#grim ghost
redogekiddo · 9 months
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Huntale Season II -Episode 5 : Page 186-190
EPISODE 5 - Page 191-195 : (22/09/2023)
Reading the chapters of Seasons I is necessary : chapter 1 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 2 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 3 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 4 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 5 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 6 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 7 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 8 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 9 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 10 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 11 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 12 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/…
Seasons II : chapter 1 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 2 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 3 Part.1 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 3 Part.2 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 4 Part.1 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… chapter 4 Part.2 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/… Beginning of chapter 5 : www.deviantart.com/antoine175/…
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titsay · 2 years
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is it halloween yet?
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kenchann · 3 months
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let them cook (bake)
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libraryraccoon · 7 months
Yuu and reader but
But reader is forgettable.
Imagine Reader who arrived in Twisted Wonderland with Yuu, they got along very well together and with Grim, but Yuu and Grim end up abandoning Reader, creating their group of friends that we all know. Reader tries to approach them, become friends with them, but without success.
And then Reader finds himself alone, and everyone acts as if he doesn't exist. So much so that Reader questions his existence and becomes very quiet.
The ghosts realize this and spend time with Reader, and Reader considers them his only true friends. I'm pretty sure Reader would have tried to kill himself to become a ghost and join the ghosts gang but would have failed.
Reader would have stopped going to class, some teachers (Trein and Crewel) would have noticed and talked to him about it.
Reader walks around campus at all hours without anyone noticing him (he would have already been dancing in class and singing loudly and out of tune and no one would have noticed).
In the end, Reader is left alone for so long, talking to no one except the ghosts, that he forgets his name (the ghosts call him "Little Ghost").
And at book 5, he meets Chenya. And this is how it happens :
“What do you do alone ?” Chenya asked.
"Wait... Are you talking to me ?" Reader asked sitting in a tree, looking left and right before looking at Chenya.
"Yeah ? There's no one else around." the cat remarked amusedly.
"Oh- sorry I'm not used to people seeing me !" Reader said with a smile on his face, excited that someone alive was talking to him.
"Huh ? Why ?" Chenya asked, frowning in confusion.
“Well, people still act like I’m not there, like I don’t exist.” Reader explained. “Exept ghosts, you’re the first to talk to me in months !”
“oh…” Chenya looked worried. “And what’s your name ?”
"Oh I'm-huh..." Reader said before frowning.
“Well, hello ‘huh’, I’m Chenya.” Chenya said trying to lighten the mood.
“Nah, nah.. I don’t remember my name.” Reader said sounding scared, his breathing quickening.
“huh ?”
"What's my name? What's my name? Who am I? I forgot? I forgot..."
"Hey, calm down, you'll remember.." Chenya tried to calmly reassure.
"No- no ! You're not supposed to notice me or talk to me ! Go with more important people, people who remember their names, who they are !" (Reader having an existential crisis <3)
In the end, Chenya manages to calm Reader down, and he calls him "Little Ghost" (like ghosts) until they find his name.
After that, Chenya will talk about that as his friends at the RSA (like Neige), and they would do all for create a new identity at Reader and after that they will take him with them at the RSA (The RSA director was the one that have the idea of the new identity).
Sam friends of the other side won't stop crying about "The child that have forget his name", making Sam confused (they never answer at his questions about him).
And Trein would be the one finding out that Reader have left three days later.
If nobody write that, I will write it myself.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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"Ascend" by Dream in Ether
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joyjoy-ahoy · 4 months
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Ghost Family 👻
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gummi-ships · 7 months
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Kingdom Hearts & Kingdom Hearts 2 Spooky Heartless
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lenaellsi · 1 year
realistically i know that if caleb is actually a ghost and not a goop-induced hallucination and hunter interacts with him in the finale it will be like. viscerally upsetting for everyone involved. but also. i want them to two spidermans
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do u see the vision.
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lefttoesucker · 3 months
The grim reaper outfit is making me feral every time I see it so here's a quick sketch of it :)
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I'm also actually pretty pleased with the eyes for once
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redogekiddo · 11 months
Hello everybody Today I publish a short animation for the Underverse/Xtale Art Contest organized by Jakei The objective is simple, integrate a OC into the Xtale/Underverse universe in "What-if" type scenarios
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thecoolsquirrel · 3 months
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mornings at Ramshackle
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meatonfork · 1 year
Hi! Can I request for a grim au where, grim goes missing and the whole squad is freaking out. Then, grim just comes out of no where, covered in blood from head to toe after surviving an ambush. They take care of her and after she’s taken care of, they get ready to absolutely destroy the people who hurt her.
