#and loki was ostracized by his father and other people around him his whole life
tsuyoiqueen · 7 months
hot take: i need spideypool and lokius to go on a double date.
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imagine-loki · 7 years
The Baseborn Princess and the Aesir Prince
TITLE: The Baseborn Princess and the Aesir Prince
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 5 AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you’re a bastard daughter of a king of a far off realm, the product of his drunken loneliness at battle. His guilt of cheating on his wife drove him to send you to live on Midgard, but due to the fact that his other children (and his wife) adore you, you’re often invited to visit. RATING: Teen and Up
Stunned silence filled the room. Everyone who heard were staring openmouthed, those who didn’t were quickly told, leading to a tenseness that was incredibly palpable. On the top table, Loki and Thor sat still, having heard what Laura had said perfectly.
Clodagh stared in front of her at the spoon at the top of her cutlery, she felt every eye in the room on her, her face reddened with shame at not only being revealed as a sham but the manner it was done. Everyone gathered knew what she was, knew the shame she caused her father’s household. Her eyes filled with tears as she realised that not even those she had befriended would want her as such now that she was exposed. As her cruel words pierced through Clodagh’s mind, she rose to her feet and bolted from the room.
‘What sort of twisted cruel cow are you?’ Amelia hissed. ‘How can you look at another person and say those sort of things about them, Clods never once bad mouthed or wronged you.’
‘How can she? I am a princess, all she is a dirty secret.’ Laura sneered.
Clodagh ran until she could run no more, before falling to her knees, she felt as though air could not reach her lungs as the sheer hurt took over her body and she racked with agonising sobs as she cried. She always said those things about herself, because she believed them, but to hear someone else saying them, for them to tell everyone, it only made it seem worst. She tried holding herself in her arms as she cried to keep herself together, but it was no use, she shook as the anguish flooded her. Nothing outside her crying mattered. She felt as though her whole body was being crushed, she felt her breaths were shallow and filled with hiccups as the sobs subsided and she felt cold and broken by what was said. She always felt alone and ostracized, but now more than ever. All she wanted was to feel happy and loved, but she couldn’t even be given that.
In the hall, the stunned silence continued for a time, Amelia had stormed out in search of her sister and everyone else seemed to look around in awkwardness, most people seemed to find their gaze on Lydia and Sika. Sika’s face showed his shame, but Lydia looked genuinely heartbroken. ‘We need to find her.’ She looked to her husband.
‘We do not know this palace, only Amelia can attempt to find her,’ Her husband responded.
‘I should not have asked her to endure this.’ Frigga looked guiltily to where Clodagh had been seated. ‘It is my fault she was here, she...that poor girl.’
‘There are things none of us can foresee.’ Odin stated in consolation.
‘I know what young women in search of power are like,’ she retorted. ‘I should have known one of them would do that to her. This is my doing.’ Frigga rose to her feet and walked around the table before going to the Vanir princess. ‘Pack your things.’
Laura’s face fell. ‘What?’
‘I said, pack your things, you are not welcome in this palace any longer. You are not befitting your title, no true Princess would ever speak to another being that way all because she realised that my son prefers another to her.’
‘But she is a….’
‘You have done nothing but take liberties since entering this palace, taking a room for yourself on the first day, speaking ill and lies about others and then going and purposely ridiculing a person in a room full of people so to humiliate and belittle them. You are not a princess, you are a cruel vile creature and if you ever set foot in this palace again whilst I am alive I can and will make you suffer the consequences.’ Frigga snapped.
‘Frigga….’ The girl’s father began.
‘I am the Allmother, and a queen and you will address me as such, do I make myself clear?’ The Vanir King took a step back in shock. ‘You may be my cousin Frederick but that will not save you from my wrath, what sort of rearing did you give your daughter to let her think her actions today were an acceptable way to treat another creature and that there would be no ramifications for such?’
‘That girl has no right here.’ Laura argued.
