#hard-roman series
scarmille · 3 months
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via pinterest
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aritamargarita · 5 months
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hello and welcome to the debut of solitude. to all my current readers, you already know what’s up, but to new and curious readers, this installment is based off of climbing the food chain of wwe, taking place in mostly the modern era, so there are superstars spanning from 2013 the earliest to 2022..
just let me cook on the timeline a little bit okay, you'll like it LOL. there’s a lot of Twitter segments in this so i hope it’s not annoying, they’re going to die down for the most part later i promise
without further ado, please enjoy!
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TODAY IS THE first day of your call up. The support you’ve gotten from your friends from the training center was wonderful, but you’re still feeling antsy and incredibly nervous. Hopefully, your first day on the brand goes well..
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Shawn Michaels was the one to break the news that you were getting called up. You could remember it so clearly because you completely ambushed him with an excited hug once he dropped the bomb on you.
He had patted your back and told you to lighten your grip a little bit, but not without a grin on his face.
If it’s one thing you deserve, it is the chance to expand your career. You always came early, and you were always prepared to learn.
You weren’t sure how to feel when he told you that you’d be heading to the main roster.
You only started as a superstar on the indie circuit and are only used to being on much smaller channels and local shows. You couldn’t even imagine being on WWE, which was broadcast on national television!
He had seen the look on your face and quickly tried to do damage control.
“We’re soft-launching you, or however you kids say it these days,” He told you. You think he grumbled something about how social media was confusing, but you brushed him off. “As an interviewer, I mean.”
“Huh..” You give a shrug. “As long as I can wrestle sometime.”
He had assured you that you will, sooner than you think, but they just wanted to focus on your speaking. Once they (and you), were more confident, they’d allow you to be in much more opportunities.
Such is life, you guess. Get through these obstacles for a bigger reward. You gave your gratitude to Shawn as you had a lot to look forward to.
If you’re not mistaken, WWE had already posted a teaser on their twitter. For some reason, you would find yourself constantly checking the tweet.
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@WWE ✓
We hear someone is entering the scene… 👀
1.2K reposts 120 quotes 14K likes
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—is what it said. The flurry of tweets under it were mixed. Lots of people wanted to know what the deal was, though some were already speculating it was an old star coming back.
However, the few fans that knew of your work had their guesses. Some of the pictures you posted on Instagram were cryptic hints, but you knew how the internet was. Crazy detective work..
But anyhow, people around the training center know that you’re pretty introverted. You only came to get some work done and go home. It was hard for others to get to know you at first.
They like to call you shy, but you’ve started to hate that word the more it’s used. It holds you back too much. You won’t make it far if you’re stuck with that description for your entire life.
Fortunately, they know what you lack in words is made up for in the ring. There’s no question that you’re good, you just tend to get nervous when speaking to the public.
At heart, you knew they wanted to help you out, and they wanted you to become the best you can be! If you start practicing, you’re sure to be a star!
As motivating as it sounds, it’s still stressful. Going out of your comfort zone was nothing new. It’s a given if you want to wrestle properly, but it still makes you uneasy.
You know you’ve gotta put your best foot forward and do this despite it. This was your only chance, and you absolutely can’t mess this up.
Most of the people still training had given you their well wishes. It’s heavily appreciated; after all, you won’t see them anymore unless they’re called up there themselves.
You think you’ll miss Carmella the most. She was your training buddy, and you think she was the most excited about you getting called up. You hope that she’ll be next soon enough….
As of right now, you look tired. You damn sure feel tired.
It causes you to lie down on the floor of the locker room. It probably wasn’t the best idea, but fuck it. You’ve already made a bad decision by staying up all night out of excitement. It’s starting to come back to you.
Of course, you came to the arena a little too early. (which was an inside joke between coaches, you’re too punctual for your own good..)
You were sure most of your coworkers hadn’t arrived yet, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to see them. It’s not that you don’t want to, you’re just nervous to meet them.
Especially since you’ll probably be half asleep and may forget their names.
Much to your misfortune, a woman comes in, sunglasses on and suitcase handle clenched in hand.
She only lowers them with a finger once you’re in view. “Oooh,” She starts, then clicks her tongue. It’s apparent that she’s mocking you already. “..You look like trash.”
“Thanks,” You say with a sigh. “It’s so appreciated.”
This is not a good start. You make the move to get up off the comfortable ground and the woman puts a hand on her hip.
She’s not very amused, moving a free hand to flip her blue hair. “Did they get me a personal makeup artist? Or…are you just everyone’s stylist? Never seen you here before.”
“I’m new. An interviewer.” You say. Giving yourself that title feels much weirder than saying you were a wrestler. “Pray tell, who am I talking to?”
She’s a little taken aback by the cynical tone in your voice but takes her sunglasses off. This woman doesn’t think she’s met her match yet.
“Of course you don’t recognize a celebrity when you’re in front of one. Let me refresh your memory a bit. How does this sound? The boss, the blueprint, the standard!” She pauses for a bit for dramatic effect. “…Sasha Banks. And I better not have to repeat myself. Who exactly are you?”
“You have a pretty name.” You start off with. Honestly, you didn’t want to make an enemy out of her as much as she wanted to make one out of you. You hope she could see that. “I’m [Name], and you’re right. I am new. Maybe we can get to know each other a bit more.”
It actually seems to work because she falters for a second. “…What?”
You hold out your hand to her and she looks at it for a moment before shaking it with a scowl. Before you realize it, she’s already taking her hand back.
“I’m assuming you’re wrestling? Do you have a match?” You quickly ask, not giving her a second to recover. “I’d like to interview you after if you do.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Sasha drops her suitcase. She’s unsure if she could stand your bright personality for a second longer. You’re going to be a problem in the future. “Sorry, not sorry, but you’re a nobody. What’s the point?”
“It was worth a try. But if that’s what you want I won’t force you.” Sasha rolls her eyes at your response. You’re way too nice. “At least tell me, do you think it’s fun here?”
“Fun?” She repeats. “Tch, I know you didn’t just ask if it was fun. Get real. There’s nothing fun about being here. There’s only one thing that matters, and it’s the Divas Championship. Got it?”
“Got it.” You nod. Divas Championship…duly noted. You don’t think you’ll be going for it anytime soon. “Who’s got it?” You’ll have to ask if the standard Women’s Championship was still in circulation as well.
“AJ Lee.” She answers. It’s the least snarky answer she’s given you so far, but she reverts back to it. “I swear, I’m gonna drag her ass across the mat for that title. She makes me sick with her skipping around.”
You voice your thoughts. “She skips?” That’s one way to get to the ring. You’re curious now. “I wonder if I can interview her…she must have a lot to say about her reign so far.”
“What?” Sasha’s immediately offended. “Um, no. Who says you’re interviewing her first? You’re obviously going to interview me first.”
It’s contradictory to what she’s said before, but because of it, there’s a smile growing on your face. She notices and jabs her index finger toward you. “You can wipe that smile off your face, rookie.”
“So be it. I will see you afterwards.” You agree to interview her, doing your best to fight the smile off.
Sasha huffs and leaves the room for now. Your eyes follow her, and once she’s gone, you shrug to yourself. Wow.
Well, that’s one way to get an interviewee.
Almost seconds after her departure, your phone vibrates and you see it’s a notification from Twitter. After that, the tweets start to flow in.
What now?
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@SashaBanksWWE ✓
I ALWAYS come first. Don’t forget that, rookie. @Officially[Name].
4.1K reposts 250 quotes 45K likes
@No1DivazStan: Wait…?
↳ @Sashabanksfan109: Literally like who is that??? What is she talking about?
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Oh boy. Now people actually are getting the idea. She even went as far as tagging you. You’re already starting to have people follow you.
Including Sasha, which was a plus!
You’re confident about things for a moment until the thought of having to talk to her live circles back. Shit, you might start to freak out a little.
You hope Sasha wouldn’t be too harsh on you, even if it were wishful thinking. Sasha’s gonna come in hot, especially if she loses. You have no choice but to adjust.
A few more moments of silence pass, and suddenly the floor is calling you again.
You immediately lay back down. How long until the show? You take your phone out of your pocket and check the time. 6:45. The show starts at around 7. Maybe 8 if there are any delays.
Would it be wrong if you took a quick nap? It’ll only be 15 minutes, but it might just be enough to keep you going for the rest of the night.
You’re already closing your eyes. You know you’re going to be unable to hit any major stages of sleep, but even just laying like this is nice.
Until the door opens. You’re shooting up from your spot, almost falling over in the process.
“I WASN’T SLEEPING.” You clarify, doing your best to stand up. The woman, who’s not Sasha this time, looks at you in confusion.
She points a finger at you. “Ya’ sure about that? From the looks of it, it seemed like you were knocked out for a second.” Her accent is the first thing that catches your attention as she starts to motion towards you.
“No, no, not at all.” You try to defend. “Can’t a woman stretch on the floor in peace?”
“Seriously, you call that stretching?” Before she can make any more sarcastic comments toward you, she turns to look at you. “I’ve never seen you around before. Got a name?”
She is trying her best to identify you to no avail. You hop up to your feet, then hold your hand out to her. “[Name]. I’m just an interviewer right now, yeah. I’m new. Who are you?”
“Becky. Becky Lynch.” She introduces, taking your hand to shake it firmly. You swear you’ve seen her before, too. Probably on Twitter. Guess Becky isn't the only one with deja vu.
You pray you wouldn’t forget her or Sasha’s name for that matter. You can’t fight the urge to yawn.
“Someone’s tired. You should go get some water before you pass out. Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”
This is a nice change of pace from Sasha. Despite you trying to kill her with kindness, she’s just all kinds of intimidating, while this woman is…okay.
Water may do the trick. It might just be cold enough to wake you up. “Good idea. Anywhere I can get some?”
“Should be a cooler down the hall to your right.” She informs. “See, I’d offer to get it for you, but I’ve got a match to get ready for.”
“Well, thanks anyway.” But before you leave, Before you leave, you turn over to her. “This may be an assumption, but are you going against Sasha Banks?” You ask. You could be wrong, but it’s worth a shot to see.
She nods at you. “Smart girl. How’d you know?”
“I talked to her a bit earlier. She wouldn’t exactly tell me she was going in a match, but I guess it was safe to assume it was you.” You say. “If you’d like to be interviewed, I’ll be waiting backstage.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Becky says. She’s more concerned about you getting your water. “Go, I might be here when you get back. Don’t pass out.”
You make a noise to let her know you heard her. Did you make a new friend? You think so.
You’re still a bit disoriented from the lack of sleep. You only made it a few steps down the hall before forgetting the direction she told you to go. Great.
This hallway seemed horribly long. The more you walked, the more you felt like it extended somehow. You need a nap, but you don’t think you’re going to get it until retiring back to your hotel room.
A group of men dressed in what seems to be tactical clothes are sitting around nearby, and you find yourself approaching them in a sudden spur of confidence. It’s probably because you’re tired.
“Excuse me,” you call. All three of them look at you with curious looks, and you feel like you could just up and die right there.
Doesn’t exactly help that they’re all kind of attractive, either.
“Where can I get some water? It feels like I’m dying here.” You ask, using your hand to rub the side of your face.
