#hate when people try to sell me on why showers are actually nice and relaxing or whatever
louderfade · 5 months
unbelievably sick of this eating and showering business. every day the body has needs. very rude when i put so much effort into pretending it doesn't exist. why do we have AI but still no way to escape the flesh prison or at least make its maintenance easier. what a stupid reality.
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Catching Up (Adrenaline Junkie Part 9)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 2,156         
“Did you kidnap a child?”
“I can ex- wait what? Of course I didn’t! Why would you think that?”
“Well, for starters, you just came home with a random kid! What were-”
“Dad. I didn’t kidnap anybody, especially Arthur,” you said exasperated. “It started when I was leaving the village.”
And so, you told your dad about how you met Arthur. Needless to say, he was furious. “(Y/n) (m/n) Minecraft, you yelled at a child? Not just a child, but an orphan that was so clearly in need of help?! I raised you better than that.”
“Dad, I know that yelling at kids is wrong. Just-just let me finish.”
He gave you a wicked side eye and nodded at you to continue. “So then he told me that he was alone. That he had no family. I couldn’t just leave him out there Dad. He would’ve been alone in the city. Hell, he’s been alone for god knows how long already” you ran a stressed hand through your already messy hair. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you if he could crash here-”
“-but he could’ve got hurt! The village’s dangerous at night-”
“Do you know how many people get mugged there just in a day? God, I can’t imagine him getting hurt, he’s so young and-”
“(Y/n) (m/n) Minecraft.” Your hand froze in your hair. “...Yeah?”
“It was a good idea to bring him here. But there’s gotta be someone out there looking for him.”
“I really don’t think so Dad. You saw him when I brought him here, he looked like he didn’t get a proper bath in months! Even if he did have someone, I’d rather him be here instead of with the bastards that left him like that.”
He sighed. “You’re right. I remember when I found you when you were a baby. Your biological parents were awful, they ignored you. I found you on the porch, they must’ve left you there overnight. You were filthy and you were so small and fragile. I remember being so pissed that they treated you like that, but they never gave me their names.”
You squinted at him. “You’ve never told me that. You told me that you found me in an alleyway.”
“I didn’t want to tell you how I actually found you, it was never important for you to know.”
“What do you mean it’s not impor-” you stopped yourself. That’s not important right now. “We’re going to talk about this later. Right now, we need to talk about Arthur before he gets out of the shower.”
Glancing at the clock, you felt worry engulf your being. “Speaking of, he’s been in there a while, do you think he’s okay?” You felt your heart drop. “What if he slipped!” You stood up in a panic. Philza pulled you back onto the bed giving you a knowing look.
“He’s okay hun. Remember, he’s probably just enjoying the shower.”
You bounced your leg. “You’re right, you’re right… What’s with that look?”
“What look?”
“That look.”
“I just think-”
You heard a knock on your door and a small voice calling your name. Immediately jumping up and forgetting about the conversation, you opened your door. 
“Hey buddy, have a good shower?”
He yawned, rubbing at his eye with a closed fist. The pajamas he wore were slightly too big, but he would grow into them. His auburn hair that he came in the house with was now a brilliant copper color and you could now make out freckles dotting his pale cheeks.
You softly smiled at him and grabbed his hand leading him to Wilbur’s old room since it had the comfiest bed. You helped the small-statured boy into the large bed and he flopped down without pulling the covers over himself. You huffed in amusement, pulling the soft blankets out from under him and tucking him in.
You spoke in a calm voice, not wanting to disrupt the peace that engulfed the room. You gently brushed the hair out of his face. “Sleep well, Artie.”
As you stood up and turned to walk away, he grabbed the back of your shirt. Glancing back, you saw that he had his eyes groggily half-open and he stared at you blearily. “Stay?”
Oh, you couldn’t say no to that. Feeling your heart melt, you whispered “of course buddy.” You pulled up an old chair and sat next to the bedside holding his small hand in your larger one. He was out like a light. 
He was so small for his age. It was probably because of the malnutrition from being homeless, and that broke your heart. Your poor, poor baby.
Your poor baby? What the fuck were you thinking? This child doesn’t even know you, you only met him earlier in the day. And yet, you already felt affectionate towards him. You wanted to protect him from danger. Why were you feeling like this?
You heard the door creak open and a small sliver of light streamed into the room. Philza poked his head through the small crack in the door. He smiled at you when he saw you sitting next to Arthur holding his hand as he slept. Reaching in an arm, he gestured for you to follow him before slipping out and closing the door.
Reluctantly, you slowly let go of the boy’s slender hand and quietly opened the nightstand drawer. You pulled out a pen and paper and wrote a quick note for him in the morning in your messy handwriting.
“Arthur, when you wake up, Philza and I’ll be downstairs making breakfast. Hope you like bacon and eggs : )
You placed the paper on the nightstand where you hoped that Arthur would see when he woke up and quietly left the room. Philza leaning against the wall greeted you. He was smiling softly at you. He once again gestured for you to follow him downstairs.
Philza felt ecstatic that you were going to give him another grandson. Even if you would inevitably deny being a parental figure to Arthur, he knew that you were going to accept it sooner or later. He raised you, so he should know when you deeply care for someone. Arthur and you both shared a love for innovation and creativity, so he knew that you two would bond over that. He felt like soaring high in the sky. He was so happy that there’s going to be another addition to the family soon. 
He sat you down onto the couch and disappeared into the kitchen. A few moments later, he came back with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. Your favorite.
“Anytime hun.”
You both sat in a comfortable silence on the couch and stared into the crackling flame in the fireplace. The fire swirled with various reds, oranges, and yellows illuminating the living room. You closed your eyes for a brief moment, savoring the flavor of the chocolate and the smell of smoke with the fire popping in the background. You felt relaxed.
“So, how’s Tommy and Wilbur? Are they adjusting well to L’manberg?”
“Oh, they’re thriving. Wilbur’s a natural leader so he’s in his element and Tommy’s always exploring with Tubbo. They get into trouble sometimes, but they always come back in one piece, so I’m not worried about them. They’re having fun.”
“And you?”
“I set up my new workshop next to the capitol building. I think I’m gonna start selling some of the stuff I make, I think it’d make a decent profit.”
“I think that’s a great idea. Ya know that the people in the village are crazy about you, right?”
You groaned, dragging your hand down your face tiredly. “How could I not? I hate it.”
“Why would you hate it? They really admire your work, you should appreciate that.”
“Dad, I do appreciate that they admire my work, but do you remember how they treated me when I first went there after I lost my wing? They treated me like a fucking outcast. And now they’re acting like they actually know me and that they were always friends with me. I know everybody deserves a second chance, but I can’t help but feel like they’re on thin ice.” 
“People change hun. Maybe they realize that how they treated you was wrong and they want to make amends?”
“That’s the thing. They’re only treating me like this only because of my inventions. I can only tolerate it for so long. I don’t even know why they’re treating me like this, I’m not special. I’m just another person.”
“...You aren’t gonna let a few two-faced people ruin your vacation, right?”
His cheeks slowly stretched into a smile. “Why? Who are you?”
“I’m (y/n)?”
“I said who. Are. You?”
You spoke up a little more confidently, but kept your voice down. “I’m (y/n) (m/n) Minecraft.”
He quietly laughed. “Damn right you are. You’re ‘(Y/n) Minecraft, Conqueror of the Unknown’. You’re (y/n) goddamn Minecraft and don’t you forget it.”
You chuckled. “You read that book? ‘(Y/n) Minecraft, Conqueror of the Unknown’ was a bit too dramatic for my taste.”
“Why wouldn’t I read something all about my precious little inventor?” He drug out with an overly sweet tone.
“Dad, I’m 20 years old. I’m not little anymore.”
He slung an arm across your shoulders and pulled you into his side. “I know, I know, but you’ll always be my child.”
You sighed and leaned into him. You haven’t spent any time with him since you left the house to help Wilbur and Tommy fight for independence, so this felt nice. “I missed you Dad.”
“Not a day goes by where I don’t miss you or your brothers. It’s way too quiet around here without you four.”
“Do you remember when Tommy put green dye in the shampoo to try and prank me?”
An almost silent laugh reverberated throughout his chest, sounding slightly muffled. “Of course I do. It took at least a few weeks to get it off my skin and a full month after that to get it out of my hair.”
“You should’ve seen his face when I walked into the kitchen in the morning,” you deepen your voice. “‘If you’re not in the shower, then who is?’ Aaaannd then you walked into the kitchen looking like you lost a fight with a witch.” You snorted. “You didn’t know why everyone was staring at you.”
He huffed. “You guys didn’t even tell me until after breakfast.”
“Have you seen yourself in the mornings? You’re literally so grumpy. We didn’t have a death wish.”
“Hey, I’m not that bad in the morning, Mx. I-can’t-function-without-eight-hours-of-sleep.”
“At least I’m fully awake in the morning.”
“Oh, wow, what a zinger,” he said in a monotone voice.
You reached up to playfully slap his arm. “Shuddup.”
You both quietly laughed before the room fell back into a comfortable silence. You took a deep breath. “Arthur knows about The Warden. What it did to me”
You felt him tense up and heard his heart start to beat a little faster. He moved his arm away and leaned back to look you in the eyes.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. He said that he knew what happened and he needed my help. He… he said that The Warden took someone important to him.”
“Was it his paren-”
“I don’t know. I’m going to talk to him about it tomorrow.”
“Do you want me to talk to him with you?”
“I don’t know if Arthur’s comfortable with that yet. I’m not even sure if he trusts me enough to tell me.”
You grabbed your’s and Philza’s empty mugs and took them to the kitchen. You ran your hands down your face. You felt very drained after everything that happened today. You weren’t used to so much human interaction, let alone people staring at you like you were some kind of deity when you weren’t. You leaned against the sink and closed your eyes. 
“(Y/n), I’m turning in for the night. Is there anything you need before I go to bed?”
“No, thank you Dad.”
“Alright, goodnight. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
You heard his retreating footsteps gradually fade out and the room was thick with silence yet again. The darkness in the room was cut by the moonlight streaming in through the window. Your mind was racing as you remembered that you were going to have to talk to Arthur about The Warden soon. 
You hadn’t talked about The Warden for years and now you were being forced into it. You didn’t think you were ready. You wanted to move on with your life, but The Warden was inevitable. It was everywhere around you. It won’t ever leave you alone, will it?
You didn’t think you were going to get much sleep tonight.
Taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@acecarddraws  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @ravennightingaleandavatempus  @dirtydiavolo  @yeiras-world  @immadatmostthings  @hee-hee-haw  @jackalopedoodles  @m1lkmandan  @vanhakirja  @im-a-depressed-gay  @coolleviauchihadreamerlove  @questioning-sanity  @camisascam
@bongwaterflavoredgatorade  @kakamiissad  @jayistrash4  @lifestylesleep  @speedymaximoff  @sun-shark-tooth  @appetiteofapeoplepleaser  @lestrangenymph  @kinismanditory  @dragons-lurk-here  @rinzyx05  @the-wandering-pan-ace  @sparkling-gayyyy  @angelic-scent  @shinipii  @dont-hug-me-im-a-fander  @izzydimensional  @used-avocado  @laura--444  @wing-non
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abbysfrenchbraid · 4 years
Nothing Else Matters
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reference picture by @amisthiosintraining​
anonymous said:  Abby + Female reader, but it's Abby the one being f—cked with the strap on (I'm curious on that one)
Well, here you go. Abby and the reader have been hooking up for a while and the reader has managed to get their hands on some toys to make things more interesting. (5k words of SMUT)
content warning for bondage, light degradation and swearing, risk of exposure, ask to tag
Nothing Else Matters
The air in the room was damp and the smell of the sweaty bodies twitching and jumping reached your nostrils as you sat down to watch. You took off your sweater and placed it beside you, scanning the group of people for a familiar face.
There she was, her blonde braid flying as she whirled around, her face red and sweaty, full of concentrated rage. With an angry cry, she backhanded her partner across the face and sent him straight to the ground. She was glorious, muscles glistening in the neon light as she straddled the man on the ground and caught him in a headlock, grunting as she tightened her grip while he thrashed about trying to free himself. You could see her bicep flexing against his throat and his eyes widening at the sensation. 
Finally, he tapped her underarm two times and she let go immediately, rolling off of him and laying on the ground next to him, arms and legs spread wide. The man with hazel hair and a short beard was half-coughing, half-laughing and clutching his throat while the other soldiers ignored the pair and kept training.
“Jesus Christ Abby, do you want to kill me?”
She huffed and sat up, giving him a pat on the thigh.
“You deserved it, always skipping combat training to fool around with Mel.”
“Oh, so that’s the reason you’re so angry! You’re jealous,” he laughed and immediately put his arms up in defense before she could slap him, but she only leaned back on her arms and shrugged. When she looked up, she caught your gaze and you almost believed she had known you were there all along. The look only lasted a moment, then she smiled back at Owen.
“I’m not, you know that. Why would I waste my time thinking about you when there’s someone a million times hotter than you?”
Owen gasped in feigned shock and sat up as well.
“Better than this beautiful face and these” - he flexed his biceps - “perfectly sculpted muscles?”
Now Abby actually slapped him. He stood up and reached out a hand to help her up.
“Come on, tell me who it is. A soldier?”
The blonde slapped his hand away and got up on her own.
“I’ll tell you if you win this next round. Let’s go!”
She clapped her hands and let him attack, dodging his first few punches with ease before knocking him back into another pair of fighting wolves.
You smiled to yourself and leaned forward to rest your elbows on your knees. As your thoughts drifted elsewhere, the heavy breathing and grunting became white noise and Abby’s arms were the only thing you saw.
Working as a cook, you had often seen her and her friends in the cafeteria, always joking around and making a mess, clearly the popular kids at the base. Abby had been the one to clean up after the boys and apologize for their behavior when they were gone, always making sure to thank your colleagues for their effort and be nice to everyone.
She had noticed you a few weeks ago when you were on your break, sitting alone at a table reading and enjoying the silence in the big hall between mealtimes. The wolf had come over and asked if there were some leftovers for her as she had missed lunchtime for an extra round of training. You had made her some food and kept her company, both of you quickly finding out you got along extremely well and had many shared interests, especially the books you liked to read.
It had gone very fast from there. Secret meetings in empty hallways, sneaking out from work to steal a kiss between the clothing racks, slipping into her room when Manny was away for missions, you always found your way into each other’s arms. While you hadn’t admitted to yourself that it was anything more than just sex, you also spent quite a lot of time just reading or watching movies together, cooking or playing cards and Abby had even shown you some self-defense and wrestling moves that always ended with the two of you naked.
While the wolf was usually very dominant and protective, it was entirely different when you were alone. After you had hooked up the first few times, she had asked you to be rougher with her, leaving you surprised but not at all disinclined.
 You had found out that she actually liked to let go of all control and submit in the safe environment you had created for yourselves. While you had never really been super dominant before, you had quickly learned to enjoy this new role, always coming up with new ideas to make your lover squirm, suffer and cry beneath you.
Today you had something special in mind. Manny was out taking younger soldiers to an outpost for the first time and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow night, so you’d have the room to yourself. 
Your friend Jessie was running a little secret business on the base and you had already purchased a few goods for yourself but never shared them with Abby. Jessie, a trained soldier that wasn’t on active duty because of an injury but still did regular patrol runs to secure the area, had made it her purpose to find all the sex shops in the city and bring back merchandise that was still good to use. Together with her girlfriend who worked in the clothing department, she had started to sell toys, lingerie, and anything of that kind you couldn’t get at the commissary.
You often had coffee with the two of them, referring them to new customers around the stadium and talking about your new sexual adventures. Of course they didn’t know your partner was Isaac’s top soldier, but they gave you a lot of good ideas. Today you had decided it was time to try something more daring. Jessie had shown you how to use the things you had bought and now they were lying in a bag between your feet, drawing your eyes and thoughts toward them and whispering to you about all the things you could do with them.
You were torn from your thoughts by the trainer in the corner clapping loudly.
“Alright guys, dinner’s in half an hour. Good work, I’ll see you on Wednesday. You too, Owen.”
She gave the grinning man a stern look, but he just winked at her and turned around to Abby.
“So, you gonna tell me who you’ve got your eye on?”
“Hell no, you lost three times. Try again next time.” Abby shoved him playfully and walked past him to collect her bag. She emptied half her water bottle in one go and looked up at you before splashing some water on her face. What a tease.
“You coming?” Owen was already at the door.
“I need a minute to talk to someone. I’ll see you at dinner.”
“Alright.” He shrugged and disappeared into the hallway.
The sweaty blonde casually came over to your bench and sat next to you, keeping a few inches between you.
“Did you enjoy the show?” You didn’t look at her but you could tell by her voice she was trying to stifle a grin.
“Oh, I most definitely did. It stopped far too soon though.” You turned your head and let your eyes wander over her freckled shoulders, her neck glistening with sweat and her chest still moving rapidly underneath the tight sports bra. “I was thinking maybe I could get a private encore back at your room.”
Abby suddenly sat up straight and her face seemed to go even more red than it already was. She was still staring at the floor in front of you, tightening her grip around the water bottle and biting her lip. You decided to take a risk and ran your fingertips over her lower back, otherwise completely relaxed and watching the remaining few people in case anyone noticed.
“You fought so well today, baby. What would they say if they knew how you surrender to me with a single word from me? How you’ll beg me to fuck you just for the chance of having my fingers inside of you?”
Abby let out a shaky breath and squirmed on her seat, a mere tilt of her head in your direction telling you she enjoyed this as much as she hated it.
“What would they say if they knew I have a rope inside my bag, waiting for me to tie you up and leave you completely defenseless at my mercy?”
Her knuckles were white from the tension in her hands and she pressed her thighs together.
“Baby…” she gave you a pleading look, “please stop torturing me.”
The last few people were clearing out and the trainer nodded at Abby who just raised a hand in greeting, trying to act normal. As soon as the room was empty you turned to her, grabbed her braid and pulled it down and towards you, her face only an inch from yours as a moan escaped her.
“Are you so needy already, you little slut?” You lightly pinched her breast and she whined, leaning into you and pressing her head against your collarbone.
“Please, please, baby, let’s go back to my room. I’ll do everything you want. I need you.”
You let go of her braid, stood up abruptly and turned to her. Abby immediately grabbed your thighs and pulled you in, pressing her forehead to the seam of your jeans. You put your hands on your hips and sighed.
“I don’t know, maybe we should have dinner first. Also, you need to shower, you’re filthy.”
In reality, Abby being all sweaty and hot made you want to pin her against a wall and lick her clean, but you kept that to yourself for now.
“Please, Y/N. I’ll be good. I can’t wait that long.”
You freed yourself and pulled her up, giving her a peck on the lips.
“You go shower. I’ll wait for you in your room.”
She smiled and quickly grabbed her stuff, stealing another kiss before rushing toward the community showers. Also not a bad place for some secret public action, you thought. Maybe in the early morning when no one was there. You could order the soldier to be quiet as you fucked her senseless and force her to relive the moment every time she took a shower afterward.
You slung the bag over your shoulder and grabbed your sweater, debating if you should make Abby have dinner with you in the cafeteria, teasing her the entire time and forcing her to keep calm in front of everyone while she was dripping wet for you. But you had to admit that you needed her, too. You could always get some leftovers for you later or wait until the morning when you had to work the breakfast shift anyway.
When you arrived at Abby’s room, you quickly looked left and right before entering and then headed straight for her bed. You took the smooth, black rope from your bag and laid it on the bed. Your second surprise could wait until later.
You let your fingers run over the spines of the books on the top bunk, smiling to yourself over the selection of old classics that definitely worked as a form of escapism from this place. Don Quijote, A Thousand and One Nights, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Abby didn’t seem like it at first glance, but she was a dreamer, always mentally wandering off and spending her time in other realities, ones where adventures were something you chose to go on. No infected, no sad remnants of what the world had once been, but beautiful landscapes, interesting strangers, and the joy of being alone but never lonely, wandering but at home anywhere in the world.
Her life had never been easy and she had suffered unspeakable pain, but she always found something worth smiling for, worth living for and she loved letting go of all the sadness and harshness and enjoying herself in those short, sweet moments when everything was okay.
Your time together had definitely made her happier than she had been in a long time and you were so, so good at letting her escape this reality and carrying her somewhere else.
The door opened and you snapped out of your reverie, turning around to see a freshly showered Abby come down the stairs to the lower part of the room. She was wearing shorts and a tank top, unintentionally showing off her round shoulders, her breasts, and her thick, hard thighs stretching out the fabric of her shorts as she walked towards you. Her hair was still wet and she had already brushed it, the dark strands falling over her shoulders and framing her beautiful, still slightly flushed face.
“Hey baby,” she murmured and moved in for a kiss. Her lips were incredibly soft, gently brushing against yours and opening slightly for her tongue to touch your upper lip. You grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her in, immediately deepening the kiss, dipping your tongue into her mouth and biting the blonde’s bottom lip. She sighed and fell into you, pushing you towards the bed but you grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled without too much force, just enough to make her stand straight and look at you with pleading eyes. She knew it wasn’t going to be that easy.
You took a step back and looked her up and down.
“Clothes off.”
Abby’s eyes quickly went to the privacy shield next to her bed that she normally used to get dressed without half the stadium being able to see her naked, but you shook your head and she dropped her gaze, blushing again. You watched her as she pulled up the shirt over her head, revealing her freckled chest, perfectly sculpted abs and hard, dark pink nipples in the center of soft, ivory flesh.
When she ran her thumbs along the waistband of her shorts, she stared at you defiantly but you just held her gaze and smiled. You knew she was probably already dripping wet, secretly liking the risk and humiliation. If anyone were to walk by below you or stare up from afar knowing who’s room they were looking at, they would see the two of you facing each other, one clothed and one completely naked, the tension between you almost flickering in the air.
You stepped aside and pointed towards the bed.
“On the bed, Abigail.”
The wolf shuddered at your use of her full name and you could see goosebumps forming on her arms. She lay down on the bed and you took the rope, very content about her eyes widening at the sight. Before you could say anything she held out her hands, breath catching in her throat.
You wrapped the black rope around her wrists, gently pulling it tight, and tied her hands to the metal rods at the top of the bed. Still having a few meters left, you tied the next knot around Abby’s left ankle, fastening it to the bed frame pressed to the wall and doing the same to the other foot, spreading her legs and pinning them in place.
You crouched down next to her head, brushing a strand of hair out of her face and cupping her cheek with your hand.
“I know this is new for you and I promise you, I’ll never do anything you don’t want. Just say the safeword and I’ll stop.”
The blonde nodded, squirming in her restraints.
“Abby, I need to hear you say it.”
“I’m okay. I’ll let you know if something is wrong. Now can you please fucking touch me already?” She bucked her hips up and tried to pull down her hands to touch you, grunting in frustration when the rope didn’t let her move an inch.
You reached out and ran your fingertips over her collarbone, her chest and down over her stomach, stopping right above the curls between her legs. She tried to press her legs together to get some form of friction but and whined when she couldn’t, but you just let your fingers wander further down her leg and up the other, caressing the inside of her thigh. When your fingers came closer to her sex, her breathing got faster and she stopped moving, hoping you would grant her a touch now that she was good.
Watching her face, you ran a finger along her hot folds, immediately coating your fingertip in her juices. She gasped when you stopped to draw small circles around her clit.
“So wet already? God, you just love being completely in my power.”
You dipped your finger in the pooling wetness, holding back for just a moment longer. Abby was already a mess beneath you, her legs twitching and her back arching in response to your teasing. You suddenly pulled your hand away and her eyes flew open to stare at you with a mixture of frustration and pleading.
“What if I just let you lie there while I get myself off over here? Make you watch without being able to do anything about it while you lie in your own juices? Take you to dinner after while you’re all needy and soaked?”
Abby’s mouth twisted into a pout and she looked like she was about to cry.
“Please, Y/N, please touch me. I can’t take it any longer. Please?” The last word was a whine and you decided to stop being cruel.
With one swift motion, you pushed two fingers all the way inside her. The blonde cried out and immediately pushed back against your hand, craving more. You slowly pulled your fingers back out and made sure to catch her gaze as you put them in your mouth and licked them clean.
“Such a sweet girl.”
Her eyes were full of longing when she accepted your fingers into her mouth, sucking on them as she looked up at you. You moved your hand downwards again, pushing your fingers inside her much slower this time and pulling them out again, beginning to stroke her in a slow rhythm.
With your other hand, you squeezed her breast and trailed your fingers over her nipples before running your fingers along the delicate skin of her jaw and throat.
You picked up the pace, fucking Abby harder while her whining got louder. Curving your fingers upwards and letting them flutter against that tender spot inside her, you heard her breath stop for a second before she let out a high pitched moan. You didn’t give her time to catch her breath, now hitting her in all the right spots, your fingers thrusting deep inside her and your thumb on that sweet, pulsing nub that had patiently waited for its turn.
It was wonderful, watching the small muscles on her stomach contract and her broad thighs pull on the restraints as she got closer and closer. Her whole body was tensing up and her moans got faster and higher until she cried out “I’m gonna cum, can I please cum!” and you immediately pulled your hand away.
She almost screamed in frustration.
“Baby, please, I’m so close!”
You slowly drew your digit along her bottom lip.
“Only if you ask me nicely. No cumming without my permission.”
She licked the tip of your finger and looked up at you.
“I promise I’ll be good, please.”
You lightly scratched her stomach on the way down and she trembled at the sensation. This time you lightly placed two fingers on her clit and started rubbing it in slow circles, never losing your pace as your lover’s moans got louder again. As soon as she asked if she could cum, you stopped moving but left your hand in place, keeping her dangerously close to the edge and to the possibility of a ruined orgasm.
The wolf was now actively fighting her restraints, pulling her hands downwards and trying to get loose but you had known what you were doing and the knots didn’t budge. Some strands of hair had fallen into her face, a thin coat of sweat was glistening on her forehead and between her breasts. She was a mess.
“Baby, please, please, I’m begging you. Please let me cum.”
You slid a finger inside her again, brushing against her g-spot as you gently put your other hand on her lower stomach and pressed down. She arched beneath you, pushing her hips into your touch and letting out a much deeper, almost animalistic groan. You took your time driving her closer and closer to that sweet high and waited for her to ask again, knowing she was scared to lose your fingers again but also not wanting to be punished for not asking permission.
Finally, she couldn’t wait any longer. “Can I please cum, please, please, oh god -”
The words fell from her lips just as you pressed the pad of your thumb to her clit.
“Cum for me, baby.”
You were out of breath, pressing your thighs together to soothe the ache that had been growing between your legs. Suddenly the wolf beneath you cried out, her entire body twitching and convulsing around your fingers as you carried her through her orgasm. When she finally stopped moving, the room was filled with the sound of both of you panting and the smell of sex, sweat and heat had spread in every corner.
Slowly, you pulled your fingers from the blonde’s body and got up. She was still disoriented and gave you a confused look as you bent down to pick up your bag.
“You gonna cut me loose here?”
You didn’t reply, instead choosing to pull your shirt over your head and take off your pants and ignoring your lover’s squirming.
“I got something else for you. I know I already make you scream with the touch of a single finger, but I think it’s time I gave you something bigger.”
Her eyes widened as you pulled a harness and a small package out of the bag. Sitting down next to her, you opened the carton and pulled out a black silicone dildo. Abby visibly shifted next to you and pressed her lips together, unwilling to give away her thoughts. As if she had any chance of hiding from you how much she wanted you to fuck her senseless, to make her see stars and completely destroy her.
You turned to her. “I need you to tell me what you want. We can do this another time or not at all. I’m all ears.”
You knew exactly what you were doing. While being an absolute service top, it was also extremely fun to watch Abby blush and stammer trying to pluck up the courage to tell you what she wanted. She was always so shy and embarrassed about wanting to be dominated, so you had made it your little game to force her to admit it.
