#he's canon google it
pennamesmith · 2 years
Romeo and Entrapdak
Yet another G1 Entrapdak story. The first one. The second one. 
It was a fine Etherian day, and the sunlight made Corporal Romeo beam.
Things had only gotten better for the young soldier in the months since he’d renounced the Evil Horde and joined up with the noble Great Rebellion. He was happier here, and he knew that his work helped the world instead of harming it. He owed it all to Glimmer, the tall, calm, long-haired princess who always thought things through and never rushed to violence.
In fact, Glimmer was the very reason Romeo was spending his day off here on Flower Mountain. They had only grown closer since their first meeting, and Romeo was hoping to find some small token he could offer as a gift when he finally asked the princess on a proper date.
At the foot of one bluff, Romeo spotted a particularly radiant rose. He reached out to pluck it and tucked it carefully into one pocket, but the moment he turned to leave the ground opened up and swallowed him. He tumbled down in darkness, realizing too late that he had triggered a devious trap. Metal walls closed around him and the hidden trap door snapped shut.
At the bottom of his fall, robotic clamps snatched his arms and legs and held them fast. He tried to pull free, but it was no use. Somewhere a switch flipped and the dark chamber was filled with a blinding spotlight. A leggy silhouette appeared and approached him, resolving into a severe woman with shining armor, a short pleated skirt, and long red braids the size of starships.
“Entrapta!” Romeo cried. He had been captured by the Evil Horde’s very own Evil Engineer.
“That’s right!” Entrapta said with a laugh that was very sophisticated, but also evil. “You fell right into my trap! I know a traitor such as yourself is probably terrified right now, but try not to faint yet, please.” She withdrew a scalpel and pointed it at the prisoner’s neck, flashing her teeth as she did so. “I need information first.”
Corporal Romeo struggled against his restraints. “What is the meaning of this?” he demanded, a tremulous note entering his voice even as he tried to sound bold. “Whatever you’re planning, you won’t get away with it!”
Entrapta held the scalpel closer. “You will answer my questions or be destroyed! Where… is… the best place in the Fright Zone for a first date?”
“You heard me!” Entrapta remained resolute. “I’ve read your file. You were a hopeless romantic even before you defected. I have need of your unique knowledge. Which dungeons have the best mood lighting? What derelict towers offer superior views of the sunset? You will tell me!”
Romeo sighed and slouched. “This is about Hordak, isn’t it?”
“What? No! Whyever would you think that?”
“Everybody in the Fright Zone knows about you two. At least they did while I was there,” Romeo said.
“No they don’t!” Entrapta steamed. “What do they know about it?” she asked after a moment.
“Only that you’re all over each other all the time.”
Entrapta bent a metal rod with her braids in frustration. “It’s perfectly professional!” she insisted.
“And yet, you’ve kidnapped me to ask for dating tips.”
Entrapta narrowed her eyes and glared at the soldier with a petulant frown. “You’re not completely stupid,” she conceded. “I’ll give you that. Very well, you have deduced my incredibly well-hidden secret: I harbor an insatiable lust for the mighty Lord Hordak! The fire in his eyes when he crushes enemies underfoot makes me burn with desire. The genius of his technological terrors makes me shiver with delight. And oh, that body! It can transform into so many things. I could study him for ages!”
“How romantic.”
“However, the fact remains that I still have you captive and I have a knife and I’m not afraid to get messy.” Entrapta flashed the scalpel again to make her point. “Now, give me the information I require!”
And so Corporal Romeo told her everything he knew about wooing. When he was done, Entrapta, only a little disappointed she hadn’t gotten an excuse to dissect her prisoner, let him go. As Romeo prepared to climb back out of the hidden hideout, Entrapta threatened him with a ray device that greatly resembled a .357 magnum revolver.
“I’m in a good mood, so I’m going to be exceptionally nice and set you free. Don’t tell anyone about this meeting, or I’ll trap you again and send you to another dimension!” she declared.
“Is that all?”
“Another dimension where you’ll be dead!”
Romeo hurried back out. When he was on the surface again, he smoothed out his tunic and took a deep breath. At least his day couldn’t get any more unusual than this, he thought.
It was a foolish thing to think. Several seconds later a massive metal claw descended from the sky above and seized Romeo, reeling him up into the clouds along a thin metal cable. At the other end of the line a priapic helicopter hovered menacingly. It drew Romeo into a hatch in the bottom and then turned to fly away, buzzing as it went.
