#he is so shaped in this image
imnotfinebutimfine · 8 months
Shout-out to @amtrak-official for letting me travel quickly & cheaply so I could affordably take this small picture of Hozier without paying for parking
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nerdpoe · 10 months
Danny has an Ice Core.
He isn't aware of it, but this does, in fact, greatly influence how his ghost form looks as he grows up.
His appearance starts getting more rugged, eyes a paler, more piercing green, hair a bit more uncontrollable and wild.
He packs muscle easily, even in human form.
When in ghost form, he has an aura of something patient and dangerous, and that sense only grows the older he gets.
Basically, our boy starts to look like a viking.
No matter how goofy and bumbling he really is, his first impression is always a horrifying moment for whoever is meeting him.
And as his ghost form grows with his human form, he outgrows his hazmat outfit. Frostbite and the Far Frozen fashion him some new clothes-which only compliment and play off of the viking aesthetic he's got going on.
And with the height he inherited from his father?
Our man is a very, very intimidating figure to look at. More so than Dan; because while Dan was dangerous and scary, he was all energy and lightning and rage.
Adult Danny comes across as lethal and terrifying, all ice and persistence and that final, terrible silence before you realize you've already died.
Dan felt like the warrior in front of you. Danny feels like the wilderness in winter, vast and unforgiving.
Anyways, when a summoning for Klarion goes horribly wrong and Danny gets called instead, the Justice League has a moment where they're convinced they've summoned something much, much worse than Klarion.
And Danny, standing there completely confused, is not helping by remaining silent and still while staring John Constantine in the eye.
Good news, the bad guys are also very concerned about the weird ghost viking and are actually moving to stand side by side with the Justice League on this.
Bad news, who the fuck is this guy?
"...Fuck," is all Constantine whispers, backing away slowly.
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crabussy · 27 days
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the perfect specimen vs the perfect specimen + me as lead character designer + double the original show budget
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puppyeared · 2 months
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i like him
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elodee · 26 days
iJevin x Slime Rancher
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For iJevin I picked the video game Slime Rancher! Specifically, I drew Jevin in the style of the art in the Slimepedia from Slime Rancher. This one was a challenge because the slimes from the Slimepedia are just stylized blobs, so I had to take the design choices from that and imagine how it would translate to a humanoid character.
I chose this for Jevin because, well, slime, but also because Slime Rancher is a very cute, cozy game and I thought that aligned well with his build for this season. The game is like a cottage core farming sim but on another planet and with little slime creatures instead of farm animals. If you would like to learn more about Slime Rancher and see my style references, please keep reading below the cut! (And also, keep up the donations to Gamer's Outreach! If we get to $300, belmarzi will do a 20secs of animatic!)
Slime Rancher is one of those games you play when you just want to do something that makes you smile. It is an incredibly cute farming sim where you are tasked with catching, caring for, and protecting a collection of adorable slime creatures. As you progress in the game, you unlock new areas and meet new slimes, which are added to your in-game encyclopedia called the Slimepedia. The art in this encyclopedia is so charming that I decided to base Jevin on that instead on how the slimes appear in the game. Plus, I wanted to avoid doing 3D characters. When you feed the slimes, they produce colorful gems called plorts (which are 100% just slime poop) that you can sell in order to buy upgrades to expand your farm and collect new slimes.
I could play this game for hours and hours. From the adorable aesthetics and charming lore to the relaxing gameplay and soundtrack, Slime Rancher is just joyful through and through.
