#haha i actually haven’t seen the episode yet
minryll · 6 months
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Hey all I Lowkey feel like we really need to keep the TMAGP vague…. Actually vague haha. Some of yall are just full blown talking about the episode and during TMA that was super frowned upon. Ik everyone is super excited me included but if we could just save the theories and in depth discussion until the full release it would make things more fun and keep folks from seeing spoilers (especially art which reveals specific points in new episodes).
Going through the vague tag I was like “wow if I hadn’t seen the new episode I know everything now”
(This also includes saying the episode name before official release just to be courteous of those who want to wait until just before they listen)
The vague tag is to tease what’s going to happen with jokes, images, or “the magnus protocol is a podcast”. The main audience for the tag should be people who haven’t seen the episode yet not fellow early access people discussion. Sharing so many spoilers that people avoid vague completely defeats its purpose.
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scoobydoodean · 3 months
the thing about emma vs amy is they’re literally not comparable at all really!! one HAS KILLED PEOPLE WITHOUT REMORSE (arguably, it’s been a while since i’ve seen the episode) and the other… HAS NOT! a comparison i have never seen people make that is actually so much better, so much more interesting? emma and that dude in metamorphosis, the rugaru. both are supposedly “monsters” who will inevitably kill somebody and thus deserve to be killed as a preemptive measure (even though they haven’t actually hurt anybody yet), as argued by sam about emma and dean/the other hunter about the rugaru. the difference? DEAN DECIDES TO TRUST SAM AND TRY TO HELP THE DUDE. sam on the other hand disregards dean’s wishes and any possibility of emma making the right choice.
i’m convinced that the only reason people compare emma and amy is because “dean admits he was wrong to kill her” (which isn’t actually what he says but people don’t really care about the exacts). if they were to look at any other episode where the definition of monster is argued, they’d see that sam is usually on the side of “give them a chance” (and ftr dean is too almost all of the time) UNLESS it’s a “monster” associated with dean… why are sam’s morals different for these people? for emma?
sorry i know that’s a long rant, but every time i see the emma vs amy debates it boggles me that metamorphosis dude is never brought up too! also i hope this all makes sense haha
Emma and Amy aren't even remotely comparable. In any way. Emma and Amy's son who Dean didn't kill? Yep. They are directly comparable. But Amy and Emma? Get outta here! Jack Montgomery (Metamorphosis) and Jack Kline (two Jack's!) can both be interesting Emma parallels. Especially when comparing how desperate fans are to coddle Jack Kline from so much as experiencing a negative emotion when he's brainwashing people from the womb, bursting out of his mom's body like something out of Alien, and actively strangling innocent black store clerks to death.
Contrary to the belief of people who don't watch the show but are always making wide-sweeping claims about what happens in it, Sam and Dean have a long history of trying to protect "good" monsters (including from other hunters!) from 2.03 "Bloodlust" and onwards (2.03, 2.17, 4.04, 5.06, 6.02, 8.04, 12.04, 12.16). There's a weird disk horse that's opened up in the last several years that Sam and Dean are always indiscriminately killing monsters who don't deserve it all of the time because "supernatural power bad" and that just isn't true. Like. Actually look at the cases they go on? Sam and Dean kill murderers whose crimes are committed supernaturally which is going to allow them to get away with it and/or continue doing it. They don't kill people just because they're "different"—in fact, the entirety of season 2 is about not killing people just because they're different, or because of some alleged inescapable dark destiny.
I've spoken before about how "Bloodlust" is treated by fandom as an episode where Sam stands on some sort of moral high ground from the beginning about the existence of good monsters, but that isn't what actually happens in the episode. Sam ends the episode with zero remorse about any previous hunts John ever took them on while Dean thinks back and wonders if they hurt people who didn't deserve it at some point (no questionable hunts in season 1 FYI—and the majority of them are ghost-related).
The way that Sam can compartmentalize/let go of his past actions and move on is useful in their field of work, but in contrast with Dean's tendency to feel eaten alive by guilt, it often results in fandom disk horse where fans follow Sam's lead by compartmentalizing and burying and excusing his actions as if they never happened, while putting everything Dean does under a microscope because his visible guilt implicates him in the eyes of fans. Because Dean spends several episodes feeling bad after 7.03, he must have done something super duper bad and horrible and is the worst person alive, and Amy didn't deserve to die. But because Sam doesn't ever show a single shred of remorse after 7.13 and Dean doesn't ever talk about it again, Sam must have been in the right. It's actually bizarre when you think about it—Sam's lack of guilt ought to be chilling to fans, but instead, it's often used to absolve him of wrongdoing... and for all their flaws that everyone is always harping on, I do think Bucklemming intended Sam's actions and his attitude after to be chilling. They don't intend him to be seen as "in the right".
Dean buries what happens with Emma down deep, and it's obvious why. He can't take another hit like this in season 7. Not after Cas and Bobby. He buries it deep down like he buried Lisa and Ben deep down. In addition... if Dean wanted to bring Emma up, who the actual fuck would or could he have talked to about her? Bobby's dead. Cas is dead. The only person left in Dean's life is the person who killed his daughter, and Sam made it very clear that he didn't give a shit how Dean felt about her being dead. In fact, he lectured Dean for hesitating to kill his own biological child, and said she "wasn't really his". Then when Dean disputed that claim, Sam immediately called him crazy and acted like Dean's actions (trying to push a monster kid who hasn't hurt anyone off a terrible path) are out of character when they ARE NOT (2.03, ALL OF SEASON 2, 4.04, 5.06). Even 7.03 itself supports Dean's actions with Emma as in character, because the ACTUAL Emma analogue, Amy's son, is not killed by Dean. So yeah. Who the FUCK was Dean going to talk with this about? Given Sam's long and storied history of behaving as the thought police, if Dean had so much as looked too sad in his presence, Sam would have lit into him all over again, and what fucking good was that going to do?
And yeah teehee Sam doesn't want Dean to have too many friends. More than one often-dead close friend is too many.
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badbatcher-99 · 2 months
Bad Batch speculation time ✨
Even tho I’m wrong every time
All I really have to say is I just know we are going to get a massive cliff hanger in the next episode right?! It’s the second to last episode!!! They gotta pile on the tension!!! Not really sure WHAT it’s going to be tho.
Will the bad batch actually make it inside Tantiss?
Will omega make any headway in her escape attempt?
Will we see more of emerie or CX-2?
Or will this episode focus solely on the boys trekking to the lab?
I’m mostly nervous over what will happen with echo. I do think this part of the teaser is cropped to keep echo out of frame so as to not spoil his return. Also makes sense why we haven’t seen a lot of him in the trailers this season… because all of his scenes are too revealing haha 🤣
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But if this picture is NOT cropped and echo isn’t with them yet, then I think echos goal is trying to get word out to Rex where he is (though if he has a tracker or comm on him from Rex then I don’t see why he would need to do that) echo is on that science ship by himself … I wonder if somehow he will get to mount tantiss first!!! The science ship is headed straight for the labs 😭 and all those fighter jets are after hunters ship. echo doesn’t have time to jump off or get on the other ship. (Unless hunters ship is docked at a hatch opening then echo could easily jump into the ship)
It would be a very interesting choice to have echo get to Tantis first. Makes me incredibly anxious tho. With him inside he can help get the bad batch in.
Other than echo it’s obvious what else happens. We’ve got the team getting shot down and descending into the forest! From there anything could happen 🤷‍♀️
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(Haha what if they send CX-2 out to eliminate them and we get a tech reveal as the cliff hanger 🤡 don’t ask me how they unbrainwash him tho but if they do somehow as a cliff hanger then it would be really great seeing tech work with the team for a whole hour. )
I’d actually like it if the story went this way (whether CX-2 is tech or not) this would be a perfect way to “end” the shadow clone storyline without stuffing too much into the finale. the climax of this episode being a duel between the bad batch and CX-2 and the bad batch overcoming him. (Especially if somehow the final blow jogs his brain and he comes back to himself) of course we saw hemlock look at that new shadow clone suit it would be interesting if this is where it gets put to use ya know. But I can still seeing a major fight happen in the finale with CX-2 and the bad batch if this doesn’t happen. (Pls pls pls pls pls pls let tech reveal happen at end of this episode 🤡)
Anyway that’s all I really have, as usual I am delusional.
