#gotta dig through my blog to find my masterlists...
vampireimiko · 2 years
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wildemaven · 7 months
he makes life better | joel miller
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-> pairing: no outbreak!joel miller x reader
-> word count: 1335
-> content warning: 18+ blog; bad day, annoyed with work, dealing with flat tire, joel being sweet, lots of fluff
-> note: this is for my sweet friend @gnpwdrnwhiskey hoping this brings a smile to her face 💞 this isn’t beta’d either so it’s probably filled with mistakes lol.
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Joel ❤️: How’s your day going Honey?
I’m so ready for my shift to be over. I’d rather read the dictionary, front to back, than deal with the shit they have me doing today. 
“That bad, huh?” Joel’s voice brings you an instant smile when you answer his call, silently stepping away from the mess that you were dealing with at work. 
“You have no idea. It already feels like it’s been the longest week, today has just added to the shit show life keeps throwin’ at me lately. Went to leave for work this morning and I had a flat tire. Ugh! I’m sorry for complaining.” You vent to him, tucking yourself in a secluded corner. You were going against policy by taking a personal call while on the clock, but you didn’t care about company policy or the outcome of you were to get caught at the moment— Joel was your only focus right now. 
“Hey, none of that. Don’t apologize for being stressed. Why didn’t ya call me ‘bout your tire?” Joel asked. 
You know he would’ve dropped everything the minute did call him, which is also why you didn’t. He had been stressing over starting at a new job site, one of the biggest ones he had been hired for. The last thing you wanted was to add to his already busy day of things he had to deal with. 
“You’d already left for work and had that new job you’ve been talkin’ about. Didn’t wanna bother you with it. I called AAA and had them put the spare on for me so I could drop it off at the tire shop. Now, I’m unexpectedly the owner of 4 new tires.” 
“I don’t care how busy I am— you need something, you call me, no matter what. Got that, Honey?” 
“Got it, Joel. Thank you.” You smile into the phone at his concern for you, always finding ways to make you fall even deeper in love with him. 
“Good. Hey, I gotta go. Tommy looks like he’s about ready to break his back. I should probably go help him before he actually does and my insurance takes a hit. I’ll see ya tonight then, sweetheart?” 
“Yeah. I should be outta here in 3 hours.” The end to your long shift, almost over. 
“That sounds great! I love you, Honey. I’ll see ya later.” You can faintly hear Tommy cursing in the background. 
“Love you too, Joel.” You tell him before the line goes dead. Giving yourself a few minutes of quiet before heading back to join your team and the never ending line of customers. 
The rest of your shift goes by fairly quickly. Joel’s phone call must have been just the moral boost you needed to sprinkle a little bit of extra positivity into your day.
The minute the clock hit 5 pm, you wasted no time clocking out and logging out of your computer for the day. Deliberately bypassing your usual exit path to avoid any chatty coworkers, Joel and home your main focus of the rest of your day, you weren’t going to waste any time stuck in drawn out conversations. 
Your purse thrown over your shoulder, work apron crumpled in one hand and the other holding your empty tumbler that once held the warm delicious coffee you had hoped would sustain you through the day, now wishing it was filled with something a little stronger to help you unwind when you got home. 
It’s a struggle trying to juggle your things as you search for your keys, lost somewhere in the depths of your purse along with the rest of your life's necessities. You pause in the middle of an empty parking space near where your jeep is parked to give the search your full attention. After some thorough digging, you locate your keys and let out an exasperated sigh, one step closer to being home. 
Taking a step forward as you press the unlock button on your key, you look up to see an unexpected sight. A familiar truck in the parking spot next to yours, and the most handsome man leaning on it. He looks like he came straight from the job sight, too. His peppered grey hair disheveled, but his soft curls were still intact even after a long day. The sleeves of your favorite green flannel are rolled up over his flexed forearms that are crossed against his chest, the fabric stretched over his broad shoulders. 
The sight of him is enough to melt away any of the bullshit you had endured over the past week, a completely welcomed surprise. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask him, letting your feet carry you the rest of the way to him. 
“Heard you were havin’ a shitty day. Couldn’t let my lady end it on a bad note.” He croons, pushing himself off the side of his truck, opening his arms to you. 
You melt into him, your face nestled into his shoulder. His rugged scent of musky vanilla and natural pheromones is permanently infused into the fibers of his shirt, it’s your favorite thing ever. His strong arms wrap around you as he presses a soft kiss to your temple, prompting you to straighten up, looking into his amber eyes. 
“Hi, Cowboy.” You beam at him. 
“Hi.” He says, leaning in to gently mold his lips over yours. “I’ve got a surprise for ya, Honey.” 
“This was enough of a surprise for me. What more could I need?” Stealing another kiss from him. 
“If I tell ya, it won’t be a surprise then, will it?” He says, tilting his head slightly as he looks at you. 
“I guess you have a point.” 
“We’ve gotta get going though, it’s time sensitive.” He grabs for your things and walks you around to the passenger door, holding it open as you climb in. “We’ll grab your jeep in the mornin’, if that’s okay with you?” 
“Whatever you say, Cowboy.” He leans back in for another kiss, before making his way around into the driver’s seat. 
The drive isn’t long. Down some familiar roads that lead to a dirt one off the main highway. His truck travels down the gravel road lined with a barbed wire fence. After a few minutes he’s pulling off to the side and killing the engine. 
“You brought me to my favorite place.” Looking over to his side of the truck, where he’s already looking in your direction. Your heart grows at how he thought to bring you here, knowing how much joy it brings you every time. 
“Thought you could use it. Look, here they come.” He says pointing to your window. 
Off in the distance, the small herd of cows were in pursuit of their evening meal and water break. Mamas with their little rambunctious calves trailing behind, trekking along the same path they travel each evening. 
It’s a calming sight. Their heads bobbling with each dramatic step. Tails whipping over their rear ends to swat away the annoying flies. A few stopping mid trek to look in your direction, letting out a long drawn out moo. Their friendly hello, it’s good to see you again, then back on the move. 
The sky is painted in pinks and purples as the sun dips below the horizon. Your day feeling less shitty as you sit silently in the cab of Joel’s truck. His hand resting on your thigh while his thumb draws soft circles over thick denim seam. 
“Thank you for this. Didn’t realize how much I needed it. I love you, Joel.” You tell him, rolling your head over the headrest in his direction. 
“I did it because I love you, Honey. And s’what I’m here for.” There’s a low rumble in the air as he turns the key over, shifting the truck into drive. “Now, how ‘bouts we head on home and I spend the rest of the evenin’ show you all the other ways I love you?”
“Take me home, Cowboy.” 
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cursingtoji · 3 months
🎙️ just saw your post asking about blog recs…step up to the stage bc i need some!!!!
— mostly jjk, but also chainsaw man and aot
*taping the mic* okay here are my nominees with some fics recomendations as well
lemme start saying so plot is everything to me, pwp can be hot but i'll hardly remember it afterwards, that being said here's some writers that can do both great plots and hot scenes.
also while digging i realize i wasn’t following some of those and if you noticed im sorry im dumb but i truly love your writing.
i tried to tag every active blog i could remember but it’s possible i forgot a few since i’ve been reading more jjk recently. if i forgot you im so sorry please don’t take offense.
many blogs i loved were deactivated, rest in piece great works they had.
everything i read i reblog under the tag #recs
@thekillingmoonmoon ofc moon is the first one i think when the topic "best writers" come up, i freaking love her and everything she does its not even fair to pick one thing so im picking 3, this super passionate toji work that i re-read at an alarming frequency (which btw i consider my own personal gift). yakuza choso and yuki aka the hottest duo ever. the cherry on top is her kishibe series (just realized i gotta catch up on)
@rinhaler - luxe is def on my top 3, she comes up with very organic scenes. even if it's a simple plot she can develop it so originally. I recently read her underground fighter!sukuna and i'm still thinking about it.
@laudthingcat has the best headcanons in the jjk fandom hands down, it’s the perfect dose of hot funny and cute, pick anything from her masterlist it’s guaranteed you’ll have a good time reading it. when you moan their name in your sleep in particular gives me butterflies
@meownotgood is obviously the best aki writer out there, you can see the love for aki in their words and how they write him so well and so into character. arrival in tokyo is truly a masterpiece, they also have a +100k words series i've been wanting to read for a while but i want to rewatch chainsaw man first hehe, i'm 100% sure is fire tho.
@kentoangel roma writes choso like she's in love with him and you can tell. shes always on my for you and even her snippets are *chefs kiss* special kudos to stepbrother!choso
@kentopedia i just realized i'm assigning a writer per character and nanami is definitely rylie's. the domestic lovely way she writes him makes me forget canon.
@tojisun another blog that is very often on my for you page. cannot talk about toji fics without bringing up sun, everything she writes about him has me furiously nodding. not to mention simon and konig, just talking about them makes me wanna run to her blog and binge read everything
@chocochipsushi 's bodyguard toji is unforgetable to me, i wish i lost my memory so i could read it all again for the first time. bodyguard toji is the definition of living rent free in my mind, whenever i have to deal with annoying coworkers i immediately think “bodyguard toji would not allow them to talk to me like that”
@suget one of the greatest geto writers for sure, they have so many geto works, i was going through their blog to find the one i read more recently and there was so many others i haven’t seen! another writer i could very easily spend a whole day binge reading. btw this cult leader one was recommended to me and i fell in love with it <3
@staryukis has the cutest gojo drabbles
@tonycries brooklin baby was recommended to me by moon and it had me by the neck! also they have many other works im hoping to read soon as well
@mommypieck isayama created reiner but they created subby reiner
@titan-fodder ‘s the tinniest notion The Best Reiner fic in all the existence of the universe (tw: stepcest kinda?)
@nanaslutt mma!toji made feel every emotion possible so intensely
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sassykattery · 8 months
Dollface Pt. 5
Let's see where this goes...
CW: Main Character is afab, uses she/her pronouns. Suggestive material. Mention erection.
The main character is afab, uses she/her pronouns. This story is meant to be somewhat curvy/plus-sized reader insert, but the main character is given a physical description, but it's not crucial to the story or mentioned often after Part 1.
Themes: Romance. Magic. Adventure. Diavolo x fem! MC. Suggestive content.
Characters: Main Character. Diavolo. Main character has a mother and father.
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
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Okay, here we go.
"Hey, Mom?" The human woman called out from the back of the house.
"Living room."
She walked out and saw her parents both sitting in their respective recliners, looking as though they were just talking. It was later that same evening.
"What's up?" Her mom asked.
"I gotta tell you guys something," she drawled out, trying to sound positive but guilt wreaked havoc on her face.
"What? You finally get a boyfriend?" Her dad asked sarcastically.
She swallowed thickly and stared openly at both of them, waiting to respond.
"That's funny, but really, what is it?" Her mom replied, half-laughing.
"Uh... well... Yes," she replied.
There was silence for several seconds, everyone looking between the other to see if there was a punchline any of them were missing.
"I have a boyfriend," she finally stated a bit more concretely.
Her parents blinked a few times, letting it sink in.
"Since when?" Her dad asked, almost partially laughing as well.
"Since uh... today," she replied, sounding confused herself.
"Oh? And how'd this happen?" The dad inquired.
"I met him recently, and we clicked. He's not from here, he's... international, and I really like him... And I think he really likes me," she replied, looking away and sounding dreamy then.
"Well? Do we get to meet him?" Her mom asked a bit excitedly.
"Yes... Is, uh, right now okay?" She asked timidly.
"Now? Is he here?" Her dad asked, setting his footrest down.
"Yeah, and he is actually really excited to meet you guys," she added, tucking some hair behind her ear.
"I suppose now is as good as any, let him in," her mom answered, sitting up and straightening herself and then fussing over her husband too.
You see, while her parents were gone, she and the Demon Lord went out to find proper clothes for him. They were able to dig in her father's clothes to find him at least a shirt and pair of shorts to pass as decent in public while they went shopping. She ran to a dollar store and found a pair of sandals that would have to work until she found him proper ones. While at the mall, she wasn't quite used to the ogling coming from everyone else looking at her nearing sevent foot tall companion.
"Okay, what clothes do you like to wear? I'll buy anything you want," she declared, looking through the racks of the big and tall section.
"Ah, well, back at home, we're fairly formal, or at least I am, due to my status. Typically, a button-up long sleeve shirt, slacks, and loafers are in order," Diavolo replied, following her and watching her. "I would also like you to know I intend to pay you back for this. I appreciate your kindness," he said as he leaned in her peripheral, and she happened to side-eye him, taking in his muscular build and feeling heat radiate off of him.
"Okay, we can do that. I want you to be comfortable..." she trailed off, deep in thought, as she walked over to the formal section. He appeared at her flank, nearly brushing against her. When she turned to size him up, a hot flush ran over her body to have him be so close again.
"What is it?" He asked, tilting his head.
"I just..." She trailed off again, her voice wavering. He realized what was wrong and began to smile widely.
"Do I make you nervous?" He teased, leaning over at the hip.
"More like you give me dirty thoughts that I definitely shouldn't be having in a clothing store," she retorted, trying to stuff down her bodily response.
He chuckled darkly and slipped an arm around her waist.
"You're adorable," he murmured, kissing the top of her head. Her blush only deepened as she grew hotter all over.
"Okay, what colors do you like? Gray, black, and maybe a wine or burgundy?" She asked while thumbing through their largest shirts.
"How did you know?" He asked, keeping his arm around her and looking over her shoulder.
"I'm good at color theory... and I remember your doll clothes. I assumed they were the kinds of colors you like," she replied thoughtfully, selecting the colors she mentioned and handing them to him as she kept looking down.
"I see. Smart, beautiful, and creative," he murmured, his hip brushing against her lower waist. She stiffened but kept her eyes and head down.
"Alright, slacks..." she murmured, looking up and scanning the area, landing on the formal pants. The pair walked over to them, and yet again, she turned to find him pressed up against her, observing.
"Um... You're a little close," she mumbled.
"I apologize," he replied. "I enjoy being near you, but if I'm making you uncomfortable, I can stop." His brows knitted together, and his smile faded.
"No, I'm just not used to this," she admitted. His smile returned, and he tilted his head down low to speak to her quietly.
"This is new for both of us. Just tell me when I've crossed a line, and I'll do the same for you," he murmured. "But it is my intention to be as close to you as possible, if you'll allow me."
She nodded. "I'd like to be close, too."
He kissed her temple and motioned for her to continue. Once more, she turned her head to get a figure for his size, and decidedly pulled a range of them, hoping one could fit the demon physique bordering on godly.
"Okay, go try these on, I'll find some other stuff while you do that," she said, handing Diavolo the stack of clothes. She pointed to the door that said "Fitting Room" and watched him walk in. Not wanting to stray too far, she looked at some casual clothes nearby and continued thumbing through everything available, grabbing a belt, tie, and some undergarments along the way.
A few minutes later, she heard her name called out by a familiar tenor and wandered over to the door and knocked.
"It's me," she replied.
"Can you assist me? I'm afraid my butler usually helps straighten me out," he asked, rather embarrassed.
"Sure," she answered. The door opened enough for her to enter, and when she was inside, he was just finishing buttoning up his shirt. She had to hold in her snort when she saw the buttons puckering from how big he was.
"Hm, maybe we need to go to the specialty store across the street," she mused.
"Why's that?" He asked in reply. His eyes followed her gaze and noticed what she had. "Ah, maybe so. Humans are a great deal smaller than demons as a general rule."
"Even the females?" She asked, busying her hands on his form to straighten his collar, sleeves, and button the cuffs.
"Yes. And, unfortunately, royalty tends to be even bigger than that," he replied, watching her tiny hands work. He could feel the heat radiating off her face and neck as she leaned in closer on her tiptoes to reach up and move his collar.
"That's interesting," she murmured, trying not to let her gaze wander.
She lost her balance and fell forward into the prince, face-first right into his chest. His arm instantly came around her waist to hold her and keep her from falling further.
"I'm so sorry," she said, muffled into the fabric.
He chuckled and helped her steady herself again. "No need for apology," he replied smoothly. The embarrassed look on her face was adorable to him.
She took a step back and gestured toward the mirror behind him. He turned and looked himself over. It wasn't entirely bad, but it was noticeable enough to him and her that these clothes were a bit too small. Turning back to her, he grinned and added,
"So, the specialty store, then?"
The woman chuckled and nodded in reply, and that amused expression turned into shock when she let her eyeline fall too far.
"Um..." Her eyes were wide, her lips puckered and rolled in, as if she was unsure what to say.
He looked down and noticed that her bumping into him had aroused him more than he originally thought. Looking back up at her, he gave a sly grin and slid in closer, wrapping an arm around her upper waist.
"You, uh... We can't leave..." she stammered, clearly becoming shy again. Kissing her forehead, he groaned playfully.
"Oh? Why not? Hm?" He teased. "Is there something wrong?"
She pulled away and turned her back to him. "No, no! You should probably change so we can...go," she lied in reply.
Diavolo gave an amused, quiet chuckle. "I can see right through that. But yes, I suppose so," he replied in a low pitch in her ear. She didn't move, but he could see her flinch just slightly.
After he was changed and everything was put back, the two made the venture to the specialty store, and indeed, they had much better luck there. Though he was still near the top of the size range, it was definitely a better overall fit for the Demon Lord. He noticed how much more expensive everything was, though, and he reminded himself to make sure he paid her back tenfold for buying everything.
The human woman walked on back to the other side of the house and opened a series of doors. She found Diavolo playing with the neighborhood stray cats outside at the back of the house, and had to drag him away. Though, he wasn't entirely sad to leave them. He knew he'd be back.
Once inside the house again, she brought him to the common room where her parents were eagerly waiting. She linked arms with him and stopped in front of them.
It was dead silent as the pair stood there. Her parents' gazes trailed upward to find the rather large prince towering over them. He was wearing a black set of slacks and a button-up long sleeve shirt with matching sports coat. It wasn't often that her father found himself looking up at anyone, being tall himself. Her mother was shorter than her, nearly having to take a step back to look at him fully.
"Mom, Dad, this is Diavolo," she announced quietly.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both," Diavolo beamed, giving his best airs and graces.
"And you, too," her mom finally spoke up. She elbowed her husband.
"It's good to meet you, too," her dad added, sounding uncertain.
Her parents sat first, so she brought Diavolo over to the adjacent couch to sit.
"Where are you from Dia..." Her mom trailed off, unsure how to pronounce his name.
"Diavolo," he repeated with a warm smile.
"Diavolo," her mom repeated.
"Yes, I'm from out of the country. It's a place no one has ever heard of here in the States, and it's rather challenging to find it on any map from this part of the world," he replied.
"Alright. What do you do for a living?" Her father asked next, eyeing the demon further.
"I work for the government and the education system," he answered.
"Government and education? So, are you more conservative or liberal?" Her mother asked next.
"That's alright," Diavolo stated with another warm smile, placing a hand over hers. "We do have our traditions, yes, but we are open to influence from others, in fact, it's my current mission to ensure we do our best to welcome everyone so we can learn more about each other. It's for the betterment of everyone, I think."
"That sounds rather wise," her father replied.
"How did you meet Diavolo then?" Her mom asked pointedly.
"We sort of ran into each other for the first time at the post office, and we kept in touch," she replied, hoping her somewhat truth would stick.
"Well, it's good to meet you," her mom replied.
"Do you happen to play sports? You could easily play for the NFL or somethin', maybe even wrestling," her dad inquired. Immediately, she internally groaned and squeezed Diavolo's arm.
The prince chuckled and squeezed her back while he spoke. "Ah, no, technically, I don't play for any teams, but I do enjoy playing sports at home, as well as cycling and jogging daily for exercise."
"It's not often I find anyone who's much taller than me, son, so I'd've bet money on ya playing," her father drawled.
