#he’s so sexy what if i said i’ve never wanted another man this bad before.
wayvtual · 7 months
i finally watched the poppin love track video w the sound on is kun actually really charismatic or do i just have feelings for him n want him badly
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calisources · 3 months
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All these quotes are taken from different works of fiction and depict sensual, sexual tension between two people in different scenarios. There are some that are suggestive while others are more detail so this meme is nsft and usft, please tag accordingly. Mentions of jealousy, possessiveness, sex, fantasies are all here. Change pronouns, names, locations as you see fit.
I knew the first moment I saw him that it was going to be raw, it was going to be ugly, and I was going to enjoy every damn minute of it.
You're still looking.
You make it hard to look away.
I'm over here keeping my hands and memories to myself because you asked me to, that’s not fair.
If you'd just man up and admit there's something between us, I would strip down to my skin so you could see every single inch of me.
How long are you going to make me wait?
How awfully presumptuous of you to think I'd let you.
You missed my arrogance almost as much as I missed your impudence, little one.
You said not to fall for you. Did you change your mind?
We both needed to blow off some steam, and we did, right?
They say the colour of a lady’s lips is an exact match to another region on the body?
You're too soft.
Can we go back to making out now?
You sound jealous.
Then tell me this is what you truly want. Swear you want this more than anything else and I'll never mention it again.
If you want me to play the bawd, at least give me the benefit of your advice.
Tell me how it's done. Do you think she'd like it if I came to her like this, if I looked deeply in to her eyes?
And then like this? Is this how I ought to seduce her?
You're wet, aren't you?
You drove me mad.
She asked me not to be gentle with her, either,I would have been gentle with you, though.
I would have had you moaning my name throughout it all. And I would have taken a very, very long time, Feyre.
I'm all yours to look at, you know.
You need to let me go, darling, before we start something I intend to finish.
Feel free to touch, darling. It's all yours.
. . .I hate you.
Say it again.
Grind it. Nice and fine.
I gave him a few smiles and he handed over a family heirloom. I bet he'd give me the keys to his territory if I showed up wearing those undergarments.
Why shouldn't I? You seem to have difficulty not staring at me day and night.
Am I supposed to deny, that I find you attractive?
Is that a challenge, Feyre?
Do you think it's fair that you have seen every inch of me, and I have seen none of you?
Move with me now.
Touch me anywhere you please.
I want you to make love to me.
Do you know what that truly means?
You do know? You know that I will be inside you and that I will move inside you, until we are both mad from pleasure?
I want you inside me.
You have three minutes to get ready now.
I did dream about you. I didn’t want to, but I did.
What was I doing in your dreams?
Someone is watching us through the window.
All the more reason to put on a good show.
You're not in a position to make demands.
The best things are found in the most secret places.
And you are a beautiful, sexy temptress who is about to be fucked by a man who wants her so desperately he's willing to do anything to have her.
When I'm with a woman, it's not me doing the begging.
You're rubbing yourself all over me. What did you think was going to happen?
I thought you were all about self-control.
I remember how powerful those thighs are.
You are more beautiful than I imagined.
And your skin... Christ, it shimmers like gold.
I'm naked underneath.
Tell me----did it get you off knowing I was watching?
I want to take you under the moonlight.
Please, don’t stop.
Oh, so I shouldn’t? That would be cruel of me, wouldn’t it?
I am the cruelest man you will ever meet, but, I will make you feel so good, you will not care.
I’ve never been with a man before.
You do bad things to me, Carrie. Very bad things.
And you, Miss, are no lady.
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babygirl-000p · 3 months
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So I’ve met an incredible guy that’s makes me feel like I could take over the world💞 I think I owe some of you a story time for being so quiet for a while. And also i really enjoy writing them for you. So I’ll tell you about a day with this man (I asked what he wanted to be called in this story and he said Mr. O, O for orgasm🤪). Here it goes:
He lives in another town and we couldn’t see each other longer than a few hours during the day, so he drove an hour to visit me. First he picked me up and we decided to go a gallery and to have some lunch. He brought a bag of vibrators that he showed me before and told me we were using later.
I’m always so filled with emotions and so wet whenever I’m around him, and he says things like that he’s proud of me for being who I am and that I should listen to my heart and that he thinks I’m so beautiful and wonderful. I sort of wished for him to touch me in public but he just kissed me and looked at me with his really sexy eyes and told me that he couldn’t wait to make me cum for him later in the car.
As soon as we sat down in the car he gave me a wand and told me to use it while he was driving. So I spread my legs and put the vibrator between my legs. He told me I was being a good girl and that I should continue. We tried to find a place to park so we could have more fun, and since he doesn’t know this town I had to give him instructions while I was moaning and trying to focus.
He never lets me cum only once so when I came the first time he immediately told me to keep the vibrator where it was. I struggled a bit to keep it there because I’m a bit sensitive right after I orgasm, but I like it when he encourages and challenges me so I did my best to keep it there. I came two more times before we parked the car. When I was done he said “and what do we say?” And I said “thank you”.
We arrived to a place where we could park. It was next to a gardening center which I was sure was only open during the summer. So we parked there and he folded the backseat and covered it with blankets and pillows. He then asked me while I was still wearing clothes, so I got undressed and put my arms around his neck. He put his fingers inside of me and he said “wow” and told me I was really wet. He then put his now wet fingers in my mouth so that I could taste myself.
He fingered me until I came a few times, constantly telling me I’m a good girl and that I’m making him proud and such (I love that, it makes me crazy in the best possible way). Then we hugged and kissed and he made sure I had a minute of rest and some water before he spread my legs apart and got on top of me and started fucking me. While he was fucking me I got to have his fingers, and sometimes my own, in my mouth. We often keep eye contact during and it’s so intense. He then came inside of me while holding me really close to him💞
We then rested and talked for a while until he told me it was time for me to cum for him again. He then gave me a vibrator to hold while I had his fingers inside of me. I’m so comfortable around him and it feels so good that I can’t resist being loud. I catch myself almost screaming sometimes because I can’t control it at all.
Probably idk many orgasm later while I was resting my head on his chest, I saw something move outside the window. We looked more closely and saw that someone was sitting nearby just watching and having a cup of coffee or something. We immediately started getting dressed and trying to leave as fast as possible. It was cold and sunny and we had fogged up the car so bad that we had to use a shirt to try to get the windows dry before we could leave.
We then went and bought ‘fika’ and drinks (he had me put a vibrator inside of me and walk around with it while we were shopping) and then we went driving around the place where I grew up. I showed him places and told him stories from my life. We talked about memories, old lovers, sorrows and so on. He also made me cum a few more times in the car before we stopped by the water so that I could have a cigarette and so we could hug for a while.
He then drove me home and made me cum a few more times before kissing me and dropping me off. It was a perfect day with a perfect person💞
The picture is taking at his place, the mirror says “there’s no one like you”💞
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Will’s Sister (Hannibal)
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Description: Hannibal and Will’s sister take a liking to each other.
Word Count: 1,104k
Request: Could you maybe write a fanfic with the reader being Will‘s sister and she caught Hannibal‘s interest, with Will still trying to protect her.But in the end she still ends up with Hannibal?
“So when do I get to meet him?” She asked her older brother as they are eating. “How about never?” She sighed and whined. “Come on Will. What’s so bad about him?” She wanted to meet the famous Hannibal Lecter that her brother was working with. She’s heard so much about him and Will didn’t want them near each other. He didn’t trust Hannibal all that much or at least he shouldn’t. He was afraid that Hannibal would try to get with his sister and vice versa. “I’ve told you before I think he’s the one killing these people.” Another thing, Will is convinced that Hannibal is the killer of all the cases that he’s worked on.
“Ok but that’s a think not a know.” She said. He looked at her annoyed that she keeps talking about him. “You aren’t to meet him, Y/N. He’s bad news.” She rolls her eyes for what seems to be the millionth time during this conversation. She didn’t care that Will thought that about him. She still wanted to meet him. “I can take care of myself, Will.” She was 25 years old, so was an adult and that Will knew. But he still didn’t trust Hannibal around her. “Y/N, It’s final. You’re not meeting him.” It was after he said that the doorbell rang. Y/N got up before Will could, to answer it. She opened the door to reveal the man she wanted to meet. “Hi is uh Will here?” The man asked with a beautiful accent.
She checked him out and he blushed. “Will? There’s a man at the door for you.” She called. Will cursed knowing who it was. He appeared behind his sister and made eye contact with Hannibal. “Is there a reason you’re here so late?” He asked him, dreading this so much. “Uh well you see my car broke down and your house was the closest.” Y/N turned towards her brother. “Is this Hannibal?” She asked him. Before Will could reply Hannibal beat him to it, “Yes I am.” Y/N turned back towards the man with a wide mouth. Will rolled his eyes and sighed. “I’m Y/N. Will’s sister.” She stuck out her hand for him to shake. He gladly took it. “You can definitely stay the night if you need to.” She told the man.
Will was about to protest when Y/N held up her finger to him. “We can call someone about your car in the morning.” She said with a smile. Hannibal thanked her and she let him in. Will was pissed about this. Y/N didn’t even live here and invited Hannibal into the house to stay the night knowing what Will thought of him. “So Hannibal, do you like soup?” She asked. “I do.” “Well I made some for tonight. You are more than welcome to have some.” She said with a smile. He thought that smile was beautiful. “Thank you. I will gladly have some.” Will watched them closely just looking for a reason to say No to all of this. Y/N got him a bowl and handed it to him. He started eating it and hummed. “This is very good.” He told her.
“I’m a cook myself.” “Really?” She asked with excitement. He nodded and began telling her some of the things he cooks. Y/N listened closely as he told her all about it. Will glared at the two as Hannibal made her laugh. “So you can take Will’s bed and he can have the couch.” Will’s jaw dropped. “Uh excuse me? He can take the couch.” “No you can. He’s your guest.” “He can have your room for the night. Or my guest room as it is.” Hannibal watched the two bicker about where he would sleep. They definitely were siblings. “I can take the couch.” He said. “Thank you.” “No.” They said at the same time. “Since Will is an asshole. You can take my bed.” She told him. 
Hannibal went to bed earlier than Y/N thought he would. Will was always an early bird but Y/N wasn’t. She laid on the couch wide awake as she thought about the older man. He was very sexy and nice. She didn’t see what Will was talking about. She huffed as she tossed and turned, trying to fall asleep but couldn’t. She sat up and thought about how the guest bed is huge and she was sure that she could sneak in there and sleep. She gathered her blankets and pillows and made her way to the room. Will was already asleep so that was one less thing she had to worry about.
She walked into the room and saw Hannibal asleep. God that man looked so good even asleep. She tiptoed to the other side of the bed and set her stuff on it. She got under the covers and laid back, hoping she didn’t wake him up. “Y/N, is that you?” His sleepy voice was even hot. “Yeah sorry I couldn’t sleep on the couch. I’ll be out before Will gets up so he doesn’t freak out.” “Does Will always act like this?” He asked, looking at her. “An asshole? Yeah.” He chuckled, “I mean protective.” She looked over at the older man confused. “What makes you say that?” “I saw how he kept looking at us while we were talking. It’s like he thinks I will eat you.” She chuckled at his words. “You could if you wanted to.” “He should be protective. You’re beautiful.” She felt her cheeks heat up at his words.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” She said and turned towards him. Both feeling wide awake. “God Will would hate this.” She said and they both laugh. “Yeah he would. But doesn’t that make this more exciting?” This man loved the thrill of it. Will’s sister and him oh that would be perfect. But Hannibal actually had interest in Y/N. “I guess it does.” They both stared into each other’s eyes for a long period of time before Hannibal got closer to her.
She didn’t move away or lean back. She didn’t want to. She moved closer to him so that their noses were touching. “Hannibal.” She whispered. “Yeah?” “Kiss me.” She told him. He smiled and leaned in. Their lips touched and they both felt the fireworks go off. Y/N  kissed him back not caring about what Will said or if Will was to walk in the room right now and see the scene. She would just flip him off. They parted from the kiss too fast for her liking but it was the start of something. Something crazy.
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greenxgloss · 2 months
Turn Me On (Mike, 5lbs of pressure)
Tags: @romanroyapoligist @nevvdrinksteaa @444rockstargf
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Summary: you caught the eye of a long-haired mike in the club Warnings: Fem!reader, suggestive language, drugs mentioned, smoking, grinding
the music was booming and you could feel the base pulsing in your skin, letting your body move freely. you open your eyes and make eye contact with a man with soft blue eyes and long dark hair. he catches your eye and you point at him as you dance. without having to say anything he walked over to you, the lights seemingly making him stand out in the crowd, moving in slow motion. you didn’t know this but chills ran through his body the moment he saw you. lust in both your eyes.
he slowly approached and you felt your adrenaline spike. soon he was standing in front of you. both of you dancing and moving to the music, grinding onto each other. you felt free and in your element taking in the different smells that woke you up.
you felt like all eyes were on you as the both of you continued to press together. his hands reached for your hips, both your hair flying everywhere. you pulled away and walked over to the bar, the man following watching as you got on the counter.
you began dancing on the counter. him watching you in awe at how liberated you looked, so full of love for life. your skin twinkling from the sweat but still, you smelled of mint and martinis, your hands running over your body.
you didn’t care if people were watching or judging or cheering you just wanted to live in the moment. you pulled him onto the counter with you, pulling his hips against yours, taking him by surprise. “lean back when i do.” you spoke your first words into his ear, sending shivers down his spine. he did as he was told, leaning away from each other while you held your hips together. the song ending and you both let go of each other.
“what’s your name?” you asked into his ear, smelling the weed wafting off him. you knew you were gonna like him. “Mike.” he mouthed. “cool! I’m Y/N.” you said, beginning to dance to the next song. god even her name is intoxicating. “wanna go somewhere a little more quiet?” he asked and you nodded before leading him away from the loud music.
“i’ve never seen you here before.” he said, causing you to laugh. “never in the same place twice babe.” you said, wiping your hair from your face. “got a cigarette?” you asked, pulling a lighter from the hem of your jeans. he nodded. “god you’re so sexy.” he said, handing to one, watching you light it. “not too bad yourself.” you giggled, taking a hit and turning your head to blow the smoke out. “i just love the scene i need to keep moving.” you told him as you handed him the cig. “clearly. but i like it. i wanna be around for it more often if that’s cool with you.” he suggested, the smoke puffing out from his lips. “yeah here’s my number.” you said taking his phone from his pocket, making him jump at the swift motion. you typed in your digits.
you saw him take another hit from the cigarette and you quickly pressed your lips to suck the smoke out, flustering him and running back into the club before letting him react.
he just hoped you gave him a real number and not bogus combinations as he got back into his car and drove off, satisfied with his night at the club.
A/N: quick little thing I wrote. I couldn't choose between the songs oops
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berryhobii · 7 months
Down Bad(pjm x reader)
Pairing: fuckboy!Park Jimin x fuckgirl!black!female!reader
Word Count: 8.6K+
Warnings: Smut(18+ but I don’t control what you consume), drinking, assault(throwing things at someone), mentions of objectifying women, mentions of STD tests(everyone’s clean), drinking alcohol(nothing explicit), kind of homie hopping but not really, mentions of previous partners, mentions of dom/sub relationships, reader’s low key a dom🫣, reader’s also bisexual😝, reader’s got that WAP and NyQuil 😺, talks of safe words(comfort and consent are sexy!), oral(m and f receiving), face sitting, unprotected sex(wrap it please), multiple orgasms(m receiving, mentions of f receiving), reverse cowgirl
A/N: Hi babies! I’m back! I recently started a new job so I’ve been kind of focused on that but I’m pretty much finished with a lot of my works. All I have to do his proofread some things and I’ll upload a few things at once. In this work, I described reader as dark skinned. Reader also has a 36 inch buss down middle part😝😝i always see so many stories of the men being hit ‘em and quit them types so I thought it’d be refreshing to make the reader like that instead. This is my first time writing a character like this so I hope you enjoy. Please tell me what you think. This will have a Part 2 as well! I hope you like this. Criticism is greatly appreciated! Stay safe🩵🩵🩵
Yawns and whines sounded from his bed, the body that’s been warming it for the past few hours finally rising from the post coital sleep caused by multiple rounds of intense and rough sex.
The sun wasn’t even up yet, the moon still shining overhead.
“Oh you’re awake?” A voice asked.
The woman’s sleep fuzzed eyes blinked a few times to clear her blurry vision, sights settling on the lean back of the man who just rocked her world hours before.
She sleepily smiled, lifting her tired body from the mattress. The blankets fell, revealing her naked body which had been littered with marks and bruises from his mouth and hands.