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teamfreewill56-blog · 3 months
Can you rank the hashiras and reasons why?
This ask took way longer than I thought it would, I believe I overthought the question and then it took me a while to really think over the hashira and choose. And putting it into words took longer than I expected.
@plutonianmoons I interpreted this question as who do I rank in terms of favorites and why, if you meant it in another way shoot me another ask and I’ll respond. I’m going to start with the list so that those who don’t want to know my reasons don’t have to go hunting for where their favorite hashira is. 
Kyojuro Rengoku
Uzui Tengen
Mitsuri Kanroji
Kyojuro Rengoku
I feel like this will come as a surprise to absolutely nobody lol. He’s my favorite character after all and probably my favorite of all time. I hopefully have been able to sprinkle my reasoning of why I love Kyojuro so much throughout my posts so I will try not to ramble too much. Though, not repeating myself is kinda impossible haha.  
Kyojuro resonates with me so deeply, and even I don’t fully understand why. One reason I think is because he makes me feel….seen. His struggles and grief and pain, and how it came about, a lot of it I can relate to, it hits very close to home for me. And seeing what he goes through and how he dealt with it, its helped me to see and realize that my own experiences and feelings are valid, and its helped me process things I haven’t been able to, even with years of therapy. He isn’t just a ball of sunshine who hides his pain, that’s such a gloss over. He IS a flame, all his feelings make him burn, his anger, righteous and otherwise, his love of his family, his comrades, of his hobbies, the way he devotes his all into everything he does and how so many of his actions are driven by love and compassion and that that’s what drives him to be so duty-bound. He’s someone like many of us, has gone through grief and pain and so much and because of his situation didn’t get to have it addressed or dealt with, he just figured out how to live with it. I love how he isn’t Mr. Positive, if he is confronted by something negative, by someone’s hurt feelings he addresses it, he validates, and yet he’s not perfect in doing that either, because with some people he can’t address it even though he wants to. I love brave he is, standing up for others but also facing criticism and cynicism and hatred again and again and being so certain of his creed and who he is that he doesn’t let those things infest him, he burns them up immediately. I love how much he loves Ruka, how even though he lost her at such a young age he never resented her but kept her with him always. He thought of her, shared his memories of her, she touched every aspect of who he grew up to be and he never forgot that. I love that even though he is stubborn he isn’t unyielding where it matters. If he makes a snap judgment and realizes it he will change it, will he always? No probably not because just like everyone else that’s going to be different from situation to situation. I love how even though he was told he could never be a Hashira and that he should abandon it, that he didn’t. He worked and worked and worked and he accomplished it. I love how warm and welcoming he is to others, that even though he can sit there stiff as a board he does things that make you know he’s paying attention, the way he invites the Corp member from Mugen Train episode 1 to join him, the way he pats the seat indicating he wants Tanjiro to sit right next to him. The way he gives Senjuro his complete attention and focus when they are talking about emotionally difficult topics. I love how he is honest when he easily could lie to try to spare feelings and yet he is so careful and mindful during those times too. I love how freaking intelligent he is, and that it’s subtle. That it’s not just book intelligence but he’s just actually intelligent. The conversations he has, the way he breaks down what’s going on around him, the choices he makes when he acts. The questions he ponders and asks himself and tries to figure out the answer to. The fact that when Shinjuro told him he didn’t have what it takes to become a Hashira, the way that he thought about that question and pondered it and came to his answer---he could have just got upset and hurt and focused on those feelings, but he didn’t, he delved into it and found his answer. I love his expressions, and I know people joke that sometimes there’s not a thought going on behind his eyes but I disagree, I think he looks like that cause his brain is thinking of so much at once. I love how he has a bunch of shared traits with the other Hashira but in a way that’s uniquely him. I will cut myself off here because if I don’t I’m never gonna stop lol. 
2. Uzui Tengen
One of the reasons I love Tengen is I was so surprised by him, I thought I was going to hate this man’s guts--especially after his introduction to the boys. But instead it was just character beat after character beat of why I would and do like him. You look at him and its like “oh he’s the wild one” but he actually isn’t. He had a lapse of judgment and was rushing when he kidnapped Aoi and wasn’t thinking straight but he also got talked out of taking her pretty easily. I don’t like that he slapped her butt, and I think its still a weird thing for him to do but its in there and I’m sure his wives and Shinobu got on him for that whole incident. But after that we see quickly that he’s one of the responsible ones, and like Kyojuro he really really cares about people and their safety, he sees and acknowledges the boys as boys and does his best to take care of them and watch over them while at the District. Of course, he doesn’t do it perfectly, but he does a pretty damn good job. I love that he actually verbally acknowledges to them that he made mistakes and he put them in danger and owns his poor behavior and decisions. I love that once Zenitsu gets taken he instructs Tanjiro and Inosuke to leave and gives them that important wisdom that surviving isn’t a loss and it isn’t failing. I love that he doesn’t try to shoo the boys off once they are in the fight, he adapts and lets them help him. And even though he lets them stay he consistently is making moves to protect them during the fight and trying to take as much weight off them as he can. He is aware of what the boys’ states are in the midst of the fight and tries to finish things quickly and change the battle to keep them safe. I also love his dynamic with them--he absolutely understands how teenage boys are and how they work and he lets them be boys in his presence without letting them do something terrible. Inosuke gets overwhelmed and starts trying to headbutt people and just rampage in his anxiety? No you don’t boar boy back over here with me. Zenitsu wanders off and starts getting enticed by the women? Boy don’t you even think about going in there I will carry you by the collar through the whole place. His dynamic with Zenitsu is so fun, because they bicker at each other and he teases him like a guy who is 10+ years older than their younger brother would. I love how Tengen truly loves his wives, and that he doesn’t love them all in the same way or show love in the same way to them all. He knows his wives and treats them as his individual partners. I love how calculating but also wild he is in his fighting. His fight with Gyutaro and Daki was such fun to watch. 
3. Mitsuri Kanroji
I love how Mitsuri allows herself to feel all her feelings, how once she stops pretending to be who and what she isn’t, our Love Hashira wears herself completely on her sleeve. And she isn’t ashamed of it or prideful about it. In her fight against Zohakuten she starts out confidently attacking him, jumps right in there and saves Tanjiro and her character beats are so good, she’s freaked out about how big Zohakuten’s dragons are and yet immediately turns her attention to Tanjiro with a smile, confidence and warmth. She sets him down and tells him to take a break, praises him and tells him she’ll take care of it. When Zohakuten calls her a “shameless tramp” she shows such a genuine reaction of shock and upset and I can’t help but adore how honest she is in showing her feelings and being able to show multiple feelings at once. She isn’t arrogant when confronting Zohakuten that first time, but even then, she doesn’t stay dwelling on the fact that he insults her she is ready to go and move to attack once Zohakuten strikes at her. When the dragons start dodging her and moving faster she doesn’t hide her feelings of nervousness, she shows her panic but she doesn’t stop attacking or give up, she just freaking adapts and keeps going, seriously goes “can I take on this many at once?” AND THEN JUST DOES IT. She gets smacked point blank in the face with a sonic blast and instinctively defends her whole body by tensing it up. I love how her confidence isn’t iron-clad, insults, harsh words and reactions, they all hurt her and she doesn’t ignore them but tries to deal with them the best way she can, even if sometimes its the wrong way like she does when she becomes more reserved after finding out Shinobu’s reason for being a Slayer. I love that instead of being ugly or mean to the person who is ugly or mean to her, she honestly defends herself and feels her feelings without trying to hurt the other person. I love how she wants to have a husband but also wants to help people love themselves and once she becomes a slayer these two things no longer conflict for her. She loves people and trusts that one day she’ll find a good man in the Corp to marry. I love how genuine she is with her acceptance of people. She genuinely accepts Tanjiro and Nezuko and treats Nezuko like a younger sister, hugging her, singing with her, playing with her, and protecting her. The fact that she sheds tears of joy seeing not only that Nezuko is alive but also talking--there’s no doubt she loves these kids. Her love for people as individuals is so strong:  even though Genya is mean to her she wanted to talk to him, when she saves the Village leader and he makes a flirty comment she teasingly chides him. And in both instances she could have gotten really angry but didn’t. Nor does she call Genya names or anything, and she talks about him kindly when he’s brought up later. I love how Mitsuri actually is willing to do the tough things, but isn’t shy about saying how she feels about it. I love how she never actually hated the things that made her different, she always cherished them, but it just took her a little while to reach her full acceptance. I love how much she has in common with Kyojuro and that in some instances you can see it and it doesn’t have to be brought up. Mitsuri reminds me a lot of Sailor Moon’s Usagi and I kind of love that. 
