#guilty pleasures is hard because it's what characters don't want others to know
the-raging-tempest · 3 months
OC Meme
Full name: Lariel Aldonlel
Gender: Cis woman
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Family: Twin Brother: Zrise Aldonlel, Mother: Ordielau Ellvesem, Half Brother: Valondriel Ellvesem, Step Father: Thohan Ellvesem, Grandfather: Ianthos Aldonlel. Family they don't know. Father: Banom, Half Sister: Nelka, Half Brother: Korek, Step Mother: Desha, Half Sister: Elowen
Birthplace: Nerosyan; Mendev
Job: Noble Lady
Phobias: Crowds, Public Speaking, Large Dogs
Guilty Pleasures: Eating sweets, long baths, romance novels, buying expensive luxuries
Hobbies: Playing the harp, painting, drawing, embroidery
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sins: Pride, Sloth
Virtues: Charity, Kindness
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert / In between
Organized / Disorganized / In between
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Un-empathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy / In between
OTP: NA (Hard to describe, but I consider their Commander as Companion more canon than either of them as Commander at this point so idk man)
Acceptable Ships: I simply can't list the friend oc's. So for canon characters: Lariel/Woljif, Lariel/Lann, Lariel/Seelah, Lariel/Arue, Lariel/KC
Brotp: Lariel/Seelah, Lariel/Woljif, Lariel/Lann, Lariel/Arue, Lariel/Aivu, Lariel/Ember, Lariel/KC
Full name: Zrise Aldonlel
Gender: Cis man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Family: Twin Sister: Lariel Aldonlel, Mother: Ordielau Ellvesem, Half Brother: Valondriel Ellvesem, Step Father: Thohan Ellvesem, Grandfather: Ianthos Aldonlel. Family they don't know. Father: Banom, Half Sister: Nelka, Half Brother: Korek, Step Mother: Desha, Half Sister: Elowen
Birthplace: Nerosyan; Mendev
Job: Inquisitor of Calistria
Phobias: Deep water, confined spaces, the afterlife
Guilty Pleasures: Drinking alcohol alone, people watching, returning to old books, procrastinating
Hobbies: Working out/Training, gardening (He works too much for real hobbies...) Worshipping his Goddess
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sins: Wrath, Envy, Lust
Virtues: Diligence
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert / In between
Organized / Disorganized / In between
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Un-empathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy / In between
OTP: NA (Hard to describe but I consider their Commander as Companion more canon than either of them as Commander at this point so idk man)
Acceptable Ships: I simply can't list the friend oc's. So for canon characters: Zrise/Camellia, Zrise/Daeran, Zrise/Wenduag, Zrise/KC (mostly as a joke but Zrise/Ramien)
Brotp: Zrise/Greybor, Zrise/Nenio, Zrise/KC
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onyourowndaisymae · 11 months
don't mind me... just thinking about the demon brothers slowly dropping the rest of their roster for you as they fall head over heels...
lucifer // mammon // levi (you are here) // satan // asmo // beel // belphie -- others coming soon, NSFW warning below, gn!reader
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leviathan, who doesn't have time. time for himself, for his hobbies, for his brothers, and certainly no time for you. he's sick of your meddling, honestly. he never even wanted a pact with you. you're just some lousy human trickster that managed to back him into a corner. whatever. just because he has a pact with you doesn't mean he has to spend time with you.
leviathan, who isn't jealous at all, of course. he's not jealous of the way mammon is so far up your ass that he doesn't know what day it is. he's not jealous of the way beel's sitting on the floor between your legs. he's not jealous of the way asmo and satan cast you curious glances, like they too want to see what's so special about you. it's not fair. why does levi always get the leftovers? why did he have to come to your side after mammon, dooming himself to an eternity of decency lectures from your "first man"? sure, he didn't want you at the beginning but... things change. now he can't help but curl into himself as jealousy boils in his chest.
leviathan, whose days are spent lost in rpgs and whose nights are reserved for filthy hentai games. obscene moans and slick slaps of skin against skin blare from his headphones behind the safety of his locked door. usually, these games have him panting, dick in his hands as precum dribbles down his fingers, but for some reason they feel... lackluster? he's aroused, of course, but he just... can't get into it. or at least, he doesn't think he can-- not until someone that looks like you pops on screen. suddenly he's wide-eyed and hard as a rock. the character gets bent over a table and fucked senseless, and levi's feverishly tugging at his cock to match their pace. is that what you'd look like? he plays the scene over and over until he's spent, until even resting a hand in his lap makes his thighs tremble.
leviathan, who feels so incredibly guilty for masturbating to the thought of you. but he can't stop himself. it's all he can think about these days. nothing is as alluring, as magnetic as you are. he's memorized the way the collar of your uniform sits on your neck, the curve of your soft lips, how you smile at him and listen so intently and-- dammit, he's hard just thinking about you. the hentai games are not enough. he hardly plays them anymore, trading time in front of the screen with time next to you, watching your face focused as you weave your motorcycle through other players while racing in devilcart, hoping that the scent of you, your presence, will linger long after you head to bed for the night.
leviathan, who can't believe how lucky he is right now, how the stars aligned perfectly and time stopped, just so he could have your tongue running across the tip of his cock like that. he's trembling under the weight of your heavy gaze, as you wrap your lips around the head and suck. a sharp cry leaves his lips, and he slaps both of his hands over his mouth to muffle the sound. you grin. it's the best you've ever looked. he can't believe you're here, with him, on your knees between his legs, hand pumping his length while you run your tongue up the underside, holding eye contact to watch him become a blushing, squirming, whimpering mess. his hips jerk against his wishes when you finally take him in your mouth, but you take it in stride, your warm hands pinning his bare hips against his chair. your head bobs across the length of his shaft but all he can feel is heat-- so warm and incredible and soft-- and fuck if he isn't about to cum just from looking at you. his hands grip the arms of his chair as you take him to unbelievable heights of pleasure. this, he thinks, is much better than anything on a screen.
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taglist for this series (hopefully i'm doing this right lol): @the-demonus-aunt // @scienceisfornerds
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i will not accept shane spouse room slander anymore im sick of it
I'm so mad at everyone who is mad at Shane's spouse room and i cant keep silent about it anymore
let me start by saying yes Shane was my first ever spouse in SDV and no i was not thinking i could fix him i was just impressed by his progress and self improvement so i had my character marry him
then i went online to see what are people saying about him and i was SHOCKED everyone was so mean to him and were absolutely wronggggggggggg about him
this man does improve himself he absolutely is better after marriage and everyone that's mischaracterizing that because of his spouse room is a coward sorry i don't make the rules
facts: Shane goes to therapy and starts getting his alcoholism under control by eliminating the source of his pain which is wasting his life away at joja and doing something he loves which is raise blue chickens THAT HE MADE MIGHT I ADD HE INVENTED A NEW BREED OF CHICKENS BTW. that last point alone pisses me of so hard because people so often over look it! he is just as smart as Maru just as creative as Eliot and just as ambitious as Sam, let me repeat myself HE INVENTED A NEW BREED OF CHICKEN WHILE HE WAS DEPRESSED AND SUFFERING OF ALCOHOLISM.... recognize his brilliance please
so that means people saying he falls back into his old habits because he has a six pack in his room is wrong, imo he stops being an alcoholic and goes back to having drinking be a hobby he does while gaming or hanging out with friends at the bar THAT'S THE POINT UR SUPPOSED TO GET FROM HIS HEART EVENTS
yes his room has mud tracks but consider this this man's WHOLE JOB is to RAISE CHICKENS IN A COOP !!!!! chickens who again he literally invented their breed who track mud shit and drop feed on the floor of the coop he is in all day!!! OF FUCKING COURSE HES GONNA HAVE MUD ON HIS SHOES!!
he works all day for his blue chickens and then just wants to come in and relax playing a video game and drinking a beer if he was a horrible dirty alcoholic like people claim he is he would track mud ALL OVER THE HOUSE AND DIRTY UP ALL THE HOUSE but no its just his tiny hobby room
you as a farmer also work all day on chores and after you are done you also just wanna do something fun to relax and guess what YOU HAVE THE ENTIRE HOUSE EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE TO MAKE INTO YOUR HOBBY ROOM some of you fill the house with kegs because you are making it your thing hell one of my farmers who was a witch had an entire room that's just crystals potions and a fucking cauldron , in my Shane save i had a room LINED with fish tanks that was my farmers Hobby, do you think Shane gets mad that i had 4 to 6 fish tanks running all day with puffer fishes and some legendary fishes stinking up the house?? NO because he gets his hobby room and the farmer gets their hobby room everyone keeps to their space period.
i think everyone needs to understand that having a messy hobby room is not a bad thing and that Shane and the other spouses have a right to their own room to look however they want and it doesn't have to match the house
everyone also needs to look at Shane in a better light please I'm begging you to let characters have small flaws and not be squeaky clean perfect
Shane sought help he is helping himself and trying to be better but that doesn't mean he doesn't get to indulge in some guilty pleasures he is human and is aloud to be one even while still in recovery! the difference now is that he HAS CONTROL OVER ALCOHOL AND GAMING CONSUMPTION AND IS NOT SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL LIKE BEFORE he has job he loves a family he takes care of and he makes sure he doesn't dirty up his entire house but gives himself a break in his ONE room and doesn't stop himself form having fun doing the things he enjoys without over indulging or falling into bad habits.
Edit: i know in the end the drinks are non alcoholic as confirmed by him and i mentioned beer and drinks cause i know there is non alcoholic Versions of them som.. but as i said im adressing the MISSCHARACTERIZATION of shane by the shane haters who didn't go through his heart events hence me saying "you are supposed to learn all this from his heart events" cause they dont go through them :D
in conclusion SHANE IS GOOD SPOUSE, a good man and an inventor in his own right. yall just need to be gentle to him in your judgment cause man is he trying his earnest and that needs to be recognized. i mean look at him look at this healthy man <3
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lukall705 · 8 days
i saw your post saying that people who ship incest and headcanon dazai as liking that stuff are obviously going to be harrassed. I don't headcanon dazai as liking daddy kiddy stuff, but i want to ask how you think writing about that makes a person bad. because dazai has literally committed AT LEAST child abuse(akutagawa), 136 murders, 312 extortion cases, 625 cases of fraud and more. but if you think authors deserve to get harrassed for writing about sick crimes like incest because they support or like such things, then why aren't you harrassing asagiri for writing about all those things? and I've seen alot of people that act like sex crimes are somehow different from torture and murder. so I'd like to ask this. do you approve of cheating irl because you act like people who write about sexual related immorality are condoning it and then you say that you might write about cheating in your fic request rules. Also, If you're deep in the bsd community then you may have read no longer human, in which it is heavily heavily implied(to the point that there's literally no other explanation for what happened to her exept rape) that yozo's wife,yoshiko, was raped. do you believe that the irl dazai approved of rape?
I don't mean to come off as rude or argumentative, so sorry if i do, im genuinely curious.
I'm sorry but, are you stupid? you're asking why someone is a bad person for writing incest, pedophilia and rape content. OFC SOMEONE IS A BAD PERSON FOR WRITING THAT KIND OF STUFF. If someone writes it they normalize it, and normalzing disgusting shit like that is VERY harmful.
Its kinda dumb that you are compering Dazai, a fictional character to real people, Dazai is not a real person, so his actions don't effect real people, but people who make incest do effect real people. As someone who is a victim of sa, its very triggering to see incest, pedophilia, rape ect content being made of my favorite character. Making that type of content is normalizing it, and if we normalize kids being raped by someone they're close to, then its gonna end up making younger kids think that its okay if that happens to them.
"but if you think authors deserve to get harrassed for writing about sick crimes like incest because they support or like such things" i never said to harass the writers, i said that if they are gonna write that shit they need to be able to handle the hate, and yes they deserve hate for making it, and saying its for coping isn't a valid excuse, because they are hurting other victims at the same time.
"I've seen alot of people that act like sex crimes are somehow different from torture and murder" They are different, rape is done by the attacker so that they can feel sexual pleasure. And sadly in some cases, like junko furuta, people get raped, tortured and murdered for no reason. But still torture and rape are still different, and i don't know why you're bringing up torture and murder when this is about incest content.
"do you approve of cheating irl because you act like people who write about sexual related immorality are condoning it and then you say that you might write about cheating in your fic request rules." The answer is no, just because i said i MIGHT write for it doesn't mean i will, its meant as "in some cases i might write it" and even if you don't condone incest, rape and pedophilia irl, its stil very much wrong and disgusting and people who write it should really feel guilty about it, if you have thoughts about that stuff you need to seek help, not normalize and spread it around the interent. Also cheating and incest/rape content aren't comperable btw, one is a crime and the other one is breaking someones trust.
Now the book part, i have the book but i haven't read it, and bringing the real life dazai, into this is stupid, he lived over 70 years ago, people thought differently about rape back then so its hard to know. also the book is a fucking autobiography so ofc its gonna talk about stuff that happened in his life
Anyways please tell me if anything in here is wrong or if you wanna add anything to this
Btw saying "sorry if i come of as rude" after compering me to weirdos is something! 🥰
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hunny-bean · 1 year
Sugar & Spice
Pairing: Frank Castle x F!Reader
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Summary: Frank likes you best in blue. Happy Anniversary!
Word Count: 6.3k
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI), Explicit Sexual Content, Oral Sex (M & F Recieving), Fingering, Unprotected P in V, Obnoxiously Fluffy at Times, Lingerie, Teasing, Light Bondage, Kinda Mean Frank, Sub Reader. Ok, I think that's it! Let me know if I missed one.
A/N: Needless to say, I'm expanding my comfort zone. I added a splash of mechanic!frank because he's a guilty pleasure of mine. Sorry if he's a little OOC, it's hard to imagine Frank untraumatized and in a happy relationship. Anyway, I hope this turned out alright. Enjoy! Let me know what you think! XOXO.
P.S. I'm open to requests, if you've got any cool ideas! I love writing, but I have experienced writer's block many times before, so I may need a little assistance at some point. I'll write for any Jon Bernthal character as well as a plethora of others that I don't have time to list. If you want to ask for another character, just take a gamble and I'll let you know if I can do it! Also, nothing immoral or illegal, please. Sorry for the insanely long author's note.
You may proceed :)
Read on AO3
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
'Curse this stupid lighting,' you thought, examining your makeup in the floor-length mirror. The dim yellow light bulb in Frank's walk-in closet was seriously throwing off your perception of colors. For example, you were pretty sure your blush was looking natural and sweet, but there was always that slim chance you would look like a clown in a different room.
You were tragically forced into the closet by the sound of Frank's keys rattling in the lock. Before that, you had been enjoying the luxury of a bathroom counter. Unfortunately, Frank only had one toilet and you figured he might need it, so you grabbed your bag and sprinted to the closet the second he opened the door. Under no circumstances would you let Frank catch even the slightest glimpse of you. At least, not until you were finished getting ready. You were planning a surprise, after all.
When Frank finally got home, he instantly knew something was off. Usually, when you spent the night with him (which was most nights), you'd come meet him at the door whenever he finished up at the garage. You'd slide through the kitchen in your fuzzy socks to give him a hug and a kiss and ask how his day was. It had become such a routine for the two of you, that when it didn't happen, his first thought was that you weren't there at all.
Frank pulled his boots off and hung up his jacket before wandering into the kitchen to see if you had left a note. Maybe your roommate had another "crisis," he thought, or you had to make a quick run to the grocery store. Finding nothing, he grew slightly concerned. It was very unlike you to just take off without so much as a text explaining why.
Then, Frank heard a faint rustling noise coming from the bedroom. He smiled softly, all of his previous worries evaporating as he went down the hall to see what you were up to. You were probably just taking a nap, he thought, but when he got to the bedroom, you were still nowhere to be found. Frank was just about to try calling you when, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the light on under the closet door.
"Hey, baby. You in there?" he asked, knocking gently.
"Be out in a minute!" you called back, fluffing your curls that you barely got done before he showed up.
"Whatcha doin' in the closet?" Frank asked, and even through the door you could hear the amusement in his voice.
"It's a surprise," you replied deviously.
"Come on, darlin', you know I hate surprises," Frank griped.
"You'll like this one, I promise," you proclaimed. "Just be patient."
Frank sighed dramatically. "I wanna see you," he grumbled. Smiling, you meticulously straightened the bow you added to pin two small sections of your hair behind your head.
"Oh, trust me," you muttered. "You will."
Taking a step back, you admired your full body in the mirror. You had bought this underwear set a while ago, and were just waiting for the right occasion to use it. It was a beautiful baby blue color, and it hugged your body perfectly. The bra was a short, sheer corset top that showcased your cleavage without being too obnoxious. The panties were soft and lacy, pulled up high in the sides to accentuate your hips. They weren't quite a thong, but they certainly came close. Decorating both pieces were small embroidered cornflowers that made you feel pretty and delicate. On top of it all was an elegant lace robe that you somehow managed to find in the exact same color. It was almost completely see-through and it barely brushed your mid thigh, so you weren't worried about it obscuring any of your best assets.
You looked good. There was no denying that. In fact, you couldn't think of a time you'd ever looked better. You just hoped Frank's heart was strong enough to withstand the sight of you.
Quickly, you added your finishing touches, brushing on your favorite lip gloss and putting in a pair of dainty diamond earrings that Frank got you for Valentine's Day that year. You gave yourself one more once-over in the mirror. Everything was perfect. At long last, you were ready to execute your master plan.
You were a little nervous, but what you were about to pull off wouldn't work if you let it show, even just a little bit. With that in mind, you took a few deep breaths and rolled your shoulders back. Holding your head up high, you slowly opened the closet door.
