned. They’ll report me for insanity. The asylum. Bethlam! I’ll rot. Never see the moon, the rising of the sun. They’ll kill me. Never drink another glass of wine. Get railed again. I won’t survive. Ever see Lanyon again. Kiss his face. Beg him for forgiveness for my uncaring facade.
I’ll die alone and presumed insane!- I’ll be remembered for something I’m not! My grave will not be my own! Who will take care of Zosi? I’ll be tortured for hours on end, in the name of ‘medicine.’ I’ll die!-
They went on and on and on, in a hysterical loop, as they shook on the ground.]
As they were breaking down, Ito told them all what she had just seen, with a shaking wavering voice, and a shocked hunch to her posture.
Hyde heard her and paled, staring ahead with wide open eyes that were swirling that same green-blue color as that godforsaken potion, and a wild pant, heart racing so hard it felt like they had just ran an entire marathon, at the calls of their usual name, and not the name of the body they were currently inhabiting.
And slowly, with over a dozen stares aimed at them that felt weightier than a massive boulder on each shoulder, they began a bare bones explanation with a shaking voice and fully Scottish accent.
(So truly, it was entirely their faults for intruding in their office! They did NOT want that revealed! Jekyll had the right to lie to them!)
Bird answered, much calmer at Hyde’s uncaring reaction. (Completely unaware of their inner turmoil. Perhaps they were still good at hiding it…)
“He asked if you were a sodomite.” He replied.
Hyde’s eyes snapped to his face, pretending to have been paying rapt attention the entire time.
“I see. Then what?” Hyde asked back, with a slight tilt of their head.
“He said he supported sodomy, in a roundabout way.” Lavender chimed in.
“I never would’ve pegged him to be that sort of person.” She frowned in thought, humming quietly.
(Well, he certainly was…)
“Well, I’m sure Jekyll subscribes to the art of desiring both men and women” Hyde ventured, commenting lightly.
Archer laughed out loudly!
“Jekyll can’t be bent! He’s so gentlemanly and regal!“ He said incredulously, choking on laughter as he spoke
Hyde cackled out loud.
They intimately knew how that meant dogshit! Some of the most celebrated men (some even holy!) frequented the exact same bars they did, to find other ‘bent’ people.
They had even fucked a couple of them, when they were bored enough and curious. They were far too normal to hold Hyde’s interest for long, however, so they soon left them alone to their daily dose of sin.
Still, Hyde catalogued this quietly in the back of their mind.
“You’d be surprised.” They murmured, staring straight ahead at the wall, spacing out a little bit. (Sometimes they wished being gentlemanly really did mean they were normal! It would’ve made their entire life so much easier!..)
Hyde soon snapped out of it at Bird’s awkward cough.
“Anything else you’d like from me? Leader duties, or otherwise.” Edward offered, fingers drumming against their thigh.
“No.” They all replied, practically at the same time, with a shake of her head (Lavender) a tilted head (Archer) and a blink (Bird).
Satisfied with these responses, Hyde made a slight movement towards the door, telegraphing it to be as obvious as possible.
An easy non verbal way of saying they were getting tired of talking. Time was ticking, and night was bleeding away! They didn’t have forever!
At this, Archer promptly stepped forward with a friendly grin and offered a handshake that Edward took immediately, shaking his hand firmly and wildly, arm swinging. They smiled widely as Archer shook back forcefully, pushing their smaller frame around.
This turned into a friendly hug. Hyde laughed joyfully from inside of his arms, and squeezed him tightly.
Archer took a step back.
“I may meet you later, depending on how this experiment goes.” He said with that same happy smile.
(Hyde liked Archer. A nice friend, who was fun to go drinking with.)
“This the one with those magic vines I got you?”
Archer nodded.
“That’s fine.” Hyde replied lightly.
“Ask around when or if you’re ready. I’m sure you’ll find where I’ve gone...” They said, with a slightly sinister laugh, full of joy.
(Christ, they loved being Hyde.)
Archer nodded and rushed away as quickly as possible, with stumbling feet, presumably to prevent the plant from growing all over the lab. (The vendor did say it had a bad tendency to grow uncontrollably after it had been watered sufficiently.)
What a shame. Their room actually looked organized, for once. (Mostly clean floors, that weren’t flooded with clock pieces, dirt, and leaves!)
To Lavender and Bird, Hyde bowed deeply and thanked them for their concern. They told them that they didn’t mind Jekyll knowing more about them anymore, and asked them to please inform the others of that shift in preference.
[This could either go really well- acclimating Jekyll to the idea of Hyde, and eventually the truth, or horribly- make Jekyll hate themself. Only time would tell, they supposed…]
Lavender and Bird nodded, and went back to whatever it was they were doing before they came to speak with Hyde, walking away.
How would Jekyll react to that idea? Knowing all they knew at that point in time, they couldn’t really judge his own reaction properly. Would he-
Oh! Forget about it!-
That was a worry for tomorrow. (Or whatever night this frame of mind was released on next.) They had things they preferred to do tonight.
So finally, they slipped outside with a smile so wide that it hurt their face, and a folk song from their childhood on their tongue, that they whistled gleefully.
How could they be stressed? Worried or sad? The world was gorgeous! The people, and the things inside of it were too!
And at that very moment in time they were Edward Hyde! Free, and unrestrained!
How could they be depressed, with pleasure singing through their thoughts and mind, and an infinite pulse of energy just underneath their skin?
With the moon shining above them, delicately floating lanterns gleaming, and the smell of rain in the air, how could negativity overwhelm them?
How could they be anything but overjoyed when London, with all its good and evil, wrong and right, moral and immoral awaited them with the widest of open arms!
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lookismfanfics · 1 year
Thank you all for the support! I’ll do my best 🫡
𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐.
Warnings: Fluff, jealousy, mild cursing, J*mes L**, DG spoilers
Zack • Johan • Gun • Goo • James L. • Kouji • Vin • Samuel
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🝮 One thing you’ve learned about teenage boys since you began dating one, is that the combination of tiredness and trust is a deadly one.
🝮 You watched Zack train today. He called you to his gym, showed off, and wore himself out.
🝮 So now that you’re home, you can see his displays of fatigue more clearly.
🝮 He becomes a puppy 😩
🝮 Maybe a grumpy puppy. But his eyes are soft and warm like a protective guard dog.
🝮 You help him out of his jacket and shoes- seeing as his hands are still sore.
🝮 The cold weather has its effects- even on your moron of a boyfriend.
🝮 You push his flopping bangs out of his hair, rubbing extra lotion onto his cracking hands.
🝮 The motion of your hands rubbing against his makes his eyelids droop.
🝮 You both fall onto the couch a few minutes later.
🝮 It doesn’t take long for you to see that Zack is on the brink of falling asleep.
🝮 “Come here,” you say as you open your arms to him.
🝮 Zack’s eyes, dark and soulful, don’t betray the doubt he feels. He hesitates.
🝮 “How come?”
🝮 You shrug- ignoring the sheepishness you feel crawling at your insides.
🝮 He looks at you full of trust, like this is secretly what he wanted the whole time, and all you can do is nod understandingly. You already know.
🝮 The thing about trust is that Zack has put all of his in you, and when he’s tired, he trusts you to tend to him in his vulnerability 🤲
🝮 Soon enough Zack is leaning onto your shoulder, breathing heavily against the fabric of your hoodie.
🝮 And gradually the two of you shift, and he relaxes his cheeks into your chest.
🝮 You play with his hair— trying desperately to stay cool while he drifts off to sleep.
🝮 I’m not gonna lie to you, sometimes he drools in his sleep, so watch out
🝮 You were the one that initiated it- sort of. In the morning he wants to pay you back. 🫣
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🝮 You’re sitting on your armchair.
🝮 And Johan is sitting across the room.
🝮 Your hands rub gently between Eden’s perky ears, spurring on his excited tail wags and tip-tappy paws.
🝮 With Eden sitting in between your feet, Miro has no choice but to jump by your legs and wag her tail.
🝮 And as you smile, whispering sweet pet-names to the dogs, Johan frowns.
🝮 “They’re not usually this excited—” You laugh, looking up to Johan
🝮 Johan: 👺
🝮 You shift in your seat, releasing the fluffy ears of Eden and directing your attention at his owner.
🝮 “Is something wrong…?” You get the feeling like it’s something stupid, but to Johan it probably won’t be.
🝮 The corners of his mouth continue to perk downward, his brows furrowing gently.
🝮 Then he stands, walking towards you, kneeling down in front of you.
🝮 You’re on the edge of your seat, staring at him blankly. Waiting for him to explain.