Diavolo smiled bashfully at the word "son" and crinkled his eyes.
"Okay, well, we're gonna head out for a... a date," she finally cut into the conversation.
"You said you're from out of the country. Where are you staying?" Her mom asked, ignoring her daughter.
"Ah, well, it seems there was a mishap with my former accommodations, so I'll have to find something," Diavolo replied smoothly as the human girl stood with him.
"Oh no! Dear, we should let him stay here. We have a spare bedroom," her mom offered and looked at her husband.
Her father deadpanned and sighed, knowing his wife had already made up her mind. "If you need it, we have a place for ya," he agreed.
"You two are most kind and generous. I see where she gets it from," Diavolo beamed down at his companion brightly. "But I don't wish to intrude."
"You're not. I'll make sure everything is ready when you two return," her mom said, now shooing them out the front door.
The human and Diavolo walked out of the house and down to the driveway where her car was. When the pair got into her car, she snuck a look at the front door and saw two heads peaking out to watch, to which she rolled her eyes.
"What is it, my love?" Diavolo purred in her ear. "I thought it went well."
"It did, so now they're watching us," she replied, cooking an eyebrow at the lurkers. They ducked back inside and closed the front door. Both chuckled and sighed, and finally she turned to look at him, only to snicker at how off he looked in her compact SUV.
"Wild guess, your cars are also bigger," she teased with a crooked smile.
"Like I said, smart and beautiful," he replied playfully.
She then put it in reverse to leave the driveway and then forward again to putter on down the street.
"I'll have to let you see my collection when I get a chance. I have a feeling you'll enjoy some of them," he added joyfully, watching the world go by.
She gripped the steering wheel slightly, thinking about that. "You... want me to see the, erm, Devildom?"
He was quiet for a moment before looking over at her again while she looked at the road ahead.
"I would, yes," he answered.
"Oh," she said in surprise, raising both brows. "I'm honored."
"You've shown me your home, where and how you live, and I would like to show you mine," he added.
"I hope someday I can," she replied, sounding uncertain. The human woman tried not to think about how this could all end for them. She wasn't sure she'd be able to keep him, nor would he be able to take her with him when he went home. She also had her reservations about being in a place of demons and whether or not she'd survive, let alone fit in.
"Something is bothering you," he observed in a more quiet tone.
They came to a stop at a red light, and she briefly looked over at the prince.
"I know you care for me, and maybe even love me, but is that enough for you to actually try and make this work? I mean, you said you'd take me with you, but I just have a feeling something is going to get in the way, and I won't ever see you again," she replied, accelerating as the light turned green. "We haven't even talked about the logistics of all this."
"You're right, and I don't wish to alarm or upset you when I say I haven't entirely worked it out either, but I am working on it. It doesn't help when I don't have any way to access or talk to my butler or the brothers," Diavolo replied, a touch solemn-sounding.
"I guess we need to get a hold of them. Where were you before you ended up here?" She asked, making a turn down another road.
"Japan," he answered. She sighed and rubbed her temple with one hand.
"Alright," she said, sounding resigned.
After about ten more minutes, the pair had arrived at the movie theater. Diavolo quickly got out to stretch his legs and look around as she finally made her way around to join him. She smiled a bit as she said,
"Sorry, I guess I never thought I'd have a seven foot tall boyfriend when I got this car."
Diavolo smiled brightly, taking off his jacket and throwing it over his arm and taking her hand.
"So I'm your boyfriend now?"
"I thought we established that. If you were thinking more, I'm afraid you'll need to put a ring on it," she sassed him, leading him towards the entrance to the theater.
"A ring? Oh, like marriage? Do you want a ring?" He asked curiously.
She tripped over her own feet when she heard him say that. He held her hand tight and pulled her up quickly, not letting her fall. Next, she was in his arms and face planted into his sternum.
"If that's what you want, I'll find the best ring for you–"
"Dia!" She whispered intensely. She pulled him aside and spoke very quietly but with vigor. "We are technically on our first date, and you're telling me you want to marry me? You know that sounds insane, right?!"
The Demon Lord ducked his head down low and replied back in a deep rumble, "I did tell you I loved you just earlier today during sex, did I not? I know what I want."
"Do all demons act like this?" She muttered, still dumbfounded.
"Like what?" He asked a bit more seriously then.
"Head-strong?" She was asking more than answering.
"That's just me, my darling," he replied.
She narrowed her eyes. "You don't like being told no, do you?"
He cracked a smile then. "You are a bright one."
"And you're starting to sound like a yandere," she mumbled, leading him to the theater and entering.
"Hm, you seem like the type to enjoy such behavior," he murmured as she approached the counter.
She bought their tickets and led him to the concession area. After buying their snacks and finding their theater, she walked all the way up the stairs to the very back row, sitting in the middle. Diavolo followed closely and sat next to her, clearly too big for the seat. She set up the armrests on either side so he could have more room.
"Thank you," he murmured in her ear. "Though I see this as just a reason to hold you close." He slithered an arm around her.
"What did you mean earlier? That I would like that behavior?" She asked quietly, ignoring his comment.
He hid his head behind hers to very quietly whisper behind her ear, "As smart and observant you are, I've noticed some things about you, too. You relish the thought of someone being so obsessed with you that they'd be willing to steal you away. You crave someone who wants you so bad, makes you feel wanted and desired."
She looked ahead at the silver screen, watching the commercials roll on. Keeping her head still but flitting her eyes down and towards him, she whispered back, "Is that so wrong?"
"No, my sweet, it's not. Only, though, it would be if you didn't let the one who wanted to be that for you do so," he replied in a rumble. She then finally rested her hand on his large thigh and let her head roll back onto his outer chest.
"I agree."
He kissed her temple, and the lights in the theater dimmed as the movie played. It was an action type, typical gunslinging, and martial arts that were far too heavily edited to be real, but neither were particularly paying attention after twenty minutes. They found their lips to be far more entertaining, salacious touches only for the darkness to see.
"Hey, uh... the movie is over," the attendant mumbled from across the room. Both snapped their heads and saw a poor, traumatized college student half-turned away from the pair, holding a broom and dustpan.
"Sorry, we'll go," the woman jumped up and scurried past the prince, hopping down the steps with Diavolo following.
The two were laughing when they got outside, running out, hand-in-hand. There was a mist in the air, the streetlights on in the darkness surrounding them. They quickly got back in her car, and just as she started it, she looked over at the prince who was staring her down with the same look he had much earlier that morning when she found him.
"Hang on," she murmured, putting the car in drive and speeding off to a new location. Within five minutes, they were in a dark area in front of a pond, glistening under the light of her car's headlights, until she switched the car off.
"Where is this?" The prince asked in the dark. The clouds were heavy, and there were no lights around to illuminate either of them, though he was adapted to this level of lighting with his demonic eyes.
"This is a property of a friend of mine. Their house is on the opposite end, and she told me to stop by whenever I need a breather," she replied, her hand blindly finding his arm.
"And... why are we here?" He asked again.
"Because judging by that look you gave me, you weren't terribly interested in our date ending just yet," she answered softly.
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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed.
Post made by sassykattery. do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
Tags: @delphi-dreamin @biteable-pink-pixie @attic-club-sandwich @marvelous-maniac @itsmeninerz @themythicaldisaster @flemmingbamse
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twopoppies · 2 years
hi, i hope your week is going well! i’m looking for a tumblr post and have not been able to find it and was wondering if you or anyone you know knows of the post. it’s basically like:
“how larries are on different platforms:
twitter larries: believe that the boys have been together this whole time but also believe in stunts
instagram larries: 💙 💚 💙💚
tumblr larries: have a perfectly put together timeline masterlist of everything that's happened in the past ten years. always ready to debunk a theory if necessary."
and then i think there might’ve been a few more platforms like pinterest or something. but anyway! maybe the post is deleted, im not sure but i figured i’d ask. one of my fav youtubers is making a video about how weird larries are bc of random twitter larrie discourse they found, and as far as i know, their only reference is twitter larries and since i think they’re generally a cool person, i’ve just been like “ok no i gotta get in there and give them the lowdown” and the goal is to essentially direct them towards tumblr larries for genuine information in as neutral of a way as possible, if that makes sense lmao. hope the rest of ur week is safe and healthy!
Ugh. I hate the way outsiders take one small group and use it to paint the entire fandom with a broad brush. I do know what post you’re talking about. And I know I’ve re-blogged it at least once. It’s most likely under my FANDOM DYNAMICS tag. But I’m out, and can’t dig through it myself right now. I’ll try to look later in the day, but if you have the time, scroll through that tag.
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abcd-em · 1 year
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I posted 7,739 times in 2022
That's 7,737 more posts than 2021!
326 posts created (4%)
7,413 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,364 of my posts in 2022
#petermj - 219 posts
#spideychelle - 197 posts
#ask me anything - 195 posts
#peter parker - 184 posts
#my fics - 184 posts
#michelle jones - 133 posts
#fic recs - 92 posts
#spiderman - 85 posts
#nwh - 72 posts
#michelle x peter - 59 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i cant wait for the next time i disappear from fandom and then get reminded of a fic that changed me and have to undergo this process again
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Peter Isn't Dead
Peter Parker died in battle six months ago. There was no body, but they all knew. So, why has MJ seen him in the backgrounds of newspaper clippings halfway across the country?
MJ embarks on a road trip of a lifetime to hunt down her pressumed-dead husband and bring him back to where he belongs. She starts to realise there are much bigger forces at play.
Based on Alice Isn't Dead
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55 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
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Mover Awayer
“I like you.” MJ tells him.
“I know.” Peter nods.
“And we won’t stay friends if we go to college as a couple.”
“You’ve said.”
“So we don’t go to college as a couple.” Peter opens his mouth to speak, but MJ cuts him off, squeezing his hand and being the one to step into his space this time. “We break-up mutually, let each other go the night before I move. We date and then have one big celebration of it all so we can go back to being friends afterwards.”
Chapter 1
55 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
NWH Fic Round Up
Since NWH is back on everyone's minds... I'm gonna do some shameless self-promo and share my NWH compliant fics. (Also my attempt at starting to sort a more organised masterlist)
Passed down like folksongs, our love lasts so long - Series
One of us has gotta keep a promise - completed
This series covers Peter, Michelle and Ned’s perspective of things as they regain their memories and try to come back together.
These can be read as standalones, but personally, I think they're better together
MJ has to deal with the aftermath of regaining her memories and finding out that Peter has already moved on.
There is no answer - one shot
While moving MJ finds a note she wrote to herself during NWH
In darkness or in daylight - one shot
Kraven's Last Hunt inspired. Peter is buried alive and has to dig himself out.
We could be the way forward (and I know I'll pay for it) - one shot
Socialite MJ meets Spider-Man again after years apart when she attends a function with one Harry Osborn
It's nice to have a friend - one shot
MJ's perspective on her friendship with Ned and Peter from Pre-Hoco through to Post NWH.
You can hear it in the silence - one shot
Little moments of love between Peter and MJ
You and I walk a fragile line - one shot
Peter's the last of the Parker Line. He didn't think it'd go like this - it's about THAT scene
He's gonna burn this house to the ground - WIP
Dream sharing... or rather, nightmare sharing. Peter really can't catch a break when it comes to magic.
64 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
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Everybody Talks
Collab with @seek--rest
For the darling, beloved @spideymichelle
"I've seen what you can do. I want you to take point on this."
She knows better than to celebrate before she's gotten all the information, seen huge campaigns pulled before they can ever be launched - from both sides, planning and participating.
MJ knows it all feels too good for the moment. There has to be something that balances the scale.
There’s always a catch.
"Who’s the client?"
"The Avengers."
Her brain stops for a moment. The sound of the office cutting out behind her as she takes in what has just been said. She wonders if Ned had actually switched her with one of his AI - like she's stuttering to reboot.
At the thought of Ned, a face and a mask flashes into her mind. Empty spaces at lunch tables and a missing name on registers. Forlorn expressions and the early days of a tentative new friendship spent checking silent phones.
Chapter 1
64 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Behind Glass Doors
“They think we hate each other!”
“But we don’t.” She says. Her words are slow and drawn out like she’s struggling to follow. Peter knows he can get in his own head sometimes, but he feels like this isn’t one of those instances.
“So why does it matter?” She asks. Her words cut straight to the point. There’s not anything they can do. Coming out and saying ‘well, no. Actually. Spider-Man does not hate MJ Watson, in fact, he thinks about her quite regularly and has been living with her for the past eighteen months’ wasn’t a possibility.
For @spideychelleweek Day 3 & 6: Established Relationship & Secret Relationship/Fake-Dating (or hating in this instance)
Read more
80 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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writeforfandoms · 3 years
Far Across the Land 2
Here we are with chapter two of this monstrosity. 
Find my masterlist
This will be Ezra x f!reader x Frankie after a few chapters.
Warnings: Swearing, friendly tussling sort of off-screen. Bad flirting. 
Taglist: @fandom-blackhole​ @pedrocentric​ @shoopidly​ @beskarprincessjenny @sarahjkl82-blog​ @cannedsoupsucks​ @liviiii98​ @adriiibell​ @seasonschange-butpeopledont​ @astroboots​ @loversandantiheroes​ 
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It took a day and a half to get in contact with Frankie. You ended up going through Santi and calling in a favor to get him to help. Not that Frankie would have turned away a message from you – he was still one of your oldest and closest friends. But you needed an answer sharpish, and if nobody was in mortal peril Frankie could be a little… lax about checking his messages and responding to them.
So you bribed Santi to go get Frankie himself.
“Hey guys.” You grinned at your holopad, excited and genuinely amused to see them both. They both looked a little ruffled. You guessed they’d ended up tussling over something, Kevva knows what.
“Hey,” Frankie greeted with a shy little smile. “You’re looking good.”
“So are you.” You looked him over, as much as you could. “Been doing alright?”
“Yeah,” Frankie promised.
“He’s good,” Santi agreed. “Doing some freelance piloting, since he won’t brag about himself.”
“That’s great!” You beamed at the two of them. “Actually, that’s really great, considering that’s what I wanted to ask you about.”
The both of them straightened a little. “What’s up?” Frankie asked, shoulders settling and expression ending up near business neutral.
“I, uh, have a job offer?” You winced. “Okay, that sounds worse than I thought it would, considering how long it’s been since we talked.”
Frankie puffed out a laugh. “Don’t worry about that, sweetheart,” he told you. “What job?”
“Ez and I are doing a dig,” you told him, speaking slowly and deliberately. “Habitable planet this time, even. But the dig site’s up in the mountains. Only way to get there is air transit.”
“You need a pilot,” Santi interrupted.
“We need a pilot,” you agreed, letting out a breath. “It’s nothing dangerous. Well, no more dangerous than usual. Well. Probably no more dangerous than usual.”
“Sweetheart,” Frankie interrupted, laughing a little. “For you? Of course I’ll do it.”
“It’s long,” you warned him. “Maybe half a standard year.”
“Okay.” Frankie shrugged, unconcerned. “Doesn’t change my mind.”
“You’re the best,” you told him with feeling.
“What am I?” Santi asked, faux-offended.
“Chopped liver,” you deadpanned. Frankie cracked up and Santi pouted at you until you gave in. “Okay, fine, you’re pretty good too.”
“You need anything else?” Santi asked, shifting back to quasi-serious.
“We’ve got supplies and a pod and stuff,” you answered, frowning a little and looking off to the side as you went through your mental check list. “I have no idea about the aircraft, though, figured you’d want to arrange that yourself, Frankie.”
“Yeah, I’ve got that,” Frankie agreed. “What else?”
“Honestly, you were the last part.” You shrugged. “We’ve got everything else handled.”
“Okay.” Santiago looked between the two of you. “Send us the coordinates and we’ll take care of stuff on our end.”
You grinned, amused. “You taking over, Santi?” you teased.
“Just helping out,” he immediately said, holding his hands up in a placating motion. “Gotta make sure neither of you gets killed.”
Laughing, you shook your head. “I’ll send you the coordinates,” you promised. “Frankie, get him.”
The last thing you saw before you ended the holo was Frankie grabbing Santi, probably to put him in a headlock. Shaking your head, you put your holopad down again and leaned back in your chair.
“Everything go accordingly, starlight?” Ezra called from the bedroom. He’d removed himself from the main room for your conversation.
“Yeah,” you agreed, grinning. “Frankie will pilot for us, and he’ll meet us there. He’ll take care of the air transit and all of that, which is really the best case scenario. I still know next to nothing about those.”
Ezra hummed and rejoined you in the living room. “Then it seems we are as prepared as we can be for this next venture,” he murmured, leaning over to give you a kiss.
“When are we set to leave?”
“Four more cycles.” Ezra shrugged. “That gives us plenty of time to procure all our supplies and store them on the pod.”
You nodded your agreement of that. “More months of rations,” you deadpanned. “Joy.”
Ezra chuckled at you. “Since this world is habitable, we should be a bit better off,” he said, though he didn’t look thrilled at the reminder of rations, either.
“We’ll see,” you murmured. “Alright. Want to go do some supply shopping?”
“You always propose the most thrilling adventures,” Ezra teased, grinning, though he was already fetching your shoes and tossing them to you.
“They can’t all be prospecting adventures or we’d have time for nothing else,” you shot back with a grin.
“And that would be a terrible shame,” Ezra agreed easily, waiting while you put your shoes on.
Shopping with Ezra was always interesting. Oh, sure, you always got the things you needed, but if you had time and credits? Somehow you always ended up with extra things. Extra caf. One time you’d found a boot knife in with your things that you had not picked up. A couple times you’d found pieces of jewelry, usually small things but always sparkly.
This time you found long-lasting treats in with the rations. You debated scolding him for it… for about a second. Then you just shrugged and went with it. If you were going to be stuck on a planet for as long as you thought, yeah, you’d want those treats. Especially if you weren’t able to resupply often.
The rest of the supplies were easy. First aid was always a necessity, but you usually had a couple kits stocked anyway. Water purification tabs were easy to stock and carry, so you had plenty of those. Ezra was in charge of weapons, and you knew he had ammunition already.
You were honestly about as prepared as you could be for this dig. The pod was stocked. By the time you had to leave, you and Ez would be well rested. And the slingback to this planet wasn’t nearly as long, only a stand or so.
Unfortunately, there really wasn’t a lot (or anything) published on the harvesting of Lazglen gems. They were only found in a few places, mostly in small to medium deposits, and so far only a few prospectors had been lucky enough to dig them up. Ezra knew a guy who knew a guy and managed to finagle stories out of someone. Look, you didn’t watch the magic happen, you were busy doing other stuff. Point being that Ezra knew how, and promised to walk you through the process once you were planetside.
Honestly the next few cycles went so smoothly you were starting to get suspicious. Things were almost going too well. Then again, you still had plenty of time for shit to go south on the planet. That was probably it.
You two checked out of the apartment, your belongings once more stored on your backs and in the pod, and walked together to the dock.
“What are you thinking so loudly about, starlight?” Ezra asked. One of his hands grabbed yours, lacing your fingers together easily as you walked.
“Just.” You paused, collecting your thoughts. “I know the job won’t be so smooth, because they never are, but all of this is going too smoothly, almost. Too easily.”
Ezra hummed quietly, letting the words settle between you before he replied. “I do understand how you feel,” he said slowly. “But I would also like us to have one quiet job, if at all possible.”
You laughed quietly. “I know,” you agreed. “I would like it if I’m wrong, too. After the last few years I think we deserve a bit of quiet.”
“Agreed.” Ezra squeezed your hand. “Now, about your pilot…”
“My pilot?” you asked, half-turning to raise your eyebrow at Ezra.
“Well he’s certainly not mine,” Ezra shot back cheekily. He grinned when you laughed and tugged you closer by your joined hands. “Tell me more about him?”