“You can do whatever you want with me, baby.”
“Oh Abs, you know you don’t get it that easily. What do you want me to do with it?”
She tried to avoid your gaze.
“You could fuck me with it?” she mumbled.
“I didn’t hear you. Speak up.” Oh, this was so much fun.
“Fuck you! You heard me right, you’re just teasing me.”
You slapped her breast and she sucked in a sharp breath.
“You don’t speak that way to me, you little whore. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you’ve been eyeing that dick. You want me to fucking ruin you and you’re too cowardly to say it. How disappointing.”
With a theatrical sigh, you got up and took a few steps towards your clothes on the stairs.
“Wait, baby, please. I’m sorry. Please.”
You turned on your heel and stared at her, lifting a brow.
“Come here, please. I want you to fuck me. Fuck me until I can’t do anything but scream your name. Please, baby.”
Satisfied, you stepped into the loops of the harness and put the dildo through the metal ring, pulling everything tight as you felt Abby’s eyes roaming over you. Then you were next to her and started untying her feet. On second thought, you loosened the rope around her wrists as well.
“I’m not making this easy for you by tying you up. Your hands stay at the head of the bed. If you touch me, I’ll stop. If you behave, I’ll think about letting you cum a second time.”
The fear in Abby’s eyes was exhilarating. She nodded.
“Am I allowed to make noise?”
You thought about it for a second, then you agreed. This was the first time with a strap on, it would surely be hard enough to keep her hands still.
Checking to see if you’d need more lubrication, you inserted a finger into her - she was dripping wet.
Before she could respond, you spat into your hand and coated the dildo in it. The wolf audibly swallowed at the sight. You knelt between her legs, rubbing your hand over her abs and breasts and mixing your saliva with her sweat. Goosebumps grew on her freckled skin.
Slowly, you lined yourself up with her throbbing cunt and started pushing into her. When you were all the way in, you stopped for a moment so Abby could adjust to the size. You slowly ran a hand up her body again and wrapped your fingers around her throat.
“I want to hear you.”
She gasped as you pulled out just a tiny bit and thrust back into her.
“Fuck me, please. I can take it. Fuck me hard.”
Without taking your hand off her, you pulled all the way out and watched her face as you pushed back into her with deep, hard strokes. She melted in your fingers. Her expression was a mixture of surprise, lust, satisfaction, a little bit of pain and an ever-growing hunger.
“Faster, baby,” she whined, her hands twitching towards your face for a moment before she stopped herself and pushed her hips up against you instead.
Deciding the wolf had begged enough, you straightened up and started picking up a faster pace. She started moaning, arching her back and pressing her hands against the metal bed frame. Going faster and faster, you savored every second of seeing her writhe beneath you, hearing the slaps of your skin against hers and the delightfully obscene wet noises her cunt made as it swallowed every thrust.
The strap on and the leather front of the harness worked just right in putting pressure on your clit, your breathing getting harder from effort and arousal at the same time. With one swift motion, you grabbed Abby’s ankles and pulled them up on your shoulders to get a deeper angle.
She let out a deep, coarse moan coming from deep within her and her eyelids flew open. Giving her a devilish smile, you folded your arms around her legs and began slamming your hips into her, your groans falling into the rhythm of Abby’s cries. Her biceps flexed deliciously as she pulled on the bed frame and threw her head back in ecstasy, a steady flow of curses streaming from her mouth.
Losing strength in your arms, you let go of her legs and they fell to your sides as you dropped forward onto your lover’s chest, keeping a steady pace. The friction to your own core was much stronger now and you felt yourself getting close to the peak.
“Touch me, now!” you commanded and her arms flew down and closed around your back, holding you close while digging her nails into your skin. She dragged them down as you fucked her harder, leaving burning streaks on your shoulder blades. Her legs also closed around your hips, amplifying your thrusts into her as you grabbed a fistful of her hair and made her scream out in pain and pleasure. You wanted her to cum with you, to ride this high together.
“Baby, I’m so close.” Finally.
“Come for me, Abby.” You sank your teeth into her throat and tightened your grip in her hair, grinding into her with all your strength until you both started crying out each other’s names, scratching and grabbing at each other’s bodies as waves of pleasure rushed over you and made you twitch and shake.
Still inside her, you lay on Abby’s chest, both of you coated in sweat, spit and each other’s juices. She ran a hand through your hair and drew the pad of her thumb over the red marks on your back.
“Oh Y/N, what are you doing to me?”
You reached back a hand to loosen the straps of the harness and lifted your head to look at the flustered blonde. Slowly, you pulled out of her and enjoyed the almost unnoticeable twitches of her face, small echoes of the sensations she had felt minutes before. The strap on fell to the floor with a heavy thud and you both had to laugh at the sound.
Abby sighed and pulled you closer.
“I think every single person on the base either saw or heard us. Or both.”
You buried your face between her breasts and soaked in her wonderful musk before licking a line all the way up to her earlobe.
“Do you care?”
She laughed again, her chest vibrating against yours.
“Not really, no. When I have you, nothing else matters.”
You both paused for a second, letting that sentence sink in. Carefully, you placed a soft kiss to her lips and she deepened it, caressing your tongue with hers and gently biting your bottom lip.
You would have to have this conversation sometime soon. But right now, it was enough to feel the deep, intense connection between you as you nestled your face in the crook of your lover’s neck and she pulled a sheet over both of you, enjoying this moment together without thinking of anything else, especially not the future.
When you were together, nothing else mattered.
Author’s note: Thank you for reading, feel free to tell me what you thought 💌 if you’d like, you can support me by buying me a coffee 💛
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Light My Fire - CH03
Pairing: CEO!Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: She always thought her boss was an ill-tempered man, but when he presents her with a proposition she can’t quite deny, she gets to know him better. It’s not bad, right? Because all she has to do is being fake married to him for six months, sounds do-able, right? Right.
Warnings: There’s sweet fluff in this.
WC: 2738
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​​ <3
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They enjoy their glass of wine in silence before her stomach starts to growl. It growls the loudest she’s ever heard. Maybe it’s because she hasn't had anything to eat since this morning, and her stomach rebels against the wine as it’s  the only thing in there. She should have known better.
Dean must have heard it because he starts to chuckle, “What toppings do you like? I thought we could share one.” 
“Sure, but don’t judge, please?” She says as she stands up, sees Dean’s eyes on her and feels the urge to cover up. He gets up from his chair and takes the towel she brought out with her, holds it up for her to cover herself.
When he looks at her again, he has one eyebrow cocked, “Why should I judge?”
 “Uh, because I quite like pineapples on pizza,” 
“I don’t judge,” Dean scoffs, and adds, “But I really think that should be illegal,” He laughs, but he doesn’t say anything more, and goes in to order their pizza. 
Y/N slips in while he’s on the phone and goes straight to her room, and changes into something comfortable. Now that she’s seen that he wears sweats, she’s happy to match him. It’s actually pretty weird seeing Dean like this because the only clothes she ever saw him in are suits, it makes her think that he even sleeps in them. She wonders if he has other clothes at all.
When the pizza arrives, Dean moves the glasses and bottle into the living room and asks her what movie she wants to watch, but she really doesn’t mind so she lets him choose. Dean zaps through Netflix and settles on Bird Box. 
While the movie starts, he hands her some napkins, and she’s wondering if that’s enough, because she’d hate to ruin the nice couch. He must have sensed her hesitation because he’s smirking, “It’s okay, you don’t wanna know what I managed to spill on this couch already,”
“Ewww,” She mocks, cringes her nose and he snorts out a laugh.
It’s easy, she thinks. It’s easy to let herself go. It’s easy to be here with him and just talk about anything outside of work. She comes to the conclusion that Dean’s not such an asshole after all. In fact, he’s a real gentleman. And that’s not really good, is it? It makes her feel things she shouldn’t feel.
She shakes the thought out of her head and takes a slice of pizza out of the box. It’s then  that she realizes that the whole pizza is riddled with pineapples. She frowns, “I thought you didn’t like pineapples on pizza?”
“I don’t,” Dean shrugs, takes a bite and pretends to wrinkle his nose before he grins with his mouth full and continues to eat. 
Y/N doesn’t think she makes it far into the movie because her eyelids are getting heavy halfway through. It’s the most illogical, most boring thing she’s ever seen, but she didn’t want to hurt his feelings so she tries to watch it. 
Last thing she remembers, though, is that she’s half leaning against Dean before she fell asleep. 
 Y/N wakes up in a bed. It’s clearly not hers. It took her an embarrassingly long time to realize that she’s in Dean’s apartment and that she’s in her bedroom. 
Oh no, she remembers eating pizza with Dean, remembers falling asleep to the stupid movie. He must have carried her to her bed. 
Her own fucking boss had to carry her to bed! If that’s not embarrassing she doesn’t know what is. 
She scans the room and her eyes settle on the clock on her nightstand. It’s already past 8am. She slept like a baby through her alarm but in her defense, the bed is so fucking comfortable, more comfortable than her own, and it’s only a fucking guest room. She wonders how comfortable Dean’s bed must be. How he can even wake up and get out of it every morning astounds her.
And then, the thought of being late for work crosses her mind before she realizes that she doesn’t have to go in. Realizes that she didn’t sleep through her alarm because she didn’t set one in the first place.
Grabbing her phone, she sees that there’s a text from Ruby.
 R: How was your first night? Did you consummate your fake marriage? *wink wink* 
 Then a text ten minutes later.
 R: Oh my god, it should have been a joke but you did, didn’t you? He’s in a remarkably good mood. Didn’t bitch about the coffee I brought him at all!
 Ah, Dean’s already at work then. He’s usually there before she turns up, and now she knows why. It’s only about a ten minutes walk from his apartment. 
 Y/N: Relax, nothing happened.
R: Ah, there she is.
Y/N: I slept in. The bed is so comfortable!
R: His bed I’d hope!
 She snorts out a laugh. 
 Y/N: No, I have my own room that’s bigger than my apartment.
R: Ugh, maybe I can come see you? Wanna see how the most not eligible bachelor lives. Or send me pics! Oh shit, he called out for me. I need to go. But I swear, whatever you’ve done to him. Do it again! I like to work for him when he’s not constantly yelling at people.
 She chuckles at that. She doesn’t answer Ruby though, instead she sends a text to Jack, telling him that she’s got another job that would secure him his degree and that everything’s okay.
Climbing out of bed, she decides to get coffee. It’s weird not having to go to work and she kind of misses it a little. 
Y/N walks out into the kitchen where there’s still a faint smell of his cologne and coffee in the air. A deadly combination for her brain apparently, because it makes her insides tingle in all the right places. She looks around and immediately spots a yellow sticky note left on the machine. 
It’s Dean’s handwriting. She knows it from all the scribblings he leaves on her desk when he already shut off his laptop and thinks about something that she must do for him the next day. 
 The machine is easy to handle. On, off. That’s it. I’m sorry I made you watch that movie. If you want to know, it didn’t get better after you fell asleep. Two hours of our lives, wasted. I’ll see you tonight, maybe we can watch something else — D
 She’s smirking. He really took his time this morning to write her a fucking novel. It really baffles her that he goes out of his way for her and it really seems like he genuinely cares to make her stay with him as comfortable as he can. Well, it does benefit him too, come to think of it.
 After another round on the massage comforter, she walks into her room to find a message from Jack. 
 J: I hope you don’t sell yourself for my benefit. But I trust you. Miss you x
 She has to smirk and immediately types an answer back.
 Y/N: Just stay in college and make me proud, alright?
 Just when she’s about to put her phone away, it lights up with a call.
“Hello?” She says, wondering if she should add sir to it at first but decides to drop it.
“Hey, you slept alright?”
She smiles, “Yeah, thanks. It’s the most comfortable bed.” She bites on her tongue so as to not ask him about him carrying her back to said bed.
There’s a light chuckle on the other end, “Good. Listen, I went over my schedule today because Ruby didn’t do it for me, and saw that I can’t have a movie night this evening like I wrote on the note,” He pauses to think, “You found the note, right?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“So, you maybe did know this because you arranged the invitation and you put it into my calendar, but I didn’t until about twenty minutes ago,”
She thinks hard about his schedule, remembers that there was something. An event. Some kind of gala. 
“But instead of watching a movie, what would you say to me taking you out?” He says, “I called them and managed to do a last minute adjustment to my invitation.”
“Oh,” She huffs out, knowing where Dean wants to go with that.
“Thought it’d be a good opportunity to show them my wife. Are you in?”
He still asks, even if he actually doesn’t have to? Because yeah, she obviously can’t be a fake wife in private. The world needs to see it. Amara needs to see it.
“I guess,” She mutters. She is actually not really sure if she can pull that off. Her heart beats faster just thinking about walking on a red carpet.
“Y/N, you don’t have to, you know,” It’s as if he senses her dread, “I don’t want to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, but we should at least try to look like a happily married couple and we can’t pretend if you don’t want to.”
“No— I mean, it’s okay, I’ll do it,” Her voice is more firm this time. She wants to. Wants to show him that she can do it. 
It shouldn’t be hard, right? She’s been with a man before. She knows all that hand holding stuff. And Dean’s paying her double for god’s sake. What’s an evening of being flirty with him? It’s not like he is an old greasy man. Well, maybe that would be better? Maybe then she will not risk falling for him? Because that’s what is going to happen if she’s not careful, she just knows it. And then she’ll get her heart broken. Even though a broken heart is a little price to pay if it means that Jack can finally start his own future, come to think of it.
“Okay,” There’s a huff of breath, he’s smiling, she can hear it, “Good. I’ll get Gabe to drop off my card, you can go shopping for a dress. The card has no limit, just buy whatever you want, alright?”
She grins smugly, “I need shoes, too.”
“Buy all the things you want.”
“Alright, sir.”
“Y/N, stop calling me that. Unless,” He pauses and there’s a playfulness in his voice, “That’s what you like.”
She’s glad it’s not a video call, so he isn’t able to see that her face is burning up. She doesn’t say anything and Dean takes the hint.
“Right, I have another meeting, I’ll see you around 7pm. The gala starts at 8pm.”
“K, bye Dean.”
“Have fun.”
 Y/N’s standing in her room as she waits for Dean to come back. He’ll probably need to shower and get dressed too. 
Gabe came by to drop off Dean’s Centurion card and he walked straight into Dean’s bedroom to drop off Dean’s tux onto his bed. She never had such a card in her hands, it feels heavy, made of platinum, not like her cheap plastic one that she only uses once in a blue moon.
At first she didn’t know where to go because she hadn't been dress shopping for a gala before. She wondered if H&M would be a good choice but then thinks that it probably wouldn’t. While she was out shopping she looked into shop windows and came across a beautiful long sleeved sequin pattern dress in gold. 
She never knew gold would look good on her but the shop assistant was so nice, even though she knows it’s that woman’s job, she felt really good in the dress and it wasn’t over the top with the price so Dean should be okay with it. She couldn’t resist buying matching shoes, too. 
Later, she splashed out some money for lingerie that she could wear under it and hoped that Dean wouldn’t mind. He told her to buy whatever she likes, so.
And now, she’s nervously pacing around her room. Her pacing only stops when she hears footsteps approaching.
There’s a knock at her door, “Y/N, you okay?”
“Yeah,” She manages to say.
“Good, sorry I’m a little late, had to pick up something on the way. I’ll shower and get dressed. Meet you in the living room in thirty minutes?”
She hears him opening the door to his room.
Thirty minutes. Ugh. She hasn’t even applied makeup yet. She’s so nervous.
After a last check in the mirror, she walks out into the living area, her heels clicking on the marble flooring. She’s not used to wearing such high heels, and prays  that she won’t stumble and fall flat on her face. 
As she rounds the corner into the living area, she sees Dean already waiting for her, dressed in a fitting tux and smelling so fucking delicious. He looks like he’s just stepped out of a glossy magazine spread and that’s not fair. She can already see the press giving them a caption for their picture together. It reads, DEAN WINCHESTER COULD DO SO MUCH BETTER. 
Y/N can feel Dean’s eyes on her. They’re wide and his lips part slightly before they curve up into a smile. It’s bright and white. She’s smiling too, can’t not smile when he’s looking at her like that. Looking at her like she’s the only one that matters. She’s not used to it at all.
“Wow,” Dean breathes out, “You look beautiful.”
She was already blushing before but now her cheeks heat up a little more, “Thank you. You’re not bad yourself.”
Dean has to chuckle and then all of a sudden, he runs back to his room, “I’ll be right back,”
After about a minute Dean reappears clutching things in his hand. One of them is a pocket square. He went in and picked out a color that matches her dress. She has to grin at that.
He places it inside his jacket but he seems to struggle, “Can you help me, I—”
“Of course,” She grins, and steps closer to him, arranging the pocket square so that I’d look nice. Patting his pocket, she leaves her hand on his chest when she’s done, feels his heartbeat underneath her palm. She can swear it beats a little faster than usual, not that she knows his resting heart rate. “All set.” She says and Dean grins at her. 
“Okay, now my turn,” Dean licks his lips and clears his throat, and she can’t help but wonder what he means by his turn.
She doesn’t have to wait long, because Dean opens up the little box he was still clutching and she can see the princess cut diamond engagement ring with a matching wedding band. 
“Dean, no.”
“Why, Dean, yes.” He chuckles, takes them out, and takes her left hand in his. “Y/N, will you give me the honor of being my fake wife for real now?” 
Y/N has to giggle at that, “Yeah, of course,”
He smiles, slips the ring onto her ring finger and to her surprise, they fit perfectly. She looks at Dean, raises her eyebrow, “Let me guess, Ruby?”
“Yeah,” Dean smirks, and then he shows her his left hand, “I have one, too. So, you ready?”
“Not really?” 
“That’s the spirit,” Dean places his hand around her waist, pulls her close and kisses her cheek softly. 
It does nothing to calm her down because she’s even more nervous now. 
“You gotta try to keep me from falling, okay?,” She says as he moves his hand to the small of her back, and guides her to the door. 
“I would never let you fall,” Dean shows her a small smile and they step into the elevator. 
In there, she eyes him up again, can’t quite take her eyes off him. He looks so good with the slight scruff and the freckles, the crinkles around his eyes deepen the longer she stares at him. 
“What?” He asks her, raises an eyebrow.
“You look good, Mr. Winchester,” She says with a smile.
“You too, Mrs. Winchester. Most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. And I’m not lying.” He leans in, places another kiss on her heated cheeks before the elevator comes to a halt. 
He helps her get out and Gabriel’s already waiting, holding the limousine door open for them.
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rainbepourin · 3 years
Jamais Vu, Respect, Mikrokosmos!
Jamais Vu : what is your favourite bts moment?
One moment??? Can I pick "in the soop" in it's entirety? 😅 They're so nice and easy going in it, they're so relaxing to watch.
Respect : why do you respect bts?
Oh boy.
1. I respect them as performers/idols/popstars. They're extremely good at what they do and they have been since day one. They put on an incredible show, their vocals have gone from good to great to amazing. Their dancing has been so mind-blowing at times, it could stand as a show on its own. Their stage presence and attitude is just right. They can be just the right combination of sweet and sexy and funny and heartfelt on stage. Tldr : they are amazing at what they do.
2. I respect the work they do outside the performance/music itself. Bts run takes lot of work, in the soop, bon voyage these all take work. They seem like they're having fun and i do think most of that is genuine, but even that , even the fact that they never let any displeasure come across during these things or that they find it in themselves to enjoy filming a Run episode instead of going home is amazing to me.
3. They've been through a lot of shit. They're on top of the world now (though they still work very very hard -see points 1 & 2) but they've been through the sleepless weeks and the uncertainty and the loneliness. They've been away from their families at such young ages, with no guarantee that they would ever "make it". Yoongi's shoulder injury speaks for itself. Jimin practicing until he passed out, Jungkook waiting for everyone else to sleep to take a shower and missing his mom.... All these stories they speak for how tough these kids have had to be and to be honest, I hate it, I care about them a lot and I wish they never had to go through such dark times but it is what it is and I do respect them for making it through to the other side (or have they)
4. They're on top of the world and they can still be relatable to people like me. They say these things and they write these lyrics that manage to resonate with the average person and that speaks volumes for their intelligence and their compassion. It speaks volumes for their character as a whole, the fact that even though they could have and it would've been understandable they actually haven't lost touch with the average reality.
5. They come across as decent people. No, obviously, we don't know them. We can only see what they choose to let us see, but they choose genuine kindness. We see it among themselves. We see it in little things they say and do. And you know what, even if it's all fake, kindness and love and compassion is STILL what they CHOOSE to give to us and that alone has my respect.
6. This is a very big one for me : they are honest about their struggles with music. There's a lot of snootiness around this subject and yet, they're honest about it. "Composing/writing lyrics/producing are things I still have to work on" that's what they always say. "There are people better than me at music" is what Seokjin has said. "I asked Namjoon for help to express myself right with the lyrics in my song". And it just blows my mind that they are so open about this to their fans. The people they are supposed to SELL their skills to. It just speaks for how seriously they take this. It speaks for how they care about giving us the best they can and most of all it speaks for how aware they are of this!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!!!
7. They're open about their personal struggles. They aren't trying to gloss over everything and I know it's been said that the companies want the fans to know, to buy our compassion, but when I read about yoongi shutting himself in a bathroom because his anxiety got too bad, when I listen to his more personal songs, it's not money that I think about. It's that this is a kid in this world that has struggled and it makes me feel less alone so I don't fucking give a shit if it makes the company more money because to me it's priceless.
Mikrokosmos : what is your favourite bts performance?
I will exclude rapline and solo performances from this (meaning I'm excluding yoongi doing seesaw, excluding Euphoria, excluding Persona and Tony Montana and cypher and ugh and tear and ddaeng) so now it's between Not Today in Osaka and Dionysus in MMA. Aaand I can't pick 😅
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calypsoff · 3 years
Fifty Five. Part 4
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I can’t believe that happened, I’m actually annoyed with me and the whole situation “but there was nobody there, just us and the waiters, it was private, so someone there leaked this! Someone there, a waiter or whatever they leaked this. It’s practically front page, how unfair is this when it should be about the fact I just got married and the vogue cover and now all I can see is Rihanna pregnant, Rihanna pregnant. Are you really kidding me, now what?” Robyn paced off, Mel cringed “well that’s not good” Mel said, rubbing my face “we will speak to your publicist, we may need to divert the attention. But besides that, the Vogue cover is selling just relax and I will call you back” Jay Brown said, Robyn is livid “ok” she disconnected the call “sorry” apologised, it’s my hand that exposes it “for what, don’t be. That was a private event Chris, no matter what pictures shouldn’t have been take. I want bitches fired; I want to know who took those pictures. It was private moment between us, it’s wrong. I have no idea how he’s going to divert the attention, to what? The attention has gone now” I feel bad no matter what she says “maybe someone followed in behind me? I don’t know, things were a little crazy outside” Robyn is just staring at her phone “yeah they have pictures of you walking in, Rihanna’ husband flew in for her birthday and is seen hugging and touching to what appears to be a bump. This is wrong, it’s not your fault. It happens and I hate it but I don’t want to tell yet, I really don’t” now she’s stressed and I hate that for her, I hate that she’s famous well this famous that she can’t even have fun like that “I know you say don’t blame myself but I kind of do because I shouldn’t have jumped in like that, I just got really excited. I know you’re saying don’t blame myself but still I am too blame” Robyn is just quiet, stressed out about all this shit and I don’t blame her.
Robyn is thinking, you can just tell on her face she is thinking hard, she is stressing herself out and I am really going to hate this for her. Getting up from the chair, I have been just sat here watching her, but I think I need to comfort her maybe, I don’t know but she’s very upset about this “come here” wrapping my arms around Robyn, she automatically placed her arms around me “I don’t regret you coming Chris, don’t think that ever. I hate that this happened, I just wanted some sanity for us, to celebrate quietly until we want to tell the world, but it’s ruined, and Jay is probably thinking on what to do, why the hell did anyone have their phones there!” She spat “what happened?” Yusuf said rushing in “oh you saying that but I just got a Twitter notification saying singer Rihanna expecting first baby” I cringed hearing that “I didn’t confirm anything!” She shouted, Yusuf’ mouth fell open “no fucking way, how did they find out” Robyn is so angry, moving back away from Robyn, let me give her space “someone at that place took a picture of me touching the bump, and you can clearly see it. My fault” rubbing the back of my head “I will kick you if you say that one more time, it’s not your fault. I didn’t want this; they are running with it. What am I going to do, it’s too far gone now isn’t it?” Robyn turned to us, I ain’t saying anything “if you deny it then you come out saying yes I am, it is a little weird, maybe if we stay silent and pretend nothing is happening that way it’s not confirmed or denied, just continue like nothing has happened but that is so sad on your end, that’s your news. And it’s taken away the wedding announcement, like yeah. Sorry baby” Yusuf said, I shouldn’t have touched her bump, I’m so dumb.
I personally think Yusuf is right, but Robyn is waiting for Jay Brown to call “finally” she answered the call swiftly and put it on speakerphone, she was waiting on this “hey, so what is happening. Mel has just said Twitter has announced it like it was nothing, I am trending on Twitter. This is a mess, please tell me there is a fix” they have really ruined this announcement for Robyn, and I am sad for her “honestly no, it’s there and they are running with it. Either you can confirm it’s true or keep quiet but you’re being searched a lot, I think I will set up extra security for you. Just be careful now” this is a mess “I want to sue, that place is membership only. You sort that shit out Jay, I want whoever leaked that dealt with! This is so fucking unfair, how could they. I’m just going to have to stay quiet, I’ve not even been for my twelve week scan, fuck these people. Anyways bye” Robyn disconnected the call “I am so upset, this had to happen at the worst time. Fuck the wedding now, they are going to hound me for being pregnant. I am going to lay down” poking my lips out all wide eyed, she’s angry and upset and I don’t know what to do or say to make her happy with me “I got a hangover still, chile. How are you?” Yusuf asked “erm, unsure about that” I chuckled, I messed up big time for Robyn and it wasn’t even on purpose, it was by accident because I was too excited to see what I saw.
Robyn has been asleep since, I’ve had a shower and got changed and she’s still asleep. I think I’m going to go for a walk and see a little bit of London on my own I guess. I need some air anyways; I am personally upset about it. I’ve upset my wife so of course I am, crouching down at the side of the bed. Robyn is wrapped up in the covers sleep on her side, raising my hand and touching the top of her forehead. It isn’t warm so it’s ok “hey, Robyn” resting my arm over her “baby, hey” she opened her eyes a little “yeah” she closed them “I am going to go for a walk, just somewhere close. I will be back” Robyn opened her eyes “take Rich with you” shaking my head laughing “I’m not famous, stop it. That is you, but I will be back. I need some air” pressing a kiss to Robyn’ lips as I stood up “Chris you know I am not angry at you” nodding my head as I walked off “I know” I mumbled, I just need some space and time alone. I feel all annoyed at what happened, closing the bedroom door. I just need some space and air actually alone; I don’t want anyone with me “and where are you going?” Mel asked “just getting some air, be back” just a little walk will be nice, see some scenery too. London is nice too; I can only explore alone anyways. Imagine having to walk with Robyn, I will get harassed, but I do love my twin a lot and I wouldn’t change her for the world. I get she is saying I am not to blame but honestly I feel I am, I didn’t think.
