#happy pride to spike and angel
juanabaloo · 1 year
LGBTQ BTVS t-shirt ideas:
Spike: Guess I don't have to worry about that, cuz Angel and me have never been intimate. Except that one...
(part 3 / ? for Pride Month)
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nunalastor · 1 month
I present unto thee this persistent thought:
Lucifer is aware of how far his protectiveness and possessiveness go, and because of how ridiculous that extent is, he tries to keep it under control.
Some jackass tries to steal his spot as a father to his daughter? Killing the jackass would be too far, but a song battle and subsequent needling are perfectly fine.
Angel is forced to "respawn" at work? Okay, so maybe things would end up worse if Lucifer vaporized Vee Tower, but nobody's going to miss a few (dozen) SA-fantasy porn actors.
(Most of Lucifer is quite happy with the fact that Adam didn't walk away from his last Extermination alive. The only part that isn't is the mini-Charlie in his head.)
There are times where even the restrained action is apparently "too far," though.
Some jackass makes a comment about his height and uses their height difference to play keep-away with Lucifer's hat? Turn the jackass into a cat for a day. Husk chewed him out for that one, since Alastor spent the rest of the day jumpscaring everyone from inside cupboards, and Charlie gave him disappointed looks for a week.
Some jackass hides Lucifer's ducks all over the Hotel? Cut the power to the radio tower. Everyone got on Lucifer's case that time (especially Vaggie, for some reason).
Learn that some tacky, disrespectful, shit-sucking bastard of a pervert licked his daughter's arm?! Destroy all the porn in the Pride Ring, enlist Alastor's help to shut down all TVs in Hell for a month, and force the pervert to "respawn." There may have been riots. May.
Learn that some idiotic, ugly, obsessed, narcissistic stalker has been spying on the Hotel, hyperfixates on the resident jackass, slanders everyone in the Hotel, and (according to Angel, who had to listen to complaints from the pervert) has tried multiple times to coerce Alastor into marriage and/or sexual relations?
...Well, he didn't actually get to do anything that time because Husk shot a panicked look at them, outright begged Lucifer to let Alastor handle this on his own, and then handed the Devil a drink that was apparently spiked when Lucifer made it clear that he was going to vaporize Vee Tower. Lucifer doesn't know how Husk got his sleeping medication, but the King's personal stash of medicines is now kept in a pocket dimension.
If he catches another of the stalker's drones, though, then none of the Vees are going to "respawn." Ever.
...Maybe Alastor isn't good for his health.
...And maybe Lucifer needs a therapist.
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angelthemanspanker · 3 months
my most tinfoil hat AtS opinion is that legit straight up canon spangel was like RIGHT beneath the surface of season 5, like the show was ready to pivot in the direction of them being at least friends with benefits at a moment's notice despite fate and the censors' best efforts
Season 1 had shit like Angel's first power walk shot set against a pride flag and him awkwardly telling guys he wasn't hitting on them, going for a kinda Adam West Batman kinda gay thing where people assume that about him bc it's the early 2000s and his clothes fit VS Season 5 in the premiere alone giving us Angel correcting a guy who calls him a "little fairy" with "I'm not little" and the legendary, blog-inspiring "I have no problem spanking men" (one of which he says to a guy he's about to kill and one to a guy he knocked out, almost like Angel lets gayer behaviour slip if he's around people who can't bring it up later hm) followed by the only man we KNOW Angel has fucked literally appearing from thin air in his office
then you get Life of the Party where Angel's Whacky Magic Antics are set off by Lorne telling Angel and the person he's having sexually tense arguments with to get a room, causing him to have ill-advised hate sex he ordinarily would not have with someone he is reluctantly attracted to. and I believe in my BONES that at SOME POINT in the scripting process that that person was gonna be Spike. Even setting aside my admittedly subjective opinion that Angel and Eve had even less sexual chemistry than Xander and Willow, it just... scans. Angel and Spike have their "I need to get our faces within an inch of each other or I'll die" arguments in front of EVERYBODY in literally every episode of the season, so I feel like if Lorne was gonna say it about ANYONE it'd be about them. I will never budge from my belief that Spike still being a ghost at this point and early 2000s tv politics caused them to abandon the Angel And Spike Magically Fuck At The Party plot early in the writing process for the episode and slot Eve in there instead while Spike gets the easy-to-write-into-existing-scenes positivity thing.
and THEN. AND THEN. it becomes a plot point that the show Angel's friends are suddenly really on board with him getting back out there dating-wise (the unperson-ing of Cordelia helps here. whee.), with us all suddenly being in agreement that there is little to no danger of his curse being triggered by sex (even though both times he's lost the soul since his curse, real or imagined sex played a significant role in the moment of happiness). Like, Nina is one of the more one-dimensional characters in the Buffyverse and her midness seems to be for the purpose of setting the audience at ease that Angel's soul ain't going anywhere from hooking up with her.
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WESLEY is all for it! Wesley "Most Paranoid and Prepared For The Return of Angelus" Wyndam-Pryce is saying look man we're all rooting for you go have a relationship with a girl whose only flaw that I can come up with is that she's a werewolf. Like sir??? How can you be sure the Beautiful Engaging Young Woman Who Actually Wants You won't accidentally make Angel happy with her extremely inoffensive flavour of Nice?
Whereas if, say, there was a beautiful, engaging blonde who actually wants Angel and Angel wants but comes with the caveat that THIS beautiful blonde not only drives Angel up the fucking wall but recently had magical sex with Angel at the office party in front of the whole main cast, proving that as much as Angel gets off on screwing Spike that he is Not happy about it? I can see Wes giving the all clear on that one ngl
bonus points that Angel and Nina got the Official Couple upgrade in Smile Time which comes right before the Illyria tragedy forces Angel and Spike into the... maybe not friendly but LESS hostile dynamic they keep for the rest of the show, so the season structure of their relationship still follows a lot of the same beats. honestly besides getting a lot more moments of David Boreanaz and James Marsters trying to out-six-pack each other in their post-coital shirtless scenes the only thing you'd need to do is change the world-shattering "Me and Angel have never been intimate. Well except that one..." to something along the lines of "Me and Angel have never been intimate, I just shag the bastard"
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coraniaid · 5 months
Does Joyce ever treat Buffy badly? Absolutely she does: telling her not to come back in Becoming is horrible, however much she obviously regrets saying it, the way she talks to her in the second half of Dead Man's Party is awful and deeply self-centered, and the retcon that she had her commited to a 'clinic' after Buffy first tried telling her about vampires before the show even began is (if one accepts it as canon) genuinely indefensible.
But the way Willow talks to Buffy in Dead Man's Party is also awful and selfish, and so is the fact Willow and Tara live in her house for free while she's struggling to pay bills and don't even offer to pay rent. And so is the way everyone treats her in Empty Places (throwing her out of her own house!), and so is the way Giles treats her in Helpless and in Season 6, and so is the way Xander behaves every time he opens his mouth in the first three seasons of the show, and so is the way that Angel and Faith and Spike and Riley treat her, constantly, which doesn't stop people somehow insisting that they are all good people who really want what's best for Buffy. Why are you so willing to forgive all of these people for what they are shown to do, and either reinterpret canon to make them as likeable and sympathic as you can or just insist that the writers wrote them out of character and they somehow really didn't do it, when you're not willing to show the same grace to Joyce Summers for the crime of being an imperfect middle aged woman who -- thanks to the premise of the show -- can't understand why her teenage daughter is suddenly behaving so differently and getting into so much trouble?
(To be clear: I think it is right to recognize all these things as unfortunate writing choices that don't actually make any of these people monsters. You should be charitable to Buffy's friends and take the show seriously when it tells you that they have a good relationship with Buffy. That is the way the show wants to be read. You should accept that Giles has an almost parental bond with Buffy. That is the way the show wants to be read. I do this myself. I'm just asking you to extend some of the same understanding to the only woman over thirty the show bothers to include for more than half a season before killing off or writing out of existence. The show explicitly wants you to think Buffy loves her mother and that her mother loves her. Why disagree now, when you didn't any other time?)
And, yes, in the metaphorical reading where coming out as a Slayer means Buffy coming out as bisexual, Joyce's attitude is -- to put it mildly -- not particularly commendable, her dubious claim to have "tried to march in the Slayer Pride Parade" not withstanding. But however compelling that reading is, understanding fiction is not just about finding a metaphor you like and ignoring the literal text. Especially when this is a reading that the show's writers probably didn't even intend and certainly don't fully commit to.
In the universe the show actually depicts, it is very understandable that Joyce isn't happy to learn that her daughter has spent the last two years risking her life fighting monsters every night (and has even died once while doing so!). Or for her to be unhappy to learn that she has been doing this largely at the urging of a strange man Joyce does't know, a man who has repeatedly done his best to convince Buffy that she should not tell her mother anything about it. (even when, as with Angelus, this came at a direct risk to Joyce's own physical safety!). This is, in fact, perfactly compatitble with the idea that Joyce is a good mother: she doesn't want her daughter to be hurt. It is very silly to pretend that wanting Buffy not to die young fighting supernatural horrors somehow makes Joyce a bad person.
(Frankly, if Joyce didn't seem upset about any of this I swear half of you would just use that as another reason to claim she's a terrible mother anyway.)
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 2 months
🍎 Lucifer Morningstar 🍎
VO: Jeremy Jordan
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Favourite quotes:
“Ohh! No, no no Charlie no, no, no, just, *laughs hysterically* no.”
— Lucifer, Charlie asking him to get a meeting with Heaven (“Dad Beat Dad”)
“Oh, I'm the only one that matters. See, you messed with my daughter, and now, I am going to FUCK YOU!"