How Copy?
pairings: platonic 141 x grim
warnings: cod violence, blood, angsty, nudity (not sexual)
summary: when grim goes missing, the task force fears the worst of their friend.
“grim, how copy?” soap heard ghost’s voice crackle through the comms. his heart sank upon not hearing a response.
“grim! how copy?” again, soap and ghost were met with silence.
“god, damn it. soap, you have eyes on them?”
“no, sir.” a sigh left soap’s mouth as his brows furrowed upon the realization that you weren’t going to respond anytime soon.
the last they’d heard from you was when you’d announced that gaz had been right, and this had in fact been an ambush. that was over twenty minutes ago, and nothing since.
rubble surrounded soap’s boots, crunching under his weight as he scanned his surroundings. fallen buildings and ash littered the ground as smoke bellowed into the air. sweat had started to form at his hairline from not only running around, but worry at your lack of response.
“can we look for them?” gaz asked as he lifted his foot over a large piece of building.
“no. we need to go to the rendezvous, we can come up with something there. mission comes first, you know that, gaz.” price’s voice was strained as he answered. he didn’t like the answer he had to give, but emotion couldn’t take control. they had a mission to finish, and then you came next. they could only hope they weren’t too late by the time they’d find you.
reluctantly, gaz answered his captain’s command, “yes, sir.”
and, to the rendezvous point they went.
it was right after sunset, the four men gathered around a table as they figured out their next move. the targets had been detained. a russian operating force who was in the process of getting a new weapon that could wipe out countries at the flick of a switch.
now you.
“you think they were taken? grim isn’t dumb enough to turn off their comms.” gaz was getting frustrated. he had come to a quick conclusion that they were going around in circles. no one could decide on what to do, which was rather odd for their group considering who they were. but they were frazzled. someone so important to them has gone missing, and they all only wanted the best outcome from this incident.
“no. absolutely not. they’re too quick. no way they would’ve gotten taken. they could be hiding.” soap quickly countered back.
“then why the fuck aren’t they answering?” gaz quickly stood from his chair.
“they could be compromised. unable to answer.” soap stared him in the eye, daring him to lash out.
gaz’s nostrils flared as his eye twitched.
“calm down. now. we can’t help them if we’re arguing.” price cut in, hands up as if to prepare to physically diffuse the situation.
“well, let’s stop goi-“ soap was cut off at the sound of a thump outside the front door.
ghost was on watch, “i don’t see anything. there’s no one there.” his eyes narrowed from behind his mask as he looked through the scope of his rifle. shifting ever so slightly as he scanned the immediate area.
“then what the fuck was that?” price stood, and made his way to ghost.
“no ide-“
the door slamming open startled all four men, weapons drawing in the direction of the door.
everyone froze as you entered the room, blood covering your small shaking figure.
your hair was matted with dirt and blood, eyes wide and darting around the room. your black fitted shirt was torn, and that was made the men notice your tactical vest was missing.
you right arm was raised to your left bicep, blood seeping from between your fingers. a sizable cut made home on your throat, making the guys’ eyes immediately hone in on it.
“grim? are you okay?” price gently reached for your figure, pausing when you flinched back.
“please don’t. please don’t touch me.” a raspy breath shuttered from your cracked lips.
your eyes wouldn’t meet any of theirs, a steady tremor racking your body made it almost impossible for you to continue standing on your own.
“grim, you wanna come sit down? we gotta check out your wounds, kid.” gaz stayed where he stood, slowly raising his hands to show he was no threat to you.
standing there a second longer, you nodded. no one made a move to help you, fearing you’d lash out. instead, they let you have your moment of silence and independence before bothering to help you.
soft murmurs from deep voices met your ears, but you made no move to see who was talking. you could barely even feel your own hand gripping your arm with white knuckles.
the couch cushion under your bottom barely even registered in your mind. you sat there, unmoving as you slowly made your way back to reality. five grueling minutes before you finally came down from the adrenaline flooding your system.
a sob wracked your body, making the men in the room turn to your hunched over figure sat on the edge of the couch.