I am so unsure of London, not even in a bad way but like what the fuck is some of these stores. I am confused as hell; all I want is a drink of anything so like do they have corner stores. Frowning as I stared up at the sign, Sainsburys “excuse me” I said to this lady that is just walking “is this a store? Can I get a drink from here” she stared at me like I am crazy “sorry, oh yes you can. Just on the left” I was about to say the white lady is weird “thank you ma’am” I saluted her, I am used to being catered for, Robyn would get the things for me so this is like the first time I am on my own and I doing this myself. That was easy as hell, the drinks are right there. Now I am thinking, I am hungry too. I am a lot of things right now actually, stood in front of the wide open fridge just loads of shit, I will get a Red Bull, I need it right now. I have a little bit of cash on me, not a lot but some so this should be within budget. Walking to the side to get a bag of chips, this is crazy because it says Walkers, but this is Lays, let me just grab whatever because I will get some food instead. Let me try their chocolate too, they have everything just here and candy. Why am I excited about something I can get back home, looking to the side of me and a group of girls in uniform just staring. Looking back at the chocolate, this is hard because do I want to try the regular America thing or British, hard decision because they have American candy right there “are you Chris?” looking away from the candy and at the girls “erm, no” shaking my head, the girl “funny that, I could have sworn that is your face right there” she pointed, looking behind me “where?” she came over and snatched the magazine from the stand “this is you?” I froze seeing our front cover “oh shit, that is me” taking the magazine from her “no way” I amazed to see it in person, opening the magazine to try and get to the interview part “so are you Chris? You are married to Rihanna?” I forgot she is here “I know of her, it’s kind of vague” I shrugged it off “he is so fucking peng, oh my days. American black men are so fucking sexy” these are kids “ain’t y’all got school” walking off with it, I am going to buy this actually because it’s mine.
I don’t know why but I feel super proud of myself that I found the magazine, it was right there in front of my face too, this is funny because I am there searching for food but there was the magazine. I am going to frame it “Chris! Hey!” looking behind me, these kids ae really going to follow me “I am busy” I lied and continued to walk, I am not about to wait around and listen to them talk shit. I for one have better things to do at this moment in time then just speak to a bunch of school kids “I practically helped you buy the magazine, come on!” frowning to myself, they ain’t going to let it go at all, I stopped walking and turned around. All of a sudden the girls get shy “ok what is it?” I asked, I want them to get on with it “we just want to ask how is it to be married to Rihanna?” taking in a deep breath “depressing, what you think? Look, I am not famous, I am just a regular guy just strolling through London. Thank you for pointing out the magazine though” they deadass not taking what I am saying in, they are just staring at me in awe “ok it’s super cool to be married to her, she’s amazing and whatever you think about her it’s true. Unless you dislike her” they shook their head “can we please have a picture then we can leave you alone? Or we can help you around London” I chuckled “no I am good but if you want a picture, then let’s do it” if this means they will leave me alone then I am taking these pictures, they shrieked and came over to me “can you give my girl Betty a shoutout, she skipped school today and she will hate me for it. Oh god, you’re so fine!” what have I got myself into.
When they said pictures, they meant it. I should have made them pay for it, they had me stood there making shit obvious. I couldn’t be bothered to find no other place, so I came to McDonald’s, it’s simple and I know what to buy here. Shaking my head sighing out, the world has lost their mind with the whole Rihanna situation. Placing my straw in the drink and looked around, it’s the way the group just did a double take that got me looking away. Getting my phone out of my pocket, let me call TJ or someone because I need something to divert my attention somewhere else because these people are crazy “you’re fuckyopictures” looking up from my phone, this guy just stood over me and then his peers are there “if I say no that would be lying right?” he laughed and then turned to his friends “I told y’all niggas, I knew it. I follow this dude! Yo, bruv your shit rocks, I see your artwork and I am like this guy’ mind” he came over to me, my face softened. He actually knows me “really” I said shocked, locking my phone “yes really, like I know you got shot and you stopped your artwork, so I miss it but wow, the man himself here. I seen your shit bruv, I rock with you” I just ended up dapping him, I don’t know it just felt right “this guy is a good guy, man. I told y’all” he told his friends “he got the baddest girl in the game though, why you take my girl” the boys laughed “you get the opportunity you take it” I shrugged.
The boys ended up sitting with me, I thought why now because I ain’t like that and he seems pretty cool “so what is y’all name then?” I looked around “Howard” raising an eyebrow “I don’t know why I am judging my middle name is Maurice” I laughed “Liam, Joshua, Ethan” nodding my head “cool, Howard though. That got me, remind me of the country niggas back home they had those name like that” I joked “don’t laugh, when I can, I will change my name” shaking my head “don’t, so y’all in college or something?” I asked “yeah, we in college” nodding my head “good, stay in college. It’s good for you, so is there a school close by here because all I keep seeing is school kids catching me out” they really do be “yeah, a school and college close by. When are you going to go back to your art, and when can we buy your clothing line” I cannot believe that people really look at my stuff “y’all got me in shock, I didn’t think anyone cared about me. They just see Rihanna when they see me” I laughed “you’re super cool, it shows that nice guys win and even if you done shit in life you can do good and get yourself a Rihanna” I busted out laughing “that too, but don’t make that mistake. It is not worth it” I shook my head.
Closing the apartment door with the biggest smile to my face, I was feeling pretty shit about myself, but those boys made me happy. I took pictures with them, but they were genuine, they knew me, and I don’t know how but I guess they follow blogs or whatever, but they didn’t let that overshadow, they saw deeper and they understood my art, the kid is right, I have stopped since being shot “why are you smiling like that?” Robyn questioned confused “I found this” placing the bag on her lap, sitting down on the couch “also had these girls questioning me, when I say girls. School girls harassing me” Robyn cooed out “look how sweet we look, I love it. So you had people harassing you” nodding my head “yeah so I went to eat some food and then these boys came over to me and one of them said you’re fuckyopictures, I love your art and it kind of made me happy that he knew me for me instead of Rihanna husband, just that really” I shrugged laughing “baby that is so sweet, I am glad that made you smile. People will eventually get to know you, aww and also I am not angry at you, I really do not blame you at all, I am just going to ignore everything and we continue as we do, that is the best way but don’t think I blame you, you actually made my birthday so stop it, I am glad that made your mood better” I grinned, it really did.
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katsukis-sad-angel · 3 years
"get to know me uncomfortably well" 1-100 minus whatever questions you dont want to answer :D
ahem (original post)
1. What is your middle name? Therese Hildegard (yes i have two)
2. How old are you? 19
3. When is your birthday? May 22
4. What is your zodiac sign? The most introverted Gemini you can find
5. What is your favorite color? Purple
6. What’s your lucky number? 18
7. Do you have any pets? 2 beautiful rabbits named Asphodel and Genisys
8. Where are you from? NE Ohio
9. How tall are you? just about 5′5″
10. What shoe size are you? *sniffle* size 10, but my doc martins are size 11
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 4
12. What was your last dream about? all i remember is the guy i like holding out his arms to me for a hug, but before i could jump into his arms i woke up :(
13. What talents do you have? I’m a percussionist so I hit things to make pretty sounds and i guess i’m pretty good at writing 
14. Are you psychic in any way? no, why?
15. Favorite song? Fiending by Broken Transmitter and Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy at the moment
16. Favorite movie? ummmm gotta be big hero 6
17. Who would be your ideal partner? tall, dark, and handsome, a little muscular, not too much tho, at least a little taller than me who gives good hugs
18. Do you want children? yes
19. Do you want a church wedding? yes
20. Are you religious? yes
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? i had a seizure when i was 4. haven’t been there since
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? i mean i’ve broken laws but i’ve never been caught
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? CLIFFORD CHAPIN!!!!! MY LORD AND SAVIOR!!!
24. Baths or showers? both, first a bath to relax and then shower to actually get clean
25. What color socks are you wearing? none
26. Have you ever been famous? would you call 800+ followers famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?  absolutely not
28. What type of music do you like? rock, the occasional j-pop, songs with a lot of bass i guess
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? HAH no
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
31. What position do you usually sleep in? i fall asleep staring at the ceiling and wake up on my face
32. How big is your house? large enough for 6 kids, 2 parents, 2 rabbits, and the ghosts of 2 cats and 2 dogs 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? something dad makes or a parfait from school
34. Have you ever fired a gun? nope
35. Have you ever tried archery? yep
36. Favorite clean word? rats
37. Favorite swear word? piss baby
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? in all 19 years of my existence, i have never once pulled an all-nighter. my body will just shut off, it doesn’t matter how much caffeine i drink
39. Do you have any scars? me and my curling iron have a love-hate relationship if you will
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? lmao
41. Are you a good liar? it depends, but usually yes
42. Are you a good judge of character? no. i’m way too trusting and give everyone the benefit of the doubt even when SEVERAL people tell me so and so is a bad person and i usually end up getting hurt because of it aha
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? i can talk like gordon ramsay if requested
44. Do you have a strong accent? i live in ohio. no.
45. What is your favorite accent? gordon ramsay
46. What is your personality type? an introvert who will fight you if provoked
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? something stupidly overpriced from hot topic probably
48. Can you curl your tongue? yes
49. Are you an innie or an outie? innie
50. Left or right handed? right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders? no but if i see one i will smack it with a shoe
52. Favorite food? pork ribs
53. Favorite foreign food? chinese food
54. Are you a clean or messy person? clean
55. Most used phrase? “so... there’s this guy...”  
56. Most used word? “rats” as a derogatory term or otherwise
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 30 minutes max
58. Do you have much of an ego? i try not to
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? bite. i dont want something in my mouth for that long
60. Do you talk to yourself? all the time
61. Do you sing to yourself? yes
62. Are you a good singer? i mean, i’m not necessarily bad
63. Biggest Fear? people that are upset with me and i don’t know why, hospitals, blood and other bodily fluids, dead things
64. Are you a gossip? yes
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? i watch anime, fool
66. Do you like long or short hair? on my men, as long as it’s not super long and nasty we’re good... women? i don’t care
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? yes. i have every animaniacs song memorized so, not to flex, but i can name all 50 states AND their capitals in SONG form
68. Favorite school subject? history
69. Extrovert or Introvert? introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? no but it sounds fun
71. What makes you nervous? not knowing where i am, deadlines, a teacher saying “i’m letting you form your own groups for a project this time and no you can’t work by yourself” 
72. Are you scared of the dark?  yes
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? as nicely as possible
74. Are you ticklish? yes
75. Have you ever started a rumor? nothing major but yes
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? no
77. Have you ever drank underage? my dad let me suck on his empty beer bottle when i was a baby and my grandpa gave me a little champagne on new years when i was 14 so maybe
78. Have you ever done drugs? no
79. Who was your first real crush? his name was mateo and he was perfect in every possible way...
80. How many piercings do you have? 4
81. Can you roll your Rs? yes
82. How fast can you type? pretty dang fast
83. How fast can you run? i can outrun all 3 of my brothers if that’s what you’re asking
84. What color is your hair? chestnut brown
85. What color are your eyes? dark brown
86. What are you allergic to? THOTS jk i’m not allergic to anything
87. Do you keep a journal? yes
88. What do your parents do? my mom is an independent web designer and my dad sells cars for ford
89. Do you like your age? i don’t have an issue with it
90. What makes you angry? stupid people, particularly stupid females, people in general, cuphead
91. Do you like your own name? no. ‘cass’ is just an alias... i wish it wasn’t
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? girls: Cassandra, Adrianne    boys: Mateo, Levi, Atilio
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? i don’t have a preference
94. What are your strengths? listening, organization, colorful insult creation, art maybe
95. What are your weaknesses? food
96. How did you get your name? annabella was an option but it was also the name of my dad’s bosses dog, sophia was an option too but mom didn’t like it over my actual name sooo 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? nah we were italian farmers that fucked around in syria for awhile
98. What nationalities are you? mostly italian but lets see i’m also irish, syrian, czechoslovakian, and a sprinkle of french
99. Color of your bedspread? cheetah print
100. Color of your room? gray
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americasmarauders · 4 years
Fancy Green Lantern-- Jason Todd.
notes: this is just something that plagued my mind for a while until i decided to write it. enjoy. 
Dick jumped from one roof to another. The wind blew softly, ruffling his already messy dark hair. His batons tightly wrapped on his back, secure should the occasion of using them arrived.
           Blüdhaven was exceptionally quiet that night. Granted, it was no Gotham, but it still guaranteed local vigilante Nightwing some action. Dick had not seen one petty theft or any other attempts of criminal activities. It almost made him feel useless. Almost.
           Arriving at the edge of a building, he heard faint sounds of gun shots. He looked down, and saw three (he wasn’t sure, there may be more, and it was too dark to see properly) bodies sprawled out on the dirty floor of the alleyway. He searched for the perpetuator of such violence. He should have seen it coming.
           Dick jumped off the building and landed lightly on his tiptoes right next to the shooter. “Was Gotham getting too boring for you, Red Hood?” Dick asked.
           Red Hood turned around to face Nightwing. Unlike last time Dick had seen him, he wasn’t wearing his signature scarlet helmet. It was merely a muzzle and a domino mask. Dick liked this version better, it was more human, it gave less of the impression of a cold-blooded mercenary and more of a, well, cold-blooded human. “Fuck off, Golden Child, I didn’t do anything wrong,” Red Hood snapped.
           “Those bodies beg to differ, Jason,” Dick emphasized his name.
           Jason’s eyes narrowed, and even with the mask, Dick could tell that he had pissed him off, ever so slightly. “They are not dead. They just didn’t agree to give me the information I need,” he grunted in anger, furiously eyeing the unconscious but alive bodies on the alley.
           “So, you judged it would be okay to shoot them,” Dick concluded.
           “Yes, that much is obvious, isn’t it?” Jason retorted sarcastically. And then silence fell between them.
          Jason was cleaning his guns when Dick spoke again. “So, what information were you looking for?”
          “None of your business,” Jason put his guns back on its holsters and grabbed his grappling, planning on leaving nosy Dick Grayson and his never-ending questions.
          “It actually is now. You are in my city, shooting people on my alleyways. The moment you stepped foot on Blüdhaven it became my business,” Dick argued. And, damn, did Jason hate his logic. It was all Bruce, and he doubted that Dick could see it.
          “You see how pathetic that little speech was, right?” Jason scoffed. Dick eyed him sternly, like a mother trying to pry off information from her kid. “Fine. There is a gang, if you will, smuggling kids off the streets of Gotham and selling them as slaves. I am trying to dismantle them, but those idiots back there where the only lead I’ve had for months and now I’m back to square one,” he grunted angrily. Dick noticed that, with Jason, the conversations were usually filed with grunts and angry mumbles.
          Dick sighed, defeated. He could leave it be, leave Jason to fend off this mob on his own and save potentially thousands of kids from awful childhoods and most certainly awful adulthoods. But he simply wouldn’t leave him be. This was too important. And he knew Jason’s weakness was kids, especially street kids. “I’ll help,” he said.
          “I don’t need your help, Grayson, and I doubt there is much that you can do that I can’t,” Jason argued.
          “I’m not offering nor asking for permission, Jay. And strictly speaking, it won’t be me who will help you,” Dick explained.
          Jason, once again, narrowed his eyes at Dick, trying to study him. It intrigued him, and maybe he was needing more help than he wanted to believe. “Fine.”
Both vigilantes sneakily got in the small apartment through the window. It was a central building, right next to the University and Jason figured close enough to the precinct Dick worked for. Jason got in last, and Dick closed the window after it, pulling the curtains shut.
           Jason was left in the middle of what he guessed was the living room. There wasn’t much, a TV, a couch and a couple of armchairs, but it was enough to be considered cozy. The kitchen was right next to it, and Jason could see that Dick used it a lot, judging by the amount of plates that need to be washed. The dinner table had flowers as a central piece, and it was neatly arranged, a stark contrast from the sink only a few feet away from it.        
           “The flowers are not mine, they’re my roommate’s,” Dick mentioned, as he noticed Jason gawking at it.
           Roommate? Jason judged it weird. He never would have thought of Dick as a roommate type of person. He guessed he was more of a loner. Then again, judging by the amount of superhero groups Dick had been a part of, Jason may be wrong about that guess.
           “I’ll go get her,” Dick mentioned, ripping off his mask and heading towards Y/N’s room.
           Dick knocked lightly on the closed door and by the lack of response, he knew she was already sleeping. He pushed the door open and closed it with a soft thud. In the dark, he carefully made his way towards the end of her bed. He sat on the edge of it and softly laid his hand on her feet. “Hey,” he shook her slightly, “wake up, I need your help.”
           Y/N groaned, “What time is it?” she mumbled, her voice heavy with sleep.
           “Too late to be up, too early to wake up,” Dick said, a smirk creeping its way on his face.
           “Your favorite time of the day, then,” she retorted, getting up to a sitting position, and rubbing her eyes. “What is that you need?”
           “There is a gang kidnapping kids from the streets of Gotham and selling them as slaves, and I need you to find a lead,” Dick said.
           “Isn’t Babs better suited for the job? She lives in Gotham,” Y/N quizzed, her voice still sleepy. Dick knew she was trying to find a way out of this, but he knew she was the best person for the job.  
           “Honestly I didn’t even think to ask her,” Dick said to her. And he really hadn’t, because somehow, he knew she was perfect to deal with Jason. “Please, I’ll owe you one,” he pleaded.
           “And another debt to your endless list of favors,” she said, getting out of bed. “Someday, I’ll actually collect them,” she strided towards the door and opened it.
           “Thank you!” he exclaimed while she was getting out of her bedroom. She waved him off.
           Y/N rubbed her eyes while she made her way towards the kitchen. She reached for the kettle and opened it. At the sight of the pile of dirty dishes to wash, she cringed. She swore, Dick should be able to handle his responsibilities better and she couldn’t believe she would end up cleaning them again. She opened the tap and filled the kettle with water. After it was already on the stove, she turned around and leaned against the counter. She looked around the apartment and she was slightly surprised at the sight of a stranger, which she guessed was eyeing her curiously. She didn’t know, after all, she couldn’t see his eyes.  
           “Dick?” she called him. He scrambled out of his room, towel wrapped around his waist, ready for a shower. After 2 years of living with him, she didn’t even spare a glance at his physique, which intrigued Jason. “Why is there a stranger in a muzzle in our living room?”
           Dick’s shoulder’s relaxed. “Oh, this is…” he glanced at Jason, searching for a signal if it was okay to tell her his identity.
           Jason snapped out of the daze he was in, got up and extended his hand to her. “I’m Red Hood.”
           She shook his hand, narrowed her eyes at him. Dick knew that look. Her mind was already at work, trying to figure who he was. He bet by the end of the night she would already know. “Nice to meet you, Red Hood. I’m the person who’s going to help you,” Y/N said.
           “Great, let’s get to work then,” Jason dropped her hand, and smiled under his muzzle (was it really a muzzle?).
           “Sure, just let me get my computer,” she left towards her room. Jason eyed Dick, who had a smirk on his face. He knew something that Jason didn’t, and he didn’t like that feeling.
           She came back to the living room moments later, and dropped her computer, a notebook and pencils on the table. She moved the flowers away from the center of the table and spread her things on it. She pulled a chair and sat down in a funny way. She then looked back at Jason, “Well, sit down I can’t work without knowing where to look.”
           Jason promptly hurried towards the chair next to her. He sat down and tried to keep his cool façade. She blushed at the awkward silence between them. “Just say what is your problem and I’ll hack my way to a lead for you.”
           This woman was weird. No, she made Jason feel weird, that was a better description. “I’ve noticed some unusual things a couple of months when I was patrolling Crime Alley. Some street kids that I often check on were missing, and no one I, uh, talked to had information about them. So, I started to ask different questions and discovered this operation. Now, I’m here,” He finished, as she typed away. He was impressed that with very little information she was able to start hacking. Babs would need a little bit more out of him.
          The kettle started to whistle, and Jason was about to get up to turn it off, when he saw the stove button turn by itself. The kettle then started to float towards the cup with a tea bag in it, started to pour boiling water in then returned to the stove. The cup floated towards the table landing perfectly next to the girl’s hand.
          Jason had seen freakier things, but this was definitely one of the freakier. He then noticed the pile of dishes in the sink was significantly smaller, and one of those dishes was currently being washed down, but no one was there to wash it. He turned to the girl again, who was now having a sip of her tea and reading lines of codes on her computer. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even ask, would you like a cup of tea?” she turned to him, her eyes twinkling.
          “No, thank you,” Jason started, “How did you that?”
          “That what?” she turned again to her computer, now analyzing security camera footage. She scribbled something on the notebook beside her, and Jason couldn’t decipher it even if he wanted.  
          “You know, the floating cup thing. The dishes washing themselves, all that,” Jason explained.
          She smiled, still looking at the computer. “The mind is a powerful thing, Jason. I just happen to be gifted with the knowledge of how to harness that power.”
          “How do you know my name?” Jason said, slightly scared, but he would never allow himself to show it. He breezed over the enigma she had presented to him. He would have to question Dick about it later.
          “Oh, once you know the identity of one Batfamily member, it’s easy to figure out the rest, so I just went by elimination,” she tapped away a little bit more. “You can take the mask and the muzzle off if you want. And the cups are on the second cupboard to the left, if you want tea now.”
          Jason was left speechless, and that didn’t happen often. This girl was…extraordinary. Dick soon waltzed into the room, towel hanging from his shoulder and wearing the most hideous pajamas Jason had ever seen. “So, everything good around here?”
          Jason got up from his chair and grunted to Dick, “A word,” while waking past him and entering what he assumed—and thank God it was—Dick’s room. The woman was unfazed by this interaction and continued to type her way.
          Dick entered his room once again and closed the door behind him. “What is it, Jason?” he had ripped off his mask and muzzle. They were already bothering him anyway and there no point keeping it on.
          “Who is she?” he growled.
          Dick was slightly taken back by this. “What do you mean ‘who is she’? She’s my roommate, Y/N.”
          “No, I mean, who is she?” Jason corrected.
          “Oh, oh,” realization dawning on Dick. He smirked. “She figured it out, didn’t she?”
          “She figured it out, didn’t she?” he mocked Dick. “Yes, she figured it out!”
          Dick tried not laugh, but he just couldn’t help it. “Why are you laughing, you dick?” Jason borderline yelled.
          “It’s because you don’t know her,” Dick said between laughs. “If you did, you’d know that there was no way that she wouldn’t figure it out, Jay. She’s too powerful to not.”
          “She is freaky that’s what!” Jason continued to freak out.
          “Says the guy who came back from the dead,” Dick argued. “Look, Jason, I know you’re freaked out because she figured it out and you didn’t want to. But I’ve been living with her for about two years, and when I say it was inevitable that she worked out who you are, I mean it,” Dick saw that Jason’s breathing had calmed. “Y/N is one of the most trustworthy people I know, and she will take this secret to the grave. I can vouch for her, and Babs can too.”
          “Babs knows her?” Jason questioned.
          “She’s one of Babs oldest friends,” Dick responded, knowing Jason had a somewhat of a soft spot for Barbara.
          Jason sighed and begrudgingly said “Fine. I have a question, though.”
          “She said something about the mind being powerful and some other bullshit I didn’t pay attention to, and what was that supposed to mean?”
          “I don’t know,” Dick said “She never told anyone about how her powers work or how she got them. We just know that she can do anything she wants to,”
          “So, what, is she some fancy Green Lantern?”
          “Not exactly.”
          There was a knock on the door. “Can I come in?” she said, muffled. Dick opened the door and reveled her, not in her pajamas anymore, but wearing black head to toe, and holding one of Dick’s old masks. Her hair was braided, and Jason tried to figure out how can she do that with so little time. “I found something, and you’re not going to like it.”
          Jason groaned in irritation. “What is it now?”
          “I dig up some security footage and those guys you fought tonight, they were a decoy,” she said, which earned her an angry groan from Jason. “Then I did some more digging and I found some conversation records. There is a bunch of kids being moved today from Gotham’s docs.”
          “When?” Jason said rubbing his face, trying to not blame himself for messing up and leaving Gotham that night. There was no way he would have known.
          “Half an hour from now,” she said.
          “Fuck,” Jason said lowly.
          “I’ll go put my suit on again,” Dick said making a motion towards his wardrobe.
          “No, you just got home. I’ll go with Jason. If we want to make in time you know I must take us there,” she argued. Dick knew she had won this one.
          “Take us there how, exactly?” Jason questioned, taking a step forward, his mask and muzzle in hand.
          “You know exactly how,” she smirked.
          Jason groaned yet again. Of all the turns he thought his night could have, he was not expecting being teleported from Blüdhaven to Gotham by a weird girl he had met, what, an hour ago. If only he had ignored Dick, things would have been much, much easier for him. No, this is for the kids, he thought. And he would do everything for the kids.
          “Let’s go then, weirdo,” Jason rushed her. She smiled and put on the mask she was gripping. It suited her more than suited Dick.
They positioned themselves above the ground, hidden for anyone from below them, but perfect to view everything from above. She was smiling, and Jason couldn’t help but glance sideways at her. The situation was grim, and she was smiling. She must have noticed that he was looking at her, because her smile faltered, and she mumbled an apology.
           “I’ve never done field work, I’m just excited,” she quietly explained. Jason turned his glance downwards and his eyes landed on group of 7 thugs all surrounding a specific container, that was about to be loaded to the ship currently docked at the port.
           “Be quiet,” he said. She followed his gaze towards the group of thugs and perked her ears up to listen in to their conversation.
           “They mention something about a mask,” she said to him. “I can’t distinguish there is too much noise coming from the container.”
           “Shit,” Jason grunted. “I’m gonna take those guys out, you take care of the kids,” he explained.
           “But they are heavily armed, you’ll need help,” she protested.
           “I can take care of myself,” he said. “I have a plan,” then disappeared from her sight.
           Y/N sighed. She would have liked to know the plan. But, for now, she should stick to what she was told to do. She started to move towards the container that held the children, wishing she wouldn’t be seen, and knowing for a fact she wouldn’t. The closer she got to the container, the louder the noise got. Screams and cries of help form children of all ages, but mostly very young, if she had to guess.
           She broke the lock of the container but willed the doors shut. Red Hood hadn’t dealt with all the thugs, yet, and the kids running rampant while armed men were fighting was not a good idea.
           She looked at him. He was struggling. She knew if she let him deal with on his own, giving him maybe a few more minutes, he could take all the armed men down. There were only a couple left anyway. But she was in a hurry, and the kids were more important than a display of power Red Hood was trying to do.
           She strode towards two men who had their back turned to her, stopping a few feet behind them. She willed herself to flicker just for Jason, just a heads up that she was near enough. She then smashed the armed men guns with her bare hands, twisted the barrels in a weird shape, making sure they couldn’t use it. Finally, she gracefully knocked them out, making herself appear again.
           “I told you to take care of the kids,” Jason said, knocking the last one of the thugs unconscious.
           “I did take care of the kids,” she said. “I told you would need help.”
           “I didn’t need it, I had everything under control,” he walked towards the container, her trailing behind him.
           “You didn’t. I helped, it was faster, and safer, might I add,” she said, as a matter-of-factly.
           He hummed, and she was not sure if it was in agreement or if he was just trying to move on from the subject. “Do you know what you are going to do with them?” she asked following him as he walked towards the open container.
           “Free them,” he said, grumpily.
           “Yes, I know,” she said, “but you can’t just let them back at the street. They might get captured again.”
           “They won’t,” he answered.
           “How’d you know?”
           “Because I have a plan,” he said, giving her the sensation of a déjà vu.
           “Tell me then, your plan.”
           Jason stopped at his tracks, shocked at her bluntness. “They are not going back to the street because I won’t let them. I have a place where they can stay, and we are going to take them there.”
           “And where exactly is this place?” she inquired again.
           “It’s just outside the city, don’t worry,” he said.
           “I’m not, I’m just wondering how we are going to take what 40 plus kids to ‘just outside the city’” she mumbled.
           “Well,” he said cheekily, “I promise I’ll help.”
           She sighed in resignation. ‘Do it for the kids,’ she thought. “Fine,” she said.
           “Don’t you need the address, or something?” Jason inquired, as she walked towards the bunch of scared kids.