To them, you looked like you had just completed a damn marathon run. One of them with short brown hair whispers something to another with half-blonde, half-black hair, and you look between them curiously.
You don’t have time for whispers. You want water. It makes you think about purposely passing out in front of them. Rude and manipulative, sure, but you’re not here to gossip!
The other one speaks up to you instead. He’s also got long hair, but you think the most noticeable thing was his sleeve tattoo. You may have been staring too long because he snapped his fingers to get your attention.
At least he wasn’t glaring at you. There was a handsome smile on his face. “You there? Don’t tell me we’ve lost you already. You just got here.”
“Sorry. I’m really tired.” You admit. “Really, REALLY tired. Water would be nice.”
“To your left,” He says. “Should be one over there.”
The exasperation in your voice is ever present when you say: “Thank you!”. You’re dying here. You’ll have to come back and thank your only savior after replenishing yourself. Turning away, you head in the direction he told you.
You don’t hear the snickering behind you as you leave. Too busy thinking about hydration at this point.
Going further down, you see that there still is no water cooler. You’re only met with a dead end, and though there are doors, the signs only tell you that they’re just control rooms.
You’re confused. Why would he send you that way? You turn around and head back the way you came as it must’ve been an honest mistake.
You see them still sitting there with smiles. “Hey, excuse me,” you call, waving your hand. “There’s no water over there. Are you sure it’s that way?”
“We know.” The man who gave you instruction earlier had said. “We just wanted to mess with you a bit. Go that way.” First day on the job and people are already trying to rib you? Goddamn it.
On the bright side, it seemed to be lighthearted. Or so you hope.
This time, you hope, he points the correct way. The only thing you can do is let out a sigh and move forward. You don’t even stay to listen to anything else he says.
"Don't take it to heart!" One of them yells behind you.
You scoff to yourself. This time, they redeemed themselves because you found that lovely water cooler. You immediately pick up the pace and reach out to snatch a cup.
Finally, cold water. You're sure you'll wake up this time. You're almost half tempted to pour some on your face, but you aren't THAT unhinged. Besides, you don’t want to waste it.
The moment you lift your cup and and take a refreshing sip, someone saying “hey” makes you look over, and you nearly spit your drink out.
The guy that had given you the wrong direction had come around. You cough up bits of water, holding a hand on your chest. “Why?! God, you scared the hell out of me!”
“Sorry.” He apologizes. You’re not so sure if it’s sincere. “Stephanie McMahon told me about you. You’re [Name], right?”
It takes you a second to reply and he looks at you expectantly. You hold your hand up. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s me.” You nod.
“Roman,” He introduced himself back, setting his hands on the vest of his tactical gear. “I know it’s your first day and all, but do you know who’s in charge?”
“….Vince McMahon?” You offer with a shrug.
Roman chuckles, shaking his head. “You were close. But that’s not it. The Authority is the one in charge.” He clarifies to you. “And you’d best be on their side. Tell me, new girl. Do you plan to be on the side of justice?”
Truth be told, you’re a little intimidated. Again.
You wonder if you even had a choice right now. Before you answer him you decide to take a sip of water, this time, without coughing up a lung.
“Justice, what do you mean by that?”
“The Authority is seeking to make sure that everyone keeps in line.” He explains. “We’ve already got a hold on the men’s division, but the women’s division….”
He trails off, looking toward you expectantly.
“I’m just an interviewer.” You hold your hands up in defense. “I don’t know anything about wrestling. Like anything.”
A lie, but you don’t exactly want to get involved.
You thought it felt weird to call yourself an interviewer, but now you’re going to hold onto that title until it’s convenient enough for you….
“Don’t give me that crap. I know exactly what you are.” So much for that. Roman gets closer to you and you move back just a little. It doesn’t do much, because he’s still in your space.
You’re starting to feel cornered.
“And what I don’t appreciate is people lying to me. Listen, [Name]. Pretty girls like you are always smart. If you knew what’s good for you, you’d better—“
“Hey guys!” A new voice makes you look over Roman. “Roman…and….who’s this?” He points a finger over to you.
“[Name].” You say. This guy might be your potential savior.
He doesn’t really pester any further than that, oddly enough. “Cool. You guys wanna take a selfie?” Before you two could even answer, he’s already approaching with a phone in hand.
“Wait,” You try to stop him. “I’m not ready—“
All Roman does was glare at the camera while you were holding out your hand toward it. He’s already took it and you were caught in the worst off guard moment.
“You guys better get ready for Raw. It starts in like five minutes.” The man recommends. “Thanks for the selfie.”
He saunters off and Roman shakes his head. After the stranger had made some distance, he finally speaks to you. “I can’t stand Theory’s dumbass.”
“Theory?” You repeat. “Who?”
“Austin Theory.” He clarifies. “Won’t stop taking those stupid selfies. It’s all the goddamn time.”
You slowly nod, but take advantage of the fact Austin had said there’s only five minutes until Raw starts. “Gosh. This was such a nice meeting, but I had better get going. You know, interviews and stuff to do.”
Roman says nothing, so you take the opportunity to side-step and walk past him. However, he doesn’t let you get far before saying…
“Better think about what I said. You don’t have much time.”
You’re hoping that wasn’t a threat. And now that you think about it?
He didn’t even apologize for leading you the wrong way!
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You were just trying to get ready to be on television. You did everything you could to stand out for your debut, despite some people knowing that you’d show up sometime.
You can only imagine the pre-show talks around on social media. God, you hope you weren’t sweating. You think you’re just overreacting, but you feel like you’re gonna cry.
If you weren’t awake before, you sure are now.
Your phone starts buzzing again on the vanity you were seated at. The stylist who was helping you get things together had stepped away earlier, leaving you be with your thoughts.
Until now. The moment you pick up your phone and open Twitter, you groan.
Roman was right about the selfies being stupid.
Austin had posted it on Twitter. The only thing you’re really focused on is yourself. You look a disheveled mess and you’re happy you could fix yourself up a little bit right now.
You’re reeling as you read some of the responses. Although, some were funnier than others…
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@Theory_1 ✓
Roman and some new girl are here today! I caught them in their natural habitat.
1.8K reposts 130 quotes 37K likes
↳ @Lilgrab$78: Nah fr they holding her hostage in there
@Biilionnsmind: Are you serious? [Name] Theory AND Roman? This has gotta be the multiverse
↳ @YourChampion0: Not gonna lie they might be an item. Guess we’ll see if they have something going on or they just were filming something.
@bellstrings: Wait not too much on [Name]…face card is still ACTIVE and ready to TAP!
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Along those lines of being mentioned, Austin had followed you as well. But seeing yourself being the talk of others is just surreal. You’re happy about it.
“Hey, [Name].” A stagehand calls. “You’re on in about 2 minutes. You’ll be interviewing Sasha Banks. It’s the only person you’ll be doing, so you’re free to go home after.”
Alright then. You hop up out of your seat. You looked good enough, so you didn’t exactly need that stylist to come back. Your time to shine.
You let the stagehand lead the way to where you’re supposed to be positioned. It’s a nice set up, you think. There’s a red curtain behind you as well as a television settled with “Raw” displayed on it.
“Sasha lost because of interference.” The stagehand informs you. “She’ll go on about the details. But just ask her some questions. She should be here any second now.”
You’ll try. The camera is already settled in front of you, waiting for the go ahead. As soon as he said that, Sasha comes storming into the room. He signals toward the both of you that he’s rolling.
“Wow, Sasha..!” You exclaim, shaking your head. “That was definitely……a match.”
Sasha looks at you with a scowl. “You think?! Becky only got lucky because AJ came out all peppy. I almost had her.” She complains. “I had Becky in the Bank Statement. She was about to tap…”
She literally has to stop talking and take a breath before she loses it. Everyone, even the crowd, can tell that she’s STEAMING.
“…Uh, do you think you’ll need help in the future for AJ? It looks like she’s posing a really big threat to you.” You say. “Cause’ if you’re asking me, it looks like you may need a future tag partner.”
You’re going steady, despite the fact your hand may or may not be shaking a bit. You’re just glad that this segment wasn’t out in the ring. You tilt the mic over to Sasha.
All you had to do was pretend like the camera wasn’t there and that you were having a simple conversation. Everything’s just fine.
You had hoped she would understand that you were insinuating that you could be of assistance, but she takes it the wrong way.
“What, you think I’m not good enough?” She challenges, stepping closer to you. “You think I can’t beat AJ on my own? She’s the one that needs help. That’s why she gets Tamina to do her dirty work. Let me remind you that I’m Sasha Banks. I was the NXT Women’s Champion. The Boss can handle herself in battle and she damn sure doesn’t need someone that’s gonna hold her back.”
“I get it, jeez. I was trying to help you, Sasha.” You explain. It might be a chance to get you active in the ring.
“Aren’t you supposed to be doing your job and asking me questions? I don’t need your help.” She fires back.
Whatever. You just shrug it off. “Fine. You want questions, I’ll give you questions. You tagged me on Twitter. When you tagged me on Twitter, was that you trying to put me on notice?”
It’s easy for her to bounce off of what you said.
“You clearly act like you have no idea who I am. Maybe now you’ll get a clue. As a matter of fact, you better leave that fake little sweet innocent act at the door, cause I see right through you.”
“What act? I’m just being me.” It’s true. You really are!
“Right, and Becky must be the best wrestler on the planet…hah! That’s hilarious even thinking about it.” Sasha falls into a laugh, and you fight the urge to smile at her contagious laugh. Instead, you wipe it off in order to look confused.
She takes a breath. “You know what? You wanna help me, prove it to me. You and me, a match next Monday. I know that you’re not gonna do well, but I’ll have fun destroying you anyways, rookie.”
This was your chance!! You can’t fight the excitement, so you immediately agree. “Yes! I mean, yeah. Absolutely. It’s a match, Sasha. Shake on it?”
You offer your free hand to her. Despite her gritting her teeth, she takes it.
Sasha thinks you’re too excited, but she’d be lying if she wasn’t curious to see how you’d fare against her.
Your first match is against Sasha Banks. Thinking about it seemed so surreal. You’ve got a lot to prepare for next Monday.
Sasha’s eyes seem to catch onto something behind you and she groans, snatching her hand back. “Not her—“
“I wasn’t expecting you here, Sasha!” There’s a woman who’s slightly shorter than you that comes over with a championship tucked over her arm. This must’ve been the Divas championship, if the words on the butterfly weren’t evident enough.
“You know, not after you lost. Thought you would’ve went home by now!” She holds onto it even tighter once Sasha gave her a nasty look.
“You must be AJ Lee?” You try to divert some of the tension. “It’s nice to see the divas champion face to face.”
Sasha gags, but AJ giggles at your words. She rubs a hand over the butterfly, looking at you. “Oh pssssh, this? It’s nothing major…it just means I’m the best, but seriously, nothing major. Oh, and Sasha? Sorry Tamina made you lose focus…no hard feelings?”
Sasha rears her fist back and you immediately try to jump in the middle of them. Might’ve been a dumb decision, but it made Sasha immediately freeze once you did. You’re not even sure if AJ flinched.