Draping her arms over his shoulders, she pressed a few kisses to his shoulder. “It’s still dark out. Why are you awake?”
His head turned slightly to look at her. She was pretty, not really his type but easy on the eyes. Now with messy hair and her makeup smudged, he was starting to think she was only really pretty when done up.
“I never went to sleep.”
Her warm cheek rubbed against his skin before she lulled in low and suggestive tone, “Ready for another round?”
He scoffed a laugh, shaking himself from her hold and standing to his feet. “Nah but your Uber is less than 5 minutes away. You better get dressed.”
Her mouth dropped in shock, sputtering out a, “w-what? What are you talking about?”
He picked her dress and underwear up off the ground before tossing them on the bed.
“I meant what I said. Beat it. I have to go to sleep before work later.” He quipped dismissively with a yawn.
Her hands gathered up the blankets, holding them to her chest, hot shame and embarrassment burning at her cheeks. Whereas his gaze initially made her feel sexy and wanted, now his sharp eyes just made her feel dirty and used. Like some $2 whore.
He rolled his eyes, already growing irritated. His phone chimed and he held it up, seeing the Uber was just a minute away.
“Come on. Your Uber is about to pull up. I didn’t know where your house was so I just put in the bar where we met. Is that cool?”
Suddenly, a pillow whacked him in the face with enough force that it actually made him stumble back. Wait a second……what did she say her dad did? Huh, he could barely remember her name, much less what she was talking about in the bar. Truthfully, he didn’t talk her up much before getting her to come home with him. She was easier than most.
He didn’t have too much time to dwell on it before multiple projectiles were firing at him.
“Hey! Hey! Stop!”
He held up his arms to protect his head, sucking and dodging all of the things she flung at him. It didn’t do much, however, since almost every item was hitting him. Damn she had good aim.
“You asshole! You fuck me and then put me out?! Did your mother not teach you any fucking manners?!” Gratefully, she ran out of things to throw.
He huffed, rubbing his side where his fake potted plant had hit him. “You’re insane. Look at how you trashed my room.”
She growled as she pulled her clothes on, grabbing her phone and purse before stomping out in a huff.
“Screw you, Park Jimin! I hope your dick falls off!” She spat in disgust, slamming his door hard enough to shake the walls.
Pfft, whatever.
Park Jimin was a certified womanizer and connoisseur of the primal pleasures. His body count was probably higher than college kids on 4/20. To some, that might seem gross and irresponsible. Who can have that much sex with that many people? And to that, Jimin said ‘be jealous’. Jimin prided himself on safe and consensual sex at all times. Well, there were a few women who he’s braved unprotected for but he always made sure they were clean and got them Plan B’s afterwards!
To ensure no strings attached sex, Jimin had 3 main rules he followed.
1. Never go over the woman’s house.
2. Never sleep over
3. Never sleep with someone twice
These 3 rules are what kept Jimin a well oiled machine. It’s also what kept girls from getting too attached and sending mixed messages. He wasn’t looking for any kind of relationship or anything long term; just sex and that’s it.
And he planned on keeping it that way.
Jimin flopped down on his friend’s couch, groaning from his still aching side. A light bruise had already purpled there but thankfully nothing was broken.
He sluggishly pushed himself through work, those pain patches doing nothing to alleviate his pain.
“Fuck, my side is killing me.”
“I will never understand why you treat women like that. Didn’t another girl post your STD results on Instagram a few years ago?” His best friend since childhood, Taehyung remembered.
Ah yes, that incident.
To sum it up, a girl he slept with some years back had requested his STD results. Normal enough, right? Safety first and whatnot. After hitting it and quitting it, he thought he’d never see the girl again. Everything was quiet until he was tagged in a post showing his results along with a lengthy caption calling him a pig and multiple variations of the word ‘slut’ that he’s never even heard of.
And if that wasn’t bad, almost every woman he’s slept with spawned under that post like white girls to pumpkin spice. Fortunately, it didn’t go viral(673 comments doesn’t count, right?) and Jimin sort of forgot about it.
From that moment on, he never gave out any of his contact information and he kept his STD results in his wallet. So far, everything’s been going well.
Well, until last night.
“It’s fine. She got in the Uber and hopefully she got home okay.”
Taehyung’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in shock. “You didn’t get her an Uber home? At 3AM? Do you know how dangerous that is?” He gasped, following in the woman’s footsteps and throwing a pillow at Jimin but with not nearly as much force.
Jimin blocked the pillow before continuing, “I’d rather not know where she stays so I can avoid ever walking by. She had the arm of a baseball player.” Suddenly it clicked! Jimin snapped his fingers in jubilation, memory coming back. “That’s it! Her father’s a baseball player. That’s what she said.”
Taehyung slapped his forehead dramatically. “You’re ridiculous. You know, one day you’re gonna meet someone who will give you your just desserts.”
The middle finger was thrown up in Taehyung’s direction.
As if that would ever happen.
Jimin’s pain had faded by the weekend which meant it was time to party!
If only he had a party to attend. He was avoiding his favorite bar—not out of fear of seeing that strong armed girl again! Of course not!
So he decided to tag along with Jungkook and Jungkook’s college friends to another bar. He also convinced Taehyung to take a break from being a moody misunderstood artist.
Drinks were flowing and the sweet tail in this bar was catching Jimin’s eye. He could already spot at least 4 women that fit his standards. If everything went well, he’d be out of the bar and on his way home with someone on his arm within an hour.
“Let’s get some shots.” Jungkook offered to which the others nodded in agreement. While he turned to do that, Jimin started surveying the bar again. Taehyung must have noticed because he nudged him.
“You’re not thinking of which girl to take home, are you? Did you not learn from that baseball player’s daughter?” Taehyung sighed exasperated. He loved Jimin but goodness he could be an idiot. The shots arrived at that time and Jimin downed his. He didn’t really need liquid courage to loosen him up but it still helped.
Jimin shrugged his shoulder. “Stop worrying so much. Bathroom quickies are my specialty.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes, muttering, “but somehow learning from your mistakes isn’t.”
Ignoring the jab, Jimin resumed his scan of the bar, making eye contact with a pretty girl across the way. Her eyes widened at being caught, quickly averting her gaze and looking at her drink as if it was the most interesting thing ever.
He smirked. Perfect. Shy ones are always the best.
Just as he was about to move to approach her, she was tapped on the shoulder by another girl by her side. They moved away from their spot on the bar and Jimin was met with a sight so mouth watering that he had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
A woman was leaned over the bar counter, thick glossed lips sucking at a straw in a fruity colored drink. His eyes followed the curve of your back, over the swell of your ass in that dress—thick luscious legs that looked miles long in your strappy platforms and white toenail polish! Your hair was long and dark, falling over your back like an onyx curtain.
Damn. You were sexy as hell.
“Hey look, it’s Yoongi hyung.” Jungkook noticed, pointing in the direction of their friend.
Jimin and the others watched as Yoongi crossed the bar……straight to you.
Yoongi leaned against the bar next to you, your eyes sparkling at the sight of a familiar face.
It’s moments like these Jimin wishes he could read lips. What were you two talking about? Did Yoongi know you personally or was this your first time meeting him? If Yoongi did know you, were you two just friends or currently on the pathway to dating? Contrary to his demeanor and face, Yoongi was actually very social and made friends easily. He was also just as smooth as Jimin when it came to bringing people home. Would Yoongi get you first?
After stalking watching you for a while longer, you two seemed to bid each other farewell before Yoongi walked away.
Jungkook held up his hand to catch his attention. “Yoongi hyung! Over here!”
The cat like man’s gaze flickered over to the small group, a little smile on his face as he approached.
Once he got close enough, he greeted everyone with waves and bro hugs. “What’s up? I didn’t know you guys would be here tonight.”
Jungkook nodded. “There’s a deal on Long Islands. What are you doing here? Normally college kids come to this bar.”
Yoongi’s eyes scanned the crowd. “I’m Hoseok and Seokjin’s designated driver. Some girl Hoseok’s dating goes here.” He informed with a shrug.
Ah. That made sense. Hoseok was kind of a stuck drunk and while Seokjin was a good drinker, he still didn’t like driving under the influence. And Uber’s were off the table as well.
“Me? Get in a stranger’s car? Preposterous.”
So that left Yoongi as designated driver.
But enough about their wacky friends. Jimin had bigger things to worry about, like your ass.
“Hyung, who is that girl you were just talking to?”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow, turning for a moment to look at you before facing Jimin again.
“Oh, y/n? She’s a student here. She’s getting her Master’s.” Yoongi answered.
Jimin hummed. “And are you two…..?” He trailed off, gesticulating his hands in a weird way.
Yoongi frowned. “Are we what?”
“He wants to know if you two are together before he goes and tries to fuck her.” Taehyung finished for them since he couldn’t bear this dumb game. “Please tell me she does professional kickboxing.”
Jimin pushed his catty friend. “Stop it.”
Yoongi’s mouth opened in a little ‘ah’. “No, nothing like that. y/n doesn’t date. Trust me, I tried.” He sighed, a little dreamily and defeated.
That was interesting. Not really that you rejected Yoongi but the fact that you didn’t date. It honestly shocked Jimin a little. You were smoking hot. How could someone like you not have a partner? Did you have a bad personality? Were you clingy? Were you just hot but also dumb? Hmm.
Eh. He didn’t care too much about that. You were single and attractive. That was good enough for him.
Fixing his hair and straightening his leather jacket, he was about to take a step but Yoongi’s hand on his chest stopped him.
“Hold up, man. I wouldn��t go after her.”
Jimin scoffed. “And why not? Just because you can’t get her doesn’t mean I can’t.”
The incredibly petty part of Yoongi wanted to just let Jimin go but he couldn’t, in good conscience, just let Jimin approach you unprepared.
“That’s not what I meant. I’ve never dated y/n but I have slept with her before.”
Wow, that was information he wasn’t ready for. Even Taehyung and Jungkook made noises of surprise.
“And what? Is she not good? Does she smell?” Jimin questioned, concern actually starting to eat at his tummy. Call him shallow and uneducated but Jimin didn’t venture near any pussy that didn’t appeal to his sensitive nose and delicate pallet. Perhaps you were just eye candy. Well, a blowjob would still count as a successful endeavor.
Yoongi shook his head. “No, of course not. The thing is, she’s the best I’ve ever had and I’m not joking. Like she’s so good that I still think about it and it happened over a year ago.”
“Pfft. That’s it? Whatever, hyung.” Jimin shook Yoongi’s hand off before strutting his way over to you.
Yoongi sighed dejectedly. “He has no idea what he’s walking into.”
You were about ready to wrap up your night. You really just came out for a drink and to spend time with your friends but they had left a little while ago to definitely have a foursome with these 2 guys. They asked if you wanted to join but you didn’t think you were that comfortable seeing your best friend’s vaginas. Well, willingly. You were a girl’s girl through and through but not like that.
Just as you sucked down the last of your drink, a presence settled on your side. At first you thought it was just another patron trying to get a drink but then a sugar sweet voice floated over into your ears.
“Can I buy you another drink?”
You looked to your right, finding a very handsome man leaning against the counter. He was very handsome but also pretty in a kind of graceful way. He wasn’t the type you often went after but you didn’t discriminate.
You leaned your cheek against the back of your hand. “I don’t accept drinks from strangers.” You disclosed.
Jimin felt his eyebrow twitch slightly but he couldn’t deny the slight rush your nonchalant tone gave him. You wouldn’t be easy and he liked it.
He sniffed. “You accepted one from the bartender. He’s a stranger.” He fired back matter of factly.
Ah, you could see now. He wasn’t the type to back down. Interesting. Maybe you would play along.
Your smirk sent a shiver down his spine. “He’s not a stranger. I know him inside and out.”
At that moment, the bartender came over to retrieve your empty glass. When you met his eyes, a red blush painted his skin from his cheeks to his neck.
Reaching into your purse, you pulled out a bill to tip him. “Thanks, baby. It was delicious.” You complimented, a sultry tone in your voice that spread that blush even further.
He shyly smiled, eyes flickering around. “Y-you’re welcome….” He grabbed your glass and you took the opportunity to run the tips of your stiletto nails up the back of his hand. He shivered at the touch, almost dropping the glass but managing to keep it from falling. He bowed at you, thanking you for the tip before scurrying over to the other side of the bar to tend to other customers.
Jimin’s jaw had yet to return to its original state. There was no way he just witnessed that. It’s obvious that you and that bartender had something going on; something crazy judging by how almost submissive the man acted just by being in your presence.
Was Yoongi right about you?
You flickered your eyes over to the new stranger, reaching out to tap at his chin.
“Your jaw will ache if you do that. Or do you like that sort of thing?”
Jimin snapped his mouth shut, your chuckle bringing heat to the tips of his ears but he forced it down.
“Oh so is the bartender your boyfriend or something?” He tried to passively ask but you could see right through him.
“Nope. I don’t have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. I used to though.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You used to have a boyfriend?”
You shook your head. “Nope, a girlfriend but we had to go our separate ways. She had a great rack too.” You reminisced with a sigh.
Were you fucking for real? Jimin didn’t give a damn about your ex girlfriend but he’d be lying if he said you hinting at being bisexual wasn’t sexy as hell.
He cleared his throat. “Well uh, I’m Jimin.”
You hummed but didn’t make a move to introduce yourself and that kind of pissed him off.
“Aren’t you gonna tell me your name?”
You swept your hair over your back, the scent of your perfume and whatever else you used in your hair invading his senses.
“Do I need to?” You drawled sassily.
He swallowed. Fuck you were pissing him off.
Luckily for him, Yoongi already told him your name so ha!
“I guess not, y/n.” He smirked.
You tilted your head. Ha! Gotcha! You weren’t so clever!
Then you smiled and it sent Jimin’s stomach in a whirl.
Your eyes sparkled with mischief. Jimin was very amusing to you. You couldn’t wait to break him.
You leaned closer to him, so close that your lips were almost touching. His breath got caught in his throat, eyes flickering back and forth between your irises.
What was this feeling? Jimin hasn’t felt like this sense his last big audition. His stomach was turning, nausea bringing that last drink he had right to the base of his throat, and his palms felt like all the water in his body had populated to his hands.
“That was cute.” Your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. “But it doesn’t matter if you know my name or not….”
Don’t ask why. Don’t ask why.
You smirked, hand lifting to ghost over the side of his throat, your nails scratched lightly over his pulse point. He thickly swallowed, throat feeling tight and dry all of a sudden.
“Because your mouth will be too preoccupied.”
Damn. You were good. Too good.
While he was mimicking a fish out of water, you dug around your purse for your keys before saying, “let’s get out of here. Do you need to tell your friends where you’re going?”
It took him a second to process what you had said but when he did, he shook his head.
“No. Why would I need to tell them?”
You shrugged. “Just to be safe. If something happens or they need you, they should know.”
He raised an eyebrow in a suspicious look. “Are you gonna rob me or something?”
You chuckled but he didn’t find anything amusing. “Of course not. Let’s just go then.”
Rule Number 1 was broken the moment he step foot in your apartment.
Similar to your outward appearance, your apartment was very cool and modern; cool tones of gray and blues complimented one another across all of your furniture and decorations.
You noticed how he was looking around at everything. “Did you want a tour?”
He flinched a little at you speaking. “No. We can just go to the bedroom.”
You eyed him for a brief moment but shrugged your shoulder and led him down the hall to your bedroom.
You didn’t turn on the lights when you entered your bedroom, instead traversing through the dark to find the remote to your LED lights. The room lit up in a bright purple, enough so that he could see clearly but it wasn’t overwhelming to ruin the mood.
He didn’t take time to look around this time, moving to remove his jacket and lay it across your vanity stool. You had taken a seat on the bed, hands working to untie the strings of your platforms.
“So, should we talk about boundaries and safe words?”
You were really making his brain buffer, like bad wifi connection.
“Safe words? Isn’t that only for like extreme stuff? Like BDSM?”
You were also constantly pissing him off with those little mocking chuckles.
“Normally yes but safe words are really just to gauge comfort and discomfort so if either of us don’t like something, we can have an easy way of communicating.” You explained simply, tossing your shoes to the side and working on the strings that held your dress together on either side.
The way you spoke so simply and confidently caused yet another weird feeling to flutter in Jimin’s chest. That was happening often with you.
“Uh….I don’t think that’s necessary.”
You paused in your disrobing(damn it) to look up at him. “Are you sure? The color system is pretty simple. This is our first sleeping together so we should both be comfortable.”