‘She has every right.’ The people turned to Loki, who was now standing next to his mother. ‘The rules state every woman born to a King or Queen, there is no stipulation that she has to be born in wedlock or to the ruler’s spouse. The Alfheim royal line is through King Sika, she is his daughter, her markings are as clear as day, ergo she has every right to be here and she has every right to be an acceptable partner.’ Frigga nodded in agreement with her son. ‘Princess Laura, I think I speak for everyone when I say you and your prosthetic adjustments to yourself are very much wanted out of the palace.’ There was a hushed scoffing at his words. ‘Every word that comes out of your mouth is as false as that nose on your face. You think we forget that you were born with a nose like your fathers, but we do not, and when you were busy on your knees in the soldiers quarters, Clodagh was on her knees in the pouring rain untangling a hedgehog from a bush, when you were digging around for horrible words to throw at others, Clodagh was digging around for grubs to feed said animal and when you were contemplating how to scupper girls from catching the eye of the good men in Asgard, she was giving the creature one last farewell before releasing it back into the gardens because she felt it was better to let the animal live naturally even though it broke her heart for her to say goodbye to it. You may have been trained in manners and grace, but she has a kindness and both like nothing I have ever witnessed naturally. According to my brother’s friends, she is already adored around the city for her act of kindness to a child on the day she came here while you are reviled by our staff because you are incredibly untidy and messy to an extent you left a meal in your rooms for a week, smelling them up.’ There was a disgusted groan that. ‘I cannot imagine how you think you have any high standing here, you are an incredibly hateful and unpleasant person, so for you, of all people to think you can speak down to the kindest woman to ever set foot on this realm is laughable when the only difference between her and you is that your father rushed your mother up the aisle with you in her already and Sika did not.’
Even Odin’s eyebrows rose at that.
‘How dare you make such claims.’ Frederick growled.
‘I think you forget my son’s ability to smell out lies and deceit.’ Frigga smiled. ‘He has a terrible knack of reading his surrounds perfectly, and all those in them. So you see, Laura, there is a lesson here, never assume you hold the moral high ground, because once you play your hand, if you do so in a malicious manner, people who have been silent thus far will play theirs, and you will soon realise you are not as smart as you think you are.’
‘Clodagh?’ Amelia rushed around, looking for her sister. ‘Where are you?’ she rushed to the gardens, which were dark, making it harder to find someone. ‘Please Clods, answer me.’
‘Any sign of her?’ She turned to see Hogun behind her.
‘No.’ Amelia felt defeated. ‘She...she didn’t want to come, I begged her, so did Mother and the Allmother, she said she didn’t belong, that she wasn’t like the rest of us.’
‘The actions of another are not our doing.’ Hogun stated, pulling her to him. ���No one can predict what another will say or do.’
‘But to do that to her, to be so cruel.’
‘Loki has fallen for her, Laura knew that and wanted to thwart it. Thor made it clear from the beginning who he wanted, she was hoping to stop Loki feeling she was an acceptable partner.’
‘But they are so alike, they would be happy.’
‘Yes, that is the problem.’ Hogun agreed.
‘How dare that vile witch think she could say such things.’ Eoin paced furiously.
‘Some people feel that words do not inflict pain.’ Diarmaid stated next to him.
For the past half hours, Clodagh’s half-brothers stood angrily waiting for word of their sister in their parent’s rooms.
‘Father should have just pretended she and Amelia were twins from the start, this would never have mattered then.’ Eoin declared. His brothers agreed it was something that they had discussed many times over the years.
Inside the main areas of their parents' rooms, Sika and Lydia waited.
‘I should not have allowed this.’ Lydia stated guiltily. ‘I was so desperate for her to find some happiness, maybe even realise there is more to life than hiding in shame over something she has no control over, I never thought some would be so cruel.’
‘I should have sent to her to Midgard.’ Sika declared.
Lydia gave her husband a warning look, for years Sika insisted that Clodagh would be better served off Alfheim so that she would not be recognised by her markings. ‘You need to accept your part in this.’
‘Accept….I accepted the horrific ramifications of my actions the day they occurred, and when she came to the palace…’
‘Not those actions, you have made it damn clear you hold onto them, to the point it is actually irritating now, but to Clodagh.’ He looked at his wife unsure. ‘Why do you remain so distant, that girl needs her parent’s love. Genevieve is dead, she is not able to give her a mother’s love but she has a father, alive and well who adores his other daughter and spoils his grandchildren no end, but who does not even share a conversation with her.’
‘We have spoken.’
‘Getting the same lift and asking her if her teachings were adequate is not speaking to her. You failed that girl since the day you helped create her.’ Lydia stated sadly. ‘You have been so busy trying to make it up to me that you never once considered her.’
‘You never fully accepted my apologies.’
‘How can I, when you refuse to apologise to the most innocent being in all of this.’
‘If she had not been born…’
‘But she was, she exists, and you acting as though it is some terrible inconvenience to us all is not working. She hates herself because she feels as though she is at fault for this, but she was never the one at fault, was she?’ Lydia snarled. ‘You are the one that has caused this mess day one and you have yet to show that girl it is not her fault. She did not ask to be conceived, she is not responsible for how she came to be and it is not her fault that you have failed her ever since.’
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