When you stepped out into the bedroom, you found Frank laying on top of the covers with his arms positioned behind his head and one leg propped up. He was barely doing anything, and still he was the picture of dominance. Even while wearing a plain black t-shirt and jeans, he looked incredible. In fact, just seeing him was enough to have you fantasizing about crawling on top of him and hiding your face in his chest. But alas, you could not. You had to stay strong.
As soon as Frank saw you, his eyes lit up like a little kid's on Christmas morning. He immediately sat up straight, looking utterly dazzled. It seemed you were right. This was one surprise he could get behind.
"Do you like it?" you asked beguilingly. You gave him a small spin, showing off all the intricate details.
"That's the stupidest question you've ever asked, sweetheart," Frank replied, rising to meet you across the room. "You're a fuckin' angel."
He pulled you in by your waist to leave a soft peck on your lips. Seeing his mouth shine with your lip gloss when he pulled away made your heart skip a beat. You weren't always a possessive person, but that changed when you discovered what it felt like to leave your mark on someone. Especially someone as desirable as Frank Castle.
"Happy anniversary, baby," Frank drawled sweetly.
"Happy anniversary." You were sure you were smiling like an idiot, but you couldn't help it. You and Frank had been together for four years now, and it felt like the shortest lifetime you'd ever experienced. The love you felt for the man in front of you was stronger than anything you had ever felt before, and you knew in your heart that would never change.
Frank wrapped his arms around you and pulled you back in for another kiss, this one considerably longer than the last. The two of you stood there for a while, making out while your hands explored the familiar planes of each other's bodies. Frank was fucking your mouth slowly with his tongue, kissing you like a promise in the way he knew made your knees weak. You almost gave up on the plan right then and there, but your excitement for what was to come later that night saved you from falling into the trap.
You reached a hand down between you to palm at Frank's growing erection. You heard him let out a low hum, and you felt the vibrations travel from his chest through yours, relaxing you from the inside out. It didn't take long for him to start pushing back against your warm hand, seeking some relief, but he didn't find any. . .
because that was when you stopped moving. You pulled away from the kiss, keeping your hand perfectly still and looking up at him sweetly through your eyelashes.
"What time is it?" you inquired, focusing all your energy into keeping a straight, innocent face.
"Uh. . . 'bout 6:30?" Frank was obviously not thrilled that you had stopped kissing him to ask that of all things. 'Perfect,' you thought maliciously. Unable to fight it any longer, a sly, excited smile slowly overtook your face.
"It's dinner time," you whispered.
Before he could react, you slipped out of Frank's grasp and sauntered away to the kitchen. You went straight to the pantry to gather everything you would need to make spaghetti and garlic bread, and set it on the counter next to the stove.
When Frank was finished staring blankly at the wall, mystified, he joined you in the kitchen to find you filling up a pot with water at the sink. He crept up behind you, wrapping you up in a hug and leaving a soft kiss on your cheek.
"What'd you do that for, hmm?" He was using a voice that you were all too familiar with. It was the voice he used when he wanted something from you, and most days it had you folding instantly. He sounded so condescending, and it was playing right into your more submissive side. He was being an asshole, but he was just such a hot asshole, and somehow it always. freaking. worked.
Except it wouldn't work today. You would make sure of it.
"Go sit down, Frankie," you requested, gesturing to the bar behind the sink.
"Dinner can wait a little while. Your tomatoes aren't gonna go bad in an hour, sweetheart." You shut off the faucet and tried to move over to the stove, but Frank tightened his hold on you, refusing to let you go.
"I'm hungry," you complained.
"So am I," Frank teased, making sure you could feel the proof of his statement pressed up against you. You rolled your eyes at how audible his stupid smirk was.
"I'm trying to make us a special anniversary dinner. Now go sit down, Frank."
Frank knew you weren't actually upset with him, and he wasn't stupid so he knew what you were doing. You weren't stupid either, so you knew he secretly liked it. You were having a competition, and you couldn't wait to finally beat your insufferably headstrong boyfriend at a game of wills. All you had to do to win was hold out until you were finished eating, and this time around you had some tricks up your sleeve.
Frank groaned defeatedly. No matter how much he wanted you, his chivalrous upbringing prevented him from denying his lady what she wanted. So, he gave in and trudged around the counter to sit on the barstool across from the sink. You could feel his eyes following you as you went about making your dinner. His gaze was burning holes all over your body, heating up your core and exhilarating your mind. Every movement you made was intentional, perfectly executed in a way that kept Frank on edge and his jeans too tight.
When you needed something from the lower cabinets, you would bend over to show off your panties, and the fabric would stretch tighter around the swell of your ass. When you needed something from the top cabinets, you would stand on your tiptoes and stretch to reach it, revealing more of your tummy and causing the underwire to push your chest out a little further. While you were reading from the recipe book, you would "absent-mindedly" twirl your hair around your fingers or lean forward on the counter, subtly arching your back.
Once, when you were finished blending your home-made spaghetti sauce and it was heating up on the stove, you dipped a finger in the pot and delicately licked it clean. You didn't look at Frank while you did it because you're sure you would have laughed at how ridiculous it was, but you knew he saw it (and liked it) from his small frustrated sigh.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked, semi-sarcastically.
"Nope!" you replied happily, dropping your handful of dry spaghetti in the boiling water.
"You sure?"
"Pretty sure, yeah." You smiled at him, walking past the bar to put your leftover garlic in the pantry on the other side.
As you were walking back, you failed to notice Frank had hopped to the barstool closest to you until he had already sprung his attack. Lightning fast, he snatched you up and pulled you towards him, slipping a hand under your robe to grab at your ass and wrapping the other around your waist to hold you still. He buried his face in your neck, and you felt him shudder and tighten his grip as he inhaled deeply. The special occasion perfume you wore never failed to drive him wild.
"It's just that I feel so useless sitting over here, doing nothing," he purred, his lips tracing patterns across your collarbone.
"You're definitely not doing nothing," you mumbled.
"That right? What am I doin' then, hmm?"
When you didn't respond, Frank slid his hand away from your ass and dragged two of his fingers gently over the lace covering your arousal. When he drew his hand back and held it up, you saw his fingers were significantly shinier than they were before. That was the biggest downside to fancy underwear. Sure, they look nice, but they do nothing to absorb moisture.
"Is that what I'm doing?" You nodded. "Yeah? But I've just been sitting here," Frank teased.
'Goddammit,' you thought. 'How did I ever think I could make it past dinner with this asshole?'
"Know what I think? I think you just like attention. You put on a show for whoever's watching and you get soaked right through, is that it?" He moved his hand back down to start rubbing gentle circles on your clit through the fabric.
"No, I don't," you fussed, pushing at Frank's bicep to try and dislodge his hand. He just pressed down harder, making you desperately wish you could squeeze your thighs together and grind on his fingers until you were dripping on the floor.
"No? Then what is it, sweetheart? What's got you so wet, huh?"
"Just you," you mumbled. "Just your attention."
"Yeah? That's sweet, baby. Well if this is all my fault, then I should do somethin' about it, shouldn't I?"
Unable to fight back any longer, you nodded. The ache in your core was running too deep, and the relief Frank promised seemed more satisfying than any victory possibly could. Grinning dangerously, Frank released you and stood up before pulling you back into a feverish kiss. You got so lost in the contact that you didn't realize Frank was pushing you until your back hit the counter.
Suddenly, Frank's hands traveled down to settle on your upper thighs. This was a signal you were all too familiar with. Barely a second after you felt it, you jumped, wrapping your legs around him as he set you down on the counter.
As soon as he had you where he wanted you, Frank latched onto your neck, kissing and biting wherever he could reach, leaving faint red marks in all your most sensitive places. You squeezed your eyes shut tight and bit your lip hard as voltaic sensations zipped up and down your spine. Frank slipped your robe gently off your shoulders, leaving light kisses along the newly exposed skin.
Frank left a darker bruise on the base of your neck before tenderly grabbing your jaw to trace his tongue along your bottom lip. With one hand (and a little cooperation on your part), he pulled your robe the rest of the way off and tossed it to the side. Then, he began moving slowly down your torso, stopping to nip lightly at your rigid buds through the flowers hiding them and lick a few gentle stripes up your stomach. When he got too far down to bend over comfortably, he pulled his barstool up behind him and tugged you to the edge of the counter before sitting back down.
At first you didn't know what he was planning, but you figured it out pretty quick when he grabbed your legs and tossed them over his shoulders. Your tailbone was aching and the faucet was digging into your back, but you couldn't bring yourself to care when Frank began leaving hot kisses up your thigh. His stubble was rough against your skin and you were secretly hoping you would still be feeling it in the morning.
You felt Franks nose bump against your clit as he swiped his tongue over your obvious wet spot. The sudden feeling surprised you, and you didn't have time to prevent a small whine from slipping out. Smirking, Frank drew his tongue tortuously slowly from the very back of your cunt to your sensitive nub. When he reached it, he sucked gently at it, feeling your thighs tremble around his head.
"Frank, please," you gasped, throwing your head back when he sucked harder.
Frank finally started slipping his fingers in your waistband, and tapped your hip to get you to lift up. He tugged your panties down to your knees and-
"Oh, shit!" you cried, pushing Frank away from you. Your spaghetti was bubbling over! You hopped off the counter and pulled your underwear back up, running to stir the pasta with your wooden spoon. As soon as you got the water to settle, your timer went off, signaling that it was done.
You grabbed Frank's strainer (which was actually one of yours that you brought over to encourage Frank to eat better) and drained your spaghetti over the sink. While you were shaking out all the water droplets, you looked up to find Frank moping with his head resting in his hand.
"Oh, come on," you said, noticing his pouty face. "What did you want me to do, let your kitchen burn down?"
"You can't start a fire with spaghetti."
"You'd be surprised."
"I just needed five more minutes, baby. That's it," Frank complained.
"Five more minutes and we'd be eating spaghetti-flavored mush," you retorted. "Besides, dinner's just about ready now. You've only gotta wait another half hour, and then you can have whatever you want."
Frank brightened slightly at the prospect, though he tried to hide it. Turns out, after four years of dating, you learn to spot the little emotions flickering behind your partner's eyes.
"Why are you doing this to me, sweetheart?" he asked.
"Don't pretend like you're not enjoying it."
"I just wanna touch you. Why won't you let me touch you, hmm? I know you want me to," Frank grumbled.
"I did let you touch me," you argued back lightheartedly.
"Yeah, but that wasn't part of the plan, was it baby? You're still trying to stay away from me."
"Why does it matter what I'm trying to do if you got what you wanted anyway?" you reasoned.
"I didn't get what I wanted."
"Tough luck. You will."
"You would've lost if it weren't for those fuckin' noodles," Frank jeered.
"Why do you think I set so many timers?"
You switched off the oven and grabbed some potholders to extract your garlic bread.
"Go sit at the table. I'll bring you a plate," you ordered.
Frank sighed, but he did as he was told. As the two of you ate together, you actually had a very nice conversation, laughing and talking about your days as if nothing had even happened. Frank told you about a guy that was trying to save the ugliest, most broken car that had ever entered the shop. You told Frank about the return of one of your nightmare customers. For the entire time you were seated at the table, there was no torture whatsoever on either part. You were both content to celebrate your anniversary with good food and the best company you could ask for.
When you were finally done eating and talking, it had been well over half an hour, but it didn't feel like it. Your time spent with Frank never dragged on endlessly like it seemed to elsewhere. His presence was like a multipurpose drug to you, and it worked better than any stimulant or depressant you could find in even the sketchiest of back-alleys in Hell's Kitchen. There was no doubt in your mind that you had found the person you would be spending the rest of your life with.
You stood up to begin clearing your dishes, but Frank caught your wrist before you could touch a single utensil.
"Oh, no you don't," Frank said, pushing you back down into your chair. "You did the hard part, let me handle all the easy stuff."
"Yes, sir," you giggled, watching him work. When everything was cleared, you joined Frank in the kitchen, where you found him rinsing the dishes with warm water and loading them into the dishwasher.
Copying what he had done to you earlier, you wrapped your arms around his midsection, hugging him tightly and pressing your face against his back. He patted your arm with his wet hands, and you smiled into his shoulder before wiping it off on his shirt. Closing your eyes, you relaxed into him, enjoying his warmth and his familiar scent.
"You can just leave them in the sink for now," you suggested sleepily.
"Now who's impatient?" Frank teased.
Groaning softly, you gave him one more big squeeze before letting go and walking away down the hall.
"When you're ready, you can come meet me in the bedroom," you called behind you. Frank finished up pretty quickly after that.
He entered the bedroom to find you laying down with your eyes closed. Smiling at how peaceful you looked, he carefully laid down on the bed next to you. Almost immediately, you rolled over on top of him, enjoying the feeling of his warm chest against your face. He was like your own personal space heater, which made him very useful to have around in the colder months.
You shivered at the feeling of his hand running through your hair. 'How did I ever relax before I met him?' you wondered. You felt dangerously close to falling asleep, and as good as that sounded, there was something you had been looking forward to for a while that sounded significantly better.
Forcing yourself to sit up, you sat straddling Frank's stomach, staring into his eyes and waiting for him to make the first move. You had been having fun all evening; the night belonged to him now.
"I know what you were after earlier, sweetheart. You look a little tired now, is that still what you want?" he asked. He was always so gentle with you. Even when he really wasn't.
"Yeah," you confirmed, "But I want you to do whatever you want."
"Whatever I want, huh? That's a dangerous thing to say, baby."
"I trust you," you whispered. "And I already know I'm gonna like it, whatever you decide."
Frank hummed, running his hands up and down your thighs as he thought about what to do first. You knew he had reached a decision when he grabbed you and tossed you onto the bed beside him. You yelped at the sudden motion, looking over at him to see exactly what it was he was trying to do.
Frank was taking his belt off. He slid over to sit in front of you, belt in hand, and pulled you back onto his lap.
"You know I can't let you get away with all that bullshit you pulled back there, right?" he asked patronizingly.
"I mean. . . you could," you responded.
Frank scoffed. "You should shut your mouth before you make this worse for yourself. You wanna get to the fun part, don't you?"
"This is the fun part," you confessed.
Frank grabbed your jaw roughly with one hand, forcing you to maintain eye contact with him.
"You're gonna take that back in a minute, baby," Frank growled. He released your jaw to catch both your wrists in his hands, pinning them behind your back.
"All I wanted when I got home was to make my pretty girl feel good, but you decided to be a fuckin' brat." There was a darkness in his eyes that you knew was just for show, but it thrilled you all the same. "I'm gonna show you exactly what that feels like."
Holding both your wrists in one hand, he took his belt and wrapped it tightly around them, latching the buckle and securing them together. When he was sure it would hold and wasn't too uncomfortable, he pushed you off his lap so you were laying on your back on the bed.
"Now," he said, "I'm gonna finish what we started."
He immediately sprung into action, forcibly spreading your legs and slipping your panties all the way down. He tossed them aside and fit himself between your legs, leaning in to kiss you. At first you weren't sure how this was supposed to be a punishment, but you figured it out pretty quickly.
Frank kissed you so deeply, tugging at your hair and tracing your curves with his fingertips. He gripped your waist and your thighs, his dull fingernails leaving behind little indents when he'd get carried away. He could put his hands all over you, wherever and whenever he wanted, but you couldn't do the same. You wanted to pull him closer and squish his biceps teasingly to make him laugh. You wanted to feel his stubble in your hands and rub his shoulders as he bit your neck. You never realized how important your hands were when kissing someone until they were taken from you.
As Frank took to reinforcing the fading red marks he left earlier, he slipped a hand between your thighs to cup your dripping pussy in his palm. You gasped as he used the heel of his hand to rub it a few times, the pressure creating an addictive friction that had you grinding down against him.
Without warning, he slid two fingers inside you, finding your g-spot with practiced ease and stroking it gently. You cried out softly at the sudden stretch. Frank's fingers filled you up so much better than yours ever could. Sometimes you swore he knew more about what made you feel good than you knew about yourself.
Your thighs shook as he began pumping his fingers slowly in and out, stopping every so often to grind his palm against your clit. Your arms were falling asleep underneath you, but that didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was the feeling of Frank's hair tickling your stomach as he moved down to replace his fingers with his tongue.
You whined at the loss when he pulled his hand away, but your disappointment didn't last long as he truly began to finish what he'd started. Your thighs clamped down around his head when you felt the first swipe of his tongue, but he forced them back open, his wet fingers marking your thigh with your slick.
You moaned as he gave your cunt several long licks, cleaning up the moisture that had pooled between your folds. The need to reach out and push his head down or grab onto his hair was overwhelming, but you couldn't move. All you could do was take what he gave you. When he decided you'd had enough teasing, he dove in fully, eating you out like it was his favorite thing in the world. He tongued at your clit, sucking it at random intervals to see what noises he could coax out of you. Sometimes, he would lap gently at your entrance, just barely dipping inside so you could feel how empty you really were. He gave you one more rough lick before plunging his fingers back inside you and sucking hard at your clit. You almost sobbed as you came over his hand, trembling through your release. Frank groaned softly against you, enjoying the feeling of your walls fluttering and pulsing around any part of him.
He patted your thighs lovingly, coming up from between your legs to kiss you. You were still slightly out of it and breathing heavily, but tasting yourself on Frank's tongue brought you back to the present.
"See what you did to me now?" he asked when he pulled away.
"Yeah," you breathed.
"Think we're even, then?"
"Uh-huh," you answered, struggling to sit up with your hands tied.