He’s never had to think about stuff like that before. This was just a one night stand. Why were you so worried about comfort and safe words? He just wanted to get his nut and go.
Holding in an aggravated sigh, he nodded. “Sure. Color system. Red, yellow, green. Perfect.”
If you noticed his tone, you didn’t say anything. Instead finally finally removing your dress and Jimin got to witness the glory that was your body and hot damn.
From your mocha dusted nipples to the intricate tattoo that rested just between your breasts, all the way down your meaty thighs and your clothed pussy that was barely covered by the thong you wore.
“Come here.” You beckoned with a finger. “Lie down.”
Your voice seemed to control his body, his feet moving forward to sit on the bed next to you. Immediately, you were in his space, climbing on top of him to push him down on the mattress.
Your hair fell forward over your shoulder, falling into his face, tickling his nose and getting in his mouth.
You giggled at his sputtering. “Sorry. Hold on.” You reached over to your nightstand to grab a large claw clip to get your hair out of your face.
With that done, you leaned down to capture his pillowy lips in a kiss. Honestly, you’ve been waiting to kiss him since he approached you at the bar. Something about those Bratz doll lips were so appetizing.
And they didn’t disappoint.
Jimin’s hands gravitated to your ass, gripping two handfuls and god bless, it was just as amazing as he imagined.
Your lips worked in tandem against one another. Jimin was caught up in the wonderful globes of fat blessing his palms, hands pushing you to start humping against his straining erection. You sighed as your clit bumped against the zipper cover of his jeans.
You tilted your head more to deepen the kiss, his mouth opening to let your tongues meet. He hummed at the taste of the fruity alcohol and the minty gum you chewed in the car.
Licking at his tongue, you sucked it between your lips, surprisingly pulling a moan from Jimin. Noted.
It honestly shocked him as well. He’s never felt this turned on just from a little kissing and dry humping. Hell, he hardly kissed any of his sexual partners. Maybe a little here and there but never full on making out like he was doing now.
And he hated to say it but he wanted more.
You must have noticed how he relaxed into the kiss because you pulled away to get a good look at his face—ears tipped red and puffs of breath coming from his plump lips that were shiny with your gloss.
“Do you want to tell me a color?”
Ah that. He almost forgot but he guessed he’d entertain it. “Green I guess.”
You hummed a “good”, pecking his lips once more before moving to his throat. Your hands went to start on the buttons of his shirt as you nipped and sucked at his pulse point. He stifled another moan when you bit the skin at his collarbone, trailing down to kiss over his chest.
He thought you were about to go straight for his cock, only to be shocked when he felt your tongue run over his nipple.
He jumped at the sensation, head craning to look down at you. “W-what are you doing?”
Your eyes glanced up at him. “Oh sorry. Do you not like your nipples touched?” You sounded honestly apologetic.
He felt weird. That felt weird but not necessarily bad. Fuck, what was happening to him?
“It’s just weird.” He simply said.
“Okay. I won’t do it again. Thanks for being honest.” There’s that feeling again.
Moving past his chest, you worked on his belt and the button of his jeans. He helped you get them down his legs, also removing his shirt in the process.
Once he was lying back down, you got comfortable between his legs. You kissed around his belly button, his abs contracting from the ticklish feeling. Gripping the band of his briefs, you pulled them down and off his legs, his cock jumping out and slapping against his tummy.
He sighed when your warm palm encased his throbbing erection, shivering as your breath puffed over his slick cockhead.
“Ready?” You asked.
He scoffed. Why did you ask him like that? Like a warning almost.
There was that smirk again. You were gonna enjoy this.
Kissing his tip, you licked a wide stripes up his shaft, going all around the circumference of his cock with your sinful tongue. His leg twitched a little at your calculated ministrations, suddenly feeling hot all over despite you just starting.
Once you deemed him licked enough, you took his tip into your mouth, gathering saliva in your mouth to drip down his cock. With that extra lubrication, you began pumping his shaft, tandem sucking at his tip. His hips buck up involuntarily, wanting to feel more of your warm mouth around him.
Your eyes were focused on his face, always watching to make sure he was comfortable but also, you loved seeing his reaction. His own eyes were squeezed shut, hands balled up at his side and lip pulled between his teeth hard enough to bleed.
Mmm. Easy work. Time to up the ante.
Jimin felt your mouth come off of him, the cold air brushing over his spit slicked cock. He let out a breath but that was short lived because all of a sudden, both of your hands were gripping his cock.
He barely had time to lift his head before it was crashing back against your pillows because you started going absolutely ballistic.
Both hands began twisting and squeezing at his shaft, your mouth back on his tip creating an air tight vacuum seal. As your hands moved, your head bobbed up and down on what your hands couldn’t reach.
Jimin’s back arched hard enough to hurt, mouth dropping open in a silent scream. You were like a woman possessed, not even the Warren’s would be able to cleanse you. Loud slurping and sucking noises bounced off the walls, filling his ears and spurring him towards an orgasm faster than it takes Azaelia Banks to embarrass herself.
If your mouth wasn’t full of cock, you would have smirked from his reaction. He couldn’t stop moving, knees lifting and falling back against the bed and bumping into you a few times, head restlessly tossing side to side against the pillows. His face and chest were flushed red, chest rising and falling as he struggled to breathe.
“Oh my god….” He breathed out, feeling closer to orgasm than ever.
Your hands moved from around his shaft and suddenly, you were taking him all the way down your throat, deep throating him like a god damn python. His hips bucked up again but your wet hands rested on either side of his pelvis to hold him down. You bobbed your head faster, sucking on every upstroke and laving your tongue against the vein that pulsed on the underside of his cock.
Jimin doesn’t think he’s ever felt so good in his life, especially not off head alone. It was like every nerve ending in his body was focused in his cock, your hot mouth pulling noises from him that he didn’t even know he could make.
Who the fuck were you? Who was he?
He was about to cum. He could feel it stirring and building in his lower belly, hotter than fire and ready to burst like a volcano.
Then you gripped his balls in one of your hands and gave them a light squeeze and the pearly gates were right there.
He let out a gasp, hands moving to try and stop you. He didn’t want to cum that fast and definitely not first. He always got the woman off first, at least twice before he finally came. And even that could take a while but you were about to wrench an orgasm from him in minutes. There was no way.
“W-w-wait….ah….I’m….” He stuttered, vocabulary suddenly becoming limited as his orgasm rose.
You could feel his cock throb in your mouth, balls drawing up in your palm. Taking him down your throat once again, his trimmed pubic hairs tickling your nose, you massaged his balls as if trying to force them to give you his cum.
Jimin’s brain struggled to remember that stupid safe word. He needed you to stop before the worst happened.
Alas, two harsh sucks and one more squeeze of his balls and he was ascending.
A moan so loud and drawn out that he didn’t even believe it was him came from his throat. Hot splashes of cum hit the back of your throat and you swallowed it down greedily.
Sensitivity began to prickle at Jimin’s spine and cock as you continued to fondle and suck at him.
“Yellow yellow yellow.” He gasped out and you immediately backed away.
He slumped against the mattress, inhaling deep breaths and trying to calm his racing heart. Tiredness began pulling at his eyelids and he felt like he could fall asleep at any moment but then a weight settled on his chest.
He cracked open his bleary eyes, not expecting to find your glistening folds just inches from his face. When did you remove your panties? Despite just emptying his balls, he could feel his cock twitch. Damn, could you not?
He looked up to see your sultry eyes staring down at him. He gulped down a block in his throat. He was not expecting this.
“I’ll acknowledge your refractory period but just because your cock is down for the count right now doesn’t mean your mouth is.”
He was speechless. He’s never had a woman so shamelessly put her pussy right in his face and practically demand he eat her out.
You must have taken his dropped open mouth as an invite to scoot forward to place your pussy right in his face.
The initial shock had worn off the moment your wet pussy touched his lips. Like muscle memory, he latched onto your clit, hollowing his cheeks to suck on the nub. You hummed at finally getting some relief. Seeing Jimin’s pleasured face had gotten you excited quicker than usual.
You were itching to finally break him down, to stake your claim and inject yourself into his bloodstream until he couldn’t think about anyone else but you.
Shouldn’t be too hard judging by how frantically he was slurping and licking at your clit like it was his first meal in ages.
You rocked your hips against his face, melting into the feeling. His tongue flicked expertly over your clit, plush lips sucking in intervals in a slightly amateur and sloppy way but thankfully, you liked it. You thought it was cute. And you weren’t really picky when it came to oral, clit stimulation was more than enough.
“Hold your tongue out.” You ordered and of course, he followed. You rocked your clit against the rough texture of his tongue, hums and sighs of pleasure passing your lips.
Jimin lifted his hands to grab at your ass, pushing you against his tongue a little faster. This wasn’t a competition(as far as you were concerned) and no, Jimin wasn’t trying his hardest right now to prove a point! He was just being an equal partner in this. He got off so you should too! Yeah, that made sense.
You threaded your fingers through his soft hair, holding him still as you used his tongue to get off. Using your other hand to tweak at your own nipples, you fluttered your eyes shut as you relaxed and let yourself be taken away by his tongue.
Jimin let you take control(as if you ever gave it up) but after a little bit, he took it upon himself to worm one of his hands under you to start prodding at your leaking hole. You could feel his fingers, a smirk that he couldn’t see twitching at your lips.
One finger sunk past your opening, your walls clenching around the digit. His cock twitched again, imagining how tight you’d be around it. Fuck that refractory period. He was ready to go now.
He felt around your walls until he pressed against that rough patch inside of you. He noticed you didn’t really react so he pressed a little bit harder, feeling a little rush when your hips jumped. Ah, you like it rough, huh?
Slipping another finger inside, he hooked them right into that spot again. Your mouth dropped and a light moan escaped your lips. He also wrapped his lips around your clit again and harshly sucked at it, pulling a slightly louder noise from you.
You were kind of expecting this but you also weren’t. With other partners you had, it normally took some coaching and adjusting for them to know how you liked it but he seemed to be knowledgeable.
How cute.
Gripping his hair tighter, you bounced up and down on his fingers, his lips slurping at your clit in tandem.
“Mhm….yes. Just like that. I’m almost there.” You moaned. That pressure was building higher and higher until you were right on the edge.
Jimin closed his eyes, curling his fingers everytime you bounced, sucking your clit like a man starved. He wanted to see you cum, see you fall apart for him.
He needed to see it.
Jimin moaned against your clit, the vibrations sending sparks up your back, your own moan rivaling his.
“‘M gonna cum. Harder.” You said breathless.
Jimin hated how much you bossed him around but he couldn’t care much about that. Instead, he thrusted his fingers in and out of your wet cunt faster, your arousal dripping down his palm and wrist. He was spurred on by the wet and sloppy noises that your cunt made, his cock hardening incredibly fast.
With a final suck and one more curl of his fingers, you were releasing all over his face. Your walls clenched around his fingers, your thighs smothering his head as your body locked up.
Jimin licked at your clit until you were shivering in sensitivity, your hips moving back until you were sitting back on his chest. Jimin stretched out his arm that was aching from your previous position, flexing his hand a few times.
You leaned back to rest your palms on his thighs, tilting your head back as you tried to catch your breath.
Jimin’s dark and sharp eyes trailed down your body—glistening dark skin covered in sweat, your gorgeous breasts and nipples heaving with every breath, dark stretch marks painting the insides of your thighs.
Damn, you were a picture of sin and he wanted to sink his teeth into you.
“Tapping out? I’ll acknowledge your refractory period.” He teased.
You dropped your chin forward to stare at him, a cute smile on your face. Scooting back so that you were straddling him again, you leaned down to kiss his lips. With this position, you could rub your slick folds up and down his cock. He groaned at the feeling. He could only imagine how you’d feel wrapped around him.
Pulling away from his lips, you asked, “did you bring condoms? I have some if you didn’t. What size are you?”
Yes he brought condoms but why the hell did you have them?
“Uh….yeah. I’m normally a medium.”
That made you snort. “Normally? That’s a weird way to phrase it.” Reaching over to your nightstand, you pulled open a drawer to dig around for the right size.
Now that you mentioned condoms, he started thinking.
Did you really need one? You both disclosed your health in the car already.
(“You carry your STD results in your wallet? Do you have a lot of sex or something?”
“I like being prepared.”
“What a coincidence. Check the glove compartment.”)
His pull out game was definitely top tier and he didn’t want any kids anytime soon so that wasn’t really an issue. Obviously he wouldn’t say no if you really wanted to use one but your pussy felt so wet and warm around his fingers….
He wanted to feel it with no restrictions.
“Do we….”
You pulled the condom out, sitting back up on his lap. Your eyebrows raised, acknowledging that he wanted to speak.
He pulled his lip between his teeth. Why was he hesitating? He’s never felt nervous about asking for what he wanted during sex so why was his tongue getting tied now?
You could almost see the gears turning in his head. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what he wanted but you wanted to hear him say it.
“Yes?” You pushed.
He lifted his eyes to meet yours, your irises swirling with amusement. You were really…..
Sighing, he forced out, “do we have to use one?”
There we go. You smiled, shrugging one shoulder. “Not if you don’t want to.” You tossed the foil wrapper to the side like a discarded piece of gum.
How many times had you completely baffled him? Like 7? 8? 54? You were just continuing to defy every expectation and standard he’s had in previous sexual escapades. First you give him body ascending head, then you sit on his face, and now you were agreeing to raw sex? Was he dreaming? No, right?
He was broken from his thousandth moment of self contemplation by you moving. You turned around in his lap, your juicy ass on display to him. At that moment, he took notice of the two shiny piercings nestling just at the base of your spine.
You were gonna kill him.
He hissed when your warm palm wrapped around his hard cock, pumping it a few times, aided by the arousal you rubbed over him a bit ago.
“Ready?” You asked him for the second time and a small part of him wanted to say no. Your head game was already crazy. What the hell was your riding game like?
Too late to go back now because you were lining up the head of his cock with your hole and sitting down on it. He held his breath once your hot and tight walls began sucking him in, each inch feeling like a mile as you lowered yourself down.
He released the breath once you were seated all the way on his lap. He already felt ready to cum again and you haven’t even done anything yet. Your pussy was wetter than before and your squishy walls were holding his cock hostage like a bank robber.
You sighed at the stretch. He definitely had girth, which you preferred over length but he was still long enough to reach your spots. Perfect.
Adjusting yourself on your knees, you have a few test movements. Not really bounces but just moving back and forth to get both of you adjusted.
Jimin already couldn’t handle it, his head falling back against the pillows. He reached out his hands to rest on your ass and you took that as a sign of him being ready for the real action.
Perching both hands on his knees, you got on your feet and started bouncing on his cock. He choked out a surprisingly loud moan, fingers digging into your ass and head lifting again to watch you go crazy. Your ass rippled and jiggled every time you met his pelvis, your slick soaking his cock and walls hugging him on every upward stroke.
The clapping of your ass sounded like damn gunshots as it ricocheted off his pelvis, the force of your bounces shaking your bed and scrambling his brain.
He couldn’t think. He couldn’t talk. All he could manage was groans and uncharacteristic squeaks whenever your walls squeezed around him. You were pulling noises out of him he didn’t even know he was capable of making.
“Ah fuck!” He strained, sweat causing his bangs and hair at the back of his neck to stick uncomfortably to his skin.
You hummed, your claw clip starting to slip a little. “Your cock feels so good. It’s gonna make me cum.” You were starting to get a little winded from bouncing on your feet so you moved to your knees, still bouncing your ass up and down at the same pace.
His ears sounded like they were underwater so he didn’t hear a damn thing you said, too focused on watching how your hole stretched around his cock.
“Shit, s-slow down.” He begged but since you didn’t hear any of the traffic light colors, you kept going.
He was about to cum! Hard! Very hard!
You could feel his cock throbbing inside of you, saw how his toes curled and felt how hard he was gripping your ass cheeks.
Licking your lips, you urged him, “Give it to me, baby. Cum in my tight pussy.” Balancing back on your feet, your hands going to your knees, you rode his cock harder than before. He thought you were about to break his pelvis but he’d sit in the hospital in a full body cast any day of the week.
“Fuck fuck fuck! Oh shit!” He cursed. A few more bounces and he was releasing inside your warm cunt. His ears rang and his vision blurred as the second hardest orgasm of his life rammed into him. You continued to ride him, milking him of every drop that he had.
His whole body was on fire, his throat tight and dry, heart hammering in his chest.
Sensitivity didn’t have time to settle in because he felt ready to cum again but it felt painful almost. Not necessarily in a bad way though. A part of him didn’t want you to stop.
And you didn’t.