🝮 And then, with his dark eyes still holding your gaze, Johan leans forward and rests his cheek against your chest.
🝮 🫠🫠🫠
🝮 “Johan…?” You suppress a chuckle, watching silently as he leans further into you, wrapping his arms around your middle.
🝮 The two of you gradually relax into the arm chair. He ends up straddling your lap a bit, head still firmly placed in your chest.
🝮 You listen quietly as he falls asleep, his breaths becoming heavier and evening out.
🝮 You stroke the bangs away from his eyes, pressing your lips against his forehead as she slumbers. Soon enough you fall asleep too.
🝮 Sweet bbb. A little jealous…?
🝮 He didn’t initiate it. You didn’t either. It was Eden 🫵
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🝮 He’s leaning forward on the edge of the couch, head sagging as he inwardly relays his day.
🝮 Your legs are wrapped around his hips, fingers pressing into his taut muscles.
🝮 “You look tired,” you mumble against the fabric of his shirt.
🝮 Jonggeon has just returned from a long day at work. His muscles are tight and sore, his hair begs to be played with after being styled for so long, his eyes are glazed and unfocused.
🝮 “You think I’m tired…? I don’t get tired.” You can hear the smirk even if you don’t see it, and you press harder into his shoulder blade.
🝮 He doesn’t flinch but he does shut up.
🝮 Your hands move to the sides of his face, cupping his porcelain cheeks that you know are secretly pudgy.
🝮 You use your fingers to stoke at the sides of his face, closing your eyes are you press against his muscular back.
🝮 “Aren’t you using that technique to help babies fall asleep?” Gun asks, turning his head towards you.
🝮 “So what if I am? Maybe that’s how I think of you…” you smile against his back, prodding his cheeks to further your teasing
🝮 He huffs indignantly, turning back to the front.
🝮 The room is cluttered- as a man’s flat should be. Except Gun’s place is usually neat- so it makes sense that the two of you are house sitting for Goo.
🝮 You feel Gun’s body getting warmer and his head sagging forward.
🝮 Gun is hot 99.9% of the time. That 1% is when he turns into a lap potato 🥔
🝮 You retract your hands away from his face, pull your legs out from his sides
🝮 “You should get some sleep,” you murmur, standing and planting a kiss on the crown of his head.
🝮 Gun grabs your wrist, “Where’re you going?” And you’re about to reply—
🝮 Wait a minute 😃 ☝️
🝮 You’re not standing anymore. You’re lying down?
🝮 Gun hovers above you, arms encasing you on either side.
🝮 You: 🐭
🝮 He can sense your embarrassment, even if you stubbornly refuse to show it. A smile appears on his face as he lowers onto your chest.
🝮 *Alarms go off in your head*
🝮 “Gun- get off-!” You try shoving this hunk away. It’s not working.
🝮 You close your eyes, willing yourself to calm down. You feel Gun’s eyelashes fluttering against your chest as he stares up at you.
🝮 His arms are still holding you to him. He’s still in control. He’s still on the verge of falling asleep-
🝮 You hear his breaths even out. You release a sigh you didn’t know you were holding in.
🝮 Now that Gun is asleep on your chest, you’re free to admire whatever part of him you can get a glimpse of. 👀
🝮 He initiated it. He knew exactly what he was doing. If he’s gonna be vulnerable he’s taking you down with him.
How did this one get so freaking long—?
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🝮 Goofy starts reading the trophy encased in his large gloved hands, voice reaching peak emotion. And as his son Max nods to his words, the sunset cascading shades of orange and pink in the background, pride radiates from the—
🝮 “Achoo-!” a very forced sneeze.
🝮 “Goo you idiot-!” You wail, turning to him with a scowl on your face.
🝮 “Excuse me-? And anyway this movie is boring! Let’s watch something else!”
🝮 Your frown deepens and you smack his hand away from the TV Remote. If you have any say, you two are going to finish An Extremely Goofy Movie.
🝮 But beside you, your goofy- Goo- is pouting like a baby.
🝮 As the movie continues you watch him in silence through the corner of your eye. You watch him stifle a yawn. Rub his eyes with his busted hands. Mumble about his sore neck.
🝮 You frown. It’s easy to recognize that his boredom has made him tired.
🝮 At first you just ignore him and let him be… at least until the end credits start rolling on the screen.
🝮 Your heart flutters as Goo reaches out for your thigh, crawling over you and resting his head on your legs.
🝮 You laugh, staring at the obnoxious expression on his face, “What if I was tired? How am I supposed to fall asleep?”
🝮 He lets out a gasp and frowns, stroking your arm lazily with his finger.
🝮 His expression remains the same… (° v °)
🝮 “How abo-o-u-ut… we b-o-t-h lay down, huh?” He asks slowly, dragging out the syllables
🝮 “Lemme turn on another movie first-” you mutter, leaning across his lean form to grab the remote. Beneath you Goo squirms.
🝮 Your finger barely presses the button before he snatches the remote out of your hands.
🝮 “Kim-!” You hiss irritably.
🝮 He ignores you (of course) and knocks you beside him on the couch.
🝮 “Shh, I got a good movie in mind-!”
🝮 Goo is laying with his back against the couch, surprisingly muscular arms wrapped around your waist.
🝮 You both face the TV screen; your head rests on a decorative pillow; his head lays on your chest.
🝮 By now you’re used to cuddling. Even if you’re not the biggest fan, Goo certainly is.
🝮 So when Newt dies and you’re the only one crying, you have to pause The Death Cure to glare at the man resting on your boobs.
🝮 Goo is sound asleep, rhythmic breaths ruffling your shirt. He looks calm for once.
🝮 Goo: 😴
🝮 You: 👺
🝮 He initiated it— and in return for falling asleep was banned from kissing you for the day.
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𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐞
🝮 Today has been a long… long day.
🝮 You heard about the increased vocal training James had been undertaking…. And a little birdie also noted that he was more than good
🝮 You weren’t sure what to expect, really.
🝮 When you arrived at his newly furnished flat, you found him staring at the fish tank.
🝮 His hair looked neater. His eyes looked dull.
🝮 He looked incredibly tired, incredibly handsome, and made you feel incredibly unhappy.
🝮 “Hey Ja— Diego. What’s with the soft boy look?” You try quietly, smiling as you lug the groceries into the kitchen.
🝮 He remained stationary at the fish tank, shoving his hands into his pockets.
🝮 You: 🧍
🝮 He shrugged his shoulders, turning his angular face towards you lazily, “It’s my new face. If you got a problem with it then too bad.”
🝮 You shake your head slowly, releasing a heavy sigh.
🝮 You knew this transition would be… hard.
🝮 Especially now that your boyfriend was realizing just how much he would have to change to fit into his new persona.
🝮 And even if he agreed to it and claimed it was for the best, you couldn’t help but feel a little irritated.
🝮 What happened to that wolffish boy? The legend of the first generation? The boy who had winked at you when he had just pummeled your would-be-assaulters as though they were nothing but animals
🝮 James Lee was being restrained. Limited in this new form of himself- Diego. A K-Pop idol.
🝮 That’s not to say he didn’t look handsome, or still act like his charming self. He did. But his previous ferocity was extinguished… and it was leaving him feeling empty.
🝮 “You look nice,” you say, opening the fridge with the milk carton in hand. “It’s just different.”
🝮 “This was supposed to make me look hotter. Do I not look hot to you?”
🝮 You try to hide your smile. That’s a trick that won’t work on you. Whatever he’s doing will not seduce you.
🝮 You turn. And sure enough there he is.
🝮 Yeah. He does look hot. With his gently molded muscles flexing as he leans onto the kitchen counter, bangs curtaining his aristocratic face.
🝮 You thought James was handsome before. But this sealed the deal.
🝮 “Uh huh, whatever you say DG,” You turn away with a smirk. “Looks like someone needs a nap though~”
🝮 In the reflection of the shiny new stove you can make out his hand reaching for his eyes, rubbing tenderly beneath them on his dark circles.
🝮 “It looks that obvious?” “Only to me, babe.”
🝮 You walk over to the large, luxurious couch. You’re still getting used to being around all this fancy furniture.
🝮 The black leather sinks into your weight as you sprawl across the length of the couch, resting your back against the arm.
🝮 James trails behind you, laying next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
🝮 “Nuh uh…” you adjust, shoving him down. “None of that alpha male crap or whatever. Go to sleep.”
🝮 DG rests his head on your chest, looking up at you with watchful, dark eyes.
🝮 You play with his tufts of tamed pastel hair, smiling as he relaxes into your touch.
🝮 This is the result of years of trust stacking up. This is the result of James humbling himself and admitting he had caught feelings. You weren’t just another string attached to the whole conquering sham. You were his (Y/N).