           “Try ‘or something’,” she said. She then knelt in front of the kids, a warm smile on her face. She tried to convey safety to them, and Jason admired that. “You are safe now. We are going to give you somewhere to sleep and eat, but for that I’m going to need to take you in small groups, okay?” she said calmly.  The attentive faces of the kids soften a little and some nodded in agreement.
           “Great,” she smiled again. She got up and turned to Jason. “Is there someone in this place to take care of these kids, because I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave them alone in a strange place,” she argued.
           “Don’t worry, I have someone there right now,” he responded.
           “Are they competent?” she questioned.
           “Depends on your definition of competent,” he smirked underneath his half-mask, (yes, it was not a muzzle).
           “Oh God,” she sighed, exasperated. “I’m going to start to take them there.”
           “And I’ll tell them you are coming,” Jason said.
After that night, Jason could not believe, they had made progress. Actual progress and not that half-assed steps he had made before. And he could not believe also that the safe house he started was working perfectly. Admittedly, maybe recruiting only Roy to help him run it was a bad idea, but Y/N was helping tremendously too.
           The kids came and went. They couldn’t keep them there all the time, otherwise they would be just as bad as those they were trying to combat. The most of those 40 kids they had first rescued had gone, but some stayed to help around the safe house, and Jason was grateful for that, even though he would never admit it.
           Y/N had stayed too. She was everything and more, Jason realized. Just when he thought she couldn’t surprise him, she did something and swept him off his feet. He didn’t like that Y/N had some much control over him, but then he saw her, and everything changed in his mind. Roy would see that and tease him endlessly. No matter how many times he said that she was nothing more than an ally, Roy would give that look—that fucking look that made him blow his brains out of his head—and he would know that he was right. Jason would have to kill Dick for introducing her to him.
           The night was quiet. They were planning a stake out just outside what they believe would be the operations building of the trafficking scheme, so before that, there was nothing else left to do other than patrol the streets to make sure the kids were okay and not missing in the slightest. That left him so much time to think. He hated that.
           He was definitely not falling in love with her. That would be ridiculous. It would have to imply that he maybe thought she could love him back and he thought that maybe he couldn’t be loved. Could he? But Y/N was so amazing, she could surprise him. Like she always did.
           No, this was just his mind playing tricks on him. It’s all Roy’s fault really, if it wasn’t for his insinuations Jason wouldn’t be thinking about this at all. Or maybe he would be, and Roy just gave him a push towards the path he was in to speed it up a little bit.
           So, what if he was falling in love with her? What could possibly be bad about that? He wouldn’t be lonely anymore, that was a good thing. And he would have a great companion with him, because she was amazing. He would finally have someone to take to meet Alfred, after all the old man was subtly pressuring him to put himself out there and meet someone. It just so happens that he met someone in the same ‘work field’ as him. That wasn’t bad.
           Or it actually was, because if someone discovered his identity, they could kidnap her and torture her, or worse and that made Jason’s blood boil out of anger and fear. He could never put her through that. He had something to prevent it from happening, he could never, ever, be with her. That way Y/N was out of harm’s way.
           What was he thinking? She could t—
           “J, code black. Our location is compromised,” Y/N said in his comms.
           He took a millisecond to process her information. He immediately took a turn and headed towards their house. “Are the kids okay?”
           “Yes, they are all with me, but I can’t take much longer. There are too many of them, Roy won’t be able to hold them back for too long,” she said, panting a bit.
           “Please, hold on,” he begged.
           “I can’t,” she said, her voice cracking. “I’m going to take them somewhere else.”
           “Where? Please, hang on, Y/N,” he rushed her, nervously.
           “Ask Babs, she’ll know,” then her comms went static.
Babs knew. She knew more than Jason anticipated.
           He helped Roy take down the rest of the invaders. Then they took everything compromising from the house and headed to the address Babs had given him. To say it surprised him would be predictable because coming from her, of course it would.
           This place could rival B’s place in magnitude. It was huge and intimidating. If Jason himself hadn’t lived in some place similar he would have felt weirded out by it. But he was in no place to judge. Roy and Jason had stripped themselves of their gear already when then were confronted with the door of what appeared to be Y/N’s Manor.
           Jason barely knocked on the door when a stoic looking woman opened the doors and ushered them inside. He could hear the kids talking in the distance, but there were more pressing matters to be dealt with. “Y/N said to usher Roy to help the children and for Jason to find her. Now, which one of you is which?” the woman said sternly.
           “I’m Roy,” Roy said quickly, probably out of fear, or something.
           The lady hummed. “The kids are in the guests house. You just follow through the door and you’ll hear them,” she said with a bit of disdain in her voice. Roy ushered himself of the awkward and somewhat overwhelming situation Jason found himself in. Lucky bastard. “That must mean you are Jason,” she eyed him head to toe. “I can see what she meant.”
           “What did she mean?” he inquired following her as she started to walk up the huge staircase.
           “Nothing of your concern, I’m afraid,” she dismissed him. “Y/N is very ill after the stunt she pulled to help you I’m hoping you have an apology up your sleeve.”
           “Apology?” he said in shock “I’m sorry but she did what she did in her own accord. I didn’t force her to do anything.”
           “You must be really special,” the lady said. “Her room is the last one to the right. It took me quite some time to pry her off the children, so, if you will, please be quiet, she must be sleeping by now.”
           With that the lady abandoned him on top of the staircase, alone to muster up courage to face potentially the love of his life. (Potentially only, he hadn’t yet sorted all of his feelings).
           He walked towards the room. He hoped something would happen in the middle of the way, that Y/N would suddenly jump from her bed, find in the middle of the hallway and say ‘I’m okay now, you don’t need to say anything to me. We can go back to hunting these fuckers with no feelings involved’ but with every step he took he realized that nothing was going to happen. He would have to tell her something.
           He hesitated when he was faced with the door. Her name was written on it, in a pretty color. His hand hovered the doorknob. He would do this. He should do this. He owed that to himself and Y/N. He had to be honest to both of them. God, how he wanted to kill Grayson for complicating his life.
           Jason finally opened the door. The room was dark, and Y/N’s soft breathing echoed through it. She was peacefully asleep, covered by soft blankets, her all black outfit and mask sprawled out on the floor.
           He slowly closed the door, careful to be as stealthy as possible. He figured it could be slightly creepy that he was walking into a sleeping woman’s bedroom, unannounced. Jason shrugged the thought off and looked for a place where he could crash that was not her bed. He found a large and somehow soft armchair next to a gigantic bookcase littered with the most random books. It ranged from It to all Harry Potter books, passing through all of Shakespeare’s plays and all in between those. Jason’s heart swelled and he swore he fell in love with her a little bit more. If he had fallen in love with her that is. Which he had.
           He made himself comfortable at the armchair, resisting the need to pick one of the Shakespeare plays at his disposal to read until the sun rose in the horizon. Jason would have to wait until Y/N woke to talk to her. He took off his shoes and hugged his legs. Easily, against all odds, he fell asleep.
Jason woke up and noticed a very fluffy blanket on top of him. He stretched his arms and legs. The room was oddly quiet. No echoes of Y/N’s breathing, nor shuffling through bed sheets he had heard the night before.
           He took the blanket off him, and folded neatly, placing it on the chair he had slept on. Her bed was empty, and Jason’s heart tightened thinking that something had happened, and no one cared to wake him up. He looked around and noticed that the clothes that were on the floor were no longer there, but her mask was on top of her nightstand. Her bed was neatly made, almost looking like no one had slept in it.
           The door made a loud creaking noise, making him turn hastily so see it. Y/N was carrying a hot mug, oozing a delicious coffee smell and a plate with a freshly baked croissant on it. Jason’s heart stopped beating erratically at the bad thoughts that had once passed through his head and focused on her. She was there. She was alive. She had brought him food. She was out for his heart.
           “I thought you’d be hungry when you woke up, so I brought you some food,” she said, laying the mug and the plate on a coffee table near the armchair Jason had slept on.
           “Thank you,” he said picking up the mug. “Are you okay?”
           She smiled. “I’m better. But my head can’t seem to stop pounding.”
           Jason smiled at her lighthearted comment. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there I—”
           “Jason, stop. Don’t give me that ‘It’s my fault’ bullshit, ‘cause it wasn’t. It could have happened to anyone, and I’m glad I was there to take the kids out,” she said.
           “Are the kids okay?” he was so worried about her that the thought of any of the kids getting hurt hadn’t come to haunt him. He trusted her so much that subconsciously, he knew she would never let that happen.
           “Physically, yes. Mentally, I don’t know, it was quite a shock to everyone,” she sat on the armchair.
           Silence fell between them. Jason quietly ate his breakfast as he contemplated whether he should tell her. He felt like a stupid teen, picking petals out of flowers wondering if she loves me, she loves me not. “I need to tell you something,” Jason blurted out.
           “Okay, then,” she reacted.
           “I—” he gulped. “I can’t seem to say it,” he whispered.
           “It’s okay you don’t have to,” she smiled.
           “No, I need to. It’s been killing me inside,” he said. “I can’t go on with this without being completely honest with you,” if only Roy could hear him now, he would laugh so hard. “I think, no, that’s not right.”
           “Jason, it’s okay. Start over,” she said softly.
           “I might have feelings for you,” he finally said it.
           “I have feelings for you, and it has been eating me inside. Every time I look at you my heart goes crazy, and I used to feel so confused at it, but now I know why.”
           She was stunned and Jason regretted his decision immediately. “I shouldn’t have said anything, I’m sorry, can you just ignore I said anything it would—”
           “Jay, stop, just stop talking,” she said. She took his hands out of his face and hold it tightly with hers. She smiled brightly at him, and there went his heart again, thinking it was funny to play heart attack with a guy like Jason. “I can’t pretend you didn’t say anything. Because I might have feelings for you too, and it might be eating me inside as well.”
           Jason smiled. “Really?”
           “Yes. Although, I can’t say my heart beats as wildly as yours does,” she said laughing softly.
           “Ah, I forgot you can hear it.”
           “Yeah,” she whispered.
           “How long have you known then?” he questioned. “That I like you,” he should have said love, but he didn’t want to freak Y/N out.
           She smirked. “I’ve had my suspicions for a while. Mostly because Roy kept making suggestive comments about it.”
           “Stupid fucking Roy,” he grunted under his breath, making her laugh deliciously.
           “Yeah,” she breathed out with a smile. Jason looked softly at her. “You know, I wouldn’t mid if you, somehow, happened to kiss me,” she said cheekily.
           “You cheeky bastard,” he laughed. He scooted over to her, stopping close enough so that he could at least rest his hands on her. “Can I kiss you?”
           She smiled brightly. “Well,” she said amused, “I don’t see why not.”
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obeymematches · 3 years
Hi! I saw you were doing matchups so I’ll try to keep this from being too long while also giving you the necessary info. I'm pan, pronouns are she/her they/them, I'm a libra, and my MBTI is INFP. According to friends, I'm very caring, selfless, open-minded, and supportive, BUT because of these things I tend to overlook myself and let people use me for support without them ever taking an interest in my life. (1/4)
My friends also said I can slip under people’s radars because I don’t start drama and keep to myself. So people usually don’t know much about me, and I come off as mysterious. I can be too patient at times, and let frustrations build, all for the sake of being polite or nice. Honesty is a very important quality to me. I don’t hate lying, but I don’t love it. I’m a “I’d rather you tell me the truth and risk hurting me now than lie and end up hurting me more later” type of person. (2/4) I love to cook, write, read books, listen to music, and gaming. Making tea/coffee is something I find relaxing. I love learning new things, doing research on current interests. I’m pretty open with my feelings. I don’t struggle with showing affection and I tend to be touchy-feely with those I’m close to. I’m always willing to talk things out if there’s any problems. Some may call me too diplomatic, but I prefer to nip problems in the bud before they get worse if I can. (3/4) Uh, idk what else to mention. A dream date mayhap? I’ve always wanted to go see a meteor shower because I have NEVER seen one. If someone ever asked me, I’d be STOKED. And maybe marry them on the spot, who knows. (4/4)
Hi lovely!
Thank you for sending in a request! I hope you enjoy the results!! 
oh i feel that “too polite and too patient part”, were it not for my friends i’d still be listening to some randos on the street trying to sell me overpriced stuff i’d never need
but lets talk about you now! ok so i think this could work out well with Satan - your mysterious nature would definitely draw this curious demon in. But Solomon is also a strong candidate! 
here is why!
ok so the fact that you are the mysterious type too can get his attention, as that means he could trust you with his many secrets
Solomon can get along with whoever he wants to, basically - i mean spoiler but he made pacts with demons ranging from Asmodeus to Barbatos and we all know how different personalities they are (you don’t mention being the jealous type so his pacts probs won’t be an issue for you) 
The fact that you are selfless and caring makes things much easier and that might be why he fall for you for real
Like sure he wants to be on very good terms with you because of your strength but that plan fails when it turns out that you are actually. so nice. and cute. and reliable. and fun. and you say you like his food even though he can clearly tell you are just polite. and you never forget about him even if he is busy doing his own thing. 
imagine him facing the fact that this isn’t going to be like making pacts oh dear he’s in it
As limited time as you have because of the brothers he is going to do anything to spend more time with you. He’s going to sneak you out on the regular, just you wait!!
I mean he’s not a liar but he likes to have fun from time to time, you know what I mean? 
as he is testing the waters he might pull some chaotic stuff out of his pockets but don’t worry those are not going to happen at all once he admits liking you more than he planned. (Or if you show signs of annoyance regarding his behavior.)
He is the biggest people pleaser of the whole game and i haven’t seen that being admitted a lot so i just leave it here. He is going to do whatever it takes, however you like to be romanced, he will do it. If you like your man consistent, you hear from him every. single day. If you like the thrill of spontaneity, he is ready for last minute dates! 
That means he is the best when it comes to indulging in your hobbies! 
Thank gods you like cooking, hopefully you can also teach him some stuff! i mean he is teaching you magic and you teaching him cooking is a cute dynamic 
oh he is going to read all your favourite books (even your favourite childhood books), listen to your music any time you wish, play your favourite games - he is not about to let Levi be your player 2 !!!! sorry!!!!
You are both intellectual and diplomatic people, so don’t be afraid to be yourself and don’t care about how others would see you. no such thing as “too diplomatic”. 
If you tell him about your interests he is going to do his own research on the topic any time he is not with you - so the next time you meet he is ready to share what he knows !!! 
he is going to think you are absolutely cute when you are being affectionate with him! might be a bit flustered because feelings but pay it no mind he is having the time of his life rn
He is also a problem-solver just like you, so if any conflicts arise it doesn’t take a tool on your relationship at all. Not that this relationship would come with a lot of conflicts on the first place
Ok so one of the reasons why he is a good candidate is that he is also into METEOR SHOWER DATES ! so he can make your dream come true no problem !! 
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sibyl-of-space · 4 years
havent angsty long-posted on here in a while lol it’s like i am in 3rd year of college all over again
Well, no thanks to fast and reliable testing, I am at least fairly sure I actually do have Covid. I still haven’t gotten my test results and it’s been a week, but I have a headache typing this because I over exerted myself by performing the highly taxing tasks of... taking a shower, cooking something, and sitting upright instead of lying in bed (as I have been largely doing for the last 2 weeks). So at the very least I’ve been able to communicate with my workplace and am now at an understanding that I should just take this week off too because if sitting upright for extended periods of time makes it hard to breathe, that is perhaps, slightly concerning.
So instead my anxieties now are about the fact that literally contracting Covid was actually in the long run beneficial for my mental health because I’ve been able to just... rest, and play some video games, and rest some more, and sleep, and edit photos, and watch other people play video games. I’ve gotten to just. Relax. I haven’t had the chance to relax since before the pandemic started, because I work at a nonprofit that helps homeless people and that shit doesn’t stop being necessary in a crisis. And it’s compounded by the fact that I work in IT and we had to basically throw together enough band-aid and duct tape solutions to get everyone set up to work remotely, which was hard as fuck to do, and now we are still going in part of the week to help serve meals shifts because we don’t have any volunteers.
(That is like 90% definitely how I contracted it, a few weeks ago I worked a meals shift with someone who was not-so-subtly coughing into his mask next to me and it was not the phlegm-y cough but the ‘ah i am just clearing the old airways’ cough. Why are you working a meals shift to serve the homeless if you have symptoms OH MY GOD. Anyway.)
My workplace is not organized in the best of times, which made it interesting but lively and was largely endearing even if it was somewhat frustrating. But now, it is just driving me up the wall. I have felt at the end of my rope mentally for about 2 straight months with no end in sight. And now the more literature that comes out indicates it could be YEARS before the USA is able to approach anything resembling normal because of this, and I do not think I am mentally capable of handling this kind of environment for that long.
My team is GREAT. I love them. This organization put out the only legitimate IT starting position that did not require 3-5 years of previous experience, paid me MORE than a fair starting wage, and is just all around great at treating me like a person and I’ve learned so much from them. I am so thankful. But the organization as a whole is managed like, well, basically a shit show that makes me honestly miss the well-oiled shitty corporate bureaucracy that was my first job out of college. I’ve been considering applying elsewhere for ages now, but... well first of all I feel like I need to at least have worked a full year here before moving on (it’s been about 7 months presently) for it to count for anything, and also, well it has been very nice actually being treated like a person in a 9-to-5:30 office position and I don’t know how much I’ll be seeing that if I sell out and work for some tech startup or whatever the hell.
Up until now I have had a sort of... promise I’ve kept to myself, where if I am not fulfilled and start to actively dislike and resent my job when I wake up for it in the morning, that I will move on from that job. I have held on to that. My first job out of college was an excellent source of stability for me as a recent college grad, but when it reached a point it was stressing me more than it was supporting me, I moved on. I then worked minimum wage (note: minimum wage was $15/hr at this point so my income was only actually decreasing by $4/hour because administrative assistants do not get paid what they are worth. Now bay area cost of living is fucking stupid, but minimum wage in this circumstance was actually livable for me with the bonus of having my parents’ health insurance.) at a fabric store - I stayed there for 2 years, longer than I’ve ever held a position, and while partly I left because I had more or less finished learning what I had hoped to learn from my coworkers, the store was transforming away from that kind of community DIY vibe it started out as and turned into a kind of etsy wine mom vibe that didn’t click with me as much anymore, and also I was turning 26 and would lose my health insurance through my parents.
So I took the next several months taking my first real break from constant responsibilities/employment since pretty much ever, focused on speedrunning Tales of Symphonia and eventually started studying for a baseline IT certification so I could try and get a job that was more appealing to me than administrative bullshit, which I hated so much. My closest friends I made in my first corporate job out of college were people in QA and IT, so I decided to try and make that a reality. I studied my ass off for a couple solid months, took both tests for the A+ certification, passed, and started applying to jobs. And now here we are.
My frustration stems from the fact that I want to continue working with the people who took a chance on me when I was very green and had no experience, just 2 tests under my belt and a willingness to learn. I really do want to continue learning and growing here. But the environment, through no fault of anyone’s, has been just grating on me. I honestly believe that if I quit they would all completely understand, but I don’t WANT to - I want to stick it out, partly out of pride (this organization has such high turnover, I have already outlasted over half of the new users I’ve onboarded.....), partly to repay the team that has invested in me and treated me like a human being, and partly because I know more experience is necessary if I want to land another job anywhere else.
But boy, am I drained. I was literally hoping I had Covid because it meant I could get 2 weeks off work. And here I am, finally got Covid, am taking 2 weeks off work, and yet I still feel bad about it because a damn test hasn’t come back making me feel validated about it and I’ve still partially convinced myself I’m being a drama queen.
And this break from work is just making me dread the prospect of YEARS of this kind of uncertainty. It’s been so nice just kind of being able to do things at my pace, but it took me actually contracting The Plague to actually get this kind of relief.
Anyway, a few bright sides... first, my tortoise is adorable and doing great, so there is that. (Just looked over and saw her doing something cute. I love her.) Second, I will continue to rest this full week, and next week there is a good chance I will feel more empowered to tackle a workday with the perspective of fresh challenges as opposed to just some monotonous daily grind, after having this time off. Third, if I continue to feel nothing but dread and frustration regarding work, I think I should stick to that promise to myself and give a deadline to when it’s time to start looking elsewhere and move on, because no organization is worth my mental well-being. And lastly, I’ve re-visited OoT for the first time in a really long time (handhelds are about all I can do at the moment), and that was really special.
I’m still fucking pissed that there is pretty much no chance I’ll be able to go to France this Christmas with my roommate and girlfriend. I was so excited to have a paycheck where I could afford to do something not just for myself but for the people closest to me, I routed our flights so we had layovers that would let us connect on the main flight together and paid extra so we could sit together, I was SO excited about this because I spent almost EVERY Christmas in France as a kid because of my family and I miss it SO MUCH, I was so so so excited to share these intimate memories with people I really care about, but the USA is a fucking dumpster fire shit show so who knows when I’ll be able to actually do that now. I haven’t cancelled the flights yet but I’m coming to terms with the fact I’m going to have to do so. Hopefully I can get a refund and we will just have to go next Christmas, but I’m still really fucking upset.
Not even going to comment on how much of a shit show the USA is in general. I feel completely helpless. Another 4 years of Trump is literally a catastrophe we can NOT permit but the current DNC platform looks like it is going to fix about, oh, FUCK ALL, so at this point it feels like there is no hope unless we literally start busting out the guillotines. Every time I see an Elon Musk fanboy on Twitter some of my remaining faith in humanity crumbles. Then I think about how people have been protesting EVERY SINGLE DAY for the right of Black people to LIVE and NOTHING is being done about it. It’s both exhausting and terrifying.
In conclusion, I would like to stop living through a major historical event, please and thank you.
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dylshoney · 5 years
just a crush{part two}
a/n: I got so many requests to do a part two, thank you so much to everyone that enjoyed the first one! more to come soon, if you want to be added to the tag list, to be notified whenever a new part comes out, lmk!
warnings: none
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You ran through the crowd, your heart beating out of your chest as you grinned widely. You rushed to the platform Andrew had pointed out to you, showing the security guard your pass and climbing down the steps into the pit right in front of the stage.
 Your eyes widened at how well you could see everything, your hands shaking slightly as you adjusted the settings on your camera, ensuring that everything was perfect for ShowTime.
 You gripped your camera tighter, bringing it up to your eyes and beginning to move around as you looked for the best possible angles. You smiled, you were going to take the best damn pictures that boy had seen in his life and prove to him that you deserved this job.
 The lights began to flash, your smile widening as the entire stadium began to scream. You adjusted your lens for a second – your breath catching in your throat as you watched the gorgeous laughing boy run on stage.
 You couldn’t resist watching him for a second – almost forgetting what you were supposed to do – the smile on his face capturing your attention. You blinked, immediately straightening up, trying to snap the best possible shots of his entrance.
 You felt shivers form all over your skin as he began strumming his guitar, the opening notes to ‘There’s nothing holding me back’ filling the room. You couldn’t resist lightly humming along as you moved about in the free space.
 The songs seemed to change rapidly, the concert flying by in a whirlwind of emotions, stunning performances and endless clicks of your camera.
 You were covered in sweat by the end of it, your feet hurting and your throat sore – but you didn’t mind it one bit, you enjoyed every second.
 Watching Shawn get off the stage was a revolutionary experience for you, your heart pounding as you realized that this was now your reality. You would get to see him do this every night.
 “Y/n!” Andrew’s excited shout snapped you out of your thoughts as he beckoned you closer. You tried to ignore the overwhelming shouts of the fans, mostly asking who you were and where Adam, the previous photographer, was.
 “Hey,” you smiled once you reached him.
 “Such a thrill huh?” He asked, noticing the star-struck look on your face. You couldn’t help but nod, your mind still reeling from the adrenaline of watching one of your idols perform.
 “Come on backstage – I’d like it if you got a few pictures during the meet and greets.”
 You followed him through the dark passages, your fingers tightly wrapped around your camera, your ears still pounding from the aftershock of being so close to the speakers.
 “You can wait in here if you want,” Andrew said, taking you into a large area where you recognized some of the crew setting up, “Shawn should be out in a half hour.”
 “Okay, thank you,” you smiled, walking over to one of the couches where you saw Annie, Shawn’s hairstylist, sitting.
 “Hi,” you sat next to her, your camera placed in your lap as she faced you with a smile, “Don’t you look pretty,” she winked, her eyes trailing over your form. 
You blushed, averting your gaze, “I’m sweating like a pig.”
 She laughed loudly, “Perks of chasing Shawn.”
 You nodded, “He just – has so much energy.”
 “You should see him before shows though,” she smiled, “Bit of an emotional wreck.”
 “Huh?” You tilted your head, staring at her in confusion.
 “He just has a bit of anxiety before every performance, something about wanting to make it memorable for people.”
 You were silent as she continued, “If you ask me, he’s putting way too much pressure on himself. People are going to love him no matter what – it’s inevitable.”
 You couldn’t help but agree. There was something about Shawn that made everyone naturally flock to him – his presence was addicting to be around, you realized – your mind replaying some key moments from the show.
 “Hey,” a friendly voice spoke, your head turning to the left to see Charlie, Shawn’s opening act smiling down at you.
 “H – Hi – ”you spluttered, immediately standing up and taking his outstretched hand.
 “I’m Charlie,” he nodded once you pulled away.
 “Y/n. It’s great to meet you.”
 He smiled, “You as well. It’s nice to finally see the young photographer in person.”
 You bit your lip, “Uh – ”
 “Don’t take it the wrong way,” his grin was genuine, “You’re just a lot younger than Adam.”
 “Yeah,” you blushed, suddenly very interested in your shoes.
 “Shawn said you were eighteen,” he asked, your head perking up at his words. Shawn mentioned you? Your gut plummeted as fast as it rose – what if he talked about how awkward your first interaction was?
 You could feel your cheeks heat up involuntarily, “Unfortunately.”
 He smiled, confusion lacing his features, “Unfortunately?”
 “I’m only legal to drink in Europe,” you shrugged, “And I only happened to miss that part of the tour.”
 You grinned as he began laughing, a pretty smile coating his features, “You’re a big partier, I take it?”
 You shook your head, “No idea. Would have been nice to figure it out though.”
 That only made him laugh harder, your chest swelling in happiness as you realized you might have just made your first friend on tour.
 “You excited for the meet and greet?” You asked as the two of you adjusted your positions, moving to sit down on the couch.
 He nodded, his smile fading a bit as he whispered, “Bit nervous, to be honest.”
 “How come?”
 Charlie shrugged, “Don’t get me wrong, fans are like the best thing in my life,” you silently melted at his words, “But it’s just so nerve-wracking to actually see them all in person. I’m worried I’m going to make a fool of myself.”
 You shook your head, “That’s literally impossible. And even if you do – it’ll only make them love you more.”
 He smiled making you continue, “Seriously! They’ll probably find the whole flustered nervous thing cute. Girls are digging the soft boy look these days.”
 He snorted, “Soft boy?”
 “What?” You look back at him in shock, “Have you opened twitter recently? It’s all people are talking about.
 “I’ve never heard of it.”
 “I’m shocked – Shawn’s basically the epitome of soft.”
 “What would it take to make someone hard?”
 You paused for a moment, a teasing grin on your face as he began to realize his words, “I – uh – I meant –”
 “I know what you meant,” you covered your mouth to hide the laughter that was threatening to burst out of you, “Don’t worry.”
“See!” He groaned, “I just made a fool of myself now!”
“No, you made me laugh - there’s a difference,” you smiled, trying to control your giggle.
“Maybe I should rehearse what I’m going to say?”
You shook your head, “They’re going to see right through that, you need to be genuine. Don’t worry, it’ll be amazing, I promise.”