Turning in his lap with his cock still inside(what the hell), you pushed his sweaty bangs back from his forehead—taking in his red cheeks and kiss swollen lips.
He was so cute. Cute enough to bite and you did. He flinched a little at the feeling of your teeth on his cheek.
“You’re not tapping out, are you?” You kissed across his jawline and chin. “You’re still so hard and I haven’t cum yet.”
He wasn’t going to make it out alive.
Jimin rose to the smell of a sweet perfume and clean laundry detergent. He groaned as he stretched his body, the soft sheets feeling amazing against his skin. His muscles and bones popped as he tried to alleviate some of the tension from sleeping.
He blinked away the haze of sleep, lifting his head to get a gauge of his surroundings then it all started rushing back to him.
The bar. Coming back to your place. The mind blowing sex.
He slowly sat up, running his hand through his hair. He looked around the room, finding nothing out of the ordinary. He noticed his clothes from yesterday folded and placed near the foot of the bed.
Did you do that? Where were you?
He found his phone on your nightstand, plugged into a charger. He removed it and turned it on, finding a few messages from his friends asking if he was safe and one of his coworkers asking to switch a shift.
He texted Taehyung back, letting him know he was okay and to his coworker to agree to the shift change.
As he was in his phone, he heard the sound of footsteps entering the room. He looked up, finding you walking into the bedroom, a robe wrapped around you and your hair hidden under a bonnet.
“Oh. You’re awake. Good morning.”
Morning? It was morning? He didn’t even notice the time.
What the hell? He’s never slept in that late after a one night stand. He’s never slept over at all.
Rule Number 2. Broken.
He cleared his throat. “Yeah. Morning.”
You walked over to your dresser to shuffle through some undergarments to wear. “I made some coffee if you want some.”
He hated coffee.
“No thanks.”
He tossed the blankets off his naked body, standing on wobbly legs. He glanced back over at you to see if you noticed but you were busy pulling panties up your legs. At the motion, he caught a glimpse of your perfect ass. He swallowed down a block in his throat.
No Jimin! You’ve already broken two rules! Don’t lose resolve, he thought.
As he slipped his clothes on, he couldn’t help but feel a little strange. Why did this feel so familiar?
You turned to him once you were done, sending him a sweet smile that made his heart stutter. “You can use the bathroom to brush your teeth and everything. I have some extra toothbrushes.“
He sniffed and ran a hand through his hair again. “Um….are you….did you….sleep well?” That was a dumb question to ask.
If you thought so, you didn’t mention it, instead smiling again. “I did. Did you? You practically passed out. I cleaned you up a bit. Hope you don’t mind.”
Heat rose to the tips of his ears. You cleaned him up? That’s why he didn’t feel sweaty or sticky. Wasn’t he supposed to do that for you? Then again, he wasn’t much of an aftercare type person with his previous partners. He’d let them use his bathroom or whatever but he never took initiative to clean his partners up.
You were so much different than him. He felt a little…..inadequate compared to you.
“Oh. Thanks.”
You hummed, turning around fully to face him. Why did he look so…..small? Not necessarily in size but in his posture and energy. He seemed a little nervous and out of place.
“Is something bothering you?” You inquired. You were hoping he wasn’t feeling uncomfortable about last night. He only used the color system once and he never said red so you assumed he was fine.
He cleared his throat again. “I just….can’t remember much from last night.”
You sighed in relief. “Oh, I thought something else was bothering you. That’s it?”
That’s it? You said it so dismissively, like his question was nothing to be concerned about.
“We went a few rounds but after the last one, you just passed out. I guess I wore you out, huh?” You giggled at that last part but he only felt hot embarrassment swell in him.
Ha! Fuck him to sleep? Hogwash.
Then again…..
“You’re also kind of a cuddle bug. I was surprised but it was nice. You’re very warm.”
He didn’t want to hear anymore of this.
“Where’s the bathroom?” He gruffly asked, turning his head away. It kind of reminded you of a small child refusing to eat their food. Cute.
You smirked but told him, “across the hall. I put a toothbrush on the counter along with a face towel.”
God he was sick of that cheeky little smirk. Stomping off to the bathroom, he grumbled about “not a cuddle bug” on his way.
After freshening up and screwing his head on straight, he ventured out of the bathroom back to the bedroom but you weren’t there. So he went to the living room instead, finding you sitting on your couch watching television.
You turned your head when you heard him enter.
“All done?”
“Yeah.” He nodded.
“Cool. Did you need an Uber or anything?”
Ah, that’s what felt familiar.
Oh. Right. He had to leave. This was only a one time thing.
So why did he feel so……unwanted?
“No. I can….I can call one.”
You just nodded. “Cool.”
He just stared at the side of your head. That was it? Cool? You weren’t going to ask him stay? Or to have breakfast? He was used to women doing that but you…..you just sort of ignored him.
He didn’t like it. Why didn’t he like it?
Pulling out his phone, he requested himself an Uber, the app chiming and telling him his driver was 4 minutes away. He’s never gotten an Uber that quick. Where was this that night he was trying to get away from that girl who used too much teeth? She was crazy, chased him out the door and insulting him loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. The driver had to meet him a block down.
“It’ll be here soon.” He announced for some reason. He didn’t know why he felt the need to tell you that. It’s not like you cared.
You stood to your feet. “Alright.” Walking over to the front door, you opened it. Jimin didn’t let his slight disappointment show on his face, heavy feet carrying him to your front door.
He stepped past the threshold, turning to face you. You were ready to close the door but paused when you noticed him still standing there.
“Something wrong? Did you leave something?”
Yes. Yes he did. He was leaving so much right now. He couldn’t leave knowing someone as perfect as you existed. He couldn’t just let you go.
Running a hand through his hair, he propositioned, “are you free sometime?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Free? For what?”
“You know….to do this again.” He motioned with a hand.
“Oh, um. I don’t think so.”
Rejection. That was new.
“What? Why?”
You gave him a pitied smile and he’s never felt so small before.
“This was just a one time thing. It was nice, don’t get me wrong but I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to keep seeing one another. You understand, right?”
No. No he didn’t. Why didn’t you want to see him again? The sex was just nice to you? So was he the only one who actually felt something?
“I’ll definitely add you to the roster. Get home safe, okay?”
The door closed in his face and he was left there, speechless and feeling used.
Days passed after meeting you and Jimin couldn’t get you off his mind. All he could think about was your perfect ass and the way you rode his cock, how you prioritized his comfort and cleaned him up and even let him sleep over.
You weren’t everything he wasn’t and he wanted more of you.
He couldn’t focus at work. He spent his nights staring at his ceiling, lost in his thoughts. He didn’t even go out to parties or bars anymore.
He needed to see you again.
He needed to talk to Yoongi.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Another request. Physical Romantic gestures that make me weak prompt. Wait for it… with Captain Howzer. He’s super sexy too.
kissing you against a wall/door, legs intertwined around their waist.
Only if you find time to write.
Thank you. 😊
Take a Break
Summary: You're working late, and Howzer has a suggestion that might help you relax.
Pairing: Captain Howzer x Reader
Word Count: 1184
Warnings: Uh...spicy? Not smut but only just not smut. A side effect of the prompt, I think.
A/N: Hm...I'm not sure I'm happy with this one, but I think it's about as done as it's going to be. Honestly, I got distracted while writing this, cause my cat is ripping her fur out.
Divider by Saradika
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You stare at your datapad blankly. More specifically at the cursor that’s blinking, tauntingly, at the top of the blank document. 
Join the GAR, your family said. Fight for the Republic, they prodded. It’ll give you something to do, they cajoled.
You really, really need to learn how to say no.
Because if you had said no, you wouldn’t be here, in some backwater base on Ryloth, hours away from the nearest city, staring at a blank document, trying to come up with a professional way to say that the situation’s fucked.
Hell, you’re not even sure you work for the GAR anymore. You’re pretty sure you’re not an employee of the Imperial Army.
You rest your elbows on your desk, and your hands slide into your hair.
“Think. Think. Think.” You mutter under your breath, “You’ve written reports before. You know how to be professional.”
You drop your hands to the keyboard, and nothing comes to mind.
How do you write a report listing the loss of half of your base's munitions because the manufacturer decided to skimp on the weather protection, and they were exposed to extreme weather before anyone knew there was a problem?
There’s a knock on your office door, and you look up as it opens and Captain Howzer steps into your office, a mug of caf in one of his hands, “Captain,” You greet with a tired smile, “You’re working late.”
“So are you,” He replies as he sets the mug in front of you, “You still working on that report for the higher ups?” Howzer sits in one of the chairs across from you, and stretches his legs out.
“I’ve written a grand total of zero words,” You reply with a sigh, “I have all of the information to pass on, but-” You shake your head with a sigh.
Howzer frowns, “Are you okay?”
You sigh and bury your hands in your hair again, “I never wanted to join the GAR, Howzer, I was pressured into it. And now I can leave even less than I could before.”
“It’s not all bad, mesh’la.” Howzer offers quietly.
“How? The Jedi are dead. And the Imperial Army is committing genocide across the galaxy-” You stop and your lips press together in a thin line, “You didn’t hear that.”
Howzer folds his arms, “Didn’t hear what?”
You smile at him, “Good man.” To pick up the mug he brought you and take a sip of the warm caf. It’s not good, but it’s caf, so you’ll take it. “Thank you for the caf. Maybe it’ll wake up my brain enough to let me write this report.”
“Or…maybe you need to take a break.” Howzer offers.
“And do what?”
“Well, there is a club not far from here,” Howzer points out.
“I’m not really dressed for a club, Howzer,” You counter as you motion to the regulation pants and blouse you’re wearing.
“You look fine,” He gets to his feet and offers you his hand, “Come on. You need a break.”
“Howzer, I’m not going to a club just to watch other people dance.”
“Of course not, you’ll dance with me.”
You pause and look up at him, there’s a glimmer of hope on his face, and mischief glitters in his eyes, and you sigh and take his hand, “Fine. But only for a little bit. I need to finish this.”
“Oh, yeah. Of course.” He agrees, unconvincingly.
You don’t even have time to grab your jacket before he’s propelling you out of your office, and then the office building. 
The club is Nameless, which is a rather depressing name all things considered, but the music is loud, the lights are dim, and it’s packed with people. 
And Howzer, immediately, drags you onto the dance floor and pulls you flush against him. One of his hands settles heavily on your lower back, while the other cups the back of your neck.
“You seem rather eager to dance with me, captain.” You breathe into his ear.
“Guilty as charged,” He replies against your ear and then his lips attach to a spot just below your ear and you release a quiet moan, which makes him grin against your skin, “You seem just as eager,” He teases.
“It’s been a while since I’ve had someone to dance with,” You admit, as you roll your hips against his.
There’s a glimmer of something on his face as his hand slides from your back to your hip, and he holds you tight enough that you’ll have bruises, “Good,” He purrs out.
You shoot him a surprised look, but he doesn’t clarify. Instead he pulls you closer and angles your head so he’s able to catch your lips with his own. You reach up and wrap your arms around his neck, absently tracing random shapes against the back of his neck.
He groans into the kiss, and pulls away, which pulls a needy little whine from your lips. And he laughs under his breath. His gaze is heated, and you watch as he comes to a decision. 
Howzer walks you through the crowd, and into a hallway, where he presses you against the wall, and crashes his lips against yours again. It’s not private, not at all, people are passing behind him, though you don’t care. 
And judging by the way his hands are burning a path down your body, neither does he.
You let out a breathless moan as his lips attach to a spot on your neck and he bites down. One of your hands slides up into his hair and you grab a fistful, trying to ground yourself, but all that accomplishes is pulling a broken moan from his throat.
He pulls away from you, his gaze heavy. He lightly pulls your hand out of his hair, and he guides you further down the hall. He pushes the door to the storage room open, makes sure that it’s empty with a glance, and then he drags you into the dark room.
Howzer locks the door with a touch of the door panel, and then he has you pressed against the door. He kisses you deeply, and helps you wrap your legs around his hips, and he presses himself firmly against you.
A moan falls from you and he laughs breathlessly, as he breaks the kiss and brushes a strand of hair out of your eyes, “Are you feeling relaxed yet?” He breathes out.
“I feel like there’s a million bees under my skin, Howzer,” You reply, breathlessly.
He laughs, “Well, I suppose I better help you with that.” He kisses you slowly, sweetly, “And then I’d like to take you to dinner.”
“Aren’t you kind of going backwards?” You ask.
“Makes it interesting.” Howzer replies as his lips move to your neck again, “Unless you have a problem with it?”
“I don’t,” You reply quickly, another moan falling from you as he presses hot kisses over the mark on your neck.
“Good.” Howzer grins against your neck, “I have plans for tonight, mesh’la. Don’t worry, I’m going to take good care of you.”
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meetmyothersouls · 7 days
Do you have the next part of bty planned?
In honor of Jonah’s bday here is part 10 of BTY!
Back to You
Chapter 10
Warnings: sexual content, not proof read
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Jonah’s POV
“What are you doing?” y/n’s tired voice sounds from behind me.
“Nothing,” I say too quickly, shutting the notebook before spinning around in the desk chair.
Her eyes are still laden with sleep, and her hair is slightly messy. She made her way down here in just my T-shirt I had discarded earlier. I want to tell her how she should have put on more clothes. How I don’t want anyone else seeing this much of her. But then I remember it’s still well into the middle of the night.
“It looks like something,” y/n says as she reaches for the notebook on the desk.
I grab her hand and resist the urge to pull her into my lap.
“It…you’ll think it’s silly.”
“I doubt it,” she says softly.
I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. Suddenly the lack of sleep catches up to me and I’m feeling exhausted. “It’s the story of how we met.”
“What you told me in our room?”
“Yeah, in detail.”
“I didn’t take you for a writer,” y/n says after a few moments of silence.
“I’m not, but I couldn’t sleep and I saw the notebook and wanted to put it on paper. Plus, it might be good for you…to read.” She makes another move for the notebook like she wants to read it right now. I grab her again, this time by the elbow. “But not right now, please.”
She smiles softly and nods. “Why did you come to the library? I woke up and you were gone.”
I suddenly feel bad. Maybe I should have left a note. “I always come here to think of you.”
“Library’s are my favorite.”
“I know,” I smile.
The power is still out and the library is dimly light by a candle. It’s making Jonah look a whole new level of sexy. He’s got his glasses on that I’ve only seen him wear a few times. He looks like a sexy librarian. I keep looking back at the notebook. Did he really write the beginning of our story? I want to get my hands on it but I don’t mind him not wanting me to read it in front of him. I get it.
He’s still holding my arm, and I just feel so warm inside with hand on me in a library. I lean in and kiss his lips softly. “Tell me more things,” I whisper. His breath hitches and he looks at me with questioning eyes.
“Things?” Jonah swallows hard.
“Mhm. You said you know everything about me. I want to hear more of what you know that I don’t know you know.”
“You love having sex in our library,” he blurts out.
I look directly into his eyes, fully not expecting this out of him. “Honestly, that checks out,” I say.
Jonah sits up a little and this time pulls me into his lap. I straddle his waist in the chair and I’m feeling a lot more confident this time than earlier this evening. “Tell me more about it.”
“You had a ‘favorite time’,” Jonah says, putting air quotes around favorite time.
“I do?” Jonah’s hands make their way up the back of his shirt to slid on and he’s tracing long lines against my skin. Chills begin to pepper my body. He’s so gentle with me. My eyes close. “Can you tell me about it?”
Jonah is quiet for a moment and his fingers stop moving on my back. “I can show you..if you’d like.”
Jonah’s hands resume their movement and I nod. I need him. I don’t want to need anyone but I need him.
“It started out…just like this,” Jonah whispers. “You always love when I trace my fingers along your skin.”
“I do like that,” I smile.
He stops and all of a sudden his eyes are serious. “If I’m ever doing anything you don’t like tell me and I’ll stop..okay?”
“Okay,” I whisper.
“I mean it. We had an understood rule before the accident but I just want you to know that you’ll never offend me if you ever want me to stop.”
This man.
He will be the death of me, I swear it.
“I’ll tell you if I want you to stop.”
Jonah nods once and he pulls his hands out of my shirt, slowly moving the to the front. “This is the next part,” he says looking at me in the eyes as he pulls up my shirt, exposing my stomach, which has slowly toned back up after the accident and lost pregnancy. Jonah’s eyes don’t linger there though, and I’m relieved, knowing that conversation is going to happen at some point. He tosses my shirt off, and I’m left in just my panties on his lap. His lips go to my neck and he kisses me there softly. I crane my neck to the left and he sucks the skin into his mouth gently. I moan so softly it’s barely a sound but I know he hears it. He smiles against my skin. And begins to kiss down my neck and along my collar bone, then down the hill of my breast. He gently sucks my nipple into his mouth and I melt. I moan again and this time there’s no question that he’s heard it. He pulls my nipple with his lips and moves to the next one repeating every action. I feel his erection against me and I need him now more than ever.