"I don't."
"I didn't let you touch me, but I still made you feel good, didn't I? All you ever did was tease me. Do you still think we're even, baby?" Frank questioned, stroking your lip with his thumb.
"No," you mumbled.
"So what are you gonna do about it?"
Instead of responding verbally, you parted your lips and sucked his thumb gently into your mouth. After a few seconds, Frank pulled it out and replaced it with the two fingers that had previously been inside you, encouraging you to clean them off.
"That's a good start." Frank pulled his fingers back, satisfied with your work. "But you're gonna need to do more than that, sweetheart."
You hesitated, trying to figure out how you were supposed to lean forward without falling flat on your face.
"You know what I want, baby," he encouraged. "What are you waiting for?" Frank knew very well what you were waiting for, but his sadistic side wanted to watch you figure it out.
Rising up onto your knees, you spread your thighs apart for better balance, and slowly began to lower your head towards Frank's zipper. You made it all the way down without crashing, but you refused to make a fool out of yourself by trying to unbutton his pants with your teeth. Instead, you gazed up at him desperately, pleading for assistance with just your eyes.
Unfortunately, Frank wasn't budging. He raised his eyebrows at you expectantly, letting you know you were gonna have to work for it. Huffing, you lowered your gaze back to the zipper, bracing yourself for your impending embarrassment. You were just about to attack his button with your tongue when you were struck by an idea. There was more than one way you could work for it.
Leaning in closer, you started mouthing at his bulge, kissing it wetly through the fabric. You could tell it was affecting him by the way he twitched under your tongue when you licked lovingly at (what you hoped was) the tip. Using your nose, you nudged at the hem of Frank's t-shirt, and he pulled it up for you so you could leave little red marks and sweet kisses across his abs. Frank grunted quietly when you sucked at a sensitive spot, petting your head softly so you'd do it again. He was really enjoying the sight of you bent over, begging for his cock with your mouth. So much so, that he almost didn't want to give it to you.
He held out for a while, only giving in when the warmth of your mouth soaked fully through his jeans, wetting his dick and making him want more.
"Shit, alright," he groaned, reaching down to unzip his jeans. He tugged them down just enough to get to his boxers, reaching inside to pull out his hard, leaking cock.
"There," he murmured, tapping it sweetly against your cheek. "Have at it, pretty girl."
You were concerned about catching it in your mouth without your hands, but Frank generously decided you didn't have to everything on your own. When you turned your head towards it, he held it still and fed it to you slowly, stroking your hair as you went at your own pace.
You paused for a little while in the beginning to pay attention to his dripping head, laving at the sensitive bottom and sucking softly at the tip. You left a dainty lick on his slit before you took more of him in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks around his length. You stared up at him as you dragged your tongue teasingly along the underside, tracing a prominent vein that you were very familiar with.
Frank's breathing was getting heavier, letting you know you were doing a good job. Feeling emboldened, you carefully took him all the way to the base, choking softly as he hit the back of your throat.
"Attagirl, fuck," Frank breathed, pushing your head down farther. He held you there for a moment, subtly grinding his cock against the roof of your mouth. Jolting at the feeling, he pushed a little too hard by accident, triggering your gag reflex. You pulled back to catch your breath before continuing to bob your head up and down along his length, taking him as deep as you could without coughing. Before long, your jaw was aching and tears were streaming down your cheeks from choking a few too many times.
Finally, after nearly fifteen minutes of working Frank over with nothing but your mouth, he groaned deeply, signaling his impending release.
"Fuck, baby, I'm gonna-" he warned, sighing as he came in hot ribbons down your throat. You closed your eyes and relaxed into the feeling of his cock pulsing on your tongue, waiting for it to soften slightly before letting it fall from your mouth.
You sat back up and watched Frank pull his pants the rest of the way off before tucking himself back into his underwear.
"Are we even now?" you asked.
"Yeah, I'd say so," Frank smiled. "Come here, I'll get you untied real quick."
You turned away from him so he could take the belt off you, wiggling your fingers and rolling your wrists to regain the feeling you had lost in your hands. Twisting back around, you pounced, knocking him flat on his back and pushing his shirt up as far as it would go. Making up for lost time, you began rubbing at his chest and his shoulders, and tracing his abs with your fingertips. He chuckled at your neediness, pulling his shirt off to give you better access, which you happily took advantage of. Cradling his face in your hands, you left dozens of little kisses all over his mouth and his neck. It felt so good to be able to touch him again, you didn't think you would ever let go.
Still holding you close to him, Frank turned so his back was against the headboard and he could cuddle you in a more comfortable position. For a while, you laid in silence, syncing your breathing with his and seeing if you could find a way to match your heartbeats. So far, not much luck, but you were sure you'd figure it out someday.
Checking the clock on the nightstand, you saw that you'd been laying there for about ten minutes. "That should be enough time," you thought. You looked up to find Frank's eyes closed, but you knew he was awake.
"Frankie?" you called, almost inaudibly.
"Do you think it's time for the 'fun part' now?"
Frank smiled. "Do you want it to be?"
He opened his eyes, watching you closely as you unfastened your bra in the back, and slipped it off slowly. You dropped it on the bed beside you, leaving you completely exposed for Frank to admire you.
"Yeah, I do," you whispered.
Frank surged up to kiss you again, this time much gentler than before. He ran his hands up your sides to tenderly massage your bare chest. You whimpered into the kiss as he rubbed at your nipples, the little buds sensitive from being previously neglected.
Feeling impatient, you tugged his boxers down and quickly began stroking his growing length. Frank hissed at the shock, but he was thrusting up into your hand before too long. As soon as he was half hard, you lifted up and positioned his cock at your entrance before sinking down all the way. You cried out at the intrusion, feeling him curve perfectly inside you to brush your sweet spot on every thrust.
You sat there for a minute, just barely circling your hips as you focused on the feeling of him hardening fully inside you. When he was finished growing, you began to ride him, slowly pushing your body up and down on his cock as he raised his hips to meet you half-way.
Frank punched little noises out of your chest with every bounce, leaning in to hide his face in your neck. He breathed in the wonderful scent of sweat, sex, and expensive perfume, groaning desperately into your skin.
After a while of thrusting and grinding and bouncing, your thighs began to ache, and you weren't able to maintain the same speed anymore. Picking up on your sudden change, Frank took charge almost on autopilot, and flipped you over so you were underneath him.
You moaned at the relief and the change in tempo as he fucked into you faster and harder and deeper, but still with so much love and care behind every movement. When you caught his eyes, it felt like you were staring into your future, and you saw nothing but inevitable happiness.
Your gasps and whines got louder and louder as you chased your release. Your soaked cunt was pulling Frank back in harder, squeezing tight around him to try and keep him from pulling out. Every sensation you were feeling kept building and building until finally, the tension snapped. You almost screamed as your climax washed over you like a rising tide, whiting out your vision and sending waves of pleasure washing over you.
Frank was right behind you, as the feeling of your walls constricting and fluttering around him pushed him over the edge. He came deep inside you, filling you up perfectly before pulling out carefully and collapsing beside you.
The two of you laid next to each other, holding each other tightly and soaking up the afterglow permeating the air all around you. You couldn't have asked for a better anniversary, or a better special someone to share it with. In that moment, as you got ready to drift off to sleep, everything was perfect.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
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heartssatoru · 1 year
Hey! I love your HCs so far! If you do smut could you do JJK men wanting to have sex or are horny and how they go about asking you/initiating it? (Gojo, Megumi, Sukuna, and Itadori)
Yes of course! I know a lot of my readers request fluff so if you don't like smut im so sorry😭
Characters: gojo, megumi, sukuna, itadori
Warnings: smut smut smut!! Afab reader
I have a few request im working on, to all the others that requested! :)
In public:
Starts off flirty but then becomes needy cause he's extremely horny
At a date
Slips up and tells you a dirty joke by accident. And does that little giggle
It maybe depends, because there's times where he thinks he can hold it but can't
Most of the time he hints it. If you don't get it then he'll say it shamelessly
Doesn't care if its in public or not. He just wants relief.
He kinda does care😭 but doesn't at the same time.
Bathroom, alley way, really whatever. Tries to make sure no ones really there though
Someone spots you two? Oh shit let him finish atleast
Tells you to just relax but it's extremely hard when his cock is pounding into you
If your hiding your moans then he'll make you either way. Cause that's just offensive to him
Will deny your organsm if you hide them too. So lesson learned
At home:
Tries to ignore it. But its too much to even ignore, wouldn't be surprised if you could notice
Prefers to hint because he feels embarrassed. No matter how much you tell him he doesn't need too.
You already know because that's always how he gets when he's horny
Doesn't want to risk being caught. And he always makes that clear.
Always at home no matter what. He can wait, maybe..
Excusing that, he skilled with his fingers, and always uses his fingers to prep you
He doesn't want to cause you pain. Really just pleasure for both of you.
Will be a little hard or deny your organsm if he's having a bad day. But still will let you cum
By the time he's done you guys will be fast asleep, but always makes sure you fall asleep first.
anywhere, literally doesn't care:
Will straight up tell you. Maybe if you don't take so long he'll actually be nice to you.
1% chance of that. But its better then nothing!
Will fuck you anywhere. Unlike gojo, he has nothing to worry about
Doesn't even care if anyone sees. They'll simply see how much of a slut you are for his cock
Said by him of course
Does it for his own pleasure, if he's feeling nice he'll let you cum
Also if you try and touch yourself then thats another reason why he shouldn't.
Abuses your poor cunt, especially with his size
Rough, but knows your limits. Maybe goes aganist them every one in awhile to see your fucked face
Cause it drives him near the edge even more.
Feels guilty each time so he always tries to go on without anything
However if he's desperate will beg you to let him fuck you
Makes sure your comfortable and everything. Sweet as hell
But just because of that dont expect to not be teased
Will always let you cum though, unlike the others, besides megumi
Goes gentle, unless you want it hard he can do that. Just doesn't want to hurt you
Asks every once in awhile just to make sure your comfortable and everything
No matter how tired he is, will still try to clean you up afterwards
Gives you the best care. Would feel guilty once again, if he didn't
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(Hey! I hope this ask isn't too nsfwish, if it is, feel free not to answer!)
Anyway, I wanted to request something for some Twisted Wonderland characters (I just got into the game a while ago and I'm almost finished with the main story for Scarabia! It's very addicting, lol)! Oh, and I don't know if you have a character limit, but I'll just request Ace, Trey, Cater, Floyd, Scarabia, and Epel! You can remove some characters if you want if it's too much.
Anyway, the request I wanted to make was, how do you think some of the Twisted Characters would react to, in the middle of class (or just during anytime of the school day), the Prefect/Reader sends them like, a suggestive photo of themselves while there out (which may have not seemed like that on the Perfect/Reader end, but might have been seemed different by the characters). How do you think the characters would react? And how would you think they would feel if another student tried peeping at the photo while they were looking at it?
If you decide to do this request, Thank you and I hope you have a nice day! :)
Thank you, I hope you do too
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Suggestive Selfies | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
As you mentioned most of the material they find to be particularly arousing doesn’t necessarily have anything sexual in nature but a yandere knows no bounds. Oh and for the poor soul that dared to lay their eyes on the photo meant specifically for them will be lucky to keep those:
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Ace Trappola
As one of your closest confidants Ace is one of the first to have access to you through text
As such its a given you are constantly going back and forth
About homework, hanging out, what you’re eating, whoyou’rewith
So its a given that you send him pictures 
It isn’t hard for him to ask either 
as long as he words it right
‘Bet. I doubt you actually just woke up’
‘Lol sucks to suck! Now what’d you bet’
He lets a mischevious smile spread across his face as he gets what he wanted
A picture of your minimalist pajama set and messy bedhead
All for his viewing pleasure
It was easiest to imagine waking up beside you this way
Especially after a heated night before
He does take notice to the peaking his roommate is doing
Quick to shove his phone in his pocket
Next day is all it takes for the trail of Riddle’s tart leading to the unsuspecting student
If that isn’t enough he’ll make a big accident potions class
That has the peeping tom feeling like a million fire ants are biting at his skin
“Don’t be looking at others toys, especially when I’m sitting right there. At that point you’re just asking me to defend!”
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Trey Clover
He knows you come running for his food
Free and easy its his way to get close to you without your little friends lackeys getting in the way
But he wasn’t expecting you to get so eager to replicate him
But he doesn’t hate the way you start sending him pictures of the things your making
Mostly because you unknowingly end up showing off whatever your wearing in your lonesome
Maybe a thigh in skimpy shorts 
Or the voice messages of you struggling with particularly thick batter 
That always has him excusing himself 
But most recently your picture of a the mini cake you made
Completely unaware of the ample view of your chest that came with it
It leaves nothing to the imagination andhelovesit
But before he can slyly dismiss himself 
He sees the eyes of someone in the reflection of his phone
He doesn’t react pretending to scroll before watching them avert
…so they really were watching…scum
He wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt but now he’s got an unfortunate confirmation
“It’s a shame…that the next time you eat something it’ll be your last. Should know when to mind your business.”
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Cater Diamond
He’s one for pictures
If his story being updated every 30 minutes wasn’t enough
His text messages with you would prove him guilty
With nearly every word there's a picture from him
It wouldn’t be long before you followed suit
Mirroring the images he was so keen on sending you 
Eventually one slips through an accidental photo of your body suggestively peaking out 
He saves it in no time at all 
Already planning to post about how deep he’s in it
But instead he might post about him being in a different location
Then where he dumped the peeper’s body+
“Been here all day! Thinking only about gettinginto bae!”
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Floyd Leech
It’s an accident
Most of the time you’re just texting Floyd because you think its funny when he types incorrectly somehow virtually whines to you about not being with you
But you accidentally send a picture of yourself from an unreasonablelysexy angle
“I wanna bite! Where you at!” 
Unlike the others he’s not brushing it off or moving on
He’s abruptly leaving class to go find you to dealwithhisfrantichunger
No body’s looking at what made him do that 
Not unless they want to be strangled behind the school
“Oi oi did you like what you see…good for you now when you black out you’ll have pretty dreams of my shrimpy!” 
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Jamil Viper
He’s not usually one for texting 
But Kalim is
its more than likely when he has to go somewhere he’s receiving blurry photos of Kalim dragging you around
So he uses this opportunity to ask you for an actually good picture or video evidence
Granted he might’ve played a hand in that
He’s not complaining
Especially when your sending a video of you cheering him on 
A call out to a video Kalim had sent earlier
But the sound of your labored breathing, the close-up of your sweaty body
It leaves him showing through his basketball shorts
And when the nosey player peaks over his shoulder
He’s immediately hypnotizing him to injure himself in front of everybody
He thinks its a worthy punishment for trying to take one of the few things he owns
“Thanks for the cheers (Y/n), no doubt I’ll win the next game.”
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Kalim Al Asim
He loves texting you
Its like he’s speaking to you while being far away (duh)
It’s the best except…
He never gets to see your face
But you’re so agreeable all he has to do is ask
And sometimes if he keeps talking to you while you’re busy you’ll make mistakes
Mistakes like sending pictures of you posing in a mirror instead of the one you just took
“Delete this…maybe…no!”
He won’t allow anyone to look and if they do Kalim just stares
It doesn’t exactly click that they might have ill intentions
But theres still that nasty feeling in his chest
“Aren’t they pretty…they’re going to be mine one day. Understand!”
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Epel Felmier
He typically texts you when he’s deep in etiquette lessons 
It only motivates him to deviate even more
Won’t you think he’s manlier if you see how sneaky he is to take a picture now
Now you better send back its not fair that way
A selfie of something simple 
Something simple that doesn’t need to incite anything
Say that to the heat overtaking his body
If anyone should look over whether out of curiosity or their own interest
He’s throwin’ hands
“This. Picture. Is. For. My. Eyes. Only!”