You considered the request for a few moments, tipping your head back to look up at the sky as you walked. You trusted Ezra to not let you smack face-first into something. “Frankie is a good man who’s had to do some bad things,” you said slowly. You held some confidences, and you wouldn’t betray those, and you knew Ezra wouldn’t want you to. “He’s… quiet. Quieter than either of us, certainly. I think he still wrestles with his issues sometimes. But he’s loyal to a fault, brave, and a damn good pilot.”
“You know him well, then.” It wasn’t a question, but it still made you smile.
“I grew up with Santi,” you told him. “He and I have been friends for ages. So when he went off and joined the army I kept up with him. Met his new friends.” You shrugged. “Frankie is one of those.”
“Ah.” Ezra gently tugged you out of the way of another couple. “I find myself surprised I have not yet met these friends of yours.”
“I haven’t seen them in a couple standard years,” you admitted. “Things keep getting in the way. Will and Benny moved… somewhere, fuck, I forget where. Santi moves around a lot for his work.” You shrugged. “The timing hasn’t been right. I was actually thinking about bugging the lot of them, before we got this job, to see if I could bully them all into one place again for a cycle or two.”
“If anyone could, starlight, it would be you.” The look Ezra gave you was admiring and gentle and adoring. You felt blood rushing to your cheeks at that look.
“Stop that,” you scolded him mildly.
“Stop what?” he asked, playful now.
“You know what you’re doing.” You tugged Ezra closer to the docks, already scanning the signs to look for your docking number.
“Do I?” He sounded smug now, the bastard.
“Oh shut up,” you grumbled, turning right.
The two of you settled into your pod quickly. Years of working together and living on pods had given you an ease in these kinds of situations. Between the two of you, everything got stowed quickly, and you settled into your chairs. This time you let Ezra be in control – he was better at getting out of atmo, honestly. If you were left in charge, it would be a bumpier ride.
Neither of you spoke until the pod was safely docked on the slingback. Then you stood and stretched.
“I’m getting caf, you want any?”
“Please.” Ezra smiled at you, getting out of his chair as well.
“I’ll be back.” You hit the door controls for the pod and stepped out into the hallway, taking a quick look around to orient yourself. Then it was a quick trip to the central portion of the slingback, where the food vendors were. You wouldn’t find anything gourmet, not out here, but the food was usually edible, at least. And not rations. Which was a major step up at the end of a job.
The mess hall had the usual assortment – people of all walks of life going all kinds of places. Humans, non-humans, adults, children, elders. A whole melting pot in the center of one slingback.
You stepped into line for caf, letting your shoulders slump a bit as you looked around. Nobody around looked any weirder than normal for a slingback, so you opted to ignore the lot.
“’Scuse me,” someone muttered as they shoved past you. You glared after them, reflexively checking your pockets. Yup. Everything was still there. Guy was just an asshole. You could live with that.
“You alright?” the guy ahead of you asked, half-turning to look at you.
“Yeah. Thanks.” You gave him a nod and a quick once-over. He was younger than you, with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes.
He smiled at you. “Haven’t seen you in here before,” he offered.
“Just joined the ride,” you told him. That was true, and innocent enough.
“Yeah? Where you headed?” He had turned fully to face you now, glancing over his shoulder to keep an eye on the line.
You paused for a moment at that, unwilling to state your actual destination. A quick mental jot through a star chart of the area gave you the name of the next nearest habitable planet, which you quickly voiced. It wasn’t a big tourist destination, as you recalled, but it did have some work opportunities. For various people. Just not prospectors.
The guy nodded, looking a little disappointed. “You won’t be here long, then,” he said. “You traveling with family?”
Your lips twitched. Ah, how cute. “My partner and I always travel together,” you told him.
The guy flushed a little but nodded. “Must be nice. I’ve been traveling on my own the last few weeks.”
You nodded, not quite willing to indulge the guy but not annoyed enough to tell him to buzz off, either. “Traveling alone is very different. But if you want someone to travel with, I wish you luck.” You nodded ahead of the two of you, where the cashier was attempting to get his attention with a frazzled smile.
Fortunately, nobody else bothered you, and you got your caf and made your way back to the pod.
“Kids,” you groaned dramatically to Ezra, handing over his caf. “Well. Not kid-kids, but young adults.”
Ezra shot you an amused look as he took his caf. “Did one of those young bucks aboard attempt to woo you again?” he teased.
“Ez,” you whined. “He was trying to be suave. And he failed. Hard. I got second-hand embarrassment.”
Ezra had the gall to laugh at you, one hand covering his mouth so he didn’t spit caf everywhere. You pouted at him, only a little annoyed, and sulked with your own caf.
“Well, at least that’s one down,” Ezra teased, grinning at your expression. “Only however many left on this slingback to go.” He cracked up again at your despairing look.
You grumbled at him and went to sulk on the other side of the pod, pausing only briefly to rifle through storage for your comfort book. You’d had it for years, long before you met Ezra. The poor thing was nearly falling apart from repeated readings and years of being lugged from pod to pod.
This book had been with you through a lot. Actually, it had been a present, years and years ago. You’d thought about buying a new copy several times, but just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You certainly weren’t willing to part with this copy. You smiled as you settled down and opened the book, taking a moment to rub your finger over the edge of the pages fondly before you dove into the story.
Honestly, this trip on the slingback was one of the more uneventful ones you’d had. Most of the people were quiet. There were no screaming matches (at least none that you witnessed). The mess was kept clean and the vendors were decent. The slingback never ran out of caf. All in all, not bad. Not bad at all.
Finally, it came time for you and Ez to leave the slingback and make the trip down to the planet’s surface. You strapped in while Ezra did the same next to you, each giving the other a quick once-over.
“Ready?” Ezra double checked with you.
“Ready,” you agreed, relaxing back into your seat. You flipped the comm on. “This is alpha-sierra-nine, requesting permission to disengage.”
“Copy, alpha-sierra-nine,” came the response from the controller. “Disengage in five. Four. Three. Two. One.”
You flipped a couple switches, carefully navigating away from the slingback. You shot Ezra a grin as you guided the pod down towards the planet, inputting the coordinates. Entering atmo was bumpy, as always, but not terrible this time. The landing was decent, and you shut down the systems before you looked over at Ezra, only to find him already watching you with a little smile. Taken aback, you blinked at him.
“Nothing, starlight,” he assured you, unbuckling. “I simply enjoy watching you.”
You scoffed. “I wasn’t even doing anything interesting.”
“I do believe you could make the most mundane of tasks interesting, my starlight,” Ezra purred. He leaned over to kiss you, a quick peck with the promise of more, before he stepped away. “Now, come, we’ve a few hours before we’re set to meet your pilot.”
You rolled your eyes but didn’t bother arguing. You knew it wouldn’t do any good. Instead you unbuckled yourself and got up, stretching before you started packing up things. Hopefully Frankie would have the air transport ready to go, and you and Ezra could just dump all your supplies in it. Hopefully he’d found something big enough.
What were you thinking? Of course he found something big enough. This was Frankie, with Santi helping/backseat driving. Frankie was probably even better prepared than you were.
You and Ezra worked together quietly to get things ready. Sure, you’d lock up the pod before you left and you’d keep the starter with you, but even so. The both of you were wary of other people looting the pod, since you wouldn’t be returning to it on a regular basis. Thus, erring on the side of caution and removing everything of value now.
Noise from outside caught your attention, and you and Ezra both ducked out of the pod to investigate. A helicopter was approaching the pod, and you felt your lips stretch into a grin without permission. Well. That was definitely Frankie.
“I do believe I found your pilot,” Ezra told you, voice dry. You laughed, leaning into his side.
“Looks like you did.” You grinned as the chopper lowered to the ground, far enough away to that the both of you (and your pod) were well out of any potential danger. “Come on. Let’s go introduce you.”
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wildemaven · 10 months
Sweet Creature: Epilogue
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
WC: 1609
Warnings: 18+ Blog: p in v, established relationship, fluff, Dieter in distress, mentions of sobriety
Series Masterlist / Playlist / Main Masterlist
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The morning light filters through the sheer curtains, a harsh reminder of how time is of the essence. 
A sheen of sweat drapes over your bodies, a give and take shared effort, bedsheets lost in the shuffle of positions and tangled limbs. 
“Yes, Dieter— Don’t stop! Please!” You whine. 
Your fingers digging into the bulge of his biceps, his arms flexed and teasing you, delicious eye candy from where you're situated below him. 
“Fuck! Poppy, I’m close— shit! You gotta help me out here babe, I’m gettin’ a fuckin’ cramp in my ass cheek.” His hips begin their signature staggering thrusts, signaling his climax is imminent. 
You snake your hand between your bodies, bypassing your tiny bundle of nerves, your fingers sliding through your spread folds, feeling the way his cock sinks into your pulsing cunt repeatedly. 
“Dammit, Poppy! Quit fucking around— fuckfuckfuck! I fucking love that you want to enjoy this, but I n-need you to come with m-me— ah!” His neck tensing as he tries to stave off his mind-blowing finale. 
It doesn’t take much, your fingers nimbly work in circles over your sensitive clit, triggering your cunt to seize up, building up a network of arousing tingles across your spine. 
The room is filled with a blend of explicits and desperate moans— both of you slingshotting over the edge in euphoric unison. 
His head rests on your chest, your rapid heart beat punching up against his ear as you try to regulate your breathing. 
Your fingers scratch at his scalp in a casual manner, his locks damp and clinging to your skin. 
“Happy 6 years sober babe!” You manage to breathe out. 
“Thank you.” Lifting his head, a kiss to your heart then a kiss to your awaiting lips. “I love you, Pops!”
“I love you, babe. What time is it?”
Dieter looks over to your side of the bed where your alarm clock sits on the nightstand. 
“It’s 7:35.”
“Shit! Oh fuck! Get up, I’m late!” You push his exhausted body, his softened cock slipping out of you as he rolls to his side, his cum dripping down your thighs as you scramble out of bed. 
Throwing open your closet door to grab clothes for the day, the clothes you had asked Dieter to throw into the dryer and put away are nowhere to be found. 
“Dieter— did you put those clothes in the dryer yesterday? I can’t find any of my clean work clothes.” Actively searching through every hanger and shelf, only spotting a few pairs of dirty slacks and blouses shoved into the laundry that didn’t make it into the wash. 
“Uh, no— definitely did not. Sorry, Wren and I got sidetracked making cookies and I must have forgotten.” He replies, still sprawled out and naked on the bed. 
“No— it’s fine. I’ll just wear casual clothes again, hopefully the ladies in the office keep their glaring to a minimum this time.” You give him a pointed look.
“What? You say that like this is a regular occurrence.” His hands shoot in defense. 
“That’s because it is, this is the fifth time just this month alone Dieter.” You say as you grab for the jeans and shirt that have been making a regular appearance over the last 5 years that you and Dieter have been together. 
“Well, I never hear you complaining in the moment.” He has a point. 
“Fuck! I don’t have time for a shower either, you're going to be dripping out of me all day!” Using a dirty shirt to wipe up Dieter’s spend that’s smeared between your legs. 
“Not gonna lie, that’s fucking hot—“ The shirt you had used to clean yourself flies across the room and hits him in the face. 
“They should do away with a teacher uniform all together, seems very not with the times to require adults to wear stuffy clothes when they’re dealing with kids all day. Bring that up at your next meeting.” He suggests, pulling the cum covered shirt away from his face, giving it a quick experimental sniff before tossing onto the pile of bedsheets on the floor.
“Yeah, I’ll make sure to bring that up at the next meeting.” You laugh, but you can’t help but agree with him. 
It’s a mad dash to pull yourself together, but you manage to look like you didn’t just get fucked to pieces. 
“Alright, I gotta go— I love you.” Crawling back on to the bed to give him a goodbye kiss. 
“Love you.” He moans as he tries to deepen the kiss. 
“Oh my god! You’re the worst Dieter! I’ve got to go.” 
“Wash your dick today, it was smelling a little musty earlier.” You yell back down the hall, before heading out the door. 
“Really?” Dieter says to himself, looking down at said dick laying flaccid over his thigh. 
As predicted, the glares were on display as you walked onto the school grounds, bypassing a stop at the teachers lounge for the comfort of your classroom— you decide the whispered snickers between the office ladies were not high up on your ‘things I want to deal with today.’
Despite your lateness, students must have sensed your off kilter presence and were on top of their responsibilities of reading and writing while you sifted through your daily lesson plans. 
To your surprise, you had managed to forget to make copies yesterday for 3 worksheets needed after the students were done with printing their weekly words. 
There’s a light knock on your open classroom door that grabs your attention. 
Standing in the doorway is Dieter, with two coffees in hand. 
“Hey! What are you doing here?” You ask, knowing at least one of the coffees he’s holding is for you. 
“Figured, since I was partly to blame for your tardiness, I thought I’d try and make it up to you.” Giving you his best puppy dog eyes, holding up both coffees in your direction. 
“Two?! Oh my god, I love you!” Grabbing for both of them, giving each cup a glance over to see his cute little notes perfectly placed on the sides of both—- setting them on your desk then returning to where he’s still standing by the door. 
“Are you busy?” You ask, looking over your shoulder to double check your students are still working on their assignments. 
“No, I’m free today. I’ve got the new girl running the gallery on her own, so far no calls of distress.”
Dieter’s hand reaches out taking hold of your fingers, his thumb running over the tops of your knuckles. He tilts his head forward to look at you over the frames of his sunglasses. 
“You need something from me?” His eyebrows waggling at you. 
“Actually, yes!”
His smile grows nearly ten times. 
“I need to make some copies, you think you can watch them for me?” 
Your idea of needing something was not what he had in mind, but he’s more than willing to help you out. 
“Yeah, I got them. Go do your teacher things, I’ve got this handled.” 
It takes you no longer than 5 minutes to head straight to the office and make your copies, avoiding every side-eyed glance shot in your direction. 
60 sheets of freshly printed worksheets, warm and neatly stacked in hand, you make your way back to Dieter and your students. 
You can hear Dieter’s boisterous voice as you walk closer to the classroom, taking a minute to watch from outside the door. 
All 20 kids seem less than entertained by him, deadpan stares and little to no excitement— it could be worse and they could be like last year's students who convinced him you let them go to break early, coming back to an empty classroom was heart attack inducing and thankfully no one picked up on the random man with a group of kids chasing each other in the soccer field. 
A hand in the back of the class gingerly raises. 
“Yes, kid in the back— you don’t happen to have a brother with a weird haircut, do you?” His eyes narrowed as he sees a slight resemblance in the hair department to a past student of yours. 
“I don’t have a brother.” 
“Huh, weird coincidence then. What’s your question?”
“Why do you wear your sunglasses inside if there’s no sun?” 
Your hand comes up to muffle you laugh, but Dieter catches the snort that emits from your nose. 
“That’s enough questions for the day.” He retorts quickly, then makes his way to where you’re still standing outside. 
“Okay class, go ahead and pull out a sharp pencil,  I’ll be there in a minute so we can do our math test.” 
You lean back against the wall, taking in Dieter’s defeated demeanor. 
“This class isn’t as fun as your previous ones, those kids in there are ruthless. They refused to call me Uncle Dude too— You need to get a new class stat.” He points in the direction of your students, completely flustered by the fact that not one of them found him fun. 
“If I remember correctly, didn’t you play a teacher once?” You sarcastically ask him. 
“That’s enough outta you.” He smirks, crowding you against the wall, giving you a less than appropriate kiss for school grounds— you welcome it fully.
A passing teacher clears their throat at the sight of Dieter and you, prompting him to pull away and rest his forehead on yours. 
“Thanks for watching them for me, and thanks for the coffee. I’ll see you later Uncle Dude.” 
Dieter leans in one last time, a kiss for the road. 
“I’ll see you at home, Mrs. Bravo.”
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A/N: Thank you all for this amazing journey with Dieter and Poppy!! I’m going to miss them so so much!! But, I do have a few one shots already planned, and blind drabbles for them. I can’t thank @gnpwdrnwhiskey enough for diving into every chapter with me and being the most amazing beta to ensure everything was right for these two!! My ‘Asks’ are always open if you ever want to chat or scream about the series, Dieter and Poppy or anything else! Xx
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bluesylveon2 · 3 years
My My, I Could Never Let You Go
Summary: Sasha Zoe just wants her dad to walk her down the aisle. There is only one problem: she doesn't know who her dad is! Sasha invites 3 men in hopes of finding out which one is her father. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairings: Levi x Hange, Sasha x Niccolo, and other background relationships
Disclaimer: This is a Levihan Mamma Mia au. This fanfic is inspired by Mamma Mia which is directed by Phyllida Loyd, written by Catherine Johnson, and uses music from the pop group ABBA. Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha
Author’s Note: Hitch is finally revealed! Again, the characters are in their S4 looks except a few (Marco, Rico, Nanaba, etc.) I originally planned to end the chapter after Hange fell, but I decided to keep writing. I hope you enjoy the long chapter! Also, I made a masterlist! (I’m too lazy to keep scrolling through my blog).
EDIT (6/28): this chapter is edited but I forgot to post this earlier. I will fix the others later
Need to catch up? Catch up here!
Chapter 4: Mamma Mia!
Nanaba digs through Rico's stuff while Rico is busy showering. She is looking for a facial cream Rico wouldn't stop recommending, and she wants to see what was so great about it herself. 
Something about finding love, she remembers.
Nanaba knew Rico likes to be overprepared, but she did not expect her to pack so many clothes. Something caught her eyes during her search. She looked up at Hange, who was fixing the broken shutter in the room. Nanaba smirked.
"Hey, Hange," she called and set her arms to fire the garment. Hange stopped her drilling and turned to Nanaba.
"Catch" is all Nanaba says before flinging the thong in Hange's direction. Hange quickly dodged her attack, but the thong flew out the window and into the hotel courtyard. 
Meanwhile, Moblit was busy sweeping the courtyard for Sasha's bachelorette party when a random thong landed on his head from the middle of nowhere. 
"Aargh!" Moblit screams. Hange quickly sets the drill down on a nearby table. She looks down from the window to find Moblit and a blue thong on the ground near him.
"Sorry, Moblit!" She apologizes for the second time that day and closes the window. 
Hange sweatdropped as Moblit came back up to return the thong. Rico, who finished showering, watched with only 2 towels on (one on her head and the other around her body). Nanaba also watched Moblit return it with a red face. The two sent out a sigh of relief when Moblit closed the door and left. Hange burst out laughing.
"Ahh, I really missed your antics, Nanaba" She laughs and starts preparing the wine. Nanaba and Rico laughed with Hange. It was pure coincidence Moblit just happened to be there.
Nanaba returns to looking through Rico's stuff for the cream. She pulls out a different cream instead. 
"The world's most luxurious moisturizer," she reads out loud, "contains 24-karat- gold flakes and extract of donkey testicle."
Nanaba looks at Rico with a 'are you serious?' look.
"You're just jealous" Rico grabs a glass of wine and thanks Hand.
Nanaba grabs a glass herself and looks back at the label.
"And it costs A THOUSAND DOLLARS A DOLLOP!" she yells and looks at Rico as if she lost her mind. 
"That's the price you gotta pay if you wanna drink before 11 in the morning" Rico holds up her glass for a toast. Hange and Nanaba follow.
"And we do!" They all cheer and clink their glasses together.
Sasha was finishing up some chores in the hotel when she saw three men carrying suitcases and looking at the view. 
Sasha's jaw drops from shock. They're here! She cheers on the inside. 
She can not see their faces, only their backsides—the one on the very left is tall with well-groomed blonde hair. The one in the middle was the tallest of the group. His sand blonde hair is not as well-kept and is well-built. The last man is the shortest and palest of the three. He has straight jet-black hair styled in an undercut. Two of the men wore collared shirts and slacks. The man in the middle was dressed more casually. Almost as if he was ready to go on an adventure. 