“Doing okay?” He asks
“Uh huh,” is all I manage to say.
“Shall we continue?”
“If you stop I might die,” I whisper.
“Noted,” Jonah smirks.
He pulls my head to him and kisses me gently yet full of passion. Our mouths falling into a rhythm that seems so practiced and natural. His tongue brushes against my bottom lip and I open my mouth. He slides is tongue against mine and he tastes faintly of mint. He’s perfect.
Suddenly I’m so overwhelmed, but not in a bad way. In a way that makes the need for closeness amplify times a thousand. Like my life depends on this moment here right now. Maybe this is how he’s felt the entire time. My kissing becomes more aggressive. Hungry. My hands tangle in his curls and suddenly he’s standing with me. His hands cupping my ass as he turns around and sits me on the desk. Jonah’s shirt comes off, then his pants. And we’re both there in just our underwear. I reach and grab his waist and pull him to me. My legs parted so he fits in between them. Jonah’s hands go to my face where he cradles the back of my head, his thumbs rubbing gently against my jaw. He’s so gentle like I’m the most precious thing in the world.
“I love you,” Jonah says. He doesn’t wait for any type of response from me, his lips are back on mine as soon as the words leave his mouth.
We kiss until we run out of breath and his fingers find the hem of my panties. He hooks his fingers inside of them and looks at me for a response. When I nod my head he slides them off of me and I am totally naked. His eyes travel up and down my body and he’s looking at me like I am truly beautiful. I don’t even have room to feel awkward or embarrassed when he’s looking at me with the purest form of adoration.
“I just want to..make sure you’re ready.”
“I’m ready.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
I don’t remember how big he is…and I’m about to ask if he’s really large enough to cause damage but I remember miscarriage and the procedures I went through, so I nod. I part my legs a little further and he slowly slides a finger through my slick folds. His finger stops at my clit where he rubs small circles against it. I let my head tilt backward as the feeling washes over me. A soft moan falls out of my mouth.
Jonah swallows hard as he pulls his fingers away. “I’d say you’re ready.”
“What about you?” I ask.
“I’ve been ready for weeks,” Jonah chuckles.
“I wanna see though,” my hook my fingers in his boxers and look up at him. “Can I?”
Jonah nods and licks his lips nervously.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m nervous,” he laughs.
“Why? Did we not have an active sex life before?”
“Oh definitely, very active but…this is almost like our first time together again…it’s just..it’s a lot to take in.”
“We don’t have to-”
“No! No..please don’t say that. I definitely..definitely want to I just..”
A loud crash sounds from the lobby and Jonah and I immediately begin dressing. He blows out the candle and grabs the notebook that he’d been writing in and we sneak out of the back exit of the library, taking the long way back to our room.
I stop in the middle of a hall on the 3rd floor once I know we’re out of earshot. Jonah notices I’ve stopped and turns around.
“Did you not want to?” I ask.
“What?” Jonah says. And I just love the way the word comes out of his mouth.
“Did you not want to have sex with me?”
“Y/n, someone was coming-”
“No. Before that. You stopped.”
“Come on,” Jonah says, walking toward me. “Let’s get back to our room.” He reaches his hand out and I back away.
“Tell me what you were going to say.”
“You’re being so stubborn, y/n,” Jonah says and it’s the first time he’s sounded kind of annoyed.
“I just want to know!”
“God, y/n can you just listen to me!”
Jonah clenches his jaw and I see the muscle tighten then release. He walks over to me and suddenly he’s on his knees. He’s at eye level with me and I just want to grab his face. “I want what we had y/n. But there’s a possibility that that will never happen again. All this is brand new for you. It’s the first time all over again. And I’ve got a limited amount of time to make a decent first impression with you. So forgive me if I wanted the ‘first’time we actually fucked to be in a bed rather than on the desk in a library.”
“It was your idea, Jonah!”
“It was a stupid idea.”
“I didn’t think it was!”
“You’re not the type of girl you fuck like that the first time.”
“Then what kind of girl am I?”
He is silent on that one. He closes his eyes and when he opens them back up he looks sad.
“I don’t know. But I’m trying, y/n.”
I feel my eyes sting and fill and my vision is blurry. Because he’s right. He doesn’t know. I’m putting a lot of pressure on him and I hate myself. “I don’t know either,” I whisper. Tears fall from my eyes. They slide down my cheeks and I can see them land on the floor.
“Hey, hey, don’t cry. Don’t cry, love,” Jonah’s voice is soft and gentle now, any frustration that was there is now gone.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Please.”
I’m exhausted. So many emotional highs and lows in such a short amount of time has me dizzy. Jonah leads us back to our room and he lays me down in the bed, he climbs in next to me. He’s laying on his back and I pull myself against him. I need him to hold me. He must know because immediately he does. He turns onto his side and adjusts me so that I’m directly against him. I breathe in his scent as he rubs my back again.
“Forget about the deadline.”
“Hmm?” Jonah murmurs.
“The time limit. Forget about it.”
I can make out his smile in the blue hue of the dark room. “I thought you wanted to-”
“I want you. I want to find my way back to you and I don’t want a deadline on it. You want what we had? So do I. Maybe it won’t be the same as it was before, maybe my memory will never come back. I just want to learn how to love you again.”
Tags: @danielabetancourth @luna2034 @waqndamaximoffbae @twinkledinkleg-blog @justagirlwholovedtoread @nonsensical-nonsence @paramorelvrr @thedonswife13 @miniemonie2001 1 1 @jonahhauer-kingg @crazyyynyyyy
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littlemisslipbalm · 9 months
Demonology - Part 4
Just Like Heaven -- Jake x f!Reader x Josh
Series Summary: A new demon has come to Nashville. Josh and Jake's ways of life have been thrown off by her arrival. The angel and demon have lived with an understanding of one another, but with Y/N stirring up trouble and asking questions, they're forced to work out a new normal. And why is she so powerful for a human turned demon anyway, that's unusual, right?
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A/N: heyyooo new chappie! I do not have the next one written at all unfortunately so it may take awhile to upload but thank you to all who read...to all those who have been wanting to fuck angel!josh...lets just say your prayers may have been answered. lmk what you think :)
Chapter Summary: Flashbacks and angel sex and demonic anxiety attacks OH MY!
Word Count: 3.9k | Warnings: Smut (pretty explicit) 18+ always!!!!, explicit language, alcohol consumption, dubious understandings of demonology like always (sorry!), Josh and Jake chapter yay!, angst and plot!
Join the Taglist! | Masterpost (catch up on the rest of the story here)
Part 4: Just Like Heaven
1972. Los Angeles, California 
4 years before she died. 
Y/N was having the time of her life. Rori was in her arms as she sat on the side of the Forum stage, atop an amp, swinging her legs back and forth to the guitar riff Jimmy was winding down. 
She hollered and threw her head back, in awe and joy. She was coked out of her mind and a little drunk but she was oh so free. 
At 21, she’s been in this world of musicians and lovers and adventure, making trouble, for around six years. From lead singers to roadies and fellow fans, she’d made a lot of friends. Everyone around most of the theaters in LA and Inglewood recognized her by then. 
She didn’t have to say her name at a single door or even have a name on any list. When people saw her coming they let her in, knowing a wicked good time was about to be had by everyone. No one ever had a bad thing to say about her either. It was incredible. Wicked. 
So it confused her when she was taking a smoke break at the side stage door and a guy in a black leather duster and dark sunglasses didn’t seem to notice her at all. People loved talking to her, she often felt like a bit of a celebrity. And her hazy mind made her feel a little indignant that he didn’t even chance a look as she stood beside him smoking a cig looking as sexy as ever. 
Half way through the smoke, she glanced to her right still feeling his presence and growing more agitated. It was strangely just the two of them out there. Both smoking. She couldn’t bear the quiet. 
“Hey, cowboy.” 
He finally looked over when she spoke and she grinned her best smile. He nodded a curt nod and took another drag, turning to face forward again. 
She worried her brow and twisted so she was fully facing this guy. It was curious rather than malicious when she asked: “What’s your deal?” 
He threw another glance her way but she couldn’t see his eyes with the dark-tinted sunglasses he wore. “Sorry?”
“Are you new over here? I’ve never seen you around before.” 
He chuckled and she wasn’t sure what she had said that was funny. He flicked the butt of his cigarette across the alley, the cherry fizzing out as it glowed for a moment and faded into the night. 
“C’mon man,” she whined. “Give me a clue.” He couldn’t be a rockstar even though he had the look about him. She knew them all. Intimately. 
“Friend of the devil.” He shuffles his glasses to his breast pocket and in the light it looks like there’s a flash of yellow in his eye, but she thought that was just the drugs messing with her as she tried to focus on the stranger. 
“Oh! Dead and company! I’ve always wanted to make it up to San Francisco. They just keep me so busy here.” She is alight with excitement. The Grateful Dead were pretty incredible even if she’d never seen them. 
“I’m usually out in Nashville. But San Fran sure is…a scene.” He shrugs, noncommittal in his words, unsure himself why he was entertaining this conversation. 
“So you really don’t know who I am?” She’s simpering, teasing in tone as she twists her legs, lengthening her body against the brick wall. 
He won’t look at her but she can’t stop looking at him. His hair is long and pretty, a little unruly, but he’s beautiful. His silhouette is illuminated by the street lamp, leaving him in intense shadow and light. His prominent nose, his strong jaw, and his sunken eyes. He was the prettiest thing. She thought she’d never forget him. 
“This is Los Angeles, correct?” He chuckles again, looking down his nose at her. “I find it hard to believe that you think any old stranger would just know who you are.”
“I’m pretty notorious.” She leans her head to the side, still showing herself off for him, but he doesn’t seem affected. 
“So am I, doll, and you didn’t know me,” he raises his eyebrows. “So maybe let’s call it even.” 
“Deal,” she grins, extending her recently freed hand towards the man. She shook it at him as he looked at it reluctantly. “C’mon, baby.” 
He shook his head in disbelief. She was strange. A mix of sweet and sour. Pure and evil. Strange but he took her hand nonetheless. She bit her lip at the touch. He was cooler than she’d expected but it was welcome. 
“You wanna come?” She asks after a moment, not letting go of the stranger's hand, nodding towards the door she’d exited less than 10 minutes ago. “I can get you in to meet Jimmy and the boys. Jimmy’s real nice.”
He chuckled again, removing his hand from hers with a tug. “Another time. I was just passing through.” He pushed off the wall and chanced another glance back at her face as he moved to place his sunglasses back on. 
“Catch you on the other side!” She called when she caught his eyes, gleaming yellow once more before he disappeared. She hadn’t realized the corner was so close but she didn’t think about it twice, hearing one of the boys calling her name from inside. 
Present Day. Nashville, Tennessee 
47 years after she died. 4 months since she’d been back. 30 minutes since she’d left the dive bar. 1 hour since Jake had left her.
The moon was still high in the sky when Josh got home from the bar and was in the middle of taking off his blood-ridden shirt in his entryway. He wasn’t sure if it was salvageable and as he was inspecting it with disinterest, the last thing he expected happened. A soft knock sounded. Y/N was at his door. 
Hurrying to the door, he opened it a crack, eyes wide and mouth ajar. Shirtless despite his efforts to stay behind the wood. She smiled shyly, unlike herself. 
“How did you know where I live?”
“You said ‘come over, anytime I need’. Is now not anytime?”
Josh chuckled, “Yeah, I just hadn’t expected you to take me up on that invitation, what, a half hour after I’d extended it.”
She bit her lip, feeling the emotions flowing off Josh already. “Well I need it. Can I come in? I think we have some unfinished business.”
“Damnit,” Josh sighed to himself, hanging his head and opening the door wider. She made him weak. 
She smirked and tried to channel her excitement into casual cockiness. Like she’d always known he’d fold. “Isn’t swearing wrong, Joshua?”
“Shut up,” He shook his head, locking the door again and meeting her in the dimly lit hallway. “I can’t believe you came here. Like this.”
She had changed on her way over. A body-hugging slip dress barely covered her skin. It was an iridescent light blue satin. Josh couldn’t take his eyes off her body. She had dressed it up for him.
“I realized I wasn’t ready to say goodnight.” She replied, allowing him to back her up into the cream wall. Her hands reached up to play with his necklace, fingering the shiny beads. “And I can feel that you wanted to see me too. I felt you at the bar, watching me and Jake. How you wanted it to be you. I can feel you.” She breathed the words softly, their breath mingling with the faces inches apart. She pressed her hands against his warm chest. “You radiate towards me. Constantly.” 
Josh hummed, fingers dancing over the silk concealing her waist. Beneath was the skin he couldn’t take his eyes off of all night. She was right. Because of Jake, because of her, but mostly because of himself, he was about to screw his greatest temptation. Maybe still half in spite of Jake tonight. 
Josh thought she must have come to his apartment immediately. She must have known his resolve was at his weakest. A few drinks in and jealous, needy for her touch and here she was stepping onto his doormat, presenting herself for the taking. She made doing the wrong thing too easy. But, Jesus, all he thought about at night was her and the images she’d shown him, wishing they were real. Wishing he could forget all about her. 
She pushed her hips towards Josh's, pressing them even closer together as he rested his forehead against hers, taking a deep breath. Exactly how he’d wished he’d been in Jake’s place at the bar.
“This is wrong,” Josh’s voice is shakey, fanning hot against her skin.
“This isn’t wrong. This is right, I swear. Can’t you feel it,” her voice is sickly sweet again, whispering just for Josh. “It’s okay, Angel. It’s okay to want me. I want you, too.”
“What about Jake?” Josh selfishly wanted to know where his brother fell in this equation. He took solace in the fact that she was with him instead of Jake but he didn’t know if that should actually reassure him.
“What about Jake?” She repeated. Her eyes stare into Josh’s with a scary intensity he’d never seen from her. She knew he’d overheard what Jake had said. Never again. He must have heard it. 
Josh swallowed and she caressed the skin around his throat where his Adam's apple had moved. She smiled. 
Maybe he was trying to prolong the inevitable. The sin he was about to commit. That he couldn’t come back from. Maybe if he talked about Jake enough she’d leave him for his twin. It was something he both wanted and couldn’t stand. His voice is choked up, pinched. “Won’t he mind?”
“He made it clear he doesn’t want me…again. But if you’re worried about him, Angel, it can be our little secret. Now kiss me, sweetheart. I know you want to.”
The way she called Josh that pet name made it sound like a curse but it still made him press his lips against hers. Fervent and desperate to taste her again. He pressed into her more and she opened her legs, allowing his to slip between hers, slotting them closer than ever before. Immediately she ground down onto the thick of Josh’s thigh, relieving the pressure growing in her core minutely. 
“Dear god,” Josh gasped when he pulled away from her for a moment. 
He could feel her wetness on his thigh already and the press of her hardened nipples against his chest. She grinned at him, her smile fucked out and devious. This was exactly what she needed. He was exactly what she needed. 
“They’re not here…Take me to your bedroom, Joshua, and have me anyway you want me. My treat.” She nipped at his lower lip and he felt an ache in his chest and his pants. She was sin incarnate and he couldn’t wait to taste it any longer. “Please.” 
“Oh,” He whispered, but she caught it. He was too close to miss a thing. The ‘please’ had gotten him.
His fantasies were becoming reality and grew tenfold in front of his eyes as they made their way to his bedroom. Drapes of white and cream extended around it. Votive candles in golden vases and holders were scattered around the room and offered a warm light. They illuminated his floor to ceiling bookshelves, filled with hundreds of books, and paintings of foggy serene landscapes in lilac and robin’s egg blue. It was beautiful, but she couldn’t be fucked to take the time to appreciate it all. Her mind was filled with Josh. 
“You’re so wet,” Josh mumbled, pressing his thigh into her center again as he laid her gently down on his sheets. 
She grinned up at him, her hands wrapped around his neck, curling into his soft hair. “So this isn’t your first rodeo, angel?” 
Josh pecked her lips and moved to litter tender kisses on her cheeks, jaw and neck. “I’ve had a few committed relationships over the years,” he mumbles. “They couldn’t exactly last, though.” 
She nodded in understanding, petting over the nape of his neck and over his broad, strong shoulders, creamy skin. Soft as silk. 