🝮 His eyelids fluttered shut, long eyelashes resting against his soft pale cheeks. His breathing evened out, and James was officially asleep.
🝮 You smiled, leaning your head back onto the pillow. He was still just James.
🝮 You initiated it… but this wasn’t the first time.
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🝮 You never expected it to be such a mess.
🝮 Sure, you weren’t envisioning a neat, Candy-wrapper free environment that mirrored a magazine master bedroom, but still…
🝮 “Kouji… how can you live like this?”
🝮 You catch a glimpse of his cheeks flaring red.
🝮 “It’s not that messy. Don’t complain if I’m gonna be doing the actual job, otherwise I won’t do it.”
🝮 You nod to yourself, watching him flop onto his bed with his laptop.
🝮 He vaguely gestured for you to sit down, and you do so.
🝮 And then for the next hour or so, all you do is watch his purple head bounce up and down as he works his computer magic.
🝮 You: 😶
🝮 Kouji: 😪
🝮 By now the two of you have your backs to the wall. You’re actually leaning against it.
🝮 You watch wordlessly as his body slowly reclines backwards. His hands rub at his eyes more frequently.
🝮 His usual factual mutterings turn into nothing but incomprehensible gibberish
🝮 Those pudgy, mochi cheeks that drive you crazy are finally resting against your shoulder.
🝮 You try not to smirk— seeing as the arrogant genius is now out-of-his-wits and asleep on your shoulder.
🝮 And then as the two of you slide downwards, you begin to relax. After all, you and him have gotten pretty close-
🝮 Those baby-pudge cheeks make you want to melt.
🝮 Especially now that they’re on your chest—
🝮 🚨 🚨 🚨
🝮 It was an accident. It was awkward. Maybe he banned you from his room? Or maybe it turned into a make-out session, who knows.
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𝐕𝐢𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐧
🝮 You don’t normally spend your weekends in his living room, surrounded by piles of snacks he doesn’t want to share.
🝮 Yet here you are.
🝮 Up until now, you and Vin haven’t hung out without Mary.
♕ Mary insisted she was sick today. And couldn't make it. 🙄
🝮 It was a load of bull. But whatever.
🝮 “Well what am I supposed to eat?” you snap.
🝮 He ignores you, but you continue: “You’re taking all the good snacks bro. I can’t survive on the crumbs- I’m growing to—”
🝮 Another obnoxious crunch.
🝮 Vin pulls his hand out of the bag, extending one measly puffy Cheeto.
🝮 “Here. Now shut up so I can focus.”
🝮 “Focus on what? Growing your overinflated ego? Just give me an actual snack.”
🝮 He has an entire hoard of chip bags surrounding him- as well as some pocky sticks and instant ramen that you know he’s hiding from you.
🝮 Vin looks up in your direction, his expression one of clear irritation.
🝮 “You aren’t even trying to write your song!” He grumbles, crunching on another Cheeto and crumbling up the now-empty bag.
🝮 You rub your temples, turning towards your music draft.
🝮 “I can’t focus with all your crunching. I need my own snack.”
🝮 “Why are you so hungry?” He asks, pencil scratching roughly on his paper.
🝮 You watch his side profile wordlessly. The seven-times-tinted sunglasses and swoop of bangs are sure to block his view…
🝮 You’re desperately hungry. Won’t someone give you something to eat~♫
🝮 You reach for the nearest back of Potato Chips, sliding the bag over to yourself as quietly as you can.
🝮 To your surprise; delight; shock; amazement; Vin doesn’t notice at all.
🝮 And then you try opening the bag-
🝮 “The hell?! You mother-“
🝮 Vin is grabbing your waist and you’re kicking at his abs.
🝮 “VinJin you jerk-!”
🝮 “(Y/N) you ass!”
🝮 “Potty-mouthed idiot-“ you roll on top of him, arms straining to hold out as you clasp hands with his larger ones.
🝮 “Snarky— perverted—” He grunts, his hands encasing yours as you two wrestle onto the couch
🝮 “You really fighting me, you coward?” You grit your teeth, kicking at his shins until he gives and falls onto the sofa.
🝮 You both pant, out of breath, until Vin flips on top of you-
🝮 “You started it!” He growls.
🝮 You refuse to look at him, especially now that you’re realizing he can be somewhat attractive…
🝮 His hands are still clasped firmly onto your own, and his brows are still knitted together angrily. “What? Are you mad at me for winning? Cmon, don’t ignore me… jeez you’re as annoying as Mary… (Y/N) come on—”
🝮 He’s about to flop his head into your chest.
🝮 You’re about to shove him into your chest to make him shut up.
🝮 His head is slammed onto your chest, and neither of you can find the words to complain.
🝮 And so it works out… and now the two of you are calming down. Actually… it’s getting a little too calm.
🝮 You open your heavy eyelids, glancing down at Vin. Sure enough, he’s asleep. And you feel the biggest urge to push him off the couch— but somehow you have the feeling that you shouldn’t ruin this moment.
🝮 Hell it was weird. You both initiated it…?!
🝮 This one is also freaking long… oopsies. Y’all got spoiled 💅
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🝮 When you’re dating someone as sadistic as Samuel, who’s alliance seems to always be jumping from one person to the next, and who’s mental stability relies heavily on how he lives up to his own standards, then you’re sure to experience the wipeout days.
🝮 The sort of days where the old person is gone, and he’s replaced by an empty shell of himself.
🝮 For Samuel- today is one of those days.
🝮 You sit on the modern lounge chair that overlooks the city below, feeling comfortable despite your usual fear of heights.
🝮 (If you aren’t afraid of heights then shut up and pretend because you are now 🤡)
🝮 Your legs are crossed, your laptop rests on your thighs, and you listen attentively to the streamer you’re watching.
🝮 Samuel stands by the window with his back to you.
🝮 Every now and then you glance up at him worriedly
🝮 He’s not normally this quiet around you… or so tame. Normally it’s a war zone of snarky and perverted remarks.
🝮 “Samuel…?”
🝮 He turns to you slightly, defined jawline taut and tempting. You see his eyebrows draw together tightly and his lips purse.
🝮 “Hmm?” he hums from deep within his throat.
🝮 “You okay? You seem kinda tense.”
🝮 He turns to you, and then you can see it.
🝮 The depressed, empty shell of your normally sharp-witted boyfriend.
🝮 You can see past his sterile gaze: a glint of short-temperedness in his eyes. The frown on your face continues to deepen.
🝮 “I’m fine. Thank you for being so thoughtful,” he smiles rigidly.
🝮 “What’s with you?” You ask as you set aside your computer, giving him the attention he deserves.
🝮 He shrugs his shoulders as he approaches your open arms, kneeling in front of you.
🝮 You slide out of the chair and sit on the floor with him. “Come on Sammy…”
🝮 And then you’re both laying on the floor, and his powerful form is suddenly vulnerable now that he’s wrapped in your arms.
🝮 You stroke his hair, combing beneath the buzz cut and into his thick roots, calming both him and yourself down.
🝮 His cheek rests on your chest, and he smirks up at you every now and then.
🝮 When he feels in the mood again, it’s sexy time and he’ll die before you find him in this position. But for now he feels comfortable… so he’s going to stay like this.
🝮 That angular face of his is pressed into your breast, and you can’t help but feel a little hot at the thought.
🝮 “Let’s just fall asleep right here.”
🝮 That’s exactly what you did.
🝮 You initiated it— since you’ve done it before. But it doesn’t happen often- so treasure his vulnerable side while you can 😩
🝮 Also I know his character design is just for sex-appeal…. But come on guys he needs more fluff content 🥺
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Prompt #12: Miss the Boat
Writing Music:  https://youtu.be/OWbDJFtHl3w
Life in the caves was far quieter these days.   There were less people working, fewer teachers to instruct the tribe, even the children made less noise by virtue of reduced numbers and the haunted look left behind in their eyes.  To hear one of the toddlers laugh was startling, bringing tears to the eyes of more than one adult who wished that the joyous sound would never end. 