4. Tokito Muichiro
Muichiro is part of my little brother baby trio. Comprised of Muichiro, Genya and Senjuro. I love how well this amnesic child does deadpan humor and yet in the same breath can be so RELENTLESSLY sassy. Like I’m sure Tengen thinks he is the sass master but Muichiro would DEVESTATE HIM. His sass is sharp and clever and our little Mist Hashira knows how to time his humor beats perfectly and in the optimal way to jab his opponent. The way that he’s passive-aggressive while he has amnesia, without meaning to be is also really funny. Karate-chopping Tanjiro, holding his nose to make him wake up, like Muichiro really is going for the fastest route here. 
I also love how fierce he is, like yes Muichiro was taunting Gyokko but he was not messing around in his fighting and you could see it in how he moved. Plus the way that he came at Gyokko from within the mist and then minced him into sushi? So hardcore.
 I adore how he isn’t bitter about having amnesia, like, he could very easily and rightfully be angry and upset and hold those feelings but he doesn’t. Instead, he focuses on trying to remember things but also not let it stress him out if he can’t. I love how truly kind and gentle he is, even when Yuichiro was being mean to him and aggressive, Muichiro didn’t return that. He loved and cared and respected every member of his family. He admired all of them.
I love how his motives to originally become a swordsman were so pure and kind-hearted and that he wanted to help people the way their parents taught them. I love how when he regained his memories he was able to revisit those memories and realize that his brother did love him, that he was worried and scared and just a 10-year old trying to take care of his only remaining family. I admire so much that he was able and willing to think about his past and realize that the way he thought about his brother was wrong and not the truth. His relationship with Tanjiro is so adorable, like hands down Tanjiro is his favorite person and the favoritism and kindness he shows Tanjiro after he gets his memories back is so cute it’s like that aggressive best friend who is nice only to their bestie and just a terror to everyone else. 
5. Shinazugawa Sanemi 
There are so many wonderful, devoted big brothers in Demon Slayer and Sanemi is one of the top for me. We can tell in Genya’s flashbacks that Sanemi was completely committed to his role as provider and caretaker for their family. He loved and respected his mother and he loved his siblings and Genya trying to support him and stand with him back then meant so much to him and you can tell. Even after what happened to their siblings and mother, that devotion stayed, Sanemi just had to go about it differently.
I think the way he acts towards people is understandable although not justified, like many other characters he was completely unaware of demons before his family got slaughtered and unlike Gyomei, Giyuu and Tanjiro his family got slaughtered by his own mother and he killed her not realizing it was her until too late, and then had to deal with the realization that he killed his mother as well as having the brother he fought tooth and nail to protect curse him and things just got worse from there. Yes, Sanemi isn’t the only one who has lost comrades but he is one of the few slayers who has to wonder if a demon showing up is because of him and not the other way around. He never hated Genya for the things he said when their mom died, he was never bitter towards him. He loved him and knew his little brother well enough to know how kind hearted and sensitive Genya was and that’s why he was so harsh because he was so scared of losing Genya too and of Genya going through the traumas he had. Scared enough that he was willing to maim him if it meant getting him out of the Corp. And more than willing to let Genya hate him forever. I mean seriously, think about the mental and emotional will power you’d have to conjure up to be able to look at your younger brother who is pleading to talk to you and make the decision to try and blind him and keep insisting you’re not family. I don’t agree it was the right thing to do but the fact that he could even bring himself to attempt that geez. 
 Not to mention hearing Genya had eaten demon flesh probably scared him because that kind of makes Genya a demon and if he goes out of control someone would have to kill him. I think his rage is understandable, I think his anger initially at Nezuko and Tanjiro is very understandable and it’s shown on his face when he looks down after Nezuko rejects his blood. This demon rejects human flesh, why couldn’t my mom? Why did I have to kill my mom, lose all my siblings and lose my remaining brother, lose my best friend, but this kid gets to keep his sister who is a demon? Would anyone else in his shoes respond differently? I really doubt it. 
 I love how he’s like the unexpected wild child of the Hashira---not completely unexpected I mean look at him--but the fact that he just pulls an Inosuke and just picks fights with people left and right and he really seems to enjoy his fights but he’s also not ignorant about it. He is aware of what’s going on and he is calculating and strategizing and he’s so -adaptive- like Sanemi will try literally anything in battle if he thinks there’s even a hint it might work. The fact that he knows how to be annoying and cocky to his opponent but isn’t arrogant in his fighting (exception being his fights with Giyuu I think) is a refreshing take on this type of character. Sanemi doesn’t think he can beat everybody, he doesn’t think he’s invincible but that’s okay with him because he still wants to try it regardless. And like Muichiro he knows how to push those buttons and he has such fun doing it and honestly, I have so much fun watching him antagonize his opponents. 
6. Obanai Iguro
I love Iguro’s design. I love that he could have just hated people and cursed them because that’s kind of what you’d expect from someone who’s own family treated them the way the Iguro clan did to Obanai. His family sliced open his face, tried to sacrifice him to a demon and then cursed him for surviving when it backfired on them. He had no social interaction until he was friggin 11 with anyone outside of his messed up family. I appreciate how honest he is about his reasons for being a demon slayer. He isn’t doing this to be noble or because its the right thing. He wants to try to purge his family’s tainted blood from himself by killing demons for others, knowing he can never truly purge that blood but at least its -something-. I love how even though he was hurt all for the sake of a snake demon that he doesn’t hate Kabamaru (check spelling) and he treats that precious white snake so well and that Kabamaru isn’t just a decoration but his partner. I appreciate how even though he doesn’t know how to tell Mitsuri he loves her verbally---he’s constantly showing it. Writing letters back and forth with her, sitting with her and just letting her eat as much as she wants, giving her socks that match her eyes because he knew she was uncomfortable at first with her uniform. When she starts trying to explain how she got the Demon Slayer Mark and its all gibberish and he just face palms---not even upset just like “my poor wife she’s doing her best”. The way that he gets jealous of Tanjiro being buddy buddy with Mitsuri is so funny because its so stupid and yet he has Muichiiro’s petty streak, just listing off all the Corp members “crimes” when Tanjiro is like “did these people commit some sort of crime?” I love how he changed his mind about Tanjiro and he was -such- a good battle partner with Tanjiro when it was just the two of them for a bit. The fact that he got right between Tanjiro and Muzan’s Akira-like jaws knowing that would definitely kill him, he didn’t go to pin Muzan he went directly to save Tanjiro from getting swallowed.To me it seemed so clear that in this final battle Iguro accepted Tanjiro and supported him, they worked as a team and Loner Iguro is good at it I can’t wait to see him in the new anime content. 