Sasha dropped what she was doing and walked to the front. She couldn't hide her excitement, but she didn't want to overdo it and scare off the men. Sasha took a breath before walking outside to greet them. Looks like she will keep the excitement to herself and look calm and collected on the outside.
"Hi," Sasha says nervously. 
She facepalms herself mentally. Way to look calm and collected, she thought.
Levi, Erwin, and Mike turn around to face the newcomer. The newcomer is a tall woman with light brown eyes and short reddish-brown hair pulled up in a ponytail. She also wore a peasant blouse and shorts. There were straps, like the ones for swimsuits, visible on her shoulders. They all raised their sunglasses to their heads. 
Now Sasha has a front view of the three men. The first man has a professional-looking face with blue eyes and the most enormous eyebrows she has ever seen. He looks like a man who would lead an army, and it reminded Sasha of Armin. The second man looks the most open of the three. His hair is parted down the middle, he has light green eyes and has a mustache and beard. It was more impressive than Jean's Sasha notes to herself. The third man is the most intimidating. He has steel-gray eyes and dark circles. He also had a blank face, so Sasha couldn't exactly read the guy. He kinda reminded Sasha of Mikasa.
"May I help you?" Sasha asks with an inquisitive tone in her voice. No nervous tone this time. She mentally high-fives herself.
Mike decides to introduce himself first. "Sure. We're here for the wedding." he smiles.
"I'm Mike Zacharias"
The man on the left introduces next, "I'm Smith. Erwin Smith"
The last man introduces himself "Levi Ackerman."
Now Sasha was confused and felt kind of disappointed. Where were all the glitters and sparkles? Where was the voice telling her, 'He's your father.'? Where's the sign that falls out of thin air that reads 'He is your father!'? Sasha felt nothing but confusion. She could not tell who her father was with one look.
Levi examines the new girl. She looks almost like a copy of Hange. She even had similar colored brown hair and eyes. The only difference was that her hair was neater, unlike Hange. He remembered how Hange would lazily tie her hair up in a ponytail. It suited her personality, though. "You were expecting us, right?" he asks in a calm tone.
This snaps Sasha out of her reverie. "Yes!" she exclaims, trying to act as normal as possible.
"Are you Hange's daughter?" Levi asks. It's better to ask than to assume.
Sasha smiles and nods her head.
Mike laughs. "I thought you looked familiar." He shifts around a bit and points his index finger at her. He looks as if he was grasping for the answer in his head. "Sasha, right?" he asks.
"Yes, that's me!" Sasha's grin grows even wider. She can not believe that her father is in front of her. Now she just needs to figure out who without her mother knowing. 
"You know," Mike began, "I used to have a great aunt who lived on this island named Alexandra. I called her Sasha for short." 
Sasha gasps in realization. Mike could be her father! She places a hand on her chest and tries to not jump up and down. "I'm named after an Alexandra."
Erwin clears his throat. "I apologize for interrupting, but can you show us to our room before we see Hange?" Erwin interrupts. 
"Sure!" Sasha exclaims and begins to lead them to their room.
"I just want to freshen up before the big reunion," Erwin clarifies. Then, all three men start heading to the entrance of the hotel.
"No!" Sasha stops walking and holds her hands up in the air to stop them. The three turn to Sasha and look at her questioningly. 
"I mean, yes," Sasha tries to calm herself, "But come this way. It's a shortcut." She gestures with her hand for them to follow before heading back to where she came from.
All three men looked at each other and shrug before following Sasha. She seems like a nice and trustworthy girl. It seems Hange raised her right based on first impressions. 
Sasha starts leading the trio through the hotel's tunnels. Sasha loves hiding food there, and it was a great place to play hide and seek with her friends when she was younger. It was also a great location to hide from Moblit when he would babysit her. So she didn't want Moblit to find her food stash.
Erwin is astonished by the turn of events. This was not how he expected when he came back to the island. 
Sasha, who is ahead of the group, turns around. "Come on." She says. Mike immediately follows Sasha. What is a perfect vacation without an adventure? Meanwhile, Levi grimaces a bit and tries to not get any dirt on his clothes. 
Hange and Nanaba were sitting on the couch laughing at Rico's jokes. Rico is on Hange's left, and Nanaba is on Hange's right. Suddenly, Hange remembers the status of her hotel.
"Oh my gosh. I have a crack in my courtyard. I have to fix it!" She exclaims and moves to stand up
"Hey, Hange? Hange" Nanaba starts. Rico wraps an arm around Hange's stomach. 
Hange glares at Rico. "I'm serious. Move" 
Rico pushes Hange down on Nanaba's lap. Rico has a lot of strength in her despite her petite build. She also is a woman that should never be underestimated. She pushes Hange's head to rest on Nanaba's arm. "Sit down!"
"She won't let me go" Hange laughs and looks at Nanaba.
"You can always get Moblit to do it. I'm sure he won't mind." Nanaba reassures her. Hange always talks about how Moblit is so dedicated to his job and helping Hange. Nanaba only prays he agrees after the incident from earlier. 
Rico places a hand on Hange's thigh and lightly shakes it. "I know you will make a fortune with Sasha and Niccolo's plan, but are you gonna be okay until then?" 
"I think Rico is trying to offer her bling," Nanaba suggests and raises the arm Hange was laying on. 
"No, I'm serious, Hange. I know you even refused Pieck's help before, but this is now. Do you need a loan?" Rico has a stern look on her face.
"No, no." Hange places a hand on Rico's shoulder and moves to pick up her drill. She waves it around a bit. "I'm just whining, you know me. I don't need any more help than what I already have."
"Yeah, but are you being taken care of?" Rico inquires. 
"What do you mean?" Hange asks, confused.
"Are you getting any?" Rico asks with a teasing tone in her voice and smirks
Hange has a feeling she knew what Rico was suggesting. She smirks to herself internally. Two can play at this game.
"Oh, you mean…." Hange raises her drill and presses the button for it to whirl. Rico yelps from the surprise.
"It takes too much energy," Hange clarifies to her best friends. 
"Yeah. It's just more plumbing to maintain, isn't it?" Nanaba asks and takes a sip of her wine
"Yeah," Hange laughs and sits up. "I'm so glad that part of my life is over" Hange sighs in relief and moves her left hand in the air as if she is pushing something away. Hange has Sasha, her friends, and her hotel. She is happy with that.
"I don't miss it at all," Hange adds as her friends watch her. She moves to pick up her wine glass and drinks some more. Hange enjoys being single. At least, that's what she keeps telling herself. 
"Then it's just right here." Sasha stops walking in front of an old-looking barn. She ushers them inside with Mike going first, followed by Erwin, and finally Levi. Mike didn't mind entering the barn. Erwin keeps looking around the area, confused.
"Where's Hange?" Levi asks. He is just as confused as Erwin.
He attempts to look around some more to find her but is stopped by Sasha. She pushed him inside before running inside herself and closing the door. 
Sasha walks inside a few feet before pointing up to the hatch door and smiling. She couldn't contain her excitement. "Up you go."
Levi climbs up first, followed by Mike and then Erwin. They looked around the room. It was full of unused and old items. There were three mattresses laid out along with sheets and pillows. There was also a window on the opposite side to let some natural light in. 
Levi looked around the room. He didn't like how filthy it was, and it reminded him of Hange herself. He stopped looking when his gaze fell on the wall to his right. There was a corkboard full of worn-out recipes and a few medals. Levi walked up to the awards closely.
"Archery," he mutters quietly.
"You know, I don't want to seem ungrateful for the tour, but where is my room?" Erwin turns to Sasha after walking around the room
Mike laughs. "Don't hold your breath, Erwin, but I think this is your room."
All three men were facing Sasha now. "Can we see Hange now?" Levi asks. He is hoping to see her before he ends up cleaning the place. 
Sasha smiles before the big reveal. "I sent out the invites. My mom doesn't know anything." She is too excited to keep it to herself.
The men groan in disbelief; they came all this way to Kalokairi under the assumption that Hange invited them, not Sasha. Hange would be laughing if she saw this herself. 
Sasha's smile grew wider. "Well, she's done so much for me; she always talks about you guys and the good old days. So I thought it would be an amazing surprise for her if you all showed up at my wedding." 
Levi walks up to Sasha to stop her from talking any further. "Hang on, Sasha." He puts a hand on her shoulder. "I can't be here. The last time I saw your mother, she literally kicked me off the island and said she never wanted to see me again." Levi thought back to Hange's face after he broke the news to her. How he witnessed the smile he loves fade away because of him, leaving nothing but a broken heart. 
"That was years ago! Please. Just try to come. It would mean a lot to me!" Sasha pleaded. She was starting to get frustrated with Levi's hesitance. 
"Why?" That was all Levi says. Erwin interrupts again.
"Listen. I can tell you both went through a lot, but can we go back to the boat?" 
"I agree," Levi says. He and Erwin turn to Mike, expecting him to agree. They did not expect Mike to be laying on one of the mattresses with his hands behind his head. 
"This is an adventure, Erwin. It's good for you." He reasons with him.
"Oh," Erwin says. He did tell Mike he wanted to go on an adventure after all.
"Look, it was a long shot sending the invites, expecting you all to reply. Look at yourselves now. You all came all this way for a wedding. Surely there must have been a special reason for you to come. Like a siren call?"
Mike laughs while writing in his journal. Levi quickly wipes some dust on a mattress before sitting down. 
"You are a little minx, you know that? Just like your mom." How else did Hange convince Levi to go with her to Kalokairi when they were practically strangers at the time.
"Well, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree." Sasha laughs but stops after hearing her mother humming nearby. All three men became alert. It seems like they had heard her mother too.
The trio looks at Sasha after hearing Hange open the door. 
Sasha looks at them in shock. Why is her mom here now? This cannot be happening right now! It is too soon! She has no choice but to act now.
"No." She whisper-yells while holding her hands out in front of her to stop an unexpected reunion sooner than expected
"It's Hange," Mike whispers while walking up to Sasha. Levi and Erwin follow him.
"No, no, no, no, no, no. Listen, Mom can't know," Sasha whispers, so her mom doesn't hear her.
"I'm gonna go, but please stay. Promise me to not tell anyone I invited you. Promise?"
"You got it," Mike miles and gives her a thumbs up.
"It's a promise," Levi agrees. 
"I might regret it, but okay." Erwin complies.
"Okay," Sasha reassures herself and the men. Then, she walks to a closed window and takes out a plank. Sasha gives it to Erwin, who was the closest to her, to hold before leaving. Then, she turns to the men again.
"Remember your promise," She glares at them before shutting the window and leaving. Sasha ran off. She needs to find her friends and stop her mom from meeting her past lovers.
She is Hange's daughter, all three men thought simultaneously. 
Hange, hearing the window close, looks up after hearing the sound. She walks to the hatch door, opens it slightly, and strains her head to investigate. Hange was expecting a bird to have accidentally flown in. But, she did not expect legs. A man's legs, in fact.
The mystery man stood with his hands in his pockets. It felt a bit familiar to her, but she couldn't put a name to it. Hange followed the legs upward as the man turned around. Luckily, he didn't look down to see Hange. The neat blond hair and the huge eyebrows were the icings on the cake. She recognized him immediately.
"Erwin?" she whispers and turns to find another pair of legs. This man was facing her direction but looking somewhere else in the room. Hange knew that face anywhere. 
"Mike?" she whispers again. Hange prayed that Mike was unable to smell her right now. This was too much of a coincidence for two of her lovers in the same room. She looks at the last man in the room.
Hange hears some whistling and turned to the source. This man was walking around the attic, organizing and cleaning some things. The man turned to Hange's for a split second while wiping some sweat off his face. I couldn't be. He couldn't be here after everything between them! She knew that scowl from anywhere. 
"Levi!" Hange quickly closes the hatch door before they could notice her. What the hell is going on? Now there are three! The wine must be playing tricks with her mind! 
Hange felt her palms get sweaty. There was too much going on right now, and she must be dreaming. There is no way Levi, Erwin, and Mike are on the same island as her, right? Hange couldn't focus and wiped her sweat off on her overalls. 
This is all a dream, Hange repeated to herself. She just needs to reassure herself by looking again from a different angle! Because that's what people do when three ex-lovers appear out of thin air, right?
Hange made up her mind and hastily ran out of the barn.
Just one look, and then you go home, Hange repeated to herself over and over again in her mind. The part of her life with the guys is over. She must have gone crazy with the wedding, and her mind is playing tricks on her. Hange went around the barn to the window on the side. Just one peek, and she's done. She opens the shutters to find the window boarded up. 
"Shit," Hange whispers to herself. She forgot she boarded up the windows herself a long time ago. Hange looks to her right and sees a ladder leaning on the side of the barn. She follows it up. The only way to look inside is to look from the hatch on the roof. 
What a coincidence for a ladder to be there, Hange thought as she started climbing it slowly to not make a sound.
She pushes herself onto the roof while maintaining her balance before she fell off. Hange tiptoes quietly to the hatch. Although she wanted to peek then run, Hange can feel excitement run through her body despite the multiple alarms ringing in her head. She hasn't felt that feeling in a long time. The last time Hange felt this type of excitement was 21 years ago. 
Hange is too blinded by her that she accidentally steps on a loose board near the hatch. "Shit," Hange curses again in her mind and quickly steps away from the hatch.
Inside the goathouse
"Did you hear that?" Erwin asks, alert while looking up at the roof. Erwin swore he heard a creak earlier. Maybe it was Sasha trying to get in without alerting Hange? Erwin turned to Mike and Levi, hoping he had not gone crazy since arriving at Kalokairi. Mike is busy writing in his journal for his new book, and Levi is still cleaning up the place. 
Levi is too busy whistling to himself and cleaning. "Your mind must be playing tricks on you, Erwin" Levi doesn't turn around and continues cleaning.
Erwin looked at Mike, who shrugged. Erwin heard something coming from the roof, and she knew it. He only wishes he was tall enough to look. Erwin turns to Levi but the man too short to help. Erwin then turns to Mike. He smiled
Sasha finally grabbed Mikasa and Historia and was running back to the goathouse with the girls. Sasha was confident in her running skills, after all. She used to run track in high school, and she used food as a motivation to reach the finish line. Sasha improved her skills after the food incident with her teacher, Mr. Shadis. It's her third-best skill after archery and cooking.
Sasha and her friends ran outside to find Hange on the roof, acting like a teenage schoolgirl with a crush.
"Holy shi-mmppgh," Hitch yells before Annie comes up from behind and covers Hitch's mouth with one hand. Annie tiptoed a bit to reach Hitch's ear. 
"Shhhh," Annie hisses into Hitch's ear. "We don't want Hange to find us!" she whispers and looks up at Hange to see if she heard Hitch's scream. Good thing she is too busy acting like a woman in love to even notice the girls. Annie lets go of Hitch. 
Sasha analyzes the situation. There was still time to hide outside for a bit before moving in to hide in the barn. Sasha could then talk to her dads once her mom leaves.
Sasha turns to her friends. They were still watching Hange on the roof. "Follow me" She beckons them, and they run towards the goathouse.
Hange looks into the window from an upside-down view. She is lucky the trio's backs were turned away from her, and they were preoccupied to notice her staring. Erwin and Mike were talking to each other, and Levi was fixing the sheets on a mattress. Hange felt the blood rush to her head, and she started to feel dizzy. 
Hange sits up and walks towards the hatch again. She didn't get a good look at the men, and she is upside down. It was an excellent excuse to peek just one more time. 
Just one more look, and then I'm out of here.
She slowly walks up to the hatch again. She is not going to make a sound this time and just take one peek. As Hange grasps the handle, the hatch suddenly opens from the inside. Hange, startled by the hatch suddenly opening, falls forward. 
"Ahhhhh!" She screams as she fell before landing on something soft.
Hange looks up from her spot on the mattress to find Mike, Erwin, and Levi staring down at her in shock. As the adrenaline in her body diminished, Hange notices the very compromising position she was in. She is lying on a mattress, and her legs were up in the air to form a V.
Talk about an embarrassing position; she berates herself and scrambles to look at least look decent.
Mike chuckles. "You always knew how to make an entrance" He turns to Erwin. "It's a good thing I moved away on time, or else Hange would have fallen on top of me." 
All three men take a look over Hange's appearance. She had changed her fashion sense slightly since they last saw her. 
"You look great, Hange." Mike compliments her.
"Your overalls really suit you," Erwin speaks next.
Mike and Erwin both turn to Levi, expecting him to speak next, but he was quiet the whole time. What they don't realize is all of the emotions Levi felt at the moment. He always thought about how he would react to seeing Hange again. Now that she's here...he didn't know what to do.
Levi notices everyone's staring and coughs in his fist "...You don't look shitty at all..." he looks away from Hange's stare to look at anything else.
Mike and Erwin both sweatdrop. What a great way to start a reunion, they thought.
Hange looks at Levi, confused. "Uh...thanks? I guess?" unsure about how to respond to Levi.
As much as Hange likes to receive compliments (only sometimes because she is too busy to focus on her appearance), she needs to figure out why they are here. So she shakes her head to focus and looks up at the men in front of her. 
"This must be a dream. You are all just figments of my imagination here to compliment my fashion choices." 
Mike laughs. "You want me to tickle you, Hange? I hear it can help wake people up," Mike suggests with a playful tone in his voice. Then, he begins to lean forward to tickle her.
Hange starts kicking her legs to stop Mike. "Don't you dare, Mike Zacharias!" she laughs despite using his full name to scold him. 
Erwin walks forward after Mike moves back to his original spot. "Do you remember me, Hange?" he asks, placing a hand on his chest.
Hange gasps and smiles fondly, "Of course I do, Erwin. I can never forget your huge eyebrows." Erwin laughs at Hange's statement, content to see her infamous smile again. 
(Despite Erwin having the face of a movie star, Hange still remembers him for his big eyebrows.)
Hange shakes her head, remembering why she was here. She is here to interrogate them, not chit-chat! 
Levi steps forward to also speak but stops when Hange quickly scrambles to stand up.
"Why are you here? What are you doing here?" she yells and startles the men in the room. 
She is upset but luckily not enough to kick us off the island personally, Levi thought. He knew from personal experience.
Levi has to admit that he is jealous of the way Hange interacts with Mike and Erwin. She treated them as if she was reuniting with old friends. Meanwhile, Levi didn't get the time of day. He stared at Hange's eyes when she talked. Although she was laughing with Mike and Erwin earlier, he noticed something hidden deep within her light brown eyes every time she looked at him. 
Hange glares at Mike first.
"I'm writing a travel piece," Mike says nervously.
She turns and glares at Erwin next. Erwin hesitates for a second, unsure about what to say. Then, in an ah-ha moment, he remembered the last time he came to the island. "My co-worker wanted me to go on holiday again."
Erwin sighs in relief after seeing Hange's reaction. She seems to believe him (for now). Hange turns to Levi and glares at him, too, waiting for his response. 
Levi, caught off guard because he was deep in his thoughts, stutters, "I-I just wanted to say hi."
A great way of acting normal, Levi beats himself up in his head.
Hange can not believe this. This could not be happening to her. This has to be a dream, right? She is going to wake up and find none of her ex-lovers on her lovely island.
She needs to know why they were here.
"What is all this?" she raised her hands up, shaking them to include whatever was going on right now.
Mike and Erwin move to stand side by side with Levi. "Uhhhh, one of those rare moments where three strangers share a common thought," Mike speaks up, and Erwin hums in agreement.
Hange looks at them again. Here she is assuming they all knew each other, but in reality, they don't. Despite this, Hange wants clarification before she starts celebrating.
"Strangers. As in you three don't know each other," she asks, eyeing them cautiously. 
All three men look at each other confused. They all know Hange is a smart woman, but why is she asking something so obvious?
"Precisely," Erwin clarifies.