Chained for a second time, Romeo found himself in a large room filled with blinking switches and dials and all manner of scientific technology. Light flashed as a door opened and a hulking blue figure stepped into view. He had bulging muscles, a bone collar, and extremely short shorts made of thick black fur. There was no mistaking the ruthless leader of the Evil Horde.
“Hordak!” Romeo gasped.
“That’s right!” Hordak’s fanged white face twisted into an evil grin as he laughed and snorted. “Hello again, traitor!”
“I won’t go back!” Romeo said defiantly. “I know the truth now! Despite all your propaganda, I’ve realized that the Evil Horde is, in fact, not very nice!”
“You foolish whippersnapper!” Hordak snorted. “Normally I would just throw a deserter like you into the slime pit. But today I need something else! I have a problem that only you can solve. Follow my orders and you will be unharmed! If you resist or speak of this to anyone, I’ll send you to the mining camps in Dryl! Now, I want —”
“I’m sorry, what?”
Hordak grumbled. “I said, if you tell anyone about this meeting I’ll send you to the —”
“The mining camps, yes, I got that,” Corporal Romeo interrupted. “I mean, where did you say they were?”
“Dry-ill,” Hordak replied, clearly enunciating both syllables.
“That’s… is that how you say that?”
“That’s how everyone says that!”
Romeo rolled his eyes. “This really is a strange planet. Sometimes I still feel homesick for Horde World.”
“Oh, no!” Hordak interrupted. “You won't distract me with your nostalgic charms! You are still my prisoner, and I will get the information I require, by hook or by crook!”
“Fine!” Romeo clanked his chains impatiently. “What do you want? Honestly, all this kidnapping is getting tiresome.”
He jumped in surprise when he found Hordak kneeling at his side, hands clasped together in a pleading gesture. “I need to know if Entrapta likes me!” Hordak wailed.
“Seriously? Aren’t you two practically having an affair already?”
“Yes, but I need to know if she likes me. I thought for certain an emotional fool like you would understand the difference! This is why I need your perspective on the situation.”
Hordak walked to a large pile of equipment and brandished a round helmet with electrodes poking out of the top. “I’m feeling generous, so do what I say and I won’t just suck the knowledge straight out of your brain!” He laughed and snorted evilly, again.
“Calm down, I’ll cooperate,” Romeo sighed. “Also, that’s broken.”
Hordak dropped the helmet with a huff. “There was an incident. With a Trollan. Not my fault. Never mind.” He pulled up a chair and transformed his hands into a comically oversized pencil and notepad. “So, what does Entrapta think about me?”
Romeo considered the question. “She thinks that you’re… passionate. And dedicated. And that there’s more to you than people realize.”
“That’s not a bad assessment!” Hordak mused. “Perhaps Entrapta has me pegged after all.”
Corporal Romeo spent several long seconds trying not to choke.
“May I make a suggestion?” he finally managed. “Just tell her you’d like to, ah, get to know her better. Be honest. I have a feeling the ensuing conversation will go quite well for both of you.”
“That doesn’t sound right!” Hordak groused. “Shouldn’t I do something overwrought and complicated to win her over on false pretenses?”
“Give her flowers?” Romeo suggested. Wriggling against his cuffs, he clumsily extracted the rose he’d picked earlier from his pocket. It was somehow still intact and healthy. “You can have this one if you want.”
“But I hate flowers!” Hordak whined, pressing his face into his hands. “I can’t stand how pretty they are!”
Romeo shrugged. “Maybe so. But do you hate them more than you like Entrapta?” A wistful look crossed his face. “I mean, you don’t have to change for somebody, but part of falling in love is making room for a whole other person in your life. Is Entrapta the one you want to make that room for?”
Slowly, a thoughtful expression crept across Hordak’s face. Then he shook his head and regained his usual scowl. “Bold words! You really are a true bleeding heart!”
He approached Romeo darkly while one hand became a whirling buzz saw. But he used it to cut through the young man’s chains, and took the offered rose from his hand. Hordak sniffed it and made a face.
“Your emotional maturity disgusts me, but you have met my demands! I’ll be dropping you off now. Here, you’ll need this.”  
He thrust a parachute into Romeo’s arms.