7. Kocho Shinobu 
Shinobu is also kind of a typical anime girl but I still like her. Short angry girl is a pretty common trope but she does it well. I love that she is biting and vicious with a smile on her face, kind of like what you expect from the stereotypical mean rich girl, but you can tell that’s also not Shinobu because she will -actually- mess you up in a heartbeat. I love that she’s not a “mean girl”, she loves her friends and her butterfly girls and she cares a lot about people and she’s not ashamed of being a “healer”. I love that instead of writing herself off, “I’m small and therefore can’t fight the same as everyone else” she figured out a method that worked for her, and it is probably one of the worst ways a demon can die---it’s definitely the most painful. I love how one way she showed Kanae her love for her was choosing to always smile even though she’s never actually happy. That it’s not forced positivity, and Kanae wasn’t asking that of her. But it was “My sister loved my smile, so I will continue to smile for her.” I love how she is constantly stepping in to show support to the characters. Talking to Kyojuro before he left, confronting Mitsuri about her starving herself once she found out about it, encouraging and showing happiness for Kanao starting to speak up for herself and being a sort of mother figure for Inosuke where she cared for him but was also able to discipline him in a way that no one else really could. I do feel like her best interactions are when she’s with Zenitsu, Douma and Giyuu but it could just be that I find those moments with her to be the most fun and entertaining. 
8. Tokito Giyuu
Giyuu’s is kinda funny because he’s typically the type of anime character who is my favorite in a series but compared to the previous 7, yeah he’s here. I do love that he’s a tried and true introvert, like he is a devoted Hashira but at the same time gives off the Shikamaru vibe of “Gosh I’d rather be at home”. I enjoy that even though he has a bond with Tanjiro that doesn’t like cure him of his introvertness, he still gets overwhelmed by Tanjiro sometimes and is just like “no, not today” and tries to split. I love that that’s not really attempted to get fixed, that’s just how Giyuu is and that’s okay. He still has moments of joy and sass and all the other feelings but there’s no “we need to heal Giyuu” thread in the story besides the side story of everyone trying to get him smile/laugh.  I will always be saddened by the fact that he for the longest time didn’t feel like he was a Hashira and just wrote himself off but I also kind of like how the Hashira weren’t suddenly like, “That’s crazy, we love and accept you Giyuu!” But by the end I feel like he was mostly accepted, particularly by Sanemi which was nice since those two were almost like unspoken rivals it felt like. His scenes with Tanjiro and Shinobu are the best to me, because he obviously cares about Tanjiro a lot while he simultaneously just has no idea what to do with this kid unless he’s fighting alongside him. I  love his dynamic with Shinobu, its not one I usually love a lot but theirs is so much fun and Shinobu really brings out Giyuu’s sass and sarcasm which is fun to see especially with him doing it deadpan. I appreciate Giyuu’s struggle as a character because I feel like its one that a lot of us can relate to and its nice to see him accept and grow comfortable with himself as the story progresses. 
9. Himejima Gyomei
I will probably get a lot of hate for this one, but oh well. Unlike the other Hashira where I do like them on some level, I don’t like Gyomei at all. If you pushed me I guess I would say his extremely impractical weapon? But like, that’s really reaching. I feel like the only reason I don’t immediately forget about him is because he’s massive and is always crying with his hands in prayer stance. He’s a monk but like in name only. Maybe its just because there wasn’t enough time but I can’t think of a single time where Gyomei showed monk behavior besides saying “Namu Amida Butsu” and Genya mentions that the mantra he used fighting the Emotion Demons was something he learned from Gyomei but nothing past that. Even his crying seems to be more of an at-random thing and not a “he’s feeling deep or spiritual emotions”. We never get an explanaton for why he cries all the time and then suddenly doesn’t cry during his fighting and gets all….macho? I guess I would call it. But yeah look at that conversation between him and Tanjiro at the boulder, if those are spiritual teachings they are not good ones…so to me he doesn’t practice what he preaches, but we also aren’t really shown what he believes spiritually. 
My biggest issue with him is his attitude towards children. He was bitter and mistrustful towards children after the demon attack because the TRAUMATIZED FOUR YEAR OLD didn’t express gratitude for him saving her life. Children struggle with expressing gratitude period, especially that young, they definitely aren’t going to be thinking about expressing gratitude after going through watching you bash another adult’s skull in. 
And because of this he believes that children “Are pure and innocent. Weak. They lie easily…are casually cruel…and selfish.” Children are this way unless they are taught correctly, adults are this way even if they ARE taught correctly. Children’s brains aren’t fully developed at four years old, and yeah, Gyomei doesn’t know that science but seeing as he was raising other kids there, he should understand kids better than he does. Children lie easily because at that young of an age the worst thing that can happen to you is getting in trouble, so you lie to avoid it. You have to be taught how to deal with that properly. Children are not “casually cruel”, they don’t understand that their words and actions impact other people’s emotions and feelings the way that adults do they have to be shown and taught it, just like everyone else. That’s not something that just comes from predisposition. Children are selfish? So are adults, and children don’t become selfless unless they are shown and taught it. Gyomei went through this trauma too, so I don’t blame him for his knee jerk reaction being upset at the child, but the fact that afterwards he stayed upset and decided that children are all these things, and staying upset that she didn’t show gratitude? That’s ridiculous.
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mochiwrites · 8 months
hello hello!! Just wanted to ask when scar told Joel ‘give me Grian and I’ll let you live’ bit haven’t seen it (unless it’s in scars new video cause I haven’t watched it yet!)
HAHA SO. <- extremely ill about that moment
it’s actually in limited life! scar cut it from his perspective, but the moment is in cleo and martyn’s episode 7 when they’re chasing down joel to kill him! I’m not sure if it’s in joel’s but — here’s the clip!
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pinazee · 3 months
What did you think of Spock/Chapel chemistry season 2? are people just hating or did they lack it post episode 5 Charades.
I am not a fan of this ship, objectively, so I will like a more objective response and you seem to be fair to all trek ship. this is why I like to ask you questions.
Is it just hate when you see people say spock/chapel had no chemistry in season 2?
A lot of people and even critics said they had chemistry in season 1. do you think it is because they teased a will they or wont they hook up and people love a build up more than the actual relationsip?
It is as if the chemistry was gone once they got together after Charades? I don't know if that is fair or if it is because they have so many haters. However I do know a lot of critics, did not talk much about their chemistry in season 2 either.
Its interesting SNW did a big buffy homarge with the musical but the way they wrote the spock/chapel stuff did mirror some buffy couples. for instance Xander leaving Anya at the alter when he gets a message from the future that their marriage fails is similar to Chapel dumping Spock because Boimler tells her, she is not in his future. Cordy/Wesley were built to be a couple and had the chemistry for that but once they tried, the romance failed and there was no chemistry.
As I said, I don't like this ship, it just has too much baggage that was more negative than positive, but I do still like objective un bias opinions and you seem to be one of the neutral trek fans, who can be fair, so what are your takes on the chemistry of spock/chapel before and after they hooked up.
Thanks for the ask :)
I do think there was a tonal shift to Spapel once the relationship formed, but i also think the writers did that on purpose. I think this relationship is supposed to serve both Spock’s and Chapels overall separate arcs.
What I’ve gotten from it is that Spock’s experimenting with his more human emotions and letting himself feel more openly. So pre-relationship its just fun, intense, wanting. I honestly don’t think he was thinking beyond i want to be with her. So when they did get together, and he showed Chapel this sacred piece of his soul, it was terrifying. Because what if she left after he exposed this fresh and raw part of himself? That fear maybe led him to be too emotionally codependent.