It always did though.  Our yearning for how things were swallowed the laughter whole, hungry for more than one small child could provide with even the most boisterous of giggle fits.   I couldn’t help but wonder, where did we go wrong?  Once we held, was it hope?  No, that’s too much of a reach for any of us Uyagir born.  But we held content, quiet and peaceful, in our hearts.   The signs of the God’s, dare I say, favor blessed us the past few generations.  The Seer’s were strong and dedicated, the ones of Chinua’s line were particularly blessed.  They suffered for their strength, paid tribute to the Sun and the Moon, and served unflaggingly for generations.  It all changed when Odtgerel dared to mate with one of the Sons of the Sun.  Some whisper that it was a mistake still.  The daughter had no skill as a Seer, only as a hunter, but the son?  All the potential of Oktai but with the promise of trouble in his eyes.  Ahh, Oktai.  I miss you brother.  You saw that trouble as mischief and gave the love to your grandson that you didn’t give to your daughter.  Was that where it all went wrong?  Would Odtgerel have been less jealous if you had given her more of your time instead of leaving her training to the other Keepers and Seers?   Would she have been content with her formidable abilities and kept to tradition instead of reaching to the Sun when Uyagir should not?  Yet, how many of us would even be alive if she didn’t?   Would you have been a strong enough sword and shield my friend to defend and kill those that turned within our own ranks? Yet, for all that happened we seem to still hold the God’s favor.  The gift of sight has not been struck from the Udgan’s eyes.  A strong Seer still holds the First Stone and still protects the tribe despite being absent for so many years.  The ones that called him false, Qacha and many of her followers, were all turned into Blasphemies as he called them.  At first it was hard to believe, but news even reaches our caves when it is that momentous, the Dorthal bringing the warning to us far too late but no less needed.  What he said was true.  It flipped our world upside down once more. I’m not sure how many more times this old heart of mine can take this much shaking, Oktai.  Your grandson has a knack for this.  I know you want me to watch him for as long as I can, but I think you and I will see each other sooner than later.  I fear it, not for the passing into the peace of the long, silent night.  But for what will happen to those I leave behind.  The tribe looks to me more than ever, the Udgan is silent on these matters.  Insisting that it is not her place to look beyond her duties.  That was true, once.  Time has caught up with us brother, change is upon what remains of the tribe whether we like it or not.  We can embrace it, or we can watch it pass us by.  I fear what will happen if we do not change in the wake of the storm.  Your grandson picked his name well, yet he provides despite the thunder he brings that has shaken those that remain down to our bones.  He is smart, ensuring we have enough without it being too much.  The children are fed, going to sleep every night with full bellies.  The tribe is fed and warm, it’s not the luxury of feasts and soft furs that other tribes have.  But it fits with our ways, simple food, warm blankets, medicines to see to our ills and lingering wounds.  He checks regularly, spending more time with the children than the adults for certain.  At first I thought it fear, but now I see it as wisdom.  The children laugh more when he is here, he teaches them the games he wasn’t allowed to play, tells them the stories he was told but in moderation.  The lessons there aren’t dealt out with an iron hand, but with a warm smile and a patient heart.  It’s hard to see him as other, an outsider then.  He’ll always be different, but it’s easy to see that despite how far he has traveled that his soul still finds solace in these caves.  Even if we don’t embrace the change, he’s already doing it.  The children will find it easy to follow him, I find it easy to follow him.  The others?  They look to me for guidance as I offer the man a smile and the embrace of family when he arrives.  I don’t know if it will be enough, what do you think Oktai?  Did your daughter save us or doom us when she poisoned you and took you from us?  By the Sun and the Moon I don’t know anymore.  All I can do is take it one day at a time and hope that is enough.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC Info:   Oktai - Aya’s grandfather  Odtgerel - Aya’s Mother  Qacha - Aya’s youngest Sister on his mother’s side.  The Elder - Speaker in the story, oldest living Uyagir and contemporary of Oktai.  Sun:  Reference to Azim without saying his name when capitalized Moon:  Reference to Nhaama without saying her name when capitalized. 
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 months
Trollkins headcannon
Imagining Pixlee Trollsom, lounging in her settroll in the troll house of hers, chatting away on the trollaphone to a few troll companions of hers to discuss the possibility of a shared trollventure ... perhaps hiking to some remote hot springs ... diving in some "divin' hole" spring and joing a mertroll in some underwater trollventure ... or just being wild and crazy trollish selves in close trollmunion with Nature, after the Unwritten Troll Code.
0 notes
jemjams02 · 2 months
Could you write Solomon and Diavolo dating headcannons, both nsfw and sfw?
Also, have a good day!
-anon 🪼
I got u anon <3
Dia is a very cliché lover, I'm talking pulling out all the stops from the worst romance movies
The first time you stayed the night at the palace with him as his lover, the room was filled with as many rose petals as he could find, candles too! He had several things prepared for your stay as well! There was a gift basket in the bathroom with shower/bathroom items with your name on them, as well as your favorite products. There was even a brand-new toothbrush on the vanity next to his! Needless to say, he's over the moon about you.
PAMPERS you!!!
he uses his status to get you anything you ask for! You could ask him for the heart of King Tut, and he'd figure out how to get it for you
you're certainly one of the only people in the entire Devildom that will even consider asking the Demon Prince for a piggyback ride, and he will do it no questions asked! He loves using his demonic strength to carry you, even if you really only ask when you're tired
he's very proud to be your partner, he would shout it from the balcony every morning if he could
doesn't let anyone speak ill of you, he has eyes and ears everywhere, and if someone dares use your name negatively, they will often disappear. You usually don't even know you're being talked about.
Unfortunately, his status also gets in the way of many things, he's often very busy with royal demon matters, but once your relationship has become public knowledge, he doesn't mind having you at his side during meetings! He'll also gladly have you seated nicely on his lap while he does his daily paperwork, reveling in your company
Dia's a very lonely demon, so he's quite clingy, asking to spend any and all free time he may have with you! Although, he also asks you to keep him company when he doesn't have free time, which he'll understand if you're not up to it that day
Diavolo, surprisingly, has very little experience. Often times, no one dares to flirt with him, and when they do he has to consider their motives. That being said, he is also absolutely shameless about asking for advice from the brothers (probably Asmodeus)
Your first time with him was straight out of a romance novel, he pulled out all the stops from mood lighting to incense; he even made a playlist after searching "best songs to have sex to"
He's a large demon, so he takes his time with you, starting with kisses. Lots of kisses; and the moment you find yourself unable to stifle a giggle, he sinks his teeth into your skin.
Possessive, and will mark you up like no tomorrow, be prepared to walk around with very visible hickeys
Likes lingerie, and has bought a couple of lovely sets, mostly consisting of a deep red color. However he finds himself unable to resist those teeny sleep shorts and tank top you have in your pajama roster; especially if you have nothing on underneath
Has you cum on his fingers several times before even attempting to fuck you. Enough that you're often exhausted by the time he deems you prepared enough
The first time he sank into you, his demon form came out, it felt so good. He also just likes fucking in his demon form, and can certainly tell you do as well.
Sex with Dia lasts hours, usually just short of you passing out, so aftercare is a huge part of the evening! He carries you to the bath, and everything smells like lavender. He's very gentle as he cleans you off with a warm washcloth, and you're often lulled to sleep by the warmth and comfort
He likes to annoy you, but in the cute boyfriend way. Like randomly dabbing you up
Casual dates galore! He needs to go grocery shopping? Why don't you come with him! Wanna go to the bookstore? Oh? You're craving Akudonald's? He'll go! He's not one for anything super fancy, although he will take you somewhere nice every once in a while
Very attentive and giving, but like you think he's not paying attention, and he actually is. That book series from the human world you'd been keeping up with? He hands you the newest volume one day! That bracelet you considered at a sop the other day? It's on your wrist the next week. You're struggling with a class? Oh look, a detailed study guide for the whole year.
Not one to really initiate PDA past handholding, but isn't opposed to it! If you wanna make out at this café right now, feel fucking free baby
Bad texter. He often gets so engrossed in his work/experiments that his phone goes ignored for hours
Consistently tries to cook for you (you never let him in the kitchen)
He's not very clingy, and can go at least a day without seeing you, but he likes your company, and wants to make sure you know you're loved! When he's off doing something far away, he'll call you every morning when he wakes up, and every night before he sleeps. If somehow you're unable to answer due to time zones, he'll leave heartfelt voicemails for you to wake up to
Definitely uses your proximity to Lucifer to try and make a pact with him. It's worth a try, but ultimately gets him nowhere.
Being a human in a land of demons can make a man feel...insecure to say the least, but what he lacks in demonic traits, he makes up for with magic. It's hard to go a night with him without a little sorcery; perhaps he whispers an incantation that will heighten your sensitivity before he assaults your senses with him. His voice, his hands, his scent; they all envelop you until the only thing running through your head is his name
His stamina isn't like a demon's but it's better than the average human's so he's often tired when you are, and is more than happy to just fall asleep and clean up later, unless you insist upon washing up right away (he may protest a little, but he always relents)
A little more blunt about what he wants than some others. Outright asking to fuck during makeouts is a frequent occurrence.