―Lucifer, threatening Adam (“The Show Must Go On”)
Theme song:
Age: Older than the Earth (200+ years old)
Species: Fallen Angel
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Straight (ally)
Height: 5'10
• King of Hell
<> Ruler of the Pride Ring
• Sin of Pride 😏
<> Leader of the Seven Deadly Sins
• Founder of Lu Lu World
• His daughter
<> Supporting his daughter
<> Seeing his daughter smile/happy
• Circus imagery
• Rubber ducks
<> Crafting rubber ducks
• Singing
• Caramel apples
• Musical instruments
• Girls
• Polka music
• Pancakes
• Most sinners
<> Alastor
<> Alastor showing (paternal) affection towards Charlie and vice versa
• Heaven’s rules
<> Heaven’s hypocrisy
• The Hazbin Hotel’s name
<> The hotel’s bar
• Anyone teasing him about his height
• His daughter getting in harm’s way
<> The thought of his daughter being crushed by Heaven like he was
• Seeing his daughter sad
• Him and his wife’s separation
• Autism (confirmed by Viv)
Special interest: rubber ducks
<> Social awkwardness
• Severe depression
• Mpreg (🤣)
Romantic interests:
Lilith (wife; separated)
Wife: Lilith (separated)
Daughter: Charlie Morningstar
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Daughter-in-law: Vaggie
Granddaughter: Dawn Morningstar
(surrogate) Son: Angel Dust
(surrogate) Son-in-law: Husk (RP)
(surrogate) Granddaughters: Luster & Kat (OCs)
• King of Hell (title)
• The Devil
• Dad (by Charlie Morningstar)
• Charlie's daddy (by Lute)
• Sir (by Alastor and Vaggie)
• Lu Lu
• The Big Dick In Charge (by Angel Dust)
• The Ultimate Badboy (by Niffty)
• Your Majesty (by Sir Pentious)
• Your Highness (by Mimzy)
• Short King (by Angel Dust)
• The Big Boss of Hell (self-proclaimed)
• The Most Hated Being in All of Creation (by Adam)
• Demonic Head Honcho (by Katie Killjoy)
Family name:
Morningstar (series)
Magne (pilot)
• Razzle & Dazzle (bodyguards)
• KeeKee (family pet)
• Eve (one-night-stand)
• Residents of the Hazbin Hotel
<> Angel Dust (canonically)
<> Sir Pentious
<> Alastor (rival)
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• the von Eldritch family
• Mimzy
• Cherri Bomb
• Heaven (well-acquainted)
<> Angels (formerly affiliated)
• Fellow Deadly Sins
<> Mammon 💰
<> Asmodeus 💕
<> Beelzebub 🍔 🍻
<> Belphegor 🏥
<> Satan 🏜️
<> Leviathan 🎭
• Exorcists
<> Adam
<> Lute
• Valentino (AU/RP 🤭)
• Demonic transformation
• Flight
• Angelic power
• Shapeshifting
• Demon magic
• Duplication
• Musical talent
• Instrumental talent
• Craftsmanship
• Pyrokinesis
• Fire breath
• Size manipulation
• Super strength
• Portal creation
• Teleportation
• Object creation
• Hydrokinesis
• Hand-to-hand combat
• Ventriloquism
Appearance & Personality:
Lucifer is a slender-figured fallen angel who sports a close resemblance to his daughter, Charlie - having her white skin with rosy-cheeks, blonde hair with thin light coral streaks on the thicker, paler blonde highlights, and eyes with light yellow sclera and red pupils. He is shorter than his daughter, though not by a large amount.
Unlike Charlie, his mouth is full of sharp teeth, his hair is short-cut and has been slicked back with one tuft sticking out, his pupils are slit like a snake, and his cheeks are a paler shade of red. In addition, he also sports black sharp eyebrows, and his eyelids are light purple. His forearms also appear to be dark grey when his sleeves are rolled up.
Lucifer's white and red clothing is somewhat like that of a circus ringmaster; he wears a wide-brimmed white top hat with a golden snake and a red apple over golden spikes, which resemble a crown, and a red-lined and red-trimmed white popped-collared suit with several golden buttons - his coat worn over a light red-and-white striped waistcoat with two golden buttons and a small, accessorized black bowtie. In "The Show Must Go On" his suit has red and golden epaulets, resembling those of a ringmaster.
He also wears a set of heeled black knee-high boots. On his left pinkie, he sports a golden ring which is presumably his wedding ring.
Lucifer is usually seen carrying an apple-topped black cane that matches his hat. Due to his angel origins, he possesses six white wings with red feathers, which he can extend from his coat.
Demonic form:
When he takes on his full demonic form, as well as displaying his wings, he displays a pair of red horns with an orb of fire between them and a thin crown resembling a snake with an apple above his hat. His eyes also change to have red sclera with yellow pupils. He also has a black tail with spikes that end in a triangular tip with a red heart at the center.
Eyes also appear on the inside of his coattails, and a similar eye also appears on his bowtie. In addition, his entire body gives off a light white glow.
In the pilot, Lucifer's appearance is nearly the same, only his pupils were instead black, just like Charlie's pilot design. The snake around his hat was also colored purple.
How to describe Lucifer’s personality?
• Threatrical
• Depressive (post separation)
• Melancholic
• Socially awkward (autistic)
• Ambitious
• Obsessive (with special interest)
• Mindless
Other (rarely):
• Egotistical >>> 1x08
• Violent
• Protective (especially when it comes to Charlie)
• Fearless
With Alastor:
• Prideful 😂🤣
• Jealous
• Insecure >>> about his paternalism towards Charlie
• Competitive
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hisui555 · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel thoughts : Foils 5
Masterpost here
Been a little while, I got myself into some RP for the first time ever. Managed to burn Lucifer's tower down on the first day while being a litteral little gremlin from the dumpsters. That sums it up pretty well.
Oh, and it's the first time I've RP-ed ever.
Anyway, for your inane Foils rambling of the day, my dumb brain cooked up a weird one : Adam (and Exorcists) VS Hell. Obvious, I know, but let's get more into depth about it, shall we ?
So to call Adam an obnoxious psychotic fratbro with all the emotional development of a bratty toddler would be kind of an understatement. Which in itself is an understatement too, to Inception levels. Adam is the First Man, one of the two oldest existing humans alive, turned angel to everyone's bafflement as the very first human soul in Heaven, and given the mystery that looms in the background of the show, it's yet to be seen just how in the bloody world he managed that. From the beginning, he's someone trying to impose his will on someone else, in his case Lilith, who made the utterly sacrilegious decision to stand up for herself and be an independent, emancipated person with boundaries to respect. I know, right ? Crazy.
And given how he reacts to Lucifer's taunting (if this short king really did score the two, it'll be hilarious), Golden KFC-man is tryharding to compensate. But he's also endearing in his brattiness, in his own way, leaning into it so heavily he'd topple Pisa, that he crosses back into funny, despite the genocidal tendencies (which for their part are played for all the horror necessary). And this... is kinda reminiscent of Hell in the show : it's a sordid, horrible place, but a good bucket of dark laughs are derived from it because of how horrible it is. Adam even admits to Charlie that he "likes the vibe", but prides himself on being in Heaven when he clearly didn't deserved any of it.
His own physical appearance, past the gold-blue-white color palette, has horns and shark teeth for the helmet, spikes for the rocker imagery - that, in passing, is often associated with demons and Hell too - and his color scheme dives down to dark blue in the last episode, when ready for battle. While he does look like the most average human ever underneath, it's quite interesting to see that Adam with a color swap and changing nothing else would fit right at home in Hell. Same thing for the Exorcists when in uniform : monochrome, outright more creepy looking than most demons, they actually look like classic demons (minus the tails) unlike the creative diversity of physionomies in Hell, that Heaven mirrors with its own twist on it.
It's kinda like watching a clichéd stereotype costume versus the real thing : Heaven is so out of touch with what's going on below that the Exorcists end up being a mockery of what they mass-hunt, for extra petty points (kinda reminds of what Native Americans went through. Yep. Not a happy thought). And they are just as bloodthirsty, if not more, than the demons themselves (giving you a hard sideglance, Lute), to the point of fanaticism - something that could actually be seen in HELL. Let's repeat, this is their whole activity that shows up once per year, and let's speculate that they do some training, but outside of that ? Plus, they're so confident in themselves that their fighting tactic looks more like "stick weapon into demon and move onto the next" than anything advanced, and didn't see it coming that their own weapons can perma-disconnect them from god's Wi-fi. This is suicidal overconfidence right there - again, something better seen in Hell.
Which makes it very interesting if you put Adam VS Charlie from a virtues and sins point of view : Charlie the Hellborn demon, daughter of Lucifer (who is the embodiment of a Sin himself, namely Pride), checks all virtues while Adam checks all capital sins :
He's wrathful and a revenge-seeker, hating being dismissed or put into question (seething with rage when Charlie and Emily call him indirectly out on his behavior, along Lute), while she's kind and patient, only calling onto anger in rightful situations.
He's often seen stuffing his face with food (ribs) and drinks on various photos and in person, and has a noticeable gut - something Lucifer remarks on that he "kinda let himself go". Charlie is all down for a good drink after a hard day of work, and while Husk mentions that she can get drunk to the point of spouting insecurities, it doesn't happen often and she knows that overindulging is bad. She also makes efforts to get rid of Angel's stash of drugs.
Talking about Adam's libido would be like trying to barge into open doors : he jumps on whoever he wants and even throws a tantrum when someone has no interest in him, like a certain "Virtue chick". He constantly makes crass remarks, finds Charlie and Vaggie's relationship "hot as fuck though" and basically his moral compass has a dick-shaped arrow. Charlie practices temperance and advocates the healthier parts of chastity, since losing oneself into lust isn't a good thing in the long run, but she also seems to lead a happy intimate life with her girlfriend.
The lust thing also ties about Adam's envy issues : Lucifer literally out bow-chicka-wow-wowed him, his first wife left, and Adam is overcompensating hard, pun unintended. Whatever others have or do, he'll want better or do better. He's in for his own comfort and fun, and whenever there's a threat of something better he doesn't have, he wants it. He HAS to be on top, or else the world might as well stop functioning, and is seen seeking Sera's approval. He'll try to sabotage everything out of pettiness, just like he outed Vaggie's true identity to Charlie, because the latter pointed out the truth. Charlie, on her side, is selfless, generous and genuinely wanting to help out, no matter the sometimes litteral cost. She took in Angel and Pentious, offered them a chance to be better, and doesn't resent them for their faults. For someone born as a Princess, she'd rather be addressed as a commoner and hates using her title to force things ("But that's so meaaaan !").
Adam is a selfish bastard that's all take and no give, hinted at his first rejection with Lilith. He thinks that, as the First Man, he's entitled to everything and should be given whatever he wants immediately. Charlie is very much the opposite, even being a bit too much give and almost no take.