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bbyquokka · 11 months
aftercare with skz
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pairing: ot8 x gender neutral reader
genre: headcanon, smut, fluff – MDNI
synopsis: stray kids and their types of aftercare
warnings: aftercare, food mentioned, some bdsm themes, sex toys mentioned, make-up sex, some implementation of rough sex, crying during sex–lmk if i missed any!
words: 2.0k ~ (2,020)
♡ m.list — ♡ you can also read it on my ao3
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dont repost. dont translate. minors, ageless & default blogs; dni! feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
chan went a little too hard on you. not like you minded of course, however after you were both done did you feel the tremendous weight of your body weighing you down alongside sleep that's fast approaching. chan would feel a little guilty for being too rough on you. he knows you don't mind and knows you're vocal if you ever felt unsure about something. but as he looks at your bruised body, guilt sinks in his stomach a little. he'd gently shake you by the shoulder, instructing you to go pee. you'd do as he says, legs struggling to hold your weight as you wobble to the bathroom. all the while, chan cleans up the bedroom. he changes the sheets, cleans any toys you both may have used and open the window to air out the bedroom. next chan would grab your comfy underwear and a big fluffy towel before filling a bathtub full of warm water and lavender bubble bath. he'd help you in the tub, him sitting behind you so you can lean all your weight onto him. whilst washing your hair, he would notice how silent you are, laughing as he notices you've fallen asleep on him. he'd rinse you off, help you out and dry and dress you before carrying you to the bedroom bridal style and tucking you in bed for the night.
minho would cook you a hearty meal. you both had make-up sex, both of you letting off steam and pent up frustrations on one another. work has been piling up resulting in you both not having time for one another which caused you both to snap at each other over the smallest thing. so you both took it out on each other in the form of sex. hair tousled, marks on one another, muscles sore and achy but you both feel ok, well kind off. however, both of you being stubborn, neither of you want to be the first to apologize so you'd be sat at the dinner table, shooting glares at one another and little comments until one of you breaks character and laughs, apologizing before agreeing to have a second round; this time, it's much more loving and passionate. minho being very tender with you, fingertips like feathers as he glides them up your skin. lips softly pressing on your skin, hips rocking in a slow yet passionate pace. your name and various ’i love yous’ rolling off his tongue, showing you that he does care and so do you.
changbin would make you a nice fruit smoothie packed with vitamins and minerals to replace what's been lost from sweating. he would add in all your favourite fruits paired with whatever juice, milk or yogurt you want. he'd go that extra mile to make it that extra special for you, topping the smoothie off with a piece of fruit. you'd happily drink the smoothies together, talking about this and that before changbin spontaneously decides to take you out on a date that same night. he can't help it, he's a big guy with a big heart, so every time he sees you wobble around, he feels a little guilty. you'd remember one time where changbin was once so lost in the pleasure, it went on for hours. your body bruised and tender and after it all, changbin apologized the whole week and even cried, claiming he felt so guilty and promised to be more gentle with you. you calmed him down, reassuring him it's ok before going for another round because his crying face is just something too adorable to you.
a night filled with nothing but passion and love, hyunjin would still be cautious and treat you like royalty afterwards. he knows your skin is tender and your muscles are screaming at you. he knows he has put you in various positions and your back is screaming and legs jelly. the bruises and marks he made on you very visible to which hyunjin is somewhat smug about. a hot shower with him to relax your muscles paired with a nice shoulder massage afterwards. naked back to hyunjin, his fingers digging into your muscles which causes soft, involuntary moans to roll past from your lips. hyunjin would plant soft kisses on the back of your neck and shoulder blades. the bedroom lite up with candles, soft classical music playing and essence burning in the background. hyunjin would leave your side for a second to gather some paint and paintbrushes to paint pictures around your bruises, sometimes incorporating them in his art work. he would take photos of your decorated body, using it as reference for his next art piece.
jisung just can't get enough of you. he'd wait an hour or two to allow you to calm down and sort yourself out, for your muscles to stop screaming at you. but the way your body looks, glistening in sweat and marked by him and the way you sound with your voice hoarse and dry; just makes the man crave you some more. his cock driving in and out of you slowly and sensually. his body towering over you, weight on his forearms as he strokes your sweaty hair. your nails gliding over the skin of his back, soft moans and pants leaving your lips. jisung would kiss you so softly and delicately, his hips moving at such a slow and gentle tempo. he'd praise you, tell you how good you are for him. tell you how good you feel around him. he'd ask you over and over again “are you ok?” and “how do you feel? is this ok?” to help relieve that guilt he is feeling from knowing your body is probably hurting but he just can't stop. he'd tell you he's so addicted to you yet scared of breaking you because you're so fragile and precious in his eyes. your heart would swell and nerve endings on fire as the man above you becomes reduced to tears as an overwhelming feeling of pleasure mixed with a suffocating amount of love for you would cause him to crumble and cry. he'd chant those three words of “i love you” over and over again until he is certain it's engraved in your mind and heart. you'd find it cute but also start crying due to how suffocating his love feels to you. but it's good! it's a good feeling, a feeling neither of you wants to end. you're both drowning in each other's love and tenderness but you don't want it to stop. you both want to keep drowning because it's the best feeling in the world.
pillow talk and cuddles. two of felix's and yours favourite thing to do after sensual love making. head on his chest so you can hear his heartbeat. skin naked and touching because it's comforting. felix's fingers through your hair as you'd both talk about anything and everything (even if it is random) there wouldn't be a dull minute between the two of you, both of you being able to hold conversations and being comforted by each other proving that you're both soulmates and even when there is nothing left to say; comforting silence would hit. the sound of felix's heartbeat in your ear. his fingers running and playing with your hair. the sound of the cars passing by and the occasional breeze coming in through the open window, tickling your naked skin and causing goose bumps to rise. felix would occasionally sing to you, talk about what he is most excited about in the upcoming schedule and what he isn't (its always the constant traveling that felix never enjoys) he'd explain to you how excited he is to see stays and be with the members. live in hotels for months on end and go sightseeing in places he's never been or seen before. he'd tell you that when he has free time or when he retires, he will take you to these places and spend time with you. make new memories. take new photos. go sightseeing with you because it's different spending time with the love of your life than with friends and that's all he ever wants to do. he wants to stay with you–for eternity 
you and seungmin have been experimenting in the sex department. you've both been trying new things, buying and using new toys. you've both been testing each others limitations, seeing how far you can push each other until one (or both) of you hit that threshold. aftercare is a must with seungmin, no matter the situation. he'd pre prepared, buying lotions, oils and multiple first aid kits to heal your wounds and bruises. the fridge and cupboards stacked with energy drinks packed with electrolytes, your favourite snacks and candy held hostage in the cupboards. the freezer packed with frozen and quick meals with ingredients in the fridge for seungmin to cook you a nice hearty meal. due to you both being newbies at bdsm, you would ask each other questions such as “do you like that?”, “was it good?”, “what should i improve on?” seungmin could be washing your hair, the soap suds coating his arms and hands whilst the pair of you discuss what you liked and didn't like. ideas sparking here and there. with a full stomach and a clean and treated body, you and seungmin would spend hours in bed together browsing sex shops online whilst giving ideas to each other. new toys. lube. sex games. edible chocolate in various and lude shapes. strap ons, rope–every idea you both pitched to each other, a new sex item would be added into the basket. you both want to create a safe space for one another, letting each other explore sex safely and comfortably. you're seungmin's safe space and he is yours. being able to do this with someone you trust and love makes sex much more enjoyable for the both of you.
he's tired. it had been a tiring week for him in general. photoshoot after photoshoot, recoding in the studio, filming for upcoming youtube content–jeongin is spent. he'd feel a little guilty though, however. he knows you have been doing everything for him such as the cooking and cleaning. when you both moved in together, you both made plans and promises on who would do what to make it easier around the house however, once jeongin grew increasingly busy did all his household responsibilities shift onto you. he feels guilty, incredibly guilty–but there is nothing he can do. he watches you zooming around the house, in and out. here there and everywhere at the same time and all he can do is watch because his body is so exhausted. he wants his body to move but it simply can't. due to you doing another person's chores (which you are understanding off. it's not his fault he is so busy) do you start to feel tired and when two loving people are exhausted constantly does the lack of intimacy happen. neither of you could take it anymore. the lack of touch from one another drives you both insane resulting in slow and lazy sex. bodies tired but mind and heart needing each other. needing the touch, the sounds and the smell. needing to see each other naked and raw. jeongin's thrusts lazy and slow but deep, reaching untouched territory. his arms around you, holding you close to him. fingers caressing your skin and hair, lips dancing along your neck and shoulder blades. after sex, you'd both pee and wash up deciding that the night is still young (in other words, neither of you want the night to end) and settling on a cheesy romcom movie. a fluffy blanket around you both as you'd cuddle on the sofa, feeding each other popcorn and candy. thirty minutes into the movie, the weight of tiredness weighing both your bodies down as you both try to fight sleep. the exhausting week catching up to you both paired with restless nights and soon, you'd both fall asleep on the sofa in each others arms, feeling happy, content and loved.
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note: repost because original wasnt showing in tags. ty tumblr :) sorry to those who are tagged to be tagged again. don’t forget to leave feedback, reblog and tell me what you think here. curious as to what is next? here is my wips list! i hope you all enjoy! ‹3
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tags (open): @sstarryoong ; @septicrebel ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @hyunluvxo ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer ; @telesvng
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24-guy · 3 months
I really want to hear the opinions you have on this! What horror movies do you think the main npmd characters like to watch? I don't know much about horror movies (yet) but I like to think Max is the kind of guy who is genuinely scared of the live action Scooby Doo movies
Yes absolutely! Enjoy below the cut!! (Cos it's long and I'm sorry about that-)
I'll start with Max since you mentioned him. He's absolutely scared of even the Scooby Doo cartoons. Because of the fear of skeletons and ghosts. So he stays right away from paranormal movies. I think Ghost face even is a hard no, too. However: I think he liked the purge movies. Because those are just guns, really. But like. That's probably the only horror he likes.
Stephanie I think is a bad movies and popular movies enjoyer. She likes the most popular movies (Halloween, Elm Street, Friday, Etc) but then will pull out the most random movie you've never heard of (Frogs) and it'll be a moment and a half. She collects the memorabilia and has the replica of the Reverse Bear Trap even though I don't think she loves Saw. She's seen all of them. But I don't think she'd intentionally go out of her way to rewatch them outside of watching with somebody else. Not to say she hates gore, though. I think she'd love Terrifier and it's sequel. She probably saw them at the cinema.
Peter mildly dislikes horror. He's probably more fond of horror comedies. Things like child's play and the more recent elm street movies. He probably likes the Jordan Peele horror movies, too. Other than that, I think he'd like making fun of shitty B movies with Steph because making fun of them is the best part. He also probably unironically enjoyed the original black and white Universal Monsters movies. He has those vibes.
Richie is a film geek who watches anime and because I'm those things he gets the "he's just like me" and he loves all sorts of horror but in a more pretentious way than me. He's a stickler for the classics, probably hates all the remakes/requels - he refuses to acknowledge their existence. He probably has a list of his top favourites which involves the original Psycho, Halloween, Alien, and basically any other movie that was "revolutionary" to the genre. He does have a guilty pleasure for so bad they're good movies though. Mainly killer klowns. Also his ass probably likes the unique/artsy films like Jordan Peele's Get Out and Skinamarink.
Ruth hates all horror and she only watches the horror musicals. Thus her favourite horror movie is Sweeney Todd. She will happily vacate the room or hide under a blanket, thank you very much.
Grace thinks horror is satanic and, as a joke, I think the nerds would show her The Nun. And she grows a minuscule obsession with horror movies with religious themes and backgrounds. Like the Exorcist, the other nun films, midsommar, and Carrie to name a few. She would refuse liking them, of course. But she gets away with watching them from describing only the religious meanings.
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icarus-suraki · 25 days
1, 7, and 9 for the movie ask!
It occurs to me that I could just answer Goncharov (1972) for all of these…
Movie Questions Ask Bait!
->what is your favorite film of all time? Very possibly Mad Max: Fury Road. That movie rewired my brain. That movie scraped the rust off my soul. That movie sneaked up behind me and stole my spine. And it was great.
I literally went to see it in the theater seven (7) times. Seven. If you dig back in my blog here to June 2015, you'll see that this place was full of Fury Road. Stills, gifs, music, meta, fic, shitposts, all of it. All of it.
Sidebar: I think my absolute love of Fury Road is what's keeping me from wanting to see the new Furiosa prequel: Fury Road didn't explain everything to death so we, the fandom, had a great time imagining explanations or making things up. We dissected that movie and we also left it alone. I don't want to know too much. I like that world being left a partial mystery. We, like Max, get thrown into it and we're both figuring out how it works as the story progresses. I love that.
I can't exactly explain why I love it so much. The colors, the action, the fight scenes, the music (holy shit the music), the characters, the weirdness, the story itself, the callbacks and parallels, the newness and the oldness of it (it really is a train robbery movie at its core), the sense (ultimately) of hope, the presences of women (old women even!) in action roles… Something about it, maybe everything about it, were just perfect for me at that time and in that place.
Yeah. Favorite movie ever.
->name a movie you’re emotionally attached to? There's so many ways I could take this. Positive attachment? Negative attachment? Very Strange Time in My Life attachment?
Like, I know I can never watch L'Illusionniste, Les Triplettes de Belleville, or Grave of the Fireflies again because I cried just too fucking hard at each of them, which I think is an emotional attachment.
Or I could say the Lord of the Rings movies (all of them). They came out when I was in college and a handful of us were counting down the days to the premiere, watching this miniscule clip of video taken by a fan from a train that showed a glimpse of the Minas Tirith set endlessly, gobbling up any news or leak or rumor about production on Livejournal, engaging in the fandom of that era (which was a whole thing in and of itself), even going to midnight local premiers. So while I'm not a huge fan of the movies, they certainly were a constant presence in my undergrad days.
Or it could be the other movies that rewired my brain: Mad Max: Fury Road (see above), Princess Mononoke (baby's first Studio Ghibli film in 1999 at the local art house theater), Star Wars (only episodes 4, 5, and 6 though; I kind of deny that any others exist), Kiki's Delivery Service (which I had on VHS in college and would watch when I was stressed and depressed because I love the city), Voices of a Distant Star (the concept really got me)…
Or it could be the kids' movies from my own childhood, you know? Robin Hood (1973) is very near and dear to my heart. And Panda and the Magic Serpent is what started me down the weaboo road way back when I was 6 years old.
There's so many possible answers here. But that's a few movies I have emotional attachments to. How's that?
->guilty pleasure movie? Do I have to? Okay, okay, okay: I like a good cheesy, gory giallo movie, red tempra paint blood and all. Spaghetti westerns are amazing with their half-understandings or misunderstandings of USAmerican history to the point that it becomes something different, something bigger and more epic (I love The Good, The Bad and the Ugly so much). Martial arts movies full of dramatic scenes and wire-fu are so much fun (and I get to practice my Mandarin or my Japanese). Gothic drama, especially from the 1990s, is great like the original IwtV, Crimson Peak, The Crow…
But I paid actual, real, hard-earned money for a (digital) copy of Bloodsport and it's so bad. It's so bad! But I love it--maybe as much for meta reasons as anything.
Like, the whole thing is based on this Canadian-American guy Frank Dux's memoirs about being trained in ninjutsu by a mysterious Senzo "Tiger" Tanaka (who probably didn't exist at all and has the same name as a character in You Only Live Twice) and then going on to compete in this international full-contact underground martial arts competition in Hong King (the "Kumite"). Oh and he was also in the military at the time, doing covert missions, so he had to go AWOL to fight in this competition of course. Which he does without being caught. And he keeps outsmarting the CID officers (one of whom is played by a young Forest Whitaker) when they chase him to Hong Kong, meanwhile picking up an April O'Neill-style beautiful American journalist ("reporter" because it's the 1980s).
The whole thing is so clearly ridiculous bullshit but it's marketed as being based on a true story because Frank Dux insisted his bullshit was true. And it was produced by Cannon Films, which is another can of worms entirely (I highly recommend the documentary Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films for more backstory on the company; it is bonkers). And did I mention that Frank Dux is played by Jean-Claude van Damme? And yes he does do the most epic of splits.
And the whole thing is simultaneously so deep in meta layers (self-proclaimed martial arts masters, which ties into Count Dante and the dojo wars, Frank Dux's amazing bullshit and stolen valor, Cannon Films) and yet so incredibly shallow at the same time.
There's minimal plot, zero depth to the characters, massively long flashback sequences, even longer training montages, a totally ridiculous amalgamation of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures into just "Asian Culture," the dubbing in some scenes is practically criminal, there's minimal exploration of the location (Hong fucking Kong!!!) outside of a chase and a throwaway scene about bad restaurant food, and even the fight scenes during the tournament aren't really all that great.
But the Kowloon Walled City gets some screentime (except that it's just a set sometimes). And there are tons of locally-hired extras and bit players, along with a slew of international actors and/or actual martial artists, even if a lot of them have been cast as nationalities other than their own???--like Bernard Mariano, who is Filipino by descent but was born in Hong Kong, had no martial arts experience but got scouted while he was working out, was cast as a "Middle Eastern" fighter named Hossein, but used his pay from the movie for university classes to go on to be an English teacher in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Jean-Claude van Damme is busy taking his shirt off and wearing super tight spandex underwear (he snaps them in one scene; you're welcome). Leah Ayres is a "reporter," which is really "journalist" and one of the few adventurous jobs acceptable for women in 1980s movies to have, who maybe lives in Hong Kong or maybe doesn't but she's super cute and deserves better than she got in the script; she's The Girl (Leah Ayres is now into pseudoscience). And Donald Gibb is playing this American bar brawler who somehow got invited to this elite fighting tournament and he looks like Kurt Russell in The Thing if he were still infected by the Thing and living out on the ice alone.
Like, I could just keep going. I love this shit. There is so little that's "good" in terms of filmmaking, scriptwriting, cinematography, anything in this movie and yet it entertains the fuck out of me.
Hence: guilty pleasure film.
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ryverbind · 5 months
Faceless Fixation: Cat-FISHER [19]
A/N: in honor of 50k on Wattpad, LET'S GET ITTTTTT!!!!
VIOLETVIOLENCE: it's really pathetic that i have to pull you aside like a child to tell you to tone down your shit.
SALLYFʌCɜ: grow up? look who's talking. might i remind you of a verbatim quote by yours truly... "lint licking, cunt flap, cum infested puss bubble of a fucklet"
VIOLETVIOLENCE: i give back what i receive. you can dish but you can't take?
SALLYFʌCɜ: i can take twice as much as i dish.
VIOLETVIOLENCE: i'm so sure that you can. fuck off, sal. quit being an asshat.
SALLYFʌCɜ: so now it's asshat? what happened to llcfcipbf? you're losing your creativity. do better, your fall from grace is disappointing even to me
SALLYFʌCɜ: i'm sure you want to
He's real fucking cheeky. Excited, if you will. What's gotten into him?
Three days ago, while purposefully and pleasurably butchering Sal's character in Dead By Daylight, if anyone would have told me that the bane of my miserable existence and I would have a personal chat box open— I'd have laughed in your face. I'd have gone full Edgar Allan Poe. You would be in a Speed Bump Grave™️. I'd hear your phantom heart beat under my floor boards.