You’re planted firmly in between them without any plans of moving anytime soon. “Woah, woah woah, can we hold off on the fighting PLEASE?! Why don’t you guys settle it in the ring, just like me and Sasha are?”
“You guys…” AJ looks between you two. “…are wrestling each other? Huh.”
You nod at her. “Yeah. I think you should follow suit. It’s obvious you two have problems.”
“Well, you’re right. It’s not like can’t beat you again, Sasha!” AJ chimes. “Anyway, I’m going to go polish my title! Don’t wait up for me, ladies!”
And just like that, AJ skips off. Sasha slowly turns to look at you and the only thing you can do is look back at her.
“I don’t care,” She starts, pointing a finger at you. “You’re helping in whatever happens, rookie.”
“What?! Why me??” You whine. “This isn’t my issue, the only thing I’m worried about is our match.“
As she’s said earlier, she doesn’t care. “You heard me. All you’ve gotta do is be ready. When I tell you to do something, you go.”
She leaves you with that. An exasperated sigh falls from your lips.
You’ve got more than just your match to worry about now..
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@WWE ✓
A nearly explosive confrontation tonight on Raw between AJ Lee, [Name], and Sasha Banks. Watch below! 👇🔥
6.7K reposts 310 quotes 67k likes
@xXHibiscus: THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!???!!!
↳ @WomenofWWE: Yess! This is what we need, a strong three-way feud! The newbie, the underdog, and the champion. The storylines kind of have been getting boring. I wouldn’t mind Sasha & [Name] vs AJ, or maybe even AJ & [Name] vs Sasha.
↳ @RaeFed: [name] might’ve just saved us hold on
@RoseGambler: [Name] trying to be a peacemaker 😭
↳ @ThenNowForever: Why she hit the “Sasha, this isn’t you”??
@MarkPodcast: Never heard of [Name]..…is she new?
↳ @platinumstarred: yeah she was mainly on the indies, wasn’t bad at all like she was rlly good
↳ @MarkPodcast: Hopefully she’ll stay good while she’s here!
@Feistysummer: Sasha saying she doesn’t need help…then turns around and tells [Name] that she’s going to help LOL
↳ @Divas4L: They’re definitely going to be friends, if not best friends in the future..
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173 notes · View notes
hysteriafossil · 6 months
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ummmm i didnt like the new episode but!! i got to make this so it doesnt matter
72 notes · View notes
thewayuarent · 8 months
Sand and Ray should learn from these two highschoolers how to do this whole sugar daddy thing right just saying
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55 notes · View notes
hazellvsq · 8 months
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yeahhhh this is a copout and i would actually like to know the answer. what happens when they disagree on something. if hazel fucks up does frank have to make her run laps or some shit. if frank fucks up does hazel have to oust him. would this relationship not cause a massive conflict of interest.
30 notes · View notes
e-adlirez · 1 month
Why are you this ick about the friendship things in the books? I mean, for a book series that aimed for preschooler shouldn't it be expected for the books to have a lot of corny messages about friendship and love? Like, I feel like you gave way too many expectations for a silly kid series
Okay yeah that's fair, maybe my expectations for the series is holding the bar a bit high, and it might just be a me thing (I could never get into MLP for the life of me)
But hear me okay
The reason I don't like the power of friendship being mentioned in the books is because it clashes with what I've seen of the series so far.
See one thing the books did very well was allow you to imagine that the girls are grown-ass adults in university. They are very good at selling the bit that the girls are adults, without infodumping the crap out of it. For the best look into how this is done, see graphic novels 1-4, as well as the main books that were done in the older artstyle. The way the books are written allows you to really believe these girls as grown adults-- there are occasions where the books' age sticks out a bit... too much, but most times, it's smooth sailing, and the girls are very believable as adults.
Case and point: I got into the books when I was eight years old, and one thing I appreciated and still appreciate about the older books is the fact that the immersion is on-point. The books are rated 6-10, but only in terms of the language level (it's short and easy to read is what I'm saying). The plots of the books are well-written, and most importantly, the books do not treat you like a kid as you're reading. You'd be surprised how valuable that is nowadays,,,
Even the friendship bits in the older books worked hard to sell the bit in a way that it fits with how the stories are written, which is very grounded and realistic, actually (minus the cheese puns):
The girls gave Thea a fancy jade and called her "the keeper of our friendship"? Friendship bracelet logic, which is a very valid logic. Colette's cousin mentions the girls' friendship? Well yeah, it makes sense in that scene because she's hosting a fashion walk, and the girls literally carried and were kinda the reason why Julie's finals project wasn't completely scrapped; that part where the friendship bit is mentioned is literally the perfect moment for a cheesy-ass speech. (There's a really good one in non-English Shipwreck too but that's a story for a whole 'nother day.) The way the plots are written is very down-to-earth and grounded, and the inclusions of the friendship bits back then reflect this. This was the way the bar was set for me, and thus it's how I judge the later books.
As the series progressed, things got more explicit with the age range. Nothing atrocious, but you could tell things were getting more and more openly kid-friendly. You know it's progressed when more than a handful of people mistake them for being highschoolers instead of grown-ass adults in university.
There is still action, and there is still adventure and shenanigans that you get fully immersed in, but if you're like me, you would be happily immersed in the adventure, trying to solve the mystery alongside the girls, but also hoping and praying to your holy deity of choice that a friendship bit doesn't come up in the year of our Lord 2024.
Only to die inside when it is brought up and the delivery sounds so blatantly sugary it can give you a cavity. The kind that hurts to see stick out like the sorest thumb.
So yeah, my standards might be high, but my standards are high because I've seen the series reach that bar before, and I know they can do it again. I am mentally ill for this franchise dammit /affectionate
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theromaboo · 10 months
The Tenth Day of Britannicus
Wow, I can't believe it's day 10 already. Time goes so fast.
Today I'm doing the legendary YouTube video that some random Canadian kids made over a decade ago. I wonder where they are now. And I wonder if they will ever learn that their existence sparked this series. Their channel has been abandoned years and years ago. Who knows who they are.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure their video was the first time in film history that Britannicus didn't look like an adult. And they didn't even do it on purpose. Brit just looks the correct age because the kids making the video just so happened to be his age.
Their video is so important to me because I watched it at the right time. At the time, I hadn't yet seen The Nero Files, aka the second time in history Britannicus' actor wasn't an adult. So I thought that Britannicus was just destined to always be depicted as an adult in movies and shows.
And then this happened
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It was so revolutionary to me. I'm definitely biased, but I love this one. I love his hair. He looks the appropriate age. And he just feels like Brit.
But I still think Murena is better.
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masquenoire · 2 years
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In spite of the crimes he’s committed, Roman is notoriously difficult to convict thanks to his wealth and legal connections. Half of Gotham City’s police officers are in his pocket along with a number of judges and city council members, leaving Arkham Asylum the only institution that can legally hold him until his absolute shark of a lawyer is able to pull enough strings to bust him out. Roman knows full well how deep the roots of corruption in this city grow and exploits them every possible way he can, securing his position as one of the city’s most powerful crime lords despite his relative youth.
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any books you wish more people have read
thank you anon!
i don't have any particular ones in mind, just... i wish people read more classic books. i know that in school there's this built-up hatred towards classics they forced us to read (i was one of those kids lol, i used to hate la celestina and el lazarillo de tormes) but trust me, those books are classics for a reason! maybe it's the history and writing nerd in me but most of the classic books i've read have made me scream with joy at one point or another, and i think it's pretty cool to learn about how these characters decades or centuries ago viewed life and thrived (or not) in their contexts! and especially i would recommend reading literature from your own culture (i am guilty of not doing this myself), there's nothing like recognizing patterns and places and cultural elements in past settings while being able to fully immerse in the writing craft of the author, as translations will never be as good as reading the original text.
oh and on the topic of classics, i would also recommend going way back and reading texts from the ancient and classical periods! i know they might be scary, but imo they show how humanity has never changed and i think that's neat. i'll recommend some of them below - note that i'll only recommend books written by cultures i've studied, but i would love to read / know about other texts written by asian or mesoamerican cultures as well (if anyone has any recommendations please let me know!):
-i haven't read much of egyptian literature but it has always surprised me with how human it is, i would especially recommend reading the lamentations and the instruction texts! they are not really literature but they're incredible.
-the epic of gilgamesh is a must!!!! it's the oldest literary text ever written, and it makes me feel so much, i recommend it 10/10
-in the greek world there's a bunch of stuff i would recommend: sappho and hesiod are a must imo for the oldest stuff, and like if you want you can read a couple books in the illiad or the odyssey but i have to warn you - they're a bit boring honestly. if you are a geography nerd then plutarch is a must, and a hidden gem i got to read for uni is lucian's a true story (a huge inspiration for gulliver's travels!). plato - contrary to what one would think - has some really light and beautifully written books, i would say definitely check symposium and the book that narrates socrates' death, i don't remember the name but i think it's the critias? could be wrong tho. finally, oedipus rex, lysistrata, medea, and antigone are essential plays, absolute bangers all of them.
-roman literature is my favourite of the four so i don't even know where to start lol. i would say the quintessential roman book is the aeneid, which serves as a mini illiad + odyssey but way more interesting and with lots of hidden themes and references and everyone who has translated it knows that it's a pleasure to read in latin. my professor once said the aeneid was the greatest piece of literature in the ancient world, and i once was against this but... she had a point. i also recommend catullus and martial's poetry, as well as my personal favourite classical book, ovid's heroids. if you are fond of gossip while learning about 'history' suetonius' the twelve caesars is a banger. finally, seneca's medea is my absolute favorite roman tragedy, and it contains my favorite latin phrase so of course i had to recommend it.
i'm sorry that this ended up being so long 😅
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imaginarypasta · 5 months
one of the things i’ve noticed that changes between this series and the last is the newfound emphasis on diplomacy & decorum. i do understand why, both in how the narrative changes w the introduction of new ideas and frameworks as well as how it might want to adapt to have its own voice, themes, etc. but gone are the days of yes-anding oneself into strange situations and in are those of yet another scene highlighting the importance of a letter of introduction—and that was personally a huge reason why i liked the original series so much. i don’t even mind like diplomacy as a narrative device when it’s equipped in interesting ways but when it’s constant introductions to new characters that go relatively similarly every time & a very clear narrative voice insisting that original solution wouldn’t work when it’s 1. more interesting to me personally and 2. not even working any better practically, then that starts to get super boring
#personal#even when i was a middle schooler reading these books i was never much a fan of the roman camp but i just didn’t have the skills or words#to put together why. i think a lot of it comes from this. because i certainly enjoy the characters a lot but this aspect just makes them#very boring to read about. i’m invested in the characters’ emotional lives but when it comes to practical stakes i find it draining & dull#which i want to emphasize is not my natural response to these things being present. it’s these specific characters in this specific world#written by this specific author that makes it not really my thing in this instance#bc stuff like political intrigue is probably my favorite type of conflict (besides like deep personal ones) and yet i’m SO picky in how it’s#done and so the stuff i like i really like#but it’s also very hard to come by#that’s not the only reason i struggle with it. i think esp coming into the third book (i’m a little under halfway through)#that it’s a bunch of things: the huge cast that sticks with us the whole time (i do like how they’re constantly broken into smaller quests#like i think that’s well done but it’s just so many characters to deal with for so long)#the rotating perspective. the emphasis on relationships (and how that’s framed w/i the text. shadow & bone s2 did something really similar#to this). etc. but yeah. in good news: the writing is much improved from tlh even for the characters i really didn’t likes’ perspective#chapters. i do think the way the cast is broken up is good and so is the conflicts between them (with some exceptions. insecurity in#relationships is kinda boring to me but so are ships in general so that’s not a surprise). there are still characters i don’t like but they#are much improved by this book (although you can basically figure out which ones i like vs. don’t based on which book they first appeared in#in this series).#so yeah that’s my review so far :p we’ll see if i stick with it because i remember not really enjoying the next two books either when i#first read them. but my tastes have changed a lot (i say. keeping nearly my exact same rankings thus far)
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echo-s-land · 9 months
Trying to figure out what kind of ND my dad is is very hard
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more than beliefs (10: lost in the woods)
A/N: the way in which i didn't expect to be updating this ., before thomas' next sanders sides video.,., anyway like i keep saying, life is crazy. i now have a masters degree.
also ! im going to post., another snippet of the human au .,., a little later today,.,.., i am getting Bolder lol
i'm going to try to be more proactive with responding to comments, especially on ao3! if you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask, and enjoy the read <3 !