Laziness ? Well, goes right in hand with letting himself go. Outside of the Exterminations, he barely does anything, and when he does, he makes it all about him. He's sitting on his own laurels due to the "achievement" of being the first human soul in Heaven, and hasn't bothered adapting his behavior any bit since. Charlie on her own side is diligent, committing to her wishes and dreams to save Sinners and redempt them that she's literally outside during (or right after) an Extermination, as seen when she meets Vaggie. She's also no stranger to pulling all-nighters and go through whole boards of plans to make it work.
And finally, pride. Oh boy saying that Adam is prideful is like stating that the universe is big. His first meeting with Charlie should tell you all you need to know. He's self-entitled, a pure breed of absolute self-centered jackass, and needs to have the spotlight on him or else he'll combust. Something not going his way, as seen when he gets his "original ass" trounced by Lucifer ? He goes for a balls-out tantrum, saying that people should worship him since "all of humanity came from these fucking nuts !" Compare Charlie who's too meek to truly put her foot down when only for herself (for friends she'll do it just fine) and hates to use her status as Princess of Hell. Whenever she gains confidence, it's never in a self-centered way : Ready For This has her asking "if you'll permit me" to others for the leader role, wanting to face the threat together with her army, on equal grounds. Even against Adam she's holding back (as hinted when tapping into more power when stopping him from landing a sneak attack on her dad), and is never bragging about her abilities.
So, in the end, what do we have ? A very flawed First Man (who is an outright villain) looking very close to a demon, versus a way more humane actual demon Princess. Which raises the question : what makes a bad person, and a good person ? As seen with Helluva Boss, so far outside of Mammon all of the seen Sins are very decent people that do indulge in vice, but know the limits and only do it with the ones that can handle it : Beelzebub encourages overindulgence and gluttony for its own sake, not escapism or self-destruction. Asmodeus is very vocally against forced lust, and under the façade also doesn't mind romance. Lucifer himself is very creative and has done astounishing feats, flaunting his power in Hell's Greatest Dad, but while he's low on self-worth and confidence after millenia of seeing only the worst, also teaches his daughter to stand up for herself ("You don't take shit from other demons.") AND is willing to use said power to help.
Bottom line : they don't harm others with it. And, ain't that kinda the whole thing ? Adam literally slaughter ex-humans, his own kind, out of twisted amusement, and hurts everyone around him to come out on top. Charlie is mindful and willing to help, while not forgetting herself in the process (more or less). Adam is clearly going overboard on all his vices while Charlie, who does have some too (drinking to the point of being actually drunk), is more balanced.
What makes one a jackass ? BEING a jackass. Nothing else.
Welp, this one is kinda the odd one out, dunno if I'll have more like that one but I hope you had fun.
Again, Masterpost here.
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dailydoseofdragon · 4 months
Dragon Calendar and Request Log
Feel Free to Request anything or send in an ask! I’m always happy to talk =}
All non dragons are tagged treasure trove.
January - 31/31
Old Year 🐉
Birth Month 🐉
Zodiac 🐉
Rat 🐉
Ox 🐉
Tiger 🐉
Rabbit 🐉
Snake 🐉
Horse 🐉
Goat 🐉
Monkey 🐉
Rooster 🐉
Dog 🐉
Pig 🐉
Ballon Dragon 🐉
Abstract 🐉
Maleficent 🐉
Continuous Line 🐉
Wanted Poster🐉
Tuxedo 🐉
Warmth 🐉
Story Book 🐉
Message 🐉
Library 🐉
Taxi 🐉
Daisy 🐉
Rattlesnake 🐉
Long 🐉
Monarch Butterfly 🐉
February - 29/29
Birth Month 🐉
Zodiac 🐉
Nightwing 🐉
Sandwing 🐉
Icewing 🐉
Hivewing 🐉
Silkwing 🐉
Leafwing 🐉
Hybridwing 🐉
Valentines 🐉
Discount Chocolate 🐉
Snatch 🐉
Rose 🐉
Animation 🐉
Tug a War 🐉
Seal 🐉
Avatar the Last Airbender 🐉
Wood Puppet 🐉
Peach Blossom 🐉
Alone 🐉
Pencil 🐉
Crayon 🐉
Charizard 🐉
Animation Blue🐉
Leap Year!🐉
March (How to Train Your Dragon Month) - 31/31
Birth Month 🐉
Toothless 🐉
Hookfang 🐉
Barf and Belch 🐉
Meatlug 🐉
Timberjack 🐉
Whispering Death 🐉
Buffalord 🐉
Deathsong 🐉
Changewing 🐉
Hobgobbler 🐉
Skrill 🐉
Hotburple 🐉
Lycanwing 🐉
Saint Patrick’s / Clover (Request)🐉
Flightmare 🐉
Fireworm 🐉
Nightterror 🐉
Green/Red Death🐉
Razor Whip🐉
Sea Shocker 🐉
Sentinel 🐉
Slither Wing 🐉
Speed Stinger 🐉
Terrible Terror 🐉
Triple Strike 🐉
Book Toothless🐉
April Fools Day🐉
Birth Month🐉
Zodiac 🐉
404 Day 🐉
Dandelion 🐉
Rainbow 🐉
Spyro 🐉
Peeps 🐉
Unicorn 🐉
Siblings 🐉
Dragon on a String🐉
Spike My Little Pony 🐉
Pumpkin Roll (Animated) 🐉
Hiram McDaniels 🐉
Old Drawing + New One 🐉
Stuffie 🐉
Pinata 🐉
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice 🐉
Look Alike Day🐉
Teacup (Request)🐉
Earth Day🐉
Slay a Dragon Day🐉
Scream (Animated) 🐉
Toothbrush (Request)🐉
10 Minutes 🐉
Birth Month
Star Wars
Resident Evil
to 13 -
14. Lofi (Maybe Animated)
15. Cookie
16. -
17. Ender Dragon
20. Bee Dragon
21. To 27. -
28. Magic
29. To 31.
June (Pride)
Birth Month
Gender Queer
Demi Boy
Demi Girl
Pride Flag
Agender (Request)
Intersex (Request)
to 30. (Please send any more you would like!)
July (Disability Month)
Birth Month
Service Dog
Hard of Hearing (Request)
Terezi Homestuck (Request)
Oracle DC
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock ||| HTTYD (Request)
to 27. (Please send any you would like!)
28. Yang Xiao Long RWBY
29. To 31. -
Birth Month
Red (Animated)
Freddy Fazbear
Golden Freddy
William Afton
Dragon Fruit (Request)
Strawberry (Request)
Pineapple (Request)
Banana (Request)
Orange (Request)
Kiwi (Request)
Watermelon (Request)
Gold of Light RWBY
God of Dark RWBY
Wyvern RWBY
Sea Feilong RWBY
to 31. -
Birth Month
Jurassic Park
to 30. -
Birth Month
Cavern Merlin
Frankenstein’s Monster
Rat King
Birth Month
Day of the Dead
to 27. -
28. Thanksgiving
29. -
30. -
Birth Month
to 24. -
25. Christmas
26. Hanukkah
27. -
28. The Knight
29. Found
30. Battle 31. The New Year
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sunnydaleherald · 8 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, October 5
Giles: “Happy Hallow-- Hello, Buffy?” Buffy: “Oh. My. God.” Giles: “It’s a sombrero.”
~~Fear Itself~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Ties to the World (Buffy/Spike, T) by veronyxk84
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Ready for it? (Buffy/Spike, M) by Lilacsandorangeblossoms
Five by Five (Faith, T) by dionysia_does_stories
Protect the Girl (Spike, G) by AidenFlame
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Key to My Heart (Buffy/Angel, K+) by OveliaGirlHaditRight
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Narnia: Interlude, Chapter 1 (Crossover with Chronicles of Narnia, T) by BrennaLynn
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Surviving Together, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by ionlylikebadboys
Stab in the back, Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by MelG_2005
A Love That Defies Space and Time, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Spikelover4ever
Mutually Beneficial Agreements, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, R) by FoolForSpuffy
From Hell with Love, Chapter 29 (Buffy/Spike, R) by temporarytitle
Under the Rubble, Chapter 47 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
Ethan Rayne, Watcher, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Desicat
New Normal, Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by holetoledo
Plenty of Fish, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by all_choseny
Destiny or Choices Made?, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by charmed4lifekaren
A Place in the Sun, Chapter 33 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
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A.F.E.W., Chapter 53 (Crossover with Marvel, FR21) by cmdruhura
Dawn Rising, Chapter 23 (Crossover with Lord of the Rings, FR15) by Luna
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Autumnal Shorts, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
Bring Him Home, Chapter 32 (Buffy/Spike, R) by acb6293
What the Drabble?, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
Edge of the World, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by Dynamite
Use It or Lose It, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dynamite
A Marriage of Inconvenience, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, R) by all_choseny
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S06E21 'Two to Go''♡Reaction & Review♡ by SoFieReacts
Me, Myself, and Anya | Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x3 "The Replacement" | The Normies Group Reaction! by The Normies
Mummy Dearest! | Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reaction | S2E4 | Inca Mummy Girl by Wacky Uncle Reacts
Let's Rewatch Buffy! Season 1, Episode 7 by Jenny Trout
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PODCAST: Desecrate that Corpse - Monster of the Week - Session 1 by Pop Culture Role Call
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Has anyone else noticed the quality difference in season 5 and up? by multiple authors
Wes and Violence Towards Women by multiple authors
Lost souls by multiple authors
Spike's arc by multiple authors
Tara is amazing & just the sweetest 💕 by multiple authors
Subtle characterization appreciation post by multiple authors
Xander’s motivation in Hell’s Bells by multiple authors
Why does Spike find it so amusing that Wesley was "head boy" at the academy? by multiple authors
Dawn’s pre-Season 5 adventures by multiple authors
Who Would You Have Liked To See As A Vampire? by multiple authors
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floodsrollingback · 3 years
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honestly, harmony was onto something here...
