#he's a nerd
smiling-circus-au · 3 months
Based off the downtime ask, what's ur favorite book Bubba?
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"I don't have a favorite book, now that I think about it. But I do enjoy encyclopedias!"
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lightprkdraws · 1 year
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The besties need to enjoy a break I think
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lennadanvers · 2 months
Eddie Munson is the kind of man to buy a bottle of your perfume and label it 'Amortentia'.
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livefastdriveyoung · 2 months
Like genuinely how do you look at that man and think anything else? Flags, maps, history, he's a NERD.
I love it, but like, there was nothing about this man that screamed himbo or just even hunk.
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homelesstravelerssp · 3 months
Izuku is an expert in Skibidi Toilet lore.
I said my word.
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detectivebambam · 3 months
Andrew said he hated libraries, not reading. he literally quotes books and literature all the time. let him be a bookworm it hurts literally no one
(i hate libraries too, but I read at least 3 books a month like i promise it's okay)
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ndostairlyrium · 3 months
WIP whenever
...wherever, we're meant to be together 🎶
Tagged by precious @melisusthewee who really had the best timing, because I was totally plotting stuff featuring a character you don't see often u-u
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I'm totally not digging around to find inspo for nevarran fashion, no no
His majesty Microsoft Excel, Shaan if you're friends <3
He's one that conjures stuff and then banishes them, because he cares for the environment u-u the soil has to be moved from time to time, right? Being a secretary is boring. Also he's quite wary around Cassandra because he was a ""servant"" to a famous Mortalitasi, along with his grandfather; her family name keeps him from getting too close. The fact she's a Seeker is a plus.
She has some gorgeous scary eyes tho, I very much get it <<
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jazstudios · 2 months
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Scott you wet cat nerd you
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anidiothuman · 1 year
Finally, my headcanon of Jay loving books and having a personal library is (basically) canon
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enigmaticemperor · 2 years
Headcanon that James Potter is a nerd with a fantastic memory. He can recall minute details that the professors have taught from years before, which makes the rest of the class go, "Wait, when did they even teach that??".
Also, Lily used to find this extremely annoying before they became friends.
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thatwitchrevan · 1 year
Still think Atton had a good education or grew up reading a lot because first of all if he really is from Alderaan he would have had every opportunity to be booksmart and well read and second that level of eloquence that comes out when he's angry comes from somewhere and nothing about his role in the war or his job or anything he does now requires him to be busting out poetic figurative language while on a rant. That kid was a bookworm. That kid was on honor roll. That kid tries to be lowkey about it now but when it's important suddenly he's got words. And I love it about him.
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a-magical-evening · 2 years
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So it took me 10,000 years to notice that Trey's buttons are skulls in the Tony Awards pics but also... Starship Enterprise cufflinks. I need to sit down.
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moosethren · 1 month
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Now Rotr gave me a new OC, that'll probably show in my fanfic at some point.
He's the son of the water dragon Ryujin and mentored Katsu some time before game events.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Every time I see Midoriya losing in a poll or something it tells me that the world isn't appreciating or ready for a protagonist like him.
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liliallowed · 5 months
one of my fave headcanons/canons about dust is that despite him looking like a shady ass drug dealer who's off his rocker...
he's actually pretty well versed in astronomy, physics, math and science...
so like god forbid serial killer have HOBBIES.
*insert dust enthusiastically reading about sci-fi stuff*
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gjdraws · 2 years
I wanna hear more of the two jonnies thing
Hello! The Two Johnnies (AKA the Mummy thing) previously expanded here
It's basically a Mummy AU where it's:
Daniel LaRusso being Evie except he's the one that joined the foreign legion to see the world (and mummies bc he actually wanted to study archeology and cultures)
Johnny Lawrence being the lunkhead that gets into fights and is sent to Egypt to cool his heels, courtesy Sid. Dutch accompanies him because perhaps the reason Johnny even got into trouble was Dutch? Who knows.
Also everybody did sort of have bullying re: TKK but without the tournament. So Daniel dealt by joining the foreign legion to travel, Johnny dealt by becoming more surly/inward introspection gone bad. Basically CK Johnny. Idk man it's all hazy for me
And then you have fitey Johnny+Dutch meet Daniel again (Dutch meets Daniel in a bar, gets his ass handed to him bc Daniel did go learn karate apparently). So he steals Daniel's artefact bc he's a petty bitch.
Idk man they sort of agree to find treasure together because Daniel's the only one who knows where Hamunaptra is. Why do Johnny and Dutch want to go - well if you found out about a city of the dead wouldn't you want to go? Plus treasure frees Johnny (and Laura) from Sid. So they go. The Americans are Mike Barnes, Snake & co. lmao.
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And Freddy Fernandez is Benny (i know i know but he ditched Daniel p quick after he lost a fight just saying). So basically Johnny's like LaRusso you're the brains, get us out of this because all I can do is punch stuff and that hasn't helped us much.
Whike simultaneously Silver is like I will be taking your Johnny to resurrect my Johnny. I would also like to point out Kreese covered in gold paint head to toe, let Terry have pretty things okay.
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Plus Chozen is Ardeth Bay bc I love Daniel and Chozen together. Also imagine Dutch and Chozen would get along like a house on fire eventually.
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Unfortunately my rental timed out and I never continued this. Now you know ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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