Enjoys cockwarming, it's relaxing. Plus, he gets to tease you to no end, which he also very much enjoys
Speaking of teasing, it's endless. He particularly likes edging you, feigning pity when you start begging to cum before giving you what you want; over and over again.
Needs a breather after he cums, his heart is pumping in his ears, just give him a second and he'll be fine :)
Wants to fuck your throat
Into choking, both getting choked and choking you
Doesn't mind letting you take the lead
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mooshywrites · 4 months
Could I request headcanons of poly! Astarion, and Halsin with gn human crush genuinely asking them if they're willing to be with them despite their shorter lifespan?
I’ll Love You Forever
Poly!Reader x Astarion x Halsin
Art commissions
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A/N - I knowwwww this was a headcannon request, but It was just so incredibly sweet that I couldn’t help writing a longer fic for it. It’s still bite sized though! Hope you still like it, your requests are always top tier ;) <3
Word count - 1.2k
Warnings - sfw, angst, mentions of dying/growing old, fluff
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“Not even the Gods themselves could make me stop loving you.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Astarion’s eyebrows furrowed as he slipped the needle in and out of the silk fabric. He cursed, sighing as he pulled the thread from the needle, tearing out the last few stitches in his work. The small green leaves he had been embroidering were now a mess of jumbled lines and he had only you to blame.
You had been acting quite… odd today.
Usually you were a bundle of smiles, greeting Astarion and Halsin with kisses and teases in the morning, sleepy eyes and clinginess galore. But this morning, after you had brushed your hair out in the mirror, something had changed. You had found a single grey hair, plucked it out and glared at it like it had personally attacked you. Since then, you’d been quiet, distant.
And Astarion hated it.
Though he acted aloof and annoyed when both you and Halsin would shower him with love and affection, deep down he adored it. Craved it even. All day, the most you had given was a quick peck to Astarion’s cheek before leaving to gather herbs.
Astarion found it hard to admit that your change in behavior had rattled him so. He was still so new to this ‘caring about other people’ thing. But his stomach twisted uncomfortably at the thought of you out there picking plants without a smile on your face.
”Get it together, Astarion.” He murmured, threading the twine back through the eye of the needle.
The door of your little cabin swung open, Halsin bumbling in. He was carrying a large basket stuffed full of various cooking ingredients, his own face looking rather forlorn. He set everything on the table as Astarion continued his stitching, finally coming over to see what the Vampire was up to.
“Done with my shirt?” Halsin gruffed, leaning down to leave a gentle kiss on Astarion’s forehead.
”Obviously not.” Astarion scoffed, setting the work down and rubbing his eyes. “I’ve had to restart twice.”
Halsin’s forehead creased with worry, “What frets you, my heart?” He reached down to run the pale elf’s shoulders gently.
”You know what frets me.” Astarion quipped. “They went out this morning all doom and gloom and still haven’t come back. How long does it take to find a bloody herb or two?”
“I noticed it too.” Halsin said grimly. “That’s why I went to get ingredients for their favorite meal.”
Astarion thought for a moment, glancing back at the basket filled with food. “You know, you may be on to something.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
You brushed off your pants, annoyed. Your basket was practically stuffed with medicinal herbs, so much so that not even another leaf would fit in amongst the others.
In truth, you were avoiding returning home.
It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal when you found the grey hair that morning. Everyone gets them eventually, but to you, that little strand held too much meaning for your heart to handle.
You were getting older.
You didn’t notice it at first, the way your laugh lines deepened, the way your eyes crinkled a little more when you smiled. You had never been afraid of growing old before Astarion and Halsin, in fact, the thought of immortality seemed suffocating to your human mind. But the thought of passing on and leaving them here? That truly stung.
Not to mention, you were afraid.
Afraid the two men wouldn’t love you any more. Not when your limbs grew feeble and your mind grew weak. Would Halsin still sweep you into his arms and kiss you when he came home? Would Astarion still tease you and make it all up with lis lips when you pouted?
Would they still love you as you grew old?
The thought stung your eyes, your vision growing blurry through tears. You wiped them away quickly, deciding it was time to return home. Your boys were probably worried about you, and you didn’t want them to see your puffy face like this.
Instead you thought of other things on the walk home. Chores, future plans for the house, adventures you might take. Anything to distract from your world imploding around you.
As soon as you walked through the front door, a wave of delicious smell hit you. Your mouth watered as you recognized the savory scent. You set down your basket of herbs, seeing Astarion and Halsin talking in hushed voices before the stove. Apparently, they hadn’t noticed your homecoming.
You padded up behind them, clearing your throat, “What are you making?”
Astarion practically jumped out of his skin, turning to look at you. He sighed with relief and then gave you a glare “You scared me, pet. Don’t you know it’s bad form to sneak up on a loved one?”
Halsin just chuckled, pulling you into a warm hug. You melted into the touch, inhaling his pine and honey scent. You didn’t linger too long, afraid the embrace would make you tear up again.
“Sorry,” You offered, pulling away from Halsin, “I guess old habits die hard.”
The room fell silent again as you watched the men cook, working together perfectly to mold together your favorite dish.
“My heart, is something bothering you?” Halsin gently asked, looking up at you as he finished his prep work.
You shook your head, looking down to avoid his concerned gaze. “No. Just tired, I suppose.”
“Might as well come out with it.” Astarion huffed. “We know something is wrong.”
You clamped your mouth shut, afraid you’d lash out at the men if you opened it. It wasn’t their fault they wanted to know. They just simply cared. You would be acting the same if one of them had disappeared, looking upset.
You were about to change the subject when you felt a strange tickling sensation in your mind.
As if someone were trying to peer into your thoughts.
Your head jerked up, glaring at Halsin angrily, “Get out of my head.” You seethed, crossing your arms.
Astarion glanced at Halsin, apparently surprised at his boldness. “Well, what did you see?” He asked, turning to the both of you.
Halsin kept his eyes on yours, his expression tinged with embarrassment, apologies, and… sadness?
“They were thinking of growing old.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Halsin’s heart clenched tightly, the images in your mind replaying in his own head over and over. He saw your fear, saw your heartache at the thought of withering away from the life the three of you had built.
He couldn’t even begin to make himself feel sorry for the intrusion of detecting your thoughts, the overwhelming feeling of your sadness choking the Druid’s mind.
Astarion’s expression became unreadable, the room taking on a quiet air.
“I don’t want you to stop loving me.” You whispered sadly.
Halsin’s eyebrows furrowed, his gaze switching to Astarion with confusion. He couldn’t fathom the sentence you had said. Couldn’t imagine a world where that would be true. With Halsin’s long life, he’d never had to think about his mortality before. Sure, there were a few run ins and battles where he’d been faced with the thought of death. But the idea of aging had never hit him the way it was apparently hitting you now.
How terrifying it must be to be a human. To fit such experiences and growth in so few years.
Halsin shook his head decisively, turning back to you. “Not even the Gods above could make me stop loving you.”
“Unfortunately, I agree with the big lout.” Astarion smiled, pulling you close against him. Halsin joined, his frame wrapping both you and Astarion up perfectly.
Halsin heard you sniffle, tears staining your voice when you spoke. “But what about when I’m elderly?” You wailed. “What about when my joints are stiff and my face all… wrinkled?”
“You will always be the most beautiful thing nature has to offer.” Halsin murmured, petting your hair gently.
“Wrinkles? Oh, darling, not to worry.” Astarion grinned, “There’s always the option of the three of us going out in a dramatic blaze of glory. Perhaps cliff jumping?”
Halsin smacked his shoulder, earning a small laugh from you.
“Fine.” Astarion sighed, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. “I suppose I can be swayed to love an old bat if its you.”
“Promise?” Your voice asked, feather light and muffled in the hug.
“Promise, darling.” Astarion assured, rubbing the curve of your back in small soothing circles.
“I promise as well, my heart.” Halsin swore, planting a kiss on the top of you and Astarion’s heads.
As he held you both tightly, the smell of your favorite meal wafting through the air, Halsin only had one final thought on the matter. It wasn’t the fear of you growing old that addled him, you would be just as perfect to him if hobbled over and grey, it was the thought of life after you had passed. The loneliness that would leave both himself and Astarion in. Not to mention… how would Astarion feel when the both of you were gone? No… there had to be something to ease this heartache. He had made up his mind
I’m going to need to talk to Jaheira about that immortality ritual.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 7 months
For the Halloween event (if you're still taking requests), can I request some headcanons on how Sub Diluc would be with a Demon Reader (say Reader has a glamour that makes them look completely human, but they drop it when alone with Diluc; male or gn is up to you), who is just such a gentle Dom (and just a sweetheart in general), despite their appearance. Reader that just showers Diluc with praises, soft assuring touches and kisses (so many kisses), all while roughly fucking him into next week. And then the aftercare; a warm bath, lots of cuddles and possibly breakfast in bed the next morning. Have fun with this, and happy writing.