 He nodded, still unconvinced, his eyes traveling to look at something behind you. His gaze returned to you abruptly, “I gotta go – fans are about to start coming in – I’ll talk to you later?”
 You nodded, smiling at him and sending a thumbs up, “Relax, you’ll do great!”
 He placed a hand on his heart teasingly before mouthing a quick thank you and disappearing from behind one of the black curtains – which you guessed would provide the backdrop for the photos.
 You watched the camera crew enter the space – setting up their equipment in record time. They were the real photographer’s whose photos were meant to all look the same – clean-cut and professional. It was their website that would be selling all the meet and greet photos later.
 You were almost jealous of them for a second – their job seemed almost perfect. All they had to do was set up the tripod in a position and tell Shawn and the fans how to pose. You, on the other hand, were tasked with a bit more creative task. It was your job to take pictures of the photo- ops from different angles, playing around with the lighting and posing to make everything look candid yet professional. You knew that you would definitely be up half the night editing whatever photos Andrew approved – which would later get sent to Shawn – giving him something to post on his Instagram.
  He seemed to enjoy the aesthetic shots, you noticed once when you were stalking his profile, before you had even gotten the job. He loved black and white – the backstage pictures – the ones with raw emotion, unaware that a camera was on him.
 That was probably why you were chosen to be his photographer; it was your exceptional skill to catch people in their most raw, beautiful, unfiltered form. It was your favorite thing to see someone through the lens and snap a photo – capturing the essence of a special moment, and saving it forever.
 You snapped out of your thoughts as Annie tapped you on the arm. You were quick to stand up and follow the older girl to the middle of the room, where the barricade was set up.
 “Annie!” You spun around at the sound of the breathless voice, your eyes practically jumping out of their sockets as Shawn walked over to her, his cheeks red and hair still wet – presumably from the shower he had just taken.
 “Sit,” Annie’s voice was rushed as she led him to the table where some of her products were scattered, “You should have been here fifteen minutes ago.”
 He coughed, his eyes trailing up to look at you through the mirror. You blushed at the intensity of his gaze, immediately looking away from him and to your feet.
 “Shawn,” Annie groaned, not happy that he was ignoring her.
 “Sorry,” his voice was hoarse.
 “You can’t keep doing this, people have been waiting for over an hour,” Annie’s voice was lost as she turned on the hairdryer, beginning to style Shawn’s hair. You sighed before looking back up to see Shawn already focused on you, he didn’t seem embarrassed to be caught staring – in fact, a small smile adorned his lips.
 You could feel your cheeks catch fire as you attempted to smile back, before stepping away and turning around, as you pretended to fiddle with your camera.
 “Shawn!” Andrew’s hurried tone snapped everyone’s attention to him, “We’re letting everyone in – in ten minutes.���
 Shawn nodded in response, shutting his eyes as he slowly ran a hand through his freshly dried hair. You could feel your breath catch in your throat as you watched him, transfixed on the way his long fingers moved through the locks. You found yourself wondering how soft his hair was, what it would feel like to run your fingers through it.
 “Y/n,” you felt a hand lightly touch your back as you turned to face the sound, Charlie’s grinning face staring down at you, “Could you snap a picture of me with these roses?”
 You didn’t hesitate to nod, “Course, where do you wanna do it?”
 You were happy for the distraction, your mind momentarily forgetting Shawn and the way his eyes on you made you feel.
 “Place them to your nose,” you giggled as you watched Charlie mess around in front of the painted brick wall you had chosen for your backdrop.
 You watched him obey you, his face growing serious as he posed, in what you assumed was supposed to be sexy.
 “You look like you want to eat the camera,” you laughed, as you began snapping pictures, your words brought a small chuckle out of him – his eyes shutting and a wide grin adorning his face. You snapped the picture without a second thought, bringing your camera away from your face to look at the finished product.
 You smiled as your eyes settled on the last picture, he looked genuinely happy, “This one’s –”
 Your words caught in your throat, your body tensing as you recognized the voice that had spoken behind you. You were quick to turn around, your eyes widening as they focused on the larger figure, “I – thank you.”
 He smiled, his eyes not leaving yours as he extended his hand, taking your camera.
 “I have to say I’m a bit jealous,” he spoke, beginning to look through the photos you had snapped of Charlie, “I thought you were my photographer.”
 You swallowed, “I – uh,”
 “C’mon Mendes,” Charlie laughed, walking up to stand next to you, “I had to take advantage of all this talent.”
 You blushed as he turned his head to wink at you, before walking away – presumably to place the roses back where he found them. Shawn seemed to not have heard his words, either that or he was ignoring them – his mouth was opened slightly, eyes narrowed as he brought the camera closer to examine whatever photo he was looking at.
 You could feel your heart drop into your stomach at the look on his face, you couldn’t recognize if it was good or bad, “I uh – didn’t know what kind of angles you like – so I kinda tried all of them. If you don’t like it I can –”
 You cut yourself off as his gaze snapped up to yours, an unreadable expression on his face, “These pictures are stunning.”
 You blinked, your mind registering his words as an involuntarily grin escaped you, “Thank you.”
 He stepped closer to you, coming to stand to your left. He brought the camera between you, leaning closer so he could show you, “This one – it’s – just wow.”
 He stuttered for a moment, your mind blanking as his arm grazed yours, “H –how did you do this?”
 “The highlight on you?” You tilted your head as your eyes left the camera and traveled to his face. He nodded, running his tongue over his lips as he looked back at you.
 “I – I,” you swallowed, trying to calm your breaths, “I followed the pattern of lights, waiting for the right one.”
 He chuckled, “You make it sound easy.”
 “It was,” you shrugged, a surge of confidence waving through you at the sensation of his eyes trained solely on you, “I had a good subject.”
 He laughed again, his eyes crinkling as he straightened up, leaning away from you, “I suppose you did,” his eyes traveled behind you, nodding at something, “I should go.”
 You nodded, taking your camera back. He turned back to you for a second, “I wanted to apologize again, I’m sorry for mistaking you as a fan.”
 “No worries,” you shook your head, “And I didn’t lie. I am a fan – you weren’t too far off.”
 You bit your lip at the look on his face, his head tilted down as a sheepish expression spread over him, color filling his already rosy cheeks.
 “That – uh- means a lot, thank you.” He said, eyes not meeting yours. You tilted your head with a smile, confused at his sudden shyness. You were tempted to ask him about it, but when your eyes locked on a frazzled Andrew you sighed, “You should head to the curtain – Andrew doesn’t look too pleased.”
 He nodded, turning his head to look at Andrew before quickly looking back at you, “Where will you be?”
 You blinked, taken aback by the question, a small smile spreading over you, “Around,” you winked, bringing up your camera, “Now go have fun – I like pictures with you smiling in them.”
 He smiled, dipping his head; “I’ll see you later?”
 You nodded, “Later.”
 You watched him walk away, his body disappearing behind the black curtain. Holy shit. You released a shaky breath, why the hell would you tell him you liked pictures of him smiling? You shut your eyes for a moment, you probably sounded like a psycho. He didn’t care what kind of pictures you liked, only that you took them.
 You bit your lip as you walked to stand behind the large camera, you adjusted your camera for a moment – trying to forget your embarrassment and calm your breathing.
 “Y/n?” You looked over at Andrew, “Don’t worry about taking pictures of everyone he meets, just try to find a few good angles and then you can go get food – you’ve done amazing today.”
 You couldn’t resist the smile, “Thank you, Andrew.”
 “Anytime,” he nodded, “Shawn just told me about the pictures he saw. I’ve never seen him that impressed with anything.”
 You tiled your head, your eyes widening, as Andrew continued, “He seems really happy with you, you don’t know how much that means to me – after Adam … ”
 You were tempted to ask what had happened with the mysterious Adam, but you knew better than to pry in things that didn’t concern you.
 “That’s – I’m – That means a lot,” you finally managed to say.
 He smiled, his eyes traveling to the opening doors to your left, a line of screaming on the outside as the first one walked inside. You smiled at the crying girl, she looked to be a lot younger than you, her wide eyes taking everything in.
 You brought your camera up to your eyes, the lens trained on her. Your breath caught in your throat at the expression on her face as she laid her eyes on Shawn for the first time as he walked out from behind the curtain.
 You snapped the picture, watching her walk up and practically jump in his arms, shaking as he hugged her. He said something in her ear that made her cry harder, your camera snapping another picture of the emotional exchange.
 She separated from him, his face flushed as they stood side by side. He put a hand over her shoulder as they both put up a peace sign. You narrowed your eyes at his close-mouthed smile – a guarded look on his face, bringing your camera down to get a closer look at him.
 The second your camera was no longer obstructing your face, his eyes found yours, widening as he saw how close you were. He looked at your camera for a second, before a wide – exaggerated grin spread over his face, winking at the change in your expression.
 You rolled your eyes with a grin, bringing your camera up to snap another picture, happy that this time he was smiling – even if it was only for your sake.
Later that night you were up past two am, which was strictly against Andrew’s orders. He had informed everyone that you were to get up early the next morning so that Shawn could participate in some of the interviews in Vancouver, the next stop on the tour.
 You rubbed your eyes as you shut your laptop and took it off your lap. You had been editing for the past few hours, even though Andrew told you that the pictures didn’t need to be done so soon.
 You were a perfectionist, however, and wanted Shawn to post the pictures of Portland while still in Portland. There was something about seeing your images lining his feed that made you work harder than ever.
 You yawned, sitting up in your bunk before quietly jumping out of it. You hazily walked through the bunks, heading toward the kitchen.
 You looked up at the curtain that separated the bunks from the living area, your eyes widening at the flashing lights that peaked through. You were tempted to turn back and head to your bunk, but your throat was far too dry to go to bed.
 Your hand grabbed the curtain before you could talk yourself out of leaving and opened it, your eyes flickering as they tried to adjust to the brightness of the room.
 Your gaze focused on a figure that was lying on the couch, watching what you recognized as ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’.
 “Shawn?” You said softly.
 He flinched at the sound of your voice, “Y/n?” He sat up quickly on the sofa, turning so he could look at you, a small smile on his face, “What are you doing up?”
 You grabbed a glass out of one of the cupboards, filling it with water and leaning on the counter as you watched him, “Was editing some pictures, you?”
 “Couldn’t sleep,” He shrugged, his smile fading as he looked down.
 “Everything okay?”
 He cleared his throat, “Yeah – I just – I miss home, I guess.”
 You felt an unrecognizable emotion rock through you as you listened to him, “I love touring, don’t get me wrong, I just – ” He trailed off, fidgeting with the frayed edges of his blanket.
 You bit your lip, trying to think of something to say, “I understand. I’ve been gone for barely two days and I’m already homesick.”
 He chuckled, the sound surprising him as he swung his feet off the bed, moving the blanket as he looked at you with a smile, “You wanna sit?”
 “Sure, thanks,” you sat on the couch, placing your cup on the coffee table as you faced the TV, unsure what to say next.
 “Harry Potter huh?” You regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth, but Shawn didn’t seem to notice, his face lighting up, “Yeah – have you seen it?”
 “I went through a pretty intense Harry Potter phase, I think I’ve seen all the movies about fifty times each.”
 He began to smile even wider, “Which one’s your favorite?”
 “Oh my God.” You groaned, “There’s no way I can choose.”
 “Good answer.”
 You grinned, turning your body so you were facing him completely, “What’s your house?”
 “Gryffindor,” he said without hesitation.
 “Really? I would have guessed Hufflepuff.”
 He groaned, “Oh God, that’s what everyone says.”
 “What’s wrong with Hufflepuff?”
 “Nothing – just a bit boring is all.”
 Your smile faded as you gasped, “You did not just say that.”
 “What are you gonna do about it, eh?” He winked, but you were far too insulted to think about it right then, “Don’t tell me you’re also one of those people that thinks all Slytherins are evil.”
 “Guilty,” he shrugged.
 “That’s the worst kind of fan!”
 “What do you mean?”
 “You only like Gryffindor cause that’s the main character’s house.”
 “What’s your house then?” Shawn smirked, leaning closer to you, his leg brushing yours.
 He blinked, straightening up, as he looked over at you, “No way.”
 “What?” You smiled, brushing your hair behind your ear.
 “Didn’t peg you as the type.”
 You smirked, “Not boring enough for you?”
 “W- What? No!” He shook his head, “Now you’re making me sound like an asshole!”
 “Hufflepuff haters are assholes.”
 “I’m not a Hufflepuff hater!” He gasped, placing his hand on his heart in mock hurt.
 You hummed, a teasing smile on your face as he pouted next to you.
 “I’m not,” he mumbled again, making you start giggling softly, covering your face as you turned away from him.
 You heard him huff, before the sofa dipped as he began adjusting himself, stretching his legs until they were practically on your lap.
 “Excuse me,” you gestured to his legs, your eyebrows raised.
 “I’m not gonna sit here and let you call me a Hufflepuff hater – that’s – it’s unacceptable.”
 “So why – ?” You laughed, pointing to his legs as a cheeky smile spread across his face.
 “I’m going to pretend you’re not here and enjoy my movie.”
 You gasped – it sounded like a mix between a laugh and like you were chocking – and lightly nudged his shoulder. This only made him laugh, and begin moving around until his legs were completely on your lap.
 “Wow,” you crossed your arms, sinking back into the couch, but making no move to remove his legs from you.
 You were both silent for a few minutes – your mind focused on Hermione getting petrified, until you felt a nudge on your shoulder again, making you turn and face Shawn.
 “Why are you a Hufflepuff?”
 You opened your mouth, confusion lacing your features, “What?”
 “Like – what characteristics make you a Hufflepuff?”
 “Oh,��� you paused for a moment, never before answering that question, “I guess I’m loyal and friendly – that’s probably it, but my friends say that I could be a Slytherin as well, so I guess it depends.”
 He didn’t respond, processing your words for a few moments before a small smile spread over his face, “So you’re kind but evil?”
 You groaned again, “Stop saying that they’re evil!”
 He raised his hands in mock surrender, “They all served Voldemort!”
 “Most of them were too young to know better!”
 He shook his head with a smile, obviously enjoying getting a rise out of you, “Not too sure about that.”
 You rolled your eyes, “They’re cunning and ambitious – doesn’t sound evil to me.”
 “You don’t need to defend the fact that you’re half evil, y/n.” He laughed, throwing his head back, “I’m not going to fire you.”
 “You don’t get to decide that,” you winked, “I technically work for Andrew.”
 He gasped, his face immediately serious, as he pretended to be offended, “Ouch.”
 “Shush,” you nudged his shoulder, “You thought I was a fan – I’m glad you don’t control my paycheck.”
 “Hey,” he groaned, “I thought we were over that.”
 You laughed, “We are, doesn’t change the fact that Andrew treats me better.”
 “I’m letting you watch Harry Potter with me!”
 “You’re insulting my house!” Your laughter was growing, and soon it was getting hard to breath, you were practically hiccupping as you tried to contain your breaths.
 It took you a minute to realize that Shawn was no longer laughing but was instead watching you with a small smile on his face.
 You tried to contain your giggles, holding your stomach as it was beginning to cramp, “What?”
 “Nothing,” He shook his head, the grin never leaving his face, “Just good to have a friend I can talk to about Harry Potter.”
 You calmed down at his words, your mouth set in a small o, “I agree.”
 You turned back to the TV screen, hoping that he didn’t recognize the color in your cheeks, pretending to watch the movie.
 “Y/n?” He asked after a few seconds, making you hum in response.
 “Our next show is in Vancouver and I haven’t been skating in forever.”
 You nodded, looking at him, a bit confused as to where he was going with this, “And I really want to go – but Andrew isn’t going to let me without a reason, so – uh – could you please tell him you think a few shots of me skating would be beneficial …” He trailed off.
 You bit your lip, “Yeah – uh – Andrew told me it’d be good to get a few pictures of you enjoying the cities.”
 “Thank you,” his smile was so wide that you felt like you were going to melt, “You’re slowly becoming one of my favorite people on this tour.”
 You rolled your eyes with a smile; “I already said yes, you don’t need to butter me up more.”
 He laughed, “I’m not! It’s good to have someone my age around.”
 You were tempted to ask about Geoff since you hadn’t seen him around, but knew it was probably creepy to know about Shawn’s best friends.
 “You’re different than I expected,” you said instead.
 “Really?” He smiled, making you nod in response, “Yeah – to be completely honest I thought you’d never talk to me – that I’d just take pictures and then edit them alone, Mason was worried I wouldn’t make any friends.”
 “Mason?” He tilted his head.
 “My brother,” you smiled.
 “Oh,” he nodded, “Well I’m glad to be different than you thought.”
 You nodded, biting your lip as you turned back to face the TV, the intensity of his gaze hard for you to concentrate.
 “It’s 3am,” he mumbled, making you look up at the clock on the wall.
 “Should probably get to bed then,” you nodded.
 Shawn coughed, slowly removing his legs from your lap, and sitting up. You stood, stretching your back for a moment before looking up at him as he stood as well.
 “Night Shawn,” you smiled, taking your glass and placing it in the sink.
 “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he nodded, stretching his arms behind his back – his t-shirt riding up to uncover a small section of his lower stomach, your eyes immediately shutting as you turned away, so he wouldn’t catch the blush coating your cheeks.
 “See you,” you mumbled, disappearing behind the curtain before he could say anything else that could make your heart beat faster.
 tag list: @egg-in-a-spork @tw-stydiaaf @countingstarsmylove  @alone-in-madness  
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swellwriting · 5 years
What do we do now? - Part 8
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Part 8 - Lavender Honey 
A/N: Remus never gets tired of the dragon egg jokes, everyone else may be but he’s not. A little bit of fluff, some stupid Bertram comments as per usual, some smut, and a cliff hanger ending all in one chapter! ALSO please like/ reblog/ comment if you read and feel free to send in drabble requests for this story (Fluff/ angst /smut whateva u feel like)
Warning: This chapter contains smut! It is clearly marked and easy to skip if its not ur cup of T.
Word Count: 4k   Series Masterlist  
The angry pounding at the door continued as Y/n and Remus came to their senses. Through all the banging and yelling Bertram's door remained closed, either he was sleeping through this whole thing or he was purposefully ignoring it.
Y/n got up and stretched as she made her way to Bertram's bedroom door, unaware that he had locked himself in there since she hadn't read the letter he left them last night.
She tapped loud enough for her knocking to sound separate from the stranger outside. “Bertram, there is someone, someone very angry, at the door.”
“I know!” Bertram whined, he was sat against the door listening and dreading having to face his problems, but at least he wasn't running away like Remus or Y/n probably would in this situation.
“Are you going to answer it? What do they want?”
“No! I won't answer it, can’t you tell he is angry?”
“Well, I don't think he is leaving anytime soon.”
“Just tell him I'm not here!” Bertram yelled in the same whiney voice, like a toddler.
Y/n got up and walked towards the door, she grabbed her wand from the floor beside the makeshift bed and yelled to the other side of the door.
“Bertrams not here!”
The person stopped pounding on the door and yelled back, still just as angry. “Bollocks he’s not there, a course he is! And he is going to answer to me! He is going to open this damn door!”
Y/n stepped away from the door and looked at Remus who was standing away from the window even though the curtains were pulled shut.
Remus walked over to Bertram's door and knocked. “Bertram, he isn’t going away. What did you do to piss him off so much anyway?”
“I don't know! Maybe I sold him the wrong potion, maybe I got the bottles mixed up, I do that sometimes.”
Y/n sighed and placed a hand on her forehead, stressed with this entire situation. She turned to the door again and just repeated herself. “Look, I'm very sorry I wish I could help you but Bertram isn't here, I don't know what else to tell you.”
“That’s it, I'm going to report this to the police! And if they think I'm crazy I’ll find the magic police, someone will make you accountable, there must be regulations for a business of this sort. You can’t sell me a love potion that is actually a fire breathing potion and expect to get away with it!”
Remus peaked out the window and watched as the angry man stormed down to the road and got in his car speeding away and disappearing into the distance.
Y/n placed her head against the door, relieved to at least have made the man go away.
“Good morning.” Remus joked as he fixed the blankets on the bed and flicked his wand transfiguring the bed back into a couch. “Fancy some breakfast?”
“Please.” She groaned and they went to the kitchen to find some sort of food. Y/n sat on the stool against the counter and propped her head up with her hands watching Remus try to sort through the fridge.
“Slim pickings I'm assuming?” She asked and Remus closed the fridge with a nod.
“I could always fry up some Dragon eggs?”
“Very funny. Is there any bread in the cupboard there?” Y/n asked and Remus opened the cupboard beside the fridge.
“Yes, there are seven, seven loaves of the same type of bread. And we have a toaster, all we need is,” Remus paused as he looked through the other cupboards, “Peanut butter?”
Remus made them both toast and sorted through the cupboards to find them some coffee and tea.
They sat silently, backs arched as they leaned their elbows on the counter in front of them, kitchen islands are really impractical for posture. Bertram opened his door and peeked out, hoping they wouldn't see him but they both turned their heads in sync, looking at Bertram when his door creaked and gave him away.
He was very clearly trying to sneak out.
“If you were trying to sneak past us you could have gone out the window, or even apparated away?” Y/n questioned as she munched down on her toast, she wasn't angry with him and Bertram was visibly relieved.
“I thought you might be sleeping, I was trying to be quiet.”
“We spoke to you less than five minutes ago.” Remus deadpanned from behind his coffee mug.
Bertram just nodded, accepting that he had been caught and was out of dumb excuses.
“You really fucked up.” Y/n said as she wiped some crumbs off the counter, “mixing up a love potion with one that makes you breathe fire? A big difference with those, a dangerous difference.”
“Honestly I think they are equally as dangerous, given the nature of some love potions and all,” Remus commented, humour dark like his coffee.
“I know.” Bertram pouted in the same whiney voice from earlier, falling onto the couch with a huff.
“Well next time he comes you should really talk to him, offer him a free dragon egg for his troubles or something.” Remus teased.
“We can just Obliviate him? If he comes back.” Y/n said giving Remus a questioning look as if to ask him for his input.
“You want us to obliviate him?” Remus asked.
“I mean it’s what we are supposed to do when we find out a muggle has seen magic of some sort.” She explained.
“You’re right, I guess it keeps our hands clean too. If he does find the ministry somehow and he gets here before them at least we can say we tried.” Remus offered but Bertram stood up walking across the room swiftly.
“He won't be able to contact the ministry he’s a muggle!” He argued.
“Well, he found a way to get his muggle hands on magic potions so if he’s determined I'm sure he will find a way to contact them somehow, we just have to hope he tries to come back here first.” Y/n placed a hand lightly on Bertram's shoulder, trying to comfort him as his wide bloodshot eyes gave away how stressed and tired he was.
Bertram just nodded slowly, squinting his eyes as he was in deep thought. He offered no explanation before grabbing his wand and a fist full of floo powder before disappearing in a flash of green fire.
“Okay, see you later Bertram!” Remus sarcastically said as he stood up and patted his palms against his legs looking around for what to do now. Y/n was just standing there leaning against the counter waiting for Remus to do or say something. It was nice being in one place after weeks of travelling, nowhere to go. The forest was nice in that sense but it was like camping, and you can only enjoy camping for so long. There comes a point where a real hot shower and a big warm bed are deeply missed.
“This cottage is really nice actually, needs a bit of cleaning though.”
“Are you suggested we clean it?” Y/n asked with a smile, cleaning wasn't nearly as much of a dreadful task when magic was involved.
With no further words exchanged the two started cleaning, falling into a good rhythm, they really were a good team. Y/n opened the curtains and cracked the windows to let in some fresh air, Remus found a closet with cleaning supplies that flew out and started cleaning once he opened the door. 
They started grabbing books that had fallen off the moving bookshelves and arranged them neatly, Y/n ran her fingers across the spines as she skimmed through the titles, “there are some good books here.”
“I’d hate to say Bertram has good taste.” Remus teased.
“There's no way these are his, they are his grandmothers I'm sure, I think everything here is.”
“Except the illegal stuff.” Remus joked and they both laughed, Y/n placed a finger over the shiny book that would open the storage room but looked hesitantly at Remus before daring to move it.
“We should let the cleaning supplies get in here don't ya think?”
“Yeah, they will be gentle. Better than if we, or dare I say, Bertram, were to try and clean in there.”
With a giggle Y/n pulled the book out, stepping back as the bookshelf disappeared into the floor. She stepped aside and the cleaning supplies that had just finished cleaning the kitchen and living room went inside. She stood patiently, watching as the charmed cleaning supplies cleaned everything, dusting the shelves and mopping the floor, cleaning the burnt cauldron so it sparkled again. They flew out and Remus was waiting on the other side of the room to let them into the basement. After that, they dared to even let the supplies in Bertram's bedroom and the bathroom that they hadn't even noticed.
Y/n and Remus stood in the doorway of the bathroom, it was nice, arguably the nicest part of the house. Maybe that's just the opinion of Y/n and Remus, two people who have been living outdoors and on this wild runaway adventure with no nice bathrooms, and also the biggest introverts you could ever meet.
Maybe that’s why this cottage with its secluded location, wall-length bookshelves, large windows, comfy couches, isolated backyard and now a lavish bathroom with a huge bathtub and separate shower, was so appealing to them.
“We have cleaned the entire house, now it’s time for the house to clean us!” Y/n said excitedly as she ran across the room to the bathtub and kneeled in front of it placing her arms and hands over the side as she admired the smooth porcelain.
“Not sure that makes sense but I get the point.” Remus teased.
Y/n looked up at him with the biggest eyes of admiration, the kind she had always looked at him with, though he was unaware of it most times. “If you need me I’ll be in here for the next five years.”
“I think that’s ample time for relaxation, would you like me to grab you a book and your pyjamas from the car?”
Remus leaned down a bit as he spoke to her, grabbing her cheeks gently and squeezing them before he moved his hand to the side, she nuzzled her cheek into his palm as she smiled, shutting her eyes. It was a peaceful expression, Remus almost didn’t want to look away.
“It's not even noon, you think I should put my pyjamas on already?” She asked, eyes still shut and a smile still across her face.
“Well, why not, it's not like we are going anywhere.”
“You’re just full of brilliant ideas today aren't you.”
Remus chuckled as he placed a kiss on her forehead before standing back up and leaving the room. As he shut the door, not knowing when Bertram would be back, he heard the tap turn on and the sound of Y/n shuffling through the cabinet for bath products.
When he got back, with a good book that he picked out for her guessing what she would like based off how well he knew her, and a pair of pyjamas which were just plaid pyjama shorts and a very oversized t-shirt that he recognized as probably being one of James’, he knocked quietly before creaking the door open.
“I have your requested supplies, Mini.”
“You sound like my potions assistant again.” Y/n joked from inside the tub, she was fully submerged and hidden behind a mountain of purple bubbles, the room smelled like lavender and honey and the bathwater was so hot the mirror was already fogged up.
“No potion supplies here, just a book and some Pj’s.” Remus smiled as he tried to avoid looking in the soapy water, he placed the items on a dry part of the counter beside the sink.
“Come ‘ere” Y/n almost whispered and Remus instantly abided before she even finished her words.
He leaned against the side of the tub, knees against the floor and elbows resting on the edge, his sleeves already a bit damp. Y/n grabbed some bubbles on her fingertips and rubbed them across Remus’ face, leaving some to pile up on top of his nose. He scrunched his face up as if it bothered him but his smile and red cheeks gave him away.
“How can I ever thank you?” she asked quietly as she ran her fingers through the curls that fell in his face, getting them wet as she played with them.
“You can thank me by having a relaxing bath with me sometime.” He suggested.
“Some time? But there's one right here right now!” She said in a slow teasing tone that made Remus’ heart beat faster, he gripped the side of the tub, knuckles turning white as his mind raced.
“You want me to come in there? With you?” He asked timidly. 