WARNINGS: death threats, a kidnapping, and a very, very long fall — i don't know if there's much to tag on this one but if you think i've missed anything, please let me know!
Words: 5,248
here it is on AO3!
here are the MtB masterpost and the full Chivalry series masterpost!
enjoy! <3
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Tonight’s only stroke of luck was that none of Remus’ beasts had made it to their side of the Imagination. The Thief was still out, combing through the woods. 
It had been hours. The sun had yet to rise, and searching rarely went well in the dead of night.
Virgil was following him around, from the ground. Sometimes, the Thief scaled a tree, which didn’t feel like something he should be able to do. It must be the upper body strength. Why didn’t Logan work that extra gym time into Thomas’ schedule, damnit. 
Janus stayed outside. He didn’t want to be inside, and it was good to keep the door open. It helped him think. 
Plus, being inside meant waiting around with Logan and Patton, and as much as they were all fighting on the same side, it wasn’t as though they weren’t fighting each other as well. And he couldn’t put up with Patton’s faux fatherly friendship. He knew it was fake. It had to be. 
It was early morning when Janus saw someone approaching the Tree. He stood, squinting into the distance. The person was much too tall to be the Child. They were moving slowly, too, and had an amorphously red shape. Janus could barely make them out in the moonlight.
“Who’s there?” he called out. 
“It’s me,” the Damsel’s voice echoed back. 
Maybe he was just getting paranoid. Janus sat back down on the doorway, holding the tree bark door open with a leg. 
“Good morning, Phillip,” he called. 
He didn’t receive a response until the Damsel, much closer, sighed. He leaned on his cane and looked around up at the Tree, the surrounding forests, before returning his gaze to Janus. He seemed out of breath. It must have been a long walk, or he must not be used to walking the distance. 
“Could you spare some room,” the Damsel asked. 
Oh, huh. Janus scooted to the side, opening space for the Damsel to sit, and he did. He rested his cane against the side of the Tree and grunted as he sank down, leaning on the doorframe’s side. One of his legs extended forward, straightened out, while the other pulled beneath it. 
“Sorry,” he hummed, voice muffled slightly by his scarf. “I’m not the best with distances. Usually the Playwright or the Dragon help me travel, but….but they’re not accessible.”
Right. The Damsel’s leg. “There’s no need to apologize. I’m sorry you had to come out here,” Janus waved at the forest while leaning his chin onto his other hand. “Did the Thief call you?”
“Virgil did, off of Eric’s-the Thief’s phone.” 
He let out a sigh as he cracked his back in both directions, then he leaned back onto his hands. Virgil had called in a panic; the Thief had unlocked his phone and dropped it to Virgil. The Child was missing. They were coming back to the Tree but they hadn’t found the Child. The Thief had combed every part of the woods faster than the Child could have traveled, so it was likely he’d been kidnapped. Did he get kidnapped out of the Tree? No, he ran after he and the Thief had an argument. Inopportune, but tensions were high, even between them, if the Artist’s anger was anything to go off of. 
First the Playwright, now the Child? Something must be picking them off. Could it be one by one? Luckily, the other trio was together, and the Damsel and Thief were with the other Sides. They would have to stay together. But what could be trying to capture them like this? 
And for what purpose? The Damsel’s…darker tones had never left. Never been removed. So a part of him wondered…perhaps Roman was trying to finish the deed. But no. That would be foolish, after everything they’d been through.
The Damsel shook his head, clearing the thoughts, before sighing again. He didn’t want to look at Janus but who else was there for conversation — mirthlessly, the Damsel chuckled. Maybe that was why Roman would try to finish things.
Janus didn’t know what to make of him. Ever since their first escapade and then some, even when they started actually getting to know the guy, he just couldn’t understand. What were the implications of a part of Roman being almost as cut throat, as ruthless, as ends justify the means, as himself. What did that mean for Roman, for something like the Damsel to exist inside him.
There were few and far between opportunities for him to be alone with the former Prince, and he’d been the one to unravel Janus in the very beginning. This might be untradeable time. He should take the chance. 
But for what? He wanted to understand more about Roman’s psyche, what could be causing all of this, but…for what? What part did he want to know? He’d thought he had a strong profile of the prince on lock, until Roman went against that, went against everything he’d known about him, just to prove him wrong. Out of pure spite. What did that say about him, and what didn’t it say that Janus needed to understand?
“When did the Chil-the Child run away?” the Damsel asked. 
“Quite late at night. Maybe eleven. It’s been hours,” Janus responded. “Virgil and Thief must have been walking for miles and they hadn’t found him.”
The Damsel nodded slowly. “Two out of seven’s more than just a coincidence.”
Hypothesizing, and reserved. 
“I’m surprised you followed them in here,” the Damsel continued. “I wouldn’t have-I didn’t expect you to care as much.”
Janus flinched, shooting the Damsel a glare. In response, though, the Damsel just cocked an eyebrow back to him, challenging him to argue. 
“We…I’m on good terms with Roman,” Janus said. “We’ve had our disagreements, but—”
The Damsel laughed. He laughed so hard he leaned forward, holding his hand over his mouth like Janus had done to the other Sides so many times, as if he could stifle the sound. It grated on Janus’ ears. It sounded too much like Roman to be comforting and it was harsher in the way it was different.
“The only terms you think you-you think you have Roman are on the terms and conditions, because of how often you use him. A ‘funny, wholesome prank’ you enjoyed,” the Damsel turned so fast his scarf brushed Janus’ arm and he jumped at the sudden tonal change as the Damsel hissed angrily at him. “Playing into his love of theater, being right, AND desire to be a good person? That’s sinking low. Even for the leg-less snake.”
“I wouldn’t have to—the *leg-less snake?!” Janus couldn’t wrap his head around the Damsel’s report of his being. 
“It’s a metaphor. You know, as you so enjoy. Speaking in tongues rather than-rather than play your cards openly, and I thought we-I thought-I thought you would have learned,” the Damsel growled in response. “You are the reason we-we didn’t go to the callback. You are the reason Roman’s self-love has been eradicated. And you are the reason Roman is missing. And I have no qualms with saying it, even if others-others do..”
Janus stared at him with wide, undilated eyes. He hadn’t noticed, but he’d pressed himself against the wall, one hand gripping the step into the Tree while the other scratched at the Tree’s wall, trying to find purchase. One more bout and he might run. 
Good. The Damsel reveled in it, Janus’ fear. He knew he had to stay level headed — someone had to — but it felt good to finally unveil the source of everyone’s hostility. As much or as little as everyone knew. He’d spoken with the Child about it a few times, who was disappointed. He’d hoped that he could trust Janus, only to be proven wrong. It broke the kid’s heart. The Damsel hoped that that was all it had broken.
Slowly, he pushed himself up again, grabbing his cane with another sigh. Rougher this time. In the distance were more figures. Two, to be precise.
“Get inside before Thief sees you. He’s-He’s not as good at holding back his sword when anxious, and he won’t make your death as painless,” the Damsel warned, the growl never leaving, and Janus wasn’t willing to argue that point. 
He hurried back up the stairs, trying to wrap his mind around what the Damsel had accused him of. That basically meant Roman felt that way. Or was it a third party perspective. Or was it both. Could it be both? 
Did it even matter?
Logan was in the kitchen, a mug in his hands as he leaned on the counter and checked his phone. He was typing something. Patton, too, was in the living room, also typing on his phone. Something else. Janus didn’t even want to ask what it could be or what was happening; he just wanted to get on with it. Who knew if either of them had similar feelings. 
“They’re back,” he said. “And Damsel’s here, too.”
Logan looked up first, pocketing his phone in an instant. “Oh, good,” he nodded toward the stairs. 
They hurried down in time to see the Damsel catch the Thief in his arms with a grunt, cane still propped up against the Tree’s side. Patton strayed near the back, but even he could see the Thief tuck himself into the Damsel’s chest, arms curled around his head and fingers raking through his own hair. Virgil, behind them both, waved a hand to the others, signaling that they stay put. The Thief’s anxiety had only gone up, skyrocketing in a way that worried him. Sure, everything worried him, and even that much worrying was a bit worrisome, but this was another level kind of worry. 
The Thief…worried Virgil. Every time he looked at Roman, knowing that he literally had an Anxiety was somewhere at the top of mind. That they’d torn him down so far that he had multiples of that, he had parts of himself that were willing to kill and fight and live in fear of every day. Had Thomas done that? Or had they? Did the things that he and the others say contribute to that? Last time he was here, everyone was able to quote back things at them, as if those quotes were what had built them. And the Thief was built on wanting to leave Thomas. 
Virgil carefully approached them both, but the Damsel shook his head at him. One of his hands reached up, rubbing the Thief’s back in patterned circles. 
“Eric. We need to-We need to get going. Reunite with the others,” the Damsel suggested.
“I’m so fucking stupid,” the Thief’s voice cracked on the swear, and his arms closed on himself tighter. “I don’t-I don’t know if he ran or if-Phillip, we were arguing, he-If he got taken, I wouldn’t know, I didn’t-I shouldn’t have let him out of-out of my sight.”
“We can find him again, we just need to re-reunite with the people who can travel easiest,” the Damsel murmured, a sharp and gentle contrast to how he’d threatened Janus. “I reached out to Remus, he should be here soon.”
The Thief nodded but made no moves to relocate himself. It felt a little awkward. 
If Remus was coming, though, that must mean that they’re going somewhere else. Janus stepped back into the alcove at the front of the Tree and pulled out his shoes. Logan did the same, after a second. Better get going soon. 
Behind them both, Patton stepped out, feet already crammed into his loafers. “Hey, Eric,” he whispered, right behind the Damsel.
The Thief flinched at the sound, but still lifted his head. His eyes were red, bright and tired. He hadn’t slept a wink, while at least Virgil got an hour or two earlier. His head hurt from the shouting and crying. And he stared at Patton with as much of a glare as he could muster. It wasn’t much. 