As for Chapel, she has some unclear romantic baggage we haven’t seen yet, though, she’s said she doesn’t let people get close anymore. But then Spock came along, and he was kind and protective. He also listened to her and valued her. Whether she liked it or not, she fell for him pretty quickly. I mean, sometimes you just can’t help when the right person comes along. But then the relationship formed. Chapel, having apparently been stung before, wanted it to go slow because she too was afraid it would end, and she’d get her heart broken. Then Boimler all but said as much was going to happen and that was that. It was a like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Why become more attached to something doomed to fail?
So yeah, pre-relationship both are so caught up in their intense crushes, and then in the relationship they both need vastly different things (spock- a five year plan, chapel- space to figure it out).
It’s like they took the line “having is not so pleasing as wanting” and ran with it haha
Idk about the chemistry to be honest. I never really felt anything between them but i also never shipped them. It was too rushed, he was engaged for most of it, and they even had less screen time than la’an and kirk. I think if we got a scene of them just hanging out, maybe learning some more about Chapel, i think i might be more invested? Idk. Could also be because Chapel feels sidelined to Spock story-wise (which Ive gone more in depth in another post).
I uh, don’t know if this answers your question or if i just vomited up some nonsense haha
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ilikekidsshows · 8 months
I found your ML meta and analysis posts by accident (i think i saw ur latest post abt adrien) and just noticed you have changed your icon into something matching the current spooky month so that's really cool! 😀I didn't think June's hair could be used for more pokemon but it fits haha and it's cool to see a familiar blog on my dash change their icon like this ^^ I'm also curious - have u seen the recent "ML Paris" special or are you thinking of seeing it? I know everyone is now more and more experiencing multiverse fatique from so many franchises doing their own episodes/movies w this theme, but I just find it a curious way to do character exploration. No spoilers but the special was imo kinda fun and also brought new questions into the fore, especially abt the kwami. Anyway, just wanted 2 comment abt the icon but then realized I could ask somerhing about Miraculous as well.
Thank you! My mutuals noted the same thing about Juniper hair going well on a surprising amount of Pokémon, so now I actually have a collection of pink-striped Pokémon icons to choose from. I’m glad other people liked the change too.
I haven’t seen the Paris special and, before people started posting about it, I was pretty sure I was going to skip it. I’m very suspicious about anything the show crew puts out for this franchise with what they ended up doing with seasons 4 and 5. I even ended up losing enthusiasm for the parts of the franchise I do enjoy, like seasons 1-3, and so I haven’t even seen the Shanghai Special yet despite intending to do so while season 4 was still picking up steam.
However, based on what everyone has been saying, it seems that the special managed to avoid everything I was worried about. With the way the show’s been treating Adrien, I had a lot of concerns over how an EvilAdrien take was going to go, but it seems it's not used to villanize Adrien and Adrien actually gets to influence the story of the special and his feelings are brought up and validated? We haven’t seen that since the Christmas Special. If I ignore all the nods at the seasons I despise and pretend this special doesn’t take place in the same timeline, I might be able to make it through this special.
Basically, I'm on the fence about watching the Specials.
Multiverses have been a superhero staple since All-Star Comics issue 3, which came out in 1940. It’s just that companies have only recently gained enough confidence in the superhero genre to go with the more outlandish genre staples. I’m trying to say that, as a superhero connoisseur, I don’t know the meaning of the term multiverse fatigue.
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chevelleneech · 15 days
I have only seen the clip thus far, but Eddie saying, “I think so.” to Kim after she asks him if Shannon was the love of his life!?!?!?!?
Not to be a bitch about it, but is Tim aware of what he and his staff are writing!? I don’t know if he was around when Eddie said going on dates with women feels like he’s being forced to perform, but the fact that instead of retconning that and having him say something like, “Yeah, she was, and I’ve been forcing myself to makeup for what I lost by pretending another woman could fill the hole she left.” he chose, “I think so, but I didn’t know it at the time.”
Bullshit. I’m calling bullshit. Yes, I may end up eating my words, but that answer only further adds to the canon fact that Eddie Diaz has no idea what his feelings for Shannon are or were. When Eddie first came into the show they had a chance to write them compelling and hash it out, but they killed Shannon off. Fair enough, it happens in most dramas anyway. But to then have Eddie go through relationship after relationship where he panics or feels like he has to fake it to make it through, then have him date his dead wife’s doppelgänger despite having a girlfriend!?!?!?
It’s giving “throw a dart at the board and see what sticks”. It’s giving no sensible resolution, because what do you mean Eddie thinks Shannon was the love of his life? Why doesn’t he know by now!? Him choosing to pursue Kim despite knowing she looks like Shannon, should have given him the answer. Why would they choose to make him unsure?
I’m rambling, and it could very well be pointless because again, I haven’t watched the episode yet, but that clip pissed me off, lol. Because if Eddie isn’t going to be queer and realize all his uncertainty is because he never loved Shannon to begin with, and was instead forcing himself to pretend to be in love since heterosexuality is what was expected of him, then I don’t know what to expect, and I’m not sure it’ll be worth all this drama.
Because Marisol will either forgive him or leave him, but it won’t be interesting either way. If she forgives him, then nothing changes, does it? He’s still in a poorly written relationship with a woman the writers don’t know what to do with. If she leaves him, he’ll be single and likely end up in a new relationship with a new woman by the end of s8. If Eddie does not end this season realizing he is also queer, even if he doesn’t act on it and chooses to continue pushing it down in s8, then his entire arc was pointless, because what is the other option?
Or are we supposed to pretend like spending an entire season on him finally moving on from Shannon was good writing, FIVE SEASONS AFTER HER DEATH? Don’t get me wrong, had they actually done it well, I’d be fine. Grief takes time and Tim was clearly pulling on past season threads, but an emotional affair with a doppelgänger that takes place over two and half episodes, only after he has a silly little heehee haha arc about not wanting to have sex with Marisol because she was a nun for like a hot second.
No, because even remembering that pisses me off! How did we go from “I have catholic guilt and can no longer fuck my hot girlfriend— whom invented already fucked at least once— because she was a wannabe nun some odd years ago.” to “I am broken inside and sought out my dead wife’s look-a-like to gain emotional closure.”
If this isn’t leading to a queer Eddie storyline, then he better be single and an absolute emotional disaster by the end of this episode and he struggles with something worthwhile. Losing Chris to his parents because Chris saw Kim and feels betrayed or something. Anything, I beg!
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spaghettiandart · 2 years
I love your Peepaw Philip AU but I’ve got a few questions that might or might not have already been answered. (Hopefully they haven’t, I don’t like being a parrot!)
How is the Emperor’s Coven operating? Is the Boiling Isles coven system self-efficient enough without Belos manning the helm?
Is Hunter freaking out about his missing uncle and trying to find him or has he been coerced into a better health schedule by some of the coven scouts (ie Steve) and possibly Darius and Eber and Raine?
Speaking of RED (lol, my little nickname for the three rebellion coven heads), are they investigating Belos’s disappearance?
And my last question - how’s Philip’s interaction with King and Amity? Those two I haven’t seen and loved comics/art of his interacting with them yet and I’m curious how that would all go over.
Hello! Firstly I'd like to apologize for taking a while to reply, I've been a bit busy irl lol. Secondly, it's all cool! I'm always happy to answer questions, and these ones haven't been asked yet (im??pretty sure?? I dont have a good memory pfft) so it's all good haha.
A little warning, both for mention of death (just like off handedly, treated as a possible result of the emperor going splat out the window), and also I'm gonna ramble A LOT, so this will probably be... very, very long. And filled with my bad humor since I cannot control myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It's been only a week, maybe less, since I came up with this au so I dont have many solid ideas in place. Everything is open to interpretation!
I've actually been thinking over how the Emperor's Coven, and by extension the coven heads and the boisling isles itself, would react to Belos' predicament. I've written out a few scenarios, roughly plotted out some scenes that would go down between characters, but nothing's really set in stone. Here's what I have so far, but I honestly encourage people to have their own interpretation of what would go down if they wished :)!