Hange sighs in relief. "Okay. Good, but why are you here?" she asks suspiciously as she walks around the men, eyeing them suspiciously. It's a very tiny chance for three past lovers to appear at the same time. Unfortunately, Hange just so happens to be part of that slight chance. She doesn't know if she should consider it a blessing or a curse.
Hange turns to them. "Who said that you could stay in my old goathouse?"
"Didn't catch the name," Erwin spoke up immediately and shrugs.
"A Greek lady!" Mike adds.
"Well, she spoke Greek," Levi jumps in. He did not want to rat out Sasha because she is Hange's daughter. He had promised Sasha not to tell Hange that she invited him and the others here after all.
Mike turns to Levi with an ah-ha moment. "Maybe, she said we couldn't stay in the goathouse?" Erwin also turns to Levi and nods in agreement. Levi looks at Mike like he was crazy. Would Hange really believe that?
It seemed Hange believes their charade when the trio looks back at her. Hange wiggles a finger at them as if she figured out their reason for being there. 
"Yeah, that's it. You cannot stay here because I'm closed and I'm full," Hange states matter of factly and plays it off with a laugh. She starts heading to the hatch door on the floor.
"I'm also really busy. I have a wedding. My uh-local girl's getting married." Hange adds, attempting to give the men a good reason to leave the island. She starts pulling the handle. 
"Don't worry about us, Hange." Levi attempts to reassure her that everything is fine, "Mike is used to roughing it, and Erwin…" He trails off.
"Is spontaneous," Erwin adds to save himself from exposing their secret.
Hange stops pulling the handle after coming to a realization about something. Levi never explained why he is really here. She stands up and looks at Levi with a stern look on her face.
"What about you?" she looks deep into his steel-gray eyes. She fell in love with those eyes a long time ago, but they were also the same ones that also broke her heart. 
"I just want to see the island, Hange. You know how much it means to me." Levi answers honestly. Kalokairi means so much to him because it is where he and Hange fell in love. They focused on each other and tuned out the world around them.
Hange stares at Levi for a few seconds before opening the hatch. "I'm gonna arrange a boat for you three to get back to the mainland." She wiggles her finger at the trio again and begins going down. 
How will she explain this to everyone on the island if they see her parading around with her entourage? Hange thought and groans. What a hassle to deal with before your daughter's wedding.
"I have a boat." Mike interrupts Hange's thoughts.
"You have a boat! Good! Now get on it." Hange exclaims and climbs down more. Internally, she wants to bang her head against the wall. But, of course, she should've known that! She went on boat trips every night after she met Mike.  
"And anchors away. Away, away." Hange moves her hand in a shooing motion and reaches up to close the hatch. She stops after being interrupted by Levi.
"Hey, Hange," Levi calls out and takes a step forward. Mike and Erwin follow his lead. 
"It's good to see you." Mike and Erwin smile at Hange. Levi only had a smaller smile than the other two. Hange can tell all of them genuinely missed her. 
Hange just stares at them as she closes the hatch and sighs. Of course, they would miss her. She treasured all the memories with them together. She is sure the men share the same sentiment too. It is one of the biggest highlights in her life next to Sasha's birth.
Suddenly, Hange felt the excitement from earlier diminish into nothing as reality kicks in. Instead, she can sense both dread and fear grow in her body as every second passes. She knew what she needed to do right away.
Hange needs to find Sasha. She needs to see her now.
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 ©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish
Author’s Note:
I reread some of the past chapters, and yeesh. I need to do some editing when I finish this.
I know Sophie is an artist, but I don’t see it fit Sasha’s character (more like Jean or Moblit). I chose archery (because of hunting) and cooking to fit her character more.
To whoever suggested Moblit to be added into the story on @fanmoose12​ account. I decided to mess with him 2 chapter straight haha
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Its All Good Business
Summery- 2.4k Mob!Steve x You x Mob!Bucky. You are there girl and they will use you as they want to. Warnings- Drug Use and Sex. This is an 18+ Only Blog. Lyrics in italiacs are from Lana Del Rey Off To The Races. 
Owned Sinfully Sweet Masterlist
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My old man is a bad man But I can’t deny the way he holds my hand And he grabs me, he has me by my heart He doesn’t mind I have a Las Vegas past He doesn’t mind I have a L.A crass way about me He loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart
Swimming pool Glimmering darling White bikini off with my red nail polish Watch me in the swimming pool Bright blue ripples, you Sitting sipping on your Black Crystal, oh yeah
Light of my life, fire in my loins Be a good baby, do what I want Light of my life, fire in my loins Gimme them gold coins Gimme them coins
Sun sparks off the pools chlorine blue ripples when you step out from glass doors, dropping your sunglasses to cover your eyes, toned body slick already with a touch of baby oil, They liked you tanned, all long legged golden thighs to spread when desired. They took care of you, met your needs with flourish. All you had to do, was be theres completely. It was an arrangement that worked out well for you in all aspects. 
Your fingers slipped along the ties of your white bikini just as Bucky stepped out, black crystal clinking cubes among dark liquor, and as you pulled them loose to drop them, he came up behind you, cold lips brushing along the back of your neck and fingers plucking at the string holding your top up. That to billowed down with the bottoms and you arched your hands to dive in, shattering the diamond gleam the sun was causing. 
He smirked watching his girl glide, moving over to a lounge nearby, and on the table he pulled the tray closer, leaning forward to line up rows of white powder, neat and precise, he swirled his drink once more and sipped from it. “Doll, come on out” He directed as you lapped back around, twisting to return to his side of the pool, you brace hands against the side and pull yourself up, dripping a trail behind you. Reaching for a nearby towel, you pat yourself while, biting your lip. Using a rolled up bill, he snorted the first line and reached to pull you in his lap, when he grasped your chin, his tongue sweeping over your teeth and you moaned softly, cupping his face. 
“Testing it out?” you take his hand and draw his finger in between your lips, sucking lightly tasting where he had handled it, all big eyed staring at him. Bucky you never knew what to expect, he liked to tease you once in a while.  
You could see that flint cold glint flash in his eyes, mouth cocking in a grin at your actions. “I know my shits good baby, just wanted to share with you.” He flicked the rolled bill in his fingers and held it out for you to take. “Figured we could get ready for going out tonight.” 
Taking it you shifted in his lap so you could lean over the table, red manicured nails pinched the bill between them and you dragged it over the line, the hit, euphoric. Snorting a bit to clear your passage, Bucky was already turning you to face him again, skimming a hand over your breast and closing his mouth over your nipple to suckle and tug, there was no way you could stop him if you wanted to. You were his, he could do whatever he wanted with you. So when his fingers slipped between folds, you ground your hips for him, triggering a rush of arousal. “Always such a slut for me, right in broad daylight to” He leaned back, just watching you ride his fingers, twisting your fingers into his suit jacket. “Dont be messing this up to much” 
You nod in understanding and you know what he wants to hear. “Yes Daddy, I will be good.” Biting your lips when you could feel two of his fingers slide into you, slick as you were, clutching around him. You roll your hips more vigorously, that little bundle of nerves firing all senses to heat you, coiling in your belly. The cocaine had done its job, making you extra sensitive. Was he going to let you cum this time? Bucky loved leaving you on the edge, wanting, waiting till he was damn good and ready for you to release. 
Leaning into him, your lips whisper over his, flick of the tongue trailing along his and he brushed back your hair that had fallen in your face, fisting his fingers tight into the back of your head. “Do you deserve to cum today Doll?” You whimper for him, and he kisses you hard, growling against your lips. “Do it now” He demanded, and you sped yourself up, driving to finish now before he got impatient, and with a gasp, your mouth falling open into an “o” your orgasm rolled through you, his hold in your hair loosening so you can lean into his chest, whimpering “Thank you Daddy” against his neck. 
Giving you an open mouth kiss, sliding his fingers from your still aroused pussy “Your welcome Doll, now go inside, Steve is waiting for you” He sucked off his fingers and took another sip from his drink, winking at you. “Better hurry now”
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My old man is, a tough man But he got a soul as sweet as blood red jam And he shows me, he knows me, every inch of my tar black soul He doesn’t mind I have a flat broke down life In fact he says he thinks it’s what he might like about me, admires me The way I roll like a rolling stone
Likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom Chateau Marmont Slipping on my red dress, putting on my make up Glass film, perfume, cognac, lilac Fumes, says it feels like heaven to him
Light of his life, fire of his loins Keep me forever, tell me you want me Light of your life, fire of your loins Tell me you want me, gimme them coins
Quick to go back inside, you didnt even bother putting the bikini back on. When Steve is waiting, he doesnt like to be kept waiting for long. Searching him out, you find him in your closet of all places. Going through your clothing, and you move to where he would demand you to be. On your knees, quiet and watching him work. Pulling out a deep red dress, he finally made his decision on what you will be wearing for them tonight. “You can get up Sweetheart” he drawled out without glancing at you yet. 
Moving to get up, he bypasses you in the closet entrance and lays the dress out on the bed. Now he turned, beckoning you over to him, his large hands slide down your bare hips. “Did Bucky tell you we were going to the club tonight?” The one they owned together, where they originally found you when you applied to be one of there dancers. How fucken long ago does that seem now.
“Yes Ste-” You started when suddenly his hand grips your jaw, squeezing and anger flashing in his eyes. You are to never call them by there names, and sometimes it slips. 
“What was that Sweetheart?” His face is stern, commanding and you whine out before he releases his grip, you would make it up to him later, but the apology falls from your lips in the mean time. 
“Sorry Daddy, and yes he did tell me. Is this for me?” You motion towards the red dress, and he goes back to being tender with his touches, a light brush of his fingers here, tracing the natural curves of your body. 
“That it is, go clean up and put it on. Gotta have our girl looking good tonight.” You squeal and arch up to kiss him, his hands tightening there hold to help you stay to the balls of your feet, kissing back deeply, the taste of his cognac made your hightened drugged senses swarm and you pressed yourself into him hungrily. His hand moved to grasp your ass, grinding himself into you momentairly, breaking apart from you kiss, his voice deeper, graveled. “Go on now” You stepped away, taking the dress in your hands and into your bathroom, perching on a bench in front of a vanity, you start prepping your face. 
It wasnt long till Steve came in the bathroom, catching you dab red lipstick on, and run your mascara brush through your lashes. Coming up behind you, let his hand trail along your face. “Love it when you wear that red, getting it sloppily all over my cock. But I dont want your mascara to run, at least not yet.” He dipped his head to kiss your shoulder “Stand up Sweetheart and brace your hands against the vanity.” 
Steve was always the one who meant exactly what he said, you learned early on. He liked rules. You finish blotting your lip stick and move to a stand, your hands bracing on the vanity. He came up behind you, able to see you in the mirror, as his hand slipped along your back, and down till his fingers rubbed on your folds, still wet from before. “Spread your legs further” Which you did, pushing your ass out, round tempting for him to grasp. He didnt though, he kneeled behind you and ran the tip of his nose along the inside of your thigh “You smell like Heaven.”
“Taste even better Daddy” You purr, resting your head on folded arms. Sure enough his fingers spread you apart and he took a long lap through your cunt. He hummed with appreciation, and bit lightly on the inside of your thigh. 
“Your right, even better” And he drove in like a man starving, quick licks and long dragging laps, sucking your clit between teeth and pulling enough to make you jolt, thrusting his tongue into your entrance and swirling to make you clench “Dad-dy” You shudder out from ragged breaths. He knew exactly what he was doing to you, and as sweet as he was being, bringing you closer to cumming on his face, you better not mess up like earlier, cause then it would all stop. You dig your hands around the edge of your vanity to keep from wriggling to much, and he replaces his tongue with fingers for just a moment, stretching you open.
“Say it again Sweatheart. Who are you a slut for?” He rose from behind, the zipper of his pants unzipping, and the head of his cock slipped along your slick wet slit. 
“Yours Daddy, yours! Please I need you now.” You lift your gaze to the mirror, and that was all he needed to thrust into you, crying out at the relief after what they had done to you, he pounded into you hard, jerking your hips till you were falling apart, thank god you were leaning on the vanity, cause you wouldnt have been able to stay up. All your makeup, scattered all over the floor with it all. Feeling him pull from you and the warmth of his ejaculation falling onto your back, you pant waiting to come back down. “Good Girl Sweetheart” He praised, rubbing along your quivering arms while he lifted you to stand again, gentle as he grasped your chin and kissing you softly. “Be ready in half an hour, the car will drop you off. Bucky and I have a business matter to attend to, and will join you there.” Before he left, he helped pick up the make up all over the floor, and left you to finish dressing. 
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My old man is a thief, and I’m gonna stay and pray with him till the end But I trust in the decision of the law To watch over us Take him when he may, if he may I’m not afraid to say That I’d die without him Who else is gonna put up with me this way? I need you, I breathe you, I’ll never leave you They would rue the day, I was alone without you
You’re lying with your gold chain on Cigar hanging from your lips I said, “Hon’ you never looked so beautiful As you do now my man”
You arrived and proceeded to go into there specially reserved section, chatting with a few of the dancers whom you were friends with, you ordered yourself a club soda, still feeling the effects from earlier. You turned back to them with a smile.
“They will be arriving later, had business to attend to”
Now there was no need to reflect amongst themselves what this business would be, Steve and Bucky were well known for there illegal activities. How else would the three of them live a life of luxury. At all the doors, members of there crew stood, brazen not hiding the guns on there hips, and the amount of money, drugs, and other goods would pass through the club tonight. 
And speaking of the Devil, first Steve enters, with Bucky right behind, the crowd parted out of there way, and telling by the smirks on both there faces, they were quite happy with themselves. “Ladies” Steve steps around them and into one side of the booth, addressing them. They were all smiles to the man who paid there paychecks, Bucky came up the other side, kissing one on the cheek “Busy night girls?” Always the flirt, you knew he was affectionate with everyone, but YOU were his. You got what all the others didnt get. 
“Oh certainly, in fact our shift is about to start” and they parted with goodbyes, Bucky sliding into the booth on the other side, Steves hand rested on the inside of your thigh, grasping lightly and Buckys arm went over your shoulder. 
“Everything go good?” You question, while Bucky waved over for some drinks to be brought to the table. Steve lounged back, and releasing you, pulled out a cigar from his pocket, handing it over to Bucky and drawing out another for himself. 
“Sweetheart, deal of a lifetime. Think we got it good now. Its gonna get better” 
Your eyes widened at the news, and Bucky smirked as they brought over the drinks, tipping a few bills before turning back to you.
“Nothing but good business Doll.” Bucky nipped at your shoulder, kissing deeply on the curve of your neck. Steves fingers twirled in the loose locks of hair, winking at you. 
Fuck you loved these two, you would follow them anywhere. 
@jtargaryen18​ @what-is-your-plan-today​ @p8tn0lish​ @mariaravn1982​
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roseelise · 4 years
His // JJ Maybank
Reposting all my writings from @r0s3mm, my main blog, it is not stolen or plagiarized. All my works on my masterlist are main unless stated otherwise.
Hello! Welcome to 2-h, the back up account of @r0s3mm, I’ll be posting my works on here too until (hopefully) my blog gets restored and if not this will become my main blog.
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Elizabeth Miller (not canon for SWEET)
Word Count: 3053
Author’s note/warnings: topper being a toxic ass, protective JJ, language, mentions of abuse, implied smut
This was requested over on @r0s3mm, i don’t have the request though.
“Ok, so we will walk through the door, Topper will be standing on your left side and your dad and I will be just ahead of you.” My mother said as she tightened the already tight dress on me. “Oh, darling have you gained weight? We had this custom made a few weeks ago.”
“Maybe mom. It still fits pretty well.” I say my hands going over the soft fabric.
“Maybe but Elizabeth you have to appear healthy and you can’t do that if you have fat rolls.”
“Mom! Come on! It fits, that’s all that matters.” I say as I struggle to unzip the flowy material. I check my clock next to my bed and put on my shirts quickly. “I have to go.” Putting on my tank top and my bag I rush to the door.
“Who are you meeting with?”
“And those kids from The Cut, I suppose?”
“Yes, mother. Can I go now?” She nods reluctantly and I bounce down the steps. “I’ll be back after dinner- Topper?” I say as I open the door to see the boy that I call my boyfriend.
“Hi baby!” He smiled pulling me to him. “Where are you going?”
“Uhm, with friends. Gonna go surf for a bit then go eat.” I smile at him and fidget as I hear the sound of the old van coming my way. “I’ll text you later!” I kiss his cheek and starts to leave but he grips my wrist tightly and pulls me back to him, forcing our lips together as he harshly pushes me against my front door.
“Stay with me.” He demands his eyes turning a darker color.
“Top, I can’t I made plans with Kiara and Sarah!” I say, the Twinkie coming into view.
“No. I want us to spend the evening together, you see them every day. When do I get to see you?” I lean forward and capture his lips with mine, he grips my hips very tightly and I move us out of view from the outside of the house.
Topper pulls me closer, his hands going to my back side as he grinds against my front, in need of any friction he can find. His lips trail off to my neck, sucking a large mark just under my ear.
“Topper, loosen your grip, it’s starting to hurt.” I say when he moves his hands to my arm, his grip starting to hurt.
“C’mon.” He says tugging me to my room.
“Hey, wait. I can’t ! I made plans.” I insist.
“I don’t care.”
“At least let me tell them.” I move to the door feeling my cell phone buzz in my front pocket. He nods and starts to make his way upstairs.
“I’ll be in your room.” He said, trying to sound sexy but it only makes me roll my eyes.
I walk through the doorway, a pout on my lips. John B’s face lit up as he sees me, slapping JJ’s arm and the blonde turns around to face the driver side.
“Well, hello there, missy.” John B says and I immediately feel bad. I walk to the other side and open the back of the van. Looking up at my room, I see Topper standing in the window, my plan B of just jumping in and leaving him there going out the window.
“Hi guys.” I say. “I’m sorry you came all this way, but I won’t be able to make it.”
“What? Angel, why?” JJ asks worried.
“My mom has me trying on new dresses for the party and I can’t seem to escape her.” I lie.
“But, Midsummers’ tomorrow.” Kie say confused.
“Yeah, I know. Look, I gotta go.” I say and walk back up to my house.
“Angel! Wait!” I turn around seeing the blonde walk up to me with a frown.
He moves his hands to my neck, pushing my chin up slightly revealing the purple marks Topper had made the previous night.
“When did you get those?” He asks looking into my eyes. His blue irises trying to dig into my soul.
“A touron the other night. Yeah, real possessive guy.”
“Yeah sure. Hey, you’d tell me if anything was, huh, wrong, right?” He asks looking up at my house.
“Of course, JJ. The first.”
“Okay.” He moves his hands to cup my face and plants a long kiss on my cheek. “I love you. Have a nice party tomorrow, angel.”
“Love you too, J.” I wave at my friends as they go down the street, turning around I take a deep breath and murmur to myself. “Topper we gotta break up, I am not happy anymore.”
I smiled softly satisfied with myself and join the boy upstairs.
“Hey Topper?” I ask walking into my room. “Top?” I turn my head only to see him in front of me, an angry frown on his face.
“What the fuck was that?”
“That dirty ass pogue, kissing you like you were his.”
I’m more his that I will ever be yours.
“Hey, he kissed me on the cheek, it’s not like we were fully making out on the front lawn.”
“Don’t want you to see them anymore.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“It’s over between you and them.” He says walking to the middle of the room.
“You can’t decide that for me.” I say looking in his eyes angrily
“Looks like I just did.”
“Well, it won’t work. I’m sorry Topper but if you act like this, it’s over.”
“Do you want to repeat that?”
“It’s over Topper, can you please leave?”
“Now, there’s a thing you don’t understand. We” He says, his finger moving between us. “are not over. We won’t.”