Diluc x Demon Reader Headcannons
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Pairings: Diluc x reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, demon!reader, sub/bottom!Diluc, so much love and praise, aftercare, pet names galore, rough sex, 'Lulu' used a nickname
Genre/Format: Smut; Headcannons & scenarios
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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The two of you are seriously the cutest couple in Monstadt
Diluc is kind of shy about pda, but he's willing to relax a little with you
He really likes it when you go for walks while holding hands. Your fingers smoothly intertwine with his while you stroll through the town window shopping or during a refreshing walk outside of the city
You take a rest on a nearby bench and lean against Diluc's shoulder, casually kissing his cheek and feeling the heat rise to the surface. Teasing him for getting flustered over a silly kiss (though he knows you love seeing him blush like this)
The only people who know what you are and/or have witnessed your true form are his brother, Kaeya, and Venti (who's willing to keep your secret as long as you keep his and promise to cause Monstadt no harm)
Behind closed doors, not much changes besides your dick rearranging Diluc's guts while you caress his pretty face and shower him in love
The drag of your cock against Diluc's walls has him biting back all sorts of indecent noises, gnawing on his clenched fist in order to keep himself quiet
“Aw, noooo don't hide your sounds, my love~ Here, lemme hear aaaaalll of your noises. Moan my name louder for me~ ” You cooed while removing the redhead's hand from in between his teeth, lacing your fingers with his so that he would have to let loose a bit more. Another sharp thrust coaxes a high-pitched moan out of your darling, followed by a painfully rough fucking where Diluc's hips are sore from how hard your own had slammed into them
Yet you were always quick to bend down and kiss every sore and bruised and bitten area on his body. Telling your partner how amazing he was, how he was such a good boy for you, how you love him so soooo much ❤️
Though you are an exceptionally loving person, demons are still prone to possessiveness and jealousy
It's during such moments of jealousy that you tenderly pull Diluc into a nearby bathroom or behind a large tree outside of the city and fill his holes right then and there
Pushing your beloved to his knees and whipping out your cock before asking him if he'll swallow you, pretty please? 🥺
You promise to spoil him later just please please be good and open wide??
He will. Because he's your good boy ❤️
Maybe once you've pumped a load or two down Diluc's throat, the other humans will smell your scent on him and think twice about flirting with your darling dearest~
Truly one of Diluc's favorite times, and yours too, is when he locks you both in his bedroom, giving his servants the night off so that no one would be around to see or hear what happens...
You drop your human disguise and stretch out your limbs, causing your stomach to peek out as your shirt rides upwards. Horns, fangs, and a spade-shaped tail all on display
In your true form, you're considerably taller than Diluc (and most humans), since you designed the glamour to make your disguise seem nonthreatening to humans by reducing your height and muscle mass
In these private moments you can finally let go and be yourself; Something that your partner loves very much
And in these private moments you can also fuck Diluc exactly how he likes to be fucked; Rough. Unashamedly rough and ruthless
“Oh my god...love, please...harder– ” Your darling will whimper, his cheeks and shoulders nearly the same colour as his hair while you bounce him on your lap like a toy. If anyone were inside the manor at the moment, they'd be able to hear the wet noises of Diluc's ass getting used like a cocksleeve
You have a death grip on your beloved's hips as you fuck up into his hole, using your knees to keep his toned legs spread. Meanwhile, your lips are attached to his exposed skin, suckling marks all over the surface. His cock bounces with every quick thrust, drooling precum from the tip that you desperately wish you could wrap your lips around. Just the thought of doing everything that you could to have him and to overwhelm your baby with pleasure drove you fucking crazy
“That's it, baby. Squeeze my cock with that pretty ass. Milk me dry, honey...please– just like that...aaaahh—!! ” You cried out, emptying your balls within Diluc's insides deliciously. The feeling of relief was instantaneous; causing your vision to blur as a deep sigh escaped from your chest
While you languidly humped into your love, you made sure to grant him that same relief. Wrapping your hand around his aching cock and stroking him fast enough to make him see stars. Your other arm wrapped tightly around Diluc's torso, pressing your bodies together even closer and eliciting a wanton moan from the man due to the intimacy
“Will you cum for me, Diluc? Show me how good my touch feels when I do this~ ” As that last word drawls out, your thumb rubs over Diluc's slit, causing a choked moan to tumble out of his mouth while his head presses back against your shoulder. The sounds of Diluc's arousal are enough to excite you all over again, hardening within your darling's hole until you can't take it anymore and slam into him again
Chanting your lover's name like a mantra while you hug him tightly against your chest, pumping his fat cock until his cum shoots all over the floor, some of it dribbling over your knuckles as you squeeze every last drop out of him
At the same time, Diluc repeats your name mixed in with countless “Oh fuck”'s as you spill inside of him again. Your hot breath hitting the back of his neck while you roll your hips into his ass
After passionate sessions you're rather quick to spoil your beloved. Oftentimes running a relaxing bath for the two of you
Warm water will ease any sore muscles while you massage Diluc's shoulders, peppering little kisses on the back of his neck all the while
As cheesy as your darling says it is, he does enjoy when you carry him back to bed as if he were a weary princess
You lay him on top of the comforter and crawl on top of him, pinning his hands down while you connect your lips together
Diluc is flustered once again, but far too sleepy to truly protest as your assault of kisses reaches every body part possible
“You were so good tonight, my love~” A whisper against his soft lips, followed by chaste kisses to each of his cheeks, then his nose, and against each ear; the latter of which elicits a shudder from the man
“So sweet for me...making me feel so damn good like you always do... you're perfect, ya know that?...I love you so much, Lulu~ ” You lovingly breathe in between kisses trailed down Diluc's body; First to his neck, then his pretty collar bones, then peppering kisses on both of his arms all the way down to his fingertips, and finally brushing your lips against his pelvis
During all of this, Diluc is a gasping, mewling mess from your overwhelming tenderness. You show him a type of love that he never expected he'd need until he had it. The sound of your voice chanting such loving words breathed into his very being always led to tears and his hands pulling you impossibly close as Diluc clings to you like a drowning man
Sometimes moments like this led to another round; one where your mouth enveloped his member and sucked on it until your lover couldn't form a coherent sentence anymore
But if Diluc didn't have the energy for that, you'd settle for a few more kisses to his thighs before you crawled under the covers together and drifted off
Either way, you would fall asleep with Diluc in your arms, soon snoring softly while he had the sweetest of dreams under your comforting presence
You made sure to be an early riser the next morning, quietly slinking out of bed without your lover noticing so that you could surprise him by cooking breakfast for the two of you
Adelinde was usually back to work by sunrise, so you'd ask her for ingredients and get to work whipping up some of Diluc's favorites
When you returned to the bedroom you would gently shake him awake, presenting him with the feast that you had prepared. A soft kiss pressed to his lips before exclaiming, “Dig in, darling!”
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
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calicoheartz · 1 month
Caitlin Clark ; headcannons ┈﹒⁾⁾﹒
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caitlin clark x reader headcannons !! :)
warnings : just pure fluff !
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : since i did paige I obviously had to do cc! lmk what u guys wanna see next ◡̈
⸝⸝ ♡ I feel like she loves surprising you with thoughtful gestures, whether it’s leaving you love notes around the house, or planning surprise dates to your favorite spots around town
⸝⸝ ♡ definitely a good cook. I KNOW that girl makes a mean pasta 🍝 ontop of that.. I feel like her favorite ways to bond with you would be through cooking together ! Picture this : lazy Sunday afternoons , experimenting with new recipes, laughing and teasing eachother while you guys navigate the kitchen together
⸝⸝ ♡ one word. promise rings. You guys would definitely exchange promise rings with eachother as a symbol of commitment. As a promise that one day she will marry you. You both try to wear both of them as much as possible as obviously she has basketball and you are pursing your own career.