He inhaled deeply, taking her in. “This dress,” He ran his thumb up and down the fabric on her hip. 
“Just for you, angel. I know how you hate all my black and red.” 
“S’not that,” He kisses down her chest, kneading her breasts through the fabric and then slipping a hand down between her legs. 
“Then what is–oh! Oh fuck!” Her hands gripped for purchase on Josh’s shoulders. Her thoughts derailed. 
Josh’s fingers had slipped between her folds and swirled around her clit. “So wet,” he repeated and she groaned, in disbelief this was happening. “No panties.” 
She hummed in agreement, body beginning to work with his fingers with small thrusts. “Was hoping I wouldn’t need them. And I was right, wasn’t I?” 
“Dirty, dirty demon,” He whispers, breathless at the feeling of her heat. How his fingers feel inside her, thinking about what it will feel like when he sinks in. He burrows his face into her neck, laving kisses into her skin, feeling thankful. “So good, baby. Oh, wow.” 
She whined at his words. She wanted to worship Josh as he began to fuck into her every way he needed after he made her cum the first time with his fingers. He was so strong and powerful, yet so gentle with his touch. It was long, a strong ocean wave, pounding into her steadily, filling her with his heavy cock. Angelic strength and stamina. The room seemed to glow a golden light emanating from every inch of Josh’s skin. The same gold as the fading sun on that same rippling sea, where the light catches the movement just right and it’s pure reflected light. She came three more times before she began to feel Josh let up. A little. She was feeling euphoric. 
He wanted to switch positions. It was the one his fantasies often drifted to. Her dress had been discarded on the floor a long time ago. Her beautiful body was on full display for him as he whispered in her ear how he wanted her and she giggled, practically purring in compliance. 
As she moved to turn around, her eye caught something in the dresser mirror. The golden light that emanated from Josh, bathing him in a shiny glitter that stuck to his skin, had fallen onto her own skin. Together, they were both bathed in liquid gold. Instead of angels and demons, she swore they resembled gods, gods caught in the most human of acts. 
Hands and knees on the bed, she presented her ass towards Josh and stretched her back. Lengthening her torso, she leaned her head down into the sheets. Josh watched her move, lithe and practiced. Breathtaking. Unmatched. He was catching his breath at the side of the bed, one leg already bent on the bed and the other keeping him standing. His eyes couldn’t leave her body. He would’ve fucked her forever if he could. 
She wiggled her ass and whined his name, effectively getting his attention and breaking his reverie. He thrust into her from behind and she moaned out and he grinned, smoothing his hand down her naked ass and lower back. She pushed back on his length, meeting him in the middle. 
“Good girl.” He mumbled. His hands spread her ass checks and got lost in the trance of their bodies meeting. How he disappeared inside her and how her body welcomed him, never wanting him to leave, sucking him in deeper and begging him to never leave. How could something feel so right be so wrong? 
“So good, Josh. Fuckin’ me so good. Thank you, angel.” She breathed, eyes fluttering shut in ecstasy. “Love it, love you…” 
Josh was sure he misheard her. Surely she hadn’t just said–he was distracted by his imminent orgasm that led him to a different headspace all together. He moaned as he came inside her and she whined in agreement. “Let it all out, baby.” 
She hadn’t even heard herself. 
When Josh woke up the next day, he was naked and alone in his plush bed. His eyes scanned the room, feeling calmer. Maybe that had just been a really weird and vivid dream. He tried to believe himself until he saw the satin blue dress on his floor. Oh fuck.
He threw himself back into the pillows and covered his face with his hands groaning into the silence. He’d gone somewhere he couldn’t come back and now he was left in the after of it all. 
Picking up the evidence of the previous night, he wandered around his home, muttering to himself and feeling immense shame. As well as another emotion. He longed for Y/N. Why had she left him before he had woken up? 
No note. Just the dress which he assumed she didn’t want now that it had done its job. It wasn’t her color after all. 
Josh showered off the remainder of the evidence from last night, gold flecks drifting off his skin and swirling down the drain, a river of gold shame. 
She tiptoed back into her apartment around sunrise after leaving Josh’s. She couldn’t bear to face him in the light of day. He had bestowed the exact gift she had longed for since she’d laid eyes on his glowing skin, but it felt wrong to lay with him afterwards. 
She had waited for his breathing to even, his mind going to another place, before she untangled from his angelic body. Something had been repeating in her head the moment he had finished in her for the final time. 
She wasn’t good. She was wrong. She had led him astray. 
She had expected pure bliss to continue flowing through her when he had laid beside her, caressing her skin gently with sweet innocent kisses placed against her temple as he mumbled a song under his breath. It was beautiful and tender. She wanted to be at peace. 
Instead, she felt disgusting shame. Like she has done something terribly wrong. It made her skin crawl. She didn’t understand the sensation. She didn’t feel this feeling. Ever. As a demon or as a human (or whatever Josh and Jake think she was). 
So he eventually fell asleep and she fled because maybe if she got away from him the feeling would go away. She didn’t have time to test that theory. 
Jake was sprawled across her couch with Rori wrapped around his chest in his chupacabra form, cooing to the animal until his yellow eyes flicked up to her figure. 
Clad in last night’s original red and black outfit and covered in gold, she stood in her doorway frozen. 
“Your animal was feeling neglected.” Jake lifts the dog off of him and sits up. “How was dear brother Josh?” 
She opened her mouth but no words came out, she just stepped inside and Jake shut the door behind her with his mind. She closed her mouth. 
Jake continues, eyes still gleaming as they flicked up and down her face and torso. “He’s all over you.” 
“Why do you care?” She finally manages to get out. 
“I don’t.” Jake smiles wickedly. “Just making conversation based on observation, kid.” 
“Get out of my apartment, I’m not in the mood.” She decides that being punished by Jake wasn’t helping her situation. 
“I’ve heard celestial fornication creates something of this,” he pauses, finger swiping along her collarbone, suddenly at her side. Their opposite shoulders were beside each other as he inspected the fine gold smattering of flecks that had come off onto his fingertip. “Sort. But I wasn’t an angel long enough for me to ever find out first hand. Not that they’re supposed to…is he okay now that he’s got his wings wet?” 
“Wh-what?” She steps back from Jake, still reeling from the night with Josh and the information at the bar and now Jake in her apartment. It all was happening too fast, she felt her head swimming. The room was too hot. Jake was too similar to Josh in this moment. Her eyes were blurring, it was like Jake’s face was shifting or morphing into Josh’s as she stuttered. Spinning around and around. “Wings…wet…what?” 
Jake’s eyes widened, the smirk on his face quickly sliding off as he watched Y/N, her eyes flickering in her head to black. She took another step back from him and this time Jake took a step forward, following after her staggering body. 
“My head,” She groaned, clutching a hand at her forehead, and Jake grabbed for her elbows, realizing she was about to collapse. 
“Woah, woah,” He says, carefully easing her body weight into him. “It was just some light teasing for bagging my angel brother, don’t go discorporating on me.” 
He carries her to her couch as carefully as possible despite his awkward hold on her, adjusting her so that he can sit by her legs and lean over her, staring into the abyss of her still black eyes. Rori is on the back of the couch, staring down at his master. One of Jake’s hands is smoothing over her forehead and then down over her hair as he inspects her. She can make out his snake-like eyes shifting quickly back and forth between hers. 
“Can you hear me, Sal?” He asks weakly, giving away his distress. 
Her lips part, “Did you just give me a fucking demonic anxiety attack?”
“I don’t think so…asshole,” He adds with a joking lilt in his voice, glad she was able to joke, meaning it couldn’t be that bad. “I don’t know. Maybe. This has never happened before?” 
“No,” She murmurs, reaching out to her dog to scratch at his ears–that servant of hell might’ve been wrong, this little monster might end up being her ESA. She takes a deep breath, still feeling a little overheated. “Maybe don’t ambush your colleagues from now on.” 
“I thought you were made of stronger stuff, kid.” 
She huffs and Jake bites at his inner lip at his ability to bother her, just a little. His demonic self couldn’t help the pleasure it brought even if he was also genuinely worried about her well-being. 
“Sorry,” he says half-heartedly. “Just wasn’t expecting to see you come home in eau-de-Josh.” 
“Yeah, well I wasn’t planning on it,” She says. Her eyes were slowly fading from black and back to her average color. “Going or you seeing me right after the fact.” 
Jake almost smiled and then quickly suppressed it, leaning back from her as she shuffled up onto her elbows. “Well this settles it.” He says with a finality that she doesn’t understand at all. 
What she wanted was some peace and quiet, but it seemed the universe–and Jake, had other plans for her. 
“What do you mean?”
“Now we really need to figure out what you are because my bet is that your little mystical panic attack is linked to the questions surrounding your powers and true parentage.” He runs a hand through his hair, before tapping his fingers against his lips. She could see the thoughts rapidly racing through his mind. 
“That seems like a leap,” She says, unsure. 
Jake leans closer and they are once again within each other’s breathing spaces. “Like I said last night. The things you do, including this, aren’t normal for demons. You are not normal and I fear that means you may be in serious trouble that we cannot even begin to fathom.”
Her eyes flutter at his words hitting her face. His voice was low and raspy, urgent. She licked at her lips and watched his eyes flicker to the movement. 
“So no pressure, huh?”
To be continued....
Taglist: @ofthecaravel @gretavanfreaky @sinarainbows @jaketlove @mysticalstarcatcher @whiterosekiszka @sacredjake @beingextraisfun @malany-gvf @joshysgirl @ascendingtothestarssasone @amygvf13 @myownparadise96 @josh-iamyour-mama @alwaysonthemend @lvnterninthenight
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Advocate January 2009 Interview
Chris Evans: Not Another Gay Interview
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Chris Evans is a serious actor, but that doesn’t mean he wants you to stop objectifying him.
By Brandon Voss
January 05 2009 12:00 AM EST
After working a whipped-cream bikini in the 2001 spoof Not Another Teen Movie, Chris Evans fried phone lines in Cellular and melted hearts as The Human Torch in the Fantastic Four films. Next seen as a telekinetic troublemaker in February’s sci-fi thriller Push, the 27-year-old revisits his steamiest photo shoot and outs his even hotter gay brother.
This may come as quite a shock, but gay men enjoy you. I was well aware of that. I remember my mother saying, “Chris, do you know you’re #2 on some gay list [AfterElton.com’s Hot 100]. Brad Pitt is #12!” I was like, “What?!” I couldn’t believe it.
That was 2007. I hate to break bad news, but you dropped to #8 in ’08. Aww, that’s outrageous! Who took my spot?
I forget, but Jake Gyllenhaal was #1 for both years. What? Jake? Unacceptable. [Laughs]
It couldn’t hurt to play a gay role next. I really wanted to be a part of Milk, but I lost out to James Franco. I guess if you’ve got to lose, he’s the guy to lose to. I did a movie called Fierce People where I played a sociopath who wasn’t gay, but he does rape a teenage boy. You come to find out he didn’t do it for sexual reasons; he just did it because he could. He really was a sick character.
I’ve actually got an idea for a gay musical sequel to Cellular called Blackberry Storm. You in? Absolutely. Sounds like a nailbiter.
I hear there might also be a queer subtext in Push. Yes, those with powers try to keep it under wraps. They’re being hunted by the government, so everyone’s trying to lay low. Now I understand the gay man’s struggle. [Laughs]
What’s the status of your Tennessee Williams film, The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond, about a 1920’s Memphis debutante? We took it to the Toronto Film Festival looking for distribution, and it does not look like that’s going to happen. I don’t know if there’s really a market for a Tennessee Williams film. It would’ve been a tough film to distribute and make money back, so it’s probably going to remain in limbo and possibly come out one day on DVD.
Do you blame Lindsay Lohan, who was originally set to star before Bryce Dallas Howard took over? [Laughs] No, not at all. To be honest, Bryce was phenomenal in the movie. It’s a shame that people won’t get to see her performance.
Let’s discuss your sexy, now-infamous 2004 Flaunt magazine photo shoot — and why you seem more hesitant to flaunt your physique. I really didn’t think twice about taking my shirt off at the time, but my current publicist would pull her hair out if I did that photo shoot today. If I got to a photo shoot and they said, “OK, we’re going to do some shirtless shots,” I’d say, “Fine. No big deal.” It never really occurred to me that that could be misinterpreted as a bad thing or as selling out.
Do you think those photos hurt you? I couldn’t care less, and I don’t think it makes one lick of difference. But I hired my publicist for her professional opinion, and she seems to think it’s a mistake. I have no problem taking my shirt off for a role if the part calls for it, but my publicist says, “When you’re promoting yourself, being you, there’s a way to keep it as classy as possible. Greasing yourself up and stripping down may not be the best way to do it.” To some degree, she may have a point. But at the end of the day, it didn’t bother me then and it doesn’t bother me now. Maybe I dropped to #8 because I haven’t had enough shirtless photo shoots lately. I’m blaming my publicist. [Laughs]
When you need an ego boost, do you ever watch the Chris Evans tribute videos on YouTube? No, I just call my mother. When you’re feeling depressed, you talk to her for 20 minutes and you think your shit doesn’t stink. And you can quote me on that.
I read on PerezHilton.com that your younger brother Scott is gay. Yes, I do have a gay brother. I’m down with the gays. Mostly I’m hanging out with him and his gay buddies, who are fucking hilarious. They’re the funniest people I know.
Do they take you to gay bars? They’ve invited me out to gay bars before, and I said, “Look, guys, I’ve got to draw the line there.” That’s where a photo will get taken, it will run in magazines, and before you know it, I’ll be living down the gay rumor for the rest of my life.
Does your brother look anything like you? He does, but he’s about an inch taller and about four shades tanner than I am. He’s a very fit young man. Believe me, he does quite well for himself.
How did he come out to you? He was really nervous. He came out to all of us very slowly. His first year at NYU, he came out to our mother and our sister, and then he came out to me a little later. I was driving him back to New York City for school. We spent the whole day together, got to the city, had some beers in my hotel room, got into a really great talk, and he came out. I was so glad that he did. That’s got to be a difficult transition, but I come from the most liberal household you have ever heard of. And for some reason, gay men are just drawn to my mother. She’s a cool chick. I think, like, six men have come out to her. I guess they just feel so comfortable with her, and before you know it, they’re coming out of the closet. I think my mother was praying for us to be gay, so at least she got one of us.
Growing up, when was the first time you realized that you weren’t gay? When I had a crush on my babysitter, who lived with us for a few years. I must’ve been 10 or 11. I was just head-over-heels in love with her. I thought she was the greatest thing in the world. Then I had a really big crush on Kim Cattrall in Mannequin. I was in love with her too.
In May 2008, you were photographed wearing a T-shirt with an image of two girls making out. Was that your way of showing support for gay marriage? My buddy owns a clothing line in L.A, and that’s one of the T-shirts that he makes. To be completely honest, I threw it on without really taking a close enough look at it. On that day I ended up getting photographed at a clothing store — which rarely happens to me — and then on the way home, I get in a car accident. So I’m dealing with police, the ambulance, taking down names and numbers, all while wearing a shirt with two women tonguing each other. It was a rough day. As for gay marriage, it’s mindboggling and appalling that human beings are being denied civil rights in this country. But time will heal all. I have to believe that in 10 years we won’t be having this conversation. We’ll be having another one, because we’ll always find someone to persecute.
2008 was arguably the Year of the Man-crush. Who was yours? My buddies always tell me that I have a man-crush on Brad Pitt. What can I say? The guy’s great. I think he’s a great fuckin’ actor, and he’s versatile as all hell. I’ve never seen a movie I didn’t like him in. So I guess he’s my man-crush.
When I interviewed Milo Ventimiglia for The Advocate, he told me about performing “I Will Survive” in drag for the short-lived 2000 TV series Opposite Sex. He failed to mention that you were one of his two backup dancers. [Laughs] I’ll tell you the worst part. Milo and Kyle [Howard] look like the ugliest transvestites in the world; meanwhile, I think I pass! I look like an alright-looking woman! It was horrible walking from the makeup trailer to the set. I was ogled, getting catcalls, and being sized-up. It was very demeaning. I could definitely relate to what women must go through.
Have you done drag since? No. Unless you want to count the blue tights in Fantastic Four.
By the way, “flame on!” was typically reserved for flamboyant homosexuals before you stole it as your Fantastic Four catchphrase. Sorry, guys. Well, you knocked me down to #8. I had to steal something.