“Topper, leave now.” I say pointing to the door.
“Okay fine then, I’ll leave.” I say and go to grab my surfboard only to be pulled back by my shoulder.
“Ouch! Are you out of your mind?” I say my hand rubbing my shoulder. “That hurt, Topper.”
“I don’t care to be honest. We’re staying here tonight.”
“No, Topper get it inside your head we’re done.” I shout and quickly move to the door only to let out a painful yelp when he shoves me harshly into the wall.
“I said no!”
“What? Are you gonna hit me? Big bad Topper is a women beater now? Huh?” I try to shove him, but he doesn’t budge. “LET GO!” I growl, wondering where the fuck were my parents when I needed them. “Topper I swear to Go— Ow, fucker.” I scream after his fists collides with my stomach.
“YOU STAY HERE!” He shouts close to my face as I slide down the door to the floor.
“Get out.” I say, cries and whimpers leaving my mouth.
“Get up and get to the bed.” He lifts me up, holding my cheek tightly between his thumb and pointer finger.
“You’re hurting me. Stop.”
“Topper, I think it’s time you leave.” I hear from the door and release a shaky relieved sigh when I see my father.
“Whatever. Your dad’s a slut.” He says before my father shoves him against the wall.
“You better not be near her again, Son or you and I will have a long long talk with the police.” Topper mutters something before I hear him going down the stairs.
“Dad...” I whimper as he holds me in his arms.
“I got you princess. It’s okay. He won’t bother you.” I cry into his arms for a few minutes before my mother walks to my room explaining that she had left to do groceries.
On the morning of the midsummers, Kie and Sarah walk into my room at 10 in the morning. I’m standing up in front of my mirror, red blotches on my jaw and arms and a fist sized bruise on my ribs.
“Oh my god. Who did that to you?” I open my eyes wide and pull down my shirt before turning around.
“Who did what to who?”
“Ellie, for fuck’s Christ.” Sarah says as she pulls up my shirt.
“What happened?” Kie asks, the girl looking at me with worry.
“I, huh, I broke up with Topper.” The girls look at each other in confusion.
“And you broke up with Topper because?” Sarah asks
“We were dating...?” They send me surprised looks. “Okay, look I know I never said anything, but it was like a thing where we were promised to each other or some shit, I don’t know. I guess they wanted to keep it within kooks, y’know.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Because you guys hate him, hell I probably hated him more than y’all. I never really had feelings for him, anyway.” I say and walk to my mirror with all my make up products.
“Okay, what happened yesterday? I’m not crazy, I saw him in your window.” Sarah says.
“Yeah, he got here a few minutes before you got here and told me to cancel with y’all and I didn’t want to fight with him, so I just did it.” I avoid their gazes.
“Do the boys know?” Kie asks as she unzips the protective case containing her dress.
“Yeah no.” I say applying concealer to all the red marks and hickies. “Don’t tell them, especially J.”
“Sure. Did you ever..?”
“Sleep with him?” Kie shakes her head, yes. “No. Got out of that, luckily. Told him that I wasn’t ready.” They nod and I change the subject to the party tonight.
****************** “Hi, Mr. Cameron.” I salute the man as my mother and father talk with his wife.
“Good evening, Elizabeth.”
“Oh mom! There’s Pope, can I go?” I ask and she thinks before saying yes. “Thank you!”
I walk as quietly as I can and arrive behind the boy.
“Ok, so, were you hired simply for the food or do I have to fetch some other waiter to get a glass of champagne?” I say in my most posh accent. I hear him sigh and can practically hear him roll his eyes before he turns around.
“Hey!” He said as we join our hands together for the handshake.
“Any different from last year?” I ask as I lean against the wooden structure behind me, looking at all of the people around.
“No, not really.” He shakes his head and I smile when I see Sarah and Kie making their way to us.
“Have either of you seen JJ?” Kie asks her eyes wide with urgency.
“No, what?” They all look at me with sad eyes. “Where’s JJ?” I ask starting to stress out.
“Hum, when we went surfing yesterday, JJ got into his dad’s stash and brought a couple of bottles for us...” Pope starts, and I tense up. “His dad found us a few hours later, last time we saw him it was in the parking lot.”
“He was beating him up?” I ask my lower lip wobbling. They all nod. “Okay, I- I gotta go, gotta find him. What if he’s hurt? I whimper at the thought of him lying somewhere unconscious.
“He’ll be fine.” Kie said pulling me to her and hugging me tightly making me wince. “Oh shit, I’m sorry. I forgot.”
“It’s okay Kie, it’s not every day your friend receives a punch in the stomach.” I smile lightly.
We keep talking for a few minutes, me asking them questions about what they’ve been up to lately as I feel I haven’t been there as much as I used to.
“Yeah, so John B told me that—” Sarah stops and looks at something over my shoulder with a wide and relieved smile.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
“I found him.” Pope adds looking in the same direction.
“Found who, Po—” I turn around, seeing the mop of dirty blonde hair and pair of deep blue eyes. “Oh my god, JJ!” I scream and run to his opened and outstretched arms.
“Hi, my angel.” He breathes in and relaxes as he walks us to our friends, his arms wrapped around my waist making me wince. He pulls me away and sees my expression. “Are you in pain?” I shake my head no. “Why is she in pain?” He asks our friends and Pope looks genuinely worried. “Angel look at me. Where are you hurt?” He asks putting me down and cupping my face.
“I’m okay, J.” I grab his hand. “We’ll be back guys.” I pull him away from the crowd and into the rented house, walking us up the steps and into a bathroom.
JJ watches me from the doorway while I look through the cabinets.
“Sit down.” I point to the toilet seat. He sits down and closes his eyes, knowing what comes next. “Did you get a few good punches in?” I ask.
“Sure, he taught me how.” He chuckles, his eyes avoiding mine.  
“Look at me.” I ask moving an antiseptic wipe to his lip. “You’re getting out of there as soon as you turn seventeen, you hear me? Mom doesn’t like you, but she said she’d be ready to make you a room.” I say and his hand go to my hips.
“I love you.” He says when our eyes lock.
“What?” I ask moving the wipe away and putting it on the counter.
“I love you, my angel.” He says, pulling me on his laps, the flowy dress hiking up my tighs as I sit down.
“I love you too, JJ.” I say and grab his face. He looks down at my lips and I don’t wait to connect our lips together.
We both sigh into the kiss, knowing it had been a long time since we both waited for this. His lips go to my face, kissing my forehead, nose, lips, cheeks, chin making me giggle.
“So, fucking beautiful.” He says as he interlaces our fingers together. “Did you want to get out of here?” I nod and get up from his laps, putting everything back to the way it was before following him out the house. “Hey, so we’re going to like get out of here.” He says to our friends.
I gasp when I feel hands snaking around my waist, my hand linked with JJ’s being tugged.
“Hi baby, I wanted to meet your friends properly.” Topper says from behind me, I look at the girls who send me confused and sorry looks, Pope is straight up confused, and JJ is seething.
“”Baby?”” He asks, his eyes full of emotion, Topper tightens his grip around me making me wince.
“Topper, get off. JJ, wait!” I say as the boy leaves in the crowd. “Topper, for fuck’s sake, it’s over!” I shove him away but he moves quickly towards me only to be stopped by a panting Pope.
“Leave.” My friends says.
“You’re a fucking whore, Elizabeth Miller!” He shouts making everyone turn and I keep myself from crying.
“He’s gone.” I whimper watching the direction in which JJ left.
“He’ll be back. Probably gonna sneak into your room tonight.” Kie said with a knowing look.
“Wait, you knew?”
“That JJ’s been sneaking in your room every week for the past year? Yeah, we all did.” I sigh and laugh a little, sniffling.
To: J’ 👑
Hey, letting you know that my window in unlocked and if you want, come over. Gotta talk to you x
I put my phone on my night table and turn of the light, the dress, accessories and dirty make up wipes resting on top of the dresser. I shut my eyes and wait. A few minutes later, I hear two taps to my right and then the window being opened. Feeling the hot air come in my room, I shift and move to the side as sounds of shoes hitting the floor and my bed dipping are heard. First thing I smell is the faint smell of weed, making me smile and cuddle into the sides of the person occupying my bed.
“Hi.” I said and look up at the blonde who look at me with an unreadable expression. “Listen, JJ—”
“Are you or are you not fucking Topper?” He asks and his tone makes me flinch a little bit.
“No. Never did.”
“So what happened then?”
“We, hum, we dated for a few months. Something about us being Kooks ...” I scratch my forehead. “And I broke up with him last night, he didn’t take it very well. We fought.” I say and he nods.
“I didn’t know.” He says his jaw tensing up.
“Yeah, no one did. It didn’t feel right. I meant it.”
“I love you, JJ.” I sighed and he looks at my face before closing his eyes and pulling me to him.
“I love you too, angel.” He pulls me back onto his laps before crashing his lips to mine, his hands going under my shirt to hold my face, making me suck in a hiss. “Are you good?”
“Yep. Don’t worry.” I say and kiss down his neck, nibbling at the skin with my teeth.
“Let’s get this off.” He says his hands moving to take my shirt off.
“No! JJ, stop.” I say and he raises his hands in the air, away from my body.
“Did I- Did I do something?”
“No, don’t get mad, okay?” I say and his jaw tense up as I lift my shirt over my head, leaving me in a bralette.
“What’s this? Who did that? Is it your dad?” He asks, ready to stand up, but I move further up his laps, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.
“Topper and I date mainly to keep his “status” afloat and because my mom wanted me to get away from you,” I kissed the tip of his nose, rubbing mine with his, “last night I wanted to go with you guys but he didn’t want to hear any of it so I broke up with him and he got butthurt or whatever.” I mumbled as he hugged me to him.
“I’m gonna kill him, how can he hurt his girlfriend?”
“I never really was his to begin with JJ and it’s over anyway. I’m with you.” I said and he almost growled when he flipped us over, grinding his way between my parted legs.
Making me his.
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hunghohoseok · 5 years
Punk Rock Drummer
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Disclaimer: He is actually NOT a drummer it just didn’t work out that way lol
Words: 3.8k
Genre: Smut.Fluff (if you squint)
Warnings: seeeeeex.dick piercing.tonguing panties? (is that a thing?).implied drinking.unsafe sex (stay safe my creepies).accidental voyerism
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Summary: You’ve always wanted to go to the big city, but going alone terrifies you. Your best friend tells you that her brother and his band are gonna have their big break and is inviting you to go see him in action. The thing is, you’re a sucker for a boy with tattoos.
This is part of my B.F.B MASTERLIST! Find the rest here!
Blog Masterlist
(this shit in unedited, sorry ya’ll)
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You knew, you knew, you shouldn’t have messed with him. Everyone told you that he’d hurt you, but you had a type.
Asshole, asshole is your type.
Jay was his name, breaking your heart was his game. He was hot, had a lip ring, and his hair was unruly and it made your heart flutter and your insides feel a certain way. Oh, and he had a tribal tattoo wrapped around his forearm. That was the only thing you could took at while he took you in the back of his car. It was dark enough that he didn’t notice.  
After that, he seemed to call you less, and you tried to call until you called one too many times and his phone was out of service.  
“He had ONE tattoo and you fell for him?” Your best friend Yejoon handed you another tissue and sniffed into softly.
“Why do you do this to yourself?” She asked softly.
The thought of your best friend worrying about you made you cry harder and she wrapped you into her arms and leaned you both back on the couch and you ended up falling asleep on her chest.  
After this one, you’re done, you say to yourself.
“Soo, guess what?” Yejoon leaned on the table in front of you and you looked up from your homework.
“Yes ma’am?”
“Yoongi is having a show.”
“Okay? He always has shows.” You turned your eyes back to your book, determined to read this chapter.  
“Buuuut,” she grabbed the book and closed it. Before you could complain, she put her finger on your lips, “It’s at the Bangtan Ballroom. Tonight.”
Your eyes widened. The Bangtan Ballroom holds around 500 people, and it’s in the heart of the city, where you love to go – not alone though. Yejoon doesn’t like big crowds and a fast-paced environment, so she would always refuse. You both have heard too many bad things about the city, and she took them to heart. They scared you too, lowkey, but you couldn’t help but want to go.
“You’re kidding!” You grabbed Yejoons arms and jumped around the coffee table. “Oh my God, I’m so proud of him!”
Yejoon smiled widely at you, “Me too! And guess what?” She pulled to lanyards out of her back pocket and waved them in your face.
You screamed and started jumping up again, Yejoon joining in until a hard knock from under your apartment floor made you stop in your tracks. You both giggle and she pushes you from your guys living room to her bedroom and she made a b-line for the closet.
“Gotta look good for the other bands. I could meet my true love tonight.” She pulls out a short red dress, puts it up to her chest. “Or a quickie. Same thing right?” She threw the dress back in the closet and dug once more. “Though, I don’t think Yoongi would like it.”
“How is your brother by the way?”
“Bugging me every second, ‘When are you coming to see us? You got any friends who need jobs? Know anyone single?’ I swear, if he asks me one more thing, I'll shut down a cell tower.”
“He’s single? What happened to Suzy? I thought they were ‘in loooove’.” You made a heart around your face and Yejoon threw and shirt at you.
“That ship sailed after they moved to the city for Yoongi’s band. She ‘couldn’t handle the pressure of having a famous boyfriend.’”
“Hardly, they had just formed! They were inseparable during high school.”
Yejoon finally picks out a pair of pants and takes off the ones she currently wearing. “Yeah, well I told him she was bitch from the start.”
You grinned and made your way to her closet and tried to dig out the dress she pulled out earlier.  
“Hot.” You open your mouth to reply and you see her twisted in front of the mirror. She had put on the shirt she threw at you; it was cropped and off one shoulder and you couldn’t see..
“Are you not wearing a bra?”
“Of course not, it wouldn’t be easy otherwise.”
“You really out here tryin’ to be a hoe, huh?” You snickered.
“You’re just mad that my tits are small enough to be a hoe.”
“Oh, fuck off.”  
She laughed at you as you went to your room to get ready.
“I put on the worst bra.” You were grabbing your side, trying to shove the metal piece back into it. The dress was tighter than you thought and it wasn’t helping.
“Dont’cha wish?” Yejoon gestured to herself, and she ended up wearing tight black pants and a cropped tank top.  
“Oh shut up,” You mumbled. You guys had finally made it to the ballroom and it was packed to the brim with bodies, already drunk and dancing to the music playing through the speakers. As you guys finally made your way to the back, you flashed you VIP lanyards and they let you guys though.  
“He said it was the door at the end of the hall..” Yejoon murmured to herself as people, you assume other bands pass by and she couldn’t help but stare. Taking her arm, you made your way to the last room and knocked on it and a gruff voice welcomed you.  
“Come on in!”
Yejoon pushed her way past you and you heard a gruff voice say, “Speak of the Devil.”
“And she shall appear. You were talking about me?” She leaned on Namjoon, the drummer, while he was sitting on the couch. He may have been clumsy off stage, but on stage was a different persona, grabbing the crowd's attention. With the slow beats of his base drum the crowd would hush and be at his mercy. As of now, he was at Yejoon’s attention. He sat up straighter and grinned and she tilted her head in feigned ignorance.  
“Ya, get off him.”  
A low gruff came from behind you that made you jump and turn around. Yoongi had looked different since you’ve seen hm. Granted that was 3 years ago at your high school graduation. Instead of short, spiked, black hair, it now made its way a little past his eyes and bleached His eyes were sunken in and closed halfway into a glare directed at his sister almost falling into his drummer's lap. He stood straighter now, you quickly noticed. He was at least a head taller than you and his once smooth face now had piercings; many adoring his ears, one on his eyebrow, and two small hoops on either side of his bottom lip. Out of your peripherals, you notice he’s wearing a turtleneck. Not very comfortable, you think, he’ll be sweating and that’s not a turtleneck.  
A soft black ink adorned his neck and down towards the collar of his shirt which you now see is a shirt with an unfamiliar logo on it. You don’t think much of it because your eyes go lower and see that he is covered in tattoo’s all the way down to his fingers. As the hands wave in front of you, you soon realize that he was trying to get your attention.  
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?”  
“I asked you if you wanted to sit. You seem out of it.” He gestures to a loveseat and you sit down softly. Everyone else had broken off into their respective conversations and you feel out of place now. Yoongi plops down next to you and he leans back and put his arms on the back of the sofa.
“So, how’ve been? You look good.”
“Oh! Uh, thanks, thank you.” Your hands try to drag down the fabric of your dress, and after a few tries you give up and set your hands in your lap. “You look good too. These past few years have been good to you.”
He laughed, “I could say the same about you.” His tongue peaked out and swiped across his lip and you breath hitched.  
“Um, s-so do you like the city?”  
The blond makes a face and he shrugs a bit, “It loses its touch after a while. Too fuckin’ loud honestly.”  
“Really? Ah, I’d love it.”
“I once drove with my parents through the arts district as a child. It was so beautiful, the lights so pretty, and people were talking and having fun and I just want that experience, ya know?”
You looked at him and he had a small grin on his face.  
“Nothing. Why don’t you just go?”
You hummed and leaned back on the couch. “It’s all so new. And I've heard some rough stories about the city so I don’t wanna go alone. Yejoon doesn’t like coming so.”
“She doesn’t like anything fun,” he laughed. You smiled at him and became more apparent to his arm that was on the back of seat was inching its way towards you. It’s hard to ignore the heat of his arm on you and involuntarily shiver.
He moved his body closer and whispered so only you could hear, “Well, if you want, I can take you.”  
Taking in a sharp breath, and glanced at his neck piece. You have never seen Yoongi like this. He was never a childhood crush of yours and you sure as hell wasn’t one of his.  
There was one time, in high school. Yoongi and Suzy had come down to visit and you had been spending the weekend with Yejoon and her family. In the middle of the night you had to use the bathroom which happened to be past the guest room, so no, you were not peeping and you want to make that clear. Hearing a soft groan, you stopped, half asleep, in front of the door and peeked into the light shining though the crack of the door.  
The image permanently seeped into your brain was one of Yoongi, thrusting wildly into Suzy from behind. With her head covered by a pillow, all you could see was Yoongi. How sweaty he was, how he would roll his hips before thrusts, and his abdomen – you had no idea that he worked out. Suzy’s moans were quiet but you could tell she was trying so hard to keep them that way.  
You didn’t realize how long you had been standing there until Yoongi’s eyes bolted up and you swore he made eye contact with you because he grabbed his lip in between his teeth and thrusted faster into and when you heard Suzy get louder, you finally came to your senses and scurried off to the bathroom.  
You couldn’t make eye contact with either of them the whole weekend. Yoongi never mentioned it, so you felt less like less of a pervert. Your own little secret.  
All that is coming back to you as he gazes softly at you. Glancing over to Yejoon, she’s too engrossed in a conversation with Seokjin, the singer and another one of Yoongi’s friends, to pay attention.  
You felt soft fingers on your chin, “Over here, Dollface.”
“Uh, I don’t, uh,” He grinned at your stuttering, and set his hand on your uncovered thigh.
“Tell me if I'm being too forward but,” he got even closer and whispered in your ear, “you look delectable in that dress.”
You felt a shiver down your spine, this one obvious to him, and he chuckled.
“All right guys, you’re on.”  
And just like that, he was gone, along with the rest of the band. You finally had a chance to take a breath and Yejoon took your hand to lead you backstage to watch.  
The only thing you could pay attention to though is Yoongi. The way his fingers lazily strummed the cords of his base guitar all while looking sexy. The crowd recognizes this as well, due to them chanting for him to take his shirt off.
He indulges.
The intricate linework on his chest and back makes you drool, and you hope no one saw that.
After the show, you, Yejoon, Yoongi and the rest of the guys went to a late-night sushi bar, the perks of the city.