And now, here I am, simultaneously working through the worst shift of the week and having to bitch at Sally Face Fisher via discord DM's.
I don't know what I've done. Maybe it's just my existence, I'm not sure, but he's targeting me. It's horrifically bad. Every message from him, even if he's in the middle of conversing with one of the other of The Faces, has something about me included. And it is always shitty.
I'm not scared of him, how could I ever be? So I opted (more like I was seconds away from punching his scrotum through my phone screen) to reach out to him personally and nicely ask him to stop... okay so that's obviously a lie but I had to threaten and insult him back. It was the only way I'd feel better.
But now I'm stuck with this loaded last message from him and I have no idea how to continue. Because it's a repeat. A repeat of that fated Discord call that threw my entire existence askew for a week. Or four. Maybe I'm still askew.
His necklace isn't under a shoe in the farthest corner of my room for no reason, after all.
Today was supposed to be simple. Not easy because working at the diner is never easy, but simple. Simple fucking worked. And now I have this conversation with Sally hanging over my head when I was actually looking forward to what's meant to come after I finish my shift.
I brought my mask with me today. My plan is to immediately go back to that mask store after my shift and convince the sweet woman who helped me to sign her work, give me her name, a business card— literally anything so I can tell the world who gave me my start. But now I'm anxious enough to plead not guilty by reason of insanity due to not-so negligent or accidental arson. And on top of that, I'm starting to map out an intricately laid out plan for Sal's Speed Bump Grave™️. Today's ordeals have taken my mind by storm and I'm about to bring everyone down with me in this descent toward madness.
I'm just angry. And bothered. And low key wanting to message Sal back with, "Yea, I am. What are you gonna do about it?" But I must stay strong. I must soldier on. I know the repercussions, I've tasted them for myself— felt them burn my lungs to a crisp. I went through what felt like decades of chain smoking in just mere seconds.
And it's all because of—
A chime rings. A chime that came from my phone. It echoes through the diner's break room, startling me so hard that I nearly leap out of my chair. It's like waking up from a dream where you suddenly start falling.
What was that? What just popped up in my notifications?
Unknown: are you a poe fan, by chance?
My kingdom. My entire kingdom for a chance to start making a Speed Bump Grave™️. For myself? For Sal? For the inexplicable human race? I don't even know anymore.
I thought he'd given up on Lexi. So what the hell is this? Why now? Why today? Why right after he finished— flirting? Baiting?— me.
My mind goes blank. Maybe... maybe he's onto me. Maybe he knows. That I'm Lexi. And now he's finally decided to enact his revenge. On today of all days, when I feel so sick with anxiety and paranoia that I could throw up every square inch of my bowels. My feminine rage is so ragey that I wouldn't be shocked if I sprouted a pair of testicles just so I'd have an excuse for whatever bruised masculinity I'm experiencing right now. Sal must be projecting on me all the way from Nockfell.
Never in my entire life have I felt so hopeless, so cornered. Every time I feel this way, I think it can't possibly get any worse.
And yet.
Me: umm, can't say that i am! don't know much about him.. but how are you, sally!
I don't know what's possessed me. In a normal world, I would have blocked him by now. Or better yet, if I wasn't so disgustingly deplorable and had a damn backbone, I'd have texted him a picture of myself and said "Haha, gotcha bitch!"
The sad truth in this way-too-real life scenario is that I don't have a backbone. And I'm too far gone to go back. I can't revert. There's a part of me that still holds onto my first live interaction with Sal. I just can't get the memory of him— smooth, gentle, kind, and likable— out of my head. No matter how hard I try.
One thing I can be proud of is the amount of petty packed into the fact that I never saved his number in my phone.
Unknown: good. perfect, actually. i brought some poe with me today, a story i think you might like
Some kind of doom-ish feeling washes over me. Like a storm cloud forming above my head. Poison seeping into my pores, infesting my blood. I don't like the way he said that. I don't like it at all. It feels a lot like the time some kid threw up all over me in second grade.
I'll never forget the sickening chill that spread through my body as soon as I realized what happened to me in the middle of educational centers in Nockfell Elementary. This situation feels threateningly similar.
Me: oh cool! so i guess you'll be having a chill reading day? wish it was me :,)
Unknown: not quite. but hey, are you working today?
That storm morphs into a hurricane. And there's twin tornadoes in the background, growing closer and closer to make a torrid, lethal combination. I have to take this in stride. Be smart, y/n. Whatever hell may come, handle it accordingly and do not make mistakes.
Me: ah, no! out of town to visit family :) really, crappy, awkward family get together... yikes...
He'll totally buy that right? I didn't overdo it. It was perfect. Overdoing it would have been an entire paragraph about how much I hate my mom. This is good, this is fine. I'm totally not breaking out into a cold sweat with clammy palms to match.
Oh, God. What if he sent someone to spy on Lexi? What if he hired some murderer off the dark web to take care of me and clean up the mess? I wouldn't put it past him. And this scenario isn't even worst case!
Worst case... I don't even want to think about it. I can't.
Unknown: damn, lex... on the day that i'm finally back in la and you're out of town? :(
Oh, thank God I'm a paranoid chicken shit.
Then again, fuck the fuck off. It's worst case scenario, the thing that I didn't even want to think about. The thing I wouldn't allow to cross my mind.
What do I do. What do I do? I leave work— that's the smartest decision. Naturally, this is the place he once went to and, out of boyish fantasies, he'll probably come back here with some expectation that Lexi will miraculously pop up despite her being in like... Iceland or something, whatever it is I manage to come up with in my next text to him. Which—
Unknown: i'm at the diner rn. was hoping we'd get to hang out this time. when do you get home?
Oh, no.
It's a fucking disaster on top of twenty other disasters. This is what a pregnancy scare must feel like. This must be the equivalent to walking into a room full of snotty, sick toddlers. This is dropping an uncut birthday cake.
I think I'm gonna puke.
I look up from my phone and take in the empty break room surrounding me. The off-white, paint-chipping walls are closing in. I have no escape— this is prison. Trapped in my mind's clawed vices with no way out. Except, my mind's fears have transcended into reality. My worst fear has come true and I had no time to prepare for it. The time is nigh. Ruin is, unfortunately, now.
Think, y/n. It's not so bad. I can just leave through the back door and tell my boss I'm sick again. The door is literally to my left.
But to get back to my apartment, I have to cross in front of the diner that's full of windows. Sal is here, meaning he's paying attention to everything in hopes of finding me... even though I told him I'm not here.I just know he's that kind of romantic, if he even qualifies as such.
He'd spot me in a heartbeat and that can't happen because maybe Vi's mask concealed Lexi who was hidden beneath, but he's about damn near fucked Vi. He knows her body better than she does herself— than I do. Fuck, I have so many different personas I can't even remember that they're all me.
Clusterfuck. That's what this is. A massive clusterfuck, all of my doing.
I'm going to have to bite the bullet. That's my only option. And by bite the bullet, I'm going to fight tooth and nail to keep this bit going. I should just admit the truth, but I'm not humble enough for that, apparently.
My chest begins to ache. It's a slow-to-develop pain that only catches my attention when it hurts a little too much. And then the shallow, short breaths follow. And then the phantom feeling of something lodged in my throat, blocking my airways and filling me with dread.
This is a panic attack, one that is long overdue. One that still can't breach the surface quite yet. I need to make sure I'm home free first— I can weep and be dismayed later. Because the harsh truth is, yes this fucking sucks, but it's not going to kill me. It's just hard for me and my body to truly get a grasp on that.
I swallow down the anxiety that's billowing in my body like linens ominously drying outside a house in the middle of nowhere. I take a couple deep breaths, calming the doubt and fear raging within. My limbs shake a little less, my breathing is better controlled, and my chest doesn't hurt half as much. The pain is still there, but this is bearable. I can do this.
I rifle through my cubby which doesn't give me much to work with. I don't have a change of clothes. I have nothing to hide me, not even a hoodie.
"You... good, y/n?"
I whirl around, hope scraping at the insides of my cranium. Fuck yes. Best lobotomy ever.
I could really cry right now because this is a clear sign that I'm not as alone as I think. Even if it feels like I am, even if my dear coworker Ophelia can't really help me out all that much, she can definitely help me in some way.
I don't have to girl boss everything on my own.
"Lia," I start with, breathless as I practically teleport over to her with the quickness of my panicked steps. "Do you have something I can change into? I can't explain right now but... I would really appreciate your help."
Her big doe eyes take me in curiously, one of her perfectly arched eyebrows raised in question. She bats her long lashes, seemingly processing what I've asked of her before giving me an answer.
"Um, I was planning on going out after my shift tonight? Would a dress work?" She grimaces a bit, probably worried that she won't be able to help me out because Ophelia is just like that.
"That would work fine!" I say excitedly, but think better of it, my hopes crumbling a bit. "But I don't want to take your outfit for the night. I can probably come up with something else."
Lia rolls her eyes lightheartedly, placing a hand on my shoulder. I follow the action, noting her long and sharp blood red nails. I gulp, looking back into her pretty ebony eyes. "Y/n, take what you need. You know Mike can drive me back home to get another outfit! We don't live too far away, and we don't need to be in Anaheim until 9 anyway. Do what you need to do-- you know I'm cheering for you, girl."
I grab onto her hand and hold back the intense admiration infecting my soul. I'm giving Ophelia the most visceral care bear stare I can possibly muster up and she notices, giving me a cute little upside down smile.
"You are an angel," I whisper, "And your future husband is too. Power couple of the heavens, really."
Lia giggles and bends her head down, forcing her pin straight black hair to fall into her face, thus accentuating the really eye-catching red money pieces that match her red nails. I aspire to be this woman. "It's not that serious, Ducks," she says, using my dads nickname for me that she overheard a couple months ago. She thought it was precious, so it stuck. "Let's go get you changed, 'kay?"
Change, I do. But I see where she was concerned about me wearing it too. It's for clubbing, cock-tailing, socializing for sure, but... I can make it work. I've got this. It'll be fine. Thank God I am an avid Doc Martens-wearer. Doc's go with absolutely anything.
Lia has taste too, it's a short, little red dress with spaghetti straps that flares out at the ends. It shows a lot of leg, but not much of anything else. I can't imagine how amazing she must look in this.
"You're super sure that you're okay wearing this?" Lia asks, looking over me. "It looks great on you, I'm inclined to tell you to keep it, honestly."
I scrunch up my face. "No, I'm giving it back to you tomorrow," I laugh gently, using my phone camera to try and get an idea of how I look. I can't see much, which is kind of a blessing because I might hate it and be too afraid to brave LA if I end up not liking it.
"I won't argue with you," Lia sighs, patting my back in a reassuring way. "So do you want to talk about what's going on?"
"Um," I murmur, a shiver running down my spine. I almost forgot why I'm having to do this. It feels like hours have passed, but it's only been five minutes at most. "It's very hard to explain, but I might have to get you or Mike involved, whoever's hosting today." I can't help but grimace as the words leave me, but it's the unfortunate truth that I'll have to talk to one or both of them. I'm ever so slowly hashing out a plan in my head.
Sal is undoubtedly going to ask about Lexi, and what the hell am I supposed to do whenever someone goes, "Lexi? No Lexi has ever worked here." So I have to bite the bullet, again, and stick around to at least inform Mike or Lia about that part of my major, gargantuan fuck up. That also means there's a good chance that Sal will see me, but he'll likely ignore my presence, and then I can slip away quickly.
"Mike is up front and hosting today," Lia says, frowning at me. She's so pretty, like if Marilyn Monroe was alternative. Goth mommy and whatever. No shame on my part.
The chef's booming voice carries into the break room, Lia's name floating along with it. She winces at the sound, flinching in surprise. She gives me a pitiful look, tilting her head almost as if to apologize for having to do her job. Poor little love, she is.
"Will you be able to talk with Mike?" She asks me, heading for the door.
I nod hesitantly. "Yea, I'll get to him. Thank you so much for all your help, Lia. I really appreciate you." I send her my most genuine smile, one that she returns.
"Anytime, y/n! You look beautiful, by the way. Go knock 'em dead, literally or figuratively!"
And she's gone, but she hyped me up in the gentlest way possible. Bless her dark, lovable heart.
I take a breath-- a deep, fortifying, 'ohfuckohfuck' breath that does nothing to calm my soul, but I try to trick myself into believing that it worked... at least somewhat. Then I move over to my work cubby (because we're all still in primary school according to my boss) and grab my old backpack that I bring every day. It's raunchy at best and holding on by a thread. I kept it from my high school days. It's a plain black Jansport with coffee stains on the bottom and questionable white splats that are front and center for everyone to see. I'm pretty sure it's just crusty white paint that I never bothered to peel off, but I won't correct anyone if they guess something else. What's the fun in that, right?
I open the zippers and dig in, working past a random beanie from winter, pads and tampons, and a makeup bag. All the way at the bottom, buried under my other things for protection, is my mask. I put it on then look down at myself one last time.
The flashy red of the dress I'm wearing does not match the deep violet of my mask but not everything can go right, so I'll take my little loss. Things could be worse-- oh wait, they are. Sal Fisher is outside this room. Whoops, forgot things were already devastatingly bad.
I run my fingers over the forehead of my mask, feeling that ache creep into my chest again. I wish things weren't going this way. I wish I was brave enough to go outside and just keep working. Because I'm undoubtedly going to lose my job after today. I'm backing myself into a corner, even risking my finances because of this guy that I'm too scared to face as my real self. I've reached peak pathetic.
My dad must be disappointed to have such an incompetent daughter. No wonder my mother and I don't speak anymore.
I swallow past the uncertainty, the guilt, and the unadulterated fear gnawing at my soul. Then I follow through with my plan by throwing my backpack onto my shoulder and pushing the back door open despite knowing that this is not worth it. It's not worth it at all.
I circle around the outside of the diner, heart rumbling like an earthquake as the putrid scent of garbage wafts into my nose from the dumpster I'm currently passing in front of. The sounds of cars honking, people laughing and chatting idly.
Los Angeles is the people's place. It hosts all necessary components of life, some more than others. Socialization, food. It's a dopamine powerhouse. But when it's me, when I've been living here for over a year and seeing the same things every single day, it's stripped me of all my feel-good chemicals. Especially right now when LA is only bringing me problems and trouble (Sal Fisher).
This doesn't feel real. I can't believe I'm doing this to myself. I can't quite wrap the fact around my head, that I'm about to be in Sal's general vicinity yet again. I thought I had time.
I turn the corner, coming out onto the sidewalk in front of the diner. I don't stop in my stride, eyeing my apartment building that isn't very far from me. A five minute walk. I'm almost home. Almost free. I just have to get inside the diner, unfortunately inform Mike of the tea, and hopefully dodge Sal. So long as I keep my eyes on the host table, I may not even have to see him. I might just be psyching myself out. Everything's going to be just fine!
My heart is in my throat, my limbs jittering nervously as I push the glass door open and look forward, noting the short line of people waiting for seats. Sal isn't one of them, so I assume he's been seated already.
I walk past the people in line, getting a few looks from them. That'd be the mask's fault.
Mike's looking down at his seating chart on the host table, most likely mapping out where someone could go whenever I stop in front of him, placing a hand on the table to discreetly get his attention.
He looks startled for a moment before tilting his head up, brows scrunched together as if to say 'The audacity!' but then he sees me and his eyes widen a bit. And then I'm not sure what his next expression says.
"What the--" he chokes out, "Shit! It's you? Hold on-- wait-- mind-fuck--"
I lift a finger to my lips, eyes wide as I hope he takes the note to shut up. Adrenaline is starting to spike in my veins and if he draws anymore attention to us, especially since my mask is already drawing enough, I'm going to piss myself right here. And sue him for public embarrassment, or whatever that thing is. Public defecation? No, that's public defamation... anyway.
Michael's mouth snaps closed, but he keeps watching me. I watch him. We just watch each other as I forget absolutely everything I had planned.
I swallow, blinking at my friend and coworker. "Mike," I say quietly. He flinches at the sound of his name. "I need you to do something for me and I am sincerely sorry about this but..."
"Yea, Yea, y/n-- um, what should I call you...?" He cuts himself off viciously, slapping a hand over his mouth. At least he cares.
I lean my forearms across the table, settling my weight against the front to relax myself at least a little bit. I'm so tense. I feel eyes on me. I need to get out of here.
"Don't call me that," I say lightheartedly, puffing out a breath. "Just call me Vi. For now." I lick my dry lips. Mike of all people finding out about my identity as VioletViolence is the very least of my worries. "There's a guy in here. He has blue hair, can't miss him. I'm sure you already know who he is. He's looking for a girl named Lexi and he'll probably ask his waiter about her. Just say that Lexi isn't here today, you don't have to answer anything else about her."
"I'm guessing... you're Lexi?" He winces, leaning forward a bit.
"Wow," I say sarcastically. "How did you figure that out?" I send him a little smile then focus on the task at hand yet again. "Anyway, I need you to be his waiter. Please. I'll take your entire shift on Friday. I will do anything." I tilt my head down, peering up at him through my lashes in an attempt to portray how badly I need this.
Mike's brows bunch together again and he mutters, "Yea, of course. Whatever you need. But it's-- he came in with the rest of The Faces. Do you want me to... entertain them too? Do they know about Lexi?"
The world stops turning. Everything pauses, no one's moving anymore and I feel like I'm going to vomit with fear, burst with excitement, and pass out right here from exhaustion. The plan I had is ruined, and I couldn't be more equally devastated and exhilarated about it. Ash is here. Larry's here, Todd too. What the hell is going on?