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lostfracturess · 3 months
okay i’ve loved s&c since i started reading it but my god…chapter 8 was seriously one of the best things i’ve read and has made me just insanely connected to this story. so pls excuse me if this ask is obnoxiously long i’ve got a lot to say 😭🤚🏼
first off lol i just need to get this off my chest but the SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER…IMMACULATE. I GOT TINGLES im so immune to smut since i’ve read sm of it but oh my godd when he said “fuck i cant hold back any longer. let me fuck you already or i’ll cum in my pants” I HAD BUTTERFLIES IN TWO DIFF PLACES FROM THAT🧍🏻‍♀️…also i like how realistic the sex feels,, like it genuinely reads like two adults in this sort of complicated relationship still desiring one another, mature & sexy yet classy at the same time? bravo seriously (also reader getting the lingerie hehehehrhrh)
the way you built the tension throughout the entire chapter regarding satoru’s super mysterious phone calls and his reluctance to share anything w reader. so wonderfully laced into all of the scenes, there was this sense of dread throughout that simmered even during the fluffy scenes and oof it was a wonderful but torturous feeling haha
speaking of fluff- when he keeps mentioning “love” and now marriage!! pls 😭 it came out of nowhere but i feel like his brazenness to say it so soon makes me believe that he really means it if that makes sense?? :”) one of my fave lines from the chapter was
“he was stating it as a fact, something that was a done deal…he’s simply been waiting for you to catch up.”
that has to be one of the most romantic things i’ve EVER read in my life. a chill legit ran through me haha like if that isn’t love!! 🥲 he knew since the beginning </3
thank you for clarifying the thought process behind reader’s doubts in herself. when she said something about how she wonders if she’s cut out for it…oof i felt that. imposter syndrome is SO damn real, especially in medicine, and my fave moment in the whole chapter is when satoru really steps up in that moment as a mentor and says “taking a break isn’t giving up” <3 i totally understand her push back though, it’s hard to shake insecurities built over years
and my god. satoru’s character. i know that he is so troubled and has made mistakes but my heart legitimately ached for him during that conversation with geto. this was the moment where i was like omg this story is something so special bc you tackle the sensitivity of topics such as drug abuse so fucking well.
i used to work at an emergency department and so often we would get patients rolling in w chief complaints of withdrawal, a LOT of the time young patients in their twenties, and it’s really heartbreaking to see because you can never ever fully understand the pain behind someone’s story or change the past, all you can do is try to help them and make them feel better in the present.
i feel so bad for satoru, seriously fuck sukuna for taking advantage of him like that omg give me two mins in a room w that mf and your story is gonna be missing one of its characters 😅
“walls up before anyone gets close, pushing people away because he’s convinced that deep down, he’s broken.”
siggghhh as someone with an avoidant attachment style i so relate to him. i really hope reader can show him the brighter things in life (i mean she’s definitely someone that makes him want to be a better man which is lovely), i look forward to seeing how he opens up more emotionally in the chapters to come.
im so sorry this is getting so fkn long but i simply cannot pass speaking up ab geto?? what an insanely emotionally intelligent character. the way he acts is so consistent, i looove how he’s recognized that maybe satoru’s relationship w reader, despite the forbidden aspects, is something more than just lust and is something deeper than that :”)
“there is no point, neither in life nor death. but you can either cry about the whole meaningless of the world or try to find meaning to it. to do something that gives meaning to life.”
talk about words that no longer feel like part of a story, but literally jump out of the page (err my phone screen? lol) and have you feel them in the reality of your own life. stunning, your writing is just amazing miss lostfractures
also curious if he got sued cuz he punched that student lol 🤔 or maybe it’s related to malpractice
ugh i’m so sorry this was so fucking long but it’s midnight for me rn and i just had so many thoughts while reading the chap i had to share 😭🤞🏼 thank you sm for this story, it goes without saying that i’m SO excited for more 💕💕💕
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okay i have no idea where to start but first THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! i feel insanely grateful for you to take the time to write this message, really!!
i'm smiling and giggling like an idiot rn at work omg.
so so glad you like the SMUT, this is always the worst part to write, so i'm relieved it didn't read cringey and made you feel something (i laughed at your comment about the butterflies in TWO SPOTS omg).
can relate. ngl.
and yes the whole marriage part did came out of nowhere but i guess that's just so him, like he's so clumsy with feelings and don't know what to do with them so he's just really messy but also so adorable with it, idk!!! ahhhh
your reactions to the chapter make me SO SO happy, like really, that's all us writers want to achieve, right? to make the reader feel something. so glad i could stir something within you!! <333
& yes you never know what a person might have experienced in his past to it really comes down to being patient and understanding with people, but yeah satoru surely has an avoidant attachment, like SO SO BAD. and that can be so FRUSTRATING.
his past even gets worse in the next chapter, because apparently i can not NOT make him even more miserable.
haha the whole philosophical part at the end was mostly because i read a lot of camus and kafka lately lol. couldn't hold myself back, but i guess that mirrors satoru's existential crisis he goes through, that will be more highlighted in the next chapter.
but like at the same time, he needs someone to put him in his place and the reader is gladly accepting that and is like, I'M SO DONE WITH YOU, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER MAN.
thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart for spending your precious time to read and write this message!! i really don't know how to phrase it how happy this makes me, just imagine myself smiling and crying like an idiot <33
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hooved · 2 years
Can i ask....uh....you rlly want 2 fuck Quark?? Like i respect the dedication here but. What is the appeal? No offense 2 ur man
yes, i legitimately do want to fuck him and even made a whole discord server like 2 years ago for other ppl who wanna fuck him lmao (but i've been into him for like. at least 4 years now) and i dunno if you're asking as someone who has or hasn't watched DS9, but he's one of those characters you kinda have to see in action and really get to know in order to really understand his appeal, pictures and gifs alone just don't really do him justice he starts off as the sleazy perverted little shitty bastard character (and never stops being that) but you get to see pretty quickly that he's actually not so bad of a guy and that he really cares about the ppl close to him despite his general selfishness. he's flirty, he’s fun, he's funny, he's ridiculously charismatic, extremely dramatic, he has the best and most varied wardrobe in the whole show, he wears eyeshadow, he’s bisexual, and he’s a pathetic little guy who starts cowering and screaming at the first sign of trouble lmao (but he can be pretty brave when it really counts) but tbh a huge part of what really makes him sexy to ppl is the way he carries himself. his body language, his expressions, the way he speaks, etc., he’s extremely expressive. he’s got swag. and on top of all that, he literally does get laid like. all the time. so you know he’s experienced and that he’s legitimately desirable to others in canon. not only that, but he’s got a very obvious thing for dominant women (and as a bisexual man myself, i'm with him on that lmao), he’s been confirmed by one of the writers to be a bottom (no joke he literally said this. but like. as if it wasn’t already obvious y’know), and he’s even alluded to being into getting tied up on more than one occasion, among other things. he’s kind of unnecessarily open about his kinks, which is fine by me personally 🤷‍♀️ he’s a VERY horny character. he’s literally meant to be sexy whether or not someone personally finds him attractive. they decided to make the wrinkly little big-eared freak the sluttiest character in the show and possibly in the entirety of star trek and to that i say hell yeah man, why not but anyway, another thing i wanna add (and trust me this is still relevant and not just because i love quodo) is that his 10+ years long weird homoerotic rivalry with odo is both very funny and extremely poignant. they act like enemies a lot of the time, but they’re actually very close, even if odo can’t admit it. quark considers odo his best friend and genuinely cares about him. he’s been there for him many times when no one else was. he’s defended him, he’s helped him without expecting anything in return, he’s given him gifts, he’s even dragged him up a mountain in the freezing cold to save his life. that kind of love and dedication to someone, even if he doesn’t get the same in return, is a very endearing quality of his character, even if it is unfortunate. he doesn’t give up on the ppl he loves, no matter how “un-ferengi” it is of him to care so much uhh i could go on and on and on about him and there’s definitely things i’m forgetting to mention, but basically he’s a very good and entertaining character. and i’ve said this before but tbh when i started watching DS9, i literally could not have predicted that i’d be this into him or even attracted to him in the slightest, like i knew he’d be my favorite but the “oh no he’s actually kinda sexy” feeling really snuck up on me and that seems to be the case for most ppl who are into him. he really grows on you and then before you know it, you and your friends are on discord talking about how much you all wanna fuck him on a daily basis lmao 🤷‍♀️ anyway i don’t know how to end this ask. quark is hot
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Never I Have Ever: season 4 - Quotes
“- Damn. That’s messed up. But do you have any friends or someone you could talk to about this?” (The basket player - Episode 1)
“- And that’s when I realized love is a verb, not just a noun.” (The basket player - Episode 1)
“- Devi, this really is an elegant gift. And if I may, I am so pleased to see a young girl this day and age not dressed like a pinup poster in a prison cell.” (Teacher - Episode 1)
“- Devi felt like she was on a roll, and so she decided to do the mature thing and talk to Ben. Sometimes, when things don’t go your way, you can still be graceful and learn.” (Devi’s voice off - Episode 1)  “- But apparently, one pretty mediocre bang was all you wanted from me before you moved on to the next warm body. And when Devi was hurt, she did not always make smart choices. - I... I think this is escalating in a unnecessarily public way.” (Ben - Episode 1) “- Well, that’s probably because statistically men are more... (Devi) - Stop. I’m already offended by however you’re going to finish that sentence. Devi, you know it’s ok if you still have feelings for Ben. (Dr Ryan) - What? That’s what you got from this? (Devi) - I mean, what you two shared was something incredibly intimate, Devi, and then he abandoned you.” (Dr Ryan) - What is wrong with me? What would make Ben sleep with me and decide not to be with me? (Devi) - And I don’t mean that feminist woo-woo “every woman is beautiful” kind of thing. I mean real beauty. You’re extraordinary, Devi. (Dr Ryan) - I am? (Devi) - You are. Why else would I keep seeing you? Girl, you drive me crazy. Okay? Women always wanna take something out on another woman when most of the time it’s the man’s fault. (Dr Ryan) - Yeah, ‘cause it’s easier to be mad at women ‘cause we know what sneaks we are.” (Devi - Episode 1)
“- Uh, hey, uh, Margot? Do you have a second? (Devi) - Actually, no. I’m trying to avoid psychotic bitch energy as much as possible.” (Margot - Episode 1)
“- Hey, we’ve talked a lot about my dick lately. Can we move on? Look, I think we’re both just insecure and competitive, and we always manage to hurt each other. (Ben) - So Devi heard herself saying something she almost never said. I accept that.” (Devi - Episode 1)
“- Ms. Vishwakumar, you’re ten minutes late. (Ms. Warner) - I’m so sorry, Ms Warner. My car was recently a victim of automotive misogyny.” (Devi - Episode 2)
“- Well, now I heard you won’t be getting a Dr. Keyes rec. You know, after you, sent her to the hospital?” (Episode 2)
“- I mean, I get that he’s hot, but he’s also kind of degenerate. Yeah, and what about Trent? You can’t just give up on him. (Devi) - He doesn’t wanna be with me. He’s made that very clear. And as Dua Lipa said, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” (Eleonor - Episode 2)
“- He’s beautiful, he’s dangerous, and it feels like there’s always a wind hitting him somehow. (Eleonor) - It seems scientifically impossible, but I do see it. (Fabiola) - Well, El, as someone whose senior year has already gone tits up, I support it. Follow your bliss before some jealous slore steals it from you.” (Devi - Episode 2)
“- Yo, Ben. I hope you know you’re dating a straight-up psychopath. (Devi) - Well, wouldn’t be the first time”. (Ben - Episode 2)
“- Ben, I’m your girlfriend. You should know I’m not a criminal.” (Margot - Episode 2)
“- Let’s just say Margot is about to be Mar-gone.” (Devi - Episode 2)
“- Then I’ll beat you to death with this one. You can’t go around messing with something that belongs to someone else. (Devi) - So you’re kind of mean, huh? (Ethan) - No, I just believe in justice. Yeah. Well, whatever it is, I’ve never been yelled at like that before. (Ethan) - I find that hard to believe. (Devi) - It’s kind of hot. Yeah, when you were yelling at me, I was like...”Damn. Devi’s kind of sexy. (Ethan - Episode 2)
“- Bad girls don’t need books. (Ethan) - Okay, yeah, maybe I do like being bad. (Devi) - And the baddest part about you is that you’re betraying your friend. It’s so hot how you’re stabbing her in the back. He feelings are gonna be so hurt.” (Ethan - Episode 3)
“- Fab, I am on the rebound. So if I wanna fantasize about being a degenerate’s girlfriend, let me have it.” (Eleonor - Episode 3)
“- Picking up on a titch of melancholy.” (Episode 3)
“- So, Devi, why don’t you tell me how you can relate to a story about falsely accusing someone and almost ruining their life? (Episode 3)
“- I’m sorry. This is just how it has to be for now. (Ben) - She doesn’t have to be this threatened. She does know our sex was bad, right?” (Devi - Episode 3)
“- I’m not surprised he scammed us. His whole family’s a bunch of con artists. But like most hot guys, Ethan was blissfully unaware of the drama surrounding him, and he had no idea he was being avoided.” (Episode 3) 
“- You got dumped by a guy who loved you so much that he proposed to you after a meaningful relationship and tons of amazing sex.” (Devi - Episode 3)
“- Have you ever done this before ? (Ethan) - Once. But it didn’t got so great. (Devi) - Well, that’s because you didn’t have sex with me.” (Ethan - Episode 4)
“- Sometimes, certain people can cloud our judgment.  - Oh no, she does. She just thinks that Ethan’s bad for me. (Devi) - Oh, well, that’s true. - Yeah, he’s like an anchor pulling you down into the depths.” (Episode 4)
“- No, I’m only applying to acting conservatories. I’m not a liberal arts person. I’m a one-art person.” (Eleonor - Episode 4)
“- Ethan, thank you so much for this incredible sexual awakening, but I think I’m now having a moral awakening. I need to be with someone who knows right from wrong, and that doesn’t seem to be you.” (Devi - Episode 4)
“- I mean, she was much more perfect than you in high school. She made zero mistakes and had no fun.” (Ben - Episode 5)
“- Well, you put it out in the universe I wasn’t getting in, and then I didn’t. (Devi) - I was just... trying to manage your expectations.” (Nalini - Episode 6)
“- Anyway, I need to see what I can add to my résumé to make myself seem more desirable to them.” (Devi - Episode 6) “- Well, great. I am glad my suffering is bringing you such joy. (Devi) - Oh, kanna, I am so sorry. But this is really what I was trying to tell you. Sometimes things don’t go our way. (Nalini) - Mom, come on. I really don’t wanna listen to anything rational right now. You know what? Being deferred was already a stab in the heart. I didn’t also need to be stabbed in the back.” (Devi - Episode 6)
“- And I went from feeling like a winner to such a loser in seconds.” (Episode 6)
“- Hey, you gotta let it go, all right? This is not worth losing a good friend over.” (Episode 6)
“- I am so sorry that I made you feel like you couldn’t talk to me.” (Devi - Episode 6)
“- I hear you, but remember, getting deferred isn’t such a bad thing... (Dr Ryan) - Why do people keep saying that to me? Getting deferred is a bad thing. It means they’re not sure about me. They’re not sure I’m good enough. (Devi) - But do you think you’re good enough? (Dr Ryan) - Honestly, I don’t know anymore. I mean, right now I feel pretty mediocre. My own mother assumed I was gonna get rejected. (Devi) - Devi, if this Princeton dream has so much power over your self-worth, have you ever considered that maybe it’s not serving you? Devi, I’ve just lived longer than you have, and I know that sometimes, you can work incredibly hard for something, and things just don’t go your way, you know?” (Dr Ryan - Episode 6)
“- Listen, I wasn’t trying to jinx you. I was just trying to, I guess, protect you from that kind of disappointment. And you know what? Even when things don’t work out, they usually do work out. As long as you don’t give up.” (Nalini - Episode 6)
“- Oh! I don’t wanna sleep with your girlfriend, dude. That’s really not something you should be offering people.” (Episode 7)
“- Dude, you are fully clothed. (Devi) - Yeah, well, emotionally I’m hanging D.” (Trent - Episode 7)
“- Look, why are you setting a goal that you’re probably gonna fail at? It’s okay if I fail as long as I tried.” (Episode 7)
“- Because you came up to me out of nowhere and asked me to take your virginity as a complete stranger? (Paxton) - Okay, don’t make me sound like I’m nuts. You’re the one that said yes.” (Devi - Episode 7)
“- Maybe to let go of who you were and find out who you wanna be.” (Episode 7)
“- There are some vibes that are still alive and well.” (Paxton - Episode 7)
“- So don’t worry, we’ll still be roomies. Oh, and also prom dates. I was talking to Addison, and they’ll be out of town for prom, so I thought the three of us could go together. (Fabiola) - Yes! I love that. I mean, you two are the best relationship I’ve had in high school.” (Devi - Episode 8)
“- So, what’s the deal with you guys? Ah! A teen girl classic, pretending to not be interested in the person you’re interested in (McEnroe). He’s the one that said we should never be together because we’re both too insecure and competitive. And he’s right. He’s too mean, and I’m too crazy. Together, we’re just two otters trying to dunk each other.” (Devi - Episode 8) 
“- Change was in the air for the Vishwakumar clan. Scary as it was, Nalini was right. Change was good.” (McEnroe - Episode 8)
“- But in typical Devi fashion, had created too big of a mess to enjoy it.” (McEnroe - Episode 9)
“- Hi, Ms Warner. Wanna talk to me? (Ben) - Well, I never want to talk to you, young man.” (Ms Warner - Episode 9)
“- Yeah, that’s all true, but I wanna know why you are who you are.” (Episode 9)
“- God, why do I have to be a psycho all the time? (Devi) - I like your psycho side. It makes things interesting. (Ben) - Being rejected and wait-listed by everywhere you applied is, like, the definition of pathetic, so look, Devi, you are many things. A maniac, a liar, a heavy sweater, a reckless driver,.... (Ben)  - Hey, this is very hurtful. (Devi) - But you’re not a quitter. (Ben)  - I’d want someone to put me in like a medically-induced coma. Yeah, I would like that. (Devi) - But if you don’t try everything that you can, you’re gonna regret it.” (Ben - Episode 9)
“- You survived, baby. You’re a survivor. (Dr Ryan) - You really mean that? (Devi) - This little college thing, this is just a bump in the road compared to everything you’ve already overcome. You can do anything you put your mind to. (Dr Ryan) - Princeton was actually a dream he and I came up with together. I think I’ve so fiercely held on to Princeton so that I could keep holding on to him.” (Devi - Episode 9) 
“- Because I promise you, Devi, if you do not pack tonight, I’ll put you in that suitcase Mafia-style. (Nalini - Episode 10)
“- So it turns out we’re a pretty good team for two people who hate each other. (Ben)  - I don’t hate you. I just think you’re pretentious and unlikable.” (Devi - Episode 10)
“- Now, this is our last night together, so we have to grab this party by the balls and just squeeze every last drop of fun out of it.” (Devi - Episode 10)
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“so you want to fight for women with injustice to men?” I’m always the first to say two wrongs don’t make a right. Justifying bad behavior with “but they do it” isn’t acceptable. However I do get their outrage over these articles and that level of disgust is NEVER given us. I’ve had guys putting their hand under my blouse down the top of my pants at bars or concerts hell any kind of gathering since before I could drink. And they weren’t even guys I was talking to! I’m not alone. We’ve been subjected to overly personal questions no one would ask a man and overly sexualizing and objectifying us for centuries. But now suddenly the poor men are wanting rivers of tears for their suffering? If those guys stood up and made a statement that they now understand how we feel and that all people deserve personal space and to be treated respectfully, i and maybe these women too wouldn’t be as offended.