They hadn’t done much since that night in the car, even that was mere foreplay, they hadn't even kissed that much since then, not having a moment alone without Bertram hovering around. Neither of them being big on PDA. 
Y/n just nodded, a wicked smile on her face.
Remus put his hand in the water swooshing it around, “If I get in there it will overflow and spill everywhere.”
“Oh no, too bad we don't have a magic mop in the other room.” 
*****Smut starts*****
She smiled as she got on her knees bringing her upper half out of the water, wet and sudsy skin making Remus blush more. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him close so his lips were on hers, she kissed him quickly, unsure of how much time they truly had. Remus moved his hands to her breasts, rubbing his fingers gently across the bubbles, brushing against her nipples with his fingertips and before he knew it he was being pulled in with a splash and a flood spilled on the floor.
The bathtub was big enough that they could both fit if they were careful but they were in such a heated hurry that they splashed about as they moved around, kissing intensely only pausing to smile on each other's lips. Y/n had her back against the porcelain tub as Remus hovered over her. His clothes were too wet and heavy to easily take off on his own so Y/n slowly peeled them off piece by piece as he slid his hand between her thighs. 
Her legs spread as far as they could since she was pinned beneath him, his knees on either side of her hips. His fingers pushed inside her with little rhythm, every time he moved his arm the water would spill over the side of the tub a little more. 
Her fingers fiddled with his pants, trying to get them off him but the effort proved useless. He smiled against her cheek as he moved to kiss down her neck before pulling his fingers away and moving his hands to grip her hips, carefully wrapping her legs around his waist and then lifting them both out of the tub. Taking careful steps around the bubbly puddles and then placing her on the bathroom counter. The cold smooth tile underneath her warm bare skin.
Remus was still wearing his pants, his shirt and sweater were successfully taken off by Y/n in the tub. He stood between Y/n’s legs as she wrapped them around his waist and pulled him closer to her. She continued her mission from before, if she was completely naked why shouldn’t he be. It took a bit of teamwork to get his soaked jeans off of him, building up the tension and impatience they were both feeling for one another. 
She wanted to see him completely naked for so long, the last time they did this it left too much to the imagination, and when they went swimming he was hidden under the water from her examining and detail searching eyes.
She didn’t get to spend too much time admiring his pale skin, covered in scars and odd freckles here and there before he grabbed her face, kissing her roughly before pushing inside of her. They both gasped, shocked at the new feeling. His hands moved from gently holding her cheeks to grabbing her hips, pulling her closer to him with each thrust.
She wrapped her hands around his shoulders, moving her hands over his wet back, digging her nails in to keep him close.
Remus placed a hand on the mirror to steady himself. This was not the smartest way for them to do this for the first time, it was clumsy and slippery and desperate and exploratory and not thoroughly planned out like everything they do together. His hand slides against the glass of the mirror as he thrusts faster and deeper, his forehead is pressed to hers because he can’t focus on this and kissing her at the same time.
She wants to say something but isn’t sure what’s right to say, her mind is clouded and all she can think of, all she can feel is him.
“Rem, Remus…” She muttered through scattered breaths as the tension-filled her stomach as she came undone. Remus thrust a few more times before coming, kissing her and pushing her against the mirror to her back.
He pulled away from the kiss, smiling sheepishly at her and she just smiled back at him.
“Now I feel like I need another bath.”
“That can be arranged,” he teased before he kissed her once more.
*****smut ends******
Bertram rushed around the small kitchen making some sort of food, Y/n was sat on the stool at the kitchen island and Remus was stood on the other side of it, trying not to be in Bertram's way. They were unfazed by the commotion Bertram was causing, he insisted he didn't need any help. 
Bertram had been gone almost all day and had only come back around 6 pm, with a few groceries in hand thankfully.
Y/n looked at Remus from behind her mug, her eyes travelled from the floor and then up to his face. He was already looking at her. They both stayed like that, silently examining each other, a smile broke across Y/n’s face, simply because he made her happy.
They looked at the faces in front of them, wondering how they went from strangers to classmates, to acquaintances and then to this, whatever this was. They went from existing in the same small world to being each other's whole lives, their points of view focused on each other. 
The background blurred when she stared at him, she took a sip from her tea and he raised a teasing brow. He was about to tease her, tell her to take a picture as it would last longer, but smoke passed in front of his face catching both their attention.
It was clear Bertram really did need help.
Remus chuckled and turned to help him as Y/n watched in amusement from her seat. After a few struggled minutes Y/n was presented with a plate with two burnt pancakes on it.
Before they could all sit down and enjoy the sweet moment and the hopefully sweet pancakes, there was a loud banging on the door again. All of their smiles faded.
“Bertram! Open the door. Answer me you lying bastard!”
Remus was the first to stand he walked over to the door and went to turn the nob to open it but Bertram ran up behind him.
“No.” He whispered but Remus shook his head. 
“You can’t hide forever. Just obliviate him.” Remus said before he forced the door open, his wand in his hand hidden behind his back.
The man started yelling but Bertram said nothing in response he stared blankly at the angry man in front of him.
“Bertram, do it!” Y/n yelled from her seat as she watched nervously.
Bertram shook his head, a clear look of fear on his face so Remus pushed him aside, silently casting obliviate on the angry muggle in front of him.
Suddenly three Auror’s appeared, wands drawn. The muggle man looked around confused as ever as to where he was and what was happening.
“You obliviated him?” One of the Aurors asked as she looked at the muggle.
Bertram shook his head, making them believe that Remus was who they were looking for.
“So you are Bertram Aubrey then?” The woman asked Remus and he shook his head. One of the Aurors stepped forward, Remus recognized him. 
Of the three Aurors in front of them, there was a woman he didn’t recognize but looked not much older than him, and two men who he recognized as Dirk Cresswell and Davey Gudgeon. 
“No, that's Remus Lupin,” Davey said.
“Uh yeah, that's Bertram, but I am the one who Obliviated the muggle, that's a law. I followed the law.” Remus said, he was panicked but he was trying to sound calm and sure of himself as he spoke slowly and clearly.
“We know the laws, and being apart of the black market for potions and creatures is against the law.” The woman snapped at him.
“I'm not,” Remus argued but he was interrupted by Dirk.
“Then why obliviate him?”
Remus didn't want to admit that he knew what Bertram was doing and he couldn't think of any excuses fast enough.
“That's what I thought,” Dirk said as they went behind Remus and used a spell to lock his arms behind his back, they did the same to Bertram.
Y/n ran to the door, not worried about being arrested herself.
“You can’t take him! He's innocent I swear.” She pleaded, tears filling her eyes at the sight of Remus being pulled away.
“Well, even if he is, he just obliviated our witness so I think he will prove useful. Stay safe out here all alone little lady, there are wolves in these woods I hear.” Dirk teased.
“Sorry about this Y/n, and I’m sorry about James too. Just stay here in case we need to come back for you, we have no reason to take you in now but please don't run.” Davey said before they all apparated away leaving Y/n standing in the doorway by herself, unable to do anything to help them. 
She was alone now, in a place that wasn’t home and only felt like it because of who she was with. The backseat of the car felt like home with Remus there, the forest felt like home and the shitty motels did too as long as Remus was there with her. But now he wasn't.
Loneliness consumed her and she fell to her knees as she whispered to herself.
“What do I do now?”
The emphasis on the I hurt, because the honesty of it all was that Remus wasn't there to ask her this. He wasn't there for her to focus on and guide, Bertram wasn’t there to be clueless and she had never felt so hopeless and powerless. How could Davey look at her, offer his empty apologies to her and then take them away anyways, leave her there? They weren't close friends at all but he knew James, how could he take Remus away like that?
She sat like that for an hour staring down the driveway, until a black shaggy dog ran down the road and stopped at the door, staring at her through the thin screen.
At first, she thought it was a wolf, but as it got closer she realized it wasn’t.
She didn't fear the dog, she welcomed anything to cease the loneliness, but its eyes seemed not those of a dog but of a human.
Where did this mysterious dog come from?
Part 9
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stardustdaemon · 4 years
Remember me. - Aokise fic
So, this is an old WIP that I’ve tried to edit and work around to create something new, it’s a bit different to my usual writing but I hope you enjoy it none the less <3
Words : 3,281
“Kurokocchi are you sure you have the time to be here? I thought you had practice?” Kise asked as he placed a box on the plastic table his agency had leant him, picking at the tape as he directed his sister on where to put his jackets.
“We’ll be fine. It’ll be a relief to see your wardrobe thin out anyway.” The smaller spoke from behind a clothes rack, surprising Kise’s sister as he took the clothing from her with a polite bow. Kise always appreciated Kuroko, from the moment they first met he had been nothing but blunt and honest, especially after his accident. Kuroko’s brash nature had been a large part of the reason Kise had managed to re ground himself within his day to day life.
Kise had decided to sell some of the clothes the staff had given him from his shoots. Some because they didn’t fit him anymore, some because he’d worn them with everything possible, some because he, quite frankly, never liked them and well, some because he had no idea they were even in there until his sisters had dragged them out of his closet, telling him that he should really clear out his stuff, that she didn���t have enough room for it all here. She had taken him into her house without a second thought when he’d finally flown back from America.
Kise’s excuse to himself, of course, was that if he got rid of the old, he could replace them with the new. A lot of the new. The thought excited him as he found himself emptying a box of accessories. He didn’t want to think about the fact he’d nearly died at the hands of an obsessed fan. He didn’t want to acknowledge that his assault had made everyone in his life watch him with pity, with concern, like he was going to break at any moment. Sure, he forgot some stuff easily and he had large gaps in his memory but he was lucky, there was no real damage to his body, only a few scars littered down his neck.  
An hour later found Kise stood irritated behind a table laid out with shoes, necklaces, earrings and belts, all carefully coloured or intricately patterned and a handful of his friends and his sisters stood with him, all already bagging items and exchanging money.
Momoi had warned him of the number of fans that would gather, since nobody had heard from him in a few months, but he hadn’t taken notice, thinking he’d be fine until he found himself in the midst of three girls fighting for a ring he wore two years ago. He excused himself in a bubbly manner, immediately souring when he was alone, sifting angrily through some shirts. He hated his fans most of the time. They were loud, obnoxious and rude, with no care in the world for him as a person or his friends. All they wanted was to tell him how worried they were, assuming they’d now get a shot with him. People were fickle.
“Hey. You got anything different for basketball?” A voice asked, causing the blonde to jump. He came face to face with a tan hand outstretched, slightly shaking the white basketball shorts in his grip. Kise looked to the man's face, noting his unusual blue hair with a sense of familiarity, before looking up.
“I have a lot actually. Gimme a second.” The stranger nodded as Kise turned to lift a box, placing it on the table next to him before moving aside some books. “It’s all under here, mostly white or blue but I think there should be some black ones in there too.” He explained, stepping back as the stranger immediately rummaged through the box, almost desperate to avoid eye contact. Kise watched for a moment, mouth opening to speak before his sister called him over to check something.
“Ah sorry, I can’t drop the price for that one, that was actually really expensive.” Kise apologised, bowing slightly to what he could only assume was one of his fans aunts. She sighed but nodded anyway, handing over the money with a small smile. Kise sighed, letting his shoulders drop forwards when he noticed there were less people about. Kuroko was stood a little further away, listening to one of Kise’s neighbours tell him about his granddaughters wedding with rapt attention.
“So, how much for these?” The voice threw Kise off as he whirled around, ignoring the playful jab to his side from his sister as she walked away. It was the guy from before, holding up a grey pair of shorts and a few shirts. Kise hummed, tilting his head to the side in thought.
“Well, to be honest I wasn’t expecting to sell the shorts so I guess you can just take them. The shirts will be like, five each though.” He nodded, happy with his answer as the other hummed, digging about in his pockets for some change.
“Sounds good to me, thanks.” Just as he was about to turn around, a blur of pink rushed past Kise’s vision.  
“Dai-chan! I haven’t seen you for months!” Momoi exclaimed, arms around the taller boy in front of her and Kise blinked, looking between the two as ‘Dai-chan’ frowned down at her, hand moving to ruffle her hair.
“That’s what happens when people move to different countries, Satsuki.” He mentioned bluntly and Kise couldn’t help but laugh, ignoring Momoi’s pout as she finally pulled away from the blue haired boy.
“Ki-chan, this is Aomine Daiki, we used to go to school together, but he abandoned me to do a year in America.” Momoi explained, gesturing between the two of them. Kise just nodded, ignoring the way his mind repeated the name like a lost fact, holding out a hand.
“Nice to meet you urh, formally, I guess. Kise Ryouta.” He remarked, pouting at the scoff Aomine replied with before shaking his hand.  
“Yeah no shit, you’re in a lot of magazines ya’know.” Aomine joked, though his voice was laced with something Kise couldn’t quite place, dropping the money into the pot on the table. Before Kise could say anything, another wave of people arrived.
By the time he’d dealt with them all and started to pack up the boxes, Aomine had left. Kise tried to not let it bother him, smiling brightly and chatting away to everyone as they all helped tidy up and get everything in his house.
After thanking everyone and promising he’d take them all out for food another time he headed back inside, ignoring the piles and boxes of stuff he hadn’t managed to sell and went up to his room. Dropping onto his bed with a huff, he glanced at his wardrobe, smile crossing his features. He’d managed to get rid of quite a lot today, which meant that tomorrow he could finally get that jacket he’d been wanting for ages, a reward, he tells himself.
Though when he looked to the basketball resting on a shelf, he was hit with the reminder of Aomine. He had seemed nice enough, but something was just, strange. No matter how much he thought on it though, he couldn’t place why he was so familiar. It was like the explanation was there, balancing precariously off a cliff, just out of his reach.
Shaking his head, he pushed it to the back of his mind, reaching the conclusion that he’d probably heard about him in passing or seen him briefly with Momoi. Yeah, that had to be it.
But Momoi said he was in America...
“Get yourself together Ryouta.” Kise mumbled to himself, hopping off of his bed and into the shower. The steam of the water helped clear his head, letting him finally relax for the day as he sat at his desk, robe wrapped tight around him and began his evening skin care, applying each cream with ease and delicacy, smiling at himself when he was finished.
That night he dreamt of his assault, of a face hidden by shadow as they screamed his name, trying to find him in an unknown apartment, of somebody’s hands holding his mouth shut, the feeling of the ground beneath him tearing into his back as he was dragged to a van.
The feeling of rope digging deep into his skin, his heart beating against his chest. Of not knowing how long he’d been there, stuck in the windowless room, maybe underground. The voice of his ‘fan’ and the stories of their fantasies and expectations of him, punishing him if he retorted or fought back.
He remembered the relief when he heard a door fall, saw the first rays of sunlight he’d seen in what felt like weeks, felt warm familiar hands on his shoulders and tears soaking the skin of his shoulder.
He awoke with a gasp for air, hand clutching his chest to try and still his heart as he sat up, eyes analysing his whole room. It always irked him, as he tried to grip onto the fading memories of whoever he was with, that he couldn’t remember their face. Or who they were to him.  
Was it another model? A friend perhaps? Even a photographer. It hurt his head, to try and place a face to the figure that had clung to him for dear life when they finally found him. To remember the tone and pitch of the voice that had called out his name.
“Ryouta, someone’s here!” His sister called and Kise whined, flailing about in his bed before sighing and standing up, pulling on a jumper and pair of jeans before leaving his room. It was probably Kasamatsu ready to smack him upside the head for not being ready to meet him.
He wasn’t expecting Aomine to be at the door, hands shoved deep in his pockets.
“Hey, did you forget something yesterday?” Kise asked as he leant against the door frame, eyebrows raised in curiosity. Aomine avoided his eyes, instead staring at the hinge of the door.
“Not really. Can we talk?” His voice was quiet and almost aggressive and Kise nodded slowly, slipping on a pair of shoes before stepping outside, gently closing the door behind him. Aomine immediately began walking, causing Kise to stumble a little to catch up.
A heavy silence fell over them as they fell into step beside the other, Kise awkwardly holding his hands out in front of him as Aomine watched the floor. Kise had always been good at talking, at filling the space between him and his company but something felt off this time. Like he wasn’t meant to say a word. Aomine seemed to be collecting his thoughts and Kise decided maybe he should let him.
Though it was odd. They’d only just met, barely exchanged a few words and yet Aomine seemed like he’d known him for a while, like Kise had maybe hurt him or the other way around.
Before Kise could think anymore, Aomine came to a halt in front of a street ball court. Kise watched silently as Aomine seemed to process his words before sighing.
“Look I’m, sure this is weird as fuck for you. But that wasn’t the first time we’ve met.” Aomine admitted slowly, finally looking Kise in the eye to judge his reaction. Kise blinked, staring at the other before he nodded, pout settling on his features, highlighting his confusion.
Aomine sighed, running a hand through his hair before pulling out his phone, scrolling for a moment and then pausing.
“We met in America, two years ago. You were taking a break from a shoot when I completely tripped over you trying to walk and spin a ball on my finger at the same time. You screamed at me for ages, complaining I’d messed up your shirt. Annoyed the shit out of me but I assumed that the only way to get rid of you was to agree to buy you lunch but I ended up enjoying your company. We met up a few more times aft-”
“It was you.” Kise’s voice was quiet, low enough to be carried away in the gentle breeze between them. Aomine paused before nodding, handing the other his phone.
Kise took a few deep breaths before looking at the phone, holding it in two hands to try and stop himself from shaking before he was looking at his own face.
The picture was simple, Kise in the front smiling wide while Aomine was stood behind him, slight frown to his eyebrows but a gentle curve on his mouth, an expression of feigned annoyance.
And then the memories hit.  
Sitting in cafes with Aomine. Swatting the others hands away when he’d mess up his hair. Playing one on one together and always losing. Kicking the other awake. Complaining that Aomine wasn’t listening.
Holding each other in the early hours of the morning, trusting the other with their faults and insecurities. Arguing. Making up. Silly date and crying together.
“You... We were together, weren’t we?” Kise asked quietly, voice wobbling as he handed Aomine back his phone. All the taller could do was nod, watching Kise’s face carefully before he sighed.
“When we found you, god I was so relieved. You’d been missing for a few days, I was losing my mind. But when they told me you were being flown straight home once you’d recovered, I panicked. I tried to message or call you but I guess they changed your phone.  
After a while I decided to come back, you had to be wondering what was happening right? I remembered you telling me about where your sister lives, that it was the same neighbourhood I grew up in. So, I tried it and when I saw you again god my heart almost burst.
I thought I’d surprise you but, all you did was look at me with confusion, you had no idea who I was and that hurt. A lot.” Aomine admitted, watching a mother struggle to get their child to hold their hand, avoiding Kise’s glance.
Kise felt his heart shatter, more memories flooding into his head, fast enough that they were bringing with them a painful and throbbing ache deep into his brain.  
But he let them flow, remembered Aomine’s smile, his laugh, the way he’d snore when he was deep in sleep, the focus on his face when he was watching a quiz show.
The way his hands had gripped Kise’s shoulders when they found him, the feeling of his larger and stronger frame shaking against him from tears.
Kise bit his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood, trying with all of his might to stop himself from crying but it was inevitable.
Before either of them knew it Kise was on his knees, arms wrapped tight around his chest as he fought for breath, entire frame shaking as he let the tears fall. Aomine was by his side in seconds, hand hovering over his back before he sighed, pulling the other to his chest.
They sat like that for a while, Aomine hunched over with Kise half lying in his lap, not caring or aware of how they must look to everyone around them.  
When Kise finally calmed down enough to try to talk he pulled away slightly, looking up at Aomine with watery eyes.
“I’m so sorry. I cannot believe I forgot you.” He rasped, words getting caught in his throat on the way out and Aomine levelled him with a gentle but firm smile.
“Right, ‘cus you picked what memories you didn’t want.” His voice was soft and Kise found himself laughing, shaking his head as he pushed himself away from the other, falling onto his back to watch the sky. He could feel Aomine’s concerned gaze on him and he almost painted a smile on his face, apology and joke to hide what just happened resting on his tongue before he sighed.
“It really fucking sucks. I’m aware that we were together, that you meant so much to me. But I still don’t fully remember. It’s like I just watched a short film of a love story, I don’t feel like the memories are mine.” He admitted, stretching out a hand towards the clouds. Aomine hummed, shifting into a cross legged position, shoulders hunched forwards.
“Guess that makes sense. I’m not here to make you come back though, nor to convince you that we need each other. I missed you like crazy but I’m not that much of an asshole. I just, wanted you to know, help fill the pieces.” Aomine shrugged, like he was talking about the weather and Kise laughed, the sound bubbling in his throat as he glanced over at the blue haired man.
“I appreciate that, but gosh don’t sound so down about it. I guess you’re the only person who gets to say they stumbled into my life twice though?” Kise grinned, whining at the way Aomine swiped at his arm. It felt natural, unsurprisingly to Kise, to just sit in the others company quietly.
It was the most normal he’d felt since he’d woke up in the hospital, briefly forgetting who he even was. The journey home had been full of the hosts warily hovering around him and as much as he loved his sister and was grateful for her taking him in, she had crowded and suffocated him as soon as he touched down, refusing to let anyone see him for the first few weeks, only easing up when Kise had snapped and shouted at her that he could handle seeing his friends.
It was strained with them though, them careful of what to say around him and Kagami even re-introducing himself just in case, which had amused Kise but also tired him out.
Sitting here on the sun warmed asphalt of the streetball court, watching parents drag their kids to school and groups of students laughing together, it was the most normal he’d felt in months. He looked over to Aomine, mouth twitching softly when he saw his eyes were closed.  
Sitting up slowly, Kise scooted closer, poking at Aomine’s cheek with a pout, to which the other replied with a grunt, only cracking one eye open in response.
“I can’t say I remember a huge amount, or that much about you but. How about we just. Start again?” Kise queried, smile growing at the way Aomine frowned at him, in a way Kise vaguely recognised as an indication of mild annoyance.
Instead of replying he stood up, stretching his arms above his head before turning and holding out a hand.
“I’m Kise Ryouta, nice to meet you!” He chirped, feeling his heart pulse in his ears, happiness flowing through him for the first time in months. Aomine stared at him for a moment, one eyebrow drawn down in confusion before he huffed, shaking his head as he lifted his hand to grip Kise’s.
“Aomine Daiki.” He mumbled and Kise beamed, the brightness of his smile challenging the sun shining just above them.  
When they both began walking to the nearest café, Kise chattering away excitedly and Aomine listening, focus directed completely at the blonde beside him, Kise couldn’t help but feel hope swell in his chest.
Things hadn’t been normal since he’d got back. He’d been feeling incomplete, but now, he realised it was because he forgot someone important.
And sure, he might forget again briefly, have trouble remembering events or conversations but he was happy he got a second shot and meeting Aomine, learning about him and knowing him, that was all that mattered.
He felt like he was finally home.
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duhragonball · 4 years
[FIC] Green Christmas (Luffa Annual 1)
Normal Brain: Write a Coffee Shop AU
Big Brain: With my own OC’s
Galaxy Brain: Set it in Japan to make it harder.
Cosmic Brain: Also, it’s a Christmas story.
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.   This story is set on a Monday.
[December 23, 2019.   Kiyosu, Japan.]
There was a very light drizzle outside.   It didn't snow often in Kiyosu, and when it did, it usually happened in February, not December.  
"It's a shame, y'know?   This is a romantic time of year.    Just once, it'd be nice to have a White Christmas without having to head out to Shirakawago or someplace up north."
Yamcha was a regular at the Emerald Eye Cafe.   He liked to chat while he paid for his order.   Every year around Christmas, he would wax poetic about the lack of snowfall in the Aichi Prefecture, and speak idly about someday taking a trip to a ski resort in Hokkaido.   Zatte didn't know if he would ever make the trip.    She only knew that he visited her store nearly every day, and she suspected that he enjoyed talking about snow and travel than the actual experience.      He had a large iced milk coffee and a potato salad sandwich, which came to 1260 yen.  
Zatte never minded the lack of snow.   It meant one less obstacle to the day-to-day routine.   She didn't know how people got along in snowy parts of the world, and she wasn't terribly interested in finding out.    Christmas was Christmas whether it snowed or not.    The sound system in the cafe was playing Beethoven's Ninth Symphony for the fourth time that day, and she had been selling Christmas cakes for the better part of the month.   Half of her customers spoke excitedly of their plans for the holiday, and the absence of snow didn't seem to discourage any of them.   And then there was her "favorite" tradition of the season.    
"... might call her up tonight and see if she wants to check out the lights downtown.   You know, keep it casual.    How about you?   You got any big plans for Christmas?"  
Zatte shook her head.    "Maybe," she said.   She had learned a long time ago that this was the best way to keep conversations short.    Yamcha might have had unlimited time to talk, but she needed to head back to the kitchen at some point.     Answering "no" only invited a polite argument.   "Come on... I'm sure a young lady like yourself must have something to do on Christmas!" and so on.    Answering "yes" was a lie, and it only invited the other person to press for details that didn't exist.    
"Maybe, huh?"   Yamcha replied.    He finally fished the money out of his wallet and laid it on the counter.    "Well, that's better than nothing, after all.    Hang in there."    
"Out of 1500 yen, 240 yen and your receipt," Zatte said, handing him a few coins and a slip of paper.    
"Radical.    Well, I'll get out of your hair," Yamcha said.   "Thanks!"
She relaxed a bit when he left the store.    Truthfully, he was one of the best customers--courteous, patient, and easy to please.   Outside of work, he was probably an okay person to hang out with, if you liked hanging out with middle-aged civil servants.       But in a customer service setting, life was all about getting the clients' orders filled and getting them on their way with as little fuss as possible.    Zatte didn't think of herself as an introvert, but working retail seemed to have a funny way of making her feel like one for a few hours.
She supposed that it would be kind of fun to be chummy with the regulars, but the fact was that she had too many responsibilities behind the counter.    She had to count the money later.   The tables would need to be wiped down.     Fresh muffins had to go on the display.    The cook would probably need help, sooner or later.    The customers saw this place as her home, and she was a hostess providing companionship in addition to food and a place to relax.    That was the business model, of course, but it was still a business.  
She chided herself for feeling grumpy, but decided that she had at least kept an even keel through the morning.  The key was to accept the bad moods when they came, so long as she put on a pleasant face for the customers.   They had their own lives and their own problems, after all.    It wasn't fair to them--or profitable for her-- to burden them with her own troubles.    
Two hours later, she was reminded of one of those troubles.    
"You haven't seen Roshi at all today, have you?"  
A shiver ran down Zatte's spine at the name.   "Not today, why?"    
Krillin took his latte from her and shrugged slightly.    "Well, let's just say I need to talk to him about something," he said evenly.   Krillin was a police officer, which tended to inform statements like these, but he still felt a need to be as discreet as possible.    
"Did something happen?" Zatte asked.    
"Hey, you've gotten really good at making pictures with the foam," Krillin said.   He pointed at the surface of his drink.   "It looks just like that guy from One Piece."
"Thanks," Zatte said.   "I'm still trying to get the hang of it, but luckily he's not too tough to draw.   He's good practice."    
"I oughta watch that show sometime," Krillin said.    "Everyone at the station keeps saying I sound like the guy, but I don't even know anything about it.    What's his name?   'Luffa' or something.    No, hold on, that was the girl who used to be your cook, wasn't it?"  
"Uh, yeah," Zatte said.    She was sorely tempted to use "maybe", but that seemed kind of pointless here.    Luffa was something of a legend at the Emerald Eye.    Even if Krillin hadn't remembered her name, he would still know her reputation, so there was no point pretending she didn't exist.    
"Whatever happened to her, anyway?" Krillin asked.    He took a sip of his latte and added: "Nothing against the new guy, but she made the best danishes.   And that egg salad!    Boy, I could go for some of that right about now."  
"Would you like me to get you--?" Zatte started to ask, but Krillin shook his head.    