“What,” he asked. 
Patton glanced at the Damsel, who was also watching him curiously, before opening his arms. “I’ve heard I give Patton-tedly good hugs,” he offered with a soft voice, warm as the hearth. 
That was Patton. Always full of love, at the end of the day and the worst of times. It was a very high-stress situation, and he didn’t want to not help. He wanted to comfort. 
The Damsel let go ever so slightly and let the Thief lean to the other side. He pressed himself into Patton’s arms and curled up tight again, and Patton rested his arms on the top of his back, pulling him in just as close. After a beat, the Thief began shivering again, and Patton hummed softly. He could tell that the Thief was crying again. 
“Being a dad is so FUCKING hard,” the Thief grumbled into his shirt. 
“Hey, take it from me, it sure isn’t easy,” Patton said with a chuckle.
“You know, you’re not actually a father,” Logan interrupted, fixing his tie as he approached. 
“Oh, no, no, I’ve only got a father figure,” Patton joked right back, giving the Thief a squeeze. “Amirite?” 
The Thief snorted quietly, and even Virgil shook his head with a grin behind him. A bit of comedy to lighten the mood did wonders, in Patton’s eyes, especially when the Thief began to uncurl from his hug. 
“Thanks, Patton,” he muttered.
“No problem, kiddo. I’m always here to help cheer you up,” Patton looped his arm around the Thief’s for a quick side-hug, which the Thief returned with a lean.
It was good timing, too, as a horn sounded behind them. Everyone turned, facing up as another horn went off. It was difficult to see without sunlight, but the moon and thick coat of stars cast just enough light for them to see the floating barge. 
It was an old-timey sailboat, painted black, with green trims and a face of horror at the bow. The ship’s sails had been let down, displaying lime green splatters across their formerly-white surfaces. It was a wieldy vessel indeed. 
Only one person could be driving it. 
“Welcome aboard!” Remus shouted, and everyone stumbled as they were unceremoniously teleported onto the ship’s deck, above the treeline. 
The Damsel was first to regain his footing, reaching out with an arm toward their new captain. Remus, wearing a black tricorn hat, greeted him by yanking him into a tight hug. And squeaking. Like a squeaky toy. The Damsel laughed at the gesture, hugging him back quickly. 
Their camaraderie was noted. Once again, everyone was surprised about the relationship they had. Didn’t Roman hate Remus, and didn’t Remus terrorize him? 
On the other end, the Thief pulled back, helping up the other Sides. He made sure Janus was stably standing last and shot him another angry look before turning away. 
Janus brushed himself down. He didn’t understand. 
He was warranted anger toward Roman all the same, so what the fuck was all of this animosity? 
“Good to see you all in one piece again, and glad we’re gonna be playing One Piece again,” Remus shouted at them all. 
The Damsel meandered toward the side of the boat, looking around. The dusty wall of fog that separated their sides was so close, here. This was closer to the the Imagination’s natural form, with the kingdom world’s edges all being clouded in fog that you could only really see at this height. Beyond the fog was more worlds that they’d invented, like the city seen previously. Even other kingdoms technically existed, with different rules and plotlines, but this one was home. It was the oldest setting, based on Thomas’ slew of Disney knowledge as he grew up. Others were more mature. One was based on the Game of Thrones’ settings, though it was more a daydream than a fleshed out world. There were alternate paths for their lives, even, with duplicates of Thomas’ home abound in every universe. They were all daydreams. 
So nice, to see the world again, especially from such height. They were higher up than even the Tree. The setting was designed to not show any of the too obvious spaces between the worlds, so even the highest point wouldn’t show off the bounds. Only the Dragon, Dragon Witch, or something like this, a flying boat, could give a good vantage over the whole of the kingdom. It wasn’t a sight the Damsel got to see often. 
Oh, he remembered sometimes, like this, what it was like to rule it all. To be Roman. 
The self-loathing often mellowed out into melancholy, grieving a power he was technically never granted and was absolutely never promised. And the knowledge that he had to cultivate the rest of his Round Table. Especially his heir. 
The Damsel, once the Prince, gripped his cane tighter. Oh, Child. 
After he’d mellowed out, as the others put it, he tried to manage the actual town around the castle. And it became clear that the responsibility he was overburdened by was almost also visible in the Child. No one else seemed to handily understand how their perspectives impacted Roman — from the Thief’s judgements to the Artist’s drive and motivation, only the Child seemed to care about how his input impacted Roman and Thomas. And that responsibility was something the Damsel had been hoping to cultivate. 
Of course, the Thief and the Bard were reluctant to like. Co-parent with a known murderer and the Dragon. But the Damsel appreciated the Child’s input, when he was allowed to receive it, and he did his best to respect the Child’s opinion. 
“Which of you wants to walk the plank first!” Remus exclaimed, gesturing around with a rapier. 
He poked it against Logan’s chest a few times, enough for Logan to see the tiny morning star affixed at its end, and the gesture was returned by a withering glance over. Janus snorted, at least, and Patton coo’ed at how tiny Remus’ weapon now was. 
“Awh, it’s so cute!” Patton praised. 
Virgil, on the other hand, waved his hand at the weapon. “Get that off his chest. We’ve gotta get to the Dragon Witch, with the others. You’re taking us there, right?” 
Remus’s lips upturned, pouting as he leaned over closer. “Awh, boo! All work and no play makes Virgil a dull, dull boy,” he flicked his finger against Virgil’s nose and, before Virgil could retaliate any more than a growl, turned around quickly. “Yes, we’re on route for that. Shouldn’t be too long before we get there and drop trou.”
“I believe we’d be dropping anchor, when we arrive,” Logan corrected, following Remus first up the deck. 
The whole troupe moved after him. Around them, the sails were being managed, ropes pulled, and steering wheel turned by invisible forces. It was like the ship were being manned by invisible people, but it was likely only run by Remus, who was hopping up the stairs. 
“Oh, sure, whatever you want, Nerdy Nummy,” Remus said with a grin, gesturing over the side of the boat. “I’ll sure be dropping trou, at least.”
“How are the others?” the Thief asked quickly, trying to ignore Logan’s quizzical look. 
Once again, Remus waved his hand. “Oh, you know!” he barked out a laugh. 
Well. What did the Thief expect, with that one. He scowled at Remus’ back, a few ideas on how to get him to talk dancing through his mind before he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. Behind him, Janus shook his head.
And before the Thief could grapple with the snake and throw him overboard, as if sensing the imminent danger, Virgil yanked Janus back in a quick, sharp motion. 
Behind both of them, Patton stumbled into the Damsel, who held onto the railing and caught Patton around the midsection. Virgil held Janus steady off by the side, watching as the Thief slowly brushed his cloak down. The air was tense around the whole party, even though Remus was skipping his way up at the top of the stairwell. 
“Eric,” the Damsel murmured, trying to break the tension. “Eric, come-come on.”
The Thief’s eyes moved from Janus to the Damsel, squinting a little harder at him. 
The Damsel let go of Patton to gesture forward, as if tired. Condescending. 
Janus took it in quietly, eyes flitting between both, before Virgil shoved him up toward — past — the Thief. “C’mon, guys,” he grunted. 
That shattered the tension. The Thief hopped off the steps in one vertical leap, landing on the railing and hurrying up the rest of the rail as if it were a balance beam. 
At least they weren’t fighting. That’s what Patton was most afraid of, any more big fighting. They’d done that earlier today and they had to stop, really. It was going to start hurting Thomas at some point. 
There was so much hurting. Who hurt you, who hurt me, hurting, revenge, and Patton didn’t agree with any of it! They just needed to sit down. Take a breather. Talk things out. But everyone was so tense and no one was willing to just breathe.
“Don’t worry, kiddos, we’re doin’ great,” he mumbled to himself. “I’m all good.”
The Damsel snorted behind him — Patton completely forgot he was there, too. He helped Patton upright, which he thanked him for, and they both began up again. The Damsel had a slower gait, holding the cane with one hand while he gripped the railing with the other, so Patton let his stride slow to keep pace. 
“How’re you doing, Philly boy,” Patton bobbed his head as he spoke.
It was a silly nickname, sure, but the Damsel stopped fully again, squinting his eye at  Patton with so much vitriol that he almost flinched. Almost. 
“Philly boy,” he repeated. 
“Mmmmmhm,” Patton glanced up the stairs with his eyes before stopping himself. 
“I’m doing alright, Patty boy,” the Damsel responded with a small smile, shaking his head as he continued to climb. “How are you?”
Oh. Thank heavens. Patton laughed, clapping. “Wow, I’m glad you liked that one. I was about to start crying.”
As they got toward the top, the Damsel patted Patton’s shoulder gently. They were closer to the stern, going toward the wheel, which Remus approached himself. He waved his hands away at whatever was controlling it and gripped it tight himself. 
“ONWARDS!” he screeched.
Somewhere, seagulls screeched, and the Thief jumped at the sound. 
The ship turned quickly, careening to the side, though it didn’t throw off anyone’s balance too much. Remus was nice enough to think about that, at least. They faced the wall of mist that Virgil had crossed prior, the one that cut the Imagination in half, and began drifting toward it. The wind caught the sails in ways that defied logic and gravity, given that there was next to no wind blowing against them on the deck. Logan looked around at the world, approaching the railed edge slowly. 
It was beautiful. He didn’t think he told Roman that enough, when they were together. It was hard to call something beautiful objectively, since it was, by definition, subjective. But the beauty of these creations, even at night, as the moon’s faint glow trawled over the edges of each tree. It faintly glittered on the river that cut through the forest and the town, dull light emanating off the terracotta roofs in town…
He missed Roman. Logan didn’t know what to feel about everyone else here, the arguing they’d been going through, but at the very least. Well. Roman did listen to part of what he’d said. 
They should be able to discuss this like people. 
God, fucking, and also damnit. 
He ran his hand through his hair and took off his glasses slowly. It was giving him a headache and not because of his aid of the Imagination’s creating.
“It sure is pretty out here,” Patton sighed.
“It’s about to get even better, Daddy-o. Hold onto your pants!” Remus shouted.
Before any of them could ask what the fuck that meant, the fog of the split approached and engulfed the ship. It was impossible to see the hands in front of their faces, let alone the world around them. A whole shift. 
And in almost an instant, it was gone. The fog swiped past them, drifting off the ship in slow rolls. Logan watched it drift back into a wall behind them, smoothing back down, before glancing over the world before them. 
It was less dark than he’d expected. It was day, in a way, the other half of the sun glowing red more than the gold of Roman’s side, bathing the world in a bloody glow. The lighting poked holes between the pitch dark trees and between the tangles of brambles that surrounded the grounds of Remus’ world. In the distance was another castle. It was much taller. Much less clear how physics worked here, if Remus kept it in mind or if he pointedly discarded it. Logan had a hunch it was the later, building things that he knew wouldn’t work, because the largest tower of the castle had a full 90º bend in the middle. There was a bend, then another bend, then it continued upward, like someone had pushed it over a chunk. 