⸝⸝ ♡ love letters galore !!!!! Caitlin for sure keeps a journal where she writes love letters to you whenever she’s feeling particularly grateful or sentimental. Our girl definitely pours her heart out on those pages 😩
⸝⸝ ♡ sucker for naps! I can definitely see you two clearing your schedules to have Saturday rest days, just to stay home and cuddle all day long! <3
⸝⸝ ♡ matching everything. She pretends to hate it (but we all know she secretly loves it) this can range from anything from matching sneakers and pajamas , to color coordinated outfits so everyone knows you’re hers
⸝⸝ ♡ the most overprotective girlfriend ever! Argue w a wall
⸝⸝ ♡ I feeeel like she wouldn’t do a ton of pda in public , besides occasionally interlocking your pinkies ; but once you two are in private best believe she is ALL over you peppering your face in kisses
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callsign-relic · 9 months
This idea has been my brainrot for months! If you've ever been on reddit, or tiktok lately you might have seen a funny subreddit titled "humans are space orcs". Well I fell inlove with that headcannon, so I wanted to put in the request for poly ratchet and drift with a human reader, reader had stowawayed on the lostlight and was lucky enough that the ship was being supplied oxygen, with occasional stops giving the chance for reader to go out and grab some supplies.
Long story short reader ends up getting caught in the medbay, battered and bruised, and gets stuck in a staring contest with ratchet, who is bewildered.
(I also find the comparison of cybertronians being possible scared of humans, like a elephant is of mice)
And my first request after my little hiatus! I apologize for the wait :) This was a fun idea to work with! This description matched the First Contact AU pretty perfectly so this accidentally became a First Contact fic, sorry if that’s not what you were looking for HAHA. Still though, i hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: SFW, GN!Human!Reader, First Contact AU
“And how did you say you found this creature, again?”
“By sheer coincidence! I was gathering some extra supplies from the crates in the back of the medbay, only to push a box aside and find… this.”
You lay flat against your elbows in the palm of a bright red servo, eyes darting frantically between the two titans above you as they conversed in an exchange of vowels and consonants you couldn’t comprehend. The two aliens were similar in color, yet couldn’t look more different— as if they were opposites, yet complemented one another all the same.
The bot that held you was square in his frame, his default expression a discontented scowl. From the platform of his palm, you could see the aged paint of his plating, full of dents and scratches galore. On the hand beneath you, specifically, you could see the chips of paint around each of his joints. Near-imperceptible to a being of his scale, certainly, but you could see the little splotches of blue peeking out from constant use.
The mech beside him was a completely different story, however. Rather than the square, boxy shape of his companion— this one was decorated with sharp angles. His color palette was like the other’s but reversed, more white with accents of bright red. Despite his triangular appearance, he gazed at you in Ratchet’s palm curiously— while Ratchet appeared more skeptical than anything.
“Have you ever seen a being such as this?” Wondered Drift aloud.
“Not in my years, no,” Ratchet replies with a shake of his head.
Wordlessly, Drift offers up both of his hands cupped before you. You pull back, head flicking between Drift’s face and his offered hands, grimacing.
Despite the language barrier, you know the sound of a scoff when you hear it, and as it echoes out from above you you can feel the platform of Ratchet’s palm start to tilt out from beneath you. You can do little to grab on— the ridges of his joints weren’t wide enough for you to cling to, so you succumb to your fate and tumble down into the samurai’s awaiting servos.
“Ratchet!” Drift scolds, “You could’ve handled them a little nicer.”
“C’mon, I wasn’t going to wait all day for it to hop off,” the medic grumbles. “Plus, it’s an organic. The texture was… off-putting.”
As if to prove his hypothesis, Ratchet reaches out a large digit and pokes at your stomach. In your injured state, you let out a wheeze, and Drift is quick to pull his hands closer towards him and away from his conjux.
“Did you hear that?” He asks, not really expecting an answer. “They almost sounded injured, poor thing.”
“Can I take a look?” Ratchet hums, and the white mech stares at him suspiciously for a moment. The older bot lets out another scoff, “I won’t handle them roughly, I promise.”
Satisfied, Drift nods, and slowly lowers his hands from his chassis to present you forwards. You were holding your stomach now, curled inwards in a fetal position, but even so, one could easily tell you were covered in marks and bruises all over your little form.
Again, Ratchet hums. “Let’s take them to the main medbay, see if our scanners can pick up anything.” As the medic concedes, a smile spreads wide across Drift’s faceplate, and Ratchet has to stuff down the urge to grin himself at seeing him so excited. He occupies himself by starting towards the main scanner, activating it and preparing any systems they may have needed. “With any luck, we can figure out just what this creature is.”
Drift starts to make his way over to the scanner as well, cradling you gently between his two hands. He lifts you up to his face, and though you scoot back up away from it, something about his innocent smile seems… endearing, to you.
“Hear that, little one? We’re going to get you all fixed up in no time.”
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raygirlramblings · 2 months
Man....I can be critical about Laserhawk but I cannot deny the absolute energy blast it has given to the Rayman fandom. All of a sudden the tumblr tag is overflowing with art and messages, and headcannons and fancharacters and amvs and ANIMATIONS. I'm overwhelmed by the variety of things I find in the tag EVERY DAY. A year or so ago I'd be lucky if the tag has one or two new posts every week.
'Ugh but it's just people obsessed with Edgy Rayman/Ramon'
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Sure there is a LOT of trenchcoat edgebean content (a lot of it VERY GOOD and FUN) but I am seeing just as much wholesome, old school Rayman content appearing too. People rediscovering the games and trying out ones they haven't played. People discussing the past versions of Rayman. Fanart of older characters. Rabbids content and OC's. People making OC's who just want to chill out in the Glade, NOT in Eden. Selfshipping and OCxCannon shipping and AU's galore!
AND all the Laserhawk related stuff on top of that? Honestly, we're spoilt for choice :3
It's like people came for the edgelord but stayed for the sunshine, and that's really cool. I hope those people hang around and help keep this fandom alive with their amazing ideas :D
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konigsblog · 10 months
short random 141 headcannons, silly/fluff ☄️
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ghost 💀;
absolutely hates coffee, avid tea drinker and refuses anything else. a lot of people assume that the cold-hearted killer, simon riley, would hate sugary coffee. but, truth be told, he has a huge sweet tooth that only price knows about, and has to keep him from eating too much.
growing up, he was quiet. a lot of people teased him for being so silent, including his friends, but only in a joking way. he's one of those kids that make friend's easily, just well-behaved in class to avoid stressing out his mother.
acts as if he hates johnny, but after that solo mission soap had, he grew more close to him. didn't like whenever john had to go on a mission without him in fear that he wouldn't return, gradually developed a fear of losing the team - something he'd always had, yet increased further after graves's betrayal.
has a high metabolism. he could eat way over his maintenance calories and not gain anything. he works out in his house during leave, usually eating quick takeaways or frozen meals, rolling his eyes whenever you bring up the state of the apartment. who cares, its not as if he's here most of the time.
soap 🧼;
absolutely loves getting drunk at a club with the team, has to be dragged home by price, him and gaz laughing maniacally at absolutely nothing.
he threw up on ghost afterwards.
because if his flirtatious personality, he's had many girlfriends. they never last long since he doesn't take the relationship's seriousness, still flirting with others as a joke, but offending whoever he's with at the time.
he isn't serious at all, which we've probably gathered from his personality. accidentally laughs at the wrong times, apologise profusely as they snarl at him. definitely gives off the wrong impression and gets embarrassed whenever price mentions it.
johnny knows what he's good at, he doesn't like being insulted by anyone, even as a joke. mention something about him not being as strong as ghost as he's pissed for the rest of the day. somewhat easily jealous, stemmed from when he was a rookie, lean with barely any muscle and constantly teased by others. (heard the last bit from another creator, but i can't remember the user for the life of me.)
gaz 🧢;
doesn't take alcohol very well, especially his hangovers. they're cruel, he has a pounding headache all day and throws up multiple times. laid in bed playing games the entire day, groaning as he feels himself burn up.
is terrified of bugs, absolutely hates spiders. doesn't give a fuck about the spider poem, will scream and crush them with his foot. probably came from when he was a child and got caught in a spiders web, cried to his mum.
definitely has a lot of sisters. they raised him well so he's very respectful in relationships and knows how to treat a lady right. when he was younger, his sister's would beg him to let them use makeup on him, agreeing and getting annoyed when he couldn't wash it off.
definitely youngest child energy.
price 🎣;
when he was a kid, he wanted to be something like a policeman or a firefighter, loves being in charge of stuff.
he's a true gentleman; will hold the door for his wife, giving her a bouquet of flowers whenever he can, kisses her all the time and compliments galore. he's a true fan of cuddling you from behind, sneaking up on you and kissing your neck, complimenting the meal you'd made.
took the 141 fishing, let's just say that it never happened again. it was all peaceful until johnny thought he a turtle, leaning over the lake and falling in. kyle laughed his ass off and simon sighed with disapproval, yet not surprised that he'd managed something like that. price lost a good fish trying to save him from drowning.
loves dogs, not small dogs (chihuahua hater), but big dogs. he loves german shepherds since he works with them, k9s. or a doberman, definitely owned a big dog when he was younger and has baby photos of him on it's back, only laswell saw them.