I blink, the action bringing me back to the present.
"Hey, is that Lia's dress--"
"The Faces are here?" I cut him off, holding a hand out in pause, trying to drill this information into my head. Trying to make it real so I can come up with a new plan.
Michael watches me like I'm stupid, a rueful expression on his boyish face. "Yes. I already said that they're here. Why are you wearing my girlfriend's dress?"
"Because we're fucking on the side and she came all over my work outfit." I watch as he makes his little offended face, and my tongue prods at my cheek as instant regret slaps me in the face. He's trying to help me, I shouldn't be giving him this attitude. "Sorry," I admit. "You know that's not true. I'm just-- I'm on edge."
"That's okay," he says hesitantly. "You know I'm going to get you back for that, anyway."
I pinch my lips together, accepting yet another minor defeat. "Fair." I shrug. "I was going to go back home and leave you to the wolves but... I'd rather risk myself. Ash is my best friend. You won't have to handle them alone now, so yay!" I give him a cheerful grin that I'm really not feeling. I even throw in jazz hands.
Michael runs his tongue over the surface of his teeth, clearly not looking forward to the fiasco I've dragged him into. "Alright," he settles on, sighing as he looks down at his feet while grabbing another menu. "Let's see how you manage to back yourself further into whatever shitty corner you've created. I'm eager."
"I'm sure," I grind out, knocking down all the fear that overtook me on my way here and replacing it with impenetrable, desperate yearning to find my friends. I finally cast my gaze around the diner, quickly zeroing in on the one head of blue hair in this entire building. They're seated at a booth all the way at the back of the restaurant and next to the bar, the one place that's away from most prying eyes. A request of theirs, I'm sure.
But my next question, now that I know everyone's here, what the hell are The Faces doing in Los Angeles? And why wasn't I told?
Ash didn't say a word to me. Do they not want me around? Maybe they don't like me as much as I thought they did. Maybe Ash would rather hang around with other friends than me. And that would make sense because we never see each other, besides Vegas, of course. But just thinking about it makes pain erupt throughout my entire body, a pang in my heart. Especially while watching the back of Ash's head tip down while Larry laughs in front of her. Sal and Larry, I can see them, but Todd and Ash are facing away from me.
Another deep breath.
"I'm going to head over there," I tell Michael, looking over to him again. He's watching me closely, his expression of pity mimicking Lia's from earlier. The sight makes me a little sick.
"Alright," he says gently. "I'm going to be there to take orders soon. I hope everything goes well. Don't be nervous."
I huff out a humorless laugh. "Are you and Ophelia psychic or something? Or is my face just that readable?"
He shrugs, grinning slightly. "I can't see your face, so I guess we're psychic. I'll be in your dreams tonight."
That makes me laugh. It wasn't forced or fake, it was genuine and I need that right now. I think Mike knows that too.
I start taking quick steps over to where The Faces are, nerves slapping at my insides to make me turn around and forget that I ever saw them. I'm attacking myself with my own mind, and my mind is attacking my body in turn. Mental illness is crazy, right? Death by anxiety and whatnot.
But, you know, I'm already here. My job is in purgatory, I'm five steps away from them and Larry has noticed my movement, his head twisting toward me to see who's growing near.
Poor Larry. When he sees me walking toward them, he shakes his head and rubs his eyes like he doesn't believe what he's seeing. He looks at me again, and that's when his eyes start to widen, when his jaw drops. And he doesn't say word, that open mouth just turns into the brightest smile I think I've ever seen.
Seeing his excitement makes my insides flutter about and I feel a little better about actually going over to them. Imagine I get there and they shoo me away? But I can tell that Larry won't. That look on his face screams barely held back hugs.
I gulp, trying to ignore my major cotton mouth. I need water. Or tequila. Something.
I also don't give my brain even a second to psych myself out. When I reach the table, I simply plop myself down beside Ash and act like it's a normal, every day thing for me to do.
All heads turn to me (Larry's never turned away from me to begin with) and then I hear a quiet, uttered, "Fuck" followed by incessant, eardrum bursting squealing in my ear.
Arms. A lot of arms. A ton of squeezing. Lots of kisses all over my mask and face. And all the love makes me think that my sweet Ash had a good reason for not informing me of her visit.
I struggle, but I throw my arms around Ash too, squeezing every little inch of her that I can get. Her sweet, coconut and strawberry scent overwhelms me and I feel so at peace. So calm. Home. Back in Nockfell. Comfortable.
Her hair is in my face and I know she's crying because my bare shoulders are wet, thanks spaghetti strap dress. I don't care though because I'm seeing Ash again much sooner than I imagined I would. I thought it would take us years to have some time together like we did in Las Vegas. And Ash is so emotional, I feel like she's being ripped apart by the sight of me alone-- that's both adrenaline-inducing and terrifying.
This is a nightmare, but a dream come true at the same time. I'm so glad that I was paranoid enough to force myself to tell Mike about the Lexi situation. Things couldn't be any better.
"Ash, fucking let go, man. It's my turn." Larry's voice is right next to me, and then another pair of hands that envelop my waist whole. I'm then yanked out of my best friends arms and spun around to face Larry who hugs me so tight that I have to stand on my tiptoes.
I shut my eyes, grinning as I reach my arms up his back, hugging him the best way I can as he nuzzles his face against my mask. The smell of cigarette smoke and pine trees lingers on his clothes, yet again overwhelming me with familiarity. The smoke is a more recent addition, but he's always had a unique scent to him that's always reminded me of Christmas in a way.
The scruff on his cheeks scratches against my jaw, his skin is warm, his grip tight. I really miss home... and LA is not home. Home is back with all of my friends. I don't want to stay here anymore. I don't want to be where they aren't.
Larry takes a deep breath into my shoulder, likely bathing in my comfort just like I did with him. Then he backs up, holding me at arms length and I look up with tears welling in my eyes no matter how much I wish they weren't there. I hate crying, especially in front of other people, but I'm just so happy. It's like the anxiety I felt while walking over here never existed.
"What the hell are you doing here, Vi!?" Larry exclaims, dragging his hands up my arms to cup my face in his large palms. "I thought you lived in Connecticut?"
I place my hand on top of his, a spark of what I thought was fantastical anxiety rushing through me at the instant fuck up I've just made. Again. Crap. I forgot that Ash told them I live in Connecticut...
"Uh," Ash voices beside us, her tone taking the form of the smartest kid in class who's about to correct a mistake. Todd-coded. "I said she's from Connecticut, not that she still lives there." Good save, Ash. "Word choice is important, Lar! Pay attention!"
Larry's eyes swing between Ash and I before settling on me, stars dancing in his irises. "Wait, so do you live in LA, then?"
I can't help the excited little grin that's slowly climbing onto my face. It's Larry's turn to squeal as he suddenly realizes.
I look back over to Ash, catching Sal's gaze momentarily before I look over at Todd to wave. He waves back at me, a soft and pleased smile on his thin lips.
"So," I say, letting go of Larry whenever he backs away from me. I sit beside Ash again, leaning against her side as she throws an arm around my shoulders. "Why are you guys here?"
Ash hisses, frowning suddenly. I frown back, wary of her reaction. "Crap!" she exclaims, rolling her eyes. "Well, I was going to surprise you and the guys. But I guess you ended up surprising us instead..."
"Oh, so it's not just y/n that we're visiting while we're here? You knew Vi would be here too?" Todd asks, chewing on his bottom lip contemplatively.
Another spark of nervousness. They're here for... fuck, all three sides of me are expected in this situation. This... maybe was not really worth it. I'm erasing all the sides of my corner. Everything's starting to get really small and very tight.
Ash side-eyes me, a discreet little look before she answers Todd. "Yea, but I'm not quite sure where she is in LA. I'm going to have to call her later to get some updates on her whereabouts."
"I could just call her now. I'm super excited to see her, I'm sure she'd love to meet Vi too-- oh, and to tell her why we're here!" Larry says, excitement making him shimmy around in his seat as he pulls out his phone.
My body reacts instantly, tensing up like a cat in shock. Ash jumps too, nearly leaping over the table to stop Larry. "No! She's working!" She yells. It's so loud that you'd think she's trying to flip Larry's phone away from him with sound waves alone. True Stranger Things style.
"Oh...kay..." Larry trails off, pulling his phone closer to him so that Ash can't reach. "It's not that serious. I'll call her later, then. What's your deal?"
I swallow. Her reaction was really too much, but at least she's trying to cover for me. I would've sat there and let Larry call while my phone went off in my pocket.
Ash clears her throat, sitting back now that she threw the scenario into the trash. It was rocky, but her deflection was successful. "I know, just don't bother my girl while she's making money," she says matter-of-factly, holding her head high.
I note the way Sal shakes his head across the table. I haven't acknowledged his presence, nor has he acknowledged mine. It's awkward for the most part, but I think that awkwardness is only stemming from me. He seems to be perfectly in control with his short sleeved, black Iron Maiden shirt that shows off his tatted arms. I guess the LA summer heat was too much for him to wear a hoodie for once.
His electric eyes meet mine, no emotion in the endless depths of his irises. Like he couldn't care less that I'm here, which sounds a lot like him. And still, I fidget in my seat under his gaze. Can't help myself.
The edges of his dagger tattoo peek out from behind his hair, the shape of his Adam's apple clear due to the sun shining in through the window, casting shadows in all the right places. Necklaces are around his neck, some kind of silver chain and and old, really intricate cross necklace hanging right below it. And then his hand comes into view, the one that folded into a fist as a result of my touch just weeks ago in this exact restaurant.
There's something different though as he moves to grab onto the drink in front of him, dragging it closer.
The bottom of his prosthetic lifts as he sips from his straw, but that's when I notice what's different. It's a new tattoo-- Saniderm wrapped around his hand. It looks like... a skeleton hand tattooed onto his own. It's pretty sick and I'm so tired of him having great taste in art. Damn. Now I have a terrible excuse to stare at him some more when I shouldn't look anywhere near him at all.
On the other hand, have I ever mentioned how much of a blessing Michael is?
"Hi, everyone," his cheerful voice effectively distracts me from ogling Sal. I look over to my friend, noting his pink cheeks. Huh. "I'll be taking over as your waiter tonight. Your waitress had to leave," he glances at me as if to tell me that I made a good call by stepping out when I did. That's exactly the moment I realize that we're sitting in my section of the diner. Talk about a close call.
Okay, I should get the hard part over for him right? To thank him. I've got this. "Oh, hey, Mike!" I say, "Long time no see."
Poor Mike looks at me like a deer caught in headlights. "Hey... Vi..." he says quietly. Oh, Michael, please don't crap out on me now... I'm going to have to buy this man a cake for carrying me like this.
I smile at him awkwardly, trying to bypass this horrible excuse of an excuse that he and I are about to do horrible improv for. "So, how's Lexi?" I don't dare look a Sal whenever I say the name, but I do feel a shift in the energy at the table. "It's been weeks since I last saw you guys."
"Lexi doesn't work here anymore," Michael spits out nervously, sweat beginning to build on his forehead. Oh no, don't fucking fumble the bag, Mike!
I give him a look. One that has so many emotions and so many questions, but I just force out a simple, "What?" because what else do I say to that? Things are already beginning to go terribly. But it's okay. I'm a pathological liar at this point, and a catfisher? Maybe? Ha... Cat-FISHER.
I'm going to have a panic attack.
Michael pinches his lips together, red-faced as he glances at Sal. I turn my gaze to Sal too, noticing the way he's eyeing Mike like a hawk.
"Lexi is my girlfriend and she doesn't work here anymore." Michael says, his tone brave and assertive, but his facial expression says an entirely different thing.
Great heavens. Okay, so he's radically screwing everything up but that's okay— I'm a flexible person. He's... doing his best. I can work with this. I hope.
I have this image of him and I duking it out in my head. I have him by the collar, shaking him around like a ragdoll while I scream in his face that he's fucking up the plan. And in my mind he's just taking it because he's playing pure sub right now. I'm not even this submissive-- Michael is straight up breaking the BDSM spectrum.
I shove down my nerves and tilt my head at him. "Okay," I start with, slowly, feeling out what little room I have to work with. "I already knew she was your girlfriend," I say, raising my eyebrows even though he can't see. Saying this feels less incriminating for some reason. But I notice Sal snap his head down to the table. I almost feel bad. "But why doesn't she work here anymore?"
Michael looks off to the side, tapping his fingers against the menus in his arms. "Um, she's... she is..." I narrow my eyes at him. He's not even answering the question. I try to communicate with him through eye contact, bellowing at him to not. Fumble. The. Bag.
He gapes at me like a fish, our intense eye contact freaking him out even more. I sigh to myself. He fumbled whatever bag I'm going on about before he even got to our table.
He finally finds his voice after a second and says, "Lexi is working. At a... sperm... bank."
It takes every little inch of my being not to burst into tears. Holy hell. If anything I'm glad he fucked this up because the sperm bank excuse is hilarious no matter how you look at it. Even better is that it's so ridiculous and random that it's going to distract the entire table from the way he's royally screwing up this conversation.
Ash snorts beside me. Larry chokes on his coke. Todd is silent and so is Sal. Maybe the sperm bank thing will officially scare Sal away from Lexi. Yea-- this could work.
"That's a unique job," I struggle to push out, my voice wavering despite trying to forget what Mike just said. But it's hovering in my mind, like old memes from Vine that still make me cackle to this day. I really wish someone would have caught this entire interaction on video.
Michael glances to Sal again. And that's when I turn to find that the bluenette is glaring at my coworker with his arms crossed over his chest, a dangerous glint in his pretty eyes. Wow. That's a scary look, one that he hasn't even pulled out on me yet.
Mike is gaping again, trying to get words to, you know, word. I try to help him by saying, "I hope she likes it there! That's a big deal." But the words don't register in his mind. I can tell by the look of terror on his face, his gaze still glued to Sally.
My friend takes another second to gather himself, and right as a syllable leaves his lips-- one that he used his one working brain cell to come up with-- Sal interrupts him. He took perfect advantage of Mike's vulnerability.
"I'm not sorry for flirting with your girlfriend."
My eyes squeeze shut as butterflies slap at the lining of my intestines. This is ridiculous and I shouldn't feel flattered. I tilt my head down for a moment, trying to gather my wits. I figured out everything for Michael and I, but I didn't take Sal's response into account. I didn't think he'd have a response to begin with. I never would have thought he'd come up with this either.
"We'll, um," I say hoarsely, clearing my throat to regain my voice, but my heart is flitting about with excitement. I wish Sal never would have spoken. I look up at Mike, sending him a dismissive smile. "We'll order in a little bit. I'm still not sure about what I want. Thanks, Mike."
I've never seen someone scurry away so quickly before in my life.
"Is Lexi the chick you were trying to see over here?" Larry asks as soon as Michael's gone. I bite down on the inside of my cheek, watching as Sal glares at his step-brother. Yikes...
"I'm gonna head to the bathroom," I say, scooting out of the booth before anyone can stop me. I need to not be here right now. Ash is quick to stand up behind me, grabbing onto my hand. I turn, fearful that she's going to stop me, but she just smiles and juts her head forward, signaling me to keep walking.
I hope she doesn't ask me about Lexi. You couldn't even beat this information out of my dead body.
Ash and I take a singular step toward the bathroom, only to get stopped by my least favorite customer. I just want to die at this point. The stress is not worth anything. Not at all.
I've said before that many of the men that come into the diner are assholes of the patriarchy, the ones that tell me to stop talking and make them a sandwich, or comment about women's bodies. The shit that ticks me off beyond belief.
This man in particular smells like mildew and three years of straight sleep and bad breath. He's also not a looker, mind you. And then he's an asshole on top of it? I hate when my boss sends me to his table.
Even worse is watching him eye me after calling out to Ash and I with the words, "How much do you charge?"
My eyes narrow and the boys go quiet behind us. We're close enough for them to hear, especially for Ophelia to hear behind the bar.
She glances up at me, cleaning a glass and frowning.
I look back at the man. I never bothered remembering his name. "Excuse me, sir?" I ask, confused. I don't want to converse with this dickface.
"You're dressed like a whore so you gotta be selling yourself right?" he continues, a humorless chuckle following the grubby words.
I open my mouth then snap it shut, heat taking over my body. I'm embarrassed, really insecure about myself now, and pissed off. He thinks he can just say shit like this to anyone? What a pathetic joke.
Usually I can't do anything about this man since I'm the one serving him, but he doesn't know who I am and I'm not working at the moment. I can reign whatever hell that I want.
But I'm also exceptionally tired. Tired of this horrible job and little pay. Tired of holding up some persona that's already beginning to crash around me. Just tired.
"I'd rather look like a supposed whore than look like I just stepped out of the dumpster, sir. Have a day," I say dismissively. I don't have time for him and I've said my piece. If I go on any further, I'll get kicked out anyway and I've already given my coworkers enough trouble today.
'Have a day' is my favorite thing to say to customers who piss me off because they don't know if I forgot the 'good' or purposefully left it out. It's ominous and vaguely threatening.
Ash and I go to the bathroom and we don't stay there long. Neither of us talk. She just waits for me, like she knew I needed space but that I also needed her companionship. Just a moment away from the mess. Silence. Which is so much more than appreciated, I can't even begin to explain how much I adore my best friend.
She watches me wash my hands through the mirror, her arms crossed over her chest and a content smile on her lips. As we start to walk out, she says, "I'm not sure how long you'll be able to keep up the lie about y/n." and she's right. I'm going to face a dead end soon here. "You're obligated to have a sleepover with me tonight so we can come up with a plan, and so you can answer some major questions I have about you right now. My spidey senses are tingling super hard."