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maizumis · 3 years
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ft. timeskip!bokuto koutaro, iwaizumi hajime, suna rintaro, tsukkishima kei, osamu miya
note: this is a part two of the baby fever one cause I crave for them as daddies, pls spare some babies
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•BOKUTO fell in love with your daughter the moment he first saw her, without believing he made this tiny cute human, his and your tiny cute human. he made sure to cherish all the momenta his daughter had; chest full of pride when she came home with a draw of his family that she made on the daycare, happyly exclaiming how she 'was so excited, cos her family is full of love'. the moment that is gonna be always in his heart, appart from the day she was born, was after an away game, after you told him you two couldn't go to cheer on him, his hair deflated, eyes getting a little teary but he needed to be strong for the two of you, for his family; spiking the last point, the winning point, he went to hug and congratulate his teammates, the scream of 'daddy' and two little arms barely hugging is thigh caught him off guard "girl! you are here! you are here!" getting emotional, his family was what he needed at that moment, picking up his little girl with one arm, he saw you walking toward them "tell dada we are proud of him" the child went for a open mouth kiss on his cheek "we proud of you dad! vewy proud"
•IWAIZUMI woke up with the feeling of two tiny hands around his neck and you curled up to his side, being the morning person he is, he got up and made some coffee to start the day with the right foot "daddy?" it was so early for a tiny voice to be up "bud what are you doing here? it's really really early, look, the sun is just saying hi to us" clearly his child didn't gave him attention, carrying his tiny feet and extending his arms to his dad "but I wanna be with you, we can watch a movie too" iwaizumi gives up at his child charms, he is just so cute "go to the couch, daddy is gonna end making breakfast and go with you, yeah?" before answering his son have a him a kiss where his petit body lets him, right in the middle of the keg " ‘m gonna be waiting for you dada! we can watch that movie that you like, the one we have the matching pijamas!" hajime is barely understanding what his son is telling him "Godzilla?" his short legs dragging him to the living room to have a special daddy-son morning "uh-huh! that gusila you like!"
•SUNA founded himself in the kitchen, trying to cook a decent meal that osamu gave to him, his skills in the kitchen are not the best you could tell. his chubby baby was next to him in his special chair, watching some cartoons "okay angel, I think this is ready" he only got a 'hmph' from the child in front of him "we don't tell about this to anyone, bit we are eating on the couch today" wasn't he trusting himself for keeping a secret? a baby wouldn't spill it out if they can't talk. Lunch went smoothly with some random kids show in the back "God your appetite makes me remember of your uncle ‘samu in highschool, he wouldn't stop eating" a burp, he received a burp, his daughter giggling after it, clapping her tiny hands at beat as she could "you know what Missy, since you already burped yourself we are gonna take a quick nap right here" he putted the dishes to wash, looked for a cosy cover and ploped to the couch again, with his little girl on muscular chest already closing her eyes "so happy" he pecks her head with just a little bit of brown hair "so happy to have you with me"
•TSUKKI took his pretty daughter to the park, after a busy day at home, they deserved some good air "uh daddy, imma go to the swings" he lets her down on the ground, fixing her cute lilac dress "okay, do you need help?" she vigurolsy shakes her head from left to right "I already learned! I'm a big girl after all, watch me, your gonna be surprised daddy" he smiled at her and have her a nod so she could go running to the swings. Tsukishimas eyes saw a cute scene in front of him, his daughter was teaching a boy around her age to go back and forth on the swings, he couldn't be prouder of his little girl, his life took a 180° spin once she was born but since then, he couldn't be more grateful. "Daddy! guess who made this flower crown!" she's cute with that, he thinka "mmmmm, I don't know, why don't you tell me" nodding, she extended her fingers, pointing to the boy she was teaching a while ago, "him! we are married now, he is my husband" no, no, no, that it's not gonna happen on his watch "how sweet, go tell the boy goodbye and we are going home" "but—" "no buts, daddy needs to tell you something before dating"
•OSAMU woke up before his two little angels, knowing they would wake up in anytime, he made his way toward the kitchen, with just his sweatpants on, to make some breakfast. your pretty baby boy already opened his eyes, ready to spend a lazy Sunday at home with his family "do you smeel that little boy? dad is making some yummy food" grabbing him by his plump body, you get the two of you out of bed, peeping from the end of the hall you whisper at his ear "look who's there" his little giggles made osamu look at their way "dada! that's dada" now clapping with his little fingers interlacing with each other "da-da, dada!" osamu hums, happy to see his bundle of joy "grab him ‘samu, I wanna go shower before eating" he takes the child of your arms and pecks your lips "not even good morning? ya look good in ma t-shirt" playful smack on his chest, kiss on you child cheeks before taking your leave to the bathroom "I always look good in you clothes, my dear husband"
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roseytoesy · 3 years
More obey me biology stuff I guess
A/N:sorry not sorry but this time I’m diving into the brothers and maybe dateables biology and stuff. What is specific to them compared to other demons/ angels/ human. Anyway hope you enjoy!
Lucifers demon form wings are strong, strong enough to stop bullets and protect those he loves.
if he got mad enough he can slash with his wings and cut through plated armor with ease.
if he is ever enamored with someone Mc his wings sometimes fluff out and a special blue shine can be seen on them.
his wings will also shift and flip in their spots and fan out to look similar to a peacocks large fanning feathers on their tails. But instead it’s all black and shimmering with blue ripples as he moves.
Lucifer has tougher skin than anyone other than diavolo. Blades cannot slash throguh his skin unless it’s enchanted. (I’m going off of how thick skinned pride filled people are).
up next is mammon! He actually has 3 hearts! And two lungs!
he has a high metabolism.
he is also very athletic and obviously good looking
his leather wings are like a bats with a leather look but a small bit of fur in it so it’s actually soft to the touch.
his horns have been used as a bottle/cork opener before…
also his wings can grow to double their size to protect himself and those he cares for.
his wings are tough and can withstand a bullet shot but only a few before it starts to tear.
this one is random but whatever, mammon can gleek on command. (Gleeking is shooting out saliva in a small spray from under your tongue. Usually it happens on accident when talking)
he also caws like a crow when he wants attention, or Coos like a crow when happy,
he also has an uncanny ability to mimic sounds and voices.
mammon also has a fast healing rate. he can recover from a severe wound in a day of rest.
mammon’s fastest record of movement is 120 miles per hour in 10 seconds.
the only other demon who can match that speed is Lucifer
Next is Levi!
he has two lungs as well but his second pair is more set up for his gills. It takes oxygen Out of the water he breaths in.
he can Move up to 90 miles per hour in the water.
he can understand any water dwelling creature he focuses on.
his tail sheds once every other month and his horns actually have small coral creatures on them. these little polyps bloom when he is happy and in the water. like this!
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these little polyps dissapear once out of the water and you couldnt ever really tell they were there unless you felt the little numbs and ridges on Levi’s horns.
Levi can spit venomous little spikes/dead fangs from a special cheek pouch like a cone snail.
his sense‘s under the water are super strong, he can smell like a shark, see perfectly even in murky water, hear super well and talk in a way anyone can hear and understand.
he can also easily withstand the crushing depths of the Mariana Trench if he wanted to.
when in super dark water his horns will glow a gentle orange and the scales on his outfit and a few small spurs tic spots on his tail will glow as well. If he focuses he can change the glows color. (And yes he has used this for cosplay stuff)
Next is Satan!
satans demon form is burning hot, his skin is a concerning 150 degrees
his claws are wickedly long and sharp but retractable like a cats. His claws are a neon green too.
satans tail is very expressive and similar to a cats as well, it will sway when curious or interested, it will twitch violently when annoyed or angry, and it will go down when scared or sad.
he usually keeps it wrapped around his leg to avoid knocking things over, and showing off when he is really happy because it will wag like a dogs.
satan has special extra muscles to his thin frame. This makes him much much stronger than he looks.
any green marks on his demon form glow in the dark, including his eyes.
he can also smell emotions in this form, and fear is the one that he chases after the most.
if he get even more angry and somehow can’t release his angry energy, he will burst into green flames and set alight to the area around him.
His ears are slightly pointed and he HATES them.
honestly I can’t really think of much else for Satan biology wise…
next is Asmo.
similar to Levi he can spit literal venom, this venom is more of an asphrodic and a numbing agent then deadly or paralyzing.
Asmo can’t fly with his little wings but if he focused he can triple the size of his wings and take off, he only keeps his wings small to add to his cuteness and charm.
Asmo’s skin is very special, it can change!
his skin has little color changing cells like an octopus! So he can change the color of his skin to anything he wants and even change the texture too!
this is why he takes such good care of it, his skin is very sensitive and fragile With its special ability to change and morph to any desire of his or someone else’s.
his voice can change dramatically as well, he has 3 vocal cords! so his voice can change to any octive and can be high enough pitched to shatter bulletproof glass.
Asmo can change the color of his eyes at will, the special color changing cells are in his eyes as well, and with a little magic they will stay that color for as long as he wants!
his demon form does have a tail with a stinger but he only uses that to paralyze people or demons or if he was really mad might kill them with 3 stings.
one sting causes paralysation, 2 causes muscle spasms and seasides and pleasure, 3 kills the person/demon thier heart gives out and their last thoughts are full of guilt and horror over the pleasure they just had as their life fades forever.
Beel is up next and I’m excited to write for him! If you can’t already tell he’s my favorite
beels wings are tough even though they look fragile. they have a multi layer of clear membrane in them that make them as tough as a SWAT shield.
beels demon form does have an exoskeleton! It’s just hidden under his cloths, the exoskeleton is on his chest, back, and abdomen. The exoskeleton is tougher than a bullet proof vest and nearly unbreakable, but every other month or so he sheds his exoskeleton and somewhat hides away as he is alot weaker as he is going through this state.
his muscles are weaker and he is twice as hungry to grow back the toughened skin. He also is very sensitive to touch and can easily get hurt like a human child for the first hour after molting.
luckly it only takes a day to grow back the exoskeleton.
there’s very little left of his molt since he usually eats it once he sheds it off
while beel is going through his molting belphegore actually gets energy and protects his twin with such anger that he rivals satan at times. beel usually locks himself up in his room and only lets in Belphegor and maybe the Mc if they are careful and listen closely to what beel tells them.