There was laughter, drinking, yelling, and you had completely forgotten about Yoongi’s proposition earlier. But as you guys were leaving, Yejoon having been drunk, you were worried about how you guys would get home. She was in no condition to drive, and you had a few drinks and weren’t going to risk it.  
That is how you ended up in Yoongi’s car sitting in the passenger's seat while Yejoon softly sings to herself in the back.  
“Y/N, Y/N,” Yejoon leaned forward to your headrest, “d’ ‘u feel as good as I do righ’ now?”
“No, not really,” you laughed at her and she gazed at you, or at least you think it was at you. It could’ve well been the door handle she was looking at. Her eyes were glazed over and you she abruptly blew a strawberry at you and melted back into her seat.  
You guys had finally made it back to your apartment without a hitch and you and Yoongi (mostly Yoongi) lugged the singing drunk girl back into your guys home, and safely in her bed.  
Yoongi waited in the living room while you helped Yejoon out of her clothes all while she tries to grab your face and tell you how much you love her.
When you finally make it out, Yoongi is on the couch scrolling on his phone. You don’t know how he makes something so mundane look so alluring.  
“Thanks. I appreciate it. She’s a handful sometimes.”
“Oh no problem,” he stands and makes his way to you.  
“So,” you don’t make eye contact with the blond while you talk. “It was an amazing show.”  
“Thanks. Was I, uh,” Hearing him stutter made you gape at him. He was gazing softly at you and scratched his neck. “Was I out of line, back there in the green room?”
You wanted to say no immediately, but you had to think about it. Did you let him because you wanted him to, or because the ink on his arms? Yoongi was nice and from what you heard from Suzy, a grumpy but soft human being willing to make you happy in the most subtle ways. As you think back, you remember in middle school he’d give you his lunch because your family couldn’t afford it. Your first day of freshman year he stuck to you and Yejoon all day, making sure you got to your right classes safely. When he left for college the summer after, he let you and Yejoon hang out in the basement with him and his band every practice – something he claimed he hated.
You felt your chest warm up and you reached out to him. “I liked it.”
“Oh,” his face was flushed and you couldn’t tell it was from the alcohol, “cool, cool.”
He interlocked your fingers and neither of you moved for a minute. You glanced back up at him and you guys slowly made your way towards one another until your lips touched softly. That was all it took for Yoongi’s hand to leave yours and find its way to the back of your head and deepen the kiss. His other hand was on your back and yours interlocked behind his neck.
As the kiss got more intense, his tongue ran across your mouth and you stuck yours out to taste him. His mouth wrapped around the muscle and sucked on it and you couldn’t help but moan.  
He released your tongue, “Yoongi, please.”  
“Yeah?” He bent down and grabbed the back of your thighs and you jumped into his arms. Yoongi walked to the couch and settled between your legs. “Tell me what you need, Dollface.”
Your legs had to stretch apart to accommodate for his body and your dress began to roll up. You tried to pull it down, but Yoongi grabbed your wrists and put them above your head.
“Tell me.” His voice was gruff.
“I-I need you, Yoongi.”
“To do what?”
You groaned, “Touch me.”
“How Dollface? You have to be specific.”  
You groaned again and lifted your hips. You felt his growing bulge against your panties, which were now free for him to see. He took both of your writs in one hand and dragged his other hand slowly down your body to your heat and rubbed a finger over your panties and a moan makes your way out of your throat.  
“Oh? This is what you want?”  
“Yes, please.”
“Oh, well, I do aim to please Dollface.” He let go of you and moved his face toward your center. His tongue prodded at you and you hissed. Yoongi thrusted his tongue in you as far as he can, making your panties go with him and he made his way to your clit, soaking your panties as you squirm under his touch.  
“More pleeeeaaase Yoongi.”
You could hear a soft chuckle and before you knew it, his tongue was directly against your pussy, thrusting in and out while his thumb was rubbing against your clit in quick circles. Your moans got louder and you realized that no matter how drunk she is, Yejoon hear and that makes you cover you bite on you hand.  
“Let me hear you baby.”
“But - haa – she's gonna he-aah!”
Yoongi took your clit into his mouth and flicked it around with his tongue and your felt a growing heat in the pit of your stomach.
“Faster please.”
Your toes began to curl and you tried to spread your legs as far as they could go and he release your clit, spreading your lips to see how pink and wet you are.  
“Let go Dollface, cum on my tongue, please.”
Hearing his plead made you moan behind your hand and seized your clit again. He moaned into you and the rubber band snapped in the pit of your stomach and your legs shook and you hand left your mouth and onto Yoongi’s head, gabbing and pushing him closer as you ride out your orgasm.  
He finally pulls away and kisses you hard, shoving his tongue in your mouth so you can taste yourself. You feel his hands come to the neck line of your dress, trying to pull it down to look at your breasts. When it wouldn’t budge, he groaned a “sorry” into your mouth and before you could ask, you heard a loud rip.  
“Yoongi! This was Yejoon’s.”
“I’ll buy her a new one,” he sat up and made a mental picture of how wrecked you look. Chest red, a pretty black lace bra pushing your breasts together, the bottom of the dress rolled up to your waist, and your pussy on show or him. “Take it off.”
You sit up all while keeping eye contact with Yoongi. His lip was in between his teeth and starts to take off his shirt and you couldn’t help but drag your hands across his inked chest.
“You like these?” He smirked.
“I like these,” Yoongi squeezed your breast and leaned you both back down to latch his mouth on your nipple while his hand rubbed the other. “God, they’re so pretty. You’re so beautiful Dollface.”
You could feel yourself blush at the compliment, not that you could tell. “Please, I need you Yoongi.”
Your hands started unbuttoning his jeans and he grabbed your wrists again. He started rubbing himself against your center.
“I saw you, you know.”
“All those years ago, when I was home.”
“Oh God Yoongi, I-”
“You liked it, huh? Liked how good I was fucking her? How she couldn’t keep quiet while I took her over and over?”
You whimpered and moved your hips with Yoongi, “Please.”
“I knew you were there, I just couldn’t help but show off. It made it so hot knowing someone, you, were watching me.”
He reached into his pants and pulled out his hard cock and he stroked himself a few times. You looked at his red tip and you saw a silver ball at the top. Oh God, his dick is pierced, oh god, oh god-
“You want me Dollface?”
You nodded fast and he rubbed he tip against your clit. You felt your hole clench around nothing.
“I do,” You took hold of his forearms to keep your grounded while his middle finger entered you slowly.
“Oh, so easily,” he pumped a few times before adding another one, it going in easier than the last. “Jesus, okay. You want my cock this bad Dollface?”
“Just do it!” The plea in your voice made Yoongi smile this big gummy smile and you felt the heat in your stomach again. He lined his cock up to your entrance and the pressure of his cock stretching you made you clench.
“Ah, fuck,” He sighed as his hips met yours.
“C’mon, fuck me.”
“You asked for it Dollface.”
He dragged out his cock and thrusts back in and didn’t stop until you had a pace you both agreed with. Your moans were like a lullaby to his ears and he wanted the extended version. He groaned at the pleasure he was giving you and rolled his hips to hit your g-sot. Your moans got louder and high pitched and the sound of his skin slapping your made you push back harder.  
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.” You reached out to Yoongi and you caught a glimpse of one of his tattoos. It was a rose wrapped in thorns. So simple and bright red, but you loved it. It seemed soft and the thorns made it seem too dangerous to touch. Looking back at him, his lidded eyes were staring you down and you couldn’t help but keep eye contact with his as he fucked you.
“Please, make me cum.”
“Oh I will,” he gruffed.
His fingers found your clit and he rubbed as fast as he was thrusting and you squeezed around him feeling your orgasm coming.  
“Oh, fuck I’m close.”
“Fuck yes, cum for me Dollface. I need it. Squeeze my cock, squeeze it.”
With his words, he made you came around him, tightening your muscle and your mouth was formed an ‘o’ in a silent scream.  
A groan hit your ears and Yoongi’s thrusts were stuttering off tempo and he pulled himself out, pumped once, twice, and the third stroke set him coming across your stomach.
“Ah shit.”  
Only the sounds of your harsh breathing was heard and he fell softly on top of you and wrapped his arms around your limp body.  
“So,” he finally said after a few minutes, jolting you awake, “still want the tour of the city? I think it could make a great date.”
You smiled at him and he leaned down and gave you a kiss.  
“I think I'd like that.”
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nev3rfound · 5 years
beyond belief : part four - s.r
brief summary: whilst everyone continues to try and find you a way out from your own personal torment, you have to sit and endure it wishing someone could shut it all out
word count: 1.6k requested: yes - by a series of people so thank you! warnings: implied smut 
part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six / part seven / part eight / part nine 
* masterlist of sorts *
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Gasping for air you sit upright before coughing violently. “Bout time you were awake.” Turning your head, Steve leans against the frame of your door with a smile on his face. 
“S,Steve?” You stutter, watching as he blue eyes darken to black. This isn’t Steve. “Where am I?” The nerves rise in your voice as the walls radiate dark energy whilst you sit still, a ball of white light passing through your veins. 
“Oh, Y/n,” Steve chuckles as he sits down in front of you, reaching out as you flinch away. “you’re in hell.” 
“You gotta talk to me at some point.” Steve huffs as he leans against the door whilst you are curled up on your bed, telling yourself it’s just a bad dream. “I can hear your thoughts you know, I mean, I’m just a figment of your imagination here.” 
Lifting your head up you focus on his empty eyes. “Why am I here?” 
A sigh follows as Steve rises to his feet, staying by the door without a handle. “You lost control, and this is your punishment.” 
“But why am I being punished? I’ve lost control before and this hasn’t happened to me.” You explain, thinking back to when you were nine years old and watched as a man's neck snapped due to your powers. Even then, your energy didn’t darken or your state worsen, you remained you.
“This time you had nothing else to live for, clearly,” His smirk grows as his eyes linger on your bare legs which you quickly hide with the duvet. “and I’m here as company.” 
“Can’t say you’re the company I want.” You mutter under your breath, glancing down. 
“Oh, you sure about that?” His voice deepens and you feel the bed dip until he’s sat in front of you, his hand stretching out toward you. “Not what you’re thinking though, is it, Y/n?” 
Shutting your eyes you shake your head. “Get out of my head!” You shout, hoping he’d disappear once you open your eyes, but now he’s no longer Steve, he’s your guardian. “Thomas?” You whisper as you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “I, I thought you were dead?”
Thomas runs his fingers through his deep red hair, lifting the left side of his hair revealing the fresh bullet wound that seeps down his neck. You wince at the sight, having that memory ingrained in your mind like it was yesterday. “I’m dying, Y/n. You know it’s one of your most painful experiences, seeing me, your only family die in front of you.” He tuts before standing up and walking toward the window.
His reflection stares back at him as the sky remains black, the only light source coming from the dimming bulbs that line the ceiling. “I was a child, Thomas.” You remind him. “What was I supposed to do?” Whispering to him, you jump as he slams his hand down on your leg, his grip tightening. 
“You knew you had powers, Y/n. You could’ve saved me, but you watched me die, you let me die.” Thomas’ nails continue to dig into your skin, slowly drawing blood as you wince, fighting back the pain that rises. “Why didn’t you save me, huh? WHY?” He yells in your face and you feel the burning in your veins increasing.
“Because you didn’t let me have the life I needed!” You scream back to him, opening your eyes to find his hold on you is gone, his body on the floor as crimson seeps out. “Thomas?” You cry out, afraid to move as his green eyes turn black and then he disappears. The crimson soaks into your carpet, leaving the stain as a reminder. 
“What else is in these files then?” Natasha asks as everyone continues to search for new information, anything that might help find you. 
Empty coffee cups and cans litter the compound along with fears of your situation. “Anyone read about a Thomas yet?” Tony pipes up, lifting the single piece of paper from an old file, scanning over it before sighing to himself. “No wonder the kids so messed up.” 
“What happened?” Thor demands as he leans forward in his seat. 
Everyone else stops searching, reading and learning for a moment as Tony’s face drops. “She, she had a family.” He starts before sitting down in his chair, lowering his glasses. “His name was Thomas and, and she watched him die when she was six.” 
Silence follows as Tony continues to share the details from the newspaper article, dated back to the year it happened. “The child at the scene who will remain nameless was a distant relative of the deceased. She was on her way home from the park with the twenty-year-old before he was attacked by an unknown person.” 
“She could’ve saved him.” Wanda states, puncturing the silence with a heavy statement. “That’s why they have that on record. Use that against her.” 
“What else? Keep looking.” Tony begins to move more frantically, desperate to uncover anything else. Whatever happened that lead to trauma, events that shaped you into leaving Earth. There are records of you even if you aren’t named, slowly they will put the pieces together and uncover your full story. 
“Still not talking, huh?” You glance over your shoulder from the window seat, not caring as Steve reappears in a button-down shirt with his sleeves rolled up. “Come on, doll. How can you not talk to me? I’m much better than bullet head.” He laughs lightly to himself, but you ignore it. 
“Will I ever get out of here?” You question, focusing on his reflection in the darkness of the window. 
His figure hunches over, shoulders dropping as sadness covers his expression. “Why would you want to leave here? You can have everything you have ever wanted.” He steps closer until he’s hovering behind you, his fingertips moving your hair out of your face as they glide across your neck. 
“I don’t want to be here, I, I want to go home.” You try to overpower, prove a point. But you can feel your stomach churning away, warmth spreading through you as his lips ghost your ear, brushing past until he kisses your neck.
You bite your lip as his lips linger, nibbling at your sweet spot before pulling back. “You sure about that? Because your thoughts say otherwise.” 
Before you have a chance to respond, his hands grip your thighs, spinning you to face him. He lowers his face toward yours, his blue eyes shining in the dim light as they flicker between yours to your lips. 
“There’s so much I want to do to you,” He mutters as a moan follows his sentence, but you swallow the uneasiness in your throat.
“Steve, Steve wouldn’t say that,” You tell him, trying to remain logical. 
His hand begins to wander toward your inner thigh, stroking upward towards your underwear as his fingers play with the seams. “He might not say that,” He begins, “but he would probably do this.” 
“Hey, Steve.” Bucky calls out as Steve lifts his head from the small bed, glancing to his friend before lying back down. “Come on, you gotta talk to me at some point.” He sighs as Steve hears the sound of the sequence being pressed as the door opens, allowing Bucky in. 
“Found anything yet?” Steve ignores Bucky’s question, focusing on the important details that cloud his thoughts with each passing minute. 
Bucky shakes his head. “We’ve got some new details about her past. She’s not had an easy life from what we can tell.” Bucky sits down on the chair opposite Steve’s bed, watching as Steve forces himself upright. “Her only family died in front of her when she was six, she was poorly treated by foster families and ran away, learnt she had powers and refused to come back to Earth.” 
“And then what?” Steve asks, but Bucky shrugs his shoulders.
“The time from when she left Earth to Wanda finding her, that is all a blur.” Bucky sadly admits, knowing it isn’t the news he wanted to provide Steve with. 
Steve’s shoulders fall forward upon hearing the news. “So we have no idea about how she became so powerful, who helped her or made her realise her potential?” 
“Nothing.” Bucky responds and Steve rubs his eyes. “Wanda thinks she can find her, get into that headspace and find where she is. It’s all a bit complicated and I won’t explain it right, but Wanda might be able to find Y/n.” 
“Might isn’t exactly encouraging, Buck.” Steve retorts, giving Bucky a quick glance before focusing on the tray of food in front of him. 
Bucky rises to his feet, walking out before he says something he’ll end up regretting. “Gotta have hope, Steve. That’s all she’s got in there.” 
Walking away from Steve, Bucky glances back to see Steve remain perfectly still, knowing you’re still on his mind, always. 
Steve lifts his head up, smirking to you as you pant lightly. “You taste like honey, doll.” Steve chuckles as he leans forward, kissing you passionately. 
Your fingers grip onto his hair, pulling at it as a moan follows suit. “Mmmh, don’t stop.” You plead and you feel him pull away.
Opening your eyes, you scream before pushing the figure off of you. “Oh come on,” The man dressed in all black rises to his feet, wiping his lips. “no way to treat your old teacher, is it?” 
“Wh, what?” You sit upright, gripping the sheets that Steve was lying on moments ago. “How, how are you here?” 
He lets out a disappointed sigh, one you knew all too well. “Sweetheart, this is me we’re talking about.” He motions to himself as he flips his long blue hair out of his face, revealing his pointy ears and sharp features. “I’ve never truly left you. After all, a student always finds their way back to the teacher.” He hums to himself before clapping loudly. “Or something like that, but, welcome to your next lesson. Welcome to the battle of mentality, my dear.” 
taglist for this mini series (feel free to ask if you’d like to be on this!)
@jeanily3000 @satellitespidey @night-girls-world @lunamathias@savagittariuspy @capstopavenger @isabella212 @marvelousmendess@assemble-avengers-blog @chljmntgy @leilei-draws  @cazreadsstuff@keepyourdreamsalive @oais-sis @softbabypowder@disfoqia @denzmallows @beyariri @theseuscmander  @a-hopeless-and-imaginative-girl @boxofteenageideas @yeeterbenjaminparker @littlewhiterose @songforhema @hawkxyes @tearsforhan @tomhardy41 @capsiclesdoll
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: farmers market; sami zayn
Okay, so this is part 1 of a 2 part thing I wrote for sami zayn and it got buried way beneath a ton of other bullshit. When I re-read it, I decided that I had to give it it’s own post here. I’m gonna try and dig up the second part so that it goes up immediately behind this and there’s no digging but my blogs are a mess rn so I make absolutely no promises.
{ wanna send in one of these? here’s how | masterlist of fake fic titles }
Sami and roommate Moira are close friends but both want more. Sami returns home to discover that Moira has taken in a child relative. Fluff ensues.
Sami Zayn x OFC, Moira
uhh, just a loooot of fluff. so much fluff. too much, perhaps.
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The apartment door was ajar. It was odd, but Sami was used to the quirks of his roommate Moira by now. However, when he opened the door fully, a sight greeted him that he was clearly not expecting and altogether blown away at the sight of.
… As if I needed yet another reason to fall harder… the thought bounced around in his mind for a second or two and he cleared his throat. Moira looked up from where she knelt on the floor, playing with a little toddler girl who looked similar enough to her to be able to pass for her daughter.
… oh shit, he’s probably irritated now… the man is gone on the road 90 percent of the time and the last thing he probably wants is a kid underfoot… wait, why’s he looking at me like that?... Moira gave a sheepish smile and spoke up. “I didn’t think you were gonna be back yet…”
“Well, this explains the plastic tiara I found in the pantry last time I was back for downtime. Didn’t you get my text earlier? I tried to give you a heads up…” Sami trailed off. Moira picked up the little girl and stood, smoothing her free hand down her jeans and the little girl hid her face in Moira’s shoulder. Moira nodded to her and explained quietly, “My sister, she… Look, my niece needed somewhere stable to stay and god knows my mother was not it… I was gonna tell you but there wasn’t any time, I…”
Sami stepped closer, giving a shrug, fixing his eyes on the little girl. “Aw, hey there. What’s your name, huh?”
She raised her head to look at him and after whispering to Moira, she answered quietly, “Keely.” and her thumb returned to her mouth. Sami reverted his gaze back to Moira and said “You don’t have to explain anything to me, okay? I get it.. Family is family.”
“I understand if you don’t want me subletting with you anymore, I mean.. Keely is with me for the forseeable future…”
“It’s fine. I mean that, I really do. And I’d honestly like it if you and I kept subletting?”
Moira eyed Sami, a brow raised. Didn’t he realize just how much in the way that a 3 year old was going to be? What if he wanted to bring a girl home?
Just the thought of Sami bringing a girl home, like all other times she’d had the thought, made her stomach churn anxiously.