"Nah, it just wouldn't be the same," he said.    "Something about the spices.   Paprika, I think.    Better to live with the memories."    
"Understood," Zatte said, though she really didn't understand at all.  
"Anyway, I'll be around for a little while, but if you see Roshi later, let me know, all right?   And... don't tell him I said anything."  
"Of course," Zatte said.   As Krillin turned and went to his usual seat, Zatte wondered what sort of trouble that man had gotten into this time.    It was always something with him.   She wanted to believe that this time would be different, but somehow he always managed to get away with his bad behavior.    
Later, as luck would have it, Roshi did stumble into the cafe.   "Well hell-oooooooo, nurse!" he crooned as he staggered to the counter.    The stench of alcohol on his breath was unmistakable.    Public drinking was legal in Japan, though Roshi seemed to consider this license to make an ass of himself whenever he pleased.  
"Can I help you?" Zatte said, struggling to maintain her composure.  
"Well, you see," Roshi said with a mischievous grin, "It's my nose.    It's awfully cold this time of year, and I was hoping I could... heh-heh-heh... warm it up."
Zatte looked toward Krillin's seat, ready and eager to call out to him.    But it was empty.    Had he already left?  
"Now I know this is a coffee shop and all, but I don't think hot beverages will do the trick here.    No, sir.   I was thinking more along the lines of..." He held up his hands to pantomime the act of shoving his face into a pair of large breasts.   Then he started smiling, like he had just suggested the most brilliant idea, ever.
Zatte wasn't sure that what she felt for this man qualified as hate, or pity, or revulsion.    She only knew that he was a pathetic old man, who seemed to think his crudeness was quaint, or charming in some way.   He was sorely mistaken, and she wanted him out of the store, permanently.    Did that mean she wanted him dead?    The thought of this worried Zatte, more for her own sake than for his.    
"Sir, if you want something, you'll need to place an order," she said through clenched teeth.   Below the countertop, her right hand clenched into a fist.
"Oh, well in that case," Roshi said, "I'd like to buy a pair of... heh-heh-heh... panties please!   Used ones, of course!"    
Zatte wanted him dead.   If that reflected negatively on her character, then so be it.    If Roshi had a heart attack and died right in front of her, she was sure she would feel relieved instead of sad.   It wasn't even the harassment so much as the fact that he used the same five or six lines every time he came into the store.   He wants to "puff-puff", he wants someone's panties, he wants to have coffee in the ladies' restroom, he wants to take showers with any woman in the store, and so on.   Roshi embodied the absolute worst qualities of customers.   He seemed to thrive on the power of going into shops and forcing cashiers and waitstaff to listen to his crude and pointless jabber, precisely because they had little choice but to put up with it.  
And then, just as Roshi was telling the one about putting his grimy hands on someone's buttocks, Krillin stepped out of the men's room.    "Oh, there you are," he said as he noticed Roshi at the counter.    
"Eh?   Krillin?    What are you doing here?" Roshi asked.    His jovial tone was suddenly gone.  He almost sounded sober.    Almost.
"We got another complaint about you," Krillin said with a sigh.   "That maid cafe you keep messing around with."
"Th-that was just a joke!" Roshi protested.    "Can't an old man have a bit of harmless fun anymore?"
"That girl you were picking on didn't think it was so harmless," Krillin grumbled.   "Look, I have to take you down to the station."
"What?   You can't do that!"   He tried to run out the door, but Krillin caught up to him before he could get there.  
"Just settle down," Krillin said.     "Don't make this any more difficult than it already is."
This only made Roshi even more difficult than he already was.    Eventually, Krillin managed to get the handcuffs on him, and he frog-marched Roshi out the door.   By the time they left, everyone in the shop was staring.     With Krillin and Roshi now gone, that left them no one to look at but Zatte.    
"Uh, sorry for the disturbance," she said awkwardly.    She wasn't sure how to feel about what had just happened, but she hoped that this meant Roshi wouldn't be back for a long time.   That should have made her feel more at ease, but somehow she felt more tense than before.
More than anything, Zatte just wanted some normal customers.    She was starting to miss Yamcha, but then Tien entered the store, and she felt a sense of relief.    Of all of her regulars, he was one of the easiest to deal with.    
"Hello," he said evenly.  
"How can I help you, sir?"  she asked pleasantly.    
He gestured to the smaller man who had followed him into the store.   Zatte had never seen a little person before, but she was pretty sure this man was small enough to qualify as one.    
"This is my brother, Chiaotzu," he explained.   "I've been showing him around while he's in town."  
"Pleased to make your acquaintance," she said with a slight bow.  
Chiaotzu did not move.    
"I get my coffee here after work," Tien said to him.    "Black, please.    No sugar."
"Of course," Zatte said.    "And for your brother?"
"Ice cream cafe au lait," Chiaotzu said after a pregnant pause.   He never blinked.   He just stared at Zatte as though gazing into her soul.    
"Certainly.   Your total is 1140 yen."
They paid and she brought the drinks to their table a few minutes later.    Zatte forgot about them after that, until she happened to look up while counting the money in the register.   Chiaotzu was still staring at her.   His expression was completely neutral.    
What made it even stranger was how normally Tien behaved by contrast.    He was facing away from Zatte, but he was moving his head and arms like anyone having a normal conversation.    If he even noticed Chiaotzu staring past him, he didn't seem to care.  
She tried to ignore him, but this proved more difficult than she imagined.    Every time she happened to glance in his direction, there he was, still staring, never moving.    The cup in front of him was already empty.    At some point he must have drank his au lait, but Zatte had no idea when that could have happened.    
What was it about his eyes?   Those bottomless, pitiless eyes?   Looking at them just made her realize how pale his complexion was, like one of those stories about a vampire secretly living among humans.   She was grateful for the next few customers who came in, as they gave her something else to think about, if only for a few minutes at a time.    
She turned away from the counter to tidy up her workspace, and when she looked around again, he was suddenly standing there, glaring at her through the display glass.  
"Orange cranberry muffins," Chiaotzu said.  
"Huh?" Zatte said, trying to hide how much he had startled her.  
He pressed his face up to the glass.   By this time of day, the display case was nearly empty, as the demand for baked goods was too low to justify making more.  "Do you still sell them?   Or did you just run out?"  Chiaotzu asked.    
"Um, we stopped selling them," Zatte said.    "We, uh, changed cooks a while ago.    So we changed the menu.   I'm sorry."
Chiaotzu never took his eyes off her, and after a long pause, he finally uttered: "Oh.   That's too bad."
"There you are," Tien said as he walked up to the counter.    "Come on, Chiaotzu, we need to get going."
Chiaotzu turned and followed him out the door, and Zatte was never so grateful to see the back of someone's head.    He was bald, so she half expected a second pair of eyes to be there waiting for her.   Instead, he turned back toward her, just as he stepped through the door.  
"Thanks for the coffee," he said, though his expression looked more like he should be accusing Zatte of desecrating his own empty grave.
When he was finally gone, she glanced down at the display case.    Luffa used to restock it herself, multiple times a day.    It was a welcome distraction from the rigors of the day, even though she only popped out of the kitchen for a minute or two.   She would have whispered something like "Get a load of that guy," to her, and they would have shared a quiet chuckle over it.  
But Luffa was gone, and the new cook was fine, even if he wasn't quite as good, or fast, or popular with the customers.    It made the workday slower, but Zatte was determined not to let that get in her way.    She considered herself a survivor, someone who could adapt and endure anything life threw at her.    All that mattered was getting through the day and closing up the shop, and then getting through tomorrow, and the day after, and so on.    She didn't need Luffa, or anyone else to do that.  
At least, that was what she told herself.  
Keda usually got home from school by 3:45 P.M.   Today, she returned an hour early.    Zatte wanted to know why, but there were too many customers for her to ask, and Keda walked straight through the swinging gate at the counter, and into the door that led to the upstairs apartment where they lived.  
Ten minutes later, she came back down, having swapped her school uniform for a blue "Emerald Eye" apron.   Under that, she wore one of her collection of T-shirts commemorating various professional wrestlers.   This one said "NIGHTMARE ANGELS" in English, with the words "KNEE THE ELITE" in smaller text.    Zatte was grateful that the apron kept the customers from seeing the entire shirt, and she hoped most of them didn't know enough English to be able to read it and wonder what it meant.    She was pretty sure Keda would try to explain it if someone asked, but no one did, and Zatte was grateful for this as well.    
"Need some help?" Keda asked.  
"Why are you out of school so early?" Zatte asked as she finished handing someone their change.    
"They let us out early," Keda said.   "It's the Emperor's Birthday."  
"Not anymore," Zatte said.   "The Emperor abdicated, remember?   The new Emperor's birthday won't be until February."
"Well, we convinced the school that it wasn't fair," Keda said with a shrug.   "I mean, December 23rd is a good place for a holiday, isn't it?    Right before Christmas.    The new Emperor can't help being born in February, but it's not right that we don't have an Emperor's Birthday holiday in 2019.   It just seems disrespectful, doesn't it?   So the student council talked it over with the faculty, and we agreed to let out two hours early as a compromise."
"Why can't you just say you cut classes like all the other kids?" Zatte grumbled.  
"Because that's not what happened," Keda said.   "Can I help it if the President of the Student Council likes my ideas?    Can I help it if the faculty is really open to suggestions?"  
She picked up a small cup and put less than fifty milliliters of hazelnut coffee in it from the dispenser behind the cash register.   Keda smelled it, but decided it was too hot to drink.    This was part of her after-school ritual.  
"I wish you'd stop doing that," Zatte said.    
"Everyone says it's an acquired taste," Keda said.    "I'm almost twelve, Zatte.   In a few years, boys are gonna want to take me to coffee shops.    I mean, not this one, that'd be kind of awkward.   Getting waited on by your own sister.    But a coffee shop, and I need to be ready to drink coffee by then."  
"Now if only I could get you to put that kind of dedication into your schoolwork," Zatte said.    
"Oh, I've got that under control," Keda said.    "You see my grades, right?   I've got a high school picked out and everything.    But none of that matters if a boy buys me a coffee and I start gagging at the first sip."
As she said this, Keda decided her drink was cool enough, and she carefully raised it to her lips.    She winced, but managed to swallow it, though the face she made indicated that it was an unpleasant achievement.    "Ugh.   Okay... okay... I'm getting there."
"Why would you want to go on a coffee date anyway?" Zatte asked.   "Just tell a boy that you work at a cafe and you'd rather see a movie instead."  
"That's the beauty of it!" Keda explained.   "If he takes me to a coffee shop, it's like I'm on my own turf.    It gives me the advantage.   I can say all sorts of things during the date, like how they get the caffeine out of decaf, or how the cappuccino machine works.    They'll think I'm super-sophisticated that way.   If I'm at a movie I'm totally out of my element.   You really need to read more  Sun Tzu, Zatte."  
"Sun Tzu?"   Zatte asked, bewildered.   "Are you trying to date a boy or kill him?"
"Never mind me," Keda said.    "I'll bet you're excited today."  
"About what?" Zatte asked.  
"About Luffa, dummy," Keda said.  
"Luffa who?" Zatte grumbled.   "You mean our ex-cook who walked out on us and barely ever stops by?"
"Oh, come on," Keda said.    "You know how busy she is, and she's on the road constantly."    
"And now that she just happens to be in the area, I'm supposed to be giddy about it?"    Zatte asked.    "It's not like she's coming to see me, Keda.   You're her biggest fan."  
"Come on, you miss her too," Keda said.   "She's your best friend."
"No, she's not," Zatte said.   "I mean, of course she's my friend, but not like... Don't you have homework to do?"
"Nope," Keda said.    
"Then shouldn't you be watching your show?"   Zatte asked.    
"It doesn't start until five," Keda said.  
"All right then, go bus some tables," Zatte said, and then tossed a washcloth at her.   Keda nodded with a shrug and then headed off to begin her assignment.
Exactly two hours and fifteen minutes later, Keda had vanished from the shop.    Zatte was never sure if she was doing a good job raising her little sister.   It often felt like Keda was raising herself, and acting out just enough to make Zatte feel like she was involved in the process.    The girl was extremely smart for her age, and she helped out with the cafe, so it seemed unfair to criticize her for being nosy or presumptuous.   It was hard to tell whether she was being too strict on Keda or not strict enough.  
No, Keda wasn't what had her on edge.    It was Luffa.  Zatte did miss her, but not in a way she particularly cared to admit to anyone else.   And with Luffa away from the cafe, essentially out of their lives, it seemed pointless to admit anything now.   Better to go on like it hadn't mattered.   Better to be strong and independent, and hope that everyone accepted the image of Zatte as an independent, responsible shopkeeper.   It wasn't always a satisfying life, but at least it was her own, and it couldn't be taken away by someone when they moved on to other things.  
As much as she appreciated the new cook, she had to suppress a certain resentment towards him.   It wasn't his fault that he didn't have the same level of culinary talent.    Or that he didn't have that same wild look in his eye.    Or that the apron didn't frame the small of his back the right way.   Or (let's face it) that he was a 'he.'   So Zatte was never sure if she was too hard on the guy, or if she was too easy on him because she was trying not to be too hard on him.   Now that she thought about it, she had the same trouble with Luffa back in the day, for completely opposite reasons.  
It was distracting and depressing, and she wasn't sure how she would feel about it, and she just wanted some work to do so she could think about something else.  
Gradually, more customers came into the store as offices started to close for the evening.   It always struck Zatte as odd that people would want coffee so late in the day, but she supposed that they were all trying to fight off the tiredness from the workday, even if it cost them a few hours of sleep later in the night.  
By 8:00 P.M., Zatte had convinced herself that she had nearly forgotten about whats-her-name, and she had settled into a steady routine of taking orders, making change, and handing out drinks.    Then a middle-aged couple threw off the entire rhythm.  The wife had been very concise with her order, but her husband was holding up the line while he tried to decide what he wanted.  
"Now, lemme see here," he said as he looked at the menu and thoughtfully rubbed his chin with his thumb.   "Oh, you've got pork fillet cutlets?   I'll take two of them, and.... the egg sandwich... and... hmmm.   Wow, you've got chili dogs?   That's awesome!   Three chili dogs, please!"
"Um... will there be anything else?"   Zatte asked, unsure if she really wanted to know.   His wife seemed to feel the same way.  
"Goku, you'll never be able to eat all of that," she groaned.  
"Sure I will!" he insisted.   "I had a light lunch today, so..."
The look on his wife's face suggested that this was not even remotely true.     Zatte decided it was better to just ring them up and get their money before she could talk him out of it.  
"It will take some time to prepare all of this, you understand," Zatte said to Goku.  
"Aw, don't worry about that," Goku said.    "Take as long as you need.   Me 'n' Chi-Chi will be so busy playing with the rabbits that we probably won't even notice!"
"Rabbits?" Zatte asked.    
"Where do ya keep those guys, anyway?" Goku asked.    He began looking around in every direction, which made all of the cowlicks in his hair that much harder to ignore.   "Oh, crap, we forgot to order lettuce so we'd have somethin' to feed 'em!"
Chi-Chi's face began to turn red, and Zatte finally began to understand what he was talking about.
"Sir," Zatte said, "This isn't a rabbit cafe."
"It's not?" Goku asked.   "Well, you've at least got a cat or something, right?"
"No, we just serve coffee and food."
"Goku, we talked about this on the way here..." Chi-Chi grumbled.
Goku crossed his arms and lowered his head, and it was hard to tell if he was pouting or contemplating his predicament.   "Darn.   Well, you still got chili dogs.   I guess that'll just have to do."
"I... apologize for the inconvenience," Zatte said.   She had never meant that sentence less than she did in this moment.  
Ten minutes later, Keda was downstairs in the shop again, sitting at one of the booths and scribbling notes while she read from a textbook.    When asked, she would insist that this wasn't homework that had been assigned, and she was simply working ahead in anticipation of future assignments.   Zatte was too exasperated with this explanation to dispute it.   By now, business had slowed down considerably, with only a few stragglers coming in for quick to-go orders.    At one of the tables, Goku was still finishing the feast he had ordered while his wife played a game on her phone and tried not to look too embarrassed.  Finally, the couple got up to leave, and as they did, the doors swung open, and someone else entered the shop.
"Luffa!" Keda shouted.    She practically jumped out of the booth and ran up to meet her.  
"Hey, kid!" Luffa replied.   She had been holding a gym bag, but dropped it so she could return Keda's embrace.    
Zatte had been unloading the dishwasher when Luffa entered, and she looked over to see her.   Luffa was wearing a pair of zubaz--baggy gym pants with a zebra-striped pattern--and a satin jacket with a steakhouse logo printed on the front.    There was a smear of green around her lips, and even her teeth had a green stain on them.    Once, Luffa had worn her hair long, but now it was cut very short and seemed to stand on end.    And she had colored it an unnatural shade of yellow, far more vivid than blonde.  
"You beat Ribrianne!"  Keda said excitedly.    "That puts your score up to 10 points!"
"Hey, don't sound so surprised," Luffa said.  
"I thought she had you near the end," Keda said.   "You looked like you were nearly out of it, and then you reversed that suplex into a head-scissors... how did you do that?"
Luffa puffed out her chest and jabbed her sternum with her thumb.    "What do you mean how?    I'm the Golden Ace, aren't I?"
"Well yeah," Keda said, "but you lost to Hop last week."
Luffa grimaced like she had accidentally swallowed a bug.   "She cheated.    That doesn't count."
"Well, the tournament rules say it does count, but now that you've got ten points, you've got a strong chance of winning.   There's still some tiebreaker scenarios to consider, but personally I like your chances."
"Ugh," Luffa said.   "I'm glad you can make sense of the scores.   You know, these round-robin tournaments are great, right until you have to figure out whether you're winning or losing.   Is Kale still in the running, or did she get eliminated?"
Keda pointed to a group of armchairs at one corner of the cafe.    "Come on," she said, "I'll walk you through the scenarios."  
Luffa followed her, waving to Zatte as she passed by.   As she did this, she nearly bumped into Goku as he and his wife were on their way to the door.   They exchanged a look, and for a split second, Zatte was worried that it might become awkward.   Luffa almost looked like she was sizing him up for a fight.    She couldn't read Goku at all, but she assumed he was mostly intrigued by her loud costume.    
For some reason, the sound system in the store was playing a metal cover of "Carol of the Bells".    Zatte didn't know how that had gotten added to the holiday playlist.  
"Cool hair!" Goku finally said.  
"Hey, thanks," Luffa said.    
And then they went their separate ways.    
The music system abruptly switched to "Here Comes Santa Claus," perhaps the most tension-free Christmas song of all.
"Now then," Luffa said to Keda as she collapsed into one of the armchairs.    "Let's get down to business."
Keda was tapping a notepad with a pen, looking more like Luffa's accountant than a young fan.    "Right, well, obviously, if you can win all of your next matches, you'll be a shoo-in to win the tournament.   But even if you lose two more, there's still a chance of squeaking by.    The only thing I'm worried about is you tying with Hop."
"She cheated," Luffa grumbled.    
"It doesn't matter," Keda said.  "If you both tie on points, she wins the tiebreaker, since she has a win over you.   But if Ribrianne beats her, that'll set up a possible four-way tie with Videl.   Then you'd win, because you'd have the best record among the four of you."
"Sounds like I should just win the rest of my matches," Luffa said after digesting what Keda had said.  
"Just promise me you'll stay in the ring when you face Sorrel," Keda pleaded.   "She always tricks her opponents into getting counted out, and I know how much you like to fight in the crowd."
"What I like," Luffa said with a sadistic grin, "is having the referee out of my way.    If Sorrel thinks a twenty-count will save her from me, then she's already lost."
"But if you get counted out, you could lose the tournament!" Keda protested.    "Then you won't get a shot at the All-Pacific Championship!"
"Hah!   If someone like Sorrel can beat me," Luffa said, "then I don't deserve the title.    It's that simple.   Besides, she's not the only one with a trick up her sleeve."   She pointed at her mouth, which had smears of green dye around it.    
"When are you gonna teach me how to do the poison mist?" Keda asked.  
"I keep telling you, kid," Luffa said, "it's a sacred technique.    I can't just teach it to anybody."
Zatte approached them and cleared her throat to get their attention.    "Sorry to interrupt this strategy conference, but I thought the 'Golden Ace' might be hungry."     She held up a chicken salad sandwich and a to-go cup of coffee, which Luffa accepted with relish.  
"You're a lifesaver," Luffa said with a smile.  "I haven't eaten since before the show started."
"You'd think SPARKING! could afford catering for their events," Zatte said.    
"They do," Luffa said as she unwrapped the sandwich.   "I just don't like to eat so close to bell time.     Makes me nervous.   Too many stories out there about guys pooping their pants during matches."  
"Ewwww!" Keda said.  "Really?"  
"I've never run into it myself," Luffa said, "but you hear about it.    I almost threw up during a match, so I believe it."
"Was it because you swallowed posion mist?" Keda asked.  
"Huh?  Oh, no way," Luffa said with her mouth full.    "I... well, I built up an immunity to that a long time ago."
Keda began scratching her chin thoughtfully.   "Immunity... so that's it."
"What do I owe you?" Luffa asked Zatte.    
"It's on the house," Zatte replied.    
"Oh, come on," Luffa said, "I'm making halfway decent money these days."  
Zatte pointed at Luffa's yellow-and-black striped pants.     "Then why are you dressed like you're doing your laundry?"  
"Hey, these are high fashion in my line of work," Luffa said with a smile.    She propped her black boots on the ottoman in front of the armchair.    There was an image of a playing card printed on the sides of each boot.     "Check it out," she said.    "They liked my match in Osaka so much that they paid me a little extra, and I used it to get these babies.    I can afford to live it up at the Emerald Eye Cafe."
"Don't worry about it.   Half my regulars keep asking if you'll ever come back to the kitchen," Zatte said.    "You did such a good job while you were here that I'm still making money off of it now."    
"How's the new guy working out?" Luffa asked, glancing toward the general direction of the kitchen.
"He's fine," Zatte said.   "He's not as good as you, but who could be?"
"You know, that's what I think about you," Luffa said as she took a swig of her coffee.    "I mean, there's a cafe near the dojo.   It's just not the same."
There was a long silence, and then Keda nudged Luffa in the arm.    "Hey, do you really think you can beat Kale next Saturday?" she asked.    
"Are you saying I can't?"   Luffa asked in a haughty tone.    
"I'm just saying you can't take her lightly," Keda said.    "That running knee she does is nothing to sneeze at."  
"Running knee," Luffa scoffed.   "Let me tell you what I'll do about that running knee..."
"I need to get back to the register," Zatte said, though she doubted anyone was listening.    
Closing time at the Emerald Eye wasn't for another hour, but the kitchen shut down at nine.   The cook was saying his goodbyes to Zatte before leaving, when he happened to notice Luffa and Keda chatting.    
"Is she some kind of celebrity?" he asked.  
"Huh?  No, that's Luffa," Zatte said.    
"Oh.  What's with the hair?" he asked.    "She looks like a pop idol."
"She's a professional wrestler," Zatte explained.   "She quit working here to go work for the SPARKING! promotion.   They did a show tonight in Okazaki, so she came by to visit."
"Huh.   I thought she became a famous chef or something like that."
"No, as good a cook as she is, she only worked her to make ends meet until she could break into the business," Zatte said.   "And she's done pretty well.   I read on the internet that they're planning to make her the next All-Pacific Champion."
"I thought you have to win the championship in a match," he said.  
Zatte turned and gave him a dirty look.   "It's fake," she said.   "They decide who wins and loses ahead of time."
"Oh!   Right," he said.   "I guess it's like getting a promotion at an office job, then.   You must be happy for her."
"I don't know that it matters," Zatte said.    "This is the first time she's come back since she left.    If Keda wasn't such a big fan of this stuff, she probably wouldn't even bother.   She's moved on.   I heard she's dating some referee there.    She's got a whole new life on the road now."
"Well, I'd go over and pay my respects, but my parents are pretty upset that I haven't called home in a while, so..."  
Zatte nodded and waved.  "Yeah, sure.   See you tomorrow, Trunks."
Less than five seconds after he had walked out the door, a man walked in and asked for Christmas cake.    Zatte stifled a groan and explained that the kitchen was closed for the night.    This was spelled out on the cafe's front door, but no one ever really read that as they walked in.    
At 10 P.M. Zatte switched the sign in the window to "CLOSED", and began turning off several of the lights in the store, until only the section above the armchairs was illuminated.    The Christmas lights on the trees outside were easier to see this way, and they lent a pinkish, purplish tint to the inside of the cafe.    Finally, Zatte walked over to Luffa's chair and took a bottle of soda out of her apron.    She slung the apron over the chair opposite Luffa's, then collapsed into it with a heavy sigh.    
"Long day?" Luffa asked.   It wasn't until she saw her up close that Zatte noticed how tired Luffa looked.   Keda had gone to bed a half-hour earlier, leaving Luffa by herself.   She looked like she wanted to fall asleep in the chair, but was too excited from the day's events.
"I've had worse," Zatte said, "but that was back when I had you on the staff."    
"Well, I'm off for a few days," Luffa said.    "I could give you guys a hand."
"Tempting," Zatte said.   "Keda would be thrilled, but I couldn't impose on you like that.     You've probably got plans for Christmas Eve."
"Not really," Luffa said.   "That's why I came here.    I've been touring for so long that I'm not really sure what to do with this much free time."
There was a hiss as Zatte opened the bottle on her soda, and she raised an eyebrow at Luffa's words.    "I thought you and that referee..."
Luffa looked confused for a moment, then she threw back her head and laughed.    "No, no, no," she finally said.    "That was an angle.   Part of a storyline to make people think I had an unfair advantage.    It was kind of dumb, but sometimes you gotta do what the office wants to show 'em you're a team player."
"Oh," Zatte said, somewhat embarrassed.   "Well, it looked so convincing..."
"Well that's the idea," Luffa said.   "Wait, have you been watching my matches?   I thought you didn't go for that stuff."
"Well, Keda watches them all the time anyway," Zatte explained.    "And she's got that subscription to the on-demand service on the internet.    It's about the only time we get to see you anymore, you know?   Even if it's while you're spitting green stuff all over people."
"Keda asked me to teach her how to do the poison mist," Luffa said.   "I told her I couldn't, because the recipe for the poison is too dangerous.  Merry Christmas."
"Thanks," Zatte said.   She glanced around at the walls, imagining what they would look like with green food coloring on every surface.  "When are you gonna tell her the truth about all that stuff, anyway?"
"What, that it's fake?" Luffa asked with a smile.   "I dunno, she's still pretty young.   I'll tell her next year."
"That's what you said last year," Zatte said.   "I'd do it myself, but she wouldn't believe me.    She's a smart kid, you know.   Sooner or later, she'll figure it out on her own, and that might be kind of awkward for you."
Luffa settled back in her chair and looked down at the empty cup in her hands.    "I don't know, it's cool to have someone I know who believes it's all real," she said.   "I'll have to give that up eventually, but it's tough to let go.    You saw how excited she was when I came in."
"Yeah..." Zatte said.   She took a swig from her soda and propped her feet up on the ottoman that lay between their chairs, so that their ankles alternated in an orderly row across the cushion.
"So are you really winning the title?"  Zatte asked after a long pause.   In spite of Luffa's exhaustion, her eyes lit up at the question.
"Keep it under your hat," Luffa said, lowering her voice as though worried someone might overhear, "but maybe.    That show's six weeks out, and a lot could change before then.    If someone gets injured or something, they might have to call an audible and change the card around.    But they definitely want to put the title on me at some point."   She held up both hands and crossed her fingers for emphasis.
"That's great," Zatte said.   "I mean, it is, right?   If the matches are predetermined, does the championship even matter?"