"However I do get their outrage over these articles and that level of disgust is NEVER given us"
But this is categorically not true. Not since me too. And the movement itself proved itself hypocrites refused to acknowledge male victims. Haven't you seen how they supported 100% Amber Heard even after her testimony of full of lies?
"But now suddenly the poor men are wanting rivers of tears for their suffering?"
Umm noo.... they only want not to be sexualized, harassed or touched on the streets by strangers. Interestingly based on your example above I thought you would understand this... Why do you have a need to mock them? Just because they have a totally normal request, how are these "rivers of tears for their suffering" suddenly? I have never read an article where a man said he is suffering more from sexualization than women. They only said it was uncomfortable and please stop. Some of them say even less, just tell what happened to them.
Why is this women vs men instead of victims vs abusers? Can you answer that? Please, I am really interested.
I understand where are you coming from because, before the JD-AH trial, I was like the same. Even when it started I was, ""okay, they were both abusive so what?" During the trial and since then I saw so many men commenting about their experience from abuse by their wives to losing their children because "women must be believed all the time" to having a male friend who was murdered by a woman... etc.
"If those guys stood up and made a statement that they now understand how we feel and that all people deserve personal space and to be treated respectfully, i and maybe these women too wouldn’t be as offended."
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They haven't done anything else but making statements since me too. But actually, you are the one who seems like don't understand this. That men have the right to have a personal space too. When a woman has a nude leaked the world is on fire, when a man has a d*ck pick leaked everyone is saving it like mofos and " ohh, how funny, sexy is this."
You are the energy that you put out there, like it or not. Until you don't have BASIC respect for men and their personal space (and I mean basic, you don't have to think they suffer more than women just don't think a random man deserves to be treated like sh*t because an another random man touched you) so until then, you won't get respect and fair treatment in general. There will be always sh*t people crossing your path, that's life.
I feel your anger and I understand it, I was and I can get angry because of things I feel I have no control over or feels injustice. But contrary to the fashionable mantra of nowadays we in fact must learn to control our emotions. Anger is unhealthy no matter if it targets someone else or ourselves. If you are angry and you can go to extremely intense training, boxing lessons, chop wood, run, scream etc. The answer is not saying men have a lesser right to speak about this. Men are physically stronger so people like to downplay the abuse and a man is less likely affected by a slap or a hit than a woman. Physically. Mentally…? It can be the same. Abuse, objectification, and harassment are not just threatening physically but mentally. Physically yes, I would say a woman is more in danger (if we are talking about sheer strength and not using a weapon) but mentally a man can be as much affected and as badly as a woman. 
We are individuals. Some men are sh*t some are victims. Making collectivly shut up doesn't help, just makes you an opressor.
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howshemovesnj · 1 month
The “Short Men and Dating” Controversy
A man’s height is controversial in dating and there are MANY angry discussions about it online, so since I’m 5”7, let’s dig in! I have never been called short by a woman but of course, this is the type of thing that would never be said in polite conversation. I know I’m perceived as short, because in fifth grade, I was called “Short Dweeb” by another kid I was arguing with. In my late twenties, I got into an argument online with a guy I knew in person. He referred to my “little hobbit ass.” Why use that as an insult? He had never seen my hairy bare feet, so the only reason he’d compare me to a hobbit would be because I’m short, right? I have no concrete evidence if my height has been a factor in my luck with dating, so let’s explore the dating histories of four short guys I know of.
              Guy A was a close college friend. He was even shorter than me and had a nasal voice plus kind of an obnoxious, pushy personality. He had bad luck with girls his freshman year. He even pissed a girl off because he “stalked” her at a school carnival (her words were relayed back to him through a mutual friend of ours). His sophomore year, he got a hot blonde girlfriend taller than him. He told us she said he was handsome. I was sitting with my other group of friends at dinner once, and the two of them walked in. My tall bodybuilder friend remarked, “How’d he pull that off?” I said, “She says he’s handsome.” He replied, “I’m insulted!” People are aware of leagues in dating, and my muscular friend was obviously surprised, even annoyed that my other short friend could get a hot blonde. So, Guy A and this girl went out for three years, but it didn’t work out. He and I kept hanging out after that, and he went back to struggling with women, complaining about the “friend-zone” and how they want “bad boys” while he deserves love just because he has a good job, apartment, etc. He’s now 40 at the time of this article and I don’t believe he’s had a girlfriend since. He has had many female friends. However, he did date that babe for a while. He’s what I call a “one-hit wonder.”
              Guy B is only a bit taller than me and is also a one-hit wonder. He had a cute girlfriend over a decade ago but has been single since. He’s nice, good, and has a lot of close, loyal friends, but I think he’s just not perceived as sexy. I’ve mentioned before how I can tell when a man is attractive. He is by no means ugly, but he has this sort of goofy face that almost makes him look like a cartoon character: cute but not hot, if that makes sense. I know of another middle-aged guy like this who has this same goober face, and I don’t believe he has had a girlfriend recently. He also has a history of posting footage from strip clubs and raunchy television shows on social media, so make of that what you will. I think he’s very horny, and I can certainly relate! Talking about someone’s face may make me sound very shallow and judgmental but let me tell you why I bring it up: I THINK I MYSELF HAVE THIS KIND OF GOOBER FACE. I mentioned before that I’m no Channing Tatum, but I think I might also have a “cute but not sexy” face. Because people are polite, I can only speculate that this combined with my height puts me in that harmless unsexy friend category with women.
              Guy C is also short with a goofy face but is married… to a heavy woman. I know, whoa, body shaming! However, I must point out her weight to do a true deep dive into this issue. This fact is relevant because many short men and “incels” complain that they can only get fat women, and not the “hot” women they want. As for Guy C and the missus, looks are not everything. There is no doubt in my mind that they could have something deep and meaningful beyond physical appearances. But for the sake of what I’m discussing, it is worth mentioning that neither one of them is pulling a supermodel anytime soon. Could they be wonderful human beings who are perfect for each other? Absolutely! There are many successful relationships and marriages between two average or below-average-looking people. Long-term commitments are based on interpersonal and emotional factors that go way deeper than physical sex appeal. But if you only want a fit woman and you’re not a tall stud, your mileage is going to vary. There is also nothing wrong with that. I am fit and although I’m not tall, I do not settle for anyone who isn’t fit herself.
              Lastly, Guy D was kind of short, but he was very good-looking. He didn’t have a goofy face. He might have even been considered for a modeling contract, and guess what? He was a CrossFitter who was dating an attractive girl with a fit body who worked out at the same box! Here’s a crazy fact. One day, our box did this competition in the Poconos. We all went to dinner afterwards and I could hear a conversation Guy D was part of. He sheepishly mentioned that amongst his group of male friends, he was the “only one who could get laid.” There you have it! Everything about your physical appearance is a factor. If only I was as good-looking as Guy D.
              Why explore this issue? With all the grievances that have been made online ten times over about short men not getting women, I have never seen a real nuanced discussion of personal experiences and comparisons amongst a variety of short men. I’ve seen guys state they can’t get dates because they’re short, I’ve seen responses to them telling them to change their attitude and just “be confident,” and I’ve seen people give the example of that one short dude they know who has everything else going for him and never has a problem with the ladies. Tom Cruise is somewhere in that equation. I just decided to unpack this myself and share it with the world. Cheers!
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solardick · 4 months
Mommy, I’m afraid. I’ve never said mommy before. I don’t want to go. Through another change. I don’t know anyone here. Everyone’s French. I’m always singled out. But- I don’t want to go.
God damned man. Yes, yes I am. Thanks for noticing. It’s rare in fleeting moments to see that from a passing stranger.
Everything is evil. There’s nothing in life for me.
Oh wait. There already is another girl. Lol. Like a transition girl. I liked the way she talked. Redhead. Which was already brought up a couple times. The forst time. I was like what? Why would i care? No whatevwr. Privably druged that coffee today. Hopenit doesnt keep me up all night. Sleep is the onyl time the world stops and there nothing. Intil i opne them again.
Maybe ho bsck to art instead of watching everyone in existsnce pretend to be someone they ate not. No human interaction at all. Since all my availibale social means arent very trustworthy are they.
And honestly. I dotn like redhead dna. Oh my god im - racist. Time ti take anothwr beating.
Naw man, i may look all sexy and manly and all. And i may look all smart and all to everyones spite. But now. Im actually just sma fully receptive woman. I have no cock. Im net here to f@&$. Im here to be fuckd. Learn to enjoy it. 39 years andcoubtibg. It never gonna be different. Buy a couple dildos. And get an anema bag. Shave head to toe. Body hair is a turn off and i want to be a sexy as i can. Make my man. Or men happy. Live a sacrificial life. And not build myself up. Just be fully sexual. No need to connect to anyone. I just need so e dick. With wahte ever they injected me with covid. Choice is mych taken away anyway. And i qant to feel proud of my accomplishments. Even if that means getting them off. I want to be thanked and encouraged. Too bad i cant bear you children. Im baren. Cause indotn have a womb. So inlose anyway. I cant hive that to you. And it makes me sad. They bette rhave huge cocks cause. Your pussy little 6 inch isnt enough. Do ‘t want uou being smallesr than me. That be a turn off. Since thats the onyl part that matter. The rets of it. Is just gross.
Was enjoying the experience of the feminine mentality. In a safe secure way. But then they raped my spyche.
Not like i have any experience being masculine in any other way than object placement. Not allowed to be. Just the destructive, evil side where “instinct” has full control. Sangerous stuff but whatever. I remember how i was. And it sickens my heart. There’s no control. Oh well im just a sick fuck that need to be fucked. Feed the desease. And not the cure. Thats all life has ever done. Sorry if i wanted soemthign different for once. To go with me “being on my own” away from degenerate violent sources coming from inside my own home. And shading everywhere else. I dont want to be alive anymore.
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Yup. Ok.
Heres my “ new” identity. Im a total fag.
There going to keep doing this to me for the rest of my life aren’t they.
No, she back. The whole fucken shop is just fucken with me. What’s new? That’s all life is. Since my first memory.
Ill just keep doing wgat im doing until tgey fuck me back onto the street. Then hooefully ill have a rffle by tten that i can suck off until i blow my brains out.
I aint dealing with tjose ficken cocksuckers today. Give me a fuvken written punishment for heing abusef afain. Go for a walk and enjoy the sun.
Well ill have my IHF course completed soon enough. Takes a first step. And it gives me something to look forward to. A way out from being the devil’s bitch. Mmmnn the sun feels nice.
Go and treat myself. Sone lively dialogue with done pretty women. Sunshine. Well noy anymore. Cloudy. Pick up some more things. Wash my own back. It’ll be nice.
I walk in, there she is staring me down again. A guy, who abuses the term sans design or however its spelled. Your coffeees and ice cap or something. Because i carried it from timmy’s not in a thermos. Wasnt hot. Getting cool. Mostly drunk. Talking over and through her standing in between with her back tunerd only slightly showing the front. I pause. “ it will be once i get inside. Dudes hyped on speed getting straight to work while i calculate the sheet. And set up the work station. Already inside loading it up. Ok then. Helped the station beside me. Insulating rhe freezing from getting in. Poorly parked vans. Well im ready now. Lets go to work. Nope. Processing the mind rape games. Was left just standing around waiting. Getting more depressed by the minute. Sitting at the table. Dead. People wanted to see. So then ealked passed trying to be unassuming or whatever. But as soon as i got in and the office and saw me. Depressed. Gave a sigh of disappoitnemt. Like i should be in a good state. Yeah ok. Sure. So i left. I could barely function. I chose suicide.
What you fucken speedo. Getting mad at me cause im fucked. Yeah sure leave. Bye. Ill do the van myself. No? What your back? Who you gonna be positive and try and display a healthy bond. Ok. Thats cool. We can do that. But no. I was just left standing around. While not knowing the details about wtf? Crates? What you tlaking about. Ok ill just stand arounf for the next hour.
When it is enough, man. Or was i just born to be tossed around and damaged? 39 fucken years and counting.
Your nothing but a bad influence. Your nineties punk rock mentality. Negative associations to everything. Giving none smokers nicotine. Bitching about your cowerkers stupid bs. And then give them cigarettes. Your first approach to me was handing me a speed pill. I was flabergasted at what the fuck your were trying to do. Fist bump? Ok. No? What? Hand shake? Wtf? Ok. Oh your giving me somethign. Oh its drugs. Ok. Maybe one day if i ever needed it. Its cool that you chauffer me around. Even though i always insist that you didn’t. Thanks for the shit. Though. Its cool to have some furniture. And im polite and social with uou. But i dont like you.
Ill work with the dipshit. If he wasnt talkign about cocks and gay shit. Be militant.
There sidetracking accomplished. Stay the fuck away from everyone. Keep doing it till they toss you back int the sea again. You’d think that after all these years. Youd be a good swimmer. Naw. Inwas never a good swimmer. Its one of the only things i ever did poorly at. And and guitar. Lyricsl notes are beyond me.
And they’re never going to stop fucken with you. It’s for life. Born in hell. Tortured all the way through. Parent just equal violence. Brothers just equal violence. I apparently just equal sex. Theres no parents there. Just a fool for a father. Childlike. Being the youngest of a sized family. Temper tantrums and absence. Or stupid jokes. Like im a still baby. Mother is unstable. Freaking the fuck out in fits of bs. Never known a stable things. Homes, schools, jobs. Threats. Always threats. Growing in an oppression. Keep things to myself. The external always. Its always. I yeah. Nursery rhymes are olaying. You auto corrected to olaying.
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