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
Ellie Williams Headcannons: Tattooist!Ellie
My Masterlist ||| Part 2 HERE
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You first met Ellie when you stumbled into her tattoo shop, lured in by the sign that read 'WALK INS WELOCME'
The shops interior was monochromatic, a mixture of black whites and greys painted the walls and sofas, an occasion spot of colour here and there.
A soft buzzing from a tattoo gun met your ears as soon as you pushed the small shops door open. There was a small radio on the desk facing the entrance that played various rock songs from the 80s.
"Hey" a woman's voice spoke to you, your eyes met hers, she was hunched over a chair, tattoo gun in hand as she drew shapes and patterns onto her clients leg. "Uh hi"
"I'm almost finished here, I'll be with you in about 15-ish minutes" you hum in reply, sitting down on the leather couch that was pushed up against the shop window.
As promised, fifteen minutes later the tattooist and her client made there way out front, talking about after care and recommending various creams that would soothe the pain and help the tattoo heal smoothly. Once the man had left, his leg bandaged in what looked like saran wrap left, the tattooed woman turned her attention to you.
"'m assuming your a walk in? Don't have any one else booked today" she smiled, going behind the front desk and flicking through a book, presumably filled with dates and times of appointments.
"Uh yeah, I have a sketch for what I'd like done." You said, shyly handing over the piece of paper over to the tattooed woman.
A small whistle left her lips as she looked at the drawing in approval "Now this. This is sick." "Oh uh- thanks I drew that"
As soon as you had filled out various pieces of paperwork and paying in advance, Ellie ushered you over to her tattoo chair.
When Ellie's tattoo gun first met your skin, your breath stuttered, making a grin appear on her face.
"You alright doll?"
She is covered in tattoos, both arms had a sleeve, a couple of doodles spotted around and her muscular thighs plastered in them.
Tattooist!Ellie has her nipples and tongue pierced. (She gives such good head)
She 100% lives on the floor above her shop. She loves when you eventually move in with her, coming downstairs while she's with her client, kissing her cheek before leaving.
Let's you tattoo her.
Imagine just doodling little cute animals onto her thighs or camouflaging them into her sleeve 🥺
She wears a ton of jewelry, necklaces, rings, bracelets galore.
You give her a scrunchie and she never takes it off her wrist.
She definitely puts some of your tattoo sketches on sale, always making sure to add 'my girlfriend made that', proudly every time she shows them to a client.
Just a quick one because I love this idea too much to wait any longer😭
Taglist: @aunslie @lonelyfooryouonly @strawberrysmoochesxo @daryldixonh0e
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cymk8 · 5 months
Love your karlach and shadowheart art <3 do you have any headcannons about their relationship? Specific details on what their dynamic might be like? Who holds the boombox outside the other's window?
Sits down, cracks my knuckles: FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK
A Few Things: (I say this but.......LOLLL)
The art I drew is the first time they met, at a match where she was performing half-time; (she did not, in fact, give her a chance)
They met again at an ungodly hour at the same rink - Shadowheart bc her coach gave her the keys to practice whenever she wants...and Karlach's family owns the actual rink
Shadowheart was recovering from an injury then, so you can imagine how short her fuse would have been
Karlach is the most laid-back of the two; she often excels in things no one could have anticipated, which pisses Shadowheart off to the hells and back (i.e. Karlach can make the world's best omelet and Shadowheart's eggs look like roadkill)
Both of them are freakishly competitive. Anything is fair game - even after their relationship turned friendly; pranks galore
Shadowheart eats burgers with a fork and knife; Karlach is forever mortified
Karlach likes to dip her fries in milkshakes; Shadowheart is forever mortified
Neither of them holds the boombox to the window - Karlach sleeps like a log and Shadowheart sleeps with earplugs and black-out curtains
They do, however, enjoy doing grand and cheesy gestures of affection - but only because they get a kick out of embarrassing the other; it escalates very quickly
Shadowheart and Astarion are figure skating buddies (and have done some pair skating together!) and often talk smack about the other skaters or about goings on in the rink; he absolutely gets on Shadowheart's case for being in denial of any and all attraction to the 'Annoying Big Buff Tiefling'
Karlach has the energy of one of those laid-back emperor penguins from Surf's Up; Shadowheart is an angry little trumpeter swan cygnet
I have so much more I am constantly vibrating thank you for coming to my ted talk -
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Regressor! Angel Dust and/or CG! Husk (Hazbin Hotel) headcanons pls?
of course!
Little!Angel Dust & CG!Husk Headcannons
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Angel Dust’s little age is around 1-4, Husk used to take care of his little cousins when alive, so he has some experience.
Angel Dust calls Husk “Papa,” or “Papi,” - Husk’s heart always warms when he hears it.
Angel Dust’s favorite activity is drawing, it helps him communicate - as he usually ends up drawing out his wants and emotions.
Babbles galore, Husk never understands, but that’s okay.
Bedtime is a struggle, the only time Angel is really ever fussy, he fears something bad will happen when he goes to bed. Husk always hums to him though, it helps him sleep and know he’s safe.
Naps are rarely had.
When Angel is fussy, he usually whines or bites, Husk has had to bandage him self up a few times while Angel is in time out.
Angel has chronic pain, and so, Husk lets him lay on his back or lap to rest. As well as help him eat.
All and all, Husk would do anything for his tiny angel.
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kittyball23 · 4 months
Have you thought about what Clay and Viva might be like as parents? I headcannon that Viva would be almost overwhelmingly loving, having fun galore, while at the same time making sure that he/she stays out of trouble/is overprotective(like she was with Poppy. And Clay would also have fun with the kid, and would probably read them books and teach them as much as he could.
Dad Clay and Mom Viva sound like the sweetest! Viva may be a little uneasy with how much freedom their child should have (since those survivalist instincts are deeply burrowed in her), but perhaps with her new friends (trolls and Bergens alike) she can kinda learn to let loose the reins a little.
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I think a kiddo would really spark Clay’s Fun Boy to come out, doing dances and making silly faces for the baby. He's definitely a bedtime story type of guy, and would be the type of parent to make math and money super fun (the kid's a whiz and probably graduates early, like Clay seemed to have 😁)
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am-i-interrupting · 3 months
Good thing you have Hazbin as your priority as it's on my mind after another rewatch. Can we get nsfw headcannon for Lute with how she'd react to being edged/overstimulated and how she'd return the favour?
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She’s normally a stoic person but not now, not like this.
Expect to be cursed out.
Whimpers and groans galore.
When it gets to a point where she begs and pleads for you to stop (without using a safe word) you know she’s close.
She will squirm around, trying to get closer and get away.
She is not staying still unless you tie her down.
If you do, she will try to bargain with you, promising she’ll be good if you just let her go.
A large part of her likes being held down and forced to take as much or as little as you give her though.
She likes giving you that control knowing you won’t take it too far.
When she finally does orgasm though, it’ll go one of two ways depending on what you’re doing.
If you’ve just been edging her, expect her to wrap her hands around you or tangle them up in any kind of bindings as she convulses, bringing you closer to her.
A little “fuck you” after she’s done.
If you’re overstimulating her, she will kick and try to squirm away while her body simultaneously rolls closer.
Her eyes will roll back and vision go dark as she chokes on a scream and squirts.
Do not expect her to be responsive for at least two minutes.
In terms of returning the favor, she can edge you for hours with indifference.
She’ll play with you just as you like and stop right before you release.
A toy she’s sticked in you will go between no stimulation for several minutes and then be cranked up to the top setting with no warning.
Sometimes she’ll just use her tongue and fingers though and that’s when you know you’re fucked.
She’ll lick and suck you then go and lick every part of your body before she does it again, dragging her fingers down to leave pretty little marks.
When you’ve finally come, if it’s before she allows it, she’ll smack the inner part of your thigh or she’ll flick your parts with her finger.
“Did I tell you you could come?” “. . . No.” “So why’d you do it?” “I didn’t mean to.” “Oh? You didn’t mean to? But you did. If you want to come so bad, I’ll make you come. I’ll make you come like the little fucking slut you are. How does that sound?”
Expect some harshness, just a little bit of pain.
Hands that are too rough, teeth that dig in your skin, nails that mark you.
She’s going to make you scream until you cry.
And the next day as a little cherry on top, she’s going to make you wear a toy.
If she’s feeling extra spiteful, she’s going to wait until you’re in a place she can see you and not even hide the fact that she’s playing with the settings.
She might even give it to Adam to play with you too if she feels like sharing.
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