To Virgil, it was a little familiar. He’d traversed both sides, though Remus’ far less. Back when he had to make nightmares more often, he’d have to go in through Remus’ mirror rather than Roman’s door. He also leaned over the railing besides Logan with a sigh.
“Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking.” Everyone jumped, Virgil nearly a foot off the ground. They whipped around to see Remus in a captain’s outfit — all green, of course — holding a radio speaker whose chord seemed to disappear into thin air above him. 
He waved his fingers at the group and only the Damsel waved back, as per usual. “We are hovering above our destination now, and I hope you’ve enjoyed your flight. Beginning our descent into the Dragon Witch’s lair in t-minus five. Four. Three.”
“Oh, fuck,” the Thief groaned, holding onto the Damsel’s arm.
“What?” Virgil asked.
The boat disappeared, as did Remus. For everyone else? 
They began their descent. 
For a moment, just a brief moment, it reminded Janus of the last time they visited. What, with trap door falls and all that. 
Below them was the Subconscious, just besides the ground of Remus’ side. Virgil screamed — words can barely explain the stress he was under — as did Patton. The Thief had curled around the Damsel’s waist, cloak shielding them both and actually breaking some of their descent. It gave them a wider surface area, especially as the Damsel’s scarf undid itself. He kicked one of his legs out as well to increase surface area. Logan, at the furthest to the bottom, had his back to the fall as he watched everyone else. 
It really felt like they were going to die here. 
Until the shadow passed above, blocking out the little light they had. Logan could see it, it was a dragon. The Dragon? No, it looked larger. He couldn’t remember the Dragon’s actual dragon form’s size and length. Maybe he should take measurements. 
“WHAT THE FUCK,” Janus managed to choke out through the air that was surging past them.
The dragon passed by again, closer this time. It dove and, with one claw, grabbed the two Roman figments. The Damsel wrapped his arms around its claw as it dove beneath them again. In this movement, it swiped Patton straight out of the air. 
Somehow, Virgil screamed louder. 
Then even he was silenced by the dragon’s tail coiling around them. 
Impact must be coming soon. They were getting close to the tree tops at least, and while the Subconscious was an impossibly further drop below, even Logan was getting worried. He couldn’t see how far they were falling but it’d been about eleven seconds. That felt like quite a bit. 
Claws wrapped around Janus in front of him then, quickly, himself as well. The dragon wasted no time in reaching up with its front arms and depositing them both onto its back, which was much wider than Logan remembered Draco’s being. And much more purple. 
This must be the Dragon Witch, then. He patted her back with a sigh. 
Virgil was still hyperventilating, holding one of the Witch’s protruding spikes with both of his arms. Also his legs. Patton was too stunned to make sounds, jaw hung open, and Janus, as soon as he was deposited, scrambled over to hold a spike himself. That was probably wise. Logan grabbed one. 
They were safe. 
“That was fun,” the Damsel said, coughing a few times. “Wow.” 
“Shut the fuck up,” the Thief croaked. 
He was just as pale as Virgil, almost moreso, as he held onto the Damsel and as the Damsel held one of the spikes. The Damsel laughed a little at the Thief’s anger.
“That was AWFUL,” Patton cried. 
Logan blinked a few times, only to find his vision clouding. Oh. He took off his glasses, making sure to grip them tight as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. Wetness. Ah. 
“No, it was fucking great,” Janus snapped, jaw closing so quickly it made a biting sound, only for him to let out another small scream as the Witch ducked into the side of the cliff, into a dark opening. 
They held on for the bumpy landing, wincing as they rolled a little on her scales. Slowly, though, she leaned to the side and stilled. 
An opportunity to get off. No one was unhappy to oblige, and the Damsel, remembering how, slid off first. One by one, they disembarked, looking around the cave. 
It was large. Red clay and brown limestone walls were illuminated by hanging fire lanterns and columns of fire within, ones that seemed to spin flame into itself but not anywhere outside. It was as big as an airplane hangar, expansive and echoey. At the very least, it had to be large enough for her to fit, didn’t it. 
Once Patton descended, the last person off, the dragon began to shift. Her expansive golden wings coiled in on herself, pressing into her body, compacting her. They managed to cover the entirety of her magenta and forest green form, tail wrapping in all the same as she kept shrinking.
“Draco?” Virgil asked, and Logan shook his head. 
It seemed everyone else had made the incorrect assumption. “No, no, she was much too big to be the Dragon,” Logan explained.
“She?” Janus asked. 
“She indeed,” the Witch hummed, voice booming from her giant form. 
The gold wings peeled off then drifted back into two long, billowing ends of a shawl. It was wrapped around her shoulders and trailed behind her, punctuated by the thick, swirling gold cape over her shoulders. She was still an imposing presence in her human form, standing taller than even the Dragon, shoulders squared further by her thick coat. A horned headless, somewhat accurate to medieval style, saw on her head like a crown. 
She opened her arms in one dramatic bow. 
“Welcome in, everyone, it’s so good to finally meet you. My boys’ve told me so much,” she held out a hand, first to Janus, and her glowing eyes were striking. 
Slitted and golden. Like him. “My name is Guinevere, but you can call me Vi.”
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monstersflashlight · 18 days
I loved Gym Slut so much omg, the open ended ness is amazing but drives me crazy, it’s my Roman Empire omg.
Orcs >>
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As per VERY POPULAR request, here it is the third part of the Gym Slut series. Hope is everything y’all wanted, I got all the anon requests together to make it easier for all of us to find it.
part 1 || part 2
Make it fit
Orc x fem!human || dirty talk, size kink, humiliation, exhibitionism, knotting, cum play
You had a cold and couldn’t go to the gym for a few days, which sucked but it also was great because now your pussy wasn’t sore anymore, and you hoped to have some freaky sex with your gym-crush again. But you are in no luck. There’s too many people at the gym today. Your favorite spot is taken, the new dudes are all over and the strong ladies are looking at you like you are less. You aren’t having fun at all.
Even the sight of your favorite orc is not making your inside twist and turn today. You hate when there’s so many people, you come extra early just to be able to be alone there. Well, mostly alone. You wanted to be alone with him.
Your gym-bro orc looks at you when you pass by, a tentative smile on his lips. You try to smile back, but you are sure it looks like a grimace. You try to work out for a few more minutes, but when a big dude approaches you and tries to flirt you can’t hide your annoyance. But the dude doesn’t catch up, fucking stupid. You are about to tell him to fuck off when a big shadow appears behind you.
“Fuck off,” the orc says. He growls at the end and making the human dude go away as fast as possible, he even trips on his way and you chuckle at him. “Do you want to work out with me? They won’t bother you then.” There’s a spark of danger in his voice, and something you don’t want to identify, but sounds a lot like jealousy. But that can’t be, you fucked twice, it’s not like he likes you or something. You don’t want to think about it, too scared to get hopeful over a couple fucks at the gym.
“Yeah, sure. That’d be great,” you muster. You follow him to the leg press. He’s lifting an insane amount of weight, probably trice the amount you lift, and that makes you hot and bothered. Your body reacts instantly, your nipples standing to attention and your panties (yes, today you did wear panties) start to get wet. He realized as soon as he looks at you, a cruel and twisted smile playing on his lips.
You two move from one machine to the next. He adjusts the weights perfectly for you, you don’t even know how he knows it. He gets the perfect weight in every single machine, which means he’s been observing you as much as you’ve been observing him. That fills you with some sort of anticipation. Once again, shutting down the sparks of hope inside your chest. Sex is sex, doesn’t have to mean anything else. It doesn’t mean anything else for him. But for you… You aren’t ready to think about it.
When you get to do sit-ups, a weird dude a few meters away keeps staring at you, making you uncomfortable. You hug yourself to hide your pointy nipples. Your orc realizes that too, leaning into your space and pinching them, making you moan loudly and cover your mouth with a slap, embarrassed about your reaction. You look frantically around, the dude smirks at you, adjusting himself. You blush hard, frowning at the orc who just smiles back at you. He’s such a little shit.
He does it again, and again. Every change he gets he pinches your nipples and makes you shudder, tiny groans escaping. And at some point when you are leaning down to grab the weights he gropes your ass, parting your ass cheeks shamelessly, massaging the globes with abandon. Next rep, he slaps your ass hard. The slap sounds so loud that everyone close by turns around and looks at you two. They look scandalized, as you blush furiously, and your pussy quivers. He smirks at you, embarrassment and humiliation filling you. You are sure there’s a dark spot in your crotch area because of how wet you are at that point.
“You are the worst gym companion I’ve ever had,” you complain. But you don’t get away from him, watching him lift and staring as his round ass. That’s a great ass.
He turns to look at you, and with a nonchalant voice he says: “Don’t lie to me, slut. I can smell your arousal, I know you are soaked right now. Your nipples are so hard I can see them clearly. Everyone can. And you like that, don’t you? You like to be stared at, to be seen as the little slut you are for me.” The intensity in the last part has you panting. He’s right, you are so turned on with everything that has happened that you want to get out of there, you need him to fill you again. You need his dick. ASAP.
You stare as he approaches you. “Can we get out of here?” You murmur, embarrassed to be the one asking him this time. He crowds your space, his body hiding you from everyone’s view completely.
“Are you that needy? Are you so turned on that you have to come soon? Maybe I want to make you cum right here, for everyone to see. You’d like that, right?” You moan at his words, embarrassed beyond belief, looking around trying to see if someone is paying attention. Doesn’t look like it, but the idea that they might be someone listening is enough to make you shiver.
He presses against your body, so close that not even a needle could fit between your bodies. His hands find your boobs, and he gropes you right there. You moan again, and he covers your mouth with his big hand, his other hand going to your crotch, palming your soaking pussy through your clothes and making you groan loudly.
You are sure he can feel how wet you are, and your suspicions meet when he says: “You are dripping, being groped and slapped in public made you this wet? Maybe you are even more of a whore than I thought.” You groan again, his finger pressing over your clit, the sound muffled by his hand. “Let’s go.” He takes his hands out and grabbing you by the waist when he feels you missing a step, your knees weak.
He drags you to the locker rooms and tells you to grab your stuff and meet him outside. You agree, grabbing everything as fast as you can and walking outside with your thighs as close as you can, trying to get some friction in your needy cunt. When you see him already waiting for you outside, you bite your lip, expectantly. He grabs your face between his big hands and leans down to kiss you senseless. Your hands go around his neck and he picks you up effortlessly, walking somewhere with you wrapped around him. His dick feels giant under you. You make out like teenagers until he presses you against a metal surface.
“Get in.” He tells you, and you obey, too needy to play games with him.
As soon as both of you are inside his car, he grabs you and sits you over his lap, tearing your leggings to get access to your pussy. He pushes your shirt down, exposing your tits to his hungry eyes. Your messy clothes are all over the place, and the car is not precisely the best place, but you are so hot for him that you wouldn’t even care if there was someone watching from another car. The windows of the car foggy since he started touching you. You bet people outside could see the car moving, there was no way people wouldn’t know that you two were fucking inside.
He fingers you messily, your pussy soaked to the point that his fingers make a filthy sound in every thrust. He’s kissing your tits, making all kinds of grunts and groans, elevating your arousal by a thousand. You grab his hair and pull, making him growl and bite down on your nipple, making some more juices drip around his fingers.