So. Belos' epic fail (real not fake) (coven scouts called) via falling out a window was obviously witnessed by some scouts down the hallway, either that or they heard a loudass noise coupled with the Emperor swearing which was totally Not Good. One of the images I'd planned to draw later but didnt get to was one where there was a coven scout (STEVE!!!), Lilith, and Hunter all staring out of the window.
Now on one hand, the coven could come to the conclusion that the Emperor is dead (because who the hell can survive a fall that high + if the emperor survived he "totally would have come back as soon as he could" = emperor is dead oh crap). Hunter would VEHEMENTLY deny this ("He can't! There's no way that could happen!" Followed by him having a rough time of it poor guy).
Either that or they come to the conclusion that this was a kidnapping attempt or soemthing of the like and Belos is missing, which is just as bad. Hunter is still suspicious about that, because /who the hell could be able to kidnap Belos/? Obviously not a human teenager. Cough.
Either way, Lilith, as the head of the emperor's coven at the time (since its early season 1, right before the convention episode too), has to deal with... a lot of things, including dealing with other coven heads, the emperor's coven, and just trying to get things in order in the chaos that came from the emperor's sudden and tragic "death". Still on the fence about if someone in particular takes over his role or if all the coven heads work together (poorly btw they're gonna fight a lot over it), as well as if the general populace is informed about him "peacefully passing away from old age" or his "sudden disappearance" or whatever.
Anyways shes working herself to the bone. Shes got eyebags for days, plus the added stress of the dude who /PROMISED/ to cure her sister of her curse just up and vanishing to who knows where, so shes. Having a rough time.
Hunter is, as I said, not doing well!! In his mind Belos has always been this sort of... untouchable figure, you know? Nobody could hurt him. Now hes missing, and since Belos is his only "family", Hunter is determined to find him, wherever he is.
So then I had this scene written down where Lilith, still wanting a cure for her sister (plus some other things she needs for the coven itself), and Hunter, wanting a clue about his uncle's whereabouts, both decide to. Uh. Break into Belos' quarters and pilfer his shit.
Does he even have quarters canonically? Its so weird thinking of this dude like... legitly sleeping. Like in a BED. Either that or he sleeps on his throne ahdhshava just imagine that. Hes sitting on his throne all day listening to people with his mask on and hes not responding because hes completely OUT behind that thing ahagdhs.
Okay side tangent over. Basically Hunter is sneaking down the hallway, all sneaky like, and he stops by the door. He reaches out to open it, but before he could it opens to reveal lilith, carrying several books that had probably been banned from the public, and they're both staring at eachother.
"I wont tell if you wont."
A few other notes I had detailed a scenario in which Lilith and Hunter either a) work together to carry out the Emperor's will while he's gone (or presumed deceased) or b) investigating into what occured due to their own interests, which eventually winds up with them uncovering the mountain of wtf that the Emperor had hidden. In my notes I wrote down about them potentially meeting the collector because I thought'd it be funny to draw their reactions to them. Fun!
(Also the collector has been around Belos for a while now, just kinda stuck in place. What the hell is he gonna do when the only contact they've had with another person- albeit not a GOOD one, not by a long shot- suddenly disappears???)
As for RED (THATS WHAT THAT MEANT!!! I SAW IT BEFORE IN A FEW FICS AND I WAS SO CONFUSED AHFHSGWGAH ANYWAYS-) they probably get involved later on with this whole mess. At this point of time Raine isnt a coven head- unfortanutely, but they only become one in season 2, and since its season 1 it's up to Darius and Eber instead. I do contemplate if, in this state of chaos, Raine is promoted earlier on so that theres more stability or something,,, idk. I'm still not sure ^^;
Goodness but. This kid. Hunter needs some people to make sure he doesnt wear himself down to the bone just scouring the isles. Imagine if he arrives in places to investigate like RIGHT after Phil leaves the place, both none the wiser. Gah.
Honestly though, I think if anyone would be able to coerce this kid into sleeping a full night's sleep, it'd be Steve. Hes not involved with all this conspiracy-investigatory-drama stuff like all of the other responsible adults in Hunter's life, and he has big brother energy.
Okay, onto King and Amity: I- uh, I'm still figuring things out with these two. Amity is Lilith's personal apprentice (I'm pretty sure? At this point in time at least), and the au begins before her character development really kicks off, so I dont think its until later when she gets to meet Phil and also experiences deja vu "hey your voice is super familiar?" like Eda and Lilith. Just like RED, I'm not sure what to do with Amity yet, unfortunately. I'm open to suggestions/ideas though! :)
As for King, Phil is like... you know cat trees/perches? Yeah. That's what Phil is to King. Hes like an adequate Grandpa, he has some responsible instincts, but hes kind of reserved to being King's personal perch when he wants to feel tall.
Somewhere in my notes I also wrote down the following:
"King and Phil are mysterious origins buddies
King: maybe you were also a malevolent and terrifying (though not as terrifying as me) ruler like I once was?
Phil: hm... no, I dont feel like I would have been a very good ruler"
It was for something I wanted to draw but,,, yet again, I didn't get around to doing lol.
I hope that answers your questions! If you have anything else you might like to ask, or suggestions or things you want to talk about, feel free!
Thank you for your ask!! :D
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OH MY GOSH A BLUEY QUESTION EEEEEEEEEP!!! Bluey is seriously becoming my comfort show haha so this question was fun to get :D
I haven’t actually seen many episodes with Calypso yet :’0 I’ve pretty much just seen Space (the episode about Mackenzie) and The Sign. From what I’ve seen of her, she seems so so sweet & gentle & lovely :) HER VOICE IS SO CALMING. LIKE WHAT THE HECK. HER VOICE ACTRESS IS SO GOOD.
Do you have Thoughts about her?? :0 If so, please feel free to share because I am so so curious!
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lousieee · 1 month
Tumblr media
✩ — Realize.
synopsis — Ever since you were buried, Mark would go talk to your tombstone every day, till it dies down to your birthday, anniversaries, and holidays.
notes — this is a pt 2 of the first fanfic I made (that I actually posted…) but, hoping you’d enjoy this monstrosity of a comforting but a little angsty fanfic:)
part 1 — https://www.tumblr.com/lousieee/737588964323721216/christmas-without-you?source=share
word count — 870
“I’m sorry love, I really tried.”
“I wanted to be better for you, I’m even sorry I had this illness, [ Name ], I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that, I didn’t want to visit the funeral. I didn’t want to hurt your family as bad as I hurt you. It has been a few weeks since I haven’t seen you, and dear, I had a few episodes so I decided not to go outside ever since then because I didn’t want to hurt anyone. I’d kill once again to have you here, taking care of me, loving me like you used to. Anyways love, I’m a few weeks clean from smoking! Can you believe that? Cool right? You couldn’t believe it right? Back then, you used to nag me about smoking, not knowing it really changed the way I acted. I'm sorry for how I acted back then when you tried to stop me, I was too addicted to it. It hurted you more than it hurted me. I really wish that we could talk and I’d tell you all the other thoughts that I had after I had hurt you. Like, when I slapped you really hard because you were worried that I’d be hurt if I went outside, alone to smoke. You were in tears, but I never liked seeing you cry.”
“Hey again love, I made another milestone today, I’m one year clean, woohoo.. But that’s also almost one year without you. I miss you. Alot. I’m sorry I haven't been visiting you lately, I’m rarely available for anything since I have found a job. I'm working as a corporate slave, even if it doesn’t pay as much as I used to earn. Anyways, how are you up there? Does heaven treat you better than the way I did? Are you doing alright? I really wanna know how you’re doing.. Please come back. I wanna see you again. I don’t wanna talk to a tombstone anymore, please come back to me… But, my illness has gotten better, and there is a  possibility for my illness to heal. Y’know I should have listened to ya, I drink my meds often now just like how you used to tell me to drink it yet, my stubborn self declines it..  I hope you’re proud of me. I love you, happy birthday.”