“gaz,” a whisper left your mouth, “please. kyle, please help me.”
kyle’s hair stood on end as a shiver ran over his body. he’d never heard you call for him so desperately. you’d never used his name unless it was absolutely necessary. if asked how he felt right then, he would say he was terrified. no one actually knew what had happened to you while you were missing. anything could’ve happened in those long hours you were gone.
he quickly, but steadily made his way to you; crouching in front of you, as to not startle you.
“what do you need me to do, grim?” his voice held desperation.
“i need to change. i need to get out of these clothes, please.” your hand reached out to grip his shirt, knuckles whitening.
“okay.” he nodded.
helping you off the couch, he took you to the bathroom.
under your shirt was more blood. small nicks here and there littered your skin. nothing too major, gaz had noted.
“do you want to shower? i think it would help.”
you’d only nodded, and he turned to start the shower. making sure the water wouldn’t be too hot nor too cold.
he helped you undress and step into the tub. and when you meekly asked him to help you with your hair, he did it with no hesitation. you needed help, and he was there to do so.
after you washed the blood and ash from your skin, he helped you change into a pair of his sweats and a t-shirt.
“we gotta look at your wounds, kid. ghost can help with that.” gaz’s eyes were kind, and his touch on your lower back was barely noticeable from how soft he was being.
stepping out, you made a beeline to the giant lieutenant.
“can you help me with these?” your shaky hand pointed to your neck and arm.
he looked you over. you looked like shit. blood seeping from your wounds and onto your freshly clean skin. a nasty bruise was forming beneath your left eye and around your neck.
“yeah, c’mon.” he beckoned you over to the table.
he made quick work, cleaning and stitching the wounds. his touch was gentle, which was a stark contrast to the anger radiating from his form.
you cleared your throat as he wrapped gauze around your bicep, “are you… are you mad at me?”
his eyes widened and snapped to yours, “what?”
his harsh tone made you flinch.
he sighed at your movement, “i mean, no. why the hell would i be mad at you?”
“i didn’t answer my comms.”
he stared at you, dumbfounded. “kid, i’m not mad at you at all. we don’t even know what the fuck happened to you. why would i be mad at you for getting hurt?” he continued wrapping your arm, quickly starting on your throat.
“i don’t know.” you whispered back. tears pooled in your waterline. “i was really scared. they just came from nowhere. i wanted to answer back, i promise! i just couldn’t. and then- and then they broke my earpiece, so i couldn’t hear you. and-“
“kid, hush. it’s okay. you’re okay. we’re here. we’re safe.” his hand latched onto your shoulder, lightly squeezing.
you took a deep breath in, “thank you, simon.”
“of course. now, let’s go find the sons of bitches who did this, and go home. yeah?”
“they’re dead.”
silence overtook the room.
“what?” price moved to stand next to you, eyes locking onto yours.
“i killed them. i wouldn’t be here if i hadn’t.” you shakily ran your hand through your wet hair. “they’re dead. all of them.”
“okay, then.” price cleared his throat.
you watched in silence as ghost packed up the med kit.
“can we go home?”
“we’re leaving in the morning, kid. come eat and then you can get some rest, mkay?” price helped you up from your seat.
a/n: mmmm idk if i like this that much LMAO
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sprout-fics · 11 days
I need to elaborate on this later but-
Witch! Reader who dances at the Samhain bonfires on Hallow’s Eve with the rest of her coven. Masks shadow the spirits from those of flesh and blood that sway alongside them. Reader laughs to the full glowing moon as she’s spun around by the beings that crawl out from the darkness on just one night a year- only to find herself in the arms of a mysterious, towering, dark figure with a mask of bone.
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libraryraccoon · 8 months
Scars (scenario)
Okay, so in book 6 Grim hurt the MC, but we don't really know where.
Well, imagine, Grim hurt MC in the face ??
Like, the MC have 6 large scar that covers one side of their face.
And to avoid making Grim feel guilty/fired of the CNRC (cause you know, it's his dream), MC heals themselves alone (or maybe with the help of ghosts), stitches up their wounds, and puts bandages then hides everything with their hair.
And they doesn't say anything to anyone about it.
They keep all for themselves and the ghosts have promised to say nothing.
Now, imagine that after one of the overblot, the twst character discover it.
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spookystirfry · 8 months
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Fourth entry for orctober, a spectral monk! Prompt list from quihnn
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cheekinpermission · 6 months
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I imagine the conversation went something like this:
Grim: Do you think I could fit my head in there?
Erin (Yuu): What? No. Don't try it. You'll get stuck.
Grim: You can't tell me what to do!
Grim: ...
Grim: Help.
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