He finger fucks you like that, not even touching your clit but getting you so hot you start to plead him to fuck you, soon, fast, hard. He complies, his hard dick pushing inside of you in one thrust, stretching you so wide you cry out. He smirks at your reaction, grabbing your hips and moving you up and down.
“You practiced. You didn’t take my cock this easy last time.” You blush, trying to hide your face on his neck, but he pulls your head back by your hair, the sparks of pain making you moan. “You did, didn’t you?” You nod, your mouth open and some drool escaping, the pleasure so intense that your brain is shutting down.
He keeps fucking you, calling you dirty names and flicking your clit every once in a while, but he doesn’t let you come. Every time you are close, he slows down. That realization made you hotter. Tears are running down your face as he fucks you brutally, when you feel something big resting against your pussy, right outside your entrance and trying to breach inside.
“What’s that?” You choke out, alarmed.
He smirks at you and answers: “My knot.” You throw your head back and groan. You didn’t know orcs had knots, you didn’t know if you could take a knot. He was so far inside, you were so stretched already, there was no way something that big could fit.
“That’s not going to fit.” You told him, your voice sounded strained, his hands still moving you up and down his shaft, your boobies bouncing.
“I’ll make it fit. And you’ll take it, like a good little slut.” He punctuates each word with a punishing thrust. You groan as he moves your hips to create friction between your bodies, pushing you down on his knot, trying to get it inside. You cry out when your body gives in to the invasion, a bit of his knot entering you. “You love this, don’t you, little slut? You love being so full you can’t even talk. You can’t even move. You are just a toy for me to fuck, a pretty human fleshlight for my monster cock.” He keeps talking, telling you all the filthy things that cross your mind as your brain starts to flutter, your pussy contracting around his knot. Too big. Too full.
He thrust the rest of the knot inside of you as he growls, the first splash of his cum hitting your cervix and making you cum right along with him. He moves your hips in circles, grinding your clit against his pubic bone as he keeps coming, and coming, and coming. And you do too, the sensation of being fucked so fully making your mind go blank and your soul leaves your body with a series of orgasms that leave you breathless. You can’t even groan or moan anymore, your mouth parted in a silent scream as you keep coming and he keeps filling you to the brim.
You don’t know how long you two remain like that, but when you came back to your senses, he asks you softly: “Are you okay?” His question meet you with a sudden realization.
“You like me.” You blurt out, completely surprised. He protected you today, he was possessive of you. He scared away all the creepy dudes, and even when he humiliated you, making you groan and moan in front of people, groping you publicly, he was the only allowed to touch today.
“No. I do not.” He tries to argue, but the blush that creeps up his face is telling. You smile at him, big and smug.
“Yes, yes you do. You blushed. You are all mean and big and dominating, but you like me.” You repeat, making him all flustered. He hides his face in your neck and bites lightly, his tusks caressing your skin in the best way.
After a few seconds, he looks up, meeting your eyes with a sudden vulnerability. “Yes, okay? I do like you. I like that you are a constant in my messy life. And I like to see your hot body and bright smile every morning when I get here. And, most of all, I love how you take my knot like a good little slut for me.” At that last remark, you are the one blushing, your pussy twitching and his dick shooting more cum into you as a response.
“I like you, too.” You whisper, almost too low, but he catches it either way.
“I know.” His dick twitches inside of you, his knot still inside of you. “Maybe… Maybe next time we can see each other outside gym clothes.”
“You’ve already seen me naked,” you joke. You try not to move too much, the pressure inside your pussy still making you want to grind against him.
“Not that. I mean like… like a date.” He whispers, blushing bright green again, making you giggle.
“You want a date with me?” You say as you feel his knot slip out and a gush of cum goes with it, making a complete mess off his pants. Your pussy looking decadent against his soft green dick, completely covered in cum. “Ugh, gross.”
He ignores your remark as he touches your pussy again, taking some of the leaking cum and pushing it back again, smirking at your whorish groan. “Don’t get me wrong, I also want to fuck you brainless again and fill you until you are overflowing.” He pushes more cum inside your quivering pussy. “Maybe slap your pussy to see how much it takes for you to come just like that.” He does just that, slaps your pussy making a wet sound resonate inside the car. You blush. “Mmmmm, so many possibilities.” He takes his hand, coated by his cum and your juices and takes it to your face. “Lick.” He orders. You do just that, moaning against his fingers. “But maybe I can do that in a bed, after a nice dinner?” He continues to talk like you aren’t deep throating his fingers like the slut you are. He sounds hopeful.
You take his hand away, licking the last remains as you tell him: “Yeah. I’d like that.”
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after perusing the sf6 available to me via channels i already watch that arent annoying and hatewatching one ltg hatewatch video i have concluded that assuming minimal changes from beta to live the game is going to be incredibly fucking boring for most characters and basically just third strike again for chun li
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planetpiastri · 2 months
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pairing: logan sargeant x fem!reader [no faceclaim, reader is faceless] summary: when alex's childhood friend makes an appearance on his instagram, logan is instantly smitten, but the universe insists on keeping them only as a missed connection, and alex isn't helping matters. notes: the long awaited part three! i'm currently giving all my fics a facelift, but the guilt about this update has been eating away at me, so here you guys go<3 i've decided to stop living in denial and just admit this is a full series now so here comes the (brief) angst era! [series masterlist]
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liked by lilymhe, georgerussell63, and 154,329 others
alex_albon winter break, you were fun 🫡 see you next year!
view all 2,876 comments
username1 try not to say parents challenge level impossible (failed)
lilymhe he stole that car
alex_albon you promised you wouldn't tell anyone!!
username2 looking good albono! excited to see you scoring points soon!
williamsracing Nice hat! :D
username3 guys can i confess something.... i miss yn :(
username4 you guys say this under all of his posts. obviously something happened and they don't post each other anymore for a reason, respect their space and stop bringing this up.
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liked by alex_albon, logansargeant, and 71,823 others
williamsracing the boys are back and so are we 👀
view all 3,012 comments
username6 the new suits are AWESOME, the boys are gonna kill it this season!!!!!
alex_albon who approved that corny ass caption
logansargeant Me alex_albon i'm gonna steal your tires
username7 even if yn has vanished off the face of the earth at least we can thank her for bringing the williams boys closer together so that we get to see them goofing off in the comments 😔
username8 yeah but it's all for show like they don't hang out off track anymore... landonorris oh are we just saying things in the comments? i wanna join!! george sleeps with a teddy bear georgerussell63 Don't drag me into this wtf alex_albon it's true, he does
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liked by oscarpiastri, alex_albon, and 71,013 others
logansargeant Some bits and bobs from the break
view all 2,789 comments
username9 what kind of whack british caption is that
username10 maybe the rumors about him and alex not hanging out were wrong, maybe they're hanging out TOO MUCH actually...
alex_albon i have taught you well, young padawan
username11 omg logan and oscar content we're soooo back
williamsracing Looking energized, Sarge!
username12 the fact that we never got a hard launch for logan and yn so we'll never know if they actually got together is my roman empire
username13 no fr!! they were flirting and bantering all over the place and then suddenly BOOM! she just disappears like wtf happenedddd username14 you guys talking abt a possible situationship not happening vs twenty years of friendship between alex and yn that's gone... have some priorities username15 hi just popping in to say you guys are weird af for speculating like this under his winter break dump 💀 move tf on
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liked by georgerussell63, oscarpiastri, and 68,578 others
logansargeant Quick trip back over the pond before locking in 👊 bring it on season ✌️
view all 2,549 comments
username16 wait did we miss a step
alex_albon that does not look like sim work
logansargeant Are you my dad or something? Get a life alex_albon DAMN
username17 um? um?? the last picture??? um??????
georgerussell63 What
logansargeant Who? georgerussell63 ?? logansargeant Asked
username18 please be a soft launch with that girl from the afterparty please please please please please
oscarpiastri Interesting.
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liked by ynusername, logansargeant, and 78,321 others
williamsracing Good times in Bahrain! See you next year, Sakhir 😉
view all 3,253 comments
username20 WHAT was that strategy guys
alex_albon "good times" literally where that was nothing but pain
williamsracing ☹️👉👈 we're sowwy awex alex_albon ew wtf don't say that to me
username21 guys? yn liked? she's alive?
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tagging: @sticksdoesart @hiireadstuff @minkyungseokie @thatoneembarrasingmoment @croissantbakerylws @dear-fifi @imjustme-n @kn1n3 @captainfrisbee @ssrcsm @rhythmstars @urfavnoirette
if you want to be tagged in future parts, fill out this form
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authorhjk1 · 6 months
A request for Sana's delicious tiddies please!
The Roman goddess
Minatozaki Sana X Male Reader
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The museum you are strolling through is called Castel Sant' Angelo. It used to be tomb for the Roman Emperor Hadrian and his family. Now, it's a very well known museum in Rome.
You admire the architecture and the sculptures standing around. The ceilings are quite high. All the walls are painted, the gorgeous colors bringing the ancient scenes to life.
You are not only here for fun though. It started around two years ago. Your career as an author. Until December two years ago, you did write, but it was more for yourself. You finally made your breakthrough with your first novel "The Roman eagle", about a lowly born Roman legionary, who rises through the ranks. You never thought this would make you big. And you didn't expect so many people wanting more. You didn't plan on it, but that one book is slowly turning into a series.
The second book came out at the end of last year. "The curse of Neptune". And now, you are working on your third. Since you didn't plan on writing a series, you have started to introduce several main characters with their own life stories.
You are now sitting on your third part. Not having a title yet, you keep wandering around the museum. You have already written quite a few pages, but the new character you want to introduce is hard to picture. It's supposed to be a woman. A woman, who is deceitful and ambitious, not caring about the ones around her. She only married her husband for his status and is now aspiring to climb the ranks. With or with out him.
You enter another room. The ceiling is high as well. The painted scenes show several different parts of day to day life from the Romans and their gods. The center of the room is reserved for a tall, almost life-size statue. Being an expert in history, especially Roman history, you can tell immediately that that's Venus. The goddess of love.
Wanting to have a closer look, you step forward. But your gaze is caught by the woman who is standing between you and the piece of art, her back turned towards you.
Her posture is flawless and you can't help but admire how straight her back looks, due to the white high heels she is wearing. The black skirt is quite long, almost reaching the floor. As you walk past her right, you see that it has a large slit in the front. Her naked leg is more than just captivating.
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Glancing at the statue, you've always wondered how Venus would look like, if she was real. It feels like you might be able to paint a picture now.
The woman's white top is highlighting her chest, the fabric stretching over her tits. The turtle neck and the tied back hair make her look elegant and strict. Like a teacher or a rich man's wife.
Standing next to her, you smell her scent. Definitely flowers. Maybe roses? You were never the flower expert. Would Venus smell like this too? Roses are always considered the flowers of love. The idea doesn't seem too far fetched.
You notice that the young woman is standing quite close to the statue, holding a brochure in her hand. Usually, knowing about history isn't really a great turn on for women. But being in a museum, you might give it a try. She does have that classy look. So maybe she could be interested?
"Art and war should always be studied from a healthy distance."