… if the thought of him finding someone really makes you that uneasy, maybe tell him how you feel, idiot… Moira thought to herself, but she shoved the thought out.
No, she’d made their living situation weird enough by doing what she’d done when she assumed guardianship over her 3 year old niece on a protective whim.. No sense in further making things weird by word vomiting just how deeply in love she was with the man.
Keely looked up and her eyes brightened a little. She tugged on her aunt’s sleeve and leaned in, whispered quietly, “He on tv.” and Moira gave a nod and a quiet laugh. “Yeah, peanut, that’s the guy you saw on tv.” as she glanced at Sami and explained quietly, “I… got curious and decided to watch a few episodes? And now, apparently, I can’t stop?”
… Only because you’re on there and you’re so good at what you do and I can see this… whole other side of you… the thought was drowned out quickly. Moira shuffled her feet and shifted her gaze to Keely for a second or two. If she looked at him right now, she was almost afraid he’d see what she wasn’t saying in her eyes.
The heavy tension was lingering between them, she’d have been an idiot not to notice it. She only hoped it wasn’t because she had her niece staying with her. She didn’t dare hope that there was anything more resemblant to what she wanted it to be though.
… If I don’t do something about the way I feel soon, I’m going to lose my mind…
Sami’s gaze shifted to Moira and she quickly attempted to downplay it, but Sami noticed the deep pink tint to her cheeks, almost as if the admission was not something she wanted to come out.
He wondered why, but he didn’t ask.
“ So you watch wrestling?”
“Only with Moia.” Keely answered after a few seconds, and only after she’d looked up at her aunt as if she were asking if it were okay. Sami got the feeling that whatever the kid had been through to lead to her staying with Moira had been hell, and he found himself glad that Moira had taken her in.
Sami chuckled and reached for the little girl. Keely shied away and Moira explained quietly, “She’s gotta get used to you. I mean beyond seeing you on tv… I’ll explain later.”
Sami gave a nod and picked his bag up. “I’m gonna go throw my bag in my room. Then maybe we can find something to do. It’s too pretty out to keep her cooped up in here.”
Moira bit her lip and watched as Sami disappeared down the hall and into his room. She took a deep breath and mumbled mostly to herself, “That went a lot smoother than I thought it might go..”
Sami leaned against the door and took a deep breath, an attempt to pull himself together. Seeing her with her niece, with her guard down, when she wasn’t aware she was being watched had been an insight into her that he hadn’t previously had.
He got the feeling that whatever she wasn’t saying about Keely’s living situation before Moira took her in wasn’t going to make him happy to hear. And he was trying to get his head around how to proceed now, having seen this whole other side of her moments ago and the new level it gave to feelings he’d been feeling for over half a year now.
“ Keely’s a part of her. Either I accept that, or I try to get over Moira. And I really don’t see that happening.” he mumbled to himself as he stepped back out into the hallway, nearly colliding with Moira in the process.
“Hey, we could go to the farmers market. Don’t they have the animals there still? Or the zoo..” Sami trailed off, wondering if he’d just come off pushy, too eager.
Moira bit her lip and smiled. “Actually, Keely and I were gonna have to go to the farmers market anyway. It’s October. And do you know my sister never even bothered with holidays for her? So she’s never known the joy of scooping all the ick out of the inside of a pumpkin just to stick a candle in there… I mean.. If you want to go. You’re probably tired..” she trailed off.
It hit Sami like a ton of bricks then. She was nervous.. But she’d seemed to really perk up when he suggested going somewhere in the first place. Maybe his feelings weren’t as one sided as he thought.
The thought had him sort of grinning, leaning in the doorway of his room as he tugged at the strings of his hoodie to distract himself, keep his hands moving, keep his mind focused and keep him from going overboard and laying it on way too thick right out of the gate.
“I asked, didn’t I?”
“I know, just.. That was one hell of a flight.. I don’t wanna make you feel like you have to..”
“I want to.” Sami made sure to emphasize the fact as he spoke and she stared up at him, for a split second, her brain ceased to function and she could only nod. “I’ll go find her jacket then..”
“I’m ready when you are. Kinda excited. Now I have someone to help me feed the ducks on that pond at the edge of the park.”
“Oh god.. No, no.. Don’t you dare get those ducks started! They’ll swarm us.”
Sami chuckled, teasing her and grinning, “Oh wait, I forgot.. Thanks to you being inable to stop watching a movie that scares you, you’re afraid of large bird swarms.”
“ Bite me, Zayn.”
… Oh, I’d like to do a lot more than that, Moira… Sami thought to himself as she disappeared down the hall and into her room…
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southernbell91 · 5 years
Some Secrets are Better left Dead Chapter 5
Warnings: Stalking,Language Sunday was slow as usual. I spent a majority of my day researching everything I could. The name “Nat” driving me crazy, obviously it was shortened for something Natalia? Natalie? Natasha? No matter what I typed in on my regular social searches I was coming up blank, I would have to dig deeper to find her. 
           Sighing I sat my laptop on my coffee table and rubbed my eyes, I glanced out my living room window only to see the sun setting. I gasped. I had spent the whole day working and didn’t even notice. As if on cue my stomach started growling. I got up and started pulling together a sandwich and some chips to tide me over, clicking on the evening news while I ate. After a few mundane reports one caught my eye, “Tony Stark to hold Press Conference regarding His stepping down, Monday Afternoon live from Stark Tower.”    
    I typed a text out to Dean quickly to see if he could get me clearance to attend, after a few pulled favors and lots of back and forth I was in. A press conference wasn’t my style usually too out in the open, but I needed to see if I could run into anyone important from Saturday night. Almost anyone. I Shuddered at the thought of running into the Man and the woman they called Nat again though. Although I know realistically it’s all part of the job and bound to happen again, sooner rather than later.     
  Monday morning arrived quickly, I got ready to run by the office before the press conference, I needed my press badge from Dean or I wouldn’t even bother going in. I told him I wasn’t making the meeting this week and he excused me, understanding I was busy chasing information. As I crossed the lobby Alice the receptionist grabbed my attention.
“Layla! These are for you” she gestured towards the beautiful spring arrangement of flowers on her Desk.
  I blinked for a second before picking up flowers and the card, who in the world would be sending me flowers?
Staring at the Card it Said Star Bright Floral Company on the front, flipping it over I nearly dropped the vase in tiny hand writing it read  
Sorry about my friend, her people skills are rusty.    
  No name,The Mystery man. 
 I hadn’t even noticed I had started shaking until alice asked if I was ok, I just nodded my head and started mindlessly walking towards my office. How had he found me? I never once told anyone where I worked. Why, why in the hell did he feel the need to send me that? Did he say friend? So they were there together. Oh boy.
   I don’t know how long I sat staring at the flowers and card but it must have been a while because I nearly jumped out of my skin when Dean showed up in my office to give me my pass.
“Hey, kid you okay?” He asked concerned.
“Yeah, didn’t sleep well is all” I said looking up, putting myself back together. If he knew anything was amiss already,he would pull this assignment.
 He just watched me skeptically before shrugging and tossing a lanyard on my desk with a pass on it.
“Whatever you Say, good luck out there today.” he said turning to leave my office
I thanked him before he stopped and turned back “Oh and Layla, please watch yourself out there.” 
I nodded and smiled slightly, not entirely sure I could form words right now. Picking up the lanyard I studied it taking a deep breath. This was going to be a long day.    
  Before leaving for stark tower I typed out a text to wade.       Sister Margaret’s tonight? I could use a drink and some information.
Wade responded pretty quickly       Oh Snap, Yeah be there around 10?
I didn’t reply, wade knew I would be there. Sister margaret's wasn’t exactly the nicest joint in new york, not exactly a place you would expect to find a fairly successful male escort or a journalist hanging out but it was where you went to get answers. 
    I arrived at stark tower before the conference, joining the throngs of reporters in front of the massive building. Unlike them I had no desire to be front and center, I wasn’t here so much for the Announcement itself. No, I was here to people watch, I wanted to see who would be in attendance from Starks group, maybe even put a few names to a few more faces. Give me anything else I can use to dig into his background. 
   Prior to the conference starting I saw Happy Hogan, Starks head of security chatting with Colonel Rhodes to the side of the stage. Sam Wilson approached the two seeming to join the conversation, I continued my scan to see if I saw anyone else when my blood nearly froze. Standing just beyond the stage almost hiding in the shadows of the building was the mystery man, I had hoped he wouldn’t notice me but well let’s just say luck has never really been on my side.
     I tried to ignore his gaze as the conference started, and kept a watch for anyone else. Especially Her. I really didn’t feel like getting cornered again. I must have been deep in thought or something, because for the second time today i nearly jumped out of my skin when my thoughts were suddenly interrupted this time by Sam Wilson. 
“Sorry i didn't mean to startle you” he chuckled approaching me. 
“You're good, i was just thinking” i said turning  my attention to him, smiling politely.
“Don't blame you, these things can be pretty boring. So wasn't expecting to see you here, where's your friend?”
“Who dean?” i asked, turning my attention back to whatever board member was on stage talking. “He's not here, i'm here for work” i added pointing to my lanyard.
“Ah” he said glancing at the press pass hanging around my neck, then looking back at the stage. Well, guess that cat was out of the bag.
 After a few uncomfortable moments of silence between us the crowd roared to life, Tony was taking the stage. Just as he stepped up the podium I noticed a tall blonde muscular man make his way towards Sam and I. Stopping when he reached Sam he gave him a few friendly pats on the shoulder as he greeted him,
“About time you show up” Sam greeted the stranger.
The man, who’s eyes never left me, smiled “Yeah I was coming to grab you, but now I see Im also saving this poor woman from being harassed by you” He chuckled glancing at his friend.   
  “Very Funny, Captain Chivalrous” Same retorted “This is Layla, we met at that Charity thing you skipped out on the other night” Sam said introducing the two of you. 
“Layla this is Cap-” Sam was interrupted   “Steve Rogers Ma’am” Steve said as he stretched his hand out to be shaken. I took it hesitantly at first. I had heard of Captain Rogers, he was a war hero having saved an entire battalion of POW’s single handedly. Slowly gears started to click into place in my head, I glanced at the shadow still watching from the darkness of the stage, if this was Steve Rogers that made my mystery man his best friend, Sergeant James Barnes. 
 I gulped as I released the Captains hands, things just got a lot more difficult.
“You ok?” Steve asked me, bringing me out of my thoughts.
“Yeah!” I said quickly trying to recover. “Just kinda listening, gotta have something to report ya know” I said, pointing at my Pass once again.
“Ah” the Captain conceded “Well I’d hate for us to keep you from your work” he said giving me a sly sort of smile.
“No, your Ok, I’m a decent multitasker” I said, mentally kicking myself, but returning a polite smile.
  Steve was eyeing me, a look on his face that I couldn’t discern. Part of me wanted to believe he was really america’s sweetheart like everyone was made to believe. But something in my gut screamed that looks could be deceiving.
Just as Tony was welcoming Pepper to the stage, I saw a streak of red making its way through the crowd. Nat. And she wasn’t alone a blonde woman was in tow right behind her. The blonde glanced from Steve to me, obviously not liking the way he was watching me, an almost smug grin on his face.
“I told you to go grab Sam, not start giving statements to the Press” She said practically spitting the word Press while glaring daggers at me.
My heart started pounding in my chest, this was bad. This was very very bad.
“Very funny Natasha” Steve responded. “I was just making a new friend, you should try it sometime.” he grinned at her for a moment before turning back to watch me.
Natasha rolled her eyes at him “Whatever Rogers, we gotta go. Besides you're being paged, maybe you should try checking your phone sometime.” She said eying him before nodding back towards the stage. Barnes never having taken his eyes off the group, or me in particular, looked annoyed.
After having an apparent silent conversation with the redhead and a quick scan of his phone Steve sighed then turned to Sam “She’s right we better run” Turning to me, reaching to once again take my hand “It was nice meeting you Layla, hopefully it won’t be the last time.” He winked and turned to follow Natasha, the blonde woman just glared at me, I was very thankful looks couldn’t kill at this moment, then she turned and stomped off following steve and natasha. Sam said his quick goodbye and apologized for his friends behavior before following the group. The sounds of everything around me was muted as I watched the group quickly work its way to where Barnes was hiding on stage. I could see James and Steve have a very animated conversation their attention every once in a while turning to me before they finished up and head into the building just as the press conference wrapped up. 
    Yep, I'm so screwed. 
Story Masterlist 
Tags: @lancetuckershairgel   @stuck-y-together               @buckmesideways22         @eurynome827                         @book-dragon-13                     @marvelous-meggi     @spacemansam @cametobuyplums   @loricameback     @collinsstanharbour       @marvelgirl7 @jewelofwinter @jobean12-blog @sebastiansloserclub
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softboywriting · 6 years
Safe and Sound | Part 11| Werewolf Shawn AU
Summary: What Shawn finds out after he puts you to bed and heads downstairs to see who has returned to the house after the wendigo fight.
Blog Tag for This Fic
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part 7.5  | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part 10.5
| Masterlist |
The sound of a fist pounding on Shawn’s door snaps you out of a deep sleep. You roll over in bed and find Shawn’s gone. The alarm clock says it’s well after 9am which meant Shawn was probably out with Geoff and Brian on a parameter check. It had been three days since the wendigo was killed but now a ‘pack’ of alphas was posing a whole new threat to your pack. Yeah. Your pack. The thought made you smile, you were finally starting to feel like you belonged here.
The knocking comes again and you’re snapped out of thoughts of Shawn and the pack. “Hello?” you call out, groaning as you turn over and your back aches. It was healing well, no signs of infection.
“Oh my god you are in there!” Zack shouts through the door.
You jump out of bed, ignoring your back and hurry to the door. You turn the handle and pull it open, momentarily deafening yourself when it makes a loud scraping noise against the floor.  Zack is standing there in his sleep shorts and a tee on. He looks livid.
“When did you get back?”
“Last night. Sam called me a couple days ago and said I needed to come home. I got in late last night and I assumed you were in your room because the door was shut.” Zack runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head. “I checked this morning and you weren’t there so I asked Jackie and she told me to check Shawn’s room.”
“Zack. I know you’re pissed, your face is red and you look like you’re ready to choke someone. But Shawn and I just got together recently, it wasn’t behind your back, I just hadn’t said anything yet. We’re still working out what we are,” you explain calmly.
“You’re my baby sister, my alpha is fucking my baby sister!” Zack cries. He starts to pace, hand in his hair as he tries to process this idea. “How am I supposed to deal with that?”
You cross your arms and glare at him. “First of all, we haven’t fucked. Just for your information. As for how you’re supposed to ‘deal’ with it, I don’t know. Be an adult? You’re almost twenty five Zack, guess what, I’m going to date guys. Sorry this one happens to be your alpha.”
“But why Shawn?! Why not some other guy? I mean I know Shawn is a good guy but like...I gotta live here!”
“Zack, come on,” you roll your eyes. He was overreacting big time. “It’s not like your room is near his. Even if something did happen between us, you’re not going to hear it. Do you hear Sam and Matt all the time?”
Zack stops his pacing and just stares at you. You know you’re right. It was an unspoken rule that if anyone was having sex they had to keep it at a minimum if everyone was home. “That’s not the point,” he grumbles. “The point is I don’t like you being with one of the pack. What if it doesn’t work out? Then I gotta deal with awkwardness as your brother even if you moved out.”
“Somehow I don’t think we’re going to have to worry about it not working out. I think-” you turn and look at Shawn as he jogs up the stairs and stands there staring at the two of you. Tension is thick as no one speaks. Shawn looks from you to Zack and back to you. Zack keeps his eyes locked on the alpha before him.
Shawn walks casually up to you and puts his arm around your shoulders. He pulls you close and kisses the top of your head. “Morning,” he whispers before turning his attention to Zack. “You’re home, good, has anyone told you what’s going on?”
“With the two of you or?” Zack asks, knowing clearly that Shawn meant the alpha pack.
Shawn’s eyes narrow and he sets his jaw. “It’s none of your business what your sister and I have going on. You’d do good to remember that.”
Zack looks away, knowing if he pressed the matter any farther he would be challenging Shawn. “Jackie told me this morning that there are some alphas lurking farther out in the woods. That’s why you called me back home right?”
“That’s exactly why. We need to keep everyone safe. Did she tell you Matt was still missing?” Shawn asks and Zack nods. “Sam and Geoff go out every day to try and find him but they’ve lost his scent in the rain from the other night.”
“I have an idea where he might be. There’s a place we used to go for a break on long runs when we were teenagers. It’s not far from the river, I’ll go with Geoff and check if you want.”
Shawn nods. “Go. We need to know if he’s hurt or if he’s been taken by the alphas.”
Zack gives you one last look, eyes flicking to Shawn for just a moment before he nods and goes down the hall to put on some warmer clothes to go out with Geoff in.
Shawn turns his attention to you and cups your cheeks in his hands. “Did you sleep okay? I was hoping I’d be back before you woke up.” He kisses your forehead and you lay your hands on his chest. “Did Zack say anything about us?”
“Don’t worry about it. He’ll get used to us.” You curl your hands into Shawn’s tee and walk backwards into the room, pulling him along with you. Shawn follows your lead, kicking the door closed as you lead him to the bed.
“What’re you doing pup?” he asks with a sly grin on his face. You know what he’s thinking about and you smile back, but not for the same reason he’s grinning. “Don’t tease me. Don’t you know you shouldn’t tease wolves.”
“Oh? Why not?” you giggle, looking up at him as your legs hit the edge of the bed.
Shawn bows his head and kisses along your neck, dragging his teeth along your shoulder. “Because we’re vicious, hungry, dangerous animals.”
You shiver as his fingers dig into your hips and his kisses become bites. “Those things may be true, but you’re also fiercely loyal and you wouldn’t dare do anything without your partners permission.”
“Damn you,” he growls, moving away from your neck to lean his forehead on yours. “When will you let me touch you?”
“In time,” you murmur softly as you lean your head up a bit to kiss him. “Now go shower, you smell sweaty,” you giggle and push his chest so he steps back.
“Nah, I think I’ll rub my sweat all over you,” Shawn laughs as he wraps his arms around you, careful of your back, and holds you against him in a hug.
“SHAWN! NO!” you squeal and try to get away but he’s got you in a vice grip. “Stop! Shawn you’re gross!”
Shawn cackles and rubs his head against your shoulder. “Nope, no I can’t stop until you smell like me,” he says as he licks up the side of your neck, leaving a wet trail and then backing away from you.
“I’m going to murder you,” you growl, wiping at your neck with your hand. He really laid it on you good. “Shawn!” you scream as he turns, throwing open the bedroom door and hightailing it to the bathroom to shower. Zack passes the bedroom and stops to look at you for a second before moving on to go find Geoff. For just a moment, a fraction of a second, you feel guilty for being with Shawn. Then it’s gone.
You shake your head, looking around the room for the basket of clothes you had brought in yesterday that had a mix of yours and Shawn’s clean clothes in it. Upon finding it and digging out a pair of pants, a shirt and a clean pair of underwear, you head for the bathroom. Two knocks and you hear Shawn yell, “Who is it?”
“It’s me, the girl who smells like alpha sweat!” you laugh.
“How can I help you smelly girl?” Shawn asks, the smile in his voice not going unnoticed.
“I’d like to get unsmelly! Can I come in?”
You hear the shower curtain rings scrape against the bar just before the door opens and Shawn’s head appears, wet curls slicked back and water dripping off his nose. “Are you serious?” he asks, licking some water off his lips. You nod. He opens the door and you flush deep red from your cheeks to your neck. He’s standing there, butt naked in all his glory and dripping water all over the carpet.
“I...can wait...”
“Uh uh,” he says, shaking his head as he grabs your shirt and tugs you into the bathroom. “You’re all mine now.”
Please reblog if you Like it. Thank you!
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