Beel has 2 stomachs and 2 intestine! his metabolism is insane! he injests millions of calories per day and gains little weight that he burns off anyway because he works out.
the only time he gains weight is the fried world of super fast food in America because my gosh is that fattening and bad for you…
anyway, beel also has acidic spit like a fly and the ph level of the spit is 2, (super corrosive by the way)
last of the brothers Is belphegore!
this murder cow is an interesting one.
weirdly enough his sweat has melatonin in it
this man naturally creates and secretes melatonin in every way, spit, tears, even his blood is full of the stuff.
there’s a small organ near his head that creates such large amounts of the sleepy ness chemical.
belphegore Does have two brains and both have different personalities. One is more active during sleep, that is the second One.
this brains personality is more harsh and uncaring, and where that hatred for humans boiled for so long.
this second brain also has some amazing capabilities when it comes to dreams. It can manipulate them, enter others nearby, and connect up to 15 other people into a singular dream.
Belphegore’s tail spines have a slight poison to them that causes comas.
He is a common sleep paralysis demon and enjoys freaking out people by just standing there.
He is notoriously lazy and can figure out the best way to be lazy with both of his brains.
He will make an entire pulley system just to feed a pet for someone when an alarm goes off so he never even has to go over of check on it.
He’s smart but he does now use it to its best ability unless it comes to marking Lucifer suffer.
Due to a few thousand years of pranks, and his coffee infused blood, Lucifer is immune to belphegore’s sleepy aura, melatonin spit, and coma spikes.
Belphegore can sleep through anything,
the few things that always wake him up is pressure on the small of his back, activating his second brain and causing him to wake with a start, the next is the smell of blood, be careful with that one, he will either wake with bloodlust or extreme worry and anger. The last sure way to wake him is by tickling his under arms, that’s the best way beel does it at least :)
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obeymeluv · 3 years
Could you do one with an MC who is rich and has two butlers and they happen to arrive out of nowhere, and they start to become clingy, and they call MC ✨Master✨? How would the brothers react? And could you also please do the reaction of the undateables to? Thank you and keep up the great work!❤️❤️
What an interesting concept :0
These will be short-ish since you want to include the Undateables, too. Also, bear with me. First time doing the Undateables. Luke is excluded because he is a baby. 
He didn’t remember this being in your selection packet. This is unacceptable.
Is very unnerved and aggravated because...why so clingy? Have some dignity!
Literally wrinkles his nose at them and scoffs
When they address you as “Master” in his presence he tries very hard not to throw something at them or make a demon noise.
Something about them addressing you like that seems like a smack in the face, like they’re flaunting their closeness and he’s just not here for it
If they get him the right way on the wrong day, he’s going to pull rank and be like ‘I was here with them BEFORE you got here and you’re in the Devildom. MY HOME. Know your place.’
Will play their game and force them to actually be a butler, dismissing them when he’s with you or requesting things. If they don’t look like they want to do it for them, he’d call them out on whether or not they’re really a butler with that shit-eating smirk on his face.
Is pretty excited. They’re basically his butlers now too, right?! He’s your best man so you share, right?!
If they shut him down, ignore him, or dismiss him, Mammon’s going to be super butthurt about it
Their whole clingy ‘Master’ bit is really not sitting right with him. It’s doing a number on his desire to be greedy and snap up all your time or attention
Is most likely to trick them, like sending an illusion of you down the hall just so they follow you. He’ll make off with the real you! Hey, it’s not his fault you have dumb human butlers, okay?
May just outright lie to them and convince them that they need to work odd jobs in the Devildom to support you (”Uh, yeah, no, they’re broke here. Human money doesn’t transfer, you know?”) because these simps would do it. You get more Grim and he gets you, it’s a win!
Weirded out but really interested. He’s not super close with Barbatos so this is a chance to find out exactly what being a butler entails. It’s kind of a mystery profession, he thinks
Is also convinced they may not be human butlers because he saw that in an anime once. This sends Levi on a small (constant) spying expedition to see if anything non-human happens
This may be where he realizes he has a sub kink because hearing them call you ‘Master’ makes him blush and feel some kind of way?!
The magic dies a bit when they’re dismissive and kind of protective, seeming to guard you from the bros
Gets jealous because they’re obviously close to you and that’s basically a pet name and why can’t HE have that?
They may or may not be scared by his demon form if/when he sulks around
Might trick them into playing an intense butler/serving VR game and trap them in it for a little bit. He feels like they’ve disturbed the peace of the house.
He sees their game and he’ll play it. If they’re your butlers--and good ones--they’ll cater to him, who is your company.
Lives for every moment he can catch them on a technicality and they have to include him on anything
Thinks it’s cute they call you master. If they get snippy with him, he’ll be happy to explain how that term originated with demons and it will take nothing short of their master to call him off of them
If he’s bored or just feeling some kind of way, he’ll ask them to help fetch books (at your behest, so they do it) and watch them struggle with ancient tomes that may have been enchanted to weigh a little more than normal. 
Satan lowkey feels on edge because they feel like intruders in their home, in the space they’ve let you share. Does not want them here.
Butlers?! How quaint and cute! Seems like a scene from a book! Have you ever had a wild love affair?!
Charms them without using his powers. They somehow accept him. He appears to be tolerated more than the rest of his brothers, though he undoubtedly plays second fiddle to you. He understands.
Thoroughly enjoys pissing off his brothers via the butlers, toasting with little glasses of drink while the two of you have a private party. Oh, it’s so fun!
Will poke fun at how much they use ‘Master’. “Some people really enjoy that, you know? Is it projection or just your thing?” (It gets on his nerves because, yes, it can be overused.)
It’s a nice peek into something he doesn’t have in his life but it does lose its charm eventually. He’d much prefer the House of Lamentation go back to the way it was.
Will probably charm them right back to the human world. No need for butlers here, you have seven demons!
Almost eats one of them because he thinks random humans just showed up in the house.
He honestly thought it was some reverse summoning gone wrong and they’d be totally free game to eat. They might have bad intentions, you know?
Once he realizes they’re here for you, he apologizes but is wary.
Are they here to take you away? To check in on you? Why would they do that? You signed all kinds of paperwork stating you’d be safe in the Devildom and stuff!
Lucifer gets aggravated with them floating around and attaching to you (and lowkey trying to clean/rearrange the house) so he asks you to put them on cooking duty. You seem to want a break from them so you agree. Beel tries not to abuse this too much, but he’s glad to have extra bodies ready to cook!
Doesn’t really get the ‘Master’ thing but won’t say anything. Will idly go ask Satan if that’s a thing in the human world. He feels like it should’ve gone out of date a couple of centuries ago.
The one to ask, point blank, if you guys decide to date or get married do they then become his butlers?
Will leave alone if he’s left alone, but if they start to get hostile or sabotage his ability to hang out with you, he will think of a very passive/casual way to show his strength and why he shouldn’t be messed with.
Almost attacked them too, but for a different reason. He’d been sleeping when they arrived and no one thought to update him. When he saw random people in the house, he thought someone may have broken in.
Cow man will defend his territory
Will definitely make fun of them when they call you ‘master’. (”Seems like something a lesser creature would do.”)
They may be here for you but they’ll learn his rules. Mainly: do not, under any circumstances, touch his cow pillow.
Couldn’t care less but if he thinks his family is being pushed away because of them, he and Satan may form a smaller ‘Butlers suck’ club and test out some new pranks for the ‘Lucifer sucks’ club.
Will doze in your lap just to hear you defend him and shoo them off. May slap one of them with his tail ‘in his sleep’.
Butlers, hm? It wasn’t something he expected
Has no outward animosity for them. Lowkey charms them; he wants them to open up and let their guard down because he is extremely interested in body language. What are they really feeling and thinking?
May show them a few spells to break the ice
If he feels they’re stealing up your time and blocking him, he’ll play their cat and mouse game. He and Satan have a lot in common in that respect.
Secretly wonders if you can make them try his cooking. He doesn’t think it’s half bad!
May ask them for tips on cooking
If he’s bored and you both want to have a laugh, he may find a way to spike them both with truth serum and have a fun time
Secretly wants to have a real tea party-type date
What an act of labor and love! How adorable!
He considers them to be the human version of guardian angels and he’s just so touched by it. He thinks its very cute
Dotes on them a bit, almost like they’re puppies instead of people
He is polite and literally angelic, but he is not a pushover. Should they deny him your presence out of spite or distrust, he will give them a mini-schooling (scolding) on politeness and how he prays for their heart 
Probably wins them over by being his usual neutral kind of polite self
Doesn’t quite care for them calling you master and warns them of false idols and such
Is very amused. You also have butlers? What a small world!
Do butlers like to hang out with other butlers?
Basically tries to arrange a butler play date
Genuinely laughs when they try to prevent him from being with you in any capacity. (”They may be your master but I am a prince. Soon to be king. Please step aside.”)
He appreciates that they’re protective of you but there IS such a thing as overdoing it and he can excuse them from the Devildom any time he wishes.
Overall takes their presence with grace because you having butlers is like him having Barbatos. They’re just very young and stubborn. He understands. They’ll mellow out soon.
Finds the whole thing laughable, especially when they try to prevent HIM from seeing you
Boy has been a butler for THOUSANDS of years, he knows all the dismissal tricks! 
Barbatos will idly wipe a gloved hand over something they’ve cleaned (comes from being head of cleaning staff for thousands of years) and in butler code that SMACKS of judgement and disrespect
He knows this and sometimes he does it on purpose
Barbatos is the very quiet, sly kind of petty
May send the butlers into a cleaning frenzy just because they THINK he’ll say something or they THINK he gave them the side eye
Those humans may work themselves sore and oh, what’s this? You’re suddenly free and unattended? Well, he can’t have that, can he?
Probably saw this happening in one reality or another, so he takes it like a champ. There’s just that nasty bite of pride that refuses to let him be out-butlered.
Hope you liked it, Nonnie!
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5typesoftrash · 3 years
SPN Pride Week Day 1: Coming Out / Flags
I'm so excited for this event! I really liked this little drabble and I hope the folx over at @spnprideweek like it too <3
“Hey Dean,” Jack says timidly while Dean’s cooking omelettes. “Can I talk to you after breakfast?” He glances around the kitchen, where Sam is shredding cheese and Cas is making coffee. “Alone?”
Dean’s a little taken by surprise – he hasn’t exactly been the best to the kid in the past – but he smiles and places a hand on his shoulder. “Sure thing, kiddo.”