“Wait,” Romeo said, “Aren’t you going to —”
Before he could finish his question, Hordak pulled a lever and a trap door opened under the helpless corporal’s feet. He plummeted, his dismayed yell fading cartoonishly for several long seconds before it was muted by the loud whumph of the parachute opening. Hordak laughed, snorted, and dusted his hands.
He turned his attention back to the offending flower. “Do I hate beauty more than I like Entrapta?” he wondered aloud. “What a stupid question! I don’t understand the point of it.”
But he kept thinking about it.
That night, as Hordak stalked along the shadowy hallway to his quarters, he was met by an arresting sight. Entrapta stood before him in the low light, hands on her hips, hair lazily reaching out. Hordak gulped.
They approached each other. Entrapta’s lips were pressed together in a wide smirk. She tilted her neck coquettishly and traced one finger along her clavicle as one of her braids curled around Hordak’s shoulder.
“Entrapta!” Hordak stammered. “Um, I was just looking for you.”
“What a coincidence,” Entrapta purred. “You’re just what I was looking for too, O Mighty One.” She put her other hand on his chest and teased at his ankle with her boot. “I’ve been thinking. Since we’re both clearly the only ones with any brains around here, it might behoove us to… spend more time together.”
She traced her fingers lower. “Would you care to join me for dinner, Lord Hordak?”
Hordak could feel his knees weakening. “Yes! I mean, uh, yes. That sounds quite strategically sound.” His hand went to his thigh and he withdrew the rose, which still bloomed invitingly. “In fact, I was about to make a similar proposition. Would you accept this aesthetically pleasing plant as a token of our arrangement?”
Entrapta’s eyes widened as she took in the sight. “Oh! A Bitter Rose,” she gasped. “These are quite rare, you know. I’ve been told the ground shakes when you pluck one. How very delicious.”
Their eyes met.
Hordak’s hands gripped Entrapta’s waist at the same moment she wrapped her arms around his broad back. Their lips came together in a searing kiss. They pressed their bodies closer and continued feverishly, devouring each other with urgent intensity as their arms and legs and hair intertwined. They teetered off-balance and stumbled backwards through the door to Hordak’s room.
They made it to the edge of the bed before tripping over each other and falling across the plush mattress. They broke, gasping for air, hearts thudding. Laughing, they looked at each other and tried to talk at the same time, their words overlapping.
“I always thought…”
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted…”
“Are you…”
“Do you want to…”
“Oh, yes!”
Their hands roamed across each other’s bodies, fumbling with all the silly little straps and clasps that held their meager clothing in place, stroking softly across smooth skin. Entrapta’s skirt and breastplate fell to the floor alongside Hordak’s halter and fur shorts. They kissed again, drinking in the rising heat.
Entrapta reached between Hordak’s legs and grabbed his
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Hordak stared at the flickering screen and its blinking cursor, his long fingers poised over the keyboard.
“This is impossible,” he groaned.
“Nothing is impossible with science!” Entrapta cried, bursting through the door in a ball of purple. “Uh, sorry. I was eavesdropping. How’s the story coming?”
Hordak took the violet explosion in stride. “I seem to be having some difficulties describing the more… explicit aspects of intimacy,” he admitted.
“Really? But we do that all the time!”
“Doing it and writing it are two very different tasks, my dear.”
Entrapta thumbed the straps on her overalls and sidled up to her lover. “Maybe I could help?” she suggested demurely, running a finger along Hordak’s shoulders.
He shivered and purred in response to her touch. Leaning over the back of his chair, Entrapta wrapped her arms around his chest and softly kissed the nape of his neck. Her hair curled around his ankles, gently binding him to the legs of the chair.
“Is that all right?”
Hordak nodded in assent, his eyes filled with the radiant sparkle from hers. She grinned and kissed him on the mouth. More of her hair wrapped around his legs and waist, but she left his arms free. A stray strand nudged his hands back toward the keyboard.
“Write that,” Entrapta breathed into Hordak’s ear.
He obeyed with trembling fingers. Entrapta surveyed his work approvingly as she slowly peeled her work gloves off.
“Oh, that’s good! Now write this,” she continued, moving her hands lovingly down his abdomen.
Hordak’s breathing hitched. He kept typing.
“Hmm. Your syntax is getting a little messy, but we can clean it up later. You’re doing amazing.” Entrapta giggled.