Her hand rubs my back and I nod, smiling thankfully at her. Of course she has questions. My entire presence here is questionable right now.
We resurface next to the bar, but looking up at where our booth is shows that it's empty. I'm about to voice my confusion to Ash, but then I notice Lia running around the bar to get to us.
My eyebrows scrunch together as my coworker stops in front of me, eyes on Ash before they focus on me. She mulls over her thoughts for a moment, gaping just like her boyfriend does. Did the boys do something bad?
"We had to... We kicked Sally Face out," is what she says, shocking both me and Ash.
"What?" Ash asks, startled. "What happened?"
Ophelia blinks at Ash, cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "He, uh, he walked up to that... that guy at the bar. Kicked his stool out from underneath him. Then he asked me for a drink. Malibu and pineapple."
Ash sighs and I blink at Lia. I don't even know what to think. Did Sal do that for me? And to ask for my favorite drink on top of that...
No. It's impossible. There's no way he would. He just did it for the sake of feminism. That feminism that is nonexistent when it comes to me. Yea, he definitely didn't do that to avenge me. And he was probably just in the mood for alcohol and pineapple juice right? He could never remember the one drink I ever brought up around him. There's no way.
"Sal doesn't even drink all that much," Ash hisses. "What the hell is he doing?" She bites down on her thumb nail, free hand on her hip.
I swallow down all the emotions building up in me. There are so many that I don't even know how to distinguish a single one right now. This is too much. This entire day is too much.
"Okay," I whisper to myself. "Thanks, Lia," I say gratefully. "And thank Mike for me, too, please. I'm going to get everyone out of here before-- yea." I nod to myself, but it isn't very reassuring.
Lia grabs my hand. "We didn't call the police because that asshole had it coming, but someone else might have. It's better to go now."
I nod again, taking yet another deep breath before guiding Ash to the front doors of the diner. The boys are standing right outside, no doubt waiting for Ash and I.
I feel very similar to the way I did when Sal ended our shit-uationship. I'm so confused and so hopeless, but hopeful. So pained, but relieved. I don't know how to handle the way I feel. I can't work myself out of this awful situation now because he's here. He's here and his hair is billowing softly in the wind, showing off his tattooed neck. And a cigarette is between his index and middle finger as he looks out at the jam-packed street. And then his boot is stomping out the butt of his cigarette on the ground.
The nail in the coffin is when he bends over to pick up the cigarette butt and throw it into the trashcan right outside the diner. He would be perfect if he wasn't such an emotionless prick.
I want to cry. I want to feel him again. I want to shoot him with a paintball gun one more time. I want to run my fingers over all his tattoos. I want him to shiver in fear and pleasure because of me. I hate him so much that it's become obsessive.
I lick my lips as I come to a top in front of my friends, more notably, right in front of Sal.
He turns away from the trashcan behind him, his shoulder-length hair following his movements. When he notices me, he stops and stares disinterestedly. The action is so forced though that it feels like it's hiding something else. Like he doesn't want me to know what he just did in the diner.
I watch him. My eye contact is a threat, a warning, a question, begging. Everything, I try to show him through my gaze.
And then I nod at him subtly despite myself. Even if it wasn't for me, he put that guy in his place and I think that's something to appreciate. But at the end of the day, he still left me upset and he's an asshole so I can't find it in myself to physically tell him thank you. The nod will do.
I turn my attention to the rest of The Faces. "I can make brunch in my apartment if that works with y'all?"
And that's how I've made another mistake today. That's why The Faces are walking down the streets of Los Angeles, my apartment just two buildings away.
There's so much wrong with this decision I've made. I should have never invited them over. What if dad is home? He shouldn't be-- but still. There's so much that could go wrong.
But the walk is going disturbingly well. Ash and Larry ooh and ahh at the streets of Los Angeles— which are normal to me. But I understand the charm too. I was very fond of LA when I first came here.
We walk into my apartment building, everyone speaking a little quieter as we traipse through Lobby. I don't speak, I just listen. And I take it that Todd and Sal are doing the same.
My apartment building is nothing special. It's boring, it's the lowest end of mainstream you can get. It's like a 90's apartment in Manhattan, but make it modern and LA. To put it short, it's the cheapest Dad and I could find here.
Having The Faces step into my territory feels like a time bomb ticking down the last few seconds. It's scary, and it puts me in a vulnerable position. I don't have much of a choice— I'm the one who thought of this idea. And I feel like I owe it to my friends to make them something to eat after they got kicked out of the diner. Not that it was my fault, but it was my customer's fault. I feel guilty for some unreasonable reason.
There's always risk though, and I run through my list of said risks as we take the elevator to my apartment. Being in someone's living space is daring, considering that family stuff is all around. Photos on the wall, artwork with family name's on them, doctor appointments and reminders on the refrigerator. Everything is risky, risky, risky.
Lucky for me, dad and I still haven't quite settled in yet. It's been a year, but we're also both constantly moving around. Dad is in hotels for weeks on end and I work most days. We unloaded and fixed our necessities, but other than that, our walls are bare and nothing of note is on our refrigerator. I should be fine.
We finally empty out into the hallway that leads to my apartment and I have to swallow down the anxiety rushing through me. Nothing has gone wrong and I can only hope that the last leg of this walk will go well for me. I just want one thing to go right today, just one. That's all I'm asking.
I get to my door, I shakily slide my key into the lock, and I open it and let all my friends in, watching their eyes bounce around the living room. I nearly slam the door shut once everyone is safe and inside.
I got my wish. Thank you to whoever granted me a little bit of peace on this unfortunate day.
"You need to get a new carpet."
It's the second time I've heard him speak today. The raspy, monotonous, alto tone of his makes me pause. He wasn't insulting, the way he said that was just commentary. But his voice alone feels like a declaration of war and all the panic and fear I've been enduring for the past— what? Half hour?— is replaced with some kind of desirous agony. Like I've been waiting for him to just... just speak.
"You have a problem with everything, don't you?" I respond, my voice biting into the stale air of my living room. I should've simply asked why he felt that way, but I have reasons. For example, the shit I've put up with today has me on edge. Another reason is Sal bombarding me on all ends without him even realizing it, then being so tense with all these horrible decisions I'm making. I'm really itching for a fight right now and I know I can get it from him. I can practically feel my eyes dilating with the excitement that's ransacking my body at the mere prospect of an argument.
Sal's head turns over his shoulders, body somewhat rigid. One hand in his pocket, the other with the fresh tattoo resting at his side. His eyes are narrowed, scrutinizing me and no doubt wondering who the hell I think I am.
"There's a giant fucking stain on your black carpet," he snaps, gesturing his tatted hand at the light green splatter that dad fussed me for weeks ago. That time I was watching The Faces' Youtube video and spilled my damn mint chocolate chip ice cream. When this entire thing between Sal and I was started. Because he had to go and judge me without getting to know me first. "Be happy I even mentioned it," he mutters, tone clipped.
"You think I didn't notice?" I laugh humorlessly. I wasn't lying when I said he has a problem with everything. Seriously— he just stepped foot into my home and has something negative to say about it. "And why don't you guess who's fault it is that the carpet is stained, huh?" The words rush past my lips, all hardly held back fury and expectation for the worst.
Sal tilts his head in a way that begs me to try him again, then turns his entire body to me. He shuts his eyes and holds up a hand, pausing before saying, "It surely isn't my fault if that's what you're implying." He even adds a snort at the end.
"Actually," I say cheerily, chin up and head high because it's quite literally all his fault that I dropped my ice cream whenever I heard him talking about me all those weeks ago. "Yea it is. I was sitting right there," I point to the edge of the sofa nearest the stained part of the carpet. "While listening—"
I feel like I've been punched in the stomach, and I did it to myself. Again.
How could I be so stupid? Here I am, openly and happily about to expose my true identity just to make a point. Just to be right. To win. To gain some catharsis from a meaningless argument.
I snap my mouth shut, swallowing over the relentless pounding of my heart. I blink at Sal who's waiting expectantly for me to finish what I was saying. What do I say? How do I save myself?
My palms sweat, my legs quake. Oh, this is so bad. Is this my real downfall? Is this where I break? It's going to happen. I'm going to pass out or have a psychotic break. Maybe I'm going insane— maybe I've been clinically insane for weeks now. At least I could plead not guilty at my murder trial. I've had a lot of murder on my mind today, haven't I?
But there's a knock at the door and bless the heart of whoever is about to punch my door hinges off. Any other situation and I'd be losing my mind over someone knocking so hard, but my savior is behind this hunk of wood.
I let out a shaky breath and tilt my head downwards, pretending like I'm too fed up to continue my argument. It's perfect. The best excuse.
But Sal's eyes burn into me, the scrutinizing, heavy blue trapping me in my own guilt. A narrow waterway hidden behind the confines of his prosthetic, haunting me day and apparently at night too. I find myself stuck, my gaze piercing his and waiting for something that will never come. I don't even know what that something is.
"Never mind," I grunt, spinning on my heels and taking a singular step toward my door.
I twist the knob, relieved by the silence behind me. No one cares enough to ask what that was about. I escaped... somehow.
And then I swing the door open, gaze up at the last person I expected to see, hear a resounding and excited, "Bitch!" and intellectually (smartest decision I've ever made) slam the door back in their face.
Oh no. Oh no, oh fuck.
I forgot.
A/N:::::: 50K is such a dream come true and i really wish i could find more words to explain how excited and whole i feel. when i first started writing at 13, i was also reading on wattpad and fanfiction.com. I saw all these writers getting so many views and comments about their works, and i wondered if that would be me some day. i worked hard for the first couple years of my writing career and my only reader was my lovely sister (thank you amititty) and i realized that i needed to do something different. i started practicing more, and then i got into fanfiction rather than just fiction. and that's when something changed. i'll never forget the day when maybe today got 1k views-- i cried and wept like a baby for HOURS because it meant the entire world to me. little 18 year old ryver had no fucking clue that we'd get this far. that 1k on my trial book would turn into 50k on the next. i'm in tears typing this right now, in disbelief. every single one of you are my reason for writing, for brainstorming, for getting through my day... i consider you guys in everything i do. all the love in this world-- every ounce of affection, of adoration, of admiration-- does not compare to how special all of you are to me. you are all so dear to me, my friends and penpals that keep me going and remind me that the world isn't all bad, that not everyone is bad. so thank you for following me down this road and i hope we can continue like this. i wish we could all stay this way forever! but maybe, just maybe, i'll get to sign published copies of my books for you guys someday. get to follow through on my dream to hug all of you. there's never a way to tell what the future holds, but i believe it's pretty bright. thank you. i love you all with all the working neurons in my brain and numerous blood cells in my body <333
so about this chapter-- i have been looking forward to it since the very first chapter of this story. a lot of things have changed since then, including the chapter, but i still think the contents are a nice surprise and fucking HILARIOUS >.< i just hope you guys like it too! it was kind of hard to get out because i had all these ideas and images and feelings that i desperately needed to portray perfectly, but some things are just unable to be captured by words. my goal was to get as much as i was feeling onto paper (or computer?), so i hope you guys feel all the fear, desperation, and admiration going on! i deleted, retyped, and deleted again so many scenes and parts of this. and jesus christ this is an exceptionally long author's note MY BAD
anyway, as always, you guys own my heart and i love you to infinity and beyond!! i'll link pictures of y/n's red dress and sal's tattoo below <3
p.s. i have an announcement coming soon! nothing big, but i am trying something new so stay turned :3
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
Thai BQL Favourites List Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me @feralmuskyscentedhoepran (I think other people have also tagged me but it's been a while and I don't remember, so apologies for that! - There's also the '9 favourite tv series which two people tagged me to do, so that's also on my to-do-at-some-point list!)
Favourite bl:
I mean, it's obvious if you've been following me for a while (but Be My Favourite is coming close!)
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Favourite pairing:
Look. There are SO MANY good pairs, so instead of choosing between them I'm going to go a bit left-field and name a pairing who I can't wait to see together again because I ADORED them in 10 Years Ticket (not ql, I know, but they'll be in 23.5 so I think it counts).
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Most underrated actor:
I know most people already know of his magnificence but I don't think he's properly led a show as a lead pair and he absolutely could. And I want to see it.
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Favourite character:
I love so many for so many reasons but the depth of love that I have for Pran is hard to beat. He pined for so long and finally got his man. And I see so much of myself in him.
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Favourite side character:
I'm going to cheat again and say a favourite side pairing. I loved these two, more than the mains in Golden Blood.
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Favourite scene:
I mean, it has to be. It's impossible to express how much impact this scene had on me.
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Favourite line:
I'm tired. Tired of pretending to hate you while your face has taken over my heart.
*chewing glass* There's something so unbelievably romantic about this line and how Pat is using it to confess that I can't articulate properly. It just hits me deep, deeeeeep in my feels. Watching it/listening to it the first time was an incredible moment. I don't think Pat could have said anything else here, nothing else could reach this level of perfection.
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Most anticipated bl and why:
I was SO impressed by Jimmy in Vice Versa (compared to Bad Buddy), and I also really liked Sea in the series (my first time watching him in anything), so I'm excited to see how they've developed in Last Twilight. I'm also very excited to see what Aof brings next and especially because the show is dealing with a disability.
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Healthiest relationship in a bl:
They love each other. They respect each other. They know each other so well. They communicate seriously when they need but also can tease and play with each other without damaging their relationship. They're there for each other when they need to be and will support each other above all else.
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Most toxic relationship in a bl:
I don't even want to add a gif but, yeah, Tharntype probably. Or PrapaiSky (sorry LITA lovers).
Guilty pleasure series:
I'm not sure about the 'guilty' part (that implies I feel somewhat 'bad' liking it??) but maybe the guilt is loving the pain and angst that Vi and Mark go through.
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Bonus! Most underrated series:
I'm finding it hard to think of one because most of the series I really like, a lot of other people also like... Oh, I know... What Zabb Man. It didn't seem like a lot of people watched it when it came out. It was a good little show, not outstanding like others, but decent anyway (I don't quite remember the end though...) and worth checking out.
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Thanks for the tag Vi! This was fun to do (even if it took longer than I thought it would!). I think a lot of people have been tagged already so I'll choose a few who may not have from my recent notifications: @sparklyeyedhimbo @callipigio @incandescentflower @spicyvampire and @vegasandhishedgehog
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bloodyarn · 3 months
tagged by @anderwelt [ You are absolutely crazy but I love a challenge so lesgo !!! ]
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Full name: Babette Adeline Ziromzu Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual + Biromantic Pronouns: She/her
꒰ 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 ꒱ 
Birthplace: Baldur's Gate Job: Seamstress Phobias: Everything with more than four legs. She is the token example of someone who hates bugs. Spiders and moths are her arch nemesis.  Guilty pleasures: Gossiping and sweet baked goods. Combine both and you make her day.
Alignment: Lawful good.
Aimless: Babette never really learned to do her own thing besides following orders or occasionally working on own little projects in the past. The first thing she wanted to do after the Nautiloid accident is to go home because she was shit scared of what to do else. Imagine a house cat suddenly dropped off in the wild and having to figure things out. She only knows how to be a seamstress, thus her goal was and is reaching the city. Blue-eyed: Oftentimes, she refuses to believe one would have only ill intentions. She gives chances way too often and wouldn't it be for her companions, this most likely would have cost her her head in the past.  Impressionable: You can talk her into almost anything. Refusing commands only led to bad outcomes in her childhood. One example would be when the party arrives at the Gate and meets their first Steel Watcher, Babette was pretty much convinced it was a great idea and a wonderful change to have these machines walking around the city. Even after destroying the facility, she was sure Gortash had good intentions in making the city safer. She is a bit slow . . .
Forgiving: The kind of good part of being blue-eyed is that she does not hold a grudge for too long. She can very much be explossive if someone did her wrong but the girl is not one to not accept an apology. Compassionate: Compassion was a huge deal in her childhood. Her sisters had to stick together, a friendship of seven that was even bound by blood. Caring for others and helping them out comes naturally.  Polite: Babette comes from a rich family. Politeness is her bread and butter. She even worked at the shopfront for a long time before turning into a hexblood and has exceptional negotiation skills.
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
This is a hard one since I did not create Babette with shipping intent. The following answers are my gut feeling and what I imagine could be cute. The ships are in nor specific order, just babbling about it. Why I definitely ship her with non canon muses from BG3, I will only name canon characters here.
✮ Gale :  You can tell me what you want but they would click in my opinion. Not knowing how to handle his whole Mystra problem at first, he would still have an open ear that listens to his problems unconditionally. Funnily enough, Babsi would remind Gale to take things easy after every fight because of the orb, not entirely understanding how it works but still trying to be of help. It would probably often end up in conversations like ❝Hey, it's alright, I can lift this myself.❞ ❝Oh, but the ORB Gale. Better safe than sorry. I help you.❞. What only fuels this whole ship is that Gale is the token husband her mother always told her children about. He is smart, kind, polite, influential. This definitely plays a big role in her preferences too. Godhood would be sad and hard. I don't think Babette would try and talk him out of it. He often sounds reasonable, and if the best outcome is becoming god, in his opinion, she will nod like ❝Oh you have a point, that makes sense.❞. Yes, it would break something inside her but who is she to object? He is the smart guy. ⚔︎ Wyll : She is a hopeless romantic. Wyll would have the easiest fucking game. The woman never learned how to dance - perfect opportunity to bond. And oh dear lord would she bond. She could also relate to a degree with his family problems, ending up feeling a huge amount of empathy for Wyll and invested in helping him where she can. What many people (somehow) judge him for is that he is so untruthful in the beginning. Not a big deal for her. That girl won't call him out, she understands very well. Hells, when babette joins, she is disguised as a tiefling herself for the first few long rests, fearing to be treated differently if people found out about her pact and her hexblood ancestry. I feel strongly about them.