Jack looks relieved, visibly relaxing. “Thanks, Dean!” he says cheerfully and goes to sit at the table.
Breakfast is a calm affair, as it usually is. Dean doesn’t spike his coffee with booze anymore; being with Cas has broken him of that habit. Jack steals a sip of Sam’s coffee, like he does every morning (since Sam can’t resist the kid) and makes his grossed-out face when he doesn’t like it, the same way he does every morning. It’s beautiful, honestly, the routine that they’ve created together in the peaceful mornings on their little lake house. It’s something Dean never imagined he’d be allowed to have.
They leave Sam and Cas to clean the table and walk into Jack’s room. Jack won’t make eye contact with Dean, shuffling his feet and rubbing his shirt to calm himself. “You okay, kid?” Dean asks.
Jack glances at him furtively, then looks back at the floor. “I don’t think I’m a boy,” he says. Dean tilts his head.
“Okay,” he replies easily. “Are you a girl?”
“I don’t know yet,” Jack mumbles. “But I don’t think so. I think I’m something else. Something… other. I feel like the only way I can describe it is angel. Like, I’m an angel, and that is my gender.”
Dean furrows his brow and nods. “Well, I’ve never heard of that before, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Wanna look it up?”
Jack looks up at him with excitement glistening in his eyes. “Yeah!” he exclaims excitedly. Dean sits down at Jack’s laptop with Jack standing behind him, looking over his shoulder, and types ‘angelgender’ into the Google search bar.
It brings up a page from the LGBTA Wiki | Fandom, followed by a tumblr tag. Dean chooses to ignore tumblr and opts for the Wiki.
“‘Angelgender’,” he reads, “‘is a gender identity for neurodivergent people’ – what does neurodivergent mean?”
Jack glances at him. “I think it’s autism and ADHD and stuff. Like your brain doesn’t work the same way as most people’s.”
“Oh,” Dean says. “Well, you’re pretty autistic, so I guess that’s okay then.”
Jack looks confused. “What do you mean?”
“Sam and I have been doing research on it, and it turns out you take after your dad. We haven’t had you officially screened yet but we’re pretty sure you have autism. We can get you screened officially if you want.”
“Yeah, that’d be nice,” Jack says happily. Dean smiles and puts a hand on his arm for a moment before going back to the Wiki page.
“‘Angelgender is a gender identity for neurodivergent people that is connected to angels. It was primarily intended for autistic people and people with delusions, though any neurodivergent person can use it. It can be a gender based in religion or based in media, as long as it's based around angels. It can be an umbrella term for other angel-related genders. It is also the opposite of Devilgender.’ That’s pretty cool. Do you think it describes your experience?”
Jack nods. “That’s perfect! That’s exactly what my gender feels like.”
“I like that flag,” Dean muses. “Do you like it?”
Jack grins. “It’s pretty. I love it.”
“I’m gonna buy you a pin with that on it. What pronouns do you want to use?”
“He is okay for right now, but maybe I’ll change them later. I’m exploring pronouns that are outside of the trinary.”
Dean grins. “You’re such a smart kid,” he murmurs. “Now, let’s look into something else real quick…”
“Sam! Castiel!” Jack bounds down the stairs from the entrance to the living room. “Look what I have!”
He spins in a circle, his brand new cape twirling behind him. Sam stops him and reaches out to grab the material.
It’s a pride flag. A yellow stripe, a white stripe, a purple stripe, and a black stripe. Sam grins. “Nonbinary?”
“Yeah!” Jack says happily. “Angelgender.” He looks at Cas, smiling. “I’m autistic like you!”
Cas walks over to him, a soft smile gracing his features. “I’m very glad you’re happy,” he declares, pulling Jack into an embrace. “You are the most precious thing in the world to me.”
Jack grins, burying his face in Cas’ shoulder. “I love you, Castiel.”
“I love you too, Jack.”
Dean is watching them with fondness from the top of the stairs. “I got him a pin,” he offers. “And I bought the flag. Turned it into a cape.”
“Dean is the best mom ever!” Jack yells excitedly, and Dean’s face goes red.
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 3 months
Katerina Dust
Anika Noni Rose (speaking)
EMELINE (singing)
Meaning of the name:
Kat was (comically) named by Angel Dust given the fact that most of her appearance is, indeed, more like a cat and the name pretty much stuck until she decided to shorten it to “K.D.” once she was a little bit older
Ring: Pride (Pentagram City)
Sex: Female
Height: 7ft tall
Sexuality: Sapphic
Zodiac sign: Libra ♎️ (same as Luster)
Species: Sinner (hybrid)
<> Cat (via Husk)
<> Jumping spider (via Angel Dust)
• American; Las Vegas 🇺🇸
<> Accent: Yat (New Orleans)
• Part Russian 🇷🇺
• Italian 🇮🇹
• Drug-lord
<> Business partner of Snow Dust — on behalf of Angel — and Barbie Wire
• Band leader
<> Band name: Hybridisation
<> Stage name: Pussycat
• Exotic dancer (stripper)
Band members:
• Thunder Howler (manger)
• Luster “Ace” Dust (songwriter)
• T.J. “Starlight” of the Ars Goetia
• Sugarcane Mayday
• Candy Buckzo (AU)
• Dawn “Ducky” Morningstar
• Ivy of the Ars Goetia
Relationship type: Polyamorous
Bed type: Switch 🤭
• Her sister(s) being endangered
• Gambling
<> Not very good at it
• Walking
• Demons bullying her friends/family
• Redemption
• Popularity
• Sex
• Drinking alcohol
• Flying
• Beelzebub (idol)
• Being drunk
• Being on her phone - Sinstagram
• Drugs
• Partygoer (hardcore)
• Using her wings and tail for dancing props
• Italian culture
• Midnight flights with her violin
• RuPaul’s Drag Race 🤭
<> It’s hers and Angel’s favourite thing to watch
• Smoker
• Playing the violin in front of other people
• Drug addict
• Member of Verosika’s posse
• Competitiveness
• Popularity
• Hates the idea of redemption
• Abused (emotionally) by Verosika
<> Also a little bit of gaslighting too
• Cat mannerisms
• Deipnophobia
<> Fear of eating in front of people
<> Similar: Eating disorder
• Daddy’s girl
• Musical talents
• Weapon proficiency
• Emotional regulation
<> Plays the violin to express her mood(s)
- Mozart 40 (energised)
- Wedding Tarantella etc (Italian)
<> Bella Ciao (happy 🇮🇹)
- Hungarian Dance (dramatic)
- Bach 2 (sad)
- Waltz No. 2 (expressive)
- Vivaldi
<> Background music for when her parents are arguing (much to their annoyance 🤣)
- Jaws theme song (when Luster comes into her room)
- My Heart Will Always Go On cover (romantic)
<> Can’t Help Fallin' In Love
- Fair Tail Theme - Folk Version (jaunty)
- Pirates of The Caribbean Theme Song (for T.J. 😂)
- Sway With Me (cover)
• Flexibility
Romantic interests:
• T.J. of the Ars Goetia (RP) (OC)
• Candy Buckzo (OC)
• Sugarcane Mayday (OC)
• Verosika Mayday (one-sided)
• Aketh (RP)
• Hazbin Hotel
• The Hybridisations (band)
• Verosika Mayday’s crew
(bio) Aunt: Molly
(bio) Uncle: Arackniss
Father 1#: Husk
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Father 2#: Angel Dust
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(fraternal twin) Sister: Luster
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(surrogate) Sister: Niffty
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(surrogate) Aunt: Charlie Morningstar
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(surrogate) Aunt: Snow Dust (RP)
<> Business partners
(future) Wife: T.J. Buckzo
• Pussycat (stage name)
• Tak (anagram)
• Kat (mainly)
• Flight
• Promiscuity
• Multilingualism (anywhere from Europe)
• Agile
• High alcohol tolerance
• Musical talents
<> Singing - from both parents
<> Violist
• Observation
<> Can tell when someone has spiked her drink
Appearance and personality:
Kat, just as her name suggests, has cat-like appearance with grey fur with long wings (similar to Husk) but has white and dusty pink colours with a heart shape at the back of them. Her tail is bush same colour as her wings and same pattern.
She has very long legs for a female which also has a heart on the back of her feet (a darker get this time; same as the patterns on her arms) and her fingertips (claws?) and toes have a white patch which is the same colour as her face before stopping at the bottom of her stomach.
Despite the dark grey colour of Kat's hair, has the same/similar fluffy shape to "hairstyle" as Angel Dust
Kat, despite her entire body being cat-like, the only thing that resembles to a spider is both her six of her eyes (besides the ones she can see out of) that look like freckles and open up when incredibly angry
Similar to her sister she also has the same sclera colour as both Luster & Angel Dust whilst her left eye is normal looking with a golden greenish/yellow hue added to it
Significant markings:
Kat has dusty pink hearts (representation Angel Dust) all over her body: legs, wings, inside of her ears, chest, and tail. However she also does have lines across her wings that is a slightly darker peachy colour (much like Husk except the colour)
Reference sheet:
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Credits go to: HazbinHotelFan
Source: Pinterest
How would you describe Kat’s personality?
• Volatile
• Reckless (even worse than Angel Dust 😂)
• Influential
• Family orientated
• Protective
<> Especially with her sisters
• Hypersexual
• Alert
• Hypersensitive
• Competitive
• Hopeless romantic (formerly)
• Authoritative
• Sceptical
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
How btvs characters would celebrate their s/o’s Birthday:
Characters include: Buffy; Spike; Angel; Giles; Cordelia; Oz; Willow; Tara; Xander; Anya; Riley and Faith
A/N: This is completely self-indulgent – it’s my Birthday! Yay !! There’s a few tiny sex references in these hcs but it’s mostly just up to interpretation I think 💖🖤
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[Under the cut cos it’s quite long - I got excited !! 💖]
Buffy Summers:
- She would have a plan
- The plan may not exactly work out exactly how she wanted it to
- But either way it would be perfect to you
- She would plan a surprise party at the Bronze
- She would make sure everyone kept quiet
- (she wouldn’t even tell Dawn there was a party)
- She would want you at the centre of attention
- National y/n day
- she worried you usually would fade into the background cos she always has some slayer stuff to do
- she just wanted one moment where she could show you how much you mean to her
- she was very secretive, but you honestly hadn’t expected anything
- You were just happy to be hers so the fact she was doing this was secondary to your love
- It was T-ten minutes until you were about to walk through that door and who appears?