You see her react. Not her face, since you are still standing two steps behind her, but the slight turn of her head. You could swear the corners of her mouth turned upwards, before she turns back towards the statue.
One step. Two steps. Her heels disrupt the silence in the otherwise empty room.
"A lot of people think that Venus and Aphrodite are the same goddess."
You were able to take a quick peek at the brochure she is holding. The people who work here should do a better job.
"But they have quite a couple of differences."
You wait a couple of moments. She doesn't say something or turns around. But she didn't run, which is at least a good start.
"While Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty and sex, Venus has to offer more than just that."
You walk behind the young woman, starting to feel comfortable, talking about a topic you are very familiar with.
"She actually started out as the goddess of gardens and vineyards. Before the Romans merged her with her Greek counterpart. And even then, she represents not just lust and sex. But also motherhood. You could say that she is a more loyal woman."
You glance at the woman, whom you are standing next to now. Her left side profile almost makes you stutter. She really must be a goddess.
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Knowing that you might never meet someone like her ever again, you decide to shoot your shot. What's the worst that could happen? She could scream and run away. But it's only the two of you anyway.
"Which form is the one you can more easily identify with? The Roman, or the Greek one?"
You stand next to her, your shoulders almost touching. Turning your head towards her you almost whisper.
"Loyal? Or promiscuous?"
A smirk plays around the brunette's lips. She is not running yet.
But to your huge disappointment, she raises her right arm, her hand on the same hight as her chest. You are only distracted for a second, before you see the golden ring on her finger. It's decorated with a huge diamond in the center and a couple of smaller ones all around.
Of course she is married. A woman like her? Come on. You sigh internally. You should've figured.
You were about to turn around as you hear her sweet voice. It takes you a second to realize what she says.
"I think I would be more like Aphrodite."
Is she saying you still have a shot? Even when she just showed you that she is married?
"Tell me more. I'm not sure if I can make a decision yet."
And she wants you to keep talking?
You take a deep breath, not wanting to screw this up.
"Venus has a more elevated status than Aphrodite. Her arguably most famous human son is Aeneas. The man who established Rome. A lot of emperors' wifes identified with Venus."
You see the woman tug a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.
"And you are saying that the Greek form wasn't as important?"
It's the first time she actually looks at you. Her beautiful features make her look way more elegant than from the side. Her lipstick makes her look stricter than she might usually would. You can tell that she is Asian, but not from which country.
"She was important. But not in the same way as Venus. She did have her own celebrations though."
The brunette is now fully turning towards you. It takes a lot of willpower to not look at her chest. It's almost as if she could sense your struggle. She places her hands on her hips, barely leaning forward. It makes her tits look just a little bigger.
"What kind of celebration?"
Her voice has changed. Until now, she spoke quiet. Just like someone should, while visiting a museum. But she is now whispering. Just like you did before. Her captivating gaze makes you stare into her eyes.
"A big part of the celebrations were Aphrodite's priestesses. The Greeks used a suiting form of worship for the goddess of love."
You take a step closer. Your shoe grazes hers. The smell of roses becomes a little stronger.
"They slept with her priestesses. That's how they worshipped her."
The brunette is unable to hold back her chuckle.
"And you are sure you didn't just make that up?"
For a moment her cute side shines through. She looks adorable when she smiles.
"I didn't. You can look it up."
"I don't want to though. I like listening to you."
You are too surprised to give a good answer. And there is not much more to say about the topic anyways.
The brunette seems to have caught up on that.
"What do you think about worshiping her now?"
Your surprised face makes her almost moan out. You looked quite confident while hitting on her. The fact that you are getting shy is a turn on for her.
"There aren't many people here. And I think we should do it in front of the statue. You know? To pay our respects."
A million reasons why you shouldn't do this rush through your head. More than enough to say no. And yet, you can't help but catch yourself, leaning forward.
Your lips meet and you can immediately feel her hands wrap around your back. The kiss turns sloppy very fast. Pure lust and want radiate from her lips.
Once she breaks away, you can see that her lipstick is a little smeared. She seems to have recognized the worry in your eyes.
"Don't worry about my husband. Didn't Aphrodite constantly cheat on hers too?"
She got a point there. She did very much so.
Her lips meet yours once again. And this time your hands start to explore her body as well.
You still can't believe you've managed to come this far. She is probably the most beautiful woman you've ever seen. She could be the human form of the goddess.
"How bad do you want my tits?"
The fact that she caught you doesn't even bother you. Your mind too focused on taking in her flawless body.
"Really bad."
Her lips meet your neck, definitely leaving a hickey there.
"Show me."
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You start pulling at the white fabric, getting it out of her skirt. Your hands dive underneath as the brunette locks lips with you again.
The smoothness of her skin is intoxicating. Her tight midriff feels well toned and cared for. Your fingertips reach her bra as you continue your quest.
Her hands are not idle either. You feel one of them opening the button of your pants, while the other has taken a fistful of your shirt. It's as if she is pulling you into her. Her hand sneaks into your pants, her fingers searching for the waistband of your underwear.
At the same time, you've finally gotten rid of her bra. It slides down her clothed frame, before it falls to the ground. It's white.
Her tits feel amazing. They are just as smooth as her skin. You start to knead them, still unable to understand how you got here.
She is a goddess. How are you able to stand in some museum, while you play with her tits? A mystery you don't even want to uncover. Some things are better left unknown.
The brunette's hand has found it's way into your boxers by now. Her slim fingers dance along the length of your shaft.
A moan escapes her lips. It's one of the most beautiful sounds you've ever heard. You didn't know that a person could sound so perfect.
"That cock of yours...."
She trails off, slightly biting your lower lip.
"It feels so big."
Her words make you even harder. A normal reaction to a goddess like beauty telling you that you have a big dick. Something you thought you would never ever experience in your life.
Your hands become a little rougher as your animalistic instincts slowly take over. You never felt so uncontrollable before.
Pinching her nipples, you hope for another moan. You get one. She moans into your mouth, closing her hand around your cock.
"I want this in my mouth."
You feel her pulling away. Your hands regretfully leave her tits and her top. But when she starts to kneel down, a wave of pure happiness washes through your body.
An excited tingle rushes through every fiber of your being as you watch her pulling down your pants. Your boxers following quickly after.
A gasp escapes her mouth, when she sees your cock for the first time.
"My husband isn't even half as big."
With a big smile, her face turns into something very cute. She gives your tip a kiss.
"A cock worthy of fucking my tits."
Her words turn you on even more. Her lips slowly wrap around your tip.
It takes her a while to pick up the pace. But once the brunette is there, her blowjob is quick and effective. You remember that you are still in a museum, standing pants down in front of a statue of Venus.
You are not a very religious person. But in that moment, you pray to that goddess, thanking her for this incredible experience.
Your prayer is interrupted by the brunette's slurping sounds. Her wet blowjob has ruined her lipstick completely by now. She looks so hot with your cock in her mouth. She places both her hands flat on your hips, before starting to fuck her face onto your cock.
You can't help but let out a loud groan, your hand automatically wanders to the back of her head. You don't start to dictate the pace. But you feel her head going a little faster.
With a woman like her, it's obvious that you won't last long. Especially if said woman fucks her face with your cock. You feel your orgasm approaching. The familiar tug in your lower regions makes you groan.
The brunette seems to have felt you twitch inside her mouth. She moves away, letting your dick fall out off her lips.
"You have a very delicious cock, you know?"
Not waiting for an answer, she starts to pull up her top. It's bunched up above her breasts. You are finally able to see them now. They seem perfectly shaped. Flawless like the ones of a goddess. Not too small, but not too big either. Just perfect handfuls.
"Try not to cum so fast."
Her wink turns her into something cute for just a moment. Then, her goddess like aura is back.
You feel her soft mounds wrap around you. She presses them together, making your cock disappear between them. As soon as she seems ready, you start to thrust upwards. You see her bite her lip as your tip appears in her cleavage.
Fucking her tits feels amazing. It feels better than anything you've experienced before. There is no comparison at all. Her soft mounds feel like they are made for you. Her warmth makes you feel hot and horny.
Eventually, she starts to stick out her tongue. It touches your tip whenever you thrust upwards. The new wetness on your tip makes you remember that your orgasm is close. It also helps with sliding trough her chest.
You have to hold onto her hair again, unable to stand by yourself.
"Your cock feels so good."
You hear her sigh as she stares down at it.
She suddenly looks up, opening her mouth, while sticking her tongue out. Her spit slowly starts to drip down her tongue. You watch as she drools all over her own cleavage. Her saliva starts to coat your cock. It makes her tits feel even smoother.
The young woman let's out another moan.
"I bet you would feel so good in my pussy."
You close you eyes, imagining yourself inside of her. The thought alone, almost makes you orgasm.
"My husband is so small, I'm practically a virgin."
She continues her talking, knowing what it does to you.
"I've never felt the pleasure of someone just pounding into me. I want to feel it. I want to feel how you rearrange my guts."
You hiss out, unable to silence the pleasure that is building up in your system. Only a little longer. You only want to hold out a little longer.
"I have such a tight pussy. You would love it."
Your grip in her hair strengthens as you approach your climax.
"That's it. Cum on my tits. Make Venus proud."
You glance at the statue for just a second. It feels like the woman on her knees is the real goddess. A beauty, too much for you to handle.
"I'm gonna cum."
You grunt out, unable to hold on any longer.
"That's good, honey. Cum on my tits. Use them like a canvas."
You groan one last time.
"Give me all of it."
You explode in her cleavage. Your cum hits her throat and chin, while some coats her tits. It feels like this is the strongest orgasm you've ever had. More cum than usual leaves your body.
In the end, her tits are covered in your semen, just like she wanted. Some is dripping down her chin. You see that her hands didn't get away without some, either. A few drops of your cum stain the big diamond on her ring. She notices it as well.
You watch in awe as she starts to lick her ring clean, after letting your spent cock leave her tits.
"Wow. That's a great load."
She scoops up some of your cum with her finger.
"And it tastes good, too."
She licks it off, before looking at you.
"What do you say? Right here? Or a hotel room?"
The option to say no doesn't even enter your brain. Still afraid of getting caught, you choose the hotel.
The brunette gets off her knees. You watch her pull her top down and putting the hem back into her skirt. Slowly, your cum starts to leave wet spots on the fabric. You pick up her bra, offering it to her.
"Keep it. Maybe you are lucky and you can complete the set."
With those words still lingering in your mind, she takes your hand, leading you towards the exit.
You've never head a clear picture of Venus or Aphrodite in your mind. Now you do. It's the woman who is holding your hand, her chest covered with your cum.
The fact that she is taking you to a hotel is making you hard again.
With one last glance at the statue, you finally know how to continue your next book.
The third part "The Roman goddess" will certainly become a bestseller.
Thank you for the ask. I unfortunately don't have the time to write much more.
The introduction seems a little long to me. Please keep sending short requests guys, I'm trying to shorten the part where I set the scene. With limited success as you can see.
Sana in that outfit definitely deserves a proper story, which I'm unable to write at the moment. I hope you are satisfied with that. I might be able to write the follow up somewhere in the future.
Have a nice day!
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