Acceptable Ships:
🗡 Astarion : Obviously a  good contenter. Girl is easily manipulable which makes her a perfect target in act 1 but I think the whole plot between them can turn out awfully sweet when the journey goes on. Babette canonically also volunteers to being a bloodbank after Tav found out about him being a vampire spawn for the group's sake lmao. Not because she finds the idea hot, just so Astarion doesn't have to be hungry. ⛓ Karlach :  Babette can easily fall victim to the big lady's confidence and the charm that lies behind it. Since touch is a huge thing for her in a relationship, romantic or not, she would be more than eager to try and figure out how to handle the infernal engine and the whole Avernus spiel. There is also just a huge itch that is being scratced about big strong woman and petite small one. Imagine the huuugsss *melts* *like litererally because Karlach, ya know ya know?* Note: Ships don't only have to be companions. I just picked them to keep it clean and consistent. I am a huge sucker for clashing personalities. Gortash for example could be interesting, since she is awfully easy to manipulate. Volo is more of a crackship but still awfully fun to think about! Apparently Rolan made it into the roster too [thanks Bean ig uwu']. If you want me to write some more about it feel free to boop me :)
OT3: Babette does not really enjoy the idea of polygamy so I will leave this blank :x
ฅ Minsc: Bimbo and himbo. These two share one single braincell and would be seen talking and theorizing about the most mundane shit. She would always call him first when there is a big bug in her tent and I believe he would be elated to help on this mighty quest. They are both not the brightest in the most charming way possible. Babette would be around his tent a whole lot just to hear about battles and stories.
Notp: Wulbren Bongle >:( We hate Wulbren Bongle in this household.
Let me just ctrl + v the backstory here :3c
𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓[ ✂ ] [CW: Child labor]
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝘆𝐨𝘂𝐧𝐠𝐞𝘀𝘁 𝐨𝐟 𝘀𝐞𝘃𝐞𝐧 𝘀𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝘀. Babette was born into a strict family. Playing outside like her peers, getting dirty in puddles on the street after summer rains, nothing that she could afford. It was her own mother, who treated their children like workers, teaching them knitting, crocheting, sewing only to prepare them to ’help out the family’. Both of her parents endured a childhood in poverty. It was their way of keeping the family’s life standards above average, no matter the cost.
The girl had trouble, picking up the family’s craft. Never terrible but never perfect either. A wrong stitch here, a forgotten button on a vest, keep your gods damned head together ! Why couldn’t she be as good as her sisters ? Why does mother threaten to send her off, send her to an orphanage, if kind enough ?
No matter how long Babette practiced, time only rewarded her with more bloody pokes in her hands. Clumsy. Slow. Lazy.
A hag got wind from the girl’s troubles and bitter thoughts. Babette’s fears enlightened, amused the fey. Sweet-talking her way into the child’s heart, feigning compassion, offering solutions, quick ones. One of their circle was killed recently. A replacement was needed. If the young lady would agree to a pact, she would gain impeccable skills in her craft. Everyone would be enticed by her future works, the needle like a brush to the artist. Only a small touch of her own body, a hair, a droplet of blood in her work, would do the trick. In return, the seamstress would comply to turn into a hag, one of the arch fey’s kin, in time.
And the desperation cried louder than the girl’s common sense. The need for admiration, for praise, was too much to bear living without it any longer.
Babette left the forest with a crown.
A token of her pact.
𝐀𝘁 𝐟𝐢𝗿𝘀𝘁, 𝘁𝐡𝐢𝘀 𝐛𝐚𝗿𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝘄𝐢𝘁𝐡 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝗿𝐜𝐡𝐟𝐞𝘆 𝘄𝐚𝘀𝐧'𝘁 𝐛𝐚𝐝; 𝐧𝐨𝘁 𝐚𝘁 𝐚𝐥𝐥. The pact altered the girl's appearance; hair & skin now holding a soft lavender tone, pale and almost sickly. The eldercross around her head now one with her body. Hers, just like the fey blood pumping through her veins. After the first shock settled when returning to her family, it didn't take long for her parents to see the potential of their youngest child. Only by attaching something from Babette, sewing in a hair between fabric, the craft would carry a mesmerizing touch. Clearly, anything would sell now. Obviously, the nestling was a pot of gold.
Did she really have the privilege to argue about it now ? About that exploit, which only got worse because of decisions, made with her own intentions ?
Her work for her family continued, happy to help, happy to be needed at least. It was . . . strangely nice.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝘄𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝘁 𝗿𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝗿 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝘄𝘀, 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝘄𝐡𝘆𝘀, 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝘄𝐡𝐞𝗿𝐞𝘀. Stranded, far away from her hometown, she found herself at shore. The devastating pulsing inside her head, the twirling of her vision, the nausea. Everything was scary. Not only that, but finding herself anywhere else instead of home made her anxious. Her appearance could easily be identified as a hag in the making, her reason why she disguised herself as long as needed.
Following a group of tiefling refugees on their way to the Emerald Grove, Babette blended in marvelously. From there, the hexblood would have to find a way to Baldur's Gate. The thought about . . . returning . . . seemed strange. An awkward stir and turn. It inflicts worry and second thoughts. Maybe This was a sign. Maybe it was just foolish.
Whatever the future brings, it is inevitable anyway.She should stop thinking and start following her instincts.
I am not tagging anyone but feel free to do it too! It was awfully fun and I most likely will link this somewhere in my pinned. ♥
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scorpio-marionette · 2 months
A Conversation about Feet
Am I writing this because I saw one of our mutuals post about the cleanliness of fictional characters' feet?
Yes, yes I am.
Do I feel awkward or ashamed to be talking about said fictional feet?
No, no I do not.
Aren't feet weird and gross?
To some, but not all.
That's why this cold open is going to serve as your
Trigger Warning: Feet below the cut
@avastrasposts this one is for you, love 👍🏼
In this conversation I'm going to first rank and then explain the cleanliness of each man's feet. I'm first going to cover the basics, and by that I mean the most well known of the Pascal Punks (my nod to artist Rickie Yagawa)
Frankie - Average
The military doesn't leave you with much time to take extensive care of one's self, and civilian life doesn't provide much instruction as to how. The most Frankie does is trim his nails as needed, maybe soak them in some hot water with Epsom salt for when they start to hurt, and lotion to prevent cracking.
Dave - Above Average
This is a man with a guilty pleasure for pedicures. You see, after marrying his wife and conceiving their first child, Carol constantly needed a foot massage for her aching feet. Dave, being the loving husband he is, decided that a spa day would be great for her. He had intended for it to be a little getaway for her but she requested his presence. One of the treatments happened to be a pedicure. At first he was apprehensive about someone touching his feet, but after feeling so much better from the accompanying massage and soak he loved it. Now, it's his zen time after a particularly difficult mission so that he can properly compartmentalize his trauma.
Marcus P - Above Average
Surely you must know that Special Agent Pike is a stickler for good self care. You should be eating right, exercising, and generally giving your body what it needs. It's how you stay in the game. It's also how you get into weird fads about skin care. Dry, cracking skin on your feet? Use this weird thing that oddly looks like a cheese grater. It'll be fine! Yeah, no. Marcus has tried just about everything to take care of his feet, what with the amount of walking he does. And while he knows he isn't always going to be chasing the bad guys, he does want to be able to keep up with any little ones he'll have down the line. So Marcus is the who finds the best lotions and soaks for your feet.
Javier - Average
After years chasing down drug lords and returning home to work on the ranch, Peña has learned the hard way that if you don't take care of your feet you're screwed (and not in the preferred way). But he's not irredeemable. After the first shot of pain through his foot, Chucho showed his son how to care for cracked heels using aloe vera to heal and Epsom salt baths for the pain later. Now the bottle of lotion in his room is used for what it was originally intended for.
Max L - Below Average (due to circumstances)
Having grown up in a less than supportive environment, Max is going to develop some issues later down the road due to poor care and shoes while growing up. While he's going to try his hardest to keep it clean and presentable, even going as far as painting his toe nails to look more natural, he's still going to face problems. Some will be fixable, others will be permanent, but for the sake of everyone I won't go into too much detail as to what he could get.
Dieter - Above Average
This trash panda will whine and moan and fight you every inch if you tell him that he has to get out of his hole (take that term as you will) to go to his appointment at the nail salon for his regular pedicure. He'll complain and pout and swear up and down that he doesn't want to go. "Why do I even have these appointments?! It's not like anyone is looking at them! I should cancel these appointments!" And then the second he's there and in the chair - gone. Out like a light. Best sleep he's gotten in weeks that isn't drug induced. It is the most peaceful and relaxed you could or would ever see him.
Din - Terrible
Given Din's life style I don't think he has much time for general self care, let alone specifically foot care. His feet probably reek with how little air time they get. If they're not already deformed they're going to be if he doesn't take his shoes off more often. And don't get me started on sweat accumulation. 🤢
Marcus M - Above Average (Girl Dad for the win)
Being a parent is hard. Being a single parent is even harder. But being a super parent that just so happens to be single is super hard! You've got to save the world AND figure out how to explain that random bleeding your daughter is experiencing is totally normal. Luckily for Moreno, his daughter is growing up fantastic and even teaching her dad a few tricks. With Missy insisting on fact checking every fad the internet throws at her (as her father would want because we don't take things at face value in this house), she's rooted out the fakes and misconceptions, leaving only the most realistic treatments. What's great is that doing them together double as bonding time when he's tied up with work.
Ezra - Disgusting (Sorry)
Sir, how long have you been on that planet? No no, how long have you been in that suit? You know what? I don't want to know. Don't tell me, I'll just puke.
Jack - Average/Below Average
This man is a man's man, a man don't get pedicures. That's the thing you take your girl to, not yourself. Hell, Jack doesn't even use lotion on the rest of his body. What makes you think he uses it one his feet? He showers like everybody else. He deals with the pain when it hurts. He does the bare minimum and that's it.
Javi - Immaculate
One time, when Javi was a teenager, he won a trip to LA where he would get a "Hollywood Make Over". The sweepstakes was intended for girls though they still left it open for anyone, but you can imagine that some were surprised to see a boy show up excited for a facial. Javi was of course hoping to run into Nicolas Cage, but while he didn't meet his hero he did learn the power of the pumice stone. Swimming in chlorinated water and the Mediterranean can dry out your skin. Being able to buff away the dryness safely is a must have, and with the money Javi has access to you know he isn't getting the cheap lava rock.
Joel - Below Average (potentially getting worse)
The world has ended. The fugus is among us. Ain't nobody got time to leisurely soak their feet. Joel knows this, he ain't happy about it, but he's made peace with it. He does what he can with what he's got. Trading for what he doesn't. Aloe is good for your feet, but the material aloe infused socks are made of don't last like others do. So with some help from Frank, he learned how to "infuse" aloe into his regular socks to help during long activities (like crossing the country for a kid you just met).
Max P - Immaculate
I'd like to think that if you're the undead you don't suffer the same issues as the living do. You don't age. You don't change. However that would mean you're invulnerable. And then that would mean you could never die. That's not true as we've seen [insert reference gif of Max exploding here]. Be who knows? Perhaps it's the trivial things in life that immortals have no qualms with. And if you don't sweat you won't stink up your feet.
Pero - Disgusting (Not Sorry)
He's gone months without shaving. I think he'll go the same amount of time if it means saving gold. And yet I would also like to think that should this man not only live long enough to find a woman to love, but a woman willing to marry him, the first thing that woman would insist on is a bath. Even if she has to shove him into the river to get her point across. She'd make home made soap with dried fruit and flowers. Anything to get him (and especially his feet) to smell better. She'd even toss his old leathers and shoes if they smelled terrible.
Oberyn - for modern times? Average. For Westeros? Above Average.
Our beloved prince has been everywhere feasible while also trying everything possible in those places. And you can bet that for every conquest our prince has had, he's learned an equal number of life hacks. For example, in the brothels of the North then women are famed for their persistently soft skin. A trade secret made during the last winter. Oberyn managed to get secret out of one of his companions for the evening and uses it himself to keep him too condition for his lovers. Of course, Oberyn also has a fine collection of scented oils from all over Essos as well.
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zalrb · 8 months
What is your opinion on Kai in terms of a villain character?
Because the fandom seems very spilt on this. Some people say he's the best big villain since Klaus. Some people say that - whilst Chris Wood acts the role well - Kai as a character isn't written as well as other past big villains (excluding Silas and also the Travellers obviously).
Personally, I think Kai had so much potential (much like Silas), if he was just given to another set of writers. But he just falls short of being as good as Klaus or Katherine for me. And I'm not exactly sure why, but there's just something in the writing for Kai just doesn't hit as hard. Maybe it's just a me thing, but I want to know your opinion on Kai, since this whole fandom is very spilt on his character.
So, firstly, I don't think any TVD villain is great and I especially think that for Katherine and Klaus, particularly because of how they're hyped
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rest of the post here:
so getting that out of the way, I wouldn't put Kai up against villains from other shows but he's my favourite TVD villain even though I thought the writing went left
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and I'm sure I have more about it in the Bonnie Bennett masterlist you just have to read the Bonkai posts.
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 21 days
Just a little A/N so any of you lovely readers of mine know.
(It was longer than I expected in the end, it's now in the undercut 🤣)
(This post is about how I write Ace Alastor, Gender, Sex, Race, and Sexual Orientation (it's longer than I planned as more and more came out as I wrote but hope it explains things for those who want to know a little more about my writing and about how I write and feel about Alastor and his Ace canon orientation)
I do try to make the 'Reader' in my fics as G/N as possible, I will try my best to avoid using pronouns in my fics and I rely heavily on pet names (which I do IRL as I'm an affectionate person 😁) to avoid using things like 'Y/N' or 'Reader' which I personally prefer not using for a smoother (IMO) more immersive read.
I will often use the readers Sex in the fics as it's just a lot sexier (IMO) to describe how it's affecting 'You', which I know so far I'm guilty of only writing from a female perspective (in nsfw, I don't describe sex organs in sfw if I can help it) I do plan on doing some male reader perspective fics once I've gotten my current fem reader WIPs out of the way.
I am a little nervous at writing them as I'm personally cis female and I hope I do the male perspective justice and it isn't a load of hard to read non immersive rubbish, I also hope I write Alastor and Lucifer's experience's well enough that I can develop my skill and transfer it over to a male perspective reader
I've not had any negative feedback so far on the sex scenes so I hope that means I did good male and female wise, and I know it can be nerve wracking to comment on people's work so I'm going from the few positive comments I have and the reblogs and hearts I've gotten, but I do encourage any constructive advice or even if you want to see certain things in the future, I am very friendly and I won't be mean I promise💜💜💜💜💜
Also I am aware of Alastor's sexual orientation in canon and I completely respect him and the Ace community and don't for a moment think he or any Ace person should change.
I really can't help that I have latched onto Alastor in such an intense way (my AuDHD loves him) but I do still try to keep him in the Ace spectrum (with what knowledge I have researched) and not make the sex about his gratification or desire for sex itself, and use it either as a powerplay or manipulation tool (as he knows he's desirable).
Or if the fic is about him in an established relationship with the reader or any other character it will be about seeing his partner come undone for him and/or doing it all for them and their pleasure, he can take it or leave it in regards to sex (I know I don't explicitly say it in the fics, I do try to do things subtly, like little things with him only getting undressed at the last moment or being very dominant and having reader or Lucifer vulnerable for him and the power being a big motivator for him and how it feels to have them begging for him etc) I hope I explained what I mean well enough.
I don't for a second think anyone's sexual orientation should ever be changed nor their gender identity, fictional characters are fictional and I like to play with them, I am personally (Pansexual and hypersexual which means all characters are at risk lol 😂) but as I've seen many times in many fandoms all characters can have sexual orientations, sex's and genders get changed left right and centre.
I do know and understand it's difficult if you're part of a smaller less represented LGBTQ+ community to see a character who in canon is really lovable/amazing and represents your sexual orientation and/or gender identity get portrayed differently in fanfics or changed because of self indulgent writers.
I hope you know now I'm not trying to change Alastor and by no means want to see him like this in canon, I just really love him as a character and it helps my own mental health to play with him too sometimes 💜💜💜
And it will be the same with Velvette when I write her with a male reader (I will also write gender swapped readers for each of my fics or I'll try to if you guys want me too), I don't think her sexual orientation should change in canon and I love that she's lesbian, just as I love Alastor being Ace, I just wanna borrow and play with them for a bit (😉), and I hope that's okay. 💜💜
I also try to be inclusive with race and will often avoid describing specific colours of readers skin, or hair or eye colour but if I do make mistakes in those areas don't be afraid to give me a nudge and point out the error okay 💜💜
(In my last fic I know I described the reader as having a red tail and that's because the animal she had features of that I'd chosen was a red squirrel, hair colour and eye colour I still left ambiguous not all the hair had to be red for example, I'm not a redhead myself which most of you who know me on my main blog or discord will know as I have pictures of myself up)
Also if you're in the Alastor simp sanctuary discord server and follow me just drop me a comment or pm and I'll follow back (as this is my sub account it'll be my main account that follows you)
And if anyone wants me to read their stuff in general I take recommendations just send a link 🫶
(I will add this to the bottom of my pinned post too so anyone in the future can see this little (large) note 💜💜)
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