- A vampire, of course.
- Buffy scowled, storming up to the demon and screamed in his face that he had just ruined a month of planning
- He put his hands up in mock-surrender before dropping it and saying the fight didn’t stop for anyone
- Buffy traded blows and managed to stake the vampire (it was her PB time too)
- But this had all happened… Just as you walked in
- You coughed, spluttering slightly at the dust but you were quickly distracted by everyone’s shouts of ‘Happy Birthday!’
- You smiled, dusting yourself off and wrapping your arms around Buffy
- She looked a bit upset about the dust but you told her it was perfect
- It was the way you both lived and she had managed to do all of this with only a minor attack
- You loved it, all of your friends were there and you got presents and great live music
- She had gotten everything so right
- You danced and had the best time, feeling so loved with your girlfriend by your side
- he would have remembered a week in advance
- Mostly cos he overheard you saying it to someone
- He didn’t forget he just wasn’t used to celebrating birthdays
- But of course once he realised he was trying to pull together some kind of plan
- (Although he’s not great at plans, evil plots or birthdays bless)
- He wanted to show you how much he loved you
- But nothing seemed enough
- He made Dawn and some of your more agreeable friends brainstorm with him
- Over what you would like
- Dawn insisted on a party so he just nodded
- The day came and he gave you your gift
- It was so meaningful
- And he even wrote a little bit of poetry
- Almost snatched it from you and tore it up as you read it
- But you gushed over it and absolutely adored it
- So he grinned and you embraced
- Then It was party time! at the Bronze
- He put his good shirt on and took your hand and lead you inside
- Very affectionate, always with a hand on you
- An arm around you, whispers and kisses
- Barely left your side
- So much so that it might as well have just been the two of you
- You had loads of fun with the Scoobies, dancing and laughing
- But as soon as Spike gestured with his head you nodded
- Took his hand and you both skipped the rest of the party
- Knowing the night was young and there would be plenty more celebrations to be had in the crypt
- She would be giddy
- She would have such grand, sometimes outlandish plans
- Some too grand to actually be able to pull off
- She wouldn’t be able to keep any secret
- She’s very clingy and involved with a s/o
- So would want it all to be everything you loved
- Would glow if you said all you needed was her
- Absolutely would gush and throw her arms around you
- With that adorable excited smile
- She would plan a big day out
- She’s very adventurous in all aspects of her life
- She would decide on something you would love
- Maybe settle for the beach or she may ask what you would prefer
- Would insist on paying for everything
- The entire day
- If you express surprise at her spending so easily
- She will scrunch up her nose and tell you of course she would spend money on you
- Happily so
- The reason she wants to make more is so that you and her can be comfortable
- Together, just the two of you
- She would choose a really great gift
- It would be wrapped to perfection
- So nicely you wouldn’t want to unwrap it – it was a gift in itself
- You would drive to your destination and she would hold your hand as you walked around
- She may complain a little if it’s a lot of walking
- But she would definitely be enjoying herself
- Would whisper sweet things in your ear
- And you would find a cute little place to have a meal
- It would be very intimate
-  And so very soft
- Both of you would cherish the memory of this birthday for years to come
- Would be really anxious about getting it right
- You deserve everything to go right
- Wants you to enjoy yourself, to do something you would truly enjoy
- Would be bugging people asking for advice
- Which isn’t like him to initiate conversation
- Especially not with Xander
- But he wanted it to be exactly what you like
- Not outdated or boring
- Just perfect
-  And to do that he had to recruit your friends opinions
- Which were contradictory and at times he decided they were making fun of him
- (they thought he wouldn’t know any better)
- But despite all of this he planned the perfect evening
-  Some was a little old fashioned
- Probably a sit down meal
-  He would have cooked himself
-  All of your favourites, he wouldn’t taste it while he was cooking
- He doesn’t really do human food
- But you wouldn’t even have to pretend it tasted good
- You joked that he was annoyingly good at everything
- He gave you the sweetest most thoughtful gift
- Probably something small but oh so meaningful
- You noticed how nervous he had been leading up to today
- You put your hand over his
- You look at him softly, that way that makes him feel so loved
- So sure that this is real
- telling him that he was all you wanted
- It was a perfect day so long as he was by your side
- He grinned in that way he did, looking down
- Feeling more reassured
- Before reaching for you and scooping you up into the biggest hug
- He pressed some soft kisses against your forehead
- Your cheek
- The rest of your birthday evening spent in bed together
- It would be an intimate affair, whatever you were doing
- Just the two of you
- Just exactly how you both like
- All you wanted was him anyway
- You insisted you didn’t want any presents
- Only him
- He was so attentive and adoring anyway
- But a little extra today
- He just wanted to do everything you wanted
- It would be your choice all day long
- You get to make all the decisions
- (if you hate decision-making he will ofc take over cos its your birthday lol)
- He’ll want to treat you through out the day
- Lots of small gifts through the day
- Just everything you adore
- Because you deserve all the sweetest little things
- He will take you in his arms, pressing the sweetest kiss to your forehead
- Whispering how much he loves you
- How much he loves this time of year
- Because it gives him the excuse to show you even more so how much he loves you
- He would bring you breakfast in bed and then the rest would be up to you
- You, of course, just want to spend the day with him
- You reach for him and pull him into you
- He would slide into bed beside you
- You would stay in bed together
- just you and him, cherishing the other
- long into the afternoon
- It’s purely bliss
Cordelia Chase:
- She would have a gift for every day of that week
- You would have a birthday week with her involved
- Showering you with gifts
- Some grand, some little tiny things that she saw and thought of you
- You would literally not doubt her love for you
-  Her dedication
- And this was her way of showing it, you knew that
- She loved your birthday because she could spend time showing you just how much you meant to her
- She would want to have a big party for you
- Make everyone bring lots of gifts for you
- Literally wouldn’t let people in without at least two medium sized presents
- Or one massive present
- But she was open to suggestions
- (although she definitely got caught up in her vision for the day)
- She could definitely enjoy an intimate moment with you as well
- In the afternoon, before the party
- She would give you a main present
- It’s something you mentioned you liked in a store
- Like seven months ago
- And she remembered!
- Because you mean so much to her
- She’ll smile so big when you tell her how much you love it
- She’ll take you to the party, showing you off
- Won’t leave your side
- You’ll dance and sing
- Just soak up the entire evening
- You can’t believe just how lucky you are to have her
- Tells you he has a gig on your birthday
- Can’t get out of it
- Really apologetic
- You say you don’t mind
- He offers you to come
- And you smile wide
- Pleased that despite the inconvenience he would want to spend even a brief break between sets with you
- Would have got you the most thoughtful and meaningful present
- He would have listened to everything you had ever expressed interest in
- He’s a really good listener
- And makes it a point of pride that he knows you this well
- So it was the big day and you travelled together to the bar
- He smiled and lead you in
- Everyone shouted and cheered when you arrived
- It was a surprise party
- With all your best friends
- The biggest surprise was that he planned it himself
- That soft smile when he saw how shocked and pleased you were
- He’ll have pulled you into him
- And pressed the softest kiss against your forehead
- He completely doted on you
- Wanted you to have everything
- So much so he felt a little bad for deceiving you
- But your excitement made it all worth it
- His band would actually play
-  A few of your favourite songs
- Or some of the songs that were undoubtedly written about you
- Maybe even a little cheesy happy birthday at the end of their mini-set
- He would come back after that and you would celebrate into the night
- With all your favourite people around you
- Such a perfect day!