She nibbled softly on Hordak’s ear and reached under the skirt of his robe. She placed a warm palm on the inside of his thigh and traced it upwards. Hordak gasped and stiffened. He made a noise.
They took a little break from writing after that.
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paiislley · 4 months
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Here he is!! The world’s littlest guy!! 💛
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somewhat satisfied with this... pretty butterfly man...
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foolsocracy · 2 months
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thinking about pete's exact age again and whats implied by these panels
Frankenstein was released November 21, 1931. The first noir volume takes place January 1933. It's been a generous 14 months since he's seen this movie but with how its written here it sounds like he's talking about an instance when he was a kid. or at least... younger than however old he was just over a year ago.
Either Pete is on the younger side of his teenage years or he's very sensitive to 'horror'/disturbing scenes, or both. I'd get it if he's sensitive to that stuff cause who knows what heinous shit he's seen but damn does that make me feel really awful for him. Peter The Horrors Parker, known for being subjected to The Horrors,.. it just makes me sad
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rivalmelty · 10 months
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they are fukuzawa’s boys, adopted twins, and menaces to the yokohama police
(pls do not tag as beast)
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honk4shelbi · 10 months
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ricky gives gordon some good workplace advice-- u should listen too
( follows are most appreciated rn uwu )
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
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This y'all's 'queer-coded and realistically healthy m/f ship'?????
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autism-corner · 3 months
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an ode to what could have been o7
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mitsies · 1 year
one thing that we can infer about ISAGI YOICHI is that he's nosy as hell. like, we've seen it with how he literally interrogated chigiri and barou- he's just always aiming to understand everyone, and that comes across as him being nosy (because he is.)
now think about that and picture this: in passing, you mention a date with some other guy. oh my god if he was listening before, he's really listening now. he's practically interrogating you- 'what was his name? how did you guys meet? what did you think of him? did you like him? why?'
all this, and isagi still doesn't realize that he has a massive crush on you. he's oblivious to his own feelings, to how he's so utterly enamoured by you and only you. he simply likens his desperation to know about your date to his inquisitive nature, even though it's so much more than that.
the question that lingers on the tip of his tongue, though, that he can't quite bring himself to say is: 'did you like him more than me?'
he doesn't know why he wants to ask so badly, and it's actually kind of embarrassing. he doesn't say it but he thinks you see the words on his lips.
"he wasn't that interesting. kind of dull, actually."
isagi has never felt more relieved in his life.
"plus, i never said this was recent. this happened, like, 6 months ago."
he feels his cheeks flush red. oh. now, he's just embarrassed.
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darcyolsson · 7 days
sorry to people who hate major character deaths but i love it. i love feeling real emotions because of a fake little guy. i love it when a fictional death feels inevitable in hindsight i also love it when maybe it feels like it could have been different but in reality everyone did all they could to try and prevent it but it was never going to be that way. the fictional stories that have stayed with me most over the years are the well-excecuted tragedies and i hope i get to experience one billion more of those in my lifetime
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Do you know this (canon) ADHD character?
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Proof: Confirmed in Robin & Batman #2. (I couldn't find proof of this from just googling, but someone was able to send me a picture of the page - it's real!)
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get-more-bald · 4 months
being a tf2 fan has you searching shit like "us draft 1968" "us military drafts" "wars united states participation" "vietnam war drafts"
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skittlewaffle · 4 months
I AM SORRY once again for my inactivity but I have an update:
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… him ………
I started playing fortnite all because of him ………..
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appleleef · 2 years
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careless whisper genuinely gets me so fucked up though
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trans-xianxian · 5 months
its easy to be like "and then wei wuxian lived happily ever after and was never sad again" post canon but as someone with a close and intimate working knowledge of wanting to die, there's gonna be some emotional whiplash. wei wuxian spends days at least and perhaps even weeks longing for indifference, his only motivation to live being the fulfillment of a dead mans wish, and then is immediately thrown into a political plot with no time to grieve or process the fact that he was Brought Back From The Literal, Actual Dead, going from 'entirely alone in the world, many people he loved dead, wishing for death himself' to 'loved and cherished and forgiven' in a matter of Months, and then is suddenly alone again with endless time to process every event that's ever happened to him, and you just expect him to be like. fine? nah that man's got problems. a sadness that forces you off the edge of a cliff is not one that leaves quickly or easily
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tsuyoiqueen · 7 months
hot take: i need spideypool and lokius to go on a double date.
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