Style references
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Various slimes as they appear in the Slimepedia
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Slime Rancher also has human characters - I used Ogden here as the main reference for Jevin's shape
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Slime Rancher title design
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canonkiller · 3 months
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thinking about the 48 hour difference between these images again and grinning like an idiot. Something Happened Here. and it WAS some gay shit
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howlonomy · 1 year
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Ms. 15.5%
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taskforcebug · 2 years
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I just think it'd be funny if Robin got a buncha those glow in the dark sticky stars and covered Bruce's cowl in them... When Bruce tries to take them off Dick immediately bursts into tears
Bonus Dickie throwing his tantrum under the cut:
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cashmere-caveman · 7 months
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tfw u realize that a triangle has three sides and one of them has nothing to do w ur corner at all
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meirimerens · 11 months
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this is literally just lore of mine so feel free to ignore i just got angry at having to pull 4 different images That don't even Match everytime i wanted to draw him with the scars so grigri of the future i am talking directly into your ear. do not go scrolling in your folders in search of this it is here. the reference is here. i am talking directly into your ear i am inside of your ear.
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cametotheshowinsd · 2 years
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BEJEWELED (1932) A Musical directed by: Taylor Swift & Busby Berkeley - Is the nightclub sensation 'Midnight' a gold digger, or a siren woman, or just a girl who wants the penthouse of your heart? Either way, you best believe she can make the whole place shimmer! 💎💎💎 "Diamonds in my eyes, I polish up real nice (NICE!)"
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yuehua8 · 1 year
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[Garden in Abel] HEYO SO THIS TOOK LIKE 4 DAYS AND I REALLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN WORKING ON MY ZINE PROJECTS INSTEAD BUT LIKE.  BRAINROT.  LMFAO.   I should have like a speedpaint of this up soon, just gotta find songs that fit the vibe.  Btw if you zoom into the background u can see where I rendered roses.  It looks blank but i promise it’s not.  I worked too hard on those u BETTER ZOOM IN PFFT Vash holds my entire soul at this point lmfao.
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spocks-kaathyra · 5 months
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Pythas is shaped exactly like me actually bc I said so. 5'0 and everything
nakey under the cut
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cottonii · 8 months
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moongothic · 6 months
Seen at least one (1) person complain about Crocodile losing his "unique faceshape" (now having the same facial structure that 90% of OP men have) after episode 1086 came out and like
To be fair, yes, the shape of his head HAS changed since his first appearance in The Year 2000. The thing is, Toei's latest Crocodile Offering is frankly more in-line with how Oda drew Crocodile during Impel Down and Marineford than ever before. Like yeah he looks different, but this change isn't new
But that comment really did make me think about how FUNNY it is just how different Croc really looks from his first appearance, like. The evolution in how Oda draws the bastard is so facinating to me
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These are from chapters 155, 160 and 205 respectively.
No massive changes happening here in the middle of the arc, but you can kinda tell that Oda was definitely still figuring out how this asshole was supposed to look as he got further into the Alabasta (which is perfectly normal), which just makes That First Appearance look even funnier with time because. Who the fuck is that lmaooo
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But then we get to see him briefly during Miss Goldenweek's cover story, this being from the cover of chapter 413! All things considdered, bastard hasn't changed that much, still looks pretty much the same as in Alabasta. His head is maybe a little less elongated than before but still, chin is quite pointy still
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And now we're in Impel Down at chapter 540. Again, dude looks about the same as he did before...
But it really doesn't take long for Oda to start reshaping this bastard's entire head at this point
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Chapters 544, 546, 578, and cover of chapter 584
The chin is easily the most obvious part, but you can tell Oda kind of defaulted to giving him that same ol' evenly square-ish head most his conventionally attractive characters have during these story arcs (instead of the elongated shape he originally had).
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And then we have the latest appearances, from 1082 and 1100
I do feel like comparing these to what's come before would be a little unfair considdering his health and eyesight and how those affect the artwork itself, but. They're there, for comparison's sake
But the point is still there. Crocodile's face shape has changed since his first appearance, but it's not like Toei was behind that, the change was (mostly) gradual and from Oda himself. And it mostly happened in 2008, so it's not new by any means either
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So really, all Toei did was just update his character model because ⬆️ is more accurate than ⬇️ for One Piece right now
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Regardless. The sheer difference between the two is hysterical to me
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super-heroing like a boss!
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