- She would be a bit embarrassed about how enthusiastic she was
-  About just everything about you really
- She would totally have a plan
- She would just be ridiculously embarrassed about it
- And try to play it off as cool
- Or that it wasn’t a big deal if you didn’t want to
- (she would actually die inside if you would rather do something else)
- But of course you want her
- And you tell her this a lot
- She glows when you do this
- She adores having your attention
- She gets that you are very good to her, you reassure her often
- Look out for her
- So she wants to basically pull out all the stops
- In her own way
- She’s been saving up
- For quite a long time
- Wanted to show you just how much she loves you
- You have reservations at Sunnydale’s fanciest restaurant
- There’s champagne: the works
- You’re confused but you smile at her, holding her hand over the table
- It’s nice that people are having to treat you both with such respect
- But you both bite into your meals and make the same face
-  Of absolute disgust
- The food is overpriced
-  And horrible
- You both look at each other, the same glint in your eye
- You take the bottle and dash for it together
- Laughing and eventually slowing
- You stop after a while, sharing the end of the champagne
- And kiss her
- You turn in and find your favourite fast food joint instead
- You’re both just on such a high
- Probably the best birthday ever
-  It felt like it was just you and her
- He had precise plans
-  Well-thought out in advance
- You truly are the most important to him
- Plan was conducted with army-style accuracy
- So that you could have the best day
- He set up a little scavenger hunt
- Only small but so very cute and meaningful
- All around town
- With love notes and little gifts along the way
- It was truly the sweetest thing
- It melted your heart
- And his little puppy-dog look
- Of enthusiasm and excitement when you find the next clue
- Almost more excited than you
- It’s completely adorable
- You wrap your arms around him and cuddle into him
- Smiling wide when he wraps his arms around you
- Whispering how much he loves you
- Wants you to enjoy yourself
- Just have one day where there was no danger
- Nothing except happiness for you
- It means a lot
- At the end, there’s a gift waiting for you
-  One that looks as if it was made for you
- He just knows you inside out
- You’ve arrived at your favourite restaurant
- It was the one that you had your first date in
- He just wants everything to be special
- And about you
- He’s managed to swing reservations and in the same spot by the window
- Because you always say you want to go back
- He only wants the very best for you
- You hold hands and slide your chair so that you get to sit closer to him
- Laying lots of affection on him
- Which he insists isn’t fair cos it’s your birthday
- He’s honestly the sweetest
- He makes your heart melt
- Such a sweetheart with you
- Like completely in tune with the kind of day you’d love
- Wants it to truly be all about you
- She would make you your favourite breakfast
- If you woke up and came to see what she was doing
- She would cuddle up to you from behind
- Such a soft smile
- As she wishes you a happy birthday
- Pressing kisses against you
- She’s more excited than you for the day
- Absolutely adores you
- The gift she got you would be so meaningful
- Like completely what you want/needed
- Near knows your mind better than you
- She knows how much your friends mean to you
- Wants you to be happy
- Completely in tune with you
- And what you enjoy
- So she plans a lovely party at the bronze
- With all of your favourite people
- She’s right there with you
- Makes sure to buy you your favourite drinks
- You and your friends have such a great time
- Tara makes sure that it’s all about you
- She makes sure that everyone’s happy
- And that there’s no drama
- Or demons
- (and if any demons do crash, she makes sure that you don’t notice)
- Buffy nods and takes it outside
- She manages to swing your favourite band
- To come and play at the Bronze
- You squeal with excitement (internally lol if you’re not that way out)
- And they dedicate your very favourite song to you
- For your birthday
- You and Tara would dance together and have the best time
- It would be so much fun
- You tell her just how much you appreciate her
- She’s a complete sweetheart
- And you always feel cherished by her
- Like everyday, but especially now
- With all of this love surrounding you
Xander Harris:
- He would want to do something romantic
- Meaningful
- You deserved it
- And he was sure he didn’t treat you as good as you deserved
- Despite you being so incredibly happy with him
- He would tell you that there were plans
- So that you didn’t make any of your own
- But wouldn’t give you anything other than a vague direction
- On what type of clothing to wear
- (something warm but cute like you)
- I’m sure he would take every opportunity to kiss you
- And shower you with as much physical affection as possible
- Throughout the day
- In fact would probably claim the entire week in your honour
- Maybe even the month in his goofy enthusiasm
- Would actually have a present sorted well in advance
- He has an (unfounded in his opinion) reputation for forgetting or not putting so much thought into his gifts
- But he has worked to turn this stereotype around
- Especially so for you
- Very thoughtful with his gifts
- Will most likely have made it himself
- It’s perfect and you tell him this
- Between kisses
- He would then lead you to
- Would blindfold you but you absolutely trusted him
- And you open your eyes and find yourself at a movie theatre
- It’s lovely but you squint and look at him a little confused
- He smiles in that soft way and shows you
- The entire theatre is reserved for you
- Just you and him
- And all the snacks you need
- (he used to work with the guy that manages the cinema and he owes him one)
- They’re showing something you’ve been dying to see
- And you hold his hand, leaning against him
- When you’re ready to leave he shakes his head, pressing a kiss against you
- They’re showing a marathon
- Of some of your all-time favourites
- It was so thoughtful and so entirely perfect for the both of you
- Honestly so excited for your birthday
- Basically vibrating with how excited she is
- She really loves you
- And has a bunch of sweet gestures and plans
- Up her sleeve
- Just wants everything to be about you
- You spend the morning in bed, mostly relaxing
- Snuggling and soft kisses against you
- She’ll whisper happy birthday
- And immediately pass you a little gift
- She couldn’t wait any longer
- Bright eyes and a brighter smile
- Widens with yours as you see the sweetest gift
- Absolutely perfect for you
- You wrap your arms around her and stay like that
- For a long while
- Just basking in how much you love each other
- How much you just truly get each other
- Eventually she managed to coax you out of bed
- She snaps her fingers twice and you give her a confused look
- But you soon understand
- She’s decorated the entire house
- Just to your taste too
- Very sweet and all for you
- She took a really long time perfecting the spell
- You get ready, she bought you that outfit you said you liked
- That happened to be perfect for a party
- You both dress nice and go downstairs
- To see all of your friends waiting
- The music starts and your favourite people are all around
- You have a really great time celebrating
- And you can see just how much effort she’s put in
- She’s so sweet with you, brings the fun out
- Makes you so happy
- The day is just perfect
- She baked too, a cake (or the alternative that she knew you would like lol)
- She spent so much time on it, just for you
- The party was so fun everyone ended up staying over
- You and Willow cuddle up on the sofa, whispering long into the night
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ezmarie · 3 years
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚❀ ⋆。˚❃
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. ˚ ✧ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : bokuto x gn reader ┊ .. ♡ 。
。♡⋆。 . 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff 。 . ˚ ✧ .
. 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 1.3k 。♡⋆。 ┊ . .。 . ⋆。 ❀
⋆。 ❀ . 𝐚/𝐧 : first time posting an actual writing work lowkey really nervous- also i know it’s 1.3k words but honestly there’s no plot, i don’t even know what this is avxhbs <3
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You sat on the bleachers watching Fukurōdani score another point, tying up the game with both teams at 23 points. This wasn't supposed to be an extremely important game, but since they were playing against a really tough team, they all obviously wanted to win and prove that they're the better team after all.
Especially your boyfriend, Bokuto.
Before the game he was talking your ear off, rambling about how he was gonna destroy the other team and such as you just giggled at his normal antics. When he was about to leave you told him you would be there and informed him to kick their asses. He laughed and grabbed onto the doorknob, opening the door slightly before whipping his body towards you again and engulfing you in one of his strong, tight hugs. Your face heated up a bit from the sudden affection as you quickly returned the hug with a smile spread across your face. "Are you gonna wear my backup jersey again? Pleeeeaaase wear itttt, [Name]!" He whined. You remembered which one he was talking about, because he basically never let you not wear it.
A couple weeks ago you found his backup jersey when you were getting dressed to watch his game. It was an important game as well, so you decided that maybe it wouldn't hurt to wear it, as good luck or something along the lines of that. Well, I guess you were right, but also it might've not been the best decision you've ever made either. When he first saw you up in the stands, he squealed like a little girl and his grin grew 10x bigger than it already was. His hair shot up questionably high and his eyes glistened with admiration and excitement. That was probably one of the best games he's played all year. He hit every spike perfectly, had incredible reflexes, and overall just played amazing. After they won, he practically bounced the whole way over to you and tackled you in a bone crushing hug. "YOU'RE SOO CUTEEE!!!" He exclaimed, quite loudly might I add. Basically, the whole night he never let you out of his iron grip and kept yelling over and over again how cute you were and that you need to wear his jersey more often.
So yeah, he made you wear his jersey every single game after that and reacted about the same way every time. You rolled your eyes with a smile and assured him you would wear it again. He beamed and let you go, allowing you to finally get a breath of air. "Yay! Ok, see you at the game angel, make sure to cheer me on ok?!?" And with that, he walked out the door, leaving you to giggle at the backstory of the jersey that was flooding your mind.
Once again, when he looked at you in the stands, his mood immediately boosted up and he started playing incredibly well. However, this was a good team, so even though Bokuto was playing spectacular they couldn't quite get a big enough lead to feel comfortable. The whole game the two teams were just going back and forth battling for the lead. It was way more intense than anyone would've expected, just because of the sheer fact that the game was lasting a very long time. It ended up coming down to Bokuto rotating to the serving position, with Fukurōdani at 24 points, holding a one point lead against the opposing team. Bokuto flipped the ball in his hands as he waited for the whistle to blow, signaling for him to serve. He glanced over at you for one more look of reassurance, his competitiveness and the need to win this game taking over his mind.
You stared back at him, your eyes full of encouragement and support, and nodded your head with a inspiring grin. To anyone else it would've just seemed like a normal way of encouraging him, but he knew what that look meant: "You better annihilate them, I know you can". He smiled confidently, fiery passion apparent behind his owl like eyes, and turned his attention to the ref that just blew the whistle. He took a deep breath and threw a perfect toss up in the air. His movements seemed elegant and fluid as he balanced his footwork and leaped up into the air, bringing his muscular arm back to wind up for the the hit. The ball started dropping towards him as he threw his hand forward, radiating the pure power and passion that his body and soul conveyed.
His hand then finally made contact with the ball.
The blue and yellow volleyball flew past the top of the net and made contact with the other side of the court, creating a loud noise that overpowered the silence in the gym. Everyone slightly awed at the extremely powerful serve Bokuto had just made, as you too were overwhelmed by his talent that had just won them the game. What once was silence was soon replaced with applause and praise as the victory had become evident to everyone. The crowd erupted in cheers and shouts, mixed with some disappointed groans coming from the other team and their fans.
You thought that when Bokuto scored that winning point he would've looked at his teammates or coach, so you were pleasantly surprised his head shot over to you and you were met with his eager gaze and expression.
His eyes were big and owl like, like they usually are, and glistening with excitement and pride. He had a huge, genuine grin spread across his face and his hair was stuck up extremely high, as if he had sprayed two gallons of L'Oreal Paris hairspray in his multicolored locks.
You couldn't help but break down in a fit of giggles and goofy smiles as you saw you boyfriend being overwhelmingly adorable, yet again.
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Bokuto ended up having to stay with his team after the game for some celebration thing, so you just went home and took a shower, throwing on [favorite show/movie/whatever]. You were too immersed in scrolling on tumblr to notice the door slam open and a 6'0 man leaping towards you. When you did get out of your trance, Bokuto jumped onto you, creating a inescapable prison of cuddles on the couch. You let out a small gasp before you saw who the culprit of this interruption was and your gaze softened at the sight. Bokuto looked completely exhausted and worn out, but still held a prideful grin on his face, the corners of his eyes crinkling from the constant smile he wears. You swam your fingers through his hair as you rubbed circles on his back, paired with your soft praises that were filling his mind. Your affection and love made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, which also started to lull him into a sleepy state. You found your suspicions of his fatigue to be correct when you heard him letting out slight snores and saw him drooling a little on your shirt. Your face contorted into an amused and loving expression as you place a soft kiss on his forehead. You decided that you weren't going to get up and risk waking your adorable boyfriend, so you just let yourself drift off into a peaceful slumber on the couch, but not before mumbling a few words against his head.
"Goodnight Kōu, I love you so much."
And with that, you fell asleep as well, lazily snuggling  in Bokuto's extremely warm embrace as you listened to his soft sighs and the tv playing quietly. You were completely content and happy in that moment and you wished that you would be able to have way more nights like this spent with him. And much to your delight, your wish was most certainly granted.
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ahdhs i tried my best🥲 hopefully this was ok!! :))
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