"Oh, it's a big honor," Luffa said, visibly excited at the chance to explain it.  "I mean, it's a secondary belt, and SPARKING! isn't that big a promotion, but still.   It's kind of like an actor winning an award.    The people in charge are saying they think I'm good enough to deserve that spot on the show.    I mean, two years ago I was still helping the crew put the ring together.    I still can't believe it."
"I can," Zatte said.   "You always put everything you have into whatever you do.   I always saw it when you worked here, so it doesn't shock me that other people can see it in you now."
"I've missed this place,"  Luffa said wistfully.    "That's the only trouble with being on tour so much.    I don't get to cook as often.     I saw a place selling Christmas cakes on the way here and you've probably been selling them all month without me..."
"Well, if you really want to," Zatte said, "you could give us a hand in the kitchen tomorrow.   I mean, if you really didn't have any other plans for Christmas Eve..."
"Nope, I got nothing," Luffa said.    "What about you?   Keda and I could keep an eye on the place so you can leave early."  
"We're closing early anyway," Zatte said.   "Business usually drops off pretty sharply on Christmas Eve night, so we might as well.   Besides, I can't have you waiting tables with that crazy hair.    You'd scare the customers."
"Huh?   Oh, right," Luffa said.   "You know, I've been wearing it like this for so long I'd gotten used to it.    You don't like my look?"
"It's just... very bright," Zatte said.    "It's not so bad up close, when I can see your face better, but it almost doesn't look like real hair.    It looks rough, like hay."
"It's really not," Luffa said.   She tugged on some of it to demonstrate.   "I don't even put much stuff in it to make it stick up like it does.     Here, feel this."  
Zatte shrugged and moved to the seat beside Luffa's, where she reached for the same part of her hair that Luffa was holding.   Their fingers brushed against each other, and neither of them seemed entirely sure how to react to the sensation.  
"Huh..." Zatte said as she gently touched Luffa's head.    "That's not at all what I expected."  
"Yeah," Luffa said, somewhat awkwardly.   "It's not so different from that red streak you've got in your hair, I bet."
She reached out for the side of Zatte's bob, and rubbed a strand of it between her fingers.   "Why are you blushing?" Luffa asked.    
"Oh... uh, I probably stood up too quickly," Zatte said.    
They heard someone outside walking past the storefront, and suddenly became very self-conscious of holding onto each other's hair, so they quickly let go, and looked away from each other.    
"So uh..." Luffa said.    "If you're not doing anything tomorrow night..."
"I mean, I've got a reservation at Kentucky Fried Chicken, but that's it, really," Zatte said.    "Keda talked me into it.    Said I ought to do something, even if I was alone.   But if you wanted to come along..."
"Sure," Luffa said.    "I haven't had KFC in ages.    And you know, it'd give me a chance to see the lights around town."    
"They've got a new thing at the mall," Zatte said.    "Well, not new new.   It was there last year, but you wouldn't have seen it then."
"That sounds fine," Luffa said.   "Yeah."
Behind the front counter, Keda observed her sister and Luffa through the glass of the display case.    It wasn't an ideal vantage, and she could barely hear what they were saying, but it was enough for her to get the gist of things, and so far things looked promising.  
There were still a lot of things that could go wrong.   Long distance relationships were always a challenge, and the professional wrestling business wasn't exactly known for fidelity, but these were factors Keda couldn't control,  and at some point it would be up to the two of them to make things work as best they could.    It was enough that Keda had gotten them to this point-- studying Luffa's tour schedule, playing the eager fan, and providing Luffa a useful excuse to visit right before a romantic holiday.    Really, the only thing she had been worried about was that the two women would have seen through Keda's "wrestling-is-real" act, but they were grown-ups, and they didn't know an eleven-year-old from an seven-year-old, not when you really got down to it.
Keda noticed Zatte reaching for Luffa's hair a second time, and decided that was her cue to withdraw.   She was playing matchmaker, not spying on them, after all.     Besides, Keda would have to rest up for tomorrow so she could help out in the store tomorrow, in order to make sure neither of them were too tired for their date.    
Quietly, Keda made her way back to the door that led to their second-story apartment.     As she  ascended the stair, she imagined how great things would be next Christmas, with a SPARKING! All-Pacific Champion in the family.    Maybe then, finally, Luffa would teach her how to spit Poison Mist.
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hellyeahrpmemes · 5 years
starters from jenna’s 10 most recent videos! feel free to change names/pronouns/zodiac signs/etc.! more jenna sentences
“Alright, so here’s the deal.”
“He has a small, tiny mouth.”
“This has been a very intensive recovery process.”
“It’s just been a lot.”
“He needs hugs and cuddles.”
“I don’t know what else to say.”
“I feel particularly guilty about this.”
“Life happened, you know?”
“A dog with no teeth is absolutely hilarious.”
“It just felt like the right thing to do today.”
“Is that too loud?”
“My dogs smell like butt.”
“You are the nastiest of them all.”
“Do you feel relaxed?”
“Yesterday, I racked a 20 pound dumbbell onto my own finger and it basically blew up.”
“I thought I had actually severed my finger.”
“Tough shit, you’re still part of the team.”
“It hurts really bad.”
“Why are you laughing?”
“Do you like this music? It’s royalty free. But it did cost $25.”
“Are you hiding from the problem?”
“Is it $25 worth of nice?”
“I’m actually really glad I’m wearing a rubber glove for some of this.”
“Don’t disturb him, he’s sleeping.”
“You screaming is not part of the royalty free spa music.”
“Do you know where you are?”
“I aspire to live my life the same way.”
“That was some nice, wholesome, selfish fun.”
“I wanna be tall…”
“What are you doing?”
“I wanna be taller than I am.”
“Stop - stop doing that.”
“Turn that off.”
“I’m gonna grow, like, seven inches this year.”
“My plan is to just sleep a lot.”
“They said I could do anything, so I’m gonna grow seven inches taller.”
“I can do anything I want.”
“Can I get a hell yeah?”
“What’s the matter, you don’t like Fur Elise?”
“There’s a lot of room for opportunity to improve in my life.”
“It’s physically impossible, but go off…”
“They said flying was impossible, and here come the Wright Brothers…”
“There’s a robot on Mars right now and you’re telling me I can’t grow seven inches?”
“Not that I leave this house, but, like, if I did, I’d want it to be like, wha-bam!”
“The doctor said I was gonna be 5’7” when I was a baby, and then something fuckin’ happened and now I’m 5’5”.”
“I worked out for the first time just the other day.”
“There’s no shortage of adult stores.”
“I’m gonna need you to do a lot of it for me.”
“Here we are, at the place where my dreams are gonna come true.”
“This is a bad idea.”
“You look very surprised.”
“Is this some form of torture that the universe gave me that I can’t think about things that matter, I can only think about things like this.”
“No no no no no, you put that sentence back in your mouth.”
“You either feel me or you don’t, and if you don’t, get out.”
“Part of being tall is constantly being on the phone.”
“You know what the cruel joke of the universe is? I’m 5’5” and my brother is 6’5”. Tell me how that makes any fucking sense!”
“Tell me how that makes any fucking sense!”
“Keeping things down here is biased against tall people.”
“Being tall equals power, everyone knows that!”
“There’s some sort of energy power here that I didn’t sign up for.”
“I’m a very athletic, intimidating tall person.”
“How dare you expose me! I thought you were on my team…!”
“I already decided oil paint’s not for me.”
“The only tool that you use is a knife.”
“We can’t really see what you’re doing.”
“I feel like I can do it.”
“I have art fear.”
“It looks easier than it probably is.”
“It’s kinda difficult to get the hang of this.”
“It is definitely much more difficult than it appears.”
“This feels really fun and good.”
“Uh-oh, I think I ruined it.”
“I take back all of my confidence.”
“My too much gene kicked in.”
“Isn’t this part of art, though? Figuring out when to stop?”
“I was gonna say I don’t hate it, but, you know what? I fuckin’ hate it.”
“I feel like I need to trust myself and not do this thing where I try to make it better.”
“I at least salvaged this into something that I don’t completely, viscerally hate.”
“I’m already feeling a little defeated, but I’m not gonna let it stop me.”
“I can do better than this, I know I can.”
“Why is it so relaxing to watch someone else make art?”
“It’s almost like I would do this to relax.”
“I’m jealous that yours is working out.”
“Watching you have success gives me confidence that I can be successful.”
“I’m not sure it’s because I have more confidence, but I’m pretending that I have more confidence.”
“I can do it, and I can stop.”
“My confidence is building, and building, and building.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“This one is called… Stop It.”
“Speaking of stop it, I should probably do that.”
“I feel so in control now.”
“I’m not used to this feeling.”
“I think you need to stop it.”
“Goodbye, I’m very tall, I have to leave.”
“To our credit, we actually did attempt this.”
“If anyone critiques my tacking-slash-sewing skills, I will cry.”
“I don’t think that my ego can handle that so if you would just please back off, I’d appreciate that.”
“We were up for a treat tonight, weren’t we?”
“Can we just drink our coffee real quick?”
“That’s what I use to wash myself when I shower.”
“You sat on my foot.”
“There’s two ways to go through life. One: you could just sit back and enjoy the ride, or two: you could just scream the entire time the whole thing is happening to you. Both are gonna end up the same.”
“Sometimes I feel like screaming my way through life.”
“Sometimes I feel like y’all just want me to do something to watch me fail.”
“I’m not gonna fail.”
“That’s not gonna happen. Not on my watch.”
“When you live in a sunless void like Rochester, New York, no one would really make fun of your freckles, because it means you actually saw the sun for a little.”
“I did work at a tanning salon for quite a number of years.”
“Don’t tan your skin.”
“I’m down for whatever.”
“I really know what I’m doing, basically.”
“I’m really not very artistic, even though I try.”
“I’m just gonna sit here and space out for a while.”
“I’m making such a mess.”
“We’re really just gonna go for this one.”
“I might just fuck around and get some sun damage.”
“This is a lot of work.”
“I know when I’m being trolled. Except for that one time when I did a face mask that was just mostly turmeric and my face was very orange. I got got that time.”
“That’s overkill. There’s no way you need to do that.”
“Welcome back to this isn’t fucking working.”
“Even though I live in a place where there is sunshine, it doesn’t mean I’m gonna go in it.”
“When is it time to stop?”
“I wanna look like one of those cute outside people that goes outside.”
“What the fuck is the point anymore…?”
“It only took literally all day and night.”
“This is so impractical, I’m sorry.”
“I love it, but this is stupid.”
“I just wanna see if I’m capable and able.”
“What if you could hear out of your eyebrows?”
“Well, that took altogether way too long.”
“Worst-case scenario, you ruin it.”
“Don’t, don’t, don’t, whatever you’re doing, don’t.”
“I only fucked up, like, seven times.”
“This is the no-complaints zone.”
“That looks kinda good, though, right?”
“Why did you stop breathing?”
“If anyone makes fun of this, I’m gonna cry.”
“I feel like I’m just ready to disobey my parents.”
“Look at what I’m looking at right now.”
“I don’t know what to do…!”
“It took so fucking long.”
“What the fuck? Julien, what the fuck.”
“I wanted to give in to peer pressure.”
“I’m gonna need to take the longest shower of my life.”
“You did great, you can’t sell yourself short.”
“You’re just, like, chaotic energy.”
“He’s such a good sport.”
“So talented. She is so fucking talented.”
“Now you’ve been warned, too.”
“I like this. This song’s a bop.”
“It makes me laugh.”
“You are so much all the time.”
“So many people are enjoying them.”
“You do your thing.”
“This is fucking talent.”
“You’re all really funny and talented.”
“It’s genuinely fun and enjoyable.”
“It’s a happy, happy good time.”
“I will see you guys next week for me doing something stupid, probably.”
“Did you? Did you do that to me?”
“To be honest? It’s kind of boring.”
“I guess we’re just gonna try.”
“We got a plant on the way here, because I have a problem.”
“This is racking up very quickly.”
“You’re not gonna be able to fit that in your mouth.”
“It can’t cost much, it’s a sticker.”
“You don’t even know what you just did.”
“Damn, is that what you’re into?”
“Touch something else.”
“Yeah, feels a little wasteful.”
“What the hell was that?”
“Why would you do that?”
“You really just went for it, didn’t you?”
“Thank you for contributing.”
“Well, what do you think?”
“I love my new necklace.”
“He hasn’t moved.”
“I didn’t know that was a thing.”
“It’s too bad I don’t know what in the world that is.”
“Honestly, what is going on?”
“I want 700 Fruit Roll-Ups and Coco Puffs.”
“Don’t make me look bad.”
“They just… wanted it.”
“They just want the biggest thing they can find.”
“It’s just really cute.”
“Are you pleased with yourself?”
“I just got got.”
“That was that. I hope you enjoyed yourself.”
“I’m being attacked. I’m being attacked. I’m being attacked. I’m being attacked.”
“What are you watching?”
“We’re this for the long haul.”
“You know I will make it.”
“This craft assumes you have four identical pairs of jeans.”
“You can’t just staple everything together. It doesn’t work.”
“I know for a fact that this is not really going to work.”
“Who is this chair for?”
“I’m the only person I can think of who this chair’s for.”
“I just want to talk.”
“I feel like we would get along.”
“As horrid and terrible and awful as it is, it kind of fucking rules.”
“I know we shouldn’t make it, but I’m gonna make it.”
“This is the best I could do.”
“This much money, you could buy a chair.”
“Literally no one I’ve ever known has four pairs of jeans period, let alone ones that they don’t want.”
“I have two pairs of jeans and resent both of them for being uncomfortable.”
“How are you allowed to just post make believe things on the internet?”
“That’s not gonna work, it’s gonna fall apart.”
“I’m getting hot and angry.”
“Don’t touch it, it’s very delicate.”
“They probably started off with something simple and just turned into absolute madness.”
“Yeah, I’ve got 30 pounds of Poly-Fil, said no one but Jo-Ann Fabrics.”
“Did you check the pockets? You’ve always gotta check the pockets.”
“Alright, well, maybe we’re onto something.”
“It’s coming apart already…”
“Here’s our semi completed circle of hell.”
“$140, this cost to make.”
“It’s so sharp I’m gonna cut myself.”
“It’s ugly, it’s stupid, it’s infuriating, it makes me so angry. That’s why it belongs in my house.”
“It’s not a chair. It’s a bunch of jeans stapled together.”
“This is really getting up there with one of the more frustrating things I think I’ve ever done.”
“Everything keeps falling apart.”
“This is a fraud, this is a lie.”
“Mathematically, it makes no sense.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been more angry.”
“I hate it. It doesn’t even work.”
“If we breathe on it right now, it’s gonna fall apart.”
“It’s the worst thing in the whole world and it cost $140.”
“I’ve never seen you in a physically relaxed position less relaxed than you are right now.”
“You know why I’m so mad? ‘Cause this is fucking comfortable.”
“It’s honestly kind of sick.”
“Why did they have to staple it?”
“Don’t you sabotage me like this.”
“Where will I sit now?”
“You can’t handle this butt.”
“You are doing that on purpose…!”
“I have a great idea.”
“I didn’t appreciate it as a chair, but I appreciate it as art.”
“We had a pretty good time here today.”
“You can’t just staple denim.”
“It was $140. It wasn’t worth it.”
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Cooped Up
Shane x OC
After failing to start her dream in the city, the fashion designer turned farmer tries to cope with her new life in the last-ditch effort to make a happy home for herself. She has so many concerns for her new life. How much of her identity is stuck in the city? Will she even make a difference?
Even if she doesn’t think so, it’s undeniable that she will make a difference for a certain depressed coop keeper.
Chapter 3: Marnie’s Nephew
Chapter 3 on Ao3
A week passed since Jen had first met Haley and they had met up almost every day since. This was the first day that she had not managed to make an outing because this was a more special day on her farm.
She had so much fun with Haley and was reminded of a friend she had in college. The blonde photographer in practice was extremely supportive and told her what she knew about other townsfolks and Jen herself wondered how far it fell into gossip but most of what Haley had shared was truthful so far. Jen really enjoyed having lunch and tea with her and it was a welcome friendship. Not only was Haley an interesting and fun friend so far, but they also shared a common interest.
Makeup and fashion.
Haley had introduced her to her sister, Emily, who oftentimes was a worker in the Saloon. She also got to meet Alex, who seemed nice enough but there was one thing that irked Jennifer about him. His nickname for her, Farmer Girl . She hated it.
In the moments she could barely afford to spare outside of tending to her farm and trying to get her parsnips to flourish, she would go visit Haley, who always welcomed her in to chat. It was that or she would opt for some alone time to sit at the pier south of her farm. One thing she enjoyed without a doubt was the sounds of the forest, the birds and trees. She loved the lapping of the water at the water’s edge and against the pier. It was soothing and relaxing and welcome when she was beyond exhausted.
It was then when she was alone that she could think about her progress and wonder if she was doing everything right. She could reflect on her day and wonder if she could keep it up, if she would get better, or if it was all doomed.
Even if she had tea with Haley once in a while, she still missed her city cafe latte.
Today was the big milestone on her farm, and despite having poured her savings into it, a coop was sure to help her farm grow and make a profit. She was excited and relieved, yet there was still that fear she had yet to get over. She had tried to get over it by watching “cute chicken videos” but for every cute video, there was another one of a rooster chasing a kid or a hen flogging someone who dared to enter the coop.
Still, her pride and determination to eventually be able to sell fresh eggs were enough for her not to hesitate. She was gonna have eggs even if she had to run, screaming out of her coop every single day. With another satisfied look at her new coop and a small stock of feed while her silo was being constructed, she walked around her freshly watered crops and made her way to the ranch.
In no time, she had made it to the door of the ranch, the moos of the dairy cows welcomed her. She took the time to dust herself properly, looking dreadful and dirty but that was the price to pay for her hard work. She was taking showers nearly every day because she refused to walk into town looking so dreadful. She had her appearance to uphold and she stuck to it. The exception was of course that Marnie didn’t seem like she cared a bit and Jennifer knew she already trusted herself enough to look humble.
Having dusted herself enough, she stepped into the ranch door and Marnie called from a back room. Jen waited and perked up when she saw the woman appear from around a corner near the back of the house.
“Oh miss Jennifer, I know why you’re here today! Robin already told me, but I’m having a small issue.” She called out, looking back into the room she came from before making her way to the front.
“An issue? I could come back later if I need to?” Jennifer offered but Marnie shook her head in response.
“No need. It’s just that my niece is sick with a virus. Poor Jas has been in and out of the bathroom all morning, bless her heart. I can’t come to help you, but my nephew can. It’s actually his day off and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” She gave and immediately set on her way. “He’s in our coop right now, I’ll go get him. Stay here.” She ordered and Jennifer stood in the lobby, if it could be called that being the foyer of a house.
She wondered what Marnie’s nephew was like. She knew that Marnie had told her his name but Jen couldn’t remember what it was. She wondered if he would be a good friend to her. She wished that was the case, as this ranch was essentially her neighbor. She came up with a quick mental image of what Marnie’s nephew was like. Kind like Marnie? Humble like Marnie? Surely he’d have red hair like Marnie?
In no time, Marnie returned, talking over her shoulder to her nephew, who followed her out the door and into the kitchen. It took her a moment to recognize him, but her sinking feeling set in as soon as she did.
That’s right… Marnie’s nephew’s name was Shane.
Jen closed her eyes and took a deep breath to prepare herself. Just be professional. He doesn’t want to talk to you any more than you want to be snapped at by him , she told herself. It was hard to not feel a little uneasy with the cold, apathetic stare he was giving her as he made his way to the lobby and leaned against the wall, looking as if he’d rather jump off a bridge than help her. He looked only slightly more put together today, but his clothing choice lacked taste. Khaki shorts and a baggy black shirt didn’t exactly speak fashionable, but the lack of a proper shave was the worst of it. She supposed she was being the slightest bit hypocritical, adorning a dirty set of overalls herself, but at least she had a reason. The redhead made her way to the front desk and opened up an invoice book.
“Okay, Miss Jennifer. How many chicks do you need?” She asked and clicked her pen. Jen had her mind made before she came, the most obvious choice for her to make.
“Twelve. A dozen chickens, a dozen eggs, right?” she half-joked but her humor wasn’t as helpful to her when she heard a barely audible groan from the dark-haired man. She was tempted to look at him but she kept her eyes on Marnie, ignoring him. Marnie gave her a smile and she nodded and hummed as she wrote it down.
“Twelve chicks it is. Shane, if you would…” She began but what she was asking was implied. Without a word, he pulled himself from the wall and disappeared into the house. Marnie sighed and gave her the amount owed. After she had paid and they waited on the grump to return, Marnie spoke up hesitantly.
“Miss Jennifer, I hope you don’t mind if my nephew is a little reluctant to talk. I would say he’s shy, but the truth is that he’s a little rough around the edges but I think he’d help you with anything if you ask.” she said and Jennifer nodded in acknowledgment. She didn’t know what to say and saying nothing was the best option for being genuine. Marnie changed the subject.
“How is your farm? Pierre has been saying that the exports are very solid for your first season. You’re doing well but what do you think?” She asked and Jennifer wondered for a moment if she should express her concerns for her farm. The decision was made quickly.
“Oh it’s wonderful. I feel like I’ve got the hang of it already. By this time next year, I’m sure I’ll have made it worthwhile. I couldn’t be more pleased.” She said, her optimistic words smeared her truth a bit but it was worth it to appear composed. She didn’t need to complain or show that she was struggling.
“Oh good! I’m so glad you think so! A farm is a lot of work but you’re handling it well.” she complimented. Any further conversation topic was stopped as a door creaked open and the brooding man stepped out with a box that peeped and squeaked. Jen was curious as to what the chicks looked like but she would find out later. She didn’t want to peer into the box now.
“Shane, if you would, could you give her a little rundown of how to take care of them when you get there. I’m sure it would help her a lot.” Marnie asked and the man rolled his eyes.
“No need. I think I’ve got it. I just need to have them brought over.” Jennifer stated, hoping that the less time spent with him meant the less likely chance of him being mean to her. Marnie still gave Shane a look as if to say that he should do it anyway but he didn’t seem to pay attention. Instead, he looked from the box to the door.
“Good idea, let’s get this over with.” he muttered, that same sharpness present in his voice. Jen gave Marnie a wary look before taking the hint. She rubbed her temples and set off towards the back of the house to where her niece was.
There goes the hope of her neighbor being her friend.
He couldn’t understand what was so difficult about carrying your own chicks home. The box wasn’t huge and the new girl was more than capable of doing it herself. No, it was his aunt’s idea of decent customer service, as if he didn’t have enough of that already.
His plan was to put the chickens in the coop for the city girl and get the hell out of there. He didn’t want to hang around and chit chat like old people. He was not in the mood at all today and on his day off he just wanted to stay home and be miserable, maybe check in on Jas too. He was silent as he followed the new farmer, grateful she hadn’t tried to strike up any conversation yet. Her braided dusty blonde hair hung and swayed behind her as she led the way, not that he needed directions. Everyone knew where everything was in this small town.
After a short walk, they came upon her farm and he was hasty to set the box of chicks in front of the coop door for Jennifer to deal with, his opposition to help her more than necessary out shadowed his concerns for the chicks. He doubted she knew how to take care of them and he didn’t want to see her at the ranch every time she had a question or issue. Still, without a word he turned to leave, his duty done before she called out to him.
“Hey, um....” She began and gave a suggestion more than asking a question “Could you open it for me? In the coop, preferably.” She asked, her brown eyes looking at him hopefully.
He stared at her for a moment. She can’t even open the box herself? She’ll fail here in no time. Without a word, he stepped into the coop and pulled the box in. He looked up at her to see that she was standing outside the coop, peering in from around the door frame. Whatever, it was none of his concern. He kneeled down onto the hay covered flooring, the cushion was at least done right but he wasn’t sure if it was the work of Jennifer or Robin, but he liked to think it was Robin.
He opened the box and a chorus of cheeps sounded as the chicks awaited their release from the cardboard cell. He reached in and scooped the fuzzy babies out one at a time, their calls felt grateful. He felt like he was doing them an injustice, putting them into the care of the most incapable farmer in town. Soon, all twelve were hopping around curiously, their marble-like eyes taking in their new home.
He looked back up to see that the woman was still peeking from behind the door. He gave her an incredulous look and her eyes followed the chicks as they bounced around.
Finally, she spoke.
“So… they don’t bite at this age, right? Do they like being petted or should I not do that?” she asked, her seriousness stark in her voice.
Bite? Was she for real? He scoffed and gave the most abridged version of his answer that he could as he stood.
“They don’t bite, they peck. If you don’t pet them, they won’t like you and they won’t come to you if they get loose.” He gave. She still stared from around the door. She almost looked… scared? No, it can’t be. She wasn’t scared of them, was she?
“Oh… cool. Does pecking hurt?” she asked, still eyeing the chicks.
“Why don’t you sit with them for a while. See if that will answer your questions.” he scoffed and took to his feet. She nodded and slowly crept into the coop, a small chick a few feet from her.
“Hey there… buddy? You’re cute.” She cooed at it and it cocked its head to the side. She offered her hand down to its level, and he could have sworn her hand trembled the tiniest bit. The chick decided to fluff up its feathers and rush over to her hand to greet her.
With a shriek that Shane was certain would give him a headache if he wasn’t over his hangover, she bolted from the coop faster than he could register. He was stunned for a moment and the humor and ridiculousness of the situation at hand caught up to him. He burst into laughter and took a few steps to see where the girl had run to. Maybe she would keep running and not stop.
His wish was denied but his chuckle still bubbled from him.
“That’s the most-” he laughed midsentence, interrupting himself. “-Pathetic thing I’ve seen. Why would you buy chickens if you’re scared of them?” he asked through his laughter. He watched as her pale-faced fright melted into a stern stare. She was catching her breath but she was still determined to answer him.
“I- huff - I don’t know! I just…” She trailed off. “It’ll be okay. I’m sure it won’t be a problem.” She gave and if he wasn’t so off out by her stupidity, he might admire her optimism. He let his laughter die out.
“This is ridiculous, you know. I don’t know why you’re trying to do this. It’s obvious that you don’t know what you’re doing.” he said and leaned against the coop doorframe.
She looked like she was going to argue but her words didn’t come. Instead, she brushed the loose strands from her braid back and looked down at the ground.
“You’re right. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m a lousy farmer and it won’t be long until everyone else sees that.” she said in defeat before adding “Even so, I’m not going to stop. It doesn’t matter if I’m lousy or faking it, I’m still going to try my best.” she said. He shook his head.
“You won’t last long here. Why don’t you just leave? We don’t need you here and I’m surprised anyone thinks that this town does.” He suggested, his arms folded. He hoped it pissed her off, got under her skin. Instead, she gave a non-committed nod.
“I’m not going to leave, so you better get used to me. If I didn’t know any better, I would suspect you’re trying to run me off and it’s not going to work,” she said, her eyes meeting his, her warning sticking to him. He gave her a disappointed glare but she didn’t care. “Now, you can be mad about it but at least this can be our secret, that I’m so terrible. At least, until everyone else sees it too.” she said and looked over to her row of sprouts.
If he cared a tiny bit, he would almost feel bad for her.
He sighed and scratched the back of his neck. She was so out of her element that it wasn’t even funny. He looked back into the coop where the chick bounced around. It would be unfair to the chicks to let Jen loose on their poor lives. He straightened up and motioned over for her, grabbing her attention away from her crops. She followed him into the coop and he picked up the empty box and set it outside.
“So, the first thing you need to keep mind of when running a coop is how long your chicks had been cooped up…” he began and she gave him a wide-eyed look.
“You’re… helping me out? Giving me advice?” she piped up and he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Not for long if you keep talking. And it’s not for you, it’s for the chicks,” he corrected and muttered something that he was hoping she hadn’t heard.
“...and for the beer.”
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