“Hi again, lovey. Happy anniversary to us! Can’t bear not seeing you for another day again, well love… I got promoted to a higher position in the company I work for. I now earn 6 digits in dollars and my illness is getting better day by day and yet, I still ean’t forget you. Come back to me love. My door’s always open, I miss you. I’m currently having trouble sleeping, if only you could sing me a lullaby, I’d sleep like a baby… Haha… If only I could find a way for you to be with me, I’d immediately do so, I’d do all I can just to be with you and feel your touch. I want to lay down in bed with you as we stare into the night sky, whispering sweet nothings into our ears as we both fall asleep in each other’s touch. As your eyes, so mesmerizing fall into mine, touch that’s ever so smoothing, makes me wonder… Why I ever did that to you. Why did I ever say those things if I knew it hurt you, mad intentions, I’ve always thought that, what if I never hurt you? What would we be if I never said or did these things. [ Name ], it wasn’t you, baby it was me. Our relationship wasn’t as good as I expected and interpreted it to be, it’s all my fault. I know you just wanted something to be sought, because lovey, just come back… I want to see you again. I’d even kill myself just to be with you.” 
“Merry Christmas in heaven, lovey. How are you up there? It’s officially your first death anniversary, yay, but not really. I don’t feel like ranting about anything today love, I feel uneasy all of the time. I couldn’t understand why I get this feeling, but I feel less productive doing anything and it’s affecting me. I feel as if I need more help, the medications feel like nothing.. Love, please come back, you know I miss you so bad… I love you so much.. I’ll be there soon, I just know.” 
He was never healthy. You always knew.
He loved you, you always knew. 
He forced himself to stay strong for you, but you… Didn’t know. 
— January 1, 12:15 am 
He comitted suicide, having high hopes that you will be together.
Though he did it with hope, he was never certain... Would you two still be together in the afterlife..?
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A little into season 2 of DS9 and I’m obsessed. I haven’t yet met a main character I didn’t like. And there’s so many great ships and friendships and rivalries??
(Long post just me rambling about each main character)
Ok first we have Quark. I hated the Ferengi until this show, and now I love them so much. He is a little menace, but he has really smart moments and he’s just such a fun character?!?
Odo! He is so sad and such a little squishy, he needs friends. I immediately shipped him and Quark, because they’re just?? So shippable?? Enemies to lovers anyone?? Of course they do actually like each other deep down 😄
Julian Bashir, British, Doctor, and playboy. In that respect he is the new Kirk, the new Riker. He’s got an ego but a charming grin and just?? Lol so silly. And he has his moments where he takes charge and it’s like 😳
People ship him with Garak, I’ve only seen like 2 episodes with him so far but he is a delight. He’s so goofy. No he won’t tell you his theories and plans. You gotta think for yourself. What does that smirk mean?? Just a humble tailor, plain simple Garak my a—
Jadzia Dax???? Love her. So adorable. Just smiling to herself when she thinks of her past. Telling stories. Has 7? 8? Lifetimes to think about and draw from. Finds simple delights in the world. Makes friends with everyone. Just such a sweet person.
Miles O’Brian. Workaholic. Pride in his work, likes to feel useful. Has a family, protective over them and would do anything for them. I haven’t actually gotten to know him super well so I don’t have a lot to say.
Keiko O’Brian, also wants to feel useful. She notices what needs to be done and steps up to do it. Not only is this a functional thing that makes sense in the world and context, but it gives her as a character and as a person, purpose.
(Also their marriage in general is very sweet.)
Miles and Julien’s rivalry, and from what I can tell eventual really close friendship but I haven’t gotten to that point yet. I can tell I will be obsessed with it later though.
Kira!! Traumatized, angry, and deeply caring. She wants to help as many people as she can, and she wants to protect people. She grows so much as a person even in the first season and a half?? Yes combative but she has good reasons, and she really does grow to respect people even when they have more authority and disagree.
Kira and Jadzia Dax are such cute friends?? They just gossip and chatter as they do their lighter work, and it’s just so cute?? But also Jadzia isn’t afraid to call out Kira when she needs it. They are literally best friends and also very shippable. I love them.
Kira and Odo is a fun friendship I didn’t expect right away?? They respect the hell out of each other and care about each other very much and it’s just?? So sweet?? And Odo being very uptight and Kira being combative and for her people but also through systems, they have fairly compatible world views? It actually makes sense lol.
Sisko of course!! The commander? Not Captain.. forgot what his title is lol. Anyway, just a dude who loves baseball. And his son. Does his best to be a father. You can tell how much he cares about his son. Respects people who disagree with him. Just wants the best for Bajor and the federation. Does a lot of delicate work.
Sisko and Dax being old-time friends, and him calling Jadzia an old man will never get old to me. So silly haha. Endless potential here.
Jake is Sisko’s son, and he’s just your average teenage boy. Wants to make his father proud, likes pretty girls, has a troublemaker friend…
And Nog, of course, child Ferengi and Human forming an unlikely friendship. A very fun duo.
That’s all I can think of for now, I think all the main characters and most of the pair combos.
I feel like Quark and Garak would get along. Tailor and someone in touch with their fashion? Yes.
Also spoilers for the beginning of season 2…
When Kira was gonna leave and then people just kept walking in to say goodbye or comfort her or try to get her to stay… just 🥲🥲 literally so sweet. Especially Odo!! I didn’t realize how close those two were until that moment, and they do explode that later as well. Just!!!!
I love this series. I think it is my favorite Star Trek show so far (I’m watching them in release order).
I feel like a lot of people like TNG more than DS9? But honestly there are so many iconic duos in DS9 and there kind of aren’t in TNG (except for Data and Geordi, and Picard and Q).
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obsessednotepad · 2 years
Honestly I love how the show has shifted our perspectives on these characters and their relationships with one another. Honestly in the YT series we got some instances and scenes to be able to make inferences of their personalities but the TV series? Mwah thank you Becky and Joe for this good soup.
Literally we see how they’re stuck together and fucking hate each other on any given day because they’re 3 randos stuck in some place where every day they restart at home before ever being able to escape- who don’t know even how to escape this place.
So they just simply get by and at this point after the YT series they’ve kinda gotten used to the same routine of teachers popping in and out of their lives to torture them. Of course a few changes are welcomed bc it does become dull, maybe perhaps that’s why they go batshit on each other when given the chance bc holy shit what do you do with that resentment and anger that lives inside of you and all you’ve got is a confusing group (clump? Found family?) who don’t really fully understand each other.
But we also see that on any other given instance, they have formed their ways of showing how they care and get along. (I will probably edit it in later bc I only have limited storage in my brain and majority of it is full of bullshit)
However a little detail I’ve noticed is while Red is hardly vulnerable about personal feelings, he just seems like he assumes nobody truly cares enough about him to even a “best friend” level and given with how his family treats him I honestly can see why he feels that way. I even think regardless of the platonic or romantic implications- the “I like looking at you” scene is just so. Good. Yes because it’s a nice moment and has quite no heterosexual explanation for it but. The whole “I see you and you see me.” motif is just. So good in a way for both characters in that one moment.
They’re in a time of distress but also ease, everything feels easier to say in the dark when no one can see you. However with a egotistical, narcissistic, and honestly weirdly stupid but also fruity ass character who over compensates for either not actually being good enough (as we can see through him only making a minimal mistake that gets him instantly thrown out of a family, we can possibly assume this for other scenarios or his actual real family and well him as a character..)or something else, coming out of his head, seeing someone for who they are and liking it- is just fucking refreshing for this character. And Red? Holy shit, 1) him being the one to first openly admit is well kinda new for his character but then again his character has expanded beyond monotone and boring- he has emotional outbursts and is just as scared and angry as they are but we’ve never fully seen him say something alike to what he does say in that scene.
“It would be nice to look at the house again..and maybe looking at you too.”
Idc whatever you interpret it as- I just love how we see through small little moments and voice lines and scenes like this one how each go about their way of expressing themselves. Also just the line?? The scene?? Taking place in the dark??? Dude don’t even get me started bc while I know there is a bunch of context this scene could’ve easily been cut but it was left in for a reason. And I just generally love motifs that connects characters through “I see you” so. Yeah.
And I haven’t even fucking touched Yellow yet >:)
The whole thing with episode 6 just reveals so much more. Of course he’s always been a little silly but never fully ignorant of what bad things happen to them. especially in the YT series and haha we see that within episode 6 too. And now we see a “separation” between parts of himself, see how much aware he’s been of the hellscape they’ve been stuck in and choosing to just try to make things better by doing what helps Red and Duck feel better. Just be the happy and goofy kid. However when he can think clearly, for himself solely is when you realize he’s been thinking of this stuff for the entire time, just never had ability to communicate everything without hurting people or himself. Idk just kinda sad seeing a kid with so much shit in his brain and having so much difficulty expressing them while also going through so many emotions at once is like. Fuck you’ve got 97 mental illnesses and not in the quirky way…
But the scene with “have we gone wrong?
I don’t think so…atleast it doesn’t hurt to think anymore-
they seem upset with us….
well maybe it’s because they’re not in control of us anymore….
maybe they never were.”
It represents so many experiences. Like discovering that maybe you dont identify with what you were born with and how that effects you and your family- or a kid growing up, realizing they are scared of shifting away from themselves as they grow, or just realizing you cannot be what everyone wants, that you are in control of your life.
Well until your batteries get taken away.
And then the dynamic between all of them? Ugh I don’t know if I should discuss bc of how long this will end up being. This is probably incomprehensible and stupid but idk that’s like my thing so. Yeah get with it.
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babacontainsmultitudes · 11 months
hello!!! hope you are well!!!!! asking all the dndads folks this .. what are your hopes / predictions for next episode
Hi you!!! Hope you’re doing well too :]
Hopes and predictions huh? Hmmm…
Haven’t put too much thought into the realm of actual predictions for this one, truthfully! I’m *hoping* it’ll be a pretty Linc-centric episode (well, Linc and Grant!), which feels reasonable enough to expect?
Very excited for whatever Matt is gonna bring to the table more generally, really. Aside from Lincoln just being the bestest fucking boy, I think Matt more than all the other players (granted Beth excels here as well) just does a phenomenal job at remembering the core themes of the show (“Family!!!” I scream from the rooftops, “This is a show about family!”) and accordingly pays a lot of attention not just to the arc of his own character but to that of Grant as well (and of course all the intricate ways in which the two are intertwined)- a fact that I think is obvious just by looking at how many of Matt’s dad and teen facts revolve around Grant actually! But that’s another post lol. But yeah, even in last week’s teen talk he stated:
“I’m sure Scary won’t be happy with Grant but like, I think, the thing I’m more concerned [with] is obviously Grant- is gonna be how Grant feels about himself. Him screaming “no” after he did it is like, that’s rough”
Which is just- ugh it’s everything to me. That to say, I’m really pumped for what’s to come on that front, since I have a lot of faith in Matt to steer things in a direction that is narratively satisfying for both Lincoln and Grant. Also, it’s such a small thing relative to all that’s going on but, I really do hope that Anthony remembers that Grant hasn’t heard Lincoln’s new voice yet lol, I don’t want that to go unaddressed! Ugh I almost wanna go and relisten to “The Staircase” just thinking about all of this- I’ve been waiting for Grant and Linc to confront each other for *SO LONGGG* hahaha. As a final note on Grant, cause if not I could go on forever, in the teen talk Anthony stated:
“(…) I’ve already had some thoughts as to what he [Willy] wrote onto Grant’s collar”
Which seems to imply that the kiddads don’t all have the same thing written on their collars, which is very interesting! Makes me wonder about Lark and Sparrow as well (<- this got me thinking: “what if Lark and Sparrow’s collars had things written on them that forced them to be apart from each other” or something to that effect OUGH that’d be so rad anyways anyways total tangent loool).
*Otherwise*, FUCK ANTHONY BETTER REMEMBER NICKY. Lmaooo he better parachute in at some point in this episode or else!!! I’d love to see him have to confront Terry’s death, I’d LOOOVE to see him confront/interact with Grant, and I really hope that his reactions to either of those things isn’t just “fuck this shit I’m out” and then he poofs away as he is one to do. Especially now that Anthony decided for convenience’ sake that Nicky can’t make portals anymore- at least keep that consistent lmao. If he *did* try to just dip though, my hope would be that Taylor steps in and actually confronts his dad about that trend of his. Because really, ever since Waterdeep when you think about it we’ve seen that Nick has this bad habit of running away from his problems rather than confronting them (granted his behavior is I think pretty understandable in a good chunk of those cases) and so… Well I guess now that Taylor has become more attached to his dad I would like to see him actually call Nicky out on those behaviors and how it affects him as his son and let his dad know that, well, he doesn’t want Nick to walk out of his life again, y’know?
Hopefully that makes some sense haha, didn’t mean for this ramble to be so long! But yeah, I guess those are the main things running through my head atm (I’ve also been thinking about Scary and Terry and how all that shit is gonna play out ofc, but nothing concrete to say on the matter as it stands).
:3 Wbu???
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pix3lplays · 3 months
So I’m only half way through the new Avatar live action and!! As someone who loves the original (a casual enjoyer but I have seen every episode) I can say with confidence that the new one is-
It’s fine so far. Not that great…but I don’t think it’s THAT bad either…
I guess spoilers for the live action Avatar
I know it probably wasn’t the intention of the show, but I do enjoy watching it because it reminds me of how good the original is. As I was watching it, it made me want to watch the original haha.
I do think a lot of the characters have been watered down…and personally I really didn’t like the interactions between Suki and Sokka…it just felt OFF to me.
I’m amazed they included Teo to be honest, but I think putting him in Omashu was an odd choice.
Also the violence, lol, not a critique or a praise but I was watching it like…this is pg??
A lot of the scenes look really nice! But it was kinda funny watching the show with people where we were all, “I wonder if they’ll include this! Or that!!” That’s one of the weird parts about live action remakes.
I hear that…Zuko fights back against his father in the Agni Kai?? That’s…really weird to me. I haven’t seen it yet but that just SOUNDS wrong.
Though speaking of, I do like what they’ve done with Ozai, somewhat. And yeah I’m just talking about how he looks, and that one scene when the rebellion broke into the palace. They’re not really leaning into him blatantly favoring Azula as much for some reason?? I thought that was…the point. That’s kinda a big part of Zuko’s character that I thought was interesting. Ozai liking Azula way more…
Calling myself out here but as a thirteen year old kid myself when I first watched the show I had no romantic interest in any of the main cast, not even Zuko…
I was allll about Firelord Ozai. And I feel very justified seeing what they did to him in the live action…he is very attractive and uh. Don’t be surprised if I randomly drop some Firelord Ozai headcanons sometime. Does anyone want that???? Maybe it’s just me lol…
Like I said, I haven’t finished the live action yet, I’m only halfway through…and I’m split if I want them to make Ozai more sympathetic or just stay with he’s so terrible and evil and that’s just the way it is.
Honesty I think I’d prefer it if he was just a bad horrible man. No room for sympathy. I am of the opinion that a villain doesn’t actually have to be deep and complicated. It’s OKAY for a villain to just. Be evil.
But we’ll see, I guess. Maybe they’ll surprise me but really, I doubt it, lol
Anyways it’s fine. Maybe watch it. Or don’t. I doubt you’re missing out on much if you skip it.
I would probably watch a season two if they do make one though.
Don’t mess up Toph, please.
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